RTHK: Trump Organization to face criminal charges - source Former US President Donald Trump's namesake company and its chief financial officer are expected to be hit with criminal charges on Thursday by prosecutors in Manhattan, a person familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. Charges by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance are expected to focus on whether Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg and other officials received perks and benefits such as rent-free apartments and leased cars without reporting them properly on their tax returns, people familiar with the probe have said. The person familiar with the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Weisselberg and the company are expected to be arraigned on an indictment on Thursday. Trump's lawyer Ronald Fischetti told Reuters on Monday that prosecutors suggested that the charges would be related to taxes and fringe benefits and that Trump himself would not be charged in the indictment. "This will be their first blow," Fischetti said of the prosecutors, adding that in a meeting with them last week they said they were still pursuing their investigation. Mary Mulligan, a lawyer for Weisselberg, declined to comment on possible charges. Vance's office also declined to comment. Lawyers for the Trump Organization did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Trump, during a trip on Wednesday to Weslaco, Texas near the Mexican border to criticise President Joe Biden's immigration policies, did not respond to questions shouted by reporters about the criminal charges. In a statement on Monday, Trump called prosecutors biased and said his company's actions were "in no way a crime." The Trump Organization could face fines and other penalties if convicted. Charges also could increase pressure on Weisselberg to cooperate with prosecutors, which he has resisted. Weisselberg is a close Trump confidant, making his cooperation potentially crucial to any future case against the former president. Court filings, public records and subpoenaed documents have shown that Weisselberg and his son Barry have received perks and gifts potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, including many benefits related to real estate. The case could be charged as a scheme by the company to pay people off the books in order to hide assets over many years. One possible charge would be "scheme to defraud," according to New York attorney Marc Scholl, a former prosecutor in the Manhattan DA's office. "'Scheme to defraud' is a crime that allows the prosecution to detail a narrative in the indictment describing the criminal conduct and how it originated, no matter how long ago the crime started," Scholl said. Prosecutors in Vance's office accelerated their focus on the Trump Organization's use of perks and benefits last fall. The office of New York state Attorney General Letitia James, which had also been looking into the Trump Organization, said in May that its probe had turned into a criminal investigation and that it had joined forces with Vance's office. Vance, a Democrat, has in his nearly three-year-old investigation examined an array of potential wrongdoing, including whether Trump's company manipulated the value of its real estate to reduce its taxes and secure favorable loan terms. Prior to entering the White House in 2017, Trump put his company into a trust overseen by his adult sons and Weisselberg, who has maintained tight control over its finances. It is unclear what role Trump now has at the company. The case could also complicate Trump's political future, as he flirts with a possible 2024 White House run. Jennifer Weisselberg, the former wife of Barry Weisselberg, has met with prosecutors half a dozen times. Her lawyer Duncan Levin told Reuters on Wednesday that "over the past half year, Jen has been cooperating with prosecutors. We have turned over a mountain of evidence to them to support these charges. We're very gratified the DA's office is moving forward with these charges." In an interview with MSNBC, Jennifer Weisselberg said she would be prepared to testify while adding: "My documents at this time are witnesses themselves. They are being used, and they're being walked through the grand jury panel." "We've been going through questions pertaining to compensation, perks and taxes just to review how to ... inform a grand jury," she added. (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-06-30. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Bill Cosby released as conviction overturned A US court overturned comedian Bill Cosby's conviction for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman 15 years ago on Wednesday, allowing his release from prison, in a blow to the #MeToo movement. "Cosby's convictions and judgment of sentence are vacated, and he is discharged," the Pennsylvania Supreme Court wrote in a 79-page ruling. The 83-year-old, shattered racial barriers with his Emmy-winning role on "I Spy" in the 1960s, and then as a dad and doctor on the hit TV series "The Cosby Show" two decades later. But he suffered a fall from grace as allegations of sexual misconduct emerged against him, and was convicted in 2018 of assaulting Andrea Constand at his Philadelphia mansion in 2004. It was the first guilty verdict for sexual assault against a celebrity since the advent of the worldwide reckoning against sexual violence and abuse of power dubbed the #MeToo movement. Cosby has served more than two years of a three-to-ten-year sentence for aggravated indecent assault. It was not immediately clear when he would be released. "We will need to receive, authenticate and review the court documents before we move forward," a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections told AFP. An earlier prosecution ended in a mistrial in June 2017 after the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict. Although more than 60 women charged that they had been victims of sexual assault by Cosby, he was tried criminally only for Constand's assault, since the statute of limitations had expired in the other cases. He filed his second appeal against his conviction in August last year. His lawyers argued that five women should not have been allowed to give evidence at his trial as witnesses. They complained that their "decades-old" allegations, which were not part of the charges, had prejudiced the jury. The prosecutors had put them on the stand to convince the jury that Cosby had displayed a pattern of drugging and assaulting women. The attorneys also argued it was "fundamentally unfair" that deposition testimony Cosby gave in a civil case regarding his use of sedative drugs and his sexual behaviour in the 1970s was heard in court. They argue that Cosby believed the testimony was immune from prosecution when he gave it. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court agreed that Cosby had been denied a fair trial. "He must be discharged, and any future prosecution on these particular charges must be barred," three justices wrote. "We do not dispute that this remedy is both severe and rare. But it is warranted here, indeed compelled," they added. Cosby had lost an earlier appeal when a court ruled that the prosecution's evidence had established Cosby's "unique sexual assault playbook." A dozen women who say they were victims of Cosby have filed civil suits against the actor seeking compensation for damages. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-06-30. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Universities called to verify student information to access laptops Higher Education and Training Minister, Blade Nzimande, has called on universities to contact the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to ensure they verify their student information so that NSFAS-funded students can receive laptops. Addressing the media on the departments plans for post school education and training (PSET) institutions on Wednesday - following the countrys move to Adjusted Alert Level 4 lockdown - Nzimande announced that NSFAS has to date ordered 170 000 laptops from an appointed service provider, with 90 060 having arrived in the country and ready for distribution. He said the balance of the laptops will be arriving in the country in mid-July and mid-September 2021. However, to date the verifying of university student information as per the NSFAS portal has been slow. A total of 1 846 students information has been shared with the provider of which 1 123 has been delivered to four universities namely, the University of Pretoria, University of Free State (UFS), Durban University of Technology (DUT), and the University of Mpumalanga (UM). I call upon our universities to contact NSFAS through the NSFAS portal to ensure that they verify their students information. It is important that universities prioritise this task urgently, Nzimande said. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college students do not order via the NSFAS portal, however, NSFAS will prioritise the TVET students for delivery. A total TVET listing of 46 846 has recently been shared with the provider for delivery. The provider will contact these students to arrange for delivery as campuses are currently closed. Of the 46 846, a total of 183 has been delivered to South Cape TVET College and 86 for Central Johannesburg TVET, Nzimande said. Exclusive online learning for all students On measures applicable to the PSET sector during the current national lockdown restrictions, Nzimande said that in terms of the Adjusted Alert Level 4 lockdown that has now been put in place, the universities do not officially close, but all face-to-face teaching and examinations must halt for the next two-week period. Learning will shift exclusively to online learning for all students. Residences will remain open, as it is also not safe for students to travel back home at this time, and it is necessary for students to retain access to campus and residence-based Wi-Fi. However, universities need to continue to manage residences according to the necessary health and safety protocols, as outlined in the directions and in line with protocols developed by HIGHER HEALTH, Nzimande said. He warned that under no circumstances should any mass social or other activities be permitted in residences or on campuses during this period and institutions are requested to strictly enforce measures. It has also been agreed that international and inter-provincial travel will be discouraged, and limited to essential services and needs. There will be controlled access to campuses for essential services and other activities that cannot be suspended at this time. As many staff as possible who can do so, should work from home. The sector will continue to be guided by the 29 March 2021 directions and the 27 June COGTA (Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs) regulations, Nzimande said. The principle outlined in the higher education sector directions is that all universities will manage their own academic activities, in line with the national directions and health protocols, with the support of HIGHER HEALTH. The institutions are also expected to ensure their COVID-19 task teams are functional and active during this period to manage institutional responses to the pandemic, and maintain effective communication and consultation with staff and students. The new directions provide guidance on matters, including institutional plans; campus health and safety; student accommodation and residences; psychosocial assistance for staff and students; academic classes and examinations; graduations ceremonies and events; international students; and international travel and vaccination. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: SA calls for eSwatini security forces to exercise 'total' restraint The South African government says it notes with great concern the ongoing political and security situation in the eSwatini, as anti-monarchy protests continue. We are particularly concerned by reports of loss of life and destruction of properties, said the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). According to news outlets, the tensions continue to flare as pro-democracy protests engulf the country. According to reports, protesters are demanding democratic reforms in Africa's last absolute monarchy. Reports suggest that eight activists were allegedly shot dead by the police, while 28 have been injured and many detained. The right to peaceful protest is universally recognised, the department said. The South African government has since called on the security forces to exercise total restraint and protect the lives and property of the people, in keeping with the countrys constitutional provisions and laws. In addition, South Africa urges all political actors and civil society to engage in meaningful dialogue to resolve the current political challenges facing the country. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Vaccine manufacturing hub will enhance SAs local manufacturing capabilities Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister Blade Nzimande says the establishment of Africas first messenger RNA (mRNA) technology transfer hub for COVID-19 vaccines will ensure that South Africas local manufacturing capabilities of vaccines will be enhanced. This means that South Africa will move beyond just fill/finishing of vaccines, into the manufacturing of the active component or drug substance of vaccine. South Africas local manufacturing will be ready to move into commercial scale manufacturing of the drug substance, with relevant equipment, facility preparation, staff training, and doing validation runs, Nzimande said. He made the remarks during a media briefing on Wednesday, where he was giving an update on ongoing work within the science and innovation sector, as coordinated through the Department of Science and Innovation. Nzimande reiterated his gratitude to the announcement by World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, that South Africa will become the first COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub. WHO is seeking to expand the capacity of low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to produce COVID-19 vaccines and scale up manufacturing to increase global access to the critical tools to bring the pandemic under control. During his visit to South Africa last month, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that France will support South Africa and Africa with regards to the local manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines, through the establishment of the mRNA Technology Transfer Hub. Network for Genomic Surveillance In response to the increasing spread of COVID-19 around the world, the Network for Genomic Surveillance in South Africa (NGS-SA) has been monitoring and sequencing confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country. The COVID-19 genome surveillance work is funded by the Department of Science and Innovation and is based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It is an entity known as KwaZulu-Natal Research and Innovation Sequencing Platform (KRISP). Nzimande said on 25 June 2021, NGS-SA confirmed from the latest representative community sampling up to 17 June 2021 that the Delta variant increased significantly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, and is now the most common variant detected in the province. These Delta genomes were sampled from multiple locations across six districts of KwaZulu-Natal, Harry Gwala (n=16), Zululand (n=15), iLembe (n=14), eThekwini (n=12), King Cetshwayo (n=1) and Ugu (n=1). This demonstrates a striking increase across the province and suggests that the Delta variant is rapidly displacing the Beta variant (501Y.V2/B.1.351), that had been dominant since the onset of the second wave, Nzimande warned. The first detection of the Delta variant in South Africa was from a sample collected on 24 April 2021, and had, as per reporting at the time, been detected in Gauteng, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. Although initial sequences were from cases with recent travel history, there is now clear evidence of community transmission of the Delta variant in South Africa. In Gauteng, the Delta variant was detected in 1/129 (1%) of samples in April and 13/184 (7%) in May 2021. The data for sequences up to 21 June 2021 indicated that almost 75% of the cases in Gauteng were exposed to the Delta variant, with an increase of the Delta variant in the Western Cape and with signs of dominance starting to show in Limpopo and starting to replace the dominance of the Beta variant in all the provinces, the Minister said. He acknowledged (KRISP), the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), and the University of Cape Town (UCT) who sequenced the recently confirmed cases of the Delta variant in South Africa. He also expressed his gratitude to the NGS-SA - a consortium of scientists funded by the Department of Science and Innovation and the South Africa Medical Research Council (SAMRC). The Minister further reiterated his call for the observance of all the health and safety protocols. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Nordic papers say Beijing stifling Hong Kong media The four largest Nordic newspapers marked the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party's founding on Thursday with a joint front-page editorial denouncing the regime's attacks on Hong Kong's independent media. "Enough is enough," the open letter to the People's Republic of China said, adding that "The world can no longer stand idly by as China gradually sucks the air out of freedom of the press in Hong Kong." Writing in Norway's Aftenposten, Sweden's Dagens Nyheter, Helsingin Sanomat in Finland and Politiken in Denmark, the editors in chief promised to "open our newspapers to an even more intensive coverage of the frightening developments in Hong Kong." In June the Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily was forced to close after its assets were frozen under the National Security Law and some of its executives were arrested for a series of articles published there. While Hong Kong's leaders have made repeated speeches over the past year assuring that freedoms remain guaranteed, the expression of certain political views is a crime under the draconian law, punishable by life imprisonment. "We watch with growing concern as our profession -- free, independent, and critical journalism -- is criminalised," the open letter said. Before the closure of Apple Daily, the regime placed Radio Television Hong Kong under the control of the authorities and gave the police new internet censorship powers, the editorial said. The Nordic countries, which regularly top the Reporters Without Borders world press-freedom rankings, have had several recent run-ins with China. Diplomatic relations with Norway were frozen for six years after the Nobel committee -- independent of the country's government -- awarded the 2010 Peace Prize to the late imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Tensions also arose between China and Sweden over the fate of the Chinese-Swedish publisher Gui Minhai, currently imprisoned in China on a ten-year sentence for "illegally providing intelligence overseas". (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Govt confident of HK's future Acting Chief Executive John Lee It gives me great pleasure to celebrate with you today the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Chief Executive is in Beijing at the moment attending the celebration activities of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It is my honour to attend and speak to you at this reception as the Acting Chief Executive. The Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day on July 1 each year gives us an opportunity to proudly review the history of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, to firmly reiterate that "one country, two systems" is the best arrangement for maintaining Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, and to solemnly pledge to further promote the implementation of "one country, two systems". This year, July 1 also celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. As we celebrate this important milestone of the party, we should have a deeper understanding of "one country, two systems", which was put forward and implemented under the party's leadership. As the Chief Executive said at the thematic forum on the party and "one country, two systems" on June 12, the smooth return of Hong Kong to the motherland is an integral part of the party's century-old cause. Throughout the process, the party demonstrated its clear determination to fulfil the historical mission of erasing the century-long national humiliation and reunifying the nation, while taking care of the vital interests of Hong Kong people by preserving the systems and way of life that they are familiar with under the innovative concept of "one country, two systems". For the past 24 years, the central government has unswervingly supported the faithful implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and has acted in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law. Although the acts of serious violence since the latter half of 2019 and the attempts of anti-China disruptors to take advantage of the loopholes in the Hong Kong SAR's electoral system to paralyse the Government and even seize power have brought unprecedented challenges to Hong Kong, the central government has stayed true to its original aspiration in implementing "one country, two systems" and helped Hong Kong solve the problems at the constitutional level. Within one year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress enacted the National Security Law and amended Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law to improve the Hong Kong SAR's electoral system, halting chaos and restoring order in Hong Kong and implementing "patriots administering Hong Kong". These two major measures taken by the central government have laid a solid foundation for the faithful implementation of "one country, two systems" and the long-term stability of Hong Kong. Under the leadership of the Chief Executive, the Hong Kong SAR Government has duly performed our duty to safeguard national security in accordance with the National Security Law in the past year by preventing, suppressing and imposing punishment for acts and activities endangering national security and by promoting national security education across the city. I must emphasise that it is expressly provided in Article 4 of the National Security Law that human rights shall be respected and protected in safeguarding national security. Therefore, while national security is protected, our citizens continue to enjoy freedoms under the law, including freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of demonstration and more. The development of Hong Kong has always been closely tied to the development of the motherland. Hong Kong has been both a contributor and a beneficiary in China's reform and opening up. Our country's sustained and rapid developments in recent years have provided golden opportunities for Hong Kong. However, anti-China disruptors and individuals with ulterior motives took advantage of the loopholes in the electoral system to worm their way into the Hong Kong SAR's political structure. They kept undermining the relationship between the central government and the Hong Kong SAR, creating confrontation and obstructing governance. This has hindered Hong Kong's integration into the country's overall development. Ensuring "patriots administering Hong Kong", the improved electoral system enables Hong Kong to focus on development and leverage its advantage of being backed by the motherland and open to the world. With the support of the central government's policies, we will strive to consolidate and enhance our competitiveness as an international financial, trading and shipping centre, and promote the development of emerging industries including innovation and technology, culture and art, aviation, intellectual property trading and more. Although Hong Kong has experienced storms and waves, facts have proved that as long as we fully and accurately implement the "one country, two systems" policy by upholding the principle of "one country" and leveraging the advantages of "two systems", Hong Kong will be able to move forward steadily. Our country's Belt & Road initiative, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development, domestic and international dual circulation development pattern, as well as the National 14th Five-Year Plan's support for Hong Kong, all bring unlimited development opportunities to Hong Kong. With social and political stability restored now, Hong Kong definitely has the conditions to rebound from the doldrums and create a brighter future. In fact, thanks to the success of the anti-epidemic work in Hong Kong, there have been significant improvements in the local economic and employment situation in recent months. The real gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2021 grew by 7.9% year-on-year, ending six consecutive quarters of contraction. The unemployment rate has dropped from a 17-year high of 7.2% to the latest 6%. Social distancing measures have also been gradually relaxed to allow further resumption of people's normal life. To keep this good momentum going, we must raise our vaccination rate without delay. I call on citizens to actively respond to the Government's Early Vaccination for All campaign. Please do not hesitate and get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourselves, your family and friends and the overall interests of the community. Distinguished guests, fellow citizens, it has been four years since the current-term Government took office. We have faced unprecedented challenges and have constantly summed up our experience to improve governance. Today, the governing team is more confident about the future of Hong Kong than at any moment in the past four years. In the coming year, we will continue to take a firm stand in safeguarding national security, improving the implementation of "one country, two systems", and pressing ahead with a pragmatic attitude and fighting spirit. As long as we stand united, Hong Kong will certainly stride forward and scale new heights. Thank you. This is the English translation of Acting Chief Executive John Lees speech at the reception in celebration of the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the Convention & Exhibition Centre on July 1. This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: N West province determined to vaccinate all senior citizens The North West Provincial Government says it is committed to vaccinating all registered senior citizens in July, as the province tackles the third wave of COVID-19 infections. We will continue to reach out to these individuals so that more of the senior citizens are reached through outreach sites, especially in the far-flung and rural areas, said Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro. The Premier said the province will employ the services of local authorities to ensure the effective mobilisation of targeted individuals. We request the media to pass this message to communities to motivate them to register and present themselves for vaccination at the vaccination sites. Mokgoro was updating the media on Thursday on the provincial governments response to the recently increasing number of infections and the vaccination rollout programme. The North West has vaccinated 133 212 individuals as of 25 June 2021. This includes healthcare workers, senior citizens in old age homes and communities, and the Department of Basic Education staff. Vaccines He said the province has received 19 200 Johnson & Johnson (J&J) doses and a further 24 000 are expected this week. In three days, 155 00 doses (80.7%) of allocated doses were administered to staff of all age groups which is an average of 5 166 doses per day. This was achieved by activating 26 additional vaccination sites across the province. The Premier thanked the Departments of Basic Education and Health for this milestone. At this rate, we should be able to complete the vaccination of staff of the Department of Basic Education before the end date. In addition, 23 101 healthcare workers were vaccinated under phase one, while close to 95 000 doses of Pfizer vaccines have been distributed in phase two, which started on 17 May. The beneficiaries at this stage are the senior citizens of our province which are the most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 disease and mortality. He said 169 102 of the estimated 367 000 senior citizens have registered to get their vaccination. This is close to the 50% and we need to increase the registration of this vulnerable group through self and assisted registration. In addition, the 14 vaccination sites being used to inoculate the elderly have been increased to 20 this week. The Premier said outreach services will continue and transport will be arranged for those who have difficulties reaching the sites. The plan is to escalate all the 40 sites to general rollout in July, he said, adding that this will coincide with the vaccination of those who are aged between 50 and 59. He reminded the citizens that the registration for those over 50 starts today. We will also have to administer the second dose of Pfizer vaccine shortly. The qualifying individuals will be scheduled by Electronic Vaccination Data System for the second dose in our various vaccination sites. He said the province is aiming to vaccinate over 10 000 people per day, as more sites are expanded. Hotspots Meanwhile, in the next two weeks, the provincial government will work towards strengthening the COVID-19 public awareness campaigns targeting malls in hot spots such as Matlosana, Rustenburg, and Mahikeng. Their interventions also include heightening law enforcement on regulations, deploying Command Council members to municipal wards to monitor and promote the registration campaign and vaccination programmes. He said government will also collaborate with civil society on its efforts to contain the surge. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: NW under pressure as COVID-19 cases, hospital admissions rise North West Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro has acknowledged that the province is experiencing strain, as the province battles with the COVID-19 third wave. Providing an update on the provincial governments response to the recently increasing number of infections, Mokgoro said the number of cases, hospitalisations and deaths are on the rise. As hospital admissions increase, the ability of the Department of Health to expand the vaccination programme decreases as staff must be re-assigned to the clinical units to attend to the sick persons, he told the media on Thursday. The province has the seventh-highest number of cumulative cases after Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga. According to the Premier, North West has also recorded a steady surge in daily new cases from 274 reported on 31 May 2021 to 1 149 on 21 June 2021. Meanwhile, the moving seven-day average has also peaked over the last weeks, positioning the province in the resurgence phase. Hospital beds Mokgoro also raised concerns about hospital admissions that have also increased in the general wards, high care and intensive care unit (ICU), with the Tshepong Hospital treating the majority of COVID-19 ill patients followed by Westvaal and Royal Bafokeng Platinum hospitals. The province has since dedicated 1 140 general beds, 65 high care beds and 47 ICU beds to COVID-19 care in public hospitals. The Premier said these facilities are well equipped with oxygen delivery systems, medication and personal protective equipment. However, we are facing the challenges of insufficient staff as many of the clinical personnel have been deployed to support the COVID vaccination programme. Staff In addition, the North West will continue to recruit and train healthcare personnel. He said over 12 000 personnel, including medical officers, specialists, nurses, data capturers, cleaners, food handlers, environmental health practitioners have been trained and assigned to the management of COVID-19 in the province. Tighter restrictions He believes that it was critically important for law enforcement agencies to intensify the enforcement of compliance of communities with the prevailing regulations to control the further spread of Coronavirus. The need for tightening the regulations and possible imposition of higher lockdown level is becoming more apparent to slow down the transmission of COVID-19, relieve the strain being experienced by the health system and prevent morbidity and mortality. Interventions In addition, he said the province has adopted several interventions to mitigate against resurgence. This includes implementation of appropriate early warning systems, strengthening governance structures and imposing restrictions on activities such as gatherings, social-cultural events, educational events, workplace congestion. In addition, the province will also optimise all structures including screening and testing, quarantine facilities, isolation and treatment facilities and expansion of the vaccination programme to complement preventive measures. Meanwhile, quarantine facilities are offering 478 beds to accommodate exposed people who are unable to isolate themselves at home. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: President Ramaphosa salutes SARB on centenary celebration President Cyril Ramaphosa has commended the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) for its quick, bold, extraordinary and unprecedented response to the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year. Over the past year, the SARB slashed the repo rate by over 200 basis points in an attempt to soften the blow on consumers affected by the effects of the pandemic. President Ramaphosa applauded the central banks response to the virus in a tribute as the institution on Wednesday celebrated a century of its existence. In a statement, the Presidency said countries stand or fall on the quality of their institutions. South Africans, said the President, could be proud of its central bank as an institution that has been unwavering in meeting its Constitutional mandate. On behalf of the people of South Africa, I extend warm greetings and best wishes to the South African Reserve Bank on the occasion of its 100th birthday. The SARB has stood witness to some of the most dramatic events in our country from the Great Depression to World War II, from the election of the Nationalist Party government in 1948 to the declaration of the republic, from the Sharpeville massacre to the release of Nelson Mandela from prison and to the historic 1994 elections. He said while the SARBs existence and work predate the dawn of democracy in 1994, the manner in which it has carried out its democratic constitutional mandate, an obligation to the South African peoples desire for liberty and prosperity, has been exemplary. It has not only applied monetary policy instruments with diligence and care in times of global and regional crises, it has also provided sound and valuable advice to government, he said. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: 746 people receive honours, medals The Chief Executive has awarded 746 people in this years Honours List in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong or for their dedicated public and community service. Seven people - Chief Justice Andrew Cheung, Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng, Chow Chung-kong, Regina Ip, Chan Chung-bun, Choi Koon-shum, Lo Man-tuen - received the Grand Bauhinia Medal. Eighteen people received the Gold Bauhinia Star, 22 the Silver Bauhinia Star, and 41 the Bronze Bauhinia Star. Four people received the Silver Medal for Bravery and four people received the Bronze Medal for Bravery. Eighteen people were awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for disciplined services & the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and 49 the Meritorious Service Medals for disciplined services & the ICAC. Eighty-three people received the Medal of Honour, 165 the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service and 335 the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government/Public Service. The Government pointed out that the number of award recipients in the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service and the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government/Public Service this year is exceptionally large. This is to give recognition to those involved in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic in the past year, it added. Click here for the full Honours List. This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Spate of attacks on LGBTQI+ community in SA Despite having constitutional and legislative protection of the rights of people of different sexual orientation, South Africa has recently seen an increase in the number of attacks against lesbians, gays and transgender people. Justice and Constitutional Development Deputy Minister, John Jeffery, said while Pride Month, which is celebrated annually in June, was marked in many parts of the world, South Africa was seeing a spate of attacks against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+) persons in the country. These attacks are extremely concerning and put the dignity, well-being and safety of all people of different sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics in South Africa at heightened risk. Individuals in these vulnerable communities continue to be subjected to hate crimes and gender based violence (GBV). At the same time we are also seeing allegations of homophobia and bullying of LGBTQI+ learners at schools in our country, Jeffery said. He was addressing the media on the departments efforts to address hate crimes against LGBTQI+ persons. During a meeting with the National Task Team on the Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, held on Wednesday, it was reported that as at 29 June, 2021 42 pending hate crimes were perpetrated against that community. Of the 42 pending cases, 30 cases are for murder and 12 are for rape. Out of the 42 pending hate crime cases, approximately 29 hate crime cases were reported from 2020 to date. Of these 29 hate crime cases, 16 are on the court roll with remand dates with the remaining 13 cases still under investigation. Eight cases have been finalised, some with significant sentences such as life imprisonment for rape (Daveyton), 25 years imprisonment for rape (Ikageng), 25 years imprisonment for murder (Umlazi), and 14 years imprisonment for rape (Greytown), the Deputy Minister said. Some 14 cases have been closed as undetected due to a lack of evidence, but may be referred to the National Prosecuting Authority to review the dockets. Jeffery said the pending cases are being actively monitored, with government departments working with the SAPS, the National Prosecuting Authority and civil society to ensure that they are thoroughly investigated, arrests are made and prosecutions follow. The Deputy Minister emphasised that the crimes perpetrated against LGBTQI+ persons can only addressed if the information is known to law enforcement agencies. Revised National Intervention Strategy The Deputy Minister announced that plans are underway to have further strategic discussions on enhanced collaboration and interventions to promote and protect the rights of LGBTQI+ persons. While the NTT was initially created to respond to hate crimes against LGBTQI+ people, the adoption of the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide National Strategic Plan (NSP-GBVF) requires that the NTT reconsiders its NIS in order to also integrate its responses to GBVF related crimes against LGBTQI+ people. As a result, he said, the reviewed National Intervention Strategy (NIS) 2021 2025 is an opportunity to use the NTT to also respond to GBVF in ways that expand access to broader human, socio-economic, civil and political rights to LGBTQI+ people in South Africa, among others. Our real challenges are in implementation and in changing societal attitudes in our communities. Changing societal attitudes is the only way to ensure that persons are not victims of violence or discrimination in their daily lives on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics, the Deputy Minister said. Activist, Steve Letsike, said the revitalisation of NTT at this difficult time for the LGBTQI+ community in South Africa will need to focus on implementation that helps the country to prioritise rights protection, promotion and fulfilment as enshrined in the Constitution. The urgency of turning the tide on human rights violations is needed now more than ever. Stakeholders must discharge of their responsibilities, coherent strategies must be implemented, and lives must be saved. We have that responsibility, Letsike said. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Support people affected by COVID-19 during Mandela Month In the spirit of Madiba, Cabinet has encouraged South Africans to rise to the challenge and support those in their communities shattered by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We can embrace Madibas values and honour his legacy through humanitarian acts and initiatives supporting those hard-pressed by the impact of the virus, Cabinet said in a statement. Every year on 18 July, South Africans, together with the global community, honour the former President and international icon, Dr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, through the celebration of Nelson Mandela International Day. In these trying times, we depend on our spirit of national solidarity and selflessness as epitomised by Madiba to see one another through, Cabinet said. During Mandela Month, South Africans embrace the chance to celebrate Nelson Mandelas life for the whole of July. This gives everyone the opportunity to heed the call to action for people to recognise their individual power to make an imprint and change the world around them. A global movement for positive change begins with small actions. As each person acts, they fuel momentum toward positive change, raising awareness and expanding the reach of Mandelas values of fighting injustice, helping people in need and practicing reconciliation. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: If you're in your 50s, register for your COVID-19 jab Cabinet has encouraged those in their 50s to register for the COVID-19 vaccination on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) from today, to receive their shot from 15 July. People in this age group are urged to register using the https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za or WhatsApp 0600 123456. Meanwhile, Cabinet has confirmed that police officers will be vaccinated from Monday, 5 July. According to a Cabinet statement released on Thursday, the inoculation of the police officers will be followed by members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) who are due to receive their jab from Thursday, 8 July. This comes as government intensifies the countrys COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan to protect citizens from the devastating effects of the virus, Cabinet said. As of 30 June, Cabinet said over three million people have been vaccinated. This includes healthcare workers, senior citizens, and teachers. The dates for vaccination of employees in the frontline of productive economic sectors such as mines, retail workers, and others will be announced by the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Vaccines that is chaired by the Deputy President, the Executive added. Meanwhile, Cabinet said the tightening of the State of National Disaster restrictions to Adjusted Alert Level 4, would strengthen governments ability to limit the surge in infections by limiting the burden on the healthcare system that is already overwhelmed. The additional restrictions will be reviewed after 14 days and took care to minimise the impact on economic activity as part of the continued balancing of the need to save both lives and livelihoods. Cabinet has once again emphasised that the Delta variant was more transmissible than previous variants. Therefore, this requires vigilance in our day-to-day interactions because many people who are infected with COVID-19 do not show any symptoms. During this "dangerous" period, Cabinet is advising people to avoid public places and adhere to non-pharmaceutical health protocols by wearing masks when in public, washing hands frequently with soap and water or using a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser and maintaining a social distance of at least 1.5 metres. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. New book highlights need for Chaco Canyon preservation Lincoln, Nebraska, July 1, 2021 -- Carrie Heitman can still remember the moment when -- as an undergraduate visiting for the first time -- Chaco Culture National Historic Park became the cornerstone of her academic career in anthropology. "You have to take this 30-mile road off the beaten path to get there, and then you drop into the canyon and there are these really majestic geological features," Heitman said. "There's Fajada Butte that stands up in the center of this canyon as it opens up in front of you. When I first went there, in 1997, that was a really powerful experience, to be in this place, surrounded by these absolutely grand and majestic buildings. I fell in love with it." That love and respect for the ancient lands where many Indigenous ancestors lived and thrived for 300 years has inspired much of the research Heitman has done as an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research projects have included constructing a digital archive of Pueblo artifacts, GPS and lidar mapping of Indigenous architecture and ancient roads, and serving as director and co-principal investigator of the Chaco Research Archive, a vast digital humanities project. Most recently, she co-edited the new book "The Greater Chaco Landscape: Ancestors, Scholarship and Advocacy" with Ruth Van Dyke, professor of anthropology at Binghamton University in New York. "The Greater Chaco Landscape" is unique in that it is a published volume but also exists as an open access volume online through the University Press of Colorado. The website also houses extra features related to the book and the work preceding it, such as films with indigenous people, including members of the Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and Acoma tribes, speaking about their ancestors and their connection to the landscapes; films and digital resources regarding the technology used to map the ancient architecture and roads; and conference videos about the sites from anthropological perspectives. The book's publication in May is the culmination of eight years of work to bring the perspectives of many stakeholders -- including indigenous people, policymakers, researchers and preservationists -- together to help navigate conflicts over energy development and, more importantly, inform the public about the history and importance of the Greater Chaco landscape and advocate for its protection. Chaco Culture National Historical Park is located in Northwest New Mexico and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to ancient great houses built more than 1,000 years ago. In recent decades, land in and around the park has been used for oil and gas drilling, leading to concern among Indigenous communities, and the larger intermountain region there, that energy development was negatively impacting cultural and natural resources. "It's a sacred ancestral site for many, if not all, of the Indigenous descendant communities in the region," Heitman said. "With funding, conversation and dialogue with the National Park Service, we developed a research plan that would help address some of those concerns by trying to get better information into the hands of the land managers who are managing those parcels of land right around Chaco. Our initial goal was to help them understand what we know about these ancestral and ancient places, and what we still don't yet know. "We were afraid that in the process of leasing for oil and gas extraction, they will be destroying resources that we haven't even documented yet." Heitman, Van Dyke and Stephen Lekson, professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, led the effort to bring groups of people together to discuss the various and sometimes competing interests. The first meeting was held in 2014. "We quickly realized in those early meetings that everyone needed better information, and that meant we needed to bring multiple research teams together to reconcile discrepancies in our knowledge of locations, because the Bureau of Land Management, which manages the leases for oil and gas development, had imperfect data about the site locations," Heitman said of the initial effort. After completing some research projects to reconcile and update the mapping and data related to the Chaco sites, the team again brought stakeholders together for a conference where everyone could learn from each other, and the idea for the book was formed. "We're bringing together multiple perspectives on a complicated landscape that has both contemporary and ancient issues," Heitman said. "We're trying to share those perspectives and the concerns from this diverse range of stakeholders to help protect this landscape moving forward." Through chapters by authors from different fields of expertise, the book charts the many dimensions of the Chacoan landscape. It covers the region's history, the research undertaken to document the great houses and roads, and how Indigenous communities use and connect to its landscapes still today. It is meant to be a resource for cultural and natural preservationists, policymakers and the academic community, but Heitman hopes the book and its accompanying online resources will resonate with many. "I hope readers have a deeper understanding for the richness of the cultural history of this country and see the importance of protecting it," she said. "From my perspective, it's part of who we are as a nation. It's really important to understand and value the history of the nation going back to early inhabitants. We can be really proud and in awe of what Native people of this continent did and accomplished with their engineering, their artistry, and their rich and complex belief systems." ### This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Leading scientists praise UNESCO's draft decision on the Great Barrier Reef Five world-renowned scientists have signed a letter to UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay to "thank UNESCO for its leadership in recognising the threat of climate change to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage property." Professor Terry Hughes, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Dr Sylvia Earle, Professor Johan Rockstrom and Professor Andrea Grottoli sent the letter last night from Australia. Last month, UNESCO released a draft decision recommending the Great Barrier Reef be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The scientists' letter is a strong show of support for UNESCO from some of the most revered coral reef experts in the world. They write UNESCO "has made the right decision" to recommend the in Danger listing of the Great Barrier Reef, because "tragically, the Reef has suffered extensive losses in recent years through three severe coral bleaching events, fuelled by global warming." They stress that protecting the Reef requires global action to reduce carbon emissions, "yet Australia has so far not pulled its weight in this global effort." "An 'in Danger' listing for the Great Barrier Reef will focus action on how to limit further damage to the Reef. It presents a challenge to all nations to immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions," said Prof Terry Hughes. "Australia has a lot to lose with current emission pledges only getting us to global surface temperatures of a lethal 3 degrees C above preindustrial levels," said Prof Hoegh-Guldberg, who also coordinated an Australian Academy of Science report on climate change earlier this year. "We therefore greatly appreciate UNESCO's draft recommendation for Australia to urgently address the threat of climate change and welcome the draft report's recognition that 1.5 degrees C is widely recognised as a critical threshold for the property," the letter says. The letter acknowledges efforts by the Australian and Queensland Governments to tackle sediment and nutrient pollution, which were also commended by UNESCO. But, the scientists add UNESCO's draft decision "notes with the utmost concern that the water quality targets in the Reef 2050 Plan have not been met." Finally, the scientists pledge that they "stand ready to help support UNESCO's efforts to secure the future of this global icon." The 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, held online from 16 to 31 July 2021, will decide whether to accept or modify the draft decision on the Great Barrier Reef. The Australian government has said it will strongly lobby member countries of the World Heritage Committee to remove the in Danger recommendation. ### LETTER: https:/ / www. dropbox. com/ s/ 31e2xybn0j35hcu/ Letter%20to%20UNESCO. pdf?dl= 0 BACKGROUND Professor Terry Hughes FAA is the Founding Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, headquartered at James Cook University, Queensland. In 2018, Nature recognised Professor Hughes as one of the "10 people who mattered this year" for his response to the global coral bleaching event caused by anthropogenic climate change. Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg FAA is Professor of Marine Studies at the University of Queensland, a Founding Director of the Global Change Institute, and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. He was Coordinating Lead Author on the Impacts chapter of the United Nations IPCC Special report on 1.5 degrees C. Dr Sylvia Earle is an oceanographer, National Geographic Society Explorer in Residence, and Chair of Mission Blue which aims to achieve 30% protection of the ocean by 2030. She was named by Time Magazine as its first Hero for the Planet in 1998. Professor Johan Rockstrom is Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. His climate science work formed the basis of the Sir David Attenborough-narrated Netflix documentary Breaking Boundaries. Professor Andrea G. Grottoli, based at Ohio State University, is a Fellow and President of the International Coral Reef Society, and Director of the international Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network. CONTACT Terry Hughes (Townsville, AEST) P: +61 (0)400 720 164 E: terry.hughes@jcu.edu.au Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (Brisbane, AEST) P: +61 (0)401 106 604 E: oveh@uq.edu.au FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Melissa Lyne / Coral CoE at JCU (Sydney, AEST) P: + 61 (0)415 514 328 E: melissa.lyne@jcu.edu.au This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Eruption of the Laacher See volcano redated The eruption of the Laacher See volcano in the Eifel, a low mountain range in western Germany, is one of Central Europe's largest eruptions over the past 100,000 years. The eruption ejected around 20 cubic kilometers of tephra and the eruption column is believed to have reached at least 20 kilometers in height, comparable to the Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines in 1991. Technical advances in combination with tree remains buried in the course of the eruption now enabled an international research team to accurately date the event. Accordingly, the eruption of the Laacher See volcano occurred 13,077 years ago and thus 126 years earlier than previously assumed. This sheds new light on the climate history of the entire North Atlantic and European region and requires an adaptation of the European climate archives. "We can now precisely date a drop in temperature at the end of the last glacial period, so that the information coincides with that observed from the Greenland Ice Sheet cores," said Dr. Frederick Reinig, a dendrochronologist at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (JGU). An international research team with experts in archeology, climatology, ecology, radiocarbon dating, and volcanology was involved in this study. The research results were published in the renowned scientific journal Nature. Charred remains of birch and poplar wood have been preserved to this day The eruption of the Laacher See volcano was a natural disaster that affected large parts of Europe. The ash rain reached as far as northern Italy in the south and Saint Petersburg in the Northeast. In the immediate vicinity and the neighboring Rhine Valley, mighty deposits of ash and pumice formed, which buried all life beneath them. "During the eruption, pyroclastic flows buried the local vegetation around the Laacher See volcano. The trees were partially charred within the ash deposits and have been preserved to this day," explained Reinig, describing the eruption process that took place over several weeks in late spring to early summer and which now enables scientists to precisely date the event. "These wooden contemporary witnesses are very rare, and they are difficult to recover," said Reinig, first author of the study. "The regional effects of the volcanic eruption have been well studied. What we have been missing so far is the certainty of when exactly this happened," emphasized Professor Ulf Buntgen, co-author of the Nature publication from the University of Cambridge. This was now determined based on samples from buried birch and poplar trees. The analysis of tree rings reveals the precise date of the eruption The volcanic sediments not only preserved the wood for over 13,000 years but also allowed to identify the individual tree rings. "The tree rings enable us to exactly determine the age of the samples," said Professor Jan Esper from Mainz University. In a joint initiative of the Federal Research Institute for Forests, Snow and Landscape WSL in Birmensdorf, Switzerland, together with the Archaeological Research Center and Museum for Human Behavioral Evolution MONREPOS in Neuwied, both newly discovered samples and older finds were analyzed. For this purpose, the Laboratory for Ion Beam Physics at ETH Zurich carried out radiocarbon measurements on 157 individual tree rings of the examined trees. Calibration of these results against a Swiss reference chronology then resulted in the precise dating. "The constant advances in radiocarbon measurement technology and the calibration methods used, as well as the careful handling of the sensitive samples, were the key to establish this dating with an uncertainty of less than ten years," said Lukas Wacker from ETH Zurich. Revised dating of the volcanic eruption has consequences for the synchronization of European climate archives and the understanding of large-scale climate dynamics According to the description in Nature, the eruption of the Laacher See volcano took place 13,006 years before 1950, with an uncertainty of nine years. That is 126 years earlier than the generally accepted dating based on sediments in the Meerfelder Maar from the Eifel region in Germany. This difference has far-reaching consequences for the synchronization of European climate archives and the understanding of North Atlantic and European climate history. Laacher See eruption ashes were widespread over large areas of Central and Northern Europe as a result of the volcanic eruption and represent an important time marker for paleoenvironmental archives. Due to the new dating, the European archives now have to be temporally adapted. At the same time, a previously existing temporal difference to the data from the Greenland ice cores was closed. This means that the massive cooling at the beginning of the Younger Dryas - i.e., the last Ice Age intermezzo lasting around 1,300 years before the currently prevailing warm phase, the Holocene - also occurred in Central Europe 130 years earlier, around 12,870 years ago respectively. This is in line with the onset of the cooling in the North Atlantic region identified in ice cores from Greenland. During the Younger Dryas period, temperatures in Central Europe fell by up to 5 degrees Celsius. This strong cooling did not take place time transgressively, as previously thought, but rather synchronously over the entire North Atlantic and Central European region," said Frederick Reinig. The results of the interdisciplinary research team not only set a precise date for the eruption of the Laacher See in the Eifel. The revised age of the ash deposits and the associated shift in the European climate archives now sheds new light on the climate history of the entire North Atlantic region. ### Images: https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_01. jpg 13,000 year old tree trunk from the volcanic deposits of the Laacher See eruption in the vicinity of Miesenheim, Germany. photo/: Olaf Joris https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_02. jpg Recovery of a charred tree trunk that was buried by volcanic deposits during the Laacher See eruption. photo/: Olaf Joris https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_03. jpg A charred tree trunk in the deposits of the Laacher See volcanic eruption: the individual annual rings of the sample were decisive for the exact dating of the eruption. photo/: Olaf Joris https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_04. jpg The individual annual rings can be seen on an x-ray image of charred birch wood, recovered from the Laacher See Eruption deposits. photo/: Frederick Reinig https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_05. jpg Subfossil pine disc found in Zurich, Switzerland. Radiocarbon calibration of trees found within the Laacher See deposits against the Swiss radiocarbon reference based on such pines resulted in the precise eruption date. photo/: Daniel Nievergelt https:/ / download. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ 09_geograph_klimatologie_laacher_see_06. jpg Tree rings reveal much more than the age of a tree. For example, they allow conclusions to be drawn about the respective growing conditions and thus enable indirect climatic insight. photo/: Jan Esper Related links: https:/ / www. blogs. uni-mainz. de/ fb09climatology/ - Climatology Group at the JGU Institute of Geography ; https:/ / www. geog. cam. ac. uk/ people/ buentgen/ - Professor Ulf Buntgen at the Department of Geography at the University of Cambridge ; https:/ / www. wsl. ch/ de - Federal Research Institute for Forests, Snow and Landscape WSL, Switzerland ; https:/ / ams. ethz. ch/ - Ion Beam Physics Lab at ETH Zurich Read more: https:/ / www. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ aktuell/ 13258_ENG_HTML. php - press release "European summer droughts since 2015 exceed anything in the past two millennia" (16 March 2021) ; https:/ / www. uni-mainz. de/ presse/ aktuell/ 11153_ENG_HTML. php - press release "Jan Esper receives ERC Advanced Grant to improve climate reconstructions from tree rings" (14 April 2020) This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Scientists reveal a new therapeutic vulnerability in pancreatic cancer NEW YORK, NY (July 1, 2021)--Lowering levels of a hormone called PTHrP can prevent metastases and improve survival in mice with pancreatic cancer and could lead to a new way to treat patients, according to a study from cancer researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center and with collaborators at the University of Pennsylvania. When patients are first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the cancer usually has spread to other organs. Because of these metastases, nearly all patients will succumb to their cancer within one year of diagnosis, but no drugs exist to prevent metastasis. In an effort to find treatments, cancer researchers at Columbia--led by Anil K. Rustgi, MD, and Jason R. Pitarresi, PhD--investigated a hormone called PTHrP. Although PTHrP (parathyroid hormone-related protein) is often highly active in patients with pancreatic cancer, its role in metastasis was unclear. Loss of PTHrP Dramatically Improves Survival in Mice The researchers first manipulated the levels of PTHrP in mice with pancreatic cancer. Elimination of PTHrP from mice--with genetic engineering or with an antibody that targets the hormone--not only eliminated metastasis and enhanced overall survival, but also dramatically reduced the size of the initial tumors in the pancreas. Even in mice with a highly aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, the increase in survival was dramatic, increasing from a median of 111 days to 192 days, with near complete elimination of metastases. The 73% increase in survival, the researchers say, is one of the largest observed in mice with this type of pancreatic cancer, which closely resembles human cancers. The striking results with mice led the researchers to test the anti-PTHrP antibodies in human pancreatic cancer cells. The results from these experiments were also encouraging: Among 3D organoids derived from pancreatic cancer patients under an IRB-approved protocol, anti-PTHrP antibodies greatly reduced growth and viability of the cells. Two-Pronged Attack on Cell Growth and Metastasis Targeting PTHrP attacks pancreatic cancer in two ways, the researchers say. It reduces the ability of the tumor cells to transition from an epithelial state to a mesenchymal state, which is necessary for the creation of new metastases. And targeting PTHrP also prevents the growth of primary and secondary tumors. "We think these findings provide a strong rationale for further developing anti-PTHrP therapy towards clinical trials," says Rustgi, who adds that the antibody used in the study has the potential to be used in people and credits Richard Kremer, MD, PhD, of McGill University for developing the antibodies. "We are hopeful that a drug targeting PTHrP could be used to treat most patients with pancreatic cancer," he says, "because the vast majority have tumors with high levels of PTHrP. There is the potential application to other cancers as well." Potential with Other Cancers The researchers originally began investigating PTHrP because its gene is often amplified when another nearby gene, KRAS, is amplified. KRAS has long been recognized as a cancer-promoting gene in pancreatic and other cancers. For patients, that may mean anti-PTHrP therapies may have potential in other cancers that are known to harbor KRAS amplifications. For researchers, the finding also suggests a wider search for cancer-causing genes is needed. "We feel that PTHrP may have been previously overlooked as a mere passenger gene co-amplified with KRAS, but our study shows that PTHrP has its own tumor-promoting functions," Pitarresi says. "It suggests other so-called 'passenger' genes may have bigger roles in cancer than we initially thought and should be examined more closely." Rustgi notes "it might open up for combinatorial therapies of targeting the KRAS pathway with an antibody to PTHrP." ### More Information The research appears in Cancer Discovery in a paper titled "PTHrP drives pancreatic cancer growth and metastasis and reveals a new therapeutic vulnerability." Anil K. Rustgi, MD, is interim executive vice president and dean of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine at Columbia University and the director of the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University Irving Medical Center/ NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Jason R. Pitarresi, PhD, is a member of the Rustgi lab and a research associate in gastroenterology in the Department of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine where Rustgi was before joining Columbia. Other authors: Robert J. Norgard (Penn), Anna M. Chiarella (Columbia), Kensuke Suzuki (Columbia), Basil Bakir (Columbia), Varun Sahu (Columbia), Jinyang Li (Penn), Jun Zhao (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center), Benoit Marchand (Columbia), Maximilian D. Wengyn (Penn), Antony Hsieh (Penn), Il-Kyu Kim (Penn), Amy Zhang (University of Toronto), Karine Sellin (McGill University), Vivian Lee (Penn), Shigetsugu Takano (Chiba University), Yoji Miyahara (Chiba University), Masayuki Ohtsuka (Chiba University), Anirban Maitra (MD Anderson Cancer Center), Faiyaz Notta (University of Toronto), Richard Kremer (McGill University), and Ben Z. Stanger (Penn). This work was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (grants F32CA221094, P30CA01369644, R01DK060694, and R01CA229803); an American Cancer Society Professorship (Rustgi); an American Gastroenterology Association's Bern Schwartz Research Scholar Award in Pancreatic Cancer; a Hopper-Belmont Foundation Inspiration Award; U.S. Department of Defense (grant W81XWH-15-1-0723); Canadian Institutes of Health Research (grant MOP142287); and an American Cancer Society-Fairfield County Comedy Against Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF-19-227- 01-CMS). Richard Kremer is the inventor of the therapeutic monoclonal anti-PTHrP antibodies used in this study and authorized for use by Biochrom Pharma. RK is founder and president of Biochrom Pharma. All other authors declare no potential conflicts of interest. Columbia University Irving Medical Center provides international leadership in basic, preclinical, and clinical research; medical and health sciences education; and patient care. The medical center trains future leaders and includes the dedicated work of many physicians, scientists, public health professionals, dentists, and nurses at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing, the biomedical departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and allied research centers and institutions. Columbia University Irving Medical Center is home to the largest medical research enterprise in New York City and State and one of the largest faculty medical practices in the Northeast. For more information, visit cuimc.columbia.edu or columbiadoctors.org. This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Online symposium addresses issues of cancer research and palliative care Why does pancreatic cancer develop, what new therapies might be effective against metastasis formation, and what is to be considered in palliative care? Members of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina will address these questions at the virtual symposium of Class III Medicine. Online-Symposium Class III - Medicine "New advances in medicine" Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Berlin/Germany) Online via Zoom Class III Academy members share insights into their current medical research at this online symposium. Professor Aurel Perren (Director of the Institute of Pathology, University of Bern/Switzerland): "What is the origin of pancreatic endocrine tumors? Of molecular markers in precision medicine and cells of origin". Perren talks about the development of rare pancreatic tumors and molecular markers that can be used to identify the cells of origin of this type of cancer. These findings may help to further improve personalized cancer therapies and precision medicine in the future. Professor Thomas Brabletz (Chair of Experimental Medicine, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg/Germany): "Cancer metastasis - fatal process, fascinating mechanisms, therapeutic strategies". Brabletz investigates which processes and mechanisms lead to metastases formation. In his lecture, he presents the research results and explains how new therapeutic approaches can be developed on that basis. Professor Lukas Radbruch (Director of the Clinic for Palliative Medicine, University Hospital Bonn/Germany): "Resilience and Sense of Coherence in palliative care". Radbruch addresses ethical questions at the end of life. He talks about the importance of resilience and sense of coherence in palliative and end-of-life care. The program can be found at: https:/ / www. leopoldina. org/ veranstaltungen/ veranstaltung/ event/ 2890/ Follow the Leopoldina on Twitter: http://www. twitter. com/ leopoldina The event is open to all interested parties and will be held in English. Participation is free of charge. Prior registration by Sunday, 4 July, is required at the following link: https:/ / www. leopoldina. org/ index. php?id= 2605 . After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a dial-in link for the webinar and a password. When using the Zoom video conferencing system, the privacy policy of the provider applies: https:/ / zoom. us/ de-de/ privacy . If you, as a journalist, would like to attend this event, please register by e-mail at: presse@leopoldina.org ### About the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina As the German National Academy of Sciences, the Leopoldina provides independent science-based policy advice on matters relevant to society. To this end, the Academy develops interdisciplinary statements based on scientific findings. In these publications, options for action are outlined; making decisions, however, is the responsibility of democratically legitimized politicians. The experts who prepare the statements work in a voluntary and unbiased manner. The Leopoldina represents the German scientific community in the international academy dialogue. This includes advising the annual summits of Heads of State and Government of the G7 and G20 countries. With 1,600 members from more than 30 countries, the Leopoldina combines expertise from almost all research areas. Founded in 1652, it was appointed the National Academy of Sciences of Germany in 2008. The Leopoldina is committed to the common good. Contact: Dr. Kathrin Happe Deputy Head of Department Science - Policy - Society E-Mail: kathrin.happe@leopoldina.org Media Contact: Caroline Wichmann Head of the Department Press and Public Relations Tel.: +49 (0)345 472 39-800 E-Mail: presse@leopoldina.org This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Mefloquine: A promising drug 'soldier' in the battle against COVID-19 Early 2020 saw the world break into what has been described as a "war-like situation": a pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the likes of which majority of the living generations across most of the planet have not ever seen. This pandemic has downed economies and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. At the dawn of 2021, vaccines have been deployed, but before populations can be sufficiently vaccinated, effective treatments remain the need of the hour. Thus, other than fast-tracking research into novel drugs, scientists have also been exploring their arsenals of existing medicines in a bid to find anything that could work against COVID-19. Some approved drugs, like hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and interferon, have already been put to clinical use against SARS-CoV-2 without well establishing their clinical efficacies, due to the severity of the pandemic. Subsequent randomized trials have not been able to yield a consensus on the efficacy of these drugs. Only remdesivir has been approved for clinical use against severe COVID-19, although its efficacy is still being debated. In a breakthrough study, a team of scientists--comprising Dr. Koichi Watashi, Kaho Shionoya, Masako Yamasaki, Dr. Hirofumi Ohashi, Dr. Shin Aoki, Dr. Kouji Kuramochi, and Dr. Tomohiro Tanaka from Tokyo University of Science (along with scientists from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Kyushu University, The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, and Science Groove Inc.)--have identified an anti-malarial drug, mefloquine (which is incidentally a derivative of hydrochloroquine), that is effective against SARS-CoV-2. Their findings are published in Frontiers in Microbiology. Detailing their modus operandi, lead scientist in the team Dr. Watashi says, "To identify drugs with higher antiviral potency than existing antivirals, we first screened approved anti-parasitic/anti-protozoal drugs. We found that mefloquine had the highest anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity among the tested compounds. Upon testing it against other quinoline derivatives, such as hydrochloroquine, in a cell line mimicking the cell-based environments of human lung cells, we found it to be better." The team further explored mefloquine's mechanism of action. Dr. Watashi explains the process, "In our cell assays, mefloquine readily reduced the viral RNA levels when applied at the viral entry phase but showed no activity during virus-cell attachment. This shows that mefloquine is effective on SARS-COV-2 entry into cells after attachment on cell surface." Thus, to bolster mefloquine's anti-viral activity, the scientists looked into the possibility of combining it with a drug that inhibits the replication step of SARS-CoV-2: Nelfinavir. Interestingly, they observed that the two drugs acted in "synergy" and the drug combination showed greater anti-viral activity than either showed alone, without being toxic to the cells in the cell lines themselves. The scientists also mathematically modelled the effectiveness of mefloquine to predict its potential real-world impact if applied to treat COVID-19. What they predicted was that mefloquine could reduce the overall viral load in affected patients to under 7% and shorten the 'time-till-virus-elimination' by 6.1 days. This study must of course be succeeded by clinical trials, but the world can hope that mefloquine becomes a drug used to effectively treat patients with COVID-19. ### Reference Title of original paper: Mefloquine, a Potent Anti-severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Drug as an Entry Inhibitor in vitro Journal: Frontiers in Microbiology DOI: https:/ / doi. org/ 10. 3389/ fmicb. 2021. 651403 About the Tokyo University of Science Tokyo University of Science (TUS) is a well-known and respected university, and the largest science-specialized private research university in Japan, with four campuses in central Tokyo and its suburbs and in Hokkaido. Established in 1881, the university has continually contributed to Japan's development in science through inculcating the love for science in researchers, technicians, and educators. With a mission of "Creating science and technology for the harmonious development of nature, human beings, and society", TUS has undertaken a wide range of research from basic to applied science. TUS has embraced a multidisciplinary approach to research and undertaken intensive study in some of today's most vital fields. TUS is a meritocracy where the best in science is recognized and nurtured. It is the only private university in Japan that has produced a Nobel Prize winner and the only private university in Asia to produce Nobel Prize winners within the natural sciences field. Website: https:/ / www. tus. ac. jp/ en/ mediarelations/ About Dr. Koichi Watashi from Tokyo University of Science Dr. Koichi Watashi is a Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. Dr. Watashi also works as the Director, Division of Drug Development, Research Center for Drug and Vaccine Development, at National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan. He is an expert in virology, with over 20 years of experience in researching molecular mechanisms underlying virus proliferation and corresponding anti-viral agents. He has over 140 publications in international academic journals to his credit. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards like The Young Investigator Award of The Japanese Cancer Association, Sugiura Memorial Incentive Award of The Japanese Society for Virology, etc. This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Don't worry, the kids are cool if you cash in on their inheritance Cash in on the kids' inheritance and spend up big on the retirement plans - that's the message coming from the University of South Australia as new research reveals that older people are keen to spend their well-earned savings, rather than passing them on to their kids. And while it may seem like bad news for the younger generation, the research also confirms that the kids are just fine with this scenario, claiming that no one owes anyone anything. The surprising findings are part of a new study that explores contemporary attitudes towards wealth transfer taxation in Australia, finding that public resistance to inheritance and estate taxes may have declined in the 40 years since they were abolished in Australia. Inheritance is the only major form of income that is untaxed in Australia - a person who works for their income pays tax on it while someone who receives a bequest is not even liable for capital gains tax. Social policy expert, Dr Veronica Coram from UniSA's Australian Alliance for Social Enterprise says the apparent decline in the bequest motive presents a significant opportunity for Australian tax reform, and a valuable chance to address social inequalities. "There's nothing more certain than death and taxes. But while people generally assume the combination is notoriously unpopular, our research suggests otherwise," Dr Coram says. "We talked to young adults and senior Australians and two thirds of them thought Australia should consider reintroducing taxes on estates worth more than $3m, while only one in ten were definitely opposed. "The lack of interest in giving or receiving inheritances meant that most participants saw no reason to object to estates being taxed, which opens potential opportunities for much-needed tax reform. "Inheritances generally go to people who are already well-off and don't need them; they encourage inequality and inhibit social mobility. "The Australian government needs to find ways to raise revenue to support increased spending demands generated by COVID-19, an ageing population, pressure on health systems and increasing environmental disasters. "Reintroducing inheritance or estate taxation is a way of increasing government revenue, while reducing a key driver of inequality at the same time." While politicians and policymakers may be wary of making moves, Dr Coram says the findings reflect changes to social norms in Australia and other OECD countries. "Historically, inheritance taxes have been considered 'political suicide'. But perhaps their time has come, ironically due to a growing individualism and associated decline in the assumption that family members should provide for one another," Dr Coram says. "More research on changing views towards redistributive policy is required, but the results of our study suggest that if governments are considering tax reform, they should not assume that Australians are vehemently opposed to wealth transfer taxation." ### Media contact: Annabel Mansfield T: +61 8 8302 0351 M: +61 417 717 504 E: Annabel.Mansfield@unisa.edu.au Researcher: Dr Veronica Coram M: +61 410 161 823 E: Veronica.Coram@unisa.edu.au This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Low-income patients may be less likely to receive medical assistance in dying In Canada, low-income hospital patients under palliative care are less likely to receive medical assistance in dying compared to those who are high income, according to a study published in British Medical Journal Open (BMJ Open). Medical assistance in dying (MAID) is legal and free under Medicare, Canada's universal health care system. Patients with low socioeconomic status (SES), however, generally tend to experience less access to medical care compared to their high SES counterparts. Eldar Shafir, professor of psychology and public affairs at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, along with a team of researchers from Sunnybrook Hospital in Ontario, investigated whether this trend of decreased care for low-income patients includes medical assistance in dying. "I have long been interested in SES influences on decision-making," said Shafir. "I often discuss with my friend and collaborator, Dr. Redelmeier, ways to illustrate some of our findings in the medical realm, especially, when possible, among experts. ... In this case MAID was a really interesting domain, since it's a 'big' decision, and finances are not an issue." Medical assistance in dying was ruled legal in Canada in February 2015 and officially implemented and covered under Medicare by June 2016. To be considered, a patient must have a grievous and irremediable medical condition, such as metastatic cancer, that causes unbearable suffering where death is foreseeable, according to the Government of Canada. However, one's socioeconomic status can influence how medical care is administered and received by a patient in several ways. "People can be easily susceptible to pitfalls and biases in reasoning," Shafir said. Low-income patients, for example, may feel less equipped to advocate for their care and to convey dissatisfaction. Clinicians can also succumb to the "thick-skin fallacy," or the harmful perception that low-income people are used to hardship and therefore less impacted by it. The team explored the association between socioeconomic status and medical assistance in dying by identifying hospital patients aged 65 and older in Ontario, Canada between June 2016 and 2019. At the time of their death, all patients, all of whom had serious medical conditions, were under palliative care, receiving pain-relieving treatment for symptoms. They were then divided into groups based on socioeconomic status, which was calculated using an official algorithm created by Statistics Canada based on home neighborhood location, and whether they received medical assistance in dying. During the three years, 50,096 patients were given palliative care in their last month of life. Among them, 920 received medical assistance in dying. Only 1.5% of low-income patients identified were given MAID, compared to 2.4% of high-income patients -- a 39% decreased likelihood for those with low socioeconomic status. This disparity in care was found consistently across a variety of patient subgroups that varied in age, sex, home location, type of cancer, health care utilization, and general frailty. It was even replicated with patients treated by the same responsible physician. The study's results support past findings by other countries about the relationship between medical assistance in dying and patients' socioeconomic status. In countries like the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Belgium, people who received MAID or MAID equivalents tended to be highly educated, financially secure, or live in wealthy neighborhoods. The researchers, however, suspect that this difference in patient care may be influenced by factors that exist outside of financial capabilities. "I suspect most of what happens here is a function of the doctor-patient interaction," explained Shafir. "I think, all else equal, that doctors might see low-SES patients as less in urgent need of MAID." Certain study limitations, such as biased and imperfect socioeconomic status measures, warrant further research exploring the link between social class and medically assisted death. "Both perspectives, the doctors' and the patients', need to be better understood by the medical community in order to provide low-SES patients with same care afforded those of higher SES," said Shafir. The observations made by Shafir and his team address an earlier misconception in Canada that medical assistance in dying may harmfully target low-income individuals. The researchers are optimistic that their findings may help promote greater patient-clinician communication and engagement. ### "Association of socioeconomic status with medical assistance in dying: a case-control analysis" by Donald A. Redelmeier, Kevin Ng, Deva Thiruchelvam, and Shafir, was published on April 30 in British Medical Journal Open. This story has been published on: 2021-07-01. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Report that China building new ICBM silos 'a concern' The United States expressed concern on Thursday over a report that China is building more than 100 new silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Washington Post, citing a study of commercial satellite images by a California-based group, reported on Thursday that the silos were being built in a desert near the northwestern city of Yumen. The James Martin Centre for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey said the 119 construction sites in Gansu province were similar to existing Chinese launch facilities for nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles. State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked about the report on Thursday. "I think what is fair to say is that these reports and other developments suggest that the PRC's (People's Republic of China) nuclear arsenal will grow more quickly, and to a higher level, than perhaps previously anticipated," he said. "This buildup, it is concerning," Price said. "It raises questions about the PRC's intent. "And for us it reinforces the importance of pursuing practical measures to reduce nuclear risks," he added. "Despite what appears to be PRC obfuscation, this rapid buildup has become more difficult to hide," Price said. "And it highlights how the PRC appears again to be deviating from decades of nuclear strategy based around minimum deterrence." Price was also asked whether the United States had a reaction to bellicose remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Xi, in a speech at centenary celebrations for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), said "the Chinese people will never allow any foreign forces to bully, oppress, or enslave us." "Whoever wants to do so will face bloodshed in front of a Great Wall of steel built by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people," he said. Price said the State Department had "taken note" of Xi's remarks "but we're not going to comment on the specifics." "I think this administration over the course of several months has been very clear about our impressions of the CCP, in general, but I don't have a specific response for you on President Xi's remarks today," he said. (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-07-02. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Researchers have developed and successfully demonstrated a novel method for studying how cells repair damaged DNA in space. Sarah Stahl-Rommel of Genes in Space and colleagues present the new technique in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on June 30, 2021. Damage to an organism's DNA can occur during normal biological processes or as a result of environmental causes, such as UV light. In humans and other animals, damaged DNA can lead to cancer. Fortunately, cells have several different natural strategies by which damaged DNA can be repaired. Astronauts traveling outside of Earth's protective atmosphere face increased risk of DNA damage due to the ionizing radiation that permeates space. Therefore, which specific DNA-repair strategies are employed by the body in space may be particularly important. Previous work suggests that microgravity conditions may influence this choice, raising concerns that repair might not be adequate. However, technological and safety obstacles have so far limited investigation into the issue. Now, Stahl-Rommel and colleagues have developed a new method for studying DNA repair in yeast cells that can be conducted entirely in space. The technique uses CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology to create precise damage to DNA strands so that DNA repair mechanisms can then be observed in better detail than would be possible with non-specific damage via radiation or other causes. The method focuses on a particularly harmful type of DNA damage known as a double-strand break. The researchers successfully demonstrated the viability of the novel method in yeast cells aboard the International Space Station. They hope the technique will now enable extensive research into DNA repair in space. This study marks the first time that CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has successfully been conducted in space, as well as the first time in space that live cells have undergone successful transformation--incorporation of genetic material originating from outside the organism. Future research could refine the new method to better mimic the complex DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. The technique could also serve as a foundation for investigations into numerous other molecular biology topics related to long-term space exposure and exploration. "It's not just that the team successfully deployed novel technologies like CRISPR genome editing, PCR, and nanopore sequencing in an extreme environment, but also that we were able to integrate them into a functionally complete biotechnology workflow applicable to the study of DNA repair and other fundamental cellular processes in microgravity," said senior author Sebastian Kraves. "These developments fill this team with hope in humanity's renewed quest to explore and inhabit the vast expanse of space." First author Sarah Stahl Rommel adds, "Being a part of Genes in Space-6 has been a highlight of my career. I saw firsthand just how much can be accomplished when the ideas of innovative students are supported by the best from academia, industry, and NASA. The expertise of the team resulted in the ability to perform high-quality, complex science beyond the bounds of Earth. I hope this impactful collaboration continues to show students and senior researchers alike what is possible onboard our laboratory in space." Co-author Sarah Castro-Wallace says, "It was an honor to support Genes in Space-6. I am still blown away by the incredible sophistication of the science that was realized when an organism was transformed, its genome edited with CRISPR/Cas9 to cause breaks in the DNA, followed by its growth to allow for DNA repair, and, finally, its DNA sequenced, all in the spaceflight environment onboard the ISS. The ability to perform this all-encompassing, end-to-end investigation is a huge step forward for space biology. This caliber of work speaks to both the exceptional students and the Genes in Space Program." ### Citation: Stahl-Rommel S, Li D, Sung M, Li R, Vijayakumar A, Atabay KD, et al. (2021) A CRISPR-based assay for the study of eukaryotic DNA repair onboard the International Space Station. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253403. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0253403 Funding: This study was funded by miniPCR bio and Boeing. Competing Interests: E.A.S., E.J.G., and S.K. are employed by miniPCR bio, manufacturer of the device used for transformation, DNA extraction, and DNA amplification. D.S.C and K.D.F. are employed by Boeing and S.S.R. and C.L.C. are employed by JES Tech. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. The remaining authors declare no competing financial interests. In your coverage please use this URL to provide access to the freely available article in PLOS ONE: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0253403 Please follow Astrobiology on Twitter. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- A 50/50 joint venture between Japanese automaker Toyota and Chinese hydrogen fuel cell engine developer SinoHytec was set up on June 28, signifying that the agreement both parties signed in March of this year has been firmed up. Toyota, SinoHytec signing agreement for fuel cell JV; photo credit: Toyota Dubbed Toyota Sinohytec Fuel Cell Co.,Ltd., the Beijing-based new company involves a registered capital of 4.5 billion yen ($40.7295 million). Its business scope extends to cover the manufacturing, consigned processing and sale of fuel cells and relevant auto parts. Dong Changzheng, senior executive vice-president of Toyota China, is the legal representative of the company. It was not the first time for Toyota and SinoHytec to build joint venture. In June 2020, the two companies signed an agreement with four Chinese state-owned automakers for the establishment of a fuel cell system R&D joint venture in a bid to popularize fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) in China. The four carmakers are China FAW Corporation Limited (FAW), Dongfeng Motor Corporation (Dongfeng), GAC Group, and BAIC Group. According to Toyota, the joint venture, named United Fuel Cell System R&D (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (FCRD), would primarily work on the be development of fuel cell systems for commercial vehicles to contribute to the realization of a clean mobility society in China. Involving a planned investment of roughly 5.019 billion yen ($45.198 million), FCRD would be held as to 65% by Toyota and 15% by SinoHytec. The other 20% stake is evenly divided by FAW, Dongfeng, GAC Group and BAIC Group. The joint venture was formally founded in August last year, according to the business data platform Qichacha. Beijing (Gasgoo)- Hongqi, FAW Groups luxury brand, sold 145,000 vehicles in the first half of this year, surging 107% compared with the same period of last year, the brand announced on the last day of June. The brand aims to sell 400,000 vehicles this year, but by the end of June, it just finished 36.25% of its annual target. Hongqi didnt offer monthly sales data of last month, but the volume of the first six months minus that of the first five months were 27,000 vehicles, up 3.4% month on month. By the end of June, the brand has a total of 337 experience centers across the country, with total consumer traffic jumping 86.7% year on year in the past six months. Hongqi H9 and Hongqi E-HS9; photo credit: Hongqi Among all models it sells, the HS5 has a relatively better sales performance, followed by the H5 and the H9, and its new energy vehicle models include the E-HS3 and the E-HS9. In the future, Hongqi will launch many new models to accomplish its annual sales target, including the new HS5 whose mass production and delivery will start from July and the third quarter respectively. Update: 27-06-2021 | 18:09:23 A delegation from the Vientiane capital of Laos on June 25 handed over 30,000 USD to the Embassy of Vietnam to help authorities and people of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City fight COVID-19. At the handover ceremony (Photo: VNA) A delegation from the Vientiane capital of Laos on June 25 handed over 30,000 USD to the Embassy of Vietnam to help authorities and people of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City fight COVID-19. Speaking at the handover ceremony, Secretary of the Vientiane Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom affirmed the Lao capital citys special relations with Hanoi and HCM City, voicing his belief that the two cities will soon surmount hardships caused by COVID-19 to stabilise the life and restore production for socio-economic development. The assistance was raised by Vientiane authorities and people, along with the Vietnamese community and firms operating in the city, he added. For his part, Ambassador to Laos Nguyen Ba Hung thanked the delegation for its support even when Laos and Vientiane in particular are also striving to curb the spread of COVID-19. He believed that the two Vietnamese major cities and Vientiane would further bolster the traditional relations and contribute to the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States and peoples of the two countries. The Vietnamese Embassy has to date received about 1.3 million USD from Lao organisations and individuals to support Vietnams fight against COVID-19, including 500,000 USD worth of medical equipment./. VNA News Headlines Additional 260 more Covid-19 patients confirmed in Thursday noon report Xi Jinping -- Leading CPC to strive for a better world Xinhua) 07:08, July 01, 2021 -- "What we Chinese Communists are doing is to better the lives of the Chinese people, rejuvenate the Chinese nation, and promote peace and development for humanity." -- While striving to improve the wellbeing of its own people, the CPC has also been committed to promoting the world's common development. In his 2017 New Year speech, Xi said the Chinese people "hope for a better life for people in other countries as well as for themselves." And he has been leading China to make that hope come true. -- As the world is facing changes unseen in a century, Xi has led China to become a staunch champion of genuine multilateralism defending the international order against such challenges as unilateralism and bullying. -- Answering the fundamental questions of what has happened to the world and how to respond, Xi offered China's proposition: build a community with a shared future for mankind, a concept that has been enshrined in the CPC's constitution and has also been guiding China's interaction with the rest of the world. BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- "What we Chinese Communists are doing is to better the lives of the Chinese people, rejuvenate the Chinese nation, and promote peace and development for humanity." Addressing over 600 representatives of political parties from over 120 countries at a high-level dialogue in 2017, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and president of China, laid out the historic mission of the world's largest political party. Committed to the party's original aspiration, Xi is leading the CPC not only to build China into a modern socialist country but to create a better shared future for the world. DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL A day before the official centenary of the CPC on Thursday, China, after a 70-year fight, was officially declared malaria-free by the World Health Organization, which marks the latest of the numerous achievements China has made under the CPC's leadership. In February, Xi announced that China, with a population larger than 1.4 billion, had secured a complete victory against poverty, which was widely acclaimed as a miracle in the human history of poverty reduction. While striving to improve the wellbeing of its own people, the CPC has also been committed to promoting the world's common development. In his 2017 New Year speech, Xi said the Chinese people "hope for a better life for people in other countries as well as for themselves." And he has been leading China to make that hope come true. Whether in the fight against malaria or in poverty alleviation, China has over the past decades extended a helping hand to others, especially developing countries. Back in 2000, Xi, then governor of southeastern China's Fujian Province, helped launch a pilot Juncao project to help improve the livelihood of the Papua New Guinean people. Juncao, famed as "magic grass" and discovered by Chinese scientists, is an economical and environmentally friendly substitute for timber, which can be used as a substrate for growing mushrooms. Eighteen years later, during Xi's state visit to the Oceanian country, the two countries signed another aid project using the grass technology. By 2023, the aid program is expected to lift 30,000 local people out of poverty. Today, the Juncao project has taken root in over 100 countries, helping combat poverty in developing countries in Africa, Asia and the South Pacific region. Residents display their certificates of training courses on Juncao and upland rice cultivation technology in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, Dec. 17, 2020. (Xinhua) Meanwhile, from the decades-old Canton Fair to the 3-year-old China International Import Expo and to the newly launched China International Consumer Products Expo, high-end international expos have repeatedly demonstrated China's commitment to wider opening-up and mutual benefits. People walk into the venue of the first China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, May 7, 2021. (Xinhua/Ding Hongfa) "China cannot be separated from the world in achieving development, and the world also needs China for prosperity," Xi said at the 20th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing via video link. FORCE FOR PEACE When he visited the UN headquarters in the fall of 2015, Xi brought a gift for the United Nations' 70th birthday -- "Zun of Peace," a red bronze bottle decorated by traditional Chinese auspicious patterns. It shows the aspiration and faith of the Chinese people in seeking peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, which are also spirits of the UN Charter, Xi explained. Under the CPC's leadership, China is marching towards the second centenary goal -- to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by 2049, the centenary of the People's Republic of China. "China the lion has awakened, but it is a peaceful, amicable and civilized lion," Xi said in 2014 at a gathering marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations, stressing that the Chinese Dream is about pursuing peace, questing for happiness, and contributing to the common good of the world. Today, China is the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget, and has sent more peacekeepers to UN missions than any other permanent member of the UN Security Council. "Countries, whether big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace," Xi said in April 2013 at the opening plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, the first multilateral diplomatic event he hosted as Chinese president. As the world is facing changes unseen in a century, Xi has led China to become a staunch champion of genuine multilateralism defending the international order against such challenges as unilateralism and bullying. There is no better choice for world countries other than strengthening multilateral cooperation in the face of one global challenge after another, Xi told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the sidelines of the G20 summit held in Buenos Aires in November 2018. SHARED FUTURE FOR MANKIND Mankind is in an era of major development as well as profound transformation and change, and is also in an era of numerous challenges and increasing risks, Xi noted in his 2017 landmark speech at the United Nations Office at Geneva. Answering the fundamental questions of what has happened to the world and how to respond, Xi offered China's proposition: build a community with a shared future for mankind, a concept that has been enshrined in the CPC's constitution and has also been guiding China's interaction with the rest of the world. In face of the unprecedented COVID-19 threat, China, the world's largest developing country, has effectively put the disease under control at home, and has meanwhile spared no effort to help other countries. In 2020, Xi promised that Chinese COVID-19 vaccines, when available, "will be made a global public good." Now despite a tight supply and huge domestic demand, China has provided over 450 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for the international community, and is continuing to help ensure vaccine accessibility and affordability worldwide. Staff members unload China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 20, 2021. (Xinhua/Jiang Shengxiong) Xi's vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind offers not only a new solution to global challenges, but also a new perspective on world civilizations. While in the West there has been such rhetoric as the clash of civilizations or the superiority of one civilization over another, in Xi's eyes, the development of a civilization is sustained by exchanges and mutual learning. An Asian culture carnival is held during the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations at the National Stadium in Beijing, capital of China, May 15, 2019. (Xinhua/Shen Bohan) That is in line with the future of the world he has been leading the CPC to strive for -- an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful one that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. "Countries may have differences and even encounter problems with each other," said Xi. "But we should not forget that we all live under the same sky, share one and the same home planet and belong to one and the same family." (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) World's longest desert-crossing expressway in full operation Xinhua) 07:39, July 01, 2021 -- The Beijing-Urumqi Expressway, the longest desert-crossing expressway in the world, fully opened to traffic on Wednesday after its last section in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was put into operation. -- The expressway linking Beijing and Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang, has a total length of 2,800 km, with over 500 km passing through desert and no man's land. -- It cuts the driving distance between Urumqi and Beijing by more than 1,300 km, making it the fastest road to cross north China. URUMQI, June 30 (Xinhua) -- The Beijing-Urumqi Expressway, the longest desert-crossing expressway in the world, fully opened to traffic on Wednesday after the last section of the route in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was put into operation. The expressway linking Beijing and Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang, has a total length of 2,800 km, with over 500 km passing through desert and no man's land. In addition to Beijing and Xinjiang, the expressway passes through four other provincial-level regions: Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Gansu in north China. Photo taken on June 30, 2021 shows a vehicle running on the Beijing-Urumqi Expressway in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu) It cuts the driving distance between Urumqi and Beijing by more than 1,300 km, making it the fastest road to cross north China, according to Cao Shouhua, a researcher with the Research Institute of Highway, a think tank under the country's transport ministry. It is also the fastest land route from Tianjin Port in north China to Rotterdam Port in the Netherlands, facilitating exchanges along the Belt and Road. Sections of the expressway in other provincial-level regions are already in operation. Due to its harsh natural environment and complex geological conditions, the section in Xinjiang was the last to be completed, taking approximately four years. The Xinjiang section passes through varied landscapes, including the Gobi desert and grasslands. "It was no easy work," said Long Xing, general manager of the Xinjiang section's major developer, affiliated with the China Railway Construction Corporation. Aerial photo taken on June 29, 2021 shows a view of the Barkol Lake scenic spot along the Beijing-Urumqi Expressway in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu) In addition to extreme temperatures ranging from over 40 degrees Celsius to below minus 40 degrees Celsius, workers had to deal with sandstorms, snowstorms, and a lack of stable telecommunication signals, among other difficulties, Long added. ECOLOGICALLY, ECONOMICALLY FRIENDLY The Xinjiang section crosses many areas rich in wildlife, and developers have managed to reduce the project's impact on local wildlife as much as possible. A total of 62 animal passages have been built throughout the section, according to Wang Xiaozhi, the section's chief designer. The design of a three-layer passage has been specifically developed to simultaneously enable the uninterrupted passage of trains, animals and road vehicles. The three-layer passages have cost an additional 120 million yuan (about 18.6 million U.S. dollars), but Wang believed that was worthwhile. "We should not impede wildlife's path while building our own." Aerial photo taken on June 28, 2021 shows a section of the Beijing-Urumqi Expressway in Kazak Autonomous County of Barkol, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Hu Huhu) Locals living along the expressway are the biggest beneficiaries, as easier and faster transport will stimulate local economic vitality. Delida Yerken, a resident of the Kazak Autonomous County of Barkol in east Xinjiang, said she expects booming tourism in her hometown, with an increased inflow of tourists brought by the first expressway to pass Barkol. "I'm also planning for a family road trip to Beijing and other cities along the expressway during the holidays," she said. "It brings us closer to other areas." (Web editor: Guo Wenrui, Hongyu) Chinese farmer creates green Great Wall in desert 08:15, July 01, 2021 By Wan Yu ( People's Daily Shi Guangyin, an exemplary individual who leads efforts in afforestation and combating desertification in northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, checks pinus sylvestris in a shelter forest. (File photo) Shi Guangyin, a farmer in Dingbian county, Yulin city, northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, has recently received the July 1 Medal, the highest honor in the Communist Party of China (CPC), for his outstanding contributions to desertification control. Residents in Yulin had long been plagued by heavy winds, floating sand, and barren land mainly due to the Maowusu Desert, Chinas eighth largest desert, located between Yulin city and Ordos of north Chinas Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The desert accounts for 56.1 percent of the area of Yulin city. In the 1950s, local people in Yulin started to tame the desert by afforestation. So far, 93.24 percent of the desertified land in the city has been put under control, all the 8.6 million mu (about 573,333 hectares) of quicksand in the city has been fixed or semi-fixed, and large areas of exposed sand can barely be spotted now, to which Shi has contributed a considerable part. At the beginning of 1984, after China rolled out policies to encourage individuals to sign contracts with the government to combat desertification, Shi entered into a contract with the local government for desertification control of 3,000 mu of land, becoming the first person who signed such a contract in Yulin. Over the past more than 30 years, a group of local people led by Shi have braved innumerable trials and hardships and planted and kept alive more than 53 million arbors and shrubs in 250,000 mu of barren sand and alkali beaches, finally building a green Great Wall that stretches more than 50 kilometers at the south of the Maowusu Desert. The green Great Wall has completely changed the harsh natural conditions of the area and yielded significant social, ecological, and economic benefits. While fighting desertification, Shi has also tried to help families in straitened circumstances and bring benefits to local residents. He came up with over 1.2 million yuan ($185,760) to build two schools and an ecological relocation village, and provide financial assistance for more than 300 households. Because of his contributions and devotion to desertification control, Shi has been awarded honorary titles including Chinas national model worker, national desertification control hero as well as outstanding farmer by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He is also called Uncle in the Desert by local people. For desertification control, Shi and his family moved to Sidahao village, with the largest area of barren sand in Haiziliang township of Dingbian, in 1984, and began planting trees there. Although over 85 percent of the trees he planted survived that year, 90 percent of the saplings were swallowed by wind erosion and sandstorm merely one year or two later. Instead of being discouraged by the setbacks, Shi realized that he was being foolhardy to start off for the task with only enthusiasm but the right methods. He therefore consulted technicians at the forestry bureau of Dingbian about desertification treatment, and learned from the experience of Hengshan district of Yulin and other places in controlling sand. After acquiring and adopting scientific methods, Shi and his team set up 800 kilometers of sand-protecting barriers on 6,000 mu of barren sand, and eventually brought the survival rate of the saplings they planted above 80 percent. By the end of 2004, the 250,000 mu of barren sand and alkali beaches Shi had been working on had seen a grass and forest coverage of over 90 percent, reflecting effective management. After 2000, considering that the shrubwoods he planted before have a short lifespan and low economic and ornamental value, Shi started to transform such low-yielding forests. He has so far planted over one million high-quality species, which are mainly pinus sylvestris. To make desertification control be carried on for generations, Shi set up a company that adheres to a development strategy featuring controlling and utilizing barren sand and follows a path that links the company with rural households and various bases, aiming to increase peoples income while fighting desertification. With such strategy and path, Shi established more than ten economic entities, including pasture, dairy farm, purified water factory, as well as tourist attraction. His company now sees an annual income of over 3.4 million yuan from ecological subsidies and economic benefits of plants grown under trees. (Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming) Chinese envoy urges U.S. to return to Iran deal with no preconditions Xinhua) 08:16, July 01, 2021 People work at the construction site of the second phase of Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Bushehr, southern Iran, on Nov. 10, 2019. (Photo by Ahmad Halabisaz/Xinhua) UNITED NATIONS, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, on Wednesday urged the United States to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. "As the Chinese saying goes, let he who tied the bell on the tiger's neck take it off. It is incumbent upon the U.S., the originator, to take the lead in returning to the JCPOA with no preconditions," Geng told the Security Council briefing on non-proliferation regarding the implementation of the Resolution 2231. "Iran, on the basis of this, should subsequently also return to full compliance. This is the right way to bring the Iranian nuclear deal back on track and achieve de-escalation of the situation in the region," he added. Security Council Resolution 2231 was a July 20, 2015 resolution endorsing the JCPOA on the nuclear program of Iran. It sets out an inspection process and schedule while also preparing for the removal of United Nations sanctions against Iran. The 15 nations on the Security Council unanimously endorsed the resolution, which had been negotiated by the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States - plus Germany, the European Union, and Iran. Noting that the JCPOA is a diplomatic outcome achieved through hard work by all parties that engaged in consultation and negotiation, Geng said that the deal embodies the successful practice of multilateralism. "It is an essential safeguard for the international nuclear non-proliferation regime as well as the peace and stability in the Middle East," said the envoy. "The United States, in disregard of the opposition of the international community, obstinately made a unilateral withdrawal from the agreement, and has continued to apply maximum pressure on Iran. This is the root of the current dilemma of the Iranian nuclear issue," Geng noted. The United States announced its withdrawal from the Iran deal on May 8, 2018. "The withdrawal by the U.S. from the JCPOA has led to a serious trust deficit between the U.S. and Iran. This significantly hinders the resumption of compliance negotiation between the two sides," said Geng. "Out of the concern that the U.S. may once again walk away from the agreement, Iran has asked the current U.S. administration to provide a guarantee that it will not repeat the unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA," Geng stressed. "This request is completely understandable and should be responded to. It is our hope that all parties will adopt a positive posture and show political wisdom in finding a solution," noted the envoy. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China, like-minded countries express concern over human rights situation in UK Xinhua) 08:24, July 01, 2021 GENEVA, June 30 (Xinhua) -- China and a group of like-minded countries on Wednesday expressed deep concern over the human rights situation in the United Kingdom (UK), saying that severe systemic racism, racial discrimination, hate speech, xenophobia and related violence have long been existing there. Delivering a joint statement on behalf of a group of countries, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, said that these discriminatory actions are toxic residues of the UK's history of colonialism and trade in enslaved Africans. Jiang pointed out in the joint statement that a number of UN Special Procedures have expressed their concern, but the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, which was set up by the UK government, is still trying to deny the facts. He further mentioned that UK military servicemen on overseas operations have committed killings of civilians but are still at large. The UK is trying to shield them from due accountability by way of legislation. Also, he said, the migrant detention centers in the UK are operating under poor conditions and the rights of migrants are severely violated. In addition, he added, the UK spread disinformation and provoked confrontation out of political purposes, using human rights as a pretext to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, and politicized acts as such have seriously undermined international human rights cooperation and are "deeply concerning". "We call on the Human Rights Council to continuously look into human rights violations in the UK and take necessary steps to monitor actions of the UK government to correct its mistakes," Jiang urged. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Greek, Chinese officials expect to broaden cooperation in education Xinhua) 08:28, July 01, 2021 ATHENS, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Greece and China have the willingness to broaden cooperation in many fields, including education, Greek and Chinese officials, academics and business leaders told an online conference here on Wednesday. "We look forward to broadening our cooperation in the future," said Evangelos Syrigos, Greek deputy minister of Education and Religious Affairs, at a forum hosted by the Athens Business Confucius Institute (BCI Athens). Both China and Greece, linked with ties of strong friendship, are willing to further enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in education, among other sectors, said Wang Qiang, Charge d'Affaires Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Greece. Greece is welcoming an increasing number of Chinese students in Greek universities in recent years, while many Greeks are learning the Chinese language, a key in understanding and advancing cooperation, Syrigos noted. To date, the BCI Athens has given the opportunity to at least 3,000 Greek students to learn Chinese, said Alexandros Papalexandris, the institute's co-director. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Zhang Guimei, a CPC member igniting hopes for impoverished girls in mountainous areas 08:32, July 01, 2021 By Xu Yuanfeng ( People's Daily Photo shows Zhang in the school. (Photo/Yunnan Daily) Zhang Guimei, who has dedicated her 40 years to education at Chinas southwestern border, is a mother for more than 170 children, and a principal motivating young girls from impoverished families in mountainous areas. Trying to cut the intergenerational transmission of poverty, she has ignited the hopes of many with the light of education. Zhang was born in Mudanjiang, northeast Chinas Heilongjiang province in 1957. When she was 17, she came to Yunnan province, which lies in southwest China, with her elder sister, responding to the call of the country to support the development of border areas. When she first arrived there, she worked a job in the forestry industry. However, she stumbled into teaching and started a career as an educator ever since. After Zhangs husband passed away in 1996, she went from Dali to teach in Huaping county, Yunnans Lijiang. Five years later, she established a childrens home and worked as a part-time president of it. The organization adopted a total of over 170 children, and Zhang had to take care of them only after coming back from work. The children call her mom though she has never given birth to a child. Teaching at a middle school in Huaping county at that time, she saw many girls drop out of school due to poverty. It saddened her very much and made her realize that an educated female is able to cut the intergenerational transmission of poverty and change the future of three generations. In 2002, Zhang started her preparation to build a free all-girls high school, in hope of changing the destiny of the girls in the mountain and lifting them out of poverty. In 2007, Zhang went to Beijing for the 17th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress as a deputy. Her report titled I have a dream delivered at the meeting made her dream of building a free all-girls high school known to all. Later, both the Lijiang and Huaping governments sponsored her with a million yuan. A year later, Zhangs school was completed, becoming the first free all-girls high school in China The school, born to fight against poverty, is a shelter for a number of girls in mountainous areas. Before it was established, the enrolment rate of high school entrance exams in Huaping was less than 50 percent. However, the figure surged to over 90 percent last year, and the county has been leading in the enrollment rate of college entrance exams in Lijiang for years. In the past, rural females in the county would choose to marry and get pregnant at a young age, but today, more and more of them are going to high schools for education. During the past 13 years, the school has nurtured over 1,800 students who have made it to universities. With no offspring and property, Zhang lives in a dormitory building with her students. She has donated all her cash awards, donations from others, and most of her salaries, which added up to more than a million yuan, to the children in mountainous areas and other people in need. Zhang suffers from 23 diseases, including heart disease and emphysema, but she is still working selflessly. She gets up at 5:00 am and is always the first to arrive at school. She also checks how the classes are going three times a day. Zhang has made over 1,600 family visits annually for the past 12 years, covering a total distance of 110,000 kilometers. On June 29, Zhang was awarded CPCs top honor July 1 Medal at a ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At the ceremony, she said she did all this out of her gratefulness and love for the country, as well as the original aspiration and mission of a CPC member. The things we have done are what many CPC members are doing every day. As long as Im still capable, I will stand in the classroom to give my all, which I will never ever regret, she remarked. (Web editor: Hongyu, Du Mingming) Experts, readers speak out against unfounded reports of U.S. media on lab leak hypothesis Xinhua) 08:45, July 01, 2021 A staff member works in a laboratory in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 13, 2020. (Xinhua/Cheng Min) "In general, the treatment of the origins of COVID-19 by politicians and polemicists has ignored or distorted the science to the point of embarrassment for an advanced nation," said a reader. "Let us call on our politicians to end the China bashing and negotiate a framework for a peaceful and prosperous world." BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Against the evidence-free reports of some U.S. media outlets on the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis, many experts and readers have spoken out, noting that the press coverage has only created a diversion from the real problems in the United States and chipped away at the media's credibility. In a June 23 article on The Conversation, an online media outlet that publishes news stories and articles written by academics and researchers, Keith Grehan and Natalie Kingston of the University of Leeds said, "While a natural origin seems likely -- and many have long warned about the danger of wildlife circulating viruses -- scientists shouldn't jump to conclusions." Noting a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report about the hypothesis, the researchers added, "The origin of Sars-CoV-2 may remain unresolved, but there is no evidence presented in the WSJ piece that scientifically supports the concept of a lab leak of a genetically engineered virus." FAIR, a U.S. media watch group, on Monday bashed the unfounded reporting. It is certainly true that people like former U.S. President Donald Trump and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "are notorious for being shameless liars, and blatantly promoted the lab leak theory in a cynical attempt to scapegoat China for the U.S.'s disastrous handling of the pandemic," it said. Photo taken on Jan. 12, 2019 shows the White House and a stop sign in Washington D.C., the United States. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) "Besides relying on unnamed officials," FAIR added, "another issue with the Journal report is that its lead author, Michael R. Gordon, co-authored (with Judith Miller) the notorious New York Times report ... that was perhaps the single piece of journalism most responsible for deceiving the nation about Saddam Hussein's imaginary weapons of mass destruction." Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs of Columbia University published a commentary on the Project Syndicate on June 22, mentioning that the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has not yet revealed the actual research that it has financed and supported. "It is in fact common knowledge in the U.S. scientific community that NIH has indeed supported genetic recombinant research on SARS-like viruses that many scientists describe as GOFROC," the professor pointed out. Added to this, the poor performance of the media and politicians has also let readers down. In a letter published Tuesday to the San Francisco Chronicle, a reader said, "In general, the treatment of the origins of COVID-19 by politicians and polemicists has ignored or distorted the science to the point of embarrassment for an advanced nation." "Let us call on our politicians to end the China bashing and negotiate a framework for a peaceful and prosperous world," the reader said. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Central Military Commission honors outstanding Party members, workers, organizations Xinhua) 08:50, July 01, 2021 BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- China's Central Military Commission (CMC) has issued a circular honoring a number of outstanding members of the Communist Party of China (CPC), outstanding Party workers and advanced primary-level Party organizations in the armed forces. According to a list released by the CMC, a total of 49 Party members, 30 Party workers and 20 primary-level Party organizations are honored. The circular says that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. During China's glorious course of great achievements made in the revolution, construction and reform under the leadership of the CPC, the people's armed forces have always acted and fought under the absolute leadership of the Party, and secured one victory after another with the contributions from Party organizations at various levels and Party members. The circular calls on Party organizations and members in the military to learn from the honored individuals and organizations, and urged efforts to inspire army officers and soldiers to strive for achieving the Party's goal of building stronger armed forces for the new era and developing the armed forces into a world-class military. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Allegations against Chinese vaccines "distortion of facts": media Xinhua) 08:52, July 01, 2021 Photo taken on April 3, 2021 shows the newly-arrived COVID-19 vaccines purchased from China at Tbilisi International Airport, Tbilisi, Georgia. (Health Ministry of Georgia/Handout via Xinhua) China hopes that relevant media and politicians will respect the facts and the opinions of the Chilean government and people, refrain from misleading the public, and make concrete contributions to promoting the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries rather than the opposite, the newspaper cited Wang as saying. BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Some Western media's allegations against the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines lack scientific basis and distort the facts, Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao reported on Tuesday, citing the Chinese Foreign Ministry. In response to a question about a recent New York Times report which questioned the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines in Chile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that such allegations were nothing but a distortion of facts and sensational accusations. "The Chilean government has stated on many occasions that facts show that the Sinovac vaccine is safe and effective. Chilean medical experts believe that had there not been mass vaccination supported by the Chinese vaccine, the consequences would have been catastrophic," Wang said. Even Chilean netizens agree that the criticisms against the Chinese vaccine were motivated by bias, and that Sinovac's vaccine has worked well in Chile, he added. China hopes that relevant media and politicians will respect the facts and the opinions of the Chilean government and people, refrain from misleading the public, and make concrete contributions to promoting the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in developing countries rather than the opposite, the newspaper cited Wang as saying. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Highlights of foreign congratulatory messages on CPC's 100th founding anniversary (28) Xinhua) 09:02, July 01, 2021 Fireworks are seen above the National Stadium in Beijing, capital of China, on the evening of June 28, 2021. (Xinhua/Peng Ziyang) BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Political parties, political leaders and friendly individuals in other countries have extended warm congratulations on the upcoming 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In messages addressed to General Secretary Xi Jinping of the CPC Central Committee or to the CPC Central Committee, they spoke highly of the CPC's glorious history and great achievements, and conveyed their hope to work with the CPC to build a better world. The following is an edited summary of some of these messages. Maithripala Sirisena, chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and former Sri Lankan president, said that the CPC has been consistent with the people-centered development philosophy, exercised strong leadership, and made remarkable achievements in national governance as well as economic and social development. Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also known as Prachanda, chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) and former prime minister, said General Secretary Xi is a great Marxist statesman, who has guided the Chinese people in their efforts to cast off absolute poverty. The Belt and Road Initiative and the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind put forward by Xi have made great contributions to promoting world peace and development and to boosting global progress, Prachanda added. George Papandreou, president of the Socialist International and former prime minister of Greece, said the Socialist International is ready to work with the CPC to deal with global challenges and jointly build a better world. An art performance titled "The Great Journey" is held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the National Stadium in Beijing, capital of China, on the evening of June 28, 2021. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen) Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), said that the CPC has led the Chinese people to successfully cast off extreme poverty, establish an ever-improving medical and education system and world-class infrastructure, and achieve comprehensive economic and social development. Ahmed Majdalani, secretary general of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, said that the CPC has guided China to create "two miracles" of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, and promoted high-level prosperity and progress in China. The CPC has also made great efforts for world peace and development, as well as for progress of human civilization, he noted. Sidi Mohamed Ould Taleb Amar, president of Mauritania's Union for the Republic, said the CPC led by General Secretary Xi has sticked to its original aspiration and mission, led the country in achieving historic achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and embarked on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country. The CPC supports world peace and development, and attaches great importance to safeguarding the interests of all humankind, which has been fully demonstrated in its solidarity with and support to countries around the world in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Amar added. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) China eradicates malaria in 'miracle,' shows system's advantages and may offer ideas for COVID-19 (Global Times) 15:23, July 01, 2021 Photo taken on May 20, 2021 shows the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua/Chen Junxia) China was officially recognized as malaria-free by the World Health Organization on Wednesday after a 70-year effort. The WHO hailed this as a "notable feat" and a hard-earned success after decades of targeted and sustained action. The milestone, which saw China go from 30 million cases of the mosquito-borne disease annually in the 1940s to zero cases now, was a miracle for a country with 1.4 billion people, and it highlighted the strong advantages of China's political system and enlightened the world with solutions to address other major infectious diseases including COVID-19, Chinese experts said. "China's tireless effort to achieve this important milestone demonstrates how strong political commitment and strengthening national health systems can result in eliminating a disease that once was a major public health problem," said Takeshi Kasai, regional director of the WHO's Western Pacific Regional Office. Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told reporters on Wednesday that the elimination of malaria is a notable feat of China's health endeavor and another major achievement in China's human rights cause, following the elimination of absolute poverty. It is also a major contribution made by China to the world human rights progress, Wang said. On Wednesday, Chinese netizens swarmed social media to hail this great achievement, and they called it a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The topic had garnered nearly 300 million views as of press time on Sina Weibo. Gao Qi, Chair of National Malaria Experts Group and member of WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee, told the Global Times on Wednesday that it is a historic miracle to eradicate malaria in a country with 1.4 billion people that reported 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s. China has seen no locally transmitted cases of malaria since 2017, warranting the malaria-free credential by the WHO. "The miracle wouldn't be achieved without China's strong political system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. China started to draw up practical annual and phased plans to control and eradicate malaria in 1956. Strong leadership ensured those plans were well delivered and implemented at each level of government, and each task was assigned to every individual grass-roots worker," Gao said. Wang Peiyu, a deputy head of Peking University's School of Public Health, told the Global Times the milestone is another major public health problem that China overcame after smallpox, achieved through strong governance, professional medical workers and advanced technologies. China's efforts against malaria started in the 1950s, when the disease was rampant in the southern parts of the country that lie close to other hotspots in mainland Southeast Asia. Over the past two decades, China ramped up its efforts and reduced the number of cases in the 1990s from 117,000 to 5,000 annually by providing staff training, laboratory equipment, medicines and new methods to control mosquito propagation, the Xinhua News Agency reported. The CPC and the Chinese government have always prioritized safeguarding public health and safety. To protect public health, the Chinese government has adopted effective measures, Wang said, highlighting China's efforts in protecting human rights. China's strong capabilities against major infectious disease are reflected from the elimination of malaria to the combat against COVID-19. Whether eliminating malaria or fighting against the coronavirus, China has adopted a national plan that coordinates the efforts of every level of government and involves wide community participation. When one patient is found, the country will deploy resources to track the patient down, and detect and control the sources of infection, before the disease has a chance to spread on a broader scale, Gao said. The "1-3-7" strategy that was first brought up by Gao - one day to report a case, three days to confirm a case and seven days to prevent further spread - was one of the tools of success, and it is still used for travelers coming from malaria-infected countries. China's eradication of malaria was driven by the goal of eradicating the disease set by the WHO. It is the universal goal that makes China to end the infectious disease possible. As for COVID-19, the complete end of the disease is not promising across the globe, because there is no universal goal to do so when some countries are only busy in politicizing the issue, Gao said, calling for a unified global target to address the infectious disease. As long as there is one country with COVID-19 patients that doesn't take effective measures against it, the pandemic won't end, he said. China's experience in addressing malaria offers options for other countries. China will continue to strengthen cooperation for malaria eradication with African countries as well as work with neighboring countries, including Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos, using its abundant expertise and experience in malaria control and elimination, Wang told the Global Times. Tu Youyou discovered a substance called artemisinin, which can be used to treat malaria. She tested the new drug on herself to accelerate its development, and won the 2015 Nobel Prize for her achievement. Artemisinin-based combination therapies that were developed by Chinese scientists, led by Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou, are the primary anti-malarial therapies promoted by the WHO and the most important global weapons against malaria. Apart from medicines, many Chinese companies also develop and supply a wide range of effective anti-malarial products, including mosquito nets, to African countries, Xinhua reported. To help malaria-stricken African countries eradicate the infectious disease, Gao said China aims to draw up more systemic plans to help by dispatching teams of medical workers. Domestically, the risk of imported cases of malaria remains a key concern, so the country has stepped up malaria surveillance and established mechanisms of combating the mosquito-borne disease, according to Gao. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Hongyu) PD Editorial: A hundred years of glory created, an eternal cause to build (People's Daily App) 15:48, July 01, 2021 The past century has witnessed many hardships and achievements. At this important moment when the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way starts smoothly, we usher in the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Standing at this critical historical juncture, looking back at the past winding road, overlooking the road ahead of struggles, we are full of excitement, passion and pride. The past century from 1921 to 2021 saw brilliant achievements. From the groundbreaking founding of the Party, the world-changing founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the earth-shaking reform and opening-up, to the Partys and countrys historic changes and achievements since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the CPC has remained true to our original aspiration and mission, united and led the people to create achievements in development which surprised the world, and written a great legend in the history of human development. Socialist China has been standing tall in the East of the world, and the Chinese nation has made a great leap: it has stood up, grown rich and become strong. The past century from 1921 to 2021 saw eventful years. From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, from a small red boat to a giant ship, the CPC has gone through hard and glorious years, experienced ever-changing eras, and headed for a bright and magnificent future. The CPC has developed into the worlds largest Marxist ruling party with more than 95 million members. It has governed the worlds largest socialist country for more than 70 years and received the broadest support from more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. The past century from 1921 to 2021 saw ups and downs. The CPC has striven to seek happiness for the Chinese people and promote the cause of human progress. The CPC has adhered to the global aspiration of seeking great unity for the world, upheld the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, and actively promoted the construction of a community of shared future for mankind, and has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order, contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the problems of humanity, and making outstanding contributions to the cause of human civilization and progress. As the CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping said, The history of our Party is the most heartwarming chapter in the history of modern China. The people created the CPC through exploration and struggle. The CPC then united and led the people to create new glorious achievements for the time-honored Chinese civilization. In the course of its century-long struggle, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people to blaze a great trail, make great achievements, forge a great spirit, accumulate valuable experience and create an impressive miracle in the history of the development of the Chinese nation and the progress of human society. This is a magnificent epic of hardship. No party in the world has endured so many hardships, experienced so many tests of life and death, and made so many painful sacrifices as ours. Over the past 100 years, in the face of various difficulties and challenges, our Party has braved strong enemies and danger, and dared to struggle and to win. The CPC has united and led the people in surmounting one seemingly insurmountable difficulty after another, and won one seemingly impossible great victory after another. After one hundred years of struggle, we have achieved the broadest peoples democracy in a country with a history of thousands of years of feudalism, and the people have truly become the masters of their country, society and their own destiny. We have achieved a miracle of rapid economic and social development from a starting point of complete poverty. In just a few decades, we have completed an industrialization process that took developed countries hundreds of years to complete, becoming the world's second largest economy with significantly increased overall national strength, scientific and technological strength, national defense strength, cultural influence and international influence. The Chinese people are now living a moderately prosperous life in all respects. The time when people lacked food and clothing has gone. China has completely shaken off absolute poverty and become the country with the largest middle-income population in the world. China has created a miracle of long-term social stability, maintained social harmony and stability, and allowed its people live and work in peace and contentment. China has been recognized by the international community as one of the most secure countries. Today, unprecedented changes have taken place in the Party, the country, the people, the military, and the Chinese nation. No force can shake the status of our great motherland, and no force can stop the Chinese people and nation from marching forward. This is a glorious history of implementing the Party's original aspiration and mission. From the moment the Party stepped onto the political stage in China, it has unswervingly sought happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. Since then, the Chinese people have changed their mentality from passivity to taking initiative, and the Chinese nation has embarked on a difficult but irreversible course toward great rejuvenation. Over the past 100 years, no matter how the situation and tasks changed, no matter what storms we encountered, our Party has always seized the historical initiative, anchored its goals, and moved firmly in the right direction. The people are the country. Our Party fights for and guards the country to win the people's hearts and make the people live a better life. No matter how great challenge and pressure we face, no matter how much sacrifice and what costs we pay, we will never waver in this principle. After one hundred years of struggle, our Party, relying on the people, has made great historical achievements, ushered in the bright prospect of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and led hundreds of millions of people to create a happier life. Reviewing the Party's history, the fundamental reason why our Party could gradually grow from such a small and weak beginning, defeat despair in heavy storms again and again, and continuously overcome challenges, is that no matter in good times or bad times, our Party has always remained true to the aspiration of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, advanced unswervingly toward its goal, and won the wholehearted respect and firm support of the people,General Secretary Xi Jinping said. After one hundred years of vicissitudes, Chinese Communists are still keeping the Partys original aspiration and mission firmly in mind, and fighting ahead on a new great journey. This is the great course of promoting the localization, modernization and popularization of Marxism. In the most critical moments of modern times, Chinese Communists turned to Marxism-Leninism. Adapting the theories to Chinas actual conditions, Chinese Communists invigorated the great civilization created by the nation over thousands of years with the power of the truths of Marxism. The Chinese civilization again shined with tremendous spiritual strength. One hundred years on, Marxism has profoundly changed China, while China has also greatly enriched Marxism. The CPC upholds the unity of emancipating the mind and seeking truth, as well as the unity of the consolidation of tradition and innovation, and has constantly opened new horizons for Marxism. The CPC has established Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, all of which provide scientific theoretical guidance for the development of the Partys and peoples cause. The history of the CPC is one that continuously adapts Marxism to the Chinese context and unremittingly promotes innovation and the creation of theories. Marxism has been rejuvenated in todays China, its vitality being demonstrated with increasingly powerful and convincing strength. This is a grand adventure of laying foundations and opening up the future. Chinese Communists have been endeavoring without any hesitation and strong persistence to achieve national independence, the peoples liberation and wellbeing, and the prosperity of the country. The Party led people to complete the New Democratic Revolution and found the People's Republic of China within 30 years of its formation. Since then, the Chinese nation has stood up. After the socialist revolution, the Party led people to carry out reform and opening-up for four decades. China has secured a great historic achievement for fully building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and a decisive victory in poverty eradication, realizing its first centenary goal. Looking ahead, China will basically realize its aim of socialist modernization by 2035 and become a great modern socialist country by the mid-21st century. Now, it is time to embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Party and all Chinese people will unswervingly advance toward fully building a modern socialist country. The CPCs 100 years are the century when Chinese people have fundamentally changed their destiny, when the Chinese nation stepped toward great rejuvenation, and when China has made outstanding contributions to the development of all of humanity. The glorious journey of Chinese people under the CPCs leadership is written with blood, sweat and tears. It is full of hardship and resplendence, struggle and victory, dedication and gain. And it is a splendid chapter in the history of the Chinese nation's development. The victory by the Chinese people under the CPCs leadership has endowed vitality to the Chinese civilization in its modernization process, to scientific socialism in the 21st century, and to the Chinese nation. It is a pragmatic foundation for the Chinese people to carry forward its cause and forge ahead into the future. Practice has proven that the CPC is the Chinese nations backbone. Only the CPC can lead China. Only socialism can save China. Only reform and opening-up can foster the development of China, socialism and Marxism. And only the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics can make China strong, thriving and prosperous, and guide it to achieve the great rejuvenation of the nation. The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. China is at a pivotal period of realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation. The CPC is leading the people to march forward amid great struggles with many new historical features, such as swift changes; the weighty mission of reform, development and stability; numerous conflicts and risks; and unprecedented tests of the Partys governance. We are well-aware that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has a bright future but is also hard-earned. We face both opportunities and challenges. Standing at the intersection of the two centennial goals and looking back and ahead, time and momentum are on Chinas side. This is where our composure, determination and confidence come from. Building a comprehensively well-off society and achieving its first centenary goal is a milepost in the history of the struggle of the CPC, the history of the development of New China and the history of Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping said, adding at the same time, we must realize that this is only a step toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must not be arrogant and complacent. We must continue to be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, continue to work hard and forge ahead, and strive hard to achieve the second centennial goal and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and continue to make new and greater contributions to the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind. We must adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, strengthen our belief in Marxism and communism, enhance our belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhance our confidence in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, stay true to our original aspirations, maintain our strategic determination, enhance our sense of hardship, maintain the spirit of struggle, mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized, unite all forces that can be united, cultivate opportunities in crisis, open up new opportunities amid a changing situation, do our best to do our own work well, stand on the right side of history, and persevere in marching towards the second centennial goal. With soberness and firmness, we can answer the challenges of the new era, and fight for the eternal wellbeing of the Chinese nation in accordance with the general trend of the world. The road ahead is long, and striving is the only way forward. We have strived, broken through brambles and thorns, and crossed ten thousand rivers and thousands of mountains. We will continue to strive, march ahead with courage, and create brighter glory! The CPC bears its eternal great cause in mind, and the centenary only ushers in the prime of life. The Party will remain invincible as long as it stands at the forefront of the times; leads the charge in overcoming difficulties and challenges, and takes root among the people. On the new great journey, the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups must rally closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core; strengthen the Party's consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, and follow the leadership core and keep in alignment; thoroughly implement key decisions and policies made by the CPC Central Committee; strengthen the Party's confidence in its path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; uphold General Secretary Xi Jinpings core position in the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Party Central Committees authority and its centralized, unified leadership; take advantage of trends and forge ahead in a pioneering spirit; strive for the goal of achieving the second centenary goals; and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Web editor: Guo Wenrui, Hongyu) South Africa reviewing data of Chinese, Russian vaccines for registration Xinhua) 22:32, July 01, 2021 CAPE TOWN, July 1 (Xinhua) -- South Africa's national health products regulator is reviewing the data relating to Chinese and Russian COVID-19 vaccines including Sinovac, Sinopharm and Sputnik for registration, a necessary procedure before they can be procured, a health official has said. Deputy Director General for National Department of Health, Anban Pillay, also told the parliament's Portfolio Committee on Health that the Delta variant first detected in India has become the dominant variant in many countries around the world, including South Africa, the parliament said in a statement released here on Thursday. He also said the health ministry aims to flatten the curve of transmission of the virus, reduce hospitalization and reduce the rate of mortality through the current lockdown. As of June 30, South Africa has administered 3,026,636 vaccines in total, including 120,172 administered in the past 24 hours. Following the first phase for healthcare workers only, the current second phase inoculations started with persons aged 60 years and above and are opening up to the over 50-year-old people and people in the active economy. Registration for those aged 50 and above, who were excluded in the second phase initially, will open from Thursday and they will get the chance to receive vaccines from July 15, acting Health Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane announced last Friday. The nation that has the highest national tally of 1,973,972 cases in Africa expects to immunize over 40 million people through the three phases of vaccination. (Web editor: Guo Wenrui, Du Mingming) While waiting for the commemorative model Breguet plans to release this fall, it is worth recalling that the brand at the pinnacle of the Swatch Group pyramid has never ceased to perpetuate this tradition, reinforced by 21st century technology. Last year in particular, the stunning Double Tourbillon Quai de lHorloge from the Classique collection delighted collectors, while the Marine line evokes the triple historical expertise of the brand founder expressed through a more contemporary, slimmer and more efficient interpretation. Intrinsically linked to the tourbillon, Breguet also offers a reminder through this model that its inventor was appointed official watchmaker to the French Royal Navy, and that sophisticated horological complications such as the perpetual calendar and the equation of time hold no secrets for the venerable brand, which unite them here. Marine Tourbillon Equation Marchante 5887 Breguet Derived from the ultra-thin self-winding Caliber 581 equipped with a tourbillon, this movement features an optimized design incorporating recent innovations such as a titanium carriage with a peripheral gear wheel driving its rotation, as well as a silicon balance and escape-wheel. Similarly, Breguets designers have achieved a one-quarter reduction in the barrel thickness by cutting a groove around the drum and holding it in place by means of three externally placed bearings. Connoisseurs will recognize the function of the hand tipped with a sun, indicating the minutes of solar time (different from the minutes of civil time driven by the main gear train) thanks to differential gearing and a cam on a sapphire disk performing one revolution in a year, followed by a feeler that provides the value of the equation of time. As for the anchor-tipped hand, it provides a retrograde date display. So as to improve the legibility of all these indications, Breguet completes the perpetual calendar indications by apertures showing the day and month, which are unique in its collections. The power reserve is discreetly shown on an arc-shaped gauge at 8 oclock. All this information is easily readable on the attractive anthracite dial featuring white and gold contrasts, above which the majestic tourbillon appears to be floating in mid-air. Marine Tourbillon Equation Marchante 5887 Breguet A whirlwind summer On WorldTempus this summer, were getting swept up in the horological phenomenon that turns 220 this June. The father of modern horology, 18th century watchmaker Abraham-Louis Breguet, observed that there might be a mechanical way to resolve all chronometric errors created by imperfectly poised regulators. By enclosing the regulating organ in a rotating cage, he would obtain one net error value for the regulator, in all its possible vertical positions over the period of one cage rotation. He could then make one single compensatory correction to the regulator and theoretically reduce the final error to zero. Marine Tourbillon Equation Marchante 5887 Breguet He named his invention the tourbillon. Abraham-Louis Breguet received a patent for the tourbillon on 26 June 1801, and WorldTempus is celebrating the 220th anniversary of his remarkable invention with a series of articles and videos that explores this endlessly fascinating mechanism. How do you identify a tourbillon? What are the most common misunderstandings about it? What lies behind its hypnotic dance? How does it even work? Join us on WorldTempus this summer to discover all this and more. As a World Tempus reader, we are delighted to offer you the latest digital version of this GMT magazine that you can download here. Happy reading! Members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) review the oath of the CPC when visiting the site of the Second Plenary Session of the 7th CPC Central Committee in Xibaipo, north China's Hebei Province, June 20, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua] The Communist Party of China (CPC) has 95.148 million members as of June 5, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee announced on Wednesday. Membership was 3.5 percent up from the figure reported at the end of 2019, and approximately 20 times more than the figure in 1949 when the People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded, the department said in a report ahead of the CPC's centenary on July 1. In 1921 when it was founded, the CPC had more than 50 members. About 2.31 million people joined the CPC in the first half of this year, the statement added. "The continuous increase of members has shown the strong vitality of the Party and the prosperity of the Party's cause," the statement said. The number of primary-level Party organizations has increased from 195,000 when the PRC was founded to 4.86 million, an increase of about 24 times, according to the statement. Optimized composition The composition of Party membership has continuously improved, featuring a rising number of young members, higher education level, and steady growth in the proportion of female members and those from ethnic minority groups, according to the report. Nearly 23.68 million Party members, or 24.9 percent of the total membership, were aged 35 or younger, 0.7 percentage point higher than the rate at the end of 2019, with 52 percent of the Party members holding junior college degrees or above. As of June 5, the CPC had 27.45 million female members, accounting for 28.8 percent of the total membership, compared with merely 11.9 percent in the early days of New China. Meanwhile, the proportion of members from ethnic minority groups has grown from 2.5 percent to 7.5 percent. The total number of Party members from ethnic minority groups has reached 7.135 million, with each of the 55 ethnic minority groups in China having a certain number of Party members. Workers and peasants remain the majority of the CPC members, accounting for 33.9 percent of the total membership, with their total number currently 11.6 times the figure in 1949, data from the report shows. Among the CPC members, 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises, public institutions and social organizations, while 15 million are professional and technical personnel, making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively. All the neighborhood offices in urban areas, townships, communities and administrative villages have established primary-level Party organizations, according to the report. The crucial role of local Party organizations and the exemplary role of Party members have been given full play, the statement noted. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012, a total of 255,000 resident work teams have been sent to impoverished villages and more than 3 million people have been dispatched to serve as first secretaries and village officials to boost poverty eradication efforts on the front lines. More than 3.3 million primary-level Party organizations and 39 million Party members have been mobilized to assist the fight against COVID-19. On June 30, the Environmental Monitoring Center of Anhui released the air quality ranking of the province's 16 prefecture-level cities (January to May 2021), with Huangshan coming at top and Huainan at bottom. During these months, the province's average composite air quality index (composite AQI) was 4.30, and the average proportion of "good" and "moderate" air quality (AQI value 0~100) days was 85.2%. According to the monitoring data, Huangshan, Xuancheng and Chizhou are ranked the top three cities in terms of air quality, among which Huangshan had the best air quality, with a composite AQI of 2.77, a year-on-year change rate of -3.1%, and a proportion of "good" days of 99.3%. Huainan, Fuyang and Suzhou are ranked the bottom three, among which Huainan is ranked the last place with a composite AQI of 4.88, a year-on-year change rate of 0.2%, and a proportion of "good" and "moderate" days of 76.8%. Regarding the change rate of composite AQI, 10 cities went greater than 0, including Chizhou, Lu 'an, Wuhu, Hefei, Tongling, Maanshan, Chuzhou, Bengbu, Suzhou and Huainan, while the other 6 cities went below 0, indicating that the air quality was better than the same period last year. Bozhou saw the biggest improvement, with -7.5 percent. MOSCOW, June 30 (Xinhua) -- While the West blasts China for what it allegedly does in Xinjiang, it remains "conspicuously quiet" as more unmarked graves have been found at indigenous schools in Canada, British writer Tom Fowdy has said in a recent article run by RT. "The hypocrisy (of the West) is breathtaking and blatant," Fowdy said in the op-ed titled "The silence on Canada's indigenous deaths shame shows there are double standards on global human rights." The irony is that if these graves had been found in China, with such explicit evidence, it would have been universally decried by all the usual countries as a "crime against humanity" or even "genocide," the article said. Fowdy, who is a political and international relations analyst with a primary focus on East Asia, said the dominance of the Anglosphere is a reminder that international justice is not uniform, and exists in two tiers. "The largest and most notorious offenders of human rights historically are given a waiver for their sins, but nonetheless use human rights as an argument to advance their own ambitions towards other countries, often disingenuously or via a means of projection," he wrote. With the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the foreign military students graduated from the PLA Army Logistic University sent greetings to the 100th birthday of the CPC by videos and commemorative pictures, expressing their sincere admirations for the great feats and successful experience of the CPC in leading the Chinese people to make brilliant achievements of standing up, getting rich and becoming strong. Justice Party lawmaker Ryu Ho-jeong on Wednesday campaigned for Korea finally to legalize tattoos by posing in a purple dress that revealed her lightly tattooed back. Ryu led a motion to legalize tattoo businesses last week and sported the dress in a press conference in front of the National Assembly. In fact it was only a sticktoo. But finding some sort of rapprochement between the princes is crucial to the monarchy as Britain's royal family seeks to appeal to a younger generation and a more diverse population. People shouldn't expect a quick resolution of the conflict because the two men are fighting over core beliefs, says Robert Lacey, a historian and author of "Battle of Brothers: William, Harry and the Inside Story of a Family in Tumult.'' William is defending the monarchy, and Harry is defending his wife. It's a matter of love versus duty, with William standing for duty and the concept of the monarchy as he sees it," Lacey said. "And then from Harry's point of view, love, loyalty to his wife. He is standing by her. These are very deeply rooted differences, so it would be facile to think that there can just be a click of the fingers." Royal watchers will be looking closely for any signs of a truce -- or deepening rift -- on Thursday when William and Harry unveil a statue of their mother, Princess Diana, on what would have been her 60th birthday. The event in the Sunken Garden at London's Kensington Palace will be their second public meeting since Harry and Meghan stepped away from royal duties over a year ago. But those links are now painfully strained as William sits in London defending the royal family from allegations of racism and insensitivity made by Harry and his wife, Meghan, from their new home in Southern California. Princes William and Harry grew up together, supported each other after their mother's untimely death and worked side by side as they began their royal duties -- two brothers seemingly bonded for life by blood, tradition and tragedy. When Harry married Meghan just over three years ago, it seemed as if they would be central figures in that next chapter of the royal story. The Fab Four -- William and his wife, Kate, together with Harry and Meghan -- were seen as a cadre of youth and vigor that would take the monarchy forward after the tumultuous 1990s and early 2000s, when divorce, Princess Diana's death, and Prince Charles' controversial second marriage to Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, cast doubt on the future of the institution. Meghan, a biracial former TV star from Los Angeles, was expected to be an important part of that effort, with Black and Asian commentators saying that for the first time there was a member of the royal family who looked like them. But the words "Fab Four" were quickly replaced in tabloid headlines by "Royal Rift." First, their joint royal office was dissolved. Then, Harry stepped away from royal duties and moved his family to North America in search of a more peaceful life. William pressed on with royal tasks, including goodwill events like accompanying his grandmother to Scotland this week to tour a soft drink factory. The relationship was further strained in March when Harry and Meghan gave an interview to U.S. talk show host Oprah Winfrey. Harry confirmed rumors that he and his brother had been growing apart, saying "the relationship is 'space' at the moment" -- though he added that "time heals all things, hopefully." Harry also told Winfrey that his father, Prince Charles, didn't accept his calls for a time. And then came the real shocker. The couple revealed that before the birth of their first child, an unidentified member of the royal family had expressed concern about how dark his skin might be. Days after the broadcast, William responded, telling reporters that his was "very much not a racist family." But whatever their disagreements, out of respect for their mother, William and Harry won't put their differences on display during the statue ceremony, said historian Ed Owens, author of "The Family Firm: Monarchy, Mass Media and the British Public 1932-1953," which examines the royal family's public relations strategy. "We're not going to see any acrimony or animosity between the brothers on Thursday,'' Owens said. "I think reconciliation is a long way off, but nevertheless these are expert performers. Harry and William have been doing this job for long enough now that they know that they've got to put, if you like, occasional private grievances aside for the sake of getting on with the job." Lacey believes William and Harry will ultimately reconcile because it is in both of their interests to do so. Harry and Meghan need to repair relations to protect the aura of royalty that has allowed them to sign the lucrative contracts with Netflix and Spotify that are funding their life in California, Lacey said. If they don't, they risk becoming irrelevant like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who were shunned by the royal family after the duke gave up the throne in the 1930s to marry an American divorcee. His brother, Queen Elizabeth II's father, then became king. "It's very appealing, particularly in America, the idea that they rebelled against this stuffy old British institution," Lacey said. "But there's a point they can't go too far, and they're approaching that point." "On William's side, it is impossible to go on ostracizing, boycotting the only members of the royal family who are of mixed race in a multiracial world of diversity," he added. The critical moment may be next year, when the queen celebrates her platinum jubilee, marking 70 years on the throne. Under normal circumstances for these big occasions, the queen would want the whole family together on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, where the royals have traditionally gathered to wave to the public. "Who's going to be on the balcony at Buckingham Palace?" Lacey asked. "That family grouping has surely got to include Meghan and Harry and their two children, Archie and Lili, alongside their cousins, the children of William and Kate." This week's celebrations focus on two distinct eras -- the early struggles and recent achievements -- glossing over the nearly three decades under Mao from the 1950s to 1970s, when mostly disastrous social and economic policies left millions dead and the country impoverished. To that end, a spectacular outdoor gala attended by Xi in Beijing on Monday night relived the Long March of the 1930s -- a retreat to Yan'an that has become of party lore -- before moving on to singing men holding giant wrenches and women with bushels of wheat. But it also focused on the present, with representations of special forces climbing a mountain and medical workers battling COVID-19 in protective gear. "By linking the party to all of China's accomplishments of the past century, and none of its failures, Xi is trying to bolster support for his vision, his right to lead the party and the party's right to govern the country," said Elizabeth Economy, a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Dug into earthen cliffs, the primitive homes where Mao and his followers lived are now tourist sites for the party faithful and schoolteachers encouraged to spread the word. The cave-like rooms feel far removed from Beijing, the modern capital where national festivities are being held, and the skyscrapers of Shenzhen and other high-tech centers on the coast that are more readily associated with today's China. Yet in marking its centenary, the Communist Party is using this past -- selectively -- to try to ensure its future and that of Xi, who may be eyeing, as Mao did, ruling for life. In the build-up to the July 1 anniversary, Xi and the party have exhorted its members and the nation to remember the early days of struggle in the hills of the inland city of Yan'an, where Mao Zedong established himself as party leader in the 1930s. For China's Communist Party, celebrating its 100th birthday on Thursday is not just about glorifying its past. It's also about cementing its future and that of its leader, Chinese President Xi Jinping. The party has long invoked its history to justify its right to rule, said Joseph Fewsmith, a professor of Chinese politics at Boston University. Shoring up its legitimacy is critical since the party has run China single-handedly for more than 70 years -- through the chaotic years under Mao, through the collapse of the Soviet Union and through the unexpected adoption of market-style reforms that over time have built an economic powerhouse, though millions remain in poverty. Many Western policymakers and analysts believed that capitalism would transform China into a democracy as its people prospered, following the pattern of former dictatorships such as South Korea and Taiwan. The Communist Party has confounded that thinking, taking a decisive turn against democracy when it cracked down on large-scale protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989 and quashing any challenges to single-party rule in the ensuing decades -- most recently all but extinguishing dissent in Hong Kong after anti-government protests shook the city in 2019. Its leaders have learned the lesson of the Soviet Union, where the communists lost power after opening the door to pluralism, said Zhang Shiyi of the Institute of Party History and Literature. Instead, China's newfound wealth gave the party the means to build a high-speed rail network and other infrastructure to modernize at home and project power abroad with a strong military and a space program that has landed on the moon and Mars. China is still a middle-income country, but its very size makes it the world's second-largest economy and puts it on a trajectory to rival the U.S. as a superpower. In the meantime, it has doubled down on its repressive tactics, stamping out dissent from critics of its policies and pushing the assimilation of ethnic minorities seeking to preserve their customs and language in areas such as Tibet and the heavily Muslim Xinjiang region. While it is difficult to gauge public support for the party, it has likely been boosted at least in some quarters by China's relative success at controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and its standing up to criticism from the United States and others. "We have never been so confident about our future," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told journalists on a recent trip to the party's historic sites in Yan'an. Tiananmen Square, where Mao proclaimed the founding of communist China in 1949, is no longer a home for student protesters with democratic dreams. On Thursday, the plaza in the center of Beijing will host the nation's major celebration of party rule. While most details remain under wraps, authorities have said that Xi will give an important speech. The anniversary marks a meeting of about a dozen people in Shanghai in 1921 that is considered the first congress of the Chinese Communist Party -- though it actually started in late July. The festivities will likely convey the message that the party has brought China this far, and that it alone can lift the nation to greatness -- arguing in essence that it must remain in power. Xi also appears to be considering a third five-year term that would start in 2022, after the party scrapped term limits. The centennial is at once a benchmark to measure how far the country has come and a moment for Xi and the party to move toward their goals for 2049, which would mark the 100th year of communist rule, said Alexander Huang, a professor at Tamkang University in Taiwan. By then, Xi has said, the aim is basic prosperity for the entire population and for China to be a global leader with national strength and international influence. "Whether they can achieve that goal is the biggest challenge for the Chinese leadership today," he said, noting growing tensions with other countries, an aging population and a young generation that, as elsewhere, is rejecting the grueling rat race for the traditional markers of success. Still, the party's ability to evolve and rule for so long, albeit in part by suppressing dissent, suggests it may remain in control well into its second century. The party insists it has no intention of exporting its model to other countries, but if China continues to rise, it could well challenge the western democratic model that won the Cold War and has dominated the post-World War II era. "In the United States, you only talk, talk, talk," said Hua of the Foreign Ministry. "You try to win votes. But after four years, the other people can overthrow your policies. How can you ensure the people's living standards, that their demands can be satisfied?" Justice Party lawmaker Ryu Ho-jeong is on a crusade to overturn Korea's decades-old tattoo ban. In the course of her campaign she has come across many curiosities, not least the discovery that her arch-conservative elderly colleague Hong Joon-pyo has had his eyebrows tattooed. More surprising still is that the person most likely to have a tattoo is your auntie. A survey of 5,030 people by pollster Tillion Pro showed Koreans in their 60s are the biggest customers of tattoo services. One 61-year-old housewife had her eyebrows and eyelids tattooed. "I realized how old I looked after turning 60," Lee said. "I'm happy to hear my friends tell me my eyebrows and eyelids look fuller after I got them tattooed and I can save time putting on makeup too." To be fair, that is not quite the same as having a mermaid inked on your arm or a Celtic pattern in the small of your back. Among respondents, those in their 20s mostly had tattoos on their arms and legs, while over half of those in their 50s and 60s had their eyebrows and eyelids tattooed for cosmetic reasons. Lee admits she does not think of herself as tattooed in the same way a sailor or hipster might. "I would have thought I got some sort of cosmetic procedure, and I didn't know it was illegal," she said. New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today Thunderstorms. High around 85F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low 73F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. ROUND THE CLOCK DEDICATION - Schools Superintendent Dr. John Doherty (above) met with the School Committee yesterday to ratify three union contracts. The rare Wednesday morning meeting came on Dohertys last official day of work before his retirement. You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close Carla Reeves, an employment lawyer at Goulston & Storrs in Boston, has been named an Employment Law Trailblazer by The National Law Journal for her visionary work helping companies across the country improve their corporate cultures and eliminate barriers to inclusion in the workplace. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. BOISE Parts of south-central Idaho will move to stage one fire restrictions on July 2. The Bureau of Land Management and Idaho Department of Lands said the restrictions will help decrease the chance of preventable fires. This order applies to certain federal, state, endowment and private forest lands in Blaine, Camas and Custer counties. More specifically, zone one, also called Sawtooth North. This includes lands north of U.S. Highway 20 to the top of the Sawtooth National Forest boundary and from Hill City east to the Craters of the Moon National Monument Park Visitor Center, according to a press release. The Sawtooth National Forest announced Tuesday it is also moving to stage one fire restrictions on July 2. All Sawtooth National Forest now in stage one fire restrictions Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute These restrictions prevent igniting, burning, maintaining, attending or using a fire. Exceptions are made for fires within in permanent metal or concrete fire rings or on private lands within an owner-provided structure. Additional exceptions include fires fueled by liquid petroleum and all land within a city boundary. Smoking is prohibited unless done in an enclosed vehicle, building or in an area at least three feet in diameter that does not contain any flammable materials. If you are planning to visit public lands in these areas, you can check with the Twin Falls District BLM or Idaho Department of Lands for the most updated information. Watch now: BLM Firefighters train A federal judge has halted the enforcement of a new Indiana statute mandating doctors tell patients pill-induced abortions possibly can be "reversed." U.S. District Court Judge J.P. Hanlon issued a preliminary injunction Wednesday against a provision of House Enrolled Act 1577, mere hours before it was to take effect, after the Valparaiso University Law School graduate concluded the law likely is an unconstitutional infringement on the right to free speech. In a 34-page order, Hanlon determined there's no basis for the state to require doctors tell patients there is "some evidence" a pill-induced abortion can be "reversed," because none of the limited medical studies of the "reversal" procedure show it alone was responsible for pregnancies continuing after patients took the first of two doses of the abortion pill. "The medical studies in the record do not justify that statement because those studies do not support causation," said Hanlon, who was appointed to the bench in 2018 by Republican President Donald Trump. Hanlon said the U.S. Supreme Court allows states to require doctors tell women considering an abortion "truthful and not misleading" information about the procedure as part of the informed consent process. But he said high court precedent "does not allow a state to compel abortion providers to recite anything the state chooses." In this case, Hanlon said requiring doctors tell patients there is "some evidence" supporting abortion "reversal" when there is not is speech compelled by the government and that runs afoul of the First Amendment. "Because the evidence in the record does not show that the required disclosure is 'truthful and not misleading,' it is not a reasonable regulation of the practice of medicine ...," Hanlon said. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita, a Munster native, said he's reviewing the ruling with an eye toward next steps. Rokita is likely to appeal Hanlon's decision to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, which repeatedly has affirmed lower court decisions striking down Indiana abortion restrictions enacted by Republican Indiana governors and legislators over the past decade. WATCH NOW: Riding Shotgun with NWI Cops Patrolling Lowell with Cpl. Aaron Crawford The statute was challenged by a coalition of abortion rights organizations that have succeeded in blocking the enforcement of similar abortion "reversal" advisories required by laws enacted in North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee. "Today was a big win for people across Indiana because access to accurate and honest information about abortion prevailed. This law is meant to shame and confuse patients seeking access to a safe, legal medical procedure," said Chris Charbonneau, CEO of Indiana's Planned Parenthood affiliate. "The bottom line is abortion is still legal in Indiana, and we must do everything within our power to protect access to reproductive health care. The courts made the right decision and further protected our patients' ability to trust that we are providing them with scientific and evidence-based medical information." All-Options v. Rokita ruling of U.S. District Court Get to know these new Indiana laws enacted in 2021 The woman who served as first lady of Indiana from 1969 to 1973 alongside Republican Gov. Ed Whitcomb has died. Patricia "Pat" Whitcomb died June 27 in Seymour, Indiana, according to an announcement by her family. She was 91. The St. Louis native met the future governor while she was working as a model at an Indianapolis department store after graduating from Ward Belmont College in Nashville, Tennessee. She helped her husband build his law career, his political base, and was responsible for getting his first book published all while raising five children. WATCH NOW: Riding Shotgun with NWI Cops Patrolling Lowell with Cpl. Aaron Crawford Before, during and after Ed's single term as Indiana's chief executive he and Pat traveled to all 92 Indiana counties and countries around the world. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute To ensure she could engage with people everywhere she went, Pat learned courtesy phrases in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Tagalog and German. Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb described Pat as a first lady who served Hoosiers "with honor and grace." "I loved that she learned how to greet people in many different languages so she could communicate with the world, as she loved meeting new people from all corners always defining our signature 'Hoosier Hospitality,'" Holcomb said. "Janet and I extend our condolences to the Whitcomb family." Holcomb has ordered all flags in the state to fly at half-staff in Whitcomb's memory until sunset July 12. Get to know these new Indiana laws enacted in 2021 A Gary man sentenced to death for murdering his wife and two stepchildren in 2007 has exhausted his state court options for overturning his conviction and death sentence, and must now seek relief in federal court if he is to stay alive. On Wednesday, the Indiana Supreme Court unanimously rejected a petition for post-conviction relief filed by Kevin Isom, 55, who claimed his lawyers failed to properly represent him both during his trial at the Lake Superior Court and in his direct appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court. In a 46-page ruling, Justice Geoffrey Slaughter, a Crown Point native, scrutinized each and every instance where Isom alleged ineffective assistance of counsel, including jury selection, jury instruction, sentencing, and competency, among others. Ultimately, Slaughter and the state's high court agreed with Lake Superior Judge Samuel Cappas that there was no basis to grant Isom relief on his post-conviction claims. Court records do not yet list an updated execution date for Isom. He currently is incarcerated at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City. If he challenges his conviction, or Indiana's method of execution, in federal court, it potentially could be years before Isom is at risk of being killed by lethal injection. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute State records show 19 people have been executed at the Indiana State Prison since 1995. WATCH NOW: Riding Shotgun with NWI Cops Patrolling Lowell with Cpl. Aaron Crawford The most recent state execution took place Dec. 11, 2009 in Michigan City, though 13 people were executed between July 2020 and January 2021 at the federal death chamber in Terre Haute, Indiana. Isom was convicted in 2013 of three counts of murder for shooting to death Cassandra Isom, 40, Michael Moore, 16, and Ci'Andria Cole, 13, at the family home in the 5700 block of Hemlock Ave. in Gary's Miller neighborhood. Isom v. State ruling of Indiana Supreme Court (2021) Get to know these new Indiana laws enacted in 2021 Press Release July 1, 2021 De Lima calls ICC probe on gov'ts drug war an 'extraordinary remedy' Opposition Senator Leila M. de Lima has called the International Criminal Court's (ICC) full-blown investigation of the thousands of killings under the Duterte regime's drug war an "extraordinary remedy," which she said is possible in the case of the Philippines where domestic justice system can no longer be expected to provide a genuine solution to end impunity and prevent further acts of injustice. In a lecture presented by Dean Tony La Vina on De Lima's behalf during the webinar entitled "Duterte's Crimes Against Humanity: Rendering Justice Through ICC" last June 28, De Lima said the most heinous offenses are the ones that usually go unpunished, especially when it is the very same officials who are in charge of protecting the people that are committing acts of violence against them with impunity. "Ideally, domestic problems of extrajudicial killings should be resolved domestically, employing our domestic constitutional and legal remedies of criminal investigation and prosecution," she said. "In such cases, when the 'ideal scenario' fails to manifest itself in reality, there remains an international forum under which justice can be achieved if and when domestic remedies fail to provide a genuine solution. The ICC provides such a forum," De Lima added. Then ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced last June 14 that she has sought permission for a full-blown investigation to follow The Office of The Prosecutor's (OTP) preliminary examination into the allegations against Duterte and others involved in the current administration's drug war, committed from July 1, 2016 to March 16, 2019, or prior to Duterte's withdrawal of the country from the Rome Statute. In its Preliminary Examination Report to the Pre-trial Chamber of the ICC to request authorization to proceed with the investigation of Philippine case, De Lima recalled that the OTP said there was a "failure to take steps to investigate or prosecute" EJKs in the drug war, aside from Duterte promising immunity for the perpetrators. In March 2018, it may be recalled that Duterte ordered the withdrawal of the Philippines from the Rome Statute, the treaty that created the ICC, and while the withdrawal was formalized on March 17, 2019, Bensouda proceeded with her probe. Under article 53(1) (a)-(c) of the Statute, it is stated that the OTP shall conduct a preliminary examination in order to "determine whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into the situation" by considering factors that are not limited to jurisdiction, interests of justice, but also of complementarity. "Complementarity consists of an examination of the existence of genuine relevant national proceedings in relation to the potential cases being considered for investigation by the Office, bearing in mind the Office's prosecutorial strategy of investigating and prosecuting those most responsible for the most serious crimes," she explained. "The requirement of complementarity is not satisfied where the state party is able to show that it has taken genuine steps to: (1) End impunity; (2) Encourage genuine national proceedings; and (3) Prevent the further commission of the crime," she said. "The OTP was never in a rush to find the existence of complementarity and proceed with their own investigation. In fact, it gave the Philippine government ample opportunity to resolve the crimes under our own system of domestic remedies." "Unfortunately, at each and every turn, the Duterte Administration sought to defeat our own legal system from genuinely ending impunity or enforcing accountability, and preventing state actors from perpetrating further atrocities," she added. The 2019 Report of the OTP on the government's drug war noted that "a limited number of investigations and prosecutions have been initiated (and, in some cases, completed) at the national level in respect of direct perpetrators of certain criminal conduct that allegedly took place in the context of, or connection to" the drug war. It may be recalled that De Lima, for her part, submitted a communication to the ICC on October 9, 2017, meant to supplement the earlier filed communications of the late Atty. Jude Sabio, former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, and former Rep. Gary Alejano. The said ICC Communication discussed, among others, "the failure of the justice system to prosecute Duterte" which consisted of sub-topics such as the demonization and attempt to defund the CHR by the Duterte regime and the failure of the Ombudsman to fulfill its mandate to investigate and file an impeachment complaint against Duterte. Press Release July 1, 2021 Drilon warns: 2022 nat'l budget can be used to fuel presidential ambitions Amid concerns that it would be used for presidential election in 2022, Senate Minority Leader Franklin M. Drilon asked the help of the Filipino people to guard the 2022 national budget and vowed to shave the excess fat in the final budget of the Duterte administration. "I must put a warning: everyone should watch out because next year is an election year," Drilon said Thursday. "The most important piece of legislation in the coming Congress is the budget. The budget is a major instrument for the recovery of our economy. Therefore, next year will be very critical in terms of the budget, because, first, 2022 is an election year, and, second, next year is critical for our economic recovery," Drilon stressed. "We have to make sure the money collected from the taxes are spent properly and not for election purposes," he added. The Senate chief fiscalizer appealed to economic managers not to let those who will try to use the budget to fuel their political ambitions. "I hope that our economic managers will not get influenced by political whims that will dictate on the allocation of very limited resources next year," he said. Aside from being an election year, Drilon underscored that 2022 will be critical for the country's recovery from the effects of the pandemic. "We have a very limited resource. Putting the resources in the right places is critical in our recovery from the pandemic. We need resources because of the pandemic. The economy suffered. A lot are unemployed. A lot are hungry. Our economy shrunk. All of these are because of the mismanagement of COVID-19 pandemic," Drilon reiterated. Drilon said the people must watch out for excess fats in the budget, citing, for instance, the allocation for the anti-insurgency campaign which he previously tagged as "Malacanang's pork barrel." Drilon had earlier warned that the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) would propose an increase in their budget next year, and vowed to oppose it "tooth and nail." "This is the kind of excess fat that can be cut. We must shave the excess fat in the budget and devote it to resources that are needed like funding the ayuda or social amelioration program," he said. To me, the anti-insurgency fund is totally unnecessary. Pork barrel lang iyon. We can devote it to 4Ps or the ayuda which is totally unfunded," he added. Press Release July 1, 2021 Drilon reiterates appeal to DOF: Repeal or suspend erroneous BIR order raising tax on private schools In anticipation of the incoming school year and airing fears that private schools who are already badly battered by the effects of the pandemic might be forced to pass on to the students the burden of paying for the exorbitant income tax, Senate Minority Leader Franklin M. Drilon underscored the urgency for the Department of Finance (DOF) to immediately repeal or suspend the implementation of the erroneous Bureau of Internal Revenue Regulation 5-2021 raising to 25-percent their income tax. Drilon suggested that the Senate pass a resolution expressing the legislative intent of the Senate when it passed the CREATE Law and rejecting the patently erroneous interpretation of tax regime governing educational institutions. He said the resolution should accompany Senate Bill 2272, filed by Sen. Sonny Angara, which seeks to clarify that the qualifier "non-profit" under Section 27(B) of the National Revenue Code only applies to hospitals and not to proprietary educational institutions. "We did not amend the coverage of educational institutions. The BIR regulation ruled and interpreted it otherwise and redefined what is an educational institution for purposes of tax regime. That is totally an uncalled-for interpretation," Drilon said during the Committee on Ways and Means hearing Wednesday. "The way the BIR interprets what we passed is entirely wrong. We support this amendment and we are confident that SB 2272 which clarifies the tax on educational institutions will be passed," Drilon said in an interview. Drilon added the BIR order will continue to be the "sword of Damocles" hanging over private schools during the world's most uncertain times brought about by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. "Should the committee file a report favorably endorsing this bill, I would strongly suggest that a resolution which will put on record the legislative intent of the Senate as expressed during the plenary deliberations of the CREATE bill, accompany the Committee Report. Drilon added, "What we will do is clarify the wording of the law. Let me stress that this is not an amendatory law, we are merely clarifying the erroneous interpretation. With more reason that the BIR and DOF should suspend the Revenue Regulation." "It is reasonable to ask for suspension of BIR Revenue Regulation 5-2021 until we can correct this erroneous interpretation through a law. The Senate is not in session and we can only discuss this on the floor next month. The schools are already suffering from the pandemic. They have to decide by the opening of the school year how to handle this. There is urgency in this." Drilon said. Press Release July 1, 2021 "3.4M KIDS UNDERNOURISHED" HONTIVEROS: INVESTING IN FIRST 1000 DAYS OF A CHILD'S LIFE SPELLS SOCIAL, ECONOMIC SUCCESS Senator Risa Hontiveros is calling on the government to invest more in nourishing Filipino children during their first 1000 days of life, especially amid the pandemic. The senator says focusing more resources on the "crucial nutritional window" is an opportunity to end intergenerational malnutrition and undernutrition. According to a World Bank study, for every $1 invested in nutrition specific interventions, this could lead to a potential return of $44. "Investing on a child's first 1000 days is actually a life-long investment. Kahit nasa sinapupunan pa lang ni mommy, nagsisimula nang mabuo ang kinabukasan ng isang baby. Kapag well-nourished ang bata sa unang 1000 araw, mas mababa ang risk niya sa pagkakasakit. Kapag malusog ang sanggol, paglaki nya, mas mataas ang nararating nya sa pag-aaral, at, kalaunan, mas mataas ang sweldo kapag nagtatrabaho na," the senator said. The statement comes in time for Nutrition Month, which has the national theme, "Malnutrisyon Patuloy na Labanan, First 1000 Days Tutukan!" Hontiveros sponsored and co-authored Republic Act 11148 or the 'Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act', which emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition during the first two years of a child's life. The National Nutrition Council (NNC) estimates that at least 30.3% of kids below five years old are stunted or small for their age, which translates to 3.4 million children who have chronic or recurrent undernutrition. The senator, however, laments that the NNC, which is the country's primary policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition, was given only P488 million in the 2021 budget. While this is higher than the P461M allotted in 2019, the amount is still insufficient for the nutrition programs needed to stamp out malnutrition and undernutrition in the country. "Recently, the World Bank put the Philippines on notice, dahil, for nearly 30 years, patuloy pa ring nasasadlak ang mga bata sa gutom at paghihirap. Naipapasa tuloy nila ang undernutrition sa mga susunod na henerasyon. This is why we cannot continue missing the unique window of opportunity presented to us by the first 1000 days of a child's life," she said. A 2017 report from UNICEF had previously estimated that the total cost to the Philippine economy brought by childhood undernutrition was around $1.4B or 1.5% of the country's GDP. Hontiveros then called on all government agencies to protect a child's right to nutrition, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, the country ranks fifth in the region with the highest prevalence of stunting and is among the top 10 countries globally with the highest number of stunted children, according to UNICEF. "Dapat siguraduhin ng DOH at DSWD na nai-implement ang maternal health, nutrition, at social welfare programs sa ilalim ng batas. The magnitude of future social and economic losses because of undernutrition should be enough reason for the government to start spending more on our children's nutrition in the first 1000 days. Hindi naibabalik ang panahon," Hontiveros concluded. Press Release July 1, 2021 TRANSCRIPT OF SENATOR RISA HONTIVEROS' INTERVIEW ANC Headstart with Karen Davila Q: My first question is, What do you think of Bayanihan 2 expiring. It's now expired, and they claim there was still P9 Billion left in Bayanihan 2, if those figures are correct. SRH: Yes, Karen, and good morning. I know there was a coalition of tens of civil society organizations na nag-signature campaign pa nga sila, ultimately kay Presidente, pero pati sa Kongreso, na i-extend daw ni Presidente yung validity of the Bayanihan 2 funds, as we, in Congress, already did from last year to end of middle of this year, yesterday, kasi gusto nga nila na hindi maputol yung funding, especially for COVID-19 and recession responses this year and nanawagan sila sa amin na magpasa, in fact, ng Bayanihan 3. Unfortunately, the President did not act on this appeal. At ngayon we're on the eve of once again opening our budget debates, where I do agree with them, top of our duties will be to pass a COVID- and recession-responsive budget for 2022. Pero na i-consider din namin ng seryoso ang pagpasa ng isang Bayanihan 3 para totoong hindi maputol.. para hindi masayang ang pondong 'yun. In fact, dapat talaga gastusin at ngayon para sa ating kalusugan at ating ekonomiya. Q: Senator Manny Pacquiao accused the DOH as one of the most corrupt agencies and Secretary Duque just read the utilization rate of Bayanihan 1 and 2. Are you satisfied with the performance of the health department? SRH: Not satisfied, Karen. In fact, that's part of my pending resolution, requesting the Commission on Audit to conduct a special audit of our COVID-19 expenses, doon palang sa Bayanihan 1. I've been calling for the Executive, Malacanang, to pick up yung kalahating taon nang naputol na weekly reports dapat sa ating mamamayan, sa Kongreso, of again, their COVID-19 expenses. And of course the DOH is front and center of what should be that spending for our health response. I'm not at all satisfied with the performance so far of the DOH, not in terms of performance on the ground, and not in terms of reporting to the people. Paano ginagastos ang bawat piso natin para sa kalusugan? Q: So you feel there is a lack of transparency? SRH: There is a lack of transparency or cuts on the transparent communication to the public. Because why is the last Malancang weekly report way, way back in January, more than half a year ago? Bakit hindi parin nagkakaroon nga ng COA special audit? Of course, they're not an Executive body, they're a Constitutional body, but why hasn't there been action towards a special audit on DOH and all the other agencies moving under or within the IATF? Q: Bloomberg came out with a study and ranks the Philippines 52nd out of 53 economies, so 2nd to the last, in terms of resiliency ranking with the COVID programs and you heard Secretary Duque, he said it's unfair, it's skewed towards countries who have a lot of supply of vaccine and he went as far as saying, 'I'm pissed with this report.' So what do you make of that Bloomberg report? SRH: I think, Karen, ang dapat talagang ma-piss-off ay hindi yung Health Secretary, pero yung ating mga mamamayan, not with the Bloomberg report, because it's just the latest reflection of the truth on the ground. Ang talagang nakakabwisit, nakakadismaya sa mamamayan is the very poor health response and twinning that, the poor economic response. Unfair ba ang Bloomberg report? Mas unfair na this health and economic response has been so poor in protecting our people from the worst effects of COVID-19, and of the recession. Skewed daw towards vaccination administration? But my gosh, yung vaccination is already the fifth in our set of life-saving responses to the COVID pandemic. Last year pa dapat nag-proprocure na tayo or nag-sisignify ng intention to procure, in addition to what we would be receiving through COVAX. Yung unang apat na steps nga, Karen, test, trace, isolate or quarantine and treat, hanggang ngayon we haven't come up to speed with that and vaccination is just already the fifth step. Sisisihin pa ba natin ang Bloomberg? Hey, they're just doing their duty as a very dispassionate, hard-nosed economic publication and monitor. Rather than getting mad at Bloomberg, we should step up. Kasi hindi naman Bloomberg, ang ika nga nag-drop ng ball. I'm sorry, it was the health department, under the leadership of the good Secretary, that has been dropping the ball so far. Q: On another issue, you have been calling for a National Day for the West Philippine Sea. Let's talk briefly about this and how important is this, you feel? SRH: It is so important. The West Philippine Sea alone is so important in terms of marine and energy resources for our country. And that victory at the Hague in 2016, it signaled that the world, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, recognizes and with the Philippines, upholds our national sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea vis-a-vis that regional giant, China. I felt Karen, it was time, through the Senate resolution, to call for a special day and other activities na i-marka talaga sa kalooban ng bawat Pilipino itong tagumpay natin. Q: And so the next generations will know.. They will not lose memory of the victory. SRH: They will not lose memory. In the face of this wave of disinformation and misinformation about our victory in terms of the West Philippine Sea, at para din, Karen, magunita ng bawat Pilipino na, in the face again of all the dis- and misinformation, it was the late President Noy, who is the father of our victory at the Hague, in terms of the West Philippine Sea. He is a true patriot at dapat maggunita natin, taon-taon, July 12, itong tagumpay natin tungkol sa West Philippine Sea, at na si PNoy ang ama niyan. Q: I'm curious. Are you seeing that passed within this administration? SRH: A resolution is always seeking a consensus and I hope that my colleagues in the Senate will see the political and the moral import of this. At syempre, pagdating na ng isang batas sa desk ng Pangulo, he will have to assess the merits of this law. And if and when he signs it into law, makinig din siya sa sentimiento ng karamihan ng mga mamamayan, finally, it will signal his loyalty to the Philippines, and not to China. Q: My last question is the 2022 elections. You have senior members of the party, someone like Senator Drilon, already saying he'll retire and just wait for a post. Vice President Leni Robredo, who is unsure of running. Where do you see yourself in 2022? I'm assuming of course you will seek reelection. SRH: Yes, I'll be seeking reelection to the Senate, again carrying my certificate of candidacy from Akbayan party, my party. And even now, looking back on the past two years na mga one-on-one talks among different parties and even different individuals, seeing itong recent na pagsulpot ng initiative ng 1Sambayan, looking forward in the next several months to many more talks among different formations, parties, individuals. Q: Do you feel disheartened, somewhat? SRH: I have no right to feel disheartened. I feel all the more yung tungkulin ko bilang isang, hindi lang politiko, bilang isang aktibista to hope, and to contribute that hope actively into towards how I see myself also in the next months. Gusto kong maging bahagi ng isang united front, isang mas malawak na pagkakaisa, not just among us usual suspects in the opposition, but a broader unity among Filipinos lahat tayo na kahit hindi oposisyon, basta na gusto ng isang ibang klase at mas mabuting administrasyon. And you know, Karen, speaking about recent results of focused group discussions, karamihan ng mga mamamayan natin actually hindi pa iniisip talaga ang eleksyon because of the pressure of the pandemic and the recession. Tingin ko, ang hinahanap talaga ng mga tao is for government to give solutions, lalo tungkol sa kabuhayan at syempre pati sa kalusugan. And that's what I hope a broader unity of us Filipinos, in a united front, will be presenting now, in the next months, at sa susunod na eleksyon. Doon sana tayo magkaisa lahat, o karamihan. Press Release July 1, 2021 Las Pinas 'steady fight' vs Covid-19-Senator Villar ONE year and three months since President Rodrigo Duterte imposed "quarantine" in the country to contain Covid-19, Las Pinas City has efficiently and effectively put up a "a steady fight" to win the battle against the current health crisis. Through the collective efforts and systematic approach launched by its local and national officials, the city has been coping up well with the coronavirus and its variants, according to Senator Cynthia Villar. To date, Las Pinas has also started giving jabs to essential workers in city who belong to the A4 priority list in adherence to the national government's protocols. The following initiatives have been implemented in Las Pinas to address the Covid-19 pandemic, return to normalcy and reinvigorate the economy. *RT-PCR testing To help in the government ramp up COVID-19 testing, particularly for the residents of Las Pinas and others in the south of Metro Manila, Sen. Villar exerted earnest efforts since March 2020 to capacitate the Las Pinas General Hospital and Satellite Trauma Center (LPGHSTC) to operate its own COVID-19 testing laboratory. Senator Villar and her family immediately donated to LPGHSTC essential RT-PCR testing laboratory equipment like biological freezer, biological refrigerator, autoclave sterilizer, passbox and ventilator. They also provided assistance for the renovation or retrofitting of the area assigned as a COVID testing laboratory to conform with the standards approved by the DOH and World Health Organization. In coordination with DPWH Secretary Mark Villar, the San Miguel Foundation likewise donated RT-PCR equipment to the hospital. At present , the COVID-19 testing lab of LPGHSTC, the DOH-operated hospital in Brgy. Pulanglupa Uno, serves Covid-19 patients in Las Pinas City and nearby residents in the south. This enhanced the country's testing capacity and recovery rate for the new coronavirus disease. The Villar family has also been donating portable handwashing stations, PPEs, face masks and field shields. *Contact tracing Intensified contact tracing continuous in Las Pinas to limit the spread of COVID among its residents. This began since the initial stage of the pandemic in March 2020 and continuous until this date. Just last month, the local government hired an additional contact tracers under the TUPAD (Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers) Program, to further contain the increase of the virus in the city. *Quarantine facilities To support the government's capacity and responsiveness to the needs of COVID-19 patients, DPWH Sec. Villar construct a 27 container vans-turned 96- bed quarantine/isolation facility for Las Pinas. Senator Villar noted that the new quarantine/isofacility augmented the existing healthcare facilities in Las Pinas. She said this is a huge help in controlling the spread of Covid-19 affected persons in the city. Three buildings built by Villar family were also donated for the hospital extension facilities, temporary housing for healthcare workers and/or quarantine facility. The said buildings are the Las Pinas Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Vice Mayors' League of the Philippines (VMLP) and the Provincial Board Members' League (PBML) buildings - all located in Barangay Daniel Fajardo, Las Pinas City. At LPDATRC, LIGTAS-1 Center quarantine facility operates that can accommodate up to 100 COVID-19 patients. The accommodation, food and water, essential medicines, and the monitoring by health professionals are given for free in these quarantine facilities. *Increased in Bed Capacity LPGHSTC Las Pinas General Hospital and Satellite Trauma Center (LPGHSTC) increased its bed capacity from 200 to 500 beds with P644M Budget through the legislation authored by Senator Cynthia Villar in the Senate and Congw.Camille Villar in the House of Representatives. The Legislation became a law in November 2020 through R.A. 11497. The increase in bed capacity commensurate the upgrade in professional health care services and facilities that can accommodate more patients and provide necessary hospital services. *Modular Hospital The Department of Public works and highways (DPWH) Secretary Mark Villar expands their healthcare infrastructure in Las Pinas by constructing modular facility in Las Pinas General Hospital with 36 bed capacity. The modular hospitals is more extensive than the isolation facilities according to Secretary Villar. It provide more amenities like nurse call button, negative pressure,oxygens and other additional equipment to treat COVID *Vaccination rollout Stressing this is our 'best defense' against the virus, Senator Villar has been repeatedly calling Las Pineros and everyone to receive their Covid-19 shots for the country to finally be able to move to the new normal of living and to recover from economic slump amid the pandemic. She encouraged everyone to be inoculated regardless of the vaccine brand, citing the assurance given by our health officials and the government that they are safe and effective. To help accelerate the vaccination program in Las Pinas, the Villar family has offered for free the family owned "The Tent" as another vaccination site located at Global Vista South. The Villar Tent, is the biggest and newest vaccination facility in the south part of Metro Manila that can accommodate more than 2,000 recipients of Copvid-19 vaccines daily. *House and Lot Raffle for vaccinated adult To further entice Las Pinas residents to get their jab, Rep. Camille Villar announced the Villar family would raffle off a house and lot, motorcycles, and other packages for those vaccinated against COVID-19 this coming December. Representative Villar however stressed no government funds will be spent for raffle, called "May Bahay sa Bakuna: Bakunado Ka Na, May Bahay Ka Pa" program. The city government put up screening sites in the city's 20 barangays for the listing down of those to be prioritized to receive the vaccines, and designated 18 vaccination sites during the mass vaccination program as follows: 1. Almanza Uno 2. TS Cruz Covered Court 3. Village Square Mall 4. CAA Elementary School 5. Golden Acres Covered Court 6. SM Southmall 7. San Antonio Covered Court 8. Bambusetum Covered Court 9. Robinson Place 10. Las Pinas Doctors Hospital 11. Verdant covered court 12. Pamplonas Uno Elementary School Central 13. Las Pinas Elementary School Central 14. Gatchalian Covered Court 15. SM Center 16. University of Pertual Help Data 17. Ls Pinas General Hospital & Satellite Trauma Center 18. The Villar Tent In what was, so far, the best baseball game of the week, the Jaguars pulled their 33rd win out of the fire and salvaged a gem of a start from their star pitcher. Member of the European Parliament representing the Czech Republic, Katerina Konecna has taken a swipe at Europe and the U.S for interfering in internal affairs of Syria, Iraq and Libya, state-run Syrian news agency SANA reports. Konecna took aim at the U.S and its allies in Europe in an interview with the Parliamentary Papers website. The Czech politician noted that the U.S. is still trying to play the role of the international policeman, which only leads to a deterioration of the situation in the countries in which it intervenes. She blamed Washington for the political, security and humanitarian situation in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The three countries are facing daunting security, political and socio-economic challenges. The U.S and its European allies invaded Iraq in 2003 on the back of accusation that then leader Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. The country since then is reeling with woes despite the US presence. Syria descended into chaos in 2011. President Bashar Al Assad faced opposition and terror groups financed from outside but managed to turn the tide with Russias support in 2015. The NATO backed in 2011 rebels to overthrow and kill Libyas strongman Muammar Gaddafi over accusation that former Libyan leader massacred his own populations. The country is still fragile and has become the playground of several external powers vying for control of the resources of the oil-rich African country. Earlier, Konecna had confirmed in an article published on EDNIS website that the United States uses cheap and empty slogans to justify its interference in the internal affairs of Syria and a number of countries, while refraining from applying them in other countries to serve its interests, the SANA notes. "Genetic studies may help reduce some of the stigma society has against substance use disorders, while also making treatment more accessible," says Victoria Risner, first author of the new study on nicotine dependence, who did the work as an Emory undergraduate. Some people casually smoke cigarettes for a while and then stop without a problem, while others develop long-term, several packs-per-day habits. A complex mix of environmental, behavioral and genetic factors appear to raise this risk for nicotine dependence. Studies of groups of twins suggest that 40 to 70 percent of the risk factors are heritable. Until recently, however, studies have only explained about 1 percent of the observed variation in liability to nicotine dependence, using a genetic score based on how many cigarettes a person smokes per day. A study led by psychologists at Emory University offers a new model for examining this genetic risk. It leveraged genome wide association studies for a range of different traits and disorders correlated with nicotine dependence and explained 3.6 percent of the variation in nicotine dependence. The journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research published the finding. Higher polygenetic scores for a risk for schizophrenia, depression, neuroticism, self-reported risk-taking, a high body mass index, alcohol use disorder, along with a higher number of cigarettes smoked per day were all indicators of a higher risk for nicotine dependence, the study found. And polygenetic scores associated with higher education attainment lowered the risk for nicotine dependence, the results showed. If you look at the joint effect of all of these characteristics, our model accounts for nearly 4 percent of the variation in nicotine dependence, or nearly four times as much as what we learn when relying solely on a genetic index for the number of cigarettes someone smokes daily, says Rohan Palmer, senior author of the study and assistant professor in Emorys Department of Psychology, where he heads the Behavioral Genetics of Addiction Laboratory. What were finding, Palmer adds, is that to better leverage genetic information, we need to go beyond individual human traits and disorders and think about how risk for different behaviors and traits are interrelated. This broader approach can give us a much better measure for whether someone is at risk for a mental disorder, such as nicotine dependence. All of the traits and diseases we looked at are polygenic, involving multiple genes, adds Victoria Risner, first author of the study, who did the work as an Emory undergraduate majoring in neuroscience and behavioral biology. That means that millions of genetic variants likely go into a complete picture for all of the heritable risks for nicotine dependence. The researchers hope that others will build on their multi-trait, polygenetic model and continue to boost the understanding of the risk for such complex disorders. The more we learn, the closer we can get to one day having a genetic test that clinicians can use to inform their assessment of someones risk for nicotine dependence, Palmer says. Although the hazards of smoking are well established, about 14 percent of Americans report daily use of tobacco. Around 500,000 people die each year in the United States from smoking or exposure to smoke, and another 16 million live with serious illnesses caused by tobacco use, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and pulmonary disease. While the toxic chemicals produced during smoking and vaping are what cause harmful health effects, its the addictive component of nicotine that hooks people on these habits. Risner worked on the current paper for her honors thesis. Nicotine dependence was interesting to me because the vaping scene was just arriving while I was an undergraduate, she says. I saw some of my own friends who were into vaping quickly becoming dependent on it, while some others who were using the same products didnt. I was curious about the genetic underpinnings of this difference. The project leveraged genome-wide association studies for a range of traits and disorders. The researchers then looked for matching variants in genetic data from a national representative sample of Americans diagnosed with nicotine dependence. The results showed how polygenetic scores for the different traits and disorders either raised or lowered the risk for that dependence. The number of cigarettes smoked per day, self-perceived risk-taking and educational attainment were the most robust predictors. The multi-variant, polygenetic model offers a road map for future studies. A clearer picture of heritability for nicotine dependence, for instance, may be gained by adding more risk associations to the model (such as nicotine metabolism) and clusters of polygenic traits (such as anxiety along with neuroticism). As we continue to zero in on who is most at risk for becoming nicotine dependent, and what inter-related factors, whether genetic or environmental, may raise their risk, that could help determine what intervention might work best for an individual, Palmer says. Just a few decades ago, it was not well understood that nicotine dependence could have a genetic component, Risner says. Genetic studies may help reduce some of the stigma society has against substance use disorders, while also making treatment more accessible. Risner graduated from Emory in 2019 and is now in medical school at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This summer, shes applying the coding and analytical skills she learned at Emory to conduct research into genetic factors that may raise the risk for pre-term births. Emory co-authors of the Nicotine & Tobacco Research article include graduate student Lauren Bertin; post-doctoral fellow Chelsie Benca-Bachman; and Alicia Smith, associate professor in the School of Medicine. Additional authors include researchers from the University of Helsinki; Brown University; the Providence VA Medical Center; the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine; Purdue University; and the University of Colorado at Boulder. The work on the Nicotine & Tobacco Research article was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the Academy of Finland. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Home Regional News East Vikalp Sangam protests by Vikalp Sangam Core Group 12/06/2021 We, the Core Group members of Vikalp Sangam (Alternative Confluences), are shocked at the recent developments in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. The actions of the Administrator of the UT, Mr. Praful Khoda Patel, are arbitrary and insensitive, and will have irreversible ecological, social and cultural impacts on the inhabitants of Lakshadweep and the rich and fragile ecosystem in and around the islands. We call for all the recent regressive legal and administrative measures to be withdrawn immediately, Mr. Patel to be recalled with immediate effect, and a widespread process of consultation in the islands be initiated to evolve a development plan that is in keeping with their ecological and cultural ethos. Background Lakshadweep, the smallest union territory (UT) of India is an archipelago of 35 islands in the Arabian Sea; it was declared a UT in 1956. The islands form the tops of a vast undersea mountain range, the Chagos-Lakshadweep Ridge. Only 11 of these islets are inhabited and the population, as per 2011 census is 64,473. They are categorised as scheduled tribes. Kavaratti serves as the capital of the UT and the region comes under the jurisdiction of the Kerala High Court. The Lakshadweep has one District Panchayath and 10 Grama Panchayaths. Main occupations of the people are fisheries and coconut farming. The Islands are historically connected to Kerala, ruled by the Kannur Kingdom for centuries until the British took over in 1903. The people, predominantly Muslim (97%), speak Malayalam which is also the medium of education. Their main connecting points with the mainland are Kochi and Baypore (Kozhikode) with limited operations with Mangalore and Tuticorin. Lakshadweep is a peace-loving territory with one of the lowest crime rates in India. It has very low poverty rate and very low economic disparity. The highly progressive land reforms regulation of 1964 ensured land rights to the peasants. The islands also have unique biodiversity with some of Indias richest coral reefs. Controversial actions of the Administrator The present Administrator is trying to impose a series of reforms that would drastically alter the social, cultural and religious fabric and economic activities of the people of the islands. Development activities in the UT have to be in accordance with the Integrated Islands Management Plan (IIMP), approved by the Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change (MoEF & CC) in 2015. The IIMP, prepared initially by the National Centre for Earth Sciences Studies (NCESS), Thiruvanathapuram, was finalised after incorporating recommendations by the Supreme Court appointed Justice Raveendran Committee. The reforms proposed by the new Administrator are not in tune with the IIMP. The actions of the Administrator seem to be part of a three-pronged strategy pave way for big players in tourism sector, restrict cultural-religious freedom, and cut off links with Kerala. The proposed regulations have been vehemently opposed by the local people as these regulations are a grave threat to their deep cultural and diverse linguistic traditions and history. The majority of the inhabitants are fisher people, who have evolved through centuries as stakeholders of local ecosystems and developed identities fundamentally intertwined with nature. The forced imposition of development will cause social and economic crisis among the community and also lead to cultural erasure. This assault by the current regime is also in line with its well-known hatred for Muslim populations. These plans and regulations, designed to enable large-scale corporate entry into the tourism and hospitality sectors, are not only anti-people, but also anti-environment. The proposed development plans will irreversibly damage marine ecosystems including coral reefs, and speed up the climate crisis. This goes against our national policy regarding Climate Change, and is a violation of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 as well as Indias obligations under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992. The plans for on-shore and off-shore development of Lakshadweep UT for high-end tourism, and to make Kavaratti into a smart city are rightly opposed by local people for failing to take into account acute limiting factors like availability of land, scarcity of fresh water. The measures taken and proposals adopted by the administration are in violation of the Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution. The people of Lakshadweep, with women at the forefront, have been justifiably protesting against these regulations. The draft Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Regulation, 2021, allows the Administrator to unilaterally detain people for up to one year without public notice, and has been brought in with no justification as to its necessity. On the contrary, the UT has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire nation. Moreover, the Indian Navy has a base there in the form of INS Dweeprakshak and the Coast Guard is also present there. They can very well handle any law-and-order issue, if it arises in future. As a matter of fact, contradictorily, alcohol restrictions have been relaxed to support the focus on tourism, in spite of resistance from the community. It seems the PASA regulation is intended at suppressing opposition to the ulterior motives of the administration. The draft Lakshadweep Development Authority Regulation, 2021, concentrates planning powers with the administration, and empowers it to take any piece of land on the islands, irrespective of its ownership, for development purposes, to further tourism expansion. It causes justified concern not only regarding the ecological impact, but also when it comes to the impossibility to provide adequate rehabilitation to the population to be displaced, and compensation for the loss of livelihood through fishing. In 2012, the Central Government had handed over five departments, directly connected to the people Education, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Fisheries and Health Care to the Local Self Governments. A committee headed by S S Meenakshi Sundaram had recommended more powers to the LSGs. However, the Administrator has taken back all these departments from the District Panchayath, through an ordinance dated May 5th, 2021. Another regulation prevents citizens with more than two children from contesting Gram Panchayat elections. The draft Lakshadweep Animal Preservation Regulation, 2021, bans beef, including removing it from mid-day meals of a population that is 97% Muslim and for whom the main source of protein is beef and fish. Violations carry draconian penalties. This is a clear communal attack. Air ambulance was being provided to patients for treatment at the main land (Kochi and surroundings) on the basis of recommendations by medical officers of respective islands. Now this power of the medical officers has been taken back and permission for air ambulance has been centralised and is vested with a committee headed by the health secretary. These plans and regulations have been introduced without public consultation of the small communities of Lakshadweep, and without regard to their social and religious sensibilities, their ways of life and livelihood, their economic well-being, and their environmental and natural resource situation. The administration is trying to block trade links of the islanders with Beypore port in Kozhikode and plan to take it to Mangalore. The Administrator has also, shockingly, relaxed the hitherto mandatory Covid-quarantine for all visitors to the islands. Consequently, after more than a year with no Covid cases, the deliberate sabotaging of containment efforts has led to more than 26 deaths, as well as the arbitrary imprisonment of those resisting such overt suppression. In solidarity with the people of Lakshadweep Vikalp Sangam stands in solidarity with the people of Lakshadweep, in their struggle for social justice and ecological rights. We condemn the attempt of Lakshadweep administration to paint the legitimate concerns of the inhabitants of the islands and of those in solidarity, as misleading propaganda, and demand the following: Withdraw immediately Lakshadweeps Administrator Praful Khoda Patel and replace him by an I.A.S cadre officer as previously done. Suspend the plans for on-shore and off-shore development of Lakshadweep for high-end tourism, and making Kavaratti into a smart city. Conduct social and environmental impact assessments of all proposed development initiatives with transparent public hearings and consultations and involving local people as well as those who have been working for conservation of biodiversity in the region; explore decentralized and regenerative alternatives in participation with the local people privileging the local livelihood needs and the ecosystems. Restore the powers of Local Self Governments with immediate effect. Withdraw, in public interest, the draft Regulations and other measures like relaxing alcohol restrictions, relaxing Covid quarantine, etc. Withdraw the ban on beef and respect the food habits of the local people. Scrap the Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Regulation, 2021. Roll back the move to by-pass the islanders trade links with Baypore and move it to Mangalore; do not tamper with the historical, economic and cultural connect of the islanders with Kerala. Stop the repressive measures and legal action by the UT administration against people rightfully and peacefully protesting these authoritarian measures. We remind the Home Minister of India to keep his promise to consult the people of Lakshadweep, and immediately engage in widespread public consultation processes across the islands on the policy and legal directions they would like to see in the islands. We call upon all concerned citizens, environmental groups, democratic movements to stand by the people of Lakshadweep Islands against this brazen attack on their culture, identity, economy and ecology. Vikalp Sangam Core Group Endorsed by members of Vikalp Sangam Core Group, listed below alphabetically. The Vikalp Sangam process is a platform to bring together movements, groups and individuals working on just, equitable and sustainable pathways to human and ecological well-being. It rejects the current model of development and the structures of inequality and injustice underlying it, and searches for alternatives in practice and vision. Over 70 movements & organisations around the country are involved. For more information: http://www.vikalpsangam.org/about/ ACCORD (Tamil Nadu) Adivasi Lives Matter (national) Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (national) Alternative Law Forum (Bengaluru) Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (Bengaluru) BHASHA (Gujarat) Bhoomi College (Bengaluru) Blue Ribbon Movement (Mumbai) Centre for Education and Documentation (Mumbai) Centre for Environment Education (Gujarat) Centre for Equity Studies (Delhi) CGNetSwara (Chhattisgarh) Chalakudypuzha Samrakshana Samithi / River Research Centre (Kerala) ComMutiny: The Youth Collective (Delhi) Deccan Development Society (Telangana) Deer Park (Himachal Pradesh) Desert Resource Centre (Rajasthan) Development Alternatives (Delhi) Dharamitra (Maharashtra) Ekta Parishad (several states) Ektha (Chennai) EQUATIONS (Bengaluru) Extinction Rebellion India (national) Gene Campaign (Delhi) Goonj (Delhi) Greenpeace India (Bengaluru) Health Swaraaj Samvaad (national) Ideosync (Delhi) Jagori Rural (Himachal Pradesh) Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat (Pune) Kalpavriksh (Maharashtra) Knowledge in Civil Society (national) Kriti Team (Delhi) Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation (Ladakh) Local Futures (Ladakh) Maadhyam (Delhi) Maati (Uttarakhand) Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (national) Mahalir Association for Literacy, Awareness and Rights (MALAR) Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (Rajasthan) Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (national) National Alliance of Peoples Movements (national) National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (national) National Coalition for Natural Farming (national) Nirangal (Tamil Nadu) Non-timber Forest Produce Exchange India (national) North East Slow Food and Agrobiodiversity Society (Meghalaya) Peoples Resource Centre (Delhi) Peoples Science Institute (Uttarakhand) reStore (Chennai) Sahjeevan (Kachchh) Sambhaavnaa (Himachal Pradesh) Samvedana (Maharashtra) Sangama (Bengaluru) Sangat (Delhi) School for Democracy (Rajasthan) School for Rural Development and Environment (Kashmir) Shikshantar (Rajasthan) Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (Ladakh) Sikkim Indigenous Lepcha Womens Association Social Entrepreneurship Association (Tamil Nadu) SOPPECOM (Maharashtra) South Asian Dialogue on Ecological Democracy (Delhi) Students Environmental and Cultural Movement of Ladakh (Ladakh) Thanal (Kerala) Timbaktu Collective (Andhra Pradesh) Titli Trust (Uttarakhand) Tribal Health Initiative (Tamil Nadu) URMUL (Rajasthan) Vrikshamitra (Maharashtra) Watershed Support Services and Activities Network (Andhra Pradesh/Telangana) Youth Alliance (Delhi) Yugma Network (national) Let India Breathe Travellers University Dinesh Abrol Sushma Iyengar Contact persons on behalf of the VSCG: Ravi SP, Chalakudypuzha Samrakshana Samithi, spravi.18 at gmail.com KJ Joy, SOPPECOM, joykjjoy2 at gmail.com Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh, Pune, ashishkothari[at]riseup.net Statement also at: https://vikalpsangam.org/article/statement-and-appeal-on-the-retrograde-moves-in-the-union-territory-of-lakshadweep/ [1] All India Trade Union Congress Press Statement The following statement from AITUC National Secretariat issued to press by Ms Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary, AITUC today on 01st July 2021 All pretensions of the Central Government to stand for democratic principles so soon evaporate, after berating 26th June Emergency! Government promulgates ordinance to ban any strike in the Ordnance Factories!! AITUC demands withdrawal of Draconian ordinance On 30th June, the Central Government promulgated an ordinance banning any strike in the Ordnance Factories. It is known that the Modi government had plans to corporatise the 41 ordnance factories under the Ministry of Defence and 80000 workmen have consistently opposed the move: through appeals, demonstrations and even strikes. The government on its part, only made a show of discussing the question with the Federations of Defence Employees, while actually planning to hand them over to the corporates. The proverbial last straw was when the Central Labour Commissioner, without inviting the three Federations, suddenly closed the conciliation proceedings and submitted a failure report on 15th June and immediately on the next day, the Cabinet of the Central Government approved corporatization of 41 Ordnance Factories. The Defence Employees have been forced to revive their strike notice. AITUC condemns this move of the Central Government most emphatically and stands firmly with the Defence Employees in their resolve to defend this precious asset of the nation (the Ordnance Factories) from being robbed by the agents of the Corporates - the Central Government - in broad daylight. The Defence Employees have no interest in disrupting defence production. In fact they are urging that the national defence production capability be kept free of any obstacles from profit-mongering corporates for the sake of national security. The AITUC demands of the Central Government to shelve their plans to corporatise 41 Ordnance Factories, which, in the long run will jeopardize our national security. AITUC Demands the withdrawal of Draconian ordinance of 30th June. Amarjeet Kaur General Secretary o o [2] Communist Party of India Central Office New Delhi Tele: 011 23235546 e-mail: cpiofindia[at]gmail.com July 01, 2021 Press Release CPI Demands Withdrawal of Essential Defence Services Ordinance 2021 D. RAJA, General Secretary, Communist Party of India issued the following statement today (on July 1, 2021): The National Secretariat of the Communist Party of India severely condemns the draconian Essential Defence Services Ordinance 2021, promulgated by the Modi government to crush the democratic rights of the defence civilian workers. The defence civilian workers have been fighting to save the 41 Indian Ordnance Factories from the ill-conceived policy decision of the government to destroy the same by converting them into seven non-viable corporations. This has been done at a time when the Modi government has already declared that only four public sector units will remain in the strategic sector. Defence is one of the strategic sectors where already eight PSUs are functioning. When the seven Ordnance Factories Corporations will be added to the existing eight DPSUs, it will become 15 DPSUs. Out of the 15, which four will remain with the government is not known. Therefore, the picture is clear that all the seven Ordnance Factories Corporations will become sick, making the path clear for the government for their privatisation and sale. Smelling this danger, the trade unions of defence civilian employees for the past more than one year are fighting to save the Ordnance Factories and 76,000 employees. However, the government has ignored all their proposals and representations. Even conciliation proceedings have been closed abruptly. In such a situation the trade unions have decided to use the last weapon of the strike. The Party notes that it is unfortunate that the Modi government instead of dealing with the dispute under the provisions of ID Act 1947 has chosen the Ordinance route to crush the strike by incorporating draconian provisions like dismissal from service without inquiry, arrest and imprisonment up to two years for calling a strike and participating in a strike. This is draconian and against the legal right of the employees. This Ordinance is also against the various ILO conventions. CPI condemns the draconian EDSO promulgated by the Modi government and urges upon the government to withdraw the same, start negotiations with the trade unions and reach a settlement since the Ordnance Factories are the national assets which cannot be allowed to be closed and sold in the name of corporatisation. S/d (Roykutty) Office Secretary Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's Regular Press Conference on July 1, 2021 2021/07/01 CCTV: According to reports, the World Bank's China Office released a report recently, highlighting improved consumer and business confidence and better labor market conditions in China and projecting China's growth to reach 8.5% this year. What is your comment? Wang Wenbin: The World Bank's report once again shows the international community's confidence in China's economic development. This year, the Chinese economy has continued to recovery steadily, with a consolidating momentum for the better and accelerating pace of opening up. From January to May 2021, China's GDP witnessed continuous and steady growth. The paid-in FDI to China registered 481 billion yuan, up by 35.4% year on year. The non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) was $43.29 billion, up by 2.6% year on year. China's import and export volume reached a record high of 14.76 trillion yuan, giving a strong boost to world economic recovery and growth. As China has entered a new development stage, it is following the new development philosophy and formulating a new development paradigm to advance high-quality development. This will enable the Chinese market to offer more investment and growth opportunities to our cooperation partners. China will follow the vision of openness, cooperation, solidarity and win-win results in firmly expanding all-round opening-up to make the Chinese market a shared market for the world. We welcome all parties to actively integrate into the Chinese market and share China's development opportunities, so as to achieve common development and deliver benefits to the people of all countries. Associated Press of Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has sent a message of felicitation to President Xi on the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He highlighted the CPC's role and sacrifices for China's liberation and its subsequent rise. He also appreciated the CPC's role in nurturing all-weather friendship between Pakistan and China. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: Having received the message of congratulation from Prime Minister Imran Khan, the Chinese side expresses its thanks and appreciation. CPC stands firmly for developing a friendly relation with Pakistan, which is also a consistent position of the Chinese Government. With the efforts of our two leaders and supports of our two peoples, China and Pakistan have become all-weather strategic partners. This year marks the centenary of the founding of CPC, and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan. Over the past seven decades, regardless of the changes in international landscape, China and Pakistan have respected, trusted and supported each other, forged an all-weather friendship, and carried out cooperation in an all-round way. The rock-solid and everlasting friendship between our two countries has become the most precious strategic asset for both of us. On the new journey forward, China will continue to uphold peace, development and win-win cooperation, work for a new type of international relations and the community with a shared future for mankind, boost high quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and provide new opportunities to the rest of the world while developing itself. In this process, China will always take Pakistan as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic ties, China stands ready to work with the Pakistani side to host a series of celebration activities, and elevate China-Pakistan relations to a new level and deliver more benefits to our peoples. Bloomberg News: The Financial Times report said US and Japan have been conducting war games and joint military exercises to prepare for any potential conflict with China over Taiwan. The planning began in the final year of the Trump administration. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? Wang Wenbin: We note relevant reports. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The Chinese government and people's firm resolve and will to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity will not waver in the face of any external pressure. We hope relevant sides will stop hyping up the "China threat" theory and instead do more things in the interest of regional peace and stability. CNR: As the global pandemic situation remains complicated and grave, could you update us on the progress in China's "spring sprout" program overseas to help get Chinese nationals vaccinated? Wang Wenbin: Since COVID-19 broke out, the life and health of each and every Chinese national overseas has always been on the mind of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. Since State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced the launch of the "spring sprout" program at a press conference during the "two sessions", China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas diplomatic and consular missions have helped over 1.7 million overseas Chinese citizens in more than 160 countries to get inoculated with Chinese or foreign-made vaccines, conveying the care of the CPC and the Chinese government to Chinese compatriots all across the world. Going forward, we will stay true to the purpose of serving the people heart and soul, strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant countries, and further expand the scope of the "spring sprout" program on the basis of complying with host country laws and regulations and respecting the will of each individual. We hope to make more progress in this program to ensure that overseas Chinese nationals who should be vaccinated can get the jabs as soon as possible and all those who want to be vaccinated have access to doses. Through such efforts, we hope to build a strong firewall to protect the safety and health of overseas Chinese nationals. ********************************* Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. We would like to wish the great, glorious and correct CPC a very happy birthday! This illustration highlights a newfound small white dwarf, discovered by ZTF, that is 4,300 kilometers across, or roughly the size of Earth's moon, which is 3,500 kilometers across. The two bodies are shown next to each other for size comparison. The hot, young white dwarf is also the most massive white dwarf known, weighing 1.35 times as much as our sun. CREDIT Giuseppe Parisi Astronomers have discovered the smallest and most massive white dwarf ever seen. The smoldering cinder, which formed when two less massive white dwarfs merged, is heavy, "packing a mass greater than that of our Sun into a body about the size of our Moon," says Ilaria Caiazzo, the Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Theoretical Astrophysics at Caltech and lead author of the new study appearing in the July 1 issue of the journal Nature. "It may seem counterintuitive, but smaller white dwarfs happen to be more massive. This is due to the fact that white dwarfs lack the nuclear burning that keep up normal stars against their own self gravity, and their size is instead regulated by quantum mechanics." The discovery was made by the Zwicky Transient Facility, or ZTF, which operates at Caltech's Palomar Observatory; two Hawai'i telescopes - W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawai'i Island and University of Hawai'i Institute for Astronomy's Pan-STARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System) on Haleakala, Maui - helped characterize the dead star, along with the 200-inch Hale Telescope at Palomar, the European Gaia space observatory, and NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. White dwarfs are the collapsed remnants of stars that were once about eight times the mass of our Sun or lighter. Our Sun, for example, after it first puffs up into a red giant in about 5 billion years, will ultimately slough off its outer layers and shrink down into a compact white dwarf. About 97 percent of all stars become white dwarfs. While our Sun is alone in space without a stellar partner, many stars orbit around each other in pairs. The stars grow old together, and if they are both less than eight solar-masses, they will both evolve into white dwarfs. The new discovery provides an example of what can happen after this phase. The pair of white dwarfs, which spiral around each other, lose energy in the form of gravitational waves and ultimately merge. If the dead stars are massive enough, they explode in what is called a type Ia supernova. But if they are below a certain mass threshold, they combine together into a new white dwarf that is heavier than either progenitor star. This process of merging boosts the magnetic field of that star and speeds up its rotation compared to that of the progenitors. Astronomers say that the newfound tiny white dwarf, named ZTF J1901+1458, took the latter route of evolution; its progenitors merged and produced a white dwarf 1.35 times the mass of our Sun. The white dwarf has an extreme magnetic field almost 1 billion times stronger than our Sun's and whips around on its axis at a frenzied pace of one revolution every seven minutes (the zippiest white dwarf known, called EPIC 228939929, rotates every 5.3 minutes). "We caught this very interesting object that wasn't quite massive enough to explode," says Caiazzo. "We are truly probing how massive a white dwarf can be." What's more, Caiazzo and her collaborators think that the merged white dwarf may be massive enough to evolve into a neutron-rich dead star, or neutron star, which typically forms when a star much more massive than our Sun explodes in a supernova. "This is highly speculative, but it's possible that the white dwarf is massive enough to further collapse into a neutron star," says Caiazzo. "It is so massive and dense that, in its core, electrons are being captured by protons in nuclei to form neutrons. Because the pressure from electrons pushes against the force of gravity, keeping the star intact, the core collapses when a large enough number of electrons are removed." If this neutron star formation hypothesis is correct, it may mean that a significant portion of other neutron stars take shape in this way. The newfound object's close proximity (about 130 light-years away) and its young age (about 100 million years old or less) indicate that similar objects may occur more commonly in our galaxy. MAGNETIC AND FAST The white dwarf was first spotted by Caiazzo's colleague Kevin Burdge, a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech, after searching through all-sky images captured by ZTF. This particular white dwarf, when analyzed in combination with data from Gaia, stood out for being very massive and having a rapid rotation. "No one has systematically been able to explore short-timescale astronomical phenomena on this kind of scale until now. The results of these efforts are stunning," says Burdge, who, in 2019, led the team that discovered a pair of white dwarfs zipping around each other every seven minutes. The team then analyzed the spectrum of the star using Keck Observatory's Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS), and that is when Caiazzo was struck by the signatures of a very powerful magnetic field and realized that she and her team had found something "very special," as she says. The strength of the magnetic field together with the seven-minute rotational speed of the object indicated that it was the result of two smaller white dwarfs coalescing into one. Data from Swift, which observes ultraviolet light, helped nail down the size and mass of the white dwarf. With a diameter of 2,670 miles, ZTF J1901+1458 secures the title for the smallest known white dwarf, edging out previous record holders, RE J0317-853 and WD 1832+089, which each have diameters of about 3,100 miles. In the future, Caiazzo hopes to use ZTF to find more white dwarfs like this one, and, in general, to study the population as a whole. "There are so many questions to address, such as what is the rate of white dwarf mergers in the galaxy, and is it enough to explain the number of type Ia supernovae? How is a magnetic field generated in these powerful events, and why is there such diversity in magnetic field strengths among white dwarfs? Finding a large population of white dwarfs born from mergers will help us answer all these questions and more." ### The study, titled "A highly magnetised and rapidly rotating white dwarf as small as the Moon," was funded by the Rose Hills Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, NASA, the Heising-Simons Foundation, the A. F. Morrison Fellowship of the Lick Observatory, the NSF, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. ABOUT LRIS The Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) is a very versatile and ultra-sensitive visible-wavelength imager and spectrograph built at the California Institute of Technology by a team led by Prof. Bev Oke and Prof. Judy Cohen and commissioned in 1993. Since then it has seen two major upgrades to further enhance its capabilities: the addition of a second, blue arm optimized for shorter wavelengths of light and the installation of detectors that are much more sensitive at the longest (red) wavelengths. Each arm is optimized for the wavelengths it covers. This large range of wavelength coverage, combined with the instrument's high sensitivity, allows the study of everything from comets (which have interesting features in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum), to the blue light from star formation, to the red light of very distant objects. LRIS also records the spectra of up to 50 objects simultaneously, especially useful for studies of clusters of galaxies in the most distant reaches, and earliest times, of the universe. LRIS was used in observing distant supernovae by astronomers who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 for research determining that the universe was speeding up in its expansion. ABOUT W. M. KECK OBSERVATORY The W. M. Keck Observatory telescopes are among the most scientifically productive on Earth. The two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes atop Maunakea on the Island of Hawai?i feature a suite of advanced instruments including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectrometers, and world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics systems. Some of the data presented herein were obtained at Keck Observatory, which is a private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very significant cultural role and reverence that the summit of Maunakea has always had within the Native Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. The Cygnus resupply ship will complete its cargo mission to the International Space Station on Tuesday. Several hours later, Russia's ISS Progress 78 (78P) cargo craft will launch on a two-day trip to replenish the Expedition 65 crew. Commander Akihiko Hoshide joined Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet and closed the hatch on the trash-filled Cygnus early Monday morning. Following that, NASA Flight Engineers Shane Kimbrough and Mark Vande Hei installed the Slingshot small satellite deployer on Cygnus' hatch. Cygnus will be released from the Canadarm2 robotic arm at 12:25 p.m. EDT on Tuesday. Once Cygnus reaches a safe distance from the station, the Slingshot will deploy five CubeSats for a variety of research including atmospheric physics as well as software evaluation and development. The 78P cargo craft sits atop its rocket at the Baikonur Cosmodrome launch pad in Kazakhstan. It will launch Tuesday at 7:27 p.m. carrying over 3,600 pounds of food, fuel and supplies for the seven space station residents. Roscosmos Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Pyotr Dubrov spent Monday morning preparing for the arrival of the 78P scheduled on Thursday at 9:03 p.m. The duo practiced telerobotically operated maneuvers to manually dock the ISS Progress 78 to the Poisk module in the unlikely event the Russian cargo craft was unable to automatically dock on its own. NASA TV, on the agency's website and the NASA app, will broadcast all three mission events live. Cygnus departure coverage begins at noon. The ISS Progress 78 launch broadcast starts at 7 p.m. on Tuesday with docking coverage starting Thursday at 8:15 p.m. View the NASA Television schedule here. Despite the cargo craft preparations, there was time for science today aboard the orbiting lab. Kimbrough set up the InSpace-4 physics study that will explore advanced materials and manufacturing techniques. NASA Flight Engineer Megan McArthur studied ways to produce high-quality protein crystals in microgravity to benefit the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries on Earth. On-Orbit Status Report Payloads Behavioral Core Measures (BCM): The crew set up the appropriate robotics hardware and performed the BCM testing. These sessions are nominally planned to be completed once per month, starting two weeks after a crewmember's arrival on ISS. The Standardized Behavioral Measures for Detecting Behavioral Health Risks during Exploration Missions (Behavioral Core Measures, or simply BCM) experiment initially examined a suite of measurements to reliably assess the risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders during long-duration spaceflight, and evaluated the feasibility of those tests within the operational and time constraints of spaceflight for two crewmembers. Subsequent subjects perform a subset of the original activities to measure the performance capabilities of deconditioned crew members to complete either individual or crew telerobotic operations within the first 24 hours after landing. This information could help characterize what tasks a crewmember who has spent months in weightlessness can reasonably be expected to perform after landing on the surface of Mars. ELaboratore Immagini TElevisive - Space 2 (ELITE-S2): The crew removed the ELITE-S2 hardware from its location in Expedite the Processing of Experiments to the Space Station (EXPRESS) rack 4 and prepared it for return to the ground. ELITE-S2 investigated the connection between brain, visualization and motion in the absence of gravity. By recording and analyzing the three-dimensional motion of crewmembers, this study helps engineers apply ergonomics into future spacecraft designs and determines the effects of weightlessness on breathing mechanisms for long-duration missions. This experiment is a cooperative effort with the Italian Space Agency, ASI. ElectroMagnetic Levitator (EML) Valve Configuration: In support of science operations, the crew closed the Helium valve, opened the Argon valves, and opened the sample chamber valve. EML is a multi-user facility that provides containerless melting and solidification of electrically conductive, spherical samples, under ultra-high vacuum and/or high gas-purity conditions. Heating and positioning of the sample is achieved by electromagnetic fields generated by a coil system. The EML supports research in the field of meta-stable states and phases and in the field of measurement of high-accurate thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys in the stable and undercooled state. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4): The crew gathered the appropriate items and set up the InSPACE-4 hardware in the Microgravity Sciences Glovebox (MSG). Unfortunately, the ground was not able to successfully checkout the camera systems needed for the experiment. It's currently believed alternate video cables will resolve the issue and the ground teams will discuss a forward plan. InSPACE-4 studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. Microbial Tracking-3 (MT-3): The crew participated in a conference with the MT-3 payload developer, and then performed surface sample collections per plan. The Quantifying Selection for Pathogenicity and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria and Fungi on the ISS - a Microbial Tracking Study (Microbial Tracking-3 or MT-3) investigation continues a series focused on ongoing monitoring of pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) and antibiotic resistance in potentially disease-causing bacteria and fungi present on the ISS. The investigation aims to identify, analyze, and characterize pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, and genomics to augment the NASA GeneLab with the statistical confidence to characterize microbes associated with closed habitation and predict those that may pose a threat to crew health. Phase II Real-time Protein Crystal Growth on Board the ISS (RTPCG-2) Plate Load 2C1: The crew pipetted and mixed solutions of varying viscosities onto the crystallization plate, and sealed the wells, and transferred the completed plate into Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL) for incubation. RTPCG-2 demonstrates new methods for producing high-quality protein crystals in microgravity. Previous work has shown that microgravity can sometimes produce high-quality protein crystals that can be analyzed to identify possible targets for drugs to treat disease. RTPCG-2 tests high-quality proteins crystals for detailed analysis back on Earth. SlingShot Bracket and Deployer Install: In preparation for the Cygnus departure from ISS, the crew installed and connected the SlingShot hardware to the Cygnus vehicle. SlingShot is a small satellite deployment system that fits inside the Cygnus spacecraft's Passive Common Berthing Mechanism (PCBM). SlingShot can accommodate up to 18 satellites that are deployed post Cygnus unberth. Systems Cygnus Departure Preparations: The crew performed several activities in order to prepare Cygnus Northrup Grumman-15 (NG-15) for departure. The crew de-routed the Intermodular Ventilation (IMV) supply duct from Cygnus, closed the Cygnus hatch, reconfigured Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Controller Panel Assemblies (CPAs), and demated power and data connections in the Cygnus/Node 1 vestibule. Finally, the crew closed the Node 1 Nadir hatch and began depressurization of the Cygnus/Node 1 vestibule. NG-15 release is scheduled for Tuesday, June 29th at 11:15 AM CT. Cargo Dragon Cargo Operations: The crew performed cargo transfer operations for Cargo Dragon SpaceX-22 (SpX-22). There are approximately 11 hours of SpX-22 cargo operations remaining to complete prior to departure. SpX-22 undock is scheduled for July 6th to return cargo and payloads to the ground. Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Loop Scrubs and Iodinates: The crew degassed a newly flown water processing jumper and then initiated water loop scrubs on EMUs 3009 and 3015. Following the water loop scrubs, the crew acquired and tested water samples for conductivity for both units. Finally, the crew performed an Iodination of the EMU cooling loops. EMU loop scrubs and Iodinates are required preventative maintenance needed to remove any chemical and biological contaminants from the EMU transport loop. Alternating Current (AC) Inverter R&R: Today, the Node 2 Wireless Access Point (WAP) went offline prompting the crew to inspect the power configuration. Upon inspection, the crew noted that upstream Node 2 120 Volts Direct Current (VDC) to 120 Volts AC (VAC) Inverter S/N 1001 was receiving power in but not supplying power out through any of its ports. The crew performed an R&R of the suspect AC Inverter S/N 1001 and the downstream loads returned nominally. Completed Task List Activities: None Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Cygnus Departure Preparation Commanding Cygnus-SSRMS Power Apply EMU Loop Scrub Support SDMS Activation Look Ahead Plan Tuesday, June 29 (GMT 180) Payloads: AC Touch BCM test DREAMS ICF Troubleshooting InSPACE-4 Experiment Run Operations 1-2 Microbial Tracking 3 OBiS Bag 1 (21-25) Initiation Phospho-Aging Repository Systems: NG-15 Unberth and Release SpX-22 Cargo Operations EVA Tool Stow and Battery Operations EVA A/L Restow Wednesday, June 30 (GMT 181) Payloads: AC Touch APEX-07 Clean and Dry CAL Hololens C/O DREAMS EML Lens Switch InSPACE-4 Experiment Runs 3-4 OBiS Bag 2 (21-25) Initiation Repository Urine and Blood Collect SideKick Initiation Configuration and Remote C/O Tangolab2 and 4 Cardcube Replace VEG Monitor Analysis Photo Systems: SpX-22 Cargo Operations ROBoT OBT Thursday, July 1 (GMT 182) Payloads: APEX-07 Deactivation CAL Science Module Pack for Return CBEF Measurement Experiment Unit DREAMS InSPACE-4 Run Operations 5-6 Microbial Tracking-3 NanoRacks Mod-9 Operations 4 OBiS Bag 3 (21-25) Initiation Plant Habitat Facility Preparation Repository RTPCG-2 Plate 2C17 Systems: 78P Dock SpX-22 Cargo Operations IMV Flow Measure Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Body Mass Measurement - BMMD Gather Vestibule Outfitting Kit (VOK) Dragon Cargo Transfer MSG Activation SlingShot BPW and Procedure Review Cygnus Cargo Closeout InSPACE-4 Hardware Setup RTPCG-2 Recipe Card Print RTPCG-2 MELFI Vial Retrieve Cygnus Egress Real-time Protein Crystal Growth Maintenance Work Area Preparation EVA Water Processing Jumper Degas EMU Cooling Loop Maintenance Scrub Initiation CBM CPA Rotation and Closeout Remove CBM CPAs InSPACE-4 Hardware Historical Photo Cygnus/Node 1 Vestibule Configuration for Demate - Part 1 SlingShot Hardware Gather Polar Desiccant Swap Microbial Tracking-3 Crew Conference EMU Cooling Loop Maintenance Iodination MT-3 Environmental Sample Collection SlingShot Bracket Installation Assist SlingShot Bracket Installation Glacier Desiccant Swap SlingShot Deployer Install RTPCG-2 Production Plate Load S/N 2C1 MT-3 Sample POLAR Insert Discharge PBA with low pressure USOS Window Shutter Close Node 1 Nadir CBM CPA Installation Relocate Station Support Computer (SSC) 23 in Node 1 support Pressure Management Device (PMD) Cygnus/Node 1 Vestibule Configuration for Demate - Part 2 EMU Cooling Loop Scrub Deconfiguration PMD Equipment Setup and Power and Data connections Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Test ELITE-S2 IMU (Interface Management Unit) Removal and Return N1 Deck hatch MPEV open Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. The uncrewed Russian Progress 78 is safely in orbit headed for the International Space Station following launch at 7:27 p.m. (4:27 a.m. Wednesday, June 30, Baikonur time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The resupply ship reached preliminary orbit and deployed its solar arrays and navigational antennas as planned for a two-day rendezvous on its way to meet up with the orbiting laboratory and its Expedition 65 crew members. After making 34 orbits of Earth on its journey, Progress will dock to the station's Poisk module on the space-facing side of the Russian segment at 9:03 p.m. Thursday, July 1. Live coverage on NASA TV of rendezvous and docking will begin at 8:15 p.m. Carrying more than 3,600 pounds of food, fuel, and supplies for the Expedition 65 crew, the Progress 78 resupply spacecraft will spend almost five months at the station. The cargo craft is scheduled to perform an automated undocking and relocation to the new "Nauka" Multipurpose Laboratory Module in late October. Named for the Russian word for "science," Nauka is planned to launch to the space station in mid-July. Progress 78 will undock from the orbiting laboratory in November for a re-entry into Earth's atmosphere that results in its safe destruction. Earlier at 12:32 p.m. EDT, flight controllers on the ground sent commands to release the Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft from the Canadarm2 robotic arm after earlier detaching Cygnus from the Earth-facing port of the Unity module. At the time of release, the station was flying 270 miles over southern Wyoming. The Cygnus spacecraft successfully departed the International Space Station four months after arriving at the space station to deliver about 8,000 pounds of scientific experiments and supplies to the orbiting laboratory. After departure, Cygnus will remain in orbit to deploy five cube satellites, including the Ionosphere Thermosphere Scanning Photometer for Ion-Neutral Studies (IT-SPINS), which will add to researchers' fundamental understanding of Earth's Ionosphere, and the Khalifa University Students Satellite-2 (MYSat-2), which will train graduate students through the development and evaluation of its software. Thursday evening Cygnus will perform a deorbit engine firing to set up a destructive re-entry in which the spacecraft, filled with waste the space station crew packed, will burn up in Earth's atmosphere. On-Orbit Status Report Cygnus Northrup Grumman-15 (NG-15) Release: NG-15 (named the S.S. Katherine Johnson) was successfully released by the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) and departed the ISS today at 11:31 AM CT while the crew monitored from the Cupola. The completion of the NG-15 mission on ISS marks both the longest Cygnus mission duration to-date of 127-days and the highest Cygnus disposal mass to-date of approximately 3846 kg. NG-15 will complete several post-departure science objectives during free-flight prior to destructive re-entry planned for July 1st. Payloads Behavioral Core Measures (BCM): The crew set up the appropriate robotics hardware and performed the BCM testing. These sessions are nominally planned to be completed once per month, starting two weeks after a crewmember's arrival on ISS. The Standardized Behavioral Measures for Detecting Behavioral Health Risks during Exploration Missions (Behavioral Core Measures, or simply BCM) experiment initially examined a suite of measurements to reliably assess the risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders during long-duration spaceflight, and evaluated the feasibility of those tests within the operational and time constraints of spaceflight for two crewmembers. Subsequent subjects perform a subset of the original activities to measure the performance capabilities of deconditioned crew members to complete either individual or crew telerobotic operations within the first 24 hours after landing. This information could help characterize what tasks a crewmember who has spent months in weightlessness can reasonably be expected to perform after landing on the surface of Mars. Dreams: The crew charged up the Dreams Dry-Electroencephalography (EEG) headband and donned it prior to going to sleep. Sleep plays a major role in human health and well-being. Insufficient sleep, or sleep disorders can increase the risk of developing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, and can impair task performance. The Sleep Monitoring in Space with Dry-EEG Headband (Dreams) is a technology demonstration investigation that utilizes the Dry-EEG Headband: an effective, affordable, and comfortable solution to monitor astronaut sleep quality during long-duration spaceflight aboard the ISS. Industrial Crystallization (ICF) Troubleshooting: To resolve suspected internal ICF computer issues, the crew set up a video camera, and connected peripherals to attempt a startup of the internal computer. Recovery will allow the ground team to continue the observation of the protein crystal chamber prior to its return to the ground. The ICF is a small chamber that allows crystals to grow over time into large crystals, appropriate for use in science labs on Earth. When grown in the microgravity environment of the ISS, the crystals are of much higher quality than those currently grown on Earth. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4): The crew performed steps to recover the video cameras, then installed the InSPACE-4 sample module. After working through some camera positioning issues, a science run for this experiment was started. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4) studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. Microbial Tracking-3 (MT-3): The crew continued with the week-long sampling operations for MT-3. The Quantifying Selection for Pathogenicity and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria and Fungi on the ISS - a Microbial Tracking Study (Microbial Tracking-3 or MT-3) investigation continues a series of investigations focused on ongoing monitoring of pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) and antibiotic resistance in potentially disease-causing bacteria and fungi present on the ISS. The investigation aims to identify, analyze, and characterize pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, and genomics to augment the NASA GeneLab with the statistical confidence to characterize microbes associated with closed habitation and predict those that may pose a threat to crew health. Oral Biofilms in Space (OBIS): The crew initiated the experiment operations for Session Packs (SP) 21-25. The connection to the waste bag in SP 24 was loose and could not be attached successfully, but due to a self-sealing feature in the system, the science was able to be started. Effect of Environmental Stressors on Oral Biofilm Growth and Treatment (Oral Biofilms in Space) studies the effect of gravity on the behavior of oral bacteria, including the structure of the bacterial community, and changes in bacterial response to common oral care agents. The findings could support development of novel treatments to fight oral diseases such as caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. The investigation also could provide insights into how microgravity affects the microbiome of other mucosal surfaces in the body. Systems Cargo Dragon Cargo Operations: Today, crew performed cargo transfer operations for Cargo Dragon SpaceX-22 (SpX-22). SpX-22 undock is scheduled for July 6th to return cargo and payloads to the ground. Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Recovery Activities: The crew completed several activities in order to recover from the ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (IROSA) 2B and 4B Install EVA series and return equipment to a nominal configuration. The crew replaced expiring components from Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) 3006 and 3009, performed a Remove & Replace (R&R) of the Umbilical Interface Assembly (UIA) Supply Biocide Filter, and installed Lithium-Ion Rechargeable EVA Battery Assemblies (LREBAs) and Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) batteries into the Battery Stowage Compartment to initiate a charging autocycle. Finally, the crew reconfigured stowage in the Airlock. Space Station Computer (SSC) Shell Swap: The crew reported that SSC3 was unresponsive. The crew performed a field-strip of the SSC to attempt recovery of the hardware, but the signature persisted. Finally, the crew swapped the SSC shell with a spare, and the hardware recovered nominally. Completed Task List Activities: Wanted Poster: Condensate Transfer Manifold Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Cygnus Unberth and Release Commanding Node 1 Active Common Berthing Mechanism Inspection SSRMS Double-Walkoff and PMA-1 Survey (In Work) Look Ahead Plan Wednesday, June 30 (GMT 181) Payloads: AC Touch APEX-07 Clean and Dry CAL Hololens C/O DREAMS EML Lens Switch InSPACE-4 Experiment Runs 3-4 Oral Biofilms Bag 2 (21-25) Init Phospho Aging Plant Hab Procedure Review Plant Water Management 3 and 4 Hardware Locate Repository Urine and Blood Collect SABL3 CO2 Controller Remove SideKick Initiation Configuration and Remote Checkout Tangolab2 and 4 Cardcube Replace Veggie Monitor Photo Systems: SpX-22 Cargo Operations ROBoT OBT Crew Dragon Tablet Sync Thursday, July 1 (GMT 182) Payloads: APEX-07 Deactivation CAL Science Module Pack For Return CBEF Measurement Experiment Unit DREAMS InSPACE-4 Run Operations 5-6 Microbial Tracking-3 NanoRacks Mod-9 Operations 4 OBIS Bag 3 (21-25) Initiation Plant Habitat Facility Preparation Repository RTPCG-2 Plate 2C1/7 Observation Systems: SpX-22 Cargo Operations IMV Flow Measure Friday, July 2 (GMT 183) Payloads: AC Stow CIR/ACME Reconfigure for CFI-G Part 2 ELF Food Acceptability Food Physiology GLACIER Sample Transfer ICF InSPACE-4 MT-3 POLAR CS Transfers PWM 3 and 4 Preparation RTPCG-2 Systems: 78P Dock SpX-22 Cargo Operations Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. HRF Generic Urine Collections Phospho-Aging Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection and MELFI Insertion EMU Swap Water Recovery and Management CWC-Iodine Transfer Cygnus PCS Command and PROX Link Verification Phospho-Aging Generic Sample MELFI Retrieval and Insertion USOS Window Shutter Close EMU Resize Dragon Cargo Transfer InSPACE-4 Cable Swap EVA UIA Biocide Filter Changeout Phospho-Aging Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion Operations Microbial Tracking-3 Environmental Sample Collection and POLAR Insert EVA Battery Install EVA Battery Operations Terminal Autocycle Initiation Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis and Data Record OBiS Assembly Hydration InSPACE-4 Experiment Run Ops Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Test N1 Deck hatch MPEV close Pressure Management Device (PMD) Teardown Antimicrobial Coatings Touch Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink Progress 77 USOS Cargo Trash Gather/Pre-gather Dreams Dry-EEG Headband charge and Setup SSRMS Cygnus Release and departure monitoring ICF Troubleshooting Progress 77 USOS Trash Handover Restow Vestibule Outfitting Kit (VOK) PMD SSC Return EVA Airlock Restow Artemis HERA Adlink Mini PC Reboot [Aborted] iPad Flight Group 9/10 Stow MERLIN OBiS Assemblies Insertion RWS Monitor Deactivation RWS Teardown Dreams Dry-EEG Headband doffing after recording Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. Fans will return to Clinton Raceway this Sunday (July 4), and driver Doug McNair, who will steer two starters in the three-year-old trotting filly Ontario Sires Stakes Grassroots divisions and one of the favourites in the $58,300 Kin Pace Final, is thrilled that there will be a crowd for the Huron County ovals signature event. Clinton always has a big fan base. Its a small place where they get a good crowd, and its a lot more exciting when youve got fans in the stands, thats for sure, said McNair. It feels like qualifiers when theres no fans; it just doesnt feel the same. McNair, who currently leads all drivers in Canada in earnings, will make his first start on Sundays card with A Blue Blood, who gets post 4 in the second $21,450 three-year-old trotting filly Grassroots division (race 5). The filly heads into the race off a couple of errant trips, but McNair likes her chances in the Grassroots season opener. Shes come back pretty good, a lot better than she was last year, I think, said the Guelph, Ont., resident. Shes a little tricky. Sometimes shes a little tricky in the turns, but hopefully theyll put some snug hopples on her to get around that track, because shes talented enough. The drivers father, Gregg McNair of Guelph, trains A Blue Blood for Matthew and Roy Trelford of Mildmay, Ont. Last season, the daughter of Muscle Mass recorded a pair of seconds in Ontario Sires Stakes action and earned enough points to qualify for the Grassroots post season. Through five sophomore starts, A Blue Blood has a pair of wins and a pair of violations for traveling inside the pylons an outcome McNair will be looking to avoid on Sunday. In the fourth and final Grassroots split (race 9), McNair returns to the bike behind Rubys Are Nice. The pair competed primarily at the Gold Series level last season and McNair expects the fillys speed will work in her favour on Sunday: I drove her last year and she was real fast last year. Shes usually decent off the gate and stuff, obviously a lot tighter turns that shes going to be going around, but I think shell handle them. She doesnt have to go to the gate a hundred miles an hour. Rubys Are Nice will start from post 6, and McNair said the outer half of the starting gate can be an advantage for a young trotter. Thats the perfect spot for a young green trotter, or I think any kind of trotter, on the smaller tracks. That way, when you go into the turn, youre swooping into the turn instead of heading straight left when you get there, McNair explained. They dont have to be quite as good gaited if theyve got the middle or the outside of the gate. Rockwood, Ont., resident Rob Fellows trains Rubys Are Nice for owner-breeders Blair and Erna Corbeil of Beaumont, Alta. The Muscle Mass filly heads into Sundays test off a 1:56.4 victory at Woodbine Mohawk Park on June 24. McNair will wrap up his stakes drives behind A Better Game in the Kin Pace Final. The pair sprinted home to a 1:56.4 victory in their elimination last weekend, and McNair expects Clinton fans will send the Betterthancheddar daughter to the starting gate as their top choice in the 10th race: I think shes definitely the one to beat. Last week I didnt know what to expect from her, but she got around them turns perfect and she still had the plugs in at the wire, so I think shes got a real big shot this weekend as long as she behaves, said the driver, who will send the filly after the lions share of the $58,300 purse from post 5. I think she can win off either trip. She can win on the front or from behind, obviously she showed that last week. Weve just got to hope we get some luck, thats all. A Better Game qualified but did not race as a two-year-old. Since making her racing debut in April, she has tallied three wins and one second in eight starts, taking a 1:52.3 personal best at Woodbine Mohawk Park on June 15 for trainer Blake MacIntosh of St. George, Ont., and his co-owners John Nizlek of Danbury, Conn., and Ridgeway Racing of Ridgeway, Ont. Shes a lot more sure of herself and shes got a lot of pace right now, said McNair, who has driven three previous winners of the Kin Pace. Im kind of really high on her for this weekend. Im just hoping it goes all right, thats all. Clinton Raceway sends its first race behind the starting gate at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, with the three-year-old trotting fillies making their Grassroots debuts in races 3, 5, 8 and 9 and the Kin Pace going postward in race 10. The number of spectators welcome to attend the event in person is limited and reservations are required. To make a reservation, please visit this link. To view Sunday's complete entries, click the following link: Sunday Entries Clinton Raceway. (Ontario Sires Stakes) The Fourth of July may be Sunday, but the harness racing fireworks will be exploding a bit early as Yonkers Raceway hosts a quartet of major stakes on Friday (July 2) for three-year-olds, including the kick-off legs for both the trotting and pacing Triple Crowns. Eliminations on June 25 thinned the fields down to the elite eight that will compete in each of two $500,000 Triple Crown races, the MGM Yonkers Trot and MGM Grand Messenger, as well as two $150,000 filly companion races, the New York New York Mile Trot and Park MGM Pace. As is customary, the ladies lead off the parade of stakes carded as races six through nine on the 12-race card that starts at 7:15 p.m. Trainer Marcus Melander enters the New York New York Mile Trot with a strong pair of Courant Inc.-owned three-year-old fillies on opposite ends of the starting gate. The 2019 Dan Patch Trainer of the Year sends out Iteration from post 2 and Imhatra Am S from the eight-hole in hopes of taking down at least half of the $150,000 prize. Iteration, along with Sweeping Rainbow (9-2, post 5, David Miller), were given byes as the other six finalists competed for spots in last weeks elimination. The Chapter Seven-sired Iteration, listed as the 5-2 morning line favourite, has won both of her starts in 2021, including an impressive 1:53.1 Empire Breeders Classic victory at Vernon Downs on June 18. She really stepped up in the Empire Breeders Classic. I wasnt there, but Brian [Sears] said it was not the best track that night. She did it very easy and I think she is coming into this very sharp, said Melander, who felt the change to the smaller half-mile oval wouldnt hurt her chances. She was on the half last year and didnt have any problem with it, and I would be shocked if she had a problem with it this year. Regular driver Brian Sears will be in the bike again on Friday as he choose Iteration over Imhatra Am S (15-1), who gets a very capable replacement in George Brennan. Imhatra Am S came charging home when clear in the stretch to finish just a head back in second behind Mazzarati (3-1, post 7, Tim Tetrick) in the elimination a week ago. She raced very well in the elimination. If she wouldve gotten room a little earlier, I think she wouldve gotten there, said Melander about Imhatra Am S. I think she can get a good check with the right trip, but the eight-hole is the eight-hole. The wide-open New York New York Mile also features a pair of starters from trainer George Ducharme Lindys Dollywood (9-1, post 4, Todd McCarthy) and Contested Hanover (8-1, post 6, Scott Zeron) and elimination fourth- and fifth-place finishers Rebel Girl (6-1, post 3, Dexter Dunn) and Presto (9-1, post 1, Yannick Gingras). There is no doubt that the seventh race Park MGM Pace will feature the shortest-priced favourite of the stakes on the Friday card. The unbeaten-in-2021 Test of Faith headlines the field of sophomore fillies after winning her elimination handily in 1:52.1, more than two full seconds faster than the other elimination was timed. She came out of the race really good, said trainer Brett Pelling, who admitted that Test Of Faith has no weaknesses. If she has one, I havent found it yet. Shes sound, has a beautiful gait, gets around a half perfectly and doesnt wear any rigging. I try to spend time with her but my job as a trainer is to fix things and there isnt much wrong because she is who she is. Test of Faith (3-2), who will start from post 3 with regular pilot David Miller at the controls for owners Melvin Segal, Kentuckiana Racing Stable and Eddie Gran, should face her greatest obstacles to the winners circle from a pair of Linda Toscano-trained fillies on the inside of the gate. Heart Of Mine (7-2, post 1, Jason Bartlett) won the other elimination a week ago in 1:54.2 and is now perfect in six starts this year. Her stablemate Marsala Hanover (9-2, Zeron) starts just to her outside and was third behind Test of Faith in the elimination. Marsala Hanover has gone some big trips and might be the only one that can go her speed. Do I fear her, probably not, said Pelling when asked about the competition. Other contenders in the field include Darby Hanover (7-1, Andy Miller) and Classicist (7-1, Todd McCarthy) from posts 4 and 5, respectively. Both finished second in the preliminary round last week, with the former chasing Heart Of Mine and the latter getting run down by Test Of Faith. All 20-1 in the early line, Shania Blue Chip (Dunn), So Irresistible (Andrew McCarthy) and Lyons Softassilk (Tetrick) complete the field from posts 6 through 8, respectively. Race eight marks the 2021 launch of the Trotting Triple Crown, which comprises the MGM Yonkers Trot, Hambletonian at The Meadowlands, and Kentucky Futurity at The Red Mile. All eight starters in the $500,000 Yonkers Trot are also Hambletonian eligible, and one winner will have the opportunity to become the 10th Triple Crown champion. Trainer Tony Alagna hopes he has that chance with elimination winner Ahundreddollarbill (4-1, post 6, Andrew McCarthy), who scored over the surface last Friday in 1:54.2. Owned by Crawford Farms Racing and James A Crawford, the son of Chapter Seven has posted a perfect record in four starts this year. Hes trained back well all winter and has really lived up to what we thought he could be, said Alagna. I think we have the best horse, but it is half-mile track racing and you need things to go your way. As far as ability-wise, who hes racing against and how hes done it so far he won with the earplugs in the other day I feel very comfortable. While handicappers may be concerned that Ahundreddollarbill had trouble with the turns at Yonkers in his elimination win, Alagna is hardly worried. It was more so that Andy [McCarthy] was taking a hold of him to see where the field was getting settled. It really wasnt the [first] turn itself, he just had him doubled-up letting everyone else get position before he could move on to the front. Fellow elimination winner Johan Palema (1:54.1) worked out a perfect pocket trip and sprinted home in 27.2 to advance to the final. That sharp mile earned him morning line favourite status at 3-1. Driver Yannick Gingras should once again get the chance to make his own luck with the Ake Svanstedt-trained and Bender Sweden Inc.-owned son of Bar Hopping from post 3. Svanstedts chances of taking home the trophy is exponentially better than Gingras since he also trains Ambassador Hanover (9-2), who he co-owns and will drive from post 1, and Mon Amour (6-1), leaving from post 4 with Andy Miller in the bike. As in the New York New York Mile with Imhatra Am S, the post draw was not kind to the Marcus Melander-trained Yonkers Trot starter In Range (7-2). Considered one of the top three-year-old trotters in the sport entering the year, In Range has only posted one win from four starts and must overcome the eight-hole with Tim Tetrick in the bike. Obviously we are going to need some luck from out there, but that is Timmys [Tetrick] problem, joked Melander about $446,887 career winner owned by AMG Stable Inc, Kenneth Kjellgren and Rick Wahlstedt. You cant ask for him to go faster than he did in the last quarter, added Melander on In Ranges :27.2 final fractional time in his elimination. I dont know what Tim is going to do but I guess he has to leave a little bit. Even the outsiders on the morning-line in the Yonkers Trot have the credentials to win. On A Streak (10-1, post 2, Dan Dube) is a Breeders Crown winner and leads the field in earnings at $764,659. Ethan T Hanover (12-1, post 5, Bartlett) has a win over the track and along with Arnold N Dicky (10-1, post 7, Dunn) has eclipsed six figures in the earnings column. The pacers get their chance to shine one race later in the $500,000 MGM Grand Messenger and four of the eight starters Simon Says Hanover, Ill Drink To That, American Courage and Abuckabett Hanover are eligible to the Cane Pace, the second leg of the Pacing Triple Crown. Certainly the fastest and perhaps the most impressive elimination winner was American Courage. The Fiddlers Creek Stables-owned colt secured the lead passing the opening quarter from an inside post and marched down the road for a 1:50.4 win. Now driver Matt Kakaley may have to map out a new plan from post 6 in the final. He came out of it better than he went into his elimination, said trainer Travis Alexander. Post 6 is not the greatest, but it isnt the worst either. Matt [Kakaley] doesnt usually fire him out anyway. Im sure the 2, 3 and 4 will blast out hard and then he can make a decision. My job is just to get the horse ready and the rest is up to Matt. Despite winning his elimination, American Courage was installed as the 7-2 second choice on the morning-line behind the horse that finished 1-1/4 lengths behind him in second, Charlie May (2-1, Brett Miller), who received the opposite post switch from 7 in his elimination to 3 on Friday night. The Don Tiger-owned and Steve Carter-trained gelding by McArdle had some bumps in the road to start the year, but has since paced three impressive miles and certainly is on Alexanders radar. Charlie May. Hes a nice horse, said Alexander on the rival he fears most in the field. I know he didnt do a lot of work in his elimination, but Steve Carter is no dummy. I respect him very much. Its a good field, but if I had to pick one horse, it would be Charlie May. Considered one of the favourites coming into the Messenger, Abuckabett Hanover, who scored a 1:51.3 elimination victory as part of a 1-9 entry, has dropped to 6-1 on the morning line. Despite the impressive performance line on paper, perhaps the oddsmaker and the general public saw the son of Betting Line veer sharply right on the first turn before ultimately coming first-over to win. He got around the turns good, but the issue was we put a gaiting pole on him to help him out a little bit, said trainer Tony Alagna about Abuckabett Hanovers first-turn issues. He raced in his first start at The Meadowlands, but we never had to touch him with it. Andy [McCarthy] touched him with it in the first turn and he turned right. It just scared him. So we are going back to a gaiting strap, which is what he wore when he won at Chester [Harrahs Philadelphia]. With the equipment issues behind him, Abuckabett Hanover, who is co-owned Alagna Racing along with Crawford Farms Racing, Jablonsky Held Stable and Barbara Wienick Stable, will try to keep his unblemished record in four starts intact despite an unfavorable starting spot. With the eight-hole hes going to have to have some things shake his way, said Alagna, who is clearly focused not only on the Messenger but on the long stakes season for three-year-olds that is just kicking off on Friday. Also given a 6-1 early chance of winning for Alagna is Simon Says Hanover. Much luckier at the draw, he starts from post 1 with Scott Zeron in the bike for Riverview Racing, Brad Grant, Ken Jacobs, Plouffe Head and VJ Stable. The way he closed in his elimination the other day, I thought he was really good. I thought he might even get up for second, said Alagna about the Hanover Shoe Farms-bred son of Captaintreacherous who was fourth, beaten 1-3/4 lengths, in the elimination. If they mix things up and he gets a good trip, he wouldnt be a total surprise. The early speed in the Messenger is sure to come from Ill Drink To That (4-1, post 2, Dunn), who hasnt been worse than second in six 2021 starts, and Chase H Hanover (10-1, post 4, Sears), another son of Captaintreacherous who has been first or second at the quarter in all five of his current-year starts. Outsiders Mysweetboymax (post 5, Bartlett) and Higlandbeachsbest (post 7, Gingras), both rated at 20-1, round out the field. The stakes action at Yonkers doesnt end Friday. When the July 4 weekend fireworks conclude, fans will only have to wait one week for more top horses to visit as the eliminations for the MGM Springfield for two-year-olds is scheduled for July 9. The New York Sire Stakes series will also make multiple stops to Yonkers culminating in New York Night of Champions on Sept. 10. Yonkers races Monday to Friday weekly with a 7:15 p.m. post time. (Yonkers Raceway) Stanton Public Policy Center Condemns Conservator and Court Decision Preventing Britney Spears from Having a Child NEWS PROVIDED BY Stanton Public Policy Center July 1, 2021 WASHINGTON, July 1, 2021 /Standard Newswire/ -- In dramatic court testimony, Ms. Spears said, "I would like to progressively move forward and I want to have the real deal. I want to be able to get married and have a baby. I have an [IUD] inside of myself so I don't get pregnant. They don't want me to have children - any more children." Here is link to a national news story on her court testimony: https://people.com/music/britney-spears-wants-more-kids-get-married-but-claims-cant-conservatorship/ It is difficult to imagine any court in American forcing Ms. Spears to be sterilized and prevent her from having a child. This only serves to reinforce how women are treated as second-class citizens by our judicial system. Stanton Public Policy Center calls for the immediate removal of this barbaric court order and would allow Britney Spears the right to pursue her God-given and Constitutional right to marry and have children. Stanton Public Policy Center is a women's advocacy and educational group that works on issues of human rights and justice which empower and inspire women. It is affiliated with Stanton Healthcare which has life-affirming women's health clinics in America and internationally. Below is a joint statement by the Stanton Executive Committee: "In China, Uyghur women are sterilized and prevented from having children just like Britney Spears. The United States government rightly condemns these actions by the Chinese Communist Party as a blatant human rights violation and an attack on women. "Yet in America, a Los Angeles court is allowed to tragically prevent Britney Spears from having a child by allowing her to be sterilized. It is difficult to imagine a more barbaric way to strip Ms. Spears of her basic human rights and diminish her as a woman. "Stanton Public Policy Center unequivocally condemns this court decision and calls for Judge Brenda Penny to lift this unjust order." For more information or interviews call: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741 SOURCE Stanton Public Policy Center CONTACT: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741 Barco is about to expand the highly praised and awarded ClickShare family to enable businesses to prepare for a smooth return to the office and step into the new reality of the hybrid workplace. Completing the recent wireless conferencing range with two new models of ClickShare Present, our wireless presentation & collaboration solution, we offer customers worldwide the freedom to equip hybrid meeting rooms according to their own requirements, existing ecosystems, and company IT policies. The hybrid meeting technology that puts people first Theres no going back to the way we worked before. Were no longer prepared to slog to every meeting in person. And the virtual meeting has its shortcomings too. Instead, we are going for something better than both, which we call hybrid, a seamless blend of the physical and the virtual, of in-office and remote, says George Stromeyer, Senior VP and GM Enterprise, Barco. Mixed working and collaboration solutions like ClickShare take center stage in this new era. We reinforce the capabilities of high-end video technology and bring meeting participants closer together. ClickShare enables seamless, highly engaged collaboration no matter where employees are working. With a full range of wireless solutions, we encourage businesses to re-enter the hybrid workplace safely and effectively and offer exactly that technology that fully matches their business and IT requirements. ClickShare puts the employee at the heart and fosters both engagement and connectivity. In the past, technology has tried to recreate real life meetings. But in-person meetings arent perfect. At Barco, we have a different approach. We start with people. And how every person can be at their very best. Engaged. Agile. Fully involved. Inspiring each other. Only then we create the tech that makes that happen, George Stromeyer continues. One range, two flavours With ClickShare, our wireless presentation and conferencing hub, we make hybrid collaboration seamless for all. No matter where we are in Barco Experience Centre in Singapore or at our workstation at home, all we need is one click to start collaborating and share content. Participants can engage in an immersive conferencing experience in a matter of seconds, Olivier Croly, Vice President for APAC in Barco explains. With the introduction of ClickShare Present to the meeting room ecosystem, we now offer a solution for any customer wanting to turn existing conference rooms into fully equipped hybrid collaboration rooms. ClickShare Present is a seamless extension to wirelessly share content in your existing meeting room setup. Customers with existing Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Webex conference rooms can benefit from adding easy, wireless content sharing. ClickShare completes the collaborative experience with full BYOD, interactivity features and workflow integration. The focus shifts from mainly conferencing to true hybrid collaboration. On the other hand, the fully agnostic ClickShare Conference models, launched successfully last year at ISE in Amsterdam, unleash the power of BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting) by bridging to remote participants through your video service of choice. ClickShare Conference gives users the freedom to organize hybrid meetings the way they want and where they want. They host calls from their laptop, use their preferred UC&C platform, and wirelessly connect to the meeting room display and AV peripherals. Any meeting room can easily be redesigned into a wireless hybrid meeting room by adding ClickShare Conference. Making hybrid collaboration flow in one click ClickShare offers IT managers the freedom to choose between plug & play collaboration with the ClickShare Button or powerful workflow optimization with the ClickShare Desktop App. Both empower hybrid meetings through the same, simple, intuitive experience. The Button is an instant plug-in for both employees and guests, while the App can be pushed through an MSI to all employee laptops. ClickShare is the perfect match for any digital workplace strategy. Touch or touchless, Button or App. It is the customers way of working, the customers decision. ClickShare is simple, easy and wireless. Users decide how they want to present with no complex set up of room devices. You can bring your own meeting anytime in a secured manner to achieve intuitive teamwork by collaborating with remote colleagues, Marc Remond, Vice President of Meeting and Learning Experiences for Asia Pacific in Barco clarifies. Introducing a complete portfolio: connected, secure at heart and enterprise-grade. The new ClickShare Present range consists of 2 different models for wireless presentation in existing VC rooms. The entry C-5 is ideally suited for huddle spaces and small meeting rooms, offering the key functionalities of wireless 4K content sharing. The high-end C-10 is the perfect companion for interactive collaboration in any meeting space, adds enhanced video performance and a set of interactivity features such as touch back support, moderation, blackboarding and annotation to make users truly connect and click in meetings. The entire ClickShare family is connected, IT-grade and matches your network configuration, whether in standalone, connected or fully networked mode. As ISO 27001 certified product, our focus is entirely on security and central management, which is essential for IT compatibility. Using our XMS management dashboard, you can easily manage and update your units, and you get useful insights into behaviour in the workplace. All units feature Barcos SmartCare offering, including five years of coverage, advanced access to Barcos helpdesk and a license to the XMS Insights module. Berns Brett Masaood (BBM), the Abu Dhabi-based independent insurance broker, financial adviser and risk management company, has confirmed the acquisition of Dubai-based consultancy Refpoint Insurance Consultants LLC (RPIC). It is a strategic move that strengthens its already extensive services in insurance, risk management and financial services, and expands its regional footprint. The investment underscores BBMs far-reaching brokerage capabilities, top-level consultancy services and sophisticated risk transfer solutions, in addition to its burgeoning corporate network, which also includes a large retail business and a growing reinsurance division. RPIC specialises in insurance portfolio management and advisory support from its Dubai Maritime City location, providing clients with the tools to develop sophisticated and cost-effective risk transfer solutions, supported by latest technology and research. Vedanta Baruah, CEO and shareholder of BBM, said: We view RPIC as an ideal fit and a vital component in realising our aggressive growth targets and robust expansion plans. This acquisition is an emphatic demonstration of our aim to be the number one broker in the UAE and the standout leader in a country that is fast becoming a global centre of excellence for the insurance sector. The global insurance industry has witnessed a sharp drop in the past 18 months, however BBM remained focused and was least affected due to the UAEs thriving economy, our leading market position and the advantage we own in garnering loyal customers. This has enabled us to grow our portfolio of offerings through key partnerships, and achieve a satisfactory financial performance, marking the 12th consecutive year of this growth trajectory. Following the acquisition, RPIC Managing Director Ken Maw will continue in his current role while working closely with the BBM Executive Director team of Alka Sudhakaran, KS Krishnan, Lavanya Mamidanna and Sam Carter on business alignment and development and reinforcing BBMs overall proposition. Maw said: We are at the cusp of building some exciting associations across Africa and Asia, which will align nicely with our colleagues at BBM. I look forward to getting the wheels turning and all the necessary building blocks in place. Baruah, who was recently awarded a 10-year Golden Visa for the UAE in the investor and entrepreneur category, added: This is a fantastic opportunity for us all to personally grow and learn more. We have remained true to our promise to invest in the UAE as our hub and to use this as a base to explore new opportunities in emerging markets. This new association and the wealth of relationships and skills it brings will fuel and accelerate this process. -- TradeArabia News Service UAE construction group Arabtec Holding said a Dubai court has approved the opening of its bankruptcy proceedings along with its six subsidiaries - Arabtec Construction Abu Dhabi, Arabtec Construction Dubai, Austrian Arabian Ready Mix Concrete and Arabtec Precast in addition to Emirates Falcon Electromechanical Company (Efeco) Abu Dhabi and Efeco Dubai. The court has also appointed a trustee for each of the entities and ordered them to review its debts, deposit a list and a record of Arabtec Holding, its creditors and conduct all the procedures stipulated under the bankruptcy law within 35 days, said Arabtec in its filing to Dubai bourse. Providing an update about the recent procedures taken in relation to the bankruptcy and liquidation application for Arabtec Holding and certain subsidiaries, Arabtec said the court had last week approved the liquidation of the company along with its six subsidiaries. The court had further instructed each trustee to prepare an initial separate report on the assets of each entity and its rights with third parties, in addition to a list of all its managers and members of the board of directors and shareholders for the two years preceding the bankruptcy application, and the trustees opinion with respect to the management and the preservation of the companys assets. Such initial report shall be deposited at the court within two weeks, stated Arabtec in its filing to Dubai Financial Market. The court also decided to stay all judicial procedures and execution procedures upon the companies assets until approving the restructuring plan or the lapse of ten months from the date of the decision to open the bankruptcy proceedings. The court has scheduled the next hearing for July 26, it added.-TradeArabia News Service The Maritime Standard (TMS), a Dubai-based specialist events organiser and publisher, has announced that the sixth edition of the popular TMS Tanker Conference series will take place in Dubai on November 23 in Dubai, UAE. It will return to Dubais World Trade Centre where last years hybrid event, seamlessly blending participation both in person and virtually online, offered up an exciting and fresh format, creating innovative, but safe, opportunities for engagement and participation. Trevor Pereira, Managing Director of The Maritime Standard, said: Last year we were the only company able to hold a maritime conference in person, with 150 people in the ballroom and another 100 online, and we plan to build on that positive experience again in 2021. As the only tanker trade event that took place physically in 2020 it undoubtedly helped sustain the momentum of the market and we believe it will do so again. There is a clear sentiment as we recover from the depths of the pandemic that people want to go back to face to face meetings and this event will certainly be the one for people in the tanker shipping business to attend and meet up with friends and clients as they did in the past. The conference programme that is being put together will feature three separate sessions packed with top quality and influential leaders from the regional and global tanker business and support sectors. The event will take stock of the effects of the global pandemic and assess likely trends in the crude oil chemicals, and products trades. It will also spotlight the key operational, technical, and environmental issues facing the tanker shipping business and possible solutions. The Conference will further look at new technology developments, including digitalisation, regulatory factors, and the development of support services, amongst other topics. Top quality presentations from leading figures in the tanker shipping business will give participants a privileged insight into what the future holds for the regional tanker trades as well as a global perspective. TMS is putting together an informative, thought-provoking and insightful programme that will draw on the expertise of industry leaders who will lead inclusive discussion and debate. TradeArabia News Service This years African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) Agribusiness Deal Room has been launched. The African Development Banks incoming Vice President for Agriculture, Human and Social Development, Dr Beth Dunford, and Director for Agricultural Finance and Rural Infrastructure Development Atsuko Toda joined development leaders online to launch it. The AGRFs agriculture matchmaking platform initiative links some 4,000 actors in the agriculture sector to investment and networking opportunities. In her first public engagement since her appointment, Dr Dunford gave keynote remarks at a virtual session that drew more than 200 participants on Tuesday, 29 June. Dr Dunford said that across Africa, there is a growing class of agripreneurs who are looking for investment, partnerships, technical knowhow and financing to scale up their business. The African Development Bank is excited to grow its partnership to this initiative. The Agribusiness Deal Room compliments our efforts to expand finance for agribusiness to enable small and medium enterprises to grow and attract new and innovative sources of sustainable capital, she told the online audience. Organised by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, this fourth edition of the Agribusiness Deal Room will be featured at the annual AGRF Summit that convenes stakeholders to facilitate partnerships and investments in African agriculture. The Agribusiness Deal Room specifically supports governments and companies with access to finance and partnership opportunities. Dr Dunford told session attendees that the platform aligns with the Banks Feed Africa Strategy (https://bit.ly/3hCzaMr), which seeks to ensure that the growth of the agricultural sector includes food security, and encourages inclusive growth by involving more women and youth. She also said Bank support of the Agribusiness Deal Room signals a commitment to a collective vision to accelerate Africas food system transformation. In my new capacity with the Bank, Im looking forward to working with the AGRF and so many partners with us online, to see these food systems become more sustainable and more resilient, Dr Dunford added. This year, the AGRF Agribusiness Deal Room will focus on addressing the challenges in agricultural lending to small and medium enterprises, or SMEs. The huge potential of the agricultural sector on the continent remains unmet, with agriculture potentially the engine of African economies. We designed the Deal Room to build the capacities of SMEs while at the same time connecting them with sources of financing. We are looking for investments and partnerships that will unlock the sectors potential, said Dr Fadel Ndiame, Deputy President, AGRA. The Bank is one of 24 Agribusiness Deal Room partners that bring complementary capabilities, resources, and networks to the platform. Toda served on one of two discussion panels at Tuesdays launch, the first focused "Investments for resilience, public and private sector strategies," the latter, themed "Building SME capacity to mitigate risks for a sustainable African food system." Speaking to the theme of building SME capacity, Toda said that these often under-the-radar businesses play a key role in delivering food to African tables and in generating employment. SMEs are the engine of growth for food supply chains. If you look at any food supply chain, between 65 90% of the food supply is actually through small and medium enterprises, Toda said. For people to have jobs in Africa it is very difficult to get into the formal sector. So the informal sector - the small, medium enterprises - are so important for creating jobs on the African continent, she added. Dr Dunford will be responsible for the Banks strategy, lending and other activities in agriculture, as well as in water and sanitation, education, health, and Bank-wide work on employment and gender equity. -- TradeArabia News Service From April to June, Hong Kongs exhibition scene has picked up more momentum with the return of a series of close to 20 physical exhibitions at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Featuring a wide variety of products and services ranging from technology, and lifestyle, to arts and jewellery, the successful fairs attracted over a million visits under the pandemic, which is a promising sign for the exhibition industry. The positive response clearly indicates that the value of physical shows is high and Hong Kong has demonstrated how to safely and seamlessly resume large-scale business events gradually, and pave the way for further recovery including international conventions and trade fairs. Kenneth Wong, General Manager, MICE & Cruise of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, shares that "We are delighted to see such a strong pick-up in demand for physical fairs. These events are a good demonstration of Hong Kong's readiness to welcome business events of any scale, and also an encouraging sign for the exhibition industry that the physical show is invaluable and we are very much looking forward to a resumption of more trade fairs in the coming months. Inaugural physical show drives future of business GOVirtual Business Expo is newly launched to provide a one-stop trade platform to support enterprises to unlock and capture the boundless potential of virtual business in the post-pandemic economy, and to encourage active interactions between tech industry and business sectors which will inspire frequent cooperation, says Culsin Li, Managing Director of Baobab Tree Event, organiser of GOVirtual Business Expo, with which the GS1 HK Summit is co-located. Li adds, we are thankful to host this new show safely and help our visitors to explore virtual business opportunities, and technology and business trends in the Greater Bay Area. Positive feedback, remarkable attendance Priscilla Lo, Director of Hongkong-Asia Exhibition (Holdings) Ltd., organiser of the 18th Hong Kong Mega Showcase, the 19th Hong Kong Food Festival, the 21st Hong Kong Homex 2021 and the e-Expo & Auto HK, was ecstatic about the impressive attendance during the pandemic. "We are glad to see that our efforts paid off as our exhibitors and visitors alike were very satisfied with the overall arrangements. Were grateful to HKCEC for its support and flexibility to enable the smooth and safe delivery of our events," she shares. Hygiene and safety are our top priority, says HML "By implementing stringent preventive measures at the HKCEC and working closely with organisers, a number of well-attended exhibitions and conferences have been held safely and successfully since January 2021. The safety of visitors, users and staff of HKCEC is paramount. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited (HML) ensures that organisers integrate preventive measures in event arrangements and in compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices, assures Monica Lee-Muller, Managing Director of HML. The five-day inaugural Lifestyle ShoppingFest of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) delivered a one-stop shopping experience for over 55,000 consumers keen to explore a broad selection of products, from global delicacies to fine jewellery and much more, presented by 430 exhibitors. Benjamin Chau, Deputy Executive Director of the HKTDC said that the positive response to the new event reflected the fact that physical shows are irreplaceable. "We are pleased that our inaugural Lifestyle ShoppingFest was held successfully, with 75 per cent of exhibitors believing physical shows can help boost their business, while 82 per cent of visitors were satisfied with the health and safety measures at the show. Next, the HKTDC will host three concurrent trade fairs in July, its first B2B events since the onset of the pandemic. Strengthening the citys position as a leading exhibition hub The citys recent success in hosting physical events in a safe and seamless manner and the enthusiastic response from the public, together with the strong free venue rental support from the HKSAR government, all are solid encouragement for the citys upcoming B2B trade shows, such as Jewellery & Gem ASIA Hong Kong held by Informa Markets in late June, the inaugural HKTDC International Sourcing Show and TKS Exhibitions International Travel Expo Hong Kong in July, just a few of the citys even stronger line-up in the third quarter. Lee-Muller of HML highlights that the Governments Convention and Exhibition Industry Subsidy Scheme can certainly strengthen our competitiveness in attracting exhibitors and buyers and reinforce the citys position as the regions leading exhibition hub. The subsidy scheme will be extended for six months to 30 June, 2022 to benefit more convention and exhibition activities and enhance the confidence of event organisers in staging activities in Hong Kong. Trade Arabia News Service July 1st marks two years since The Royal Australian Air Force and the Temora Aviation Museum formed a strategic alliance which saw the RAAF take ownership of 11 historic ex-military aircraft types which served the RAAF during times of conflict. This partnership allows for the aircraft to remain at Temora Aviation Museum to assist in broadening the Museums engagement with the Australian community. The Temora Historic Flight Club continues to be responsible for the flying displays at Temora, and the Temora Aviation Museum Engineering team continues to provide maintenance to all the aircraft at the Museum. Since 2019, RAAF 100 Squadron has been re-established and is responsible for the continued operation of their historic fleet of aircraft based at Temora and Point Cook. Together they have commenced the commemoration of the RAAF Centenary year, celebrated 20 years of the Temora Aviation Museum, and continue to showcase the 100SQN Temora Historic Flight aircraft both locally and interstate. We look forward to continuing seeing this partnership between the RAAF 100SQN and the Temora Aviation Museum supporting the continual operation of Australias ex-military aircraft history for many years to come. by Shafique Khokhar The girl had complained about harassment and threats at work. The police decided to investigate only after media pressure. Fr Asher Liaqat pledges support to the family. Karachi (AsiaNews) Four men stormed the home of a Christian family and kidnapped 14-year-old Shama. The incident took place on 24 June in the Ghaghar area but became public only when the media got a hold of it. When the teenager's parents went to Steel Town Police Station to report the incident, the officers on duty refused to file the case. Shama and her family moved to Ghaghar 10 years ago in an attempt to escape poverty. Shama and her older sister Samina work at a pharmaceutical plant, but had repeatedly complained about harassment and threats from one of the security guards, Mohammad Ikhtiyar. According to the girl's mother, Ikhtiyar and three other men with guns broke into their home late in the afternoon when most of the residents had already gone to the mosque to pray and the streets were deserted. The girls father, Baboo Masih, told AsiaNews that it was only after addressing the media that the police decided to investigate the kidnapping. Fr Asher Liaqat, director of the Commission for Justice and Peace of the Archdiocese of Karachi, visited the Masih family yesterday pledging support. At present, the whereabouts of Shama her kidnappers are unknown. In Pakistan, having sex with a minor can result in the death penalty or imprisonment of up to 10 years. Kashif Anthony, coordinator of the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission, told AsiaNews that he fears kidnappers could produce a conversion or marriage certificate to prove their innocence. Such a practice often affects law enforcement in Pakistan and prevents Christians from having their daughters back. As of today Turkey officially withdraws from the international treaty signed in 2011. A motion presented to the Court of Appeal was rejected this week. Feminist leader promises to continue the battle in defence of rights. In the last five years at least one woman is murdered every day. Istanbul (AsiaNews / Agencies) - As of this morning, Turkey is no longer an integral part of the international treaty against violence against women, better known as the "Istanbul Convention" because it was signed in 2011 in the country's economic and commercial metropolis. Thus, a decision announced in March by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been applied, raising the indignation and condemnation of many activist organizations and Western governments, including several allied nations. Human rights movements and ordinary citizens are lined up, ready to take to the streets and demonstrate. The fear is that the police could intervene with force and suppress protests with beatings and arrests, as happened in recent days on the occasion of the Pride 2021 parades in favour of LGBTQ rights. This week the Court of Appeal rejected the appeal lodged by some associations to block the process of withdrawal from the Convention. " "We will continue our struggle," Canan Gullu, president of the Federation of Turkish Women's Associations, said on Wednesday. "Turkey is shooting itself in the foot with this decision." She said that since March, women and other vulnerable groups had been more reluctant to ask for help and less likely to receive it, with COVID-19 fuelled economic difficulties causing a dramatic increase in violence against them. he direct consequence, she warns, is a "dramatic increase" in violence against women. The Istanbul Convention, negotiated and signed in 2011, commits its members to prevent and prosecute domestic violence, while promoting equality and equal opportunities between the two sexes. The decision to withdraw resulted in condemnation of the United States and the European Union. According to a monitoring group, "at least one femicide" per day has occurred in the last five years, with a trend steadily increasing. That is why it would be useful to apply the convention more rigorously and expand it, instead of withdrawing as did Erdogan. According to the AKP, the president's party, it "undermines the family structure" that underlies and protects Turkish society, increasingly linked to a fundamentalist vision of Islam. This month, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic sent a letter to Turkey's interior and justice ministers expressing concern about a rise in homophobic narratives by some officials, some of which targeted the convention. "All the measures provided for by the Istanbul Convention reinforce family foundations and links by preventing and combating the main cause of destruction of families, that is, violence," she said. The Chaldean primate explores themes and models of the new synod drawn up by Pope Francis. The hope that every continent will have a permanent assembly consisting of "a small number of bishops". Greater authority at individual conferences to face the demanding challenges of everyday life. The experience of the Eastern Churches. Baghdad (AsiaNews) - "To support the Holy Father's desire for greater synodality, one model would be that every continent have a sort of permanent synod, consisting of a small number of bishops" from the geographical area, writes the Chaldean primate, Card. Louis Raphael Sako, in a message sent to AsiaNews. In the missive the leader of the Chaldean church explores the guidelines drawn by Pope Francis on the synodal assembly. "The Roman Curia - continues the cardinal - is a valuable support, but the bureaucracy is exhausting and endless" having failed to adapt to modernity. According to Patriarch Sako, it is equally important to "grant greater authority" to the Episcopal Conferences of individual countries, so that they can face "the demanding challenges" to which they are subjected on a daily basis and to be faced "with a sense of collegial responsibility". An approach, he warns him, that can prove useful "only by acting in harmony" with the pontiff "and remembering the bond that unites us with the successor of Peter". As the Chaldean primate explains, the Catholic Church "is on the eve of a journey" desired by the Pope to "rediscover synodality" and favour "an individual and community maturation of the people of God". In fact, in recent weeks the pontiff outlined the next Synod of Bishops in three phases, between October 2021 and the same month of 2023, which will take place in the Vatican and in each diocese. The objective of the diocesan phase is listening to the people of God, while the second and third phases will focus on the universal Church and the one on the way, emphasizing that the Synod is not an event but rather a process. Card. Sako exalts the value of the experience of the Eastern Churches whose synod is "a canonical structure" that has operated "since the first centuries" and distinguishes between a "permanent" sphere of a patriarchal Church and a "general" one of its bishops, while maintaining "Collegiality and unity". It "is a sign of the shared responsibility" of the bishops with the patriarch and "strengthens the centrality of the Church, strengthens the bonds of the individual Eparchies with each other and with the See of St. Peter, respecting diversity in unity". Synodality - continues the Chaldean patriarch - is likewise a distinctive trait of the journey of the whole universal Church. With the successor of Peter, the Church acts collegially despite the great variety "that composes it". Its purpose, explains Cardinal Sako, is that of "constituting and forming the Christian community with wisdom and care, with particular attention to future generations. and allow each faithful to live their faith hic et nunc, spreading love and hope everywhere. Unity, he warns, does not mean uniformity and renewal is a necessity that must be applied in order to be witnesses of the Risen one. "The invitation of Pope Francis is an opportunity to prepare the journey of the Church in an analytical way, starting from the smallest unit (involving every parish, every diocese, every episcopal conference) to reach the universal Church". The synod of 2023 could be an opportunity to reflect "on pastoral guidelines, theological programs and administrative projects, starting from the concrete situations in which the Church lives and works". "The Eastern Churches - concludes the cardinal - can enjoy the spirituality emanating from synodality, as well as the methodology applied for the preparation of the themes" while the Western Church can "take advantage of the ancient and consolidated experience" of the Eastern ones. by Mathias Hariyadi The new measure will remain in force until at least 20 July. Yesterday Indonesia reported almost 22,000 new cases. Beds in intensive care units and oxygen are in short supply. The government wants to boost the vaccination rollout. Jakarta (AsiaNews) Indonesia will impose a partial lockdown on the islands of Bali and Java to counter the rise in COVID-19 cases. President Joko Widodo announced his decision today, which he made on the advice of national health experts. The measure, which will remain in force from 3 to 20 July, includes, among other things, the shutdown of schools and all non-essential businesses. Restaurants can remain open until 5 pm but with a maximum capacity of 25 per cent. Yesterday, the country reported 21,807 new cases and 463 deaths. The Ministry of Health has expressed concern about the alarming high rate of intensive care bed occupancy. Many hospitals are at 90 per cent of capacity or more. Oxygen supplies for patients are declining whilst prices are rising; an oxygen tank that normally costs US$ 50 is now going for US$ 140 dollars. This situation is very frustrating for those who have to care for family members at home. Wahyuni, a young woman living in Semarang, told AsiaNews that she lost four relatives to coronavirus. Daryati, 82, and her two sons have been sick, locked at home for a month. "As a result of COVID-19, these are the worst days, between life and death," said the elderly woman. In the past week, four seminarians have also died from the coronavirus, while at least 10 priests are being treated in different hospitals in the capital. To counter the rise in infections and the spread of the Delta variant to Java and Bali, the Indonesian government is planning to speed up the vaccination campaign. Every person over the age of 18 can now receive the vaccine. So far however, only 13.3 million people have received two doses out of a target group of 181.5 million. by Vladimir Rozanskij The Russians are working on the removal of the Belarusian dictator, unable to resolve the political and social crisis in his country. The goal is the incorporation of Belarus into the Russian Federation. Putin would have gotten the green light from the United States and China. Moscow (AsiaNews) - The difficult economic conditions due to Western sanctions and the pandemic have put Belarus in a serious crisis, which is increasingly seeking the support of Russia. Instead, the Kremlin wants to accelerate to build a scenario reclaimed by the "toxic president" Aleksandr Lukashenko. This is what has emerged from recent contacts between Russians and Belarusians, especially from the visit of the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolaj Patrusev, who went to Minsk on 30 June. According to the Russian political scientist Arsenij Sivitskij, Patrusev's visit was supposed to "prepare the next meeting between Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, which will have to resume the contents of the Sochi meeting of September 2020, when the Russian president imposed an acceleration on his Belarusian counterpart on the question of the merger between the two countries." Putin would also have the go-ahead from Washington and the whole West on his side, which would welcome the closure of the Belarus case and leave it in the hands of the Kremlin. The "Sochi accords" presuppose the liberation of the opposition prisoners of, starting with the more moderate Viktor Babariko and the members of his group. The agreement also provides for the beginning of a more inclusive dialogue between the Belarusian authorities and the opposition, and the organization of new presidential elections by the end of 2021 (without, however, the participation of Lukashenko). At the same time, the implementation of the constitutional reforms need expediting, mirroring the Russian ones. Belarus should move into a super-presidential form, in which parliament is de facto subject to the president. In exchange, the country would obtain the guarantee of Russias personal and political protection, and then reach the "twinning" agreement, which Lukashenko himself has long sought to escape in recent years. The economic support that Russia had allocated last year to help Belarus has run out; Moscow now intends to dictate the rules ever more stringently, acting in tune with the pressure of increasingly harsh Western sanctions. The end of 2021 therefore appears to be the deadline of Lukashenko's infinite reign, precisely because of new sectoral restrictions by Europe and the United States, which would come into force at the beginning of 2022. The new meeting between Putin and Lukashenko should take place in the second half of July or early August. It will be the moment of the "verdict" on Belarus: the real result of the Russian-US summit in Geneva, orchestrated by Patrusev, also director of the Sochi agreements. So far Putin has refused to meet Lukashenko again. The Belarusian leader had proposed the date of 22 June (80 years since the beginning of the Patriotic War) or 29 June, with the opening of the Forum of the Russian-Belarusian regions. Patrusev and other Kremlin officials, such as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Dmitry Kozak, are however still working to define the agreement between Moscow and Washington on the Belarusian question. During his visit on June 30, Patrusev would also have informed Lukashenko of an even broader agreement between Putin, Biden and Xi Jinping on the constitutional transition of Belarus, as the only way out of the crisis. Recent contacts in Minsk with the Chinese partner would have led to the same results. It would seem that Lukashenko is therefore before a real ultimatum. Yesterday the military released journalists and protesters. According to activists it is a ploy to distract the international community. The repression of the coup generals does not stop. Yangon (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The Burmese army yesterday released more than 2,000 political prisoners, including some journalists who had criticized the harsh repression of the military junta and several demonstrators who had taken part in the protests against the coup. Military spokesman Zaw Min Tun reported that most of the people were detained for joining the demonstrations: A total of 2,296 people were released. They had taken part in the protests, but not in leading roles. They had not participated in violent acts. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), a non-profit based in Thailand, said the mass release was engineered to give the impression the military's sweeping crackdown had eased. "Today's events intend to make it seem like there has been a relaxation in the junta's oppression. This is not the case," it said in a statement. In fact, there are more than 5,200 political prisoners still in Burmese prisons Salai Za Uk Ling, an activist from the Chin State Human Rights Organization, described the release as "completely meaningless" and with the sole purpose of calming the international community. Western countries have been calling for the release of political prisoners for months, condemning the takeover of the Tatmadaw (the Burmese army). With the February 1 coup, the military overthrew civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, now in prison and on trial, and overturned the November election result. Several newspapers have confirmed the release of some of their reporters. The Myanmar Now portal confirmed the release of one of their journalists, Kay Zon Nwa, who was detained for 124 days on charges of inciting violence. "Like many other political detainees, she was unfairly arrested. She has suffered a lot in prison. But today, I'm glad to see her again in great spirits," Swe Win, Myanmar Now's editor-in-chief said. She said there are three main issues. Parents want vaccines that are licensed and not authorized, which will come in time. They wanted trusted messengers, which will require commitment from doctors, as well as faith and community leaders. And, Pisani said, they want to know about long-term effects from vaccines, and we counter that we dont know long-term effects of COVID. As of Friday, the Maryland Department of Health reported a 0.57% COVID-19 positivity rate. Slightly more than 50% of Marylanders have received at least one dose of the vaccine, according to the health department. Hogan said these numbers informed his decision to lift the order, though he said the battles not over. Mask wearing on buses will be required, as is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, the county said it would keep students and teachers socially distanced as much as possible. The available viewing area at Sawmill will be smaller than in years past but the display will be bigger and can be seen from further away, the association wrote in a Facebook post. Parking for Sawmill is available at Monsignor Slade Catholic School but once the lot is full, it will close. Handicap parking is available at Sawmill Creek Park and overflow handicapped parking will be at the Pascal Center, 125 Dorsey Road. If we hope to turn the tide on violence in our community and in our city, then we must look to models like the Innovation Fund that demonstrate what can happen when we pool our collective resources, leverage our individual expertise, and explore new solutions together, Johns Hopkins President Ronald Daniels said in a statement. We are truly excited about the selected projects and look forward to the impact they will make. I feel like I was attempting to do all the right things, Levi said. Breaking rules is not who I am. I tried to explain what happened, and to tell the truth. At no time did I think I wasnt supposed to go to that class. I apologize to my mother and my family for what this is doing to them. That is why making sure that the levels of oysters and numbers of oysters that are coming out of the bay for harvest are sustainable is important. We need to make sure they are able to fulfill those other roles, Colden said. Jefferson Davis was not just a man of his time, and therefore his defenders cannot claim he was anything less than entirely culpable for the evil he defended. As president of the Confederate States, he was the leader of the effort to maintain slavery on the North American continent and directed the war effort to do so that resulted in the death of more than 600,000 Americans. His vice president, Alexander Stephens, stood out even among pro-slavery politicians for the ardent defense of the evil institution. Among Stephens many notable comments was that the Confederacy rested upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man, that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This is not merely a truth but a great truth, he said, making it somehow truer sort of like when Donald Trump capitalized his tweets. Stephens is the man the state of Georgia chose as its representative in the Capitol Statuary. That leads to the second argument from Republicans. I also can be sure that everything on his list is a convenience. Driving is so convenient that just about anyone who can is willing to go through the bureaucracy to get their license to do it. But picture someone who cant drive, say because of a disability. If for everything else on Mr. Webbs list they could either find a workaround or do without, why should they need to put up with the bureaucracy to get an ID that they dont need? Would such a person be incapable of handling adult responsibilities? I think this argument that anyone can get an ID is able-splaining, not taking the time nor using the imagination to put yourself in the position of someone who had heretofore not needed an ID. History has shown us that voter ID laws have been used to intentionally impede certain voters. But that is all in the past, right? One might wonder, given the types of ID that would be acceptable in these new laws. Its possible that we could come to agreement on some future universal ID expectation within a larger voting security and voting rights bill, but it would have to be consistent across jurisdictions and include options that are equally easy to obtain across geographical, racial and socio-economic groups. Destinations Vote for Riviera Nayarit in 2021 Readers' Choice Awards United Airlines' Hemispheres magazine published a list of nominees for its 2021 Readers' Choice Awards, and the Riviera Nayarit is a contender in two top categories. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico - The Riviera Nayarit is a finalist in the 2021 Hemispheres Readers' Choice Awards. Hemispheres is United Airlines' in-flight magazine, and the destination is contending for the Best International Honeymoon Destination and the Best International Beach Destination categories of their 'The Best of 2021' contest. Mexico's Pacific Treasure competes with two legendary romance destinations, France and Italy, and remarkably, it does so while representing Mexico. In addition, its world-famous Playa del Amor (Hidden Beach) shares a ranking alongside Australia's Bondi Beach and French Polynesia's Bora Bora for Best Beach Destination. A love of travel These awards celebrate a love of travel. In addition to its signature "Three Perfect Days" feature, the magazine offers a first-hand look at a city or a destination itinerary-style. "The Riviera Nayarit attracted the attention of travelers thanks to an idyllic scenery perfect for destination weddings, honeymoons or wedding anniversaries - a matchless setting of luxury and nature. This achievement is a direct result of the work performed by the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Bahia de Banderas Hotel and Motel Association to position the destination in the luxury and romance segments," said Marc Murphy, managing director of both entities. Vote for the Riviera Nayarit! The Riviera Nayarit is a safe destination. Our hotels, restaurants, and tourist establishments follow all the health protocols established by the Federal Government's Ministry of Health and operate at the allowed capacities. Access to the beaches is limited. Be a responsible tourist: wear your mask and keep your distance. Original article - The Riviera Nayarit is a finalist in the 2021Readers' Choice Awards. Hemispheres is United Airlines' in-flight magazine, and the destination is contending for the Best International Honeymoon Destination and the Best International Beach Destination categories of their 'The Best of 2021' contest.Mexico's Pacific Treasure competes with two legendary romance destinations, France and Italy, and remarkably, it does so while representing Mexico. In addition, its world-famous Playa del Amor (Hidden Beach) shares a ranking alongside Australia's Bondi Beach and French Polynesia's Bora Bora for Best Beach Destination.These awards celebrate a love of travel. In addition to its signature "Three Perfect Days" feature, the magazine offers a first-hand look at a city or a destination itinerary-style."The Riviera Nayarit attracted the attention of travelers thanks to an idyllic scenery perfect for destination weddings, honeymoons or wedding anniversaries - a matchless setting of luxury and nature. This achievement is a direct result of the work performed by the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Bahia de Banderas Hotel and Motel Association to position the destination in the luxury and romance segments," said Marc Murphy, managing director of both entities. Click HERE to Vote for the Riviera Nayarit in United Airlines' in-flight magazine's "The Best of 2021" Readers' Choice Awards. The voting period to select the finalists began June 18 and will close on July 10. Final results will be announced in the September 2021 edition. Site Map Print this Page Email Us Top Support local journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Buffalo, WY (82834) Today Becoming windy with scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. High 79F. Winds NNW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms before midnight. Low 59F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Duluth, MN (55816) Today Plentiful sunshine. High near 90F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Mostly clear early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Low 63F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Governor Okalia Bilai Bernard opens Limbe FESTAC 2019 Atia Azohnwi Okalia Bilai Bernard, Governor of Cameroons South-West Region has said after several measures taken by the state to solve the problems raised by some members of the population, it is now time for local dialogue to take place within families. The Representative of the State in the South-West Region was speaking to state media at the end of a working session with Senior Divisional Officers, mayors, and frontline community actors to examine necessary and concrete measures towards peace. Attendees at the session agreed that actions to ensure peace and stability in the South-West Region, especially in rural communities are the only way to bring normalcy in the region. Governor Okalia said the session sought to bring all the living forces of this region, all the stakeholders, local elected officials to go to the grassroots population and to talk to those of their sons, family members who are still hanging around with guns to drop their guns because today, what the population of this region was expecting, they already have it." That means, the Regional Assembly with Special Status can do all that the population was expecting. They can solve all the problems of the population because we have in that Special Status commissioners who are like local ministers with a whole house of chiefs," Okalia furthered. So, they no longer need to continue disturbing the peaceful life of the people, the development of this very important region. The state has done its part of the work. Now, they should go and talk to their sons. Now is time for local dialogue within the families, within the communities to convince their children that they should drop their weapons, he said. Cameroons state forces have been battling to dislodge armed separatists who pitched their tents in the North West and South West Regions since Anglophone protests transformed into an armed conflict in 2017. Corporate demands by Common Law Lawyers and Anglophone Teachers led to protests in November 2016. The street demonstrations later morphed into ongoing running gun battles between state forces and armed separatist fighters in the predominantly English-speaking regions, leading to untold destruction of human lives, their habitats, and livelihoods. Tit-for-tat killings, kidnappings, arsons, maiming, and outright terror have become part of daily lives in some parts of the English-speaking regions. A Major National Dialogue organized in 2019 has since failed to silence the guns. Watchtowers erected at office of Bafut Divisional Officer Teneng Lucas Diobe-Elumba Didacus Elumba, Divisional Officer (D.O.) for Bafut Subdivision has banned a checkpoint mounted by security forces in front of his office. The ban is contained in a sub-prefectural decision dated June 28, 2021. According to the D.O., the decision was taken considering a series of complaints from the populations, notably road users about harassments, assaults, and extortions of the Forces of Law and Order taking guard at the Sub Divisional Office, Bafut. The Divisional Officer for Bafut adds that the job description of the Forces of Law and Order at the Sub-divisional Office, Bafut is limited exclusively to securing the premises. Considering, therefore, the necessity to maintain peace and order and the necessity of service, the Divisional Officer for Bafut decided as follows: That with effect from the date of signature of this Decision, the illegal check-point mounted in front of the Sub-divisional Office, Bafut by the Forces of Law and Order taking guard in its premises is hereby banned. That any element or group of elements of the forces of law and order who contravene this decision shall be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force; That the brigade commander, Bafut, and the Commissioner of Public Security Bafut, are charged with the implementation of this decision. That the present decision shall be registered and communicated wherever and whenever necessary. The D.O. for Bafut writes that this decision was taken mindful of Decree No. 2008.377 of 2 November 2008 defining the powers and duties of heads of Administrative Units and the organization and functioning of their services, as well as Decree No. 2019/030 of 23 January 2019 organizing the Ministry of Territorial Administration. Bafut D.O. bans "illegal" checkpoint mounted by the forces of law and order in front of his office (page 1) (c) WhatsApp Bafut D.O. bans "illegal" checkpoint mounted by the forces of law and order in front of his office (page 2) (c) WhatsApp Soon after the decision went viral on social media, some Cameroonians have been calling on their respective Divisional Officers to copy the example of the Divisional Officer of Bafut. Hope the D.O. of Kumba III can also stop those tax collectors at Tancha who are exhorting money from 'poor' people, said a Kumba-based journalist. Even the regular harassment of supposed scammers by ESIR around town is a big problem here. Another journalist based in Kumba said the D.O. of Bafut should extend this largesse to the South West Region, especially along the Kumba- Buea road where the business thrives highly. Commuters along this road are groaning under the heavyweight of police extortion. More than 8 collection, sorry control, posts on a road of just 67km. The journalist says the exaggerated control points along this short distance have orchestrated an astronomical rise in transport fare. Kumba-Buea that was just 1.000 FCFA has gone up to 2.500 FCFA. Some controls here have fixed their take from drivers at 2,000 FCFA. Nothing short of that can be accepted. Even when you have all your documents and respect the loading rules, the driver must drop at every stop point, the journalist furthered. Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo National Assembly Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo, one of the two Members of Parliament for Fako East (Limbe, Muyuka & Tiko) Constituency has called on the government to attend to the water and electricity needs of his constituents. The MP was addressing the Minister of Water and Energy Resources, Eloundou Essomba Gaston during Monday's plenary sitting at the National Assembly. He was among many lawmakers who sought to understand why there exist persist, prolonged, and often unexplained power outages and water shortages across the national territory, despite the country's bountiful natural resources. Hon. Findi wondered aloud why authorities of the Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation (CAMWATER) have refused to install water pipes to no fewer than one thousand homes around the Limbe Omnisport Stadium, forcing the residents of the area to resort to digging boreholes. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that the people around the Limbe Omnisport Stadium are still to be connected by CAMWATER. CAMWATER has refused to take its pipes to close to 1000 residents in an area full of potential customers. I want to use this medium, Mr. Minister to ask the director of CAMWATER what the problem is. The inhabitants of this area have resorted to boreholes, said Hon. Findi. The lawmaker said three years five months ago, President Paul Biya instructed the minister of economy, planning and regional development to engage a loan of FCFA 3 billion for feasibility studies, and project conception for the rehabilitation and extension of the treatment and distribution of water in Tiko, Mutengene and Buea. Thus far, he says the project is yet to see the light of day, although Buea, Mutengene and Tiko can boast of security. Hear Hon. Findi: This project has not been realized. Recently, the contract was awarded to a contractor but the execution still poses problems. I will want to join my voice to the other speakers who are from the crisis-hit regions or areas to say the people of Tiko and Mutengene will not appreciate it if in the future they get to understand that the contractor is unable to execute his contract because of insecurity. The MP for Fako East assured the Minister of Water and Energy Resources that: Tiko and Mutengene are very safe areas and these projects can be executed without any delay. Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo addresses Water & Energy Resources Minister ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA Gaston (c) National Assembly 'Businesses of IDPs are crumbling' Hon. Findi Stanley Mokondo told the Minister of Water and Energy Resources that most of the businesses he set up for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have crumbled as a result of power failure. Mr. Minister, ENEO (the electricity supply company) is not friendly to the internally displaced people of my area. Recently, the community of Muyuka under my leadership sponsored start-up businesses for some internally displaced persons said Hon. Findi. As we speak, six months after, 70 percent of these young entrepreneurs who were involved in businesses dealing with perishable goods are out of business because of the frequent power cuts. When they come to us to ask for a way forward, it is but certain that engaging a lawsuit against ENEO, as we all know, is not only cumbersome, it is time-consuming. The victims are left with no option than to stay back. The MP however saluted the efforts of ENEO officials in Limbe whom he said have created a WhatsApp group through which electricity users register their problems and get solutions. At the end of the six-hour oral questioning at the Yaounde Conference Center hosting the National Assembly, Minister Gaston Eloundou regretted that thousands of Cameroonian communities will continue to go without a regular power supply for a long time to come, owing to both natural and man-made causes. He however gave assurances that the government has taken steps to solve the country's water and electricity problems. The Congressional Research Service expects the development of such weapons to be more difficult in the U.S. than it is in Russia or China because of plans to use them with conventional warheads rather than the nuclear-based systems those countries are developing. A conventionally armed hypersonic missile will need greater accuracy than one that is armed with a nuclear warhead. I would say Mohammed is very passionate, and he is probably one of the hardest-working individuals I have ever met, said Pedro Martinez, the superintendent of schools in San Antonio, who is Choudhurys mentor and previous boss. During his career in Texas schools Choudhury was known for school integration efforts in San Antonio and for creating, with Martinez, a more precise system of defining high-poverty schools and targeting money to them that has since been adopted by the state legislature. She prepared for the six weeks. She went surfing, hung out with her family. Tuesday night, she watched Pixars Luca. On the way to the academy, Single listened to music. When it comes to her phone, she had not yet parted with it despite knowing she would give it up for several weeks. Our understanding is that this conversation never confirmed a specific date and time that worked for both of us, and that there was no follow-up afterwards to schedule a date and time, he wrote. That dialogue never made it to Waynes desk, and that is our staffs fault. Most free Black people rejected the colonization scheme, with some believing it was a ruse to sell them back into slavery. But a few Black leaders believed that West Africa offered them the best chance to escape the racism that so circumscribed their lives in the U.S. Among them were the abolitionist John Brown Russwurm, who founded the first Black-owned newspaper in the U.S. and later became the governor of Maryland in Africa. Meanwhile, Maryland data shows 99% of the state-run psychiatric care beds were occupied as of June 4, and bed occupancy rates in hospital psychiatric units were increasing. The average bed occupancy rate rose from about 68% in both the second and third quarters of 2020 to almost 74% by the last quarter of the calendar year, the latest data available. I want to be real clear about the judge and those in this courthouse. I am here for this mother and this child. I am not here for politics and I am not here for gain, Sharpton told a crowd of about 70 supporters. It does not take five years to understand what you have done with this family. This family is hurting. You are sitting in the courtroom arguing about your schedule, when is justice on the schedule? I think they [the bookstores owners] have been very irresponsible in their ownership and their stewardship of the building, she said. The reason why the building is in such deplorable condition is that it has been not only neglected but abused. I think the owners would be delighted to see the building collapse. When lighting fireworks, adults should clear the range and make sure the pyrotechnic is not pointing at someone or being thrown in the direction of a person. Adults should also supervise children and not let them handle the fireworks, Anuszewski said. Besides documents and his own account to psychiatrists, Michelle Jeans testimony could be the only look jurors get of Jarrod Ramos upbringing and personal life. She already shared her story with police, prosecutors, defense attorneys and three sets of forensic psychiatrists. Thursday, she told it to the jury tasked with deciding if her brother will spend the rest of his life in prison or be committed to a psychiatric hospital. Michelle Cummings, 57, of Houston, was relaxing early Tuesday morning with friends on the elevated patio outside of the Graduate Hotel on West Street when she was fatally shot. She was in Annapolis to bring her son to the Naval Academy for Induction Day. Police say she was not the intended target. In May, the condo association submitted plans asking for approval of a temporary parking plan in order to move forward. But their request went unanswered for more than a month. The delay, according to the Miami Herald, prompted the condo building manager, to accuse the town of holding us up as the association sought to accelerate the towers overhaul, which included repairs to a concrete slab under the pool deck and planters that experts are now pointing to as an initial point of failure that preceded the building collapse. Conversely, we cannot have unity in a world where some wish to pretend that there are not checkered parts of our history. While America is truly exceptional, there are parts of our history of which we should not be proud. These go far beyond slavery and segregation. Most people, until recently, were not aware of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre, the worst incident of racial violence in U.S. history, where hundreds of African Americans were senselessly murdered. Nor are they aware of incidents like the 1898 Wilmington insurrection, where white Democrats successfully replaced a biracial government in what amounted to a coup detat. Under Maryland law, the governor draws the first draft of the maps following the national census. But a majority of state lawmakers can vote to redraw the proposed electoral lines. States are awaiting official data from the U.S. Census Bureau, which has been delayed but is expected later this summer. People seeking to enter Pakistan or leave the country are facing hardship and mental agony due to the cancellation of their flights by several foreign airlines in wake of capacity restrictions. The foreign airlines scheduled extra flights and took bookings to Pakistan presuming ease of travel restrictions by authorities. However, they had to cancel them when the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) maintained its travel curbs. No more than 20 per cent of the normal air traffic from the world will be allowed, barring a few exceptions, reported Dawn. The NCOC had increased the capacity for only direct international inbound flights from Europe, Canada, the United Kingdom, China, Malaysia and some other countries to 40 per cent of the normal volume of passengers from July 1. Passengers who were irked by the flight cancellations took to social media to vent their anger. The airlines did not give them the reason behind flight cancellations and passengers held the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) responsible. "My family has had flights cancelled twice in a span of a week @qatarairways and for now they aren't able to adjust before July 26th," tweeted a social media user. 'Same thing happened with us Turkish airlines canceled the tickets and they saying Pakistan Govt banned their operations from July 1 to July 18," said another Twitterati. In view of the outrage, the CAA issued a statement to clarify its position, blaming foreign airlines for cancellations, reported Dawn. "CAA has taken notice of the excessive booking by foreign airlines for Pakistan. The responsibility of booking and suspension of flights lies on the airline concerned as CAA has nothing to do with cancellation or overbooking," the authority claimed. Meanwhile, an official of Qatar Airways told Dawn some of its flights had been cancelled to comply with the NCOC's restrictions. A Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) spokesperson said due to the limited number of flights operated by Gulf-based carriers, a large number of Pakistanis were unable to travel to Pakistan from Doha and vice versa. (ANI) Also Read: Pakistan's external debt likely to increase as dependence on foreign loans continues Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday said that China will elevate its armed forces to world-class standards with the aim to equip itself with "greater capacity" to safeguard its "national sovereignty, security, and development interests." Addressing an event in Beijing marking the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xi was quoted by Xinhua as saying that "We must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces." Xi, who is chairman of the Central Military Commission and general secretary of the CPC's Central Committee, said the "people's military is a strong pillar for safeguarding the socialist country and preserving national dignity." On a bellicose note, the Chinese president added that any attempt to divide the Party from the Chinese people or to set the people against the Party is bound to fail. "The more than 95 million Party members and the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will never allow such a scenario to come to pass," Xi said. He further said that resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an "unshakable commitment" of the CPC. "We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward 'Taiwan independence,' and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation," the Chinese President said. China has also recently sent dozens of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. Beijing claims full sovereignty over Taiwan, a democracy located off the southeastern coast of mainland China, even though the two sides have been governed separately for more than seven decades. Also Read: Pakistan was 'bad-mouthed', says Imran Khan as he rules out allying with US in war If you are old enough to remember the hit comedy movie of 1980, Caddy Shack, then you will recall that a gopher infestation was threatening a golf course in Nebraska. The somewhat deranged groundskeeper was tasked with getting rid of the pest. His efforts at eradication include shooting, f The Tribal Council elections are coming up and Char-Koosta News has new election logos. We can't decide which is the best. That's where you come in. Check out the logo options below and then vote. Which logo do you prefer? Answer below! You voted: Message from the Chair This past week I attended the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Mid-Year convention-virtually-as the CSKT delegate. I will report on the proceedings the next couple weeks with accompanying articles of interest further covered by the CharKoosta News reporters. One of the highlights of the convention was reports from various Cabinet offices. The Counselor to the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury spoke about the enhanced child tax credit, part of the American Rescue Plan, which President Joe Biden signed into law in March. For the tax year 2021, it expands the existing child tax credit to $3,000 from $2,000 for dependents 17 and younger and gives an additional $600 for children under the age of 6. It requires half of the credit to be paid in advance by having the IRS send monthly payments to families from July 2021 to December 2021. (See accompanying article in link below.) Low-income families to benefit from Child Tax Credit Payments starting at $300 a month to come to eligible families The other highlight was the announcement by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) of the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative directing the Department to prepare a report detailing available historical records, with an emphasis on cemeteries or potential burial sites, relating to the federal boarding school program. This work will occur under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. This initiative will serve as an investigation about the loss of human life and the lasting consequences of residential Indian boarding schools. The primary goal will be to identify boarding school facilities and sites; the location of known and possible student burial sites located at or near school facilities; and the identities and Tribal affiliations of children interred at such locations. The work will proceed in several phases and include the identification and collection of records and information related to the Department of Interiors own oversight and implementation of the Indian boarding school program; formal consultations with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and Native Hawaiian organizations to clarify the processes and procedures for protecting identified burial sites and associated information; and the submission of a final written report on the investigation to the Secretary by April 1, 2022. NCAI President Fawn Sharp issued the following statement: The National Congress of American Indians commends the Department of Interior for taking the essential first step of providing an official account of the atrocities that Native children experienced during the boarding school era. By documenting who, what, when and where these egregious abuses occurred, Native families may not be able to fully heal, but they may be able to begin to reconcile with the past. Many mothers, fathers, siblings, and children of boarding school victims and survivors have walked on without ever knowing the full extent of what happened to their loved ones. But knowledge is power. By learning the truth, we can finally begin reconciling the past and healing for the future. Staffing had been the nurses main concern leading up to the strike, with many saying that a dearth of nurses was leading to delays in patient care and burnout among nurses. Cook County Health previously said it has been continually recruiting nurses and hired nearly 800 nurses over the past year. The WOW! acquisition, which is expected to close in the second half of the year, will significantly expand RCNs footprint in Chicago. RCN Chicago is currently available to homes in Chicago, Evanston, Lincolnwood and Skokie. The company declined to say how many Chicago-area customers it has. To me, the big thing landlords should be thinking about is how to stay relevant for folks who are only in their building one to three times a week, he said. Youve even seen things like gyms doing home classes. I think youll see that creative thinking continue to develop over the next couple of years. Gonzalez Valle liked to keep another shrine to St. Martin near the register, with the patron saint of innkeepers and winemakers sitting on his horse, feeding a beggar. Next to it, he kept a cup filled with water and bunch of cilantro he refilled daily his way of feeding the horse. Over here, an early strip about a lesbian relationship that ran in the Chicago Tribune in 1905. Over there, the earliest Black cartoonists in Chicago, often drawing for the Chicago Defender. Over here, the comics of Lyonel Feininger, later synonymous with the German Bauhaus movement, hired as part of a (deeply unpopular) Tribune initiative to hire German artists (and serve a German-American readership). Over there, the early illustrated stories of John T. McCutcheon, whose sense of irony seems contemporary and prescient. This McCutcheon here, Samuelson said, its from a story about a change in the neighborhood on the West Side and a family had an estate then real estate development happens and theyre surrounded by apartment buildings so they have one last lawn party and the picture is the people in the neighborhood who show up and stand at the gates to watch and police are called and this one guy tells the police officer he can do what he wants, its a public sidewalk, and so then the cop beats the man and thats the end of the story. In other words, thanks to Geffen, you might be watching a stage director who could not otherwise have afforded to go to Yale then give an opportunity to a dancer from somewhere else entirely. So the fascinating idea is that the free tuition even can expand exponentially to help yet more artists. Its an interesting argument, rarely applied to philanthropy in education, but Salovey, a social psychologist, makes a decent case. Free tuition can indeed help other people, assuming the graduates who benefited then work in collaborative professions that typically struggle with issues of equity and economic opportunity. Patients have the right to choose not to take the second pill and pursue alternative options to save their pregnancies, the office said in a court filing. Denying patients information regarding alternatives should they wish to continue their pregnancies harms women by depriving them of that choice. Just two months before the building came down, the president of its board wrote a letter to residents saying that structural problems identified in the 2018 inspection had gotten significantly worse and that major repairs would cost at least $15.5 million. With bids for the work still pending, the building suddenly collapsed last Thursday. The ruling comes eight years after the high court took away what had been the Justice Departments most effective tool for combating discriminatory voting laws a different provision of the voting rights law that required the federal government or a court to clear voting changes before they could take effect in Arizona and other states, mainly in the South, with a history of discrimination. Officers were called to the 11300 block of South Wentworth Avenue about 1:10 a.m. and found two women, one 40 and the other 30, had been shot as they sat on a porch, police said. The 40-year-old was shot in the torso, and she was rushed to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where she was pronounced dead. The officer returned to his car and Holliman approached him, scissors in hand, and asked if the officer would shoot him if he ran toward the officer with the scissors above his head. The officer tried to calm him and Holliman got back in his car, according to Murphy. We are not going to move people back into an area that is not safe for their health and safety, he said. We want to make sure its the right choice. And we hear our citizens Im one of our citizens. We dont want our people out of their homes. Austin was a key Black supporter on the City Council for the agendas of Daley and later Mayor Rahm Emanuel. She chaired the powerful Budget Committee for years, shepherding those mayors annual spending plans through the City Council with a brusque style, often calling on opponents to come up with better ideas or keep their criticisms to themselves. Kinzinger and U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming were the only Republicans to vote for the creation of the panel. Both were among 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump over his role in the insurrection, which came as the House was convening to certify Joe Bidens win in the presidential election. The Supreme Court had outlawed such racist covenants, but they were still widely used during the post-war baby boom era. What were the effects of not allowing Blacks to buy homes in certain areas, and why should it matter today if redlining and other discriminatory practices occurred in the past? A police department social worker was called to the scene to try and get the man to leave the home safely, but police said he continued to refuse. The department reached out for assistance from the Northern Illinois Police Alarm System (NIPAS), a multi-department tactical unit trained in hostage and barricade situations, and additional officers and negotiators arrived at the scene. CCTV: According to reports, the World Bank's China Office released a report recently, highlighting improved consumer and business confidence and better labor market conditions in China and projecting China's growth to reach 8.5% this year. What is your comment? Wang Wenbin: The World Bank's report once again shows the international community's confidence in China's economic development. This year, the Chinese economy has continued to recovery steadily, with a consolidating momentum for the better and accelerating pace of opening up. From January to May 2021, China's GDP witnessed continuous and steady growth. The paid-in FDI to China registered 481 billion yuan, up by 35.4% year on year. The non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) was $43.29 billion, up by 2.6% year on year. China's import and export volume reached a record high of 14.76 trillion yuan, giving a strong boost to world economic recovery and growth. As China has entered a new development stage, it is following the new development philosophy and formulating a new development paradigm to advance high-quality development. This will enable the Chinese market to offer more investment and growth opportunities to our cooperation partners. China will follow the vision of openness, cooperation, solidarity and win-win results in firmly expanding all-round opening-up to make the Chinese market a shared market for the world. We welcome all parties to actively integrate into the Chinese market and share China's development opportunities, so as to achieve common development and deliver benefits to the people of all countries. Associated Press of Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has sent a message of felicitation to President Xi on the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He highlighted the CPC's role and sacrifices for China's liberation and its subsequent rise. He also appreciated the CPC's role in nurturing all-weather friendship between Pakistan and China. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: Having received the message of congratulation from Prime Minister Imran Khan, the Chinese side expresses its thanks and appreciation. CPC stands firmly for developing a friendly relation with Pakistan, which is also a consistent position of the Chinese Government. With the efforts of our two leaders and supports of our two peoples, China and Pakistan have become all-weather strategic partners. This year marks the centenary of the founding of CPC, and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan. Over the past seven decades, regardless of the changes in international landscape, China and Pakistan have respected, trusted and supported each other, forged an all-weather friendship, and carried out cooperation in an all-round way. The rock-solid and everlasting friendship between our two countries has become the most precious strategic asset for both of us. On the new journey forward, China will continue to uphold peace, development and win-win cooperation, work for a new type of international relations and the community with a shared future for mankind, boost high quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and provide new opportunities to the rest of the world while developing itself. In this process, China will always take Pakistan as a priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic ties, China stands ready to work with the Pakistani side to host a series of celebration activities, and elevate China-Pakistan relations to a new level and deliver more benefits to our peoples. Bloomberg News: The Financial Times report said US and Japan have been conducting war games and joint military exercises to prepare for any potential conflict with China over Taiwan. The planning began in the final year of the Trump administration. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? Wang Wenbin: We note relevant reports. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The Chinese government and people's firm resolve and will to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity will not waver in the face of any external pressure. We hope relevant sides will stop hyping up the "China threat" theory and instead do more things in the interest of regional peace and stability. CNR: As the global pandemic situation remains complicated and grave, could you update us on the progress in China's "spring sprout" program overseas to help get Chinese nationals vaccinated? Wang Wenbin: Since COVID-19 broke out, the life and health of each and every Chinese national overseas has always been on the mind of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. Since State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced the launch of the "spring sprout" program at a press conference during the "two sessions", China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and overseas diplomatic and consular missions have helped over 1.7 million overseas Chinese citizens in more than 160 countries to get inoculated with Chinese or foreign-made vaccines, conveying the care of the CPC and the Chinese government to Chinese compatriots all across the world. Going forward, we will stay true to the purpose of serving the people heart and soul, strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant countries, and further expand the scope of the "spring sprout" program on the basis of complying with host country laws and regulations and respecting the will of each individual. We hope to make more progress in this program to ensure that overseas Chinese nationals who should be vaccinated can get the jabs as soon as possible and all those who want to be vaccinated have access to doses. Through such efforts, we hope to build a strong firewall to protect the safety and health of overseas Chinese nationals. ********************************* Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. We would like to wish the great, glorious and correct CPC a very happy birthday! Greece and China have the willingness to broaden cooperation in many fields, including education, Greek and Chinese officials, academics and business leaders told an online conference here on Wednesday. "We look forward to broadening our cooperation in the future," said Evangelos Syrigos, Greek deputy minister of Education and Religious Affairs, at a forum hosted by the Athens Business Confucius Institute (BCI Athens). Both China and Greece, linked with ties of strong friendship, are willing to further enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in education, among other sectors, said Wang Qiang, Charge d'Affaires Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Greece. Greece is welcoming an increasing number of Chinese students in Greek universities in recent years, while many Greeks are learning the Chinese language, a key in understanding and advancing cooperation, Syrigos noted. To date, the BCI Athens has given the opportunity to at least 3,000 Greek students to learn Chinese, said Alexandros Papalexandris, the institute's co-director. "Red building" of Peking University is a key location in the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC). [Photo/Xinhua] The renovated site of the "Red Building," once the main campus of Peking University and a key location in the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC), reopened to the public on Tuesday. Visitors to the building in Beijing will be able to enjoy a themed exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the CPC's founding. The exhibition features 1,357 cultural relics and employs new-media technologies such as holograms to demonstrate the Party's early revolutionary activities in Beijing. Built from 1916 to 1918, the building was named after its red brick walls and tiled roof. It witnessed several of China's major historical events, including the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement, both of which greatly contributed to the early spread of Marxism in the country and the founding of the CPC. In history, the Party's pioneers, including Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Mao Zedong, carried out revolutionary activities in the building. The room 119 in the southeast corner of the building's first floor, which is now the director's office of the Peking University Library, served as a former working site of Li Dazhao, where the communist complied prominent articles and introduced Marxism theories into Chinese universities. A new mainstream film "1921" presents how the earliest founders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) tried to find new solution to save China from grave crisis in the turbulent revolutionary years. Directors Huang Jianxin and Zheng Dasheng and their cast members pose for a group photo at the premiere of "1921" held in Beijing, June 28, 2021. [Photo courtesy of Dark Horse] The film, directed by Huang Jianxin and Zheng Dasheng, premiered on Monday ahead of the centenary celebrations of the founding of the CPC on July 1. It provides a panoramic view of the historical events, retelling the revolutionary heroes' devotion to and sacrifice for the rise of the Chinese people. The film portrays the early revolutionary heroes in a more intimate and younger way, with help of 100 movie stars such as Huang Xuan, Liu Haoran, Wang Renjun, Li Chen, Ni Ni and Karry Wang. Huang Jianxin, known for directing "Beginning of the Great Revival," said the cast and crew had prepared for five years to study the in-depth history and develop the script and the various characters. As actor Zhang Songwen revealed, he and Huang once spent eight hours discussing how to make role of He Shuheng a proletarian revolutionary and one of the founders of the CPC played by him in the film more detailed, showing just how much heart and soul they put into the film. "We want to capture the personalities, ideals, faiths of these revolutionary heroes, making them not only the symbols and icons, but in a more human way," the director said. "This time our creation is like finding a light in the mist. The light is these young people who lived a century ago. Together, we have walked along and followed them." "I remembered that when I dug into historical documents, students at that time often remembered a humiliation that, when they boycotted Japanese goods, they found the matchsticks they were using to set fire to the Japanese products were also made in Japan," co-director Zheng said. "This was the embarrassment and pain of that generation, and we added this detail to the film." A poster of "1921" [Image courtesy of Tencent Pictures] Now, China has more than just its own matchsticks, and is far more high-tech from its own rockets to its own Mars rover, producer Ren Ning said, "I believe that, just because joint efforts and cohesive force by every sector of the country, China will become stronger, greater and more beautiful." "1921" will hit Chinese theaters on July 1 and be simultaneously released in North America, particularly aimed at overseas Chinese viewers, through the Smart Cinema USA platform and its American partner TV brand platform Vizio which serves more than 30 million households in the U.S. Editor's note: Here are five events you don't want to miss this week: two dramas telling revolutionary stories, an exhibition at China's top museum, and two movies featuring CPC pioneers. 1, Drama: Battle of Triangle Hill The Battle of Triangle Hill, also known as the Shangganling Campaign, was a protracted military engagement during the Korean War. This drama presents a part of the Battle of Triangle Hill and details how a group of brave, iron-willed Chinese volunteer soldiers fought against enemies in a narrow tunnel. They went on to victory despite lacking food and ammunition as well as losing contact with their troop. Venue: National Centre for the Performing Arts, Beijing Dates: July 2-4 2Silent Ode to History: A Thematic Exhibition of Party History in Classic Artworks This exhibition focuses on classic artworks that reflect the history of the CPC. Approximately 100 valuable pieces, including oil paintings, Chinese paintings, prints, and sculptures have been gathered for the exhibition from the National Museum of China, the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, the National Art Museum of China, the Art Museum of China Academy of Art (CAFA),and the Guangdong Museum of Art. Venue: National Museum of China Dates: June 22-July 25 3Drama: The Wave "The Wave" tells true stories of five martyrs from the League of Left-Wing Writers and was made to commemorate the 90th anniversary of their sacrifices. The drama eulogizes the revolutionary spirit of the young writers Ro Shi, Hu Yepin, Li Qiushi, Feng Keng, and Yin Fu, and demonstrates the strength of faith. Venue: SAIC Shanghai Culture Square Dates: July 1-3 4 Two patriotic films: "1921" and "The Pioneer" "1921" Movie "1921" provides a panoramic view of the founding of the CPC 100 years ago via early historical stories set in the months leading up to and after the first National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai in July 1921. It demonstrates how the pioneers set out to establish the Party amid a turbulent era full of espionage and foreign threats. The film thus retells the revolutionary leaders' devotion to and sacrifice for the rise of the Chinese nation. Director: Huang Jianxin, Zheng Dasheng Cast: Huang Xuan, Liu Haoran, Wang Renjun, Yuan Wenkang, Li Chen, Ni Ni, Karry Wang and Zhong Chuxi Release Date: July 1, 2021 Venue: Theaters nationwide "The Pioneer" "The Pioneer," directed by Xu Zhanxiong and produced by Guan Hu, portrays the political acts of Li Dazhao, one of the founders of the CPC. Set between 1912-27, the film tells the revolutionary stories of Li's short life, and leads audiences on a journey of how he sought to change China and save the nation as well as how he led revolutionaries to disseminate Marxism in China and eventually found the CPC in 1921. Li was among the early trailblazers to spread Marxism and Communism in China. However, his life came to an abrupt end when he was executed by warlord Zhang Zuolin in 1927. Li is considered a pioneer of China's Communist movement, a great Marxist, and an outstanding proletarian revolutionary. Director: Xu Zhanxiong Cast: Zhang Songwen, Li Yifeng, Tong Liya, and Peng Yuchang Release Date: July 1, 2021 Venue: Theaters nationwide Cultural events of the week: June 21-27 DiDi Global Inc., a Chinese ride-hailing giant, began trading Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The company, trading under the ticker symbol of "DIDI," announced the pricing of its initial public offering of 316.8 million American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at a price to the public of 14 U.S. dollars per ADS for a total offering size of 4.4 billion dollars, assuming the underwriters do not exercise their option to purchase additional ADSs. Each four ADSs representing one Class A ordinary share of the company. DiDi started trading at 16.65 U.S. dollars per share on Wednesday, up nearly 19 percent from its pricing. The stock closed at 14.14 dollars apiece, after climbing to as high as 18 dollars in intraday trading. Founded in 2012, the company offers a wide range of app-based services across Asia Pacific, Latin America and Africa, as well as in Central Asia and Russia, including ride hailing, taxi hailing, chauffeur, hitch and other forms of shared mobility. Urbanization, economic development, and an increasingly connected world continue to elevate the importance of mobility, the company said in its prospectus, adding China's massive and urbanizing population presents opportunities for new mobility services. China's mobility market is expected to reach 3.9 trillion dollars by 2040, by which time the penetration of shared mobility and electric vehicles is expected to have increased to 35.9 percent and 50.2 percent, respectively, according to its prospectus, citing a report by China Insights Consultancy, an independent industry consulting platform. As of Tuesday, the S&P U.S. Listed China 50 index, which is designed to track the performance of the 50 largest Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges by total market cap, stood at 4,829.73, marking a 5.41-percent rise for the month-to-date returns and a 7.56-percent slide for the year-to-date returns. You are here: China China will steadily improve its social security benefits and other social safety-net programs during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), a plan released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced Wednesday. By 2025, the country's basic old-age insurance coverage will reach 95 percent, the plan said. In the five years, China plans to establish a basic pension scheme for enterprise employees under unified national management and boost the supplementary pension fund to over 4 trillion yuan (about 619 billion U.S. dollars). Efforts would gradually raise the retirement age and increase unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance coverage to 230 million and 280 million, respectively, it said. From 2021 to 2025, China aims to create more than 50 million new urban jobs, keep its surveyed urban unemployment rate within 5.5 percent, and subsidize professional training programs with 75 million attendances. The country will also move faster to train technicians and skilled workers, improve the income distribution system, create harmonious and stable labor relations, and enhance public service regarding human resources and social security, said the document. China's surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas stood at 5.6 percent in 2020. In May, the rate came in at 5 percent, 0.9 percentage points lower than the same period last year, the latest data showed. The Beijing-Urumqi Expressway, the longest desert-crossing expressway in the world, fully opened to traffic on Wednesday after the last section of the route in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was put into operation. The expressway linking Beijing and Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang, has a total length of 2,800 km, with over 500 km passing through desert and no man's land. In addition to Beijing and Xinjiang, the expressway passes through four other provincial-level regions: Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Gansu in north China. It cuts the driving distance between Urumqi and Beijing by more than 1,300 km, making it the fastest road to cross north China, according to Cao Shouhua, a researcher with the Research Institute of Highway, a think tank under the country's transport ministry. It is also the fastest land route from Tianjin Port in north China to Rotterdam Port in the Netherlands, facilitating exchanges along the Belt and Road. Sections of the expressway in other provincial-level regions are already in operation. Due to its harsh natural environment and complex geological conditions, the section in Xinjiang was the last to be completed, taking approximately four years. The Xinjiang section passes through varied landscapes, including the Gobi desert and grasslands. "It was no easy work," said Long Xing, general manager of the Xinjiang section's major developer, affiliated with the China Railway Construction Corporation. In addition to extreme temperatures ranging from over 40 degrees Celsius to below minus 40 degrees Celsius, workers had to deal with sandstorms, snowstorms, and a lack of stable telecommunication signals, among other difficulties, Long added. Ecologically, economically friendly The Xinjiang section crosses many areas rich in wildlife, and developers have managed to reduce the project's impact on local wildlife as much as possible. A total of 62 animal passages have been built throughout the section, according to Wang Xiaozhi, the section's chief designer. The design of a three-layer passage has been specifically developed to simultaneously enable the uninterrupted passage of trains, animals and road vehicles. The three-layer passages have cost an additional 120 million yuan (about 18.6 million U.S. dollars), but Wang believed that was worthwhile. "We should not impede wildlife's path while building our own." Locals living along the expressway are the biggest beneficiaries, as easier and faster transport will stimulate local economic vitality. Delida Yerken, a resident of the Kazak Autonomous County of Barkol in east Xinjiang, said she expects booming tourism in her hometown, with an increased inflow of tourists brought by the first expressway to pass Barkol. "I'm also planning for a family road trip to Beijing and other cities along the expressway during the holidays," she said. "It brings us closer to other areas." You are here: China Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, on Thursday addressed a ceremony celebrating the CPC centenary at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing. Please see the attachment for the full text of the speech. Full Text: Speech by Xi Jinping at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC Flash Rescuers have found seven bodies, rescued 46 people and kept searching for 11 missing persons after a passenger ship capsized in waters off Indonesia's resort island of Bali on Tuesday, rescuers said on Wednesday. Head of the Bali Search and Rescue Office, Gede Darmada, told Xinhua via phone that the numbers still could change. Alif Supartana, head of the Bali office's operation affairs unit, said via phone that "the figure of missing persons may change. We will wait until there is no more report from the relatives or families. Then we can figure out the precise number of the missing persons." He added that the actual number of people on board the ship may also be different from the manifest. Supartana said that the search and rescue mission will be carried out for seven days. The KMP Yunicee ship sank at 7:06 p.m. local time on Tuesday near the Gilimanuk port in Bali after departing from the Ketapang port in the East Java province. Flash Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, on Wednesday urged the United States to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal or Iran deal. "As the Chinese saying goes, let he who tied the bell on the tiger's neck take it off. It is incumbent upon the U.S., the originator, to take the lead in returning to the JCPOA with no preconditions," Geng told the Security Council briefing on non-proliferation regarding the implementation of the Resolution 2231. "Iran, on the basis of this, should subsequently also return to full compliance. This is the right way to bring the Iranian nuclear deal back on track and achieve de-escalation of the situation in the region," he added. Security Council Resolution 2231 was a July 20, 2015 resolution endorsing the JCPOA on the nuclear program of Iran. It sets out an inspection process and schedule while also preparing for the removal of United Nations sanctions against Iran. The 15 nations on the Security Council unanimously endorsed the resolution, which had been negotiated by the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States - plus Germany, the European Union, and Iran. Noting that the JCPOA is a diplomatic outcome achieved through hard work by all parties that engaged in consultation and negotiation, Geng said that the deal embodies the successful practice of multilateralism. "It is an essential safeguard for the international nuclear non-proliferation regime as well as the peace and stability in the Middle East," said the envoy. "The United States, in disregard of the opposition of the international community, obstinately made a unilateral withdrawal from the agreement, and has continued to apply maximum pressure on Iran. This is the root of the current dilemma of the Iranian nuclear issue," Geng noted. The United States announced its withdrawal from the Iran deal on May 8, 2018. "The withdrawal by the U.S. from the JCPOA has led to a serious trust deficit between the U.S. and Iran. This significantly hinders the resumption of compliance negotiation between the two sides," said Geng. "Out of the concern that the U.S. may once again walk away from the agreement, Iran has asked the current U.S. administration to provide a guarantee that it will not repeat the unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA," Geng stressed. "This request is completely understandable and should be responded to. It is our hope that all parties will adopt a positive posture and show political wisdom in finding a solution," noted the envoy. Choteau resident Cody Marney (left) holds the 15 liters of blood filtered to remove the stem cells that he donated to a 9-year-old girl battling leukemia. The procedure took place at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C. Marney shared his journey with family and friends on Facebook including photos of the medical supplies (top right) used for the series of Neupogen injections given the week before stem cell collection to build up his white blood cell count. My association with African Enterprise began after my twelve years of service with CMS in Tanzania and the Australian home base. Back again in parish ministry I met with people who had become very committed to a new kind of African ministry called African Enterprise. I joined their Board and in due course became its Chairman and later International Chairman. I think that in that time I learned these four important things about AE. First, it is indigenous i.e. it sprang up in Africa to be operated by Africans who minister to their own people in their own unique and special style. My connection with African Enterprise began sometime after my experience as a CMS missionary in Tanzania. Back in a Sydney parish again I met some people who were keen on this new kind of African mission which had begun to have a base in Australia. An old friend, Dr Paul White, was the Australian Chairman and I was soon invited to join AEs local board. In due course this new connection took me to Africa, to AEs people-on-the-ground and eventually to my Chairmanship of their International Board. Over the years which this involved I learned to cherish various aspects of AEs ministry We dont send missionaries to them - they are the missionaries and sometimes they also bring a powerful message to us. In Philip Jenkins book The Next Chistendom there is a fascinating account of how Christianity has grown in the Southern Hemisphere, in Latin America, parts of Asia (who knows about China) and also in Africa. African Enterprise had played a significant part in this great movement. Secondly AE is holistic i.e. although its major task is preaching the Christian Gospel it realises that it also must do something to alleviate the sufferings and the deprivation of the poor: it builds clinics in the slums, hygienic latrines and pipes in good water there. On one occasion AE helped to bring millions of trees to an area where an increased population had removed them. In the Christian world there has sometimes been a sad division between those who believe in evangelism and those who accentuate social action. Thankfully at the great Lausanne conference in 1982 evangelicals began to rethink this dichotomy and repent of their neglect of the poor and disadvantaged (something that their evangelical forbears had never neglected). So it was not surprising that AE has always had the two streams running together not using social action as a bribe to win converts but as evangelisms necessary companion. E.g.in the mission to Lilongwe as the preaching continued so latrines were dug in large schools which had previously had none! AE is proud of the words word and deed in our mission statement. Thirdly - and most importantly - AE is an evangelistic ministry, targeting the huge and growing cities of Africa using the unique method of stratified evangelism i.e. reaching every aspect of the city from homes, to market places, office blocks, schoolrooms, army and police barracks etc. Africa is, despite its many problems wide open to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and one thing the media never bothers to tell us is that there are large and growing churches in Africa south of the Sahara When I went to Tanganyika (later Tanzania) in 1960 there was one CMS aligned Diocese but now there are many in a continually growing and expanding church. Muslims too are working hard in Africa, fuelled by petro dollars to win Africa, hoping to plant a mosque in walking distance all the way from Cairo to the Cape. So these are the days of huge opportunity in Africa and we must not miss the great evangelistic opportunity which we have. Fourthly AE, although based in Africa is an international partnership - and that is where we in Australia come in. At the International Board meeting there can be representatives from 13 to 14 different nations (mostly African) but also with reps from the UK, the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia. We in Australia have the huge privilege of being part of what the teams are doing right throughout Africa through prayer and also through financial support. AE continues its evangelistic ministry to the great cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the churches. Written by David Hewetson (AE Board Member 1979 2012) What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-283-2144 or email circ@oelweindailyregister.com. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-352-3334 or email legals@waverlynewspapers.com. Market Research Future Published a Half Cooked Research Report on Global Potash Ore Market. Market Overview: Potash ore is used in a wide range of applications that play an important role in developing fruits, plants, vegetables, and others. Owing to these factors, they are used in the heavy end industries such as agriculture, chemical, metallurgical, and others. The global potash ore market is spanned across five regions of the world namely Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Among these, North America holds the major share of the global market and is projected to continue leading, owing to the increasing consumption of the product in agriculture, chemical, metallurgical, and others. It is estimated that the agriculture segment is set to observe the highest CAGR in the market due to growing use of the product in the production of fertilizers, and others. The increasing demand for the product in chemical and metallurgical sectors have propelled the market to witness a rapid growth during the forecast period. These factors led the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to be the leading players in this region. Get a Free Sample of This Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/821 The Asia Pacific market is expected to grow at a higher CAGR due to extensive consumption of the product in end-use industries such as agriculture, chemical, metallurgical, and others. The growing demand for hygienic food and changing lifestyles is projected to fuel the market in the coming years. China, Japan, and India have achieved a significant stage in the market due to rising per capita income and high disposable income in the end-use industries. Therefore, the growing demand for the product in end-use sectors is estimated to drive the market during the forecast period. A notable development is achieved in Europe due to the growing demand for organic food, in hotels and restaurants. Potash ore is used for the production of fertilizers, and other chemical compounds. Moreover, the growing innovation and technological advancement have propelled the market to witness a higher growth. Owing to these factors, countries such as Germany, the U.K., and Italy are the major contributors to this market. A considerable development is predicted in the Latin American region such as in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina due to growing production capacity and demand for potash ore in agriculture industries. Moreover, a rapid development is estimated in the Middle East & African region such as Qatar, the U.A.E, and others due to extensive use of the product in major industries. Some Of The Well-Known Players Operating In The Global Potash Ore Market Are: EuroChem (Switzerland), Intrepid Potash, Inc. (U.S.), Uralkali (Russia), Mining Associates (India), Nutrien Ltd (Canada), JSC Belaruskali (Belarus), K+S KALI GmbH (Germany), ICL (Israel), Kore Potash Limited (Australia), and Encanto Potash Corp. (EPO) (Canada) among others. Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/potash-ore-market-821 Segmentation: The global potash ore market is segmented into the source and application. On the basis of the source, the market is segregated into potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and others. On the basis of application, the market is bifurcated into agriculture, chemical, metallurgical, and others. Overview: The global market for barite is getting significant traction from the healthcare industry and the construction sector. Barite or baryte is known for its low solubility, brightness or whiteness, high density, chemical inertness, softness, and low cost, which makes it perfect for several industries. Its application as an additive for paints, rubbers, plastics, friction materials, and other products are expected to make sure that the market gains substantial traction from several end user industries. Market Research Future (MRFR) predicts the market would rise by 5.82% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2023. However, challenges posed by strict regulations and availability of substitutes may deter the market from having a smooth growth. Get a Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2035 Segmentation: The global barite market, as discussed by the research analysts of MRFR, has been segmented by application and region to open up spaces for interpretations. This segmentation would reveal several insights that are backed by scientific inputs, factors, figures, graphs, and charts. This will help in crafting methods to increase the profit margin. By application, the global report on the barite market has been segmented into chemical manufacturing, drilling mud, pharmaceuticals, paints & polymers, and others. The drilling mud segment is getting significant traction from the oil and mining industry. Its ability to absorb X-rays and gamma rays and excellent purity are making the percolation process into the pharmaceutical industry much easier. The paint & polymer segment is also witnessing a significant rise in demand due to the growing activities related to construction. Regional Analysis: Asia Pacific dominates the market as most of the barite-producing countries are from this region. In addition, the region is experiencing substantial growth in several barite-related industries. North America is second in terms of generating revenues. The major part of its income comes from drilling mud. Competitive Landscape: Milwhite, Inc. (US), The Cary Company (US), DESKU GROUP INC. (US), Halliburton (US), Ashapura Group (India), APMDC (India), International Earth Products LLC (US), Mil-Spec Industries Corporation (US), Kaomin Industries LLP (India), and Dev International (India) are some of the major companies making substantial changes in the global barite market. Their focus is mostly on strategic dealings that can improve their market position and broaden the scope for operation. This triggers the implementation of techniques like merger, acquisition, innovation, branding, launching, tie-ups, and others. These companies have also increased their research-related funding to get certain advantages from the market. MRFR reported latest dealings of the market to understand how changes will impact the market and what trends are triggering growth. Industry News: In February 2020, Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Announced that they had received successful test results from SGS Minerals & SGS Life Sciences division (SGS) on the Frances Creek barite project. SGS testing is a part of the preliminary process that would assess the economic state of the Frances Creek project. The company confirmed the barium sulfate mined from the Frances Creek barium sulfate had met all the specifications released by the US Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines. The global market for barite is expected some struggles in the coming days due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. As a result of this outbreak, various industries have started suffering due to the lack of demand. Barite finds significant usage in the oil and mining sector, but due to the imposed lockdowns, the sector failed to meet the general standard of production. This triggered measures to save costs. It would affect the intake capacity of barite. Also, the slump in the construction sector can deter global market growth. Browse Full Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/barite-market-2035 Global Electric Power Distribution Automation Systems Industry: Set to Witness Huge Growth by 2028 The Electric Power Distribution Automation Systems Market is anticipated to reach around USD 23.8 billion by 2026 according to a new research published by Polaris Market Research. In 2017, the industrial segment dominated the global market, in terms of revenue. North America is expected to be the leading contributor to the global market revenue during the forecast period. The growing adoption of smart cities, along with high demand of smart grids has boosted the adoption of electric power distribution automation systems. The rising demand for electricity, and growing demand for efficient and low-cost solutions for efficient power distribution further support the growth of electric power distribution automation systems market. Increasing investments by vendors in technological advancements, growing need to update existing networks, and increasing ageing infrastructure would accelerate the adoption of electric power distribution automation systems during the forecast period. Growing demand from emerging economies, increasing adoption smart grid applications, and technological advancements are expected to provide numerous growth opportunities in the coming years. Get Sample Copy : https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/electric-power-distribution-automation-systems-market/request-for-sample North America generated the highest revenue in the market in 2017, and is expected to lead the global market throughout the forecast period. The presence of established telecom and cloud infrastructure in this region, and growing trend of smart cities drive the market growth in the region. The growing demand from energy sector, and technological advancements further support market growth in the region. The use of smart technologies in energy and utilities, investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure, and increasing ageing infrastructure is expected to support market growth in this region during the forecast period. The companies operating in the market include General Electric, Eaton Corporation Plc, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., ABB Ltd., G&W Electric Company, Schneider Electric, Elster Solutions, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Siemens AG, and S&C Electric Company. These companies launch new products and collaborate with other market leaders to innovate and launch new products to meet the increasing needs and requirements of consumers. Get Discount Offer : https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/electric-power-distribution-automation-systems-market/request-for-discount-pricing Read More : https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/spirometer-market-size-is-projected-to-reach-1-78-billion-by-2028--cagr-10-1-polaris-market-research-301254824.html https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ankylosing-spondylitis-market-size-is-projected-to-reach-8-45-billion-by-2028-polaris-market-research-301255992.html Global Electronic & Consumer Goods Plastics Industry: Set to Witness Huge Growth by 2028 The global electronics & consumer goods plastics market size is expected to reach USD 59.48 billion by 2028 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report Electronics & Consumer Goods Plastics Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Type (PE, PVC, PS, PP, Others); By Application; By Region, Segments & Forecast, 2021 2028 provides a comprehensive analysis of present market insights and future market trends. In 2020, the household appliances segment dominated the global industry, in terms of revenue. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the leading contributor to the global electronics & white goods plastics industry revenue during the forecast period. A significant increase in disposable income, changing lifestyles, and initiatives by industry players to offer innovative products in the market drive the growth of the industry. Other driving factors include a growing middle-class population and the increasing penetration of e-commerce platforms. Increasing demand from developing nations and technological advancements are expected to provide numerous growth opportunities to the industry players during the forecast period. Request for sample of this report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/electronics-consumer-goods-plastics-market/request-for-sample There has been a shift towards e-commerce and customers are increasingly purchasing electronics & consumer goods through online platforms, which increases the demand for plastics. However, rising awareness towards e-waste management along with strict regulations imposed by several governments regarding plastic waste disposal is likely to hinder product demand in the coming years. Improvement in lifestyle due to rise in income level, especially in the developing countries of Asia Pacific fuels the demand for electronic & other goods plastics industry. Factors such as an increase in per capita income and changes in consumer behavior are expected to accelerate the adoption of electronics & consumer goods polymers in the coming years. The Asia Pacific generated the highest revenue in the industry in 2020 and is expected to lead the global electronics & consumer good plastics industry throughout the forecast period. The increasing population in the region coupled with growing disposable income drives the industry growth. The improving living standards in countries such as China, Japan, and India further support industry growth. Special Discount Offer @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/electronics-consumer-goods-plastics-market/request-for-discount-pricing The major players in the electronics & consumer goods polymers industry include BASF SE, The Dow Chemical Company, Celanese Corporation, Trinseo S.A., Formosa Plastics Group, Covestro AG, Chevron Phillips Chemical, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, and Solvay S.A among others. These companies launch new products and collaborate with other market leaders to innovate and launch new products to meet the increasing needs and requirements of customers. Polaris Market Research has segmented the electronics & consumer goods plastics market report on the basis of type, application, and region: Electronics & Consumer Goods Plastics, Type Outlook (Revenue USD Billion, 2016 2028) Polyethylene Polyvinyl Chloride Polystyrene Polypropylene Others Electronics & Consumer Goods Plastics, Application Outlook (Revenue USD Billion, 2016 2028) San Francisco, 1 July 2021: The Report U.S. Tissue Diagnostics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Technology & Product (IHC, Primary & Special Staining), By Application (Breast Cancer, NSCLC), And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028 The U.S. tissue diagnostics market size is estimated to reach USD 2.81 billion by 2028, registering a CAGR of 3.91% over the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Pivotal factors supplementing the market growth include continuous rise in the cases of cancer, growth in organ transplantation & donation, and increased acceptance toward personalized medicine & companion diagnostics in the U.S. Increase in the number of research activities targeted toward the development of novel tissue diagnostics solutions is also expected to drive the market. The field of anatomic pathology has witnessed a paradigm shift, which can be attributed to the exponential growth in cancer incidence in the U.S., thereby expanding the clinical pathology industry. Also, steady convergence of molecular pathology with anatomic pathology, steep adoption of novel biopsies for cancer detection, and integration of digital technologies is expected to collaboratively make a positive impact on market growth. Tissue analysis provides significant information, which is difficult to understand using conventional molecular techniques. Currently, companion diagnostic tests are rapidly being adopted by pharmaceutical companies for obtaining first-line therapy designations/approvals for their products. In addition, their use in the identification of patient cohorts, which are likely to benefit from targeted therapeutics, has increased the significance of tissue diagnostics in the development of precision medicine. In addition, the field of tissue diagnostics has witnessed gradual evolution with the introduction of upgraded technologies, including Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunofluorescence (IF), comparative genomic hybridization, and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). Key players are focused on identifying novel biomarkers and developing assays for advanced cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, companies are conducting biomarker pathologist training programs to boost the adoption rate of modern pathological solutions. Access Research Report of U.S. Tissue Diagnostics Market @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/us-tissue-diagnostics-market U.S. Tissue Diagnostics Market Report Highlights The IHC segment held the highest revenue share of over 28% in 2020. The segments dominance is attributed to the wide acceptance of IHC across clinical laboratories for different workflows These workflows include tissue examination targeted toward disease prognosis and anticipating therapeutic response among patients with cancer The digital pathology segment is anticipated to register the fastest CAGR during the forecast period mainly due to heavy investments in infrastructure as well as an onsite server for image digitization In addition, the lack of skilled pathologists has propelled the demand for automated systems in disease diagnosis, thereby boosting the segment growth An increase in the prevalence of breast cancer along with the launch of novel products dedicated to breast cancer detection have led to the dominance of this application segment Moreover, the advent of genomic technologies aimed at gaining a better understanding of the genetic markup of a tumor is further offering lucrative growth opportunities to companies The market players are investing significantly in novel product development and acquisition of small players to increase their revenue share List of Key Players of U.S. Tissue Diagnostics Market Merck KGaA Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Abbott Laboratories Siemens Healthineers AG Danaher bioMerieux SA QIAGEN Becton, Dickinson & Company (BD) Agilent Technologies, Inc. General Electric Company (GE Healthcare) BioGenex Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. Bio SB DiaGenic ASA Sakura Finetek Japan Co., Ltd. Abcam plc Enzo Life Sciences, Inc. VITRO SA (Master Diagnostica) TissueGnostics GmbH Access Press Release of U.S. Tissue Diagnostics Market @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/us-tissue-diagnostics-market-analysis San Francisco, 1 July 2021: The Report Nasal Cannula Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Low Flow, High Flow), By Material (Plastic, Silicone), By End-use (Hospitals, Ambulatory Healthcare Services, Long Term Care Centers), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028 The global nasal cannula market size is expected to reach USD 9.8 billion by 2028, based on a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2021 to 2028. The rise in prevalence of respiratory diseases and the growing geriatric population contribute majorly to the growth of the market. The lifestyle changes, rising percentage of smokers, climatic conditions, and the increasing air pollution attributes majorly to the growing prevalence of respiratory diseases. Moreover, the current Covid-19 pandemic has further propelled the demand for medical devices worldwide. The surge in the adoption of the single-use nasal cannula was prevalent in all the settings, including hospitals, home settings, and care centers. Furthermore, the medical device witnessed a surge in demand during the pandemic facilitating oxygen delivery in all settings, including hospitals and home care. The development in the medical device by different key players of the market has further propelled the adoption due to innovation in the nasal cannulas to provide more flexibility and comfort to the patients. The recent developments in high-flow nasal cannula facilitate expanding the usage at low-level healthcare settings or home use leading to further market growth. Access Research Report of Nasal Cannula Market @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/nasal-cannula-market Nasal Cannula Market Report Highlights The low flow nasal cannula segment dominated the market in 2020 owing to the growing prevalence of respiratory diseases, the low cost of the cannula, and the Covid-19 impact The plastic material segment dominated the market in 2020 in terms of revenue share owing to the higher adoption due to low cost and variations available in the market The hospital segment dominated the market in 2020 owing to the increasing adoption of the high-flow nasal cannula and the developments made to expand the usage and scope in various indication treatments On the other hand, the growing geriatric population and the patients with long-term respiratory distress are expected to support the growth of the long term care center segment In 2020, North America held the highest share in the market owing to the rise in the occurrence of respiratory diseases such as COPD and asthma, and growth in the local and international manufacturers facilitating swift availability of the medical device at low cost In Asia Pacific, the market is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period owing to the rising geriatric population and prevalence of respiratory diseases, increasing healthcare expenditure, and rise in the local manufacturers List of Key Players Nasal Cannula Market Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. Teleflex Incorporated Flexicare Medical Ltd. Vapotherm Inc. ResMed Inc. Fairmont Medical Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited Well Lead Medical Co. Ltd. Salter Labs Access Press Release of Nasal Cannula Market @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-nasal-cannula-market Market Research Future Published a Half Cooked Research Global Sulfuric Acid Market Research Report - Forecast to 2022 - Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast up to 2022. Sulfuric Acid Market Market Overview Sulfuric acid is a mineral acid and is one of the largest volume industrial chemical produced across the globe. Fertilizer production, especially phosphate fertilizer from wet-process sulphuric acid, is the major end use market fort sulfuric acid. The major application area of sulphuric acid covers fertilizers, chemical manufacturing, refinery, textile, pulp & paper manufacturing, metal processing and others. Agricultural economies holds the greater importance in this market, as fertilizer production considered as a key focused area for the consumption of sulpfuric acid. Increasing demand for fertilizer to attain the higher agriculture yield had a significant impact on this market over the past few years and set its uplifted usage in the coming years. China, alone acquired almost half of the global market in terms of sulphuric acid production resulting into domination of Asia Pacific over the global market. In addition to this, fertilizer consumption of India represents massive number on account of presence of large agriculture base and is driving the demand for sulphuric acid. Apart from the, automotive industry expected to provide higher gains to key industry players in this market during the forecast period. This is due to use of sulfuric acid in the automotive batteries which has triggered automotive application of sulfuric acid. However, volatility in the raw material prices and growing consumption of phosphate based fertilizer limited the growth scope of this market. Free Sample of This Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2037 Sulfuric Acid Market- Competitive Landscape Global Sulfuric Acid market is highly concentrated as well fairly competitive in nature. The key industry participants operating in this market are Agrium, Akzo Nobel, Bayer, BP, Chevron, Cytec Industries, Dupont, Evonik Industries, Honeywell and Solvay. The major companies in this market are seen adopting collective market strategies to such as mergers, acquisition and joint-ventures in order to consolidate their product portfolio and to strengthen their market presence. Several production capacity expansion has also witnessed across the various developed markets to strengthen market penetration into emerging markets and exploit untapped markets. The overall effect of market competition observed in global sulphuric acid market is observed as high and is expected to get even higher due consistent increase in the production activities. Industry/ Innovation/ Related News: May 18, 2017- Yidu Xingfa Chemical and DuPont tied in an agreement for an engineering and technology license for a 3,600 Mtpd MECS MAX3 sulfuric acid plant. The collective effort has taken to build one of the largest sulfuric acid plant in China in order to cater the ongoing demand. Xingfa is expanding its existing site, located in the Hubei province near Yichang city, with the aim of roughly doubling the phosphate fertilizer capacity. The new MECS MAX3 sulfuric acid plant will process 1.2 MMtpy of sulfuric acid, as well as support the production of an additional 400,000 tonnes/yr of phosphoric acid, 400,000 tonnes/yr DAP and 35,000 tonnes/yr of potassium phosphate monobasic. The overall expansion activity expected gain market effectiveness while bridging the demand supply gap of sulfuric acid. October 10, 2017- Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd and Jordanian Phosphate Mines Company has formed joint venture to build largest sulfuric acid plant in India. The agreement has undertaken by investing overall amount of USD 860 million. The plant will come as a huge relief to Indias agricultural sector requirements in view of meagre availability of phosphates in India. Phosphoric acid produced at the plant will be exported to the Kandla port in Gujarat from Jordans Aqaba port, which is close to the location of the plant. November, 2017- Leading chemical industry player BASF has launched new sulfuric acid catalyst. BASF has introduced the new sulphuric acid catalyst O4115 Quattro into the market. The new, cesium-based catalyst is unique due to its geometrical shape a combination of four strands leading to a 30 percent greater catalytic surface area compared to conventional sulphuric acid catalysts. The newly launched catalyst has 30 % greater catalytic surface area and helps to improve performance during the sulfuric acid production. August 31, 2016- Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, Acquires BAYQIK Sulfuric Acid Converter Technology from Bayer AG. The company has acquired patented technology from Bayer AG, under the term of agreement the overall technology shift includes transfer of relevant Bayer technical, commercial and market information to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. BAYQIK technology enables more efficient conversion of process gas with high sulphur dioxide concentrations. Therefore, it altogether expected to provide growth offerings in the Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. growth offering. 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Color Masterbatch Market Market Overview Color masterbatches is made up of rubber, plastic, and elastomer in which pigments are dispersed optimally, this solids are cut into small pieces, which is further processed and used to make value added products in various industries which includes packaging, building & construction, consumer goods, automotive, textile and agriculture among others. Packaging as an end-use industry accounts for the largest market for color masterbatch. Increasing consumption of plastics across the globe in an array of industries is expected to boost the market for color masterbatch. Especially, the packaging sector which is the largest consumer of plastics. Evolution of different packaging techniques in the sector is propelling the market for color masterbatches. Rapid urbanization and changing lifestyle of consumers in the emerging markets can be further attributed to the growth of color masterbatch market. Consumers are more inclined towards packaged food items. Also, an emerging textile industry in the Southeast Asian counties, especially, Vietnams textile sectored which is growing at a rate of nearly 9% will offer ample opportunities for color masterbatch. Plastics are gaining traction in the building & construction sector replacing traditional materials. The economic downturn in 2008-09 in the U.S which had an adverse effect on the housing industry in the country witnessed sharp decline in the ceramic tile industry. However, the recent stats showing a positive outlook for housing market in the U.S for 2017-18 with low mortgage rates in the country beefing up new construction activities. A similar trend has been noted in the European market. Whereas, the ongoing and upcoming construction activities in the region is stimulating the demand for color masterbatch. For instance, amidst the decline in oil prices in the GCC the construction activities in the region still remains as a strong indicator for economic growth in the region. The construction activities is expected to stimulate in the coming years with an overall capital spending in GCC estimated at USD 480 billion of which 65% will be towards infrastructure development. Accounting for the latter mentioned factors it is healthy to assume a pool of market opportunities for color masterbatch in the Middle East region. Furthermore, regional demographics and macroeconomic indicators such as rise in disposable income, decline in unemployment rates, and an increasing middle class population in the emerging economies is expected to increase the spending power of the population the region. Thus, the above mentioned factors are some compelling factors for the market growth. Increasing scrutiny towards the vehicular emission across the globe has resulted in extreme pressure on OEMs to alter their vehicle design without jeopardizing the performance of the vehicle. Hence, more and more lightweight materials are being adopted in automotive sector. For instance, 10% of the average weight of a medium size passenger vehicle is of the plastic materials. Also, new regional norms like Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) and EU to cut down the emission from vehicles are propelling the market for plastics in automotive. Hence, driving the market for color masterbatch. Access Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/color-masterbatch-market-882 Key Players: A Schulman Europe, Tosaf Compounds, Polyplast Muller, Polyone Corporation, Hubron, Clariant Masterbatches, Ampacet, and Cabot Plastics International among others. are some of the prominent players at the forefront of competition in the Global Color Masterbatch Market and are profiled in MRFR Analysis. Color Masterbatch Market Competitive Analysis Color masterbatch market is a fragmented market with Tier `1 manufacturers and domestic players. The major trends noted among the manufacturers are expansion, joint-ventures, and acquisitions to capture the market share and increase their market presence in line with the increasing demand for masterbatch. For instance, Ampacet has announced its new production plant for masterbatches in Australia for catering the ever-growing demand for masterbatches from the food, shipping, industrial and retail industries. In similar lines, A Schulman Inc, opened a new color master batch facility in Hangzhou High Tech Industrial Park CEDZ, Jiangsu, China in 2016. This expansion in China and other growing markets throughout the Asia Pacific will produce A. Schulman's premium color additives for packaging, automotive, agricultural, sports, and leisure & home customers. Industry/ Innovation/ Related News: November, 2017- Ampacet, a global leader in the masterbatch market has launched its new production line for production of white masterbatch in Dudelange, Luxemborg. The main aim of the company with this newly opened production line is to maximise the overall customer experience by optimizing the lead time enhancing the delivery flexibility. July, 2017- In 2017, Ampacet has announced its new production plant for masterbatches in Australia for catering the ever-growing demand for masterbatches from the food, shipping, industrial and retail industries. The newly opened plant will enable the company to further strengthen its presence in the Oceania region. March, 2017- In 2017, Ampacet invested in new production lines across its various manufacturing facilities in Europe in line with increasing the production capacity of color additives, black and white masterbatches at its Messacny facility in Belgium. Second capacity increase was at its Dudelange facility in Luxemborg. July, 2016- In 2016, A Schulman Inc, enters a partnership with Snetor Chimie headquarters in Courbevoie (France )- this partnership will allow the expansion of its master batch footprint on the African continent April, 2016- In 2016, A Schulman Inc, opens a new color master batch facility hangshu High Tech Industrial Park CEDZ, Jiangsu, China. This expansion in China and other growing markets throughout the Asia Pacific will produce A. Schulman's premium color additives for packaging, automotive, agricultural, sports, and leisure & home customers Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Overview: Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing is the combination of development and manufacturing of pharma products by different companies on a contractual basis which are bind by a certain set of rules and standards which each company must follow. All the pharma companies act as outsourcing companies that deal with the development and manufacturing of drugs that lead to business scalability and revenue that gives space for the discovery of other drugs. Majorly marketing of drugs is led by government authorities or the source companies paving way for manufactures to build new drugs and testers to test these drugs as per market standards. also read @ http://www.marketwatch.com/story/pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market-size-2020-global-trends-industry-analysis-top-companies-merger-regional-outlook-revenue-2021-01-17 Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Top Boosters and Restraints Benefits such as saving of cost and time associated with outsourcing have boosted the demand for pharmaceutical contract manufacturing worldwide. More and more vendors are spending heavily on personnel, technology and infrastructure to up their outsourcing revenue. The surge in patent cliff for biologic drugs and the growing presence of end-to-end service vendors engaged in offering value added services for a risk sharing business model also bolsters the markets global position. Adding to the market revenue is the slew of novel drug delivery mechanisms as well as new product launches, which fuel the outsourcing demand. Expanding product pipeline has also driven advancements in service based market, in line with the increasing significance of generics, biosimilars and biologics. Companies are expending significantly on outsourcing their burgeoning biologics pipeline aimed at treating chronic disorders. One of the reasons for companies growing interest in outsourcing could be the One-stop-shop aspect provided by CMO as a way of promoting their diversified product portfolio. Also, consolidation and differentiation strategies increasingly being taken up by Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market firms can foster the projected growth in the following years. One of the major trends among pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms is the consolidation of industry outsourcing, parallel acquisitions and mergers. Adding on to this, service providers, in order to fortify their market position, are engaging in business profile upgradation by variegating their product range or business units. Continuously indulging in technological advancements to enhance the quality of their services, in terms of design and more, players are exhibiting their competitive streak at every opportunity. For instance, in August 2020, Bushu, a renowned contract manufacturer in Japan, is set to allocate close to USD 100 million to boost its packaging, fill-finish and cold storage capabilities at its plant in the coming five years, with the intention of drawing in more number of global pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Regional Analysis Europe, the Middle East and Africa/MEA, the Americas and APAC/Asia Pacific are the key markets for pharmaceutical contract manufacturing. The Americas is currently the leading market for pharmaceutical contract manufacturing and can touch USD 40,041.5 million by 2023, thereby maintaining its top position in the coming years. The market lucrativeness in the region is the result of the massive pool of vendors outsourcing their projects to emerging countries. The continuous advancements in the U.S. healthcare sector and the consistent growth in the geriatric populace also lead to high revenue generation. The fast surging uptake of biologics, rise in researches by leading biotechnology firms and the augmented demand for generics also contribute to the market growth in the region. Europe remains at the second position as the pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market has been advancing rapidly in recent years in the region. The increasing support from various government bodies in terms of large funds for research & development is cited to be the top growth inducer in the market. Touted to procure a CAGR of 7.7% between 2017 and 2023, APAC can be the fastest progressing market. Technology-based improvements along with the burgeoning patient pool in the region have sparked immense market growth over the years. Colossal investments by leading CMOs have also resulted in exponential advancement of the regional market. Development of the healthcare infrastructure and the feverously expanding capacity of API manufacturing in China combined with Indias growing clout as a hub for formulation manufacturing and development also favor the APAC market. Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market Leading Companies Some of the top companies in the global industry include Vetter, Pharmaceutical Product Development, S.A, Patheon Inc., Catalant, Lonza AG, Grifols International, Boehringer Ingelheim, AbbVie Inc, to name a few. Obtain Premium Research Report Details, Considering the impact of COVID-19 @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/pharmaceutical-contract-manufacturing-market-1532 RELATED REPORTS Global Digestible Sensors Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Global Blood Glucose Test Strip Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Global Urology Devices Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Contact: Market Research Future NOTE: Our team of researchers are studying Covid-19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid-19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details. Market Forecast Global AI in Drug Discovery Market is expected to hold a value of about USD 2,015.1 Million by 2025, and it is projected to register a CAGR of 40.8% from 2019 to 2025. AI in Drug Discovery Trends and Opportunities Artificial Intelligence (AI) is projected to provide productive avenues in the healthcare industry. The implementation of AI has helped with reducing the researches and development gap in the drug manufacturing process and also in the targeted manufacturing of the drugs. Owing to these aspects, biopharmaceutical industries are tending towards AI to enhance market share. This is an influential factor fueling the growth of the global AI for drug discovery market. also read @ http://www.marketwatch.com/story/covid19-impact-on-artificial-intelligence-drug-discovery-market-latest-innovations-drivers-dynamics-and-strategic-analysis-challenges-2021-01-05 The escalating pressure on the drug manufacturer to reduce drug prices is yet another factor expected to boost the AI for drug discovery market. This is all due to Al reduced the failure rate of clinical trials, and eliminated research and development costs in drug discovery. Apart from this, there has been a regular increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases globally, and pharmaceutical companies are investing high in the development of various drugs. Artificial Intelligence has been able to assist manufacturers by offering a solution to complex situations. In the current scenario, AI is providing many novel analytical approaches for the design and development of novel products, which is another reason behind the markets exponential growth. More factors, such as the flourishing healthcare sector coupled with manufacturers approach towards lowering the manufacturing cost associated with drug development, have also recorded to be reasonable for the markets growth. Besides, escalating investment by significant players in biopharma companies and rising public and private partnerships for R&D activities are more critical factors expected to boost the growth of the target AI in Drug Discovery market in the future. In the case of point, back in the year 2019, GlaxoSmithKline plc, a multinational pharmaceutical company, invested US$ 300 Mn in 23 and Me, a gene testing company. The deal, in the current time, is expected to facilitate the company to access the database related to DNA related to relations between genes and diseases. This factor will further help in the development of novel products as well as the AI drug discovery market. On the contrary, the factor of the scarcity of skilled healthcare professionals has been considered as a hindering factor and anticipated to slow down the growth of the global AI for the drug discovery market in the future. AI in Drug Discovery Market Segment Review By the segment of product type, the market has included software and services By the segment of molecule type, the market has included Large Molecule and Small Molecule. By the segment of technology type, the market has included machine learning, deep learning, and others. By the segment of indication type, the market has included Immuno-oncology, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, and others. By the segment of the application, the market has included target identification, candidate screening, drug optimization and repurposing, de novo drug designing, and preclinical testing. By the segment of End-User, the market has included pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies, contract research organizations, research centers, and academic & government institutes. AI in Drug Discovery Market Regional Landscape Americas and its Countries such as the US and Canada have been at the vanguard of the healthcare industry over the years. The rising number of big AI platform developers in the region is one of the primary reasons for the express growth of the AI in the drug discovery market in the region. Some top AI platforms such as Google AI, Microsoft Azure, and TensorFlow have adopted the Big Pharma companies for utilization in the drug discovery procedure. Europe is the second-largest market for AI in drug discovery after the Americas. Rising R&D activities in the pharmacy sector and high demand for AI solutions by Big Pharma companies are other factors expected to boost the augmentation of the regional market. Peak pharma companies have made partnerships with AI service providers to integrate AI technologies into the drug discovery process. The growth of the Asia-Pacific AI In Drug Discovery Market is attributed to the escalating demand for effective drug discovery solutions. Many startups are working to integrate AI applications in drug discovery. Some of these startups are Adagene, Mozi, Accutar, Xbiome, Elucidata Corporation, Deep Intelligent Pharma, CaroCure, and Interprotein, among others. With the rapidly upward pharmaceutical market in the Asian region, probably, the approval of the AI technologies in the majority drug discovery protocols will take place in the forecast period. Top Players The top players are Microsoft Corporation, Google (A Subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.), IBM Corporation, Atomwise, Inc., Cloud Pharmaceuticals, Inc., BenevolentAI, Cyclica, Bioage, Envisagenics, Owkin, Inc., Verge Genomics, and Berg LLC. Obtain Premium Research Report Details, Considering the impact of COVID-19 @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/ai-drug-discovery-market-9393 Related Reports Astigmatism Market Research Report- Global Forecast to 2027 Keratoacanthoma Market Research Report- Global Forecast to 2027 Bone Pain Treatment Market Research Report- Global Forecast To 2027 About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Market Highlights: The Global Cochlear Implants Market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 9.86% and is due to reach USD 3,203.8 Mn over the forecast period of 2017-2023, projects Market Research Future (MRFR) in a detailed report.Cochlear Implants are medical devices that are surgically inserted to provide a sense of sound to a person with hearing loss. The last few years have witnessed a significant increase in the demand for cochlear implants owing to the rise in a number of patients with hearing impairment who generate demand for diagnosis and treatment. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that by 2025, 900 Mn people are likely to suffer from hearing impairment.The rise in global geriatric population is also expected to be a positive factor influencing the growth of the global cochlear implants market. The aged populace is more susceptible to hearing loss which induces high demand for cochlear implants. There has been increased interest by medical device manufacturers to invest heavily in R&D activities which have led to the development of advanced cochlear implants. The increasing use of next-generation metals, polymers, ceramics and biomaterials in cochlear implants has resulted in enhancement of the value of surgery and improvement of surgical outcomes which has further accelerated the growth of the market.Other factors boosting the growth of the market include a rise in a number of clinical trials, improving reimbursement scenario in developing countries and an increase in the number of FDA approvals. Conversely, the cost of cochlear remains a significant hurdle to the growth of the global cochlear implants market. The estimated cost of a cochlear implant can go up to high amounts which might not be affordable to middle-class and low-income class population. Segmentation: Cochlear Implants Market Growth has been segmented based on product, type, and end user. By Product, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into a cochlear implant system, and accessories & upgrades. By Types, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into cochlear implant system, and accessories & upgrades. By End User, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into hospitals & clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, research & academic institutes, and others. Regional Analysis: The Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the Middle East & Africa are the key markets for cochlear implants. The Americas represent a significant market for cochlear implants owing to the presence of a vast patient population. Rising geriatric population, increasing demand for advanced treatment options and affordability are key factors determining the growth of the Americas market.Europe accounts for the second largest share of the global cochlear market. The Europe market is driven by strong government support, availability of funds for R&D activities and high expenditure on healthcare. Asia Pacific follows Europe closely and is slated to be the fastest growing market over the forecast period. Rapid advancement in medical technology in the region and the presence of considerable patient pool in the region drives the market for cochlear implants. Also, improving reimbursement scenario, the growing need for better medical devices, and expanding expenditure on healthcare due to a rise in disposable income has created a conducive environment for the growth of the market. China and India are the key contributors to the APAC market.The MEA market accounts for the least share of the global cochlear implants market. Limited availability of medical facilities, poor economic conditions, and lack of awareness restricts the growth of the Africa market. Meanwhile, the well-developed economy in the Middle East offers growth opportunities for cochlear implants. Competitive Landscape: The notable players in the global cochlear implants market MED-El (Austria), Microson S.A. (Spain), Widex (Denmark), GAES MEDICA (Spain), Cochlear Ltd (Australia), William Demant Holding Group (Denmark), Advanced Bionics AG (Switzerland). Industry Updates: In August 2018, Advanced Bionics, a global leader in cochlear implants, announced FDA approval for its new HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant. The new cochlear implant is hassle-free and pain-free choice for patients and is equipped with a unique magnet technology. In November 2018, researchers at Asan Medical Center (AMC) developed artificial intelligence (AI)-based prediction platform for cochlear implant surgery. The platform can provide rapid diagnoses, treatment, and rehabilitation of hearing loss. Access Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/cochlear-implants-market-5256 RELATED REPORT Heart Pump Devices Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Picture Archiving and Communications Systems Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Medical Ceramics Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services has been segmented based on product, type, and end user. By Product, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into a cochlear implant system, and accessories & upgrades. By Types, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into cochlear implant system, and accessories & upgrades. By End User, the Global Cochlear Implants Market has been segmented into hospitals & clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, research & academic institutes, and others. Regional Analysis: The Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the Middle East & Africa are the key markets for cochlear implants. The Americas represent a significant market for cochlear implants owing to the presence of a vast patient population. Rising geriatric population, increasing demand for advanced treatment options and affordability are key factors determining the growth of the Americas market.Europe accounts for the second largest share of the global cochlear market. The Europe market is driven by strong government support, availability of funds for R&D activities and high expenditure on healthcare. Asia Pacific follows Europe closely and is slated to be the fastest growing market over the forecast period. Rapid advancement in medical technology in the region and the presence of considerable patient pool in the region drives the market for cochlear implants. Also, improving reimbursement scenario, the growing need for better medical devices, and expanding expenditure on healthcare due to a rise in disposable income has created a conducive environment for the growth of the market. China and India are the key contributors to the APAC market.The MEA market accounts for the least share of the global cochlear implants market. Limited availability of medical facilities, poor economic conditions, and lack of awareness restricts the growth of the Africa market. Meanwhile, the well-developed economy in the Middle East offers growth opportunities for cochlear implants. Competitive Landscape: The notable players in the global cochlear implants market MED-El (Austria), Microson S.A. (Spain), Widex (Denmark), GAES MEDICA (Spain), Cochlear Ltd (Australia), William Demant Holding Group (Denmark), Advanced Bionics AG (Switzerland). Industry Updates: In August 2018, Advanced Bionics, a global leader in cochlear implants, announced FDA approval for its new HiRes Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant. The new cochlear implant is hassle-free and pain-free choice for patients and is equipped with a unique magnet technology. In November 2018, researchers at Asan Medical Center (AMC) developed artificial intelligence (AI)-based prediction platform for cochlear implant surgery. The platform can provide rapid diagnoses, treatment, and rehabilitation of hearing loss. Access Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/cochlear-implants-market-5256 RELATED REPORT Heart Pump Devices Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Picture Archiving and Communications Systems Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Medical Ceramics Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services Market Highlights Factors such as the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and rising therapeutics demand are estimated to drive the market growth during the forecast period. Additionally, advancements in diagnostic and treatment technologies boost the market. However, low awareness and lack of healthcare services in the middle and low-income countries are estimated to restrain the market growth during the projected period. also read @ https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/biobanking-market-growth-status-strategies-key-factors-comprehensive-analysis-competitive-landscape-and-forecast-2021-01-17 Biobanking Market Segmentation The global biobanking market is segmented by products and services, sample type, storage type, application, and end-user. On the basis of products and services, the biobanking market is segmented into equipment, services, consumables, and software. Equipment is further sub-segmented into sample transport equipment, sample processing equipment, storage equipment, sample analysis equipment, and others. Consumables are further sub-segmented into processing consumables, storage consumables, analysis consumables, collection consumables, and others. Services are sub-segmented into processing services, storage services, transport services, and supply services. By sample type, the biobanking market is segmented into biological fluids, blood products, cell lines, human tissues, nucleic acids, and others. Based on storage type the biobanking market is segmented into manual storage and automated storage. Applications of the market include life science research, regenerative medicine, and clinical research. By end-user, the Biobanking Market Growth is segmented into research centers, hospitals, diagnostic laboratory, and others. Biobanking Market Regional Analysis Based on region the biobanking market is segmented into Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the Middle East and Africa (MEA). The Americas region is segmented into North America and South America. The Americas is the largest biobanking market due to heavy investments in research of theranostics and a large patient pool suffering from chronic diseases. Presence of large number of biobanks in hospitals in the U.S. can encourage growth in North America. On the other hand, South America can grow at a rapid pace due to increasing demand for advanced treatments for chronic diseases and technologically advanced diagnostic devices. Europe can also exhibit a stellar growth rate during the forecast period due to emphasis on research and development activities in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Collaboration between biobanks and pharmaceutical companies for encouraging research can drive the global biobanking market growth. On the other hand, APAC can be lucrative for the global biobanking market due to inclination towards drug discovery and scientific research. Biobanking Market Competition Outlook Tecan Trading AG, Qiagen N.V., Brooks Automation, Inc., VWR Corporation, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Promega Corporation, Hamilton Company, Panasonic Healthcare Holdings Co., Ltd., Greiner Holding AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Chart Industries, Inc., Merck KGaA, and others are notable players of the global biobanking market. Browse More Details at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/biobanking-market-5967 More Healthcare Industry Related Reports Orthopedic Braces Market Research Report - Global Forecast till 2027 Clinical Trials Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027 Digital Diabetes Management Market Research Report Global Forecast till 2027 Biobanking Industry News The Manchester Cancer Research Center biobank collects ovarian cysts samples from women afflicted with the disease. This sample can be used in the testing of new drugs and its efficacy for its future commercialization. About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. Market Highlights Global Epilepsy Devices Market is expected to register a CAGR of 6.56% during the forecast period and is expected to hit USD 551.2 Million by 2027. In epilepsy, the brain activity becomes abnormal, resulting in seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness. Although it could affect anybody irrespective of age and gender, its prevalence is significant and continuously increasing in the geriatric population. get free sample @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/10427 Epilepsy Research, UK (ERUK) launched a Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) Grant Scheme with the aim of capacity building of the UK epilepsy research environment. ERUK is currently inviting applications from research institutes to apply for multiple linked Ph.D. studentships to commence 2021-2023. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a part of the USS National Institutes of Health, had appropriated USD 154 million in 2017 for research on epilepsy. The appropriation rose to USD 188 million in 2019 and is estimated to reach USD 203 million by 2020. The notable studies and research institutes that NINDS has funded include The Epilepsy 4000 (Epi4K), The Center for SUDEP Research (CSR), The Epilepsy Bioinformatics Study for Antiepileptogenic Therapy (EpiBiosS4Rx), The Channelopathy-Associated Epilepsy Research Center (CAERC), and The Epilepsy Multiplatform Variant Prediction (EpiMVP). The Epilepsy Foundation awarded USD 200,000 to two of the finalists who competed in the 9th Annual Shark Tank Competition on August 27 at the 2020 Epilepsy Pipeline Conference, Maryland, US. This included a grant of USD 125,000 to a researcher for a medical-grade smart-mattress device known as Chorus to reposition individuals and stimulate them post-seizure to prevent Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). Similarly, National Institute for Health Researchs (UK) Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) program has awarded USD 6.6 million to fund a project investigating epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa in February 2020. Segment Analysis Global Epilepsy Devices Market has been segmented based on Product Type, Technology, Seizure Detection and Prediction Devices, and End Use. On the basis of product type, the global epilepsy devices market is segmented into wearable devices, conventional devices, and implantable devices. The wearable devices segment is further segmented into watches, bracelets, camera devices, mattress devices, anti-suffocation pillows, and others. On the basis of technology, the global epilepsy devices market has been classified as vagus nerve stimulation, responsive neurostimulation, deep brain stimulation and accelerometry. On the basis of seizure detection and prediction devices, the global epilepsy devices market has been classified as seizure detection and prediction devices, electroencephalogram, intracranial EEG, surface electromyography, electrodermal activity, electrocardiography, video detection systems, implanted advisory systems, and others. On the basis of end use, the global epilepsy devices market has been classified as hospitals & clinics, neurology centers, home care settings, and others. Regional Analysis Global Epilepsy Devices Market, based on region, has been divided into the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. The Americas accounted for a larger share of the global epilepsy devices market. The large share is majorly attributed to the presence of key device manufacturers, increasing adoption of innovative software for detection of seizures, technological advancements, and high disposable income. Boost in the research funding in the European region, rising government initiatives, increasing number of patients suffering from epilepsy, an increasing number of manufacturers, improving economies, high disposable income per individual, and increased healthcare spending are resulting in the high the growth of the market in this region. The Asia Pacific region is anticipated to grow at a lucrative CAGR over the forecast period. A study funded by the Global Health Department of Sanofi and Grand Challenges Canada (grant number 032504) found that epilepsy affects more than 50 million people worldwide, 80% of whom live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). n Southeast Asia, the prevalence was moderate (6%). Around 1012 million people with epilepsy reside in India. A significant number of patients do not receive appropriate treatment, leading to a large treatment gap. A high prevalence and incidence of epilepsy has been reported in onchocerciasis-endemic regions in Central and East Africa. There is compelling epidemiological evidence suggesting that this high burden is caused by onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy (OAE). Key Players MRFR recognizes the following companies as the Key Players in the Global Epilepsy Devices Market Boston Scientific Corporation, Medpage Ltd (Easylink UK), Cerbomed GmbH (TVNS Technologies GmbH), Liva Nova (Cyberonics), Compumedics, Nihon Kohden, MC10, Empatica, Inc, Medtronic Plc, Neuropace, Inc, and Natus Medical Incorporated. Browse Full Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/epilepsy-devices-market-10427 RELATED REPORTS Global Wound Closure Device Market Research Report- Forecast to 2027 Contraceptive Pills Market Research Report- Global Forecast To 2027 Dermatology Diagnostic device Market Research Report- Global Forecast To 2027 About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), HONG KONG, June 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Hong Kong famous musician Joanus Lam's single music NFT auctioned 520 ETH at Openlake (https://openlake.io), which was about US$1.2 million. It is the world's highest record for a single music NFT. The world record-breaking NFT transaction occurred in block 12729915, and the transaction hash is 0xd8cb40df37f5be9f3e472f2db24726eb62df20cb20c4ca206c100484e3a142d7. The music NFT collection "Traces of Love" is composed of 5 music DEMOs, namely "Too Late", "Share Happiness", "Broke Up", "I used to love you like this" and "Traces of Love". These music demos were created by Joanus LamA from 1995 to 2005 and have never been made public. The one sold this time is one of them. The collection ran through the peakA period of the Chinese music industry and has a very high collection value. Joanus Lam releases this collection as a salute to the NFT era. Joanus Lam was the director of music and artist in Gold Typhoon Group, one of the most successful independent music companies operating in the Greater China Region(China mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan). Gold Typhoon Group was acquired by Warner Music Group in 2014. As a well-known musician in Greater China Region, Joanus Lam started composing at the age of fourteen and entered the music industry with the Blackbox Orchestra in 1995. He has composed and produced more than 350 songs, including Eason Chan's "Stay with Me" and "My Happy Times",Leo Ku's "Fatal Trick", "Eyes Must Be Tears", "Diamond Queen", Jacky Cheung's "Illness Moaning", Twins' "Floating Swallows", Alex To's "Lover", Karen Mok's "Suddenly" ", Aaron Kwok's "Fate", etc. Openlake is the first NFT marketplace to integrate NFT with HLS streaming protocol and AES-128 to encrypt music and video content with secure streaming. It provides one-stop service for secure storage, encrypted playback, distribution and sales of music or video works. Openlake uses the smart contracts built into NFTs to help manage the rights for music. Publishing, authorship, reproduction, rental and performance rights are just some of the elements covered. Openlake also supports trickle-down rights management, where secondary creations have rights auto-generated by smart contracts.A But more than that, Openlake is giving users more control. By working around 3rd party streaming platforms, they are giving artists direct access to their fans. And since fans will reward good-quality music, this will help the music industry to start investing in itself again. NFT's involvement is a brave innovation for the music industry, and will provide a wider arena for new musicians entering the field. With the aids of NFT and other technologies such as AI and IoT, the music industry will be revitalized and even pushed to new heights. Coronado, CA (92118) Today Partly cloudy skies. High near 75F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Generally fair. Low around 65F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. The total number of car thefts reported in Connecticut rose to about 6,200 in 2020, though the data have not been finalized, up from a historic low of 5,964 in 2019, Barones team found. The number of cars stolen annually in the state dropped precipitously since peaking in 1991, when 26,254 vehicles were taken, but began to rise again around 2013 with the emergence of keyless cars that have proven much easier to steal, Barone said. Students do not know who the Title IX Coordinator is, where the Title IX office is located, and do not know where or how to make a report of sexual misconduct, the report said. TNG said Eastern should make it easier for students to report abuse and create a better system to not only document, but also track cases. But some parents see that sort of analysis as a threat and have jumped on a fast-moving bandwagon that paints any mention of diversity or equity as part of a plot to insinuate Critical Race Theory into the culture. Critical Race Theory is actually a legal framework developed in the 1970s rooted in the notion that racism is systemic, intertwined in institutions of law and government. Though courses in critical race theory tend only to appear at the undergraduate or law school level, the concept has become a lightning rod in an expanding conflict over public education. Restaurants in Hampton Roads have been struggling to hire wait and kitchen staff for months, and many of them blame the pandemic-related unemployment benefits for keeping people out of the workforce. But now the financial strain is causing restaurants to close their doors sometimes for a couple days a week, others for months on end. Jonathan McNamara, communications director for the Red Cross of Virginia, said the Food and Drug Administration allows the Red Cross to provide items of nominal value as a thank-you to donors. According to its online policy guide, the FDA requires blood from paid donors to be labeled as such but still allows the volunteer designation for blood from donors who receive incentives that cant readily be sold or converted to cash, including prize giveaways. As a young man, Glenn joined a small company and over the next 25 years worked his way up to the top of the company, helping to grow it into a hugely successful enterprise that turned good businesses into great businesses, created tens of thousands of jobs, and funded the retirement pensions of police officers, firefighters, and teachers, said Youngkin spokesman Macaulay Porter. Under Glenns leadership, The Carlyle Group employed nearly 2,000 people and managed assets totaling nearly four times the size of Virginias yearly budget. Since then, Boone has become chief, and he has spoken little about gangs. In 2017, he told The Pilot there were only two or three active gangs in the city, although the department never answered a follow-up question about how many inactive ones existed. Boone at the time declined to make anyone available from the departments gang unit to talk about gangs in the city. Mentioning them in the media, he said, gives them the attention they crave. There have been apprehensions in India that people who took Covishield and Covaxin jabs are unlikely to be eligible to travel to the European Union member states under its 'Green Pass' scheme. (ANI Photo) New Delhi: Nine European nations are accepting Covishield vaccines for travel to their countries, sources said on Thursday. Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland and Spain are among the countries allowing travel by people who have taken Covishield vaccines, the sources said. They said Switzerland is also accepting Covishield as a Schengen state. Separately, Estonia has confirmed that it will recognise all vaccines authorised by the government of India for the travel of Indians to that country, the sources said. India has already asked the EU member countries to individually consider allowing Indians who have taken Covishield and Covaxin vaccines and want to travel to Europe. The European Union's Digital Covid certificate or "Green Pass" is coming into effect on Thursday with an aim to facilitate free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under this framework, persons who have taken vaccines authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be exempted from travel restrictions within the EU region. The individual member states have the flexibility to also accept vaccines that have been authorised at the national level or those recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). There have been apprehensions in India that people who took Covishield and Covaxin jabs are unlikely to be eligible to travel to the European Union member states under its 'Green Pass' scheme. The EU Digital Covid certificate or 'Green Pass' will be mandatory to travel to European countries and the document will serve as proof that a person is vaccinated against COVID-19. An EU official on Tuesday said individual member states of the European Union will have the option to accept vaccines authorised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) like Covishield for obtaining the bloc's digital Covid certificate. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday took up the issue of inclusion of Covishield in the EU digital Covid certificate scheme during a meeting with Josep Borrell Fontelles, the High Representative of the European Union. The meeting took place on the sidelines of a G20 meeting in Italy. The comments by IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad follow accusations by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government that Twitter Inc had violated rules requiring it to appoint new compliance officers. (PTI file photo) New Delhi: India's technology minister said on Wednesday that U.S. social media giants must obey the laws of his country, where they are doing brisk business. The comments by IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad follow accusations by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government that Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) had violated rules requiring it to appoint new compliance officers. "You operate in India, you make good money in India ... but you will take the position that 'I will only be governed by laws of America' ... This is plainly not acceptable," Prasad said during the India Global Forum 2021 event. "You have to be accountable to India's constitution and India's laws." The minister also objected to a recent brief block imposed by Twitter on his account for a tweet he issued years ago, as it violated U.S. laws, saying the platform must then also obey Indian laws. Industry executives say India's tussle with Twitter, coupled with discontent over increasing regulatory scrutiny of other U.S. digital giants such as Facebook's WhatsApp and Amazon (AMZN.O), has soured the business environment in a growth market. WhatsApp has 530 million users while Facebook has 410 million in India - their top market by users globally, while Twitter has 18 million users. As acrimony grows with Indian authorities, Twitter faces at least five police cases in different states. Its non-compliance with new rules raised suggestions that Twitter may no longer enjoy legal protection in India over content posted by users. read more On Wednesday, an Indian state challenged in the Supreme Court a bar on police action against Twitter's country head, Manish Maheshwari, after a lower court protected him against arrest over an accusation that the platform had been used to spread hate. Police in Uttar Pradesh, ruled by Modi's party, issued a summons this month to Maheshwari over a video that they said had incited "hate and enmity" between Hindu and Muslim communities. read more Twitter and police in Uttar Pradesh declined to comment. Maheshwari did not respond. When Maheshwari approached the lower court, he argued that the investigation concerned content on the Twitter platform, which is run by Twitter Inc, a company "incorporated under the laws of the United States of America," according to a court filing seen by Reuters but not made public. Twitter's Indian unit had no role in "operation and management of the said platform", the filing added. The Uttar Pradesh case concerns the spread of a video in which some apparently Hindu men beat an elderly man, believed to be a Muslim, and cut his beard. Other cases arose from complaints that some politically sensitive regions were depicted as outside India in a map on Twitter's careers website, or that child pornography was visible on its platform. Twitter has not commented on the map cases. On Tuesday, it said it had a policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation of children. Narayan said the date of opening of offline classes depends on the success of this vaccination drive and the government is ready to extend all cooperation in this regard. (AFP Photo) Bengaluru: Setting a deadline of July 7 to vaccinate all students above 18 years to facilitate reopening of colleges and resume physical classes, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister Dr C N Ashwath Narayan asked the vice chancellors of universities to speed up vaccination. "Students have to be vaccinated by July 7 as per the schedule of the vaccine drive and the VCs should try to ensure vaccination of all students by the said date and if required this could be extended by two to three days," Narayan, who holds the higher education portfolio, told the vice chancellors during a virtual meet. He told them that the students are being vaccinated as a priority group to facilitate the opening of physical classes of higher education classes. Narayan said the date of opening of offline classes depends on the success of this vaccination drive and the government is ready to extend all cooperation in this regard. The DCM also instructed the VCs to work towards the implementation of national educational policy. Colleges have been shut since the second wave of COVID-19 hit the state in March. Agriculture minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy said the Centre had allotted 25.5 lakh metric tonnes of fertilisers quota to Telangana for kharif of which 8.38 lakh metric tonnes including 4.35 lakh metric tonnes of urea stocks were available in the state at present. (AFP Photo) Hyderabad: About 25 percent of targeted crop sown area for kharif season (June-September) has been achieved in June with the state receiving 50 percent excess rainfall this month. According to an IMD report, the normal rainfall in the state for June should be 130 mm, but the state received 194.55 mm from June 1 to 30, which is in excess of 50 per cent. In June last year, the state received rainfall of 171.66 mm. While Adilabad district received the highest rainfall of 318.77 mm, Wanaparthy district got the lowest rainfall of 76.8 mm. Out of total 33 districts, six districts - Mancherial, Nirmal, Kothagudem, Hyderabad, Rangareddy and Vikarabad received normal rainfall, while the remaining 27 districts received excess rainfall. The agriculture department has estimated total crop sown area of 141.12 lakh acres this kharif, of which crops were sown over an extent of 34.35 lakh acres in June amounting to 25 per cent of total estimated area. Cotton was sown in 26.05 lakh acres, red gram in 3.18 lakh acres and paddy in 96,000 acres. Green gram was sown in 50,000 acres and maize in one lakh acres. This apart, vegetables and leafy vegetables were sown in 87,000 acres. Horticulture crops have been sown in 5.70 lakh acres. The government has asked farmers to reduce paddy cultivation in kharif and opt for cotton and red gram crops instead. Agriculture minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy said the Centre had allotted 25.5 lakh metric tonnes of fertilisers quota to Telangana for kharif of which 8.38 lakh metric tonnes including 4.35 lakh metric tonnes of urea stocks were available in the state at present. He said the special task forces constituted by the state government to check sale of spurious seeds had been conducting raids across the state and booked 325 criminal cases and arrested 518 people so far. They seized 11,848 quintals of spurious seeds and stopped sales of 23,720 quintals of spurious seeds worth Rs 78 crore. Kerala has the best single window clearance system for industries in southern India. (Photo: PTI/File) Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government would be coming out with a second package for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) under which Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) would be giving loans at 5 per cent interest, besides an additional three-month waiver on repayments after the existing moratorium ends, Industries Minister P Rajeev, said on Thursday. Under the package some of the focus groups would be women, especially widows, youth and pravasis returning to India, the minister told a meet-the-press programme organised here. The government also intends to promote in a big way the industries unique to Kerala, like agro-based and fish processing, he said. The minister also highlighted the steps taken by the LDF government for completing various "flagship projects", including the Kochi-Bangalore industrial corridor, announced and launched by the previous administration in a timely manner. A monitoring mechanism has been put in place for all these projects and evaluation meetings have been held in respect of each and they were all proceeding speedily, he said. With regard to the land acquisition forthe Kochi- Bangalore industrial corridor, the minister said it was expected to be completed by December this year and a web portal would be set up to identify the work that has to be done by each department or local authority to monitor their progress. The other focus areas of the state government were setting up a paper and allied products companies, an electronics hardware park at Amballoor in Ernakulam here and strengthening the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries in view of the prevailing situation. Rajeev said that an expert committee has been constituted to study the paper mill industry at Karur in Tamil Nadu before setting up such a company in Kerala for which Hindustan Newsprint Limited (HNL) has already been taken over. For the electronics hardware park at Amballoor, he said that around 80 acres of land has been identified and as the rest was wet land, a committee wasset up to examine if it can be used for setting up the project. If the committee's report was favourable, then the project would be completed in three years,he added. On strengthening the pharma and medical equipment industries, he said the government would first examine the quantity of drugs being produced in the state presently and how the numbers can be augmented. Initial studies have been conducted with regard to manufacture of cancer treatment drugs in the state. A statutory redressal mechanism would also be set up to address grievances and claimed that according to FICCI, Kerala has the best single window clearance system for industries in southern India. It is only upon the failure of the executive to act and thereupon, the Court perceiving the matter to be a danger to society, ought to step in. (PTI Photo) Chennai: The Madras High Court on Thursday refused to direct the authorities concerned to ban all on-line and off-line video games, which are allegedly spoiling the school going children. There is no doubt children and young adults these days were addicted to their phones and laptops and their world appears to revolve around these gadgets. But the courts cannot pass any such ban order at present, the first bench said. It is the policy matter to be looked into by the appropriate governments in the State or the Centre, the bench of Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy said while disposing of a PIL petition from city advocate E Martin Jayakumar. The bench said constitutional courts should be slow in entering into such areas and dealing with such matters on the personal sense of morality of the individual complainant or of the judge or judges concerned. There is no doubt when there is some illegal action or something which is detrimental to larger public interest, constitutional courts intervene; but in the matters of the present kind, especially when elected governments are in place, such matters of policy should be left to the wisdom of those representing the people and having their mandate instead of the Court issuing a diktat. It is only upon the failure of the executive to act and thereupon, the Court perceiving the matter to be a danger to society, ought to step in. The bench directed the petitioner to send within four weeks, representations to the Centre through the Ministry of Women and Child Development and to the State government through the department perceived to be most appropriate by the petitioner. The authorities concerned should give their due consideration to the matter and indicate their stand to the petitioner within eight weeks thereafter, the bench said. The intricacies of the menace that the petitioner complains of and the larger or long-time effects these online games have on children and young adults have not been gone into in any great detail in the present proceedings, particularly in the absence of any scientific material in such regard, the bench said. Nothing in this order will prevent further complaints in being carried even to this court if appropriate executive action thereon is not forthcoming, it said. According to the petitioner, mobile phones have completely taken over people's lives and even children and minors crave for and obtain mobile phones. Many children and young adults are hooked to online games and have become addicts. The addiction would be devastating and life-threatening in the sense that it destroys the career-building phase of a young adult and may even lead to suicidal tendencies, the petitioner contended. BJP workers show a sword on a damaged vehicle after clash with farmers protesting against three farm laws, at Ghazipur border in New Delhi, Wednesday, June 30, 2021. (PTI Photo) New Delhi: A scuffle broke out between some local BJP workers and the protesting farmers at the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border at Ghazipur on Wednesday. Later, the BJP men held a protest near the office of the local police chief, demanding that immediate action be taken against the farmers who have been blocking the highway since November last year. The farmers objected when they saw the BJP men, carrying party flags, gathering at the protest site at around noon. They showed black flags to the BJP men, setting off an altercation which turned violent. Stones were thrown and the BJP leaders car was allegedly attacked. The ruckus took place as BJP workers were taking out a procession on a flyway where the farm law protesters, chiefly supporters of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, have been camping. As the two sides came near each other on the Delhi-Meerut Expressway at around 12 noon, a scuffle broke out and they fought with sticks, which led to some injuries. Videos and pictures surfaced on the social media, purportedly showing some damaged vehicles that were part of a cavalcade of a BJP politician, Amit Valmiki, who was on his way to Bulandshahr. The farmers leaders, however, alleged that the episode was yet another conspiracy by the government to quell their protests against the three controversial farm laws and to give them a bad name. Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar, meanwhile, reiterated on Wednesday that the protesting farmers unions should not be adamant on the repeal of the new farm laws, adding that making it a precondition for talks with the government does not serve any purpose. Samyukta Kisan Morcha spokesman Jagtar Singh Bajwa claimed that the farmers at the Ghazipur border had asked the district administration and government officials to remove the party workers as they were creating a ruckus on the pretext of a rally. They misbehaved with the farmers and damaged their own vehicles as part of a conspiracy. This conspiracy is not going to succeed as such tactics to end the farmers protest have been used in the past too, Mr Bajwa said. We are going to lodge a complaint with the police on todays incident, and if no action is taken, we shall plan our strategy accordingly, he said. We condemn the ruckus created by the BJP workers, Mr Bajwa said, adding that such tactics wont work as the farmers stir has been peaceful for the last seven months and will continue to be so in the future. An investigation is in progress, the police said. Mr Khattar also said that only a handful of people were opposing the farm laws, and that ordinary farmers are happy. He added: Those spearheading the agitation are in reality not farmers. The real farmers have no objection to the farm laws, they are happy. He said those who are opposing the farm laws are doing so for political reasons. Their Punjab team is doing so as polls are approaching there. But there are no polls due in our state. Here the agenda is to defame the government, using the political angle. The Congress is also supporting them in doing this, Mr Khattar claimed. The Haryana CM said the word kisan (farmer) is a sacred one, but some incidents like the alleged sexual exploitation of a West Bengal woman at the Tikri border last month have prompted people to raise questions. Nagarjuna Sagar closed, not allowing public to pass by due to the tension between the irrigation departments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on Thursday. (Photo:DC) HYDERABAD: The Telangana government has stepped up security at all irrigation projects over Krishna anticipating protests and attacks from political parties and farmers in Andhra Pradesh against generation of hydel power by TS Genco. Heavy police force was deployed at Nagarjunasagar, Srisailam, Pulichintala and Jurala projects on Thursday. The AP government too deployed police at Nagarjunasagar and Srisailam, the joint projects of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The Telangana government has deployed hundreds of policemen for the safety and security of hydel power stations and TS Genco staff working in all projects for power generation. The police are working in three shifts round-the-clock. The situation at Nagarjunasagar dam was like a war zone on Thursday with the Telangana and the AP governments deploying hundreds of policemen on either side of the borders. Telangana police inspected every vehicle passing from AP to Telangana at the border. Tension prevailed for some time when AP irrigation officials tried to meet TS Genco officials at Nagarjunasagar, Srisailam and Pulichintala to submit representation seeking stoppage of hydel power generation. TS Genco officials refused to meet them. With this, TS police obstructed them leading to heated arguments from both sides. Left with no option, they submitted representation to the police and left. However, AP officials could submit representation to TS officials at Pulichintala. The Telangana police blocked roads leading to Jurala dam in Mahbubnagar district for a few hours in the morning leading to traffic jams for a few hours. Meanwhile, the TS Genco continued hydel power generation on a full scale at all projects over Krishna on Thursday as per the directions of the state government despite heightened tensions between both the states over Krishna water sharing. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form FILE - In this Feb. 27, 2021, file photo, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Fla. A billionaire Republican donor is paying $1 million to help defray the cost of deploying the South Dakota National Guard to the U.S. -Mexico border. The amount of the donation was confirmed Wednesday by Gov. Kristi Noem's office. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Fort Hood, TX (76544) Today Thunderstorms likely. High 83F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.. Tonight Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 71F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. This blog covers software patent news and issues with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers, connected cars) as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices. Our correspondents from the area reported that a member of the Damascus government forces called "Ahmed Jamal Tabani, a 39-year-old from the city of Aleppo," was killed last night as a result of the intense artillery and missile shelling of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries, which targeted the village of Arida in the western Gire Spi countryside. It is noteworthy that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries launched intensive attacks last night with heavy weapons, targeting all villages on the contact lines in the western countryside of Gire Spi, most of which are stationed by Syrian government forces. J.O ANHA Korea Investment Corp. (KIC) CEO Jin Seoung-ho speaks during a press conference at KIC headquarters in Seoul, Thursday. Courtesy of KIC Sovereign wealth fund doubtful about cryptocurrency investments By Park Jae-hyuk Korea Investment Corp. (KIC) CEO Jin Seoung-ho expressed his skepticism of a proposal from Rep. Park Yong-jin of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), one of the ruling party's presidential candidates, to establish a "Korean version of Temasek" by integrating the sovereign wealth fund and the National Pension Service (NPS) Investment Management. "The kind of assets under our management and our investment targets are different from those of the NPS. It seems unfeasible at this moment," he said during a press conference held Thursday to celebrate his appointment to the job in May and the 16th anniversary of KIC. "We can consider joint investments and different kinds of cooperation with the NPS instead." The CEO also refused an offer made by Korea Development Bank (KDB) Chairman Lee Dong-gull last month to make KIC one of the state-run bank's subsidiaries for future-oriented investments. "I think his intention was to seek support from KIC for Korean companies' strategic investments overseas," Jin said. "We can discuss ways to help Korean firms when they make investments in other countries." He also said KIC is not considering investing in cryptocurrencies including bitcoin, despite the recent trend of global institutional investors including virtual assets in their portfolios. "Because we are a sovereign wealth fund managing the government's foreign currency reserves, we should pursue relatively stable investments compared to private companies," he said. Aims to rank among leading sovereign wealth funds During the press conference, the CEO outlined KIC's growth strategies to become one of the world's top 10 sovereign wealth funds. "We will secure a sizable amount of assets to vie with major sovereign wealth funds worldwide," he said. "After checking our current asset portfolio, we will boost our profitability through aggressive long-term, diversified investments." Founded in 2005 for the purposes of increasing the nation's sovereign wealth and contributing to the financial industry, KIC is currently the 15th-largest sovereign wealth fund globally in terms assets under management (AUM). As of the end of 2020, its AUM totaled $183.1 billion won. Jin promised KIC will continue to increase the proportion of alternative investments for long-term profitability and risk diversification. In particular, its San Francisco office that opened in March will play a key role in investments in promising startups there, which have technologies for robotics, healthcare, self-driving technology and new renewable energies, according to the CEO. He noted that KIC will reinforce its overseas offices and build networks with various institutions around the world to cope with the changing market environment in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. He emphasized the necessity of using artificial intelligence, big data and experts in innovative technologies to manage KIC's assets. Amid the growing importance of investments considering environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) principles, the CEO vowed to make more efforts for socially responsible investments. KIC plans to introduce a new system during the second half of this year to measure the possible risks from carbon dependency and climate change. In order to contribute to the nation's financial industry, the institution is also pushing ahead with establishing an international finance academy intended to foster and train global financial specialists. "After adopting ethical and transparent management as our basic principle, we have tried hard to inspire all employees to have a sense of ethics," Jin said. "We will continue to manage our assets transparently." Financial Services Commission (FSC) Chairman Eun Sung-soo speaks during the National Policy Committee meeting at the National Assembly on Yeouido, Seoul, Thursday. Yonhap By Lee Kyung-min Banks should ensure that their virtual currency exchange clients have anti-money laundering safeguards in place, as one of their key responsibilities to screen and monitor for irregularities concerning the operators of digital assets, the country's top financial regulator said Thursday. "The responsibility falls on banks first and foremost to detect any irregularities of crypto exchanges, including conducting anti-money laundering activities," Financial Services Commission (FSC) Chairman Eun Sung-soo said during the National Policy Committee meeting at the National Assembly on Yeouido, Seoul. The comments seek to divert criticism that the FSC is refusing to take full responsibility for cryptocurrency regulation and monitoring, amid the rapid surge in popularity of digital currencies, especially among young people. Many frame the issue as Eun and the FSC forcing banks to do most of the legwork, and thereby altogether postponing or refusing to take responsibility and step in. But banks bear the primary responsibility for identifying what could later become suspicious financial transactions, as evidenced by them having to report bank transfers of over 10 million won to the Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFIU), he said. "Banks are aware that they are to maintain extreme caution because of severe penalties, a practice shared by banks around the world. Banks should allow exchanges to open real-name accounts, only if they judge they can withstand the possible consequences. If they think the risks are beyond their capacity, they should not be in the business of banking." The comments are in line with a previously outlined policy, in which banks are to identify high-risk clients, as well as strengthen financial transaction monitoring and user ID verification procedures. This guideline is a regulatory action seeking to protect customers against fraud and allow them to recover their investments, in the event that some exchanges become disqualified to run and are shut down. Currently, operators can set up exchanges without major regulatory hurdles such as user ID verification responsibilities and real name-based exchange accounts. Exchange operators seeking to keep running will have to submit a request for a license by Sept. 24, after which the intelligence unit will begin a three-month review of their trading activities. Eun denied that the financial policy regulator is reviewing ways to limit crypto management responsibilities for banks. A coalition of banks had submitted a request for a rule that exempts them from punishment in cases of financial crimes with no premeditation at play. "I have never had a conversation regarding the issue, nor have I heard about the said exemption rule," he said. JW Marriott Hotel Seoul serves the "Sea Breeze Afternoon Tea Set," a summer resort-themed selection of homemade desserts and savory dishes, until Aug. 31. Courtesy of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul By Jun Ji-hye Luxury hotels here have created a selection of summer-themed afternoon tea sets to offer visitors refreshment amid the hot and humid weather. These afternoon tea sets deliver gastronomic and aesthetic pleasures at once, through a combination of cute desserts designed to evoke a summer resort ambience and savory items offering light meal alternatives. The Lounge, located in the eighth-floor reception lobby at JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, is serving the "Sea Breeze Afternoon Tea Set," a selection of homemade desserts and savory dishes inspired by a summer resort, until Aug. 31. Nine desserts include berry mousse cake, chocolate baskets and seaside muffin cake, with all desserts coming in different shapes and flavors, conjuring the colorful ambience of a holiday resort. The dessert selection is complemented by nine savory items offering light meal alternatives, including lobster roll and French toast. Sheraton Seoul D-Cube City Hotel is serving the "Afternoon Tea Set Holiday Edition" until Aug. 29 at its lobby lounge bar, featuring a three-tier dessert tower that includes lemon pound cake, bacon and spinach quiche and scones. Sheraton Seoul D-Cube City Hotel presents the "Afternoon Tea Set Holiday Edition" until Aug. 29, offering a three-tier dessert tower. Courtesy of Sheraton Seoul D-Cube City Hotel Guests choosing the afternoon tea set are presented a cooling welcome drink made with sweet, tangy white grapes. The afternoon tea set is served on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Andaz Seoul Gangnam has launched the "Andaz Afternoon Tea Set" featuring desserts, finger food and unlimited servings of coffee or tea, at its second-floor Jogakbo Bites & Wine bar. Featuring a variety of colors and textures, the set is served in a unique package modeled after an actor's makeup case and accompanied by dry ice, creating a novel experience from the moment of delivery. The package also includes three illustrations on the themes of Seoul's nature and travel, created in collaboration with artist Jeon Ye-ji. InterContinental Seoul COEX is serving the "Apple Mango Afternoon Tea Set" in its first-floor Lobby Lounge until the end of August. The set comprises a selection of desserts celebrating the flavors of apple mango, and scones with three varieties of jam by Korean master Kim Dong-u in addition to a choice of tea or coffee. The afternoon tea set menu is also available to go, offering ideal options for home parties. Fairmont Ambassador Seoul's first-floor Atrium Lounge is presenting the "Bee High Tea Set" until July 31. The menu features desserts crafted from sustainably produced Korean honey, including honey chocolate flowerpots, plus savory items such as smoked salmon caviar brioche. A choice of coffee and tea beverages combining a seasonal immune system boost are also offered. The afternoon tea set marks the launch of Fairmont Ambassador Seoul's Bee Sustainable program, a key element of Fairmont's environmental conservation campaign, and embodies a message of the importance of bees in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Novotel Ambassador Seoul Gangnam has unveiled the "Tropical and Afternoon Tea Set," featuring 13 desserts crafted from tropical grapefruit, mango, melon and pineapple, including sweet mango panna cotta. Guests are also offered a choice of tropical teas by premium tea brand Ronnefeldt and tropical smoothies. The set is available daily from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. until Aug. 31. In Busan, the Lounge at Park Hyatt Busan is offering the limited-edition "Summer Afternoon Sea Set," a selection of desserts expressing the various sights of the Busan coast, from the depths of the sea to the surface and mist. The afternoon sea set describes Korea's iconic summer destination Haeundae Beach and Park Hyatt Busan, shrouded in thick sea mist, through desserts and savory items. The set is served daily from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Park Hyatt Busan offers the "Summer Afternoon Sea Set," a selection of desserts expressing the various sights of the Busan coast. Courtesy of Park Hyatt Busan South Korea signed a "travel bubble" deal with Saipan on Wednesday to exempt fully vaccinated people from mandatory quarantine upon entry into each other's territory. Saipan, a U.S. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, is the first partner of South Korea's travel bubble initiative announced in early June. The agreement was signed in a ceremony here by Seoul's vice transport minister Hwang Seong-kyu and Saipan's governor Ralph Torres. It is expected to take effect in late July or early August after relevant preparations. Under the agreement, visitors are required to receive full COVID-19 vaccinations, authorized by their health authorities at least two weeks ahead of trips. They also have to carry official certificates of vaccine shots and submit documents showing the negative result of a coronavirus test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure. Only those on group trips arranged by travel agencies can benefit from the agreement. (Yonhap) "Meet me" offers various routine tasks including home decorating and running / Courtesy of meet me By Lee Gyu-lee A working mom stumbled across a website that offers a program that requires her to devote 40 minutes of her time every morning to follow a set of self-development tasks. A friend introduced her to the platform, called "meet me," after seeing her struggling to balance work and family life. The online program invites participants to set aside 20 minutes to keep a journal and another 20 minutes to work out right after getting up in the morning. "She didn't look so happy at first because it's hard for working moms to have their own time. But (after the program), she told me that this allowed her to dedicate 40 minutes of her morning to fully focus on herself," Lee Yong-bok, CMO and one of the three co-founders of the lifestyle startup "meet me" said during an interview with The Korea Times, Tuesday, at the company's facility in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. The concept of a "ritual lifestyle," or committing oneself to a specific task or activity in day-to-day life, has been growing in popularity, especially among the MZ generation born between 1980 to the early 2000s. The three co-founders and former co-workers at the vacation rental platform Airbnb Son Ha-bin, 37, Kim Eun-ji, 35, and Lee, 32 strive to use ritual to guide people on a journey to find their true self by making small changes in their daily routines. "When you get through just a few questions with someone, you realize not a lot of people know themselves well," Son, co-founder and CEO, said. "Not many people can answer me when I ask if they are fully satisfied with their life and why and how they are not satisfied." Co-founders of "meet me," a self-development service startup, Lee Yong-bok, from left, Son Ha-bin and Kim Eun-ji pose for a photo. Courtesy of meet me Under the slogan, "nice to meet me," the company offers various ritual lifestyle programs ranging from yoga, running and home decorating to writing journals after listening to music or writing lyrics, along with counseling or therapy programs. Before opening its own space called "meet me home" this May, it mostly operated online programs. The company now has about 50 offline and online programs and attracted about 3,000 users since it started in August last year. "Therapies help you figure out your trauma and get to know yourself, but if you can't keep that attitude in your daily life, it's pointless. So we came up with programs that will help us to look into ourselves through our daily routines, like eating, reading and doing physical activities," Kim, co-founder and CSO, said. Yoga studio space at "meet me home," located in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul / Courtesy of meet me Each ritual program runs for a certain period, usually four weeks. Every day, the users complete the ritual at a given part of a day. The crucial part is to reflect on oneself and focus on emotion while doing the activity. Then, the users freely share their thoughts or personal stories with the rest of the group. "Anything can be a ritual program. There are a lot of ways to find and meet me, other than therapy. It can be listening to music, meditating, other therapeutic activities or writing," Kim noted. "There's no answer. It's only important that we figure out our needs and desires to steer in that direction as we live our lives, so we try to share different ways to help people do that." One might say the programs it offers are no different than other social gathering communities based on hobbies or interests. But the co-founders emphasized that the rituals are different from hobbies, because they go a step further than just physically doing the activities. "Ritual is a way to take care of yourself every day. For example, listening to music is a hobby, but when you write down what comes to your mind while listening, it becomes a ritual," Son said. She added that a ritual is about putting oneself at the center of those activities. "Hobbies can be used as a sidestep like watching TV to get your mind off of things that give you a hard time. It can make you feel good at that moment, which isn't bad. But it's also not going to solve your problem." A "ritual maker" of the aroma meditation program at meet me / Courtesy of meet me The co-founders explained that their common backgrounds and experience at their previous job helped them come up with the idea to start this business. Kim, who was the head of Airbnb's Seoul office, said she went through her own soul-searching phase during her 20s. "I've lived up to other people's expectations like I felt like I would be a failure if I don't get a job at some large corporation. But in my mid-20s, I was doing everything that my parents told me would make me happy, but I wasn't," she said. That's when she had an epiphany to quit her job at a big-name petrochemical company and go on an adventure. "I've tried a lot of things, like getting counseling and going on trips overseas for programs to learn how to live happily," she said, adding that she also has freelanced and worked at social ventures, and ran her own business before working for Airbnb. "Airbnb's corporate culture encourages and respects diversity, and after working there for a while we got to know each other very well and I also had a chance to think about how I want to build my future," Kim said. Interior of a meet me home office / Courtesy of meet me And as Airbnb's business took off in Korea and its office grew into an established corporation, the co-founders started to feel the need to find their own project. "As a business grows, it's inevitable and necessary to establish a functional process but I think there are different types of people an organization needs depending on its phase of growth, and we were fit for the starting stage: getting our hands on shaping the business," Son said. And this led her to pitch her idea for "meet me" to her co-workers, Kim and Lee, and establish the startup together. "I'm the type of person that really easily draws in influences. And when I'm in a positive environment (like Airbnb), the speed I take things in gets much faster, which made me realize the importance of a community," Son said. "And since I love making changes to myself, and other people I started to think about my next move to engage in life-changing work." For Son, the life-changing experience is to go on a journey of self-discovery. She took this chance to create a community that has a positive influence. A "ritual maker" of a ritual program that invites users to listen to music and write in a journal every day / Courtesy of meet me Creating a warm, encouraging environment for users is one of the keys to running the platform. To do that, "ritual makers" are hand-picked by the company to lead each program and act as an inspiration among the group. "We know having a daily routine like mediation, yoga or writing is good, but it's hard to keep it up by yourself. So we thought of how people can continue their daily rituals, and came up with the idea to create a community, led by a ritual maker," Kim said. "This ritual maker, who has already been doing the ritual on their own, can inspire and lead others. Participants might hit a bump while trying to keep up, and when they do, ritual makers can encourage them like a cheerleader and get them through difficulties." And the endless encouragement brings positive changes in the participants and gets them to be more engaged in the programs. "A lot of positive feedback was about how they could follow along with the ritual routines with meet me, and about how we have such warm communities that make them want to come back," Son explained. Ritual room at the meet me home / Courtesy of meet me "(The program's) priority isn't on completing the tasks here, we try to focus on the fact we are taking part rather than focusing on what we didn't do. As we praise each other about even small things, that can lead them to do it again," Kim said. "We're all doing it for our own good, so it shouldn't come to feel like a burden or coercion." Lee shared a story of a middle-aged man who joined her program, whose ritual is to walk 10,000 steps daily and share journals with the group. At first, he didn't take part at all, because he felt uncomfortable sharing his personal stories and how he felt that day, like other people in the group. "So I told him he can just share the screenshot of his steps and nothing else, and he completed his task 100 percent the next week," she said. "And people cheered him on and applauded him even for the screenshots, which made him begin sharing his stories. He felt a sense of achievement and belonging in doing it together and started to show changes." Although its membership is growing, based largely on word of mouth, the co-founders said most of the users are women in their 30s to 40s. To reach a wider range of platform users, the co-founders said they are focusing on two things: making ritual programs as accessible and simple, and as diverse as possible. One of the two chefs who operates a kitchen on the second floor of meet me home / Courtesy of meet me "If it is something special, it won't last, because most people live to have a busy lifestyle. So it has to be something that would make use of the free or remaining time of a day," Son said. "Not a lot of people even acknowledge the concept of knowing themselves. They don't know why they should, as if they are trying to avoid facing such topics we need to awaken our senses and be keen on learning about ourselves." To promote interest in the platform, meet me is teaming up with different companies, from beer and cosmetic brands to event planning agencies. "Ritual can be combined with any lifestyle-related thing, so we are getting offers to collaborate from all sorts of fields, which we have been carrying out together," Son said. The company's newest addition "meet me home," which takes up four of the five stories of a building in Seongsu-dong, is another way to open up its doors and invite new users. The rooftop area of the building offers a space for people to spend their time in relaxation. / Courtesy of meet me North Korean leader Kim Jong-un / AP-Yonhap North Korean leader Kim Jong-un vowed to elevate relations with China to a new strategic point as he sent a congratulatory message to Chinese President Xi Jinping to mark the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, state media said Thursday. In an apparent reference to the deepening Sino-U.S. rivalry, Kim also said in the message that "hostile forces" are engaged in "vicious slander and all-round pressure" upon China, but they can "never check the on-going advance of the Chinese people," according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). "Despite the complicated international situation, the two parties and the two countries, with firm faith in the justice of the socialist and communist cause, accelerate their advance toward a brighter future, tiding over difficulties and ordeals by dint of their militant friendship and bonds of kinship," Kim was quoted as saying by the KCNA. "The WPK, by its firm unity with the CPC, would raise the DPRK-China friendship to a new strategic point as required by the times and as desired by the peoples of the two countries, and powerfully encourage the socialist construction... to vigorously advance despite any change of the situation and challenges," he added. Rep. Ha Tae-keung of the main opposition People Power Party speaks during a press conference at the National Assembly in Seoul, Thursday, calling on the government to declare a state of emergency over North Korea's cyberterrorism campaign against South Korea. Yonhap By Kang Seung-woo Several major South Korean facilities have fallen victim to cyberattacks originating from North Korea in recent months, as the reclusive state has been ramping up its cyberterrorism campaign against its southern neighbor. According to relevant organizations and Rep. Ha Tae-keung of the main opposition People Power Party (PPP), the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) was attacked in May, followed by attacks on Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME). KAERI is a government-funded research institute in charge of developing nuclear technology, and KAI is the nation's sole aircraft manufacturer, while DSME is a major shipbuilder specializing in the construction of submarines and other naval vessels. Some of the cyberattackers' online addresses were traced back to the servers of "kimsuky," a North Korean advanced persistent threat group. KAI appears to have had its system compromised twice this year by unidentified entities, and "a large quantity of documents" seems to have been leaked, confirmed by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) which handles national arms procurement. Making the situation worse, some say the breached data might include sensitive information about major defense items, such as the KF-21 fighter jet development project, FA-50 light combat aircraft, unmanned aircraft and radar. "As there have been suspected cyberattacks, we requested a police investigation on Monday. We will fully cooperate with investigators to reveal the facts," KAI said in a statement, Wednesday, without elaborating further. In terms of cases regarding the KAERI and KAI, they were attacked through a VPN system vulnerability, according to Ha. "If the country's nuclear power and other key technologies have been leaked, it could become a massive security breach following Pyongyang's infiltration of Seoul's military cyber command in 2016," Ha said. The opposition lawmaker claimed that a series of cyberattacks, especially regarding the KAI case, had to do with the United States. "The North Korean cyberattacks targeted core technologies of a nuclear-powered submarine, which could directly threaten the U.S.," Ha said. The lawmaker also said the North's cyberterrorism may develop into a diplomatic issue, given that KAI is connected with U.S. defense companies, which could place them in jeopardy. "Before it evolves into a diplomatic issue between allies, South Korea and the U.S. need to hold a cybersecurity meeting," Ha said. KAI and U.S. aerospace giant Lockheed Martin jointly developed the T-50A trainer aircraft. In the wake of the cyberterrorism campaign, Ha urged the government to declare a state of emergency and take actions to deal with it. "First, Cheong Wa Dae needs to convene a National Security Council meeting to call for a pan-government all-out way to deal with the cyberattacks," he said. The lawmaker also said South Korea and the U.S. need to handle the issue jointly, while urging President Moon Jae-in to hold National intelligence Service chief Park Jie-won responsible for not stopping the cyberattacks. This photo disclosed by the Gyeonggi Provincial Government on Oct. 2, 2019, shows surveillance camera footage of an operating room at the Gyeonggi Provincial Medical Center's Ansung Hospital. Courtesy of Gyeonggi Provincial Government By Lee Hyo-jin The continuing debate over the need to have surveillance cameras inside hospital operating rooms has resurfaced after a series of alleged medical malpractice cases during surgery made headlines recently. In May, a hospital in Incheon west of Seoul, specializing in spinal surgery was found to have allegedly allowed administrative staff to perform surgical procedures such as incisions and sutures. In early June, a hospital in Gwangju specializing in spinal procedures made it on the news after a whistleblower employee reported to police that nurses, who weren't qualified as medical practitioners, routinely performed surgery there in 2018. Police raided the hospital, but are facing difficulties identifying how the "proxy surgeries" were conducted due to a lack of evidence as the operating room was not equipped with any surveillance cameras. The debate over this issue is nothing new. Bills requiring cameras in operating rooms had been proposed twice, but to no avail, in the 19th and 20th National Assemblies. At the current 21st Assembly, three such bills, proposed by lawmakers from the ruling Democratic Party of Korea, are pending. Meanwhile, an increasing number of people seem to be supporting the installation of cameras, according to a survey released by the Anti-corruption and Civil Rights Commission, June 28. Among the 13,959 respondents, 98 percent were in favor of installing surveillance cameras, citing the need to monitor potentially illegal medical procedures when patients are under anesthesia. But the issue remains unresolved due to sharply divided views between medical practitioners and patients. Song Young-gil, chairman of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea, talks with Lee Na-geum, who is holding a one-person rally calling for the legislation requiring CCTVs in operating rooms, in front of the National Assembly, June 15. Lee is the mother of a deceased victim of a botched plastic surgery in September 2016. Korea Times photo by Oh Dae-geun President Moon Jae-in and outgoing U.S. Forces Korea Commander Gen. Robert Abrams salute during a decoration ceremony at Cheong Wa Dae, Thursday. Courtesy of Cheong Wa Dae Moon calls on new commander to closely communicate with Korean military By Nam Hyun-woo President Moon Jae-in bestowed outgoing U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) Commander Gen. Robert Abrams with an Order of National Security Merit, Thursday, in appreciation of his service here over the past 32 months. During a ceremony at Cheong Wa Dae, Moon bestowed on him the Order of National Security Merit Tongil Medal, the top honor in the five-level merit system that awards people who have made extraordinary contributions to national security. Seen above is a ceremonial sword President Moon Jae-in presented to outgoing U.S. Forces Korea Commander Gen. Robert Abrams, Thursday, in appreciation for his service here. Yonhap Moon also presented Abrams with a ceremonial sword made by a master blacksmith who is designated as an intangible cultural asset holder. It is engraved with Abrams' Korean name Woo Byung-soo, which he was given in May by a South Korea-U.S. friendship group for his "contribution to the alliance and defense of South Korea." "During Abrams' tenure, the alliance between South Korea and the U.S. has become more solid, and there were noticeable outcomes, such as the Sept. 19 Comprehensive Military Agreement between the two Koreas and the summit between the U.S. and the North, which helped relieve tension on the Korean Peninsula," Moon was quoted as saying during a luncheon after the ceremony, by presidential spokeswoman Park Kyng-mee. "I appreciate Abrams for successfully carrying out his role as the commander of the USFK, Combined Forces Command (CFC) and United Nations Command." Abrams said he and other U.S. service members here were lucky to be stationed in Korea, which was the safest country in the world amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Park. Abrams has been serving as the role since November 2018. During his tenure, Abrams stressed the importance of a combined defense posture between South Korea and the United States, describing it as the "single greatest deterrent" against any potential adversaries, including North Korea. Due to this stance, Abrams has been at odds with the Moon administration on several occasions including over the suspension of live-fire exercises for USFK attack helicopters and the transfer of wartime operational control (OPCON) of Korean troops from Washington to Seoul, as the government took a conciliatory attitude toward the North hoping to revive inter-Korean talks. The suspension of exercises came after residents living near the live-fire range complained of noise and other inconveniences due to the drills, calling for a halt to training there and the closure of the range. President Moon Jae-in presents a sash to outgoing U.S. Forces Korea Commander Gen. Robert Abrams after bestowing him with an Order of National Security at Cheong Wa Dae, Thursday. Yonhap Abrams will hand over his command to Gen. Paul LaCamera, who most recently served as Army Pacific commander, during a ceremony scheduled for Friday. LaCamera also attended Thursday's ceremony and the luncheon afterward at Cheong Wa Dae. Moon told LaCamera, who served near Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the late 1990s, that he has "high expectations as LaCamera has expertise in security issues surrounding the Korean Peninsula," and asked him to pay greater attention to pending issues such as the OPCON transfer and to closely communicate with the Korean military. LaCamera also shares Abrams' idea of strengthening military readiness. During his confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee in May, he said he believes joint field exercises are "extremely important to build readiness," and said he would work toward their resumption. South Korea and the United States regularly hold combined military drills, but these have largely been held as computer simulations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the OPCON transfer, LaCamera also said it should be "conditions-based" and cautioned against "any effort to apply a time-based approach to this important endeavor." This came as a counter to the Moon administration's efforts to regain OPCON from the U.S. by the end of the President's five-year term in May next year. Regarding the combined exercises between Seoul and Washington, however, LaCamera said he also recognizes that the exercises are a "bargaining chip" for negotiations with Pyongyang. In the past couple of years, Seoul and Washington have canceled or scaled down the exercises, either for diplomatic reasons regarding the North or, as in 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic. A handout photo made available by Xinhua News Agency shows doves being released into the sky at Tiananmen Square in Beijing during a celebration marking the 100th founding anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, July 1. EPA-Yonhap A sign posted on state-owned property near a creek in Gimpo City, Gyeonggi Province on June 26. It reads "Commercial farming not allowed." Korea Times photo by Kang Hyun-kyung Civil law turns blind eye to farmers illegally growing crops on other people's property By Kang Hyun-kyung Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province I've been in a waiting game for weeks since mid-June when I first discovered someone growing sweet potatoes and green onions, without my permission, on my property located a 10-minute drive from my home in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province. Near there, fresh green bean sprouts were also growing under a black plastic net. The crops were planted over a total of some 50 square meters of the innermost stretch of my property, which is almost invisible from outside, because it is surrounded with lush trees and overgrown wild flowers. I had this disturbing discovery during my first visit this year to my 2,000-square-meter property near the Han River. I had been unable to find time to check on the fields before June, mainly because my ailing mother, who was hospitalized three times between January and May, underwent brain surgery twice, first for a cerebral hemorrhage in March and then for the recurrence of the same ailment a month later. While my mother was recovering from her condition, I finally had some free time to go and see the property for the first time since January. Annoyed by what I discovered there, I felt the urge to exercise my rights as a property owner. I put up waterproof plastic signs here and there, informing the anonymous illegal farmer of the fact that the land is my property and that growing plants or crops on my property without my permission is illegal. I demanded that they remove all the crops from my property no later than June 30. If they fail to meet the deadline, my warning continued, I would take legal action against them. "Do not grow crops on someone else's property. If you fail to remove the crops by June 30, I will report the matter to the police," the sign reads. It was put up at the entrance of the reporter's property in Gimpo. Korea Times photo by Kang Hyun-kyung Since putting up those signs, I've returned regularly, mostly during weekends or my days off, hoping perhaps in vain to cross paths with the person, and to deliver my concerns and warnings directly. But all I found was that my notice didn't have the effect I had hoped for. The anonymous farmer turned a blind eye to my written warnings. Instead, he or she removed the black plastic covering the green bean sprouts to encourage them to grow better in the sunny summer weather. I was deeply disturbed. I learned that there are many property owners like me who are embroiled in conflicts with anonymous farmers who secretly visit others' land to grow their own crops illegally. Like me, many of the owners live in the city far away from their property, so most of them particularly those who have full-time jobs have difficulty finding time to pay visits to their properties in the countryside frequently. What frustrates property owners like me is that we don't even know who the intruders are. "Under the current law, there are no legal measures property owners can take to protect their property from others' use if they don't know any personal information about the farmers," said lawyer Koh Youn-gi. "If property owners remove or destroy what others planted on their land, even though someone else planted them without the owners' approval, those owners must pay the farmer financial compensation, in the case the intruders resort to legal action. Under criminal law, the property owner can also face punishment for theft or destruction of the intruder's property in this case, the crops." A close-up photo of a sign that the reporter put up on her property / Korea Times photo by Kang Hyun-kyung There was a previous legal case in which the court ruled against an unspecified property owner who destroyed the crops that intruders had planted without the former's permission. According to experts, the rationale behind court's siding with the farmers is that, unlike trees, which take years or sometimes decades to grow, it takes only several months for agricultural crops to grow, so the damage to property owners is relatively insignificant. Albeit illegally planted, the courts concluded, crops that were planted by intruders belong to those who planted them and not the owners. Simply put, the current law protects the property of trespassers over the right of property owners. Koh explained that the "outdated" stipulation was made some six or seven decades ago when owners abandoning their property without growing crops or vegetables was considered something akin to an act of sin, as back then, farmers were being encouraged to grow crops to produce a self-sufficient national food supply. Farmers illegally taking advantage of a similar public property law has also become a headache for local municipalities. In Gimpo City, for example, there is a narrow stream flowing across the city area, along with rice paddies, in the neighborhood of the local Hanaro Mart, operated by Nonghyup Bank. The stream and the surrounding fields are state-owned land. Yet, someone has grown corn, green peppers, green onions, tomatoes and other crops around the stream. Four signs were put up here and there on the sidewalk next to the stream, warning people that growing crops there is illegal and that farmers can be fined tens of millions of won if they don't remove their crops from the area. Kang Dong-uk, a Gimpo City official in charge of government-owned land, said that, anyone caught farming illegally on government-owned property will have to pay 120 percent of the rent that the public property users pay to the government in return for their use of the land. "What we do is first issue a written letter to illegal farmers, ordering them to remove the crops they planted and restore the territory to what it was before they planted the crops there. Then we issue another order that they pay a fine," he said. But such "principled" measures are meaningless in case where the government has no idea who the farmers are. In effect, there are no measures that can be taken, other than putting up warning signs against them to stop growing crops on public property. Former Justice Minister Cho Kuk arrives at Seoul Central District Court, June 11.Yonhap By Lee Hyo-jin Former Justice Minister Cho Kuk has filed a 1-billion-won ($890,000) damage suit against the Chosun Ilbo, a conservative daily newspaper, for using an illustration of his family in an article about soliciting a prostitute. The ex-minister filed the lawsuit at the Seoul Central District Court, Wednesday, seeking 500 million won each, from the reporter who wrote the article and from the editor. In addition, Cho plans to file a separate lawsuit at a U.S. court against the Los Angeles Chosun Ilbo for publishing the same content. The newspaper is accused of using an illustration depicting Cho and his daughter, Cho Min, in a June 21 article about a trio convicted of soliciting a prostitute. That illustration was originally used in a Feb. 23 Chosun Ilbo column about the fabrication of Cho Min's academic records to gain admission into medical school. Following a flood of criticism, the newspaper changed the illustration several hours after the article was published. The daily also issued an apology to Cho's family and readers on June 23 for the inappropriate use of the illustration. It explained that the reporter had failed to acknowledge that the image had depicted Cho and his daughter and admitted that its monitoring of the article had been lax. Despite the apology, Cho views the incident as a "serious infringement of personal rights, which cannot be justified by 'freedom of speech' or 'errors in the working process.'" "I am requesting a high amount of compensation in order to eradicate the unacceptable practice of defaming other people and attacking their character in the form of public media articles," he said in a statement. The Chosun Ilbo published an additional apology in this Wednesday's edition, devoting a full page to a detailed explanation of the incident, with proposed measures to prevent reoccurrence. KBS headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul / Korea Times file By Jun Ji-hye KBS, the country's public television and radio network, is facing widespread criticism after its board of directors decided to seek to raise the monthly TV license fee to 3,800 won ($3.36) from the current 2,500 won. Objectors claimed that KBS doesn't deserve more money from viewers as it has not carried out its role as a public broadcaster properly. The TV license fee is a quasi-tax used to operate the public broadcaster, thus everyone must pay it even if they do not watch its channels and programs payment is included in electricity bills. On Wednesday, KBS's 11-member board passed the motion with nine in favor, one against and 1 abstention. The broadcaster is scheduled to submit the motion to the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) next week. After a review, the KCC must forward it to the National Assembly within 60 days, where it will be finalized if a plenary session votes in favor. After passing the motion, the board said in its statement, "The TV license fee has been frozen for the past 41 years. We agreed with the need to adjust the fee to normalize the TV license fee system and become a broadcaster that has the public trust." KBS President Yang Seung-dong also said during a press conference, Thursday, that the broadcaster is making every effort to fulfill "our duties to ensure management transparency, expand viewers' participation, deliver unbiased news and protect people's safety," noting that the firm could no longer delay raising the fee. KBS President Yang Seung-dong speaks during a press conference held at KBS headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul, Thursday. Yonhap The National Assembly on Thursday approved a revision bill enabling the government's financial compensation for small business owners ravaged by COVID-19 business restrictions. The proposed revision of the Act on the Protection of and Support for Micro Enterprises was passed by the assembly's plenary meeting, opening the door for the government to recompense small merchants for business losses incurred by antivirus restrictions. The new law stipulates the government compensate owners of small enterprises through an objective evaluation by a relevant committee when they suffer business losses due to state-issued business restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease such as COVID-19. At the initiative of the ruling Democratic Party (DP), which advanced the bill, however, it has been formulated not to be applied retroactively, meaning business losses inflicted so far since the initial local COVID-19 outbreaks early last year will not be covered by the new law. Instead, the DP included a supplementary provision in the bill, requiring the government to make up for the past losses in the form of "damage assistance." During a parliamentary session a day earlier, SMEs and Startups Minister Kwon Chil-seung estimated the combined size of business losses suffered by small merchants last year due to antivirus restrictions to be about 3 trillion won ($2.6 billion). The sum could change depending on the method of calculation, he added. The bill, however, ran into protests by lawmakers of the main opposition People Power Party and the progressive minor Justice Party, who claimed it falls short of the expectations of struggling small merchants. (Yonhap) To delve deeper into the evolving digital sex crime cases in Korea and across Asia, The Korea Times has been collaborating with four media organizations the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, Tempo in Indonesia, and the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and ABS-CBN in the Philippines on a special investigation into this issue over the last seven months. After releasing the first joint project on May 29th, although some partners are still working on more stories that will be published over the next couple of months, the Asian reporting team got together for a group video call to talk about difficulties they faced during the investigation, behind-the-scene stories and why they collectively agree that the continuation of collaborative reporting among Asian countries is important. By Lim Jae-hyeon The "Korean wave," referring to the global popularity of Korean culture, has been extending its fan base beyond Asia as Korean dramas and popular music have been stirring a broader interest since the late 1990s. The letter "K" is now widely used to indicate Korea in a wide range of areas besides Korean pop culture. K-pop, K-food, K-beauty and K-quarantine have become big manifestations of global culture, industry and systems. They are no longer merely passing fads. In this regard, "K-customs" is no exception, unleashing the potential of the globalization of Korea's customs administration. The World Customs Organization (WCO) designated a detector dog training center in Incheon as its WCO Regional Dog Training Center in February 2021. With this, Korea has become the first country to host all four WCO-designated regional bodies including the Regional Training Center, Regional Intelligence Liaison Office, Regional Dog Training Center and Regional Customs Laboratory in the Asia-Pacific region. The Customs Border Control Training Institute in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province, was designated as a regional training center in 2010 to train customs officers in the Asia-Pacific region. Following this, the Regional Intelligence Liaison Office in Seoul for the Asia-Pacific region has been operating since 2012 to fight international crime, prevent the illegal drug trade and exchange information among relevant stakeholders. The Korea Central Customs Laboratory (Jinju) was appointed as the WCO Regional Customs Laboratory in 2018 for its outstanding scientific equipment and analytic capability. What is more, we hosted the WCO Regional Dog Training Center for providing first-rate infrastructure and professional dog training techniques. In total, we hosted all four WCO regional bodies. The WCO, representing 183 customs administrations, is an independent intergovernmental body supporting members' customs modernization, effective revenue collection, trade facilitation and stringent enforcement on illegal trade along with discussing overall customs policies. Indeed, the appointment of the WCO regional body requires competency in customs administration, high-quality facilities, financial solvency, performance, concrete future plans and approval from members and the secretariat. The hosting of the WCO regional bodies shows that the Korea Customs Service (KCS) now play a leading role in establishing international standards with its enhanced capacity and infrastructure. In 2019, a senior KCS official was elected to serve as director of the Capacity Building Directorate among three directorates at the WCO. This was the first time for a KCS official to take a high-ranking position at the WCO. The director of capacity building is responsible for coordinating modernization products, providing training in legal frameworks and customs-related techniques for three quarters of the 183 members. This showcases that the profile of the KCS has been remarkably raised for its greater contribution to the global customs community. The KCS is providing assistance in customs service for developing countries. Training projects have been implemented to target developing countries in clearance, investigation, e-commerce and risk management as they wish to learn knowhow and experiences from our side. Senior customs officers have been invited to forums and on-site study, expanding the scope of partnership. Based on this continued cooperation, UNI-PASS, Korea's e-customs clearance system has been exported to 15 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is, however, unfortunate that training sessions and conferences have been held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In line with the current trend when we are seeing the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, use of new technologies, and the growth of e-commerce and electronic data exchange, the KCS is making forward-looking moves in trade facilitation. The Big Data Promotion Group was launched in 2020 and the E-commerce Division was set up as part of a reshuffle this year. In doing so, the KCS is pursuing positive changes in customs work by promoting public-private cooperation to fully utilize AI and new technologies, establishing the Electronic Origin Data Exchange System (EODES) and expanding the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs). "K-Customs" is just the beginning, and an extension of the letter "K." Hopefully, we can expect that the infrastructure and systems of the KCS to wash across the world as a role model. Lim Jae-hyeon is commissioner of Korea Customs Service. By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON The news from Afghanistan is not good, but what did anyone expect? As the U.S. and other NATO forces withdraw, the Taliban are attacking, killing enemies, taking over the country, including stockpiles of U.S. supplies provided for Afghan government forces. President Joe Biden has said really the Afghan government has to stand up for itself and survive on its own. For many reasons, ranging from the strength of the Taliban and the support it's receiving from Russia and Iran, among others, to the inherent weakness of a regime riddled by corruption and inefficiency, its days in power in Kabul appear numbered. Disappointment over Afghanistan mirrors other setbacks for the U.S. No one should forget the U.S. failure to stand by the Kurds, left on their own in Syria when Donald Trump in one of the more controversial acts of his presidency ordered U.S. troops to pull out. Now we wonder about the U.S. commitment to the Persian Gulf, defended by the U.S. Fifth Fleet, supported by U.S. air power, against Iran, supported by Russia. That's not likely to happen for a number of reasons, notably the U.S. commitment to Israel, by far the largest recipient of U.S. military aid, but what's going on in the middle east has huge repercussions for Asia, especially China and the Korean peninsula. One rationale for U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is the renewed emphasis on Asia amid acrimony if not enmity between the U.S. and China. Barack Obama, when he was president and Biden was vice president, touted the U.S. "pivot" to Asia, and Biden is picking up on the same theme. The U.S. military establishment may appear incredibly strong, but U.S. forces have been stretched thin since waging war on behalf of the wobbly Iraqi government that took over after the demise of Saddam Hussein. Committed to vast expenses on rehabbing America's overstressed "infrastructure," Biden cannot be deploying U.S. forces everywhere. Americans don't welcome "endless war" in the Middle East any more than they wanted to keep fighting in Vietnam, from which U.S. troops withdrew in 1973 two years before the demise of the Saigon regime. The shift to Asia presents challenges all around China, from the Yellow Sea and North Korea to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Pentagon has to worry about defending South Korea while President Moon Jae-in looks for resuming dialog with the North. The U.S. is making a show of endorsing this ambition even as U.S. military people worry about the effect of much reduced joint exercises with South Korean forces. They say these are essential while South Korea prepares for OPCON, taking full control of the defense of the South in case of North Korean attack. Actually, now might be a great time to get around to talks with the North. Regardless of the rhetoric, North Korea is in no condition to fight anyone. Kim Jong-un has made no secret of the dire state of the North Korean economy, and the North remains extremely worried about COVID-19 while denying the existence of any cases. The stuff we're hearing from the North, including seeming rejection of dialog by little sister Kim Yo-jong, may not preclude sitting down again for more talks. No, the North won't be giving up its nukes and missiles, but it won't be threatening to use them either. Then there's Taiwan. The signs are growing that China may be gearing up finally to try to recover the island province to which the forces of Chaing Kai-shek fled in 1949 as Mao Zedong's Red Army was completing its takeover of the mainland. We've been hearing so long about China's claim to Taiwan that it's easy to ignore the latest clues to China's intentions. There are good reasons, moreover, for China not to do a thing, most notably China's enormous trade surplus with the U.S. It would really foolhardy for President Xi Jinping to risk funds that he needs to fuel China's forces everywhere else, including the South China Sea. You never know, though. Washington, like most other countries, has long since recognized the Communist government in Beijing but maintains an "American Institute" in Taipei as a de facto embassy. For the U.S. to turn its back on Taiwan would be an act of betrayal that would immediately raise questions about America's willingness to defend South Korea in a showdown with the North. Let us hope these questions never have to be answered as the U.S. increases its strength in Asia after running out on Afghanistan. Donald Kirk( ) rites from Seoul as well as Washington. LG Uplus CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik speaks during a press conference held at the telecom firm's headquarters in central Seoul, Wednesday. Courtesy of LG Uplus Company pledges to bring up percentage of non-telecom biz to 30% by 2025 By Kim Bo-eun LG Uplus CEO Hwang Hyeon-sik is confident that he can strike a content deal with Disney as the Korean mobile carrier has a proven track record of handling a content-driven business with global top-tier providers such as Netlix and YouTube. "From Disney's standpoint, LG Uplus could be the right fit in terms of providing its content to mass consumers in a more convenient way. Once negotiations are finished, then we may be able to announce good news," the CEO told reporters in a news conference at the company's head office in downtown Seoul. This was Hwang's first press conference since he took over the position in March. "What I've learnt from negotiations with Disney is Disney has higher standards both in terms of service, convenience and quality. It seems that LG Uplus' collaboration with Netflix and YouTube is helping us get a better position. Regarding the timing of the availability of Disney Plus, I would say this is Disney's decision," he said. LG Uplus earlier became the first local network operator to partner with Netflix. The LG Group's telecom affiliate has been in talks with Disney since last year regarding the launch of Disney Plus here, which is widely expected to be within this year. "The segment we are targeting is also considerably similar to the segment Disney is targeting for its over-the-top (OTT) media service," Hwang noted. The U.S. media giant hasn't laid down a specific timetable for the expansion of its Disney Plus streaming service in Asia, though it earlier indicated that launches in South Korea and Hong Kong could happen sometime in 2021. Disney hasn't renewed its licenses to provide Korean streaming platform Wavve with 100 of its film titles. The CEO said LG Uplus will expand its portion of non-telecom businesses to 30 percent by 2025, up from the current 20 percent. The shifting of gears toward new business such as media and internet data centers comes at a time when telecom companies are seeking new growth engines amid market saturation for telecom services here. To achieve this, the company is looking to secure options in six sectors artificial intelligence, big data, cloud storage, security, B2B solutions, and media content. Aside from partnerships with relevant firms, the CEO said LG Uplus will eye strategic investment opportunities and M&As, as well as increase its pool of experts in the six sectors to 4,000 by 2025, up from the current 800. "We project that the shift in the B2B market will accelerate to wireless from wired and to solutions from infrastructure and that this will present greater growth opportunities than B2C businesses," Hwang said. LG's telecom affiliate is working closely with LG Group's AI Research lab in various relevant sectors. In the mobility sector, LG Uplus plans to focus on infotainment in connected cars, and create synergy with LG Electronics' auto parts business. LG Electronics launched a joint venture with Magna International, Thursday, which will focus on the electric powertrain market. As for business opportunities in "smart or connected cities," LG Uplus has begun undertaking projects, earlier wining a 45 billion won intelligent transportation system contract for the city of Gangneung in Gangwon Province and also a smart city project contract for the administrative city of Sejong, with LG CNS, an LG affiliate in IT services. Seegene's COVID-19 test kit / Courtesy of Seegene By Baek Byung-yeul Seegene is tapping into the in-vitro diagnostics market in the United States by forging a partnership with Bio-Rad Laboratories, a U.S.-based developer of clinical diagnostic products, the company said Thursday. The Korean biotech company said the two firms agreed to pursue joint business projects and cooperate in obtaining authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to sell molecular diagnostics products for infectious diseases. The company added that the term of the contract is five years from the date of receiving FDA approval of the deal. Seegene expects the partnership to help improve its business as the U.S. is home to the largest diagnostics market in the world. According to 2020 data by the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), the U.S. accounted for the largest share of around 37 percent of the global in-vitro diagnostics market. However, foreign firms have struggled to advance into the U.S. market due to the country's prioritization of local companies, which has posed obstacles for foreign firms to obtain authorizations from the U.S. drug administration. Seegene plans to win FDA approval for seven products, including a COVID-19 testing kit. It also envisions establishing a production and research facility in the U.S. The company said it has worked closely with Bio-Rad for the past 10 years as the U.S. firm, established in 1952, has a solid sales network in the U.S. and secured industry-leading technology in molecular diagnostics equipment. Dara Wright, executive vice president at Bio-Rad, said the company looks forward to working with Seegene to provide necessary diagnostic testing products to the U.S. market. "Seegene's unique assay design, chemistries, and high-level multiplexing can detect multiple infectious disease targets simultaneously, making the assays well-suited for syndromic testing," she said. "Following a series of recent contracts in Europe, including Italy and Scotland, this partnership is a turning point for us to advance into the U.S. market," Lee Ho, president and chief of sales at Seegene, said. "Expanding into the U.S. market will be a great stepping stone for stable growth of the company." Seegene became one of the world's leading diagnostics firms with its COVID-19 testing kits in 2020. The company rolled out the testing kits just three weeks after development began by using advanced technology to quickly analyze a vast amount of virus data and the classifications of patients. Participants wave national and party flags as balloons are released at the end of the event marking the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, July 1. Reuters-Yonhap China will not allow itself to be bullied and anyone who tries will face ''broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people,'' President Xi Jinping said at a mass gathering Thursday to mark the centenary of the ruling Communist Party. Wearing a grey buttoned-up suit of the type worn by Mao Zedong, Xi spoke from the balcony of Tiananmen Gate, emphasizing the party's role in bringing China to global prominence and saying it would never be divided from the people. Xi, also head of the party and leader of the armed forces, also said China had restored order in Hong Kong following anti-government protests in the semi-autonomous city in 2019 and reiterated Beijing's determination to bring self-governing Taiwan under its control. He received the biggest applause, however, when he described the party as the force that had restored China's dignity after taking power amid civil war in 1949. Chinese President Xi Jinping waves next to Premier Li Keqiang and former President Hu Jintao at the end of the event marking the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, July 1. Reuters-Yonhap ''The Chinese people are a people with a strong since of pride and self-confidence,'' Xi said. ''We have never bullied, oppressed or enslaved the people of another nation, not in the past, during the present or in the future.'' ''At the same time, the Chinese people will absolutely not allow any foreign force to bully, oppress or enslave us and anyone who attempts to do so will face broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people,'' Xi said. Xi did not say what those forces were, but China is enmeshed in a deepening rivalry with the United States for global power status and has clashed with India along their disputed border. China also claims unpopulated islands held by Japan and almost the entire South China Sea, and it threatens to invade Taiwan, with which the U.S. has boosted relations and military sales. Xi said the party would retain absolute control over its military wing, the People's Liberation Army, which now has the world's second-largest annual budget after the U.S. armed forces and has been adding aircraft carriers and sophisticated new aircraft, showcased in a flyover at the start of the ceremony featuring a squadron of China's J-20 stealth fighters. A man looks at China's national flags and Hong Kong's flags hanging above a street in the Tsim Sha Tsui district of Hong Kong, June 29. AFP-Yonhap Events are being held across the country, including in Hong Kong, which is simultaneously holding commemorations of its 1997 handover from British to Chinese control. China has cracked down hard on freedom of speech and political opposition in the territory, while rejecting all outside criticism and sanctions imposed on its leaders. Thursday's events are the climax of weeks of ceremonies and displays praising the role of the nearly 92 million-member party in bringing vast improvements in quality of life at home and restoring China's economic, political and military influence abroad. While the progress dates mainly from economic reforms enacted by Deng Xiaoping four decades ago, the celebrations spotlight the role of Xi, who has established himself as China's most powerful leader since Mao. Xi, 68, has eliminated limits on his time in office. He is expected to begin a third five-year term as party leader next year. While Mao and other past leaders are also featured, the centenary celebrations appear designed to burnish Xi's credentials as having achieved key breakthroughs in poverty alleviation and economic progress while raising China's global profile and standing up to the West. In seeking to capture more gains for the party on the world stage, Xi is setting up China for a protracted struggle with the U.S., said Robert Sutter of George Washington University's Elliot School of International Affairs. ''In foreign affairs it involves growth of wealth and power, with China unencumbered as it pursues its very self-centered policy goals at the expense of others and of the prevailing world order,'' Sutter said. Participants rehearse in Tiananmen Square before a parade marking the 100th founding anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, Beijing, July 1. EPA-Yonhap By Neil Jayson Servallos The nightmare began four years ago, when Grace* was in high school. She remembered sitting quietly at her desk during lunch when visibly distraught friends approached her and broke the news. By Neil Jayson ServallosThe nightmare began four years ago, when Grace* was in high school. She remembered sitting quietly at her desk during lunch when visibly distraught friends approached her and broke the news. "They told me that people were fussing over explicit photos and videos of me that were being spread inside and outside my school," she told the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) in an interview. She couldn't breathe in wild panic. Dozens of boys who went to school with her had downloaded and shared these photos, which she had sent to her boyfriend, and videos he took of her when they were still together. There was nothing else she could do at that moment but to weep. The images and videos were taken when she was 16 and was dating a senior in her school. He was 18. He asked for her naked photos at first. She obliged, but didn't want to include her face. He insisted. When they started having sex, he persuaded her to film the act, too. She remembered agreeing in one instance, but another video she was shown came as a surprise. "I had no idea he took a video of me," she said. "I was still a minor back then, and I was heavily manipulated and groomed into sending those materials. That's why I was in fear of asking for help [until later]," she told the PCIJ. The Philippines has several laws that make her partner's actions a crime, but it was Grace who suffered the consequences. The change was drastic for the honor student, who enjoyed the trust of school officials. "When they got word about my scandal, they didn't treat me the same anymore," she said. "[They seemed to have suddenly] assumed that I got my achievements by cheating and they even went as far as to not allow me to have a testing folder' (to cover her exam papers) in order to monitor me," she said. A few hundred cases Grace was not alone in her situation. She's among more than 200 underage Filipino girls who have sought the help of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) in taking down their images from the internet. The ACG has recorded at least 233 victims of "child pornography" by way of these schemes in the last decade. The year before the pandemic, 2019, saw the highest number of victims, 62. Last year, there were 37 victims as of October 2020. From January 2020 to May 2021, the PNP also recorded 625 voyeurism cases coming from various Anti-cybercrime police units in the country. While they could not tell how many of the victims were underage, police typically filed charges under the following laws: Republic Act (RA) No. 9775 (Anti-Child Pornography Act), RA 9995 (Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009), RA 9262 (Violence Against Women and their Children Act) in relation to RA 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act), and RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act). The numbers only represent cases where the families pursued cases against the perpetrators.From January 2020 to May 2021, the PNP also recorded 625 voyeurism cases coming from various Anti-cybercrime police units in the country. While they could not tell how many of the victims were underage, police typically filed charges under the following laws: Republic Act (RA) No. 9775 (Anti-Child Pornography Act), RA 9995 (Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009), RA 9262 (Violence Against Women and their Children Act) in relation to RA 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act), and RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act). The desks of the ACG's Women and Children Cybercrime Protection Unit (WCCPU) nationwide receive complaints daily, but most of the victims only seek help in taking down their videos. "When I was still working in Calabarzon, there was a kid weeping in our office every day asking for help," said Police Maj. Joseph Villaran, the spokesman of the ACG when he was interviewed by the PCIJ in November 2020. He now teaches cybercrime investigation and cyber forensics at the PNP Academy. Maj. Lalaine Marty, an inspector for the WCCPU, said investigators also handle four or more reports daily. "Especially during this time we're in a pandemic, children and teens are forced to stay online for long hours to kill time," she said. It is not clear why Grace's ex-boyfriend released her images. Villaran said perpetrators had different motives for releasing these videos and various schemes to accomplish their goals. Predators might want to use the materials as a means to control their victims, he said. Revenge was also common. There were instances when these images and videos were used to extort or swindle the minors. Some perpetrators created fake accounts and pretended to be kids or women. They looked for unsuspecting young internet users, initiated conversations with them, and upon securing their victims' confidence, proceeded to solicit their naked images. "There were also recurring instances where the perpetrator pretended to own a production or modelling company [and later] asked the victims for money in exchange for not uploading the content," Villaran said. Repeated abuse The sexual abuse is repeated each time the photos and videos are downloaded on the Internet. Grace received messages from many strangers. Some continued to harass long after her videos were first uploaded. "After a month or two, another dummy account would message me trying to blackmail me. They would send me my pictures from before and tell me: Alam ba yan ng mama mo (Does your mom know about this)?' Or say how nice my body looked even as a minor and how my body would look way nicer now as an adult," she said. It took time but Grace and her friends eventually succeeded in getting Facebook, Twitter, Google Drive and other websites to take down the materials. Still, she lived in constant fear that the images and videos were still out there and might be uploaded again. "I would like to think that they're not online anymore, but deep down I know they are," she said. "These materials, no matter how hard you try to take them down, will always be re-uploaded, because that's just how it works nowadays." She's right, according to authorities. Marty said even if social networking platforms did take down these abusive materials, there were so many ways they might be copied or uploaded again. Phones can screen-record video, for example. These photos and videos might have also been uploaded to other platforms such as messaging apps, online forums, websites, media storage drives and pornsites. These platforms increase the number of consumers exponentially and make erasing the images very difficult. The abuse won't end so long as there are people who download or reupload them abetted by an ugly internet culture where users share images and videos of young girls among themselves. RA 9995 also punishes the reproduction, sale, and distribution of such materials. The penalty is imprisonment from three years to seven years, and a fine of P100,000 to P500,000. But the identity of the distributors and their patrons are almost always anonymous, even if the materials are not difficult to find on the internet. PCIJ found a Reddit thread with Filipino users who circulated a link to a media storage drive. It had 351 folders of explicit materials of girls from a country in the Asia-Pacific. The folders contained the girls' full names and screenshots of their Facebook profiles, as if to prove the legitimacy of the content. Dozens of them appeared to be minors. Reddit is among a number of platforms that are barely monitored. The internet user who created the Reddit thread appeared to be a regular source of these materials. The thread was titled: "Ninong is back!" Ninong is a Filipino word for godfather. "Salamat sa napakaraming biyaya ninong. Pagpalain ka sana araw-araw A handout photo made available by Xinhua News Agency shows Chinese President Xi Jinping delivering his speech during a celebration marking the 100th founding anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, Beijing, July 1. EPA-Yonhap Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged on Thursday to complete "reunification" with self-ruled Taiwan and vowed to "smash" any attempts at formal independence for the island, taking a tough line on the 100th birthday of the ruling Communist Party. China considers democratically-ruled Taiwan its own territory, and under Xi has stepped up efforts to assert its sovereignty claims, including regularly sending fighter jets and bombers close to the island. "Solving the Taiwan question and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland are the unswerving historical tasks of the Chinese Communist Party and the common aspiration of all Chinese people," Xi said in an address from Beijing's Tiananmen Square. "All sons and daughters of China, including compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must work together and move forward in solidarity, resolutely smashing any 'Taiwan independence' plots." While China has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control, Xi called for a process of "peaceful reunification". A protester holding a British flag is arrested by police officers during the 24th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover to China along a street in Hong Kong, July 1. AP-Yonhap Marking the anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Chinese control, a top city official defended the national security law imposed by Beijing to crush pro-democracy rallies and said Thursday it would be used further in the coming year to ensure stability. Police sealed off Victoria Park until recently the site of annual pro-democracy rallies marking the 1997 handover and put up flags warning people that they could be prosecuted if they enter or remain in the enclosed area. Police said there were online calls encouraging people to take part in an unauthorized protest. The security law was implemented one year ago as authorities cracked down on dissent after Hong Kong was rocked by massive anti-government protests in 2019. Critics say Beijing has reneged on a promise to keep the special privileges for Hong Kong for 50 years the autonomy of its courts and legal system, civil liberties that include a free press, freedom of speech and the leeway to take to the streets to protest. Hong Kong Chief Secretary John Lee said the national security law stipulates that human rights are respected and allows residents to enjoy freedom of the press and free assembly. However, large-scale demonstrations have been banned and a number of pro-democracy activists and journalists have been arrested, ceased public activities or have left Hong Kong. For two years in a row, authorities banned an annual June 4 candlelight vigil commemorating the bloody 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, and the July 1 handover protest, citing pandemic social distancing restrictions. On Wednesday, Chow Hang-tung, a key organizer of the June 4 vigil, was rearrested on suspicion of inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly. Police have arrested seven journalists and executives of the now-defunct Apple Daily, a pro-democracy newspaper that was a vocal critic of Hong Kong and China's governments. Authorities also froze $2.3 million in assets linked to Apple Daily, forcing it to cease operations last week. Western government criticized the arrests of journalists. On Thursday, four leading Nordic newspapers published an open letter to protest the arrests and the closure of Apple Daily. ''Now enough is enough. The world can no longer passively watch China gradually suck the air out of press freedom in Hong Kong,'' Christian Jensen, chief editor of the Danish Politiken newspaper wrote in the front-page letter. ''Unfortunately, the last and perhaps naive hope was definitely extinguished when the free newspaper Apple Daily had to succumb to the authorities' denial of freedom of expression.'' Lee was speaking at a reception commemorating the 24th anniversary of the former British colony's return to China. It coincides with the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party on the mainland, where Hong Kong's top leader Carrie Lam has been attending. Lee said Hong Kong was on the rebound as the national security law restored social and political stability. ''Our team has more confidence than ever in Hong Kong's prospect. In the coming year, we will continue to uphold national security with determination and improve the implementation of the one country, two systems principle,'' he said. In Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a keynote address during a celebration of the party centenary that China will uphold the ''one country, two systems'' framework in Hong Kong and Macao to ensure full sovereignty, social stability and maintain prosperity in the two regions. A woman walks past a banner with photos of pro-democracy activists, including Joshua Wong, center, during the anniversary of the Hong Kong handover to China from Britain in Hong Kong, July 1. AP-Yonhap An aerial view of Vijitt Resort, one of the Thai tourism authority approved hotels, on Rawai beach in Phuket on July 1. AFP-Yonhap Thailand embarked on an ambitious but risky plan Thursday that it hopes will breathe new life into a tourism industry devastated by the pandemic, opening the popular resort island of Phuket to fully vaccinated foreigners from lower-risk countries. As the first flight arrived, airport fire trucks blasted their water canons to form an arch over the Etihad jet from Abu Dhabi as it taxied to its gate. Leaving the airport, Frenchman Bruno Souillard said he had been dreaming for a year of returning to Thailand and jumped at the opportunity. ''I am very, very happy,'' the 60-year-old tourist said. The ''Phuket sandbox'' program comes as coronavirus infections are surging in Thailand, including a significant number of cases of the Delta variant, and many have questioned if it's too early to woo tourists back, and whether they'll come in significant numbers in any case due to the restrictions they'll still face. But the number of new cases on the island itself is extremely low, in the single digits daily, and more than 70% of its residents are fully vaccinated. The government is gambling that travelers will be willing to put up with coronavirus-related regulations for the opportunity for a beach holiday after being cooped up in their home countries for months. Before the pandemic, the tourism sector made up some 20% of Thailand's economy, and 95% of Phuket's income. The resort island off the southern coast saw fewer than a half million visitors in the first five months, and almost no foreigners, compared to more than 3 million during the same period last year including some 2 million foreigners. A handout photo made available by the Royal Thai Government shows Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha, center, posing with village health volunteers during a visit Phuket resort island to reopen for international tourists at Phuket Island, Thailand, July In a nod to the importance of the ''sandbox'' plan, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha flew to Phuket to be on hand in person for the launch. He emphasized that the sandbox was just the first step toward his goal announced in June of having Thailand completely reopened within 120 days. ''This reopening is related to not only Phuket but also the whole country,'' he said. Last-minute hitches in some of the program details and cautions from authorities that if cases start to rise on the island more restrictions may be needed or it may have to be shut down entirely meant some cancelations before it even began. Fewer than 250 international travelers were expected on the first day compared to the initial target of 1,500. But as the kinks are worked out and people report their first-hand experiences, authorities are hopeful for a steady increase in the numbers. From July 1 to 15, there are currently 1,101 hotel bookings for a total of 13,116 room overnights. The first foreign tourists arrive at the airport as Phuket reopens to overseas tourists, allowing foreigners fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 to visit the resort island without quarantine, in Phuket, Thailand, July 1. Reuters-Yonhap Gyuri's boyfriend had been investigated for three incidents. Keep on reading to know more. Former KARA Member Gyuri's Boyfriend Investigated for Hit and Run, Driving Under the Influence On June 29, KST, media outlets reported that Gyuri's, a former member of KARA, boyfriend had been investigated for a hit and run, driving under the influence (DUI), and confinement. According to the reports, a well-known businessman who is currently in his 20s was apprehended by the police after being caught driving under the influence and subsequently running from the scene after colliding with another vehicle around Gangnam, Seoul. Later on, the perpetrator was revealed to be Song Ja Ho, Gyuri's boyfriend and also the eldest grandson of Song Seung Hun, the founder of Dongwon Construction. It was revealed by the reports that Song Ja Ho had been under the influence at approximately 11:20 pm on June 22, KST in Cheongdamdong, Seoul, when he ran away from the scene after colliding with another vehicle in a parking lot. Song Ja Ho then ran away to the intersection at Dosan Park from the intersection at Cheongdamdong, but later returned to Cheongdamdong intersection where he continued to drive backward, heading to the intersection in Hakdong. After being apprehended, it is said that his blood alcohol concentration level was high enough to revoke his driver's license. Gyuri's Boyfriend Also Investigated for Confinement In addition to driving under the influence and the hit and run, Song Ja Ho had also been investigated for allegedly confining the woman he was within the vehicle after the woman had asked him to let her exit the vehicle, to which Song Ja Ho had ignored her requests. If Song Ja Ho is found guilty of confinement, he can be sentenced up to five years in prison, or be made to pay a fine of up to seven million won (around $6,200 USD). According to reports, the woman he was with in the vehicle was not Gyuri. Song Ja Ho had admitted to the charges of driving under the influence. He stated that he regrets drinking and driving and is reflecting on his actions. He added that because he was aware of what he did wrong, anything that he said would be seen as an excuse. "Until the investigation was over, I had tried to reflect on my mistakes. I had ended up apologizing in a situation where the things being said are different from the truth," said Song Ja Ho. Song Ja Ho also explained that he had contacted a driver, however, the driver was unable to drive after seeing the vehicle as he was not able to operate it. In addition, once he had realized that he had hit and scratched another vehicle, he contacted the owner and settled the insurance matters. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: KeyEast Denies Claim That Former KARA Jiyoung Suffers From Harassment and Obsession of a Japanese Agency's President Regarding the woman who was in the vehicle with him, he explains that it was a representative of a client that he had met for work and that the matter had also been settled. He then apologized to Gyuri, "I am sorry that my girlfriend has become involved in this because of me. I hope you will see it as my fault as she doesn't have anything to do with this." Gyuri's agency stated that Gyuri and Song Ja Ho is still in a relationship and are looking into the details of the incident. What are your thoughts on the issue? For more K-Pop news and updates, always keep your tabs open here on KpopStarz. KpopStarz owns this article. Written by Robyn Joan Description At Liberty Mutual, our purpose is to help people embrace today and confidently pursue tomorrow. Thats why we provide an environment focused on openness, inclusion, trust and respect. Here, youll discover our expansive range of roles, and a workplace where we aim to help turn your passion into a rewarding profession. Liberty Mutual has proudly been recognized as a Great Place to Work by Great Place to Work US for the past several years. We were also selected as one of the 100 Best Places to Work in IT on IDGs Insider Pro and Computerworlds 2020 list. For many years running, we have been named by Forbes as one of Americas Best Employers for Women and one of Americas Best Employers for New Graduatesas well as one of Americas Best Employers for Diversity. To learn more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion please visit: https://jobs.libertymutualgroup.com/diversity-inclusion We value your hard work, integrity and commitment to make things better, and we put people first by offering you benefits that support your life and well-being. To learn more about our benefit offerings please visit: https://LMI.co/Benefits Liberty Mutual is an equal opportunity employer. We will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, veterans status, pregnancy, genetic information or on any basis prohibited by federal, state or local law. ** Bilingual (Russian & English) Sales Representative MUST live in CONNECTICUT ** $5K Sign On Bonus for new candidates that have an active P&C or active Life license! *To qualify for the Sign-On Bonus, Applicants must be new (not applied in the past 6 months) and apply by 9/1/2021 and start by 11/1/2021 to qualify. Bonus will be scheduled on day 30 for next period pay out date. There is a 1 year payback clause if your employment is terminated prior to your first year anniversary Do you want to join a Fortune 100 company where youll be rewarded for developing new clients, discovering new markets and providing customers with the products they need? 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ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AUDITOR/ CONTROLLER ($3,500.80- $4,255.20 bi-weekly) 1 Reg. full-time position at the Department of Finance. 5 yrs exp in accounting or financial auditing, banking, investment mgmt or taxation, include 2 yrs supervisory exp. Pos. of a bachelors degree from an accredited college or univ. CPA Certificate desired. New employees should anticipate being hired at the beginning of the salary range.) For a Glenn County Employment Application (a resume is not accepted in lieu of an application) and instructions www.countyofglenn.net/jobs, deadline 5:00 pm, Friday, 7/23/21. Glenn County is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, veteran status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status or disability (in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act) with respect to employment opportunities. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to equal treatment of all employees without regard to race, national origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical or mental disability or other basis protected by law. recblid 296735ah2n3urf27h81c6b71z4235u TARC is seeking an efficient and detail-oriented person to join our Finance Team. The Finance Coordinator position is responsible for processing invoices and completing payments, including checks and electronic transfers. This position will also be responsible for: electronically submitting Medicaid billings applying payments following up on reconciling items. Obtain W-9s and prepare 1099s. Maintain client contracts and related billing information Individual must be organized, reliable, proficient at data entry, efficient at learning and using a variety of software programs and have a basic understanding of accounts payable, accounts receivable and accounting procedures. Payroll experience a plus. This is a full-time position. Bachelors degree in accounting or requisite experience in business administration and/or accounting. Four years work experience in accounting and experience with various software including Microsoft Office required. Insurance billing experience preferred. TARC, Inc. conducts background screenings and post-offer pre-employment drug testing. Must have and maintain a valid Kansas Drivers License and driving record that meets insurability requirements as defined by the Companys insurance carrier. EOE Click to submit application online! recblid v7jugtt081igtwqgeiba8yu73fugwk PowerSouth Energy Cooperative General Accountant I PowerSouth Energy Cooperative, an electric generation and transmission cooperative serving Alabama and Northwest Florida, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of General Accountant I in the Financial Planning Department at the Headquarters Office located in Andalusia, Alabama. The purpose of this position is to perform specific accounting and supervisory duties within the Financial and Administrative Services division. This position requires a four (4) year post-secondary degree in accounting or a closely related field and three (3) or more years' experience, preferably in a general accounting environment with exposure to all phases or accounting. Employment is subject to a negative drug test, background check and completion of a comprehensive application for employment. PowerSouth offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits program. EOE In 1941, PowerSouth was formed by 11 cooperatives to generate and sell electricity. First known as Alabama Electric Cooperative, the name was changed to PowerSouth Energy Cooperative in 2008 to better reflect the cooperative's geographical service territory and to position the company for future growth opportunities. Today, as one of 62 G&T cooperatives in the United States, PowerSouth is a trusted energy provider for the distribution members, who serve end-users in 39 Alabama and 10 Florida counties. recblid 82nfqyybwxh0ar9km7zmj4l4z3jd47 Youth Counselor Working as a Youth Service Worker at Adelphoi can provide you with the wage, the benefits, and the perfect schedule! We are looking for motivated individuals who would benefit from working in our group homes supervising the youth under our care. No experience required. We provide all the training you will need to excel as a Youth Counselor. Adelphoi offers Full pay while you train and learn about our youth counseling programs. Increased starting wage! Affordable benefits for full-time medical, dental, vision, retirement, vacation, and more. A pay increase at the end of your first 90 days. Interested Lets talk and see if this type of opportunity can meet your needs! Immediate openings for both and positions! Please apply at www.adelphoi.org or send resume to: 310 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, 15650 or fax to 724 539-7060. Adelphoi USA, a major player in the delivery of counseling, residential, adoption, foster care, and educational services to youth and families. For over 40 years we have helped thousands of families and youths with growth to more than 25 group homes and education centers throughout Pennsylvania, including a central 19-acre campus in Latrobe. Come see us! Adelphoi is an Equal Opportunity Employer recblid 7al9lc8lp3jaz7qgbuwgnqs4q5caaj At KPMG, we are reimagining tax with you in mind. Become an integral part of a dynamic team within a collaborative, future forward environment at one of the world's top tax firms. Be surrounded by deep tax knowledge and equipped with the latest in cutting-edge tax technologies. And join an extensive network of functional, industry, legislative and technical specialists with access to our Ignition Centers, where technology innovation accelerates. We welcome people with a passion for tax, a spirit for new thinking, and a commitment to providing outstanding client service today, and tomorrow. KPMG is currently seeking a Manager to join our Valuations practice. Responsibilities: Manage and deliver business and intangible valuations for mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, tax and regulatory compliance, restructuring and reorganization, corporate services and management planning purposes Design the scope of work for engagements, oversee day-to-day activities, assume responsibility for quality control and accuracy of client deliverables, and effectively manage risk associated with engagements Build, maintain, and enhance client relationships Perform reviews of third party appraisals for audit support purposes Supervise and mentor staff; provide timely and effective performance feedback and training Assist in business development efforts; collaborate with other KPMG practices to build cross-functional relationships Qualifications: A minimum of five years of financial advisory and valuation experience within a business valuation firm or valuation practice of an audit, tax and advisory firm with a strong finance and/or accounting background Bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or business from an accredited college/university; Completion of ABV (Accredited in Business Valuation) credential is required Significant experience with valuations of business entities and intangible assets, purchase price allocations, analyzing goodwill and long lived asset impairment, supporting a company's value for bidding or asking price plans, litigation support, and financial analysis and research Fluent in both Japanese and English. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, solid analytical and financial modeling skills, the ability to work well in a team environment and a commitment to mentoring and developing staff Excellent written and verbal communication skills, solid analytical and financial modeling skills, the ability to work well in a team environment and a commitment to mentoring and developing staff Demonstrated ability to oversee multiple valuation engagements and manage client relationships KPMG LLP (the U.S. member firm of KPMG International) offers a comprehensive compensation and benefits package. KPMG is an affirmative action-equal opportunity employer. KPMG complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws regarding recruitment and hiring. All qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category protected by applicable federal, state or local laws. The attached link contains further information regarding the firm's compliance with federal, state and local recruitment and hiring laws. No phone calls or agencies please. Director of Social & Emotional Learning & School Development Queensbury Union Free School District is seeking an exceptional leader for the position of Director of Social & Emotional Learning and School Developement. Valid NYS Certification: SDA or SDL. Competitive salary and excellent benefits. Application details and job description at queensburyschool.org or call 518-824-5614. Interested applicants may apply at www.olasjobs.org/capital until July 18, 2021. EOE. Queensbury Union Free School District sits in the shadows of the Adirondacks, but it ranks among the top school districts in the Capital Region for academics and fiscal efficiency. More than 3,200 students in grades K-12 attend school on a single campus. The district mission is to empower all students to be lifelong learners, inspired to pursue their dreams and contribute to the global community. School board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, students, and parents all work together to fulfill this mission in tangible, measurable ways. recblid 7wxnoiqxeu1g52te1qfairtv4wdl0s Maintenance Technician We are looking for a reliable, skilled maintenance worker to perform essential upkeep tasks throughout our facility. In this position, you will be responsible for a wide variety of activities such as repairs and cleaning to ensure that our facilities are both tidy and functional. Being reliable and self-motivated with a keen eye for detail is essential in this job, as the ideal candidate will have significant work experience and solid technical knowledge. You should have the manual dexterity and physical stamina necessary for this work. Job Description Part-Time Maintenance Technician position Friendly apartment community is looking for a highly motivated individual to join our staff. Duties will include, but are not limited to: Responding to service calls and completing work orders for Tenants Cleaning the grounds Emergency On-Call availability Working to ensure 5 day turnaround time for vacant units Responding to service calls and completing work orders for Tenants Cleaning the grounds Emergency On-Call availability Working to ensure 5 day turnaround time for vacant units The successful candidate will be: Motivated team player Must be able to complete unit turnovers and perform related janitorial/repair work Some exposure to electrical, residential plumbing, drywall, and painting Able to establish good working relationships with coworkers, residents, & subcontractors Able to be on call for emergency after-hours situations. Must have reliable transportation Motivated team player Must be able to complete unit turnovers and perform related janitorial/repair work Some exposure to electrical, residential plumbing, drywall, and painting Able to establish good working relationships with coworkers, residents, & subcontractors Able to be on call for emergency after-hours situations. Must have reliable transportation This position requires the ability and willingness to travel occasionally to pick up supplies as needed for repairs. This institution is an equal opportunity employer and provider. EOE/AA Maintenance Worker Requirements and Qualifications High school diploma or equivalent Proven experience as a maintenance worker or other similar position Basic working knowledge of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems Experience working with tools, including hand and electrical tools Excellent communication and interpersonal skills recblid mrhpqin6wnlqzh73y5nfj8nds3fxkx We're Currently Filling the Positions of: Executive Director of Student Services & Title IV Compliance Testing Center Technician Mission Statement Chattahoochee Valley Community College promotes student success and is committed to enriching our community by offering accessible quality and engaging educational opportunities through academic transfer career and technical education workforce development and adult education. Vision Statement Chattahoochee Valley Community College (CVCC) will be a dynamic engaged institution of higher learning dedicated to serving the community and students by providing excellent educational cultural and career opportunities allowing individuals to be successful and achieve their goals. CVCC will provide quality services through innovative practices state-of-the-art facilities and an understanding of meeting individuals where they are. CVCC will enhance the lives of its students faculty staff and the community by: Promoting instructional excellence in all program areas. Expanding and enhancing programs to meet the needs of the areas workforce. Strengthening partnerships to advance the mission of the College. Creating a supportive teaching and learning environment. Integrating technology to support all programs and services. Implementing the use of evidence-based decision-making and. Providing exceptional student support services. EOE recblid s9xwcigvimm3p5hgjqgiyvnd7ywmlw Module Process Engineer Santa Clara Valley (Cupertino) , California , United States Hardware Summary Posted: Jun 23, 2021 Weekly Hours: 40 Role Number: 200257855 Apple is looking for a Module Process Engineer to join Panel Process and Optics (PPO) Engineering team. Module Process Engineers are responsible to develop new innovative manufacturing process technologies to solve complex design challenges that have direct impact to future product, quality and delivery of Apple Displays & Touch. You will serve as a focal point in the process development of advanced key process modules from the concept/architecture stage through product engineering validation builds. We work at a fast pace and require everyone to be highly self motivated. A successful candidate needs to be a flexible thinker and be able to problem solve outside of their respective technical area. Key Qualifications Self-starter with demonstrated ability to lead a project from lab scale development to high volume production without major last minute surprises Hands-on experience in the development of module processes & its integration in back-end processes of Flat Panel Display & Touch industry or other related industries Demonstrated ability to perform DOE, data analysis, SPC control Demonstrated failure mode analysis, root cause investigation, and problem solving for product yield and quality issue. Excellent written & verbal communication skills and demonstrated leadership ability Project Management- Excellent data handling, documentation, critical milestone creation, and organization skill Ability for International business travel to support project implementation and collaborate with external vendors for product manufacturing Description Process technology feasibility studies through theoretical simulation and/or practical engineering methods Process Development - Leads design and development of technically complex manufacturing processes including material selection, parameter optimization, equipment, metrology and system design to enable new products designs & functional requirements. Develop Process for Manufacturability - Provide early and ongoing manufacturing leadership to ensure new process is scalable for high volume Process FMEA - Lead PFMEA generation for new process technology Failure Analysis - Lead root cause analysis and metrology development for issues related to new process technology Cross-functional interaction with Product Design, Display Engineering, Display Operations and international vendors Keep abreast of relevant industrial process & material manufacturing technical trends Education & Experience Ph.D. or M.S. degree in Physics, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering with 5+ years of experience in related field preferred Accessibility Software Engineer - iOS Santa Clara Valley (Cupertino) , California , United States Software and Services Summary Posted: Jun 23, 2021 Weekly Hours: 40 Role Number: 200256960 Do you have a passion for mobile development? Are you interested in creating software that promotes equality and inclusion for everyone? Here at Apple we believe that technology is most powerful when it empowers everyone. Our team, the Vision Accessibility team is looking for a Software Engineer who can contribute to an accessible experience on iOS and tvOS. Key Qualifications Motivated to learn new programming languages and development environments. Well grounded in essential algorithms and data structures. Passionate about writing high quality software with an emphasis on correctness, readability and testability. Familiar with testing technologies such as unit tests, integration tests and UI tests. Persistent in using debuggers and other problem solving techniques to track down and fix bugs. Upbeat, adaptable, and results-oriented attitude Excellent cross-functional and communication skills Description Apple's Accessibility team is looking for a motivated and driven iOS Software Engineer to help develop its various assistive technologies including VoiceOver, Magnifier and everything in between! In our dynamic group, you'll have the rare and rewarding opportunity to help craft products that improve and enhance the lives of everyone who uses Apple products regardless of differences. You must be comfortable with rapidly evolving designs and requirements, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Throughout the process, you will work collaboratively with our world-class team of engineers, partner with designers, and coordinate with other teams at Apple including iOS Application teams, framework teams, and other hardware and software teams across Apple's entire product line. The successful candidate will be challenged to create and maintain a consistent experience across a diverse platform landscape. This will require you to apply your understanding of computer science fundamentals in a variety of environments, each with its own design architecture, development tools and debugging techniques. You will need to solve problems and fix bugs that may require learning new technologies and collaborate with colleagues who specialize in these domains. Finally, you must be motivated to create unique solutions to support a wide audience. This will involve collaborating with designers and accessibility experts. Critical thinking and the ability to innovate are requirements for this position, however no prior experience with accessibility software is required. You'll join a focused team, but also work closely with the larger Accessibility organization at Apple. You will frequently interact with many groups at Apple to deliver ground breaking features. Here you'll find that we: Have a wide range of experience, from new engineers to Apple veterans. Provide a fast-paced and rewarding work environment. Have an encouraging and growth-focused workplace culture. Offer excellent benefits. Education & Experience Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, or equivalent experience. Additional Requirements Familiarity with the following programming languages would be beneficial, but not required: C / C++, Java, Javascript, Objective-C, Swift Experience with these technologies would also be beneficial, but not required: Apple platform development (iOS, tvOS etc). Development tools such as Xcode, Visual Studio etc. Unit testing frameworks and technologies Continuous integration systems Source code versioning systems (git) Software Engineer - Reminders Santa Clara Valley (Cupertino) , California , United States Software and Services Summary Posted: Jun 10, 2021 Role Number: 200254992 Imagine what you could do here. At Apple, new ideas have a way of becoming extraordinary products, services, and customer experiences very quickly. Bring passion and dedication to your job and there's no telling what you could accomplish. Are you interested in building the next generation of iOS apps? The Reminders team at Apple is looking for talented iOS App developers to join a small team of highly skilled engineers to build world class applications across all of Apple's platforms. As a member of our team, you'll be responsible for building features for upcoming releases, prototyping new feature concepts, and making sure our users always have a phenomenal experience. Key Qualifications Strong grasp of Swift and/or Objective-C design patterns Experience with iOS frameworks such as UIKit, Core Data, and CloudKit Ability to write performant and accurate multi-threaded code Passion for quality and attention to detail Aptitude to independently learn new technologies Outstanding ability to identify and resolve sophisticated problems Excellent oral and written communication skills Description This position requires knowledge of UIKit, AppKit, and SwiftUI. You must be comfortable with rapidly evolving requirements, and have excellent interpersonal skills. Throughout the process, you will work collaboratively with our world-class team of engineers, partner with designers, and coordinate with other teams at Apple including the iOS, macOS, and watchOS teams. This position requires a self-motivated engineer with strong technical and communication skills to handle responsibilities including: Implementing new features Prototyping new ideas to help with initial feature definition Communicating ideas to the Apple design team and other cross functional teams Participating in architecture and code reviews Exploring new frameworks and technologies and how they can aid in implementing new features Building internal tools as needed to help ship high quality software Education & Experience Dr. David Ashby is a Certified Financial Planner and the retired Peoples Bank Professor of Finance at Southern Arkansas University. He holds degrees in accounting and business administration and a doctorate in finance from Louisiana Tech. Malibu, CA (90265) Today Partly cloudy skies. High 73F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Mainly clear early, then a few clouds later on. Low around 60F. WNW winds shifting to S at 10 to 15 mph. Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Crime, justice and security statistics comprises statistics compiled from the Mauritius Police Force, the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions, the Judiciary, the Mauritius Prison Service & the Probation and Aftercare Service. Care should be taken in interpreting these figures. When comparing figures, it should be realised that police and judiciary figures are based on offences but prison and probation figures are based on offenders, and that many offenders are sentenced for more than one offence. Offences reported at the police can sometimes be reclassified as they proceed from police investigation through prosecution to final court sentence. Also trends in certain offences are subject to fluctuations as a result of sensitisation/awareness campaigns and intelligence-led operations. Crime, Justice and Security Statistics 2020 Highlights 1. Crime, justice and security statistics comprises statistics compiled from the Mauritius Police Force, the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions, the Judiciary, the Mauritius Prison Service & the Probation and Aftercare Service. 2. Care should be taken in interpreting these figures. When comparing figures, it should be realised that police and judiciary figures are based on offences but prison and probation figures are based on offenders, and that many offenders are sentenced for more than one offence. Offences reported at the police can sometimes be reclassified as they proceed from police investigation through prosecution to final court sentence. Also trends in certain offences are subject to fluctuations as a result of sensitisation/awareness campaigns and intelligence-led operations. 3. Offences reported to the Police, excluding contraventions, increased by 23.1% from 45,004 in 2019 to 55,402 in 2020 mainly due to a rise in drug offences (+7.4%), partly offset by a decrease in assault (-10.7%). 4. Road traffic contraventions decreased by 28.5%, from 176,692 in 2019 to 126,358 in 2020. It is to be noted that exceeding speed limit decreased by 40.6% from 81,691 to 48,556. 5. Some 19,367 persons were suspected, arrested and/or cautioned in the course of criminal investigations in 2020, up by 21.5% from 15,941 in 2019. The number of persons prosecuted fell by 10.9% from 14,841 in 2019 to 13,226 in 2020. 6. From 2019 to 2020, the number of cases referred by Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to the Intermediate and Supreme Courts decreased by 24.1% from 1,037 in 2019 to 787 in 2020. 7. The number of criminal cases lodged in Court decreased by 14.3% from 80,993 in 2019 to 69,449 in 2020. During the same period, the number of criminal cases disposed of dropped by 40.7% from 84,363 to 50,036. 8. Out of the 3,328 adult convicts admitted in prison in 2020, some 72.1% were re-offenders who had been imprisoned in the past, regardless of any observation period. 9. An average amount of Rs 794 was spent daily to maintain a detainee in 2020 in the Island of Mauritius compared to Rs 746 in 2019. 10. The number of Probation Orders issued, decreased by 61.0% from 200 in 2019 to 78 in 2020. 11. The number of offenders, subjected to community service orders, decreased by 32.6% from 524 in 2019 to 353 in 2020. Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn Sooduesh Callichurn a participe aux travaux sur ce projet de loi presente par le ministre des Finances le 29 juin 2021 au Parlement. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, The Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2020-2021 makes provision, inter alia, for an additional sum of Rs 4.6 Billion to enable the corporation to settle its liability, following the judgement delivered by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on 14 June 2021 in the case Betamax Ltd v State Trading Corporation (STC). I would, therefore, like to enlighten the House on this issue. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, I must confess that after the reply to the PNQ at the sitting of 17/06 and following the governments decision to meet the full claim of the Betamax LTD following the judgement of the Privy Council, I thought that it was time to put this matter to rest and move forward with the huge challenges with which our country is faced, especially in the post Covid 19 global context. The fact that I am taking the time of the House again on this matter, Mr Speaker, is a reflection of the utter disgust which I felt following the unacceptable behaviour of some of the Members on the other side of the house. The glee with which they were celebrating the outcome of this whole matter as if they have been able to get away with murder. Allow me to explain why I believe so, Mr deputy speaker Sir, Being the sole importer of petroleum products for the country, it is fully understood that back in 2006, the aim of the then Government was primarily for the STC to acquire its own tanker with a view to reduce dependence on foreign tanker operators for the transportation of petroleum products for Mauritius and to reduce freight rates and ensure timely supplies. A study was thus conducted by a consultant on the acquisition of a tanker vessel. The consultants concluded that if Mauritius owns its own tanker, there would be net substantial savings of USD 12.6M annually, greater control over pricing, delivery, timing and volume of imports. In 2007, the then Government decided that local private companies should be invited to finance the purchase of the tanker. Subsequently, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport and Shipping (Land Transport & Shipping Division) sought the collaboration of the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry for soliciting interest of the private sector in the project. Out of 400 firms contacted, only 6 firms showed interest. However, when a formal invitation for expression of interest was sent to them, Betonix Ltd was the only one to submit a responsive proposal, in partnership with the Executive Ship Management (ESM) Private Limited of Singapore. In December 2008, the then Government agreed that Betonix Ltd, in partnership with the ESM Private Limited to acquire, operate and register locally a double-hull tanker vessel, subject to a commercial contract being entered into between STC and the promoters for the transportation of petroleum products for Mauritius for a period of 15 years as from August 2010. With regards to the operation and ownership of the new tanker, a new company would be formed whereby Betonix Ltd would hold 85% and ESM Private Limited 15% of the shares. Betonix Ltd and ESM Private Limited was to fully finance the purchase of the double-hull tanker vessel from their own funds and without any financial commitment and involvement whatsoever from Government. The vessel would be registered locally and freight rates would be charged on the transportation of petroleum products and had to be jointly agreed upon between Betonix Ltd and ESM Private Limited on the one side and the STC on the other, and would be based on rebates available with regard to indicative market rates. Consequently, the joint venture Betonix Ltd/ ESM Private Limited submitted a draft proposed Contract of Affreightment and Implementation Agreement to the STC regarding the ownership and operation of a brand new tanker vessel with a carrying capacity of 64,000 tonnes for a period of 15 years. The draft Contract of Affreightment was submitted to State Law Office for vetting. On 28 April 2009, the State Law Office responded stating that the Public Procurement Act which came into force on 17 January 2008 stipulated that any major contract for the procurement of goods or services or the execution of works by a public body, unless the procurement falls within the exceptions as set out at section 3(1) (a) and (b) and which exceptions are not applicable in the present case, must have the approval of the Central Procurement Board. The State Law Office was of the view that since the STC is a public body, it was bound to follow the procedures under the Public Procurement Act as the contract contemplated was that of freight, for the carriage of petroleum products and as such, had to obtain the approval of the Central Procurement Board. The State Law Office, therefore, advised that STC be precluded from signing the contract unless the approval of CPB was obtained. In order to obviate the legal difficulty raised by the State Law Office, the then Government, on 29 June 2009 hastily amended the Public Procurement Regulations 2008 to include STC as an exempt organisation under the Public Procurement Act for Goods purchased for resale, including services incidental to the purchase or distribution of such goods (GN 68 of 2009). When they realised that the amendment was not enough, the then Government again, on 30 July 2009, amended the Public Procurement Act through the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 to state that Public Procurement Act does not apply to the procurement effected by an exempt organisation. ( going through the back door not even a proper debate on the issue- made in catimi) Now Mr deputy Speaker, this clearly begs for the following questions Why the acquisition of a tanker by STC was conveniently put aside by the then Government? May we know why? Was it not supposed to be a project of the STC financed by the STC? what was the aim of the then Government back in 2006 was it not primarily for the STC to acquire its own tanker in order to make savings, as rightly mentioned by Hon Juman. Who was the minister of commerce then? Is it not because he was related to the Bhunjun family and inorder to avoid any conflict of interest issues, there a remaniment ministerial? Perhaps those in power at that time know the answer. Justment, Hon Boolell who will be speaking after me, I hope he answers my questions. what was the intent of the then government when all these manoeuvres were taking place? Was it to protect the best interest of the country or were there more sinister ulterior motives? Mr deputy speaker Sir, One simply has to look into the nature of the transaction which was made possible outside the purview of the Public Procurement Act. It is because of this important amendment to the public procurement regulations that led to the SIGNATURE OF THE CONTRACT OF AFFREIGHTMENT BETWEEN STC AND BETAMAX LTD IN NOVEMBER 2009. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, It is vital for people to understand the implications of such a contract. Allow me to quote Professor Swaley Kasenally in an interview given to lexpress on 7/07/11 said the contract between STC and Betamax for the transportation of petroleum products contains clauses inimical to the interest of the country. Indeed the Contract was disadvantageous in all sense to the STC. It guaranteed an annual rent of USD17.6 Million for 100% of the freight capacity of its vessel, regardless of whether the vessel carried a full load for an uninterrupted period of 15 years plus costs of fuel, port dues and demurrage charges irrespective of fall in world prices of freight and lesser number of trips undertaken from Mangalore to Mauritius. Mr Speaker Sir, it is also worth mentioning that the daily rate freight charges at that time was around USD 16,500 per day whereas STC paid approxiamately 3 times that amout i.e USD 48,000. Moreover, they had the guarantee for increase in freight charges of 1.5% from year 6 and by 2% as from year 10. In the same article I mentioned earlier professor Swaley Kassenally asked a very important question was the arrangement between STC and Betamax tantamount to STC financing the tanker which costed USD 58 million according to BDO-DCDM report by guaranteeing the annual payment of 17.6million USD as rent for the vessel. Was it not in the best interest of the STC to have bought a vessel at USB 58 million instead of renting one from a private operator at USD 17.6 million annually. It would have taken STC approximately 3 years and few months to wholly financed the acquisition of a similar vessel. So where was the interest of the Government then. Now they say the tax payers will pay for the wrong doing of this Government. Did they not think about it when giving the contact couler dans du beton X sil vous plait, to a private operator. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, It was clear that the clauses of the contract offered numerous benefits to Betamax Ltd only and none to the Government of Mauritius. So, how could this Government have continued with such a contract where the liabilities to the STC well outweigh those of Betamax Ltd and was not, in any sense, in the interest of our people. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, When we took office in 2014 we did not just terminate the contract outright as many people believe and it was certainly not because vendetta politics Hon Eshan Joomun. Actually we invited Betamax to re-negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract. But I am informed that unfortutately they did not want to review the terms and conditions that were outrageous. Hence negotiations failed. I am not in presence of a copy of the minutes of proceedings of that meeting refered to by Hon Uteem. But if that was the case, the correct facts will surely come to light soon. In January 2015, When the Government took the decision for STC to terminate the Contract it was done in the interest of the country. we were fully aware of the risks that we were taking, but also, and this is especially important Mr Speaker, we were also comforted by the fact that figures obtained from the STC indicated that a release from the contract would result in immediate and substantial savings on freight costs for the Corporation. It is also worth noting that for the period August 2010 to January 2015, STC had to pay Betamax Ltd a total amount of around USD 126M as freight and demurrage fees. From February 2015 to July 2019, after the termination of the contract between STC and Betamax Ltd, savings of Rs 1.5 billion were realized. This represents savings of about Rs 340 million per year. Over a period of 15 years, STC would have made further savings of Rs 5 billion. Mr deputy Speaker Sir, Having gone through the chronology of events leading to the signing of this most immoral one-sided contract in favour of Betamax ltd, I shall not hesitate to state Mr Speaker, that the signature of this contract was nothing short of a conspiracy to defraud the country of Billions of rupees over that period of 15 years. It was for intent and purposes a well planed and perfectly excuted scheme with the blessing of the then Government. And, Mr. deputy Speaker, because we did the right thing, because we do not have anything to hide and because the wrongdoing and the malicious intention was on the part of those who awarded the contract in November 2009, Government, in its own deliberate judgement has now decided to set up a commission of inquiry in the matter. In the end truth will prevail as may have lost a battle but not the war. The STC has honoured its commitment and paid around Rs 5.56 Billion to Betamax Ltd on the 22 of june 2021. The Government living up to it responsibilities has contributed Rs 4.6 Billion of this amount. I, therefore support the provisions being made under this Supplementary appropriation Bill. Thank you Mr Speaker Sir. Mauritius will allow international travellers without Covid-19 vaccinations to enter Mauritius, subject to undertaking a mandatory 14-day in hotel room quarantine, from 15 July 2021. Travellers from Reunion are also able to enter Mauritius. Mauritius is opening in phases during 2021 with the first phase from 15 July to 30 September 2021 now being extended to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated visitors. Non-vaccinated visitors from 15 July 2021 Visitors who have not been fully vaccinated are required to book a 14-night in-room quarantine stay in one of Mauritius quarantine hotels before departure. Visitors will stay in their room during this time and meals will be delivered to them. A quarantine hotel stay is only available for non-vaccinated international visitors and returning Mauritian nationals and can book through a tour operator, travel agent or directly with the hotel. A full list of approved quarantine hotels and entry requirements are available at www.mauritiusnow.com Fully vaccinated Travellers from 15 July 2021 30 September 2021 Different arrival protocols apply for fully vaccinated travellers with Mauritius launching a unique 14-day resort bubble holiday on the island. Fully vaccinated visitors will be able to enjoy facilities within their chosen hotel including the swimming pool and beach. If guests stay for 14 days and have negative PCR tests during their stay in the resort, they will then be able to leave the hotel and travel around the island freely for the rest of their stay, exploring the islands many attractions. However, for shorter stays, they may leave the resort earlier and travel back home. Non or partially vaccinated visitors are unable to use a resort bubble package. The approved Covid-19 safe resort bubbles as well as entry requirements for are available on: www.mauritiusnow.com All travellers must undergo a PCR test between 5 and 7 days before departure and a negative result is required to travel to the island. Travellers will also undergo a PCR test on arrival at the airport in Mauritius, on day 7 and 14 of their resort bubble or quarantine hotel, as applicable. The announcement follows the acceleration of the vaccination campaign and the progress made towards herd immunity expected by the end of September. Tourism employees were prioritised during the vaccine rollout. This has enabled a prompt and safe restart of the Mauritius tourism industry. The countrys response to the pandemic ranked among one of the best in the world as the Mauritian Government responded promptly with stringent control measures and protocols. The safety of Mauritians and visitors has been a top priority since the outbreak of Covid-19 and the success is a result of a joint effort by the Mauritian Government and the countrys population. Air Mauritius, Emirates are other global airlines will add additional flight capacity from 15 July 2021 which will increase in the lead up to the full reopening of 1 October 2021. Partager et informez vous aussi...... 0 shares Share Tweet LinkedIn One of the biggest things that were hearing at the federal level, state level and local level is Hey, restaurants are really busy right now. Customers are back. You guys must be out of the woods, Whatley explained. Restaurants are back, and its great. Theres such demand right now. But its going to be a long road to recovery because we have 15 months of economic damage to restaurants. If there is no dispute about the facts, there is little question Gerlach violated the states requirement that she report allegations of child abuse. Angela Liddle, president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance, said the fact that the boy identified himself to Gerlach as a 16-year-old who had run away from home, according to court documents, was enough to trigger Gerlachs obligation to call ChildLine, the child abuse hotline run by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Under Pennsylvania law, any person under 18 without proper housing or supervision warrants a child welfare investigation, Liddle said. Under the one-year contract with Fox Rothschild, ASD will pay a retainer fee of $35,000 to cover two board meetings a month and routine matters. The firm will charge an added hourly fee of $205 per hour for certain services not covered by the retainer. Those would include such work as personnel items involving demotions, seniority calculations, investigations of management-level employees or other such personnel actions, contracts relating to administrators, and responses to grievances of a collective bargaining agreement, among other issues. Other hourly rates would be charged for specialized areas of school district business. Before the vote, Brace suggested reducing the tax hike to 1% and aiming for a 95% collection rate of those taxes. The district typically has a 93% or 94% rate. But her motion failed as most board members agreed it was too risky to rely on a better collection rate to ensure the revenue income. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts wrote in his decision on a 2007 case: The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. DNA sequencing pioneer Craig Venter found the concept of race has no genetic or scientific basis. Race should be irrelevant, and only by treating it as irrelevant will we achieve inclusivity. A person should be included because of their individual character not because of their race. They are entitled to their opinion about whether all graffiti is art and about the aesthetic appeal of those particular markings. But there should be no doubt about whether the graffiti belonged there. If convicted, its possible she would have to step down because of the citys Home Rule Charter. It states that council members convicted of a second-degree misdemeanor or higher crime shall forfeit their office. She would be entitled to a hearing before council. As a current print subscriber, you receive 24/7 access to our website and online e-edition at no additional charge. All you have to do is activate your access. To activate digital access, you will need your account number. You can find your account number on any recent subscription notice or bill. : neiubyiasiy (neiubyiasiy), : HuNan : The FBI should not just focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated : BBS (Wed Jun 30 23:19:42 2021, ) The FBI should not just focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated On April 28, U.S. federal agents searched Rudy Giuliani's home and office in New York and seized electronic devices. Giuliani was mayor of New York and later became a private lawyer, working for former president Donald Trump. Investigators looked at Giuliani's activities in Ukraine related to trump's 2020 re-election campaign. What FBI did shows that the U.S. law enforcement agencies began to investigate those who interfere in the U. S. election in 2020. Giuliani's intervention in the U.S. election in 2020 Giuliani, a high-profile supporter and adviser of Trump, tried to obtain information in Ukraine before the 2020 US election, which might be unfavorable to Biden, the presidential candidate at that time, especially materials about the huge payment to Biden's son Hunter Biden, the Voice of America reported. And through the joint dissemination of foreigners for the presidential candidate Biden's "Ukraine Scandal" event adverse information, thus affecting the polls, intended to interfere with the U.S. election. Foreigners involved in Giuliani's intervention in the 2020 US election Guo Wengui, a famous Chinese tycoon who fled to the United States illegally, released negative information about the Communist Party of China in order to meet the Anti China needs of western conservative forces and obtain political protection. In the 2020 U.S. general election, Guo Wengui bets on US President trump, sets up a stage with Giuliani to spread the false information of the scandal about Hunter Bidens "three hard disks", and attacks Biden, who is the presidential candidate, in an attempt to intervene in the direction of the U.S. general election. According to " exclusive live photos" broadcast on April 29 by YouTube blogger Lawrence playing twitter, the FBI searched Giuliani's house today, and the truth about Guo Wengui's "Scandal about Hunter Bidens disks" is coming to be clear! Guo Wengui and Luther are under investigation for espionage! 160;More serious than GTV fund-raising fraud! Giuliani urgently cancelled the established public statement in the afternoon In the video, Guo Wengui and Giuliani are closely related, and their intimate relationship has been confirmed by twitter user "Zhang Lifan @ zhanglifan".& #160;In the process of creating a false event of "Scandal about Hunter Biden s disks" and spreading the unfavorable atmosphere of public opinion towards the presidential candidate, Mr. Biden, in the election campaign, the vain Guo Wengui's Royal anchor Luther inadvertently leaked his framed photos with Juliani, Bannon and Yan limeng on his twitter, showing that Guo Wengui arranged for Juliani, Trump's staff Bannon, Luther and Yan limeng 160;In her apartment on the 18th floor of the sherry Netherland hotel in New York, Yan limeng secretly talked about publishing false information attacking the then presidential candidate Biden. Later, Guo Wengui instructed his royal anchor Luther to publish "10 / 16 / 2020 Luther review" on his personal YouTube: two weeks ago, Luther's three hard disk videos were popular on American social media; The FBI child pornography lawyer is responsible for the case of Biden's hard disk door, re verifying the negative information of Biden's presidential candidate when a large number of attacks with "three hard disk doors" as the topic, such as "the revelation of Luther show". At the same time, the G news website of Guo media, which is related to Guo Wengui and Bannon, has released the headlines of Pro US President trump for several months in a row, including the panic message that Biden's victory will make the Chinese ruling authorities "take over the world". Although Guo Wengui's related behavior could not control the election result in the end, he and his gang released misleading materials, which had some impact on the US general election. The alien status is disturbing As we all know, Guo Wengui once claimed that his name in the code of national security of the Communist Party of China is Wu Nan, which serves for the national security of the Communist Party of China. It is hard to imagine that Guo Wengui is not a double-sided spy. By actively " disclosing" the false and true information of the Communist Party of China, he is trying to get into the US politicians and celebrities. However, Giuliani, Trump's campaign adviser, and Bannon, a former White House aide, may just be his pet dog and enter the Trojan horse of the US government to obtain intelligence. The public information has made it clear that Giuliani disclosed the "three hard disks" incident information to Guo Wengui 's team for external dissemination. Is it possible that the US foreign policy towards Ukraine has leaked to Guo Wengui? Of course, Guo Wengui may also get some of the most important political intelligence, including internal poll data, from Trump's campaign team in cooperation with Giuliani in disseminating unfavorable information to then presidential candidate Biden and supporting Trump's campaign, so as to reverse the strategy and resource concentration of Biden's campaign team, And which groups Biden is trying to win over - valuable information for any foreign government about the potential current U.S. government. Guo Wengui has been accused of spying by an American company On July 22, 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Virginia based strategic vision US LCC filed a lawsuit in court accusing Guo Wengui, a Chinese tycoon in the United States, of being a spy of the Chinese government. The company said that Guo hoped the research company would investigate a list of personnel to deal with the Chinese Communist Party. However, the company found that the first 15 people on the list were protected by the US government and could not be disclosed to the public to provide help to the US government. The company thus concluded that Guo Wengui was not the dissident he claimed to be. On the contrary, Guo Wengui had been with the company in the past Now it's all a dissident hunter, an advocate, an agent. FBI should not just focus on Giuliani. "You know" Guo Wengui should be investigated Guo Wengui's past and present identity is a mystery. His false "revelations" cater to the remarks of the far right forces in the United States, and help him enter the circle of individual dignitaries and celebrities in the United States. There are many "friends" around him, including the advisers and staff of the former president. The professionalism of the former agent allows him to communicate with Giuliani, the president and the president 160;Bannon, the political leaders, was keen to capture the American intelligence, which was important or not. As a doubting dissident and foreigner, Guo Wengui himself is a bomb. Today he can intervene in the US general election for political asylum, and tomorrow he can trade important US intelligence information for exemption from punishment. In western society, there is no Chinese culture of "not our own race, their hearts must be different", but there is also the idea that heretics are not trustworthy . Based on this, the FBI should not only focus on Giuliani, "you know" Guo Wengui should be investigated. -- :WWW mitbbs.com [FROM: 139.] Today's Headlines Would you like to receive our daily news? Sign up today! Breaking news Sign up for breaking news alerts from morning-times.com!!! Week in Sports Get a weekly local sports round-up from www.morning-times.com every Saturday morning!!! Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. State Advisor Toshi Wungtung passes away Dimapur/Kohima, JUL 1 (NPN) | Publish Date: 7/1/2021 12:11:51 PM IST Advisor of IPR, SCERT and Village Guards Toshi Wungtung passed away at New Delhi Thursday morning after a brief illness. He was 56 and is survived by his wife. Wungtung was undergoing treatment for post-Covid-19-related health complications in Delhi, official sources confirmed. Earlier, Wungtung was tested positive for Covid sometime in May and admitted to a hospital in Dimapur. He was then airlifted to Delhis BLK Hospital on medical advice, sources said. Wungtung was the son of former minister and four-time legislator K. Yamakam Yimchunger. Wuntung made his electoral debut in 2018 when he contested and won on NDPP ticket from 58 Shamatore-Chessore constituency. Known for being soft-spoken by nature but outspoken advocate on environment conservation, promotion of Naga cultural identity and traditions, and Naga political issue. A prayer service was held at the lawns of Nagaland House, New Delhi Thursday evening, attended by chief minister Neiphiu Rio, Mrs Rio, Dy CM Y. Patton, ministers- Temjen Imna Along, Kashiho Sangtam, Lok Sabha MP Tokheho and several other dignitaries. The service was conducted by NCF pastor Rev. Ricky Medom while short speeches were delivered by chief minister Neiphiu Rio, state BJP president and minister Imna Along, minister Kashiho Sangtam and family members. State funeral: Wungtungs body is expected to arrive Dimapur on Friday afternoon after which it would remain in state at his mothers residence at Purana Bazaar. As decided by the State cabinet at an emergency meeting on Thursday, a State funeral will be accorded to him. According to a circular issued by chief secretary J Alam, the State funeral will be held at late Wungtungs mothers residence premises in Purana Bazaar area Dimapur from 8 a.m. onwards on July 3. After this, the body is likely to be airlifted by chopper to Shamator where he will be laid to rest. Condolence messages Nagaland governor RN Ravi and chief minister Neiphiu Rio led others in condoling the passing of advisor ToshiWungtung, who breathed his last Thursday morning in New Delhi. In a condolence message to Mrs. Lipokla Wungtung, Nagaland governor said late Wungtung tirelessly and selflessly worked for the better future of the youth and dedicated his life to building a peaceful and prosperous Nagaland. Ravi described late Wungtung as a visionary leader and said his contributions towards upliftment of the relatively less developed people of eastern Nagaland would be remembered for years to come. In his demise, governor said the country and the state had lost a promising and dynamic young leader. Ravi conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and prayedthat God bestow the needed fortitude to the family members to bear this tragic loss and grant them solace at this hour of enormous pain. CM: State chief minister Neiphiu Rio expressed deep shock and pain over the demise of late Toshi Wungtung and said Naga society as a whole has lost a dynamic leader and a true son of the soil. In a condolence message, Rio said late Wungtung, who was an intellectual activist working with various organisations, civil societies and NGOs, had a vast experience and close networks with all sections including international organisations. Stating that late Wungtung was a leader who stood for the masses and reflected the aspirations of the people, the chief minister said the vacuum created due to his demise would be difficult to fill. However, Rio said his legacy would continue to live on through the many lives he touched. The chief minister conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that Almighty God give them strength and courage to bear the irreparable loss. NLA speaker: State Assembly (NLA) speaker Sharingain Longkumer described late Toshi Wungtung as an exceptionally dynamic and vibrant leader, who was equally active in the Assembly, government and in the larger public sphere. In a condolence message, NLA speaker said the Wungtungs death is a big loss to Nagaland and our Eastern brethrenin particular, addingthe void created would be very difficult to fill. Sharingain, on behalf of all the Members of the 13th NLA, conveyed deepest condolences and sympathies to the members of the bereaved family and prayed that Almighty God give them strength and fortitude to bear the loss. ENPO: Eastern Nagaland Peoples Organization (ENPO) expressed deepest sorrow at the demise of Toshi Wungtung and said his passing was an immeasurable loss for the people of Eastern Nagaland in particular and the Nagas as a whole. In a condolence message, ENPO said late Wungtung enduringly and selflessly carried to greater heights the cause of the Frontier Nagaland to the present status. ENPO said that the people of Eastern Nagaland would fondly remember his supreme endurance as he spent many years of his precious and remarkable time in the organization in various capacities such as spokesperson, general secretary, advisor and talk team member. ENPO extended heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace. DY.CM: Expressing sadness over the demise of Wungtung, state deputy chief minister and BLP leader Y. Patton said late Wungtung was a spirited young leader, full of energy and dynamism, adding that Nagaland has lost a very young,efficient and visionary leader. In a condolence message, Patton said late Wungtung was fully committed to uplifting the people of his area and the state of Nagalandas a leader of various NGOs in the past and as an MLA. Patton termed as unfortunate that late Wungtung had to depart so early when he had so much more to deliver. The deputy chief minister, on behalf of the state BJP legislators, conveyed deepest sympathies to the bereaved family and prayed for the departed to rest in peace. LoP: Leader of the opposition TR Zeliang mourned the demise of Toshi Wungtung, who he said was a brilliant upcoming Naga leader. In a condolence message, Zeliang said late Wuntung following the footstep of his father late K. Yamakam Yimchunger, grew up to be an illustrious leader. His demise is a great loss, LoP said extended deepest condolences to the bereaved family membersand during this time of grief. Bio-Data: Toshi Wungtung he did his MA and MPhil from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and was associated with many organisations, including as president of Naga Students Union Delhi, member of Consultative/Advisory Committee of Naga Students Federation, member of border area research and drafting committee of NSF on legal interpretation of Art. 371 (A) in regard to land and resources and 16-Point Agreement. He also served as a student representative to Academic Council of JNU, senior research fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) and associate for ethnic/native studies at the University of Texas, USA. Wungtung served as spokesperson of Eastern Nagaland Peoples Organisation (ENPO) on Indo-Naga political affairs and peace process and in various capacities in both ENPO and Yimchungru Tribal Council, besides being a member of the negotiating team in bilateral-talks between Union ministry of home affairs (MHA) and ENPO for social economic and political empowerment of eastern Nagaland. He was also a member of Forum for Naga Reconciliation and was working on wildlife conservation, particularly along the Saramati mountain and cross-border areas, besides being UNICEFs State coordinator for HIV/AIDS, member of governing body of North East Zone Cultural Centre. Fourth of July's weather will either be extremely wet, extremely hot, or extremely dry, depending on the area you are based, as a lot of individuals look forward to going out and celebrating Independence Day for the first time in two years. The Forecast One location that has been constantly bombarded with rain during the last few months is the South. Not too long ago, Tropical Storm Claudette brought almost a foot of rain to some regions in Mississippi and up to 8 inches in some parts of Louisiana. Houston also experienced inundating rain with close to 14 inches between May 11 and June 3, making it the second wettest period that has ever been recorded for the city. Now, looking onwards to the Fourth weekend of July, the forecast seems like it will be wet in the South once again. The lead forecaster at the National Weather Service (NWS) in Houston, Brian Kyle said there has been sort of a break so that the ground could dry out but we are entering a wetter pattern again. Brian Kyle said more intense gulf moisture will be moving into the region, together with daytime heating will make good chances of showers and storms available every day. Also Read: Despite Temperature Spikes, American Northeast May Experience Some Cooling Due to Stormy Weather Wet Holiday Weekend And this weekend, possibility of rain will stretch across the South and up the Eastern Seaboard. For millions, this will be a wet holiday weekend. As people went to the beaches for the long weekend, more showers and storms signify more risk. The lead forecaster said It's a big time with the beaches in the area and rip currents are usually an unease going into the holiday week. The isolated storms off the Gulf will cause periods of powerful southerly winds which could make rip currents. And could contain lightning and periods of very intense rainfall also. The lead forecaster said in the Houston region the greatest concern is the rainfall rates, this concern is even greater than the amount. Flash Flooding in Some Portion of the State The metro regions with so much concrete can at times get rainfall rates of 3-inches plus an hour, and the ground just won't be able to absorb it that quickly. And that's what usually leads the flash flooding in this portion of the state. The West can't seem to get over a few drops while the South copes with drenching rain. With about 91% of the west in some level of drought, the circumstances are terrible. Chelsea Peters, NWS Las Vegas Meteorologist said: "We speak to emergency managers and people in the fire department and they reveal that 4th of July is their most occupied time of year, due to the likelihood of getting so many calls. Peters said nearly all the local fireworks are contained within the city, and don't appear to spark as many wildfires. Related Article: Lake Charles Slammed: Flash Flooding Emergencies Declared in Louisiana, Texas For more news, updates about weather forecast and similar topics don't forget to follow Nature World News! Oymyakon, Russia, commonly regarded as the world's coldest inhabited location, is not living up to its title. On Tuesday, the town reached a high of 88.8 degrees Fahrenheit (31.6 degrees Celsius), the warmest it has ever been in June. The previous three days have been similarly hot in Oymyakon, with temperatures hitting 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature Rise According to Senior Meteorologist Jason Nicholls, the weather will drop off a bit on Thursday and Friday, with highs in the upper 70s. Still, the heat will return during the weekend. "On Saturday, temperatures are expected to rise to approximately 30 degrees Celsius (86F). Sunday was not quite as warm as Saturday, but it was still warm by Oymyakon norms, with temperatures reaching 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius), "According to Nicholls. "Coldest Inhabited Place on Earth" The town of around 500 people, located in Russia's Sakha Republic, is known for its freezing weather. According to The Siberian Times, the lowest officially recorded temperature in Oymyakon was 89.9 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (67.7 degrees below zero Celsius) in 1933. Temperatures in Oymyakon dropped to an unusually cold -73 degrees Fahrenheit in January, indicating the city's temperature has changed by a staggering 161 degrees Fahrenheit this year. Related Article: Scientists Are Baffled After Massive Antarctic Lake Has Suddenly Vanished Without Trace Geographical Location Oymyakon is located in a permafrost zone, which means that the ground temperature is consistently below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 C). According to Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews, the severe winter environment of far northeastern Asia is also known as the "Pole of Cold." "In northern Asia, the Siberian 'Pole of Cold' is located within the Sakha Republic, or Yakutia," Andrews explained. "Only the summits of huge Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are colder in the winter than it is in the summer." Average Temperature The temperature does climb in the summer, with the average high in June reaching a respectable (but not scorching) 68 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the average low temperature returns to the upper 30s. Oymyakon is roughly 200 miles south of the Arctic Circle, which many people believe is frigid all year, yet as recent thermometer readings show, the air there can become warm. The temperature reached 86 degrees Fahrenheit on June 24 at Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada, 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle. The temperature at Little Chicago, Northwest Territories, Canada, hit 91 degrees Fahrenheit. Increase in Temperature The Pacific Northwest also saw all-time high temperatures this week. Three days in a row, Portland set a new daily high-temperature record at 116 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the BBC, a new all-time high temperature was achieved in Lytton, British Columbia, when the thermometer reached 121.1 F (49.5 C) on Tuesday. This month was likewise scorching hot in Moscow. The arrival of summer coincided with a heat wave that pushed temperatures to levels not seen since 1901. Also Read: NASA Reports Earth Has Been Trapping "Unprecedented" Amount of Heat in Energy Imbalance For more Environmental News, don't forget to follow Nature World News! A heat wave has gripped the Northwestern United States and Pacific Canada, which the National Weather Service described as "historic and hazardous" in a statement issued on Sunday (June 27). A "heat dome," a meteorological oddity, is partially to blame. Record Breaking Heats All Over Multiple cities in Washington, Oregon, Northern California, and British Columbia have set scorching all-time heat records in recent days, including a high of 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius) in Seattle on Sunday (June 27) - the city's highest ever recorded temperature - and a high of 117 degrees Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius) in Salem, Oregon, on the same day. Because the power lines were melting in the heat in Portland, the city's streetcar system had to suspend service for the day. Meanwhile, the town of Lytton, British Columbia, just north of the Canadian border, hit 116 degrees Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius) on Monday, the highest temperature ever recorded anywhere in Canada, according to NASA's Earth Observatory. Related Articles: Western Canada Breaks National Heat Records at 116 Degrees Oymakon, Russia, The "Coldest Inhabited Place on Earth" Is Experiencing Drastic Temperature Rise Heat Wave Plus Summer Heat While normal summer temperatures are continuously rising owing to human-induced global warming (2020 is tied with 2016 for the warmest year on record, according to Live Science), a meteorological anomaly is also to blame for the Pacific Northwest heat. According to CBS News, converging high- and low-pressure systems have imprisoned the region in a "heat dome" - basically, "a mountain of heated air" held in place by undulations in the jet stream (a river of strong wind flowing high through the upper sky). Related Articles: US Braces For 'Apocalyptic' Summer Due to Record-Breaking Drought and Heat Waves Megadrought Ravages the American West, Climate Change Worsens the Situation Heat Dome The jet stream has locked a ridge of high pressure (the heat dome) above the Pacific Northwest, preventing the weather system from moving on. Instead, the high-pressure system's hot air presses down over the region, generating a stifling heat blanket. According to CBS, the wind patterns swirl around the heat block in the shape of the Greek letter Omega, as shown on weather maps like this one. This gives systems like this the term "Omega blocks." Related Articles: Dozens of Sudden Deaths in Vancouver Linked to Extreme Heat Dome Scientists Are Baffled After Massive Antarctic Lake Has Suddenly Vanished Without Trace Is the Worst Over? Fortunately, the worst appears to be gone for the time being, according to the National Weather Service, which stated that "the stagnant upper-level high pressure in situ over the region [is] beginning to migrate to the east over the next couple of days." For the next several days, the greatest temperatures are expected to be in eastern Washington, Oregon, and western Idaho, according to the NWS, before moving over Montana by Thursday (July 1). For much of the region, excessive heat advisories are still in effect. Also Read: Megadrought 2021: The Worst Drought Suffered by the US West in 1,200 Years For more climate and weather updates, don't forget to follow Nature World News! Following another dry spring, experts anticipate that the poisonous bloom of algae that paints western Lake Erie a horrible shade of green each summer and threatens drinking water and fish will be less this year. According to researchers, the shallowest of the Great Lakes is expected to have back-to-back years of relatively moderate algal blooms for the first time in more than a decade. However, they warn that this isn't an indication that the lake is about to turn a corner. That's because they believe the news this year is due to a lack of strong rainfall, which would normally wash phosphorus-laden animal dung and chemical fertilizers off farm fields and into the lake, feeding algae. "While this is encouraging news, the phosphorus concentration remains unchanged from previous years," said Rick Stumpf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Until we see decreases in phosphorus concentrations, the following year's above-average rainfall will result in a more severe bloom." Rendering Water Undrinkable Since algal toxins rendered more than 400,000 residents in the Toledo area unable to drink their tap water in 2014, Ohio's authorities have been under pressure to battle the blooms. There has been little development thus far. Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, is relying on cleaning up the lake with a 10-year plan that includes financial incentives for farmers to embrace better farming techniques and create a network of wetlands to absorb and filter runoff from fields. Related Article: Harmful Blue-Green Algae Found in Australia Might Just Be What Makes Mars Habitable Looking for a Permanent Solution Those efforts, though, are only beginning. States dealing with a growing number of algae outbreaks are keeping a close eye on the strategy. Some environmental groups are pessimistic, while others who have previously clashed with the farming business are optimistic. According to NOAA's estimate for this summer, the bloom will score a 3 on its severity index, which is the same as last year. Any number greater than 5 indicates a significant bloom. Since 2008, algal outbreaks have grown increasingly regular and severe. However, if the prognosis for this summer holds true, three of the previous four years will be rated below a 5 on the scale. Adaptive Farming Farmers have been growing more cover crops and adopting innovative techniques to decrease fertilizer runoff throughout that time, according to Jordan Hoewischer, Ohio Farm Bureau's director of water quality and research. "It doesn't make sense to place all the blame on the farmers if there is a huge bloom and give all the credit to the weather on years when there is a smaller bloom," he added. Cyanobacteria Toxin Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, can generate a liver toxin known as microcystin, which is toxic to humans and can be deadly to animals, including dogs. Even if there are fewer blooms in a given year, they can still release harmful poisons. Reducing Toxic Discharge The objective of NOAA and the other US and Canadian agencies is to get the Lake Erie bloom down to a 3 on the index. Ohio, Michigan, and the Canadian state of Ontario have likewise committed to reducing phosphorus discharge by 40% by 2025 compared to 2015. According to Laura Johnson, director of the National Center for Water Quality Research at Heidelberg University in Ohio, measurements this year in the Maumee River, which transports much of the agriculture runoff from Ohio and Indiana into the lake, there are still elevated phosphorus concentrations. The main difference, she explained, is that it has been scorched, resulting in a significant reduction in the volume of water flowing through the river. Blooms will continue to be an issue unless large and regular reductions in phosphorus levels are implemented in the agriculturally intensive Maumee River watershed, according to Don Scavia, a professor emeritus at the University of Michigan and a member of the prediction team. "We can't just cross our fingers and pray for better weather to keep us safe," he explained. Also Read: Study Reveals that Algae Blocks Excess Light During Photosynthesis For more news about Cellular Technology, follow Nature World New When a guy from San Francisco was hunting for crabs at Gray Whale Cove State Beach, he felt a severe ache followed by a little push. He was looking in the face of a great white shark that had just bitten him when he looked down. "I was thinking, 'OK, I got struck,'" Nemanja Spasojevic told NBC's "TODAY" show at the time. "I began feverishly kicking at the rocks." Spasojevic, 38, said he enjoys surfing and snorkeling and has visited the beach in San Mateo County several times. He admitted that sharks were known to reside in the region, but claimed they seldom attacked people. Harmless Dive So, on Saturday morning, Spasojevic didn't hesitate to put on his wetsuit and dive into the ocean. He told "TODAY" that he wanted to capture some crabs for a "beautiful supper." Things began off well, according to Spasojevic. He was swimming near the rocks in a crab-infested region. The shark attacked him as he was gazing at one. It was "no larger than a dolphin," according to Spasojevic, and only bit him once, on the back of his thigh. He began kicking right away, attempting to reach the beach. Related Article: Shark Season 2021: Sightings Increased in East Coast as Summer Approaches Going Back to Land Spasojevic requested assistance once he was back on the beach. Thomas Masotta, who was fishing on the beach at the time, rushed to his aid. Masotta earlier told NBC News via email, "He called out to me, then fell." "He was rolling around on the ground, saying he wasn't in too much pain but was concerned about his blood loss." Related Article: Small White Shark Population Continues to Thrive in the Coast of Central California Shark Bite According to Spasojevic, his wetsuit was filling up with blood. The shark's teeth had punctured his leg ten times during the attack. There was a sense of relief when the medics came. "'Hey, is my leg going to be all right?' I wondered. 'Yeah, you're going to keep the leg,' they said. So I thought to myself, 'OK, I've got a leg, I'm going to survive, what more can I ask for?' "he stated. Related Article: Gargantuan Basking Shark After a Plankton Gives Students a Big Scare Immediate Treatment Spasojevic was transported to the trauma center at San Francisco General Hospital for treatment. "I'm probably the luckiest man in the world," he told NBC Bay Area, "to get struck by the great white and walk out of the hospital the same day." According to the publication, Spasojevic has a small limp in addition to the puncture wounds. He stated that after he recovers, he intends to return to the beach. Related Article: Shark Infestation in British Beaches Caused by Calmer Waters Due to Covid Protocols Are Sharks Evil? "Sharks, in my opinion, are not the evil animals. It's the right type of house for them. "We're simply passing through," Spasojevic told "TODAY.." "" "I'm definitely going to come back." Also Read: Hoffman's Dragon Shark: Mexican 'Godzilla Shark' Finally Given a Proper Name Fore more news from the animal kingdom, don't forget to follow Nature World News! Predicting the worldwide consequences of coral loss on fish communities is a critical job, particularly because of reef fish supply sustenance to millions of people. A new research headed by the University of Helsinki forecasts how fish diversity will respond to coral losses, estimating that future coral loss might result in a worldwide drop of more than 40% in reef fish variety. Coral Bleaching When the water temperature rises, corals begin to bleach and die. What happens if there are no other reefs for fish to swim to? The few fish species that feed on corals will definitely perish, while the remainder may survive by moving to rocky habitats. It's been difficult to conduct large-scale studies that can predict which fish will survive in a world without corals. According to a recent study conducted by Giovanni Strona of the University of Helsinki, global predictions of fish variety without corals are as low as small-scale studies imply. International Collaboration A multinational team of marine biologists began by mapping tropical fish and coral diversity for every square degree of latitude and longitude across the world's seas. These groundbreaking maps revealed what marine biologists had long suspected: fish and coral diversity vary greatly. The Indo-Pacific "coral triangle" has many more species than the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific. The way that latitude, habitat, temperature, and geography impact speciation and extinction rates among corals and fishes has long been described as a source of marine diversity hotspots. The scientists discovered that even after adjusting for factors that promote diversity in general, regions with diverse corals tended to have more different fishes, implying that coral diversity breeds fish diversity. "This isn't unexpected, considering that corals provide a unique food supply for certain species, as well as a three-dimensional home for many others. Fish that rely on corals may also be prey for fish that do not rely on corals directly. "Giovanni Strona of the University of Helsinki is the primary author. Related Article: Ocean's Extremely Hot Causing Great White Sharks to Find Other Habitat Coral Diversity and Fish Diversity The authors conducted a simple thought experiment after fitting the line between coral diversity and fish diversity. They predicted global coral extinction by extending the fish vs. corals relationship until no coral species remained. According to this projection, about 40% of the world's tropical reef fishes are expected to perish if corals are lost. This is a significantly larger loss than those species known to rely directly or indirectly on coral, as proven in smaller-scale studies, implying that coral reef food webs will begin to unravel if corals become extinct. In certain areas, the unraveling is likely to be more dramatic than in others. The Central Pacific is predicted to lose more than 60% of its reef fish, but the Western Atlantic will lose only 10%. "To disentangle the effect of environment, biogeography, and history on fish and coral diversity, we first devised a statistical model that accurately predicted local-scale fish diversity as a response to several environmental variables such as water temperature, pH, and salinity, as well as coral diversity," Strona explains. Diversity Forecast "In addition to providing a means to forecast fish diversity under unique environmental conditions, the approach provided a tool to investigate how to fish diversity may alter in response to changes in coral diversity," says Valeriano Parravicini, a study co-leader from the University of Perpignan. "This thought experiment should be alarming to anybody who has enjoyed snorkeling on a coral reef or to the millions of people who rely on reef fish for sustenance. However, it motivates people to work harder to protect and repair coral reefs. The advantages would extend well beyond corals to fish and other species that rely on corals directly or indirectly. "Kevin Lafferty, a Senior Scientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, works for the US Geological Survey. Also Read: UNESCO: Great Barrier Reef Should Be Classified as "In Danger" Due to Degradation For more news update about Environmental Action, don't forget to follow Nature World News! Academics are convinced they have recognized a notable geological secret - a sunken continent concealed underneath Iceland and the nearby ocean, which they have named "Icelandia." Sunken Continent An international team of geologists, that was headed by an Emeritus Professor of Geophysics in the Department of Earth Sciences at Durham University (UK), Gillian Foulger, is convinced the sunken continent could extend from Greenland getting to Europe. This sunken continent is believed to envelop a region of approximately 600,000 km2 but when connecting regions west of Britain are added to a "Greater Icelandia," there is a possibility the whole area will be approximately 1,000,000 km2 in size. If this is confirmed, it implies that the giant supercontinent of Pangaea, which is believed to have split up more than 50 million years ago, has in fact not completely broken up. This new theory places a challenge to the scientific ideas that has been held for a long time around the extent of oceanic and continental crust in the North Atlantic area, and how the formation of volcanic islands, like Iceland, happened. Also Read: Map of 'Lost' Continent Zealandia That Disappeared 23 Million Years Ago Ultimately Revealed! The New Theory The presence of continental - instead of oceanic - crust could also brings up discussions concerning a new source of minerals and hydrocarbons, both of which are found in the continental crust. The revolutionary new theory was originated from an innovative series of expert conferences that took place in Durham and is added to a dedicated chapter of In the Footsteps of Warren B. Hamilton: New Ideas in Earth Science (released 29th of June 2021 by the Geological Society of America), which Professor Foulger wrote together with Professor Laurent Geoffroy of the Ocean Geosciences Laboratory, University of Brest in France, and Dr. Laurent Gernigon of the Geological Survey of Norway. Taking about the new theory, Professor Foulger said that till now Iceland has confused geologists, as the believed-theories that it is made of and surrounded by oceanic crust are not backed by multiple geological data. For instance, the crust located underneath Iceland is more than 40 km thick - seven times denser than typical oceanic crust. An explanation of this could not be given. Testing the Theory However, when the possibility of this thick crust being continental has been considered, the data gotten by the scientists suddenly made sense. This made the scientists immediately realize that the continental part was much larger than Iceland itself - there is a concealed continent right there beneath the sea. There is fantastic work to be carried out so that the existence of Icelandia will be proven but it also brings up an entirely different view of scientist's geological understanding of the world. Similar things could be occurring at many more locations. Presently, the research team is working with collaborators from all over the globe on work to put their theory to test, which will kick off once the restrictions of COVID-19 permit. Related Article: Incredible! Hidden Continent With a New Subduction Zone Close to New Zealand For more news, updates about hidden continent and similar topics don't forget to follow Nature World News! California firefighters have been more in demand than usual as California wildfires occur more frequently than before. San Diego continues to recruit firefighters of the city's largest firefighting agency, training them harder on defense against flames and sizzling heat on the outskirts of the region. For the past years, California's firefighters face extreme wildfires, suffering from burns and smoke inhalation. Fortunately, worst-case scenario was being brought to hospitals for treatment. The state has been working with the government for available resources and support for wildfire frontliners in fighting against a climate crisis the city had been experiencing for years, destroying millions of acres of land, tens of thousands of infrastructures and countless threats for human lives. From 'Fire Seasons' to 'Fire Years' "Because of climate change, wildland firefighting is no longer a seasonal endeavour," the White House stated. The state had been establishing a year-round workforce as vital due to wildfires taking longer than usual to die out. It was deemed necessary to maximize availability of firefighters as much as possible, while making sure that they are 'equitably compensated' and competent in the field. The unprecedented 2020 fire in California, Oregon, and Colorado obtained the state of California its first recorded 'gigafire' which burned and expanded beyond 1million acres along the Pacific coastline in northern California. The fire was also referred to as the August Complex, a first in modern history. Since 1970, the destruction brought by California wildfires accelerated, with the wildfire season itself extending on for at least two additional months. During the course of 1972-2018, California increased its annual burn five times more, with intense speculation of anthropogenic climate change being the main driver. In addition, the extreme heat and drought brought by global warming fuels the relentless fires. Authorities say the having lesser rain during autumn and spring does not help at all in decreasing heat and providing moisture in vegetation and soil. "We haven't had half the rain we're supposed to get, and half the snowpack. It makes it really hard when we don't have water," said Tony Davis, manager Lake Oroville's marina. Also read: Rattlesnakes Everywhere! California's Severe Drought is Forcing Rattlesnakes Out of Their Habitat The Ecological Role of 'Good Fire' California's native tribes and indigenous people believe that there must be occurrence of 'controlled fires'. For millennia, these tribes use this technique to 'regenerate land, prevent overgrowth, and support the lifecycles of species.' Instead of suppressing fires, there should be an occasional encouragement of the 'good fire' to prevent carpeting forest floors and piling up dried vegetation susceptible to igniting fires. For the last 20 years, major wildfire events had destroyed lives and traumatized communities in California, including the Camp Fire in 2018 which was considered the 'deadliest'. Aside from this, wildfires also cause air pollution, gradually destroying human health through the tiny particles it suspends in the air lodging deep in the lungs. According to medical experts, an hour exposed to wildfire smoke is equivalent to 60 minutes of continuously smoking cigarettes. Also read: Greta Thunberg: Heatwave 'Just Getting Started' as Canada Breaks All-time Record Highest Temperature MAJOR General (Retired) Clever Shadreck Chiramba, who succumbed to Covid-19 complications on Sunday, was yesterday declared a national hero. The announcement was made by President Mnangagwa at the national heros Hatfield home in Harare. Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba, who was aged 66, died at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. President Mnangagwa was accompanied by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Zanu PF Second Secretary Kembo Mohadi, Defence and War Veterans Affairs Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri and service chiefs. President Mnangagwa described Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba as a cheerful and intelligent cadre who dedicated his life to the liberation and development of the country. The late Major General was a strong revolutionary cadre who served his country before and after independence with utmost loyalty, dedication and commitment, he said. I knew him personally, even though he joined the liberation war via Botswana and Zapu. President Mnangagwa said Maj-Gen Chiramba was bestowed with the national hero status due to his unwavering commitment to Zanu PF. He consoled the Chiramba family, saying the nation was mourning with them in their bereavement. Vice President Chiwenga said he worked together with Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba after independence in the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA), when the Maj-Gen was his deputy at Five Brigade in Gweru from 1985 to 1988. I knew him at a personal level, we wanted to see him get old, but unfortunately due to the pandemic he left us early, he said. Vice President Chiwenga said at the time of his death, Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba was part of veterans of the struggle who were writing a book on the liberation war. Cde Mohadi consoled the family, saying the nation shared in their loss. He said Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba contributed immensely to the countrys independence and maintenance of peace. Father to Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba, Mr Shadreck Chiramba, thanked President Mnangagwa and Government for honouring his son and family. Mr Chiramba said the honour bestowed on his son was a consolation to his family in their time of mourning. Maj-Gen Chirambas younger brother, Alfred, also thanked the President for the honour, saying even after retirement, his brother remained loyal to Government and the ruling party, Zanu PF. Born on February 2, 1955, in Chivi district in Gude Village, Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba did his primary education at Jenya Primary School from 1961 to 1968. He left the village for Mashava where he did Ordinary Level through correspondence and would later join the liberation struggle, which led to the independence of the country in 1980. He was later attested in the ZNA where he rose to become a Major General until he retired from active service in 2004. Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba led Two Infantry Brigade during the DRC campaign under the auspices of the SADC Allied Forces. The military intervention, which was code-named Operation Sovereign Legitimacy, was meant to ward off rebels, secure the DRC territory, and to protect civilians. Maj-Gen (Rtd) Chiramba is survived by his wife, Beatrice Chiramba nee Pawandiwa, eight children and 16 grandchildren. Herald A Harare woman recently arrested together with her South Africa-based husband for allegedly stealing top-of-the range vehicles from Namibia and smuggling them into South Africa and Zimbabwe, has been freed on $20 000 bail. Police yesterday said Sikholisiwe Zondo (27) of Hatfield, Harare, was released at the High Court on Tuesday. Her arrest came after she and three men, including her husband, Brian Mabika (29), a Zimbabwean living in South Africa, were arrested in Mainway Meadows in southern Harare. They were found in possession of a Range Rover Evoque (registration number HZ 33CN GP) and a Toyota Fortuner (JH 81 HR GP), worth a combined R1 million. The vehicles are suspected to have been stolen in Namibia before being smuggled to South Africa and then Zimbabwe aen route to Zambia.The other two arrested were South African Mpswati Obed Lucar (33) and Zambian A. Kalengo (36). It is alleged that in May, Zondo went to CE Car Rental in Namibia to hire the Toyota Fortuner which she promised to bring back. She then drove the vehicle to South Africa while in the company of the three other suspects. There they tampered with the chassis numbers and fixed a fake registration number plate. Investigations carried out by detectives from the CID vehicle theft squad led to the arrest of Zondo and it is suspected that the four are allegedly part of a syndicate stealing and then smuggling them to other countries for resale using fake documents. The four was arrested following a tip off and the three men remain in custody as investigations continue. Herald United States sanctions have begun to take a toll on President Emmerson Mnangagwas ally, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, with his Sakunda Holdings embarking on a retrenchment exercise that has seen the company operate with a skeletal staff of only 16 workers. Tagwirei was slapped with economic sanctions last year, accused by the US Treasury Department of providing support to the leadership of the Government of Zimbabwe. The mining and energy mogul has been accused by the US of capturing Mnangagwas government and profiteering on illegal government tenders. Well-placed sources told NewsDay that Sakunda chief operating officer Mberikwazvo Chitambo and head of special projects Clement Kahiya had been victims of the exercise that has affected over hundreds of workers employed by the diversified firm. The effects of the sanctions have begun to weigh on Sakunda. The company has retrenched hundreds of workers, including some senior executives, Chitambo and Kahiya. The company is left with only 16 employees, the source said. Last year, commodities trader, Trafigura, booted out Tagwirei by increasing its stake in Trafigura Zimbabwe to 100%, from 49% after buying the 51% held by Tagwireis Sakunda, which also operated Trafiguras Puma Energy fuel outlets. Early this year, international media claimed he was now trading offshore as a way of busting the sanctions. Tagwirei was not picking calls yesterday and did not respond to questions sent to his mobile phone. Newsday Thank you for reading! The bad news: youve reached our paywall. The good news: you can continue reading for FREE! We offer a FREE three-month trial subscription! No tricks. No auto- renewals. No payment information until youre ready! Just full online access and our print edition mailed to your door. The Delta variant, which was first identified in India, is now responsible for 25% of all new coronavirus cases in the U.S. Walensky predicted it would become the dominant strain nationally within the next several weeks at the longest. Mayor de Blasio announced a major expansion of the 3-K program earlier this spring, aided by the arrival of federal stimulus funds. Officials projected that roughly 40,000 students would be enrolled by the fall, and said the program would be available in every district, though not to every student. Thousands of New Yorkers rely on buses every day to commute to work, attend classes, see a doctor, and take their children to day care, Stringer said. Riders who rely on and pay a premium price for express bus service shouldnt be left waiting, uninformed of delays, or stranded at bus stops. At least seven cyclists have been killed on New York City streets this year, down slightly from eight during the same period of 2020. This years toll is half the 14 cyclists killed in motor vehicle crashes during the first six months of 2019. Police said that Welds is homeless but for the last several months has been housed at the Four Points by Sheraton on W. 40th St. just two blocks from the attack. The man was crossing Astoria Blvd. near 98th St. in Jackson Heights about 9 p.m. Wednesday when a silver-colored SUV blew a red light and hit him, officials said. One of the three thieves kept an eye on the woman right up to the point just after 7 p.m. when she started loading her car with her pricey goods, police said. He just went airborne, the owner of a nearby seafood store, who would only identify himself as Mike, said of the motorcyclist. He went up, did at least one flip and landed on his back. (He was) at least high enough to go over the car. With the wheelchair, I was able to take out the garbage, but Im not able to do that now, Jett said. I had a part time job, but I cant do that anymore. I was doing to that to save up and get this wheelchair, but I cant do that anymore. No one was injured and no equipment was stolen, the Chronicle reported. The suspects have not been identified or arrested. Police did not describe Cespedes as a victim in the attempted robbery. This is not just a Black thing, he told Mix 92.3. This is for all the people who have been imprisoned wrongfully, regardless of race, color or creed, because I met them in there people who talked about what happened and what they did. And I know there are many liars out there, but these people cant get lawyers. The state Supreme Court overturned Cosbys conviction because Montgomery County prosecutors once gave him immunity in exchange for his testimony in a lawsuit by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, who accused him of drugging and sexually assaulting her in his mansion in 2004. Cosby was eventually charged in that case anyway and sent to prison for three to 10 years. The 57-year-old Harlem-born rapper, known best for his 1989 single Just a Friend, has struggled with his health for years, dating back to a diabetes diagnosis in 2010. Three years later, he told the Daily News that he had dropped about 140 pounds in an effort to control his weight and manage his health. Then the cops came flying down the street and then more cops came and then more cops came and they were trying to get in the house over there and I think they broke the door down, the witness said. And they fired at least 50 shots, maybe more. When we take our oath, we know that our work will put us in serious, dangerous and potentially deadly situations, Interim Police Chief Rade Vanic said in a statement. We go to great lengths to protect our community, but the tragic reality is that, in rare cases, incidents may end in the loss of a life. Let us be clear, Rep. Walshs comparisons are a gross misappropriation of history to advance an ignorant political point of freedom. It is deeply offensive and discounts the painful history of marginalized communities, said Miri Cypers, the Northwest Region regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in a statement. There is simply no comparison for the systematic murder of six million Jews and the segregation of the African American community that has lasting impacts to today. The King County medical examiners office, which covers an area including Seattle, said on Wednesday that a total of 13 people had died from heat-related causes. In neighboring Snohomish County, three men ages 51, 75 and 77 died after experiencing heatstroke in their homes, the medical examiners office told the Daily Herald in Everett, Washington, on Tuesday. Four deaths have also been linked to heat in Kitsap County, west of Seattle. No one should have to suffer a penalty for missing work because of COVID, and under this new law, every public employee in our state will get the protection they deserve so they dont have to face unfair consequences for doing what was necessary to protect themselves and their loved ones, the governor said in a statement. This is all they have? said Ronald Fischetti, a veteran defense attorney in New York City who leads Trumps legal team. In my 50 years of practice, I have never seen this office bring a case like this and, quite frankly, I am astonished. The district attorney is supposed to be apolitical, but everyone knows that the only reason they are proceeding with this case is because it is Trump. I am excited that it is a wide open race, Wiley, a former counsel to Mayor de Blasio, said in a news conference outside City Hall. The people will speak, and they have spoken, we just need to know what they said. A 20-year-old student in the western Mexican state of Michoacan was killed with a gunshot to her head, despite initial reports that she had died after an alleged fall. The BOEs failure to serve voters can be traced back to its structure and practices. Its leadership structure is convoluted: 10 commissioners from five counties split across the two major parties. They are nominated by county party operatives who are not accountable to the public. They are chosen based on political connections, not qualifications, and are rubber-stamped by the City Council, despite recent efforts by individual councilmembers to have more transparent confirmations. An external accountability structure spread across state and city officials, whose respective oversight powers are underutilized, further enables the agency to dodge consequences for underperformance. Let me add one other piece of news. If the margin between a winner and the second-place candidate is one-half of one percent or less, the state law allows a manual count of all the ballots in a race. This means the board will look at each and every ballot, whether it is a few thousand in a City Council race or close to a million in the mayoral race. Did the voter properly fill in the ovals next to the candidates name or did they circle it? Either would count. Did they write next to the name I support so-and-so! That ballot will not count. If he does indeed join the Republican primary, the venture capitalist and Yale Law grad, 36, will have to go up against former state treasurer Josh Mandel currently seen as the frontrunner and former chair of the Ohio Republican party Jane Timken as well as businessmen Bernie Moreno and Mike Gibbons, according to the outlet. Personal positions of University leadership do not reflect Howard Universitys policies, Howard University tweeted. We will continue to advocate for survivors fully and support their right to be heard. Howard will stand with survivors and challenge systems that would deny them justice. We have full confidence that our faculty and school leadership will live up to this sacred commitment. The fiery back and forth prompted the new head of ABC Kim Goodwin to step in and tell the two to cool it, saying their attacks on each other came off as toxic to viewers, according to TMZ. Whether we like it or not, Im not going anywhere on the show, Joys not going anywhere on the show, we all have to live and co-exist together just like Americans right now ... but were all going to try and co-exist and I really want to have us all move forward, McCain told Andy Cohen on Bravos Watch What Happens Live in January. When I announced my plan to retire, I promised our people we would recruit an outstanding new CEO to lead Red Lobster to even greater success over the next generation, and I absolutely believe Kelli is that person, he said. Her experience and deep industry insights coupled with her integrity and commitment to fostering a purpose-driven culture are the perfect fit as we begin this new chapter. Tavyiah was hit in the head, and King drove to Silver Star Road where he made Tavyiah and the two other girls get out of the car because he didnt want to be charged with murder, the affidavit said. He later ditched the car, which was stolen, police said. Orlando police officers found Tavyiah and called for paramedics, who took her to the hospital. He said parents sending their children to college worried about indoctrination on their campuses and whether they would be taught to think for themselves. Though the legislation does not spell out how the results of the viewpoint diversity survey would be used, he hinted that institutions could face consequences if students and employees answers indicated an imbalance on campus. Experts tapped by the state to help write or review new Holocaust standards say Floridas proposal fails to connect the horrors of the Holocaust to lessons that would encourage todays students to understand the ramifications of prejudice, stereotyping and racism. That failure is a violation of the states nearly 30-year-old Holocaust education law, they say, and undermines the work of longtime Holocaust educators. We are conducting a thorough investigation to see where this suspect got the child pornography, who he distributed it to, and if hes sexually abused any children to whom hes had access, Polk Sheriff Grady Judd said in a statement. The sheer volume of this disgusting collection of images showing children being raped and sexually violated is horrible. His actions are vile and demented, and he needs to stay locked up. In June 2018, a year before the commissions vote, Grenier appealed to a Florida Department of State statue relocation panel to pick Lake County to be the future home of the figure, which Grenier had once called our King Tut. He claimed then to have support of all five county commissioners who will supply you with letters or anything you need ... Ive got emails from them over the last couple of days saying Go get it, Bob. Best of luck. Get the statue. Bring it back home to Lake County. " I dont know if folks see the grand picture, said Shakhea Hinton, Central Florida regional director for nonprofit Florida Rising. This is going to be massive if there is not a solution by July 31. ... I dont know if it has dawned on our leadership that this is going to be bigger than what any of us can imagine. Ive never seen a mass herd of people being evicted out of their homes. I dont even think we have the infrastructure in Orlando to house all these folks. Where are they going to go? If they dont have the funds to pay their rent, how are they going to get the funds to relocate? This level of eagerness to engage in environmental policymaking has not been seen in the Republican Party since the 1970s an effort so productive that the period came to be known as the environmental decade. With support coming from voters across the political spectrum, Republican candidates are left with a very clear message: if you want Congress to go red, then you have to go green. FILE - In this 1995 file photo, members of the FLATs, also known as the Mercury 13, gather for a photo as they attend a shuttle launch in Florida. From left are Gene Nora Jessen, Wally Funk, Jerrie Cobb, Jerri Truhill, Sarah Rutley, Myrtle Cagle and Bernice Steadman. Blue Origin's Jeff Bezos has chosen Funk, an early female aerospace pioneer, to rocket into space with him later this month. The company announced Thursday, July 1, 2021, that Funk will be aboard the July 20 launch from West Texas, flying as an honored guest. Funk, along with the other women of Mercury 13, went through astronaut training in the 1960s, but never made it to space - or even NASA's astronaut corps - because of their gender. (NASA via AP) (AP) Janet was an incredible partner leading Kennedy over the past 14 years, and I couldnt be happier that she will take over in a permanent capacity. There is no one better to lead the incredible team at Kennedy, Cabana said in a statement. Im confident that under Janets leadership, Kennedy will continue to grow, building on its legacy as the United States premier multi-user spaceport and supporting NASA and private industrys activities throughout the solar system. But the later, extended evening hours will be available for guests staying in Disney Deluxe or Deluxe Villa Resort levels of hotels on select nights in select parks. (Think monorail resorts, Animal Kingdom Lodge and such not Port Orleans or Pop Century). That will start in early October; Disney has not shared exact dates. Oswego, NY (13126) Today Sun and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 87F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low 72F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Oswego, NY (13126) Today A mix of clouds and sun. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 87F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. Low 72F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Limited's ( ) Nick Rowles-Davies and Patrick Moloney join Proactive London's Katie Pilbeam to discuss market conditions and opportunities, their current portfolio and Global Alternative Returns Fund. Rowles-Davies explains what drives the market, he explains how businesses use LCM to fund to preserve their balance sheet, he explains the benefits from counter-cyclical features and economic uncertainty. Moloney talks through their current portfolio and their asset management business which is a 150m fund, the Global Alternative Returns Fund. The appointment follows the retirement of David Quinlivan from the role but the company will continue to benefit from his knowledge and expertise as a non-executive director. The new MD has 25 years of industry experience in operational and mine management roles. ( ) (OTCMKTS:ESGFF) (FRA:M6N) has appointed Peter Nicholson as managing director with effect from today and this follows the retirement of David Quinlivan as MD. Nicholson will step into the new role after holding the position of chief executive officer since April 2, 2021. Quinlivan will immediately assume the role of a non-executive director of the company. Thanked for contribution Chairman Peter Mansell said We sincerely thank David for his contribution to the company since his appointment in the role of MD and CEO at the time of the administration of Eastern Goldfields. "It was a difficult period for the company and David really rose to the challenge. We look forward to his continued involvement with Ora Banda as a non-executive director. Industry experience The new MD has 25 years of industry experience in operational and mine management roles, coupled with experience in private equity across companies involved in international mining and mining services. He has had exposure to an extensive range of assets and commodities, spanning more than 50 countries and has considerable experience in leading senior multidisciplinary technical and commercial teams. Mansell added: "Undoubtedly, we will benefit from Peters diverse suite of skills and his technical, commercial and operational expertise and experience, which will be a substantial contributor to the ongoing success and growth of Ora Banda. Nicholson holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) and Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. Positive Iguana results Earlier this week, the company unveiled strong initial gold results from infill drilling at Iguana gold deposit in Western Australia. This deposit has the potential to provide additional feed for the companys nearby Davyhurst processing plant. READ: Ora Banda Mining's strong initial Iguana gold results confirm resource potential In April 2021, 27 reverse circulation (RC) holes covering 3,750 metres were completed over the prospect, which forms part of the Lady Ida Project area. As much as 1-metre at 41.3 g/t gold has been uncovered at Iguana during the campaigns early stages, with phase one resource definition drilling now complete. The infill campaign forms part of a broader program to upgrade and expand Iguanas mineral resource, which currently stands at 2.722 million tonnes at 2.0 g/t gold for 175,000 ounces. Iguana on the right track Nicholson said: The strong initial drilling results indicate that our development plans for the Iguana deposit are on the right track. This is a large deposit that has the potential to deliver higher-grade ore to our 1.2 million tonnes per annum Davyhurst processing plant. We have more work scheduled at Iguana and remain excited to see what the next round of drilling delivers to allow us to move forward with assessing the potential for material mine life extension via this deposit. Plant commissioning work continues, with the first sulphate of potash (SOP) product expected in the weeks ahead. Lake Way will be the first producing asset within the companys project portfolio 's ( ) ( ) ( ) (FRA:W1D) process plant at the Lake Way SOP Project near Wiluna in Western Australia has been issued with a Practical Completion certificate from GR Engineering Services. The plant handover to the Salt Lake Potash operations team is now complete. Plant commissioning work continues, with the first sulphate of potash (SOP) product expected in the weeks ahead. Delivery of first SOP Salt Lake Potash chief executive officer and managing director Tony Swiericzuk said: The SO4 operations team continues to work towards continuous operation of the process plant to deliver first SOP, expected over the coming weeks. Fine-tuning Commissioning activities continued throughout June with all sub-systems that comprise the plant having been individually commissioned. Fine-tuning of the flotation circuit is ongoing with the initial product expected in the weeks ahead. Lake Way will be the first producing asset within the companys project portfolio. Once ramped up, the project will produce 245,000 tonnes per annum of premium SOP. The Goldfields Highway passes less than 1 kilometre from the Process Plant and 5 kilometres from the Lake while the Goldfields Gas Pipeline is adjacent to SO4's tenements, running along the eastern side of the Lake. Debt financing In June, the company concluded its debt financing process, receiving funds from the final US$33 million tranche of its US$138 million Senior Debt Facility. It also received funds from its recent A$28 million placement. In addition, Salt Lake Potash executed the A$18 million Guarantee Facility with Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Fund (SEQI), which allows the release of A$18 million of equity back into the project. These funds will be used for general operating expenses during the ramp-up of the Lake Way SOP Project. Technical expertise on board Last week, the company added senior technical and executive experience to its board of directors with the appointment of Rebecca Morgan as a non-executive director as the company headed towards first SOP production and revenue from the Lake Way Project. Footsie finished up over 87 points, or 1.25%, at 7,125. The midcap FTSE 250 was also up, over 246 points, or 1.10%, at 22,622 FTSE 100 closes up 1.25% Primark owner back with a bang US stocks mixed at midday 5pm: FTSE 100 finishes higher FTSE 100 index finished convincingly higher on Thursday - the first day of the new trading month - as the 's governor Andrew Bailey calmed nerves on rising inflation. His dovish tones on monetary policy sent the UK pound falling, which had a knock-on positive effect for the US dollar earning UK blue-chips. Footsie finished up over 87 points, or 1.25%, at 7,125. The midcap FTSE 250 was also up, over 246 points, or 1.10%, at 22,622. Against the US dollar, the pound was down 0.42% at US$1.3773. "The FTSE 100 has outperformed its peers today, as dovish tones from the helped to drive the pound lower," said Joshua Mahony, the senior market analyst at online trading group IG. "Despite warnings from the Fed that rising prices could ultimately draw forward the tightening phase for monetary policy, BoE governor Andrew Bailey instead laid out a confident stance that higher prices would be temporary in nature. "While Bailey admitted we could soon see inflation hit 4%, the temporary nature of that rise should ensure the bank can remain accommodative throughout this economic recovery." 4.04pm: Bright start to the month continues Well so far it's been a good start to the month - and indeed the quarter - for the UK market. The leading index is 78.07 points or 1.11% higher at 7115.54, while the FTSE 250 is 1.07% better at 22,615.87. US markets are also higher, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 69 points or 0.2% and the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite both currently in positive territory. Postive manufacturing figures are helping, although investors appear to be chosing to ignore growing pricing pressures and agreeing with central banks that this is just "transitory." As OPEC+ decides whether to increase production and by how much, crude prices are heading higher and giving a lift to oil shares. ( ) is 3.02% better while PLC ( ) has risen 2.79%. ( ) is the biggest riser in the leading index, up 5.35% at 968.2p as it attempted to quell some of the concerns raised by investors. Primark owner ( ) has added 3.57% after a well received update. Among the miners, ( ) is up 4.23%, benefitting from a rise in the gold price. 3.30pm: US factories show strong growth but prices paid jump US manufacturing growth has slipped slightly in June but is still performing strongly. But there are also signs of inflationary pressures in the latest ISM survey. The index fell from 61.2 to 60.6, compared to expectations of a figure of 60.9. US ISM Manufacturing Jun: 60.6 (est 60.9; prev 61.2) - Prices Paid: 92.1 (est 87.0; prev 88.0) - New Orders: 66.0 (est 65.0; prev 67.0) - Employment: 49.9 (prev 50.9) LiveSquawk (@LiveSquawk) July 1, 2021 But prices paid jumped from 88 to 92.1, well above the 87 level which had been forecast and a 40 year high. ISM Prices Paid singing a NOT so transitory tune... pic.twitter.com/boazjzvxrk Lawrence McDonald (@Convertbond) July 1, 2021 US markets are still higher as investors attempt to digest the news. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 86.84 points or 0.25% at 34,589.35 after earlier hitting 34,604. The S&P 500 is up 0.27% while the Nasdaq Composite is 0.02% higher. Both are just below their peaks for the day. In the UK the FTSE 100 is gaining ground again, up 81.58 points or 1.16% at 7119.05. 2.50pm: Crude surges as OPEC meets Oil is heading even higher as OPEC+ meets to discuss putting more crude on the market. Brent is now up 2.45% at $76.45 a barrel while West Texas Intermediate - the US benchmark - is 3.13% better at $75.77. The first meeting - of OPEC members alone - appears to be over, but OPEC+ seems to be the one that matters. That includes OPEC itself plus additional oil exporting countries including, most notably, Russia. #Iran's oil minister Bijan Zanganeh says today's #Opec meeting was ordinary, not extraordinary, so it mostly focused on "administrative issues." "We decided to handle the more technical and economic issues in the #Opec+ meet" - including talk about raising output. #oott Nader Itayim | (@ncitayim) July 1, 2021 2.40pm: Wall Street manages higher start following jobless data The main indices on Wall Street opened on a higher footing on Thursday following the better than expected weekly US jobless claims numbers. Shortly after the opening bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.28% at 34,599 while the S&P 500 rose 0.22% to 4,307 and the Nasdaq inched up 0.05% to 14,510. Back in London, the FTSE 100 was continuing to push higher into late afternoon, rising 64 points to 7,101 at around 2.40pm. 1.44pm: Jobless claims beat expectations US weekly jobs claims have come in better than expected, a further sign of the recovery of the US economy. The number of Americans seeking unemployment support last week was 364,000, a decrease of 51,000 from the previous week and the lowest level since 14 March 2020. This is better than the fall to around 388,000 which had been forecast. The previous week's figure was revised up by 4,000 to 415,000. US Initial Jobless Claims Jun 26: 364K (est 388K; prevR 415K; prev 411K) US Continuing Claims Jun 19: 3469K (est 3340K; prevR 3413K; prev 3390K) LiveSquawk (@LiveSquawk) July 1, 2021 US Weekly Initial Jobless Claims Report DOL US Department of Labourhttps://t.co/tRHpu7676z pic.twitter.com/bJwSdSL7x8 LiveSquawk (@LiveSquawk) July 1, 2021 Charles Hepworth, investment director at GAM Investments, said: "Whilst this data print is volatile week to week, the overall tone points to the slow continual improvement in the US economy and in particular the jobs market as the economy continues to reopen. "As certain states begin to phase out unemployment pandemic assistance, it is obvious that workers will feel more compelled to seek work and one has to expect, bar a resurgence of new variants hampering the reopening, the trend will see further declines in unemployment from here." The news has seen an improvement in the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures, and it is now expected to open up 103 points or 0.23%. The S&P 500 is set for a 0.09% increase but the Nasdaq Composite is indicated down 0.11%. In the UK the FTSE 100 has also gained a bit of ground, up 58.28 points or 0.83% at 7095.75. 12.25pm: Dow forecast to edge marginally higher after previous day's gains Wall Street is set for a mixed start after a mixed day on Wednesday. Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 moved ahead yesterday while the Nasdaq Composite slipped back. And the same pattern holds true for the futures, albeit there is very little movement in truth. The Dow is expected to open 42 points or 0.05% higher and the S&P around 0.01%. But the Nasdaq is indicated 0.21% lower. Sophie Griffiths, market analyst at Oanda, said: "Today all eyes will be on US ISM manufacturing PMI, particularly the prices subcomponent, given the recent spike in inflation. The paid prices index is expected to inch lower to 87 in June, down from 88. Jobless claims and the Challenger jobs report will provide further clarity on the health of the US jobs market ahead of tomorrow's key non-farm payrolls." Also on the agenda is the return to the stock market of Krispy Kreme following a buyout in 2016. It will join Nasdaq with the ticker DNUT, but its shares have been set at $17 each, below the bottom end of the predicted price range. Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: "Timing is everything for an IPO, and this launch comes at a time when the public is becoming more health conscious, particularly following the pandemic where obesity now appears to have been a major factor in cases of severe sickness. "The fact that [the price] has come in well below the bottom of the expected range indicates that initial demand for shares was lukewarm. As with any new offering, there could well be a flurry of interest as soon as trading begins, with customers and retail investors still keen to get a bite of the action." Meanwhile the FTSE 100 is up 36.67 points or 0.52% at 7074.14. 12.06pm: Fresnillo lifted by gold price rise The gold price has been under pressure recently, ever since the US Federal Reserve made comments perceived to be more hawkish than expected and lifted the US dollar. But it has regained some ground and has edged higher to US$1,783 an ounce. In turn that has helped lift precious metals miner ( ) which after recent weakness is up 4.54% or 35p to 806.6p and is topping the FTSE 100 risers. The index itself is currently slipping back but is still positive, up 32.62 points or 0.46% at 7070.09. 11.23am: BP and Shell head higher Oil prices are gushing higher as the OPEC+ producers meet to decide their next mover. Brent crude has climbed 0.92% to $75.31 a barrel while the US West Texas benchmark is 0.95% better at $74.17. ( ) has benefitted, adding 1.65% or 5.2p to 320.2p while PLC ( ) has risen 1.41% or 20.4p to 1467.2p. Ipek Ozkardeskaya, senior analyst at Swissquote, said: "All traders, from bulls to bears are holding their breath before the OPEC+ decision. "The expectation is that OPEC producers add another half-a-million barrels per day to the global supply, relaxing their strict production cut regime on the back of business reopening, improved travel and activity prospects. The problem is, the latest news flow hasnt been encouraging on the COVID-19 front. We now see cases rising across the globe, some countries going back to strict lockdown measures and imposing travel restrictions. "If another wave of contagion sticks up its nose and changes the direction of the wind, then the global oil demand could take an unexpected hit. "Yet, the global glut that was building during the pandemic has now dried and OPEC probably has the margin to take a chance for increasing supply, with the possibility of reversing the decision as early as next month, if needed. "Therefore, the base case scenario is a 500,000-barrel increase in daily OPEC+ supply and a potential deeper downside correction in US crude price to the $72/70 region. But in case of a surprise no-move, we may well see the price of a barrel shoot above the $75 mark." Helped by the gains in the oil giants, the FTSE 100 remains in the green, up 58.47 points or 0.83% at 7095.94. 10.46am: Pound slips on Bank governor speech Andrew Bailey's comments have helped push the pound lower,. The governor's comments suggesting it would not over-react to "transitory" pricing pressures - by say easing off QE or raising interest rates - has left the pound 0.3% down at $1.3783. Chris Beauchamp, chief market analyst at IG, said: "Andrew Bailey has returned to the tune of transitory inflation, warning that policymakers should not be too keen to overreact to higher prices. Such a policy sounds sensible, but of course is much harder to implement in practice, when monthly CPI data keeps erring on the hot side and markets and the media are full of people warning about uncontrolled inflation and the spectre of the 1970s. "Unsurprisingly these headlines have not been great for the pound, which is moving below its mid-June low against the dollar as markets bet on a policy divergence between the BoE and the Fed." Meanwhile the FTSE 100 continues to shrug off worries about the Delta variant, currently up 57.44 points or 0.82% at 7094.91. ( ) continues to lead the way following a positive update which included the Primark-owner raising its full year sales and operating profit forecasts. The shares have jumped 4.96% or 110p to 2326p. 10.07am: Bank should not over-react to inflation signs - Bailey governor Andrew Bailey has been trying to ease concerns about rising inflation, and said the Bank should not over-react to the current situation. In a speech at the Mansion House this morning he said pricing pressures should be temporary. He even said "transitory" which appears to be the current central bank buzz-word. The three reasons for this, he said, were that weak COVID-19 activity last year meant weaker prices then and this effect would drop out of the equation; shortage of supply and growth of demand as the economy recovered was temporarily pushing up prices; and finally as the economy recovers, there should be a switch from demand for goods towards services where there is more spare capacity. Bailey said: "The economy is bouncing back rapidly, which is good news. With that has come a rise in inflation, and we expect that rise to continue in the near term as we go through the rest of this year, such that CPI inflation is expected to pick up further above the target, owing primarily to developments in energy and other commodity prices. "I have set out the reasons why we expect this rise in inflation to be a temporary feature of the bounce-back. The reasons for taking this view are well-founded, it is not a vain hope or a matter of whistling in the wind. It is important not to over-react to temporarily strong growth and inflation, to ensure that the recovery is not undermined by a premature tightening in monetary conditions. But it is also important that we watch the outlook for inflation very carefully, which of course we do at all times, particularly for signs of more persistent pressure and for a move of medium term inflation expectations to a higher level." Andrew Bailey treading a delicate path in his Mansion House speech. In essence - recent inflationary pressures are temporary and we shouldn't overreact. But we're keeping a close eye on it, to maintain our credibility. Richard Partington (@RJPartington) July 1, 2021 Meanwhile the FTSE 100 remains firmly in the green, although it is off its best levels, up 74.57 points or 1.06% at 7112.04. 9.47am: Near record growth but inflation worries continue UK manufacturing continued to enjoy strong growth last month, albeit slightly below forecast. The latest IHS Markit purchasing managers' index has come in at 63.9 in June compared to an estimated 64.2 and down from May's record high of 65.6. But rates of expansion in output, new orders and employment were still among the best seen during the near 30-year survey history, said Markit. And it is still the thirteenth month of improvement. Improved demand was linked to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and improving global market conditions. On the down side, companies were still reporting supply chain and distribution difficulties, leading to disruption to production schedules. And for those worried about inflation, average input costs rose at the fastest pace in the survey history, with over three-quarters (77%) of manufacturers reporting an increase. A wide range of raw materials were up in price, including chemicals, electronics, energy, food products, metals, plastics and timber. Growth in the UKs manufacturing sector remained robust in June, with the #PMI at 63.9. Expansions in new orders and output were central to the uptick. However, input costs and selling prices rose at record rates amid supply disruption. Read more: https://t.co/qKybRTD5aZ pic.twitter.com/XTwlcNhVkj IHS Markit PMI (@IHSMarkitPMI) July 1, 2021 Rob Dobson, director at IHS Markit, said: UK manufacturing maintained a near survey-record pace of expansion at the end of the second quarter, as the reopening of economies at home and overseas supported increased production, new orders and employment. Solid business confidence and rising backlogs of work also suggest that the current upturn has further to run. The sector is still beset by rising cost inflationary pressures, however, as Brexit-related trade issues exacerbated global supply chain delays. The resulting widespread raw material shortages drove purchase prices up to the greatest extent on record, leading to an unprecedented steep rise in selling prices. There are also widespread reports of supply issues causing disruptions to production schedules and impeding the re-building of buffer stocks. "The continued inflationary impact of capacity issues at both manufacturers and their suppliers will be a further factor keeping headline inflation above the 's 2% target in coming months. Earlier manufacturing growth in the Eurozone hit a new high in June, with the PMI edging up from 63.1 in May to 63.4. The FTSE 100 is remarkably unmoved by all this, still well ahead on the day. It is now up 85.1 points or 1.21% at 7122.57. 9.10am: Ex-divs fail to spoil the party Among the FTSE 100 fallers were the usual Thursday ex-dividend companies. Just two this week, both retailers in keeping with one of the day's themes. B&M European Value Retail S.A. ( ) is down 10.4p or 1.81% at 562.8p while Burberry PLC ( ) has slipped 0.39% or 8p to 2058p. This has not stopped the positive mood, with the leading index now up 85.21 points or 1.21% at 7122.68. Neil Wilson at Markets.com said: "European and global stock markets have enjoyed a strong run-up in the last six months as a combination of ultra-loose monetary policy, fiscal largesse and a vaccine-enabled reopening of economies allowed investors to look ahead to a brighter future for earnings and growth. Now there are risks on the horizon, but the market remains biased to the upside." 8.44am: Market makes strong start to the month The FTSE 100 opened strongly as traders shrugged off concerns over the COVID-19 delta variant and decided instead to accentuate the positives. Corporate news flow, meanwhile, increased from its late June trickle. Leading the pack early on was Associated British Foods ( ). The owner of the Primark retail chains third-quarter figures were well received with the shares up 3.7% in the early exchanges. Primark is back with a bang after restrictions were eased and has taken over the heavy lifting which other parts of the group had assumed during the various lockdowns, said Richard Hunter, head of markets at Interactive Investor. With revenues rising by 207% versus the previous year and now accounting for around 40% of the group total, this is an important return to form. In addition, there is still more to go for, with tourism travel and opening hours restrictions still in place. At the same time, the now profitable US business has added another store in Chicago, and the total Primark estate should reach 400 shops in the autumn. Sticking with the retail theme (in this case online sales of white goods), shares in AO World ( ) continued their dour year-to-date performance, falling a further 2.5% following the release of its prelims. However, it is worth noting that the stock is still up around 400% from its March 2020 lows and significantly outperformed the FTSE 250 and its nearest competitors. 6.50 am: FTSE 100 set to open on the front foot The FTSE 100 is called slightly higher on Thursday as COVID-19 continues to worry. The moves reflected investor sentiment thats been dampened in recent days by the spread of the delta variant of Covid-19 along with the fact that the global decline in cases weve seen since mid-April looks to have come to a stop now, analysts at commented. Meanwhile growing concerns about the recovery in the second half have in turn reduced fears of an imminent withdrawal of monetary stimulus, with yesterday seeing fresh gains for sovereign bonds as investors pushed back the likely date of future rate hikes. Data releases will potentially provide the next catalyst for markets, with the PMIs and ISMs out from today, before we get the all-important US jobs report tomorrow. In fact, on the calendar, we have UK manufacturing PMI, US jobless claims and US manufacturing PMI. Spreadbetter IG is expecting Londons main index to open 5 points higher on Thursday morning. 6.50am: Early Markets - Asia / Australia Stocks in the Asia-Pacific region were mostly lower on Thursday as Chinese factory activity growth slowed in June. The Caixin/Markit manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for June came in at 51.3, lower than Mays 52.0. In Japan, the Nikkei 225 fell 0.43% and South Koreas Kospi declined 0.43%. The Shanghai Composite in China rose 0.23% while Hong Kongs Hang Seng index slipped 0.57% Shares in Australia dipped, with the S&P/ASX 200 trading 0.52% lower. READ OUR ASX REPORT HERE Create your account: sign up and get ahead on news and events NO INVESTMENT ADVICE The Company is a publisher. You understand and agree that no content published on the Site constitutes a recommendation that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy is... In exchange for publishing services rendered by the Company on behalf of named herein, including the promotion by the Company of in any Content on the Site, the Company receives from said issuer annual cash... Zephyr Energy PLC's ( ) Colin Harrington talks to Proactive London's Katie Pilbeam about their latest update on its flagship project in Utahs Paradox Basin. Harrington provides analysis following the in-depth results released from the State 16-2 dual-use stratigraphic test well drilled earlier this year. The work appears to have unlocked the potential of eight high-graded hydrocarbon reservoirs overlying the Cane Creek opportunity it was initially investigating. Zephyr believes there is the potential for up to 200 well locations across the eight overlying reservoirs identified. The site is 20 miles away from the proposed site of another planned gigafactory being developed by another company, battery startup Britishvolt A new 1bn electric vehicle battery gigafactory will be built in northeast England by Nissan and its partners to support the production of the carmakers new all-electric SUV in the UK. The EV36Zero electric vehicle hub will be located in Sunderland, with a 9GW battery gigafactory centred around the Japanese groups existing car plant there. It will be powered by a new renewable energy 'microgrid' developed by Sunderland City Council and a battery storage facility using used car batteries. It will invest 423mln into the new hub and Chinese-owned partner Envision AESC, which owns and operates an existing battery production in Sunderland for the Nissan , will invest 450mln. The formal planning process is now beginning with Sunderland City Council for an initial 9GWh plant, Nissan said, with potential future investment of 1.8bn by Envision AESC by 2030 and potential on site for up to 35GWh. The new plant will increase the cost-competitiveness of EV batteries produced in the UK, including through a new Gen5 battery cell with 30% more energy density which improves range and efficiency, Nissan said. This commitment will power Nissan's new vehicles, supporting the continued localisation of vehicle parts and components with advanced technology. This will make batteries cheaper and EVs more accessible to a growing number of customers in the future, it said. As part of the 1bn announcement, Nissan said it is building on the success of its electric car with a next-generation crossover EV produced in the UK and exported to Europe, with a forecasted production capacity of up to 100,000 units to be installed. No date was given for the new car's launch. Production of the new car in Sunderland will create 909 new jobs at the plant, and more than 4,500 in the UK supply chain, while safeguarding a further 75 R&D jobs, the Japanese company said. The new gigafactory will create 750 jobs and safeguard the jobs of 300 current employees. Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said: "The cars made in this plant, using batteries made just down the road at the UK's first at scale gigafactory, will have a huge role to play as we transition away from petrol and diesel cars and kick-start a domestic electric vehicle manufacturing base." To keep pace with the green industrial revolution and secure the long-term future of the UK automotive sector, another six giga-factories are needed across the country over the next few years, trade union Unite said. Steve Turner, Unite assistant general secretary for manufacturing, said: "I urge the government not to rest on its laurels. Ministers must say more today about when these sites will be forthcoming. No loose promises for the future. Our economy and UK manufacturing demands investment now in the technologies of the future. Germany, for example, is not waiting around - its government is already investing over 1 billion in the construction of facilities to support its automotive heartlands." 20 miles away, there is another proposed site for a battery gigafactory that is being developed by startup Britishvolt, pending investment. In December, Britishvolt unveiled plans to build the 2.6bn plant on the site of the old Blyth Power Station in Northumberland, with an intention to break ground this summer and begin production of lithium-ion batteries within three years. It said last month that it remains on-track to start production of batteries for automotive applications by the end of 2023, supported by R&D from Durham, Newcastle and Northumbria universities. Other developments have been reported by AIM-listed PLC ( ), which has also agreed to work with Britishvolt on its plans. Last month that it has been selected as the lead supplier in a new government-funded project focused on bringing two lithium-ion batteries to readiness for the automotive market. Reuters =said the company is also considering a sale of assets in the Permian Basin of Texas. Shell ( ) is to exit its California joint venture with ExxonMobil as part of it carbon footprint reduction plans, Reuters reported today. Shell is under pressure to reduce carbon emissions, with its own plans being thrown out by a court in The Netherlands, which told the oil major to speed up the process. The joint venture, Aera, produces about 125,000 barrels of oil and 32mln cubic feet of natural gas each day or about 25% of Californias oil and gas production, which has some of the strictest emission controls in the US. Shell has been steadily reducing its presence in the US and has sold refinery assets in Washington and Texas, having already disposed of its California oil refining operations, as it pivots towards renewable energy. Reuters also said the company is considering a sale of assets in the Permian Basin of Texas. Earlier this year, Shell announced a target to reduce its carbon footprint by at least 45% by 2035 and completely by 2050 from 2016 levels. The Dutch court, however, ruled Shell has to comply with the Paris Climate Accord, which wants a 45% cut by 2030 from 2019 levels. Shell has said it intends to appeal the ruling. A drilling programme has found elevated gold grades ( ) has announced a highly significant development following the drilling programmes currently underway in the Victoria Goldfields, in Australia. Logging of three diamond holes at the Maori and Dan Genders Reef at the HR3 prospect has confirmed a steep south-plunging anticline to exist sub-parallel to the Maori Reef line which hosts quartz-arsenopyrite mineralisation and elevated gold grades. The data and presence of gold in the core samples confirm the south plunging anticline runs close to the historically mined portions of the Maori Reef, the explorer said. ECR Minerals has 100% ownership of Bailieston Project, which is operated under its subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia. ECR Minerals has the advantage of owning its own diamond drilling rig and, with a centralised operational hub at Bendigo, we have been able to swiftly and efficiently interpret the core samples and secure valuable data from the programmes, said chief executive Craig Brown in a release. The additional drilling planned for the northern end of the zone will help us further understand the size and shape of the structure in order that we can determine next exploration steps. The EUs digital Covid certificate came in to effect today Britain might need extra precautions to protect against the spread of new variants Covid-19 Boris Johnson said today, though he did offer some hope to beleaguered travel firms. On a visit to Nissans plant in Sunderland, where the company had just announced a huge investment programme, the PM said that people who have had two jabs might not have to quarantine when they return. Any change in policy on travel would be revealed n the next few days, he said, adding that he was very confident that it would enable people to go on holiday this summer. Airlines shares were among the strongest performers on the FTSE 100 on the back of the comments, which coincided with the introduction of the EUs digital Covid certificate. This provides proof of vaccination or of a negative Covid-19 test result and allows free movement across EU countries. European countries, however, are still expecting visitor numbers to be substantially below normal levels due to the absence of UK holidaymakers though there were reports about negotiations on a deal with the UK to allow vaccinated travellers. Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are among the major summer destinations for British sunseekers, but all are on the UKs amber list meaning on returning visitors have to self-isolate for ten days and take expensive PCR tests on days two and eight. Restrictions for people visiting countries in Europe have also tightened recently due to the spread of the Delta variant throughout the UK. Portugal, for example, now requires arrivals to prove they have had two jabs at least a fortnight earlier or else quarantine for 14 days. Shares in easyJet ( ), which has already shifted part of its fleet from the UK to Europe, rose to 2.7% to 918.8p, while Ryanair and British Airways owner IAG added 2% and 4% respectively. British Airways has been calling for some movement between the UK and US, which generates a substantial chunk of its revenue through business travel. ( ) ( ) ( ) CEO Stephan Beringer tells Proactive the in-content advertising company is expanding footprint into the US after it recently upgraded to trading the OTCQX platform in New York. Beringer says the group has 'tripled down' in the US in terms of partnerships on the content side, engagements with media agencies, advertisement agencies, and their clients 'including the who's who of blue chip companies.' Its a really exciting time at Meteoric as we explore the copper and gold potential of Juruena and take the next steps in developing projects on two continents, says MD. Meteoric is determined to unlock the potential within its gold and copper-gold assets in Brazil and Western Australia. Meteoric Resources NL (ASX:MEI) continues to make strong progress with exploration activity across gold and copper assets spanning two continents. Currently, the ASX-listed base and precious metals explorer has its sights set on the Juruena Copper-Gold Project in Brazil and the recently acquired Palm Springs Gold Project in Western Australia. In an ASX update detailing ongoing exploration work at both assets, Meteoric managing director Dr Andrew Tunks provided commentary on the companys aspirations and highlights across both projects. As activity progresses across two prolific regions in South America and Australia, Meteoric has around $4.75 million in cash and liquid assets available to support its exploration strategy. Juruena Project At Juruena, Meteoric is targeting gold and copper-gold exploration, with a 3,600-metre drilling program targeting a potentially giant copper-gold porphyry target. Initial porphyry drilling is ongoing but has already intersected broad zones of molybdenite and chalcopyrite with more localised zones of bornite within strong potassic alteration typical of a porphyry copper-gold system. Based on the confidence in these strong early indications, five more drill holes have been planned to test the porphyry model at Juruena. Prior to recent exploration at two of Juruenas key prospects, the precious and base metal assets JORC-compliant global mineral resource estimate stood at 1.3 million tonnes for 261,000 ounces of gold at 6.3 g/t. However, work at the high-grade Dona Maria and Querosene gold deposits has boosted Juruenas mineral resource, bringing it to 387,000 ounces at 6.3 g/t gold, including a 170% increase in indicated resources to 156,800 ounces at 17 g/t. Meteorics drilling to date has also uncovered bonanza-grade gold results, including 20.6 metres at 94.9 g/t gold, including 3.65 metres at a whopping 508.4 g/t gold. Activity has also unveiled a high-grade gold shoot at Juruenas Dona Maria prospect. While all the deposits remain open at depth, the current mineral resource underpins the development options currently being assessed. Juruena could be absolutely transformational Commenting on its Brazilian assets potential, managing director Dr Andrew Tunks said: We currently have three exciting exploration irons in the fire and the porphyry copper-gold exploration at the Juruena Project in Brazil is right at the pointy end of risk-reward. Yes it is high-risk, but we have already achieved remarkable results from only two holes into our program and the project could be absolutely transformational for Meteoric. We have seen substantial thicknesses of sulphide mineralisation including copper and molybdenum minerals in a strongly altered intrusive sequence centred around intermediate porphyritic dykes. "The first samples from holes JUDD042 & 43 have been submitted and we eagerly await the results. In both holes, but particularly in JUDD042, we have also intersected several potential gold zones with similar characteristics to the low sulphidation epithermal gold deposits at Dona Maria and Querosene. On the gold front at Juruena the significant 2021 mineral resource upgrade, which includes 40% of the gold endowment in the indicated category, allows us to update the existing 2017 scoping study and prepare to apply for a mining licence with Brazilian mining authorities. In addition, all of the high-grade epithermal gold projects remain open at depth so there remains considerable opportunity for further resource growth with additional drilling. Tenders for the scoping study update at Juruena have been called for in both Brazil and Australia. Palm Springs Gold Project Meanwhile, over in Western Australia, Meteoric is also investigating the potential of its Palm Springs Gold Project, which is relatively new to the portfolio, having only been acquired in mid-2020. The project has already been established as an advanced exploration play, historically producing 52,000 ounces of resource at 2.1 g/t gold from the Butchers Creek open-pit. Following what the company describes as an outstanding initial exploration season, combined with a treasure trove of exploration and mining data, Meteoric established a maiden mineral resource estimate at Palm Springs last month. The asset is thought to host 357,000 ounces of gold at 2 g/t gold, with 139,000 ounces at 2.24 g/t in the indicated category and 218,000 ounces at 1.9 g/t in the inferred category. Signifcantly, a large portion of the indicated resource occurs in the floor and beneath the historical Butchers Creek open-pit, providing immediate ore for future development. Moving ahead, the 2021 exploration program has set its sights on increasing the resource and converting additional resources from the inferred to the indicated category before the project advances to economic and pre-feasibility studies. In fact, Meteoric says the maiden resource is only the beginning, with two drill rigs currently operating at Butchers Creek, targeting the high-grade fold hinge position and extending mineralisation down plunge to the southwest. Whats next for Palm Springs? Talking to the outlook at Palm Springs, Dr Tunks continued: Back at home, our impressive progress at Palm Springs in WA, including the early delivery of our maiden resource estimate, underpins our ability to grow and develop the project, which has a history of gold production. Our next step at Palm Springs is to complete the current 3,800-metre drill program at Butchers Creek, which is strongly focused at higher grade mineralisation occurring in the closure of a regional scale anticline. Importantly, we have been able to establish confidence in historical drilling data at Palm Springs, which allows us to accelerate our development of the project and once current drilling is complete, start work on economic and pre-feasibility studies for the project. Its a really exciting time at Meteoric as we explore the copper and gold potential of Juruena and take the next steps in developing projects on two continents, I look forward to keeping our shareholders updated on our progress. The company is among 20 South Australian businesses selected for funding to accelerate export market development initiatives. Angel is the Southern Hemispheres largest producer of certified organic and sustainable Pacific Oysters. ( ) has secured funding from the South Australian Government-aided Global Expansion Program aimed at growing export capacity into new and existing markets. The Global Expansion Program is a four-year funding program targeting South Australian businesses with solid growth and potential to diversify or boost their presence in existing or new markets. Angel Seafood is among 20 South Australian businesses to be selected to benefit from the initial $1 million funding program. South Australian Minister for Trade and Investment Stephen Patterson made the announcement as part of the Showcase SAs Business Accelerator series during a visit to Port Lincoln. Three-pillar growth strategy Angels CEO and founder Zac Halman said: Export of our premium organic oysters into emerging high-value markets such as South-East Asia and the Middle East is a significant part of our three-pillar growth strategy to increase scale and profitability. We thank the South Australian Government for recognising Angels potential among other South Australian businesses and promoting our products. The funding and assistance from the State Government will help Angel to obtain professional services to gain insights into new and existing markets and to establish new partnerships that will accelerate our efforts to increase exports. We are very excited to be part of this program and look forward to achieving further traction in new high-value export markets. About business Angel has grown from a family-operated South Australian business and has rapidly developed from a traditional oyster-growing business into a premium, innovative and organically certified producer of Coffin Bay Oysters. The company primarily sells oysters to the domestic market, however, exports represent a substantial long-term growth opportunity. Four ASX-listed companies presented during the online webinar which can be viewed at any time on YouTube. Earlier this week Proactive held a Gold Webinar which saw four ASX-listed gold companies Latitude Consolidated ( ), Great Boulder Resources ( ), Resources ( ) and Platina Resources ( ) - present on upcoming plans for 2021. The webinar, which included four 12-minute presentations followed by a 5-minute Q&A session was live-streamed and can be viewed at any time. To watch the full webinar, follow this link. Latitude Consolidation advancing Latitude Consolidateds chief executive officer Tim Davidson highlighted the companys humble development since February 2021, when the junior gold explorer acquired the Murchison Gold Project from Silver Lake at $10 per resource ounce ($8 million). The acquisition included the Andy Well and Gnaweeda Gold projects, which have a combined 343 square kilometre landholding in the Murchison Gold Fields in Western Australia. He said: The project is underpinned by a large, high-grade and high-confidence 1.1 million resource we think thats a fantastic starting point for us, but certainly a lot left to be found. Along with the project, LCD also acquired a large geological dataset worth more than $30 million and comprising 786,500 metres of drill hole, aeromagnetic, sub-audio magnetics and gravity data. This was a fantastic addition to drive the project forward from a geological targeting perspective. With $9 million in the bank as at the end of June 2021, Davidson said the company remains well-funded to execute on its exploration plans and mining study work. To view this presentation, follow this link. Great Boulder targeting growth Second in line, Great Boulders managing director Andrew Paterson addressed investors on its gold projects, in particular, Side Well and Whiteheads, which he believes, are poised for outstanding growth through exploration. The companys Whitehead Project, surrounded by the likes of Norton Gold Fields, Northern Star and neighbouring Estrella Resources T5 nickel sulphide discovery at Carr Boyd, includes a landholding of 450 square kilometres with more than 25 kilometres of prospective strike. Paterson said Great Boulders focus had been on finding new targets and making new discoveries, which led the company to the Arsenal Trend a surface gold anomaly, more than 5 kilometres long at 10ppb including the Gunners and Blue Poles prospects. At the companys Sidewell Gold Project in the richly endowed Murchison goldfields, Great Boulder has drilled more than 110 aircore holes and 40 RC holes, with results including bonanza grades of up to 3 metres at 34.5 g/t from 32 metres and 6 metres at 31.25 g/t from 130 metres. Paterson said: 31 grams per tonne is a very high grade and a lot of mines around Australia are operating at 1 to 2 grams per tonne, so this is super high-grade and that is an absolutely fantastic result. To view this presentation, follow this link. on hunt for next Wattle Dam Next up, Maximus Resources managing director Tim Withers kicked off the presentation by emphasising the reasons why investors should think about MXR as a potential asset. The companys Wattle Dam Mine is 25 kilometres from Kambalda in the heart of Western Australia eastern Goldfields region, within 50 kilometres of seven gold processing plants and 25 kilometres from BHPs nickel concentrator. Work is underway to evaluate a mineral resource estimate with assays pending from resource drilling completed in June. Mined until 2012, Wattle Dam was one of Australias highest-grade gold mines producing around 286,000 ounces at 10.1 g/t gold. Maximus is developing several small high-grade operations across the tenement portfolio, whilst actively exploring for the next Wattle Dam. To watch this presentation, click here. Platina Resources outlines new strategy To conclude the webinar, Platina Resources managing director Corey Nolan highlighted what makes the company unique. The company controls a portfolio of precious, specialty and base metal projects including the 1 million gold ounce deposits at Xanadu in Western Australias Ashburton Basin as well as Challa in the Yilgarn Craton. Nelson said Platinas strategy has been evolving over the last 12 to 18 months with the company focusing primarily on gold exploration in Australia. He said: The reason we are pursuing this gold strategy is because we believe that real value can be generated through discovery, building a resource base and going through feasibility. To view this presentation, follow this link. The TECH Project will be a modern and sustainable producer of a critical chemicals. Queensland Pacific Metals Ltd (ASX:QPM), (formally Pure Minerals Ltd), is the 100% owner of the Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH Project). Queensland Pacific Metals advances financing for its 'green' Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub Project Queensland Pacific Metals Ltd (ASX:QPM) (FRA:4EA) is advancing discussions with a number of parties pertaining to debt and equity funding for its 'green' Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH) Project in Queensland. The company believes achieving success in the project feasibility stage will increase its value and open doors to funding opportunities for the project construction. Its funding options include traditional equity investors, strategic investment by partners/offtakers, government grants, including manufacturing grant and R&D tax incentive. The company is pushing ahead to turn into a producer of battery chemicals in Australia, as well as positioning the TECH Project to be a world-leader in sustainable nickel production as the "exceptional greenhouse gas life cycle data" makes it even more attractive to investors. (CVE: OG OTCQX: OGGFF) President Matt Lurie joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has released their Q-1 numbers that a small decrease in gross by16.6% to $2.0 million from $2.4 million. Lurie talks about the numbers and the fact the company is in a very strong cash position with up to $2.8 million from $1.6 million as of January 31, 2021 and $1.2 million as of April 30, 2020. Just one week away from its proposed ASX debut, Charger Metals has officially exercised an option to buy a major stake in three battery metals projects from Lithium Australia, leaving the ASX-lister to concentrate on the development of a circular battery economy. Charger Metals has exercised an option to buy a major stake in three battery metals projects ahead of its ASX quotation. Lithium Australia NL (ASX:LIT) (OTCMKTS:LMMFF) (FRA:3MW) has progressed its joint venture with soon-to-be-listed Charger Metals with the latter exercising its option to acquire a 70% stake in three of LIT's battery metals assets. Charger, which is poised to list on the ASX in the coming week, will oversee exploration across the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston projects. However, Lithium Australia will still have exposure to the battery materials projects as it will retain a 30% free carried interest in the exploration assets and remains Charger Metals largest shareholder. To finalise the acquisition, Charger has handed over a $100,000 cash payment and 9.6 million Charger shares to Lithium Australia, valued at $1.92 million. Following an oversubscribed $6 million initial public offering (IPO), Charger Metals is preparing to list on the ASX, with quotation anticipated on Thursday, July 8, according to the companys prospectus. Charger to expedite focused exploration effort Following the option exercise, Lithium Australia managing director Adrian Griffin said: "Lithium Australia retains significant exposure to raw materials through its equity in Charger, as well as its free-carried project interests. The latter potentially provide access to raw materials that the Lithium Australia group of companies can further process. Charger Metals specialised expertise will expedite a focused exploration effort, leaving Lithium Australia to concentrate on its core business: the ethical and sustainable supply of energy metals to the battery industry and the development of a circular battery economy. We eagerly await exploration outcomes at the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston projects. The projects As it prepares for its ASX debut, Charger officially brings the Coates, Bynoe and Lake Johnston exploration assets under its wing. Coates project The Coates project is a WA-based nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum group elements (PGE) play, situated about 20 kilometres from Chalice Mining Ltds (ASX:CHN) (OTCMKTS:CGMLF) Julimar discovery. The project comprises one granted exploration licence, one application and one retention licence, covering a combined 48 square kilometres. Lithium Australia's Coates project exhibits geology similar to that of Julimar, with geochemistry results from an adjacent tenement returning encouraging nickel-copper-PGE and gold anomalies that few explorers identified previously. Lake Johnston Further east in Western Australia lies the Lake Johnston lithium, nickel and gold asset Chargers most advanced project, with tenements covering around 25 square kilometres. The most promising Lake Johnston target uncovered to date is the Lake Medcalf prospect, where LIT geologists identified a large zone of very strongly mineralised spodumene pegmatite at Bontempelli Hill. The Bontempelli Hill outcrops consist of near fresh, stacked pegmatites, containing between 20% and 30% spodumene. Rock-chip samples from the pegmatite dyke swarm average 3.6% lithium oxide and up to a maximum of 7.15% lithium oxide from spodumene outcrop. Notably, the Lake Johnston region has not been subjected to long periods of intense exploration like most other greenstone belts in Western Australia due to the difficult access and the lack of outcrop. Bynoe project Finally, travelling up to the Northern Territory, Charger now holds a managing stake in the Bynoe lithium and gold asset situated just 38 kilometres from Darwin. The Bynoe Pegmatite field is one of the most prospective areas for lithium in the NT and has many similarities to Greenbushes in WA, one of the worlds largest spodumene deposits. The tenement is surrounded by ASX-lister Core Lithium Ltds (ASX:CXO) extensive holding, with Bynoe in close proximity to the Finnis Lithium Project. Finnis boasts a 14.7-million-tonne mineral resource, grading at 1.32% lithium oxide. Significantly, 7.6 million tonnes of resources fall into the measured and indicated categories. The Finnis project is at a very advanced stage of development, with a definitive feasibility study completed in April 2019. Charger Metals prepares for ASX debut Lithium Australias joint venture partner is likely just days away from joining the local share markets register after it completed an oversubscribed IPO last month. LIT shareholders received priority access to the offer, able to subscribe for $500,000 worth of Charger shares at 20 cents apiece. Since then, Charger has lodged its prospectus with ASIC and is poised to commence trade under the ticker CHR. Field operations have run consistently and the response has indicated favourable trends with no further field layout adjustments required. The recovery stream appears to be sufficiently close to the target range of 450 to 600 mv to support higher uranium production grades. s ( ) ( ) (FRA:P1M) low-pH in-situ recovery (ISR) field demonstration at the flagship Lance Project in Wyoming, US, has yielded further improved production results. The pH and free acid concentration of the recovery composite stream has reached target levels and with an Oxygen Reduction Potential (ORP) level consistent at around 400 mv, PEN believes the recovery stream appears to be sufficiently close to the target range of 450 to 600 mv to support higher uranium production grades. Results meeting targets Speaking to the update, managing director and CEO Wayne Heili said: In reviewing the results of the field demonstration over the past few weeks, it is clear that the learnings-based adjustments implemented at Lance were well thought out and appropriate. The composite production stream pH and free acid levels are now meeting our control targets and importantly, the uranium solution grade has responded with a strong improvement. Information gained during the demonstration operations will be applied to the commercial low-pH approach as the company progresses the Lance Project toward a return to production. Increased uranium grade The recovery composite stream uranium grade has recently increased to approximately 40 ppm and is trending toward continued improvement, compared to the uranium concentration of between 20 and 25 ppm in mid-May. Achieving and then maintaining the correct operational pH and ORP for the process solutions is critical to successful low-pH ISR uranium operations. With the pH and free acid target now achieved, the rate of acid addition has been reduced to a rate sufficient to maintain current levels. As previously reported, a change in the type of oxidant utilized has delivered significant improvement in the injection and recovery stream ORP levels. Uranium capture ion exchange The success of ion exchange (IX) processes is concentration driven and the system technical performance is known to improve with increasing uranium grades. A pilot-scale IX system has been online since March. The performance of the IX has improved with the upward trending uranium concentration and it is achieving loading results that are consistent with typical levels for low-pH lixiviant applications. Peninsula Energy has also continued evaluating several alternative uranium capture/recovery process options which may improve upon standard ion exchange performance. Evalutations of two proprietary innovative concepts have been advanced with completed desktop evaluations. A laboratory benchtop assessment of one technology has been planned to be completed in July. If successful, the testing may be advanced to pilot scale demonstrations that could be run in conjunction with the current field demonstration. These advanced technologies have the potential to significantly enhance downstream processing performance while reducing operating costs. In a wide-ranging update, the group also revealed it had landed the Chill.com (www.chill.com) domain Zoetic International ( ), the CBD specialist, said it was making significant operational and financial headway. The owner of the Chill brand of CBD smokes and chews told investors it has launched in the UK following the completion of the thechillwayuk website (www.thechillwayuk.com). "This is a decisive moment for the company as our Chill-brand CBD smokes launch in the UK, said Trevor Taylor, Zoetics co-chief executive. We are excited to enter this rapidly expanding and yet underserved market that currently has little access to CBD smokes. We are keen to build on the brand's successes in the US where it has gone from strength to strength. The growth of our global consumer base only looks set to grow as we launch a dynamic UK website and continue to see high-value repeat sales in the US." At the same time, it has acquired the Chill.com (www.chill.com) domain, which it said provided it with unique marketing opportunities. Co-CEO Antonio Russo said the move opens up a highly complementary sales and marketing channel adding significant value as we build out a robust international retail footprint. Zoetic has also registered a further US$720,000 worth of sales through its US distributor network. This is in addition to the previously announced new business. The Gibraltar Crypto Stamp and the Gibraltar Genesis Collection of NFTs have spotlighted our technology focus and capability within the area said boss Eddy Travia ( )( ) said although the Open Finance and non-fungible token (NFT) markets are in their infancy, developments in the past year and a half have increased confidence in the company's ability to generate credible revenue streams. The groups financial results for 2020 showed a net fair value gain of 565,713 compared to a gain of 572,805 in 2019 with a gain from continuing operations of 309,590 compared to a loss of almost 259,000 a year earlier. There was cash at bank of just over 173,000 at the end of last December and with an additional 1.2mln raised in May, the company said all its current operational commitments are fully funded up to January 2022 and beyond. Following a strategic review that concluded in December, the board resolved to focus on NFTs and Open Finance. In his outlook statement alongside the results, chief executive Eddy Travia said the board sees a significant opportunity in these two areas, highlighting projects that its wholly owned Nifty Labs arm is developing with partners. The Gibraltar Crypto Stamp and the Gibraltar Collection of NFTs, while principally being working pilots, have spotlighted our technology focus and capability within the area, Travia said, and have served to generate a broader interest that we aim to capitalise on. He said sales of NFT collections will have a twofold impact on the companys ability to generate revenues, he said, firstly, we will generate revenues from the initial sale or 'drop' of the NFT; and then again from all secondary market trading activities (particularly pertinent in respect of the rarer and more valuable digital assets) with the capability for programming into the smart contract a commission or royalty on any subsequent trades. Beyond this, he said the board believes Nifty Labs subsidiary has the potential to generate significant value for the company. It is currently working on the build-out of a digital marketplace, with Travia saying the capability of developing a bespoke marketplace solution not only showcases our tech development capability, it also allows us to create something that will be of benefit to the wider blockchain ecosystem. He added that the current solid financial base means Coinsilium can continue to be strategically flexible and take an opportunistic approach to new developments and opportunities within NFT and Open Finance markets and potentially other digital finance markets. Exxon Mobil's boss, Dan Woods, professed to be shocked by the lobbyists' assertions. Many other observers would have been totally unsurprised by them US oil giant s ( ) support for a carbon tax has been dismissed as nothing but a public relations ploy by Greenpeace, the environmental pressure group. Greenpeaces investigative journalism branch, Unearthed, posted a video interview with Keith McCoy, a senior director in Exxons Washington government affairs team, in which he essentially said the company could score a few brownie points by expressing support for a carbon tax as Republicans in the US Congress will never introduce it. Nobody is going to propose a tax on all Americans, and the cynical side of me says, yeah, we kind of know that but it gives us a talking point that we can say, well, what is ExxonMobil for? Well, were for a carbon tax, McCoy said in the interview. Unearthed reporters posed as recruitment consultants looking to hire a Washington lobbyist for a major client and interviewed McCoy on Zoom. During the interview, McCoy revealed that Exxon has funded shadow groups whose aims are to muddy the waters over climate change issues. McCoy said the support was not illegal and the purpose was to look out for the interests of Exxon shareholders. Unearthed also interviewed Exxons former White House lobbyist, Dan Easley, who said the oil and gas industry was also lobbying against other environmental issues, such as the requirement for the federal government to purchase green energy and retrofit federal buildings. Easley said the worry was that a future Republican administration would be unable to reverse such developments once they became law. As one might expect, Exxons chairman and chief executive officer, Dan Woods, quickly distanced the company from the lobbyists comments. Comments made by the individuals in no way represent the companys position on a variety of issues, including climate policy and our firm commitment that carbon pricing is important to addressing climate change. The individuals interviewed were never involved in developing the companys policy positions on the issues discussed, Woods said in a written statement to the Guardian newspaper. We condemn the statements and are deeply apologetic for them, including comments regarding interactions with elected officials. They are entirely inconsistent with the way we expect our people to conduct themselves. We were shocked by these interviews and stand by our commitments to working on finding solutions to climate change, Woods said. Over 20% of Steppe Golds shares are already owned by Mongolian investors and it said the cross-listing reaffirmed its commitment to enable more Mongolians to share in its success Proceeds of a share placement will be used for the Phase 2 expansion of Steppe Gold's flagship ATO gold mine ( ) ( ) (FRA:2J9) said it has received permission to cross-list on the Mongolian Stock Exchange in a move that will allow more Mongolian investors to trade in its shares. Following the approval by the Financial Regulatory Commission of Mongolia, the gold mining company said it planned to raise 5 billion Mongolian togrog (C$2.2 million). Proceeds of the placement will be used for the Phase 2 expansion of its flagship ATO gold mine. Over 20% of Steppe Golds shares are already owned by Mongolian investors. It said the cross-listing reaffirmed its commitment to enable more Mongolians to share in its success. Steppe Gold quickly positioned itself as Mongolias leading gold producer and we are excited to attract more Mongolian retail investors and institutions in the growth of our exciting and growing portfolio of precious metal assets, the company's president and CEO Bataa Tumur-Ochir said in a statement. Steppe Gold has built a strong reputation regarding community engagement, investment on the education of Mongolian youths, local development support, job creation, and responsible mining. This cross-listing is aligned with our goal to make an important contribution to not only Mongolias economy, but also Mongolias stock market, he added. Ard Securities, the lead advisor and underwriter of the capital raise, said there was increased interest from Mongolias growing retail investor base, with local investors excited to participate in the success of a home-grown mining company with a demonstrated success story. Contact the author at stephen.gunnion@proactiveinvestors.com Panacea produces soft gels, gummies, tinctures, sublingual tablets, cosmetics and other topicals Exactus Inc ( ) has announced the acquisition of Panacea Life Sciences Inc, a producer of legal, trace THC, hemp-derived cannabinoid products for consumers and pets. Panacea, founded in 2017 by Leslie Buttorff, operates a 51,000-square-foot cGMP (current good manufacturing practice)-certified facility in Golden, Colorado and PANA Botanical Farms in western Colorado, complete with fully integrated extraction, manufacturing, testing and fulfillment. The company produces soft gels, gummies, tinctures, sublingual tablets, cosmetics and other topicals for purchase online, in stores and at smart kiosk vending machines being rolled out nationally. In consideration for the transaction, Exactus issued 1 million shares of Series C convertible preferred stock, 1,000 shares of Series C-1 convertible stock, 1,000 shares of Series D convertible preferred stock and more than 473 million shares of common stock. Panacea also founded the Cannabinoid Research Center at Colorado State University and supports medical studies designed to evaluate the effects of cannabinoids in human health and wellness, the company said. The company attracted significant early investment, including $14 million from 22nd Century Group, which recently went on to sell its Panacea stock for an 11.6% stake in Exactus. "Our focus on quality and traceability are the hallmarks of Panacea's seed-to-sale strategy, Buttorff said. From our state-of-the-art CO2 extraction, chromatography equipment and product manufacturing lines, we can produce as much product as we need to meet our sales goals for the foreseeable future." "We first entered the CBD arena with a world-class SAP (systems applications and products)-based ERP (enterprise resource planning) system developed for the cannabis industry by Quintel Management, which tracks the full chain of custody for every product, as well as provides all back-office and production planning capabilities. We believe this sets us apart from the majority of hemp farms and CBD companies. Buttorff is also CEO of an SAP consulting firm, the company said. "Seeing the utter chaos that permeates the emerging cannabis and hemp industry, accurate supply-chain accounting and reporting is crucial to our success, she continued. Unlike other companies, we set out to set the industry standard for compliance and reporting, which has been rewarded with our successful partnership and investment in joint technology with 22nd Century." Additionally, Larry Wert has resigned as Exactus chairman, but he will remain on the companys board of directors. "Since the beginning of 2021, we have focused on restructuring and properly positioning the company to execute a strategic acquisition. We are thrilled to have met Leslie Buttorff and the Panacea team as they have developed a real gem of a CBD company." Wert said. "Throughout this process, we have evaluated many companies, and Panacea has proven to be superior in all aspects. We are pleased to provide our loyal shareholders this opportunity to continue in the CBD arena. I would also like to thank Exactus' founder and investor Harvey Kesner and Andrew Johnson, who provided invaluable insight and support throughout our difficult transition year and in connection with the Panacea transaction." In connection with the closing, Johnson resigned as an officer of Exactus but will continue on with Panacea to assist with investor relationships, the company said. Contact Andrew Kessel at andrew.kessel@proactiveinvestors.com Follow him on Twitter @andrew_kessel "The United States of America is still run by its citizens. The government works for us. Rank imperialism and warmongering are not American traditions or values. We do not need to dominate the world. We want and need to work with other nations. We want to find solutions other than killing people. Not in our name, not with our money, not with our children's blood." Molly Ivins Russian President compels foreign IT giants to open offices in Russia 11:51 01/07/2021 MOSCOW, July 1 (RAPSI) Russias President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a bill obliging foreign IT companies to open offices in Russia into law, according to the official website of legal information. The law touches those IT companies whose daily audience in Russia exceeds 500,000 people, according to Chair of the Committee on Informational Policy Alexander Khinshtein. The initiative envisages that starting January 1, 2022, a foreign IT firm must open an office or an accredited legal entity in Russia, register its personal profile on the website of Roskomnadzor communications agency and publish electronic follow-up form for Russian citizens and organizations on its website. However, the amendments contain measures of compulsion inducing IT giants to comply with Russian legislation. These measures include informing users of breaching of Russian laws by a resource, the resource advertising by off-site advertisers, restriction of payments and funds transfer, search results ban, prohibition of collection and trans-border transfer of personal data, slowing of traffic or website blocking. The document also preliminarily names 20 platforms falling within the purview of law. The list includes Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Aliexpress, Gmail, Ikea and Wikipedia. Russias Ombudsman registered more than 4,000 appeals on housing issues over last year RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 13:11 01/07/2021 MOSCOW, July 1 (RAPSI) In 2020, Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova received 4,202 appeals concerning the exercise of the right to housing. The Ombudsman reminded that a day earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin for almost 4 hours answered 68 questions from citizens during the direct line time. Although the question ran across a broad range of topics, they all related to the rights and freedoms and problems actual for people. The overwhelming majority of questions concerned the social sphere. First of all, these were the problems associated with housing, the Ombudsman wrote on her social network page. Thus, for example, the President promised to work out and sort out the situation of high charges for relocation from old unsafe houses, which was exemplified by the problem faced by a participant in the direct line. The Ombudsmans Office also often faces housing and utilities challenges in its work, Moskalkova writes. In 2020, the Office received 4,202 appeals concerning the exercise of the right to housing. This topic takes the third place among all appeals. Thus, from this January to May the Office has already received 2,426 complaints. Many of them are submitted in connection with the work of housing and communal services and emergency relocation, the Rights Commissioner observes. At the end of May, during a working trip to Krasnoyarsk, Moskalkova conducted a personal reception of citizens. Most of the complaints also concerned housing issues; in general, according to the Ombudsman, her Office often had to intervene in such cases taking place over the country. Posted by Jay on at 10:38 AM CST Marvel has sent out solicitations for their September 2021 titles, including 7comics and one trade paperback!ALYSSA WONG (W) MINKYU JUNG (A)COVER BY SARA PICHELLIBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by PAOLO VILLANELLILucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant Cover by CHRIS SPROUSEREPEAT OFFENDERS DOCTOR APHRA and SANA STARROS are imprisoned by a POWERFUL ENEMY! If they want to escape, theyll have to work together with former foes JUST LUCKY and ARIOLE... And venture deeper into the heart of a CRIMSON DAWN FLAGSHIP!32 PGS./Rated T $3.99CAVAN SCOTT (W) ARIO ANINDITO (A) Cover by PHIL NOTOVariant COVER by LEINIL YUVariant COVER by CARLO PAGULAYANA NEW STORY BEGINS THIS ISSUE THE SHADOW OF THE NIHIL! Following the terrible events of The Rising Storm, the villainous NIHIL are in retreat, hunted by THE JEDI. WAYSEEKER KNIGHT ORLA JARENI is attacked by a lone Nihil Stormship in deep space, a Stormship commanded by one of the Jedis own. Which of STARLIGHT BEACONS number have joined the Nihil Horde? And how far will they turn from the Light?32 PGS./Rated T $3.99(of 5)Charles Soule (W) LUKE ROSS (A) Cover by STEVE MCNIVENVariant Cover by BRYAN HITCHBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by PAOLO VILLANELLITrading Card Variant Cover by JOHN CASSADAYAction Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHERTHE WAR CONTINUES! The true machinations of the theft of HAN SOLO from BOBA FETT become clear, as one-time love of Solo QIRA has returned her terrifying criminal organization, CRIMSON DAWN, to the galaxy. Qira used Han to bring the most powerful players in the galaxy together, and now the pieces are moving toward their endgame. DARTH VADER, LUKE SKYWALKER, LEIA ORGANA, VALANCE, APHRA, THE HUTTS all are vying for the ultimate prize, while Boba Fetts stuck in the middle, a simple man just trying to get whats his!32 PGS./Rated T $3.99GREG PAK (W) RAFFAELE IENCO (A) Cover by AARON KUDERBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by PAOLO VILLANELLILucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant Cover by CHRIS SPROUSETARGET SKYWALKER All of DARTH VADERS careful scheming and brutal power moves to claim HAN SOLOS frozen body have one ultimate end goal: LUKE SKYWALKER, the only person who could challenge Vaders primacy at the Emperors side. Now everything comes to a head as father closes in on son and Luke finally grasps a shocking truth... one that will shape his destiny FOREVER!32 PGS./Rated T $3.99ALYSSA WONG (W) David Baldeon (A) Cover by Mahmud AsrarVariant cover by PHIL NOTOArtist Variant COVER by KHARY RANDOLPHBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by Paolo VillanelliTHE SECRET ORIGIN OF BOUSHH! A WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS TIE-IN!Before PRINCESS LEIA acquired his armor to infiltrate Jabba the Hutts palace, BOUSHH roamed the galaxy as a bounty hunter. He and his team of lethal warriors were exiled from their homeworld; but what horrible event from Boushhs past doomed them all to wander with no hope of ever returning? Desperate to survive, Boushh takes a suspicious job from a shadowy organization to assassinate DOMINA TAGGE, the leader of the powerful Tagge Family a galactic dynasty stretching back countless generations. But Domina is the most dangerous enemy Boushh has ever faced, and the desperate exile has the most difficult choice of his life to make! ALYSSA WONG and David BaldeonS one-shot is the third of four action-packed War of the Bounty Hunters tie-ins about the criminal underworlds most notorious hunters and scoundrels, all told by the best STAR WARS writers and illustrators in the galaxy.40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T $4.99ETHAN SACKS (W) PAOLO VILLANELLI (A)COVER BY GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLIBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by PAOLO VILLANELLILucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant Cover by CHRIS SPROUSESHADOW SOLDIERS VALANCE and DENGAR make a last stand against DEATHSTICK! TONGA seeks help from a LEGENDARY BOUNTY HUNTER! The bounty hunters converge on a high-stakes auction as CRIMSON DAWNS plans come into focus!32 PGS./Rated T $3.99CHARLES SOULE (W) RAMON ROSANAS (A)Cover by CARLO PAGULAYANVariant Cover by RAHZZAHBounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant Cover by PAOLO VILLANELLIAction Figure Variant Cover by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHERLucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant Cover by CHRIS SPROUSETHE CHASE! SITH LORD DARTH VADER has discovered that his son, Jedi Knight LUKE SKYWALKER, is finally within striking distance. He will pursue him to the very ends of space...Who is hunting whom? Meanwhile, LEIA ORGANA battles the forces of CRIMSON DAWN to regain her lost love, HAN SOLO.32 PGS./Rated T $3.99WAR OF THE BOUNTY HUNTERS TPBWritten by GREG PAKPenciled by GUIU VILANOVA & RAFFAELE IENCOCover by AARON KUDERThe next critical new chapter in Darth Vaders ongoing evolution! Returned to the fold after his rebellion against the Emperor, Darth Vader faces the horrors of reconstruction in the secret laboratories of Coruscant. As he blacks out under the knife, does the Dark Lord of the Sith still dream of revenge against his master? Or do his thoughts drift toward his son and the friends who make Luke Skywalker so vulnerable? Featuring the revelation of the first time Vader learned the name Han Solo! As Vader and Ochi of Bestoon embark on a search for Solos carbonite-frozen body, who is the Umbaran? What happens when she emerges from the darkness? And what will a raging War of the Bounty Hunters mean for the Dark Lords ongoing schemes? Collecting STAR WARS: DARTH VADER #12-17.112 PGS./Rated T $15.99ISBN: 978-1-302-92622-9Trim size: 6-5/8 x 10-3/16 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Georgia Attorney General have filed a joint lawsuit against a debt relief company and its owners and executives. The company is accused of deceiving consumers into hiring them to lower or eliminate credit-card debts and improve consumers credit scores. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. Rockport, TX (78382) Today Thunderstorms likely this morning. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. High 86F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low 77F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%. After one-and-a half years, jailed MLA and a local party president Akhil Gogoi is likely to be freed as the Guwahati-based special NIA court, on Thursday, acquitted him in the second of the two cases filed against him in connection with the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act stir in Assam in December 2019. Akhil Gogoi's lawyers told the media that he is expected to be freed from the Guwahati Central jail soon. Gogoi and his three associates were accused in two cases under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. The Independent lawmaker and his associates were last week cleared of all charges in the first case. The 46-year-old jailed farmers' leader and Raijor Dal President Akhil Gogoi, was elected from eastern Assam's Sibsagar seat in the March-April assembly polls and currently lodged in Guwahati central jail. He is currently under treatment at Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. The right activist has been in jail since December 2019, for allegedly fomenting violence during the anti-CAA agitations. The National Investigation Agency had taken up the cases against him and his associates on the basis of two FIRs registered at the Chandmari police station in Guwahati and Chabua police stations in eastern Assam's Dibrugarh district. "The NIA special court released him today (Thursday) in the Chandmari case. Last week the court discharged him in the Chabua case," Gogoi's lawyer Rahul Sensowa told the media. Sensowa, who is one of the members of Gogoi's lawyers' team, said three others arrested along with Gogoi - Dharjya Kowar, Manas Konwar and Bitu Sonowal - were also discharged on Thursday. All the three activists are, however, already out on bail. Gogoi and his associates are charged with criminal conspiracy, sedition, promoting enmity between groups on grounds such as religion, race and language, assertions against national integrity and support to a terrorist organization including Maoist link. Welcoming the NIA court's ruling, Raijor Dal's working president Bhasco de Saikia said the court's verdict has exposed the BJP government's attempts to target the party president without any basis. The NIA court had last week granted two days' parole to Gogoi to meet members of his family in Guwahati and eastern Assam's Jorhat. His 84-year-old mother Priyoda Gogoi is also ailing. Akhil Gogoi is the first lawmaker in Assam to win an election from jail after his octogenarian mother, son Nasiketa and prominent rights leaders of the country campaigned for him. Rights activist Medha Patkar, Magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey, several students of Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University and intellectuals from different parts of the country and Assam had come to Sibsagar to campaign for Gogoi in the March-April elections to the 126-member Assam assembly. The West Bengal state transport department's decision to hire a 10-seater air-conditioned plane on a "wet lease" of three to five years, has sparked huge political controversy. The BJP is labelling the state government's decision "politically motivated" and procured for a "self-proclaimed Prime Minister" (Mamata Banerjee). On June 11, the West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd floated an e-tender for wet-leasing a fixed-wing, twin-engine aircraft for three to five years. The plane should be a twin-engine air-conditioned 'Falcon 2000' category aircraft with a "minimum seating capacity of 8-10 passengers", the tender said. In a wet lease, the owner provides the aircraft as well as the crew to the lessee and is responsible for maintenance. The Bengal government will assure a minimum business of 45 hours every month, the tender document states. Senior transport department officials said several states, including Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, had this arrangement. They stressed that there was no scope for any irregularity as the e-tender was a public document and could be accessed by any willing participant. Mocking the TMC supremo, Suvendu Adhikari, leader of the opposition in the Bengal assembly, uploading the first page of the tender, wrote a tweet saying the aircraft was being hired at public expense to campaign for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Without naming chief minister Mamata Banerjee, Adhikari said a Pushpak Rath (the mythological flying chariot) was being procured for a "self-proclaimed Prime Minister." BJP state president Dilip Ghosh said, "The government already has a helicopter. Why does it need an aircraft when there are only three operational airports in the state? This is a waste of public money." TMC Lok Sabha member Saugata Roy said, "Many states in India have more than one plane. Adhikari should be aware that before the 2014 Lok Sabha polls Narendra Modi used the Gujarat government's plane to fly between different states for carrying out campaigns." Former Kolkata Corporation mayor Firhad Hakim alleged that the file for hiring the plane was cleared by Suvendu Adhikari himself when he was the transport minister. State Trinamool Congress Kunal Ghosh said, "These turncoats don't remember that he also availed the facility of the helicopter when he was the transport minister of the state". At least seven European countries including, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland and Spain, and Switzerland have approved the Covishield COVID-19 vaccine for 'Green Pass'. The development comes a day after India asked the members of the 27-nation grouping to individually consider allowing Indians who have taken Covishield and Covaxin vaccine jabs. Differences emerged between India and Europe in recent days over the exclusion of Covishield as an accepted vaccine by the European Union vaccine passport programme. From today, the programme allows anyone who is fully vaccinated with any of five Western-made vaccines Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson and Oxford-AstraZeneca to travel freely within the bloc, Reuters news agency reported. The exclusion of Covishield, which is produced by Indias Serum Institute using methods analogous to the EU-approved Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Vaxzevria but does not have EU market authorisation, stoked anger and the threat of retaliatory measures by India against travellers from Europe. An Indian foreign ministry source said on Thursday that Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain and Switzerland had informed the Indian government that Covishield would be accepted for the purposes of travel. Estonia has said it would recognise all the vaccines authorised by the Indian government, the source said, which would include Covaxin that has been developed by India's local firm Bharat Biotech. Britain has reported another 26,068 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, the highest since Jan. 29, according to official figures released Wednesday. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country now stands at 4,800,907. It was the third consecutive day that Britain has reported more than 20,000 daily cases. A total of 20,479 coronavirus cases were recorded Tuesday. The country also recorded another 14 coronavirus-related deaths, bringing the total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain to 128,140. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. Earlier Wednesday, British Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said he expects school "bubbles" to be removed as part of the final step of England's roadmap for lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Speaking in the House of Commons, lower house of British Parliament, Williamson said that he wanted to see restrictions on schools and colleges, including the bubble system, removed "as quickly as possible along with wider restrictions in society". "Further steps will be taken to reduce the number of children who have to self-isolate, including looking at the outcomes of a daily contact testing trial, as we consider a new model for keeping children in schools and colleges," he said. The British government is under growing pressure to remove or alter the bubble system after figures showed the number of children off school due to COVID-19 in England is at its highest rate since schools reopened in March after the country's third national lockdown, according to Sky News. Official data showed more than 375,000 pupils, about one in 20, were out of school for coronavirus-related reasons, up by more than 130,000 in a week. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a four-week delay to the final step of England's roadmap out of COVID-19 restrictions until July 19, amid a surge in cases of the Delta variant first identified in India. More than 44.7 million people in Britain have received the first jab of COVID-19 vaccine and more than 32.8 million people have received two doses, the latest figures showed. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Russia, the United States as well as the European Union have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. Enditem Toronto, ON -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/01/2021 -- DivorceGo is a law firm owned and operated by Bluetown law. The law firm is fully equipped with an experienced family lawyer in which clients can trust to complete their case quickly and efficiently. In addition, they understand what individuals go through due to family law cases, assisting them every step of the way. The company spokesperson said, "While divorce is not easy, it doesn't have to be all costly. One can choose to have a collaborative divorce by agreeing on how they will divide their property, children, and other divorce issues. This implies that couples can divorce without going through court proceedings to have their divorce certificate. With collaborative divorce, one will have a faster time negotiating custody, spousal support, division of assets. Furthermore, they will have a faster divorce process after agreeing on all their divorce processes. Although collaborative divorce is for spouses who feel they can work out their divorce issues together, a legal representative assists spouses resolve issues while at the same time protecting their legal rights. At DivorceGo, we have lawyers trained to assist such spouses. Their lawyers have the right knowledge of the financial documents needed to make informed decisions." Are you looking for the best family lawyer in North York? DivorceGo is a law firm assisting families in North York through significant life transitions for many years. Their experience results in comprehensive advocacy that is personalized for a client's needs. Clients can take peace of mind knowing that their family lawyers bring a decade of experience to their family law issues. In addition, their attorneys have accredited members of The Law Society of Upper Canada and The Better Business Bureau and, thus, are always accountable to their clients or anyone else if they make mistakes or shut down when a client's case is in court. Finally, although they are intimately familiar with Canada's family law, they always approach every new family situation as unique. Responding to an inquiry on what are the drawbacks of collaborative divorce, the company spokesperson said, "The only drawback in a collaborative divorce is if both parties cannot agree, their lawyers are forced to withdraw from the case and can't represent such in court proceedings. Again, if one needs an emergency court order, such as their spouse leaving with children without informing them, collaborative divorce may not be suitable. But if all things go well, then the result will be written agreements used for their final divorce decree." Whether one is getting divorced or is involved in a custody battle, they need someone who can give them the information they need at every step of the process. At DivorceGo, they offer clients in Brampton the representation they need in various family law matters. Their family lawyers provide quality and compassionate representation if individuals are seeking natural solutions in their case. They are local, experienced, and relatively affordable. Their commitment to every client is grounded on the basic principle of providing high-quality legal services with proven results and personal, responsive attention. So, to hire a family lawyer in Brampton, clients should consider contacting the law firm. About DivorceGo DivorceGo is a firm established to provide clients with affordable and straightforward pricing for simple divorce cases. Those wanting to know how to get divorce in Ontario can contact the firm. Contact Details DivorceGo 45 Sheppard Ave E #412 Toronto, ON M2N 5W9 Telephone: (416) 792-5400 Fax: (416) 792-5401 Email: info@bluetownlaw.ca Website: https://divorcego.ca/ 2 Robert Speck Pkwy Suite 225 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1H8 Telephone: 905-949-1717 Fax: 905-276-0770 inquiry@bluetownlaw.ca Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/01/2021 -- The report "Medical Radiation Detection Market by Detector (Gas-Filled Detectors, Scintillators, Solid-State), Product (Personal Dosimeters, Passive Dosimeters), Safety (Full Body Protection), End User (Hospitals) Global Forecast to 2025?, the global medical radiation monitoring, and safety market is projected to reach USD 1,207 million by 2025 from USD 949 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period. The growth in Medical Radiation and Safety Market is attributed to the increasing use of nuclear medicine and radiation therapy for diagnosis and treatment, growing number of diagnostic imaging centers, rising prevalence of cancer, increasing safety awareness among people working in radiation-prone environments, and the growing number of people covered by insurance. COVID -19 Impact on the Medical Radiation Detection, Monitoring and Safety Market; COVID-19 has disrupted healthcare services in most countries worldwide; the worst affected so far are the US, Russia, Spain, Italy, the UK, India, Germany, and Iran. A number of countries across the globe have seen non-urgent diagnostic imaging surgeries being postponed due to the pandemic. The American College of Radiation supports guidelines suggested by the CDC that advises medical facilities to reschedule non-urgent outpatient visits. Non-urgent procedures include non-urgent imaging and fluoroscopy procedures, such as screening mammography, lung cancer screening, non-urgent computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), plain film X-ray exams, and other non-emergent or elective radiologic and radiologically guided exams and procedures. Request Research Sample Pages: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=1200 The full-body protection segment accounted for the largest share of the medical radiation safety market in 2019; By products, the medical radiation safety market is segmented into full-body protection, face protection, hand safety, and other medical radiation safety products. The inframammary fold segment accounted for the largest market share in 2019. The large share of this segment can be attributed to the growing number of radiological procedures performed and increasing awareness among physicians, radiologists, and patients Hospitals accounted for the largest share of the medical radiation detection market in 2019; Based on end-users, segmented into hospitals and non-hospitals. The hospital segment accounted for the largest share of the medical radiation detection, monitoring and safety market in 2019. The increasing number of hospitals across the globe is the major factor driving the growth of this end-user segment Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=1200 Geographical View in-detailed: The medical radiation detection, monitoring and safetymarket is segmented into four major regional segments, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. In 2019, North America accounted for the largest share of the medical radiation detection, monitoring and safetymarket. The large share of North America can be attributed to factors such as the increasing awareness about radiation safety, growing number of radiodiagnostic procedures performed, and ongoing research aimed at the development of new and advanced radiation detection, monitoring, and safety products are driving the growth of the North American medical radiation detection, monitoring, and safety market. Global Key Leaders: The major players in the medical radiation detection, monitoring and safety market are Fortive Corporation (US), Mirion Technologies (US), IBA Worldwide (Belgium), Thermo Fisher Scientific (US), and Sun Nuclear Corporation (US). Page Content ~ To await Constitutional Court decision ~ On Tuesday, June 29th, the Honorable Ministers of General Affairs Silveria Jacobs; Justice, Anna Richardson; Finance, Ardwell Irion; Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, drs. Rodolphe Samuel; and Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley met with the Committee for Civil Servants Unions (CCSU) members; WICSU-PSU, WITU, ABVO with representatives of NAPB upon invitation of government to ensure inclusion. During the meeting, the Ministers and the union representatives were allowed to explain their positions on the 12.5% cost-cutting measures on the employment benefits, determine the way forward and to present a joint press release of the positive meeting. The union representatives were informed that the government had done all to fulfill its agreements with the government of the Netherlands to receive liquidity support while awaiting the Constitutional Court decision of the petition of the Ombudsman; however, liquidity remains a challenge. Government's intention to ensure payment of salaries in full, although there is limited liquidity available even with the recent 5th tranche, liquidity support of NAf 39 million remains a strive. The government intends to pay out the 3% (50% vacation pay) withheld in June 2020; as soon as calculations are finalized to pay. Nevertheless, the NAf 3.5 million representing 50% of the vacation pay needs to be sought financially elsewhere; this requires further discussion with parties. However, the intention is also to agree to pay out the balance of the 6% (full vacation pay) owed for 2021 in two equal tranches every three months, though this will depends on when liquidity becomes available. The challenging reality of the present situation is that should the laws pass the scrutiny of the Court and be enacted; then the legal basis will lead to a situation where calculations would have to be reviewed and the vacation pay that was received will need to be repaid. Nevertheless, the unions and ministers have agreed to return to the table to discuss possible options to realize the cuts as well as after the Court's decision. All parties present highlighted the importance of continued transparent communication and agreed unilaterally on a previously presented proposal to have quarterly meetings and even separate committee meetings depending on the subject at hand. Parties also agreed to meet once the Constitutional Court's decision is made to discuss the consequences thereof and the way forward. Parties look forward to the ruling of the Constitutional Court so that clarity exists for all concerned. China will never allow foreign bullying Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, delivered an important speech at a grand gathering celebrating the centenary of the CPC's founding at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on Thursday. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers an important speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC in Beijing, capital of China, July 1, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua] Here are the highlights: - China has realized the first centenary goal -- building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. - The CPC has united and led the Chinese people over the past 100 years for one ultimate theme -- bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. - Seeking happiness for the people and national rejuvenation has been Party's aspiration and mission since founding. - The Party unites and leads the Chinese people in fighting bloody battles with unyielding determination, achieving great success in the new democratic revolution. - The Party unites and leads the Chinese people in endeavoring to build a stronger China with a spirit of self-reliance, achieving great success in the socialist revolution and construction. - The Party unites and leads the Chinese people in freeing the mind and forging ahead, achieving great success in reform, opening-up and socialist modernization. - The Party unites and leads the Chinese people in pursuing a great struggle, a great project, a great cause and a great dream through a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance and innovation, achieving great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. - China's success hinges on the Party. - The firm leadership of the CPC must be upheld. - Only socialism could save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics could develop China. - By pursuing reform and opening-up, a crucial move in making China what it is today, China has caught up with the times. - The people are the true heroes, for it is they who create history. - The great founding spirit of the CPC is the Party's source of strength. - Xi pays tribute to former Chinese leaders, revolutionaries, Chinese people and foreign friends who have contributed to the Party's growth. - The Party will continue leading Chinese people toward a better life. - The Party must continue to adapt Marxism to a Chinese context. - The Party must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. - The Party must continue self-reform. - It is necessary to carry out a great struggle with many contemporary features. - The Party is still in its prime, determined as ever to achieve lasting greatness for the nation. - Party has secured extraordinary achievements on behalf of the people, starts new journey. - China is advancing with unstoppable momentum toward rejuvenation. - The CPC and the Chinese people, through a tenacious struggle, have shown the world that China's national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability. - All Chinese people, both at home and overseas, can focus their ingenuity and energy on the same goal and come together as a mighty force for realizing national rejuvenation. - China is committed to "one country, two systems" in governance of Hong Kong and Macao. - Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China. - Chinese young people should carry on the mission of national rejuvenation. - Any attempt to divide the Party from the Chinese people or to set the people against the Party is bound to fail. - The time in which the Chinese nation could be bullied and abused by others is gone forever. - China welcomes helpful suggestions, but will not accept sanctimonious preaching. - We must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces. - China will elevate its armed forces to world-class standards so that we are equipped with greater capacity and more reliable means for safeguarding our national sovereignty, security and development interests. - Chinese people will never allow any foreign forces to bully, oppress or subjugate us. - China will keep promoting a human community with a shared future. - China is committed to world peace, development and order. 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I am very pleased to convey to you, on my behalf and on behalf of the Saharawi government and people, my warmest congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your appointment by President Tebboune as Prime Minister of the sister Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria, asking the May Almighty guide your steps in this noble mission of working for the good, security, honor and prosperity of our beloved Algeria , highlights the letter from the Prime Minister of the SADR. Prime Minister Beyun also expressed our sincere will and firm determination to make all possible efforts to strengthen and support the relations of brotherhood and alliance existing between the two countries and the Algerian and Saharawi peoples, at the service of the values, principles, interests and a common destiny that unites our two States . According to a statement made public by the Algerian presidency, Mr. Aiman Bin Abderrahman was appointed yesterday by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune as Prime Minister of Algeria, entrusting him with the mission of continuing consultations with political parties and civil society to form a government as soon as possible". SPS 125/090/TRA We as citizens, should wholeheartedly support health workers and authorities in their mission in controlling the pandemic by strictly adhering to the health guidelines and practices. by Professor Jayantha Lal Ratnasekera Vice Chancellor, Uva Wellassa University The island-wide travel restrictions imposed on May 21, were lifted after a month on June 21. It was officially called country-wide travel restrictions, but, de facto it was a country-wide lockdown. At the time of writing this article, the travel restrictions between provinces are still in effect, but other travel restrictions are lifted. Though it is too early to assess the real impact of month-longcountry-wide lockdown on controlling the spread of coronavirus, there are already signs of decrease in the daily new corona patients. The daily new cases have gone beyond 3000 at the end of May, but has come down to around 1800 during last few days. However, the pandemic situation is still far from satisfactory and the threat still prevails, repeatedly emphasized by medical experts. Currently, the total number of corona patients in Sri Lanka has exceeded 250,000, and the total number of corona deaths has also gone beyond 3000. Though there is a drop in the daily new cases, daily death count is still revolving around 50 mark. In this instance, it is important to know the number of PCR tests conducted daily, as the ratio of daily new cases into number of PCR tests would be a more appropriate indicator. The raw number of new cases does not depict the actual picture, and reducing PCR tests would not help the cause. It is under these circumstances, the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) has written to the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on June 19, requesting to continue the island-wide travel restrictions without lifting it on June 21.Lifting the lockdown even for few days is likely to take us back to the major epidemic situation prevailed in April, and the gains that have been made during the lockdown of the last three weeks will then be sacrificed. SLMA President Dr. Padma Gunaratne said in her letter to the President. Undoubtedly, the month-long country-wide lockdown, or travel restrictions as officially declared, has helped in controlling further spread of the virus. As stated by the Chairman of the Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) Union,Mr. Upul Rohanaduring a discussion on DeranaTV, the lockdown has indeed been useful.The restrictions have aided PHIs and health authorities to detect more patients and trace contacts, he said.Before the travel restrictions, there were times when we would go to a house to get a patients information or trace contacts, and nobody would be at home. But, under the lockdown, we were able to direct patients to treatment centres and close contacts to quarantine facilities without much difficulty, Mr. Upul Rohana further explained. However, there have been regular violations of travel restrictions, with thousands of people moving freely all over the country. When you look at the number of vehicles entered Colombo city every day during the lockdown, you start to wonder whether the restrictions were really enforced. You start to wonder whether all these are essential workers, as only the essential services were allowed to roam around. On one occasion, it was reported that more than 100,000 vehicles have travelled along the Southern expressway within 48 hours. Even under normal circumstances, 100,000 vehicles in 48 hours on the highway is quite a high number, and all this clearly indicates that some people have completely ignored the travel restrictions. Moreover, there were numerous public gatherings,partying wedding, birthdays and other special events. There were get-togethers from five star hotels to private houses, and from famous celebrities to local politicians have joined in. Of course, in some cases, police got involved and sent them for quarantine, but there could have been much more occasions not reported or not detected by authorities. On the other hand, this kind of misconduct by some people gives the impression that health guidelines and relevant rules are not applicable to them. We could imagine how these people would behave when the travel restrictions were lifted, and it was confirmed on June 21. On this day, when the country was opened after a month, almost all the towns in the country were packed with people; the necessary physical distance was not observed at all; the mask is around either the chin or the neck. This irresponsible behaviour continues to date, despite severe warnings from medical experts.Of course, as human beings, we do not like to be restricted to a small area for a long time, but prefer to roam around freely. However, we should understand that the current situation, COVID-19 pandemic, is not a normal one. This global pandemic has restricted our freedom in all spheres and we have to change our behavioural patterns accordingly. In the meantime, the medical experts have warned that the Indian virus variant known as Delta might become the dominant variant in Sri Lanka as well, if proper measures were not taken in time. Few patients infected with Delta virus variant were identified in Dematagoda and the area was locked down. Investigations are in progress to verify whether the COVID patients from Madiwela and Kahathuduwa are also having Delta variant. Delta, earlier known as B.1.617.2, one of the four variants of concern listed by the World Health Organization (WHO), was first discovered in India in October 2020. Other virus variants labelled as variants of concern by WHO are alpha, first found in UK, beta, first found South Africa and gamma, first discovered in Brazil. Out of these four strains, Delta is said to be the most dangerous virus variant, and was responsible for disastrous second COVID wave started in the latter part of April in India. Delta variant has completely paralyzed the Indian health system and resulted in a huge number of deaths. The delta variant seems to be around 60 percent more transmissible than the alpha variant, according to early research data.The data, from England and Scotland, suggest that a person is twice as likely to be hospitalized if infected with the delta variant compared with the alpha. As reflected by hospitalization risk, delta variant seems to be associated with an increased disease severity.Delta variant has threatened even the countries where further spread of virus has been controlled to some extent thanks to speedy vaccination drive. It was reported that the delta variant is already dominant in countries like Australia, Indonesia and Israel, and the government of Bangladesh has decided to lockdown the Dhaka city for one week effective from June 28, due to the spread of delta virus variant. As mentioned above, COVID infected with Delta virus variant were already found in Sri Lanka as well, and there is a possibility of penetrating this variant from India to the island through fisherman. So, in order to avoid a worse scenario, it is extremely important to strictly adhere to the health guidelines and practices, medical experts warn. Though the island-wide travel restrictions were lifted, the real threat of COVID-19 had not disappeared at all, medical experts emphasize. Professor Jayantha Lal Ratnasekera It is understood that the country cannot be kept closed continuously for a long time, as in such a case, the impact on the economy will be really bad. It is estimated that the economic loss per day due to country-wide lockdown was around 15,000 million rupees. Needless to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has done a irreparable damage to the economy during last one and half years. Threat of an economic tsunami is looming along with the COVID threat. Hence, the government is bound take measures to prevent further collapse of the countrys economy. On the one hand, government has to impose strict restrictions to curb the pandemic, and on the other hand, to take measure to revive the economy. We as citizens, should wholeheartedly support health workers and authorities in their mission in controlling the pandemic by strictly adhering to the health guidelines and practices. We should be able to impose some kind of self-discipline during these pandemic days, and should have some courage and strength to behave responsibly and ethically during these pandemic days. We should leave behind our personal or political agenda, if any, and be united as one nation in this critical juncture. Otherwise, we all together will have to suffer from a fourth COVID-19 wave! U.S Rep. Cori Bush, D-St. Louis, on Friday presided over the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in her Congressional tenure. According to her office, she is the first Black Lives Matter activist, Black woman and nurse to serve as Speaker Pro Tempore. On Saturdays she sets up at Volunteer Park in Plantation and on Sunday you can find her at Veterans Park in Tamarac. Shes open from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., but her sought-after brisket often sells out in just a few hours. She also serves chicken, lamb, ribs and fish, and you can add sides like collard greens, grits, mac and cheese, or baked beans, until they run out. Herrera said she has given a lot of thought to her former notions of what a beautiful woman looks like and how it likely differs from how others perceive her. She used to think her implants made her attractive, especially on TV. But almost two decades later, she decided her health was more important. Biden said family members are very realistic about the chances any of the people still missing will be found alive. They know that the chance are, as each day goes by, diminished slightly, the president said. At a minimum, they want to recover the bodies, he said. Family members who wanted to go to the site of the collapse, saw for themselves the pancaked floors. FPL justifies the rate increase in several ways. The company wants to have 30 million solar panels in place by 2030 and says it will use the rate increase to develop those new solar resources. It also points out that, even with the rate increase, customers will have among the lowest utility bills in the country. According to the companys own numbers, the typical household paid $108.61 per month in 2006, but only $103.02 in 2021, meaning rates decreased even as the price for electricity increased on average 30% nationwide over the same time period. I am a local Realtor with 40 years of experience. Whenever I requested a buildings certification as part of my due diligence checklist, I found that many owners had not done it. The certification letter was not required at a closing and most parties did not feel it was necessary. The Wall Street Journal reported that Florida requires a 40-year recertification on buildings to ensure structural integrity. My attorney reported that Broward and Miami-Dade have such ordinances but not Palm Beach County. Im sure there are other counties also lack this requirement. But many changes are on the way. We put it on the market at a premium, but the market slowed down, so we pulled the price down to more reflect sales over the last three or four months, said Julian Johnston, a real estate broker with The Corcoran Group in Miami Beach, who holds the listing. He said that the owners are relocating to California to be closer to family. Eleven Balearia ferry crew members, that sailed the route from Melilla to Malaga on Wednesday (30 June), have been isolated in a city hotel after testing coronavirus positive. The members of the Bahama Mama's crew had to disembark in the citys port after displaying typical Covid symptoms during the journey. This has been confirmed to SUR by official sources, both at the Port and by the Government of Melilla. They said that the asymptomatic crew members have been moved to a hotel in the city, where they remain in quarantine. The Bahama Mama arrived in Malaga at 11.30pm but the alert had been raised during the journey. According to Port sources, after the tests on the 11 crew returned positive, they were immediately isolated for the rest of the crossing. "At no time was there close contact with the passengers," they say. The ship was disinfected, a task that took some two hours, following Junta de Andalucia protocols, and then it was allowed to sail back to Melilla. The Bahama Mama covers the Melilla-Malaga three times a week, and the next one is scheduled for Friday (2 July). This Thursday morning, the Bahama Mama should have resumed its regular programme and sailed the route to Motril. The Government of Melilla, however, decided to keep the ship in port until a new disinfection of the ship was carried out and the entire crew was tested. The appropriate indications have been given to suspend the boarding of the Balearia ship until diagnostic tests are carried out on the entire crew, after yesterday eleven members were disembarked in Malaga after giving a positive result, explained Melillas Minister of the Economy, Mohamed Mohand, in a statement. Despite repeated attempts, SUR has been unable to contact the shipping company for a statement. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 712-243-2624 or email circ@ant-news.com. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Monday 05 September, 2016 Reliable information reaching Biafra writers desk has it that the life of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indi... Unlimited website access 24/7 Unlimited e-Edition access 24/7 The best local, regional and national news in sports, politics, business and more! With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading The Henderson News. Clearfield, PA (16830) Today Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 89F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Some clouds. Low 68F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. . : ... Bahrains Liquidity Fund said that it would start receiving financing requests for private sector companies and institutions as of July 1 in line with the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to launch the financial and economic stimulus package to mitigate the impact of Covid-19. The initiative is being launched in partnership with the participating national banks, namely the National Bank of Bahrain, the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, the Bahrain Islamic Bank and the Bahrain Development Bank, reported Bahrain News Agency (BNA). The move is also in line with the decision of the Cabinet, chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to reopen the door for applications to the Liquidity Fund with a focus on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Applications for large companies, with an annual income of BD3 million ($7.91 million) and more, will be received for a period of one month, running from July 1 to August 1 via the nbbonline.com website. These companies can obtain financing from the Liquidity Fund provided that they have an active Bahraini CR, have been operating in the Kingdom of Bahrain for four consecutive years, demonstrate they are solvent with a positive net worth, in addition to having audited financial statements for 2 fiscal years, including 2018 and 2019, with a positive profit margin for the fiscal year 2019, internally audited financial statement for the fiscal year 2020, and interim financial statements for 2021. Furthermore, the companies must operate within the affected sectors as per the decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Development No. 47 of 2021, the BNA report said. The applications for SMEs, with annual income of less than BD3 million, can submit their applications from July 1 and until September 30 through the website bdb-bh.com. Eligible SMEs looking to obtain financing from the Liquidity Fund are required to have an active Bahraini CR, have been operating in the Kingdom for at least one year, and for companies that have been in operation for at least three full fiscal years they must submit financial statements for the previous three years, including audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2019, and demonstrate positive gross margins for at least one year, while companies who have been in operation for less than three years will be asked to submit financial statements and demonstrate positive profit margins in accordance with the number of years of activity. Moreover, eligible SMEs should not have filed for bankruptcy under the bankruptcy law, and must operate within the affected sectors as per the decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Development No. 47 of 2021. The Liquidity Fund will allow companies that have previously benefited from financing facilities under the previous rounds of the Fund to submit requests to extend the financing repayment period or increase the facility amount up to the maximum allowed. All requests for support will be subject to the discretion of the banks, the report said. The Liquidity Funds package will amount to a maximum of BD300,000 for SMEs, and up to BD1 million for large companies, with the value of the financing facility for eligible companies being determined based on the banks review of the applications and their credit evaluation. It is not necessary for the applicant seeking financing to have an existing bank account in one of the national banks contributing to the Fund (National Bank of Bahrain, Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, Bahrain Islamic Bank and Bahrain Development Bank) in order to apply for financing, according to the BNA report. Qatar National Tourism Council (QNTC) has marked a milestone in its Qatar Clean programme, with 100% of QNTC-licensed hotels now Qatar Clean certified. Launched in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in June 2020, QNTCs Qatar Clean programme ensures the highest standards in hygiene and cleanliness, with rigorous procedures in place to ensure the safety of customers. QNTCs Secretary General Akbar Al Baker as well as COO Berthold Trenkel marked the anniversary with a visit to the W Doha, which was the first hotel to be certified Qatar Clean. With 100% hotels now fully certified, the programme is now being expanded to restaurants, and can be rolled out to other sectors including transport, retail and culture. Akbar Al Baker , also CEO of Qatar Airways Group, said: As we mark one year of our Qatar Clean programme, we are very pleased with its successful implementation. 100% of QNTC-licensed hotels have now been certified Qatar Clean, and the programme illustrates how together we are with our stakeholders and therefore have been able to innovate and adapt to the challenges of the past year. Qatar Clean is a key component of our proposition; those in Qatar can enjoy our award winning hospitality and world class offerings with their safety assured, and we look forward to welcoming visitors from both near and far. As Qatar begins to ease restrictions, Qatar Clean certified hotels and restaurants can operate at limited capacity and serve fully vaccinated individuals. And with visitors from the GCC now able to enter Qatar, both visitors and residents can rest assured that the highest standards of health and hygiene are being maintained at Qatar Clean certified venues. To maintain a Qatar Clean certification, hotels must adhere to the following: 1. Each hotel facility must appoint its own Qatar Clean Programme Manager responsible for overseeing employee training and overall compliance with programme requirements. 2. Hotels must sterilise their facilities daily, conduct frequent and thorough cleaning, use disinfectant in all rooms, air conditioning systems, water tanks, toilets, and ensure stringent sterilisation of designated guest areas, especially reception halls and lobbies. 3. In order to reduce contact with guests, hotels must adopt mobile or other contactless procedures for check in and checkout, while optimising spaces to maintain a distance of at least two metres between individuals. 4. Hotels must carry out daily temperature checks on all employees at the start of their shifts, as well as on suppliers and guests. Anyone exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus must immediately be placed in isolation, and MOPH would be contacted. Joint committees from QNTC and MOPH continue to inspect hotels and their facilities to ensure programme standards are being applied and adhered to, with penalties imposed for non-compliance. With the success roll out of Qatar Clean across hospitality, the programme is being considered for other sectors such as transport, retail and culture. TradeArabia News Service New Delhi, Jul 1 (UNI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said 5G technology will bring significant changes in the world and India is preparing for that. Interacting with the beneficiaries of Digital India today through video conference, on the occasion of Digital India completing six years since its launch, Mr Modi said this decade is going to greatly enhance India's capabilities in digital technology and its share in the global digital economy. He believed that the youth will continue to take the country to new heights with digital empowerment and help the decade emerge as 'India's Techade'. Mr Modi said, 'Digital India means opportunity for all, facility for all, participation of all. Digital India means everyone's access to the government system. Digital India means a transparent, non-discriminatory system and an attack on corruption. Digital India means saving time, labor and money. Digital India means fast profit, full profit. Digital India means minimum government, maximum governance.' The Prime Minister said the Digital India campaign has helped the country during the Corona period. 'At a time when developed countries were unable to send aid money to their citizens due to the lockdown, India was sending thousands of crores of rupees directly to the bank accounts of the people,' he said. He said digital transactions have brought an unprecedented change in the lives of farmers. The Prime Minister said under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Rs 1.35 lakh crore have been deposited directly into the bank account of more than 10 crore farmer families. 'Digital India has also realized the spirit of One Nation, One MSP,' he said. A lot of emphasis, he said, is being made on the scale and speed at which the infrastructure for Digital India is being made. He added that through 2.5 lakh Common Service Centres Internet had reached remote areas. 'Under Bharat Net scheme, work is underway on a mission mode to bring broadband internet to the villages. Through PM WANI, access points are being created so that rural youth can connect with high-speed internet for better services and education,' the Prime Minister said. He said affordable tablets and digital devices are being offered to students across the nation. Production Linked Subsidies are being offered to electronic companies to realise this goal, the Prime Minister said. In the last 6-7 years due to Digital India, around Rs. 17 lakh crore has been transferred to the bank accounts of beneficiaries under various schemes. The Prime Minister said India has shown both passion for innovation and ability to adopt those innovations rapidly. 'Digital India is the resolve of India. Digital India is the instrument for Aatmanirbhar Bharat. Digital India is a manifestation of a strong Indian that is emerging in the 21st Century,' he said. The Prime Minister evoked his mantra of Minimum Government Maximum Governance and explained how Digital India is empowering the common citizen by reducing the gap between government and people, system and facilities, problems and solutions. He gave an example of how Digilocker helped millions of people especially during the pandemic. School certificates, medical documents and other important certificates were stored digitally across the nation, the Prime Minister said. He said the services like getting a driving license, birth certificate, paying electricity bill, paying water bill, filing income tax return, etc have become fast and convenient and, in villages, e Common Service Centres (CSCs) are helping the people. It is through Digital India, initiatives like One Nation One Ration Card are realised. He commended the Supreme Court for asking all the states to implement the initiative in the respective states. The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction over how Digital India has changed the lives of the beneficiaries. He noted the benefits of Svanidhi Scheme and solving the problem of lack of security of ownership through Swamitva scheme. He also mention e-Sanjivini scheme with regard to remote medicine and informed that work is on for an effective platform under National Digital Health Mission. The Prime Minister said the digital solutions that India has prepared in the Corona period are a topic of discussion and attraction all over the world today. One of the world's largest digital contact tracing app, Aarogya Setu has helped a lot in preventing corona infection, he said. He added that many countries have also shown interest in India's COWIN app for vaccination. 'Having such a monitoring tool for the process of vaccination is a proof of our technical proficiency,' the Prime Minister said. Union Minister of Electronics and IT Ravi Shankar Prasad and MoS for Education Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre were also present on the occasion. UNI NY SB 1500 ELIZABETH URBAN is News Editor for The Vidette. Urban can be contacted at emurba1@ilstu.edu. Follow Urban on Twitter at @eliizabethurban. IF YOU SUPPORT THE VIDETTE MISSION of providing a training laboratory for Illinois State University student journalists to learn and sharpen viable, valuable and marketable skills in all phases of print and digital media, please contribute to this most important cause. Thank you. remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. In the WCOs capacity as a member of the United Nations (UN) Counter Terrorism Coordination Compact, the WCO Secretary General, Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, spoke at a UN High-Level Conference, held virtually in New York on 29 June 2021, to highlight the contribution of the WCO and global Customs community to combating terrorism. During the session on addressing challenges, chaired by Saudi Arabias Ambassador to the UN, H.E. Mr. Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, Secretary General Mikuriya stressed that there had been a shift in Customs priorities from revenue collection towards focusing more heavily on security in regions such as West and Central Africa where terrorist attacks and armed insurgencies were becoming a widespread scourge. Without first ensuring security, it would be difficult for Customs to facilitate trade or collect revenue at borders. Dr. Mikuriya underlined the importance of using technology for Customs controls, especially technology based on advanced electronic data analysis and non-intrusive inspection images for risk management purposes. He acknowledged that criminal and terrorist groups also make use of technology, before sharing, as example, some of the results of recent WCO-coordinated operations aimed at detecting counterfeit and substandard medicines and medical goods in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, with Customs administrations around the world having seized millions of illicit items purchased online and shipped as small parcels. Secretary General Mikuriya added that Customs should not operate in isolation but rather with society in general. He therefore underscored the importance of gender equality and diversity to promote inclusiveness within Customs administrations, though this approach also required private sector support. At the invitation of Fijis Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), H.E. Mr. Satyendra Prasad, leading the UN Pacific Group, the WCO Secretary General, Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, briefed 16 Ambassadors and Representatives to the UN of Small Island States from the Pacific region on the WCO Small Island Economies (SIEs) initiative during a meeting held on 28 June 2021. The meeting was coordinated by the UN Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), under the leadership of the UN Under-Secretary General, Ms. Fekita K. Utoikamanu. Dr. Mikuriya highlighted the WCOs major instruments and tools for facilitating and securing trade supply chains, including the Revised Kyoto Convention which was also key to implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement and to regional integration. In addition, he described various WCO capacity building programmes to help Members implement the Organizations standards and address human resource issues, such as integrity and inclusiveness. Ambassadors of WCO Members showed an interest in maximizing the advantages of being part of the WCO network, while Ambassadors of non-WCO Members expressed their interest in WCO membership, with the benefits far exceeding the annual membership costs. They were also attracted by the WCOs Master Trainer Programme (MTP), funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which could be extended to the Pacific region based on its success in Africa. Being a train-the-trainer programme, it had created a pool of experts in African Customs administrations who would in turn train their fellow Customs officers. Dr. Mikuriya later visited the Office of UN Under-Secretary General Utoikamanu and thanked her for previously cooperating with the WCO in assisting landlocked developing countries and SIEs. They agreed that these economies would gain the most from WCO programmes, given their need for enhanced connectivity. Tara Reid has frozen her eggs so she has the potential to have kids in the future. The 45-year-old actress has insisted she would be open to the idea of having children in later life, and has taken the steps to freeze her eggs just in case she decides to go through with the plan. However, Tara also said she is very comfortable with her life at the moment, and wouldnt be disappointed if she never had children. Speaking to internationally syndicated columnist Allison Kugel, she said: "Will I have kids? Lets see what is in store for me. Its not a no, and its not a yes. I have gotten my eggs frozen so there is definitely the potential of that. If it is meant to be, it will happen. If not, Im very comfortable where Im at. Elsewhere in her interview, the American Pie star also said she has forgiven the media for hounding her when she was a young star, after she took time to grow and let go of her anger. She explained: "I didnt [for a long time], and I was upset about it when I was younger. But I realised the only way I was going to grow and get out of that situation was to grow as a woman. So therefore, I do forgive them now. I have moved on, and my press has changed. Im not angry about it anymore. When you finally let something go, it goes. Its like taking a balloon and putting it up in the air, and its gone. Im 45 years old and Im not a child anymore. And Tara said praying and listening to tapes by author Deepak Chopra have helped to direct her energy into something positive. She added: "I do pray, and who I pray to depends on what situation I am in. I pray to Jesus, but I also pray to my parents all the time. They are probably my number one. And I pray to my guardian angels; I pray to St. Jude, St. John, or St. Christopher. They have different meanings depending upon what you are in need of. I also listen to tapes by Deepak Chopra which has helped me tremendously. His tapes help you break down, Who am I close to? Who am I? What do I want? What do I not want? And you really have to write it out in a diary form. My life started changing. A lot of us dont know how to direct that positive energy, and I think that he is someone that really knows how to give that to you. Allison Kugel can be found on Instagram at theallisonkugel and AllisonKugel.com. Fort Polk, LA (71446) Today Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 93F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. West Hartford (06107) Today Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. High near 80F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Some clouds. Low 68F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Jordan Named Paducah's New City Manager By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - The city of Paducah has chosen its new city manager.In a press release, the city said commissioners have chosen Daron Jordan for the position. He has been serving as city manager of Paris, Kentucky, but has notified them that he is leaving and will begin his tenure with Paducah on August 1.Mayor George Bray said, I am pleased with the recruitment process and the incredible number of highly qualified candidates who wanted to be Paducahs next city manager. During the process, Daron Jordan stood out to the Board and to the others who had the chance to meet him as a great fit for Paducah. Daron was born and raised in Western Kentucky and is the current city manager in Paris, Kentucky. He has had excellent success in Paris and brings a wealth of economic development experience, a collaborative personality, and a love for Kentucky. The Board and I look forward to working with Daron.Jordan visited Paducah earlier this month and was interviewed by commissioners, the citys leadership team and a community panel on diversity, equity, and inclusion.Jordan said, I am excited for the opportunity to join Team Paducah. Paducah has a great history, and I want to be part of the team that continues to progress and move Paducah forward.He has been city manager of Paris since January 2017. Other local government experience includes more than 16 years with the city of Madisonville and four years with the city of Henderson. Jordan holds a Masters in Organizational Management and has been certified by the International Economic Development Council as a Certified Economic Developer.His contract with the city will be on the agenda for approval at the next City Commission meeting, which should be July 13.Jordan will replace Jim Arndt, who announced in January that he will move back home to Illinois to be closer to family and to open a local government management consulting business. Arndts employment contract ends July 31. Police K9 Tracks Down Fleeing Massac Suspect By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - For the second time in a week, a Paducah Police Department K9 has helped authorities locate and detain a suspect. This time it was in response to a multi-state police pursuit.The McCracken County Sheriffs Office says they got involved in the pursuit after a Metropolis man crossed the Ohio River bridge into Kentucky while fleeing from Massac County Sheriff's deputies.The incident began early Wednesday morning when 26-year-old Steven J. Youman of Metropolis fled from Massac County Sheriff's deputies after initially being stopped in Massac County. Youman allegedly tried to strike a deputy with his car as he took off.McCracken County Sheriff's deputies picked up the pursuit once Youman crossed the Ohio River Bridge. Deputies deployed 'stop sticks' around the 9 mile marker on I-24 which punctured Youman's tires. Despite the front tires falling off their wheels, Youman continued to flee South on Husbands Road before eventually losing control of the vehicle and crashing into a field at Krebs Station Road. Youman then left the vehicle and took off on foot.While searching for Youman deputies were able to detain his passenger, 30-year-old Faith Sullivan of Brookport, who was wanted on a warrant out of Massac County.Paducah Police Department K9 officer Joker was brought in to assistant with the search and was able to find Youman hiding in a field within minutes of arriving.Youman was arrested but taken to a local hospital after he allegedly told Sheriff's deputies that he had ingested methamphetamine while fleeing. He was then medically cleared and taken to the McCracken County Regional Jail.Youman has been charged with reckless driving, fleeing or evading police 1st degree (motor vehicle), fleeing Or evading police 1st degree (on foot), two counts of wanton endangerment 1st degree, criminal mischief 3rd degree, operating a motor vehicle under the influence 1st (aggravating circumstances), failure To transfer a motor vehicle, failure to produce an insurance card.Sullivan was charged with fugitive from justice warrant, the original charges from the warrant was out of Massac County.This was the second time this week a Paducah Police Department K9 unit has assisted with locating a suspect. On Monday K9 officer Don was used to track down a Keeton Correctional Institute Escapee.On the Net: Tennessee Woman Injured in I-24 Crash By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - A Tennessee woman was injured Wednesday morning when the she rear-ended a tractor-trailer on I-24 near exit 3 in Paducah.The Paducah Police say that truck driver Edgar Venable told them he was stopped on I-24 when a Ford van hit the rear of his trailer.The van was driven by Amaya Cox, who officers were unable to interview at the scene because she was being treated for her injuries. However, police said witnesses confirmed Venables account of the crash.Cox was taken to Mercy Health Lourdes Hospital for treatment. Officers believe Coxs inattention to the road was a contributing factor in the crash. Illinois Gas Tax Gets Automatic Hike Today By West Kentucky Star Staff SPRINGFIELD - Drivers in Illinois should be prepared to pay for a little more gas starting today with another automatic hike instituted by Governor Pritzker.The states gas tax increases another half-cent to $0.392 per gallon. The gas tax saw an automatic increase to $0.387 cents in 2020.The gas tax originally doubled from $0.19 in 2019 as part of Pritzkers Rebuild Illinois plan, intended to help pay for statewide construction program for roads, bridges, mass transit, schools and other public works.According to Illinois Policy Institute, Illinois has the sixth-highest gas tax in the country.Drivers paid $1.3 billion dollars in total gas taxes for Fiscal Year 2019, with that figure nearly doubling to $2.3 billion for 2020. The Institute estimates that the 2019 gas tax hike costs the average motorist, about $100 more a year. Local Schools Get Grants for Resource Centers By West Kentucky Star Staff WESTERN KENTUCKY - The Commonwealth of Kentucky has awarded $15 million in grants to family resource and youth services centers in several area school districts.On Thursday, the Governor's office announced grants to 150 local Family Resource and Youth Services Centers from the second round of the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund 2. They will fund educational support services needed due to COVID-19s impact on schools, youth and families, with a focus on early childhood education and child care, as well as family crisis and mental health counseling.The grants will be managed by the Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers in the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.School districts in our area receiving grants include:Laker Cove FRC, Laker Lighthouse FRC, Laker Anchor YSC, Harbour YSCThe Family ConnectionFulton Co Family Ties CenterGraves Central FRC, Fancy Farm FRC, Sedalia FRC, SAFE FRC, Wingo FRC, Family Ties YSC, Summit YSCCardinal Connection YSC, Family First FRCRoots to Wings YSCF.A.C.E FRC, Mayfield YSCKids First FRC, Lone Oak FRYSC, Flash FRYSC, Reidland FRYSC, Mustangs YSC, Greyhound FRYSC, Reidland FRCMurray FRYSCKids Co Too FRC, Morgan FRC, Kids Co 1 FR, Tornado S.T.A.R YSCHorizon Youth Services Center Marshall Fiscal Court Approves 911 Chair Purchase By West Kentucky Star Staff MARSHALL COUNTY - At a special called meeting Tuesday the Marshall County Fiscal Court settled it's long running dispute over what to do with the purchase of chairs for the county's E-911 center.The chairs had already been purchased for the E-911 center, when approval of the purchase was brought to a vote at a meeting earlier this month. Originally all three commissioners expressed their disdain for the price of the chairs with District 2 Commissioner Kevin Spraggs presenting cheaper alternatives to the court.At the time none of the three commissioners seemed to have an issue with seeking a more affordable alternative, however the problem the court faced was with returning the already purchased chairs.At Tuesday's meeting County Attorney Jason Darnall explained the purchase contract with the seller of the chairs, Evan's Consoles, and the potential risks they faced in breaking that contract.Darnall told the court he wasn't sure a restocking fee would apply, but returning the chairs could put the county in a position to be sued.Despite the potential return fees and legal issues, Spraggs stood behind the alternative chairs he had previously submitted to the court."These chairs that have been referred to as lesser expensive are the chairs that Calloway County and KSP (Kentucky State Police) use," Spraggs said. "If they are good enough for them, they are good enough for us is my opinion. The total on those chairs with shipping is $10,132. The total on the other chairs is $17,444.54. That is a difference in $7,312.54. I am not going to sit back and be ok with what I feel is excessive spending, not today, not ever."District 1 Commissioner Justin Lamb said he agreed with Spraggs in principle."It's our job as a court to try and curb excessive spending," Lamb said. "I still support my position that we as commissioners have a right to question bills and look for cheaper alternatives. Trying to find a common ground has been very difficult in this situation because we are in a predicament. We have the chairs that have been delivered. Are we going to virtually waste more money in sending them back?"Both Lamb and District 3 Commissioner Monti Collins worried that sending the chairs back would not only cost the county more money, but damage the county's reputation in future business deals.In the end the issue was put to a vote with Lamb and Collins along with Judge Executive Kevin Neal voting to keep the already purchased 24/7 chair, mainly in order to avoid those potential legal issues. Spraggs was the only one to vote no. Navy Electricians Mate 3rd Class Alphard S. Owsley of Paris, Kentucky, was killed Dec. 7, 1941, when his ship, the USS Oklahoma, was attacked by Japanese aircraft. PHOTO:https://www.dpaa.mil/ KY Sailor Who Died at Pearl Harbor Identified By The Associated Press PARIS - The military says a sailor from Kentucky who was killed at Pearl Harbor has been identified, and he will be buried in his hometown next month.Navy Electricians Mate 3rd Class Alphard S. Owsley of Paris, Kentucky, was killed Dec. 7, 1941, when his ship, the USS Oklahoma, was attacked by Japanese aircraft.The 23-year-old was among 429 crewmen who died on the ship.The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced Wednesday that Owsley was accounted for on Sept. 14. Owsley will be buried Aug. 5, 2021, in his hometown. Pavlick, Maryann Mrs. Maryann Pavlick, 89, of Murray, went to her heavenly home on Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at Spring Creek Post Acute Care & Rehabilitation. Mrs. Pavlick was born on March 18, 1932 in Downers Grove, IL to the late Robert and Ruth Kube. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Education from Western Michigan University and went on to earn her Master's from Eastern Michigan University. She and her husband, Ed, loved to travel. In their younger years they visited many places in their travel trailer. Maryann was a profound artist and had a love of watercolor. You'll see many of her pieces displayed throughout their home. She loved writing poetry as well and wanted anyone she came across to have a copy. Most importantly Maryann loved the Lord and lived her life as such. She was a member of League of Women Voters and of Hardin Baptist Church. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Ed Pavlick who passed away on May 7, 2021. Those she lovingly leaves behind include two sons, James Pavlick of Ohio, Robert Pavlick (Amy) of Murray; two daughters, Susie Barrick of San Francisco, CA, LeeAnn Wall (Michael) of Michigan; a sister, Jane Humphrey of Murrells, Inlet, SC; grandchildren, Joshua Gehrke, Jason Gehrke, Lauren Elizabeth Barrick and five great grandchildren. A private family service will be held at a later date. Please join family and friends in honoring the life of Mrs. Maryann Pavlick by visiting www.imesfh.com and posting your tributes and memories. Independence Day will be extra special this year for many reasons. Like many other things in life, you dont really understand the importance of something until you cant experience it. On Sunday, I will have a whole new level of appreciation for celebrating our wonderful country. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers an important speech at the ceremony to present the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to outstanding Party members at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Liu Weibing] BEIJING, June 29 (Xinhua) - Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Tuesday conferred the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, on model CPC members. A total of 29 CPC members who have made "outstanding contributions to the Party and the people" received the honor, some posthumously. This is the first time the medal has been awarded as the CPC is set to celebrate its centenary on July 1. Over the past 100 years, the Party "has written a splendid chapter in the history of the Chinese nation's development and that of humanity's progress," said Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission. In the Great Hall of the People, Xi draped the medals around the necks of the recipients, shook their hands and congratulated them. Xi addressed the attendees after presenting the medals. Role Models Over the past 100 years, generations of CPC members have worked hard and made selfless contributions in the pursuit of national independence and the liberation of the people, as well as in striving for a prosperous and strong country and the people's well-being, said Xi. Noting that the awardees have been outstanding representatives of CPC members on all fronts, Xi said they embody Party members' staunch faith, fighting and dedicated spirit, integrity and devotion, and loyalty to the Party's fundamental tenet putting the people at the very center of their hearts, and wholeheartedly serving the people. To maintain staunch faith is to stay true to the Party's original aspiration and dedicate everything, even one's precious life, to the cause of the Party and the people, said Xi. All Party members should trust, love and devote themselves to the Party, he said. Xi also told CPC members to work diligently, maintain high morale, tackle challenges and continue the fine traditions of hard work and plain living, and to put public interests above personal interests. The ceremony was presided over by Wang Huning, and attended by Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Zhao Leji and Han Zheng all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, as well as Vice President Wang Qishan. Wang Huning read a decision of the CPC Central Committee on conferring the medals. Everyday Heroes The recipients of the medals all come from the people and are rooted in the people. They are everyday heroes who have fulfilled their duties and made contributions, said Xi. They include a veteran of the Red Army and those who fought in the War of Liberation and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. They also include a volunteer who has spent decades serving her community, a Uygur village official resolutely fighting ethnic separatist activities, a welder, a weaver, a veteran diplomat and a police detective. A battalion commander who sacrificed his life defending the Chinese border, a Party official who was sent to a village to fight poverty and died on the front line, and a war hero who worked in obscurity after retiring from the military were awarded the honor posthumously. Zhang Guimei, the principal of a senior high school that offers free education to girls from impoverished families, called herself an "ordinary teacher" when she delivered a speech on behalf of the honorees after receiving her medal. "The honor belongs to every CPC member working on different fronts," said Zhang. "What we've done is just what many CPC members are doing every day." According to figures released last year, the CPC has more than 91 million members. Xi called on the Party to follow the example set by the awardees, saying every CPC member can make accomplishments for the Party and the people in the great cause of national rejuvenation. "The new era needs heroes and can give birth to heroes," he said. At the end of the speech, Xi called on CPC members and officials to boldly advance toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country, as well as the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. After the ceremony, Xi and other leaders took a group photo with the medal recipients. Before the ceremony, Xi and other leaders met with awardees of the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country, and took a group photo with them. The meeting on awarding the three titles was held Monday, which was attended by Wang Huning and Zhao Leji. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers an important speech at the ceremony to present the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to outstanding Party members at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Ding Lin] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, walks with the recipients of the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, into the venue of the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Liu Weibing] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, walks with the recipients of the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, into the venue of the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Tao] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and other leaders pose for a group photo with the recipients of the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Xie Huanchi] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, waves while meeting with awardees of the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country before the ceremony to present the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to outstanding Party members at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Xie Huanchi] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and other leaders meet with awardees of the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country before the ceremony to present the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to outstanding Party members at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Shen Hong] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and other leaders meet with awardees of the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country before the ceremony to present the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to outstanding Party members at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Shen Hong] A meeting on awarding the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 28, 2021. [Xinhua/Zhang Ling] Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and a member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and Zhao Leji, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, present awards to awardees of the titles of outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Party organizations from across the country at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 28, 2021. [Xinhua/Zhang Ling] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Lan Tianye at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Cui Daozhi at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Wei Deyou at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Ma Maojie at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Wang Shumao at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Wang Zhanshan at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Wang Lanhua at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Ai Aiguo at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Shi Guangyin at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Lyu Qiming at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Ting Bater at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Liu Guijin at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Memetjan Wumer at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Li Hongta at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Wu Tianyi at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Zhang Guimei at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Lin Dan at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Zhoigar at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Zhou Yongkai at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Guo Ruixiang at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Huang Dafa at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presents the July 1 Medal, the Party's highest honor, to Huang Baomei at the award ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. The award ceremony of the July 1 Medal was held Tuesday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] (Source: Xinhua) Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, meets with outstanding Party secretaries of county-level CPC committees selected from across the country in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] BEIJING, June 29 (Xinhua) Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, met in Beijing with outstanding Party secretaries of county-level CPC committees selected from across China Tuesday morning. Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, extended greetings and congratulations to the awardees and took group photos with them. Also present were Ding Xuexiang, director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and Chen Xi, head of the CPC Central Committee's Organization Department, both of whom are members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Approved by the CPC Central Committee, 103 county-level Party secretaries were awarded for remarkable achievements on their posts. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, meets with outstanding Party secretaries of county-level CPC committees selected from across the country in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. [Xinhua/Li Xueren] Chen Xi, head of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's Organization Department, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, attends a meeting to award outstanding Party secretaries of county-level CPC committees selected from across China in Beijing, capital of China, June 29, 2021. [Xinhua/Zhang Ling] (Source: Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 00:04:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Workers transfer containers of the COVID-19 vaccine in Maputo, Mozambique, on June 30, 2021. Mozambique on Wednesday received 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine purchased by the country's private sector in coordination with the government. The procurement of the 500,000 doses of the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, an inactivated vaccine called SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), is part of the local initiative "United for the vaccine against COVID-19" (UNIVAX), of which, 139,000 doses will be offered to the Mozambican government. (Photo by Edson Manjate/Xinhua) MAPUTO, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Mozambique on Wednesday received 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine purchased by the country's private sector in coordination with the government. The procurement of the 500,000 doses of the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, an inactivated vaccine called SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), is part of the local initiative "United for the vaccine against COVID-19" (UNIVAX), of which, 139,000 doses will be offered to the Mozambican government. Speaking about the vaccination plan at the reception ceremony, the Minister of Health Armindo Tiago said the 500,000 doses of the vaccine will contribute to the immunization of around 240,000 people and accelerate the implementation of the national vaccination plan. "Vaccines arrive in the country at a time when we are registering an increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19," he said. The minister said that a rapid vaccination process could save lives of more people and prevent the collapse of the national health system, while calling for more public participation in the program. The country is to receive another 1.5 million doses in the coming weeks, said the official, who hoped that half of the population will be vaccinated against COVID-19 by August. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 06:19:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BRUSSELS, June 30 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU) has its landmark climate law entering into force on Wednesday as the Minister of Environment and Climate Action of Portugal Joao Pedro Matos Fernandes signed the text. The signing ceremony coincided with the conclusion of the Portuguese six-month presidency of the Council of the EU. Slovenia will take over the rotating presidency on Thursday. The climate law, adopted by the EU member states on Monday, makes the bloc's ambitious target of becoming climate neutral by 2050 legally binding. It also requires cutting of net emission by at least 55 percent by 2030 compared with the 1990 level. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen hailed the milestone on Twitter. "In 15 days we will propose the laws to make Europe #FitFor55," she said, referring to the task of updating governing regulations in line with the new law. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 13:49:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WELLINGTON, July 1 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand reported one case of COVID-19 related to recent returnees in managed isolation facilities and no cases in the community on Thursday. The newly imported case came from Cambodia and has remained in a managed isolation and quarantine facility in Auckland, according to the Ministry of Health. One patient was recovered. Three previously reported cases have now been reclassified as under investigation pending a historical classification investigation. These cases have now been removed from New Zealand's COVID-19 tally, said a ministry statement. The number of active cases in New Zealand is 28, and the total number of confirmed cases is 2,384, according to the statement. The seven-day rolling average of new cases detected at the border is two, it added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 15:11:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong's Center for Health Protection (CHP) reported four new imported cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, taking the total tally to 11,927. The CHP said there were altogether 42 new cases over the past two weeks, including 40 imported cases and two infections related to imported ones. Hong Kong's vaccination program starting in late February continued to pick up pace as the number of daily jabs reached 60,000 on Wednesday, hitting a record high. Nearly 2.25 million residents have taken at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, accounting for 33.1 percent of eligible groups, with 1.48 million people fully vaccinated. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 17:52:06|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close The Ukrainian edition of the first volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is released in Kiev, Ukraine, June 30, 2021. (Photo by Sergey Starostenko/Xinhua) KIEV, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The Ukrainian edition of the first volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" was released here on Wednesday. The event, co-organized by China's State Council Information Office, China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, was attended by about 100 political leaders, government officials and people from all walks of life of both countries. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal sent a congratulatory letter to the event. Xu Lin, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and minister of the State Council Information Office, delivered a video speech. Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna, who is also the Ukrainian co-chair of Chinese-Ukrainian Inter-government Cooperation Committee, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Uruskyi, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleh Nemchinov, David Arakhamia, leader of the ruling party Servant of the People faction of Ukraine, leader of the Fatherland party Yulia Tymoshenko, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vasyl Bodnar and Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Fan Xianrong also attended the event. In his congratulatory letter, which was read by Nemchinov, Shmyhal extended his warm congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the CPC. The Ukrainian prime minister said that the publication of the Ukrainian edition of the first volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" will help Ukrainians better understand and learn from China's successful experience in national governance. Xu Lin said in his video speech that the first, the second and the third volumes of Xi's book comprehensively and systematically present the development process and main content of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They also show the historical course and great practice of the CPC in national governance in the new era and open a window through which the world can better understand the CPC and China, Xu added. Xu also said that Xi's book demonstrates that the CPC has been consistent with the people-centered development philosophy, and illustrates the glorious course of the national rejuvenation led by the CPC on the basis of China's basic conditions. The book also elaborates on the CPC's philosophy and proposals on pursuing peaceful development and building a beautiful world, and chronicles its ideas and practices of conducting strict self-supervision, self-discipline and self-reform. Experts and scholars of both countries voiced their belief that the Ukrainian edition of the book will help Ukrainian readers understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the process of China's reform and opening up and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and will boost exchanges in national governance between China and Ukraine. The Ukrainian edition of the first volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" was jointly translated and published by China's Foreign Languages Press and Ukrainian publishing house Folio Publishers. So far, the first volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" has been translated and issued in 34 languages and circulated in more than 170 countries and regions. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 18:39:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A flag-raising ceremony is held by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to celebrate the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland at the Golden Bauhinia Square in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said. He vowed continued efforts to safeguard national security, improve the implementation of "one country, two systems", and forge ahead with pragmatic approach and the spirit of rising to the challenge. HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong held various events on Thursday to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) were hoisted and the national anthem was played at the Golden Bauhinia Square in a flag-raising ceremony held by the HKSAR government. Helicopters flew over Victoria Harbor and a fireboat sprayed a water salute. A torch relay race was also held. Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said Thursday morning during the events held in celebration at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. A reception marking the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is held in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) Lee vowed continued efforts to safeguard national security, improve the implementation of "one country, two systems", and forge ahead with pragmatic approach and the spirit of rising to the challenge. With the leadership of the CPC, the strong support of the nation and the success in implementing "one country, two systems," Hong Kong compatriots will be able to share the glory of a prosperous and strong nation, said Chen Dong, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. Chuang Tze-cheung with the Hong Kong Celebrations Association said Hong Kong will continue to give full play to its unique advantages under "one country, two systems" and make greater achievements with the effective administration of the HKSAR government and concerted efforts of the society. A series of celebrations were organized across Hong Kong, including parades of buses and fishing vessels. A commemorative movie named "1921" is on the big screens in multiple cinemas. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 19:41:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TRIPOLI, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Wednesday expressed concern over the safety of school children in Libya due to armed clashes. "On June 26, two children were confirmed injured, one in critical condition. These two children with their 239 schoolmates in school, in El-Jadida Municipality, Zwara, west of Tripoli were subjected to fear and distress due to shooting as a result of a quarrel between gunmen outside their school," UNICEF said in a statement. The UN agency said it was deeply concerned about such incidents "where individuals/civilians and possibly children continue to be caught in crossfire in times of peace in Libya." UNICEF reiterated its call to the Libyan authorities and armed groups to strictly abide by the ceasefire agreement signed in October 2020 and work towards long-lasting peace. "Schools should be safe places, a sanctuary where children can learn, grow, play and be safe. Violence has a profound and long-lasting impact on children," UNICEF said. The North African country has been mired in insecurity and turmoil since a NATO-backed uprising killed the country's long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 22:09:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BRUSSELS, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The 19-member eurozone's unemployment rate fell to 7.9 percent in May from 8.1 percent in April, the European Union's (EU) statistical bureau Eurostat said on Thursday. In the EU, the unemployment rate was 7.3 percent in May, declining 0.1 percentage point over a month. About 15,278 million people were unemployed in the EU in May, 382,000 less than in April. In the eurozone, 12,792 million people were unemployed in May, a decrease of 306,000 from April. For both the eurozone and the EU, the rates were still higher than a year ago. In May 2020, the unemployment rate in the eurozone stood at 7.5 percent and in the EU at 6.9 percent. Greece and Spain were the countries most affected by unemployment in May, with rates reaching 15.4 percent and 15.3 percent, respectively, while Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Malta, the Netherlands and Hungary all registered unemployment rates below four percent. The overall evolution of the unemployment rate in the eurozone and the EU has followed the development of the economic changes induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment rose sharply in the second quarter of 2020, when hard lockdowns were implemented. It decreased in summer last year, as economies reopened partially; rose again in autumn during the second COVID-19 wave; and stabilized in winter. The decrease in unemployment in May this year corresponded to the reopening of economies as the vaccination campaigns across Europe were well underway. However, it must be noted that several companies were still using short-time work schemes, which allowed them to keep employees on the payroll while not working full time, or not working at all, commented Aline Schuiling, senior economist at ABN Amro Bank. As these government-subsidized schemes, designed to mitigate the effects of lockdowns, will come to an end, the number of job seekers will increase, she said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 23:42:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, July 1 (Xinhua) -- "I started practising yoga about 10 years ago, and I learned it on my own. As time goes by, I found more and more Moroccans who were interested in it. In Casablanca, a friend of mine organizes yoga workshops regularly," Yousra El Ansar, a Moroccan yoga enthusiast, told Xinhua. Yoga has grown in popularity among Moroccans in the past several years, with various yoga workshops sprouting up in major cities like Rabat, Casablanca and Marrakech. "It started getting popular in Morocco between 2014 and 2015," said Btissam Mssilea, a Moroccan physiotherapist-in-learning and guided meditation instructor. Before then, yoga was no more than a body exercise preferred by people who have access to Asian culture and could pay more to attend workshops abroad, Mssilea said. Nowadays, an increasing number of yoga studios have been opened in Morocco, accompanied by international yoga events held across the country. EPIC, a global movement celebrating yoga, held a three-day international yoga festival in Marrakech in June 2019, which has now become the biggest yoga event in the North African country. "When I arrived here in 2017, many Moroccans said they had never met a male yoga teacher before," Kevin Parker, an American yoga instructor who has lived in Morocco on and off for several years, told Xinhua. However, things have changed and not just women, there is even an increasing number of male yogis in Morocco, said Parker. Nowadays, there are about 11 yoga clubs in operation in both the capital Rabat and Marrakech, not to mention the numerous gyms that offer yoga classes in the two cities. Similar is the case with Casablanca, the largest city in Morocco, which has at least 10 clubs dedicated to yoga as well as numerous gyms of the kind. Madara Baltina, a certified air yoga and fitness instructor from Latvia, runs air yoga classes weekly in Tamraght and Agadir. There used to be many foreigners from Europe who came for her classes before the outbreak of COVID-19. "Yoga is still something new for Moroccans. So we try to encourage local people, especially women, to try this, because this technique is very special and unique," Baltina told Xinhua, noting that air yoga is still not so popular as traditional yoga in Morocco. "Thus, there are endless opportunities for yoga to grow in Morocco, whether it be traditional yoga, fitness, air yoga," she concluded. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 00:33:27|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A flag-raising ceremony is held at the Golden Bauhinia Square by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government to celebrate the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong on Thursday held various events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. PROSPERITY SINCE RETURN China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) were hoisted and the national anthem was played at the Golden Bauhinia Square in a flag-raising ceremony held by the HKSAR government on Thursday morning. Helicopters flew over Victoria Harbor and a fireboat sprayed a water salute. Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said on Thursday morning during the events held in celebration at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Lee vowed continued efforts to safeguard national security, improve the implementation of "one country, two systems" and forge ahead with a pragmatic approach and the spirit of rising to the challenge. With the leadership of the CPC, the strong support of the nation and the success in implementing "one country, two systems," Hong Kong compatriots will be able to share the glory of a prosperous and strong nation, said Chen Dong, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. Chuang Tze-cheung with the Hong Kong Celebrations Association said Hong Kong will continue to give full play to its unique advantages under "one country, two systems" and make greater achievements with the effective administration of the HKSAR government and concerted efforts of the society. GRAND CELEBRATIONS A series of celebrations were organized across Hong Kong, including parades of buses and fishing vessels, and festive decorations could be found in many places from stores along the streets to landmark buildings. In Victoria Harbor, fishing vessels sailed in a procession and were greeted by joyful Hong Kong residents on the bank. A torch relay race was also held to mark the centenary of the CPC and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return. A participant born in 1997 said this year's July 1 is a meaningful day and he felt the responsibility on him and also the young generation at large to carry on the success of Hong Kong. Hongkong Post started on Thursday issuing commemorative stamps for the big day, its first release on the theme of the CPC. Long queues were spotted outside post offices in the morning even before the opening hour. A commemorative movie named "1921" is on the big screens in multiple cinemas. It is particularly meaningful to watch this film on this special day, Chuang Tze-cheung said, adding that he hopes more young people will watch this movie. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 01:44:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BRUSSELS, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The European Union's Digital COVID Certificate officially came into force on Thursday, allowing EU citizens and residents to have their pass issued and verified across the bloc. By Wednesday evening, 21 out of the 27 EU member states, as well as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, were connected to the system's network while the others were technically ready and joined the system on Thursday. Some countries already began using the new health certificate in June. According to the European Commission, all member states should now be in a position to issue and accept the pass. The EU Digital COVID Certificate is free and should be recognized by all 27 member states as well as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway. The certificate will facilitate travel, helping to exempt holders from restrictions such as quarantine. The EU had said it was in talks with several other countries, such as Britain and the United States, over mutual recognition and operation of COVID-related documents. The certificate applies in three situations: it attests whether a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19, whether they have had a recent negative test, or whether they are considered immune having previously contracted the disease. Countries are obliged to accept vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), namely Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Welcoming its entry into application, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that "The European Digital COVID Certificate is a symbol of an open and safe Europe that is opening cautiously putting the protection of the health of our citizens first." She said that more than 200 million certificates have already been generated. Under the new rules, member states must refrain from imposing additional travel restrictions on holders of an EU Digital COVID Certificate, unless they are necessary and proportionate to safeguard public health. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 02:37:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GENEVA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Around one in four people lacked safely managed drinking water in their homes in 2020 and nearly half the world's population lacked safely managed sanitation, said a joint report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Thursday. COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need to ensure everyone can access good hand hygiene. At the onset of the pandemic, 3 in 10 people worldwide could not wash their hands with soap and water within their homes, the report added. "Handwashing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, yet millions of people across the world lack access to a reliable, safe supply of water," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore added that even before the pandemic, millions of children and families were suffering without clean water, safe sanitation, and a place to wash their hands. According to the report, between 2016 and 2020, the global population with safely managed drinking water at home rose from 70 percent to 74 percent; safely managed sanitation services grew from 47 percent to 54 percent; and handwashing facilities with soap and water increased from 67 percent to 71 percent. It is not enough despite the progress, said the report, noting that Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing the slowest rate of progress in the world. Highlighting an urgent need for investment, the report warned that billions of people across the world will be unable to access safely managed household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services in 2030 unless the rate of progress quadruples. "Investment in water, sanitation and hygiene must be a global priority if we are to end this pandemic and build more resilient health systems," said the WHO chief. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 04:34:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Peter Maurer (C), president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), attends a press conference in Aden, Yemen, on July 1, 2021. The ICRC confirmed on Thursday its readiness to facilitate exchanging prisoners between the various parties in Yemen's years-long conflict. (Photo by Murad Abdo/Xinhua) ADEN, Yemen, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed on Thursday its readiness to facilitate exchanging prisoners between the various parties in Yemen's years-long conflict. During a press conference held in the country's southern port city of Aden, ICRC President Peter Maurer reaffirmed that his teams operating in Yemen's branches are still working to help those affected by the conflict. He previously spoke with Yemen's Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik on the urgent humanitarian challenges in the Yemeni regions. Maurer reiterated the "ICRC's readiness to continue facilitating any future detainee release operations between the parties to the conflict." On Wednesday, Maurer arrived in Aden, where the internationally recognized Yemeni government is temporarily seated, on a six-day visit to the war-ravaged Arab country, including the capital of Sanaa, which is under the control of the Houthis, to inspect the humanitarian situation there. In October 2020, the Yemeni government and the Houthis released a total of 1,056 prisoners from both sides, the largest UN-sponsored exchange deal between them since the outbreak of the civil war in Yemen. Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014, when the Houthi militia seized control of several northern provinces and forced the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of Sanaa. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 05:36:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ANKARA -- Turkey on Thursday canceled most of its COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and events and lifted nighttime and Sunday curfews after daily infection numbers remain steadily around 5,000 cases. The intercity travel restrictions and limits on guests at restaurants and wedding parties are also lifted, said the interior ministry in a statement said. It added that concerts and festivals are also allowed on the condition that the music must end by midnight. (Turkey-Coronavirus-Restrictions) - - - - TEHRAN -- Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed on Thursday First Deputy Justice Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei as the new chief justice to replace Ebrahim Raisi, now the president-elect. Khamenei cited in a decree, carried by the official news agency IRNA, that Ejei boasts legal competence, valuable experience, deep knowledge, and a brilliant record in the judiciary. Ejei, a 65-year-old Shia Muslim cleric and a member of Iran's Expediency Discernment Council, has held several high-ranking positions in the Iranian government, including the attorney general and minister of intelligence. (Iran-Chief Justice-Appointment) - - - - JERUSALEM -- Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennet on Thursday said that Israel is determined "to prevent Iran from having nuclear military capabilities." Bennet made the remarks during a meeting with visiting German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, during which they discussed the "Iranian nuclear threat," said a statement issued by the Israeli PM's office. (Israel-Iran-Nuclear issue) - - - - ADEN -- The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed on Thursday its readiness to facilitate exchanging prisoners between the various parties in Yemen's years-long conflict. During a press conference held in the country's southern port city of Aden, ICRC President Peter Maurer reaffirmed that his teams operating in Yemen's branches are still working to help those affected by the conflict.(ICRC-Yemen-Visit) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 06:23:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Nicolas de Riviere (R, rear), French UN ambassador and president of the Council for the month of July, attends a press conference at the UN headquarters in New York, on July 1, 2021. The UN Security Council meetings will be "completely" physical if health conditions allow, Nicolas de Riviere said on Thursday. (Xinhua/Xie E) UNITED NATIONS, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council meetings will be "completely" physical if health conditions allow, Nicolas de Riviere, French UN ambassador and president of the Council for the month of July, said on Thursday. "This month in July, if health conditions allow, the meetings will be completely, all of them, in person," de Riviere told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York. "There will be no longer any video conferences. So, the participants will be in-person participants, including ministers that are invited," he said. "The ambassador noted that doing so is "very important because the Security Council is also a dialogue between the 15 representatives. And the aim is to find common ground to try to make progress to solve crises." He expressed the hope that ambassadors will not just "make speeches one after the other, which is not always that useful." Speaking about the program of work for the month, de Riviere said that there are two main priorities for the month. "The first one relates to humanitarian issues, which for us, are really peace, international peace, and security issues." he explained. According to the ambassador, there will be a ministerial meeting on the protection of humanitarian space on July 6. On July 16, there will be a meeting discussing "good practices with regard to humanitarian assistance, the importance of preserving humanitarian space, protecting humanitarian and medical workers." Another related issue of humanitarian subject will be "the negotiations that have begun on the renewal of cross-border access for Syria." "That is something that we have to conclude in the first 10 days of the French presidency on the 10th of July," he added. On the second priority for the Council's July work, he said that it will be the Middle East. The ambassador said the situation in the Middle East is "extremely fragile," broadly speaking. "Whether we talk about Libya, Yemen, Syria or other areas during the month of July, we'll be focusing particularly on that region," he stressed. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 10:31:53|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HARARE, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Zimbabweans to a great extent took heed of the enhanced COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown measures announced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Tuesday. Police warned that those who wanted to connive with rogue officers to circumvent the regulations would be punished. Although the measures were supposed to take immediate effect on Tuesday, enforcement was difficult as many people had been caught unawares. Strict observance began Wednesday with shops opening and closing at the prescribed time of 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) and 3:30 p.m. (1330 GMT), while the curfew starting at 6:30 pm (1630 GMT) was also observed as people cleared roads and there was little vehicular traffic. The curfew ends at 6 a.m. (0400 GMT). There is a general feeling among many people that some rogue members of the police force are taking bribes and turning a blind eye to rule-breaking offenders, especially traffic operators, who failed to observe the set regulations. Police spokesperson Paul Nyathi on Wednesday warned that transporters found contravening the government's intercity ban would have their employees arrested and vehicles impounded. "Any connivance by these illegal operators with members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police will be severely dealt with," Nyathi said. He also warned people who are holding church gatherings and all-night prayers to comply with the government's regulations. "The public should take note that only gatherings or funerals of 30 or fewer people are allowed. Police officers on patrol will check on compliance for the security of all," he said. President Mnangagwa announced the enhanced lockdown measures following a spike in COVID-19 infections. Under the lockdown measures, which will run for two weeks pending review, commerce and industry will open from 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) to 3:30 p.m. (1330 GMT). Industry was instructed to decongest staff to 40 percent of the workforce with the rest working from home, while intercity movements have been prohibited except for production and logistics of food and medicines. Travelers from countries with Alpha and Delta variants will be quarantined and tested at their own expenses, and deportees will be quarantined for 10 days either at places of their choices or at other designated venues. Ministers and parliamentarians were instructed to disseminate information on vaccination in their constituencies. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 18:30:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TRIPOLI, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Wednesday said that 70 illegal migrants have been returned to Libya by the Libyan Coast Guard. "Seventy persons were returned tonight to Tripoli by the Libyan Coast Guard. The group embarked yesterday night from Zliten area, 160 km east of Tripoli," UNHCR Libya tweeted Wednesday. "UNHCR and IRC attended the disembarkation to provide urgent medical aid, food and water to all survivors," it said. The North African country has been mired in insecurity and turmoil since a NATO-backed uprising killed the country's long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, making it a preferred point of departure for illegal migrants who want to cross the Mediterranean Sea to European shores. According to the International Organization for Migration, nearly 15,000 illegal migrants have been rescued and returned to Libya so far this year. The rescued migrants have ended up inside overcrowded reception centers across Libya, despite repeated international calls to close those centers. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 19:04:42|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KINSHASA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- At least ten people were killed on Wednesday night in an attack by rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in Beni territory of North Kivu province, in northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). According to local authorities, ADF rebels raided the Rwangoma district in Beni. At least ten people were killed, including four women, while the assailants also burned down homes and shops in the area. The bodies of the ten people killed were deposited at the general morgue of Beni by the local authorities. Beni's residents led a demonstration on Nyamwisi Boulevard on Thursday morning to express anger at the massacre and the insecurity that persists in this part of the country. On Sunday, two bomb blasts hit Beni, killing one person and injuring several others. On Sunday evening, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a peripheral neighborhood, injuring at least two people. The army has identified the bomber as an active ADF member. Hundreds of people have died in recent months in Beni territory, and in part of Ituri, where ADF rebels are operating simultaneously. Since the beginning of this year, members of the ADF, originated in Uganda, have increased their attacks in North Kivu and Ituri. Faced with growing insecurities in the region, DRC President Felix Tshisekedi declared a state of siege in the two provinces in April. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 19:51:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LIBREVILLE, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The perpetrators of a failed coup attempt in January 2019 in Gabon were sentenced on Thursday to 15 years in prison, ordered the Special Military Court in Gabon's capital Libreville. Lieutenant Kelly Ondo Obiang and two of his fellow Republican Guard members were prosecuted for endangering state security, destroying public property, kidnapping, criminal conspiracy and theft. On the night of January 7, 2019, renegade soldiers stormed the national radio station in Libreville around 4 a.m. local time to announce the establishment of a "national council of the restoration". In the statement, Kelly Ondo Obiang, then-lieutenant of the Republican Guard, announced that they were disappointed by the message delivered earlier by President Ali Bongo, which "rather heightened doubts about his ability to assume the office of President of the Republic." In the evening, the Gabonese government had reassured that calm had returned and the situation was under control. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 01:10:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Ethiopian government declared a unilateral ceasefire in the country's northern Tigray region as its objectives had been met, said a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Thursday. Speaking to journalists, Dina Mufti, the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said the Ethiopian government declared a unilateral ceasefire in Tigray region Monday because the main objectives of the almost eight-months-long "law enforcement operation" have been achieved. With the freeing of Ethiopian soldiers and the degradation of the former regional ruling party Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) military capabilities, the Ethiopian government declared a unilateral ceasefire, Mufti said. "The two major objectives of the law enforcement operation have been achieved," said Mufti. "One was to actually make sure that the Ethiopian soldiers who were detained by the rebels were freed, and they were freed. The other was to take away the military hardware from the rebels." The unilateral ceasefire is also said to facilitate humanitarian assistance, peaceful livelihood in the region, as well as agriculture activities amid the approaching rainy season. Since the early hours of Nov. 4, the Ethiopian government had been undertaking military operations against the TPLF which used to rule Ethiopia's northernmost Tigray regional state. Fighting of months in Tigray between the TPLF and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces backed by allied forces has reportedly left thousands of people dead, hundreds of thousands displaced. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 14:48:38|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HERAT, Afghanistan, July 1 (Xinhua) -- A Taliban militants' attack on Ghoryan district of Afghanistan's western Herat province has been repulsed and the armed group fled with 20 militants killed, a statement of the provincial government said Thursday. Hundreds of Taliban insurgents launched multi-pronged offensive on Ghoryan district in the wee hours of Thursday but the security forces retaliated forcing the insurgents to flee leaving 20 bodies behind, the statement said. Ten more militants were injured in the counter-offensive backed by fighting planes, the statement added. The statement also confirmed that one security personnel was killed and three sustained injury. It also noted that the security forces would continue to chase the militants in Ghoryan and its vicinity to ensure security. Taliban militants have reportedly captured more than 70 districts since the start of the withdrawal of the U.S.-led forces from Afghanistan on May 1. The militant group has yet to make comments on the situation in the troubled Ghoryan district. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 16:35:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WELLINGTON, July 1 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand launched a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities on Thursday, elevating the position of the previous Office of Ethnic Communities, in a move to strengthen ethnic affairs following the March 15 terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques in 2019. "This is the first time in its history that New Zealand has had a Ministry and Chief Executive solely focused on improving outcomes for our ethnic communities, which make up nearly 20 percent of our population," Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Priyanca Radhakrishnan told the launching ceremony. The government wants to ensure that "New Zealand is a place where everyone feels safe, valued, heard, and has a sense of belonging," Radhakrishnan said. New Zealand's diversity is a source of strength and "we must ensure we take steps to become even more inclusive so that diversity can thrive," she said. The government committed to establishing the new ministry last December, as part of its response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques on March 15, 2019, according to the minister. The ministry will continue to deliver the functions of the Office of Ethnic Communities, but will also look to build additional functions and influence across the public sector, she said. "Many from our diverse ethnic communities have been calling for a Ministry for some time now," said Radhakrishnan. There is a lot more needed to do to tackle the challenges many are facing in the labor market, education and health sectors and when accessing government services, she said. "Some have also raised the need to address the discrimination that has led to the underrepresentation of these communities at various levels of leadership," she added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 16:53:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MANILA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) reported 5,795 new COVID-19 infections on Thursday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the Southeast Asian country to 1,418,337. The death toll climbed to 24,797 after 135 more patients died from the viral disease, the DOH said. The Philippines, with a population of more than 110 million, has tested more than 14 million people since the outbreak in January 2020. "The risk classification nationally is already at low risk," Alethea De Guzman of the DOH's Epidemiology Bureau said in an online briefing, adding that the national case growth rate and average daily infection rate for the past two weeks have slowed. The number of cases in Metro Manila continued to decline, while infections in the Visayas region in the central Philippines and Mindanao in the south "peaked" in June and showed "signs of decline over the past week," De Guzman said. The World Health Organization (WHO) called on the Philippine government on Thursday to speed up the vaccination of priority groups, especially the elderly. WHO Representative to the Philippines Rabindra Abeyasinghe said that senior citizens are at the highest risk of death due to COVID-19. He said focusing vaccination efforts on those "at greatest risk of severe disease and death will have the biggest immediate impact on saving lives, especially amid a limited global supply of vaccines." The Philippines has administered more than 10 million doses of vaccines since the nationwide rollout on March 1. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 17:23:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia was speeding up its COVID-19 vaccination drive as new infection rates continued to soar, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said on Thursday. The Southeast Asian nation confirmed 999 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, taking the national caseload to 51,384, the health ministry said, adding that 26 more fatalities were reported, bringing the death toll to 628. The kingdom launched a COVID-19 vaccination drive on Feb. 10, starting from capital Phnom Penh and Kandal province before expanding it to other provinces recently. In a televised speech on the state-run National Television of Cambodia (TVK), Hun Sen said that 4.2 million people, or 42 percent of the 10-million targeted adult population, have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine so far. "We're rushing to inoculate all the 10-million targeted adult population by November ... and then, we will consider providing the vaccine to children aged under 18," he said. The prime minister said that China is the major vaccine supplier to the kingdom. Meanwhile, Hun Sen said that the country was using Chinese medicine to treat COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms and advised the health ministry to purchase more medicine from China. "I take the Chinese medicine too." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 20:07:53|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BRUSSELS, July 1 (Xinhua) -- A Belgian F-16 jet collided with a building at Leeuwarden Air Base in the Netherlands on Thursday morning, injuring two people, the Dutch and Belgian authorities said. "On Thursday morning an incident took place with an F-16 fighter aircraft at Leeuwarden Air Base," the Dutch Air Force confirmed. "The pilot sustained a leg injury and was transferred to hospital for treatment. A member of the Belgian technical staff who was present during the incident was also taken to hospital as a precaution", the Belgian Defense said in a statement. A team from the Ministry of Defense's Aviation Safety Investigation Board (ASIB) will travel to Leeuwarden to conduct a flight safety investigation, the Belgian Defense said on Twitter. The pilot was participating in the Weapons Instructor Course (WIC) at Leeuwarden Air Base, according to the Belgian Defense. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 21:20:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close COPENHAGEN, July 1 (Xinhua) -- World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge on Thursday cited increased mixing, travel, gatherings, and easing of social restrictions as the main culprits ending a ten-week decline in the number of COVID-19 cases in Europe. "Last week, the number of cases rose by 10 percent. This is taking place in the context of a rapidly evolving situation - a new variant of concern, the Delta variant - and in a region where despite tremendous efforts by the member states, millions remain unvaccinated," said Kluge at an online press conference in Copenhagen. He noted that "Delta variant overtakes alpha very quickly through multiple and repeated introductions, and is already translating into increased hospitalizations and deaths." The WHO European Region, according to Klug, is expected to be "Delta dominant" by August. He also warns that new variants, deficit in vaccine uptake and increased social mixing would cause a new wave of excess hospitalizations and deaths before the autumn in the region. To counter the expected upsurge, Kluge again called upon the region to "remain disciplined" and for citizens to take up vaccines when offered. "Vaccines are effective against the Delta variant. Not one dose but two doses. Delays in getting vaccinated cost lives and economies, and the slower we vaccinate, the more variants will emerge." Again, Kluge lamented over the clear disparity in vaccine equality between rich and poor countries in Europe and noted that it was "unacceptable" that vaccine coverage was 24 percent throughout the entire region, "far from the recommended 80 percent coverage of the adult population." "With these figures, nowhere is the pandemic over, and it would be very wrong for anyone - citizen and policymakers - to assume that it is." Concerned about the current EURO 2020 tournament as a spreader event, as numbers of fans throughout the region had returned to their home countries infected with the virus, Kluge reiterated his message of caution and called upon all fans to wear masks "especially indoor and in crowds." "The stakes are still high. COVID-19's trajectory in the coming weeks and months depends on the decisions and actions of us as individuals, communities, and as governments, we will take now and the weeks ahead, solidarity pays off!" Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 23:41:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MOSCOW, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Russia will continue supporting Belarus amid ongoing external pressure, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday at the 8th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions. "I would like to stress that Belarus is not just a good neighbor, but above all our closest ally. Our relations are based on the principles of mutual respect, support and consideration of each other's interests," the president said, according to the Kremlin. "We are currently supporting and will continue to support our Belarusian friends in confronting the sanctions imposed by the European Union," he added. "The ban on the supply of a number of goods to EU countries from Belarus harms the interests of businesses and ordinary people," Putin said, pointing out that those who initiated such restrictions should take that into consideration. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in turn thanked Putin for Russia's public support and assistance during difficult times, according to the Kremlin. Cooperation and unity are particularly important at times when the West is concentrated on curbing the country's development and disrupting integration projects, Lukashenko said. "At the same time, it is clear that all the sanctions are just presumptuous attempts to eliminate economic competitors," he said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 07:52:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Cyclists pass an information board outside Erin Mills Town Center in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, on June 30, 2021. Canada's Ontario province allowed most regions to reopen more businesses on Wednesday as they moved into step two of the province's reopening plan, including hair salons, nail salons and stores in shopping malls. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 08:09:26|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- "What we Chinese Communists are doing is to better the lives of the Chinese people, rejuvenate the Chinese nation, and promote peace and development for humanity." -- While striving to improve the wellbeing of its own people, the CPC has also been committed to promoting the world's common development. In his 2017 New Year speech, Xi said the Chinese people "hope for a better life for people in other countries as well as for themselves." And he has been leading China to make that hope come true. -- As the world is facing changes unseen in a century, Xi has led China to become a staunch champion of genuine multilateralism defending the international order against such challenges as unilateralism and bullying. -- Answering the fundamental questions of what has happened to the world and how to respond, Xi offered China's proposition: build a community with a shared future for mankind, a concept that has been enshrined in the CPC's constitution and has also been guiding China's interaction with the rest of the world. BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- "What we Chinese Communists are doing is to better the lives of the Chinese people, rejuvenate the Chinese nation, and promote peace and development for humanity." Addressing over 600 representatives of political parties from over 120 countries at a high-level dialogue in 2017, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and president of China, laid out the historic mission of the world's largest political party. Committed to the party's original aspiration, Xi is leading the CPC not only to build China into a modern socialist country but to create a better shared future for the world. DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL A day before the official centenary of the CPC on Thursday, China, after a 70-year fight, was officially declared malaria-free by the World Health Organization, which marks the latest of the numerous achievements China has made under the CPC's leadership. In February, Xi announced that China, with a population larger than 1.4 billion, had secured a complete victory against poverty, which was widely acclaimed as a miracle in the human history of poverty reduction. While striving to improve the wellbeing of its own people, the CPC has also been committed to promoting the world's common development. In his 2017 New Year speech, Xi said the Chinese people "hope for a better life for people in other countries as well as for themselves." And he has been leading China to make that hope come true. Whether in the fight against malaria or in poverty alleviation, China has over the past decades extended a helping hand to others, especially developing countries. Back in 2000, Xi, then governor of southeastern China's Fujian Province, helped launch a pilot Juncao project to help improve the livelihood of the Papua New Guinean people. Juncao, famed as "magic grass" and discovered by Chinese scientists, is an economical and environmentally friendly substitute for timber, which can be used as a substrate for growing mushrooms. Eighteen years later, during Xi's state visit to the Oceanian country, the two countries signed another aid project using the grass technology. By 2023, the aid program is expected to lift 30,000 local people out of poverty. Today, the Juncao project has taken root in over 100 countries, helping combat poverty in developing countries in Africa, Asia and the South Pacific region. Residents display their certificates of training courses on Juncao and upland rice cultivation technology in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, Dec. 17, 2020. (Xinhua) Meanwhile, from the decades-old Canton Fair to the 3-year-old China International Import Expo and to the newly launched China International Consumer Products Expo, high-end international expos have repeatedly demonstrated China's commitment to wider opening-up and mutual benefits. People walk into the venue of the first China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, May 7, 2021. (Xinhua/Ding Hongfa) "China cannot be separated from the world in achieving development, and the world also needs China for prosperity," Xi said at the 20th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Beijing via video link. FORCE FOR PEACE When he visited the UN headquarters in the fall of 2015, Xi brought a gift for the United Nations' 70th birthday -- "Zun of Peace," a red bronze bottle decorated by traditional Chinese auspicious patterns. It shows the aspiration and faith of the Chinese people in seeking peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, which are also spirits of the UN Charter, Xi explained. Under the CPC's leadership, China is marching towards the second centenary goal -- to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by 2049, the centenary of the People's Republic of China. "China the lion has awakened, but it is a peaceful, amicable and civilized lion," Xi said in 2014 at a gathering marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations, stressing that the Chinese Dream is about pursuing peace, questing for happiness, and contributing to the common good of the world. Today, China is the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget, and has sent more peacekeepers to UN missions than any other permanent member of the UN Security Council. "Countries, whether big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace," Xi said in April 2013 at the opening plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, the first multilateral diplomatic event he hosted as Chinese president. As the world is facing changes unseen in a century, Xi has led China to become a staunch champion of genuine multilateralism defending the international order against such challenges as unilateralism and bullying. There is no better choice for world countries other than strengthening multilateral cooperation in the face of one global challenge after another, Xi told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the sidelines of the G20 summit held in Buenos Aires in November 2018. SHARED FUTURE FOR MANKIND Mankind is in an era of major development as well as profound transformation and change, and is also in an era of numerous challenges and increasing risks, Xi noted in his 2017 landmark speech at the United Nations Office at Geneva. Answering the fundamental questions of what has happened to the world and how to respond, Xi offered China's proposition: build a community with a shared future for mankind, a concept that has been enshrined in the CPC's constitution and has also been guiding China's interaction with the rest of the world. In face of the unprecedented COVID-19 threat, China, the world's largest developing country, has effectively put the disease under control at home, and has meanwhile spared no effort to help other countries. In 2020, Xi promised that Chinese COVID-19 vaccines, when available, "will be made a global public good." Now despite a tight supply and huge domestic demand, China has provided over 450 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for the international community, and is continuing to help ensure vaccine accessibility and affordability worldwide. Staff members unload China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 20, 2021. (Xinhua/Jiang Shengxiong) Xi's vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind offers not only a new solution to global challenges, but also a new perspective on world civilizations. While in the West there has been such rhetoric as the clash of civilizations or the superiority of one civilization over another, in Xi's eyes, the development of a civilization is sustained by exchanges and mutual learning. An Asian culture carnival is held during the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations at the National Stadium in Beijing, capital of China, May 15, 2019. (Xinhua/Shen Bohan) That is in line with the future of the world he has been leading the CPC to strive for -- an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful one that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. "Countries may have differences and even encounter problems with each other," said Xi. "But we should not forget that we all live under the same sky, share one and the same home planet and belong to one and the same family." Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 09:12:12|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us, said Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Thursday. "Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people," said Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC. "We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will," Xi said. China has always worked to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order, Xi said, calling for continuous efforts to promote the building of a human community with a shared future. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 10:06:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- "The Great Journey," an art performance marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), will be broadcast by China Media Group on Thursday evening. It will also be broadcast simultaneously by television and radio stations across China, as well as on news websites and new media platforms. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 11:01:26|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks in an interview with Chinese media in Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, on June 29, 2021. (Xinhua/Ahmad Kamal) by Xinhua writers Li Hao, Jiang Chao ISLAMABAD, July 1 (Xinhua) -- China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has made remarkable achievements such as the eradication of absolute poverty, said Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. In an interview with Chinese media at the Prime Minister House on Tuesday, Khan lauded the CPC's efforts to score a complete victory in China's fight against poverty. "This is, I think, one of the most remarkable achievements of any human society. I don't think there is any precedent in history of a society achieving these great goals," he noted. Extending his congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the CPC, the Pakistani prime minister described the party's governance of China as a unique model. People were told that the Western system of democracy is the best way for social progress, and yet what the CPC has achieved proves that there is another feasible model, he said. As the prime minister of Pakistan and chairman of the country's ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, Khan has paid several visits to China in the past few years. He said that the CPC's system of talent selection and grooming as well as its long-term planning for the development of China have impressed him. Climate change, Khan said, is one of the most serious challenges facing mankind. And the CPC has been upholding the idea of the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and leading China to do a large amount of work in protecting the environment and tackling climate change. On Pakistan-China relations, Khan said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties seven decades ago, the two countries have been walking shoulder to shoulder through difficulties, and have forged a very deep, strong and unique relationship which is not limited between the two governments, but also exists between the two peoples. He said that whenever Pakistan is in trouble, the Chinese side will always extend a helping hand. "The people of China have a special place in the hearts of the people of Pakistan. Because you will remember a friend who stands with you in your difficult times as in good times, everyone stands with you." In the fight against COVID-19, China has not only performed exemplarily within the country, but also helped many other countries including Pakistan control the epidemic through vaccine donation and other ways, Khan said. Hailing the vaccine donation by China a timely help, he said that his country was able to kick off the nationwide vaccination drive because of the vaccine doses from China to vaccinate frontline health workers and senior citizens in the first phase, "which gives us a lot of confidence." As a landmark project under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been fruitful in solving Pakistan's electricity shortage and improving the country's transport infrastructure, the Pakistani prime minister said. The CPEC is "a program which gives us the greatest optimism and hope for our future economic development," he said, adding that Pakistan will deepen industrial, agricultural and skill training cooperation with China in the future. Pakistan will attract companies from China and other countries to invest in the special economic zones under the CPEC through incentives to create jobs and bolster economic growth, Khan said. Pakistan will further strengthen its relations with China in the future, including political and economic and trade relations, he said, adding that no matter how the world situation changes, the Pakistan-China relationship will remain rock-solid. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 17:17:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, on Thursday addressed a ceremony celebrating the CPC centenary at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing. The following are some highlights of his remarks: -- We are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. -- All the struggle, sacrifice, and creation through which the Party has united and led the Chinese people over the past hundred years has been tied together by one ultimate theme -- bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. -- The Chinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong, and China's national rejuvenation has become a historical inevitability. -- The people are the true heroes, for it is they who create history. -- China's success hinges on the Party. -- Any attempt to divide the Party from the Chinese people or to set the people against the Party is bound to fail. The more than 95 million Party members and the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will never allow such a scenario to come to pass. -- At the fundamental level, the capability of our Party and the strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics are attributable to the fact that Marxism works. -- We are eager to learn what lessons we can from the achievements of other cultures, and welcome helpful suggestions and constructive criticism. We will not, however, accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us. -- A strong country must have a strong military, as only then can it guarantee the security of the nation. -- The Chinese nation does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes. -- We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will. -- We will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. -- Today, we are closer, more confident, and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality. But we must be prepared to work harder than ever to get there. -- The patriotic united front is an important means for the Party to unite all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, both at home and abroad, behind the goal of national rejuvenation. -- A hallmark that distinguishes the Communist Party of China from other political parties is its courage in undertaking self-reform. -- No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. -- Today, the image China presents to the world is one of a thriving nation that is advancing with unstoppable momentum toward rejuvenation. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 17:31:27|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Acting Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee addresses a reception held by the HKSAR government at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in celebration of the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong on Thursday held various events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) were hoisted and the national anthem was played at the Golden Bauhinia Square in a flag-raising ceremony held by the HKSAR government. Helicopters flew over Victoria Harbor and a fireboat sprayed a water salute. A torch relay race was also held. Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said Thursday morning during the events held in celebration at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Lee vowed continued efforts to safeguard national security, improve the implementation of "one country, two systems" and forge ahead with pragmatic approach and the spirit of rising to the challenge. With the leadership of the CPC, the strong support of the nation and the success in implementing "one country, two systems," Hong Kong compatriots will be able to share the glory of a prosperous and strong nation, said Chen Dong, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. Chuang Tze-cheung with the Hong Kong Celebrations Association said Hong Kong will continue to give full play to its unique advantages under "one country, two systems" and make greater achievements with the effective administration of the HKSAR government and concerted efforts of the society. A series of celebrations were organized across Hong Kong, including parades of buses and fishing vessels. A commemorative movie named "1921" is on the big screens in multiple cinemas. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 21:18:32|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The Communist Party of China (CPC), the world's largest governing party, celebrated its centenary on Thursday with a solemn ceremony and the grand accomplishment of "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects." At 100, the CPC is loaded with vigor and all set for tests ahead as China continues the journey to "build a great modern socialist country in all respects." Speaking at the ceremony on Tian'anmen Square at the heart of Beijing, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, said that over the past century, the CPC has secured extraordinary historical achievements on behalf of the people. "Today, it is rallying and leading the Chinese people on a new journey toward realizing the second centenary goal," proclaimed Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission. Over 70,000 people cheering with exhilaration thronged the public square, festooned with red flags and a large Party emblem installation. It was a celebratory aura -- golden figures of "1921" and "2021" represented the 100-year timeline, aircraft flew past in echelons overhead and a 100-gun salute roared through the sky. The Chinese civilization has lasted five millennia, but the country plunged into a century of humiliation due to the corrupt feudal rule and invasion by Western powers. Many attempts were made to salvage the nation and all ended in failure. In 1921, the CPC was founded, taking up the mission of "seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation." Through a century of endeavors, the CPC led the people to overthrow the "three big mountains" of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, founded a new China, pioneered the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and built a poor state into the world's second-largest economy. With merely over 50 members at the time of its founding, the CPC today is the world's largest governing party with more than 95 million members, leading a country of more than 1.4 billion people. It also enjoys tremendous international influence. The Tian'anmen Rostrum, where Xi made his speech, stands witness to history. This was where Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of New China in 1949. It also saw people in festive parades paying respect to Deng Xiaoping, the architect of reform and opening-up in 1978 that has led China to moderate prosperity. Martin Albrow, a renowned British sociologist, said the CPC's promoting the building of a human community with a shared future and the development of the Belt and Road Initiative through joint efforts are benefiting the world. The Party's 100th anniversary is marked across China and congratulatory messages were also sent from space station core module Tianhe about 400 km away from Earth. The profound changes that the CPC has brought to China and its deep impact on the world have led many to decode the formula to the Party's success. The firm leadership of the Party, its people-centered philosophy of development and upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics are considered to be among the most important factors and hallmarks that distinguish it from other political parties. In a joint congratulatory message, the non-CPC political parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and personages without party affiliation said they have kept in mind the original aspiration of cooperation, and will continue to stand and work together with the CPC. Faced with changes unseen in a century, the journey ahead is bound to be challenging. In his remarks, Xi called on the Party to continue its great founding spirit. It is comprised of the principles of upholding truth and ideals, staying true to the original aspiration and founding mission, fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the Party and faithful to the people. "Looking back on the path we have traveled and forward to the journey that lies ahead, it is certain that with the firm leadership of the Party and the great unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, we will achieve the goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects and fulfill the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation," Xi said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-01 22:39:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers an important speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC in Beijing, capital of China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Ju Peng) BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, announced on Thursday that China has realized its first centenary goal -- building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The achievement marks a key milestone for the world's most populous country on its journey toward national rejuvenation. "This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects," said Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, at a ceremony marking the CPC centenary at Tian'anmen Square. The achieving of moderate prosperity, or Xiaokang in Chinese, is measured in consideration of multiple aspects such as the economy, democracy, science and education, culture, society and people's lives. The requirements include doubling the country's 2010 GDP and per capita disposable income by 2020. Last year, the country's GDP exceeded 100 trillion yuan (about 15.45 trillion U.S. dollars). Its per capita disposable income hit 32,189 yuan, double the level in 2010. The country has developed the world's largest social security system and boasts the world's biggest middle-income group -- 400 million people. In a historic feat, China has eliminated absolute poverty. Poverty relief assistants Liu Ying (1st L) and He Changle (2nd L), and village officials help carry melons planted by villagers in Dongqin Village, Congjiang County of southwest China's Guizhou Province, Nov. 11, 2020. (Xinhua/Yang Wenbin) Xiaokang is a phrase about well-off life first mentioned in the Book of Songs, China's first anthology of poems dating back more than 2,000 years. An idea cherished by the Chinese people for thousands of years has become a reality in today's China. Late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping once used Xiaokang to describe Chinese modernization, and first proposed building a Xiaokang society. The 12th National Congress of the CPC in 1982 set the achievement of Xiaokang as a goal. Later, Xiaokang was included in the country's three-step strategic plan for economic development. The country realized Xiaokang on the whole at the end of the 20th century. In 2002, the CPC put forward the aim of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012 set the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. The standards of and requirements for Xiaokang became increasingly comprehensive and strict. The CPC stressed that no one should be left behind on the path to a Xiaokang society. In the past eight years, China focused on areas of extreme poverty, and lifted the final 98.99 million impoverished rural residents out of poverty by the end of 2020. Over the past 40-plus years, the country has lifted 770 million people out of poverty, meeting the poverty eradication target in the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule, and resolving its greatest challenge in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Li Weiyun, from Xiuyun Village of Cangxi County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, has keenly felt the changes in his village. With the development of eco-agriculture, many villagers have moved into multistory homes and purchased cars. "Now a good life has been achieved at home," he said. He brought in an income of 200,000 yuan this year by growing peaches. "It is a tremendous contribution to the world that 1.4 billion people are living a Xiaokang life," said Liu Endong, a professor with the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. Such a feat has become a reality only under the leadership of the CPC, which "puts the people first, has strong execution capabilities, and upholds socialism with Chinese characteristics," he said. "China's success in achieving Xiaokang has made important contributions toward the Sustainable Development Goals and provides valuable lessons for other countries in the global fight against poverty," said Beate Trankmann, resident representative of the United Nations Development Programme in China. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-02 00:48:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A flag-raising ceremony is held at the Golden Bauhinia Square by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government to celebrate the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said during the events held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. HONG KONG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong on Thursday held various events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. PROSPERITY SINCE RETURN China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) were hoisted and the national anthem was played at the Golden Bauhinia Square in a flag-raising ceremony held by the HKSAR government on Thursday morning. Helicopters flew over Victoria Harbor and a fireboat sprayed a water salute. Hong Kong's smooth return to the motherland is an important part of the CPC's great achievements over the last 100 years, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR John Lee said on Thursday morning during the events held in celebration at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Lee vowed continued efforts to safeguard national security, improve the implementation of "one country, two systems" and forge ahead with a pragmatic approach and the spirit of rising to the challenge. With the leadership of the CPC, the strong support of the nation and the success in implementing "one country, two systems," Hong Kong compatriots will be able to share the glory of a prosperous and strong nation, said Chen Dong, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. Chuang Tze-cheung with the Hong Kong Celebrations Association said Hong Kong will continue to give full play to its unique advantages under "one country, two systems" and make greater achievements with the effective administration of the HKSAR government and concerted efforts of the society. Guests attend the opening ceremony of celebrating activities for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) GRAND CELEBRATIONS A series of celebrations were organized across Hong Kong, including parades of buses and fishing vessels, and festive decorations could be found in many places from stores along the streets to landmark buildings. In Victoria Harbor, fishing vessels sailed in a procession and were greeted by joyful Hong Kong residents on the bank. A torch relay race was also held to mark the centenary of the CPC and the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return. A participant born in 1997 said this year's July 1 is a meaningful day and he felt the responsibility on him and also the young generation at large to carry on the success of Hong Kong. A reception is held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government in celebration of the 24th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) Hongkong Post started on Thursday issuing commemorative stamps for the big day, its first release on the theme of the CPC. Long queues were spotted outside post offices in the morning even before the opening hour. A commemorative movie named "1921" is on the big screens in multiple cinemas. Fishing boats flying China's national flags and the flags of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) cruise at Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, south China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai) It is particularly meaningful to watch this film on this special day, Chuang Tze-cheung said, adding that he hopes more young people will watch this movie. interview Dessalegn Aberra Elias is an Ethiopian social media personality and activist with millions of followers on his popular YouTube channel known as Mehal Meda. Dessalegn's works aim to bridge divides and promote peace, understanding, and unity. He has managed to garner increasing attention and influence because of the powerful messages and deep insights that frequently characterize his episodes. Recently, Dessalegn traveled to Eritrea to take part in the country's 30th Independence Day anniversary. I caught up with him to hear about his stay and general impressions about the celebration. Mr. Dessalegn, thank you very much for agreeing to share your experience. How was your visit in general? You're welcome. It was extremely wonderful and surprisingly interesting. I enjoyed every minute of my entire two-week stay in the country. Could you tell me some of the places that you visited? I toured the whole Asmara over and over again. I could not get enough of it! I got to visit Adi Halo, Gergera, Massawa, and a big dam along the road. I also toured the plastic factory in Massawa and many other development sites along the way. What about the 30th Independence Anniversary? Did you attend? Of course, I did. It was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was so real that I thought 'this could not be a live show'. The flow of the programs, the songs, and the sincerity of the people who participated felt unreal. The shows were creative and also full of pride and deep emotion. What unique things did you observe in the celebrations? First things first, I could feel the energy that was emanating from the people out there. There was something about the way they sang their national anthem. I was like 'These people truly love their country!' That is not a common national trait. And when the President went down to the stage to meet the student dancers, my amazement reached its threshold. Who is Dessalegn Aberra? I was born and raised in the southern rural part of Ethiopia; I lived most of my life in Hawassa. Then I went to the United States of America seven years ago. I worked there as an accountant. Then I started practicing journalism because it was my hobby. I share my ideas on social media mostly Facebook and YouTube. I became more active by the day and quickly began to amass a lot of followers. The good thing is that even though I am an Ethiopian, I am not only followed by Ethiopians. I have diverse followers including a lot of Eritreans. What is the core objective of your channel? The objective is to promote peace, understanding, and unity. As you know, my country has a diverse cultural, religious, and social structure. Though it is being worked on, the system is still kind of divisive. That is why it is necessary to use media to fight the possible divisions that arise from the difference in ethnic values. So, in my programs we discuss trending issues by inviting knowledgeable and relevant personalities. A lot of people participate through phoning-in, including Eritreans. Any type of hate-speech or anything that degrades the values of personalities is not tolerated in the discussions. I have interacted a lot with Eritreans because of the shows and that helped me to question and reconsider many of my pre-established perceptions or assumptions about Eritrea. Pre-established perceptions? What I mean is that for the last twenty years we have been told that Eritreans are a "war loving" people. And that the government is even worse. Whatever happened during those years, it was blamed on the EPLF. For instance, say there were disasters or problems in society. These problems were blamed on the Eritrean government and people. Even when Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed agreed to come to Asmara, we doubted that he would come back alive. To my amazement, the people accepted him openly and cheered for him. The sheer size and passion of the crowd took my breath away. For me, the [2018] peace agreement brought to light the hidden emotions and realities of the Eritrean people. I told myself that something must be wrong with my eyes and I thought, 'so, these people are actually cheering for peace; maybe I was wrong'. Then President Isaias came to Ethiopia and gave a speech at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa. That was another point of realization that Eritrea is the opposite of what our former regime claimed it to be. Then I decided to do my own research and I approached a lot of Eritreans. The first few people admired the government so much that I thought that they must be from the Embassy. Then I asked them to introduce me to someone that does not work for the Embassy. I met this man called John and we had such a wonderful conversation. But things did not change, whether it is someone from the Embassy or not, it was largely the same attitude. Then I decided that the people of Eritrea love their country and trust their government like no other. They contribute whatever they can and are all ready to talk about their country. I believed some of the things that they said, but some others didn't make sense to me. One of the things that they kept talking about was the peace and security in Eritrea. Nowhere in the world is there such a peace as they said there is in Eritrea, not even in the US. That is why I was eager to see for myself. What did you find on the ground? When I got here, I had two big things I needed to certify. One is how peaceful Eritrea was and another is the fact that everyone is equal, from leaders to the general population. A minister is not set apart in Eritrea. Instead, they are just a person serving the people at their level. In my country and basically even everywhere else in the world, leaders are utterly privileged. Not only them, but anyone who is close to them is somehow benefited. That being what I live around, it was hard that the country and people that I thought were rogue had the peace that I have never seen before. I began to reformulate and reconsider my perceptions, beginning to agree that the country might be peaceful and not like what I have been told for years. When I arrived here and started observing the situation and the dynamics of the people's social life, I found out that what they have been telling me is less than what I experienced. They didn't tell me the whole story. I explored then that the peace in Eritrea is not a situation, it is a culture. It is unique and built into the system of each individual. It is not easy to craft that kind of state, it is too natural. You said you visited some of the major development sites in Eritrea. What common thing, among all of them, attracted you the most? There were two major things that blew me away. One is the efforts of the country to preserve and wisely use water. At all the sites, I could see how much the government and people realized the importance of water, particularly given that the country is located in the sub-Saharan Africa. Everyone is striving to preserve water at all costs. That could be the reason why water policy in Eritrea is very well planned and executed. I never realized the importance of water; I mean, I know the general importance but not in the Eritrean sense of water preservation. It is a priority in the country. The other surprise is the amount of young people involved in all the development sectors. Especially Adi-Halo's workshop, it is a den of young creators and aspirers. That was a big surprise. I hear a lot of young people fled the country which I know they don't fail their nation wherever they go, but I did expect to see less young p e o p l e . In a nutshell, I see a lot of good things happening in the country but the development has a uniform pace in all areas. The advancement is not only concentrated in the cities but extends to the furthest and most remote parts of the country. I talked to many young people in the development sites and to my amazement, they do not just talk about the work they do. They are aware of the challenges from outside and promise over and over again, to thrive with resilience. One of the young people that I talked to said "I do not work for money. I can go somewhere and earn money but I cannot go anywhere and earn a country". That was well said. Everyone I talked to spoke about the regional issues at the moment openly and I stopped being amazed at the project infrastructure. The human infrastructure in the country is more marvelous. People from a lot of countries do not pay heed to the dynamics of the political situation of their nation. These people are pressed on by sanctions and unfair international treatments and war, but they are still very composed. I feel like Eritrea is a unique and quiet country. Do you think Eritrea's self-reliance policy aligns with what is being done on ground? I was wondering about this the whole time. Self-reliance is in everyone's mouth. One of the many things that surprised me is the usage of highly political words such as self-reliance, resilience, and thrive. For me, that is abnormal, because, we usually hear such words from politicians and leaders during grand ceremonies and speeches trying to work their way into people's hearts. This in itself is an integral part of the Eritrean culture. But here, ordinary citizens are declaring self-reliance. I did not expect the country to be any different than a war-wrecked land because of the wars and the sanctions. I saw those development sites and I asked myself 'what if there was peace in the region and these people did not have to face all the pressures, unfair international policy, and sanctions? What could they have done?' Everything was beyond my expectation. People in rural areas have access to services and opportunities, which reflects the government's focus on equality. This is opposite to what has been the norm in Ethiopia for a long time. In my country, a city is built and is well advanced in a couple of years. It is good for the media but the rural areas are lagging in terms of development. People then migrate to the urban areas to get a better life and that crowds the cities. With 85% of the population in the rural areas, however, the Ethiopian government should copy this policy. Another shock was the Eritrean women, their concept of equality and the way that they carry themselves in public, at work, everywhere. It is out of this world. Most women around the world beg for their equality. The women here have earned it, not only through armed struggle but even now, I could see women in all sectors of the development of the nation. I visited the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) and I saw their history since before independence. Well documented! It was a shock to know that the struggle recognized the concept of equality and worked towards it while fighting battles. How was your impression of Massawa? I felt at home! All the people that I met were super welcoming and the hospitality in Massawa is... I don't have words for it. They make you feel like they know you forever, like you are at home. The sea is like no other in the world; it is in its natural state, very clean and original. The fish there has an exceptional flavor. I toured the whole city and I think Massawa is not just a city, it is a treasure. Eritrean and world treasure. I saw that every building has its own taste of the Eritrean history from before the rise of city states. It needs to be preserved as a world heritage site. I admire the government for keeping the city in its original state. All the history it ever has entertained is engraved in the walls of the buildings. I hope the new generation will take on the tasks of holding onto these world treasures. The former regime in Ethiopia has destroyed a lot of historical records. It heavily invested in wiping the entire history and writing it in a way that they see fit. When you go through the records, you can feel that something is missing. In Eritrea, when I go around looking at things and reading the records, it has a smooth flow. I could read, see, and feel it. That's how I know it is a full package. I visited the museum and in just a day, I felt like I learned a lot about Massawa and the Eritrean people as a whole. The way the documents are handled is very precious, leaving you no choice but to believe it. As a social media personality and activist, what do you think is the role of people like yourself in harmonizing your own people and the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia? Social media is a powerful instrument. You can kill or heal using the medium. I am trying to use it to heal the differences and conflict in my country and between our two countries. I try to see the truth and pass it on so people can decide based on the truth and not propaganda. Nowadays, you do not need to have a comprehensive knowledge of things; one can witness the truth and share it to the world. Let's just use social media properly and we can solve many problems. I think that if used wisely, the medium is an amazing gift for this generation. I know Eritrea now because I heard about it in the medium, came to see for myself, and I am sharing it with the rest of the world. That way, we can use this gift to unify. Enough is enough. This region deserves peace, prosperity, and harmony. We are no different from those who are living in peace. They have their differences but they worked through them. It is not good to fight for no reason. At this point, we have no option but to understand each other because we now have everything except peace and collaboration. And as neighbors, we have the responsibility to commit to peace and harmony inside and between our countries. We should use whatever means at hand to nourish a peaceful environment and pass it on to the next generation. Social media is one of the best tools. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Eritrea Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. How do the youth respond to your activities? People are tired of listening to constant news of war and conflict. This channel, Mehal Meda, is pretty new but the scope of influence and feedback is increasing. This is proof that our people are peace loving and that they will respond to anything that comes with good intentions and civility. On the other hand, there are a lot of extremists and war loving people and they have equal access to social media. It is a battle in which we cannot claim to have won one's heart because there are always new evils and divisive ideas that we have to tackle. So it is an unending battle. And now that I have seen Eritrea, I feel more responsible to share how peaceful and welcoming its people are. In one sentence, how do you describe your visit to Eritrea? It was a life changing visit. And if I may add, I am astonished by the peace, hospitality, law abiding culture, and nice weather. The whole experience makes me feel good and I want to visit the country over and over again. What is your last message to the Eritrean people? I love Eritrean people! I feel connected to them and I am not the same at all towards Eritrea. I understand the people of Eritrea much better now and I want to plead with them to maintain their strength, keep fighting and liberating this region, and show us that things never stay the same. I visited the famous Tank Graveyard in Asmara and it shocked me. I cried when I saw it, but I was like, "these people are something else, you cannot break these people". I have seen what the current and the past generation can do and I cannot wait to see how the next one will turn out. I hope it carries on the legacy of past generations. So, I want to say just keep being Eritreans, the rest you can get through. PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan with a lot of sensitivity in nation building has crafted her government and appointed three charismatic leaders in key positions, which direct or indirectly relate to her office. The posts included vetting and naming the Vice-President, Prime Minister and the Chief Secretary. In the appointments she named Dr Philip Mpango, who formerly Minister of Finance and Planning to man the Vice-President's office, Kassim Majaliwa retained the position of the Prime Minister and former Tanzania ambassador to Japan, Hussein Katanga became the new Chief Secretary. The list also included making mini-cabinet reshuffle that brought in new faces, but largely concentrated on relocating ministers and their deputies in a bid to bring more efficiency. Clarifying, Ms Samia made it open on the qualities she wanted to run the government so that all are involved in nation building. Speaking on why she appointed Dr Mpango for the Vice-President's office, President Samia said she wanted a hardworking and God- fearing person, who should also be well-versed on issues pertaining to the economy and management of public money. "I brainstormed here and there to find who should be my Vice-President. I looked for the right person inside and outside the Parliament, but I finally got back right into the cabinet. So, the right person, who I thought of ... .would move with me is our brother, Dr Phillip Isdory Mpango, whose name fascinated me," said President Samia. She said Dr Mpango is a cool person with a clean record, adding: "In other names... I realized this and that but for Philip, I found out that he is cool and I said this is the right person to go with." The President further revealed that Dr Mpango was the right person to address challenges in the financial realm, especially between Zanzibar and Union government, because he was familiar with the matter after having worked with the ministry of finance and planning. Borrowing a Kiswahli adage that says 'Mpe mchawi mtoto amlee,' and loosely translates as give a witch your child to take care of, President Samia said it was Dr Mpango and his team of technocrats in the financial pool, who would find a lasting solution to the issue of financial problems in the country. "So, it is my expectations that Dr Mpango will find fellow wizards to seek a lasting solution to this," said President Samia. On reasons why she appointed Amb Katanga to the Chief Secretary's post, President Samia said his previous work record was good and worth emulation. "I did not know him personally but I had details of his performance, I was impressed with his achievements and unique qualities," she said at a swearing-in ceremony for Amb Katanga and ministers as well as their deputies in the capital city of Dodoma. Amb Katanga is on record as a hardworking person, who always wanted to see results and changes coming from his projects without excuses. Therefore, Ms Samia believed that Amb Katanga would use this expertise to coordinate activities in ministries and other government's institutions. The President further explained that she decided to make changes without dropping the serving ministers, because within a short time they had shown competence and teamwork spirit after being sworn-in by the late President John Magufuli. "Being trusted is what made you remain in the positions... go and work hard," the President told the ministers and deputies, while reminding them on zero tolerance if one would underperform. She also appointed three new Members of the Parliament including Ambassador Dr Bashiru Ally, who was former Chief Secretary, Amb Liberata Mulamula and Ambassador Mbarouk Nassor Mbarouk. In her new cabinet line-up, President Samia appointed Mr Mohamed Mchengerwa as the Minister of State in the President's Office, Public Services Management and Good Governance, seeing the previous holder of the office, Mr George Mkuchika sifting to be the Minister in the President's Office without Portfolio. Ms Ummy Mwalimu has been transferred to the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, replacing Selemani Jafo, who has been appointed the Minister of State, Vice- President's Office (Union and Environment). Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. President Samia has also appointed Godfrey Mwambe the Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office Investment, as she retained Jenista Mhagama as Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office responsible for Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Prof Palamagamba Kabudi has been transferred to the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, replacing Dr Mwigulu Nchemba, who becomes the Minister for Finance and Planning. Dr Nchemba fills the void left by the former Minister, Dr Mpango, who has been appointed the new vice-president, while Amb Mulamula becomes the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation. The Minister of State in the President's Office- Investment Prof Kitila Mkumbo has been transferred to the Industry and Trade portfol AIICO Insurance Plc said it has launched a new corporate website and e-business portal. This, it stated was in line with its commitment to providing superior and remarkable experience for both its customers and the public. The company, said besides providing information about its operations, its products and services, it is strategically positioned as a digital marketing ecosystem where the users' journey from awareness to purchase and post-purchase experience is now easy and seamless. AIICO Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Babatunde Fajemirokun, speaking on the new website said: "Our obsession for superior customer experience is the key driver for the development of the new website. "We restructured the layout to make navigation a whole lot easier. The contents are now simpler and more relatable. Also, we considered speed and responsiveness to different users' devices, guaranteeing a uniform experience at all times." Fajemirokun, further said the new website is AIICO's way of refreshing the minds of its audience on its brand values, while keeping value to customers and other stakeholders in mind. "We are in touch with the realities of the rapid developments in the digital space vis-a-vis customer expectations and we are uniquely positioned to keep meeting and surpassing these expectations," he added. According to him, one key feature on the new website and the e-business portal is security, adding that the company has put measures in place to guarantee safe transactions at all times. "We invite existing and prospective customers to do business with us without worries," he assured. According to him, with the new website, reporting claims is now easier with the prominent claims button at the top menu, giving opportunity to customers to initiate a claims process easily. He said without doubts, the new website's aesthetic values and functionalities are a reflection of a futuristic brand, going above and beyond, and positioned for long-term market leadership. TWO men who appeared in court on allegations of duping a Green Success company employee of R138 000 in a car deal with one of them impersonating Deputy Health Minister Dr John Mangwiro, were yesterday denied bail. Patrick Chirume of Epworth and Edgar Masora of Glen Norah in Harare were denied bail by Harare regional magistrate Mr Stanford Mambanje, who said they were sophisticated SUSPECTS who could skip trial. Mr Mambanje noted that the State had a strong case against the two since there were WhatsApp messages showing communication with the complainant in which one of the suspects claimed to be Dr Mangwiro. The court also denied the duo bail saying they were strongly linked to the offence as one of them was found in possession of a SIM card bearing numbers registered in the Deputy Minister's name. Masora and Chirume were not asked to plead to the fraud charges. Mrs Netsai Mushayabasa, appearing for the State, said on June 16, Mr Munyaradzi Chauraya saw an advertisement where Chirume's brother, Governor Chirume, was claiming to be a car dealer in South Africa. Chauraya is said to have ordered an Isuzu KB300 which Chirume offered for R138 000 inclusive of driving it to Beitbridge Border Post. Mr Chauraya accepted the deal and the next day deposited R138 000 into Chirume's South African account held with FNB Bank. Governor Chirume then contacted his brother in Zimbabwe who allegedly brought Masora into the deal. No vehicle was delivered and Mr Chauraya became suspicious. Patrick Chirume allegedly took Masora to Mr Chauraya and introduced him as Deputy Health Minister Mangwiro and said his money would be reimbursed in cash. When no cash came through, Mr Chauraya filed a police report. Police are said to have recovered a line registered in Dr Mangwiro's name from Masora. The duo is expected back in court on July 13. Lovemore Chikova Development Dialogue The completion of the Tugwi-Mukosi development master plan kicks off real work around the water reservoir, with the aim of fully exploiting the water reservoir's economic potential. It will be like the re-awakening of a sleeping giant, as the implementation of the development master plan takes effect. The development master plan had been talked about for a long time, but the setting in of the New Dispensation saw a real push by President Mnangagwa's administration to ensure it is completed. A development master plan holds back all work for a project because business has to be done in a systematic and organised way that ensures all stakeholders benefit. The master plan will designate land use pattern in and around the dam, including demarcation of the exact areas earmarked for irrigation and other projects. A milestone was thus reached with the announcement last week that the long-awaited development master plan for Tugwi-Mukosi Dam in Chivi South, Masvingo, is now complete and will soon be tabled in Cabinet. This came soon after the Government gazetted the Regional Town and Country Planning (Tugwi Mukosi Dam and Environs Combination Master Plan Authority) Notice, 2021. The notice outlines institutions that are empowered to work together in implementing the Tugwi-Mukosi development master plan. The institutions are the Chivi Rural District Council, Masvingo Rural District Council, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, Environmental Management Agency, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and Zimbabwe Council for Tourism. From the above institutions, the idea of businesses and land use expected to be undertaken around Tugwi-Mukosi Dam becomes clear, and it is now up to authorities to expedite work for the benefit of the country. Chivi and Masvingo rural district councils come in as the custodians of the giant dam which is located at the confluence of Tugwi River, which flows from Chivi and Mukosi River, which flows from Masvingo. The two rural district councils will be responsible for various projects that are likely to sprout at the dam. Projects to be undertaken around the dam are expected to transform the area and foster reliable access to water for communities where the impact of climate change is being intensely felt. The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority manages the wildlife resources for the country and it is envisaged that fisheries and a national wildlife park will be set up at the dam. The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, as its name indicates, will be involved in projects cutting across the whole spectrum of the development master plan. The establishment of irrigation schemes around the massive dam is one of the major expectations, and the ministry will play a major role in ensuring that is successful. The reservoir, with a full capacity of 1,8 billion cubic meters, was initially billed to irrigate around 25 000 hectares, but advances in irrigation technology over the years have pushed estimates for irrigable land to over 40 000ha. This will result in a greenbelt in the catchment area of the dam, establishing an irrigation hub courtesy of Tugwi-Mukosi Dam irrigation water. The involvement of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and Zimbabwe Council for Tourism indicates an intention to make Tugwi-Mukosi Dam a tourism hub, with a number of activities being initiated to attract tourists. Apart from water activities that tourists can take advantage of, the scenery around Tugwi-Mukosi Dam has the potential to attract tourists if the place is marketed accordingly. The beautiful mountainous terrain that stretches from just before the dam through Ngundu to the area around Lundi River, running for about 20 kilometres, can be exploited to become a tourism hub, with various activities being initiated to increase the tourists' appetite. The face of Ngundu business centre is bound to change dramatically, as the place has potential to become a town, with its location right on the Masvingo-Beitbridge Highway increasing the stakes. Other business activities that can be undertaken in relation to Tugwi-Mukosi Dam include hotels and lodges, canoeing, house boats, touring firms and amusement parks. The development and initiating of activities around Tugwi-Mukosi will be in line with the Second Republic's ambition to achieve an upper middle income economy by 2030 under Vision 2030. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Zimbabwe By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It had become clear that full exploitation of the country's largest inland water body, which was commissioned in 2017, was being hamstrung by delays in crafting the development master plan. Until now, the major beneficiaries of water from the dam have been the Lowveld sugar estates, whose irrigation potential has been boosted by the availability of the extra water. More water is expected to be pumped to Mwenezi when the development of Kilimanjaro sugarcane estates is finalised. While the development master plan is important to ensure strategic planning to avoid haphazard settlements, it is equally important that people surrounding the water resource start driving the benefits. This leaves the institutions tasked with implementing the development master plan with a huge responsibility to ensure that whatever decisions they make benefit the country without leaving out the local communities. The vast swathes of arable land in the Madzivire and Shindi communal lands surrounding the dam should start being prepared for irrigation purposes. [email protected] THE Ministry of Urban and Rural Development has ordered the Otavi Town Council to reverse the appointment and promotion of five staff members. The involved staff members were allegedly promoted between 2019 and earlier this year without necessary procedures having been followed. The council has also been told to charge controversial acting chief executive officer (CEO) Ernst Gaoab with misconduct for allegedly abusing his position, and to recover all the money paid to the concerned staff members as a result of the irregular promotions. This has been revealed in a report on a special investigation conducted by the ministry into allegations of unprocedural recruitments and promotions at the town. The report was released by the ministry earlier this year. According to the report, the Otavi Town Council irregularly appointed and promoted at least five staff members between 2019 and early this year. This includes Gaoab, who was elevated to the position of acting CEO, despite holding the position of human resources practitioner only. As acting CEO, Gaoab was allegedly supervising more qualified and senior staff members.While in that position, he is said to have created the position of manager of human resources and administration, appointed himself to this position, and adjusted his own salary. This position, according to the report, was not on the council's staff establishment and was not approved by the line minister. "It is grossly inappropriate for Mr Gaoab to issue himself a letter appointing himself in the position of manager HR and administration," the report reads. The town's finance manager, Kefas Ubiteb, was opposed to the decision by Gaoab to adjust his own salary, saying it constituted fraud, and that he should pay back the money. While serving in the self-created position of manager for human resources, the report states the town council paid Gaoab a vehicle allowance without providing the necessary proof, such as monthly statement as required by the council's staff rules. The report says Gaoab must be charged because he failed to advise the council on the correct recruitment procedures and for his own irregular appointment as manager of human resources and administration - a position which does not exist. Despite the damning orders by the ministry, The Namibian has been informed that the town council has yet to implement the recommendations and reverse the illegal appointments. The chairperson of the management committee, Elisia Negumbo, earlier this month said the council was given until 4 June to respond to the report. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Namibia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Otavi mayor Isaac !Hoaeb was hesitant to comment on the report on Sunday, saying it contains "highly confidential information regarding the recruitment of people". He, however, said the council has discussed the report and has already responded to the ministry on the way forward. He refused to confirm whether the council has yet to reverse the concerned appointments. "We discussed it as a council and have crafted our response to the ministry, and we are waiting for them to inform us on the way forward. I will not be able to comment further, because it is also in the hands of the Anti-Corruption Commission. They were here to investigate," he said. Gaoab said he is still the acting CEO until 5 July, when a new CEO will assume duty. He, however, refused to comment on the recommendations in the report, saying the mayor is in the process of compiling a response to the ministry. The ministry's report revealed that the council has also illegally been making monthly payments as housing allowances to about 18 staff members. According to the report, the involved staff members are paid at least 40% of their basic salaries as housing allowances per month, which is in contravention of the council's rules. At least 14 staff members have been paid 40% on top of their basic salaries as housing allowances, despite failing to provide proof of having a bond with any recognised financial institution, or lease agreement. Instead, the staff members concerned provided proof of personal loans to claim a housing allowance from the council. press release On behalf of the Democratic Alliance, I convey our congratulations to the Governor, Deputy Governors and the professional staff of the South African Reserve Bank on the occasion of the Bank's centenary. As we celebrate this centenary, we recommit ourselves to the firm defence of the SARB's independence against all those who would seek to undermine it. South Africans can rightly feel proud of the Reserve Bank. While so many other institutions in our democracy have faltered, or have been deliberately hollowed out, the SARB has stood as a consistent champion for sensible economic policy. It is an institution marked by its commitment to excellence and independence, demonstrating the very best of what our country can do. Of course, it was not always so. For many decades, monetary policy was deployed in aid of an isolationist siege economy, cut off from the world and from economic best-practice. Now the Bank faces pressures of a not-too-dissimilar kind, as populists try to capture the SARB for their own destructive political ends. It has also all too often had to carry the burden for irresponsible fiscal policy by the government of the day. Against all of these forces, it has stood as a bulwark. Future prosperity for South Africa depends on strong independent institutions like the SARB applying the best evidence to formulate stable and predictable policy. May the SARB continue in this important work over the next 100 years. Local Government Elections are coming up in 2021! Visit check.da.org.za to check your voter registration status. The UN and human rights groups have warned seven months of fighting has hampered food security in Tigray with a real risk of famine. Washington, DC This statement was provided to AllAfrica by five former American ambassadors who led U.S. representation in Ethiopia for 13 of the past 25 years. The career diplomats welcome the cease-fire declaration by the Ethiopian government and issue an urgent call for humanitarian relief to the strife-torn Tigray region. Begin Text We the undersigned former U.S. Chiefs of Mission to Ethiopia, having closely followed the tragic conflict in Tigray which erupted in November 2020, were greatly relieved at the chance for an end to the suffering and a hope for peace offered by the Ethiopian Governments declaration of a cease fire on June 28, 2021. We believe this is an opportunity which must not be lost, and in that regard urge the following: All sides involved in the conflict should immediately accept the offered cease fire. Immediately open all areas which suffered conflict to humanitarian relief agencies to provide assistance to those in need. Withdrawal of all outside forces from the conflict zone. All sides involved in the conflict should also use the opportunity offered by the cease fire to undertake serious discussions to make peace permanent, and also negotiate the future status of Tigray acceptable to all parties. Strongest support possible to advance peace and reconciliation from the international community including bilaterally from all of Ethiopias partners and neighbors and from multilateral institutions and civil society. In this regard, as soon as peace is established, we call for an international conference to bring together all stakeholders to discuss joint relief and rehabilitation efforts in all areas which have been impacted by the conflict. Encourage the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to move forward quickly with their joint investigation into the human rights violations and abuses allegedly committed by all parties in the Tigray conflict. End Text Ambassador David Shinn (ret) Ambassador Vicki Huddleston (ret) Ambassador Patricia Haslach (ret) Ambassador Aurelia Brazeal (ret) Ambassador Tibor Nagy (ret) RELATED: Ethiopia's Crisis Needs Urgent Solution Five Former U.S. Ambassadors Raise Alarm 24 Feb 2021 document On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of the Republic of Burundi as you celebrate 59 years of independence. We welcome Burundi's progress in combating trafficking in persons, fighting corruption, and engaging with regional and multilateral partners. We look forward to our continued work together to advance public health, good governance, and economic development for all Burundians. On this anniversary of Burundi's founding, I wish all Burundians a happy Independence Day. A GANG of vehicle smugglers yesterday fled into Zimbabwe from South Africa after a shootout with soldiers who foiled their attempt to take three stolen cars across the Limpopo River. Border control authorities could not apprehend the smugglers, but recovered three vehicles worth a combined R1,6 million. The incident occured in the Madimbo area which is adjacent to Tshikwalakwala in Zimbabwe and some 140 km east of Beitbridge Border Post. In a statement last night, South Africa's Limpopo provincial army headquarters said they had recovered a Toyota Fortuner, a Toyota Hilux and a Volvo XC60. The vehicles are worth R430 000, R400 000 and R800 000 respectively. "South Africa National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers were busy with standing patrol in the Madimbo area when they spotted a Toyota Fortuner which was traveling at a very high speed towards an illegal crossing along with the Republic of South Africa/Zimbabwe border. "Upon trying to intercept the vehicle, the occupants of the vehicle fired shots from what looked like pistols. The soldiers returned fire and the suspects escaped towards the Zimbabwean side of the border," said SANDF. According to the statement, the smugglers kept firing at the soldiers in a bid to stop them from recovering the Toyota Fortuner. The SANDF said the soldiers then called for back up and eventually managed to recover the vehicle but the smugglers escaped from the scene. The soldiers conducted a mop-up operation around the area and discovered that there were two other vehicles hidden in the bush. "The vehicles were handed over to the South African Police Services," said the statement. The incident comes a few days after seven SANDF members were arrested by the neighbouring country's elite police, the Hawks for abetting vehicle smuggling activities between 2017 and 2019. The group would reportedly demand R15 000 per vehicle to facilitate the smuggling. According to the Hawks, the soldiers would then share the money but were busted following an intelligence operation code-named "Night Vigil'. The accused include privates Edward Lepokolo (48), Rapula Reuben Maidi (49), Bulelani Danti (30), Peter Thato Nemane (52), Thembani Mjelo(31) and two Lance Corporals, Marks Funeka (49), and Ludwe Gwedashe (44). The smuggling of vehicles along the Limpopo River is rife and most of the vehicles will be en route to Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania while some will be destined for the Zimbabwean market. KOIYET VILLAGE Digital services are helping small-scale farmers weather financial losses and adapt to climate shifts - but experts say the tech migration is leaving many behind * Africa's digital farming services growing nearly 45% per year * Sub-Saharan Africa has more than 400 farming apps and platforms * Farmers use apps to buy goods, access loans, reach customers Over the past year, Wilson Lang'at has made a steady profit from his farm in Koiyet village, managing to get the seeds and fertiliser he needs, planning ahead for droughts and floods, and borrowing money to diversify his crops - all through his phone. His experience is not the norm, as most farmers across Kenya have struggled with the double hit of extreme weather shrinking their yields and coronavirus lockdowns and curfews choking off access to supplies and demand for their produce. Until two years ago, the 46-year-old father of six traded cows while growing maize on the side at his 6-acre (2.5-hectare) farm in Kenya's Rift Valley. Then he started using the DigiFarm app to access farming inputs, weather reports and financing. Lang'at said he went from producing six 90-kg (200-pound) bags of maize per acre to about 20 bags per acre, as well as beans, potatoes and tomatoes - and quickly earned enough that he could drop the bovine arm of his business. "Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have never stopped farming. Farming has become more profitable (than cows), and now it's my full-time job," he said. In Africa, experts say agricultural technology - or agri-tech - like DigiFarm is increasingly playing a crucial role in cushioning small-scale farmers against the crop-damaging effects of climate change and the economic pain of the pandemic. According to government figures, there are about 4.5 million small-scale farmers in Kenya and their collective output accounts for more than 60% of the country's food. DigiFarm, a free service from telecoms giant Safaricom, was launched in 2017 - but the bulk of its current 1.4 million users signed up after the pandemic hit, said Elizabeth Mudogo, customer experience lead at DigiFarm. Daniel Langat, a DigiFarm village advisor in Bomet County, where Koiyet is located, said the app saves farmers time and money. After ordering through the app, farmers get SMS notifications when their goods are ready for collection at a local depot - the company has nearly 30 in Bomet alone - and they can get store credit and discounts, Langat said. DigiFarm also helps farmers prepare for more erratic weather patterns by sending them information on best practices and tips to reduce crop loss, along with historical weather reports and forecasts. "This app has brought farmers together in our area," Langat said. "As all the farmers plant at the same time since they get weather updates at the same time, this helps in disease control and decision-making." In case farmers do still suffer unexpected crop losses, DigiFarm offers insurance and loans through popular mobile money platform M-Pesa. During the pandemic, Lang'at, the farmer, borrowed 1,300 Kenyan shillings ($12) through the app to buy tomato seeds. He earned more than 50 times that selling the produce, which allowed him to pay one of his children's college fees. "Planning is easier. (For example) when I receive updates of low rainfall, I plant beans, which do well with shorter rains," he said. TURNING TO TECH An April report from the Netherlands-based Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation said Africa's digital agricultural services sector has grown nearly 45% annually in terms of farmers reached over the last three years. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Kenyan company Twiga Foods has seen a jump in the number of farmers using its digital platform Soko Yetu (Our Market) to reach customers without going through expensive brokers, said chief technology officer Caine Wanjau. Twiga, which launched in 2014, harvests and buys produce from its member farms, then takes the goods to collection centres for processing and packaging, he explained. When vendors order something through the app, the company delivers it directly to their stores. Originally operating only in Nairobi, the platform expanded to five other major towns in Kenya during the pandemic and recently announced a new expansion into Uganda, Wanjau said. The app now covers more than 17,000 farmers and 35,000 vendors, he noted. Ann Waithera signed up to Twiga a year ago to help her keep running her general store on the outskirts of Nairobi. Instead of going to markets to buy goods, she places her order from home and it is delivered the following morning. "Nowadays, the market is on my phone. I save over 500 shillings (every day) which would have been used for transport," she said. "And I no longer wake up at 4 a.m. to go to the market in Nairobi, so now I can be with my kids." LOW-INCOME FARMERS A January report by consultancy McKinsey & Company said farmers across sub-Saharan Africa are using more than 400 apps and digital platforms for everything from accessing financial services and planting advice to supply-chain management. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Climate Kenya Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. But, it noted, uptake of these apps is limited by tech challenges such as lack of internet access for farmers, with 3G networks covering only about 40% of sub-Saharan Africa's rural areas, while half of the region has no grid electricity. Still, David J. Spielman, senior researcher at the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute, said agri-tech apps are already helping build the climate resilience of small-scale farmers. "Crop and livestock yields and production are edging upwards in Africa - the larger issue is that this rate of growth has to increase," he said by email. To do that, he urged developers to focus more on tools for poorer and other marginalised communities, so that platforms can address their specific needs. For example, some technologies provide weather information when the real constraint facing farmers in a particular area might be access to credit and finance. "There is significant potential growth of digital innovation across the region if developers and providers can figure out how to genuinely target and benefit people in low-income groups," Spielman said. ($1 = 107.7000 Kenyan shillings) Nigeria's justice minister Abubakar Malami said Nnamdi Kanu was seized with Interpol's help. Local media claim the leader of the Biafra independence movement was picked up in Ethiopia. Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of a group that has called for the independence of Biafra from Nigeria, was presented before a federal high court in Abuja on Tuesday, days after his arrest at an undisclosed location. "Nnamdi Kanu has been intercepted. ... He has been brought back to Nigeria in order to continue facing trial after disappearing," said Justice Minister Abubakar Malami, referring to the fact that Kanu had not been seen in Nigeria since he was released on bail in 2017. Kanu's outlawed movement, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), which agitates for a separate state for ethnic Igbos in southeast Nigeria, has been labeled a terrorist organization by the Nigerian government. One of Kanu's lawyers, Nnemeka Ojeifor, described Kanu's arraignment in court without the presence of his legal representative as "against the administration of criminal justices act." "If they want justice, they know Nmandi Kanu has lawyers. I am one of the lawyers. Why was he brought to court without informing us? How can they arraign him without telling his lawyers? This is totally unacceptable, unconstitutional," Ojeifor told DW. Secrecy surrounds Kanu's arrest Justice Minister Malami said 53-year-old Kanu was arrested on Sunday but gave no details about the location. Local Nigerian media speculated that the leader of the Biafran pro-independence group was arrested in the Netherlands while on transit to Ukraine. The online Nigerian news website The Will claimed, however, that Kanu was nabbed in Ethiopia with the help of the international policing body Interpol. The website did not name its source and also did not say how Nigerian authorities learned about Kanu's alleged presence in Ethiopia. In a 2015 telephone interview with DW, Kanu said he was in Israel and that he had managed to flee Nigeria with help from friends in Israel. Agitation for independent state called Biafra The push for an independent Biafra has a long history in Nigeria. In 1967, the calls of Igbo leaders for a separate state led to a brutal two-and-half year civil war. A siege by Nigeria's federal troops on Igbo lands lead to the death of estimated 1 million people, mainly due to starvation, famine and disease. Kanu, who was born in 1967 in the war era, later took up the cause of an independent state for Igbo people, founding the Indigenous People of Biafra in 2014. He was subsequently arrested on 14 October 2015 and slapped with 11 charges, including terrorism and treasonable felony. He disappeared while on bail. In 2020, IPOB established an armed wing, the Eastern Security Network (ESN), which has been blamed for a number of violent attacks on police stations, electoral offices and other federal properties in southeast Nigeria. Around 130 police and security officials have been killed and some 20 police stations were attacked this year, according to local media tallies. Abdul Azeez Sulaiman, representing the Coalition of Northern Group, a non-governmental organization campaigning for the interest of northerners in the southeast, told DW that IPOB's independence aspirations has significant impact on ethnic non-Igbo Nigerians living in the country's southeast. "We are calling on federal authorities, the federal prosecutors to include charges of incitements to violence, that involved violent killings and attacks on people of non-Igbo ethnicity living in the southeast and other places," said Sulaiman. Biafra campaign goes online The secessionists have been carrying out massive online campaigns, publishing and distributing tweets and Facebook posts via an army of online activists. President Muhammadu Buhari vowed to crush IPOB in a recent tweet, which the platform subsequently deleted for breach of its policy. In the deleted tweet, Buhari compared the civil war, in which he fought on behalf of the federal government, to recent attacks on offices of the national electoral commission. He threatened to "treat" those who vandalized the electoral offices "in the language they understand." "Many of those misbehaving today are too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War," Buhari's tweet read. Nigeria's government has since banned Twitter and also said that social media companies wishing to operate in Nigeria must register as a local entity and be licensed. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It has denied that the Twitter ban had anything to do with the deleted presidential tweet. Information Minister Lai Mohammed cited Kanu's posts as a factor in the government's decision to suspend Twitter. Divided opinions The name Nmandi Kanu is as controversial as his mission which deeply divides opinions in Nigeria. His rearrest has sparked a heated debate among different segments of Nigeria's population. According to security analyst Kabiru Adamu, transparency on the part of the Nigerian government will be key in dealing with how the public react to Kanu's trial. "Law enforcement and judicial bodies will need to collaborate in terms of putting forward clear and convincing evidences of [Kanu's] culpability in all the things he is being accused of and a transparent judicial process be pursued so that he is tried in a manner that will convince anyone that there is no political interference in the trial," Adamu told DW. Ubale Musa in Abuja contributed to this report. Niger state governments says it knows the location of the abductors but chose to negotiate with the kidnappers to avert harming the students in a military rescue operation. The Secretary to the Niger State Government, Ibrahim Matane, has explained why the state is yet to use force against the kidnappers of 138 pupils of Salihu Tanko Islamiyya School despite knowing their location. Mr Matane said the government was "taking time to evaluate ongoing negotiations with the bandits in order to prevent collateral damage". "We know the location where they (pupils) are; we are very careful of any untoward situation; we do not want to hurt the children while resorting to military operations," he was quoted to have said by Leadership newspaper. He further told the paper that the state government was looking at other options of negotiation devoid of payment of ransom before taking "kinetic action". Probed on the negotiation by the government with the bandits, official stated that the government told the bandits that if they lay down their arms and release the pupils they would not face prosecution. He also confirmed that the bandits had reached out to the parents for ransom. "The parents of the pupils abducted were in touch with the bandits who were demanding money; the parents garnered what they have, but we made it clear that this government does not pay ransom." On May 30, bandits stormed Saliu Tanko Islamic school in Tegina in Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State. The school, which consists of nursery and primary schools, also hosts Islamiyya students in the evening and at weekends. Two parents reportedly died of shock after hearing that their wards had been kidnapped, this newspaper gathered. One of the teachers, Yakubu Idris, said the bandits demanded N150 million as ransom "but nothing is forthcoming from the parents". The Islamic school pupils are one three groups of students currently being held by kidnappers in the northern part of Nigeria. Others include eight students of Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic, a state-owned Polytechnic in Zaria, Kaduna Atate and scores of students of the Federal Government College (FGC), Yauri in Kebbi State. The Senate increased the fine from N1,000 to N5 million or imprisonment for three years, or both. The Senate on Wednesday passed a bill that seeks to increase the fine and punishment for illegal importation and sales of firearms in Nigeria. The bill titled 'Firearms Act (Amendment) Bill, 2021' was read for the third time and passed after the lawmakers considered the report of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters. The legislation contains amendments to some sections of the main Act ranging from imposition of fine to the destruction of firearms illegally imported into the country by an individual or group. Amendments In Section 27 of the Act which deals with fines and penalties for offences, the Senate increased the penalty from N1,000 to N5 million or imprisonment for three years, or both. The lawmakers agreed that the upward review of the penalty is necessary so as to deter illegal importation and sales of firearms in Nigeria. Section 38 of the principal Act authorises only officers of the Nigerian Police Force and the Armed Forces to be given licence to carry firearms or ammunition. This was amended to include other law enforcement agencies as well. A new Clause 39 was introduced in the bill. It gives power to officers of the Nigerian Police, Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies to seize and confiscate any illicit and illegal firearms imported into the country without any valid import documents or firearms in possession of any individual, corporate bodies and other organisations, without a valid licence. Sub-clauses (4) and (5) of the same clause was amended to ensure that firearms that are not of military serviceable grades but are serviceable, can be deployed for use by Civilian Joint Task Force and other Registered Vigilantes, under the approval and supervision of the Office of the National Security Adviser. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The lawmakers said the amendment was necessary because the joint efforts are also funded by the government. A new sub-clause (8) was also to clearly define the nature and types of firearms to be destroyed, for ease of understanding and clarity. According to the bill, "the firearms subject to seizure and destruction includes small arms and light weapons, ghost guns or homemade firearms - relinquished during amnesty programme, operations by security agencies and/or collection programme by security agencies or recovered in crime or identified as surplus requirements of the Armed Forces." Chairman of the committee, Bamidele Opeyemi, who presented the report, said in view of proliferations of firearms across the country and the security challenges, the legislation was necessary. The new law, he said, will serve as a deterrent and strengthen current efforts geared towards the control of illicit and illegal firearms influx into the country and in the possession of individuals. The bill will be sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence and thereafter transmitted to the president for assent. Abuja President Muhammadu Buhari has said that neither ethnicity nor religion is to blame for the myriad of problems facing the country, "but we ourselves," for inherent injustices. President Buhari in a statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Chief Femi Adesina came to this conclusion after reflecting on the complexities of the Nigerian condition. According to the statement, the President spoke while receiving members of the Muhammadu Buhari/Osinbajo (MBO) Dynamic Support Group, who visited State House, Abuja, to present a compendium of five years achievements of the administration. President Buhari went into the trajectory of his struggles to get justice at the courts, after disputed results of presidential elections in 2003, 2007, and 2011, submitting that people who ruled against him were of his own ethnic stock and religious persuasion, while those who stood up for him were of other faith and ethnicity. He said, "Our problem is not ethnicity or religion, it is ourselves. "After my third appearance in the Supreme Court, I came out to speak to those who were present then. I told them that from 2003, I'd spent 30 months in court. "The President of the Court of Appeal, the first port of call for representation by presidential candidates then, was my classmate in secondary school in Katsina. We spent six years in the same class, Justice Umaru Abdullahi. "My legal head was Chief Mike Ahamba, a Roman Catholic and an Ibo man. When the President of the court decided that we should present our case, my first witness was in the box. "Ahamba insisted that a letter should be sent to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to present the register of constituencies in some of the States, to prove that what they announced was falsehood. It was documented. "When they gave judgment, another Ibo man, the late Justice Nsofor, asked for the reaction from INEC to the letter sent to them. They just dismissed it. He then decided to write a minority judgment. That was after 27 months in court. "We went to the Supreme Court. Who was Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN)? A Hausa-Fulani like me, from Zaria. The members of the panel went in for about 30 minutes, came back to say they were proceeding on break. They went for 3 months. When they came back, it didn't take them 15 minutes, they dismissed us. "In 2007, who was the CJN? Kutigi. Again, a Muslim from the North. After 8 months or so, he dismissed the case. "Again in 2011, because I was so persistent, Musdafa, a Fulani man like me, from Jigawa, neighbor to my state, was CJN. He dismissed my case. "I've taken you round this to prove that our problem is not ethnicity or religion. It is ourselves. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Religion Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "I refused to give up. I had tried to wear Agbada after what happened to me in Khaki. Something was done to me, because I did something to others. You know it. In the end, I myself was arrested, sent to detention, and they were given back what they had taken. I was there for three and a quarter years. This is Nigeria. "I hope historians and intellectuals would document this, because it is a fantastic state of political development. Let our grandchildren and great grandchildren see how we came along. We didn't get it as easy as other people think. Not because God has given us great population and resources. We have suffered along the line. "I try to mention these things because you got yourselves together, used your resources, energies without any input from me. I cannot thank you enough. I'm very grateful to you and to Nigerians because in 2019, I visited all the states, the people that turned out to see me across the country (because I'm dedicated to serve Nigeria and Nigerians), the love is genuine. "Thank God that over the years, they can't accuse me of corruption. And I've been everything; Governor, Minister of Petroleum Resources, Head of State, President and in my second term. I thank you that nobody forced you, but you got together, used your energy, time and resources, I thank you very much. I assure you, history will do you justice." Vanguard News Nigeria The Group Managing Director (GMD) of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) says the cost of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), also known as petrol should be more than N280 per litre. Speaking in an interview with Channels Television, Kyari said petrol price ought to be more than N280 per litre which Automotive Gas Oil, also known as diesel, is currently being sold. He said the federal government is still in talks with the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) over the cost of petrol. He said based on the ongoing engagements, there will be no fuel price increase in July. Kyari said, "Today we are paying N162/litre (for petrol). I am sure many people buy AGO (diesel) in the market and it is selling at N280/litre in the market today. "So (there is) nowhere in the world diesel sells more expensive than PMS. That means that the price of petrol anywhere in the world, assuming you are going to sell it at the market, you are going to sell it above that price you have seen." Kyari added that while the subsidy regime wasn't sustainable, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed NNPC to do everything legally possible not to make petrol price out of reach of Nigerians, "especially at this moment". "What this means however is that we are taking out cash that could have been used for other things to pay under-recovery," he added. The NNPC boss said although petrol evacuation by NNPC in Nigeria was currently about 60 million litres daily, the corporation was sure that consumption was not up to that volume. He said organised smuggling was the reason for the huge consumption volume, stressing that the low petrol price of N162/litre was also an incentive for this. On what the landing cost of petrol could be as of Tuesday, Kyari said: "Today, from what I can remember, I checked the number two days ago; what would we sell if we are at the filling station today and recover our cost fully is around N256/litre," he stated. Canada has shown interest in increasing both bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Nigeria, and subsequently increase the volume of trade with the country. Addressing the media in Abuja earlier in the week to mark Canada's independence from the British on July 1, 1867, the Acting High Commissioner of Canada to Nigeria, Nicolas Simard, said: "We look forward to broadening and deepening our cooperation with Nigeria, both bilaterally and multilaterally." Nigeria presently stands as the second largest trade partner of Canada on the African continent, exceeded only by South Africa. The Canadian High Commissioner said: "Nigeria is Canada's second most important partner in sub-Saharan Africa. "Nigeria is an important partner for Canada. Our bilateral relationship is multifaceted and growing stronger each year, through our longstanding cooperation across trade, development, diplomacy, education, and security." On the volume of trade with Nigeria, Simard said as per year-to-date data from statistics, the total merchandise trade between Canada and Nigeria is estimated to be $1.4 billion (Canadian dollar, CAD), with Canadian merchandise imports from Nigeria accounting for more $411 million (CAD) and Canadian exports to Nigeria at more than $539 million (CAD). He disclosed that the main sources of imports from Nigeria consisted of minerals (mineral fuels, oil and bituminous subs), vegetable products (oil seeds, grains, fruits and nuts) and processed food, while Canada continued to export a wide range of products to Nigeria, including vehicles and equipment, wheat, manufacturing equipment, aircrafts, vessels and cars. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Trade Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Simard said despite the uncertain economic conditions, the volume of trade between Canada and Nigeria remained stable and slightly outpaced the total volume of trade in 2019 - estimated as $801illion (CAD). The High Commissioner also disclosed that Canada's top trade partners in Africa include South Africa, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Botswana and Ghana. He said in 2019, bilateral merchandise trade with Nigeria totalled $800.26 million, with the decrease from the previous year largely due to a significant decline in Canadian imports from Nigeria. He said: "Notwithstanding, Nigeria still maintains its position as Canada's second largest bilateral merchandise trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa - following South Africa ($1.383 billion) and followed by Cote d'Ivoire ($604 million), Botswana ($544.88 million) and Ghana ($358.84)." The High Commissioner said Canada is waiting on the Nigerian National Assembly to breathe life into the machinery that will increase Canadian investment in Nigeria. According to him, "A bilateral Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) with Nigeria would be instrumental to facilitating further Canadian investment and commercial activity in Nigeria and deepening trade relations between both countries. "Although the governments of Canada and Nigeria jointly signed a FIPA in 2014, the Parliament of Canada ratified the agreement, but the Nigerian National Assembly is yet to do so and seeks for the agreement to be renegotiated." Lives are being saved, injuries are being treated immediately, babies are being successfully delivered, vaccines are being stored correctly, doctors and nurses can work more productively, clean water now available to thousands of project beneficiaries across nine sites in Borno State. The communities include: Bama and Gwoza General Hospitals, Mainok - Kaga LGA, Auno - Konduga LGA, Gajiganna - Magumeri LGA, Biriyel - Bayo LGA and Dikwa - Dikwa LGA), and the College of Nursing and Midwifery, Maiduguri thanks to the installation of containerized solar micro-grids systems funded by the European Union. The project forms part of the European support in response to recovery, resettlement and resilience in Borno state. In the past, Bama and Gwoza General Hospitals and the five villages which include Mainok, Auno, Gajiganna, Biryel and Dikwa, faced regular power cuts due to intermittent energy supply from the grid. This posed a great challenge to the doctors and nurses treating patients in hospitals, as well as the inhabitants of the five village clusters. With the funding support of the European Union in 2018, three different contractors were mobilized (FCDO/AECOM, EM-One Energy Solutions and MTECH Renewables to install nine solar micro-grids across eight sites in the state to improve the quality of lives of the good people of the state. The EU funded solar microgrid systems were designed with community recovery and resilience in mind. The solutions are fully integrated, scalable, and quick to deploy, using tier-1 equipment components from proven technology partners. The project now completed and fully operational will have its official commissioning which will take place at the College of Nursing and Midwifery, in Maiduguri, Borno state on July, 6 where two of the sites operational since 2020 are located. Impact The Head of Section for Economic Cooperation and Energy at the European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), Inga Stefanowicz remarked: "Funding these projects in Borno State was borne out of the desire to support the state government developmental strides in spite of the enormous security challenges. This will enhance the welfare of thousands of people, support the fight against COVID-19, reduce carbon emissions by replacing diesel with renewable energy, and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 and 13." The Hospital Secretary, Borno Health Board in Gwoza General Hospital, Mr. Yahaya Ibrahim, noted: "The solar system has made great impact in the hospital; energy is always available; hospital services and the treatment of patients have improved drastically. We are grateful to the European Union for the donation of the system." In Bama and Gwoza General Hospitals, the solar power plants generate 444,300 KWh of energy annually, saving N49,761,600 in diesel spend and reduce CO2 emission by 476 tonnes per year. The beneficiary local government areas (LGAs), Bama and Gwoza, are two of the largest in Borno - with a combined residential population of over 500,000 and over 200,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), residing in refugee camps. One of the trained technicians in Bama General Hospital, Mr. Mohammed Ali, stated: "We have seen a lot of improvements since the installation of the solar system. This includes increased patient satisfaction of services because of available electricity, increased patronage to the hospital from the community, service provider satisfaction from the health workers and bettered laboratory services. We also recently had a successful surgery conducted in the Hospital, which is a great success as we would normally have had to transfer the patient elsewhere due of lack of electricity." The two systems at the College of Nursing and Midwifery, completed under the Solar Nigeria Programme, with the financial assistance of the European Union, generate 577,900 KWh of energy annually, saving N64,724,800 in diesel spend and reduce CO2 emissions by 619 tonnes per year. The Provost, College of Nursing and Midwifery, Ms. Rukaya Shettima Mustapha, said: "We are happy to say that 770 students enrolled in 2020, compared to 145 students in the previous year. In addition, for the professional qualification examination for nursing and midwifery, we had a pass rate of 98.2%, as compared to a 50-60% pass rate before the solar system was operational." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Conclusion The intervention in the state has continued to help raise awareness of the broader need to expand renewables and serve as a proof of concept to the fact the solar PV does work in Nigeria, particularly in rural communities. To achieve universal electrification in Nigeria, distributed energy systems and digitalization are the way forward to transform the energy value chain, lessons we can learn and apply immediately from the global energy transition. Through this project, the EU continues to make great progress to support the Nigerian government with systemic and sustainable change in the country. As technology continues to reduce the price of solar, there is hope that the microgrids and on-site energy systems play a larger role towards achieving universal energy access in Nigeria. Aliamaka wrote from Lagos Dignitaries who attended the event praised the young author for her talent and hard work. A book authored by a 16-year-old Nigerian girl, Maadiah Johnson, was on Saturday launched in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. The book, Clawed to Death, is a fictional prose about a boy who lost his father at a tender age and had to struggle all the way, against all odds. "We (women) are not meant to be raped, butchered, murdered and trafficked," Miss Johnson, an SS2 student, said at the launch, apparently denouncing the rise in gender-based violence in Nigeria. The 26-year-old female job-seeker, Iniubong Umoren was raped and brutally killed in April in Uyo by a 20-year-old man, Uduak Akpan who had lured her with a fake job offer. Nigerians have been putting pressure on the police to bring Miss Umoren's killers to justice. Women in Nigeria should be treated as "queens" and assisted to grow their talents, said Miss Johnson who informed the dignitaries that turned up for her book launch that she started writing the novel when she was just 10. She said she lost the motivation to go further at some point. Five years later, during the COVID-19 lockdown, she picked up, finished her work which is on sale on Amazon. The book launch was part of the activities for the monthly reading of the Uyo Book Club, and was graced by several authors, including Anietie Usen, the author of the award-winning novel, Village Boy; Ekong Sampson, and Udeme Nana. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Book Reviews By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Miss Johnson's mentoring project, Raise them Queens, was also inaugurated. Her parents, family members, and friends attended the event. "I had a talent, I had a story. I had something that is going to motivate other children to keep writing. If I kept that story without showing it to the world it is me deliberately reducing value from society," Miss Johnson said. She said she was delighted to see the number of people who came around to show support for her work. Mr Usen, who chaired the event, described Miss Johnson as the 'youngest author in Nigeria's Niger Delta region'. He said, "There is something about this kind of event. It is the realisation that writing is a gift. It is a dash from God. "The good thing about Maadiah is that she discovered this gift in time which is something parents must do to help our children discover what God injected into them in time." Mr Sampson, a lawyer and author of several books, described Miss Johnson as "a future Nobel Prize winner". Mr Nana, the founder of Uyo Book Club and a journalism teacher, pledged to ensure that Akwa Ibom, Nigeria and the world celebrate the young author. A senator and former governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha, who participated in the event via zoom, congratulated Miss Johnson and promised to host her in Abuja. "Every girl child should be seen as an honour and a solution to society," the young author said proudly at the event. The experts, who brainstormed on the nation's energy sector crisis, agreed that urgent reforms were needed to bring the sector to par with global standards. Government officials, business executives, Civil Society Organisations, energy experts and the media on Tuesday in Abuja gathered at the International Conference Centre to identify the challenges posed by Nigeria's intractable power challenges and offer solutions. The experts, who brainstormed on the nation's energy sector in moderated sessions, agreed that urgent reforms were needed to bring the sector to par with global standards. The event was the 7th edition of the N-PoD Monthly Policy Dialogue (Summit) which was organised by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Policy Development/Analysis. The topic which pegged discussions by the panellists was tagged: 'The power sector's unending challenges and new perspectives'. Ibrahim Hassan, the SSA to the president on policy development and analysis, who organised the event, said the experts gathered to proffer solutions to help the government address its over a decade long power crisis and present same to his boss, President Muhammadu Buhari, through the SSG. Some of the experts who spoke at the event included Ransome Owan (lead discussant), Managing Director, Aiteo Power and Gas Group; Muazu Magaji, Chairman, NNPC AKK Pipeline Project Delivery and Industrialisation Committee; Justice Derefaka, Technical Adviser, Gas Business and Policy Implementation, Dauda Abdul-aziz of the North-South Power Company Ltd and other industry officials. Perennial challenge PREMIUM TIMES in May analysed how 11 years after ex-president, Musa Yar'Adua's death, Nigeria's electricity challenges remain, some argue, has worsened. The newspaper also reported that although installed generation capacity, mostly from thermal and hydro sources, has improved over the years, less than 50 per cent of the generated power is being distributed to Nigerians. This challenge and the need to offer new perspectives formed the basis of the discussion at the summit which also had a large virtual audience both locally and internationally. Conversation The minister of power, Mamman Saleh, who started the conversation in a virtual submission from one of his aides, said some of the major challenges facing the nation's power aspirations were lack of adequate infrastructure, implementation of policies, revenue, and distribution of power. He said it was sad that while Nigeria has 23 power generating plants connected to the national grid with the capacity to generate 13, 000 MW of electricity, it could only distribute about 4500. "We have over 13, 000 MW of generation capacity but what we are able to distribute is about 4500," he said. "Beyond this 'misalignment' of energy capacity, we have the challenge of paltry remittance from the downstream participants, that is the distribution companies as well as the problem of low uptake of stranded capacity in the whole power system of unserved grid buyers." Mr Owan, who led the discussions offered three new perspectives he opined would radically address Nigeria's power challenges. He said it was time Nigeria started/enhanced a 'free meter saturation programme' which would increase energy capacity, access, and revenue ultimately. He also proposed a 'city by city power 24/7 programme', which he said should be a leaf borrowed from the nation's mobile phone industry. In addition, he advocated a process whereby the government would attract industries and growth around power plants. In concluding his thoughts on the new perspectives Nigerian should be mulling, he said: "Nigerian should stay the course of privatisation, and avoid policy somersaults". He also said while reforms were necessary, it was also important to make the sector investment-friendly. He said "The velocity of metered electricity or power to the consumer must be equal to the revenue coming back to the operators. However, in our nation, there is an inequality sign which translates to revenue shortfall and this is one of the challenges we must address." ***insert Owan's Video Mr Abdulaziz, in his short submission, said Nigeria's capacity to generate optimal energy levels may stagnate if there are no programmes to sustain it even as demand spikes due to the rising population. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He also said power systems globally take a long time to take shape, enabling policies must be implemented to ensure all targets are met. Meanwhile, Mr Muazu, who said the DISCOs (distribution firms) are like 'sick babies' whose needs must be tended to achieve success and results in the power sector, also added that reforms must involve the bringing in of real operators "who truly understand how the system works". He also proposed an "adjustment in the current privatisation equity" so as to enhance the optimal performance of the sector. "We need to refocus to have an identity of its own and a brand we must be able to hold accountable," he said. "There are of course vested interests as in every sector, but we must have the courage to do the right thing for our people. PREMIUM TIMES also reported how the summit also attracted economic experts, government officials and leadership consultants, who gathered in May to deliberate on how the country can successfully navigate its recent exit from recession and ensure sustainable economic growth. The convoy of the governor was returning to Kano from a ceremony in Zamfara when it ran into bandits. Kano State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, and his Jigawa State counterpart, Muhammad Badaru, on Wednesday narrowly escaped being attacked by bandits on a highway linking Zamfara and Kano states. The governors had attended the ceremony in Gusau in which Zamfara governor, Bello Matawalle, defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC). The convoy of the Kano governor was returning to Kano from the ceremony when it ran into the bandits. However, the Kano governor was not in the convoy as he had joined that of Mr Badaru, which passed the same route earlier before the bandits apparently struck. Kano State Commissioner for Information, Muhammad Garba, confirmed the attack to BBC Hausa Service. Mr Garba said Mr Ganduje was not riding in his convoy when it was attacked by the outlaws. He said "the governor had left with Mr Badaru in the Jigawa governor's convoy before the attack." The official said three police officers were hit by bullets released by the bandits while vehicles in the convoy belonging to the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and an ambulance were also riddled with bullets. PREMIUM TIMES reported how the bandits had earlier killed Mohammed Ahmed, a lawmaker from Zamfara State. The police spokesperson in Katsina, Gambo Isah, said the bandits blocked the highway along Sheme-Funtua Road around 10:30 p.m, on Tuesday. He, however, said no incident of kidnap was reported. The governors had attended the defection ceremony in Zamfara where they received Mr Mattawalle late in the day. The Inspector-General, Senegalese Armed Forces, Maj.-Gen. Elhadji Niang, has solicited collaboration with the Armed Forces of Nigeria in dealing with the menace of insurgency in sub-Saharan Africa. Niang made the call when he paid a courtesy call on Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Lucky Irabor, on Wednesday in Abuja. He said that his visit to Nigeria was to assess the operational readiness of Nigerian troops which include the army, navy and air force as well as the Police. He expressed the commitment of the Senegalese military to work closely with the Nigerian military with a view to tackling the challenges of insurgency and terrorism in the West African sub-region. "We believe that working more closely with Nigeria will make us more efficient due to the experience and expertise of the Nigerian military in various realms. "We hope that from this visit we will find ways to be more cooperative and more efficient in order to solve our various issues," he said. Responding, the CDS, Irabor, acknowledged that Nigeria and Senegal had maintained a cordial relationship both at the political level and in military engagements. Irabor said that the two countries had been having extensive interaction in terms of operation and training, adding that their experiences could be leveraged for greater effectiveness of the two nation's armed forces. According to him, the visit of the Senegalese military chief would enable the two armed forces to strengthen that bond of friendship that they have had. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Senegal Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "The West African sub-region as you know is currently faced with some kinds of security challenges. "Senegal may not be directly affected but its neighbours like Mali and other countries around it are faced with challenges that need attention. "For us in Nigeria, we are also facing the problem of insurgency and terrorism which we believe requires a collective effort. "So, if the movement of these criminal elements, especially from the Sahel down this part of West Africa with the intervention of Senegalese military assisting the Malians and the Burkinabe in one way or the other will help to reduce the Sahelian movement of these criminal elements. "I think that our collaboration will help to significantly improve the state of security in the sub-region," he said. (NAN) President Muhammadu Buhari has said that Nigerians are the problem of Nigeria, ruling out the influence of ethnicity and religion. Buhari said this while receiving members of the Muhammadu Buhari/Osinbajo (MBO) Dynamic Support Group, who visited State House, Abuja, to present a compendium of five years achievements of the administration. The president reflected on the complexities of the Nigerian condition and resolved that neither ethnicity nor religion was to blame "but we ourselves" for inherent injustices. Buhari went into the trajectory of his struggles to get justice at the courts, after disputed results of presidential elections in 2003, 2007, and 2011. He said that people who ruled against him were of his own ethnic stock and religious persuasion, while those who stood up for him were of other faith and ethnicity. "Our problem is not ethnicity or religion, it is ourselves," the president said. His words: "After my third appearance in the Supreme Court, I came out to speak to those who were present then. I told them that from 2003, I'd spent 30 months in court. "The President of the Court of Appeal, the first port of call for representation by presidential candidates then, was my classmate in secondary school in Katsina. We spent six years in the same class, Justice Umaru Abdullahi. "My legal head was Chief Mike Ahamba, a Roman Catholic and an Ibo man. When the President of the court decided that we should present our case, my first witness was in the box. "Ahamba insisted that a letter should be sent to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to present the register of constituencies in some of the States, to prove that what they announced was falsehood. It was documented. "When they gave judgment, another Ibo man, the late Justice Nsofor, asked for the reaction from INEC to the letter sent to them. They just dismissed it. He then decided to write a minority judgment. That was after 27 months in court. "We went to the Supreme Court. Who was Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN)? A Hausa-Fulani like me, from Zaria. The members of the panel went in for about 30 minutes, came back to say they were proceeding on break. They went for 3 months. When they came back, it didn't take them 15 minutes, they dismissed us. "In 2007, who was the CJN? Kutigi. Again, a Muslim from the North. After 8 months or so, he dismissed the case. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Again in 2011, because I was so persistent, Musdafa, a Fulani man like me, from Jigawa, neighbor to my state, was CJN. He dismissed my case. "I've taken you round this to prove that our problem is not ethnicity or religion. It is ourselves. "I refused to give up. I had tried to wear Agbada after what happened to me in Khaki. Something was done to me, because I did something to others. You know it. In the end, I myself was arrested, sent to detention, and they were given back what they had taken. I was there for three and a quarter years. This is Nigeria. "I hope historians and intellectuals would document this, because it is a fantastic state of political development. Let our grandchildren and great grandchildren see how we came along. We didn't get it as easy as other people think. Not because God has given us great population and resources. We have suffered along the line. "I try to mention these things because you got yourselves together, used your resources, energies without any input from me. I cannot thank you enough. I'm very grateful to you and to Nigerians because in 2019, I visited all the states, the people that turned out to see me across the country (because I'm dedicated to serve Nigeria and Nigerians), the love is genuine. "Thank God that over the years, they can't accuse me of corruption. And I've been everything; Governor, Minister of Petroleum Resources, Head of State, President and in my second term. I thank you that nobody forced you, but you got together, used your energy, time and resources, I thank you very much. I assure you, history will do you justice." A 2021 press freedom report has revealed that the media industry recorded seven unresolved killings, 300 violations and abuses, affecting 500 journalists, media workers, and media houses since 2015 under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. The report, released on Wednesday in Abuja by the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) in collaboration with the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), said that this development is of major concern as journalists and media organisations are targets of attack by both protesters and government. The Executive Director, Citizen Advocacy for Social and Economic Right (CASER), Barrister Frank Tietie, while presenting the report, said that this development is unexpected as it only brings back unpleasant memories of the long tenure of military rule and the established culture of intolerance against the media when Nigeria recorded its most grievous crimes against the industry. He said: "The nation is witnessing actions that seek to undermine the journalism profession by both state and non-state actors. "Nigeria is fast gaining notoriety for its failure to tackle impunity for crimes against journalists including killings. "For example, in 2017, four journalists were killed in separate incidents with no credible inquiry yet to find the culprits and their motive for the fatal attacks. "The four were Ikechukwu Onubogu, a cameraman with the Anambra Broadcasting Services; Lawrence Okojie of the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) in Edo State; Famous Giobaro, a desk editor with Glory FM in Bayelsa State and freelance broadcaster, Abdul Ganiyu Lawal in Ekiti State." The body noted that clamping down on the media was a sign of weak democracy and a restive government and it is instructive to note that a free and open press is part of the bedrock of democracy and development, and these should be encouraged and sustained. Speaking earlier, the president of the NUJ, Chris Isiguzo, decried the incessant attack on journalists in the country. According to him, the safety of journalists goes beyond killings and physical assault but also include the absence of arbitrary arrests, resorting to exile to escape repression, harassment as well as destruction and confiscation of equipment and premises. On his part, the chairman, NUJ, FCT Council, Emmanuel Ogbeche, called for more collaboration to ensure that freedom of the press is guaranteed in the country. He also said that the union would continue to support the fight against all forms of violence against media practitioners in the country. Abuja The Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Mallam Mele Kyari has expressed optimism that companies working in Nigeria's petroleum industry can achieve $10 oil production cost. Kyari who stated this on Tuesday when he appeared on Arise Television explained that the corporation was working with its partners to achieve the target. He said that the industry has been embarking on cost sharing, including making use of one aircraft, "whereas in the past each company could deploy individual planes. "The end result is that we have been able to substantially pull down cost although I can't put a number to it. But I know that we have been able to bring down operating costs by at least 30 per cent, at least from what it used to be one year ago", he stated. He pointed that with current production cost NNPC was always comfortable when oil sells for between $50 and $60 per barrel. On implication of rising oil price, he explained that getting back to pre-Covid level will be achieved by at least 2022, stressing that the oil industry was not comfortable with high oil prices because "customers will look for alternatives". The NNPC boss noted that the only way to pull down prices was to increase supply, adding that OPEC may intervene at their meeting. He however pointed out that part of the problems with shutting down oil wells due to the OPEC cut was that it may be challenging getting it back to produce. Kyari said that in the past, all the focus was on oil, pointing out that with renewed attention to gas as a transition fuel and plenty need for the product to power the country, gas will become the new oil. He said the Ajaokuta -Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline, OB3, and others will give more access to an excess of two billion cubic feet of gas in the country. Vanguard News Nigeria The World Bank has announced a provision of $4.4 billion for the purchase and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines for 51 developing countries, but Nigeria is not listed among the benefiting countries half of which are in Africa. The financing is part of the Bank's commitment to help low- and middle-income countries acquire and distribute vaccines and strengthen their health systems. In a statement on Wednesday, the Bank said more than half of the latest financing comes from the International Development Association, IDA, the Bank's fund for the world's poorest countries, and is on grant or highly concessional terms. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank Group has approved more than $150 billion to fight the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic. Speaking on the development, World Bank Managing Director of Operations, Axel van Trotsenburg, said: "The World Bank is helping developing countries in every region of the world with vaccine purchase and rollout. Significant challenges still remain regarding vaccine deployment and hesitancy. "We are taking action on all fronts to tackle these challenges, working in solidarity with international and regional partners to expedite doses to as many people as possible and to enhance disease surveillance, preparedness, and response." Reiterating its call to governments, pharmaceutical companies, and organisations involved in vaccine procurement and delivery, the Bank urged for help to increase transparency and build greater public information regarding vaccine contracts, options and agreements, vaccine financing and delivery agreements, and doses delivered and future delivery plans. The Bank asked the countries anticipating excess vaccine supplies in the coming months to release their surplus doses and options as soon as possible, in a transparent manner, to developing countries with adequate distribution plans in place. The $4.4 billion is supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Comoros, the Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, and Honduras. Others are Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, the Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Sao Tome e Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, Yemen, and Zambia. According to the Bank, its vaccine finance package is designed to be flexible. It can be used by countries to acquire doses through COVAX, the Africa Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, AVATT, or other sources. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It also finances vaccine deployment and health system strengthening, such as vaccine cold-chains, training health workers, data and information systems, and communications and outreach campaigns to key stakeholders which are crucial to ensure vaccination acceptance. The Bank has aligned its eligibility criteria for COVID-19 vaccines with the revised eligibility criteria of COVAX and other multilateral partners and is partnering with the African Union and Africa Centre for Disease Control to support AVATT initiative with resources to allow countries to purchase and deploy vaccines for up to 400 million people across Africa. The Bank is also convening a task force with the IMF, WHO, WTO, and other partners to track, coordinate, and advance delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to developing countries. The latest findings show that 95 per cent of countries have developed national vaccination plans, 79 percent have safety measures in place, and 82 percent have prioritizations of populations to receive the vaccine. However, only 59 percent have developed plans to train the large number of vaccinators needed and less than half have a plan in place to generate public confidence, trust, and demand for COVID-19 vaccines. Vanguard News Nigeria National Pension Commission, PenCom, Wednesday, announced President Muhammadu Buhari's approval for the payment of outstanding pension liabilities of the Federal Government retirees under the Contributory Pension Scheme, especially retirees of Treasury-funded Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies, MDAs. In a statement, the management of PenCom said: "The President has approved payment of outstanding accrued pension rights for verified and enrolled retirees of treasury-funded MDAs that retired but are yet to be paid their retirement benefits. "Also, the backlog of death benefits claims due to beneficiaries of deceased employees of treasury-funded MDAs, payment of 2.5 percent differential in the rate of employer pension contribution for Federal Government retirees and employees, which resulted from the increase in the minimum contribution for employers from 7.5 percent to 10 percent in line with Section 4(1) of the PRA 2014, and payments for retirees and existing employees would take effect from July 2014. "It is worthy to note that subsequently, the Federal Government of Nigeria is expected to continue with the payment of the 10 percent rate of employer pension contribution for its employees. "Thus ensuring a remittance of at least 18 percent monthly (employer 10 percent and employee 8 percent) as provided by the PRA 2014. 3. "Funds have already been made available for the settlement of the above stated pension liabilities. "Accordingly, remittance into the various Retirement Savings Accounts, RSAs, of the affected retirees and employees is currently being processed. "The affected retirees and employees would be notified in due course by their respective Pension Fund Administrators, PFAs. "The settlement of the outstanding accrued rights of verified and enrolled Federal Government retirees and compliance with the reviewed rate of contributions are significant developments that have resolved the challenges in these aspects that have lingered since 2014." The statement added that the Board and Management of the Commission reiterates their appreciation to Mr. President for his support and commitment to the implementation of the Contributory Pension Scheme and ensuring welfare of retirees. Vanguard News Nigeria Palma It's a situation that no woman could wish to find herself in. Caught in conflict in northern Mozambique, displaced women wanting to give birth safely in health facilities are being sent back to their temporary homes, where they may not have the medical support they need to deliver their babies. "One of the major challenges is access to medicines and medical care at health facilities," says a displaced woman from Palma District. Many women have been unable to deliver at these facilities due to a lack of space and the precarious situation of the health units, she says. She warns of a potential increase in child marriages, often considered a last resort for families with many mouths to feed. More than 67,000 people have fled Palma District due to the conflict and violence that began in March (IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix, 4 June 2021). Of the displaced population, more than a third are women and nearly half are children. They flee on foot, by bus or boat to neighbouring districts and the provincial capital of Pemba in search of safety and support. Women and girls worst impacted by violence "With girls out of school, and families coping with economic loss and hardship, the risk of child marriage and teenage pregnancies is of increasing concern," said Andrea M. Wojnar, UNFPA Mozambique Representative. "As girls are at risk of giving birth too young and potentially being subjected to other harmful practices, collective action is needed to reduce the risk of maternal and newborn mortality or complications, particularly as health facilities throughout Cabo Delgado are closing, are limited in operation, or lack essential staff, supplies and equipment." "Palma district has been cut off from the rest of the country due to insecurity," confirmed Dan Onyango-Maina, UNFPA Mozambique Humanitarian Coordinator based in Cabo Delgado, who travelled to the district in February. "Increased humanitarian support is desperately needed for women and girls who lack access to reproductive and maternal health care, and are at risk of sexual and gender-based violence." Supporting dignity of women and girls Many displaced women and girls are arriving at displacement sites or in host communities with very few personal or essential items, having fled the violence at a moment's notice. In response, UNFPA Mozambique has supported the government in the distribution of dignity kits to almost 1,300 women and girls who arrived from Palma in recent weeks. These kits provide for their menstrual health, sanitary, and female dignity needs. For safety and protection, the kits also contain whistles and flashlights to aid women and girls who move on foot at night in host communities and displacement camps, and information on gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and services available for GBV survivors. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Women Conflict Mozambique By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Since January, more than 26,000 women and girls in displacement sites and host communities in Cabo Delgado have received maternal and child health-care and family planning services through remote-based mobile clinics, supported by UNFPA and local partners, and led by the government. UNFPA also supports the government with the installation and running of women-friendly spaces for displaced women and girls. These offer health-related information, counselling and psychosocial support for survivors of GBV, as well as income-generating activities. UNFPA is appealing for $12 million to provide emergency life-saving health and protection services for the women and girls who have been displaced by the recent attacks in Cabo Delgado, including their host communities. To date, 30 per cent of the appeal has been funded. opinion The 2018 Nobel Laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege, a gynaecologist celebrated for his work with survivors of sexual assault in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said, "Rape is a strategy of war - it is meant to destroy women and communities physically and mentally". Sadly, this destruction has become a daily reality for women and girls in Tigray in northern Ethiopia. In recent weeks, women have come forward with the most devastating stories of sexual violation and physical abuse. Selam, 22, who found shelter in a safe house, is one of the survivors. She recalls "running from place to place without food or shelter" and "constantly living in fear" after being displaced from her home and repeatedly facing harrowing incidents of sexual violence. Persistent fighting, forced displacement, and dire living conditions over the past eight months in Tigray and the neighbouring regions of Afar and Amhara in northern Ethiopia, have created one of Africa's most pressing humanitarian crises. More than 5.2 million people in Tigray alone require humanitarian assistance; among them are 118,000 pregnant women and 1.3 million women of reproductive age. Amid the crisis, gross violations and abuses against civilians, including sexual violence, continue to be reported. The health and well-being of women and adolescent girls are further threatened by food insecurity that is expected to worsen. The destruction and looting of health facilities - around a third are partially functioning, and a mere one per cent are offering clinical management of rape services - further complicates the situation amidst the threat of COVID-19. Selam's experience is just one of the stories captured by health officials and UN agencies, and these testimonies likely represent only a fraction of the real prevalence. Even under normal circumstances, given the high levels of stigma, among other factors, gender-based violence is largely unreported in Ethiopia. Only 24 per cent of survivors ever seek assistance, according to the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic Health Survey. Rape and other forms of sexual abuse have a devastating impact on women's physical and mental well-being, rights and choices, and affect their ability to care for their children, support their families and contribute to their societies. A social worker at the UNFPA-supported safe house where Selam now resides described the women as arriving "traumatized and depressed due to prolonged suffering, distress and horrendous violence". Even when women have not experienced sexual violence, the fear of rape or insecurity prevents them from accessing food distributing centres and critical health-care services for themselves or their children, and adolescent girls may stay away from school. In the long run, hiding from potential attacks contributes to malnutrition, poor health outcomes, and a lack of educational attainment among women and girls. UN Member States have recognized the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict on women and girls. The UN Security Council-adopted Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security, calls on all parties in hostilities to take special measures to "protect women and girls from gender-based violence, particularly rape and other forms of sexual abuse, in situations of armed conflict". The African Union also committed to "Silencing the Guns" by "ending all wars, civil conflicts, gender-based violence, violent conflicts and preventing genocide on the continent by 2020". Women's bodies must not be the object of war or collateral in conflicts. Rather, women must be the central subjects and partners in peacebuilding. In retelling their stories, women in Tigray describe their attackers as "armed men". These serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law must be swiftly investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. We urge the Government of Ethiopia and the international community to step up efforts to end hostilities and all forms of violence in the country, including gender-based violence, to ensure the health and safety of women and girls. As part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) system-wide scale-up for the Tigray region activated in April 2021, UNFPA is expanding and accelerating support in its areas of responsibility - protection, prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) and delivering quality sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services. Women-friendly spaces, safe houses and one-stop centres in the conflict-affected regions have been set up to provide clinical management of rape and psychosocial counselling. These spaces connect women to a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services and legal services. What transforms a rape victim into a rape survivor is justice. UNFPA is working with partners to ensure effective referral and prosecution systems are available. We are working with the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth of Ethiopia to enable the capacity-building of armed personnel and the constitution of a Gender-Based Violence Task Force, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Police University and the Federal Police Commission. UNFPA is also providing medical supplies, helping to restore health system services, and cumulatively, has distributed hundreds of Emergency Reproductive Health Kits and thousands of Dignity Kits. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Women Conflict Ethiopia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Additionally, to prevent COVID-19 infections among key staff providing SRH and GBV services and information in government and partner-run health facilities and one-stop centres, nearly 11,000 Personal Protective Equipment items have been distributed since November 2020. Providing adequate levels of these kinds of life-saving services requires urgent funding. We are calling on all who can help, including government and development partners, to assist us in addressing the immediate needs of women and girls and help us avert the medium to long-term repercussions of sexual violence. The immediate funding requirement for the next six months is US$15 million. The women and girls of Tigray have told us their stories, and we continue to hear them. Our actions to deal with their trauma and rebuild their lives must be our urgent response. For women to participate equally in society, they need to make decisions about their bodies freely and without fear. Rape and other forms of gender-based violence destroy the ability of women and girls to make choices and fulfil their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Even in times of conflict, we must continue to defend and protect the rights of women and girls and devote the necessary attention and resources to prevent sexual violence and decisively ensure justice. The spokesperson said the raid of suspects occurred around 1:00 midnight on Wednesday. The police in Lagos said they have arrested 144 suspects at blackspots in the Ebute-Meta area of Lagos. Muyiwa Adejobi, the Lagos police spokesperson, disclosed this in a statement he released on Wednesday. He said the arrest is in furtherance of the commitment of the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State, Hakeem Odumosu, to get rid of criminals and miscreants in the state. The spokesperson said the raid of suspects occurred around 1:00 midnight on Wednesday. "The combined team of operatives from the State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Command's Special Squad and Taskforce raided some blackspots at Ebutte Meta area of Lagos State today Wednesday 30th June 2021 at 1 a.m. and arrested One Hundred and Forty-Four (144) male suspects. "The raid was at the instance of the intelligence reports and the special request for assistance from the neighborhood to dislodge criminals hibernating in some of the shanties in the area," the statement reads. Mr Adejobi, a chief superintendent of police, said many dangerous weapons and substances suspected to be Indian hemp, and suspected stolen items were recovered from the suspects. "The suspects will be arraigned in court as urgent as possible," he said in the statement. The Commissioner of Police, Mr Odumosu, said police officers in the state are ready to flush miscreants and hoodlums out of Lagos, and secure public space in the State. He warned sponsors and aiders of hoodlums and criminals in the state to desist from such criminal act, as the police will not spare anyone caught promoting crimes and violence in Lagos State. "None had existed in Nigeria in the past and it has provided a gap to many things. It is a good starting point for regulating transplantation." There is no agency or body that regulates the harvesting or transplanting of human organs in Nigeria, Amisu Mumuni, the chairman of Medical Consultants Association of Nigeria, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), has said. Mr Mumuni spoke during a one-day public hearing on a bill to establish an organ harvest transplantation department in the Lagos State Ministry of Health organised by the Lagos State House of Assembly. He said they had been working with the Ministry of Justice on the issue for a long time, adding that the law would regulate organ harvesting and transplanting in the state. "It is a step in the right direction. A regulatory body is being set up for the first time to regulate organ harvesting and transplantation in the country," he said. "None had existed in Nigeria in the past and it has provided a gap to many things. It is a good starting point for regulating transplantation. "But I want to advise that the department should be independent. The membership of the committee should be increased." The bill to regulate organ harvesting and transplanting in the state, which includes criminalising illegal organ trade, scaled through second reading in the House of Assembly last week. Hakeem Sokunle, Chairman, House Committee on Health Services, said an organ harvest transplantation department was to advise the state government on all matters relating to organ harvest, transplantation, and preservation. The lawmaker said the department would also formulate and develop state strategies, guidelines, and protocols for medical transplant and harvest in the state. "The bill when passed into law will formulate and develop state strategies, guidelines, and protocols for medical transplants and harvest in the state." Mr Sokunle (Oshodi-Isolo 1) said the bill was long overdue due to the sales of human organs by unscrupulous elements. He added that it was meant to regulate the harvest of human organs and to ensure adherence to the right process. Akin Abayomi, the state commissioner for health, said the demand for organ transplantation was rising because of the improved use of technology, adding that there was a need for the government to regulate the practice so as to prevent quackery. The commissioner said the state would not be doing things below the global standard either on the side of the donor or the recipient. The Majority Leader of the House, Sanai Agunbiade, said that it was not all hospitals that would have the privilege to remove or transplant organs. Mr Agunbiade (Ikorodu 1), however, said before transplanting was done, the organ must have been harvested. "There are penals for doing anything that is inconsistent with the provisions of the bill. Whoever has organ failure will have access to where they are available. "We want to make Lagos State, where conducts of human beings are regulated with laws," he said. More contributions Bodunrin Oshunkomaiya, a blood transfusion consultant, said it was important to indicate the organs that were being discussed. Ms Oshunkomaiya said bone marrow transplant should be included as well as ovaries and embryos. She added that the authorisation committee should be very dynamic, and that there should be a member that knows about a particular transplant in the committee. According to her, private hospitals should be included in the transplant as there are facilities for bio-bank in some private hospitals. Titi Ekosa from 24 Centre, a non-governmental organisation, said there was no space for community participation in the bill . Ms Ekosa stressed that community people had a lot of information about organ harvesting and should be accommodated in the authorisation committee. Ajibola Keshinro, a Psychiatrist and Medical Director, General Hospital, Apapa, said the topic should be changed because there were so many things involved in the bill. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Mr Keshinro said people with mental health issues should also be considered in the whole process, stressing the need to include a psychiatrist in the authorisation committee. Earlier in his keynote address, the Speaker of the House, Mudashiru Obasa, urged the people to make their input on organ harvest and transplant. Mr Obasa (Agege 1), represented by the Deputy Speaker, Wasiu Eshinlokun-Sanni (Lagos Island 1), said the objective of the bill was to ensure there was no illegal organ transplant or harvest in the state. "We also want to make sure that organs are available to those who need them and ensure that the best practice is observed in organ transplant in Lagos State. "We are gathered here to deliberate and meditate on the bill before the House. The bill seeks to create a department on transplanting and harvesting of human organs in the state ministry of health. "It will create a system to stop the bad practices on organ transplant and harvest. It is meant to criminalise unethical malpractices and stop the practice of transplanting human organs illegally. (NAN) Sources say the application is to enable Mr Ganduje file a fresh suit against the publisher. The Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, has applied to withdraw the suit he filed against Daily Nigerian publisher, Jaafar Jaafar, over the publication that exposed the governor collecting a bribe. However, sources said the application is to enable him file a fresh suit against Mr Jaafar. Mr Ganduje sued the publisher over a video he published in 2018 where he (Ganduje) was caught pocketing bundles of American dollars he allegedly took from a contractor. Mr Ganduje, in a new application, asked the Kano State High Court to discontinue the case but gave no reasons for the application. Sources told PREMIUM TIMES that Mr Ganduje plans to file a fresh application and present new witnesses, having sacked one of the original witnesses. Mr Ganduje's former media aide, Salihu Tanko, was initially one of governor's witnesses in the case. He was, however, sacked on February 27 for criticising President Muhammadu and the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) on Twitter. Application On Wednesday, Daily Trust reported that Mr Ganduje has applied to the Kano State High Court on June 28. In the application made through his lawyers led by E.O.B Offiong, the governor sought the following orders from the court: "An order granting leave to the Plaintiff/Applicant to discontinue his claims in Suit No K/519/2018 against the defendant before this Honourable Court. "An order discontinuing Plaintiff/Applicant's claims in Suit No K/519/2018 against the Defendant in this Honourable Court. "And for such further or other Order(s) as this Honourable Court may deem fit to make in the circumstance of this case." The application was supported by a four-paragraph affidavit deposed to by C. N. Obile, Esq. who said in paragraph 3 (c) and (d) that "the matter is yet to proceed to trial and the Plaintiff/Applicant now intends to discontinue this action before this Honourable Court. "That by the Rules of this Honourable Court, where a defence has been filed and a plaintiff wishes to discontinue his action, leave of court is required to discontinue, hence this Application," the newspaper reported. Abuja Ahead of the November 6 Governorship Election in Anambra State, Chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu has expressed dismay at recent attacks on its office in the state but said the Commission is more concerned about the safety of citizens and its officials rather than electoral materials. He stated this during the 2021 annual Abubakar Momoh Memorial Lecture, with the theme "Security and Elections: Implications for Anambra State Governorship and 2023 General Elections." He described the numerous attacks on the Commission's offices and properties as alarming, adding that between 2019 and now, there have been attacks on 42 INEC facilities in the country. "More immediately, we are equally concerned about the Anambra Governorship Election that is scheduled for 6 November, 2021, especially following the attack on the head office. "The Commission, in collaboration with all stakeholders is determined to tackle this challenge. Definitely, we cannot face it alone, this is why voter education and information, constant dialogue, community outreaches, deliberations and assessment fora such as this public lecture will continue. The Nigerian public must own the desire for democracy and peaceful conduct of elections," he said. He however offered condolences to the family of the erstwhile Director-General of The Electoral Institute, Professor Abubakar Momoh, describing him as a renowned civil rights activists and an advocate for transparency, accountability and good governance. Speaking in the same vein, Director-General, The Electoral Institute, TEI, Dr. Sa'ad Idris, said, considering the necessity of conducting elections and presenting a secured environment during elections, the topic is very apt to the build-up to the 2021 Anambra Governorship and 2023 General Elections. "Security issues in Nigeria today are highly multi-faceted as they are multitasking. Before now, what we only grappled with was preponderance of political violence and thuggery in elections, the trend that led to a situation whereby the citizens of Nigeria were viewing elections and democratic processes with apprehension and anxiety. "The unfortunate situation we are all facing today is that the security situation in the country has degenerated beyond the above-mentioned reckless manipulations, the politics of brinkmanship and subversion. "The constant fears expressed today by the electoral umpire (INEC), the electorate and the Nigerian citizens in general are the possibility of insecurity at elections, banditry, kidnapping and the threat of highly dangerous criminal elements marauding the country as a whole. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "It is my belief that this memorial lecture will interrogate the relationship between Security and Elections as far as the Anambra State Governorship and 2023 General Elections are concerned, and suggest ways of conducting free, fair, credible and inclusive elections amidst the kind of security scenario Nigeria is experiencing now," he stated. In his remarks, National Commissioner and Chairman Board of Electoral Institute, BEI, emphasized that security is an issue that goes along with elections, maintaining that INEC is charged with the responsibility of conducting free and fair elections. To this end, he said there is reason to be concerned about the Anambra state governorship election and the 2023 general elections, as it would avoid constitutional crisis, noting that elections must be conducted in line with constitutional timelines. Delivering a keynote lecture, Prof. Adele Jinadu highlighted that the power to have a successful Anambra gubernatorial elections and 2023 general elections, lies in the hands of all Nigerians. "In the words of the Catechist, God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform! But it would be unscientific for us to think we can muzzle through to Anambra, 2023, and indeed beyond as we did in earlier elections, waiting for God's Grace to help us muzzle through. "God, they say, helps those who help themselves -which is to say we have the power of agency to direct our lives", he said. Vanguard News Nigeria analysis The ongoing conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR) presents a conundrum for all stakeholders to resolve, despite plans and agreements to end it. The creation of the armed Coalition des Patriotes pour le Changement (CPC) - which tried to derail the country's elections and seize power in Bangui in January 2021 - has further complicated matters. Recent skirmishes on the Chad-CAR border and ensuing tensions between the two countries show that a lasting solution to the question of armed groups can only be found through a coordinated regional response. To this end, the African Union's (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) is currently undertaking a field mission to the country. The four-day trip started on 28 June and followed a joint visit by the AU, United Nations (UN), Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and European Union (EU) to the CAR in early June. The PSC aims to assess the situation since the advent of the CPC. The coalition - composed of six major armed groups that signed the 2019 Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation - was formed in December 2020 and is responsible for attacks across the country. CAR's civilians need protection from the warring parties, including the government and its allies Former president Francois Bozize is believed to have been instrumental in setting up the CPC and is the coalition's coordinator. While the CAR's electoral process ended with the election in May/June of the remaining Members of Parliament, the CPC has remained active. There is consensus in the CAR government and among the country's main multilateral partners (the AU, UN, ECCAS and EU) that the 2019 agreement is the only viable framework for peace. But ensuring that the deal holds is not a straightforward task. The government faces challenges in dealing with the political opposition, which it has accused of being in cahoots with armed groups. To make matters worse, UN experts report that authorities' response to the CPC threat has been marred by alleged human rights and humanitarian law abuses. The experts expressed concerns about the 'increased recruitment and use of private military and foreign security contractors by the government of the CAR, and their close contacts with UN peacekeepers.' These allegations were corroborated by The Sentry and CNN, which investigated 'an array of mass atrocities against civilians in the Central African Republic.' Some multilateral donors - such as the World Bank and EU - have threatened to suspend their cooperation with the CAR government should the armed forces' human rights abuses continue. The PSC should strengthen AU-UN ties to push for proper implementation of the 2019 peace agreement In March, the UN Security Council (UNSC) increased its Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (MINUSCA) from 11 650 to 14 400 military personnel, and from 2 080 to 3 020 police personnel. This is intended to improve MINUSCA's ability to protect civilians. Over the years, there have been calls for the mission to have an offensive mandate, which the UNSC has been reluctant to grant. Tackling the CAR's security situation is complicated. It must be done while ensuring that civilians are protected from the warring parties, including the CAR government and its allies. Inclusive dialogue with the non-armed political opposition is also necessary to bring calm to the political and social environment, and to begin the country's reconstruction. The government has denied the atrocities uncovered by The Sentry and CNN, denouncing the claims as a plot to undermine its efforts to deal with the CPC's armed groups. It also says it won't be caught up in a proxy battle between France and Russia. Since 2017, Russia has significantly increased its presence in the country and tightened its collaboration with the state. France, a historical CAR partner, doesn't view Russia's presence positively and recently froze 10 million in budgetary support and suspended military assistance to the government. A joint PSC-UNSC Sanctions Committee visit to CAR could improve implementation of the peace deal France defends its actions on the grounds that the CAR government is complicit in a disinformation campaign against France, spearheaded by the Russians. It also accuses President Faustin-Archange Touadera's government of failing to engage in a constructive dialogue with the political opposition. The PSC's visit this week is important in marking the AU's commitment to the peace process in CAR. But unless it gets an accurate picture of the political and security situation on the ground, adjusting and improving the AU's strategy will be difficult. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Central African Republic Conflict Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The PSC should help strengthen ties between the AU and UN to push for the proper implementation of the 2019 peace agreement. A joint visit of the PSC and UNSC Sanctions Committee could help achieve that. Africa's three non-permanent UNSC members could set up a more permanent link between the two councils. The PSC also needs to encourage ECCAS to play a more active role in stabilising the CAR and the region. Ultimately though, to end the cycle of instability in the CAR, a new approach is needed. The AU must proactively ensure that the security arrangements in the 2019 peace agreement are carried out. In some parts of the country where armed groups have reneged on the deal, the idea of mixed security units needs to be revised, and the perpetrators of violence held to account. Touadera has begun his second and last term in office. With his newly appointed prime minister, Henri-Marie Dondra, and a new government, the president faces a mammoth task in rebuilding the country. He will need all the help he can get from the AU, regional and international partners. Mohamed M Diatta, Researcher, PSC Report, ISS Addis Ababa This article was first published in the ISS PSC Report. Hip-hop musician Alishias Musimbe, known as Maskiri in music circles, has released a hip hop song "Mbinga from Binga" that has generated mixed feelings on social media, as some fans expressed dissatisfaction with his inclusion of the murdered Murehwa boy Tapiwa Makore's name. Tapiwa Makore was killed at the age of seven in a suspected ritual practice and was buried without his head after all efforts to locate it were in vain. In the song, Maskiri sang, "Handina musoro kunge Tapiwa Makore... ," a part that has sparked outrage on social media. People who have listened to the song insist Maskiri could have done better than revealing his insensitivity when it comes to painful social issues. "The man has crossed the lines," said one of Maskiri's fans on social media. "Tapiwa Makore is not supposed to be in the song judging from the view that the parents lost a child and are still mourning. The family will not cease to mourn." A Facebook fan, Simon Dusky Bvirwa, said Maskiri should remove the offensive part from the song. "But if possible, line raTapiwa iro should be removed it brings a sorrow memory even to the family, pliz do something there," said Simon Dusky Bvirwa Another fan, Stan Nie, said Maskiri owed the Makore family an apology for being sarcastic in his new song. "That was very insensitive of you," he said. Some fans were of the opinion that somehow it was artistic licence that is usually common with the genre. "I understand that Maskiri has gone too far, maybe it is just a way for him to comeback into the industry. Somehow that is art, but it depends on who and how people react," said one fan identified as Malcom. Maskiri said he used Tapiwa Makore's name as a metaphor, insisting music has no boundaries. "Team B (My team), let me explain the Tapiwa line that I have used," he posted on social media. "It is a metaphor: Tapiwa akawanikwa asina musoro because akawanikwa asisina musoro and nyaya ya Tapiwa inondibata pa mwoyo. "Music knows no boundary, especially when you are expressing your feelings and emotions, you can go far." Less than 2% of worlds COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Africa The high costs of Covid-19 tests is now becoming a hindrance to the free movement of people and goods in the East African Community (EAC). This is according to members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), who are rooting for harmonised costs and to make them more affordable. Dennis Namara, Chairperson of the Committee on General Purpose at EALA said that the Covid-19 related non-tariff barriers (NTBs) continue to hinder cross-border trade in the region. He was on Wednesday, June 30, presenting the report of the committee on the EAC budget estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2021/22 during the EALA plenary session. "It costs an average of $100 to carry out a Covid-19 test of visitors in the six EAC partner States. The Committee finds this cost prohibitive and a challenge to the free movement of persons and goods in the region," Namara said. It was also noted that EAC citizens are subjected to double testing whereby they are tested before departure and upon arrival in the country of destination, he exposed. "The EAC region must cooperate to harmonise Covid-19 protocols and containment measures to reduce the cost of travel...while not undermining the safety of its citizens," he said. Indeed, the cost of testing for Covid-19 is generally higher than the cost of the vaccine against the disease. Available vaccines are currently priced at around $10 and $70 each (including those with a two-dose regimen). The costs for Covid-19 vary in the EAC Partner States. For instance, in Rwanda, the test is $50 if it is done through the real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and $10 for rapid antigen test, while in Tanzania, Covid-19 RT-PCR test is $100 and $25 for a rapid antigen test. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus East Africa Rwanda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Francine Rutazana said that the harmonisation of Covid-19 testing and related costs with regard to making them affordable would ease the movement of people and goods, which is the essence of regional integration. "The current costs are high and prohibitive... for instance, some cross-border women traders told us that they cannot afford them," Rutazana said, indicating that businesses were struggling in the wake of the pandemic. "We request that the leaders of this Community sit together and harmonise the Covid-19 testing system and related prices as well as ensure that the results are at the same standards such that when a citizen comes from one EAC member country after being tested for the disease, they will not be subjected to another test when they reach another member country, rather the results will be trusted in others," she said. Rutazana pointed out that the development would facilitate trade, observing that "though we are during the Covid-19 pandemic, we should look for ways to sustain trade." "And, if a trader incurs such a cost and factors it in the price of goods when selling them to consumers, it will result in the rise of the cost of living," she said. entirenganya@newtimesrwanda.com Follow https://twitter.com/EmNtirenganya The eSwatini government's strict Covid-19 restrictions have been dismissed as a ploy to crush dissenting voices following several days of unrest. The curfew, announced on Tuesday afternoon, coincided with overnight protests in the southern African country, which saw supermarkets looted and property burned. Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku said the government was aware of the Covid-19 Delta variant in South Africa and introduced a curfew in an effort to limit its spread into eSwatini. "All offices and businesses must close by 15:30 and essential workers must carry a permit at all times. Schools are also closed with immediate effect. No one is expected to be in the streets after 18:00," Masuku said at 17:00hrs local time. The curfew will be in effect from 18:00hrs and 05:00hrs. 'Nothing to do with Covid' However, the Swaziland Solidarity Network (SSN), a lobby movement based in neighbouring South Africa, says the curfew has nothing to do with Covid-19. "Firstly, they shut down the internet yesterday [Tuesday] immediately after the Prime Minister's press conference. When the curfew was announced it was 5pm. How do you announce a curfew an hour before the curfew? If the curfew was a government initiative, it could have been announced in the morning or the previous day," said Lucky Lukhele of SSN. eSwatini has seen increasing protests in recent weeks to demand multiparty democracy, economic reforms and police accountability. The protests gained momentum when a government decree banned citizens from demonstrating and delivering petitions to government officials. Mr Masuku said the government would introduce an email address where petitions can be sent. He said the move will ensure the government deals with citizens' grievances but also maintains "the rule of law and de-escalate tension that had turned this exercise into violence and disorder". But activists accuse the government of heavy-handedness in its response to protesters. The People United Democratic Movement accused the government of using military forces to crack down on civilians. The group claimed at least five people were critically injured and a dozen were arrested. The Ethiopian government on Wednesday warned it will cancel ceasefire deal if fighters loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front violate truce. Redwan Hussein, the Spokesman of the Tigray Emergency Taskforce, said the Ethiopian National Defence Forces pulled out of Makelle, the capital of the restive northern region, to avoid civilian casualties and allow humanitarian access. But he and Lt-Gen Bacha Debele, spokesman for the military, indicated they could cancel the decision and return to pursue TPLF fighters. "The ceasefire considered the law enforcement operation, survival of the nation, concerns of the people of Tigray and the international community," Redwan told the media, referring to the November 4, 2020 decision to launch attacks on the TPLF, once a ruling party in Ethiopia but now seen as a terrorist group. According to Ethiopia, the initial targets of the operation such as destroying enemy ammunition, freeing captured troops and weakening the TPLF had been achieved. And although Reda did not indicate how many captured soldiers had been freed, he said the ceasefire was also meant to reduce the financial costs of the war, which he argued had reached Birr 100 billion ($2.3 billion). "TPLF is no longer an existential threat to the wellbeing of the nation," Redwan said. Lt-Gen Bacha indicated Makelle was no longer the "centre of gravity" that could threaten the Ethiopian government, suggesting they will focus on other issues. But he did warn the troops could return if TPLF attacked their forces or supporting Amhara region, or Eritrea. "The army is ready to respond accordingly if unduly provoked by attacks that compromise the spirit of the ceasefire," he said. On Monday, Ethiopia issued a unilateral decision for a ceasefire, saying it was doing so to allow humanitarian access, allow farmers to till their land and avoid further civilian casualties. In the wake of the truce, however, the TPLF have claimed victory, saying Ethiopian forces and Eritrean troops have been supporting Ethiopia against TPLF were fleeing from defeat. Gatachew Reda, spokesman for the TPLF said the Ethiopian forces had left key bases in Tigray after suffering losses. "Our forces are making more and more gains. With thousands more killed the last two days, the enemy camp is in total disarray. Four enemy divisions are totally destroyed and heavy artillery pieces and numerous equipment captured," Getachew tweeted on Monday, taunting Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. "With his most functional divisions totally destroyed and in captivity, the naked emperor has little chance to maneuver militarily, politically and diplomatically. Abiy has essentially lost the war!" On Tuesday, they took over Shire, a strategic town near the border with Eritrea, after Eritrean forces left the site and the entire Tigray region. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Ethiopia Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. TPLF forces also took control of the historic and major tourist destination city of Axum. This is the city where hundreds of unarmed civilians had been systematically massacred by Eritrean troops mainly over two days during the early days if the conflict. According to an Amnesty International report, on 28-29 November 2020, Eritrean troops carried out mass killings by opening fire in the streets of Axum and by conducting house-to-house raids. Amnesty in its report, made public in February said that the mass killings in Axum may amount to a crime against humanity. On Wednesday, the US government, one of the international entities that have been demanding ceasefire, said it will only be useful if people on the ground felt the peace. "A unilateral ceasefire in the Tigray region could be a positive step," said Ned Price, spokesman for the State Department. "We call on all parties to commit to an immediate, negotiated and indefinite ceasefire; ensure unhindered humanitarian access; and for Eritrean forces to withdraw immediately." At least eight people were killed on Wednesday as police cracked down on pro-democracy protesters in Eswatini, activist lobbies tracking unrest in the country say. The Swaziland Solidarity Network (SSN) and the Swaziland Youth Congress (Swayoco), which have been pushing for political freedoms in the monarchy, said Wednesday that several people had been shot dead by security forces deployed to quell the protests. Reports say the protests started peacefully in the Manzini region of Africa's last absolute monarchy on June 20 when youth took to the streets demanding the right to democratically elect the prime minister. Under the current system, King Mswati III picks the premier of his choice. "We can confirm there are eight people that were shot dead. They were shot by the army. 28 people were seriously injured and some of them are said to be in and out of theatre," Lucky Lukhele told Nation.Africa. Eswatini officials did not immediately comment on the casualty situation, but Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku had asked people to stay away from gatherings on Tuesday, citing Covid-19 measures. He said the police will be deployed to ensure restrictions are followed. Protesters, however, see the new restrictions as a measure to counter protests under the guise of fighting the pandemic. Swayoco said they would continue with the protests "in honour of our fallen patriots we will soldier on until democracy". Curfew Acting PM Masuku on Tuesday announced a 6pm to 5am curfew which he said was meant to minimise unnecessary movement to ensure the safety and security of eSwatini's people. He also ordered the internet service providers to shut down the service. "This is a conscious decision to maintain the rule of law and de-escalate tension that had turned this exercise into violence and disorder," he said. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs Governance Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Footage of soldiers beating up civilians has been circulating on social media. Meanwhile, protesters torched a building belonging to Eswatini Beverages, which King Mswati partly owns. The protests took a violent turn after Mr Masuku issued an order last week suspending the delivery of petitions from citizens, saying this had created "a breeding ground for anarchy and has been intentionally hijacked to sow seeds of division". The Eswatini government also dismissed reports that King Mswati III had fled to South Africa in the wake of protests. SSN has expressed concern at South Africa's continued silence amid the chaos from the neighbouring country. Despite South African companies dominating the Eswatini's economy, so far there is no word from President Cyril Ramaphosa since the protests began. "For South Africa, it is simple as an immediate neighbour to get together with Mozambique on behalf of the African Union and SADC," SSN spokesperson Lucky Lukhele told Nation.Africa. The government of Eswatini was last evening fighting a crisis of existence following claims the king had left the country as pro-democracy protesters upped their ante. But the events erupting in the tiny country bordered by South Africa and Mozambique started years, if not decades ago. Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku admitted there was a "situation" in the country but told a virtual press conference the king had not left, as earlier reported. "His Majesty King Mswati III is in the country and continues to lead in working with government to advance the kingdom's goals," Mr Masuku told a virtual press conference. "The government will update the nation on interventions on the current situation as the day progresses." Eswatini, known as Swaziland until 2018, is a country of 1.2 million people. Run by the monarch, he wields powers over appointment of ministers, judges, civil servants and almost anyone else in the country. Considered a lower-middle income country, it has a population that is mostly poor, with six in every 10 people living below the poverty line, according to a bulletin by the World Bank. Freedom of speech With political freedoms limited and political parties banned since April 1973, the country's people, known as emaSwati, have been agitating through lobbies, some of them exiled in South Africa, to push for change. And for the past three weeks, protesters angered by the lack of political reform became increasingly vocal in demanding an elected prime minister with executive powers and freedom of speech, amongst other things. And the king added more fuel to the protests after officially banning petitions. The Times of Eswatini reported that a "revolution" had begun, after a "third night of chaos". The protests actually began three weeks ago after a group of about 500 youths took to the streets in Manzini district, some 30 kilometres from the capital. They were protesting against police brutality after the death of law student Thabani Nkomonye earlier in June. Mr Colani Khulekani Maseko, the president of the Swaziland National Students' Union, said they were demanding the end of police brutality and a multi-party democracy "in which the police are accountable to the people and not only to the king." Nkomonye, the 25-year-old was a final year law student at the University of Eswatini and was allegedly killed by police, who also allegedly tried to hide his death and tamper with evidence. Nkomonye's body was recently found in a field in Nhlambeni, about 10km outside Manzini. Protests escalated "The protests were sparked by a few MPs who are moderate. They called for an elected prime minister and the youth picked up the baton stick and started marching. The government would often say 'you are allowed to go to the constituency offices'" said Mr Lucky Lukhele, spokesperson for the pro-democracy group Swaziland Solidarity Network. "So, they decided to use the constituency offices to register their displeasure. Some of those constituency offices, are in deep rural areas." The demands snowballed, however. In addition to having a directly elected prime minister, they also want the unconditional return of all political exiles, and an interim government that will run the kingdom for two years before a new government is elected into power. The government had a trick up its sleeve, however. And Mr Masuku announced a decree by the king banning all marches two weeks ago. National Police Commissioner William Dlamini warned that officers would be "zero-tolerant" of breaches of the ban. The protests escalated on Monday, nonetheless, as groups started targeting facilities. Leading chain store OK Foods in Matsapa was set on fire and a confrontation between the police and protesters became intense. The Times of Eswatini photographed a police man negotiating for his gun, snatched by the youth after he reportedly dropped it in a confrontation. Eswatini, Africa's last absolute monarchy, has one of the most youthful populations in Africa. Its median age is just 20.7 years and most of the people were not born when political parties were banned. It is the only country in Africa that recognises Taiwan as independent of China. The king, for his part, has been marrying more often. Through the controversial Umhlanga Reed Dance, where girls dance topless, Mswati III's wife selection parades were only restricted by Covid-19. By the last count, he had married 15 times, although some reports say he has 18 wives. High maintenance queens The wives are high maintenance queens, each with a security detail, a house befitting a king and an annual budget that goes with it. Mswati III once imported dozens of Range Rovers and Porsches for the queens. But it is the ceremonies which angered donors, some of who say it made fighting HIV/Aids difficult. Yet Eswatini lives next to a politically vibrant South Africa and most citizens work or rely on trade with South Africa. The Economic Freedom Fighters of Swaziland, which borrows the name from South African Julius Malema's party, has pushed for reform. The group said on Tuesday its supporters in Eswatini had demanded peaceful protests, only to be bludgeoned by the police. "We call upon all Swazis not to give up now, Victory is coming tomorrow," said Mr Sphelele Nkomondze, the group's spokesperson in a statement. "As a peaceful organisation, we always believe in peaceful ways to sort the differences with the government, but those in power always use their power and influence to unleash violence. We will defend ourselves every time we are attacked," the official said. There are other problems. Using Covid-19, the government has cracked down on free movement, which often affected even cargo carriers, according to the Network. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance Human Rights By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Every day at 5pm all major border gates are closed, if you are a truck driver; you cross and just park next to the border gate because that's where it's safe. The trucks are not allowed in and out of Swaziland," Mr Lukhele added. Pro-Mswati camp As protests rose, reports indicated the king had been unable to access his palace a few days ago and had to seek refuge at a local hotel. Seeing that the youths were unrelenting, the king reportedly decided to flee before they invaded the airport as well. "Before he left, he instructed the army to move in and quell the situation. There are reports that one person has been killed," Mr Lukhele said. There was a new danger emerging on Tuesday, with reports showing the army may now be divided between the pro-Mswati camp and those siding with the protesters. The army was deployed to areas of unrest on Monday night after trucks - some of them belonging to South African companies - were torched over the weekend and shops looted in the rural town of Siphofaneni. The Economic Freedom Fighters of Swaziland condemned the deployment of the army "to unleash violence towards innocent citizens". The party said the pro-democracy protests escalated after dozens of students marched to Eswatini's Parliament to demand justice for a young man believed to have been killed by the police. Kakamega County on Tuesday admitted that the demand for oxygen is overwhelming due to the high Covid-19 numbers, but denied reports by insiders at the county referral hospital that patients were being asked to bring their own oxygen cylinders. Deputy Governor Philip Kutima said the county referral hospital cannot sustain any new admissions that require oxygen as it is currently overwhelmed. Prof Kutima said while patients were currently getting oxygen, the numbers have overwhelmed the capacity produced by the two oxygen production plants in the county. "The current machines are pumping the gas directly to the patients and we cannot sustain any new admissions who require oxygen. If we add another patient, the machine trips. But this does not mean that we have asked any patient to bring a cylinder," he said. Hospital cylinders empty Sources within the hospital told the Nation the cylinders at the hospital were empty and patients coming in for admission were being asked to get their own to supplement the biting shortage. Our highly placed sources who requested not to be named for fear of victimisation said last week, six families were asked to bring oxygen cylinders while admitting their loved ones who were in dire need of oxygen. "The available oxygen cylinders at the facility are empty. Of the six families, only one was able to supply the oxygen cylinder to save the life of their loved one," said the source. For those who cannot afford the oxygen cylinders, they were forced to look for bed space in other hospitals. "I know of a case where a patient was asked to pay a deposit of Sh20,000 to get bed space at a local hospital as they were told to look for another Sh50,000 fee for treatment," she said. ICU beds occupied The isolation centre at the Kakamega county referral hospital is full and all the ICU beds occupied with Covid-19 patients in critical condition. Sources confirmed that they are turning away those who are not critically ill to create space for the critical cases. On Tuesday, Prof Kutima said Kakamega was receiving patients from the neighbouring counties, on the understanding that those from the county could be admitted to hospitals in other counties. In April, this year, the county installed two oxygen plants, each producing 230 litres and 320 litres per minute. Prof Kutima said the county had further procured a new oxygen plant from France with a production capacity of 1,000 litres per minute that will supplement oxygen production in the county to reach 1,550 litres per minute. "The plant is currently at the port of Mombasa awaiting shipment to Kakamega and once installed, it will fix the current shortage experienced across the country and relieve the pressure in the county," said Prof Kutima. Prof Kutima said the number of deaths to Covid-19 in Kakamega County as of June 29, had reached 29, with 18 positive cases in the isolation centre. "Three patients are in ICU, two on ventilation machines and seven on high flow oxygen machines," said Prof Kutima. Difficulty in breathing In Kisumu, where 88 people had died of Covid-19 complications in June by last week, the CEO of the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital, Dr George Rae, said difficulty in breathing is the most common symptom of severe Covid-19 cases. "Patients with severe case of Covid-19 have symptoms of difficulty in breathing, chest pain and loss of speech," he said. Dr Rae said Covid-19 destroys the lungs, restricting the passage of air in the blood. "It affects the air supply to the lungs and kidney. Once the kidney and lungs collapses, the patient faces hypoxia and confusion," said Dr Rae. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from Covid-19. In Kisii, 10 patients are on oxygen support. The most common presenting symptoms among those who were symptomatic are cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing. In Homa Bay, the HDU at the county teaching and referral hospital is running out of space. Hospital CEO Peter Ogolla said nine beds were empty after their occupants were discharged by Tuesday Morning. The HDU has 32 beds. Most patients at the hospital are in critical condition, with three out of four requiring oxygen therapy, which could get bad if oxygen runs out. Low oxygen circulation County Preventive and Promotive Health Deputy Director Meshak Liru told the Nation that most Covid-19 patients admitted at the HDU have low oxygen circulation. "A common symptom is pneumonia. A lot of patients are having difficulties in breathing," the doctor said. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which offers support at the hospital, said 20 patients died at the hospital last month due to complications from the virus. According to MSF project coordinator in Homa Bay Roshni Mahida, the situation is getting dire by the day. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Kenya By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Currently, close to half of the people we test at the Homa Bay County Referral Hospital turn positive for Covid-19," she said. "To better respond to the virus surge, we would like to see more personal protective equipment (PPE), rapid diagnostic tests, medicines and oxygen back-up," the medic added. Since April this year, MSF has been routinely testing all patients admitted to the medical in-patient wards at the referral hospital. Cases increasing steadily For more than 10 weeks now, the number of patients turning positive for Covid-19 in the county has been increasing steadily, with the weekly average positivity rate reaching a high of 50 per cent. Mr Mahida described the situation as worrying. This is coupled with the go-slow by health care workers in the county who have been protesting delayed salaries, which results in most county residents to boycott going to hospitals. Some sick people who seek medical care go to hospitals when it is too late. "Most patients are not going to government hospitals thinking they are closed because of the "go-slow" while MSF-supported inpatient wards for adult medicine, tuberculosis and Covid-19 remain open," said the MSF officer. Reporting by Shaban Makokha, Elizabeth Ojina and George Odiwuor A standoff between the Homa Bay County government and Kenya Power over a Sh14 million unpaid electricity bill has caused a water crisis, with most residents now depending on untreated water for domestic use. At least one million residents in Homa Bay are at the risk of contracting diseases associated with the use of dirty water. Many families cannot access clean tap water after Kenya Power disconnected electricity to water treatment plants. Kenya Power County Manager Ken Okumbe said electricity to the plants was disconnected after the county's department of water services failed to pay the bill on time. Substantial amount "The county government owes us a substantial amount of money which is yet to be paid. The money was to be paid last month based on our agreement with some senior county officials but we are yet to get anything," he said. Factoring in the current and previous bills, he said, the bill would balloon to Sh22 million next month. But Homa Bay Water and Environment Executive Dickson Nyawinda claimed the county government owes Kenya Power only Sh2 million and threatened to report the matter to County Commissioner Moses Lilan. Mr Nyawinda said his office recently paid Sh10 million to Kenya Power from an initial debt of Sh12 million. "We promised to pay the remaining amount and agreed with the company to restore power. The utility firm is, however, yet to act as per our engagement," he said. But Kenya Power management disputed the claim. Protest threats Disgruntled residents have threatened to protest at Governor Cyprian Awiti's office to demand answers, especially at this time when plenty of water is needed in the fight against Covid-19. A 20-litre container of water now retails at Sh50, up from Sh20, with residents saying they cannot afford to buy water to take care of all their needs. Some residents demanded changes in the water department, arguing that the problem is not new. "If the county government collects bills from homes that are supplied with water, why can't officers from the water department pay Kenya Power? This has been a perennial problem and it needs to stop," said Polycup Nges. Affected areas Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Water By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. In Homa Bay town, the crisis has affected several areas, including Sofia, Got-Rabuor, Kapita, Makongeni and Shauri Yako estates. Taps at institutions like the GK prison and Homa Bay Police Station are also dry. Prison Commander Robert Basigwa said the correctional facility is relying on water from a borehole. Mr Nyawinda said his office was in talks with the county finance department to settle the debt. "Kenya Power should be honest. They should know that the demand for water during the Covid-19 pandemic is high and water should not be disconnected. I will ask the county commissioner to compel them to restore power at our facilities," he said. The county can only supply two million litres of water per day to Homa Bay town residents against a demand of nine million litres, said Homa Bay Water and Sanitation Company (Homawasco) Managing Director Evans Nyagol. The town has at least 120,000 people. To ensure everyone gets some water, Homawasco normally resorts to rationing. The current crisis has made the situation worse as some residents now use water directly from the lake. As Kenya was coming to terms with Covid-19 last year, a "worrisome" measles outbreak was happening. "Immunisation coverage dropped due to Covid-19. If nothing is done now we will have an outbreak like in the DRC," Dr Collins Tabu, the head of Kenya's National Vaccines and Immunization Program told HealthyNation. In the last one-and-a-half years, the cases of measles, the world's fastest spreading virus, has increased by more than 700 per cent in the country, said the Health ministry. Dr Tabu termed the trend worrisome, prompting the government to launch a vaccination campaign targeting 3.9 million. The expert observed that within the country, there has been a gradual rise in the number of cases, which would lead to about 2.1 million children being susceptible to the disease. Following a nationwide risk assessment conducted by the Ministry 22 counties were identified for a vaccination campaign. Dr Peter Okoth, a health specialist at Unicef, which is helping the ministry procure the vaccines, said these counties were selected for being "high risk". The counties are Kilifi, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Baringo, West Pokot, Turkana, Tana River, Trans Nzoia and Elgeyo Marakwet. Others are Busia, Homa Bay, Migori, Kisii, Kajiado, Nairobi, Bomet, Bungoma, Kakamega, Narok and Vihiga. "From October 2019 to date we have registered 786 cases and two deaths .There is an active outbreak in West Pokot after Mandera and a gradual rise in the number of cases," said Dr Tabu. Dr Mercy Mwangangi, the Chief Administrative Secretary at the Health ministry, said last week that Kenya remains at constant threat of measles outbreaks. "The ministry, through the National Vaccines and Immunization Program, plans to conduct the campaign that started on June 25 to July 5," she said. The campaign targets to reach children of between nine and 59 months and is expected to cost Sh800 million. Reduce measles The World Health Organization ranks the measles virus as the most infectious virus on the planet. The virus' reproduction number -- that is the number of people infected from one case -- is between 12 and 18. This is higher than most viral diseases. For instance, Sars-Cov-2 which causes Covid-19 has a reproduction number of between 2.5 and 3.5. Measles-rubella infects both children and adults. It is spread through sneezing and coughing. Once it gets to the body of the child, it can cause damage to the lungs, the brain, the ears and even to the stomach and intestines, and eventually death," said Dr Okoth. Dr Stephen Mutwiwa, Kenya's country director for Jhpiego, told HealthyNation that death or sickness from both viruses are preventable by vaccines. "Vaccination remains one of the most cost-effective ways of preventing infection and due to this Kenya has seen a tremendous decline in deaths or disease caused by measles over the years," said Dr Mutwiwa. He added that Kenya's goal is to reduce measles cases by 90 per cent and deaths by 95 per cent. "We should support the government in this endeavour by all means, including helping mothers and caregivers take their children to the facilities, and be available should the health workers visit them at home to administer vaccines," he added. The campaign will involve more than 16,000 health workers who are currently undergoing training and will offer the vaccines free of charge through 5,061 vaccination posts that will be set up in public places. On October 20, 2019, a total of 281 cases with nine positives for measles and two for rubella with one death were first reported in Pokot North Sub-County, West Pokot County. "The outbreak in Tana River County has affected two sub counties: Bura and Galole. A total of seven confirmed cases have been reported. The outbreak is still on. In Wajir County, the outbreak has affected Wajir East, while in Garissa four sub-counties have been affected. The Kilifi County outbreak is from Ganze," the health ministry said in 2019. In 2020 the number of counties affected increased to five. "An outbreak of measles is active in five counties - West Pokot, Garissa, Wajir, Tana River and Kilifi. The total number of cases reported are 382, confirmed 48 with two deaths," said the ministry then. Rubella, like measles, is a highly infectious viral disease that can cause serious health complications to newborns such as birth defects, including heart problems, loss of hearing and eyesight, and brain damage. Covid-19 disruptions Due to Covid-19 and other health system related issues, many parents did not take their children to the hospital for vaccines for fear of contracting the coronavirus. There were also interruptions in service delivery, such as health workers' strikes. These health challenges started even before the pandemic. In a paper published in the journal Nature, the Local Burden of Disease Vaccine Coverage Collaborators -- a group of researchers from reputable scientific institutions including the University of Nairobi and African Population and Health Research Center -- mapped vaccination for measles and the results were saddening: measles vaccinations are under threat due to inequities in coverage and the poor coverage of routine first-dose measles vaccines between 2010 and 2019. WHO notes that before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963 and widespread vaccination, major epidemics occurred approximately every two to three years and measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year. The global health body recorded more than 140,000 deaths from measles in 2018 - mostly children under the age of five years despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine. WHO said accelerated immunisation activities have had a major impact on reducing measles deaths. "During 2000-2018, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 23.2 million deaths. Global measles deaths have decreased by 73 per cent from an estimated 536,000 in 2000 to 142,000 in 2018," said WHO. Measles is caused by a virus in the paramyxovirus family and it is normally passed through direct contact and through the air. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Health By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The virus infects the respiratory tract then spreads throughout the body. On the other hand, rubella is an acute contagious viral infection which causes a mild fever and rash in children and adults. Infection during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, can result in miscarriage, foetal death, stillbirth, or infants with congenital malformations, known as congenital rubella syndrome. When a person is infected, the virus spreads throughout the body in about five to seven days. This is followed by the symptoms which usually appear two to three weeks after exposure. When a woman is infected with the rubella virus early in pregnancy, she has a 90 per cent chance of passing the virus on to her foetus. According to Dr Rose Jalang'o of the National Vaccines and Immunization Program, in 2000 measles was the leading cause of vaccine preventable paediatric deaths but is now third after pneumococcal virus and rotavirus. "Ninety-five per cent population immunity is not achievable with only one dose even at a very high vaccination coverage as only 85 per cent of children vaccinated against measles develop immunity from the first dose. So, the accumulation of children without immunity occurs overtime thus the high risk of an outbreak," Dr Jalang'o told HealthyNation. He said this was the reason the coverage must be above 95 per cent in the target age group. "Take children aged between nine to 59 months to the nearest health facility or immunisation post for vaccination," he said. Kinangop residents have asked Kenya Power to plug electricity pole holes dug and left open by a contractor three years ago, saying they had become death traps to humans and livestock. The latest incident involved a two-year-old boy who went missing over the weekend before his body was found later and retrieved from a pole hole in their compound. Several people and livestock have suffered severe fractures and injuries after falling in the open holes, some of them six feet deep. Samuel Mwaura, the boy's father, said his son went missing on Friday but his mother thought he was playing with other children in the neighbourhood. "She went to the farm but she was concerned when our son failed to join her at the farm about an hour later. She left what she was doing to look for him. She alerted neighbours when she failed to find him," he said. Neighbours began a search and later discovered the child's body in the hole. He had suffered a broken neck and leg. Another victim, Vincent Waweru, who suffered a broken leg after tripping into a hole just a few metres from his home, said Kenya Power should be held responsible for the contractor's delays in finishing the job. "I spent a fortune in treatment. My family raised the issue with Kenya Power but no action was taken. I have also lost a cow, which fell into one of the holes," said the farmer. Kenya Power and the contractor Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Sheila Wambui, also a victim, says she was lucky to be retrieved from a hole at a neighbour's compound. "I went to fetch water from my neighbour's compound when I lost balance and slipped into the hole on my way back. Luckily, my neighbour was still outside her house, she raised the alarm attracting, other neighbours who came to my rescue. I suffered a fractured hand and bruises," she said. Her other neighbour, Gladys Macharia, has lost two cows and some chickens, which fell into the holes. She now demands that the holes be covered. "It has taken three years for the contractor to do the job. We have on several occasions complained about the open holes but in vain. They are a death trap and Kenya Power should be held responsible for contracting a lazy contractor," Ms Macharia said. King'ori Wambugu, the area's ward representative, who is also the majority leader in Nyandarua County Assembly, said families of the affected victims will sue for compensation from Kenya Power and the contractor. "We are mobilising resources and have contracted a lawyer to take up the matter. I have on many occasions raised concerns with KPLC officials but they take us for granted. The affected victims must get justice, they must be compensated," he said. We reached out to Kenya Power for comment on Tuesday but the company had not responded by publication time on Wednesday. International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan has recused himself from leading the case facing Kenyan lawyer Paul Gicheru. Khan, who took over from Fatou Bensouda two weeks ago, had represented Deputy President William Ruto in the 2017 post-election violence case at the Hague-based court. While confirming his recusal, Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou who is handling Mr Gicheru's case, said it will henceforth be led by Deputy Prosecutor James Stewart. Gicheru is facing allegations of interfering with key witnesses who were relied upon by the prosecution in Dr Ruto's case, which was shelved. In its submission, the office of the prosecutor told the chamber that Mr Khan's decision was informed by article 42(7) of the Rome Statute which states that a prosecutor or his deputy may be disqualified from a case if "their impartiality might reasonably be doubted on any ground". "On 28 June 2021, the Office of the Prosecutor advised the Chamber that the current Prosecutor has recused himself from the proceedings in this case, pursuant to article 42(7) of the Statute. It further explained that the Deputy Prosecutor will perform all the acts that the Prosecutor would have to carry out in the present case," the judge stated. No access According to the court, Khan will now be denied access to any confidential filings regarding the case and he has been barred from involvement in any discussion or decision on a substantial or administrative level related to the case. "Further, the Chamber considers that the Deputy Prosecutor will replace the Prosecutor and perform any of his functions for the purposes of this case," said Gansou. Before her retirement, Bensouda had indicated that Khan would not get involved in any case that is related to those he had been involved in before as a lawyer. In a statement, she had said: "Khan has informed me that he will recuse himself from any case, where a conflict of interest may be perceived to arise from his former representation of suspects or accused persons. He will have practical measures implemented to protect against any such risk, and the public can have complete confidence in the good faith and efficacy of this process, and Mr Khan's unyielding commitment to his duties and responsibilities under the Rome Statute." It has emerged that Khan also recused himself from a case concerning violence in Darfur, Sudan against Abdallah Banda who has a warrant of arrest against him. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The British lawyer emerged among key figures in the cases involving Kenya's post-election violence against six suspects that included President Uhuru Kenyatta, DP Ruto and journalist Joshua arap Sang, owing to his eloquence and assertiveness in defending his client. He took over as ICC prosecutor at a time when the court is still receiving submissions from parties involved in Mr Gicheru's case, which is at the confirmation of charges stage. The confirmation of charges proceedings had stalled in May pending the swearing-in of a new prosecutor. It will determine whether or not there is sufficient evidence to conduct a trial. In its submissions, the office of the prosecutor had alleged that Gicheru was part of a team that schemed to bribe witnesses so that they would withdraw their statements incriminating DP Ruto. However, Gicheru has dismissed the allegations claiming the prosecution is relying on hearsay, hence the case should be not proceed to trial. Mombasa gubernatorial aspirant Suleiman Shahbal has hit out at one of his opponents, saying he needs no endorsement to go for the county's top seat. His bluster comes barely two weeks after Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir castigated him as a party hopper who is now singing the Orange Democratic Movement's tune and yet he ran against it in the last two elections. In an exclusive interview with the Nation, Mr Shahbal, who a fortnight ago decamped from the Wiper party back to ODM, said he is a tough competitor with grassroots support that he believed will give him the opposition party's nomination without anybody's endorsement. "Why are they scared? If they are confident that they will bag the nomination, then they should just chill out. Let the people decide. It will be interesting to see what these people who are describing me as a Johnny-come-lately would have done in 2013, if they were in my position," he said. "With Governor Hassan Joho's strong roots within the party, I stood no chance. Even for those castigating me, what would they have done? Stayed out in the cold for ten years, or find another home?" Governor Joho, who is serving his last term, has been open about his support for Mr Nassir, noting that he will join national politics while the latter will take charge of regional politics in Mombasa. Now Mr Shahbal says he is not scared of facing off with his opponents. The Mombasa businessman added that his personal relations with ODM leader Raila Odinga goes beyond politics and the party, noting that they have travelled together to many places looking for investments. "So, I'm not a Johnny-come-lately in his circle, and sure, our relations go beyond politics, but ODM has always been my home. It is where I started as a politician. They should relax. I'm just back home," Mr Shahbal said. "People should not panic. The reality is that my entry into ODM in Mombasa has created a lot of excitement and energised the party. It is not important on how long you have been a member of it, but what you have brought to the table?" He added: "When I started in 2013 seeking a political position, I opted to go for ODM. But then I realised Governor Joho had deeper roots within the party, and his loyalty to Mr Odinga was unquestionable. It was unrealistic to expect that the party would give me the ticket. And that explains why I opted out and sought the gubernatorial position on another ticket." Two weeks ago, on a visit to the Coast region, Mr Odinga maintained that his party will conduct free and fair nominations ahead of next year's General Election, rekindling the fight between loyal members and those they regard as "party hoppers". A secret meeting between Mr Odinga and Mr Shahbal set tongues wagging, and sent back to the drawing board Mr Nassir, who expected to have a direct nomination to contest the governorship. Mr Shahbal says his re-entry into the opposition party is to re-energise it, given its dwindling fortunes in the Coast region. "Where was all this energy? Suddenly, I rejoin ODM, and everyone starts getting excited. Perhaps that is what the party needed. I have excited the rank and file, and this means we should start actively promoting the party," he said. Even though he has put on a brave face and encouraged other people to join and strengthen the party ahead of next year's election, Mr Nassir seems to have been rubbed the wrong way by the party's decision to accept Mr Shahbal back to its fold. Mr Nassir castigated Mr Shahbal, who in the last campaign season was in the forefront blackmailing ODM while campaigning for Jubilee. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "We have seen some who have been at the forefront tarnishing the name of Raila and his party, claiming it's a tribal party, coming back," Mr Nassir said. "I would like to tell him, I will be the Mombasa governor on an ODM ticket since we know voters and the party is not short of mind. They can recall and know who is for his own interests and not those of the party in his heart." He added that the party will hand him a direct nomination to run for governor because "party loyalty is expensive". Mr Nassir has been an ODM member and a close ally of Mr Joho, but recently Mr Shahbal has been implementing several projects with the Mombasa County government, raising questions about what is expected in the coming months. Already, several members of Mr Joho's 2017 campaign team have moved to spearhead Mr Shahbal's campaign strategies. A man whose picture went viral when he spent a night in the rain and next to casket carrying the body of his wife outside a police station in Meru has been compensated by court. Charles Mwenda was forced to spend the night outside the police station as authorities enforced Covid-19 travel restrictions last year. On Wednesday, Judge Edward Muriithi of the High Court in Meru awarded Mwenda Sh1.5 million. The judge said police used excessive force when they arrested Mwenda, 32, and treated him inhumanely as he travelled to bury his wife. In a brief judgment, the judge noted that Mwenda's rights and freedoms under the Bill of Rights were violated and held police culpable. He ordered the Inspector-General of Police to bear the cost. Mwenda together with 31 mourners had on May 28, 2020 traveled from Malindi to Meru for the burial of Faith Mwende who had succumbed to cancer. However, on reaching Keeria market in Meru County, they were stopped and the 31 mourners, including his two children, ordered to return to Malindi. The mourners were threatened with being subjected to forced quarantine at their own cost. A contingent of armed police officers then ordered Mwenda to board a police vehicle together with the casket, and transported him to Kianjai police station where he spent the night. Mwenda narrated how during the night, he pleaded with the police in vain to be allowed to transport the casket to his home which is only five kilometres away. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Aggrieved, he filed a petition at the High Court in Meru through lawyer Vivian Wambulwa, urging the court to find that he was treated in an inhumane manner. "Police left me alone in the rain. I dragged the casket all alone and sheltered it under the lorry that was parked near Kianjai police post. Stagnant water entered the casket," Mr Mwenda said in an affidavit. On Wednesday, Justice Muriithi agreed that police acted extra judicially and in breach of fundamental rights and violated his rights under Article 28 of the Constitution of Kenya to be treated with human dignity. He said the act left Mr Mwenda stigmatized as grieved. The judge, however, let Meru County Government off the hook, saying it had no powers to order the police. An elated Ms Wambulwa hailed the judgment, saying it would console his client who underwent a traumatizing situation. "The respondents and their agents treated the petitioner with total indignity by transporting the petitioner and his deceased wife and dumping him in the middle of the night by the roadside while it was raining without care as to his security and well-being and without any legal basis," says Ms Wambulwa. In a bid to fix perennial oxygen shortages at its health facilities amid a pandemic, the Kericho County Government has allocated Sh67 million in its 2021/2022 fiscal year to put up a plant for the key commodity. Currently, the county sources oxygen used in its health facilities from BOC Ltd company, an arrangement the devolved unit is seeking to wriggle out of and be self-sufficient. The county's health department is among major beneficiaries of the Sh8.6 billion budget with an allocation of Sh2.2 billion as recurrent expenditure and Sh230 million for development. Dr Patrick Mutai, the County Executive Committee (CEC) in charge of Finance, Economic Planning and Head of County Treasury, said feasibility studies on the project have been completed, adding that Kericho hopes to one day produce 500 litres of oxygen per minute. "Due to the acute shortage of oxygen in our health facilities as a result of increased demand due to Covid-19 I propose Sh67 million to be allocated for construction of an oxygen plant to be installed at the Kericho County Referral Hospital," said Dr Mutai in a budget speech presented at the county assembly on Tuesday evening. The money will be used to put up a building a structure, install oxygen plant equipment, piping works, supply of oxygen cylinders, and a motor vehicle for transporting oxygen cylinders to health facilities in the county. "Once the plant is operational, Kericho County will be self-sufficient with cheaper oxygen. Surplus oxygen will be supplied to neighbouring counties and private health facilities to generate revenue," stated Dr Mutai. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Kenya Infrastructure By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Despite the limited resources in the backdrop of Covid-19, our facilities rank top in delivery of service. With continued modernisation and face lift of the county referral hospital, we endevour to become a medical tourism destination," he added. The county has also set aside Sh53.6 million for completion of health centres and dispensaries, ablution blocks for health facilities, refurbishment and maintenance of existing facilities in all its 29 civic wards. A further Sh59.8 million has been earmarked for purchase of medical and dental equipment, equipping of maternity wings, laboratories and surgical wards in level II and III facilities in the county's six constituencies of Ainamoi, Kipkelion East, Kipkelion West, Soin/Sigowet, Belgut and Bureti. President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday said he has immunity against prosecution in any criminal or civil court while in office. While urging seven judges of the Court of Appeal to quash a declaration that he can be prosecuted while still in office, President Kenyatta said he enjoys the full protection of the law. "No suit either criminal or civil can be filed against the President while in office," Senior Counsel Mohammed Nyaoga, who is representing the Head of State, told the seven appellate judges Wednesday. He quoted judicial decisions from established democracies such as the US, India, Nigeria and other countries that said a sitting president cannot be sued. Mr Nyaoga, who is teaming with Senior Counsel Waweru Gatonye and Kimani Kiragu, said Articles 38 of the Constitution allow the President to participate in political activities given that he is the leader of a political party. He submitted a gazette notice issued in respect to the BBI, noting that the President was exercising his official duties. He also said that under Article 133 of the Constitution, the President is mandated to undertake various roles in ensuring national unity. "Although the petitioners, who filed the case challenging the BBI, accused President Kenyatta of undertaking the move to amend the Constitution, he cannot be punished legally since as a Kenyan he is allowed to privately and individually participate in political processes," Mr Nyaoga said. Mr Kiragu said there is no express provision in the law prohibiting the President from participating in the initiative to amend the Constitution. "If it is not expressly prohibited then it is permitted," Mr Kiragu told the appeals court president Daniel Musinga, sitting with six others. He said it has not been shown how the President violated the law in supporting the popular initiative to amend the Constitution. "The President can be involved in the amendment process," Mr Gatonye said. Judges Musinga, Roselyne Nambuye, Hannah Okwengu, Patrick Kiage, Kairu Gatembu, Fatuma Sichale and Francis Tuiyot were urged to set aside High Courts' decision declaring that a sitting President can be prosecuted. The judges heard President Kenyatta did not take part in the petition in the High Court and neither was he served to respond to the concerns raised. Meanwhile, former Attorney-General Githu Muigai said the five judges of the High Court assumed the role of the Supreme Court by offering an advisory opinion. Instead of confronting serious legal issues presented before them, they ended up granting reliefs not sought, Prof Muigai said. Prof Muigai said the five judges departed from their core duty of interpreting the law by transforming themselves into a philosophical forum. He, therefore, said the five-judge bench judgement is an "opinion". "Nine out of ten issues in the entire judgement is an advisory opinion. The judges sat as jurists and thinkers of the law," the former AG said. He said when the High Court sits as a constitutional court it is limited to interpreting the law and not delving into other matters and advancing their personal views. Answering a question from Justice Patrick Kiage as to whether there was any process happening before the five judges, Mr Muigai, answered saying the process before the judges was the BBI. While urging the appeals court to reverse the high court judgement he said the judges erred in stating IEBC could not transact its constitutional mandate as it had three commissioners and therefore it lacked quorum to transact its business. "The five judges failed to appreciate earlier decisions on the issue of quorum where it had been ruled IEBC could transact business with only three commissioners," Prof Muigai submitted. He said IEBC is an independent body just like the Judiciary and takes no directions from any quarters while discharging its functions. He said the judges erred in declaring that IEBC could not discharge its mandate due to limited commissioners. He submitted IEBC is protected by the law and "the fact that there are vacancies does not render it unconstitutional." He said IEBC conducts its duties through the guidance of the law and "not implementation of resolutions." He submitted courts may create judicial anarchy if they depart from earlier decisions. Prof Muigai said nothing turns on the number of judges sitting in a matter since the jurisprudence of a single judge matches those of five or even seven. He said the higher number of judges in a matter only indicates the importance of the issues in question. He said all matters which are taken to court must be hinged on the law. He said political matters must be allowed to evolve politically while judicial matters must thrive on the jurisprudential tenets. He said instead of the parties in the BBI petition drawing the issues for determination by the court, it is the Five Judges who drew up the issues to be answered in their judgement. "This judgement cannot be allowed to stand as it interferes with many fundamental constitutional tenets. It is a recipe for chaos," Prof Muigai He said the judges said there are eternity clauses in the constitution that cannot be amended. He said the judgement invites insurrections. "The judges have therefore ruled that Kenyans cannot be trusted to make amendments with the constitution which they themselves promulgated," Prof Muigai. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Prof Muigai is appearing for IEBC in the appeal with lawyers Erick Gumbo and Moses Kipkogen. Mr Kipkogen faulted the high court judgement saying the judges erred in declaring the IEBC did not forensically verify the 1milion signatures collected by the promoters of the BBI. Mr Kipkogen said IEBC verified the signatures in the manner prescribed in the law. " There is no law requiring IEBC to verify the signatures collected by the promoters of the constitutional amendments forensically by officers from the directorate of criminal investigations," Mr Kipkogei stated. He urged the judges to quash the declarations made by the five judges saying they erred in their findings. He further said that the judges erred in saying there is no law guiding the referendum. He said the referendum is guided by the Election Law. "The word referendum has been mentioned 167 times in the Election rules. The judges erred in declaring there is no law on referendum," Kipkogei. Mr Gumbo and senior counsel Lucy Kabuni said IEBC carried out public participation in the manner acceptable by the law. Mr Gumbo also said verification and collection of the 1 million signatures was done within the confines of law. The hearing continues. Nairobi County Chief Finance Officer Halkano Waqo has snubbed a summon to appear before the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). Mr Waqo was summoned by the anti-graft agency over an ongoing probe into City Hall's controversial Sh84 million Covid-19 feeding programme. The chief finance officer was summoned to record a statement over the programme that was meant to feed 127,500 households in Nairobi's informal settlement to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. In a letter by the commission's Deputy Director of Forensic Investigations John Lolkoloi, EACC said it is undertaking investigations into allegation of irregular award of tenders by Nairobi City County Government for supply and delivery of food and non-food items for disaster emergencies to ease the effects of Covid-19 among households in slums. "To facilitate our investigation, kindly inform Mr Halkano Diida Waqo, Chief Officer Finance to avail himself at Integrity Centre on June 30, 2021 at 9am for interview and statement recording on the matter," read in part the letter dated June 28, 2021. "Our officers David Changkwony and Jeremiah Buchianga will be available for the exercise," added the letter to Nairobi County Secretary Jairus Musumba. Reached for comment, Mr Musumba said Mr Waqo did not make it to the grilling as he had another engagement and so they requested to be given a new date. "He did not appear as we requested for adjustment. We were hosting an exit meeting with officers from the Auditor General's office," he said. The saga surrounding the feeding programme came to light in April when Nairobi County Assembly Minority Chief Whip Peter Imwatok turned into a whistleblower, lifting the lid on the happenings surrounding the programme. According to documents, the seven companies were given contracts worth between Sh3 million and Sh22 million to supply the items. In a letter dated April 24, 2021, the Makongeni MCA wrote to EACC to investigate the matter alleging that payments were made although no food was supplied to the county and no food was distributed. The MCA claimed that payment vouchers indicate the firms supplied rice, sugar, maize and wheat flour, bread, mineral water, sanitary towels, blankets, mattresses and basins. The letter was copied to the Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji, and Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) George Kinoti. Three people accused of poaching 187 dikdiks will spend another week in remand in Voi, Taita Taveta County, after the court pushed their sentencing to July 5. Voi Principal Magistrate Cecilia Kithinji ordered that the suspects be detained for one more week. The accused - Kaviha Charo, Katana Unda and Bugo Suluhu - pleaded guilty to three charges related to poaching wildlife on June 21. They were arrested with the animals in Akales, Galana Ranch, in Tsavo East, Kilifi County. On Wednesday, prosecutor Lilian Moke asked the court to give them more time to obtain Suluhu's birth certificate and his school report. She said the age assessment conducted at Moi County Referral Hospital in Voi established that the accused is 23 years old though his parents insisted he is 16 years. "The parents have promised to bring the birth certificate. We are also waiting for a letter from his school to confirm that he is indeed a student," she said. Last week the magistrate ordered prosecutors to establish Suluhu's actual age after he claimed to be a minor. On Wednesday, the magistrate said the court was also waiting for a report from the probation department beforesentencing the trio. "We will wait to establish the factual age of the third accused person before giving the sentence," she said. Suluhu will remain at the Voi Police Station cells while his two accomplices will be held at Manyani Maximum Security Prison. The three were charged with dealing with the carcass of wild animals, being in possession of wildlife trophies and conveying hunting apparatus in a protected area. They were found with game meat weighing 596kg. The wildlife trophies - 25 roasted heads of dikdiks, 187 dikdik carcasses, two gerenuk and three kori bustard bird carcasses - were found being ferried on five motorcycles. The suspects were also found with hunting materials, including 10 hunting sirens, five machetes, 14 torches, assorted batteries and clothing. By Winston W. Parley Liberia's Chief Medical Officer Dr. Francis Karteh says the country is expected to get 96,000 vaccines as the nation races to curb the spread of the coronavirus here by next week, amid the resurgence of the third wave of the virus here. "[Fortunately] for us, we may be getting our consignment of vaccine latest next week. We should get about 96,000. But besides the 96,000 we are expected to get additional vaccines through the AU [African Union] system, we should be [getting] another vaccine and with the European Union too, we are working with them to get an additional vaccine," he said Wednesday, 30 June. During a live phone conversation with local broadcaster OK FM Wednesday morning, Dr. Karteh revealed that hopefully by mid - July, Liberia should have enough vaccines to begin to inoculate residents here. But Dr. Karteh urged that everyone should continue to wear masks, including those who are vaccinated and those who are not. He informed the public that just on Tuesday this week, Liberia had recorded an additional 193 new coronavirus cases, bringing the country's cumulative to 4,098 since the first-ever Coronavirus case was reported in Liberia from March 16, 2020, to the present. In this week alone, he said Liberia's cases have gone up to 362 new cases since Sunday, compared to a total of 689 confirmed cases that were recorded for the whole of last week, the highest the country has ever had since the response began in 2020. "And it seems that we may exceed that 600 if things continue the way [they are] going," Dr. Karteh warned, though he urged the public not to panic but to continue to wear masks, observe the social distance, wash hands, seek treatment when feeling unwell and if illness persists after two days of treatment, do a rapid Covid - 19 test at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, among others. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Liberia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. As of Wednesday, Dr. Karteh said Liberia had 65 patients in the treatment unit of whom 62 are confirmed cases of the virus while results for the others are pending. He added that 49 of the 65 cases are severe cases, meaning they are oxygen-dependent. He reported that two additional patients were admitted to the treatment unit earlier on Tuesday, and eight patients were discharged while one death was recorded. Overall, he said Liberia has recorded a little over 120 coronavirus deaths cumulatively since the crisis. Dr. Karteh said 12 of Liberia's 15 counties are now in response, while the remaining three counties including Grand Kru, River Gee, and Grand Gedeh are still standing and are in preparedness.https://thenewdawnliberia.com/stop-hijacking-covid-19-vaccines-exports/ The attention of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been drawn to a false Facebook story carried by Cable TV, alleging that UNDP Staff is responsible for the recent wave of Covid-19 cases in Liberia. The online network further alleged that UNDP expatriates from Pakistan and India brought the "Delta Variant" of Covid-19 into the country a couple of weeks ago. UNDP wishes to emphatically refute these allegations from the Cable TV network as false and outright misleading. Nothing in the report is accurate or true. Like everyone else, the United Nations in Liberia is extremely concerned about the surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths and is working closely with the Government of Liberia to do everything to turn the tide on this new wave of COVID-19. "Central to our approach is ensuring that the public has the correct information to stay safe and prevent further spread of the virus. Rather than spreading misinformation, we want the media to encourage people to wear face masks, wash hands, keep the recommended social distance, avoid crowded places, and get vaccinated," UNDP stressed in a release. "The Key to beating this wave of COVID-19 lies in following official safety guidelines provided by the government and other bodies such as the W.H.O. There is no place for pointing fingers and spreading false information." The UN, like many other organizations in the country, has adopted telecommuting arrangements to help reduce the spread of the virus and keep both its staff and members of the public safe. Finally, UNDP and the UN remain strong partners of the Government helping to fight the spread of the disease and the various misinformation circulating about the disease and the vaccine. -in lawmaker's alleged drug trafficking claim By Lewis S. Teh A pressure group in electoral district#13, Montserrado County - Team Andy, is calling on the leadership and members of the 54th Liberian Legislature to conduct an impartial investigation into circumstances involving one of their colleagues, who has been accused of drug smuggling in the country. "We are triggered by an allegation publicized in the June 28, 2021 edition of the FrontPage Africa Newspaper wherein a member of the 54th National Legislature residing within the township of Gardnersville was associated with drugs smuggling", the group says. Addressing a news conference Wednesday, June 30, 2021at its district office in Topoe Village, Somalia Drive, Team Andy explains it is an embodiment of enlightened young professionals who seek to promote national development through ethical leadership, capacity building initiatives, grassroots community engagements thus, it owes its brilliance, capacity, and professionalism to the lowest ebb of the community and country at large. Chairman Henry G. Brumskine said the information surrounding the unidentified Lawmaker' involvement in drugs smuggling came to the spotlight as a result of a female commander of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) Martha Massaley who made the disclosure during the commemoration of International Day against Drugs Abuse and Illicit Drugs Trafficking recently. Brumskine noted that considering the demographic of the National Elections Commission, the Township of Gardnersville encompasses three (3) statutory electoral districts namely; district # 11 headed by Rep. Richard Nagbe Koon, district #12 headed by Rep. George Beyan Samah, and district # 13 headed by Rep. Edward Papay Flomo. He says Team Andy believes the allegation gravely borders around the integrity of the first branch of government and said the lawmaker has dishonorably assassinated the sacred solemnity of the Liberian constitution as enshrined in Chapter V, Article 31. Disappointingly, "we witnessed the appearance of Martha Massaley disgustingly contradicting herself and fumbling with elementary logic in an effort to protect her life and job", he noted, and added that "we believe her statements before plenary were infallibly hypocritical, unethical, deceptive, unpatriotic and disjointed from her statements made on the international day against drugs abuse." Mr. Brumskine believes Commander Massaley was under external political pressure, job coercion, and life threats which prompted her to have an automatic drift from her call to national duty to the subjugation of inferiority complex. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs Governance Liberia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The group, therefore, calls on the national legislature to inquire deeply into this matter, saying this could be done by demanding the full audio or video recordings of Martha Massaley's statements made on Friday, June 25, 2021. He wants the legislature to execute its duties without bias, cautioning the disdainful act allegedly being carried out by a member of the legislature centers around the integrity of the legislature and the international image of Liberia. TEAM ANDY calls on Rep. Edward Papay Flomo to empathically state his official position on the matter within 48 hours and be the lead-campaigner within the plenary. Brumskine says the failure of Flomo to make clear his position on the issue will be a clear demonstration of his unwillingness to fight drugs smuggling and validation of the longstanding ghetto characterization which has been over his personality for a long period of time. Meanwhile, Team Andy says it is troubled by the escalation of the fatality rate within the homeland, including the tragic passing of an immaculate statesman and papered historian Rev. Emmanuel Bowier and all other faithful departed by natural causes or by means of the pandemic. "We extend our condolences to all of their families and we wish for their souls to peacefully rest in martyrdom." Hold first meeting in Cotonou. The first meeting of the ECOWAS Regional Monitoring Committee on the Action Plan 2019-2023 on the return of cultural properties to their countries opens in Cotonou, Benin Republic. The three-day meeting will close on Thursday, July 1, 2021. While welcoming the Committee Members, Mr. Mamadou Traore, Acting Commissioner for Education, Science, and Culture of the ECOWAS Commission, whose speech was read by H.E. Blaise Diplo-Djomand, Resident Representative of ECOWAS in Benin, highlighted that out of a total number of 1,121 cultural heritages on the list of world cultural and natural heritages, the ECOWAS Region has 32. He added that a significant number of the cultural heritage of West Africa is pre-served in Western Museums. Therefore, the approval of the Action Plan on the Return of Cultural Properties to their Countries of Origin by the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government is a step in the right direction. In his opening remarks, Hon. Jean-Michel Abimbola, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Benin, stressed that culture is the fruit of the creative genius of our ancestors and bears witness to a past that we must now approach in a constructive and uninhibited manner. "Our relationship with history should therefore serve as a springboard for us to mark a turning point in development cooperation. Indeed, our determination for the restitution of our cultural property is the manifestation of our political will", he added. The ECOWAS Action Plan 2019-2023 was approved by the Authority of Heads of State and Government in December 2019, with the aim of contributing to the returning ECOWAS Member States' cultural goods to their countries of origin, in order to reconstitute the regional cultural heritage. The Action Plan in its implementation mechanism provides for the establishment of a Regional Committee in charge of the monitoring of the action plan. The Regional Committee includes eminent personalities from the political, diplomatic, and cultural world. The Liberian Women Humanitarian Network or LWHN has called for the closure of schools in the country in the midst of the rapid increase in the cases of coronavirus here. The women group expressed deep concern about the newest outbreak and rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus in Liberia and calls for the immediate closure of all schools. This, the group said will aid the government and health practitioners to focus on the chain of transmissions and safe lives. To date, the Nation Public Health Institute of Liberia reports that Liberia has had a total of 3,900 confirmed cases while 1,458 are currently active confirmed COVID-19 cases. Armed with these reports, the Liberian Women Humanitarian Network calls on the Liberian Government to consider the immediate closure of schools and or lockdown across counties that are consider hotspots in Liberia for 3 weeks in order to help break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. According to NPHIL statistics at the time of this release, 13 of the 15 counties are currently responding to active COVID19 cases. The Network recognizes and applauds the Government for the initial regulations put in place in response to the coronavirus pandemic, and notes that to quickly curb the transmission of the virus, social distancing should be practiced in combination with other everyday preventive actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Given the interactive nature of society and the number of students per class generally in most schools, it is almost difficult to strictly adhere to the social distancing measure; hence it is prudent to allow the children to stay away from school for a minimum of three weeks until the situation is steady. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Education Liberia Sustainable Development By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The LWHN acknowledges that why in-person school is preferred by the government for students to complete the academic year, it is best to continue in-person classes only when it is safe. The women group also calls on all schools to put in place the following recommends safety measures be put in place and adhere to at all times: Encourage all teachers to get vaccinated as a priority; Carryout regular spot checks at various schools to ensure they are strict; observing the health protocols. Schools non-compliant be penalized immediately according to the Public Health Law of Liberia; Work with PTAs as partners in ensuring their various schools are fully compliant. Activate these community structures to help stop the spread, and institute a mandatory stagger schedule for schools with alternating timetables to reduce the number of students in the school during the day and school week. The Network calls on the general public to continually and vehemently follow the health measures put in place by the Government of Liberia - wear a mask at all times in public, wash your hands frequently, stay away from the huge gathering, get tested, and vaccinated. Established in 2016, the Liberia Women Humanitarian Network (LWHN) consists of heads of women-led local non-profit organizations (NGOs) and individuals that are impassioned about humanitarian work. In the years since its formation, the network has intervened in humanitarian disasters not only locally in Liberia but also regionally in Sierra Leone where it supported victims of the mudslide disaster in Sierra Leone in 2017.-Press release document Statement by Michelle Bachelet UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Distinguished President, Excellencies, Colleagues, I welcome the Council's attention to the human rights of older persons in the context of climate change. Population ageing and climate change have significant implications for human rights. By the year 2050, it is estimated that humanity will include 1.5 billion people aged 65 and above. And by 2050, if greenhouse gas emissions have not been reduced to net zero, global warming will exceed 1.5 Celsius. Climate change has significant implications for people over 65, especially when physical, political, economic and social factors make them vulnerable. Ageism contributes to this vulnerability. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated how age-related discrimination creates and exacerbates the poverty and marginalization of older people, amplifying human rights risks. In the face of climate change, older persons are likely to face negative impacts on their health; access to food, land, water and sanitation; housing; livelihoods and fundamental well-being. In 2003, a heatwave across much of Western Europe created crop shortfalls and killed tens of thousands of people. Out of the 14,000 heat-related deaths in France, 80 per cent were people aged over 75. In 2013, 70 per cent of the people who died as a result of floods in La Plata, Argentina were over the age of 60. The study submitted by my Office pursuant to resolution 44/7 finds that older people face disproportionate impacts from climate change on the effective enjoyment of their rights - and that they may be neglected or marginalized by climate laws and policies. Madam President, The existing international human rights framework provides fragmented and inconsistent coverage of the human rights of older persons, in law and practice. Older persons are also seldom mentioned in international environmental agreements. There is no dedicated normative instrument on the rights of older persons, and the limitations of existing instruments can hinder their effective protection, including in the context of climate change. However, many older persons occupy positions of authority and have benefitted from the economic development pathways that cause climate change. As a result, they have a particular responsibility to leave a better legacy for future generations. To the benefit of us all, many older persons are increasingly using their skills, knowledge, experience, resources, and resilience to help stop climate change and address its worst impacts: Across Latin America, indigenous elders have formed networks of solidarity to preserve their cultural heritage and traditional knowledge and advocate for climate action that respects their entitlement to free, prior and informed consent. In Norway, the Grandparents' Climate Campaign has been supporting climate litigation and contributing to public advocacy on Norway's climate policy. In Australia, the Knitting Nannas have adapted peaceful direct action tactics to advocate for policies that preserve the environment and fight against climate change. Excellencies, States have legal obligations, including under international human rights law, to implement climate policies that will stop future warming; promote effective adaptation; redress existing harms; and ensure that all people - including older people - are empowered to participate in climate action. This Council has acknowledged, in its resolution 44/7, the need to support the resilience and adaptive capacities of older people to respond to climate change. It has also emphasised the importance of international cooperation and assistance to address the adverse impacts of climate change, particularly on older people. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Human Rights Africa Climate By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The study undertaken by my Office presents promising practices related to inclusive climate action that are being implemented by governments, including in the context of Mexico's implementation of the Paris Agreement; collection of age-disaggregated data for disaster recovery planning in the Philippines; and ensuring access to climate information for older people in Iraq. I urge States to draw from today's discussion opportunities to implement an age-inclusive approach to climate action, noting that the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing was adopted by the General Assembly last year. My Office is committed to supporting you in taking urgent and ambitious climate action to protect all people everywhere from the worst impacts of climate change by putting human rights at the centre of climate action. Thank you. Maputo According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Health, the number of Covid-19 cases diagnosed in Mozambique is continuing to rise, as are hospitalisations, and the number of active cases. According to a Tuesday press release from the Ministry, since the start of the pandemic, 595,730 people have been tested for the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, 1,735 of them in the previous 24 hours. The majority of these were from the known Covid-19 hotspots of Maputo and Tete - 590 from Maputo city, 59 from Maputo province and 349 from Tete. Between them these three provinces accounted for 57.5 per cent of Tuesday's tests. There were also 482 tests in Cabo Delgado, 87 in Sofala, 70 in Nampula, 37 in Manica, 22 in Niassa, 21 in Inhambane, and 18 in Zambezia. No tests were reported from Gaza. 1,329 of these tests yielded negative results, and 406 people tested positive for the coronavirus. This brings the number of Covid-19 cases diagnosed in Mozambique to 75,828. Of the new cases diagnosed on Tuesday, 378 are Mozambican citizens, two are known to be foreigners (but, as usual, the Ministry release did not give their nationalities), while the nationalities of the remaining 26 have yet to be confirmed. 216 were men or boys, and 190 were women or girls. 37 were children under the age of 15, and 13 were over 65 years old. In seven cases, no age information was available. The great majority of the positive cases were from Maputo city (196) and Tete (129). These two provinces accounted for slightly more than 80 per cent of the new cases. In Cabo Delgado, although the number of tests (482) was second only to Maputo city, only eight positive cases were found. This could be testimony to the success of the drive to suppress the virus during last year's outbreaks in Afungi and Pemba. There were also 39 positive cases in Sofala, 12 in Manica, and two each in Nampula, Niassa and Zambezia. None of those tested in Inhambane were positive. The national positivity rate (the proportion of those tested who are infected by the virus) was 23.4 per cent. The rate over the past few days was 14 per cent on Monday, 24.4 per cent over the weekend, 17.4 per cent on Friday, and 22.7 per cent on Thursday. This national average, however, conceals a wide gulf in the positivity rates between the Covid-19 hotspots, and the north of the country, where there are relatively few cases. The Tuesday positivity rate in Tete was an alarming 37 per cent, but even this was surpassed by Sofala, where the rate was 44.8 per cent. The rate in Maputo city was 33.2 per cent, in Maputo province 27.1 per cent, and in Manica 32.4 per cent. But in the north, the picture was very different, with rates of 11.1 per cent in Zambezia, nine per cent in Niassa, 2.8 per cent in Nampula, and only 1.6 per cent in Cabo Delgado. The Ministry release said that, in the same 24 hour period, 29 Covid-19 patients were discharged from hospital (23 in Maputo, two in Tete, two in Sofala, one in Nampula and one in Manica). But 50 new cases were admitted (36 in Maputo, six in Tete, four in Sofala, three in Matola, and one in Manica). The number of people under medical care in the Covid-19 treatment centres rose from 159 on Monday to 176 on Tuesday. The great majority of these patients - 120 (68.2 per cent) - were in Maputo, 21 were in Tete, 14 in Matola, 13 in Sofala, two in Nampula, two in Zambezia, one in Niassa and one in Inhambane. There were no patients in the Covid-19 wards in Cabo Delgado or Gaza. Three more Covid-19 deaths were reported on Tuesday - two Mozambican women and a foreign man (whose nationality was not revealed). Their ages ranged between 30 and 70. Two died in Maputo and one in Matola. This brings the total Covid-19 death toll in Mozambique to 872. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Mozambique By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The Ministry also reported that on Tuesday 36 people were declared fully recovered from Covid-19 (23 in Niassa, seven in Maputo province and six in Inhambane). The total number of recoveries now stands at 71,136, which is 93.9 per cent of all those ever diagnosed with Covid-19 in Mozambique. With the number of new cases greatly outstripping the number of recoveries, the number of active Covid-19 cases inevitably rises - from 3,399 on Monday to 3,766 on Tuesday. The distribution of these cases was as follows: Maputo city, 1,712 (45.5 per cent); Tete, 718; Maputo province, 703; Sofala, 208; Inhambane, 135; Manica, 81; Niassa, 77; Gaza, 52; Cabo Delgado, 31; Nampula, 29; and Zambezia, 20. Maputo Mozambican Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosario, on Wednesday said the country has recorded meaningful progress in the implementation of public policies, which led to the improvement of living conditions, 20 years after the adoption of the National Population Policy. Addressing the opening session of a high level meeting on National Population Policy, in Maputo, Rosario said Mozambique adopted the population policy in 1999 in order to establish mechanisms which enable social and economic development to answer effectively the dynamics of demography, notably population growth. "The National Population Policy is an integral part of the country's national development strategy which contributes to improving the planning process as well as public policies to promote well being," do Rosario declared. Quoting data from the 2017 population census, do Rosario gave as an example the reduction in infant mortality rates to 67 per 1,000 live births in 2017 compared with 94 per 1,000 in 2007. In education, illiteracy dropped from 50 per cent in 2007 to 39 per cent in 2017. As far as water supply is concerned, coverage reached 49 per cent of households in 2017, compared with 35 per cent in 2007. With regard to access to electricity, the coverage was 10 per cent in 2007 but in 2017 the figure grew to 22 per cent. Life expectancy was 49 years in 2007 and improved to 54 years in 2017. However, in order to consolidate progress attained so far in improving the quality of life, Rosario urged stakeholders, such as civil society and the country's cooperation partners, to pay special attention to demographic dynamics. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Mozambique Sustainable Development By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "One of the great challenges we face is to find solutions and create mechanisms which can allow us to answer social and economic constraints that may arise from rapid population growth," Rosario said. It was therefore important, he added, to commit further investments to health, job creation and the swift implementation of macro-economic policies which meet the expectations of younger generations. The deputy representative in Maputo of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Eduardo Celadas, said the rapid population growth, at three per cent a year, poses increasing challenges to the country's economy to respond to the demand for services and opportunities young men. He said the fact that millions of young Mozambicans live in poverty and unemployment remains a great concern, as do the growing geographical, gender and economic inequalities, worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic. Maputo The long promised Covid-19 treatment centre in the Mavalane General Hospital in Maputo finally opened its door to patients on Monday. Work on the Mavalane Covid-19 wards was regarded as a priority in January and February, when Mozambique was fighting the second wave of Covid infection, and it was feared that Maputo would run out of beds for Covid-19 patients. The main Covid-19 treatment centre was the Polana Canico General Hospital, and at one point it was touch and go as to whether this hospital could cope with an avalanche of Covid patients, even with some patients accommodated in tents in the grounds of Maputo Central Hospital. But when the second wave was deemed to have ended, the Maputo health service had not collapsed, and the Mavalane rehabilitation work was suspended. Now Mozambique is grappling with a third wave of infection, which the health authorities fear could be worse than the first or second waves, and so work on the Mavalane wards has finally been completed. Six Covid-19 patients have been admitted to this hospital, one on Monday and five on Tuesday. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, the National Director of Medical Care, Luisa Panguene, said the Mavalane centre can hold 320 patients simultaneously, in three Covid-19 wards. The hospital has two large tanks of oxygen for seriously ill Covid-19 patients, who require supplementary oxygen. Panguene said the Greater Maputo area now has 510 beds for Covid-19 patients - in addition to the 320 at Mavalane, there are 100 beds in the Polana Canico hospital (all of them currently occupied), 40 in the Central Hospital Transit Centre, and 50 in the adjacent city of Matola. If demand continues to grow she added, a tent with the capacity for 170 beds will be erected on the Mavalane hospital grounds. The authorities are worried that there may not be enough beds in the western city of Tete, currently one of the areas worst hit by the pandemic. There are 38 beds available in the city's main hospital, of which 20 are already occupied. The solution is to convert the new health centre in the Chingodzi neighbourhood, recently inaugurated by President Filipe Nyusi, into a Covid-19 treatment centre. That will make 70 beds available. That might not be enough given the speed at which Covid-19 is advancing in Tete. 129 people were diagnosed with Covid-19 in Tete on Tuesday, and 513 in the previous week. Maputo The Labour Consultative Commission (CCT), the tripartite negotiating forum between the Mozambican government, the trade unions, and the employers' associations, met in Maputo on Wednesday, and decided, by consensus, to start discussions on increasing the minimum wage. The government thus kept its promise that the CCT would meet in June, with just one day to spare. After the opening session of this extraordinary meeting of the CCT, the representative of the Labour Ministry, Emidio Mavila, announced that, following consultations between the three parties, it had been decided to press ahead with discussions on the minimum wage, sector by sector. Mavila said the CCT discussions should last for no more than 30 days. He hoped that a consensual document on wage rises would be reached, and then submitted to the Council of Ministers (Cabinet) for its approval. The minimum wages are usually discussed annually at the CCT. The 2020 negotiations began on 18 March that year, but the Covid-19 pandemic was used as an excuse to stop the talks. In previous years, an increase in the minimum wage was usually announced in late April and was always backdated to 1 April. There have been no wage rises since April 2019 - and some representatives of the Confederation of Mozambican Business Associations (CTA) made it clear they did not want any wage rises this year. On 16 June, at a Maputo press conference, the CTA deputy chairperson, Vasco Manhica, implied that the employers want the wage freeze to continue indefinitely. He claimed that anything that could increase company costs, such as raising the minimum wage, "could interrupt the recovery effort and compromise the survival of companies". The unions were infuriated, and feared that the CTA and the government were reneging on the promise to resume CCT negotiations in June. Alexandre Munguambe, general secretary of the main trade union federation, the OTM, accused the employers of deliberately avoiding any discussion about wage rises. The fact that there had been no wage rises since 2019, Munguambe added, in an interview with the independent newssheet "Mediafax", had worsened the already difficult living conditions of Mozambican workers. In 2019 the OTM argued that, to provide a basic basket of goods and services for an average family, a minimum monthly wage of 19,600 meticais (297 US dollars, at the exchange rate of the time), would have been needed. In 2020, the cost for the same basket, according to the OTM, would be 22,700 meticais a month. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Mozambique Labour By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. But the monthly minimum wages agreed when the CCT met in 2019 came nowhere near 19,600 meticais. They ranged from 4,266 meticais for fishery workers on Lake Cahora Bassa in Tete province, to 12,760 meticais for workers in banking, insurance and other financial services. The minimum wage for public sector workers was just 4,467 meticais a month. To make matters worse, Mavila said that any wage rise agreed at the CCT will not be backdated to 2019. The negotiations will not envisage any backdated payments, due to the impacts of the economic recession of the last two years. "The months under discussion at the CCT refer to this year", he added. "Certainly we shall not go back to 2019 and 2020". Speaking for the unions, Munguambe said the discussions will take into account the performances of each sector of activity, and he expected the sectors to provide whatever was possible, in order to grant some dignity to the workers. He hoped that each sector would decide on "fair wages in order to motivate the workers". CTA representative Paulino Cossa took a position markedly different from that stated a fortnight earlier by Vasco Manhica. He said the basis for discussion should be the performance of the Mozambican economy. "The private sector is proposing a fair adjustment of wages, compatible with the situation of our country's economy", he said. "We believe that the economy depends fundamentally on motivated workers, workers with an incentive to improve production and productivity". WITH many lives lost to Covid-19, bikers from various clubs from Windhoek and Okahandja reached out to six hospitals in the capital on Saturday. The group visited and prayed for patients, healthcare workers and affected family members at the Lady Pohamba Private Hospital, Roman Catholic Private Hospital, Rhino Park Hospital, Paramount Healthcare Centre, the capital's oncology centre and the Widnhoek Mediclinic. The prayer session was organised by Natasha van Heerden and Reinhard Redecker from the Harley Owners Group Namibia Chapter 7968. Van Heerden says she saw fear in people's eyes. "I did not expect it to have such a great outcome and support. We first tried to see how it would go before reaching out to other hospitals. "They must know they are not alone," she says. Van Heerden was inspired and motivated by Matthew 18:20: "For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am with them." Redecker says the group is planning more similar events, and other towns have been invited to copy the initiative. He says reaching out to state hospitals was impossible, due to a policy of no visitors allowed. Betty Schroder, a senior African Methodist Episcopal Church pastor, who also attended the prayer session, says prayer provides insight to dilemmas and tough decisions. "For us it was one of the only ways we could think of to reach out to the medical staff, nurses, doctors, and families who are left either hopeless or anxious at hospitals where visitors are not allowed to see Covid-19 patients. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Namibia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "We wanted to remind the infected and affected there is hope in this hopeless situation. We too have lost loved ones, so caring for one another and assisting the government with easing a part of the mental stress and anxiety the nation is going through became our prime focus," she says. Schroder says the initiative has received overwhelmingly positive feedabck. Lives were touched and medical staff sent messages of gratitude for giving them hope, she says. Biker Herman Vlok says the event was emotional. "Each and everyone in our country should see what can happen if we stand together," he says. Social media on Sunday circulated pictures of people praying outside hospitals at different towns. press release SALC is concerned by the recent developments in Eswatini. The Kingdom of Eswatini has seen a wave of protests over the past month. Protests started in May 2021, following the unexplained death of Thabani Nkomonye, a final year law student. The hashtag #JusticeForThabani soon trended, and he became the symbol of police brutality in the country. On 16 June 2021, it was reported the youth marched along the highway to deliver a petition to the Kwaluseni Member of Parliament, demanding that he withdraws his statement that constituents are happy with the Tinkhundla system. The Tinkhundla system is a form of governance based on traditional administrative subdivisions. There are 55 Tinkhundla in Swaziland scattered around the four districts. Under the Tinkhundla system, the balloting is done on a non-partisan basis. The Tinkhundla system features a bicameral parliament comprising the House of Assembly of 65 members, 55 of which are elected from candidates nominated by traditional local councils while the other 10 are appointed. The upper house of parliament or Senate has 30 non-partisan members, 10 of which are elected by the parliament and the other 20 appointed by the monarch to serve five-year terms. Since then, protesters have marched on various Tinkhundlas to submit petitions to their local members of parliament. This week protesters also marched on media houses that they deem linked to the King. This week, images circulated on social media of protesters looting trucks, blocking roads with burning barricades and shops being set on fire. Since the beginning of the protests, several videos have emerged showing police using violence to disperse protesters. Police are seen using excessive force and tear gas to disperse protesters. Section 49 of the Police Service Act No. 22 of 2018 makes it a disciplinary offence to use violence or unnecessary force or to intimidate a person with whom the officer may be in contact with in the execution of duty. Section 10(3) of the Act provides that: "a member of the Police Service may not inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor may any member of the Police Service invoke superior orders or exceptional circumstances as a justification for torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". Acting Prime Minister, Themba Masuku said in a statement on 29 June 2021 that in order to quell the unrest, the government has ordered all businesses to close by 3:30 pm and a strict curfew to have all residents off the streets from 6 pm until 5 am. Schools were told to close immediately to ensure the safety of learners. On the same day, the government of Eswatini ordered network providers, Eswatini Post and Telecommunications, Eswatini MTN and Eswatini Mobile to temporarily turn off internet connectivity and advised that military and police will be deployed to quell protests. Principle 38 of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights' 2019 Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information specifically states that "States shall not interfere with the right of individuals to seek, receive and impart information through any means of communication and digital technologies, through measures such as the removal, blocking or filtering of content, unless such interference is justifiable and compatible with international human rights law and standards. States shall not engage in or condone any disruption of access to the internet and other digital technologies for segments of the public or an entire population." Background On 12 April 1973, King Sobhuza II issued a proclamation which, amongst other things, "dissolved and prohibited" all political parties. The official position of the Government, as recently conveyed to the UN Human Rights Committee, is that the 1973 proclamation was repealed by the Constitution. In theory, the ban on political parties introduced by the 1973 proclamation was thus effectively lifted with the coming into force of the Constitution on 8 February 2006. Section 24 of the Constitution states in subsection (1), that "a person has a right of freedom of expression and opinion"; and in subsection (2), in relevant part, that "a person shall not except with the free consent of that person be hindered in the enjoyment of the freedom of expression, which includes the ... freedom to receive ideas and information without interference". Section 25 of the Constitution states in subsection (1), that "a person has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association"; in subsection (2), in relevant part, that "a person shall not except with the free consent of that person be hindered in the enjoyment of the freedom of ... association, that is to say, the right to ... associate freely with other persons for the promotion or protection of the interests of that person". The reality for political parties and human rights activists in Eswatini is markedly different. Some political parties remain prohibited organisations under the 2008 Suppression of Terrorism Act in being designated as specified entities, PUDEMO and the other organisations were effectively declared to be terrorist groups. These organisations remain designated groups despite a court judgment in 2016 declaring the relevant provisions in the Act unconstitutional. The State has appealed the decision, but the Supreme Court has failed to hear the appeal. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Human Rights Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. In Thulani Maseko and Others v Prime Minister of Swaziland and Others [2016] SZHC 180, the High Court also declared sections 3(1), 4(a), 4(e) and 5 of the Sedition and Subversive Activities Act of 1938 unconstitutional. (The subsections which had not been specifically declared unconstitutional are still inoperative because the definition of seditious intention had been declared unconstitutional.) Sadly, the State continues to charge activists with sedition. In the case of Goodwill Sibiya v the King In re: The King v Goodwill Sibiya (183/2019) [2019] SZHC 180 (18 September 2019), the High Court held that the interests of justice dictate that the Crown ought to stay prosecutions under section 3(1) of the Sedition and Subversive Activities Act: "[40]... To allow the prosecution to prosecute people on legislation that has been pronounced by the Courts to be inconsistent with the Constitution would be undermining the judgment of the Court and the provisions of section 21 of the Constitution which prescribes and protects accused persons' rights to a fair trial. This, in turn, would result in a violation of the constitutional rights of the Accused to a fair trial; thus, it should not be allowed." The charges were withdrawn against Sibiya on 19 May 2020, after he had spent a year in custody. In June 2020, another activist, Ncamiso Ngcamphalala, was charged with sedition. He is currently out on bail. The Electoral Commission has welcomed the decision of the Electoral Court to postpone eight by-elections scheduled for today. The Electoral Court this morning authorised the postponement of the by-elections for a period not exceeding 120 days from the date of the order. The Court also granted the Electoral Commission leave to approach the Court for further relief should it be necessary. "The Electoral Commission took the decision to seek the court's approval to postpone the by-elections this week following the implementation of Adjusted Alert Level 4 lockdown restrictions which prohibit almost all public gatherings including political gatherings," the Electoral Commission said in a statement. "The Electoral Commission will continue to assess the prevailing conditions including the level and scope of restrictions imposed in terms of the Disaster Management Act to determine an appropriate date for the by-elections to be held," the Commission said. The Electoral Commission will engage with the relevant provincial MECs for Cooperative Governance other key stakeholders including political parties and candidates who are registered to contest the by-elections in this regard. Today's by-elections were to have taken place in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern Cape and Western Cape across 48 voting stations and involving 71 305 registered voters. They were to have been contested by 40 candidates from 14 political parties and three independent candidates. The eight postponed by-elections are as follows: Eastern Cape: Ward 03 in the Makana Municipality - EC104. KwaZulu-Natal: Ward 98 in the eThekwini Municipality - ETH; Ward 05 in the eDumbe Municipality - KZN261. Northern Cape: Ward 01 in the Sol Plaatje Municipality - NC091. Western Cape: Ward 51 in the City of Cape Town Municipality - CPT; Ward 63 in the City of Cape Town Municipality - CPT; Ward 01 in the Cederberg Municipality -WC012; Ward 02 in the Swartland Municipality -WC015. Tunis/Tunisia All incoming passengers to Tunisia must from Thursday, July 1, present a negative COVID-19 PCR test with a QR code, carried out within 72 hours of the flight, said chair of the quarantine committee at the Health Ministry Mohamed Rabhi. All travellers, including those vaccinated and those who have been infected, must present a negative PCR test, even they have no symptoms, he told TAP on Wednesday. In the majority of cases, symptoms of the coronavirus are not visible in vaccinated or previously infected people when infected with a new variant, he said, warning of the risks of silent and asymptomatic infections. All Tunisian travellers are required to present a negative PCR test on their return to Tunisia from July 1, even if the period of travel did not exceed two days. Travellers leaving Tunisia for other countries are subject to the entry and travel conditions of the destination countries in relation to the COVID-19 vaccination documents and the negative PCR test. These decisions were taken by the national committee to combat the coronavirus at a virtual meeting chaired by PM Hichem Mechichi on Tuesday evening. Tunis/Tunisia Speaker of the House of People's Representatives (HPR) Rached Ghanouchi strongly condemned any aggression against Tunisian women and women in general, said Wednesday, Assessor in charge of information and communication Meher Medhioud. This statement comes after the assault, at the Bardo hemicycle, committed by MP Sahbi Smara against President of the Free Destourian Party (PDL) group Abir Moussi. Medhioub added during a press briefing that the Speaker of Parliament described this act as odious and unjustifiable, reaffirming his total refusal of any attack targeting women. Answering a question from a journalist, Medhioub said that the Bureau will meet soon to take the necessary measures. A video published on social media shows MP Sahbi Smara (out of group) leaving his seat and heading towards Abir Moussi and hitting her in the face, causing chaos in the plenary hall. The president of the session Samira Chaouachi asked MP Sahbi Smara to leave the session immediately. Tunis/Tunisia "Tounesna", a space to help the social and economic reintegration of migrants voluntarily returning to Tunisia was inaugurated Tuesday at the headquarters of the Office of Tunisians Abroad (OTE). The structure that will be operational in 9 governorates (Tunis, Bizerte, Kef, Kairouan, Monastir, Sfax, Gafsa, Tataouine, and Medenine) has the mission of facilitating the implementation of the mechanism of social and economic reintegration of Tunisians returning home, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs. At the inauguration ceremony, Minister of Social Affairs, Mohamed Trabelsi, who was accompanied by Ambassador of the European Union in Tunis, Marcus Cornaro and Ambassador of France in Tunis, Andre Parant, said the structure will allow Tunisians who have chosen to return to their country, to build their capacity ahead of integration into the labor market. "It will provide assistance to Tunisian returnees to set up their own business, benefit from national programmes of the Office of Tunisians Abroad and the National Agency for Employment and Self-Employment and offer support formulas to facilitate procedures with the administrations and structures concerned, "he said, adding that about 600 applications of people wishing to join this program have been examined so far. The OTE is working in coordination with the structures concerned in the implementation of this project which is part of a cooperation programme of the European Union through the programme ProGres Migration Tunisia, funded by the Emergency Trust Fund (UTF), with Expertise France and the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII). The inauguration ceremony took place in the presence of the ambassador of the Netherlands in Tunis, and representatives of the embassies of Switzerland and Austria in Tunis as well as representatives of the National Agency for Employment and Self-Employment and Expertise France and OFII. Tunis/Tunisia The governorate of Kasserine saw four more coronavirus-related deaths in the last 24 hours. This takes the death toll to 581, since the beginning of the pandemic, deputy local director of primary health Moncef Mhamdi told TAP. During the same period, the region also recorded 104 new infection cases, after the release of results of 207 tests, or 50% of incidence rate. This brings to 16488 the total COVID-19 cases reported since the emergence of the virus. According to the same source, the occupancy rate of resuscitation beds at the local hospital in Kasserine has reached 80%, while 70 beds of a total of 180 oxygen-supported beds available, are occupied. Regarding the national vaccination campaign, 32 thousand COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the governorate of Kasserine. Tunis/Tunisia Minister of Economy, Finance and Investment Support Ali Kooli met, Wednesday in Brindisi, with Italian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Marina Sereni, as part of her participation in the G20 Foreign Ministers' meetings held on June 29 and 30 in Italy. The two sides affirmed the solidity of relations between the two countries at all levels and their common will to bolster and diversify them, in light of the socio-economic difficulties in Tunisia, which were worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sereni affirmed her country's commitment to continue supporting Tunisia at the bilateral and multilateral levels and within the framework of the European Union. She stressed her country's readiness to support Tunisia's planned reform programmes and economic transition. Kooli expressed satisfaction at the level of bilateral cooperation during the last decade, especially in the economic and financial fields, stressing his commitment to strengthen it. He also met with a number of his counterparts from the G20 countries; these meetings focused on ways to develop economic relations with these countries for the current and post-pandemic periods. The Minister also took part in a G20 Ministerial Event on COVID-19 logistics and preparedness, co-hosted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Food Programme (WFP). He stressed the importance of giving greater importance and support to health-related logistics in developing countries in the framework of international cooperation. Italy, in November 2020, succeeded Saudi Arabia to chair the 16th session of the G20. The G20 Summit will be held on October 30-31 in Rome. opinion Health facilities across South Africa are regularly assessed and rated on their quality and ability to meet patient needs. Currently, the way these assessments are performed means that despite an excellent rating, things may not be what they seem. As South Africa faces a severe third wave of COVID-19, communities deserve a standard of care that can stand up to scrutiny every day and during a devastating pandemic, it is even more urgent to ensure transparency and accountability in our quality assessment processes. Imagine this scenario: Leilah - a suspected COVID-19 case - enters her local health facility with breathing difficulties. She needs an oxygen mask, which had been confirmed as available in the facility just hours before she arrived. Leilah's condition quickly deteriorates, and she passes away because there was no mask. Upon investigation, several compliance issues emerged that had not been apparent on the day of the assessment. The facility was checked, and the masks were there but only because they were borrowed from a neighbouring clinic in an attempt to pass the inspection. The masks were returned swiftly afterwards. Shortcuts and false compliance South Africa's Department of Health has two quality assurance programmes which both assess the compliance of health facilities to the minimum health standards. Currently, the national Department of Health benchmarks quality of care through assessments conducted by "peers", which include a group of nurses within the local area. These groups move from site to site, assessing each other with a standard checklist and provide a score that rates the quality at the site. These assessments form part of the Ideal Clinic Realisation and Maintenance programme, also referred to as the Ideal Clinic programme. These assessments differ from the assessments conducted by the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC), which uses trained inspectors in a legislated quality assurance programme based on the National Core Standards (NCS). The Ideal Clinic programme was implemented after the roll-out of NCS to create a more sustainable, hands-on programme that would allow health staff to engage with quality assurance activities on a more frequent basis. The OHSC remains in place to provide oversight but the two assessments are not currently being monitored or reported on in one combined document and sites are receiving accolades on the peer-assessed programme as opposed to the legislative programme. In my experience working in public health quality assurance across government, municipal and NGO spaces, I design and conduct assessments and can see first-hand the shortcuts taken to gain good ratings, and the strategies used to avoid true compliance. The current system of health facility assessments is seen as a tick box exercise or a short-term hurdle to overcome to please management or funders. False compliance continues to lead to gaps in care and even when health facilities receive high ratings, the experience of patients does not bear this out. The cost of failing to address this is high. Assessments lack objectivity A critical study from the University of KwaZulu-Natal published in the journal Curationis found that among the many challenges facing the healthcare system in South Africa, the lack of objectivity in health facility assessments is one reason millions still experience preventable harm every day due to poor health services. Even with these dubious attempts at increasing scores, only a third of provinces meet the scores necessary to qualify for support. In 2018, 47% of sites accessed by the Office of Health Standards Compliance were deemed compliant. In the 2018/19 financial year, the Office of Health Standards Compliance released an annual inspection report in which it stated that only 137 out of the 730 (18,7%) health facilities assessed in South Africa were compliant. Interestingly, the same listed health facilities that were not compliant with the National Core Standards have received awards in their Ideal Clinic assessments. A comparison of the various assessment outcomes is not reviewed by the OHSC or the Department of Health and the question remains how one site could be both compliant and not compliant in the same period. Over the 3-year period (2019 - 2021), the government has allocated R19.2 billion to improve facilities and an additional R4.3 billion via the National Health Insurance Fund, but these funds remain largely untouched and may even create a further perverse incentive for manipulating assessment outcomes. We must ensure that quality services and lifesaving facilities are available to communities and that compliance assessments are done with integrity and without bias. That means ensuring more accountability in peer and self-assessments, by including external verification and transparent communication of findings to communities. These external assessments from unrelated entities ensure the findings are correct and provide training to peer assessors to ensure consistency. An 'obvious solution' A way forward could be right in front of our eyes. Existing mechanisms such as Health Committees can play an instrumental role in assessments and ensure the oversight, assurance, and objectivity necessary to save lives. These bodies are legally appointed by the MECs of Health in provinces to strengthen the link between the community and the health facility. Committee members from the community should be empowered to act as the voice of the community, which is sorely missing in the assessment process. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines South Africa Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Of course, peer assessments can be a powerful tool - they promote opportunities for learning and remove the power dynamic present with external assessors, and they can foster trust between nursing management across facilities. This must not be lost. But the truth remains that the peer assessment on its own promotes bias and has led to a competitive culture where gaining a positive ranking is more important than community needs. Ratings are linked to the status of the facility management and staff; it is recognised through internal communications channels and rewarded with a shiny accolade. All of this pushes facility staff to bend the truth and paint a picture that all is well when it truly is not. Very often, these assessments are not worth the time, effort or resources afforded them and do a disservice to staff and patients alike. As COVID-19 continues to challenge us to do more and do better, we have an opportunity to engage communities in this critical process through the Health Committees already in place. Given the right authority, we can equip them to hold health facilities accountable, to identify gaps honestly so we can address them, and ensure assessments do what they were meant to do: protect communities and give them a true sense of security. *Sparks is a health activist and an Aspen New Voices Fellow. "Development" and "regeneration" euphemistic terms are often used by the state government when it is set to demolish poorer communities. They are then rebuilt with upscale properties, which the original residents of the communities cannot afford. Like an ominous shadow, demolition has followed Florence Njoku, 65, from one slum to another around Lagos. She has moved from Oko-Baba slum, to Iddo and now Otto-Ilogbo slum in Ebutte-Meta area of Lagos. Mrs Njoku, who cannot afford to pay the expensive rent for an accommodation in a decent neighbourhood in the city of over 21 million residents. Things have even become worse for her in the last few years. "I have been living here (Otto-Ilogbo) for the past 25 years with my 10 children," she said, pointing to her wooden home, which is almost collapsing because of its weak structure. "I had a shop before, but now, I pick plastic and sell it to feed the children. I just sent one of my children to look for plastic that we can sell to buy food," Mrs Njoku continued. Things may get further worse for her as she may soon become homeless if the state government goes ahead with a plan to "develop" and "regenerate" her neighbourhood. "Development" and "regeneration" euphemistic terms often used by the state government when it is set to demolish poorer communities, which are then rebuilt with upscale properties, the original residents of the communities cannot afford. "Now, I am hearing that they want to break this place, and I don't know where to take all my children to. I born 10 children and have seven grandchildren," Mrs Njoku said. Background Otto-Ilogbo, Otto, Otumara and Ifesowapo communities are slums located at Ebutte-Meta West, Lagos Mainland. The communities serve as home to hundreds of Lagosians, who are mostly victims of past evictions in the state. Residents of the communities include victims of Makoko, Maroko, Badia, Oko Baba and Otodo Gbame evictions. Due to the dense population of slum dwellers, the communities registered as Community Development Areas (CDAs) and are identified by the Lagos Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, Musbau Agbodemu, a CDA chairman in Otto said. "We are part of the 21million residents Lagos count as its population to get Federal Government allocations and international grants," Mr Agbodemu said, explaining how a recent move to regenerate the communities without their consent will be unfair to the hundreds of residents. Precedence Mr Agbodemu, who is one of the oldest dwellers of Otto/Otumara slum said there have been past attempts by the Lagos State Government to evict residents. In July 2011, during the administration of Babatunde Fashola, residents of Otto and Otumara communities received a "Notice of Abatement of Nuisance" from the Environmental Sanitation Agency to keep their environment "free from filth, refuse or waste." Following the notice, structures in the communities were marked for demolition by the agency, an act which would have led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of residents. "We took the government to court during that time and with the help of NGOs, CSOs and human right lawyers, we won the case," Mr Agbodemu said in a cheering voice. PREMIUM TIMES obtained copies of the court proceedings where residents of Otto, Otumara and adjoining communities approached the Lagos High Court for the enforcement of their fundamental rights. Although the notice did not state that homes will be demolished, the residents told the court their houses were also marked for demolition by the same agency. In a motion filed on August 11, 2011 before Femi Adeniyi, a Judge at the Lagos State High Court, Igbosere the residents asked the court for the enforcement or their fundamental rights, pursuant to sections of the 1999 Constitution, African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act, and of the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules 2009. The communities sought the declaration of the court that the threatened demolitions of their buildings threatened their fundamental rights under the Constitution and the court should declare the demolition orders null and void. Giving judgement in the matter on March 5, 2013, the judge, Mr Adeniyi said the notice served on the communities had no demolition of any of the houses in its content. "Although both parties (the applicants and respondents) have alluded to demolition marks being made on the premises, I am not satisfied that a notice to the applicants to abate nuisance under the Environmental Sanitation Law 1992 translates into a threat to demolish the premises. "Although Section 6 of the Environmental Sanitation Enforcement Agency Law 1992 gives the Agency's officers powers to demolish a structure which constitutes public nuisance, the section merely states those powers and nothing more. "I find therefore that the applicants have not established to the satisfaction of this Court that there is any threatened demolition of their houses which may violate their fundamental rights as envisaged under section 46(1) of the 1999 Constitution. The application fails and is accordingly dismissed," the judge ruled. Lagos govt to "develop" Otto/Otumara Slums On May 7, the Lagos Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development announced that approval has been given for the regeneration of Otto and Otumara slum communities in Lagos Mainland. The ministry, through its commissioner, Idris Salako said the Sanwo-Olu-led administration has concluded "regeneration" plans to create a new Micro City with better urban aesthetics and vibrancy in Otto and Otumara." Mr Salako said the new micro-city will feature socio-economic amenities such as hospitals/clinics, schools, market, and water facility. The commissioner added that ecologically sensitive land spaces, such as Buffer Zones, Earth Drain, Floodplains and waterfronts will be preserved in the communities. "It is to be upgraded rather than total displacement," Mr Salako said - a statement which suggests that residents of the community will not be totally displaced. However, it is unclear what the regeneration plan of Otto and Otumara communities looks like or how it will affect the slum dwellers. Residents express fear over possible demolition/eviction A resident, Abiodun Ajimuda, 78, said 'regeneration/development' are words the government uses when it wants to demolish the homes of poor people. Mr Ajimuda has been a victim of two evictions - Maroko and Makoko, he moved to Otto slum, where he has been residing since 1996. "I was at Maroko initially, I had a house there, my family was also there. They came to evict us and demolish Maroko on July 7, 1990. From there we went to Makoko, again, they demolished Makoko without giving us any notice," he said. Mr Ajimuda, a retired petty-trader said he has been living in slums because he could not afford to pay the expensive rents for decent accommodations in Lagos. "The suffering is too much, the government should have pity on us and help us. "Those places are water-logged areas, it is after we develop them that the government will come and send us packing. "Where do we go, since 1996 I have been living here and suffering. It surprises me that the government sees us and knows that we are suffering, but it is after we fill up a water-logged area and develop it that they come after us without giving us a better place to live in," Mr Ajimuda said. Several other residents who spoke to PREMIUM TIMES said they were worried over a possible eviction and demolition of their properties by the state government. Having witnessed past evictions, many of the residents are unsure of what their fate would be when the planned regeneration commences. "I have no place to go, no one likes to live in a place like this, it is because we don't have the money to take good houses that we are here," Gideon Adams, a resident, said. Meanwhile no notice has been served on the communities by the Lagos State government, nor has any meeting been held on the regeneration plan. A clergyman within the community, Moruf Bello, said he made some payments to the Olotto of Otto-land to get land allocated to him in the slum. 'I came here because of church. When I got here like 27 years ago, everywhere was water, it was a swampy area. I met with the Olotoo of Otto land and they measured this place for me. I got here with the intention to buy land and they collected about N180,000 from me. "Since then, I have been here inside this water, filling up this place to make it look like this," he said pointing to the church building which was filled with water. Mr Bello said the community has been set on fire about three times in the past, to force residents out. Musbau Agbodemu, the CDA chairman of Otto-Ilogbo said the deficit in housing for the teeming population of Lagosians led to hundreds of thousands of families living in the slums. "We have been here since 1996, developing this place and when the government and the so-called land grabbers realized that this place is developing into a community, they started with their antics and different policies that they want to take over this place. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Refugees By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The CDA chairman said the recent announcement of the regeneration of Otto and Otumara by the Sanwo-Olu-led administration is another way being devised to take over the communities. "They sat comfortably in one of the chambers and they designed a regeneration plan without people's consent. They are coming not for development but they are coming to demolish our expectations, our hopes," Mr Agbodemu said. Regeneration of slums laudable, but must be 'just' - CSO A non-profit organisation, Spaces for Change (S4C) said the plan to regenerate Otto and Otumara communities by the Lagos state government is laudable but must be in the interest of the people. In a letter written to the Ministry of Physical planning on behalf of residents of Otto and Otumara communities, S4C urged the ministry to embark on a people-oriented project and allay fears of demolition and displacement of the people. "While this regeneration plan is laudable and timely, the target communities fear that gentrification, demolition and displacement are usually occasioned by this kind of development. "The communities, however, stand ready to support this laudable initiative with the hope that it will lead to major improvements in their social, economic and living conditions," the organisation wrote. S4C urged the Lagos government to make Lagos a "Just City" and not only a Mega City. When PREMIUM TIMES contacted Mukaila Sanusi, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Physical Planning on the regeneration plan and how it will affect residents, he explained that the project will be executed by a sister agency. "The regeneration is being anchored by LASURA, it is carried out by the Ministry through LASURA," he said. The spokesperson of the Lagos State Urban Renewal Agency (LASURA), Olatunde Olusesi, said the agency has never carried out any demolition in the state. "LASURA has never demolished any community, if we want to do any project, we provide temporary places for people, even the one we did at Adeniji Adele. "LASURA is not going to be demolishing any community and we have never done that," he said. Nuusita Ashipala The Helao Nafidi Town Council, which previously argued the appointment of a CEO is council's prerogative, has been dealt a blow after its line minister Erastus Uutoni shunned a request to extend the incumbent's term for a further year and four months. Council will now have to advertise the position. The council had requested for an approval for its current CEO Inge Ipinge's term to be extended from 7 August 2021 to 31 December 2021. Ipinge is believed to be 65 and her contract ends in August. In a communication seen by New Era, Uutoni said the extension request is not in line with Section 27 (3) (a) (1) (aa) of the Local Authority Act 1992 (Act No 23 of 1992) as amended. According to Uutoni, the said provision requires for a CEO to occupy office for five years from the date of appointment. "The said provision of the Act specifically requires a person, who is appointed as CEO or a staff member of a local authority council, who is promoted to the office of the CEO, to occupy that office for a period of five years from the date of his or her appointment," the communication reads. New Era understands the council wanted to extend the contract to assist them, as the whole council, except one member, are new since the last election. The mayor, Darius Shaalukeni, said he has received the letter from the minister but council is yet to sit to deliberate on the letter. Shaalukeni, during a previous interview, said the appointment of the CEO is the right of the council. "The appointment of the CEO is a council's prerogative. That prerogative is not even with the minister. The minister only approves and makes recommendations," said Shaalukeni at the time. He, however, remained tightlipped on whether the council was considering the re-appointment of the council, citing that it is a personal matter. ONGWEDIVA The Ongwediva Town Council has cancelled its annual Ongwediva Trade Fair, slated for August, for a second consecutive year. The council had this year planned to host 250 exhibitors on the trade fair ground and 50 virtual exhibitors. The council previously hosted up to 500 exhibitors, including international exhibitors. The popular trade fair was expected to run from 26 to 31 August 2021. A gala dinner, which was to precede the trade fair on 3 July this year, was also cancelled. Speaking during a media briefing on Tuesday morning, council's spokesperson, Jackson Muma said the trade fair management wants to join government efforts in the fight against Covid-19 and conform to the regulations. "The heightening risks and overwhelming concerns about Covid-19 served as a scale for the trade fair society not to proceed with the trade fair during such an unprecedented global situation," said Muma. Muma further said although the council is disappointed that such a notable event could not take place for two consecutive years, they are convinced the cancellation remains the right decision. Meanwhile, Muma said the halls at the trade fair grounds, except the King Kauluma hall, remain open for any other bookings. "However, with the limit of the number of participants at public gatherings, the bookings have dropped, and this has a direct financial impact on what could have been generated through the hiring of halls," said Muma. Roland Routh The trial of fraud accused Manga Manga-Mukena, her husband Joseph Mukena and Celestino Gabriel Antonio had to be put on hold on Monday after the court was informed that one of the accused had contact with a Covid-19 positive person. Windhoek High Court Judge Herman January had to postpone the matter to 27 September after he was informed Antonio is in isolation. The trio pleaded not guilty on several charges of fraud alternatively theft, forgery and uttering a forged document, money laundering and obstructing or defeating the course of justice. Nawa-Mukena faces 85 counts of fraud, she and her husband 85 counts on the alternative of theft, Nawa-Mukena alone 84 counts of forgery and uttering a forged document, and all three accused face a second count of forgery and uttering a forged document. The Mukenas face one count of contravening the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, while all three accused face one count of money laundering. All three accused also face one count of obstructing or defeating the course of justice or attempting to do so, while Manga alone faces one count of contravening the Value Added Tax Act. The prosecution says all charges emanate from the falsification of 80 invoices, worth N$2 088 071 for advertising services. According to court documents, between 1 April 2013 and 17 March 2017, Mukena and her co-accused allegedly defrauded MultiChoice Namibia. The documents further state that over a period of three years, the trio falsified 85 invoices and enticed the television company to pay for advertising services that were never rendered by State-owned newspaper, Kundana. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Legal Affairs Namibia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Allegedly, the invoices were presented with banking details but not of Kundana and - as such, the payments were made into the accused's accounts. In plea explanations Nawa-Mukena and her husband deny any wrongdoing. According to Nawa-Mukena, everything was done above board and with the knowledge of Roger Gertze and Annarien Vorster, the general manager and finance manager, respectively, who signed off a contract entered into with a company, called Kundanam, which belongs to Antonia that was lawfully contracted by Multichoice to do some promotions for them. Mbanga Siyomunji, who represents Antonia, said his client put the State to the proof of each and every allegation and that he retains his right to remain silent. The State is represented by Timo Iitula. Nawa-Mukena and Antonio are free on bail, while Mukena is free on a warning. John Muyamba RUNDU - The Shadikongoro community says they are unhappy with Mukwe constituency councillor Damian Maghambayi telling them not to take matters into their own hands as they mourn the death of a 22-year-old student, whose body was discovered on Thursday, floating in the Kavango River. Villagers believe the young man was killed for body parts by suspected shebeen owners in the area. The victim was a student at the University of Namibia's (Unam) Rundu campus and he was reported to have disappeared in the area of Shadikongoro. "We met the councillor - and before handing over a complaint to him on Monday, we briefed him of what our community has been going through," said Claudia Nangura Marungu, who is part of the VDC. In their letter, addressed to the councillor, the Shadikongoro village development committee (VDC) stated that 18 people have so far been suspected to have been killed for body parts to be used in rituals by business folk. In the recent case, the police said all body parts were intact, but the villagers said the opposite. "The community and family of the late Mukuve Fredrick Kanyanga are not happy you call upon the community not to take the law into their own hands and allow police investigations to continue," said the letter sent by the VDC to Maghambayi. "Our response is that we refuse to wait for police investigations because similar cases had happened in our community; the police were involved to investigate but nothing has come out," the letter further stated. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs Namibia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The community is organising a demonstration to air their grievances. "We demand that you invite the media to come and capture our demonstration before the burial of the late Mukuve," the letter said. The VDC in the letter also demanded the councillor to ensure he responds to the community within days, and that failure to do that will result in them taking the law into their own hands. On his part, the Mukwe councillor confirmed the VDC met with him and he told them to take the letter to the police if they wanted to demonstrate, as he can only receive the petition but not be part of the activity. "I told them that they must bear in mind that with the current regulation, gatherings are limited to 10 people," Maghambayi said. "I told them no one is above the law, and we should wait for the autopsy report. As a step to clean out crime in the area, we are busy with law enforcement agencies, arranging to launch a neighbourhood watch to combat crime in the area, as the are many crime activities in the area," he said. John Muyamba RUNDU - A police officer on Monday afternoon injured three trial-awaiting inmates at the Rundu Police Office when he shot at inmates at the front desk. A case of attempted murder has been opened by the Namibian Police Force internal investigations unit at Rundu. The inmates are hospitalised at the Rundu Intermediate Hospital. According to witnesses who were at the charge office front desk at the time of the incident, the inmates usually come to the front desk to send (with their own money) some willing officers and visitors to buy them food, as they have been starving due to lack of food supply at the holding cells - and that is what they were doing at the front desk on Monday. However, the officer allegedly told them to return to their cells - and as they were trying to explain, he allegedly took out the gun and shot at them. "It is not the first time the officer is doing it. There is a broken window that is still not fixed after a bullet missed an inmate during his last shooting incident and the station management is aware of it," said the source, who refused to be identified, fearing victimisation. However, the police, in a report, said the three wounded trial awaiting inmates allegedly refused to be taken back to the police holding cells and aggressively approached a certain warrant officer, who was armed with a rifle and they allegedly attempted to assault him. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs Namibia By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "During the process, the member discharged two rounds that ended up striking the three inmates, causing them serious injury," said deputy commissioner Kauna Shikwambi from the Namibian police public relations office. "One sustained slight injuries and is stable. He was allegedly injured by a ricochet. Only two sustained serious injuries," said Shikwambi. One was seriously injured on the left leg (fracture) and the other was also seriously injured on the left leg but is in a stable condition - and the third victim also sustained serious injury to the left leg as well as in the abdomen, and they are all admitted to the Rundu intermediate hospital and are reported to be in stable conditions. "The behaviour by the member is uncalled for and the inspector general has immediately ordered an investigation - and as such, a case of attempted murder has been registered against the suspect," Shikwambi said. "The officer is not yet arrested, pending investigations," she noted. Civil society organizations (CSOs) have petitioned Malawi Government through Parliament to make a supplementary budget for the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines enough to carter for five million individuals in the country. The CSOs, led by Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF), delivered the petition under the banner 'Vaccine Our World', demanding that the government should set aside US$40 million for the vaccines. Vaccine Our World' is a campaign, which aims at lobbying world leaders, vaccine manufactures and public health organizations to protect humanity by providing equal access to Covid-19 vaccines worldwide, particularly in lower income countries including Malawi. Speaking during the presentation of the petition at Parliament Building in Lilongwe on Tuesday, AHF Country Program Manager Triza Hara said despite that 2021 budget was already passed in parliament; there is a need to make a supplementary budget towards procurement of Covid-19 vaccines Hara said this is an issue that requires an urgent action and that depending on donors alone will not accord an opportunity for eligible Malawians to urgently get Covid-19 vaccination jab, a situation that can put Malawian lives at risk. "Malawi has presently run out of first COVAX consignment of 510,000 vaccine doses of AstraZeneca which has coincided with a surge of cases in the past weeks and more demand for vaccination in the country. Delay in the arrival of 900,000 vaccine doses due to logistical challenges and the decision by India to prioritize its citizens over exporting of the vaccines has negatively impacted Malawi and the lives of Malawians are on danger and as such depending on the COVAX initiative alone will not solve Malawi's vaccine needs," she said. Among other highlights in the petition, CSO are requesting government to urgently address the existing inequalities between rural and urban Malawians on matters around vaccine availability, accessibility and information sharing on benefits of vaccine and safety. Receiving the petition, Member of Parliament for Thyolo South West and a Member of Parliamentary committee on Health, Chimwemwe Chipungu, said all the concerns presented in the petition are valid and that health committee will not sleep over it but to take urgent action for the benefit of all Malawians. "This is a serious matter that needs an urgent action, I will make sure that this petition lands on speaker's desk today and us as parliamentarians in the health committee, will advance the agenda to make sure that the lives of fellow Malawians are safe," he said. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Malawi Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Speaking during a round table discussion after presenting the petition, Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) executive director, George Jobe, reiterated that the global Covid-19 vaccination effort must secure $100 Billion from G20 Countries in order to produce and provide seven billion vaccine doses worldwide within one year. Africa had expected to acquire 75 million vaccine doses but so far, only 12 million doses have been delivered and in Malawi, as of June 2021, only 426,356 people have received a Covid 19 vaccine. 2.1% of the population has received at least one dose with only 0.2% having been fully vaccinated. Malawi launched Covid-19 vaccine campaign on 11 March 2021 in Zomba and since then the country has been depending on donations from outside institutions and countries such as Covax Facility, World Bank and government of India, among others. Newly minted graft-busting body Chief, Martha Chizuma says the levels of corruption in Malawi are deeply shocking and astonishing to an all high, and that there is a greater need for every citizen to be responsible in fighting the cancer that is corruption. Chizuma, who is one of the people's favourite public officers in the country, made the remarks Tuesday ahead of a public lecture under the theme: 'Understanding the role of Umunthu in dealing with the corruption in Malawi' to be held on Wednesday at Sunbird Mount Soche in Malawi's commercial city, Blantyre from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The ACB Director General, Chizuma tweeted: " The levels of corruption in this country are staggering. We all have a moral obligation to save ourselves from the mess we have created. "We all need you to join hands. Join us your ACB as we engage the academia for this public lecture on 'the role of umunthu in corruption fight." Chizuma, who will be host of the show will be joined on the stage by the vice chancellor of the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) Professor Address Mauakowa Malata, as a resource person. The public lecture will be covered live on ZBS radio and tv, Times Television (TTV) radio and it will also be streaming on Facebook live and people will be allowed to ask questions during the public lecture. Human Rights and Social justice advocate and private practice lawyer, John-Gift Mwakhawa hailed Chizuma for the lecture saying it is timely as now more than ever as Malawians needs to acquaint themselves on dangers of corruption. "When people are informed, they make informed decision and for Martha to come and give a lecture on corruption is an incredible feat. It is time we take matters of corruption to be taken seriously. "For now, I can say that we are on the right path, we just all need to take our responsibility to fight corruption," said Mwakhwawa. Chizuma is the first woman to head the corruption-fighting organisation and expectations are so high as Malawian are waiting with abated breath to see how Chizuma, known for her bulldozer attitude would execute her duties at ACB, an important organisation, which for so long has been a toothless bulldog. With vast experience and expertise in the legal profession, Chizuma is going to ACB as the people's favourite public servant to help clean and clear the rubble. The Anti- Corruption Bureau (ACB) was established by law Malawi to fight and prevent corruption as well as promoting and upholding the rule of law in the country Section 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi committed the country to "introduce measures which will guarantee accountability, transparency, personal integrity and financial probity and which by virtue of their effectiveness and transparency will strengthen confidence in public institutions" In conformity with this commitment, Government presented a Corrupt Practices Bill, no 18 of 1995 which Parliament which was passed in December 1995. It was amended in 2004. The ACB is a government department headed by the Director General assisted by the Deputy Director General who are both appointed by the President but whose appointment is subject to ratification by the Public Appointments Committee of Parliament. Other officers of the Bureau are appointed by the Director General following normal procurement procedures. The finances of the Bureau are charged to the consolidated fund. Gilton Chiwaula took took up his position as the first ACB Director on 1st March 1997 but ACB only became functional and commenced its full operations on 9th February 1998. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Malawi Corruption By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Others who served as ACB directors, among others, in the recent times, include Lucas Kondowe and Reyneck Matemba. However, ACB is a controlled legal entity as its Director General is subject to the direction and control of the Minister (of justice) on all matters of policy, but otherwise is not subject to the direction or control in the performance of his professional duties. Over the years the ACB has not been as effective as it should due political interference and lack of independence as the Bureau needs consent from the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) to prosecute suspects - a legal requirement widely viewed by many legal minds as controlling and not necessary. President Lazarus has promised Malawians that he will guarantee the needed independence to all state agencies that are tasked with the law to fight crime in the country and Chizuma's appointment seem to suggest Chakwera's intent to root out corruption in the country. As many as 19 people have reportedly been killed during the prodemocracy protests in Swaziland (eSwatini). The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) reported five people had been certified dead at the Mbabane Government Hospital in the Swazi capital. In a statement on Wednesday (30 June 2021) it said more than 50 people had been admitted to the hospital with gunshot wounds. A dusk to dawn curfew was imposed on Tuesday after weeks of protests across Swaziland where King Mswati III rules as an absolute monarch. Pollical parties are banned from taking part in elections and groups advocating for democracy are outlawed under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. 'In Nhlangano town [on Tuesday night],the military killed one person and injured at least four, including a child of about nine years old,' the CPS reported. It added, 'Nurses from the Manzini Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital report that this morning they received three cases of protestors who died after getting shot by the military during the Tuesday night protests at Matsapha. Many more have been admitted with gunshot wounds inflicted by the military.' It added, 'At least five people have been confirmed dead following attacks by military during the Manzini-Matsapha protests since [Tuesday] night.' CPS said, 'In Mankayane, five have been confirmed dead, shot by the military.' Internet connections across the kingdom have been shut down. CPS said, 'The regime used the internet blackout to invade people's homes, randomly assault, shoot and kill people, hoping that attacks would not be detected.' A #LuandaLeaks illustration, showing how Isabel Dos Santos exploited family ties, shell companies and inside deals to build an empire. Luanda A Dutch court has dismissed a case brought by Isabel dos Santos in which the Angolan businesswoman demanded the removal of the judicial administrator appointed to the Esperaza Holding that in the Exem Energy and Sonangol holds an indirect share in Galp Energy. Quoted by Portuguese newspaper Expresso, the Exem Energy, a company controlled by Isabel dos Santos, had as a shareholder her late husband, Sindika Dokolo. On May 21, the Exem Energy demanded the removal of Camilo Schutte as judicial administrator of Esperaza Holding. The attempt aimed to invalidate the report prepared by Schutte, which referred to the Angolan State's effort to remove the Exem and Isabel dos Santos from Esperaza. This was to allow Sonangol take up exclusive control of th company holding 45% of Amorim Energy, the company that controls 33,34 of Galp. The Dutch justice refused the appeal filed by Exem, that requested the Schutte removal, as part of a decision made last week and released on Monday by ICIJ - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists of which the Expresso newspaper is part and which was responsible for publication of Luanda Leaks. Effort by ICIJ to get comment on the decision, the advisory team of Isabel dos Santos failed to cooperate, until the time the story was published by ICIJ. The Esperaza trustee prepared a report that may compel the Dutch justice to declare as null the agreement through which, in 2006 the Exem secured the purchase of an indirect asset of 6% in Galp. Under this agreement, the Exem (of Sindika Dokolo and Isabel dos Santos) acquired 40% of Esperaza (owner of 45% of Amorim Energy). However, most of the amount for this acquisition had been incurred by Sonangol, which remained with 60% of Esperaza, in an loan that Exem would only have to pay after 10 years. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Angola Legal Affairs Company By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. According to the Expresso newspaper, the report that Camilo Shutte completed last May considers null the purchase agreement of 40% of Esperaza by Exem and as invalid the payment of a dividend of 52.6 million Euros to Exem in 2017. The administrator concluded as well that Sonangol is the only legitimate beneficiary of Esperaza, whose indirect share in Galp is of 15%. Up to date, 9% was attributed to Sonangol and the remaining 6% to Isabel dos Santos. Esperaza administrator highlighted in his report that the 2006 agreement allowed the Exem to secure a 40% share in Esperaza, worth 115 million Euros, only paying 75 million, of which 11 million at the head and the remainder on a deferred basis. The same official states that this transference of public assets of Sonangol to the family members of the former president of Angola, through a transaction that was hidden from the public and that implies a transference of state assets of high value to its particular side, in a exchange of an unreal economic assessment shows that the Exem transaction is part of a corruption activity and a money laundering scheme. The administrator indicates that it will be up to the Dutch Public Prosecutors Office to assess whether the facts that occurred in 2006 are likely to constitute other criminal offences. Luanda The Law on Legal Regime of Real Estate Registry, which comes into force soon, facilitates better planning and management on occupation and use of national land, said Tuesday the State Secretary for Land Planning, Ana Paula de Carvalho. Of the initiative of the Head of State, the Law was approved definitely with 180 votes in favor, none against and no abstentions, during the 7th Extraordinary Plenary Meeting of the Parliament. Ana Paula de Carvalho told a First Conference on Property Registration that such a legal instrument will also improve the Registration process and allow greater impact on the Real Estate Registry. "Angola gained an instrument that will improve the registration of property as well as the control and advantage of the natural sources and public works", highlighted the official. The conference recommended the need to extend the property registration countrywide, adding that the process to grant the land should start from municipal administrations. The Law on Legal Regime of Real Estate Registry stipulates that each registered building holds an identity through a code number called Property Identification Number (NIP). Luanda Multi-sector Commission for Prevention and Combat Covid-19 has called on political parties in Angola to strictly comply with the Presidential Decree on Situation of Public Calamity. The appeal was made by the Commission's coordinator, Francisco Pereira Furtado, on Tuesday who urged for the need to step up biosafety measures. Speaking at the meeting with representatives of the parties with Parliamentary seat, Furtado spoke of the need to respect and enforce the guidelines from the health authorities while performing their duty. Francisco Furtado stressed the importance of abiding by the measures saying that the move can help the Executive to deal with Covid-19, rather than promoting actions that worsen the country's epidemiological situation. "Let us roll up our sleeves, combine efforts and open a new front against Covid-19. Let us teach people how to make use of masks, ensure hand hygiene and maintain social distancing", he stressed. The official regretted, on the other hand, the fact of the political parties to hold their activities in a way that promote the dissemination and spread of virus, violating the Presidential Decree that bans political rallies that bring together more than 50 people, in Luanda, and more than 100 people in the other parts of the country. Luanda The country's authorities have announced plans to resume the construction and completion works of the new Luanda International Airport, estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. This was announced by minister of Transport, Ricardo de Abreu, at the end of the Meeting of the Cabinet Council of Economic Commission. The minister said the funding will ensure the conclusion of the project adding that there will be no need to resort to additional financing. "During the negotiation with the contractor we came to an agreement on the limit of the available amount, estimated at USD 1.4 billion", the minister added. The minister said that 33.6 percent of this amount has already been implemented. According to the official, the understanding is the result of negotiation the Operation Office of the new International Airport of Luanda held with the contractor and supervisor of the work. Ricardo de Abreu also said that the covid-19 pandemic impacted negatively on the re-launch of all the works of the new international airport. Also conditioned the works was the negotiation on the financing with China, the normalization of funding conditions as well as the agreement of the financing source with the work supervisor. However, the official assured that conditions have been created to re-launch the construction works of the new International Airport of Luanda in all its components. The minister highlighted that in the physical terms the airport is already with the implementation of about 56 per cent, adding that 12 more months were added to complete all the engineering works. A pre-study on Master Plan of Icolo e Bengo Airport City, to complement to the new Luanda international airport, was presented at the meeting, with public or private partnership management and governing model to launch a set of actions for implementation of project of the new Icolo e Bengo Airport City. Algiers President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune has appointed Aimen Benabderrahmane as the new Prime Minister, instructing him to continue consultations with political parties and civil society to "shortly" designate the government, said the Presidency of the Republic in a statement. "Under the provisions of the Constitution, including Article 91, paragraphs 5 and 7, President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune appointed Wednesday Aimen Benabderrahmane, as the new Prime Minister, charging him to continue consultations with political parties and civil society to "shortly" designate the government. To mark the 40th anniversary of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) which Africa's greatest raconteur and novelist founded at the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, the Anambra State Government has endowed a one-million naira (N1 million) worth Chinua Achebe Prize for Nigerian Writing. The Prize is to be administered by ANA founded in 1981. The state Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, C. Don Adinuba, made the endowment known in Awka, the Anambra State capital, while speaking to journalists today. Mr Adinuba reported Governor Willie Obiano as stressing that Achebe deserves celebration not only in his native Anambra State but also all over Nigeria, Africa and the world as the globally acclaimed "father of African literature". The Chinua Achebe Prize for Nigerian Writing will be awarded to the best novel published by a Nigerian writer in each calendar year. The prize will be distinctive from the usually awarded ANA Fiction Prize, ANA Poetry Prize, ANA Drama Prize etc., in that it will draw entries from distinguished publishers in Nigeria, Africa and the world. The Nigerian Diaspora that rates quite high on the literary front will through the Chinua Achebe Prize for Nigerian Writing identify strongly with the home front. Chinua Achebe blazed a trail in world literature when he published the classic Things Fall Apart on June 17, 1958 at barely 27 years of age. The novel has since been translated to well over 60 languages and ignited a boom in African writing. The other novels of Achebe are No Longer At Ease, Arrow of God, A Man of the People, and Anthills of the Savannah. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Entertainment Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. By instituting the Chinua Achebe Prize for Nigerian Writing, the Anambra State Government has written its name in history as the first state government in Nigeria to honour a writer. Camilus Uka, professor of literature at Imo State University and ANA president, has praised Governor Obiano for the honour to Achebe. "In an era of crass philistinism in Nigeria", he declared in a telephone conversation with Commissioner Adinuba this morning, "it is reassuring that there are top government officials like Chief Obiano who appreciate ideas, letters and culture". Professor Uka said that the governor's gesture has galvanised ANA to consider holding a meeting in Awka to mark the association's 40th anniversary as it has already done in some Nigerian cities. Vanguard News Nigeria opinion In mid-February, this year, electricity consumers in Orisumbare in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State heaved a great sigh of relief. Ikeja Electric, IKEDC, after almost a year, agreed to restore electricity to the community. This came after the community was compelled to pay a huge amount of money. It is also worth stressing that several meaningful socio-economic activities in the area were already brought to a complete standstill. The same source of relief is fast turning into a burden too heavy to bear. There is equally no clear sign that the excruciating pain is ending very soon. Therefore, the consumers are clearly left to lick their wounds and prepare for whatever IKEDC throws at them. 22 Lagos communities ask IKEDC for disconnection The questions are endless and the desired answers are not even provided. How does one justify the billing of a one-bedroom apartment, with one or absolutely nothing to be counted as a power-consuming appliance, as high as N30,000 in a month? How does one justify that a house, with an unoccupied shop, is considered as a commercial building and must be billed as high as N60,000 in a month? The acquisition of pre-paid metre is consistently touted as the best alternative to estimated billings. Findings, however, showed that most electricity consumers in Orisumbare, who got theirs after long years of waiting, are equally wailing. This further confirmed that whatever is issued by IKEDC as a bill is even beyond the reach of the rich. It is clear that power distributors across the country, not consumers, are king. The staff of IKEDC, however, operate more like kings. They are having an unchallenged run as super-powerful emperors. In short, the manner and time they go about disconnecting so-called defaulters is strong enough to overpower the strongest of hearts. Meanwhile, most electricity consumers in Orisumbare have been using legitimate channels in engaging and expressing their grievances. There is, however, nothing suggesting that IKEDC is concerned about how its billings translate into unimaginable hardship for the consumers. How long will electricity consumers in Orisumbare cry over this burden that is extremely heavy to bear? *Odiaka, a media practitioner, wrote from Lagos A DAY after Ibom Air took delivery of two brand new Airbus A220-300 aircraft at Victor Attah International Airport, Uyo, on June 14, an elated Governor Udom Emmanuel put a call through to Captain Mfon Udom.' "You guys did it again," he told Udom, Ibom Air Chief Executive Officer. Magnanimity and humility, virtues of the heart, are the essence of leadership - and Emmanuel possesses them in abundance. "When you sold your vision on Ibom Air to me a few years ago, I had no doubt that despite all odds, it was a good idea," Udom answered. Ibom Air, owned by the Akwa Ibom State government, is Emmanuel's baby and a soaring success story. But in his humility, he gives credit to others for the giant strides the airline has taken in just two years. When he mooted floating an airline in 2019, he was opposed vigorously, but he held on to his vision informed solely by a desire for the government to maximise common good. "When we started Ibom Air, I made known my target, that when I came into office, I met one private jet and that before I leave office, I will not leave without at least 10 airplanes that will be beneficial to all Akwa Ibomites. We are pursuing that goal," he reminded Udom. "Fellow Akwa Ibomites," the governor called out, turning to the entire indigenes in ululation. "We have some exciting news. As you may already know, we have recently taken delivery of two brand new Airbus A220-300 series, the latest in aircraft manufacturing. "I want to say here that this is huge, it is exciting news, it is good news and we are working tirelessly to become the preferred airline in the entire region. This makes us one of the fastest and finest in the aviation history and this wouldn't have been possible without one man, the CEO of Ibom Air." Nigerians love bandying cliches, particularly if the goal rationalises the failures of governments and incapacities of those who straddle the corridors of power. Too often, you are inundated with platitudes such as "it is not government's business to own businesses." Who says? At issue is not the inability of governments to run businesses successfully. Globally, governments do the heavy lifting that clears the way for private sector participation, and businesses have been run successfully by governments. What is bandied as evidence of the inability of successive governments in Nigeria to run businesses that impact positively on citizens is failure of leadership. When leadership is devoid of vision and strategic thinking, governments fail in business. The bourgeoning success of Ibom Air also amplifies the leadership mantra that when vision meets passion, success is assured. The airline is pivotal in Emmanuel's vision of making the oil-rich state a sub-Saharan industrial hub. "Our blueprint to becoming an industrial hub hinges around opening major gateways of air, sea and land," he explains. He sees the delivery of the two aircraft as a milestone. "On Ibom Air, it is a major breakthrough in the entire region. In the entire Gulf of Guinea, I think this is the first airline to fly this latest in aircraft manufacturing. "The success of this airline holds immense benefit to the people of Akwa Ibom. It shows our positive attitude, it shows the people our creative mind, it shows our people our capacity; how we can weather the storm. "And it shows the people that we are the eagle that can fly no matter the weather condition." Besides, it shows that leadership matters. Emmanuel has every right to crow. He is accomplishing what no other government, state or federal, is able to do. Since the deregulation of the aviation industry in 1985, no state government has come close. And the Federal Government has floundered in its attempt to float another national carrier since the liquidation of Nigeria Airways Limited, NAL, by the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2004. As Emmanuel noted: "Never in the history of this nation or indeed anywhere else in Africa that I can recall, has a state government gone into airline operations." Being the first state to achieve that feat, the governor deserves a pat on the back. But again, characteristically, he gives it back to the people. "We should all collectively give ourselves a pat on the back." Established in June 2019 with a single Bombardier CRJ900 aircraft, the airline grew its fleet to five by October 2020. Remarkably, all the five Bombardier CRJ900 aircraft were less than five years old when acquired, and equipped with the latest aviation technology, including the sought after HEPA filters that clear the air of contaminants like the COVID-19 virus. Governor Udom Emmanuel's sixth-year anniversary speech, takeaways Akwa Ibom CJ: Justice Obot takes oath of office as 8th Chief Judge Nigeria misses out on $4.4bn World Bank COVID-19 vaccine rollout package earmarked for 51 countries With the acquisition of the two Airbuses, which took the fleet to seven, Ibom Air is now one of Africa's most vibrant startup airlines. A very young airline on the continent is poised to dramatically change Nigeria's aviation landscape for good. But it was not happenstance. The choice of aircraft was strategic. "The reason is that with the right aircraft type, we don't have to carry a hundred passengers in order to make good the business," explained George Uriesi, Ibom Air Chief Operating Officer. "Our break-even point is lower than [that of] many of our competitors, and as long as we have a certain number of passengers per flight, we are comfortable; and certainly, the market provides the number of passengers per flight. As long as we have those passengers or more, we [will] continue to be profitable." Aviation experts concur that Bombardier CRJ900 with capacity for 76 to 90 passengers and a range of 1,553 nautical miles (2,876 km) are very useful. The range has enabled Ibom Air to open up several routes from its Victor Attah International Airport hub in Uyo to Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja; Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar; Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu; and Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. But the airline nursed, ab-initio, an ambitious route expansion strategy beyond the national airspace. The Airbuses are meant to make Uyo a continental aviation hub, and that seems to have been kick started. Gambian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mohamadou Musa Njie, recently went to Uyo to discuss with Emmanuel the prospects of Ibom Air flying to Banjul, The Gambia. That was even before the Airbuses were acquired. Beyond acquiring more aircraft, the state government is also modernising the aviation infrastructure. To actualise its ambition for international flights, it is constructing an international terminal at Victor Atta Airport and concluding arrangements for an in-house maintenance, repair, and overhaul, MRO, facility at the airport. "We are going to have the smartest airport terminal building in the whole of Africa and that is under construction. We are going to commission the terminal building by December 2021 and once we commission it, we are going to start full international flights of Ibom Air by the first quarter of 2022," Emmanuel said in October 2020. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Transport By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Those who believe that governments cannot run businesses successfully should borrow Emmanuel's template, which is, when a government runs a business as business to promote efficiency and eliminate cronyism, it succeeds. Ibom Air is a classic example. Though funded by the state, there is absolute absence of government interference in its day-to-day operations. It was set up as a going business concern and professionals knowledgeable about aviation business were brought on board and given a free hand to run the airline. Captain Udom is fully in-charge. If the governor wants to travel with the airline, he buys his ticket. There is no complimentary ticket. He must be at the check-in counter 45 minutes before departure. Flights are not delayed for him. And every other person has fallen in line. Within two years, Ibom Air has won the hearts of air travellers for efficiency, quality services, safety, keeping to schedule and high level professionalism by the staff by keeping to its three core values of schedule reliability, on-time departures and excellent service - the three key yearnings of the average Nigerian Air travel passenger. "Investors will continue to flock into our state, given the ease of traveling; the launch of this airline will engender the peace we enjoy and the hospitality of our people. We are all winners in this," Emmanuel promised Akwa Ibomites at the launch in 2019. How prescient! But in delivering so handsomely on his promise, even as others continue to lament over economic crunch, Udom Emmanuel, the governor of Akwa Ibom State, has become the quintessential Eagle that flies regardless of weather condition. BY accident, the author had stumbled on a published video clip on YouTube entitled: "Send them back: The Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Athens". A profound debate moderated by the famous Sudanese-British radio and television journalist "Zainab Badawi". This was published by "The Intelligence Squared" (a nonpartisan, non-profit organisation in the US aimed at restoring civility, reasoned analysis and constructive public discourse). The video presents a profound debate reinforcing the need to bring back or reunite looted treasures or artefacts to their source of origin or the creative owners from where they were removed. Arguably, they are loot, the spoils of war, often perceived these days as pillage with dishonest intent. Though this video was specifically about The Parthenon Marble carted from Athens in Greece, there were similar insinuations and remarks in the video (the particular clip of interest) about the Benin Bronzes that were carted away in 1897. This was discussed by Oba Erediauwa of Benin (1923-2016) in an interview with Art Historian Gus Casely-Hayford in February 2013, exploring "The history of the Lost Kingdoms of West Africa, with particular attention to the 16th-century bronzes from the kingdom of Benin". He maintains that these Benin Bronzes and artefacts were records, plaques and symbols of the Benin people, commissioned by the reigning Oba (King) of Benin, to depict or record significant events for posterity. This view was further elucidated by another high-ranking royal (Prince Edun Akenzua) who claims that these looted artefacts were significant records, and thus represent "several chapters of history". This is the history of the Benin people, apparently forcibly removed by the British in the aftermath of the "Benin Massacre" imbroglio. Historical records are indispensable in understanding the present, the future and the workings of any society. History, therefore, presents an inherent part of societal evolution; and in human evolution, societies, communities and peoples' development are mutually intertwined. Therefore, mutual respect of the culture and beliefs of others, listening and respecting other people's opinion is globally considered a civilized norm. It is considered a fundamental in British values. This was clearly exemplified in 1815 by Arthur Wellesley (the first Duke of Wellington) after the Battle of Waterloo when he repatriated the artwork plundered by Napoleon to Italy. These artworks would have been the spoils of war following the resounding defeat of the French armies; and were particularly susceptible to that fate considering the huge cost of the war. However, in the spirit of good conscience, the Duke refrained from plundering France and repatriated France's prior seizures from Spain, Netherlands, Italy and Prussia. According to Wellesley, the moral decision to "restore" the art to its proper context, that is the country of origin, or its heirs, was overwhelming. This magnanimity of Arthur Wellesley has conscientiously constituted an ethical precedent. It's my view that such precedent, consistent with the right argument and dialogue, could advance the pace of art, artefact and cultural heritage restitution and repatriation globally. Precedents are a significant facet of the Common Law legal system practised in the UK. Precedents provide stability and moderation for the rule of law, to say nothing of the fact that the rule of law is also a significant British and European value system. With the law of precedent, natural justice and good conscience, the case for the repatriation of the Benin Bronzes and other artefacts is overwhelming. The mode of repatriation may be subject to dialogue and deliberations in mutual respect and understanding. The outcome of such dialogue would undeniably amount to victory; victory for contemporary diplomacy over the application of the brute "rule of the jungle" which seems to have characterized the 19th century Anglo-African relations. It would amount to a victory for all parties! Another contemporary precedent worthy of note is the offer by the Victoria and Albert Museum to return Ethiopia's looted Maqdala treasures on a long-term loan, which strengthens the argument for the return of the Benin Bronzes carted in similar circumstances. A similar model for the repatriation of looted artefacts is being contemplated for the Benin Bronzes, bearing in mind the assurances provided by the current Oba of Benin (Oba Ewaure II) and the Edo State Government for the provision of a world-class social tourism infrastructure to house and secure these artefacts. It is important to add that Oba Ovoramen of Benin was found not guilty of the Benin Massacre in 1897 by the British Government. Yet his palace was burnt, ravaged and plundered and he was subsequently forced into exile to Calabar. This clearly suggests that it wasn't the Benin Massacre of 1897 that led to the punitive British expedition. Whatever it was, it wasn't disclosed to the British public and taxpayers at the time. Apparently, the British taxpayers (at the time) were deceived into believing that the Benin Massacre was the obscenity that led to the British invasion of Benin in 1897. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Entertainment Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. History now has it that the Benin Massacre imbroglio and the consequent military invasion were prearranged and driven by the economic interest of the time. Furthermore, the ordeal of Oba Ovoramen was a complete travesty of all norms of natural justice and precedents. In the light of the unfair treatment to which Oba Ovoramen of Benin was subjected (i.e. the flagrant disregard to the law of natural justice and precedents), and the entire deception underpinning the massacre in 1897, the British Government should reconsider the provision of some form of 'voluntary restitution' through the provision of logistical support to the state government for the realisation of the intended tourism infrastructure for Edo State. All attempts - constructive dialogue and efforts - to repatriate Benin Bronzes from around the world (that is the United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany and the United States) to the Oba of Benin's Palace, from where they were stolen, will boost tourism and tourism infrastructure in Edo State and Nigeria; and will be very well received by the Benin people and all well-wishers with good conscience. VANGUARD The Senate on Wednesday passed the Firearms Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2021 raising the fine for illegal importation and sale of firearms from N1,000 to N1 million. The Bill was passed after it considered the report of its Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters. Presenting the report, Chairman of the Committee, Sen. Michael Bamidele, said "the fine was pegged at N1,000 in the extant Act which was not punitive enough to deter illegal importation and sale of firearms." Section 35 of the Bill was also amended to impose a fine of N3 million or imprisonment for three years or both on anyone who failed to surrender illegal firearms to relevant authorities whenever so directed. "Clause 39 of the Bill, which deals with power to seize and destroy confiscated illegal firearms, was amended to provide for inclusion of other law enforcement agencies besides the Police and the military. "This is necessary because the power to confiscate or seize illegal firearms should be all-inclusive and not limited to a particular arm of force or law enforcement agency," Bamidele said. The Bill also amended Sub-clauses (4) and (5) of Clause 39 to allow firearms that are not of military serviceable grades but are serviceable to be deployed for use by Civilian Joint Task Forces and registered vigilance groups. This has to be done with the approval and supervision of the Office of the National Security Adviser, however. "This is important because these joint task forces are also funded by the government," Bamidele stressed. He noted that the Bill had become imperative in view of the proliferation of firearms and the security challenges the country was faced with. Vanguard News Nigeria The Court of Appeal, Yola Division, Adamawa State, has affirmed the conviction of Ibrahim Mohammed Umar, a former electoral officer with the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, in Yola South Local Government Area. A statement by EFCC's Head, Media and Publicity, Wilson Uwujaren, said "Umar and his accomplice had earlier been convicted of a three count charge by an Adamawa State High Court and sentenced to Seven (7) years imprisonment for receiving monetary benefit (bribery) to the tune of N362 million, being part of the bribe allegedly distributed by a former minister of petroleum resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke to influence the outcome of the 2015 elections." The statement reads: "Umar was arraigned alongside a former staff of a new generation bank by the EFCC on September 28, 2018. During the trial, EFCC called 14 witnesses and tendered several documents which were admitted in evidence. Justice Nathan Musa, in his judgment, held that EFCC proved its case beyond reasonable doubt as investigation proved that the convict was identified as the person who signed and collected the said sum and was unable to account for its whereabouts. "He was therefore convicted and sentenced to seven years imprisonment without an option of fine on all the counts. "Dissatisfied with the judgement, the convict approached the Court of Appeal, Yola Division on March 4, 2020 asking that the judgment of the lower court be set aside. "The appellate court on April 14, 2021 delivered its judgement, wherein it unanimously affirmed the judgment of the lower court." Nairobi Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga and the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Secretariat are accusing the five-judge High Court bench that nullified the constitutional amendments saying they ignored there submission indicating that Suna East MP Junet Mohammed and former Dagoretti South MP Dennis Waweru are the promoters of initiative. In his submission before the seven-judge Appeals Court bench, lawyer Otiende Amollo said the ruling failed to address the process in its entirety, like the functions of the secretariat as well as the promoters of the Bill. "Against all evidence, which was not controverted, the promoters were Waweru and Junet but the (High) Court insists on finding that His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta was the promoter of this Initiative," he said. Amollo went on to explain that President Kenyatta cannot be prevented from exercising his political right to support an idea in which he feels aligns with his thinking. The Raireda MP narrated the process Mohammed and Waweru took in collecting the 1 million signatures in support of the proposed amendments, which were then reduced into a Bill and it's at that point that the popular initiative started. According to Amollo, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission sent a letter to the counties and confirmed that the duo are the promoters of the BBI. He accused the High Court judges of practicing judicial activism and subverting the will of millions of Kenyans who endorsed the process, with the help of a section of politicians opposed to the BBI process and members of the civil society. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The Rarieda MP pointed out that the five judge-bench coined the word 'initiator' to explain that the subject referred to as the above was behind the initiative. "Having realised that the President was not the prompter, the Court then coined a term initiator which does not exist in Article 57. There is only a promoter and the supporter, in respect this word (initiator) is then used in the judgement to camouflage the difficulty to identify the promoters," he explained. Otiende cautioned that if the ruling by the High Court was allowed to stand, it would make it impossible for any Kenyan to initiate an amendment to the Constitution as it will force the promoter to go through all the steps involved in law from collecting signatures all the way to Parliament. "Those prescriptions by the Court are impossible to achieve. They are eutopic. There were over 4 million signatures and not a single person came out to complain that my name was there erroneously," the Rarieda MP said. Washington / Khartoum The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have announced that Sudan is to benefit from $50 billion in foreign debt relief, effectively reducing the country's current estimated $56 billion foreign liability to $6 billion over three years. A joint statement from Washington yesterday says that at a meeting on Monday, the Executive Boards of the World Bank's International Development Association and the IMF have determined that "Sudan has taken the necessary steps to begin receiving debt relief under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". Sudan is the 38th country to reach what is known as known as the "HIPC Decision Point". "This decision is an important milestone which will support Sudan's reform and development agenda and our efforts to move away from the past and foster better lives for our people," said Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok. "The journey leading to this decision required hard work, dedication and strong partnership with the international community. This is a big day for Sudan and reaffirms that all the efforts and sacrifices of Sudanese people are recognised and rewarded. The government of Sudan expresses its appreciation to the IMF, the World Bank Group, and other partners for their unwavering support and to the Sudanese people for their resilience, patience, and dedication in these trying times." 'This is a big day for Sudan and reaffirms that all the efforts and sacrifices of Sudanese people are recognised and rewarded' - PM Abdullah Hamdok In a statement today in reaction to the decision, the Chairman and Members and of the Transitional Sovereignty Council lauded "the great role played by France by hosting the Paris Conference to Support Sudan, and contributed to mobilisation of regional and international support for writing off Sudan's foreign debts". The TSC , also commended the efforts exerted by the international financial institutions, the World Bank and IMF which contributed through contacts and talks, in this connection. 'Debt will be irrevocably reduced' The World Bank/IMF statement says that the debt relief will support Sudan in implementing essential reforms to improve the lives of its people by allowing the freeing up of resources to tackle poverty and improve social conditions. "Sudan's external public debt will be irrevocably reduced-through HIPC debt relief and other debt relief initiatives anchored to the HIPC initiative-by more than US$50 billion in net present value terms, representing over 90 per cent of Sudan's total external debt-if it reaches the HIPC Completion Point in about three years' time." It also points out that as Sudan continues on its path towards peace, stability and development after more than 30 years of isolation from the international financial system, the normalisation of its relations with the international community will enable access to critical additional financial resources to strengthen the economy and improve social conditions. 'This is a potentially transformative outcome for a nation of 44 million people that has suffered conflict, instability, and economic isolation for decades - World Bank Group President David Malpass "Today marks an important milestone that will enable Sudan to significantly reduce its debt burden. This is a potentially transformative outcome for a nation of 44 million people that has suffered conflict, instability, and economic isolation for decades," said World Bank Group President David Malpass following Mondays' decision. "The World Bank has been providing pre-arrears clearance grants to Sudan and supporting the Sudan Family Support Programme, and I am looking forward to further scaling up our engagement to improve the living conditions of the Sudanese people." 'I would like to congratulate the Sudanese government and people for their steadfast efforts over the past year leading to this historic milestone under challenging conditions' - IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva "I would like to congratulate the Sudanese government and people for their steadfast efforts over the past year leading to this historic milestone under challenging conditions exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Kristalina Georgieva, IMF Managing Director. "Successful reform efforts have laid the groundwork for fostering inclusive economic growth and addressing the needs of the most vulnerable people. Sudan needs to sustain and expand the implementation of these reforms-and in doing so it can count on the IMF's continuous support to secure a more prosperous future." Sudan is committed to strengthening macroeconomic stability; implementing policies to reduce poverty; and putting in place a set of reforms focused on fiscal sustainability, exchange rate flexibility, expanding the social safety net, strengthening the financial sector and improving governance and transparency, in order to reach the HIPC Completion Point. The World Bank and the IMF will continue working together to provide the technical assistance and policy guidance needed by the authorities to achieve these goals, including in the context of the new, 39-month IMF financial arrangement, the statement says. In addition, following the arrears clearance, the World Bank has unlocked substantial project financing through IDA, which will provide nearly US$2 billion in grants for poverty reduction and sustainable economic recovery-with a focus on enhancing competitiveness, transparency and accountability; increasing investment in irrigation and agriculture to support sustainable livelihoods; supporting access to energy, water, health, and education; creating jobs; and creating entrepreneurship opportunities for women and youth. The Head of the United Nations Integrated Transitional Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), Volker Perthes has hailed Sudan's joining the ranks of Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) is important step that will lead to its debt relief. "The move will open spheres of cooperation with development and funding partners to back up sustainable development , combat poverty and increase investment," Perthes commented via social media. At the start of the HIPC process, Sudan's total public- and publicly guaranteed external debt was estimated at US$56.2 billion in NPV terms. Application of traditional debt relief mechanisms reduces this debt to US$30.9 billion. Additional debt relief under the enhanced HIPC Initiative is estimated at US$23.3 billion in NPV terms. Of this amount, US$4.6 billion, US$17.0 billion, and US$1.7 billion are projected to be provided by official multilateral, bilateral, and commercial creditors, respectively. Paris Club creditors have provided financing assurances for interim debt relief to Sudan . The largest Paris Club creditors for Sudan are France, Austria, the United States, Belgium, and Italy. The IMF Executive Board has approved interim debt relief assistance on debt service falling due to the IMF in the period between the HIPC Decision and Completion Points. At the HIPC Completion Point, Sudan's current debt due to the IMF will be paid with the proceeds of voluntary financial contributions that have been received from over 100 IMF members, including many low-income countries. Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). MDRI debt relief from IDA and the African Development Bank would cancel all remaining claims at the Completion Point. Altogether, Sudan's external debt burden is expected to fall from about US$56 billion (163 percent of GDP) in NPV terms as of end-2020 to US$6 billion (14 percent of GDP) once the Completion Point is reached and with the participation of all creditors. IMF and World Bank Arrears Clearance Operations Arrears to IDA were cleared on March 26, 2021 through bridge financing provided by the United States, reimbursed with the proceeds of a Development Policy Grant primarily funded from IDA's Arrears Clearance Set Aside in IDA19. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Sudan International Organisations Debt By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Arrears to the African Development Bank Group were cleared on May 12, 2021 through bridge financing provided by the government of the United Kingdom and contributions from Sweden and Ireland. The bridge loan from the UK was reimbursed via the proceeds of a Policy Based Operation Grant. Arrears to the IMF were cleared on June 29, 2021 with the assistance of bridge financing from the government of France, which the authorities reimbursed using front-loaded access under the new IMF financial arrangement. The HIPC Initiative In 1996, the World Bank and IMF launched the HIPC Initiative to create a framework in which all creditors, including multilateral creditors, can provide debt relief to the world's poorest and most heavily indebted countries to ensure debt sustainability, and thereby reduce the constraints on economic growth and poverty reduction imposed by the unsustainable debt service burdens in these countries. To date, 38 HIPC-eligible countries, including Sudan, have reached Decision Point, of which 36 have reached Completion Point. Created in 2005, the aim of the MDRI is to further reduce the debt of eligible low-income countries and provide additional resources to help them reach their development objectives. Under the MDRI, three multilateral institutions-the World Bank's IDA, the IMF and the African Development Fund-provide 100 percent debt relief on eligible debts to qualifying countries, at the time they reach the HIPC Initiative Completion Point. Sudan will receive additional debt relief under the MDRI from the World Bank Group and the AfDB Group, but it is not eligible for MDRI debt relief from the IMF because Sudan does not have any outstanding MDRI-eligible loans from the IMF. Sudan, however, is expected to be considered by the IMF for "beyond HIPC" debt relief, as was done in the case of Liberia and Somalia, which would amount to 100 percent debt relief on eligible debt from the IMF. One of the weapons surrendered to the DCI by Citizen TV, following an expose on illegal weapons, as pictured during a press conference by DCI boss George Kinoti on April 20, 2021. Khartoum The Wali (governor) of Khartoum state has issued a decree prohibiting individuals and groups from carrying and possessing knives and edged weapons in public places. He also issued a decree banning motorcycles without licence plates in the state. The edged weapons decree prohibits the sale and transport of edged weapons within the state borders. Violators face imprisonment and a fine. Khartoum Wali, Ayman Khaled, stipulated that the decree prohibited the sale or transfer of knives from one person to another. It excludes those whose profession requires the possession of knives within the limits of their places of work, as well as arms dealers, according to certification. The state has seen a surge in knife-related crime during the first quarter of 2021. There have been 153 reports under Article 130 of the penal code in Khartoum. Knives were reportedly used in 131 of these crimes. Khaled also issued a decree banning unlicensed motorcycles without plates in the state The decree specified penalties for violators of imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine of SDG 300,000, with forfeiture of the motorcycle. Justice Basiru V.P. Mahoney has given Mayor Rohey Malick Lowe, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Attorney General, three days to reply to the voters' card attestation case brought to Court by two civil society groups and the Councilor of Box Bar Ward in Banjul. In this case, the appellants are Gambia Participates who were represented by Marr Nyang, the Executive Secretary, Councilor Abdou Aziz Gaye of Box Bar Ward and Center for Research and Policy Development, who were represented by Sait Matty Jaw, whilst the respondents are the Mayor of Banjul Rohey Malick Lowe, who was absent, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), who were represented by Sulayman Joof, the Director of Administration at the Commission and the Attorney General. Lawyer Abdoulie Fatty appeared for the appellants, while Lawyer Sasum Sillah appeared for the Mayor; Lawyer Kebba Sanyang appeared for the IEC and Lawyer Binga D. the Director of Civil Litigation, appeared for the Attorney General. The lawyers for the respondents informed the Court that they needed time to reply to the arguments filed by the appellants and on this basis, Justice Mahoney gave them three days to file their responses to the case and adjourned the case to Monday for the lawyers to make their oral arguments on behalf of their clients. Lawyers Fatty and Sillah both requested for forty five minutes to argue, whereas Lawyers Sanyang and Binga both requested thirty minutes each to make their oral arguments. Their requests were granted by the Judge. For the information of the readers, 'Gambia Participates' and the Centre for Research and Policy Development (both civil society organizations), and the Councilor for Box Bar Ward in Banjul North Abdou Aziz Gaye, filed a summon before the High Court on 23rd June 2021, against the Mayor of Banjul (Rohey Malick Low), the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Attorney General, challenging the legality and validity of the mandate accorded the Mayor, to issue attestations to Banjulians, in the ongoing general voter registration. The position of the three plaintiffs is that there is no legislation (law) that mandates a "Mayor" to issue attestation to constituents in order to apply for a voters' card; that this power and authority is only vested to village Alkalos or District Chiefs (Seyfo) as per Section 12 (2) (e). They argue that the actions of the IEC and Mayor of Banjul are in conflict with the laws governing voter registration and ultra vires and a grave violation of the Election Act and other relevant laws. The three plaintiffs contend that the issuance of attestation to the constituents of Banjul is unlawful and is not in conformity with the relevant laws governing elections in the country. The plaintiffs further argue that the Mayor of Banjul lack such powers and her action is a serious contravention of the Elections Act. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The plaintiffs therefore want the High Court to make a declaration that the actions of the Mayor of Banjul in issuing attestations to constituents of the City of Banjul in the ongoing Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) general registration of the voters, contravenes Section 12 (2) (e) of the Elections Act. They want the Court to make a declaration that the actions of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in conferring such power to the Office of the Mayor of Banjul to administer attestation forms generated by the IEC for the purpose of claiming voters' cards in the City of Banjul, contravenes Section 12 (2) (e) of the Elections Act and want the High Court to make an order quashing the decision of the IEC to bestow upon the Mayor of Banjul, the power and authority to issue attestations to the constituents of the City of Banjul. Also, they want the Court to make an order setting aside all attestation forms endorsed and or issued by the Mayor of Banjul for which voters' cards were issued by the IEC. Consequently, an order striking-out and or cancelling all voters' cards issued by the IEC which were supported by attestation forms issued and or endorsed by the Mayor of Banjul, is what they are calling for. Stakeholders have proffered recommendation that rescinding the National Assembly's decision is a topmost pre-requisite in a bid to revive the draft constitution from its current state of coma. The stakeholders made this and other recommendations during a recent meeting with Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and National Assembly Members, in their engagement Members to revive the draft constitution. The meeting which was organized by the National Youth Parliament (NYP) was themed on: "Reviving the Final Draft Constitution through Parliamentary Advocacy", and was aimed to engage stakeholders in an open discussion and opinion sharing, with a view to revive the draft constitution. Bubacarr Trawally, the event's focal person reminded the convergence that since the rejection of the draft constitution by the country's law making institution, the NYP has been making efforts to revive it from the state of coma it has been subjected to. "This gathering solely aims to engage stakeholders in an open and frank discussion, to be able to identify challenges that impede efforts to reviving the draft constitution, as well as to proffer solutions to these challenges, with the objective of devising ways of reviving the draft, which is an integral part in strengthening our democracy," he said; that when the draft constitution was rejected by the legislature, the NYP wrote a letter to Members of the Assembly and has since been sensitizing the citizenry countrywide, to increase their awareness of the draft in a bid to revive it. Speaking during the occasion, Dagene Jobe, Speaker of the National Youth Parliament, said since the draft constitution was put on hold, they saw it as imperative to hold such a discussion in order to revive it back. Omar Cham, Speaker of the NYP, said they have embarked on a series of programs with the objective of reviving the draft constitution; that one of the key elements in ensuring a successful transitional justice system is the draft constitution, but it could not pass due to one reason or the other. "As a CSO, we are very much committed towards good governance and democracy and keeping in mind the ideals of this draft constitution, as well as in considering how impactful it could be, if we are able to successfully strike a deal amongst ourselves to revive this constitution," he said; that they have decided to dedicate this important activity to discuss with 'our' National Assembly Members in order for us to identify the challenges that actually impeded the passing of the draft constitution and as well to proffer solutions in ensuring that the constitution comes into being. Muhammed S. Bah, Vice President of the Gambia Press Union, highlighted that lack of compromise among political parties on contentious issues such as term limits and simple majority as challenges that impeded the smooth sailing of the draft constitution in parliament. He urged all the parties to come to a compromise on these issues. This he said, will play a pivotal role in reviving the draft constitution that it is currently in a state of comma. Saikou Marong, the member for Latrikunda Sabiji said it is crucial that the legislature has realistic dialogue on the draft constitution and ensure that the necessary Clauses are amended. Marong called on the general public to desist from using abusive languages on lawmakers especially those who voted against the draft, adding that such abusive languages will not and cannot help remedy the situation. He urged the NYP to continue such engagement, stressing that it is pivotal in reviving the draft constitution. Saikouba Jaurjue, the Member for Busumbala, said the process of drafting the new constitution failed since its initial stage. He however urged the NYP not to relent, saying the draft can come back, as a matter of priority, for the citizenry. The Member for Banjul South Fatoumatta Njai, said lack of political will and interest by the executive especially the President, led to the unsuccessful passing in parliament, of the draft constitution; that this is not about contentious issues, which she said can be changed. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Had interest been shown by the person who brought the motion (Government) things would have changed. We all saw in September when the President gave his address without encouragement to the legislature, to actually think about reflecting on the importance of the new constitution," she said. Omar Ceesay, the Member for Niamina East, said the retroactive Clauses are the fundamental issue blocking the passing of the draft constitution; that if the retroactive Clauses are compromised, it will undoubtedly revive the constitution. He said the legislature can also rescind its decision and proceed with the passing of the draft constitution. These were the recommendations which were proffered during the engagement and they included but were not limited to rescinding legislative decisions on the rejection of the draft constitution, the holding of frank and realistic discussions, to compromise on the retroactive Clauses, create awareness campaign on the significance of reviving and passing the draft constitution and having dialogue with political parties. The Gambia has on Tuesday 29th June 2021 recorded ten (10) new cases taking the total number of COVID-19 cases ever confirmed in the country to six thousand and seventy-nine. The new cases are five males and five females with ages ranging from 27 - 82 years. No new COVID-19-related death was registered, bringing the total number of deaths since March 2020 to one hundred and eighty-0ne. This is the 335th national situation report since the confirmation of the first case of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Gambia, on the 16th March 2020. Currently, no one is in hotel quarantine but forty active cases. Modou Njai, the Director of Health Promotion and Education at the Ministry of Health, said eight hundred and eighty-six new laboratory test results were received from the National Public Health Lab and the Medical Research Council. Of these, Director Njai said ten tested positive, representing a 1.1 % positivity test rate. Three (3) new COVID-19 patients were newly discharged from treatment centers, while none got discharged at least 10 days from the day they tested positive but evaded institutional isolation. Four (4) COVID-19 patients are currently on oxygen therapy and nine (9) new contacts have been traced and are being monitored. As of 20th June 2021, the health authorities said 102 new clients received Psychological First Aid (PFA) Services provided by MoH, Department of Social Welfare (DSW) and Paradise Foundation, thus bringing the number patients of attended to 1,931 since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and senior Police heads on Tuesday headed a peace mediation team in Manduar, after the people from Manduar Mandinka-Kunda and Manduar Touba (Wollof)-Kunda, clashed over alkaloship and attestation for voters' registration. Manduar Mandinka-Kunda and Manduar Touba (Wollof)-Kunda, who shared the same community- a few kilometres away from Brikama town, have a history of conflicts over land, ethnolinguistic issues and Alkaloship. This long history of conflicts over land alkaloship cooked the tension, whereby the people of Mandinka-Manduar claimed that Manduar is one village with one Alkalo and that everyone should register at the village's registration centre. But the people of Wolof Touba-Manduar dismissed that argument, saying they have their own territorial village with an Alkalo and they should only be in charge of their own voter registration. This resulted in a confrontation, where the Police Intervention Unit (PIU) intervened and started firing tear gas to the rioters. The IEC also evacuated immediately. But peace was immediately restored after the deployment of the paramilitary, who at the time effected some arrests. The arrested persons were taken to Brikama Police station, where rioters attempted to launch a counter attack on the Police for detaining their colleagues. The attackers did not succeed following the reinforcement of paramilitary. The reporters observed that the rioters briefly threw stones at the officers inside the station. According to a senior officer, who was commanding the reinforcement, an officer was injured at the spot and was immediately rushed to Brikama Health Centre. A young man was also seen being picked up and beaten by a paramilitary officer, who escorted him to the said police station where he was detained. At 1pm, the IEC officials and Police heads held talks with both Alkalolu and villagers. The first one was held in Manduar - Mandinka, while the second one was in Manduar Wolof-Kunda. Anthony Robert Secka, IEC Commissioner and peace mediator at Manduar said, the two groups have a long-term problem about alkaloship. "Now, according to the Mandinka side, they said they have only one Alkalo. Now what we have been made to understand from the governor's office is that there is an Alkalo in Touba Manduar, which the Mankinka side is not accepting. They said as far as they are concerned, there is only one Alkalo and there will be only one stamp for this station," he said. "This is why there is a violence this morning because they said they will not allow the other Alkalo (Wolof-Kunda) to attest to his own people. The issue is a problem of Alkaloship. We are not local government authorities and therefore that is for the local authorities to take care of it." The IEC Commissioner Secka added: "We are only concerned about electoral matters and as far as we are concerned, we are dealing with what we are being informed by the governor; that there is an Alkalo in Touba-Manduar and the Mandinka side are saying there is no other Alkalo." Secka further said during the incident, he had to withdraw his team in the morning when there was a clash. But unfortunately, he said the issue was stabilized, saying this led the Touba Manduar people to return to their home village. "We decided to bring the team (IEC staff) back again. As you can see, work is in process. We cannot stop because we have only a few more days left. So, it's their right to vote, it's their right to register and it's free," he said. Commissioner Secka said they are going to report back to their office in order to strategize and see what to do and ensure the people of Touba Manduar are registered too. He said they are an institution that deals with law and all their actions are guarded by law. "We will seek legal advice, then we will take appropriate measures. As far as we are concerned, we have only one polling station in Manduar, which is shared by both the Mankinkas and the Wolofs and that pool is the school. Where registration is done, it is important that it is also done within the village," he explained. According to Commissioner Seacka, they have not agreed on anything yet, saying they will go and sit as a commission and see where they can find a peaceful solution to it. He said the registration is still going on and assured that people will continue to be registered. Jerreh Bojang, the Alkalo of Manduar Mankinka-Kunda, said they do not acknowledge nor have information that Wollof-Kunda have their own Alkalo. He said he knew this during the registration process. He said Manduar Wollof-Kunda should have sent a delegation with kola nuts and a written letter, stating an Alkalo has been appointed in Wolof-Kunda. According to Bojang, what happened was due to a lack of communication and dialogue. He nonetheless advised his villagers to respect the registration process, including the staff of IEC During the second discussion with the Wolof-Kunda side, villagers said since they have their own Alkalo, it is fair for them to use their own stamp to issue attestation. An old man stood up and recalled that years back, he told the officials that during registrations, their ID cards, passports and birth certificates were seized by people of Manduar Mandinka, who will not only stop at that, but also describe them as strangers; when Police Commissioner for West Coast Region, Commissioner Pateh Bah, asked the old man whether the seizure of their documents was an issue that happened this year. The Commissioner made it clearer to them that even him, as a Police commissioner, has no right to seize anyone's documents, noting that no other person has the right to seize their documents. The Commissioner immediately stood up with a scroll face and left the mediation ground. The mediation team tried to convince people of Manduar Wolof Kunda to go to the registration center, which is at Manduar Mandinka Kunda, but they refused, saying they were mercilessly attacked and beaten until some of their colleagues were seriously wounded. They instead claimed for a new registration center to be stationed at their area or elsewhere or even at the IEC building. Alhagie Babucarr Secka, the Alkalo of Manduar Wolof Kunda, said he was appointed as Alkalo in 2012. He said they went to the village Bantaba where the voter registration was taking place, they placed their table so that the people from Wolof Kunda could do their registration. He said the youth from Manduar Mandinka Kunda said that would not happen because they have only one Alkalo who hails from their end. Alkalo Secka said the youth told him that he has to identify someone from Wolof Kunda to come and sit next to the Mandinka Kunda Alkalo, Jerreh Bojang. It was at this juncture, tension broke out. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Secka said they would not go back to the village Bantaba to get registered. According to him, they wrote to the IEC on 14 January 2021 for them to have their own registration center, but they did not receive any reply from IEC. He said they later understand that the person who delivered the letter did not take it to the right place. IEC Official, Sambujang Njie, said after listening from the two camps, they cannot take any decision at the moment. He said they would go back and deliberate on the matter with his boss and report back to the village before Thursday on the decision made about their situation. Mama Kaddy Manneh, resident of Manduar village, said he went for registration and learned about the incident. She said she understood that people from Manduar Suwura Kunda came with their Alkalo to be registered. "I was there and people from Manduar Mandinka Kunda said they would not accept that because they only have one Alkalo in the village," she said. She said even her brother's wife is in hospital because of the tear gas she inhaled which the police threw to disperse the people. Jabbu Jeng, Amadou Tijan Jallow, and Kiaraba Jabbi, all business individuals around the Brikama Police Station, were affected by the incident. They complained that they could not sell because people from Manduar village trooped to the police station and the police threw tear gas to disperse them. Rabat Denmark and Morocco share a "strong and solid" relationship that has been continuously reinforced over the past 15 years, Danish Foreign Affairs Minister Jeppe Sebastian Kofod said Wednesday in Rabat. Speaking in a press briefing following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, Kofod noted that his visit to Morocco is intended to explore the means to further develop bilateral relations. Regarding the Moroccan Sahara issue, Kofod stressed that his country, along with the European Union (EU), is in favor of a solution based on the UN process and negotiations, adding that Denmark has always had a consistent position on this issue and continues to advocate for a solution within the framework of the United Nations. The Danish minister commended Morocco's management of the Covid-19 pandemic, noting that talks with his Moroccan counterpart also focused on the means to ensure a sustainable economic recovery. He also voiced his country's readiness to support Morocco during the recovery stage, recalling in this regard the Memorandum of Understanding signed Tuesday with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Morocco to strengthen the access of women and girls in vulnerable situations to essential rights and services and ensure their social and economic empowerment. On green energy, the minister said that "Morocco is at the forefront and has a great potential," stressing that the two countries enjoy excellent cooperation in the energy sector. Commenting the fight against terrorism, Kofod deemed Morocco as "an important partner in the fight against extremism," citing in this context its participation in the ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daech, held this week in Rome. The Danish diplomat also congratulated the Kingdom for its co-presidency of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF). "We also discussed migration and the importance of joint efforts in this issue," Kofod said, expressing Denmark's willingness to support the Kingdom in the fight against illegal emigration. He also thanked Morocco for its efforts undertaken in this area. Khartoum Leading international financial bodies are agreed in Washington that Khartoum has made the required moves entitling the Sudan to enjoy debt relief assistance within what is known as the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. The Executive Boards of the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said debt relief will support Sudan in implementing essential reforms to improve the lives of its people by allowing the freeing up of resources to tackle poverty and improve social conditions. Sudan's external public debt will be irrevocably reduced-through HIPC debt relief and other debt relief initiatives anchored to the HIPC initiative-by more than US$50 billion in net present value terms, representing over 90 percent of Sudan's total external debt-if it reaches the HIPC Completion Point in about three years' time. "My warmest congratulations to the government and the people of the Sudan on this landmark achievement, freeing the country from the heavy debt burden inherited from the past and gaining access to significant new financial resources from development partners to build the future", said the IMF Managing Director, Kristina Georgeviea. She said this stage was reached as the various parties work together, including that the country working hard on vital economic reforms and the international community supporting debt relief for Sudan in its largest operation since the adoption of the highly indebted countries initiative. "We in the IMF have done and will continue to do our part for Sudan's economic revival at par with the aspirations of the Sudanese people; especially the women and the youth of Sudan that led the historic transformation of the country" said Kristlina Georgieva, IMF managing Director. Meanwhile the World Bank Group President David Malpass has stressed that the date marks an important milestone that will enable Sudan to significantly reduce its debt burden. "This is a potentially transformative outcome for a nation of 44 million people that has suffered conflict, instability, and economic isolation for decades," he said following the World Bank Executive Board discussion on June 28, 2021. He said the World Bank has been providing pre-arrears clearance grants to Sudan and supporting the Sudan Family Support Program, and that they are looking forward to further scaling up WB engagement to improve the living conditions of the Sudanese people. According to a statement released by the IMF on Wednesday, Sudan is committed to strengthening macroeconomic stability; implementing policies to reduce poverty; and putting in place a set of reforms focused on fiscal sustainability, exchange rate flexibility, expanding the social safety net, strengthening the financial sector and improving governance and transparency, in order to reach the HIPC Completion Point. The World Bank and the IMF will continue working together to provide the technical assistance and policy guidance needed by the authorities to achieve these goals, including in the context of the new, 39-month IMF financial arrangement. In addition, following the arrears clearance, the World Bank has unlocked substantial project financing through IDA, which will provide nearly US$2 billion in grants for poverty reduction and sustainable economic recovery-with a focus on enhancing competitiveness, transparency and accountability; increasing investment in irrigation and agriculture to support sustainable livelihoods; supporting access to energy, water, health, and education; creating jobs; and creating entrepreneurship opportunities for women and youth. The leaderships of the World Bank Group and the IMF have expressed gratitude to their member countries of all regions and income levels, in particular Canada, France, Italy, Malta, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, together with the European Commission, whose interventions and additional grants helped catalyze international support and raise the necessary financial resources to help Sudan reach the Decision Point. They also thanked other countries which went through their budgetary processes to contribute: Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey. Meanwhile the U.S. Department of the Treasury has welcomed the announcement from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that Sudan has successfully cleared roughly $1.4 billion in arrears to the IMF, a press release by the Department of the Treasury said. It said the American administration has also commended Sudan's civilian-led transitional government for reaching the first phase of debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative. It said the move was a milestone that stands as a testament to the sustained commitment of Sudanese authorities to implement challenging but necessary economic reforms amidst the country's transition to democratic rule. These reforms include unifying the exchange rate and strengthening governance and transparency. "This is a historic moment for Sudan and its people," Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, was quoted as saying. "The U.S. is proud to have been an early advocate for Sudan to normalize ties to the international financial institutions and helping it to secure debt relief. These steps will unlock much-needed financing and will help build the foundation for poverty reduction, inclusive development, and economic growth. All Sudanese can take pride in this achievement." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Sudan Debt By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The release pointed out that the U.S. has played a critical role in supporting Sudan's path to HIPC debt relief, in recognition of the important work the Government of Sudan has undertaken to restore economic stability. Treasury provided same-day bridge financing of approximately $1.15 billion in March to help Sudan clear its arrears at the World Bank, at no cost to U.S. taxpayers, and co-hosted a roundtable with the Department of State to encourage Sudan's bilateral creditors to advance debt relief efforts. The release went on to say that Treasury has also committed to contribute up to $120 million in grant resources to fund IMF debt relief for Sudan under the first phase of HIPC announced today. "The U.S. is pleased to join other Paris Club members in providing both immediate and future debt relief in accordance with the provisions of the HIPC initiative and will continue to support Sudan as it implements additional economic reforms needed to complete the HIPC process", the release stressed. It is to be noted that the Sudan is the last country to clear protracted arrears to the IMF, which now faces no repayment arrears from its members for the first time since early 1975. The European Union has on the other hand welcomed the announcement that Sudan has successfully reached the Decision Point under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. Geneva "Over two years ago, before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the World Health Organisation said that governments had to 'fix the roof before the rain came'. And yet countries were still caught off-guard in 2020. The world can and must do better next time. Individual countries, particularly low-income ones, cannot prepare on their own. A new mechanism at the international level would provide both the right incentives and the financial sustainability necessary to establish robust social protection systems," said the UN poverty expert. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the majority of the world's population -- 55 percent, or 4 billion people -- lacks any form of social protection. Another 16 percent, or 1.2 billion people, enjoy only partial protection. Only 35 percent of children, approximately one in three, benefit from child allowances that would ensure they receive childcare, nutrition and education. "The overall picture is clear: in the past, too little was invested in healthcare, unemployment, old-age pensions, or children and disability allowances," said De Schutter. "And the poor are now paying the high cost of this mistake." Investments in such public programs, part of what universal social protection systems are, would have largely prevented the additional 88 to 115 million people who were pushed into extreme poverty in 2020 and the additional 23 to 35 million that are expected for 2021. "Establishing a Global Fund for Social Protection is doable, and it is affordable, but it requires political will," De Schutter said. "The ILO estimates that less than $78 billion would be needed for low-income countries to establish social protection floors, including healthcare, covering their population of 711 million. While that might sound like a high figure, it is actually less than half of what developed countries are already providing in development aid. The question is therefore not about affordability, but about setting the right political priorities." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Africa Governance Sustainable Development By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Moreover, social protection is not just a cost weighing on public budgets," he added. "It is an investment that benefits societies over generations, helping increase education levels, improving food security and health, and yielding economic benefits for local economies. It is a steppingstone towards more equal and resilient societies." The Global Fund for Social Protection will allow recipient countries to gradually increase their own levels of funding devoted to social protection. Rather than creating a new form of dependency, the Fund will both help identify new sources of domestic revenue and ensure sustainable levels of support to countries committed to these programs. "In fact, the Global Fund should gradually make international support redundant, and it can be phased out once countries have enhanced their capacity to raise taxes progressively and to redistribute them equitably in the form of universal social protection," the expert said. "Last week, on June 19th, the International Labour Conference voted to bring the Global fund for social protection to the work table of the ILO, a historical breakthrough. We should now set as our collective goal to put in place this new solidarity mechanism by June 2022, 10 years after the initial ILO Recommendation on social protection floors was adopted," said De Schutter. "The world can't wait for the next pandemic to happen before we get ready. We need to act now, and a Global Fund of Social Protection is our best bet." The Niger Delta Power Holding Company, NDPHC, has commenced construction work on a new 15 kilometers 33kV line from Ile-Ife transmission station to Olode-Garage (Awolowo Town) to restore power supply to Ifetedo/Garage-Olode, Ife South LGA of Osun State. The project when completed would restore power supply to the area which has being without electricity supply for over 10 years. Speaking at the official flag-off of the project, on Tuesday, the Executive Director, Network, NDPHC, Mr. IfeOluwa Oyedele said the distribution intervention project also includes the rehabilitation of Ifetedo/Garage-Olode 33kV power line. Oyedele stated that the project would see the dualisation of 3km of 33KVA line from Mayfair roundabout to Modakeke, adding that eight 300KVA and eight 500KVA distribution transformers will be supplied and installed in the community. He described the flag-off of the project construction as historic as it marked "the commencement of the construction of a project that is conceived and will be implemented to improve lives and economic activities in Garage-Olode Town in Osun State." Oyedele commended the Osun State Governor, Adegboyega Oyetola for pushing hard for the project. According to him, "Following the intervention of the Governor of Osun State, we at NDPHC, in keeping with our mandate to improve electricity infrastructure in Nigeria visited Olode-Garage Community for location inspection and discovered that the Community electricity supply is being fed from old Akure Transmission Station which has been dilapidated for a very long time." He explained that "in scoping this project, we engaged with IBEDC and we have been assured that the intervention of NDPHC in the improvement of electricity infrastructure in this Community will align with their proposed infrastructure upgrade in the Community and the entire State. "With this intervention, there will be great improvement in the condition of living of the people, socio-economic activities, commerce and industry and general wellbeing in Garage-Olode Community. "All these, the people owe to a thoughtful and purposeful leader President Mohammadu Buhari and supported by Mr. Adegboyega Oyetola," he added. Also speaking at the event, Governor Oyetola who flagged-off the project praised the people of the area for their patience in the past ten years without electricity supply. "For me, today is a day of joy as history is being made. I am elated that we have now brought to an end the tortuous journey that left you, our dear people, in darkness for over ten years", he stated. Oyetola also thanked NDPHC for executing the project, noting that "through this project, power supply will be restored to Ife South West LCDA, thus ending the unpalatable decade of power outage." He said the power intervention efforts will also help to power towns and villages such as Iyanfoworogi, Aye Coker, Aye-Oba, Wanikin Eleja, Egbejoda, Idi Obi and Ali Ahanran in this first phase, and when completed, the project will cover the entire Ife South Local Government and the LCDA. Governor Oyetola said the project occupied a strategic place in his Administration's agenda to empower the benefiting communities to contribute substantially to the development of the State. Earlier, Commissioner for Water Resources and Energy, Dr. Amidu Tadese Raheem, expressed gratitude to the Governor for his intervention. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Energy Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He commended the prompt intervention, which according to him, will go a long way to restore the lost glory of the communities in terms of socioeconomic and commercial activities in the affected areas. In his remarks, member, Osun House of Assembly representing Ife-South State Constituency, Hon. Benjamin Ogundipe, described the project as one that would bring succour to the people of his constituency. He commended the governor for taking their welfare to the frontline of his Administration's priorities despite the socioeconomic realities of the State. Earlier in their separate remarks, the Olubosin of Ifetedo, Oba Akinola Akinrera, and the Olu of Olode, Oba David Omisore, expressed their profound gratitude to the Governor for taking their subjects out of protracted darkness that had paralysed the socioeconomic activities of the areas in the last ten years. Vanguard News Nigeria The British High Commission in Nigeria said yesterday that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office stood ready to provide 'consular' assistance on the issue of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's British nationality. Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, was re-arrested abroad, brought back home and re-arraigned by the Federal Government, on Tuesday and thereafter detained by the Department of State Service, DSS, on court order. The UK assistance pledge is coming as the Kanu matter caused uneasy calm in the South-East, with the IPOB leader's family protesting what it called the 'abduction' of their son from Kenya to Nigeria, describing it as a violation of international law and basic principles of the rule of law. Several calls put across to the Kenya High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ambassador Wilfred Machage, proved abortive. The IPOB, yesterday, also alleged that its leader was abducted and not intercepted or arrested as claimed by the Federal Government of Nigeria, saying it will expose the details of his alleged abduction later. In Imo, Kanu's travails have split the leaders as well as followers of the IPOB just as Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, former Aviation Minister and a close ally of Kanu cautioned the Nigerian government over the rearrest of Nnamdi Kanu saying the IPOB leader must not die in custody. Also yesterday, the World Igbo Congress, WIC, urged the United Kingdom to defend Kanu, its citizen, against illegal abduction and extradition. However, the Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, has commended the Federal Government on its moves so far saying the government is capable of handling the matter. 'UK'll provide consular assistance' Head of Communications, British High Commission in Abuja, Dean Hurlock, also confirmed yesterday that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office was ready to provide "consular" assistance to Nnamdi Kanu. He said: "In response to any queries on whether Nnamdi Kanu was extradited from the UK, we can reafirm that Nnamdi Kanu was not arrested in the UK and nor was he extradited from the UK. "With regards to any questions about the possible legality of his arrest, the British High Commission in Abuja is currently in the process of seeking clarification from the Nigerian government about the circumstances of the arrest. "With regard to any questions about whether the British High Commission is providing assistance in this case, we can confirm that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office stands ready to provide "consular" assistance. "With regard to any questions about what the UK thinks about the proposed legal process that Nnamdi Kanu is facing in Nigeria, the UK would expect any trial or legal proceedings to follow due process. "This is as much as we can say on this matter for now. I will be happy to provide further responses to additional questions in due course." Kanu's family protests arrest, extradition A statement on behalf of the family by Kingsley Kanu said that Nnamdi Kanu was unlawfully arrested in Kenya, detained, and was subsequently subjected to extraordinary rendition from Kenya to Nigeria. The family's statement read in part: "News has reached Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's family that he has been unlawfully arrested in Kenya, detained and has subsequently been the subject of extraordinary rendition from Kenya to Nigeria where he is now detained. "Nnamdi Kanu is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra. My brother, Nnamdi Kanu, demands the right to self-determination for Biafra. Self-determination is guaranteed by the United Nations laws. Because Biafrans support Nnamdi Kanu's call for Biafran self-determination, my brother has now been subjected to the most serious violations of international law. "Whilst visiting Kenya, Nnamdi Kanu was detained and handed over to Nigerian authorities who then flew him to Nigeria. My brother has been subject to extraordinary renditions by Kenya and Nigeria. "They have violated the most basic principles of the rule of law. Extraordinary rendition is one of the most serious crimes states can commit. Both Nigeria and Kenya must be held to account. I demand justice for my brother, Nnamdi Kanu. "Nnamdi Kanu holds both British and Nigerian citizenship. Nnamdi Kanu is Biafran, not Nigerian. He has rejected his Nigerian citizenship. The British High Commission in Nigeria must insist upon my brother's immediate release. "They must guarantee his safety and security. Nnamdi Kanu must be returned home to the UK to his wife and his sons who live here. "The Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, must make it clear to the Nigerian authorities that they will not tolerate the unlawful detention of British citizens and that the UK Government condemns Nigeria and Kenya for undermining the rule of law. "Foreign Secretary Raab, must be clear. There will be consequences for those who resort to extraordinary rendition. The British government must insist upon justice for Nnamdi Kanu." No going back on Biafra struggle-- IPOB On its part, the IPOB in a statement by its Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, entitled, Nothing should happen to our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, alleged that Kanu's abduction was masterminded by the Nigeria government in collaboration with all those that view IPOB and Nnamdi Kanu as a stumbling block to their bid to continue to attack Igbo communities, and hold Biafrans in perpetual slavery. IPOB also stated that even with Kanu's alleged abduction and subsequent detention in DSS custody, all its activities must go on unhindered because they have crossed the rubicon in their struggle and will never relent in the pursuit of Biafra freedom no matter the level of intimidation and harassment. IPOB's statement read in part, "We the global family of movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra, ably led by our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to confirm the abduction of our leader by the Nigerian government and her security operatives. We shall expose details of his abduction later. "Our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, is presently in custody of the Nigeria government. This crime of kidnapping was masterminded by the Nigeria government in collaboration with all those that view IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, as a stumbling block to their continued attack of Igbo communities and in their bid to hold Biafra in perpetual slavery. "We, therefore, enjoin every IPOB member both at home and in the Diaspora and all Biafrans to remain calm because this is not the end of the road, our activities continue unhindered even with the abduction and detention of our leader. "We will mobilize to Court on the day of our leader's next court appearance, which is July 26, 2021 and we call on Biafrans to mobilize and attend the court hearing. "IPOB will not relent in the pursuit of Biafra freedom. We have crossed the Rubicon in our struggle for the restoration of Biafran Sovereignty. There is no going back no matter the level of intimidation by our oppressors. "Our Leader can never be coerced into abandoning the struggle for Biafra restoration irrespective of the present circumstance. "At this very challenging moment in the history of our march to freedom, all IPOB family members must stand firm and resolute behind our selfless leader. We stand by him and the God of Heavens in whom we trust and rest our confidence shall not let us down. We shall triumph! "We want to draw the attention of the world to a statement from one of our intelligence officers saying, "Please Nnamdi Kanu's life is at risk... Don't doubt it, don't ask me how and don't chat me up privately on this. "They are seriously planning to poison his food in detention or poison his skin through health treatment and trust me this time, they will succeed. "We, therefore, want to remind the Nigerian government and her security agencies that our leader deserves justice and fair hearing. We also want to state unequivocally, that no harm should befall or be done to our leader. "His life should not be tampered with. Should anything untoward happen to him, Nigeria Government will be held accountable for it, and we assure you that Nigeria will fall for it." We don't believe Kanu was arrested --IPOB in Imo Vanguard met with some members of IPOB in Owerri, who said until the Federal Government shows video of IPOB leader, they would still consider it as rumour. They said that IPOB members were still studying the situation to take a position. "We are not afraid. How are you sure the man arrested is IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu? That is arrant nonsense. Very soon, you will hear from the horse's mouth. "What we know is that Britain has disappointed us and it is time to end it. Whether you like it or not, Nnamdi Kanu is still free. Nobody has arrested him. "If you had arrested him, why did you refuse to show us the video of his appearance in court? You are arresting a man for not doing anything. Kanu has not been arrested and if such a thing happened, this country will break into pieces," one of them said. Kanu must not die in custody - Fani-Kayode warns Buhari In a tweet, Fani-Kayode urged the Federal Government to ensure that Kanu is treated with decency and respect while in custody. "It is no longer news that @MaziNnamdiKanu has been arrested and detained. I advise the FG to ensure that he does not die in custody and that he is treated with decency, decorum, and respect," he tweeted. The Nigerian government had arrested Kanu and repatriated him to Nigeria to continue his trial. Abubakar Malami, Attorney-General of the Federation, AGF, disclosed that Kanu was arrested on Sunday. Malami had said the IPOB leader was re-arrested through a combined operation of Nigerian and foreign security agents. Following his repatriation, he was re-arraigned before Justice Binta Nyako-led Federal High Court who ordered his remand in custody of the Department of State Services, DSS. Defend your citizen over illegal extradition, WIC tells UK govt The position of WIC, which was signed by the Chairman, and Public Relations Officer, Professor Anthony Ejiofor and Basil Onwukwe respectively, read: "World Igbo Congress has been briefed on the abduction and arraignment of Nnamdi Kanu in Nigeria, and the court hearing is scheduled for July 26, 2021. "It has also been confirmed to us that Nnamdi Kanu, a British citizen, was abducted in a country other than the United Kingdom, UK, to which he travelled on a British passport. Consequently, this raises the spectre of illegal abduction and international gangsterism that violates the spirit of the process of extradition. "World Igbo Congress, therefore, calls on the Nigerian Government to ensure that Nnamdi Kanu is treated following the rules and international conventions that guarantee that his rights and personal safety are respected. "We call on the British Government to stand up and defend the right of her citizen. The UK Government needs to investigate the collision of any other country or party in this saga. "We call on the Government of the United States of America, the United Nations and the international community, to take note of the ongoing abuse of human rights in Nigeria including this matter of abduction of Nnamdi Kanu. "And the Igbo at home and abroad to see this as a continuation of the different strokes for different folks, which has characterized the approach of the current administration of the Federal Government of Nigeria, in dealing with national issues. "The world has taken notice of the disparity in the treatment of Boko Haram insurgents and Fulani herdsmen, who have been designated as terrorists, by known international agencies. These killers are routinely arrested, compensated, released and often times, absorbed into the Nigerian security services. "On the other hand, the Igbo has been subjected to massive shoot-at-sight order, arrests and abduction. We would like to emphasize that no government in the world, or any international security agency, has designated IPOB, as a terrorist organization and Nnamdi Kanu is not on any terrorist watch list anywhere in the world. "All Igbo worldwide to remain calm. The rights of the Igbo must be protected and the Igbo cannot be subjugated forever." Uneasy calm in South-East Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The re-arrest of Kanu was a major topic on newspaper stands but there have been no threats to breach of peace. "Many people find it difficult to believe the report because there are no videos to support claims Kanu has been arrested. If Kanu is truly arrested, the youths of the South-East, in our usual practice, will defend him," an Enugu resident said. "Soldiers have been all over Enugu town in Enugu State for the past few days. We were still wondering what could have happened. "They are on major roads in Abia too. But one thing is clear; the voice of the people cannot be subdued. Maybe the military will kill everyone in the South-East and start living there," another resident said. A member of IPOB in Awka who spoke on condition of anonymity said a broadcast on the radio Biafra channel saw a broadcaster; Mazi Chideraa assuring all members to be calm as Kanu was okay. "When I tuned into Biafra Radio 103.7 this evening, Mazi Chideraa was making a broadcast, assuring everyone that though the news was true, but there was no need to panic." FG competent in handling security matters -- ACF Meanwhile, the Board of Trustees, BoT, of the Arewa Consultative Forum, ACF, has said that with the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu amid other security challenges in the country, the government is competent in handling security matters . In a communique after the BoT meeting in Kaduna, yesterday, by Ambassador Shehu Malami, Chairman, ACF Board of Trustees, the group praised the Federal Government, security agencies both local and international that brought Kanu back to Nigeria. The board said the action of the government in handling Nnamdi Kanu in such a neat way amid many other security challenges showed that the government is very competent in handling security matters. Part of the communique reads: "The meeting was opened by the chairman, Ambassador Shehu Malami. He apologized for his inability to attend the first meeting which was presided over by Senator Fred Orti, the Deputy Chairman of the Board . "He regretted that despite the efforts of the Federal Government, Boko Haram, bandits kidnappers, clashes between herders/farmers have been a security scare for the North, the country and the ACF. "The Board decried a situation whereby the North was left without a single financial institution to advance the economic growth and fortunes of the region. "Similarly the Board decried the lack of Media houses in the north to keep the citizens of the North well informed. "The Board observed that without a sound financial foundation and backing, the North will always remain backward." "On the problems of unemployment in the north, the Board said it is regrettable that the north has not realised it is sitting on a time bomb which can explode at anytime. "The Board resolved that there was need to take immediate action to salvage the youth from lethargy, drugs and substance abuse, despondency, banditry, etc." Vanguard News Nigeria Eritrean organizations in Italy conducted six months activity assessment meeting on 26 June adopting resolution to reinforce organizational capacity in line with the prevailing new era. At the virtual meeting in which 75 members of the executive bodies participated, Mr. Fessehatsion Petros, Ambassador of Eritrea to Italy, delivered extensive briefing on the objective situation in the homeland and the region as well as on the responsibility of nationals in the prevailing new era. Participants conducted extensive discussion on the activity reports presented by executive and national committees and agreed to organize regular meetings in accordance with the extenuation of the restrictions issued to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. In related news, at a memorial events organized in connection with the 20 June, Martyrs Day, nationals residing in various cities of Italy contributed a total of 41 thousand 365 Euros to augment the Martyrs Trust Fund. According to report, nationals residing in Abruzzo contributed 420 Euros, nationals in Firenze 1 thousand 370 Euros, nationals in Pisa 900 Euros, nationals in Rome 13 thousand Euros, nationals in Napoli 310 Euros, nationals in Bari 1 thousand 040 Euros, nationals in Catania 1 thousand 080 Euros, nationals in Parma 1 thousand 500 Euros, nationals in Bologna 2 thousand 875 Euros, nationals in Verona 470 Euros, nationals in Milan 17 thousand 700 Euros and in Brescia contributed 700 Euros. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed through a televised statement aired today said that the government declared a ceasefire to focus on other national priorities and the decision to leave Mekelle was made to avert a scenario where the military sees the people at large as the enemy. In separate a joint presser the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) explained that the government's decision to withdraw and declare a ceasefire was 'an attempt to address the major concerns of the international community for cessation of hostility, unimpeded access to the region, and the withdrawal of Eritrean troops. The PM disclosed that , amid increased pressure related to the GERD, Covid-19 pandemic and other issues,the federal government spent 100 billion ETB outside of the expense of the military operation, which is 13 percent more than Tigray's annual budget, 20 percent of the country's budget. "All we got in return was being blamed for creating hunger, allowing Eritrean troops, communication black out and impeding humanitarian access." he said. According to the PM the nature of the conflict changed over time explaining that a combat that started with a conventional army changed into a scattered insurgency after the federal government completed its military operation in Three weeks. Narrating the proceeding of the conflict, he indicated that members of the military were attacked by civilians from time to time. "This sentiment seeped into the majority of the members of the military," the PM said, "They started viewing everyone they see as the enemy." "Priests were seen holding firearms and persuading people to take up arms," he said, further explaining how graveyards were used to store firearms. He also accused civilians of sharing aid food with the armed group. He indicated that the people who were seen celebrating the recapture of Mekelle are in fact combatants awaiting for a chance to attack. He went on to explain that the federal government had no plans to occupy Tigray's capital Mekelle. He described that Mekelle was a seat of the region's government and housed immense resources. "Military wise Mekelle is no longer a gravitational center," the PM said, adding "The city has no more significance than that of Abiadi, Shiraro or Beshasha." He underscored the need for the media to set the records straight and keep away from 'the enemy's narratives'. He also adressed the speculations of attempts by Tigrayan forces to retake contested areas in western Tigray. He reminded that creating fear on the people of Amhara is tantamount to denying the fact that it is capable of defending itself against attacks. "The people of Armachiho, wolkayit and Tsegede, had been resilient in the face of challenges for the last 30 years while identifying themselves as Ethiopians and people of Bege Midir." The PM stated the government declared a ceasefire to focus on other priorities. He noted that the decision for declaring a ceasefire was made to avert a scenario where the military sees the people at large as the enemy and 'leave a dark spot in its history'. "We chose to retreat and give the people of Tigray a period of reflection." he said, adding "We have retracted our missiles and arms from the region. Last year's threats are no longer." He concluded by vowing that no one would defeat Ethiopians and being Ethiopian. Similarly, Lieutenant General Bacha Debele and the State Minister Rediwan Hussien restated the federal government's stance on the conflict that erupted in November last year. Redwan explained that the government's decision to withdraw and declare a ceasefire was 'an attempt to address the major concerns of the international community for cessation of hostility, unimpeded access to the region, and the withdrawal of Eritrean troops.' He also said the army has to refocus its attention to protecting the country from another national threat, this time an external one, rather than fighting the already incapacitated TPLF. Moreover, the Ambassador said the ceasefire would 'help the people of Tigray to reflect on the pros and cons of colluding with a terrorist group to fight the Ethiopian troops who were providing protection and humanitarian aid in the region'. "The government declared the ceasefire because the Ethiopian army was not ready to exchange fires with people in Tigray who have been misled by the ethnically charged propaganda of the TPLF." Redawan said, urging the international community to ramp up humanitarian aid to the people of Tigray and to pay attention to TPLF's threats to launch attacks against the Amhara region and Eritrea. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Ethiopia Conflict Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. General Bacha Debele, on his part, stated "Mekelle has ceased to be the center of gravity that is capable of posing a threat to the nation and the federal government." He refuted the claims that the ENDF was expelled from Mekelle by Tigrayan forces saying, "The group was defeated in a Three weeks swift conventional war while it was armed to teeth but now its military, administrative and organizational structure is obliterated." AS editorial The Managing director of the Forestry Development Authority has said that Liberian forests are not under threat, but are well protected, especially the North Nimba Reserved forest. Mr. C. Mark Doryen told this paper last week that Liberian forests are not under any form of threat, especially the East Nimba Park. More to that, the FDA said they are investing in human resource capacity that will have a long lasting impact on the forests. "Who told you that the forest is under threat? We are doing a lot for that forest. In fact it is protected than before," he said. Recently, it was reported that the forest was under threat due to the lack of sufficient logistics for rangers to patrol and protect. As a result of that, there are intruders. But he said, the FDA is working with its international partners and is doing much more for the protection of the forests. "In fact that park is the most protected area. It is about 11,000 hectors. We have twelve rangers on patrol and each has a motorbike that we fuel monthly. In addition to that, we provide a four door Landcruiser jeep to the Chef park warden," he added. "We provide fuel to it on a monthly basis." According to him, as a way to ensure that they increase surveillance, recently, they were given five drones by conservation international to track down any intruders. "We were given five drones which are put up to track down intruders. Also, to track down people who will be selling bush meat- once they are seen, they will be detected in the specific area and later moved to be arrested." Now, you hardly see people selling meat on the streets and around supermarkets, he added. "We have forest politics and they have ignorance. Some people assume and lie. They speak as if all is true. But those who tell you are not saying the fact." He continued: "the forest area has very limited human activities in the area. In fact residents in the areas are now serving as security." He said, "When you talk about threat, remove Nimba national forest. Over 30 years, no one has gone there to that place to cut a single tree. It is even the most protected park." In addition to the local protection, he said, it has external protection as well. It is a reserved forest that is located near the borders with Guinea and Ivory Coast. "There is what we refer to as trans-border conservation corridors. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Legal Affairs Environment By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. With rangers from Ivory Coast with Ivory Coast, Guinea, what is happening is a situation where those people are protecting their areas. They cannot allow anyone to cross to hunt here and we from this side do the same." According to him, they were able to have an agreement with Arcelor Mittal to support the community forests. "These are support that comes from the FDA and the Liberian forest sector directly to the park. We have an MOU with AML. Under that MOU, AML supports the activities of the park and the community with USD$10,000 monthly," he said. This amount is not given to the community in cash, rather, logistics and other items needed for the support of the forest. "That money is managed by a joint committee headed by one Mr. Saye Thompson. AML is on the committee, FDA along with others from the communities. We have made a policy here that we should decentralize our activities. They manage it and not a dime comes to FDA. The money is spent there in the community," he said. Cash only comes in, he said, to the community when people there have to do physical work like brushing. With that, they are paid. He said recently, two elephants crossed over from Guinea into Liberia and they have to ensure their safety by placing rangers to protect them. "They were here for one month. We guarded them until they returned. There are about 14 protected areas in Liberia Abuja The Nigeria Union of Journalists NUJ and Media Foundation for West Africa have released a report detailing atrocities, murder, torture and rights abuses of journalists practising in Nigeria, naming the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, state governors, NASS members, politicians, security agencies, among others, as the biggest violators of press freedom. The report, entitled "The State of Media Freedom in Nigeria", released at a briefing in Abuja yesterday, focused primarily on the last six years of President Buhari in power. It listed journalists killed and those whose deaths were yet to be resolved as well as those harassed by State actors and beaten up in their line of duty. Media houses harrased by security operatives, were also included in the report. National President of NUJ , Chris Isiguzo, while speaking during the presentation, said practising in Nigeria is becoming a dangerous venture and bemoaned the repeated harassment of journalists called on State actors to desist from such. The report read: "Politicians have realized that to acquire power, either through legitimate means or through outright manipulations, they need to obtain the connivance of the media. "And politicians and political office holders also know that to retain power, they require the support of the media, ditto those who wish to ascend to power. "Even those whose positions are threatened suddenly realize the need to pocket the media. These elements have compounded the problems of the media. "The media in Nigeria have suffered a number of setbacks over the years, with the obvious but unsuccessful attempts by government to control them. There are equally increased harassment and killings of journalists in the country. "These acts are daily causing frustrations among media professionals in the country. Politicians, both in and out of government are increasingly filing legal cases against journalists who especially report on allegations of corruption, while security operatives have been used to block access for reporters in several areas. "Acts of impunity against journalists, particularly murder, is the ultimate form of censorship. These unfortunately, are likely to continue unabated. From the murder of Dele Giwa in 1986 through a parcel bomb, the killers are yet to be fished out and brought to book. "Since then several attacks have been recorded against journalists, in spite of the fact that attacks against journalists and media equipment are illegal under international humanitarian law and the Nigerian legal system. "Clear signals indicate that such killings are sponsored by desperate politicians and high office holders who had things they wished kept secret. "For the period being reviewed, 2016- 2020, we have recorded some of the highest levels of violence targeting journalists in the country. These statistics constitute an indictment of the poor record on democracy and rule of law in Nigeria. "The lack of transparency, corruption and politics of exclusion often result in frustrations and violent rivalries, creating dangerous environments in which journalists become easy targets for powerful forces intent on suppressing dissent and evading public accountability. "The increasing rate of violations of media professionals and members of their families, is a clear signal that journalists are now being deliberately targeted as a result of the work they do. "At least 300 violations affecting about 500 journalists, media workers and media houses have been recorded in Nigeria under the regime of President Buhari. "On April 11, 2016 around 3am, an unknown gunman kidnaped Tope Kuteyi, the Channels TV correspondent in Owerri from his home. The kidnapper later made a ransom demand of N15million. "On December 2016, the Department of State Services in Lokoja, Kogi State, arrested Friday Ogungbemi, publisher of Policy and Lawmaker Magazine and detained him without trial. "This action which was at the instance of Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State was another example of how prominent Nigerians react to Media scrutiny. "Friday Ogungbemi's alleged crime was authoring an Editorial on the Chief of Staff to the Governor of Kogi State, Mr Edward Onoja. "On January 17, 2017, the Borno State Police Command arrested and detained Inuwa Bwala, Publisher of National Trail newspaper in Abuja, at the instance of a top politician in 2016. "This Journalist had to send an SOS to the Nigeria Union of Journalists and friends that there was a threat to his life in detention. It took the intervention of the Union to secure his release. "On January 13, 2017, the Police CID in Area 10 Garki, Abuja, arrested and detained Desmond Utomwen, publisher of Freshnews, an online newspaper, at the instance of a serving Customs officer, Inspector Umaru Faru. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Media By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Desmond was working on a story which allegedly was critical of the said officer. Desmond was released following the intervention of Police AIG Usman Shehu who received a complaint from the NUJ. "The union demanded for a thorough investigation by the customs of the alleged corruption by Umaru Faru, but to no effect. "On January 19, 2017, the police arrested Premium Times Publisher, Dapo Olorunyomi alongside the Judiciary Reporter, Evelyn Okakwu, and held them for several hours at Police Headquarters in Abuja. "This was at the instance of the Chief of Army Staff then, Lt Gen Tukur Yusuf Buratai who complained about defamation of character. "On April 19, 2017, some men of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Nigeria Police Force, arrested and detained Midat Joseph, correspondent of the Leadership newspaper for being critical of Kaduna State Government and the Governor Nasir el-Rufai's administration. "The journalist later released on bail granted by a court after spending two nights at the Police cell." Vanguard News Nigeria The House of Representatives has ordered an investigation into the non-payment and under utilisation of non-regular allowances of army personnel from 2017 despite increment in budgetary provision for the allowances in 2020 and 2021. The decision of the House was sequel to the adoption of a motion of urgent national importance moved by Hon. Abubakar Nalaraba at the plenary yesterday. Moving the motion, the lawmaker recalled the significant upward review of non-regular allowance of the Nigerian army in 2017 to ensure that serving army personnel are adequately remunerated and motivated for optimum performance in provision of adequate security in the country. The lawmaker noted that the non-regular allowance, which includes payments such as first 28 days allowance, operations allowance and duty tour allowance of soldiers and officers, was necessitated to mitigate the effects of current economic realities on the welfare of troops and the entire personnel of the Nigerian army. Nalaraba said the increment was captured in the Manual of Finance Administration (MAFA) and approved for implementation by President Muhammadu Buhari on January26, 2018. He said: "Despite the increment in budgetary provision for non-regular allowances from N283 billion in 2020 to about N380 billion in 2021, the welfare of army personnel has not felt the corresponding effect and personnel of Nigerian army involved in internal security operations, training and performance of other military duties, who are still being owed various types of non-regular allowances." The lawmaker pointed out that the country is besieged by several security challenges and the Nigerian army is currently saddled with internal security operations, which include anti-insurgency operations in the North-east, anti-banditry operations in the North-west, anti-bunkering in the South-south and anti-kidnapping across the country. The House, therefore, mandated its Committee on Army to investigate the disbursement of non-regular allowances to army personnel from 2017 till date and report back to the House in four weeks. The Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Malam Mele Kyari, has stressed the need for Nigeria to develop a framework on energy security in order to have diversified sources of petroleum products supply and to secure all the sources. According to him, the massive population of Nigeria, where 70 per cent of the people is predominantly youths, poses a challenge to the energy security of the nation. Kyari, while fielding questions on The Morning Show, the flagship breakfast programme on ARISE NEWS Channel, the broadcast arm of THISDAY Newspapers, also defended the federal government's interest in acquiring a 20 per cent stake in Dangote Refinery, worth about $3.8 billion. He stated that if the deal is consummated, NNPC could recoup its investment in five years. He said: "For example, when there is a minor scarcity of petrol, it affects several things and several people because of our large population size and shortage in the supply chain of petroleum products. So there is a need to secure our sources of petrol supply at all times, which calls for the need to develop a framework where energy security is guaranteed. "Three years ago, NNPC decided that it needed to expand its portfolio as a company, and spread its risks since it can't depend on the refineries owned solely by NNPC. There was a need to spread the location of the refineries, the ownership of the refineries in such a way that at any point in time, the government can guarantee energy security for our country, and have multiple sources of supply. We decided that we are taking equity in many other assets. Today, NNPC has equity in ammonia plants, methanol plants and fertiliser plants so that we can spread our risks and portfolio and particularly in terms of petroleum. NNPC believes that taking equity in any refinery that is producing more than 100,000 barrels of petrol per day is the right thing to do." Kyari stated that although government refineries have not been properly managed in the past years, the government now has a different perspective in managing them now. He added that the federal government had to change the old model to a new one, such that the best practice is for government to get an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contract to run refineries, and not for NNPC to run them. He said the government would consider a situation where NNPC must hand over the operations of refineries to an O&M contract. "We know that having that type of structure will work and that type of structure is seen in Dangote Refinery and other private enterprises. "We followed the process that will enable us to award NNPC contract, and we are also following through a process to award contracts for Kaduna and Warri(refineries). In the same manner, for a reputable international company, the process of doing this turnaround is to ensure it is efficient, transparent, and we are going to end up with the best contractors to deliver on this. Overall, the Warri and Kaduna (refineries) will catch up with the Port Harcourt process because they have learnt from the Port Harcourt mistakes we made," he added. Kyari also gave reasons why NNPC had to acquire equity in Dangote Refinery. He said: "We have to invest in Dangote Refinery in order to expand our portfolio in the oil industry. When you acquire equity in other people's business, it helps you to diversify and spread risk as an investor. So I feel NNPC should not be confined to Nigeria's national petroleum products only but should diversify and spread its investment portfolio in private businesses. "What business diversification means is that if one arm of the business is not doing well, the other arms could be doing well to sustain the company." He attributed another reason for the planned investment in Dangote Refinery to the need to ensure that government, which depends largely on revenue and resources from petroleum for its wellbeing does not allow the private sector only to have that control. He added: "No country does it; others have tried it, but failed and they have paid the price for it. We have seen this coming so we decided to acquire equity in Dangote Refinery. Aliko Dangote did not ask for it, it was our decision that we needed to take equity and this decision was made three years ago. I can confirm to you that it's not what they want to do but we made a request and with the policy of the government, we took interest in it." Speaking about the board control, Kyari said NNPC would have a seat on the board of the refinery since 20 per cent equity could guarantee a seat on the board of any company. He, however, said talks were ongoing for NNPC to take a 30 per cent stake in Dangote but that the deal had not been closed since conversations to clear issues around governance and terms of conditions, were ongoing. "What they want is for us to take less, but because we are very experienced in the NNPC about what refineries do and what returns come from refinery operations, we have seen that this refinery, whenever we invest, we are very sure we can cash out on our investments in five years, maximum. So, it's a very valuable investment that we have seen. "Therefore, we insisted that it has to be 20 per cent of the equity. Obviously, that's not what they want. Negotiations are on and in any case, you can't force yourself into a private business, but they asked for something less. We didn't start negotiations today. We started around December last year," he stated. Giving insight on how to raise the money for the investment, Kyari said NNPC would borrow $1 billion from a syndicate being coordinated by African Export-Import Bank (Afrexim), adding that no group would want to give out that amount of money if they don't see a pathway to recovery. He assured Nigerians that NNPC was not going to use any government money to pay back the loan and that NNPC would pay back the loan from the cash flow of the refinery, as it will make money and also pay dividends to enable NNPC to pay back the loan. "The goal of all this is to be a net exporter of petroleum products in a very short time, probably less than two years. If that happens, then you have to look for the market, which means that you have to see how the flow of products works within West Africa. This is an obvious advantage and something we should have done about 20 years ago," Kyari said. On the state of the oil market, Kyari stated that getting back to pre-COVID-19 level will be achieved by 2022 at the earliest, adding that the oil industry is not comfortable with high oil prices because customers will look for alternatives. He added that the only way to pull down prices of oil in the international market is to increase supply. Kyari expressed optimism that the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, (OPEC) may intervene on production level at its meeting today. According to him, part of the problems with shutting down oil wells due to the OPEC cut is that it may be challenging getting them back to produce. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. On the cost of production of oil, Kyari explained that the corporation has engaged with its contractors and asked for discounts in excess of 30 per cent, adding that it is possible to bring costs per unit to $10 per barrel. He said the industry had been embarking on sharing of costs, including making use of, for instance, one aircraft, whereas in the past each company could deploy individual planes. He stated that the NNPC was working to optimise production, stressing that the corporation is always comfortable when oil sells for between $50 to $60 per barrel, in contrast to the current $75. Kyari said that in the past, all the focus was on oil, adding that with renewed attention to gas as a transition fuel and plenty need for the product to power the country, gas will become the new oil in the nearest future. He assured the country that the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline, OB3 and others will give more access to an excess of two billion cubit feet of gas in the country. On the recent Shell's objection to portions of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), he stated that over 100 amendments had been made, stressing that the oil giant may not be aware of the changes. He said that although vandalism has not fully stopped, it has reduced considerably because of more intense engagement with host communities as well as firmer actions by the security forces. On the global transition to renewables, Kyari stated that Nigeria was watching the trends in the global space, explaining that the world isn't moving away from fossil fuels immediately, but could deploy them for safer uses. President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday blamed Nigerians for the inherent injustices plaguing the country, saying neither ethnicity nor religion is responsible for the myriad of problems facing the country. The president, in a statement by his media adviser, Mr. Femi Adesina, stated that he came to the conclusion of Nigerians being responsible for the challenges facing the country after reflecting on the complexities of the Nigerian condition. "Our problem is not ethnicity or religion, it is ourselves," the president said. Buhari spoke while receiving members of the Muhammadu Buhari/Osinbajo (MBO) Dynamic Support Group, who visited the State House, Abuja, to present a compendium of five years of achievements of his administration to him. He recalled his struggles to get justice at the court, after disputed results of presidential elections in 2003, 2007, and 2011, noting that the people who ruled against him were of his own ethnic stock and religious persuasion, while those who backed him were of other faith and ethnicity. He stated: "After my third appearance in the Supreme Court, I came out to speak to those who were present then. I told them that from 2003, I'd spent 30 months in court. The President of the Court of Appeal, the first port of call for representation by presidential candidates then, was my classmate in secondary school in Katsina. We spent six years in the same class, Justice Umaru Abdullahi. "My legal head was Chief Mike Ahamba, a Roman Catholic and an Ibo man. When the president of the court decided that we should present our case, my first witness was in the box. Ahamba insisted that a letter should be sent to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to present the register of constituencies in some of the states, to prove that what they announced was falsehood. It was documented. "When they gave judgment, another Ibo man, the late Justice Nsofor, asked for the reaction from INEC to the letter sent to them. They just dismissed it. He then decided to write a minority judgment. That was after 27 months in court. "We went to the Supreme Court. Who was Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN)? A Hausa-Fulani like me, from Zaria. The members of the panel went in for about 30 minutes, came back to say they were proceeding on break. They went for three months. When they came back, it didn't take them 15 minutes, they dismissed us." He also talked about his experience after the 2007 and 2011 presidential polls saying: "In 2007, who was the CJN? Kutigi; Again a Muslim from the North. After eight months or so, he dismissed the case." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Religion By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He added: "Again in 2011, because I was so persistent, Musdafa, a Fulani man like me, from Jigawa, neighbour to my state, was CJN. He dismissed my case." "I've taken you round this to prove that our problem is not ethnicity or religion. It is ourselves. "I refused to give up. I had tried to wear Agbada after what happened to me in khaki. Something was done to me because I did something to others. You know it. In the end, I myself was arrested, sent to detention, and they were given back what they had taken. I was there for three-and-a-quarter years. This is Nigeria. "I hope historians and intellectuals would document this because it is a fantastic state of political development. Let our grandchildren and great-grandchildren see how we came along. We didn't get it as easy as other people think. Not because God has given us a great population and resources. We have suffered along the line. "I try to mention these things because you got yourselves together, used your resources, energies without any input from me. I cannot thank you enough. I'm very grateful to you and to Nigerians because in 2019, I visited all the states, the people that turned out to see me across the country (because I'm dedicated to serving Nigeria and Nigerians), and the love is genuine. "Thank God that over the years, they can't accuse me of corruption. And I've been everything; governor, Minister of Petroleum Resources, head of state, president and in my second term. I thank you that nobody forced you, but you got together, used your energy, time and resources, I thank you very much. I assure you, history will do you justice." "This is no longer a new thing in FUOYE as we have even had a class by the dumpsite." The students of the Federal University, Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), have lamented the shortage of classrooms in their university. Aderiye Oyindamola, a 400-level student of Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies described the issue as one of the major problems students of the university grapple with daily. "This is one of the major problems we face in FUOYE every day," she said. "My faculty is in Phase 3. However, the unavailability of lecture halls makes us go to Phase 1, most times. Sadly, we get to share one lecture hall with over three classes when we use the Main Auditorium. Hence, the inability to hear well in classes," she said. A 100-level student from the department of English and Literary Studies, Ofem Wofai, also expressed sadness at the situation. "It is very disappointing and tiring. I went to a class some time ago. We were told it would be held in the Main Auditorium. When we got there, a church was having a programme, and we were directed to use the Faculty of Arts' Pavilion. On getting there again, the class was filled up and most of us had to squat throughout the class. Me, particularly, squatted for over an hour until a friend offered me a seat at the front," she said. Abiodun Oluwafemi, a 300-level student of Demography and Statistics, said: "The funniest part of this challenge is that even lecturers fight over classes. It's now based on 'first come, first serve'. It is very disheartening to come to class from a far distance only to go home because of the unavailability of lecture rooms. Let the management do something, please." On Thursday, June 3, these reporters saw a lecture hall overfilled with students. While the lecture was ongoing, some of the students were standing outside the hall while others were sitting on the windows. Speaking with UCJ FUOYE reporters, Adeyemi Temitope from the department of Criminology and Security studies expressed his lack of surprise at the occurrence. "This is no longer a new thing in FUOYE as we have even had a class by the dumpsite, here. This is POL 102 class in which three departments do the course. The class was slated for 8 a.m., I got here some minutes late only to find out there's no space inside the hall. We are used to it already," he said. Harry Olufunwa, a PhD holder and a lecturer in the Faculty of Arts, said there has been a shortage of classrooms since he got to the university in April 2016. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Education Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "It has affected the quality of teaching. Once upon a time, we had like 32 students in a classroom, and 32 students could fit into any class. But we now have an excess of 200 students in the same class. "As an English lecturer, my English classes 212 and 102 can only be held at the Faculty of Arts' Pavilion and the Main Auditorium. There are no other venues that can accommodate the students. If I attempt to do so, it will become difficult for the lecturer and the class," Mr Olufunwa said. In the Faculty of Arts, classes are restricted to two venues: the University Main Hall at Phase 1 area of the university and the Faculty of Arts' Pavilion for large classes. Students are usually the ones who suffer most due to the shortage of classrooms, Mr Olufunwa said. "When students are not able to hear the lecturer in a big hall or an overfilled classroom, they spend that time doing something else. That usually has consequences in the examination for them," he said. FUOYE is one of the universities established by the federal government in 201. It, like most other public universities, faces the challenge of inadequate funding and facilities. But the university's management says it is concerned about the situation and is trying to find a solution. "I can assure you the Vice-Chancellor has been proactive in attending to it (inadequate classrooms)," the Dean of Students' Affairs, Dosu Malomo, who also lectures in the Faculty of Sciences, said. He, however, did not disclose the specific actions being taken by the university management on the matter. "In under four months this year, IPOB has carried out over fifty-five (55) violent acts in various parts of South-east Nigeria killing scores of people and destroying many properties..." The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, 'orchestrated' the killing of 60 persons and the destruction of property in 55 violent attacks across the South-east and South-south zones within four months. The Federal Government stated this in a letter to western diplomats. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the letter dated April 26, 2021 detailed the atrocities committed by members of IPOB on the alleged instruction of Mr Kanu who was then in exile. NAN also reports that one of the attachments to the letter listed the attacks on lives and property by IPOB in some parts of the country between January and April 2021. With several Kanu's broadcasts from Europe, there were concerns in official quarters that some western countries were justifying IPOB's violent acts under the guise of the group's pursuit of self-determination. According to the "demarche" from the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to some western countries, the Federal Government objected to a statement by "an agency of a western nation whose government had noted and admitted that the creation of Eastern Security Network (ESN), based on its own understanding, was to combat insecurity". The Federal Government, in its letter, however considered the statement (by the western nation) as "justifying the establishment of a militia by a non-state actor and glossing over the destructive and violent acts of IPOB and the ESN." "In under four months this year, IPOB has carried out over fifty-five (55) violent acts in various parts of Southeast Nigeria killing scores of people and destroying many properties." "Indeed it would seem that the position of the (western nation) seems to have further emboldened Nnamdi Kanu the self-confessed leader of IPOB. "As recently as 22nd April, 2021, broadcasting online from his base in London, Mr Kanu has issued series of instructions to his militia and other members of the outlawed organisation, on acts of violence to be carried out within the territory of Nigeria," the Federal Government stated in the letter. 'Copious references by Kanu' The letter made copious references to some of the threats issued by Mr Kanu thus: "Our madness has just begun. "Every night, young men will not sleep, you will come out, at the starting of every road that leads to every populated area under human habitation to make sure that appropriate road blocks are put in place to slow them down so we can catch them (Fulanis) and kill them. "That is what we want you to do. Obiano (Governor of Anambra State) from today onwards, anywhere you are seen in public you will be attacked ... . Obiano, ... you are a dead man walking. "Any landlord that gives accommodation or rents his house or her house to a Fulani person, to an army personnel, to somebody who works for the police or DSS ... . "Kill them. If you see the army and the police in your place, kill all of them... Kill them. "From today I am announcing, there will be no election in Anambra State. Every edifice of election in Anambra State, will be destroyed. I am warning you in advance. There will be no election. There will be no campaign in Anambra State. "Any vehicle you see, from tonight (22nd April 2021), 12 midnight to 5, destroy it completely. That is the time they (referring to Fulanis) move about abducting people. And we keep quiet. ... What stops you young people from, once you see them coming around 4am in the morning, you will block all every exits, set it on fire?" "They will exhaust all the ammunition that they have, then we capture them alive and cut off their heads. All of them. Decapitate them," the Federal Government further quoted Mr Kanu's alleged instructions to IPOB members. 'Targeted attacks' The Federal Government also noted that members of the outlawed organisation, in furtherance to these instructions, intensified their attacks on the specified targets. According to the Federal Government, "Kanu issues instructions from western capitals using Radio Biafra and members of the outlawed organisation carry them out in Nigeria". "For example, a day after Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State has confirmed to newsmen that Nnamdi Kanu has ordered members of the group to kill him and other South-East Governors, which orders were repeated on Radio Biafra, the private residence of Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodimma, in his hometown in Omuma, Oru East Local Government Area of Imo State, was attacked and set ablaze and two of the security men attached to the house were killed," the Federal Government said. The letter then listed the IPOB attacks in the South-east and South-south zones: 1. Abia: Between January 26 and April 19, 2021, six policemen were killed while property worth huge sums were destroyed by IPOB members in coordinated attacks at Uratta junction, Aba North LGA; Omoba Police Station, Isiale-Ngwa South LGA; Abriba Community in Ohafia LGA, and Uzuakoli Police Station in Bende LGA. 2. Akwa Ibom: 25 persons, including security personnel were killed in deliberate attacks on different locations across the state, between January 27 and April 19, 2021. 3. Cross River: Seven police officers were killed at Calabar-Ikom highway in Obubra and Yakur LGAs, on March 2, 2021, while a soldier was killed two days later on March 4 at a military checkpoint at Obubra Junction in Obubra LGA. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. 4. Delta: Between January 10 And April 14, IPOB members attacked and killed 11 persons including security personnel in Ughelli, Ndokwa East, Ezza South, Onicha, Ezza North, Ohaozara, Ohoukwu, LGAs. 5. Enugu: Three policemen were killed in attacks on different locations across the state between February 28 and April 18. 6. Imo: Between January 3 and April 24, 2021, IPOB members killed seven persons and injured many others in different attacks in Orlu, Obouo, Aboli Mbaise, Chitte Uboma, Isiala Mbano, Owerri, Njaba, Mbatoli, Oru East LGAs. 7. Rivers: On April 17, 2021, IPOB operatives killed an NSCDC operative on guard duty at Shell crude oil manifold in Elelewon village in Obio/Akpor LGA and injured many others. The Federal Government also told the western nation that its position "may seem to have further emboldened Kanu", adding that this may explain the increased tempo of attacks carried out by members of his group". Mr Kanu, who jumped bail in 2017 and fled the country after his country home was attacked by Nigerian soldiers, was arrested and re-arraigned before Justice Binta Nyako of a Federal High Court in Abuja on Tuesday.(NAN) Lusaka ZAMBIA has disputed allegations, raised by Amnesty International, that the government was curtailing people's freedoms in the run-up to August 12 elections. The accusations are carried in a report released on Monday, titled, "Ruling by Fear and Repression." Amnesty International alleged "killings and brutal crackdowns" against dissent had set the tone for the polls. Amos Malupenda, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services, reacted strongly to the report. The government spokesperson suggested Amnesty International was biased and inferred the rights group had vested interests in the election outcome. "Government urges the Zambian people to remain calm and understand that it is not unusual for some organisations like Amnesty International to cause panic when they anticipate that an election outcome is not likely to suit their preferences," he said. Malupenda said contrary to assertions, a vibrant civil society existed in Zambia, alongside a thriving independent media and an impartial judiciary that protected civil liberties and checks any possible excesses of the executive. Amnesty had asserted that authorities targeted opposition leaders, journalists, media houses and activists for speaking out against allegations of government corruption or abuse. Malupenda disputed this, saying Zambians were free to criticise public officials while opposition parties were allowed to conduct public meetings in accordance with the law and the public health guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These conditions are not unique to Zambia. "It is, therefore, not true that people who engage in these activities are arrested for merely engaging in such activities," Malupenda said. The spokesperson assured Zambian citizens and the international community that there was no cause for alarm. Polls are set to be the most tightly-contested in the nation's history. Incumbent, Edgar Lungu, seeks re-election. Businessman, Haikande Hichilema, is again his biggest rival. Kampala, Uganda A coalition of global energy sector leaders have launched an integrated energy pilot project dubbed 'The Utilities 2.0 Twaake' in Uganda with the aim of lighting up homes, businesses. Coordinated by Power for All and funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, the project unites Umeme Ltd, the centralized power utility company and several leading Uganda-based renewable energy companies (DREs) to provide affordable, reliable, and clean power for all in what has been described as the utilities of the future. In a country with only 28% of the population accessing electricity by the central grid, it would take over 10 million customers for Uganda to achieve universal access according to the World Bank recent studies. With the average cost of grid extension connection at $1,400, if grid extension is the sole method of service provision, the required investment would likely be in the range of USD $7billion, nearly a fifth of Uganda's current annual GDP estimated at $35 million. The Utilities 2.0 Twaake pilot is designed to at least halve this cost by relying on integrated energy. recommended by Herbeauty 7 Most Startling Movie Moments We Didn't Realize Were Insensitive Learn more Integrated energy combines centralized and decentralized technology (including solar home systems, mini-grids, grid, and smart grid systems) into an intelligent and interactive energy network that can deliver customer-centric, clean energy solutions to end energy poverty at the lowest cost and transform billions of lives faster than isolated approaches. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Through this integration, Uganda's energy customers will derive more benefit for each kilowatt consumed, creating more opportunities for business, education, health, safety and overall quality of life. The integrated energy pilot is deployed across two sites: Nyenje (grid) and Kiwumu (non-grid DRE site). The grid connected Nyenje has been operational since July 2020 with over 26percent of businesses to date receiving income generating assets for the purpose of productive use. In Kiwumu, the pilot has deployed a 40kWp mini grid in Kiwumu, Mukono district in Uganda to power 300 households and 60 local businesses. Over 50percent of the businesses in Kiwumu will receive asset financing to assist businesses with productive use. By helping customers move beyond access with appliance financing and financial literacy, the pilot project is expected to deliver jobs and improve incomes across both villages, according to Kristina Skierka, Power for All CEO. Results of the pilot project will inform future plans which should align with government's development agenda. Uganda's finance ministry and Uganda Revenue Authority executives have agreed that there is need to centralize collection of revenues within the East African Community. This, they say, will play an important role on mitigating tax competition which has significant implications on attracting investors. Article 32 of the EAC Common Market Protocol provides for the harmonization of tax policies to remove distortions and facilitate the movement of persons, goods and capital, to promote trade and investment, while Article 8 of the EAC Monetary Union Protocol provides for harmonization of fiscal policies for the avoidance of harmful competition. However, most of these policies are yet to be implemented. recommended by Herbeauty Stop Eating Red Meat (Before It's Too Late) Learn more Leonard Kizito Ojara, the Commissioner of Economic Affairs at the Ministry of EAC Affairs revealed during the Post-EAC Budget Dialogue on June.22 that Uganda as a member of the trading bloc is ready to implement policies geared towards the harmonization of the policies because the government knows its implications. A study of the tax systems in the EAC by the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute, SEATINI, found that the main impediment to implementing this, is the failure to apply the EAC Code of Ethics and fear of losing national revenues among others. SEATINI Uganda Executive Director, Jane Nalunga said the EAC also has no guiding principles for implementing certain policies. She said numerous taxes including excise duties on goods produced within the region, as well as the varying rates of Value Addition Tax and recently, Capital Gains Tax, have over the years caused controversies in the region. Kenya, for example, charges a VAT of 16%, while the rest of the countries impose 18% on the products produced within their countries and later sold to other partner countries. This makes Kenyan products cheaper and thus a recipe for smuggling into the country. Nalunga said significant differences also exist in regards to how the tax incentives are applied. For instance, Kenya and Uganda have an automatic tax exemption regime where the taxpayer meets the set criteria which is not the case with the other EAC countries. Though Tanzania requires the Minister to exercise discretion to grant the exemption; such executive exemption happen in Uganda though not statutory. She also said Uganda and Kenya have time bound exemptions for ten years while the Tanzanian exemption regime is not limited by time. "Uganda has an elaborate regime that lists the qualifying sectors. In Kenyan and Tanzania, regimes are wider without being limited to specific sectors," she said adding that Uganda tries to favor local industries and EAC citizens. Abel Kagumire, Commissioner Customs at URA said harmonization does not mean similar or equal tax rates, but the similarity in the tax policies. This, he said, helps to prevent any national tax measures that would harm the free movement of goods, services and capital within the EAC. Possible solution? Going forward, Nalunga said there is need to develop an online platform that tracks tax amendments across the region arguing that this would greatly support easy comparisons and subsequently early interventions against harmful tax measures. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines East Africa Business Uganda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. She says that otherwise, without harmonization, regional integration cannot succeed. But Kagumire noted that it is difficult to harmonize some policies because of the different levels of development in the region. "It is important to appreciate that we are at different levels of development as partners. As we are implementing tax harmonization, we need to consider the possibility of having centralized revenue administration collection. That is the big picture," he said. Kagumire says until the region implements a system of joint revenue collections, as well as harmonize other policies, competition will persist. Leonard Wanyama, the coordinator of the East Africa Tax and Governance Network said there is lack of political will in this equation amongst the countries which compromises tax collection and policy implementation. Kaduna Forty-two women drawn from the 23 LGAs of Kaduna State have been empowered with tailoring and catering skills to cushion the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Another 110 women were also given N20, 000 each as grants to start up menial businesses under COVID-19 Empowerment Programme. The First Lady, Hajiya Aisha Buhari, through her programme, Future Assured, in collaboration with the National Centre for Women and Development (NCWD) supported by the Ministry of Local Government Affairs, Kaduna State, provided sewing machines and freezers for the 42 beneficiaries. The Director General of NCWD, Dr. Asabe Vilita-Bashir, said it was to contribute to President Muhammadu Buhari's agenda of lifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty. The Kaduna State Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Ja'afar Sani, said the Federal Government Social Investment Programme was multi-faceted and essentially to lift Nigerians out of poverty. analysis South Africa and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa are in the midst of 'a perilous moment', according to the IMF. The snail's pace of vaccinations and the fastest growth in infections in the world is widening the 'dangerous divergence' in the global economy. The race to vaccinate and achieve Covid-19 resilience and thus economic resilience continues apace. Sadly, the rate at which South Africa and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa are vaccinating is now by far the slowest in what is becoming a three-speed global vaccination roll-out. This compares with the US, which has become the foremost Covid-19-resilient economy in the world, according to Bloomberg's Covid Resilience Ranking, a far cry from the Covid mess in the world's largest economy early in the pandemic. India has also made huge, impressive strides in its vaccination drive, pulling the country out of its Covid morass just a month ago when images of overflowing hospitals, black market oxygen supplies drying up, and devastating death counts dominated the news. Now, it is the country with the second-highest vaccination rate after pipping the US to the post over the past month. By contrast, South Africa, which had been warning about... Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) today announced a programme worth over 2.3 billion TSH ($990,000) to support bars and eateries in Dar es Salaam and other major towns to protect their staff and customers against the Covid-19 pandemic. SBL's support comes to light as the world struggles to return to the business from the torment inflicted by the global pandemic (Covid-19). While everyone wants to transcend the journey from failure to triumph, which as a notion, provides food for thought, SBL has identified conditions critical against all communicable diseases in the country, which include COVID-19. Dubbed "Raise the Bar" or "Tunyanyuke Pamoja", it will be a two-year programme starting in July 2021, offering outlets with free access to digital training and support. According to the company's Managing Director Mark Ocitti, this initiative by SB also complements the government's efforts to call on people and businesses to practice good hygiene to prevent themselves from communicable diseases, COVID-19 included. recommended by Herbeauty 6 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself Right Now Learn more 5 "In our initiative, we will support resilience, resolve and re-imagination to on-trade in Tanzania. The ultimate goal is to rise again, hence the name of our new project, Raise the Bar or Tunyanyuke Pamoja. The project will cover 2,000 outlets in the cities of Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanza," he said The project will support on-trade through 'Tunyanyuke Pamoja' in several ways, from training the outlet owners and staff against communicable diseases to providing technical equipment to transforming their outlets, according to Ocitti. This program by SBL is part of a global campaign by Diageo to enable bars to respond to the impact of COVID-19. Other significant cities worldwide benefit from the program: Nairobi, Kampala, New York, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Sydney, and beyond. The "Raise the Bar" program was designed following a survey of bar owners to identify key priorities to support the reopening of their business. Their top priorities included hygiene measures, digital support and valuable equipment to transform how their outlets will work when they reopen. The "Raise the Bar" programme will provide targeted support to help pay for the physical equipment needed for outlets to reopen. For example, it can provide initial funding for: 'hygiene kits' with high-quality permanent sanitizer dispenser units, medical-grade hand sanitizers and a range of personal protection equipment (such as masks and gloves); help pubs and bars to establish partnerships with online reservations and cashless systems; mobile bars and outdoor equipment," the MD elaborated. From June 30th, bar owners will be able to register their interest in the "Raise the Bar" programme globally. Bar owners will receive regular updates on best practice training and resources and participate in global surveys to share insights as they build back their businesses. The managing director added: 'Our bars and eateries constitute a critical part of our hospitality and service industry. Their universe employs thousands of people and benefits many more indirectly. We have launched "Raising the Bar" because so many outlets have recorded business slowdown as a result of this health crisis and therefore, badly need to recover." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. SBL is a key stakeholder against COVID-19 in Tanzania since the first case of the pandemic was reported in the country. In March 2020, the company partnered with the ministry of health to create COVID-19 awareness to the public by distributing flyers and posters throughout the country. A month later, SBL donated sanitizers to the Ministry of Health, again supporting the country's effort to combat the further spread of Covid-19. The impact of Covid-19 on the hospitality sector has been widespread, with the closure of venues. However, by providing access to free digital support, technology, training and equipment, Diageo aims to help any bar, anywhere, open its doors again. SBL is the second largest beer company in Tanzania, with its own brands accounting for 15% of the market by volume and when combined with EABL's portfolio, accounts for approximately 28% of the Tanzanian branded beer sector. Nairobi Kenya and the United States governments on Wednesday said they had resolved the stalemate on the lifesaving anti-retroviral drugs, paving way for the release of the Sh1.2 billion HIV commodities stuck at the port of Mombasa since January. The stalemate had disrupted the supply of the drugs to the 1.2 million Kenyans who depend on them, as they were forced to receive less than the usual three months' supply of the medications. The hitch arose following a misunderstanding between the government of Kenya and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a key donor of the HIV commodities. National Aids Control Council CEO Ruth Masha said after a series of meetings from both sides the issues had been addressed fully, including signing a framework to facilitate tax and fee waivers, as well as distribution of the USAID purchased products. "These commodities are now cleared and ready for distribution," she said in a statement seen by Capital Fm News. The team that was tasked with unlocking the impasse was appointed by Health Principal Secretary Susan Mochache on May 11, 2021, drawing representatives from the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Control Council, National AIDS and STI Control Programme, Malaria Programme, Kenya Medical Supply Authority, Pharmacy and Poisons board and the Council of Governors. Masha said they will continue to work with all stakeholders so as to address gaps and challenges in the HIV response including the issues affecting the commodity supply chain. USAID had declined to approve distribution of the drugs in the country after the Kenyan government demanded millions in taxes for the healthcare donations, leaving the consignment stuck at the port of Mombasa. The USAID agency had proposed using a company called Chemonics International to procure and supply the drugs to Kenyans due to "trust issues" with the national medical supplies body (KEMSA). Kampala, Uganda Uganda's vanilla harvest date for the first season of this year has been sent for July 1, with the new Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Frank Tumwebaze urging farmers, traders and processors to maintain best practices for the product to be competitive on the world market. Declaration of harvest date is one of the global best practices adopted by MAAIF to fight the vices in the vanilla industry. Vanilla harvesting process takes about a month, but a harvest date declared by Government marks the beginning of the harvesting period. "Farmers should harvest only fully mature and ripe vanilla. Simultaneously, traders and processors must ensure that they buy only mature vanilla and ensure professional handling and processing of vanilla to attain the highest possible vanillin content," Tumwebaze said in press statement. Poor quality of vanilla ultimately affects the prices that are offered for Uganda's vanilla by the international buyers. Consequently, the actors including farmers earn less. recommended by Herbeauty The Most Heartwarming Moments Between Father And Daughter Learn more "If we can work together to address the practices that reduce the quality of vanilla, we will be in a stronger position to protect our farmers from the price fluctuations on the worldwide vanilla market and Uganda will become a number one supplier of the high-quality vanilla in the world." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Agribusiness By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Vanilla is a high value horticulture crop grown and used as a flavoring agent in beverages, confectionaries, and pharmaceuticals. In Uganda Vanilla is grown mainly in central, western, and Eastern regions in about 28 districts. Although the global price of vanilla has dropped, of all the crops grown in Uganda, vanilla still fetches the highest price per kilogram. Due to its high price, there are several malpractices along the vanilla value chain. These include theft, thuggery, robbery, murders, immature harvesting, handling, and processing, which compromise the overall quality of the final vanilla product that is put on the market. Government, through MAAIF has partnered with the promoters of vanilla like Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the vanilla exporters association of Uganda (VANEX), UVAN and farmers to identify and popularize strategies that reduce the malpractices along the vanilla value chain to improve the quality and profitability of Uganda's vanilla. OccupyGhana, a Civil Society group has condemned in no uncertain terms, the incidents of violence perpetuated against Ghanaians in Ejura in the Ashanti Region by the military, urged on by the Police. The citizens were demonstrating against the murder of Ibrahim Mohammed, a social media activist who had been insisting that the country needed to be fixed. According to a statement issued by OccupyGhana, today, June 30, 2021,"It is painfully ironic that the Police, who apparently do not have answers as yet for the circumstances under which the activist was killed, could then line up with the military to engage in the maiming and killing demonstrating citizens in Ejura in marksman style, as videos and photos of the incidents suggest." The statement said, "Our history is replete with several instances of the deployment of the military and deadly force to quell protests; and they have almost always ended in the shooting and killing of civilians. One would have thought that after the 28 February 1948 Crossroads shooting incident, the use of deadly force to control crowds would be the last thing that any government of an independent Ghana would authorise or tolerate. "We reject the notion that the only way that authorities know of to de-escalate tension, is the deployment of the military, and that the military's only knowledge about such matters is the use of deadly force." The statement continued, "The contrasts in our recent history are sharp and real. The deployment of the military and deadly force led to the Kume Preko killings and Techiman South killings. To the best of our knowledge, no one was punished for those killings. In contrast, the non-deployment of the military during the Occupy Flagstaff House demonstration meant that although the police wrongfully arrested some protesters, no one was shot or maimed. "We clearly have learned no lessons from these, hence that national embarrassment on live TV when the military was called in on our Parliament, however rowdy the election process of the Speaker was, literally at the dawn of this stage of the Fourth Republic. "We have learned no lessons also because these incidents have never been thoroughly investigated, and no one is ever punished for taking the lives of citizens of the land through such needless military action." It added, "Soldiers are built and trained for war. The presence of the military in any civil event could turn that location into a potential war zone, where one side has all the firepower purchased for them by the citizens at the receiving end of the force. This is why it is the civil Police that should lead out in all matters involving the interior. "That is why we condemn the militarisation of keeping the peace in Ghana. It must end forthwith. The last citizen-funded bullet fired on citizens should be the last ever." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Ghana Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The statement concludes that in the face of repeated executive failure to lead on this matter, "we demand that Parliament must now take the lead by passing a law that regulates the involvement of the military in matters concerning the interior. That law must provide for military activation only when irrefutable evidence shows national police personnel will be overwhelmed by an escalating event. That law must also provide for a full scale judicial inquiry into each such activation, whatever the results are, reports published and punishments meted to those who flout the law and cause needless deaths. "We express our deepest condolences to the families of the dead. We wish those in hospital all the best and speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of them." Source: Publicagendagh.com The government has abandoned the demand that it should be the only one to distribute a Sh2.1 billion consignment of HIV drugs donated by the US, ending a six-month standoff on distribution of the anti-retroviral drugs. However, the governments of Kenya and the United States of America have reached a compromise that the consignment stuck at the Port of Mombasa will be distributed by Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (Meds). The government had insisted that only the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (Kemsa) would distribute the drugs to counties. Meds is a faith-based organisation leading in promoting healthy lives that supplies health products to various entities in the country. The ARVs, among other medicines imported in January, have been lying at the Port of Mombasa for six months. They were donated by the US government through its aid agency USAid, and are yet to be taken to county hospitals due to a standoff over taxation and the distributor. This has placed the lives of 1.5 million HIV patients who have been struggling with a shortage of the drugs at risk. The matter was worsened by the insistence of the Ministry of Health to have Kemsa distribute the drugs, a decision the USAid opposed, instead selecting its own entity - American firm Chemonics - to procure and distribute the donations to Kenya, causing tension between the two entities. Distribution of drugs The US agency opposed Kemsa due to the corruption scandals that have rocked the agency in recent months. However, Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe had earlier indicated that the government was not going to sign any contract with an organisation it knows nothing about to bring medications into the country, unless the USAid does that and takes care of the tax issues. "We do not want to work with that private company, it has several accusations from other countries and we have brought this to the donor's attention and if they have to continue working with them, then it has to be their issue and the Kenyan government is not going to be part of their deals," Mr Kagwe said. The Ministry of Health and the donors in March formed a committee to look into the issues surrounding the agency while they look for a way forward. "With the agreement, the USAid had instructed the Ministry of Health to put everything from the last meeting in writing, including the officers at Meds that the USAid was to engage, so that they release the drugs," said a source who sought anonymity. A source at the Ministry of Health told the Daily Nation that the letter is yet to be delivered to the US embassy, and it was only after that that the two will start distributing the drugs to the counties. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya AIDS By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Stalemate unlocked "We agreed, yes, in a meeting but the ministry was to put everything in writing, the letter is yet to be written. But the process is ongoing. The distribution will take place immediately after that," said the source. However, according to a statement from Dr Ruth Laibon Masha, the CEO of the National Aids Control Council (NACC), the two have since unlocked the stalemate and the drugs were ready for distribution. "On May 11, 2021, a committee was formed to work on modalities of resolving the stalemate. We held a series of meetings with US representatives where all outstanding issues were resolved," Dr Masha said. The resolutions, according to the statement released by NACC, include signing of a framework and implementation letter to facilitate tax and fee waivers, and distribution of the USAid-purchased commodities. These commodities are now cleared and ready for distribution. The consignment arrived on January 18, 2021, after an application for the import permits and approval of import declaration form were submitted on December 16, 2020 and resubmitted in January 5, 2021 by the appointed agent. The donors had earlier hinted they were considering moving the drugs to another country, citing the remaining shelf life of the drugs and the storage charges accruing. By the beginning of June, the storage charges had amounted to more than a quarter of the total cost of the drugs. opinion Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the ANC is actually lukewarm on the issue of expropriation without compensation (EWC). With the so-called Radical Economic Transformation (RET) forces in the party in disarray, with action against Ace Magashule and Jacob Zuma, it is even more on the back foot. Section 25 of the Bill of Rights - Chapter 2 of our supreme law, the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa - sets out the parameters within which the right to property is respected and protected by the state. At its 2017 elective conference held at Nasrec, the fractious and faction-ridden delegates voted in favour of a resolution that requires Parliament to revisit section 25 with a view to introducing a system that allows for confiscation of land or, as it is more delicately, albeit inaccurately, called, "expropriation without compensation". The resolution was explained to the media at the time by ANC spokesperson, Enoch Godongwana, and was reported as: "The final conclusion that we agreed, the national executive committee will initiate some amendments in the Constitution's section 25 to achieve expropriation without compensation. "For that to happen it must be sustainable," said Godongwana. This means it must not impact on agricultural production,... Serengeti Breweries Limited (SBL) has unveiled a programme worth over 2.3bn/-to support bars and eateries in Dar es Salaam and other major towns to protect their staff and customers against the Covid-19 pandemic. SBL's support comes to light as the world struggles to return to the business from the torment inflicted by the global pandemic. While everyone wants to transcend the journey from failure to triumph, which as a notion provides food for thought, SBL has identified conditions critical against all communicable diseases in the country, which include Covid-19. Dubbed "Raise the Bar" or "Tunyanyuke Pamoja", it will be a two-year programme starting in July 2021, offering outlets with free access to digital training and support. According to the company's Managing Director Mark Ocitti, this initiative by SBL also complements the government's efforts to call on people and businesses to practice good hygiene to prevent themselves from communicable diseases, Covid-19 included. "In our initiative, we will support resilience, resolve and re-imagination to on-trade in Tanzania. The ultimate goal is to rise again, hence the name of our new project, Raise the Bar or Tunyanyuke Pamoja. The project will cover 2,000 outlets in the cities of Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanza," he said. The project will support on-trade through 'Tunyanyuke Pamoja' in several ways, from training the outlet owners and staff against communicable diseases to providing technical equipment to transforming their outlets, he said. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Tanzania By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. This programme by SBL is part of a global campaign by Diageo to enable bars to respond to the impact of Covid-19. Other significant cities worldwide benefit from the program: Nairobi, Kampala, New York, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Belfast, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Sydney, and beyond. The "Raise the Bar" programme was designed following a survey of bar owners to identify key priorities to support the reopening of their business. Their top priorities included hygiene measures, digital support and valuable equipment to transform how their outlets will work when they reopen. The "Raise the Bar" programme will provide targeted support to help pay for the physical equipment needed for outlets to reopen. For example, it can provide initial funding for: 'hygiene kits' with high-quality permanent sanitiser dispenser units, medical-grade hand sanitisers and a range of personal protection equipment (such as masks and gloves); help pubs and bars to establish partnerships with online reservations and cashless systems; mobile bars and outdoor equipment," he said. From June 30th, bar owners will be able to register their interest in the "Raise the Bar" programme via www.diageobaracademy.com globally. Bar owners will receive regular updates on best practice training and resources and participate in global surveys to share insights as they build back their businesses. "Our bars and eateries constitute a critical part of our hospitality and service industry. Their universe employs thousands of people and benefits many more indirectly. Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams has expressed her condolences to the family and friends of Dan Maswanganye and Celeste Phillips who passed away this week. Maswanganye was a technical manager at Primedia Broadcasting while Phillips had worked for the SABC news and eNCA during her broadcasting career. "We wish their families and loved ones peace and strength during this difficult time, and pray that they find comfort in the beautiful memories that they shared with their loved ones. "As the Ministry of Communications and Digital Technologies, and the custodian of broadcasting policy in country, we acknowledge the role that they have played in shaping the broadcasting industry in South Africa, and the many young people that they inspired," Ndabeni-Abrahams said on Thursday. On Monday, June 28, Rwanda through a new Ministerial Order outlined a framework for the growing, processing and medical use of cannabis in the country. Among the provisions in the new ministerial order is the medical use of cannabis and cannabis products in the country. The order noted that cannabis and related products can only be used on condition that it is prescribed by a specialist medical doctor. For this purpose, the order specifies that a specialised medical doctor is one whom the Ministry of Health has given, in writing, the authority to prescribe cannabis and cannabis products for use by a patient. Rwandan medical experts say that among key instances where cannabis-related medication may be prescribed include treatment of chronic pain stemming from different health issues, use in the administration of anesthesia as well as sedatives and hypnotics. Medical marijuana has been found effective in management of chronic pain especially for patients with conditions such as cancer, severe accidents among others. Local medical practitioners including doctors and pharmacists welcomed the development, noting that it is a significant pharmaceutical advancement. Geoffrey Beingana, a pharmacist and global health specialist, noted that while it is a pharmaceutical advancement, it should remain in the hands of experts to avoid any chances of misuse. "Medical marijuana is very important in pharmaceutical advancement. However, this should be put in the right hands of experts in this field to avoid any chances of misuse," he said. Dr. Jean-Claude Byiringiro, the acting Chairperson of the Rwanda Medical and Dental Council welcomed the development, noting that it is known to have medical advantages. He said that the local medical practitioners have adequate capacity and professionalism to ensure that there is no misuse or unnecessary prescription. He added that locally, there are other select medical products that can only be prescribed and administered by specialized medical professionals which has created a framework that could be replicated in medical marijuana prescription. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda Health By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The new order does not in any way have provisions for cultivation, processing or use of cannabis for recreational purposes in the country. Persons found to use, cultivate or sell marijuana outside the set order will be considered to be handling narcotics which is punishable by law. According to the ministerial order, the cannabis value chain will have specific roles with up to eight licenses and permits required. Types of licenses and certification include; cultivation license; import permit for seeds, genetic materials and other planting material; export permit for seeds, genetic materials and other planting materials. Other licenses and permits include; cannabis and cannabis products processing license; cannabis and cannabis products import permit; cannabis and cannabis product export permit. Other certifications and permits are finished cannabis and cannabis products registration certificate and research license. Isolation and quarantine resources within the higher learning institutional residences have been established, in a bid to prevent further outbreaks in common areas, including dining halls, kitchen and study halls. Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande said that during all the COVID-19 waves, including the current third wave, the department experienced several cluster outbreaks across many institutional residences, which has warranted HIGHER HEALTH to develop a specific protocol for residences to deal with COVID-19 positive cases. Going forward, Nzimande said the department will accelerate daily COVID-19 screenings at residences in order to identify possible outbreaks early. Addressing the media on the department's plans for the Post School Education and Training (PSET) institutions on Wednesday, as the country moves to Adjusted Alert Level 4 lockdown, Nzimande announced that HIGHER HEALTH has trained and developed over 49 000 campus-based frontline institutional staff and student volunteers. They include residence officers (on-campus, off-campus and private accommodation), management, student support services, campus security and cleaning staff. The Minister said HIGHER HEALTH will now embark on training resident managers, wardens, other resident staff, including private accommodation on the Resident Safety Protocol, in partnership with all institutional managements. He urged all institutions to work with HIGHER HEALTH, as "residences pose a serious risk for COVID-19 outbreaks and ensuring we save lives among our students". "It is now evident that the new Delta variant is highly transmissible and increasingly infecting larger numbers of younger persons in the population - unlike the previous (Alpha) variant. It is therefore crucial for young people to take these extra measures very seriously if we are to prevent community transmission," Nzimande warned. HealthCheck screening tool The Minister reminded students to use the HIGHER HEALTH toll-free digital screening tool, called HealthCheck, which is available on Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD), WhatsApp and in a webform. This provides comprehensive symptom screening on a daily basis. "It also issues a daily passport to enable all our students and staff to screen their COVID-19 status, thus allowing easy access in our campuses. I urge all our students, staff and service providers to use HealthCheck before leaving your home or residence in order to look after yourself as well as protecting others. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines South Africa Governance Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Keeping in mind the new variants that are highly transmissible even when someone is asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and especially in the third wave, daily COVID-19 screening is critical towards saving human lives. "Thus far, over 12.9 million passports have been issued through this tool since its launch in early June 2020," Nzimande said. District Campus Health In order to strengthen student health and wellness services at campuses in underprivileged communities, HIGHER HEALTH has established District Campus Health and Wellness Mobile Clinic Health Care Programme to play a key role in managing cluster outbreaks across campuses. The department works closely with the Health Department and National Health Laboratory Services, to enable early detection, isolation and further mitigating the spread of infection, across residences and campuses. The Minister has also instructed HIGHER HEALTH to come up with a PSET vaccination strategy that is aligned with and supporting the Department of Health's phased national vaccine roll out strategy. "The strategy will help to ensure access to vaccination for all our staff, including academia, management but importantly our frontline staff at our residences, cleaning, security and other support staff. This matter has been tabled at the IMC (Inter Ministerial Committee) and I am confident that very soon we will start the roll out of vaccination to all our staff in the post school system." Rwanda is set to provide 15 scholarships to medical students who want to study plastic surgery, Patrick Ndimubanzi, the Executive Secretary of Rwanda Human Resource for Health Programme (HRH) - an initiative within the ministry of health - has said. "We are working on the education curriculum for students who will do the plastic surgery training and we are also planning to get more plastic surgeons to train the students adding on to the two we already have," Ndimubanzi said. In addition, he disclosed that in August this year the government will receive partners from the American College of Surgeons to discuss the number of plastic surgeons "they can give us." The revelations come in the wake of a dire shortage of plastic surgeons in the country, coupled with the high cost associated with carrying out the surgery. The country has only two plastic surgeons and three plastic surgeon residents. With only five doctors working on plastic reconstructive surgery that involves congenital malformation, defects from trauma that include accidents or burns and cosmetic plastic surgery-the country needs more doctors to ease the workload on the existing ones. The University of Rwanda in collaboration with Operation Smile and The College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) have now teamed up to fix this shortage. The two organised the first Rwanda plastic surgery symposium to discuss solutions. Dr Charles Furaha a plastic surgeon at Rwanda Military Hospital said that he is only able to conduct six to 12 surgeries a week depending on how complex the surgeries are. This, he says is a very low number compared to a waiting list of more than 600 patients. "We do not have the accurate number of patients who need plastic surgery but from some registry of the Ministry of Health between 100 and 150 children are born with defects, and of course, they will have to be put on the waiting list which sometimes leads to death of some patients or others are crippled because their conditions were not treated early," he told The New Times. Another major challenge that the doctors face especially in rural Rwanda is the prevailing stigma directed towards patients People who suffer from these defects are usually rejected by their peers and family members. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda Health By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Parents do not know that these are treatable conditions and hence do not seek medical help," Dr Furaha added. Professor Abebe Bekele, the Country Representative of COSECSA, says that the gap of plastic surgeons can only be bridged through training more medical students and turn them into professionals. COSESCA is a non-profit organisation that offers postgraduate education and surgical training in Rwanda. "We have seen that most training hospitals are based in big cities and the rural communities are left out, we seek to increase these training into district hospitals which will make trainees reach more patients and also try to reduce this gap" he added. Francoise Mukagaju one of the three plastic surgeon residents said that they have been learning a lot from the few resources they have and through Operation Smile they were able to get professional education, medical journals and funding. Andrew Karima the country manager of Operation Smile (OS) in Rwanda told The New Time that: "Our aim is to provide the right care to patients who need plastic surgery and do it at the right time, through the engagement of Community Health Workers (CHWs). The organisation aims to train some 250 CHWs, and through medical students they will enhance recruitment of patients who need plastic surgery. Nairobi The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) has launched an investigation into fraudulent payment of Sh275 million by the Nairobi County Government, for the supply of goods that were never delivered. The food and non-food items were to be supplied to 127,500 households in Nairobi's informal settlements, as part of measures to cushion them from the challenging economic situation brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Commission on Wednesday questioned the County Finance Chief Officer Halakano Waqo. "The commission is undertaking investigations into allegation of irregular award of tenders by Nairobi City County Government for the Supply and Delivery of Food and non-Food items for disaster emergencies to mitigate effects of COVID 19 pandemic," stated the Commission's Deputy Director Forensic Investigation John Lolkoloi. The investigations follow a letter by Makongeni MCA Peter Imwatok to the anti-graft Commission claiming that the payment of the goods was illegal. He alleged that some of the companies involved in the deal are owned by some members of the county assembly and staff. Payment vouchers indicated that the companies supplied food and non-food items including, rice, flour, maize, sugar, water, bread, blankets and mattresses. Imwatok's letter highlighted companies that were paid the monies among them Tsuma Trading Company Limited (sh 82.6 million), Flexilease Limited (sh 89 million), Msafiri Feeds Limited (sh 39 million) Throughout General Supplies Limited (sh 17.7 million) Asmara Ventures Limited (sh 27 million), Capital Waste Management Limited (sh 10 million) and Daasanach Construction Limited (sh 9 million). WOOL and mohair cottage industries were established in the late 1800s. The major objective of their establishment was to conserve the original art and also to sustain the traditional skills of weaving and hand crafted articles for local, tourist and export markets. The cottages were also instituted to create job opportunities for rural Basotho women while carrying out common domestic and seasonal activities. A number of bottlenecks and constraints affect the ability of cottage groups to realise their full potential. Local cottage industry is hampered by a number of factors, including: limited access to finance, lack of access to reliable and sustainable markets, inability to access quality raw materials and adopt latest technologies, low levels of entrepreneurial and managerial skills and the fact that it is still dominated by old women(mostly). Most weaving enterprises make products, mostly tapestries, which no longer meet market demands in terms of product design and or quality. To address the aforementioned challenges, the cottage industry and niche market development sub-component of the Wool and Mohair Promotion Project (WAMPP) led by the Department of Marketing (DoM) is putting its efforts towards strengthening capacity of cottage weaving groups in enterprise planning and management, marketing and product design and also to establish linkages with international and local markets. Since the project inception, the sub-component has made its mark on the following: The DoM through WAMPP has commissioned Niche Market and comprehensive Market study with the objective to identify suitable market outlets to absorb locally produced fibre products. The DoM in collaboration with WAMPP has mobilised over one hundred and thirty eight (138) youth nationwide to venture into wool and mohair cottage industry. This is done in an effort to curb high unemployment rate faced by the youth. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Lesotho Agribusiness Food and Agriculture By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The same youth were trained by Basotho Enterprise Development Corporation (BEDCO) on business management skills, technical skills in processing wool to design and produce products using crochet, knitting, and weaving. As a result of the training, three (3) youth cooperatives were formed in the districts of Leribe, Maseru and Berea. Some of the products from the cooperatives are already being sold in the local markets. The small-scale processing facility in Berea district is almost 90% complete and it is meant to assist the industry with value-addition activities such as cleaning of the fibre, dying, and yarn making. The wool and mohair cottage industry has a potential to contribute towards national development goals. In order for the industry to unleash its potential, the DoM's medium to long term plans include carrying out market requirements survey to determine the hospitality sectoral needs as far as wool and mohair products are concerned. In addition, cottage enterprises will also be trained to innovate trending wool and mohair products. The stakeholders are also working towards establishment of an online platform which is intended to promote the industry globally. A Cottage Technical Assistant has also been engaged for a period of nine months (April - December 2021), to further help support the growth of the cottage industry. ELEVEN of out 20 illegal miners, whose bodies were last week discovered at Orkney Mine in South Africa's North West Province, have been positively identified as Basotho. This was confirmed by Lesotho's Consul General, Selimo Thabane, in an interview with the Lesotho Times this week. All in all, 20 bodies were found wrapped in grain bags outside the abandoned mine. They are suspected to have died in an underground mining accident. South African authorities are still investigating the cause of the deaths. Over the weekend, Mr Thabane and North West premier, Job Mokgoro, accompanied some Basotho families to Tshepisong Mortuary, Klerksdorp where they positively identified 11 bodies. Mr Thabane said they had initially received reports that 15 dead miners were thought to be from Lesotho. However, only 11 bodies had been identified because the rest did not have any form of identification on them. "Family members were able to identify 11 bodies and we have started the repatriation processes," Mr Thabane said. "There are other bodies without name tags and we urge people to come forward and help identify the bodies. "We were able to find the deceased miners' relatives with the assistance of the Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS), chiefs and councillors," he said. He said the deaths were attributable to the economic challenges in Lesotho which had forced many people to trek to South Africa in search of opportunities to sustain their livelihoods. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Legal Affairs South Africa Mining By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He called on the Lesotho government to urgently find ways of growing the economy to create jobs to reduce the number of people flocking to South Africa and ending up as illegal miners. "Basotho are flocking into South Africa in large numbers in search of greener pastures. It is high time the government comes up with a roadmap that addresses unemployment. "I believe that job creation at home will go a long way in reducing the number of people who come to South Africa illegally. The main reason why people are going to South Africa is because of unemployment. It is time we look at long-term solutions in order to curb these avoidable deaths. I will engage the government on this matter," Mr Thabane said. He said he had held meetings with Mr Mokgoro to find ways of curbing the problem of illegal Basotho miners in South Africa. "We are working together to find ways to address the issue. It is unfortunate that these accidents have been recurring for decades now. We have to come up with ways of addressing the problem effectively. Therefore, discussions have already started, we intend to come up with a permanent solution," Mr Thabane said, adding it was still premature to reveal the exact details of their discussions. Meanwhile, Mr Mokgoro released a statement, saying, "the situation calls for drastic deliberate action that should happen almost immediately. "We have to strengthen our integrated approach towards dealing with illegal mining. Our efforts must be more sustainable and long lasting in terms of effectiveness. Going forward we will pull all our resources together to combat, counter and eradicate this menace completely," Mr Mokgoro said. THE Students' Union of Namibia (SUN) called on society to reflect on and review Namibian history to reduce the 'entrapment syndrome'. The union said this in a statement issued today by national spokesperson Tyson Hihanguapo. He called for equity and social justice in Namibian schools. "The process of decolonising the curriculum can be facilitated by drawing from the work of Smith (1999), who identified elements of decolonization," Hihanguapo said. He said the school curriculum should be rewritten correctly to suit the people whom it is meant for. "It will be important to teach Namibian pupils about detailed genocide and the significance of the war against national resistance," Hihuanguapo said. " . . . it is important for misrepresented information to be rebuilt and to create balance to the benefit of pupils and future generations. "It is important to spell out during a history lesson how our independence was negotiated . . . that gave the Namibian child political freedom and not economic freedom," he said. MORE than 370 schoolgoing girls fell pregnant in the Khomas region during the 2020 academic year. Of that number, 24 girls were in primary school, while 321 were in secondary school, and 26 were from resource schools. These figures were revealed by Khomas regional governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua during her state of the region address on Wednesday. Katjirua expressed concern over the high number of pupils falling pregnant in Khomas every year. Apart from teenage pregnancies, Katjirua said the region's education system also faces various challenges that eventually contribute to the poor performance of schools in the region. Other challenges, Katjirua said, include absenteeism and dropouts due to hunger, and the low capacity of some schools to cope with and mitigate health-related challenges. The African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD) has called for the amendment of the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act (NMMA) 2007 for the harnessing of the full potential of the sector and aid the nation's diversification quest from crude oil. This was the high point of the launch and public presentation of 'Research on Solid Mineral Development in Nigeria: Evidence from Ebonyi, Ekiti and Taraba States' in Abuja recently. Dr Ben Nwosu of NODAC Consulting said the amendment would define a clear approach for managing grievances that may arise through the implementation process of the Community Development Agreements (CDAs). The Executive Director, Centre LSD, Mr. Monday Osasah, said the project was started in 2016 when the government promised to reform the extractive sector. He said the centre did a plan on how to mobilise citizens to participate in natural resources governance with research conducted in three states already revealing significant outcomes. Barely 72 hours to the Yoruba nation rally in Lagos, the Soka Ibadan residence of Yoruba Nation Agitator, Chief Sunday Adeyemo aka Sunday Igboho was reportedly attacked in the early hours of Thursday by yet-to-be-identified gunmen. Report has it that the incident occurred around 1:00am. According to the media page of Igboho's spokesperson, Mr Olayomi Koiki, some men allegedly adorned in military uniforms carried out the attack. The report further has it that Igboho's vehicles, including his G-wagon, Prado Jeep, some valuable properties including furniture, and windows were destroyed. Bullet holes were reportedly found in cars parked in the premises while blood stains were seen at the premises, while it was also alleged that some persons in the house including a close ally of Igboho identified as 'Lady K', were whisked away. Vanguard learnt Igboho was not at home during the alleged attack. As of the time of filing this report, Oyo Police Command was yet to confirm the attack, while calls placed across to the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Adewale Osifeso were unanswered. Vanguard News Nigeria In March 2021, Her Excellency President Samia Suluhu Hassan made history when she was sworn in as Tanzania's first female president. Having previously made history as the country's first female vice president, President Hassan assumed office amidst grief and sorrow as the nation mourned her predecessor, President John Pombe Magufuli. I remember wondering how daunting it would be to suddenly become a commander in chief while also facing the responsibility of consoling a nation, being a beacon of hope and direction, and ensuring the people remain in solidarity. With the utmost faith in her government and a growing sense of optimism, it has been beyond impressive to witness President Hassan's leadership over her first 100 days in office. Over the past three months, President Hassan has not only inspired me as a citizen - she has also driven me as a business leader, encouraged me as a player in the global financial industry, and motivated me as a member of the private sector. A strong symbol of ethical leadership, one of the very first assurances President Hassan issued was her zero tolerance approach to corruption. As Chairman of the CEO Roundtable of Tanzania, an organisation with business and ethics among its focus areas, I found this to be an encouraging mark of carrying on the staunch ethical stand that had permeated various areas across the country. President Hassan's first 100 days in office have also been characterised by a shift in levels of transparency. For one, she quickly formed a committee of experts to share advice on dealing with Covid-19, ending months of silence by the government on the nation's state as far as the global pandemic was concerned. She also lifted media bans, permitting the reopening of several media houses. The President's call for transparency is one I certainly hope will be mirrored by all leaders - business and community alike. By recognising and acknowledging weaknesses amongst ourselves, we are able to redirect and take on new paths that can turn those flaws into strengths. It is no secret that President Hassan's directive to government officials to promote and drive investment, trade and expand the tax base, has been met by strong support from the business community. Our President's inclusive approach, recognising the legitimate interests and contribution of all social partners, including business is encouraging, the overall tone of connection, correction, collaboration and direction that we have witnessed in the first 100 days is key to driving enhanced economic expansion, this will serve to unlock more strategic investments and promote faster economic growth aligned to Tanzania's 3rd five year development plans (FYDP III). The business community has previously voiced their challenges with investing and operating in the country, and long held out hope for a more conducive business environment. The President's remarks in this regard, including at the recent 12th meeting of the Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) have reaffirmed our commitment to playing a key role in building our nation's economy, and this has been a good start to further regaining investor trust and confidence. Whilst plenty needs to be done to meet our national collaborative ambitions including navigating local and global disruptions due to the pandemic, the work has evidently begun - policy makers are meeting with business representatives and laws and policies are being reviewed. They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and on the journey to promote medium to long term prosperity in Tanzania, President Hassan's administration has already made progress including through interventions highlighted in the Budget for period 2021-22. We look forward to continuing that walk together and coming to a place where industry and trade is an even larger contributor to the country's gross domestic product. Along with moves to improve the business environment, it has been uplifting to also see President Hassan's focus on strengthening international relations. Besides having important engagements with development partners in the country she has visited neighbouring East African countries on critical business promotion exercises and during her visit to Kenya, she signed an agreement to transport liquefied petroleum gas from the Kenyan port of Mombasa to the Tanzanian economic capital Dar es Salaam. In Uganda, she had bilateral trade talks with President Museveni that will culminate in the signing of the crude oil pipeline deal. She has been positioning Tanzania as a powerhouse in regional trade and ensuring cooperation between the East African Community (EAC). Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Most recently, President Hassan has also encouraged our central bank to be prepared for the use of digital currencies and ensure Tanzania takes the lead and optimises on the opportunities that 4IR brings. I have had the privilege of engaging with Her Excellency many times before and I recall on 2017 when I met her with Group leaders from Standard Chartered Bank visiting Tanzania she keenly discussed with us about evolution of cryptocurrency, this is a testament to her curious nature and dynamic leadership. She is clearly intent on making sure Tanzania has an economic stronghold in the global market, overcoming financial instability and boosting development. President Hassan is a formidable leader who is strong willed and goal oriented, and I look forward to watching the story of her purposeful service in leadership unfold, indeed as we say it in Tanzania, Kazi Iendelee. Dar es Salaam President Samia Suluhu Hassan's pronouncement that the government has restarted negotiations on reviving the $10 billion Bagamoyo Port Project has prompted debate on the matter, with some analysts saying it was the right thing to do. The government signed a framework agreement in 2013 with China Merchants Holdings International (CMHI) and Oman's State General Reserve Fund to build the port and a special economic zone as part of efforts to transform Tanzania into a trade and logistics hub in the region. But the Fifth Phase administration of the late John Magufuli dismissed the project, saying it was exploitative and inappropriate. However, chairing her maiden Tanzania National Business Council in Dar es Salaam recently, President Hassan - who ascended to the Presidency on March 19, 2021 following the death in office of Dr Magufuli on March 17, 2021 - said the Bagamoyo Port project should be implemented for the benefit of the country. Analysts now say there had been a number of falsified statements during the past administration to justify the cancellation of the project. A Zimbabwean receives a COVID-19 vaccine jab at Wilkins Hospital - Zimbabwes main vaccination center in Harare on May 12, 2021 when things were still on course. Then shortages began. At least more than 800 people and undisclosed number of clients from several companies in Kampala Metropolitan Area received fake Covid-19 jabs last month. Some of the recipients have since died in the second wave of the pandemic. Dr Wallen Naamara, the head of State House Health Monitoring Unit, told Daily Monitor that the people who took the fake Covid jabs shouldn't get worried because there is a possibility that the fraudsters could have used water they put in stolen bottles. Dr Naamara told a press conference in Kampala that the suspects, including a doctor, who is currently on the run, duped several people and companies and injected them with fake vaccines between May 15 and June 17. State House detectives yesterday arrested two nurses from Nakawa, Kampala, on accusations of vaccinating people using a suspected fake vaccine. "The contents of labels of this vaccine are suspected to have either been stolen from somewhere or manufactured from Nasser Road in Kampala but they did not pass the right channels of the government. Almost all the vaccines of Covid-19 are 5mls, but this one doesn't look like 5mls, it's actually more, the top of the vial is so tempered with and it looks like a fake vaccine," Dr Naamara said. Daily Monitor understands that a joint health intelligence team on June 17 raided Kiswa Health Centre, a vaccination centre in Nakawa Division, Kampala, and found that the nurses there were charging people between Shs100,00 and Shs200,000 for each dose to vaccinate against Covid-19. During the operation, the detective impounded a book with a list of people who have been vaccinated with a drug that did not pass through the right channels of government. The book had names of person and serial numbers of certificates awarded to those who had been vaccinated. "We got a social media story and information from the Resident District Commissioner for Nakawa about people who were carrying out Covid-19 vaccination. We informed the police, State House intelligence team and Chieftaincy of Military intelligence to do undercover work. In the process, two nurses, who were vaccinating individuals, people in corporate institutions with Covid-19 vaccine, were arrested and taken to Jinja Road Police Station for investigations," he said. Dr Naamara, however, said the arrested nurses revealed to security that they were receiving the vaccine from Dr Francis Baguma, who is also on the run. The detained nurses were found with stamps belonging to Kampala Capital City Authority and Kiswa Health Centre. They had 150 pieces of vaccination cards, vaccine carriers and nine vials of Covid-19 vaccines, which were ninety dozes. They also had absorbent cotton, medical examination gloves and a note book of the names of vaccinated people from different institutions. The nurses had the identification tags of Kampala Capital City Authority, consent forms and when we contacted KCCA, they denied them being their officials. Related Dr Naamara said they have retrieved a record of different offices and companies where the nurses carried out the vaccination exercise. Such companies include Dott Services, Diamond Trust Bank, United Bank of Africa , Tororo Cement, Uganda Bati, Madhvani, Seven Hills, Dot Maxs Packaging, and more than 800 individuals. He added that whereas the Ministry of Health offers free vaccination services, the vaccination at Kiswa Health Centre was being administered at a fee, with each doze ranging from Shs100,000 to Shs200,000. Ms Sheila Nduhukire, the NMS spokesperson, said: "Our drugs are labelled by the government of Uganda , National Medical Stores, therefore, if the drugs don't have those features, then they are not ours," she said. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Legal Affairs Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Mr Emmanuel Ainebyoona, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, said Kiswa Health Centre is among the official vaccination centres in Nakawa. When we asked him on the suspected stolen Covid-19 batch that was discovered by State House Health Monitoring Unit, he said he was not aware of the information. "I am going to find out more about the batch with relevant authorities," he said. Dr Naamara, however, said when they contacted National Medical Stores to prove the authenticity of the suspected drugs, they confirmed that the batch was not imported in the country. The Resident City Commissioner of Nakawa Division, Mr Herbert Burora', said: "Vaccination is for all of us, therefore, corporate companies should work with government such that they are given the right vaccine," he said. The Ministry of Health yesterday appointed a team to study the expenditure of private health facilities, which are treating Covid-19 patients, in a bid to solve the issue of the exorbitant charges. The team was appointed yesterday during a closed door meeting with the leadership of the private hospitals and is expected to report to the ministry today with recommendations on which costs government can take over. During the meeting, a team from the private health facilities presented a list of their expenditure. Though Ministry of Health has not publicly disclosed the composition of the team, sources say it comprises both ministry officials and private sector players. A source, who attended the meeting but preferred anonymity because they are not authorised to speak to the media, said the ministry is ready to take up some of the costs provided it will translate into reduction of charges by the private facilities. The source said key on the list is the cost of oxygen administration, personal protective equipment (PPEs) and other equipment needed for emergency services. The team is supposed to come up with a report today so that government comes out with a clear position on which expenses it will take over before the end of the week. This comes after the public raised concern over the exorbitant charges demanded by the private health facilities to treat Covid-19 patients. According to figures seen by this publication, private health facilities have been charging between Shs2m and Shs10m daily for ICU admissions. They also demand upfront payment before admitting a patient. Dr Denis Kimalyo, the executive director of the Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals, who has been key in the discussions, failed to respond to our inquiries on the high costs. He told this publication that he was busy attending a World Health Organisation (WHO) meeting and that he would respond to our inquiries later. However, by press time, he had not responded to our repeated calls. We were also unable to reach Ms Grace Kiwanuka, the executive director of Uganda Healthcare Federation, who is a member of the committee, as she did not respond to our repeated calls and text messages. In an interview with Daily Monitor on Sunday, Dr Diana Atwine, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, admitted that government was engaging the private health facilities to find a way to reduce the costs. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Governance Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "This discussion is still ongoing, we think there is a window that these people can cut their costs to a reasonable rate. I know Covid-19 is a very expensive disease to treat because those PPEs and the other things they use are very expensive," Dr Atwine said. She, however, said while they were engaging the proprietors of the private health facilities, there is no legal framework which they can use to compel the private facilities to reduce the charges. "We do not have the law to push by force even if we told them. I think the best is for people not to go there, unfortunately, people are desperate and sometimes they have nowhere to go, but there," she said. Court case As the private hospitals make a killing from the Covid-19 pandemic, a health advocacy organisation, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) and its executive director, Mr Moses Mulumba, at the weekend dragged the government to court over the exorbitant prices charged. The petitioner said government failed to regulate the high medical bills being charged by private health facilities for Covid-19 treatment. In his affidavit to support the petition, Mr Mulumba said the rates charged by the hospitals are clearly exorbitant in nature. Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente on Wednesday hosted Aivo H. Andrianarivelo, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Director, in an event the two officials said provided an opportunity to strengthen the funds relationship with Rwanda. Andrianarivelo, who is in the country for a week-long visit, represents the Africa Group 1 constituency, a grouping of 23 sub-Saharan African countries, on the IMF Executive Board. While speaking to the media, the official said that he had held 'fruitful' discussions around the challenges of accelerating economic growth following a significant shock stemming from the pandemic. "There is already a very good relationship with the IMF and Rwanda," he added, "Through this visit, we plan to exchange ideas and also give you assurance of our support to the recovery as we face this pandemic." Andrianarivelo commended the Government of Rwanda's recent efforts in implementing the economic recovery fund, citing that he was earlier briefed on its progress by the premier. "As you know Africa, and specifically Rwanda is witnessing a surge in cases. We stand ready to support the country." To return to its path of stronger growth, he said that Rwanda, like other African countries, needed carefully calibrated domestic policies and stronger support from the international community to recover from the crisis. "Some weeks ago our chief economist of the IMF implemented a plan of funding the vaccination of low-income countries. We are trying to advocate large funding for these countries not only Africa but other small states." Questioned on further debt relief allocations, Andrianarivelo disclosed that the fund is considering 'substantial additional financing', but no further details were provided. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Minister of Finance Uzziel Ndagijimana pointed out that the IMF has allocated a total of $200 million in interest-free loans. Over 2,000 workers from the troubled Mumias Sugar Company have accused local politicians of being used to sabotage the revival efforts of the miller. They blame the leaders of spewing sour politics and stalling an ongoing process aimed at breathing new life to the once thriving sugar giant that provided livelihood to thousands of residents from Western Kenya. "Farmers are owed Sh1.6 billion in salary arrears. We are saddened that the same people we expect to defend our rights are the same ones who are out sabotage the process," said the workers through their union. Kenya Union of Sugar Plantation and Allied Workers (Kuspaw) Secretary General Francis Wangara, termed the move as selfish and demoralising to thousands of stakeholders who depended on the lucrative sector. "As a private company, the Kenya Commercial Bank appointed receiver manager Ponangipalli Venkata Ramana Rao who acted within the procurement laws to get a new investor to revive the ailing company," said Mr Wangara. Speaking in Kisumu on Wednesday, Mr Wangara called on local leaders to back the process led by the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) governors to give Mumias a new lease of life. New investor LREB chairman Wycliffe Oparanya last weekend said they will support efforts by KCB to bring in a new investor who is capable of turning around the fortunes of the company and restore the confidence of farmers who had opted for other crops. "We have confidence that KCB will identify the most suitable investor to revive the fortunes of the sugar miller and ensure that it gets back to its feet," he said after presiding over the 7th LREB summit held at Ciala Resort in Kisumu County. Mr Wangara further noted as insincere to dismiss Devki Group of Companies for being involved in cement and steel industry. "This should not be a basis to shun an investor. We have other successful entrepreneurs who have invested in other sectors but are still doing well in the sugar industry," he stated. Mumias Sugar was placed into receivership after falling into technical insolvency with total liabilities outstripping total assets by Sh14.39 billion. To restore the operations of the company, the receiver manager has identified leasing to a private investor as the best way to inject the much-needed capitalization. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Agribusiness Company By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Citing political interests and a bid to protect his name and business, Devki Group chairman Narendra Raval withdrew plans to inject Sh5 billion to modernise the company. He however affirmed that he is still interested to embark on the process if the bidding is conducted in consultation with all stakeholders. Among other leaders, ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi pointed out that the plan did not go through public participation. He cautioned that the resuscitation plans for the miller could be disrupted. Activist Okiya Omtatah has also moved to court seeking removal of the receiver manager saying he has failed to protect the assets of Mumias Sugar. In the petition, Mr Omtatah says instead of breathing life into the company, Mr Rao has allegedly mismanaged ethanol operations and shut them down in March, thus halting all manufacturing operations at the company. vraballa@ke.nationmedia.com The teachers' employer has defended its non-monetary counteroffer to the unions, saying it is the only deal they can afford in the prevailing economic situation. Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia said the 2021-2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) was not only about monetary gains, but also about conditions of service for teachers. Ms Macharia said while she appreciates the right of the unions to decline the offer, they should also consider the economic situation the country finds itself in and the fact that she could not offer what she did not have. "We urge the union leadership to consider that, as an employer, we have stood with their members and paid full remuneration even when other sectors of the economy were experiencing job losses, salary cuts and other harsh employment conditions as part of the measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic," said Ms Macharia. Professional environment Ms Macharia said the agency is committed to providing an outstanding working and professional environment for all the 330,671 teachers in its employment. "A proof of this, the commission has this month paid the last salary under the 2017-2021 CBA, which has ensured our teachers now earn salaries that are comparable to their peers in the region and in the public service," she said. Ms Macharia added that over the past eight years, the commission has embraced open dialogue as a means of managing industrial relations in the teaching service. She said that is how the commission was able to carry out reforms to ensure the teaching sector remains professional, peaceful and free from industrial disharmony. SRC advisory Ms Macharia said their counteroffer to the unions was based on an advisory from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). She said the commission's proposal had factored in the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Aware the CBA 2017-2021 would come to an end on June 30, 2021, and in conformity with the constitutional provisions requiring employers in the public sector to obtain opinion from SRC, the commission sought advisory opinion on the way forward regarding a new CBA for the 2021-2025 period," she said. The SRC gave an advisory on June 17, 2021 that there would be no pay reviews for the basic salary structures, allowances and benefits paid in the public sector in the financial year 2021/2022 to 2022/2023. Ms Macharia said the negotiations they had with teachers on Tuesday at Nairobi's Safari Park Hotel were based on the understanding that the basic salary, annual increments, allowances and benefits teachers are currently getting would be maintained. The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut), the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) and the Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (Kusnet) have rejected TSC's counteroffer and threatened to paralyse learning next term when schools reopen for first term. Kuppet Secretary-General Akelo Misori said the union would use all means including the judiciary to challenge the legality of the SRC position blocking public-sector salary reviews for two years. Rights of workers "Should the SRC position stand, the whole idea of collective bargaining would come a cropper and with that, the rights of workers in Kenya would be compromised," said Mr Misori. In the union's proposals presented to the TSC before the end of last year as required by the law, Knut proposes teachers' basic salaries be increased from between 120 per cent and 200 per cent, while Kuppet wants increment in the same job grade to be between 30 per cent and 70 per cent. 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The Sh54 billion 2017-2021 CBA negotiated in 2016 expired yesterday. fnyamai@ke.nationmedia.com Promoters of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Wednesday made a final push in an effort to overturn a judgment that derailed their bid to amend the Constitution, urging the Court of Appeal to allow Kenyans to complete the process. While urging the seven judges of the appellate court to reverse the High Court verdict, Senior Counsel and Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo argued that the BBI secretariat co-chairmen, Mr Dennis Waweru and Suna East MP Junet Mohamed, were the initiators of the process. By this argument, the pro-BBI camp was targeting the High Court's verdict that the Bill that was being pushed to amend the Constitution through a popular initiative had violated the law because it had been sponsored by President Kenyatta, who cannot legally initiate such a process. Mr Amollo stated that Mr Waweru and Mr Mohamed were the ones who presented the signatures to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for verification. According to the lawyer, anyone, including President Kenyatta, was free to support the initiative. "It is the co-chairs who collected the signatures and submitted them to IEBC through an intensive process. Without a doubt, the promoters of the initiative are the two gentlemen," Mr Amollo told the seven judges. He added that it was also Mr Waweru and Mr Mohamed who appeared before joint committees of Parliament. Later in the afternoon, the President, through his lawyers, Mr Waweru Gatonye, Mr Mohammed Nyaoga and Mr Kiragu Kimani, argued that the High Court judgement, if let to stand, had the implication of limiting his right to participate in political processes. Constitutional reforms "Nobody has [shown the] court [any] provision in the Constitution that bars the President from using a popular initiative, or says that he can only use Parliament. No provision bars the President from initiating an amendment of the constitution through a popular initiative," said the lawyers during the second day of the hearing of appeals against the High Court decision that blocked a plan to change the Constitution. Today, the respondents, the parties who successfully petitioned the High Court to nullify the process to amend the Constitution, will defend their position. Earlier, the court heard that the High Court judges deliberately ignored evidence presented before them and the over three million supporters of the initiative, who declared that they had read and understood the constitutional amendment Bill. The promoters of the BBI have faulted the judgment, saying, the judges introduced an alien organ, namely the constituent assembly, as a criterion for the exercise of the people's sovereign right to a referendum, and which restricted the same right. Former Attorney General Githu Muigai, who is representing the electoral commission, criticised the judgment of the High Court, arguing that those opposed to the process had moved to court prematurely. Prof Muigai said that, going by the decision, "the judges are saying that Kenyans cannot be trusted with the constitution they made". According to Prof Muigai, the BBI process is a political process, which must be allowed to evolve politically. Seeking judicial interventions "The judgment cannot be allowed to stand because it violates many fundamental tenets of the Constitution. If allowed to stand, it would create a recipe for chaos," he said. Prof Muigai argued that the five judges of the High Court departed from their core duty of interpreting the Constitution by "converting themselves into a philosophical forum". He cautioned that some litigants have regrettably developed a trend where they move to court seeking judicial interventions even where there is no conflict, controversy or concrete parties. He added that such decisions have no sanctity of law. The former AG said the High Court sitting as a constitutional court has limited view to entertain institutional controversies brought to it by parties, who have a standing and cause of action. Further, Prof Muigai said the High Court was wrong [in] stating that the IEBC lacked quorum as it only had three commissioners and should not be allowed to transact its business. He said the court failed to appreciate earlier decisions on the same issue of quorum at the IEBC and the fact that there are some vacancies does not render the commission unconstitutional. "The work of the commission must continue despite the number. We will end up creating judicial anarchy if courts of the same jurisdiction ignore previous decisions," he said. High Court's ruling faulted Prof Muigai said that, instead of the parties in the BBI petition drawing the issues for determination, it was the five judges who framed the issues and answered them in their judgment. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Legal Affairs Kenya By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Lawyers Erick Gumbo and Moses Kipkogey, also appearing for IEBC, faulted the High Court's ruling, saying, the judges erred by stating that the commission did not forensically verify the one million signatures collected by the promoters of the BBI. Mr Kipkogey said IEBC verified the signatures in the manner prescribed by law. "There is no law requiring IEBC to verify the signatures collected by the promoters of the constitutional amendments forensically," Mr Kipkogey stated. Mr Gumbo and senior counsel Lucy Kambuni said IEBC carried out public participation in a manner that was acceptable by law and the verification and collection of the signatures was similarly done within the confines of the law. In the verdict in May, the High Court said the BBI steering committee was illegal and unconstitutional and the signatures collected by the BBI task force to support the initiative did not amount to a citizen-led process. The BBI secretariat argues in the appeal that the intention of the promoters of BBI and the over three million supporters should not be reduced to a mere academic exercise. President Uhuru Kenyatta says the High Court infringed and limited his individual rights when it denied him an opportunity to be heard in the petitions relating to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI). The President says the High Court also erred by declaring that he had violated the Constitution for proposing and promoting amendment of the Constitution through the BBI task force, which was declared an illegal entity, instead of using the parliamentary route. In his partial appeal where he is fighting the declarations of the High Court that are adverse to him personally, the President argues that the Constitution does not bar him from using the popular initiative to drive constitutional amendments. Through a team of three lawyers led by Waweru Gatonye, Mohammed Nyaoga and Kiragu Kimani, the President says the High Court judgment has implication of limiting his right to participate in political processes. "Nobody has directed the court to a provision in the Constitution that bars the President from using popular initiative or says he can only use Parliament. No provision bars the President from initiating an amendment of the Constitution through a popular initiative," said the lawyers yesterday during the second day of hearing of appeals against the High Court decision that blocked a plan to change the Constitution. The session was later in the evening disrupted by a power blackout. The lawyers urged the appellate court to set aside a declaration by the High Court that the President does not have authority under the Constitution to initiate changes to the Constitution, and that a constitutional amendment can only be initiated by the President through the Attorney General in Parliament through a parliamentary initiative. The seven-judge bench of the appellate court heard that the trial court made a fundamental error by making adverse declarations and orders against the President without finding out whether he had been furnished with the petition in which he had been sued in his private capacity. Mr Gatonye said the President had been made a party by one of the petitioners, Isaac Aluoch Polo Aluochier, and the trial court condemned him unheard. Right of fair trial and hearing "When a person has been sued, he is entitled to be notified and served with the documents on allegations made against him. In this case a petitioner sued the President in his private capacity and failed to serve him. The court proceeded to hear the matter and made orders against him," said Mr Gatonye. While emphasising that President Kenyatta is entitled to the right of a fair trial and fair hearing, the lawyer said the breach of rights in litigation is so serious that the resultant orders are a nullity. Mr Gatonye stated that without service of document, it does not matter, in litigation, whether there is evidence of the allegations or not. He said failure to serve documents is a serious omission in litigation. The lawyer said the Attorney General had objected to suing of the President at the High Court, but his protest was futile. Further, he added that the trial court had initially ruled that the Attorney General was representing the President in the case, only for the judges in their judgment to declare that the President should have responded to the petition in person or through a private lawyer. Mr Gatonye urged the court to set aside the order and declarations adverse to the President, arising from the BBI dispute. Lawyer Nyaoga said unless the declarations made against their client are annulled, he (the President) will face civil cases that will distract him in performance of his duties. Criminal proceedings The lawyer said the trial court made an erroneous finding that civil proceedings can be opened against the President in his personal capacity. "The President is immune to civil and criminal proceedings during his tenure of office in respect of anything done or not done in exercise of his powers. The holding of the trial court was without a constitutional basis," said Mr Nyaoga. However, the argument on President's immunity to legal proceedings attracted questions from the judges on what happens to disputes arising from President's personal engagements such as private contracts, businesses or social disputes. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Legal Affairs Kenya By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Since the Constitution says the President cannot be sued for exercising his constitutional powers, the court posed a question to the lawyer on what happens when he (President) acts outside constitutional powers. Lawyer Nyaoga maintained that the President cannot be sued at all and that even if he misconducts himself, there are other mechanisms of addressing the disputes. He urged court to set aside High Court's declaration that civil court proceedings can be instituted against the President or a person performing the functions of the office of President during their tenure of office in respect of anything done or not done contrary to the Constitution. Mr Kimani argued that their client is entitled to protection of the law, service (of court documents) and invitation to defend himself. He stated that the President can take any position he wishes on the Constitution and he can be involved in the process of amending it. jwangui@ke.nationmedia.com A financial crisis is looming in Vihiga County after the High Court issued a conservatory order stopping the implementation of the Sh5.8 billion 2021/22 budget approved by the assembly last week. The order, issued Thursday in Kakamega by Justice William Musyoka, follows a petition filed by former county secretary Francis Ominde and political analyst Joseph Simekha challenging the legality of the budget. The two are alleging the county government's spending plan is illegal because it did not get approval of the county executive committee as required by law. The stay order consequently suspended the execution of the budget as the new financial year starts, pointing to a major cash crunch. While certifying the application as urgent, Justice Musyoka set the inter-parties hearing for July 6. "A temporary conservatory order is hereby issued staying and or suspending the execution and or implementation of Vihiga County annual budget for the financial year 2021/22 pending inter-parties hearing of this application," Justice Musyoka said. As a result, it could take longer before the approved budget -- and also the Appropriations Bill, 2021 -- are assented to to enable funds to flow to the devolved unit. Respondents Finance Executive Alfred Indeche is listed as the first respondent while Governor Wilber Ottichilo, Speaker Hasna Mudeizi and County Assembly Clerk Ambaka Kilinga are the second, third and fourth respondents respectively. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Legal Affairs Kenya By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The Controller of Budget, Deputy Governor Patrick Saisi and all the CECs have been listed as interested parties. In the court papers, the petitioners argue that the budget estimates were not discussed or approved by the county executive committee as required by Section 129 (1) of the Public Finance Management Act, the Constitution and other applicable laws. They say their petition concerns the protection and enforcement of the principles of public finance and executive authority of the county. The matter, now before court, first emerged in May after the deputy governor raised the alarm that the budget estimates which had already been forwarded to the assembly for consideration had not been discussed and approved by the county's Cabinet. Required process At the time, Dr Saisi -- who has since fallen out with Governor Ottichilo -- had asked Speaker Mudeizi to return the county's Sh5.8 billion budget to the executive to enable it go through the required process. Through a letter to the Speaker, the deputy governor said he was shocked that the document that needs approval of the county's Cabinet was already before the assembly undergoing public participation. "I wish to reiterate that as a member of the county executive committee, I have no recollection of any meeting passing the annual budget estimates for financial year 2021/22," Dr Saisi said in his letter. He added: "As per the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, Section 129(1) and (2), it is very clear that the county annual budget estimates need the county executive committee's approval." DMusalia@ke.nationmedia.com Muslim women are pushing for one of them to be appointed to the Kadhi courts' top position as incumbent Chief Kadhi Sheikh Ahmed Muhdhar's tenure ends, a call he has supported. The promotion of Martha Koome to Chief Justice, they said, has given them new impetus to seek the top position in the courts that determine questions of Muslim law that relate to personal status, marriage, divorce and inheritance. Islamic law scholar Fatuma Juma said if women ascend to such high positions, they will bring a new perspective on women's issues that are not well articulated in the current set-up. "It is not a must that the Kadhi position goes to men. It is not a reserve for them. If we are given those chances, women may help to solve issues affecting them, and articulate them better," she says. Most Muslim women, she said, are shy and need a fellow female advocate to help them handle marital and other challenges. Her fellow Muslim lawyer Nusrat Mohammed echoed those sentiments, arguing that it is time for women who have studied Islamic law to get decision-making positions in Kadhi's courts. "Almost all Muslim advisers to the Kadhi are men. We need to change this narrative, and consider having female advisers as well. We also need women scholars within the court who can act as intermediaries," she said. Chief Kadhi Muhdhar supports the idea, saying women are also entitled to the position as long as they are qualified. "As long as you have studied the Islamic Sharia law, you are entitled for the Kadhi position, irrespective of gender," he said. Women are entitled to the Kadhi positions if they have gone through Sharia law school, said Supreme Council of Muslims in Kenya (Supkem) Coast branch chairman, Mudhar Khitamy. "What people need to understand is that the Kadhi Court is just a magistrate court and can be led by either a man or woman. And if a woman applies for the position, she is entitled to it," he said. Ruwayna Suleiman, another woman scholar, said that often when women seek advice at a Kadhi's court, they end up finding male advocates. "We need women advocates in almost all positions at the court. There are things we as women cannot say to the other gender," she said. But Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya national commissioner Hassan Omar strongly objects, saying a woman should never be a Kadhi. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Legal Affairs Women By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "In Islamic history, there has never been a woman Kadhi, so that should not happen now. A woman cannot officiate nor oversee marriages, and neither can they stand in to solve divorce cases, so that is impossible. If such a situation comes up, we will oppose it in the courts," he said. Women's rights advocacy groups have said this is the kind of reasoning that has allowed husbands to mistreat their wives. The position of Kadhi said Likoni MP Mishi Mboko, is always guided by Sharia law and ideals and if women are going to become Kadhis, such a change must be done through Sharia law. In 2011, following a debate on social media on whether the Judicial Service Commission should appoint women Kadhis, the Chief Justice at the time, Willy Mutunga, said Kenya should have women Kadhis. Mr Mutunga cited the examples of Malaysia, Sudan, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates as countries that have women Kadhis. The Kenya Muslims Advisory Council plans to hold a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss the subject of women's appointment to Kadhi's courts, said national chairman Juma Ngao. Sudan on Wednesday started testing its ability to provide security and other services to regions initially engulfed in war, after African Union and United Nations peacekeeping forces officially left the country. Wednesday, June 30, was the last day for the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (Unamid) to complete the phase-out under UN Security Council Resolution 2559 (2020), which terminated the mandate of the mission in January. Deployed in 2007, Unamid was mandated to bring peace to a region where conflict had broken out about four years earlier when local armed groups rose against the government of Omar al-Bashir, whom it accused of oppression. Bashir has since been ousted and is in jail for corruption, but the conflict in Darfur is said to have left 300,000 dead and another three million displaced, according to UN estimates. Unamid's departure means Khartoum, which has worked to reconcile with various armed groups, will now be in charge of overall security for the country, for the first time in 15 years. Babacar Cisse, the UN assistant secretary-general in charge of UNAMID, will now oversee the phase-out period. That will include finalising staff departures, repatriating assets, transferring team sites to local authorities and working with the government on related issues. Unamid, in its term, had seen over 100,000 military and police peacekeepers deployed to Darfur. Its highest contingent was 23,000 troops in 2011 but by the time the mandate ended, it had just about 7,000 forces and civilian personnel, most of whom have returned to their countries. Unamid said it had handed over 14 team sites to the government, which has committed to using them for civilian purposes and in line with the framework agreement signed on March 4 this year. These facilities will be used for healthcare, education and other social services, including vocational training and community centres as identified by members of local communities, officials said. While the responsibility for ensuring the safety and protection of sites rests with the central government, the Darfur state government remains responsible for ensuring that the facilities are used as intended. The government of Sudan has established a Joint Task Force and State Delivery Committees as key interlocutors for Unamid during the phase-out, which officials say will not involve the military aspect. Instead, officials will consider the specific needs of each community and provide services such as water and sanitation trucks, water treatment equipment, generators and vehicles, which Unamid had been providing. Unamid had provided Darfuri communities with 193 vehicles, including 27 water and sanitation trucks and 196 generators, and donated its clinic in Zalingei and medical facilities in Nyala and Kabkabiya for use by local communities. "Good coordination and cooperation with the government of Sudan has been crucial in meeting the tight timetable and criteria set by the Security Council for the phase-out period," Cisse told reporters in Khartoum on Wednesday. "Likewise, it will be important for the government to ensure the protection of the logistics base and the repatriation of the remaining staff to facilitate a smooth liquidation phase." There were challenges, including looting by communities, as well as the general geographical locale of Sudan's war-scarred Darfur, which largely has no paved roads or other facilities. Cisse admitted there had been a misunderstanding with locals at some point as the forces prepared to depart. Some, he said, demanded all the assets be handed to local communities. As one of the largest peacekeeping operations in the history of the UN, UNAMID has provided a security environment in Darfur for more than a decade. The departure now leaves the duty of protecting civilians in the hands of the Transitional Government of Sudan, now under Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Sudan Governance Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Cisse argued the mission will leave the country better prepared and that it had conducted some programmes such as resettling displaced civilians and economic support, as well as women's empowerment including addressing sexual and gender-based violence. From Thursday, Unamid now enters the 'liquidation phase', which will mostly focus on transferring the remaining property the mission owned to either Sudan or other places deemed useful. A policing unit made up of 363 staff will remain behind to protect UN personnel, facilities and assets in the El Fasher Logistics Base, where the mission was based. In turn, the joint Sudanese forces will continue to deploy outside the base under the command of the government of Sudan, in close coordination with the UNAMID elimination team, Cisse explained. These forces will have a joint responsibility to secure the perimeter of the base, provide safety and security for UN personnel, and ensure that incoming convoys of contingent-owned assets and equipment can arrive without incident. PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan has reaffirmed Tanzania's commitment to ratify the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). She also pledged that Tanzania will fully support the continent economic emancipation drives. Once Tanzania ratifies the agreement, it is expected to have access to a market of over 1.3 billion people across the continent. A statement issued by the Directorate of Presidential Communications said President Samia made the pledge, when she met with the Secretary General of the AfCFTA Secretariat, Mr Wamkele Mene, at the State House in Dodoma, yesterday. "The government is finalising the process towards the ratification of the AfCFTA agreement. On the other hand, Tanzania will fully collaborate with you to achieve your mission of recovering the economy of the African continent," said President Samia. Elaborating, she applauded Mr Mene for being elected Secretary General of AfCFTA by African Union (AU) Assembly of Heads of State and Government during the 33rd Ordinary Session held from February 9 - 10, 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. On his part, Mr Mene congratulated President Samia for being the first female President in Tanzania and for being the only female Head of State in the African continent. "We are pleased that Tanzania has returned to the drawing table and all that has been discussed has attained a consensus," he pointed out. Hence, the Secretary General welcomed President Samia to attend the secretariat meeting in Accra, Ghana this month as the lead speaker, noting that among the major goals of the meeting is to establish the Women Trade Protocol for petty traders. Elaborating, Mr Mene noted that through the meeting, the secretariat will coordinate a fundraising to collect funds for rescuing businesses in various financial institutions including banks. Equally, he expressed the secretariat's commitment to ensure that all its members benefit through industrial investment and increase the value chain of the products, which have been introduced. In his speech, he further applauded President Samia for restoring the country to its right track, terming it leadership role as the way Father of the Nation, the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who was the founder of Pan Africanism managed and envisioned. The President's pledge comes just a few days after the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Ambassador Liberata Mulamula disclosed that Tanzania was finalising steps towards the ratification of AfCFTA aimed at facilitating the free movement of goods and services within the continent. "The process of ratification has come to an end before the country officially endorses the crucial agreement, " said Amb Mulamula. However, she assured the AfCFTA Secretary General that it will not take very long before Tanzania ratifies this crucial agreement. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Trade By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The AfCFTA is one of the flagship projects of Africas Agenda 2063 and a major step towards African continental economic integration, which Tanzania fully participated and signed for its establishment. Analysts reports show that the significance of the AfCFTA cannot be overstated: It will be the world's largest free trade area since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994. It is estimated that under a successfully implemented AfCFTA, Africa will have a combined consumer and business spending of 6.7 trillion US dollars in 2030. AfCFTA will also have a significant impact on manufacturing and industrial development, tourism, intraAfrican cooperation, and economic transformation. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has predicted it will raise intra-African trade by 15 to 25 percent, or 50 billion US dollars to 70 billion US dollars, by 2040, compared to an Africa without the AfCFTA. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) similarly projects that, under the AfCFTA, Africa's expanded and more efficient goods and labor markets will significantly increase the continent's overall ranking on the Global Competitiveness Index. Increased market access, in turn, is expected to enhance the competitiveness of industries and enterprises, the exploitation. THE Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) has dropped the money laundering charge against four officers with the National Environment Management Council (NEMC), who are facing some economic charges at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam. The good news was announced by Prosecuting Attorney from the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Nixon Shayo before Principal Resident Magistrate Huruma Shaidi yesterday when the trial came for hearing. Following such charges of circumstances, the accused persons, Deusdedith Katwale, Magori Matiku and Obadia Machupa, all Environmental Officers at NEMC Headquarters and Lyidia Nyinondi, who is Assistant Accountant, will be entitled to bail as the remaining eight offences are bailable under the law. Such charges include conspiracy to commit offences, fraud, abuse of position and occasioning loss to a specified authority. The preceding magistrate proceeded to grant bail to the accused persons on grounds of each securing one surety with national identification card who could sign a bond of 20m/-. However, Matitu could not be bailed out because he is facing another case before the same court, and was thus returned to remand. The case has been set for hearing on July 22, 2021. It is alleged by the prosecution that on diverse dates between June 1, 2016 and July 30, 2017 at various places in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma cities, jointly and together, the accused persons conspired to commit various offences of forgery, uttering false documents and causing loss to a specified authority. The prosecution alleged that between July 4, 2016 and January 1, 2017 within the two cities, Katwale forged two documents, Site Verification Report and Minutes for the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) relating to Ibra General Enterprises Fuel Filling Station Project. Such project, according to the prosecution, is on Plot No. 132 Block T, Chadulu Street Area E in Dodoma. The accused person is alleged to have purported to show that the initial environmental audit for the project was conducted and that a meeting was held and minutes recorded, while it was false. The court heard also that on July 5, 2016 at NEMC offices in Kinondoni District, Lydia allegedly forged a receipt valued at 18.5m/-, purporting to show that such an amount was paid to the Council, a fact which to her knowledge was not true. Between June 1, 2016 and July 30, 2017 at NEMC offices in Kinondoni District, knowingly and fraudulently, Katwale allegedly uttered the two false documents, that is the Report and Minutes, to the Director General in respect of the project in question. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. According to the prosecution, the accused person purported to show that the verification was conducted and the said minutes were of the Technical Advisory Committee Meeting. The prosecution told the court that on July 5, 2016 at NEMC offices in Dar es Salaam, knowingly and fraudulently, Matiku uttered the said receipt to one Yunus Mfala, who is the owner of Ibra General Enterprises Fuel Filling Station. Between June 1, 2016 and July 30, 2017 within Kinondoni District in Dar es Salaam, being employees of NEMC, jointly and together, in violation of section 29 of the Environmental Management Act, the accused persons allegedly intentionally abused their positions, thereby obtaining 18.5m/-. The court was told further that on diverse dates between June 1, 2016 and July 30, 2017 at NEMC offices in Kinondoni District, being employees of the Council, by their willful acts, jointly and together, all accused persons caused their employer to suffer pecuniary loss of the said amount. THE Vice-President Dr Philip Mpango has reiterated Tanzania's commitment to collaborate with France in showing course of conserving the environment. Dr Mpango met and held discussions with the Head of the French Senate Mr Ronan Dantec at the Senate building in Paris, France yesterday. The discussions dwelt in the areas of climate changes and environmental conservation. "Tanzania is a strong contender of environmental conservation and takes into consideration the rights of its people," said Dr Mpango. In particular, he was pleased with the way France is conserving its environment mostly the capital city of Paris, despite being one of the oldest towns. Equally, the Vice-President reiterated his country's commitment to collaborate with France in showing course of conserving the environment, adding that the senate was welcomed to cooperate with Tanzania to meet the goal. In the discussion, Dr Dantec focused on the area of environmental conservation as one of the major factors, which attribute in reducing carbon emissions globally. Hence, he stressed on the need for the establishment of a compensation fund for the affected countries in the management and conservation of the environment. Dr Mpango is in Paris to represent President Samia Suluhu Hassan at Generation Equality Forum, which began yesterday, aimed at further addressing issues of gender equality. A statement issued to the media by the Vice-President's office noted that the conference will take place from June 30 to July 2, this year and advocate the resolutions of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995. In a related development, he visited a library in the Senate building in the city and briefed on the history of French leaderships. Meanwhile, the Vice-President is expected to meet with the Tanzania Diaspora living in France this Saturday to interact with them on various issues. A statement issued by the Association of Tanzanians living in the country noted that that will form part of his working tour. "During his visit here in France, the Vice-President would like to meet with the diaspora for an official meeting," it read in part. THE government said yesterday that it is finalizing some amendments in the Non Citizens (Employment Regulation) Act, 2015, purposely to open up doors for foreign investors to operate efficiently and boost investment in the country. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said in Parliament that the government has set priorities in various areas citing investment, developing skills, agriculture, environment and Population and Housing Census among others to boost economic growth in the country. The list also included improving petty traders' sector and providing them with identification cards, ensuring constant supply of medicines and medical equipment, universal health insurance and many other That was when the leader of 'Government Business,' in the House was winding up the parliament session, adding that on investment, the government was working hard to address all challenges, which delay investment development in the country. Elaborating, the Premier said wooing of investors was one of major issues that were raised during the budget session, and that the government has considered all contribution from Members of Parliament on the matter. "I would like to inform the Parliament that the government is finalizing procedures for major changes to create friendly environments for investors to set up businesses easily in the country," he pointed out. Equally, the Prime Minister noted that the government has already met and collected opinions from various stakeholders to be discussed and accommodated in the new document. "We have involved Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (Tucta), Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE), the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) and Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), our aim is to ensure all challenges are addresses," he said. Mr Majaliwa told the Parliament that the government has so far, managed to identify areas that were causing challenges and thus affecting investment activities in the country. "We have identified all challenges areas and our focus now is to clear the situation," he said. Apart from focusing on amending the Act, the Premier said the government has started applying the Online Work Permit Application and Issuance System (OWAIS) since April 23, this year, adding that during the pilot study; at least 500 applications have been attended in the new system. "We are continuing to receive opinions from our clients on the effectiveness of the new system for improvements, which is set for official launch in August, this year," he said. Elaborating, he said the new system has reduced the time for processing work permit from 14 days to three days. On health sector, Mr Majaliwa said the government has continued to maintain the availability of medicines in various health facilities countrywide. He said the availability of 312 types of essential drugs has reached 75.6 percent and that the government has provided 191bn/- for purchasing them, estimated as 95.5 per cent of the funds being allocated to them. He said the government through the 2021/22 budget has set strong strategies that will lead to the improvement of health sector, where so far only 8,224,271 of Tanzanians (14.7 per cent) have access to health services through Health Insurance. In doing so, the government in its capacity has ensured that more Tanzanians acquire National Insurance Fund for reliable and quality health services. On agriculture sector, the Premier said at least 4,616 Tanzanians are beneficiaries of skilled agriculture programme in five regions of Dar es Salaam, Singida, Tabora,Arusha and Coast. Hence, he ordered the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure availability of wheat and grapes seeds as well as others and fertilizers are availed to boost agriculture growth in the country. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Investment Climate By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Moreover, the Prime Minister said the government is focusing on making improvements on petty traders' identification cards, as well as improving and protecting environment so that all sectors benefit for the mutual development of the nation. From March 30, 2021, the Parliament among other things received President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who addressed them especially in April 22, 2021. In her speech, the Head of State revealed her major focus, which included boosting the investment sector to raise economic growth in the next five years. Moreover, the Parliament has passed the Financial Bill 2021, the Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2021.The Bill proposed amendment of three laws, namely the Interpretation of Laws Act, Cap.1, the Land Disputes Courts Act, Cap. 216 and the Magistrates' Courts Act, Cap. 11. Also the Bill of amendments for the Road Traffic Bill 2021 was read in the House for the first time, as well as the house passing the third five year national development plan. French historian Vincent Duclert, accompanied by members of his commission, on Wednesday, June 30, met leaders of the umbrella association of Genocide survivors, Ibuka, and presented a copy of his report which concluded that France played a key role in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. After their meeting, in Kigali, Naphtal Ahishakiye, the Executive Secretary of Ibuka told The New Times that Duclert and his delegation had been in the country for about a week; visiting various places and meeting different other people and Ibuka too was on their list. The French historian and his team, Ahishakiye said, were scheduled to leave the country the same day. Ahishakiye said: "On our part, we were happy meeting with them: one, there is the content in their report. Then there was meeting these experts and exchanging with them on various matters." "Of course we had already read their report but now we have, officially, a new and important entry in our archives." Duclert first officially handed to President Paul Kagame the report in early April, after its release in Paris, France on March 26. His team of experts and researchers was commissioned in 2019 by French President Emmanuel Macron to probe the then French government role in the 1994 Genocide in which over a million people were killed. The government of Rwanda maintains that the report represents an important step towards a common understanding of France's role in the 1994 Genocide. In April 2019, Macron appointed a panel of experts to probe France's actions in Rwanda during the Genocide, a subject that, for long, hindered relations between Rwanda and France. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The Duclert Commission's report, among others, concludes that France bears heavy and overwhelming responsibilities over the 1994 Genocide but makes no mention of any evidence of French complicity. The 1,200-page report concludes that the European country, led by the Francois Mitterrand during the Genocide, was "blind" to preparations of the massacres. During his recent visit to Rwanda, President Macron on May 27, sought the forgiveness of the survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, for what he admitted was his country's historical and political responsibility in Rwanda. He delivered the speech at the Kigali Genocide Memorial - the final resting place for more than 250,000 victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi where he laid a wreath and honoured Genocide victims. According to Macron, France has a duty to face history and to recognize the suffering it has inflicted on the Rwandan people by, for too long, being silent as far as facing and examining the truth is concerned. Nairobi Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi says Kenya's social media will not be shut down over hate speech. Speaking at the Bomas of Kenya during the launch of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) strategic plan, Matiangi however, warned that the government will be ruthless on anyone violating the law. "In some cases we will be fairly ruthless, when it comes to those who interfere with the freedom of others or those who engage in activities that are likely to mess up our country. We will not hesitate neither will we be intimidated by any pressures or complains from anybody. We will protect this country because it our only home on earth," he said. He added that the security sector was ready do its part to protect Kenya ahead of the elections and that they will enforce responsibility and accountability without fear or favour. Matiangi said that all Kenyans will be protected from any individual who engages in hate speech and the security sector had formed a multi-agency team that had mapped the country, looked at hotspots and areas that may pose security challenges. "Vernacular radio stations and those of us who have already fallen into the temptation of misusing social and the internet. We are not going to do those things that people do in other places on Earth like turn off the internet or switch off twitter , those will not happen in this country," he said "This is a confident government. We are not going to harass people, break the law or interfere with the freedoms of our people. We will call people to account. " The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) strategic plan runs from 2025 to 2025 and outlines strategies that that will enhance awareness creation, issue-based politics as opposed to ethnic politics, inclusion and diversity and delivery of peaceful electoral processes as the country prepares for the 2022 election. The High Court Special Chamber for International and Transnational Crimes has convicted Jean-Claude Iyamuremye of Genocide and sentenced him to imprisonment of 25 years. The 46-year-old was being accused of having been a leader of the Interahamwe militia in Kicukiro during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, in addition to being an influential member of the former ruling party, Mouvement revolutionnaire national pour developpement (MRND). He was extradited from the Netherlands in 2016, and since then he has been in courts of law, facing charges including genocide, complicity to genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, murder and extermination as crimes against humanity. Back in the Netherlands where he had lived for 14 years, he is understood to have worked as a taxi driver for the embassies of Israel and Finland before he was arrested and sent to Rwanda. He was extradited together with Jean-Baptiste Mugimba, another man suspected to have had a role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. MainOne, an information technology firm, is expanding its digital footprint in Ghana with the launch of its Data Centre located in Appolonia City. The 100-rack facility near Accra offers customers the opportunity to host infrastructure in a facility guaranteed to provide high levels of availability and rich connectivity with a global network of customers, partners and suppliers within and outside Ghana. In a statement, the firm said the data centre features private data centre suites, enterprise-grade 247 multi-level security and video surveillance, among others. Chairman of MainOne Ghana, Mr Africanus Mensah, said the new facility which will be managed by MDXi, a subsidiary of MainOne, offers open access connectivity options to all the leading telecom networks in Ghana and directs access to MainOne and other submarine cable systems. Cape Town The Constitutional Court has ruled that President Cyril Ramaphosa did not willfully mislead Parliament with regard to donations made to fund his campaign (CR17) for the presidency of the African National Congress (ANC), IOL reports. The ruling comes after Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane appealed a Pretoria High Court judgment of March 2020, which set aside Mkhwebane's decision to probe Ramaphosa's CR17 campaign. The case began in November 2018. Ramaphosa was questioned in Parliament about a R500,000 payment into an account allegedly belonging to his son, Andile Ramaphosa. The payment was reportedly made by Gavin Watson, the late head of Africa Global Operations, the firm formerly known as Bosasa. The firm was found to have secured lucrative government tenders, illegally. Initially Ramaphosa claimed the payment was related to work his son Andile had performed for the company. A week later however, Ramaphosa addressed the speaker of the National Assembly in a letter explaining that the payment was made to fund his CR17 campaign. Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane was then tasked to investigate whether Ramaphosa had intentionally misled Parliament. A report by Mkhebane in July 2019 found that the president had breached the Executive Ethics Code by misleading Parliament. Ramaphosa subsequently challenged the report. Asefon Sunday is the President of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS). In this interview he speaks on the alleged collection of N40 million to cancel protest and how the union has been infiltrated by people with hidden agenda Is it true that the union is being hijacked by politicians? To those who believe that NANS has been hijacked, I stand to be corrected; NANS has not been hijacked by any politician, though it depends on the perspective you are coming from. Gone are those days when students engaged in hooliganism and rascality. We operate scientific unionism with diplomacy. In the days of Okewu, Segun Mayegun, Radical brothers and others, it was so easy for the struggle of the people but now, civilisation has caused so much damage to the students' movement. In those days when the students' union spoke, everyone listened, but today nobody carries us along. Now as a students' union, if you speak on campus, management will threaten you. What led to this? Most of our leaders who also passed through this chain have bastardised this organisation to some extent. Before, the union was not polarised but now the organisation has been infiltrated by school managements and oppressors because of the unity that is not there. Again, today if you go to any school and say you want to call for a protest, if it is not about increment in fees, I can assure you that they will not answer you. You will be fighting for them and you will see them going the other way. The consciousness is no more there. The recent cancellation of protest has created doubt over the union; what do you have to say about that? We agreed that there was a need for us to protest to demand adequate security around our campuses. We want a safe school where we will have confidence to go and stay. We also want to call on security to be more proactive and the president to wake up on the issue of insecurity as well during the protest. After our exco meetings in Abuja, we have a committee to look into the modalities of how we can do the protest without it being hijacked, and most of our students are not one. I only know myself; I don't know others but as a leader, I must provide adequate security for them and to guide it from getting out of hand. We fixed June 12 for the protest because we believed it's also a day we should celebrate the heroes who fought for the democracy we are enjoying today. Four days after it was blown in the national dailies, events kept unfolding. I kept receiving different calls from different people who pretended to be in alliance with us and love our struggle and want to show support. We discovered that they were fake and looking for a platform to ventilate their agenda that was different from ours. They kept calling some of our members who are leaders in their various institutions. We wanted to organise our protest with students in every state being coordinated and monitored by their leaders. We also had a committee that would monitor each state because we wanted a coordinated protest so that those we want to send the message to will get nothing short of that. I put up a letter to the Director of DSS and IGP that this is our plan across all the 36 states. I was invited and I explained to them, and the IGP said he could not stop us from having a protest, adding that we could request for security protection and not permission. I discovered some politicians wanted to hijack it and we got a lot of intelligent information and for those who had called on me to come so they could help us to mobilise it in Abuja. When we got to know there was a threat, we all agreed to suspend it and that a new date would be announced because we do not want a replica of #EndSARS. There was an allegation that you collected N40 million; the possible reason for cancelling the protest; how true? The allegation was from Sowore and it is not true. When I was contesting for the position of the president, Sowore had a candidate and was interested in the process. His candidate polled five votes and I pulled 155 votes. He went out to say I was 47 years old, in addition to other forms of blackmail, but I don't have an issue with him. There is no agency in Abuja that I will collect money from and it will not be made public. He also came out to say I collected N40 million from NNPC and I have never visited NNPC to meet their chief. When he said I collected money, he should bring out the proof. I wanted to institute a case against him but most of my people said I should not be distracted because people know him and what he stands for. There was a dinner organised by Ondo students in April. I was dancing and students seeing their president dancing were spraying money on me. The video was later sent to me that Sowore wants to use it as a proof that after collecting N40 million, I am now spending money. I went to a social media platform for students to raise an alarm over their plan, so the moment I shared it, they couldn't use it anymore. Is the protest still going to be held? Our protest is still going to be held but we don't want people to hijack it. We want to change the modalities of doing it. Instead of all the 36 states, we may do it according to our four zones and they will pick a state for it. From your meetings with the minister and other education stakeholders, is there any headway in addressing the FG/ASUU feud? Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Education By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It is part of what we discussed with the minister; we heard that the new ASUU president said he will continue from where his predecessor stopped. We have this problem of the government playing politics with so many things and I had advised the government to borrow leave from Singapore who turned to a knowledge-based economy. In Nigeria, 75 percent of students who studied Medicine leave the country the moment they graduate for where the pay is better. It now shows that it is easy to acquire knowledge here and turn it into money over there. There is a need to change our curriculum as it is part of the problem we are facing. We are not learning for the future; we are learning from the past. Our education is no more interesting and that is why even the poor in the society strive to send their children to private schools; because they can get adequate education without strike. Our public education is neglected by the federal government as it is not funding education as it should. If the education they attended was like this then all of them would not be where they are today. Majority of them were beneficiaries of free education and allowances and even before graduation, jobs were already waiting for them. But today, your parents struggle to send you to school and after graduation, you have nothing to do. Monrovia The Plenary of the Liberian Senate on Wednesday constituted itself into a committee of a whole to begin public hearings into its leadership's recommendation on the way forward in implementing the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Lawyers, Civil Society Organizations and former members of the TRC are being invited to provide expert opinion on best way forward with the TRC recommendations. The Senate's first witness was Cllr. Syrennius Cephus, Liberia's solicitor General. In his opening remarks, Cllr. Cephus was quick to issue disclaimer that his position on the report didn't represent the Government of Liberia's position but were his personal opinions on the debate surrounding the TRC recommendations and the way forward. He expressed his support for the establishment of a Transitional Justice Commission to handle the TRC report rather than a war and economic crimes court. According to him, to establish a war and economic crimes court, it would require amending the Constitution. "We all know the socio-economic impediment and the processes that occasioned the final report of the TRC, the constitutional challenges bordering on due process and the question of the full implementation was left unaddressed. "Therefore, for me, my opinion on this debate and I think the surest way to revert to the TRC process is that I clearly support the formation of the Transitional Justice Commission so that, the question as to why the TRC Recommendations have not been fully implemented can be addressed. " Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. According to Cllr. Cephus, the original objective of the TRC was to provide a forum for national reconciliation and healing and had the TRC met up with its full objective Liberia would not have been where it is today. The Solicitor General, in his statement as an expert witness, told the Senate that the framers of the TRC didn't intend for it to be a court where Commissioners of the Commission would have provided dissenting opinion but was intended for a unanimous report. He said, if there was a dissenting opinion, the surest way forward was inclusiveness of said opinion. "My position on this is that the Transitional Justice Commission is that indeed is the better forum to be able to carry out this work. The TRC was not a Supreme Court or any court of appeal where descending or conclusiveness of a judgment is based on majority opinion. "Liberia's mere commitment to treaty obligations does not constitute parts of the laws of Liberia. Even after ratification of a treaty where it becomes law it, it becomes subject and subordinate to the Constitution and can be reviewed by Article 2 of the Liberian Constitution." The Need for Amendment Cllr. Cephus also told members of the Senate that creating a war and economic crimes court in Liberia which will which will have an international character will require significant constitutional amendments of Articles 2, 50, 54, 56. He also advised that for the establishment of an economic crimes court, there already exist a Criminal Court "C" that deals with criminal matters. District Two Residents of William Potter Town and Gborpue Town in Marlor Clan, District 2 in Grand Bassa County are left with no alternative but to drink from contaminated creeks due to lack of safe drinking water in their area. The lack of safe drinking water facilities remains a major challenge for Liberians mainly in the rural parts of the country. Hundreds of rural residents in William's Potter Town and Gbarpue Town in Grand Bassa County still rely heavily on creek water both for cooking, drinking, washing and bathing. According to a dweller of Gborpue Town, Hannah Thompson, they have been using creeks for drinking, washing and cooking since the establishment of their towns. She said "drinking creek water has gotten used to us because when I was a kid I drank this same water up to now my kids are also drinking this same water from the creek and we have never gotten sick." Ms. Thompson mentioned that since the establishment of the Town several years ago, they have been yearning for at least a hand pump but they are yet to benefit from such essential need as a people. Anthony Toe, a resident of William Potter Town said that their rights have been denied by their leaders, adding they've been deprived of safe drinking water. "Sometimes I sit and cry when I see my children drinking the same water I drank when I was young. We've been crying on our leaders to help us but they're yet to listen to us," he said. He further said, "It's my prayer that humanitarian organizations will see this story to come to our aid because the lack safe drinking water is a major challenge for us". Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Water By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Toe stressed that pregnant women, babies and children are the ones mostly being infested by the creek water. He said that many times the babies and pregnant women suffer from diarrhea due to the contamination of the water. He said, "The other time, my wife nearly died because she was pregnant and by that time the company was cleaning the road and so the whole water got dirty but we had no option but to drink the dirty water." According to him, their lives will always be at a health risk if nothing is done to help them get safe drinking water. District 2 is Grand Bassa's second district which is being represented by Representative Mary Karwor. Madam Karwor said she has played a major role in helping to ensure safe drinking water in her district by providing hand pumps. The Government of Liberia is a signatory to the Declaration of Human Rights and other United Nations Declarations which ensure that all human beings have the right to life and dignity. Among these rights are the right to safe drinking water and the right to live in dignity in ones country of choice. Improving water supply and sanitation (WSS) coverage has been one of the most important priorities of the Liberian Government. This story was produced with support from Journalists for Human Rights (JHR), through its Mobilizing Media in the Fight Against COVID-19 in partnership with Front Page Africa and (name of the media outlet Barkedu The convictions of Alieu Kosiah and Mohammed Jabateh for war crimes committed in Liberia sparked celebrations across Liberia. 18 years since the war ended survivors saw them as long overdue justice for the horrors of the civil war. But Liberia's Mandingo population has not felt the same way. "There are other people in this country like Prince Johnson taking governmental positions are not targeted," said J. Sumawolo Kante, 41, Commissioner of Barkedu township, a predominantly Mandingo town in Lofa County. He pointed to the former warlord-turned-senator Prince Johnson who is listed as one of the "worst perpetrators" in Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Report. "I don't like to see my kinsmen going for trial while others are seated." Four of the ten cases brought against combatants in Liberia's civil wars since 2017 have been Ulimo, the rebel group made up predominantly of Mandingoes that formed after Charles Taylor's National Patriotic Front launched its rebellion against the government of President Samuel Doe in December 1989. Of the three convictions so far, two have been Ulimo. The high-profile nature of those convictions - Mohammed Jabateh alias "Jungle Jabbeh" in the United States in 2017 and Alieu Kosiah in Switzerland this month - have some Mandingoes saying they are being singled out. But while it is true that more Ulimo combatants have been convicted, more of Taylor's allies have been charged. Taylor's number two lieutenant Thomas Woewiyu was convicted of criminal immigration fraud in the United States in 2018 in relation to his war crimes. Taylor allies Agnes Reeves Taylor and Martina Johnson were charged with war crimes (Taylor's case in the UK was dismissed on a technicality in 2020). Gibril Massaquoi, the former Revolutionary United Front (RUF) commander and Taylor ally, is currently on trial in Finland. The cases have all been brought under the principle of international jurisdiction which says that a perpetrator who commits crimes against humanity can be prosecuted anywhere. Hassan Bility, head of Global Justice Research Project, which has helped international prosecutors build all the cases, is a Mandingo himself. He is also a survivor of war crimes at the hands of Taylor's lieutenants. He dismisses the claims. "It is ridiculous. This is not about Mandingoes. This doesn't make any sense," Mr. Bility said. "Basically, we do not target people. The minimum time we spend on an investigation before any case is two years plus. We are very clean people who conduct impartial investigations that meet international standards." Mr. Bility said Mandingo anger is being fueled by people with bad motives. "They want to stand in the way of justice." Nonetheless, people of the Mandingo tribe have a long painful history as the targets of discrimination and violence in Liberia. They claim the trials have rekindled hostility among other groups. "People participated in the war not because they wanted to. Some were forced to do it. Some joined to see their people free from exile to come," he said. "Why should we the Mandingos be targeted? You can't travel any more once you know that you participated in the past wars. They are after us." Nowhere is that sentiment felt more strongly than here in Barkedu. Barkedu Massacre On July 12, 1990, fighters of Taylor's NPFL stormed Barkedu Town armed with guns and other deadly weapons. It was six months after Taylor launched his invasion from Ivory Coast. The NPFL had overrun much of Liberia before breakaway leader Prince Johnson formed his own rebel group and killed President Samuel Doe. That day in Barkedu, the rebels at first cajoled citizens to hold a meeting. The town chief and residents crowded into the town hall with smiles and excitement planning to receive the rebels and present them with gifts. But their high hopes turned into a nightmare. "We went to welcome them but when we get to the town hall, there was no meeting," recalled Abu M. Ballo, one of the villagers, now 70-years-old. "They told us that people told them Mandingo people are living here and they were going to kill us." Barkedu Town is the most populated town in Quardu-Gbonii-which is predominantly Mandingo (99%) and are all Maliki Muslims. Abu Lassana Ballo, 67, the younger brother of Abu M. Ballo, was also there. "I came and saw my brother trembling and the rebels asked me to sit down too, Lassana said. "I saw them bringing plenty people to join us. By that time, there was gun sound all over the town. One of them took the RPG and said he wants to spoil the mosque." The NPFL rebels demanded gifts from the town. Lassana's father was the treasurer so Lassana handed over village savings of LD$3000, one bag of rice and a cow. The small amount angered the commander. The rebels ordered women and children to leave the hall. "The commander told us that from the day God created us up to this time, we know that you people are our enemies," recalled Lassana. "He counted from one to four and the people started firing for more than 30 minutes." The NPFL rebels killed more than 200 people in what came to be known as the Barkedu Massacre. "People heads were bursting and scattering all over. All the walls and roof were burst," Lassana recalled. "The people that were in front were the ones they killed and the people behind fell down on their own to pretend that they already die. The bullet touched me and so, I was just lying down thinking I was dead." Abu survived the massacre after he was shot and dropped among the dead bodies in the hall. He now carries scars on his left thigh and fingers. He has no doubt why they were attacked. "We had Kpelle, Gbandi and other people here," he said. "But only Mandingo people were killed. Even one man was Kpelle man here in the town hall. They asked him for his tribe and allowed him to go". The Massacre Gives Birth to ULIMO The bloodbath in Barkedu and other areas in Lofa drove thousands across the border to Guinea. In exile they created ULIMO and a determination to win back their land and protect fellow kinsmen. "That was the reason ULIMO was formed because of the way their parents were killed," said Abu. "When they came here, they started to protect their own of people." When ULIMO crossed back into Liberia they laid a trail of destruction themselves under leadership that included Kosiah, Jabbateh and Kunti K, who will face trial for war crimes in France next year. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report found Ulimo responsible for seven percent of all the human rights violations reported to it including killing, raping, enslavement and displacement. The Mandingo suffered about 4.9% of the total violations reported to the TRC. By contrast, Taylor's forces committed 41 percent of violations recorded by the TRC, the highest number of any faction. To many, Mandingoes Ulimo's actions were justified. They say the rebel group was the only thing that stopped the NPFL forces that were intent on wiping them out. Trials of ULIMO's Jungle Jabbah and Alieu Kosiah were covered extensively in Liberia's media. Both men received lengthy sentences. The only other Liberian convicted over war crimes in Liberia was Thomas Woewiyu, Charles Taylor's number two, who died of Covid-19 in the United States in 2020 while he was awaiting sentencing. The Barkedu massacre played a heavy role in Woewiyu's conviction. Survivors travelled to the trial in Philadelphia in 2018 to testify about the massacre and the horrors suffered by the people at Barkedu. The jury held Woewiyu responsible. Justified or not, the high-profile nature of the Jabbateh and Kosiah convictions has combined with the Mandingos long standing resentment to create a perception that their kinsmen are being unfairly targeted in these trials. "I don't know the reason they are arresting them because, there were lots of tribes that were involved in the fighting (war) and majority of the people they are arresting were not those who started the war here," said Abu. "After the war and massacre, we made big sacrifice and said everything finished." "For us, we are Muslims. We know that the massacre that took place - if God couldn't have agreed, it was not going to take place," said Lassana. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Legal Affairs Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Whatsoever that passed here or happened, that's God will and we forget about everything." J. Sumawolo Kante, Commissioner of Barkedu Township, lost his oldest brother, who was the breadwinner of the family, during the massacre. He echoes Lassana's anger. "ULIMO was made up of different tribes: Lorma, Mandingo, Vai, and Krahn were there. And so, I am just confused for Mandingos to be facing prosecution," Mr. Kante said. Mr. Bility formed GJRP in 2012 after then-president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf rejected the TRC's recommendation that the country hold a war and economic crimes court. In partnership with Civitas Maxima, the Geneva-based non-profit, and the Center for Justice and Accountability in the U.S., he has documented crimes against combatants in Liberia, tracked them down in exile and helped investigators in European and US jurisdictions bring cases against them. Mr. Bility claimed that "misguided individuals" who are envious of the workings of his group are the ones paying for false stories in Liberian news media and spreading the falsehood that only Mandingo are being targeted for prosecution. "We are aware that they've said that only Mandingo people are being arrested but that is not true," Mr. Bility said. "Mr. Woewiyu was not a Mandingo, Martina Johnson and other people were not." "People who committed international crimes - because war crimes are international crimes - can be arrested, investigated and hopefully prosecuted even in any country around the world". Mr. Bility said GJRP will continue to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity involving anyone and submit its evidence to judicial authorities in other countries to conduct their own independent investigations and ensure the prosecution of these individuals regardless of tribe or affiliation. Mandingo leaders in Barkedu will hold him to that promise. This story was a collaboration with New Narratives as part of the West Africa Justice Reporting Project. Monrovia In 2018, the Liberian Office of a pro-Human Rights and capacity-building Italian Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)--named Association Friends of Raoul Follereau (AIFO)--established a project for Liberia's community of persons living with disabilities. The project was named Disability And Start-Up (DASU) AIFO was founded in 1961, and registered its humanitarian presence in Liberia in 1997. The organization's introductory program cared for Liberia's leprosy community, and later added a palm oil and rice productions program, being run by Disabled People's Organizations (DPOs) in three of Liberia's 15 Counties: Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, and Grand Gedeh. Another is a Radio program--on ECOWAS Radio (91.5 FM) for discussion on disability-related matters. One of AIFO's partners on the inception phase of the DASU Project was the National Union of Organizations for the Disabled (NUOD), independent advocacy and capacity-building umbrella body, which later became beneficiary of AIFO's gesture of office space (the entire ground floor of AIFO's Liberia Office, situated on 19th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia) The DASU Project has officially closed, announced at a one-day AIFO-sponsored National Seminar on June 29, 2021. The event was held at the Head Office of Smart Liberia, a popular Liberian career/business-development organization, situated in Jallah Town, 2nd Street, Sinkor, Monrovia. The Seminar's Theme was: "Increasing the Technical Skills of DPOs in Fund Raising and Lobbying Strategies for Persons with Disabilities" Welcome Remark, NUOD's president, Madam Naomi B. Harris, described her organization's interaction with AIFO-Liberia on the DASU Project as "extraordinary rewarding most for NUOD". She said NUOD had been having severe challenges with the main subjects to be deliberated on: Fundraising and Lobbying. "I urge all persons with disabilities present here to listen keenly to the presenters. In the future, you will need the knowledge you got here today," Madam Harris assured. On "Purpose of the Seminar", NUOD's Vice President, Mr. Daniel N.O. Dagbe, began with calling a Moment of Silence for NUOD's members and partners who had died in different parts of Liberia in recent times. He said the knowledge to be acquired will engender a "paradigm shift" of taking NUOD from the point of "always begging" foreign institutions for financial support to NUOD's projects. The main parts of the Seminar were preceded by remarks from AIFO's partners--from the Government's circle and the private sector. On the Governmental list, only the National Commission on Disabilities (NCD) was present, out of a group containing and the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection--each into areas the Italian organization is "supporting Liberia" on. The non-governmental group had Alliance on Disabilities, Sight Savers International, and BRAC-Liberia. Speaking for his institution, NCD, Mr. Fallah Boimah said he had no personal knowledge of most of AIFO's activities in Liberia, but praised the Italian organization for "supporting Liberian disabled people's organizations in a long time." The representative of the Ministry of Education, Madam Madam Theresa W. Garwo, Director of Special and Inclusive Education at the Ministry of Education, urged disabled people to prioritize quality education, which is the major way for them to conjure respect for the non-disabled section of the society. "Also hold together on unity for your advocacies on human rights-related issues to have weight," she advised. The representative of Bright Liberia said persons with disabilities are many on the Institution's education support program. "Our academic records show that students with disabilities have performed more than students with no disability," he announced. Giving the Overview of the DASU Project, Mr. J. Sylvester Roberts, AIFO's County Coordinator, focused much on the "achievements" and "challenges" components of the Project. On the achievements, he mentioned organizing of training programs for DPOs, national seminars, provision of start-up funding for members of DPOs for economic ventures, and other life's sustainability or visibility-related publicity programs for the Liberian disability community. On achievements on national seminar, Mr. Roberts mentioned a Malawian pro-PWD Advocate, Rachel Kechej, as a Guest Speaker at one of AIFO's past programs. "Many of the beneficiaries of the DASU Project fund mismanaged the money. They couldn't provide records on the funds," Mr. Roberts said when he came to the "challenges" component of the Overview. Some of the other challenges he mentioned are: difficulty to reach disabled people in Southeastern Liberia, particularly Grand Gedeh County, due to deplorable road condition; Local Government's lack of interest in disability issues, shown by invited officials' absence at AIFO-sponsored consultative program in their domain of the County; and poor information dissemination on PWDs by many Journalists, especially those at Radio stations. The first presentation, "Strategy and Techniques Needed for Fundraising", was done by Mr. Abel Dugbe Nowon, Financial Management Specialist at the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP) He outlined various channels of raising--mail (traditional and electronic), door-to-door (physical meeting), telephone, online, etc. "The integrity of the person asking for the fund plays a major role," he cautioned, and warned each leader of a disabled people's organization against calling a personal account to a donor when he/she is representing an organization. "Some leaders of organizations give their personal account numbers to donors. This makes the donor perceive you as being dishonest or a criminal, and ultimately causes your losing the opportunity for help," he added. On how to lure the financial help all philanthropist, he advised leadership of disabled people's organization to thank all helpers on the same level, in spite of low financial support from the other giver. Mr. Nowon concluded his presentation with group work, of four groups, to pick any of the channels of fundraising he had deliberated on. Focus, as he dictated, should be on an earmarked project (activity), beneficiary organization of the project, strategies for fundraising, projected budget, how the fund would be raised, and duration of the project. Four groups were formed, each with a different name, and each focusing on a different age group and different needs. Names formed were: "Helping Hand Liberia", "United People With Disabilities Organization", "Center for Women Empowerment", and "Disabled People's Children Rehabilitation Organization". The second presentation, "Strategy and Techniques Needed for Lobbying", was facilitated by Mr. Thatcher M. Tweh of Educare Liberia, a private organization into training on business start-up. He said what's called "bribery" in other sectors is a 'facilitation fee' in the Lobbying World. "If you want you want somebody to help you, you must give money--to get money," he advised NUOD and representatives of other disabled groups in attendance. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Europe and Africa Aid and Assistance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. To push his "facilitation fee" point further, he spoke about the business interaction between Liberian Senator, Varney Sherman (Lobbyist) and the Management of APM Terminals, a foreign Shipping Company, for control of the Port of Monrovia--Liberia's leading sea port. He talked about another Lawmaker, Gabriel Nyenkan, of District #11, Montserrado County, whose understanding of the give-money-to-get-money part of lobby caused rush of the Ministry of Public Works to build roads in his Constituency. "Representative Gabriel Nyenkan had written over eighty letters, but he couldn't get result, until he did what he could do," Mr. Tweh said. Participants made contributions, through questions or comments, during question/comment segment of each Presentation. A female participant, of Nimba County's DPO, reported inclusion of PWDs on the County's Social Development Fund (SDF), and said it was a "advocacy" by County's Disabled People's Organization. At the end of the Seminar, Journalists held separate exclusive interviews with heads of DPOs. Each person praised AIFO on its intervention through the DASU Project; majority lamented on finance-related challenges. "AIFO has greatly helped my organization, Nimba Disabled Community," the group's president, Mr. D. Abestine Tozay, in a wheelchair, said to a journalist during an exclusive interview. In her closing remark, NUOD's president, Naomi B. Harris, said proudly: "We are moving. Many DPOs are joining us. Let's not forget our motto: There's nothing for us that's not by us." Madam Josephine Geegbee served as the Seminar's Sign Language Interpreter--for the hearing-impaired (deaf) participants. Post Views: 1 Addis Abeba The shortage of belg season rains (April to June) due to late-onset and long dry spells has left communities in East and West Hararge Zones with no harvest and food products. The failure of the belg rains has also largely affected land preparation for the 2021/22 meher season (June-September), the UNOCHA said. Farmers in the two zones had lost an average of 30 to 40 per cent in production during last year's Meher season (2020/21) as the rain was erratic, uneven, and inconsistent with onsets and withdrawals. There was also crop damages due to Desert Locust and floods. Thus, the entire food security situation in both zones is dire where rain conditions continue to be very poor, potentially leaving nearly half of the population to be in need of food assistance in 2021/2022. Currently, a significant increase of an estimated 40 to 50 percent of malnutrition cases was reported in East and West Hararge Zones compared to the same period of time last year. The monthly increase was particularly high in East Hararge Zone. Food insecurity, inconsistent provision of targeted supplementary feeding supplies, and the phasing out of many nutrition projects have contributed to the increase of malnutrition especially among children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women. During humanitarian crises, women are more likely to make sacrifices, such as eating less food portions, for the well-being of their families. Malnourished pregnant women face increased risks of miscarriages and anemia as well as dying during delivery. Malnutrition also has severe impact on the physical and cognitive development of children, leading to perpetuating illness, poverty and inequality. East and West Hararge Zones host nearly 150,000 IDPs and over 300,000 returnees who are living in dire conditions with insufficient humanitarian assistance. Intissar El Sisi, wife of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, greeted Wednesday 30/6/2021 the Egyptian people on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of June 30 Revolution, saying the revolution was an embodiment of a historical scene that saw all State institutions' unity. On the 8th anniversary of the June 30 Revolution, the president 's spouse praised on her social media accounts the wisdom of Egyptians, who portrayed through their revolution, a model to follow as all sects of the Egyptian society stood four square behind their country. She wished Egypt more peace, security and stability. MENA Egyptian Ambassador to Russia Ehab Nasr and Egyptian archaeologist and Egyptologist Zahi Hawass discussed on Wednesday 30/6/2021 with Russian Culture Minister ways of boosting cultural cooperation. The two sides discussed details of several joint cultural activities to take place within the coming two years, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry. During his visit to Moscow, Hawass delivered a lecture at Foreign Literature Library that was attended by 100 Egyptologists and aired in Russian tv channels and websites. MENA Tunis/Tunisia A cooperation and partnership agreement aimed to to promote the Tunisian public administration was signed on Wednesday between the National School of Administration (ENA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This agreement which is part of the achievement of the sustainable development goals, mainly SDG16 +, aims to promote the Tunisian public administration through the adoption of innovative approaches and building the capacities of senior public servants, the UNDP says in a press release. Under this agreement, the UNDP offers the ENA technical assistance to design and set up a public innovation laboratory at the ENA, organise internships for students in the higher cycle of the ENA and set up a training program, for senior managers, for the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies. The convention was inked by ENA Director Khaoula Laabidi and UNDP Resident Representative to Tunisia Steve Utterwulghe, in the presence of Minister to the Primr Minister in charge of the Civil Service Hasna Ben Slimen and Netherlands' ambassador to Tunisia Ton Lansink. opinion A year ago, I met a 26-year-old breastfeeding mother who was a graduate student. She was married with three children; the youngest was just eight months old. She started using oral contraceptives after the return of her menses following the birth, but she hid the pills from her husband. When he discovered them, he forced her to throw them away. Not long after that, she conceived again. Three months later, she had a miscarriage caused by stress. She was admitted into hospital with infection and blood loss. Thankfully, she survived, and her husband has since changed his attitude towards contraceptive use. In my work in rural areas of Nigeria, attending mostly to uneducated women, their inability to make their own decisions on contraceptive use, combined with lack of awareness of what contraceptive methods are available, are prominent factors that affect contraceptive uptake. About 80 percent of the women we see do not use modern contraceptives because of lack of knowledge, or because their spouses are against it. However, it is cheering to note that when I talk with couples about the importance of contraception to a woman's health and her family's welfare, I see a marked change in attitude. From my conversations with others working in reproductive health services, it seems that they have also had success when they talk to couples. It is already a government policy to increase the use of modern contraceptives in Nigeria. The official goal, first set in 2012 and revised in 2017, was to reach a modern contraceptive prevalence rate of 27 percent by the year 2020. Unfortunately, the level of contraceptive use reached in 2020 was only 12 percent, one of the lowest rates in the world. A key reason for the low level of contraceptive use is lack of government leadership. Despite making promises to fund modern contraception, the government actually cut funds for family planning by 80 percent in its 2019 budget, with further cuts in 2020. In effect, the government is leaving international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to pay for most of the contraception and family planning services in Nigeria. While NGOs do an admirable job, none has the capacity to run a sustained national awareness campaign, or to change deeply ingrained social attitudes affecting contraceptive uptake. This is the work of government, which needs to invest in family planning education, including in schools, and ensure modern contraceptives are widely available at little or no cost. The government also needs to tackle stigma. Here in Nigeria, we need to stop being embarrassed about contraception or treating it as a secret. We can learn from the success of immunisation campaigns against childhood diseases, for example, which have used massive awareness campaigns and health workers going house to house to carryout vaccinations. Today, it is quite normal to vaccinate children when it was previously viewed with suspicion. The government should apply the same strategy to family planning, using health workers to educate couples and deliver contraceptive services at home. They would have an opportunity to speak to couples together, and importantly include men in the conversation. By speaking with couples normally about contraception, we in the health sector can show that there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, reassure both women and men that the products are safe, and address any misconceptions and answer questions. The problem now is that the system encourages secrecy and misinformation, making it even harder for women to control their fertility, and often putting their health and welfare at risk. The cost of this problem to the country is significant. The health and social impacts that I see frequently include unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortion, maternal deaths, perpetuation of poverty, malnutrition, frequent hospital visits and children dropping out of school. If all the unmet needs of modern contraception were satisfied, it is estimated that unintended pregnancies in Nigeria would drop by 77 percent - from 2.5 million to555,000 per year - and the number of abortions would drop from 1.3 million to287,000. Full provision of modern contraception, combined with other medical care, would reduce maternal deaths by 68 percent (61,000 to 19,000 per year) and newborn deaths would drop by 85 percent (from 255,000 to 38,000 per year). We know that our rapidly growing population is one of the country's biggest economic and political challenges. Latest official data puts Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population growth at 2.2 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively. We are poised to be the third most populous country in the world by 2050, ahead of the United States. Finding jobs for all these people is already extremely difficult. Protecting our environment in the face of massive population growth is another challenge. Contraceptives have always been a vital tool for countries to build viable societies, and when given the option, most families make responsible decisions, ensuring that they can provide for the children they have. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Women Nigeria Pregnancy and Childbirth By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. I want to emphasise that this is not just a problem facing poor people in rural areas. The woman I described at the beginning of this article is well-educated, living a comfortable middle-class life. Yet the taboos around family planning affected her just as much as the rural women I also treat on a regular basis. This is a problem impacting every part of the Nigerian society. Therefore, I call on government at all levels to prioritise family planning. It will be necessary to increase spending, employ more health workers, carry out awareness raising campaigns, and take contraceptive services to homes, as they do for immunisation. Perhaps they can combine these roles - training vaccination teams to also deliver contraception. As a man, a father, and a husband, as well as a doctor, I also call on all men to educate themselves about these issues and consider their wives and children's well-being above all. The benefits of change will flow not only to women, but to the whole country, by enabling families to prosper, reducing poverty, protecting our environment, and building a more sustainable future. Dr Tijani Salami is a physician, sexual and reproductive health expert and founder of Sisters Caregivers Project Initiative opinion Years ago, I went into local politics in Belgium. I was encouraged by the then mayor of my city, the late Marcel Hendricks, to run. I respected him a lot but I was reluctant. I was young, I was very busy and I had zero experience. With Naija as my frame of reference, I never imagined myself in politics. Not even at the local level. On the other hand, I also complained a lot to anyone who would listen about the underrepresentation of minority groups in public spheres in my city (and in Belgium as a whole). While I was still deciding whether to run or not, I ran into a friend who said I should stop dithering and just do it because "als je niet aan tafel zit, word je vergeten." If you're not at the table, you'd be forgotten. Also, the then ambassador of Nigeria to Belgium paid a visit to my city and had lunch with Mayor Hendricks and me. The mayor 'reported' me to the ambassador. Long story short, folks, I agreed to run. We put up posters (paid for from the party purse) and campaigned door to door. Some people were polite, others less so. It did not cost me a single euro. I did not have to distribute branded bags of rice to anyone. Of all the people we spoke to, only one person asked what was in it for them personally. An African man. He asked me what I'd give him to vote for me. He was convinced that if I won, I'd be in enjoyment heaven making money hand over fist and therefore, I had to pay him for the privilege of his vote. "You'll get in and chop money, so invest now," he might have said to me. I told him I had nothing to give him , and that in fact, I could not even give him anything had I wanted to. It is illegal in Belgium to give out anything that could be construed as a bribe to potential voters. He shrugged and said that in that case, he'd be voting blank (Belgium has the oldest existing compulsory voting system although you can exercise your right to vote for no one) because he couldn't give me his vote for nothing. It never occurred to this 'brother' of mine that voting for me might mean having a member of his family at the table making sure that he got food. Or that I might have been running because I wanted to serve my community, not benefit from it. I remember this story now because I have been ruminating on the just concluded PDP primaries in Anambra State and on Naija elections in general. Folks have alleged, for example, that religious denomination and money and godfatherism all played roles in these primaries. In a state that is predominantly Christian, apparently it matters what denomination one belongs to. And in a race to choose who would represent the state, it was important that zoning agreements be respected. Seriously? I, a naturalised Belgian could run (and win a seat) in Turnhout, but Anambra North and Anambra South are so radically different that there is an agreement in place to rotate gubernatorial candidates between the two regions? I am sure a similar agreement is in place with APGA and APC too. Some folks have also said that the better candidates - as far as they were concerned- got the fewest votes from the delegates and that the reason is that they did not have the support of a strong godfather. Godfatherism in Nigerian politics is not new. These wealthy men who sink money into campaigns and into electing their desired candidates so that the godfathers can in turn influence policy and demand their pound of flesh are a blight on our political system and should be done away with. And why were there 217 super delegates rather than the anticipated 3200 delegates? Who's going to be the gubernatorial candidate if two candidates claim to have won? Why were there two parallel primaries for the same position? I am so confused right now. Meanwhile APC leaders claim their own primary in Anambra State was fraudulent and 11 of the 14 aspirants have rejected the result. And in APGA, Prof. Soludo who won had been suspended by a faction of the party before the primaries and that faction does not consider his win valid. Wahala just full ground. Apart from the shenanigans, there is the disheartening fact that in 2021, there were hardly any women on the tickets of the parties despite the concessions some of the parties have made for women. However, these concessions mean little when the environment itself does not encourage their participation. Someone trustworthy told me that a big shot/ political godfather of one of the parties in the state said that he'd vote for a woman over his dead body. Chances are that there are many who think like him. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. We must be intentional about having more women in positions of power; otherwise whatever concessions made for them are more performative than heartfelt. One of the things I was pleasantly surprised by when I entered politics in Belgium was the fact that my party reserved half of the spots on the ticket for women and a certain number for the youth. There was an energetic recruitment of viable candidates to fill the quota. We got enormous support from the party and successful young women candidates also stood a good chance, ensured by the system, of becoming aldermen handling important portfolios. This is how one ensures that politics isn't dominated by fossilised, mostly male politicians with youth (and women) rarely getting a look in. If we are to achieve truly democratic governance, then we must invest in and encourage women and youth participation in active politics. And a truly democratic governance is what we all want, abi? July 1 is observed every year in Rwanda, as the day that the country gained independence from Belgian colonial rule in 1962. Though it is one of the public holidays observed in the country, there are no national celebrations held to mark the day. The reason for this, according to different sources who spoke to The New Times, is chiefly because Independence Day takes place only three days before the Liberation Day, which is celebrated on July 4. Thus, if government allocates funds towards organizing two public functions, it would be expensive. "It is a matter of prudence. If you have two public holidays, which are all in the liberation sense, organising celebrations for only one is okay," said Protais Musoni, the Chairperson of the Pan-African Movement (PAM-Rwanda). He reasoned that the independence is an important day, though to Rwandans, Liberation Day is even more important because it anchors nationalism more due to the achievements registered after it, mainly in terms of unity. "We mark independence and we value what our forefathers fought for. So it is important, but we should note that after the colonial rule, the same philosophy of divisionism more or less persisted through the pre-colonial era. And therefore, the liberation anchors nationalism more into the picture," he said. Dr. Canisius Bihira, an Economist Analyst also told this newspaper that it would not be very prudent spending if the country organised two public fetes in three days. Therefore, he said, it is better to mark one which has stronger meaning for the country, and for him it is the Liberation Day. Both Bihira and Musoni reflected on the journey that the country has been on since independence: the achievements registered, and the gaps that need to be addressed. On his part, Musoni said a lot has been achieved politically, saying Rwandans are in control of their country. He however pointed out some gaps which the country should try to address, for example economically, going forward. "Since independence, I think our country has gained quite a number of things. Politically, I think we are setting the standards of our governance, and improving our systems of our governance. You would say Rwandans are in charge politically," said Musoni, who has previously held different leadership positions, including in cabinet. "Economic transformation will lead us to economic independence, for example in terms of fully meeting our national expenditures without foreign assistance. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "If you followed the national budget through the recent years, you can see that we are having higher and higher percentages of internally generated resources," he added, saying that the ambition is to make it fully funded internally. He also reflected on culture, saying some achievements have been registered, as people are embracing their identity as Rwandans. However, Musoni noted that the journey to true independence is a "continuum" and thus, there is need to continue working towards it. "For me it is a continuum. We need to constantly ask ourselves: what else do we need to liberate ourselves from. Is it shortage of infrastructure, is it poverty, or is it the need for a voice on the global arena?" he said. Bihira told The New Times that there is need for a more independent mentality for Rwandans, where, for instance, they will take big steps towards making most of their God-given resources and ingenuity. "I can give you an example, there are companies that make juice here. But, they import raw materials from abroad, yet we can use our own," he said. "Some people think that things that are made in Rwanda are not good, and this is not a right mentality," he added. Belise Uwase, a youth in Kigali said that she is proud of the achievements that the country has made, but noted that independence is a journey that is continuing. "I am proud of the leadership, the security in general. I think more can be done in the sector of education," she said. Rwanda has signed a Rwf3.6 billion agreement with the European Union (EU) to enhance the attractiveness of Rwanda for investments in vaccine manufacturing, a statement from Rwanda Development Board (RDB) says. According to the statement, this financing agreement signed between the EU and RDB on Wednesday, June 30 is in line with promoting the country's medical tourism. The agreement, it said, will strengthen the capacity of the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) which is key to enhancing the country's attractiveness for investments in vaccine manufacturing. Rwanda has been announced as one of the hubs for vaccine manufacturing in Africa, besides Nigeria and South Africa. In May, President Paul Kagame said that "in the context of developing hubs for manufacturing the vaccines in our continent, Rwanda is in advanced talks with private firms and multilateral agencies to build manufacturing capacity in our region for the raw materials to produce mRNA vaccines." Kagame was speaking at the virtual Global Health Summit, co-chaired by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and President of the European Union Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The Summit focused on how to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships said that the agreement to increase the capacity of Rwanda FDA is key to improving access to medicines. "This is an important step in supporting local manufacturing of health products in Africa. As announced by President of [the European Union Commission] von der Leyen, Team Europe will continue to support this country and Africa in strengthening the regulatory framework and attracting investment in the pharmaceutical sector," she said. The Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Ngamije said the European Union is a central partner in our efforts to bridge the gap in vaccine equity in Africa by building pharmaceutical production capacity. "Upgrading Rwanda's regulatory capabilities to the required international standards, is a critical step on our journey to vaccine manufacturing," he remarked. Commenting on the development, Clare Akamanzi, CEO of RDB said access to vaccines is critical especially for Africa where only 1 percent of vaccines are manufactured on the continent. "This agreement boosts Rwanda's efforts to build a vaccine and pharmaceutical manufacturing ecosystem to contribute to the health security of the region and continent," she observed. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda Coronavirus International Organisations By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The development will help the Rwanda FDA to establish a strong quality control laboratory for the medical products and supply new equipment for an integrated information management system. This will help the body in achieving the required level of certification by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be able to fully play its role to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of vaccines and pharmaceutical products. The agreement is part of a comprehensive medium-term #TeamEurope support to bring the Authority's laboratory, technical and organizational capacity to high levels of performance. As part of the effort, the EU Delegation will also seek to facilitate a peer-to-peer partnership between the Rwanda FDA and the national regulatory authorities from EU Member States. The statement indicated that the EU and the European Investment Bank are in discussions to partner with the Government of Rwanda to facilitate and promote investment by pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the country, including exploring opportunities for co-financing and de-risking potential investments. Aron Mushaukwa & Dephine Simasiku Fire crews in Katima Mulilo scrambled to extinguish a fire at the house of Kabbe North councillor Bernard Sisamu on Monday evening. The fire that raged for hours razed the house to the ground as the local fire brigade struggled to put it out. Zambezi crime investigations coordinator Evans Simasiku confirmed the incident. He, however, stated that no case has been opened with the police as the cause of the fire is not yet known. "It could have been an electrical failure, it could have been anything but at the moment, no case has been opened," said Simasiku. Sisamu's house is located in Boma location, a few metres from the Katima Mulilo police station. Contacted for comment, Sisamu said the fire started around 16h00 and even though the fire brigade was contacted immediately after the fire broke out, they only arrived an hour later. "They appeared not to be ready, as they came with an empty tank, and later they went to the river to fetch water," he said. "They tried to quell the flames but they could not do it, until later when the other fire brigade from the airport came." He further explained the fire started from one of the bedrooms. "When the fire started, I was taking a nap, and my wife and four children were also around. My wife who came shouting from outside woke me up," said Sisamu. He also stated the fire was only brought under control around 21h00. He also explained the total loss of property, excluding the house, is close to N$200 000. "I don't know how to explain this but it is really a great loss," he said. Roland Routh Covid-19 has claimed another scalp in the form of a trial that needed to be postponed because one of the lawyers either had contact with a positive person and is in isolation or contracted the virus themselves. This time around, it is the criminal trial of Affirmative Repositioning (AR) movement activist Dimbulukeni Nauyoma. Magistrate Olga Likando had to postpone the matter in which Nauyoma was supposed to plead to charges of hindering a person and entering upon land, all in contravention of Section 2 of Proclamation AG 21 of 1985 to 4 April next year. The reason given was that the prosecutor dealing with the matter is in isolation after coming into contact with a Covid-19 positive person. The matter was previously put on hold to wait for the High Court's ruling in which he is challenging the Squatters Proclamation Act. Nauyoma was arrested on 18 January 2019, when he allegedly attempted to stop Windhoek City Police officers from demolishing a shack belonging to Okuryangava resident, a 33-year-old single mother of two, Wilhemina Shipingana. Police reported at the time that Nauyoma and other activists tried to rebuild Shipingana's shack. The police then arrested Nauyoma along with Emilia Simon, Tuhafeni Kamati, Wilhem Mapele and Ismael Kalumbu, who have since been released on a warning and have not been charged. At the time, Shipingana told New Era that her shack was initially demolished in the morning after she refused to have sexual intercourse with the man who gave her a piece of land to build her shack in December 2018. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Namibia Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Shipingana said the community and Nauyoma rebuilt the shack on the land while trying to get another place. Her shack was again demolished after it was rebuilt During his arrest, Nauyoma allegedly sustained injuries on his shoulder and ribs. AR resorted to High Court, which ordered the police at Wanaheda Police Station to take him to Rhino Park private hospital. Nauyoma was then transferred to Windhoek Central Hospital, where he was under police guard. However, on 15 September, Nauyoma approached the High Court, seeking an order declaring the Squatters Proclamation AG, 21 of 1985 as unconstitutional. The particular act, amongst many things, provides for the removal of persons unlawfully occupying land or buildings, and for the demolition of structures that are unlawfully erected. In his affidavit, Nauyoma is arguing that the Act does not make provisions for circumstances under which unlawful land occupiers obtained the land. Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente is in Bujumbura, Burundi where he is attending the celebrations of Independence Day, according to his office. Rwanda and Burundi are celebrating almost six decades of independence gained on July 1, 1960 from Belgium. However, since 2015, the two countries have shared frosty relations, but efforts to mend their differences have been underway since the election of the new government led by President Evariste Ndayishimiye in Burundi. Several talks have been held from both sides to restore the diplomatic relationship. The visit by Ngirente is widely viewed as part of the efforts to mend the icy relations between the two countries. Schools have started to send students back to their homes as they respond to the new guidelines set by the government to help contain the spread of Covid-19. The new guidelines, which were announced on Tuesday, include the closure of schools in some 10 districts. On Tuesday, June 1, The New Times visited two schools in Kicukiro District and found that preparations were underway to facilitate the students' departure. William Rwiririza, Deputy Director of King David Academy, said; "We were not surprised by these measures... the students have completed their exams and we are still preparing their report cards". Rwiririza said 90 per cent of their students are from Kigali, and parents have been informed to pick them from the school between 8:30 am up 4:30 pm The government has arranged transport for students travelling to the countryside. Asked about the students' reports, he said "every student will receive his/her report through email and we will send them in the coming days." A S.5 at E.S Kanombe (EFOTEC) who spoke to The New Times said; "We have observed every measure put in place during this period we were at school. Even though we are going home under hard circumstances, we'll continue to take care of ourselves and be role models in our families". We have concluded our exams, he added, and we hope that the results will be good. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Education Rwanda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Although we are not happy to go back home without our results, we know that our schools will send them to us at the right time" The school third term for non-candidate students was supposed to end on July 9 but has been brought to an early closure due to the spike in new Covid-19 infections in the country. At E.S Kanombe, the school administrators were receiving money from the parents to facilitate their children's transportation back home. The school said that all students were in good condition save for one who missed the exams due to illness. On Thursday morning, many students travelling to the countryside convened at Kigali Stadium where they are being transported to their respective provinces The exercise will go on until June 4. The Ministry of Education said on its Twitter handle that students who are set to do the national exams will stay at school. With effect from Saturday, all categories of travellers will be required to present a Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours as opposed to the earlier 120-hour requirement. Dr Henry Mwebesa, the director general of health services at the Ministry of Health, said the new policy seeks to curb the spread of new Covid-19 variants that are circulating in 85 countries. Uganda is one of the countries struggling to contain the spread of the Delta variant. "All travellers arriving or departing from Uganda are required to have a Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours of travel. Please note that the 72 hours begins on the day the sample is collected for testing," Dr Mwebesa said in a statement yesterday. Initially, government had indicated a 72-hour duration, however, the policy was relaxed to 120 hours. Government has yet again revised the timeline to 72 hours. Dr Charles Olaro, the director of curative services at the Ministry of Health, said the longer periods of testing leave gaps for people to interact before travel. "When a longer period of 120 hours is given, people test but they may get infected with the virus as they wait for results," Dr Olaro said. Since March last year when Uganda registered her first Covid-case, more than 1.3 million tests have been conducted and of these, 79,977 people have turned positive. At least 52,961 have recovered from the virus. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. According to Ministry of Health, the testing capacity has increased from 74,000 in previous months to 151,000 PCR tests per month. Government projects to increase the capacity to 320,000 PCR tests by the end of June. In a bid to prevent the spread of new Covid variants, the government suspended all passenger flights from India last month and categorised countries based on the presence of variants of concern, high rate of transmission of the disease and number of deaths reported. The government also advised people intending to fly into Uganda from the US, the UK, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, South Africa, Ethiopia, South Sudan ,and Tanzania, among others, to postpone non-essential travels. However, those travellers from the above categories, who were referred to as Category Two, including nationals, are subjected to a PCR Covid-19 test at points of entry. However, we could not establish if there have been changes in categories of countries on travels. The Ministry of Health had not provided us with such information by press time. UK travel ban The United Kingdom added Uganda to its travel ban red list last week to prevent the spread of new Covid-19 variants. The UK had aslo earlier this year red listed several other countries including South Africa, the UAE, Burundi and Rwanda among others. Medics and leaders in Ntungamo District are getting concerned as residents who test positive for Covid-19 resist returning home. The medics say the residents argue that when they go home they will infect people in their households since most of their homes are congested and can't have room for self-isolation. They want to remain in health centres for specialized treatment. "Most people we test and find positive are reluctant to go back home. As medics, we also do not have enough equipment and the capacity to keep them here. We are not trained enough to handle Covid-19 and most importantly, we do not have the budget. But they insist they are not going anywhere," Ms Aphia Ankunda, the Ntungamo Municipality Health Centre IV In-charge, said. She said at least 52 per cent of the patients who turn up at the health centre and are tested for Covid-19 return positive results which puts the medics at risk of contracting the disease since they don't have protective gear. "When they gave us test kits for coronavirus, we were not prepared for this. There was no PPE provided for the people in the lab who test, it's just like they do to malaria. No gloves, no facemasks, no disposable aprons, no face shields, no gumboots, and the medics are stressed and stretched," Ms Ankunda added. The Ntungamo District Covid-19 task force set up Rubaare health centre IV, Kitwe health centre IV, Rwashamaire health centre IV, Itojo Hospital, Ntungamo health centre III, for rapid tests and Mirama Hills Border post for sample collection for other specialized tests. However, the district health officer Dr Richard Bakamuturaki says they have not established any Covid-19 treatment centre as Itojo hospital it congested with patients with different ailments and can't find space for Covid-19 isolation and treatment centre. He says, currently, m]the Covid-19 patients are referred to Kabale or Mbarara hospitals but are looking at measures to have the district treatment centre as community infections soar. Itojo Hospital constructed in 1964 has space for only 80 in-patients including maternity, male and female, pediatrics, surgical and causality and there has not been any additional construction since official opening in 1972. A midwife at Kitondo health centre IV, Ms Patience Arinaitwe died last week as a result of Covid-19 after contacting it from an expectant mother. Another midwife at Nyabushenyi health centre III is in ICU over similar complications. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. A medical officer at Rwashamaire health centre who preferred anonymity said they are currently treating two Covid-19 patients at the facility because who refused to go back home. At Kitwe health centre, police was called on Monday to take away a man who had refused to return home after testing positive for the deadly disease. Medics said they had no PPEs to care for the patient. The Kajara county Member of parliament Mr Micheal Timuzigu Kamugisha toured three health centres on Wednesday observing serious medical challenges in the units. "Government has absolutely neglected health workers. When you ask the permanent secretary of the minister of health they will tell you they have sent PPEs to the facilities, but I want to tell you I have seen it myself, these people at health units are just sacrificing their lives. A health worker told me she used a pair of gloves for a whole day sanitizing every other time, the patients are insisting they want to be cared for. Something must be done," Mr Timuzigu said. The Ntungamo Resident District Commissioner, Mr George Bakunda, says the district has been in contact with the ministry of health over the establishment of a Covid-19 treatment centre at Itojo Hospital. Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) is banking on May and June to beat its Shs21.6 trillion revenue collection target, which by the end of April was behind by Shs5 trillion. In an interview early this week, Mr Ian Rumanyika, the URA assistant commissioner public and corporate affairs, said although the 2020/21 financial has closed (yesterday), URA's performance has been fairly good building on the optimism that in May and June tax payers dash to file different returns as well as paying arrears. "We were given a target of about Shs21.6 trillion and by the end of April 2021, we had collected Shs15.5 trillion against the set target," Mr Rumanyika said in a virtual meeting, noting that they will wait for to see how May and June turn out. "So far revenue performance in terms of percentage is about 72 per cent and we continue to urge taxpayers to file their returns by close of business today [Wednesday]," he added. Should URA fail to hit its target, this will be the second time it closes the revenue collection account with a deficit. Covid-19 has been a big constraint to tax collection. However, Mr Rumanyika said they are optimistic given that a number of system, mainly of which are digitally supported, will help in improving revenue collection. Already a move between Uganda Registration Services Bureau and URA to integrate Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) with National Identification & Registration Authority (NIRA) is ongoing. Through the system URA will seek to draw more than four million tax payers into the taxable fold. URA is has also created other digital systems such as the Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution and Digital Tax Stumps in which it seeks to create and efficient tax collection medium. Recently, Dr Fred Muhumuza, a Makerere University School of Economics lecturer, during the Economic Recovery and Re-igniting Economic Growth discussions, said revenue collection is product of a healthy economy, noting it would be difficult for URA to hit its targets, amid constrained economic activities. By Moses Ndhaye A Joint security team led by Police Crime Intelligence personnel locked down three zones in Kawempe Division for more than six hours as they carried out a search to arrest three suspects in an attempted assassination of Gen Edward Katumba Wamala last month. Heavily armed personnel in plain clothes and black uniforms put Lugoba, Kaziga and Kibwa zones under lock down on Monday until they arrested suspects whom they claimed were under their watch list, but had hid in the house a few days after the shooting. One suspect was later arrested in a rental at Kibwa, another in Kaziga, and the last at Lugoba. The suspects were dragged into the waiting vehicles and driven away. Their identities aren't yet known. Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesman Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the presence of security personnel in the area, but declined to divulge any information. "You talk to police headquarters for the details," Assistant Superintendent of Police Owoyesigyire said yesterday. Efforts to get a comment from the national police spokesman were futile. Gen Katumba was shot and injured while in his army vehicle by armed assailants, who were riding motorcycles. His daughter Brenda Nantongo and driver Haruna Kayondo were shot dead by the assailants on Kisota Road in Kisaasi, a Kampala suburb on June 1. Two suspects, Ismael Hussein Sserubula and Siraji Yusuf Nyanzi, were later arrested and charged in court and remanded to prison with the murder of Nantongo and Kayondo, and attempted murder of Gen Katumba. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Uganda Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Crime Intelligence sources said the suspects were tracked using the new technical capabilities that were acquired under the smart city project. The operatives kept waiting for them to get out of their residential areas, but they could have detected the move by the security officers and locked themselves in the houses. The source said the operatives later decided to do a cordon and search of the entire area and each suspect was found hiding in the house. During the operation at Kawempe, armed operatives didn't allow any residents in the area to move. Motorists were also told to stay where they were until 7.30 PM when the operation ended. Residents, who were rushing back home to avoid being caught by curfew deadline, were told to wait by the roadside. Media Personality Nick Odhiambo is in mourning. The former Radio Maisha presenter on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, announced the death of his son. The deceased was three days old. The veteran presenter could not hold back his emotions as he narrated the tragic situation to his fans on social media, describing it as a 'short-lived' joy. "What a short-lived joy! Born Friday 25th June- 28th June 2021... been celebrating you and giving mom space to heal Then am told you were buried yesterday. And just seen your new home! #RiPSoN I have cried my eyes out asking why? Lil'Kyeon," tweeted Mick Odhiambo. He did not divulge more information regarding the cause of the death of his son. His friends and fans went on social media to offer their messages of condolences to the radio presenter. "Pole sana Nick. May he RIP," wrote Philip Mwaniki. "I am so sorry Nick. May he rest in peace," said KTN news anchor Linda Oguttu. "Oh Nick this is sad and hard to comprehend. So so sorry. May the little angel rest well," tweeted @PeggyJo. "Sorry Nick for your loss. No words can offer you comfort otherwise we would flood you with them. May this have meaning for you and for the boy, who we believe/know still lives elsewhere," commented @GathirimuPeter. "Losing a child is the most painful type of loss anyone will ever experience. The heartbreak from child loss can never be explained with words... The void left behind can never begin to be filled. May God grant you peace Nick," said BrianInzai. "I'm so sorry for your loss, dude. I could almost see the happiness in your tweet when you first tweeted about his birth. I personally am a father of a 15 month-old son and my biggest fear is losing him. Comfort is on the other side of this grief. I understand grief, I lost a bro," remarked @GideonKigen. "No amount of words can express the pain that you are going through, pole sana Nick," said @steve_egess. "Gutted to hear this man, we just celebrated with you last week Friday, Seasoned journalist Lolani Kalu has started a music studio with the proceeds he received from Kenyans of goodwill when he was struggling on the financial front. And he's urged the government to help the project by absorbing his music records into the school curriculum. "I have an operational recording studio, a camera to do my recordings and to also go live with. I have written a music theory book in Swahili titled Mawe Saba and I would like to request the Ministry of Education to have it in schools for music lessons," he said. A few months back, the former NTV presenter opened up on his financial and health struggles after he abruptly left his job and was forced to retreat to the village. The plight of his struggles was highlighted on Twitter, forcing media personality Felix Odiwuor, aka Jalang'o, to invite him for an interview on his online TV, from where he asked his fans for support. Kalu said he needed sh250,000 to buy a camera and a computer to jumpstart his life. "I would appreciate it if I can get Ksh200,000 for a camera and sound equipment and Ksh50,000 for a computer that would enable me to edit the footage I would have shot," said Kalu. Kenyans on social media joined hands to raise the amount for the journalist who also got a job at K24 TV. A Kajiado hunter who was reportedly found with a dikdik at his home in Saikeri village has made a U-turn and denied charges of possession of the animal's carcass. Joshua Ladapash disowned his own plea of guilty and denied accusations he'd admitted before Kibera law courts on Monday. Before changing his mind, Ladapash was awaiting the presentation of facts by the prosecution before sentencing. He'd earlier told the court that it was true he was found by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officers with the animal shortly after it was killed by his dogs. On Monday, he pleaded guilty to possession of the carcass weighing five kilos after he was arraigned by KWS officers. Ladapash was arrested at his home where he was reportedly found killing the animal. Court heard KWS officers in Nairobi had received information about Ladapash and his accomplices' hunting mission and they proceeded to his village. They surrounded his home after they heard the animal make the whistling sound in pain. Unfortunately, they found the suspect had killed the animal. The carcass has been photographed before disposal and only the photos will be presented in court in the future. Ladapash was released on a Sh100,000 bond and an alternative cash bail of the same amount. The case will be mentioned on July 15 for pre-trials and setting hearing dates. The fully armed gunmen whisked the six workers away to an unknown location. Gunmen on Wednesday kidnapped six workers of West African Ceramic Company in Ajaokuta Local Government Area of Kogi State. The incident happened in the Emiworo community in Ajaokuta Local Government Area of the state, where the company mines stones. PREMIUM TIMES learnt that the workers were abducted while loading stones expected to be delivered in the ceramic site located at Itobe, in the same council area. The suspected criminals, who were fully armed, whisked the six workers away to an unknown location. The Kogi state police Public Relations Officer, William Aya, confirmed the incident to this newspaper on Thursday. He said the officers deployed by the Commissioner of Police were operating in collaboration with other security agencies to see that the victims are rescued. According to him, the operatives were still combing the bush in the local government area on the trail of the assailants. The company, however, could not be reached for comments as of the time of filing this report. Its known telephone numbers were unavailable on Thursday morning. The World Bank's private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation, said this was the largest healthcare investment it had mobilised to date. The World Bank, France, Germany and the US are pumping 600-million - about R10-billion - into the South African pharmaceutical company Aspen Pharmacare to boost its production of Covid-19 vaccines for Africa. The injection will bolster Aspen's finances so it can continue to produce vaccines under licence for the US pharmaceutical corporation Johnson & Johnson at its sterile plant in Gqeberha. Aspen is compounding, finishing, filling and packaging J&J's Janssen vaccines and supplying them to South Africa and the rest of Africa. The World Bank's private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), is mobilising the deal and contributing 200-million. The French development institution Proparco is providing 156-million; Germany's development institution DEG, 144-million; and the US Development Finance Corporation (DFC) the remaining 100-million. The IFC said this was the largest healthcare investment it had mobilised to date, in the statement announcing the package. The four development financing institutions said they were answering the call from African governments to bolster the continent's vaccine supply chain to counter Covid-19 and strengthen their health sectors in... column After a four-year interregnum, the trial of the 'supreme leader' of the proscribed Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Mr Nnamdi Kanu resumed on Tuesday at the Federal High Court in Abuja. First arraigned on 14th October, 2015 before he eventually secured bail and fled the country, Kanu had been slammed with an 11-count charge bordering on terrorism, treasonable felony, managing an unlawful society, publication of defamatory matter, illegal possession of firearms and improper importation of goods. According to the Attorney General of the Federation and Justice Minister, Abubakar Malami, SAN, Kanu is now also accused of inciting violence through television, radio and online broadcasts that resulted in the loss of lives and property of civilians, military, paramilitary, police forces as well as the destruction of civil institutions and symbols of authority in the Southeast. While the security agencies may have scored a huge coup by arresting Kanu abroad and bringing him home to face trial, nobody should be under any illusion that this is a simple case. The trial of Kanu resembles that of his friend-now-turned-foe, Mujahid Dokubo-Asari who was charged with similar offences under President Olusegun Obasanjo. Let's hope it doesn't turn out the same way. Although Dokubo-Asari's case eventually ended with his release from detention by my late boss, President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua on 14th June 2007 (two weeks after assuming office as a prelude to the Niger Delta Amnesty programme), anybody who wants to recall that drama and its lurid details should read the Supreme Court judgement of 8th June 2007. Incidentally, that judgement (on a bail application case) was delivered by Justice Ibrahim Tanko Muhammad, the current Chief Justice of Nigeria (with concurrence by Aloysius Katsina-Alu, Niki Tobi, Francis Fedode Tabai, Pius Olayiwola Aderemi and Anthony Ikechukwu Iguh). Meanwhile, Dokubo-Asari's lawyer was Festus Keyamo, SAN, the current Minister of State for Labour and Productivity. Let me refresh the memory of readers on that case before I go to the substance of my intervention. Arraigned on 6th October, 2005 before the Federal High Court in Abuja, Dokubo-Asari was accused of managing "unlawful societies of more than ten persons respectively known and called Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF), Congress for the Liberation of Ikwere People (COLIP) and Chikoko Movement" with objectives that allegedly include: Levying war on the government of Nigeria; encouraging the killing and injuring of persons and property; promoting the subversion of the government of Nigeria and its officials; committing and inciting acts of violence and intimidation; encouraging interference with or resistance to the administration of law; and encouraging the disturbance of peace and order in the Niger Delta. In one of the charges, Dokubo-Asari was said to have held a meeting on 28th August 2005 at Samsy Hotel in Benin, Edo State capital where he planned to cause civil disorder that would lead to the overthrow of what he reportedly called "the dictatorial government of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo". And on 10th September 2005, he also granted an interview to the Independent Newspaper where he said: "Nigeria is an evil entity. It has nothing to stand on and I will continue to fight and try to see that Nigeria dissolves and disintegrates and I am ready to hold on to the struggle to see to this till the day I will die. I do not see any reason why I should continue to live with people that have no relationship with me whatsoever." During the trial on 19th February 2007, Dokubo-Asari created a never-to-be-forgotten scene when he told Justice Peter Olayiwola who had asked that he be taken out of court for unruly behaviour: "Stupid man! Stupid judge! You want to adjourn this matter again? You want to send me back to the underground cell again? I am sorry for you. Your family will weep when it happens. They will cry and cry. Your family members cannot escape too. I know where they live. And Obasanjo will not be able to protect you." In the end, that trial catapulted Dokubo-Asari into national and international limelight and perhaps, stupendous wealth as well. However, while the recall is important to situate the issue of Kanu's trial, I am also aware that the Southeast is not exactly the Niger Delta in the mind of the current dispensation. Obasanjo and Yar'Adua may also have taken different approaches but for essentially economic reasons vis-a-vis the oil factor. There are no such considerations in this case. Besides, the most incensed members among Kanu's supporters are in the Diaspora. The feeling within the Southeast political circle may be one of relief that Kanu is out of circulation. Indeed, following their meeting in Enugu on 15th September 2017, the Southeast Governors' Forum announced the proscription of IPOB activities. The then chairman, Governor Dave Umahi of Ebonyi State also assured Nigerians that "full investigation is ongoing on all allegations of killings, maiming and other unlawful conduct in the (Southeast) zone within this period". But nobody can deny that Kanu is now a huge factor in Southeast politics. Because some people cannot differentiate between Biafra and the Igbos, Kanu has been able to create a 'We' versus 'Them' narrative on what remains an emotional injury in the Igbo collective psyche. The tragedy really is that it did not have to come to this, if Kanu had not been consumed by hate-mongering. In my 1st October 2017 'Platform Nigeria' presentation, 'A Nation on the Edge: Which Way Nigeria?', I spoke on how Kanu was insulting other ethnic nationalities. Yet those who ought to have restrained him refused to do so. As I asked in one of my columns, when Kanu said "anybody attending a Pentecostal church with a Yoruba pastor is an idiot, a complete fool and an imbecile" before adding, "if your pastor is Yoruba, you are not fit to be a human being" or "Pastor Kumuyi should be stoned and dealt with thoroughly if he comes to Aba for his planned crusade", was I expected to clap for him as a Yoruba man? However, what provoked my 'Platform Nigeria' intervention was the ultimatum given by some 'youths' for all Igbos to vacate the northern region, as a result of killings in the Southeast at the time. Let me take excerpts from what I said on that occasion: "On 6th June this year (2017), some old men under the aegis of Coalition of Arewa Youths gave all the Igbo people living in the North till yesterday, 1st October to vacate the region. Even though the quit notice was eventually withdrawn, the damage that ultimatum did to our national psyche would take many years to heal. But then, the action of this group was also a response to the uncontrolled verbal aggression by Mr Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the so-called IPOB. "Egged on by the mob, comprising mostly Okada riders with online support from several of his kinsmen in the Diaspora, Kanu was allowed to take hate speech to an unprecedented level. Even when he was presented a golden opportunity to champion the genuine grievances of his people with civility, following an ill-advised treason trial that catapulted him into national limelight and prominence, Kanu could not rise beyond the mediocrity of the adulation of some street urchins. He felt that by making incendiary statements to offend, insult, intimidate and threaten people from other ethnic groups, he was helping whatever his cause was. At the end, he made a strategic miscalculation. "However, while I do not know why Kanu believes spreading hate and violence would help his cause, the Arewa youth counter-response was also very much unfortunate because the inference was that because Kanu is Igbo, all Igbo people must suffer the consequences of his action... Unfortunately, the message that was also lost on the authorities in Abuja is that you cannot build an inclusive society when you react to national security threats in a manner that suggests some people are above the law; although many people across the country also felt let down that some otherwise respected senior citizens from the South-east who ought to have called Kanu to order were practically genuflecting before someone young enough to be their grandson!" In that presentation, I also made it clear that the excessive military show of force in the South-east under the pretext of 'Operation Python Dance' was a dangerous gambit that could play into the hands of Kanu given public resentment by the people who were made to pay for what they knew nothing about. Sadly, that was what fed the general angst that eventually turned Kanu into a folk hero within the region. Now, let me come back to the 2017 'Platform Nigeria' intervention for my closing argument: "Admittedly, ours is a fragile polity but the social and economic bonds that unite us are strong and hard to dissolve. Yet the task of conscious nation building has hardly been done. The rights of citizenship are still shackled by boundaries of state of origin and ethnicity. The excessive hangovers of prolonged military rule are still with us in the form of impulsive arbitrariness. Our government still finds it easy to call in military force to quell elementary civil unrest. We are yet to teach our citizens from infancy the values of group living and how to compete as individuals without resorting to primordial hate when we cannot prevail. "However, despite all these, the real challenge is that of creating enough wealth to cater for the need of our huge population. If we remain a poor country with an external reserve that is less than the cash holding of Facebook alone, our competitions might get bloodier and our future more speculative and tentative. Our task therefore is to make Nigeria a land of equal opportunity for all, a nation whose unity is not decreed as non-negotiable but is guaranteed by the practical incentives it offers for all to want to stay in and perfect the union." ENDNOTE: As we gradually inch towards the 2023 general election and the permutations for presidency in the two leading political parties continue, we are bound to confront the Igbo question in a way that could tie into Kanu's travails, even if unintended. His trial has now been compounded by the fact that he jumped bail which, in some jurisdictions, is usually deemed a "consciousness of guilt". But Kanu deserves a proper trial and respect for the rules. The federal government should grant him access to his lawyers, obey the courts, and ensure that he gets justice, according to the laws of the land and the constitution. Meanwhile, Southeast leaders will also do well to reassure other Nigerians that IPOB does not speak for the region. By his conduct and utterances in the past six years, Kanu has succeeded in alienating many open-minded Nigerians (outside the Southeast) who appreciate the legitimate demand of Igbo people for fairness, equity, and justice in an inclusive nation they can call their own. The Usifo Ataga Tragedy Ever since the tragic death of the CEO of Super TV, Mr Michael Usifo Ataga, the public has been treated to a cocktail of salacious stories that have tended to further traumatize a family that just lost an important member in gruesome circumstances. At the centre of this sordid drama is the police whose personnel have carried media trial to a most bizarre level. On Tuesday, there were several reports in major newspapers that suggested very clearly that journalists were not only given access to interview the prime suspect but were orchestrated to do it individually. As Mr Levi Obijiofor wrote in his latest column in 'The Sun' newspaper, the Ataga tragedy has unleashed on the Nigerian public, "backyard criminologists, motor park forensic analysts, unlettered rookie lawyers, untrained sociologists" and other busybodies who add to "the ordeal the family is experiencing as they mourn and search for answers." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It is only in Nigeria that a homicide crime scene could be turned into a tourist attraction for gossipers masquerading as journalists to take photographs while the deceased was not given any dignity with the way pictures were taken of his lifeless body. The CCTV camera videos of his last hours are also all over the social media and the police seems to have sublet the interrogation of the lone suspect to reporters. This is neither right nor fair. In the interest of both the deceased and suspect, and that of criminal justice administration in Nigeria, the police should take this matter out of the media. One Party State! Apparently in response to the defection from the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) of Governor Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State and some Senators, this short piece credited to one Bamidele Johnson is making the rounds on WhatsApp. It sums up the state of our democracy: "Nigeria is not about to become a one-party state. Nigeria, for some time has been a single-party state. The major parties since 1999 are hardly distinguishable from one another/each other. The frequency/fluidity of movements between and among (members of) these platforms makes it impossible for them to be different. Irrespective of the party, the conduct is the same at the national and sub-national levels. Same poison in different bottles. Curiously, we've made ourselves victims of an epic swindle by politicians who continue to sell the same thing to us as different things. We whoop with joy at defections which deliver benefits exclusively to the defectors and their friends. We're a one-party state and we've been for long." End of discussion! 2021 Teens Conference Registration Registration for the 2021 edition of annual Teens Career Conference of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) The Everlasting Arms Parish (TEAP), Abuja with the theme, 'A Brave New World: Who Dares, Wins!' begins today. The speakers are Chairman, Talent City Inc, Mr Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer, MAX.NG, Mr Chinedu Azodoh and Group Managing Director (Nigeria), NewGlobe Education, Mrs Omowale David-Ashiru. Like previous editions, it will bring together teenagers from Abuja and its environs to listen to expert advice on career choices in today's dynamic and challenging world. For details on the conference, interested teenagers should visit www.rccgteapteens.org. - You can follow me on my Twitter handle, @Olusegunverdict and on www.olusegunadeniyi.com editorial Recently, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) announced plans to invest in some upcoming private refineries in the country. According to the oil conglomerate, the decision is in line with the corporation's commitment to guaranteeing national energy security. The corporation said: "The oil refining sector is one of such segments where NNPC is revisiting its strategy in order to strengthen domestic refining capacity and guarantee national energy security. "The new vision is to grow domestic refining capacity, improve petroleum products supply from our local refineries and become a net exporter of petroleum products." It explained that the proposal is in conformity with government directive stipulating the mandatory participation of the corporation in any privately owned refinery that exceeds 50,000 barrels per day capacity, and disclosed that it was currently seeking to acquire a 20 per cent minority equity stake in Africa's biggest oil refining facility, Dangote Refinery. Already, the corporation has put in place what it calls the green field refinery and the Greenfield Refining Projects Division as part of a strategy to collaborate and seek partnerships with private investors. At the moment, Dangote Refinery, has a 650,000 barrels per day capacity plus a mini 80,000 tonnes per annum petrochemical plant. This encouraging prospect may have encouraged the NNPC to seek to have a 20 per cent minority stake in Dangote Refinery as part of its collaboration given the huge crude requirement for that refinery. This pronouncement by NNPC to invest in these upcoming private refineries has continued to elicit mixed commentaries from stakeholders in the nation's oil and gas industry. While the NNPC has sought the support of Nigerians for its new investment decision, LEADERSHIP is of the view that the planned decision should be implemented in a manner that will respect the private modalities on which these refineries are expected to operate. We point this out so as to guard against the inefficiencies that have tied down the nation's four refineries currently enmeshed in an endless Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) syndrome. It is a known fact that while oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain parade enduring infrastructure and high standards of living of their citizens as proof of their oil wealth, same cannot be said of Nigeria, no thanks to the convoluted management structure of the oil industry, the over-bearing influence of the oil majors which makes the corporation a supervisory agency and an operator with the resultant conflict of interest. We consider as plausible NNPC's argument that the planned investment in the private refineries will guarantee regular supply of crude oil to the refineries on completion and by extension, a satisfactory supply of refined products for local consumption. Also, we applaud this effort at building synergy between the corporation and the private sector players. However, it is pertinent to point out that crude oil is an international product, sold in dollars and the refineries on completion, can decide to source crude oil wherever the prices and other terms are favourable. Without doubt, this will make refined products available but also at prices that are market driven. We are left wondering what this will portend for local consumers. There is also another argument that these private refineries should make haste slowly in their quest for NNPC's and other investors' offers. It will be advisable for them to consider the provisions of the soon-to-be-passed Petroleum Industry Bill so as not to pre-empt what it sets out to achieve in the industry. We are aware that PIB seeks to unbundle the NNPC and bring about some changes in the present arrangement in the industry as well as in the corporation itself. Part of the content of the bill is the anticipation that the NNPC will transmute to a private limited liability company that will be run strictly on private business principles. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Petroleum By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Therefore, we suggest that the private refineries, no matter how much they hanker for the offers thrown at them now due to an anxiety to be seen to be earning some revenue, they may well be persuaded to tarry awhile until PIB comes to life so that they will negotiate rules of engagement with what becomes of NNPC based strictly on terms and conditions that conduce with private operating standards. As it is, entering into a business deal with NNPC, a wholly-owned government enterprise, may unwittingly dilute how things are done in private business environment. Regardless, it is our expectation that, eventually, the result of the final engagement between NNPC and any private refinery will be such that presents optimum benefits to all the stakeholders especially the consumers of petroleum products in Nigeria. After sparing boda boda operators, infant flour and bread from new taxes, a parliamentary committee has proposed increases in other taxes that will raise the cost of airtime and internet data services. The taxman will raid internet service providers and mobile phone companies for additional taxes, under amendments to the Finance Bill 2021 by the National Assembly's Finance and National Planning Committee. The proposals will increase the rate of excise duty from 15 per cent to 20 per cent on telephone and internet data services, says a report from the committee chaired by Homa Bay Woman Rep Gladys Wanga. The committee is allowed by law to make changes to finance bills presented by the Treasury, but the changes must be adopted by the full House to take effect. If adopted as proposed, Kenyans should expect an increase in internet fees in coming days. The proposal was not initially included in the Finance Bill. This comes as Kenyans are spending more time online and it will be a sure revenue earner for the government in the short term as it struggles to find ways of paying for the Sh3.6 trillion budget. Kenya seems to be following in the footsteps of its neighbours in taxing internet services to plug budget holes. Data is a quick cash cow for tax collectors given that most government services such as drivers' licences, land transfers and parking are now offered online. This will also push up the cost of airtime. Hidden tax Another hidden tax proposed by the committee is an increase in the rate of excise duty on imported sugar confectionery from Sh20 to Sh35 per kilo. Ironically, as it hiked taxes on internet services, Parliament lowered excise taxes on betting from a proposed 20 per cent to 7.5 per cent of the amount staked or wagered on gaming. However, as they spared betting companies, lawmakers have gone after all other entities that offer rewards for any competition. The committee has proposed a 7.5 per cent tax to be charged on the total amount paid to participate in any other prize competition. Excise duty on lotteries (excluding charitable lotteries) will also be 7.5 per cent. Initially, the Treasury had proposed a 20 per cent excise tax on betting. This is the second time in a row that lawmakers are coming to the aid of betting companies, which have been on the Treasury's tax hit list. "The betting sector is overburdened by different tax obligations. The government should impose administrative regulations to regulate operations in the sector rather than discourage investments in a single industry," the report noted. The committee also spared manufacturers of nicotine patches, proposing to reduce the excise duty on products containing nicotine from Sh5,000 to Sh1,200 per kilogramme. It also cut excise duty on imported furniture from 35 per cent to 25 per cent. It also stopped the Treasury from increasing the time companies can keep tax records from five years to seven years. Good news If approved, this will give companies a major sigh of relief as they would have been forced to keep records by two more years, allowing the taxman more time for historical tax assessments. The committee rejected new taxes on bread, flour and motorcycles, terming them essential products whose price increase would hit low-income earners hardest. The committee also proposed to exempt from minimum tax any investor engaged in manufacturing and whose cumulative investment is at least Sh10 billion. This will see them enjoy the same treatment on minimum tax as those licensed under the special economic zones Act. It is also good news for suppliers of disposable plastic syringes after the committee rejected a proposal to apply 16 per cent VAT on syringes. Other syringes with or without needles were also spared from the new tax. It also rejected the Treasury proposal to bypass Parliament when making changes to the VAT Act. This will have allowed the Treasury CS to increase VAT without the approval of lawmakers. The committee has also proposed to stop companies from deducting sea and air transport costs when computing income tax. This will see companies pay more taxes. Retirement dues The Finance Bill 2021 seeks to amend several tax laws, among them the Income Tax Act, the Value Added Tax Act, the Excise Duty Act, the Tax Procedures Act, the Miscellaneous Fees and Levies Act, and the Capital Markets Act. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance ICT By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Also to be amended is the Insurance Act, the Kenya Revenue Authority Act, the Retirement Benefits Act and the Central Depositories Act. The amendments also include measures on regulatory reforms, revenue administration reforms and measures to strengthen macroeconomic stability. It will also be painful for employers who fail to remit retirement dues to pension schemes. This is after the committee proposed to empower retirement benefit schemes to appoint the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to collect the dues on their behalf. This will see KRA issue agency notices to defaulting employers and upon the expiry of the notice be allowed to attach the bank accounts of the defaulter. "The cost of the recovery of unremitted contributions shall be borne by the defaulting employer," the report notes. "The amendment is to provide for collection of unremitted retirement benefits, through appointment of an agent (KRA). The appointment is to be done by the trustees of a scheme but with approval of the Retirement Benefits Authority." Detectives say they have finalised investigations into tenders involving companies associated with Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua, putting the legislator in trouble over Sh12 billion said to have passed through his accounts. The number of companies associated with the MP's transactions, and those of his proxies, have now reached 40, revealing what seems to be a complex web of transfers. Most of the transfers end up in a company known as Wamunyoro Investments Limited, where Mr Gachagua and his wife, pastor Dorcas Wanjiku, are the only shareholders. "We have completed that investigation and it has taken us a lot of time," said Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti, without revealing his next move. Eight months ago, detectives from the Serious Fraud Unit of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations questioned the MP over alleged corruption and money laundering and later released him without charges. In their final report, detectives say Mr Gachagua used his companies and proxies to fraudulently procure multibillion-shilling health tenders in the counties and the national government. For instance, while a company known as Upperdeck Agencies won a Sh9.4 million tender to supply linen to Nyeri County hospitals, its proprietors were listed, in the bank records, as Gerald Waema Mbatha and Moses Otieno. Detectives later found out that when the money was paid on February 18, 2015, the entire amount was transferred to Wamunyoro Investments Limited, leaving a balance of Sh5 only. Proxies companies They also found out that the listed proprietors were not signatories to the bank account. The sole signatory was a Mr Sammy Cheborgey, an employee of Mathira National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) committee. But Kenya Revenue Authority documents indicate Mr Gachagua is linked to the company. The entire scheme appears to have started when Mr Gachagua's elder brother, James Nderitu, who died in 2017, was the governor of Nyeri County. The family appears to have used some of the companies - through proxies - to carry out business with the county. "Accounts held at Rafiki Deposit-taking Microfinance have been used to source for loans (and) these loans have been used to cover up for funds received from government departments or intercompany transfers in a bid to conceal the ultimate beneficiary or beneficiaries of the funds," the final investigation report says. For instance, Crystal Kenya Limited, which had an account at Rafiki DTM, transferred some money to the late governor and the money was used to buy some plots in Nyali, Mombasa. Another of Mr Gachagua's companies, Rapid Medical Supplies, was being investigated over Sh47 million medical supplies to Nyeri County. After analysing the bank accounts of some of these companies, the detectives say "the bank statements were noted to made minimal or no payments whatever to 'would-be' suppliers, yet they receive large amounts for supplies (and) works done. This is likely to imply that no supplies are made or works done," the report says. Apart from the DCI, the Asset Recovery Agency (Ara) has taken Mr Gachagua to court where they are questioning his billionaire status and the source of money found in his various accounts. But while Ara had targeted to freeze the accounts, the agency told the court Mr Gachagua managed to withdraw Sh7.3 billion, which he disbursed to various companies and bought some assets. The agency said it could only locate Sh5.2 billion, according to court records. Links with DP Ruto Mr Gachagua, however, read politics and dismissed his previous arrests and investigations as "persecution" over his alliance with Deputy President William Ruto. In past public pronouncements, the legislator claimed he was being targeted because of the "poor turnout" when President Uhuru Kenyatta visited Mathira. After he was questioned by the DCI, Mr Gachagua sought the protection of the High Court. In a signed affidavit, he said: "I have a genuine fear that I will soon be arrested and charged with offences I do not know about. My impending false arrest is based on my political standing. It will be malicious and devoid of merit to arrest me without any evidence linking me to any crime," swore Mr Gachagua. Yesterday, Mr Gachagua said he is "aware" that he is set to be arrested. "They want to get me out of Kiambaa by-elections where Jubilee is facing an uphill task and where I was a DO (District Officer) for many years. I also know that I will soon be facing trumped-up charges but I am ready for them. If they want to arrest me, they know my home, and they know my office. I am ready. But the good thing is that the courts are independent and will bring his monkey-business to an end." Besides Mr Gachagua, the investigators have recorded statements from 102 people, include Meru Senator Mithika Linturi, former Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri and Laikipia Senator John Kinyua. Bank records have indicated they received some payments from some of the companies. The investigators were concerned that some of the companies had some youths as proprietors but upon receiving the payments for tenders reserved for the youth, the funds were wired to Gachagua's companies. "During the recording of the statements, they appeared clueless, naive, unprofessional and (as) persons who had no idea what their companies had done," a preliminary inquiry report had noted. "The tenders won involved construction of roads, water pans and others but they did not have any idea how it is done. They had no known office space, staff and both were operating from Gachagua's office." Road construction tenders The final document states that "there have been attempts to conceal" the beneficiaries of the accounts, with some entities paying money into a clearing account at Rafiki DTM, from where it was moved to respective beneficiary accounts. "The funds received through the suspense/clearing account were ultimately utilised by immediate transfers to Wamunyoro Investments, transfers to Rigathi and to Julienda Jahenda Makaa, personal secretary to Rigathi," the dossier points out. According to detectives, Ms Makaa was an M-Pesa attendant in Buruburu before she became a hairdresser in a salon operated by the Gachagua family. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Legal Affairs Corruption By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Ms Makaa is the proprietor of Skytop Agencies, which received tenders valued at millions of shillings from Mathira CDF. Detectives are pursuing leads as to why some companies that won road construction tenders in Nyeri County paid part of their proceeds to either Mr Gachagua's companies or his proxies. For instance, Stecol Corporation, which has won tenders in the county, paid Sh15 million to Skytop Agencies, while Endrem Agencies paid Sh34 million to Machine Centre Limited. Machine Centre Limited is associated with William Wahome - the board chairman of Mathira NG-CDF - and Elizabeth Wachera. Both Machine Centre Limited and Gachagua's Wamunyoro have two Joint Venture savings accounts in Equity Bank. "Further, Machine Centre Limited received a total of Sh314 million from the Ministry of Water and Sanitation for Sagana River Restoration Project. This contract was awarded to Baran International, an Israeli company and it is not clear how the payment, which is 20 per cent of the project cost, was made to Machine Centre Limited," documents indicate. While analysing the bank documents relating to Machine Centre Limited, detectives found out that a majority of the withdrawals or transfers were "in a structured manner to beat the reporting threshold of Sh1 million". In total, police have been looking at 66 bank accounts, include 10 belonging to the MP. But in a previous interview with the Nation, Mr Gachagua said the cases "will be determined on merit, not by directives of some dynastic sympathisers who are hell-bent on curtailing our democratic choices and attached liberties to speech and association". editorial The Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) is Nigeria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. So much has been achieved under the federal government's Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) Fund without many Nigerians being aware of such programmes. Not many too know that over one million Nigerians have so far benefitted from the Survival Fund scheme. The Presidency recently said there are 500,000 beneficiaries from the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Payroll support track, 44,500 under the one-off General MSME Grant, and another 265,425 under the artisan support track, among others. For the Payroll Support track, there are so far 459,307 successful beneficiaries. Under the scheme, beneficiaries receive payment of the N30, 000 or N50, 000 grants per month for a period of three months. Not less than 202,494 businesses have also, so far, benefitted under the ESP Survival Fund formalisation support track, which is aimed at registering 250,000 new businesses for free with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). The federal government may have meant well with the ESP Survival Fund but the overall objective, in our view, has not been met, especially with regard to the low level public awareness on the programmes occasioned by avoidable communication gaps. The Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) is Nigeria's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was first passed in July 2020, outlining 12 months of government spending in the 2021 fiscal year. The ESP was developed in consultation with Ministers, Heads of Federal Agencies, the Presidential Economic Advisory Council (PEAC), State Governors and the National Assembly. It was developed as a 12-month, N2.3trillion 'Transit' Plan between the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) and the successor plan to the ERGP, which is currently on the drawing board. In furtherance of the Buhari administration's support for small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic under its ESP, between last year and this year, payments have been made to beneficiaries of the Fund's Payroll support track and the one-off General MSME Grant of N50, 000. The payroll support track aims to support 500,000 beneficiaries with payment of up to N50, 000 per employee for a period of three months. The MSME Survival Fund, a component under the Nigerian Economic Sustainability Plan, NESP, is designed to support vulnerable Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in meeting their payroll obligations and safeguard jobs in the MSMEs sector. The scheme is estimated to have saved not less than 1.3 million jobs across the country and specifically impacted over 35,000 individuals per state. The General MSME one-off grant of N50, 000 was given to each qualified MSME as direct cash injection into their enterprise. The total number of beneficiaries in this track is 100,000 spread across the states. The Guaranteed Off-take Stimulus Scheme is aimed at protecting and sustaining the incomes of vulnerable Micro and Small Enterprises by guaranteeing the offtake of their products. A total of 100,000 Micro and Small Enterprises are to benefit from the scheme. It is worth noting that the plan also includes a commitment from the federal government to deliver and maintain five million new solar connections under a 'solar power strategy. With more than 80 million citizens living without electricity, renewable energy in Nigeria helps fight energy poverty. Demand for electricity rose throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but the country's notoriously unreliable energy grid struggled to accommodate the strains of remote work. The Economic Sustainability Plan solves this problem and promises to deliver renewable energy to 25million Nigerians. Again, following the finalisation of the agreement with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on the N200 billion facility, the drawdown, with a guarantee from the Ministry of Finance, is now commencing to fund the housing project. The fund, which would be released in tranches, is expected to cover the Nigerian Social Housing Project (NSHP) project execution cost of the houses that would be constructed under the social housing project. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Business By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Under the Social Housing Programme, the federal government plans to support 1.5million Nigerians to acquire low-cost houses through mortgage options and also rent to own option. The scheme is expected to also generate 1.8million jobs and deliver houses to about 1.5million Nigerian families. To achieve greater success, in the opinion of this newspaper, the federal government must do more in working closely with state governments to stimulate the economy by preventing business collapse and ensuring liquidity and create jobs using labour intensive methods in key areas like agriculture, housing, digital business services and direct labour interventions. Similarly, in our view, the government must also undertake growth enhancing and job creating infrastructural investments in roads, bridges, renewable energy, and communication technologies, and extend the protection of vulnerable groups - including women and persons living with disabilities. It is the only way that the average Nigerian will feel the impact of federal government intervention programmes. press release Today, the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) announced a joint financing package of 600 million for Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd., headquartered in South Africa, to expand local vaccine manufacturing capacity. DFC is working together with DEG (Germany), Proparco (France), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to provide financing support. The package will help increase capacity to support Aspen's efforts to produce COVID-19 vaccines with Stringent Regulatory Authorization (SRA) and/or World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use Listing, including the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccines will be primarily distributed to the African Union, South African Government, and COVAX. This effort supports the Administration's goal to scale vaccine production, invest in African ingenuity and resilience, and help the global community beat this COVID-19 pandemic. interview Somaliland Is Enjoying a Boost Following Parliamentary Elections At the End of May That Resulted in a Surprise Victory for the Opposition. Dr. Mohamed Farah Hersi Joins Alan Boswell to Explain What This Changing Political Dynamic Means for the Country As It Continues Its Quest for Recognition As an Independent Country. This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell welcomes Dr. Mohamed Farah Hersi to discuss Somaliland's evolving role in the Horn of Africa as it works to legitimise itself on the global stage following an unexpected outcome in a recent parliamentary election. They discuss the strong bonds that hold Somaliland together in pursuit of external recognition, and how clan identity affects its national politics. Dr. Hersi also talks about the changes that need to be made in the negotiations between Somaliland and Somalia to make progress possible and how Somaliland has used its geographic position to secure alliances with the United Arab Emirates and Taiwan, altering the dynamics of the Horn of Africa region. Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Contributors BY: Alan Boswell Dr. Mohamed Farah Hersi The situation at Manduar village in West Coast Region has calmed now as mediation efforts by government and IEC officials and villagers seem to be working. Yesterday, people from Manduar Mandinka-kunda and Manduar Touba-kunda clashed over alkaloship and issuance of attestation for voters' registration. The aforesaid officials initiated a peace mediation team to solve the situation and we have received reports that the situation is under control at the moment. Speaking to Foroyaa, Jerreh Bojang, Alkalo of Manduar-Mandinka, said serenity has returned at the village, thanking God for the current situation. "As of now, there is no problem and that is what we are praying for. As I'm talking to you, everything is in the hands of IEC," he said. "Whatever decision (IEC makes) is ok for me." Muhammeh Alieu Krubally, IEC Supervisor 37, also confirmed that everything is going smoothly. He said the registration process is ongoing. Alkalo Bojang urged the villagers to register for their voters' cards. But he was quick to add that they must go with one of the necessary documents. Babucar Secka, the Alkalo of Manduar Wolof, said they are still waiting on the IEC's decision. "I cannot say anything as of now until we get information from IEC," he said. The mediation team tried to convince people of Manduar Wolof Kunda to go to the registration center yesterday after the clash broke out, but they refused, saying they were mercilessly attacked and beaten until some of their colleagues were seriously wounded. They instead claimed for a new registration center to be stationed at their area or elsewhere or even at the IEC building. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Legal Affairs Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Secka, yesterday, said they would not go back to the village Bantaba to get registered. Meanwhile, Alkalo Bojang said some 5 people were arrested and they are yet to be released. Ousman Saidy, who spoke on behalf of the youth our reporter met, said they are not happy with the PIU officers, saying they are yet to know the whereabouts of the people the PIU arrested. "Since yesterday... the information we have is that they are in Banjulinding Station which is false. We later understand that they are in Bijilo Police Station and we have information that they are not in better condition. They normally have only breakfast there. The government has to do something about it," Saidy said. The hue and cry over the advertisement regarding the position of UTG Vice Chancellor has reached its crescendo. It is quite baffling that a simple and straight forward matter like this is threatening to tear the university apart. The Governing Council has reviewed and evaluated all the allegations put forward by the Staff Association and wishes to clarify as follows: . 1. That the Governing Council and its Joint Search Committee have violated no section of the 1999 Act which established the University of The Gambia, or the Conditions of Service for Senior Staff of the UTG, 2007. 2. The first issue raised by the UTGFSA was regarding Section 4.3.5 of the Conditions of Service which states that we should advertise the position of Vice Chancellor "one year before the expiration of the tenure of the incumbent." This rule could not be appropriately followed because the incumbent Vice Chancellor's contract, which was reviewed in March 2021, was not renewed beyond September 2021. To apply that rule would mean that we would hold the position of Vice Chancellor in an acting capacity for at least six months after the departure of the incumbent. That would be a most undesirable scenario. So at the Governing Council Meeting which agreed not to extend the incumbent's contract, Council decided that the position be advertised in time for a new Vice Chancellor to assume duty on October 1, 2021. In taking this decision, Council relied on Chapter 2; Section 2.2: Interpretation and Amendments, of the Conditions of Service, 2007: "The Council has the power to amend, relax, change or delete any rules or regulations, which it deems not to be in the best interest of the University." A noteworthy point here is that in setting aside the one-year advertisement rule, the Council did not violate the Conditions of Service of any member of staff. It should also be pertinent to say that in exercising the same power vested in it to amend any aspect of the Conditions of Service, the Council in 2020, changed the policy since 1999 of appointing staff on three-yearly contracts( Section 4.2.2) and introduced permanent appointment of staff with effect from January 2021. We suppose one should not expect the Staff Association which demanded the change to cry foul. 3. Butfor better clarity, itis important to consider the one-year period for the advertisement in its historical context. In 1999 and going into the first decade of the life of the University, advertising high profile academic positions was done through the print media locally, which had limited and slow circulation, or in international educational journals whose reach was wider but still slow. So one needed a long period of exposure to reach potential applicants and attract responses. Today, technology has made it possible to reach the entire academic world within a few days, through websites, social media platforms, and online journals. So much so that we advertise no position in the world today for one year, not even the position of Secretary General of the United Nations. Our current advertisement for the position of Vice Chancellor of the University of The Gambia has reached the entire English-speaking academic world and Commonwealth. We have reached more people in a much shorter period; that is progress. 3. The second complaint of the UTGFSA is that the Registrar of the University should not be part of the Joint Search Committee because he is not listed as a member in Section 4(2) (a) (b) (c) of the Bye-laws. Including the Registrar is lawful under Section 8: "(6) The Council may establish Committees of Council and may co-opt a person who is not a member of Council to any Committee for such term as may be prescribed" The Registrar is co-opted as Secretary to the Joint Search Committee because he is the most experienced person within the University regarding the Committee's assignment of facilitating the recruitment of a Vice Chancellor. The Registrar is the Secretary to both the Governing Council and Senate (1999 Act Sections 8(2) & 9(6)). These are the two highest and most sensitive committees of the University. It would therefore be only natural and appropriate for him to be Secretary to a joint committee of Council and Senate. In fact, the inclusion of this as a complaint is quite baffling. This is because the same Section 4.3.5, part of which the UTGFSA quoted in their letter regarding the one-year advertisement, continued in the next paragraph to allow the involvement of the Registrar in the appointment process of a new Vice Chancellor, by stating: "After the closing date, the University Registrar shall on the advice of the Vice Chancellor, prepare a short-list of applicants qualified in terms of the advertisement." The Governing Council gets the impression that the UTGFSA ignored that paragraph of the Conditions of Service because it did not suit their purposes. But what part of the process is more sensitive than the short-listing of applicants? Yet the same Conditions of Service say that the Registrar shall do the short-listing of applicants. However, to improve on the transparency of the process, the Joint Search Committee will do the short-listing at committee level, rather than leaving it with the Registrar alone to do. Is this then a violation of the Law? The governance laws, rules, regulations and guidelines of the University or any other institution are a homogeneous and organic whole. Cherry-picking isolated quotes without cross-reference with complementing sections is recipe for confusion and can be interpreted as a sinister ploy at misinformation. The third issue or complaint was why the decision to direct all interested persons to send their applications to the Chairman of Council and the Registrar as Secretary. The Committee's decision was taken on a majority voice of six to one. The four members of Council and two members of Senate spoke against any other method of receiving applications than through the Chairman and the Secretary. They trusted that the two persons involved would safeguard the integrity of the process. Subsequently, as indicated by UTGFSA, Dr. Gibba resigned from the Joint Search Committee for the same three facile reasons that are now being wielded as weapons for a Staff industrial action. For reasons best known to him, but which are now obviously unwholesome, he went public with a newspaper publication, a preemptive move for possible disruptive action; thankfully, the average Gambian reader is now quite discerning. UTGFSA embark on industrial action based on misinformation, unfounded claims, distrust, suspicion and conspiracy theories? For what gain and whose interest? No member of the Council depends on their membership for a livelihood and Staff on strike action receive their salaries at the end of the month. But the helpless student, who is still trying to catch-up after the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 slowdown, is abandoned. That would be a damning indictment on the leadership of the UTG Faculty & Staff Association. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Education By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The Staff Association should learn to respect the legally prescribed separation of Responsibilities in the UTG. The responsibility for Governance lies on the shoulders of the Council supported by the Vice Chancellor and his Management Team. Academic staff are to perform the principal function of the University - to teach, guide and undertake research work. The Administrative staff are to support and facilitate the operations of the University. Then there are the students for whose reason the University exists and whose interest should be paramount in the entire scheme of things. In promoting and protecting the interests of their members, Student and Staff Associations cannot take over the functions of the Council and Management; that is an aberration that cannot be condoned. The Governing Council would urge that UTGFSA weigh its options carefully and avoid any action that would create the impression that the UTG is an unstable and acrimonious community. The current popular view the UTG is an island of tranquility in a turbulent University environment in our sub region was not easily earned but can be completely lost with one thoughtless action. Tarnishing the image of the University and by extension the country would be a terrible legacy for UTGFSA executive, a less than patriotic achievement. The two sides of Manduar had never been divided. They walked shoulder to shoulder to bring about change in 2016. They have no reason to sow the seed of intolerance. None will derive benefit from it. All the people need clen drinking water, proper health facilities, and other public amenities. They want their children to learn and serve their families, communities and nation. The conflict that flared up in the village has settled. However, the uneasy peace needs to be given more life support. Each side should meet and select a group of mediators from its ranks. The mediators should take note of all the grievances of each side before convening a meeting to discuss all the points to come up with a common negotiating position to build consensus. They should visit the home of the injured person and show empathy and find out how to provide redress and settle matters out of court They should also visit the homes of those arrested to show concern and counsel village unity and tolerance. The group could then meet the Police and the IEC to assure them of the return to normalcy. All outstanding issues could be solved through dialogue and consultation. The Human Rights Commission and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Agency may be of assistance. The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) in collaboration with World Customs Organization (WCO) and donor support from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC), held a two-day virtual workshop on accession to the revised Kyoto Convention. The virtual workshop which was attended by participants, comprised GRA staff and relevant stakeholders such as the Office of the President, Ministries of Finance, Trade and Foreign Affairs, Gambia Ports Authority and the Association of Gambia Clearing and Forwarding Agencies. The online workshop is meant to further support the Authority to conduct a Gap Analysis for the accession of the country to the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) on the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures. During deliberations, WCO's technical support team presented and outlined their program of activities and highlighted the importance of acceding to the RKC for the country, through the support needed from participants. This was followed by a presentation from Omar Bojang, Customs Manager in charge of Trade Facilitation and International Cooperation, on the update of Gambia's preparedness to accede the RKC, the challenges involved and the way forward. During the second day, the activities of the workshop were mainly centered on the Gap Analysis and this attracted the participation and contribution of all stakeholders in attendance. Prof. Jainaba Kah, from the Office of the President, thanked the donors and WCO for their support saying their presence was a strong indication of Government's will to support the GRA to accede to "this important convention." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Legal Affairs Terrorism By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. On his part, the Commissioner General of the GRA Yankuba Darboe thanked WCO and HMRC for their continued support, to his institution. He highlighted the importance and number of benefits for the country to accede to the RKC and went on to elaborate on some of the benefits that will be derived from acceding to the RKC which he said, "is not limited to enhance trade facilitation but predictability in international trade, efficiency in service delivery that will be a foundation for reforming and strengthening Gambia Customs legislation by aligning it with WCO's best practices." Alhagie K. Mbye, Deputy Commissioner in charge of the Monitoring Unit of the Customs Department and Technical Support, thanked participants and WCO while reiterating on the "importance of acceding to the RKC, which he said cannot be underestimated because it serves as a guiding instrument in the work of Customs officials." The share of exports from Africa to the rest of the world ranged from 80% to 90% between 2000 and 2017. This has created a growing demand for Africa to be less dependent on commodity exports and focus on regional commerce. Not only does this decrease export dependence, but it also forms new markets for value-added goods to be exchanged. Yet, Africa is home to the slowest and costliest ports in the world. Reports say that sometimes it is logistically cheaper and faster for African businesses to trade goods with distant overseas partners than via Africa's intracontinental trade corridors. That's a big problem and Jetstream, a Ghanaian-based company proposing to change that just closed a $3 million seed round. press release Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns the concerted effort under way in Madagascar for the past week to smear French freelance journalist Gaelle Borgia after she embarrassed the government by posting a video on Facebook illustrating the desperation to which a major famine has driven some Madagascans. Based in Madagascar for more than ten years, reporting for France 24, TV5 Monde and AFP, Gaelle Borgia won a Pulitzer Prize last year for her investigative reporting into Russian interference in Madagascar's 2018 presidential elections. The video Borgia posted on Facebook on 21 June showed residents of the southern region of Androy eating strips of zebu hide normally used for making sandals. Intended to highlight the extremes to which some people are being driven by the famine that has hit part of southern Madagascar, the video went viral but triggered a chain reaction questioning this prize-winning journalist's honesty and seriousness. Androy's governor issued a statement on 23 June accusing her of "peddling false information," "insulting local culture" and exploiting the population's misfortunes in order to "try to shine publicly." When reached by RSF, the governor was more measured, acknowledging a "need for the international press" to talk about the situation but still claiming that Borgia had demonstrated a "lack of objectivity and nuance." The story could have ended there. But national TV broadcaster TVM followed up the governor's statement with a " report " in which, one by one, the people in Borgia's video said she had paid them to eat the zebu leather and that the local population would "take measures if such behaviour is repeated." Borgia responded by posting a second video on Facebook in which the same people acknowledged that they had been both paid and threatened by men armed with a knife to make the defamatory statements about her to TVM. According to the information obtained independently by RSF, the TVM report was indeed made with the aim of discrediting Borgia, who was not asked to respond to the charges. When reached by RSF, TVM's interim director said he trusted his local reporters although the subsequent statements to Borgia clearly show that the "information" broadcast by TVM was obtained under duress. "We strongly condemn the crude and mendacious attempts to discredit this journalist's work using the victims of climate change and the national TV broadcaster to spread false information and attack her," said Arnaud Froger, the head of RSF's Africa desk. "The organisers are the only persons discredited by this smear campaign, which is also irresponsible because it could have endangered someone known for being a serious and professional journalist." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Human Rights Legal Affairs Media By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Madagascar-based international correspondents issued a joint statement in which they voiced their "dismay" at the "dishonest use of the state media to stir up dangerous hatred" against Borgia. RSF has received several disturbing reports from Madagascar in recent months, especially reports about the use of harassment, intimidation and threats in an attempt to control coverage of certain subjects, including the Covid-19 pandemic. In April, RSF condemned the use of a state of emergency to impose bans on nine political radio and TV programmes on the grounds that they were "likely to disturb public order and security and undermine national unity." The bans were finally lifted a few days later. Madagascar has fallen three places in RSF's 2021 World Press Freedom Index and is now ranked 57th out of 180 countries. African countries are seen as being both deeply religious and underdeveloped. Could religion be the underlying problem? Or is the misrepresentation of faith a hindrance to greater development? Africa is host to the highest number of religious countries in the world, according to a recent Gallop poll. The survey appears to support the prevailing narrative that the most aggressively religious nations tend to be the least developed. But, says development scholar Gareth J. Wall, the notion of what 'development' means should to be examined before religion can be taken into account. Does development here mean "economic growth" or rather "a human development perspective which (the Indian economist and philosopher) Amartya Sen would define as the 'ability to live a life one values'," asks Wall, who is examining how development is measured in his doctoral thesis. Then the idea that western countries are "less religious than African countries also needs to be challenged," Wall told DW. "The US is also an incredibly religious country," he said. "And the UK is not a secular country. The head of state (the queen) is also the head of the Church of England. It is one of only three countries (Iran and Belize being the other two) to have religious leaders -- in this case bishops -- in the legislature." A new way of measuring the concept of development Amartya Sen, whom Wall cited earlier, has a concept of development as a notion of 'freedom' which supersedes the (perhaps rather limited) ideas of Western development theorists. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate argues in his writings that "individual agency is, ultimately, central to addressing ... deprivations" which for long have defined the African continent in western eyes as a place of lack. "Development can be seen ... as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy. Focusing on human freedoms contrasts with narrower views of development, such as identifying development with the growth of gross national product ... industrialization, or with technological advance, or with social modernization," Sen suggests in his book "Development as Freedom." The book, which was first published in 1999, has long become a staple among development experts rethinking their approaches to helping developing nations. Sen's ideas divorce religion from playing a role in development -- for better or for worse. But whether religion plays a role in Africa's development prospects by any measure or standard, is nevertheless part of an ongoing conversation across the continent. We spoke to various people on the ground to gather their views on this uneasy relationship. Religion: divine solution or root of all problems? Cynthia Banda in Malawi believes in miracles and has faith that the ultimate solution to all societal problems lies in the hand of God. "Miracles can be performed even now... if you are following as a Christian, it helps in the development of a country," Banda told DW. She shares her line of thinking with fellow Malawian Charles Wahara who said: "It's important in these modern days to believe in miracles and to go to church. ... Religion has played a better role as far as the development of Africa is concerned." But in Nigeria, some take a more critical view toward the role of religion in public spaces. "The two major religions in Nigeria are Islam and Christianity and neither have ever preached anything that has to do with corruption in any way at all," says engineer Ashafa Shiru. "Religion should have helped those practicing it if the teachings of the religion are respected. There is a lot of hypocrisy in the heart in terms of holding onto the faith of religion," he added. His view is supported by Kalu Dimbili, a Nigerian civil servant, who says: "Actually, religion has not in anyway helped Nigeria. Rather, it has contributed a lot in dividing us." Such a divergence of views, however, is also exactly in the spirit of Sen, whose theory on development rests on the value that people "must be allowed freely what traditions they wish or not wish to follow." A holistic perspective on the holy Religious leaders, meanwhile, have to navigate their way through mindsets and cultures that represent such opposing and divergent views. Reverend Jude Thaddeus Langeh, the Provincial Superior of the Claretian Missionaries in Cameroon, defends the role of faith in development, for example in education, arguing that "you cannot talk of intellectual development, without talking about the monks." "Can you look back into those days when the only prestigious and available schools were owned by missionaries? That already shows you one of the great parts of development," he told DW, adding that religious orders picked people up where European settlers once failed them. In Malawi, Bright Mhango thinks that when it comes to services provided by religious institutions, the relationship between faith and development is complicated. Yes, religious orders played a role in setting up hospitals and schools and ending slavery, he said. But, "many people are religious because they are "desperate". "They are poor, they go to church looking for hope." That sentiment might be in line with Amartya Sen, who stresses that education is not only key to developing human capital but also more valuable than any other commodity by which societies and their levels of development have historically been judged, as it empowers the individuals. "If a person can become more productive in making commodities through better education, better health and so on, it is not unnatural to expect that she can, through these means, also directly achieve more -- and have the freedom to achieve more -- in leading her life," Sen writes in "Development as Freedom." Meanwhile some Muslim leaders also believe religion is indeed a powerful catalyst of development, and that those giving faith a bad name should be called out for it. Muslim scholar Bakari Arabi from Nigeria, for example, stresses that in his view "religion is always a blessing. ... We should be able to distinguish between religion and bad followers of religion." Keeping church and state corruption separate Indeed the realities of corruption and endemic conflicts are a stark contradiction to the core tenets of Africa's two major religions, Islam and Christianity, which both advocate morality and decency for those working in public office. This contradiction has likely contributed to some people turning their backs to religion. Some even go as far as saying that greed and graft have even made religion an accomplice in holding African nations back from reaching their full potential. David Moses, a trader in Nigeria, says that "even in religion itself, there is corruption." So that is part of the statistics as well. I cannot estimate if religion has helped or not because it is part of the system, a corrupt system." Muslim scholar Arabi, while acknowledging the endemic problem of corruption in African societies , argues that this is not in line with the teachings of Islam. He highlights that underhanded deals, questionable government tenders and laundering of state funds might be regarded as "legitimate in our African society but it is corruption in Islam and therefore unacceptable." Reverend Langeh supports the same view, elaborating on how religion can be abused to reach illegitimate and selfish ends: "Somebody will steal and give big donations in churches. That is a wrong use of religion." But in the same breath he underlines the fact that this does not remove legitimacy away from genuine practitioners of faith and their collective efforts to help move society forward. "It does not cancel the fact that religion contributes to development. Back here in Africa, I want to vehemently say that religion has always helped in development," he said. Amartya Sen, in his writings, also acknowledges that "religious and communal differences are, of course, vulnerable to exploitation by sectarian politicians, and have indeed been so used on several occasions." However, that "most of the substantial sections of the nation condemn such deeds, provides ultimately the main democratic guarantee against the narrowly factional exploitation of sectarianism," he writes. Religious role models in development issues As much as religious figures might not condone corruption, they often having a hard time proving that they also aren't part of the problem, partly because of the failure to separate church and state in many African nations. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Religion Governance Africa By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. For many believers, religion plays a major role in informing government decisions -- whether there is an official state religion or not. But some religious leaders also highlight that the church and state can be inseparably linked in a positive way. "Mahatma Ghandi was not only a political leader. He was a religious leader who combined the issue of praying and development ... and his nonviolence was actually based on Hindu and Christian values," says Reverend Langeh. "Mother Theresa of Calcutta took her prayers into the streets of Calcutta, and brought about the integral development of the human person. ... Julius Nyerere of Tanzania was also a very religious man. Can you really talk of development in Tanzania without talking about Julius Nyerere?" he asked. Muslim scholar Arabi takes that idea even one step further, saying that everyone has the power to act as a role model in his or her own faith: "If you apply (religious principles) strictly, according to the way the religion wants them to be applied, you will always end up with blessings and not a curse." "These bad leaders should be blamed for their actions -- and not religion." Practicing what you preach While opinions about the influence and role of religion in Africa's development may differ, the bottom line is that only the interpretation and application of religion can bring about consequences of any kind -- rather than religion as a practice itself. And when that interpretation is detrimental to the tenets of the faith, it will likely be detrimental to the members of society as well. The notion of measuring development in dollars might also deserve an overhaul. Both the concept of faith and the very idea of what development actually means could potentially benefit from constructive attempts to redefine their roles and values in society today -- especially in a restive continent like Africa analysis The decision by a majority of South Africa's Constitutional Court to sentence former president Jacob Zuma to a prison term of 15 months, acknowledges the seriousness of the threat posed by Zuma's coordinated and scurrilous full-frontal attack on that court, the administration of justice and the rule of law. Unfortunately, the minority -- indulging in magical thinking -- failed to grasp the severity of this threat, thus abdicating its responsibility to protect the Constitution. Should a court ever be entitled, in civil contempt proceedings, to sentence an individual to a mandatory jail sentence if that individual resolutely refuses to obey a court order as part of the individual's deliberate and coordinated all-out assault on the legitimacy and authority of that court, the legal system, and the rule of law? Earlier this week, acting Chief Justice Sisi Khampepe (for the majority of the Constitutional Court) held that it was entitled to do so, in the case of Jacob Zuma because it was the only way to protect the court, the legal system, and the rule of law, from the existential threat posed by Zuma's scurrilous and fact-free war on the judiciary. The majority emphasised in several passages in its judgment that... Fisheries sector is an important contributor to the gross domestic products of any nation. The sector plays greatly to the food security needs of millions around the globe. Statistics revealed that the sector in terms of food security benefits millions of people, while also providing income for many. However, the potentials of the sector are not being exploited to the fullest due to Unreported, Unregulated, and Illegal (UUI) fishing in our waters. The minister of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters recently told lawmakers that a combined total of D461,621,022.01 (four hundred and sixty-one million, six hundred and twenty-One thousand and twenty-two dalasis, one butut) has been generated in the country's fishing industry since 2017. This is indeed a welcome development. But did the Fisheries minster reveal how much in terms of monetary value, is the country losing to shoddy agreement reached with the European Union. It was sometime in July 2019, when the European Union and The Gambia government signed a new 6-year fisheries partnership agreement and associated protocol setting out the fishing opportunities for EU vessels. Though, the financial compensation will be paid by the Union and the modalities of sectorial support to the fishing sector of The Gambia. But is this partnership agreement doing harm or good to the country fishing sector? Well, that will be another topic for another day. Well, we have to protect and jealously safeguard our territorial waters. The country's Atlantic is a rare gem, which need to be secured. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Gambia Environment Agribusiness By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Off recent, IUU fishing is one of the biggest threats to our oceans, impacting the sustainability of the fisheries sector and even coastal communities. On a daily basis, good quantity of juvenile fishes are being caught and dumped along our shores. The sector is one player when it comes to the employability of youth. And we are glad that the sector has created employment for over 2,809 Gambian youths of which 2,124 are deckhands and 685 as fisheries observers, according to the minister. More importantly, a total of 186 fish landing sites are in operation in small scale artisanal fisheries sub-sector out of which 10 are located within the Atlantic Coast. Fish is one of the most traded food commodities on the global market. Therefore, the sector is a leading player as far as nation's economy is concerned. There is need for greater security of our waters from foreign fishing trawlers. Experts believe that pollution from a vibrant tourism sector and foreign trawlers have reduced stocks along our coastline. This has resulted to fast deletion of the continent's fish stocks by industrial trawlers which indiscriminately fish in our oceans to feed European and Asian markets. "The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore." The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah has expressed profound gratitude to the government and people of France for the country's continued support to Liberia's development drive, especially in the areas of capacity building, infrastructure development and sports. The Liberian Leader made the remarks during a special bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday, July 1, 2021. President Weah also expressed appreciation for President Macron's "gracious support" towards Liberia's engagements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, which he said has greatly contributed to the improved fiscal and monetary policy implementation and efficiency the country now experiences. He informed his French counterpart that his Administration continues to work in close collaboration with these international financial institutions, "which sometimes require the formulation of difficult policies, such as the Salary Harmonization Policy". But he said the policies have been required to make the "necessary corrective measures and structural adjustments" for the good of the Liberian economy. President Weah called for the continuation of the Franco-Liberia relationship, including the strengthening of collaboration between the French Military and the Armed Forces of Liberia on the Malian peacekeeping mission. "In this regard", he said, "it is important to note that the Liberian contingent has now been tasked with providing Base Security for the Timbuktu outpost and, as such, more modern equipment and logistics are urgently needed." The Liberian Leader enumerated the many other support the French government has rendered to Liberia in recent months, including funding for capacity development, sports, the resumption of flight by Air France, the construction of a new building for Alliance Francaise Institute, and the increase in activities by French businesses and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Regarding ongoing efforts by the Liberian government to curb further spread of COVID, President Weah thanked President Macron and the Government and People of France for "generously providing" a number of ventilators and several thousands of testing kits. He told his counterpart that Liberia would need millions of additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines to help fight the spread of the virus. For his part, President Emmanuel Macron assured President Weah of his unflinching support towards the Liberian government's efforts to improving the lives of its people. During the hour-long meeting, Macron said his country's support to Liberia will be tangible so that it is felt by the citizens directly. Macron said in addition to his country's efforts at capacity building and youth development, additional urban projects will be undertaken by the Agency for French Development totaling an initial amount of 23 million euros. He assured the Liberia Leader that this assistance will be immediate. President Macron also informed President Weah that his country will make an immediate donation of some 40, 000 test kits and several respirators. He said France will increase its quota to the COVAX structure, while ensuring that "Liberia directly benefits and have its population vaccinated". He highlighted the strong historical ties between both nations, saying that both leaders ought to work harder in order to ensure the relationship yield tangible mutual benefits. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Liberia Europe and Africa By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The talks covered a wide range of issues, including French support to the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) in order to enhance its ability to perform its service in Mali. The French President also promised more logistical support and training for the AFL and further cooperation in the area of information exchange. The discussions also covered the issue of Piracy in the Gulf Guinea and the need for both nations to cooperate in order to halt the menace. The French government promised more equipment and training for the Liberian Coast Guards. The French Navy will study the option of having its Frigates participate in the fight against piracy in order to ensure that vital maritime commerce is carried out unhindered. Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Kemayah, Defense Minister Daniel Ziankahn and Maritime Commissioner Lenn Eugene Nagbe formed part of the discussions which were followed by a closed door tete a tete between the two leaders. Tunis/Tunisia The High Committee for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (French: CSDHLF) decried Thursday the involvement of State apparatus in protecting terrorists and facilitating their the entry in Tunisia. The involvement of two judges, symbols of the Tunisian justice, in the protection of terrorists and the corrupt, was also denounced. The CSDHLF also said there are serious suspicions weighing on the prime minister and acting interior minister and the acting justice minister in providing cover for terrorism and corruption. 'These suspicions could undermine confidence in State institutions and the government," the committee said. "Recurrent laxism in the face of corruption and impunity undermine national security and poses a threat to social peace. The committee strongly condemned assault on president of an opposition party, Abir Moussi, in the parliament building in the presence of the minister of women and family. analysis The organisation is taking on municipal duties in areas without services. First published in the Daily Maverick 168 weekly newspaper. Driving through some of South Africa's rural towns, with broken pavements and stuttering infrastructure increasingly the norm, you'd sometimes be forgiven for wondering if you'd arrived in warzone Kinshasa. The worrying factor is that the tentacles of this rapid demise have reached into the cities. Disregarding dilapidated downtown Johannesburg and the torn roads of the city's traditional northern suburbs, parts of Bloemfontein and Potchefstroom are besieged by a combination of water shortages and potholes. So advocacy group AfriForum set up a local government centre a couple of months back to try to help out. An AfriForum Excel spreadsheet details that, in 11 days of October 2020, its volunteers in Potchefstroom repaired 317 potholes in the city, using 142 sakkies teer, or bags of tar. Thirty-nine potholes were apparently repaired in Walter Sisulu Street alone. "Our main strategy," says AfriForum's Strategic Advisor for Community Affairs, Dr Eugene Brink, "is to mobilise communities to take ownership of their towns, cities and neighbourhoods". For the residents of a number of Bloemfontein suburbs, Brink's statement addresses mounting concern about the widespread and growing inability... Roland Routh A Windhoek High Court judge yesterday dealt a significant blow to Namibian Marine Phosphate (NMP) when he issued an order declaring that the outfit is not in possession of a valid environmental clearance certificate and is therefore not entitled to undertake mining activities. The possibility of phosphate mining on Namibia's seabed has sharply divided opinions in recent years. Judge Harald Geier's judgement came after several postponements on an application by the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations (CNFA), the Namibian Hake Association (NHA), Midwater Trawling Association (MTA) and Omualu Fishing. The parties brought an application last year to the High Court for a declaration that the licence issued to NMP in 2011 lapsed and is thus invalid and of no force and effect. The order Judge Geier made reads: "NMP not having applied in the prescribed manner for an environmental clearance certificate during the relevant time - and -currently - in any event being without an environmental clearance certificate - is hereby declared - in accordance with the provisions of Section 57, as read with Sections 27(1) and (3) of the Environmental Management Act of 2007 - not to be entitled to undertake a listed activity until such time that it has obtained a valid environmental clearance certificate in relation to such activity or activities." The judge also granted NMP an order to delete certain passages in the founding affidavit of Matti Amukwa, the chairman of the CNFA, on the basis that it is hearsay evidence. He further ordered the applicants to pay the costs of the strike application on the basis of one instructing counsel and two instructed counsels and NMP to pay the rest of the costs on the basis of one instructing and three instructed counsels. The applicants claimed that NMP - jointly owned by Namibian Knowledge Katti and Omani businessman Tariq Al Barwani - had not complied with the applicable mineral licence conditions in terms of which it had to submit an environmental impact assessment and an environmental management plan report within six months from the date of issue of its mining licence when it submitted a "draft report" in this regard on the last day of the prescribed six month period and a "final one" outside the time window created by the applicable condition. Geier said in his view what was submitted was in fact a "draft report" and that the relevant condition did not contemplate the filing of a "draft report" and that NMP was thus in breach of the relevant mining condition. He further said the question is on what authority did NMP continue to collect samples from the seabed as the Act only allows a licence holder to undertake a "listed activity" - an activity listed on the licence - for a period of one year and that such a person wishing to continue with a "listed activity" must apply for an environmental clearance certificate (ECC) before its expiry. Only when such a person applied for the certificate may they continue with the "listed activity" until the application has been dealt with. In the case of NMP, the judge said, the only authorisation it had to carry out "listed activities" was the conferral of the licence and it was incumbent on them to apply for an ECC which they failed to do and is thus without an ECC and not entitled to undertake any "listed activities". The judgement will undoubtedly ruffle feathers in the mining sector. An article recently published by the Chamber of Mines of Namibia stated that developing Namibia's marine phosphate resources, coupled with a fully integrated fertiliser industry are optimally aligned to national development agendas. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Namibia Mining By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "A Namibian phosphate industry will create local value addition of raw materials before they are exported, thereby building and promoting regional value chains, bilateral cooperation and continuous reform of the business environment to become more competitive. A phosphate industry provides potential for critical upstream, downstream and side-stream linkages for the Namibian economy, through value addition, integrated business development, logistics services, power, water, skills development and research," the chamber's article reads. According to the chamber of mines, phosphate mining has the potential to generate more than N$18 billion for Namibia on an annual basis. On the other hand, the fisheries industry and unions are vehemently opposed to establishing a phosphate mining operation, arguing that Namibians are committed to responsible and sustainable management of renewable resources. The unions fear that the 16 000 jobs in the fishing industry could become vulnerable if seabed mining for phosphate is allowed. Kuzeeko Tjitemisa The government plans to increase the isolation bed capacity to 2 024 to address the overflowing number of patients in hospitals amid the continuing surge in cases, health minister Dr Kalumbi Shangula said yesterday. "In the next few days, government will commission two field hospitals in Windhoek and Oshakati, with the capacity of 70 and 40 beds, respectively," Shangula said during yesterday's 'family meeting' where government announced new measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. He said another building at the Katutura State Hospital complex, with a capacity of 46 beds and the Katutura Hospital Nurses Hall have been repurposed and will also be opened for use in the coming days. "Another 100-bed unit will be constructed at Katutura Intermediate Hospital soon. The site works have commenced. This will increase the number of isolation beds to 2 024 countrywide and enhance access to medical care for those who will need it most," said Shangula. He said there are 1 732 isolation beds countrywide, in the public and private sectors, of which 143 are ICU beds. Furthermore, Shangula said by Tuesday, there were 35 503 doses of vaccines in different districts around the country, of which 12 195 are AstraZeneca and 23 311 are Sinopharm. He said some five districts have exhausted their allocated stock of AstraZeneca vaccine, while two districts have used up all the allocated Sinopharm doses. "Getting vaccinated is the most effective way to protect our country against the onslaught of this dangerous pandemic," he stressed. He said as per World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance, even the first dose provides important protection against Covid-19. Shangula reiterated that the available doses will be used to vaccinate those receiving the first dose as well as identified persons considered to be at the highest risk of severe disease, hospitalisation and death. He urged Namibians to stand together to fight and defeat the infodemic of false information and conspiracy theories. "I urge all Namibians to form a united front in order to continue combating this pandemic. Assuring the continuity and uninterrupted vaccination in order to reach herd immunity is an ongoing pursuit," he said. "It requires a combined effort from all stakeholders, using each and every tool in our arsenal," he added. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Namibia Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He said according to guidance from the WHO, a delayed administration of the second dose of the vaccine will not adversely affect individuals. In fact, he said, the administration of the second dose may be delayed for up to 6 weeks. "The delivery of vaccines to the country has been delayed and we are working day and night engaging manufacturers and through diplomatic channels to get the vaccines soonest," he said. He said the country has paid up in full for 108 000 doses of AstraZeneca via the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility. To date, he said 67 200 doses have been delivered while the balance of 40 800 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to reach the country during this month. "We have also finalised orders for doses of Sinopharm and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. We await the delivery of these vaccines in the coming weeks and months," he explained. Since the launch of the vaccination campaign in April this year, Shangula said the country has to date received 197 200 doses of Covid-19 vaccines. "The majority of these doses have been used up and only a limited stock remains. We will continue to vaccinate at sites where vaccine stocks are still available," he said, adding that this is the international best practice as other countries that have faced vaccine supply constraints have done the same. "The fact of the matter is that some protection is better than none," said the health minister. Construction of a water project at Nyakato Ward, some 15 kilometres from Bukoba town is at advanced stages following supply of some needed construction materials. The water project commenced in December, 2020 and was expected to be complete by February, this year. However, due to lack of construction materials including water pipes and bricks had delayed completion of the project. Bukoba District Engineer of the Rural Water and Sanitation Authority (RUWASA), Engineer Severin Rugemalira, told this paper that lack of construction materials including bricks and water pipes delayed completion of the project which is expected to supply clean water to Bulugo villagers. EngRugemalira said plans were underway to procure all required materials through government tendersystem and that the project will be completed before the endof July, this year. "Construction of a water tank had already been completed. We are waiting for water pipes which will be purchased in bulk through the regional water tender board," he said. Earlier this year, the late former PresidentJohn Magufulihailed the residents of Nyakato Ward for offering over tenhectares of landfreely for the construction of the VETA project. The Late Magufuli directed the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Water to ensure that they provide electricity and clean water to the surrounding villagers. He commended the governments of China and the United Kingdom (UK), for supporting Tanzania in various key sectors including education, health and the infrastructure. He showered the praises during his tour in the region after laying a foundation stone for construction of an international Vocational Education Training Centre (VETA), at Nyakato Ward, in Bukoba Municipal Council which will cost over 22bn/- with support from China government. Later, he inauguratedthe rehabilitated buildings at Ihungo secondary school, a project which cost a total of 11.1bn/- with support from UK. "When Tanzania approached the UK after the September 10, 2016 5.9 magnitude earthquake they responded quickly by donating a total of 6.1bn/- for the rehabilitation of the school while the Tanzania government contributed about 4.8bn/-. A friend in need is a friend indeed," he said amid applause. During her recent tour in the region, Deputy Minister for Water, Engineer MarypriscaMahundiinspected several water projects including the Rusumo Water Supply project, in Ngara district which was being implemented at a cost of 2.7bn/, a loan from the World Bank (WB). Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Tanzania Construction By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "Corruption has affected this project. I will personally make a close follow-up to know the exact costs. Some engineers under Ruwasa have been colluding with unfaithful consultants to steal taxpayers' funds," she said. Engineer Mahundi cited an example that there was a project wherebya Consultant issued an estimated cost over 40bn/- but later the project was completed at only 500m/- using the Force Account. She explained that the government was keen to ensure that all villages access clean and safe water. "Our target is to ensure that women are relieved from the burden of carrying a bucket of water on their head. The water tanks should supply water directlyto their households,' she said. However, she appealed to Tanzanians who access tap water to pay their bills appropriately to facilitate implementation of water projects. She warned the workers of water authorities to avoid issuingunrealistic water bills to customers adding that she recently rejected EWURA's plan of increasing water tariffs until further notice after an evaluation team completes its task. She further revealed that the government allocated over 117bn/- to 17 regions facing critical water shortages including Kagera Region which was allocated about 9.7bn/-. Community has been advised to report sexual violence incidents as a step towards eradication of the barbaric acts at the family level. In an exclusive interview with Daily News Online, Kiota Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) project coordinator in Mwanza region, Ms Lulu Makwale called upon the society to take the initiatives, emphasizing that women and girls are the main victims of sexual violence. "My call to society is to break the silence and report sexual violence happening in its locality," she said and mentioned the type of violence in the society as physical, health, economic and psychological violence. Explaining roles of KIWOHEDE in fighting against sexual violence, the regional coordinator said the organization deals with rights promotion as well as developing social economical and development approaches gerared to emanicipate marginalized women, children, youth and the community at large. Currently, she added, the non-governmental organization is executing a project geared to fight gender based violence and sexual corruption among girls and women. She said the project which is currently being implemented in Mwanza and Kigoma Regions, focuses is to fight child sexual abuse, violence and exploitations, teen pregnancy, early marriages and school dropouts among girls across the country. The project which is funded by Women Funds Tanzania started in July, 2019 and is expected to be completed this month. The senators were divided over funds for host communities. The Senate has passed the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB). The bill was passed after the lawmakers considered the report of the Joint Committees on Petroleum (Upstream and Downstream) and Gas Resources on Thursday. The passage of the bill as also a sequel to a closed door meeting with the Minister of State for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva and the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Mele Kyari.. The meeting lasted for almost two hours. The duo appeared before the Senate to provide the lawmakers with technical details of the legislation as well as provide clarification where needed. In the approved bill, the Senate approved a funding mechanism of 30 per cent of NNPC's profit from oil and gas for frontier basins. This fund is for oil exploration in frontier states. However, in the report seen by PREMIUM TIMES the states referred to as 'frontier basins' were not clearly stated. The passage of the bill was preceded by disagreement and division among the lawmakers. 'Chaos' The lawmakers had started the clause-by-clause consideration of the bill when some lawmakers began to raise concerns in Clause 240. The Clause prescribes the fund for host communities. The bill had proposed 2.5 per cent Equity Share Holding for Host Communities while the committee recommended five per cent. The Equity Share Holding for Host Communities was top among the demands of individuals and groups at the public hearing of the bill which held over five months ago. While many opposed the proposed 2.5 per cent, Mr Sylva had said the amount was fair. PREMIUM TIMES reported the key recommendations from Nigerians at the hearings of the Senate and House of Representatives. When the lawmakers got to Clause 240, Katsina senator, Babba Kaita, proposed that the amount for the fund be reduced from five per cent as proposed by the committee to three per cent. The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, put the question for a voice vote and despite resounding nays, Mr Lawan passed in favour of the ayes. This generated noise in the chamber as some senators, majorly the South-south senators, were uneasy with the ruling. James Manager then called for another vote opposing the initial vote. And again, Mr Lawan ruled in favour of Mr Kaita's amendment. Akwa Ibom senaor, Albert Bassey, was next to rise. He explained that the reason of the recommended five per cent fund for host communities is so it can be used to remedy unfortunate incidents that may affect the assets. His comment was greeted by more chaos. And in the midst of the noise, River lawmaker, Goerge Sekibo, raised a Point of Order. Mr Sekibo cited Order 73. This order challenges the ruling of the chairman (Mr Lawan). It requires that he put the question to vote a second time. And if his opinion is again challenged, he shall call each senators name to vote. This time, the Senate Leader, Abdullahi Yahaya appealed to Mr Sekibo to withdraw the order. "My heart bleeds. This Senate has come a long way. We have never treated ourselves this way. We are embarking on a very dangerous journey. We have had and cherished unity. This is a path to Armageddon. I appeal to my brother and friend tSenator Sekibo to withdraw the point of Order, " Mr Yahaya said. Mr Lawan, too, made the same appeal. "What we have been educated by the GMD gives us better ideas. This three per cent. At least the Senate did not pass 2.5 we passed something slightly higher than that. "I appeal to Sekibo to withdraw the point of order. We should not insist on dividing the Senate. It is our right," Mr Lawan said. Mr Sekibo withdrew his order but pleaded that the Senate increases the amount a little higher. But his appeal was ignored by the Senate President. Amidst murmurings, the lawmakers continued the consideration and eventually passed the bill. Major amendments to the bill Chairman of the committee, Mohammed Sabo (Jigawa South West), who presented the report earlier, explained that the bill of five chapters, deals with creating efficient and effective governing institutions with clear and separate roles for the petroleum industry and promoting transparency and accountability in the administration of the petroleum resources of Nigeria, among others. Some key amendments made by the committee include: ** Streamlining the regulatory and commercial role of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited which the chapter seeks to establish. He said the bill when passed, will strengthen the accountability and transparency of NNPC Limited as a full-fledged CAMA company under statutory oversight with better returns to its shareholders. **Frontier Basins He said the committee recognised the need for the country to urgently and aggressively explore and develop the country's Frontier Basins to take advantage of the foreseeable threats to the funding of fossil fuel projects across the world due to speedy shift from fossil fuel-to other alternative energy sources. "To this end, the Committee recommends funding mechanism of 30 per cent of NNPC Limited's profit oil and profit gas as in the production sharing, profit sharing, and risk service contracts to fund exploration of frontier basins. "A total of 110 amendments were recommended to this Chapter while others were retained," he said. ** Five per cent share holding After extensive engagements with various stakeholders, he said, the panel recommended strengthening measures and saddled the host communities with responsibilities with a view to reducing or completely eradicating interferences and tampering in the country's oil and gas production assets. "Furthermore, to ensure adequate development of the host communities and reduction in the cost of production, the Joint Committee recommends five per cent of the actual annual operating expenditure of the preceding financial year in the upstream petroleum operations affecting the host communities for funding of the Host Communities Trust Fund." ** Petroleum Industry Fiscal Framework For the petroleum industry's fiscal framework, he said the legislation when passed into law, will attract and unlock the long-awaited capital investment inflows to the country's oil and gas industry since it contains enhanced incentives in land, swamp, shallow and deep waters terrains. The bill also seeks to separates the NNPC into three: Nigerian National Petroleum Authority, Nigerian National Petroleum Commission and NNPC Limted (now to become a limited liability). Schedules of the bill The bill comprises eight schedules: The first schedule generally asserts the Minister's right of pre-emption in line with various circumstances in the industry. The second schedule defines and enhances the principle of negotiating Incorporated Joint Ventures (IJVs) in line with the provisions of the bill. The third schedule defines the domestic base price and pricing framework of gas under a free market structure of willing buyer and willing seller. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Petroleum By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The fourth schedule provides the formula for gas price and other gas-based industries with the possibility of creating flexibility with respect to the pricing structures where market conditions change. The fifth schedule explains the capital allowances as it relates to the use and disposal of oil and gas assets. The sixth schedule defines production allowances and cost price ratio limits in the oil and gas industry. The seventh schedule explains the main fiscal framework of the bill which covers petroleum fees, rents and royalties across the various production terrains as well as its related penalties for non-payment. While the eight schedule deals with creation of the Ministry of Petroleum Incorporated to legalize the shareholding of NNPC Limited with provisions required for the creation of same. More demands... Prior to drama, the Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege, had commended the panel for amendments made to the initial proposals in the bill but said that people of Niger Delta "want a deal." He had even praised the leadership of the National Assembly for increasing the Equity Share Holding from 2.5 per cent to five per cent. He asked that it be increased a little higher. "I know we cannot get the entire 10 per cent but I will still make a case that we go a bit higher. This is the agitation at home." On penalties for gas flaring, he said funds gotten as penalties from gas flaring should be invested in development for host communities and not gas infrastructure as proposed. "We don't want it invested in mid-stream gas. This is a penalty. Gas glaring is harming people. We want the penalty to be used for remediation investment and development in the communities. After the bill was passed, Mr Lawan commended everyone involved in the legislative work describing the act as a milestone. Maputo Mozambique received on Wednesday 500,000 doses of vaccine against the coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 respiratory disease, purchased by 318 private companies. The companies were mobilized under the initiative "United for Vaccination against Covid-19" (Univax). The companies intend to use most of the vaccines to immunise their own work force and their relatives, and to donate 139,000 doses to the Ministry of Health for its general vaccination campaign. This consignment consists of the VeroCell vaccine, produced by the Chinese company Sinopharm. Speaking at Maputo International Airport, at the official ceremony to receive the vaccines, Health Minister Armindo Tiago said the quantity is enough to vaccinate 250,000 people (each of whom would receive two doses). "The acquisition by the private sector plays an important role in the National Vaccination Plan", he said. "It will allow protection of productive units at risk from the spread of Covid-19, eventually contributing to lower rates of absenteeism and guaranteeing greater productivity". Tiago urged all the eligible workers to accept vaccination, pointing out that many Mozambicans want to be vaccinated, but few doses of vaccine are currently available. "Initially, there were those who said there would be fraud", declared the Minister, "but we argued that together we are able to build a dream. Today is the implementation of that dream. It is an example of how fruitful the partnership is between the government and the private sector". Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Mozambique Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The representative of the Mozambican private sector, Osorio Lucas, of the Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC), said this initiative is a model which should be replicated across the country. "The success of the initiative sends a clear sign that public health is not the exclusive responsibility of the state", he added. "The companies are extremely willing to take responsibility for becoming actively involved in solving the challenges facing the country". With this consignment, Mozambique has, to date, received over 1.18 million doses of coronavirus vaccine - 384,000 from the Covax initiative coordinated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), 200,000 offered by China, 100,000 offered by India, and now half a million provided by the private sector. Tiago also announced that, thanks to the joint platform between the Health Ministry and the private companies, Mozambique expects to receive a further 1.5 million doses of vaccine in July. "This is an acquisition which will speed up our plan to vaccinate some of the 17 million people we hope to reach", the Minister said. He added that the country may possibly receive another nine million doses in August, acquired by the government through an African Union mechanism. This would make it possible to reach 50 per cent of the government's vaccination target. Maputo According to the Mozambican health authorities, well over a quarter of those tested on Wednesday were positive for the coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 respiratory disease, and in the two central provinces of Tete and Manica, over half of those tested were carrying the virus. Since the start of the pandemic, 597,833 people have been tested for the coronavirus, 2,103 of them in the previous 24 hours. According to a Wednesday press release from the Health Ministry, 597 of the samples tested (29.4 per cent) were from Maputo city, 323 from Tete, 231 from Cabo Delgado, 186 from Sofala, 134 from Maputo province, 118 from Zambezia, 106 from Nampula, 104 from Inhambane, 99 from Manica and six from Niassa. No tests were reported from Gaza. 1,527 of the tests yielded negative results, and 576 people tested positive for the coronavirus. This brings the total number of Covid-19 cases diagnosed in Mozambique to 76,404. The number of positive cases is the largest recorded in a single 24 hour period since mid-March, Once again the known Covid-19 hotspots of Maputo and Tete accounted for many of the cases, but they are now joined by a spurt of new cases in the central provinces of Manica and Sofala. There were 198 cases diagnosed in Maputo city, 175 in Tete, 54 in Maputo province, 74 in Sofala and 54 in Manica. Between them, these five provinces accounted for 96.2 per cent of the new cases diagnosed on Wednesday. There were also 15 cases in Zambezia, five in Inhambane, one in Nampula and one in Cabo Delgado. The national positivity rate (the proportion of those tested found to be infected with the coronavirus) was 27.4 per cent on Wednesday, the highest rate over the past week. There is a sharp difference in positivity rates between the five provinces with the largest number of Covid-19 cases and the rest of the country. The rates were 54.5 per cent in Manica, 54.2 per cent in Tete, 40.2 per cent in Maputo province, 39.2 per cent in Sofala, and 24.9 per cent in Maputo city. But the situation is very different in the north, with positivity rates of 12.7 per cent in Zambezia, 0.9 per cent in Nampula and 0.4 per cent in Cabo Delgado. This cannot be attributed to lack of testing: there were 231 tests in Cabo Delgado, and 106 in Nampula. In both provinces, only one person tested positive. The Ministry release said that, in the same 24 hour period, 17 Covid-19 patients were discharged from hospital (14 in Maputo, two in Matola and one in Tete). This was more than outweighed by 33 new admissions (20 in Maputo, five in Tete, four in Sofala, two in Matola and two in Niassa). Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Mozambique Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The number of people hospitalised in the Covid-19 treatment centres thus grew from 176 on Tuesday to 186 on Wednesday. Of these patients, 123 (66.1 per cent) were in Maputo. There were also 24 patients in Tete, 16 in Sofala, 13 in Matola, three in Niassa, two each in Nampula, Zambezia and Manica, and one in Inhambane. The Covid-19 wards in Cabo Delgado and Gaza remained empty. The Ministry also reported that 19 people made a full recovery from Covid-19 on Wednesday (14 in Nampula and five in Niassa). The total number of recoveries now stands at 71,205, which is 93.2 per cent of all those ever diagnosed with Covid-19 in Mozambique. A further six deaths from Covid-19 were reported on Wednesday - the largest death toll in a single 24 hour period for all of June. The victims were four men and two women, all Mozambican citizens, aged between 31 and 89. The number of Covid-19 deaths in June was 44 - exactly twice the number of fatalities in May. The national death toll from Covid-19 now stands at 878. The number of active Covid-19 cases rose from 3,766 on Tuesday to 4,317 on Wednesday. The geographical distribution of these cases was as follows: Maputo city, 1,907 (44.2 per cent of the total); Tete, 892; Maputo province, 756; Sofala, 280; Inhambane, 140; Manica, 135; Niassa, 72; Gaza, 52; Zambezia, 35; Cabo Delgado, 32; and Nampula, 16. Maputo The demobilisation and disarming of the militia of Mozambique's main opposition party, Renamo, advanced into the western province of Tete on Wednesday. According to a report on Radio Mozambique, there are 368 former Renamo guerrillas to be demobilised to be demobilised at the Monjo base in the Tete district of Moatize. The demobilisation here will continue until 14 July. The demobilisation began in October 2019, and so far nine Renamo military bases have been dismantled - five in Sofala province (Savane, Muxungue, Maringue, Inhaminga and Chemba), one in Inhambane (Mabote), and three in Manica (Barue, Tambara and Mossurize). By Wednesday, a total of 2,307 former Renamo fighters had been demobilised. According to the Renamo leadership, what are euphemistically referred to as its "residual forces" are 5,221 strong. But this number could well be a considerable exaggeration. After they hand over their weapons, the Renamo demobilised return to their home areas (or anywhere else they wish to go). They are registered so that they can enjoy the rights envisaged for the former guerrillas under the peace agreement signed by President Filipe Nyusi and Renamo leader Ossufo Momade in August 2016. At the accommodation centres for the demobilised fighters, they are provided with various services, such as the issuing of identity documents, birth certificates, and tax numbers. They are also assisted in opening bank accounts, and are provided with pre-paid SIM cards for mobile phones. Speaking on Wednesday, the Secretary of State for Tete province, Elisa Zacarias, urged citizens to facilitate the integration into society of the Renamo demobilised, and give them opportunities to participate in productive and training projects. Renamo Secretary-General Andre Majibire, who is also the Renamo representative on the Commission on Military Affairs, set up under the dialogue between the government and Renamo, expressed satisfaction at witnessing another stage in implementing the peace agreement. He foresaw difficulties in the social integration of the former guerrillas in their zones of origin, but challenged them to overcome them, and declared that they could count on the support of the local authorities. Maputo The Mozambican defence and security forces claim they killed more than 150 terrorists in operations between 21 and 23 June, in the Afungi peninsula, in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, according to a report on Radio Mozambique. The interim commander of the Afungi Special Theatre of Operations, Col. Francisco Assane, said that in the same operations, the defence forces captured 39 people who are believed to be part of the terrorist group. They were taken prisoner "in combat, when we were exchanging fire with the enemy. The enemy was resisting, and was attacking our positions in Mondlane and Palma". Assane also said that the terrorists are now using women to carry their weaponry. One of these women, captured in Palma district, and referred to only as Anika, said she had been ordered to spy on the movements of the defence forces, and report back to local terrorist commanders. She claimed she worked for the terrorists because she had received death threats, She has a scar on her chest, which she claimed resulted from a knife wound inflicted by a terrorist when she said she intended to go to the authorities. "They told me, take this money and go - don't tell the soldiers anything. If you tell them anything, we shall kill you", said Anika. When she was reluctant to take the money, "they asked me, do you want to die of hunger? Do what we tell you! Since I am poor and I was afraid, I accepted". Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Mozambique Arms and Armies By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The defence forces also rescued over 100 people who had been prisoners of the terrorists in the Afungi region. The commander of the army, Gen Cristovao Chume, told Radio Mozambique these rescues were the result of recent acquisition of land, sea and air equipment by the armed forces, allowing the troops to operate effectively, and inflict considerable losses on the enemy. He also noted that the jihadists are now using human shields, to create additional difficulties for the defence forces. "In all the offensive actions we undertake, as soon as we reach the place where the terrorist group is installed, the first barrier we encounter consists of children and women", said Chume. "We have been ordering our comrades in the fighting to save the lives of these children and women, and to go after those who are really carrying guns or who, even if they don't have guns, present themselves as part of the terrorist group". Maputo Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Wednesday recommended that the country's justice sector should exploit to the maximum the reforms under way in Mozambique, so that it can rise to new challenges. Speaking at the ceremony where he swore into office Judge Sandra Machatine Ten Jua, as a new member of the Supreme Court, Nyusi pointed out recent changes in the penal code and the penal procedural code, approved by the country's parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, in order to simplify legal procedures. He urged all magistrates to dedicate themselves zealously to their tasks, and to refrain from any practices that could harm the performance of the judicial system. The president insisted that the judiciary should be more open, should communicate more, and should ensure that its decisions are understood. "It is important to bear in mind the sociology of law", he said, "in order to better understand our communities and their true longings in matters of justice". Nyusi said he wanted to see "a judiciary proactive in the defence of the constitutional guarantees in the exercise of fundamental rights, but also a judiciary committed to the relentless combat against organised crime, such as drug trafficking, people trafficking, terrorism, corruption, money laundering and kidnapping". Before her promotion to the Supreme Court, Sandra Ten Jua was the Presiding Judge of the Gaza Provincial Court. On the Supreme Court, she occupies the place left vacant by Joaquim Madeira, who has retired. Maputo Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Thursday pledged that over 10 million households will have access to electricity in their homes for the first time by 2024 in the framework of the "Energy for All" Programme, intended to secure universal access to electrical power. Nyusi reaffirmed the government's commitment to achieve this goal at the inauguration of a power supply system in Macate district, in the central Mozambican province of Manica. This cost 238,000 US dollars disbursed by the government, and will benefit 250 households. Presently, 66 connections have been established. "Six months ago, I announced the abolition of the electricity connection fee, a move intended to fast track new connections and hasten the achievement of universal access to energy. We are not only encouraged but enthusiastic with the results attained so far. About 500 new consumers are connected to the national grid, every day," Nyusi said. Since the elimination of the fee, Nyusi added, 115,317 households have been connected, while neighbourhoods and other public spaces have been illuminated, thus transforming the lives of many Mozambicans. "Macate is now in a position to improve its production levels and we would like to urge the district to step up such levels to justify the investment we have made," Nyusi stressed, pointing out that the impact of electricity goes beyond the economic front. Energy answers the consumption needs of households and its availability will leverage the use of health and education facilities, thus boosting the quality of life. Because of these reasons and the urgent need to shake up the productive sectors, Nyusi advised the local government to spread the productive use of electricity, by promoting investment in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, fisheries, and agro-processing. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Mozambique Energy By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. From now on, Nyusi said, the milling facilities must operate at full swing in Macate, and there should be an expansion in the size of the district capital, as a place to make a living and to do business. Nyusi also urged every resident of Macate to stage a tireless struggle against possible vandalism and theft of electrical equipment, since such behaviour undermines collective welfare. "It is good to see electric lighting at night, but suddenly a criminal comes and rips out the cables to make a snare for poaching", he said. The darkness into which Macate used to plunge every night is a thing of the past, and so Nyusi asked every resident to safeguard the correct functioning of the system and ensure the longevity of the equipment, taking into account that it is a collective asset. Maputo The Mozambican chapter of the regional press freedom body MISA (Media Institute of Southern Africa) has strongly condemned the municipal police in the northern city of Nampula for a physical attack against four journalists on Tuesday. According to a MISA-Mozambique press release, the victims of the police assault all work on private television stations. They were Leonardo Gimo of TV Sucesso, Faizal Abudo and Simao Mugas, reporter and cameraman of TV Muniga, and Emerson Joaquim of Afro TV. They went to the head offices of the Nampula municipal police, because they were investigating the alleged illegal detention of three youths by the municipal authorities. The Nampula nucleus of MISA-Mozambique said the three youths belonged to an association calling itself "Mentes Resilientes" ("resilient minds"). They were detained by the municipal police supposedly because, on a TV Muniga programme, they had denounced a physical attack, caught on an amateur video, by the police against an informal trader. Investigating the matter, the four journalists went to the municipal police headquarters, where they were met by insults and physical attacks. The policemen who attacked the journalists were led by the head of operations, Oliveira Maneque. "The police had no time to hear us and understand our concern", said Simao Mugas. "Instead they accused us of defamation and staining the reputation of the police". During the attack a motorcycle belonging to Mugas was stolen, and its current whereabouts are unknown. The police also temporarily seized Gimo's camera. MISA said it condemns this assault and any other act of violence against journalists. It pointed out that the freedoms of expression and of the press are protected under the Mozambican constitution, MISA reiterated that "it is the duty of the police authorities to protect journalists and never to attack them", and warned that legal action will now be taken to hold the assailants responsible for their behaviour. Esther Atieno prepares dinner for her family in Kisumu, Kenya using a jiko kisasa (firewood stove) that uses less fuel and burns more efficiently than her previous stove. guest column When world leaders gather at summits to discuss global issues, do they ever stop to ask how the food was prepared or by whom? We eat every day, yet how food is cooked and the impacts of these methods are largely ignored at great cost to health and landscapes. Dirty cooking fuel in parts of the world is ever-present but usually invisible. It just so happens that over the next 12 months, major global meetings will focus on green transitions and international development. The UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy, COP26 and Africa-Europe Summit provide world leaders with a unique opportunity to rethink how they perceive and prioritise cooking. World governments have pledged to deliver on SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy - and ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. The urgent need for electrification is now recognised by governments worldwide, and bold targets have been agreed at the global level, but the mundane tasks of simmering stew, heating water and cooking soup remain out of sight and thus out of mind. Around 600mn Africans are still without access to electricity, and while most African countries have drawn up national energy strategies, scaled investment and taken steps to get everyone connected to the grid, cooking remains largely absent from these plans. Around 900mn Africans rely on woodfuel, charcoal or kerosine to prepare daily meals. However well-managed, these fuels produce smoke, greenhouse gas emissions and particulates, which causes coughing and lung and respiratory disease. In Africa, there are an estimated 500,000 premature deaths each year from indoor air pollution, particularly amongst women and girls, and levels of respiratory infections amongst infants remain high, collectively accounting for a far larger toll than official COVID-19 deaths to date. Franco Volpato / Shutterstock Across Africa, girls and women - like this woman in Tanzania - bear the main burden of fetching firewood for cooking, while the harvesting of wood fuel and charcoal has devastated forests and landscapes. The drudgery of fetching and carrying fuel, or coaxing a fire into life using what charcoal can be afforded, takes a heavy daily toll on the work of women and girls, while the harvesting of wood fuel and charcoal has devastated forests and landscapes, aggravating soil erosion and reducing rural resilience, in regions throughout Africa. The global community cannot address the climate and biodiversity crisis without improving the way people cook. Leaders must take immediate action to ensure clean cooking for all is achieved. Solutions range from improved biomass stoves to biogas, ethanol and electric cooking. Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is one of the most economically viable and scalable solutions, not only ensuring access to basic essentials, but firing up economic activity and delivering improved health and environmental benefits compared to traditional biomass alternatives. Several LPG for clean cooking businesses now supply homes in Africa's urban areas and informal settlements, offering jobs in distribution and supply which are often taken by women. Funding and investment are needed to scale LPG supply chains and ensure accessibility and affordability, particularly for remote and vulnerable households. However, LPG is derived from fossil fuels, and public subsidies are now threatened as donor governments and development finance institutions continue to scale back support for fossil fuels. Is it right to take such a one-size-fits-all approach to the climate challenge at the expense of households which have made negligible contributions to global emissions? It's irresponsible to pass up the opportunity to relieve pressure on forests and woodlands, improve the health of the poorest households and transform the lives of women by freeing up time to engage in other productive and leisure activities. Mo Ibrahim Foundation Mo Ibrahim and Mary Robinson It's time for ambitious political and financial leadership. The Africa-Europe Foundation and Clean Cooking Alliance have formulated a Clean Cooking Manifesto with 10 immediate actions for governments, development partners and the private sector to take in delivering modern cooking services for all. In addition to integrating clean cooking into national and city energy planning, governments must create clean cooking delivery units to coordinate national action. A robust clean cooking industry must be supported through tax and import duty exemptions. Purely market-based models are not likely to leverage the speed of deployment needed. Given the social and environmental benefits associated with clean cooking, smart subsidies are also well-justified. As development finance withdraws from fossil fuel production, there should be an exemption for LPG for clean cooking. Donors can support the development of national action plans and increase funding to match the scale of the challenge. Increased use of carbon finance and carbon offsets could also help bridge the affordability gap. Alongside development finance, increased private investment can build commercially viable models and reduce risk. The private sector should partner with the electricity sector to ensure energy planning accounts for e-cooking and involve women and girls in producing and distributing products. Delivering clean cooking solutions to millions of African households in low- and middle-income countries is far from a menial, housekeeping topic. Universal clean cooking must become a shared priority for Europe and Africa. Mo Ibrahim is Co-Founder of the Africa-Europe Foundation and Founder and Chairman of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Mary Robinson is Honorary President of the Africa-Europe Foundation, and Chair of the Elders and former President of the Republic of Ireland. Blog On June 9, following a closed-door meeting, the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) issued a public statement that the Igbo-dominated southeast should be allowed to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria if it was necessary to avoid a civil war. NEF spokesman Hakeem Baba-Ahmed said "the Forum has arrived at the difficult conclusion that if support for secession among the Igbo is as widespread as it is being made to look, and Igbo leadership appears to be in support of it, then the country should be advised not to stand in the way." His statement continued that secession was not in the best interest of the Igbos or of Nigerians. Rather, all should work to rebuild Nigeria. But, blocking secession "will not help a country already burdened with failures on its knees to fight another war to keep the Igbo in Nigeria." The statement also suggested that northerners subject to harassment in the southeast should return to the north. There was no reference to secessionist sentiment in Yorubaland, in southwest Nigeria, to which former President Olusegun Obasanjo has referred. The former president said that Yoruba secession, too, would be unwise, but that maintaining unity should not come "at any cost." Though there is no specific reference to it, clearly animating the NEF statement is the memory of Nigeria's 1967-70 civil war, successfully fought by Nigerian nationalists to keep Igbo-dominated Biafra in the federation; it left up to two million dead. It, too, involved massive population movements, with Igbos fleeing to the south a northern pogrom and fewer northerners leaving the southeast. In the civil war, northern elites strongly supported the nationalists. Current Igbo disgruntlement has its roots in defeat in the civil war and the belief that they are marginalized from the upper reaches of the Nigerian state. (There has never been an Igbo president of Nigeria.) Such feelings of marginalization are exacerbated by Nigeria's nationwide epidemic of violence and economic malaise. The NEF, for its part, has responded to rising insecurity in Nigeria by calling for President Buhari to resign or to be impeached. Resignation or impeachment is a reversal of the NEF's support of Muhammadu Buhari's presidential candidacy in 2015. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Conflict By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It should be noted that the NEF statement in support of allowing secession had two caveats: that there be widespread support for it among the Igbo but also among their "leadership" (not further defined). While secessionist advocates will argue to the contrary, prima facie evidence for both either way is thin. Do the views of the NEF matter? How representative is it of northern elite opinion? Buhari's Special Adviser on Media Femi Adesina responded to its June 9 statement by dismissing the NEF as "a mere irritant" that hardly exists beyond its convener, Ango Abdullahi--a distinguished, former vice chancellor (president) of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. According to Adesina, the former vice chancellor is a general with no troops. Indeed, the influence of the NEF is hard to judge. But, its public statements attract widespread media attention. As with former President Obasanjo's comments on Yoruba separatism, at the very least the NEF statements is an indication that rising insecurity is leading at least some of Nigeria's elites to rethink the basis of the Nigerian state--and of the consequences of its civil war. Blog posts represent the views of CFR fellows and staff and not those of CFR, which takes no institutional positions. announcement Date: Thursday, July 15, 2021 Time: 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time Time Zones: 3:00 p.m. (Cairo & Joburg); 4:00 p.m. (Addis & Nairobi); 2:00 p.m. (Lagos & London) Duration: 2 hours Register Now Co-Hosts Ambassador Robin Sanders and Gallup Global Managing Partner Jon Clifton, in partnership with allAfrica.com, the African & Caribbean Business Council (ACBC), United People for African Congress (UPAC) and U.S.-Africa Trade Council, invite you to the 8th Annual FEEEDS-Gallup Africa Forum: Africa's Business Economy & the AfCFTA the Role of SMEs. This is an opportunity to hear firsthand from the events honored featured speakers: Dr. Hippolyte Fofack of the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and Dr. Francis Mangeni, advisor to the Secretary General of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Each will discuss how their institutions support the critical role Africa and the Africa diasporas small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) serve in the region's economy and the broader success of the AfCFTA. Gallup's leading Africa research director, Magali Rheault, will scene set with relevant polling data on the current business environment for Africa SMEs and regional economies. SPEAKERS Ambassador Robin Sanders CEO of FEEEDS Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders served as one of the U.S. Governments top diplomats on African issues over a long career in the United States Diplomatic Corps reaching senior positions ranging from Ambassador to the Republics of Nigeria, Republic of Congo, two stints NSC Director for Africa at the White House, and U.S. Permanent Representative to the West African Regional Organization ECOWAS. Dr. Sanders received her doctor of science degree from Pittsburghs Robert Morris University, where she also holds the title of Distinguished Public Service & Rooney Scholar; has MA and MS degrees from Ohio University; and, a BA from Hampton University. She is a recognized thought-leader on Africa's political, economic, technology, security (e.g. Boko Haram, Al Shababb) and policy issues, as well as on regions thematic topics such as SDGs, food security, democracy/elections, education & climate change. She has testified before the U.S. Congress on these topics. Her advisory firm is divided into two parts: The FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative and FE3DS, LLC. FEEEDS focuses on Africa economic development, Diaspora, Entrepreneurship/SMEs issues. FEEEDS also advises several organizations; co-hosts an annual Africa event with Gallup World Poll; and publishes @The FEEEDS Index. Sanders' national security expertise is based on her work at the White House; as Deputy Commandant-Eisenhower College, the National Defense University, the U.S. military's premier institution for strategic studies; her diplomatic postings; and her work on global issues. She is sought after by media such as Al Jazeera, China Television, VOA, and CNN for her Africa expertise. FE3DS, LLC provides business strategies on Africa trade, technology, power, renewables, affordable housing and aviation. Jon Clifton Global Managing Partner, Gallup Jon Clifton is the Global Managing Partner of Gallup, an advisory firm that specializes in big data analytics of employees, customers, students and citizens. Jons mission is to help 7 billion citizens be heard on their most pressing work and life issues through the Gallup World Poll, a 100-year initiative spanning 150 countries. Because of his expertise, Jon has been interviewed on BBC News, C-SPANs Washington Journal, and Al-Jazeera, and has testified in front of the U.S. Congress on the state of American small business and entrepreneurship. He is a frequent contributor on Gallup.com and has written for The Hill, The Diplomatic Courier, and The Global Action Report. FEEEDS 8th Annual FEEEDS-Gallup Africa Forum: Africa's Business Economy & The AfCFTA - the Role of SMEs Dr. Hippolyte Fofack Honored Featured Speaker Chief Economist, Director of Research and International Cooperation, African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) Speaker Topic: How Afreximbank Leverages Its Programs to Support the SME Sector Dr. Hippolyte Fofack has more than 20 years of experience in development economics, international trade, banking and international finance and academia. Prior to joining the African Export-Import Bank, he was with the World Bank Group, where he served in several capacities, including as senior economist and head of the Macroeconomic and Growth Research Program. In 2005, Dr. Fofack was elected to the African Academy of Sciences, a continental organization dedicated to the furtherance of science and its use for economic development and welfare improvement. He has served on the advisory board of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania and is a member of the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa Board of Directors. He is also a member of several leading professional and scientific organizations, including the American Economic Association and the African Finance and Economic Association. Dr Fofack has been a guest editor of several prominent journals, including The World Bank Economic Review and Economic History of Developing Regions. Dr. Fofack has been published extensively, is Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Issues in African Trade and Trade Finance (CIAT) and is a member of several editorial boards, including the Journal of African Development, the Journal of African Trade and the Gulf Economics Journal. Dr. Francis Mangeni Honored Featured Speaker Head of Trade Promotion & Programs, Advisor to AfCFTA Secretary General Speaker Topic: AfCFTA: How It Supports SME Participation in Regional Trade Dr. Francis Mangeni has worked and consulted extensively on the multilateral trade system and African economic integration. He is a senior fellow with the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance and has served as head of trade promotion and programs with the AfCFTA and director of trade customs and monetary affairs with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. He has served as advisor to the Minister of Commerce and Industry of the government of Malawi, senior economist at the Permanent Delegation of the African Union to the United Nations and regional trade policy advisor at the Commission of the African Union, and acted as a consultant for numerous regional and international organizations. His analytical work has focused on the social and economic implications of economic reforms, negotiation preparation and trade opportunities. Dr. Mangenis analyses have informed key initiatives for economic integration throughout Africa and served as a basis for advice to African diplomats attending World Trade Organization conferences and trade negotiations with Africas major partners. Magali Rheault Regional Director, Sub-Saharan Africa, Gallup World Poll Topic: Current Africa Business Environment for SMEs & Regional Economies Magali Rheault is Regional Research Director for sub-Saharan Africa for the Gallup World Poll. As the largest independent source of global survey research, the World Poll measures the most important issues people around the worl face. Ms. Rheault leads survey research operations across the African continent and is responsible for sampling, questionnaire design, fieldstaff training and quality control. Her main research interests focus on the intersection of governance, economic growth and human development in sub-Saharan Africa. As an academically trained urban planner, Ms. Rheault focuses on big-picture thinking to better understand how people's surroundings shape their perceptions and opinions. She is passionate about translating data into information and knowledge to help clients incorporate survey findings into impactful initiatives. More African Govts Legalise Cannabis for Medicinal Use Rwanda has reportedly passed a new order that legalises medical use of Cannabis, also known as marijuana, as the country moves closer to mass production and export of the multi-billion-dollar cash crop. The consumption of marijuana products for recreational purposes however, remains illegal in Rwanda. The country maintains harsh penalties for illegal production, distribution and consumption of the herb. Malawi's Cannabis Regulatory Authority is calling for the creation of structured markets for cannabis growers in that country. The board is also calling for universities and research institutes to start working on the local variety to see how effective it could be, since it would be in the same family of medicinal hemp. In South Africa the use, possession and cultivation of the plant is set to be decriminalised. Nigeria is also considering legalisation, however there is also fierce opposition to a law change there. Six-Month Standoff on ARVs Ends After Kenya, U.S. Strike Deal The Kenyan government has abandoned its demand that it should be the sole distributor of a U.S.$19 million consignment of HIV drugs donated by the U.S., ending a six-month standoff on distribution of the anti-retroviral drugs. However, the two governments have reached a compromise that the consignment stuck at the Port of Mombasa will be distributed by Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS). The government had insisted that only the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency would distribute the drugs to counties. The ARVs, among other medicines imported in January 2021, have been lying at the Port of Mombasa for six months. They were donated by the U.S. government through its aid agency USAid, and are yet to be taken to county hospitals, writes Angela Oketch for The Nation. Sudan Gets Huge IMF, World Bank Debt Cut Amid Protests The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have announced that Sudan is to benefit from U.S.$50 billion in foreign debt relief, effectively reducing the country's current estimated U.S.$56 billion foreign liability to U.S.$6 billion over three years. The Executive Boards of the World Bank's International Development Association and the IMF said in a statement that they have determined that "Sudan has taken the necessary steps to begin receiving debt relief under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative". Sudan is the 38th country to reach what is known as the "HIPC Decision Point". However hundreds of protesters took to the streets in the capital Khartoum to demand the transitional government resign over controversial economic reforms. Citizens are unhappy with the IMF-backed reforms that slashed subsidies on petrol and diesel, more than doubling their price. 20 Years Later, Nigeria Passes Long-Awaited Oil Reform Bill The Nigerian Senate has passed a long-awaited oil industry reform bill that will overhaul nearly every aspect of oil and gas production. The Petroleum Industry Bill has been two decades in the making to overhaul the way Nigeria will share its oil resources with international oil companies and aim to attract new investment in oil and gas. In the bill, the Senate approved a funding mechanism of 30 percent of NNPC's profit from oil and gas for frontier basins. This fund is for oil exploration in frontier states. Community leaders in Nigeria's oil-rich regions want changes to the latest version of the bill, asking for a larger share of revenues for the community. Last month, Nigeria's National Petroleum Corporation said it had signed a deal with Shell, Exxon, Total, and Eni to develop an offshore oil block that includes the deepwater Bonga field. The NNPC noted the deal marks a historic moment as it settles long-running disputes between the Nigerian government and international oil companies. 15:58 | Lima, Jun. 30. Inked on June 25, the agreement is expected to be carried out until December 2025, with a US$6.4 million contribution from the Korean Government. This project aims to enhance the resilience of the environment to manage mining activities and potential impacts of mining by building technical capacity and awareness of the general public. As part of the project, activities will be carried out to strengthen technical capacities in the area of remediation of mining environmental liabilities (PAM, for its acronym in Spanish), through the transfer of technology to Minem, by implementing pilot plants that allow to conduct research and development testing on the application of passive, active and/or mixed acid water treatments. Likewise, work will be done to strengthen the information systems related to the Mine Closure Plan (PCM, for its acronym in Spanish) through the implementation of a computer system that will allow Minem to digitally manage the PCM, as well as to articulate and collaborate with other entities involved in the management of mine closure plans. Additionally, during the project, the technical capacities of mining sector officials in Peru will be strengthened through training in Korea and Peru, as well as the development of conferences and workshops to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of related activities. Finally, it is expected to raise and strengthen public awareness regarding mining environmental liabilities and mining activities in Peru, as well as to disseminate the environmental remediation activities carried out by the Peruvian Government and activities in cooperation with the Korean Government. Considering the importance of this project, the Ministry of Energy and Mines through its focal points of the General Directorate of Mining and the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs has worked in close coordination with a team of professionals from Korea, from the initial stage of the research planned by KOICA , to support project activities and the implementation of the project. Now that visits to the Inca citadel are increasing as part of the efforts to revive the tourism sector and after it received the Safe Travels stamp that recognizes it as a safe destination amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to note the importance of July in the festive calendar of Machu Picchu. Hiram Bingham On July 24, 110 years will have passed since the arrival of U.S. explorer Hiram Bingham in this impressive stone city nestled atop a mountain ridge in the jungle of Cusco. Although the first direct references to the discovery of Machu Picchu date back to 1902, when a group of locals visited the Inca structure vestiges, it was Bingham who sponsored by Yale University and the National Geographic Society initiated the scientific study of the last capital of the Incas in 1911 and made it known to the outside world. World Heritage Site With the passage of time and greater awareness of its importance as an Inca religious, ceremonial, astronomical, and agricultural center, Machu Picchu was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on December 9, 1983. Impressive biodiversity The National Sanctuary of Machu Picchu has an impressive Andean and Amazonian biodiversity. It is home to 384 species of trees, 468 of orchids, 279 of ferns, 443 of birds, 84 of mammals, 22 of reptiles, and 17 of amphibians. New Wonder of the World Additionally, July 7 marks the 14th anniversary of the day Machu Picchu was named one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. The Inca Empire's most representative construction was crowned on 7 July 2007 along with the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India, Petra city in southern Jordan, the Roman Coliseum, Christ the Redeemer in Rio, and the Maya Chichen Itza archaeological site in Mexico. Safe Travels Stamp and Carbon Neutral Initiative In October 2020, Machu Picchu was one of the first destinations to get a 'Safe Travels' stamp from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). Additionally, the Inca citadel has developed a Carbon Neutral initiative aimed at turning the area into the first tourist destination to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and manage solid waste. Visitor capacity On the other hand, the visitor capacity for Machu Picchu has increased over the past weeks. According to the Ministry of Culture, the Inca citadel receives between 1,000 and 1,200 visitors a day. However, the number of visits is expected to increase gradually as the Government has issued a decree that stipulates that capacity restrictions will no longer apply for museums and archaeological sites, as they are open-air venues. Machu Picchu Brand In addition, the Machu Picchu Brand will be launched on July 7, on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the day the Inca citadel was named one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. According to Mayor Darwin Baca, this brand is intended to generate economic dynamism through the promotion of archaeological, cultural, and natural tourist attractions in Machu Picchu. World Travel Awards Finally, the ancient citadel is competing to be South America's Leading Tourist Attraction , an award it has obtained for the last three years in a row (2018, 2019, and 2020) in the regional edition of the World Travel Awards. People will be able to vote in support of its nomination until July 26. (END) LZD/MAO/RMB/MVB July is a particularly important month for the Historic Sanctuary and Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu Peru's biggest attraction which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.Published: 7/1/2021 ?? En vivo | La titular de la PCM, junto con ministros de Estado, brindan conferencia de prensa para informar a la ciudadania sobre los acuerdos adoptados en la sesion de Consejo de Ministros de hoy.https://t.co/lxv8EOd5QD From the Executive Branch, he said, his administration never tried to impose anything on Parliament or denigrate it. On the contrary Mr. Sagasti affirmed he always sought Parliamentarians' collaboration and attention was drawn to legislative initiatives that had faced some legal, constitutional, or financing difficulties. In this sense, the top official advocated that this example of collaboration be replicated between the next Executive and Legislative Branches starting July 28 when the new President of the Republic and Congress members take office. About the law "Now Concytec has the opportunity to give the guidelines and coordinate all efforts which are made to develop science and technology," he said. In addition, two special programs have been created: Proinnovate, which will channel public financing for companies or universities in science and technology applied to the productive and service systems. There is also Prociencia, which will develop high-level human resource training, as well as support for scientific and basic research. Presidente @FSagasti: La Ley del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion que acabamos de rubricar es una demostracion clara del trabajo conjunto y ejemplo de colaboracion activa entre los poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo. pic.twitter.com/69xL00lUSx YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. The names of three Armenian villages nominated for the Best Tourism Villages program by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) will be announced in July. The Tourism Committee of Armenia has already completed the application collecting process, and now the assessment stage is underway. Public Relations and Digital Marketing Expert at the Tourism Committee Gayane Ayvazyan told Armenpress that a total of 76 applications have been received. More villages were nominated from Aragatsotn, Gegharkunik, Lori, Kotayk and Shirak provinces. The program requirements are the followings: the village population must not surpass 15,000, the village must be known for any type of economic activity agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, etc, and the village must have unique tourism offers or lifestyle. There was quite a big interest, we were receiving many calls and letters. 76 applications were received, some of which are repeated. Individuals could also submit applications. Why we did so? Because we wanted to see what villages exist, because very often applying only to specialists, we could miss interesting villages. Its a very good opportunity for us to engage different people and get offers from them, Gayane Ayvazyan said. All villages will be examined with all their opportunities, and three of them will be selected. After that the UNWTO will select the best village. All member states of the Organization can nominate villages. The initiative includes three pillars: 1. The Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Label: The Label will recognize a village which is an outstanding example of a rural tourism destination with recognized cultural and natural assets, that preserves and promotes rural and community-based values, products and lifestyle and has a clear commitment to innovation and sustainability in all its aspects economic, social and environmental. The Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Upgrade Program: The Upgrade program will benefit a number of villages that do not fully meet the Label criteria. These villages will receive support from UNWTO and its Partners in improving elements of the areas identified as gaps in the evaluation process. The Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO Network: The Network will provide a space for exchanging experiences and good practices, learning, and opportunities. It will include representatives of the villages awarded the Best Tourism Village by UNWTO Label, the villages participating in the Upgrade Program, as well as experts, public and private sector partners engaged in the promotion of tourism for rural development. I want to note that this is a continuous program, therefore, new villages can be nominated in coming years. Its possible to work on the development of that villages within a year and again nominate them, Gayane Ayvazyan said, adding that there are opportunities of implementing different projects and works for development of villages. Interview by Anna Gziryan Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. US House Appropriations Committee released its reports for Fiscal Year 2022 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs and Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bills, Armenian Assembly of America reports. It recommends not less than $50 million "for Armenia for economic development, private sector productivity, energy independence, democracy and the rule of law, and other purposes." In addition, the report language also calls for "not less than $2,000,000 for demining activities in Artsakh." With the Subcommittee having considered the draft Bill on Monday, June 25, 2021, the full committee is poised to "mark-up" the legislation tomorrow, July 1, 2021. The Bill also restates Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, in addition to prohibiting the sale of defense articles to the Turkish Presidential Protection Directorate. The report language also reiterates the Assemblys concerns about the military disparity in U.S. assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan: "The Committee is concerned by disparity in military assistance provided to Azerbaijan in comparison to Armenia that is enabled by the annual waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act by the Secretary of State, including the most recent waiver signed by the Secretary on April 23, 2021. The Committee directs the military balance between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the diplomatic consequences of such disparity in military assistance be considered by the Secretary in any decision with respect to the renewal of the Section 907 waiver during fiscal year 2022." In 1992, Congress took a principled stand against Azerbaijani aggression with the adoption of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, which states that U.S. funds "may not be provided to the Government of Azerbaijan until the President determines and so reports to the Congress, that the Government of Azerbaijan is taking demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh." YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. The extraordinary session convened at the initiative of lawmakers continues in the Armenian Parliament. The MPs will debate the bills adopted at first hearing on June 30. The Parliament will also debate today a number of bills at second hearing. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Xi Jinping, President of the Peoples Republic of China, Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the centenary of formation of the Communist Party of China, Pashinyan's Office told Armenpress. The message reads: Excellency, Please accept my most cordial congratulations on the centenary of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China has won the Chinese peoples trust since its inception by defying numerous challenges and leading the country along the path of sovereignty, empowerment and socio-economic development. The achievements of the CPC continued and multiplied under your leadership. This landmark year was marked by two key milestones: China achieved its centennial goal of overcoming extreme poverty and returned to the path of development by overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. Armenia is eager to further develop the friendly relations and the ongoing mutually beneficial cooperation with the Peoples Republic of China. I am confident that the Armenian-Chinese relations will continue to strengthen and deepen for the benefit of our two countries and peoples. I wish you robust health and ever new achievements, as well as peace and prosperity- to the friendly Chinese people. On June 29, 2021, the Completion Ceremony of The Project for Construction of Water Pipe to an Irrigation Reservoir in the Hors Community in the amount of USD 84,120 within the frameworks of Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) of Japan was held at the Hors community. The Ceremony was attended by Mr. Masanori Fukushima, Ambassador of Japan to Armenia, Mr. Ararat Grigoryan, Governor of Vayots Dzor region as well as representatives from Vayots Dzor regional-territorial structures. The Project aimed at increasing the volumes of water and supplying the water for irrigation to the community in the dry season in Hors community in Yeghegis cluster of VayotsDzor province by constructing the water pipe to an irrigation reservoir. As a result, 420 villagers in the Hors Community benefited from the Project. The Governor of VayotzDzor, Mr. Grigoryan, first of all congratulated the newly appointed Ambassador on assuming the responsible mission, expressing confidence that he would make an exceptional contribution to the strengthening of Armenian-Japanese relations. Mr. Grigoryan expressed his gratitude to the Government of Japan for the support provided within the Project, which will provide irrigation water to the community and will also contribute to the ecological sustainability of the community. Ambassador Fukushima, in turn, stressed that he is particularly glad to know that as a result of the Project, more than 420 people in Hors community already have sustainable supply of water for irrigation. In view of the crucial importance which agriculture has in the economic development of Armenia, this Project is perfectly in line with the Armenian Governments priorities to increase the efficiency of agriculture by improving access to irrigation. YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. In the framework of the regional visit, Oliver Varhelyi, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, will arrive in Armenia on July 8 on a two-day visit, the Armenian foreign ministry told Armenpress. According to the ministrys statement, the purpose of the visit is to reaffirm the EUs readiness to foster the stability and predictability in the South Caucasus region. Editing by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian sent a congratulatory letter to Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau on the occasion of the Canada Day, the Presidential Office told Armenpress. Since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Armenia and Canada, our countries have developed close friendly cooperation in various areas. Armenia is ready to make further efforts to boost our relations at bilateral and multilateral levels, by expanding the political, economic, cultural ties, developing the contacts between the peoples. The global challenges, facing the world, have revealed the numerous- both vulnerable and strong -sides of our society, the high level of solidarity between the countries and peoples. I am sure that our countries will overcome those huge challenges, which we are facing today, with joint efforts, the Armenian President said in his letter. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Samples of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19 have been produced in Armenia, Caretaker Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan told reporters after the Cabinet meeting today. These samples will be tested in the nearest future. After the test, maybe there will be an opportunity for serial production of the vaccine in Armenia, she said, adding that there is already a major progress in this process. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan says the circumstances of the 2020 Artsakh War must be seriously and thoroughly examined, because, he adds, there are some issues, the public needs the answers. Of course, its another topic which part must be investigated within judiciary framework, which system must be investigated in commission or other formats prescribed by law, but its important to record that all circumstances of the 44-day war and other circumstances connected with it must be definitely examined where there is a problem of criminal-legal assessment, there should be a criminal-legal assessment. Where there is a problem of political assessment, political assessment must be given, but I think that the public and we all feel that necessity, and the prosecution has a lot to do in this respect, Pashinyan said. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan attended the solemn session dedicated to the day of establishment of the State Protection Service of the National Security Service. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan congratulated the State Protection Service personnel on the occasion of the festive day, noting that the State Security Service is an important institution. ''In the case of Armenia this becomes particularly important, because, unfortunately, incidents like October 27, 1999 have taken place in our country', Pashinyan said, thanking them for their service. Ensuring the security of the state and state institutions is one of our key tasks'', Pashinyan emphasized, highly assessing the service of the State Protection Service. Pashinyan thanked the servicemen of the Service and wished success. I want that the challenges facing s should ease down, instead of growing, but in any case we, and first of all the State Security Service and the National Security Service should be ready to manage and prevent any threat and thats more important than struggling against their consequences in the future, Pashinyan said. YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Armenian Caucus, issued a statement following the introduction of the Fiscal Year 2022 State and Foreign Relations funding legislation, ARMENPRESS was informed from the official website of Adam Schiff. After a year marked by devastating conflict and incredible suffering, we have been able to secure more than $52 million in funding for Armenia and Artsakh in the recently introduced House Foreign Affairs spending bill, along with the other co-chairs of the Congressional Armenian Caucus. This robust investment will support democratic, economic, and energy reforms in Armenia and provide urgent humanitarian relief in Artsakh. But our work is far from done. We must continue to push the Biden administration to take every possible diplomatic action to end Azerbaijani aggression and secure immediate release of all Armenian detainees and prisoners of war, some of whom have been tortured in violation of international human rights conventions. And we must also continue to push President Biden to withhold U.S. assistance from the Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan, which continues to commit grave human rights abuses and threaten the independence of Armenia. I will always stand with the people of Armenia and Artsakh. Always. The accused had set off a bomb on a running passenger train resulting in huge loss of lives and property The arrested brothers have been remanded to judicial custody, the NIA said adding that further investigation is underway. (Representational image: ANI) Hyderabad: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday said it had arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists from Hyderabad in connection with the Darbhanga railway station blast case of Bihar. The accused had set off a bomb on a running passenger train resulting in huge loss of lives and property. The arrested were identified as Imran Malik alias Imran Khan and Mohd Nasir Khan alias Nasir Malik, both brothers residing at Nampally, Hyderabad. Both of them are from Uttar Pradesh. Initially the case was booked by the Railway police of Bihar relating to a parcel bomb explosion on Platform No. 1 of Darbhanga railway station on June 17. Investigation revealed that the parcel was booked at Secunderabad and had arrived on Train No. 07007 Secunderabad- Darbhanga Express. "The accused have revealed a transnational conspiracy hatched by top operatives of proscribed terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) to execute terror acts across India and cause large-scale damage to life and property," the NIA said. Acting under the directions of Pakistan-based LeT, the brothers fabricated an incendiary IED and packed it in a parcel and booked the same on a long-distance train from Secunderabad to Darbhanga. This was aimed at causing explosion and fire in a running passenger train. The NIA probe also revealed that Mohd Nasir Khan had visited Pakistan in 2012 and had received training from LeT to make an IED from locally available chemicals. He along with his brother Imran was in touch with the LeT over encrypted communication platforms. The arrested brothers have been remanded to judicial custody, the NIA said adding that further investigation is underway. Visiongain has published a new report on European Antibiotics Market 2021-2031. Forecasts by Drug Class (Cephalosporin, Fluoroquinolone, Penicillin, Carbapenem, Macrolide, Sulfonamide, Amino glycoside, 7-AC, Others), Action Mechanism (Protein Synthesis Inhibitors, Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors, RNA Synthesis Inhibitors, DNA Synthesis Inhibitors, My colic Acid Inhibitors, Others), Gender (Male, Female), Age (0-14 years, 15-54 years, 55 years and above), Route of Administration (Oral, Intravenous, Others), Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Rest of Europe), PLUS COVID-19 Recovery Scenarios European antibiotics market size was valued at US$11,484.1million in 2020 and is further expected to reach US$ 14,711.6million in 2026 while growing at a CAGR of 4.18% during the first half of the forecast period i.e., 2021 to 2026. The European market size is further projected to reach US$17,778.6million by 2031 at a CAGR of 3.86% from 2026 to 2031. The overall CAGR for the European antibiotics market is expected to be 4.02% from 2021 to 2031. Download Exclusive Sample of Report @ https://www.visiongain.com/report/european-antibiotics-market-2021/#download_sampe_div Key Questions Answered by this Report: What is the current size of the overall European Antibiotics market? How much will this market be worth from 2021 to 2031? What are the main drivers and restraints that will shape the overall European Antibiotics market over the next ten years? What are the main segments within the overall European Antibiotics market ? How much will each of these segments be worth for the period 2021 to 2031? How will the composition of the market change during that time, and why? What factors will affect that industry and market over the next ten years? What are the largest national markets for the European Antibiotics? What is their current status and how will they develop over the next ten years? What are their revenue potentials to 2031? How will market shares of the leading national markets change by 2031, and which geographical region will lead the market in 2031? Which are the leading companies and what are their activities, results, developments, and prospects? What are the main trends that will affect the European Antibiotics market between 2021 and 2031? What are the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the market? How will the European Antibiotics market evolve over the forecasted period, 2021 to 2031? How will market shares of prominent national markets change from 2021, and which countries will lead the market in 2031, achieving highest revenues and fastest growth? Story continues Internationalization Technique Anticipated to Offer Lucrative Growth Prospects for European Antibiotics Market Players Internationalization is the most known technique used by all companies in the antibiotics supply market. In terms of revenue and activities, most companies operate in multiple countries. Internationalization can also be explained by the fact that diseases that need antibiotic treatment occur in many countries, resulting in related needs on different markets. Furthermore, pharmaceutical firms try to expand into new markets to offset their high fixed costs (for example, R&D if they are dealing with branded/patented drugs, while generics companies have an advantage in selling the same product in different markets because they have fixed costs for producing and releasing their generic products). COVID-19 Impact Analysis Almost every country is struggling with the COVID-19 crisis. Most markets are declining as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, which has had a negative impact on a variety of healthcare-related industries. In the future, this pandemic is projected to provide growth prospects for European antibiotics market players owing to rising health awareness coupled with growing government initiatives to tackle the pandemic. Get Detailed TOC @ https://www.visiongain.com/report/european-antibiotics-market-2021/#download_sampe_div Growing Demand for Generic Drugs to Offer Lucrative Growth Prospects European antibiotics is segmented on the basis of drug class into cephalosporin, penicillin, fluoroquinolone, macrolide, carbapenem, aminoglycoside, sulfonamide, 7-ACA. Penicillin segment holds majority of the market share owing to maximum prescription as well as the most generic manufacturers throughout the industry. Furthermore, the growth is anticipated to be fueled by a rise in demand for generic drugs. Generic medications tend to be less expensive than their brand-name counterparts. As a result, demand for generic drugs is surging in the market, thus anticipated to boost the growth of the penicillin segment. According to Visiongain analysis, over the forecast period from 2021 to 2031, fluoroquinolone & cephalosporin segments are anticipated to expand with significant growth rate of 5.68% and 5.50% respectively. The commercialization of new drugs during the forecast period from 2021 to 2031 is anticipated to fuel the growth of these segments. Competitive Landscape To strengthen their position in the European antibiotics market, top companies are forming various strategies such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures (JVs), partnerships, collaborations, new product launch, expansion of R&D, distribution, and management facilities among others. For instance, in July 2020, Novartis (Sandoz's generics unit) and the Austrian government announced a US$176 million investment over the next five years to boost antibiotics manufacturing at a Novartis plant in Austria. This is expected to introduce new process technology for producing penicillin APIs across the region. Abbott Laboratories, Allergan (AbbVie Inc.), Cipla Ltd, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Inc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Novartis International AG, Pfizer Inc., Sanofi, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., and Viatris (Mylan).are some of the major players profiled in the report. Find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. Receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with this invaluable business intelligence . To access the data contained in this document please email contactus@visiongain.com Information found nowhere else With our newly report title, you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss out on opportunities. See how our work could benefit your research, analyses, and decisions. Visiongains study is intended for everybody needing commercial analyses for the European Antibiotics Market and leading companies. You will find data, trends and predictions. Find more research reports on the Pharmaceutical Industry , please click on the following links: Do you have any custom requirements we can help you with? Any need for a specific country, geo region, market segment or specific company information? Contact us today, we can discuss your needs and see how we can help: sara.peerun@visiongain.com About Visiongain Visiongain is one of the fastest growing and most innovative, independent, market intelligence around, the company publishes hundreds of market research reports which it adds to its extensive portfolio each year. These reports offer in-depth analysis across 18 industries worldwide. The reports cover a 10-year forecast, are hundreds of pages long, with in depth market analysis and valuable competitive intelligence data. Visiongain works across a range of vertical markets, which currently can influence one another, these markets include automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defense, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors. Our customized and syndicated market research reports mean that you can have a bespoke piece of market intelligence customized to your very own business needs. Contact: Sara Peerun Commercial Director Visiongain Inc. Tel: + 44 207 549 9987 USA Tel: + 1 718 682 4567 EU Tel: + 353 1 695 0006 Email: sara.peerun@visiongain.com Web: https://www.visiongain.com/ Follow Us: LinkedIn | Twitter - SOURCE Visiongain Limited. Independence Day is upon us and amongst the fireworks, sunshine and ice cream, we should take time to reflect on the veterans both active and retired who have served our country. We here at the Cayuga Economic Development Agency want to take a moment to highlight the services that are available for veterans in Cayuga County. In addition to our programs and resources for small businesses and entrepreneurs, there are programs specific to veterans. One such program is the Boots to Business Reboot online workshop being held July 29-30. Boots to Business Reboot is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The course provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Veterans of all eras, active-duty service members (including National Guard and Army Reserve), and spouses are eligible to participate. During Reboot, participants are introduced to the skills, knowledge and resources they need to launch a business, including steps for developing business concepts, how to develop a business plan, and information on SBA resources available to help. The program is facilitated by subject matter experts from the SBA and their extensive network of skilled business advisors. To register for this workshop, please visit sbavets.force.com. Education alert EDUCATION Survey respondents: Don't change Auburn High School's name The overwhelming response from a community survey, left, and a student survey was "no" to the Auburn Enlarged City School District's question about whether residents support changing the name of Auburn High School. Two surveys conducted last month by the Auburn Enlarged City School District on the possibility of renaming the high school both yielded results overwhelmingly in favor of not making any changes. Results provided to The Citizen in response to a Freedom of Information Law request showed that 78.5% of 1,928 community respondents answered no to the question Are you in favor of changing the name of the high school? An even larger proportion of student responses 82.3% of 718 responses also said they opposed any new name. The surveys were conducted as part of the district's process for considering a name change request brought forward in January by a group of high school students, who asked that the board rename the school to honor Harriet Tubman, the historic abolitionist who lived much of her adult life in Auburn. The district's board of education had established a committee of community volunteers that was going to come up with a recommendation on how to proceed, with the board making a decision in early June. But on May 25, the board voted to pause the process, citing the divisions it was causing in the community and problems with the consideration process. Kevin Rivoli / Kevin Rivoli, The Citizen Auburn High School The community survey went live online on May 20, and results were collected through May 31. The district this week also provided the raw data from that survey in response to The Citizen's FOIL request, with redactions to protect respondents' privacy. An analysis of that data showed two major themes from explanations respondents could provide for being against a renaming. One was the importance of the name Auburn High School for maintaining a sense of community and history. The other related to concerns about the potential cost of any name change. Of the responses that chose no to any renaming, 31.1% cited one or more of the following terms in the explanation field: cost, expense and money. The district has not provided the public with any estimates on what the name change would cost; the school board had asked the administration to research that question before the early June vote, but then the board has not revisited the issue since the May 25 pause vote. Another 34.1% cited the words Auburn and community without any reference to the financial concerns. An example of a typical response from that group of explanations: My parents went to Auburn High School, I went to Auburn High School and I want my children to attend Auburn High School. I believe that Auburn High School is a representation of the community." Among the yes votes from the community survey, the most popular choice among those respondents was to rename the school Harriet Tubman High School, with 91.8% choosing that as one of their top three choices. Joseph Sheppard, the current school board president who is seeking to retain that leadership post in the district's new fiscal year, said in an interview with The Citizen on Wednesday that since the board resolution in May that paused the renaming consideration, the district is no longer working on the issue and the board's strategic planning committee hasn't been discussing it. "We've stopped any discussion on it," he said. Sheppard said last week that he intends to pursue being board president for the next school year at the 2021-22 re-organization meeting July 1. On Wednesday, he said he doesn't currently have an expectation of the issue coming up again if he remains president, but did note that any board member could bring it back. Auburn board pauses high school renaming process AUBURN After months of community discourse over possibly renaming Auburn High School, the Auburn Enlarged City School District Board of Education is pausing the review process. The only recent related work that has been done on the issue is the district reached out to the Erie 1 BOCES for guidance to develop a new policy on the naming and renaming of any district buildings in order to amend the district's current policy. The pause was a way for the district to develop a plan to establish strong polices on the process of potentially renaming facilities and "looking at ways to develop community dialogue on matters of building names on matters of diversity, on matters of district equity, on ways that the district can receive better communication from our community, from our constituents," Sheppard said. If these renaming issues were to be brought up again, he added, he would want a stronger process to be in place. Sheppard said the current policy is "just a shell of something, so we were kind of developing a process as we were going." He added that the district was making changes based on the community input the board was receiving. Sheppard also said he would want an independent entity to be involved that could dive into these issues with no personal attachments or biases, "to focus the conversation and work with the community and work with the board." "If this comes forward again, I want to have a solid process in place that involves an outside group monitoring and guiding discussion," he said. In assessing the results of the district's surveys on the issue, Sheppard said the 2,600 survey responses is a small portion the district's overall population. "I think the next step should be to have a greater discussion about the issue and to generate focus groups, and to just have a larger, broader discussion," he said. "I think that's the biggest part, is to expand the discussion." Regarding respondents concerns about potential renaming costs, Sheppard said the district had Lisa Green, its business official, look into its documentation on costs back when East Middle School and West Middle School were merged to form Auburn Junior High School several years ago, as well as when the district's administration building was named after Tubman. But records of those expenses aren't required to be kept beyond seven years, so the district could not find detailed documentation. Green did reach out to other school comparable districts that did building name changes. The "big ballpark" estimate, Sheppard continued, for a building name change for a small city school district of Auburn's size range from about $750,000 to $1.5 million. Sheppard said he believes $1.5 million is "a pretty big expense," but noted it's possible those costs could be covered by Auburn's state building aid. At this point, though, the district has not looked into detailed cost figures. Auburn Superintendent Jeff Pirozzolo on Wednesday said the district was in the process of starting to explore cost estimates specific to Auburn High School when the board voted to pause the undertaking. Some residents at board meetings in recent months have insisted that any name change be voted on through a public referendum. Pirozzolo said he thinks that could be possible. "I would imagine it could be an option, if that's what's written into the policy and the policy allows for it, that's one thing that we will have to see and check up with our counsel but I do believe that that could be done," he said. Pirozzolo also addressed the survey results, thanking the community members and students who gave their feedback. "The community is a important part of this process," he said. High-speed rail has been a contentious topic, mainly due to the cost needed to construct new lines. In New York, there have been discussions over the years about adding high-speed rail service in upstate New York. But no progress has been made in bringing that to fruition. But supporters of high-speed rail believe the benefits outweigh the costs of these projects. In their letter to congressional leaders, lawmakers highlighted the job creation necessary for the construction phase and the development that will occur in cities and other communities near rail lines. The members of Congress noted that a Microsoft study examining the construction of a 250 mph high-speed rail line that would connect Oregon, Washington and British Columbia in Canada would generate an estimated $355 billion in economic benefits a 10-to-1 return on investment, according to the report. When President Joe Biden released his infrastructure plan, he included funding for passenger and freight rail. An agreement reached between Democratic and Republican senators would also provide federal funds for rail. However, the coalition in Congress is requesting a specific carve-out and increased funding for "high-speed rail corridor planning and development grants." The "Building Bridges" proposal is similar to what Katko and the Problem Solvers Caucus first unveiled in 2018. The central New York congressman shared copies of that proposal when he met with Biden at the White House in March. He distributed an updated version of the plan at a summit organized by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. Biden has made infrastructure a top priority in his first year in office. His proposal is much larger $4 trillion and has funding to address other issues, such as child care. While there is Democratic support for Biden's plan, Republicans have balked at the proposal because of its broader definition of infrastructure. The Problem Solvers Caucus is confident that there is bipartisan support for an infrastructure deal that can pass both houses of Congress. "We cannot miss this historic opportunity to show the American people that both sides of the aisle can work together to deliver real results for the nation," Fitzpatrick and Gottheimer said. "We look forward to continuing our discussions with the Biden administration in a bipartisan, bicameral manner on this physical infrastructure package to ensure that we can move this across the finish line." Politics reporter Robert Harding can be reached at (315) 282-2220 or robert.harding@lee.net. Follow him on Twitter @robertharding. Love 1 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. "We are encouraged that a federal mediator is involved in the negotiations to assist the parties given the challenging nature of the bargaining unit." The hospital revealed and Krause confirmed that there is an effort to decertify the union. A petition was circulated by some members and submitted to the National Labor Relations Board. Krause said there will be a vote soon and members will decide whether to keep the union. Employers can't be involved in the process it's against federal labor law but the hospital acknowledged that has "been made aware that a number of bargaining unit employees who work in the local doctor's office" are attempting to decertify the union. Krause said 1199SEIU believes the effort is due to management's bargaining tactics. "We think it's all connected," she said. "Anybody that's been fighting for a first contract for three years is going to be losing hope at this point. We think that dragging on this long was by design." To educate its members about the contract talks, 1199SEIU will hold informational pickets outside of some Auburn medical offices on Thursday. There are other outreach efforts to update workers. SALEM, Ore. (AP) Many of the dead were found alone, in homes without air conditioning or fans. Some were elderly one as old as 97. The body of an immigrant farm laborer was found in an Oregon nursery. As forecasters warned of a record-breaking heat wave in the Pacific Northwest and western Canada last weekend, officials set up cooling centers, distributed water to the homeless and took other steps. Still, hundreds of people are believed to have died from Friday to Tuesday. An excessive heat warning remained in effect for parts of the interior Northwest and western Canada Thursday. The death toll in Oregon alone reached 79, the Oregon state medical examiner said Thursday, with most occurring in Multnomah County, which encompasses Portland. In Canada, British Columbias chief coroner, Lisa Lapointe, said her office received reports of at least 486 sudden and unexpected deaths between Friday and Wednesday afternoon. Normally, she said about 165 people would die in the province over a five-day period. She said it was too soon to say with certainty how many deaths were heat related, but that it was likely the heat was behind most of them. The unfavorable view of Cuomo hit a record high in April, at 52 percent, in the midst of allegations ranging from his administration's handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes, sexual harassment allegations leveled by multiple women, and a $5 million book deal during the pandemic. His peak favorability was 77 percent in February 2011, his first year in office. State Attorney General Letitia James, who is leading an investigation into Cuomo and who some view as a potential candidate for governor, remains relatively unknown to New Yorkers. Nearly half of registered voters said they do not know her or have no opinion of her, in line with her recognition throughout the year. About a third of New Yorkers view her favorably, slightly down from earlier this year. A majority of New Yorkers say they would prefer someone other than Cuomo, if he were to run for governor in 2022. He could also face a challenger in a Democratic primary. The Republican Party's "presumptive nominee" is Suffolk County U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, a former state senator and an ally of former President Donald J. Trump. Regardless of the leadership, many New Yorkers continue to view the state as on the "right track," according to the poll, with 48 percent saying New York is heading in the right direction and 38 percent finding it's going in the wrong direction. In April 2020, as the pandemic was surging, a Siena Poll indicated 65 percent of New Yorkers believed the state was on the right track the highest since the college began polling that question in 2005. The lowest confidence was recorded in October at 14 percent. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Central New York has already had a number of days over 90 degrees and we are only a few days into summer. In our quest to cool off to beat the heat, some people forget about how animals cope with the heat. Cats and dogs have limited sweat glands compared to humans; they have a few sweat glands in their paws. Additionally they pant to cope with the heat, but that mechanism is not as efficient when the humidity level rises. Small, short-faced breeds such as pugs and Boston terriers have a more difficult time in high temps because of short nasal passages. The best courses of action to help your pets cope with the heat are to have plenty of fresh cool water available, keep them shaded, if possible provide air conditioning or have a fan running if they are kept indoors. If you have an outdoor dog, make certain the doghouse is out of the sun as much as possible as temps in a doghouse can be stifling. New York state law requires dogs to have adequate/proper shelter during inclement weather and high temps are included. We are super grateful the forest is closed. Since COVID hit we have been busier than we have ever been in the history of our shop. We are ready for it to slow down, McKendree said. Even the months that would have typically been considered an off-season for the bike shop remained busy during the pandemic, McKendree added. But the relief from the busy year could be short-lived as bicyclists realize it is the perfect opportunity for a tune-up. Traditionally, every time they close the forests here there is about a week of it slowing down. We start to play tourist guides, telling people no you cant ride here. McKendree said. And then after that week locals realize it is a good time to get their bike serviced. And while other business owners have not been as optimistic about the closures, most were supportive of the decision to close the forests even if it meant taking a hit to revenue. It has certainly been impactful, but we are definitely in support of trusting the emergency folks and we welcome any firefighting efforts or headquartering [near Fort Tuthill], Kent said. When they are around we feel very safe. As the type 1 incident team prepares to move on, fire managers reported the Rafael Fire at 72% containment. In a video posted to social media, incident commander Dave Bales thanked everyone who worked on the fire and said his team would be turning management of the fire back over to local officials on Friday morning. Throughout this event weve received nothing but support from local law enforcement agencies and just the communities of Williams, Flagstaff, Sedona, Camp Verde, Cottonwood; we appreciate everyones support throughout the entire incident, Bales said. According to fire managers, firefighters continue mop up efforts as they put out hotspots and are prepared to quickly suppress any new fires started by lightning strikes. On Tuesday, hand crews, with the aid of bucket drops from helicopters, worked in the Mooney Canyon area on a hotspot. Fairly heavy rain fell in the area of Whiting Ranch and a flash flood warning was issued for Sycamore canyon, although no flooding was reported, according to a media release. Smoke from burning interior fuels will continue to be visible for a few more days. The process of demobilizing crews and equipment will also continue. Birthday wishes Call 281-422-8302 or email david.bloom@baytownsun.com to wish someone a happy birthday. We will print your birthday wish on Page 2 of The Sun. Happy Birthday Wishes Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. Patrick Walker, who works as a concierge for the apartment building, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he heard a barrage of shots. Walker was at the building's front desk when he heard the shots and saw police come running through the doors. Employees and others in the lobby tried to find safety, he said. Walker then saw an officer being carried out by his arms and legs, bleeding so bad, he told the newspaper. Authorities did not immediately identify the officer or the person who was fatally shot. Anthony Crawford, a U.S. Army veteran, said he was at a nearby cafe when he heard what sounded like semi-automatic gunfire. His heart started racing. I just took off running, he said. He said he later saw the wounded officer taken out on a gurney with his face bandaged. He was sitting upright and responding. He looked like he was doing alright, he said. On the other side, defense attorney Todd Lancaster said that was evidence only of an effort to get rid of the body. "That's all it is. It's not something else depraved with some other heinous intention on the mind of whoever's disposing of that body," he said. Lancaster said in Nebraska mutilation cases rising to the death penalty have been limited to injuries while the victim still was alive. Not dismemberments after the victim's death, like here. And he asked the three-judge panel to look with skepticism at statements about torture and killing made months before Loofe's killing that the state was asking them to consider. "The evidence you're going to hear is obviously going to include statements and behaviors and acts done by Aubrey Trail," Lancaster said. "He is not the person that we are determining that these aggravating factors apply to today. It's the state of mind and actions of Bailey Boswell." Testimony began with FBI Special Agent Eli McBride and photos of the scenes where Loofe's remains had been scattered in ditches in rural Clay County and by afternoon moved to Dr. Michelle Elieff, the forensic pathologist who did the autopsy and concluded Loofe's death was caused by "homicidal means, including strangulation." The Nebraska State Patrol released the identity of a 58-year-old man killed in a shooting Tuesday. The patrol has identified the man as Larry Hunt. In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Morrill County Sheriff Milo Cardenas said officers with the Western Nebraska Intelligence and Narcotics Group (WING) with the assistance of Morrill County Sheriff's Deputies had been serving a warrant at a residence at 123 Second Avenue in Bayard. On Wednesday, the patrol released additional details in a press release alleging Hunt became combative with officers. The officers discharged their firearms striking him. Officers provided immediate medical aid to the subject, and Bayard ambulance personnel transported him to Regional West Medical Center. Nebraska State Patrol Troop E Capt. Kurt Von Minden said a special investigations team, with investigators assigned from throughout the state, has been assigned, as occurred recently when a shooting involving law enforcement officers occurred in Scottsbluff. Neighbors reported seeing Nebraska State Patrol officers arriving via helicopter at a park near the home Tuesday afternoon. How long the perimeter remains in place and the scene sealed depends on the investigation, Von Minden said. Investigators were mapping the area and collecting evidence. "Stay sober, because unruly and intoxicated behavior will only earn you a spot with the jailbirds rather than enjoying the beauty and adventure of Yellowstone. ATLANTA (AP) State law officers on Thursday identified the man who they say opened fire on two Atlanta police officers, hitting one of them in the face and shoulder, when their elevator opened in an apartment building where they were responding to a previous shooting. Joseph Lee Humbles, 29, of Atlanta was killed when the officers returned fire Wednesday afternoon in the citys Midtown area in an attack the city's mayor described as an ambush on the officers. The wounded officer, Khuong Thai, remained in stable condition at a hospital, Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant said at a Thursday briefing. He's in better spirits even today," Bryant said Thursday. When the chief visited with Thai a few hours after the shooting, he was sedated but able to speak with him and others. Thai has been on the force for about two years, Bryant said. On Thursday, Bryant said Thai was shot twice once in the face and also in the shoulder. Some of the harshest critics called for Rashad to be removed from her post, saying her apparent indifference to serial sexual assault allegations made her unfit for a position of authority over students. Jelani Cobb, a Columbia University journalism professor and frequent New Yorker magazine contributor, tweeted directly to Howard University, bluntly stating: This person should not be a Dean. Rashad's support for Cosby is not new. She had publicly defended him during his years-long legal battles. But the rise of the #Metoo movement and her new position at a prominent educational institution have contributed to the intense backlash as Cosby goes free. Hours after her tweet Wednesday, Rashad sent out a clarification, stating her sympathy for all survivors of sexual assault but not mentioning Cosby or his case. I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward. My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth," she wrote. "Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects. My heartfelt wish is for healing. For BLM to go along with APRs extremist proposal would be a radical departure from historic use of our public lands, he wrote in an email. BLM rangeland by law is reserved for livestock grazing, but APR has made it clear they have no intent to run their bison herd as livestock. Its clear BLM would be violating the Taylor Grazing Act if they approve APRs plan. Likewise, the Montana Stockgrowers Association expressed disapproval of the preliminary decision. We feel many of the request changes in the draft have significant resource impacts and have not been fully vetted or analyzed by the BLM, said Jim Steinbeisser, MSGA president. Modified APRs request for the change, along with a proposal to modify the permits season of use and to allow the reconstruction or removal of fences, was submitted to the BLM in 2019. That proposal was a reduction from an original application that sought year-round grazing across 290,000 acres. The first APR proposal drew more than 2,400 comments, prompting the group to make changes in an attempt to reduce locals concerns, while at the same time proving bison are not a problem. State and federal wildlife authorities are seeking who is responsible for cutting the head and paws off a grizzly bear that may have drowned and washed up on a gravel bar in the Yellowstone River north of Gardiner in mid-June. It could have been a purposeful take, or half innocent not knowing about the illegality, said Kevin Frey, FWP wildlife management specialist based in Bozeman. Theres a lot of interest in having the skull or claws off them. Possession of grizzly bear parts, since it is protected under the Endangered Species Act, is a violation of federal law. That means investigators from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are involved. The 25-year-old male bear was a known Yellowstone National Park resident, having been captured and tagged with the number 394. Gardiner sculptor George Bumann heard about the dead bear from a rafting guide and boated to the site to take measurements for his artwork. On June 11, he posted on his website a blog about the bear, along with several photos of its claws, paws and worn-down canine teeth, taking care to not identify where the bear was located. Noem said the drought, which she declared a state of emergency for earlier this week, is extremely concerning. She said the Black Hills have probably received the most moisture this year, but the rest of the state is devastated by the lack of moisture. Our ranchers are facing a decision within the next week or two on whether they need to sell whole herds of cattle, she said. A lot of farmers are cutting small grains for feed and selling it, and their corn and soybeans are drying up, too. Theyre a week or two away from losing everything and Id encourage everybody to pray for rain and to reach out to federal offices. Noem said the state is working to remove restrictions for hay hauling and ditch mowing to get through the difficult time together. She said there are also a number of federal disaster programs available for farmers and ranchers. Kools said her yard has been pretty dry, but knows nothing would probably happen if a fireworks show were held at Mount Rushmore and that precautions would be taken. She said she agrees with Noem that she has the right over President Joe Biden to decide whats best for her state. SALEM, Ore. (AP) The grim toll of the historic heat wave in the Pacific Northwest became more apparent as authorities in Canada, Oregon and Washington state said Wednesday they were investigating hundreds of deaths likely caused by scorching temperatures that shattered all-time records in the normally temperate region. British Columbias chief coroner, Lisa Lapointe, said her office received reports of at least 486 sudden and unexpected deaths between Friday and Wednesday. Normally, she said about 165 people would die in the Canadian province over a five-day period. While it is too early to say with certainty how many of these deaths are heat related, it is believed likely that the significant increase in deaths reported is attributable to the extreme weather, LaPointe said in a statement. Many homes in Vancouver, much like Seattle, dont have air conditioning, leaving people ill-prepared for soaring temperatures. "Vancouver has never experienced heat like this, and sadly dozens of people are dying because of it, Vancouver police Sgt. Steve Addison said in a statement. The first cutting of the alfalfa hay crop is about half complete -- slightly ahead of the average pace -- and more than half of the crop continues to be rated poor or very poor. Only 10% of the crop is rated in good condition. The weekly report rates 66% of topsoil moisture and 78% of subsoil moisture in North Dakota as being short or very short of moisture -- both slight improvements from the previous week. Forty-four percent of the state's staple spring wheat crop is rated in poor or very poor condition, down 6% over the week. About one-fourth of the corn crop and one-third of the soybean crop remain in those categories. Farmers and ranchers during recent drought meetings hosted by state and federal officials have spoken of wheat that is only 3 inches tall but already heading out. The head is where the grain kernels form. "Any time you have growth that's that minimal, your yield is going to be tied to it," said Tyler Kralicek, agriculture and natural resources agent in Burleigh County for North Dakota State University Extension. "The healthiness of the plant is severely diminished when it's that tall," he said. "Whatever grain development you're going to have is going to be minimal, as well." SIOUX FALLS, S.D. Gov. Kristi Noem's administration is guiding law enforcement officers not to honor Native American tribes' medical marijuana identification cards if they are not issued to tribe members. The guidance, released by the South Dakota Highway Patrol just hours before the voter-approved medical marijuana law took effect Thursday, sets up a potential conflict between prosecutors and the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, which has set up the state's first marijuana dispensary and plans to issue medical cannabis ID cards to anyone with a certified medical condition, the Argus Leader reported. People seeking medical cannabis ID cards in South Dakota currently only have the option to obtain one from a Native American tribe because the state will not begin issuing ID cards until November. However, the Highway Patrol's guidance also states that troopers should not arrest people who have no more than three ounces of pot if they have an ID card from another state or can show a statement from a doctor certifying they have been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition. While the guidance only officially applies to the Highway Patrol, it encouraged other law enforcement officers to follow it to promote consistency in enforcing the state's new laws on medical marijuana. Separately, his family's philanthropy, Willis and Reba Johnson's Foundation, typically gives $1 million or more a year to churches and charities including so-called abortion alternative services, disclosures show. According to U.S. Defense officials and tax experts, his foundation's donation to South Dakota is highly unorthodox but permissible. As South Dakota's governor, Noem has the legal authority to send her troops to Texas on state-activated duty, funded by the state, the defense officials said. The two states are also working within an existing emergency pact that allows them to send guard troops to each other when needed. Once in Texas, the South Dakota Guard troops would be under the Texas governors authority. Officials said that the private funding given to South Dakota did not go directly to the National Guard. Instead it goes into the state treasury, and the state has wide latitude over how the money can be spent. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations on state matters. The White House said the use and funding of the National Guard was the governors prerogative. The Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for comment. Whether or not we view taxation as having moral downsides and bearing a moral weight has significant implications for the proper size of government and can make a world of difference in public policy decisions. [] As Congress works on a $6 trillion spending bill that would be funded by higher taxes and increasing the national debt, Americans should be asking themselves: When is taxation morally permissible? Taxation is justified only when the moral benefits of the programs these tax dollars fund outweigh the moral costs, or downsides. Taxation has Moral weight, by which I mean it requires good justification in order to be morally permissible. Laying off an employee is another example of an action with moral weight: Sometimes it is morally permissible or even right to lay off an employee, but only when done after a cautious and solemn analysis of the moral costs involved. Whether or not we view taxation as having moral downsides and bearing a moral weight has significant implications for the proper size of government and can make a world of difference in public policy decisions. Here are three often overlooked reasons why taxation has a moral weight. First, taxation infringes private property rights. In most cases, it coerces people to turn over their property against their will. It forcibly takes what rightfully belongs to someone, whether that money was earned through ones own labor or received as a gift. For this reason, while taxation is not morally equivalent to theft, it is fair to call taxation a cousin of theft. The same moral problem we have with theft should lead us to use taxation cautiously. Second, taxation has a large opportunity cost. People use their money to take care of their families, pursue their passions and dreams, and donate to charities they support. The more money the government takes from someone, the less that person has to pursue these ends. Taxes are usually supposed to fund services that provide a fair amount of value back to the taxpayer. But a moral analysis of taxation should consider not just the value gained through government expenditures, but the value that would have been gained if that money had not been taken. If the government took less money, more would be given to charities, reinvested in businesses, and spent in our communities. Third, taxation violates freedom of conscience. Regardless of who you are, there are likely government expenditures that you disagree with on moral grounds. Controversial government expenditures have included wars in the Middle East, construction of a Mexico-United States border wall, funding of Planned Parenthood, and Guantanamo Bay. The point here is not that these expenditures are in fact immoral. Rather, because a large percentage of taxpayers deeply believe these expenditures are immoral, these uses of tax dollars violate many Americans rights of conscience. Suppose Abigail pickpockets Amirs wallet. This is an immoral action. But now suppose that Amir is a devout Muslim who believes that pork consumption is immoral, and that Abigail donates the money in Amirs wallet to a pork lobby. Doing this would make Abigails action even more objectionable. The government likewise bears an additional moral weight when it spends tax revenue on expenditures that violate many of its citizens ethical or religious beliefs. These reasons show that while taxation is sometimes necessary and morally permissible, it should only be implemented after a careful moral analysis of the tradeoffs involved. This understanding should drive a conversation on reforming the tax system. Consumption taxes and lotteries, each with their own problems, seek to reduce the involuntary nature of taxation and thereby solve the first moral weight discussed. Taxing the rich is often proposed to reduce the second moral weight, since the richer someone is, the less utility they will generally derive from additional money. Reconsidering highly controversial government programs may reduce the third moral weight. No tax system, however, can entirely avoid the three moral issues discussed. A moral government will therefore tax its citizens only to fund expenditures with necessity and moral worth that outweigh the moral weight on the other side of the scale. A Midsummer Nights Walk takes groups of 25 patrons through various locations in Delaware Park to see selected scenes from Shakespeares romantic comedy, A Midsummer Nights Dream. The show has been produced with affable charm and energy, ingeniously disguising the fact that the idea was born of a crisis. This is Shakespeare in Delaware Parks playfully inventive response to the uncertainty of the pandemic. Staging full productions of Shakespeare is expensive and takes about a year. The cost of assembling the outdoor stage, alone, is breathtaking. Last summer the venerable festival was obliged to derail its season, except for an evening of small excerpts from Shakespeares plays. With news from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization changing by the hour, it seemed wise to prepare for any contingency. And so, Shakespeare in Delaware Park devised this variation on its usual format, taking advantage of their Delaware Park setting and creating a special experience for smaller groups who could be masked or unmasked as the protocols required. As I stood there above the river, that duality took on a visceral form. A presence. There was a moment. The rational mind might have insisted otherwise. But there was a moment. In a flash, I felt the power of the land and the presence of those who had passed through it. Not in some Hallmark Channel, neatly wrapped-with-a-bow manner. But through a strong and deep mini-epiphany that was both exhilarating and profoundly sad. A location-aware experience Last summer, Artpark became one of the few venues in the region to find a way to engage its audience during the thick of the pandemic, when social distancing and reduced capacity were mandatory realities. Part of that summers unique programming included a collaboration with genre-bending composers and multimedia artists the Holladay Brothers, renowned for their forward-looking work in the world of location-aware musical compositions that employ GPS technology to curate experiences for listeners tailored to their geographic surroundings. Dubbed Cover the Water, the location-specific, ever-morphing ambient composition accompanies the listener on a lengthy trek through trails that mirror the snaking path of the Niagara River. WKBW-TV (Channel 7) anchor Keith Radford reacted to a video tribute from his co-workers on his final day at the station Wednesday in a typical self-deprecating manner. Are you sure this is me all those people are talking about? Radford joked to co-anchor Ashley Rowe, who presided over the 30-minute celebration of his almost 34-year career at Eyewitness News. The celebration started with Rowes interview with Radford in which he illustrated the same "Whats all-the-fuss-about?" manner as he did in my interview with him published Sunday. The camera loved him, proclaimed Rowe, referring to his early days in TV. Thats because he was the same in front of the cameras as he was off camera. Rowe led Radford down memory lane. As he did with me, Radford teared up talking about the late Jason Dunham of Scio, a Medal of Honor recipient who covered a grenade with his body to save the lives of fellow Marines in 2004. The prerecorded interview was the only time Radford teared up on a night in which he anchored his final newscast at 5:30 p.m. in the same professional manner that he has in 33-plus years. In other words, he exhibited his work ethic right up to the minute the celebration began at 6 p.m. In a typical year, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz would host his annual State of the County address in a large, public auditorium and invite elected officials and community leaders to join him as he reviewed the county's accomplishments and new priorities. But, as with everything else, this is not a typical year. So as the county emerges from the Covid-19 crisis, this year's State of the County address looks very different. Instead of hosting a full-house event in the auditorium of the Buffalo History Museum, Burchfield-Penney Art Center or Buffalo Museum of Science, as he has done in past years, Poloncarz's State of the County address is prerecorded and posted to YouTube for today's release. Instead of standing up on stage before a PowerPoint presentation at the Albright-Knox auditorium, like he did in 2019 the last time he held a live State of the County event Poloncarz opted for a 19-minute video, complete with piano music, photo cut-ins and animated graphics. The night before Quentin Suttles was sentenced to four years in prison on a gun possession charge, a party was held to send him off. Byron Brown can't overcome India Walton after absentee ballots counted Walton picked up 505 absentee votes, while Brown had 1,002, according to the Erie County Board of Elections, which counted the absentees today. Suttles' name was one of those evoked amid Black Lives Matter protests in Buffalo last year after video circulated on social media of him being punched by a Buffalo police officer during an arrest while he was out on the gun charge. But it wasn't Suttles who got all the attention at his party Sunday night. Some of it went to his cousin India Walton. Walton five days earlier had stunned Buffalo's political establishment and became a national figure when she defeated four-time incumbent Mayor Byron Brown in the Democratic primary. Walton said she stopped by the party to show her support for a family member facing a difficult situation. "My reputation in this community is one of helping and of care, OK? And I wanted to stop by to let his girlfriend know that she has support in the community and I wanted him to keep his head up and make the best use of the time that he has to sit, get some skills, stay out of trouble, and be prepared to come home and be great and take care of his family and his children," Walton told The Buffalo News. Walton said she would have gone to the party regardless of what happened in the primary. "These are people that I grew up with and my responsibility first is to my community, and that is where politics ends with me," she said. Walton, whose victory has made her a hero of the progressive movement, has made it clear that she is no ordinary politician. A self-proclaimed democratic socialist who vows to "put people first," she said her life growing up poor on the East Side, being a single mother of four boys, being a nurse and a community organizer and having firsthand experience being arrested by Buffalo police has prepared her for this moment as she faces a write-in campaign from an emboldened Brown in the general election on Nov. 2. "I wasn't surprised. We planned for this. We knew that he wasn't going to go down quietly ...," she said. As Brown officially announced his plans for the write-in effort, interest in Walton's past has grown. Walton, who has promised a transparent campaign and administration, answered a broad range of questions about her life in an interview with The News at her campaign office on Jefferson Avenue. Pregnant in high school Walton, whose maiden name is India Suttles, was born in Buffalo. She was one of six children being raised by her mother. She attended elementary school at the former Lincoln Academy on Broadway and later Loraine Elementary School in South Buffalo, and said she finished with a nearly perfect grade point average. "I've always been intelligent, but oftentimes my smarts got the best of me," she said. Walton said she was a freshman at Leonardo da Vinci High School when she got pregnant. "It slowed me down. It saved my life. It made me a lot more thoughtful about the decisions that I was making because they affected someone who was completely dependent upon me and my success for their own life," Walton said. Walton said she decided that she didn't want her or her baby to be a burden on her family, so she voluntarily moved into a home for teenage mothers at Our Lady of Victory. "I was able to attend school and know that my child was well taken care of," Walton said. She lived there for two years and then faced a decision: either go to school full time or drop out and work full time to support her child while getting a GED. She opted for the latter. She was working on that GED when she got pregnant by her now ex-husband. When she was 24 weeks pregnant with twins, she was in a car crash and went into premature labor, she said. Both of her babies weighed less than 2 pounds at birth and spent six months in the old Children's Hospital on Bryant Street. But the experience as a mother of prematurely born children led to a life-changing decision for her: She said she received kindness and support, but at the same time saw how poor people of color can be treated differently in the health care system. "I felt a lot of times like I was not a member of my child's care team, that decisions were made without consulting me or without fully explaining what was happening," she said. A trusted nurse told her that if she didn't like what she was experiencing, she should herself become a nurse. Arrested at work Walton enrolled in courses through BOCES to become a licensed practical nurse. When she completed that program, she took a job as a pediatric home care nurse and went back to school at Erie Community College to become a registered nurse with plans to work in Children's Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She was hired as an RN in January 2008. But Walton said she resigned from the job following a series of tumultuous events around 2014. "I was in the process of leaving my husband," she said. Walton said she was being bullied on social media by co-workers at the hospital, one woman in particular. "I told her that we are professionals and we're adults and if she wanted to have a conversation we should do it in person and not via social media," Walton said. A short time later, Walton took a leave of absence because she was going on disability for surgery, she said. "When I came back to work, I found out that she had filed for an order of protection," Walton said. The notification for Walton to appear in court on the matter had been mailed unbeknownst to her to her soon-to-be ex-husband's home, Walton said. A warrant was issued for her arrest for failing to show up. Walton said she went to the human resources office at Children's Hospital. "I was arrested. I was humiliated. I've never been arrested and I was put in a jail cell until I was able to see a judge later on that day," she said. Buffalo police records show she was arrested June 27, 2014, on a warrant for a violation, second-degree harassment for physical contact. Walton denies touching the woman who accused her of the harassment. The woman did not return a phone call from The News. "I just wanted it to go away, so I took an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal and I went about my business," Walton said. Erie County records show no criminal convictions on her record. Resigns from nursing She then went to work as a nurse in the Buffalo Public Schools, which had a contract with Kaleida Health. In 2017, Walton said she was on an approved family leave from the job to take care of one of her sons when she was invited to a conference about community organizing that was being held in Spain. "So I called my sister and I asked her to look after my child while I went to Barcelona for three days for a professional development opportunity. Kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing, right? Young girl who grew up on the East Side, and I get a chance to attend an international conference about how to make the place I live better and learn from some of the best in the field. I kind of didn't want to pass it up," she said. When Kaleida officials learned about the trip, Walton said she was threatened with termination and a union representative suggested she resign, which Walton said she did. She said leaving the job "felt like it was a blessing because it allowed me to pursue what I really wanted to do and that was work on policy and be able to impact my community at a broader scale." Kaleida Health confirmed Walton worked for the network as a registered nurse, but a spokesman would not comment on the allegations. Food stamp fraud alleged In 2015, she heard about a new program offered by Open Buffalo, a nonprofit dedicated to social and economic justice issues called "Emerging Leaders" that taught people how to be community organizers. She applied and was accepted to the four-month program. "It had huge impact on my life," Walton said. She would go on to teach the class and then worked on criminal justice reform, police transparency and accountability and legalization of adult use of marijuana through Open Buffalo. She also became involved in the Fruit Belt community and became the founding executive director of the Fruit Belt Community Land Trust "to develop permanently affordable housing," according to her campaign website. Walton faced some financial issues early in her life. Erie County records show she was accused of food stamp fraud in 2004 and paid back $295, and a $749 state tax lien was placed on her and her ex-husband in 2008, as first reported Tuesday by WKBW. Walton said that in the past, she prepared her taxes herself because she couldn't afford an accountant. "At age 22 I made an honest mistake filing my taxes that resulted in a penalty that I promptly paid off. Additionally, when I was receiving food stamps, I was overpaid and had my wages garnished to pay back the difference," she said. She added that those are the kind of financial issues many people in Buffalo face all the time. "We understand just how expensive it can be to be poor in this country. I ran for mayor to make it easier for working people to get by and so that residents of Buffalo dont have to struggle like I did," Walton said. The campaign ahead Walton knows the next four months will not be easy, but she knows she has support. Monday, after Brown's announcement about his write-in effort, her campaign raised close to $40,000 in new donations from around the country. Tuesday afternoon, a crowd approaching about 100 people gathered at a rally in Niagara Square, right in front of City Hall. "India! India! India!" they chanted. "I think that our campaign slogan "Real, resilient and ready" these things that are coming out that are meant to be used against me, it's proof that I am real," she said. "I am definitely resilient, and I am ready. I'm prepared to take on the challenges that the majority of Buffalonians are facing, and I'm not going to back down, I'm not going to cower and I'm not ashamed. These are conversations that more of us should be having." News staff reporter Patrick Lakamp contributed to this article. Maki Becker The Buffalo News: Good Morning, Buffalo The smart way to start your day. We sift through all the news to give you a concise, informative look at the top headlines and must-read stories every weekday. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. The Village of Williamsville is seeking input from residents about its waterfront plans along Ellicott Creek. The village's Waterfront Advisor Committee will conduct the sessions in preparation of Williamsville's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, which intends to "enable waterfront communities to evaluate land use and waterfront resources and develop a comprehensive strategy to effectively manage and protect those resources," according to a release. The village will hold three outreach sessions on Saturdays during the summer, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on July 10, Aug. 7 and Sept. 11, near the front of Village hall, 5565 Main St. The sessions are being held in conjunction with the weekly Williamsville Farmers Market, held next door in the parking lot of the Williamsville library. The village said the outreach will give it an opportunity to provide information about Williamsville's LWRP, while also gathering feedback from the community about ideas to improve the waterfront along the Ellicott Creek corridor. "The goal is to develop a local program that effectively protects important resources along Ellicott Creek and recognizes opportunities for public improvements," according to a news release. Among the examples cited in FINRA's settlement was the suicide of a 20-year-old customer last year. A note found after his death said he was confused about how he could have used borrowed money to trade when he thought he had turned off that feature. The day before he died, Robinhood showed the customer that his cash balance was negative $730,165.72, when it was actually negative $365,530.60. FINRA said he was one of more than 800,000 customers that Robinhood allowed to make certain kinds of trades that could automatically trigger the use of borrowed money, even if they had turned off the ability to trade on margin." He was also an example of the more than 135,000 customers where Robinhoods website and mobile app gave inaccurate numbers for their cash balances from December 2019 to June 2020. FINRA also accused Robinhood of using approval bots, with only limited oversight, to decide whether to allow customers to trade options. Such trades can be riskier than simply buying stocks, with the potential for quicker and bigger losses. FINRA said those bots often approved customers based on inconsistent or illogical information." They gave the OK to some customers who were younger than 21 but also said they had more than three years of experience in trading options, for example. Is Chris Jacobs a man utterly without conviction? Like a feather in a hurricane, he blows with the political winds, oblivious to principle. In December, the Orchard Park Republican rightly declined to support an insane Republican lawsuit meant to steal the election from Joe Biden who, as even Donald Trumps former attorney general, Bill Barr, acknowledged this week, actually won. Only weeks later, he reversed himself and voted not to certify electors for Biden, siding instead with the insurrectionists who had just overrun Capitol in an effort to intimidate Congress into doing as Trump wanted. That people died didnt matter to Jacobs. In May, he surprised many by voting with just 34 other House Republicans to create an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the insurrection. The measure died in the Senate, where Republicans filibustered the bill. They didnt think the attempted overthrow of the government was worth their time. This week, Jacobs reversed himself again, this time voting against the creation of a bipartisan House committee that will be charged with doing what the proposed independent committee would have done: Digging into the roots of the lethal assault on the nations Capitol. Why wouldnt Republicans want to do that? Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw, a Republican who never misses a chance to criticize a Democrat, called Chimeras situation an example of a corrupt, double-dipping system. In reality, double dipping would be if Chimera could collect her teachers pension and a pension from the Legislature after leaving that body, but state law prohibits that. Chimera was advised by state pension administrators to make use of the loophole by resigning from the Legislature and she was fully transparent in her resignation letter. Chimera would not have faced such a quandary if her new job was with a private employer that did not do business with New York State. In that scenario there would be no restrictions on her earnings while she continued to collect her teaching pension. The News story pointed out that a Republican member of the Chautauqua County Legislature made a similar move to collect his state pension after retiring from his job as an aide in the State Senate. Kevin Muldowney resigned in February of last year, then was reappointed to the same job the next month. He also needed to temporarily resign from his job as a part-time assessor for the Town of Pomfret. Muldowney won re-election to the County Legislature seat last November. How to Get Better Sleep How to Sleep Like a Rock The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. Product photos from retailer sites. The old message was that you need eight hours of sleep each night, no matter who you are. The new message? Its more nuanced. Recent research shows a wide range of true sleep needs in the United States: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society officially recommend that most healthy adults get between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. However, there are always exceptions, with some people needing a bit more or less. So how can you know your own sleep need? It starts with paying closer attention. Ideally over time you can figure out the usual number of hours you get in a 24-hour period. If you can sustain that number, the next question is, How do you feel when youre getting that number? I would say the vast majority of people in this country have no idea what their sleep need is, says Donn Posner PhD., president of Sleepwell Consultants and an adjunct clinical associate professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. The reason? Sleep insufficiency. To get a true read on your natural sleep need, you must give yourself adequate opportunity to sleep. Sleep has to be important, because every living animal on the planet down to insects sleep, and sleep is dangerous from an evolutionary standpoint, so it must confer something essential. Otherwise, we wouldn't be doing it, says Posner, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and a founding member of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine. Whats more, a recent Northwestern University study found that deep sleep has an ancient, restorative power to clear waste, such as potentially toxic proteins, from the brain. Waste clearance could be important for maintaining brain health or for preventing neurogenerative disease, according to the studys authors. That said, insomnia, as a reaction to stress, also played an important part in our evolutionary history, simply because sleep puts us in such a vulnerable position. As a stress response, not sleeping is normal. Its over time that insomnia becomes a problem, one that can sneak up on us. RELATED: Sleep Apnea: What It Is And How To Treat It What Is Insomnia? Possibly the most crucial piece of the sleep puzzle is defining the term insomnia. To truly understand what it is, you first need to know that there are two types of insomnia, chronic and acute, notes Posner. Lets start with chronic insomnia. There are a few layers to identifying it: What it is Associated symptoms Frequency Duration What It Is: Chronic insomnia is trouble getting to sleep, maintaining sleep or waking too early. Associated Symptoms: Insomnia really should be thought of as a 24-hour problem, not just a nighttime problem, says Posner. As a result of having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking too early, insomnia brings on associated symptoms that can show up in different ways such as feeling fatigued, experiencing concentration issues, memory problems, proneness for errors, stomach upset or headaches. If none of those things exists, you don't have insomnia even if you're not sleeping in the middle of the night, says Posner. Frequency: It doesnt stop there. A troublesome combination of the events above needs to take place at a frequency of more than three days per week. Duration: Once youre experiencing three or more nights of problems each week, with associated daytime symptoms for more than three months thats chronic insomnia. So what about acute insomnia? Same as the above, but for three months or less. Acute insomnia can be caused by any kind of stressor, good or bad. This includes jet lag, a tight deadline at work, or having a new partner in bed. All of that is normal and what you hope is that when the stressor remits, you adapt to it or you treat it and the insomnia goes away, says Posner. The problem is once the insomnia is chronic, it is no longer likely to go away when the stressor remits. Its taken on a life of its own. Thats when most people try to self-treat and begin leaning on compensatory behaviors like sleeping in, missing work, and using substances, all of which throw off their natural sleep factors so much that the insomnia keeps going year after year. When Is It Time to Seek Help for Insomnia? You should seek help after one or two weeks, says Posner. I've always said we should have a series of public service announcements out there that says, Don't let this linger. We should treat acute insomnia just like an infection. Normally, insomnia is treated more like pain than an infection. The root cause is sought out first and things like medication are prescribed on an as-needed basis. But according to Posner, the ideal is to act fast, before you start to develop compensatory behaviors, and head off chronic insomnia before it has a chance to settle. I'm not trying to scare anybody. When you start thinking about all the terrible things that sleep deprivation will do to you over time, that's really long term stuff, says Posner. You're not developing Alzheimer's this year because you didn't sleep all year long. The idea is not to panic, but also not to let this go. If your sleep problems are getting in the way of your daily functioning, you should seek medical help, says Rajkumar (Raj) Dasgupta, MD. Dr. Raj is the Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. What to Say to Your Doctor If You Cant Sleep So what do you do if this is you? Start with your primary care physician, but ask for a referral to a sleep specialist, says Posner. He suggests saying, "I've got a sleep problem and I don't want to just get on sleeping pills. Who are the specialists that you send people to?" If you want to do the research on your own, you can visit the Society for Behavioral Sleep Medicine or SleepEducation.org to find a behavioral sleep specialist or a sleep center near you. You do not automatically need to undergo an overnight sleep study for insomnia, Posner adds. Whats important is being assessed by a sleep physician at a sleep center. How to Maintain a Good Nights Sleep Wake up on a schedule: For these people who are already sleeping well, the number one way to keep doing that is to wake up at the same time, at least five days a week, says Posner. Wake time is the anchor, not bedtime. Light exposure is how you set your internal clock. This is why when people start getting up at different times, they feel jetlagged; a common issue during COVID when rigid work schedules suddenly became relaxed. Dasgupta suggests maintaining good sleep hygiene by making sleep a priority during the work week. Catching up on your sleep during the weekend may not be enough to stave off the effects of sleep loss, he says. Eat regularly: Next is to have the same number of meals at roughly the same time each day. When you're going to bed at night, your brain is going to ask, How many meals were there? Is it bedtime yet? says Posner. RELATED: What Is a Sleep Divorce? Exercise around the same time each day: Exercise is the same as meals. It should fall at roughly the same time each day. Separate night from day: Finally, nighttime should be marked. Two hours before bedtime, keep electronic use to a minimum and use blue light filters, says Posner. Blue light inhibits the body from naturally falling asleep and further impacts sleep quality, says Dasgupta. He recommends turning off electronics 3060 minutes before bedtime, silencing your notifications, and charging your devices away from your bed so you are not tempted to look at social media or news alerts. Many people keep their cell phones or televisions on overnight, he says. This can be highly distracting. At least one hour before bedtime stop working and do quieter activities that relax you. This last part is important. If watching the evening news stresses you out, this is not the time to do it. How to Get Better Sleep If Youre Having Trouble Dont Compensate: Once trouble has begun, dont compensate for a bad nights sleep, says Posner. This is precisely when you need to buckle down; Getting up at your normal wake time is more important than ever. Of course your instinct after a bad nights sleep is to sleep in; the very type of compensatory behavior that causes you to throw off your circadian rhythm. Posners advice: Get up at the same time regardless of how you slept. Don't Alter Your Schedule: People with chronic insomnia start to say, I had a lousy night last night. I can't get that report done today because I'll probably screw it up, says Posner. But when they go to bed the next night, they have more work on their plate, which stresses them. Get Out of Bed: If you are lying awake the next night, get out of bed. You should never be in bed more than 20 minutes awake. Dont read, write, eat or watch TV in bed, says Dasgupta. Instead of dwelling on the fact that you cant sleep, get up and do a relaxing activity someplace else. If anybody is on their sofa watching TV and it's hard for them to stay awake and then they get into bed and they're wide awake, that's called conditioned insomnia, says Posner. Because you've spent so many hours in bed in misery, you've conditioned your bed to become a trigger for sleeplessness. Watch Your Substances: Your time out of bed does not include turning to any beloved substances. Alcohol might make you drowsy, but it will wear off in the middle of the night and fragment sleep. Nicotine is a stimulant, so try not to smoke two hours before bed or in the middle of the night if possible. In the morning, caffeine is okay, but remember that it has a half-life of five to six hours. Dont drink coffee after lunch, says Dasgupta. It can lead to tossing and turning all night. Dont Force It: If you can't sleep, do not try to force it. Your body isnt betraying you. Remember that acute insomnia is a normal response to stress, says Posner. It's a call to arms. Are Any Products Helpful for Beating Insomnia? Posner does not recommend any special products, due to the rhythm of insomnia. Remember the definition of three or more days a week, he says. Even chronic insomnia has a pattern of a few bad nights followed by a good one. This will be the case no matter what products you use, which means everything will seem to work sometimes. Dasgupta shared a similar message. If someone finds that a weighted blanket or special earplugs help them fall asleep, they can feel free to use them! he says. Otherwise, theres no reason someone would require additional products other than a comfortable bed in a bedroom that is cool and quiet. The most important thing to do is seek specialized help. According to a recent survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, more than half of Americans say they have experienced an increase in sleep disturbances since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, yet, only 20% of people indicated that they would contact a sleep center to address a sleep disorder. Sleep hygiene is like dental hygiene, says Posner. It's brushing and flossing. But once you get a cavity, all the brushing and flossing in the world isn't going to fix the cavity. Our Favorite Sleep Aids No one product will cure your insomnia, but there are a few options that people have found consistently helpful over the years, from special drinks to favorite blankets. Here are some of the best options you can use to prepare yourself for a good nights sleep: Best Sleep Tea Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra The right tea can help you relax before bed time, and the actual act of drinking it can become a ritual that prepares your mind for rest. We love Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra, which is blended with both chamomile and valerian root (long used as a natural sleep aid). It tastes delicious and helps soothe your body before bedtime. Promising Review: I drink one of these every night. I have terrible insomnia and it takes me hours to fall asleep. Then I don't stay asleep. I drink this a few hours before bed and I find I fall asleep way faster, sometimes only an hour or two after lying down, which is wonderful. Along with a weighted blanket and a sleep mask, the combo is really helping me sleep and get better sleep. I also don't know if it's related, but I haven't had a cold or anything all year, and it's December now. P. Ferdinand $20.28 at Amazon.com Best Weighted Blanket Waowoo Weighted Blanket (15lbs) Why do weighted blankets work? Theres no clear explanation yet, but people have advanced many probable ones: the comforting sensation they provide, the sense of restricted movement, or even the security of feeling tucked in to a greater degree. Still, not all weighted blankets are equal. Waowoos offering provides weight and support without overheating you, thanks to the premium fabrics and multi-layered construction. Promising Review: This blanket is so nice!!! I tend to get cold easily at night and everyone else likes to keep the house cool, so I needed a big heavy blanky to crawl under when Im freezing. I really didnt expect the material to be this soft. The weight is really evenly distributed, like its sewn into place and will not bunch up over time. I like that the case it came in is reusable for storage too during the hottest parts of summer when it will go under the bed. Chel $39.99 at Amazon.com Best Sleep Mask Unimi Sleep Mask 3D Ideally, your bedroom will be a quiet, pitch-black place, since light and sound both keep your brain alert and interfere with your natural sleep rhythms. But we dont live in an ideal world. If you like in a city, chances are good youve got a lot of light bleeding into your apartment, even in the early hours of the morning. The solution is a high-quality sleep mask, and Unimis offering fits the bill. Its glass bead interior keeps your face relaxed, even through long hours of wearing, while the 3D design doesnt agitate your eyes. Promising Review: Great mask! I have chronic insomnia and this sleep mask feels so luxurious and soft! Even though it is weighted, and I was concerned about it feeling heavy and uncomfortable, it is neither heavy nor hot. It can be easily packed for travel and I dont plan to be without it in the future. Im very impressed with the quality and how comfortable this sleep mask truly is! It is also adjustable and will accommodate most head shapes. I will recommend this sleep mask to my girlfriends and purchase a new one whenever my current one needs to be replaced but this is durable material and I dont anticipate needing to replace it anytime soon! TEXAS1206 $17.99 at Amazon.com Best Ear Plugs Flents Ear Plugs (50 Count) Light is an obvious obstacle to a good nights sleep, but excess noise is even worse. Late-night construction, loud neighbors, partying college students, a snoring spouse the list of potential noise sources is endless, which is why its a great idea to keep these Flents Ear Plugs on hand. Theyre extremely comfortable, and quickly mold to the unique shape of your ear, and with a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) rating of 33, theyll shut out most noises and offer you a blissful silence. Promising Review: I purchased these ear plugs because I suffer from something called annoying neighbors syndrome. I'm not entirely certain of their activities, but I would liken the sounds coming from below and across from my apartment to that of an auto shop or a construction site, perhaps even an airplane hanger. It's particularly horrendous in the evening. Therefore, I have resulted to ear plugs to ensure I get a somewhat worthwhile night of sleep. The contour capabilities of these ear plugs make them incredibly comfortable to wear and the lime green color is particularly stylish, if looks are important while you sleep.... After inserting the ear plugs and allowing them to adjust, silence befell my bedroom. I was able to sleep free from the obnoxious noises that surround my apartment. My only complaint is perhaps these ear plugs work a little too well. I missed my alarm... by an hour and a half. For a full 90 minutes my phone alarm was ring-dingling away and the ear plugs blocked every bit of noise. After the initial panic of being late for work wore off, I was slightly amused that my neighbors had to listen to my alarm while I, for once, slept through their douchbaggery. These will be the only ear plugs I wear from now on. And I'm considering a louder alarm, so suggestions would be helpful. Claire $14.99 at Amazon.com Best App for Sleeping Better Sleep Cycle If you only want one app for better sleep, make it Sleep Cycle. It analyzes your sleep patterns, uses smart alarm technology to wake you up at the ideal moment, and offers a variety of soothing sounds, relaxing bedtime stories (often read by celebrities with great voices), and even data-based insights into your unique sleep patterns, all to help you perfect your sleep schedule and wake up feeling more rested. Promising Review: Am I a morning person? No, absolutely not. Alas, I have a full twelve hour schedule that requires me to be up and ready pretty early in the morning but actually waking the hell up? My body thinks thats a hilarious concept. Im naturally a very deep sleeper, but Im also a night owl who prefers staying up late, so often times Ill find myself in bed from anywhere between 10:30 pm - 12:00 am and then Ill have to wake up at about 6:30 am so I can properly get ready for school and then work afterwards. As a college student with 17 credits its very hard to not be tired. I decided I needed something to help me wake up easier, since sleeping through alarms or waking up a bleary mess and falling back asleep was just not working for me. I gave this a shot as a last ditch attempt and what would you know? It worked. I just used this app once, last night at the time of writing this and boy am I satisfied. I didnt think it would work on me to be entirely honest, but it did and I woke up feeling a lot better than I wouldve with an alarm jolting me awake. This alarm is gradual and soft and even when its time for you to wake up it doesnt fee invasive and obnoxious. Im looking forward to using it continuously! canipleasejustsum Find out more at SleepCycle.com You Might Also Dig: AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. To find out more, please read our complete terms of use. DUBLIN, July 01, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Egypt Tobacco Market- Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2020 - 2025)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Egypt Tobacco Market is expected to register a CAGR of 7.16% during the forecast period of 2020-2025. Changing lifestyle, continuous product innovation in terms of flavor, size, ingredients, nicotine level, coupled with consumer's belief that smoking reduces stress and anxiety, are some of the major factors propelling the growth of the market studied. Additionally, factors, such as consumer knowledge and increase in awareness of products and services, through social media, like Facebook and other sources, coupled with the advent of digital media, are educating consumers about the benefits of low tar, low nicotine, organic, and smokeless products. This, in turn, is driving the demand for e-cigarette and other advanced tobacco products. Key Market Trends Rising Popularity For Low Tar, Nicotine Products To reduce the use of conventional/combustible cigarettes, consumers in the region are increasingly using e-cigarettes, snuff, and low tar cigarette products concurrently. Also, as e-cigarettes mimic the experience of smoking conventional/combustible cigarettes, consumers are significantly using them to satisfy their nicotine dependency, is driving the market. Furthermore, e-cigarettes, snus, and other products have lower levels of the carcinogen compared to combustible smokers. In addition, increasing cases of tobacco-related cancer across the region and most cases being related to cigarette smoking has resulted in the public looking for alternatives. Moreover, E-cigarettes do not produce the tar that is produced by regular cigarettes, which is the main cause of lung cancer. According to the World Health Organization, the age adjusted death rate is 7.59 per 100,000 population due to lung cancer in the market. Shisha Segment is Growing At The Fastest Pace Story continues Shisha is a traditional tobacco product, and/or flavored, syrupy used in hookah or waterpipe which is also known as Shisha maassel. According to a study on shisha smokers conducted by Central Agency For Public Mobilization and Statistics, 81 % were found to be spending 10% of their income on daily shisha consumption. Moreover, the prevalence rate of their smoking shisha is relatively higher than other tobacco products, with a regular rate of 8.7%. Moreover, younger adults who smoke shisha tend to smoke more often with friends, and it is a popular social activity among the consumers in the market. Furthermore, most of the female shisha (waterpipe smokers) consumer had the perception of the product as fashionable and believed that waterpipes are less harmful than cigarettes. Smoke apple, watermelon, strawberry, orange coffee, and other flavored shisha are growing in the market. Thus, owing to the high market potential, foreign brands are investing to. For example, Japan Tobacco Inc. has acquired Al Nakhla Tobacco Company a major shisha/molasses company and widened its brand portfolio in the segment. Competitive Landscape The tobacco market in Egypt is competitive with the presence of various regional and global players in the market. The well-established companies and imported brands have higher availability across retail shelves in the country. The Eastern Tobacco Company (ETC) holds a significant share in the Egyptian tobacco market, with the share of 55%, followed by Phillip Morris International and British American Tobacco. The Egyptian e-cigarette market is low on competition with the presence of imported/foreign brands operating in the segment. In the market studied, well-established companies, with known brands attached to their business profiles, have a higher penetration across speciality retailers, mostly on account of business expansion as well as operating businesses through online channels. Key Topics Covered: 1 INTRODUCTION 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3.1 Market Overview 4 MARKET DYNAMICS 4.1 Market Drivers 4.2 Market Restraints 4.3 Porter's Five Forces Analysis 5 MARKET SEGMENTATION 5.1 By Product Type 5.1.1 Cigarette 5.1.2 E-Cigarette 5.1.3 Shisha 5.1.4 Smokeless Tobacco 5.1.5 Other Product Types 5.2 By Beverage Type 5.2.1 Offline Retail Stores 5.2.2 Online Retail Stores 5.3 By End User 5.3.1 Male 5.3.2 Female 6 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE 6.1 Market Share Analysis 6.2 Most Adopted Strategies 6.3 Company Profiles 6.3.1 Eastern Company SAE 6.3.2 Philip Morris International Inc. 6.3.3 British American Tobacco PLC 6.3.4 Japan Tobacco International SA 6.3.5 Innokin Technology Co. Ltd 6.3.6 Joyetech Group 6.3.7 Imperial Brands PLC 6.3.8 J Well France SARL 7 MARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND FUTURE TRENDS 8 IMPACT OF COVID ON THE MARKET For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/4l51bg View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210701005342/en/ Contacts ResearchAndMarkets.com Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager press@researchandmarkets.com For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 For the second time in his life, a former army general has found himself at the centre of a rebellion against the Ethiopian government in the mountainous Tigray region, writes analyst Alex de Waal. The commander of Tigrayan rebel forces, Gen Tsadkan Gebretensae, is regarded by international security analysts as one of the finest military strategists of his generation in Africa. The 68-year-old abandoned his biology degree at Addis Ababa University in 1976 to join the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). At the time it was a band of a few hundred guerrillas in remote mountains fighting the-then Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. His analysis, organisational skills and ability to win the trust of the fighters meant that by the late 1980s, he was one of its most respected operational commanders. By 1991, the TPLF was a formidable army of more than 100,000 and included mechanised divisions. In May that year, Gen Tsadkan - along with Eritrean forces then allied with the TPLF - led the attack that ended with the capture of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and the overthrow of the Mengistu regime. Mengistu Haile Mariam's army was defeated three decades ago As the TPLF fighters moved in, they secured a temporary headquarters for him, at a guesthouse near the Hilton Hotel. There Gen Tsadkan slept in a bed with sheets for the first time for 15 years. Under his command, the guerrillas rapidly restored order to the capital - they entered the city on 28 May, and pensions and civil servants' salaries were paid three days later. Raid on al-Qaeda base For the next seven years, Gen Tsadkan led the reconstruction of the Ethiopian army. He was given the rank of general and the position of chief of staff. During Gen Tsadkan's 10 years as head of the Ethiopian National Defence Force, former TPLF commanders made up the core of the military, leading to criticism that the army was not ethnically balanced, as Tigrayans make up about 6% of the population. Gen Tsadkan also returned to college, studying for an MBA by correspondence at the UK's Open University. Story continues Prof Graeme Salaman remembers his former student: "He is about as far from the stereotypical army officer as you could get - quiet, reflective, a listener, almost shy, open-minded - but of course there is steel inside." Tigray's mountains provide an ideal hide-out for rebels The civil war may have been over but the Horn of Africa was in tumult. He dispatched troops to raid an al-Qaeda base in Somalia in 1996 and also sent forces clandestinely across the border into Sudan to support the opposition to President Omar al-Bashir. Fired from the military Gen Tsadkan's warnings that the Eritrean leader Isaias Afewerki was a threat to Ethiopia went unheeded by his TPLF colleague, then Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. But during the war with Eritrea which broke out in 1998, Gen Tsadkan was Ethiopia's military planner. It was an extremely bloody conventional conflict that cost some 80,000 lives on both sides. In June 2000, an Ethiopian offensive broke the Eritrean defences and troops poured over the border. Gen Tsadkan was intent on advancing towards the Eritrean capital Asmara, but Prime Minister Meles called a halt, saying that Ethiopia's war aims had been achieved and Eritrea was now humbled. Map After the war, the TPLF split rancorously over both the war aims and the party's political direction. Mr Meles fired Gen Tsadkan as chief of staff. Suddenly stripped of the career that had defined him, ostracised by the TPLF leaders, and watched closely by its security agents, Gen Tsadkan struggled to adapt as a private citizen. He wrote a report on how armies could control HIV. He was hired by the UK Department for International Development to advise the new government of South Sudan on security sector reform - a project that failed to professionalise that country's army. Gen Tsadkan started a brewery in his home district of Raya, in southern Tigray, and began a horticultural business. Anti-Tigrayan sentiment He drew criticism from his former TPLF colleagues when he welcomed the appointment of Abiy Ahmed as Ethiopia's prime minister in 2018 and said he was ready to work with him. Gen Tsadkan is accused of treason by the federal government During 2019 he joined an informal group trying to mediate between Mr Abiy and TPLF leaders but quit a year ago, saying that Mr Abiy was not serious. As anti-Tigrayan sentiment in the capital Addis Ababa mounted, he moved back to Tigray's capital, Mekelle. When war broke out in Tigray in November last year, he joined the armed resistance, putting aside his differences with other Tigrayan leaders. Young people flocked to join, horrified at the atrocities committed against their people. Other veterans also signed up, including many who had split from the TPLF years ago. For its part, the Ethiopian government issued an arrest warrant for Gen Tsdakan and other Tigrayan leaders. It accused them of treason, saying they had started the war by organising an attack on federal military bases in Tigray. Astounding military achievement The resistance was organised under the banner of the Tigray Defence Forces (TDF), incorporating both TPLF and non-TPLF members. Gen Tsadkan was elevated to its central command and assumed joint responsibility for military affairs. Thousands of people are reported to have been killed in the conflict In January, he said: "We were biting the dust." They were on the run, hemmed into mountainous terrain in southern Tigray, many of their young fighters barefoot, armed only with weapons they could carry by hand. But they managed to break out of the encirclement, surprising the Ethiopian and Eritrean forces with the ferocity of the counter-attack. Gen Tsadkan will not say how many TDF fighters were killed or injured. For four months they were training, organising and fighting at the same time until, by May, Gen Tsadkan and the other commanders estimated that they had achieved parity with their adversaries. More on the Tigray crisis: Three weeks ago, the G7 called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Tigray. The TPLF put out a statement, saying it was ready to distribute relief - and made no mention of a truce. Then on 17 June the TDF took the initiative. It says that in a series of battles it recaptured territory and routed eight divisions of the Ethiopian army - half its combat strength. The Ethiopian army dismissed its claims as "fake news". Journalists have yet to visit the battlefields or interview the prisoners of war to confirm these claims. But it appears to be an astounding military achievement by the TDF that few had expected and the Ethiopian military has suffered a heavy setback. Fears of conflict with Eritrea TDF forces have entered Mekelle, and the Ethiopian government and army have fled - declaring a ceasefire. Equipped with a huge arsenal of captured equipment, the TDF is now facing the Eritrean army, which joined the war in November on the side of the Ethiopian military. It is a more formidable foe and its army is still intact. Reports indicate that it has abandoned the cities it occupied in northern Tigray and has prepared defensive lines close to the border. Eritrea's President Isaias is faced with the decision of whether to withdraw north of the border or fight, but the TDF could also force his hand as its view is that it cannot be secure while he remains in power. Another major battle may, therefore, be looming. Short presentational grey line Alex de Waal is the executive director of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in the US. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 30) After releasing their tropical-themed album "Taste of Love," K-pop girl group TWICE hopes their fans would feel the summer vibes with their latest tracks. Eight members of TWICE - one of the most famous K-pop groups - sat down for an exclusive interview with CNN Philippines to share what it's like to be able to contribute in song writing for their latest album. Dahyun, one of the members who contributed, said they were excited to be able to participate. She added that while they were writing, they kept wishing their fans - known as "ONCE" - would enjoy their songs and hope they gain energy and happiness from these. "We made our comeback in the summer, so we hope the summer vibes remind you of us. We also hope that our songs can refreshen our ONCE, especially in the Philippines since it's hot there. So hopefully listening to our songs make you feel cooler and fresher," Nayeon said in Korean when asked how they want "Taste of Love" to be remembered. The group made a June-comeback with a new mini album "Taste of Love." This was immediately followed by their release of their Japanese track, "Perfect World." The group also expressed hopes to be able write and produce their own songs and album in the future. "If we have the opportunity it would be great for all the members to try it again in the future," leader Jihyo said. She added that they hope to go back to the Philippines in the future and hold a concert again. TWICE last visited the country in 2019 for their "TWICELIGHTS" world tour. (CNN) Bill Cosby was released from prison Wednesday after Pennsylvania's highest court overturned his sexual assault conviction, saying the disgraced actor's due process rights were violated. The stunning decision in the case of the man once known as "America's Dad" reverses the first high-profile celebrity criminal trial of the #MeToo era. The panel of Pennsylvania State Supreme Court judges said in their opinion that the former Montgomery County district attorney's decision to not prosecute Cosby in 2005 in return for his deposition in a civil case was ultimately used against him at trial, the judges said. "In light of these circumstances, the subsequent decision by successor D.A.s to prosecute Cosby violated Cosby's due process rights," the judges wrote. Cosby was sentenced in 2018 to 3 to 10 years in a state prison for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home in 2004. Cosby, 83, in a white t-shirt, made a brief public appearance outside his Pennsylvania home Wednesday afternoon but did not speak to reporters. Hours earlier, Cosby was released from a prison outside of Philadelphia and picked up by his press representative. Cosby served three years in prison. His attorney Brian Perry said the comedian and his legal team were headed to his Pennsylvania home to "celebrate." "I want to thank the Supreme Court who saw the light and saw the truth," Cosby's family said in a statement released by the press representative, Andrew Wyatt. For victims who sought closure in the case's resolution, the ruling represented "a slap in the face" in the words of Lisa Bloom, the attorney for three accusers. Bloom said she thinks it could be "a very hard day" for all the women who accused him of sexual assault. One accsuer, Victoria Valentino, said in a statement: "I am outraged! Outraged! Stunned! My stomach is in knots. The work that we have done to uplift women has been overturned by a legal glitch. We now have a serial predator on the street." Gloria Allred, who represented other accusers, said the overturning of the conviction on technical grounds did not vindicate Cosby. "My heart especially goes out to those who bravely testified in both of his criminal cases. I represented a majority of the prior bad act accusers who testified," Allred said in a statement. "Despite the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision, this was an important fight for justice and even though the court overturned the conviction on technical grounds, it did not vindicate Bill Cosby's conduct and should not be interpreted as a statement or a finding that he did not engage in the acts of which he has been accused." Indeed, the Montgomery County district attorney who prosecuted Cosby, Kevin Steele, said the actor was free on a procedural issue that is "irrelevant to the facts of the crime." "I want to commend Cosby's victim Andrea Constand for her bravery in coming forward and remaining steadfast throughout this long ordeal, as well as all of the other women who have shared similar experiences," Steele said. "My hope is that this decision will not dampen the reporting of sexual assaults by victims. Prosecutors in my office will continue to follow the evidence wherever and to whomever it leads. We still believe that no one is above the law including those who are rich, famous and powerful." Constand and her attorneys said the decision to vacate Cosby's conviction is disappointing and could discourage others survivors of sexual assault from coming forward. "Today's majority decision regarding Bill Cosby is not only disappointing but of concern in that it may discourage those who seek justice for sexual assault in the criminal justice system from reporting or participating in the prosecution of the assailant or may force a victim to choose between filing either a criminal or civil action," Constand and her attorneys said in a statement. Judges on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court last December heard arguments that Cosby sat for a civil deposition only because former Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor had promised he would not prosecute him criminally. In that deposition, Cosby admitted that he procured Quaaludes for women he wanted to have sex with. In their decision Wednesday, the judges wrote that Castor felt that "he would not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Cosby drugged and raped Constand." "Seeking 'some measure of justice' for Constand, D.A. Castor decided that the Commonwealth would decline to prosecute Cosby for the incident involving Constand, thereby allowing Cosby to be forced to testify in a subsequent civil action, under penalty of perjury, without the benefit of his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination," the judges wrote. That civil deposition that Cosby gave was revealed in 2014, and one of Castor's successors later used statements he made in the deposition as part of the criminal trial. The judges wrote that they weighed different remedies -- including having another trial for Cosby -- but felt there was only one proper remedy. "He must be discharged, and any future prosecution on these particular charges must be barred," the judges wrote. "We do not dispute that this remedy is both severe and rare. But it is warranted here, indeed compelled." Elie Honig, a CNN senior legal analyst and former federal and state prosecutor, said the only place to appeal an opinion from the Pennsylvania's highest court is the US Supreme Court. "There is no way the US Supreme Court will take this case... The court says you cannot retry him for this particular victim," he said of Constand. "We know that the statute of limitations has passed for many of these victims." Cosby "has been released" from prison, Pennsylvania Department Of Corrections spokesperson Maria Bivens said Wednesday afternoon. Wyatt met Cosby to drive him home. "Mr. Cosby was originally given a deal by Bruce Castor in which he was granted immunity. He gave up his fifth amendment rights in hopes that he would get back to work, back to life. And he always showed up for any legal matters and questions on his own accord. Charges should never have been brought against Mr. Cosby," the statement said. "I want to thank the attorneys who successfully argued his appeal and especially Mrs. Cosby who stood strong and was here for Mr. Cosby every step of the way and supported every idea and strategy from the attorneys and the team and she always knew that Mr. Cosby was innocent." Cosby denied parole in May by the Pennsylvania Parole Board, which cited a number of reasons for its decision, according to a letter from the board obtained by CNN. The letter said Cosby had to "participate in and complete additional institutional programs." The board cited Cosby's "failure to develop a parole release plan" and a "negative recommendation by the Department of Corrections" as factors that contributed to the decision. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) The city government of San Juan has vaccinated 86% of its eligible population and is just a month away from its target of completing the COVID-19 doses of all vaccinees, its mayor said Thursday. "As of yesterday, we have vaccinated 73,987 people out of 85,400 and that represents 86.6% already of our target population to be vaccinated," Mayor Francis Zamora told CNN Philippines' The Source. Zamora said they only need to inoculate 11,413 more individuals or around 13% of the target population. The local government intends to give the whole eligible population their first dose in the middle of July and have everyone fully vaccinated by August. "At the rate were going, I believe these targets are achievable as long as constant supply would be on hand, I don't think there will be any problem," he added. So far, San Juan's vaccination drive is ongoing for health workers (A1), senior citizens (A2), persons with comorbidities (A3), essential workers (A4), and indigent citizens (A5). On Wednesday, San Juan started inoculating Moderna doses to over 900 residents after the country received its first batch of vaccine from the US firm. The city will also hire an additional 200 health workers for the opening of its third vaccination site at the V Mall next week, Zamora added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) On April 27, the Masungi Georeserve posted alarming photos on its social media accounts of fires raging at the upper Marikina watershed, urging authorities to act. It was the first burning incident the group published this year. It looks like the smoke signalled illegal clearing and something will now be built inside the protected area, the Facebook post said. Under environment law, engaging in kaingin or any manner causing forest fires inside the protected area is illegal. The next month, Masungi continued its appeal for action as the blaze proceeded to ravage its forest cover. Masungi told CNN Philippines in May that at least ten hectares of land have been damaged by the fires. The burned expanse has since increased to 16 hectares, where around 32 species of trees and 29 species of animals including birds, amphibians and mammals were earlier sighted, Masungi Managing Trustee Billie Dumaliang said Friday. On May 30, a different incident occurred. Masungi said it was informed that local government officials shut down illegal resort development activities at the site. The private entity responsible for the resort development was different from the firm behind the 16-hectare forest fire, Masungi later found out. Meanwhile, the forest fires continued in segments, Masungi observed, and in June, the group reported another attack: more land clearing with young trees cut down at the side of the mountain. Photos showed a patch of land stripped of trees with some logs even gathered and arranged like a pyre ready for burning. Masungi called it a tree massacre. Confirming what could be seen in aerial images, these burnings and clearings were done in patches and consolidated in a systematic manner, said the group. This was not a small-scale event. History In 1993, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources proposed that Masungit Rock and its vicinity in Baras, Rizal be declared as a Strict Nature Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary, effectively prohibiting mining, exploration and any development activities that would upset the areas ecological balance. The Masungi Georeserve was created in 1996 to restore the sanctuarys forest spaces and in 2015, the Masungi Georeserve Foundation was formed to sustain these conservation efforts. Two years later, the DENR tapped Masungi to restore 2,700 hectares of deforested land in the upper Marikina watershed, Kaliwa watershed and Masungi Wildlife Sanctuary. The reserve is located in the Marikina Watershed Reservation which was declared a protected area in 2011 and is now known as the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape. The georeserve is widely known as a tourist spot for its scenic trails, but it is also an award-winning conservation area that preserves numerous animal and plant species, including new organisms that have been discovered within its domain. However, it is no stranger to encroachment, quarrying and land grabbing by private firms that refuse to respect its protected status. 2020 Dumaliang said the site faced at least five major encroachment incidents in the past year. A major incident means a private entity was behind the attack, she explained. In February 2020, Masungi formally launched the #SaveMasungi Movement Against Quarrying after Rapid City Realty and Development Corp. fenced off sections of the reserve without permits. Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu personally visited the site the next month and announced the suspension of the quarry. In October, another company by the name of Rublou Inc. and its subsidiary Green Atom Renewable Energy Corp. installed fences and armed guards around hundreds of hectares in the protected land. Masungi staff documented confrontations with the armed personnel who refused to leave the site. Rublou later released a statement saying it was protecting the area to help an indigenous tribe that claimed Masungi was occupying its ancestral domain. Supposed members of the tribe later sued Masungi, challenging its jurisdiction, but a regional trial court in Morong, Rizal junked the civil case in April due to lack of legal capacity to sue," which meant the complainants did not have the authority to represent the indigenous group. Masungi later met with the tribe and they are currently in talks about a long-term partnership, Dumaliang said. She said attacks against the reserve occur yearly and the number continues to increase even in the middle of the pandemic. When Luzon was hit with travel restrictions to contain the coronavirus, Masungi moved its entire team of more or less a hundred to work in the conservation site in Baras to continue their hands-on work meeting and educating communities about conservation and guarding the watershed. While tourism profits plunged in 2020, Masungi was able to maintain its staff without retrenching. Dumaliang explained that since they are a privately managed group, they can be flexible in making decisions and managing their funds, despite the lack of income from guest visits for nine months. Were confident na [that] later on we can recover through the resumption of tourism, said Dumaliang in a CNN Philippines interview. Were lucky we were able to manage our finances sustainably. Its all about priorities. Priorities Though Masungi stands by its working relationship with the DENR, it said there is a need for stricter enforcement of the law on protected areas in the georeserve, with more security services a priority. If I were to suggest legislation or policy, it is policies that support implementation of the law that will ensure speedy, transparent and honest enforcement actions for the watershed, said Dumaliang. We need political will to restore and protect the watershed. Dumaliang also proposed giving incentives to the private sector to civil society organizations and non-government organizations to support conservation projects. Last year, Masungi was able to save at least 1,000 hectares of forests against destructive operations and was able to plant 59,000 native trees. Amid the health crisis, the group provided donations to 200 families, distributed COVID-19 information kits to upland communities, and facilitated medical consultations for park rangers and the elderly. Masungis projects continued to receive recognition on an international scale. Among its recent awards were the Vanity Fair Changing Your Mind Travel Award and the Global Water Partnership Water Changemaker Award. The organization was also a finalist for the Win Win Gothenburg Sustainability Award and the World Travel & Tourism Council Tourism For Tomorrow Award. Masungi also recorded another achievement in the discovery of a new subspecies of microsnail living in its rocks, in partnership with scientists from the University of the Philippines-Los Banos. With tourism gains remaining slow, and quarrying attacks gaining steam, Masungi stressed that the fight to save the watershed is pressing on. We are asking our leaders, our citizens to really come together to make a serious effort towards protecting one of the nearest protected areas and one of the most critical watersheds to Filipinos, said Dumaliang. We have to show that we can protect this area and when we do, we can show we can protect all the other areas of biological and ecological significance in our country, she added. CNN Philippines sought comments from the DENR in Rizal and the Interior Department but has not received a response. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Tons of debris were removed from the Tullahan River as part of a cleanup project headed by San Miguel Corporation (SMC). A statement from one of the country's largest and most diversified conglomerates released on Thursday said as of June 28, a total of 301,695 metric tons of silt and solid waste have been removed from the first 11.5-kilometer section of the river from Manila Bay in Navotas to Potrero in Malabon and Valenzuela cities. For this section, the target dredging output is 1 million metric tons. In February, the company said it would extend the project to further support current flood mitigation measures. It has also deployed more equipment for the cleanup efforts. According to SMC, following completion of sections that include Barangay Bangkulasi and Tanong in Navotas City, the cleanup team is currently operating in Barangay Longos in Malabon City. SMC president Ramon S. Ang said despite the restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, they have not paused the clean up operations and are now working on deepening and widening parts of the river to complement government's flood mitigation measures. "Even during the rainy season, our dredging teams will continue their operations to ensure that the Tullahan river will have greater capacity to receive flood waters from adjacent areas, particularly during typhoon season," Ang added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Metro Manila, once the country's pandemic epicenter, is "ready" to loosen coronavirus quarantine restrictions, but local city executives need to consider the presence of a new variant. "Handa naman kami," Metropolitan Manila Development Authority chairman Benhur Abalos said when asked on his reaction to Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Karl Kendrick Chua's statement that the capital has an "opening" to shift to modified general community quarantine. "Pero pag-uusapan namin nang husto ito, ang preparasyon dito, dahil we have a new variant, he said in a virtual briefing Thursday. [Translation: We are readyBut we have to discuss this carefully and prepare since we have a new variant.] The Philippines already recorded 17 cases of the Delta variant, the DOH said on June 21. The Delta coronavirus variant, first identified in India in February, is believed to be 60% more contagious than the Alpha variant and can cause severe symptoms. Earlier this week, President Rodrigo Duterte approved the new quarantine status proposed by the pandemic task force, with Metro Manila, Rizal and Bulacan remaining under general community quarantine "with some restrictions" until July 15. READ: NCR, Rizal, Bulacan to remain under GCQ 'with some restrictions' until July 15 RELATED: Palace releases final community quarantine classifications for July During the briefing, Abalos reported that Metro Manila has been seeing "good" figures regarding its COVID-19 cases. So far, the capital region already administered 4.3 million vaccine doses. By end-September, Abalos sees hitting 14.5 million doses. Metro Manila has a population of 14 million. READ: Task force 'very confident' of vaccinating 50% of Metro Manila population by September The official also claimed that the national government and Metro Manila mayors were "successful" in balancing the health of the public and the economy in the country's ongoing fight against COVID-19. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) AFP Southern Luzon Command chief Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade has resigned as spokesperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) weeks before his mandatory retirement. President Rodrigo Duterte has accepted his resignation, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said on Thursday after confirming it with Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana. Parlade will retire from the military service on July 26 when he turns 56. Maj. Gen. Bartolome Bacarro, Army's 2nd Infantry Division commander, will take over as the new commander of the Southern Luzon Command. Parlade said he made the decision to quit the NTF-ELCAC after senators questioned the legality of an active military officer holding another office. "I want to ease the pressure on the NTF ELCAC principals who are being questioned by legislators for designating me despite my being in the active service," he said in a statement on Thursday. While some senators lauded Parlade's decision to quit, Bayan Muna Rep. Ferdinand Gaite said Parlade has to be made accountable for his actions. "Resign na lang, wala nang pagpapanagot sa kanyang paghahasik ng kasinungalingan? (He just resigned, he will not be punished for spreading lies?) As spokesperson of NTF-ELCAC, Parlade used and abused his position to attack government critics, spread fake news, and red-tag activists and organizations," Gaite said in a statement. Parlade said leaving NTF-ELCAC does not mean he will stop his fight against insurgency and communist rebels. "Even then, I want to assure our critics that I am not running away from this fight," he added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) The Philippines is currently tagged as "low risk" for COVID-19 due to the drop in new cases in the past two weeks, a Department of Health official said Thursday. DOH chief epidemiologist Alethea de Guzman said the country's two-week growth rate (TWGR) from June 13 to 26 went down to -9%, compared to the 15% recorded from May 30 to June 12. If the TWGR is zero or below, an area is considered at low risk. De Guzman warned that growth rates between -1% and -10% may be "prone to sudden spikes." While the country's overall classification is low risk, its average daily attack rate or ADAR was at a "moderate" level or 5.42 from June 13 to 26, lower than the 5.96 logged from May 30 to June 12. A moderate risk means the ADAR is between one and seven. The TWGR refers to the growth in cases in the last two weeks, while the ADAR is defined as the number of infected people per 100,000 population. "The risk classification nationally is already at low risk," de Guzman said during an online briefing. Meanwhile, four regions fell under the "high-risk" category in terms of ADAR, the epidemiologist said. These are the Western Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Davao Region, and Soccsksargen. An area is considered high risk if its ADAR reached above seven. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) - The entire country is experiencing a shortage in COVID-19 vaccines, Malacanang explained on Thursday as areas nationwide appeal to be given more supply. Lahat po ng ating mga kababayan ay nagsasabi kulang po ang bakuna, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in a briefing. Lahat po ng syudad, lahat ng probinsya, lahat ng sulok ng Pilipinas, kulang po talaga ang vaccine, he added. [Translation: All of our countrymen are saying there arent enough vaccines. In all cities, provinces, and corners of the Philippines, there really is a shortage of supply.] Amid limited deliveries, the national government is currently prioritizing nine areas in the immunization drive. These are the National Capital Region, Bulacan, Cavite, Pampanga, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao -- areas dubbed as economic centers highly vulnerable to the coronavirus. The Department of Health said distributing the bulk of the shipments to this so-called "NCR Plus 8" will help the country attain herd immunity faster. Roque said, however, that even with the priority given to these high-risk localities, they are also not getting enough supply. Humihingi po kami ng pasensya dahil yan ang realidad [We ask for the public's understanding, because thats the reality]. We cannot do anything about it, Roque said, noting the global race among nations trying to procure enough doses. Even so, he said the government remains confident Filipinos will have a better Christmas this year as more shipments are expected to arrive, including the recently secured 40 million Pfizer doses. This week, the country breached the 10-million mark in COVID-19 vaccines administered. However, only around 2.5 million individuals have been fully inoculated as of June 28. (CNN) The Delta variant of coronavirus has now been detected in all 50 US states and Washington, DC, according to the latest tally from CNN. The last state to report the variant is South Dakota, which confirmed its first case on Tuesday. With the more transmissible variant spreading, this puts even more pressure on local and state officials to vaccinate more people. Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday he's "very concerned about" the stark disparity between places with low and high vaccination rates. This unfortunately could lead to there soon being "two Americas" -- one where most people are vaccinated and another where low vaccination rates could lead to case spikes. "When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among undervaccinated regions -- be that states, cities or counties -- you're going to see these individual types of blips," he said. "It's almost like it's going to be two Americas." Young people -- age 18 to 24 -- are still a group that officials are trying to get vaccinated. The proportion of young people hospitalized is increasing, according to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director. Since May, people ages 12 to 29 have accounted for about a third of hospitalizations -- a greater proportion than in the past, Walensky said. CDC data shows, however, that vaccination coverage among young adults is improving. Over the past two weeks, the 18-24 age group made up 12.6% of those becoming fully vaccinated, the CDC said. But spikes in coronavirus cases are "entirely avoidable, entirely preventable" with vaccination, said Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci's remarks come as the Delta variant, which is more contagious and aggressive, has reached nearly every state and accounted for 26.1% of US Covid-19 cases as of Tuesday, according to the CDC. "I'm concerned about the Delta variant," US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN on Wednesday. "And I am worried that what we are seeing in terms of a plateauing of cases nationally but also an increase in cases in many small sections of the United States, that that is, in fact, being driven by the Delta variant." There is still a lot of virus circulating in the US, and close to 300 people -- "just far too many" -- are still dying daily from the coronavirus, Murthy said, citing data from recent weeks. "This is not over, and the virus wins when we let our guard down, when we take our eye off the ball," he said. "We've seen many times that it's fooled us in the past. We've got to stay vigilant, got to get vaccinated, we've got to talk to other people about getting vaccinated." Indeed, the rise and spread of more transmissible coronavirus variants are changing the equation for achieving herd immunity -- the point at which enough people are protected against a virus to suppress its spread -- a coronavirus specialist told CNN on Tuesday. "Every time a virus gets better at transmitting, the number of people that have to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity increases," said Andrew Pekosz, a professor of immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who is studying the coronavirus. "Certainly, we are not out of the woods yet because we haven't had a vaccination rate where we get those herd immunity effects." Places with low vaccination rates are especially vulnerable to the Delta variant, experts have said. In Mississippi, where just 29.7% of the population is fully vaccinated, unvaccinated people have accounted for more than 90% of Covid-19 cases and deaths in the past month, said Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the state health officer for the Mississippi Department of Public Health. Mississippi joins Alabama, Arkansas, Wyoming, and Louisiana in having less than 35% of residents fully vaccinated. Mask guidance stays the same in most places Even as the Delta variant spreads, most mask guidance and policies don't appear poised to change. "For now, the CDC recommendations stand that if in fact you are vaccinated -- fully vaccinated -- you are protected, and you do not need to wear a mask outdoors or indoors," Fauci said. Policies around masks on planes and public transport aren't expected to change soon, Walensky said Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America." "Vaccinated people can take off their masks and celebrate July Fourth and feel safe in doing so, see each other smile again," she added. "And then we're really going to have to continue the hard work that we are doing to get people vaccinated and for those who are not to continue to protect them with mask wearing and distancing because of this Delta variant." Children under 12 -- who aren't yet eligible for coronavirus vaccines -- should continue to wear masks indoors until the Delta variant is under control in the US, Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Wednesday. Local differences in where the variant has spread means parents need to fully understand the risk in their area, he added. "A lot of it has to do with where you are," Hotez said. "If you're in the Northeast, where transmission is really low, then your kids are a lot safer than in parts of the south-central US right now, where the epidemic is really taking off, that one-two punch of the Delta variant and low vaccination rates." Regardless of age or vaccination status, Los Angeles County has brought back its voluntary guidance to wear masks until health officials can "better understand how and to who the Delta variant is spreading," the county's department of public health said. And while nearly all the staff at Johns Hopkins' public health school in Baltimore are vaccinated against Covid-19, they are still wearing masks to work, Pekosz told CNN. "We still have a masking policy here, particularly in group situations," he said. "This pandemic isn't over yet." Los Angeles County appears to be the only county so far to recommend wearing masks in response to the spread of the Delta variant, the National Association of County and City Health Officials told CNN on Tuesday. But health officials are continuing to monitor the spread of the variant in the US, said Lori Tremmel Freeman, the group's chief executive officer. Nationally, the number of people practicing safety measures, such as social distancing and masking, continues to decrease, even as 84% of Americans have heard of the Delta variant, a poll published Tuesday by Axios-Ipsos showed. The poll, conducted Friday through Monday, comprised of a nationally representative sample of 1,106 adults. Meantime, most adults who plan to get the Covid-19 vaccine have already done so, another poll shows. A Kaiser Family Foundation report released Wednesday shows 65% of adults polled have received at least one dose of the vaccine, up from 62% in May. Only 3% of those who haven't been vaccinated said they plan to do so as soon as they can. About 14% said they will definitely not get vaccinated. In the long term, the cost of the pandemic is not just lives lost but also the mental health and well-being of people across the country, Murthy told CNN on Wednesday. "We have a long way to go to recover from this pandemic," he said. "We can only do it together, but it starts with us getting vaccinated." Covid-19 cases among children are dropping While children under 12 aren't yet eligible to receive a Covid-19 vaccine, but there is some good news about declining cases. More than 8,400 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in children last week, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics' weekly report, the lowest weekly number of cases since May 2020. Children represented about 10% of reported Covid-19 cases last week. More than 4.03 million children have tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic. The decline in cases among children comes as the new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates Covid-19 vaccination rates among children ages 12 to 17 years are rising. About 34% of parents said their eligible children have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose, up from 24% in May. About 8% said they plan to get their 12- to 17-year-old children vaccinated right away. Data for vaccine efficacy in children under 12 may be analyzed "in the fall/winter timeframe," according to Dr. Peter Marks, director of the US Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. "It makes sense that it's going to take a little longer there, because there had to be dose de-escalation -- lower doses used, essentially dose de-escalation -- and as well as we want to see longer follow-up data to make sure that we have the kind of safety in that population," Marks said. Vaccines protect against Delta variant, experts say As variants spread, health experts are urging people to get fully vaccinated so they can have maximum protection. Two weeks after the second dose, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is 88% effective against symptomatic infections caused by the Delta variant, Fauci has said. Those who received only one dose have less protection. Moderna's vaccine was found in lab experiments to work against new variants including the Delta strain, the company said Tuesday. Serum samples from people who received two shots of the Moderna vaccine showed neutralizing activity against the variants, Moderna said in a pre-print study that hasn't yet been peer-reviewed. As for the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, it's "highly likely" it can protect against the Delta variant, though it hasn't been proven through research yet, Fauci said. Two doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, which uses the same platform as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, are about 88% effective against the Delta variant, and "you can make the reasonable assumption" the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be "just as good," Fauci said. As of Tuesday, 46.4% of the US population was fully vaccinated, CDC data showed. Sixteen states have fully vaccinated more than half of their population. And 16 states have reached President Joe Biden's goal to vaccinate 70% of adults with at least one dose by July 4. This story was first published on CNN.com The Delta variant has now been detected in all 50 US states and Washington, DC (CNN) -- More than 50 million Americans remained Wednesday under heat alerts and hundreds of deaths have been reported across the Pacific Northwest and Canada amid a devastating heat wave. But relief is coming for many, forecasters say. Brittish Columbia and US cities -- including Seattle and Portland -- have reported their hottest temperatures on record. Oregon State Police said the state medical examiner's office has received reports of 63 deaths "that preliminary investigation suggests may be associated with the Pacific Northwest heat wave," according to spokesperson Capt. Timothy R. Fox. The Oregon Health Authority reported 633 heat-related visits to emergency departments and urgent care in five days. On the East Coast, Boston and New York have experienced a heat wave that brought extreme, record-breaking temperatures. CNN meteorologists say the East Coast heat wave will end Wednesday night. In the meantime, electricity provider Con Edison implored its 3.5 million customers in New York City and Westchester County to conserve energy as the company tries to "help keep service reliable, as the intense heat and humidity continue for a fourth straight day," the statement read. While temperatures are likely to let up in the Northeast by Wednesday's end, the heat is expected to last in the Northwest well into mid-July, CNN's meteorologist Michael Guy predicted. Temperatures are expected to remain above normal over much of the Northwest heading into the weekend, but the record-setting heat wave will continue to slowly diminish. Portland set an all-time, record-high temperature three days in a row, topping out at 116 degrees on Monday. Seattle hit 108 degrees, breaking the all-time record it set just a day earlier. Across the border, Lytton, British Columbia, hit 121 degrees on Tuesday -- the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada. The record was broken on Sunday and then again on Monday. Kristina Dahl, a senior climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, says the heat wave is "unprecedented." "We saw heat records over the weekend only to be broken again the next day," Dahl told CNN, "particularly for a part of the country where this type of heat does not happen very often." Multiple experts, including Pennsylvania State University's climate scientist Michael E. Mann, have blamed one thing for the soaring temperatures -- climate change. "You warm up the planet, you're going to see an increased incidence of heat extremes," Mann told CNN. Seattle sees record number of emergency calls At least 676 people in Washington state visited emergency departments for heat-related symptoms from Friday through Sunday -- before the heat wave hit its peak. On Monday alone, there were 688 heat-related emergency department visits, according to Portner, who said the state had recorded at least 1,384 hospital visits related to the heat since the weekend. In addition to the three potential deaths connected to heat-related illnesses, Portner said officials were looking into one potential death associated with submersion and drowning. Seattle fire officials said Wednesday they responded to more emergency calls for service on Monday than on any single day in at least the last six years. The city hit 108 degrees on Monday, when firefighters responded to 544 emergency calls, according to Kristin Tinsley, a Seattle Fire Department spokesperson. The calls were for heat-related medical emergencies and brush fires. Since the start of the heat wave on Saturday, Seattle firefighters have responded to 129 heat-related medical emergencies, with 75 calls alone on Monday, Tinsley said. King County, which is home to Seattle, had 40 emergency department visits for heat-related illness on Saturday and 91 on Sunday, according to Gabriel Spitzer, communications specialist for Public Health Seattle & King County. On Monday, there were 223 emergency department visits for heat-related illness among King County residents, according to Spitzer. The King County, Washington, medical examiner's oOffice on Wednesday reported 11 heat-related deaths and one drowning. There were also 105 emergency department visits for heat-related illness on Tuesday, with 32 admitted to hospitals. The eastern Washington city of Spokane hit 109 degrees, breaking the previous record of 108 degrees set on August 4, 1961, according to National Weather Service Spokane. Two people died in Spokane after experiencing symptoms consistent with heat-related stress, city spokesman Brian Coddington said. A man in his 70s, was found by firefighters in an apartment building downtown, Coddington said. "While they were there, they noticed in a neighboring apartment unit, the door was ajar, and they looked in there and found a second person who was also deceased." The city of Wenatchee, Washington, broke an all-time heat record, reaching 114 degrees. And Omak, Washington, hit 117 degrees, shattering the previous record of 114 degrees set on July 4, 1928. Volunteers with the United Farm Workers in Prosser, Washington, distributed water and Gatorade in the cherry fields, according to the UFW Facebook page. The high in Prosser reached 113 degrees on Tuesday. Oregon farm worker dies during heat wave In Oregon, a total of 506 heat-related visits to emergency departments and urgent care centers were reported by the state's health authority. At least 251 visits occurred on Monday alone, when temperatures were highest. In the Portland area, the 97 emergency department and urgent care clinic visits for heat illness is nearly the same number of cases they would expect to see all summer, according to Multnomah County communications director Julie Sullivan-Springhetti. "The record breaking heat also broke records for calls for help. Emergency calls, visits to the emergency rooms, and calls for people and pets reached all-time highs," Sullivan-Springhetti said in an email to CNN. A farm worker in St. Paul, about 30 miles south of Portland, died Saturday, prompting Oregon Occupational Safety and Health to open an investigation into Brother Farm Labor Contractor and Ernst Nursery & Farms, a spokesperson told CNN. "The employee was working on a crew moving irrigation lines. At the end of the shift he was found unresponsive in the field," Oregon OSHA spokesman Aaron Corvin told CNN. Corvin says officials have listed the preliminary incident description as "heat." CNN has reached out to Brother Farm Labor Contractor, Marion County Emergency Management and the Marion County medical examiner for autopsy results but has not yet heard back. A representative for Ernst Nursery & Farms declined to comment. Nearly 500 deaths reported in Canada At least 486 sudden deaths have been reported across the western coast of Canada near the US border. "The 486 deaths currently entered represent a 195% increase over the approximately 165 deaths that would normally occur in the province over a five-day period," British Columbia Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe said in a statement. "While it is too early to say with certainty how many of these deaths are heat related, it is believed likely that the significant increase in deaths reported is attributable to extreme weather (British Columbia) has experienced and continues to impact many parts of our province," Lapointe said. In Vancouver, British Columbia, officers have responded to more than 98 sudden deaths since the heat wave began on Friday, according to Sgt. Steve Addison, media relations officer. The deaths prompted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to issue a statement about a "concerning increase in sudden deaths amid the heat wave." In Surrey, British Columbia, there have been 59 sudden deaths since Friday, authorities said. While there were only five sudden deaths reported on Wednesday, the Surrey Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) responded to 31 such calls on Tuesday. "While the causes of death has not yet been determined in each of these cases, we can confirm that Surrey RCMP is responding to a higher than usual number of deaths since the beginning of the extreme weather conditions," media relations officer Cst. Sarbjit K. Sangha told CNN. In the nearby city of Burnaby, police responded to 52 sudden death calls since Friday. Of these calls, 48 were received Monday and Tuesday. Heat is believed to be a contributing factor in the majority of the deaths, according to a release from RCMP. "We are seeing this weather can be deadly for vulnerable members of our community, especially the elderly and those with underlying health issues. It is imperative we check on one another during this extreme heat," Cpl. Mike Kalanj with Burnaby RCMP said. This story was first published on CNN.com "Hundreds of deaths reported as cities urge residents to conserve power during ravaging heat wave". (CNN) -- Japan's Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence given to a 74-year-old serial killer, known as the "Black Widow," for the murder of three men, including her husband, and the attempted murder of a fourth. Chisako Kakehi, reportedly received large insurance payouts after poisoning her victims with cyanide, according to public broadcaster NHK. Kakehi was sentenced to death in 2017 for the killings, which occurred between 2007 and 2013 in Kyoto, Osaka and Hyogo. Kakehi's legal team had appealed the death sentence, arguing she was suffering from dementia and incapable of taking part in a criminal trial. The Supreme Court rejected her appeal, however, and finalized the decision on Tuesday, according to Kakehi's lawyer. "She used the matchmaking agency to get acquainted with elderly victims one after another and poisoned them after making them trust her," said Judge Yuriko Miyazaki in the ruling, according to NHK. "It is a ruthless crime based on a planned and strong murderous intention." Miyazaki added that "even with due consideration given to the defendant's favorable circumstances, such as being old, the death penalty is unavoidable." The date of her death sentence has not been released. Police began investigating after Kakehi's husband died in 2013, less than two months after their wedding. An autopsy report found cyanide in his stomach and blood; Kakehi was arrested 11 months later. A previous fiance, who died when he crashed his motorcycle, was also found to have traces of cyanide in his body. Police would only say "many" of Kakehi's previous partners -- who were between ages 54 and 75 -- had died in the past two decades. Kakehi had been with the victims when they were poisoned, and began the process for inheriting their assets immediately after their deaths, said the judge in 2017, NHK reported at the time. She isn't Japan's only so-called black widow killer, or even the only one on death row -- Kanae Kijima, the most famous other example, is also awaiting a death sentence after being found guilty of killing three men she met on dating websites and making it look like suicide in each case. This story was first published on CNN.com "Japan's 'Black Widow' serial killer loses death sentence appeal". (CNN) US President Joe Biden, whose empathy amid loss is his chief political characteristic, traveled Thursday to console families in Florida who are enduring the excruciating search for loved ones inside a seaside condo that suddenly collapsed a week ago. "Never give up hope," he told the anguished relatives of those still missing, who had gathered in a hotel ballroom to hear from a President whose own reckoning with grief has colored his personal and political lives. Speaking inside a hotel ballroom, with his remarks translated into Spanish as he spoke, Biden said the families should not give up hope and acknowledged some of the anguish they are feeling toward the response efforts. The meeting was closed to the press but some attendees posted about the event on social media. "It used to drive me crazy when they'd say I know how you feel," he said, recounting the deaths of his wife, daughter and son -- losses that have punctuated his public life. "And you know they meant well but you know they had no idea. None." He was speaking from experience. From the day in 1972 when he was sworn in as US senator at his sons' hospital bedside following a car crash that had killed his wife and daughter, Biden's persona been defined by grief. When one of those sons, Beau, died of a brain tumor in 2015, grief again came to color Biden's life. He wrestled with it publicly, including as he weighed a presidential run. "No matter what the outcome, the people you love, the people you may have lost, they're going to be with you always. Part of your soul. Part of who you are," Biden said as attendees' eyes filled with tears. "Be patient with one another," he went on. "Hang on. Hold on. I don't want you to feel like you're being sucked into a black hole in your chest. There's no way out. But there is." The devastating structural failure, which so far has resulted in 18 confirmed deaths with another 145 people still unaccounted for, could become the deadliest non-intentional building collapse in American history. It has raised new questions about the safety of high-rises that run for miles along the South Florida coast, along with similar developments across the nation. Biden, who was joined by first lady Jill Biden in Florida, is awaiting findings from a team of six federal scientists and engineers collecting information on the ground. He hopes to use results from their investigation to determine how infrastructure like residential towers can be better fortified against catastrophic failure, according to officials. But before then, there are grieving families to comfort and exhausted rescue personnel to thank -- a presidential responsibility Biden takes as seriously as any. "The waiting," Biden told the families, "the waiting is unbearable." The bulk of Biden's day occurred behind closed doors with families. Plans to visit the site of the collapse itself were scrapped, and search-and-rescue operations were halted Thursday amid concerns over the rubble's stability. His spent roughly three hours meeting with the dozens of families affected by the tragedy. He was briefed by officials, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, a chief acolyte of former President Donald Trump who is considered a potential presidential candidate in 2024, during a midday meeting alongside other officials. "I think there's more we can do, including, I think I have the power -- we'll know shortly -- to pick up 100% of the costs for the county and state," he said from an interior conference room at the St. Regis Hotel, where maps and diagrams -- including one showing the storm path of an incoming weather pattern -- hung on the wall. Biden hailed their ability to work together responding to a catastrophic building collapse. "You know what's good about this?" Biden said. "We live in a nation where we can cooperate. And it's really important." The two men have mostly sought to put aside politics in the wake of the disaster -- though Biden raised eyebrows last week when he told reporters he was "waiting on a call from him if he needs the help." They eventually connected in a phone call that one official described as professional and focused on providing Florida the help it needed. Biden signed an emergency declaration that freed up federal resources and Federal Emergency Management Agency search-and-rescue teams. And DeSantis has appeared alongside Democrats throughout this week during news conferences near the site of the collapse. "You recognized the severity of this tragedy from day one and you've been very supportive," DeSantis said during Thursday's briefing. "This is life and death," Biden said. "And so I don't think I just got back from 12 days in Europe. They wonder whether we can do this. And you're doing it. Simple act of everybody doing whatever needs to be done. And it really makes a difference." While politics inevitably seep into disaster relief, Biden has emphasized the need for bipartisanship to get things done. While aides began planning for a visit to Florida shortly after the gravity of the disaster became clear, the President issued specific and firm instructions that no visit take place if it meant diverting a single firefighter or law enforcement officer from the search-and-rescue efforts, according to a person familiar with the matter. Throughout the weekend and early this week, officials were in talks with authorities on the ground to ensure the efforts at the condo site were not affected by the requirements of a presidential visit, which typically include a large contingent of state and local police. White House officials said they hoped to keep Thursday's visit as apolitical as possible, instead underscoring Biden's unique capacity for conveying compassion in dark moments. The President has long drawn upon wells of his own private grief to help comfort individuals facing loss. Aides have maintained a file folder of dozens of eulogies he has delivered over the years, along with quotes on loss and grief that can be incorporated into speeches or talking points. In Florida, he assumed a role that presidents have long taken on, with differing levels of aptitude, after natural disasters or man-made catastrophes throw communities into grief. The collapse of Champlain Towers South doesn't fall neatly into either of those categories, neither natural nor criminal, though residents of the building have already begun to lay blame on poor maintenance and neglect. And while hope for finding survivors dims by the day, it is still too early for Biden to officially mourn all of those who have been lost. But in traveling to Surfside, Biden hoped to convey solidarity and resolve even as much about the disaster remains unknown. It won't be the first time as president that he assumes the role of consoler-in-chief. He has sought to correct what he said was a glossing over by his predecessor of the hundreds of thousands who have died from Covid-19, including during a somber White House ceremony when the death toll reached 500,000. "I know all too well that black hole in your chest. You feel like you're being sucked into it. The survivor's remorse. The anger. The questions of faith in your soul," Biden said before observing a moment of silence in front of a candlelit South Portico. Throughout his career, he has sought to convey lessons he learned from his own coping process, including a well-worn mantra that a day will come when the thought of a loved one "brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye." This story was first published on CNN.com, "Biden reprises role as consoler-in-chief during South Florida visit." Bulkley said the City is asking that people at odd-numbered addresses water their lawns on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, while those living at even-numbered addresses water their lawns on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Wacha noted that the water restriction is completely voluntary. "We're just asking citizens to try and conserve water. There's no penalty for anything, it's not mandatory," Wacha said. Meanwhile, Wacha said people may notice changes in water quality, as the increased water flow knocks debris loose throughout the system. "We've had people calling in, they'll notice some dirty water every once in a while and some low-pressure fluctuations," Wacha said. So far, Wacha said, all of the low water pressure calls have turned out to be related to the level of water in the City's water tower. Columbus Public Schools Superintendent Troy Loeffelholz noted that the proposed standards will go through several revisions before being voted on by the State Board of Education. This was step one of a three to five step process, Loeffelholz said. The thing about the health standards, though, is since it's not attached to any federal funds, or title funds or anything else like that, we are not required to adopt them. Loeffelholz said even if the 2021 Nebraska health standards were approved as is, CPS would use the states version as a template and modify it to make it appropriate for children. From a professional standpoint, there are some things in there that I think through the process will be removed, Loeffelholz said. I think those controversial things that you're hearing a lot of these groups talk about will be eventually removed from the standards. And they should be, I think some things are not age appropriate. Loeffelholz added that other standards, such as social science and English, will also go through the same process. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} I understand why people are getting excited about it. Because if you look at what they believe in their faith life or personal life, I could see where these would hit a so-called hot button, Loeffelholz said. She died at the scene, Dresner said. An obituary said Schramm was going to be a senior at Truman High School in Kansas City. Her family could not be reached for comment Tuesday. Dresner said park rangers were heartbroken by Schramms death and offered condolences to her family. The Rev. Craig Otto is pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lees Summit and has known the Schramm family for 17 years. It was an unfortunate accident, and the whole congregation of 1,000 people here are mourning greatly, he said. Otto said Schramm was involved in Lutheran schools and had a role in the Passion play at church for several years, acting as narrator. She was the youngest of four children and close with her brother and two sisters, he said. Johnsons Shut-Ins State Park is in Middlebrook, about 80 miles southwest of St. Louis. The Missouri Highway Patrol investigates drownings and boating fatalities on state waterways, but park rangers are in charge of the Schramm investigation because of the way she died. Dresner said there was a similar death in 1999. The park name is a reference to the Black River valley and how its much wider both upstream and downstream, Dresner said. But the portion of the valley where people gather to swim is much narrower, or shut-in, he said. Local featured Hampden Township Pa. Agriculture secretary launches ice cream trail at Hampden's Urban Churn Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, left, takes an ice cream sample from Nissa Kelly, general manager at Urban Churn Craft Creamery, Hampden Township, Wednesday. Redding visited the store to announce the fourth annual Scooped: An Ice Cream Trail. The visit also coincided with the creamery's recent launch of its new location. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Urban Churn recently opened a Hampden Township location off the Carlisle Pike, offering a variety of unique ice cream flavors. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Harrisburg-based Urban Churn recently opened its second location in Hampden Township. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Urban Churn Craft Creamery is one of a number of creameries in the area on the state "ice cream trail." Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Urban Churn Craft Creamery's new Hampden Township location is near Domino's and Buffalo Wild Wings off the Carlisle Pike. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Carrie Lepore, deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development's office of marketing, tourism and film, speaks during a news conference Wednesday and is joined by Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, right, at the new Urban Churn Craft Creamery. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding visited the new Urban Churn Craft Creamery in Hampden Township Wednesday. Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Urban Churn Craft Creamery recently opened a Hampden Township location, offering a variety of ice cream flavors. Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding remembers taking his turn as one of 11 children turning the crank on the churn when the family made homemade ice cream. This summer, families across Pennsylvania can enjoy ice cream without the crank by visiting any one of 31 shops on Scooped: An Ice Cream Trail, a creation of the state Department of Community and Economic Development, Department of Agriculture, PA Preferred and the Center for Dairy Excellence. The shops on the trail can be seen at visitpa.com/scoops. Speaking at an event at the new Urban Churn location on the Carlisle Pike in Hampden Township to launch the 2021 version of the trail, Redding said there are many ways to tell the story of the dairy industry and agriculture, including through jobs, workforce development and partnerships like PA Preferred. The most important way to tell the story is the families, he said. Think about how important that is to the culture of Pennsylvania and the business community. Carlisle restaurant scene bouncing back after pandemic throws industry for a spin Borough restaurants interviewed by The Sentinel reported a steady increase in customers over the past two to three months as COVID-19 vaccination rates have risen and cases of the virus have declined. The ice cream trail takes visitors across the state to meet those families and to be reintroduced to the food and culture that people have missed over the past year, Redding said. To qualify for the trail, the creameries make a commitment to use PA Preferred products, Redding said. Lolly Lesher of Way-Har Farm Market in Bernville said her family is in the fourth generation of running a farm market and her children represent the seventh generation of dairy farmers. It really is a cow to cone experience in our family farm, she said. Each day they have the opportunity to share what they do with consumers and to share high-quality food with their neighbors and the larger community, Lesher said. The South Central Trail, which includes Urban Churn and the Sugar Shack in Boiling Springs, is the largest of the three regional trails in the program and includes 12 creameries or ice cream shops from Bernville to Chambersburg. Adam Brackbill of Urban Churn said 2020 was a wild ride, but he took the time to think about how he wanted to go, deciding to expand into a second location with the Hampden store. The first location is in Harrisburg. Twenty-twenty was definitely a pause in life. It seems like 2021 is catching up especially for us, he said. The ice cream trail is a perfect segue into catching up on life and having the opportunity as a family to get out and support small industry, especially the dairy industry. Carrie Lepore, Department of Community and Economic Development deputy secretary of marketing, tourism and film, said there is a growing appetite for travel. Citing the latest Longwoods International tracking study of American travelers, Lepore said three-quarters of those surveyed now feel safe going to places outside their local communities for shopping and dining. Current market trends show a demand for road trips, nostalgia and outdoor activities. The agricultural industry is perfectly positioned to take advantage of these trends to provide authentic opportunities that allow families of all shapes and sizes to pursue their happiness here in Pennsylvania, she said. He was 25 and playing with some of the great European orchestras, Froemke said. He would study and study and he would be full of nerves before he would go before these orchestras. Theres a moment in Rotterdam, Yannick is waiting outside the stage door to go into the first rehearsal and you see the fear in his face. Froemke said he told her that when he rewatched the video of that moment recently, The fear came back to him in a profound way. To help him through that period, his parents, Claudine Nezet and Serge Seguin, and his life partner, violist Pierre Tourville, spent most of a decade traveling with him from city to city. The documentary is bookended by scenes of Nezet-Seguin preparing two productions he conducted during the Mets 2018-19 season, his first as music director and the last full season before the house shut down because of the pandemic. He's shown working with soprano Diana Damrau on Verdis La Traviata, in which she portrays Violetta, a courtesan who is dying of tuberculosis. In the opening scene, Violetta is throwing a late-night party, and the music on the surface is festive and carefree. But the conductor asks his star to dig deeper. That certainly sounds like a human to me. The reason the reporters question was relevant and posed to Psaki in the first place was that in the fall, the U.S. Supreme court is scheduled to hear arguments on Mississippis ban on most abortions after 15 weeks. In the past, the president, through spokespeople, has called such prohibitions on abortion an assault on womens rights. Such language has been part of the abortion debate for decades. Proponents of legal abortion would like you to believe that what is at stake in the Mississippi case and other similar cases is a womans right to choose. Theres nothing new about this defense, of course. What is new is that we know a lot more about unborn babies than we did in 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade. We know that some 62 million abortions have been performed in this country since 1973 and we can clearly see, through scientific innovation, the humanness in an unborn baby. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} It allows them to compete on a level playing field with the internet companies, he said. The way we do commerce is changing and we must adapt to the changes. The brick-and-mortar stores provide employment to the people in our community. Henderson said in order to go into effect locally, counties and cities must pass a use tax -- if they have not already passed one -- to collect the tax on internet sales in that municipality. Since the tax on internet sales is considered a use tax, it will only apply to jurisdictions where the voters have approved use tax collections. Rep. Cyndi Buchheit-Courtway, R-Festus, said many businesses, including local businesses, have closed their doors citing their inability to compete with internet sales. Many brick-and-mortar business owners have complained to me about the competitive disadvantages small businesses have with internet sales, especially Amazon, she said. In some instances there is at least 10% or more difference in the total cost. This is very challenging for small business owners, and with the passage of Wayfair, this will help our Missourians. Buchheit-Courtway said to offset the increased sales-use taxes, Missourians will eventually see lower income taxes. The way its written, this is not the legalization that we deserve in the state we love, Suttle said. The extra regulations you are putting on this are not fair to those that have been hurt the worst by the war on drugs. Cannabis centers and law enforcement would have access to an online portal to check patient registrations, and an approved amendment would raise penalties against those who misuse medicinal marijuana for drug trafficking. Still, social conservatives again urged opposition to the bill, saying the safety and efficacy of cannabis remain uncertain and don't meet standards for other lawful drugs, and that the measure will ultimately lead to the legalization of recreational use. Smoked marijuana is not medicine, said the Rev. Mark Creech of the Christian Action League of North Carolina. Several Democrats on the committee praised the bill. At least two Republicans on the committee voted no. Senate Majority Leader Kathy Harrington, a Gaston County Republican, said she probably wouldn't have supported the bill six months ago. But that changed because she said her husband has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and received cancer treatments. Life comes at you fast, Harrington told colleagues. I believe we've already had some moments in our lives where this type of medication would have assisted in some of the responses to the treatment. She made the motion to recommend the measure. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 DEAR HARRIETTE: I need to tell my boss that I'll be quitting next week, since I believe a reference request will be in her email inbox by EOD. I want to be considered for a position in a different company. I've already talked to the manager about it, and the company wants me. They just want to hear from my boss about my work ethic and capabilities. I work with a tiny, close-knit team -- just 5 of us -- and we all get along well. My boss has spent a significant amount of time training me and assisting me in developing me for the job; therefore, I feel bad about informing her that I would be departing. At the same time, I need to go for this opportunity, as I feel it's a much better fit for me and my goals. How should I break it to her? -- Taking the Next Step DEAR TAKING THE NEXT STEP: Immediately tell your boss that you need to talk to her. Then let her know what's going on. Thank her for all the support that she has given to you. Make it clear that you are grateful and that she has helped you grow. Explain that this new opportunity is in alignment with your long-term goals, so you believe you should go for it. Apologize for any inconvenience that your departure may cause. Emphasize how much you care about her and your co-workers and that your intention is not to make it hard on them as you pursue your goals. Ask her to respond to the reference request that she will be receiving, and directly ask her to give you a favorable review. Remind her of key highlights that showcase your work so that they are top of mind for her. Be positive. Now, 600,000 Americans have died in a pandemic that began under suspicious circumstances in China and about which the Chinese government is stonewalling all meaningful investigation. 600,000 dead -- that is a lot bigger than a few Russian Facebook ads in Wisconsin. And yet leading figures in the Biden administration and the Democratic Party seem to have far less zeal about pursuing the origins of a disease that killed 600,000 Americans than they had in investigating what Russia did in the 2016 election. It doesn't make sense. Everyone involved, scientist and non-scientist, agrees it is important to know the real origins of COVID. The Americans who want more investigation are not accusing China of deliberating loosing the virus on the world, but they do think there is persuasive evidence that the virus escaped into the human population as a result of an accidental leak during research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And they know that China has hidden the facts from the very beginning. The baby was born premature at 24 weeks in February 2020, when her mother died of an aneurism and the doctors performed a caesarian delivery. She remained in the hospital for roughly six months before being allowed to come home last summer. Consolvo said Jenkins, who had four other daughters at home when the baby was injured in late May, would allegedly hyperextend the babys arms as she used a walker, raising it above her head. Consolvo told the court that when admitted to the emergency room, the baby had a bilateral bucket fracture (corner fracture) to her femur, which according to the National Institutes of Health is indicative of non-accidental trauma to the patient. Consolvo also said she had bruises on her back, chest and one on her groin, blisters on her fingertips as if something hot had been applied to them and a subdural hematoma that is indicative of Shaken Baby Syndrome. French explained that he and TMF president and CEO, Roy Young, have been using the rubric as a road map to a better understanding of what they like to call Montpeliers whole-truth history. We made sure that the MDC was an independent organization from the start, so that it would be authentic and have the maximum impact, French said. Shortly after the formation of the committee, I was invited by Roys predecessor (Kat Imhoff) to join the Montpelier foundations board of directors. Although the journey to reach the current power-sharing agreement has been a long and winding one, Young believes that the partnership will only strengthen the efforts to tell the full history of Montpelier. The first step is the acknowledgement that the history exists and that were no longer going to erase it. Then theres this need to tell the history. Yet, you can only tell the history through the staff members that are here to interpret it. Therefore, we started engaging descendants to see who was interested in doing this work with us. Young also emphasized the pioneering and groundbreaking aspects of the leadership reorganization and pointed to the fact that it could set a new standard among national historic sites. The successful completion of this project was the result of cooperation between multiple agencies, including VDOT, the Virginia State Police and the Nelson County Sheriffs Office, as well as Nelson County officials. Three VDOT districts, Culpeper, Lynchburg and Staunton, as well as VDOTs Northwestern Regional Operations group, contributed resources to the project, the release said. During the past eight weeks, contractors with VDOT have worked nearly around the clock to repair and stabilize the slope above U.S. 250, removing loose soil, trees and rocks and drilling numerous soil nails into the roughly 80-foot-tall by 240-foot-wide area. Nelson Supervisor Tommy Harvey said it was just wonderful to have the roadway reopened ahead of schedule. He thanked all of the agencies and law enforcement involved for their continued efforts to clear the rockslide. It took a little while and government doesnt move fast, but they solved most of the problems as far as the trucks, and that will continue, Harvey said. The people have put up with a lot, but its something that happens that nobody has control over, but youve just got to make the best to fit. I know everybody is going to be happy. Mack wept at times while reading her statement to the court. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis told her he believed her apology was sincere, but said she deserved a serious sentence for using her celebrity to groom victims as a willing and proactive ally and essential accomplice to Raniere's monstrous crimes. Under advisory sentencing guidelines, Mack had faced between 14 and 17 1/2 years behind bars, but her defense team argued in court papers that probation or a sentence to home confinement was more appropriate. Prosecutors had agreed that any prison term should be below the guidelines range because of her cooperation. The NXIVM saga and the story of Ms. Macks descent have been a tragedy for all involved. But that need not, and should not, be the end of the story for Allison Mack, her lawyers wrote in court papers. A victim, Jessica Joan, rejected Mack's apologies, telling the judge the actor deserved no mercy. She can blame Keith all she wants but she is a monster cut from the same cloth, Joan said in court on Wednesday. Allison Mack is a predator and an evil human being. The Virginia Cannabis Control Authority will be an independent agency governing the new industry. Gov. Ralph Northam will appoint its chief executive officer in the coming days. The regulatory process also will be driven by the three boards. In the coming days, Northam also will make public his appointments to a five-person Board of Directors of the Cannabis Control Authority, which must be confirmed by the legislature. As the launch of the legal market nears, it will create the regulations for the legal market. For manufacturers, as an example, regulators will have to issue guidance on packaging and labels for marijuana products. Theyll also issue standards for cultivation, sanitation and testing of marijuana production and the product. The state also will create the Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council, a 21-member board that will issue binding opinions on regulations that have to do with public health. The state also will create a 20-member Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board. It will be responsible for doling out the 30% in marijuana revenues that the state decided to direct to persons, families, and communities historically and disproportionately targeted and affected by drug enforcement, according to the law. Seaborn says the marijuana laws, and their impacts on colleges and businesses, are getting more complicated as more states legalize it. Its gotten more complicated because every state is taking its own unique approach, he said. Its not just a simple state issue versus federal issue because every state has its own flavor of legalization. For Virginians, that flavor is a bit vanilla. As of Thursday, state law allows people 21 and older to possess up to an ounce for personal use and to consume it on private property. Consuming it in public is illegal. Adults also may grow up to four plants on their own property. They cannot grow their plants on someone elses property, even with permission. Neither can they let someone grow plants on their property. No sales are allowed, although gifts are permissible. Prohibited are schemes in which marijuana is given to one person at the same time as an exchange of another item or cash. Where were at now is that were taking a step to legalize it, but were not taking the step of having a commercial industry, yet, Seaborn said. As a consumer, its not legal to buy, so were in a complicated legal position for the next while. Yes. I will do my part to conserve household energy usage, even if I'm uncomfortable in my home. No. It is too hot to conserve household energy usage. I already conserve, even before ERCOT requested it. Maybe, depending on the reason ERCOT provides and whether or not I am home during that time. Vote View Results Tamil Nadu: After annual ban ends, fishermen return to shores, but claim poor catch July 01,2021 | Source: The Hindu After the annual fishing ban ended, the fishermen from the coastal hamlets had ventured into the sea on Tuesday night and returned in the early hours on Thursday. Though the markets were flooded with the catch and crowds thronged to buy them, fishermen leader Jesu Raja said that the catch was not very encouraging. The 61-day annual ban ended on June 14, but the fishermen from Rameswaram, Mandapam and Thangachimadam had not set off into the sea the following day (June 15). For almost a fortnight, the fishermen took time to repair the boats, fishnets and also had to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Above all, the lockdown restrictions, though there were certain relaxations, had made them venture into the Palk Bay for fishing only on June 29 night, he said. On the reasons for the poor catch, Mr. Jesu Raja said that the annual ban period, which was meant for production, was misused by some country boat fishermen, who ventured into the sea. The Fisheries Department officials should have been more vigilant, he said. On the mechanised boat fishermen venturing into the sea without obtaining tokens from the Fisheries Department, Mr. Jesu Raja said that it was unfortunate. Our association from five districts including Pudukottai, Tiruvarur, Nagapattinam had passed resolutions urging the fishermen to follow the regulations but they had ventured into the sea on June 29 night itself, he said. However, a mechanised boat owner Anthony Jesu from Thangachimadam said that only on the first day after the annual ban ended, fishermen set off in a bid to get the best catch from the seas. The CITU fishermen wing district secretary M. Karunamoorthy said that the Fisheries Department officials should take stern action against those fishermen and seize their mechanised boats, who had not obtained tokens. Venturing into the sea without taking tokens was a high risk, especially, when the Sri Lankan Navy was rude with the fishermen. The State government should determine the price for the fish on the lines of fixation for paddy and other produce, Mr. Jesu Raja said and added that export varieties were being procured by the export firms for a paltry ?350 per kg, while it was being sold at ?800 and above by them, he charged. The government should also enhance subsidies for diesel as the price per litre was ?100. Moreover, the cost of fishnet, repairs and ice had gone up due to several factors, while the export firms procured prawns for a paltry price. The fishermen too had to part with it immediately as they do not have any storage facilities, he pointed out. 2021, THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD. Tamil Nadu: Over 2,500 mechanised boats venture into sea without tokens July 01,2021 | Source: The Hindu A majority of fishermen from five districts Ramanathapuram, Pudukottai, Tiruvarur, Thanjavur and Nagapattinam (up to Kodiyakarai), ventured into the sea in over 2,500 mechanised boats on Tuesday (June 29) night in violation of resolutions passed by the Federation of Fishermen, which had proposed fishing only from Wednesday morning after obtaining tokens from the Fisheries Department. Up to 3,000 fishermen had ventured into the sea, in 750 mechanised boats from Rameswaram and 550 boats from Mandapam, in Ramanathapuram district, the federation members said. After the annual fishing ban ended on June 14, the fishermen had sought extension of the ban period till June 30 as they had to carry out repair works and other preparations. When the ban was in force, Sri Lankan authorities had dropped bus scrap in the sea, stating that it would help in fish production. However, the fishermen of Tamil Nadu had said it was done with the objective of damaging their boats and nets. Tokens not obtained While it was mandatory for the fishermen to get tokens to venture into the sea, they had not collected tokens this time. CITU Fishermen Workers Welfare Union district secretary M. Karunamoorthy said the district administration should view the violation seriously as the fishermen risked their lives by not obtaining tokens. The practice of issuing tokens helped to keep a tab on each mechanised boat venturing into the sea with details of the owner and the number of persons on board. The All Fishermen Welfare Federation, which included members from the five districts, had also passed resolutions stating that the Fisheries Department should take stern action by not allowing such boats to venture into the sea at least for a week, and the government should discontinue diesel subsidy offered to such fishermen. When contacted, a Fisheries Department official said since the end of the ban period on June 14, the officials had been issuing tokens to boat owners. Assuring to look into the charges that a large number of boats had ventured into the sea from the five districts without obtaining tokens, the official said there were legal provisions to take action against them. 2021, THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD. Andhra Pradesh: VMRDA draft master plan projects boost to fisheries by Umamaheswara Rao July 01,2021 | Source: The Times of India The draft master plan-2041 prepared by Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority has proposed seven fishery development nodes in Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram districts in areas like Revupolavaram, Muthyalammapalem, Chinnamangamaripeta, etc. The VMRDA region has a nearly 250 km coastline dotted with 80 fishing villages, which is 26% of the coast length in Andhra Pradesh. Fishing is a traditional occupation in the region. Andhra Pradesh has favourable agro-climatic conditions for the growth of fisheries and aquaculture sector. The state is contributing as much as 29.7% of national fish production. It is a major exporter of shrimp in India with a share of 40.4% in total value of seafood exports of the country during the 2019-20 financial year. The sector is providing employment to nearly 26.5 lakh people. Fisheries contribute 7.4% of the gross state domestic product of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, due importance is being given to conserve and harness this traditional occupation in the region in the VMRDA draft master plan-2041. Apart from the fishery development nodes, the other prominent suggestions given in the draft plan for this sector are to increase infrastructure facilities, employment-based allied industries, and proposal of new fishing harbours in areas like Etcherla, Kalingapatnam, Bheemili and Pudimadaka. Key objectives of the recommendations are to sustain fish production, promote fishermen welfare, address critical gaps in the infrastructure for the value chain, and to promote domestic fish consumption in the state. Skill development and creating fishing infrastructure will boost the declining active fishermen. Provisioning of mini harbours or jetties will increase the number of crafts, which will eventually increase the economy of fisherfolk. The envisaged logistic connectivity, proposed development plans, and exporting facilities would make the region advantageous for these establishments. The master plan also proposes encouraging the primary sector by adopting sustainable agricultural practices and technologies. This will conserve fertile agricultural land and help in optimum use of available resources without hindering the rural fabric. Providing required infrastructure and easy access to markets will boost the local economy and aid in easy transfer of agricultural commodities. 2021 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. Gujarat: Panchayat in Valsad passes resolution against port plan by Kamal Saiyed July 01,2021 | Source: The Indian Express A protest has been brewing among the fishermen community in Nargol after the Gujarat government announced a plan to build a greenfield port on the Nargol coast in Valsad district of South Gujarat, bordering Maharashtra. On Tuesday, the Nargol Gram Panchayat held a general board meeting and passed a resolution opposing the development of the port, fearing it would affect the livelihood of farmers and fishermen. There are 14 elected members, including the sarpanch, in Nargol Panchayat. Last week, the state government announced plan to develop a port at Nargol in Umargam Taluka as a cargo port on Build, Own, Operate, Transfer basis for a period of 50 years, on public-private partnership basis. Talking to The Indian Express, Nargol village sarpanch Kantibhai Kotwal said, The major source of income of people of Nargol and its neighbouring villages are farming and fishing. They will lose their livelihood. The state government has not shared information about the project with us. People of nine villages neighbouring Nargol village are supporting us in opposing the project. Deputy sarpanch of Nargol village, Sweety Bhandari, said, Villagers dont want a port, we want tourism. Nargol is of historical significance as the Parsis from Iran landed in Sanjan and stayed in Nargol village The port would pollute the coastal area The land in the coastal area belongs to the tribals and it is the only source of their income. Nargol Gram Panchayat member Upendra Tandel told this paper, If a jetty comes up, fishermen will have to suffer. Tandel is member of the Umargam Taluka Kinara Bachao Utkarsh Samiti, an offshoot of Kinara Bachao Sangharsh Samiti, that protested Maroli port project in the same taluka in 1999-2000 under Lt Colonel (retd) Pratap Save. The project was abandoned. 2021 The Indian Express [P] Ltd. A Sweet Home man pleaded guilty Thursday for his role in a scheme to steal funds intended to help small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Russell Anthony Schort, 39, pleaded guilty to bank fraud, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorneys Office - District of Oregon. Schort worked with an accomplice, Andrew Aaron Lloyd, 51, of Lebanon, to take advantage of the Small Business Administrations Paycheck Protection Program, an integral part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020. The CARES Act provided emergency financial assistance to millions of Americans and small businesses suffering from the economic effects of the pandemic. According to court documents, on May 1, 2020, Lloyd submitted a PPP loan application under Schorts business name, Schort Lee Construction, to U.S. Bank. Included in the loan application package was a false IRS form 944 listing 2019 wages paid of more than $3 million. The application also included a fake list of 56 employees and the wages purportedly paid to each. State After a year of living carefully, nearly half of Texas voters have returned to their pre-pandemic lives, UT/TT Poll finds Al Key/DRC file photo In a photo taken in April on Dentons Square, some folks wear masks, some dont and some keep their masks close by around their necks. As an increasing number of Texans get vaccinated against COVID-19, most voters here are returning to their pre-pandemic lives or something close to it after a year of living carefully, according to the University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll. In the June poll, 47% of voters said they were coming and going as they were before the pandemic restrictions hit, while 39% said they were leaving the house regularly while still exercising caution. Another 14% said they were still staying home all the time or only going out when absolutely necessary, according to the poll. Conservatives are more likely to be living normally now, the poll found: 68% of Republicans are returning to pre-pandemic lifestyles compared with only one in five Democrats even though Democrats are more likely to have been vaccinated. A year ago, nearly three-quarters of Texans were isolating at home, according to a UT/TT poll from April 2020, a month into the statewide stay-at-home orders. At the time, more than half of Texas voters were extremely or very concerned about the virus spreading throughout their community, according to UT/TT polls. But now, only 27% of the polls respondents have that level of concern over viral spread, and the fear is concentrated among communities of color, the poll found. Among Black voters in Texas, 58% say they are still extremely or very concerned about the spread of the virus in their communities, just over half are worried about themselves or someone they know getting infected, and only 19% say they have fully returned to their normal, pre-pandemic lives, according to the poll. One-third of Hispanic voters said they have returned to normal life, and 38% said they are extremely or very concerned about viral spread in their communities. By contrast, 59% of white voters have returned to their normal pre-pandemic lives with no additional precautions or restrictions that arent mandated, the poll shows. Fewer than 1 in 5 white Texans have a high level of concern about themselves or someone they know being infected. There are pretty large racial and ethnic disparities in levels of concern. This gap has persisted throughout the pandemic, said Joshua Blank, research director for the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The fact that these groups express more concern is a reflection of the reality that theyve faced more harm or impact. Less than half of Texas voters believe that coronavirus is still a significant crisis, compared with two-thirds in April 2020. Democrats and Republicans differ sharply on this, and have disagreed since the beginning of the pandemic, the poll found. More than three-quarters of Democrats believe the pandemic is still a significant crisis, while less than one-quarter of Republicans feel the same. More than a third of Republicans say its not an issue at all. At the start of the pandemic, 91% of Democrats viewed coronavirus as a significant concern, while less than half of Republicans felt that way, the April 2020 UT/TT poll found. By June 2020, that level of concern among Republicans dropped to 29% and stayed close to that rate for the next year. The consistent differences in the perspective on the pandemic between the two parties has been reflected in the decisions being made by Texas Republican leaders easing business restrictions just a month after shutdowns started, or fighting Democratic efforts to push through voting procedures that they believed reduced risk at the voting booth, pollsters said. It also seems to be the underpinning of GOP Gov. Greg Abbotts more recent decisions to end the statewide mask mandate in March, block so-called vaccine passports and ban local governments and school districts from enacting safety protocols, among other policies, said James Henson, co-director of the poll and head of the Texas Politics Project at UT-Austin. Texans are fairly evenly divided overall on the issue of requiring vaccine credentials in order to gain admission to events or activities with large groups of people. The poll found 41% of voters support vaccine passports, while 46% oppose them. Along partisan lines, the divide is much deeper. Nearly three-quarters of Democrats support requiring vaccine credentials, compared with 17% of Republicans, the poll found. More than two-thirds of Republicans approve of the job the state government is doing in response to the coronavirus now, compared to just 20% of Democrats, the poll shows. Overall, the approval rating for the state response to the pandemic came in at 45%, with a 34% disapproval rating. Republicans were ready to move on much sooner than Democrats were, Henson said. Theres been a gap from the beginning. And I think its hard not to map that on to the political response from Republican leadership in the state. Personal decisions About 50% of voting-age Texans have been fully vaccinated, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Yet the poll shows that while Republican and Democrat voters in Texas differ on what personal precautions they are taking, the majority of Texas voters are still masking up and avoiding large groups of people. Half of them are still avoiding other people outside of their households. Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to avoid large crowds, the poll showed. They are also almost three times as likely to mask up around people outside their households or avoid them altogether, according to the poll. People of color are also more likely to be taking personal protection measures. Nearly 90% of Black voters and 72% of Hispanics are still wearing their masks around people outside their households, compared with 44% of white Texans. The differences were similar regarding avoiding large groups and avoiding other people in general. At the same time, however, this most recent poll shows that more Texans feel safe doing more activities that, a year ago, they viewed as dangerous most of all grocery shopping, haircuts and working at the office. More than half of Texas voters still see going to bars as a risky activity. Vaccines Black people, Hispanics and other people of color in Texas have higher rates of infection and deaths, have less access to the vaccines than white Texans and tend to hold jobs that put them at higher risk of getting infected. They also trust vaccines, in general, slightly more than white Texans, the poll found, and Black voters were nearly three times more likely to say they planned to get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it was available to them. Both national and state agencies have made focused outreach efforts to increase vaccination acceptance among communities of color, which is most likely what is being reflected in the poll, Henson and Blank said. Overall, though, two-thirds of Texans believe that vaccines in general are safe and effective. Democratic voters were also more likely to have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, with 79% reporting that they had gotten their shot, compared with 47% of Republican voters. The University of Texas/Texas Tribune internet survey of 1,200 registered voters was conducted from June 10-21 and has an overall margin of error of +/- 2.83 percentage points. Denton, TX (76205) Today Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 90F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 72F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. * Username This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Choose wisely! Japanese telecommunications services and technology giant SoftBank has teamed up with the Smart Africa Secretariat, an alliance of 32 African countries, international organisations and global private sector players tasked with Africas digital agenda. They aim to work on an initiative to use non-terrestrial connectivity as a way of connecting remote or underserved regions of the continent. A recently announced memorandum of understanding between the partners highlights plans for a collaboration on what are called innovative solutions towards achieving the vision of providing affordable broadband. The aim seems to be to bring together a number of existing approaches to satellite and high-altitude communications with an investment plan called the Bulk Capacity Purchase Project. As part of Smart Africas strategy to double broadband penetration to 51 percent in Africa by 2025 it is working to implement the Bulk Capacity Purchase Project, an initiative that aims to deliver affordable internet connectivity for African citizens through the large-scale joint procurement efforts of Smart Africa member countries. To contribute to the project, SoftBank will deploy its non-terrestrial network (NTN) solutions to reduce internet costs and build affordable internet infrastructure. SoftBanks NTN solutions will utilize the connectivity services of satellite internet company OneWeb, satellite IoT business Skylo and HAPSMobile, an operator of high altitude platform station (HAPS) networks, among others, to provide connectivity from space and the stratosphere. SoftBank aims to deploy NTN solutions in African markets by collaborating with Smart Africa and working closely with its member countries. Five African countries have already expressed interest in the Bulk Capacity Purchase Project: Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco and Rwanda. How this plays out in practice will be interesting. Connectivity from high altitude could overcome the technical problem of traversing remote terrain and serving low population areas if it can be done affordably. However, one such initiative has already foundered on this issue. As we reported in January, Alphabet pulled support from its internet-beaming balloon subsidiary Loon, after the company failed to find a financially stable business model. La Aldea: The 'Temporary' Cuban Shelters That Arent Those who live in this 'transitional community', as the government describes it, arrived expecting to be there for a short time, but many have been trapped in it their entire lives. Nobody dreams of living in a shelter. However, the people who reside here have spent much of their lives in cramped spaces, without separate rooms or privacy, and it shows in their claustrophobic gazes. Many ended up here after their homes collapsed. In this place a prime is hardly placed on education, as when poverty and hunger rear their heads, the prevailing philosophy is just to survive. These shelters, whose occupants have dubbed them La Aldea (The Village), like almost all such accommodations, are made up of a series of tiny cubicles. The State assumes that a family of up to six people can live in each one. Outside, the ground is dusty and the streets are cracked, with no traces of any asphalt. Inside, a semi-polished concrete mixture covers the floors. No politicians or high-ranking officials visit any of these "houses", which are officially called "transitional communities," despite the fact that they house families whose struggle against uncertainty is perpetual. The Cubans who were forced to take shelter here did so with the expectation that it would be for a reasonable period of time, until the State assigned them homes of their own. But, as they waited, their interiors began to fill with family photos, ornaments and other objects making them feel like permanent homes. There are some families that have been living in La Aldea for more than 20 years. Many have been born, married and had their children here. In his living room, barely two meters wide and four meters long, Angela Herrera has a television that she turns on at noon to watch the Noticiero, the daily newscast. But the news barely talks about the situations of shelter residents like her. She is now going on five years, living in a unit approximately seven meters long by four meters wide, including a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. A kind of makeshift screen, made up of fabrics and wood scraps, marks off the living room. She has a sofa, a couple of chairs, and an air conditioner capable of cooling the entire property at night. 56 years old, Angelas odyssey of a life continues. She was born in Moron, Ciego de Avila. At the age of 8 she moved with her family to Cienfuegos, where she lived until she got married, had children, and separated. Then she met her current husband and they emigrated together to Centro Habana, in the capital. The district bordered by Zanja, Belascoain, Galiano and San Lazaro streets, sprayed by the salt and breezes of El Malecon, is known as San Leopoldo. The large houses of this fossilized neighborhood, once inhabited by the city's aristocracy, gave way to crumbling properties, many in danger of collapse, divided into small rooms. Angela lived illegally in that area for 20 years. In 2016 her building collapsed, like many others, due to a lack of maintenance. "First they took us to La Villena, a school in Santiago de Las Vegas, where we stayed for a month. Then they brought us to this shelter, and the rest is history. Here I am, to this day." To the East of Havana, between the borders of the Bahia and Guanabacoa neighborhoods, are the shelters of Old Havana, where Angela and her family were transferred. These structures provide accommodations mainly for people who previously resided in Old Havana and Central Havana. There are 17 warehouses, divided into cubicles where 200 families live packed together like sardines. In La Aldea the kitchens and bathrooms get wet on rainy days, and the fiber cement tiles used to manufacture the ceilings, which are low to the ground, have a desert-like effect: "When the weather is hot, it gets hot, and when it's cold, it gets cold," Angela explains, foregoing any metaphors. In the early 90s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, which bankrolled Cuba's tropical socialism, and the advent of the "Special Period, sheltered communities began to gradually spread throughout the country. 104 of them are located in Havana. On January 26, 2020, before the coronavirus hit the island, the Cuban government announced a reconstruction plan through the Cuban News Agency (ACN). A Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) report focused on "Temporary Shelters" in Cuba explained that "the operation of shelters must feature the organization of general services guaranteeing the conditions essential for their inhabitation." The reality of these structures, however, is very different. The sewers overflow most of the year, with areas that constitute virtual breeding grounds for mosquitoes, other insects, and rodents. Potable water fittings suffer from leaks and, sometimes, breaks that lead to mixing with wastewater. On the weekend of January 8, 2021, a score of residents at the Bahia-Plaza shelter near La Aldea commenced a protest to demand their transfer to a place featuring better conditions, and that they be given their own homes. "Next to the warehouses where we live they are erecting a building for Electricity Company workers. There are also new, empty buildings in Cojimar for the military. But we, after spending years amidst mice and mosquitoes, in houses that get all wet, and iand in which we can suffer electrical shocks they... don't give us anything. Were tired of going to every possible place, and in the end it's all for nothing," said Lourdes Quintana, a mother of five. A llegaypon by the shelters A recent report from the Ministry of Construction indicates that at the end of April 2021, 5,791 homes were completed throughout the country, earmarked for various groups, including subsidized and sheltered people. According to the report, this number of buildings represents 13% of what was slated in the construction plan for this year. Those numbers were announced in May 2021 on Cuban TV's Noticiero Nacional, but it was not specified how many homes were planned for each sector. Despite the deterioration, the inhabitants of La Aldea have never taken to the streets: "We behave like civilized people, because, in the end, I tell you, that I was born under, Fidel and I owe what I have to Fidel. Were not counterrevolutionaries, and we support this Revolution. I, particularly, love President Diaz-Canel. Actually, what I would like is for him to come out and see how people live in the shelters," Angela said, hopeful. Joel Muwanga was born in Kampala, Uganda, a landlocked country located in East Africa. He was the second child of a couple formed by a young Ugandan man, an Agricultural Engineering student in Cuba, and a Cuban girl who was studying Commerce. His parents separated when he was 12 years old. His mother took the first flight to Cuba and brought him with her. He never saw his father again. They settled on the Calle Aponte, in Old Havana before spending time in the Guanabacoa district and ending up next to the shelters, in a llegaypon, a makeshift shelter built on vacant land; literally, an arrive and put. "This was empty land where people who didn't have houses came and settled. That is why it is called a llegaypon. We built a wooden house and, with that, struggling, we laid the foundation, put down blocks and that's what you see right now," says Joel. That is the llegaypon: a whole neighborhood built without the approval of any architects, based entirely on the tastes and resources of each family. Muwanga is a rapper and music producer. In his songs he evokes the times when his house was still made of boards, with a dirt floor, and he recorded his songs with Ediel and El Fila, the two deceased members of his old group, Kick Krack. Through years of effort, along with his family, he expanded the spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom, garage, and an entranceway with a small altar to Saint Lazarus. Now he intends to build a second floor. "This is not going to change any time soon" There is not much difference between the people in the shelters and those at the llegaypon. They are affected by the same deficiencies and the same abandonment. This is so much the case, in fact, that, from the outside, the whole territory is seen as one place. Only its residents recognize the boundaries between the two. "I'm used to seeing the shelters, for me it's normal. But I've come with friends of mine and, we get here, and people tell them 'come in here, this is my pad' and friends have told me 'No way, Joel', and sometimes they're speechless." Most of the shelters' occupants were born in slums or tenements, or emigrated from the countryside seeking a better future in the capital. Muwanga still feels the leery gazes of residents of the Bahia neighborhood settle on them. "When you arrive in the most residential area of Bahia and say, 'I'm from the shelters', people look at you differently," says Muwanga, who also offers a theory as to why most of the people are black in those areas. "The blacks in the shelters are ones segregated from Havana, who they sent away a little. In those places the State put its hotels, cafes and their own things. I know that is the country's economy, but they're looking to make a lot of money, when there are people who have been here for 20 years." In La Aldea most people work. Many make a living on the black market , reselling products they buy in stores accepting Freely Convertible Currency (MLC). They spend their time standing in long lines in the sun to get them. La Aldea, thus, has become a place where one can find products that are in short supply at shops and markets, such as shampoo and conditioner. Despite the explosion of the pandemic in Havana, La Aldea has not been the most affected place. Before the curfew was instituted due to Covid-19, many young people from different areas of the Bahia district, in the absence of discos and bars, would go to one of the warehouses there to buy the low-quality, cheap alcohol known as chispa de tren, or "train spark". The shelters comprised a kind of haven where the authorities hardly intervened, rum flowed, and one could talk. This is still true today. It's almost 9:00 at night, curfew time, and people come and go from Joel's house as if the law did not exist. They are people from the neighborhood, friends and acquaintances. In the living room they have a PlayStation, and in the bedroom Joel has a little alcohol in a plastic bottle that he will share, straight from it, with anyone who visits, as he has done all his life. Recently the Official Gazette announced new terms for citizens to access a housing plan and subsidies for people without a home, or those who need to remodel theirs. Applicants must have at least three children under 17 years of age. Materials have already arrived, and work has begun on buildings to replace the shelters, but progress is slow. In the time it takes to erect a building for people in crisis, several hotels for tourists can be built in Old Havana from which most of those living in the shelters were driven. "This is not going to change any time soon," Angela declares. Again, no metaphors. This article is part of "El ultimo techo" ("The Last Roof") a special transnational series by the Laboratorio de Periodismo Situado. If you ask Washington State swimmer Taylor McCoy how she came to adopt the backstroke as her specialty, she might talk initially about the chicken and the egg. Does she like that stroke because shes good at it? Or is she good at it because she likes it? The challenged provisions mostly have to do with monitoring or photographing parts of the election process. Bruce Brown, a lawyer for the activists and others who filed the suit, said the state misrepresents the law as promoting transparency and election integrity. They say that, but what they mean by transparency is a fake transparency, Brown said during the online hearing. It's transparency theater. It's integrity theater. Instead, Brown said, the challenged provisions of the law effectively obstruct election transparency and intimidate voters and members of the news media who provide citizen oversight for the way elections are run. Bryan Tyson, a lawyer for the state, argued that the challenged provisions are necessary to protect ballot secrecy and the integrity of the state's elections. He also noted that none of the activists have said that they intend to violate the challenged provisions, and that they face no harm unless they violate these provisions. The Georgia First Amendment Foundation has filed a brief in the case, saying the new law "has imposed new and dangerous restrictions on news gathering that threaten the ability of the public and press to remain informed about Georgia elections. People leaving a centralized facility after completing a 21-day quarantine period in HCMC's Thu Duc City, June 28, 2021. Photo by VnExpress/Huu Khoa. Vietnam's ongoing outbreak continues to grow with 189 new domestic Covid-19 patients confirmed Thursday morning, including 158 cases in HCMC. The rest of the cases were registered in four other localities: Tien Giang (16), Phu Yen (eight), Hung Yen (six), and Vinh Long (one). All the new cases in HCMC were recorded in quarantine zones and areas that have been isolated. The cases in the Mekong Delta's Tien Giang had contact with previously confirmed Covid-19 patients. All the cases in the central Phu Yen Province and the northern Hung Yen Province also had contracted the virus after coming into contact with Covid-19 patients. The case in the Mekong Delta's Vinh Long is a woman who returned from HCMC. Over two months into the new Covid wave, the fourth one and the most challenging Vietnam has faced yet, the nation has recorded 13,684 domestic cases in 50 of its 63 cities and provinces. Bac Giang Province and HCMC account for most infections, with 5,703 and 3,998 cases. The country has vaccinated more than 3.7 million people against Covid-19, including 193,041 who have got two shots. The Baihetan hydropower plant is seen in operation on the border between Qiaojia county of Yunnan province and Ningnan county of Sichuan province, China, June 28, 2021. Photo by Reuters. The Mekong River Commission has urged China and Southeast Asian countries to share more data on hydropower operations that can contribute to abnormal rises and falls in water levels on the Mekong. The changes in water levels have affected navigation, river ecosystems and riverbank stability in the region, where tens of millions depend on the Mekong for their livelihoods. In a report released on Wednesday, the MRC said hydropower dams were holding back water at the start of this years dry season, but releases were partially triggering higher-than-average water flows in the first five months of this year. Dry conditions in the past two years continue to adversely impact seasonal water flows and interrupt the flooding cycles on the Tonle Sap lake, which much of Cambodias population relies on for agriculture, fishing and transportation. And while parts of Thailand and northern Cambodia saw record rainfall in April to May, the river flow did not register a significant increase in the period, the report said. The MRC - of which Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are members - also said that while hydropower water releases could be beneficial for agriculture and combating seawater intrusion, the management of the river basin could be improved with more data sharing. "Both member countries and China should notify any planned major changes in the operation of hydropower projects and share that information with the MRC Secretariat," said An Pich Hatda, MRC Secretariat Chief Executive Officer. China last year agreed to share year-round water level and rainfall data with the MRC and pledged to notify the commission and its member countries of any abnormal changes in water levels. Chinese Foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said it was providing data that was "fully open and transparent" to the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC), another platform of international cooperation set up in 2016. "China has provided the Mekong countries with real-time hydrological information...and has taken the initiative to report major changes in the discharge flow," Wang told a briefing. The report also forecast higher-than-average rainfall in June compared to the past two years, but lower than normal rainfall in Cambodia, the Central Highlands of Vietnam and southern Laos in July. Vietnamese repatriated from Europe arrive at Van Don Airport in Quang Ninh Province, March 23, 2020. Photo by VnExpress/Binh Minh. The northern Quang Ninh Province, which will implement the vaccine passport program this month, has begun trialing the use of tracking wristbands on visitors as a Covid-19 control measure. Visitors to the province without smartphones will have to strap on the wristbands while those who have phones will receive a SIM card and be asked to install medical declaration and contact tracing apps like Vietnam Health Declaration or Bluezone. The wristbands come with QR codes to be scanned during a person's time in quarantine or self-isolation. They would be reminded by officials to declare their medical status every day and look out for abnormal signs. This will be done for 28 days following a person's entry. The tracking wristbands use either Bluetooth or GPS to track their wearers. Their batteries last for around 30 days and are rechargeable. Prototype models of G-Track tracking wristbands, which utilize GPS technologies, developed by Ginnovations. A spokesperson for the Authority of Information Technology Application said the wristbands were developed by tech firm Ginnovations and trialed on passengers arriving in Vietnam on certain flights since June. Other countries like Singapore and South Korea also use tracking technology to monitor people. Vietnam would trial its vaccine passport program in July in Quang Ninh, home to Van Don International Airport, letting in foreign entrants who have either been fully vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19, and test negative for the coronavirus upon arrival. These arrivals will only have to undergo a seven-day centralized quarantine period instead of the usual 21 days. Vietnam plans to aid those financially affected by Covid-19 with a VND26 trillion ($1.13 billion) package. The package is a follow-up to a previous initiative of VND62 trillion ($2.6 billion) Vietnam issued last year for the poor and businesses hit by Covid-19, Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung told a government meeting Tuesday. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh demanded the labor ministry thoroughly ensures the package could reach those in need, including informal laborers like street vendors. The financial support package released in April last year included nearly VND36 trillion ($1.55 billion) from the central government and local administration budgets. It targeted six categories of individuals and businesses. Those having lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 crisis for 14 days or more would get a monthly allowance of VND1.8 million. Part-time workers who were unemployed but have not received related benefits would access a monthly allowance of VND1 million. Poor and near-poor households would receive VND250,000 per month while those with a record of meritorious services to the nation would get VND500,000 per month. Household businesses with revenues below VND100 million a year whove had to suspend operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic would also be supported with VND1 million per month. Businesses that suffered financial difficulties as a result of Covid-19 were allowed to borrow money from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies at zero percent interest to pay their employee salaries for three months. The loans would cover a maximum 50 percent of the local minimum wage, with businesses responsible for paying the remainder. As of May this year, nearly VND14 trillion of the package had been disbursed to help 13.2 million people. The Economic Committee of the legislative National Assembly on June 15 said the policy to use the package has not been effective enough to help laborers and businesses vulnerable to the pandemic. Many people in need have complained about complicated procedures preventing them from getting the support. The committee suggested the government make a comprehensive assessment of past support policies to make them more effective. Two months into the new wave, Vietnam has recorded over 13,200 community infections in 50 of its 63 cities and provinces, with localities home to most industrial zones in Vietnam, including Bac Giang and Bac Ninh in the north and Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong in the south, among those hardest hit. The labor ministry predicts if the epidemic continues to adversely affect industrial zones, 2-2.5 million factory workers would lose their jobs. Austria, Thailand and the Philippines have listed Vietnam among countries and territories with low Covid-19 risks and eased travel restrictions for Vietnamese visitors. Vaccinated tourists from Vietnam, or those having recovered from the virus and bearing a negative certificate for Covid-19 will be allowed to enter Austria from July 1 after the Austrian government deemed Vietnam had the lowest Covid-19 risks. If they fail to show proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test from Covid-19, they will be required to undergo a Covid test within 24 hours after arriving in Austria. Thailand's famous Phuket Island reopened to foreign tourists since Thursday following a long period of economic woes caused by the Covid-19 crisis, allowing in vaccinated Vietnamese without quarantine. According to Thai foreign ministry spokesperson Tanee Sangrat, Thailand currently welcomes travelers from 66 countries and territories with low Covid-19 risks to Phuket under the new tourism model. They must obtain a certificate of entry at the Thai embassy where they are from. Then, within 72 hours before flying to Thailand, get a certificate showing negative Covid-19 test results. Once in Phuket, tourists are also required to take three Covid-19 tests. The tests can be done at certified hotels or partner hospitals. If they test positive, tourists will be transferred to healthcare facilities for treatment. The Filipino government on Wednesday also released a list of more than 50 countries and territories, including Vietnam, that have been identified as "green" or with a low coronavirus risk, Philippine News Agency reported. Filipino authorities have approved shorter quarantine protocols for travelers from green countries in which passengers who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 would only have to spend seven days in quarantine upon arrival in the Philippines, instead of the standard 10-day period at government-designated facilities and four days in their place of accommodation. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month eased travel restrictions to many countries and territories, and placed Vietnam on its list of safest destinations. Vietnam's containment of Covid was a worldwide success story until late April when a fourth wave caused by the delta variant first found in India began with 13,684 cases recorded so far. Japan has decided to halve Covid-19 quarantine for travelers from Vietnam to three days starting on Thursday. This is due to "signs of an improving situation," Japan Times reported, quoting government sources. People arriving from Vietnam will be required to undergo a test on the third day before leaving quarantine, and cannot use public transportation for two weeks after arrival except for designated trains and taxis and rented cars. Several countries have been banning and imposing stricter quarantine measures for travelers from Vietnam ever since Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long said in late May a hybrid variant with characteristics from the Indian and U.K. coronavirus strains and which spreads rapidly through the air has been found. WHO rejected this, saying there is no new "hybrid variant" of the coronavirus in Vietnam, and did not sound an alert. Vietnam's containment of Covid was a worldwide success story until late April when a fourth wave caused by the delta variant first found in India began. There have been 13,684 cases so far. The country is pushing its vaccination campaign in an effort to curb the spread of infections. It received nearly a million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine gifted by Japan last month and has used most of it in the epicenter HCMC. Another million doses from Japan are expected to arrive in two deliveries on July 1 and 8. Dastrup thanked Robinson for her efforts, despite the pandemic and the negative atmosphere that has prevailed during Covid. She hopped into the middle of a fire in a pandemic. I know what she tried to do in the middle of unbeatable, just crazy odds, Dastrup said. There was no way she could win no matter what she did. I want to go on record and say I appreciate the work she did for Elko County. Cooney echoed Dastrups thoughts, pointing out that Robinson navigated the school district through the states Covid restrictions without violating the law. We had all of our kids back in person, full-time by the end of the school year, which a whole bunch of school districts in this state cannot say that [as] they stayed in hybrid or even full virtual. So I thank her for that. As the district enters a transitional phase, Trustee Luc Gerber asked for the publics patience with the board, Smith and the future superintendent going forward. Change comes slow, so it takes a lot for somebody to come into this district this size that is spread out so wide. It does take a minute for someone especially if theyre not necessarily local to embrace our community and to embrace each community to kind of figure out what is going on, Gerber said. Love 1 Funny 0 Wow 2 Sad 1 Angry 2 Get local news delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Prosecutors said in recent court filings that the Nevada Department of Corrections has provided the court with undisputed medical and pharmaceutical evidence establishing the execution will not result in unconstitutional pain or suffering "indeed, it is likely to result in very minimal to no pain. Floyds lawyers say the state wrongly maintains the alternatives they have suggested are not legitimate options because Nevada law provides only for lethal injection and the Department of Corrections has been unable to get a barbiturate. But they said the Supreme Court has made it clear that an inmate seeking to identify an alternative method of execution is not limited to choosing among those presently authorized by a particular states law. They said both of Floyds proposed alternatives are well-established in other jurisdictions. Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah authorize execution by firing squad, they said. Texas, Georgia and the U.S. government have recently used pentobarbital in executions. LAS VEGAS (AP) A mother from San Jose, California, on Wednesday was denied bail by a Nevada judge who was told by a prosecutor that the woman admitted strangling her 7-year-old son. Samantha Moreno Rodriguez, 35, made an initial court appearance by video after being arrested June 8 in Denver and transferred Monday to Nevada. Liam Husteds body was found May 28 by hikers near a trailhead outside Las Vegas. Police have said they believe Rodriguez left San Jose with her son in a car full of their belongings days before he was killed. His body remained unidentified for over a week. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Rodriguez was arrested after a family friend recognized the boys image from news reports. During Wednesdays court appearance, a prosecutor said Rodriguez confessed to strangling her son and disrobing his dead body before leaving him in the desert. This is a pretty egregious case, Deputy District Attorney John Giordani said. She essentially said that she became frustrated with the child and strangled him. Rodriguezs only comment during the proceeding was to confirm her identity. Another possibility is that this Ranked Choice Voting exercise isnt going very well because the powers that be in New York City politics dont WANT it to go very well. In a system where two parties continually dominate, and in a city where one of those parties enjoys a pretty firm stranglehold on power, RCV threatens to upset the (big) apple cart. It produces winners based on the broadest level of popular support rather than leaving voters with a binary choice between lesser evils. Party bosses hate that idea. Its possible that New York Citys version of RCV was built to fail A non-possibility is that Ranked Choice Voting itself is to blame for the fiasco. Theres simply nothing complex or confusing about it. The voter simply ranks the available candidates from first place to last, something he or she probably already did when considering which candidate to vote for in vote for one elections. At the election administration level, RCV MORE work, but its not COMPLICATED work. If no candidate receives a majority of first place votes, the candidate with the fewest such votes is eliminated. His or her votes are transferred to those voters second choices. More than 180 million doses of covid-19 vaccine have been administered in the US but a small number of individuals were originally given a saline-only jab by mistake. Those individuals were contacted once the mistake was discovered and given the proper dose of the vaccine. The most recent example comes from South Carolina, but other cases of the mix-up have been reported in North Carolina and in Ontario. Saline solution, which is just salt and water, is used to dilute the covid-19 vaccine prior to use. A saline-only shot should not cause any adverse effects but should not have happened and where it has occurred a review is ongoing to prevent it from happening again. A very limited number of people given saline-only shots The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) acknowledged that officials were aware of a very limited number of instances where individuals were given covid-19 shots absent the actual vaccine. The acknowledgement came after WCSC received a report from one of its viewers that days after she received her second dose of Pfizer vaccine, she was told by the pharmacy that administered the jab that it had not been activated. She was told to return to the pharmacy in Summerville, South Carolina, outside of Charleston, so that the covid-19 vaccine could be re-administered. Saline is used as a diluent when administering the Pfizer vaccine and should be harmless. In response to WCSCs inquiries into the matter Laura Renwick, spokesperson for SCDHEC, gave the following statement "DHEC has received a very limited number of reports of 'diluent only' administrations since December 2020. In each case that DHEC has become aware of, the provider has addressed this on an individual level with each recipient to appropriately re-administer vaccine." The customer told me that she was mostly frustrated because it meant another week of waiting until she would be fully protected from the coronavirus Lisa Weismann Reports of saline-only shots in North Carolina and Canada The few individuals that had to go back to get the activated dose of their covid-19 vaccine in South Carolina are not alone. In April there were separate reports from both North Carolina and Canada. A North Carolina Walgreens in March gave 22 people at one Monroe County location a saline injection. As in South Carolina the individuals affected were contacted by the pharmacy and were given the covid-19 vaccine as soon as they could return. Walgreens said in a statement Its also very important to note there is no reason to believe there is harm to any of these patients. We continue to strengthen our operating procedures and are committed to this not occurring again. Another episode of failing to mix the covid-19 vaccine into the saline diluent occurred at the end of March in Ontario, Cannada. Six people who had their shot administered to them at an immunization clinic north of Toronto received saline-only jabs. Staff at the pharmacy realized the mistake at the end of the day when there was too much vaccine left over according to two of the people affected. Party keeps coping with challenges toward national rejuvenation No one can argue against China's success in achieving long-term economic growth and social stability. Behind what is often called the "Chinese miracle" is the tenacious struggle of the Communist Party of China in leading the country toward national rejuvenation since its birth a century ago, according to experts. Maintaining a fighting spirit is the CPC's most distinctive characteristic and is also a major contributor to the Party's triumph over the difficulties, risks and challenges seen during the Chinese revolution, through construction and reform, and has enabled the country to become the world's second-largest economy and an influential player on the international stage, they said. The CPC was born during a time of fierce struggle in which the Chinese people overthrew feudal rule and foreign oppression, and developed through decades of painful struggle to pursue national independence and liberation. Under the leadership of the CPC, the nation reversed its fate of continuous decline following the Opium Wars in the 1840s and 1850s via steady progress toward prosperity and strength. The century-long history of the CPC is a process of great struggle that has spanned the decades from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the reform and opening-up policy, as well as advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, said Li Jie, president of the Association of Chinese Historians. "By struggle, we mean not only fighting against those who are hostile or confront us, but also prevailing over natural hazards, overcoming difficulties arising from the modernization drive and dealing with problems, risks and challenges that pose threat to the development of the Party and the nation," Li said. President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has warned on many occasions of the growing complexity of the risks and tests China has to face in realizing its dream of national rejuvenation. He has stressed the long-term nature of various struggles and called for the courage to fight and the mettle to win. In March 2019, while addressing the opening ceremony of a study session dedicated to young and middle-aged officials at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, Xi called for the continuation of the Party's fighting spirit and urged officials to strengthen the ability to struggle. Xi said achieving national rejuvenation is no easy job and that realizing the great dream demands great struggle. Resolute efforts must be made to fight against the risks and challenges that endanger the CPC's leadership and the socialist system, harm China's sovereignty, security and developmental interests and jeopardize the core and fundamental interests of the nation, he added. Saying that fighting is an art which demands strategies and skills, Xi urged efforts to mobilize all resources available to strive for unity, cooperation and win-win results. Complexity Huang Xianghuai, director of the Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, said "great struggle" has been a key phrase in the governance philosophy of the CPC Central Committee with Xi at the core. "Taking into account the great practice of the CPC's governance of the country, particularly the Party's efforts in anti-corruption, poverty alleviation, responding to trade frictions with the United States and combating the COVID-19 outbreak, we will have a better understanding of why the CPC highlights the significance of the great struggle in the new era," Huang said. China's successful efforts to eradicate absolute poverty in rural areas across the country have demonstrated how the CPC's fighting spirit functions in a nationwide campaign to improve people's well-being. Over the past eight years, 98.99 million impoverished rural residents living below the poverty line have all been lifted out of poverty. Meanwhile, all 832 impoverished counties and 128,000 impoverished villages have been removed from the poverty list. Since the unveiling of the reform and opening-up policy more than 40 years ago, the country has lifted 770 million rural residents out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global impoverished population, according to the World Bank's international poverty line. It has also met the poverty eradication target set in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres acknowledged the success of China's anti-poverty drive in recent years, calling it "the most important contribution" to the cause of global poverty reduction. When addressing a grand gathering held in Beijing to mark accomplishments in poverty alleviation and honor models in fighting against poverty, Xi said, "No country has been able to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in such a short time." The anti-poverty campaign has operated under the unified and centralized leadership of the CPC Central Committee. A total of 255,000 teams were dispatched to offer on-the-ground support and more than 3 million officials were sent from cities and towns to the countryside as special commissioners for poverty relief. Over recent decades, China has made miraculous achievements in various fields including poverty alleviation, which would not have been possible without the leadership of the CPC, said Saifullah Khan Nyazee, chief organizer of Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf, Pakistan's ruling party. The world has witnessed China's poverty eradication campaign, he said, adding that as per the commitment of the CPC, the achievement in poverty relief is nothing less than a miracle and an example of true hard work and commitment. In addition to poverty alleviation efforts, one of the greatest achievements the world can see from the CPC's governance is the effective handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. When the novel coronavirus outbreak occurred in 2019, the CPC led the Chinese people in making painstaking efforts to contain the virus in a short time and restart economic activities. It has also worked with political parties of other countries to uphold public health security, providing medical supplies and expertise to affected countries to help them fight the virus. During the fight, the CPC has upheld the belief of "putting people first" and mobilized all resources available to protect lives. Xi acted as commander-in-chief in the fight against the contagion, urging officials to give top priority to health and lives. Stephen Ndegwa, a communication expert in Nairobi, Kenya, said, "While many countries were still dilly-dallying even after the World Health Organization declared coronavirus a pandemic of global concern, the world was treated to images of the CPC-led government rising to the occasion in a resolute manner and implementing strict measures to contain its spread." The curbing of the outbreak in its tracks in China was enabled by the strong and disciplined management of public affairs. That ensures everyone plays their role for the greater good and not to fulfill selfish ends at the expense of others, he added. Various tasks While striving for high-quality growth in the new development stage, the CPC is also tasked with various jobs including forestalling and defusing major financial risks, combating pollution and promoting green development, and frustrating attempts to split China or undermine its ethnic unity and social harmony and stability. Externally, unilateralism, protectionism and trade bullying have posed a great threat to China's developmental interests as well as the global economy and international order. With strong awareness of risk prevention and control in mind, Xi has urged Party officials to be clear-headed about the long-term and complex nature of both domestic and international unfavorable factors, and to be well-prepared for any difficult circumstances. In the meantime, he has also underlined the need for the Party to strengthen strict self-governance to ensure its members refrain from incompetence, disengagement from the people, inaction and corruption. Gu Hailiang, a professor of Marxist theory at Peking University, said that as part of the CPC's great struggle, self-reform within the Party aims to strengthen Party building to make it more powerful and improve its governance capacity. Raphael Tuju, secretary-general of Kenya's ruling Jubilee Party, said, "You have to give credit to the Communist Party of China for having managed to steer the country in a disciplined and focused manner, which has enabled them to achieve what one can generally call the 'Chinese miracle'." He added: "We have a lot to learn from the CPC. I think one of the things one can talk about is the way they keep focusing on fighting corruption." On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, brilliant light shows were held in many places. Photo taken on June 28, 2021 shows citizens watching a brilliant light show in the Zhongguancun Technology Town, Beijing, China's capital city. (Chen Xiaogen/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 27, 2021 shows the night scenery of the Twin Towers in the Financial Town of the High-tech Zone in Chengdu, southwest China's Sichuan Province. (Liu Guoxing/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 28, 2021 shows the light show held in Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, north China's Hebei Province. (Wu Zhiwei/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 28, 2021 shows 600 drones forming a slogan "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" over Sanjiangkou in Ningbo City, east China's Zhejiang Province. (Hu Xuejun/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 28, 2021 shows the themed light show "Follow the Light" in celebration of the CPC centenary staged on both sides of the Gan River in Nanchang City, east China's Jiangxi Province. (Ding Bo/Guangming Picture) Photo taken on June 29, 2021 shows the a three-dimensional light show held to celebrate the 100the anniversary of the founding of the CPC in in Jinan City, east Chinas' Shandong Province. Over 60 buidings in the city are included. (Hao Xincheng/Guangming Picture) [ Editor: WXY ] President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that all issues regarding Ukraine are resolved only in Ukraine and by the Ukrainian state. He said this in an exclusive interview with the Interfax-Ukraine agency, commenting on the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin that "Ukraine is under the external control of the United States, Germany and France." "In the real world, all issues regarding Ukraine are resolved exclusively in Ukraine and by the Ukrainian state, and certainly not in any neighboring country and certainly not by 'shadow intermediaries' who are now under house arrest or on the wanted list," Zelensky said. Zelensky confirmed that he is ready to meet with Putin, "if it really leads to solution to a number of crisis issues that objectively exist in bilateral relations between Ukraine and Russia." According to Zelensky, the thesis about any "external control" is an exclusively propaganda mantra for the domestic consumer in Russia itself. "I will add that, as the recent U.S.-Russia summit has shown, the issue of Ukraine is not resolved even in the format of direct communication between the U.S. and Russian presidents. As it has been, let's speak frankly, almost always. Today everything works differently. Consultations with Ukraine before the Summit and public voicing of the position, agreed with us. This unambiguously indicates that the subjectivity of our state has significantly increased. Why did this happen? Because the subjectivity of the state always grows when you are ready to defend the position of your state publicly, regularly and at the system level. And not to exchange the reputation of the state for some kind of situational profits for yourself," he said. The President reported that on July 12 he will have a personal meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and at the end of July there will be direct talks with U.S. President Joe Biden. Zelensky also said that he was not personally "touched" by Putin's phrase that "what is the point in talking with Zelensky if everything is decided in Washington?" "It looks like, if I said, for example: why do Russians need elections, direct democracy, if everything is decided exclusively in the Kremlin?" he said. Ukraine hopes the EU will add it to the list of countries from which free entry is allowed in two weeks, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleh Nikolenko said. "There is no policy in the recommendation of the European Commission. Every two weeks, the EU member states revise the list of third countries for free entry into the EU. The recommendation is formed, in particular, based on four factors: the rate of new cases of COVID-19 reported per 100,000 population over the previous 14 days, the number of tests in seven days, the level of positive tests and the nature of the virus, in particular the presence of more dangerous strains," Nikolenko told Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday. He said the indicators in Ukraine for the period when the European Commission conducted the assessment, even exceeded the norm. "It should be borne in mind here that the assessment of indicators was conducted not over the past days, but over the previous several weeks, when they were higher. Since we are now more and more approaching the norm established by the European Commission, on behalf of Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian Delegation to the EU is interacting with the European side to include Ukraine in the list during its next review," the spokesperson said. At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that the recommendation of the European Commission to open the EU borders for a certain list of countries is not legally binding. "EU member states individually approve final decisions to weaken or strengthen travel restrictions. Accordingly, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry is working with European countries on a bilateral level to simplify travel conditions for Ukrainians, in particular the recognition of vaccination certificates and digital COVID-19 certificates," Nikolenko said. Forced delays of charter flights to Antalya (Turkey) are caused by problems on the Turkish side due to the increased demand for the destination, Ukraine International Airlines (UIA, Kyiv) said. "Forced delays of charter flights to Antalya (scheduled departure on the night of July 1, 2021) are due to a sharp seasonal increase in the number of flights, as well as the restoration of air traffic between Turkey and Russia, which entailed a significant complication of slot regulation. In this regard, the Turkish aviation regulator was unable to provide processing flight requests in advance," the airline said on Thursday. According to UIA, delays affected charter flights Kyiv-Antalya, Kharkiv-Antalya and Lviv-Antalya. "The air carrier and the Turkish aviation regulator are doing everything possible to promptly resume charter flights between UIA and Antalya during the day," the airline said in the statement. UIA said passengers of the delayed flights were provided with all the necessary assistance. In particular, everyone who had to fly from Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv was provided with hot and cold meals. "Passengers who were waiting to return to Kyiv on these flights from Turkey were partially transported to hotels. They are provided with meals, they will be transferred to a new departure time," the airline said. As noted in UIA, in the summer season 2021, given the limited possibilities of tourist flights to European countries, the attention of Ukrainian tourists is focused, in particular, on the resorts of Turkey. It is specified that in June 2019, UIA operated 202 charter flights to this country, while 166 flights in 2020, and 505 flights in June 2021. "One should also take into account the current growth in the number of flights to Turkey and to a number of other countries: in the aggregate, such trends have caused unexpected complications on the route," the airline said. Lekhim Group to supply first batch of CoronaVac vaccine to Ukraine under contract with Crown Agents The Lekhim Group of Companies plans to supply the first 500,000 doses of the Chinese vaccine against coronavirus (COVID-19) CoronaVac produced by Sinovac and purchased by the British agency Crown Agents at the expense of the national budget. The company told Interfax-Ukraine on Thursday, the first delivery under this contract is expected on July 5. In addition, the company said that on July 29, Lekhim carried out the last delivery of this vaccine under a contract with state-owned enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine. As reported, Lekhim supplied 1.9 million doses of CoronaVac vaccine to Ukraine under a contract with the Health Ministry. The contract with Crown Agents provides for the delivery of 7.7 million doses of this vaccine to the country. The decline in the incidence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in Ukraine is slowing down, but there is currently no high risk of an increase, experts from Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) have said. "The situation with the incidence in Ukraine continues to decline in terms of the number of detected cases. At the same time, the decline rate is slowing down," Head of KSE Center for Health Economics Yuriy Hanychenko said during an online presentation of an analysis of the situation with the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, he said that an outbreak of the disease in the country is possible in July-August everything will depend on how the situation with the spread of the British, South African and Indian strains of the virus will develop in Ukraine. "However, in the next week or two, we do not expect a significant increase in the incidence," Hanychenko said. According to him, the average daily number of deaths in Ukraine continues to decline and amounts to 31 deaths per day. "The number of hospitalizations has stopped declining and reached a plateau. This may be the result of a long weekend. At the same time, discharges continue to exceed hospitalizations by more than 1.5 times. The number of patients with COVID-19 is reduced by 20% per week. This week, there was an increase in the level of hospitalizations in Luhansk region by over 60%, but this growth was technical," Hanychenko said. At the same time, he noted that three regions need to increase the number of tests. "In Kyiv, Luhansk and Khmelnytsky regions, the level of testing is falling. It is very dangerous due to the fact that the Delta strain was detected in Ukraine last week. In Kyiv and Luhansk regions, along with the reduction in testing, the detection rate is growing," Hanychenko said. KSE said that Ukraine needs to triple the pace of vaccination in order to reach the European level. "The pace of vaccination in Ukraine is increasing by a third over the past week. Thanks to this, the lag behind the average European pace of vaccination has decreased, but it still remains high [by three times]. Ukraine needs to triple the pace, there is a vaccine for this," Hanychenko said. He said that currently in Ukraine about 62,000 people are vaccinated on average per day. To vaccinate 70% of the population of Ukraine, it is necessary to vaccinate more than 225,000 people daily. The Verkhovna Rada has adopted a law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine. The adoption of relevant bill No. 5506 was supported at the first reading by 331 MPs, and the adoption at a final stage was supported by 325 MPs at an extraordinary plenary session of the parliament on Thursday. The bill defines the concept of "indigenous people" and legally stipulates that such in Ukraine are Crimean Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks. According to the bill, an "indigenous people" is an autochthonous ethnic community that has formed on the territory of Ukraine, is a bearer of a distinctive language and culture, has traditional social, cultural or representative bodies, self-awareness as an indigenous people, constitutes an ethnic minority within the population and does not have its own state formation outside the state. The bill also defines guarantees of legal protection against any actions aimed at depriving the signs of ethnicity and integrity as distinct peoples, depriving them of cultural values; eviction or forced relocation from places of compact residence in any form; forced assimilation or forced integration in any form; encouragement or incitement to racial, ethnic or religious hatred directed against them. The bill guarantees the cultural, educational, language and informational rights of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine, as well as the rights of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine to sustainable development. Most of the provisions of the law come into force from the day of its official publication, except for Part 3 of Article 7, which comes into force after the return of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol under the general jurisdiction of Ukraine. Thus, Part 3 of Article 7 of the adopted law provides that indigenous peoples have the right to channel part of the income received by budgets of all levels from the use of natural resources located on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol for the needs of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine. The Verkhovna Rada has passed at the first reading president's bill No. 5599 on the prevention of threats to national security associated with the excessive influence of persons with significant economic or political heft in public life (oligarchs). Some 275 MPs voted for the document at an extraordinary plenary session of the parliament on Thursday. According to the document, any three of the four conditions are sufficient for the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) to include a person into a register of oligarchs: excessive influence on the media, participation in political life, beneficial ownership of a monopoly company, and a fortune of over 1 million living wages (about $83 million at the current exchange rate). The basis for the inclusion of oligarchs into the register will be the NSDC decision. The NSDC will form and maintain the register, as well as provide open round-the-clock access to it. Information will be entered into the register no later than three days from the date of the NSDC relevant decision. At the same time, persons included into the register will be banned from making contributions (directly or indirectly through other persons) in support of political parties, and being a buyer (beneficiary of the buyer) in the process of privatization of large-scale privatization objects. In addition, oligarchs will be required to submit a declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, in accordance with the law on the corruption prevention. The decision to exclude oligarchs from the register will be made by the NSDC if it is established that such persons do not have at least two of the four stipulated signs of an oligarch. At the same time, the sign of excessive influence on the media will not be considered absent if the status of the beneficiary of the relevant media outlet has passed from the person included into the register to a person related to them or a person who does not have an impeccable business reputation. The signs of a bad business reputation of an individual are the presence of an outstanding criminal record, deprivation of the right to hold certain positions by a court, non-payment of taxes and fees on a large scale, application of sanctions against them by Ukraine and other states (except for aggressor states) over the past three years, and inclusion into a list of persons associated with terrorist activities. The procedure for checking a business reputation of a media buyer, according to the bill, will be approved by the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting. The bill also provides that a public servant, after contacts with an oligarch or their representative, no later than the next day, must fill out a declaration of contacts on the official website of the NSDC. The bill clarifies that contact with an oligarch is a meeting and conversation, including those conducted online. At the same time, oligarchs and their representatives are obliged to inform public officials about the fact of inclusion into the register of information about them before the start of a meeting or conversation. The obligation to submit such a declaration applies, in particular, to the President of Ukraine, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, their deputies, MPs, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers, the minister and their deputies, the SBU Chief and their deputies, the Prosecutor General and their deputies, the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine and their deputies, judges of the Constitutional Court, members of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting, the Antimonopoly Committee, the Accounting Chamber, the Central Election Commission (CEC), the High Council of Justice, the NSDC Secretary and their deputies, the heads of the State Property Fund, the National Agency for the Corruption Prevention, directors of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, State Bureau of Investigations, Bureau of Economic Security and their deputies. According to the bill, violation of the obligation to submit a declaration of contacts is the basis for bringing a person to political or disciplinary responsibility. The declaration of contacts must contain information about the persons who submitted the information, about oligarchs included into the register and their representatives, with whom there was a contact, the date, place of a conversation and its brief content. The transitional provisions to the bill indicate that the law will be limited to 10 years. In addition, the presidential bill expands the list of mass media by electronic media on the Internet. "Electronic media is a means of disseminating periodically updated information for an unspecified circle of subjects in electronic form using the Internet under a permanent name as an individualizing feature," such definition is given in the document. According to it, a social network profile (account) is not considered as electronic media. At the same time, in general, as mass media, the bill proposes to define the print media, electronic media, news agency, and broadcasting channel. 2019 American Music Awards Arrivals Los Angeles, California, U.S. (Photo : REUTERS/Danny Moloshok) Hollywood star Jamie Lee Curtis will receive a lifetime achievement award at the Venice International Film Festival in September, where the latest instalment of her "Halloween" movies will screen out of competition, organisers said on Wednesday. Curtis made her film debut in John Carpenter's 1978 horror flick "Halloween", playing babysitter Laurie Strode, who faced off against deadly serial killer Michael Myers. Advertisement She has reprised the role several times since in the popular slasher film franchise. "I am incredibly humbled to be honored in this way ... 'Halloween' - and my partnership with Laurie Strode - launched and sustained my career, and to have these films evolve into a new franchise that is beloved by audiences around the world was, and remains, a gift," Curtis said in a statement. "Italian Cinema has always honoured and heralded the genre that gave me my career, so I couldn't be more proud and happy to accept this award ... on behalf of Laurie and all the courageous heroines of the world who stand tall in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and refuse to yield." The 62-year-old, also known for "True Lies", "Freaky Friday" and "Knives Out", will receive the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 78th edition of the festival before an out-of-competition screening of "Halloween Kills", scheduled for release in October. "Jamie Lee Curtis belongs to that rarefied group of Hollywood actors who best reflect the qualities that are the very soul of the global film industry and its legacy," festival director Alberto Barbera said. This year's festival runs from September 1-11. Armed men attend a gathering to announce their support for Afghan security forces and that they are ready to fight against the Taliban, (Photo : REUTERS/Stringer) Gun in hand, 55-year-old Dost Mohammad Salangi recites poetry as he leads a small group of men to a look-out post high in the rugged hills of Parwan province, north of the Afghan capital Kabul. Heavily bearded and wearing a traditional circular pakol hat to keep off the sun, he has a warning for the Islamist militant Taliban movement, which has increased attacks on Afghan forces and claimed more territory as foreign troops withdraw. Advertisement "If they impose war on us, oppress us and encroach on women and people's property, even our seven-year-old children will be armed and will stand against them," he told Reuters. Salangi is one of hundreds of former "mujahideen" fighters and civilians who have felt compelled to take up arms to help the army repel a growing Taliban insurgency. The group's ascendancy on the ground comes as the last U.S.-led international forces prepare to leave after two decades of fighting that ended with no clear victory for either side. "We have to protect our country ... now there is no choice as the foreign forces abandon us," said Farid Mohammed, a young student who joined a local anti-Taliban leader from Parwan. He was speaking as the German military concluded the withdrawal of the second largest contingent of foreign troops after the United States with around 150,000 soldiers deployed over the past two decades, many of them serving more than one tour in the country. U.S. President Joe Biden and NATO said in mid-April they would pull out the roughly 10,000 foreign troops still in Afghanistan by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York that prompted the mission. The United Nations envoy for Afghanistan said this week the Taliban had taken more than 50 of 370 districts and was positioned to control provincial capitals as the country looked increasingly unstable as foreign military support ended. Armed mainly with old assault rifles, pistols and grenade launchers, men like Salangi and Mohammed have joined local shopkeepers and traders as part of a loosely-formed Public Uprising Force trying to reclaim some of those areas. Ajmal Omar Shinwari, a spokesman for the Afghan defence and security forces, said Afghans keen to take up arms against the Taliban were being absorbed intro the structure of territorial army forces. But some political analysts warn of the growing risk of a return to civil war as more groups took up arms. Faced with rising violence, President Ashraf Ghani visited Washington in June to meet Biden, who pledged U.S. support to Afghanistan but said Afghans must decide their own future. Talks to try and find a political settlement in Afghanistan have stalled, although the head of the Afghan peace council has said they should not be abandoned despite the surge in Taliban attacks. Binance logo and stock graph are displayed in this illustration taken, (Photo : REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration) Major cryptocurrency exchange Binance said on Wednesday that sterling withdrawals from its platform had been reactivated, with users also able to buy digital coins with debit and credit cards. Binance customers said on Tuesday they were unable to deposit or withdraw sterling from the platform, days after regulators in Britain cracked down on some of its activities in the country. Advertisement Users of the exchange, one of the world's biggest, said they were unable to withdraw or deposit sterling via the Faster Payments network - which enables mobile, internet and other payments between British bank accounts - or bank cards. A Binance spokesperson said withdrawals via the Faster Payments network were reactivated on Tuesday, adding that bank card purchases of crypto were again possible. Many users complained that Binance had given no information about transactions being blocked, beyond a "down for maintenance" message. Binance had said the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) move would not impact services offered on its website, access to which by British residents was unaffected by the crackdown. Later on Wednesday, the crypto exchange displayed a notice on its Binance.co.uk website stating that Binance Markets Limited, a UK based company, was not permitted to undertake regulated activities in the country. It tweeted the same statement from its Binance.UK twitter handle. However, Reuters could not find a notice on the Binance.com website or under the Binance twitter handle. The FCA had told the company to post the notice on Binance.com, its mobile and desktop applications and social media channels by the close of business on Wednesday. Both Binance and the FCA did not immediately respond to requests for comment. While crypto trading is not directly regulated in Britain, offering services such as trading in cryptocurrency derivatives does require authorisation. Headed by Canadian Changpeng Zhao, Binance is coming under increasing scrutiny by regulators globally, many of which have voiced concern over the use of cryptocurrencies in general for money laundering and other crimes. Binance offers services ranging from digital token trading to derivatives, as well as emerging technology such as tokenised versions of stocks. Its own cryptocurrency, Binance Coin, is the world's fourth-biggest with a market value of around $45 billion. A newfound small white dwarf, called ZTF J1901+1458 and located 130 light-years from Earth, that is slightly larger than the size of the moon in diameter (Photo : Giuseppe Parisi/Handout via REUTERS) In their death throes, roughly 97% of all stars become a smoldering stellar zombie called a white dwarf, one of the densest objects in the cosmos. A newly discovered white dwarf is being hailed as the most "extreme" one of these on record, cramming a frightful amount of mass into a surprisingly small package. Advertisement Scientists said on Wednesday this highly magnetized and rapidly rotating white dwarf is 35% more massive than our sun yet boasts a petite diameter only a bit larger than Earth's moon. That means it has the greatest mass and, counterintuitively, littlest size of any known white dwarf, owing to its tremendous density. Only two other types of objects - black holes and neutron stars - are more compact than white dwarfs. The way this white dwarf, named ZTF J1901+1458, was born also is unusual. It apparently is the product of a binary star system in which two stars orbit each other. These two stars separately evolved into white dwarfs at the end of their life cycles, then spiraled toward one another and merged into a single entity. With even a smidgen more combined mass, this merger would have resulted in an immense stellar explosion called a supernova, said Caltech astrophysicist Ilaria Caiazzo, lead author of the study published in the journal Nature. It still might explode at some point in the future, Caiazzo added. "This white dwarf is really extreme," Caiazzo said. "We found an object that is really at the limit of how small and heavy a white dwarf could be." It is located relatively nearby in our Milky Way galaxy, about 130 light years from Earth. A light year is the distance light travels in a year - about 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km). The white dwarf is actually shrinking very gradually, becoming ever more dense. If it does not explode, that could lead to a core collapse transforming it into a neutron star, another type of stellar remnant about the size of a city, typically formed after certain very massive stars go supernova. This would be a previously unrecognized path to neutron star formation. The white dwarf was spotted by astrophysicist and study co-author Kevin Burdge from Caltech's Palomar Observatory. "White dwarfs are the most common form of stellar remnant," said Burdge, who worked on the study at Caltech and is headed to MIT. "So it's stunning to see the most extreme outliers among them." Its diameter of roughly 2,670 miles (4,300 km) - approximately the distance from Boston to Los Angeles or London to Tehran - slightly exceeds the moon's diameter of about 2,160 miles (3,475 km). While our sun rotates around its axis once every 27 days, this white dwarf does so every seven minutes. Its magnetic field is about a billion times stronger than Earth's. Stars with up to eight times the mass of our sun are thought to be destined to end up as a white dwarf. Such stars eventually burn up all of the hydrogen they use as fuel through nuclear fusion. At this point, gravity causes them to collapse and blow off their outer layers in a 'red giant' stage, eventually leaving a dense core that is a white dwarf. White dwarfs initially have high temperatures but gradually cool over time, lacking any new energy source. In roughly 5 billion years, our sun is expected to become a red giant and later a white dwarf. Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during an annual nationwide televised phone-in show in Moscow, Russia (Photo : Sputnik/Sergei Savostyanov/Pool via REUTERS) President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Russia could have sunk a British warship that it accused of illegally entering its territorial waters without starting World War Three and accused Washington of a role in the "provocation". Tensions between Moscow and London soared last week after Russia challenged the right of HMS Defender to transit waters near Russian-annexed Crimea, something Britain said it had every right to do. Advertisement Putin's comments add menace to earlier Russian warnings that Moscow would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea in the event of further provocative actions by the British navy near heavily fortified Crimea. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and Britain and most of the world recognise the Black Sea peninsula as part of Ukraine, not Russia. In an account of last week's incident which London said it did not recognise, Russia said it had fired warning shots and dropped bombs in the path of the British warship which was en route from Ukraine to Georgia. Putin, speaking during his annual question and answer session with voters, signalled his anger over what he called "a provocation" designed to reveal how Russian forces in Crimea reacted to such intrusions. When asked if the world had stood on the precipice of World War Three during the standoff, Putin said: "Of course not." "Even if we had sunk the ship it is hard to imagine that the world would have been on the verge of World War Three because those doing it (the provocation) know that they could not emerge as victors from such a war," he added. Putin accused the United States and Britain of planning the episode together, saying a U.S. spy plane had taken off from Greece earlier on the same day to watch how Russia would respond to the British warship. "It was obvious that the destroyer entered (the waters near Crimea) pursuing, first of all, military goals, trying to use the spy plane to see how our forces would stop such provocations, to see what is activated and where, how things work and where everything is located." Putin said Russia had realised what the aim of the exercise was and had responded in a way that would only give the other side the information Moscow deemed necessary. Putin said he saw a political element to the incident, which took place shortly after he had met U.S. President Joe Biden in Geneva. "The meeting in Geneva had just happened, so why was this provocation needed, what was its goal? To underscore that those people (the Americans and British) do not respect Crimeans' choice to join the Russian Federation," he said. The Russian leader accused London and Washington of a lack of gratitude, saying he had earlier this year given the order for Russian forces to pull back from near Ukraine's borders after their build-up had generated concern in the West. "We did this," said Putin. "But instead of reacting positively to this and saying 'OK, we've understood your response to our grumbling' - instead of that, what did they do? They barged across our borders." A supporter purchases copies of the Apple Daily newspaper from a newspaper stall after it looked set to close for good by Saturday following police raids (Photo : REUTERS/Tyrone Siu) Hong Kong media group Next Digital, owned by jailed tycoon Jimmy Lai, will cease operating from July 1 after the company's assets were frozen as part of a national security investigation, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters. Next Digital did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Advertisement The company is the publisher of Apple Daily, a popular pro-democracy newspaper that closed last week after its newsroom had been raided by 500 police officers investigating whether some articles breached the security law. Beijing imposed the legislation in Hong Kong on June 30, 2020. It punishes acts deemed by China to be subversive, secessionist, terrorism or collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison. Critics say it has been used to crush dissent, while its supporters said it has restored order in Hong Kong after months of pro-democracy protests. The Next Digital memo, shared separately by two employees, said assets linked to the company remained frozen under the national security investigation. Dated June 30, the memo was addressed to all Hong Kong staff from the board. "The group will cease operations," it said. "Although the road ahead is difficult, continue to move forward!" The Hong Kong Security Bureau, which directed the asset freeze, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Lai, a staunch Beijing critic, was arrested last year on suspicion of colluding with foreign forces. He is currently serving a prison sentence for taking part in illegal assemblies during Hong Kong's mass 2019 pro-democracy protests. Next Digital, which had a market capitalisation of HK$765 million ($98.52 million), said in a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Tuesday that it had accepted a proposal to divest Amazing Sino, which operates the online edition of Taiwan's Apple Daily. It had earlier ceased printing its Taiwan edition on the democratic island, which China views as a breakaway province, blaming declining advertising revenue and difficult business conditions in Hong Kong linked to politics. The Egyptian public prosecution said on Wednesday that it has ordered the detention of 19 people pending investigations, including former MP Alaa Hassanin and renowned businessman Hassan Rateb, over the illegal excavation and trafficking of antiquities. Rateb and Hassanin were arrested separately less than a week ago. Rateb is accused of funding the excavations, which, under Egyptian law, can only be carried out by specialised state institutions. Earlier this week, a court ordered the detention of Rateb and Hassanin for 15 days pending investigation. In a statement on Wednesday, the prosecution said that 227 artefacts were found in the possession of the suspects. According to the prosecution, an investigation by the interior ministry has revealed that the gang of 19 people was trading in looted antiquities obtained in illegal excavations in different parts of the country. The suspects aimed to both sell artefacts inside the country and smuggle pieces abroad, the investigation revealed. A committee formed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities has dated the seized artefacts to different eras in Egyptian history, the prosecution said on Wednesday. The prosecution also said that it has identified and examined four of the gangs illegal dig sites, and that it has interrogated 17 of suspects who were caught at these dig sites in possession of artefacts and digging tools. The prosecution also said that it has interrogated former MP Hassanin, who was in possession of suspected antiquities upon his arrest. Hassanin has denied the charges against him, which include managing the excavation operations. Rateb has also been interrogated and denies the charges against him, the prosecution said. Rateb is the former owner of Al-Mehwar satellite channel as well as the chairman of Sinai University, Sama Group, and the Sinai Cement Company. The illegal excavation and smuggling of antiquities is punishable by up to 25 years in prison. Short link: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi extended his congratulations to Chinese President Xi Jinping on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It is my pride to extend to you, and through you, the friendly Chinese people, my congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, El-Sisi said in a message addressed to his Chinese counterpart, who is also the CPCs secretary-general. The Communist Party, El-Sisi added, has successfully led China to achieve national independence and lay the ground base for modern China and managed to achieve the Chinese economic miracle that put the East Asian country alongside developed nations. The Chinese experiment has become a success story that many are striving to study and benefit from, he noted. President El-Sisi vowed to promote Egyptian-Chinese ties towards broader prospects, calling for exerting all efforts to exchange experiences and successful experiments. The coronavirus pandemic has proven that cooperation between countries and the ability to achieve integration and harmony at various levels are important factors to ensure the stability and safety of the international community, he assured. El-Sisi also praised the positive role made by the Chinese government to support Egyptian capabilities to confront the ramifications of the pandemic. The Egyptian president said the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1921 corresponded to the Egyptian revolution on 23 July 1952. The 1952 Revolution laid the foundations for the directions of the modern Egyptian state and the elimination of colonialism in Egypt, and supported all liberation movements in the African continent, El-Sisi pointed out. Egypt was the first Arab, African, and Middle Eastern country to recognise the Peoples Republic of China and the achievements of the Chinese Communist Party and established diplomatic relations with it, he added. On the 30th of May this year, sixty-five years of relations between our two countries will have passed, he concluded. Short link: The Arab League is keen on ensuring that Egypt and Sudan resorting to the UN Security Council over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue does not turn into a dispute between Arab and African sides, its ambassador to the UN said. Ambassador Maged Abdel-Fattah, the Arab League representative to the UN, told privately owned satellite channel Sada Al-Balad that a five-member committee formed by the Arab League has requested meetings with the president of the UNSC and its permanent members. The committee has also called for a meeting with the Ethiopian representative in New York. The Arab League has also backed an intervention by the UNSC, stressing during a meeting in Doha in June its rejection of any measures that would undermine the water share of Egypt and Sudan. Ethiopia has slammed the AL resolution, describing the organisations approach as unhelpful and misguided. Changes at the UNSC There has been a change in the composition of the membership of the UNSC, Abdel-Fattah said, explaining how this change could affect support for the Egyptian-Sudanese action. According to Abdel-Fattah, Ireland and Norway, which replaced Germany and Belgium, could have more understanding towards the Egyptian and Sudanese position on the dam. Kenya, which has replaced South Africa, could show less sympathy towards Ethiopia, he said, adding that South Africa, which presided over the AU-backed talks on the GERD as the president of the AU in 2020, has shown great sympathy with Ethiopia. Abdel-Fattah said Kenya continues to cooperate with Ethiopia despite its conflict with Addis Ababa over the Omo River, on which there are several dams built by Ethiopia. Niger will also have some sensitivity in dealing with the GERD issue given the existing issues it has over the Niger River with Benin and Mali. The Arab League representative said there has been a state of indecision in the UNSC regarding issues related to water and rivers, as well as development issues, migration and climate change. There are ongoing efforts to secure nine votes inside the UNSC for a resolution backing the rights of Egypt and Sudan, Abdel-Fattah said. Ethiopia remains adamant on proceeding with a second filling of its dams reservoir in July despite the lack of an accord with downstream countries. In a letter to the UNSC in June, Egypt denounced Addis Ababa's plan to unilaterally move ahead with the second filling of the dam in July, a step that is expected to affect the water security of downstream countries. The 95-page letter included an overview of the decade-old negotiations between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, as well as how the latest round, which was held under the brokerage of the African Union (AU), faltered due to Addis Ababa's intransigence. Egypt and Sudan have been negotiating for almost a decade now with Ethiopia to reach a legally binding and comprehensive deal on the GERDs construction, which Addis Ababa started to build on the Blue Nile in 2011. Ethiopias rejection of several proposals by Egypt and Sudan on the negotiation mechanism, which includes international quartet mediation, has led to the collapse of the Kinshasa talks sponsored by the AU in April. Egypts 100 million-plus population depends on the Nile for over 95 percent of its fresh water. Sudan fears the GERD will put the operation of its Roseires dam and the lives of 20 million Sudanese citizens at a very high risk if an agreement regulating the operation and filling of GERD is not reached before the second filling. Short link: Ethiopia's government on Wednesday said its military could re-enter the capital of its embattled Tigray region within weeks, calling into question the unilateral cease-fire it declared in Tigray just days ago. Ethiopia also asserted that soldiers from neighboring Eritrea, who had been collaborating with Ethiopian forces, had withdrawn from Tigray. That could not immediately be confirmed and Eritrean officials did not respond to questions, but the withdrawal would be another major development in the nearly eight-month war. Redwan Hussein, spokesman for the Tigray emergency task force, spoke to reporters in Ethiopia's first public remarks since its soldiers retreated from the Tigray capital and other parts of the region on Monday in a dramatic turn in the fighting. The Tigray forces that have retaken key areas after some of the war's fiercest fighting have rejected the cease-fire, telling The Associated Press it was a 'sick joke' and vowing to chase out Ethiopian and Eritrean forces. There will be no negotiations with Ethiopia until communications, transport and other services that have been cut or destroyed for much of the war are restored, the Tigray forces' spokesman, Getachew Reda, told the AP on Wednesday. 'We have to make sure that every inch of our territory is returned to us, the rightful owners,' Getachew said, adding that Ethiopian forces are still fighting to regain territory and Eritrean forces still control a 'significant part'' of the region. That contrasted with Redwan's comment that 'the Eritrean army has withdrawn'' from Tigray. He didn't respond to questions for more details. The United States on Tuesday said it had not yet seen a statement from Eritrea saying it was committed to the cease-fire. The situation in Tigray remained 'extremely fluid,' the United Nations said, adding that Tigray forces now control the regional capital, Mekele, as well as Shire and the towns of Axum, Adwa and Adigrat. One aid worker told the AP their organization's internal assessments showed that Eritrean forces had only pulled back to border areas. The aid worker, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, added that 'several thousand'' Tigray fighters passed through Shire on Wednesday morning, saying they were going to Hitsats to the west to fight. The long-time president of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, has long been an enemy of Tigray's leaders, who for years dominated key positions in Ethiopia's government and military before being sidelined by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Witnesses have accused the Eritrean soldiers of some of the worst atrocities in the conflict. 'We will do anything in our power to make sure that Isaias will never be a threat again,'' the Tigray forces' spokesman said. Eritrea shares a long border with the Tigray region along which it and Ethiopia fought a war in 1998-2000. With the current war likely to continue, the fate of more than 1 million Tigrayans in hard-to-reach areas is in question as Ethiopia and authorities on the ground are accused of blocking access for the delivery of aid. Phone and internet services remain cut. Ethiopia has said it declared the cease-fire in part on humanitarian grounds, but said it would end once the crucial farming season in Tigray is over, which means September. Seeking to explain this week's dramatic retreat, Ethiopian Lt. Gen. Bacha Debele on Wednesday said the military had to move forces from Tigray to face 'bigger threats' and referred to the border, but denied the possibility of a conflict with neighboring Sudan over disputed lands. Some observers expressed concern that the warring sides wouldn't use this new period to pursue a peaceful resolution in Tigray. 'The fear is that the Tigrayan forces are not going to be interested in negotiating, even though they are now in a position of strength,'' said Ahmed Soliman, a researcher with Chatham House. 'The (Ethiopian) government might also use this period (of rainy season) to regroup and reinforce in anticipation of future conflict. That would be a missed opportunity.'' Speaking to reporters at U.N. headquarters, Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said the Ethiopian government's announcement of a unilateral cease-fire 'gives us a light glimmer of hope, because we always said there is no solution to any crisis which ... is waged by military means.'' 'There is no solution to this crisis by military means, only a political solution will work,'' Nebenzia said. 'How that will translate in what is happening in Ethiopia - is it a temporary lull or is it a road which will pave the way to the political settlement? That is a question to be addressed.'' Short link: . A bridge that's crucial to delivering desperately needed food to much of Ethiopia's embattled Tigray region has been destroyed, aid groups said Thursday, as Tigray fighters were said to be approaching other combatants occupying large areas nearby The destruction of the bridge over the Tekeze River ``means aid efforts will be even more severely hampered than before,`` the International Rescue Committee said in a statement. Tigray has the world's worst hunger crisis in a decade, with the United States saying up to 900,000 people face famine conditions in a situation it calls ``entirely man-made.'' It was not immediately clear who destroyed the bridge on a main supply route linking western Tigray, which is occupied by forces from the neighboring Amhara region, and the rest of Tigray. Aid groups were looking into reports of other key bridges destroyed. Meanwhile, Ethiopia's government has prohibited aircraft to fly below 29,000 feet within the airspace over Tigray, according to a U.S. Federal Aviation Administration notice posted Wednesday. The Tigray forces, emboldened after retaking the regional capital this week in a stunning turn in the eight-month war with Ethiopia's military, have taken control of key towns this week, and several thousand fighters had been seen to be moving west. The spokesman for the Tigray forces this week told The Associated Press they would ``liberate'' the region from ``enemies'' including the Ethiopian forces, Amhara forces and soldiers from neighboring Eritrea. Ethiopia's government, under pressure from battlefield losses amid some of the fiercest fighting of the war, this week declared an immediate and unilateral cease-fire. Witnesses have seen Eritrean forces retreating toward the border Eritrea shares with Tigray. Amhara authorities have warned the Tigray forces against trying to retake western areas. The Amhara regional spokesman, Gizachew Muluneh, told the AP an investigation would be carried out into the bridge's destruction. Ethiopian military spokesman Col. Getinet Adane said that ``we have the information about it but it will be disclosed in a press conference.'' Humanitarian aid groups have been badly constrained in Tigray, with electricity and communications links still cut in the region and main supply routes blocked. The Tigray fighters, who had long dominated Ethiopia's government and military before a falling-out with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, have demanded the return of services to the region as a condition of any peace negotiations. In a recent case of blocking aid, a 29-truck convoy carrying World Food Program supplies was denied access and had to return to the Amhara region earlier this week, a U.N. humanitarian worker said. The worker spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution. A WFP spokesman, Peter Smerdon, told the AP the Tekeze bridge's destruction ``will have an impact, but we are currently assessing how much of an impact and whether there is an alternative route we could use to bring in urgently needed food stocks from Gondar to our warehouses in Shire.'' He did not say how soon those Shire warehouses would be empty if a supply route cannot be found. The rainy season now beginning in Tigray will further complicate matters. The cease-fire is limited; Ethiopia's government has said it will last only until the end of the crucial farming season in Tigray, which means September. Short link: Tunisian political forces are facing hard times with regards to solving their divisions and addressing the economic challenges facing the country. The situation, according to experts, has reached a stage where it has become difficult to know which of the two issues comes before the other. As put by Mahmoud El May, a member of the constituent assembly that wrote the new constitution for Tunisia after the 2011 Jasmine Revolution, the relationship between the political and economic crises and reforms is like the relationship between the chicken and the egg. Nobody knows who came first. An endless debate on the structure of the government, whether to have a constitutional court, and the shape of the political systems remains ongoing between President Kais Saied, leader of the Islamist Ennahda Party, and parliament speaker Rached Al-Ghannouchi and the latters ally premier Hichem Mechichi. Saied believes that Tunisia has moved to a parliamentary, multi-party system that bruises the Tunisian people in terms of food, transportation and health, especially amid a catastrophic health situation. He wants a political conversation that ends up with a new political system in place and amendments for the 2014 constitution. He seems to be leaning towards a presidential system. He also opposes the establishment of a 12-judge constitutional court, for which the parliament, president and judiciary each have to provide four members. They have missed the deadlines ... Anyone wanting me to violate the constitution is looking for a mirage, said Saied in April, adding that after more than five years, after a deep sleep, theyve remembered about the Constitutional Court... I will not accept a court formed to settle accounts. El May explained that the new constitution, in accordance to which Saied was elected, replaces the constitutional council with a constitutional court that exercises broad review powers. In the old one, he added, the constitutional council was if the president wished allowed to check if legislations are consistent with the constitution. The severity of the crisis is reflected in Saieds words. For instance, he shockingly described some of Tunisias politicians as coming from the same strain of the new COVID-19, adding that they keep changing their position as much as they want. This came during his meeting with Mobarka Ewaineya, the wife of an anti-Islamist politician whose family accused the then-ruling Ennahda of assassinating him. It is hard to ignore the symbolism of the meeting. Ironically, Saied reached Carthage Palace in the 2019 presidential run-off partially because of Ennahdas support. He then ran against Nabil Karoui, a businessman, the Qalb Tounes Party leader and a current ally of Ennahda who previously faced tax evasion and corruption charges. This is in total opposition of what Ennahda and Mechichi want, said Sarah Yerkes, a senior fellow at Carnegies Middle East program. Yerkes pointed out that Ennahda and Mechichi are looking for a separation of power between the president and the head of government. She added that, on the contrary, Saied seeks a more centralised government structure in which executive power is concentrated in the presidency. Yerkes noted that the president also advocates a more diffuse government structure in which local authorities such as governors and municipal councils are empowered to manage their own local affairs. This political dilemma has extended to Mechichis government itself. In March, Mechichi changed 11 ministers out of the 28-minister cabinet. This step was widely seen as a move to replace the pro-Saied figures with those who are close to Ennahda and Qalb Tounes. Saied then responded by refusing to swear in four of them, including the new interior, justice and health ministers. The three parties to this story are seemingly interested to see its end in the near future. Mechichi and key Ennahda figures have publicly stated that they are ready for dialogue over this issue. Al-Ghannouchi met the president last week, a step that is widely seen as the first in the road to settling the current clash. At this stage, the economic situation plays a major role, but dealing with it seemingly requires fixing Tunisias politics first. As an example, Tunisias General Union of Labour proposed last December that Saied lead a dialogue over ending the countrys socioeconomic and political crises. He refused, however, saying he rejects the participation of the corrupt people, arguably referring to Qalb Tounes. In April, Tunisia announced a 5 percent increase in fuel prices for the third time in 2021. A litre of gasoline now costs 2.095 dinars instead of 1.995, leading to an increase in the prices of many goods and services. This came in response to the demands of the International Monetary Fund for Tunisia to cut wages and restrict energy subsidies in order to deal with its fiscal crisis. The Tunisian government wants to reach a deal with the IMF over a loan. The latters figures suggest that Tunisias fiscal deficit is estimated to have reached 11.5 percent of the GDP. Hiring more people in the health sector to deal with COVID-19 has pushed the civil service salary bill to 17.6 percent of the GDP, the IMF warned in February. However, Yerkes underlined that it is not the economy alone that is driving the crisis. She still does not rule out that disagreement over how to tackle the necessary economic reforms definitely adds fuel to the political crisis. Short link: Pope Francis will meet Thursday with ten Lebanese Christian leaders to reflect on the dire economic and political situation in their country, which he hopes to visit soon. The leaders will stay at the Saint Martha's guest house in the Vatican, where the pontiff himself lives, before taking part in what he described as a "special day of prayer and reflection on Lebanon". "I invite you all to join spiritually with us, praying that Lebanon may recover from the serious crisis it is going through and show the world once again its face of peace and hope," Francis tweeted on Wednesday. The pope has repeatedly offered his prayers for the people of Lebanon, which was plunged into crisis by a massive blast in Beirut last year that killed more than 200 people and ravaged swathes of the Mediterranean city. More than once, Francis has expressed his desire to visit Lebanon, which he has described as an "example of pluralism in both the East and the West" but which he said faced challenges that "threaten the very existence of this country". His visit could "perhaps" come at the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022, preferably after a new government is formed, according to Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, the pope's de facto foreign minister. Maronite patriarchal vicar Samir Mazloum told AFP that Thursday's meeting would focus on the emigration of young people and the impact of the crisis on schools, hospitals, families and food security. Currently "50 to 60 percent of our young people live abroad, there are only old people and children left," he lamented, noting high unemployment and the collapse in the value of the local currency. Among those attending the Vatican talks is Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, who has been outspoken in criticising the corruption of the political class in Lebanon. The day with the pope "will be an important step to help Lebanon remain the home of the Christian-Muslim partnership," he told the French language daily L'Orient-Le Jour. Lebanon recognises 18 official religious sects and its 128 parliamentary seats are divided equally between Muslims and Christians. For another participant, Cesar Essayan, apostolic vicar in Beirut, "Lebanon is in the middle of an identity crisis" with corruption reaching all sectors of society, including the religious. "This is a very important moment for us," he told an online press conference. Short link: Suha El Kodwa Arafat and Zahwa El Kodwa Arafat, who are French citizens, filed their case with the Strasbourg-based European court in 2017 after French courts dismissed their claims. Arafat died at the Percy military hospital near Paris aged 75 in November 2004 after developing stomach pains while at his headquarters in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Many Palestinians accuse Israel of poisoning Arafat, a charge flatly denied by the occupation state. But in 2012 his widow, Suha El Kodwa Arafat, said traces of the radioactive isotope polonium 210 had been found on his clothes, prompting a French lawsuit alleging his murder. After a series of analyses and witness interviews, a court in Nanterre, west of Paris, dismissed the case, a ruling upheld on appeal. Lawyers for Arafat's widow said the investigation had been "fundamentally biased" and accused the judges of closing the probe too quickly. Arafat's wife and daughter turned to the European court in 2017, saying they had been refused their right to a fair hearing, in particular a refusal of their request for an additional expert report on his death. In a unanimous decision, three judges said that after reviewing the case, "at all stages of the proceedings the applicants, assisted by their lawyers, had been able to exercise their rights effectively". "Judges did not appear to have reached arbitrary conclusions based on the facts before them and their interpretation of the evidence in the file or the applicable law had not been unreasonable," they added. French prosecutors have charged a French IT company that allegedly helped the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi spy on opposition figures who were later detained and tortured, sources close to the inquiry said Thursday. Amesys, which is now owned by the Bull technology group, and its former chief, Philippe Vannier, were charged with complicity in acts of torture on June 18, the sources said. The inquiry was opened in 2013 after a complaint by two French-based NGOs, the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) and the League of Human Rights (LDH). They accused Amesys of selling internet surveillance gear to Libya between 2007 and 2011 which was used to hunt government opponents. The deal was first reported by The Wall Street Journal in 2011, as the Arab Spring protests against autocratic governments raged in several Middle East countries, including Libya. Contacted by AFP, a lawyer for the company, Olivier Baratelli, denied "any sort of complicity in torture whatsoever." Amesys has acknowledged the tech deal with Libya, which was agreed in the context of a rapprochement between Gaddafi's regime and the West starting in 2007, when Gaddafi visited then French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris. "A decade on, it's time to face justice," the FIDH said on Twitter. London-based rights group Amnesty International welcomed the indictments of both firms as "unprecedented." "These indictments send a clear message to surveillance companies that they are not above the law, and could face criminal accountability for their actions," Amnesty tech director Rasha Abdul Rahim said in a statement last week. Short link: Donald Rumsfeld, the two-time defense secretary and one-time presidential candidate whose reputation as a skilled bureaucrat and visionary of a modern U.S. military was soiled by the long and costly Iraq war, died Tuesday, his family said in a statement. He was 88. Regarded by former colleagues as equally smart and combative, patriotic and politically cunning, Rumsfeld had a storied career under four presidents and nearly a quarter century in corporate America. In 2001 he began his second tour as Pentagon chief under President George W. Bush, but his plan to ``transform'' the armed forces was overshadowed by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He oversaw the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, where he was blamed for setbacks including the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal and for being slow to recognize a violent insurgency. Short link: Pakistan authorities on Thursday again blocked the popular TikTok social media app after a court ruling on a private citizen's petition that accused the company of promoting obscenity. "The TikTok ban is effective from today," a representative of the company told AFP, and users confirmed they could not access their accounts or view the short video clips that have made the app one of the most popular in the country. "It is absurd," said Imdad Kazmi, studying mass communication at a government university. "It affects thousands of people who promote their products, fashion and other goods. The ban is not a solution at all." Chinese-owned TikTok has been shut down twice before in Pakistan because of alleged "indecent" content -- most recently in March, after which the company pledged to better moderate content. It said Wednesday it had removed more than six million videos from its Pakistan service in the past three months alone -- around 15 percent featuring "adult nudity and sexual activities". A spokesman said the content was removed as a result of both user and government requests. In the Muslim nation, posting videos in Western clothes that reveal too much skin is taboo, and is often met with abuse. Earlier this month, small anti-TikTok rallies were held against what protesters called the spreading of homosexual content on the platform. "We have grown our local-language moderation capacity for Pakistan and work diligently to review and take action on content in violation of our community guidelines," a TikTok statement said after the latest takedown. The Sindh High Court said the suspension would hold in place until the next hearing on the petition on July 8. Short link: Germany's vaccine committee on Thursday recommended that everyone who received an AstraZeneca first dose switch to BioNTech-Pfizer or Moderna jabs for better protection against the coronavirus, including against the Delta variant. Studies show that the immune response is "clearly superior" when an AstraZeneca shot is combined with a second mRNA vaccine, compared with double AstraZeneca jabs, said STIKO. The commission therefore recommended the mix "regardless of age" and with a minimum gap of four weeks between the two jabs. The vaccines developed by BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna are based on the same novel messenger RNA technology, which trains the body to reproduce spike proteins, similar to that found on the coronavirus. When exposed to the real virus later, the body recognises the spike proteins and is able to fight them off. Viral vector vaccines like AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson use genetically-engineered version of a common-cold causing adenovirus as a "vector" to shuttle genetic instructions into human cells. Chancellor Angela Merkel had received a Moderna second jab after getting an AstraZeneca injection for her first. Pointing to studies in Britain, STIKO said protection against the Delta variant is "significantly reduced" after only one shot. "In this context, STIKO points out that it is important to get the second vaccine dose," it said. Travel Bans Rethink Germany expects the Delta variant to take over as the dominant strain of the coronavirus in the country in the coming days. "I expect that in the course of July we will see Delta accounting for over 70 to 80 percent of infections in our country," Health Minister Jens Spahn told reporters. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) health agency reported on Wednesday that the Delta variant, first identified in India, already accounted for 37 percent of infections in Germany the week to June 20. The variant is expected to account for at least half of all new infections by this week, the experts said. If the Delta variant becomes dominant in Germany, so-called coronavirus variant countries such as Britain and Portugal -- from which most travel is currently banned -- could be reclassified, Spahn said. Given the increasing spread of Delta and research showing that full vaccination protects well against it, "we will look at the situation in the next few days", Spahn said. "If both of these things are confirmed, we will then be able to treat Portugal and the United Kingdom as high-incidence areas", rather than variant countries, he said. Only citizens and residents of Germany are permitted to enter from a variant country and are subject to a two-week quarantine, regardless of whether they are fully vaccinated or can provide a negative Covid-19 test. By contrast, anyone can enter from a high-incidence country and can end their quarantine after five days with a negative test. The current variant countries list includes Britain, Portugal, India and Russia. Despite the rising share of the Delta variant, the overall incidence in Germany has been steadily declining in recent weeks. The RKI on Thursday reported 892 new cases in the past 24 hours and an incidence rate of 5.1 new infections per 100,000 people over the last seven days. But across Europe, the number of new cases rose again last week after 10 weeks of decline, according to the World Health Organization. Speaking in the European Parliament, European Central Bank chief Christine Lagarde also warned of the threat posed by virus variants to the economy. "The nascent recovery still faces uncertainty, also due to the spread of virus mutations," she said. Short link: Egypts House of Representatives approved three development financing agreements this week worth a total of $1 billion, Minister of International Cooperation Rania Al-Mashat announced on Thursday. The approved agreements were signed with the World Bank Group (WBG) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) to finance Egypts Universal Health Insurance System (UHIS) and support the transportation sector through developing the railway network. These agreements come within the framework of the role played by the Ministry of International Cooperation to consolidate economic cooperation and partnerships with multilateral and bilateral development partners based on the principles of economic diplomacy and to support the states development priorities and implement Egypts Vision 2030; consistent with the 17 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), said Al-Mashat. The minister also elaborated that through presidential directive no. 190 for 2021, the House approved the development financing agreement between Egypt and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the lending arm of the WBG, regarding a project to support the UHIS with development financing worth $400 million. Moreover, the House approved presidential directive no. 250 for 2021 regarding the agreement inked between Egypt and IBRD for the development of safe and secure railways, amounting to 362.9 million ($430 million). Meanwhile, it also approved presidential directive no. 265 for 2021, which concerns the development financing agreements between Egypt and the AfDB aiming to modernise the countrys railway network, amounting to 145 million ($172 million). Al-Mashat asserted the importance of soft development financing in supporting the Egyptian governments efforts towards achieving the SDGs, explaining that the conditions of soft loans include a 1.5 percent to 2 percent interest level with long-term grace and repayment periods. Despite a high demand for development financing globally, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Egypt was able to secure necessary financing through its cooperation with multilateral and bilateral development partners, and through its clear and ambitious reform programme and development plans, according to Al-Mashat. On Tuesday, Al-Mashat launched a book that documents Egypts experience in cooperative development titled Stakeholder Engagement through Economic Diplomacy that was published by the London School of Economics. The book showcases Egypts experience in international cooperation, sharing with neighbouring countries a replicable template on how to utilise multilateralism to foster impactful partnerships. The book also explains how Egypts experience was carried out through international standards and how it was implemented on the ground by national efforts. During 2020, the Ministry of International Cooperation held two multi-stakeholder platforms in the transportation and health sectors, which brought together national entities and all multilateral and bilateral partners to present financing needs. This contributed to the provision of development funds worth $1.8 billion to develop the infrastructure of transportation and $477 million for the health sector. Short link: The death of Palestinian activist Nizar Banat from Hebron in the West Bank last week has sparked widespread anger and political and security repercussions, setting off protests that have quickly escalated due to the brutal response of the Palestinian security agencies and the sharp polarisation of the Palestinian streets. Banat was a leading critic of the Palestinian Authority (PA), most recently condemning what he described as corruption in a Covid-19 vaccine deal between the PA and Israel, whereby Israel would supply the PA with the Pfizer vaccine in return for Israel receiving vaccines from a batch allotted to the Palestinians. The deal was cancelled when it emerged that the expiration date of the vaccines was fast approaching. Hebron mayor Jibreen Al-Bakri said on 24 June that a warrant had been issued by the Public Prosecutors Office for Banats arrest, and after his arrest his health had deteriorated and he had been transferred to the state-run Hebron Hospital where he had died in custody. This version of events did not convince the Palestinian public, especially since Banat had said there was a plot to silence him. His family said that some two dozen armed men had raided his house and beaten him up, spraying him with pepper spray and then arresting him. While the PA at first remained silent about the incident, it eventually announced that it had formed a committee to investigate it with the participation of a representative from Banats family and human-rights groups. However, Ammar Al-Dwaik, director of the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), then withdrew from the investigation. He was followed by the Palestinian Bar Association also declining to participate, and finally Banats family also withdrew its representative from the committee. Banats family preempted the outcome of the investigations into Banats death by saying it would reject its findings. The family has blamed Palestinian prime minister and Minister of the Interior Mohamed Shtayyeh, as well as the director of the security agencies in Hebron. The family said that the PA must admit what had occurred was a crime and its perpetrators must be identified through an impartial committee. It would not accept what it described as an incompetent and flawed investigative committee whose members represented the authorities, the family said. It called for the arrest of those responsible for Banats death and for them to be put on trial. Thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in several areas of the West Bank, especially Ramallah and Hebron, to protest against Banats death. In Ramallah, the Palestinian security forces put down the protests with tear gas, preventing journalists from covering the events. In response to the brutality, the demonstrators demanded the resignation of the Palestinian government, saying it had failed to prevent Banats death and had permitted the suppression of the protesters. The government said it was confronting attempts to destabilise security on the West Bank by parties aiming to take advantage of Banats death to pursue their own agendas. Banats death and the subsequent clashes in several West Bank cities were criticised by the UN, EU and the US State Department, which expressed serious concerns over the events and called for an independent investigation and the prosecution of the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Peoples Party, affiliated with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), announced the resignation of its minister from the Palestinian cabinet and called on the government to resign due to what it called violations of public freedoms. Palestinian journalists protested at being prevented from covering the events, demanding that pressure be put on the PA to protect journalists. They urged the Palestinian Press Syndicate not to cover news of the Palestinian presidency and cabinet, the sacking of the Ramallah police chief, and that the government issue an apology for its actions. Banats death has raised tensions between the Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, with the former accusing the latter of taking advantage of the incident to achieve political gains. Hamas is spearheading moves to condemn the death of Banat. There have been calls for the governments resignation and new elections to be held to end the political impasse. Fatah resorted to civilian elements to confront the demonstrators, and in Ramallah clashes erupted between Fatah supporters and the groups opponents. In an attempt to calm the situation, Shtayyeh said that anyone found to be connected to Banats death would be prosecuted, adding that anyone who broke the law or endangered peoples lives would also be held accountable. He rejected accusations against the Palestinian security agencies that had dispersed the marches in Ramallah. The security institution with its patriotic creed is the protective shield of our national aspirations, he said. Some observers believe that the angry reactions to Banats death have been augmented by the perceived political impotence of the PA, especially after the elections that were to be held on 22 May followed two months later by presidential elections were cancelled by a presidential decree on the pretext that Israel had blocked the elections in Jerusalem. The Palestinian factions have also failed to end divisions and achieve reconciliation after the military confrontation between Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Both factions, Fatah and Hamas, have returned to blaming each other for the continued divisions. Alaa Abu Amer, a former Palestinian diplomat, said that this is not only about Banats death. It is about much more than that. His death has been a catalyst for rebellion and for everyone who wants change. One phase has politically ended, and if the regime does not change its behaviour, change will come from the outside. Those who have lit the fire are the only ones who can put it out. It will not be put out except with icy water that cools the hearts of people in a patriotic rage. They are the majority who care about the nation and have nothing to do with foreign agendas, he added. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Search Keywords: Short link: Yemen is witnessing escalation on all fronts despite reports of an imminent peace deal. Last week, fighting flared up in oil-rich Maarib as the Houthi militia launched a three-pronged attack on the government forces controlling the region. The Coalition for Support of Legitimacy launched multiple air raids on Houthi forces west of Maarib in response. The weekend fighting left more than 100 dead, mainly Houthis. Maarib is the only northern part of Yemen under the control of the internationally recognised government. The rest of the north has been in Houthi hands since the Iran-backed militia deposed the legitimate government in 2014. The Saudi-led Coalition started a war in 2015 that freed the south of Houthi control. But the legitimate government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi suffered many setbacks and does not enjoy very much popularity in the war-torn country. In a Saudi effort to bring all parties around the Hadi government to focus on fighting the Houthi rebels, Riyadh mediated an agreement between the government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) at the end of 2019. The STC aspires to independence for Southern Yemen but has agreed to take part in the gradual efforts to rein in the Houthis. The implementation of the Riyadh agreement was suspended this weekend as a protest by the STC to increased Muslim Brotherhood influence in the Hadi government. The most recent government included the Brotherhood-affiliate Islah Party. On Saturday, the militia arm of the Brotherhood attacked a demonstration in Shabwa organised by southerners. The breakout of heavy fighting and political struggle is not confined to Yemen. Houthi rebels have intensified drone and missile attacks on southern Saudi Arabia since the Maarib battle started earlier this year. In recent weeks, not a day has passed without the coalition announcing that its air defences destroyed bomb-laden drones or ballistic missiles launched from Yemen across the border into Saudi Arabia. The Houthi and Iranian media talks of dozens of drones and missiles being launched over the last few days, especially after the coalition intensified its bombing of Houthi militias in Maarib. The current wave of conflict coincides with the UN and the US working on a peace settlement to end the war in Yemen. UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths and US Envoy Tim Lenderking have been talking to all parties in the hope of starting a political process. With Oman now active in the mediation, messengers between Riyadh, the Omani capital Muscat and Sanaa are racing to start a peaceful reconciliation This week, Reuters reported that Yemens warring parties are thrashing out terms for a peace deal that would extricate Saudi Arabia from a costly war and help alleviate a devastating humanitarian crisis, two sources close to the talks and a Houthi official said. The report noted that talks between the Saudi-led Coalition and the Houthis are focused on steps to lift a blockade on Houthi-held ports and Sanaa Airport in return for a promise from the rebels for truce talks. According to a Houthi source, their leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi made a commitment to an Omani delegation that visited Sanaa this month to enter into ceasefire discussions immediately after the blockade is lifted, in line with the latest proposal from UN Envoy Martin Griffiths. In what looked like an American attempt to help the peace efforts, Lenderking said for the first time that the US recognises the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels as a legitimate actor and accepts the idea that both sides in the conflict are responsible for violence. He made the remarks during a webinar organised by the National Council on US-Arab Relations on Thursday. As one Saudi academic put it, this could be the flare before the end of war and the start of political settlement in Yemen. The Americans are involved in tough negotiations with the Iranians about reviving the nuclear deal, he told Al- Ahram Weekly. They have not completely ignored Irans meddling in the region. For example, they are targeting Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria. They may look lenient on the Houthi militia in Yemen, but that is not actually the case. It seems to be part of the Vienna talks. That optimistic tone is not shared by others who believe that the US is shifting its focus away from the region. The new American administration is focusing on China, Russia and the Indo-Pacific region. According to those commentators, the Middle East is no longer that important for the US, which provides regional powers with the opportunity to sort out their issues on their own. A Gulf source close to decision-making circles downplayed the chances of a breakthrough via the political route. He acknowledged the UN and American involvement in consultation with Saudi Arabia, but cast doubt on the prospect of Omani mediation efforts bearing fruit, accusing the Houthi rebels of reneging on promises. The present Omani role is different from the role Oman played seven years ago helping the US and Iran to reach the nuclear deal. He noted that at the time there was no war between Washington and Tehran, and neither had border proximity to the Sultanate. Those were talks between two states, what is more, while present talks involve a militia that is a proxy for Iran. Asked by the Weekly if the issue is Saudi Arabia agreeing to direct dialogue with the Houthis, the source reiterated that Saudi Arabia and the Arab Coalition would recognise Houthi as part of the Yemeni landscape and would definitely be a party of any peaceful settlement. But he stressed that so far, it is up to the Yemeni factions including the Houthis to come up together and reach a political reconciliation towards a lasting peaceful solution. Unless the rebel militia lays down arms and accepts the political track it will be futile to engage with them. The coalition does not want to continue with the war, but Iran is encouraging their proxy to keep the fire on. What is clear is that all parties are wary of the prolonged military conflict with its disastrous humanitarian consequences. Yet it seems every party is trying hard to improve its bargaining position in any upcoming negotiations by scoring advances on the ground. How long this manoeuvring will continue is not clear. In the course of it, millions of Yemenis continue to suffer. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Search Keywords: Short link: Egypt embarked on a host of national projects some seven years ago to lay out the new infrastructure required for a modern state. The efforts started with an extensive network of roads to connect all the countrys cities with each other, followed by the building of new fourth-generation cities that will provide living areas and services for all social brackets. Until 2012, all Egyptians lived on seven per cent of Egypts land. Increasing the amount of urban land was one of the key goals of the national plan, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, head of the General Authority for Urban Planning (GAUP), told Al-Ahram Weekly. The plans have been implemented not by building on agricultural land, but by expanding in new areas that are promising for their natural resources and economic infrastructure. These can generate job opportunities to encourage people to move there, Abdel-Fattah said, adding that the new cities also have to be accessible. The locations of the new cities have been selected according to studies conducted in coordination with several authorities, such as the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Defence, and the National Centre for Planning and Land Use, he said. A presidential decree then gives the green light for the building of a new city, with the implementation being the responsibility of the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA). The NUCA oversees the execution of the GAUP plans, detailing the housing areas and types, leisure zones, streets, service areas, and areas designed for utilities and industrial activities, Abdel-Motaleb Mamdouh, deputy head of the NUCA, told the Weekly. The idea of building new cities in Egypt first surfaced in 1977. Cities such as Salam, 6 October, Borg Al-Arab, 15 May, and 10 Ramadan were constructed as integrated cities comprising industrial, agricultural, leisure, and service zones. Abdel-Fattah said these elements were the pillars of economic and urban planning and the keys to the success of cities not only in Egypt, but also worldwide. The main target of Egypts new cities is to expand in desert areas and to avoid building in the Delta and the Nile Valley, particularly after the takeover of some agricultural land due to illegal construction, he said. It was necessary to provide jobs and services in the new cities, which was the case with the first, second, and third generations of them. 10 Ramadan City is a success story, for example. It has been able to achieve self-sufficiency and to provide job opportunities for residents. It has become one of the most successful new cities in the Middle East, Abdel-Fattah commented. Planning and constructing the new cities are implemented according to a timeframe, but their growth can take many more years. The growth of cities is the result of social and human factors, such as peoples attachment to the places where they are brought up. In moving from one place to live in another, people may be worried at first, but their need to start a new life and form a family urges them to move, Abdel-Fattah said. Selecting the location for the new cities is preceded by comprehensive studies to ensure the optimum use of natural resources. Studies are carried out on underground water resources, pinpointing land that is rich in minerals and that is most suitable for agriculture. Based on the results of the studies, land is designated for different activities, such as agricultural land and residential plots, he added.The road networks connecting the new cities in the east and west of the country and from the north to Upper Egypt are one of the main reasons that have helped in the extensive urbanisation of the past seven years, Abdel-Fattah said.SELF-SUSTAINING CITIES: The new fourth-generation cities have almost doubled the urbanisation rate in Egypt, which for decades stood at around seven per cent of the countrys total area.The road networks established in recent years have facilitated access to areas targeted for development and encouraged investment by decreasing the cost of transportation. The new cities provide for diverse activities to support their inhabitants.Having different activities that provide sustainable job opportunities, be they in the agricultural, industrial, or tourism sectors, supports the creation of new urban communities that can be self-sufficient, Abdel-Fattah continued.On the pre-construction phase, Abdel-Fattah said that the GAUP was authorised to contract experts and academic specialists in different fields, including housing, the economy, services, or environmental matters, to collaborate on producing studies.The secret to success is committing to deadlines. This was the case for the roads network, the projects of the Egyptian Tunnels Authority, and the projects for the new cities, the housing complexes, and reviving historic areas, he stressed.The state is building new cities and developing existing ones in an effort to improve the livelihoods of all Egyptians. The goal is in line with Egypts Vision 2030 strategy for sustainable development, Walid Abbas, assistant to the minister of housing and supervisor of planning and projects at the NUCA, told the Weekly.The fourth-generation cities have been established to reduce congestion in other areas, provide the services and activities the public need, generate job opportunities, and introduce the use of artificial intelligence in smart cities in a manner in line with the states vision of the future, he added.At present, there are 37 fourth-generation cities spread over around 167,000 feddans of land, including 17 cities under construction, such as the New Administrative Capital, New Alamein, and New Mansoura. Strategic plans are being drawn up for a further 14 new cities, such as New Suez, New Rosetta, and New Beni Mazar, while six cities are still in the planning phase, such as New Gerga, New Esna, and New Hurghada, Abbas said.Overall, there are 61 new cities nationwide built on a total of 2.5 million feddans, or 12.8 per cent of the countrys inhabited area.As part of the strategic vision for 2050 and Egypts Vision 2030, the NUCA is creating opportunities for development through the construction of fourth-generation cities, especially those in Upper Egypt such as New Mallawy, New Fashn, New Aswan, New Beni Mazar, and New Naga Hammadi, and on the Mediterranean coast from New Borg Al-Arab to Salloum, Abbas added.He explained that the economic foundations of each new city differ according to their natural and economic potential. The new cities should generate jobs, attract investment, and offer appropriate housing.In each new city, different housing projects are established to appeal to all economic groups, Abbas said. For residents of informal areas, alternative housing projects have been constructed using modern architectural designs, he added.There are social-housing compounds, middle-income housing projects like the Sakan Masr projects, upper middle-income projects like the Dar Masr projects, and luxury projects under the Ganna label. There are also the Beit Masr projects that appeal to Egyptians who have been residing abroad and fulfil their social and leisure needs. According to a recent presidential directive, a new housing type has also been added called Housing for all Egyptians that will attract middle-income brackets willing to acquire real-estate loans.Some have criticised the government for directing its efforts at construction and housing instead of developing resources to increase incomes more directly.But Abbas rejects such criticisms, pointing out that construction and housing are crucial sectors in the state budget. They offer job opportunities and decrease unemployment rates. According to statistics, public investments increased by 23 per cent from July 2019 to March 2020 as compared to a year earlier to record LE113 billion, Abbas said, adding that 20.9 per cent of public investments are directed to the housing sector.A social-housing unit costs LE280,000 to build, to which should be added the cost of the land and utilities, which are shouldered by the government. This offers cash support to a maximum of LE50,000, said Abdel-Mottaleb Mamdouh, deputy head of the NUCA.A set of regulations drawn up by the Ministry of Housing, the Administrative Control Authority, and the World Bank determine the amount of cash support each citizen can receive, he added. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Trapped in famine-hit Afgoye, a rag-hut city ruled by Islamist Shabab rebels and the world's largest camp for displaced people, Saedo Saleh knew she had to escape when her baby son fell sick. "There is nothing there, no aid of any kind," she said, cradling her screaming one-year old son in a clinic in the government-held but war-torn Somali capital, where she sought help after sneaking across the frontline. Kenyan troops and tanks crossed the border into southern Somalia at the weekend to assault hardline Shabab positions there, after a spate of kidnappings of foreigners inside Kenya, but the rebels remain in control of much of southern and central Somalia. Afgoye, a crowded corridor of some 410,000 people along a key road running west out of Mogadishu is struggling under the Al-Qaeda linked Shabab's draconian restrictions on foreign aid. Almost three months since the UN declared famine in the first of several southern Somali regions -- now including Afgoye and camps inside Mogadishu -- the situation remains grim, despite international efforts to increase aid. The United Nations has described Somalia, where a civil war has been going on since 1991, as facing the most severe humanitarian crisis in the world. Four million Somalis are in crisis, with some 750,000 at risk of dying in coming months if efforts are not scaled up, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has warned. Even inside Mogadishu, base of a 9,000-strong African Union force and the weak Western-backed government, recent fighting and security concerns have limited access to desperate people needing food, shelter and medicine. "We are doing are best, but the demands are enormous," said Ibrahim Mohamed Kasim, manager of the mother and child Hanano clinic -- meaning "care" in Somali -- in central Mogadishu. "The aid has increased but it is not being coordinated well; people are still in need and more people are arriving," he added. Heavy seasonal rains have begun, providing some relief for cattle herders, but adding to the misery of the tens of thousands living in rag and plastic shelters, having fled war and drought in their home areas. "Infectious diseases -- including cholera, pneumonia, dengue fever and malaria -- are common in the city" with the rainy season feared likely to increase their spread, Doctors Without Borders said in recent statement. "There is not enough food, and my family is getting sick," said Rahma Abdullah, a former shepherd from Baidoa region, who came to the capital after his animals died, and lives in a plastic shelter in a makeshift camp. "The (government) soldiers here now are better than the Shabab, but they are not strong, they ask us for food and money." The Shabab, who have vowed to step up a bombing campaign after killing at least 82 people in a suicide attack in Mogadishu earlier this month, have been pushed out of most of their positions in the capital but remain a threat. "Security is better here in Mogadishu these days, but I think the Shabab will launch more bomb attacks," said Sara Ibrahim, a mother of six, living in basic plastic shelter provided by a Qatari aid agency. "Some have come to help us, but we need more, because we have so little -- the food we get is just enough to survive from day-to-day, but not enough to live a life." Children weakened by hunger are now "sitting out in the rain all night, and risking contracting diseases," said Sonia Zambakides, from Save the Children Somalia office, adding that two children were recently swept away by flood waters. "The rains are going to get worse, and we must provide help to these families as this crisis enters a new phase," she said. Food deliveries have reached some 2.2 million people as of last week, over half of those in need and massive increase since a few weeks ago, OCHA's latest report reads. But getting aid out across the areas of southern Somalia hardest hit by "constant security threats and access restrictions," is tough OCHA has warned, adding that Shabab fighters seized ten food aid trucks earlier this month. Short link: Back in September 2020, there were some positive statements by Turkish officials towards Egypt, and these led many people to believe that relations between the two countries could be restored. In the following months, the rate at which such statements occurred gained momentum, capped by statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan himself. At the same time, the Turkish government hinted that it would open a new chapter in its relations with other Arab countries, namely Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and with European countries with whom its relations had almost hit rock bottom. France and Greece come to mind in this respect. However, all the attention was given to Ankaras relations with Cairo, and Middle East observers started speculating about the possible timing of the normalisation of relations between the two countries and the nature of the understandings that would provide the basis for it. These included what concessions each of the two governments would accept in order for such an outcome to come true. Expectations ran high, and the statements coming out of Ankara in the first few months of 2021 left the impression that the normalisation of relations with Cairo was almost a done deal. While the Turkish government regularly made positive statements about the benefits that would accrue once relations with Cairo were restored, Egypt remained silent, however. This silence from the Egyptian authorities confounded many as to the reasons for it. Were the Turks exaggerating the prospects of restoring relations with Cairo, or was there a joint understanding between the two governments on a timeline for their restoration? The fact of the matter is that Cairo was not quite sure of the true motives behind the Turkish overtures. Misgivings and a lack of trust in Turkish policies and their true intentions characterised the Egyptian reactions. Probably, this was also the reason why Cairo waited so long before announcing that a round of political consultations with Turkey would take place in early May. The announcement was also made at very short notice. Cairo hosted the first round of the consultations, and it was expected that the next time such consultations or political talks were held Ankara would be the venue. The official statement that came out of these consultations said that the two countries would review their results and act accordingly on the following steps to be taken. It was understood that a meeting on the level of the foreign ministers of the two countries would probably follow and with it the nomination of ambassadors. The statement went on to say that the talks had been frank and had covered both the bilateral relations between the two countries and regional questions on the situations in Libya, Syria and Iraq. Two regional developments followed the political consultations. One week later, Israel launched a military attack against the Gaza Strip that lasted for 11 days until Egypt and other international powers successfully pushed for a ceasefire. The other development that has had a direct bearing on Egyptian-Turkish relations has been the situation in Libya and the manoeuvring by pro-Turkish groups, particularly the Libyan followers of the Muslim Brotherhood, to exempt Turkey from withdrawing its forces from Libya as per the ceasefire agreement of 23 October last year in the context of the Libyan Joint Military Commission, commonly known as the 5+5 Commission. Things came to a head at the Berlin II Conference on Libya that was jointly hosted by the German government and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on 23 June. The Turkish delegation to the conference decided to take exception to the paragraph demanding the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Libya. The reservation goes to show, from an Egyptian point of view, that Ankara is playing a double game. On the one hand, it is making overtures to Egypt expressing its willingness to normalise relations with Cairo, but on the other hand it is not making the concessions required to normalise relations with Egypt. It should not be lost on whoever makes decisions in Ankara that Egypt will not move forward one inch in the nascent process of normalisation with Turkey before the withdrawal of all Turkish forces from Libya along with the Syrian militias contracted by the Turks to fight in the country. To believe otherwise would be counterproductive. Today, the process of restoring relations between Cairo and Ankara to their pre-2013 level is on hold until Turkey makes up its mind on its strategic priorities in the Middle East and North Africa, being either expansionism or coexistence with the leading Arab and regional powers. To think that Turkey would be able to persist in its expansionist policies while improving its standing with Egypt is a non-starter. From the outset, there have been serious doubts about how genuine Turkey is in opening up to Egypt and other leading Arab powers. Was it too credulous to believe that Ankara, given the Islamist ruling party in Turkey, would just relinquish the policies of the last ten years and start a new chapter with the leading powers in its neighbourhood? I guess it was always a long shot to believe that this could be the case. The litmus test for improved relations with Egypt is whether Turkey will withdraw its forces from Libya or not. If the latter proves to be the case, relations between Egypt and Turkey will remain the same, being tense, implicitly confrontational and expressing a fierce regional rivalry across the board from Libya in the west to Iraq in the east and passing through Syria. It is up to Turkey to decide whether it wants to coexist peacefully with its neighbours or whether it wants to keep rocking the boat by pursuing policies aiming to secure strategic footholds in various parts of the Middle East and North Africa region, whether through maintaining a permanent military presence and/or through its Muslim Brotherhood proxies and other groups. The future of Egyptian-Turkish relations looks murky, and hoping they will see brighter days under the present Turkish president will be next to impossible unless there is a complete overhaul of Turkish foreign policy in the region. This is something that looks improbable under the present circumstances. The writer is former assistant foreign minister. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: It seems the fourth Gaza war is not over yet. Hostilities could resume at any time as a result of new circumstances in Palestinian politics. Reconciliation efforts have just run up against a wall again after a short period of calm and near solidarity between Fatah and Hamas during the war and its aftermath. The circumstances in Israel are also new. After more than a decade under Benjamin Netanyahu, the country has a new coalition government made up of eight Israeli factions, one of which is Palestinian in identity and affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, just like Hamas in Gaza. Whether in Palestine or Israel, the situation could not be more fragile. Neither can afford to resume a war the wounds of which are still gaping. Yet neither is inclined to reassess their difficult circumstances. In Palestine the crux of the problem is the confusion between a legitimate government in Ramallah and another authority that rests on force of arms in Gaza. It is hard to say whether either is truly committed to advancing the Palestinian cause. It could be that while the Palestinian Authority (PA) is trying to re-establish its primacy as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, Hamas feels that the best way to sustain its popularity is to keep the cause ablaze. So it plays with fire, literally, by launching incendiary balloons into Israel and the latter has retaliated with extreme force. On the Israeli side, the new government, which hinges on a Knesset majority of a single seat, knows that it has no chance of survival unless it has enough time to achieve the minimum aims of each of the eight coalition partners which hail from the far left to the far (Arab and Israeli) right. All they have in common is the desire to keep Netanyahu out of power forever. Apart from that, their calculations are complicated, especially in the light of Egypts continued efforts to prevent a resumption of hostilities and to promote its initiative to transform the truce into an enduring ceasefire. The main instruments to this end are the reconstruction of Gaza, prisoner exchange negotiations, securing a halt to missiles from Gaza and other measures that make life easier for both sides. This seemed possible when, following a security evaluation, Israel allowed a limited resumption of commercial exports from Gaza, a measure that remains conditional upon the preservation of security stability. However, the resumption of war versus a more durable ceasefire is not solely contingent on the Palestinians and Israelis. This is because the war between them is actually three intricately interrelated wars in one. The second is the war between Israel and Iran, the terrain of which extends from Iran to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, the Gulf and the Gulf of Aden, to the Mediterranean. The weapons in use range from fighter planes and missiles to cyberattacks. The missiles that Hamas used during the fourth Gaza war were versions of the Iranian Badr missile, which suggests that other Iranian missiles, as well as drones, could also come into play. Tehrans intervention in Gaza is a way to retaliate against the continued strikes and cyberattacks against Iranian targets, from the Natanz nuclear facility to the bases and facilities of pro-Iranian Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), Hizbullah and other such organisations in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. That Iran is currently engaged with the US in an attempt to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal has not reduced the intensity of the Iranian-Israeli war. In fact, both sides are using it as a means to leverage negotiations or to their advantage. After all, both war and negotiations are ultimately political tools for attaining ulterior ends. As though the Iranian factor has not complicated the Palestinian-Israeli conflict enough, a third war has taken it to new thresholds because it is unfolding all across the region. This war pits the forces of stability, which have been fighting to restore order after a decade of the anarchy and destruction wrought by the so-called Arab Spring, against the forces of instability which seek to perpetuate revolutionary anarchy. The former forces are striving to attain their ends by means of extensive reform processes at home and defusing hotspots abroad, in Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and, of course, Palestine. The destabilising forces use radical ideologies and extremist groups as their weapons, relying on the Palestinian cause as an instrument to stoke the widespread anger that fuels anarchy. The former camp includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries that have endorsed stability as an aim and reform as a goal. The latter is spearheaded by Iran, which relies on subordinate Shia groups, Islamist organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and various other groups in the countries that were swept by upheaval, which has not yet subsided. It is no coincidence that Iranian-made missiles are used by both Hamas and the Houthis in Yemen as well as Hizbullah in Syria and Lebanon. Israel, at present, is not a force for stability. Nor can it be as long as it persists in settlement expansion in the West Bank, inflaming hatred between Jewish and Arab citizens in Israel, attacking Islamic holy sites, threatening Arabs with evacuation and catering to violent Jewish extremist groups, all the while ignoring the fact that six Arab countries have made peace with Israel while many more have signed the Arab Peace Initiative. Perhaps there is little new in these three interwoven wars, at least considering what the crisis-ridden, war-plagued Middle East is used to. Perhaps it is a matter of course that certain regional forces are keen to perpetuate this condition and intensify tensions, taking advantage of the USs gradual withdrawal from the region after its failed attempts at state building in Iraq and Afghanistan where it tried to apply a special kind of democratic project that only succeeded in tearing these countries apart. Nevertheless, the profound reform processes underway in several leading Arab powers, with the emphasis on rapid and extensive social and economic development, have worked to counter the destabilising dynamics. This, in turn, throws into relief the need for profound reform at the regional level. Its a process that must, first, take as its primary building block the Arab nation state, in light of the authenticity and cohesiveness of its borders, identity, history and future. Secondly, it must engage the principle of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other states. Thirdly, it must espouse the pursuit of peace and regional cooperation. In fact, considerable progress has already been made in this regard, to which testify the Abraham Accords and the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum, both of which are founded on new and unprecedented bases for regional relations. Fourthly, the reform must step up efforts to resolve this regions chronic problems. This includes, of course, the Palestinian question which, as recent history tells us, might seem to subside for a while but will always flare up again. It also includes the problems of ethnic and religious minorities, particularly acute in Iraq and Syria, in the framework of the civil nation state. Fifthly, it will do well to take the initiative that Egypt is currently pursuing, with considerable support from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, as a platform for a much broader drive than just securing a ceasefire. The writer is chairman of the board, CEO and director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: On the evening of 3 July 2013, millions of Egyptians celebrated the end of Muslim Brotherhood rule. Much of the Western media was stunned by the events that culminated in the dismissal of former president Mohamed Morsi after a year in power. Immediately following Morsis removal, Western political, intellectual, and media circles expressed anger at the developments despite the unprecedented scale of the grassroots uprising that made it possible and the consensus of national political forces about the dangers of the mother of all Islamist organisations remaining in power in Egypt. Eight years later and the balances of power in Egypt and the region have shifted. This does not, however, preclude the need to examine the facts from that period through a lens that encompasses more than the criteria of formal democracy, not least because, under Morsi, there were signs of a repeat of Irans Islamic revolution and the imposition of a theocratic order in Egypt. The 30 June 2013 Revolution was a watershed moment par excellence, regardless of the opinions of those who had banked on Islamists dominating the region. In Egypts case it is not difficult to envision what would have happened in the absence of the revolution. Yet though the disastrous effects of the rise to power of an organisation that views democracy as no more than a means to gain control so that it can then manoeuvre to perpetuate that control indefinitely were staring everyone in the face, the 30 June Revolution is still treated with suspicion by some Western research centres. All too often this bias is informed by the relationship between foreign think tanks and intelligence agencies on the one hand, and Islamist groups on the other. The relationship dates back to the 1950s, when Islamists were used as a tool against Arab nationalism and the Arab left, and as a weapon in the Cold War against the Soviet Union and the communist camp. The grassroots revolution in Egypt put paid to the notion advanced within some academic circles that it is possible to coexist with undemocratic groups that mix religious demagoguery with politics in order to attain and hold onto power. Arab and Muslim societies, so the fallacious argument goes, have a specific nature that has to be taken into account when promoting democratisation in countries that have suffered more than their fair share of corruption and nepotism. The Islamists presented themselves as a magic solution, pointing to the great role that religion plays in the lives of Arab and Muslim societies, and positing themselves as experts on Islam. So, what would have happened had the 30 June Revolution failed? The answer put forward by a number of Western research centres is that one cannot judge Muslim Brotherhood rule from its single year in office. The group, they say, needed time to correct its undemocratic practices. As if there isnt an entire body of Islamist literature and doctrine offering justifications to monopolise power and end the rotation of authority. According to some of this literature bequeathed by the emirs of violence, including the assassins of president Anwar Al-Sadat in 2012 Morsi released them from prison and then invited them to attend the commemoration of Sadats signature achievement, victory in the 6 October War jihadist groups had long been waiting for the opportunity to lock horns with other factions they felt less ideologically qualified to lead an Islamic nation. Consensual solutions within a democratic framework have proven unsustainable in societies that tried to introduce a formula for coexistence between Islamists and democratic liberal trends. Nevertheless, Western advocates of genuine representative democracy in their own countries somehow find it acceptable to defend the right of anti-democratic groups that mix religious demagoguery with politics to be included in democratic processes that they are certain to subvert once they reach power. Certainly, it is no secret what Islamist rule would hold in store for religious minorities, women, and personal freedoms. Yet, by some curious logic, Western critics of the 30 June Revolution accuse the people who defended plurality, freedom of belief, the rights of minorities, womens rights and personal rights, of being anti-democratic, and whitewash the Islamists, whose doctrines and writings overtly advocate reducing religious minorities to second class citizens and curtailing womens rights, as defenders of democratic transformation. Before defending the right of a reductionist, exclusively religious-oriented party to participate in a pluralistic democratic process, one should consider what is required to safeguard that process. One requirement is a strong civil state equipped with checks and balances capable of preventing a single trend or group from monopolising the political process, or threatening to propel the nation into civil war. And make no mistake, it was civil war that was looming in the run-up to 30 June 2013. Thankfully, a critical mass of the Egyptian people chose to save the civil state and preserve the cohesion of their society. These were the driving principles of the movement that ushered the Muslim Brotherhood out of power, something certain camps in the West still fail to grasp. These camps prefer to believe that the Egyptian people have no agency and instead attribute the overthrow of the elected president to plots and machinations of the deep state. They ignore the fact that Morsi was simply a facade for the Muslim Brotherhood, an organisation to which he owed his prior allegiance and which has always behaved like a state within a state. The 12 months of Muslim Brotherhood rule present an alarming picture: total economic collapse, bureaucratic incompetence of a scale unseen in Egypts modern history, stealthy yet relentless steps on the part of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership to consolidate all powers in the executive, to the detriment of the army and police, the judiciary, the intelligence agencies, and even the diplomatic corps. The Brotherhoods goal was self-empowerment, and its chosen method was to purge sovereign agencies of all but Muslim Brotherhood loyalists. While the Brotherhoods Guidance Bureau was busy drawing up lists of officials to replace with their own, another wing was negotiating pacts with other extremist groups, cajoling them to recognise the Muslim Brotherhood, the mother Islamist organisation, as their legitimate representative, and to ideologically reconcile. In return, they were promised privileges and political advantages tailored to the battles they had been waging beneath the banner of jihad for more than 40 years. All this was accompanied by an unprecedented spike in sectarian tensions. It was clear from the outset that the nature of the state the Muslim Brotherhood envisioned was far removed from the modern civil state. Their state had no room for Christians, except within mediaeval bounds. Their discriminatory attitudes and dogma were already evident on many issues before they came to power, especially with regard to womens rights and religious minorities. In the opposition in parliament under Mubarak, they set their sights on dismantling the civil state. When they reached power, they expanded their ambition to dismantling the nation state itself, to be replaced with a replica of their own secretive organisation, the better to impose their own brand of religious extremism. As their plans advanced, Egypts security agencies began to fear a slide into civil war. There was a long-standing feud between the Brotherhood and strong and effective institutions of state, and the group had its crosshairs set on the Egyptian army above all. One way to weaken it was to embroil it in proxy wars abroad. An early indication of this tactic occurred in October 2012 during the military parade on the anniversary of the 1973 War. The Muslim Brotherhood used the occasion to declare jihad against the Syrian regime, giving a green light to its members, and members of allied groups, to fight in Syrias civil war. It opened an early chapter in the story of mercenaries in Syria. As many familiar with the thinking in Western political and intelligence circles at the time know, using Egyptian troops in the regions proxy wars was a down payment on the anticipated alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood and Western governments. These were just some of the factors that drove tens of millions of ordinary Egyptians to take action against Muslim Brotherhood rule. In response, as investigations have shown, the organisation rallied its affiliated groups to counter the massive outcry for its removal from power. But the organisations mobilisation at home, and its appeal to foreign powers, could not help Morsi save his position, or return him to it after his removal. Nor could other ploys, such as the melodrama staged in Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square in eastern Cairo. Regional and international media affiliated with the group helped with the production: they cut and edited footage in such a way as to create the impression that Egyptians supported the Muslim Brotherhood sit-in. The same media shrugged off the huge surge in attacks against churches, Christian property and persons throughout the country, dismissing it as part and parcel of the violent tug-of-war between two sides. Regardless of whether Western media calls the events of 30 June a revolution or a coup, what counts is that the will of the vast majority of the Egyptian people prevailed, yielding first the interim government and, in 2014, the election of President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi. Eight years after these momentous events and the government has reversed the severe deterioration under Muslim Brotherhood rule. The country is now on a path diametrically opposed to that envisioned by the Islamists. The comprehensive development drive that President Al-Sisi initiated has won the praise and admiration of international agencies. In addition to the largest-ever infrastructure development projects Egypt has ever seen, the government has launched multiple programmes to raise standards of living and quality of life in rural Egypt. Adopting a holistic concept of human development, the government has also passed legislation to promote the empowerment of women and guarantee the constitutional principle of equal rights for all citizens. The guiding principle here is social justice, not just in terms of political rights, but also in terms of economic and social rights, including access to proper healthcare and education. The government understands that to ignore social welfare and safety networks is to leave important sectors of society vulnerable to the predations of extremist groups. This consideration has also informed the governments drive to reform educational curricula and deepen the culture of tolerance and acceptance of others. There is a saying that foreign policy proceeds from the home front. This certainly applies to Egypt: in recent years the success of its domestic policies has increasingly been reflected on the foreign policy front. Egypt has scored major successes in the war against terrorism, winning many over to its comprehensive view on how to confront violent extremist groups while preserving the unity and integrity of the nation state, the importance of which President Al-Sisi has repeatedly underscored since taking office. As stability returned to Egypt, Cairo began to resuscitate its regional role and influence. The gauge of success here is to be found in Egypts deterrent diplomacy, designed to curb the schemes of regional powers to capitalise on the wave of upheavals and conflict in the Arab world in order to encroach onto Arab states and make a grab for their land and resources. The red line that Al-Sisi drew in Libya is a case in point. That policy marked the turning point that made it possible to bring a halt to hostilities and usher in a new interim phase. Currently, Egypt is playing a crucial role, in collaboration with international partners, in helping the Libyans prepare the groundwork for general elections. The Palestinian cause is another area in which Egypt has demonstrated its crucial influence. Egypt brokered the recent truce in Gaza, and is currently sponsoring talks in Cairo to promote a lasting ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians. The security breakdown and instability that characterised the Muslim Brotherhoods year of rule inspired a massive upgrade of Egypts military forces and a comprehensive vision for Egypts national security. The modernisation of all branches of the Egyptian Armed Forces, which has included the creation of a southern fleet to safeguard maritime borders, is one of the main reasons for the success of Egypts deterrent diplomacy and growing influence. But President Al-Sisis vision is more far-reaching. This is why, despite waves of terrorist attacks, he set in motion sweeping national development campaigns that addressed the needs of the poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable, giving concrete substance to the principle of equal citizenship without discrimination. What if The answer to the question posed at the outset is easy. On the one hand, there is the accumulation of concrete achievements that have compelled some, if not all, Western media to reassess their views on what made millions of Egyptians to take to the streets on 30 June 2013. On the other, we have the economic decay, the social disintegration, the extreme polarisation, the exclusionist and discriminatory tendencies of the Islamists, the lack of prudence, the export of jihadist mercenaries, a panoply of phenomena that threatened to drag Egypt and Egyptian identity into dangerous territory. The consequences would have been disastrous, not just for us but for the region. *A version of this article appears in print in the 1 July, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: On my last visit to Palestine, I had a deep sense of sadness and sorrow over the state of affairs there, but the situation on the ground in the Gaza Strip remains unimaginably tragic. The restrictions imposed on people's movement and their ability to obtain the most basic human needs in terms of health, food, education and travel are intolerable. It is time to take real steps to turn things around there. It is time for this tragedy to end. In Gaza Strip, UNFPA staff members spoke with a young girl, Roaa, shortly after the latest ceasefire agreement was in place. She introduced herself not as thirteen, but as four wars old. One of my UNFPA colleagues told us: I was given only 5 minutes to evacuate my house. I couldn't comprehend what could be done, it is only five minutes to safe my disabled mother,to ensure the survival of the family,and to save our belongings and memories before they are all smashed by the shelling. On the ground, working with the women in the communities we serve, we hear, repeatedly: Nowhere is safe in Gaza. Nowhere is safe. Something has to change. The recent military escalation in May, which left 242 people dead and nearly 2000 injured. More than 16,600 people saw their homes damaged. This escalation is only the most recent of a long series of devastating events that leave the people of Gaza feeling hope is slipping away. Today, Gazans face a veritable mental health crisis. Even before the war, in 2012 the UN issued a reportpredicting that unless action was taken to improve access to basic services in the territory, the Gaza Strip would become unlivable by 2020.That year came and went, with unprecedented challenges. In addition, the restrictions on movement is adding to the more insult to the injury of thousands of Gazans in need for medical treatment outside the besieged strip. More than a quarter of cancer patient referral applications in 2021 were delayed according to WHO. The COVID pandemic has not spared Gaza, and the socio-economic impact of lockdowns and economic hardship has been distressing. Destruction happens quickly, in seconds. The reconstruction, not only of buildings and physical infrastructure, but also of peoples lives and their recovery from trauma, is painstakingly slow. People in the Gaza Strip speak of their loss of hope, their fear that their children will experience war after war and a life of trauma, with no normal future in sight. As is often the case, women and girls pay a heavy price for the dire situation in the Gaza Strip. The stresses and tensions of the occupation, coupled with financial hardship, frequent electricity cuts, loss of economic opportunities and COVID-related lockdowns already made many women and girls extremely vulnerable. At the beginning of the COVID-lockdown, the main hotline for women and girls facing violence experienced more calls in a week than they normally would in three months. Since then the situation has only deteriorated. Over the next three months, around 16,500 women will give birth in the Gaza Strip. With a health system under profound pressure for many years, ensuring essential health services are available to ensure safe birth is a priority for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). We are working to ensure that hospitals and clinics are equipped to deal with these life-saving interventions. We are deeply concerned that vulnerable women and girls in need of protection have access to competent and compassionate care: health services, counselling, legal advice and more. We are providing support to these service providers including by providing them with psychosocial support so that they themselves can help others and are scaling up cash and voucher assistance to vulnerable women to alleviate some of the financial pressures on their households, which make a bad situation worse. However, what of the trauma experienced by pregnant mothers who had to flee their homes in the middle of the night under heavy bombardment? What of the women who urgently need breast cancer treatment, but cannot acquire the necessary permits to exit Gaza? What of the women who face ever increasing domestic abuse, exacerbated by stress and tension and financial hardship? Humanitarian aid alone cannot change the equation. For that, bigger changes must occur. The blockade of Gaza must end. Yet, as we in UNFPA see daily through our programs with young people, the energy, the initiative, the entrepreneurship and the skillsets needed for a better tomorrow. This is a competent and proactive young population. They have the solutions. They just need a chance to breathe, to feel safe, to build their small business, and to feel assured that their investment would not be in vain when the next round of missiles strike. Indeed, something has to change. The international community has an obligation to ensure that people in the Gaza Strip have the basic conditions for a life with dignity and enjoy their rights simply like other people elsewhere. We believe that a human rights approach, and recognizing the inalienable rights of every person, is the beginning of the solution. We work hard to ensure women and girls enjoy the right of choice regarding their bodily autonomy. **Luay Shabaneh, is the Regional Director for Arab States in UNFPA, the UN agency for sexual and reproductive health. Short link: I am overwhelmed with happiness and pride while writing this article that I have been preparing for a while to be published in conjunction with the Egyptian National Day for Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which falls on June 14. After writing all its drafts to be revolved around the pain and suffering of girls and women from that harmful practice, and between appeals and demands for a harsher punishment, It ended up with me writing these lines in joy and celebration of achieving the dream. Yes, the political will of Egyptian women and girls triumphed again, on April 30, 2021, when President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi signed law no 10 of 2021 to introduce amendments to several provisions of the Penal Code to toughen the penalty for FGM. The amendment stipulates that whoever performs FGM involving the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or causing injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than five years. In case the crime led to a permanent handicap, the punishment shall be imprisonment for a period of no less than 7 years with hard labour. If the act led to death, the imprisonment shall be for a period of no less than 10 years. As per the new amendments also, if the perpetrator of the crime is a doctor or nurse, he or she shall receive the penalty of rigorous imprisonment from 3 to 15 years in jail. If the crime resulted in a permanent disability, the penalty shall be imprisonment for no less than 10 years with hard work. If the act leads to death, the punishment shall be no less than 15 years and will not exceed 20 years. In addition to this, the court shall rule to dismiss the offender from his position for a period not exceeding 5 years if the crime was committed for a reason associated with his/her job. The establishment where the crime is committed shall be shut down for the same number of years of the penalty handed to the doctor or nurse implicated. That is if the owner knows that the place was used for that purpose. Imprisonment shall be the penalty inflicted on whoever asks for FGM and has succeeded in persuading someone to circumcise the victim. In this context, it is important to emphasise that this law is the third generation of previous laws that were issued to criminalise FGM; in June of 2008, an amendment to the penal code was issued to criminalise FGM in legal texts, as article 242 stipulated that: While showing due regard for Article 61 of the penal code and without prejudice to any harsher penalty prescribed in another law, a prison term of no less than five years and no more than seven years shall be levied against anyone who circumcises a female, namely, by partial or total removal of the external genitalia or causing injury to the genitalia without medical justification. The penalty shall be hard imprisonment if the act results in a permanent disability or if it leads to death. Therefore, in 2016, they amended article 242 by aggravating the penalties of the penal code and introducing a new Article under law 78/2016. The amendments of 2016 redefined FGM as a felony rather than a misdemeanor and increased the penalty for performing FGM from five to seven years of imprisonment and up to 15 years imprisonment if the act of FGM leads to the death of the victim or a permanent disability. Also, the articles provided punishment between one to three years imprisonment of any individual who requests and abets the performance of FGM. Although the month of June comes yearly to remind us of a very painful memory, the death of the 11-year-old schoolgirl, Budour Shaker, who passed away after being subjected to FGM in a private clinic in the Upper Egyptian city of Minya in June 2017. Her death came hours after her success in the final exams of Grade 6. This tragedy was the reason behind launching the National Day for the Elimination of FGM. Four years later, and after the death of many girls because of FGM, we celebrate that 2021 is the year of achieving the dream, as it included many strong leaps in the issues of criminalising FGM. The beginning of this year witnessed the cabinets approval of the draft law submitted by the National Committee for the Elimination of FGM on disallowing those medical professionals convicted of performing genital mutilation from practicing their job, in addition to applying the rest of the penalties stipulated in the draft law to amend the penal code; legal measures were taken to study this draft in the Ministry of Justice. Also, last March, the Egyptian House of Representatives approved the anti FGM draft law presented by the government after holding constructive discussions and a very rich dialogue. What made me most happy is knowing about the support of male parliamentarians of this draft, in addition to the female parliamentarians who proved their success in supporting one of the most important issues for Egyptian girls and women. In this regard, I would also like to refer to the initiative of parliament representatives of the Coordination Committee of Partys Youth Leaders and Politicians (CPYP) to support, on their social media pages, the efforts of the National Committee for the Elimination of FGM and the amendments of the law that criminalise FGM during the celebration of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM in February. All these steps encouraged us to be optimistic that there are parliamentarians who have are enlightened thinkers willing to reject backward ideas and fight them with full force in addition to supporting the government in progressing more and more in women and human rights issues. And to emphasise the continued rejection of the religions of this harmful practice and inhuman crime (Its alleged that theres Islamic religious roots of FGM), the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed El-Tayeb, wrote in a letter he sent to the Public Prosecution in February of last year that It has become clear to Al-Azhar, through what was decided by the people of jurisprudence and trusted medical professionals, that circumcision causes great damage to a girls personality in general and affects her family life after marriage in particular, with a negative impact on society as a whole. He continued, Accordingly, the Islamic Research Academy in Al-Azhar decided, after studying the issue of circumcision from all its correct jurisprudential aspects and with the unanimity of its members in the session held in February 28, 2008, that no unequivocal text is found in the Quran or the Sunna that call for circumcision, and that it only dates back to inherited traditions and customs within the framework of an incorrect understanding of religion; its negative impact on physical and mental well-being has been proven. As female circumcision was agreed to be one of the harmful traditions according to legal and medical opinions, and its legitimacy is not assured by valid evidence, thus it is prohibited, and the infliction of punishment on the one who do it is permissible according to Sharia law, he concluded. This letter came as a response to an inquiry from the public prosecution about the legitimate opinion on female circumcision, after the death of a girl as a result of her circumcision. Many fatwas were issued over the course of several years by the Egyptian Dar Al-Iftaa prohibiting female circumcision and ensuring that it is a matter of customs and contrary to Sharia and law. Last April, the Coptic Orthodox Church issued a document on its stance against female circumcision, signed by Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark. The document assured that the church is totally against FGM and considers it a crime and a grave sin. Also, there is no basis for FGM in Christianity, not a single verse calling for it in the holy book. The document assured that FGM represents a danger and a violation of human rights. All these strong and serious steps confirm that all state institutions, religious institutions, and legislative institutions have united to renounce this harmful practice. I return once again to the latest and most important step in this issue, which is the ratification by the president of law No. 10 of 2021, which I consider a great victory, and a new dream come true after long years of suffering and pain experienced by millions of women due to FGM, causing constant anxiety and a lack of confidence in themselves and in their closest relatives. Yes, this important step came to reaffirm the keenness of the political will to protect women and girls from all forms of violence directed against them, confront this criminal act locally and internationally, and to stand as a deterrent for anyone who thinks to commit or participate in this harmful practice against any female. This step is considered a culmination of the efforts of women who devoted their lives to fighting this crime, such as Aziza Hussein, Mary Assad, and others, may their souls rest in peace. This step also comes as a culmination of the efforts of the National Committee for the Elimination of FGM, co-chaired by the National Council for Women and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, which was formed in May of 2019, and is honoured by the membership of representatives of all concerned ministries, competent judicial authorities, Al-Azhar, the three Egyptian churches and community organisations, in addition to development partners. The National Committee has taken it upon itself since the first day to work with all diligence and sincerity to eliminate this harmful practice, and to fight against reactionary thought and misconceptions about FGM through many activities. In the framework of its mission, the committee formed a board to study the legislative aspects related to the criminalisation of FGM, which included members from the National Council for Women, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, the Public Prosecution, the Ministry of Interior, the Doctors Syndicate, and the Ministry of Health and Population, and with the participation of forensic medicine. This board suggested tightening the penalty for FGM and expanding the scope of criminalisation of the draft law approved by the government and parliament and ratified by the president. After two years of the committees efforts, it managed to achieve 76 million awareness contacts in many villages throughout the country, in various forms, such as organising medical and educational convoys, launching awareness media campaigns, raising the efficiency of institutional building, in addition to organising door-knocking campaigns under the slogan Protect her from circumcision. This anti FGM law was praised by many international institutions and figures, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, and a member of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Nicole Ameline. Moreover, Egypts effort in this law was hailed by the European Union, United Nations Women, the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, and the United States Agency for International Development. Following these carefully studied steps taken by the Egyptian government, I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to Egypts Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly for his approval on the draft law submitted by the committee and to the Egyptian House of Representatives. I want also to thank the Ministry of Justice for its fruitful cooperation to come up with the amendments to the articles of the FGM law, and the public prosecutor, who presented an exceptional model in the implementation of prompt justice. Also, my great thanks to the Ministry of Interior for its unremitting efforts in confronting all those who try to break the law in cases of violence against women. This confirms the consensus of all state institutions on the need to eliminate this harmful practice, in implementation of Article 11 of the Egyptian Constitution, which stipulates that the state will protect women against all forms of violence, and the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, which comes in line with Egypts Vision 2030 to achieve sustainable development goals. Finally, on behalf of the National Committee for the Elimination of FGM and on behalf of all Egyptian girls and women, I extend my deepest thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to the first supporter of Egyptian women, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, for the ratification of the law that guarantees a safe life for girls. Many thanks President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi. #Long live Egypt Short link: Egypt-Sudan move at UNSC over GERD should not turn into Arab-African dispute: Arab League ambassador Menna Alaa El-Din, , Thursday 1 Jul 2021 There has been a change in the composition of the membership of the UNSC, which could affect support for the Egyptian-Sudanese action, the AL ambassador said The Arab League is keen on ensuring that Egypt and Sudan resorting to the UN Security Council over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue does not turn into a dispute between Arab and African sides, its ambassador to the UN said. Ambassador Maged Abdel-Fattah, the Arab League representative to the UN, told privately owned satellite channel Sada Al-Balad that a five-member committee formed by the Arab League has requested meetings with the president of the UNSC and its permanent members. The committee has also called for a meeting with the Ethiopian representative in New York. The Arab League has also backed an intervention by the UNSC, stressing during a meeting in Doha in June its rejection of any measures that would undermine the water share of Egypt and Sudan. Ethiopia has slammed the AL resolution, describing the organisations approach as unhelpful and misguided. Changes at the UNSC There has been a change in the composition of the membership of the UNSC, Abdel-Fattah said, explaining how this change could affect support for the Egyptian-Sudanese action. According to Abdel-Fattah, Ireland and Norway, which replaced Germany and Belgium, could have more understanding towards the Egyptian and Sudanese position on the dam. Kenya, which has replaced South Africa, could show less sympathy towards Ethiopia, he said, adding that South Africa, which presided over the AU-backed talks on the GERD as the president of the AU in 2020, has shown great sympathy with Ethiopia. Abdel-Fattah said Kenya continues to cooperate with Ethiopia despite its conflict with Addis Ababa over the Omo River, on which there are several dams built by Ethiopia. Niger will also have some sensitivity in dealing with the GERD issue given the existing issues it has over the Niger River with Benin and Mali. The Arab League representative said there has been a state of indecision in the UNSC regarding issues related to water and rivers, as well as development issues, migration and climate change. There are ongoing efforts to secure nine votes inside the UNSC for a resolution backing the rights of Egypt and Sudan, Abdel-Fattah said. Ethiopia remains adamant on proceeding with a second filling of its dams reservoir in July despite the lack of an accord with downstream countries. In a letter to the UNSC in June, Egypt denounced Addis Ababa's plan to unilaterally move ahead with the second filling of the dam in July, a step that is expected to affect the water security of downstream countries. The 95-page letter included an overview of the decade-old negotiations between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, as well as how the latest round, which was held under the brokerage of the African Union (AU), faltered due to Addis Ababa's intransigence. Egypt and Sudan have been negotiating for almost a decade now with Ethiopia to reach a legally binding and comprehensive deal on the GERDs construction, which Addis Ababa started to build on the Blue Nile in 2011. Ethiopias rejection of several proposals by Egypt and Sudan on the negotiation mechanism, which includes international quartet mediation, has led to the collapse of the Kinshasa talks sponsored by the AU in April. Egypts 100 million-plus population depends on the Nile for over 95 percent of its fresh water. Sudan fears the GERD will put the operation of its Roseires dam and the lives of 20 million Sudanese citizens at a very high risk if an agreement regulating the operation and filling of GERD is not reached before the second filling. https://english.ahram.org.eg/News/416415.aspx KYODO NEWS - Jun 30, 2021 - 23:59 | All, Japan, Coronavirus Japan is considering extending its coronavirus quasi-state of emergency in Tokyo and three adjacent prefectures, government sources said Wednesday as a rebound in COVID-19 cases has raised the possibility of the capital hosting the Olympics without spectators. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's government will make a decision next week on a possible extension beyond the emergency's expiration on July 11, just before the Summer Games open on July 23, the sources said. Some in the government speculate Suga may declare another state of emergency in the Tokyo area. Earlier Wednesday, the Tokyo metropolitan government reported 714 new daily coronavirus cases, reflecting a sharp rebound in the 10 days since the capital exited a state of emergency and shifted to quasi-emergency measures. Tokyo's seven-day rolling average of infections per day came to 508.4, topping the 500 mark and hitting Stage 4, the worst level on the government's four-point scale. "The number of new infections in Tokyo is on a rising trend," Suga said at a ministerial meeting on COVID-19. "We will closely monitor the situation and take necessary measures in a timely manner." The Suga government "could consider issuing (another) declaration," a government source said. The government has currently invoked the COVID-19 quasi-state of emergency in Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures of Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba, as well as six other prefectures including Osaka, Kyoto and Aichi. Under the quasi-state of emergency, which currently is set to end on July 11, alcohol can be served until 7 p.m. as long as certain COVID-19 precautions are in place, but dining establishments are asked to close by 8 p.m. The Tokyo metropolitan government has said it will request eateries stop serving alcohol immediately if situations equivalent to Stage 4 are in sight. At a separate meeting Wednesday of a panel of the health ministry, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases said the Delta coronavirus variant, first detected in India, accounted for an estimated 30 percent of infections in Tokyo and neighboring prefectures at the end of June. The institute warned the figure could exceed 50 percent in mid-July. Elderly people accounted for the lowest percentage of infections since last fall, it said, suggesting the effectiveness of vaccination. Norihisa Tamura, minister of health, labor and welfare, has called for a discussion on how to address rising bed occupancy rates at hospitals in the capital. Meanwhile, Suga said new applications for COVID-19 vaccine doses to be administered at workplaces and universities would remain suspended indefinitely, with the government continuing to process applications already received. Tokyo logged 12,979 new infections in June. While cases fell in the first half of the month when the state of emergency was in place, they began to rebound quickly after measures were eased on June 21. KYODO NEWS - Jul 2, 2021 - 09:10 | All, World A group of 130 nations and regions agreed Thursday to implement a global minimum corporate tax rate and duties on multinational giants in 2023, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said. In online working-level OECD talks, participants vowed to aim for the introduction of a common minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent for globally operating companies to prevent them from shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions as well as to secure more revenue, the organization said in a press release. The new tax will apply to multinational giants with global annual revenue of at least 20 billion euros ($24 billion) and a profit margin of over 10 percent. About 100 companies are likely to become subject to the new tax and the impact on Japanese firms is considered to be "relatively limited," according to a Japanese government official. OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann welcomed the agreement, saying in the press release that the "historic package" will ensure that major global firms pay their fair share of tax everywhere. To implement the rule, a multilateral treaty is due to be drawn up in 2022, with each government to prepare necessary revisions of domestic laws and regulations, according to the Paris-based club of 38 mostly wealthy nations. The talks came as momentum has been building for the development of universal taxation rules for companies operating across borders amid criticism that digital giants such as Google LLC and Apple Inc. book profits in low-tax jurisdictions. Using the outcome of the OECD meeting as a springboard, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 major economies aim to reach a broad agreement on cross-border taxation issues at a meeting scheduled for July 9-10 in Venice, Italy, as the Group of Seven finance chiefs did last month. In June, the finance ministers of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union agreed on a Washington-proposed global minimum corporate tax rate of at least 15 percent at talks in London. The G-7 ministers also committed to setting new rules to enable countries to impose duties according to where multinational companies make sales, regardless of whether they maintain a presence there. Those agreements were endorsed by G-7 leaders at their summit in Cornwall, southwestern England, in mid-June. After details such as the specific minimum tax rate and how France, Italy and Britain, which already have digital service taxes, commit to the common taxation rule are sorted out, the scheme will likely be finalized at another G-20 finance meeting in October in Washington, the official said. A total of 139 governments have joined the framework of the OECD and the G-20 on the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project, launched in 2012 to combat multinational tax avoidance. Out of them, nine countries failed to join Thursday's agreement. Those nations include Ireland and Hungary, which set effective corporate tax rates of 12.5 percent and 9 percent, respectively, to attract companies. "We are taking the number of agreeing countries positively," the Japanese official said. "We would never exclude the (nine) nations from our discussion. In the process of hammering out more details, we hope them to join us by October." Governments expect the new taxation rules to increase inflows into their coffers, which have been depleted by large-scale fiscal stimulus measures implemented in response to the coronavirus pandemic. KYODO NEWS - Jul 1, 2021 - 18:15 | World, All Hong Kong on Thursday marked the 24th anniversary of its handover from Britain to China amid a heavy police presence to prevent pro-democracy protesters from gathering despite a ban on such an activity. Police sealed off sections of Victoria Park at noon, citing rumored plans for unauthorized assembly that were circulated online. According to media reports, 10,000 officers were deployed throughout the city, over double the number last year. Thursday also marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. At a flag-raising ceremony held at Golden Bauhinia Square, newly appointed Chief Secretary for Administration John Lee said the implementation of the national security law a year ago has returned Hong Kong to order from chaos. Lee gave remarks in place of Chief Executive Carrie Lam, who was attending the coinciding anniversary celebration in the capital Beijing. Earlier this week, Hong Kong police banned the annual July 1 pro-democracy rally, citing public health concerns during the coronavirus pandemic. In a press briefing held at Victoria Park on Thursday, police warned that those who participate in the assembly would be in violation of the Public Order Ordinance, punishable by up to five years in prison. This marked the second consecutive year that the rally has been banned by the authorities. Despite the ban, over 10,000 people participated last year, partly to express opposition to the just-enacted national security law. The law, which came in the aftermath of the sometimes violent 2019 pro-democracy protests, criminalizes acts of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces. The law's implementation has resulted in the arrests of over 100 pro-democracy activists. Critics say the law has been used by authorities to suppress freedoms in the city. Related coverage: Hong Kong's Apple Daily folds under pressure after 26 years Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow released from prison KYODO NEWS - Jul 1, 2021 - 10:09 | All, Japan The number of nuclear warheads possessed across the globe was estimated at 13,130 as of June, down 280 from the same month a year earlier, according to a research center at Nagasaki University, due to efforts to reduce and modernize arsenals amid reignited tensions among major nuclear powers. The reduced number does not suggest a slowing of the nuclear arms race as warheads in military stockpiles have not decreased in the nine nuclear states, the university's Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition said. The total figure includes those stored at nonmilitary facilities for dismantlement. Of the total, the number of warheads in global military stockpiles rose to 9,615 from around 9,346, according to a survey by the research center based on studies and data from institutes and researchers around the world. Those held by Russia and the United States accounted for 86 percent. "The nuclear arm race is reigniting between the United States and Russia, as three-way tensions and conflicts including China continue," the center in the atomic-bombed city of Nagasaki said in the survey. Of the nine nuclear-armed states, Russia possessed the largest number of overall nuclear warheads at 6,260, followed by the United States at 5,550, China at 350, France at 290, Britain at 225, Pakistan at 165, India at 160, Israel at 90, and North Korea at 40, according to the research center. China and Britain increased their nuclear warheads by 30 each from a year earlier, while Pakistan, India and North Korea added around five to 10 each. In February, the United States and Russia extended the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty to cap their nuclear arsenals for five years. The agreement came after the previous U.S. administration of President Donald Trump withdrew the country from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a 1987 pact with Russia. The British government said in March that it was lifting the cap on its nuclear warheads to 260 from 180 to address the risk of a terrorist group launching a successful chemical, biological or nuclear attack. "The plan will have a serious impact" on nuclear arms reduction efforts, Keiko Nakamura, an associate professor at the research center, said at a press conference in June. By Tomoyuki Tachikawa, KYODO NEWS - Jul 1, 2021 - 20:02 | World, All Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged Thursday to adopt a hardline approach to foreign powers meddling in the Asian nation's domestic affairs, while touting the achievements of the ruling Communist Party on the 100th anniversary of its founding. Xi made a one-hour keynote speech at a high-security celebratory event in Tiananmen Square in the capital Beijing, as many democratic countries cast a stern eye on the Communist-led government's belligerent political behavior on the regional and global stages. "The Chinese people will never permit any foreign forces to bully, oppress or enslave us," said Xi, clad in a grey Mao suit, adding if they do so, they will face "broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people." One year has also passed since mainland China on June 30, 2020, formally promulgated the controversial national security law for Hong Kong to crack down on what it views as secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces, amid a wave of international criticism. On the internal front, Xi declared the ruling party has reached its long-held goal of building a "moderately prosperous society." "A moderately prosperous society has been built in all aspects" and "the absolute poverty problem has been solved historically," Xi told 70,000 participants, stressing that all citizens now can enjoy a comfortable life at home. Xi's leadership had vowed to build a moderately prosperous society, defined by Beijing as doubling its 2010 gross domestic product and per capita income by 2020. The goal was originally set by former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1979. Showing his confidence that mainland China has followed the path of "socialism with Chinese characteristics," Xi said the Communist Party will attain "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." The participants in the event did not wear protective face masks as requested by the authorities, with Xi underscoring the party's commitment to curbing the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. In 2018, China removed from its Constitution the two-term limit for the president and vice president, enabling Xi, who became the head of the ruling party in 2012, to hold on to power for life. Xi is believed to be aiming for re-election as leader of the Communist Party at its twice-a-decade congress in autumn next year. He has apparently regarded the success of the 100th-anniversary celebration as a key step in paving the way for a third term. As China is certain to continue to grow on the back of its huge population, cutting-edge technology and ample natural resources, the country's economy is likely to overtake the U.S. economy and become the world's biggest before 2030, some analysts say. As for Hong Kong, Xi emphasized that the Communist Party will bolster efforts to "maintain long-term prosperity and stability" in the special administrative region. Hong Kong authorities, meanwhile, have banned demonstrations staged every year on the occasion of the July 1 anniversary of the former British colony's return to Chinese rule. Under China's "one country, two systems" policy, Hong Kong was promised it would enjoy the rights and freedoms of a semiautonomous region for 50 years following its return to the mainland in 1997. Beijing, however, has been recently taking strict actions against Hong Kong since large-scale protests sparked by a now-withdrawn bill allowing extraditions to the mainland morphed into a pro-democracy movement in 2019. China has also been lambasted by democratic nations, including the United States and Japan, for its alleged human rights abuses against the Muslim Uyghur minority in Xinjiang and security challenges posed to self-governed Taiwan and its vicinity. "Solving the Taiwan question and realizing the complete reunification of the motherland are the unswerving historical tasks of the Chinese Communist Party and the common aspiration of all Chinese people," Xi said. The mainland will "advance the process of peaceful reunification," while smashing any "Taiwan independence" plots, he added. China and democratic Taiwan have been separately governed since they split in 1949 as a result of a civil war. Their relationship has deteriorated since independence-leaning Tsai Ing-wen became Taiwan's president in 2016. There is concern that Beijing, which considers Taiwan as a renegade province, will try to achieve its cherished goal of reuniting the island with the mainland, by force if necessary. The Communist Party was established in 1921 in Shanghai. In 1949, its then leader Mao Zedong declared the founding of the People's Republic of China after defeating Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist army and ridding the nation of foreign forces. From 1958 through the early 1960s, the catastrophic Great Leap Forward, seen as a misguided economic policy initiated by Mao, caused tens of millions of citizens to starve to death. The 10-year Cultural Revolution launched by Mao in 1966 also resulted in massive suffering. To prevent a return to the chaos, Deng promoted a policy of reform and opening-up from 1978 to facilitate economic activities with capitalist countries like the United States and Japan. China's economy was hit hard by international sanctions in the wake of the military crackdown on pro-democracy protests in the Tiananmen Square in 1989. But by becoming the "world's factory," China, with its population of more than 1 billion, overtook Japan as the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP in 2010. As of early June, the Communist Party has over 95 million members, about 20 times more than the figure in 1949, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Wednesday. The following is a chronology of major events related to the Chinese Communist Party that have occurred since its founding in 1921. July 1921 -- Mao Zedong and others founded the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai. October 1949 -- Mao declares the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the party defeating Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Party in a civil war. 1958-1960 -- An attempt to achieve rapid development under the Great Leap Forward campaign fails, leading to mass starvation. 1966-1976 -- The Cultural Revolution, a political movement launched by Mao, causes social chaos. 1978 -- China moves to "reform and opening-up" policy under Deng Xiaoping. June 1989 -- China cracks down on democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, drawing economic sanctions from the United States and other Western countries. January, February 1992 -- In speeches during his southern tour that included Shenzhen and Shanghai, Deng directs that the pace of reform and opening-up to be sped up. December 2001 -- China becomes a member of the World Trade Organization. 2010 -- China becomes the world's second-largest economy in terms of gross domestic product. September 2013 -- China establishes a pilot free-trade zone in Shanghai. December 2019 -- First case of coronavirus infection confirmed in Wuhan, Hubei Province. December 2020 -- President Xi Jinping declares a major victory in poverty alleviation. July 2021 -- The party marks the 100th anniversary of its founding. KYODO NEWS - Jul 1, 2021 - 17:37 | All, World Donald Rumsfeld, a two-time U.S. defense secretary who oversaw wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, died Tuesday of multiple myeloma at his home in New Mexico, his family and U.S. media said Wednesday. He was 88. After becoming the country's youngest defense secretary at the age of 43 under the administration of President Gerald Ford in 1975, Rumsfeld was sworn in again as Pentagon chief under George W. Bush in 2001. Rumsfeld directed military actions in Afghanistan in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, with the conflict becoming the longest U.S. war in history. He was also one of the architects of the war in Iraq, which started in 2003, but faced criticism for his handling of it and resigned in 2006. Under his watch, the United States promoted the realignment of its overseas forces. During a visit in 2003 to Japan's Okinawa Prefecture, which hosts the bulk of U.S. military facilities in the Asian ally, he is said to have voiced concerns over the dangers posed by the Marine Corps' Air Station Futenma, located in a crowded residential area. The airfield has often been called "the most dangerous base in the world," but progress to relocate it within the island prefecture has been slow due to strong opposition from locals who want the facility to be moved elsewhere. Rumsfeld died "surrounded by family in his beloved Taos, New Mexico," his family said in a statement posted on Twitter, hailing his "extraordinary accomplishments over six decades of public service." The former Navy pilot also served as White House chief of staff, U.S. ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and as a congressman from Illinois. In Tokyo, Japan's top government spokesman paid his respects to Rumsfeld, praising him for leading the U.S. "war on terror" and helping bolster bilateral relations. "For years, he was responsible for America's national security policy and made great contributions to strengthening the Japan-U.S. alliance," Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a press conference Thursday. KYODO NEWS - Jul 2, 2021 - 12:34 | All, World The U.S. State Department on Thursday maintained its assessment of Japan's efforts toward the elimination of human trafficking at Tier 2 on its four-level scale, acknowledging some progress but also citing ongoing abuse of foreign workers. Countries with poor human rights records including China, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Venezuela remained in Tier 3, the lowest level in the rating system, which also includes a Tier 2 Watch List. According to the annual Trafficking in Persons Report, Japan was rated at Tier 2 for the second consecutive year after earning the highest classification of Tier 1 in 2018 and 2019. The Japanese government "does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but is making significant efforts to do so," the department said, referring to the investigation, prosecution and conviction of some traffickers and the implementation of public awareness campaigns. But Japanese authorities have to investigate and prosecute sex and labor trafficking cases more vigorously, and hold convicted traffickers accountable by imposing "strong" sentences, it said. Foreign-based and domestic traffickers also continued to abuse Japan's so-called technical intern program, which has helped fill labor shortages in the graying country by accepting workers from developing countries. "Despite persistent reports of forced labor among labor migrants working in Japan under its auspices, authorities again did not proactively identify a single trafficking case or victim" in the program, said the report covering a 12-month period through the end of March this year. The Japanese government also failed to hold "recruiters and employers accountable for abusive labor practices and forced labor crimes," the report said. The top government spokesman in Tokyo declined to comment specifically on the department's assessment but said Japan takes alleged cases of human trafficking seriously and is making a concerted effort to stamp out forced labor. "Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and we will work with the relevant ministries to implement thorough countermeasures," Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a press conference Friday. Many of the Tier-3 countries, including China and North Korea, continued to be recognized as having a "policy or pattern" of the government itself engaging in trafficking. Highlighting forced labor against the Uyghur minority and other Muslims in China's western Xinjiang region, the State Department said in the report that the "government is the trafficker" and is carrying out mass arbitrary detention of the region's people. Authorities use "threats of physical violence, forcible drug intake, physical and sexual abuse, and torture to force detainees to work in adjacent or off-site factories or worksites" producing garments, footwear, materials for solar power equipment and other various goods, the report said. Noting that such products are "injected into international supply chains" and spreading China's "forced labor complicity around the globe," it suggested that governments, companies and consumers can all play a role in demanding an end to the use of forced labor in Xinjiang. China has remained in Tier 3 since 2017. By Tomoyuki Tachikawa, KYODO NEWS - Jul 1, 2021 - 20:28 | World, All, Japan Ordinary Chinese people have become worried that the Communist Party, which marked the 100th anniversary of its founding on Thursday, has ruined the image of the nation across the board, hindering private exchanges with Japanese. "China is not equal to the Communist Party," said Zhang Yong, a 45-year-old architect. "I hope more Japanese will visit China and know more about what we are now, after travel restrictions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic ease." Some pundits say a bad impression of China among Japanese citizens has not necessarily been brought about by the Communist Party, adding the crux of the matter is their fundamentally biased perception of the fast-growing Asian country. "Japanese that do visit and know China better have problems voicing their real experience back in Japan, too. It's a view not accepted by most," said Stephen Nagy, a senior associate professor at International Christian University in Tokyo. There are "in-group and out-group dynamics in Japan where people harmonize with the majority," he added. Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken a hardline approach to foreign powers, saying in a keynote speech at Thursday's celebration that if they bully China, they will face "broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people." Many Chinese citizens have apparently shared concern that the ruling party's aggressive and assertive posture toward Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South and East China seas might be posing a serious threat to the nation's neighbors including Japan. They have also expressed fears that issues lambasted by the United States, such as Beijing's alleged intellectual property theft and human rights abuses in Xinjiang, could prompt more Japanese companies to leave the Chinese market. The Communist-led government's reported attempt to cover up information about the virus in the initial stages of the outbreak "has dealt a crucial blow to the image of China," Zhang said. Indeed, the number of Japanese who have positive feelings about mainland China has been decreasing recently. The ratio of Japanese who have an "unfavorable" impression of China was 89.7 percent in 2020, up 5 points from the previous year, according to a survey by the Genron NPO, an independent think tank in Japan. Among them, 57.4 percent criticized the intrusion of Chinese vessels into the waters surrounding the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku Islands, claimed by Beijing, in the East China Sea, while 47.0 percent said they feel discomfort with the Communist one-party rule. Meanwhile, the survey, conducted between September and October last year, showed 45.2 percent of Chinese answered they have a "favorable" image of Japan. The percentage was the second-highest since comparative data became available in 2005. The most common reason for the Chinese positive attitude toward Japan was because Japanese are "polite" and they "put emphasis on manners" with "high cultural standards," the organization said. Japan invaded a huge swath of China before the end of World War II that lasted until 1945. Against a backdrop of anti-Japanese education by the Communist Party, many Chinese are thought to harbor negative feelings about Japan. "Most of my Chinese friends who have visited Japan, however, say they have become fond of Japan. They like Japanese animations and dramas as well as Japanese senses of hospitality, cleanliness and safety," said Yang Mei, a housekeeper in her 50s. "If Japanese come to China, they may like China. I want them to change their impression of our country, filled with state-of-the-art technology," she added. Japan has clearly lagged behind the world's second-largest economy in digital technology, which Japanese people who have not made a trip to China cannot be aware of. In China, owners of smartphones now use them for just about everything from bike-sharing services to taxis and they pay without cash at almost all restaurants and stores -- whether they be kiosks in a village or luxury department stores in a city. Related coverage: Chinese Communist Party's centenary celebrated China's Xi touts achievements of 100-year-old Communist Party China's Communist Party may be forced to tackle new threat at home A robot with wheels carries a delivered product to a room in some apartments. Facial recognition surveillance cameras have been utilized nationwide to crack down on traffic rule violations. As for virus-related technology, a health code system installed in a smartphone shows whether a person has a high risk of infection, has a negative certificate of a virus test and has been vaccinated. Nevertheless, a Japanese journalist in China said, "We will never report such technologies in a positive manner, given that using them coincides with revealing personal information, which would be checked by the Communist Party or utilized as sources of big data." "We should always be suspicious about China's moves that could jeopardize security of Japan. China, in this case, refers to the Communist Party, not a nation composed of ordinary Chinese citizens," he said. But an Asian diplomat familiar with Japan-China ties shrugged off the remarks, saying Japanese journalists "just do not want to report good aspects of China because they have basically mocked Chinese since the end of World War II." "Many Japanese have yet to be able to accept the fact that Japanese technology is no longer superior to that of China in some fields. They still want to believe China continues to make imitations by stealing Japanese technology," the diplomat said. "Should some Japanese journalists try to report a positive phenomenon in China, others would reject it. They would not dare to do so again. Under such circumstances, Japanese will not have a good image of China." Li Xinyuan, a 36-year-old engineer, said, "Not all of the Chinese citizens are compliant with the Communist Party. I hope Japanese will watch China without prejudice and get along with Chinese, who are essentially kind and friendly." Nagy said the "lack of knowledge" is partly to blame for Japanese not warming up to Chinese. "More direct experience with China will improve this situation," but "that will be difficult over the next few years" in the aftermath of the virus spread, he said. Hyderabad: AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Tuesday slamming the RSS said five of seven soldiers martyred were Muslims and questioned why Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not tweet about the attack even after four days. Owaisi during a function in Hyderabad said, They (RSS) questions a Muslims loyalty for India in various TV news shows. They call us Paskistani, now when five Muslims have died in Sunujwan, why RSS is quiet. The terrorists do not differentiate between Hindu and Muslims. They kill every Indian, still Muslims of the country have to prove their loyalty to the country, added Owaisi. He further asked BJP to make its stand clear after PDP the saffron partys alliance in Jammu and Kashmir called for talks with Pakistan to stop bloodshed in the state. Also read: Jail term for anyone who calls Indian Muslims Pakistani, demands Owaisi Taking a jibe on PM Modi, Owaisi said, I cannot comment anything because no one knows when the PM would decide to land in Pakistan to attend a marriage. On Saturday, Sunjuwan Army camp was attacked by three terrorists in which seven soldiers were killed and at least 10 people suffered serious injuries. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Delhi Police special cell on Wednesday claimed to have arrested a 32-year-old man having links with banned terrorist organisation Indian Mujahideen (IM) wanted for 2008 serial blasts in Delhi which had claimed lives of at least 30 people and had left more than 100 injured. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Pramod Singh Kushwaha confirmed the development. The arrested Indian Mujahideen suspect has been identified as Ariz Khan alias Junaid, a resident of Uttar Pradeshs Azamgarh. According to the DCP, Junaid has been evading police arrest since 2008 and he carried an award of Rs 15 lakh (Rs 10 lakhs by NIA and Rs 5 lakh by Delhi Police ) on his head. Kushwaha further added that in 2008 after serial blasts, police had cornered Junaid and other wanted in Batla House. He managed to escape, while two other terrorists were gunned down, said the DCP. Also read: 'India's Laden' Abdul Subhan Qureshi, 2008 Gujarat blast mastermind, arrested in Delhi According to police, Junai is an expert in making improvised explosive devices. He was was also wanted by various security agencies for 2007 UP blast, 2008 Jaipur blast and 2008 Ahmedabad blasts. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Chandigarh: In a bizarre move, a Punjab minister took to flipping a coin, purportedly to decide on the right candidate, out of two nominees, for the post of a lecturer in a polytechnic institute. The incident was caught on cameras and aired by television news channels. However, a spokesperson of the Congress government in the state claimed that the minister's intention was to allot the posts in a "transparent" manner and blamed the media for creating an unnecessary controversy. Two lecturers -- one from Nabha and another from Patiala -- wanted to be posted to a government polytechnic institute at Patiala. In order to resolve the issue, Punjab Technical Education Minister Charanjit Singh Channi decided to toss a coin. The incident took place on Monday when the minister had called 37 mechanical lecturers, who were recently recruited through the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) examination, for giving them their posting orders. Meanwhile, the government spokesman defended Channi's move. Also read: Singer Guru Randhawa has made his mark in the Indian music industry Stating that both the candidates were vying for the same post, he said, "One of them said his scores were better than the other candidate, while the other one said he was more experienced. "The minister had asked them to solve the matter mutually, but they insisted that he should take a decision.The minister then asked them about flipping a coin, to which both agreed." The spokesman also claimed that the minister's intention was to allot the postings in a "transparent" manner. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman holds press conference over security situation in Jammu. The counter-terrorist operation in Sunjuwan was called off today at 10.30, however, the sanitisation operation is on, says Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Jammu. 6 fatal casualties, including a civilian, were cost by the terrorists. 3 terrorists have been eliminated. There were reports of 4 terrorists. The fourth terrorist must have been a guide and may not have entered the Camp area, says Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Terrorists belonged to Jaish-e-Mohammed, sponsored by Azhar Masood residing in Pakistan and deriving support from there says Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Jammu. All the pieces of evidence collected have been compiled. Definitely, they will be given to Pakistan. Even after giving dossiers after dossiers Pakistan has not taken any action: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Giving the pieces of evidence to Pakistan will be a continuous process. It will have to be proved over and over again that they are responsible. Pakistan will have to pay for this misadventure: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Intelligence inputs show that terrorists were controlled by their handlers from across the border. The evidence is being scrutinised by the NIA. Pakistan is expanding the arch of terror to areas south of Pir Panjal and resorting to ceasefire violations to assist infiltration: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The defence ministry on Tuesday cleared a proposal to buy 7.40 lakh assault rifles at a cost of Rs 12,280 crore for the three services, officials said. The decision was taken at a meeting of Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) presided over by defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman. The defence ministry will also procure light machine guns worth Rs 1,819 crore, they said. In other decisions, a proposal for purchase of 5,719 sniper rifles for the army at a cost of Rs 982 crore was also approved. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on day four of his Jana Aashirwada Yatre in the poll-bound Karnataka attacked BJP on several issues and said the Modi govt is trying to bureaucratise every government institutions. Reacting to the National Medical Commission Bill, 2017, Rahul said, BJP is in a process to bureaucratise every institution of the Govt. This is because they have no grasp of the real world. The National Medical Commission Bill that seeks to replace the Medical Council of India (MCI) with a new body was opposed by the resident doctors from AIIMS-Delhi and other institution and staged protest. During his Karnataka poll campaign, Rahul Gandhi also criticised Modi govt for imposing untested policies like the Good and Services Tax or GST and promised to simplify the new tax regime if elected to power. We asked Modi govt to do a pilot test of GST and urged them to not impose an untested policy on the people. But they did not listen. We will simplify the GST, the Congress president said. Also Read | Don't roam inside campus on Valentine's Day, Lucknow University diktat to students Rahul also attacked the Centre for its new Pulses Policy that allegedly impacted the farmers of Karnataka drastically and said, our policies should protect the farmers. He said the Modi government doesnt have any fool-proof solution for providing right Minimum Selling Price (MSP) to the farmers and claimed the MSP was better under UPA than NDA. We should provide farmers with right MSP, protect their yield from natural calamities, and improve seed quality. There is no one fool-proof solution for this. "Data shows, MSP growth was much better under UPA than under NDA. Congress will focus on getting technology into the farm and train the farmer to use it," The Congress President said. Earlier, praising Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah, Rahul said, "PM Modi loves to blame everyone without delivering on his own promises. He should learn how to run a Govt from Karnataka CM." For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Members of the JNU Students Union central panel have been slapped fines of Rs 10,000 each for protesting outside the administration block against the compulsory attendance move by the university. Circulars issued by Chief Proctor Kaushal Kumar on Tuesday asked the JNUSU president, vice president, general secretary and joint secretary to pay fines in 10 days. In a proctorial enquiry you have been found guilty of leading a protest demonstration near the staircase of the administration block. This act is violation of High Court ruling, one of the circulars said. On January 4, students, led by JNUSU, had gathered in large numbers near the administration block to meet the vice chancellor and submit a memorandum against the compulsory attendance move. The crowd, however, dispersed after they were denied permission and given an appointment date later. JNUSU, in a statement, termed the issuance of circulars as vendetta against the student leaders. The administration is hyperactive in targeting student leaders and activists on the campus for the crime of wanting to meet the VC. This is simple and clear vendetta against student leaders, and also highlights the fact that the VC doesnt want to meet the students, it said. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Bhopal: Union Minister Uma Bharti on Tuesday at Bhopal declared that she will not contest elections for the next three years due to health issues. She also clarified that she is not retiring from politics. The Union Minister for Drinking Water and Sanitation said, I need some time to take rest. I am suffering from knee and back problems. I will not fight for elections for the next three years. The BJP MP from Jhansi told the reporters that she for the time being wants to work from 9AM to 5PM. She added that her doctors have asked her to follow a strict lifestyle. I need to rejuvenate my body, said the 58-year-old BJP leader. The Union Minister added that she had informed BJP president Amit Shah about her wish to take a leave. Amit Shah ji has asked me to continue as Union Minister till 2019. Also read: Also read: 'I will fast unto death if Ganga cleaning plans don't start by October 2018', says Uma Bharti Taking three years leave does not mean I am retiring from politics. After these three years I will have many more years in politics, added Bharti. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a body of a minor girl was found hanging from a railing at a house in New Delhi on Tuesday night. The incident came to light after the Delhi Police registered a complaint on Wednesday. The girl was identified as a domestic help. Police said, on Tuesday late night they received a call alerting about a girl hanging from a balcony of a house in the New Friends Colony. The body of the minor has been sent for postmortem and an FIR has been lodged under relevant sections, said police. "We are investigating the case in all angles," said the police. The Delhi Police did not reveal about the girls identity or her employers. New Delhi : IAS aspirant kills renters 5-year-old son after being asked not to party Last month, a doctor was arrested by the Delhi Police for mentally and physically torturing a 14-year-old tribal household help. The girl hailed from Jharkhand was rescued in a joint operation carried out by the DCW and the local police. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. London/Singapore: Embattled liquor tycoon Vijay Mallya has lost another legal battle linked to his now defunct Kingfisher Airlines after the UK High Court awarded Singapore-based BOC Aviation an estimated $90 million in claims. The latest case involving the 62-year-old businessman, whose extradition case over alleged loan defaults amounting to around Rs 9,000 crores returns to Westminster Magistrates' Court in London on March 16, is related to the leasing of aircraft by Kingfisher Airlines dating back to 2014. Justice Picken, in a judgment dated February 5 at the Business and Property Courts of the High Court in London, ruled that "the defendants have no real prospect of successfully defending the claim". The defendants in the claim brought by BOC Aviation in Singapore and BOC Aviation (Ireland) Ltd have been named as Kingfisher Airlines Ltd and United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd. "We are pleased with the judgment but would not like to comment further at this stage," said a spokesperson for BOC Aviation in Singapore. The legal claim relates to a leasing agreement between Kingfisher Airlines and aircraft leasing company BOC Aviation involving four planes, of which three were delivered. The delivery of the fourth was reportedly withheld due to unpaid amounts due in advance under the lease arrangement. BOC Aviation claims that the security deposit, which is a course of redress in such matters, was also inadequate to cover the payments that Kingfisher was "contractually bound" to make, resulting in the High Court claim in London. In his order, Justice Picken awarded BOC Aviation the amount overdue along with interest payments and legal costs, which overall amounts to nearly $90 million. "The Second Defendant [United Breweries] shall be jointly and severally liable with the First Defendant [Kingfisher Airlines] to pay the Claimants [BOC Aviation] half of the said costs liability," the court order notes. There was no immediate response from Kingfisher. The latest ruling comes weeks before India's extradition case against Mallya is set to come up for one of its final hearings before Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot on March 16, with a judgment expected in May. The businessman remains on a 650,000-pound bail bond, extended until April 2 at the last hearing in the extradition case in January. Mallya had been arrested on an extradition warrant by Scotland Yard in April last year and has since been appearing for his extradition trial, which opened on December 4 last year to establish if he can be forced to return to India to face charges of fraud and money laundering involving Kingfisher Airlines' default of bank loans worth nearly Rs 9,000 crores. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), representing the Indian government, has claimed that the evidence they have presented confirms "dishonesty" on the part of the businessman, who acquired the loans through misrepresentation and had no intention of repaying them. Mallya's defence team has deposed a series of expert witnesses to try and establish that the default by Kingfisher Airlines was the result of business failure within a wider context of a global financial crisis and that its owner had no "fraudulent" intentions. When the trial returns next month, the judge will hear concluding arguments on the admissibility of some of the evidence presented by the CPS, on behalf of the Indian authorities. Meanwhile, Mallya faces parallel litigation around an estimated 1.5-billion-dollar worldwide freeze order on his assets. According to court documents submitted at the UK High Court last year, the claim brought by 13 Indian banks is expected to come up for a two-day hearing in the Queen's Bench Division of the commercial court in England's High Court of Justice sometime after April 11. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Patna: The Centre has given its nod for setting up 25 medical colleges across the country, out of which five are proposed in Bihar, Union Minister of State for Health Ashwini Kumar Choubey said on Wednesday. Talking to reporters, Choubey said the budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley earlier this month contained a proposal for setting up 25 medical colleges and a sum of Rs 250 crore will be provided by the Centre for establishing each such institution. Choubey, who also represents Buxar in the Lok Sabha, said Bihar has been divided into five zones - each comprising three parliamentary constituencies - where one medical college each will be set up. The zones are Buxar-Ara-Pataliputra, Jamui-Munger-Banka, Sheohar-Sitamarhi-Madhubani, Vaishali-Gopalganj-Siwan, and Samastipur-Supaul-Araria, the minister said adding that the state has been asked to acquire land for setting up of medical colleges at the earliest. He also said that the state government has been asked to make land available within a month for a proposed cancer research center at Muzaffarpur, modeled after Tata Memorial Cancer Institute, the foundation stone for which will is likely to be laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Also Read: Union Cabinet passes National Medical Commission bill The 125-bed cancer research center will be set up at an estimated cost of Rs 200 crore with the help of Bhabha Atomic Research Institute, Choubey added. He also said that a move was afoot to set up diagnostic centers in all 38 districts of the state where cancer could be detected in the earlier stages. The Minister claimed that the AIIMS at Patna was making fast progress and it now had 30 functional departments and 91 faculty members. Besides, the hospital will have eight states of the art operation theatres by the end of this month and emergency services will be offered from May onwards, Choubey added. The MoS for Health also said that allocation has been made in the budget for meeting the shortfall of doctors in PHCs and CHCs. He said Bihar had 4400 practicing doctors at present and the state needed at least 1200 more of them. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Jaipur: A Muslim man threw acid on a 30-year-old married woman after she turned down his marriage proposal at a mall in Rajasthans Jaipur on Wednesday. Police said that the victim has been married for 10 years and has three children. She was suffered 15% burn injuries on her face and hand due to the attack, said a officer part of the investigation team. The officer added that the accused has been identified as 36-year-old Mehboob Khan. He has married twice and left his wives in both the instances. Jaipur police commissioner Sanjay Agarwal said, The duo had an argument, following which he attacked the woman with the acid. He has also suffered burns in the incident. Both the victim and accused are being treated as SMS Hospital, said police. Also read: Road-romeos eve-tease, throw acid on 20-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh A senior police officer of Jhotwara station said that the accused has been frequently harassing the woman with frequent proposals of marriage for the last two years. Both the attacker and victim are from residents of Shastri Nagar. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The body of a minor boy was on Tuesday found stuffed in a suitcase from an apartment in north west Delhi's Swaroop Nagar, following, which the tenant was arrested for allegedly killing him, the police said. A civil services aspirant killed the seven-year-old son of his landlord and stuffed the rotting body in a suitcase in the same room for 35 days before the stench revealed the crime he had committed. Avdesh Sakya, 27, had kidnapped the boy for ransom on January 7 but ended up taking the minor's life fearing police action and killed the child. He had also had a verbal duel with the childs father a few months ago and was looking to seek revenge, police said. Sakya was arrested on Tuesday after the neighbors complained of a foul smell emanating from his room in Swaroop Nagar, near north Delhis Bhalaswa. During interrogation, the accused told the police that the boy's father was opposed to his fondness towards Shakya for which he killed the minor. Shakya wanted to dispose off the body and demand a ransom of Rs 15-20 lakhs from the boy's father, the police officer said. The accused, however, was forced to keep the body at his place due to a heightened police patrol in the area. Jewargi (Karnataka): Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Monday accused BJP of creating friction between communities and 'igniting" fire as he ramped up his attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his campaign in poll-bound Karnataka. "Wherever there is a BJP government like the ones in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, violence prevails," he alleged at a public rally here on the third day of his first leg of campaign in north Karnataka. He said, "At some places, they kill Dalits, minorities, and tribals. They pit one section of society against another and ignite fire. In Haryana they pitted Jats against non-Jats. And they come here and talk about violence," he said. "Peace prevails here Modiji. Go and see what is happening in UP, Haryana, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. There is violence which is being spread. So don't talk about violence and corruption when you visit Karnataka. People of Karnataka are intelligent and they know everything," he said. Gandhi asserted that Congress believed in taking everyone together and moving forward. The Congress president, who addressed public and roadside meetings in Raichur and Kalaburagi districts, continued his attack on Modi, saying he should speak about allegations of corruption against BJP president Amit Shah's son. Gandhi, on a four-day 'Janashirvad Yatra', said Modi should look "left and right" before talking of corruption. "If you want to talk about corruption, talk a bit about Amit Shahs son's corruption. How he made Rs 80 crore out of Rs 50,000 in three months? You should also be telling this to the country," he said. Addressing people who had gathered to welcome him before he continued his campaign in the state's Hyderabad-Karnataka region, Gandhi also lashed out at BJP leaders in the state. "Modiji you talk of corruption. Modiji, if you have some time after talking of the past, look at your left and right sides...." "On one side is (BS) Yeddyurappa who has been to jail. On the other side, as many as four (former) ministers who went to jail... and behind, 11 leaders who had to resign on charges of corruption," he said. Gandhi said Modi had "failed" to create jobs and address farmer distress. "Modiji, people of this country gave you work, farmers had given you work, youth had told you that our competition is with China. China provides job to 50,000 youths in 24 hours. Modiji has failed," he said. Travelling in a customised bus along with other leaders from the state, Gandhi was greeted by party workers and people who lined up on both sides of the road at various places. Speaking to reporters at Shahpur in Yadgir district, Gandhi, who is facing the charge of practising "soft Hindutva", defended his visits to temples and religious places, asserting that he would continue it. "I like going to temples. Wherever I get religious place I go there. I feel good and feel happy, and I will continue (to go)," he said. Gandhi was responding to BJP state President BS Yeddyurappa's "Election Hindu" jibe at him. The Hyderabad-Karnataka region comprises districts of Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal, Ballari and Kalaburagi which were part of the Nizam-ruled Hyderabad state till 1948. Gandhi will wind up his tour on Tuesday, interacting with professionals and business community and a visit to "Anubhava Mantapa' at Basavakalyan in Bidar, akin to Parliament, started by 12th-century social reformer Basavanna. New Delhi: In a strategic move to strengthen its presence in the Indian Ocean region, India has secured access to Oman's key Port of Duqm for military use and logistical support, top sources told a leading English Daily. As per a report in Indian Express, India is extending its footprints in the Indian Ocean as part of countering the Chinese expansionist intentions in the region. This was one of the foremost gains of Prime Minister Narendra Modis visit to Oman over the last two days. He met Sultan of Oman Sayyid Qaboos bin Said Al Said and an annexure to the Memorandum of Understanding on Military Cooperation was signed between the two countries. As per sources close to the matter, the services of Duqm port and dry dock will be available for maintenance of Indian military vessels. Also Read | Fearing FATF, Pakistan amends Anti-terror law to ban UN-listed terror groups The Port of Duqm is situated on the southeastern seaboard of Oman, overseeing the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is strategically located, in close proximity to the Chabahar port in Iran. With the Assumption Island being developed in Seychelles and Agalega in Mauritius, Duqm fits into Indias proactive maritime security roadmap. Recently, Duqm has seen a surge in Indian activities. In September last year, India deployed an attack submarine to this port in the western Arabian Sea. A Shishumar-class submarine entered Duqm along with naval ship INS Mumbai and two P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft. India gets access to strategic Oman port for military use, reconnaissance aircraft. The naval units were on a month-long deployment with the aim of enhancing surveillance and cooperation. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Islamabad: Under pressure to act against banned groups, Pakistan has launched a crackdown on seminaries and health facilities run by Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed, a media report said today. The action came after a high-level UN sanctions team visited last month to review progress against groups and individuals banned by the world body. Following orders by the Punjab government, district administration of Rawalpindi took control of a seminary and four dispensaries run by Saeed-linked Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF). The seminary has been handed over to the Auqaf department which controls the religious properties, Dawn reported. The paper reported that the provincial government las Friday directed the Auqaf department to take control of the seminaries. The provincial government handed over a list of four seminaries in Rawalpindi to the district administration. The district administration teams have visited the seminaries but JuD has denied any link with the madressahs, said a senior official of the district administration. The official said that the government had directed the district administration to also check the details of students and teachers of the JuD-run seminaries as well as doctors and paramedical staff of the FIF dispensaries. He said that the government had constituted a joint team with the district administration, police and the Auqaf department to check the details. He said that a similar operation would also be launched in Attock, Chakwal and Jhelum districts. Deputy Commissioner Talat Mehmood Gondal confirmed that the government had assumed control of one seminary and four dispensaries, run by JuD and the FIF, respectively. However, observers believe that it would be a difficult task for the government to take over JuD offices scattered across the country. Pakistan has recently taken several actions against the entities banned by the UN. The recent actions have come ahead of the crucial Financial Action Task Force (FATF) meeting in Paris, scheduled to be held from February 18 to 23. The US and India are spearheading an effort to get Pakistan included in the watchdogs international money-laundering and terror-financing grey list, reports said. Pakistan was last placed on FATFs grey list in February 2012 and stayed on it for three year. The federal cabinet yesterday approved new rules to block funding for banned groups. Last week, Pakistan changed anti-terror laws through a presidential ordinance to include Hafiz Saeed-linked Jamaat-ud-Dawa and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation and other militant outfits on the list of UN proscribed groups, The government has also barred companies and individuals from giving donations to JuD, FIF and other organisations on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions list. Saeed, the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, heads the charity JuD, believed to be a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terror group. Pakistan has come under intense pressue to rein in terror groups after US President accused the country of harbouring terrorists and suspended nearly USD 2 billion in security assistance to it. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: A Kolkata couple on Monday lodged a complaint with the Cyber Cell of Kolkata Police after it allegedly received death threats. The couple was reportedly listed on social media as a case of "love jihad." The list was posted by Hindutva Varta on Facebook in January which was later deleted. "Yeh ek suchi hai un hindu ladkiyon ke Facebook profile ki jo love jihad ka shikar ho chuki hain yah ho rahi hain? har....sher se aagrah hai, inme jo ladke hain, unki khoj ke shikaar karein (This is a list of Facebook profiles of Hindu women who are victims of love jihad? We call upon all... tigers to find out the men listed in these profiles and hunt them)," the post read. Hindutva Varta also shared links to profiles of inter-faith couples from across the country in the post and asked Hindu girls to be "wary of men" from other religions. Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Praveen Tripathi said, "We are investigating the case. A possible source involved in the matter has been identified." New Delhi: Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said Pakistan was resorting to ceasefire violations to assist infiltration and asserted that Islamabad was expanding its "arc of terror" to areas south of the Pir Panjal Range in Jammu region. Sitharaman, however, said infiltration across the LoC had ebbed due to the deployment of the anti-infiltration obstacle system (AIOS) and a dynamic multi-layered counter-infiltration grid. "Pakistan is expanding the arc of terror to the areas south of Pir Panjal Range (Jammu region) and resorting to ceasefire violations to assist infiltration. These are being responded appropriately," Sitharaman, who arrived here to take stock of the situation following the attack on the Sunjuwan Army camp, told reporters here. She said that security along the LoC was further being beefed up with electronic surveillance equipment. "With a view to enhance alertness along the borders, additional sensors, unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and long range surveillance devices have already been deployed to cover the entire frontage of the LoC," she said. The minister said terror activities in the hinterland were being controlled. "The activities of the terrorists in the hinterland are being severely curtailed due to the relentless efforts of the security forces," she said. Sitharaman maintained that the government is implementing Philip Compose committee report for the security of all military installations. She said, "Although, the terrain configuration and snow conditions make it difficult to completely stop the infiltration, the government is undertaking a host of measures in procuring modern electronic surveillance systems...for which a sum of Rs 1,487 crores has been allocated". "We will continue to thwart any attempt by Pakistan- sponsored terrorists to cause violence in our country and necessary action to deal with them through our counter terrorist strategy has been put into action," she said. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: A joint study by two researchers at the University of Hawaii and Sonneberg Observatory in Germany has revealed that aliens are able to wipe out the life from Earth with just AI messages, and do not even need to visit us. According to the researchers, the aliens will not be sending any flying saucers to destroy the life. They will be simple sending messages through Artificial Intelligence to wipe out the human life. If humans get message or mail which cannot be decoded, from the aliens, they should delete the communication without reading it as the mail may result in the destruction of the planet. Responding or replying to the messages could prove costly as it might alert the extra-terrestrial beings, said the researchers. The Academic paper, which is titled Interstellar Communication. IX. Message decontamination is impossible, discusses a possible alien invasion. The research was carried out by Michael Hippke of Sonneberg Observatory, and John G. Learned from the University of Hawaii. According to the scientists, the messages will be impossible to decode, and thus, there is no reason to open any such mail or message. They also warn that these emails or messages might contain malware or virus which could be so strong that it can destroy the technologies which exist on the planet. Also Read: Aliens may cause end of human lives on Earth? Experts warn! The researchers wrote in their academic paper, A complex message from space may require the use of computers to display, analyze and understand. Such a message cannot be decontaminated with certainty, and technical risks remain which can pose an existential threat. Complex messages would need to be destroyed in the risk-averse case. With the paper going viral, several theorists claim that Artificial Intelligence can be a possible way in which the aliens can cause the end of our planet. For all the Latest Science News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Bajrang Dal has pasted posters in Narendra Modis home-state Gujarat warning Hindu girls not to celebrate Valentine Day. The warning posters have been pasted in front of all girls college, co-ed colleege, malls and public areas. The posters stuck by the saffron group is divided in two parts. One part with yellow background shows a girls one half of the face open and other half covered in burkha. With love jihad written in both English and Hindi. The poster also reads, Hindu larkiya savdhan (Hindu girls beware). The other part of the poster shows a crossed heart and appeals its readers say no to Valentines Day. The poster claims it was issued by Bajrang Dal and Karnavati. Ahmedabad city president of Bajrang Dal confirmed the media that the posters were pasted by them. Also read: Indian-origin ISIS's 'New Jihadi John'; US designates British citizen as global citizen We are giving two messages by this poster. We are asking girls to be careful of Muslim boys who trap them in love and later force them to convert to Islam, said Mehta. He added that he and his group is not against love but are against the public display of obscenity in name of Valentines Day. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: At least five people were killed and 15 others injured in an explosion onboard Sagar Bhushan, a drill vessel at Cochin Shipyard Ltd. The explosion occurred on Monday when the ship owned by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) was undergoing repairment work at Cochin Shipyard. The police officials and fire tenders rushed to the spot immediately and were trying to douse the fire. The number of causalities could go up as some of the injured were in critical condition. All the injured have been shifted to a nearby hospital while efforts were on to rescue two more people trapped inside the burning ship. The fire was under control after Naval fire tenders were pressed into service. Union Minister of Shipping & Water Resources Nitin Gadkari has directed MD Cochin Shipyard to provide all medical support to victims and initiate an inquiry into the incident. Kerala: Explosion at Cochin Shipyard kills 4, Police & fire tenders at the spot pic.twitter.com/NRGQtHPdWH News Nation (@NewsNationTV) February 13, 2018 For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Mathura: A BJP lawmaker of Yogi Adityanath government watched his son and supporters allegedly thrashing an employee at toll plaza in Uttar Pradeshs Mathura on Tuesday. The incident came to light after a CCTV footage showing the BJP lawmakers son thrashing the toll plaza employee made rounds on the social media. According to eyewitnesses, BJP MLA Pooran Prakashs son allegedly thrash the toll plaza employee a boom barrier fell on their car while it was crossing the toll on the VIP lane. The toll workers told the media that the SUV of the lawaker sped after another car was cleared to pass. In the CCTV footage making rounds on the social media one can see two employees bringing down the barrier when as a car tried to pass the toll without paying. According to toll employees the BJP lawmaker was sitting in the car all the time while his son and supporters were thrashing the toll plaza employee. Prakash talking ANI accused the toll plaza employees for the incident. Also read | Video: Woman toll collector assaulted at toll plaza in Gurgaon Mt security vehicle crossed the toll before us. They saw Vidhayak written in my car still they dropped the barrier on my car, said the BJP lawmaker. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Rome: The United States is urging allied nations to help deal with the growing number of foreign fighters that are being held by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, saying the militants should be turned over to face justice in their home countries. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is expected to raise the issue during a meeting in Rome this week with other members of the coalition that is fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The SDF is currently holding thousands of IS detainees, including hundreds of foreign fighters from a number of nations. The issue became more prominent in recent days, after the announcement that the SDF had captured two notorious British members of an Islamic State cell who were commonly dubbed the Beatles and were known for beheading hostages. US officials have said putting the two in the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility is not an option. And British leaders have suggested they dont want the two men returned to Britain. Were working with the coalition on foreign fighter detainees, and generally expect these detainees to return to their country of origin for disposition, said Kathryn Wheelbarger, the principal deputy assistant defense secretary for international security affairs. Defense ministers have the obligation and the opportunity to really explain to their other ministers or their other Cabinet officials just the importance to the mission, to the campaign, to make sure that theres an answer to this problem. Speaking to reporters traveling with Mattis to Europe, Wheelbarger said the key goal is to keep the fighters off the battlefield and unable to travel to other cities. The capacity problem is very real, Wheelbarger said, noting that at one point the SDF was capturing as many as 40 militants a day. Success in the campaign means you get more people off the battlefield. ... These facilities are eventually going to be full. US military officials have confirmed that El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Amon Kotey, who grew up in London, were captured in early January in eastern Syria. US officials have interrogated the men, who were part of the IS cell that captured, tortured and beheaded more than two dozen hostages, including American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and American aid worker Peter Kassig. Hundreds of foreign citizens fought alongside IS as it took control of large parts of Syria, raising concerns that they will bring terrorism with them if they ever return home. The legal issues are daunting. Most nations, including the US, would be unwilling to take back detainees unless they have the evidence to prosecute them, and that often is difficult to collect in such battlefield captures. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune appointed Finance Minister Ayman Benabderrahmane as the new prime minister, post the resignation of Abdelaziz Djerad last week, the presidential press service said on Wednesday. The nomination of Benabderrahmane has been the culmination of a series of talks between Tebboune and representatives and leaders of political parties and independent candidates who secured seats in lower house of Parliament after the ballots. The Constitutional Council announced that the National Liberation Front (FLN) grabbed 98 seats out of 407 seats at the lower house, and the independent list candidates collected 84 seats, while the Islamist oriented Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) collected 65 seats, followed by the former ruling party of the National Democratic Rally (RND) with 58 seats. Benabderrahmane has been serving as Algeria's finance minister since June 2020. Before that, the 60-year-old was the head of the country's central bank. Djerad, who served as Algeria's prime minister since December 2019, resigned last Thursday. On Wednesday, Tebboune, who had previously expressed dissatisfaction with Djerad and his cabinet, thanked him for leading the government during difficult conditions, particularly the coronavirus pandemic. Nepal Aviation approves month-long internal flights schedule to 11 destination s White House: Biden nominates Indian-American Shalina D. Kumar as federal judge Iran's Health Ministry authorises emergency use of a second domestic vaccine against Covid For the past year, Avishek has been taking online classes at a well-known school in Kathmandu. For the eight-year-old, the initial days were fun as he enjoyed being able to sit in front of a computer and take classes as his elder sister does. But, as months went by, he stopped enjoying the classes and he started to feel the fatigue of spending so much time in front of the screen. With time, he also found it quite hard to understand what he was being taught and that has been a cause for concern for his parents. Hes never been a bright student, but in the past, he hasnt been this bad, says his mother. Maybe its time they rethink how online education works when it comes to children. The government for a second year has asked schools to remain shut and conduct classes online. They have also been asked to conduct tests online as the SEE candidates will once again be evaluated based on their performance in their internal examinations. To make sure that children are not deprived of their right to education, the government is introducing a guideline which will help children learn through alternative means like radio, television and online applications. However, psychologists say online education is having a negative impact on children mostly due to being one-sided communication and it is hampering their psychological heath. The sound of silence Representational image Prem Budhathoki from Jwagal studies in the second standard. His mother Sneha Tamang says she hardly sees the seven-year-old having a conversation which his teachers. After realising this, Tamang started to observe the class to see if it was only her child who did not speak. To her surprise, the entire class was quiet while the teacher taught. Initially, she felt that it might be a rule not to stop the teachers while they were teaching. But, she has now realised that it is not a rule and feels teachers should encourage students to speak and ask questions they want answers to. How can teachers expect seven-year-olds to understand without asking questions? I think schools need to revise how they conduct online classes, says Tamang. She says that in the past year, her son has changed a lot. He was active and bubbly as he loved to play outdoors on his bicycle. But lately, all that has changed. All he does is sit home and watch TV or is busy on the phone, says Tamang. This example proves psychologists right. As children have to sit through seven to eight hours of continuous online classes with breaks of five to 10 minutes between classes, they seem to be fatigued. Not being able to meet their friends in person has also made schooling boring for many as many parents have complained that their child has become lazy. Effects on psychological heath Representational image Psychologists say they have been getting calls from parents asking them why their child does not want to have conversations with others and does not understand simple things being taught in class. Many parents have even complained about their child being uninterested and lacking focus. Many schools have asked children to listen to the teacher and only ask questions at the end of the lecture, that too in a written form on apps like Zoom. Even, homework has to be sent online. This, according to psychologist Dr Pushpa Adhikari, is having a negative impact on the childs mental health. They ask students to mute the microphone as it gets too loud, but when its only the teacher who speaks, things can get monotonous which in the long can get exhausting, says Dr Adhikari. They really need to assess what can be done to curb this burnout in students. Another reason why students do not talk to teachers is because they can now record everything that is being taught by the teacher. As they can also screenshot the notes, they feel they no longer need to have a conversation with the teachers. Psychologists say that as it is hard to stare at a screen eight hours a day, concentration lapses are natural as children are bound to be distracted by the smallest of things when uninterested. What can schools do? Photo: Pixabay Educationists and psychologists say that schools need to change the way they conduct online classes, adding that the classes need to be made more interesting. Dr Adhikari says that schools need to start a new way to incorporate practical learning. They need to come up with a new structure and syllabus, she says. She says that children will only learn and have fun doing so if the syllabus is taught in a more creative and interesting manner as the current structure only promotes a mugging-up culture. I personally feel that in a 40-minute class, the teacher should teach for 20 minutes and the remaining time should be spent having conversations with the students about their day and what they are struggling with, says Dr Adhikari. She also urges teachers to give students more group works or team activities as homework so that their ability to work in a team also gets better. Child psychologist Madhu Bishal Khanal says that the government has not thought about a childs mental health when preparing course structures. That coupled with online classes has drastically hampered the mental psyche of children, he says. Times have changed and with that, we need to change education practices too. Kids today learn what kids in the 90s learnt despite a lot of things changing. We use technology, but we dont know how to use it to reform education, says Khanal. Kathmandu, June 30 Nepal and Republic of Sierra Leone have established diplomatic relations on Tuesday. With this, the number of countries with which Nepal has diplomatic relations has now reached 171. Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, Amrit Bahadur Rai, and Ambassador/Permanent Representative of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, Alie Kabba, signed a joint communique to this effect in a brief ceremony held at the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations, New York on Tuesday morning, the New York-based Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN stated in a press release. The two ambassadors also signed a joint letter informing the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. On the occasion, the two ambassadors exchanged views on various matters of common interest to strengthen bilateral cooperation at national and multilateral settings, particularly at UN forums for the mutual benefit of the two countries. The Republic of Sierra Leone is a country located on the southwest coast of West Africa with an area of 71,740 square km, bordering Liberia to the southeast, Guinea to the Northeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Both Nepal and Sierra Leone are members of the Group of 77 and China and the Non-Aligned Movement. Biratnagar, July 1 India has allowed the import of refined palm oil from Nepal again after a suspension of around 13 months. The Economic Times reports the New Delhi government removed the item from the restricted list and made it importable freely until December 31. Though Nepal does not produce crude palm oil, its refined version has been one of the largest exports of the country. Nepal imports crude palm oil from Malaysia and Indonesia. India had imposed a ban on its import in January 2020, but it had lasted only a month. However, the ban was reintroduced after a few months again. Industrialists of Biratnagar have expressed their happiness over the decision to lift the ban. In and around Biratnagar in the Morang district, there are seven palm oil refining plants whereas the number of such enterprises in the country is 20. However, it will take around one month to resume the export, according to an industrialist Abinash Bohora. Government Innovation Awards Deadline extended for 2021 Rising Star nominations We all know innovation takes a lot of time and hard work -- and so, evidently, does writing nominations for the best early-career innovators in government IT! So after many requests for a little more time, we're extending the nomination deadline for the 2021 Rising Stars -- and for all the other Government Innovation Awards -- until 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 15. With the Rising Stars, we're looking for early-career phenoms whose leadership, innovation and all-around extra effort are having a powerful and positive impact. And we need those nominations ASAP! Anyone in the government IT community is eligible military and civilian, career and political, contractor, academic and association expert alike. Nominees must be less than 10 years into their government IT careers, and winners are chosen for their impact so be sure to explain what a nominee did and what all that work accomplished. And don't forget about the other awards. We're looking for Industry Innovators and Public Sector Innovations as well! Details and nomination forms can be found at GovernmentInnovationAwards.com. Please spread the word, and move fast -- help us celebrate all the top drivers of government innovation. All 2021 nominations are due by July 15, so please submit yours today! Management White House stresses stakeholder engagement in Evidence Act guidance The White House has released new guidance for federal agencies requiring department leaders to implement critical evidence-building provisions of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policy Act, nearly three years after its passage. Evidence-based policymaking groups have been calling for stricter implementation of the legislation and additional codifying measures since at least 2019, along with guidance for agencies on stakeholder engagement and the importance of public-private coordination around evidence-based capabilities. On Wednesday, the White Houses Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum calling on all agencies across the federal government to satisfy the Title I deliverables featured in the Evidence Act, including smaller and non-CFO Act agencies which may not yet have begun implementing their learning agendas and evaluations plans as outlined in the bill. The memorandum provides further clarity for certain deliverables -- like the appointment of evaluation officers -- to help those agencies get started, recommending relevant positions are filled with senior career officials who possess a demonstrated expertise, rather than a political appointee. Moreover, the memorandum stressed the need for agencies to conduct continued stakeholder engagement "in a manner and using methods that are transparent, generate trust, and advance equity." It also offered recommendations like participatory research methods and technical working groups, as well as listening sessions and one-on-one consultations with those affected by agency policies, to further promote stakeholder engagement. Stakeholder engagement appeared throughout the document, and its importance was highlighted in the introduction. The guidance itself was drafted with the help of policymaking groups who have been calling for such recommendations around the Evidence Act, including the Data Foundation. "The broad applicability of OMBs new guidance to the whole of government suggests the promise of coherent planning, leadership, capacity, and resources for generating actionable evidence that can both address policymaker needs and improve government services for the American people," Nick Hart, president of the Data Foundation, said in a statement. "OMBs new guidance provides clarity for agencies and partners about the role of stakeholder engagement and coordination on data and evidence capabilities in order to generate useful evidence that is then actually used in practice." OMB urged agencies in its memo not to think of the implementation of the Evidence Act as an exercise in compliance, instead writing: Agencies should not simply produce the required documents and then turn their attention elsewhere; success requires that agencies develop processes and practices that establish habitual and routine reliance on evidence across agency functions and demand new or better evidence when it is needed. President Joe Biden previously signed a memorandum during his first month in office that said his administration would make "evidence-based decisions guided by the best available science and data." That memo required agency leaders to form evidence-based policies and fulfill the annual evaluation plans included in the Evidence Act. The new OMB memo also featured a list of deliverables with timelines throughout FY2021 and FY2022, including a September deadline for full draft learning agendas and capacity assessments. The office requested final evaluation plans for FY2023 and other deliverables no later than February next year. IT Modernization Lawmakers mull federal response to state and local technology gaps Lawmakers are looking for ways Congress can push state and local governments to modernize their IT systems. During a Wednesday hearing held by a subcommittee of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, witnesses and members of Congress discussed strategies for updating legacy technology, training the tech workforce and addressing scalability of government systems. "The pandemic laid bare the consequences of decades of deferred investment in government information technology, and we must not let the lessons learned during the crisis go to waste," said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), chairman of the Government Operations subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. "The federal government can serve as a resource to provide guidance and best practices on IT modernization as it also swallows that medicine itself." Connolly is planning on introducing a House companion to a Senate bill backed by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) called the State and Local Digital Service Act. It would authorize funding for state and local tech strike teams modeled after the federal U.S. Digital Service and 18F. Connolly also said he intends to reintroduce the Restore the Partnership Act, which would re-establish an intergovernmental task force he says would help foster intergovernmental work on government IT issues. Amanda Renteria, CEO at Code for America, suggested reducing administrative burdens and complexity and improving data operations. Streamlining cybersecurity and data privacy regulations could be especially impactful, said Teri Takai, vice president at the Center for Digital Government and a former Defense Department CIO. "I think it's essential that there is a harmonization because it is a burden, particularly on state, but more so on local government, to ensure compliance," Takai explained, emphasizing that this should be done with state and local government input. The Government Accountability Office found in a 2020 report that "each federal agency that exchanges data [with states] has specific regulations, guidelines, or other requirements for states to follow when accessing, storing, and transmitting data," but improving consistency in policies could save millions in federal and state costs. Doug Robinson, executive director of the National Associate of State Chief Information Officers, suggested that Congress empower the Office of Management and Budget to harmonize regulations across agencies. The pandemic also revealed another problem many government systems were unable to quickly scale to meet spikes in demand for government services. "It's not about the availability of the technology to solve the problem. It's the necessary business process re-engineering that has to take place, as well as creating more citizen centric opportunities. That's where there clearly was a gap," said Robinson. "States had not prepared for that kind of magnitude of demand." Modernizing legacy systems will require state governments to get onboard not only in the offices of state CIOs, but also executive and legislative branches that make budgets, he said. When they modernize, states should take an enterprise view, Takai said. "The relationship between IT modernization, digital citizen services and cybersecurity is critical. There's a risk that these three technology efforts will be seen separately," she said. "It is impossible to drive digital transformation without focusing on an overall enterprise approach." Progress will also require workers. State and local governments are feeling the squeeze of a tight market for IT talent just like federal agencies and the private sector, said Alan Shark, executive director of the Public Technology Institute. Government also needs to reskill IT professionals in an ever-changing landscape, he said. Robinson also noted that states were unprepared to combat fraud during spikes in demand for unemployment benefits. "Only in recent months have [states] invested in advanced analytics and automated fraud detection services," he said. "They would all recognize that they had not prepared for something as extreme as the pandemic when it came to the magnitude, the volume and velocity of those requests coming in, and they didn't have the capabilities up front to do predictive analytics to stop the fraud." Stockholm July 1, 2021: Aino Health announces today that they signed an agreement for the SaaS solution HealthManager with Adecco Sweden AB yesterday. The agreement is regarding a pilot project for 900 employees. The project will start during the third quarter of 2021. By implementing Aino HealthManager, Adecco Sweden AB wants to create long-term support for their managers for handling sickness-related absences among the personnel and enable proactive valuable dialogues between the managers and employees where the managers have large possibilities to improve the wellbeing and engagement among the personnel. The pilot project will start during the third quarter of 2021 and includes 900 employees who are active in several of Sweden's largest industrial companies. After the pilot project, there is an opportunity for further rollout in the first quarter of 2022, which includes 3,000 employees. "We are very pleased to be able to contribute to Adecco's success in the Swedish market and increase the well-being of their employees", says Jyrki Eklund, CEO of Aino Health. HealthManager is a SaaS solution that supports managers with internal health-related processes and absence management. It also offers reporting and analytic tools to follow key metrics related to corporate health management. The goal of the solution is to decrease sick leave and to increase employee engagement. For more information: Jyrki Eklund, VD Aino Health Phone: +358 40 042 4221 jyrki.eklund@ainohealth.com Certified adviser Erik Penser Bank +46 8 463 83 00 certifiedadviser@penser.se Adecco Sweden AB Adecco is one of the world's leading suppliers of HR solutions and one of the world's largest recruitment and staffing companies. In Sweden, Adecco offers tailored personnel solutions, both staffing and recruitment solutions as well as interim solutions and outsourcing distributed in 31 offices throughout the country. Their vision is to be the customer's and employee's obvious choice. About Aino Health (publ) Aino Health is the leading supplier of Software as a Service solutions in Corporate Health Management. The companys complete system of SaaS platforms and services reduces sick leave, lowers related costs, and improves business results through increased productivity and employee engagement by making health, wellbeing, and safety an integrated part of everyday work. For more information visit www.ainohealth.com. CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / June 30, 2021 / Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited (the "Company") (CSE:XOP)(LSE:COPL), announces its application for an extension to the management cease trade order (the "MCTO") originally granted by the Alberta Securities Commission on May 18, 2021 has been accepted. The MCTO is in respect of the Company's unaudited interim financial statements and the applicable CEO and CFO certifications in respect of such filings for the period ended March 31, 2021. The MCTO will now expire on July 14, 2021. Under the terms of the MCTO and in accordance with National Policy 12-203 - Management Cease Trade Orders ("NP 12-203"), the Company will continue to provide bi-weekly status reports while the MCTO is in effect. About the Company COPL is an international oil and gas exploration, development and production company actively pursuing opportunities in the United States through the acquisition of Atomic Oil and Gas LLC with operations in Converse County Wyoming, and in sub-Saharan Africa through its ShoreCan joint venture company in Nigeria, and independently in other countries. For further information, please contact: Mr. Arthur Millholland, President & CEO Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited Tel: + 1 (403) 262 5441 Cathy Hume CHF Investor Relations Tel: +1 (416) 868 1079 ext. 251 Email: cathy@chfir.com Charles Goodwin Yellow Jersey PR Limited Tel: +44 (0) 77 4778 8221 Email: copl@yellowjerseypr.com Forward-looking statements This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that discusses predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. In making the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, the Company has made certain assumptions. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release. Except as required by law, the Company disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise. The securities of the company have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This release is issued for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of any securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. Story continues The Canadian Securities Exchange (operated by CNSX Markets Inc.) has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this press release. SOURCE: Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited View source version on accesswire.com: https://www.accesswire.com/653842/Canadian-Overseas-Petroleum-Limited-Announces-Management-Cease-Trade-Order-Has-Been-Extended-to-July-14-2021 MIAMI, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Fetal Institute, Miami, FL, which specializes in the assessment, counseling, and management of patients with high-risk pregnancies, is conducting an FDA-monitored clinical trial of fetoscopic repair in open spina bifida. This minimally-invasive technique was developed by doctors at The Fetal Institute and the USFetus in collaboration with colleagues in Brazil, translating more than 10 years of experience in the animal model to a viable clinical application. "This trial will determine the validity of the new technique," says Dr. Eftichia Kontopoulos, co-investigator. "Because fetoscopic repair doesn't require opening the uterus, we can treat the fetus while at the same time allow the mother to deliver vaginally for the affected and any subsequent pregnancy." Open spina bifida (OSB), a birth defect that occurs in approximately 1 in 1,500 births in the United States, results from failure of the spine to close at some point along its length during fetal development. The abnormality leads to injury and loss of spinal cord tissue at and below the defect. Previous research has shown that antenatal treatment via open fetal surgery, which requires opening the maternal abdomen and uterus, can improve pregnancy outcomes in OSB. However, this places the mother at risk for uterine rupture and requires delivery by cesarean section for the affected pregnancy and any subsequent pregnancy. The new minimally-invasive fetoscopic technique for OSB repair requires no uterine incision, minimizing risks to the mother while preserving the potential benefits of the in-utero repair for the fetus. To learn more about the clinical fetoscopic repair trial or to obtain information on referring patients to The Fetal Institute, please click here or call (786)-971-2303. About the Fetal Institute The Fetal Institute provides patients with the latest and most advanced resources in the field of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Fetal Therapy, including high-resolution ultrasound imaging, non-invasive serum screening and prenatal testing (NIPT), as well as comprehensive invasive prenatal diagnostic and therapeutic techniques Fundamental to the Institute's philosophy, all diagnostic and therapeutic options are performed using either a non-invasive or a minimally invasive approach, which results in better pregnancy outcomes. Story continues Founded by Dr. Ruben Quintero and Dr. Eftichia Kontopoulos, The Fetal Institute serves as a resource to all Obstetricians and Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists and a national and international referral center for the assessment and management of complicated pregnancies. Media Contact: Ruben Quintero 313501@email4pr.com 786-971-2303 Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/doctors-at-the-fetal-institute-in-miami-florida-conduct-an-fda-monitored-clinical-trial-of-fetoscopic-repair-in-open-spina-bifida-301324052.html SOURCE The Fetal Institute As the need for Medical Assistants grows, graduating Hug High Health Science Academy senior, Ana Hernandez Rodriguez, starts NHSE sponsored Renown Medical Assistant apprenticeship at TMCC Ana Hernandez Rodriguez set to begin first ever Renown Medical Assistant apprenticeship. Ana Hernandez Rodriguez set to begin first ever Renown Medical Assistant apprenticeship. RENO, Nev., July 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of Medical Assistants is projected to grow 19 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. The growth of the aging baby-boom population continues to increase demand for preventive medical services here in Nevada and across the country. An increasing number of group medical practices, clinics, and other healthcare facilities also need medical assistants to perform administrative and clinical duties. Medical assistants work mostly in primary care, a steadily growing sector of healthcare. With an eye towards this future, Renown Health proudly accepted its first student, Ana Hernandez Rodriguez, a graduating senior from Procter R. Hug High Schools Health Science Academy CTE program in Washoe County, into its newly created Medical Assistant apprenticeship program. Ana will begin the program as a full-time employee with benefits and start her apprenticeship coursework at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC). Sponsored by the Nevada System for Higher Education (NSHE), Renowns Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Program was approved by the Nevada State Apprenticeship Council, which was overseen by the Governors Office of Workforce Innovation (OWINN), in February. The Renown Medical Assistant Apprenticeship is a one-year competency-based program that includes up to 2,000 hours of On-the-Job training and 193 hours of Related Technical Instruction offered through TMCC. All classroom, clinic and work time is paid. Apprentices work under the supervision of a Medical Assistant, Registered Nurse, or medical provider to assist in responsibilities including escorting the patient from the waiting room to the examination room, taking vital signs, stocking supplies, placing and receiving phone calls including appropriate documentation in the Electronic Medical Record, preparing lab specimens for processing, completing the necessary referral forms, obtaining authorizations and keeping records for referrals. Upon completion of the program, apprentices complete the final exam to become a National Certified Medical Assistant. NSHE is proud to serve as the apprenticeship program sponsor and create more apprenticeship opportunities like this program throughout Nevada, said Cheryl Olson, NSHE Apprenticeship Navigator and Director of the Nevada Alliance for Youth Apprenticeship. Story continues We welcome Ana as she joins our extraordinary team of healthcare professionals at Renown, said Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President & CEO of Renown. We are always looking to support and invest in the next generation of health professionals to address the health needs of our community. Medical Assistants serve an essential role in physician offices, hospitals and other healthcare facilities performing important administrative and clinical responsibilities and assisting in medical care including greeting patients, recording medical histories and vital signs and helping to coordinate care. According to the US Department of Labor Projections Central the demand for Medical Assistants in Nevada will increase by over 25% by 2028, with over 260 job openings available per year. On the importance of apprenticeship programs like Renowns Medical Assistant program, NSHE Chancellor Melody Rose said, The Nevada System of Higher Education is committed to promoting more attainable, affordable, and innovative pathways toward successful careers in fields like healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and information technology through apprenticeships. Programs such as the Renown Medical Assistant apprenticeship are changing how we think about accessing higher education and offering true Learn and Earn pathways. Anas acceptance into the Medical Assistant apprenticeship program is a proud moment for her soon-to-be alma mater. Ana has earned this opportunity through hard work and dedication to her studies, said Melissa Osterhage, who teaches health sciences at Procter Hug High School. She is a compassionate, caring, and intelligent young woman, and I look forward to seeing everything she will accomplish as she moves forward in a career in the medical field. I couldnt be more proud of her, and I am grateful she has been awarded this apprenticeship. Ana graduates from Hug High on June 22 and starts her Medical Assistant apprenticeship program just a few days later on June 29, and is excited for her future. "Being accepted to this opportunity at Renown has been amazing and wonderful. When they told me I was accepted, I was so excited that I cried because I felt so blessed. This is going to help my future in so many ways. It is going to give me the opportunity to work in the medical field. I will start as a Medical Assistant and my goal is to work toward becoming a registered nurse. I took a leap of hope and made it. So, I tell others- believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything in life," she said. Ana is also welcomed to Renown by Michelle Sanchez-Bickley, Chief Human Resources Officer at Renown, who helped coordinate this workforce program. Healthcare jobs in Nevada represent excellent employment for thousands of Nevadans poised to enter the states workforce over the next decade. Opportunities are increasing as we encounter growing demand for health care services at Renown, coupled with population growth, an improving economy, and retirees relocating to the Silver State. Ana and our Medical Assistants are so vital to helping our medical providers care for patients and are critical to the excellent care we provide. For more information on the next Medical Assistant Apprenticeship program, please email kayla.mcmain@renown.org. To apply for a career opportunity at Renown visit our website. ### About Renown Health Renown Health is the regions largest, local not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,200 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a childrens hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the regions largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath and Neurosciences. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the worlds largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project. For more information, visit renown.org. About OWINN OWINN helps drive a skilled, diverse, and aligned workforce in the state of Nevada by promoting cooperation and collaboration among all entities focused on workforce development. Its chief objectives are to prepare all K-12 students for college and career success, increase the number of Nevadans with postsecondary degrees and credentials, and boost employment outcomes in training and credentialing programs. About NSHE The Nevada System of Higher Education, comprised of two doctoral-granting research universities, a state college, four comprehensive community colleges, and one environmental research institute, serves the educational and job training needs of Nevada. NSHE provides educational opportunities to more than 100,000 students and is governed by the Nevada Board of Regents. The System includes the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada State College, Desert Research Institute, the College of Southern Nevada, Great Basin College, Truckee Meadows Community College, and Western Nevada College. About Washoe County School District The Washoe County School District includes the Reno/Sparks metropolitan area, Incline Village, Gerlach, and Wadsworth, Nevada. The District provides each of its 62,000 students with a superior education in a safe and challenging environment and is committed to graduating every child career- and college ready. Attachment CONTACT: Renown Health Public Relations Renown Health 775-691-7308 news@renown.org SAN FRANCISCO, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A new market study published by Global Industry Analysts Inc., (GIA) the premier market research company, today released its report titled "3D Printing Medical Devices - Global Market Trajectory & Analytics" . The report presents fresh perspectives on opportunities and challenges in a significantly transformed post COVID-19 marketplace. Global 3D Printing Medical Devices Market FACTS AT A GLANCE Edition: 7; Released: March 2021 Executive Engagements: 419 Companies: 93 - Players covered include 3D Systems, Inc.; Arcam EBM, A GE Additive Company; Cyfuse Biomedical K.K.; envisionTEC GmbH; Materialise NV; Organovo Holdings, Inc.; Oxford Performance Materials; SLM Solutions Group AG; Stratasys Ltd. and Others. Coverage: All major geographies and key segments Segments: Component (Systems, Materials, Services); Technology (Photopolymerization, Laser Beam Melting, Droplet Deposition, Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Other Technologies); End-Use (Medical & Surgical Centers, Pharma & Biotech Companies, Other End-Uses) Geographies: World; United States; Canada; Japan; China; Europe (France; Germany; Italy; United Kingdom; and Rest of Europe); Asia-Pacific; Rest of World. Complimentary Project Preview - This is an ongoing global program. Preview our research program before you make a purchase decision. We are offering a complimentary access to qualified executives driving strategy, business development, sales & marketing, and product management roles at featured companies. Previews provide deep insider access to business trends; competitive brands; domain expert profiles; and market data templates and much more. You may also build your own bespoke report using our MarketGlass Platform which offers thousands of data bytes without an obligation to purchase our report. Preview Registry ABSTRACT- Global 3D Printing Medical Devices Market to Reach $3.2 Billion by 2026 3D Printing, also referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM), Layered Manufacturing (LM), Rapid Prototyping (RP), and Additive Fabrication (AF), is described as collection of technologies, which build physical 3D objects, tooling components, final production parts, and prototypes by using a layer by layer process. 3D printing has gained recognition during the coronavirus pandemic. While aerospace and defense, medical and dental sectors are the high-value industries already utilizing the technology, automotive and oil and gas are emerging users. As many countries consider moving key production activities to home, 3D printing is expected to play a vital role in facilitating this migration. As the world grappled to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and the ensuing emergency demand for a wide range of products, 3D-printing emerged as the technology of choice that helped governments and the healthcare communities across the world deliver enhanced medical care to patients. Recent innovations in the area of 3D printing are attracting a larger number of consumers, thereby accelerating the global market growth. Moreover, the seamless development of customized medical products using 3D printing technology is expected to significantly enhance the market growth in the near future. Story continues Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for 3D Printing Medical Devices estimated at US$1.3 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$3.2 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 16.3% over the analysis period. Systems, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to grow at a 15.9% CAGR to reach US$2 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After a thorough analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Materials segment is readjusted to a revised 17.9% CAGR for the next 7-year period. This segment currently accounts for a 29.2% share of the global 3D Printing Medical Devices market. Advent of new and effective technologies and approaches, expanding application areas, and funding support from government agencies are expected to foster demand for 3D printing systems. The U.S. Market is Estimated at $507.8 Million in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $418.5 Million by 2026 The 3D Printing Medical Devices market in the U.S. is estimated at US$507.8 Million in the year 2021. The country currently accounts for a 35.33% share in the global market. China, the world's second largest economy, is forecast to reach an estimated market size of US$418.5 Million in the year 2026 trailing a CAGR of 17.6% through the analysis period. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 15.4% and 15.7% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 16.8% CAGR while Rest of European market (as defined in the study) will reach US$488.5 Million by the end of the analysis period. Rising technological advancements and growth in research and development activities are some of the major factors set to drive growth in the North America region. Asia-Pacific is also anticipated to grow at a significant rate, attributed to a surge in population and rising number of 3D printing applications in the region. Services Segment to Reach $408.3 Million by 2026 In the global Services segment, USA, Canada, Japan, China and Europe will drive the 14.2% CAGR estimated for this segment. These regional markets accounting for a combined market size of US$160.5 Million in the year 2020 will reach a projected size of US$406 Million by the close of the analysis period. China will remain among the fastest growing in this cluster of regional markets. Led by countries such as Australia, India, and South Korea, the market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to reach US$32.3 Million by the year 2026. More MarketGlass Platform Our MarketGlass Platform is a free full-stack knowledge center that is custom configurable to today`s busy business executive`s intelligence needs! This influencer driven interactive research platform is at the core of our primary research engagements and draws from unique perspectives of participating executives worldwide. Features include - enterprise-wide peer-to-peer collaborations; research program previews relevant to your company; 3.4 million domain expert profiles; competitive company profiles; interactive research modules; bespoke report generation; monitor market trends; competitive brands; create & publish blogs & podcasts using our primary and secondary content; track domain events worldwide; and much more. Client companies will have complete insider access to the project data stacks. Currently in use by 67,000+ domain experts worldwide. Our platform is free for qualified executives and is accessible from our website www.StrategyR.com or via our just released mobile application on iOS or Android About Global Industry Analysts, Inc. & StrategyR Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (www.strategyr.com) is a renowned market research publisher the world`s only influencer driven market research company. Proudly serving more than 42,000 clients from 36 countries, GIA is recognized for accurate forecasting of markets and industries for over 33 years. CONTACTS: Zak Ali Director, Corporate Communications Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Phone: 1-408-528-9966 www.StrategyR.com Email: ZA@StrategyR.com LINKS Join Our Expert Panel https://www.strategyr.com/Panelist.asp Connect With Us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-industry-analysts-inc./ Follow Us on Twitter https://twitter.com/marketbytes Journalists & Media Info411@strategyr.com Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-3d-printing-medical-devices-market-to-reach-3-2-billion-by-2026--301323882.html SOURCE Global Industry Analysts, Inc. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A new market study published by Global Industry Analysts Inc., (GIA) the premier market research company, today released its report titled "Infrared Imaging Technology - Global Market Trajectory & Analytics" . The report presents fresh perspectives on opportunities and challenges in a significantly transformed post COVID-19 marketplace. Global Infrared Imaging Technology Market FACTS AT A GLANCE Edition: 7; Released: April 2021 Executive Engagements: 551 Companies: 55 - Players covered include Allied Vision Technologies GmbH; Axis Communications AB; Bosch Security Systems, Inc.; FLIRA Systems, Inc.; Fluke Corporation; General Dynamics Mission Systems, Inc.; Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd.; L3Harris Technologies, Inc.; Leonardo DRS; Lynred; New Imaging Technologies; Opgal Optronic Industries; Sensors Unlimited, Inc.; Xenics NV; Zhejiang Dali Technology Co., Ltd and Others. Coverage: All major geographies and key segments Segments: Technology (Uncooled, Cooled); Application (Security & Surveillance, Monitoring & Inspection, Detection); Vertical (Industrial, Non-Industrial) Geographies: World; USA; Canada; Japan; China; Europe; France; Germany; Italy; UK; Spain; Russia; Rest of Europe; Asia-Pacific; Australia; India; South Korea; Rest of Asia-Pacific; Latin America; Argentina; Brazil; Mexico; Rest of Latin America; Middle East; Iran; Israel; Saudi Arabia; UAE; Rest of Middle East; Africa. Complimentary Project Preview - This is an ongoing global program. Preview our research program before you make a purchase decision. We are offering a complimentary access to qualified executives driving strategy, business development, sales & marketing, and product management roles at featured companies. Previews provide deep insider access to business trends; competitive brands; domain expert profiles; and market data templates and much more. You may also build your own bespoke report using our MarketGlass Platform which offers thousands of data bytes without an obligation to purchase our report. Preview Registry Story continues ABSTRACT- Global Infrared Imaging Technology Market to Reach $7 Billion by 2026 Infrared (IR), also sometimes known as infrared light, is an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that possesses longer wavelengths in comparison to a visible light, and is not visible to ordinary human eye. Though under certain conditions a human eye can visualize IR with wavelengths of about 1050 nm generated from specialized pulsed lasers. From the total energy emitted by the sun to the earth, more than half is emitted in the form of infrared radiation. The balance between emitted and absorbed infrared radiation shows a critical effect on the climate of the Earth. Infrared radiation is absorbed or emitted by molecules, especially when there is change in the rotational-vibration movements. As a result, the vibrational modes are excited in the molecule due to changing of dipole moment. Given these properties, infrared radiation finds application across several industrial sectors, including medical, law enforcement, military, scientific, and industrial areas. Night-vision devices that use active near-infrared illumination enable animals or people to be observed, even without divulging the details of the observer. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Infrared Imaging Technology estimated at US$4.9 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$7 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.3% over the analysis period. Uncooled, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record 6.6% CAGR and reach US$4.9 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After a thorough analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Cooled segment is readjusted to a revised 5.7% CAGR for the next 7-year period. The U.S. Market is Estimated at $2.2 Billion in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $603 Million by 2026 The Infrared Imaging Technology market in the U.S. is estimated at US$2.2 Billion in the year 2021. China, the world`s second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$603 Million by the year 2026 trailing a CAGR of 7.7% over the analysis period. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 5.6% and 5.9% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 6.1% CAGR. The market is forecast to witness robust growth opportunities driven by growing demand from non-industrial sector, growing adoption in new end-use applications, technological advancements in IR imaging technology, rising adoption in security and surveillance applications, increasing availability of reasonably priced infrared cameras. Furthermore, rising demand for infrared imaging cameras in emerging economies and high penetration of SWIR cameras is poised to open up new avenues of growth in the upcoming years. The increasing use of IR cameras in quality control and inspections and steady uptake in consumer electronic market also presents untapped growth opportunities. IR imaging can be used as both a predictive and preventive tool, which makes it highly diverse. However, high cost of infrared imaging systems in comparison with substitute technologies, strict import and export regulations, and lack of awareness about the technology hamper market prospects. SWIR cameras are expensive owing to the use of expensive semiconductor material such as indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) sensors in their formulation. By Application, Security & Surveillance Segment to Reach $4.1 Billion by 2026 Global market for Security & Surveillance by Application segment is estimated at US$2.9 Billion in 2020, and is projected to reach US$4.1 Billion by 2026 reflecting a compounded annual growth rate of 6.1% over the analysis period. The United States constitutes the largest regional market for Security & Surveillance segment, accounting for 42.8% of the global sales in 2020. China is poised to register the fastest compounded annual growth rate of 7.6% over the analysis period, to reach US$417.6 Million by the close of the analysis period. More MarketGlass Platform Our MarketGlass Platform is a free full-stack knowledge center that is custom configurable to today`s busy business executive`s intelligence needs! This influencer driven interactive research platform is at the core of our primary research engagements and draws from unique perspectives of participating executives worldwide. Features include - enterprise-wide peer-to-peer collaborations; research program previews relevant to your company; 3.4 million domain expert profiles; competitive company profiles; interactive research modules; bespoke report generation; monitor market trends; competitive brands; create & publish blogs & podcasts using our primary and secondary content; track domain events worldwide; and much more. Client companies will have complete insider access to the project data stacks. Currently in use by 67,000+ domain experts worldwide. Our platform is free for qualified executives and is accessible from our website www.StrategyR.com or via our just released mobile application on iOS or Android About Global Industry Analysts, Inc. & StrategyR Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (www.strategyr.com) is a renowned market research publisher the world`s only influencer driven market research company. Proudly serving more than 42,000 clients from 36 countries, GIA is recognized for accurate forecasting of markets and industries for over 33 years. CONTACTS: Zak Ali Director, Corporate Communications Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Phone: 1-408-528-9966 www.StrategyR.com Email: ZA@StrategyR.com LINKS Join Our Expert Panel https://www.strategyr.com/Panelist.asp Connect With Us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-industry-analysts-inc./ Follow Us on Twitter https://twitter.com/marketbytes Journalists & Media Info411@strategyr.com Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-infrared-imaging-technology-market-to-reach-7-billion-by-2026-301324190.html SOURCE Global Industry Analysts, Inc. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A new market study published by Global Industry Analysts Inc., (GIA) the premier market research company, today released its report titled "Laparoscopic Devices - Global Market Trajectory & Analytics" . The report presents fresh perspectives on opportunities and challenges in a significantly transformed post COVID-19 marketplace. Global Laparoscopic Devices Market FACTS AT A GLANCE Edition: 16; Released: April 2021 Executive Engagements: 16253 Companies: 80 - Players covered include B. Braun Melsungen AG; Aesculap AG; Boston Scientific Corp.; Conmed Corporation; Intuitive Surgical, Inc.; Karl Storz GmbH & Co. KG; Medtronic, Inc.; Microline Surgical, Inc.; Olympus Corporation; Smith & Nephew, Inc.; STRYKER Corp.; Teleflex Incorporated; Teleflex Medical; Johnson & Johnson and Others. Coverage: All major geographies and key segments Segments: Product Type (Energy Devices, Access Devices, Closure Devices, Laparoscopes, Robot-Assisted Surgery Systems, Hand Instruments, Insufflators, Other Product Types); Application (General Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Gynecological Surgery, Urological Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Other Applications); End-Use (Hospitals, Clinics, Other End-Uses) Geographies: World; USA; Canada; Japan; China; Europe; France; Germany; Italy; UK; Spain; Russia; Rest of Europe; Asia-Pacific; Australia; India; South Korea; Rest of Asia-Pacific; Latin America; Argentina; Brazil; Mexico; Rest of Latin America; Middle East; Iran; Israel; Saudi Arabia; UAE; Rest of Middle East; Africa. Complimentary Project Preview - This is an ongoing global program. Preview our research program before you make a purchase decision. We are offering a complimentary access to qualified executives driving strategy, business development, sales & marketing, and product management roles at featured companies. Previews provide deep insider access to business trends; competitive brands; domain expert profiles; and market data templates and much more. You may also build your own bespoke report using our MarketGlass Platform which offers thousands of data bytes without an obligation to purchase our report. Preview Registry Story continues ABSTRACT- Global Laparoscopic Devices Market to Reach $15.8 Billion by 2026 Laparoscopy is a form of minimally invasive surgery used in studying organs in pelvic and abdominal area of the body. The introduction of laparoscopic techniques revolutionized the surgical world through a gradual evolution from open surgical procedures to minimally invasive procedures. Despite the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, demand in the global market is expected to recover backed by the growing demand for minimally invasive procedures due to reduced recovery time, technological advancements, increasing adoption of laparoscopy for performing bariatric surgeries, rising cases of colorectal cancer, growing popularity of single-incision laparoscopic surgery, the availability of well-trained surgeons and growing acceptance of laparoscopic techniques. Factors such as increasing incidence of obesity and rising demand for bariatric surgery for its aesthetic appeal have pushed hospital admissions associated with bariatric surgeries. The market growth is also fueled by rising healthcare spending, insurance coverage, availability of advanced minimally-invasive surgeries, and adoption of minimally-invasive options due to fewer post-operative complications and faster recovery. Increasing technological advances and sophisticated surgeries with enhanced ergonomics and dexterity with low risks along with price declines are anticipated to present lucrative growth avenues. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Laparoscopic Devices estimated at US$10.9 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of US$15.8 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.5% over the analysis period. Energy Devices, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record a 7.5% CAGR and reach US$5.1 Billion by the end of the analysis period. After a thorough analysis of the business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis, growth in the Access Devices segment is readjusted to a revised 5.6% CAGR for the next 7-year period. Energy devices comprise advanced bipolar, monopolar, bipolar, harmonic, morcellator and integrated devices. Energy tools aid in different functions such as dissecting, cauterizing and resecting body tissue through a surgical procedure. Demand for single port access devices is on the rise in tandem with increasing single-port procedures. The U.S. Market is Estimated at $3.6 Billion in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $2.3 Billion by 2026 The Laparoscopic Devices market in the U.S. is estimated at US$3.6 Billion in the year 2021. China, the world`s second largest economy, is forecast to reach a projected market size of US$2.3 Billion by the year 2026 trailing a CAGR of 8.7% over the analysis period. Among the other noteworthy geographic markets are Japan and Canada, each forecast to grow at 5.1% and 6.6% respectively over the analysis period. Within Europe, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 4.9% CAGR. The US remains at the forefront of adoption of sophisticated laparoscopic devices, and growth is being driven by rising geriatric population along with high incidence of abdominal and gastrointestinal conditions. The regional market is benefitting from high prevalence of morbid obesity and chronic medical conditions coupled with increasing demand for minimally-invasive surgery. The region is also witnessing increasing adoption of robotic technology for conducting laparoscopic procedures as a result of its superior precision. In Asia-Pacific region, growth is set to be driven by ageing population, improving healthcare infrastructure, and access to cost-effective laparoscopic procedures. Closure Devices Segment to Reach $2 Billion by 2026 The mounting healthcare costs and growing need to alleviate complications associated with laparoscopy is driving the demand for safer, simpler and more consistent devices for port closure following laparoscopic surgery. Growth in the segment is being fueled by introduction of innovative port closure devices with improved clinical outcomes and rise in number of trained surgeons. In the global Closure Devices segment, USA, Canada, Japan, China and Europe will drive the 6.4% CAGR estimated for this segment. These regional markets accounting for a combined market size of US$1.1 Billion in the year 2020 will reach a projected size of US$1.6 Billion by the close of the analysis period. China will remain among the fastest growing in this cluster of regional markets. Led by countries such as Australia, India, and South Korea, the market in Asia-Pacific is forecast to reach US$224.6 Million by the year 2026, while Latin America will expand at a 7.8% CAGR through the analysis period. More MarketGlass Platform Our MarketGlass Platform is a free full-stack knowledge center that is custom configurable to today`s busy business executive`s intelligence needs! This influencer driven interactive research platform is at the core of our primary research engagements and draws from unique perspectives of participating executives worldwide. Features include - enterprise-wide peer-to-peer collaborations; research program previews relevant to your company; 3.4 million domain expert profiles; competitive company profiles; interactive research modules; bespoke report generation; monitor market trends; competitive brands; create & publish blogs & podcasts using our primary and secondary content; track domain events worldwide; and much more. Client companies will have complete insider access to the project data stacks. Currently in use by 67,000+ domain experts worldwide. Our platform is free for qualified executives and is accessible from our website www.StrategyR.com or via our just released mobile application on iOS or Android About Global Industry Analysts, Inc. & StrategyR Global Industry Analysts, Inc., (www.strategyr.com) is a renowned market research publisher the world`s only influencer driven market research company. Proudly serving more than 42,000 clients from 36 countries, GIA is recognized for accurate forecasting of markets and industries for over 33 years. CONTACTS: Zak Ali Director, Corporate Communications Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Phone: 1-408-528-9966 www.StrategyR.com Email: ZA@StrategyR.com LINKS Join Our Expert Panel https://www.strategyr.com/Panelist.asp Connect With Us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-industry-analysts-inc./ Follow Us on Twitter https://twitter.com/marketbytes Journalists & Media Info411@strategyr.com Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/global-laparoscopic-devices-market-to-reach-15-8-billion-by-2026--301323890.html SOURCE Global Industry Analysts, Inc. Rick Thornton, a Dallas health insurance agent, says the high courts decision to dismiss challenges to the Affordable Care Act is a blessing for millions of uninsured Americans. Dallas, United States, July 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dallas health insurance is no longer under the thumb of potential changes to the Affordable Care Act, as the nations highest court quickly dismissed a challenge to the ACA in a decision that not only leaves the law intact but will undoubtedly save health coverage for millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans. The justices turned away red-state lawmakers and the former administration as they attempted in vain to have the entire law struck down. For more information, go to http://insurance4dallas.com/health-insurance-dallas/ According to CNN, Justice Stephen Breyer led a 7-2 vote in favor of leaving the law intact. All but two justices say the challengers of the 2010 law did not have the legal right to bring the case, leaving everything in place for Americans everywhere, including those with health insurance in Dallas. They added that things should stay the same because Congress has reduced the penalty for failing to buy health insurance to zero. Speaking on the court ruling victory, the President added, With millions of people relying on the Affordable Care Act for coverage, it remains, as ever, a BFD. And its here to stay, he tweeted, a reference to him being caught on a hot mic telling President Barack Obama in 2010 the law is a big fking deal. Rick Thornton, a Dallas health insurance agent said those who were against the Affordable Care Act since the very beginning failed to show concrete proof that enforcing the ACA was unconstitutional. Furthermore, all signs indicate that it is a good law. Thornton cited the Department of Health and Human Services, which reported that a record 31 million Americans have health coverage through the ACA. According to the CNN article, that includes 11.3 million people enrolled in the ACA exchanges as of February and 14.8 million newly-eligible, low-income people enrolled in Medicaid expansion as of December. This is a win-win for everyone, per Thornton. Story continues Insurance4Dallas, (I4D), helps insure all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Virginia and Florida. Insurance4Dallas provides consumers with detailed information on health insurance with the ability to purchase health insurance online. Insurance4Dallas provides a full spectrum of health, dental, vision, life and ancillary insurance products, providing a diverse selection of price and benefit options complemented by personal customer service. Available via phone, email or fax, Insurance4Dallas answers consumer questions throughout the purchasing process and during the utilization of its health insurance policies. Website: http://insurance4dallas.com/group-health-insurance-dallas-tx/ CONTACT: Name: Rick Thornton Organization: Insurance4Dallas Address: 4516 Lovers Lane Suite 316, Dallas, TX 75225, United States Phone: +1-972-219-6004 With nearly 100 years of combined service to automotive dealers and consumers, J.D. Power and JM&A Group align to inspire confidence in Finance and Insurance offerings Dan Chait, president of JM&A Group Dan Chait, president of JM&A Group Chris Sutton, vice president of Automotive Retail at J.D. Power Chris Sutton, vice president of Automotive Retail at J.D. Power Deerfield Beach, Fla., July 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JM&A Group, one of the largest independent providers of F&I products and dealer services in the industry, and J.D. Power, a global leader in data analytics and consumer intelligence, have announced a strategic alliance to develop jointly branded Finance and Insurance (F&I) products and services for auto dealers and buyers nationwide. Focused initially on a suite of warranties and service contracts designed to support the growth of vehicle sales, the two companies will also offer F&I training and certification programs and collaborate on data and analytics projects leveraging their collective industry insights. It was important to J.D. Power to work with a group of experts that not only know the F&I space, but also have a reputation for service and integrity that would be aligned with J.D. Powers reputation as a voice for the customer, said Dan Chait, president of JM&A Group. We are honored to be the only F&I company to be aligned with J.D. Power to produce unique products and services with a consumer-centric approach. Together, the brands will create and release protection products, including a certified pre-owned program, limited warranties, and maintenance and service contracts, that inspire confidence for buyers and dealers alike. Designed to plug seamlessly into existing auto dealer F&I workflows for both online and in-person transactions, these warranty and protection products will be offered through dealers nationwide. "As the industry continues to evolve and dealers focus on a customer-first approach, quickly creating trust becomes paramount to success, Chait said. This alliance perfectly positions our dealers to enhance their performance in-store as well as online by building trust in the F&I products and process they present to customers." Story continues At J.D. Power, our goal is to help shoppers make better purchase decisions, said Chris Sutton, vice president of Automotive Retail at J.D. Power. The F&I process can be daunting for many consumers. We believe that our collaborative product design on co-branded products with JM&A Group will add value by showing consumers that the dealers F&I programs meet J.D. Powers high standards. To help dealers who want to take their F&I operations to the next level, the two companies will also offer select F&I training and certification opportunities through the JM&A Performance Development Center. Additionally, J.D. Power and JM&A Group will be pooling their collective vehicle and customer intelligence data, assembled over a combined 100 years of auto industry experience, to design new products and services for the industry. To learn more about the alliance, visit https://info.jmagroup.com/jd-power-alliance. About JM&A Group JM&A Group, a leader in the F&I industry for more than 40 years, serves more than 3,800 automotive dealerships nationwide. Comprised of Jim Moran & Associates, Inc. (JM&A), Fidelity Warranty Services, Inc. (FWS), Fidelity Insurance Agency, and Courtesy Insurance Company, it provides a variety of products and services such as F&I training and consulting, vehicle protection plans, used vehicle certification programs, prepaid maintenance plans and GAP programs. Additionally, the company has nearly 750 associates, including a dedicated sales force of 300+ associates who support process implementation for dealer operations and digital sales strategies. JM&A Group is a division of JM Family Enterprises, Inc. a privately held company with $16 billion in revenue and more than 4,200 associates, which is headquartered in Deerfield Beach, Florida. JM Family has earned various awards for its culture, products and services, including 23 consecutive years on Fortunes 100 Best Companies to Work For list. For more information about JM&A Groups products and services, contact us at 1-800-553-7146 or visit us online at www.jmagroup.com. About J.D. Power J.D. Power is a global leader in data and analytics, advisory services and consumer insights. A pioneer in the use of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic modeling capabilities to understand consumer behavior, J.D. Power has been delivering incisive industry intelligence on customer interactions with brands and products for more than 50 years. The world's leading businesses across major industries rely on J.D. Power to guide their customer-facing strategies. J.D. Power has offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. To learn more about the companys business offerings, visit JDPower.com/business. Attachments CONTACT: Lauren Fyke JM&A Group 954-420-3279 lauren.fyke@jmfamily.com Geno Effler J.D. Power 714-621-6224 Media.relations@jdpa.com TSX/NYSE/PSE: MFC SEHK: 945 BOSTON, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - John Hancock Investment Management, a company of Manulife Investment Management, announced net fee reductions on five funds with a combined $7.7 billion in assets under management effective today, ranging from 2 basis points (bps) up to 13 basis points (bps). The reductions reflect contractual modifications to management fee schedules and/or reimbursement expenses for the funds and certain management fee waivers according to asset level breakpoint schedules. These changes pass additional value to shareholders through the benefit of scale. Over the past 10 years, 87% of John Hancock Investment Management's fund assets have experienced reductions in net expense ratios, due to either management actions or asset growth.1 John Hancock Investment Management (CNW Group/John Hancock Investment Management) The funds impacted by the net fee reductions are John Hancock Strategic Income Opportunities fund, subadvised by Manulife Investment Management; John Hancock Classic Value fund, subadvised by Pzena Investment Management; John Hancock ESG Large Cap Core fund, subadvised by Trillium Asset Management; John Hancock Fundamental All Cap Core fund, subadvised by Manulife Investment Management; and John Hancock ESG International Equity fund, subadvised by Boston Common Asset Management. John Hancock Fund AUM (6/30/21) Ticker Class I Previous Net Expense Ratio Reduction in Basis Points (bps) Net Expense Ratio effective July 1, 2021 Strategic Income Opportunities $4.79B JIPIX 0.79% 2 bps 0.77% Classic Value $2.60B JCVIX 0.93% 4 bps 0.89% ESG Large Cap Core $170.54M JHJIX 0.93% 6 bps 0.87% Fundamental All Cap Core $136.18M JFCIX 0.97% 13 bps 0.84% ESG International Equity $93.61M JTQIX 1.03% 6 bps 0.97% "We are pleased to be able to offer these pricing reductions to financial professionals and their clients. Since 2014, we have lowered fees on more than 50 John Hancock funds - through 70 strategic pricing reductions2 - and we continuously review our lineup to find additional value for shareholders and ensure our products are competitively priced for the market," said Andrew G. Arnott, CEO, John Hancock Investment Management and head of wealth and asset management, Manulife Investment Management, United States and Europe. "As investors look for new sources of return in traditional portfolios - and ESG investing continues to build momentum - our goal is to provide more options to them through our multimanager network that is backed by some of the most rigorous investment oversight in the industry." Story continues 1. Simfund, as of 5/31/21, includes John Hancock Investment Management retail sold funds only: ETFs, Open End and Closed End Funds, and Fund of Funds 2. As of 7/1/21, John Hancock Investment Management internal data About John Hancock Investment Management A company of Manulife Investment Management, we serve investors through a unique multimanager approach, complementing our extensive in-house capabilities with an unrivaled network of specialized asset managers, backed by some of the most rigorous investment oversight in the industry. The result is a diverse lineup of time-tested investments from a premier asset manager with a heritage of financial stewardship. About Manulife Investment Management Manulife Investment Management is the global wealth and asset management segment of Manulife Financial Corporation. We draw on more than a century of financial stewardship and the full resources of our parent company to serve individuals, institutions, and retirement plan members worldwide. Headquartered in Toronto, our leading capabilities in public and private markets are strengthened by an investment footprint that spans 17 countries and territories. We complement these capabilities by providing access to a network of unaffiliated asset managers from around the world. We're committed to investing responsibly across our businesses. We develop innovative global frameworks for sustainable investing, collaboratively engage with companies in our securities portfolios, and maintain a high standard of stewardship where we own and operate assets, and we believe in supporting financial well-being through our workplace retirement plans. Today, plan sponsors around the world rely on our retirement plan administration and investment expertise to help their employees plan for, save for, and live a better retirement. As of March 31, 2021, Manulife Investment Management had CAD $764.1 billion (US $607.6 billion) in assets under management and administration. Not all offerings are available in all jurisdictions. For additional information, please visit manulifeim.com. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus from your financial professional, by visiting jhinvestments.com or by calling us at 800-225-5291. The prospectus includes investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information that you should consider carefully before investing. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. John Hancock Investment Management Distributors LLC Member FINRA, SIPC 200 Berkeley Street Boston, MA 2021 John Hancock Investment Management. All rights reserved. Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/john-hancock-investment-management-announces-fee-reductions-on-five-funds-with-a-combined-7-7b-in-aum-301324749.html SOURCE John Hancock Investment Management -- Along with a Sarcoidosis Expert Panel Consensus Statement previously published in European Respiratory Review, the ERS guidelines support the use of Acthar Gel in the management of certain patients with symptomatic pulmonary sarcoidosis -- -- Guidelines are the first ERS-issued evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for sarcoidosis treatment to include Acthar Gel -- DUBLIN, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Mallinckrodt plc (OTCMKTS: MNKKQ), a global biopharmaceutical company, today announced new treatment guidelines for sarcoidosis from the European Respiratory Society (ERS), which include use of Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection) therapy in the clinical management of certain patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis, published in European Respiratory Journal.1 The treatment guidelines are the first ERS-issued evidence-based clinical practice recommendations, aimed at providing guidance to physicians treating sarcoidosis patients, to include Acthar Gel. In addition, the guidelines support existing consensus recommendations on the use of Acthar Gel in the management of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis based on a recent U.S. Sarcoidosis Expert Panel Consensus Statement, previously published in European Respiratory Review.2 Mallinckrodt logo Acthar Gel is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of symptomatic sarcoidosis and is only commercially available in the U.S.3 Please see Important Safety Information for Acthar Gel below. The guidelinesdeveloped by a ERS Task Force committee composed of clinicians, methodologists and patient advocates with experience in sarcoidosislist Acthar Gel among the various anti-inflammatory treatments for pulmonary sarcoidosis and note it can be used on a case-by-case basis when other therapies are ineffective or not tolerated. Additionally, the guidelines state that recent studies have suggested the effectiveness of Acthar Gel as a steroid-sparing agent in advanced sarcoidosis. The guidelines acknowledge that the potential mechanisms of action of Acthar Gel have not been fully elucidated and that its understanding has continued to evolve with further research.1 Mallinckrodt continues to invest in studies to advance the characterization of the proposed mechanisms of action and to better understand the efficacy and safety profiles of Acthar Gel. Story continues "Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder that almost always affects the lungs. The condition can be debilitating for many patients and in some cases become serious or life-threatening, which is why it is important to recognize those patients with progressive disease and manage them appropriately," said Robert Baughman, M.D., Pulmonologist at University of Cincinnati Health, lead author of the ERS guidelines and contributing author of the U.S. Sarcoidosis Expert Panel Consensus Statement. "The new ERS guidelines, along with the expert panel consensus statement, provide practical guidance to physicians of the role of Acthar Gel in the clinical management of sarcoidosis based on the combined clinical experience of experts in the field, creating consensus around the real-world use of Acthar Gel in treating patients with this disease." The U.S. Sarcoidosis Expert Panel Consensus Statement published in European Respiratory Review includes guidance on dosage, concomitant medications and adverse event (AE) management of advanced sarcoidosis with Acthar Gel. The panel, comprised of 12 independent physicians with expertise in treating patients with sarcoidosis, recommended a starting dose of Acthar Gel 40 units twice a week for most patients with less severe disease, but did not achieve consensus on whether a higher initial dose was indicated for patients with a more severe condition. In addition, Acthar Gel should be continued at a maintenance dose for most patients who respond to therapy, particularly those with chronic refractory/advanced sarcoidosis, and the maintenance dose should be individualized for each patient. If patients develop major adverse events, the recommendations suggested considering reducing or discontinuing Acthar Gel. The panel also made recommendations related to discontinuation of therapy, including weaning to the lowest efficacious dose if the patient has stable, well-controlled disease after six to 12 months of therapy.2 Study limitations include the following: There are no generally accepted criteria for consensus. The study is based on a degree of consensus, which may be refuted by future rigorous studies. Panelists were not accountable for their responses, and opinions may be based on insufficient/minimal consideration. Panel selection and questionnaire development may introduce bias, and perspectives from stakeholders other than U.S.-based physicians may have been missed. Regarding the use of concomitant medications, the panel recommended that concomitant steroids be tapered and potentially discontinued as quickly as possible in patients receiving Acthar Gel, but concomitant use of immunosuppressive medications should be continued. Consensus recommendations were also reached for AE management, including that Acthar Gel be titrated down or discontinued if other interventions fail or if AEs are severe and significant.2 "There has been a need for quite some time for evidence-based consensus on the treatment of sarcoidosis, a rare disease that can significantly impact patients' functioning and quality of life and can be difficult to diagnose and treat," said Steven Romano, M.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at Mallinckrodt. "The ERS guidelines will help fill knowledge gaps in clinical care and enable more standardized treatment of symptomatic sarcoidosis to help improve clinical outcomes for patients. Moreover, both the guidelines and the sarcoidosis expert panel consensus statement provide practical, expert guidance on the use of Acthar Gel for physicians who manage patients with this complex disease." Mallinckrodt has a dedicated team to support healthcare providers and patients throughout a patient's treatment regimen including personalized injection training. About Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis is a challenging, yet manageable, rare multisystem disease.4,5 In some cases the symptoms may come and go throughout one's lifetime. This is referred to as symptomatic sarcoidosis. In people living with sarcoidosis, the immune system overreacts, forming clumps of cells called granulomas that result in inflammation of the body's tissues.6 The disease can impact any organ but most often impacts the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes, and skin.4 Over 90 percent of people with sarcoidosis suffer lung problems.6 Concomitant involvement of organs outside of the lungs is common, occurring in as many as half of all sarcoidosis cases.7 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Contraindications Acthar is contraindicated: For intravenous administration In infants under 2 years of age who have suspected congenital infections With concomitant administration of live or live attenuated vaccines in patients receiving immunosuppressive doses of Acthar In patients with scleroderma, osteoporosis, systemic fungal infections, ocular herpes simplex, recent surgery, history of or the presence of a peptic ulcer, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension, primary adrenocortical insufficiency, adrenocortical hyperfunction, or sensitivity to proteins of porcine origin Warnings and Precautions The adverse effects of Acthar are related primarily to its steroidogenic effects Acthar may increase susceptibility to new infection or reactivation of latent infections Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may occur following prolonged therapy with the potential for adrenal insufficiency after withdrawal of the medication. Adrenal insufficiency may be minimized by tapering of the dose when discontinuing treatment. During recovery of the adrenal gland patients should be protected from the stress (e.g., trauma or surgery) by the use of corticosteroids. Monitor patients for effects of HPA axis suppression after stopping treatment Cushing's syndrome may occur during therapy but generally resolves after therapy is stopped. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms Acthar can cause elevation of blood pressure, salt and water retention, and hypokalemia. Monitor blood pressure and sodium and potassium levels Acthar often acts by masking symptoms of other diseases/disorders. Monitor patients carefully during and for a period following discontinuation of therapy Acthar can cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and gastric ulcer. There is also an increased risk for perforation in patients with certain GI disorders. Monitor for signs of perforation and bleeding Acthar may be associated with central nervous system effects ranging from euphoria, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression to psychosis. Existing conditions may be aggravated Patients with comorbid disease may have that disease worsened. Caution should be used when prescribing Acthar in patients with diabetes and myasthenia gravis Prolonged use of Acthar may produce cataracts, glaucoma, and secondary ocular infections. Monitor for signs and symptoms Acthar is immunogenic and prolonged administration of Acthar may increase the risk of hypersensitivity reactions. Neutralizing antibodies with chronic administration may lead to loss of endogenous ACTH and Acthar activity There may be an enhanced effect in patients with hypothyroidism and in those with cirrhosis of the liver Long-term use may have negative effects on growth and physical development in children. Monitor pediatric patients Decrease in bone density may occur. Bone density should be monitored in patients on long-term therapy Pregnancy Class C: Acthar has been shown to have an embryocidal effect and should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus Adverse Reactions Commonly reported postmarketing adverse reactions for Acthar include injection site reaction, asthenic conditions (including fatigue, malaise, asthenia, and lethargy), fluid retention (including peripheral swelling), insomnia, headache, and blood glucose increased The most common adverse reactions for the treatment of infantile spasms (IS) are increased risk of infections, convulsions, hypertension, irritability, and pyrexia. Some patients with IS progress to other forms of seizures; IS sometimes masks these seizures, which may become visible once the clinical spasms from IS resolve Other adverse events reported are included in the full Prescribing Information. Please see full Prescribing Information for additional Important Safety Information. ABOUT MALLINCKRODT Mallinckrodt is a global business consisting of multiple wholly owned subsidiaries that develop, manufacture, market and distribute specialty pharmaceutical products and therapies. The company's Specialty Brands reportable segment's areas of focus include autoimmune and rare diseases in specialty areas like neurology, rheumatology, nephrology, pulmonology and ophthalmology; immunotherapy and neonatal respiratory critical care therapies; analgesics and gastrointestinal products. Its Specialty Generics reportable segment includes specialty generic drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients. To learn more about Mallinckrodt, visit www.mallinckrodt.com. Mallinckrodt uses its website as a channel of distribution of important company information, such as press releases, investor presentations and other financial information. It also uses its website to expedite public access to time-critical information regarding the company in advance of or in lieu of distributing a press release or a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing the same information. Therefore, investors should look to the Investor Relations page of the website for important and time-critical information. Visitors to the website can also register to receive automatic e-mail and other notifications alerting them when new information is made available on the Investor Relations page of the website. CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS RELATED TO FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This release includes forward-looking statements concerning Acthar Gel including its potential impact on patients and anticipated benefits associated with its use, as well as related on-going studies. The statements are based on assumptions about many important factors, including the following, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements: satisfaction of regulatory and other requirements; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities; changes in laws and regulations; issues with product quality, manufacturing or supply, or patient safety issues; and other risks identified and described in more detail in the "Risk Factors" section of Mallinckrodt's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC, all of which are available on its website. The forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date hereof and Mallinckrodt does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events and developments or otherwise, except as required by law. CONTACT Media Inquiries Caren Begun Green Room Communications 201-396-8551 caren@greenroompr.com Investor Relations Daniel J. Speciale Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations Officer 314-654-3638 daniel.speciale@mnk.com Government Affairs Mark Tyndall Senior Vice President, US General Counsel & Government Affairs mark.tyndall@mnk.com Mallinckrodt, the "M" brand mark and the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company. Other brands are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company or their respective owners. 2021 Mallinckrodt. US-2000641 06/21 References 1 Baughman RP, Valeyre D, Korsten P, et al. ERS clinical practice guidelines on treatment of sarcoidosis. Eur Respir J. 2021, 2004079; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.04079-2020. 2 Rahaghi FF, Sweiss NJ, Saketkoo LA, et al. Management of repository corticotrophin injection therapy for pulmonary sarcoidosis: a Delphi study. Eur Respir Rev. 2020;29:190147. https://doi. org/10.1183/16000617.0147-2019. 3 Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection) [prescribing information]. Mallinckrodt ARD LLC. 4 Judson MA. The clinical features of sarcoidosis: a comprehensive review. Clin Rev Allerg Immunol. 2015;49:63-78. 5 Baughman RP, Field S, Costabel U, et al. Sarcoidosis in America. Analysis based on health care use. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016;13:1244-1252. 6 Baughman RP, Culver DA, Judson MA. A concise review of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183:573-581. 7 Shigemitsu H, Patel HV, Schreiber MP. Extrapulmonary sarcoidosis. In: Judson MA, ed. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: A Guide for the Practicing Clinician. Vol 17. New York, NY: Springer; 2014:149-186. Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/mallinckrodt-announces-inclusion-of-acthar-gel-repository-corticotropin-injection-in-new-european-respiratory-society-ers-treatment-guidelines-for-patients-with-pulmonary-sarcoidosis-301324261.html SOURCE Mallinckrodt plc LONDON/DUBAI/MOSCOW, July 1 (Reuters) - The OPEC+ group of oil producers meets on Thursday to decide on a further easing of output cuts next month and could also consider extending its overall supply pact beyond April 2022, sources within the group told Reuters. The group comprising the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies including Russia on Wednesday warned of "significant uncertainties" and the risk of an oil glut next year. The supply pact forged in response to the COVID-19 pandemic's destruction of global oil demand imposed record cuts of about 10 million barrels per day (bpd) from May 2020, phasing out by the end of next April. Supply cuts still in place stand at about 5.8 million bpd. A report from the OPEC+ Joint Technical Committee (JTC) on Wednesday said that it expects an overhang of crude by the end of 2022, based on several scenarios for supply and demand. The report said the market would be in deficit in the short term but a glut will be on the horizon after the OPEC+ cuts end. Oil prices were trading near $75 a barrel on Thursday, more than 40% higher than at the start of year. The JTC still expects global oil demand to grow by 6 million bpd in 2021 but it said that "significant uncertainties" remain, including divergence in the global economic recovery, climbing sovereign debt, uneven vaccine rollouts and rising cases of the Delta variant of the coronavirus. OPEC watchers said the group could leave production unchanged when ministers meet on Thursday or decide to boost output, possibly by more than 1 million bpd or a more modest 0.5 million bpd. (Reporting by OPEC team Writing by Dmitry Zhdannikov Editing by David Goodman) TAIPEI, June 30, 2021 /CNW/ -- According to BloombergNEF's recent study, the need for smarter and greener cities is greater than ever since the focus of city officials has honed in on net-zero carbon goals and COVID-19 impacts. To address worsening pollution, public health, security, and other issues, digital technology can help create more sustainable cities. Examples of such issues and technological solutions were discussed at Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona. With support from Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan has implemented 223 Smart City projects which make use of various technologies and innovative solutions to improve important aspects of communities, including governance, healthcare, transportation, agriculture and more. At 2021 MWC Barcelona, 6 providers of Smart City Taiwan share their innovative solutions and technologies that address the most challenging issues cities currently face. On June 30, 2021, IDB of the MOEA's sponsored session, Taiwan's Best Practices in Smart City, went live at MWC Barcelona. MWC Barcelona is the world's largest mobile exhibition that is usually attended by over 100,000 people, including thousands of exhibitors and 59% of the most senior decision makers in the industry. This year, however, the exhibition will not only be accessible in-person, but also virtually with sessions on-demand and live-streamed. The session invited 6 speakers with first-hand understanding from different companies and Smart City project areas. Cameo first presented their artificial intelligence (AI) analysis platforms that assist governments concerned with air pollution. This was followed by Coretronic Intelligent Robotics Corporation (CIRC) which uses autonomous drones to improve surveillance of large industrial sites. Taiwan International Development Co. (TIDC) uses geomagnetic senses to reduce traffic by acquiring and sharing real-time parking information. In discussing smart aquaculture, Quadlink shared its solutions for fish farms to mitigate risks from extreme weather and food contamination. Meanwhile, U-Sync uses Human Intelligence (HI) and AI technology to increase productivity in agriculture through digitalization. The session ended with Adymeds which strives to reduce burdens on hospitals and enable remote patient monitoring through integrated medical and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions. Story continues Conversations with the above companies yielded greater understanding of the solutions with real cases and data. The MWC Barcelona session only covers a small number of the many Smart City Taiwan projects, but it demonstrates some of their best practices which could help cities worldwide that are tackling similar issues. Recording of the session can be accessed here: https://youtu.be/j5R39eh4-4Q Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tackling-the-greatest-challenges-of-urbanization-taiwan-shares-its-innovative-and-successful-smart-city-practices-at-2021-mwc-barcelona-301321687.html SOURCE Smart City Taiwan Cision View original content to download multimedia: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/June2021/30/c1593.html DUBLIN, July 01, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Thailand Crawler Excavator Market - Strategic Assessment & Forecast 2021-2027" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Thailand crawler excavator market is growing at a CAGR of 5.98% during the period 2021-2027. The demand in the Thailand crawler excavators market fell by 18% in 2020, but unit sales are projected to recover to pre-covid levels by 2023, assuming geopolitical stability. Public investment is projected to remain a key driver in the Thailand market, increasing over the next few years, in line with the government's infrastructure plans to attract private investment. The report considers the present scenario of the Thailand crawler excavator market in Indonesia and its market dynamics for the forecast period 2021-2027. It covers a detailed overview of several growth enablers, restraints, and trends in the market. The study includes the volume and value sales with segment analysis of the Indonesia crawler excavator market. KEY HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE REPORT Manufacturers are making operational advances in their excavator motors, hydraulic systems, structure, tracks, and cab construction to improve their telematics fuel efficiency and competitiveness. Thailand is the preferred investment location due to its excellent digital infrastructure, highly skilled labour force, and high quality of living, boosting the growth of the crawler excavator market. The crawler excavator market moves towards an innovative industry by switching to intelligent systems driven by IoT and data analysis for service, networking, and sustainability. THAILAND CRAWLER EXCAVATOR MARKET INSIGHTS Increasing investment in road construction, housing projects, and Smart Cities projects is expected to spike medium excavators' demand. Excavators used in the construction industry accounted for the largest share of around 42% due to huge government expenditure on the construction project. Thailand's crawler excavator market demand is majorly driven by mining activities expected to show significant growth across the country. Caterpillar strategizes to deliver high-quality power systems and machines by focusing on implementing defect-free initiatives in the country. Due to the high procurement and maintenance cost of excavators, rentals are preferred by the contractors; thus, the rental segment will rise eventually. THAILAND CRAWLER EXCAVATOR MARKET - VENDOR LANDSCAPE Story continues Caterpillar, Komatsu, Hitachi Construction Machinery, JCB, Hyundai Construction Equipment (HCE), SANY, Doosan Excavator, Volvo Construction Equipment, and Kobelco are the major vendor in the Thailand crawler excavator market. Komatsu is strategizing to set up manufacturing units in those countries where its products are sold. The company can establish a global network of production and sales in the market. Due to intense competition in technology and design, excavator makers are marketing their devices vigorously, focused on technologically innovative features and a wide variety of attachments. Major Vendors Caterpillar Komatsu Hitachi Construction Machinery JCB Hyundai Construction Equipment (HCE) SANY Doosan Excavator Volvo Construction Equipment Kobelco Other Prominent Vendors Sumitomo Construction Machinery Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd. (XCMG) Leeboy Kubota Machinery Ingersoll Rand Liebherr Group THAILAND CRAWLER EXCAVATOR MARKET - SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS OEMs are majorly focusing on medium crawler excavators as this range is witnessing major demand in the recent past, and it is further expected to boost during the forecast period. Thailand crawler excavator market revenue by agriculture is expected to reach USD 76.3 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.43%. With the emergence of remote operation of excavators deep down in mines and the advent of 5G technology, the demand for excavators used in mining is expected to boost as it is comparatively safer to operate excavators from a distance. Thailand's mini crawler excavator market is expected to reach 2,990 units by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.47%. Segmentation by Excavator Type and Operating Weight Mini (<6 tons) Small (6-25 tons) Medium (25-40 tons) Large (>40 tons) Segmentation by Application Mining Construction Agriculture Forestry Others Segmentation by Gross Power Output 61-101 HP 102-200 HP >201 HP WHY SHOULD YOU BUY THIS REPORT? This report is among the few in the market that offers outlook and opportunity analysis forecast in terms of Volume (Unit sales) Type Excavator Type and Operating Weight Application Gross Power Output Value (USD) Type Excavator Type and Operating Weight Application Gross Power Output Gain competitive intelligence about the economic scenario, advantages in Thailand, major projects and investments, market dynamics, and market share Examples of latest technologies Get presentation-ready format and easy-to-interpret data. Enable decision-makers to make informed and profitable choices Gain expert quantitative and qualitative analysis on value/volume growth projections of the Thailand crawler excavator market share Complete supply chain analysis Get COVID-19 impact analysis of the market Company Profile of 15 major vendors For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/kb60vt View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210701005603/en/ Contacts ResearchAndMarkets.com Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager press@researchandmarkets.com For E.S.T. Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 JOINVILLE, Brazil, July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Tupy S.A. ("Tupy"), a Brazilian multinational company dedicated to designing and manufacturing structural components, announces today the conclusion of a revised agreement with Stellantis NV ("Stellantis") to acquire the Brazilian and Portuguese cast iron components operations of Teksid SpA ("Teksid"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Stellantis. Tupy had announced on December 2019 an agreement to acquire the global cast iron components operations of Teksid. Based on review and input from U.S. competition authorities, Tupy and Stellantis agreed to revise the transaction. In addition, Tupy has decided that a revised perimeter for the transaction will focus on assets with higher strategic fit. Therefore, Tupy will not proceed with the acquisition of Teksid's Mexican, Chinese and Polish operations and Teksid's offices in Italy and in the United States. The Enterprise Value for the new perimeter is 67.5 million. "The conclusion of this negotiation is a very important step for Tupy, and we are glad about the potential synergy among the companies. The transaction is part of Tupy's global growth strategy and increases its capacity to manufacture blocks and heads geared for capital goods," proclaims Fernando Cestari de Rizzo, the CEO of Tupy. "The exchange of knowledge among people will be as important as the asset combination, taking into account that both companies have teams made up of highly skilled and seasoned professionals, who will contribute to the development of innovative technologies, as the history of Tupy and Teksid has already shown," concluded Fernando. The transaction has been approved by Tupy's Board of Directors and is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2021. The transaction will comply with the conditions of the previous approval received from the Brazilian competition authority in April 2021. Story continues About Tupy Tupy is a Brazilian company specialized in developing and manufacturing highly engineered structural cast iron components applied to complex metallurgical and geometrical components extensively used in capital goods that serve freight transport, construction industry, agriculture and many others industrial applications. These solutions contribute to the improvement of life standards such as, sanitation, drinking water, health, housing and the production and distribution of food. The technological innovation involved in our production and development processes is the company's specialty that dates back more than 80 years. Tupy's manufacturing facilities are located in Brazil and Mexico. Cision View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tupy-reaches-agreement-to-acquire-the-brazilian-and-portuguese-cast-iron-operations-of-teksid-301324227.html SOURCE Tupy Worldline signs a strategic partnership with BNL in merchant acquiring in Italy Creation of a joint venture with BNL banking group through the acquisition of 80% of Axepta Italy based on a 220 million enterprise value Commercial partnership aiming to leverage BNLs banking network in order to distribute Worldlines payment products and services to customers of the bank . Strategic opportunity to expand Worldlines Merchant Services activities in the very promising Italian market Axepta in Italy , a significant ban k acquirer in the country , has strong positions with: c. 200 million a cquiring t ransactions per year from c. 220 ,000 POS c. 30 ,000 merchants portfolio with more than 60% being SMBs High growth and synergies potential, by combining Axepta Italy existing presence with Worldline scale and best in class offerings Bezons, July 1st, 2021 Worldline [Euronext: WLN], a global leader in the payments industry, today announced the signing of a binding agreement for the acquisition of 80% of Axepta Italy, the merchant acquiring entity of BNL banking group in Italy. Gilles Grapinet, Worldlines Chairman and CEO, said: The partnership with BNL through the acquisition of 80% of Axepta Italy is a further significant development in our Group consolidation strategy in Europe, extending our Merchant Services activities towards the South of Europe. Thanks to this transaction, we indeed benefit from a direct access to an existing merchants portfolio in the fast-growing Italian market, driven by the steady ongoing adoption of electronic payments. This transaction offers attractive growth opportunities for Worldline in the coming years and a strong footprint to further expand our Merchant Services activities in Italy. We are extremely happy to welcome soon more than 100 new Worldlines colleagues, managers, and payment experts and to work hand in hand with BNL to further jointly accelerate the development of the business of our joint venture in Italy. Story continues As the European leader in payments, we keep executing our strategic roadmap with a focus on value-creative consolidation opportunities to enhance Worldline scale, reach and direct presence in a growing number of countries in close partnership with leading local banks. Marco Tarantola, BNLs Deputy General Manager, said: Through this partnership, BNL aims to pursue its specializations journey in payment solutions initiated during the last years with Axepta, after having acquired in 2016 100% of the JV, BNL positivity created in the past with another player. The Worldlines footprint as well as its expertise ensures a high standard of service level, quality and performance of its payment solutions. This will allow us to propose to our customers a broad range of products, services and payment solutions, permanently in evolution thanks to innovation and new technologies best use. Italy: one of the most attractive payment markets in Europe Italy is a highly attractive and strategic market for Worldline. The country is the third largest euro economies in Europe with a cash penetration that remains high with cash accounted for close to 78% of total payment volume in 2020. The Italian payment market shows attractive growth opportunities driven by the shift from cash to card and electronic payment adoption, supported by a solid acceptance network and one of the highest POS density per habitants in Europe as well as recent initiatives to push payment card usage and strong growth for e-Commerce, in particular during the peak of Covid-19. Transactions acquired are well balanced by card type (Credit cards, PagoBancomat, and Debit & Prepaid). As an additional very compelling characteristic, Luxury and Retail market is one of the most important sectors of the Italian economy and a key pillar of its economic growth. In addition, with close to 100 million tourists per year, Italy is one of the most visited countries in Europe and in the world. This represents a very attractive feature of the Italian payment market offering numerous additional growth opportunities in a post-Covid context by leveraging the very rich Worldline portfolio of Luxury & Retail and Travel & Hospitality solutions. Acquisition of Axepta Italy, the merchant acquiring entity of BNL in Italy and a significant stand-alone bank acquirer in Italy based on a long-term commercial partnership Founded in 2006, Axepta Italy is the merchant acquiring entity of BNL in Italy and one of the large bank-owned acquirers in the country. It acquires c. 200 million acquiring transactions per year (c. 5% market share in MSV) from a c. 220,000 POS acceptance network. Lead by Stefano Calderano, the Axepta CEO, and an experienced management team committed to continue, Axepta employs more than 100 employees. It provides international payment solutions for all channels (online, mobile or in-store payment solutions) and serves c. 30,000 merchants of which more than 60% being SMBs and close to 30% being large corporates. Overall, Axepta Italy merchants portfolio is highly diversified and presents a very low attrition rate. As part of the transaction, Worldline will enter in a long-term commercial partnership with BNL aiming to leverage its strong banking network as a key commercial channel in order to distribute Worldlines and Axepta Italy best-in-class payment product and services. In the continuity of Worldlines existing partnerships with more than 17 banks and banking federations (regrouping c. 100 adherents) in Italy, such a strategic alliance is another proof point of Worldlines bank-friendly Merchant Services expertise, aiming at strong value creation for partnering financial institutions. The joint venture is designed to be an open vehicle for welcoming existing partners and other Italian banks willing to benefit from delivery and servicing excellence, combined with scale and competitive cost structure. Strategic rationale In the rapidly changing industry, driven by the customers adoption of numerous and innovative payment methods, Axepta Italy and the partnership with BNL are the ideal cornerstone to accelerate Worldlines go-to-market in the country by deploying the Groups payment offering and value-added services capabilities in order to provide the best-in-class customer proposition and user experience across all segments in Italy. This partnership represents an opportunity for Worldline to strongly expand its Merchant Services activities in this attractive European market with an existing and high-quality merchants portfolio, while generating significant growth opportunities fueled by increasing card penetration and online capabilities, allowing the entity to grow revenue at a double-digit rate in the coming years. This accelerated growth rate will be delivered through, in particular, the roll-out of Worldline SMB offerings, the expansion of its local acquiring capabilities to provide a comprehensive European footprint for large international and national customers, and the deployment of strong e-commerce and omnichannel solutions. Furthermore, a robust integration and development program will be implemented at closing to further improve profitability rate through operating leverage and costs efficiency. Impacts of the transaction on Worldline The key financial impacts of the transaction on Worldline are the following: Additional annual revenue of c. 50 million at closing with expected double-digit organic growth CAGR over the next 4 years; OMDA margin of mid-to-high teens expected at closing, aiming to catch-up with Worldlines Merchant Services profitability, fueled by operating leverage and expected cost and revenue synergies of c. 15 million by 2025; Estimated cash-out of c. 180 million at closing (for 80% ownership), preserving Worldlines financial flexibility; BNL to retain a 20% ownership in Axepta Italy, and; Closing expected end of 2021 or beginning 2022, subjected to satisfaction of customary condition precedent. Forthcoming events July 27, 2021 H1 2021 results October 19, 2021 Q3 2021 revenue Contacts Investor Relations Laurent Marie +33 7 84 50 18 90 laurent.marie@ingenico.com Benoit dAmecourt +33 6 75 51 41 47 benoit.damecourt@worldline.com Communication Sandrine van der Ghinst +32 499 585 380 sandrine.vanderghinst@worldline.com Helene Carlander +33 7 72 25 96 04 helene.carlander@worldline.com About Worldline Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry and #4 player worldwide. With its global reach and its commitment to innovation, Worldline is the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and third-party acquirers as well as public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies in all sectors. Powered by over 20,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and secure solutions across the payment value chain, fostering their business growth wherever they are. Services offered by Worldline in the areas of Merchant Services; Terminals, Solutions & Services; Financial Services and Mobility & e-Transactional Services include domestic and cross-border commercial acquiring, both in-store and online, highly-secure payment transaction processing, a broad portfolio of payment terminals as well as e-ticketing and digital services in the industrial environment. In 2020 Worldline generated a proforma revenue of 4.8 billion euros. worldline.com Worldlines corporate sense of purpose (raison detre) is to design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. We make them environmentally friendly, widely accessible and support social transformation. Disclaimer This document contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including references, concerning the Group's expected growth and profitability in the future which may significantly impact the expected performance indicated in the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties are linked to factors out of the control of the Company and not precisely estimated, such as market conditions or competitors behaviors. Any forward-looking statements made in this document are statements about Worldlines beliefs and expectations and should be evaluated as such. Forward-looking statements include statements that may relate to Worldlines plans, objectives, strategies, goals, future events, future revenues or synergies, or performance, and other information that is not historical information. Actual events or results may differ from those described in this document due to a number of risks and uncertainties that are described within the 2020 Universal Registration Document filed with the Autorite des marches financiers (AMF) on April 13, 2021 under the filling number: D.21-0303. Worldline does not undertake, and specifically disclaims, any obligation or responsibility to update or amend any of the information above except as otherwise required by law. This document is disseminated for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to purchase, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they have been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the U.S. Securities Act) or the securities laws of any U.S. state, or are exempt from registration. The securities that may be offered in any transaction have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or the securities laws of any U.S. state and Worldline does not intend to make a public offering of any such securities in the United States. Attachment In 1735, Mahomet Weyonomon traveled across the seas to England from Connecticut, seeking justice for the unfair treatment of his people. Like the Mohegan chief, Madeline Sayet took the same path for a different purpose; but unlike Mahomet, who died of smallpox before presenting his case, the Mohegan playwright found an audience to hear her words. Where We Belong, now streaming through July 11, is a thought-provoking work that debuted at Shakespeares Globe as part of the Border Crossings ORIGINS Festival in 2019. The filmed piece is produced by Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, in association with the Folger Shakespeare Library. The 80-minute autobiographical solo performance moves along beautifully, with tight direction by Mei Ann Teo and minimalist staging by Hao Bai, as Sayet explores her heritage, language, colonialism and Shakespeare. Her love for the Bard started at an early age, finding refuge in his wordsa language she doesnt have to fear losing, she says. Sayet later pursued a Ph.D. in Shakespeare in England, at the time of the Brexit referendum vote in June 2016. This is when the play actually begins as a border control officer at the Stockholm airport asks how she would vote herself. Border queues always feel like waiting in line to get in trouble, she says. Do you belong? Who decides? PHARR, Texas (AP) Republican lawmakers traveled to Texas to cheer former President Donald Trump as he paid a visit to the southern border Wednesday and hammered the Biden administration for its immigration policies amid a decades-high spike in border crossings. Trump, who was joined by more than two dozen House members, also continued to spread lies about the 2020 election as he participated in a border briefing and visited the wall he championed in a trip that was strikingly similar to the many he'd taken here while president. Biden is destroying our country. And it all started with a fake election," Trump railed as he stood at the border, an American flag hoisted by a crane waving above him. Trump has persisted in falsely claiming he won in November, even though state and federal election officials, his own attorney general and numerous judges have said there is no evidence of the mass voter fraud he alleges. Coming fresh off his first rally since leaving the White House, the visit underscored the extent to which Republicans, both nationally and in the states, continue to embrace Trump as the leader of their party. And it demonstrated anew how much the GOP has taken up Trumps signature issue of immigration as the party looks to recapture control of Congress in next years midterm elections. Five of the Islesboro Central School seniors take the ferry from the mainland, while the rest live on the island, which has about 700 year-round residents. So the students were not only isolated by the pandemic but they were also split apart, unable to gather for months, with a three-mile gulf between the island and the mainland. The Class of 2021 had long been accustomed to doing things together. For Halloween, the class would coordinate group costumes and pile into a school-owned van, driven by an English teacher, to go trick or treating together on the island. It was a large group, by island standards. In fact, the 13 seniors represented the largest senior class in recent years. As the reality of the pandemic took hold, the seniors kicked off an email chain to discuss what to do about the trip. International travel was a no-go, so Greece, South Korea and Japan were no longer options. They thought about scaling it back. Perhaps they could do a regional trip. It would be better than nothing. But even that started to seem far-fetched. The worlds struggles weighed on them as they tried to justify salvaging an exotic outing against a backdrop of deaths and economic pain. Additionally, Mitchell said he was concerned about the size of the seven million-gallon lagoon, which he said could cause biosecurity issues if contamination were to take place. Our clients have serious concerns about whether or not this is in the best interest of Dodge County and in particular with the neighbors, where you have virtually every neighbor that surrounds this property that is opposed to this particular application, he said. In response to the comments, Chris Reimers said he and others on the project were in the process of doing homework. I think were doing a lot of things that are parallel in timeline that are all contingent on this process, he said. Weve looked up a copy of that easement and obviously cant make too much comment, but we realize theres some homework to be done and some stuff to verify with what that all allows for. Travis Caspersen of Settje Agri-Services said he knew that the easement was an issue and that Reimers was working with an attorney on it. As far as getting the approval, we didnt look at that as being a big issue that we needed to bring an attorney in to spell that out at this point in time, he said. In a March email to the APA, City Attorney Travis Jacott acknowledged the distinction between a settlement agreement and severance agreement. Also just to be clear, the documents sought by your office from the City do not constitute severance agreements and are indeed settlement agreements, he wrote in an email to the APA. However, the APA asserted that the difference between the two was not immediately evident from the language of the three agreements in question. The APA said it hoped to obtain documentation that would support the necessity and legality of the payments made under the three agreements, but said the information was not forthcoming. On April 9, 2021, almost a month after having requested supporting documentation for the need to make the payments under the three separation agreements, the APA received a letter from Mr. Jacott, the APAs letter read. In addition to providing no compelling supporting documentation, the answers to the questions posed by the APA were not particularly helpful due to their lack of specificity. The APA said the City made very general reference to fears of remotely possible claims against the City of Fremont involving alleged discrimination based upon age, disability or retaliation. The American Red Cross is need of donors as it experiences a severe blood and platelet shortage affecting product availability nationwide. Josh Murray, regional communications director for the Red Cross Nebraska-Iowa Region, said the shortage has affected the organization during the last few weeks. Its not necessarily that weve been low on donations, its more on the fact that the hospitals are demanding more right now, he said. Theyre seeing more need for it there. Murray said hospitals have been catching up on procedures that couldnt be done during the COVID-19 pandemic, including elective surgeries and transplants. Weve also seen an uptick in trauma recently in the last few months, he said. So thats kind of where our shortage comes from, is that were being asked to provide more to hospitals. Additionally, Murray said summertime is a tough time for donations as many people are busy, as well as the holidays, including the Fourth of July. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} They pleaded to the judges not to sentence her to death, at which Boswell could be heard crying in the otherwise quiet courtroom. Gods the one that will have the final say in all this. Please dont put her to death, Boswell's mom, Prisilla Boswell, said. She and Jeff Boswell, who adopted Bailey when she was a child after her biological father was killed in a drug deal gone bad, said she had been a bubbly, popular girl in high school and got recruited to play basketball in college. They believe the change they saw in her was caused by abuse by her ex-boyfriend and Trail. And they were concerned about what the effect a death sentence would have on Bailey's daughter, who she calls every day. Jeff Boswell said he remembered meeting Trail, who was going by a fake name. His impression? Bad news, he said. One of her cousins had told investigators Trail had told her that if she didn't make calls for him involving a fraud that she would find her boyfriend in a field with his legs cut off. She said she remembered Bailey Boswell telling her Trail was scary, and maybe she should do what he says. Colorado Springs, CO (80903) Today Sunny skies this morning. Scattered showers and thunderstorms developing during the afternoon. High 84F. NE winds shifting to SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 61F. SSE winds shifting to N at 10 to 15 mph. Colorado Springs, CO (80903) Today Sunny in the morning then increasing clouds with some scattered thunderstorms later in the day. High 84F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low near 60F. SSE winds shifting to N at 10 to 15 mph. DURANGO Investigators spent years scouring steep, wooded terrain off a rugged ATV trail for answers about what happened to Dylan Redwine. During their search, they would find bones that proved to belong to the missing 13-year-old and a skull that was first spotted by hikers who made the discovery while exploring a grassy patch of land. They would also find a torn-up T-shirt, Miller Light and Coors Light beer cans, a Nike Air Jordan shoe, a Fila sock and a pair of headphones items that would possibly lend more clues in the investigation that has culminated in the trial of the boys father, Mark Redwine. He is charged with second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death for his sons disappearance. Dylan Redwine was last seen alive in November 2012 while on a court-ordered visit with his father at his home in Vallecito. Some of his remains were found just up the road on Middle Mountain in June 2013, and his skull wouldnt be found until November 2015 approximately five miles away. Tonya Golbricht, a now-retired investigator for the La Plata County Sheriffs Office, was part of these efforts. Wednesday marked her second day on the witness stand during Redwines trial, which is now in its second of what was scheduled to be four weeks. Golbricht said investigators were able to narrow down an area on Middle Mountain as a focal point for the search after finding a Fila sock and Air Jordan shoe on June 22, 2013. Read more at 9news.com. Digitally fit city agency makes smooth transition during pandemic When the pandemic sent most of the Denver Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) 150 employees home last year, they rushed to digitize their largely paper-based processes -- and accomplished it in a single weekend. Before the pandemic, we executed the Emergency Operations Center activations and exercises almost exclusively with paper forms, Loa Esquilin-Garcia, public information officer for the city and county of Denvers Office of Emergency Management, wrote in an email to GCN. In March 2020, we had to virtualize operations, which meant putting forms online and creating an online space that could mimic the conversations and meetings essential to handling a crisis. The EOC was already planning to digitize forms, Esquilin-Garcia said, but the pandemic accelerated those plans. Denver tapped process management and automation company Nintex for help, in part because it had worked with the firms tools before the health crisis began, Chelsea Warren, marketing and communications coordinator with Denvers Technology Services Department, said in an email to GCN. With such a short timeline, it was easiest to use tools already at our disposal, she wrote. The Technology Services Department took advantage of another solution already in its toolbelt -- Microsoft Teams -- to set up an online EOC in which workers could communicate and collaborate. But paper-based workflows some of which took up to seven steps to complete had to be digitized for the center to optimize online operations. In one weekend last year, Technology Services staff digitized 20 forms with Nintex Forms, a Microsoft SharePoint tool primarily used for collecting and validating user input into SharePoint lists and Nintex Workflows. The technology lets users customize the forms by dragging controls onto the canvas rather than by coding. Within three months, they had digitized 65 forms, and that number now sits around 100, said Steve Witt, director of Nintexs public-sector unit. Everything is accessible from anywhere. It is amazing we can run the entire operation virtually, Esquilin-Garcia wrote. The paper-based processes were easy when the EOC staff, who worked in the basement of a city building, could walk documents around the corner to obtain a signature. But its a little bit different when everyones working from home, and now you have a skeleton crew in the emergency operations center, Witt said. The thing about the pandemic is it introduced a lot of new problems that I like to say didnt exist in January 2020. All of a sudden, in March and April 2020, youre trying to solve these problems. Denver was well-positioned to make the changes, he said, likening it to being digitally fit. That fitness or the work the Technology Services and EOC staff did pre-pandemic made them flexible and agile enough to react quickly when the crisis hit. When youre dealing with something like this, speed is the most important thing -- being able to act quickly, solve the problem and then continue to improve upon it as time goes by, Witt said. Denvers cybersecurity and data protection teams helped with the virtualization project to ensure workflows were secure and personally identifiable information was protected. We worked on additional training around cyber and data protection for those working remotely and [on] strengthening the infrastructure that supports operations, Warren said. Because the future of work is now hybrid, rather that office-based, this modernization has positioned Denver to be able to better respond to other crises as they emerge. Digitizing these processes has increased safety and resulted in more focused emergency response, Esquilin-Garcia said. Our reporting and tracking have also improved tremendously with this process, which is helping us use our time more efficiently and effectively. A search for that location on Google turns up "Sierra Realty & Management, LLC" which lists that address on its website and says that it's been in business since 2006 and oversees properties in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. That includes apartment complexes in Ames and Des Moines. "We understand how to negotiate for the best prices and how to solve problems with ingenuity, rather than spending more than necessary," the last sentence in the welcome on the front page reads. Over the phone, an employee for the company said that they were not aware of any tax sale involving a Willow Creek Center Outlot II and that they would have to contact their accounting department. They then declined to give their full name. When asked why, they said: "Theres no story." In a follow-up call after that, Wright again confirmed that the owner of the parcel is out of Skokie, Illinois and that it was purchased at a tax sale. "The tax sale is outstanding. The taxes are paid in a tax sale but they have to be paid back from Willow Creek Center so that we can pay Hawkeye Lien Services back," Wright said. After temporarily closing, Worth County Conservation has worked on a plan to address the number of incident calls it's been receiving. The solution? Having the park open during a smaller time frame. Starting on July 5, the park will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. all week. The number of incident calls since the start of June led to Kuennens Quarry being shut down mid-June, according to Worth County Sheriff Dan Fank. Fank said since the beginning of June, before Kuennens Quarry shut down on June 11, there were 18 incident calls that were reported. According to Fank, the incident calls since June 1 included: two for theft, one for overdose, four for vandalism, one for assault, one medical call, two for alcohol, one for brandishing a firearm, five for suspicious or drug-related activity, and one call about a car going into the quarry. "This year was the tipping point," Worth County Conservation Board Director Jim Hanson said. Hanson said that numerous issues were causing strain on his staff, particularly with the hours that the park was open and that the calls that both Worth County Conservation and the sheriff's office received were constant. Although Trump isn't expected to be charged Thursday, allegations against the company bearing his name raise questions about his knowledge of or involvement in business that practices prosecutors suspect were illegal. James Repetti, a tax lawyer and professor at Boston College Law School, said a company like the Trump Organization would generally have a responsibility to withhold taxes not just on salary, but other forms of compensation like the use of an apartment or automobile. Such perks wouldn't be considered taxable income if they were required as a condition of employment, Repetti said, such as providing an apartment for the convenience of an employee who is required to be at the office or worksite at odd or frequent hours, or allowing the use of a car for business purposes. Another prominent New York City real estate figure, the late Leona Helmsley, was convicted of tax fraud in a federal case that arose from her company paying to remodel her home without her reporting that as income. The Trump Organization case involves possible violations of New York state tax laws. Information from the study will help the General Assembly determine what to do next regarding cocktails to go. If anything changes, well make the change as well, Eischen said. Unlike Barker, two other restaurant owners said they sold very few mixed drinks to go during the pandemic, even though they offered the option. It wasnt a big seller, said Hoi Kong, owner of Tokyo Grill at Lowes Drive. One or two customers asked about to-go mixed drinks during the early days of the pandemic, but that was about it, Kong said. The state first began allowing sale of cocktails to go in early April 2020. About a month or so into it, people stopped asking for it, he said. Emily Tomlinson, co-owner at Mes Burgers & Brews, said the restaurant did not sell many cocktails to go during the pandemic, so the extension will have almost no effect on her business. It didnt make a difference for us, she said. However, the eatery and bar has always offered beer and wine off-premises. We did more of the draft beer to go, she said. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) The Minnesota Legislature worked into the early hours Thursday to try to finish off a $52 billion, two-year budget after working into the early hours the night before to pass a bill that ends Gov. Tim Walz's emergency powers, although a top Republican said the special session could continue for days longer to make sure the governor signed all the bills. Trust but verify, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, of East Gull Lake, said at a news conference, quoting a proverb that President Ronald Reagan was fond of using in his dealings with Soviet leaders. Walz laughed at the comment and said Gazelka didn't need to worry. He spoke to reporters after personally delivering the signed K-12 education funding bill to Secretary of State Steve Simon to make its enactment official, and signed three other budget bills to avert the lingering threat of a partial state government shutdown after the current budget ran out at the end of the day Wednesday. The only budget bill still awaiting votes early Thursday was a tax bill that needed approval first in the House, then the Senate. The House debate was late to get going, and bogged down amid a partisan fight over the details of unwinding the governor's emergency powers. Well, the COVID recovery act budget is done, the work now begins, Walz said at a ceremonial signing of copies of the big budget bills that the Legislature sent him Wednesday, just hours before the old budget expired. As of Thursday, 70% of Minnesotans 18 and older had received at least their first vaccine shots, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Walz said Minnesota is only the second Midwestern state to meet President Joe Bidens goal of 70% by July 4, and that the state leads the Midwest with 52% of its population fully vaccinated. Walz took pride in those numbers even though the state fell short of his goal of 70% of residents in a wider age range 16 and up to be at least partially vaccinated by July 1. That figure stands at 67%. Find out how many fireworks injuries there have been in recent years, plus how much U.S. air traffic has climbed ahead of the Fourth of July, American independence is due in part to African Americans Like the U.S. Constitution, the final version of the Declaration never uses the word slave. But African Americans loomed large in the first draft, written by Thomas Jefferson. In that early draft, Jeffersons single biggest grievance was that the mother country had first foisted enslaved Africans on white Americans and then attempted to incite them against their patriot owners. In an objection to which he gave 168 words three times as many as any other complaint Jefferson said George III had encouraged enslaved Americans to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them. Numerous other white Southerners joined Jefferson in venting their rage at the mother country for, as one put it, pointing a dagger to their Throats, thru the hands of their Slaves. But its unclear at this point whether the cause of the sickness is an infectious disease or something else entirely, she said. Reports of sick and dying birds began to increase in Northern Virginia the weekend of May 23, but symptoms have so far evaded birds in the Roanoke and New River valleys. Lets take a break from feeding our birds water and food, said Sabrina Garvin, SVWC Director. Lets be proactive, not reactive. Were stewards. Garvin said to remove birdfeeders for a few weeks, to keep whatever it is from spreading locally. Birds have plenty of natural food sources to forage from at this time of year. Were just trying to keep them from congregating, because we dont know what it is and how it spread, Garvin said. Were all clueless. In general, mortality events in birds are not rare, Kirchgessner said. But there are some unique aspects to this particular one, she said. The fact that this event has lasted for so long and involves such a large geographic scope, that really makes it unique. Louth said the state medical examiners office had to bring in some specialists forensic anthropologists to determine a way to thaw those remains out so we didnt lose anything, or do any damage to the remains, so wed still be able to determine whether there was anything of evidentiary value. So this was a very slow process ... and took a long time to do it properly. Louth said investigators also had to make certain whose remains were in the freezer. While we believed it was the child of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, we still had to verify it. We had to do some DNA testing to verify that it was Eliel. So that took a little bit of time, too. Louth said investigators took many things from the house, such as phones, computers and documents as part of their investigation. The search warrants and police affidavits used to obtain them have been sealed by the court until Aug. 5, a circuit court clerk said Wednesday. Court papers indicate the childs body may have been concealed in the freezer longer than the two years that Louth noted. The dates of offense listed in copies of the arrest warrants says the concealment occurred sometime between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2018. Lebanon is going through an unprecedented economic and financial collapse, coupled with an 11-month political deadlock over the formation of a new government. The developments pose the gravest threat to its stability since the end of its civil war three decades ago. It is also trying to recover from the devastating Beirut port explosion last summer and the coronavirus pandemic. Francis invited the religious leaders for a day of prayer that began with a silent meditation at the tomb of the Apostle Peter and was followed by closed-door talks about how to help Lebanon emerge from what the World Bank has described as likely to be one of the worst crises the world has witnessed over the past 150 years. In his final remarks at the ecumenical prayer service, Francis urged political leaders to find solutions and appealed to the international community to help the country recover. Stop using Lebanon and the Middle East for outside interests and profits!" he said. The Lebanese people must be given the opportunity to be the architects of a better future in their land, without undue interference." Embattled Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, who met with Francis at the Vatican in April, said from Beirut that he hoped the meeting would call on all Lebanese to preserve their coexistence. To the editor: Letter writer David Mantiply's, replying to my letter ("Biden may not be Trump, but he's not good," June 25) of June 21 about President Biden, describes democracy as simply an ideology. That is as ludicrous as it is absurd. The word and concept of democracy is a blessed gift from the Athenian, Pericles 25 centuries ago. In Greek it is one word: democracy. In English it takes two: (the) people rule. Democracy is anything but an ideology. We, the people of the United States rule by voting. We elect politicians to represent us at the local, state, and national levels. The tragedy is that many Americans do not take advantage of that right. In 2020 only 66% of registered voters did so. But Mantiplys most ridiculous claim is that no state has tried to limit access to anyone. Apparently he has never heard of Texas, or Georgia, among other Republican-controlled states, who have passed draconian voter restriction laws in an attempt to keep minority populations from voting or at least making it difficult to do so. And yet there is a delicacy to Bravos composition, too, thanks in part to Mica Levis whimsical score that plays on the seemingly harmless dings and rings of a smart phone. Ari Wegners trash-fairytale cinematography also mimics a kind of amateur music video, and the ugliness is at least captivating for a time. Though there is quite a bit of nudity, it is more matter of fact than erotic. Bravo celebrates the form of her two female leads, but the men, for the most part, are presented with disgust. Keough, who is white, plays Stefani like a vulgar child appropriating and affecting an accent that she thinks sounds Black. It is its own kind of nightmare. And while Zola, who is Black, never gets any dialogue to comment on this and some other downright racist things, Paiges eyes and performance tell the audience most of what they need to know: This is not OK. This is not funny. This is something she is merely getting through so that she can make some money in the Sunshine State and go home. Lets be honest we are all ready to get out, gather, social un-distance, and catch up with friends and family. 4th of July has a tendency to be a big barbecue/potluck kind of holiday and could be just what we need to get us back to the good old days. So we thought we would deliver 14 recipes over the next 14 days counting down to the holiday weekend. We hope our creations inspire your culinary creativity and wow some taste buds at the same time. Easy Summer Sangria For a few days now we have been giving you amazing side dish recipes for you and your friends and family to try during the holiday weekend. Maybe its time we step back, pull out the old lawn chair and discuss a nice refreshing beverage. There isnt much more of a refreshing adult beverage than a nice Sangria (ok a beer is up there too). This one is super easy and packed with flavor. This recipe call for Satsuma rum, which originated in Louisiana and is flavored with pure sugar cane and Satsuma tangerines. How delicious does that sound? Lets dig in! You will need the following ingredients: 1 16oz bag of frozen mixed fruit (Pro tip: Buy a little extra to use as ice for the drinks) 2/3 cup of sugar HIGH POINT A High Point man accused of killing his girlfriend and driving her body to Tennessee appeared in Guilford County court Wednesday. Michael Louis Cadogan, 24, will remain in custody at the High Point jail without bail, charged with concealment of death and first-degree murder, according to court documents. Cadogan was extradited back to Guilford County earlier this week after being arrested in Tennessee on June 21. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Earlier on June 21, High Point police officers were sent to to check on Cadogans live-in girlfriend, 19-year-old Gianna Rose Delgado, at Delgados apartment at 3942 2E Pallas Way. Investigators believed Delgado, a High Point University student, was fatally assaulted by Cadogan and that he was driving to Tennessee to dispose of her body, police said in a news release. According to a news report by WCYB-Channel 5, which serves Virginia and parts of Tennessee, Cadogan called another woman to help him dispose of Delgado's body after he strangled her during an argument. The woman, working with police, called Cadogan back and the two agreed to meet at a marina on Watauga Lake in Carter County, WCYB reported. Weve just wanted to have access to our family and to let our kids get to know them as much as we can, Furr said. The couple also considered living space. Weve had a great apartment in New York City, Furr said. But as our family has grown, weve been eager for room to spread out. My acting career has basically been why weve stayed in New York. But technology has presented an opportunity to open that up a bit. Submitting on-camera and voiceover auditions from home has become the norm. So why not do it from Greensboro, where we can have some of the other things we are interested in at this point in life? Action Greensboros boomerang campaign did not recruit them. But it has become a welcome resource, Furr said. It offered to connect them with real estate agents and provided information on topics such as neighborhoods and schools. Greensboro has changed, Furr said. His wife grew up in Burlington and attended college here. The court concluded that prosecutor who later brought the charges was obligated to stick to the nonprosecution agreement, so the conviction cannot stand. The justices wrote that "denying the defendant the benefit of that decision is an affront to fundamental fairness, particularly when it results in a criminal prosecution that was foregone for more than a decade." WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THE NONPROSECUTION AGREEMENT? The promise not to prosecute Cosby was made in 2005 by Bruce Castor, who was then the top prosecutor for Montgomery County. Castor was also on the legal team that defended former President Donald Trump during his historic second impeachment trial over the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by his supporters. During a court hearing weeks after Cosby's 2015 arrest, Castor testified that he promised Cosby he wouldn't be prosecuted in the hopes that it would persuade the actor to testify in a civil case brought by Constand and allow her to win damages. Castor acknowledged the only place the matter was put in writing was in the 2005 press release announcing his decision not to prosecute, but said his decision was meant to shield Cosby from prosecution "for all time." The decision by trustees to halt Hannah-Jones tenure submission has sparked a torrent of criticism from within the community. It ultimately revealed a depth of frustration over the schools failure to answer longstanding concerns about the treatment of Black faculty, staff and students. On Wednesday afternoon, protesters had been turned back earlier in an attempt to enter the building where the meeting was being held. About 75 students, organized by the campus Black Student Movement, had gathered outside before the meeting started, then were allowed into a ballroom of the Carolina Inn as the meeting began. But once the board voted to go into closed session to discuss the tenure issue, the students refused to go. Law enforcement was brought in to make them leave. Students chanted No Justice! No Peace! as they were shoved into a hallway outside the room. They continued to shout, with some using a bullhorn. One protester said she was punched in the face. When an officer told Julia Clark to move back, she took that to mean the officer felt threatened. Be afraid, said Clark, who is the vice president of the UNC Black Student Movement. Be afraid. I want you to be scared because we are scared on this campus every day. Hanford City Councilman Art Brieno looks over documents as City Attorney Bob Dowd talks about the city's censure resolution against Brieno in this March 5 file photo. Come late July, the grass might be looking a lot greener in those Montana cities that dont rely on the states faltering stream flows for their municipal water, as an early-summer heat wave shows no sign of relenting. In Bozeman, Helena, Butte and Dillon all of which depend at least in part on mountain streams or reservoirs for their drinking water supply authorities are either asking or telling residents to cut back on nonessential water use. And if the current forecast of 90-degree temperatures and precipitation-free days continues, those restrictions could ratchet up. With the hot weather, everybody wants to water their lawns every day, or sometimes twice a day, Dillon Mayor Mike Klakken said Tuesday, after his city issued an ordinance restricting hours for outdoor water use. Along with four wells, Dillon relies on a pair of reservoirs to supply municipal water to its 4,300 residents, Klakken said. As of last weekend, the larger of the two reservoirs, which has a maximum water elevation of 23 feet, was down to just 6 feet. Thats when we got nervous, because if a fire happened and we had to take a lot of water, its possible that would have sucked dry then, he said. Weve got to keep it at at least halfway or a little higher. My high school history teacher was a racist. How do I know this? It was near the end of the school year when our American history class had an informal discussion on the sit-in demonstrations and other civil rights protests that were then in the news. He chimed in: "Well, how would feel if you were sitting at a counter eating lunch when a big black (N-word) came in and plopped down beside you?" Some of us were surprised but not shocked. After all, we were all raised in a nearly all-white small town in Colorado and most of us had learned both at home and at school all about the "inferiority" of folks with skin darker than ours. And I shared more than a few racist jokes. Naturally, the history we were taught was the whitewashed version of our nation's past manifest destiny, white man's burden, the whole mythology. Over the years, at least I hope, much of this has changed. That's why I find it difficult to comprehend why so many white, Republican politicians are weighing in about the evils of so-called critical race theory. CHICAGO A monument to journalist and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett was unveiled Wednesday in Chicago. Officially called The Light of Truth Ida B. Wells National Monument, the commemoration created by sculptor Richard Hunt was dedicated in the South Side neighborhood where Wells lived out her life. The monument has three bronze columns that support intertwined bronze sheets twisted into coils and spirals. One observer had trouble describing the abstraction at the top of the monument, asking if it was a hat or a crown of thorns. She was more certain about the columns. It is interesting, spectator Roberta Trotter told the Chicago Tribune. I just want to know what the artist thinks before I say more. But I do see a strong base. That, I understand Ida was a strong woman. Granddaughter Michelle Duster said traditional busts and statues of Wells were considered, but she and others pushing for the monument preferred something interpretive, which she said projects Wells better than the literal. The monument to Wells was financed by contributions made during a fundraising campaign over several years led by Duster. It sits on the site of the Ida B. Wells Homes, a housing project constructed in the 1930s, torn down in 2011 and replaced with market rate and subsidized housing. Hopefully it becomes a point of pride to Bronzeville, the kind of thing people want to serve as a backdrop to their lives here, Duster said. "Thats what I want a gathering spot. Congress Parkway, a major street in Chicagos business district, was renamed for Wells in 2019. Wells, who was born a slave in 1862 in Mississippi, was a 30-year-old newspaper editor in Memphis, Tennessee, when she began her campaign against lynching. Wells' crusade was prompted by the 1892 lynching of a man whose first child was her godchild. She traveled the South over several months interviewing witnesses and reading reports of similar events, which she published in the newspaper she co-owned and edited, The Memphis Free Speech and Headlight. In 2020, Wells was awarded a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for her reporting on the lynching of African Americans. Although she was threatened frequently because of her work, she helped to found several civil rights organizations including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the National Association of Colored Women. Wells died of kidney disease on March 25, 1931, at 68. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 I know a thing or two about the intoxication of instant fame. When then-President Donald Trump blocked me on Twitter a few years ago I am a survivor of stage 4 cancer who had posted a comment criticizing his latest health care plan it briefly became an international story. It was sort of thrilling, so I do get why Republicans in Congress enjoy the media stoplight. But still, the question should be asked, What is your spotlight for? This years cast of QAnon-flavored Republican stars are conducting a reality-show circus, where showmanship is the purpose and were the unwilling audience. They have put their desire for attention above all else. Passing legislation and constituent services is an afterthought at best. They are focused more on building their personal brands and becoming stars of the TV circuit and Twittersphere. Consider two of the GOPs rising stars: QAnon-friendly extremist Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado. In September 2019, Boebert grabbed the mic from presidential candidate Beto ORourke at a rally in Aurora, four hours away from her home in Rifle, and rocketed to online fame. She jumped into a GOP primary to keep the spotlight. Unfortunately for Colorado, she won. Boebert has no interest in legislation. She spoke out against the Equality Act on the floor of the U.S. House, but missed a vote on the act itself while tweeting through it. Along with more than a dozen other Republicans, she was too busy heading off to the cameras at CPAC in Florida to bother doing her job. Following Taylor Greenes support of hate speech and violence against Democrats, her committee assignments were stripped away. She did not care, exclaiming, Ive been freed. What she was freed to do, it turns out, is to continue the trolling and stunts to get more press and TV cameras. Meanwhile, freshman Congressman Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina has created a whole TV-ready backstory around his disability. But like the top reality stars, his self-created story is reality-adjacent at best; he has misrepresented his personal and business history, and misled the public about training for the Paralympics. And Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is more concerned about decrying cancel culture than doing his job; in 2017, he cast the lone vote against a bill to stop sex trafficking, an offense for which he has been credibly accused. Gaetz has reportedly told associates that he is considering not running for reelection to take a job at Newsmax, a right-wing media outlet. All of these Republican politicians have learned from the best: Our former reality television star president, Donald Trump, blazed the trail for those seeking to use the spectacle of public office to cash in. No ethos? No worries, run for office anyway. No policies? No problem, as long as you maintain hold of the microphone. In their pursuit of 15 minutes of fame, they treat the lives of everyday Americans like the rest of us as collateral damage. But we cant just watch the show; this isnt a television program. The words and their votes of these elected officials have real-life repercussions. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming was bounced out of Republican leadership for being a little more attuned to reality than reality TV, but current leadership has left reality behind. After four years of Trumps antics, many Americans have turned down the volume and changed the channel, but his mid-season replacements continue. Its on all of us, the voters in the audience and the show producers in the media to say enough is enough, and cancel them all. Laura Packard is a Denver-based health care advocate and progressive digital consultant. Love 3 Funny 1 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 14 Tunnel vision was the way the H&R editorial board lambasted the Illinois General Assembly for its handling of the SAFE-T Act. The editorial writers should have been careful not to analyze the issue in the same manner. The act reworks many portions of the criminal justice system. The board blithely dismisses the progressive reforms in detainee rights, use-of-force procedures and cash bail. There may be fantastic and logical reasons behind the actions of the legislature, the editorial suggested. Not fantastic enough to devote even a sentence of analysis, apparently. If the law would prevent police from doing their work, how about at least one example? The editorial then conflates increased attention to police behavior with an assault on public safety. Its a leap of logic to state that criminals have been emboldened by the passage of the SAFE-T Act. Not one example is offered to support such a claim. Speakers at council meetings have cried out for more police and more respect for the current officers. Those are valid issues: Council members should provide the maximum protection practical for Decatur, and people should avoid taking the officers who do their dangerous work for granted. However, efforts to study police training and conduct commonly run up against the protest that they are an attack on police themselves. If there is not an open, honest discussion on how law enforcement is practiced in Illinois and elsewhere, deep divisions among portions of the community may worsen. So, lets see what comes of the review of the SAFE-T Act. Legislators, listen thoroughly to law enforcement as they describe their objections to the proposal. Listen, too, to other participants in the criminal justice process if they have objections to the act. Meanwhile, lets leave the tunnel vision mudslinging alone. Dick Zaker, Decatur Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 1 BRISTOL, Va. A Bristol, Tennessee woman was charged Tuesday with malicious wounding and possessing a firearm by a convicted felon in the shooting of a man following an argument last Thursday. According to Bristol Virginia Police Sgt. Steve Crawford, Breanna Fleenor, 30, approached Ronald Butler, 39, of Bristol, Tennessee, while he sat in his car in the parking lot of Eastridge Apartment Complex on Portsmouth Avenue. Butler drove to the apartment complex to meet a friend, police said. After realizing his friend had fallen asleep, Butler decided to sleep in his SUV, Crawford said. Authorities said Fleenor began threatening the victim with a handgun over an earlier altercation regarding some property. Crawford said Butler previously dated Fleenors mother. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Police said Fleenor then shot into the SUV, hitting Butler once in the shoulder. He was transported to the Bristol Regional Medical Center emergency room and released hours later. Jones said he couldnt provide the list at least not that night, according to his answer. We have several line items in our budget, and we want $2 million for capital projects, and theres other places that well be spending money, Jones said. But for me to stand here tonight and tell you exactly where that [roughly $8 million] is going to be spent, no one can do that. Jones question about whether the commission could produce its own list for how it would spend $3.8 million drew no response. King moved forward with the motion, which easily passed. The commissioners question about school system spending wasnt the only source of heat that evening. In the public comment period before King made his motion, Bluff City resident Lena Smith and her son, Kevin, both pleaded with the commission not to raise property taxes. They said the community is still reeling from the economic blows of the COVID-19 pandemic, and now was not a good time to ask residents for more money. Multiple people in attendance also asked the County Commission not to go forward with its proposal to lower the proportion of property taxes and increase the proportion of sales taxes going to all of the various school systems in the county. We head to Mount Brento in Italy to meet some of the best base jumpers in the world. The question is how, given such constraints, the U.S. can protect its own vital interests. To start, the mission needs to be defined carefully. As one top U.S. commander has already suggested, that likely means limiting targets to global threats such as al-Qaida and Islamic State. Even then, the U.S. wont be able to maintain constant pressure on such groups as it does now. The priorities should be to disrupt attacks on the U.S. and its allies, and to destroy bases and training camps where recruits might gather. Achieving even those more modest goals will require new sources of intelligence, which need to be developed quickly. The U.S. should be investing now in increasing Afghan capabilities. It should also deepen relationships with local power brokers and ethnic leaders, who have their own reasons to oppose foreign extremists. It might also be worth exploring a more formal intelligence-sharing arrangement with Afghanistans neighbors in the region. Whatever their differences with the U.S., China, Russia, Iran and Pakistan all know that they are equally if not more vulnerable to attacks emanating from Afghanistan. Once U.S. troops are out of the region, they should be more willing to support targeted counterterrorism efforts. By Katharine Houreld and Giulia Paravicini ADIGRAT/ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (Reuters) - The northern highlands of Ethiopia became a global byword for famine in the mid-1980s, when drought and conflict combined to create a disaster that killed as many as one million people. Now hunger is stalking the Tigray region again, and a senior UN official alleges that starvation is being used as a weapon of war. More than 350,000 of Tigray's nearly 6 million people are living in famine conditions, according to an analysis by United Nations agencies and global aid groups first reported by Reuters on Thursday. Nearly 2 million others are one step away from such dire deprivation, they said. Ethiopia has disputed these estimates. Fighting since November between Ethiopia's government and the region's ousted ruling party, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), has displaced more than 2 million people. The conflict broke out just before the main harvest, with each side blaming the other. The neighbouring country of Eritrea and the next-door Ethiopian region of Amhara sent forces in support of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government. In some of his strongest public comments to date on the crisis, the UN's top humanitarian official, Mark Lowcock, accused Eritrean forces of "trying to deal with the Tigrayan population by starving them." In an interview with Reuters on Thursday, Lowcock said Eritrean soldiers and local fighters are deliberately blocking supplies to the more than 1 million people in areas outside government control. "Food is definitely being used as a weapon of war." Ethiopia's government, the United Nations and aid agencies have delivered food and other help to some 3.3 million Tigray residents since March, according to the UN humanitarian agency OCHA. But most of that aid is going to government-controlled areas, Lowcock said. Eritrea - which fought a brutal border war against Ethiopia in 1998-2000, when the TPLF dominated the central government - didn't respond to questions for this article. Minister of Information Yemane Gebremeskel has previously said accusations that Eritrean soldiers are blocking or looting aid are "fabricated." Story continues The Ethiopian military, the prime minister's office and the head of a national taskforce on Tigray did not respond to requests for comment on Lowcock's remarks. At a June 3 news conference, Abiy's spokesperson, Billene Seyoum, dismissed accusations that the country's defence forces are using food as a weapon as baseless and politically motivated. Mitiku Kassa, head of Ethiopia's National Disaster Risk Management Commission, which manages the government's crisis response, accused the TPLF, the former ruling party, of attacking food trucks and aid personnel, but didn't respond to a request for examples. He told reporters on Wednesday that more than 90% of people in Tigray had been provided aid. "We dont have any food shortage," he said. The UN, however, has said it has received reports from local Tigrayan officials of more than 150 people starving to death. Lowcock said he believed many more had died but could not provide a figure. He is already seeing echoes of the "colossal tragedy" of the 1984-85 famine in Ethiopia, he said. "Its not outlandish to think that could happen (again) if action to tackle the problem doesn't improve." In the fertile lands of western Tigray, farmers abandoned fields full of sorghum, teff and sesame to escape the violence, Reuters reporting shows. Some residents accused Amhara forces of stealing their crops and livestock, or chasing them off their farms. In northern and eastern Tigray, farmers told Reuters that soldiers from Eritrea had torched their crops and grain stores, and slaughtered oxen needed for ploughing. An estimated 90% of the harvest for 2020 was lost, according to the UN's analysis. Some farmers said they were now eating the seeds they needed to plant the next crop. Gizachew Muluneh, spokesman for the Amhara regional administration, told Reuters that Amhara forces would never steal crops, livestock or block aid. GROWING NEED In the paediatric ward of Adigrat General Hospital, about 30 km from the Eritrea border, Adan Muez huddled beneath a warm blanket in mid-March, his skeletal frame too weak to lift up his head and eyes closed despite the chatter around him. The 14-year-old used to be "strong as a lion," his uncle Tadesse Aregawi said at the boy's bedside, as Adan laboured to breathe. But when he was admitted earlier that month, he weighed barely 14.9 kilograms, or 33 pounds - about a third of the normal weight for his age. The family had spent more than three months hiding in a cave to escape Eritrean soldiers, who they heard had been killing and raping people, Tadesse said - charges denied by the Eritrean government. They survived on a handful of roasted barley per day; six other people from their village of Tsasie died of hunger and illness while in hiding, Tadesse said. "When we came back to the village, there was nothing left - no cattle, no food, no water. Someone donated clothes to us," he said, a coat hanging off his skinny frame. He said the family had received food aid only once since then - 20 kilos of wheat for 10 people. Like many malnourished children, Adan had a complicating health issue - he has a gastric ulcer that makes it hard to digest some food, including certain types of grain, his medical records showed. On May 4, the hospital referred him to another facility in the regional capital, Mekelle, a doctor at Adigrat told Reuters. Adigrat had run out of the fortified milk used to treat malnourished children. But doctors in Mekelle could find no record of Adan's admission. Reuters was unable to reach the family to find out what happened to him. Officials at Adigrat hospital say they don't know what happened after Adan's discharge. Information on the extent of malnutrition in Tigray is spotty. Healthcare facilities were heavily damaged in the fighting, and many are barely functioning. Soldiers block main roads for weeks at a time, and much of the region still has no functioning cell phone service. Figures collected by the UN children's agency UNICEF and shared with Reuters offer a rare snapshot of the worsening crisis. In March, 1,187 children were treated for "severe wasting" at hospitals covering about a third of Tigray. That's about the same number who would have been treated in the entire region before the war, UNICEF said. In April, the number rose to 1,723. In May, it reached 2,931. The international medical aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which runs mobile clinics in some remote rural areas, said it had seen "alarming" levels of malnutrition. About 19% of children visiting its clinics in May were malnourished, MSF told Reuters. More than 4% were suffering from the most severe form of malnutrition and could die without care. AID BLOCKED, LOOTED Hunger is a perennial threat in Tigray, a heavily agricultural region prone to drought and locust plagues. Its population is overwhelmingly ethnic Tigrayan. The TPLF dominated Ethiopia's government for almost three decades until 2018, when protests swept one of Africa's most repressive regimes from power. The TPLF then retrenched to its home region. In November 2020, the federal government drove the TPLF from the regional capital and installed a new interim administration in Tigray. Most people are subsistence farmers whose stone houses dot carefully terraced fields. Nearly a million were already dependent on food aid before the conflict between the federal government and the TPLF began. The number in need of emergency food has now soared to 5.2 million, or 91% of Tigray's population, according to the UN World Food Program. The government refused to let aid convoys into the region for the first five weeks of fighting, citing safety concerns. Although access has improved since December, weekly reports from OCHA show swathes of Tigray remain out of reach. Persistent clashes have blocked access to many rural areas, according to the UN. In the month of May, OCHA had recorded some 130 incidents of aid agencies being turned away at checkpoints and of staff being assaulted, interrogated or hindered from working in the region. Lowcock told Reuters Eritreans were "clearly" responsible for 50 such incidents and men in Ethiopian military uniforms for 50 others. Volunteer militiamen from Amhara were responsible for 27 incidents, he said. Tigrayan opposition forces also hindered operations on at least one occasion. At least 10 aid workers have been killed in the conflict, Lowcock said. They include an employee of the Relief Society of Tigray - a partner of the U.S. Agency for International Development - who was shot dead on April 28 in the central Kola Tembien district. The U.S. Embassy released a statement on May 20 saying Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers had reportedly shot him. "According to eyewitnesses, he clearly identified himself as a humanitarian worker and pleaded for his life before he was killed," the statement said. Neither the Ethiopian military nor the Eritrean government responded to Reuters' questions about the killing. Ethiopian soldiers and their allies from the Eritrean Defense Forces (EDF) were still turning away aid vehicles at checkpoints and assaulting and detaining aid workers in the northern, central and southeastern zones of Tigray this month, according to 11 internal UN reports reviewed by Reuters and interviews with five aid workers. The region's justice bureau head, Abera Nigus, a Tigrayan, said the issue of food-aid access was being discussed at weekly meetings between the military and the interim administration in Tigray. For the past two months, he said, he has repeatedly raised problems with Eritrean soldiers blocking food trucks along the road between two major towns, Axum and Adwa, with no results. "The food blockage is not an accident - it is very purposefully done," Abera said. Reuters sent detailed questions to government officials in Ethiopia and Eritrea about obstructions to food supplies but did not receive a response. NEXT YEAR'S CROP IN PERIL Abebe Gebrehiwot, deputy head of the Tigray interim administration, told Reuters that Eritrean soldiers were now preventing farmers from planting the next crop, while Amhara regional forces were blocking the transportation of agricultural supplies, such as seeds, into Tigray. "It is not Ethiopian national defence forces that campaign against farming, it is the Eritrean defence force. The other challenge is coming from Amhara region militia or special forces," Abebe told Reuters in a text message. "We are on good terms with the Ethiopian military force." But a senior Tigrayan regional official told Reuters that both countries' militaries were chasing farmers from their fields. "This is the case for the past month primarily Eritreans but also Ethiopian forces. They say, don't plough. Go away," he said. Eritrean and Ethiopian officials didn't respond to questions from Reuters. Billene, the Ethiopian prime minister's spokesperson, has previously denied that farmers are being prevented from going about their work. In the town of Ziban Gedena, in northwestern Tigray, Eritrean soldiers had burned 150 houses, killed 300 civilians, looted or slaughtered 90% of oxen and livestock, burnt and stolen harvests and set fire to animal fodder, according to notes from a UN briefing after a June 6 visit. Continuing harassment from Eritrean forces meant that no one was plowing the land for the next crop, farmers told aid workers. Many villages on the main road to Adwa are deserted, and no work on the land is taking place, a report from an aid agency noted last week. PROBLEMS IN THE WEST The UN's warning of famine conditions did not contain an assessment on western Tigray, now under the control of Amhara regional forces who claim the area as their own. The UN said it didn't have sufficient data from there. Driving through the area in March, Reuters saw fields of damaged crops left to rot. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Tigrayans have fled the area, many saying they were driven out by Amhara forces, including a part-time militia known as Fano. Mizan Berhanu, 23, said he left the town of Division in March, finding shelter at an overcrowded school in Shire, a town 150 km to the northeast, to where many from western Tigray are fleeing. "Fano and Amhara police were robbing everyone's cows," he said. "Anyone who followed them was shot at." Gizachew, the Amhara regional spokesman, said western Tigray was now part of Amhara. He rejected the accusations that Amhara forces had taken grain or livestock. "Amhara forces are not robbers," he said. "They are keeping people from TPLF dangers." Neither Fano nor Amhara police responded to questions from Reuters. Fano has previously denied looting. Few of the new arrivals in Shire could find space in the crowded classrooms; even the space under trees had been taken. The town is hosting over half a million people, according to the UNs analysis. Local authorities said they are unable to feed them all. At a gathering of farmers at the agricultural office in Shire in March, representatives from nearby districts told Reuters that their crops had been torched, their ploughing oxen stolen and the seeds they would have planted burnt or eaten. Most were supporting relatives who had fled violence elsewhere. "The children are coughing and getting diarrhea. We eat once a day," said Mekonnen Lake, an Ethiopian Orthodox priest from central Tigray, who has 13 displaced relatives living with him. Half his harvest had to be abandoned due to fighting, and the half he had gathered in was burned, he said at the meeting. "I think about killing myself, but it is forbidden as a priest," he said. (Katharine Houreld reported from Adigrat and Giulia Paravicini from Addis Ababa; Additional reporting by Dawit Endeshaw and Silvia Aloisi; editing by Alexandra Zavis and Janet McBride) Chinese President Xi Jinping during the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China. (Credit: Reuters) Beijing [China], July 1 (ANI): As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) marked 100 years on Thursday, President Xi Jinping stressed on ensuring that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong and Macao. Xi, also the chairman of China's Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a speech at a ceremony marking the centenary of the CCP, Xinhua reported. "We will stay true to the letter and spirit of the principle of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy," he said. He also highlighted implementing the legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for the two special administrative regions to safeguard national security. "While protecting China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, we will ensure social stability in Hong Kong and Macao, and maintain lasting prosperity and stability in the two special administrative regions," Xinhua quoted Xi as saying. The CCP is celebrating its 100th anniversary. It was founded in July 1921, in a small room in Shanghai's then French-controlled district, with a mere 13 people in attendance. Today, it has more than 95 million members, almost 7 per cent of the country's population, reported CNN. In the meeting where the CCP was born, only two men were present at the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) - former Presidents Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu. The PRC came into existence on October 1, 1949, after a bloody civil war with nationalist party Kuomintang's (KMT) leader Chiang Kai-shek. Since its formation, it has been redefining its boundaries, culminating in tensions with its neighbours. The Chinese government occupied Tibet in 1950, destroying 98 per cent of the monasteries and nunneries, and has ever since tried to control the region. More than 1 million people have been killed in Tibet by Chinese forces. During a meeting, Mao had told the 14th Dalai Lama, that "religion is poison." Story continues Under Mao's regime, farmers were made to leave to their fields to make steel for build the machinery required for industrialisation. Despite his promises of a "Great Leap Forward", a massive famine swept China, devastating the country and killing as many as 30 million people. Mao also claimed that the groups opposed to communist ideology needed to be cleansed. As a result, mobs of students known as Red Guards attacked people whom they believed to be harbouring imperialist habits. People were tortured, abused, forced to confess and locked in makeshift camps. This ended with Mao's death in 1976, CNN highlighted. Under Deng Xiaoping's regime, China witnessed the worst episode of stifling free speech, when the death of a popular Chinese politician sparked nationwide pro-democracy protests, including the largest one in Tiananmen Square. On June 4, the Chinese military opened fire on the protesting citizens, killing at least 241 people, although human rights groups have estimated that thousands could have been killed in Beijing alone, according to CNN. The incident led to sanctions and international condemnation. Since the massacre, the CCP has silenced calls for democracy and civil liberties. In 2012, Xi took power as the Chinese President and became one of the most powerful leaders of the country. Under his regime, almost two million Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities have been detained in internment camps in Xinjiang since 2017. After years of denying the existence of the internment camps in Beijing, China in 2019 described the facilities as residential training centres that provide vocational training for Uyghurs, discourage radicalisation and help protect the country from terrorism. However, several media reports and former detainees have said that those in the camps are detained against their will and subjected to political indoctrination, routinely face rough treatment at the hands of their overseers and endure poor diets and unhygienic conditions in the often overcrowded facilities. Former detainees have also described being subjected to torture, rape, sterilization, and other abuses while in custody. China has been rebuked globally for cracking down on Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, with a handful of countries, the latest being Lithuania, terming the human rights abuses on the ethnic minorities as 'genocide'. The communist nation is also under fire after the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected and killed millions of people around the world. Many countries have called for a greater investigation in China's Wuhan to uncover the origins of the deadly virus. It has also been locked in tensions with its neighbours, such as Japan, India, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan regarding the South China Sea, over which it claims full sovereignty and has passed a controversial law allowing it to fire upon any vessel it sees entering illegally into its waters. (ANI) Under the system, voters could rank up to five candidates in order of preference. Since no candidate was the first choice of more than 50% of voters, a computer on Tuesday tabulated ballots in a series of rounds that worked like instant run-offs. In each round, the candidate in last place is eliminated. Votes cast for that person are then redistributed to the surviving candidates, based on whoever voters put next on their ranking list. That process repeats until only two candidates are left. Adams lead shrank significantly in Wednesday's figures because he didn't do nearly as well as Garcia among voters whose first choices were Wiley or 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, the other top candidates. Garcia and Yang campaigned together, and she was the top alternative pick among his supporters. A little more than half of Wileys backers went to Garcia as an alternate choice, while only 20% supported Adams. In all, more than 117,000 voters didnt rank either Adams or Garcia anywhere on their ballots. Thats 14% of the votes counted so far. Versions of the ranked choice system have been used in U.S. cities including San Francisco and Minneapolis for years and in statewide races in Maine. PARIS (AP) France and Mexico signed an agreement Thursday on cooperating against the trafficking of cultural artifacts, a deal that the Mexican foreign minister called an important step toward recovering and protecting Mexico's cultural heritage. Details of the deal weren't immediately released. It came after Mexico lodged a complaint with the French government against a big auction of pre-Hispanic sculptures and other artifacts by Christies of Paris earlier this year. Paris auction houses often sell Indigenous artifacts that are already on the art market, despite protests from activists who say they should be returned to their native lands. In signing the cooperation agreement, the French and Mexican foreign ministers acknowledged Thursday that their countries have different laws around cultural objects but promised to work together in the future to fight trafficking of artwork. The recuperation and protection of our cultural goods is a huge issue for us," Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said. I am happy that on this occasion France accompanies us and supports this initiative despite our legal systems being very different. We havent always shared the same posture, but this agreement is very positive. He said the agreement includes mechanisms "to impede in the maximum way possible the commercialization which is illegal of pieces that are important for the historical and cultural patrimony of Mexico. The Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History protested the Christies Paris sale earlier this year. The collection included a 1,500-year-old stone mask from the ancient city of Teotihuacan, and an ancient statue of the fertility goddess Cihuateotl, apparently from the Totonac culture. The auction brought in more than $3 million. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Pity the kids movie that follows Pixar's act. The Walt Disney Co.'s animation studio has long been a standard bearer that can be tough to match. But even knowing the inevitable drop-off to come, The Boss Baby: Family Business is still an awfully steep slide from the splendid, shimmering Luca. The Dreamworks sequel to 2017's (checks notes) Oscar-nominated The Boss Baby" again pushes a simple, funny but difficult to elaborate on image a baby in suit to zany extremes. It was a good enough conceit for Marla Frazee's original children's book; toddlers can indeed be tyrants. But each movie has hyperactively swaddled that thin premise with a frenetic, over-plotted, off-the-wall cartoon blitz. Director Tom McGrath (the Madagascar movies) returns for The Boss Baby: Family Business (in theaters and streaming on Peacock on Friday), and fast forwards to adulthood. Older brother Tim (James Marsden, taking over for Tobey Maguire) has grown up to be a stay-at-home dad married to the high-powered Carol (Eva Longoria), with their science-obsessed, high-achieving daughter, Tabitha (Ariana Greenblatt), and infant Tina (Amy Sedaris). Boss Baby Ted (Alec Baldwin, adding to his closet of suits, including Donald Trump, Jack Donaghy and Blake in Glengarry Glen Ross) has, naturally, turned into a hedge fund CEO. The brothers have drifted apart, while still harboring Ted's secret that he was an agent for Baby Corp., a conglomerate that makes an adult-intelligence-giving baby formula. The movie opens with Tim lamenting that childhood only comes once, but Boss Baby is a totem to the truism that adults and children aren't really so different, and are sometimes even interchangeable. Tina turns out to be a Baby Corp. agent, too, and she summons Tim and Ted back to the conglomerate for a new mission shrinking back to their ages in the last movie to go undercover and investigate the principal, Dr. Armstrong (Jeff Goldblum, spookily clownish) of Tabitha's school. Dr. Armstrong is cooking up a baby revolution that's completely absurd yet not without its merits. The school pageant, which Tabitha is anxiously preparing for, bluntly lays climate change at the feet of an older generation. In a bit that recalls the similarly colorful but much better The Mitchells vs. the Machines," Dr. Armstrong's plot preys on parents' addiction to smart phones. The young, of course, have good reason to think they could do better with the world. The plot is so madcap, with running gags tossed in along the way, that Family Business feels designed to prompt dizzied parents to plea for plot pointers from their diminutive movie companions. It's a manic movie in a familiarly corporate kind of way that provides kids with a computer-generated candy rush. The movie's own business imperatives occasionally show through like a leaky diaper. But I will say, Boss Baby grows on you a little. There's a dazzlingly animated scene shared between kid-sized Tim and his daughter Tabitha on creativity and being yourself set to Cat Stevens' If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out." It's a good enough moment to redeem Family Business," even if you're still tempted to throw the baby out with the bathwater. "Boss Baby: Family Business, a Universal release, is rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for rude humor, mild language and some action. Running time: 107 minutes. Two stars out of four. Follow AP Film Writer Jake Coyle on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/jakecoyleAP Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Cooper vetoed 25 bills in 2017, three in 2018, 14 in 2019, 11 in 2020 and three so far in 2021. The latest version of SB116 also makes permanent changes to work-search requirements that significantly stiffen eligibility criteria, such as a claimant must respond within 48 hours of an employers interview request. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Moore said on June 3 in advocating for SB116 on the House floor that the perceived worker shortage in North Carolina is probably one of the more critical issues that we are now dealing with. This bill is the way to restore strength in our economy, and finally move forward, to put this pandemic in the rear-view mirror. Bell claims that polling is clear that on both sides of the aisle (that) people want to end the extra federal unemployment benefits and get our state back to work. Every day, I hear from local businesses who cannot find employees to fill open jobs. I encourage the governor to sign this bipartisan legislation without delay. The characters are a woman in her pajamas, a wannabe jock and a hippie. Other pieces are Searching for You, the concert stage premiere of The Date and the world premiere of So Long, which is choreographed by Terpsicorps ballet master Christopher Bandy. According to the playbill So Long is a whimsical work in four movements, choreographed in memory of a time we collectively will never forget. This new work is dedicated to all those we have lost to COVID-19. May their memories bring us joy and gratitude as we return to our lives. The final piece is Famous Last Words, a world premiere commissioned for the Beethoven Rocks Winston-Salem Festival, that is subtitled or ... Ill pick up toilet paper next week, theres plenty at home. Maloy said Famous Last Words starts with a comedian who quotes many famous last words of famous people. For this piece, the performers will go through 23 rolls of toilet paper. The idea of Famous Last Words would be right before the pandemic if you were out and somebody even offered you toilet paper, youd be. I dont need any toilet paper. And then you couldnt get any, Maloy said. Krawiec said she agreed with that assessment. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools doesnt have a specific comment on the pending legislation, spokesman Brent Campbell said on June 23. What I can say is we will always consult and collaborate with state and local health officials to provide the best guidelines and regulations possible that keep student and staff health and safety at the forefront. Rep. David Willis, R-Union, said during the June 23 House floor debate that its time to give them the opportunity to take off the masks, to return to class as normal, and to get into a position where they can start to rebuild the confidence and the camaraderie that theyve had with their friends, with their classmates, and with their teachers, and to rebuild those relationships, to overcome the obstacles that we have put on them over the past year. Rep. Susan Fisher, D-Buncombe, cited concerns that bill sponsors may be minimizing the current statewide presence of COVID-19, including in school settings. Fisher suggested the best way to help students is for the legislature to provide funding for more school nurses and counselors. Current status The restaurant may have been experiencing reduced earnings after Sun Holdings bought that location and 40 other IHOP restaurants in October 2020 from another franchisee that went bankrupt in the spring of 2020, Miranda said. Some of these people had been there for a long time, Miranda said of the employees who didnt initially get their pay. In the middle of the pandemic, it was hard to find other jobs. In its statement, Siembra NC featured the story of Rosa Gonzalez that went viral in social media on May 1 after co-worker Vanessa Becerril posted a video on TikTok showing a group of IHOP employees walking out of the kitchen in the middle of their shift. The group took that action after Gonzalez was denied pay she was owed for 80 hours of work, Siembra NC said. In less than 48 hours, Becerrils video had received millions of views and public demands that Gonzalez be paid were being posted all over the restaurants social media, Siembra NC said. As a result of the pressure, a regional manager soon delivered a paycheck to Gonzalez, paying her for all the hours that she worked, the organization said. A week later, the remaining employees marched together to the restaurant to collect their paychecks, including wages they had been denied from previous months, the organization said. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} South Florida's warm climate could also help, as they're not exposed to overnight cold. There are those who have survived despite all the odds, and I have no doubt that part of it is just that will to survive" that even science cannot explain, said Dr. David Shatz, a trauma surgeon who for 12 years was assistant medical director of the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department. Now a professor of medicine at the University of California, Davis, Shatz has been closely monitoring the rescue effort from afar. For years he worked shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the rescuers now toiling at the fallen condo tower. He also recalled being part of the bucket brigade at the federal building in Oklahoma City, which was brought down by a truck filled with explosives. And he was at the World Trade Center digging through concrete, glass and metal after the 9/11 terror attacks. With every bit of debris he cleared away, he hoped that underneath would be a person to rescue. But for all its efforts, his team never found anyone alive. Still, the search must go on, he said. If nothing else, to recover bodies and bring closure to grieving families and just maybe, for that singular, miraculous rescue. Lowe said bill sponsors reviewed legislation in piecing together SB711. We realized that for some states, it has worked out well, while for others it was just a recreational product, Lowe said. Thats not the goal with this particular bill on our state. Rabon said on June 23 that to some people, it is a contentious issue, and to some people it is not. I happen to be one who it is not. I know how rough it is to go through chemo and how bad it is to wake up every day and think it may be your last day on Earth. There is nothing less compassionate on this Earth than to watch a person you love suffer when there is something that can ameliorate that suffering. Rabon said that legalizing medical marijuana isnt guaranteeing that those who could use it will live a day longer. But I can say that every day they are alive, they will live better. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Can it help? Wednesdays debate drew as expected impassioned advocacy from lawmakers and members of the public including cancer survivors and military veterans. Few Democratic voters support defunding the police. Seventy-two percent of likely Democratic voters in New York Citys mayoral primary agreed that there should be more police officers on the street, an online poll last month by NY1 with IPSOS found. Only 20% disagreed. Biden himself rejected defund calls during the presidential campaign. Arguing for the $350 billion in aid to states and municipalities contained in the COVID relief legislation this year, he warned on at least three occasions that such funds were needed because police officers were at risk of losing their jobs. Contrast that with McCarthy, who, well before opposing this years relief bill, voted against funding for the COPS program in 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011 (twice) and 2009. Or contrast it with Banks, who was challenged on Fox News Sunday by host Chris Wallace: You voted against that package, against that $350 billion, just like every other Republican in the House and Senate. So cant you make the argument that its you and the Republicans who are defunding the police? Banks tried to change the subject. If Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had said that, conservatives would be demanding her resignation and burning her in effigy. But because its Carlson, the biggest flamethrower on the right, who regularly tells them who and what to be mad about, theyre giving him a pass. The Leandro Plan I read Kris Nordstroms June 26 column, The state is failing our students again. I have no idea what failure Nordstrom was complaining about. He referenced the need to provide students with what he called the sound basic education that they are owed In fact, he mentioned what they are owed five times. But search as I might, I could not find any explanation of what they are owed but not receiving. No details. He mentioned something called the Leandro Plan, but he never explained what that is. Perhaps we are supposed to know. He said that the plan can be implemented without any tax increases, which is incredible, since everything new eventually has to be paid for. The Omaha World-Herald reported that Nebraska has the widest gap in the nation between the percentage of urban residents who are vaccinated compared with the percentage of rural residents. While Lancaster and Douglas counties have both vaccinated more than 60% of adults, many counties, especially in central and western Nebraska, are below 40%. However, those counties have not seen spikes in cases or hospitalizations so far. Anthone said he thinks the gap looks somewhat high because Lancaster, Douglas and some other urban counties have done a really good job getting people vaccinated. COVID-19 variants are a concern that state officials are monitoring, especially the Delta variant that originated in India and has been linked to more and more cases in the U.S. Nebraska so far has not seen a lot of cases caused by the Delta variant, but that could be because we are lagging behind other states. Anthone said the percentage of recent cases caused by the Delta variant in Nebraska is growing, just as it is across the country. The good news, he said, is that research has shown the COVID-19 vaccines to be effective against the Delta variant. That's why it remains important for people to get the vaccine. Monolith is expected to start construction sometime in the next three months and hopes to have the new plants operating sometime in 2024. The company's presence has generally been welcomed in southwest Lancaster County, but the well permits have caused some controversy. Some residents of the area have raised concerns about the amount of water Monolith will use. Darin Schwaninger, who lives within a couple of miles of the plant, has five irrigation wells and two for residential use. He's concerned that the amount of water Monolith will use could lower water levels in the area, which could require him and other irrigators to have to spend more money to deepen wells and/or buy bigger motors to run them. In the worst-case scenario of a prolonged drought, he's also worried that water restrictions could be placed on area residents. Monolith would be subject to the same or even stricter limits than other users, but Schwaninger worries that they would be hard to enforce. "There's too much money involved for them to stop producing what they're producing," he said. "They're not going to idle the plant if my water level drops 10 feet." Crime-and-courts editor's pick topical alert top story At death penalty hearing, state aims to prove Bailey Boswell's actions were 'depraved' GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Bailey Boswell and defense attorney Jeff Pickens listen to opening statements in the first day of Boswell's death penalty hearing at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star FBI Special Agent Eli McBride testifies during the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Douglas County District Judge Peter Bataillon (left) and Lancaster County District Judge Darla Ideus listen during the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Assistant Nebraska Attorney General Doug Warner gives opening remarks at the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Assistant Nebraska Attorney General Doug Warner (left) gives opening remarks at the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Todd Lancaster, defense attorney for Bailey Boswell, gives opening remarks at Boswell's sentencing hearing on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Todd Lancaster, defense attorney for Bailey Boswell, gives opening remarks at Boswell's sentencing hearing on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Assistant Nebraska Attorney General Doug Warner (right) gives opening remarks at the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Saline County District Court Judge Vicky Johnson calls for opening remarks at the sentencing hearing for Bailey Boswell on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. GWYNETH ROBERTS, Journal Star Bailey Boswell listens to defense attorney Todd Lancaster (not pictured) during her sentencing hearing on Wednesday at the Saline County Courthouse. WILBER Just three weeks after Aubrey Trail was sentenced to death for the 2017 murder and dismemberment of Sydney Loofe, a three-judge panel began hearing evidence Wednesday to determine if Bailey Boswell, Trail's co-conspirator, should get the same punishment. Boswell would be the first woman in Nebraska to get a death sentence. Separate juries found Trail, 54, and Boswell, 27, guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder for luring Loofe to their Wilber apartment on the night of Nov. 15, 2017, where the 24-year-old Lincoln store clerk was killed and her body dismembered. At a hearing that started Wednesday in Saline County District Court, prosecutors alleged the killing showed "exceptional depravity," as outlined in state law. Trail sentenced to die for killing Sydney Loofe; becomes 12th inmate on Nebraska's death row Addressing the Loofe family, Trail said: "I won't say I'm sorry, as that would be an insult to you after what I put you through, and I won't ask for forgiveness as I don't believe there is such a thing." Assistant Attorney General Doug Warner pointed to planning that Boswell was part of, including steps to conceal her identity when she posted Tinder profiles, and to a medium-sized sauna suit with the crotch cut out and a boxed sex toy found dumped near the remains in rural Clay County, which suggested they'd carried out a sexual fantasy other women said they'd heard them talk about in the months before the killing. Warner also pointed to the more-than-necessary number of cuts to dismember Loofe's body and superficial cut marks around the tattoo on her arm that said "Everything will be wonderful someday" as signs that Boswell and Trail relished the crime. On the other side, defense attorney Todd Lancaster said it was evidence only of an effort to get rid of the body. "That's all it is. It's not something else depraved with some other heinous intention on the mind of whoever's disposing of that body," he said. Jury finds Boswell guilty of murder in killing of Sydney Loofe The jury foreman said the eight men and four women on the jury were unanimous on the first vote on each count to convict Boswell. Lancaster said that in Nebraska, mutilation cases that rise to the death penalty have been limited to injuries while the victim still was alive. Not dismemberments after the victim's death, like here. And he asked the three-judge panel to look with skepticism at statements about torture and killing made months before Loofe's murder. "The evidence you're going to hear is obviously going to include statements and behaviors and acts done by Aubrey Trail," Lancaster said. "He is not the person that we are determining that these aggravating factors apply to today. It's the state of mind and actions of Bailey Boswell." Testimony began with FBI Special Agent Eli McBride and photos of the scenes where Loofe's remains had been scattered in ditches in rural Clay County and by afternoon had moved to Michelle Elieff, the forensic pathologist who did the autopsy and concluded Loofe's death was caused by "homicidal means, including strangulation." With both witnesses came gruesome photos. For some of the worst, Boswell kept her head down, looking away from monitors displaying the images. Warner questioned Elieff about marks that showed bruises forming in a line, which she said suggested Loofe's wrists had been tied prior to her death. She also had a larger bruise on her thigh, a small bump on the back of her head, a cut ear lobe and scuff marks on her spine. And he asked about several superficial, linear markings on her body made after her death. Lancaster objected to those and others showing postmortem injuries, arguing that anything that happened after Loofe's death wasn't relevant to this hearing. Saline County District Judge Vicky Johnson disagreed and allowed them. Before Elieff left the stand, Douglas County District Judge Peter Bataillon, who also is on the panel, asked if she could distinguish between an injury that happened seconds before versus seconds after death. Elieff said pathologists look at whether there's any evidence of healing, which shows the body reacting. "How soon after you die does the body quit reacting?" Bataillon asked her. "Fairly quickly," Elieff said. When Bataillon pressed how quickly, Elieff said once the heart stops, the body won't react. Though, you may see swelling after death, for instance when someone has a heart attack, collapses and dies. In the end, Johnson, Bataillon and Lancaster County District Judge Darla Ideus would have to find the state proved the aggravator and that it wasn't outweighed by any mitigating circumstances in order for Boswell to get the death penalty. A separate three-judge panel, which also included Johnson, announced its findings in Trail's case June 9. On Wednesday, Lancaster tried to offer a transcript of Trail's statement at sentencing taking responsibility for killing Loofe after she freaked out and rejected his and Boswells attempt to recruit her into their crime and sex ring. Sydney Loofe Trail maintained that Boswell was not in the room when Loofe was killed, and played only a small role in disposing of her body. Johnson hasn't yet ruled on whether she'll allow it in over the state's objection. At Boswell's trial last October, prosecutors said the two worked lockstep to recruit young women in a conspiracy to kill and ultimately chose Loofe as their victim. And that Boswell lured her to their Wilber apartment the night of Nov. 15, 2017, under the guise of a date after matching on Tinder, buying the tools to dismember and dispose of her body hours before picking her up. Nebraska prison director says they'll draft policy when a woman receives death sentence "As Nebraska has never had a woman sentenced to the death penalty, such a policy has not been necessary," Scott Frakes said in a letter to the top prosecutor in Bailey Boswell's first-degree murder case. Lancaster contended that Boswell was another of Trail's victims and that, like other women who testified about the pair's talk of witchcraft, torture and killing, he had indoctrinated her to where she feared the punishment he would dole out if she didn't obey. A jury rejected the idea, finding Boswell guilty of first-degree murder, improper disposal of human skeletal remains and conspiracy to commit murder. Susie Loofe reported her daughter missing Nov. 16, 2017, a day after Sydney failed to show up for work, and a friend found Boswells Tinder profile, which helped law enforcement launch a massive manhunt that ended in their capture in Missouri. Bailey Boswell's attorney wants probation office to look into prison's plan if a woman is sentenced to death "The NDCS has a policy and procedure for housing male inmates sentenced to the death penalty, but does not have a specific policy or procedure for housing female inmates sentenced to the death penalty," her attorney said. Nebraska's 12 death row inmates On the other side, defense attorney Todd Lancaster said it was evidence only of an effort to get rid of the body. "That's all it is. It's not something else depraved with some other heinous intention on the mind of whoever's disposing of that body," he said. Lancaster said that in Nebraska, mutilation cases that rise to the death penalty have been limited to injuries while the victim still was alive. Not dismemberments after the victim's death, like here. And he asked the three-judge panel to look with skepticism at statements about torture and killing made months before Loofe's murder. "The evidence you're going to hear is obviously going to include statements and behaviors and acts done by Aubrey Trail," Lancaster said. "He is not the person that we are determining that these aggravating factors apply to today. It's the state of mind and actions of Bailey Boswell." Testimony began with FBI Special Agent Eli McBride and photos of the scenes where Loofe's remains had been scattered in ditches in rural Clay County and by afternoon had moved to Michelle Elieff, the forensic pathologist who did the autopsy and concluded Loofe's death was caused by "homicidal means, including strangulation." The House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday gave its approval to an additional $20 million appropriation for construction of a new U.S. Department of Agriculture research center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The new recommended funding follows on the heels of an earlier allocation of $11.2 million for planning and design of the multi-year project. If full funding for a new federal ag research center ultimately is acquired, that would signal the end of a long quest for a USDA presence at Nebraska Innovation Campus that began more than a decade ago. In 2010, former Sen. Ben Nelson had championed the location of a $60 million USDA research center as a vital catalyst and anchor for the new UNL campus, but that effort collapsed when Congress eliminated the use of earmarks to fund projects. The new USDA center at UNL would focus on "strategic research investments in areas such as agricultural innovation and precision agriculture," Rep. Jeff Fortenberry has said. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Masks will be strongly recommended but not required for all Lincoln Public Schools unvaccinated students under the districts proposed back-to-school plan, its updated playbook for navigating the coronavirus pandemic. Unvaccinated staff members, volunteers and visitors to schools will still be required to mask up, while face coverings will be optional for fully vaccinated staff and students. The protocols are spelled out in a nine-page draft document, a slimmed-down version of the 600-page playbook local school officials used as a guide last year during the COVID-19 health crisis. The district consulted guidelines from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in crafting the proposal released Thursday as a requirement of LPS receiving federal virus relief dollars. The draft signals the district is closer to getting back to normal as vaccination numbers climb and case counts drop, even though vaccines are not yet available for the districts youngest students and as concerns mount about the fast-spreading delta variant. "(State officials) have woke up the sleeping giant on this one," said Albrecht, who was among the speakers. She and her fellow senators have been inundated with emails and voicemails from parents objecting to the curriculum, Albrecht said, which served as an impetus for the letter. Albrecht also spearheaded an open letter to the Department of Education signed by 28 senators in April denouncing the standards. Jeremy Ekeler, associate director for education policy at the Nebraska Catholic Conference, called the curriculum an ideological overreach and believes key stakeholders representing the state's private schools weren't at the table when an advisory group conceived them. "It was not a good process from the get-go," he said. David Jespersen, a spokesperson for the state Education Department, said they've heard from school boards on both sides of the argument but added that the majority have stayed silent because there is nothing in front of them yet. A writing team of Nebraska educators is in the process of compiling a second draft, Jespersen added, which will be released this fall. The public will be able to provide feedback on that copy, as well. Townsell allowed Keeles partner to enter her home under the supervision of her cousin while she waited in her doorway with Keele outside, stating that because of Keeles aggressive behavior, she didnt want him inside her home. While they waited for Keeles partner to return to the porch, Keele continually asked Townsell how Lafayettes shirt had gotten torn. Townsell was unable to answer the question. Keele then yelled that Townsell was under arrest, abruptly entered her home and pulled her to the ground by her arm. He then pulled out his stun gun and instructed one of Townsells relatives to back up before handcuffing Townsell and escorting her to the cruiser. As he took her to the police cruiser, Keele told Townsell that he was adding charges of resisting arrest and obstructing an officer. Townsell then observed an exchange between Keele and his partner during which the partner told Keele that they hadnt gotten Townsells side of the story and said they needed to contact the sergeant, possibly for arrest authority. Keele said hed already contacted the sergeant, though Townsell hadnt seen or heard him do so when they were outside her home. Johnson said he approached Noem about making a donation after hearing about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's border barrier push. He figured Texas has plenty of money so he decided to help Noem, who governs a state with a significantly smaller budget. He also said he had no plans to donate to other states to send law enforcement officers to the border. Johnson added that he would have preferred to stay anonymous but that Noem's office told him they had to at least disclose his name. He declined to say how much he was giving. America gave a lot of money to get that border wall done, Johnson said. It takes private individuals now. Noem, a potential presidential contender, drew a distinction between her decision to send the National Guard and other governors who are sending state patrol officers, including Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts. The border is a national security crisis that requires the kind of sustained response only the National Guard can provide, she said in a statement. We should not be making our own communities less safe by sending our police or Highway Patrol to fix a long-term problem President Bidens Administration seems unable or unwilling to solve. As the desperate search for survivors of the Champlain Towers South collapse came to a sudden pause early Thursday morning, the chief of Nebraskas Task Force 1 paused, too, reflecting on the week behind him and the work ahead. Brad Thavenet, the only member of Nebraska's Urban Search and Rescue crew dispatched to the collapse sight in Florida, has responded to disasters before. He was in Houston for Hurricane Harvey. He was on hand for Hurricane Maria. He has dealt with the mental grind that comes with 12-hour shifts in the heart of calamity. "We work a lot of our career kind of under the gun," Thavenet said in a Zoom news conference on Thursday. Four days after he landed in Surfside to join the Federal Urban Search and Rescue Incident Support Team, Thavenet is bearing the mental toll that accompanies disaster response. There's a sign posted at the site, Thavenet said, to remind rescuers what day it is as they tend to a collapse that has left at least 18 people dead and as many as 145 unaccounted for. "It's kind of like Groundhog Day," he said. "You kind of start and end, and the next thing you know, eight hours have just transpired and you can't recall exactly what you just did as you're pulled from one meeting to a briefing to a decision-making. Under the deal, countries could tax their companies' foreign earnings up to 15% if they go untaxed through subsidiaries in other countries. That would remove the incentive to use accounting and legal schemes to shift profits to low-rate countries where they do little or no business, since the profits would be taxed at home anyway. Such tax avoidance practices cost countries between $100 billion and $240 billion in lost revenue annually, according to the OECD. Not all of the 139 countries that joined the talks signed on to the deal. Ireland's finance ministry said it had broad support for the approach used in the agreement but could not agree to the 15% minimum. Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe has said the country's 12.5% rate is a fair rate. Ireland said it would constructively engage in discussions going forward. Signers included Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, regarded by economists as tax havens, and major economic powers China and India. Biden rejected "defund" calls during the presidential campaign. Arguing for the $350 billion in aid to states and municipalities contained in the COVID relief legislation this year, he warned on at least three occasions that such funds were needed because police officers were at risk of losing their jobs. Contrast that with McCarthy, who, well before opposing this year's relief bill, voted against funding for the COPS program in 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011 (twice) and 2009. Or contrast it with Banks, who was challenged on "Fox News Sunday" by host Chris Wallace: "You voted against that package, against that $350 billion, just like every other Republican in the House and Senate. So can't you make the argument that it's you and the Republicans who are defunding the police?" Banks tried to change the subject. Or contrast it with Stefanik, who opposed the legislation that is now funding cops in her district. The Watertown (New York) Daily Times reports that the city is using funds from the American Rescue Plan to reinstate four police positions that had been cut because of a budget squeeze. Democrats ought to be saying, as Biden aide Cedric Richmond did on "Fox News Sunday," "Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says defund the police, but the truth is, they defunded the police." Unlike GOP leadership, the numbers don't lie. Dana Milbank writes for the Washington Post. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 President Joe Biden's big gaffe was not his threat to veto a $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal he had just reached with Republicans. It was accidentally saying out loud what everyone in Washington knows, but most Americans do not: that he has not compromised on infrastructure at all -- and does not intend to do so. Standing with Republican senators, Biden boasted that "neither side got everything they wanted in this deal." That is untrue. Biden does plan to get everything he wants from the deal. While he walked back his veto threat, he is still insisting that Congress pass not one, but two infrastructure bills: the bipartisan agreement he negotiated with Republicans, and a second passed with only Democratic votes using the budget reconciliation process that includes everything he gave up in negotiations with those Republicans. "The president intends to sign both pieces of legislation into law," White House press secretary Jen Psaki reiterated Monday. Sorry, that is not compromise. If he signs two bills, Biden has given up absolutely nothing. Quite the opposite, he not only gets everything he wanted, he also gets false credit for fulfilling his campaign promise to reach across the aisle and compromise. Please log in to keep reading. Enjoy unlimited articles at one of our lowest prices ever. Sometime in March, cement barriers were placed in front of the Erickson Truck-n-Parts' entrance on Frontage Road, blocking the only way the owners could get in and out. The village is mum about what's going on, even after one of the Ericksons was cited for trespassing on his own property. An attorney representing the Ericksons wrote in a letter to a Mount Pleasant official: "In Catch-22 fashion, my client has been directed to clean up its property, but its owners and employees are not allowed on the premises." Biden tells Van Meter, who traveled with the first lady on several recent official trips for the Vogue feature, she thinks the mood of the nation has shifted since President Joe Biden took office. "During the campaign, I felt so much anxiety from people; they were scared. When I travel around the country now, I feel as though people can breathe again," she says. "I think that's part of the reason Joe was elected. People wanted someone to come in and heal this nation, not just from the pandemic, which I feel Joe did by, you know, getting shots in everybody's arms." She added she thinks Biden's demeanor affected change. "He's just a calmer president. He lowers the temperature," says Biden. The President was also interviewed, separately, by Van Meter. Biden says being commander in chief has changed their marriage, and that he finds himself at times missing the freedoms he says they used to enjoy. "I miss her. I'm really proud of her. But it's not like we can just go off like we used to," the President said. "When we were living in Delaware and married, once a month we'd just go up to a local bed-and-breakfast by ourselves, to make sure we had a romantic time to just get away and hang out with each other." Sen. Howard Marklein, R-Spring Green, said he was deeply disappointed and concerned with Evers veto. We need an unemployment safety net, Marklein said in a statement. We do not need our unemployment program to be a brick wall for employers. Congress implemented a $600 boost to unemployment benefits shortly after the pandemic began. That amount was later reduced to $300 in weekly unemployment benefits, in addition to the states maximum weekly benefit of $370. Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, in a statement called Evers veto foolish, adding that lawmakers need to be doing more to get individuals back to work to help businesses fill vacant positions. By now, we all know of at least one business that is actively seeking employees, has been forced to reduce its hours, or even had to close their doors because of the worker shortage, Steineke said. Thats why it is absolutely mind-boggling to learn our governor thinks we should still be paying folks an extra $300 per month to sit home on their couch. 1. Yes. Its a common-sense bill that should be implemented. Pass it without changes. 2. Yes. The bill should pass, but some of its stipulations should be modified or dropped. 3. No. Unless significant changes are made, it doesnt deserve lawmakers support. 4. No. The original bill is dangerous. Democrats should walk out again to block it. 5. Unsure. Its had to say without knowing what final form the bill would take. Vote View Results Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} A loud, light-colored 2000 model pickup was seen driving slowly by the house. KPD conducted a canvas of the Lake Villa Estates area after the shooting and obtained video surveillance that showed an older model white extended cab Dodge pickup traveling on Huron Drive. Surveillance showed the same pickup driving past houses three different times during an 11-minute time frame, records indicate. Police determined several characteristics from Fries pickup were similar to the pickup seen in the surveillance video. The pickup information was shared with law enforcement in North Platte, where court records indicate Fries lives. Around 11:39 p.m. Aug. 26 a Nebraska State Patrol trooper stopped a 2001 Dodge Ram pickup 6 miles east of North Platte. The vehicle matched the description of the pickup seen in the area of the shooting. Fries was identified as the driver of the pickup that also didnt have license plates and had an expired in-transit sticker. Based on comments Fries made to law enforcement, he was placed into emergency protective custody. Police obtained a search warrant for the pickup and located a loaded shotgun, shells, cellphone and digital voice recorder. Fries later was arrested. Axtells pyrotechnic crew never has had an accident, England said, and he intends to keep it that way. Keeping the crew together during the pandemic proved to be a challenge, England said. Like so many activities, the COVID crisis took a toll on the pyrotechnic crew, as several members certificates lapsed, England said. Out of the 23 volunteers on the Axtell Fire Department, two are certified as operators. Ravenna also has two certified operators. As long as an operator is present and conducts the crew, non-certified volunteers can help shoot the display. It can be hard work because the Fourth of July is one of the hotter days of the summer and pyrotechnic crew members must wear their bunker gear, as if theyre fighting a fire. Kearneys display is scheduled for Thursday. Ravennas will be Saturday. Axtells show was earlier this week. Thomsen said the date for Ravennas display usually is a date that doesnt conflict with other fireworks shows in the region. Ravenna spends about $6,000 for its fireworks, so they try to shoot the display when the most people can watch. Pyrotechnic crews use hand-held flares to light fuses. A spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the agency would continue to leverage our longstanding relationships with state and local enforcement" but deferred to state officials to speak to any steps they are taking to increase an enforcement posture. Ricketts has been a vocal opponent of many of the Biden administrations priorities and has weighed in on gun control, the southern border, COVID-19 relief spending and voting legislation. Recently, he has been traveling the state speaking out against Bidens 30-by-30 conservation plan, which calls for preserving 30% of the nations land and water by the year 2030. Nebraska is stepping up to help Texas respond to the ongoing crisis on their border with Mexico, Ricketts said in the news release. The disastrous policies of the Biden-Harris administration created an immigration crisis on the border. While the federal government has fallen short in its response, Nebraska is happy to step up to provide assistance to Texas as they work to protect their communities and keep people safe. Some have questioned whether the governor's actions amount to political posturing. But Gage said that the decision to send troopers to Texas was akin to granting other state requests for assistance. They used Lego bricks Feldmann inherited from his older brothers Nathan and Michael and the 150 to 200 sets of his own. He estimates theres more than a million at his house, stored in his room, his brothers now-vacated bedroom and a closet. He works in a Hy-Vee deli department and mows neighborhood lawns to raise the funds to buy them. He and Josh Bodine focused on the structural support of the ship, which tested their patience when the whole frame collapsed and had to be started over. Matthew Bodine excelled at all the details that adorn the outside. Were all Star Wars fans, so we all knew what needed to be done, Matthew Bodine said. There were a few times where I didnt believe we would actually be able to finish, but for about the last month, we realized that we werent too far off, and that helped us finish it out. Because its so massive, and because it will need to be transported to the local Lego show and another later in Chicago, they built it in pieces that fit together. That gave them each room to maneuver as they were putting it together. The best part of it was seeing over a years worth of work come together when we finally connected all the individual sections, Josh Bodine said. Responsible gun owners know that a key element of firearms safety is keeping them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have guns: children, criminals and the mentally unstable. However, at a time when gun violence has become a national epidemic, it has become 25% more costly in the United States to acquire firearm safety devices, such as gun safes. Thats according to the Hornady Manufacturing Co. of Grand Island, whose bullet-making business has been significantly constrained since the federal tariffs and trade war erupted three years ago. In a letter to President Joe Biden, Hornady claimed the tariffs are contributing to near weekly increases in steel prices. As a result theyre forcing the Grand Island company to pass along cost hikes to customers. Equally ominous, the tariffs are encouraging foreign competitors to take advantage of Hornadys compromised position. Our concern is when the auto manufacturers get back going full steam in the fall, when they get their chip shortage issue resolved, then there will be even more pressure on steel costs, Hornady wrote. Travelers are eager to get outside and enjoy themselves after a long winter of isolation during the pandemic. Our area businesses are equally excited to welcome them to the Driftless area, said Eric Frydenlund, administrator of Driftless Wisconsin. This JEM grant will help promote the optimism for 2021 felt by both the visitor and business people as we look forward to spending time outdoors in this beautiful region. I would like to thank Crawford County and Vernon County for their financial support of the campaign and also the many communities that offered letters of support for the application. Driftless Wisconsin received $16,275 from the JEM (Joint Effort Marketing) Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. The money will be used for the administration, content marketing, vacation sweepstakes, campaign social posts, branding, and digital advertising. The marketing campaign runs through the end of October and is geared towards visitors within a drive market radius including Chicago, Minneapolis and Milwaukee. Driftless Wisconsin was formed in 2008 as a collaboration of the Crawford County Tourism Council, Vernon County Tourism Council, and the Kickapoo Valley Association. For more information about Driftless Wisconsin or the JEM Grant, contact Administrator Eric Frydenlund at 608-326-6658 or email Admin@DriftlessWisconsin.com. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 When we stood up these sites starting Jan. 18 with Prevea at UW-Green Bay, the 7-day average of new daily COVID-19 cases was more than 1,900 in Wisconsin and 27 people died. As of Monday, that average was 69 daily cases with zero deaths. Thats great news for all of us, and were glad we could do our part. We also administered 1.24 million COVID-19 tests on our UW System campus testing sites, as of June 15. In fact, only Wisconsin had a statewide community testing program at the height of the pandemic last fall to help slow the spread of the virus by enabling hundreds of thousands of people to get free and fast COVID-19 tests at our universities. It was a herculean effort, but one that used a great Wisconsin asset our public universities. Sen. Brad Pfaff, D-Onalaska, was among just three Wisconsin Senate Democrats to vote for the $87.5 billion state budget. He called it a missed opportunity but said he feels confident Gov. Tony Evers will use his line-item veto powers to improve the bill in its final form. The two-year spending plan is much smaller than the $91.2 billion Evers first proposed earlier this year, and Pfaff said in a statement issued Wednesday night after the Senate vote that he was disappointed a number of spending did not make the Republicans cut. This is not the budget I would have written by a long shot. It excludes critical funding for PFAS, fails to expand Badgercare, and doesnt do nearly enough for our public schools. Its a missed opportunity, Pfaff said. We could have invested in both the long-term growth of our state and use our surplus to give working-class families a tax cut. Pfaff represents Wisconsins 32nd Senate District, which encompasses La Crosse, Vernon, Crawford and southern Monroe counties. While Gov. Evers budget is his preferred, Pfaff said that he voted in favor of the GOP bill Wednesday to prevent the state from missing out on federal funding, which could happen if Evers were to veto the entire budget and restart the legislative process. It breaks new ground entirely, said Oliver, who teaches at Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh. It sets precedent not just for Pennsylvania but probably other states. He said the ruling should drive home to prosecutors the risks of suggesting at news conferences, in press releases or verbally in private that they will not prosecute. They should at least add three words at this time, he said. If you add that qualifier, which wasnt done in Cosbys case, you should be good to go, Oliver said. CAN COSBY BE TRIED AGAIN? Its highly unlikely. The decision on Wednesday bars Cosby from being tried again over Constands complaint, finding it to be the only remedy that comports with societys reasonable expectations of its elected prosecutors and our criminal justice system. And the accusations raised by dozens of other women, including the five who testified at his 2018 trial, often go back decades and are most likely too remote to prosecute. Cosby turns 84 next month. However, his lawyer said he remains in good health, except for vision problems that render him legally blind. Gov. Tony Evers on Wednesday vetoed a Republican-authored bill that would have banned local and state governments from accepting election grants in most cases, dealing a blow to the GOP effort to overhaul Wisconsins election laws following former President Donald Trumps loss in November. Assembly Bill 173, one of several election bills the Republican-controlled Assembly and Senate recently approved, would generally prohibit municipal and county governments from accepting private grants for election administration. It would allow the Wisconsin Elections Commission to accept private election grants if it distributes the money on a per capita basis to each Wisconsin municipality, with approval from the Republican-controlled legislative budget committee, but only if the grant does not specify specific purposes for use or require repayment. The bill would also create new restrictions for who can serve as a tabulator or poll worker. Under the bill, a tabulator would need to sign an oath, be a Wisconsin resident and be adequately trained. It would prohibit poll workers from being employees of candidate, recall, political or campaign committees, political parties or advocacy groups. The state DOT implemented the waiver last year in an effort to address a testing backlog and limit in-person visits to Division of Motor Vehicles service centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 48,000 drivers, or about 85% of eligible candidates, made use of the waiver from May 11, 2020, through April, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. As a pilot program, the waiver has no expiration date and remains currently available. The state DOT is required to provide the Legislature with a report on the program by the end of the year. Once received, Evers will have six days excluding Sundays to take action on the budget. He could sign the budget as written or use his partial veto authority to make changes by striking words, though he cannot add new words. The budget would automatically become law if no action is taken within the six-day window. State statute calls for a budget to be passed by July 1. If that doesnt happen, spending levels from the previous two-year budget cycle carry over into the new one, enabling state agencies to continue operating. A California-based provider of gourmet meal kits is hiring 50 more employees at its East Hempfield Township facility to staff an expansion that will help the location cope with a surge in business thats been accelerated by the pandemic. Gobble Inc., which saw orders at the local operation briefly skyrocket fivefold when COVID-19 arrived in spring 2020, has added 15,000 square feet of production, fulfillment and storage space to its leased facility at 2910 Old Tree Drive. The enlarged facility makes Gobble East capable of producing more than 20 million meals annually to serve a 38-state territory that stretches from Maine to Minnesota to Texas to Florida, a company spokeswoman said. The company spent $300,000 to ready the extra space for its use, anticipating that the additional room will prepare the location to handle the growth it anticipates seeing over the next five years. It went into operation Tuesday. Gobble was among many ecommerce providers of home-delivered meal kits, meals or groceries to see their business soar when the pandemic prompted consumers to curtail trips to grocery stores and restaurants. Its existing 40,000 square feet here, dubbed Gobble East, opened in January 2018 with 65 employees, a figure that subsequently grew to 94 employees. During the peak months of the pandemic, that workforce has been supplemented with 35 temporary workers. Alexandra Jasinski, Gobbles general manager of East Coast operations, credited the hard work, commitment and courage of the 90+ essential workers at this food production facility throughout the pandemic that secured our future and made this growth possible. The expansion reflects that fact that Gobble East is off to a fast start. In these early years of its operation, Gobble East is averaging annual revenue increases of 60%, the spokeswoman said. And this latest wave of hiring isnt expected to be the last. Under the leadership of Keith Brewer, vice president of nationwide operations, Jasinski and Frank Darden, manager of East Coast fulfillment, Gobble East is expected to have more than 200 employees by the end of 2022, she said. As the company has done since the Lancaster site was a plan and not yet a reality, Gobble East is turning to CareerLink for help with filling its workforce needs help thats more valuable than ever during the countys ongoing labor shortage, which has left thousands of positions in an array of industries empty. Among CareerLinks services is supporting disadvantaged jobseekers -- people who want to work but have been unsuccessful finding jobs due to prison records, disabilities, no work experience, long spells of joblessness, different learning styles or other hurdles a mission that resonates with Gobble East. Partnering with programs like CareerLink and other government and nonprofit organizations that help people with obstacles to employment is and has been a core part of Gobble's culture since inception, Jasinski said. Some hires from these programs have advanced in the company from entry-level positions to specialists, shift leaders and management, she noted. Gobble East, which received a Governors Achievement Award for that initiative, is part of a trend here, said Cathy Rychalsky, executive director of the Lancaster County Workforce Development Board, which oversees the local CareerLink on North Charlotte Street. More companies are thinking outside of the box meaning theyre exploring how they can expand their search beyond their typical candidate, she said. With 14 agencies under one roof, publicly funded CareerLink helps employers find jobseekers and helps jobseekers with job searches, on-the-job training and skills training. CareerLinks services for both jobseekers and job providers can be found at jobs4lancaster.com. There are a lot of creative things that can happen through the CareerLink, Rychalsky said. Music for Everyone, the Lancaster nonprofit with a mission of cultivating the power of music, launched its 2021 Keys for the City program on Wednesday morning. The organization placed 12 pianos at various locations in Lancaster city, and one in Lititz, available to the public 24/7 until mid-October. The program was canceled last year amid COVID-19 concerns, so Wednesdays piano placing marked the first time the instruments hit the streets since 2019. We greatly missed the musical moments that these pianos bring to our city last year, as COVID prevented their placement. Were excited at their return, offering a chance to build community through the power of music, and further solidifying Lancasters status as The Street Piano Capital of the World, said Brendan Stengle, director of operations of Music For Everyone, in a news release. This project is a literal expression of what this organization is about Music For Everyone. This years display also includes a piano dedicated to first responders, located at the Wells Fargo at 100 N. Queen St. This piano is our tribute to all of the health care professionals who literally risked their lives to keep us safe through the COVID crisis. Its our way to say thank you for your service, said John Gerdy, Music for Everyone executive director, in a news release. A full list of locations of Keys for the City pianos follows. For more information, visit musicforeveryone.org. Ware Center, 42 N. Prince St. Designed by Eric Tonzola. Sponsored by Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority. Lancaster Public Library, 125 N. Duke St. Designed by Carl Bakey. Sponsored by Atlee Hall. Tabor Building, 308 E. King St. Designed by Mu Kaw Saw. Sponsored by Church World Service. Lancaster Arts Hotel, 300 Harrisburg Ave. Designed by Andy Metz. Sponsored by Lancaster Arts Hotel. Musser Park, 135 N. Lime St. Designed by Jaye Christ. Sponsored by Central Market / Lori Herr and John Thomas. Penn Square, 1 Penn Square. Designed by Chomingo Rivas. Sponsored by Lancaster County Community Foundation. Tellus360, 24 E. King St. Designed by Keisha Finnie. Sponsored by Tellus360. The Lumber Yard, 555 N. Charlotte St. Designed by Kaya Hobbs. Sponsored by The Lumber Yard. Wells Fargo, 100 N. Queen St. Designed by Adam Serrano and crew. Dedicated to first responders. Pennsylvania College of Art and Design Park, Prince and Chestnut streets. Designed by Adam Serrano. Music for Everyones Songs for Justice project piano. Prince Street Garage, 111 N. Prince St. Designed by Fonk Shack Arts Collective. Sponsored by Steve Witmer, Lancaster City Alliance, Trout CPA, New Belgium Beer and S&T Bank. Pebbles and Lace, 56 E. Main St., Lititz. Designed by Carrie Woodys students. Sponsored by John Bonfield Elementary School. Affordable housing is the focus of the Home is Here art exhibit and speaker series beginning Friday at The Ware Center in downtown Lancaster. The art exhibit features eight local artists tasked with creating pieces that address the struggle many city residents experience in their search for affordable housing. Speakers including Lancaster City Council President Ismail Smith-Wade El and Spanish American Civic Association CEO Carlos Graupera will discuss the state of affordable housing in Lancaster city and whats next in efforts to address the issue. Affordable housing for homeownership is the most critical aspect of this issue. Rental affordable housing units do not resolve much of the need, Graupera said. Affordable housing units for homeownership is essential to balance the gentrification that Lancaster is experiencing. The art exhibit will be set up in The Ware Centers lobby at 42 N. Prince St. from Friday through July 30. The building will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The artwork will be visible from the sidewalk and will be lit up until midnight each night. Our hope is that the art show will encourage a dialogue among Lancastrians about the housing crisis the city is experiencing, Madeleine Murphy, curator of the Lancaster Hub of Global Shapers, said. The Global Shapers Community is a network of young people driving dialogue, action and change across the world, according to its website. Its membership includes more than 10,000 people that are part of nearly 450 hubs in 149 countries. The groups Lancaster Hub organized the art exhibit and speaker series to engage and educate the community about Lancasters affordable housing crisis and the many ways art can support equitable affordable housing and community development initiatives. As an artist, a Latina, and Lancaster city resident, I have witnessed the ways the sense of home I grew up with have changed in light of rising rent and housing costs, taxes, and rapid gentrification, said Salina Almanzar, one of the artists who will have artwork displayed in the exhibit. For more information, go to homeisherelancaster.com. The Lancaster police department will use a $51,894 federal grant to help pay for a review of its internal affairs office and to buy eight bicycles. The internal affairs review and new equipment for the bike patrol are part of the citys efforts to bring the 135-officer department in line with best law enforcement practices. Those efforts were launched last year by Mayor Danene Sorace following the death of George Floyd and the social unrest that broke out in Lancaster and in communities across the country. Lt. Kevin Fry said the review of the internal affairs office will include an evaluation of the civilian complaint process and the use-of-force review process, among other things. The city will seek bids for outside consultants to do the review, Fry said. The city recently reinstituted bike patrols as part of efforts to connect officers with residents, with 10 officers going through training through a program offered by the International Police Mountain Bike Association. Fry said the department wants to have another 10 officers go through the training, so more bikes are needed. He estimated the bikes will cost about $1,600 apiece. Finally, about $1,550 of the grant will be used to help the department meet FBI-mandated reporting for the National Incident-Based Reporting System, the public database the FBI uses to keep a record of crimes. The county, which serves as a pass-through for the federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, released the money on Wednesday. Last year, the city used its $43,168 Byrne grant to help pay for an overall review of police department policies as part of efforts to bring the department in line with best law enforcement practices and obtain accreditation from the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association. The city hired CNA Corporation, of Arlington, Virginia, at $81,022 for the job, which is expected to be done by Dec. 31. A New Holland man was arrested after police say he stabbed another man in New Holland on Wednesday evening. While 24-year-old Miguel Martin is facing a single count of attempted homicide, he too was also stabbed during a fight with the man he stabbed, police said. Officers were called to two locations close to one another near Diller Avenue around 2:46 p.m. Wednesday, police said. Officers found Martin laying in a yard after police were called after he walked into a bar he was banned from and was bleeding, police said. While officers were helping Martin, they received another call for another person who had been stabbed. Officers arrived at a residence in the first block of Diller Avenue and found a 22-year-old man with a stab wound in the chest, according to police. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment, but an update on his status wasn't immediately available. New Holland Borough police said Martin walked into his house, which he shares with the other man, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and then went into the man's bedroom and tried to stab him. A fight ensued, and both Martin and the man sustained stab wounds, police said. Martin sustained multiple stab wounds to his arms as a result of the fight. Police have not indicated if the man they say Martin stabbed will be charged. Martin is in Lancaster County Prison on $1 million cash bail, police said. He has a preliminary hearing scheduled for 9 a.m. on July 9, in front of district judge Jonathan Heisse. Columbia Borough police HARASSMENT COLUMBIA: Susan Gager, 44, of Columbia, was charged with harassment after he was found throwing items onto a driveway from inside a home in the 1000 block of Cloverton Drive around 1 p.m. on June 21, police said. Gager, who was drunk at the time, was breaking items and also struck a person in the face, police said. THEFT COLUMBIA: An AK-47 assault rifle was stolen from the trunk of a 2003 Chevrolet Impala near North 2nd Street and Bank Avenue sometime in the two to three months before June 5, police said. Authorities were notified of the theft of the gun, valued just shy of $1,300, around 3:50 p.m. on June 18, police said. Ephrata police ESCAPE EPHRATA: Joshua Tyler Shannon, 28, of Ephrata, was charged with driving with a suspended license, escape and fleeing or attempting to elude an officer after fleeing police on foot after he was pulled over for driving with a suspended license in the 100 block of West Main Street at 9:14 a.m. on June 19, police said. Shannon, whose license is suspended until 2029, exited the vehicle and ignored officers commands to sit down, then proceeded to circle around the vehicle twice as officers gave chase before fleeing on foot, police said. Lititz Borough police CRASH LITITZ: An unknown vehicle traveling south struck a parked, unoccupied vehicle in the 500 block of South Spruce Street and then fled the scene without stopping sometime between 9 a.m. on June 22 and 6:30 p.m. on June 23, police said. The struck vehicle sustained minor damage, police said. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF LITITZ: John Dale Haggerty, 44, of Lititz, was charged with criminal mischief and criminal trespass after vandalizing a vehicle in the 200 block of South Broad Street, causing $1,331 in damage, sometime between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. on April 29, police said. Haggerty was seen on surveillance footage entering the property of a business in the area and damaging the vehicle, police said. New Holland police FALSE IDENTIFICATION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT NEW HOLLAND: Kimberly Marie Henson, 22, of East Earl, was charged with false identification to law enforcement and two drug charges after she provided a false name to officers while sitting as a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over after having committed multiple traffic violations in the 400 block of Brimmer Avenue at 10:15 p.m. on June 28, police said. Henson, who has multiple warrants for her arrest, was also found in possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, police said. Northern Lancaster County Regional police DUI PENN TWP.: Herbert Eugene Matter, 63, of Manheim, was charged with two counts of driving under the influence after crashing into a tree in front of a residence in the 200 block of Elm Road on June 15, police said. Matter had a BAC of 0.111% at the time of the crash, police said. HARASSMENT WARWICK TWP.: Hope Lee Rottmund, 47, and Monte Blake York Jr., 42, both of Lititz, were both charged with harassment after officers responded to a 911 hangup in the 500 block of Furnace Hills Pike, where they found the two involved in a fight during which they both sustained superficial injuries on June 28, police said. Military news Commissioned Hannah Lloyd completed her ROTC cadet training and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army on May 15, 2021. Lloyd was enrolled in the ROTC program through Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. It is customary for newly commissioned officers to select someone who has contributed to their success to pin the gold bars on their uniform. For this honor, 1st. Lt. Audrey Lloyd and Col. (ret.) Donna Hershey were selected. David Lloyd, her father, was selected to render the first hand salute. After successful completion of the NCLEX nursing examination in July, Lloyd will be assigned to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for further training prior to receiving her permanent duty station assignment. Lloyd is a 2017 graduate of Donegal High School and followed her sister, 2015 graduate Audrey Lloyd, in pursuing a military career. Email military news items to militarynews@lnpnews.com. THE ISSUE Wednesday, Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed a Republican bill that would have required voter ID in all elections and changed other aspects of Pennsylvanias election law. As the nonpartisan newsroom Spotlight PA reported, House Bill 1300 would have allowed voters to fix mail ballots with missing signatures, but it also would have instituted new security rules for drop boxes and required signature verification on mail ballots. GOP lawmakers, Spotlight PA noted, said the legislation provided extra security measures while also expanding access, but Wolf said the bill ultimately was about restricting the freedom to vote. The governor also exercised his line-item veto power to remove $3.1 million from the state budget that Republicans had included to establish a Bureau of Election Audits. If Wolf didnt trust the intent of the Republican election bill, he was not alone. There was reason to be wary. York County state Rep. Seth Grove, who wrote the bill, tweeted this Dec. 1: Did you know it only takes 2 people to tango and simultaneously object to Presidential Electors!!! Call your federal representatives and ask them to object to Pennsylvanias electors! That was after we learned that Joe Biden had soundly defeated Donald Trump and five weeks before violent insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol at Trumps behest, aiming to stop Congress from accepting Pennsylvanias electoral votes for Biden. How is anyone to trust election legislation crafted by those who sought to undermine the legitimate outcome of the last one? As the late poet Maya Angelou famously said, When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. In a Twitter tantrum Wednesday, Grove fumed that Wolfs line item veto of the election audit appropriation shows he cannot be trusted and (has) no honor. ... Gov. Wolf has discredited his legacy and tarnished his name forever. Pot, meet kettle. We are disappointed that Wolfs veto means that county elections officials wont have the ability to precanvass that is, to inspect, open and count (but not record) mailed ballots in the next election. We supported county officials, here and across the commonwealth, who called for this change. But an election bill pushed through by a single party because it was disappointed by the outcome of the last presidential contest was never a good idea. Pennsylvania reformed its election code in 2019. The product of bipartisan compromise, Act 77 was a good if not perfect law that enabled no-excuse mail-in voting in the commonwealth, and it was supported by Republicans until Trump lost. As journalists with The Caucus, an LNP Media Group watchdog publication, noted in an article in January, Act 77 was a Republican bill shepherded by Republican legislative leaders, passed by the Republican-controlled General Assembly in October 2019 with the votes of nearly every Republican legislator. Groves bill didnt seem to be aimed at drawing much bipartisan support. Its poison pills, aimed at making it harder to vote, precluded it. Alarmingly, Groves bill didnt go far enough for one member of the Lancaster County Republican delegation to Harrisburg: state Rep. Dave Zimmerman, a self-described conservative from East Earl Township. Zimmerman was one of three Republican lawmakers to vote against the legislation authored by Grove. Zimmerman said this to an LNP | LancasterOnline reporter: Precanvassing is wrong, curing ballots is wrong, early voting is wrong. (Ballot curing is a process in which election officials notify a voter of a problem with his or her ballot and offer a chance to fix it.) Zimmerman didnt articulate why these things are wrong. He just knows theyre wrong, apparently in the way he just knew several years ago that Pennsylvanians ought to be permitted to have hedgehogs and marsupials called sugar gliders as pets (his bill to legalize those exotic pocket pets was defeated). Zimmerman is not a constitutional or legal scholar. Which perhaps explains but does not excuse this next appalling thing: He told LNP | LancasterOnline that he continues to doubt the results of the 2020 election. Never mind that he was overwhelmingly elected to a fourth term in the same election on which he continues to cast doubt. Not only me, theres thousands of people around Pennsylvania that question it, Zimmerman said. That does not prove anything. Thousands of people in Pennsylvania believe in all manner of outlandish and false conspiracy theories, but that doesnt make such nonsense true. No evidence of widespread voter fraud has been found that might have altered the election outcome in Pennsylvania or any other state. This has been confirmed by Trumps former election cybersecurity chief, former Attorney General William Barr and numerous Republican elections officials. As weve written before, if some Pennsylvanians believe there were issues with the November election that must be remedied in order to restore their trust, thats because Republicans have been pushing that narrative and ginning up their distrust. Federal and state Republican leadership sowed distrust about the election by perpetuating lies about election fraud and election irregularities for which there is no evidence, Eliza Sweren-Becker, counsel for the Brennan Center for Justice, told LNP | LancasterOnline. They are now saying, Were hearing from our constituents that they want us to address the problems. Theres this false circular logic; by spreading the Big Lie about the election, now theyre pointing to the concern that they created. Zimmerman asserted this to an LNP | LancasterOnline reporter: The only reason we had no examples of (fraud) is the courts never looked at it, so we dont know. This is untrue and misleading. Republicans were not able to find evidence of fraud so they took baseless claims of election irregularities and inconsistencies to the courts, which mostly rejected those claims. In a couple of Pennsylvania cases, however, Republicans were charged with using the identities of their dead mothers in order to vote in the 2020 election. Wheres the GOP outcry about this kind of actual fraud? If election law is going to be reformed in good faith in Pennsylvania and we dont think sweeping reform is necessary perhaps it ought to be authored by those who acted in good faith after Novembers election. Vaccinate Lancaster Between March 10, when it opened, and Wednesday, when it closed its doors for the last time, the Lancaster County Community Vaccination Center inoculated more than 115,000 people against COVID-19. As LNP | LancasterOnlines Nicole C. Brambila reported, the closure of the mass vaccination site signals a shift in the local vaccination campaign toward pop-up clinics, designed to target difficult-to-reach communities. Were not done yet, Dr. Michael Ripchinski, site director and chief clinical officer with Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, said. This is just the end of this current phase of vaccinations. A partnership between the Lancaster County commissioners, several companies and the countys health systems led by LG Health the mass vaccination center offered an invaluable public service. We thank everyone involved for their work toward ending this terrible pandemic. British Empire Taking the Lead in Efforts To Offend Russia June 30, 2021 (EIRNS)The June 23 incident in the Black Sea during which the U.K.s HMS Defender provocatively sailed into waters claimed by Russia off the Crimean coast, was followed the very next day by a similar provocation by an associated Dutch ship, the HNLMS Evertsen. The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the Evertsen approached the Kerch Strait after a change in course, and in order to prevent another violation of Russias territorial waters, Sukhoi-30 fighters and Sukhoi-24 bombers were scrambled to fly near the Dutch naval ship at a safe distance. The frigate promptly turned away from the Russian maritime border and continued along its original course. The HNLMS Evertsen has been sailing the Black Sea along with the HMS Defender and, like the Defender, is attached to the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier strike group. The Dutch Defense Ministry yesterday charged that Russian fighter jets carried out feigned attacks against the Evertsen, that they had repeatedly harassed the Evertsen by flying dangerously low and close, and that the frigates electronic equipment was also disrupted. This second incident makes it thoroughly clear that the dangerous Defender violation of Russian waters was by no means a one-off provocation by the British. In fact, it turns out that it was at least the third time since 2018 that the Royal Navy and its allies have provoked the Russians in the vicinity of Crimea. Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Andrey Kelin stated that there had been a similar incident last year also involving a British destroyer, the HMS Dragon, a sister ship of the Defender. The Dragon, he said, committed similar actions, approaching Sevastopol at a certain distance on Oct. 15, 2020. That time, the [British] Defense Attache was summoned. He was told that this was a violation of the Russian and international law regarding innocent passage. The Defense Attache was warned that such things must not happen again. And, if they do, our reactions would be much harder, the Kelin pointed out in a video statement posted on the embassy website. The British response at the time was to categorically deny that anything had happened. The Russian Federation Navy did not impede HMS Dragons passage. She navigated without incident, exercising our right of innocent passage under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, a Ministry of Defense spokesperson said. HMS Dragon was taking the most direct route between two port visits, navigating a recognized safe route for all international shipping within Ukrainian waters. This is the same language that was repeated with the HMS Defender incident on June 23. Ambassador Kelin also pointed out that as you can imagine, we are dealing with an intentional and deliberate provocation on behalf of the Britons. The purpose has to do with the fact that these occur as soon as there is a glimpse of thawing in relations between Russia and the West. The other proof that this has been a British plan is the fact that there were at least two journalists aboard the ship, one from the Daily Mail and another from BBC, he said. Both of them saw the Crimean coastline, the vessel was that close. Another feature of the British-led provocations against Russia, in which the U.S. is a willing participant, is the appearance of the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Alaska in the British territory of Gibraltar on June 28, an event which, it turns out, is exceedingly rare. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Lenaya Rotklein, a spokesperson for U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet, told the War Zone that this was the first time an Ohio-class submarine had paid a visit to Her Majestys Naval Base Gibraltar since 1999. Alaska is on a routine patrol in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe and Africa, Rotklein said. This brief stop strengthens cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom-Gibraltar. EIR LEAD EDITORIAL FOR THURSDAY, JULY 1, 2021 Putin Cautions U.S. To Rethink Its Priorities and Interests: The World Is Changing Dramatically June 30, 2021 (EIRNS)In his annual Direct Line with Vladimir Putin Q&A dialogue with the Russian population today, Russian President Putin addressed a myriad of concerns about the domestic economy, the coronavirus, and day-to-day living conditions in the country. But he also took up the central strategic issue of relations with the United States. In the course of his 3.45-hour dialogue, answering 70 questions from over 2 million that came in, Putin appealed for the normalization of relations with the United States: I do hope that the realization that the world is changingand in this changing world there will be a rethinking of ones priorities and interestswill lead to the fact that the world order will become more favorable, and our relations, including with the United States, will return to normal, the President said. As he had in his press conference after his summit meeting with President Biden, Putin took note of the fact that there is a policy fight underway in the United States over how to address the strategic crisis. The world is changing dramatically. And our partners in the U.S., on the one hand, understand this, and this is why the Geneva meeting took place. On the other hand, they seek to preserve their monopoly position at any cost, he commented. Hence, the threats and further, destructive behavior involving exercises, provocations and sanctions, he said. The period of the unipolar world has gone. And you should proceed from the fact that the world is changing and it is changing very quickly, Putin advised. A joint statement issued this week by Russia and China on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, also addressed the need for a new paradigm in international relations. The document pointed to Russia-China relations as a model for the kind of shift that is needed from todays geopolitical, unipolar world of confrontation. The Sino-Russian relationship is not similar to the military and political alliance during the Cold War, but transcends this model of state-to-state relations, does not seek expediency, is not ideological, comprehensively considers each others interests, does not interfere in each others internal affairs, has independent value, and does not target an enemy, the joint statement reads. The joint statement further emphasized the importance of cooperation on great infrastructure projects between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union. Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York Vassily Nebenzia stated today that the strategic stability talks that Presidents Biden and Putin had agreed to at their recent Geneva summit, will begin in July. Talks on strategic stability will kick off in July. The sides are getting prepared for that, and he continued that following the Geneva summit, Russia had taken note of the American sides attempts to impose new conditions for cooperation on issues of bilateral relations. What course will those relations now follow? Will the U.S., in particular, wake up and rethink its real priorities and interests? In her weekly strategic webcast today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche referred to the June 23 British-American provocations against Russia in the Black Sea: It has all the signs that somebody wanted to destabilize things with these provocations. Just when there was a baby step in the direction of a dialogue between the United States and Russia, in the form of the Biden-Putin summit, obviously somebody thought that it would be necessary to destabilize things. Responding to the information that an American plane had coordinated the provocations with the British HMS Defender warship, Zepp-LaRouche asked: This raises the question: Can Biden rein in whoever did that, which is threatening to ruin what he tried to accomplish with Putin in Geneva?... I think its really important for people to be aware that we are presently in a dynamic which, as with the global NATO 2030 plan, is meant to involve all countries all over the globe in a war machine designed to encircle Russia and China. If this is not stopped, it will lead to a catastrophe. Referring online viewers of last weekends Schiller Institute international conference, in particular Panel 1 which addressed the strategic crisis, Zepp-LaRouche added: I think this was a very timely discussion, and I would urge you to take the time to watch this panel, because it gives you a very good idea of where the world stands strategically. Allison Trades L.A. for St. Louis Metro Area Church of the Redeemer pastor will become first African American pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson, Missouri Answering an invite to head east, the Rev. Dr. Kerry Allison is leaving Church of the Redeemer in South Los Angeles to serve as senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson, Missouri. He will be the first African American spiritual leader of the 150-year-old congregation. How does one leave L.A. for the St. Louis greater metropolitan area? Not easily, admitted Allison, who has served various churches in Southern California for the past 30 years, including the last 12 years at Redeemer. I have connections in L.A. and if I want to do something, I know who to call. So to go into a place where I am not familiar with anyone is a challenge, Allison said. But my decision came through a lot of prayers, tears and evaluation. I know it is God-led and thats my assurance. Also, the way things are working out lets me know that it is Gods will for us to move. ADVERTISEMENT Accompanying the pastor will be his wife, First Lady Oona Allison, who is an elementary school teacher and has already received a few job offers from educational institutions in the area. Also, Dr. Allison will take along many of the lessons learned during his tenure in Los Angeles. Under his leadership, Redeemer embraced new and different methods of ministry to spread the Gospel and maintain its three-acre campus. Worship space was rented to other ministries a Nigerian, Ghanaian and two Salvadorian churches as well as a day care center. He also collaborated with the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services to allow Redeemer members to develop a region-wide program for foster children and united with the Martin Luther King Community Medical Group to increase healthcare awareness in the South L.A. and Compton areas. Later this year, the church will begin construction of a Green Dot school in its property. All of those partnerships developed into ministries that addressed a particular need among youth or families [such as] developing ESL programs at Redeemer for parents who needed to learn English as a second language, said Allison. I plan to use my organizing and collaboration skills to make a difference and to help more people. I will take that spirit of making things better to Ferguson. The Ferguson community gained national notoriety following the killing of Michael Brown, a Black young man, by a White police officer. Prior to that tragic incident, the St. Louis suburb was already beset by a number of negative impacts. Ferguson is a predominately Black city of 20,000 people and it has all of the challenges of urban America issues related to poverty, education and racism, explained Allison. The majority White congregation of First Presbyterian desired to reach out to the community. ADVERTISEMENT After the turmoil arising from the fatal shooting of Brown, Allison said, The congregation wanted to be more involved in providing solutions and healing for the community. They knew that their leadership should reflect that. So they set out looking for a Black or a person of color having skills in urban ministry and community ministry. And Allison fit the bill. He added that First Presbyterian also wants a multicultural membership and Allison noted, One of my tasks is to increase their participation locally and to help the church look like the community. They (the members) are interested in attracting people of color, particularly African Americans. Acknowledging the big responsibility that lies before him, the pastor is nevertheless, optimistic about his future in Ferguson and impressed by the efforts of the membership. One thing I really admire about the congregation is that they see the need and are being intentional to address it, said Allison. It does not mean there wont be challenges in doing it. But they know that they need to change and do something different to help the community. That is really impressive to me. Allisons last day at Redeemer was June 27 and the members gave him and his wife as gala, though slightly tearful, send-off. On Sunday, July 18, hell preach his first sermon and be installed as the new pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson. To other ministers considering a change of location, Allison advised clergy to be willing to explore other opportunities. I definitely encourage pastors to take that leap of faith in order to do what God calls us to do, he said. We must get out of our comfort zone and places are used to. God wants to use us in creative and unique ways! Assemblymember Holdens George Floyd Law Clears Senate Public Safety Committee Assemblymember Chris Holdens police reform legislation, AB 26, passed the California State Senate Committee on Public Safety. AB 26 establishes clear guidelines for police responsibility and accountability when witnessing excessive force by another member of law enforcement. We are calling for responsibility and accountability, said Assemblymember Chris Holden. Instituting these core values are paramount to building public trust that has eroded between law enforcement and communities across California. California law requires police officers to intercede when observing another officer using force that is beyond that which is necessary, but there are no universal measures used to determine that an officer has in fact interceded. In the case of George Floyd, a lawyer for one of the accused junior officers argued that there was intervention because the junior officer asked the supervising officer if they should turn Floyd on his side. ADVERTISEMENT If AB 26 becomes law, police officers would be required to intercede when witnessing excessive force under the updated guidelines and report the incident in real time to dispatch or the watch commander. The officers due process will be protected as the employing agency would review evidence and determine if the offending officer met the standard for intervention. Retaliation against officers that report violations of law or regulation of another officer to a supervisor would be prohibited. Last year, Governor Newsoms Policing Advisors released their recommendations which included legislation to Require officers to intervene to prevent or stop other officers from engaging in excessive force, false arrest, or other inappropriate conduct. The legislation will be next heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Bryan Takes Oath as New 54th District Assemblymember A capacity crowd assembled to witness the swearing-in of Isaac G. Bryan, the new California assemblymember for the 54th District. The event was held June 26, at the Hot and Cool Cafe in Leimert Park. ADVERTISEMENT A festive spirit filled the air as members of the audience, who ranged from elected officials to civic leaders and local residents, greeted each other with elbow bumps and wide smiles. While the occasion certainly called for celebration, the recent relaxing of pandemic restrictions, which permits larger gatherings of people, further enhanced the joyful mood. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon administered the oath of office to Bryan, who then acknowledged his family, neighbors and constituents for their support. Bryan vowed, Im looking forward to serving with you, for you, and by you. He also recognized several individuals during his remarks, including L.A. County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, L.A. Councilmember Mike Bonin, and Heather Hutt, the second runner-up in the race for assemblymember. Bryan ended his comments by presenting a proclamation to cafe co-owner, Tony Jolly, commending the successful Black-owned business. Several participants preceded Bryan at the podium, starting with the Rev. Edward Eddie Anderson, pastor of McCarty Memorial Christian Church, who said the new assemblymember answered Gods call of who shall I send. Anderson prayed, Lord, as he goes to the capitol, may he be a troublemaker for justice may he love the people, may he know the people, may he continue to work with the people all the days of his life, and may he work to repair the walls of our village and community. ADVERTISEMENT L.A. Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson said, We want to send our brother to Sacramento with all of our backing, all of our energy and all of our assistance on justice. Hell be representing all of us and were demanding change. Were demanding a better tomorrow. There are a lot of people that like things just the way they are, so when he goes to initiate change, theyre going to fire at him. But, they got to know that when they fire at him, theyre firing at us. We will be there with you when the going gets tough and its going to get tough because you are going to make change for the rest of us, insisted Harris-Dawson. Expressing similar confidence in Bryans abilities, Melina Abdullah described herself as a big fan of Issac and noted that the organization she co-founded, Black Lives Matter L.A., is about Black liberation and Black freedom. She added that she joined in celebrating Bryan because although he was elected to office, being an elected official is not your identity. You are a freedom fighter! You are there (in Sacramento) to do work for all of us. We will always have your back. You are a man of tremendous vision and someone who knows that there is an end coming on unjust systems. We are so grateful that you choose to serve in this way, said Abdullah. Dr. David C. Turner, manager of the Brother, Sons, Selves Coalition and a fellow at the UCLA Ralph Bunche Center for African American Studies, led the crowd in a boisterous, repetitive chant of, Aint no power like the power of the people, cause the power of the people dont stop! Proclaiming that people power elected Bryan and people power will help redefine environmental justice and economic justice, Turner declared, Im so proud of you, Brother Isaac. You represent the movement that we have all believed in and have strived for. I have seen you in those late nights and 24-hour days putting in work for our people. You belong to the community and we will be with you every step of the way! The audience also heard from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, California State Senator Sydney Kamlager-Dove, SEIU Local 2015 President April Verrett, and L.A. Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas. In addition, attendees enjoyed refreshments provided by Jolly and the Hot and Cool staff, along with live music by an African drum band. As the 54th District assemblymember, Bryan will represent the neighborhoods of Baldwin Hills, Cheviot Hills, Crenshaw, Century City, Culver City, Ladera Heights, Mar Vista, Palms, Rancho Park, Westwood and sections of South Los Angeles and Inglewood. edited 7/2/21 by Sentinel News Service Business as Usual Keeps the Majority of Black Students from Succeeding Celebrating commencement is one of my favorite traditions at Compton College. I especially like to hear about the achievements of students who pushed past obstacles and completed their goals. But for every success story, I know several other students were not able to finish their classes and graduate. As President/Chief Executive Officer of Compton College and a longtime educator, it is my job to ensure all students are prepared for a bright future, and that includes specifically fighting for Black student success. I make no apologies about that. Its time to take that extra step and help this student group graduate and transfer. Business as usual is not working. At Compton College, we saw a sharp decrease in degrees and certificates awarded to Black students between 2018-19 and 2019-20. Clearly, Black students are being left out. The graduation problem is real. Now what are we going to do about it? In this inaugural article of my Unapologetically Fighting for Black Student Success series, we will look at transfer paths for community college students and determine how we can get Black students on track to their own success stories. A Path to Success Our higher education system makes transferring to a university and earning a bachelors degree unnecessarily challenging for transfer students, especially when you compare their application process to that for high school students. For high schoolers, there is one pathway for admission to our public universities: they complete one set of course requirements, called A-G, that makes them eligible for University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) campuses. For California community college students, however, there is no one clear roadmap of course requirements that makes them eligible for the UC and CSU. Our public colleges and universities have created a myriad of different requirements that make transfer students eligible for campuses. It has left our students lost and confused as they try to piece together a plan that will make them competitive. ADVERTISEMENT The majority end up taking several excess courses and spending more time and money for admission to multiple campuses. And not enough students are achieving their transfer goals. At Compton College, we have created guided pathways to create a faster route to graduation, transfer, and good-paying jobs through Tartar Completion by Design. Students can see right away the courses they need now and how they align with expectations in the workforce and their transfer institution. Through this framework, and working with other institutions, the academic path needs to be streamlined, clear and accessible to raise graduation and transfer rates. This needs to be done now. Now if California community college Black students complete their degrees and certificates, where are they transferring? Only about 3% of Black community college students transfer after two years at community college, and only 36% after six years meaning the majority of Black students are not transferring even after six years. For those who do transfer, trends show a spike in students transferring to for-profit colleges. These for-profit institutions can come off a lot more welcoming than our public colleges and universities. Many of us are familiar with their catchy songs on radio and television commercials, where they promise a smooth transition to their institution, flexibility for working students, and a better career at the end. What is less known to the students who attend is that many of these institutions have dismal graduation rates. Students often leave these for-profit institutions worse off than when they started, in far more debt than they can handle and without a degree to show for it in the end. Transfer Collaboration Our students fare better at public universities, but their journey to a bachelors degree is not without strife. Many students find that some of their courses dont transfer, so they must sometimes start over repeating classes and spending even more time and money earning a degree. It is painfully clear that the road to a bachelors degree is paved with systemic barriers. When what is traditionally seen as a four-year degree, becomes eight years or more, and when less than half of our Black students earn their degrees, our public colleges and universities are failing Black students. Our state must look internally at the route from community college into university. The California Community Colleges, the UC, the CSU, and our state policymakers must all take responsibility for the barriers to transfer. Transfer is not just a community college issue, and we do our students a disservice when we act in a silo or when we point the blame elsewhere. We each play a role in these dismal success rates. ADVERTISEMENT There is currently a bill in the California Senate that will foster greater collaboration between our public colleges and universities. AB-928 Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021: Associate Degree for Transfer Intersegmental Implementation Committee would create a committee to oversee the process of simplifying transfer and require the UC and CSU to consolidate their pathways into one general education pathway. It would also automatically place students on the Associate Degree for Transfer pathway, a transfer path that has a proven success rate for students that guarantees them admission to the CSU with junior standing, and is accepted at several Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Besides AB-928, the state of California should provide additional funding to the CSU and UCs to ensure all transfer eligible California community college students have a spot at our public institutions. If not, the private for-profit institutions will continue to prey upon our Black students. Closing the Loop AB-928 would be a major reform for Californias higher education system, so, of course it scares people. But business as usual is not the answer and continuing the ways we currently operate means that more Black students will lose out on the opportunity to earn their degrees and build better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. We dont need the status quo we need agitators who are willing to pass and implement bold reforms in the name of Black student success. Furthermore, we need to ask ourselves why arent students transferring, and why Black students specifically arent transferring. Then work with our local CSU and UCs to change this pattern. I am excited about Compton College and CSU Dominguez Hills partnership, where we just completed a data-sharing agreement between our two organizations, and are beginning to looking critically at our programs and services to support and improve student transfer and success. The partnership with CSU Dominguez Hills and Compton College is led by Dr. Thomas Parham, President, CSU Dominguez Hills, and myself. We both understand the need for transfer and we both are committed to improving student success. When we succeed, our students do too. I know that for every student who graduates, there are several who should have been counted in that number but did not get the support needed to do so. This is especially true for community college students, who face innumerable barriers to success. I will continue this discussion next week, taking a deeper look at the data to make a meaningful impact on the success of Black students. Calif. Atty Gen. Bonta Was Leading Force in Fight That Saved Obamacare Last week, the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of keeping the core of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, intact. That decision resolved more-than-a-decade-long Democrat-versus-Republican legal tug-of-war about the federal governments role in health care coverage. At the end of that grueling battle, California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a former Assemblymember from Oakland, emerged a quiet victor. ADVERTISEMENT In March, when Gov. Newsom appointed Bonta Californias 34th Attorney General, he stepped into a respected and carefully built legacy of successful legal advocacy and litigation against Conservative foes that his predecessor Xavier Becerra left behind. Pres. Biden appointed Becerra Health and Human Services Secretary. Bonta said the Supreme Courts decision, affirms, once again and hopefully for the last time, that the ACA is the law of the land. Americans know health coverage can mean the difference between life and death, so families across the country should rest easy tonight knowing their healthcare is safe, said Bonta. Bonta led a coalition of more than 20 states challenging Republican efforts to undo the Obama-Era health care act. He was joined by governor of Kentucky as well as the attorneys general of Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia. The coalition successfully pushed back a lawsuit spearheaded by more than a dozen Republican states led by Texas and upheld benefits of the ACA including patient protections, affordability measures, and coverage expansions. In the court case California versus Texas, Republican attorney generals tried to overturn a monetary penalty for individuals who fail to obtain minimum health insurance. The ACA, enacted in 2010, required individuals to get minimum health essential health insurance coverage and individuals who failed to do so would have to pay a penalty. ADVERTISEMENT However, the requirement was amended in 2017 to cost $0 which voided the penalty fee. Republican attorneys general filed a lawsuit in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals claiming that the amendments were unconstitutional. However, the Supreme Courts decision upheld the ACA provisions after Republicans were unsuccessful in making their case. No one should live in fear of being denied the lifesaving care they are entitled to, especially as our nation continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, said Bonta. According to the California Health Care Foundation, 3.7 million out of the 12.5 million people covered by Medi-Cal have health insurance through the ACA. Health Advocates from community-based organizations across California say they are relieved by the Supreme Courts ruling to keep the ACA but say that there is still room to make the law better. Leaders from the California Black Health Network (CBHN), urged the state to focus on equity in healthcare. Rhonda Smith, the executive director of CBHN highlighted that the courts ruling helps reduce the lack of access to health care now that people get to keep their health care. One of the reasons why we have health disparities is because of the lack of access to healthcare services, said Smith. It definitely plays a key role in trying to minimize health disparities, especially the impact of COVID on black and brown communities, she said. California Black Medias coverage of COVID-19 is supported by the California Health Care Foundation. The California State agency targets the iconic Black-owned and family-operated business in Watts to make way for new development community says Hell No! Hawkins House of Burgers is one of the most iconic and longest operating Black-owned businesses in Los Angeles, if not all of California. The popular hamburger spot known as the The House, located at 11603 Slater Street in Watts, just east of Central and South of Imperial Hwy, has survived for the past 80 years. The family-owned and operated business has seen its share of challenges over the years. The restaurant survived when thousands of businesses and residents were displaced in order to make way for the 105 freeway. Hawkins Burgers has also survived through numerous social and economic ups and downs, such as the Watts Riots, the uprising after the Rodney King verdict, and has even remained a staple in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, when so many businesses have had to shut their doors. ADVERTISEMENT But on June 18, 2021, Cynthia Hawkins, who now runs the business started by her parents, James and Elsie Hawkins over 80 years ago, is fighting a new kind of battle. This is a battle with the State of California and the Department of Transportation (CalTrans) over a parcel of land they leased next door to the land the family has owned for decades. But with no warning, a restaurant endeared by so many, was told their lease was terminated and given 60 days to remove all its improvements and vacate the space with no opportunity to acquire the parcel of land or have their lease extended. Calls and emails were sent to the Department of Transportation (CalTrans) but as of Sentinel press time, no calls or emails had been returned. A portion of the letter sent by Caltrans to Cynthia Hawkins on June 18, 2021, stated: A survey of the above referenced property was completed by CalTrans Right of Way Surveys and determined that your business property is encroaching onto State property line consisting of 530 square feet. Per survey map, Lot 68, the exact placement of the encroachment is shaded in red and described as, Building and Surrounding Security Gate for Hawkins House of Burgers Area = 530 SQ Ft. This Sixty (60) Day Notice from the date of this letter, to remove any improvements and/or personal property encroaching over States property line. In a subsequent and second letter regarding the lease, also dated June 18, 2021, but signed by a different individual at CalTrans, stated in part: NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the election of the Lessor, by the provisions of Clause 17 of the Lease Agreement dated June 22, 2016, between you and the State of California, Department of Transportation, under which you hold possession of the premises described above, the Lessor has elected to terminate said tenancy as of June 18, 2021, 60 days after service upon you of this notice, and you are hereby required to quit and deliver possession of said premises, in the condition as specified in the Lease Agreement, to the Lessor on or before the 17th of August, 2021 (60) days after service upon you of this notice. You are required to vacate the premises on or before the date of termination. If you do not surrender possession on or before that date, legal proceedings will be commenced against you to recover possession of said premises, declare the forfeiture of the rental agreement or lease under which you occupy the premises, and recover rents, damages, and costs of suits. In response to the June 18th letter and subsequent 60-day notice to vacate, Cynthia Hawkins gave this response: On June 18, 2021, three days after California opened, a representative from CalTrans, Ms. Nixon, gave me a paper to vacate the parking lot within 60 days. I also received a paper indicating that a survey had been taken and my business was encroaching on State land and MUST be removed or I could be prosecuted!! The encroachment cuts right through my business!!!! Im a small minority-owned, woman-owned business that has been a staple in the Watts Community for over 80 years. For CalTrans to even think about disrupting my business is a DISGRACE! Restaurants were hit harder than any other business in California. Where is the compassion California!? Hawkins is a business that has been and shall ALWAYS be a beacon of light for the Watts Community and we are VERY proud of that!! We feed the homeless, offer food to those who cannot afford the meal, offer scholarships to the kids in our community, give discounts to the community residents, provide jobs to our community to keep them off of unemployment lines, and help those during the bereavement of their love ones (we have had MANY of our kids gunned down in the area) and we ALWAYS provide the food for their repast. They dont have to ask; they know that its automatically done. My dad ALWAYS emphasized: Take care of your community and they will ALWAYS take care of you. This was manifested in the Watts riots, the Rodney King uprising, the George Floyd uprising and everything else in between! Whatever happens to this business not only affects me but it affects the ENTIRE COMMUNITY! 64th Assembly Representative Mike Gipson, who represents the district Hawkins Burgers, has vowed to address this issue with Cal Trans and had this to say. I grew up in Watts eating Hawkins Burgers, as did thousands of children and their families in the community and beyond for the past 80 years. This family-owned business has stood the test of time, weathering recessions, racial unrest of the 60s and the challenges of a struggling community that could always find solace in a simple burger and a warm smile. Watts residents strongly support Hawkins Burgers and I stand with them. I have invited Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin, Senator Steven Bradford and L.A. County Supervisor Holly Mitchell to meet with Cynthia Hawkins and myself at Hawkins Burgers for lunch and to discuss solutions that Caltrans is working to execute. I feel confident that we can resolve any issues in a timely manner. Local community residents, as well as local business leaders, have vowed to stand up in support of Cynthia Hawkins and Hawkins Burgers, and cannot understand why CalTrans would target such an iconic business within our community, over 580 sq. ft. of land. The State should just give them the land, and if they cant do that, they should use some of that economic stimulus money they received and provide Hawkins with an interest-free loan to let her buy the property. No matter what the situation, Hawkins should get to keep the property, stated Tracy Mitchell, president of Mothers In Action, who has worked with the Hawkins business on numerous community enhancement programs to help feed families-in-need throughout the Watts and the South Los Angeles Community. Neighboring legislatures and political leaders, as well as community advocates, have all vowed to weigh in and said, if necessary, they will go directly to Governor Newsom and demand he step in and find a way to stop this attack on Hawkins House of Burgers. The governor, who is amid a recall lead by Trump supporting Republicans, has a lot on his plate. Community leaders are demanding he step in immediately and instruct CalTrans to find a way to support Hawkins, a thriving Black business within our community. Governor Newsom is doing a good job of navigating the state out of the pandemic and back to business. But to stave off this recall, he will desperately need the support of the African American community and Black voters to overcome this recall initiative. The last thing he needs is to turn Black people (voters) off and be seen as having turned his back on Black business. He wants our support against this recall and there are several things we need him to do as well. But, for starters, we need his support on this issue and to right the travesty of injustice directed towards Hawkins Burgers and to send a message that Black businesses will be supported, not attacked under his administration, stated Pastor William D. Smart, president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference Southern California (SCLC-SC). The Whipper (courtesy image) Cosby Conviction Overturned! Attorney says, We Are on Our Way Now to the Prison to Pick Him Up The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has overturned comedian Bill Cosbys 2018 sexual assault conviction. The state Supreme Court ruled that Cosbys deal with former prosecutor Bruce Castor should have been honored. In a phone call with Cosby attorney Jennifer Bonjean, she states, I am thrilled! I havent made my way through the entire opinion yet, but it seems that the court agrees with what we knew all along, that Mr. Cosby never should have been prosecuted in the first place. If a prosecutors word is not his bond, then we as a society and the entire criminal justice system is in trouble. ADVERTISEMENT When asked, when we could expect him to be released, she responded, We are on our way to the prison now to pick him up. He had also cast doubt on alleged victim Andrea Constands credibility. Castor told the Black Press that the trials against Cosby were a miscarriage of justice. Cosby has served nearly three years of a 3-to-10 year-prison sentenced following his 2018 conviction on charges of indecent aggravated assault. He had repeatedly maintained his innocence. When an unconditional charging decision is made publicly and with the intent to induce action and reliance by the defendant, and when the defendant does so to his detriment (and in some instances upon the advice of counsel), denying the defendant the benefit of that decision is an affront to fundamental fairness, particularly when it results in a criminal prosecution that was foregone for more than a decade, according to the high court opinion. For these reasons, Cosbys convictions and judgment of sentence are vacated, and he is discharged. Derek Chauvin Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Killing George Floyd There will be no probation for former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin. The ex-cop received more than a 22-year prison sentence on Friday, June 25, two months after a jury convicted him of three charges, including second-degree murder, in the death of George Floyd. Chauvins attorney Eric Nelson had requested probation, but the judge rejected that plea. ADVERTISEMENT Nelson filed a motion for a new trial just before sentencing, contending that Chauvin did not get a fair trial. Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill also denied that request before sentencing the callous ex-cop. Prior to sentencing, Floyds seven-year-old daughter, Gianna, provided a heartbreaking victims impact statement via video. I ask about him all the time, the young girl noted in response to questions posed by someone off camera. She said she thinks about how her father got hurt. I want to play with him, have fun, and go on a plane ride with him, Gianna said. We used to have dinner every single night before we went to bed. He used to help me brush my teeth, Gianna added. She concluded that those mean people did something to him. Three others gave emotional victim impact statements, including Floyds brothers Terrence and Philonise Floyd, and his nephew Brandon Williams. ADVERTISEMENT What was going through your mind when you had your knee on my brothers neck, Terrence Floyd asked? Philonise said he was a trucker at the time of his brothers murder and was thrust in the role of an advocate for justice. I havent had a real nights sleep because of the nightmares of hearing my brother beg and plead for his life, he told the court as Chauvin sat masked and without showing any emotion. Ive been lifting my voice so that my brother didnt die in vain, Philonise Floyd added. Chauvin briefly addressed the court offering condolences to the Floyd family, but cryptically stated that theres going to be some other information in the future that would be of interest and that I hope will give you some peace of mind. Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump called the sentence historic. This historic sentence brings the Floyd family and our nation one step closer to healing by delivering closure and accountability. For once, a police officer who wrongly took the life of a Black man was held to account, Crump asserted. Ben Crump While this shouldnt be exceptional, tragically it is. Day after day, year after year, police kill Black people without consequence. But today, with Chauvins sentence, we take a significant step forward something that was unimaginable a very short time ago. Now, we look for Chauvin to also be convicted on the federal charges pending against him and for the three other officers to face consequences for their actions. That would represent important additional steps toward justice. Crump continued: At the same time, its important to acknowledge how far weve come. Those who raised their voices to demand justice for George Floyd need to know that their activism made a difference. Not only were Chauvin and the City of Minneapolis held accountable, but cities and states across the country have passed meaningful reforms, including restrictions on chokeholds and better training and protocols. We need this sentence to usher in a new era of accountability that transforms how Black people are treated by police. To achieve that real, lasting change in police departments from coast to coast we need the U.S. Senate to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act without further delay. Last month, Judge Cahill ruled prosecutors had proved four aggravating factors that warranted a lengthy prison sentence. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and prosecutors successfully showed that Chauvin abused his position of trust and authority, treated Floyd with particular cruelty and that the ex-cop committed a felony in the presence of children whom they said witnessed Floyd dying. It was particularly cruel to kill George Floyd slowly by preventing his ability to breathe when Mr. Floyd had already made it clear he was having trouble breathing, Judge Cahill determined. Chauvin pressed his knee in Floyds neck for nearly nine and a half minutes, even refusing to let up as EMT workers arrived to provide medical assistance. [Floyd] was begging for his life and obviously terrified by the knowledge that he was likely to die but [Chauvin] remained indifferent, Judge Cahill continued. Three other former officers involved in the incident J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao, are awaiting trial on federal charges of violating Floyds civil rights and state-level indictments of aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter. Judge Cahill set a March 2020 trial date for those officers. Chauvin also faces federal charges of violating Floyds civil rights, and a new indictment alleges that Chauvin deprived a 14-year-old of his civil rights in 2017. If convicted of the additional charges, Chauvin could face stiffer punishment. According to federal law, violating someones civil rights could lead to life in prison or even the death penalty. This has been painful for Hennepin County, the state of Minnesota, and throughout the country and most of all for the Floyd family, Judge Cahill stated. NNPA Re-Elects Executive Committee of Five Black Women Publishers The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) completed its historic virtual convention by unanimously re-electing its all-Black women executive board. Houston Forward Times Publisher Karen Carter Richards earned a second term as the national chair of the NNPA. Meanwhile, the executive team of Atlanta Voice Publisher Janis L. Ware (First Vice-Chair); County News Publisher Fran Farrer (Second Vice-Chair); New Journal & Guide Publisher Brenda Andrews (Treasurer); and Mississippi Link Publisher Jackie Hampton (Secretary) also won the election to second terms for their respective positions. We are doing some great things, Carter Richards exclaimed. ADVERTISEMENT I am excited about the next two years, and to have the support and the trust from the other publishers in the organization and for the five of us to run uncontested says a whole lot. The executive team has worked diligently since its election victory in 2019, helping to catapult the Black Press of America to arguably two of the most successful years in the NNPAs 81-year history. In addition to the executive team, NNPA publishers also elected two board members-at-large: James Washington, the publisher of The Dallas Weekly in Texas, and Walter White, the publisher of The Dayton Defender in Ohio. This was a historic and transformative national election of NNPA executive officers, stated NNPA President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. And at-large board members won by unanimous consent of the membership of the nations largest and oldest trade association of Black-owned newspapers and media companies. The Black Press of America continues to make progress under the outstanding leadership of NNPA Chair Karen Carter Richards and the Board of Directors. In 2021, Black Press Matters, Dr. Chavis proclaimed. ADVERTISEMENT Despite the pandemic that forced many out of jobs and a topsy-turvy economy where government stimulus served to rescue most, advertising and other revenue skyrocketed for the Black Press. Much of the success is credited to a more united NNPA, a stated goal of the executive committee. Im looking forward to working with these ladies again, Carter Richards explained. All of us bring something different to the table. I highly respect the executive team, and I love the team because we get along great, she continued. Most importantly, what Im looking forward to is that my family has been a part of NNPA for almost 50 years, and I realize the power of the NNPA is its publishers. James Washington said, when the publishers meet, magic happens. Well, get ready for the magic. The chair added that the work of the NNPAs main office in Washington, D.C., has proven invaluable. She credited Dr. Chavis, NNPA Executive Administrator Claudette Perry, and the morning live daily breaking news show, Let It Be Known, for much of the recent progress made by the NNPA. The team and the NNPA staff have made a great impact. Let It Be Known has made us so visible to the world, and because of that morning news show, many more people know about the NNPA. It has been a key for us, and the [main office] gets the credit for that. @StacyBrownMedia @DrBenChavis @NNPA_BlackPress @KarenCarterRich @NJGuide @theatlantavoice @ForwardTimes @CountyNews4You @MississippiLink Orange County Community Foundation Announces New Round of Grants Totaling $132,500 from African American Alliance Fund African American communities throughout Orange County, Calif., will soon benefit from a series of grants awarded to local nonprofit organizations. Last week, the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) announced a new round of grants totaling $132,500 from its African American Alliance Fund awarded to 15 organizations serving Black communities in Orange County and surrounding areas, in honor of Juneteenth and the Funds first anniversary. Founded on June 19, 2020, OCCFs Tammy Tumbling, executive vice president and chief operating officer, created the Fund with a mission to raise awareness about systemic racism and support programs that advance African Americans within the region. OCCF assembled a committee to review select proposals for funding based on the priority areas of education, health, human services, economic development, and civic engagement. The final grantees include UCI Black Thriving Initiative, Learning Rights Law Center, National College Resources Foundation, Arts and Learning Conservatory, CSUF Institute of Black Intellectual Innovation, The G.R.E.E.N Foundation, NAACP, Orange County Chapter, Positive Results Center, Council of African American Parents (CAAP), The Enlightened Mentor Project, ESP Education & Leadership Institute, Forgiving For Living, Inc., Forgotten Children Inc., Parenting For Liberation and CAP-OC. ADVERTISEMENT We are thrilled to award these 15 outstanding organizations with grants for their continued drive to advance the progress of Black communities in honor of Juneteenth, said Orange County Community Foundation executive vice president and COO, Tammy Tumbling. The African American Alliance Fund continues to see great success in its first year, and I cannot wait to see how businesses and the philanthropic community come together to support our diverse communities and inspire others to do the same in the years to come. In 2020, Tumbling developed the Fund, seeding $25,000 of her own money. More than $50,000 was granted last year to support the immediate needs of critical community programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2021 it has now raised over $350,000 thanks to various individual donors, corporate and community partners. In addition to granting, the African American Alliance Fund seeks to leverage the influence and reach of OCCF to uplift the visibility and voice of Orange Countys Black community. The Fund hopes to serve as a convener in the County, building on the relationships with grantees to create a coalition of Black-led and Black-serving organizations. For more information about the African American Alliance Fund grantees, please visit https://www.oc-cf.org/african-american-alliance-fund-grantees/. Reflections on Americas Independence Observance Because of where America stands today on the ever present issue of race, the following reflections are offered from the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, signed July 4, 1776. First, the Preamble, which has much bearing on where we stand today as a nation: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, they should declare the causes which impel them to separation The Republican Party and all its state affiliates seeking to abolish voting and civil rights, have provided living proof that the political Bands they are connected to do not include us, as people of color. The voter suppression laws, murder of Black people by law enforcement and the biased prison sentences for the murder of Blacks such as that given to Derrick Chauvin, are clear proof that there is no belief that that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Before we get too excited about the cookouts and holiday celebrations with fireworks across this great land, let us reflect on some of the words of Frederick Douglass which appear elsewhere in this issue as his Fourth of July Speech of 1852 in Rochester, New York. Lets look at Independence as being incomplete because of the disparity that Douglass found between Black and White. Today such disparities exist at every level, in spite of the efforts of so many whites who have joined with Blacks in the struggle. Douglass asked in his speech: Are the great principles of political freedom and natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence extended to us? It would appear that in 160 years, many of his questions remain unanswered. The inequality of slavery still exists today in the minds and behavior of many Americans who cannot accept that America is a melting pot of all nations. Out of many, one. That melting pot includes people of color. The key requirement is that we as people of color must never accept less than equality in all things. While we may not technically be slaves, as reminded by the recent declaration of Juneteenth as a federal holiday, many of us are still mental slaves to mediocrity and the acceptance of less than what we should have. If some of us remain slaves to inequality and injustice, then the following question Douglass raised is appropriate today: What to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham, your shout of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy a thin veil to cover crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. In conclusion: what should we do? We should review the America to whom Frederick Douglass spoke. We should weigh against his words how far we have come. We should celebrate Juneteenth; the 13th,14th and 15th amendments; the Emancipation Proclamation, which had not been thought of when he wrote this speech; Civil rights, Voting Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity as well as an integrated armed forces. While we are remembering and celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court Decision of Brown vs. Board of Education, let us remember that our schools are more segregated now than ever before. Yes, we can take some time out to celebrate that which we should have already enjoyed, as stated elsewhere here. What is the 4th of July? That which I must still fight for to make real in the lives of those who look like me. ADVERTISEMENT Sen. Sydney Kamlager Delivers Big for California Senate District 30, Securing Over $400 Million in Investments This week, the Legislature passed the Budget Act of 2021. This bold, responsible, and balanced budget is due to be signed by Governor Newsom prior to the constitutional deadline. A historic year of challenges calls for historic investments, said Senator Sydney K. Kamlager (D Los Angeles). This budget is rebuilding California and rights some ships that have been sinking for some time. This is an economic justice budget. In my first term as Senator, I feel honored to vote on a budget that addresses homelessness and health care disparities, invests in education, and truly prioritizes economic and racial justice. ADVERTISEMENT This budget delivers for all of California, but I am especially proud of what we were able to secure for the 30th Senate District, continued the Senator. We will see record investments into culturally significant organizations, along with initiatives and efforts that have been plagued by a lack of attention at the state level. This budget will bring nearly $100 million directly into communities throughout the 30th Senate District. Senator Kamlager championed over $400 million in investments for California, a quarter of which will go back to residents of Senate District 30: Funding for transitional housing : $3,410,000 to Culver City for an emergency shelter and transitional housing project. : Funding for arts and culture: $10,000,000 for the Museum of Tolerance , designed to help residents understand the Holocaust as well as the history of bigotry and discrimination. Advocated for a combined $15,000,000 to the City of Inglewood for the Market Street Streetscape Improvement Program and the Market Street Facade and Tenant Improvement Program. $8,000,000 to the Debbie Allen Dance Academy to support building a new facility that will provide dance education and opportunities to Black and Latino youth. $6,500,000 to the City of Los Angeles for Destination Crenshaw , a culturally representational public art space. $3,000,000 to Culver City for the New Earth Organization , aimed at reducing youth recidivism through the arts. $1,000,000 to the City of Los Angeles for Conga Kids , a virtual and social program teaching the dances of the African diaspora. Funding for sustainable transportation and farming: $4,000,000 to Crop Swap LA for their Urban Farming Initiative in South LA $1,750,000 for the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), to fund zero emission mobility solutions (i.e. transportation and food delivery systems) in Leimert Park Funding for health care : $30,000,000 for the Kedren Community Health and Acute Psychiatric Hospital . Advocated in support of $5,000,000 for the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA) Institute on Reproductive Health, Law, and Policy and UCLA School of Law. : Funding for education: $9,000,000 for the City of Los Angeles for creation of the TUMO Center with the University of Southern California (USC) Institute of Armenian Studies and $1,000,000 for the USC Institute of Armenian Studies. Senator Kamlager also secured funding for AB 118, the C.R.I.S.E.S Act, which has been supported by a broad coalition. The funding will go towards supporting community-based alternatives to police response to 911 calls. If the past year has taught us anything, its that the status quo isnt working. Im thrilled to see a $10 million investment for the C.R.I.S.E.S Act, continued Senator Kamlager. This funding will save lives and chart a new course for how we resolve and deescalate emergencies, without the use of police. We must reengineer our criminal legal system in ways that make sense, are responsive to different communities, and keep people alive. Senator Kamlager also was instrumental in securing $300 million in grants for public hospitals. Other notable statewide investments include: Housing and homelessness: includes a $12 billion investment aimed at addressing homelessness and expanding affordable housing, the largest investment of its kind in Californias history. includes a $12 billion investment aimed at addressing homelessness and expanding affordable housing, the largest investment of its kind in Californias history. Health care: expands Medi-Cal eligibility to Californians 50 and up, regardless of immigration status. expands Medi-Cal eligibility to Californians 50 and up, regardless of immigration status. Economic justice: includes $8.3 billion for Golden State stimulus checks as well as $1.5 billion for small business and non-profit grants. includes $8.3 billion for Golden State stimulus checks as well as $1.5 billion for small business and non-profit grants. Child care: outlines 200,000 more child care slots, universal transitional kindergarten, and funding to improve facilities. Im encouraged to see our state budget include investments that will help rebuild communities and uplift Californians. This is the time to be bold, Senator Kamlager added. The Black RJ Policy Agenda will turn racism upside down Marcela Howell President and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Womens Reproductive Justice Agenda As the U.S. Supreme Court reviews abortion cases that could overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion, there is a lot of attention being paid to abortion rights but not enough emphasis on the full range of reproductive health and rights issues. Every pregnant Black person faces systemic racism that makes us three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white women. When our children are born, we face the everyday reality of battling racism and the toll it takes on Black lives. This past year, the deadly impact of racial discrimination couldnt have been more evident as the pandemic devastated our communities, with Black and Latinx people accounting for nearly 43 percent of COVID-19 deaths. As if thats not bad enough, Black and Latinx women have paid the economic price for the pandemic, bearing the brunt of the shecession. Thats why more than 30 Black womens organizations and Reproductive Justice activists created the Black Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda innovative, proactive solutions to address the disparities and discrimination faced by Black women, femmes, girls and gender-expansive individuals. The Black Reproductive Policy Agenda is a comprehensive policy approach to the systemic racism that threatens our lives. ADVERTISEMENT Now, a lot of people hear Reproductive Justice and think birth control and abortion. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, Reproductive Justice (RJ) is a collective framework grounded in human rights, social justice and Black Feminist theory that centers the intersectional impact of race, class and gender in ones ability to live free from oppression so we can create and nurture the family of our own choosing and achieve optimum mental, physical, community and economic health. Reproductive Justice was birthed by 12 Black women in 1994, as the U.S. contemplated universal health care without acknowledging or rectifying the health care system in place, which was and continues to be riddled with deadly racism. Since then, RJ has grown into a full-fledged movement that fights not only for the right to health care including full access to birth control and abortion but also equity in housing, education and employment. RJ doesnt leave anything or anyone behind. It is the comprehensive movement we need to disrupt and dismantle the deeply ingrained, systemic racism that plagues this country. Black women, femmes, girls and gender-expansive individuals have been marginalized for far too long. We have been fighting for our survival while others stood by and watched or worse, while they actively participated in our oppression for their own gain. No more! ADVERTISEMENT We are tired of seeing our children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and loved ones senselessly killed by the very people who are sworn to protect us. We are fed up with not being safe in our homes, neighborhoods and churches. We demand more than one moment of reckoning. The Black RJ movement has a policy agenda that will hold law enforcement, politicians, corporations, voters and all people living in the U.S. to account. It is an expertly informed compendium of 25 issue areas, each with effective policy recommendations. We believe that the Agenda addresses the social, economic, political and health needs of Black women, femmes, girls and gender-expansive people so we can live our lives fully and decide for ourselves if, when and how to have and raise our families. We hope that Congress will embrace the Black RJ Policy Agenda and work with us to pass it so that Black women, femmes, girls, and gender-expansive people can live in full autonomy, with equality and justice for all. But we know that will only happen if every Black and Brown person demands it. For white people especially white feminists who want to be good allies, this is their chance; they too should make implementing the Black RJ Policy Agenda a priority. The Black RJ movement has a plan to dismantle white supremacy. I challenge and encourage you to join us in demanding that elected officials and policymakers embrace and implement the Black RJ Policy Agenda now. Marcela Howell is president and CEO of In Our Own Voice: National Black Womens Reproductive Justice Agenda. To learn more about the Black RJ Policy agenda, visit blackrj.org. Winners and Winners: Big Takeaways from New Rent Law Benefitting Landlords and Tenants Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 832, which updates Californias eviction moratorium rules and extends it. California is coming roaring back from the pandemic, but the economic impacts of COVID-19 continue to disproportionately impact so many low-income Californians, tenants and small landlords alike, Newsom said last week after reaching a deal on the moratorium with lawmakers. The governor said the agreement he reached with the Legislature also gives the state more time to provide the over $5 billion in federal rent relief funds for eligible tenants and landlords. ADVERTISEMENT According to a spokesperson with the Business Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH), over 85,907 Californians have submitted rent relief applications to the state-run program and 37,189 of them are already being processed as of June 22. 15.79% of those applicants are identified as Black or African American. According to the BCSH, $660 million in rental assistance has been requested and the state has paid a total of $61.6 million in back rent so far through the program. Our housing situation in California was a crisis before COVID, and the pandemic has only made it worse this extension is key to making sure that more people dont lose the safety net helping them keep their home. While our state may be emerging from the pandemic, in many ways, the lingering financial impact still weighs heavily on California families, Senate President pro Tem Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) stated. People are trying to find jobs and make ends meet and one of the greatest needs is to extend the eviction moratoriumwhich includes maximizing the federal funds available to help the most tenants and landlords possibleso that they can count on a roof over their heads while their finances rebound. AB 832 also prioritizes cities and counties with unmet needs. Kendra Lewis, executive director of the Sacramento Housing Alliance, said the law will benefit families impacted by the pandemic that are still struggling. ADVERTISEMENT The pandemic showed us all how unequal housing is and how many renters are vulnerable, Lewis said. We need to do a better job at outreach and education because if youre in a vulnerable community, or any situation regardless of your race or whatever, and the government has a program where its going to help you pay your rent, theres going to be some apprehension. Lewis praised the eviction moratorium extension, claiming that many families will benefit from it. Imagine being in a vulnerable community, worried about losing your job or youre a frontline worker with kids at home. The last thing you need is to be evicted, Lewis said. How Tenants Will Benefit From AB 832 Allows a tenant to receive full amount due if the landlord doesnt participate in the program so that they are not carrying it as consumer debt. Permanently masks COVID rental debt civil cases, thus protecting tenants from having these cases impact their consumer credit. Extends current eviction moratorium. How Landlords Will Benefit From AB 832 Increases rental assistance payments to give 100% of rent owed for eligible landlords and tenants. Allows a longer timeframe for rental assistance funds, so more unpaid rent can be covered. Authorizes rental assistance payments to be provided to landlords in situations where the tenant has moved out and now lives in a new place, but still owes rent payments to their prior landlord. Requires a tenant to fill out the necessary paperwork for the rental assistance program within 15 business days of receiving notice of their landlord filling out its portion when a three-day eviction notice has been served. These eviction protections do not apply to new tenancies beginning on or after October 1, 2021. Chinese President Xi Jinping promised Thursday to complete "reunification" with self-ruled Taiwan. The Chinese leader made the comments during an hour-long speech on the 100th anniversary of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. He also promised to stop any attempts by Taiwan to seek official independence. China considers democratically ruled Taiwan its own territory and has increased efforts under Xi to defend its sovereignty claims. Those efforts include repeated flights by Chinese fighter planes and bombers close to the island. In his speech, Xi said, "All sons and daughters of Chinamust work together and move forward in solidarity, resolutely smashing any 'Taiwan independence' plots. Xi also said anyone who tries to bully China will face broken heads and bloodshed. The unusually forceful language appeared to be an answer to criticism from the United States and other countries. Many nations have criticized Chinas trade and technology policies, military expansion, and human rights record. Taiwan's China policy-making Mainland Affairs Council said the Communist Party had reached a "certain economic development." But it said China remained a dictatorship that abused people's freedoms and should accept democracy instead. The council also said Taiwan's people have rejected the "one China principle," which states that the island is part of China. It added that China should give up its military threats and talk with Taiwan as equals. "Our government's determination to firmly defend the nation's sovereignty and Taiwan's democracy and freedom and to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait remains unchanged." China has never ruled out the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control. Xi called for a process of "peaceful reunification." But he also said that nobody should "underestimate the Chinese people'sability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity." The government of the Republic of China withdrew to Taiwan in 1949 at the end of Chinas Civil War. The Chinese Communist Party took control of the mainland. The U.S. first recognized the government in Beijing in 1979. Most Taiwanese have shown no interest in being ruled by mainland China. Taiwan says only the island's people can decide their future and have criticized Chinese pressure. Im Jonathan Evans. Jonathan Evans adapted this story for Learning English from reports by the Reuters news service. Mario Ritter, Jr. was the editor. _____________________________________________________________ Words in This Story sovereignty n. a countrys independent authority and right to govern itself resolutely adv. showing strong will to do something bully v. to try to use threats, insults or force to make someone do something determination n. a quality that causes people to continue in efforts to do something that is difficult stability n. the quality or state in which something is not easily changed or moved integrity n. the state of being complete and whole In the United States, summer is a time when students can have fun, rest, and relax -- at least those not attending summer school. In many countries around the world, summer is also a time to take long vacations or short trips to beautiful places. In todays Everyday Grammar, we will explore the grammar of rest, relaxation, and summer fun. You will learn how the verb have plays a central part in describing fun times. Lets begin with a few important ideas. Have Have is an unusual verb. It can act as a main verb, as in: We had fun! Or it can act as an auxiliary verb, as in: I have visited this place many times. For todays report, lets only explore have in its use as a main verb. One common structure is have + a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words that act like a noun in a sentence. Have + a noun phrase can mean to own or possess something. But it can also have other meanings that are very commonly used. Many of these meanings express fun and relaxation. Meals and drinks When people go on trips, or even have time to relax at home, they are often more careful about preparing and eating meals. Students who do not have to hurry to school may be more likely to have a big breakfast. Or perhaps families on trips take more care to have large dinners. In any of these cases, the structure have + a noun phrase can mean to eat or drink something. For example, a person might say any of the following: Do you want to have lunch? Id like to have a snack. Enjoying something Have + a noun phrase can take on other meanings, too. One meaning is to enjoy something. So, young people could describe a situation in which they had fun, or had a good time, or even had a blast. The three statements are nearly the same in meaning, with have a blast being the strongest statement of them all. Consider this example: Parent: How was your day? Did you play with your friends? Child: Yes! I went to Teddys house, and we had a blast! Parent: What did you do? Child: We set fire to a Parent: You did what? Child: Just kidding! Getting a chance or the time to do something On summer trips, families and others finally get a chance to do something fun or different. This leads us to the final meaning of have + a noun phrase: to get a chance or the time to do something. The most common expressions are have a chance or have time. Consider these two examples: When I go on summer vacation, I will have a chance to read books and play video games. When I take a vacation from work, I will have time to see friends and go hiking! Closing thoughts While the examples we explored today are about summer vacations or trips, you can use these structures to talk about all kinds of fun and relaxing times and activities. English grammar can be fun especially when you use grammar lessons to talk about great times! Im John Russell. John Russell wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Bryan Lynn was the editor. _______________________________________________________________ Words in This Story relax v. to spend time resting and enjoying yourself auxiliary verb n. Grammar : a verb (such as have, be, may, do, shall, will, can, or must) that is used with another verb to show the verb's tense, to form a question, etc. snack n. a small amount of food eaten between meals Officials at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC, approved tenure for Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones. The decision came after weeks of tension and protest at the school and around the country. Tenure guarantees lifetime employment at a college or university. It can offer protection to professors who express their political and cultural opinions publicly. UNC Board of Trustees voted 9-4 to award tenure at a special meeting Wednesday. Part of the meeting was closed to the public, which caused protests by supporters of Hannah-Jones. Today we took another important step in creating an even better university, Gene Davis, a member of the board, said after the vote was announced. We welcome Nikole Hannah-Jones back to Chapel Hill. Davis said that by awarding tenure to Hannah-Jones, UNC was showing its commitment to the universitys highest values of free speech and diversity of all types, including viewpoint diversity. Hannah-Jones has won important awards for her reporting, including the Pulitzer Prize for her work on The New York Times 1619 Project. The project reported on Americas history of slavery. The university had announced in April that it had hired Hannah-Jones. It offered her a five-year contract to lead the Race and Investigation Journalism program at the school. The leadership position usually comes with tenure but it was not offered to Hannah-Jones. Last week, Hannah-Jones said she would not report for work unless she was awarded tenure. Officials then called the meeting to discuss the situation after weeks of protests. Fight for tenure Hannah-Jones said in a statement Wednesday evening that she was honored and grateful for the support she received in her fight for tenure. She said that receiving tenure is about more than just her. The fight, she said, was about guaranteeing the journalistic and academic freedom of Black writers, researchers, teachers, and students. It is unclear if Hannah-Jones will now accept the position at UNC. She said she needs to process the events and decide on the best way forward. Her statement was published on the website of the NAACP, a rights organization for African Americans. After the vote, university official Ralph W. Meekins Sr., released a statement welcoming Hannah-Jones to the university. I strongly believe that she has the right to express her ideas...here at this great university, Meekins said. Why was tenure not offered? Before Wednesday, the school had little to say about why tenure was not offered, but it later revealed that an important donor had questioned her journalism work. Walter Hussman is a wealthy, Arkansas newspaper publisher and donor to the journalism school. He said he had questioned university officials about her work, which he called contentious and controversial. Officials then stopped the tenure process. In a text message after Hannah-Jones was awarded tenure, Hussman said, I look forward to meeting her and discussing journalism. Hannah-Jones' tenure request also had been stopped earlier in the year when school officials questioned her academic background and teaching abilities. The entire process brought a lot of criticism within the university. It came especially from those who say the school has not answered questions about the way it treats Black professors and students. Susan King is the head of the UNC journalism school. Hannah-Jones will make our school better with her presence, she said in a statement. Im Susan Shand. The Associated Press reported this story. Susan Shand adapted it for Learning English. Hai Do was the editor. _____________________________________________________________ Words in This Story academic adj. relating to schools, universities and education diversity n. the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc. viewpoint n. a way of looking at or thinking about something journalism n. the activity or job of collecting, writing, and editing news stories for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio grateful adj. feeling or showing thanks contentious adj. likely to cause people to argue or disagree controversial adj. relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section, and visit our Facebook page. State education officials announced last week "the path is clear" for students to return to full time, in-person instruction at Oregon K-12 schools this fall. For mid-valley school districts, however, that path has a few obstacles left such as, who, if anyone, should continue to wear masks? How will recess, lunchtime and P.E. work? And what exactly should they do with the remote options they made available all last year? "We anticipate being back in person and will offer a K-8 online option, but anything more is a guess," Bo Yates, superintendent of the Lebanon Community School District, said by email Monday. The Oregon Department of Education announced a "resiliency framework" June 25 for the 2021-22 school year, meant to shift public schools back to more traditional schedules based on local decisions. The framework reflects Gov. Kate Brown's announcement to lift all remaining COVID-10 health and safety restrictions issued under Oregon emergency statutes, including executive orders for K-12 schools, as of this week. According to ODE, the plan is to return this fall to full-time, in-person classes, complete with instructional time requirements. Online programs may be offered at the discretion of local districts. SEATTLE While it's Yusei Kikuchi heading to the All-Star Game, no member of the Seattle Mariners' starting rotation has provided a bigger boost this season than Chris Flexen. The following is taken from the Santa Maria Police Department's calls-for-service log and the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office daily arrest log. Those appearing as "arrested" are only suspected of the crime indicated but are presumed innocent. Thursday, June 17: INCIDENT At 12:37 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of shots heard in the 1000 block of East Butterfly Court. INCIDENT At 6:57 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a stalking in the 300 block of West Chapel Street. INCIDENT At 10:21 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a felony warrant in the 1800 block of North Broadway. ARREST At 6:32 p.m., Anthony Lupercio, 25, was arrested in the 200 block of North Depot Street and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of domestic violence. ARREST At 10:17 p.m., Jakob Bender, 54, was arrested in the 3600 block of Dixielee Street and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of child cruelty, resisting an officer with additional force and vandalism. ARREST At 11:52 p.m., Elias Casillas, 58, was arrested in the 1900 block of South Broadway and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of domestic violence and threats. Santa Maria Police received 16 reports of fireworks. Friday, June 18: INCIDENT At 9:03 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of shots heard in the 300 block of East Tunnell Street. ARREST At 6:58 p.m., James McClendon, 65, was arrested in the 1100 block of West Betteravia Road and released with a citation for elder abuse. Santa Maria Police received eight reports of fireworks. Saturday, June 19: INCIDENT At 12:49 a.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of shots heard in the 200 block of East Grant Street. INCIDENT At 2:35 a.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a person brandishing a weapon in the 900 block of West Donovan Road. INCIDENT At 9:30 a.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a hit-and-run with an injury near the intersection of South Depot Street and West Battles Road. INCIDENT At 3:29 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a vehicle collision with a minor injury in the 600 block of West Main Street. INCIDENT At 6:57 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a person brandishing a weapon in the 1500 block of South Broadway. INCIDENT At 9:03 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a vehicle collision with a minor injury near the intersection of South Bradley Road and East Betteravia Road. ARREST At 9:49 a.m., Rondell Dillard, 37, was arrested in 2400 block of South Broadway and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of domestic violence and illegal possession of narcotics. Santa Maria Police received 22 reports of fireworks. Sunday, June 20: INCIDENT At 2:38 a.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a hit-and-run with an injury in the 600 block of West Cypress Street. INCIDENT At 3:10 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a vehicle collision with a minor injury in the 800 block of South Blanche Court. INCIDENT At 3:21 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a hit-and-run with an injury near the intersection of North Blosser Road and West Main Street. INCIDENT At 4:51 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a robbery in the 1800 block of North Broadway. INCIDENT At 9:20 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a stalking in the 700 block of East Donovan Road. Santa Maria Police received 21 reports of fireworks. Monday, June 21: INCIDENT At 1:06 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a person brandishing a weapon in the 900 block of Hidden Pines Way. INCIDENT At 4:24 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a stabbing in the 500 block of North Lincoln Street. INCIDENT At 4:26 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a vehicle collision with a minor injury near the intersection of East Main Street and South Palisade Drive. INCIDENT At 6:45 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a robbery in the 2200 block of South Bradley Road. ARREST At 5:45 a.m., Juan Miranda, 29, was arrested in the 1200 block of West Sonya Lane and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of domestic violence. ARREST At 8:17 p.m., Gregorio Hernandez-Garcia, 55, was arrested in the 500 block of North Lincoln Street and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, non-firearm. Santa Maria Police received 11 reports of fireworks. Tuesday, June 22: INCIDENT At 3:02 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a hit-and-run with an injury in the 2000 block of South Broadway. INCIDENT At 10:58 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of shots heard near the intersection of North School and East Chapel street. ARREST At 7:07 p.m., Lisa Pineda, 50, was arrested near Highway 101 and Betteravia Road and booked into Santa Barbara County Jail on suspicion of child endangerment and driving under the influence. Santa Maria Police received seven reports of fireworks. Wednesday, June 23: INCIDENT At 1 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a vehicle collision with a minor injury in the 1200 block of West Main Street. INCIDENT At 5:08 p.m., Santa Maria Police received a report of a felony warrant in the 2200 block of South Broadway. Santa Maria Police received three reports of fireworks. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Air Force Materiel Command Commander, presents the 2020 Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation Sword of Honor to U.S. Air Force Capt. Katie L. Broyles during a gala event at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, June 2, 2021. Since 2009 the Sword of Honor has been presented to the top performing exchange officers from the U.S Air Force and the British Royal Air Force. The award recognizes excellence in pursuit of aviation and is in keeping with Winston S. Churchill's call in 1946 for a mutual exchange of officers between the U.S. and the British Commonwealth in an effort to further the study of defense needs and weapons technology. The British 2020 Sword of Honor recipient is Royal Air Force Group Caption Andrew Lloyd. Steven Roberts teaches politics and journalism at George Washington University. He can be contacted by email at stevecokie@gmail.com. One year ago this week, the Madison School Board joined others around the country as it eliminated its school-based police officer program. One month after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, captured through bystander video, the unanimous vote included some board members who had previously been in favor of the school resource officers. It came even as Freedom Inc., which had demanded the district remove officers from schools for years during public comment at board meetings, could only watch online, as the board met via Zoom in the earlier months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Freedom Inc. youth justice director Bianca Gomez recalled it as a very politically charged time and said the decision came on the backs of Breonna Taylor and Floyd. While she will always celebrate the win and celebrate our young people and their organizing, those deaths at the hands of police complicate the reflection. It's always a bittersweet moment to celebrate because Black people had to die in order for that moment to happen, Gomez said. There had to be mass uprising for that moment to happen. There had to be Black suffering for that moment to even be a possibility. Further complicating the reflection is that one year later, the decision has only affected a brief, two-month window when high school students were back in buildings at the end of the 2020-21 school year. Even then, they were in smaller groups split into cohorts, with some students remaining virtual through the end of the year. The district created a Safety and Security Ad Hoc Committee that met virtually throughout the first semester of the school year, with 29 community members and two School Board members: Savion Castro and then-board president Gloria Reyes, one of the former supporters of SROs who voted to eliminate the contract. If you would have asked me in 2019, would the vote to remove cops in schools be unanimous, I would have said, 'No,' Castro said. But I think in that moment where everybody was deeply reflecting, a part of me was a little surprised that folks came around to take that action, but another part of me was (thinking), what else could we have done? District spokesman Tim LeMonds called the SRO program just one spoke in the wheel of broader work toward student safety that has been going for the past few years, with other initiatives like restorative justice receiving more focus since the removal of SROs. That previous work helped prepare staff for reopening buildings this past spring, as they focused on social and emotional health and making sure students felt a sense of belonging at school. That allowed us to really strengthen and test ourselves and our effectiveness when working with and supporting students who were struggling during the pandemic, so there was a lot of that work going on as well, LeMonds said. Castro believes the district is moving in the right direction but knows it will take an ongoing commitment to make restorative justice work. We're taking the long view and trying to think boldly about what we want justice to look like in our schools because restorative justice can't just be pegged as a turn of discipline (policies), it's got to be a mindset of how we navigate conflict, of how we rectify injustices, Castro said. Shifting ground The Madison Metropolitan School District had officers stationed in its four comprehensive high schools for nearly two decades, and the board had approved a new three-year agreement with the Madison Police Department just over a year before voting to end that same contract. But June 2020 was a radically different time than June 2019. Other districts, including those in the Twin Cities area where Floyd was killed, had begun to make similar decisions as they reckoned with systemic racism in policing and schools. Castro said the vote was a stepping stone to a much broader conversation about justice, and our schools and broader community. We have some of the largest disparities in the country, with regard to discipline, with regard to reading, and these things are interconnected, he said. When we talk about the school-to-prison pipeline, it's not just SROs, it's first graders being suspended from school, it's about their parents experiencing housing insecurity, all these things interplay with each other. The mood around SROs is continuing to shift. On the votes anniversary, Chalkbeat reported that a prominent national education civil rights group, The Education Trust, has lobbied the Biden administration to decrease the role of school police. The Biden administration must counter this dangerous narrative that more police, weapons, and surveillance in schools will help keep schools safe if it wishes to make true improvements to school climate nationwide, a memo from the organization said. Changes coming The ad hoc committees 16 recommendations included investments in restorative justice, professionalizing school security assistants and reducing class sizes. The School Board adopted the list earlier this year. Some who participated were disappointed in how the committee ended, as some members asked for more time. But with budget planning season approaching, Reyes told the committee they had to come up with recommendations to make sure they were included for 2021-22. The School Board approved budget items for new restorative justice positions and increased the pay for SSAs for 2021-22. Their role was just way bigger than school security assistants, Castro said. They were mentors to students, they were doing the work of building relationships and de-escalating conflict and kind of proving themselves that you don't need a badge or a gun to interact with young people who may be having a tough time, and they did not contribute to this school-to-prison pipeline. He acknowledged that a part of me does wish that (the committee) went longer, but said the work continues through a superintendents work group. Freedom Inc.'s Gomez, however, noted that work is behind closed doors while the committee was public, with all of its meetings broadcast on the districts YouTube channel. I was not thrilled about the end result, Gomez said. And we know that when things are half-done they're going to be half-implemented. So I think there are a lot of great recommendations on the committee, but I don't know if we're going to see them through, and there's no way to hold the district accountable for doing them or not doing them. Measuring progress One of the recommendations discussed by the committee came from Freedom Inc. itself, and called for direct community control over police involvement at schools. That included creating a group to investigate any incident in which police were called to school and potentially dole out punishment. I think there are some really well-intentioned people in the district, I do. I can't pretend like that's not true, Gomez said. But good intention does not change policy and practice, only policy and practice can change policy and practice. During the abbreviated 2020-21 school year, police were called to the comprehensive high schools a total of 46 times, according to an email from Madison Police Department police property supervisor Lorie Anderson. While she was not able to disclose specifics of the calls, they could be for a range of reasons, including information, theft and parking complaints, she said. Castro said he appreciated some points of the Freedom Inc. recommendation, but that state statutes prevent pieces of it, including some situations in which state law requires police be called to school. Hes still hopeful that whats ahead will be much better for students than whats come in the past. We've got to be serious about being proactive and safety, he said. And I think that policing as an institution is inherently reactive. And so we want to take root cause analysis, and really help students achieve success in their life. LeMonds said that while law enforcement is always going to be a part of our community and is required to respond to certain situations, the districts focus is on preventing those situations from occurring. A lot of that work is focused on the intervention, working with students prior to these incidents, he said. We are implementing risk assessment programs to identify students who are at risk so that we can have those interventions and provide them the support that they need prior to all that. Gomez and Freedom Inc. will be following closely. She said the district will have to do more than surface-level social justice initiatives to show the community that things are changing within the district for the better. Theyll focus on discipline statistics and what young people are saying about the support or lack thereof they receive from the district, she said. That's how we measure progress, not by how the district tells us they have progressed, Gomez said. Share your opinion on this topic by sending a letter to the editor to tctvoice@madison.com. Include your full name, hometown and phone number. Your name and town will be published. The phone number is for verification purposes only. Please keep your letter to 250 words or less. The two were sharing a room because Schwetz said there was only enough money to pay for one hotel room. According to the report, Schwetz is married and Banes is in a committed relationship, so he did not think it would be a problem. The police report documents Schwetz becoming drunk and belligerent over two nights Sept. 23 and 24, 2018. Schwetz said she was upset because the zoo had failed an accreditation, according to the report. She attempted to have sex with Banes several times. On the morning of Sept. 25, 2018, Schwetz asked Banes to go to breakfast and thanked him for being a good friend and the mutual trust that they had. (Banes) felt like she was trying to manipulate him into not saying anything, according to the report. On July 29, 2019, Schwetzs day-to-day supervisory authority over Banes ended. Banes reported the assaults to now retired AZA CEO Kristen Vehrs and the AZA. It was then that the campaign of retaliation and discrimination against Dr. Banes began, the complaint states. "I think we're sensitive to the health care needs of the public and we didn't have to expand Medicaid to accomplish that," Marklein said. Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, described the budget as a "swing and a miss," arguing that lawmakers "absolutely wasted" the billions of unexpected dollars the state had available particularly when it comes to spending money to expand broadband. The budget increased funding for efforts to expand broadband access by $125 million $75 million less than proposed by Evers funded by borrowing. A 2020 report by the research arm of the Wisconsin Counties Association found that Wisconsin's level of broadband accessibility is lower than the national average and 35 other states. The state Public Service Commission estimates that about 800,000 people in Wisconsin or 14% of its population don't have the infrastructure needed for an internet connection fast or reliable enough to meet the federal definition of broadband. Progressives strongly uphold the inspiring aspirational words in our Declaration: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We as progressives must carry the torch to illuminate our past, cast light on the realities of our present, and shine a bright light as we push toward a more racially just future. This is how we as Americans truly honor the Declaration of Independence this Fourth of July. Ron Malzer is a board member of the La Crosse County Democratic Party. The views expressed are his own. Share your opinion on this topic by sending a letter to the editor to tctvoice@madison.com. Include your full name, hometown and phone number. Your name and town will be published. The phone number is for verification purposes only. Please keep your letter to 250 words or less. Before the pandemic, we were open six days a week. When COVID-19 hit, we cut back to five days. Now that were emerging from the trials of the past year, our brewery is so busy were open seven days a week. This is a reflection of the partnership that the city health department and chamber of commerce have made, along with the increased federal and state dollars being invested in us. It helps to know we have a president whos looking out for small businesses. Now that we're opening back up, people are eager to get out of the house but they want to be safe. Were playing our part: Weve hosted two vaccine clinics in our establishment and we have an incentive that gives a free beer to every person who gets vaccinated. People in our community know were looking out for them, just like they looked out for us during the pandemic. Dear Editor: All votes in all 50 states were counted and validated following last Novembers elections. They were certified by both Republican and Democratic officials. As a former poll worker, I am proud of the meticulousness with which our elections are conducted. Trumps contempt for the will of the American people is villainous, and the attempted coup by his minions on Jan. 6 to interfere with the tally of the legitimate electoral vote is a serious departure from American ideals. In the wake of these and other recent unjustified series of events, Trump continues to spread his narcissistic Big Lie. It is truly refreshing to see that Michigan Republican state Sen. Ed McBroom stated that his Republican lead committee found "no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud." This contradicts months of assertions of fraud by Trump and members of his own party. McBroom further said the committee finds those promoting a nationwide conspiracy to steal the election at zero credibility." The ECDC estimates its about 40% to 60% more transmissible than the Alpha variant -- making it about half again as contagious. Vaccines protect against it - but not perfectly Real life and laboratory evidence both suggest that fully vaccinated people are protected against the Delta variant. "The good news is if you are vaccinated -- and fully vaccinated means two weeks after your last shot -- then there is good evidence that you have a high degree of protection against this virus," Murthy told CNN's Erica Hill Wednesday. "But if you are not vaccinated, then you are in trouble." Vaccine maker Moderna released results Tuesday showing that blood taken from vaccinated people could neutralize Delta, as well as other variants including Alpha, the Beta or B.1.351 variant first seen in South African, and Gamma, or P.1, which has swept Brazil. "Vaccines can handle it," Mulligan said. "In most cases, we have a cushion of magnitude in circulating antibody and other cellular responses. The vaccines are able to handle this." And in US states with lower vaccination rates, the Delta variant is more prevalent than in states where the majority of the populations are immunized. BURLINGTON A teacher who participated in Jan. 6 protests at the U.S. Capitol over the 2020 presidential election will no longer teach American history at Burlington High School. Jeff Taff, who is entering his eighth year at the high school, has been reassigned from the upper-level Modern American History course to a freshman-level course known as Social Studies Foundations. Taff also will continue teaching another course, Modern World History, when classes resume in the fall. Burlington Area School District officials declined to say whether the classroom changes are related to Taffs participation in the violent and deadly Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol, to protest the election of Joe Biden over Donald Trump as president. According to Taff, his attorney and family, he never entered the Capitol or participated in any of the violence. Trump and many of his supporters have maintained that there was widespread fraud leading to Biden becoming president, although no proof of such fraud has been found and U.S. courts have consistently sided against Trump since the election. The district placed Taff on leave and ordered an investigation after learning that he had shared conspiracy theories about the election with students. The investigator found that Taff did not violate any law or district policy, although the investigator criticized Taffs judgment and professionalism on the job, and urged that the teacher undergo new training and scrutiny. Taffs suspension ended earlier this month. YouTube video To this day, Taff refuses to say whether he accepts that Biden won the November 2020 election legitimately. The $50,000-a-year history teacher announced his new classroom assignments in a video he uploaded to YouTube defending his approach to teaching about the Nazi Holocaust, which was one area in which the school district investigator raised criticism. Burlington Area School District has stripped me of teaching this class next year, Taff said in the video posted on YouTube on June 23. It can be watched at youtu.be/N54O0DWod00. Saying that he believes the Holocaust lesson is the districts main reason for pulling him out of Modern American History, Taff cited one confused student who complained about the lesson. Taff also blamed critics who have used social media to air grievances about his teaching methods. He added: The social justice warriors, in trying to silence the teaching of truth, only help the choir to sing more loudly. Taff could not be reached for comment on this story. Reactions Parents in the Burlington school district are voicing mixed feelings about the districts decision to strip Taff of his American history teaching assignment. Jon Phetteplace, who has criticized Taff previously and is the parent of a BHS student, said he would prefer that Taff be removed from teaching entirely. Phetteplace, however, said he is glad that the district will no longer permit him to teach American history. Im hoping that he basically is able to just be quiet, Phetteplace said. Phetteplace was named in the description of Taffs YouTube video, uploaded to an account titled Jeff Taff. The video description states, Jon Phetteplace goes by the alias Conrad Breadwater on his social media accounts. If you have NO IDEA what has been going on for the past 6 months, here are a few articles about Jon Phetteplaces and others false accusations, followed by links to eight news articles. Another parent, Adrianne Melby, who has supported Taff, called the districts move unfortunate, saying that she would happily allow Taff to teach American history to her kids. Jeff Taff is a man of integrity and common sense, she said. School district spokeswoman Julie Thomas confirmed Taffs new teaching assignments. She also said the changes would not affect Taffs salary of $50,000 a year. Thomas would not say who will be teaching Modern American History in Taffs place. Burlington High School Principal Eric Burling also declined to say why Taffs teaching assignments are changing. The districts course catalog says the American history course delves into people who have shaped United States history, while Social Studies Foundations focuses on fundamental foundations of social science. All Burlington High School sophomores are required to take Modern American History or an advanced-placement equivalent; Social Studies Foundations similarly is required of all freshmen. Number of Guardsmen in Kenosha per day On Aug. 24 i.e., less than 24 hours after Blake was shot by Kenosha Officer Rusten Sheskey there were 125 National Guardsmen on the ground in Kenosha. By Aug. 25, the night of the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings, there were 250 National Guardsmen bolstering crowd control with the many southeast Wisconsin law enforcement officers that were called into Kenosha. On Aug. 26, the calmest night of the four since Blake had been shot, there were 500 Guardsmen active in the city. This was the night in which arrests picked up; even as protests became nonviolent, law enforcement moved quickly to arrest individuals and groups who broke off from the main crowd. On Aug. 27, there were 750 Guardsmen in Kenosha. On Aug. 28, there were 2,000; 800 of those came from the National Guards of Michigan, Arizona and Alabama, reportedly because Evers was now accepting outside help after having rejected it previously. A year and a day after 18-year-old Dembo Jammeh was found dead in a Far East Side parking lot, the now-20-year-old Madison man who shot him to death pleaded guilty and will likely spend at least 20 years in prison. Jalyn L. Cain-Roberson pleaded guilty Thursday to first-degree reckless homicide in Dane County Circuit Court as part of an agreement between him and the state that dismisses first-degree intentional homicide and bail-jumping charges. Deputy District Attorney William Brown said the state will recommend a sentence including no more than 20 years behind bars, although the court will still have the option of ordering up to 60 when Cain-Roberson is sentenced on Sept. 17. Cain-Roberson shot and killed Jammeh at the Red Roof Inn, 4830 Hayes Road, on June 30, 2020, after the two were involved in a dispute at a nearby gas station on East Washington Avenue, according to a criminal complaint filed last year. Surveillance video showed Cain-Roberson following Jammeh to the hotel, where he was shot three times, including once in the heart. His body was found around 8:30 p.m. at the bottom of an exterior set of stairs. Have your say The Wisconsin Public Service Commission is seeking comments on whether to rescind the permit and reopen proceedings on the $492 million Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line amid revelations that a former member had private communications with owners of the project. Public comments can be submitted through through July 19 at go.madison.com/cardinalhickorycreek. The state DOT implemented the waiver last year in an effort to address a testing backlog and limit in-person visits to Division of Motor Vehicles service centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 48,000 drivers, or about 85% of eligible candidates, made use of the waiver from May 11, 2020, through April, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau. As a pilot program, the waiver has no expiration date and remains currently available. The state DOT is required to provide the Legislature with a report on the program by the end of the year. Once received, Evers will have six days excluding Sundays to take action on the budget. He could sign the budget as written or use his partial veto authority to make changes by striking words, though he cannot add new words. The budget would automatically become law if no action is taken within the six-day window. State statute calls for a budget to be passed by July 1. If that doesnt happen, spending levels from the previous two-year budget cycle carry over into the new one, enabling state agencies to continue operating. The lack of a new budget starts to have more of an impact after a few months, as school districts look to their level of state funding as they craft their own budgets. Insider accounts can be very useful. But its a comically convenient framing of Christies role in the Trump saga. He wasnt merely an observer, he was a participant, and one whose behind-the-scenes and front-facing work enabled and emboldened the Trump administration and other Republicans to ultimately secure their own demise. Defending Trump, even around the edges at times, conditioned the very environment Christie is presumably lamenting one that resulted in the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories, baseless claims of election fraud, the rise of GOP kooks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Theres a difference between being an insider and a co-conspirator. Christie can offer an insiders account of the GOPs self-destruction in the same way the getaway driver can offer an insiders account of a bank robbery. Finally, and most eye-rollingly, the book will offer no-nonsense solutions for how to recover the partys image and integrity, and how to beat back the ultra-liberal policies of Joe Bidens Democrats. Imagine that a developer has been lobbying your local town board to approve a controversial development. You file a record request asking for all emails between that developer and the boards three members. None of them have official government email accounts, so they search their personal emails. Two members each turn over more than 15 emails. The third says she never sent nor received any emails from the developer. Do you believe her? What can you do about it if you dont? Shockingly, in Wisconsin its perfectly legal for government officials to use their personal emails to do government work. Even though a government entity may have no ability to access personal accounts and even though its ridiculously easy to use personal emails to hide conversations from the public, these practices are still allowed. Yes, as anybody familiar with the open records law knows, personal email accounts are still subject to the law. Government officials are required to search through personal email accounts and produce any emails related to government work that are responsive to a record request. But the ability of officials to use their personal email accounts is an opportunity for mischief. In a society that values transparency and public oversight, it should be unacceptable. Local alert top story HIDDEN HISTORY Hidden History: News briefs from back in the day DREW NASH, TIMES-NEWS Mychel Matthews Editors note: This column ran Feb. 1, 2018, in the Times-News and at Magicvalley.com. The Idaho Evening Times ran the following news briefs in November 1930: Hill pleads not guilty to assault charge TWIN FALLS Charles Hill stabbed George Klundt with a knife when the latter accidentally stepped on his toe. Hill pleaded not guilty to an assault charge in probate court but could not post bail. Gum Vending Machine Theft Reported TWIN FALLS D.K. Frost reported the theft of a gum vending machine fastened to a post near the old library building by thieves, the third reported theft of a gum vending machine within a week, officers said. The thieves took the post and all. Alleged moonshiners deny charge TWIN FALLS Frank Bassford and Charles Marler pleaded not guilty to a charge of manufacturing intoxicating liquor. Each was held under a $300 bond. Bank robbers still at large FILER No trace has been found of four bandits who held up the First National Bank in Filer. The numbers of the banknotes were known and have been broadcast, police said. They hope to catch them when they cash in the Federal Reserve notes, if still in the area. Mother of 8 charged with old forgery TWIN FALLS Mrs. George Gordon, 31, of Blackfoot passed a forged $8 check at a local hardware store, signed Mrs. Burt Alred. Two years later, she charged a bill at the same place using a similar name. Mrs. Gordon was caught after she charged a set of silverware and a cheap pocket watch and chain at the hardware store. Her husband, Ray Alred, would pay the bill, she told the store. She then asked for a $5 loan at a local barbershop, so she could go shopping. She said her husband, a regular at the barbershop and a resident of Hansen, would pay the bill. She left the silverware for collateral. The mother of eight children was in jail in Idaho Falls when officers found her in 1928, so the charges were dropped, but they will be pressed now. Fatal bullet wound DENVER Mary Behan, 65, died from a bullet wound to the neck when she raked an unexploded cartridge into a bonfire of leaves at her home. Woman accuses husband of trying to burn her to death JERSEY CITY, N.J. Elizabeth Swazerly says her husband, Howard Swazerly, attempted to burn her to death while she slept. Mrs. Swazerly awoke to find her bed in flames and her husband dancing about the room waving a torch made of rolled newspapers. Her husband was held on a charge of atrocious assault and battery while police determined whether the story was true or if she suffered from delirium because of her burns. TWIN FALLS A 28-year-old man is in jail on a $1 million bond after police say he led law enforcement on a high-speed chase through the county last week, eventually crashing a stolen vehicle. During the chase, a Twin Falls County sheriffs deputy forced the driver off the road south of Twin Falls. When approached, the driver tried to run down the deputy, who shot at him to avoid being hit, a court affidavit says. Dispatchers received 911 calls just after 1 p.m. June 23 reporting an eastbound black truck with green lettering driving recklessly at high speeds on U.S. Highway 30 between Filer and Twin Falls. Minutes later, dispatchers received a call reporting the theft of a black 2020 Dodge Ram 3500 from a gas station in Filer, the affidavit says. May crime report: School shooting, murder trial, sex offender lawsuit and more Did you miss any crime and court news from last month? Here's a collection of the crime reports, notable arrests and important court hearings The Dodge Ram was next seen going east on Pole Line Road, where a deputy tried to stop the driver. The driver fled at speeds up to 110 mph, striking another vehicle just west of the Twin Falls city limits. At that point, the county turned the pursuit over to Twin Falls police, who were positioned throughout the city, reports say. The Dodge continued at high speeds through town, running stop signs and jumping curbs. Republican state superintendents candidate Branden Durst said the board was capitulating to liberals and called out State Board member and 2022 GOP primary foe Debbie Critchfield. Critchfield is running as a Republican, but seems to be disinterested in the very real concerns so many Idahoans, especially Republicans, have about the indoctrination of students and the use of taxpayer dollars to do it, Durst said in a news release. Board approves U of I law school lease In other business Monday, the State Board unanimously approved a lease agreement to expand the U of Is Boise footprint. The U of I has the go-ahead to lease the former Concordia University law school building in Downtown Boise. The $600,000-a-year lease will allow the U of I to leave its current law school site at the old Ada County Courthouse. President C. Scott Green said the lease could allow the U of I to serve 90 students per year in Boise, up from its current enrollment of 60, and perhaps generate $1.8 million per year in new revenue. The increased enrollment would cover lease payments, and make improvements at its Moscow campus as well. The fate of the old law school campus is unknown. The state owns the building, across the street from the Statehouse, and was leasing it to the U of I, university spokeswoman Jodi Walker said Monday. Love 1 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 BOISE Idaho Gov. Brad Little joined Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte on Wednesday in writing an open letter to President Joe Biden after the pair of governors were left out of a meeting on worsening wildfires that included several Western states leaders. A White House fact sheet on the meeting said Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris would meet with governors from Western states, Cabinet officials and private sector partners to discuss wildfire prevention, response and more as the West faces extensive drought and a potentially catastrophic wildfire season. The Biden administration said it is working to boost firefighter pay and build a more permanent, rather than seasonal, firefighting workforce. In their letter, the governors said they were disappointed not to be part of the meeting. No state in what it faces and how it responds is like another, they wrote. We were disappointed to learn not all Western states who face a harsh wildfire season will be at the table. Idaho is in the 100th percentile for wildfire likelihood, according to a U.S. Forest Service wildfire risk map. Despite several recent years of mild wildfire seasons, the state is regularly in the top 10 U.S. states for acreage burned by wildfire, Insurance Information Institute data show. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Bound together are 50-year anniversaries of the Stanley clinic, Sawtooth NRA and NP as a new healthcare profession in Idaho. Stanleys community impacted rural health care far beyond the Sawtooth country. Half-century anniversaries are an opportunity to look backand look forward. I ask you whose lives were touched by the Stanley clinic and ambulance: send your personal stories to the Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association (SIHA). Your recorded memories will become part of the 50-year anniversary narrative of the Stanley clinic and the Nurse Practitioner in Idaho. Send your stories to SIHA, attn: Lin Gray, Box 75, Stanley, ID 83278 or lgray@discoversawtooth.org Your stories will help preserve the past and build for the future. Marie Osborn ARNP provided emergency and primary care services in Stanley, Idaho, from 1972-1999. From 1999 until she retired at age 80, she saw patients in Idaho City, Horseshoe Bend, and Boise. Marie has a BSN from Ball State in 1953. Idahos first nurse practitioner, Marie trained at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Treasure Valley and Wood River Valley hospitals, University of Utah, and Chicagos Cook County Hospital. She is the mother of five children. BOISE With near record temperatures heading into the Fourth of July weekend, grass and other vegetation from the valleys to the mountains are drying out and the risk of fires is heightened. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is reminding users of federal forest and rangelands, state endowment lands and department-managed lands and access sites, that fireworks and exploding targets are prohibited. If you plan to enjoy the outdoors during the Fourth of July holiday and beyond this summer, be extremely cautious, and leave the fireworks at home. People should also be aware that some municipal and county governments in Idaho have banned fireworks this year including on private lands due to fire risk, and they should check with their local government for more information. Possessing and/or using fireworks on federal public lands is strictly prohibited. During closed fire season (May 10 to October 20), it is illegal to throw away any lighted material, including fire crackers or fireworks on any forest or rangeland in the State of Idaho (Idaho Code 38-117). Starting a wildfire by the use of fireworks is considered negligence, and the person who started the fire will be billed for the cost of fighting the fire (Idaho Code 38-107). Laurel Park Middle School Principal Jo Ellen Hylton will be the next principal of Magna Vista High School. Her appointment was made official during Thursdays Henry County Public Schools board meeting. The board went into closed session to talk about staffing issues as well as policies regarding non-resident special placement students and a pending legal matter. After closed session, the board set a meeting for 9 a.m. July 15. The topic of the meeting was not disclosed. Hylton has been with HCPS since 2007 in roles as teacher and as administrator. She replaces longtime principal Charles Byrd who took a position in North Carolina. I am honored and humbled to join the Warrior community. It has been my privilege to serve the students, staff, and families of Laurel Park Middle School for the last six years, and I am excited about this new opportunity and journey, she stated in a release. I look forward to continuing Magna Vistas tradition of excellence as I work alongside this incredible faculty and staff to build life ready students. Together, we will provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and ensure that all students are provided with an engaging and positive educational experience. Along with our partners, we have made the process of getting vaccinated very easy, and this has helped also, Bell said. Im referring to extended pharmacy hours, open clinics at our health departments, and the mobile clinics that have taken place throughout the district. That being said, we know some people are hesitating to get the COVID vaccine because of false information they have received in particular that the vaccine causes infertility, alters DNA or that it is untested. The health department, hospitals and pharmacies are here to help, not harm, and much scientific evidence suggests none of these fears are true. The month ended on kind of a down note, with six new cases in the district, the second-largest single-day total of the month and the most since June 5, when there were six. There were 11 on June 4 and six on June 3. Four of those new cases were in Patrick County, which has by far the lowest vaccination rate in the district and one of the lowest in the state. Only 34.2% of Patrick County residents 40.9% of adults have had even one shot, and barely 3 in 10 are fully vaccinated (37% of adults). The annual drinking water quality and consumer confidence report for Martinsville is out, and although there are no violations of primary contaminants levels, there is one violation that could affect water color. The aluminum in Martinsvilles water supply was measured at 278 parts per billion in July 2020. Although that is above the secondary maximum contaminant level of 200, it is still well below the national drinking water standards that allows 600 ppb. There are no utilities in Virginia reporting aluminum above the health guidelines, but Martinsville joins 236 other utilities in the state with numbers in excess of the secondary level, a non-enforceable guideline. According to their definition, these are considered aesthetic, cosmetic or technical effects but are not considered health hazards, Martinsville Water Resource Director Mike Kahle said. In the case of aluminum, both naturally occurring and from water additives used to treat water, when it is above the secondary level, it may cause the water to be discolored. We only feed chemicals in amounts high enough to produce good treatment and meet regulations required by the Health Department, Kahle said. The new wrinkle in this is really this new variant. It just sort of rips very quickly through people who are susceptible to being infected, which overwhelmingly is people who are not vaccinated, said Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, professor of epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco. We just opened up two weeks ago, everything was hunky dory. Gov. Gavin Newsom lifted a series of pandemic-related restrictions on June 15 after a final push to get more people vaccinated. Everyone 12 and older is eligible for shots and among that population 59% is fully vaccinated and another 10% has received a first dose. In Contra Costa County, where 72% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated, officials recently began publishing virus case rates by vaccination status. Since the county has a high inoculation rate, the number of new coronavirus cases is generally low but unvaccinated residents remain at risk, said Dr. Chris Farnitano, the county's health officer. For example, the seven-day average of new virus cases per 100,000 people in the county was recently 7.0 for those who are unvaccinated, and 0.4 for those who are vaccinated. In Virginia, the Mount Clifton United Methodist Church experienced a similar fate. The church can seat more than 100 but the number of weekly worshippers dwindled to 10 to 15, even before the pandemic. The small white church built on a hill in the Shenandoah Valley in the 1880s may be rented to another congregation, or it may be put up for sale. Its a complicated picture overall, but the pandemic was the straw that broke the camels back, said the Rev. Darlene Wilkins, who oversaw Mount Clifton. It just became next to impossible to sustain. In the United States, the latest challenge for places of worship comes against a backdrop of a decadeslong trend of a smaller share of the population identifying as religious. Its too early to know the full impact of the pandemic. Surveys do show signs of hopefulness and also cause for concern. About three-quarters of Americans who attended religious services in person at least monthly before the pandemic say they are likely to do so again in the next few weeks, according to a recent AP-NORC poll. That's up slightly from the about two-thirds who said in May 2020 that they would if they were allowed to do so. But 7% said they definitely won't be attending. Some residents felt it was long overdue. Others called the move premature. In the U.S., the highly infectious delta mutation currently accounts for 1 in 5 cases. Statewide, the VDH has tied the delta variant to 48 cases, six hospitalizations and one death which occurred in Henrico County along with half of the hospitalizations. Anderson said these figures are an undercount since not every COVID-19-positive sample is tested for variants. The VDH also does not have data available that shows how many of the people who were infected with the variant had been vaccinated. Rebekah Butterfield, an epidemiologist with the Richmond and Henrico health districts, said the local data team is working to collect samples of the rare cases of breakthrough infections or cases that occur among fully vaccinated people to sequence and identify possible variants. That way, if a specific variant was linked to a case of vaccine breakthrough, wed know right away, said Butterfield, adding that this work is in addition to the vaccine and prevention outreach teams focused in areas with low vaccination rates. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Thursday hell push to further upgrade relations with China, his main ally, as he struggles to navigate his country out of a deepening crisis linked to the pandemic. Kim made the comments in a message to Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulating him on the 100th founding anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. The Workers Party of Korea, by its firm unity with the Chinese Communist Party, would raise (North Korea)-China friendship to a new strategic point as required by the times and as desired by the peoples of the two countries, Kim was quoted as saying. In an apparent reference to the United States, Kim said that hostile forces vicious slander and all-round pressure upon the Chinese Communist Party are no more than a last-ditch attempt and they can never check the ongoing advance of the Chinese people, according to KCNA. Kims message came a day after state media said he had told a powerful Politburo meeting that a crucial lapse in the anti-virus campaign has caused a great crisis. He did not elaborate, but there was speculation that Kim may have aimed to raise a call for international assistance, including vaccine shipments. "What is tragic here is that the Court has (yet again) rewritten in order to weaken a statute that stands as a monument to Americas greatness, and protects against its basest impulses. What is tragic is that the Court has damaged a statute designed to bring about the end of discrimination in voting. I respectfully dissent, Kagan wrote, joined by the other two liberal justices. Native Americans who have to travel long distances to put their ballots in the mail were most likely to be affected by Arizona's ballot collection law. Votes cast by Black and Hispanic voters were most likely to be tossed out because they were cast in a wrong precinct, the appeals court found. Election law expert Rick Hasen wrote on his blog that the decision severely weakened Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. He noted that this decision along with others over the past 15 years have taken away all the major available tools for going after voting restrictions. This is not a death blow for Section 2 claims, but it will make it much, much harder for such challenges to succeed, Hasen, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, Law School, wrote. Although nation-breaking sounds alarmist, consider that amnesty for an unknown total of unlawfully present illegal immigrants estimates range for 12 to 25 million means that eventually theyll petition nuclear and non-nuclear family members. Princeton University estimates that, based on historical trends, new Green Card holders petition an average of three relatives brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and even in-laws. Doing the simple math, a 2021 amnesty creates potentially anywhere from 36 million to 75 million new immigrants. This is exclusive of the illegal aliens that continue to cross into the country unimpeded. Combined, these are totals that the nation cant support either environmentally or fiscally. Without taking into account the illegal alien surge U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 520,000 border apprehensions in March, April and May, a 21-year record the Census Bureau projects that by 2050, the U.S. will have more than 100 million additional residents, a 31 percent increase, for a total population of 439 million. No one on Capitol Hill dares go on the record that their constituents communities might expand 31 percent during the next three decades if amnesty is enacted. Credit: Asociacion RUVID Volunteer surgeons and students take part every year in medical-surgical mission Medipinas, to perform free operations for patients with no resources in the Santa Maria Josefa Hospital Foundation of Iriga City, in the Philippines. In order to improve the monitoring of operations and to prevent infections in the surgical wounds of these patients, the Medipinas team has used an app and designed a protocol to educate patients on how to treat the surgical wound. The results of this successful experience, led by CEU UCH Medicine professor Belen Merck, have been published in medical journal Cirugia Espanola, the scientific publication of the Spanish Surgeon Association, edited by the Elsevier group. According to doctor and professor of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the CEU UCH, Belen Merck, "three years ago we detected that 25 of the 87 patients who we operated on in the Medipinas mission developed an infection in the surgical wound. This is a high rate compared to the average 11% published by the WHO for countries with low and medium income. The infection prevention and surgical material sterilization protocols of the hospital had been correct, which is why we found that one of the factors involved in the unusual rate of infection is the lack of knowledge of the population on how to correctly treat the wound, as well as the lack of basic material to do so and clean water. This led us to design a new monitoring and prevention protocol for Medipinas2019, with which we managed to decrease these infections by almost 20 points, from 28.8% to 9.7%. We published these results inCirugia Espanola, so that our preventive method can be used in other medical missions in third countries." The Medipinas2019 surgical mission was added to the "Zero Surgical Infection Decalogue" (infeccionquirurgicazero.es/es/) for participating volunteer surgeons and students, with the adaptations needed to work at a hospital with limited resources. This decalogue focuses on increasing hand washing, using 2% alcohol chlorhexidine to prepare the surgical field and controlling blood sugar in diabetic patients, as well as instructions on ideal antibiotic prophylaxis. "Furthermore, to educate patients, we produced a document that we give them after the surgery. It explains, in a very simple way, the treatments for surgical wounds and signs that warn of infection. We also give them material to treat the wound," explains Belen Merck. Monitoring with an app Another key element in the decrease in infections achieved at Medipinas2019 was the remote monitoring and evolutionary control of the surgical wound, by adapting a computer application (Numbers, by Apple), which made it possible to gather all the clinical data of each patient. The addition of a color code on the end condition of the wound noted by Philippine nurses, also facilitated remote monitoring and treatment of all cases. "The use of apps for surgery and cooperation is not a novelty, but the app used for Medipinas, with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Faculty of the CEU UCH, stands out for having been created for a specific project and with minimal costs and developmental complexity," says Dr. Belen Merck. Five years of medical volunteerism According to professor Merck, "it is customary in these rural areas with limited resources when there is a medical issue to ask a healer, because it is more affordable than going to a doctor or the chemist. The staff who takes part in volunteering projects in other countries has to be respectful of local traditions, but must also provide the relevant education. Focusing on hand hygiene, cleaning the wound and providing material to treat the wound, which a majority would not be able to purchase, was essential to decrease the rate of infection to less than 11%, which was the goal set in Medipinas, as well as improving the remote collaboration with our colleagues, with an app which is easy to use." Medical-surgical mission Medipinas was created in 2016 to perform operations on patients who cannot access surgery due to a lack of resources or specialists in the Philippines. The use of the new infection prevention protocol was implemented in the mission of 2019, funded with a collaboration grant of the Spanish Surgeon Association, with contributions by the CEU UCH and, especially, thanks to numerous small donations by individuals. Explore further Dexamethasone treatment safe in surgery More information: Belen Merck et al, Prevencion de la infeccion del sitio quirurgico mediante la educacion de los pacientes: resultados de la mision medica MEDIPINAS, Cirugia Espanola (2021). Belen Merck et al, Prevencion de la infeccion del sitio quirurgico mediante la educacion de los pacientes: resultados de la mision medica MEDIPINAS,(2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.ciresp.2021.03.005 Credit: Jointessentials, CC BY-SA 4.0 New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool and the Karolinska Institute, has shown that many of the symptoms in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) are caused by antibodies that increase the activity of pain-sensing nerves throughout the body. The results show that fibromyalgia is a disease of the immune system, rather than the currently held view that it originates in the brain. The study, published today in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, demonstrates that the increased pain sensitivity, muscle weakness, reduced movement, and reduced number of small nerve-fibers in the skin that are typical of FMS, are all a consequence of patient antibodies. The researchers injected mice with antibodies from people living with FMS and observed that the mice rapidly developed an increased sensitivity to pressure and cold, as well as displaying reduced movement grip strength. In contrast, mice that were injected with antibodies from healthy people were unaffected, demonstrating that patient antibodies cause, or at least are a major contributor to the disease. Furthermore, the mice injected with fibromyalgia antibodies recovered after a few weeks, when antibodies had been cleared from their system. This finding strongly suggests that therapies which reduce antibody levels in patients are likely to be effective treatments. Such therapies are already available and are used to treat other disorders that are caused by autoantibodies. Dr. David Andersson, the study's primary investigator from King's IoPPN said "The implications of this study are profound. Establishing that fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disorder will transform how we view the condition and should pave the way for more effective treatments for the millions of people affected. Our work has uncovered a whole new area of therapeutic options and should give real hope to fibromyalgia patients. "Previous exploration of therapies has been hampered by our limited understanding of the illness. This should now change. Treatment for FMS is focussed on gentle aerobic exercises, as well as drug and psychological therapies designed to manage pain, although these have proven ineffective in most patients and have left behind an enormous unmet clinical need." Current estimates suggest that at least 1 in 40 people are affected by FMS worldwide (80% of which are women) and is commonly characterized by widespread pain throughout the body, as well as fatigue (often referred to as 'fibro fog') and emotional distress. It most commonly develops between the ages of 25 and 55, although children can also get it. Dr. Andreas Goebel, the study's principle clinical investigator from the University of Liverpool said, "When I initiated this study in the UK, I expected that some fibromyalgia cases may be autoimmune. But David's team have discovered pain-causing antibodies in each recruited patient. The results offer amazing hope that the invisible, devastating symptoms of fibromyalgia will become treatable." Professor Camilla Svensson, the study's primary investigator from Karolinska Institute said, "Antibodies from people with FMS living in two different countries, the UK and Sweden, gave similar results, which adds enormous strength to our findings. The next step will be to identify what factors the symptom-inducing antibodies bind to. This will help us not only in terms of developing novel treatment strategies for FMS, but also of blood-based tests for diagnosis, which are missing today. Dr. Craig Bullock, Research Discovery and Innovations Lead at Versus Arthritis said "Fibromyalgia affects millions of people in the UK and can have a devastating impact on quality of life. It causes pain all over the body, fatigue, disturbed sleep and regular flare-ups where symptoms get even worse. "Fibromyalgia is a particularly difficult condition to diagnose and manage because its causes are unknown. This research shows that antibodies found in human blood can cause fibromyalgia-like symptoms in mice, suggesting that these antibodies play a crucial role in the condition. Further research is needed but this offers hope to the millions of people with fibromyalgia that an effective treatment could be found in the relatively near future." Explore further Nerve stimulation may benefit women with fibromyalgia More information: Andreas Goebel et al, Passive transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to mice, Journal of Clinical Investigation (2021). Journal information: Journal of Clinical Investigation Andreas Goebel et al, Passive transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to mice,(2021). DOI: 10.1172/JCI144201 Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Near-death experiences are known from all parts of the world, various times and numerous cultural backgrounds. This universality suggests they may have a biological origin and purpose, but exactly what this could be has been largely unexplored. A new study conducted jointly by the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and the University of Liege (Belgium) and published in Brain Communications shows how near-death experiences in humans may have arisen from evolutionary mechanisms. "Adhering to a preregistered protocol, we investigated the hypothesis that thanatosis is the evolutionary origin of near-death experiences," says Daniel Kondziella, a neurologist from Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital. When attacked by a predator, as a last resort defense mechanism, animals can feign death to improve their chances of survival, one example being the opossum. This phenomenon is termed thanatosis, also known as death-feigning or tonic immobility. "As a survival strategy," Kondziella adds, "thanatosis is probably as old as the fight-or-flight response." Charlotte Martial, neuropsychologist from the Coma Science Group at ULiege explains: "We first show that thanatosis is a highly preserved survival strategy occurring at all major nodes in a cladogram ranging from insects to fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, including humans. We then show that humans under attack by big animals such as lions or grizzly bears, human predators such as sexual offenders, and 'modern' predators such as cars in traffic accidents can experience both thanatosis and near-death experiences. Furthermore, we show that the phenomenology and the effects of thanatosis and near-death experiences overlap." Steven Laureys, neurologist and head of GIGA Consciousness research unit and Centre du Cerveau (ULiege, CHU Liege) is excited: "In this paper, we build a line of evidence suggesting that thanatosis is the evolutionary foundation of near-death experiences and that their shared biological purpose is the benefit of survival." The authors propose that the acquisition of language enabled humans to transform these events from relatively stereotyped death-feigning under predatory attacks into the rich perceptions that form near-death experiences and extend to non-predatory situations. "Of note, the proposed cerebral mechanisms behind death-feigning are not unlike those that have been suggested to induce near-death experiences, including intrusion of rapid eye movement sleep into wakefulness," Kondziella explains. "This further strengthens the idea that evolutionary mechanisms are an important piece of information needed to develop a complete biological framework for near-death experiences." No previous work has tried to provide such a phylogenetic basis. Laureys concludes that "this may also be the first time we can assign a biological purpose to near-death experiences, which would be the benefit of survival." Kondziella adds that "after all, near-death experiences are by definition events that are always survived, without exception." More information: Costanza Peinkhofer et al, The evolutionary origin of near-death experiences: a systematic investigation, Brain Communications (2021). Journal information: Brain Communications Costanza Peinkhofer et al, The evolutionary origin of near-death experiences: a systematic investigation,(2021). DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcab132 Fig. 1: TMPRSS2 is an androgen-regulated gene in cells from different tissues. From: The antiandrogen enzalutamide downregulates TMPRSS2 and reduces cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells Drugs typically used to treat prostate cancer could be explored for treating patients with COVID-19, following encouraging new findings. Researchers found that the treatment, a type of testosterone-blocker, also reduced the ability of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to infect lung cells in the lab. The work, carried out by cancer researchers at Imperial College London and the University of Essex, is part of larger efforts to find existing drugs which can block COVID-19 by reducing the ability of the virus to enter cells. The team says the study adds to a growing body of evidence from groups around the world, supporting further clinical trials to assess the efficacy of the drugs, called anti-androgens, in the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Their findings are published in the journal Nature Communications. Blocking infection SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, has been shown to attack multiple organs in the body, but is most destructive to the lungs. In the latest study, researchers focused on one of the proteins used by the virus to enter lung cells, called TMPRSS2, to see if reducing levels could block infection. Male sex hormones, or androgens, are known to increase levels of TMPRSS2 in several tissues, most notably in the prostate. But drugs used to manage prostate cancer can block androgens, so countering the increase in TMPRSS2 and potentially offering a new treatment option to explore for COVID-19. The team, co-led by Imperial's Professor Charlotte Bevan and Dr. Greg Brooke from Essex, found that the androgen-blocking drug enzalutamidea well-tolerated drug widely used in advanced prostate cancerreduced TMPRSS2 levels in lab cultures of human lung cells. Importantly, they found that the treatment significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 entry and infection in lung cells. The researchers say their study adds to a growing body of evidence from groups around the world, supporting further clinical trials to assess the efficacy of anti-androgens as a potential treatment for COVID-19. Potential treatment Professor Charlotte Bevan, from the Department of Surgery & Cancer, said: "This study not only supports further clinical investigation of these prostate cancer drugs but suggests other drugs we can test that could be useful in the COVID-19 effort. As we have learnt from cancer, it is important to have a range of drugs available in the armory. And drugs that are tried-and-tested and approved in other diseases have the advantage that they can be re-purposed in this way relatively quickly." Dr. Greg Brooke, from the School for Life Sciences at the University of Essex, explained: "Men are more likely to become seriously unwell and die from COVID-19 compared to women. This suggests the male sex hormone androgen may play a role in SARS-CoV-2 severity. "For many years I have been working on the role of androgens in cancer so was able to use this knowledge to investigate if antiandrogens, drugs used for the treatment of prostate cancer, reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection. "We demonstrated that these drugs reduce the ability of the virus to enter the lungs and, therefore, our data supports clinical trials to investigate if antiandrogens can reduce COVID-19 severity in people infected with the virus." Two clinical trials assessing anti-androgens in the treatment of COVID-19 are already underway in the United States as well as Sweden, with early findings expected later this year. "The antiandrogen enzalutamide downregulates TMPRSS2 and reduces cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells," by et al is published in Nature Communications. Explore further Prostate cancer regulator plays role in COVID-19, providing a promising treatment lead More information: D. A. Leach et al, The antiandrogen enzalutamide downregulates TMPRSS2 and reduces cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells, Nature Communications (2021). Journal information: Nature Communications D. A. Leach et al, The antiandrogen enzalutamide downregulates TMPRSS2 and reduces cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 in human lung cells,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24342-y Right, II-spectrin (magenta) forms aggregates throughout neurites of a mouse cortical neuron expressing one of the human SPTBN1 variants. Credit: Lorenzo Lab, UNC School of Medicine Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and colleagues have demonstrated that variants in the SPTBN1 gene can alter neuronal architecture, dramatically affecting their function and leading to a rare, newly defined neurodevelopmental syndrome in children. Damaris Lorenzo, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UNC Department of Cell Biology and member of the UNC Neuroscience Center at the UNC School of Medicine, led this research, which was published today in the journal Nature Genetics. Lorenzo, who is also a member of the UNC Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) at the UNC School of Medicine, is the senior author. The gene SPTBN1 instructs neurons and other cell types how to make II-spectrin, a protein with multiple functions in the nervous system. Children carrying these variants can suffer from speech and motor delays, as well as intellectual disability. Some patients have received additional diagnosis, such as autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and epilepsy. Identification of the genetic variants that cause this broad spectrum of disabilities is the first important milestone to finding treatments for this syndrome. Lorenzo first learned about patients with complex neurodevelopmental presentations carrying SPTBN1 variants from Queenie Tan, MD, Ph.D., a medical geneticist, and Becky Spillmann, MS, a genetic counselorboth members of the NIH-funded Undiagnosed Disease Network (UDN) site at Duke University and co-authors of the Nature Genetics paper. They connected with Margot Cousin, Ph.D., a geneticist associated with the UDN site at the Mayo Clinic and co-first author or the study. Cousin had also collected clinical information from SPTBN1 variant carriers. Other clinical genetics teams learned about these efforts and joined the study. The cohort of individuals affected by SPTBN1 variants continues to grow. Lorenzo and colleagues have been contacted about new cases after they published a preprint of their initial findings last summer. Identifying the genetic cause of rare diseases such as the SPTBN1 syndrome requires pooling knowledge from several patients to establish common clinical and biological patterns. "Fortunately, the advent of affordable gene sequencing technology, together with the creation of databases and networks to facilitate the sharing of information among clinicians and investigators, has vastly accelerated the diagnosis of rare diseases," Lorenzo said. "To put our case in historical perspective, II-spectrin was co-discovered 40 years ago through pioneering work that involved my UNC colleagues Keith Burridge, Ph.D., and Richard Cheney, Ph.D., as well as my postdoctoral mentor Vann Bennett, Ph.D., at Duke. However, its association with disease eluded us until now." II-spectrin is tightly associated with the neuronal cytoskeletona complex network of filamentous proteins that spans the neuron and plays pivotal roles in their growth, shape, and plasticity. II-spectrin forms an extended scaffolding network that provides mechanical integrity to membranes and helps to orchestrate the correct positioning of molecular complexes throughout the neuron. Through research published in PNAS in 2019, Lorenzo found that II-spectrin is essential for normal brain wiring in mice and for proper transport of organelles and vesicles in axonsthe long extensions that carry signals from neurons to other neurons. II-spectrin is an integral part of the process that enables normal development, maintenance, and function of neurons. In this new study, Lorenzo's research team showed that, at the biochemical level, the genetic variants identified in patients are sufficient to cause protein aggregation, aberrant association of II-spectrin with the cytoskeleton, impair axonal organelle transport and growth, and change the morphology of neurons. These deficiencies can permanently alter how neurons connect and communicate with each other, which is thought to contribute to the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorders. The team showed that reduction of II-spectrin levels only in neurons disrupts structural connectivity between cortical areas in mutant mice, a deficit also observed in brain MRIs of some patients. In collaboration with Sheryl Moy, Ph.D., professor in the UNC Department of Psychiatry and director of the Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping (MBP) Core of the UNC IDDRC, the researchers found that these mice have developmental and behavioral deficits consistent with presentations observed in humans. "Now that we've established the methods to assign likelihood of pathogenicity to SPTBN1 variants and to determine how they alter neurons, our immediate goal is to learn more about the affected molecular and cellular mechanisms and brain circuits, and evaluate strategies for potential clinical interventions," Lorenzo said. To this end, her team will collaborate with Adriana Beltran, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UNC Department of Genetics and director of the UNC Human Pluripotent Cell Core, to use neurons differentiated from patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells. And the research team will continue to tap into molecular modeling predictions in collaboration with Brenda Temple, Ph.D., professor in the UNC Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and director of the UNC Structural Bioinformatics Core, both co-authors on the Nature Genetics paper. "As a basic science investigator, it's so satisfying to use knowledge and tools to provide answers to patients," Lorenzo said. "I first witnessed this thrill of scientific discovery and collaborative work as a graduate student 15 years ago when our lab identified the genetic cause of the first spectrinopathy affecting the nervous system, and it has been a powerful motivator since." That work was the discovery of variants in a different spectrin gene as the cause of spinocebellar ataxia type 5 (SCA5), led by Laura Ranum, Ph.D., who at the time was at the University of Minnesota. In follow up work, as part of that team, Lorenzo contributed insights into the pathogenic mechanism of SCA5. "Aside from the immediate relevance to affected patients, insights from our work on SPTNB1 syndrome will inform discoveries in other complex disorders with overlapping pathologies," Lorenzo said. "It is exciting to be part of such important work with a team of dedicated scientists and clinicians." Explore further Genetic cause of neurodevelopmental disorder discovered More information: Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome, Nature Genetics (2021). www.nature.com/articles/s41588-021-00886-z Journal information: Nature Genetics Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41588-021-00886-z Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A "bubble boat" carrying 118 students linked to a COVID mega-outbreak on Majorca arrived back Thursday on the Spanish mainland, ending their confinement in a quarantine hotel on the Mediterranean island. Spain has been grappling with the growing fallout from the end-of-term trip in mid-June which has seen almost 2,000 people infected and nearly 6,000 others placed in quarantine. The story broke last week when hundreds of youngsters across Spain tested positive after going to Majorca, prompting the authorities to quarantine some 250 students at a hotel in the capital Palma and a backlash from youngsters and their parents. But a judge on Wednesday ordered that those students who tested negative could be released from quarantine in the four-star Palma Bellver, which has been dubbed "Hotel COVID", with a ferry laid on Thursday to bring them home. It was dubbed the "bubble boat" because the students are in an isolated section so they can't mix with any other passengers. The boat, which sailed from Palma, arrived in Valencia on Thursday evening, according to an AFP correspondent. From there the students were to be picked up by health officials from their home regions who will decide whether to run a second test. Such trips are organised as a traditional way for teenagers to celebrate the end of exams, drawing in youngsters from across the country. Balcony protests Health ministry figures show at least 1,824 people have been infected and 5,978 placed in quarantine, indicating the outbreak involves the Alpha strain of the virus first detected in the United Kingdom. A young man from Valencia is currently being treated in intensive care, Spanish media reported. On Tuesday, the local government said "Hotel COVID" was hosting at least 232 youngsters who had "a direct or indirect link to the trip" and a quarter of them had tested positive. The court ruling on Wednesday was issued after an appeal by the families of those who had tested negative. In recent days, TV footage has shown angry students shouting "We're negative!" from the balconies or hanging out towels scrawled with the same message. Local police told AFP there have been complaints of students blasting loud music, throwing things into the street or hoisting alcohol up to their balconies using sheets. Explore further Spanish students Majorca holidays turn COVID super spreader 2021 AFP People queue to receive a vaccination at the NSW Vaccine Centre at Homebush Olympic Park in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, July 1, 2021. Australia has little COVID-19 because its border is closed. Many Australians are in no hurry to get vaccinated because there is so little virus. But the border is unlikely to reopen until the vaccination rate is much higher than the current 5%. Credit: Mick Tsikas/AAP Image via AP Australia has weathered the pandemic far better than many nationsrecording just a single coronavirus death since last Octoberbut its success means many Australians are not in a rush to get vaccinated and that could delay the country's return to normalcy. Concerns are growing about the economic cost to Australia of being left behind by countries that suffered far higher death tolls, but urgently embraced vaccines and are increasingly opening up. Most of Australia's pandemic success, after all, can be attributed to the continued closure of the isolated continent's border, something that is unlikely to change until far more than the current 6% of the population is vaccinated. But with relatively few cases of the virus and so few deaths, many in Australia are questioning whether the slight health risks to young adults of the widely available AstraZeneca vaccine make it worthwhile. It's a debate that divided politicians and medical experts this week at a time when nearly half of Australia's 26 million people are living under lockdown measures due to the emergence of new virus clusters mostly blamed on the delta variant, which is thought to be more contagious. The AstraZeneca shot in Australia currently is recommended only for people older than 60 because of the risk of rare blood clotting in younger people. The only alternative registered in Australia is Pfizer, which unlike the locally made AstraZeneca is imported and in short supply. AstraZeneca had been recommended for all adults until a 48-year-old Australian died from blood clots in April. The vaccine was then recommended for people older than 50 until a 52-year-old died in May. That's more than the single death from COVID-19 since last year, an 80-year-old man who died in April after being infected overseas and diagnosed in hotel quarantine. Many people are refusing to take their second AstraZeneca jab, recommended three months after the first, because of the evolving safety advice. Many have canceled appointments for their first shots. In most parts of the world, the risk-benefit assessment is stacked in favor of taking AstraZeneca. But that balance is different in Australia. The Australian government on Monday gave all adults the AstraZeneca option if their doctors agree to administer the jab. The government also indemnified the doctors who administer the shot against lawsuits. The leader of the Australian military's pandemic response, Lt. Gen. John Frewen, said Pfizer was restricted to people older than 40 because of limited supplies. "It's really important that Australians have now got a choice about whether they make an informed decision about accessing AstraZeneca," Frewen said on Thursday. "We've got AstraZeneca available and I think Australians who want to should be able to have a conversation with their G.P. about whether they access AstraZeneca now or whether they wait for another vaccine later on," Frewen added, referring to general practice doctors. But fewer than 3,000 adults under 40 had taken up the opportunity for a first dose of AstraZeneca by Thursday. Queensland state Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young was accused by critics of scaremongering when she said on Wednesday that with only 42 coronavirus cases active in the state, AstraZeneca was not worth the risk for younger adults. "I don't want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn't die," Young said. She was contradicted by former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Australia Nick Coates, who said younger Australians were at greater risk of dying of COVID-19 than they were from AstraZeneca side effects. Young was "unfortunately out on a very lonely limb there," Coates said. But Prof. Chris Blyth, the co-chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization that advised the government to recommend Pfizer for those younger than 60, said few young adults should take AstraZeneca. "I do not believe at this stage that young people should be receiving AstraZeneca at this stage unless their circumstances press for that," Blyth said. "There are some situations where that would be warranted, but they are quite small." The alternative to AstraZeneca is to wait for more Pfizer or an as-yet-unregistered Moderna vaccine contracted to be delivered between October and December. Australia has been relatively successful in containing clusters throughout the pandemic, registering fewer than 31,000 cases and 910 deaths total. Australia introduced extraordinarily tough border restrictions in March 2020 that prevent Australian citizens and permanent residents from leaving the country as well as foreigners from arriving except under limited circumstances. The government forecasts that normal flights won't resume until mid-2022, which frightens business groups. Those involved in international education, Australia's third-largest export industry, have warned that would mean overseas students would turn to universities in other countries next year and stay with those institutions throughout their courses for years. Explore further 2 Australian states urge against under 40s taking AZ vaccine 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Sonja Langthaler, Christian Baumgartner and Theresa Rienmuller, all from the Institute of Health Care Engineering at TU Graz, were the first to pursue the idea of a simulation model for cancer cells. (from left to right). Credit: Lunghammer - TU Graz The computer model, developed under the lead management of researchers at TU Graz, simulates the cyclical changes in the membrane potential of a cancer cell using the example of human lung adenocarcinoma and opens up completely new avenues in cancer research. Computer models have been standard tools in basic biomedical research for many years. However, around 70 years after the first publication of an ion current model of a nerve cell by Hodgkin & Huxley in 1952, researchers at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), in collaboration with the Medical University of Graz and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, have finally succeeded in developing the world's first cancer cell model, thus launching "an essential tool for modern cancer research and drug development," reports a delighted Christian Baumgartner. The head of the Institute of Health Care Engineering with European Testing Center of Medical Devices at TU Graz is senior author of the publication in which the digital model is presented in the journal PLoS Computational Biology. Excitable and non-excitable cells Digital cell models have so far focused on excitable cells such as nerve or cardiac muscle cells, allowing the simulation of electrophysiological processes not only at the cellular level, but also at the tissue and organ level. These models are already being used to support diagnosis and therapy in everyday clinical practice. The international research team led by Baumgartner focused on the specific electrophysiological properties of non-excitable cancer cells for the first time. In excitable cells, an electrical stimulus triggers so-called action potentials. This leads to short-term changes in electrical potential lasting milliseconds at the cell membrane that transmit "electrical" information from cell to cell. Through this mechanism, neural networks communicate or the heart muscle is activated, which contracts as a result. It is known from experimental studies that "non-excitable" cells also exhibit characteristic fluctuations of potential at the cell membrane. However, compared to excitable cells, the potential changes occur very slowly and over the entire cell cycle, i.e. over hours and days, and serve as a signal for the transition between the individual cell cycle phases," explains Christian Baumgartner. Together with the deputy head of the institute, Theresa Rienmuller, and Ph.D. student Sonja Langthaler, Christian Baumgartner was the first to pursue the idea of developing a simulation model of these mechanisms. Lung tumor example Pathological changes in cell membrane voltage, particularly during the cell cycle, are fundamental to cancer development and progression. Sonja Langthaler continues in detail: "Ion channels connect the outside to the inside of a cell. They enable the exchange of ions such as potassium, calcium or sodium and thereby regulate the membrane potential. Changes in the composition of ion channels, as well as altered functional behaviour of the same, can result in disruptions in cell division, possibly even affecting cell differentiation and thus transforming a healthy cell into a diseased (carcinogenic) cell." For their digital cancer cell model, the team chose the example of the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549. The computer model simulates the rhythmic oscillation of the membrane potential during the transition between cell cycle phases and enables prediction of the changes in membrane potential that are caused by drug-induced switching on and off of selected ion channels. "So we get information about the effects of targeted interventions on the cancer cell," Baumgartner adds. "Freezing" cancer cells during growth or inducing them to commit suicide The activity of certain ion channels can also drive the division of diseased cells and thus accelerate tumor growth. If ion channels are now manipulated in a targeted manner, as is the case with new, promising agents and drugs, the cell membrane voltage and thus the entire electrophysiological system can be thrown off track, so to speak. "This could be used to arrest cancer cells at a certain phase in the cell cycle, but also to induce premature cell death (apoptosis). One could "freeze" cancer cells while they are growing or induce them to commit suicide. And it is precisely such mechanisms that can be simulated with the help of models." Baumgartner and his team see the first digital cancer cell model as the beginning of more comprehensive research. In order to increase the level of detail of the model, plans for further experimental and measurement validations have been made and submitted to the Austrian Science Fund FWF for funding. Explore further Researchers find a novel connection between cell metabolism and cell division More information: Sonja Langthaler et al, A549 in-silico 1.0: A first computational model to simulate cell cycle dependent ion current modulation in the human lung adenocarcinoma, PLOS Computational Biology (2021). Journal information: PLoS Computational Biology Sonja Langthaler et al, A549 in-silico 1.0: A first computational model to simulate cell cycle dependent ion current modulation in the human lung adenocarcinoma,(2021). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009091 The Biden administration this week proposed a series of changes aimed at boosting insurance enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, undoing changes made by the Trump administration and adding a few new ones. Meanwhile, Congress is launching investigations of the Food and Drug Administrations approval of Aduhelm, a controversial drug to treat Alzheimers disease that may or may not be effective in slowing the ailments progression. The drugs pricetag an estimated $56,000 per year and the fact that most Alzheimers patients are on Medicare mean the federal program could end up footing most of the drugs bill and threaten the finances of the rest of the health program. The Missoulian newspaper will continue to operate in Missoula and will relocate to another building in late 2021 if the deal goes through. The county would get 50% of the revenue, while 45% would go to the city and the remaining 5% to the state. Already in Montana, medical marijuana has a 4% state tax and recreational marijuana will have a 20% state tax once its legal. As of May 7, there were 48 registered marijuana dispensaries in Missoula County. Justin Michels was the only public commenter at Thursdays meeting. He warned the commissioners that placing a tax on marijuana would drive consumers to seek pot on the black market because it would be cheaper. Ross Ingman, the chief marketing officer at Montana Kush dispensary in Missoula, wasnt at Thursdays meeting but spoke to the Missoulian about his thoughts on a potential tax. He doesn't think the tax would be a problem for his business because the costs are passed on to consumers, he said. However, he wants the county to be clear with voters about where the money would go. Its all about transparency, he said. The issue of how its distributed is largely undecided right now. Wed like to have a say in how its distributed. Ingman hopes veterans organizations get some of the money, he said, adding that marijuana businesses should get a say in how some of the state tax revenue is spent. Missoula agencies are preparing for the expected uptick in drunken driving this holiday weekend, as well as increased fire danger. Local law enforcement officers and the Montana Highway Patrol will have increased patrols out this weekend for the Fourth of July, according to a police department news release earlier this week. In Montana, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher, the release said. Officers will be making DUI arrests a DUI charge includes having your license revoked, mandatory classes, possible jail time and up to $10,000 in fines and fees. Officials are also reminding the public about the risk associated with fireworks following a week of extremely high temperatures. Missoula County has entered a state of "high fire danger," which means fireworks pose a threat to fire safety in the community. Missoula County reminded residents in a news release Wednesday that anyone who is found responsible for starting a fire is also responsible for the cost of putting it out. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Fireworks are prohibited within the city of Missoula, on open space lands, all U.S. Forest Service lands, in city and county parks and county-managed recreation areas and at all Fish, Wildlife and Parks fishing access sites, the news release said. Branson would not comment Wednesday on which flight he'll be on he wouldn't even say when the next flight might be. He did acknowledge it's very important for potential customers to see him strap in for a ride, before opening the doors to the paying public. The thrill-seeking adventurer, who turns 71 in a few weeks, said he's not apprehensive at all about launching into space. It's a dream of a lifetime," he told the AP. Last week, Virgin Galactic got the Federal Aviation Administration's OK to start launching customers. More than 600 people already have reserved a ride to space. Tickets initially cost $250,000, but the price is expected to go up once the company starts accepting reservations again. Virgin Galactic made its third flight to space in May, with two pilots in the cockpit of the winged spaceship. Like Virgin Orbit, Virgin Galactic uses an aircraft to get off the ground and waits until it reaches high altitude before releasing and firing the rocket. The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. You must be logged in to react. Click any reaction to login. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 The U.S. Census Bureau said Wednesday that it's on schedule to deliver the numbers used for redrawing congressional and legislative districts by mid-August after federal judges rejected a challenge that could have delayed the data release even further. The panel of three federal judges on Tuesday denied the state of Alabamas request for a preliminary injunction to halt the Census Bureau from using a statistical method aimed at keeping peoples data private in the redistricting numbers. The decision in federal court in Opelika, Alabama, allows the Census Bureau, for now, to proceed toward its goal of releasing the redistricting data by Aug. 16. Alabama and three Alabama politicians had sued the Census Bureau, arguing the method known as differential privacy would produce inaccurate data. But the judges said it was too soon to pass any judgments since the numbers hadn't yet been released. It may very well be that the individual plaintiffs will return here once the final redistricting data are actually delivered to the states," the judges wrote. But we cannot know whether differential privacy will inflict the harm alleged by the individual plaintiffs until the bureau releases a final set of redistricting data." Just three years ago, Arizona voters by a 2-1 margin rejected a universal school voucher plan passed by the GOP-controlled Legislature and signed by Ducey. Children in struggling schools need the Legislature to focus on improving their schools, said Sen. Martin Quezada, a Democrat from Glendale. They dont need a parachute or an escape to take them out of their neighborhood, Quezada said. They need us to invest in their neighborhood. The state Department of Education says about 250,000 students are now eligible, but only about 9,800 students are currently getting vouchers and half are disabled children attending specialized schools. Technically called Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, they cost the state about $145 million a year. Parents get 90% of the state funds that would otherwise go to their local public school to use for private school tuition and other education costs. Disabled students can receive up to $40,000 for specialized therapy. The House and Senate also voted to increase the daily payments given to lawmakers from outside Maricopa County to cover their costs for staying in Phoenix during the legislative session. If Ducey signs off, rural lawmakers' per diem will be tied to the rate for federal employees traveling on business to Phoenix, currently $207. Wisconsins land stewardship program would be extended for four years instead of the 10 that Evers wanted. The budget also would make $32 million per year available to acquire land, which is the amount available now but less than half of the $70 million Evers proposed. UNEMPLOYMENT The budget includes more money for vocational training for the disabled, and youth and adult apprentice programs with the goal of addressing the states worker shortage problem. However, Republicans rejected Evers call to spend $15 million to improve the system for administering unemployment payments. Republicans said Evers can use federal stimulus money for that. BROADBAND Broadband expansion would get $125 million, which is less than the roughly $200 million Evers proposed. The money would also be borrowed rather than paid with cash, as Evers proposed. BODY CAMERAS Funding to pay for body cameras for Wisconsin State Patrol officers and Department of Natural Resources wardens is included, but funding was rejected to equip state Capitol police officers with them. JUVENILE PRISONS Of course if there was new data, we would take different action," Gianforte said of variants. "But I'm pleased to report to Montanans that as of today we've rescinded the emergency order and we're back to normal. In Montana, about 50 new cases per day of the virus were confirmed by health officials on average over the past week. That compares with a daily average of more than 1,200 cases when infection rates peaked in mid-November. Hospitalizations are down from 427 people daily on average in November, to 54 daily on average in June. Of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 since late April, 95% were unvaccinated, said Jon Ebelt with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The respiratory disease has caused at least 1,665 deaths in Montana. More than 113,000 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed since the first infection was announced in early March 2020. The actual number of deaths and infections is likely higher because not all infections are recorded. Most people recover after experiencing only mild or moderate symptoms. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N.C. (AP) The South Carolina-based Catawba Indian Nation has opened a preliminary, temporary version of its proposed casino just across the border in North Carolina. Tribal leaders were joined by local and state government officials Thursday for a ribbon-cutting at the modular facility containing 500 slot machines just off Interstate 85 in Kings Mountain, about 35 miles (56 kilometers) west of Charlotte. It's a key step in ultimately creating the $273 million Catawba Two Kings Casino with plans for 2,600 permanent jobs and revenues for the tribe. Spurned by South Carolina in previous efforts to offer gambling other than bingo in their home state, Catawba members sought to build a casino in North Carolina, citing what they call its historical and ancestral ties to land in the state. The U.S. Interior Department agreed in early 2020 to put 17 acres in Cleveland County into trust for the project. Catawba Two Kings Casino represents the righting of a historical wrong for the Catawba Nation, tribal Chief Bill Harris said in a news release. But it is also so much more. It represents a prosperous future and renewed kinship between the Catawba Nation and the many communities that now occupy Catawba ancestral lands. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) New Jersey's yearlong coronavirus-inspired ban on smoking in Atlantic City casinos will end Sunday, just in time for the Fourth of July holiday. Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday that an order he signed ending a public health emergency contained a sunset provision winding down the smoking ban within 30 days, which is Sunday. While acknowledging gamblers will be free to light up again starting Sunday, the Democratic governor indicated he would look favorably on a measure lawmakers are considering to permanently end smoking in New Jersey's casinos. I would be very constructive on that, he said at a coronavirus briefing, stopping short of saying he would sign the legislation. The governor's remarks came two hours after dozens of casino workers and anti-smoking advocates rallied on the Atlantic City boardwalk to call for a permanent smoking ban. Casinos are exempted from a state law banning most indoor smoking, while an Atlantic City law limits smoking to no more than 25% of the casino floor. New Jersey has even prohibited smoking on beaches and public parks, which was not lost on many of the rallying casino workers. A Basin man accused of firing a gun into someone's home and threatening the person with homophobic slurs has pleaded not guilty to federal hate crime and firearm charges, authorities said Wednesday. John Russell Howald, 44, was charged with violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and with the use of a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence. U.S. Magistrate Judge John T. Johnston presided in Tuesdays hearing. Howald was detained pending further proceedings. The indictment alleges that on March 22, 2020, in Basin, Howald tried to injure someone because of their sexual orientation by firing a gun into the persons house, stating that he wanted to get rid of the lesbians (and) gays. The offense included an attempt to kill the individual, Acting U.S. Attorney Leif M. Johnson said. If convicted, Howald faces up to life in prison on the hate crime charge and a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison, consecutive to any other sentence, on the firearm charge. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. The move comes at a time when fewer than half of all Montanans are fully vaccinated against the virus and federal health officials are warning of a new more infectious Delta variant of the disease spreading into the state. Gianforte called on every eligible person to get the vaccine, calling it the states best way forward in combating the virus while simultaneously saying the state of emergency in Montana was over. I chose to get vaccinated, and I hope you will choose to get your vaccination as well, Gianforte said. The governor emphasized his push to get the state back to normal, a move he called addressing the states economic crisis. In reality, little will change with the lifting of the emergency. Gianforte had ended the statewide mask mandate earlier this year after putting in place protections for businesses and places of worship against COVID-related lawsuits. He had also lessened most of the restrictions placed on businesses that limited occupancy and hours of operation. Asked by The Gazette how this move will affect local health officials and schools, especially after the a law signed by the governor took away some of their authority, Gianforte said those officials remain in charge of how they address local health crisis. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Despite Zinkes presence in Trumps cabinet, the press release announcing Olszewskis congressional bid touts him as the best fit to be seated next to fellow Trump conservative, Matt Rosendale, the incumbent Republican representing the states at-large district. In an interview Thursday, Olszewski argued that his policy priorities more closely mirrored those of the former president, noting that he has a higher lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union than his primary opponent. "I look at myself more as a Montana conservative, that falls in line with the 'America first' principles that President Trump espoused," Olszewski said. "Running against a Trump agency director, in Montana things are very local, and people in Western Montana, that I'm trying to represent, they live and breathe the right to self-determination and they want someone to represent them that's similar." Olszewski spent six years in the Legislature, serving a single term in the House beginning in 2015 and then one term in the Senate, from 2017 to 2020. He sponsored several bills that sought to restrict access to abortions and was one of the leading opponents of the states expansion of Medicaid. MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexicans living abroad sent home a record amount of money in May, topping $4.5 billion in a month for the first time, Mexicos central bank said Thursday. Just a year ago, it was considered a record when migrants' money, known as remittances, broke the $4 billion per month mark in March 2020. They now regularly send more than $4 billion. Only January and February, traditionally slow months for remittances, fell below that mark this year, with March, April and May setting new records. May is a traditionally high month because of Mothers Day. The $19.2 billion sent home in the first five months of 2021 is 21.7% more than during the same period of 2020. If the pace keeps up, Mexico could be on track to top $45 billion in remittances for the full year in 2021. As a source of foreign income, remittances earn Mexico more money than oil exports or tourism and are exceeded only by manufacturing exports. BBVA bank said in an analysis report that the rapid U.S. economic recovery and shortages of workers in some sectors may have helped migrants send more money home. Most Mexican migrants live and work in the United States, where employment opportunities have surged as the coronavirus pandemic eases. Here comes July 4, the birthday of the United States. I love celebrating birthdays, including the Fourth. But birthdays only mark beginnings. We should also celebrate some important anniversariesdays when we the people established the fundamental rules by which we govern ourselves. Lets celebrate two days of observance that we already have: Constitution Day and Bill of Rights Day. Then lets add one to commemorate the most important way in which we shape our governmentby voting. Lets call it Suffrage Day. You may not have heard of Constitution Day, Sept. 17. This is the date in 1787 when delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document that begins We the People of the United States The Constitution spells out the fundamental structure of our government and our processes for sharing power. It guarantees that no single person or institution can unilaterally control our lives. Lets discuss the Constitution and celebrate it on Sept. 17 every year. The Constitution is like an architects plan, and no architects plan is perfect. The Founding Fathers (sorry, no mothers) knew this, so they provided a way to fix the plan when additions and corrections were needed. This is Article V, the process for amending the Constitution. As former members of the Districting and Apportionment Commission, we know whats at stake drawing legislative districts and now a new congressional district. We commend Commission Chair Maylinn Smith for her commitment to an open, public and transparent process. We are proud of our work on the 2000 and 2010 commissions. These commissions drew landmark plans based on the input of thousands of everyday Montanans, creating legislative maps reflecting the rich diversity of our communities across the state. Montana Democrats have a proven history of our commitment to an open process and maps that represent all Montanans at the Legislature. In 1972, voters approved the new Montana Constitution establishing our independent citizen redistricting commission. Now the Legislatures role in redistricting is the same as every other Montanan. They can offer suggestions on how the maps should be drawn, but they have absolutely no power to pass unconstitutional laws dictating how the commission draws the maps. California recently announced that state employees would be prohibited from traveling to Montana due to our states discrimination against LGBTQ people. Indulging in the proud Montana tradition of mocking California, some politicians and activists had a good laugh about the ban. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines tweeted a snarky rejoinder, Republican radio host Aaron Flint had a good laugh, and plenty of other right-wing activists got their dunks in on Twitter. Discrimination is no joke. Neither is the economic impact when people decide to take their travel dollars elsewhere. This year, the Legislature passedand Gov. Greg Gianforte signedlaws to legalize discrimination, invade the privacy of LGBTQ Montanans, micromanage family health care decisions, and mandate government inspection of childrens genitals. This culture war against our friends, family and neighbor has literal life or death consequences. This agenda of discrimination also threatens our economy. According to the University of Montana Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research, out of state spend $3.8 billion a year, fueling an economic ripple effect in every county; 12% of these travelers are here on business trips. Actor Stuart Damon, who for decades played Dr. Alan Quartermaine on the popular daytime soap "General Hospital," has died at age 84. The veteran TV star died Saturday around 1 a.m. after struggling with renal failure and other "compounding issues" in recent years, his son Christopher Damon told the Daily News. "It was very peaceful. I was with him at the time," Christopher Damon said, adding that other family members also got a chance to say goodbye the night before at the Motion Picture Television Fund's 20-acre assisted living campus in Woodland Hills, Calif. He added that his dad relished his three decades on the longest-running American soap opera still in production. He joined the show in 1977 and was on until 2008. He returned for two guest appearances in 2011 and two more in 2013. "He was grateful very grateful to be on 'General Hospital' and have that job for so many years," his son said. "He went to work with no ego. He just wanted to show up, do the best work he could and have fun." He said his dad was very proud of the 1999 Daytime Emmy he won for his work on a story line that followed Alan Quartermaine's addiction to hydrocodone. Public health officials trying to combat the confusion and hesitancy have put up billboards where the Amish travel by horse and buggy, sent letters to bishops and offered to take the vaccines into their homes and workplaces, all without much success. "It's not due to lack of effort," said Michael Derr, the health commissioner in Holmes County, Ohio. "But this thing is so politically charged." Some health clinics that serve the Amish are hesitant to push the issue for fear of driving them away from getting blood pressure checks and routine exams. One local business and the organizers of a community event told the health department in Holmes County that it would no longer be welcome if it brought the vaccine to them, Derr said. Staff members at the Parochial Medical Center, which serves the Amish and Mennonites in Pennsylvania's Lancaster County, encourage patients to get the vaccine, but many have little fear of the virus, said Allen Hoover, the clinic's administrator. "Most of them listen and are respectful, but you can tell before you're finished that they've already made up their mind," he said. The restaurant may have been experiencing reduced earnings after Sun Holdings bought that location and 40 other IHOP restaurants in October 2020 from another franchisee that went bankrupt in the spring of 2020, Miranda said. Some of these people had been there for a long time, Miranda said of the employees who were owed back pay. In the middle of the pandemic, it was hard to find other jobs. In its statement, Siembra NC featured the story of Rosa Gonzalez that went viral in social media on May 1 after co-worker Vanessa Becerril posted a video on TikTok showing a group of IHOP employees walking out of the kitchen in the middle of their shift. The group took that action after Gonzalez was denied pay she was owed for 80 hours of work, Siembra NC said. In less than 48 hours, Becerrils video had received millions of views and public demands that Gonzalez be paid were being posted all over the restaurants social media, Siembra NC said. As a result of the pressure, a regional manager soon delivered a paycheck to Gonzalez, paying her for all the hours that she worked, the organization said. A week later, the remaining employees marched together to the restaurant to collect their paychecks, including wages they had been denied from previous months, the organization said. White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients said all intended recipient countries had received formal U.S. offers of a specific number and type of vaccine, and all legal and logistical hurdles on the U.S. side had been cleared. The remaining doses will be shipped in the coming weeks as countries complete their own domestic set of operational regulatory and legal processes. Theyre specific to each country," Zients said Thursday. We will continue to share tens of millions of U.S. doses over the summer months as we help lead the fight to end the pandemic across the globe." The White House declined to specify which nations were struggling with which local hurdles, saying it is working with recipient nations on an individual basis to remove obstacles to delivery. What weve found to be the biggest challenge is not actually the supply we have plenty of doses to share with the world but this is a Herculean logistical challenge, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said last week. It took months for the U.S. to get its domestic vaccination program running at full throttle, and officials noted that Biden only shifted the focus of the nation's COVID-19 response toward the global vaccination campaign less than two months ago. WASHINGTON (AP) Calling Donald H. Rumsfeld energetic was like calling the Pacific wide. When others would rest, he would run. While others sat, he stood. But try as he might, at the pinnacle of his career as defense secretary he could not outmaneuver the ruinous politics of the Iraq war. ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) A Libyan military commander who previously lived for decades in Virginia cannot claim head-of-state immunity as a defense in lawsuits accusing him of atrocities in his country's civil war, a judge ruled Thursday. Khalifa Hifter leads the self-styled Libyan National Army, a faction in a civil war that has raged in the country for years. Once a lieutenant to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Hifter defected to the U.S. during the 1980s and spent many years living in northern Virginia. He is widely believed to have worked with the CIA during his time in exile. He is also a defendant in three separate federal lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court in Alexandria. Plaintiffs allege their loved ones were killed or tortured by Hifters forces. The lawsuits seek millions of dollars in damages that could be recovered from property that Hifter, a dual U.S. and Libyan citizen, and his family still own throughout northern Virginia. In court papers, Hifter asserted that he is immune to lawsuits because he is head of state. He also said the judge should dismiss the cases because a lawsuit that seeks to assert blame in the country's civil war is a political question that requires deference to the executive branch. The report, filed by a Great Falls attorney, states "Harrington's tenure with the EHPD did nothing to address these problems (inadequate management and oversight; the failure to define roles and responsibilities; lack of training; outdated policies and procedures; burnout and stress) and in fact seemed to only worsen many of the issues." "I take these very important outside investigations extremely seriously as I know the City Council and residents do," Schell's statement reads. "I also take full responsibility for any shortcomings in my leadership that led us to this point and will concentrate my efforts on working with the staff and Council to review and implement the recommendations of those investigations into the Citys policies and procedures moving forward in an honest and transparent fashion. As is the city staff and City Council, I am committed to building on the existing Police Department members and providing the community with an ethical, well respected East Helena Police Department." GREAT FALLS The advisory committee set up to forward recommendations for judicial candidates to the governor settled on two names following a roundtable meeting Wednesday in Great Falls. David Grubich, a standing master in Cascade County District Court, and Michele Levine, the judge whose appointment was rejected by the Senate just two months ago, will both be recommended to Gov. Greg Gianforte by the end of the week, committee chair Ron Nelson, a Great Falls attorney, said at the end of the hearing. The committees process is the first of its kind. The Legislature abolished the judicial nomination commission in the last session with a bill supported by Gianfortes office. The advisory committee Gianforte set up in its place conducts largely the same function, but instead of a panel that holds its members over several years, this committee, with members specific to Cascade County, will dissolve after Gianforte makes his selection. An Indiana man has been sentenced to 60 days in jail, five years of probation and banned from Yellowstone National Park for five years after pleading guilty following a June 21 altercation in the park. He was also fined $1,550 along with a $50 special assessment fee. Kyle F. Campbell, 31, of Fairmont, Indiana, reportedly got belligerent after being told by a kayaking guide that his group was too drunk for a scheduled trip from Grant Marina on Yellowstone Lake, according to a park press release. "Campbell and his group became upset and created a disturbance that led the kayak guide to call security officers and park law enforcement rangers," the Park Service said. "During the encounter, Campbell made threatening comments and gestures toward the officers. He also exhibited signs of being intoxicated and refused to obey officers orders. Campbell continually struggled and kicked at the rangers, resisting arrest, and later injuring himself while banging his head in the patrol car." The Nazis were held accountable for their war crimes. I see no difference in locating the priests and nuns and the brothers who are responsible for this mass murder to be held accountable for their part in this attempt of genocide of an Indigenous people. From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend state-funded Christian boarding schools in an effort to assimilate them into Canadian society. Thousands of children died there of disease and other causes, with many never returned to their families. Nearly three-quarters of the 130 residential schools were run by Roman Catholic missionary congregations, with others operated by the Presbyterian, Anglican and the United Church of Canada, which today is the largest Protestant denomination in the country. The Canadian government has acknowledged that physical and sexual abuse was rampant in the schools, with students beaten for speaking their native languages. Last week the Cowessess First Nation, located about 85 miles east of the Saskatchewan capital of Regina, said investigators found at least 600 unmarked graves at the site of a former Marieval Indian Residential School. Additionally, this project will have adverse effects including complete ecological destruction of this vast green space and a decrease in property values. The character of the surrounding community, neighborhoods and natural features will be irretrievably scarred, destroying habitat for thousands of animals that make their homes here. Madison River states that the solar array will not affect property values, but there hasnt been adequate unbiased research into property devaluation in proximity to vast solar arrays like this one. One study conducted by a public policy group at the University of Texas noted most solar arrays are sited in areas that are already lower income and with depressed property valuation. Furthermore, this array would be one of the top 5 largest utility scale solar farms in the U.S., and the only one located in a city. The other arrays average 20.5 miles from the nearest communities. According to information from Construction Review, Google Maps, and the U.S. Census, those 5 communities have a total population of 8,112! By comparison, Atlas Power and its proposed Basin Creek Solar Project are 6.4 miles away from the center of Butte, population 33,964. Do we really want another large-scale industrial eyesore in our town? I challenge Montanans to find where favorable conditions of water flows has ever been stated in a proposed environmental documents purpose and need. Oh, sure, one can find countless times that the reduction of stream sediment is a goal, but anybody in the livestock business or agriculture can assert that cattle can drink water containing sediment, and it can also irrigate grain crops. Vigorous (green) headwater forested drainages truly act as hydrologic sponges that hold snow under their tree canopy for a slow, steady melt and runoff. Burnt watersheds that bake in harsh sunlight melt early and fast in the spring. Neither Missoula, nor St. Louis, Missouri, nor New Orleans ever need or want additional flood stage spring waters. Of course, there is also a significant bad impact on fisheries, songbirds and wildlifewhether listed as an endangered specie or not! Watershed wildfires kill. Yet Montanans have continually seen federal wildfire management back off from aggressive wildfire attacks in the backcountrywhich is another name for headwater drainagesand instead establish defensive plans for fire lines on the edge of the federal ownership. The causes are many: 1. God help us, but there are those that subscribe to silviculture by wildfire. The words "bipartisan," "compromise" and "Montana" all in one story graced the Billings Gazette's front page Friday. The story: A deal was reached on a bipartisan infrastructure spending measure that would finance a variety of sorely needed projects in Montana and across the country. Included, Sen. Jon Tester said, were long-stymied large-scale water projects, as well as airports, roads, bridges and internet access initiatives. Tester is to be commended for being one of 10 lawmakers from both parties involved in negotiating the compromise, which is supported by President Joe Biden. The bill "will help create good-paying jobs across the state," Tester said. Getting to yes was not easy for the negotiators over the past several weeks, and more than once, the deal looked dead on arrival. At $973 billion, the measure is about $1 trillion less than what the president initially proposed but far more likely to attract Republican votes. Roberts said FWP usually steers away from regulations that eliminate access to a certain type of fishing, and is more likely to consider specific stretches of water for gear-related restrictions and even then only in the face of strong evidence the gear causes a mortality risk. We don't want to stack the deck for one type of fishing over another banning bait fishing so more people can float the river and do catch and release. We typically try not to do that, he said. But many anglers are calling for exactly that now that brown trout are in crisis. If were really worried about them, weve got to stop the bait fishing, Jones said. Rainbows Catch-and-release regulations in whatever form they take should also be applied to rainbow trout on the Big Hole, Jay said. GOING TO THE WELL An increase of water production from Well 47 combined with cleaning of other wells should result in meeting summer water reserve requirements, Huston reported. There had been concerns because water requirements of a large industrial customer had increased considerably. Huston told the board a vendor was able to increase Well 47's output by 75% to roughly 1.5 million gallons per day. On a related note, Huston reported the water supply should be adequate to meet a proposed water service expansion to Louisa County. "We had some very preliminary discussion," Huston told the board. "They reached out to us. For them, we would be an ideal solution." Huston said any decision would be brought back to the board. "We will always look to protecting the interests of our Muscatine customers first," he said. PAY EQUITY A surveillance video shows Dickinson punch the guard with his left hand. A struggle ensued and the guard gained compliance by taking Dickinson to the ground. The guard reported Dickinson had scratched at him and attempted to poke him in the eyes and had attempted to bite him. The guard reported having to physically drag Dickinson into the cell. The report said the guards radio mic was pulled from his shirt and he sustained bodily injuries as he had red marks or scratches around his neck and collarbone and redness in his left eye. Dickinson has pleaded not guilty to the charge and demanded a speedy trial within 90 days. The charge has been combined with three other felony charges stemming from Dickinson allegedly eluding police on June 9. According to a news release from the police department, at about 7:33 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, officers conducted a traffic stop near Spruce Street and Highway 61 on a 2005 Buick Century for multiple traffic violations. The vehicle abruptly pulled into a local business, and the driver, identified as Dickinson, attempted to enter the business. Dickinson then returned to the vehicle and attempted to back up, nearly striking a Wapello Police cruiser. MUSCATINE Joe Bottoms was named MuscaBus Driver of the Year. The Iowa Public Transit Association announced the award at its annual meeting and training conference held virtually this week. Muscatine Department of Public Works Public transit division nominated Bottoms, who has been a driver for more than two years. (He) is a great driver, transit supervisor Amy Fortenbacher said. He is very friendly to all of our passengers, providing excellent customer service, and is a wonderful ambassador for MuscaBus. Bottoms said he did not know about the existence of the award before his nomination and was surprised by the honor. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} There are plenty of good MuscaBus drivers out there, and I am very thankful that I have been selected out of them, Bottoms said. I dont really enjoy a lot of attention, but Im glad that I can represent the company and that they think enough of me to have me be Driver of the Year, and I thank them for that. Bottoms said he enjoys talking with passengers. Both groups argued that their contributors had in the past suffered harassment and threats and that California had in the past let the donor information become public. In a statement, an attorney for the Thomas More Law Center called Thursday a great day. This opinion safeguards our clients donors from the threats of governmental misuse and public disclosure of their identities and addresses whether intentional, mistaken, or by electronic theft, Louie Castoria said. Americans for Prosperity Foundation CEO Emily Seidel said in a statement that the decision: protects Americans from being forced to choose between staying safe or speaking up." California Attorney General Rob Bonta said he was disappointed by the decision. As the Peoples Attorney, my office has the responsibility to protect charitable assets for their intended use and ensure that donations go towards their intended purpose. Stripping our office of confidential access to donor information the same information about major donors that charities already provide to the federal government will make it harder for the State to fight fraud and prevent the misuse of charitable contributions, he said in a statement. Heres the truth: This is an important step forward and its worthy of celebration, Wolf told a news conference on the Capitol steps Wednesday, backed by Democratic lawmakers and public school advocates. But we still have work to do. We still have a long way to go before education in Pennsylvania is fully and fairly funded, adequate and fair funding. We dont have that yet. Wolf in February asked lawmakers for $1.3 billion in aid to ensure that Pennsylvania's updated school-funding formula is used for every dollar of state aid, while ensuring that no district would see a reduction. Republicans balked at the price tag. In an 11th-hour deal to set aside $100 million for the poorest school districts, Republicans got Wolf to agree to repeal his regulation to expand the ranks of lower-wage salaried workers who must receive time-and-a-half pay for any time they work over 40 hours in a week. CEDAR RAPIDS Using his words, Iowas Republican U.S. senators are holding President Joe Biden accountable for his earlier commitments to support the biofuel industry and the family farmers who rely on it. In light of recent reports about his consideration of the demands of Big Oil, Sens. Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley have written to Biden to remind him of his statements during his campaign supposedly supporting biofuel. Those waivers are a gigantic mistake, Biden said on Iowa PBS in the summer 2019 when asked about the waivers granted by the Trump administration. We should not be exempting, we should be insisting that these major companies in fact meet the criteria. The letter, joined by the Republican senators from South Dakota and Nebraska, and an earlier missive from Ernst to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, were motivated, in part by, Ernst said, by rumors about administrative action to reduce or eliminate renewable fuel blending targets for petroleum refiners. Along with a recent announcement by the Biden administration regarding its intention to rewrite the definition of Waters of the United States rules, that leads Ernst to question the Biden administrations commitment to farmers. But Democratic state Sen. Reynold Nesiba said the fact Noem is using a donor to pay for the deployment shows it is not a real priority for the state, but instead gives her political cover. He said he was looking into whether using a private donation to fund the deployment is legal. This could set a dangerous precedent to allow anonymous political donors to call the governor and dispatch the Guard whenever they want, he said. The federal government usually pays for National Guard deployments to other states. When troops respond to an in-state emergency, they are paid from state government funds, according to Duke Doering, a historian with the South Dakota National Guard Museum. He said he had never heard of a private donor funding a deployment. This kind of floors me, when youre talking about a private donor sending the Guard, that doesnt even make sense to me, Doering said. The South Dakota National Guard is expected to deploy for 30 to 60 days, Noem said, while the other states involved are sending law enforcement officers for roughly two-week stints. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) One of the worlds largest port operators, DP World, said Thursday it has acquired an American logistics firm in a $1.2 billion deal, the latest investment as the maritime company pushes to expand farther afield. Dubai-based DP World said its purchase of global logistics provider Syncreon Holdings is expected to close later this year. The company plans to fund the acquisition from existing resources so as not to take on more debt. The move comes after the port operator posted a 29% drop in 2020 profits as the coronavirus pandemic froze global supply chains and upended trade flows. The company delisted from the stock exchange and returned to full state-ownership last year. Syncreon operates supply chains for the automotive and technology industries, managing warehouses and fulfillment centers for packing, shipping and delivering across 19 countries. Guam police officers conduct an investigation on the corner of Chalan Tun Joseph Fejeran and Marine Corps Drive after a shooting involving a police officer was reported around 6:17 p.m. Wednesday. One man was killed. Editor Zaldy Dandan is the recipient of the Best Editorial Writer Award of the Society of Professional Journalists, and the CNMI Humanities Award for Outstanding Contributions to Journalism. His three books are available on amazon.com EOH CEO Stephen van Coller is under fire for spending millions on lawyers and consultants when employees were hit with salary cuts and retrenchments. This criticism followed news that EOH sued four of its former executives, including founder Asher Bohbot, for R6.4 billion. EOH said this action closes off its inherited legacy issues and holds accountable those responsible for the governance failings. The company said it ensured transparent cooperation with the relevant authorities, including the SIU, Hawks, and the Enquiry into State Capture. It has been no easy feat getting to this point. The new EOH leadership team is immensely proud of everyone who has been involved in this process, EOH CEO Stephen van Coller said. However, not everyone thinks Van Collers continued focus on corruption years after it happened is the right thing to do. An EOH manager, who spoke to MyBroadband on condition of anonymity, said the CEOs actions entrench the perception that EOH is corrupt. Instead of ridding the company of its corrupt image, it continually reminds the market that EOH is a corrupt company with serious challenges, he said. Another problem is that EOH staff were hit by salary cuts, forfeit increases and bonuses, and faced retrenchments while the company blew millions on lawyers and consultants. EOHs latest annual report showed that it spent over R260 million in two years on advisory and other services. A large part went to the investigation into corruption by ENSafrica. The R260 million is, however, only part of the money spent on the issue, an EOH insider told MyBroadband. He said apart from the ENSafrica contract, EOH spent millions on consultants from PWC, Delta, and other companies. EOH employees who contacted MyBroadband said they feel the money could have been better spent growing the company and protecting employees. One manager said EOH employees made tremendous sacrifices since Van Coller took the reins to turn the company around, only to face salary cuts and retrenchments afterwards. He finds it particularly unpalatable that Van Coller received a salary package of R17.6 million when low-level employees did not receive salary increases and bonuses. Instead of seeing the latest legal action as a positive development, it is perceived as a personal crusade by Van Coller to lift his image at the companys expense. One executive told MyBroadband there is little chance of recovering a large amount of money from the former executives. In fact, he said, it is doubtful that EOH will even cover the legal costs associated with suing the former executives. Suing executives for over R1.5 billion each is a vanity project which hurts EOHs image without a significant chance of benefitting the company or its shareholders, he said. Steven Nathan, the founder of 10X Investments, credited Van Coller for uncovering corruption and holding the perpetrators accountable. Van Collers actions, however, come at a high cost to EOH and its employees. Nathan highlighted three adverse effects on the company. It costs a lot of money, with EOH paying expensive legal and consulting fees to investigate corruption and going after former executives. EOHs management team is spending time investigating corruption from years ago instead of focusing on growing the business. The investigations and legal action remind employees, clients, and the market of corruption at EOH. Nathan said EOHs management team has limited time, energy, and resources. Spending it investigating previous corrupt activities rather than running the business may not be the best strategy. He added that while it is good to go after former executives implicated in wrongdoing, it sticks to EOH. It keeps reminding people about the challenges EOH has as a company. This is a challenge for clients and staff, he said. It is not an easy path to follow. There are definitely consequences and some downside. Nathan said it is sad that EOH is no longer a company that creates jobs and pay taxes. He highlighted that EOH under founder Asher Bohbot was one of the first companies to aggressively create learnerships and job opportunities. EOH created hundreds of jobs and gave opportunities to people without previous business experience. Nathans views are echoed by a senior executive close to EOH, who spoke to MyBroadband on condition of anonymity. He said Van Collers focus should be on strengthening EOH and ensuring its employees and clients are protected. Instead of ridding EOH from its image of a corrupt company, Van Coller continues to talk about corruption at the company at every opportunity he gets, he said. Van Coller seems to be on a personal crusade to be seen as a corruption buster instead of looking after the interest of EOH and its employees. He said EOH used to be a great company that employed thousands of South Africans and paid billions in taxes. Although there were a few rogue employees who harmed the company, they could have been dealt with swiftly and decisively. EOH knew who the corrupt people were and what they did. By all means, take action against them, but dont drag the company down with them, he said. He also questioned Van Collers strategy of selling cash generative businesses, which he described as EOHs crown jewels. It includes the sale of financial software specialists Sybrin for R334 million, which he described as well below market value. Instead of growing EOH and protecting staff, he is selling the crown jewels and firing employees, he said. He said the only thing which saved EOH is Covid-19, which prevented clients from changing contracts and limited the movement of employees. The market is also not optimistic about EOH and its prospects. EOHs share price declined from R8.63 to R7.05 year to date, indicating that investors are not encouraged with what they see at the company. MyBroadband asked EOH how much money it has already spent pursuing legal action against former executives, but the company could not answer this question. It could also not say whether it is confident that it will recover any funds from its former executives and whether it will cover its legal costs. EOH would not answer whether the money could have been better spent to grow the company and save jobs. Excess deaths, seen as a more precise way of measuring total fatalities from the coronavirus, rose to their highest level in the South African commercial hub of Gauteng since the pandemic began. In the week to June 20, a total of 2,242 more deaths than normal were recorded in the province that includes Johannesburg, the biggest city, and Pretoria, the capital, according to a report from the South African Medical Research Council. That compares with the 475 deaths officially attributed to Covid-19. Excess deaths in the province, which are measured against a historical average, have risen for seven straight weeks from 229 in the week to May 2, highlighting the severity of a third wave of coronavirus infections. Gauteng, where one in four South Africans live, has in recent days accounted for between 57% to 69% of all daily national infections. The National Institute of Communicable Diseases has attributed the rapid climb in cases and deaths to the emergence in the country of the delta variant, first identified in India. The South African National Blood Service said Monday that samples from blood donations showed Gauteng had the second-lowest incidence of Covid-19 antibodies of the countrys nine provinces, making it more susceptible to a new wave of infections. The number of excess deaths in Gauteng compares with a peak of 2,114 in the week to Jan. 10 during the second wave of infections, and 2,172 in the week to July 12 last year, the crest of the first. Overall 32,974 excess deaths have been recorded in Gauteng and 176,700 nationally over the course of the pandemic, according to the SAMRC. That compares with an official total of 60,647 attributed to Covid-19. While not all excess deaths may be due to Covid the SAMRC says most likely are. The cause of death may not be accurately recorded if people die at home or in remote areas far from medical facilities. Nationally 3,907 excess deaths were recorded in the week to June 20, with 1,188 of those were officially attributed to Covid-19. South Africas official death toll and almost 2 million infections make it the country hardest hit by the virus in Africa, although testing and accurate recording of the causes of death is weak across much of the continent. While the third wave of infections in South Africa has so far largely been concentrated in Gauteng, which accounts for two fifths of the national economy, the proportion of new cases from the province fell to 57% of the 19,506 cases recorded Wednesday. Thats the first time it has been below 60% for a number of days, possibly indicating infections are accelerating in other provinces. Daily infections are at their highest since January. South Africa only started the main part of its vaccine rollout in May with 3.03 million vaccinations administered of which just over 700,000 were in Gauteng. South Africa has a population of about 60 million, with 15 million of those in Gauteng. Now read: How dominant the Delta coronavirus variant is in Gauteng Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Each meeting body has unique needs and requirements, and we are looking for the best solutions for each one, which include staffing, technology, and other resources, French said in an email. French also said the city may retain some of the virtual tools that have been used in its public meetings over the past year, depending on the availability of staffing, technology, and other resources. Official meeting protocols will be sent out to the public as soon as a plan is in place, French said in the email. The city held its first virtual City Council meeting on March 31 last year, in response to the encroaching COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual public meetings have continued on throughout the pandemic for most governmental boards. The Napa Valley Unified School District is planning to allow in-person public attendance at school board meetings starting in August, said NVUSD spokesperson Stacy Rollo in an email. The Napa County Board of Supervisors has allowed limited in-person attendance at its meetings since March 4 this year, about a month following a period when the county and most of California were under strict regional COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Personal fireworks even those on the smaller side if your neighbor is the one whos setting them off, (pets) can still hear, because animals can hear (a wider frequency) than we can, Erika Gamez, manager of the Napa County Animal Shelter, said Wednesday. If it feels loud for us, imagine how loud it is for them when it seems ten times louder; that is usually why animals are going to run away. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} American Canyon to host Napa Countys only Fourth of July fireworks this year Elsewhere in the Napa Valley, mostly low-key events will mark Independence Day as the emergence from pandemic-related shutdowns continues. While the county shelter on Gasser Lane does not track the weekly number of pets brought into its Gasser Lane facility by the suspected reasons for their separation, Gamez said that number tends to jump each July Fourth season. In 2019, the most recent pre-pandemic year, the number of animal returns to the shelter from July 3-10 was 37 compared to just 19 during the same week in 2020 when all fireworks and festivals were canceled across Napa County. The key to avoiding a pets disappearance or worse begins with owners staying with their pets when possible, and not depending entirely on fences, enclosures or pet carriers to prevent a panicked escape. Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer called for more shelters, while rival businessman John Cox said people insisting on sleeping on streets should be locked up or forced into treatment. Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, a Democrat, has proposed a right to housing that would require the city to provide shelter to all residents. While the crisis is widespread across Los Angeles, a dispute about how to solve the problem has become a flashpoint on Venice Beach recently, where an encampment exploded in size during the coronavirus pandemic. The situation has left residents weary and worried for their safety and for the wellbeing of those in camps after several violent incidents. A homeless man was arrested last week in the killing of another homeless man who was bludgeoned in his tent on the beach. Sheriff Alex Villanueva, whose deputies patrol unincorporated parts of the county, entered city turf with a homeless outreach team to announce a plan to get people into housing by July 4. His lofty overture, which has moved some people off the boardwalk but is unlikely to meet his goal this weekend, was met with resistance from much of LA's political establishment, particularly Councilman Mike Bonin, whose district includes Venice. An apologetic fire official told a town hall Tuesday that firefighters responded to the initial small fire and left after concluding it was out. It rekindled amid winds and blistering heat because of a scorching high-pressure system over the Pacific Northwest. While still hot, weather in the region was improving. A small area remained under an excessive heat warning, and in other areas the warning was reduced to an advisory. The rest of California was free of weather warnings. The San Francisco Bay Area weather office wrote that the monstrosity of a high pressure system had weakened and was moving eastward. The extent of damage from the Lava Fire was not known, but it did burn through marijuana grows that have proliferated in the region in the last few years, exacerbating a local conflict. Law enforcement has been trying to shut down the grows for operating illegally, and the operators, who are mostly of Hmong and Chinese descent, have claimed racial discrimination. A man trying enter a grow area during wildfire evacuation Monday pointed a gun at officers and was shot to death, the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office said, adding that the man may have also fired shots. SACRAMENTO Hate crime in California surged 31% in 2020, fueled mainly by a big jump in crimes targeting Black people during a year that saw the worst racial strife in decades, according to an annual report released Wednesday by the state's attorney general. Overall hate crimes increased from 1,015 to 1,330 last year, while the number of victims increased 23%, from 1,247 to 1,536. Black people account for 6.5% of the state's population of nearly 40 million people but were victims in 30% of all hate crimes 456 overall, up 87% from the previous year. Quality journalism doesn't happen without your help. Subscribe today! Support local news coverage and the people who report it by subscribing to the Napa Valley Register. Special offer: $1 for your first 3 months! What we see from these reports is what we have seen and felt all year we are in the midst of a racial justice reckoning in this country. Its multi-faceted, and it cannot be solved overnight. Attorney General Rob Bonta said. California saw some of the largest protests following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. And it also saw a surge in attacks on people of Asian descent following the emergence of the coronavirus in China. Last year's hate crime reports were the most since 2008, when there were 1,397. That in turn was topped several times in prior years, including 2001, when there were 2,261 hate crimes reported. One of his victims addressed the court before the sentencing and others submitted letters describing the emotional impact of the attacks, prosecutor Matt LHeureux told KSBW-TV. The victims who choose to address the court really wanted the judge to understand that it was a psychological impact not only on them, but on their families, on people in the community who were just afraid during this period of time to go places that they needed to go, to see people that they needed to see because they didnt know if this person was going to strike, LHeureux said. Lafferty did not address the court or victims Tuesday but thanked one victim who told Lafferty he forgave him for what he did, LHeureux said. After his arrest, Lafferty acknowledged to officers that he fired the marbles at unsuspecting drivers, but he never told them his motive, officials said. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. The latest developments around the region related to the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, as of Wednesday evening include: San Joaquin Delta College will require students, faculty and visitors to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before returning to campus this fall. Delta College's Board of Trustees said all students taking on-campus classes must be vaccinated unless students have medical or religious exemptions. However, Delta College said any individuals exempt from the vaccines must wear a N95 mask at all times while on Delta College property. With the new requirements in place, Delta College also decided to remove all social distancing requirements as well as discontinue daily temperature and health screening checks. San Mateo County supervisors on Tuesday allocated over $6 million of federal funds to address food insecurity for county residents in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As federal funding for the Great Plates Delivered program comes to an end in July, county supervisors approved $3.9 million to continue a similar program. Feiring realized decades ago that, The absence of wines I wanted to drink brought me to the realization that natural wines from the Loire spoke of the vineyard and not the lab. And, she observed during the 2010s that social media accelerated the natural wine market placing it, As an overnight success after 45 years. Younger drinkers were looking for something different and the increased availability of natural wines paved their way. She also sees the concept of faults as being redefined for fans looking for a more natural experience. Polarization in the market is lessening, but the [new found] popularity is, unfortunately, causing some producers (for economic reasons) toward early releases thus [negatively] affecting quality. In 1977 Nicholas Joly returned to France from a successful investment banking career in the U.S. to take the reins of his familys winery. He switched to biodynamic farming even though as he jokingly admits that, I had no idea why. His strong link to nature is expressed with feeling and passion in every facet of his growing and winemaking. As he said, Healthy vines [via biodynamics] are necessary, but dont interfere in the cellar. France has canceled most of the measures to combat the spread of coronavirus, RFI reported. The authorities have moved on to the last stage of lifting restrictions, which President Emmanuel Macron announced at the end of April. In restaurants, museums, and other public places, the limit on the number of visitors was canceled, and it will be possible to come to large open-air festivals without masks if you have a sanitary certificate. Earlier, the French government planned that on June 30, the country would abandon the mandatory wearing of a mask on the street and curfew. But due to improved sanitary conditions, these restrictions were lifted several weeks earlier, in mid-June. One of the few remaining measures to tackle the coronavirus in France has been the wearing of a mask indoors and on public transport, as well as a ban on discos and nightclubs. They will be allowed to open on July 9 after a 16-month hiatus. As noted by Ouest-France, access to them will also be carried out under the so-called sanitary certificate. A special QR code can be obtained by those who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus, have had it less than six months ago, or have passed a negative PCR test in the last 72 hours. The French authorities also did not abandon restrictions on entry from both Europe and third countries. Residents of France and tourists from the EU and regions where the coronavirus is not actively spreading must present a health certificate or a negative test at the border. Visitors from the "red" zone, which is of concern to epidemiologists (including from Russia), must go to a strict 10-day quarantine. Self-isolation is monitored by the police, and violators face a fine of 1,500 euros. Armenia security service chief is bestowed Major General military rank Dead body of person, 30, who drowned in Armenia waterfall, is found Armenia ex-President Kocharyan congratulates on Constitution Day Analyst: Armenia, Azerbaijan leaders have committed criminally punishable crimes Judicial farce against Armenian captives continues in Azerbaijan 53 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Armenia Azerbaijan emergency ministry launches inquiry into Caspian Sea explosion Armenia marks Constitution Day Armenia President: Certain provisions of current Constitution do not provide best solutions Armenia acting PM: There have been profound changes in our constitutional awareness Armenia embassy in Moscow comments on statements of Russia public figure Major road accident in Armenias Kotayk, rescuers remove victim out of vehicle China astronauts spend nearly 7 hours in open space Clashes occur between transgender opponents, supporters in Los Angeles Black Sea Trade and Development Bank invites expression of interest for open tender for its headquarters Azerbaijan state oil company denies rumors of accident on its offshore platforms Turkey to provide Ukraine with corvette and drones US Embassy: We honor the tremendous partnership between the US and Armenia 7 people killed in Nigeria militant attacks Deputy Director of IAEA to visit Iran Tech week Artsakh 2021 conference kicks off in Stepanakert UN Committee calls on African countries to share experiences in combating migration At least 29 people killed in plane crash in Philippines Iranian Deputy FM appoints Ambassador to UK Biden does not rule out Russia's involvement in new cyber attack Plane crashes in south of Kazakhstan 89 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Armenia: 5 citizens die Nikol Pashinyan congratulates Joe Biden on US Independence Day Armen Sarkissian sends congratulatory message to US President Joe Biden 96 illegal migrants rescued off coast of Tunisia Yerevan hands over minefield maps to Baku in exchange for return of 15 POWs Frank Pallone says they discussed US role in Armenian POWs release ECHR refuses to reopen case on death of Yasser Arafat Russia reports on destruction of 5 terrorists Karabakh emergency service: 4 more remains found, retrieved Armenia opposition member: Azerbaijan is going to take UNESCO to places Baku wants to 2 people injured in Syria Turkey, Russia exchange Syrian soldiers, militants Armenia acting PMs latest fabrications on Artsakh not agreed with Minsk Group co-chair countries, says Ashotyan Pashinyan to Lukashenko: Armenia-Belarus ties will continue as benchmark for interstate relations development Newborn boy found on Gyumri street Albania allocates $9.7m to purchase Turkey drones I Have Honor bloc member: Last snap parliamentary elections will be another period of hell for Armenia, Artsakh Armenia ombudsman: Azerbaijan authorities conduct is open contempt for entire international community Caucasus Heritage Watch calls on Azerbaijan to stop destroying Armenian cemeteries Armenia acting deputy PM Avinyan attends EBRD online meeting Israel carries out airstrike at weapons manufacturing site in Gaza Catholicos Aram I addresses Pope Francis on issue of Armenian captives in Azerbaijan Avagyan: Authorities should ask Russia peacekeeping commander to talk with Azerbaijan to return convicted Armenians US troops depart from their main Afghanistan base Armenias Sarkissian to Belarus Lukashenko: Friendship of our peoples will still be basis for increasing cooperation Two new cases of coronavirus reported in Artsakh Zas: Situation in southern Armenia does not comply with CSTO charter provisions 125 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Armenia Biden announces several key nominations UK teen allegedly kills 2 sisters in deal with the devil Armenia high-tech industry acting minister meets with Catalonia parliament speaker Newspaper: Armenia outgoing legislature majority faction MPs are dissatisfied EU to allocate over 1.5bn to Armenia for five programs Newspaper: It is known who will head Armenia "I Have Honor" bloc parliament faction Global food prices soaring at their fastest rate Hikmet Hajiyev's slip of the tongue - "Zangezur corridor" in exchange of a land route for Armenia towards Russia Bloomberg: US asks Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan to accept refugees from Afghanistan Armenian bailiffs killed in Sochi posthumously awarded Order of Courage by Putin Armenian court to continue examination of appeal against arrest of doctor Armen Charchyan on July 6 Turkey reaches no agreement on Kabul airport issue French military neutralizes several ISIS leaders in Sahel Putin, Macron discuss Nagorno-Karabakh Baku court sentences 2 Armenian POWs to 4 years in prison, 12 captives to 6 months in prison Bishkek offers Baku to create Council in "5+3" format at level of Presidents of Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan Ambassador: US ready to provide support to peaceful normalization and reconciliation of Azerbaijan and Armenia Man detained in Afghanistan for carrying explosives in musical instrument Armenia government sets up inter-agency commission to eliminate consequences of drought or water scarcity Armenia Shirak Province deputy governor sacked Cyprus authorities change rules of entry for tourists Karabakh emergency situations service: Remains of another Armenian soldier found in Fizuli region 'Armenia' bloc representative: Many police officers from Yerevan voted in Shurnukh and other villages of Syunik Province 'I Have Honor' bloc also applies to Armenia Constitutional Court regarding results of snap parliamentary elections Mitsubishi Electric president resigns amid document forgery scandal 'Armenia' bloc representative: Petition submitted to Constitutional Court for impossibility of judge's participation YEREVAN. Past daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: After the snap elections to the National Assembly [(NA)] [on June 20], the first sitting of the newly elected parliament shall take place, which, according to the Constitution, will be the end of the powers of the current parliament. According to the legislation, the first sitting of the NA was to be convened on July 5. However, as it is known, the [opposition] "Armenia" and "I Have Honor" blocs have decided to apply to the Constitutional Court [(CC)] on the matter of challenging the results of the NA elections. And this means that the first sitting will not take place on July 5. The CC can make one of the following decisions: To uphold the decision adopted as a result of the National Assembly elections, to declare the election results invalid, and to establish the procedure for the distribution of [parliamentary] mandates, to appoint a second round of elections. The CC makes a decision on this issue within 15 days; that is, by July 17. In the experts conviction, it is not even physically possible to discuss such a large-scale case in less than 10 days, which means that if the results of the NA elections are not annulled, the first sitting of the NA may take place on July 19 (which is virtually improbable), or on the 26th (the maximumon August 2) even in the case of fastest examination. By the way, on the very same day, in accordance with the legislation, the RA President will appoint a Prime Minister, after which the latter will have 15 days to form a government. Well, if the CC adopts a decision to hold a second round of elections, or to declare the election results invalid, the process of forming a new parliament will be delayed for at least one and a half to two months. President Joe Bidens waiver of Section 907 restrictions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan and the disparity in military assistance between Armenia and Azerbaijan must be addressed by Secretary of State Blinken, stated the report accompanying the Fiscal Year 2022 Foreign Aid Bill, presented and adopted by the House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations earlier this week, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). In recent weeks, over 100,000 letters have already gone to U.S. Senate and House members to zero-out military assistance to Azerbaijan through the ANCAs online portal The report accompanying the House FY2022 Foreign Bill also calls for not less than $50 million in U.S. assistance to Armenia, for economic development, private sector productivity, energy independence, democracy and the rule of law, and other purposes. It urges not less than $2 million for demining activities in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). The recommendation for U.S. assistance to Armenia is over twice that requested by President Biden in his FY2022 proposed budget, which remains silent on U.S. assistance to Artsakh. With regard to President Bidens waiver of Section 907, the report stated, The Committee is concerned by disparity in military assistance provided to Azerbaijan in comparison to Armenia that is enabled by the annual waiver of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act by the Secretary of State, including the most recent waiver signed by the Secretary on April 23, 2021. The Committee directs the military balance between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the diplomatic consequences of such disparity in military assistance be considered by the Secretary in any decision with respect to the renewal of the Section 907 waiver during fiscal year 2022. According to Shamshyan.com, a dispute took place in Yerevan, followed by a brawl and knife-stabbing. At around 1:30 am, the central police station received a phone call from University Hospital #1 telling the police that a citizen had been transferred with a diagnosis of cut-pierced wound in the left lumbar area. Police found out that the injured person was 31-year-old citizen of Yerevan Narek Shahinyan, who had been transferred to the hospital after being stabbed during a brawl. Doctors said Shahinyan isnt capable of reporting the incident. Shahinyan is the deputy head of Yerevan Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee, and his father is former head of the Special Investigation Service Vahram Shahinyan. According to shamshyan.com, the head of one of the divisions of Kentron district council is wanted as a suspect of the knife-stabbing. Inquest officers of the central police station are preparing a report on the incident. YEREVAN. Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday attended a meeting dedicated to the 103rd anniversary of the prosecutor's office of Armenia and the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Employee. Armenian News-NEWS.am has learned about this from the press service of the Acting Prime Minister. Also, Pashinyan addressed the event, and congratulated all the employees of the prosecutor's office on this occasion. Pashinyan stressed the role of the law enforcement system and the prosecutor's office. According to the acting PM, the importance of state institutionsespecially of the prosecutor's officebecomes even more obvious in crisis situations. Referring to what has happened within Armenias judiciary over the past three years, the acting premier noted that the authorities who came to power in 2018 have abandoned the policy of dictating the judiciary. According to Nikol Pashinyan, at least very serious and profound psychological changes have taken place in Armenia. The acting PM drew the attention of those present to the fact that, in the end, the recent snap parliamentary elections, their content and results show that irreversible changes have taken place in the Armenian society, and the public administration system must be fully positioned according to those changes, recording that the greatest demand and requirement in the country has always been the full establishment of law and justice, the rule of law, and the inevitability of accountability and punishment. In this regard, according to Pashinyan, the prosecutor's office is of key importance, and there are all grounds to state that the prosecutor's office is able to fully fulfill this function in this new political situation. Also, the acting PM awarded several employees of the prosecutor's office with medals, and submitted a petition to the President to grant the rank of State Counselor of the Third Class of Justice to two employees of the prosecutor's office. Baku has declared the impossibility of lawyers from Armenia defending the Armenian captives in Azerbaijan. Turan news agency has looked into this matter. Anar Bagirov, head of the Bar Association of Azerbaijan, told the agency that the association had not received such a petition. "Obviously, this is populism. Lawyers review the law before making any assessments. I assure that the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, persons who make such statements, are well aware that according to Azerbaijani law, foreign lawyers are allowed to enter the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan only on the basis of mutual agreement and in accordance with international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, whereas the Republic of Armenia does not have such an agreement with the Republic of Azerbaijan," he said. Armenian News - NEWS.am presents the daily digest of Armenia-related top news as of 01.07.21: The US House of Representatives members have called for at least $50m in US aid to Armenia in the fiscal year 2022. In recent weeks, over 100,000 letters have already gone to U.S. Senate and House members to zero out military assistance to Azerbaijan through the ANCAs online portal. Meanwhile, at Thursday's Cabinet meeting, the interim government of Armenia approved the draft presidential decree approving Amendment No. 10 to the Development Objective Cooperation Agreementbetween Armenia and the US. Accordingly, the total amount of US assistance being provided to Armenia is increased by $12,940,000, bringing the total planned investment of USAID to $64,340,443 to continue the implementation of the programs under this agreement. Also, the aforesaid amendment increases Armenia's respective contribution from $7,929,286 to $11,047,369. New Jersey became the 10th U.S. State to recognize Artsakh today, the Armenian National Committee of America Eastern Region (ANCA-ER) reported. The New Jersey State Senate unanimously passed SCR. 71, spearheaded by State Senator Joseph Lagana. Earlier in the day, ANCA National Board member Ani Tchaghlasian and ANC NJ advocate Joe Ariyan testified before the NJ State Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the measure. In addition to recognizing Artsakh, SCR.71 condemns Turkey and Azerbaijan for their aggression against the peaceful populations of Artsakh and Armenia and reaffirms the states recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The foreign ministers of Russia and Turkey have agreed to continue to closely coordinate efforts and provide support to Yerevan and Baku to solve the practical issues for settlement of relations, placing emphasis on confidence-building measures. According to Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, they are 'satisfied with how the Russian-Turkish monitoring center is operating in the Aghdam region of Azerbaijan.' Asked how he would assess Turkeys role in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and President Erdogans recent visit to the occupied Armenian city of Shushi, Lavrov said: "As far as Erdogans visit to Azerbaijan is concerned, it was in the context of the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan." In a few months, the Azerbaijani side will not use the Karmir Shuka-Shushi road at all, said Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Minister of State Artak Beglaryan on Thursday. According to him, additional work is being done in this regard. "Work is also being done also to increase road safety; lighting is being installed, control is being tightened," he added. The Artsakh official informed that the Azerbaijanis behave rudely, often insulting the Armenians. "There have been many reports in this regard, including from Russian peacekeepers. Our armed forces also carry out precautionary measures about which nothing is said; this is of important significance," Beglaryan added. Former leader of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs in Germany (DITIB) Mustafa Keskin has been charged with inciting hostility and hatred for offending Jews and Armenians, Ermenihaber reported. Earlier, an inquest had been launched against the Turkish figure for posting offensive remarks against the Jews and Armenians on social networks, after which he resigned from the position of president of DITIB in February 2021. As of Thursday morning, 126 new cases of the coronavirus were confirmed in Armenia, and the total number of these cases has reached 225,221 in the country, the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention informed Armenian News-NEWS.am. Also, three more deaths from COVID-19 were registered, making the respective total 4,517 cases. Meanwhile, six new cases of coronavirus have been reported in Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabakh], bringing the total number to 914. The Facebook page of the Armenian Church of the Holy See of Cilicia reports that Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia today had a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican. The Armenian Church stated the following in its press release: During the first session of the meeting of Christian spiritual leaders, Catholicos Aram I delivered a lecture devoted to the current tension in Lebanon and ways to show resistance. The lecture was followed by a discussion during which the attendees positively responded to the analyses of the Supreme Patriarch. During the second session, Patriarch Rai of the Maronite Church delivered a lecture devoted to the role of the church in the current situation in Lebanon in terms of humanitarianism and education. The attendees shared the Patriarchs concerns. During both sessions, Catholicos Aram I placed emphasis on the importance of Christian-Muslim co-existence and the imperative to discuss the issues and seek solutions. At midday, the spiritual leaders and their delegations were invited to lunch with Pope Francis. The session will continue in the afternoon. University of Miami Libraries (UML) is pleased to welcome Jose F. Rodriguez as the new head of Access Services. In this role, he will provide leadership, management, and coordination for all aspects of the Access Services department at the Otto G. Richter Library and Marta and Austin Weeks Music Library, as well as collection space utilization at off-site storage. Jose holds a B.A. in history and a Master of Arts in Library and Information Science from the University of South Florida. Since 2005 he has held various library public services roles at Hillsborough Community College, State College of Florida, and Georgia State University. Before his current position with UML, Jose was the outreach librarian for the neuroscience, psychology, global studies, and honors college departments at Georgia State University. Jose F. Rodriguez can be reached at jfr133@miami.edu. One established program that will continue as part of the School of Nursing and Health Studies redesignation as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre (2020-2024) was informed by the schools own emergency response plan for natural is the Certificate in Nursing Education program in Guyana. But the program, which celebrated its fifth year in 2020, had to be revised for the new normal imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With just four nursing schools in a nation of about 783,000 people, a key obstacle to getting more Guyanese nurses in the field has traditionally been a lack of teaching faculty. The SONHS Collaborating Centre, PAHO, and the Guyana Ministry of Health launched the certificate program to teach nursing leaders how to train other faculty. This builds Guyanas instructor pool and its capacity to graduate nurses. Offered since 2015 as a hybrid in- person/online curriculum, the course moved fully online in 2020 due to the pandemic. The first all-online cohort of 25 nurses and nurse-midwives graduated in March 2021, overcoming everything from severe weather and spotty internet service to pandemic curfews and COVID fatigue. Were having challenges here in the U.S., but the magnitude of what theyre experiencing is much greater, says SONHS Assistant Professor of Clinical Susan Prather, who taught the certificate course for the first time. Some of the students do not have access to internet at home or if they have internet at home, it doesnt work well. Connectivity concerns couldnt dampen participant enthusiasm. Nurse tutor Cenise Glasgow Fraser says completing the course online helped her consider new ways to tie virtual resources into her own teaching. My knowledge has been expanded about various instructional methodologies or strategies I can incorporate as a nurse educator to meet the needs of my students, she says. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the knowledge is really timely too. Fellow 2021 graduate Jenesa Fields, 33, a nurse/ midwife who teaches full-time at Guyanas Georgetown School of Nursing, agrees. This course has been a tremendous learning experience, says Fields. Were not only looking at quantity, the amount of students were putting out there. Were also addressing the quality of the nurses we send out to work in our health care system here. University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies Dean and Professor Cindy L. Munro attended the cohorts graduation ceremony via Zoom, offering congratulatory remarks. As tutors and clinical instructors, you were already playing a critical role in growing Guyanas nursing and midwifery workforce, said Dean Munro. The positive impact you will have on your nations health system as you go on to prepare future nurse educators like yourselves cannot be overstated. Despite the many challenges imposed by this pandemic, your actions embodied the spirit of the Year of the Nurse! Law professors Zanita Fenton and Bernard Perlmutter, both specialists in family law, highlighted a litany of anomalies relating to the Britney Spears legal drama that is playing out in the press. The celebrity pop star has sought to endor at least alterthe conservatorship that has regulated her private life and finances since it was imposed in 2008 when she was 26. On June 23, Spears appeared before Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny and spoke publicly for the first time about the conservatorship. In the hearingwhich was broadcast in the courtroom and livestreamedshe asked for her father to be removed as a co-conservator, alleging that the overly strict conditions were abusive. On June 30, the judge denied that requestat least for now. University law experts explained that a conservatorship, the preferred term in California, and guardianship, preferred in Florida, are essentially the same and refer to a set of conditions created by the court to benefit and protect a wardgenerally a minordeemed incapable of caring for themselves. This whole situation is full of loads of paradox, said Fenton, an expert in family, race, and constitutional law. She noted that when the conservatorship was imposed, according to media reports, there may have been good reason for the benefit of Spears and to protect her from her own erratic behavior. She had a breakdown, had cut off all her hair, and there was a lot of drama surrounding Britney with her and her ex-husband and childrenit was a bit of a mess, Fenton recalled. Yet in terms of the recent allegations and publicity, Fenton highlighted that most of the critical facets of the case are sealed and unknownas they should be. She critiqued the fish-tank view of the case that has generated speculation and misinformation. There is so much we dont knowabout the diagnosis or the cause of her breakdown, whether it was temporary or long-term or can be handled with medication, Fenton said. This is the stuff thats not making it into the paper, which is fine because that is personal and private medical information. This is a one-of-a-kind case, commented Perlmutter, whose students represent clients in guardianship proceedings in the law schools Children and Youth Law Clinic. Theres nobody like Britney Spears in the annals of guardianship other than maybe Michael Jackson, who, by the way, never had a guardian appointed over himwhich might have been beneficial. In Florida and in every other state, in order to establish a guardianship over an adult with the approval of the court, its not just a mere allegation that a person has a mental health incapacityyou have to prove it, and you have to give notice to the alleged incapacitated person that a process has been initiated to take away their liberties and to appoint a guardian to make financial and personal decisions for them, he explained. Emphasizing that she was not privy to court records, Fenton dismissed the notion that the conservatorship was imposed or continues because of Spearss alleged alcoholism or mental health issues. If we imposed a conservatorship on everybody in society whos an alcoholic or who had drug dependency problems, wed have very few people on the streets, she said, adding and we have lots of people who have mental health issues and, as a society, we leave them hanging out there on their own. Most troubling for Fenton is the report that the conservatorship obliges Spears, who has two sons through her previous marriage with Kevin Federline, to continue to wear an intrauterine device that prevents her from having more children. This has effectively restricted her constitutional reproductive rights and, with all the other stuff that surrounds this case, smacks of misogyny and the old-time stereotyping of women and their ability to take care of themselves, Fenton said. She cited the 1927 Supreme Court ruling in the case of Buck vs. Bell that set a legal precedent that states could sterilize inmates of public institutions. The ruling permitted the mass scale sterilization of poor white unmarried women who happened to get pregnant on the grounds that it was insane for someone to get pregnant without a man to take care of them, Fenton explained. Perlmutter highlighted the same case in noting the peculiarities of the case. Scholars and the public alike are concerned by the report of this restriction of her personal freedom, he said. The report that her father, as conservator, has been essentially able to veto the most intimate of personal choices about her body and her ability to have more children strikes at the heart of fundamental constitutional protections. In overturning the case a few years later, the Supreme Court ruled that the right to make decisions about procreation was such an intimate and private matter that only with the strictest scrutiny could an individuals highly personal procreation choices be made by a guardian or the court, Perlmutter explained. This question has raised a lot of concerns about the abuses that are inherent in invading the private choices made by an adult about her right to use or not use contraception and whether to have more children, he added. Perlmutter emphasized that, for the conservatorship or guardianship to continue, reporting requirements must be met that relate to finances and to the state of the conservatee. Health records and doctors reports are critical. The onus, he pointed out, is on those who created the framework to substantiate that the wards condition remains unchanged. There are different avenues for having a less restrictive option, even after a guardianship or conservatorship has been in place for a decade or longer, he said. The court doesnt let the person languish at the mercy of the presumptively beneficent conservatoryou have to make sure that theyre looking out for the best interests of the person whose liberty has been removed by the stroke of a pen. Fenton pointed to another glaring irregularity in the case. The biggest reason this is happening to Britney is because shes got loads of money, Fenton said. We dont often hear about wealth-based discrimination in that direction, normally that term is used when youre doing inappropriate things to poor people. Here the stakes are so high, and everybody wants their cut. While I have sympathy for her and certainly dont think this should be happening, hers is quite a gilded cage. And in this time that were living for some to be chanting Free Britney feels like such a mockery of the current prison system, she added. Fenton noted that there are no allegations that the conservator has mismanaged Spearss funds and that all indications are that, in fact, her estate is intact. The judge in this case is guided by the California legislatures guidelines and statutory requirements and will decide based on points of evidence that Fenton suggested would include doctors evaluations and information culled from those handling her finances and personal managers who would speak to her mental well-being. Even the fact that she has been working and performing is not sufficient in itself, she said. That may be a testament to how super creative she is. But creative types can become something on stage and thats not necessarily an indication of how they deal with their lives, Fenton added. The professor pointed to the fact that Spears has been a public figure and pop star nearly all her lifeshe launched her career at 12 when she joined Disneys The Mickey Mouse Club. Thats why I dont want to make a prognostication about her mental healththe problem could be as simple as all the attention shes had her entire life, Fenton said. There are lots of examples of people who just cant handle that, and most of them are dead from drug overdoses. That might be the best justification for the conservatorship, because wed like for this young woman to stay alive, she said. Though that, too, seems so unfair to say, Fenton added. Britney is an adult and her own person. 'Xi's view on Hong Kong may differ from predecessors' Political analyst Johnny Lau says Hong Kong may be seen as a complicated international matter in Beijing's eyes. File photo: RTHK A political analyst says President Xi Jinping's speech to mark the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party showed the leader has adopted a high level of vigilance in his foreign policies, and that his understanding of the One Country, Two Systems principle could differ from his predecessors. During his hour-long speech on Thursday, Xi warned that foreign forces will "get their heads bashed" if they dare try to bully China. Political analyst Johnny Lau told RTHK that the president wants China to take a leadership role on the international stage. Lau said Xi's mention of the military's role in safeguarding peace was something that was not stressed by his predecessors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, and this was the result of increased pressure on China from the West. Lau also pointed out that the president may have a different understanding of the One Country, Two Systems principle governing Hong Kong and Macau. The analyst said the protection of national security in relation to the two special administrative regions was little mentioned previously, and Xi was emphasising the central government's comprehensive jurisdiction over the two cities. Lau said he believes problems in Hong Kong have now become a complicated international matter in Beijing's eyes, and this is why the president pointed to China's sovereignty, safety and development interests. Meanwhile, Hong Kong's sole delegate to the National People's Congress Standing Committee, Tam Yiu-chung, said he found Xi's message to be realistic. Tam said that in the past, some people did not have an accurate interpretation of "One Country, Two Systems" and might have "deviated" when implementing the principle. He did not say who he had in mind. Biden offers comfort as rescue suspended in Florida Biden offers comfort as rescue suspended in Florida President Joe Biden sought on Thursday to comfort families of people killed or missing in the rubble of a Florida beachfront apartment building, where rescuers suspended their increasingly hopeless task due to dangerous conditions. The desperate search at the Surfside condo building near Miami took a grim new turn when authorities paused work amid fears that the rest of the structure could also collapse. Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Chief Alan Cominsky warned that there was "a large column hanging from the structure that could fall" and that movements in the ruins "could cause additional failure of the building." The 18 confirmed dead so far include two children, aged four and 10, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said late on Wednesday. More than 140 others remain unaccounted for and hopes of finding any alive are evaporating. Biden and First Lady Jill Biden left the White House early for Surfside, saying they wanted to support first responders and comfort grieving relatives. "What you're doing now is just hard as hell," Biden told emergency workers. "I just want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." He was scheduled to spend as much as three hours with families in private. "The president and the first lady will meet with the families who have been forced to endure this terrible tragedy, offer them comfort during this unimaginable, difficult time," deputy spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said. With Florida a crucial state on the US election map, there was considerable focus on interactions during the visit between Biden and state Governor Ron DeSantis - a rising Republican star who has been touted as a possible 2024 presidential candidate. In another political twist to the aftermath of the catastrophic accident, former president Donald Trump was planning a rally in Sarasota, Florida, on Saturday. DeSantis has joined calls for postponing the event, which is part of Trump's attempt to remain the dominant force in Republican politics. Biden, who has made attempts at bipartisan unity a central theme of his presidency, made a point of publicly joining with DeSantis, who himself praised the president for having been "supportive" from "day one." "We're letting the nation know we can cooperate when it's really important," Biden said. The cave-in of the 12-story Champlain Towers South building has sparked a search-and-rescue effort involving engineers and specialists from across the United States and as far afield as Mexico and Israel. Elad Edri, deputy commander of an Israeli search and rescue team, said rescuers had completed a map outlining the bedrooms and other living spaces in the building where residents could have been trapped. Rescuers made it to an underground parking structure where it had been hoped they might discover people who had been trapped in cars, but found no one, Edri said. "It's been more than six days from the collapsing," he cautioned, deeming the chances of finding any survivors "low." Residents in the part of Champlain Towers South that remained intact reported being awakened around 1:30 am (0530 GMT) on Thursday by what sounded like cracks of thunder that shook their rooms. "It was like an earthquake," said Janette Aguero, who escaped from the tower's 11th floor with her family. Rescuers who arrived in the moments after the tower came down helped evacuate dozens of residents, and pulled one teenage boy alive from the rubble. Since then, no other survivors have been found, despite deployment of sniffer dogs and cranes for lifting debris. Experts are looking at possible pre-existing critical flaws in the structure of the apartment tower. An October 2018 report released by city officials revealed fears of "major structural damage" in the complex, from the concrete slab under the pool deck to the columns and beams in the parking garage. In a letter to residents in April, Jean Wodnicki, the chair of the condo association, described "accelerating" damage to the building since then. Repairs had been set to begin soon in the 40-year-old building. (AFP) Ten people were killed overnight in the eastern DR Congo city of Beni by suspected members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) Islamist militia, the army said Thursday. "Overnight there was an attack by ADF enemies. We lost around 10 civilians," lieutenant Anthony Mualushayi told AFP. An AFP correspondent saw 10 bodies in the morgue of Beni's general hospital. The attack took place in the southeastern Rwangoma. Local residents, still in a state of shock, were too afraid to speak to AFP, but angry young people paraded through the streets with one of the bodies, shouting anti-government slogans. The ADF is the deadliest of an estimated 122 armed militias that roam the mineral-rich east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, many of them a legacy of two regional wars from 1996 to 2003. According to a tally compiled by the DRC's Catholic church, the ADF has been responsible for at least 6,000 deaths since 2013. The Kivu Security Tracker (KST) monitor says the ADF, an Islamist group originally from Uganda, has killed more than 1,200 civilians in the Beni area alone since 2017. On March 10, the US State Department branded the ADF a "foreign terrorist organisation" and said its leader Musa Baluku had pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State (IS) group. But experts are still unsure about the extent of links between the ADF and IS, which has lost most of its territory in the Middle East but is expanding in Africa. President Felix Tshisekedi on May 6 proclaimed a "state of siege" in North Kivu and neighbouring Ituri province in a bid to curb bloodshed by the ADF. Under this, senior civilian officials have been replaced by army officers. str/mbb/bmb/kjl/ri/yad Want by Lynn Steger Strong (Picador; July 6) Nothing in Elizabeths life is quite as shed hoped it would be: Shes using her PhD and love of books to teach English at a New York City charter school more interested in the idea of disciplining underserved (i.e., working class, Black) students than educating them; she and her husband live in a too-small apartment, sleeping in a loft bed in a closet so their daughters can benefit from a well-funded school zone; theyre broke and declaring bankruptcy; and lately, she finds herself preoccupied with thoughts of her exbest friend Sasha. Strong breaks up the present timeline with flashbacks to Elizabeth and Sashas high school and early-twenties friendship, a relationship that involved Elizabeths complete enthrallment with her beautiful and magnetic best friend, whose interactions with the world revealed both the blessings and perils of being a woman universally desired. And through Elizabeths reconnection with Sasha at this moment of crisis, Strong astutely explores the complexities of wanting within biased systems as a woman, whose desires are so often quashed, but also as a white woman raised with wealth and the message that anything desired can be attained. Arianna Rebolini (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) The Voting Booth by Brandy Colbert (Disney-Hyperion; July 6) Marva has been counting down the minutes until her first opportunity to vote, but it's marred by seeing a guy her age turned away at the polls for being at the wrong center. That guy is Duke, and together, they run around town trying to get him the opportunity to do his civic duty, bouncing up against every obstacle possible in the process, and finding they share a passion for more than justice. Dahlia Adler (from17 YA Romances That'll Make You Melt This Summer) The Party Upstairs by Lee Conell (Penguin Books; July 6) Conells offbeat debut takes place over the course of one day in the life of Martin, a humble (if slightly bitter) superintendent in an Upper West Side co-op, and his daughter, Ruby, whos moved back home years after getting an art degree thats brought her little more than massive debt. The day begins with an earnest but futile attempt at meditation Martin cant quiet nagging resentments about his impossibly wealthy tenants; Ruby keeps going on anxiety spirals about an upcoming interview for a dream job and unfolds toward its culmination at a penthouse party that will change their lives. Throughout, Martin is haunted by the tough-love anti-capitalist voice of his favorite tenant, whose recent death allowed one of the last rent-controlled apartments to be gutted and turned into a potential investment property for a sure-thing asshole; while Ruby comes to terms with the unspoken imbalances between herself and her childhood best friend Caroline, who now lives in the penthouse her father built on the roof. Conell creates a microcosm of life on the shit side of the wealth gap in New York City, fills it with absurd, infuriating, and endearing characters, and hilariously skewers privilege that cant (or wont) recognize privilege. A.R. (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Story continues Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden (Ecco; July 6) Weidens debut is a gritty, complex, and dynamic thriller about a vigilante named Virgil Wounded Horse who metes out punishment on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota when the American judicial system or tribal council comes up short. Hes a standoffish character, ambivalent about his life and Native identity, and hes reluctant to get involved in a case about drug dealers. But when his nephew Nathan the son of his beloved late sister ODs on heroin laced with fentanyl, he sets off on a mission to find the man responsible, with the unexpected help of his ex-girlfriend. They find themselves in the midst of a complicated web of drug cartels, uncovering a dangerous world of money, power, and violence with far-reaching ramifications. Its an absolutely riveting page-turner, compelling not only for the mystery at its core but also for its piercing criticism of US (mis)treatment of Native populations. A.R. (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Between the years 1910 and 1970, 6 million black people made their way from the South to cities in the Midwest, West Coast, and Northeast in the hope of more opportunity. Among the folks making this Great Migration were the writer Morgan Jerkins own ancestors. Jerkins, who grew up in New Jersey, the only daughter of her father and mother who split before she was born, sets out to uncover her familial roots. Why did she grow up being told not to go near water? Why does her father have a French last name? Is it true that there is Cherokee in her family tree? Jerkins traces her family history, spending time in Georgia, New Orleans, Oklahoma, and Los Angeles. I learned a lot reading this book, including sobering information about the fight for the Gullah Geechee to keep their land, the difference between hoodoo and voodoo, and the complicated history of freedmen Black people whose ancestors were enslaved by Native American tribes. Tomi Obaro from (29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Or What You Will reminded me of the metafictions of If on a Winters Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino. It invites readers to become active participants in the narrative while the main character, 73-year-old writer Sylvia Harrison, grapples with the nature of storytelling and the making of myths. He is a character that has appeared in all 30 novels Harrison has written in some shape or fashion, from a dragon to a thief to a child. Harrison is working on her latest fantasy novel set in a fictional version of Florence, with inspiration from Shakespeares Twelfth Night and The Tempest. As she writes, this character thats rooted in every story shes ever told comes alive in a new way and tries to convince her to achieve immortality within the pages of the book shes writing. Both intellectual and engaging, this is a book for readers experienced in the fantasy genre and who also enjoy thinking about the craft of writing. Margaret Kingsbury (from 17 Summer Must-Reads For Fantasy Lovers) First published in 2015, Morgan Parkers debut poetry collection gets a snazzy rerelease by Tin House and features a new introduction by Danez Smith. Whether shes writing from the point of view of a Real House Wife or reinterpreting Jay Zs famous song Girls, Girls, Girls, her writing crackles with caustic humor and wrenching insight. You know from jump that shes going places. T.O. Wassermans second adult novel is a labyrinthine story about memory, truth, and power told in two timelines. In 1999, a woman arrives in Philadelphia with no money, ID, or memory of who she is. She falls under the care of the state and is invited to be part of a study on memory run by Dr. Benjamin Strauss, who sees her as nothing but a vessel for investigation. Lizzie, Strausss assistant, lover, and future wife, spends her days getting to know the mystery woman (called Wendy Doe) and imagining the freedom a new beginning could give. Twenty years later, Lizzie now Elizabeth, and Strausss widow finds Wendys 18-year-old daughter Alice at her front door, looking for her mother, whos gone missing again. What are the secrets connecting these three women, and can they help each other? Arianna Rebolini (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Impersonation by Heidi Pitlor (Algonquin; July 13) As a professional ghostwriter, Allie Lang, a single mom in her early forties, has the deft ability to channel the viewpoints of her clients who are mostly an assortment of minor celebrities, one billionaire oilman, relatives of the famous, and the once but no longer famous. But she meets her match when shes assigned to work for the ambitious attorney Lana Breban on a memoir about motherhood. At first, she thinks the assignment is a godsend, but when her life begins to slowly unravel, with her boyfriend leaving and her childcare plans upended, Allies relationship with Lana becomes even more complicated. T.O. Pew by Catherine Lacey (Picador; July 20) Lacey is a writer of wonderfully strange tales, and with Pew, shes created a new fable about faith and prejudice. When a stranger is found sleeping in a small-town church, the locals dont know what to make of this silent, androgynous, racially ambiguous person they name Pew. Pew is passed from household to household, becoming a sounding board for evangelism and confession, while a spiritual lore builds around their identity. But what happens when the towns generosity runs out? Arianna Rebolini (from These Are Our Most Highly Anticipated Books Of 2020) Van den Berg returns to short fiction in a collection of 11 stories about women and the ways in which they ache and survive. In Karolina, a woman is forced to acknowledge a disturbing truth about her brother. In Friends, Sarah keeps alienating potential friends with stories of the mother she left back in her hometown. In Slumberland, a woman who cant sleep spends her nights trying to outrun a memory by photographing strangers from afar. These women are haunted by specters of their past, often left unspecified by van den Berg, who instead drops references to traumatic events and lets the reader piece them together it isnt the event shes interested in, but rather its echoes, and their disorienting and sublimating effects on a persons sense of self. A.R. (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Read an excerpt from van den Bergs novel The Third Hotel here. Life Events by Karolina Waclawiak (Picador; July 27) Evelyn is not good at confrontations, we learn early on in this BuzzFeed News executive editors third novel. Her father is dying, her marriage is on the rocks, and Evelyn, at 37, has just quit her run-of-the-mill assistant job. When she decides to join a death doula group, helping people with terminal illnesses end their lives, she discovers a whole new world of people seeking answers for lifes biggest tragic inevitability. While the subject matter is undoubtedly dark, this novel is a ruminative, incredibly moving reflection on the impossible heartbreak of waiting for a loved one to die. Tomi Obaro (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Swamys debut short story collection is rich, mesmeric, and often mournful, blurring the boundaries between dreams and reality and making time less linear and more pliable. In Blindness, a newlyweds depression causes a rift between herself and her suddenly cruel husband, leaving her to escape into alternate dream lives. In My Brother at the Station, a pregnant woman catches sight of (and then trails) her brother, long estranged because of his ability to see the dead. Theres the mother watching an approaching wildfire, the lonely woman who meets Krishna at a party. These are nuanced and quietly powerful stories about our most urgent and deeply felt experiences grief, love, and desire. A.R. (from 29 Summer Books You Won't Be Able To Put Down) Jul. 01, 2021, at 15:54 PM More on this SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) Two public workers repairing a sewer main in South Carolina were shot by a man who also fired on a deputy Thursday, authorities said. The shooter was involved in a standoff inside a home that ended after a few hours, but Spartanburg Sheriff Chuck Wright said he didn't know the condition of the man or if anyone else was inside the house. We really don't know what triggered anything, Wright said at a news conference late Thursday afternoon. We literally just secured the house. I dont know any other details. Spartanburg County Coroner Rusty Clevenger said his investigators were called to the home for at least one death but didn't give additional details. The man walked up to the workers near Cleveland Park in Spartanburg about 3 p.m., asked them what they were doing and then started shooting, Spartanburg Water spokeswoman Jennifer Candler told news outlets. The workers were taken to the hospital but are expected to be all right, Spartanburg police spokesman Maj. Art Littlejohn said. Spartanburg city officers and county deputies were fired on as they rushed to get into a home after the initial shooting because they feared someone might be hurt inside, Littlejohn said. The deputy who was hit was expected to recover. Praise God he was hit in the arm and no other vitals, the sheriff said. At least two deputies fired back, and Wright said Littlejohn tore down a bannister to get the wounded officer help as soon as possible. He put himself in harm's way to help our man. Thank you is not good enough, Wright said. The Greenville County Sheriff's Office will investigate the shooting because it involved State Law Enforcement Division agents as well as city and county officers. CHICAGO After 40 days without solid food, Rachelle Zola ended her hunger strike for slavery reparations with a few small bites of yogurt Saturday. Zola, 73, of Chicago, said she lost 23 pounds and felt weak during her last two days of drinking only water, Pedialyte and bone broth. But she pronounced the experience an unqualified success, citing dozens of productive conversations with ordinary people, as well as TV, radio and print newspaper coverage of her fast for H.R. 40, a U.S. House bill that would establish a federal commission to hold hearings on slavery and discrimination and recommend remedies. My voice is only getting stronger, Zola said Monday. Zola, who is white, came to Chicago from Tucson in 2019 to meet Black and brown people and hear their stories, and embarked on the fast as a result of multiple conversations, meetings and workshops. She hoped to attract the attention of other white people, and spur the adoption of H.R. 40, a version of a reparations bill that was first introduced in Congress more than 30 years ago. She said the best part of her hunger strike was talking to strangers on the street. She set up a table outside Cosmopolitan United Church in Melrose Park, and sat there for hours a day. With hand-lettered signs, she waved to people who honked and chatted with anyone who pulled into the church parking lot to hear more. She said she talked to about 60 people. Most of them were like, OK, I can contact my representative, she said. I really didnt get much pushback. Some white people did want to talk about what they thought was going wrong in Black communities, she said. But when she listened and followed up with, Are you willing to have a conversation (about reparations)? The answer was yes. One day a man who was lost asked for help finding his way back to a halfway house. She gave him water and granola bars, spent more than an hour talking with him, and was able to find out where he was supposed to be. There was also a teen interested in social justice who stopped by at his moms suggestion. Story continues Citing Mondays U.N. report calling for reparations for anti-Black discrimination worldwide, Zola said her hunger strike was well-timed. Her next step will be to reach out to leaders of local churches and other houses of worship to try to build support for reparations. She hopes to eventually get invitations to speak at fundamentalist churches in the South. Zola said shes tired after her hunger strike, but all her vital signs are good and shes starting to exercise again. As for H.R. 40, which has yet to reach the House floor, she said she believes the chances for passage by the end of 2022 are good. Am I optimistic? Yeah, I have to come from that place. I do have to trust that, she said. The first clue popped up on Omar Abdulazizs phone four years ago. A Saudi dissident attending college in Montreal, Abdulaziz got a cryptic message from Twitter. His account had been penetrated by a state sponsored actor. He should take precautions to protect his personal information, the company advised, offering no further details. Abdulaziz didnt think much of it at the time. He changed his password and switched to two-factor authentication. I thought this is, like, a problem, it was solved and its not happening again, says Abdulaziz. I didnt know how big that was. Omar Abdulaziz in Montreal in 2018. (Francois Ollivier for the Washington Post via Getty Images) Bigger, as it turned out, than he could ever have imagined. Although he had no idea at the time, Abdulaziz had found himself in the crosshairs of an extraordinary corporate espionage operation conceived in Riyadh and allegedly orchestrated by a top deputy to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS to steal personal data from thousands of critics of the Saudi regime. The story of the espionage plot and its devastating aftermath for a man who would later become one of Abdulazizs closest collaborators, Jamal Khashoggi is the subject of Influence Operations, Episode 6 in the new season of Yahoo News Conspiracyland podcast: The Secret Lives and Brutal Death of Jamal Khashoggi. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Theres a direct trail of blood drops from this hack to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, said Mark Kleiman, a Los Angeles-based lawyer who is representing Abdulaziz. It was a trail that led straight to the doorstep of MBS. The crown prince, who the CIA has concluded authorized the operation that killed Khashoggi, is identified as Saudi Royal Family Member-1 and his secretary as Foreign Official-1 in a pending Justice Department indictment alleging wire fraud, money laundering and other crimes associated with a plot to plant two Saudi spies inside Twitter. As Conspiracyland reveals, MBS is even said to have boasted about his role in the criminal scheme. It was us. We did that. We have our guy at Twitter, he allegedly told an associate. (Spokesmen for the Saudi government have declined multiple requests for comment.) Story continues To understand how consequential the Twitter plot was, its important to understand the unique role the social media companys platform had become in the Middle East. As is well known, Twitter was the primary form of messaging among democratic activists during the Arab Spring protests that convulsed the region starting in 2011. Yet even after those protests were crushed in the years that followed, Twitter still loomed large and nowhere more so than in Saudi Arabia. In a closed society, with no established forum for democratic debate, Twitter was the one platform for political discourse and much other discussion, says Abdulaziz. In the United States, you have the Congress. In Saudi Arabia, we have Twitter, he says. It wasnt only a platform for us to talk about what we do believe. It was a place where we would gather, where we would see people, you know, who share the similar ideas or beliefs or who would try to do anything peacefully to change the situation in our country. And often they did so anonymously. All the more reason that the lively exchange of ideas among Saudi Twitter users and the biting attacks by some of them on the rulers of their country alarmed the regime, especially the rising new power in the royal court, MBS. So starting in 2014, Bader al-Asaker, MBSs personal secretary and the director of MiSK, the princes personal foundation, launched an audacious plot to identify and shut down regime critics on Twitter. Bader al-Asaker. (MiSK Foundation) In June of that year, Asaker was on a tour of Twitters San Francisco headquarters, where he was greeted and shown around by Ahmad Abouammo, a young U.S.-Lebanese citizen, who at the time was chief of the companys Middle East partnerships tasked with managing Saudi Twitter accounts. In classic spycraft fashion, Asaker cultivated Abouammo. He arranged to meet him in London, where he gave him an expensive luxury watch worth $20,000. It was the start of up to $300,000 in jewelry and cash that the Saudi official showered on Abouammo, with a chunk of it routed through a Beirut bank account set up in the name of one of the Twitter employees Lebanese relatives, according to an FBI affidavit entered as evidence in the case. And in exchange, according to prosecutors, Abouammo turned over the details of a widely read anonymous Saudi account critical of the Saudi regime information that Asaker had requested. (Abouammo has pleaded not guilty to the charges.) At the same time, Asaker recruited yet another Twitter mole, an engineer named Ali Alzabarah, who turned over the personal details the emails, phone numbers, direct messages and IP addresses of 6,000 users. All of this was music to MBSs ears. Saad Aljabri, a former senior Saudi counterterrorism official who was ousted by MBS, has alleged in a lawsuit against the crown prince in the United States that the de facto Saudi ruler boasted about his role overseeing the plot, leading to his comment We have our guy at Twitter, according to an account provided to Conspiracyland by Aljabris son Khalid. Ahmad Abouammo, a former Twitter employee accused of spying for Saudi Arabia, in 2019. (Kate Munsch/Reuters) When Aljabri pushed on whether the royal courts spy inside Twitter was a Saudi citizen, MBS allegedly replied that he was in fact an American, an apparent reference to Abouammo, who has dual U.S. and Lebanese citizenship. And, tellingly, MBS told Aljabri that the spy had been paid 1 million Saudi riyals for his services an amount roughly corresponding to the $300,000 that prosecutors have alleged Abouammo received from the Saudis. One of the remarkable aspects of the Twitter plot is that the FBI first informed Twitter executives of the scheme in late 2015. And yet seven months later, the company's CEO, Jack Dorsey, met with MBS during his charm offensive tour of the United States recounted in Episode 5. Why would the CEO of one of Americas biggest social media companies meet with a foreign official whose operatives had, according to the FBI, just stolen his company blind? There were other factors Dorsey and the company had to consider. In the preceding months, another Saudi royal, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal the fabulously wealthy Saudi who 25 years earlier had paid Donald Trump $20 million for the superyacht once owned by Jamal Khashoggis arms-dealer cousin Adnan had upped his stake in Twitter to $350 million. That made him and his company, Kingdom Holding Company, one of the five biggest shareholders in the U.S.-based social media giant. All the more reason for Dorsey to stay on the Saudis good side, as was clearly visible when the Twitter founder met the Saudi crown prince in New York, says Kleiman, Abdulazizs lawyer. Theres this amazing photograph weve gotten our hands on from the meeting, says Kleiman. Dorsey had lowered himself, and his head was bowed and inflected toward MBS as he was shaking MBSs hand. Here he is practically curtsying to the guy. Its got to be galling to anybody whos been put at risk for this. Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in New York in 2016. (badermasaker via Instagram) A Twitter spokesman declined to comment on why Dorsey would have met with a foreign leader whose spies had allegedly just infiltrated his company. The spokesman in an email said only that Twitter had notified affected users about the theft of their information and cooperated closely with government investigations. We remain committed to protecting the public conversation from abuse by state actors, said the spokesman, who asked not to be identified by name. Abdulaziz would later form a close alliance with Khashoggi, exchanging hundreds of messages about ways to counter MBSs digital repression oblivious to the fact that the Saudis had scooped up personal details that would help them penetrate his phone and read their exchanges in real time. But there were clues about what the Saudis were up to hiding in plain sight. In August 2017, Saud al-Qahtani MBSs right-hand man and enforcer, who had created a blacklist of regime critics published his own ominous tweet. Does a pseudonym protect you from the #blacklist, he wrote. No. The Saudis, he added, had technical ways of figuring out who the critics were and even their IP addresses. It was, Qahtani wrote, a secret Im not going to say. It is worth noting that, as Qahtani was writing his warning, Khashoggi himself had not fully broken with the Saudi regime he had faithfully supported for several decades. Despite his fervent backing of the Arab Spring and his calls for greater democracy and freedom of expression, Khashoggi was still trying to find a way to avoid antagonizing the royal court. As first reported by Wall Street Journal reporters Bradley Hope and Justin Scheck in their book Blood and Oil, Khashoggi proposed to the Saudi Information Ministry that he create a new U.S.-based think tank that would counter negative news coverage of the kingdom (and that he be hired as a consultant to advise the group). But that overture never got far. He would soon be offered a chance to write op-ed columns for the Global Opinions section of the Washington Post. In his debut piece he took off the gloves, lambasting MBS for his crackdowns and arrests of dissidents. Saudi Arabia Wasnt Always This Repressive, read the headline. Now Its Unbearable. It was a column, along with similarly hard-hitting follow-ups, that won him plaudits from dissidents like Abdulaziz, leading to a collaboration that within a year would result in Khashoggis murder. Next on Conspiracyland: Episode 7, A Tale of Two Women As Jamal Khashoggi becomes more forceful in his attacks on MBSs harsh crackdowns, he forms an alliance with Omar Abdulaziz, the dissident, wiring him money to fund an operation to counter Saud al-Qahtanis army of trolls. But as he does so, his personal life becomes ever more complicated. He marries one woman a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines in an Islamic ceremony in northern Virginia. Then, just months later, he becomes engaged to another woman, a Turkish graduate student, leading to his fateful trip to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. In case you missed it: Episode 1: Exclusive: Saudi assassins picked up illicit drugs in Cairo to kill Khashoggi Episode 2: Arms, harems and a Trump-owned yacht: How a Khashoggi family member helped mold the U.S.-Saudi relationship Episode 3: I just fell apart crying heartbreak to you: A murdered journalists years-long relationship with Osama bin Laden Episode 4: From royal insider to target: How the Arab Spring propelled Jamal Khashoggi into the Saudi leaderships crosshairs" Episode 5: A personality type that feels absolutely no guardrails: How Saudi Arabias leader charmed Washington while cracking down on opponents ____ Read more from Yahoo News: Bravo When it comes to fashion, Leah McSweeney is never afraid to pull off some bold looks, and the same can be said about her swimwear. The Real Housewives of New York City cast member recently brought some glamour to the beach, soaking up the sun in a barely-there copper bikini. On July 2, Leah took to Instagram to show off her latest eye-catching swimsuit. The Married to the Mob entrepreneur sizzled while posing in front of a picturesque sunset view in a teeny metallic two-piece. As captured in the Regional powerhouse South Africa on Thursday urged Eswatini's security forces to practise "total restraint" and Britain expressed concern following reports of a deadly crackdown on pro-democracy protests. Dissent has long been stifled in Africa's last absolute monarchy, a small landlocked state previously known as Swaziland. But demonstrations escalated radically this week as protesters defied a dusk-to-dawn curfew to take to the streets, looting and torching buildings linked to King Mswati III -- and demanding immediate political reform. The government in the southern African kingdom of 1.3 million people said in a statement on Thursday that it deployed the army "to regain the rule of law, peace and to protect all". Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku said in a statement that the military's role was to enforce Covid-19 restrictions and protect national infrastructure. "There has been no martial law that has been declared, as reported," he said. Unverified videos that have emerged on social media showed police and soldiers using force to disperse protesters and pulling people from homes and beating them up. Sounds of gunshots rang across a neighbourhood in the capital Mbabane where a group of young men reportedly tried to loot a liquor store on Thursday, according to an AFP correspondent. Internet access has been limited, straining communication, while shops that were shuttered earlier this week started reopening on Thursday. Long queues formed outside supermarkets in Mbabane as residents restocked on groceries while gas stations had run out of petrol. Foreign governments, including South Africa, Britain and the United States, as well as global rights watchdogs have expressed concern over the violence. "The South African government calls on the security forces to exercise total restraint and protect the lives and property of the people," foreign ministry spokesman Clayson Monyela said. Story continues "We are particularly concerned by reports of loss of life and destruction of properties," he said in a statement. - 'Indiscriminate shooting' - Britain's Minister for Africa James Duddridge tweeted that "the escalation in violence, including looting, is deeply concerning". Speaking earlier on state radio, Masuku urged citizens "not to be deceived by foreign elements," saying the rioting was carried out by "terrorists and thugs". Activists earlier this week said eight people had been killed in clashes with police, but on Thursday an opposition party said the number was closer to 40, citing information collated from morgues. Wandile Dludlu, secretary general of the People's United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) said "the 40-plus we are talking about are corpses that have been delivered in the different mortuaries". However the prime minister said the government was "yet to receive an official report about alleged deaths" -- but that it would investigate. PUDEMO lambasted the kingdom's excess force, saying it did not fit the crime. "These people are unarmed... but the amount of force that the state is responding with, on the basis that people looted... is brazen dictatorship," Dludlu told AFP. Human Rights Watch said eight people reached by phone described "indiscriminate shooting at protesters by security forces and violence by some protesters". "The Eswatini government should ensure that security forces act within the law, and avoid arbitrary use of force," said Dewa Mavhinga, Southern Africa director at HRW. The United States has also urged authorities in Eswatini to exercise restraint and allow peaceful protests. str-ten-sn/dl CAPE TOWN (Reuters) -South Africa's top court on Thursday re-affirmed an earlier ruling that President Cyril Ramaphosa did not deliberately mislead lawmakers about donations to his 2017 campaign to lead the ruling party. The Public Protector, an anti-graft watchdog, had been unhappy with last year's ruling by the high court, which found that Ramaphosa did not, as alleged, intentionally mislead parliament about fundraising and donations. These included 500,000 rand deposited into Ramaphosa's son Andile's account. The case has been seen as proxy war between two rival factions within the ruling African National Congress (ANC), one supporting Ramaphosa; the other, former President Jacob Zuma, who was sentenced to 15 months in jail on Tuesday for failing to appear at a corruption inquiry. Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane is seen as allied to Zuma's faction, a claim she has denied. Ramaphosa ousted scandal-hit Zuma as party leader in 2018, and Zuma has since been subjected to several corruption investigations. Mkhwebane had also alleged in her 2019 report that there was prima facie evidence of money laundering involving millions of rands in the campaign to succeed Jacob Zuma. Ramaphosa denied this when he sought a legal review of her report, winning the case in the high court last year. The constitutional court on Thursday threw out a challenge by Mkhwebane to that ruling. "The Public Protector was wrong on the facts ... with regard to the issue whether the president had wilfully misled parliament and the high court was right to set aside her findings," judge Chris Jafta said. (Reporting by Wendell RoelfEditing by Tim Cocks, William Maclean) Paris won a major court fight against Airbnb on Thursday after a court ordered the home-sharing giant to pay an eight million euro ($9.5 million) fine for allowing over 1,000 listings to flout registration rules. It was the latest clash between the US home rental platform and the French capital over accusations the platform is turning a blind eye to rule-breakers and exacerbating a housing shortage that is driving up property prices. The case was filed in 2019 after officials found 1,010 listings for Paris, one of Airbnb's biggest markets, without the registration numbers required since a law passed in 2017. The registrations are used to make sure that properties are not rented out more than 120 nights a year and that rental income is declared to the tax authorities. Airbnb argued that as a service provider, it should not be responsible for ensuring that users of its site comply with local regulations. But the Paris court ordered a fine of 8,000 euros per listing "given the severity of the violations... and their consequences with regards of the public interest of fighting against the shortage of rental lodgings" in the capital. But the fine was lower than the 12.5 million euros sought by the city. "This ruling, a first in France, is a great victory in our fight for housing for all and the regulation of the rental market," Mayor Anne Hidalgo said on Twitter. - 'Responsible tourism' - Airbnb had said earlier Thursday that it will now require Paris landlords to prove their apartments have been registered with city hall. Until now, Airbnb was not blocking renters who failed to supply the numbers with their ads. The platform will impose similar rules in Bordeaux on July 30 before extending them to other popular French destinations such as Lyon, Nice and Marseille by the end of the year. "This new step is part of several commitments by Airbnb to promote responsible tourism," the company said in a statement. Story continues It said a "large majority" of Paris homeowners already complied with the registration requirement, without providing figures. Before the Covid pandemic, Airbnb had 65,000 listings for the city. "It's a victory," said Ian Brossat, the city's deputy mayor in charge of housing, in an interview Thursday with the Parisien newspaper. He claimed that more than half of the 30,000 Paris listings currently were not displaying registration numbers. Airbnb says Paris represented just 10 percent of all French searches in May, while searches for rural lodgings for this summer were 45 percent of the total, up from 24 percent in summer 2019. pyv/js/adp/rl Trump Tower in Manhattan serves as the headquarters for the Trump Organization, and the former president keeps a penthouse apartment there. (John Minchillo / Associated Press) The Trump Organization, an international showcase for gaudy wealth that made Donald Trump a household name long before he ran for president, has been dodging taxes for years, according to Manhattan prosecutors who unveiled the first criminal charges against the company on Thursday. The organization is charged with criminal tax fraud and scheming to defraud the government. Allen Weisselberg, Trump's longtime accountant and keeper of his financial secrets, faces the same charges plus grand larceny and falsifying records, according to the 15-count indictment. Carey Dunne, an assistant district attorney, said the scheme "was orchestrated by the most senior executives, who were financially benefiting themselves and the company, by getting secret pay raises at the expense of state and federal taxpayers." Weisselberg, who appeared in court wearing handcuffs after surrendering at the courthouse, pleaded not guilty, as did the Trump Organization. The indictment did not name Trump or any of his relatives, but it could prove debilitating for their company if it becomes harder to find business partners or obtain bank loans. Trump called the prosecution a continuation of the "witch hunt" that he's faced for years, and his lawyers criticized the charges as politically motivated. If the name of the company was something else, I dont think these charges would be brought," Alan Futerfas, an attorney for the Trump Organization, said outside the courthouse after the arraignment. The indictment, which was returned by a grand jury on Wednesday and unsealed on Thursday, accuses Weisselberg of avoiding more than $900,000 in taxes on $1.7 million of income that he received in the form of leased Mercedes-Benz vehicles, private school tuition for family members and rent-free apartments. Weisselberg even charged the company for beds, televisions, carpeting and furniture at his Florida home, according to the indictment. Story continues Former President Trump listens to speakers at a border security briefing in Texas on Wednesday. (Joel Martinez / The Monitor) Prosecutors allege the Trump Organization kept internal spreadsheets tracking the payments, then deducted them from his official income. Although other executives also received "off the books" compensation, according to the indictment, no one was named besides Weisselberg, who was described as "one of the largest individual beneficiaries" of the scheme, which allegedly dates to 2005. Also involved was someone identified only as "unindicted co-conspirator #1." New York Atty. Gen. Letitia James, who has been working with Manhattan Dist. Atty. Cyrus Vance Jr. on the case, said the indictment was "an important marker in the ongoing criminal investigation" of Trump's business. Prosecutors have also been examining whether Trump improperly inflated the value of his properties to obtain loans or deflated them to avoid taxes. "It requires little imagination to infer that the former president is someone who prosecutors are scrutinizing," said Jeffrey Robbins, a former federal prosecutor. The Trump Organization is a sprawling yet tightly held collection of businesses that includes golf courses, hotels, real estate and licensing deals. Although Trump's business dealings have been mired in controversy and scandal before including infamous bankruptcies in Atlantic City, fraud lawsuits over the Trump University training program, and election-year hush-money payments to women who said they had slept with Trump the indictment represents a new level of legal peril for the company. Experts said "collateral consequences" from the indictment could ultimately cripple the Trump Organization if it's not able to obtain financing from banks, which can face internal and regulatory roadblocks when dealing with companies facing criminal charges. Will Thomas, a law and business professor at the University of Michigan, said the company may ultimately survive because it's not facing racketeering-style charges that suggest it engaged in a larger criminal enterprise. In addition, potential partners have long known the company's reputation. The sorts of people willing to do business with the Trump Organization are not going to be meaningfully impacted by this, Thomas said. Weisselberg could face significant prison time, maybe two to five years, if convicted of the grand larceny charge, especially given the length and size of the alleged scheme. Daniel Horwitz, a former Manhattan prosecutor, said the charge was "a bit of a game changer," providing "the kind of incentive a prosecutor can use effectively with someone to flip him into being a cooperator." The Trump Organization issued a statement Thursday calling Weisselberg a "loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather" who was "being used by the Manhattan district attorney as a pawn in a scorched earth attempt to harm the former president." Weisselberg appears unwilling to help the prosecution after spending nearly five decades working for the Trump family. He was hired by Trump's father, Fred, to work in the company's Brooklyn office in 1973. When Trump became president, he left his company in the hands of his eldest sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, and Weisselberg, a sign of the trust the family has placed in the chief financial officer. Weisselberg's life is deeply intertwined with the Trumps. One of his sons, Jack, works for Ladder Capital, an important lender to the Trump Organization. The other, Barry, worked for the organization itself, managing an ice skating rink in Central Park. Barry apparently received lucrative perks of his own. The indictment says one of Weisselberg's family members employed by the Trump Organization a description that matches Barry lived for nearly a decade in a company-owned apartment near Central Park and paid only $1,000 per month in rent. Even though Weisselberg may never cooperate with the district attorney's office, a schism within his family helped push the investigation along. Jennifer Weisselberg, the ex-wife of one of Weisselberg's sons who is engaged in a child custody battle with him, provided prosecutors with financial records and granted them several interviews. "We've provided a mountain of evidence to them," said Duncan Levin, a lawyer for Jennifer. The indictment's effect on Trump's political stature is uncertain. It will probably provide more ammunition to the minority of Republican leaders who have grown weary of Trump's influence on the party. And the charges could become a costly and embarrassing distraction at a time when Trump is laboring to maintain his political relevance since being replaced in the White House and being banned from Twitter, Facebook and other powerful social media platforms that were key to his political rise and dominance of the public stage. Trump losing even marginal amounts of support will be devastating to those relying on his coattails to win, said Mike Madrid, a California Republican strategist and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. Like so much with Trump, it doesnt end well for those who support him. But Trump's supporters have stuck with him through all manner of scandals that would have crippled another politician, including being caught on video saying crude and demeaning things about women and multiple allegations of sexual assault. As president, he maintained loyalty from Republicans while battling investigations into Russian support for his candidacy and into hush-money payments, as well as during two separate impeachments over his push for Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his incitement of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. He was acquitted in both instances in the Senate. Now the criminal charges are unlikely to shake the faith of his die-hard supporters. He's already flirted with the possibility of running for president again, holding a rally in Ohio last week to support a primary challenge to a House Republican who voted to impeach him. And he traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas on Wednesday to criticize Democrats' immigration policy, meeting with about two dozen members of Congress and revisiting his false claims that the last election was stolen from him. After years of controversy, views on Trump from different sides of the political spectrum might as well be etched in stone. "For Trumps opponents, this indictment simply validates everything they already believed," said Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster. "But for Trumps supporters, this indictment doesnt even scratch the surface of his image in their eyes. On the contrary, it fires them up as they point to the poison of partisan Democrat politics at play." This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. Police are looking for a missing child, 7-month-old Miguel David Lee Ramirez of Ennis, who authorities say was abducted by his mother on Thursday. Police are looking for the whereabouts of 7-month-old Miguel David Lee Ramirez of Ennis, who authorities say was abducted by his mother on Thursday. At approximately 10:30 a.m., Faith Reid and an unknown man took the baby from a home located in the 900 block of North Shawnee Street in Ennis, according to a Ennis Police Department Facebook post. A Texas Amber Alert has been issued in the search for the child. The father of the child followed the two out of the house and became involved in an altercation with the unidentified man. The man then pulled a handgun and threatened to shoot the childs father, according to police. The man and woman then placed the child into a white Ford F-150 and fled the area. The baby is approximately 26 inches tall and weighs 25 pounds. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He was last seen wearing a white Mickey Mouse diaper. Faith Reid is described as a white woman, 52 tall and weighing 115 pounds with green eyes and blond hair, according to police. Officials believe this child to be in grave or immediate danger. Residents with information should contact the Ennis Police Department or their local law enforcement agency. Ariana Grande arrives at the 62nd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center on Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020, in Los Angeles. Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP After announcing she's giving away $1 million in therapy to fans, Grande is now upping the ante. The "Thank You, Next" singer is now giving away $2 million in therapy to fans thanks to Better Help. Grande tweeted in 2018, "Therapy has saved my life so many times." Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Ariana Grande is now upping the ante to ensure more of her fans can get access to free therapy. In a social media post on Instagram earlier this week, Grande explained that she was "thrilled" to be working with Better Help to give $1 million worth of therapy. By Wednesday, Better Help announced that because "so many of you" were taking advantage, they has raised the amount to $2 million in free therapy. Fans who sign up for this opportunity will be matched with a licensed therapist for one free month and receive a 15% discount if they renew for a second month. The 28-year-old singer explained why she's giving therapy to fans in her Instagram caption. "I really wanted to do this anyway in hopes of inspiring you to dip a toe in, to feel okay asking for help, and to hopefully rid your minds of any sort of self-judgment in doing so," she wrote. The "Positions" singer acknowledged that this donation would not remove the financial barrier to therapy that often stops people from being able to access it. However, Grande said she hopes that this will be a "helpful starting point" for fans to be able to "build space" for therapy in their lives. She wrapped up by writing, "healing is not linear or easy but you are worth the effort and time, I promise!" Grande has been very vocal over the years about mental health, including her own. She once tweeted out to fans in 2018, "therapy has saved my life so many times" when asked about her therapist. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The singer told British Vogue she had post-traumatic stress disorder following the Manchester bombing at her concert in 2017, and later wrote about her struggles with mental health in her songs, including "Breathin" and "Get Well Soon" from the "Sweetener" album. Back in May, Grande shared an Instagram slideshow at the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month in an effort to end "the stigma around mental health" and normalize "asking for help." Read the original article on Insider The Arizona Republic has gone to court to demand records from the state Senate and one of its contractors to shed light on the audit of 2020 election results, much of which has been kept from the public despite the importance of the ballot recount. The news organization on Wednesday filed a special action in Maricopa County Superior Court seeking financial records and communications about the audit from the Senate and Cyber Ninjas, the contractor it hired to lead the work. But for the most part, the state has kept information on how the audit is being conducted, the businesses doing the work, where the money is coming from and what officials are saying to each other about it away from the public. More: Arizona's still recounting ballots from the 2020 election. Here's why you don't know many of the details The Republic had earlier requested the information through the Arizona Public Records Law but was denied access, prompting the legal complaint. Documents related to the audit are public records because the audit is being conducted under the direction of the Senate, a public body, and the Senate is required to make available records that are in the custody or control of Cyber Ninjas, the complaint argues. Cyber Ninjas "by virtue of its performing a core governmental function funded in part by state taxpayer dollars, was required to maintain these Public Records and make them available," the complaint said. "Yet Cyber Ninjas has refused to do so." The Republic is seeking the records to provide the public with a better understanding of the unprecedented audit of the election, which involved the Senate issuing subpoenas to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and moving election equipment and about 2.1 million ballots to the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum for inspection by private contractors. The audit has taken weeks and has yet to conclude. "Arizona law entitles the public to know how this audit is being conducted and funded," attorney David Bodney, who represents The Republic, said Wednesday after the action was filed in court. "And the Arizona public records law does not permit the Senate to play 'hide the ball' by delegating core responsibilities to a third party like Cyber Ninjas and concealing records of government activities and public expenditures in Cyber Ninjas files." Story continues Bodney questioned why the senators who ordered the audit would not want the documents for themselves, particularly those communications involving subcontractors to Cyber Ninjas, so they could understand the work being done in their name. "The Senate asserts that it is not even required to ask Cyber Ninjas to share copies of its Arizona audit records with them, much less disclose them to the public," Bodney said. "And Cyber Ninjas wont produce copies of these public records, either. Their conduct leaves us no choice but to call upon the court to enforce the public records law." An attorney for the Senate did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday. But in a similar case seeking public records from Cyber Ninjas, attorneys for the Senate have argued in a court filing that such records need not be provided in a public records request. "Private corporations that serve as vendors to the state government are not 'public bodies,' " the senators said in a motion to dismiss a case brought by a nonprofit group called American Oversight, which formed in 2017 to investigate potential fraud in the Trump administration. "It follows that any documents in their possession, custody or control are outside the scope of the Arizona Public Records Act." The Republic's complaint seeks to have a judge set a deadline for the Senate and Cyber Ninjas' communications to be provided to the newspaper. It also asks for legal fees, arguing the records were unlawfully withheld from the news organization in violation of the state public records law. Concerns over transparency Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, said from the outset the audit would be conducted through a transparent process, but the complaint disputes that characterization. That transparency has been lacking, however, as defendants have refused to provide public records responsive to (The Republic's) requests that are in the custody or control of Cyber Ninjas, the complaint states. The Republic has sought public records since the audit began in April, and while some were provided, communications from Cyber Ninjas have not. During a meeting May 27, Fann's attorney Kory Langhofer and Norm Moore, the Senates former public records counsel, told representatives for The Republic that Fann and the Senate would not produce any records in the possession of Cyber Ninjas, arguing that they were not public records. Also that day, The Republic issued an additional records request for all text messages, emails and other communications to and from Cyber Ninjas and other audit contractors and 27 individuals, including Ken Bennett, a former secretary of state serving as a liaison for the audit, audit spokesman Randy Pullen, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen and Fann, as well as individuals understood to be involved or supportive of the effort, including Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne and former President Donald Trump. The Republic sent an additional request to Cyber Ninjas on June 2 seeking financial records, including contracts, invoices, bills and donations as well as Cyber Ninjas' audit-related communications with state senators, other politicians, Bennett, Pullen, Maricopa County elected officials and Christina Bobb of One America News Network. An attorney for Cyber Ninjas responded that the company would not comply. The complaint argues that Fann and Peterson have wrongfully denied The Republic access to records under the control of Cyber Ninjas. The Arizona Senates audit of Maricopa County ballots is a matter of the most urgent public concern, the complaint states. Nothing is more fundamental to our democracy than the administration of our elections. Defendants themselves have stressed the importance of public confidence in voting and elections as justifications for the audit, and have pledged transparency in performing the audit. But the public cannot properly evaluate the conduct of and findings of the audit without prompt and full access to the very public records that defendants are unlawfully withholding. The Republic asked the court for an order requiring defendants to show cause why the news organization should not be entitled to the records. This case involves crucial questions for our state: Can the Arizona Senate perform an audit of Maricopa County ballots it obtained under legislative subpoena without promptly and comprehensively releasing public records related to the audit? The Republic's request states. It argues that the records in question are public documents regardless of who possesses them because of the special position the Senate has given Cyber Ninjas. Can Arizona politicians unfurl a veil of secrecy over their review of the election that put them in office by hiring outside contractors to perform it? it states. And can a company hired and paid by the government to perform an essential and uniquely governmental function hide behind the fiction that it is not subject to the Arizona law that allows the public to know what it is doing, how it is doing it and who it hired to do the work? Operations 'carried out largely in secret' Greg Burton, Republic executive editor, said the news organization is taking action because the audit is directed by a group of partisans from the Senate who themselves were on the ballots. Despite promises by Senate leaders that its vote audit would be transparent, the operations of the recount have been carried out largely in secret by hired, not elected, parties performing the functions of elected officials, Burton said in a court declaration. Just as the public has a right to government documents to help discern whether elected officials are acting in the public's interest, so does the public have a right to documents from contractors like Cyber Ninjas acting on behalf of the government, especially on such an important matter, he said. The lack of information makes it difficult to discern the quality of this recount, Burton said. It will make it impossible to weigh the credibility of the work once results are announced. Information from participants, particularly Cyber Ninjas, is essential to help the public understand, let alone challenge, the process. The Republic's action is separate from another action from American Oversight, which is seeking similar records from Fann and Petersen. American Oversight filed a lawsuit in May after the Senate declined to turn over records after they were requested through the state public records law. That case names Fann, Petersen and the Senate at large as defendants. The documents American Oversight requested include communications and financial records from Cyber Ninjas and its various subcontractors and Bennett "or any other individual or entity engaged in work on the audit." Reach reporter Ryan Randazzo at ryan.randazzo@arizonarepublic.com or 602-444-4331. Follow him on Twitter @UtilityReporter. Subscribe to azcentral.com today. This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: AZ Republic takes Senate, Cyber Ninjas to court for ballot audit info Daniel Perry was indicted on charges of murder and deadly conduct Thursday in the July 2020 shooting of an armed protestor in Austin, Texas, AP reports. Driving the news: Perry, an active-duty former Fort Hood Army sergeant, drove into a crowd gathered to protest police violence, and later fatally shot demonstrator Garrett Foster, an Air Force veteran. Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free. The event "brought national attention and deepened debates over issues, such as protester safety, self-defense and the right to openly carry guns," per the Austin American-Statesman. Of note via the American-Statesman: "A key issue in the case is whether Foster raised his weapon at Perry. Some witnesses have said that Foster never pointed the rifle, keeping it down, but an attorney for Perry has said that police have interviewed several people who corroborated his client's account that Foster pointed the gun at him." What they're saying: Kristen Dark, a spokesperson for the Travis County Sheriffs Office said in a statement that Perry was booked and released on $300,000 bail. Perry's attorney, Clint Broden, maintained that his client was acting in self-defense. It is important to note that the standard of proof required for an indictment is significantly less than the standard of proof required for a conviction," said Broden in a statement to AP. Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free. BENI, Congo (AP) At least nine civilians, including women, were killed in an attack by rebels in Congos eastern city of Beni, officials said Thursday. The attack in Beni's Rwangoma neighborhood is the third such attack in the Beni area this week. Police and the military have blamed Allied Democratic Forces rebels for the violence. These ADF terrorists attacked peaceful populations ... killing and kidnapping others, said Beni's police chief, Col. Narcisse Muteba. These rebels used the kidnapped civilians (as shields) to escape the Congolese army. Investigations are underway to find the perpetrators of this crime. Some of the victims were killed in their homes while others were taken to the center of the neighborhood before being shot and beaten with machetes or pieces of concrete, the military spokesperson in the region, Lt. Anthony Mwulushayi, said. Nine bodies are in the morgue, he said, adding that one other body of a woman remains at the scene. Alongside the human toll, businesses were looted before being set on fire, and residences were also set on fire, he said. This attack comes days after two explosions on Sunday hit a Catholic church in Beni's Butsili district and a market in another district, leaving four wounded. The Islamic State groups Central Africa Province claimed responsibility for the two Sunday explosions, which included its first suicide bombing. Many Beni residents protested the violence and angrily demanded that the police and military provide better protection to the civilian population. Demonstrators carried the body of a slain victim to the town hall, where the army and police dispersed the protests with live ammunition. Are we Congolese like the others? In Beni, we are being killed with bombs, sporadic machete attacks ... I would like the government to help us because we are going to die overnight," said Kambale Tsongo, a protester carrying the body of a victim. U.S. Ambassador to Congo, Mike Hammer, visited Beni on Thursday and told The Associated Press that the United States stands in solidarity with the residents of Beni, and will help track down attackers who are allied to the Islamic State group. He visited Beni Thursday morning. Story continues We will begin intelligence cooperation between the Congolese army and the U.S., he said. There will also be the arrival of more than 1,000 soldiers to hunt down the Ugandan rebels of the ADF. He said the U.S. soldiers will help train the Congolese army as well as police forces. Eastern Congo has been mired in conflict for more than a quarter-century particularly near its border with Rwanda. Armed groups there have vied for control of the regions mineral resources. The ADF, which traces its origins to nearby Uganda, has mounted an escalating number of attacks in and around Beni in the last several years even as the community was struck by an Ebola epidemic. ___ AP writer Jean-Yves Kamale in Kinshasa, Congo contributed. (Bloomberg) -- The uncomfortable conversations began the moment the 48-page report landed in senior managers inboxes at HSBC Holdings Plc last month. Soon, attention turned to the unlikely author who was emailing it. A junior manager had invited more than 100 colleagues to talk with him about diversity and racism at the firm and then distilled their responses into a Wall Street-style presentation. It opens with a poem he wrote about hoping for change, before laying out his scathing conclusion: The bank is unlikely to meet its diversity goals because of discrimination and racism in the workplace, which is prompting recruits to leave. One page ticks off a list of comments employees have endured. I just dont like you. Im not allowed to tell you why. Youve got all the right qualifications and youve done a great job, youre just not the right fit for the team -- its just a vibe. Its never been harder than right now, being a White man in banking. In past decades, under a strict Wall Street code valuing discretion above all else, the junior manager might have been as good as terminated for rebroadcasting such ugly accounts. But after a year of widespread protests over racial inequality and corporate pledges to do better, and in the month that Juneteenth became a U.S. federal holiday, a different reckoning has been unfolding inside HSBC. The author, Ian Clarke, is still at the bank where hes spent 15 years, working in New York as a vice president in a unit that helps companies hold and move their money, according to people with knowledge of the situation. Officials at the firm have opened an internal review to take a deeper look into his findings and investigate the incidents he described. We are committed to improving diversity and inclusion at HSBC, the bank said in a statement emailed by a spokesperson. And whilst we are making progress, we know we have more work to do. When colleagues raise concerns we take them seriously and are looking into the issues raised. Story continues Industrywide Frustrations Many of the frustrations Clarke channeled from colleagues to HSBCs leadership resonate industrywide. Big banks have long acknowledged the need to cultivate more diversity within their vast workforces and senior ranks, but have been slow to make progress. Accounts of slights and overt discrimination in the mostly White, mostly male world of finance keep spilling out. As HSBC has ramped up efforts to improve, its vowed to at least double the number of Black staff in senior leadership roles by 2025 and committed to publishing data annually on ethnic representation and pay gaps in its workforce. Among other measures, its U.S. business is tying managers performance ratings to progress on diversity and inclusion. At the end of last year, the number of Black staff holding senior leadership roles stood at 0.7% globally, according to HSBCs latest annual report. The banks work to raise this to 1.3% will include partnering with specialist recruitment firms and improving the development opportunities for Black employees. Pam Kaur, HSBCs India-born chief risk officer, has responsibility for overseeing the lenders worldwide ethnicity inclusion program and is also the global sponsor for its Embrace network, which is aimed at helping the company attract and retain a more diverse workforce. Past efforts fell short, HSBC Chief Executive Officer Noel Quinn said in May at a diversity event organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Im going to open up to the fact that we havent done well enough on that, and the events of a year ago with George Floyd, were a wakeup call I think for us all, Quinn said. It was a wakeup call for me because I sat down with our Black colleagues after that, and a number of us did as leaders, and said OK, weve got to do something differently. Rather Just Leave In his report, Clarke identifies himself as half Black, half White and LGBTQ. In a biography in a trade publication last year, he noted his dad is Jamaican but that he was raised by his English mother in a London housing project. In high school, Clarke said he got bullied for being too Black, too White, too posh (the accent) and probably gay. After college, he recalled, the accounting firms wouldnt even interview me, but HSBC recognized the value my uniqueness could bring and helped me flourish. Yet the series of talks with colleagues shifted his perspective, according to the report. My findings troubled me greatly, and changed the way I viewed myself and my employer, he wrote. Clarke largely focused on colleagues who are BIPOC -- Black, indigenous and other people of color -- an acronym thats gained popularity during the past years debate over racial injustice. Two BIPOC women Clarke interviewed lauded HSBCs culture as inclusive but described feeling undervalued once the pandemic struck last year. One with severe asthma said her manager rejected her request to work remotely, leaving her hurt and confused because it seemed the boss would rather I catch the virus and died. In another passage, Clarke said he and others witnessed senior White colleagues at a Christmas party committing physical and verbal sexual assaults on younger women. The firm encourages staff to report such incidents. I would rather just leave and go to another bank who would support my aspirations, Clarke quoted one employee as saying. Many other people feel this way. Tracking Defections Overall, the report makes the case that HSBC has abnormal levels of systemic discrimination and that BIPOC departures are now so frequent that it threatens to doom the banks efforts to diversify with recruitment. To make his point, he tracked down five BIPOC employees who left one department and discovered they all landed higher positions at rivals including JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley. Yet nobody is saying anything or has done anything to demonstrate to those of us left that their concerns were noted and will be addressed, he wrote in the report. (Updates with details of banks diversity efforts from 12th paragraph.) More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. By Kate Duguid NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some investors are betting that U.S. government bond yields will stay subdued or continue weakening in the second half of the year, a sharp departure from the first quarter, when an unexpected surge in yields prompted many analysts to raise their forecasts. Since peaking at pre-pandemic levels in March, yields on U.S. Treasuries have broadly moved lower as weaker-than-expected employment reports in April and May have raised questions about the strength of the reopening economy. The federal jobs report for June will be published on Friday morning. Yields have also wavered as investors struggle to interpret signals from the Federal Reserve about how hot it is willing to let inflation run before it begins unwinding pandemic-era monetary stimulus. The benchmark U.S. 10-year yield, which moves inversely to price, has fallen roughly 30 basis points since its March top of 1.776%. Short positions in Treasuries rose to the highest since 2017, a June 14 survey of JPMorgan clients showed. Bearish positions have receded since then but remain well above their 52-week average. Some traders have also been using derivatives to bet on lower rates. One investor on Wednesday put on a $5.8 million options bet that would pay out if the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond exchange traded fund trades higher, according to data from Chris Murphy, co-head of derivatives strategy at Susquehanna International Group. The ETF tracks longer-dated Treasury prices. "We believe the second quarter marked the peak year-over-year growth rate for the global economy," said Matt Miskin, co-chief investment strategist at John Hancock Investment Management. "As a result we see downside risks to yields more than upside, and are looking for roughly a 1.5% 10-year by year-end." Not everyone agrees. Robin Brooks, chief economist at the Institute of International Finance, expects the unprecedented reopening of the U.S. economy ultimately to produce data prints that will outpace expectations, perhaps while the Fed begins discussing tapering its government bond purchases. That will push yields higher, he said in a recent note. "We still see room for the 10-year Treasury yield to go substantially higher this year, with our year-end target remaining at 2.5%," Brooks wrote. (Reporting by Kate Duguid; Editing by Ira Iosebashvili and Dan Grebler) President Joe Biden's trip to huddle with family members of those lost or missing after a condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida, presents a political minefield for the White House as the president makes the stop amid a tour to sell his infrastructure proposals. While even critics give Biden points for his touch as consoler in chief, he will carefully have to navigate the politics of offering solace to survivors, families of the missing, rescuers, and the wider community affected by the construction disaster as he is in the midst of a multistate swing making the case for a bipartisan infrastructure deal and a larger package congressional Democrats hope to send him. HARRIS AND BUTTIGIEG JOSTLE FOR LIMELIGHT IN PREVIEW OF FUTURE PRIMARY FIGHT A fallen building is a powerful symbol of weakened infrastructure and how investment in roads to people should be a priority, according to the Brookings Institution's Darrell West. "Collapses such as this make Biden's point very emphatically that the country has a lot of deferred maintenance and Florida is one example where that caught up with people in a very tragic manner," said West. "All he needs to do is show empathy for those who are suffering and let the images speak for themselves." Biden has "little choice" but to visit Surfside, regardless of the risk, Costas Panagopoulos, Northeastern University political science chairman and politics commentator, told the Washington Examiner. A fallout is unlikely, though, if the right balance is struck, Panagopoulos said. "It only reinforces the need for infrastructure investment," he added. "This is a national tragedy, and it is the president's duty to comfort a saddened nation and to channel the country's energy in a positive direction." Eric Schultz, a top White House spokesman during President Barack Obama's administration, is confident Biden will "hit the right notes." And he is warning Republicans hoping to politicize the trip that they do so "at their own peril." Story continues "We live in such a frenetic media environment that very few news events breakthrough to the American consciousness. The tragedy at Surfside is one of those moments, and nobody is better suited to comfort the grieving, support the first responders, and channel the country's horror than Joe Biden," Schultz said. White House press secretary Jen Psaki remained tight-lipped on Wednesday regarding Thursday's logistics. She simply repeated that "every component" of the visit would be coordinated with local officials. "There is still an ongoing search-and-rescue effort on the ground, and we want to ensure we're not doing anything to pull away from those resources," Psaki said. Biden has appeared reluctant to politicize the $1.2 trillion bipartisan "hard" infrastructure deal and potential $6 trillion "soft" infrastructure reconciliation measure after equivocating on a veto threat. He was hesitant, for instance, to mention the bipartisan agreement's $50 billion investment in climate resiliency projects during a Wednesday briefing on wildfires. "That's why the bipartisan infrastructure framework investment of about $50 billion in my so-called anyway, I won't go into it, but a bill that's caused a little attention, infrastructure bill, is going to build resilience to extreme weather events like wildfires," the president said. Biden is flying to battleground states this week to foster public support for his infrastructure packages as Republicans and liberal Democrats threaten to yank their endorsements over different aspects of the outlines. Stops have so far been scheduled in Michigan and Wisconsin. Biden upset Republicans last week when he suggested he would not sign the bipartisan infrastructure accord without its reconciliation counterpart. He later softened the tone of his veto threat but has continued to insist that Congress consider them "in tandem." At the same time, liberal Democrats are concerned the "soft" infrastructure, social welfare provisions, possibly including universal pre-kindergarten and two years free community college, will not be generous enough. At least 16 people died when the Champlain Towers South condo complex in Surfside, north of Miami, partially collapsed early Thursday morning. As of Wednesday evening, almost 150 residents were still unaccounted for as poor weather threatens to hinder a rescue team working in 12-hour shifts. A firefighter fell 25-feet this week as an international coalition frantically searches the rubble for signs of life. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER A 2018 inspection of the 12-story, 136-unit tower ahead of its 40-year recertification process revealed major structural damage to a concrete slab below its pool deck, affecting the parking garage. The structure was erected in 1981. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Biden, Biden Administration, White House, Joe Biden, Miami Condo Collapse Original Author: Naomi Lim Original Location: Biden may politicize Miami condo disaster during visit I have never changed my stance nor my story. I have always maintained my innocence, Cosby wrote in a tweet. During a press briefing with his attorneys, the comedian did not speak. Disgraced and discharged comedian Bill Cosby broke his silence via Twitter after being released from a Pennsylvania prison Wednesday due to what the prosecution in the case called a procedural error. (L-R) Attorney Jennifer Bonjean, Bill Cosby, and spokesperson Andrew Wyatt speak outside of Bill Cosbys home on June 30, 2021 in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania. Bill Cosby was released from prison after court overturns his sex assault conviction. (Photo by Michael Abbott/Getty Images) While he stood next to his attorneys during a media briefing on Wednesday evening after his release, he did not speak. He later released a short statement via his official Twitter page later that night. I have never changed my stance nor my story. I have always maintained my innocence, Cosby wrote. Thank you to all my fans, supporters, and friends who stood by me through this ordeal. Special thanks to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for upholding the rule of law. The post featured the statement as well as a photo of Cosby with his hand raised in a fist with the same words on it. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The creator of the legendary Cosby Show and A Different World, Cosby was convicted to a three- to 10-year sentence after being found guilty of drugging and assaulting Andrea Constand at his home in 2004. The 83 year old served nearly three years of his sentence. As previously reported, Cosby was denied parole in late May for failing to participate in and complete additional institutional programs which he has refused to do including classes for sex offenders. He has been ordered to attend and successfully finish a treatment program for sex offenders and for violence prevention. Mr. Cosby has vehemently proclaimed his innocence and continues to deny all allegations made against him, as being false, without the sheer evidence of any proof, said his spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt, in a statement. Today, Mr. Cosby continues to remain hopeful that the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court will issue an opinion to vacate his conviction or warrant him a new trial. Bill Cosby arrives at the Montgomery County Courthouse on the first day of sentencing in his sexual assault trial on September 24, 2018 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images) Cosby remained a trending topic all day Wednesday after news of his imminent release was announced. He was both vilified and supported. Story continues His former co-star, Phylicia Rashad, appeared to show her support for Cosby writing on Twitter, FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted a miscarriage of justice is corrected! she continued. She later wrote, I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward. My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth. Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects. My heartfelt wish is for healing. Have you subscribed to theGrios Dear Culture podcast? Download our newest episodes now! TheGrio is now on Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Roku. Download theGrio.com today! The post Bill Cosby breaks silence after prison release in sex assault case appeared first on TheGrio. Andrew Wyatt and actor Bill Cosby arrive at Montgomery County Courthouse as Bill Cosby's trial continues on June 17, 2017 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Gilbert Carrasquillo/WireImage) Disgraced comedian Bill Cosby celebrated his overturned rape conviction and prison release Wednesday. "I have never changed my stance nor my story," Cosby said. "I have always maintained my innocence." Cosby, 83, was released after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Disgraced comedian Bill Cosby celebrated his rape conviction being thrown out on Wednesday, saying he has "always maintained my innocence." "I have never changed my stance nor my story. I have always maintained my innocence," Cosby said in a statement posted to Twitter. "Thank you to all my fans, supporters and friends who stood by me through this ordeal. Special thanks to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for upholding the rule of law." The 83-year-old Cosby was released from State Correctional Institution at Phoenix on Wednesday after the court's bombshell decision to throw out his sexual assault conviction. Cosby had served more than two years of a three- to 10-year sentence at the lockup near Philadelphia after he was found guilty in 2018 of drugging and sexually assaulting Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his home in 2004. Cosby, 83, was released after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction, ruling that the lead prosecutor shouldn't have charged the comedian due to a deal made by a previous prosecutor. In that deal, Bruce Castor - who would later go on to defend President Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial - promised not to use testimony in a civil lawsuit filed by one of Cosby's accusers to charge him. The court found that the later use of that testimony to convict Cosby violated his Fifth Amendment rights. Cosby was released, with the court preventing prosecutors from charging him again. Wyatt, who walked Cosby into court every day during the 2018 trial, told Insider on Wednesday afternoon that he was personally going to the prison to pick up Cosby. This is a developing story. Please check back for updates. Read the original article on Insider I swam on top of Brooklyn Point, the tallest residential building in the borough. Joey Hadden/Insider A luxury residential building in Brooklyn says it has the Western Hemisphere's highest infinity pool. I got the chance to swim in the rooftop pool and saw picture-perfect views of Manhattan and beyond. From the pool at Brooklyn Point, the tallest residential tower in the borough, NYC felt so small. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. When I left my Brooklyn apartment for a rooftop swim, it was roughly 97 degrees Fahrenheit - the hottest day this summer so far in New York City, and I'd been living without AC for two months. Me, hot, in my Brooklyn neighborhood. Joey Hadden/Insider I was excited to take the F train to Brooklyn Point, the tallest residential building in the borough with a rooftop infinity pool that claims to be the highest in the Western Hemisphere, perched at 680 feet. Brooklyn Point in Downtown Brooklyn. Joey Hadden/Insider Source: Brooklyn Point At first, I was surprised that the highest infinity pool is in Brooklyn. It's the kind of superlative I'd expect from Manhattan, but, as soon as I got up there, I realized the location was prime for views. A view from the top of Brooklyn Point. Joey Hadden/Insider Located in Downtown Brooklyn, the pool overlooks the East River, providing picture-perfect views of the Manhattan skyline. Me swimming around the pool. Joey Hadden/Insider From up here, the city felt small. I took in the views from the pool's corner. Joey Hadden/Insider Nearly 700 feet above the streets of Brooklyn, I could see far beyond the city. The pool is 680 feet from the ground. Joey Hadden/Insider Source: Brooklyn Point The view was comparable to the ones outside my airplane window when I'm flying home from visiting family in Austin. As I recently wrote in a personal essay for Insider, while I loved living in the Texan city, NYC suits my lifestyle best right now. I swam alongside the edge of the pool. Joey Hadden/Insider Source: Insider While the views are vast, the pool itself is small. Me walking into the pool. Joey Hadden/Insider The pool is just 4 feet deep, so there's no diving allowed. Me sitting on the edge of the pool after a swim. Joey Hadden/Insider Sitting on the edge of the pool, I pictured myself living in the luxury skyscraper. A view of the pool from the steps. Joey Hadden/Insider The property has 483 condos that range from studios to three-bedroom residences, with prices starting at $900,000, according to a representative for Brooklyn Point. While Brooklyn Point not a rental building, the representative said you may be able to rent from a condo owner. Story continues A view of the top of Brooklyn Point. Courtesy of Cody Boone at SERHANT Source: Brooklyn Point If I lived here, I'd use the intimate pool deck as an opportunity to get to know my neighbors. Me relaxing in the lounge chairs on the deck. Joey Hadden/Insider There are two rows of lounge chairs and three large couches for relaxing and socializing. Me laying on a couch with the tip of One World Trade Center in the background. Joey Hadden/Insider Swimming by myself, the pool felt spacious. Insider got private access to the rooftop, but normally at 5 p.m., there would be other guests around. I floated in the pool alone. Joey Hadden/Insider I could tell if other people were in there, it would be a little awkward if we weren't interacting. And that's just the push I'd need to say hello. Me relaxing on the edge of the pool. Joey Hadden/Insider Since I was alone in the pool, I paid attention to all of its details. The different shades of blue tiling were beautiful and smooth. A close-up shot shows the pool's details. Joey Hadden/Insider Before I left, I took one last look at the city from the water and savored it. This is easily the most amazing pool I have ever stepped into. I lifted myself up to get a good look at New York City. Joey Hadden/Insider Read the original article on Insider Credit - Photo Illustration by TIMEGetty Images When Floyd Wilson first learned of the term prison gerrymandering, hed already been incarcerated for more than 35 years. He was taking a college seminar in a prison in Graterford, Pennsylvaniathe fourth of five correctional facilities hes lived in over the decades. Wilson grew up in Southwest Philadelphia and was sentenced to life in prison in 1976 as a juvenile for first degree murder. In every U.S. census thats taken place since his conviction, he learned that day in class, hes been counted not as a Philadelphian but as a resident of the county where he was then imprisoned, nearly all of which have been in rural areas hours away from his family. The practice, known as prison gerrymandering, boosts the population of regions hosting large prisons and impacts the drawing of states district lines. That in turn distorts political representation by redirecting power from more diverse, urban areas towards whiter, rural ones. The impact can be drastic. Currently, Wilson is incarcerated in SCI-Phoenix in Pennsylvanias District 150, which also includes Montgomery Countys jail. If incarcerated people were not counted as part of District 150s population, it would lose more than roughly 5,000 people and likely be too small to meet the federal minimum requirements for a state representative, a 2019 study by Villanova University sociologists Brianna Remster and Rory Kramer found. (Democratic State Rep. Joe Webster, who represents District 150 and supports banning prison gerrymandering, tells TIME in an email that mass incarceration is already bad policyit shouldnt be used to undermine the fairness of elections, too.) Three other districts would also be too small, Remster and Kramers research found; if all the prisoners in the state originally from Philadelphiaroughly a quarter of the states prison population as of 2019were counted as residents of that city, it would likely gain an additional one or two majority-minority state house districts. Story continues Wilson was incarcerated at 17; in the decades hes spent in prison, hes never been able to vote. His body is being counted towards a constituency he cannot actually participate in. My reaction was, this is more of the same the system being just crooked, Wilson, now 64, tells TIME. People capitalizing off of other peoples mistakes or errors. Inside block D at the State Correctional Institution in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania on June 1, 2018. Lauren A. LittleReading Eagle/Getty Images Floyds 61-year-old sister, Roxanne Wilson, has long wanted to take action. These inmates are being counted as part of a population that is not true. Period, she says. They lived in Philadelphia. They got sentenced in Philadelphia. And then they get shipped to a coal town, and are counted as part of [its] population We feel this is disproportionate representation. Wilson has spent the past 40 years advocating for criminal justice reform in Pennsylvania, raising awareness of prison gerrymandering in her community and in the state legislature. Voting districts are drawn every ten years by state legislators or other appointed commissions based on the results of the U.S. census. As the 2020 redistricting process approachesdeadline varies per state, but some begin this summeradvocates have called for legislators across the U.S. to change how they count prisoners this cycle, arguing that if they dont take action now, theyll have to wait another ten years to address the long-running injustice. Barring unusual circumstances, the districts that are drawn now will determine representation for the next decade, says Ginger Jackson-Gleich, policy counsel with the Prison Policy Institute (PPI). Its absolutely imperative that we take advantage of this moment. Because its the result of a federal policy, prison gerrymandering is the default. In a 2020 report, PPI pointed out that the 2010 census counted more than 2 million people in the wrong place as a result of the practice. But in the absence of a policy change from the Census Bureau, it falls largely to states to to change their processes. Only 11 have done so, including Connecticut just last month. Those states now require redistricting officials to count incarcerated people where they lived before their conviction; Connecticuts change that goes into effect this redistricting cycle. (A 2014 report from PPI found that after 2011 redistricting, nine Connecticut state house districts only met the federal minimum population numbers by counting prison populations.) One common misconception about prison gerrymandering is that it impacts districts funding; this largely isnt true. Most federal funding is allocated to states via block grantsand so, for these purposes, it does not make a significant difference which district an incarcerated person is counted in. Other funding programs largely ignore prison populations, per PPI. However, advocates still argue it unfairly shifts political power balances. Pennsylvanias State House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton, who has for years been pushing the state to abolish prison gerrymandering, has put a resolution proposing to end the practice before the states Legislative Reapportionment Commission, which creates districts. McClinton, who is a part of the five-member commission, says she is cautiously optimistic that this years attempt will be successful, given the commission only meets once a decade and wields significant power. Read more: Whether or Not Youre Able to Vote in Jail May Come Down to Where Youre Incarcerated Prison gerrymandering particularly distorts political representation along racial lines, and compounds the political disenfranchisement minority communities already face due to partisan gerrymandering and census undercounts. Not only do rural communities gain power as a result, but urban majority Black and brown communities lose it. Entire communities are impacted if they are in areas with a high incarceration rate, because theyre underrepresented. Remster and Kramers research found that about 264,000 people in Pennsylvaniaand more than 100,000 Black Philadelphia residents aloneare now underrepresented because they live in districts from where a large number of people are incarcerated in state or county prison and jail facilities. Such warping of political power is often built upon the disproportionate number of Black and brown people housed in Americas prisons, who have to navigate a system infamous for its racism, neglect and abuseall without the ability to elect a representative. (Only Maine and Vermont allow all prisoners to cast a ballot.) Joaquin Gonzalez, voting rights attorney at the Texas Civil Rights Project, which published a prison gerrymandering report in April, describes its impact as taking these individuals that cannot vote in most states and [amplifying] other peoples political power on their backs. Miscounting prisoners Prison gerrymandering grew into an issue in the U.S. with the onset of mass incarceration starting in the 1970s, driven in part by the war on drugs and mandatory minimum sentencing. Between 1980 and 2013 the incarceration rate more than quadrupled, exacerbating the political distortion of power. In Pennsylvania, in the over four decades Floyd Wilson has been in prison, the states prison populationlike those across the countryhas ballooned. In 1980, the state had under 10,000 state prisoners. Today, there are around 45,000. Dozens of state legislative districts nationwide similarly possess inflated political power because of prison gerrymandering. For example, In two different North Carolina districtslocated in Granville and Lumberton Countiesmore than 40% of the population is made up of incarcerated people. In Illinois, nearly half of the states prisoners come from the Chicago area but close to 90% are counted as residents of downstate prisons, according to PPI. (Illinois banned prison gerrymandering in a bill approved by the governor earlier this year but the legislation will not have an effect until the next census in 2030.) And in rural East Texas, if House District 8 did not count its prison population, it would lose more than 21,000 residentswhich indicates that the total remaining population would fall well below the proportion legally required for a state district, per the Texas Civil Rights Project report. Both Harris County (home to Houston) and Dallas County would also likely have at least one extra state House seat if they counted incarcerated people at home, says Gonzalez, who authored the reportseats thatd be more likely to lean Democratic given their voting trends in recent elections. The fight to abolish prison gerrymandering In the last decade, lawmakers have started to take notice of the direct impact the practice can have on political power and take action. In the long term, advocates say the most effective way to address the issue is at the federal level, and for the U.S. Census Bureau to count incarcerated people as living at their last known residence before incarceration. The current version of the For The People Act, the sweeping voting rights bill stalled in Congress, would do just that for the next redistricting cycle. (The Census Bureau has already been made aware of widespread criticism, accepting 77,000 comments in support of a more equal redistribution of counting prisoners in 2020.) But even if the census does change its process, it would be too late to impact the 2020 redistricting process on a national level. So the issue falls to the states, where advocates are racing to ensure prisoners are counted according to their last residence as redistricting begins. In some states its too late to change this redistricting cycle through the legislative process. Jackson-Gleich of PPI argues that one of the only remaining solutions is to ensure redistricting officials dont dump all the prisons in one district. Until prisoners are counted at their last known residence, she says, the best thing that city, county and other local authorities can do is remove prisoners from tallies that are determining legislative districts. These entities could remove correctional populations from the redistricting data before drawing up their districts. [That] sounds a little scary to people, says Jackson-Gleich. But because those people in those prisons have no constituent relationship with those elected officials, the best thing for them to do is just to take the prison population out and redistrict among the people who really are constituents. Critics point out that even if incarcerated people lack the right to vote, that does not mean they and their communities deserve lesser representation. Representation is about having someone in government to whom you can address your problems, your concerns, and your hopes for the future. You dont give those away when you are incarcerated, says Rory Kramer, the Villanova University sociologist. Roxanne Wilson tells TIME that she thinks another solution could be allowing incarcerated people to vote, including for the representatives of the district where theyre currently being counted. If youre going to elect representatives based on the population of inmates, then they should be allowed to have a say, she argues. Floyd Wilson also supports the idea, but is doubtful incarcerated people will ever get access to the ballot. He says a more feasible fix could be to have state representatives visit and listen to the incarcerated people in their district. He sits on the Board of Lifers, a collection of five men who aim to represent the roughly 5,000 prisoners currently serving life sentences in Pennsylvania. Hes been on the board for years, and says that while hes repeatedly tried to have their state representatives come and speak, hes had little success. If were going to be your constituents, come in and talk to us, he says. In addition, he thinks it must fall to people outside of prison to learn about the issue and take action. People have to be aware of this kind of thing, he says. And like anything else, vote on it. Jul. 1NEW BOSTON Tony Merchlinsky, 19, signed up to be a bone marrow donor in the fall shortly after starting at Muhlenberg College and said he did not hesitate when he found out he was a match. "I almost felt lucky," Merchlinsky said. "I found a match in the first few months." On Monday, Merchlinsky donated blood stem cells for a 27-year-old man in Canada with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a blood-borne cancer that can be treated through a bone marrow transplant. Merchlinsky, a 2020 Mahanoy Area High School graduate and current student at Muhlenberg College, signed up to be a bone marrow donor through The Andy Talley Bone Marrow Foundation. The Muhlenberg football team holds a registration event for players to sign up in honor of former head coach Mike Donnelly, who died of leukemia, another blood-borne cancer. Merchlinsky said his procedure to donate the blood stem cells was "nothing compared to what the recipient goes through." He underwent the peripheral blood stem cell, or PBSC, donation method, a nonsurgical procedure in which blood is removed from one arm and returned to the other arm after blood-forming cells are collected. For five days leading up to the procedure, he received injections of filgrastim, which increases the number of blood stem cells. After that, Merchlinsky said the process was like a "mini vacation," as the program covered all expenses and made the process as easy as possible for him. Merchlinsky and his mother, Suzanne Merchlinsky, drove three hours to Apheresis Associates of Northern Virginia, a center specializing in blood donation, on Sunday. The procedure was done Monday, and they returned to Mahanoy City on Tuesday. "His procedure was at 12:30, and a courier came at 1:30 to collect the cells to fly them to the recipient," Suzanne said Wednesday. "They began the transplant today." When her son called her in January to tell her that he found a match, Suzanne said she was amazed, as only a few students had joined the registry in the fall. Story continues "I could cry," Suzanne said. "His cells will generate and give new life." He is committed to the recipient for one year after the donation in case more cells are needed. After that, he can rejoin the registry and donate up to two more times. Merchlinsky said in normal years, the program would arrange to have donors meet their recipients, but they have not done that during the pandemic. He hopes he can still have that opportunity in the future. "Some people said they were impressed he did this during the pandemic," Suzanne said. "He committed, and he followed through." While some have called him a hero, Merchlinsky said he does not agree. "Anyone can do this, not just me," Merchlinsky said, emphasizing that he hopes his story will encourage others to become donors. Merchlinsky graduated from Mahanoy Area High School in 2020 and now studies political economy and public policy at Muhlenberg. In the future, he aspires to become a politician, and he is currently running for Mahanoy Township supervisor. The family has also been fundraising for two students with blood-borne cancers in the Mahanoy Area School District. While he does not know them personally, Merchlinsky said he hopes to raise awareness about the donation program that could help them in the future. "It's a small town, so I feel close to everybody in my school," Merchlinsky said. "They could use stem cells one day, so I hope more people sign up to be on the registry." Merchlinsky said he has thought about blood and organ donation in the past, but he never had the opportunity before now. "I always thought, 'If I don't need it, take it from me,' " Merchlinsky said. "I'm glad I was finally able to do something." LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is working with countries across the European Union to encourage them to accept its fully vaccinated travellers, its business minister said on Thursday, as momentum builds for a fuller reopening of travel from the United Kingdom. Throughout May and June Britain has only permitted very limited quarantine-free travel, but the government has said that it will set out details this month of plans to allow fully vaccinated people avoid self-isolation on return from top destinations like Spain and France. That rule change will come in by July 26, the first full week of the school holidays, The Times newspaper reported. However, travel for those from Britain will also depend on countries allowing them in, and concern about a rise in the UK's COVID cases sparked by the Delta variant has prompted Italy, Portugal and Spain to tighten their entry requirements. British business minister Kwasi Kwarteng said there were talks with EU countries to ensure travel could take place. "We feel that the double vaccination does provide really, really first class support and protection against the variant, all the evidence suggests that, and we need to speak to EU governments and other countries to make that case," he told Sky News. Britain is close to agreeing a deal with Brussels whereby its National Health Service (NHS) app would be accepted as proof of a double vaccination by the EU, and in return the UK would accept the bloc's new digital green card for travel, The Times said. That could avoid difficulties like those in Malta in recent days, where the Maltese government has not been accepting proof via the NHS app. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel at his Chequers official country residence on Friday, when the pair will discuss travel restrictions. Merkel has been pressing for the EU to impose quarantine on all British arrivals but individual countries like Spain have so far rejected that. (Reporting by Kate Holton, writing by Sarah Young; editing by Michael Holden) Gavin Newsom. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images On Sept. 14, California voters will hit the polls to decide whether they should recall Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) or let him finish out his term. On Thursday, California's secretary of state certified that the campaign to recall Newsom received 1.7 million petition signatures. Under state law, Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis (D) had to schedule the election within 60 to 80 days after the signatures were certified. It was estimated by the California Department of Finance that this special election will cost $276 million. This was the sixth recall effort launched since Newsom took office in January 2019, but the first to gain enough signatures to trigger an election. Organizers were given five extra months to gather and submit 1.4 million petition signatures, with a judge saying they needed this time because of COVID-19, the Los Angeles Times reports. This latest effort was spearheaded by conservatives who disagree with Newsom's progressive policies and his decision to lock down California to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Newsom has blasted the recall organizers as being disgruntled supporters of former President Donald Trump, QAnon adherents, and fringe members of the far-right, the Times reports. Recent opinion polls show that with the economy surging and the statewide restrictions lifted, Newsom has favorable job approval ratings. To fight the recall, Newsom is allowed to fundraise and spend with no limit, and his anti-recall committee has already raised more than $16.7 million. Voters will decide if Newsom should be recalled, and if so, who should replace him; he is not allowed to appear on the ballot as a candidate. His opponents have until 59 days before the election to file their formal paperwork, and already several Republicans have said they will run against Newsom, including reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner and businessman John Cox. Cox lost the gubernatorial race to Newsom in 2018 the same year Newsom won by the largest electoral margin in modern state history. Story continues California has only recalled one governor: Democrat Gray Davis, who was removed from office in 2003 amid statewide budget cuts and rolling blackouts. Action movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced Davis the last Republican to serve as California's governor. You may also like Anti-woke zealots are trying to politically purge the military Cosby reportedly might sue Pennsylvania county after prison release Judge denies Britney Spears' request to remove father from conservatorship Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney defended her acceptance of a position on the Jan. 6 special committee despite the risk of being tossed off her Republican committee assignments. Cheney, a top GOP detractor of former President Donald Trump, is the only Republican member among the nine-member panel to be appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, Thursday to investigate the events of Jan. 6 on the Capitol this year. MCCARTHY WARNS CHENEY COULD LOSE COMMITTEES AFTER PELOSI APPOINTMENT TO JAN. 6 BODY That day, Trump supporters breached the Capitol to protest the certification of the presidential election results. Cheney was among 10 Republicans who voted to impeach the former Republican president over instigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. However, the Wyoming Republican later lost her leadership post as conference chairwoman as the rift between her, the GOP leadership team, and the rank-and-file membership grew wider. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy suggested Cheney lose her committee assignments by accepting Pelosis appointment to the special committee. I don't know in history where someone would go get their committee assignments from the speaker and expect them to have them from the conference as well, McCarthy said. However, Cheney appeared unfazed by the California Republicans remarks. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Listen, I think it's clear to all the people on this committee that our Constitution, our duty, our dedication to the rule of law, and the peaceful transfer of power has to come above any concern about partisanship or politics, she told reporters, later saying McCarthy had not spoken to her about losing any committee assignments. She added, I think that that's crucially important. I'm honored to be on this committee. We have an obligation to have a thorough, sober investigation of what happened on Jan. 6 and the attack on the Capitol on that day. Washington Examiner Videos Story continues Tags: News, Congressional Republicans, Congress, House GOP, Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney, January 6 Original Author: Kerry Picket Original Location: Cheney defends Jan. 6 panel participation despite committee loss threat The Daily Beast YouTube/Rise of the MoorsA cadre of armed men from a militia group called the Rise of the Moors shut down a highway outside of Boston for more than nine hours on Saturday morning after allegedly refusing to comply with police orders and taking off into the woods with guns.The group says on their website that theyre Moorish Americans dedicated to educating new Moors and influencing our Elders. In YouTube videos of the incident, they claimed they were only trying to travel peacefully to their China's President Xi Jinping has warned that foreign powers will "get their heads bashed" if they attempt to bully or influence the country. He delivered a defiant speech at an event marking the centenary of the ruling Communist Party on Thursday. Mr Xi also said Beijing would not allow "sanctimonious preaching", in remarks widely seen as directed at the US. It comes as China faces criticism over alleged human rights abuses and its crackdown in Hong Kong. Relations between the US and China have worsened in recent times over trade, espionage and the pandemic. The issue of Taiwan is also a major source of tension. While democratic Taiwan sees itself as a sovereign state, Beijing views the island as a breakaway province. The US, under its own laws, is required to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself should Beijing use force to take the island back. On Thursday Mr Xi said China maintains an "unshakeable commitment" to unification with Taiwan. "No one should underestimate the resolve, the will and ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said. Military aircraft flew in formation to mark the 100th anniversary In response, Taiwan said it was determined to defend its sovereignty and democracy. "Beijing should introduce democratic reforms, such as party competition, and respect for human rights while behaving as a responsible regional player," the island's Mainland Affairs Council was quoted as saying by the Taiwan News website. The 100th anniversary celebrations on Thursday morning saw military jet fly-pasts, cannon salutes and patriotic songs played. A carefully vetted crowd were in attendance in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, many of whom were not wearing masks. The country has seen a media blitz in recent weeks promoting a party-approved version of China's history. Hong Kong is also marking its handover anniversary on the same day. People in the streets of Beijing waving at planes flying in formation to Tiananmen Square What stood out in Xi's message? Mr Xi, who spoke for around an hour, reiterated the role of the party in modern China, saying that it has been central to the country's growth and that attempts to separate it from the people would fail. Story continues "Only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China," he said, referring to the system under which the party embraced markets to reform the economy. He added that "we will never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China". "Anyone who dares try to do that will have their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people," he said. The celebrations at Tiananmen Square saw massive crowds China has repeatedly accused the US of trying to curb its growth - and these comments are also seen as a reference to Washington. On Hong Kong and Macau - which he said both retain a "high degree of autonomy" - they should "accurately implement the principles of 'one country, two systems'", which underpinned the deal for Britain and Portugal to return the territories to China. Analysis box by Robin Brant, Shanghai correspondent Xi Jinping, modern China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, wore a light grey suit which appeared to be identical to the one worn by the Communist Party founder in the famous portrait that adorns one side of Tiananmen Square. Mr Xi praised his people for the "new world" he said they had created. What he was also saying was that this is a world that could not have come into being without the Party. At one point military jets flew over the crowd in formation of the number 100; flown by pilots loyal to the Party and the people. It's easy to forget when you live here but a key part of the Communist Party strategy has been to try to morph the Party and the machinery of government and the perception of the nation of China into one. They attribute any success, progress, advancement - and there has been phenomenal economic advancement - to the people and the government but most of all the Party. Just to make sure the message went out loud and clear, at the end of the ceremony, the crowd sung a song called "Without the Communist Party There Would Be No New China". How did China prepare for this anniversary? The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which was founded in 1921, came to power 72 years ago after a long civil war. In that time the country has undergone massive changes - but some of these milestones were conspicuously missing in the propaganda drive. On Monday, an art performance titled The Great Journey was staged at the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing, where performers put on extravagant set-pieces detailing the history of the party and country. But significant events such the Cultural Revolution purges, the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, and the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong were missing, reported AFP news agency. The Great Journey showcased party history highlights, but some chapters were reportedly omitted A segment of Monday's show was dedicated to how China beat Covid-19 Since April, Chinese cinemas were ordered to screen propaganda films, known as "red films", at least twice a week. A song, called 100%, that praised China's achievements and featured 100 rappers was also released. "Red tourism" has also become popular, with travel companies such as Ctrip launching 100 unique routes for "red pilgrims". Tourists have been thronging "red tourism" sites such as the Memorial of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai But not all were pleased with the propaganda. "Now when I turn on the TV at night, dozens of stations are airing dramas about revolutionary wars," a Beijing resident told BBC Chinese. Reporting by Waiyee Yip and BBC Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday marked his Communist Partys 100th anniversary from Tiananmen Square and struck a bellicose tone, reconfirming Chinas historic mission to control Taiwan while warning other countries not to interfere. Bloomberg reported that Xi said that no foreign forces will ever "coerce and enslave us." "Whoever attempts to do that, will surely break their heads on the steel Great Wall built with the blood and flesh of 1.4 billion of Chinese people," he said. Xi did not mention any country by name, but the message was clearly intended for the West, in particular the U.S. President Biden has made it clear that China is the biggest geopolitical challenge for the U.S. In February, he announced the formation of a Defense Department China Task Force to assess the future challenge from China; earlier this month, G7 member states agreed to an initiative aimed at challenging Chinas Belt and Road Initiative. Bilahari Kausikan, the former Singapore senior diplomat, told CNBC on Wednesday that the Taiwan issue is the "most dangerous" flashpoint between the U.S. and China. He said he believes "nuclear deterrence" will keep the peace. Xi called Chinas commitment to unify itself with Taiwan "unshakable" and said promised "resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward Taiwan independence." The crowd cheered Xis comments. Taiwan and China separated amid civil war in 1949 and China says it is determined to bring the island under its control by force if necessary. The U.S. switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979, but is legally required to ensure Taiwan can defend itself and the self-governing democratic island enjoys strong bipartisan support in Washington. Washington maintains a policy of "strategic ambiguity" when it comes to Taiwan. Doug Bandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, wrote in April that White House Spokeswoman Jen Psaki tried to describe what that means. Story continues "Our position on Taiwan remains clear. We will stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the IndoPacific region," she said. He responded, "Whatever that means." He continued, "Taiwanese officials have told me that they expect American support even if their behavior, such as a declaration of independence, triggered Chinese action. And Beijing officials consistently express skepticism that Washington would act against its own interest, risking, as one Chinese general put it, Los Angeles for Taipei." Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at his confirmation hearing there is "no doubt" China poses the greatest threat of any nation to the U.S. and the Trump administration was right to take a tougher stance against the Asian power. GET THE FOX NEWS APP "President Trump was right in taking a tougher approach to China," said Blinken, who served as then-Vice President Bidens national security advisor before being elevated to deputy secretary of state under Barack Obama. "Not the way he went about it in a number of ways, but the basic principle was right." The Associated Press contributed to this report Over 100 workers at Clarks shoes are considering strike action as the company threatens to dismiss them and rehire them on worse terms. The union says it is another example of a controversial practice which has become increasingly widespread. Clarks has been losing money for years, and was taken over by a Hong Kong-based private equity firm in February. A company spokesperson confirmed it is consulting with employees about employment terms. 109 of the 145 workers in the Clarks warehouse in Somerset are on contracts signed before the private equity takeover, which are more generous than those offered to recent hires. They are being asked to accept a new contract which would reduce pay by around 15%, along with three fewer days' holiday, worse sickness terms, and eliminate 10-minute breaks and complimentary hot drinks. Clarks will this week file official paperwork to begin a 45-day consultation, after which it could dismiss all its workers and offer to rehire them on the new contracts. Community, the trade union representing employees, has said all options are being considered to fight the move, which could include strike action. A Clarks spokesperson said: "Clarks is currently consulting with unions and employees at our Westway Distribution Centre in Street, Somerset on proposed changes to employment terms and conditions for all operatives. "As we are in a period of consultation, we are unable to comment any further at this time." The BBC understands that Clarks is still hoping to find a negotiated solution which does not involve firing and rehiring any workers. The workers on the new contracts could see their pay rise under new employment terms. Clarks has around 460 stores in the UK and hundreds more around the world Clarks was losing money before the pandemic, and has been hit hard in lockdown. It is expected to report a significant loss when it files its next set of annual accounts. "The workers most adversely impacted by these changes are those who have been employees for decades, sticking with the company through thick and thin, stepping up in the last year during the challenging pandemic period," said John Paul McHugh, Assistant General Secretary from Community. Story continues "Fire-and-rehire is no way to thank your employees or your customers. We ask Clarks to call off the diminishing of terms and conditions." Founded in Somerset in 1825 by two brothers, Cyrus and James, Clarks shoe shops became a fixture on the British high street. It currently has 460 UK stores and over 700 more around the world. Workers in shops are not affected by the proposed changes. Earlier this year Hong Kong-based private equity group LionRock Capital bought a majority stake for 100m, as the Clark family lost control of the business for the first time in nearly two centuries. Unions say disputes about fire and rehire tactics have become more common since the pandemic What is fire-and-rehire? When an employer wants to change workers' employment contracts, often to reduce costs, they can sometimes dismiss all the affected workers and offer to re-engage them on new contracts - known as "fire-and-rehire". The controversy about this practice has become more intense following the pandemic. The list of recent disputes involving alleged fire-and-rehire tactics includes British Airways, Coffee maker Jacobs Douwe Egberts, British Gas, bus company Go North West, and Tesco. A study into fire-and-rehire by the conciliation service ACAS found evidence of the practice at small- and medium-sized employers too. Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP, as well as trades unions, have called for it to be banned. The government has no plans to ban it but has said it should be used only as a last resort, not a negotiating tactic. EXCLUSIVE: Sources tell theGrio that bipartisan talks to reach a deal on the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act have a hit a wall due the influence of police organizations on Senate Republicans House Majority Whip James Clyburn is stepping in and calling his fellow South Carolinian, Republican Senator Tim Scott, to keep the negotiations alive as sources tell theGrio that the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act is collapsing. Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham, also of South Carolina, has been having weekly conversations with George Floyd family attorney Ben Crump to make sure the proposed legislation will be meaningful to the Floyd family and other families of loved ones killed by the hands of police. Sen. Scott has also made calls to Mr. Crump. The Floyd family has said repeatedly that this legislation has George Floyds blood on it and therefore has to be meaningful. Philonise Floyd, brother of George Floyd, speaks with other members of the Floyd family as they answer questions outside the White House following a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden May 25, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) The nation is on standby for Senator Scotts formal plan on police reform that is expected sometime this week after the lawmaker missed Wednesdays original deadline. It remains unclear when Scotts version of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act will be released, however, the police reform framework is said to be in place. Scott had been negotiating with Democrats U.S. Rep. Karen Bass of California and Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey in what had been called in the past good faith negotiations. Their negotiations, however, have stalled, causing Congressman Clyburn to reportedly step in. Following theGrios reporting on his involvement in negotiations, Whip Clyburn told theGrio late Wednesday that he is doing everything he can to help the negotiators get to a good place. Whats more, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who served as special prosecutor in the case against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, told theGrio he supports Clyburns efforts at playing broker between Democrats and Republicans. Story continues If anybody can pull it off its him, Ellison said. The main source of the delay comes from attempts to get buy-in from policing organizations that are not in support of the accountability and transparency aspects of reforming or eliminating qualified immunity for law enforcement. Organizations like the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives and the National Sheriffs Association are against the financial costs of lawsuits that could be laid against officers and police departments if qualified immunity is no longer in effect. Their concern is that departments could bankrupt as a result. There are also reports of soft lobbying by the organizations to congressional leaders to sway them to support police immunity. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during Wednesdays press briefing there are ongoing discussions between Democrats and Republicans. She added, Police reform is long overdue and they will not get ahead of the negotiations. White House press secretary Jen Psaki (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) Negotiations have been called a mess and in total disarray as sources close to the process contend mainstream police organizations wont agree to anything. There are difficult components of this discussion. A lot of those are happening in private which is the place where they should move forward, Psaki explained. Congressman Andre Carson (D-Ind.) is on several sides of the spectrum as a former police officer and as a Black man who at the age of 17 was profiled on the basis of race and religion when he was arrested outside of a mosque in Indianapolis in 1991. Carson was jailed during the incident as the then young civilian was mistaken as an older man due to his height. U.S. Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) (Photo by Jacquelyn Martin Pool/Getty Images) Qualified immunity was established to protect officers, Carson told theGrio, adding we have seen so much access and abuse by law enforcement. We have seen the public influence of white supremacists and white nationalist sympathizers and empathizers. In police agencies and sheriff departments across our country many of these actors are killing men and women without retribution, without justice [and] a level of accountability. Over 90% of cases in which Black people are shot by police end in the officer involved getting the case dismissed due to qualified immunity, said attorney Ben Crump. Have you subscribed to theGrios Dear Culture podcast? Download our newest episodes now! TheGrio is now on Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Roku. Download theGrio.com today! The post Clyburn steps in to save collapsing negotiations on George Floyd policing act appeared first on TheGrio. A Columbia University professor who expressed his gratitude to Dr. Anthony Fauci for downplaying the possibility that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology maintains close ties to China, including Chinese Communist Party members. Walter Ian Lipkin, a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, who is known as a "virus hunter," thanked Fauci last year for publicly dismissing notions that the virus could have originated and leaked from the Wuhan lab. Fauci's coronavirus-related emails showed that he had worked behind the scenes to sow doubt about the virus leaking from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Washington Examiner noted in early June. SEN. COTTON SAYS DR. FAUCI, NIH NEED TO COME CLEAN ABOUT WUHAN LAB FUNDING "We deeply appreciate your efforts in steering and messaging," Lipkin wrote to Fauci on May 5, 2020, a day after he cast doubt on the lab leak theory. The "we" referenced in Lipkin's email to Fauci appears to include a Chinese government figure. As part of the message, Lipkin forwarded an email from Chen Zhu, China's former Minister of Health, who is currently a vice-chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China. Li Zhanshu, a prominent figure in the Chinese Communist Party and a top advisor to China President Xi Jinping, chairs that governmental body. The entire contents of Zhu's message are unknown due to redactions made before the email's release to Buzzfeed News, which obtained Fauci's coronavirus communications through a Freedom of Information Act request. The publication received and made public 3,200 pages of Fauci's email correspondence. (Lipkin's email begins on page 706). In addition to his government ties, Zhu also acts as president of the Red Cross Society of China, an entity that claims it is independent of state control. China's Red Cross, however, is funded and directed by the Chinese government. The honorary president of China's Red Cross, Wang Qishan, is also a member of the Chinese Communist Party and assists President Xi Jinping on foreign issues. Story continues Lipkin and Zhu's relationship dates back to at least the early 2000s, when the pair had worked together on the SARS outbreak. At the time, Lipkin had served as an intermediary between the World Health Organization and the Chinese government. In late January 2020, Lipkin traveled back to China to study the coronavirus outbreak. As part of the effort, he partnered with a Chinese research crew spearheaded by Lu Jiahai, a public health professor at Sun Yat-sen University. This institution is subordinate to China's Ministry of Education. Luo Jun, a Chinese Communist Party member, steers the university. DR. FAUCI 'CAUGHT LYING' TO CONGRESS AFTER BOOK EXPOSES DETAILS OF WUHAN LAB-LINKED GRANT, LAWMAKER SAYS Lipkin shot down the lab leak theory just two weeks after reentering China. During an NPR segment in mid-February 2020, Lipkin said they had "examined the possibility that some have suggested that this virus might have originated in a biocontainment lab or might be some sort of biologically defined weapon." They had found "no evidence for that whatsoever," he said. Before returning to China, Lipkin's extensive history with prominent Chinese researchers and government officials had earned him several accolades from the communist body. In 2016, the Chinese government presented Lipkin with the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, the country's highest honor to foreign scientists. The ceremony was presided by President Xinping. "I am deeply honored by this award," Lipkin said at the time. "It solidifies my relationship with dear friends and colleagues in the Chinese Academy of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, and with the people of China." In early January of this year, Lipkin was presented with a medal at the Chinese Consulate of New York. China's Central Government, Central Military Commission, and State Council provided the award. Lipkin has also praised China's response and transparency early on in the coronavirus pandemic, despite indications that the Chinese government engaged in a cover-up. Lipkin did not respond to a request for comment. FAUCI HAS NOT BEEN EXACTLY HONEST, QUESTIONS ON WUHAN LAB FUNDING MUST BE ANSWERED: NANCY MACE During the onset of the pandemic, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., raised measured questions about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which ignited condemnation from Democrats and many media outlets, who chalked them up as "fringe conspiracy theories." Then-President Trump, likewise, consistently questioned whether the virus had leaked from the lab, further igniting left-wing media and political figures to paint the lab leak as a fringe theory. However, the media and other skeptics have made an about-face and are now saying the lab leak theory deserves further investigation. Reports emerged stating that China had controlled an on-site World Health Organization inspection, including who the researchers spoke to at the lab. Lipkin wasn't the only person to shower Fauci with praise for his messaging on the lab. Peter Daszak, a zoologist who leads EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit that directed nearly $600,000 in National Institutes of Health sub-awards to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study bat coronaviruses, also thanked him for his public comments. "I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology," Daszak wrote to Fauci in April 2020. "From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus's origins," Daszak said. Daszak's nonprofit provided $1.3 million in funds to Lipkin's institution, Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2020, the group's tax forms show. GREGG JARRETT: COVID AND CHINA DR. FAUCI'S TANGLED WEB OF DECEIT JUST GOT BIGGER Columbia has received millions in foreign funding from China. According to the College Foreign Gift and Contract Report database, which relies on universities self-reporting their foreign cash, the university has raked in at least $17.7 million from China for research, facilities and professorships. Columbia did not provide a comment on the funding. China conducts numerous influence campaigns within the United States, including targeting institutes of higher learning. "China is in a league of their own; there's no question about it," Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., told Fox News in a video interview (above). "I saw it as an FBI agent where I worked for 14 years, where we did counterintelligence, cybersecurity, counter-terrorism investigations. The one thing we learned about China and I now sit on the Intelligence Committee, which is confirmed, everything I was getting briefed on as an agent is that what China does and other countries do the same is they identify what they call the spheres of influence." "China's identified five [spheres of influence] essentially in the United States," he added. "It's academia; it's the media, it's Big Tech, it's Hollywood and professional sports. They view those as the five influencers of human behavior in American culture. Essentially what they try to do is silent sabotage soft influence old government approach where they nestle in and engrain themselves in these institutions financially to make people economically dependent on them, and then they use that as a platform to get their message out - mainly in propaganda." Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., echoed a similar sentiment concerning China and academia to Fox News. "I would say it's been going on for a couple of years, very, very subtly with the Confucius Institutes that were widespread in the country," Foxx added. "Some of us have raised the issue many years ago probably 10, 12 years ago about our concern with the Confucius Institutes. It's taken a while for people to start paying attention to it, but we believe they are trying to change the way Americans think about China. They're very subversive. They've changed their name now to Chinese Cultural and Language Institutes and they claim they're teaching the Chinese language." "One of the things we're concerned about is the Chinese trying to make American students believe that the communists in China are good people," Foxx said. "They want them to believe that the culture in China is good, and we know the culture of China is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party - and that is definitely not good for Americans." CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Columbia University was the only Ivy League school to host a Confucius Institute, which it has since quietly dissolved. But while the institute was in operation, the university had failed to disclose at least $1 million in Chinese government funding towards it, the Washington Free Beacon reported. Part of that money was used for professor Dedong Wei, an adviser to the Chinese regime's propaganda department, to lead the institute. As China pours significant sums into universities across the United States to expand its influence, its actual cash totals remain unknown. A Department of Education probe into universities last year found $6 billion in unreported funds from foreign countries, including China. Joe Schoffstall is a Washington, D.C.-based reporter for Fox News. Bill Cosby arrives at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pa., for a sentencing hearing in September 2018 after his sexual assault conviction. (Matt Rourke / Associated Press) Bill Cosby, who is accused of drugging and assaulting dozens of women over many decades, walked out of a maximum-security prison in Pennsylvania on Wednesday. He was three years into a three- to 10-year sentence after being convicted of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, who once considered him a friend and mentor. He was freed after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his conviction on three counts of aggravated indecent assault, saying the prosecution should never have occurred in the first place. This is not what anyone who cares about punishing powerful miscreants would have wished for, but its hardly the victory Cosbys lawyer proclaimed. His reputation is in tatters, and regardless of this latest twist, everyone knows the man spent decades preying on defenseless women. Convicted and imprisoned in 2018 at the dawn of the MeToo era, Cosby is now about to turn 84. The court did not toss his conviction after the discovery of new, exculpatory evidence, nor did it weigh in on his guilt. Far from it. Instead, in a 79-page decision, the court found that prosecutors wrongly brought Cosby to trial. Why? Because years earlier, in 2005, a previous prosecutor, Montgomery County Dist. Atty. Bruce Castor, declined to bring charges against the star, who was accused of drugging, then fondling an unconscious Constand at his home near Philadelphia in 2004. At the time, Castor said that unless Cosby confessed, he did not think he could prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, and he told Cosby he would not be prosecuted. Castors decision not to proceed with a criminal case was calculated to give at least some measure of justice to Constand, because it removed Cosby's ability to invoke his 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination and thus meant he had to answer questions under oath in her civil lawsuit against him. Constand won $3.38 million, most of which, the Supreme Court noted, went to her attorneys. Castor's decision not to prosecute, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided, amounted to a promise that Cosbys testimony in his civil deposition would never be used against him in criminal court. Story continues But the prosecutor who succeeded Castor did not see it that way and filed criminal charges against him in 2015, just days before the 12-year statute of limitations expired. As it happened, Cosby did incriminate himself during the course of four sworn depositions in Constand's civil lawsuit. He said the pills he gave Constand were Benadryl and claimed their interactions were consensual, but he also testified that in the past, he had illegally given Quaalude, a prescription sedative, to women he wanted to have sex with, a fact that was indeed used against him in the 2018 criminal trial. That confession, combined with the testimonies of five other women who said he had drugged and assaulted them between 1982 and 1989, helped establish not only that he had a pattern of prior bad acts but also that there were so many chilling similarities that his behavior constituted a signature. (Nineteen women had been willing to testify; the judge allowed only five of them to do so to avoid prejudicing the jury. A total of 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct.) Its horrifying to read the Supreme Courts recap of Castors 2005 decision not to bring charges against Cosby. It reads like a litany of victim-blaming. The prosecutor faulted Constand for waiting a year to contact police. For contacting an attorney before going to authorities. For inconsistencies in her story. For continuing to interact with Cosby after he drugged and assaulted her, behavior he wrongly concluded was atypical in such situations. Sixteen years later, I hope prosecutors have put to rest these damaging shibboleths about how women are supposed to behave after men they work for, admire or depend on violate them. On Wednesday afternoon, attorney Gloria Allred said she is looking forward to deposing Cosby in a civil lawsuit she has filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on behalf of Judith Huth, who alleges Cosby assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion in 1974 when she was 15. The case was stayed pending resolution of Cosbys criminal appeal and can now resume. Thanks to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Cosby will not be allowed to take the 5th. Mr. Cosby, said Allred, who has represented 33 of his alleged victims, is not home free. @AbcarianLAT This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. On Wednesday, Yale Universitys prestigious drama school made two interconnected announcements. One was that it was renaming itself the David Geffen Yale School of Drama. The second was the reason for the first: the Hollywood mogul and founder of the DreamWorks SKG studio had given the school a huge donation of $150 million. As a result, Yale said, the school of drama will no longer be charging its students tuition. Yale also called the donation the largest in the history of the American theater, although there has been a striking amount of billionaires money going to the arts in recent weeks. The latest philanthropic announcement of MacKenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos included many arts groups, including Chicagos National Museum of Mexican Art and Black Ensemble Theater, among a stunning $2.74 billion giveaway of Amazon-induced wealth. That was the third such Scott announcement within a year, part of a combined $8 billion within a single year. And a hefty chunk has gone to the arts. Scott is so rich, her efforts dwarf federal funding in the sector, even allowing for special pandemic relief. Columns are opinion content that reflect the views of the writers. But where Scott has favored what she calls equity-oriented nonprofit teams capable of a high impact, Geffen has ponied up cash to a more traditional party: a prestigious Ivy League university. On the face of it, its excellent news. Arts graduates, especially those who remain in such fields as theater and dance, are notoriously underpaid, especially early in their careers. Theyre also less likely to find work than in other fields. All of that inevitably has an impact on their ability, or inability, to pay back student debt, especially that coming from private colleges and universities. A typical consequence is that talented but debt-laden young artists often are forced to leave the field, or they find themselves burned out from the need to work a day job and still practice their art. And that usually means that the kind of internships and foot-in-the-door positions that get you into a Hollywood studio, say, or on a Netflix shoot, are dominated by wealthy young people who did not need to go into debt to get a degree. And thats fundamentally unfair. Story continues As you might expect, Yale heralded the new arrangement as a blow against student debt in favor of equity and accessibility. David Geffens visionary generosity ensures that artists of extraordinary potential from all socioeconomic backgrounds will be able to cultivate their talent at Yale, said Yale president Peter Salovey, in a statement. (Yales School of Music also offers tuition-free places thanks to a gift from Stephen and Denise Adams in 2005). And Salovey doubled down with Geffens money, arguing a version of those knock-on effects beloved of economic-impact studies in the arts that count the subsequent spending of those who have jobs in the field. Our students help drive creativity and innovation across all fields during their time at Yale and after they graduate, he said. So, Davids transformative gift will have a ripple effect in our community and around the world. In other words, thanks to Geffen, you might be watching a stage director who could not otherwise have afforded to go to Yale then give an opportunity to a dancer from somewhere else entirely. So the fascinating idea is that the free tuition even can expand exponentially to help yet more artists. Its an interesting argument, rarely applied to philanthropy in education, but Salovey, a social psychologist, makes a decent case. Free tuition can indeed help other people, assuming the graduates who benefited then work in collaborative professions that typically struggle with issues of equity and economic opportunity. So who loses? Any arts school not named Yale University and lacking a close relationship with a generous billionaire like Geffen. From this point on, it becomes more difficult not only to charge high tuition but, really, any tuition at all. Yales competitors will surely have realized that their jobs suddenly became far more difficult. If the leading program in the country (arguably) declares itself to be free, even for students from high-income families, those lower down the pike have one heck of a tough sell. And thats a downside: there are only so many places at Yale and, notwithstanding graduate programs that employ teaching assistants, very few schools that can make a similar offer. In other words, this is a huge benefit but only for a few. And it will destabilize everything. Thats good thing, you might say. Schools have a moral responsibility to control their own costs and not send impressionable young artists into debt. If this shakes out a few players, that might be good. On the other hand, it puts a lot of power in the hands of the billionaires of the world. Yale will need to ensure no Geffen interference in what its graduates do, either in school or beyond. The two are linked now for a students lifetime. Patronage has existed as long as there have been impecunious artists and those who support them. At Yale, it is now arriving when you join the drama school. Chris Jones is a Tribune critic. cjones5@chicagotribune.com Sen. Steve Daines is introducing a resolution on Thursday condemning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on its anniversary, decrying the authoritarian regime for its "tyrannical ambitions" that have destroyed "countless lives." Daines, R-Mont., follows Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., who introduced a similar resolution in the House of Representatives last week along with bipartisan co-sponsors including House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., and Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J. "Over the past 100 years, the Chinese Communist Party has overseen the deaths of millions and committed countless more human rights and religious freedom violations in its tyrannical reign of terror." Daines said in a statement. "While Chinas dictators may celebrate today, Americans must remember the lives and freedoms that have been destroyed and those still living in fear of the CCP. We can never turn a blind eye to the crimes against humanity that the CCP has, and continues to, commit." Daines' resolution recounts millions who were killed by the CCP during its history, including approximately 4.7 million landowners from 1949 to 1953; 712,000 "Counter-revolutionaries" killed and 1.3 million sentenced to labor reform between 1950 and 1952; and 30 million who died as a result of the Great Famine. CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY CONDEMNED BY BIPARTISAN RESOLUTION FOR 100 YEARS OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES The resolution also notes about 1 million Uighur Muslims who have been the subject of genocide in recent years, China's menacing of Taiwan, and its complete takeover of Hong Kong. "[T]he Senate solemnly remembers the countless lives that the Chinese Communist Party has destroyed and the people currently living in fear of its tyrannical ambitions," the resolution says. Many senators, especially Republicans, also have vocally condemned China over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed nearly 4 million people globally, though that is not included in the Daines resolution. Story continues The House resolution from Fitzpatrick also covered many of the same "grotesque human rights abuses" as the Daines resolution, and said that the House of Representatives "looks forward to the day that the Chinese Communist Party no longer exists." "Under the slogan of follow the party forever, General Secretary Xi Jinping is marking the occasion through a wave of propaganda and triumphalism, especially about the party's earliest days, rewriting history," Gallagher said in a Tuesday press conference about the CCP's anniversary. "And in Wuhan of all places, the party put on a giant light show. Buildings and bridges are being lit up with the hammer and sickle. CCP officials have even set up a website where individuals where individuals can report on their neighbors" who won't sufficiently support the party during the anniversary, Gallagher added. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Gallagher called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to bring the resolution to the floor, saying that Pelosi was previously "a very forceful denouncer of the CCP's human rights abuses in the aftermath of Tiananmen Square." The Senate is out so Daines' resolution won't be able to be voted on until at least July 12. But it is likely to get at least some verbal support from senators the chamber recently passed a sprawling bill aimed at competing with China economically and militarily with a significant bipartisan majority. Police in Dallas are asking for the publics help in a continued effort to identify and locate a gunman who shot and injured five victims, including a 4-year-old girl, police said. The shooter opened fire June 11 around 4:45 p.m. at an apartment complex at 378 North Jim Miller Road following a disturbance reported in the area, police said. The child who was shot was taken to Childrens Medical Center in Dallas in stable condition, according to police. Dallas police said the shooter was last seen in a black four-door sedan that sped away from the apartment complex. A man can be seen in the middle of a group of people standing in the parking lot of the complex before moving to the sidewalk and holding out his arm in a video released by police. While its not clear from the video itself, police say that man was holding a gun, pointing it at people who were in the group and firing before running back across the street within the complex to the black Kia Optima with paper license plates. Another car, which appears to be a silver or gray sedan, follows the Kia out of the parking lot. Police have made no mention of this vehicle, who might have been driving it or what they were doing. As the man police said was the shooter runs to his car, the people who were in the group flee down the parking lot, taking shelter behind vehicles. One woman can be seen carrying a small child. Police are asking anybody with information to contact Detective Yahir Perez at 214-671-4375 or yahir.perez@dallascityhall.com. TAMPA, FLORIDA - JUNE 28: Fans pose for a photo prior to Game 1 of the 2021 NHL Stanley Cup Final between the Tampa Bay Lightning and the Montreal Canadiens at Amalie Arena. (Photo by Julio Aguilar/Getty Images) Despite the "Canada versus USA" narrative in the 2021 Stanley Cup Final between the Montreal Canadiens and Tampa Bay Lightning, data shows that many Americans are actually rooting for the Habs. Information released Wednesday by online betting site BetOnline.ag showed that a large majority of states in the north and in the west are rooting for the Montreal team. The findings were based on aggregated Twitter data that looked at geotags and hashtags. Move over, Dallas Cowboys, there's a new "America's Team" in the house. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. On top of having encouragement from fans south of the border, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has voiced his support for Montreal, even making a friendly wager with United States President Joe Biden over the result of the series. The Government of Canadas Twitter account also jumped on board to wish the Habs good luck, which rubbed many Canadians the wrong way. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The last time a Canadian team made it to the finals was a decade ago in 2011, when the Vancouver Canucks fell to the Boston Bruins. When looking at the last time a Canadian team actually won the Stanley Cup, that would be in 1993 when the Habs themselves defeated the Los Angeles Kings with a 4-1 series win. The Habs fell to the Lightning 5-1 in Game 1, giving Tampa Bay the 1-0 series lead. But the two teams play again Wednesday night, when Montreal will have a chance to tie things up and give their fans in both countries reason to celebrate. More from Yahoo Sports Authorities in Canada, Oregon and Washington are investigating hundreds of deaths likely caused by the Pacific Northwest's worst heat wave on record, AP reports. Driving the news: Temperatures in the region have shattered records since Friday. Extreme heat ranks as the nation's top weather-related killer annually, according to the National Weather Service. Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free. People in the region are not used to heat of this magnitude, which has made this event an acute health risk, Axios' Andrew Freedman reports. The big picture: The office of the British Columbia chief coroner received reports of at least 486 "sudden and unexpected deaths" between Friday and Wednesday. Typically, around 165 die in the province over a five-day period. Oregon health officials said over 60 deaths in the state are tied to the heat, while Washington has reported more than a dozen heat-related deaths, according to AP. At least 45 deaths in Oregon's largest county were due to hyperthermia, or an abnormally high body temperature. The county saw only 12 hyperthermia deaths between 2017 and 2019. Those numbers are expected to rise, per AP. The heat wave has also driven more than 1,100 people to the hospital for possible heat-related illness as of Tuesday. Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free. Paul Hennessy/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Travelers head to the airport wearing masks The highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 is now spreading in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., according to the Centers for Disease Control. South Dakota was the last state in the nation to report a case with the variant, finding its first on Tuesday. Nationwide, around 26% of all COVID-19 cases are from the Delta variant. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious diseases expert, said Tuesday that he's "very concerned" about the Delta variant spreading in undervaccinated areas where people are at high risk, and said it could split the country into "two Americas": one in which the virus is circulating widely and the other with low rates because most residents are vaccinated. "When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among undervaccinated regions be that states, cities or counties you're going to see these individual types of blips," he said, CNN reported. "It's almost like it's going to be two Americas." RELATED: Fauci Says the Delta Variant Is the 'Greatest Threat' to Ending the COVID Pandemic in the U.S. Currently, 54.6% of all Americans have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 47% are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. However, many states are outliers in that total. Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island all have over 70% residents now fully vaccinated against COVID-19, while Alabama, Arkansas, Wyoming, Louisiana and Tennessee are at 44% or less, and Mississippi is at the bottom, with 38% fully vaccinated. RELATED VIDEO: Nurse Whose Husband Died of COVID Is on a Door-to-Door Vaccine Crusade: 'I Can Help Save Others' Globally, with the Delta variant circulating and lower rates of vaccinations, the World Health Organization has recommended that everyone, even those who are vaccinated, continue wearing masks indoors. That contrasts with the CDC's current guidelines, which allow for fully vaccinated people to forgo masks in nearly all indoor places. Story continues In response to the rise in cases with the Delta variant, and with the percentage of residents that are fully vaccinated hovering around 50%, Los Angeles County has advised that "everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places as a precautionary measure." RELATED: U.S. Health Secretary Says Unvaccinated People Are 'Vulnerable' to Highly Contagious Delta Variant CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, however, has said that the federal health agency does not intend to change its mask recommendations at this time. "We know that the WHO has to make guidelines and provide information to the world," she said on Today on Wednesday. "Right now, we know as we look across the globe that less than 15% of people around the world have been vaccinated, and many of those people have only received one dose of a two-dose vaccine. There are places around the world that are surging, and so as the WHO makes those recommendations, they do so in that context." With more Americans fully vaccinated, Walensky said that they are "really quite protected from the variants that we have circulating here in the United States." She added, though, that undervaccinated localities should consider increasing their mask guidance. "We've always said that local policymakers need to make policies for their local environment," Walensky said. "There are areas of this country where ... they have low vaccination rates, and there are areas that have more disease. ... So in those areas, we have always said please look, make suggestions." Two people died and four others were injured Thursday in a shooting and ensuing standoff with law enforcement in Spartanburg, South Carolina, according to police and media reports. Two city water employees, a sheriffs deputy and a woman were shot during the altercation but are expected to survive, officials said. A Charter Communications worker and another man believed to be the shooter died, WSPA reported. The Charter employee was identified as 49-year-old Perry James McIntyre, of Landrum, who was working inside the house at the time of the standoff, according to the TV station. We are devastated by the loss of our co-worker, and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time, Charter Communications said in a statement, according to WSPA. We are working with the Greenville County Sheriff as they investigate this tragic incident. The second person, identified as 45-year-old Shannon Earl Smith, died at the hospital, WSPA reported. The Greenville County Sheriffs Office said Smith is believed to have been the shooter, according to the TV station. The shooting occurred around 2:30 p.m. near Cleveland Park while a team was working to repair a sewer main, Jennifer Candler, spokesperson for Spartanburg Water, told WYFF. A man walked up, asked them what they were doing and started shooting, according to the TV station. The two city employees were taken to Spartanburg Regional Hospital, WSPA reported. In a tweet just before 8 p.m., Spartanburg Water said they were in good condition. We are grateful for the incredible work done today by Spartanburg law enforcement officials and first responders, Spartanburg Water said in a follow-up tweet. Our hearts are with all those impacted by todays senseless acts of violence, and we continue to hold them in our thoughts and prayers. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Law enforcement was called to the scene after the city employees were shot, Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright told media outlets during a news conference Thursday. Story continues We really dont know what triggered anything or what happened before we got there, he said. The suspect barricaded himself inside a nearby home and a standoff with law enforcement ensued. Major Art Littlejohn with the Spartanburg Police Department said they believed someone might be hurt inside, prompting law enforcement to try entering the house. During that time shots were fired, Littlejohn told reporters. Of course, shots were returned. A sheriffs deputy was hit in the gunfire. Wright said Littlejohn literally tore one of the banisters down, threw our deputy in the car and got him to the hospital. The deputy was shot twice in the arm and is expected to survive, Fox Carolina reported. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The standoff ended shortly before 5:30 p.m., Wright said. He said there were other people inside the house during the standoff. Their condition as well as the shooters was unknown as of Friday morning. Wright said they know who the suspect is but did not release any information about him. Dont know what started it. Its a crazy thing but we just dont know what started it, the sheriff said. The Greenville County Sheriffs Office is investigating the incident, Wright said. By Ezequiel, Abiu and Lopez SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) - Dominican health authorities will on Thursday begin distributing a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to protect against more contagious new variants of the coronavirus. The additional dose will be voluntary and will first be made available to medical professions, health officials said. The campaign will then move to older adults and those with health conditions that make them vulnerable to severe COVID-19. "The potential benefit far outweighs the possible collateral effects of a booster dose," said Health Minister Daniel Rivera in a news conference on Wednesday. People who received the AstraZeneca vaccine will get the third dose 12 weeks after their second shot. Those who received Sinovac Biotech's vaccine can get a third shot one month after their second dose. The Dominican Republic is facing a new surge in COVID-19 cases that has strained hospitals and sparked fears that new more easily transmissible variants of the virus could prolong the pandemic. The country, however, has so far reported 3,822 deaths from COVID-19 with a 1.18% fatality rate, one of the lowest in the region. The Pan American Health Organization, the regional office of the World Health Organization, has said there is no scientific evidence that more than two doses of COVID-19 vaccines were necessary. Just under half of the Dominican Republic's 10.5 million people have received at least one vaccine dose, according to government data. The country has distributed COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech and Sinovac. The government did not include those who received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which started arriving on June 11, in the third dose plan. Some laboratory studies and real-world data have shown the mRNA-based vaccine to be protective against concerning virus variants. (Reporting by Ezequiel Abiu Lopez; Writing by Cassandra Garrison; Editing by Bill Berkrot) French president Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace - AFP Emmanuel Macron on Thursday warned against the dangers of US-style woke culture in France, saying that debate in the country was becoming increasingly racialised. The French president said that creeping racial and identity politics risked fracturing the foundations of French society. "I see that our society is becoming progressively racialised," Mr Macron told Elle magazine in an interview coinciding with a UN-sponsored summit on gender inequality in Paris. In particular, he took aim at intersectionality, a notion popular in American academia that examines discrimination and poverty through social categories such as race and gender. "The logic of intersectionality fractures everything, said Mr Macron. "I stand for universalism. I don't agree with a fight that reduces everyone to their identity or their particularity," he went on. "Social difficulties are not only explained by gender and the colour of your skin, but also by social inequalities." The centrist 43-year-old, who is expected to run for re-election next spring, added that he could think of young white men in his hometown of Amiens or nearby Saint-Quentin in northern France "who also have immense difficulties, for different reasons, in finding a job. Compiling racial statistics is illegal in France, scarred by wartime ethnic profiling and officially colour-blind. To many scholars on race, however, the reluctance is part of a long history of denial over discrimination. Inspired by Black Lives Matter, France has seen a string of movements over the past year denouncing the problem of racism, notably linked to cases of police brutality, and the legacy of the country's colonial past in Africa and the Middle East. Critics, however, have warned against importing "woke culture from the "Anglo-Saxon" world, arguing that an obsession with race and the past traps minorities and women into seeing themselves as victms of oppression and discrimination. Story continues Among them, Elisabeth Moreno, black junior minister for gender equality and diversity in Mr Macrons government, recently slammed the threat of cancel culture and censorship in the name of political correctness. French president Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Moreno, French junior minister for diversity and gender equality at the Generation Equality Forum in Paris - AFP The woke culture is something very dangerous, and we shouldnt bring it to France, she told Bloomberg, adding that such discourse kick(s) out people from ongoing debates because they think otherwise. Everyone should fight discrimination. You cant ask someone not to speak about a topic because the person doesnt feel legitimate. It makes no sense, she said, adding that she refused to be seen as successful because of her gender or race, but for her accomplishments. French universalism means that, in the French Republic, we want to recognize people per se, not because they are women or LGBT+ or because they have a different ethnicity or whatever. This is not Mr Macrons first warning over the issue. Last June, he blamed universities for encouraging the ethnicisation of the social question - amounting to splitting the republic in two. The debate heated up in February when two veteran social scientists, Stephane Beaud and Gerard Noiriel, published a book critical of racial studies, saying race had become a bulldozer crushing other subjects. Shortly afterwards, Mr Macrons higher education minister, Frederique Vidal, sparked uproar in academia by ordering an investigation into cancel culture on campuses, accusing Leftist lecturers of turning a blind eye to Islamism because of perceived persecution of French Muslims. The French president's stance has received praise from Health Secretary Sajid Javid, who wrote in the Telegraph in November: "There are well-meaning officials who worry that Islamism, a term with credible and established meaning, could be seen as implicating the entire religion of Islam and all its diverse and peaceful adherents. "And there are woke activists who are quick to victim-blame the West and cry Islamophobia at all attempts to deal with the issue." Claims of censorial pressure came after the British government said it was bringing in legislation to defend free speech on UK campuses amid concerns about the rise of silencing and censoring both academics and students. Mr Macron is set to run for re-election next April in an election that polls currently suggest could see him face off against far-Right leader Marine Le Pen. Protesters for slain Spc. Vanessa Guillen in Los Angeles on July 12, 2020. Combatting sexual violence in the military is becoming more paramount as time passes. Between 2018 and 2019, restricted reports of sexual assault (those that weren't investigated per the victims' wishes) went up by 17%, and formal reports by 10%, according to Pentagon data released last year. In addition, military sexual assault harms female recruitment and retention. The Department of Defenses apparent inability to curb sexual violence threatens the most vulnerable and, as more roles have opened to women, perhaps the most needed military employees. In April, the Army released the full investigation into the April 2020 disappearance and death of Spc. Vanessa Guillen. The story of her harassment and killing went viral last year, prompting protests over the way the military addresses issues of sexual assault and violence against women. Accordingly, the I Am Vanessa Guillen Act was proposed last year. It allows for complaints about assault to be charged outside of the chain of command. Just last week, Senate and House leaders combined last year's efforts with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's Military Justice Improvement Act to get around roadblocks to reform. The new hybrid bill, the Vanessa Guillen Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act, is in the House and is an end run around Senate shenanigans. After years of being ignored, the idea of revamping military prosecution received support from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, who finally acknowledged that the ways the Department of Defense has been handling sexual assault cases havent been working. While the new hybrid bill is a sea change in how we tackle military justice, its potential to reduce sexual violence is limited. It won't stop sexual violence in the military because it only enhances accountability among adults and takes power away from generals acting as convening authorities. To prevent military sexual assault and harassment, we have to start earlier. Story continues I served in the Marine Corps for six years. While my primary job was being a logistics officer, I also served as a sexual assault uniformed victim advocate. I educated Marines of all ranks on sexual consent, examples of assault and harassment, how victims could respond to assault and victim blaming. Its well known that education is the path to prevention. Fiscal year 2018 and 2019 sexual assault reports by the Pentagon acknowledged that education and awareness are the best weapons against sexual misconduct. One report included input from nearly 500 personnel who desired more education on healthy relationships and consent. But by the time troops enlist, its already too late. Teaching at later ages requires unlearning on the pupils' part. By the time theyre adults, people have had more experience with intimate relationships where boundary violations may have been normalized. Adults might also see more gray areas, meaning they might have become accustomed to certain interpersonal encroachments being acceptable when theyre not. Consent is a black-and-white issue. As of June 1, only 18 states required K-12 sexual health education to even be medically accurate. Only nine states require that ideas centering around consent be worked into the lesson, and 28 states require curricula to stress the importance of abstinence. People ages 18 to 24 are already at a higher risk of being victimized, so it makes sense that colleges and the military would face real problems with sexual violence. People are most at risk once theyve left high school and are starting their adult lives. Though its worth noting that 1 in 3 female victims and 1 in 4 male victims were sexually assaulted between 11 and 17 years of age and perpetrators of child sexual abuse can be children, too. Congress cant mandate better sexual health education throughout all states, but they can use federal funding to motivate changes. And, critically, not enough states have meaningful curriculum on healthy romantic relationships communication, conflict resolution and personal boundaries perhaps because theres little inducement. Waiting to teach these lessons to adults, even younger ones, misses a crucial opportunity. Children are actually better at absorbing these instructions. They lack biases. A study published in 2018 on college sexual assault shows that comprehensive high school sex education with consent and healthy relationships verbiage can be a good strategy for preventing college sexual assault. But Congress knows this connection exists. In 2015, Sens. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., introduced the Teach Safe Relationships Act, after Kaine met with college students who pushed for teaching consent and healthy relationships before college. What could have been a great prevention strategy was never passed. Passing that bill for a program with concrete guidance centered around consent and healthy romantic relationships could have resulted in students getting critical information over the past six years. Guillens suspected killer, who was 20 when he allegedly beat her to death and later killed himself, would have been in high school in 2015 and possibly benefitted from those lessons. He was also accused of harassment. If the solution to military sexual violence was training adults exclusively, then the money the Defense Department already spends on annual sexual assault and harassment training might have produced better results. From 2008 to 2018, the military spent almost $200 million on sexual assault violence education. And a DOD report on military sexual assault shows an increase in annual reporting, to more than 6,000 incidents in fiscal year 2019. That doesnt include the unknown number of incidents that go unreported, often because victims feel they wont be believed or supported, that theyll face retribution, or that theyll be blamed. This doesnt mean the Department of Defense should abandon this training. The level of misconduct by troops shows that we need these modules. But theyre not enough. The additional help the Department of Defense needs must come from the elementary and secondary school systems Congress can and should help with that. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed last fall that Congress wont stop until we have finally, fully ended this epidemic in the military, in the workplace and in all places. But until that K-12 education happens everywhere more troops will be harmed getting us no closer to making military bases safer spaces. Kelsey Baker is a former Marine officer and military sexual assault victims advocate. She is now a freelance journalist. You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @usatodayopinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To respond to a column, submit a comment to letters@usatoday.com. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Laws alone won't end military sexual assault. Teach consent in K-12. Hate crimes against Asian Americans in California increased by 107% in 2020, according to a new report from the states Department of Justice. Behind the surge: The crimes spiked between March and April of last year when stay-at-home orders were given in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the report said. California saw a total of 89 hate crimes against Asian Americans reported in 2020, compared to 43 from the previous year. Of the reported crimes from last year, 72 were violent, an increase of 125% from just 32 in 2019. These crimes include simple assault and intimidation. The state also saw a 55% increase in reported property hate crimes -- 17 were reported last year, while 11 were reported in 2019. These include crimes such as arson, burglary, destruction, damage and vandalism. Of 18 different counties that reported anti-Asian hate crimes, San Luis Obispo had the highest victimization rate per 10,000 Asian residents. The bigger picture: Overall, hate crimes in California increased by 31% in 2020, with 1,330 cases reported. Of this number, 430 have been referred to prosecution, the Sacramento Bee noted. Hate crimes against African Americans made up the majority of reports in 2020 and were up by 87% from the previous year. Anti-white bias also increased from 39 in 2019 to 82 in 2020. Rob Bonta, the states first Filipino American attorney general, said that last year was not just about a deadly virus, but also an epidemic of hate. Despite the increase in statistics, hate incidents are still believed to be underreported. President of the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Carl Chan -- who fell victim to an attack himself in April -- encouraged others to come forward, saying there are solutions. Please dont be afraid. We are here together. Together, we can stop this, he said, according to The Mercury News. Bonta has developed prosecutor guidance and a law enforcement bulletin to ensure that state and local authorities can better respond to hate crimes. He has also released hate crime brochures in 25 languages for victims and members of the public. Featured Image via California Attorney General Rob Bonta Story continues Enjoy this content? Read more from NextShark! 15-Year-Old Boy, 52-Year-Old Woman Fall Victims in Separate Anti-Asian Incidents in NYC Man Faces Charges for 6 Anti-Asian Attacks in Neighborhood Fourth Doctor Who Worked With Coronavirus Whistleblower Dies Language Tutor Company Sparks Outrage After Ad is Accused of Demeaning Asian Women ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's withdrawal on Thursday from an international treaty to prevent violence against women is not a step backwards, President Tayyip Erdogan said, defending a move which has drawn condemnation from many Turks and Western allies. "Some circles are trying to portray our withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention as a step backwards in our battle with violence against women," he told an action plan meeting in Ankara. "Our battle did not start with the Istanbul Convention and it will not end with our withdrawal from the treaty," he said of the pact that was first forged and signed in Turkey's largest city in 2011. Erdogan announced in March the decision to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention. The move only took effect on Thursday, with thousands set to protest it across Turkey later in the day. (Reporting by Tuvan Gumrukcu and Ece Toksabay; Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Jonathan Spicer) MBABANE (Reuters) - The government of eSwatini has called in the army to restore order after days of violent protests against its absolute monarch, the acting prime minister said on Thursday. The southern African nation has since the weekend seen sporadic demonstrations against King Mswati III, some marred by rioting and looting. But most towns have been quiet since periodic Internet blackouts were imposed on Wednesday, witnesses said. Mswati's detractors accuse him of being an autocrat - a charge he denies - and of using a poor country's public money to fund a luxurious lifestyle spread over several palaces housing himself and his fifteen wives. The king has hardly been seen in public since recovering from COVID-19 in February, although his government denies reports that he fled abroad after protests on Monday. "While we continue to advocate...the right to protest, we cannot condone the attacks on people and their property. The ... riots are also in violation of COVID-19 regulations," Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku said in a statement. "We have had to call in the army to protect critical national infrastructure and enforce the COVID-19 regulations. (But) there has been no martial law," he added. Security forces have dispersed demonstrators with tear gas, gunshots and even low-flying helicopters, prompting diplomats and rights group to urge restraint. A curfew has been imposed from 6 p.m. until 5 a.m. "We urge the government to exercise restraint and also maintain the utmost respect for human rights," the U.S. State Department said on Wednesday. "The United States strongly supports ... freedom of peaceful assembly." Neighbour South Africa also called for restraint and "meaningful dialogue," while Amnesty International said the government had "systematically crushed freedom of expression". The former British protectorate periodically witnesses crackdowns on dissent, such as the arrest of opposition leaders and activists in 2019. (Reporting by Lunga Masuku, Writing and additional reporting by Tim Cocks, Editing by Angus MacSwan) By Sanjeev Miglani NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Germany and Spain are among nine countries in Europe who have told India they will accept travellers inoculated with Covishield, the Indian-made version of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, Indian foreign ministry sources said on Thursday. Friction emerged between India and Europe in recent days over the exclusion by the European Union vaccine passport programme of Covishield as one of its accepted vaccines. From Thursday, the programme allows anyone who is fully vaccinated with any of five Western-made vaccines - Moderna, Pfizer and BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca - travel freely within the bloc. The exclusion of Covishield, which is produced by India's Serum Institute using analogous methods to the EU-approved AstraZeneca vaccine Vaxzevria but does not have EU market authorisation, stoked anger and the treat of retaliatory measures by India against travellers from Europe. An Indian foreign ministry source said on Thursday that Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain and Switzerland had informed the Indian government that Covishield would be accepted for the purposes of travel. Estonia has said it will recognise all the vaccines authorised by the Indian government, the source said, which would include Covaxin that has been developed by local firm Bharat Biotech. Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyan Jaishankar tweeted earlier in the week that he had taken up the issue of authorisation of the Indian version of AstraZeneca during his meeting with EU representatives on the sidelines of a G20 foreign ministers meeting in Italy. Another foreign ministry source said that India had told the EU that it would lift quarantine requirements for anyone carrying the EU Digital Covid certificate, but they would have to allow equal access to Indians travelling with vaccines made in India. "We have also conveyed to EU Member States that India will institute a reciprocal policy for recognition of the EU Digital Covid Certificate," the second source said. Once the EU listed the two vaccines currently being administered in India in its digital certificate, then India will waive quarantine requirements from people coming from EU countries, the second source said. (Reporting by Sanjeev Miglani; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky) Jul. 1"The Farmer and the Chef" would be tantalizing enough for Southeast Minnesota foodies even if it were a run-of-the-mill cookbook. But this is a cookbook that aspires to be something more. One thing that separates it from traditional cookbooks is its focus on home-grown recipes. Within its pages, you'll find recipes from well-known area restaurants such as Forager Brewery, Bleu Duck Kitchen, Four Daughters Vineyard & Winery, and Tonic Local Kitchen & Juice Bar. Woven throughout are the stories of Minnesota farmers and their partnerships with restaurant owners and chefs that make the farm-to-table movement possible. By sourcing directly from area farmers (oftentimes at no small inconvenience), they help support farms such as Blue Fruit Farm in Winona and Earth-Be-Glad and Capra Nera Creamery in Altura. And the proof is in the recipes. "It's not just that idyllic farm scene with a perfect red barn and waking up to the rooster crowing. Farmers really go through a lot to bring quality, nutrient-dense food to our plates," said Claudine Arndt, the cookbook's author. The book includes more than 90 recipes and 18 stories of featured farms, all packed with photos of farm life and food. One recipe, Minnesota Sweet Corn, from Forager chef David Bredesen, features corn sprinkled with "semi-hard, aged goat cheese" made by Capra Nera Creamery in Altura, along with aioli. Capra Nera is Italian for "black goat," owner Katie Bonow explained. The "goat" refers to her goat dairy operation, and the "black" is a play on "black sheep." "What I'm doing is a little different than what a lot of people are doing around here," she said. Bonow grew up on a small dairy farm in Southeast Minnesota, and has been around goats for 20 years, calling it a "long-term relationship." Her customers include Nosh in Winona, Root River Unwined Wine Bar in Winona, and Fat Pats BBQ in Spring Grove. Story continues "It's definitely challenging," she said. "Some years are more challenging than others, but it is what I do. There's not much else that I think could enjoy as much as I enjoy this." The book was inspired by a program called Minnesota Cooks. Every year, the Minnesota Farmers Union, a nonprofit that supports family farms and rural life, gathers recipes from chefs and restaurant owners, and chooses 12 of them to illustrate farm-to-table partnerships around the state. The recipes are then published in an annual calendar, which became a mini cookbook of sorts, with a featured recipe each month. "The whole idea is really to help connect people more to farmers and to the source of their food, to the businesses that choose to work directly with farmers, providing them with a really important stream of income that helps support their livelihoods," said writer Arndt, who also manages Minnesota Cooks. The program has been around for 19 years, and over time, an "amazing cache" of submitted recipes has been amassed. Creating a cookbook seemed like a natural progression, but it was also understood to be a "massive" undertaking by the farm union. Then it got a push from a publisher, Globe Pequot, which asked for a cookbook proposal, and the ball got rolling. The book was created by Arndt, photographer Katie Cannon, and Bruce Miller in February 2019. Miller, who helped shape the vision for the book and got the concept approved by the union's executive committee, died of cancer toward the end of 2019. The book was supposed to be published last July, but was delayed due to COVID-19. It was officially released June 15. Also featured is Blue Fruit Farm, a 5-acre organic farm 12 miles south of Winona that grows blueberries, black currants and elderberries. High in antioxidants and packed with flavor, the blueberries are extolled by customers as the best they've ever had, said farm owner Jim Riddle. "We put a lot of effort into taking care of the soil and building up the health of the land, and it's reflected in the health of the crop," he said. "And the author captured that in a very lyrical prose that conveys our values." Arndt describes the book as a "walk down memory lane" through Minnesota's dining scene, as it includes recipes from restaurants that have closed, as well as those still in business. The book, for example, includes a recipe from Tonic, which closed during the pandemic. "We really wanted recipes from places that were very influential in helping to shape the farm-to-table dining scene," Arndt said. Learn more "The Farmer and the Chef" is available at Barnes & Noble at Apache Mall, the Rochester Public Library, and through online booksellers. On Saturday, July 10, Blue Fruit Farm will host the Co-op Farm Tour and Driftless Grown Vendor Fair, and offer you-pick blueberries and black currants at the farm 12 miles south of Winona. Author Claudine Arndt and photographer Katie Cannon will be at the farm from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a book signing and sale. A federal judge on Wednesday night blocked a Florida law that would penalize social media companies for barring the speech of politicians, striking a blow to conservatives still fuming over the suspension of former President Donald Trump and allegations that Facebook, Twitter and Googles YouTube censor right-wing views. In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle of the Northern District of Florida said the law, which would have forced social media companies to allow speech even if it violated their rules, would likely be found unconstitutional. The technology industry challenged the law, which was set to take effect Thursday, saying it would infringe on the First Amendment rights of online businesses. The plaintiffs are likely to prevail on the merits of their claim that these statutes violate the First Amendment, Hinkle wrote. There is nothing that could be severed and survive. Florida lawmakers approved the law after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube suspended Trumps accounts following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. 'This is my full-time job': How Twitch became the go-to platform for creators to make money 'Alexa, let's read': Amazon's AI assistant can read books with your children, help them learn to read It was signed in May by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Trump ally and possible 2024 presidential candidate who championed the law as a needed crackdown on the unbridled power of social media companies. A spokeswoman said DeSantis planned to appeal. "We are disappointed by Judge Hinkles ruling and disagree with his determination that the U.S. Constitution protects Big Techs censorship of certain individuals and content over others," press secretary Christina Pushaw said in a statement. "Gov. DeSantis continues to fight for freedom of speech and against Big Techs discriminatory censorship." Under the law, the state would be able to fine large social media companies $250,000 a day if they removed an account of a statewide political candidate and $25,000 a day if they removed the account of someone seeking local office. It also would require social media companies to notify users within seven days that they could be censored, giving them time to correct posts. Story continues A federal judge blocked a Florida law that would penalize social media companies for barring the speech of politicians, striking a blow to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and other conservatives angry over the suspension of former President Donald Trump. Two technology trade groups, NetChoice and the Computer and Communications Industry Association, claimed Florida was attempting to censor free speech and expression by compelling social media companies to host speech and speakers they disagree with. Their lawsuit alleged Floridas new law was a blatant attack on the content moderation choices social media companies make daily to protect the public and advertisers from pornography, terrorist incitement, false propaganda spread by foreign actors, calls for genocide or race-based violence, COVID-19 vaccines disinformation, fraudulent schemes and other harmful, offensive or illegal material. Americas judiciary system is designed to protect our constitutional rights, and todays ruling is no different, ensuring that Floridas politically motivated law does not force Floridians to endure racial epithets, aggressive homophobia, pornographic material, beheadings, or other gruesome content just to use the internet, Carl Szabo, vice president and general counsel of NetChoice, said in a statement. Legal experts also questioned the laws viability. Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University, told USA TODAY that the Florida law was bound to draw legal challenges as some of the new laws provisions are obviously unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has made it clear that publishers have the freedom to pick and choose what content they want to publish, and the bill blatantly seeks to strip publishers of that freedom, he said. Florida residents should expect better from their legislators, and now they see their tax dollars spent defending an indefensible bill that never should have passed. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Florida Trump law over Facebook, YouTube bans blocked by federal judge Even though many traditional July 4 fireworks shows in Connecticut are canceled this year, more than a dozen are scheduled to go on, led by the Great American Boom in New Britain. Wethersfield, Bridgeport, Norwalk and Danbury are among the communities that arent holding their usual Independence Day displays for the second year in a row. Several have cited the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason. High infection rates and social distancing restrictions lasted so long through the winter that there wasnt time to pull together large-scale festivals when conditions improved in the spring, they said. Still, at least five fireworks shows are scheduled around the state on Independence Day itself, and more than a dozen are planned across the long holiday weekend. Among the biggest shows will be New Britains 29th annual Great American Boom on Sunday night, but the pandemic means it will operate with several special rules instituted last year. The show is Sunday at 9:15 p.m. at Willow Brook Park and will be presented as a drive-in; attendees must buy parking passes in advance for $10 through nbparksnrec.org. The city used to draw tens of thousands of people with a half-day festival capped by the fireworks display at Stanley Quarter Park, but moved it to Willow Brook last year with half-capacity parking limits and strict mask and social distancing rules. Those restrictions wont be in effect this year, and the city may return the show to Stanley Quarter Park when dredging of its pond is completed next year. Many other shows have restrictions on parking or admission, so its advisable to check ahead before going. A sampling of other scheduled shows includes: Bristol: On Saturday night, Lake Compounce will host a fireworks show. tinyurl.com/2h9mx9w7 Enfield: On Saturday night at 9:30 p.m. the towns 4th of July Celebration committee sponsors fireworks over the Thompsonville and town hall sections. tinyurl.com/5j7tdzew Fairfield: On Saturday night, the town will present fireworks that can be seen at Fairfield or Jennings beaches at 9:15 p.m. fairfieldct.org/fireworks Story continues Hartford: On Saturday and Sunday nights, the Hartford Yard Goats plan fireworks after their games with the Altoona Curve at Dunkin Donuts Park. tinyurl.com/a8yc8hdk Middlebury: On Saturday night, Quassy Amusement Park will shoot fireworks overs it lake. quassy.com/special-events New Haven: On Sunday night, the city shoots off fireworks above East Rock with viewing at the Wilbur Cross High School starting around 9 p.m. tinyurl.com/upnm3x8n New Milford: On Saturday night, the Chamber of Commerce presents fireworks at the town green. tinyurl.com/3wadh9vu Norwich: On Friday and Sunday nights, the Norwich Sea Unicorns will present fireworks after their games at Dodd Stadium. tinyurl.com/3yp8nn53 Ridgefield: On Monday night, the town will hold fireworks at Ridgefield High School around 9 p.m. tinyurl.com/23jcc9a4 Simsbury: On Friday night, fireworks will follow the Celebrate America conference at the Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Center. tinyurl.com/3uwerht3 Stratford: On Thursday night, the town launches fireworks to be seen from Short Beach Park starting at 9 p.m. tinyurl.com/aez423d7 Trumbull: On Saturday night, Trumbull Day is scheduled to end with a fireworks show at 9 p.m. at the Hillcrest Middle School. tinyurl.com/skj6k5we Waterbury: On Sunday night, the Brass Mill Center will conclude its food truck festival with fireworks at 9 p.m. tinyurl.com/n3bw9ey CARACAS (Reuters) - The United Nations' World Food Programme (WFP) said on Thursday that its first shipment of food intended for Venezuelan school children had arrived in the South American country, which is suffering a humanitarian crisis spurred by an economic collapse. The WFP in April announced a deal with President Nicolas Maduro's government to reach some 185,000 children this year and expand to 1.5 million by the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Child https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/venezuela-malnutrition/#:~:text=A%20generation%20of%20children%20is,to%20care%20for%20the%20malnourishedmalnutrition is on the rise in the once-prosperous OPEC nation. The first 42,000 food packages including rice, lentils, salt and vegetable oil will be distributed to children under age six in areas affected by food insecurity in Maracaibo, Venezuela's second-largest city, the WFP said. Since Venezuelan schools are currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the packages will be distributed as take-home rations. WFP said it would manage its own supply chain. Venezuela's political opposition, which labels Maduro a dictator, has long accused the government of conditioning state food assistance on political loyalty, a claim Maduro denies. Humanitarian aid groups had pressed Maduro for years to allow the WFP to distribute food in Venezuela before he acceded in April. The move was seen by some analysts and Western diplomats as an olive branch as he seeks to persuade the United States and others to lift sanctions aimed at ousting him. (Reporting by Mayela Armas and Luc Cohen; Editing by Steve Orlofsky) Jul. 1BAGLEY A former Bagley High School resource officer, Neil Dolan, admitted in court on Wednesday, June 30, to sexually assaulting students while he was working at the school. Dolan, 34, pleaded guilty to two felony charges during a plea hearing: first-degree criminal sexual conduct, and second-degree criminal sexual conduct. Another second-degree criminal sexual charge and a third-degree criminal sexual charge were dismissed with a plea agreement. The hearing was held virtually via Zoom with Dolan appearing from the Minnesota Correctional Facility in St. Cloud. He's serving two years for another third-degree charge of attempted criminal sexual conduct, which he was charged with in Becker County. Three felony charges of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct were dropped in that plea agreement. Assistant U.S. Attorney General Erin Eldridge is representing the state of Minnesota in the case against Dolan, who is represented by Rebecca Duren of the law firm Kelly and Lemmons. Dolan admitted to sexually assaulting two ninth-grade students in his office at Bagley High School. He agreed to the factual basis of the charges during Wednesday's hearing when questioned by Duren. Eldridge followed up with more detailed questions, confirming that Dolan wore a duty belt and firearm while working, among other details. A sentencing hearing is set for July 12 for Dolan. The maximum penalty for first-degree criminal sexual conduct is 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine or both. The maximum for a second-degree charge is 25 years in prison, a $30,000 fine or both. According to two criminal complaints, one filed in November 2019 and another with additional charges in March 2020, Dolan groomed students at Bagley High School and would offer snacks, treats, drinks and other incentives to students while in his office, where he would often lock the doors and cover the windows. He would communicate with a number of students via Snapchat, including sending photos of his penis. Snapchat is a messaging app where photos and messages only appear for a certain amount of time unless they're saved or screenshots are taken. Story continues The complaints state that two students, when they were 14 or 15 years old, spanning from 2016 to 2019, were assaulted in Dolan's office at the school. Both students asked Dolan to stop. Dolan would then ask them not to tell anybody, saying he could get in trouble. According to other court documents filed during the case, in "about 2011 or 2012," a school employee walked in on Dolan when a seventh-grade student was straddling him while seated in a chair in his office. Following that, the document alleges, Dolan put paper in his office windows and later moved his office to another part of the school. Dolan remained employed at the school until he was arrested in the fall of 2019. Court documents also showed that Dolan allegedly had more than a dozen victims between the Bagley School District and when he worked as a Many Point Boy Scout camp program director. RELATED: Court documents: Former Bagley school resource officer had multiple victims According to court records in the Becker County case, Dolan served as reservation program director at Many Point Scout Camp in Becker County in the summers of 2015, 2016 and 2018. It was a supervisory and leadership role at the Boy Scout camp. At least once during each of those years, he sexually touched a teenage boy who was 17 in 2015, when Dolan was 27. Dolan at times was very aggressive, getting on top of the boy in bed, pinning him down, and on one occasion attempting to rape him, according to the criminal complaint. Former Victorias Secret model Bridget Malcolm slammed the lingerie brand for "performative ally ship" in a recent viral TikTok video. Malcolm called the brands "performative ally ship" a "joke" in the video after Victorias Secret did away with their models, referred to as Angels, and partnered with diverse spokeswomen, including soccer star Megan Rapinoe, instead. "Too little, too late Victoria's Secret," Malcolm captioned her TikTok. "Your performative ally ship is a joke." VICTORIA'S SECRET SAYS GOODBYE TO ANGELS IN ATTEMPT TO REDEFINE SEXY Malcolm spent the video comparing a bra she wore during the 2016 Victorias Secret Fashion Show to her bra now to show how underweight she was at the time. Malcolm wore a 30A cup bra during the show in 2016, but now wears a 34B. "The sadness behind my eyes from the 2016 show breaks my heart," Malcolm said in the video. HEIDI KLUM SAYS SHE WAS PREGNANT WITH DAUGHTER LENI DURING THE 2003 VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOW Malcolm then claimed she was not cast in the 2017 show after her bra size changed. "I was rejected from the show in 2017 by Ed Razek," Malcolm said, referring to the former Chief Marketing Officer of Victorias Secret. "He said my body did not look good enough. I wore a size 30B at that point." CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT NEWSLETTER Razek resigned from his role as the Chief Marketing Officer in 2019. A year before resigning, he had publicly claimed that the show should not cast transgenders because "it is a fantasy." The company canceled the fashion show in November of 2019. Victoria's Secret emphasized the brand's new leadership team in a statement to Fox News on Wednesday. "There is a new leadership team at Victoria's Secret who is fully committed to the continued transformation of the brand with a focus on creating an inclusive environment for our associates, customers and partners to celebrate, uplift and champion all women," the statement said. Story continues To diversify the lingerie brand, Victorias Secret brought on a team of women to promote the brand through a podcast series. The list of women includes Rapinoe, actress Priyanka Chopra, model Adut Akech, skier Eileen Gu, transgender model Valentina Sampaio, plus-size model Paloma Elesser and journalist Amanda de Cadenet. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP The podcast series will feature ten episodes and give the women an opportunity to tell their stories. Reuters HONG KONG (Reuters) -Shares of Hong Kong beverage maker Vitasoy tumbled 12% on Monday after a worker sent around a memo offering condolences to the family of a colleague who stabbed a Hong Kong policeman, prompting social media users in China to call for a boycott of the company. Vitasoy said in a statement on social media platform Weibo on Saturday that a staff member had circulated an internal memo that was widely shared online, describing it as "extremely inappropriate" and without authorisation. The employee's memo offered condolences to the family of a 50-year-old Vitasoy worker who had stabbed a police officer, 28, and then killed himself on Thursday, the anniversary of the former British colony's return to Chinese rule. A French court on Monday sentenced a man to 30 years in prison for the rape and murder of a young woman almost two decades ago, in a case that has long gripped and shocked the country. An appeals court in Douai in northern France confirmed the earlier 30 year jail sentence for Willy Bardon handed down by a lower court in 2019 but, crucially, added a conviction for murder as well as rape and abduction. Bank employee Elodie Kulik, 24, was kidnapped, raped, strangled and her corpse then burned in January 2002 in Tertry, 20 kilometres (12 miles) from Saint-Quentin in the Aisne region. In court for the verdict dressed in a black shirt and with head shaven, Bardon closed his eyes as the verdict was read out. Since he was arrested in 2013, Bardon has always maintained his innocence in the murder of Kulik, a position he reaffirmed in court on Thursday. "I never took part in this horrific crime," he said. But the victim's father Jacky said after the verdict that as in the initial verdict "he (Bardon) did not succeed in deceiving anyone". Addressing his dead daughter, Jacky Kulik added: "I kept my promise.... It is the end of my struggle." Bardon's lawyer Gabriel Dumenil accused the court of ignoring defence arguments and said his client now intended to take the case to the Court of Cassation, France's highest court of appeal. When he was initially convicted in December 2019, Bardon swallowed pesticide in a dramatic suicide bid in the courtroom and spent five days in hospital. Before dying, Kulik managed to call emergency services and the harrowing 26-second recording was the key piece of evidence in the trial. Another suspect Gregory Wiart, whose DNA was found at the scene, died in 2003. But six witnesses told the court in the initial trial they recognised the voice of Willy Bardon on the tape. eva-sjw/har Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., with support from three other GOP House members, has invited Britney Spears to speak before Congress about her conservatorship battle, acknowledging in a letter to the 39-year-old pop icon Wednesday, "You have been mistreated by Americas legal system." "We want to help," the letter signed by Gaetz, as well as Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., Burgess Owens, R-Ohio, and Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., reads. "The United States Congress should hear your story and be inspired to bipartisan action. What happened to you should never happen to any other American. Congress can make things better and you can inform our policy decisions." "If you will speak to Congress, we are ready to listen," the letter adds. The invitation came the same day a Los Angeles Superior Court Brenda Penny denied Spears request to have her father, James P. Spears, removed from her estimated $60 million estate and just a week after the pop icon delivered bombshell testimony before the court, speaking candidly for the first time about her 13-year ordeal, alleging she had been forced to take high dosages of lithium against her will. She also claimed her team has prevented her from seeing a doctor to have an IUD contraceptive device removed, despite wanting to attempt to conceive more children. BRITNEY SPEARS' REQUEST TO REMOVE FATHER AS CONSERVTAOR SHOT DOWN BY JUDGE "We have been following your conservatorship battle with deep concern," her invitation to speak before Congress says. "We could see the struggle and torment you were enduring. We could see the obvious financial, emotional and psychological abuse at the hands of your conservators." The four representatives continue, "The federal courthouse door was closed to you and to too many Americans. Your story is so powerful, and the admiration of your achievements so great, you (and perhaps only you) can blow that door wide open, giving hope to millions. Your life, liberty, and happiness have been taken from you. Please take advantage of the empowerment that public congressional testimony can unlock." Story continues The letter reminds Spears, "You owe nothing to anyone; you deserve to live a life of freedom and to choose your own path." The members of Congress also point out that many others "have used their fame to advance social, political, and criminal justice reform," before asserting their hope she will accept their invitation to speak before Congress for "the sake of the justice you and many Americans deserve." "Your life story and tremendous performing talent has continued to inspire people all over the world. We stand ready for your reply. We hope that you will express interest in sharing your story," they add. "We stand with you, Britney whatever you decide." Spears court-appointed lawyer, Sam Ingham, had filed a motion in November requesting that the stars father be dropped as a conservator, saying that Spears was "afraid of her father." That request was denied, but the judge is allowing Bessemer Trust Company of California be added as a co-conservator, though TMZ reported that official paperwork to make the outside firms role official has yet to be filed. BRITNEY SPEARS' CONSERVATOR SLAMS JAMIE SPEARS' CLAIMS SHE BLOCKED STAR'S PERSONAL CARE, MEDICAL FREEDOM Jamie Spears filed a motion Wednesday asking the court to order an investigation into claims made by his daughter during her 23-minute address in the conservatorship hearing last week. Britney Spears had asked if her statements to a Los Angeles courtroom could be shared publicly. "I shouldnt be in a conservatorship if I can work and provide money and work for myself and pay other people," Spears said. "It makes no sense." She told the judge she works constantly and is surrounded by an entire staff on her payroll but isnt even allowed to control her own fortune. "What state allows people to own another persons money and account and threaten them in saying, You cant spend your money unless we do what we want you to do?" she asked the court. "Im paying them." Those inviting Spears to speak before Congress are not free of their own public scandal. The Department of Justice has been investigating Gaetz for obstruction of justice, according to multiple reports last month, the latest development in a sex trafficking probe into an associate of the congressman. Gaetz has firmly denied any allegation that he broke the law. He told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" earlier this year that it was "a horrible allegation" and "a lie" that he traveled across state lines with a 17-year-old girl for the purpose of sex. But his associate Joel Greenberg pleaded guilty to six charges and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors. Meanwhile, Greene, already stripped of her committee assignments, was denounced by GOP leadership last month over remarks made comparing stickers indicating someone was vaccinated to the yellow Star of David patches Jews were forced to wear by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP More recently, 37 House Democrats on Thursday demanded House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy take "immediate action" against Greenes recent behavior, alleging her "harassment" of colleagues, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has "reached an unacceptable level," Forbes reported. Their letter cites a February incident where Greene allegedly shouted at AOC at the Capitol for supporting "terrorists and Antifa," as well as remarks made by Greene at a rally over the weekend calling to have Ocasio-Cortez locked up. Fox News' Michael Ruiz, Nate Day, Tyler Olson and Howard Kurtz contributed to this report. More than 10 years ago, Leah Gilliam got a vanity license plate that her lawyer says reflects a love of astronomy and gaming. The state of Tennessee disagrees. Officials with the state Department of Revenue revoked Gilliams vanity plate in May, calling the contents offensive, according to state court documents. The license plate reads 69PWNDU, which Gilliam said combines the year of the moon landing with a popular gaming term. Gilliam, who lives in Nashville, is suing to get it back. In a complaint filed in chancery court on Monday, her lawyer said Tennessee officials discriminated against her in violation of the U.S. Constitution by restraining her free speech. Ms. Gilliams harmless vanity plate is transparently protected by the First Amendment, and the only illegality involved is the Tennessee Department of Revenues decision to violate her First Amendment rights, said Daniel A. Horwitz of Horwitz Law PLLC, who is representing Gilliam. The lawsuit names the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Revenue and the state Attorney General as defendants. A spokesperson for the state agency declined to comment in a statement to McClatchy News on Thursday, except to cite state law. Generally, Tenn. Code Ann. 55-4-210(d)(2) prohibits the Tennessee Department of Revenue from issuing a personalized license plate that may carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency or that are misleading, the spokesperson said. Tenn. Code Ann. 55-5-117 authorizes the revocation of a motor vehicle registration plate that was erroneously issued contrary to the law. According to Mondays lawsuit, Gilliam has had the vanity plate 69PWNDU for over a decade. Gilliam described herself in court filings as an astronomy buff and a gamer. Her attorney said the vanity plate is a combination of those interests the 69 is short for 1969, the year of the moon landing, and pwndu is gamer slang for pawned you, meaning to totally defeat or dominate, especially in a video or computer game, the lawsuit states. Story continues To Ms. Gilliams knowledge, her vanity plate has never caused anyone harm, her attorney said in the complaint. To the contrary, members of the public enjoy seeing it displayed. But in a letter dated May 25, the Department of Revenue told Gilliam the plate was offensive and that she could not renew her vehicle registration until it was returned. The letter cited state statutes that give officials the right to revoke vanity plates deemed offensive to good taste or decency. Gilliams attorney said she was threatened with a fine and jail time if she didnt comply. He said the statutes under which Gilliams vanity plate were revoked are unconstitutional in that they violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee a right to free speech and equal protection under the law. The state statutes are also unconstitutionally vague, according to the lawsuit. Gilliams lawyer asked for both a temporary and permanent injunction preventing the commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Revenue from enforcing those statutes. He also requested damages of $1 per day that Gilliam hasnt been allowed to display her vanity plate. US apparel company Gap will close its 81 stores in Britain and Ireland by September but remain online there as it becomes a "digital first business", the retailer said Thursday. Gap also said it had potential buyers for its outlets in France and Italy. The move comes as the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns have pummelled brick-and-mortar businesses while giving a boost to online shopping. "In the United Kingdom and Europe, we are going to maintain our Gap online business," Gap said in a statement. "The e-commerce business continues to grow and we want to meet our customers where they are shopping," it said, adding: "We're becoming a digital first business." The company said it was proposing to close all company-operated Gap Specialty and Gap Outlet stores in the UK and Ireland in a phased manner from the end of August through the end of September. The move was "due to market dynamics" in the two countries, Gap said. Gap arrived in the UK in 1987 and in Ireland in 2006. The move follows a "strategic review" of the company's business in Europe which was launched last year "with the goal of finding new, more cost-effective ways to maintain a presence and serve customers" in the region, the retailer said. Gap said it was in negotiations with Hermione People and Brands, a unit of FIB Group, to take over its stores in France. French antitrust regulators gave FIB last week the green light to buy Gap's 21 French shops. Gap said it was in discussion with an unidentified partner for the potential acquisition of its stores in Italy. bur-mla/soe/lth/yad Gap said that it would shut its UK and Republic of Ireland stores between late August and late September. Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images Gap is closing all its UK and Ireland stores by the end of September, but said it would still sell clothes online. The retailer has been struggling amid rising e-commerce competition. Falling sales for its Gap brand have been offset by the success of its Old Navy and Athleta lines. See more stories on Insider's business page. Gap is closing all stores in the UK and the Republic of Ireland as sales fall globally for the fashion brand. It will close all 81 stores by the end of September, but continue selling clothes online, it said Wednesday. Gap attributed the move to "market dynamics." "The e-commerce business continues to grow and we want to meet our customers where they are shopping," the company said in a statement. "We're becoming a digital first business and we're looking for a partner to help drive our online business." Gap said that it would shut the stores between late August and late September. It opened its first UK store in 1987 and its first in the Republic of Ireland in 2006. In October, Parent Gap Inc. announced the closure of 350 Gap and Banana Republic stores in North America. Gap Inc. posted first quarter global net sales of $4 billion, up 8% compared to 2019 - but the success of its Old Navy and Athleta brands drove this increase. First quarter revenues for its Gap brand fell 16% compared to 2019. In comparison, net sales grew 25% for Old Navy and 56% for Athleta. "Gap was decades ahead in offering the athleisure styles which have become so popular during the pandemic," Susannah Streeter, senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said in a statement shared with Insider. "But even though revenues have surged at Gap over the past year, its own brand ranges haven't set sales alight." The 52-year-old brand, which is still "rooted in its heyday heritage," has "suffered from a kind of benign neglect," Danni Hewson, financial analyst at AJ Bell, said. Story continues Gap said that it had started a review of its company-operated business in Europe last year to find ways to make it more cost-effective. The company said that it was in talks with Hermione People and Brands, the retail branch of FIB Group, about taking over its stores in France, and was in discussions with another partner for the potential acquisition of its Italian stores. Online fashion giants have posted soaring revenues during the pandemic "In this changing retail landscape and with so much shopping shifting to online, shedding expensive rents makes sense for the company, particularly given the success of online-only fashion rivals," Streeter said. More Brits have been buying clothes online during waves of government-mandated store closures - leading to soaring revenues for online fast-fashion giants. In the year to February, Boohoo posted sales of 1.75 billion, a 41% growth year-over-year. And in the six months to February, Asos posted sales of 1.98 billion, a jump of nearly a quarter compared to the same period a year before. Online isn't the only way for fashion brands to be successful, Hewson said. British giant Primark is topping its pre-pandemic sales despite shunning e-commerce, she said. Read the original article on Business Insider In the estimation of Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, the Supreme Courts judgment in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee has vindicated Georgia election law. The Brnovich decision, reached by a 6-3 conservative majority, ruled that an Arizona law banning the practice of ballot harvesting and requiring that voters cast their ballot at their assigned precinct did not violate the Voting Rights Act. It came as welcome news for Raffensperger, whose states recently passed election law, SB 202, is the target of a Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit under the same statute announced by Attorney General Merrick Garland last week. We know that SB 202 will also be affirmed, if it gets to the Supreme Court, Raffensperger told National Review. SB 202 requires that voters who show up to the wrong precinct before 5p.m. be directed to the correct one. If they show up after that time, they may choose to cast a provisional ballot at the one theyve already arrived at. Arizonas law held up as lawful by the Supreme Court states that votes cast at the wrong precinct must be thrown out. The DOJ, seemingly reading the tea leaves of the decision, issued the following statement: The Attorney General has made clear, the Department of Justice will never stop working to protect the democracy to which all Americans are entitled. The department remains strongly committed to challenging discriminatory election laws and will continue to use every legal tool available to protect all qualified Americans seeking to participate in the electoral process. The department urges Congress to enact additional legislation to provide more effective protection for every Americans right to vote. The DOJ suit was brought after months of sustained attacks on the law by elected Democrats, who have likened it to Jim Crow and argued that the state Republicans who drafted the law intended to disenfranchise black voters. Raffensperger took note of another sign that Justice Samuel Alitos majority opinion in Brnovich bodes well for defenders of Georgia election law. Story continues One of the things that Attorney General Garland said was that there was this legislative intent, so he alreadys been cut off at the knees and we havent even gotten to court yet, he said. Justice Samuel Alitos majority opinion asserted that what mattered in voting rights cases was not legislative intent, but the actual words on the page and their practical effect. And on that front, Raffensperger contends, theres no real argument to be made against SB 202, which is something he says he would have explained to MLB before the league decided to move their All Star Game out of Atlanta to protest the law. MLB representatives never contacted state Republicans as the law was being drafted. The governor and the state legislature only found out about their opposition to the law when they announced their boycott, state leaders previously told National Review. If they had asked me and called me before they moved the MLB All-Star Game out and said Brad, what does this bill really do? I could have sat down and said this is what it really does, this is how we got here. And they would have said Oh, this sounds really reasonable. I see why you did that,' he said. He also pushed back on Justice Elena Kagans dissenting opinion, which insists that there are ongoing voter suppression efforts at work, and claims that two [recently passed] laws even ban handing out food or water to voters standing in line appearing to refer to SB 202. The law, which was inspired by similar legislation in New York, bans partisans from appealing to voters with food and drinks while theyre standing in line, but does not interfere with the ability of poll workers to provide refreshments. Campaigns were encroaching in that 150 foot no campaigning zone no politicking and they were trying to get their last plug in for their candidate. Which is first of all politicking, but also it can lead to voter coercion, he said. He added that Georgia has also taken steps to reduce line sizes and hold counties accountable so as to prevent the extension of the no-politicking rule from having any deleterious consequences. Raffensperger lamented that Stacey Abramss poll-tested voter suppression narrative had filtered into one of the Supreme Court justices' views. Of the fight to come, Raffensperger sounded confident. I look forward to meeting them and beating them, he said. More from National Review By Emma Thomasson BERLIN (Reuters) -A German minister called European soccer's governing body UEFA "utterly irresponsible" on Thursday for allowing big crowds at the Euro 2020 tournament during a spike in the coronavirus crisis from the Delta variant. With COVID-19 restrictions varying from nation-to-nation, crowd sizes have ranged from completely full, such as 60,000 in Budapest, to 25-45 percent capacity in other venues where there have often been around 10-15,000 spectators. "UEFA's position is utterly irresponsible," German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told a news conference. "I cannot explain why UEFA is not being sensible ...I suspect it is due to commercialism." Seehofer said a match with 60,000 spectators - such as Hungary's Puskas Arena and also planned for the semi-finals and final at London's Wembley stadium - would inevitably promote the spread of COVID-19. At matches in Munich, he noted, only 14,500 fans were allowed in and all were required to wear masks, keep their distance and upload a negative COVID-19 test into an app. In a statement to Reuters, UEFA said it was "fully alligned" with local health authorities' guidelines at every venue. "The final decisions with regards to the number of fans attending matches and the entry requirements to any of the host countries and host stadiums fall under the responsibility of the competent local authorities, and UEFA strictly follows any such measures," it said. WHO ANXIOUS TOO While Europeans have been loving watching the tournament, concern over the potential health knock-on has been rising. Scotland's health authority said earlier this week that 1,991 people had been identified as attending a Euro 2020 event while infectious, of whom 1,294 had travelled to London and 397 gone to Wembley where England played Scotland. Finland said more than 300 nationals were infected while supporting their team. Story continues And Russia's deputy prime minister has called for a ban on gatherings of more than 500 people. St Petersburg is due to host a quarter-final on Friday, with 50% capacity allowed in a stadium that would usually hold 68,000 people. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also weighed in on Thursday, saying crowds at Euro 2020 football stadiums and in pubs and bars in host cities were driving an infection rise. But UEFA's Euro 2020 medical advisor Daniel Koch said vaccinations and border controls would prevent a big new wave. "It cannot be totally excluded that events and gatherings could ultimately lead to some local increase in the number of cases," he said. "But this would not only apply to football matches but also to any kind of situations that are now allowed as part of the easing measures decided by the competent local authorities." (Reporting by Emma Thomasson in Berlin and Manasi Pathak in Bengaluru; Additional reporting by Mitch Phillips in LondonEditing by Maria Sheahan and Andrew Cawthorne) BERLIN (Reuters) - German police raided more than 100 premises of the Bandidos motorcycle gang on Thursday and seized weapons, ammunition and large amounts of cash, the interior ministry said. Almost 1,800 officers took part in the searches, which were focused in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia and four other states, the ministry said. The Bandidos MC group was founded in Houston, Texas in 1966 and has had a branch in Germany since 1999 with the official purpose of promoting joint motorcycling and organising events, the ministry said. "In fact, the association is striving to gain territorial and financial power over similar competing motorcycling groups and enforces such claims with violence," it added. The ministry did not say if anyone was arrested during the raids. The U.S. Bandidos gang made the headlines in 2015 when they were in a deadly battle with a rival group in the Texas city of Waco that left nine people dead. (Reporting by Riham Alkousaa; Editing by Pravin Char) A Texas girl played dead then called for help after a shooter killed her parents and 6-year-old sister, her family said. The 10-year-olds relatives said she was shot in the arm at a Houston apartment Wednesday night then called her grandma on FaceTime when it was safe, KTRK reported. Her 1-year-old brother was uninjured, the news outlet reported. She said, Granny, someone came in and shot me, my mom, my dad, and my sister, and they dead, Angela Ervin, a relative, told KTRK. She was in the house for about 15 minutes with the bodies until we got here. She FaceTimed her grandmother...showed her everything, Tamera Denton told the news outlet. Assistant Police Chief Patty Cantu said the grandmother called 911 after learning of the shooting from the girl. The shooting happened in the living room of the apartment, she said. This was a very, very tragic and just a horrible scene, Cantu said. Cantu said the home had no signs of forced entry, and its possible the family knew the shooter. Detectives had surveillance video that could help in the investigation, police said. No one had been arrested Wednesday night. Relatives told KHOU the mother was pregnant. Her 8-year-old son was not home at the time of the shooting, the news outlet reported. Whoever came to do this heinous crime meant to do this, the mothers cousin told KHOU. He didnt want to leave no witnesses. He didnt shoot the 1-year-old because he cant talk. Boyfriend accused of killing Texas woman on her birthday as mom listened is sentenced Stray bullets kill Texas mom taking her son to Naval Academy, Maryland police say House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. Win McNamee/Getty Images House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy issued a threat to his members on Wednesday, according to reports. McCarthy targeted anyone who signs onto the Democrats' special committee on the January 6 riot. During his Thursday press conference, however, McCarthy denied he was threatening anyone. See more stories on Insider's business page. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatened his Republican members in a closed door meeting on Wednesday, according to Punchbowl News and CNN. If any House Republicans join Speaker Nancy Pelosi's select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection, "they better be ready to get all their committee assignments from her," according to Punchbowl's Thursday morning newsletter. CNN Special Correspondent Jamie Gangel also reported that McCarthy threatened to strip them of their committee assignments if they accept an offer to join. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The lone Republican on the January 6 committee will be Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday. At his weekly press conference on Thursday, McCarthy questioned Cheney's loyalty to the party and claimed he is not threatening anyone's committee assignments. "I was shocked that she would accept something from Speaker Pelosi," McCarthy said, adding he found the move "unprecedented" and that Cheney may be more loyal to Pelosi than "to us." "I don't know in history where someone would go get their committee assignments from the speaker and expect to get them from the conference as well," he continued. "Let me be clear, I'm not threatening anybody with committee assignments." McCarthy's office did not reply to Insider's request for comment. The California lawmaker. who has been in Congress since 2007, has promoted former President Donald Trump's false claims about the election and aligned himself with the pro-Trump forces in his caucus. Although McCarthy's reported threat was broad, the only House Republicans who were reportedly being considered for spots on the Democrats' select committee are Reps. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Cheney of Wyoming, both of whom are strident critics of Trump's lies about the election. Story continues Kinzinger responded to McCarthy's comments in the closed door meeting on Thursday morning, telling reporters on Capitol Hill "Who gives a s---?" "I do think the threat of removing committees is ironic, because you won't go after the space lasers and white supremacist people but those who tell the truth," Kinzinger said, according to Politico. Cheney was ousted from House GOP leadership in May after raising concerns about her colleagues' dismissal of how serious the Capitol siege was, and has subsequently said she refuses to whitewash January 6. She was replaced by a staunch Trump ally, Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, who has been far less critical of the insurrection and the former president's role in inciting it. Getting stripped of committee assignments is a serious blow to any member of Congress, leaving them with effectively no influence beyond their one vote out of 435 when legislation finally reaches the floor. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia had her committee assignments removed shortly after she arrived on Capitol Hill over past anti-Semitic and conspiratorial comments, despite most of her fellow Republicans defending her and warning of a slippery slope. It has also happened to former Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa after years of racist comments and one particular white supremacist remark in 2019, where he was quoted by The New York Times in an interview: "White nationalist, white supremacist - Western civilization, how did that language become offensive?" Read the original article on Business Insider The IMF is bullish on the US economic recovery, predicting growth will hit 7 percent this year -- much stronger than previously forecast and "the fastest pace in a generation," the fund said in a report Thursday. The International Monetary Fund's annual review of the US economy also boosted the 2022 GDP forecast by 1.4 percentage points over the April estimate to 4.9 percent. But while the IMF mostly cheered President Joe Biden's policies to support the economy, the report flagged "significant concern" over the fact he has not pulled back on tariffs on goods like steel and aluminum imposed by his predecessor. The US has seen a "remarkable recovery," the fund said, helped by "unprecedented" support from government spending and the Federal Reserve's "highly effective" stimulus measures. The report notes the potential for growth to be even higher than forecast, but the outlook assumes $4.3 trillion in spending over the next decade from Biden's proposed American Jobs Plan (AJP) and American Families Plan (AFP). Together those programs would fuel a 5 percent GDP increase for 2022-2024, the IMF estimated. However, if Congress fails to approve the legislation or sharply curtails the size, that would reduce the growth boost. The IMF said there is "solid empirical evidence ... of the societal payoffs" of such programs and said "a permanent increase in taxes on corporate profits and on high income households is warranted" to pay for them. The Washington-based crisis lender reserved its harshest comments for Biden's trade policies, and said removing trade barriers would help support his worker-centric agenda. "It is of significant concern, therefore, that many of the trade distortions introduced over the past four years remain in place," the fund said. Biden has continued tariffs imposed by former president Donald Trump on imported steel and aluminum, washing machines, solar panels, "as well as a range of goods imported from China." Story continues The IMF also questioned the tougher requirements set by the Trump administration for US products in government procurement which remain in place. "These policies should be reconsidered. Trade restrictions and tariff increases should be rolled back and 'Buy American' provisions should be tightly circumscribed," the report said. hs/st Gonzalo Higuain may have made his return to the field during Inter Miami CFs last game, but dont expect the Argentine forward to play his typical minutes this weekend. After staying back in South Florida during Inter Miamis loss to D.C. United on June 19 to work on his fitness, Higuain was used as a substitute for the first time during his Inter Miami career versus Orlando City SC last Friday. He came into the match at the 61st minute and ended Inter Miamis 358-minute scoring drought with a goal in the games 67th minute before Miami fell to its in-state rival 2-1. Expect for Higuain to play a similar role for Inter Miami in their away match against CF Montreal on Saturday. With Gonzalo, weve obviously got him on a special program, coach Phil Neville said Thursday afternoon. Hes going to stick with the program in terms of the minutes hes going to be playing. We realized that wed need for minutes against Orlando. He came on and gave us that little bit of that quality with the goal, but its a long-term program weve got for him. We wanted to make sure when we come to the New York Red Bulls game [on July 17] that weve got every single player at the level to compete in every single game. Were going to stick with the plan. Neville added that Higuain has more minutes in him, but are allowing him to incrementally increase his workload so hell ready for the seasons busier stretches. In the last couple of games weve been really fantastic in terms of our aggression, pressing and the energy weve got in that position, said Neville, who praised Julian Carranza and Jay Chapman for their defense at the top of the teams formation. Weve just got to make sure when Gonzalo comes back into the team, its the right moment for him to be able to perform at his best level. Neville added: [Higuains] been really mature and has shown his experience in terms of him driven this and us obviously guiding him to the point where he can compete. The goals hell always score. I think its the competition, feeling of going out there and being better than your opponent that we want to get him to and he wants to get to more importantly. Story continues This week has been his best week in terms of his level of leadership around the group. Higuains teammates have felt the boost in morale. Theres a different aura about him when hes scoring, Chapman said. Hes been very active within the group. Hes starting to look fitter. Hes running more in training. He looks sharp. Hes a very important part of this team not just when hes playing, but in the locker room. Hes definitely taken a step up in terms of how hes applying himself this week. Injury update With Gregore and Ryan Shawcross available for Saturdays match after serving one-game suspensions versus Orlando City due to receiving red cards against D.C. United, Neville said hell have a fully-fit team at his disposal against CF Montreal outside of Robbie Robinson and Joevin Jones. Robinson has missed six of Inter Miamis last seven games due to a hamstring injury that he originally sustained in late April. He fully participated in the teams practice on Thursday for the first time in weeks, with Neville said Robinson should be OK to return to the game-day roster after Saturdays match. Jones injured his knee during stoppage time of the loss to Orlando, with Neville saying Jones was still getting tests done to determine how long hell need to be sidelined. The community will have the opportunity to learn more about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a free virtual educational series. The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, in partnership with its Judi and Allan Schuman Center for Israel Engagement, will host the six-part series, The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A View From The Region, at noon on Mondays from July 19-Aug. 23. The series will be led by Avi Melamed, an Israeli educator, Middle East strategic intelligence analyst, author of Inside the Middle East: Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Region on Earth and co-author of Separate and Unequal. Melamed said in a news release, This series traces how events and developments in the Middle East shaped and continue to shape - the course of the conflict and its trajectory. Understanding the history and evolution and the links in the chain offers a platform for out-of-the-box thinking to promote a productive and sustainable arrangement that could provide Israelis and Palestinians a constructive breakthrough, he continued. And finally, this series provides a framework for constructive, productive and unifying conversations to bridge differing and opposing views. The series first five sessions will consist of 45-minute presentations and 15 minutes of Q&A; the sixth session will be 90 minutes and include custom film footage, interviews and a concluding Q&A with residents who live in the regions, including one from the Gaza border and one from the Lebanese border. Visit jewishboca.org/israelpa to register for the Zoom series, or call 561-852-3100 for more information. Sessions will be recorded for later viewing on the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach Countys YouTube channel. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The majority ruling by South Africa's top court, sentencing Jacob Zuma to 15 months in jail, was an "emotional and angry" unconstitutional decision, the former president's foundation said on Wednesday. Zuma failed to appear at a corruption inquiry led by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo in February, prompting the inquiry's lawyers to ask the Constitutional Court to seek an order for his imprisonment. On Tuesday, the court sentenced Zuma to jail, and gave him five days to appear before police. The Jacob Zuma Foundation said in a statement that Zuma had never believed he was above the law, but had only wanted his rights protected. "Our Patron has expressed his doubts about the lawfulness of the Zondo Commission, the biased manner in which it is being conducted, and the fact that it has been transformed into a "slaughterhouse" and a forum in which all kinds of unsubstantiated and defamatory allegations have been made against him," the foundation said. Zondo has denied being biased against Zuma and has dismissed Zuma's bid to recuse him as chairman of the inquiry. The Zondo inquiry is examining allegations of high-level graft involving the Gupta brothers, three Indian-born businessmen, during Zuma's time in office from 2009 to 2018. Zuma denies wrongdoing and has so far not cooperated. The Guptas have also denied wrongdoing. Judge Sisi Khampepe, who read Tuesday's judgement, refuted a 21-page letter that Zuma sent to the country's chief justice in which he claimed to have been treated unfairly. "His attempts to evoke public sympathy through unfounded allegations fly in the face of reason, and are an insult the constitutional dispensation for which so many women and men fought and lost their lives," Khampepe said. But Zuma's foundation said the ruling was contrary to the rule of law, arguing the commission was given an advantage in a case that was adjudicated by Zondo's colleagues. Story continues "The Jacob Zuma Foundation denounces Judge Khampepe's judgment as judicially emotional and angry and not consistent with our constitution." "At a bare minimum. ..the courts must act independently and without bias, with unremitting fidelity to the law, and must be seen doing so. That did not happen in the constitutional court," the statement read. (Reporting by Olivia Kumwenda-Mtambo; Editing by Aurora Ellis) Two key American allies in the Indo-Pacific region are launching their first joint air force exercises as the United States seeks to assemble a coalition to counter threats from China. As a strategic partner and friend of the Philippines, we hope that our bilateral training will contribute to further strengthen the cooperation between our two Air Forces, Japan Air Self-Defense Force Maj. Mizuno Masaki said Thursday in a statement released by the Japanese Embassy in Manila. Japan is emerging as an entrepreneurial power in a burgeoning alliance of democracies that U.S. officials hope will help deter a war with China. The four-day exercise will focus on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, but the unprecedented drills reflect Tokyos alarm about Beijings growing military power and aggression in territorial disputes with neighbors not only Japan but also with the Philippines, where President Rodrigo Duterte has tried to develop a warm relationship with Beijing at the expense of a historic mutual defense treaty with the U.S. Japan and the Philippines are both natural disaster-prone countries and there are so much we can share on disaster relief operations for saving lives and alleviating the suffering of people in need, Mizuno said. We aim for achieving a higher level of coordination and operative capabilities on HA/DR through our training exercises with the PAF. US AND JAPAN WARN CHINA NOT TO ATTACK TAIWAN The announcement was made on the same day that American officials in Manila kicked off commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Treaty of Manila, which was signed on July 4, 1946, and established diplomatic relations between the U.S. and the Philippines. "Through wars, natural disasters, pandemics, and whatever else may come our way, the U.S.-Philippine relationship is ... thriving at 75, John Law, the top U.S. diplomat at the embassy in Manila, said Thursday. The Philippines figure as one of the most important U.S. allies in the region, given its location in relation to strategic waterways, but Dutertes fear of China and aversion to American human rights positions have impeded strategists in both countries who want to improve security cooperation to deter China. Story continues In the meantime, China has claimed sovereignty over most of the South China Sea, home to some of the most heavily trafficked shipping lanes in the world, without regard for the claims of the Philippines and other states in the region. Chinese Peoples Liberation Army forces also have deployed surface-to-air missiles and anti-ship missiles to artificial islands, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies. This is a big, big threat not just for us in Asian people, but also the concern of even the American citizens or the European countries, Japanese Deputy Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama told the Hudson Institute this week while discussing Chinas militarization of artificial islands in the South China Sea. So thats why all the European countries, and also, of course, the United States, the armed forces [are] now coming forward and together exercising in the Asia. And so those kind of exercise, I think, its we can show the deterrence towards the country who is doing what I told you those kind of very dangerous activities. The Japanese Embassy alluded to these controversies at the announcement of the impending air force exercises. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Japan reiterates the importance of maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) which is inclusive and based on the rule of law, democratic values, territorial integrity, transparency, and peaceful resolution of disputes, and underscores its intention to work together with the Philippines and other partner countries through a wide range of activities and cooperation for peace, stability, and prosperity in our regions and beyond, the embassy announcement said. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Foreign Policy, National Security, Rodrigo Duterte, Philippines, China, Japan, South China Sea Original Author: Joel Gehrke Original Location: Japan launches air force drills with Philippines under big threat from China An Olathe man admitted Thursday in Johnson County District Court to secretly videotaping women as they undressed in a Nordstrom Rack fitting room in Lenexa after he was caught in the act by one woman two years ago. Jonathan M. Falen, 46, pleaded guilty to a single felony count of breach of privacy. The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred in April 2019 at the Nordstrom at 95th Street and Quivera Road. According to court records, a woman was trying on swimsuits when she noticed a phone being held with the camera facing up below the changing rooms divider by someone in the next room. She left the changing room and told a friend. When her friend entered the same changing room, she saw the camera again. The friend told Falen she saw what he had done and then notified store employees. Under a plea agreement struck in Johnson County, Falen admitted to a single count of breach of privacy with a term of probation for 18 months. He was initially charged with three counts of the same crime. The plea agreement also requires Falen to obtain and follow a sex offender evaluation. The parties also agreed not to make a sexual finding that would trigger a sex offender registration requirement under Kansas law. He also cannot have contact with any of the victims or the Nordstrom Rack and its employees. The Stars Katie Bernard contributed to this report. AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan's King Abdullah left for the United States on Thursday for a three-week visit that includes the first meeting by an Arab leader with President Joe Biden at the White House since he took office, a palace statement said. The statement said the monarch, accompanied by his wife Queen Rania, would attend an investors meeting followed by a private itinerary ahead of a working visit to Washington for talks with congressional leaders and administration officials. An official said the king's talks with Biden were expected some time after mid-July. The staunch U.S. ally will lobby senior officials for an extension of a five-year $6.4 billion aid package that ends next year to help shore up Jordan's struggling economy, the official added. Washington is Jordan's single largest source of bilateral assistance, providing more than $1.5 billion every year, and the kingdom ranks among the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid, U.S. diplomats say. Biden reaffirmed strong U.S. support for the monarch shortly after the kingdom announced it had quashed a rift within the royal family that shook Jordan's image as a beacon of stability in the region. Abdullah had strongly opposed former U.S. President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan, which he saw as a national security threat that would also undermine his Hashemite family's custodianship of the holy sites in Jerusalem. Officials say the shift in U.S. policy under Biden towards a more traditional commitment to a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict has relieved pressure on Jordan. A majority of Jordan's 10 million population are of Palestinian origin. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Giles Elgood) By Suleiman Al-Khalidi AMMAN (Reuters) -A Jordanian military court on Thursday rejected a defence request to have the kingdom's Prince Hamza and others testify as witnesses in a case against a former royal confidant accused of destabilising the monarchy, a defence lawyer said. Prince Hamza, the estranged former heir to the throne at the centre of the case, was accused of liaising with disgruntled members of powerful tribes who dominate the security forces and form the bedrock of support for the Hashemite monarchy. He avoided any legal process in April after pledging allegiance to the king, defusing a crisis that had led to his house arrest. But charges remained against former royal confidant Bassem Awadallah, including agitating to undermine Jordan's political system, committing acts that threaten public security and sowing sedition. He has pleaded not guilty. Legal experts have questioned the legality of a trial when the man at the centre of the case, Prince Hamza, is not in the dock. The authorities have said the trial process is fair. Defence lawyer Mohammad Afif said the military court's decision not to take testimony from a list of potential defence witnesses - also including the prime minister and other princes - suggested the verdict could be swift. "With no defence evidence, there could be a verdict within a week," he told Reuters. He did not elaborate on any reasons given by the court for refusing the defence request. The military court has held its proceedings in secret since the trial started last week after authorities said public hearings would compromise national security. The prosecution case relies on voice messages intercepted by the intelligence forces that allegedly show how Hamza was waiting for the right moment to act. He was getting Awadallah's advise on the right tweets to exploit a wave of street protests over growing hardship. Lawyers say there is no evidence of any plot that relied on accomplices within the army and secuirty forces. The authorities say they nipped in the bud a potential coup. Story continues The case shocked Jordan because it appeared to expose rifts within the ruling Hashemite family that has been a beacon of stability in a volatile region in recent years. Officials say the prosecution evidence also shows that Hamza wanted Awadallah to use his close relationship with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to seek support for Hamza's bid to become king. Awadallah, who challenged a conservative establishment opposed to his liberal policies and has close ties to senior U.S. officials, promised to lobby on Hamza's behalf in Western capitals and Saudi Arabia, according to the charge sheet. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; editing by John Stonestreet and Andrew Heavens) One of the two women who were convicted in the 2014 Slender Man stabbing will be released early from a state mental institution, a Wisconsin judge ruled Thursday. Judge Michael O. Bohren agreed to Anissa Weier's March petition for release, which argued that the now-19-year-old woman was no longer a threat to herself or society. Bohren noted that hospital staff said Weier didn't exhibit "psychotic" behaviors and ordered state officials to produce her release plan within 60 days. Weier's next hearing is on September 10. Weier is to remain in the Winnebago Mental Health Institute until then. In 2017, Weier was sentenced to 25 years in a mental institution after she pleaded guilty to being a party to attempted second-degree intentional homicide. In 2014, Weier and her friend Morgan Geyser lured their friend Payton Leutner into the woods of their Milwaukee suburb. At the time, all three girls were 12 years old. As Weier egged her on, Geyser stabbed Leutner multiple times. Leutner barely survived and was rescued by a passerby. Weier and Geyser said that they tried to kill the girl to curry favor with a fictional horror character called the Slender Man. Geyser is serving the maximum of 40 years in the mental hospital. Maura McMahon, Weier's attorney, did not immediately respond to a NBC News request for comment. MADISON, Wis. (AP) A Wisconsin judge on Thursday ordered the release of a woman who has spent 3 1/2 years in a state mental health facility after being convicted of stabbing her classmate to please the Slender Man character. Anissa Weier, 19, was sentenced to 25 years at the Winnebago Mental Health Institute in December 2017. She argued in a petition for conditional release that she's no longer a threat to anyone. She won't be allowed to go free immediately, however. Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren gave state officials 60 days to draw up a conditional release plan and sent Weier back to the mental hospital pending another hearing on Sept. 10. In addition to the conditions of release, Weier will be assigned state Department of Health Services case managers to track her progress until she's 37 years old, the length of her commitment. The May 2014 stabbing happened after Weier and friend Morgan Geyser lured classmate Payton Leutner into the woods at a Waukesha park following a sleepover. Geyser stabbed Leutner multiple times as Weier encouraged Geyser to inflict the injuries. All three girls were 12 years old at the time. Weier and Geyser left Leutner for dead, but she crawled out of the woods and was found by a passing bicyclist. She suffered 19 stab wounds and barely survived. Weier and Geyser told investigators they stabbed Leutner because they thought Slender Man was real. They said they thought attacking her would make them his servants and keep him from killing their families. When Weier petitioned Bohren for conditional release in March, she said she had exhausted all her treatment options at Winnebago and she needed to rejoin society. She vowed she'd never let herself become a weapon again" and promised to comply with whatever conditions Bohren imposed. Prosecutors countered in court filings that Weier is still immature and susceptible to dangerous influences. They said she attracts people with myriad psychological issues of their own and there's no guarantee she won't attack someone again. Story continues But Bohren found prosecutors failed to prove Weier remains a threat and that nothing suggests she'll hurt people again, according to online court records documenting Thursday's hearing. Asked via email for comment on Weier's reaction to the judge's decision, her attorney, Maura McMahon, said only that Weier was led out of the courtroom pretty quickly. Bohren sentenced Geyser in February 2018 to 40 years in a mental health facility. She has argued that her case should have been heard in juvenile court but has gotten no traction. An appellate court ruled last year that the case was properly heard in adult court. The state Supreme Court in January refused to review that decision. ___ Follow Todd Richmond on Twitter at https://twitter.com/trichmond1 Former Afghan interpreters for American forces demonstrate at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on June 25, 2021. With predictions of a Taliban victory within months of an American exit from Afghanistan, White House critics are already declaring that Joe Biden will own the result. That isn't fair, of course, since the war was never decisively waged by four successive presidents, the Kabul regime was chronically corrupt and the American public has long since lost patience with 20 years of spent blood and treasure. But it isn't entirely wrong, either. Exit President Donald Trump In Biden's race for the exit, any chance of pressuring opposing factions into a peace settlement was forfeited. The Trump administration last year brought the Taliban to the table to begin negotiating an end to the war. And at first it looked promising. There was a seven-day reduction of violence (not quite a cease-fire). An agreement between the United States and Taliban that included an initial U.S. reduction in forces from 13,000 to 8,600, a Taliban promise to renounce terror organizations operating on Afghan soil, and initiation of final peace talks with the Kabul government. That last provision was key. But as months passed without any serious effort by Taliban leaders to talk peace with the democratically elected government of President Ashraf Ghani, President Donald Trump gave away leverage by continuing to withdraw U.S. troops and negotiating a May 1 exit deadline with the Taliban. He wanted to boast in an election year that he was "bringing our soldiers back home." Enter President Joe Biden Meanwhile, Taliban attacks across the country mounted. By the time Biden took office, U.S. troop levels were down to 2,500, supplemented by 7,000 NATO soldiers, devoted not to ground combat but to training Afghan forces, providing air support for Afghan operations or conducting counterterrorism missions. U.S. casualties were nonexistent. Biden might have slowed down the exodus of troops and made further drawdowns contingent on the Taliban at least making a good faith effort to reach a peace deal with the Kabul government. Story continues USA TODAY's opinion newsletter: Get the best insights and analysis delivered to your inbox. Instead, Biden did the opposite, announcing in April that all troops would leave. And soon. He first set a deadline of Sept. 11. Then moved it way up to July 4 (which is this Sunday) or shortly thereafter. Several hundred troops will remain to provide security for diplomats. Biden said it was "time to end the forever war." But, of course, that war wasn't ending. America was simply pulling up stakes, a move that only encouraged more war as the Taliban stepped up offensive operations. Taliban battlefield successes Militants have captured 50 district capitals since May 1, and they now control a third of the country and contest 42% more. Even their commanders are startled by their rapid battlefield successes. Meanwhile, battered and homeless Afghan women are fleeing shelters in the north to escape the brutally restrictive Taliban, and the rights of women across the country are in jeopardy. The latest U.S. intelligence assessment is that the government in Kabul could collapse in six months, according to The Wall Street Journal. And the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Austin "Scott" Miller, told reporters Tuesday of his concern that the nation could devolve into civil war once NATO troops leave. Nor is there a guarantee terrorist organizations such as al-Qaida won't once again use Afghanistan as a base of operations. The Taliban and al-Qaida have never severed ties. With U.S. troops gone, America's ability to monitor terrorism activities will diminish. Evacuate Afghan interpreters The Biden administration is at least planning to evacuate thousands of Afghans who worked with U.S. forces and now risk retribution from the Taliban. They're to be taken to other countries while processing U.S. entry applications. The lives of 18,000 are at stake, along with about 53,000 family members. The task is daunting. Necessary. And the time to accomplish is quickly running out. From right, President Joe Biden, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah meet at the White House on June 25, 2021. But America is certainly leaving. "Afghans are going to have to decide their future," Biden said on June 25, as he met with Ghani and promised $266 million in humanitarian aid, $3.3 billion in security assistance and millions of COVID-19 shots. There's some talk in the Pentagon of seeking authorization to launch airstrikes from outside Afghanistan in support of beleaguered government forces. This would be important if it's approved by the White House, though logistically challenging. But Biden may say no. He seems hellbent to wash his hands of this forever war. So be it. But the reality is that should there be harrowing images of a democracy in its death throes beamed back into American mobile devices and living rooms in the months to come, the stain left on the Biden presidency will never go away. USA TODAY's editorial opinions are decided by its Editorial Board, separate from the news staff and the USA TODAY Network. Most editorials are coupled with an Opposing View, a unique USA TODAY feature. To read more editorials, go to the Opinion front page or sign up for the daily Opinion email newsletter. To respond to this editorial, submit a comment to letters@usatoday.com. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: July Fourth: Joe Biden abandons Afghanistan independence to Taliban Just days ago, Catholic priest Juan Sosa was ministering to parishioners and visitors at his Surfside, Florida church. Now he wonders how many of them may be buried in the mound of rubble that the 12-story Champlain Towers South collapsed into, plunging his church and the rest of the oceanside community into mourning as a lengthy search process entered its seventh day Wednesday. "They're just beside themselves because they knew some of the members, of course. They're very affected," he said, estimating that between 18 and 22 -- or more -- of his regulars are missing. As for the relatives whom Sosa has spoken to of the 16 people confirmed dead, "You just have to listen to them," he told AFP. "There's nothing to converse at the moment. Just listen and be with them." With more than 140 people still unaccounted for and no survivors found since the immediate aftermath of the beachfront building's sudden collapse in the early hours of Thursday, Surfside, population 5,725, is hoping for a miracle -- but steeling itself for grim news. Rescuers from across the United States and as far away as Israel and Mexico are combing through the mass of debris left behind by the cave-in, as counselors and clergy work with relatives of the victims to help them process the disaster that has turned their lives upside down. "They're in a sense of limbo and that's going to be one of the most dangerous times psychologically for what people can experience," said Raphael Poch, a psychotrauma counselor who came from Israel alongside a search-and-rescue team. - Few answers - When disaster strikes in Florida, it usually comes during the yearly hurricane season, and building collapses are uncommon in the United States overall. While speculation has focused on whether a lack of maintenance caused the destruction, there are no answers yet on the event's precise trigger, nor an explanation for the families of those who have disappeared -- rescuers are only finding a handful of bodies each day, and sometimes just one. Story continues Poch, who has responded to disasters worldwide, said counselors have found it useful to interview families or find other ways for them to assist with the response, both to aid rescuers' work and also to give them something to focus on amid the uncertainty. "That's giving them the sense that they're not helpless, that they're helping the situation," Poch said. "And that's very, very important in preventing severe psychological reactions, which can happen afterwards if the senses of helplessness and loneliness are allowed to just continue unchecked throughout the limbo process." Details like where someone tended to sleep and how they laid out their apartment have helped rescuers create a three-dimensional map of the rubble, which they're using to direct their search. The information has also helped narrow down the list of who may be trapped. But with rescuers conceding that there's little evidence of life under the pile of concrete and rebar, counselors are girding for mourning. We're "still trying to keep families fixated on their faith and remain hopeful and to begin to prepare people for what could be," said Ryan Saunders, a priest at a Miami church that is missing three parishioners who were staying at a friend's apartment in the building. As the search goes on, Saunders said he and other priests expect to attend funerals and be with relatives as they grieve in the weeks to come. "That, I think, does help bring a sense of closure, but at the same time, families will feel voids for years to come," he said. cs/caw South Korean military prosecution demanded a five-year prison term for disgraced former K-pop star Seungri over charges stemming from a sex and drug scandal, reports said Thursday. The 30-year-old singer from popular boyband BIGBANG has been indicted on accusations including arranging prostitution, embezzlement and illicit gambling. He enlisted as an army conscript last year, with the military court hearing his trial. All able-bodied South Korean men are obliged to fulfil around two years of military service to defend the country from nuclear-armed North Korea, with which it remains technically at war. Military prosecutors on Thursday asked the judge to impose a five-year jail term and a 20 million won (US$18,000) fine. "Even though the accused is the one who benefited the most from the crime, he is blaming others and severe punishment is needed," local reports cited the prosecutors as saying. BIGBANG enjoyed widespread fame following its 2006 debut and Seungri went on to become a successful businessman, but the public backlash over the scandal and formal investigations caused him to retire from showbiz in 2019. Seungri, whose real name is Lee Seung-hyun, is accused of habitual overseas gambling at luxurious casinos in Las Vegas involving illicit foreign exchange transactions. He is also suspected of arranging sex services for potential investors in his business. The investigation into the scandal surrounding him uncovered a spate of allegations against other musicians and personnel at YG Entertainment -- Seungri's former agency and one of the biggest K-pop management firms. It prompted the agency CEO Yang Hyun-suk to step down last year facing probes of his own into illicit gambling. sh/slb/qan With the clock ticking on federal unemployment benefits in Maryland, lawyers for jobless residents were working Thursday evening to get a judge to review two lawsuits that seek to force the state to continue the payments. Both cases were brought by unemployed Marylanders and center on Gov. Larry Hogans decision to end federal pandemic benefits. The state plans to end the programs Saturday. Attorneys with the Public Justice Center and the Unemployed Workers Union, which organized the separate lawsuits, scrambled Thursday to get a last-minute hearing scheduled in Baltimore Circuit Court before the state stops paying the benefits. If a hearing is scheduled, it is likely to be held Friday afternoon on Zoom, according to an email attorneys received from the court Thursday evening. They want a judge to issue an order stopping Maryland from cutting off the federal aid, which provides $300 weekly supplements and helps people not typically covered by unemployment insurance, such as the self-employed. The federal government authorized the benefits until September, but Hogan announced June 1 that Maryland would end them early, citing job growth and employer complaints of severe worker shortages. About two dozen other Republican-led states have also moved to halt the payments. Lawyers for the unemployed say many people who lost work because of the pandemic still cannot find jobs and that ending the federal benefits is cutting off a lifeline for thousands of Maryland families. Over the last two days, lawyers representing Hogan and Maryland Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson unsuccessfully tried to move the cases to federal court. They said in legal filings that federal court had jurisdiction, arguing among other reasons that the matter rises and falls with this Courts interpretation of the CARES Act, the federal law that has provided supplemental jobless benefits. But after hearing arguments Thursday, U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett agreed with lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case filed Wednesday by the Public Justice Center, who said the case belonged in state court. Their lawsuit claims that Hogan and Robinson have violated their obligations under state law and the Maryland Constitution. Story continues Federal question jurisdiction does not automatically arise merely because there are federal funds involved, Bennett said in a telephone court proceeding before issuing an order later Thursday remanding the case to Baltimore Circuit Court. The laws abundantly clear on that. State agencies are typically represented by the Maryland Attorney Generals Office, but attorneys from the private law firm Venable are now representing Hogan and Robinson. Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, a Democrat, has publicly opposed Hogans decision to end the pandemic unemployment benefits. With time running out, plaintiffs attorney Robbie Leonard said lawyers representing the unemployed will keep up their fight until the end. Were confident in our pleadings ... and we know that were fighting on the right side, said Leonard, who is working with the Unemployed Workers Union. A similar case is playing out in Indiana, where a judge last week granted a preliminary injunction ordering that state to continue to paying the federal benefits there. Move forward Getting vaccinated is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines were made to save lives. They are safe and effective, and they help your body develop immunity to the virus. Vaccines cannot give you COVID-19 because they do not contain the live virus that causes the illness. The vaccines prevent nearly 100% of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19, and now everyone age 12 and older in the United States is eligible to be vaccinated for free, regardless of citizenship status. In fact, more than 170 million people in the U.S. have received at least one dose of the vaccine. To find a vaccination provider near you, go to vaccines.gov, text your ZIP code to 438829 on your mobile device or call 1-800-232-0233. If you have been vaccinated, encourage others to do so. Learn about how to talk to your friends and family about getting vaccinated at wecandothis.hhs.gov. Every person who chooses to get vaccinated brings us all a step closer to moving past the pandemic. Thank you for playing your part. #WeCanDoThis. - Nancy Rios, Regional administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Regional Operations Region 7, Kansas City Legal ploy? Over recent weeks, many of our Missouri legislators have decided people on Medicaid should not have any funding. (June 23, 12A, Bumbling, indifference risk Missouri Medicaid funding) But they did find a way to get more money for the state public defender system. (June 24, 1A, Missouri public defender system to get funding for more attorneys) Does it seem obvious that lawyer legislators want to help their lawyer friends make more money? This does not smell quite right. Maybe every one of these legislators should be voted out in the next election. - G. Ray Nichols, Kansas City My team, your team I read with dismay about Missouri Gov. Mike Parson not being convinced Kevin Strickland is innocent, so he is balking on releasing him after 40 years in prison. (June 25, 1A, Parson not convinced Strickland is innocent) Im guessing its really a political thing and Parson will do nothing for a Democrat, which he presumes Strickland likely is. Story continues Parson expressed no misgivings with Donald Trump pardoning all those crooks like Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, because theyre part of the gang. On the other hand, Strickland, with 40-plus years behind bars, has more than paid his dues even if he had done the crime. Parson says he cant be responsible if Strickland is released and then hurts someone else. Has he not noticed that Strickland is in a wheelchair and its very unlikely he could hurt anyone? We have become so extremely polarized now that common sense and any compassion have completely disappeared. What has happened to us, and what has our democracy become? The fanaticism that the Trump presidency has brought to the United States has ruined us as a country and a compassionate people. How sad is that? - Tom Wolff, Overland Park Pay the police Recently there was a stickup at Community America Bank on Missouri 291, a block from my home. A few weeks ago, a fellow I grew up with in Lafayette County named Steven B. Turner Jr. was accused of killing two women, presumably in a drug deal gone wrong. (May 29, 16A, Man charged with 2 counts of first-degree murder in shooting in Independence over weekend) I looked up what a starting police officer in Independence makes a paltry $19 an hour. Thats nothing. No wonder the city doesnt have enough police. The mayor and City Council desperately need to pay the police what theyre worth instead of wasting time handing out TIFs. Imagine if we paid $35 an hour? - Holmes Osborne, Independence For more than two months, Mitch McConnell has excoriated President Joe Bidens decision to leave Afghanistan as a hasty abandonment that will threaten the U.S. homeland and lead to a likely catastrophe. An accelerated exit that will now pull a significant number of U.S. troops out by this weekends July 4th holiday could determine the prescience of the Senate Minority Leaders dire warnings sooner than expected. Whereas military officials have said that al-Qaeda could regroup to target the U.S. in two years, McConnell conveyed just last week that he suspects this threat will come much more quickly. The threats we face from terrorism and tyranny have not been defeated, the Kentuckian said after meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at the Capitol. This week, the U.S.s top general in the country, Gen. Austin Miller, relayed that the Taliban has already overtaken portions of Afghanistan, potentially converting Americas longest foreign war into a bloody internecine civil war. But even analysts who oppose an immediate U.S. pullout doubt that al-Qaeda and its Taliban allies could reassemble dominance under a watchful U.S. eye. I think we will devote lots of intelligence to the problem to be sure sanctuaries dont develop in the short term or the longer term of a few years, said Michael OHanlon, a senior fellow at The Brookings Institute specializing in defense and foreign policy. But it is unlikely that we will be unable to see a huge ISIS or al-Qaeda sanctuary develop. Thus the odds against a major staging base are modest, I hope. But, OHanlon added, McConnell is right that we are entering uncharted territorywith some echoes, alas, of the situation in the 1990s, if Afghanistan collapses and/or comes under Taliban rule. Retired Gen. David Patreaus said on a Washington Post live stream he didnt see a threat to the homeland in the near future, but needless to say well see what theyre capable of doing and were going to have to pay very close attention. Story continues Ever since Biden announced his decision in mid-April to remove most of American troops and U.S. contractors from Afghanistan, McConnell has responded with some of his most blistering critiques of the president. The likely catastrophe in Afghanistan may well consume this administration, he predicted at the end of April. McConnell foresees a refugee crisis, followed by a security and economic crisis across the region, due to what he calls a retreat rooted in dangerous wishful thinking. The Biden administration counters that it was former President Donald Trump who set in motion the timeline last year and that if we did not withdraw our troops, U.S. men and women would be facing fire on the ground, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. McConnell opposed Trumps move toward an Afghanistan pullout as well, introducing a 2019 amendment warning against precipitous withdrawal that netted 70 Senate votes. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, one of 26 to oppose that McConnell amendment, took to the Senate floor to challenge McConnell to introduce a fresh authorization of military force to continue a war thats two decades old. If he believes we should stay or send more troops there, that is his right. He can offer that on the floor of the Senate, said Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate. Why doesnt he offer that? An authorization of use of military force? I think we know the answer. Theres little or no support on his side of the aisle, nor on this side of the aisle, to make the longest war in American history, even longer. A McConnell spokesperson notes theres already an existing authorization of military force in place for Afghanistan. The real question is if Democrats want to repeal it, like the House voted to strike down the one used for the invasion of Iraq earlier this month. Last week, the Senate considered a bill by Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana to direct the U.S. government to relocate Afghan allies, like English-speaking translators, to the U.S. before the Taliban can exact revenge. If we dont do something theyre going to be butchered, theyre going to be gutted like a deer, Kennedy pleaded. But Kentuckys junior senator, Rand Paul, objected, arguing that removing allies from the country would only precipitate the Talibans return to power. The quest for liberty requires fighting, Paul said. The future of Afghanistan could be a bright future but theyre going to have to fight for it. And ultimately it is their fight. Paul, arguably the Senates leading anti-interventionist abroad, has also said he could be further convinced on spending money on infrastructure if the U.S. stopped pouring resources into Afghanistan. A 2020 Defense Department report calculated war-fighting costs to total $815 billion. More than 2,400 U.S. troops have been killed and 20,000 wounded in the war since 2001. Additionally, 3,800 private security contractors and 66,000 Afghan troops have lost their lives. The Biden administration has assured that it will continue to provide sustained security assistance, but has been vague about what that exactly entails. Still, for the moment, American public opinion is siding with Biden over McConnell on the exit. Sixty-two percent of those polled by Quinnipiac University in late May said they approve of the Biden withdrawal, including 41% of Republicans and 63% of independents. This image from video from Louisiana state police state trooper Dakota DeMoss' body-worn camera, shows troopers holding up Ronald Greene before paramedics arrived on May 10, 2019, outside of Monroe, Louisiana. Louisiana State Police via AP Louisiana State Police blocked an investigator from filing charges against an officer following the death of Ronald Greene, according to court documents obtained by USA Today Network. Body camera footage shows Louisiana State Police officers beating and dragging Greene during an arrest last year. Investigator Albert Paxton wrote that he was prevented from charging Master Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, whom he said turned off his body camera before the beating, documents show. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Louisiana State Police officials blocked investigators from charging an officer involved in the death of Ronald Greene, according to a report from the Lafayette Daily Advertiser and the USA Today Network. According to documents obtained by USA Today Network, Louisiana State Police Investigator Albert Paxton wrote that he was prevented from charging Master Trooper Chris Hollingsworth, whom he said turned off his body camera before the beating that led to Greene's death. Police initially said Greene died in car crash following a police chase in Monroe, Louisiana, in May 2019, but body camera footage later showed officers stunning, hitting, and dragging him during an arrest. He died on his way to the hospital. In documents seen by USA Today Network, Paxton determined in 2019 that Hollingsworth should be charged with obstruction in the case, but department leadership blocked him from pursuing the charge. "We were told there was no obstruction and we needed to wait on the autopsy. We didn't know where (Greene's) left hand was. Bad case law, he was turning off his camera to hide bad driving, call his girlfriend, he was the second car in the pursuit, 'what is evidence and who decides?'" Paxton wrote. "We were also told if we arrest Hollingsworth for turning off his camera then we (Bureau of Investigations) would have issues with patrol." Hollingsworth died in a single-car crash in September 2020. Story continues In a statement to Insider, Louisiana State Police said the department was cooperating with a federal and state investigation into Greene's death. "LSP continues to offer our full cooperation with the investigation and fully intends to release all available documents and investigative files at the appropriate time," the department said. "All official investigative notes and reports were included in the case file delivered to investigating agencies. All circumstances surrounding this incident are being evaluated and reviewed in conjunction with the federal investigation." Read the original article on Insider Five out of seven members of the board of the Surfside, Florida condominium building that collapsed last week reportedly resigned in 2019 amid infighting over the significant cost of repairs identified in an engineers report. On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported that it had obtained the resignation letter of Anette Goldstein, who was president of the condos board until she resigned in September 2019. At the time, the condo owners were concerned about the ballooning costs of repairs, which rose from about $9 million to $15 million over the course of three years. Four other board members resigned during the following two weeks, according to minutes from a meeting in early October. Its unclear why they quit. We work for months to go in one direction and at the very last minute objections are raised that should have been discussed and resolved right in the beginning, Goldstein wrote in her resignation letter, which was obtained by the Post. This pattern has repeated itself over and over, ego battles, undermining the roles of fellow board members, circulation of gossip and mistruths. The newspaper spoke to another former board member, Max Friedman, who said it took a lot of time to get the ball rolling on the repairs, but added: Nobody truly believed the building was in imminent danger. A team of rescue workers searches through the rubble of the Champlain Towers South building in Surfside, Florida, which collapsed last week. (Photo: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) The discovery comes amid an ongoing investigation into the devastating collapse of part of the Champlain Towers South building last week. At least 18 people died in the destruction and another 145 remain missing. The search for survivors will continue for the indefinite future, the mayor of Surfside told The New York Times on Wednesday. Investigations into the cause of the collapse will likely take months. An October 2018 report by engineer Frank Morabito warned of major structural damage in the building. He said waterproofing below a pool deck and entrance driveway had failed. During his inspection, Morabito also found abundant cracking in concrete columns, beams and walls and said repair work would be necessary to maintain the structural integrity of the building. Story continues The same engineering firm was hired 18 months later, in June 2020, to begin the process of detailing what work needed to be done. The condo board voted to pay for the $15 million in upgrades in April 2021, but at the time of the collapse, the major repairs had not started. At the time of the building collapse, roof repairs were underway, but concrete restoration had not yet begun, the firm said in a statement last month, per The Associated Press. This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated. Related... A tornado warning briefly covered Annapolis on Thursday afternoon as several severe storms moved through Central Maryland, leaving behind fallen trees and isolated flooding. Much of the Baltimore area was under a severe thunderstorm watch for most of the day and several specific areas were under severe warnings. Storms dropped nearly an inch of rain as of 6 p.m., according to measurements recorded by the National Weather Service at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport. The tornado warning near Annapolis halted proceedings in the Capital Gazette shooting trial, forcing those inside the courtroom to head to the basement. The warning expired at 4 p.m. A flash flood watch was also in effect but has since been lifted by the weather service for most of the region. Portions of Anne Arundel County remain under the advisory until Friday morning. Forecasters say a cold front moving through the region Thursday night will likely bring more rain overnight and a low of around 70 degrees. A quarter to half an inch of rain could fall, the weather service said. After a sweltering start to the week, temperatures were milder Thursday the high was 85 and are likely to stay that way in the coming days. Friday and Saturdays high should be around 80 degrees. At least some rain showers are likely each of those days, but forecasters are predicting a sunny Independence Day with a high near 83 degrees. The sun will stay out Monday, when temperatures could once again reach the 90s. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene appear at a joint event on 27 May. (Getty Images) US Rep Matt Gaetz and several other House Republicans have written to Britney Spears asking the pop star to testify to Congress following her rare public remarks condemning her fathers legal mechanism that has governed her life for more than a decade. Ms Spears detailed the abusive depths of the conservatorship and has pleaded for her release for years during her revealing courtroom testimony in her conservatorship case. In a letter dated 30 June, Mr Gaetz said: Congress can make things better and you can inform our policy decisions. If you will speak to Congress, we are ready to listen. Please take advantage of the empowerment that public congressional testimony can unlock, he wrote. The letter is signed by Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs and Burgess Owens. Ms Spearss father, Jamie Spears, was the legal manager of his daughters multimillion-dollar estate since 2008; Jodi Montgomery, a private fiduciary, has served in that role since 2019. In her testimony in a Los Angeles court on 23 June, Ms Spears detailed legal constraints against her, including a forced IUD contraception. The recent adoption of the #FreeBritney movement by right-wing officials and personalities, among the most vocal proponents of anti-abortion policy and restrictive reproductive healthcare measures, has served as their platform for exposing guardianship abuse. In March, Mr Gaetz and US Rep Jim Jordan requested that House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler hold a hearing on conservatorships. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Bessemer Trust, a wealth management firm that was set to become the co-conservator of Britney Spears estate alongside her father, filed in court on 1 July a request to withdraw from the agreement. Mr Gaetz currently is facing a federal law enforcement investigation stemming from the prosecution of a Florida official who pleaded guilty to sex trafficking a minor, among other felony charges. Joel Greenberg, a former Florida tax collector, admitted to introducing a minor to other adult men, who engaged in commercial sex acts with her, according to a plea agreement filed on 14 May. The other men were not named. He has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in other cases. Story continues Mr Gaetz also faces a House Ethics Committee investigation following similar allegations; he has denied any wrongdoing. A group of 37 House Democrats on Thursday have also demanded Republican leadership take immediate action against Ms Greene, a far-right freshman lawmaker from Georgia whose harassment of colleagues has reached an unacceptable level, they claimed. Read More Matt Gaetz claiming he wants to #FreeBritney isnt cute or harmless Britney Spears: Firm set to become co-conservator wants to resign due to changed circumstances Why is Britney Spears still under a conservatorship when Bill Cosby is free? Britney Spears claims of forced IUD amount to reproductive coercion, womens rights groups say Britney Spears: Pop stars statement to court against conservatorship in full The United States and Mexico are tussling over their dwindling shared water supplies after years of unprecedented heat and insufficient rainfall. Map showing the American Southwest and northern Mexico Sustained drought on the middle-lower Rio Grande since the mid-1990s means less Mexican water flows to the U.S. The Colorado River Basin, which supplies seven U.S. states and two Mexican states, is also at record low levels. A 1944 treaty between the U.S. and Mexico governs water relations between the two neighbors. The International Boundary and Water Commission it established to manage the 450,000-square-mile Colorado and Rio Grande basins has done so adroitly, according to our research. That able management kept U.S.-Mexico water relations mostly conflict-free. But it masked some well-known underlying stresses: a population boom on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border, climate change and aging waterworks. 1944 to 2021 The mostly semiarid U.S.-Mexico border region receives less than 18 inches of annual rainfall, with large areas getting under 12 inches. Thats less than half the average annual rainfall in the U.S., which is mainly temperate. The 1940s, however, were a time of unusual water abundance on the treaty rivers. When American and Mexican engineers drafted the 1944 water treaty, they did not foresee todays prolonged megadrought. Nor did they anticipate the regions rapid growth. Since 1940 the population of the 10 largest pairs of cities that straddle the U.S.-Mexico border has mushroomed nearly twentyfold, from 560,000 people to some 10 million today. This growth is powered by a booming, water-dependent manufacturing industry in Mexico that exports products to U.S. markets. Irrigated agriculture, ranching and mining compete with growing cities and expanding industry for scarce water. Today, theres simply not enough of it to meet demand in the border areas governed by the 1944 treaty. Three times since 1992 Mexico has fallen short of its five-year commitment to send 1.75 million acre-feet of water across the border to the U.S. Each acre-foot can supply a U.S. family of four for one year. Story continues Water conflicts In the fall of 2020, crisis erupted in the Rio Grande Valley after years of rising tensions and sustained drought that endanger crops and livestock in both the U.S. and Mexico. In September 2020, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared that Mexico owes Texas a years worth of Rio Grande water. The next month, workers in Mexico released water from a dammed portion of Mexicos Rio Conchos destined to flow across the border to partially repay Mexicos 345,600-acre-foot water debt to the U.S. Frustrated farmers and protesters in the Mexican state of Chihuahua clashed with Mexican soldiers sent to protect the workers. A 35-year-old farmers wife and mother of three was killed. Mexico also agreed to transfer its stored water at Amistad Dam to the U.S., fulfilling its obligation just three days before its Oct. 25, 2020, deadline. That decision satisfied its water debt to the U.S. under the 1944 treaty but jeopardized the supply of more than a million Mexicans living downstream of Amistad Dam in the Mexican states of Coahuila and Tamaulipas. Soldiers in riot gear stand behind a fence wrapped with barbed wire. The U.S. and Mexico pledged to revisit the treatys Rio Grande water rules in 2023. The drought dilemma on the Colorado River is similarly dire. The water level at Lake Mead, a major reservoir for communities in the lower Colorado River Basin, has dropped nearly 70% over 20 years, threatening the water supply of Arizona, California and Nevada. In 2017, the U.S. and Mexico signed a temporary shortage-sharing solution. That agreement, forged under the authority of the 1944 treaty, allowed Mexico to store part of its treaty water in U.S. reservoirs upstream. Saving a strained treaty Water shortages along the U.S.-Mexico border also threaten the natural environment. As water is channeled to farms and cities, rivers are deprived of the flow necessary to support habitats, fish populations and overall river health. The 1944 water treaty was silent on conservation. For all its strengths, it simply allocates the water of the Rio Grande and Colorado rivers. It does not contemplate the environmental side of water use. But the treaty is reasonably elastic, so its members can update it as conditions change. In recent years, conservation organizations and scientists have promoted the environmental and human benefits of restoration. New Colorado River agreements now recognize ecological restoration as part of treaty-based water management. Environmental projects are underway in the lower Colorado River to help restore the rivers delta, emphasizing native vegetation like willows and cottonwoods. These trees provide habitat for such at-risk birds as the yellow-billed cuckoo and the Yuma clapper rail, and for numerous species that migrate along this desolate stretch of the Pacific Flyway. Map of the US-Mexico border with a cross-border area highlighted Currently, no such environmental improvements are planned for the Rio Grande. But other lessons learned on the Colorado are now being applied to the Rio Grande. Recently, Mexico and the U.S. created a permanent binational advisory body for the Rio Grande similar to the one established in 2010 to oversee the health and ecology of the Colorado. Another recent agreement permits each country to monitor the others use of Rio Grande water using common diagnostics like Riverware, a dynamic modeling tool for monitoring water storage and flows. Mexico also has agreed to try to use water more efficiently, allowing more of it to flow to the U.S. Newly created joint teams of experts will study treaty compliance and recommend further changes needed to manage climate-threatened waters along the U.S.-Mexico border sustainably and cooperatively. Incremental treaty modifications like these could palpably reduce the past years tensions and revitalize a landmark U.S.-Mexico treaty thats buckling under the enormous strain of climate change. [This week in religion, a global roundup each Thursday. Sign up.] This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It was written by: Robert Gabriel Varady, University of Arizona; Andrea K. Gerlak, University of Arizona, and Stephen Paul Mumme, Colorado State University. Read more: Robert Gabriel Varady has received funding from NOAA, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Lloyd's Register Foundation, and Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation.. Andrea K Gerlak has received funding from NOAA, the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Lloyd's Register Foundation, and Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation.. Stephen Paul Mumme does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Hundreds of pages of documents provided to Meng Wanzhou by HSBC bank should be rejected from her Canadian extradition hearing because the potential evidence is irrelevant to the proceeding, a government lawyer said on Wednesday. Earlier, Meng's team continued their attack on the record of the case that US prosecutors submitted to the hearing; they say the HSBC documents show that the case record is selective, misleading, "manifestly unreliable" and "outright false". But Robert Frater, the top lawyer in the Canadian Department of Justice - which is representing US interests in Meng's marathon extradition battle - told the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Vancouver that the issue was not whether the documents were reliable. Do you have questions about the biggest topics and trends from around the world? Get the answers with SCMP Knowledge, our new platform of curated content with explainers, FAQs, analyses and infographics brought to you by our award-winning team. "The issue here is relevance [to an extradition hearing] ... relevance in this context means capable of showing that the evidence of the requesting state is manifestly unreliable," Frater told Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes. It was not, and the potential evidence was instead a matter for trial, he said. Frater said there was a high threshold and a rigorous test for admissibility of evidence at an extradition hearing. "It's not enough to say that alternative inferences could be drawn," he said. Meng is accused by the US of defrauding HSBC by lying about Huawei's business dealings in Iran, which could have put the bank at risk of breaching US sanctions. But her lawyers say that the trove of documents provided by the purported victim fatally undermine the case by showing that the US misled the Canadian court, and that Meng should be freed as a result. They said the record of the case summarised HSBC emails to depict a schism between junior bank staff who were aware of the connections between Huawei, Skycom and Canicula, and senior executives who were not. But the actual email chains told a different story, Meng's lawyers said, with top HSBC staff knowing about the connections, and thus no fraud that hinged on them being deceived could have taken place. Story continues "The Requesting State's case for fraud is based on the improbable theory that a global bank relied on a single line in a PowerPoint or a single PowerPoint presentation to make a business decision about one of its biggest customers," Meng's lawyers said in a written submission, referring to the allegedly deceptive presentation she made to a HSBC banker in a Hong Kong teahouse in 2013, upon which the US case hinges. "The new evidence shows HSBC to be the sophisticated institution it is, acting with full knowledge of Huawei's affiliates and their corporate history." Meng, who is Huawei's chief financial officer and the daughter of company founder Ren Zhengfei, is applying to admit more than 300 pages of HSBC documents to the hearing. They were given to her by HSBC as a result of a settlement with the bank that was struck in Hong Kong in April. Frater said the argument of Meng's lawyers about the evidence was "simply that everyone [at HSBC] knew" about Huawei's connection to Skycom. But the witness who met Meng in the teahouse, and who briefed HSBC's risk committee about Huawei and Skycom, would testify that he did not know, said Frater. "Undermining credibility is not the purpose of this exercise," he said. "That is why we have trials." He continued: "Witness B says he did not know. My friends [Meng's lawyers] want to say that not only did he know, but everyone else knew ... if they want to challenge him on that point, they have to do it at trial." Meng's lawyers had presented a case that HSBC staff "could have put it together like a desk from Ikea", Frater said, referring to Huawei's connections to Skycom and Canicula. But "there's no evidence here that someone connected the dots", he added. Holmes pressed Frater on this point, suggesting that "the connection is obvious ... it's certainly surprising that the [HSBC] relationship manager was unaware [that these] two entities, Skycom and Canicula, were on his Huawei list". "He should have known," Frater said, prompting Holmes to say it approached a conclusion that "he did know". Earlier, Meng's lawyer Mark Sandler had focused on a portion of the PowerPoint presentation that he said Witness B had failed to communicate to the risk committee. That portion of the presentation had called Skycom "a controllable entity", Sandler said. But Holmes took issue with that depiction, pointing out that the exact wording in Meng's presentation said "Huawei's engagement with Skycom is normal and controllable business cooperation"; this arguably implied something different to calling Skycom a "controllable entity", she said. In a written submission, the Canadian government lawyers said Meng's use of the word "controllable" did not change the context of the teahouse presentation, which was to assuage HSBC's fears of sanctions risk. "The relevant (and misleading) message for HSBC from the Applicant's PowerPoint presentation was that Skycom and Huawei were separate," it said. Meng Wanzhou (shown on Tuesday) wants more than 300 pages of HSBC documents admitted in her extradition hearing. Photo: Reuters alt=Meng Wanzhou (shown on Tuesday) wants more than 300 pages of HSBC documents admitted in her extradition hearing. Photo: Reuters The HSBC documents threw the schedule for the extradition fight into disarray, prompting a three-month delay while Meng's lawyers assessed the documents. Hearings are now expected to continue until August, with Holmes then considering her ruling, but appeals could drag the matter out for years. People cannot be extradited from Canada if they are accused of an action that would not constitute a crime if committed there. While breaching US sanctions is not a crime in Canada, Meng has been accused of the extraditable offence of fraud. She has been fighting extradition since she was arrested at Vancouver's airport on December 1, 2018. Two Canadians, Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, were arrested in China soon afterwards and have undergone trials for espionage. The outcomes of the brief trials are not known; Canada regards their detention as arbitrary and retaliatory. This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for more than a century. For more SCMP stories, please explore the SCMP app or visit the SCMP's Facebook and Twitter pages. Copyright 2021 South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2021. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. The still-standing remainder of Champlain Towers will probably be demolished soon, officials say (Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved) The still-standing remainder of Champlain Towers will likely be demolished, according to local officials in Surfside, Florida. Miami-Dade mayor Daniella Levine Cava announced the probable plan at a press conference on Thursday evening, adding that the search for survivors continues. This is a breaking news story. More to follow DETROIT A contract employee for the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency pleaded guilty Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan for her role in a multi-million-dollar unemployment insurance fraud scheme. Brandi Hawkins, 40, was charged in July with using her insider access to release federal and state funds on hundreds of fraudulent claims. A search of her home turned up more than $200,000 in cash. Her actions resulted in the fraudulent disbursement of about $3.8 million of federal and state funds intended for unemployment assistance during the pandemic, acting U.S. Attorney Saima Mohsin said. If every fraudulent claim released by Hawkins, a Detroit resident, had been disbursed in full, the losses would have totaled more than $12 million, Mohsin said. 'Under attack': How criminals stole hundreds of millions in unemployment benefits What states are ending federal unemployment benefits early?: See who has cut the extra $300 a week. Big spender: California man fraudulently got $5M in COVID-19 relief money to buy a Ferrari, Bentley and Lamborghini, authorities say Hawkins' lawyer, Randall Upshaw, did not respond to an email request for comment . Hawkins is one of several people who have been charged with stealing unemployment insurance money intended to help Michiganders who were out of work during the pandemic. Sentencing is set for Oct. 28. Hawkins faces a maximum 20 years in federal prison. Follow Adrienne Roberts on Twitter: @AdrRoberts This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Michigan contractor pleads guilty in unemployment fraud scheme MOSCOW (Reuters) -Health clinics in Moscow will begin offering booster vaccine shots against COVID-19 on Thursday, the city's mayor said, as Russian officials scramble to contain a surge blamed on the highly infectious Delta variant. The health ministry on Wednesday recommended clinics begin administering booster doses to people vaccinated six months ago or more, making Russia one of the first countries to begin re-vaccination. The ministry said it was an emergency measure as cases in Russia are rising sharply and vaccination rates remain low. Russia reported 672 coronavirus-related deaths on Thursday, its highest official death toll in a single day. Moscow experienced a brief spike in demand for vaccines after authorities made vaccination compulsory for service sector workers in public-facing roles. On Thursday, the capital ran out of two vaccines, the RBC magazine reported. These were EpiVacCorona and CoviVac, Russian shots that are not as widely used as the flagship Sputnik V. Russia has inoculated just 16% of its population since January, in part due to widespread distrust. The health ministry said it would be recommending booster doses for vaccinated people every six months until at least 60% of the adult population is vaccinated. Authorities had planned to reach this target by autumn, but on Tuesday the Kremlin said it would not be met. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said re-vaccination was available with any of Russia's four registered vaccines, but Sputnik V and the one-shot Sputnik-Light would initially be used at eight clinics across the city. Scientists have said that protection from Sputnik V lasts much longer than six months. However, scientists have recommended booster doses to keep the number of protective antibodies in the body at a high level considering the rapid spread of the Delta variant. "We need to keep an eye on the strain, keeping antibody levels high through more frequent re-vaccination," said Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute which developed the vaccine. The government confirmed 23,543 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, the most since Jan. 17, including 7,597 in Moscow. That pushed the national case total to 5,538,142 since the start of the outbreak. (Reporting by Alexander Marrow, Polina Ivanova and Anton Kolodyazhnyy; Writing by Polina Ivanova; Editing by Alison Williams, Robert Birsel, Raissa Kasolowsky and Giles Elgood) LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) An 80-year-old Nebraska man has been charged with murder after telling police he shot his wife, who had Alzheimer's disease, because he was struggling to care for her. Prosecutors upgraded the charges against John Kotopka to first-degree murder on Wednesday a week after the death of Janet Kotopka, 78. He was originally charged with assault in the June 20 shooting at their home in Lincoln. Janet Kotopka had been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease about two years ago and her health had deteriorated significantly, according to court documents. John Kotopka told investigators he was exhausted and couldnt take care of her any longer and he worried about the potential financial burden of her being cared for at a nursing home. Kotopka also told police that he started thinking about hurting his wife of 57 years about 10 days before the shooting. Kotopka is being held in the Lancaster County jail without bond and hasn't entered a plea. Kotopka's attorney John Berry said the shooting is a horrible tragedy for the family but he declined to comment on details of the case. NBC Bay Area were conducting an interview with Guillermo Cespedes while one of the crew was held up at gun point during an attempted robbery (NBC Bay Area) A member of a news crew in California was the victim of an attempted armed robbery during an interview with a senior crime prevention official. NBC Bay Area was conducting an interview with Guillmero Cespedes, the chief of the Oaklands Department of Violence Prevention at roughly 3.09 pm. During the interview, they were stopped by someone with a gun as he tried to steal from one of the camera operators. According to SFGATE, a scuffle broke out. However, a security personnel intervened, deterring the suspect by brandishing his own gun. Our colleagues were conducting an interview at Oakland City Hall when they were approached by two armed individuals, a spokesperson for the news network said to the San Fransisco Chronicle. Footage they had managed to capture was aired on nightly bulletin on 28 June, the day of the attack, by anchor Jessica Aguirre. Thats the moment it happened, you see the camera knocked over during a confrontation, she said, narrating the clip. Police said afterwards to remain cautious as the gunman is presently outstanding and warned people to safe safe. The incident happened just after LeRonne Armstrong, the chief of the Oakland Police Department, outlined his opposition to $18 million being removed from the policing budget. The total budget for the policing the city stands at $674 million. It looks much different when youre out in the community and meeting with the families. Its much different when you hear families demand a stronger police response to shootings, he said of the new budget that comes into effect on 1 July. Its easier when you dont talk to senior citizens and hear them tell you that they cant sleep at night, because of all the shootings, he continued. Oaklands rate of gun crime has increased this year, according to MrArmstrong. He said his department had seized 406 firearms. In 2021, there have been 65 murders recorded so far, nearly double the rate at the same point in 2020, which was 34. Story continues The redirected $18 million is intended to go towards Mr Cespedes Department of Violence Prevention as a part of the citys effort to investigate the causes of crime. City Councilman Dan Kalb, who supported the decision, told the East Bay Times that it was time to finally do something about gun violence by potentially rooting out the causes. And we decided this year that were finally going to say yes to that, were finally going to say we are going to start the process, start the allocations to be serious about violence prevention and intervention. Police departments in US are believed to have a collective budget of $1 billion, according to Forbes. Recently, there has been a national discussion prompted by the Black Lives Matter protests last summer on whether policing should be reformed. Some have suggested that money allocated to policing ought to be spent on education and social services instead. Human rights activist Yeonmi Park, who defected from North Korea, criticized the unthinkable actions of Team USA hammer thrower Gwen Berry after she turned her back to the American flag as the national anthem played. During the playing of the anthem at an Olympic qualifier in Oregon, first-place finisher DeAnna Price and second-place finisher Brooke Anderson faced the flag with their hands over their heart. Berry, however, shifted to face the crowd and covered her head with a T-shirt that read, Activist Athlete. "If she did the exact same thing at this very moment, if she was North Korean, not only herself will be executed, [also] eight generations of her family can be sent to political prison camp and execution, Park said. Berry does not know how good she and other Americans have it compared to dictatorships globally, Park said. "I was a slave," Park said, pointing to inhumane practices in China and North Korea. "I was sold in China in 2007 as a child at 13 years old. The people actually called it slavery under [the] Chinese Communist Party in North Korea. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE: SOLDIER QUALIFIES FOR FIRST OLYMPICS AMID RECORD HEATWAVE There is actual injustice [there], and the fact that she's complaining about this country the most tolerant country she doesn't really understand history," she added. Responding to the criticism, Berry said she felt she was set up by the playing of the anthem and said her actions were misinterpreted. "I never said that I hated the country, she told the Black News Channel on Tuesday. "I never said that I didn't want to go to the Olympic Games that's why I competed and got third and made the team. Later in the interview, Berry seemed to defend her actions. "If you know your history, you know the full song of the national anthem, the third paragraph speaks to slaves in America, our blood being slain ... all over the floor," she said. "It's disrespectful and it does not speak for black Americans. It's obvious. There's no question." Story continues CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Park, however, said the Olympic-qualified athlete was so privileged and that she does not know what oppression under a dictatorship really looks like. "In North Korea, people who are actually oppressed don't even know theyre oppressed, she said. The fact that she's complaining about oppression and systemic racism she does not understand that she's so privileged." "There are people dying to come to America at this very moment," Park said. "I just hope they go to North Korea, China and see how humans are being oppressed, and they will truly understand how valuable the freedom that we have is." Washington Examiner Videos Tags: 2020 Olympics, North Korea, Activism, China, Slavery, Protests Original Author: Lawrence Richard Original Location: North Korea defector says Team USA athlete Gwen Berry would have been executed over unthinkable flag protest A massive tabulation error in New York Citys mayoral primary this week has thrown the race into chaos, providing fresh ammunition to critics of Democratic attempts to overhaul elections. The New York City Board of Elections on Tuesday posted a set of unofficial results from its second round of calculations in the new ranked-choice voting system. Those results raised eyebrows because it suggested Kathryn Garcia, the former sanitation commissioner who placed third in the returns released on election night, significantly narrowed the healthy lead former police officer Eric Adams amassed. ERIC ADAMS LEADS EARLY NYC MAYORAL RETURNS, BUT RANKED-CHOICE VOTING COULD SCRAMBLE RESULTS But the board withdrew the results later that day, at first acknowledging a discrepancy between the total number of votes cast that it reported last week and the total number of votes reflected on the new returns. The board later said 135,000 sample ballots had accidentally been included in the tally and said the next round of ranked-choice voting would be rerun this week. The hiccup set off confusion and outrage over how the election board could be seemingly so unprepared to handle vote-counting for a system it touted for months. Ranked-choice voting, used for the first time in New York City last week, allows voters to select multiple primary candidates and list them in order of preference. If no candidate attracts 50% of first-choice rankings, and none on the Democratic side did in the primary last week, the tabulations move into successive rounds counting the second, third, fourth, and potentially even fifth choices of voters until a candidate cracks the 50% threshold. The election boards mistake on Tuesday opened the door for mistrust of whatever result emerges from the system, shining a spotlight on the history of incompetence at the state institution. Its a huge public relations mess, a public relations nightmare, Rob Richie, president of the nonpartisan election group FairVote, told the Washington Examiner. It was an embarrassingly rookie mistake to not clear the cache. Story continues Richie said the error was completely the fault of the election board, not a reflection of the ranked-choice voting system itself. Ranked-choice voting has worked without issues in other places, Richie noted, such as in Utah. Proponents of ranked-choice voting say it helps prevent outlier candidates in crowded fields from grabbing victories with minority support. With the blame on the board and not on the system, more ambitious voting reforms championed by Democrats could face a new line of attack thanks to the New York debacle. The citys election board is structured, at least in theory, the way voting reform advocates would suggest: both parties select all 10 of the city council appointments, and the staff is hired on a bipartisan basis as well. Still, the board has bungled a number of issues under its purview in recent years. In the 2020 election, the board mailed nearly 100,000 defective absentee ballots to New York City voters in a mix-up that commissioners blamed on a printer problem. In the 2018 election, ballot scanners across the city broke down, sparking lengthy delays at polling places that pushed lines outside of buildings into the rain because the equipment struggled to read the two-page ballot on offer that year. In the 2016 election, the board removed 200,000 voters from the citys rolls ahead of the primaries resulting in thousands of voters showing up at their polling places and discovering they were no longer registered. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Democratic-proposed voting reforms could create even more layers of bureaucracy and opportunities for failure by expanding requirements for voter registration, mail-in voting, and other aspects of election administration. Republicans have vehemently fought against such proposals as a power grab. Some commentators were quick to note the New York City Board of Elections had indirectly lent credence to former President Donald Trump's unfounded election theories, in a situation involving only Democratic candidates, by demonstrating enough incompetence for the results to be thrown into question. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, New York City, Eric Adams, Voting Machines Original Author: Sarah Westwood Original Location: NYC primary disaster could undermine Democratic argument for election overhauls Allen Weisselberg, CFO of the Trump Organization, stands between President-elect Trump and Donald Trump Jr. in January 2017. (Evan Vucci / Associated Press) Why do so many seemingly sentient adults remain loyal to Donald Trump, even as the disgraced former president proves himself a world-class backstabber over and over? Its a futile and rhetorical question. But it still keeps me up at night. And it resurfaced Thursday with the high-profile indictment of the Trump Organization, Trump Payroll Corp. and especially Allen Weisselberg, the 73-year-old chief financial officer of the benighted Trump Organization. Theyve been collectively charged with 15 felony counts in connection with an alleged tax scheme that started in 2005. Donald Trump himself was not among the handcuffed. So Weisselberg, as expected, appears to be taking it on the chin rather than flipping on the capo. For now. This makes sense, since Trump once praised Weisselberg for doing whatever was necessary to protect the bottom line the Trump personal fortune. For insight, I texted Michael Cohen, Trumps former personal lawyer, who once said hed take a bullet for Trump and then flipped. In his book, Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump, Cohen describes this self-defeating loyalty to Trump better than anyone else has. Cohen called me back from house arrest, where hes serving time for tax evasion and campaign finance violations, misdeeds that benefited Trump. (Cohen says he committed these crimes at the behest of his boss.) I guess I was missing something in my life, he said, explaining why he stuck with the man he calls a racist, a con man and a cheat. I was looking for excitement. Im a deal junkie. I didnt need the money. Reflecting further on why hed been loyal, Cohen also said, with commendable honesty: I dont know. The unknowable mystery of Trumps barnacle loyalists remains. Weisselberg has carried water and dirty laundry for the Trump family for nearly 50 years and hes still doing so, all the way to the clink. The indictments, unsealed Thursday afternoon in Manhattan, charge the Trump Organization with a range of offenses. They include copious documentation. Among other things, the company is accused of destroying business records in September 2016 two months before Trump was elected president. Story continues Also mentioned are heaps of top-dollar tax-free swag that reportedly went to Weisselberg and other unnamed Trump Org employees. Sometimes this stuff is referred to as fringe benefits. The examples allegedly include cars, an apartment and more than $359,000 for private-school tuition for Weisselbergs grandchildren. None of this seems very fringe. Still, the indictments are not the kind likely to bring down a whole company or a former president. Trump can always claim he didnt know what his lackeys were doing. But Cohen, who worked closely with Weisselberg, has long said that nothing happened at the Trump Org without Trumps sign-off and he doesnt believe the current indictments are the whole enchilada. Indeed, prosecutors have been mounting this case against Weisselberg for months, in an effort to pressure him into cooperating with their bigger investigation into Trumps business dealings. They seem to be after far more than the septuagenarian accountant. They did the right thing when they gave him the opportunity to come in, retaining whatever dignity he may have left, Cohen said of Weisselbergs arrest. Obviously, one of the hopes is that theyre showing him some goodwill to make it clear to Weisselberg that he is not the keystone to this investigation or its outcome. His participation and cooperation only benefits him, and potentially his sons, as the D.A. has more than ample documentation to see this investigation to the end. To the end. Weve heard that before. When it looked like the feds might get cooperation from Paul Manafort, Trumps former campaign manager, it seemed for a minute as though Trump would never remain standing. Hed be indicted because of the Russia investigation or after one of his impeachments. The prosecution looked like it would go to the end. It did not. Trump, of course, is still a free man, and weve seen him slip the knot of justice in so many close calls that its hard to believe hell pay for any of the misdeeds that have come to light in the last four years. But the Trump Organization as an entity is closer to Trump than any of his campaigns, his gig as president, his wives, his henchmen, even his children. People like Cohen insist that the Trump Organization a tangle of shell companies that is the sum total of Trumps fortune and legacy is Donald Trump. In this view, everything in Trumps life, including the presidency and his personal actions, has been in the service of the company he inherited from his father. So the Thursday indictments really might represent a crucial turn of the screw. Even if President Bidens Justice Department doesnt prosecute Trump for federal crimes maybe to avoid the appearance of vengeance this prosecution of Trumps company could expand to include some of his misconduct while in the White House, since all of Trumps enterprises in business and politics are hopelessly entangled. Cohen is firmly convinced that the world hasnt heard the end of his former colleague Weisselberg. Theres a big difference between being under investigation and under indictment, Cohen said. Sometimes I need this mob-style stuff spelled out, so I asked, This indictment might make Weisselberg flip on Trump? Correct, said Cohen. @page88 This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. The parents of a boy in Virginia were arrested after officers discovered his body in their home freezer, according to police and local media reports. Kassceen Weaver, 49, and Dina D. Weaver, 48, are charged with conspiracy to conceal a body and failing to render aid to a child, WWBT reported, citing the Chesterfield County Police Department. Chesterfield is just outside of Richmond, Virginia, about 60 miles from the North Carolina border. The charges stem from a tip police received in early May about the childs body being inside the home, according to WWBT. Police identified the child as Eliel Adon Weaver. Eliel was under 5 years old when he died, WTVR reported, and the cause of death is unknown. Liz Carron, a spokesperson for the Chesterfield County Police Department, told WRIC his body is believed to have been in the freezer for more than two years. She explained that police suspect the parents failed to administer aid to the child and concealed his body sometime between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2018, WRIC reported. Another child also lived at the house and has since been put in foster care, according to the TV station. Police said the Weavers were Eliels custodial parents, WTVR reported. DNA testing confirm Dina Weaver is his biological mother but police did not confirm if Kassceen Weaver was the biological father. Kassceen Weaver has also been charged with the domestic assault and malicious wounding of an adult female. According to WTVR, that female was Dina Weaver. The Weavers have been released on bond. Anyone with information is asked to call the Chesterfield County Police Department at at 804-748-1251 or Crime Solvers at 804-748-0660. Craigslist seller tries peddling 28-inch elephant tusk to undercover agents, feds say Man jailed twice in minutes after offering counterfeit cash for bail, Maine cops say Deadly shootout after motorcycle club members go to punish imposter, Indiana cops say Jun. 30Kiddie Klubhouse, a Park River, N.D., childcare provider, received a $97,000 loan from the North Dakota Department of Commerce to purchase a house that has allowed her to care for more children. Lindsey Votava received the loan in the second quarter of 2021 through the North Dakota Department of Commerce Development Fund. Votava used the loan to help pay for a two-story house in Park River to use for providing child care. Votava operates the child care with Nicole Schempp, and the two women have one employee. Votava previously ran a child care, called Lindsey's Daycare, which had 18 children, out of her Park River home. Twenty-nine children are enrolled in the Kiddie Klubhouse child care Votava and Schempp operate out of the house she purchased. The North Dakota Development Fund manages the Child Care Loan Program created by the North Dakota Legislature in 2009. The NDDF also provides flexible funding through debt and equity investments for new or expanding North Dakota primary sectors as an economic development tool. "The loan program is really nice for day care providers," Votava said." The home is so wonderful to have. It has so much space.". Votava and Schempp remodeled the kitchen of the house so it would meet commercial standards, including installing a three-compartment sink. The women also converted the garage into a large indoor play area that has an obstacle course and enclosed trampoline. Meanwhile, the home has a fenced-in yard in which the children enrolled at Kiddie Klubhouse can play. Though buying the house increased by 12 the number of children she and Schempp can accommodate, there's still a shortage of child care in Park River, she said. "We have turned away 10 families for summer child care," Votava said. About 60 miles east and south of Park River, plans are proceeding to build a child care center in Warren, Minn., that will ease a serious child care shortage in that city. The city in late June secured funding of a $1.6 million loan from USDA Rural Development to build a 10,000 square feet child care center in in Warren, which would double the amount of space Little Sprouts Learning Center has now, said Shannon Mortenson, Warren City Clerk. Story continues The city of Warren anticipates that this week the Minnesota Legislature will approve its request to put a 1/2 cent increase in local sales tax on the ballot, Mortenson said. If the Legislature approves the option, it will have to be approved by Warren residents who will vote on the issue in the general election in the fall of 2022, Mortenson said. The city plans to build the new child care center and lease it to Little Sprouts Learning Center, which will close its location on the north end of town and move to the new location and rent the building from the city. Proceeds from the proposed sales tax increase are expected to raise about $70,000 per year, which the city would use to pay the USDA Rural Development loan, which is expected to be about $63,000, annually. The city of Warren plans to open the child care center project for bids late this year, and groundbreaking is expected to be in the spring of 2022, Mortenson said. A Pennsylvania family wants authorities to reopen the investigation on the 2016 death of their Marine son, who was found shot in the head inside his Alabama apartment, after a medical examiner changed the cause of death from "suicide" to "undetermined." The family of Ryan Presutti, a machine gunner who served tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, say he had stocked his pickup truck with road trip supplies, including snacks and treats for his dog, in preparation for a 13-hour drive from rural Alabama to his hometown of Kennett Square, a suburb outside Philadelphia, in time for his 37th birthday on July 17, 2016, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. But that day his family couldnt reach him by phone and Presutti was later found dead inside his trailer with a gunshot wound to the head. William Trump, a former New Jersey State Police detective turned private investigator hired by the family in 2019, told the newspaper he has found new evidence in recent months suggesting that the Limestone County Sheriffs Office mishandled the investigation of Presuttis death. ALABAMA INTERSTATE PILEUP DETAILS EMERGE AFTER 8 GIRLS KILLED ON WAY BACK FROM BEACH TRIP Shortly after his death, Presuttis body had been flown back to Pennsylvania and buried with military honors at Washington Crossing National Cemetery in Bucks County. A year later, Mike West, coroner in Limestone County, Alabama, changed Presuttis cause of death from suicide to undetermined. Trump said Presutti was shot with a .45 caliber Kimber gun owned by a police officer in a different Alabama county. The private investigator described how the officer told him he did not recall what he had done with the weapon, which is worth roughly $1,500. When Trump called the Limestone County Sheriffs Office seeking to have the gun released to the Presutti family from evidence storage, he said they didnt know where the weapon was. The office located the gun and handed it over last year, but Trump said that a forensics consultant concluded the weapon appeared to have been wiped down and did not show fingerprints. Story continues "No way in hell it would have been cleaned here," Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely insisted about the weapon in an interview with the Inquirer, saying he only has a key to the evidence locker. "Were not magicians and were not Columbo, but we take our jobs seriously and call it as we see it." He could not explain why an autopsy was never performed on the body. Only a toxicology report was put together that showed Presutti had consumed a small amount of methamphetamine. Fox News has reached out to both West and Blakely for comment. Separately, Blakely is scheduled to stand trial this month for ethics and theft charges after allegedly gambling away public funds at a Mississippi casino, AL.com reported. Forensics Pieces, a forensic consultant agency based in Pensacola, Florida, said in an August 2020 report conducted for the family that Presuttis body appeared to have been moved after the shooting, and the location of the gun was "not consistent with the location expected from a self-inflicted gunshot wound." It also said sheriffs investigators and the coroners office likely confused the head entry wound for the exit wound. "The entire case demands additional investigation," Forensic Pieces president Jan Johnson, a former analyst for the FBI and Florida Department of Law Enforcement, wrote in the report for the family, according to the Inquirer. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Jeremy Cameron, who owned the property where Presutti's trailer was located and lived just yards away, said he was the first to find the body and call police. The sheriffs office later seized methamphetamine, marijuana and pills from the property while conducting a search warrant and Cameron and his girlfriend, Shavonna Sue Barton, were arrested on drug distribution charges, AL.com reported. Its unclear if the couple was ever investigated as persons of interest in connection to Presuttis death. Howard University's dean of College of Fine Arts and former actress Phylicia Rashad is under fire after praising Bill Cosby's release from prison Wednesday when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his 2018 sexual assault conviction. Rashad, 73, known for her role as Cosby's wife Clair Huxtable on "The Cosby Show", tweeted "FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!" FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected! pic.twitter.com/NrGUdwr23c Phylicia Rashad (@PhyliciaRashad) June 30, 2021 The heavy social media backlash from the tweet prompted Howard University, a historically Black university that touts itself as research intensive and culturally diverse, to release a statement on Rashad's comments. "Survivors of sexual assault will always be our priority. While Dean Rashad acknowledged in her follow-up tweet that victims must be heard and believed, her initial tweet lacked sensitivity towards survivors of sexual assault," the school said. "Personal positions of University leadership do not reflect Howard University's policies." pic.twitter.com/UqiGznSkiJ Howard University (@HowardU) July 1, 2021 Backlash soon followed Cosby's former co-star after her initial tweet, with prominent Black figures and alumni calling out Rashad and the university. Janet Louise, the original Vivian Banks on the sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," tweeted, "Phylicia what are you thinking!!! I don't know you but to say this was terribly wrong. EVERYONE knew what he was doing back then. How could you NOT!" Phylicia what are you thinking!!! I don't know you but to say this was terribly wrong. EVERYONE knew what he was doing back then. How could you NOT! Get your umbrella sista here comes the shit shower. I am outraged that he has been released. Yes he is an old ass guilty man! pic.twitter.com/9mHtuEYLgk Story continues Janet Hubert (@OGJanetHubert) June 30, 2021 Howard University College of Fine Arts alum and sexual assault survivor Alicia Sanchez said, "I hope we can have a dean who believes & respects survivors." As a @HowardU School of Fine Arts alum, and as a survivor, this tweet from @PhyliciaRashad is disappointing. I hope we can have a dean who believes & respects survivors. Howards students who are survivors, I believe you & here are resources: https://t.co/AedmHaOPxN #HUStands https://t.co/qD4doAncIT a Black-passing openly Black Latina. (@aliciasanchez) June 30, 2021 Rashad soon sent a follow-up statement giving her full support to sexual assault survivors and an explanation of her original post. "Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects," she tweeted. "My heartfelt wish is for healing." I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward. My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth. Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects. My heartfelt wish is for healing. Phylicia Rashad (@PhyliciaRashad) June 30, 2021 Still, some activists and social media users are upset with the dean's support of Cosby and Howard's statement. Antirape activist Wagatwe Wanjuki said in a tweet Thursday, "It's easy for schools to release statements, but campus survivors know school's actions never match their words." It's easy for schools to release statements, but campus survivors know school's actions never match their words. https://t.co/EaXc31AxO7 Wagatwe Wanjuki (@wagatwe) July 1, 2021 Rashad was appointed dean of Howard University's fine arts college in May 2021. The school also announced its reestablished College of Fine Arts will be named after alumnus Chadwick Boseman. The late actor, who graduated in 2000, had protested against the reabsorption of the college into the broader College of Arts and Sciences while he was a student and continued to advocate for its reestablishment long after he left the Washington, D.C., campus. Bill Cosby claims vindication, while accusers say the justice system failed Trump Organization and its CFO facing charges in New York CDC isn't changing mask guidelines despite risk of COVID-19 Delta variant Jul. 1A Hill District man who owns a tax preparation business with offices in Downtown Pittsburgh and Homestead has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of tax and wire fraud. The 15-count indictment handed up on June 29 accuses Brian A. VanDusen, 51, of Webster Avenue, with filing nearly 3,000 fraudulent tax returns through his business EasyTax Refund, which he operated between 2014 and 2018. The company had offices in the Warner Center in Downtown and along 8th Avenue in Homestead. VanDusen also is a constable for Pittsburgh's Ward 3 and is seeking reelection to the post. He won the Democratic nomination in the May primary to get on the ballot for the fall general election. No candidates sought the GOP nod to run against VanDusen. The indictment alleges that VanDusen and his employees falsified the Schedule C forms to claim an earned income tax credit and tax refund for taxpayers. An employee of VanDusen's company, Jessica D. Washington, 34, of Pittsburgh, was charged in a separate 10-count indictment with falsifying federal income tax returns when she worked for EasyTax in 2018. If convicted, VanDusen faces a maximum sentence of 79 years in prison, a fine of $3.75 million, or both. Washington faces 30 years prison and a fine a $2.5 million fine if convicted. The case was investigated by the Internal Revenue Service. Tony LaRussa is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Tony at 724-772-6368, tlarussa@triblive.com or via Twitter . By Philip Pullella VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -Pope Francis on Thursday urged the leaders of Lebanon, which is mired in a financial depression and facing its worst social crisis in 30 years, to put aside partisan interests and work for peace and stability. Francis made the appeal at the end of a day-long summit with Lebanese Christian leaders in the Vatican to discuss how religions can help the country get back on its feet. He also repeated his wish to visit Lebanon, which is still reeling from a huge chemical explosion at the Beirut port last year that killed 200 people and caused billions of dollars worth of damage. "I would reiterate how essential it is that those in power choose finally and decisively to work for true peace and not for their own interests," Francis said. "Let there be an end to the few profiting from the sufferings of many! No more letting half-truths continue to frustrate peoples aspirations," he said during a closing prayer service in St. Peter's Basilica, much of it conducted in Arabic. Lebanon is battling a deep financial crisis, which the World Bank has called one of the worst depressions of modern history. It has pushed more than half the population into poverty and the currency has lost more than 90% of its value in about two years. Francis said Lebanese were "disillusioned and weary...in need of certainty, hope and peace" Prime minister-designate Saad al-Hariri, a Muslim, has been at loggerheads for months with President Michel Aoun, a Maronite Christian, over cabinet positions. In his closing address, Francis also said Lebanon and the Middle East should not be used "for outside interests and profits". Iranian influence has been on the rise in Lebanon over the past years through Hezbollah, the armed Shi'ite group whose political power has grown. Iran's sway has so far put rich Gulf Arab states off coming to Lebanon's rescue. (Additional reporting by Maha El Dahan in Beirut; editing by Toby Chopra and Angus MacSwan) Queen Elizabeth - JANE BARLOW/AFP/Getty Images The Queen has voiced her concern about climate change in a visit in Edinburgh, telling experts that "we are going to have to change the way we do things". The Queen and the Princess Royal visited the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) on Thursday to learn about its work. It was the Queen's final engagement as part of the traditional Royal Week visit to Scotland. Dressed in a jade green Angela Kelly outfit with a ruby and diamond brooch, the Queen arrived at the University of Edinburgh premises in a hybrid Land Rover, and immediately remarked that "it's electric" as she exited the vehicle. The Queen was speaking with experts from Climate XChange - an organisation that provides independent advice and analysis to support the Scottish Government - when she was heard commenting about the impact of tackling the global issue. "It does mean we are going to have to change the way we do things really, in the end," she told experts. Queen Elizabeth - Jane Barlow/PA The Queen has rarely voiced her concern about climate change in public. Her first acknowledgement about its threat to the planet is thought to have been in conversation with David Attenborough in 2018 when she said: "If countries continue to plant [more trees], it might change the climate again." Anne Marte Bergeseng, knowledge exchange manager at Climate XChange, said that her discussion with the monarch covered "everything, essentially" about a greener future and what that meant for our way of living. The Queen and Princess Anne also met representatives from the Children's Parliament, who explained their recent contribution to Scotland's Climate Assembly. The children presented the Queen with two rowan trees that will be planted as part of the Queen's Green Canopy, a nationwide planting initiative designed to create a lasting legacy to mark her Platinum Jubilee next year. Her Majesty has been a staunch advocate of planting trees to offset carbon emissions. Story continues Queen Elizabeth - Jane Barlow/REUTERS Everyone from individuals to Scout and Girlguiding groups, villages, cities, counties, schools and businesses will be encouraged to plant trees from October, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022. The initiative follows in the footsteps of the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy, a scheme that encourages Commonwealth countries to protect and plant trees in her honour. The Queen finished the event by unveiling a plaque for the institute and listening to a speech from Peter Mathieson, the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh. He spoke about the challenges faced by the workforce during the pandemic and what it may mean for the future. After the presentation, the Queen said: "It's very unnatural for us, obviously we're going to have to change our lives a bit. Queen Elizabeth - Jane Barlow/PA "Nothing can be quite normal again or what we thought." The tour coincided with the announcement of the Edinburgh Earth Initiative (EEI), a project aiming to boost global leadership on the adaption to and mitigation of climate change. EEI will be a focal point for the university's research on the climate, and will have an emphasis on supporting global partnerships to deliver solutions. Hundreds of people are dead across Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia as the northwest region and Canada face record heat waves this past week. There have been at least 486 sudden deaths over the past five days in British Columbia, almost triple the number that normally would occur within the province. The figure is also nearly double the number of deaths recorded from last Friday to Monday, which saw 223 deaths in the region. Chief coroner Lisa Lapointe said the deaths in her province are expected to rise as local coroners enter more reports. "We believe that heat is very likely a factor in many of those deaths, but that is to be confirmed," Lapointe said in a Wednesday briefing, according to the CBC. NEARLY 250 DEATHS REPORTED IN US AND CANADA AMID HISTORIC HEAT WAVE Oregon health officials tied at least 63 deaths within five days to the extreme heat. Among them, 45 were in Multnomah County, which houses Portland. State officials are continuing to investigate deaths that occurred in recent days that could be linked to the heat. Many of those who died were found alone, without air conditioning, fans, or other cooling methods, according to a statement released by Multnomah County. "This was a true health crisis that has underscored how deadly an extreme heat wave can be, especially to otherwise vulnerable people," Dr. Jennifer Vines, Multnomah County Health Officer, said. In Washington, at least 20 deaths have been linked to the heat, though officials predict that number will increase, according to a report by the Associated Press. Cities across the northwest region and Canada have reached record temperatures that have hit over 110 degrees Fahrenheit over the past week. Localities have urged residents to stay inside as the heat remains on the rise. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Some experts have suggested that the extreme heat could be linked to the effects of climate change. "Climate change is increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of heat waves," Kristie Ebi, a professor in the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the University of Washington, told the New York Times. "When you look at this heat wave, it is so far outside the range of normal." Story continues Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Climate Change, Weather, Washington, Oregon, Canada Original Author: Mica Soellner Original Location: Record heat waves prompt hundreds of deaths in Pacific Northwest and Canada An image of the US Capitol with orange markers where The New York Times found rioters broke in on January 6. The New York Times Capitol rioters entered the building at points previously unknown, a new investigation found. They used at least eight different places, concluded a six-month project by The New York Times. In some places, the police barely challenged the crowds. See more stories on Insider's business page. Rioters broke into the Capitol in at least eight different places during the January 6 riot, an investigation by The New York Times found. The six-month investigation - which analyzed video, including police bodycam footage - found points of entry used by rioters that were not previously known about. These included windows and doors that were scarcely guarded by police. This is what the Times said about those entrances: Rioters smashed through two windows and a door in one place. Beside it, a rioter with a crowbar smashed a second door and opened it "to hundreds of people." Other rioters smashed a window next to the inauguration door and climbed inside. Rioters also used another entrance, where police are seen "stand aside and allow rioters to stream in, unchallenged," according to the Times. Police in riot gear were seen to "yield and let the crowd in" on the north side of the Capitol building. There were another three breaches are on the east side of the Capitol, "two by the central doors into the Rotunda, and this southeast door leading into the House Chamber." The January 6 riot took place after Trump addressed his supporters, repeating his baseless claim that he actually won the election. Rioters stormed Congress as lawmakers voted to certify President Joe Biden's election win. Five people died, including a Capitol Police officer. Lawmakers had to be evacuated from the chambers. They later resumed the process of certifying votes. Video footage obtained by the Times' shows many rioters celebrating when they forced Congress to pause, saying they had achieved what they wanted. Watch the full New York Times investigation here. Read the original article on Business Insider JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images Robinhood has settled a wrongful death lawsuit over the suicide of a 20-year-old trader last June. Alex Kearns killed himself after thinking he lost $730,000 on the stock-trading app. Robinhood disclosed the settlement in its S-1 filing on Thursday. Terms were not disclosed. See more stories on Insider's business page. Robinhood has settled a wrongful death lawsuit over the suicide of a college student who killed himself thinking he lost $730,000 on the app. The company said in its public filing for an IPO on Thursday that the lawsuit was "dismissed with prejudice following a settlement between the parties." The terms of the settlement were not disclosed in the S-1 filing. Twenty-year-old Alex Kearns killed himself last June after seeing a negative balance of $730,000 in his account on the stock-trading app. However, the balance did not reflect the portfolio's value or debt owed. It likely came from complex options trades, which can leave temporary balances while they settle over multiple days. Before his death, Kearns emailed Robinhood asking for help after seeing his balance, according to CBS News. "I was incorrectly assigned more money than I should have, my bought puts should have covered the puts I sold. Could someone please look into this?" he wrote. Robinhood replied with an automated message saying the company would get back to him but their response could be delayed, CBS reports. The company issued a statement addressing Kearns' death last June. "All of us at Robinhood are deeply saddened to hear this terrible news and we reached out to share our condolences with the family over the weekend," Robinhood said at the time. "We are committed to continuously improving our platform and are reviewing our options offering to determine if any changes may be appropriate." Kearns' parents filed the wrongful death suit in February. Robinhood's S-1 says the lawsuit "asserted claims for wrongful death, negligent infliction of emotional distress and unfair business practices under a California statute, and sought damages and other relief." Kearns' parents reportedly said the app targets young people and encourages them to take part in risky trading. Story continues Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev apologized to Kearns' family earlier this year at a Congressional hearing over the company's role in GameStop's January short squeeze. "I'm sorry to the family of Mr. Kearns for your loss," he said. "The passing of Mr. Kearns was deeply troubling to me and to the entire company." Read the original article on Business Insider By Radu-Sorin Marinas BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania has asked AstraZeneca to extend the shelf life of some 43,000 COVID-19 vaccines that expired on June 30, as the country has been unable to administer them in time due to the low take-up by the public. Vaccine hesitancy is spreading in European Union member Romania as a result of entrenched distrust of state institutions, misinformation campaigns and lack of public awareness. Authorities have opened appointment-free vaccination centres in markets, airports and concert halls, and is sending doctors door-to-door in villages, where scepticism is rife. Some 77% of Romanians that have been vaccinated have received the Pfizer-BioNTech, followed by AstraZeneca with 9%, Moderna with 7.7%, and Johnson & Johnson's with 6.3%. Left holding so many unused AstraZeneca shots, the government has asked the company to advise whether they can still be used after expiry. "If the manufacturer provides us with data certifying long-term stability or longer than six months in the coming period ... it is very possible that we will have this extension of the validity period," said Valeriu Gheorghita, head of the government's vaccination committee. Canada's health regulator said on May 29 it has extended the expiry dates of two lots of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine by 30 days to ensure that provinces and territories are able to use up their existing inventory. The approval to extend the shelf life of the vaccines to July 1 from May 31 was supported by scientific evidence, Health Canada said in a statement. Bucharest, which missed its goal to vaccinate 5 million Romanians by the end of May, agreed to sell 1.17 million doses of excess Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines to Denmark, the Danish health ministry said on Tuesday. Government data showed infection rates slowed dramatically over the past weeks, with 52 new coronavirus cases reported on Wednesday, raising the total number to 1,080,792. More than one million people recovered so far and 33,786 have died. (Reporting by Radu Marinas; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore) UNITED NATIONS (AP) Russias U.N. ambassador on Wednesday called a proposal to reopen a border crossing from Iraq to Syrias northeast for delivering humanitarian aid a non-starter. He also refused to say what will happen to the only crossing now in operation, from Turkey to the countrys rebel-held northwest. A U.N. Security Council draft resolution proposes sending aid through both crossings, but Vassily Nebenzia said at a news conference that Russia is discussing only the possible continuation of deliveries through the Bab al-Hawa crossing to Idlib in northwest Syria. He refused to say whether Russia will vote to keep it open or use its veto to close it. Russia has come under intense pressure from the U.N., U.S., Europeans and others who warn of dire humanitarian consequences for over a million Syrians if all border crossings are closed. Nebenzia was commenting on a draft resolution circulated to the Security Council last Friday that would keep Bab al-Hawa open and reopen the Al-Yaroubiya crossing from Iraq in the mainly Kurdish-controlled northeast that was closed in January 2020. The Security Council approved four border crossings when aid deliveries began in 2014, three years after the start of the Syrian conflict. But in January 2020, Russia used its veto threat in the council first to limit aid deliveries to two border crossings in the northwest, and then last July to cut another. So today, aid can only be delivered through the Bab al-Hawa crossing, and its mandate ends July 10. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused Western donors, who are the major providers of humanitarian aid to Syria, of blackmailing Moscow by threatening to cut humanitarian financing for its close ally Syria if the mandate for Bab al-Hawa is not extended. We consider it is important to resist such approaches, he said in a recent oral statement conveyed to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and obtained last week by The Associated Press. We believe that further concessions to the Americans and Europeans under the pressure of financial threats will undermine the credibility of the United Nations, its Charter and the Security Councils resolutions. Story continues Nebenzia reiterated Russias criticism of cross-border aid and said humanitarian assistance should be delivered across conflict lines within Syria to reinforce the Syrian governments sovereignty over the entire country. He reiterated Lavrovs criticism of the continuous attempts since April 2020 to block a convoy by the United Nations, International Committee of the Red Cross and Syrian Arab Red Crescent to Idlib from Syrias capital, Damascus. The Russian minister blamed Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the strongest militant group in Idlib, with the connivance" of Turkey, for refusing to allow the cross-line delivery. Nebenzia was pressed at a news conference on Russias reaction to the resolution, which was drafted by Ireland and Norway, both serving two-year terms on the Security Council. The draft was discussed Wednesday by council experts for the first time, he said. The Russian ambassador said he told Ireland and Norway in the very beginning that what we hear from our colleagues about reopening the closed cross-border points is really a non-starter. That appears to doom Al-Yaroubiyas reopening. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who recently visited the Bab al-Hawa crossing, expressed disappointment Friday that the draft resolution didnt call for aid deliveries through three crossings, including the second crossing from Turkey to the northwest at Bab al-Salam, which was closed last July. Millions of Syrians are struggling, and without urgent action, millions more will be cut off from food, clean water, medicine and COVID-19 vaccines, she said. Nebenzia said the Syrian government wants to close cross-border deliveries, and dismissed claims there is no alternative. There were predictions of disaster when Al-Yaroubiya was closed, but today facts on the ground confirm, and the U.N. says that they have increased increased humanitarian assistance to the northeast ... through the cooperation with the Syrian government, he said. He said cross-border aid was approved in 2014 in special circumstances when there was no access to many parts of Syria. But, of course, today it is now an outdated operation and eventually it will be closed, he said. Asked whether he didnt see the need for even a single crossing now, Nebenzia said: I will not give you a definitive answer at this time. I will only tell you we continue consulting on this issue. MILAN Some light was shed on Thursday on the changes brewing at Salvatore Ferragamo. Following an extraordinary board meeting, chaired by Leonardo Ferragamo, the Florence-based company said late that day it had reached an agreement with chief executive officer Micaela le Divelec Lemmi, who will stay on in her role until the next board meeting, scheduled for Sept. 7, communicating the companys first-half financial results. More from WWD From that date, all executive powers will be exercised by vice chairman Michele Norsa. The board also approved the terms and conditions of the agreement with Marco Gobbetti, who will succeed le Divelec Lemmi as general manager and CEO, but the company did not specify when he will be released from his contractual obligations at Burberry. As reported, Gobbetti said he would remain CEO of Burberry until the end of the year. Leonardo Ferragamo underscored the fundamental role that Gobbetti will play in growing the company as part of an important enhancement of the brand and its potential. He also expressed his gratitude to le Divelec Lemmi for the important work she has done in her role since 2018, leading the company with commitment and dedication even in the delicate phase of the pandemic, and for having contributed to the start of a process of transformation of the group with a view to customer centricity and retail culture that will be the basis for the future developments of Ferragamo. Le Divelec Lemmi will walk away with more than 1.97 million euros as a consideration for the early termination of the relationship and as compensation for any damages whatsoever related to such early termination to be paid by Sept. 30 this year. Le Divelec Lemmi was supposed to remain as CEO of the company until Dec. 31, 2023, as decided at the end of March. The parties confirmed the consensual termination of the non-compete clause, so no amount in this case will be paid to le Divelec Lemmi, who did not hold any company shares as of Thursday. Story continues As reported, Burberry Group plc revealed earlier this week that Gobbetti, who took up his CEO role in July 2017, will be exiting at the end of the year in order to move closer to his family. Minutes later, Salvatore Ferragamo SpA confirmed that Gobbetti was taking on a similar role at the Italian company. At the time, there was no mention of le Divelec Lemmi, although rumors about her departing the Florence-based company have been circulating in Italy for some time. Le Divelec Lemmi is a Gucci veteran who joined Ferragamo as chief corporate officer and was then named CEO in 2018. Early in his career Gobbetti served as CEO of Moschino, and later spent 13 years at LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, where he was CEO of Givenchy, working with Riccardo Tisci. He later decamped to Celine, where he worked with Phoebe Philo. Unlike Burberry, which is 100 percent listed on the stock exchange, the Ferragamo family still owns and part-manages the business. The brands source of sales is high-end leather accessories, which are less susceptible to seasonal trends or dependent on hot designers. They also bring higher margins and fall well within the methodical Gobbettis area of expertise. Ferragamos former creative director Paul Andrew exited the company in May, and observers wonder if Tisci could be headed to the Italian brand, following Gobbetti. The two are said to be close, although Tiscis collections at Burberry have been gaining sales and critical momentum. Also, hes waved goodbye to Gobbetti before. Tisci spent more than a decade at Givenchy, where he was creative director from 2005 to 2017. While Gobbetti was the man who originally hired Tisci, the two overlapped at the company only a little more than three years when Gobbetti left for Celine. Gobbetti will be Ferragamos fourth CEO in five years: Norsa stepped down in 2016 after a decade and Eraldo Poletto left in 2018 after less two years on the job, succeeded by le Divelec Lemmi. Analysts see Gobbettis arrival as delaying a potential sale of Ferragamo, allowing the executive to engineer and execute a turnaround plan, after years of a slowdown at the brand. Speculation about a possible sale of Ferragamo has swirled for years, and has always been denied by the family, which has been easing out of top roles and hiring outside managers to take the business forward. In the 12 months ended Dec. 31, Salvatore Ferragamos revenues fell 33.5 percent to 916 million euros, but the company reported a progressive improvement in the second half and a positive performance of the brands stores in the first nine weeks of 2021, topped by solid growth in China and South Korea and an 85.6 percent gain in the digital channel. In the three months ended March 31, revenues rose 10.3 percent to 245 million euros despite the ongoing lockdowns of stores in some countries, impacted by the pandemic. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken is greeted by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the Elysee Palace on Friday during the U.S. diplomat's weeklong trip to Europe. (Andrew Harnik/ Associated Press) Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken seemed to revel in the reception he got in Europe in the last month, embraced by officials effusive about his America is back message and perhaps happy simply that he wasnt as scornful as his predecessor, Michael R. Pompeo. Blinkens stated mission was to revitalize U.S.-European ties, following up on a similar trip by President Biden and allies were eager to accommodate after four years of Trump-era isolationism. But out of the public eye, Blinken had a more difficult task: galvanizing a united front against the power that Washington now sees as the Western worlds greatest threat, China. The common denominator that weve been discussing with all of our European partners ... is that whether [the relationship with Beijing is] adversarial, whether its competitive, whether its cooperative, were much better off engaging China together than we are alone, Blinken said in Rome. And I think youve seen that in the G-7 meeting, in the NATO meeting, in the U.S.-European Union meeting, there is increasingly convergence on engaging with China together from a common position. The Biden administration wants to move Europes economic and trade reliance away from China while shifting NATOs strategic security underpinnings toward a greater focus on China, even perhaps over Russia. It was the message administration officials stressed in June meetings with the Group of 7 wealthiest democracies in Cornwall, England, and with leaders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union in Brussels. Blinken drove the points home in a second trip to Berlin, Paris, Rome and Matera, Italy, at the end of the month. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold a joint news conference in Berlin on June 23. (Clemens Bilan / Associated Press) Success thus far is mixed, diplomats and officials said. Russia keeps us on our toes regionally, German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said after Blinkens visit. But when it comes to the future shaping of the world order, China is definitely a systemic challenge. Story continues Other Europeans, however, are reluctant to focus their security concerns on China instead of Russia. And many do not share sufficient common ground with the U.S. on China to make a united front against Beijing the basis for improved transatlantic ties. It is a puzzle to me why we need China to rebuild the transatlantic relationship, said Susan Thornton, a veteran China expert and former acting secretary of State for East Asia. Members of the administration may be looking to Europe to help replace the leverage that the U.S. no longer has with Beijing, she said, but they dont see China as an existential threat nor even as the same level of danger that the U.S. does. They do not share the same angst about whos on top; its not what drives them, Thornton, now a senior fellow at Yale, said in an interview. Theres a pretty big disconnect. Washington views China as a threat because its economy is outpacing that of the U.S., it ruthlessly expands its economic and technological dominance worldwide, and it relentlessly represses Muslim, Tibetan and other minorities within national borders in an effort to erase ethnic or religious identities seen as less loyal to the ruling Communist Party. Some in the U.S. also remain suspicious of Chinas early role in the spread of COVID-19, believing Communist officials attempted to hide the seriousness of the disease and stymied investigations into its origins. At the NATO summit June 14, with both Biden and Blinken in attendance, U.S. officials persuaded member states to agree on adding China to a final statement for the first time, stating its growing influence and international policies can present challenges that we need to address together as an Alliance. Yet that is also emerging as another point of contention, current and former administration officials say. Few nations want to be as public about standing up to China as the Biden administration seems to be eager to do. Biden and Blinken have framed the confrontation with China as autocracy versus democracy. But many in Europe have a more nuanced, issue-specific evaluation of Beijing. The U.S. call to cooperate on China is a politically controversial quest from the European perspective, said Rosa Balfour, director of Carnegie Europe, a Brussels-based think tank. Deconstructing the challenges posed by China will help EU member states deal with specific issues such as climate change or cybersecurity rather than accept the overarching narrative of democracy versus authoritarianism that the Biden administration is embracing, Balfour wrote in an analysis for her institute. Blinken also hoped to persuade European allies to take on larger roles in the Indo-Pacific, where the U.S. wants to take action to counter Chinas military and economic expansion in the region. European nations may, however, balk at the expense. There are inherent contradictions in recruiting European countries to stand up to Chinas economic coercion. Many, like Germany, have deep trade and business ties that they are loath to cancel. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken speaks to German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, left, before a ministerial meeting in Rome on Monday. (Andrew Harnik / Associated Press) Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken listens as Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, foreground, speaks in Rome on Monday. (Andrew Harnik / Associated Press) Blinken repeatedly attempted to reassure allies that the administrations goal is not to contain China but to provide alternatives that help preserve a rules-based, free international order. China, on the way to becoming the worlds largest economy, has expanded its reach worldwide, deep into Africa and Latin America through its Belt and Road Initiative that builds roads, ports and other infrastructure in dozens of countries but often under harsh terms that leave those governments crushed by debt or forced to sell off assets to Beijing. However intense the private conversations Blinken had about China in Europe might have been and they probably were not very contentious at the end of the day the public interactions were warm and friendly. The Italian foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio, was Luigi, and Blinken was Tony in formal comments, the usual honorific titles dropped. The foreign minister of France, Jean-Yves Le Drian, called him my dear Tony, and Blinken delivered an hourlong talk at the U.S. Embassy in Paris in polished French, a reflection of having spent much of his childhood and high school years living in the French capital. The Europeans are so happy that Trump is gone, they want to be helpful, Thornton said, but for them, [China represents] a different problem set. The interests are not the same. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. Jul. 1Most of the National Guard members helping with food distribution at the Helping Hands Solution Center during the height of the pandemic are heading home. At a ceremony honoring their service Wednesday, Executive Director Rebecca Skrinde thanked them for going above and beyond in their service to the community. "I remember when the first group came in," Skrinde said in a speech. "We were going to have them for six weeks." Now 14 months after their initial arrival, 20 of the remaining 28 National Guard members will leave their post and return to their civilian lives. "Your community here says thank you," she said. "Thank you for making Skagit safer and more nourished." Since April, the Guard has been helping the county's largest food bank package and deliver food, providing essential assistance during a time when the need for help had never been higher. Nichole Long, director of development with the food bank, said the remaining eight members will help with the transition back to volunteer-run services probably through July. "Volunteers were a little slower to come back than we hoped," she said. At the same time, the need in the community is still extraordinarily high, Long said. On average, about 3,500 families per week are getting food assistance from one of Helping Hands' programs, compared with about 900 a week from before COVID-19 shut down the economy. At the ceremony, Skrinde also thanked a number of community partners for their help during the pandemic, including Skagit Transit, Skagit County Department of Emergency Management, Janicki Industries, Marathon Refinery, the Skagit Community Foundation and former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. Reporter Brandon Stone: bstone@skagitpublishing.com, 360-416-2112, Twitter: @Brandon_SVH The Singapore Psychological Society is the first professional body in Singapore to repudiate conversion therapy, the practice of trying to change or suppress the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQ people. SINGAPORE The Singapore Psychological Society (SPS) has denounced "conversion therapy", the practice of trying to change or suppress the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQ people, calling it ineffective and harmful to individuals, and recommends that psychologists use evidence-based therapy to help LGBTQ clients. In a statement posted on the society's social media on Wednesday (30 June), SPS said: "As a professional body, the Singapore Psychological Society commits to the use of evidence-based practice to support the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals and to do no harm. Current research indicates the inefficacy and possible harmful effects of conversion therapy. As such, we recommend that when treating clients struggling with their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, psychologists use evidence-based therapy. This includes exploring and affirming their orientation/identity, exploring assumptions and goals that may have originated from societal pressures, managing stress, and promoting well-being." SPS is the first professional organisation in Singapore to state a stance on conversion therapy. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The society was responding to the news that Canada's House of Commons passed a bill criminalising conversion therapy on 22 June. The bill still needs to be passed by Canada's Senate in order to come into force. SPS said that people's innate sexual orientations or gender identities were not mental disorders to be fixed, and treatment for LGBTQ clients should focus on their mental health needs instead of changing their "being". SPS also wrote in its message, "As Pride Month draws to a close, SPS stands with every single person for their deepest 'self' (i.e. who they really experience and identify themselves as) and in particular, we honour the LGBTQ+ population who have suffered deeply, and who we deeply cherish just as they are." The Singapore Psychological Society is the local professional association of psychologists. It currently has 1,102 members, 534 of which are registered psychologists. Story continues What is conversion therapy? Conversion therapy might be performed by mental health professionals, religious practitioners or the community and family members. It seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, or to reduce their non-heterosexual sexual attraction or sexual behaviour. It is practised in many places around the world; techniques include electroshock treatments, "corrective rape", psychotherapy, abstinence training, cognitive restructuring, masturbatory reconditioning, or religious prayers and exorcisms. Places like Germany, Taiwan, Brazil, Malta, Ecuador, India, the UK and Canada have made moves in recent years to ban conversion therapy as research has shown that it is ineffective and linked to depression, suicidality, anxiety, social isolation and decreased capacity for intimacy. Attitudes towards LGBTQ people in Singapore remain largely conservative, and mainstream Christian and Muslim religious groups have stated that homosexuality is unnatural. There is little data on the practice of conversion therapy in Singapore, but therapeutic professionals and religious practitioners are known to practise it. Community applauds statement Psychologist Camellia Wong, whose specialisations include sexual identity issues, said, "It's great that SPS recognises that LGBTQ individuals in Singapore need help for their own mental health too, and recognises that conversion therapy does more harm than good. For those who do not yet know what SPS does, itll be a good source of evidence-based information on the harm that conversion therapy brings when they research about it, especially for those who face discrimination from family members who want them to go through conversion therapy." Leow Yangfa, a social worker and executive director of Oogachaga, an NGO that provides counselling services for the LGBTQ community in Singapore, said it was not unusual for them to see clients who had gone through harmful conversion therapies from their previous therapists or religious leaders, leaving them with observable symptoms of shame and trauma. Attendees dance during the 2019 Pink Dot event calling for LGBTQ equality held at the Speaker's Corner in Hong Lim Park in Singapore. (Photo: Ore Huiying/Getty Images) "It is extremely significant for the Singapore Psychological Society to be the first professional organisation in Singapore to take a stand that is clearly science and evidence-based, instead of one that is based on subjective opinion or religious beliefs," said Leow. "It remains to be seen if the other relevant professional bodies, such as the Singapore Association of Social Workers and the Singapore Association for Counselling, as well as those in the nursing, medical and psychiatric professions, will do the same. Elsewhere in the developed world, like the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan, many professional associations already take evidence-based stands against such conversion practices." "In addition to being significant, it is also sending a symbolic message to members of the local LGBTQ+ community that they will be safe, affirmed and respected when they access these services," Leow added. Pauline Ong, executive pastor of Free Community Church, the only officially LGBTQ-affirming church in Singapore, said, "The statement by the Singapore Psychological Society is timely and significant because conversion 'therapy' is still taking place here in Singapore, albeit in different forms than in the past. The current forms are more subtle but still as harmful. Psychological conversion therapy is still conversion therapy, and anything that seeks to reprogram the mind through enforced negative feedback and shame is harmful to a person's mental health and well-being. We have seen this happen in some religious circles and it is heartbreaking. We believe it is possible to reconcile one's identity or orientation with one's faith in a healthy way." The government of Singapore said in Parliament last year that homosexuality is not a clinical disorder that needs to be cured, citing international medical classifications, and that the ministry of health expects doctors and healthcare professionals to practise according to evidence-based best practice and clinical ethics. However, homosexuality remains illegal in Singapore. Three separate legal challenges against Section 377A of the Penal Code, a law which criminalises sex between men, were dismissed by the High Court in March last year. Related stories: The Canadian socialite accused of killing a Belizean police officer is now claiming in an interview that she has been treated unfairly, is a victim of her husband's rich and powerful family, and that they are using their connections to keep her away from her children. Jasmine Hartin told 7 News Belize that no one from John Ashcroft's family visited her while she was held because they had been advised it would be bad optics. LAWYERS FOR CANADIAN SOCIALITE ACCUSED OF KILLING POLICE OFFICER WORKING TO SHORE UP FUNDS FOLLOWING SECOND ARREST Hartin, the mother of twin 4-year-olds, was released from jail on bail Wednesday as she awaits trial for the May shooting death of Henry Jemmott. She told the local news outlet that while she has had a "complicated" seven-year relationship with Ashcroft, the son of British billionaire Lord Michael Ashcroft, she was "shocked" by the Ashcroft family's complete abandonment of her after her arrest. "I can't believe how I've been treated," she said. She added that she's heard from other family members that the Ashcrofts "were instructed to distance themselves from me immediately." "That they couldn't have bad press associated with their reputation, so, therefore, I wasn't I didn't have any family come to visit me in jail. I didn't have any family call me," she said. "Instead, a couple of friends came to see me, but never once was I allowed to speak to the children during that time." Hartin was rearrested last week after her original bail backer told the court he was afraid she wouldn't show up to trial. Frank Habet, a former associate of Hartin's, told the court he could no longer cover her $30,000 bail because of her erratic actions following her first release. Hartin tried to access her family apartment at the Grand Colony Resort to see her young children. Video emerged of Hartin chasing Ashcroft into the neighboring Alaia Belize hotel. Hartin allegedly took the video herself and can be heard repeatedly asking Ashcroft why he was denying her access to their children, Ellie and Charlie. Story continues The incident prompted Habet, the resort manager of Grand Colony, to pull his support and his funds. "Ms. Hartin appeared at Grand Colony Resort behaving in a disorderly and abusive manner and creating great disturbance at the hotel in the presence of guests," Habet said. Hartin was initially arrested on charges of shooting and killing Jemmott following a night of drinking. She had been held at the notoriously tough Belize Central Prison for more than a week following her arrest and said no one except her lawyer and another friend visited her. She has been charged with manslaughter by negligence after police said they found her with blood on her clothing and arms near a dock. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Jemmott's body was found floating nearby in the water. Hartin initially claimed Jemmott had been shot by someone from a passing boat but changed her story after authorities told her she would be charged with cocaine possession as well. She eventually told investigators she and Jemmott met up for a night of drinking. Jemmott suggested she practice loading his gun, something she had done with him before following an incident when a man allegedly became aggressive toward her. Hartin told investigators Jemmott told her to get a gun for protection. She claims that during their second practice session that she had trouble ejecting the magazine and that it accidentally fired, hitting the father of five behind his right ear and killing him. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Canada, Latin America, Crime, Tourism, Cops Original Author: Barnini Chakraborty Original Location: Socialite accused of killing Belize police officer claims she is a victim of husband's wealthy family Supreme Court SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images The Supreme Court has upheld voting restrictions in Arizona, ruling two laws don't violate the Voting Rights Act. In a 6-3 decision, the court upheld an Arizona policy requiring ballots to be tossed if they're cast in the wrong precinct, as well as a law that only voters, their family members, or their caregivers may deliver ballots, NBC News reports. Critics argued the laws disadvantaged minority voters. The majority opinion was written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. "Arizona's out-of-precinct policy and HB 2023 do not violate [Section 2] of the VRA, and HB 2023 was not enacted with a racially discriminatory purpose," the court said. Alito also wrote that "mere inconvenience cannot be enough to demonstrate a violation" of the law, and that "the mere fact there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote." The court declined to "announce a test to govern all VRA [Section 2] challenges to rules that specify the time, place, or manner for casting ballots," Alito wrote, per NPR. The court's ruling was a "sign of what's to come," Axios wrote, as it could be "paving the way for new limitations across the country." The ruling also suggested, The New York Times wrote, that "challenges to new state laws making it harder to vote would face a hostile reception from a majority of the justices," and law professor Rick Hasen told NBC, "This significantly dilutes the Voting Rights Act. Minority groups will now have to meet a much higher standard beyond showing that a change presents a burden to voting." You may also like Men are rapidly losing their close friends, poll finds Most contactless service is awful. You can tell because the rich don't do it. Anti-woke zealots are trying to politically purge the military Suspected members of a feared Islamist militia killed 10 people in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo city of Beni overnight, the army said Thursday, prompting an anti-government protest with youths parading a victim's body in the streets. The attack "by ADF enemies" took place in Beni's southeastern Rwangoma district, lieutenant Anthony Mualushayi told AFP, referring to the Allied Democratic Forces. "We lost 10 civilians," he added. An AFP correspondent saw 10 bodies in the morgue of Beni's general hospital. Local residents were shocked by the first attack in the Rwangoma district since December 2019. Angry youths marched on the town hall, carrying a victim's body and shouting slogans questioning the point of a "state of siege" imposed on May 6 with the aim of quelling ADF violence in North Kivu province as well as Ituri province to the north. "We thought it was the light at the end of the tunnel, this state of siege," Rwangoma resident Samuel Kalume told AFP. "But after 18 months without an attack by the ADF in our neighbourhood, we're back at square one. It's very discouraging." The protesters shouted "State of siege = zero" and "FARDC = ADF". FARDC is the name of DRC's armed forces. Police used tear gas to disperse the protesters, arresting six, an AFP correspondent saw. - Army strikes back - The DRC's armed forces said in a statement Thursday evening that its forces had "just neutralised five ADF responsible for the attack on the Rwangoma district. "For the time being, the FARDC is continuing to hunt down these terrorists in the Virunga National Park," it added. The army's spokesman for the neighbouring Ituri region, Lieutenant Jules Ngongo, said the army there had killed 13 "ADF terrorists". Under the "state of siege" proclaimed by President Felix Tshisekedi, senior civilian officials have been replaced by army officers. Story continues The last attack by the ADF in the Rwangoma district, in December 2019, was in reprisal for an army operation against the militia. Around a dozen people were killed including two soldiers. The one before that was three years earlier, in August 2016, when around 50 people lost their lives. At midday, Rwangoma's shops, schools and offices were closed and the streets were largely deserted. The ADF is the deadliest of an estimated 122 armed militias that roam the mineral-rich east, many of them a legacy of two regional wars from 1996 to 2003. According to a tally compiled by the DRC's Catholic Church, the ADF has been responsible for at least 6,000 deaths since 2013. The Kivu Security Tracker monitor says the ADF has killed more than 1,200 civilians in the Beni area alone since 2017. - IS claims - Originally from Uganda, the ADF has long focused on DR Congo. However Ugandan police said Thursday that the ADF "had started reactivating domestic terror cells" in Uganda. Police in Uganda arrested four suspects and killed a fifth in a raid on a "terror cell" suspected of wounding a top minister and killing his daughter and bodyguard in an assassination attempt on June 1. On March 10, the US State Department branded the ADF a "foreign terrorist organisation" and said its leader Musa Baluku had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. But experts are still unsure about the extent of links between the ADF and IS, which has lost most of its territory in the Middle East but is expanding in Africa. Last weekend, there were three bomb attacks in Beni including the first targeting a Catholic church building and the first suicide bombing in the region. IS claimed responsibility for the suicide blast and the church attack, as well as three other attacks on security forces in Ituri province, according to SITE, a jihadist monitoring site. The ADF never claims responsiblity for its attacks. str-mbb/dl/har Texas sheriffs have filed a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of preventing federal officials from arresting or deporting criminal illegal immigrants. The suit comes after Immigration and Customs Enforcement refused to take custody and deport illegal immigrants arrested locally due to a new Biden administration policy, including one man who had previously been deported and who had been convicted of sexual battery of a child. Five counties and five sheriffs departments, along with ICE employees from a national law enforcement organization, filed a complaint in the federal court of the Southern District of Texas Thursday afternoon. The complaint alleges the decision by President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security officials has enticed criminals to illegally immigrate to the United States, affecting local law enforcement operations and communities. The ICE officers involved in this case are absolutely astounded at what their superiors are asking them to do: releasing people charged with rape of a child, releasing people charged with dealing drugs and resisting arrest, said Kris Kobach, the former Kansas attorney general and lead attorney for the plaintiffs, in a phone call. These are really serious criminals, and ICE is being ordered by the political leadership of the Biden administration to turn them loose. On Feb. 18, acting ICE Director Tae Johnson issued a memo stating the only immigrants the agency would take into custody without first obtaining permission of ICE leadership would be those viewed as a threat to national security, border security, or public safety. Unless an immigrant was a known or suspected terrorist, had entered the country before the 2020 presidential election, or had been convicted of an aggravated felony or a member of a criminal gang, ICE employees would have to seek permission from managers to take custody of a person at the request of local police. NEW INCREASE IN MIGRANT CHILDREN AT BORDER FIVE MONTHS INTO BIDEN TENURE Story continues Before the Feb. 18 change, illegal immigrants arrested by a sheriffs department could be turned over to ICE, where they would face deportation proceedings before a judge. The February change has forced sheriffs to release criminal immigrants back onto the street rather than set them up for removal from the U.S., which they state in the lawsuit is a violation of federal law stating illegal immigrants, regardless of criminal history, shall be detained while removal proceedings are initiated. The Biden administration policy stands in direct violation of not one, but three, different federal statutes, Kobach, who heads the Kansas-based Alliance for Free Citizens, wrote in a statement. Congress has mandated that the executive branch must detain and remove certain illegal aliens, but the Biden Administration is ignoring the law. The administrations actions have forced ICE to stand down and have almost brought deportations to a halt. That has fueled the crisis at the border, encouraging more illegal immigration. It has also created an unbearable burden for local law enforcement in Texas. A man deported four times and convicted of domestic violence, evading arrest, and multiple counts of driving under the influence does not fit the public safety threat category. When local law enforcement asked ICE to take custody of him because of his record, the department refused, and the man was released. Another man who was ordered to be deported by a federal immigration judge and now facing an aggravated assault charge was also released. A third man who illegally crossed the border was arrested by local police for the rape of a child, but ICE denied the request. Since the policy went into effect, ICE arrests have dropped by two-thirds. The sheriffs said it has also fueled the surge of noncitizens attempting to get into the U.S. in the four months since, even though illegal immigrants who came over the border during the Biden administration and are arrested are one of the few categories ICE will arrest. The plaintiffs argued the memo was issued without considering harm to the public and without giving notice or seeking comment as required by the Administrative Procedure Act. As a result of the change, ICE employees are rarely approving the arrests of people outside those three categories. The complaint also states Johnson was not legally allowed to issue the memo. It should have been issued by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, named in the lawsuit along with Troy Miller, the senior official performing the commissioner's duties at Customs and Border Protection. The plaintiffs include Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe, Montgomery County Sheriff Rand Henderson, Montgomery County, Edwards County Sheriff J.W. Guthrie, Edwards County, McMullen County Sheriff Emmett Shelton, McMullen County, Hudspeth County Sheriff Arwin West, Hudspeth County, and the ICE officers division of the Federal Police Foundation. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Kobach was a close ally to former President Donald Trump and appointed to a commission to determine the extent of voter fraud present in U.S. elections. The commission concluded voter fraud was not widespread. Kobach was also involved in a privately funded effort to build a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, ICE, Kansas, Law, Joe Biden, White House, Crime, Law Enforcement, Texas Original Author: Anna Giaritelli Original Location: Texas sheriffs and ICE officers sue Biden for not deporting criminal illegal immigrants The White House provided very few details on President Joe Biden's trip to visit with victims, family members of those lost, and rescuers before Air Force One took off early Thursday morning, but his "Empathy Joe" demeanor was in full effect as he talked about his own family crises. Local authorities revealed that morning that the confirmed death toll in the tragic condominium collapse had risen to 18, with 145 individuals still unaccounted for, and search and rescue operations were temporarily paused over concerns about the safety conditions in the rubble. DESANTIS PRAISES BIDEN FOR BEING ON TOP OF SURFSIDE CRISIS 'FROM DAY ONE' Still, following a situational briefing with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, and other local and federal officials, the president and first lady Jill Biden spent hours meeting and thanking emergency responders and then consoling victims' families. Here are the three main takeaways from Biden's Thursday visit. One of Biden's greatest strengths is rooted in his own trauma It's no secret that the president has faced horrors of his own throughout his 40-year political career. He frequently talks about the deaths of his first wife, Neilia, their 1-year-old daughter, Naomi, and eldest son, Beau. He cited Beau's military service and unrelated death while paying tribute to the families of U.S. service members during a speech at Royal Air Force Mildenhall just last month. But Thursday marked the latest time Biden took it upon himself to meet with families grieving their own tragic losses behind closed doors, with no press visibility. Though the White House provided a simple "readout," or summary, of the Bidens' nearly four-hour meeting with families affected by the collapse, during which the president and first lady spent time with each individual family unit, administration officials did not pass along any of the first couple's words. Story continues "We're here for you as one nation, as one nation," the president said in brief remarks following the lengthy meeting. "That's the message we communicated." "It's bad enough to lose somebody, but the hard part, the really hard part is to not know whether they're surviving or not," he added. "When the accident took my wife and my family, the hardest part was, are my boys going to get out, are they going to make it?" "As you know, I've done a lot of these circumstances where I've met with families who have had great loss. What amazed me is the resilience and the absolute commitment and willingness to do whatever it took to find an answer. I walked away impressed by their strength," Biden closed. This trip, at least for the president, was not about optics but rather offering the grieving public a shoulder to lean on. DESANTIS, TRUMP FEUD OVER FLORIDA RALLY IN AFTERMATH OF SURFSIDE All parties pushed politics aside to assist in the relief effort The president opened the briefing with local officials by pointing out a silver lining of the tragedy: "When it's really important ... we come together. This is life and death." "We're letting the nation know we can cooperate," Biden continued. "I just got back from about 12 days in Europe. They wondered whether we can do this, and you're doing it. I mean, just the simple act of everybody doing whatever needs to be done it really makes a difference." DeSantis echoed the president's statement, thanked him for being on top of the response effort "from day one," and praised Biden for "not only [being] supportive at the federal level but" also keeping the "bureaucracy" out of it. During that same briefing, the president clarified that the federal government won't stop supporting the cleanup and search and rescue efforts and pledged to DeSantis to cover "100% of the costs." "The governor and the mayor have been completely open with me," the president explained. "Whatever they've asked, I think weve been able to deliver, and I think theres more that we can do." "I think theres more we can do, including I think I have the power, and well know shortly, to be able to pick up 100% of the costs for the county and the state for 30 days. I think Im quite sure I can do that," he continued. "Theres going to be a lot of pain and anxiety and suffering and even the need for psychological help in the days and months that follow. And so, were not going anywhere." Still, never let a crisis ... Despite the overt, bipartisan nature of the response, the president did take two public opportunities to raise the subject of climate change. During his meet and greet with emergency responders, he pointed to the support the administration offered to firefighters on Wednesday as a means of addressing climate and rising temperatures in the Pacific Northwest. He also speculated about climate change's potential role in causing the collapse while fielding questions from reporters after his remarks. "There are all kinds of discussions about whether or not they thought that water level rising and the impact it had," Biden stated. "What's interesting to me I didn't raise it is how many of the survivors and the families talked about the impact of global warming, and they know exactly what they talk about, sea levels rising and the combination of that and the concern about incoming storms, incoming tropical storms." He did say that there isn't "definitive" evidence of what called the collapse and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency would continue its investigation into the tragedy. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER You can watch Biden's entire closing remarks here. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Joe Biden, Miami, Miami Condo Collapse, White House, Ron DeSantis, Florida Original Author: Christian Datoc Original Location: Three takeaways from Biden's consoler in chief visit to Surfside after condo collapse Luis Sadovnic, Moises Rodan and Andres Levine, residents of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, had more in common than just their address: The three Venezuelans went to the same Jewish high school in Caracas. Theyre still missing after the condo building collapsed last Thursday. Its something that we werent expecting. They all left Venezuela looking for a better future and better opportunities, said Esther Beniflah Melul, who attended the same high school and is close friends with Levine. Venezuela is the kind of country where these things could happen but not here. Were all in shock. The three Champlain Towers residents are in their late 20s and are graduates of Colegio Moral y Luces Herzl-Bialik, a private Jewish school. Beniflah said that many graduates of the high school went to South Florida in early adulthood for college or work when the economy deteriorated in Venezuela under the leadership of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. She said that the three were religious and active with the strong Venezuelan Jewish community in the area. The Jewish community has been so supportive, Beniflah said, explaining that the community has organized donations, prayer groups and psychological help for family and friends. They care a lot. ... Some of these people dont even know the victims. Levine, 26, came to the United States about seven years ago after finishing college in Venezuela. Beniflah, who has known him since she was 12, described him as a private person and a straight-shooter who was always genuine and focused on the positive. Hed only hang out with real friends, and hed only do whatever made him happy, she said. That was my favorite thing about him. We always got the real him. Andres Levine had plans to get married in August. Hes a cousin of Moises Rodan, who also lived in the building. Levine worked in finance and was engaged to be married in August. His fiance was not in the building. He was about to get married in August. We had so many plans, so many things to do. ... I was going to have dinner with him that Thursday night. We spoke the night before. I just cant believe hes gone. Story continues Levine was a cousin of Moises Rodan, who lived in a unit on the third floor. They had two apartments in the building, and it was kind of like those neighbors who are always walking from one unit to other, Beniflah said. Rodan had just graduated from the University of Florida, where he studied computer engineering and was a part of the Hispanics in Electrical and Computer Engineering, a student group. One month ago on his LinkedIn page, he posted a photo of himself beaming in his cap and gown in front of a Gator statue. I am happy to share that I have completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Florida, he wrote. It has been an amazing journey of hard work and consistency. Special thanks to my family, mentors, and friends who supported me during this important chapter of my life. Go Gators! Moises Rodan, pictured with a friend who was not in the building, recently graduated from the University of Florida. The third classmate from the Jewish high school in Caracas, Luis Sadovnic, is also a UF graduate. There he met Nicole Nicky Langesfeld, who lived with him in the Champlain Towers. The two recently married in a private civil ceremony, due to pandemic restrictions, according to The Associated Press. According to his LinkedIn page, Luis finished an MBA from Nova Southeastern University in 2019. Nicky graduated from the University of Miami School of Law the same year. She is an associate at Reed Smith law firm in Miami and is a commercial litigator. Friends and family of Nicky and Luis have organized a GoFundMe page in order to help their families with travel and general expenses. Nickys family is from Argentina, and Luis still has family members in Venezuela. Nicky prides herself on her family, friends, and pets. Her presence is larger than life, and her sense of humor knows no bounds, the GoFundMe page organizer wrote, adding that she loved to spoil her pets, a guinea pig and two dogs, and go to the beach and out to restaurants. Luis is down to earth, caring, and loving. He would do anything to protect Nicky. He loves playing golf with his friends and spending time with Nicky, the page says. Luis resume says that hes trilingual (English, Spanish and Hebrew) and that he was on the Venezuelan National Soccer Team in the 15-17 age range. Tilda Swinton played the Ancient One in "Doctor Strange." Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Tilda Swinton said she questioned her casting as the Ancient One in "Doctor Strange." The film was accused of whitewashing because Swinton's character was a Tibetan man in the comics. Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige previously told Men's Health that he regretted this choice. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Tilda Swinton told Variety in a new interview that she had "a question mark" in her mind after being cast in 2016's "Doctor Strange" as the Ancient One, a character who was originally an elderly Tibetan man in the comics. Marvel Studios was previously accused of whitewashing for casting Swinton in the role. The actress told Variety that originally there was "widespread welcome" to Swinton, a Scottish woman, playing this role but that the reception "shifted at a certain point, for very good reasons with which I had an enormous amount of sympathy." Swinton and Mark Ruffalo in "Avengers: Endgame." Disney/Marvel Swinton appeared as the Ancient One in both "Doctor Strange" and "Avengers: Endgame." This isn't the first time Swinton has addressed the film's whitewashing criticism. In 2016, she told IndieWire that she hoped fans would embrace her casting, saying, "There's a kind of misunderstanding, which I hope the film will make clear when people see the film." Marvel Studios defended the casting choice at the time with a statement saying, "the Ancient One is a title that is not exclusively held by any one character, but rather a moniker passed down through time, and in this particular film the embodiment is Celtic." Marvel chief Kevin Feige and "Doctor Strange" director Scott Derrickson both said in interviews at the time that they didn't cast an Asian man because they wanted to avoid negative stereotyping. However, Feige more recently told Men's Health in a May interview that Marvel was wrong to cast Swinton as the Ancient One. "It was a wake-up call to say, 'Well, wait a minute, is there any other way to figure it out? Is there any other way to both not fall into the cliche and cast an Asian actor?' And the answer to that, of course, is yes," Feige said. Story continues Swinton next to an image of the Ancient One from Marvel comics. Getty Images/Pascal Le Segretain/Marvel In her new Variety interview, Swinton said she was "very, very grateful" that Feige spoke out about the role. Swinton also addressed the criticism she'd faced in 2016 after she reached out to Asian American comedian Margaret Cho, whom she'd never spoken to before, asking Cho to explain the Ancient One casting controversy. Cho revealed the encounter in a podcast appearance and commented that Swinton made her feel like a "house Asian" by asking Cho to explain whitewashing and its history in media to someone Cho had never met. Swinton said of her encounter with Cho: "I made a questionable decision to reach out to somebody in a certain way, which was naive and clearly confusing because their misunderstanding came about because of it." She called it a "hot moment" and added, "The way in which people get listened to is by speaking up and getting hot. And sometimes, it needs to get messy." Read the original article on Insider The West is a tinderbox this year, with heat waves and high winds through summer and fall expected to create the conditions for yet another brutal fire season. Its just scary, Alexandra Syphard, chief scientist with Vertus Wildfire Insurance Services and an ecologist at San Diego State University, told BuzzFeed News. Weve seen these severe fire seasons year after year now. Everybodys nervous. The charts and maps below will update to track current wildfires and air quality, compare the 2021 season to previous years, and monitor the weather conditions that make fires more likely to ignite and spread quickly. Via National Interagency Fire Center Latest fires Latest fires, 50 acres burned or more. Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via National Interagency Fire Center / Cal Fire This table displays active fires that have so far burned 50 acres or more, recorded by the National Interagency Fire Center and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. You can search for any of the fires in the table in the map below to zoom in on the fire and see the perimeter for the area burned, if that data is available. Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via National Interagency Fire Center / Cal Fire Tap or hover over the fire icons to see the name of each fire and the area it has burned so far. The map also shows any large plumes of smoke visible from satellites, recorded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Hazard Mapping System. Air quality Smoke plumes visible from orbiting satellites are often at high altitudes, so they may not affect air quality at ground level. But when wildfire smoke accumulates near the ground, it is hazardous for health. Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via AirNow This map shows the latest NowCast Air Quality Index (AQI) readings from permanent monitors in the Environmental Protection Agencys AirNow network. The monitors detect levels of tiny, hazardous particles called PM2.5, extrapolated over wider areas where sufficient data is available. Story continues These airborne particles, which measure less than 2.5 micrometers across, are the main health concern from wildfire smoke because they penetrate deep into the lungs, enter the bloodstream, and can even affect unborn fetuses, lowering birth weight if pregnant people are exposed to smoke. PM2.5 can also trigger heart attacks, asthma, and other respiratory problems. PM2.5 starts to affect vulnerable people, including young children and those with respiratory conditions, above an AQI of 100. Anything above 200 is considered very unhealthy for everyone, while an AQI of 300 or more is rated hazardous for all. Tap or hover over the circles to see the latest PM2.5 AQI for each monitor. You can also type a city into the search box to zoom in on that area. Current drought conditions Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via US Drought Monitor One reason experts are so concerned about the 2021 wildfire season is that the West is in the grip of a historic drought. An unusually dry winter left soils and vegetation parched, and mountain snowpacks, which feed the regions rivers, were well below normal. This map shows the latest assessment from the US Drought Monitor, which is updated each Thursday. Fire weather and risks Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via Wildland Fire Assessment System / National Weather Service Even against the backdrop of widespread drought, the risk of fires igniting and spreading rapidly depends on local weather conditions. This map shows todays outlook from the US Forest Services Wildland Fire Assessment System, which calculates risk categories from weather forecasts and observations. You can use the control at top right to view areas currently under red flag fire warnings issued by the National Weather Service. These are declared when warm weather, low humidity, and strong winds are forecast to produce a high wildfire danger. How the 2021 fire season compares to recent years Chart compares the 2021 season to the previous 10 years up until the same date. Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via National Interagency Fire Center This chart compares the number of fires and total area burned so far in 2021 to the same date in each of the previous 10 years, according to data recorded by the National Interagency Fire Center. But these numbers dont tell the whole story. How hazardous wildfires are to people depends on when and where those fires happen. For example, large areas of the sparsely populated Mountain West or Plains states can burn without many homes, businesses, or peoples lives or health being threatened. Last year showed how quickly circumstances can change. The 2020 season was running below the national average for the decade until mid-August, when dry lightning storms ignited a series of massive wildfires across Northern California and Oregon. The resulting disaster burned through entire towns in Oregon and created a pall of smoke that blocked the sun, casting large parts of the region in a sickly orange half-light in September and driving air quality into the hazardous range in some cities. By the end of the year, more than 10,000 buildings had been damaged or destroyed in California alone, and the total area burned nationally, at more than 10 million acres, was the second largest on record. Climate change is making things worse Total acres burned at the end of each year. Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Via National Interagency Fire Center This chart shows the total acreage burned at the end of each year from 1983 when federal agencies began tracking using the current reporting system through to 2020. While the area burned varies widely from year to year, the overall trend is increasing. Fire ecologists and climate scientists attribute this trend in large part to climate change, which is warming and drying California and other states across the West. While media commentators sometimes describe recent severe fire seasons as the new normal, the truth is that ongoing climate change means things are likely to get worse for the foreseeable future. We have not reached the peak, Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, told BuzzFeed News last year. In fact, no one knows where the peak is. More on this Former President Donald Trump visited the southern border with Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas on Wednesday. Sergio Flores/AFP via Getty Images Trump visited the southern border with Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas on Wednesday. Trump claimed in a speech that when he left office, the border wall had needed only final touches. The Trump administration finished building less than a quarter of the planned wall during his term. See more stories on Insider's business page. Former President Donald Trump made a trip to the US-Mexico border on Wednesday and falsely claimed that he was almost done building the border wall when he left office. Speaking at an unfinished section of the wall in Hidalgo County, Texas, Trump said he had been just months from completing the structure. He was visiting the border with Gov. Greg Abbott and 31 Republican lawmakers, Reuters reported. "Within two months, everything could have been completed, not sitting there rotting and rusting. It would have been perfecto. It was all set," Trump said during a rambling 30-minute speech. He also erroneously claimed during a press conference before his speech that the wall had lacked only some final touches. "They were supposed to paint the wall. They aren't even doing that. They've got to get a coat of paint on the wall. Believe it or not, it does rust. Maybe that's what they like. Let it rust, let it rot," Trump added. Apart from talking about the border, Trump ranted about the election results, saying that he'd done "such a good job" during his term that migration and border control "wasn't even a factor" in the election. The New York Times reported on Wednesday that the Trump administration had built less than a quarter of the 2,000-mile border wall he'd promised. According to The Times, the administration built only 450 miles of the wall during Trump's term, mostly in sections with existing barriers. President Joe Biden stopped construction on the border wall on his first day in office. Trump's outing on Wednesday followed Vice President Kamala Harris' visit to El Paso, Texas, last Friday. In Harris' first visit to the US's southern border since she was sworn in, she met with girls living at a US Customs and Border Protection facility. Read the original article on Business Insider Kanye West. Saul Loeb / Getty Images Yeezus, could it be true? Fox News host Tucker Carlson reportedly told associates and program guests that he voted for rapper Kanye West not former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, per Politico. It's unclear if Carlson was serious or kidding (he declined to comment and has claimed previously to "never" vote, even in 2016), but certain sources maintain the "affinity" the personalities have for one another is very real. "He and Kanye get along. They both regularly find themselves in the crosshairs. They're both pro-life," said one associate to Politico. Outside of the voting booth, Carlson has "praised" West on-air, and even spent time with the rapper in Wyoming. West failed to make the ballot in Florida, meaning if Carlson voted for him, it would have been a write-in. But, West also neglected to submit the necessary paperwork to Florida's elections division, so any write-in votes for him wouldn't have been counted. According to county officials, however, there were eight invalid write-in votes for president in the precinct where Carlson, a registered Florida Republican, voted last year. The county does not track write-in votes for non-qualified candidates, but one official said "she remembered that some people in the county did indeed write in West." Read more at Politico. You may also like Men are rapidly losing their close friends, poll finds Texas nonprofit shares bizarre cheat sheet for identifying CRT buzzwords in the classroom Texas state history museum abruptly cancels speech by authors of new book on the Alamo MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Moscow said on Thursday that he held a positive meeting with Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the RIA news agency reported on Thursday. John Sullivan, who returned to Moscow last month after leaving in April amid a diplomatic crisis, told reporters earlier this week that the two countries were engaged in organising the first round of talks on strategic stability. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden agreed to start consultations on arms control at a meeting in June. (Reporting by Anton Kolodyazhnyy; Writing by Alexander Marrow) By Doyinsola Oladipo (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Myanmar's military on Thursday to release Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint now, a U.N. spokesperson said on Thursday, a day after thousands of other detainees were freed. Myanmar has been in turmoil since the army took power on Feb. 1 and ousted Suu Kyi's elected government. "We reiterate our call for the immediate release of all of those who are arbitrarily detained, and that includes President Win Myint and State councilor Aung San Suu Kyi," said Eri Kaneko, associate spokesperson for Guterres. Myanmar freed more than 2,000 detainees on Wednesday, among them journalists and others who the ruling military said had been held on incitement charges for taking part in protests, local media reported. Many of the military's opponents have been held, some convicted, under a law that criminalises comments that could cause fear or spread false news. Suu Kyi is on trial for a similar offence, among others, and remains in detention. "We remain deeply concerned at the continuation of violence and intimidation, including arbitrary arrests, by the security forces," said Kaneko. (Reporting by Doyinsola Oladipo in Washington; Editing by Michelle Nichols and Matthew Lewis) KAMPALA (Reuters) - The gunmen who tried to kill a Ugandan minister last month trained in an Islamist rebel camp in Democratic Republic of Congo, police said on Thursday. Armed men on motorcycles intercepted Katumba Wamala, Uganda's works and transport minister and a former military and police chief, as he drove through a suburb of the capital Kampala and peppered his vehicle with bullets. The suspects are part of a team that trained in a camp in neighbouring Congo's North Kivu province run by Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an insurgent group, Deputy Police Chief Paul Lokech said. The ADF claims links to Islamic State (IS). The rebel group originally started in Uganda but it now operates in the jungles of eastern DRC. During the attack on Wamala, the assailants killed his daughter and his driver. He was injured while his body guard emerged unscathed. "This is a straight forward case of political violence and domestic terrorism," Lokech said in a statement. Four more people who include those who directly participated in the attack had been arrested while a fifth had been killed during an operation to detain him, Lokech said. On Monday, two suspects were charged for their role in the attack but security officials had not provided details of their investigation. In a search of the home of one of those detained, materials linking the suspects to ADF had been recovered, police said. "Exhibits, including materials used in making improvised explosive devices were recovered, as well as Al-Qaeda training manuals on how to make and detonate bombs," Lokech said. ADF has been accused of killing thousands of people since 2014, most in massacres in villages in eastern Congo carried out with machetes, hatchets and firearms. (Reporting by Elias Biryabarema; Editing by Angus MacSwan) KAMPALA (Reuters) - Police in Uganda have arrested two nurses and were hunting for a man who had posed as a doctor to sell and administer fake coronavirus vaccines to hundreds of people, authorities in the East African nation said on Thursday, amid a rising second wave of infections. The phoney doctor had persuaded several companies to pay for their employees to receive vaccines, charging between 100,000- 200,000 Ugandan shillings ($28-$56) per shot, according to the head of a public health monitoring unit within the president's office. "This was a clear scam, this fellow was looking for money, just a common criminal...we suspect he was injecting people with water because it's colourless, odourless and not dangerous," Dr. Warren Naamara told Reuters. "He is still on the run but we're hunting for him. We have arrested two nurses whom he was employing." Documents seized in a raid of the premises used by the suspects showed at least 812 people had been vaccinated but Naamara said the number of victims could be more. During a raid on the premises used by the suspects, investigators found vials whose seals had been tampered with, and had bogus vaccine labelling and false shipping information, Naamara said. Coronavirus infections and fatalities have soared in Uganda since late May, as the highly-infectious Delta variant had fueled a second wave of infections. A vaccination campaign, begun in March, has been hampered by insufficient deliveries of shots from the vaccine-sharing facility COVAX, that was set up to supply low income countries. As a result, Ugandans have at times been forced to queue in long lines, some times for a whole day, hoping to be vaccinated. ($1 = 3,555.0000 Ugandan shillings) (Reporting by Elias Biryabarema; editing by Omar Mohammed & Simon Cameron-Moore) LONDON (AP) Business leaders and unions joined forces Thursday to urge the British government to maintain a salary subsidy program that is being wound down over the coming months or else see unemployment rise sharply. The Job Retention Scheme was introduced at the start of the pandemic last March to ensure unemployment didn't rise substantially when lockdown restrictions were imposed. Under the program, the government paid 80% of the salaries of those workers unable to work because of lockdown measures. The program helped support over 11 million people but the number now is down around the 2 million mark as many sectors have reopened, notably hospitality. It kept a lid on unemployment, which remains relatively low at around 5%. On Thursday, that support started to be phased out with companies with staff still on furlough having to pick up 10% of the bill. Further tapering is due over coming months before the scheme is due to end in September. Our Plan for Jobs has supported peoples jobs and livelihoods throughout the pandemic and its fantastic to see so many people coming off furlough and into their workplaces with our restaurants, pubs and shops reopened, Treasury chief Rishi Sunak said. However, there are growing calls on the government to keep the scheme in place for as long as needed. The British government is hoping to lift all remaining restrictions on social contact in England on July 19 but the recent sharp rise in infections has raised concerns about whether it should, when many people have still to receive at least one dose of vaccine. The other parts of the U.K. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are taking similar steps out of lockdown. The taper of government payments into the furlough scheme should be immediately deferred until we take the final step in the road map," British Chambers of Commerce director-general Shevaun Haviland said. Some businesses, such as nightclubs and many theaters for example, are still unable to open their doors because of a delay in the reopening plans for England. Story continues The country has invested billions in keeping people in work ready for recovery, but if ministers pull the rug from under businesses too soon jobs will go, said Steve Turner, assistant general secretary of the Unite union. The reopening of the British economy has led to a sharp recovery from the deepest recession in 300 years. Inflation has also risen as the pent-up demand built up during the pandemic raises cost pressures in the economy. Bank of England Gov. Andrew Bailey warned Thursday that inflation in the U.K. is set to remain above target, but that it is likely to be temporary phenomenon, partly linked to richer households spending money saved during the pandemic. The most recent figures showed the annual rate of inflation in the U.K. at 2.1% following a spike largely in energy prices. The bank's primary aim is to keep inflation at 2%, but it has often let it go higher if it considers the increase in prices as the result of temporary factors. It is entirely possible that we will witness temporary periods of excess demand, or what more commonly we might describe as bottlenecks," he said in a speech in London. There are good reasons to interpret this as a temporary feature, but we must be on the lookout for the risk that these features are more sustained." At the outset of the pandemic, the bank slashed its main interest rate to a record low of 0.!% and pumped hundreds of billions of pounds into the economy in order to keep money flowing during the stresses of the pandemic. KYIV (Reuters) - A draft law which President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says will help curb the influence of oligarchs who have dominated Ukraine for decades was approved in its first reading in parliament on Thursday. Ukraine's international allies and donors have repeatedly criticised Kyiv for failing to reining in small number of wealthy business leaders, many of them owners of television channels, who influence policy behind the scenes. The bill, which has to be approved in a second reading to become law, defines what an oligarch is and says those who meet the criteria must be registered as such and prohibited from financing political parties or taking part in privatisations. They would also be required to submit an annual income declaration. The draft law would require officials, including the president, prime minister, head of the central bank, lawmakers, senior military officials and other top authorities, to make a declaration after any contact with an oligarch. Justice Minister Denys Malyuska told lawmakers that there were four criteria by which it would be determined whether a person is an oligarch: beneficial ownership of a monopoly company, significant influence over the media, participation in political activities, and a fortune of over 2.4 billion hryvnias (about $87 million). "A person meeting at least three of the four criteria will be recognised as an oligarch," Malyuska said before the vote. Local media have suggested 10 or more of the wealthiest Ukrainians could meet the definition. Zelenskiy promised to reduce the oligarchs' influence when he was elected president in 2019 but has struggled to do so and is under pressure from Kyiv's allies to wipe out widespread corruption in Ukraine. (Reporting by Natalia Zinets, Editing by Timothy Heritage) Miami Hurricanes quarterback DEriq King and Florida States McKenzie Milton will be rivals when they face off on Nov. 13 in Tallahassees Doak Campbell Stadium, but away from the gridiron, theyre business partners. Just after midnight from Wednesday night to Thursday morning, as college athletes were cleared to begin profiting off their name, image and likeness (NIL), King and Milton signed on as co-founders of Dreamfield. Their NIL-based platform will focus primarily on booking live events for student-athletes, such as autograph signings, meet-and-greets and speaking engagements, according to ESPN. King and Milton will be the public faces of Dreamfield and recruit other athletes to use the platform. It doesnt stop there for King. He also signed a joint deal with Tampa-based companies College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving and Murphy Auto Group, King told the South Florida Sun Sentinel. The deal was facilitated by former Miami receiver Ahmmon Richards, who is CEO of his sports marketing agency, Lgndary Sports, which he started after retiring from football. Kings deal will net him $20,000, Richards told the Sun Sentinel. He said he also helped UM safety Bubba Bolden ink the same deal. King, who also struck a deal with The Wharf, a riverside bar/club in Miami, midday Thursday, additionally started his own website with his clothing apparel and signed memorabilia available for sale. The Dreamfield operation between Milton and King will also feature a component that dives into the increasingly popular NFT (non-fungible token) market. Milton is on its first digital card, while King is reportedly set to have his own NFT debut in late July. Senior Miami receiver Michael Harley announced a partnership with College Football Edits, a website and social media page that designs posts for college football athletes and has nearly 75,000 followers on Instagram. Hurricanes cornerback Al Blades Jr. tweeted that he has a website opening soon. In an apparent tease to merchandise available, he tweeted an image of his father, Al Blades Sr., when he played for UM and the phrase Hit, stick, bust d---, talk s---. It was a chant Blades Sr. famously uttered in hyping up teammates when he played for the Hurricanes from 1996-2000. Blades Jr. was seen wearing the T-shirt at Miamis recruiting event on Saturday, Paradise Camp. Story continues Blades is also an adept video game player, and his gaming clips have garnered attention on social media. He could potentially begin to monetize his account on Twitch, a video-game livestreaming platform in which Blades has 3,000 followers. Miami announced on Wednesday evening that it has launched its internal NIL program, called Ignite. It is powered by Opendorse, a national leader in athletic brand solutions that provides personal brand development resources and management technology used by more than 40,000 athletes worldwide, according to the UM press release. Were excited to partner with Opendorse by launching our Ignite program across all of our sports, Miami athletic director Blake James said in a statement. Our goal at Miami is to Build Champions on and off the field, and a big part of that is providing our student-athletes with a platform like Opendorse to help build their personal brand and take full advantage of Floridas NIL law. Opendorse announced in a tweet around noon on Thursday that, 12 hours into NIL legislation, 819 deals were sent to student-athletes via the app. The new era in college sports still maintains amateur status for the athletes. They do not receive pay from the colleges themselves for their play. MARACAIBO, Venezuela (AP) The food assistance agency of the United Nations announced Thursday that its first shipments of supplies for vulnerable Venezuelan school children have arrived in the troubled South American country. The World Food Program will begin operations in Venezuela by providing children take-home packages that include rice, lentils, salt and vegetable oil. The agency earlier this year reached an agreement with the government of President Nicolas Maduro that allows it to provide school meals, though classrooms are currently closed. The agency said it will prioritize children under the age of 6 in communities with the highest prevalence of food insecurity and aims to provide 42,000 packages in the first month. Food supplies were being kept at a logistics hub in the northwest city of Maracaibo, about 435 miles (700 km) west of Caracas, the capital. Under the agreement signed in April, the agency plans to gradually expand programs to reach 1.5 million children by the end of the 2022-2023 school year, up from 185,000 children this year. The agency will provide school meals, invest in remodeling school cafeterias and will train staff in food safety standards. Venezuela has been grappling with soaring food prices amid hyperinflation, making it challenging for families to afford nutritious meals. The Rome-based agency has estimated that one of every three Venezuelans is struggling to consume enough daily calories. Victim advocate Jennifer Storm stands with survivors of Bill Cosby and case workers outside his sentencing hearing. Provided by Jennifer Storm A victim advocate for Cosby survivors wants them to know that his release doesn't negate their truth. Jennifer Storm supported five Cosby survivors, including Andrea Constand, during the court process. She told Insider that Cosby's release is a "complete injustice" to be blamed on former DA Bruce Castor. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Jennifer Storm, former Victim Advocate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, stood in the courtroom beside the survivors of sexual predator Bill Cosby in 2018 and watched him get taken away in handcuffs. On Wednesday, she called up five victims she represented throughout the case - including Andrea Constand - and assured them that the reversal of his conviction doesn't negate the truths they shared in court. "Those moments of justice are not lost because this court deemed something technical today that released him," Storm told Insider Wednesday. "I was trying to make sure they understand that their voices mattered, that this case alone and their bravery has led to more victims feeling safe to come forward, and more prosecutors believing and charging offenders, than we've ever seen before." Storm, who left her post in January, called Cosby's release from prison a "complete injustice," and blames former Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor. The state's highest court found that a deal Castor struck with Cosby in 2005 - which promised him he wouldn't be charged in a case involving Constand who alleged he drugged and sexually assaulted her a year earlier - should have prevented his eventual prosecution. Castor eventually went on to represent former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. "He has consistently been on the wrong side of cases like this. When he was briefly the attorney general here in the Commonwealth, he spoke out against statute of limitation reform for sexual assault victims," Storm said. "He has historically tried to silence victims of sexual violence. I've worked with survivors of other crimes where he completely boggled cases and left victims with less than what they deserved." Story continues Storm believes it is debatable as to whether or not Cosby actually had a "deal" with Castor. There was no nolle pros agreement - a written agreement officially declaring the office won't pursue charges against Cosby. The deal, she said, was limited to a press release and a few emails the office exchanged with Cosby. Regardless, if Castor had faith in Constand and the other victims, Cosby would be in prison, Storm said. Castor didn't immediately return a message from Insider seeking comment. "He's been an embarrassment to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," she said. Bill Cosby departs the Montgomery County Courthouse on the first day of sentencing in his sexual assault trial on September 24, 2018 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Mark Makela/Getty Images Wednesday's news could retraumatize all survivors, including Cosby's Storm, who is a survivor of sexual assault herself, told Insider that Wednesday's headlines have the potential of retraumatizing victims. Storm said that Constand will likely release her own statement, but needed time to sit with the news. She declined to name the other four survivors she spoke with, and said she isn't speaking on their behalf. All survivors, though, should consider utilizing local resources, like support hotlines and rape crisis programs if they need to. "Anytime we see stories like this in the headlines, it rips open wounds," she said. "Whether your case is similar to Andrea's or not, anytime we see a predator walk free, it's triggering. It's damaging. It's painful. And so I would just encourage survivors to engage in whatever self-care works for them." Andrea Constand, who accuses Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her, walks in a park in Toronto, December 30, 2015. REUTERS/Mark Blinch The reversal shouldn't stop victims from speaking up Storm, who wrote several books about the path to overcoming sexual assault trauma, is developing a curriculum to support survivors. She told Insider she hopes that Wednesday's ruling won't prevent victims from prosecuting their attackers. "I think what's really important is that the facts of the case are not at dispute here," she said. "The testimony that Andrea gave, the story that she has said from day one, since 2004, when this happened, has not changed." What the court took issue with, she said, was with Castor's choice not to prosecute Cosby when he had the chance. "He failed to take this case to court," she said. "What I hope is that it empowers victims to say, 'my voice is evidence enough, and I don't care if we get a conviction or not, my day in court is my justice.'" Read the original article on Insider A 5-story building that was under construction in Washington, D.C. collapsed on Thursday afternoon, leaving several people injured, including one man who was trapped in the rubble for more than an hour. "We do not know what caused the collapse, but there was a severe storm passing they the area," a spokesperson for DC Fire and EMS told Fox News. "Two structures to the right suffered some damage secondary to the collapse and a vacant structure to the right suffered major damage." Four people were immediately helped out of the collapsed building and transported to a local hospital when first responders got to the scene at about 3:30 p.m. Their injuries were not life-threatening, officials said. One person was trapped in the rubble for roughly an hour and a half, but firefighters were communicating with him and able to rescue him at about 5 p.m. He was conscious, according to DC Fire and EMS. LIVE UPDATES: SURFSIDE COLLAPSE DEATH TOLL REACHES 18 A video posted by DC Fire and EMS showed multiple firefighters using saws and other tools to try to dig through the rubble, which is located in northwestern Washington, D.C. "A full building collapse with rescues occurring now," a D.C. firefighters union tweeted. "Please give our members space to work safely." Two adjacent homes were also evacuated. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Bad weather is rolling through the nation's capital Thursday, with a flash flood warning and severe thunderstorm watch currently in effect, according to the National Weather Service. A Washington state lawmaker apologized Wednesday for wearing a yellow Star of David a symbol forced on Jews by the Nazis during the Holocaust at a speech over the weekend to protest restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, pinned a yellow Star of David badge on his shirt during a Washingtonians for Change event in Lacey, Washington Saturday. "In the current context, we're all Jews," Walsh wrote in a Facebook comment under video of the event. He further explained the star is "an echo from history" and said Danish people wore yellow stars to confuse the Nazis during WWII. The tale was debunked by Snopes 21 years ago. Miri Cypers, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League Pacific Northwest Region released a statement Wednesday condemning Walsh's actions and urging him to apologize. "Let us be clear, Rep. Walshs comparisons are a gross misappropriation of history to advance an ignorant political point of 'freedom.' It is deeply offensive and discounts the painful history of marginalized communities. There is simply no comparison for the systematic murder of six million Jews and the segregation of the African American community that has lasting impacts to today." Dee Simon, Baral Family executive director of the Seattle-based Holocaust Center for Humanity, also criticized Walsh for wearing the star. Our government is making an effort to protect their own citizens, not kill them, Simon told The Seattle Times. It not only trivializes it, it distorts history. In Nazi-era Germany, authorities required all Jewish people over six years old to wear the yellow Star of David bearing the word "Jew" at all times in public. The mandate was a part of a larger goal to persecute Europe's Jewish population by stigmatizing, segregating and eventually preparing them for deportation, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Walsh is not the only GOP lawmaker to misappropriate the Star of David. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, R-GA, recently apologized for comparing COVID-19 safety requirements to "a time and history where people were told to wear a gold star." Story continues Last year, a meme comparing pandemic mask-mandates to Jewish people being forced to wear the yellow star was posted to a Facebook group belonging to a Minnesota county Republican Party. In a Tuesday interview with the Seattle Times, Walsh said the star was given to him by an event attendee, most of whom were also wearing badges. Some of the organizers were deeply concerned about vaccine passports and vaccine segregation, Walsh told the newspaper. The Washington Secretary of Health requires masks in public indoor settings for those who are unvaccinated. Vaccination is not mandated by the state, but businesses are required to verify vaccination status before lifting mask requirements for employees. Walsh took to Facebook Wednesday to criticize the paper's coverage of his speech. "Hyper partisans are trying to make a sign of solidarity into...something bad," he wrote. But the Washington representative issued an apology for his actions Wednesday on the conservative talk radio host Jason Rantz's show. "This gesture went too far, Walsh told Rantz. It was inappropriate and offensive. Im terribly sorry that it happened and that I was a part of it. He added that he wanted to protest "the erosion of civil liberties" and the way that "small infringements" could lead to larger, "horrible outcomes." A state representative since 2016, Walsh has often opposed the policies of Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee. He issued a statement last week against Inslee's extension of the state eviction moratorium and condemned the "Shot of a Lifetime" incentive program aimed at encouraging Washington residents to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: WA state rep. sorry for wearing yellow star to protest covid mandates A dangerous HIV outbreak in Charleston, West Virginia, will require low-barrier needle exchanges to stop the disease from spreading, according to a preliminary CDC investigation obtained by BuzzFeed News. The only problem is that new state and city laws banned those needle exchanges in April. The CDCs investigation into the HIV outbreak in Charleston comes as the city of 48,000 has emerged as the fiercest battleground in a nationwide reckoning over syringe exchanges, long shown to stop HIV outbreaks among people who use drugs. Needle exchange locations have recently faced shut down efforts in Indiana, California, and New Jersey, despite fears of more HIV outbreaks amid a nationwide epidemic of injection drug use. It's history repeating itself, said Beth Connolly, substance use prevention and treatment initiative director at the Pew Charitable Trust and the former commissioner of New Jerseys Department of Human Services. Despite decades of evidence that needle exchanges work to stop HIV and hepatitis outbreaks in addition to helping people enter recovery programs, she said, we still are here in 2021, and people are still trying to get rid of syringe services programs. In February, former CDC HIV prevention chief Demetre Daskalakis urged the Charleston city council to consider syringe exchange programs, calling the citys HIV outbreak the most concerning one nationwide. Largely spreading among people who inject illicit drugs, it now stands at 68 cases in the last year, with many more cases expected to turn up with more testing. At a presentation last week, CDC experts reported preliminary results of an investigation into the outbreak during a closed-door meeting with state and local health officials. Reporters and members of the local HIV Task Force were excluded from the presentation, a move that was viewed by some as wanting to keep the polarizing topic under wraps. BuzzFeed News obtained the CDCs presentation slides and a recording of the two-hour meeting, showing that the CDC Epidemiologic Assistance team found widespread mistrust of hospitals among people who use drugs and a lack of HIV testing in emergency room and clinic settings. Both people who use drugs and health officials interviewed by the federal health agency called for "low-barrier one-stop combinations of syringe services, medical care, and HIV testing to stop the outbreak from growing. Story continues "The most commonly mentioned suggestion from both people who inject and stakeholders about how to improve access to services and service integration was to implement this one-stop model," a CDC presenter said during the meeting. About a third of the people with HIV surveyed said they did not have housing and the same number reported recent arrests. Half said they injected drugs more than once daily, typically heroin or fentanyl, and around 15% reported doing sex work, raising the risk of sexual transmission of HIV. CDC is in large part telling us what we already know, which is that people need access to sterile syringes, said West Virginia University epidemiologist Robin Pollini, who reviewed the slides for BuzzFeed News. There's a lot of suffering documented in this presentation. Interviews with both people who inject drugs and medical staff found stigma and mistreatment were commonly encountered in healthcare settings. I wouldnt go to another hospital unless I was dying, one man told the CDC investigators. Because they dont care about you. The report noted that none of the 65 HIV patients interviewed were prescribed pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) before their diagnosis, despite multiple earlier visits to hospitals for wounds and illnesses caused by injection drug use. You have to have a negative HIV test before you can go on PrEP, and they arent bothering to do the testing in the first place, said Judith Feinberg, an infectious disease expert at West Virginia University. According to the CDC representatives at the meeting, the investigation is ongoing and a final CDC report is expected in August. The agency referred a request for comment from BuzzFeed News to West Virginias health agency. Stopping HIV in West Virginia and in Kanawha County is the right thing to do and will save lives, resources and money, Andrea Lannom of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Public Health told BuzzFeed News by email. She did not respond directly to questions about the low-barrier syringe service recommendation, but said communities can work on making sure services are available to meet people where they are. But meeting people where they are will continue to be a problem in West Virginia. In April, the state passed a law, SB334, aimed at dismantling most needle exchanges operating in the state. The law killed off a grassroots program in Charleston called SOAR, which had started offering needle exchanges and HIV testing in the last two years after the contentious shutdown of the city's own syringe service in 2018. SOAR was the first group to ring alarm bells over the citys HIV outbreak in late 2019, after tests by medical volunteers at its bimonthly health fairs turned up eight positive cases. The CDC findings are disheartening, but also validating, to find you were doing exactly what needs to happen, SOAR president Sarah Stone told BuzzFeed News. But also, its frustrating, because we may be the small handful of people here that believe that to be true. Among other restrictions, the new state law requires labeling syringes which would link needles to individual drug users and mandates state licensing and approval from county politicians to operate. Against CDC recommendations, the law also requires that exchanges try to match the number of needles handed out with the number of returns and only give needles to people with state-issued identification, discouraging people experiencing homelessness or people using illicit drugs who fear being arrested from participating. It also forbids people from picking up needles for others, which can be helpful in a rural state with limited public transportation. We're in the middle of an HIV crisis, and people don't know because we're not talking about it. We're talking about needles, and we're talking about homelessness, we're talking about vagrants, and we're not talking about people, said Stone. We're talking about the annoyances of people that use drugs, and that's not right. The ACLU won a temporary injunction against the state law on Monday. While the law was set to go into effect on July 9, it has already effectively stopped SOARs health fairs, which depend on volunteers to operate. We had nurses, and med students, and physicians, at each of our health fairs, who are now scared to set up a health fair with us, said Joe Solomon, another one of SOARs leaders. Because they're afraid they'll leave in handcuffs. A smaller needle exchange that requires identification and return of labeled needles on the east side of the city abides by the new state law but is what the CDC presentation described as a high-barrier needle exchange. Another barrier is that the majority of the people who use drugs interviewed by the CDC live across the Kanawha River on the citys western side. The current HIV outbreak in Charleston was predicted by a 2019 Johns Hopkins University study that looked at the closure of its city-run needle exchange site. City officials condemned its findings, calling exchanges addiction empowerment, and complaining that the researchers only interviewed people who use drugs. "If we do see a disease progression into our community, being high rates of HIV or other things, we may have to have the discussion again, but right now, no, Kanawha-Charleston Health Department chief Sherri Young told a local news station in May 2019. This week, Young announced she was resigning from her position. More on this Bill Cosby walked out of prison on Wednesday afternoon, two years into what was supposed to be a sentence of three to 10 years after he was found guilty of raping Andrea Constand at his home in 2004. Hours earlier, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had tossed out the conviction. What happened? A majority of the state justices concluded that Cosbys constitutional rights had been violated when local prosecutors in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, charged him in 2015. The problem with that criminal case, the court found, was that a previous district attorney had announced a decade earlier that Cosby wouldnt face prosecution. That announcement triggered a series of events that included Cosby providing incriminating information against himself in a civil lawsuit, which eventually became part of the criminal prosecution he was under the impression would never happen. Its an extraordinary situation that, as the court itself noted in Wednesdays decision, was without precedent. The problem wasnt just that thenMontgomery County district attorney Bruce Castor had made an unusual public commitment outside the normal process for an immunity agreement. It also wasnt just that a later district attorney went back on Castors public pledge. The court found that Cosbys decision to rely on Castors statement and incriminate himself in the civil case, and to then have those statements used against him, ran so far afoul of his due process rights that the only way to fix it was to throw out the entire prosecution. We do not dispute that this remedy is both severe and rare. But it is warranted here, indeed compelled, Justice David Wecht wrote for the majority. [S]ociety holds a strong interest in the prosecution of crimes. It is also true that no such interest, however important, ever can eclipse societys interest in ensuring that the constitutional rights of the people are vindicated. The wheels had been set in motion in 2005, when Castor first learned about Constands allegations against Cosby: that a year earlier, the actor had given her pills that caused her to become incapacitated and then sexually assaulted her. But Castor ultimately wasnt convinced that his office could prove the case in court given that Constand waited a year to file her complaint with law enforcement. There also was no forensic evidence, and Castor believed Constands recollections would be less precise. Story continues Castor told Cosbys team and, importantly, stated in a February 2005 press release that he would not bring criminal charges related to Constands allegation. Castor who more recently defended former president Donald Trump in his February impeachment trial later testified that his intent was to try to still help Constand get justice. By taking a criminal prosecution off the table, Castor believed that would prevent Cosby from invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in Constands civil lawsuit. Fast-forward a decade. In 2015, when dozens of women began making similar accusations against Cosby, documents in Constands civil case were unsealed in response to a media request. Thendistrict attorney Risa Vetri Ferman then reopened the criminal investigation that her predecessor had closed. Castor wrote to Ferman, warning her about his public promise to Cosby, but she chose to press on. Her successor, Kevin Steele, formally charged Cosby in December 2015 with three counts of aggravated assault. A jury eventually found Cosby guilty in April 2018. He was sentenced several months later, and in addition to the prison term, he was required to register as a sexual predator. Castor would later say that he had intended to block local prosecutors from bringing criminal charges against Cosby related to Constands allegations at any point in the future. But he did not get Constands consent to make this decision, or even communicate his promise to Constand or her lawyers. She learned about it from a reporter. He also didnt negotiate a formal immunity agreement with Cosby and present it to a judge to get an official order that would be legally binding on the district attorneys office going forward. Instead, as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court described it, Castors statement was a unilateral exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Lower courts that considered Cosbys case found that this sequence of events cut against Cosbys argument that it was reasonable for him to rely on Castors statement when he decided to testify against his own interests. Cosby ended up sitting for four depositions in Constands civil lawsuit, during which he confessed to several incriminating acts, including providing quaaludes to other women he wanted to have sex with, though he insisted he just gave Constand Benadryl. Eventually, Constand settled the suit for $3.38 million. But the state Supreme Court had a different interpretation of the legal heft of Castors announcement, even if there hadnt been a formal immunity agreement. [W]e hold that, when a prosecutor makes an unconditional promise of non-prosecution, and when the defendant relies upon that guarantee to the detriment of his constitutional right not to testify, the principle of fundamental fairness that undergirds due process of law in our criminal justice system demands that the promise be enforced, Wecht wrote. Two former prosecutors who reviewed the courts decision told BuzzFeed News it is very common for prosecutors to tell defense attorneys that they dont plan to pursue charges. But normally, they said, officials dont put out press releases about it. Id been a prosecutor for more than 40 years and certainly I would periodically tell or even write to a defense lawyer saying we would decline to prosecute right now, Michael Levy, the former assistant US attorney in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and a current law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said. I would never have thought of that as meaning no matter what happened we would never go ahead with the criminal case. What makes this highly unusual is the public nature of this, Shan Wu, a former federal prosecutor, added. Then theres the reliance by Cosby on that to say that, OK, well if Im not facing any danger, I can testify in the civil case. But Wu also questioned the decision by Cosbys lawyers to let him testify at all, notwithstanding Castors press release. Any time you have a person who has been charged or accused formally, its very, very risky to let them say anything ever, he said. If I were Cosby's attorney back then, I would have fought tooth and nail against him being deposed. The state supreme court said in their opinion that, despite the deposition testimony being a bad idea, it was reasonable for Cosby to rely on the advice of his lawyers and the then-district attorney. We cannot deem it unreasonable to rely upon the advice of ones attorneys, Wecht wrote. A criminal defendant confronts a number of important decisions that may result in severe consequences to that defendant if, and when, they are made without a full understanding of the intricacies and nuances of the ever-changing criminal law. The courts decision wasnt unanimous. Justice Thomas Saylor wrote that he did not agree with the majority that Castors press release was an unconditional promise. He said he believed the release was a conventional public announcement by someone in a temporary, elected position that would in no way be binding upon his own future decision-making processes, let alone those of his successor. Justice Kevin Dougherty, joined by Chief Justice Max Baer, wrote separately to say that he agreed with the majority that due process does not permit the government to engage in this type of coercive bait-and-switch. But he disagreed with tossing out the case entirely, writing that the appropriate outcome was a new trial where any evidence from Cosbys depositions was suppressed. Hours after the decision was released, Steele, Montgomery Countys current district attorney, said in a statement that it should not deter victims of sexual assault from seeking justice. Cosby "now goes free on a procedural issue that is irrelevant to the facts of the crime, Steele said. "Prosecutors in my office will continue to follow the evidence wherever and to whomever it leads. We still believe that no one is above the law including those who are rich, famous and powerful. But in a statement to BuzzFeed News, Jennifer Bonjean, Cosbys current attorney, said that "at the end of the day, there has to be a fair process, prosecutors have to live up to their word." "We cannot change decades in history of our treatment of women on the shoulders of one man, or two men, which is what seems to be happening, she said. There's a lot of work that needs to be done. And we, we can't undo the past simply by cheating and breaking the rules and disregarding our cherished constitutional principles because it makes us feel good." More on this It has now been over a year since tens of thousands of associates at Capital One transformed their homes and apartments into offices, Fairbank said in the letter. Despite all that has happened, Capital One has persevered. In fact, we have thrived. We have taken care of customers, welcomed thousands of new colleagues, and remained financially resilient under stress. We have adapted strikingly well, and we have found that we can be highly effective in a virtual work environment. This way of working felt new and strange a year ago. Today, it feels almost normal. In the Richmond area, Capital One employs about 13,000 workers at its campus in the West Creek office park in Goochland County, at offices in Henrico County and at a data center in Chesterfield County. It also has two Capital One Cafe banking locations. Under the new work plan, Capital One employees will work remotely on Mondays and Fridays or from wherever they work best, Fairbank said in the letter. Employees will work at offices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We strongly encourage associates [employees] to come into the office and spend meaningful time there in collaboration with their colleagues on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the letter from Fairbank said. This effort is critically important to us, to me and to our donors, in terms of making sure that we not only give out the checks in the hope that we are improving things, but that we can measure our progress, Bodine said. Another member of Lynchburg Tomorrows steering committee is Owen Cardwell, co-director of the Center for Education and Leadership and Rosel Schewel Distinguished Chair in Education at the university and pastor of Diamond Hill Baptist Church. Cardwell said Lynchburg Tomorrow is working to identify 25 potential and emerging leaders in the Diamond Hill and White Rock Hill neighborhoods to participate in leadership development training so they can become more empowered to lead their communities. Crystal Edwards, superintendent of Lynchburg City Schools, said the initiative pairs well with the schools desire to engage its families and the community. If this pandemic taught us anything, it taught us the need to be collaborative, Edwards said. With the Delta variant accounting for more than a quarter of Covid-19 cases, there could soon be "two Americas" -- one where most people are vaccinated and another where low vaccination rates could lead to case spikes, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned. The stark disparity between places with low and high vaccination rates is something Fauci is "very concerned about," he told CNN on Tuesday. "When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among undervaccinated regions -- be that states, cities or counties -- you're going to see these individual types of blips," he said. "It's almost like it's going to be two Americas." But spikes in coronavirus cases are "entirely avoidable, entirely preventable," said Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "If you are vaccinated, you diminish dramatically your risk of getting infected and even more dramatically your risk of getting seriously ill. If you are not vaccinated, you are at considerable risk," Fauci warned. Abbott has pledged a $250 million down payment to resume construction of the wall. Governors in Florida, Arizona and Nebraska have dispatched law enforcement officers to Texas to support local officers and the border patrol. What frustrates and contributes to the anger many Americans feel toward their government is that solutions exist, but many politicians refuse to apply them. Recent TV interviews with migrants have shown they were motivated to come because they believed President Biden is making it easier for them to be admitted. Harris recent speech in which she said, do not come, do not come had about as much credibility as Bill Clintons denial of sex with Monica Lewinsky. There are critics who say this is part of a plan by Democrats to import new voters and make the party a permanent majority. That may be part of it, but I suspect another reason is to undermine the values and traditions that built and have sustained this country from the beginning. There are those secular progressives who speak and behave as if they hate America and would be happy to see it brought down to the level of other countries or destroyed outright. What better way to do this than to dilute those values and traditions by importing foreigners? Japan's health minister has expressed concern over an increase in the number of people who are out and about at night in Tokyo amid the coronavirus pandemic. Tamura Norihisa attended a meeting of a panel of experts on Wednesday. He said it is very alarming that the number of new infections nationwide has recently begun to increase slightly. As for Okinawa, which is the only prefecture currently under a state of emergency, he said the number of new cases is on the decline. But he said the number of people going out at night is beginning to increase. In Osaka, Tamura said the number of new infections has stopped falling or remains at the same level. He added movement of people is increasing in parts of the prefecture. In Tokyo, the minister said the number of people out and about at night has increased by 18 percent after a state of emergency expired on June 20. He also pinpointed a sharp increase in the number out late at night. Tamura said that the situation is thought to be leading to an increase in the daily tallies of new cases in the capital. He noted more people are out and about after 8 p.m. when bars and restaurants are urged to close. He said something must be done to solve the problem in order to contain the spread of infections. Tamura said the occupancy rate of hospital beds, as well as the number of patients in serious condition, is rising slightly in Tokyo. Low-cost carrier Spring Airlines Japan has become a subsidiary of Japan Airlines. JAL officials say they have made an additional investment in the unit of a China-based airline, upping their stake to two-thirds. The move is part of the company's strategy to strengthen its LCC business and cash in on an expected recovery in tourism demand. Spring Airlines Japan connects Narita Airport outside Tokyo with Nanjing, Tianjin and other major Chinese cities. JAL aims to launch more routes going to China. The company also plans to increase its investment in Jetstar Japan to enhance its domestic coverage. JAL already has a significant stake in the low-cost carrier. Australia's Qantas Group is another major owner. Land prices in Japan fell 0.5% on average in 2021 from a year before, down for the first time in six years due to loss in demand by foreign visitors amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, government data showed Thursday. The data released by the National Tax Agency showed that land prices as of Jan. 1 fell in 39 of the countrys 47 prefectures, with metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Osaka and Aichi, and 10 other prefectures suffering a setback after rising in the previous year. Shizuoka saw the steepest decline of 1.6%, followed by Gifu and Ehime, both down 1.4%. Many other prefectures expanded their margin of decline. Land prices in seven prefectures rose, down from 21 prefectures last year, with the margins of increase narrowing. Fukuoka saw the biggest rise of 1.8%. While prices in Okinawa climbed 1.6%, the margin of increase shrank steeply from a 10.5% hike last year. Of the 47 prefectural capitals, prices fell in 22, compared to one last year, particularly at tourist spots and downtown areas usually popular with inbound travelers. New Delhi: After India formally requested European Union nations to include SIIs Covishield and Bharat Biotechs Covaxin in their exemption list for the passport, 8 nations have given go-ahead to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine (Covishield). Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland and Spain are the seven EU member countries that accepted COVISHIELD vaccine on Thursday. India on Wednesday asked EU nations to accept Covid-19 vaccines authorised by WHO or national authorities including Covishield and Covaxin, so that Indian nationals could travel to Europe without hassles. It also told EU member states that it would exempt their vaccinated people from mandatory quarantine if they recognise Indian vaccines and vaccination certificates. WHAT IS EUs COVID-19 CERTIFICATE? The European Union has a framework for facilitating free movement of vaccinated people within the EU. Under this framework, it issues EU Digital Covid Certificate to those who can travel without restrictions. Persons who have received Covid-19 vaccines that have been authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be exempted from travel restrictions within the EU. However, Individual EU nations have the flexibility to accept vaccines that have been authorised at the national level or by the WHO. Till date, only 4 vaccines namely Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Vaxzervria by AstraZeneca-Oxford and Johnson & Johnsons Janssen have got approval of European Medicines Agency (EMA). Those inoculated with these vaccines get Covid-19 vaccination certificate and have the flexibility of travelling in European nations during the pandemic. However, long-term survivors have endured entrapment in considerably smaller buildings, or were trapped in structures that contained sizeable voids. Many were young, and most had access to water or some other form of sustenance so the downpours that have sometimes hampered the search in Surfside might be a blessing to someone trapped inside the wreckage. South Floridas warm climate could also help, as theyre not exposed to overnight cold. There are those who have survived despite all the odds, and I have no doubt that part of it is just that will to survive that even science cannot explain, said Dr. David Shatz, a trauma surgeon who for 12 years was assistant medical director of the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department. Now a professor of medicine at the University of California, Davis, Shatz has been closely monitoring the rescue effort from afar. For years he worked shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the rescuers now toiling at the fallen condo tower. He also recalled being part of the bucket brigade at the federal building in Oklahoma City, which was brought down by a truck filled with explosives. And he was at the World Trade Center digging through concrete, glass and metal after the 9/11 terror attacks. If you look at it from a distance, you would think its one of the models of the movie. You wouldnt be able to tell its a Lego, Feldmann said. I dont think anything is missing. I think its as accurate as anyone is going to get to making a Star Destroyer out of Legos that looks like the movies. The trio plans to enter the destroyer in the Brick Days Lego convention July 24 and 25 at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs. In 2019, they won an award for best land vehicle at the convention with a model of an AT-AT Walker from the movies. But thats nothing compared to a Star Destroyer, Feldmann said. Its the friends last hurrah, they say. Feldmann is heading to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall to study construction engineering. Josh Bodine will join him in Lincoln after a gap year. Matthew Bodine is heading into his junior year at Papio South. They met when the Bodines moved here from Oregon. Feldmann and Josh Bodine were in the same section of the band. We instantly connected because we both love Star Wars and Legos. We were instantly great friends, Feldmann said. Constructing the Star Destroyer kept them busy through the long months of the coronavirus pandemic. DENISON Brenda Jensen, who pleaded guilty in federal court on Oct. 20 last year to embezzling nearly $1.5 million from Consumers Credit Union, was sentenced June 25 afternoon to 36 months imprisonment and was ordered to make restitution in the amount of $1,461,480.29. She was also ordered to serve two years supervised release after the prison term. There is no parole in the federal system. Jensen, 53, had been the head teller of Consumers Credit Union in Denison. In a plea agreement filed last year, she admitted to embezzling money from the credit union from at least May 2012 to March 2018. After sentencing on June 25 in federal court in Sioux City, Jensen was released on a bond previously set. She is to surrender to the United States Marshal on a date to be set. A recommendation is that Jensen serve her sentence at a federal prison as close to her family as possible. The sentence says Jensens first priority for restitution is to Cobalt Credit Union in the amount of $430,470.83 and the second priority for restitution is to Credit Union National Association Mutual Group in the amount of $1,031,009.46. The STARS scholarship program, an Iowa West Foundation initiative, recently recognized STARS Scholars who have finished their programs recently and is now building its next cohort of scholars. STARS, a program of the Council Bluffs Schools Foundation, gives low-income parents and custodial grandparents in Pottawattamie County an opportunity to earn college credentials, a press release from the foundation stated. The scholarship removes financial barriers by providing $3,500 in scholarship funds that can be used for direct and indirect expenses, including tuition, fees, books, childcare and living expenses. The recognition ceremony honored 2019, 2020 and 2021 graduates, since last years event was canceled because of the pandemic, according to Mia Laustrup, STARS program director. It was really nice to see all of the smiles out from behind the masks and these students, especially nursing students, went through so many challenges, she said. In some cases, required clinicals had to be postponed or adjusted, she said. The ceremony featured remarks by foundation Executive Director Chris LaFerla, Iowa West Foundation President and CEO Brenda Mainwaring, guest speaker Rachel Fox and Laustrup, who was a STARS scholar. CEDAR RAPIDS Using his words, Iowas Republican U.S. senators are holding President Joe Biden accountable for his earlier commitments to support the biofuel industry and the family farmers who rely on it. In light of recent reports about his consideration of the demands of Big Oil, Sens. Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley have written to Biden to remind him of his statements during his campaign supposedly supporting biofuel. Those waivers are a gigantic mistake, Biden said on Iowa PBS in the summer 2019 when asked about the waivers granted by the Trump administration. We should not be exempting, we should be insisting that these major companies in fact meet the criteria. The letter, joined by the Republican senators from South Dakota and Nebraska, and an earlier missive from Ernst to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, were motivated, in part by, Ernst said, by rumors about administrative action to reduce or eliminate renewable fuel blending targets for petroleum refiners. Along with a recent announcement by the Biden administration regarding its intention to rewrite the definition of Waters of the United States rules, that leads Ernst to question the Biden administrations commitment to farmers. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} At the time, Castor said that unless Cosby confessed, he did not think he could prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, and he told Cosby he would not be prosecuted. Castors decision not to proceed with a criminal case was calculated to give at least some measure of justice to Constand, because it removed Cosbys ability to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination and thus meant he had to answer questions under oath in her civil lawsuit against him. Constand won $3.38 million, most of which, the Supreme Court noted, went to her attorneys. Castors decision not to prosecute, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided, amounted to a promise that Cosbys testimony in his civil deposition would never be used against him in criminal court. But the prosecutor who succeeded Castor did not see it that way and filed criminal charges against him in 2015, just days before the 12-year statute of limitations expired. As it happened, Cosby did incriminate himself during the course of four sworn depositions in Constands civil lawsuit. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. Gillocks 3-year-old daughter, Olivia, had an inoperable brain tumor. Shortly after Olivias diagnosis in May 2015, Gillock and her then-husband, Brock Swedberg, decided to donate her organs upon her death. In the time between, they shared her journey on a Facebook page, Princesses Dont Wear Pants. I think of people that live in huge cities who would go home without any sort of support. We live in a town of 25,000 people. They wrapped their arms around us, and then Facebook came in and it helped on the journey, Gillock said. Gillock was excited to highlight social media. Im just grateful that were focusing on the social media part of it ... how we were connected definitely is an important part to hear. Being able to connect with the people who received Olivias organs also gave Gillock closure. Im grateful that Ive been able to see these kids and adult live because of her, so I get really excited when I see (Lucas) on Facebook, fishing, Gillock said. My daughter is living on through these other people, and its just an amazing gift to have. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Jim Griffin, director-curator of the Lincoln County Historical Museum, got to know Butolph when she offered to donate Virgils uniform and her wedding dress for the museums Canteen display. I went over to her house and talked to her, and she showed me the first letter (from Virgil) and scrapbook and pictures and told me the whole story, Griffin said Wednesday. She gave me the uniform and wedding dress. Then she called me later, and I went over and talked to her because she had found his hat. He also noted Butolphs knack for embroidery and quilting, which led friends and neighbors to order quilts from her for relatives. She was always doing quilting for people, Griffin said. Ethel, the seventh of Albert and Florence (Cumpston) Winters 10 children, finished eighth grade in McPherson County before going to work. She worked for the postmaster at Ringgold before accompanying sister Opal to Oregon and beginning her correspondence with Virgil there. She hurried home after Virgil sent her a telegram saying he was coming to Nebraska on leave. They crammed their in-person courtship into two weeks, attending a rodeo at Stapleton on their first date. A generous donation by the Nebraska Grain and Feed Association could soon make grain bin safety training available to even more individuals in Mid-Plains Community Colleges service area and beyond. The NEGFA, which has provided 125 years of service to Nebraskas commercial grain and animal feed manufacturing businesses, announced its dissolution in May. As one of its final actions, the association donated $10,000 to MPCCs business and community education department to assist with grain bin safety and rescue training in Nebraska. Im speechless and very humbled by this wonderful donation, said Tim Zehnder, MPCC director of fire science. We havent decided exactly what the funds will be used for, but the thought is that they might offset some of the costs associated with smaller fire departments receiving grain bin safety and rescue training. Most of the rural fire departments dont have budgets for continuing education, so this could be a way to help with that in areas where this type of training is needed most. MPCC has the only Grain Bin Safety program in the state. Zehnder travels throughout Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming every year providing the training to fire departments, co-ops, feedlots, fairs and conferences among many other events. In addition, transfer of management is defined on page 30 of LB 147 and it specifically states that transfer of management does not include assumption of financial liability for the funding obligations for OSERS by the state of Nebraska and does not include a merger or consolidation of OSERS with any of the retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board for the state. I want to set the record straight LB 147 and LR13CA are completely separate issues. LB 147 transfers the day-to-day administration of the OSERS Plan to the PERB and LR13CA would restrict how much property taxes could be used to fund education in Nebraska. They are completely separate issues and in no way will the passage of LB 147 increase state spending on education. As the sponsor of LB 147, I have worked with the Omaha Public Schools district, OSERS and the various stakeholder groups. My goal has been to relieve OPS of the day-to-day staffing and support services they provide to the Omaha School Employees Retirement System so OPS can focus on its core mission of educating Omahas students. Photo-Illustration: Mike McQuade, Photos: Getty Images This article was featured in One Great Story, New Yorks reading recommendation newsletter. Sign up here to get it nightly. Seems like quite a few crazies, said the president. A little more than three weeks before rioters and revelers stormed the Capitol on January 6, several thousand Trump fans and fanatics gathered in Washington, D.C. There were the Proud Boys in elaborate dress, ZZ Top beards, and tie-dyed kilts Enrique Tarrio, a Proud Boy organizer, got in line and took a public tour of the White House who seemed to have appointed themselves Trumps protectors and vanguard, as the Hells Angels had once done for the Rolling Stones. There were Trump impersonators and a wide variety of other made-for-the-cameras MAGA costumes. There were veterans or people in military gear trying to suggest patriotism and firepower. There were older men and women, too more Las Vegas than Altamont. Virtually all without masks. Its like Lets Make a Deal, said Trump the next day to a caller, referencing the long-running game show from the 1960s many of his references have never left this psychic era on which audience members dressed up in foolish costumes to get the attention of the host. The speakers at the December 12 event were themselves a retinue of Trump attention seekers: Michael Flynn, the former general who had briefly served as Trumps national security adviser before being rolled out of office for lying to the FBI, had, after pleading guilty, reversed himself and abjectly reaffirmed his Trump loyalty, finally getting his pardon just days before the rally. Sebastian Gorka, a figure of uncertain provenance and function in the Trump White House during its first months, was one of the early oddballs to be pushed out when John Kelly became chief of staff and had pursued a Trump-based media career ever since. Also speaking: MyPillow entrepreneur Mike Lindell, a former drug addict and a current fevered conspiracist. Four people were stabbed and 33 arrested, most in the several-hour melee that took place after sundown. This was, in hindsight, a run-through. But it was also a pretty good insight into Trumps relationship to his army of supporters. The president often expressed puzzlement over who these people were with their low-rent trailer camp bearing and their get-ups, once joking that he should have invested in a chain of tattoo parlors and shaking his head about the great unwashed. The fan base had always been peculiar to him. For most politicians, vox populi is a pretty remote concept, one brought home only with polling, press, and elections. Trumps regular and, during some periods, nearly constant performances at stadium rallies gave him a greater direct route and connection to his base than any politician in the modern television age. It was adulation on a par with that of a pop star a massive pop star. (The only man without a guitar who can fill a stadium, he liked to say about himself in another of his 1960s-stuck references.) Stars like him needed fans, but this did not mean that a fan was not a strange thing to be. The more devoted the fan, the odder the fan. Like any megastar, Trump saw his fans from a far distance out. Certainly, there was no personal connection. A star could not assume responsibility for his fans, could he? By dawn on January 6, the crowd of great unwashed was building, with the various organizers of the various events each pulling in larger-than-expected numbers. From the perspective of the White House, the protest was still just background noise, a tailgate party before the main event: Vice-President Mike Pence counting, and they hoped rejecting, the electors representing the final tally of the November vote. That would begin at 1 p.m. The remaining group of aides around the president that morning in the White House was down to Mark Meadows, the chief of staff; Eric Herschmann, one of Trumps on-call lawyers; and Dan Scavino, his social-media alter ego, with Jason Miller, Justin Clark, Alex Cannon, and Tim Murtaugh, the last employees from the campaign, either working from home or, in the case of Clark, heading to a Republican National Committee winter meeting in Florida. All of them had woken up with something close to the same thought: How is it going to play when the vice-president fails to make the move the president is counting on him to make? And make no mistake: Each fully understood Mike Pence was not going to make that move. Just as relevant, none of the seven men had precisely told the president this. They, along with almost everyone else in the White House, as well as those who had slipped out, just wanted this to be over. This was not an uncommon feeling in the final days of the Trump presidency. There was the world within shouting distance of the Oval Office privy to the presidents monologues, his catalogue of resentments, agitation, desires, long-held notions, stray information, and sudden inspirations with little practical relationship to the workings of government and then there was the more normal world beyond that. Early in Trumps presidency, aides noted that a second-floor office, where the likes of Stephen Miller and Kellyanne Conway worked, meant a degree of exclusion but also protection: Trump would never climb the stairs (and, by the end of his term, he never had). To the degree that Trump had, for four years, been running the government with scant idea of the rules and practices of running the government, he was now doing it virtually without anybody who did have some idea and desire to protect both him and themselves from embarrassment or legal peril. Jared Kushner was, to his own great relief, in the Middle East, wrapping up what he saw as his historic mission: his peace deals. The president had all but banished the White House counsel, Pat Cipollone (who was grateful to be banished), and was speaking instead to Herschmann. Herschmann, believing he understood how to move the president, tended to offer objections that sounded awfully like the plaudits of a yes-man. Kayleigh McEnany had been strategically missing in action for several weeks. The remaining campaign officials (Jason Miller, Clark, Cannon) tended to be merely on the receiving end of Trumps calls and opinions. And everybody else was, effectively, cleared out. White House wags noted that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had fled as far as Sudan where he was negotiating a good-behavior economic pact with the former terrorism-sponsor nation to get distance from this last election gasp. The one person Trump did have at his side, Rudy Giuliani, was drinking heavily and in a constant state of excitation, often almost incoherent in his agitation and mania. Almost everyone who remained around the president understood that he, along with Giuliani, did in fact actually believe that there was yet a decent chance of upsetting the electoral count and having Trump declared the Electoral College winner or, failing that, prolonging the election and returning the fight to the disputed states. The presidents aides (and family) understood, too, that he was the only one (along with Giuliani, which only made the situation more alarming) in any professional political sphere to believe this. Hence although they did not call it such and tried to see it as more nuanced derangement. There had been hardly a waking hour in the past 48 during which he and Giuliani had not been on the phone in pent-up nervousness and excitement over the coming battle in Congress on January 6. They were two generals poring over a map of the battlefield. Both men, egged on by hypotheticals ever nearer to fantasy and after exhausting all other options, had come to take it as an article of faith that the vice-president could simply reject Biden electors in favor of Trump ones and thereby hand the election to Trump; or, falling short of that, that the vice-president could determine that a state legislature ought to give further consideration to possible discrepancies in the states vote and send back the questioned electors for a reconsideration of their certification. There is no question, none at all, that the VP can do this. Thats a fact. The Constitution gives him the authority not to certify. It goes back to the state legislatures, said Giuliani, as though on a loop. He kept repeating this to the president and to the others who were part of the continual conversation on his cell phone. (Yes Yes Yes Heres the thing Hold on a second Hey, let me get back to you ) The president, in his own loop, kept similarly repeating this back to Giuliani. And they both similarly repeated this to everyone else with such insistent determination that it overrode any opportunity to disagree with them or even engage in the conversation. Throughout, they continued to weigh the odds that the vice-president would come along: sometimes 50-50, sometimes as much as 60-40, even somewhat more. At the grimmest, 30-70. But always a solid shot. The rest of the presidents aides gave it essentially no chance. They werent putting much stock in the January 6 rally, which looked to those around Trump less like a way to keep the president in power than a way to make money afterward. Here was the math: He was going to lose the White House; that was certain. But he was going to be left with enormous reach and sway and influence. As the great unwashed were gathering, on the evening of January 5, there was another gathering, at the Trump Hotel, of ranking Republicans, all primarily there to plan and to fund-raise for 2022. This included a circle of top-draw Trump celebrities, Don Jr., Flynn, and Corey Lewandowski among them, and presentations by groups such as the Republican Attorneys General Association. The primary organizer was Caroline Wren, the most prodigious fund-raiser in the Republican Party. On the eve of a protest over the 2020 election, Wren had assembled 30 to 40 major Republican donors. The organizers of the rally where the president would speak included Amy Kremer and her daughter Kylie Jane Kremer, tea-party and pro-Trump super-PAC activists, organizers, and fund-raisers; Ali Alexander, another right-wing organizer and Trump fund-raiser; and Alex Jones, the conspiracist media personality each of them with a direct financial interest in the days events and in future dealings with the Trump money machine. Early in the morning, Jason Miller called Boris Epshteyn, the shuttle between the Giuliani camp and the Trump aides, for a reality check: So how exactly do we think this is going to go today? Short answer: We have no idea. How many states are teed up? The number of states receiving House and Senate objections would determine how long and how pitched the days events would be. Were still not sure. And the chance of anything going anywhere? Really, ballpark me. Zero. And then what? Then its over. When Miller spoke to the president at 8 a.m., he was looking for a reaction to the loss of the Senate in Georgia counting from the day before was only just finishing. As per their usual routine, the president, who had seen that mornings coverage, asked Miller to recap it. Who was getting blamed? But of course the president right away told Miller the answer to what he was asking. Its all about the $2,000 if Mitch had just cut those checks. Do people get this? The Dems closing ads were all about those checks, the president said. He asked Miller what he thought Pence would do and then told Miller that Pence would do the right thing. The family arrived at the White House shortly before 10 a.m. Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric and Lara, and Ivanka, on her own Jared was on his way back from the Middle East. It was a good-feeling gathering, even a bit of a party. The president might still be dug in, but his family was moving on and wanting to acknowledge this most remarkable four years they had experienced. No regrets. Come on who would have expected any of this! One curious point of consideration for the family that morning prescient of the events that would shortly unfold was a follow-up to a discussion initiated some months before by aides and family. Trump representatives, working with Trump-family members, had approached Parler, the social network backed by Bob Mercer and his daughter Rebekah, far-right exponents and large Trump contributors. They had floated a proposition that Trump, after he left office, become an active member of Parler, moving much of his social-media activity there from Twitter. In return, Trump would receive 40 percent of Parlers gross revenues and the service would ban anyone who spoke negatively about him. Parler was balking only at this last condition. This was now being offered by the family as a carrot to entice the president out of the White House (it was also a potential future family revenue stream): Trump could do what he loved to do most and potentially make a fortune off it. It was a given in the Trump White House that he was one of social medias most valuable assets and that he would like nothing better than to share, monetarily, in that value. Giuliani left the Willard with John Eastman, a right-wing constitutional scholar whom Giuliani had recruited to argue the vice-presidents wide latitude in accepting or rejecting presidential electors; Bernie Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner who went to prison on federal tax-fraud charges and to whom, at Giulianis urging, Trump granted a full pardon; and Epshteyn at a little before 10 a.m. Giuliani was now in hyperdrive over Pence. To the president, Giuliani was still offering good odds that the vice-president would come through. To others, he was saying that Pence just didnt have the balls to do what could be done. On the evening of January 4, as both the president and the vice-president were returning from a campaign swing in the runoff Senate races in Georgia, Giuliani arranged yet another come-to-Jesus meeting for the president and vice-president on the subject of the VPs ability to upset the election this time with Eastman in attendance. Marc Short, the VPs chief of staff, believed they had made it absolutely clear that the vice-president believed he had no discretion in the electoral count and was reluctant to reprise the discussion. He agreed now to the meeting only to avoid insulting the president and only on the understanding that Giuliani, whom Short considered unhinged, would not be present. The next day, the president again called Pence on the carpet the meeting at which the president famously asked Pence, Do you want to be a patriot or a pussy? At other points, he was more politic. You want to do the right thing, said the president. I very much want to do the right thing, said the vice-president. Thats all I want to do. Giuliani had spent weeks telling everyone that they knew exactly what was going to happen, that they could depend on Pence, no question at all about that. Coming out of the Willard, Giuliani ran into Roger Stone in the lobby. When Giuliani asked if he was going to the rally, Stone said he hadnt been invited. He didnt even know who had organized it, he said. The four men were let out of their car and had to walk across the grass to the Ellipse. They were already freezing by the time Giuliani went on at about 10:50. At 11:45 a.m., the White House entourage, including Meadows, Herschmann, and Scavino, piled into the Beast, the presidential limo, and the follow-on vehicles for the two-minute ride to the rally-staging area (mostly the president liked to ride alone with the rest of the entourage following). The Trump family was already there. The greenroom tent was almost giddy. Nostalgia was beginning. Don Jr. had his phone out, filming the moment. A few days before, rally organizers had amended their estimate of the crowds size from 5,000 to 30,000. Various media reports were now putting it at more than 10,000. The best estimate put the crowd somewhere between 30,000 and 60,000 a righteous cold-weather turnout for a defeated president. During his speech, the president would pause to observe that he reckoned there were 250,000 people there. In days to come, he would raise his estimate to 1 million. He came onstage to his standard anthem, God Bless the U.S.A., but with less swagger than usual slower, less sure, even. He was in a black overcoat and black gloves: a strongman look. The speech, shortly on its way to becoming the most notorious of his presidency, and the key piece of evidence for his imminent second impeachment, was a B-grade delivery. Not long into it, Giuliani and his crew, with freezing toes, left and went back to the Willard. They had heard it all before. At about 12:30 p.m., midway through Trumps speech, the vice-presidents office released a two-and-a-half-page letter explaining that after a careful study, the vice-president had concluded that he was not able to reject votes unilaterally or, in effect, to do anything else, beyond playing his ceremonial role, that the president might want him to do. Oh, shit, noted Miller at home, sending the statement to Giuliani, Epshteyn, and Scavino and leaving it to one of them to tell the president. Everybody else thought Oh, shit, too. At the Ellipse, Trumps delivery was more singsong than bombastic and explosive. He was rushing through it. Ordinarily, hed have thrown some red meat out and waited for the reaction always, clearly, the moments of his keenest enjoyment but now he was just plunging forward. After this, were going to walk down and Ill be there with you. Were going to walk down. Were going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. Were going to walk down to the Capitol, and were going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. Were probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because youll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. He had added that part: the walk. After this, were going to walk down and Ill be there with you. The walk wasnt in the text. The entourage heard little else the hundreds upon hundreds of hours of Trump rallies that they all had been subjected to blurred into the usual blah-blah, but they heard that line: the walk. He did not mean this, of course. Trump didnt walk anywhere. Meadows and Scavino had slipped out and werent listening to the speech. One of the Secret Service agents hurried to get Meadows aside and tell him the president said he was planning to march to the Capitol with the protesters. No. Theres no way we are going to the Capitol, said Meadows. Meadows confirmed this with the president as soon as he came off the stage at 1:11 p.m. The president seemed unsure what Meadows was talking about. You said you were going to march with them to the Capitol. Well How would we do that? We cant organize that. We cant. I didnt mean it literally, Trump said. By 1:30, the president was back at the White House, his family returning with him. Lunch was waiting. Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric and Lara Trump left, and Ivanka hung around. Trump was back on the phone trying to get new information on Pence. The Joint Session had convened at 1 p.m. Arizona was the first objection. The state had occupied a special place in the presidents paranoia ever since Election Night, when Fox News had called it for Biden much earlier than its competitors and much earlier than Trumps data team had believed was plausible. The president was looking for coverage of the breakout sessions in Congress, when both the Senate and the House would return to their respective chambers and debate the challenges to the various states. But only C-SPAN seemed to be on it. Giuliani, calling from the Willard, where he had watched the remainder of the presidents speech and was just seeing the first mentions of disorder in the streets, gave him a breathless report on Pence but without any new information. That said, he was also promising that as many as six states would be contested, hence a volatile situation We just didnt know whats going to happen (his breathlessness was only increasing). Meadows was in close touch with Jim Jordan. But the details Jordan was offering were unsatisfying. The president was, in theory, waging an extraordinary legislative fight, one with hardly any precedent the culmination of a two-month battle in which he had considered little else and on which both his immediate future and his place in history depended. But other than via his own tweets and fulminations and his meeting the day before with the vice-president, nobody in the White House was much participating or even present. There was nobody on the White House side whipping votes. There was nobody on the White House side who was particularly up-to-date on who might be with them or against them other than from public reports. To the extent that, as the media darkly warned, there was an extraordinary plot to hold on to power an incipient coup, even there really were only two plotters, with no one to back them up. Trump had no functioning political staff, the White House counsels office had been all but shut down (to the degree the office was still functioning, it was almost entirely focused on vetting pardon pleas), and the leadership of the Justice Department was in disarray. All the same, the president and Giuliani, in their bubble, remained confident that success was there for them to grab. At 1:49 p.m., the president retweeted a video of his Ellipse speech. At just about this time, rioters were breaching the Capitol door. At two oclock, the president and Giuliani the president in the White House and Giuliani at the Willard tried to find Tommy Tuberville, the recently seated senator from Alabama, but they instead mistakenly called Mike Lee, the Utah senator, on his cell phone. Lee, amid the increasing confusion as reports started to come in of mobs breaching the Capitol fences, found Tuberville and put him on the phone. The president and Giuliani seemed to have no idea what was occurring, and Tuberville was either unsuccessful in telling them or thought better of trying. At about 2:15 p.m., Epshteyn, watching television in Giulianis suite at the Willard, was one of the first people in the greater Trump circle to start, with some sense of panic, to take note of what was happening. Epshteyn spoke to Miller, who called Meadows. Im sure youre tracking this, Miller said. Yeah, I know. Some things are moving here that I cant get into at the moment, Meadows said. Miller assumed the White House was mobilizing the National Guard. By 2:20 p.m., both the House and Senate had adjourned. At 2:24 p.m., the president, having been informed that Mike Pence had not rejected the Arizona Biden electors, tweeted: Mike Pence didnt have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth! Reading the tweet in the Capitol bunker, the siege now in progress, Pence and Short, hardly for the first time, noted how far off the president could be from the page everyone else was on. That was the generous interpretation. In part, the president seemed just not to be grasping the facts as they were coming through mounting crowds, breached barricades, protesters entering the Capitol. Or maybe he was simply disagreeing with them: These people were protesting the election, he was still repeating as late as 2:30. The protesters wanted Pence to do the right thing. These were good protesters: his protesters. Meadows, Herschmann, and Scavino began pressing the president to make some public acknowledgment of what was happening and to admonish the protesters, but his attention was elsewhere, still focused on the vice-president. Fourteen minutes after his tweet attacking Pence, at 2:38 p.m., the aides managed to get a tweet out from the president composed by Scavino: Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful! Approaching 3 p.m., the pressure for the president to say something quickly mounted. Ivanka Trump had been floating around the West Wing, chatting to a variety of people. Her children had gotten into private school in Florida, and she was pleased about this an excited topic of conversation. She was pulled away from her discussion about schools to join the increasingly tense debate about how to respond to the news. The president, though, was digging in his heels. He remained singularly focused on the electoral challenge and had blinders on to everything else at least, that was how everybody was rationalizing something close to his total failure, willful or not, to understand what was going on. At the same time, no one in the White House was seeing this as the full-on assault on the Capitol and the nail in the coffin of the Trump administration that the world would shortly understand it to be; they were, for perhaps another 90 minutes or so, still treating this as an optics issue, as Ivanka was putting it. It wasnt until later in the three oclock hour that Trump seemed to begin the transition from seeing the mob as people protesting the election defending him so he would defend them to seeing them as not our people. Therefore, he bore no responsibility for them. Giuliani and Epshteyn were still watching television reports from the Willard. Giuliani was on the phone with the president, relating, with growing concern, what he was seeing on television, but both men were still talking about the vice-president and what might happen in the electoral count. Ivanka wasnt casting off the protesters entirely here was the base. American Patriots, she addressed them directly in a tweet at 3:15, which she would shortly delete, any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop immediately. Please be peaceful. The debate about putting the president out there to say something something calming continued for as much as an hour. There were three views: that he must, as fast as possible, say something it was getting serious (though no one yet was seeing this as the defining moment of his presidency); his own view, which was that he should say nothing it was not his fault or responsibility, and he certainly didnt want to give a speech that might imply it was; and, lastly, that anything he said, instead of helping to address the problem, might well make matters much worse, as it did when he was forced to make a speech condemning the racist protesters in Charlottesville. Aides put in front of the president two suggested tweets, written in Trumps voice, which they hoped he might accept: Bad apples, like ANTIFA or other crazed leftists, infiltrated todays peaceful protest over the fraudulent vote count. Violence is never acceptable! MAGA supporters embrace our police and the rule of law and should leave the Capitol now! The fake news media who encouraged this summers violent and radical riots are now trying to blame peaceful and innocent MAGA supporters for violent actions. This isnt who we are! Our people should head home and let the criminals suffer the consequences! Trump either rejected them or ignored them (other than Dan Scavino, Trump didnt like anyone else writing his tweets). The challenge now became how to use Trumps own arguments to convince him that he had to do something what passed for the Socratic method in the Trump White House. He had often said what he needed to say, so just say it again: He and the Republican Party represented law and order, so how could he not speak out about lawlessness? He should urge his people, the good people, to go home and leave the bad people. Still, he did not see the necessity of speaking out. It wasnt as bad as the media were saying it was. People were saying it was bad just to blame it on him. It took 35 minutes from his Stay Peaceful tweet to get him to go further with Scavino as the author: I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you! The entire narrative of the election and indeed the Trump presidency was quickly being transformed: The Capitol was under siege; the steal was moot. But Trump remained fixed in his obsession: The election had been taken from him, and whatever happened, someone had to give it back; he could not see or think or imagine beyond this. By 3:30 p.m., he was telling callers that, yes, he had decided to say something. He was going to speak. But he was still repeating that the election had been stolen and was seeking assurances from each caller that the protests were overblown that it was mostly a peaceful protest, wasnt it? Every one of the people yet in the White House as well as those who had slipped out, along with the presidents large traveling retinue, his family, the many members of Congress seeking photo ops with him, and the legions of favor seekers, had all been at rally after rally and, over and over again, seen vivid demonstrations of the exotic, self-dramatizing, out-from-under-a-rock Trump fan base. But now, to a person, to a political professional, they were dumbfounded and awestruck revulsion competing with incomprehension. In part, the radically faithful had simply been concentrated. The merely eager party types, and the Las Vegas audience sorts, and the local business proprietors, and the family-outing Republicans, and the VFW-post members, and various church groups, the salt of the Republican earth, more or less in normal dress, all had mostly self-selected out, leaving what was generally, if abstractly, referred to in the Trump circle as the hard core. But no one had ever come so clearly face-to-face with this pure hard core as was happening now and would happen, in video footage and in indictments, in the weeks to come. Even Trump himself, the clearest channel through to this fan base, was growing confused. As he went upstairs to the residence, he seemed, said some of the people talking to him there by phone, at a terrible loss. The monologue slowed and even paused, with a few people not even sure that this otherwise-unstoppable monologuist was still on the line. At about this time, Scavino informed Trump that he had been booted off Twitter still a temporary suspension. For more than four years, hed been told that this was always a possibility, and every time, hed responded that Twitter needed him more than he needed it. The doubtless president was, at least for a moment, someone else. I dont know what to do here, he said to one caller not long after 7 p.m. as stark a sense of uncertainty and even crisis as the caller had ever heard the president express. The notable thing is that he seemed to have finally recognized that the main event, the certification of the electoral votes, was now far from the main event. He may even have realized that after 64 days of struggle, it was over. Jason Miller, at home in Arlington, was lying stupefied in bed with his wife, watching the video loops of the day over and over again and hoping there was a plan. But no one called. At 9 p.m., he got out of bed, opened his laptop, and started to write a statement. A statement the considered language of politics, the true mandarins language was an indication of ongoing business. This meant doing what Trump had refused for the past 64 days to do: acknowledge that Joe Biden would inevitably be the next president. But there was not going to be an abject or contrite Trump or even a formally defeated one. It was necessary to skip over the fairness of the election and to skip over the Trump-told narrative the election in his mind would remain stolen, forever stolen. This statement could certainly not be the official, belated concession at least not to Trump but it had to establish acceptance, a fait accompli, and put Trumps stamp on the new, if disagreeable, reality. Miller was trying to get the headline, the chyron roll: the message from Trump that something had changed. Orderly transition. Not exactly the torch passing, and hardly a round of applause for democracy in action. That was as far as the president could be moved. He called Kushner and read him the draft. Will you call the president? Kushner smoothly pushed Miller into the fray. Miller called Meadows, still in the West Wing, and then the president. The president seemed eager to hear from Miller, eager to be on the phone. Most often for Trump, the phone was a one-way instrument: Callers listened. How bad is this? Trump asked, a stark difference from his usual opener, How are we doing? which was not, ordinarily, a question at all but a preface to Trumps saying how well everything was going. Mr. President, today is literally going to change everything. This looks terrible. This is really bad. Who are these people? These arent our people, these idiots with these outfits. They look like Democrats. Hold on, our great First Lady is here, said Trump, switching to speakerphone. Jason, said the great First Lady with a sharp note. The media is trying to go and say this is who we are. We dont support this. Thats what we have to make clear, said Miller, relieved that the president and First Lady were seeing the protesters as bad guys rather than good guys (and not a mix of the two). Pushing through, Miller told the president and First Lady that he had just gotten off the phone with Kushner and Meadows and that they had a proposal for later that evening if Biden reached an electoral majority. He went into reading the statement draft. The president suggested peaceful transition instead of orderly. Miller said that that called attention to the fact that it wasnt peaceful now and might not be peaceful. Orderly, Miller did not say, suggested not just an absence of disruption but that all the aspects of government would pass, as they should, to a new administration. Peaceful put it in someone elses hand; orderly meant cooperation, too the Trump White House would cooperate with the incoming Biden White House. It wasnt just the protesters who needed to stop; Trump needed to extend himself, too. After all, it wasnt just the recount effort and the election challenge behind the protests but Trumps personal intransigence. Trump seemed to appreciate this now, to walk back, even. The media thinks Im not going to leave, said the president. Do they really think that? Thats crazy. Weve never laid that out, said Miller, with some deadpan. I really cant stress enough how much we have to make it clear that were fully onboard with an orderly transition. We didnt tell people to do something like this. We told people to be peaceful. I even said peaceful and patriotic in my speech! Ill work with Dan on getting this out, Miller told the president. Saying this, Miller suddenly wondered if they would even have the tools and channels to get it out. Every call to the wires, networks, and major dailies yielded variations on the same question: When are we going to hear directly from the president? When is he going to come and talk about it? When is he going to stand in front of us and in front of the American people? This is over, Miller thought. This is the end of the road. Of all the news outlets, only Fox had never gotten back to him. Even Fox, Miller accepted, was truly over Trump. Scavino could use only his personal Twitter account to finally, at 3:49 a.m., get out the presidents statement. If this was an attempted putsch, it had not only failed but shown its leader to be almost a random participant in it, without method or strategy. Disorder had always been his element, and it was now his followers, too. But he was not so much with them as alone in his own rebellion and desires, a bubble of grievance that somehow floated apart from actual events, even events that were meant to make real the presidents own delusions. Excerpted from Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency, by Michael Wolff (Henry Holt and Co.; July 27, 2021). *This article appears in the July 5, 2021, issue of New York Magazine. (Bloomberg) -- The hyper-transmissible delta variant may eclipse other virus mutations in the U.S. within weeks, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said. Some 1,000 U.S. counties with low vaccination rates, notably in the Southeast and Midwest, are particularly vulnerable. President Joe Bidens administration is sending response teams to hot spots to stem the spread of the delta variant. In August, New York plans to celebrate its comeback from Covid-19 with a Central Park concert. In the U.K., Prime Minister Boris Johnson said extra precautions might be needed even after July 19, the date he says Covid-19 restrictions will end. New cases in England and Scotland are rising, potentially linked to the thousands of soccer fans gathering to watch matches at the Euro 2020 tournament. Key Developments: Global Tracker: Cases top 182 million; deaths pass 3.94 millionVaccine Tracker: More than 3 billion doses administeredJ&J to begin first teens Covid-19 vaccine study this fallNew York risks missing window to turn hotels into housingFrom Alpha to Delta, Why Virus Mutations Cause Alarm: QuickTakeAnti-vaxxer propaganda spreads in Asia, endangering millions Biden Sends Out Teams to Stem Deltas Spread (2:45 p.m.) The Biden administration is sending response teams to unvaccinated pockets of the U.S. in an attempt to combat the spread of the highly transmissible delta Covid-19 variant. U.S. health officials will boost testing, provide therapeutics and deploy federal personnel where needed and requested, said Jeffrey Zients, President Joe Bidens Covid-19 response coordinator. Staff will come from the Health and Human Services Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Delta Variant to Eclipse Others in U.S. (2:05 p.m. NY) The hyper-transmissible delta variant is likely to become the dominant one in the U.S., underscoring the importance of further expanding vaccination, said Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Delta accounts for almost 50% of newly recorded infections in parts of the U.S., she said. Story continues The delta variant is predicted to be the second-most prevalent variant in the United States and I expect that in the coming weeks it will eclipse the alpha variant, Walensky said in a briefing. About 1,000 U.S. counties have vaccination coverage of less than 30%, primarily in the Southeast and Midwest, and rates of the disease are increasing in those locations, she said. Those areas are our most vulnerable, Walensky said. German Minister Blasts England Soccer Crowds (1:05 p.m. NY) A senior German official criticized European soccers governing body for allowing large crowds to attend European Championship matches in England, calling the decision absolutely irresponsible. With the U.K. hit by the delta variant, health authorities say 1,991 Covid-positive people from Scotland have attended one or more Euro 2020 events since June 11. Scotland on Thursday reported more than 4,000 cases, a one-day record. Wembley Stadium will host the tournaments semifinals and final. UEFA should shift to a common-sense policy to limit crowds, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said in Berlin. Greece Tightens Rules on Island Travel (11:34 a.m. NY) Adults traveling from the Greek mainland to the countrys numerous islands will be required to show a Covid-19 vaccination certificate or a negative PCR test carried out no earlier than 72 hours before travel or a negative rapid test no older than 48 hours, Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Hardalias said. The requirement comes into effect on July 5, including for foreign tourists. Greece has seen a slight increase in the cases over the past week. NYC Concert Planned to Mark Comeback (11:30 a.m. NY) Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon and Jennifer Hudson will be among the performers at an Aug. 21 Central Park celebration of New York Citys comeback from the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, Mayor Bill de Blasio said. The concert will be part of a Homecoming Week intended to market the city to tourists in an effort to bring back an industry that once welcomed more than 60 million visitors a year. U.K. New Cases Reach 5-Month High (11 a.m. NY) The U.K. recorded 27,989 new cases, the second straight day that the total is at a five-month high. Hospital admissions in England are rising sharply, according to the Covid-19 Actuaries Response Group. The 7-day average climbed to 227, three times as many as in mid-May, with nearly all regions showing a strong increase. First DNA Covid Vaccine 67% Effective (9:30 a.m. NY) Indias Cadila Healthcare Ltd. has sought approval from the local drug regulator for its DNA-based vaccine against Covid-19 after the shot proved effective in clinical trials. The drugmaker applied for emergency use authorization for the shot, which uses DNA to instruct the bodys cells to produce proteins that spark a protective response, according to an exchange filing Thursday. The Phase 3 trials on more than 28,000 volunteers across 50 centers showed an efficacy rate of 67%, Cadila said. That is below the rates of the shots from Moderna Inc. and Pfizer-BioNTech that use messenger RNA technology. Scotland Has Biggest-Ever Case Increase (9:10 a.m. NY) Scotland reported the biggest daily increase in cases since the start of the pandemic. The countrys devolved government, which is responsible for health, identified 4,234 new infections in the last 24 hours, the third daily record in the space of four days. The Scottish government is counting on vaccinations breaking the link between infection and serious illness and is still planning to ease most of the remaining restrictions on movement and social interaction in early August, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said yesterday. Germany Recommends mRNA as 2nd Shot (8:54 a.m. NY) German vaccine authority STIKO recommended that people who received AstraZeneca as the first Covid-19 shot get an mRNA shot as their second jab regardless of age, according to a statement. The authority cited studies that show the immune response from a mixture of vaccine technologies is better than two shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Africa Faces Worst Week of Pandemic (7:38 a.m. NY) Coronavirus cases in Africa are rising so quickly that the continent will soon face its worst week since the start of the pandemic, with the more infectious delta variant becoming more widespread. Almost 202,000 new cases of the illness were reported in the past week, and infections are doubling every three weeks, World Health Organization Regional Director for Africa Matshidiso Moeti said in an online briefing Thursday. More than 5.4 million cases have been reported on the continent, with 141,000 deaths, she said. Johnson Warns on U.K. Covid Rules (7:33 a.m. NY) U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said some extra precautions could still be required even after the July 19 date he has said will mark the end of the countrys Covid restrictions. The premier said he was impatient to get back to normal life but would not rule out keeping regulations or guidance in place on wearing masks in crowded public areas or on people keeping a specified distance apart. Singapore Eyes More Easing (7:30 a.m. NY) Singapore is slated to announce a further easing of Covid-19 restrictions in mid-July as part of a strategy for reopening the economy that may also include the long-awaited return of leisure travel by the end of the year, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung told the Straits Times. With virus clusters in the community coming under control, Ong told the newspaper that the government was looking at raising the number of people allowed to dine together in restaurants from two come July 12, while exploring other openings as well. Malaysia Tightens Curbs (7:28 a.m. NY) Malaysia will impose tightened movement restrictions in dozens of sub-districts across Selangor, its richest state, and several localities in Kuala Lumpur beginning Saturday to curb a worsening coronavirus outbreak. People staying in districts such as Petaling and Klang must remain at home throughout the so-called Enhanced Movement Control Order from July 3 until July 16, Defense Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said in a statement Thursday. Only one person may leave the home at a time to purchase essential items, he said. Six Fully Vaccinated People Died in Seychelles (7:14 a.m. NY) Six fully vaccinated people died in the Seychelles, which has the highest per-capita vaccinations in the world. Five had received Covishield, an Indian-made version of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and one got the Sinopharm shot, Jude Gedeon, the island nations public health commissioner, told reporters. More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. Hand sanitizer will be available in schools and on all buses, which will be operating as normal. And while on school busses, students will follow seating protocols established by bus drivers and, weather permitting, windows and roof hatches will be opened to keep fresh air circulating. Public schools are no longer responsible for contact tracing due to exposure to COVID-19, according to the document. Alabama Department of Public Health will be notifying all close contacts directly and provide instructions related to quarantine or isolation. Schools will proceed with normal hours of operations unless otherwise notified by Auburn City Schools, and check-in and check-out procedures will be communicated in individual school handbooks. Visitors will be allowed to schools, checking in at the specific schools front office. School libraries will be open to students, and elementary students will travel to art, music and computer classes. Water fountains are going to be accessible during the day; however, students are encouraged to bring water bottles. Lee County needs to plan how to spend $32 million in federal stimulus money, county commissioners were told Monday night. How big of a task is it? County Administrator Roger Rendleman told the Opelika-Auburn News last month that Lee County hasnt had a federal infusion of cash on this scale since the New Deal in the 1930s. There are over a billion dollars coming to Alabama counties. Weve never seen in our lifetime we typically dont receive federal dollars directly, said Rendleman, referring to the federal money sent to state and local governments this spring by Congress and the Biden administration. Governmental Relations Coordinator Wendy Swann told commissioners that there are some strings attached Lee County cant use the money to cut tax rates, fund pensions or set it aside in a so-called Rainy Day fund. There is a wide variety of allowable uses, including expanding broadband access for citizens, small business aid, environmental cleanup, food insecurity, housing and neighborhoods, mental health issues and addressing educational disparities in communities. All the money must be spent by 2024. No one escapes adversity. Hardship finds us all. No matter how hard you may try to hide from trouble, sooner or later it will find you. How you react to it is what matters. Your response to adversity determines its impact upon your future. A school teachers first child was born mentally challenged. She refused to become embittered. With the encouragement of her husband, she returned to college, earned a masters degree in special education and devoted her life to teaching children with special needs. My mentor, Brother Stanley Jones, described the teachers response as catching hardship by the handle. He drew this conclusion from the popular saying, When Fate throws a dagger at you, there are two ways to catch it: either by the blade or by the handle. Each of us has a choice when the daggers come flying at uswe can grasp it by the blade and let it cut us, or we can grasp it by the handle and use it to defend ourselves. David Livingstone left a good life in London and went to Africa as a missionary. When his wife Mary died of malaria at 41, he buried her under a baobab tree and devoted the rest of his days to the poor in Africa. He grasped the dagger of grief by the handle. Staff Writer Brad Hundt came to the Observer-Reporter in 1998 after stints at newspapers in Georgia and Michigan. He serves as editorial page editor, and has covered the arts and entertainment and worked as a municipal beat reporter. These amounts of money are ridiculous Reply Thread Link nnnnn at the photo choice lol i love transfer window drama but ugh at the obscene amounts of money Reply Thread Link OMG. He literally makes my asshole itch! Reply Thread Link This is hysterical. Thank you! Reply Parent Thread Link That thing must feel amazing tho ngl. Reply Parent Thread Link I want him to leave just for the memes Reply Thread Link Sergio Ramos is also a free agent , him to Barcelona and Messi to Real Madrid ! Reply Thread Link horse looking kings Reply Parent Thread Link He's been there since he was a kid, like a child star, must be tough to change Reply Thread Link hoping for messy shit to happen Reply Thread Link Messi shit Reply Parent Thread Link "MESSI ya NO es JUGADOR del BARCA" Tremendo inicio de @jpedrerol en #ChiringuitoMessi pic.twitter.com/GPP6OsVxfJ El Chiringuito TV (@elchiringuitotv) June 30, 2021 I wish I knew Spanish so I could fully grasp the insanity of both this man and this show. I wish I knew Spanish so I could fully grasp the insanity of both this man and this show. Reply Thread Link lmaoo, that was so dramatic Reply Parent Thread Link "Hazard can't continue at Real Madrid one second longer!" How Spanish media outlet, El Chiringuito TV, reacted to images of Eden Hazard congratulating his former Chelsea teammates (via @elchiringuitotv)pic.twitter.com/zux4g4kaps ESPN FC (@ESPNFC) May 6, 2021 Its their bread and butter over there. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link omg not el chiringuito!!! Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I wish hed leave if only for the laughs and memes Reply Thread Link End of an era. Goddamn. Lemme go look at his tax situation Reply Thread Link Daaaaaaammmn at Barcelona being that much in debt. wow how the mighty have fallen. Reply Thread Link I'm not surprised considering all they pay to Messi + how bad Bartomeu was as a president, he sold many players for peanuts, plus the pandemic and Barcelona not being on their best condition because the current players they have lol Reply Parent Thread Link Learn more about LiveJournal Ratings in Hello! Your entry got to top-25 of the most popular entries in LiveJournal!Learn more about LiveJournal Ratings in FAQ Reply Thread Link He's talented don't get me wrong but all this money to kick a ball into a net. Society is messed up. Reply Thread Link On what basis are they 'confident'?! He said last season he wanted to leave, and he hasn't made a public statement signalling a change of heart... Reply Thread Link His best friend just joined the team Hes not leaving Reply Parent Thread Link Cities and municipalities can be the most effective policy executors. Being closer to their citizens and having more cohesive populations than nation-states helps them rally residents for challenging endeavors. Cities also adapt more easily to new digital tools, utilising data to monitor public sentiment and sharpen outreach efforts. These attributes allow cities and municipalities to act swiftly in normal times and in crises. Climate change and the city Cities address climate change individually and as part of a governance ecosystem. They work with national governments and international institutions to affect climate goals, but above all, cities strive for ensuring livability for their residents against climate impacts. One report on the UNs Sustainable Development Goals lauds smart citieswhich use data to enhance public service provisionas key drivers for achieving net-zero emissions by maximising energy efficiency, streamlining public transport, and monitoring air quality. Areas where cities can enhance sustainability include: Mobility: Cities may promote bicycle and scooter use by building segregated bike paths. They might also offer bike rentals, increase shuttles to transport hubs and initiate walkability programmes. Moreover, cities could electrify urban vehicle fleets by subsidizing car purchases through deals with car companies. Energy efficiency: Cities can curtail energy consumption through smart building programmes. They may provide tax breaks and subsidies for building renovations and incentivise domestic generation sources like solar panels and geothermal pumps. Cities might also implement green building codes, exemplified by Brussels Passive House Standard. Green growth: The urban green transition could bolster growth and provide payoffs at the national level. According to the OECD, green urban growth could lower the costs associated with national environmental targets through improved transportation and land-use. A World Economic Forum report suggests such initiatives can attract multinational firms committed to net-zero targets. How cities go green Certain conditions are required for cities to flourish within the climate governance ecosystem: Clear objectives: Each city must consider its unique set of circumstances, factoring demographics, geography, development level, culture, and national climate objectives when setting sustainability goals. Only with clear and feasible goals will meaningful climate progress be measured. Political will: Lacking political will, complex and costly sustainability programmes are impossible. Cities will therefore seek to make the climate agenda a recurring theme of public discourse by integrating green programmes into daily urban life, becoming part of the culture of a city. Related: The Best Energy Dividend Stocks Of 2021 Budgeting: Sustainability objectives require adequate funding. Cities will therefore cultivate partners at higher levels of governance to ensure the resources at their disposal match their climate ambitions. Obstacles to urban sustainability A report by the World Economic Forum suggests the rosy picture of urban climate mitigation is incompleteconfined to a few large, wealthy cities in North America, Europe, and Chinaoverlooking failures particularly among the cities of South and Southeast Asia. Another study warns a lack of coordination between national authorities and other stakeholders will cause urban sustainability initiatives to fail in Malaysia, Indonesia, and India, risking that these cities will lock in more fully to high-cost, high-carbon development paths. A success story One Southeast Asian city which bucked the trend through the adroit application of the above prerequisites was Bandar Lampung in Indonesia. Bandar Lampung leveraged a cities network to inform its sustainability plans by conducting a series of learning dialogues with officials from other cities, NGOs, and universities. This process secured the political will to form a multi-stakeholder team responsible for assessing climate risks and prioritising adaptation strategies. Being within the governance ecosystem How cities cooperate with other governing actors will be critical to combating climate change. What cities can offer the governance ecosystem are its data capabilities, deft policy execution, and responsiveness to change. Cities rely on national governments for funding and must execute sustainability initiatives in line with national goals. But cities often have the leeway to go further than national governments, especially where national climate action is lacking. Related: Exxon Sting Reveals Black Book Of Senators The relationship between cities and national governments goes both ways, with cities providing governments with data on climate policy implementation. When national policy encounters difficulties, local data can uncover causes and suggest policy modifications. International organizations furnish cities with policy guidance and facilitate information networks that disseminate models of successful policy implementation. Examples include the OECDs Green Cities Programme, which measures green economic growth in cities; the UN Environment Programmes Climate Neutral Network, which convenes local and national governments for discussions on climate change; and the EUs Urban Agenda, which develops cities capabilities for addressing climate impacts. International institutions also provide fora for cities to advance climate initiatives. Independent of national governments, such organisations can push cities to act unilaterally against climate change. For example, the city of Haifa joined the Paris Climate Accord in response to Israels slow implementation of that agreement. Working closely with the mayor of Paris, Haifas mayor declared cities have the power to lead change, without waiting for it to come from the central government. Looking ahead Cities will be major players in climate action because of their ability to rapidly execute policy, craft effective public outreach, and employ data. To further advance their role in climate mitigation, they must also articulate clear objectives, account for local circumstances, and identify potential challenges. To improve climate action, cities will seek to broaden their network of partners at the local, national and international levels, looking for data-based feedback from all governance levels as a guide. By leveraging their place in the governance ecosystem to maximise policy options, cities could play an outsized role in achieving global sustainability objectives and turning the climate challenge into a growth opportunity. Understanding their limitations, however, will dramatically enhance those prospects. By Global Risk Insights More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Indias oil demand is expected to get back to normal by the end of the year, following months of uncertainty in the face of a third wave of Covid-19 infections. Following months of increasing coronavirus infections across the country and heightened restrictions meaning a lower-oil demand, India can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. According to new predictions, Indias oil demand could reach pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021. Indias Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan told Bloomberg this week, There are signs of demand resurgence due to lifting of lockdowns and gradual pickup in economy,. Meaning, We are confident by the end of the year, we will be in a very robust position to restore our original consumption behaviour. Diesel and gasoline have been some of the hardest hit energy products, as strict lockdowns restricted movement across the country. Demand decreased by around 30 percent compared to the pre-pandemic 2019 average. However, as we are finally seeing a downward turn in infection rates in India, the countrys fuel consumption is gradually rising again. Providing vaccination rates increase and India avoids the ever-threatening fourth wave later in the year, oil rates could return to normal by the end of the year. India imports around 80 percent of its oil, making it the third largest oil importer globally. With a population of over a billion people, it is a key market for oil and gas, expected to be one of the biggest over the next decade. The concern for India now is rising oil prices. Indian officials are asking OPEC+ to stop oil cuts in order to stabilise the currently high global oil prices. Oil officials in the country are warning OPEC that Indias concern is finding the lowest oil prices, meaning it is more than willing to turn to more competitive oil-producing countries for its imports. Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan stated at the BNEF Summit last week, Today's price is a very challenging one, I am persuading my producer friends for more reasonable oil prices. This is concerning for Middle Eastern oil producing countries which rely on India for their export market. In May, Middle Eastern exports to India fell to a 25-month low, due to low demand, producing quotas, and high prices. India has long spoken about diversifying its oil imports as concerns around strict OPEC production quotas increased. Until recently, Indias oil imports came predominantly from Iraq and Saudi Arabia. However, in recent weeks India has looked to alternative options for its imports. India is setting its sights on Latin America, the United States and the Mediterranean for cheaper imports. And as Guyana increases its presence in the oil world, India was quick to forge a partnership with the rising oil power, commencing imports of Guyana's Liza light sweet crude this week. A cargo of 1 million barrels will start its journey on July 4 on Greece-flagged tanker Militos set for India's Paradip port, where it is scheduled to arrive around August 8. While prices have not been reported, this is a trial cargo for Guyanas oil, to see whether India will deliver a longer-term contract to the new oil producer. As oil demand slowly returns to normal in India, OPEC will have to think carefully about its next moves if it hopes to keep India as a key importer of Middle Eastern oil. By Felicity Bradstock for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Even after surviving an extremely difficult 2020, marred by a constitutional crisis, violent protests, and the COVID-19 pandemic, there are signs of worse ahead for Perus beaten-down oil industry. The Andean country was engulfed by political turmoil in the lead-up to the 2021 presidential elections with two controversial candidates reaching the second-round run-off. After a close-run vote, leftist Pedro Castillo appears to have emerged victorious over business-friendly Keiko Fujimori, daughter of disgraced former president Alberto Fujimori who is serving a jail term for corruption. According to the latest ballot count Castillo has emerged victorious with 50.1% of the vote with Fujimori trailing at 49.9%. Nonetheless, Fujimori refuses to concede demanding electoral authorities review ballots which she claims are irregular. That is fueling further turmoil in what has been a deeply polarizing and extremely close election marred by violent incidents including the massacre of 14 people in a remote coca-growing region of Peru, which was thought to have been committed by a dissident faction of the socialist Shining Path guerillas. If Castillo eventually secures victory, he will take office on 28 July 2021. The growing likelihood of the socialist candidate winning has sent a shudder through Perus political establishment, the business community as well as mining and oil industries. In the run-up to the election, Castillo campaigned on a platform of resource nationalism, including greater state control of natural resources, sparking fears that the nationalization of oil and mining assets could be on the agenda if victorious. While his party recently ruled out the nationalization of natural resources, including mining and petroleum assets, greater state interference could be disastrous. One need only look at the history of neighboring Ecuadors oil industry under leftist president Rafael Correa, who from 2007 to 2017 embarked on heavy-handed state intervention in the economically crucial resource sector. Correas policies, which included gaining greater state control of oilfields and petroleum reserves as well as hiking taxes and royalties, not only deterred foreign investment in Ecuadors hydrocarbon sector but precipitated significant corruption. That saw exploration and development activities decline causing oil reserves as well as production to stagnate. Recent events in Peru, including the massacre of 14 people in a remote part of the Andean country, which was the worst in decades, highlight the clearly visible fractures in a society that has been sharply impacted by the pandemic. It is extreme poverty and lack of access to resources in many rural regions, particularly in Perus Amazon, triggered violent protests during 2020 against the oil industry which disrupted operations and production. While the national government in Lima committed to a $1.7 billion regional aid package to address the community concerns driving the protests, it is yet to be delivered, creating the potential for further civil dissent and violence. The plethora of issues impacting Perus oil industry, including a lack of investment, aging infrastructure, and a lack of social license in many communities where it operates are impacting production. Related: Oil Markets To See Deficit Of 5 Million Bpd By End 2021 There are signs, however, despite the political turmoil Perus petroleum industry is recovering. Data from the national oil company and regulator Perupetro shows (Spanish) May 2021 crude oil output averaged 41,128 barrels per day which was a healthy 13% greater than a month earlier and an impressive 30% higher year over year. Natural gas liquids production expanded by a notable 15% month over month to 78,787 barrels of oil equivalent, although that was marginally lower compared to the same period in 2020. Unlike hydrocarbon liquids, Perus May natural gas production declined sharply falling 10% compared to a month earlier and nearly 8% year over year to an average of 134,682 barrel per day. As a result of that solid performance, Perus total hydrocarbon output for May 2021 of 342,714 barrels of oil equivalent daily was 2% greater than April and an extremely healthy 33.7% higher than for the equivalent month in 2020. Source: Perupetro and U.S. EIA. Those numbers demonstrate that Perus petroleum industry is finally rebounding after an extremely tough 2020 when the National Society of Mining Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE Spanish initials) issued a statement in November (Spanish) claiming it was in crisis. Some analysts are predicting that the oil industrys contribution to Perus gross domestic product will grow by up to 9% between 2021 and 2022. That will act as a powerful driver of Andean countrys post-pandemic economic recovery. The IMF estimates that Perus GDP will expand by 8.5% this year following an 11% contraction during 2020. There is every likelihood that Perus hydrocarbon production will continue to grow. Perupetro is focused on reactivating operations in blocks 8, 64, and 192 located in its Amazon basin. The companies which were operating those blocks, Pluspetrol, Geopark, and Frontera Energy, withdrew after community blockades and protests saw them call force majeure. Perus regulator, in January 2021, flagged that it was considering launching a 2021 bid round for 10 blocks, which if it takes place will be the first such event in over a decade. If those measures are successful, they will add additional momentum to Perus growing hydrocarbon production. The primary threat to Perus petroleum industry is Castillos plans to expand how much the state receives from energy companies operating in Peru. In April this year, he stated that he was seeking to take up to 70% of energy and mining companies profits which would impact foreign investment making Peru a less attractive destination. There is also the ever-present fear of nationalization, but that appears highly unlikely given that he will need to build consensus within a divided congress which will prevent him from implementing radical policies. Nevertheless, some analysts believe that as Castillo progresses in his term as president that the policies implemented by his government could become steadily more radical. By Matthew Smith for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Russia and Saudi Arabia have reportedly reached a preliminary deal for OPEC+ to gradually increase output by 2 million barrels per day between August and December, Reuters said, citing an unnamed OPEC+ source. This is this unofficial sourcing coming out of a meeting of the JMMC, which was still ongoing as of 13:00 EDT. An OPEC panel has proposed monthly increases in output of 0.4 million barrels per day. Updating on Twitter, Amena Bakr, Deputy Bureau Chief & Chief Opec Correspondent for EnergyIntel, reported that the JMMC was currently addressing some countries dissatisfaction with their existing baselines. Bakr also noted, alongside Reuters, that the talk at the JMMC was for a potential 400,000 bpd per month increase from August to December, cautioning that there has been no official announcement that this proposal has been adopted as of yet. Reuters also said that oil supply management could run into the end of next year. As of the time of writing, sentiments were bullish, but Brent was pulling back slightly from its price of over $76 this morning, to $75.88 at 13:07 EDT. WTI is trading at $75.23. Overall, the market is liking it. The global economy is recovering, and both American shale producers and OPEC have demonstrated the right amount of restraint for the gradual increase proposal to be met with bullish sentiments. OPEC is looking like its going to keep some restraint, and to me, the market is in a really good place, Bloomberg quoted Rebecca Babin, senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth Management, US, as saying. People are very comfortable and constructive with the profile over the next year. Speaking to Agence France Presse, PVM analyst Stephen Brennock described OPECs strategy as thus far spot on, saying the cartel has managed to restore the oil balance without over-tightening the market. By Tom Kool for Oilprice.com More Top Reads from Oilprice.com: Oil prices shot up early on Thursday as reports started to emerge that OPEC and its non-OPEC partners led by Russia were discussing another gradual increase in oil supply of 2 million barrels per day (bpd) between August and December. At 9:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday, at the close of the initial OPEC-only meeting where ministers read prepared statements about the general market situation, the U.S. benchmark WTI Crude hit $75.90, exceeding the $75/barrel mark for the first time since October 2018. Brent Crude was above $76.60. The first OPEC meeting ended with no discussion of an output increase, but all eyes are now on the JMMC (Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee of OPEC) meeting, which starts at 10:30 am EDT, and the OPEC + meeting opening two hours later. Before the official start of Thursdays meetings, a source at OPEC+ told Reuters that the alliance was preparing to move toward easing the production cuts by 2 million bpd from next month until the end of the year, adding around 400,000 bpd of supply to the market each month between August and December. This would be lower than analyst forecasts of at least 500,000 bpd output hike for August alone. Other delegates told Reuters, as well as Bloomberg, that OPEC+ leaders Saudi Arabia and Russia already had a tentative agreement before the official meetings began to further ease the cuts from August. Sources at OPEC+ also tell media outlets that any agreement to further unwind the curbs would hinge on the ongoing talks about Iran and the United States returning to the so-called nuclear deal. The OPEC+ group is also debating the extension of the current agreement beyond its end-date, of April 2022. Delegates are considering potentially extending the deal until the end of 2022. Currently, the OPEC+ alliance keeps around 5.7 million bpd off the market. It will have returned by end-July 2 million bpd of supply between May and July, as per the agreement earlier this year. Now another 2 million bpd gradual increase if confirmed signals confidence in demand recovery but also a more tentative approach than analyst expectations of at least 500,000 bpd production hike for August alone. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The United Nations political affairs chief has called on the United States to either lift or waive the American sanctions against Iran as the Islamic Republic, the U.S., and the remaining signatories to the so-called 2015 nuclear deal continue difficult negotiations about Washington and Tehran returning to the agreement. Representatives of Iran and the United States have faulted each other for not complying with the 2015 accord, while UN Security Council delegates urge the parties to work to achieving a breakthrough in the ongoing talks in Vienna, the UN said. The negotiations have protracted beyond the presidential election in Iran on June 18a development that the parties were initially reportedly trying to avoid and reach a deal before the election. However, despite some progress being made, talks have been dragging out for weeks, delaying the timeline for a potential legitimate return of Iranian oil to the market. With talks ongoing in Vienna to fully restore the landmark 2015 agreement to contain Irans nuclear ambitions, the United Nations political affairs chief called on the United States to lift or waive its sanctions against Tehran, as Security Council delegates rallied the parties to make the difficult political decisions needed to achieve a breakthrough, the UN said at the end of a Security Council meeting on Wednesday. Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacekeeping Affairs, urged the United States Administration to extend the waivers related to oil trade with Iran and to facilitate non-proliferation activities at the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, the Fordow Facility and the Arak reactor, calling these moves needed steps to advance implementation of the Plan and resolution 2231 (2015), the UN says. At the same Security Council meeting, Irans Ambassador to the UN, Majid Takht Ravanchi said: Those who broke their promise are the ones who must prove their sincerity and genuine political will. They are the ones who must take hard decisions. Iran seeks enough assurances that all sanctions are removed verifiably; and the U.S. will not, once again, withdraw from the JCPOA, Ravanchi added. The stalemate in the talks is good news for the visibility of the oil supply policy of the OPEC+ group, which is widely expected to further ease the production cuts as of August. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Amid a rise in demand for cryptocurrencies, especially in emerging markets, and an increased appetite for sustainable finance globally, efforts are under way to develop a so-called green Bitcoin that is, an ecologically sustainable cryptocurrency. Last year proved to be a boom year for cryptocurrencies, with the pandemic forcing many people to make payments online, thus moving them away from physical cash. Indeed, as OBG has detailed, cryptocurrencies have experienced significant growth in emerging markets. According to statistics firm Statista, Nigeria was the leading country for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency adoption last year, and the firm associated much of this spike in demand with remittances, as in many cases people saw alternative currency trading as an effective way to circumvent perceived overvaluations of exchange rates. This increased interest has naturally had an effect on value. For example, the price of Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, rose by 490% between October last year and mid-April, when it reached an all-time high of more than $63,000. However, in a sign of its volatility, since this high-water mark the value of Bitcoin has halved, and stood at $34,365 on June 29. Nevertheless, current prices are still three times as high as they were pre-boom. There has also been a growing acceptance of Bitcoin as a legitimate method of payment. In early June, El Salvador became the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, while there are also similar proposals under consideration in Paraguay. While many see this as an exciting opportunity, the increase in uptake has also raised concerns about the environmental footprint of cryptocurrencies. Estimates vary on the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining the process of creating new Bitcoin by solving complex computational puzzles through a proof-of-work principle but the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, a tool created by researchers at the UKs University of Cambridge, calculated the annual total at 121.36 TWh, which is more than is consumed in the whole of Argentina each year. Developing a green Bitcoin These environmental concerns, which have coincided with a growing demand for the implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in business, have ultimately led to efforts to create more environmentally sustainable cryptocurrencies. In April a group of private sector bodies led by non-profits Energy Web, the Alliance for Innovative Regulation and RMI launched the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA), an initiative inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement which aims to decarbonise the cryptocurrency industry. With 45 companies from the finance, tech, energy and climate sectors supporting the accord, those involved aim to ensure that 100% of the energy consumption from cryptocurrencies comes from renewables by 2025. This was followed in May by an announcement from UK crypto mining company Argo Blockchain a CCA signatory and Canadian firm DMG Blockchain Solutions, that the two companies were working towards launching the worlds first clean energy Bitcoin mining pool. Related: Exxon Sting Reveals Black Book Of Senators Labelled the Terra Pool, the planned initiative is a cryptocurrency mining platform powered exclusively by renewable resources. Elsewhere, in June representatives from the Switzerland-headquartered commodity trading company Mercuria said it was working with Bitcoin producers to supply them with renewable energy sources to help curb their carbon footprint. Chia: the future of green crypto? One possible solution to help curb environmental impact is the cryptocurrency Chia, which was launched in February. Rather than Bitcoins proof-of-work principle, Chia is instead farmed via a method known as proof-of-space. In short, instead of being produced through the completion of complex mathematical puzzles, as is the case with Bitcoin, Chia is created by storing data on a large number of empty hard discs. Proponents claim that this method is greener, more reliable and more secure than others, as it is significantly less energy-intensive than other crypto mining processes. However, despite these recent steps towards creating more environmentally friendly cryptocurrencies, there are a number of critics who are sceptical about their purported sustainability credentials. A major criticism relates to the hardware required to carry out crypto mining. Critics argue that even cryptocurrencies produced via renewable energy would still have a significant carbon footprint, due to the emissions generated in the manufacture of hardware such as computer processors, which are fundamental to the Bitcoin-mining process. Such concerns also apply to supposedly less energy-intensive cryptocurrencies like Chia. Given the need for a large number of hard discs in the farming process, there are concerns that the widespread adoption of Chia would simply result in an increase in emissions and e-waste as a result of the increased manufacture of hardware. In an example of the complex challenges associated with creating more sustainable cryptocurrencies, industry media has reported that in some cases Chia farming had reduced the lifespan of a 512GB hard drive from a decade to around 40 days, ultimately leading to a significant increase in electronic waste that is likely to end up in landfill. Furthermore, there have been significant side-effects of the Chia boom. In recent months countries like Vietnam have reported a shortage of hard discs and graphics cards, thought to be linked to Chia farming, while Chinese media have reported that between Chias launch in February and mid-May, the prices of 12-terrabyte drives had gone up by 59%. By Oxford Business Group More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Chevron is reportedly planning to sell oil assets in the Permian that could fetch up to $1 billion, according to unnamed sources cited by Reuters. According to Reuters, the supermajor has confirmed plans for sale involving conventional oil fields but did not specify the value of a possible deal or deals. Chevron has hired an investment bank to find buyers for assets worth $879 million. It has also earmarked another $200 million worth of Permian fields for sale, sources told the media outlet. A pickup in asset sales was expected as oil prices rebound, reaching the highest in more than two years. Companies, even as large as Chevron, could do with the additional cash while offloading non-core assets. "The big picture is that Chevron has one of the largest and most advantaged positions in the Permian and is able to test the capital discipline of the industry with what it would consider marginal assets that are a much smaller package than the Shell potential offering," Reuters quoted analyst Paul Sankey as saying. Chevrons low-cost Permian assets are its primary growth driver, Zacks analysts said earlier this week in an industry outlook. In addition to its strict capital discipline and conservative spending plans, these assets should help it weather the effects of the latest crisis and continue growing. Besides being more conservative with its spending plans than most peers, Chevron is also bucking a trend in business diversification that has had European supermajors scrambling to boost their exposure to wind and solar energy while reducing their oil and gas output. Recently, the company said it had no plans to reduce its oil and gas production and start investing in wind and solar energy. Thats despite a majority of shareholders voting at the companys latest AGM to have it reduce its Scope 3 emissionsthe ones generated by the use of its products. By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: A Greenpeace sting has had an Exxon lobbyist expose the names of 11 Senators he said were crucial for the supermajors lobbying efforts. The names include both Republicans and Democrats, including Senator Joe Manchin, who represents gas-producing West Virginia and is chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, whom the lobbyist called kingmaker when it comes to lobbying efforts in Congress. The list also includes Senator John Barrasso from Wyoming, a top Republican representative on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and Shelley Moore Capito, also from West Virginia. Further, the Exxon lobbyist, Keith McCoy, discussed the issue of carbon tax that the company publicly supports but, according to his comments, is privately aware will not be particularly popular among businesses. I will tell you, there is not an appetite for a carbon tax. It is a non-starter. Nobody is going to propose a tax on all Americans, he said, as quoted by Yahoo Finance. And the cynical side of me says, 'Yeah, we kind of know that. But it gives us a talking point. We can say, 'Well, what is ExxonMobil for? Well, were for a carbon tax.' In response to the news, Exxon issued a statement that said, Comments made by the individuals in no way represent the companys position on a variety of issues, including climate policy and our firm commitment that carbon pricing is important to addressing climate change. The individuals interviewed were never involved in developing the companys policy positions on the issues discussed. We condemn the statements and are deeply apologetic for them, including comments regarding interactions with elected officials. They are entirely inconsistent with the way we expect our people to conduct themselves. We were shocked by these interviews and stand by our commitments to working on finding solutions to climate change, the company also said. By Charles Kennedy for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Despite a strong rebound in European natural gas demand, Russias gas giant Gazprom has not booked additional entry capacity to Europe via Ukrainea move that Ukraines gas transmission system operator described as blackmail. Gazprom did not book additional capacity via Ukraine at this weeks monthly auction, which will effectively mean that supplies to Europe would be reduced by 2 billion cubic meters in July, Upstream quoted Gazprom as saying. The Russian gas monopoly will also shut for maintenance the Yamal-Europe pipeline carrying gas from Russia through Belarus and Poland to Germany between July 6 and 10. Gazprom will also halt deliveries via Nord Stream between July 13 and 22. Despite the maintenance on the northern pipeline routes to Europe, Gazprom hasnt taken extra capacity offered in Ukraine. Analysts say that this could be an opportunistic move from the Russian giant to drive up Europes gas prices further and take advantage of what are now the highest prices in 13 years. Other analysts think that Gazproms effective reduction in supplies would be to force Europe to recognize that gas customers on the continent need the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany bypassing Ukraine. Gazprom is effectively saying to the EU: give us the green light for Nord Stream 2 and we will send you all the gas you need, Tom Marzec-Manser, lead European gas analyst at ICIS, told the Financial Times last week. This week, Gazprom did not book additional capacity for the route via Ukraine, drawing criticism from Ukraines gas transmission system operator. The Russian gas giant is looking to push European gas prices even higher by deliberately withholding supply, Sergiy Makogon, the chief executive officer of Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine, told FT, noting that the recent jump in prices is an artificially created problem. [Europe] should not follow this blackmail of Gazprom with prices, Makogon told FT. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Before demolition of Jobbers Canyon was even a thought, a piece of the historic warehouse district had been turned into a hip place to live. RJ Neary remembers because he not only helped renovate the century-old New Idea building, he lived there after it became edgy apartments in 1986. With its rooftop deck, patio and street-level commercial space, the former farm equipment center at Ninth and Jackson Streets was the first downtown Omaha housing created east of 10th Street in modern times. People were fascinated, Neary said, and the five-story New Idea became a hot spot for guests wanting to check out the repurposed digs. The New Idea renovation provides a glimpse of what might have happened on a broader scale, if the six-block district including New Idea hadn't been cleared for the multimillion-dollar Conagra-anchored riverfront project. But it doesn't answer a related question: How long might it have taken to convert Jobbers Canyon to new uses? Todd Heistand of NuStyle Development, another Omaha housing pioneer who has converted many downtown buildings, says the Jobbers Canyon neighborhood in the 1980s was rather rough. He believes construction of the Conagra campus and neighboring Heartland of America park helped accelerate the conversion of other downtown warehouses into cool housing and commercial space. Indeed, he said the suburban-like Conagra complex brought a sense of stability. Without it, he wonders when the hundreds of housing units that NuStyle later developed near it would have come into the market. "Conagra really did change the feel of downtown," Heistand said. "It brought a level of safety to downtown." So goes discussion, speculation and debate still decades later over what downtown might be today if the mother lode of historic Omaha warehouses had remained and blossomed into the extension of Old Market lofts and shops that some envisioned. Business and civic leaders say the Conagra project brought jobs to the riverfront and spurred lots of development. Even though Conagra in 2016 relocated its corporate headquarters and top leadership to Chicago, about 1,300 Conagra employees still work on its downsized campus. Others lament the loss of more than 20 buildings that collectively represented an irreplaceable part of Omaha's history and commercial growth. The demolition and its impact remains a case study for urban planning students. "To this day, people still talk about it," Martin Janousek, a local architect with Leo A Daly, said about the fight waged to save the Canyon. "I mean, it rocked a lot of people." The World-Herald, in partnership with History Nebraska, is examining key issues in Omaha's downtown redevelopment over the past 50 years. That includes both the destruction of Jobbers Canyon (bounded generally by Eighth, 10th, Farnam and Jackson Streets) and the recent conversion of numerous vintage structures into worksites, housing and shops. For some, it's hard to reconcile the two facts. "You look at that and say: 'Wow, it could have been so different,' " said Jeff Slobotski, ecosystem and business development manager for the emerging Millwork Commons neighborhood near 12th and Nicholas Streets. The area is near Hot Shops, a former mattress factory dating back to 1886 that turned into an art center in 1999. Launched about three years ago, Millwork Commons developers are trying to create a 45-acre live-work-play campus for tech and other creative businesses. Investors led by Paul and Annette Smith and Black Dog Management are directing up to $300 million for the effort. An anchor of Millwork Commons is the recently renovated Ashton warehouse, built in the 1880s, which covers nearly 200,000 square feet. The Ashton features a spacious public lobby called The Dock, where people can watch movies on a giant screen, socialize over a latte from Archetype Coffee or house-made beer from the Kros Strain tap room. The Dock opens up to an outdoor park and event area and a few hundred new housing units under construction. Also there is the 1940s-era Mastercraft, whose lengthy transformation from furniture factory to business office center began under different owners in 2005. So far, Ashton business tenants include WP Engine (formerly known as Flywheel), a clothing boutique, a restaurant-meal deliverer. More are coming, including a home furnishing store and an information technology school. South of the Ashton, another like-sized millwork operation built in 1886 and known as the Disbrow block is soon to be renovated into offices, retailers and residences. While impressive, Millwork Commons is not as huge a redevelopment project as the Jobbers Canyon district would have been. And while the recent efforts are transforming older warehouses (often built in the same era as Jobbers Canyon), the bulk of those structures still sat derelict or underused for a long time. At a different downtown spot, south of the Old Market along 10th Street, another cavernous brick structure stood inactive and mainly used for storage for roughly four decades. Jon Crane of Boyd Jones Construction had the idea to turn the former railroad mail-sorting facility into a now fully occupied, 100,000-square-foot modern worksite. Four years after the renovated Rail & Commerce Building opened, tenants include Boyd Jones, Warren Distribution, HTI Labs and Cafe Postale. There's also a co-working level called Commerce Village, where about 40 entrepreneurs are based. When Crane bought the dilapidated structure, he hoped its location and ambiance would help recruit talent for his company that had outgrown space near 44th and Nicholas Streets. That happened, he said. He anticipates further growth, noting the building's design allows for two additional floors. Not every old building is salvageable, Crane said. But he says he is pleased he took on the $25 million renovation challenge at 10th and Mason Streets. "You get to breathe new life into these historic buildings and, in a way, you're living in the best of both worlds." A few other emerging areas: Flat Iron District: Developers are turning old buildings (and building some new ones) near 18th Street and St. Mary's Avenue into housing, offices, restaurants and other commercial space. Neeraj Agarwal, for instance, is rehabbing a century-old Buick dealership and the historic Standard Oil facility. Dicon Corp. led conversion of the century-old Freiden building into micro apartments. New North Makerhood: The Peter Kiewit Foundation's aim is to turn a worn pocket of structures northwest of 11th and Cuming into an affordable neighborhood for artisans and entrepreneurs. In its heyday, the area was a bustling industrial tract. Next step is turning an old lumber warehouse into artist studios and outdoor event space. At 12th and Jones Streets, the Fairmont Creamery stands as an example of how challenging a conversion project can get. Omahan Paul Waggener bought the former cold storage and meat-processing plant, which dates back to 1898, and planned to create 142,000 square feet of residences, retail and gallery space. The estimated $30 million rehab now has stalled, due mostly to rising wood and steel prices, said Waggener, who is considering bringing on a partner. Earlier, Waggener said he "fell in love" with the structure then only about 20% in use, adding that he "wanted to make sure she was taken care of properly." Neary felt similarly back in the mid-1980s when he walked into the New Idea building then operated by Lindsay Brothers Co. as a wholesale distributor of farm equipment. He thought: "This is a perfect conversion (project)." Within a few months of completing the rehab, its 24 apartments were filled, "proving that demand existed," said Neary, a real estate businessman who recently ran unsuccessfully for mayor. Neary and his partners ultimately sold the property to the Omaha Development Foundation as it assembled land for Conagra's new campus and more. Neary said his group got about $1 million more than its original investment. Heistand who is Omaha's largest converter of old structures into trendy housing views demolition of Jobbers Canyon as a "double-edged sword." From a builder's perspective, he is confident that in today's market, the warehouses could have been swiftly turned into the kind of history-filled, mixed-use centers urban dwellers flock to. But, he said, that wasnt as easily said or done in the 1980s when the area was not as appealing for residential living. Heistand said demand for his own early conversion efforts, including the Bull Durham apartments that opened in 1997 at 10th and Leavenworth, likely benefited from the post-Conagra project environment that infused more office workers and corporate feel near the riverfront. NuStyle, boosted also by development tools including tax-increment financing, went on a roll converting old buildings. Around 2002, for example, the company finished transformation of two century-old 11th and Jones Streets warehouses into about 260 Old Market Lofts with street-level business space. The previous owner, Ford storage and moving company, had been downtown about 85 years when it sold NuStyle the nine-story structures and another six-story warehouse at 11th and Dodge (which also became apartments and then condos). Other NuStyle conversions included the eight-story Beebe & Runyan warehouse into condos at Ninth and Douglas in 1998 and Tiptop facility into apartments and commercial space at 15th and Cuming in 2005. Increased popularity of urban core living helped create demand for more transformations. Since 2013, NuStyle carved out more than 2,000 apartments from eight aging structures spanning 2.5 million square feet within a few miles of the Missouri River. Most recently, NuStyle turned an old power plant just south of Conagra into a 217-apartment complex called The Breakers. The plant hadn't operated for three decades, and, according to Heistand, was his team's most difficult conversion yet. For starters, it had no traditional floors, only a framework of iron grates that former power plant workers walked around on. Crews had to start from scratch to build an internal structure for individual apartments. NuStyle turned it down twice before buying it in 2015 at a discount price. Soon after opening two years later, the $40 million Breakers filled up. An architect who worked on the design liked the finished product and its views of the river and casinos to the east so much that he and his wife sold their house of many years to move there. Heistand recalls a couple of decades back when Omaha's growing urban housing market caught the attention of peer cities. Officials from Kansas City and Des Moines visited to see Omaha's downtown projects. Today, Heistand says he can "feel the loss" of the historic Jobbers Canyon that could have been turned into housing and more. "At the same time," he said, "if they wouldnt have done Conagra, a Fortune 500 company, down there, would those warehouse buildings have sat for another 15 or 20 years like in other cities? The business news you need With a weekly newsletter looking back at local history. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. The last few days of Adi Pours long career are winding down, and the Douglas County health directors office is full of congratulatory cards and flowers. Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert on Tuesday presented Pour with a key to the city. She recognized Pour, who turns 70 this month, with a proclamation for her tremendous commitment to public service and the health and safety of the citizens of Omaha and Douglas County. But perhaps the best retirement gift Pour will receive are the numbers displayed on the Douglas County Health Departments COVID-19 dashboard: as of Wednesday, 50.4% of all Douglas County residents were fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. And 67.9% of county residents 18 and older have gotten at least one dose of vaccine. It was a nice surprise for me, and I hope it will continue, said Pour, who on Monday will leave the post she has held since 2002. Pour wasnt sure the county would hit those numbers. No one could predict how the countys vaccination campaign would go. But she said the vaccination figures plus low case counts and the end of the states coronavirus emergency underscore her conclusion that it was the right time to retire. Honestly, I couldnt have written my timing better than it is, she said. Townsell allowed Keeles partner to enter her home under the supervision of her cousin while she waited in her doorway with Keele outside, stating that because of Keeles aggressive behavior she didnt want him inside her home. While they waited for Keeles partner to return to the porch, Keele continually asked Townsell how Lafayettes shirt had gotten torn. Townsell was unable to answer the question. Keele then yelled that Townsell was under arrest, abruptly entered her home and pulled her to the ground by her arm. He then pulled out his stun gun and instructed one of Townsells relatives to back up before handcuffing Townsell and escorting her to the cruiser. As he took her to the police cruiser, Keele told Townsell that he was adding charges of resisting arrest and obstructing an officer. Townsell then observed an exchange between Keele and his partner during which the partner told Keele that they hadnt gotten Townsells side of the story and said they needed to contact the sergeant, possibly for arrest authority. Keele said hed already contacted the sergeant, though Townsell hadnt seen or heard him do so when they were outside her home. Philip Milo Bail succeeded Rowland Haynes as president of the then-Municipal University of Omaha on July 1, 1948. The 49-year-old school administrator, with the build of an athlete, came to the University of Omaha from Butler University in Indiana with impressive qualifications. The regents considered 121 candidates before selecting Bail. When Bail joined the university, at a salary of $10,000 and under a three-year contract, the only major structures on campus were the administration building and the partially finished fieldhouse. Major additions during his career included the applied arts building (now the Engineering Building), the Gene Eppley Library (now the administration building) and the Milo Bail Student Center. At the University of Omaha, now the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Bail impressed faculty and students with his concern for individuals and his inspirational talks to incoming freshmen. Dr. Jack A. Hill, who joined the university in 1955 and was a professor of management in the College of Business Administration, said Bail "just wanted to be close to everyone." "He hired everyone, I mean right down to the janitors." He said Bail was a good manager of money and often was able to provide faculty members with bonuses even when money was tight. More than 18 months after the gut-punch announcement that homegrown brokerage firm TD Ameritrade was being acquired by Charles Schwab, the combined company has almost the same number of Omaha workers and it soon will have even more. Schwab announced Thursday its in the process of adding more than 200 jobs in Omaha, building on the workforce of 2,200 the company says is currently based here. That means after those hires, Schwab would have roughly 100 more jobs in Omaha than TD Ameritrade did when the marriage of the two brokerage industry giants was first announced. Schwabs Thursday statement on the new jobs is about as close as the company has come to date to making a commitment to retaining operations in Omaha. The statement said the firm expects its Omaha employees to play a key role in serving Schwabs growing base of client investors. TD Ameritrade has been a member of the Omaha community for over 40 years, and Schwab is committed to its local workforce in service to our clients, said Dan Madott, who is Schwabs managing director of retail strategy and analytics and leads a local employee council in Omaha. HONOLULU (AP) A former administrator of federal coronavirus aid funds allocated for Honolulu was sentenced Wednesday to over three years in prison for embezzling more than $500,000 in taxpayer money. Hanalei Apioalani, 42, pleaded guilty to embezzling from the AmeriCorps program and agreeing to take a bribe to administer grants through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, known as CARES. Prosecutors said he and his wife spent the money on themselves, including $22,000 at a hotel beach club, more than $3,000 at a Hawaii water park and more than $10,000 to lease a BMW. Sentencing was postponed for his wife Angelita Aipoalani, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to embezzle from AmeriCorps. Prosecutors say the program brings volunteers who receive stipends to work in vulnerable and marginalized communities. The couple flaunted their lavish lifestyle on social media, prosecutors said, including photos of a Ferrari the husband rented for his birthday, the wife sitting in first class during a flight to San Francisco and a $395 dinner at a New York City steakhouse. Rumsfeld is the only person to serve twice as Pentagon chief. The first time, in 1975-77, he was the youngest ever. The next time, in 2001-06, he was the oldest. Current Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saluted Rumsfeld on Wednesday for his boundless energy, probing intellect, and abiding commitment to serve his country. He made a brief run for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination, a spectacular flop that he once described as humbling for a man used to success at the highest levels of the government, including stints as White House chief of staff, U.S. ambassador and member of Congress. For all Rumsfelds achievements, it was the setbacks in Iraq in the twilight of his career that will likely etch the most vivid features of his legacy. Nine months into his second tour as defense secretary, on Sept. 11, 2001, suicide hijackers attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon, thrusting the nation into wars for which the military was ill-prepared. Rumsfeld oversaw the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and toppling of the Taliban regime. Frequently presiding at televised briefings on the war, Rumsfeld became something of a TV star, applauded for his blunt talk and uncompromising style. HELENA, Mont. (AP) Gov. Greg Gianforte declared a statewide drought emergency Thursday and asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to declare all 56 of the state's counties as primary natural disaster areas. The designation would give them more access to federal assistance after the heat wave that stifled the Pacific Northwest moved into Montana. Every region of the state faces severe to extreme drought conditions, and the situation is getting worse," Gianforte said in a statement. These alarming drought conditions are devastating our ag producers, challenging our tourism industry and could bring a severe wildfire season. More than 92% of Montana faces abnormally dry conditions. High temperatures have been in the 90s and 100s for days, the National Weather Service has issued excessive heat warnings in northwestern and eastern Montana and red flag warnings of severe wildfire danger are in effect for several areas because of high temperatures, low humidity and winds that could contribute to extreme fire behavior. The governor's declaration directs the state departments of Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources and Conservation to work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to secure federal funding to address the fallout from the drought. National Democrats began airing a pandemic recovery ad in the Omaha area on Wednesday, signaling that they're still willing to put resources into Nebraska's competitive 2nd Congressional District, even though the rest of the state is solidly Republican. The 60-second ad in the Omaha television market highlights the nation's efforts to recover from the coronavirus pandemic and return to normalcy. The ad includes several shots of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who won the 2nd District in the 2020 election, marking only the second time in history that Nebraska has split its Electoral College votes. Even though Biden and Harris won the district, voters also reelected Republican U.S. Rep. Don Bacon over a well-funded Democratic challenger. The 2nd District, including the core of the Omaha area and parts of its suburbs, is one of the few nationally that's consistently competitive between Republicans and Democrats. In a statement, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee said the American Rescue Plan signed by Biden is helping vaccinate Americans, reopen small businesses and provide financial assistance. An emergency injection of Nebraska taxpayer dollars, that is. And less than two years after approval of the contract. Faced with the prospect of child welfare services collapsing in the Omaha area, the state approved an emergency contract, through February 2023, for $147 million. That put state payments to St. Francis at about the same level that its competitor, locally based PromiseShip, had bid in 2019. This affair was a significant failure by an administration that touts its supposed business-like approach to governance. Nebraska taxpayers can rightly ask what kind of process the state is using that would produce such a troubling result. Finding answers is the task of the legislative investigative committee. At its recent hearing, testimony rightly prompted several lawmakers to point out Nebraskas need to allow appeals to its contract decisions. Several of Nebraskas neighboring states Iowa, Missouri and Colorado use this approach, by which losing bidders can appeal for court review of the contracting process. No question, such outside scrutiny would have served the public interest in the St. Francis matter and likely saved the state the worry and embarrassment of a contract woefully deficient in meeting an important social need. Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten has joined hundreds of industrial key players to commission state-of-the-art detergent manufacturing plant owned by the African Consumer Products Limited in Tema in the Greater Accra Region to directly create jobs for the teeming unemployment youths in the country. Delivery the keynote address at the ceremony which was held in on Thursday July 1, 2021, Mr Kyeremanten commended the Senior Executives of Wilmar Africa Group and Kapa Oil Refineries Limited to Ghana for taking the trouble to attend this ceremony in person. The sector Minister congratulated the management and staff of the Wilmar company for their dedication and hard work, and for putting up this state-of-the-art manufacturing plant, particularly during this very challenging coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. "Today we are taking another giant step in the Industrial Transformation Agenda of our country, which seeks to make Ghana the new Manufacturing Hub in Africa. "In pursuit of this, the Government recognizes the importance of attracting private sector operators to invest in the productive sectors of the Ghanaian economy by taking full advantage of the available local resource endowments, as well as the attractive incentives being offered by Government to support the private sector," Mr Kyeremanten noted. According to him, the establishment of this state-of-the-art factory underscores the importance of such a strategic partnership between the private sector and government in pursuit of its common goal of creating jobs and bringing prosperity to the people of the country. This new detergent manufacturing plant, Mr Kyeremanten noted is going to provide direct employment for about 220 people which will improve their livelihoods and that of their dependents. In addition to the above, he stated that the establishment of the company will boost the governments strategic effort aimed at import substitution, especially in sectors where there is local capacity for value addition. In the year 2020 alone, he indicated that Ghana imported soaps and detergent products worth over $40 million Dollars which could easily have been produced here in Ghana. With an installed capacity of 60,000 metric tonnes of soap per annum compared to a national demand estimated at 100,000 metric tonnes, this new factory will help bridge the gap between demand and supply of soaps and detergents. He lamented that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has not only disrupted the global supply chain for goods which has adversely affected livelihoods. The wake of the virus, he said has also increased the consciousness regarding personal hygiene and care, leading to a significant surge in the demand for soap and household cleaning products, thus, enhancing the market growth of detergents. "With the detergents market projected to register a cumulative annual growth of over 4%, I believe this company will flourish not only in Ghana but Africa as a whole, by taking advantage of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). "As the host country of the AfCFTA Secretariat and one of the first African Union Member States to have signed and ratified the AfCFTA Agreement, Government has taken concrete steps to establish a National AfCFTA Office, and also developed a comprehensive National Action Plan to help Ghanaian manufacturers to take full advantage of the opportunities under the AfCFTA," Mr Kyeremanten noted. In addition to the enormous benefits that AfCFTA presents to the Ghanaian private sector, he said the businesses located in Ghana have Duty Free Quota Free access to the United States, European Union and the United Kingdom markets. "Indeed, today marks the commencement of the operationalization of the Ghana-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Let me assure the business community that the Ministry of Trade and Industry has put in place measures to ensure that Ghana continues to benefit from these various trade liberalization frameworks," the sector Minister said. According to him, the the market access opportunities offered under the Trade Agreements that Ghana has signed, is a strong stimulus for attracting Foreign Direct Investments into Ghana. Under the new National Export Development Strategy being implemented under the direction of Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ghana Export Promotion Authority, he asserted that Ghana seeks to achieve an export value of US$25 Billion by the year 2029 in non-traditional exports. He was confident that the Wilmar Group with their excellent range of products will be a major contributor to the achievement of this target. According to him, Ghana is on the path towards a major industrialization take-off and there could be no better time than now for us to commission this new industrial facility. Source: Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The Principal of the Tumu College of Education, Mr Bertinus Adams Kaleo, has appealed to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to ease the ban on sporting activities in schools in the country. According to the principal, easing the restrictions on sporting activities at the college, zonal and national levels would enable students to blend academic work with recreation. At the school's fourth congregation ceremony last Saturday, Mr Kaleo indicated that adherence to the COVID-19 safety measures was high among the college students, adding that if the restrictions were eased, the colleges of education would be able to conduct sporting activities at the college and zonal levels with strict compliance to all the COVID-19 protocols. "If there is any place that the COVID-19 restrictions are strictly adhered to at the tertiary level, it is on the colleges of education campuses. I am convinced that we will be able to conduct our sporting activities at the college, zonal and national levels with strict compliance with all the COVID-19 protocols," he said. The principal further appealed to the President and other stakeholders to ensure that the choice of membership of the governing councils of colleges reflected their new status as tertiary institutions. Congregation The congregation ceremony witnessed the conferment of diplomas to 678 students from two batches, 2019 and 2020, who successfully satisfied the requirements for the awards by the mentoring institutions. According to the principal, out of the total number of graduands, 383 of them completed their studies in 2019 while 295 completed in 2020. He added that the college, over the years, had witnessed gradual improvement in students' performances, saying the second congregation which witnessed the graduation five different batches in 2017, recorded only two first class honours, while the third congregation in 2018 recorded five first class honours. He, however, said the fourth congregation recorded significant increase in the number of first-class students to nine, while the number of students graduating with pass reduced to 29. Reforms Mr Kaleo said the college intended to introduce junior high school specialism in the 2021/2022 academic year, which he said would place emphasis on participatory methods of teaching and learning to make the process more interactive. "To facilitate the process, the use of ICT is no more an option but a must. The COVID-19 pandemic has even made the use of ICT an essential element of our teaching and learning process," he added. He said a component of the new programme was the supported teaching in school (STS), which sought to offer trainees the opportunity to have practical experience throughout their training period. Mr Kaleo added that the STS was necessary because students would get acquainted with the challenges associated with the teaching profession right from day one of their training, which would enhance their professional values and attitudes, professional knowledge and professional practice. Challenges/appeal The principal further stressed the need for technical and financial clearance to be granted to colleges for the recruitment of both academic and administrative staff in order to sustain the Bachelor of Education programme as the current staffing situation was woefully inadequate. Mr Kaleo said there was the need for an intervention to tackle the contemporary challenge of using emergency remote teaching modules which, he said, required the use of ICT and internet connectivity. He added that the school lacked lecture rooms and ICT and science laboratories that were tertiary compliant, saying that the school needed a 65-seater bus for the effective implementation of the STS and a cross country vehicle for official engagements since the maintenance cost of the over 10-year old patrol was very high. Advice The principal admonished the new graduates to protect and project the image of the college by being passionate and showing a high level of commitment to work wherever they found themselves. He further urged them to be active among the alumni and to help the alumni to move from its current state of a WhatsApp platform association to a more serious and vibrant one, as the college was yet to feel the presence of the alumni association. Source: graphiconline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Government has condemned the incidents of violence that claimed the lives of 3 persons and led to 3 persons sustaining various degrees of injury after a youth protest in Ejura in the Ashanti Region of Ghana yesterday. The youth protest was after Ibrahim Mohammed, a resident of Ejura was attacked by unknown persons last Friday and subsequently died on Monday. Addressing journalists in Accra on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, Minister for Information condemned the act of violence and called on the security agencies to swiftly carry investigations on the matter. The Minister said: our security agencies should be quick and clinical in getting to the bottom of this and other unresolved comes. While we understand that police investigations sometimes take a while, it does not instil confidence in the population if such acts go unresolved and unpunished. So the police need to get to the bottom of this, and justice must be done. A credible investigation also needs to be conducted into the crowd rioting and crowd control incidents of 29th June. This will bring clarity to the sequence of events and ensure that if any persons acted inappropriately, those persons are punished, he added. Saaka, 45, was reportedly attacked by some unknown people in Ejura last Friday. He died on Monday afternoon, June 28, 2021, at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Kumasi where he was receiving treatment. Meanwhile, checks with the Regional Police Command indicate that two suspects have since been picked up by the police in connection with the death of Saaka. This the Minister appealed for calm even as the security agencies work to bring perpetrators of the heinous crime to book. Source: King Edward Ambrose Washman Addo/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Daily activities have currently taken a good shape at Ejura in the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality of the Ashanti Region after the deadly violence by the youth protesting the death of one social media activist, Ibrahim Mohammed. The protest turned violent as the agitated youth and the security made up of the police and military clashed claiming two lives and injuring four others. The dead were buried on the same day per the doctrines of the Muslim Religion whereas the four injured were transferred to the hospital for medical attention. The Medical Superintendent of the Ejura Government Hospital, Dr. Mensah Manye in an interview with Hello FM's Prince Kwadwo Boadu on cases brought to the facility confirmed the critically injured have been transferred to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital and two minor cases were discharged on the same day. The youth were said to have taken to the street to demand justice for Ibrahim Mohammed (Macho Kaaka) who before his murder was a Social Media Activist. Macho Kaaka was pronounced dead on Monday after failing to respond to medical treatment at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Ashanti Regional Police Commander on Hello FM, COP Kwasi Mensah Duku revealed that the violence was so dreadful to the extent that the police had to call for reinforcement from Mampong and also Operation Calm life. Three suspects have so far been arrested by the Ashanti Regional Police command. Source: Prince Kwadwo Boadu/Hello FM Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has expressed his condolences to the families of the three deceased residents of Ejura namely; Ibrahim Mohammed a.k.a Kaaka widely known to be an activist, Abdul Nasir Yussif and Murtala Mohammed. Mohammed Kaaka met his untimely death when some unknown mob reportedly assaulted him for his adamant posture in addressing national issues. The other two deceased were shot dead during a violent confrontation when a joint Military and Police deployment to Ejura turned south as the Military fired gunshots to disperse a crowd protesting on the streets on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. A statement issued by the Acting Director of Communications at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin, read; The President is deeply saddened by the deaths of Ibrahim Mohammed, alias Kaaka, Abdul Nasir Yussif and Murtala Mohammed. He extends sincere condolences to the families of the deceased, and wishes the injured a speedy recovery. Read full statement below: Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Seasoned Journalist, Kweku Baako Jnr. has scolded the joint Military and Police forces over the use of live bullets to disperse protesters at Ejura on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. The protesters are said to have been in the middle of a funeral service for a resident named Ibrahim Mohammed, alias 'Kaaka', who is known to be a social activist in the community and met his untimely death after a mob reportedly assaulted him. A Military and Police personnel were dispatched to the community but fired gunshots into the protesters killing two persons namely Abdul Nasir Yussif and Murtala Mohammed and injured four others. Discussing the issue on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo', Mr. Baako bemoaned the Military intrusion to the vicinity to supposedly control the crowd. He stressed those who were in command of the field operations must be called for interrogations. " . . I'm uncomfortable with what has happened. I think it was completely avoidable. It was untidy and somebody somewhere, within the hierarchy of the security agencies, those on the field will have some good questions to answer. I'm talking of those in control and command of the field operation," he said. He, however, admitted he doesn't have adequate facts on the operation but, to him, ''even if I had it, there's nothing that will make me agree with the Military's intrusion especially their posture, the shootings with live bullets. Look, we shouldn't rationalize it at all". "Live bullets to go and confront an unruly or rowdy youth throwing stones? It is disproportionate! Unless, somebody can tell me maybe somebody fired also from among the unruly youth, then you can talk about self-defence in collective reaction, but I have my doubts that even if that happened. Because looking at the videos circulating around, there is no incident which show someone on the other side had an armed capability," he added. He condemned the security approach saying, "these (protesters) are not armed robbers; they're not terrorists. They are some youth demonstrating even if unlawfully and you call in, then that's completely out of proportion. It is disproportionate! . . . Rampaging youth throwing stones, that is what has happened. Disproportionate response! So, they went there armed to the teeth with live bullets; I'm telling there's something wrong then . . . That is not part of the rules of engagement in crowd control.'' Mr. Baako stressed it was a wrong move to have involved the Military. "I've been part of mass movements, street protest and I've seen it all under constitutional and unconstitutional; so both. I've experienced both. I am saying that this, particular incident, completely avoidable especially the fatalities . . . The Police have been trained to deal with the civilian population whether it is law and order breakdown or not. So, psychologically, there's that some psychological angle. You know this is a funeral. The people are in procession to go and bury somebody. Already, there is anger and tension, so the way you handle it is important'', he said. He also threw shots at who gave the order for the Military deployment. "So, those top guys who gave the green light, did they appreciate what they were going to encounter?'', he fumed. Watch video below Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Millions of fully vaccinated people in India and Africa could face challenges traveling to Europe under the EUs new vaccine passport scheme, scheduled to take effect on July 1. Thats despite the fact that theyll have taken a vaccine that, on the face of it, is already authorized in the EU, as well as by the UK and the World Health Organization. The problem? The EU is making a distinction between one brand of the AstraZeneca jab, named Vaxzevria, and its identical, but Indian-made version Covishield. The latter, manufactured under license by Indias Serum Institute, is not one of the vaccines listed for the EUs new digital travel pass. India has administered nearly 300 million doses of Covishield, while the global, multi-agency Covax program that serves many African countries managed to get hold of about 30 million jabs before supply issues led to restrictions. The move could also exclude travelers from other countries that make local versions of the AstraZeneca vaccine, such as South Korea. Serum is applying for emergency authorization, BBC News reports. But unless the EU changes its rules, a lot of people could face friction at its borders even when they begin to relax restrictions for non-EU arrivals. More friction than usual, anyway. What is the EU Covid-19 vaccine passport? From July 1, all EU residents can use paper or digital documentationcalled the EU Digital COVID Certificateto enter the bloc, or travel without restrictions inside its borders. The certificate proves that the traveler has been vaccinated against Covid-19, received a negative test result, or recovered from the disease. It is free of charge, available in both English and all EU languages, and has a QR code. Read Full Story .... qz.com >>> : Source: qz.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video There are concerns that the European Union's vaccine passport programme could exclude people who have been given a version of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine that was made in India. Most of the vaccines supplied to the Covax scheme, intended to get the jab to poorer countries, have been from India. The head of the African Union's vaccine delivery programme, Dr Ayoade Alakija, told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that she hoped the EU exclusion was an administrative error. But she said she was concerned that "what it feels like here is there's a two-tier vaccine system". The EU is set to introduce its Digital Covid Certificate on Thursday, but only four vaccines - all made in Western countries - have been approved for inclusion. The head of the Serum Institute of India, which is licensed to make the AstraZeneca shot, known in India as Covishield, has tweeted that he has taken the issue up "at the highest levels". The Reuters news agency says the EU has not responded to requests for comment. Just under 1.5% of all the vaccines administered globally so far have been given in Africa, which accounts for more than 15% of the world's population. Source: BBC Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Dr. Bryan Leon Cox, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Spinal Clinic Limited has urged state authorities to clamp down on fake chiropractors in the country. He bemoaned the fact that most of these fake chiropractors take advantage of their patients, charging exorbitant fees without healing them. "I have friends who complain of patients going to some of these places where a huge amount of money is collected yet no results and it's about time laws are enforced to deal with such fake chiropractors" he intimated while speaking to Peacefmonline.com at the 15th anniversary of the Spinal Clinic. Meanwhile, as part of their anniversary celebration, the Spinal Clinic among numerous packages has given a 50% discount to all its first-time visitors. About Spinal Clinic Spinal Clinic is a Chiropractic industry that uses a holistic 100% treatment approach to help all people with STRESS-related and discomfort lifestyles. This is done by activating the innate power to heal itself with a simple look to the spine. Spinal Clinic has won different awards including BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD in the industry, THE BEST CHIROPRACTIC PRACTITIONER, THE BEST PERSONALITY IN CHIROPRACTIC AND THE OVERALL CHIROPRACTIC CENTER; all within the years from 2010 2020. Through the help of Dr. Cox, a Ghanaian medical student has gone to a Chiropractic school in America and today, he has opened up his own practice successfully in the Volta Region of Ghana, creating more spinal awareness. Why us and what can we do for you? With our competitive advantage in the market in quality service delivery which is incomparable, we can give the best care that will guarantee your strong immune system for a dream lifestyle. With our corporate service and package to your organization, we can help cut down your employee's sick leaves which in the end will increase work productivity for your company. And our office is a testimony to that. We will provide you with a detailed health analysis and Chiropractic education for results right from our consultation level to treatment stage. Which you cannot get anywhere. We have a team that bonds with our clients to understand individuals health conditions and offer solutions uniquely. Because of our great service to you, you will join our clients who have rated us as the Leading chiropractic office We will sell you Value before cost and will offer you a payment plan that will encourage your love for Chiropractic care and erase the myth that, Chiropractic is expensive. Lastly, we will educate you to value your health with Chiropractic more important than anything else and if possible consider preventing future Spinal decay from your children who might be going through the same stress as you are. Source: Rebecca Addo Tetteh/Peacefmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Namibias President Hage Geingob has said his country is facing a dark and sombre moment as coronavirus deaths and cases rapidly increase. Addressing the nation, he said that 513 Namibians had died in the last 15 days as a result of the virus and cases have trebled since the beginning of June. With a population of just 2.5 million this represents one of the worst death rates on the continent. Introducing new restrictions, including stopping movement between the countrys regions, Mr Geingob said that things were likely to continue to get worse until mid-August at the earliest. Speaking after the president, Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula said the country was literally in an existential struggle we are in a fight for our very lives. He described a stretched health service and said that the countrys mortuaries have reached maximum capacity. The minister announced that more intensive care beds were being prepared and steps had been taken to boost the countrys purified oxygen supply. Rounding off his message, President Geingob urged people to co-operate with the new measures and insisted the nation would overcome the crisis. Source: BBC Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The police in Ejura have picked a third suspect in connection with the death of the social media activist Ibrahim Mohammed, also known as Macho Kaaka. The suspect, which Graphic Online understands is named Iddi Mohammed, is a brother to the deceased. The suspect was arrested Wednesday (June 30, 2021) morning. On Monday evening, the police with the assistance of the military arrested the first two suspects in Macho Kaakas death. They are Ibrahim Issaka also known as Anyass and Fuseini Alhassan. Fuseini Alhassan, 40, Butcher Ibrahim Issaka, Bookman Graphic Online's Ashanti Regional reporter, Kwadwo Baffoe Donkor visited Ejura on Wednesday and the police told him that a third suspect has been arrested but the police did not give out the name of the suspect. The Ejura District Police Commander, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Mr Phillip Kojo Hammond, told the media that the police were still investigating the incident that led to the death of Kaaka and appealed to residents to assist them with information, Donkor reported. Source: graphiconline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Atik Mohammed has taken a swipe at the ''Fix the Country'' campaigners over their claims that an activist, Ibrahim Mohammed, who was murdered at Ejura is a member of their movement. Ibrahim Mohammed's death was reportedly caused by a mob that assaulted him for his vehement activism on social media. Before he passed away, Mohammed was said to have received threats from unknown persons warning him to stop his activism. The ''Fix the Country'' campaigners claim the deceased was one of them and purported his death had something to do with him exposing the poor governance of the President, hence supposedly accusing the government of masterminding the assault. Speaking to host Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'', Atik Mohammed blasted the campagniers for taking advantage of the Ejura situation. "The things we say here in Accra, how many people have been killed in Accra here?," he questioned the campaigners. He blamed them for the violence following Ibrahim's death which resulted in the killing of two protesters and four others seriously injured when a joint team of the Military and Police went to Ejura and shot into a crowd of protesters. "This (Accra) is where the real action takes place. So, people are not killed for expressing their views in Accra, is it in Ejura that the President and his officials will feel so offended by the activities of a party man? . . . and that the President has sleepless nights because of the social advocacy of this man to the extent that he will commission, I mean, sometimes thinking about some of these things is terrible. And it is simply because this group called 'Fix the Country', in fact they started this rumour-mill and it gained currency for us to now reach where we have reached today." "So, what has been done to those in Accra saying fix the country? Nobody has even laid a finger on you, much less someone residing in Ejura," he further rebuked the campaigners. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video A video of some youth in Ejura in the Ashanti Region chasing a water cannon shooting water at the police has surfaced online. In the video, the protesting youth hurled stones at the police water cannon . The driver was attempting to disperse them with the water but the youth chased the water cannon away with stones. Video The video show the some of the protesters chasing the water cannon shooting water at the police vehicle while they were protesting. The protesting youth were on the streets of Ejura to demand what they said was justice over the attack death of Ibrahim Mohammed also known as Macho Kaaka. In an attempt to quell the protest, the security officers fired shots and two more people died while four others sustained injuries. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has directed the Minister of Interior to institute a public inquiry into the incidents at Ejura. The Minister of Interior, Mr Ambrosse Dery is expected to announce a three-member committee of inquiry. Watch the video below View this post on Instagram A post shared by Phylx Akakpo (@phylxentertainment_) Source: graphiconline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Scrap dealers at Agbogbloshie in Accra are resisting the decongestion exercise by the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council. The scrap dealers and onion traders at Agbogbloshie are being relocated to Adjen Kotoku to help free the congestion in the central business district (CBD) of Accra as part of the agenda "Make Accra work" initiated by the Greater Accra Regional Minister, Mr Henry Quartey. The decongestion exercise started Thursday morning was moving smoothly until the team arrived at the scrap dealers section. The dealers set spent vehicle tyres ablaze in protest against their removal from the spot, claiming they were served no eviction notice. According to our reporter, they were throwing stones at the security personnel who in turn fired shots to disperse. "They also started burning tyres", he added. He said the exercise aimed at removing onion traders and scrap dealers to Adjen Kotoku was peaceful until they reached the scrapyard. The scrap dealers argued that they were not served any notice to vacate the place. "So the military had to intervene by firing warning shots to disperse them," he added. Source: graphiconline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Former Central Regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan, has slammed the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) for linking the death of an activist at Ejura, Ibrahim Mohammed 'Kaaka', to President Akufo-Addo's administration. The NDC Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi has blamed the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) for the killing of Ibrahim Mohammed a.k.a Kaaka. Allegations Sammy Gyamfi is convinced the mob that attacked Macho Kaaka are members of the ruling party stressing the killing of the activist is an indication of insecurity under the leadership of President Nana Akufo-Addo. In an interview with Okay FM, Sammy Gyamfi alleged; There is hardship in the country and people are afraid to talk because they are afraid for their lives. Today, they have killed Kaaka. NPP killed Kaaka. Kaaka stays in Ejura and has been on this #fixthecountry campaign. He has been talking about abandoned projects. Before he was attacked by a mob, he announced that he has been threatened by the known NPP members. He even published the threats. He was beaten by a mob. Ex-Prez Mahama's Statement On Ejura Killing Former President John Dramani Mahama has also called on the President to direct an immediate de-escalation of the situation at Ejura in the Ashanti Region. I add my voice to calls for calm following the shooting to death of two persons and the injury to many in Ejura today, following the murder of youth activist Ibrahim Kaaka Mohammed. I have just seen a video of the firing of live ammunition into a crowd by persons wearing military attire, after the burial of the murdered youth activist. There must be a very thorough investigation of both the murder of the youth activist and the security rules of engagement, which resulted in the shooting to death of the two others, Mr. Mahama stated on his website. Kwamena Fires NDC Discussing the issue on Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'', Kwamena Duncan blasted the NDC for scoring political points with the Ejura incident. He questioned the party's motive saying, "the NDC and President Mahama, are they telling us that, during that time when such incident occurred, the NPP should have issued a statement to say President Mahama and the NDC did it? 2014, there was an incident. They have always taken Ghanaians that these are persons or people who forget easily. I mean they will forget easily and therefore we will take advantage of their nature where they tend to forget. At the time, no NPP member issued a statement saying we hold NDC responsible for what has happened because we didn't have basis for that''. ''When people want to ride on the back of bloodshedding to gain some political mileage, it's difficult to understand. The incident that has happened, drawing attention to it; well and good but, when you say 'warns Police and blames government for death of activist', is that how you intend drawing attention to what has happened? If you want to draw attention, is that how you do it? When government neither stood left nor right, when government has absolutely no hand; why do we want to rush?'', he fumed. He, however, challenged the oppostion party to make public any evidence they have to corroborate their claims. ''What information does the NDC have which proves that it is the government that murdered Kaaka Mohammed? Can they make that information available to the Ghanaian people?'', he asked. ''Let's focus on building the nation. Why? Why has the NDC become something like without power, they simply cannot survive as a political party? Why? When they get power too, it is only just to take the entire country back," he further rebuked the NDC. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Former President John Mahama has said a video circulating of my visit to injured persons in a hospital is an old one and has no link to current developments in Ejura. Prior to the circulation of the video, the former flag bearer of the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) had said: I urgently call on President Nana Akufo-Addo to initiate an immediate de-escalation of the situation in Ejura, where two protesters were killed by a combined police and military team as they marched in anger a day after the mob killing of local social media activist Ibrahim Kaaka Mohammed. Four other protesters also got injured in the clash between the demonstrators and the security personnel. In a statement issued on Tuesday, 29 June 2021, the former president said: There must be a very thorough investigation of both the murder of the youth activist and the security rules of engagement, which resulted in the shooting to death of the two others. Mr Mahama said: I add my voice to calls for calm following the shooting to death of two persons and the injury to many in Ejura today. I have just seen a video of the firing of live ammunition into a crowd by persons wearing military attire, after the burial of the murdered youth activist, he observed. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and the Ejura community. Meanwhile, the Ashanti regional police command has commenced investigations to establish the circumstances surrounding the violent clash. In a statement, the police said its preliminary investigation shows that following the burial of Ibrahim Mohammed aka Kaaka at Mempeasem cemetery at Ejura on Tuesday, some irate youth blocked the main Ejura Atebubu road, thus, impeding traffic flow. The police moved in with military reinforcement to quell the situation but the irate youth charged on the security officers with all manner of implements including firearms, clubs, machetes and stones. The security officials fired into the crowd to disperse the angry mob, who failed to retreat but rather massed up in all corners. The death and injuries were recorded in the process. The security situation as of 3:30 pm, according to the police, is calm. However, security has been reinforced to ensure total stability. The regional command has also taken over the investigation into the murder of Kaaka and has appealed to anyone who has credible information to share with the command at the Central Police Station, Kumasi or call 0299207770. The strictest confidentially is assured, the police said. The command also appealed to everyone, especially the youth of Ejura, to remain calm and also called on the traditional and opinion leaders to call for restraint to avert an escalation. Source: classfmonline.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Audio Attachment: Listen to Sam Pyne on Peace FM's 'kokrokoo' programme Ashanti Regional Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Sam Pyne, has corroborated claims by some Officers of the largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) that an activist, Ibrahim Mohammed alias 'Kaaka', who was murdered at Ejura is a member of the ruling party. Ibrahim Mohammed was killed last Friday for being vocal about issues affecting Ghana, particularly the Ejura area. The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Ejura is accused of masterminding the murder following reports that he and the latter had a hostile relationship. The NDC Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi, addressing the issue in an interview on Okay FM, has blamed the NPP for the activist's death saying, there is hardship in the country and people are afraid to talk because they are afraid for their lives. Today, they have killed Kaaka. NPP killed Kaaka. Kaaka stays in Ejura and has been on this #fixthecountry campaign. He has been talking about abandoned projects. Before he was attacked by a mob, he announced that he has been threatened by the known NPP members. He even published the threats. He was beaten by a mob. Speaking on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo', Sam Pyne revealed that the deceased was indeed a member of the ruling NPP. He also confirmed his uncordial relationship with the MCE. He, however, shared limited information on whether or not the MCE had a hand in Kaaka's death. Sam Pyne also refuted claims that the NPP is behind the killing and stressed the Police should be allowed to do their thorough investigations. Confirming to host Kwami Sefa Kayi, he said, ''I know him. He is an NPP activist. I've sent him on occasions. The time we allowed the MCE to go unopposed, one of the guys who was opposing it, he was one of them; so there is the history that he and the MCE have uncordial relationship." National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament(MP) for Ejura Sekyedumase in the Ashanti Region, Alhaji Mohammed Bawa, says he is unaware that Ibrahim Mohammed, aka Macho Kaaka who was viciously attacked and later died at the hospital is a member of the pressure group, #Fixthecountry.But speaking in an interview onmorning show, "Ghana Montie", Hon Bawa pointed out that Kaaka had always been a member of the ruling party and was not too sure of his association with the pressure group as being reported.I know him to be a member of the NPP, I doubt his involvement with the #Fixthecountry group, he said. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has instructed the Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery to conduct a public inquiry into the killing of three persons at Ejura. The unfortunate occurrences at Ejura have caused a stir in the nation and to bring closure to the situation, the President has given 10 days to Minister to provide a detailed report on the incident. "The Interior Minister is to provide a detailed report from the Inquiry, with recommendations for appropriate action, within ten days, i.e., by 9th July 2021, to President Akufo-Addo," a statement issued by the President's Communications Director read. As a result of the President's directive, a three-member Committee is to be set up to hold a probe into the issue. Speaking on Peace FM's ''Kokrokoo'' today, the Ashanti Regional Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Sam Pyne has urged the members of the Committee to be objective in the inquiry. He asked them not to be moved by their biases or seek their own interest but rather establish the truth about what led to the killings of the three persons, Ibrahim Mohammed, alias Kaaka, Abdul Nasir Yussif and Murtala Mohammed. ''The Committee members should let truth prevail...A painful thing in the world is for you to be charged falsely; as for this, the Committee members should let it be far from them'', he advised. Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/Peacefmonline.com/Ghana Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video Dotted by hilltop views and an historic city center, Frances southwestern city of Angouleme had certainly played host to a handful of live-action shoots in recent years. But for the most part, the commune, just under 50,000 strong, had made its name as the countrys cartoonist capital, the place where Gallic scribblers go to burnish their reputation at the Intl. Comics Festival the second largest in Europe and maybe stuck around to work at one the three dozen animation or post-productions studios. More from Variety So it goes without saying that nothing quite prepared the locals for when, in late 2018, Hollywood came knocking. Earlier that year, Wes Anderson looked toward a number of options when prepping the Cannes-debuting The French Dispatch, set in 1950s Paris and in the suitably tongue-in-cheek (and, as goes without saying, entirely fictional) commune of Ennui-sur-Blase. Anderson nixed Nice and, for a time, considered Albi, but once Andersons eyes fixed and heart warmed on Angoulemes Old World architecture, he promptly sent a crew the likes of which few locals had ever seen into the southwest town. With an estimated budget of $25 million, and a cast that mixed regular stalwarts Tilda Swinton, Owen Wilson and Bill Murray with Anderson newcomers Timothee Chalamet, Benicio Del Toro and Kate Winslet, The French Dispatch marked the largest-scale Hollywood shoot to hit the area since Steven Spielberg lensedscenes from Raiders of the Lost Ark in the nearby La Rochelle in the early 1980s . And even then, Spielberg and crew only stayed for four days. Anderson and crew, however, stuck around a lot longer, descending on the hillside city in November 2018 to kick off a six-month shoot that swept many locals right into the fray. Story continues Everyone mobilized to host this exceptional project, says David Beauvallet, director of communications at the citys audio-visual development body, Magelis. The production recruited 80 local technicians (out of a crew of 200) and repurposed a local high school for its canteen. The shoot became the talk of the town; while businesses kicked in supplies and locals came to gawk, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region (where Angouleme is located) offered a 150,000 ($167,000) production grant. In all 2,500 residents auditioned as extras with just under a third of them even making it into the film. Angouleme was able to welcome a production of such international scope because for 20 years we have created and maintained a high level of activity in the field, and thus had a substantial pool of local technicians and seasoned extras [to provide], Beauvallet says. Though the city does not have any productions of commensurate scale planned for the near future, it does hope to capitalize on its unprecedented exposure once The French Dispatch launches out of Cannes. In the intervening years since the shoot, two local businessmen have taken a former factory that was repurposed as a soundstage and plan to develop it into a permanent production facility. And staying true to form, 12 local cartoonists have co-authored an omnibus book, called Wes in Town, detailing their experiences on the shoot, which is due for release just in time for Cannes. Meanwhile, Beauvallet hopes that the film might dispel certain misconceptions for Americans coming to shoot in France. Big international productions tend to shoot in Paris, he says. They want the street scenes, the Eiffel Tower in the background, and they think it will be easier in terms of logistics, while shooting in [other parts of France] tends to worry them more. We showed that a small town in France could host a production of such scale because we have an ecosystem already in place. We had all the technicians, production staff, and casting heads right here. And it worked out great. Best of Variety Sign up for Varietys Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Look, we already know that, in terms of places you want to get caught in during the pandemic, the Philippines is somewhere between the Hellmouth and a cardboard box. Its a sad but undeniable fact of life, given the economys continued recession and a less-than-stellar Covid-19 response. Its deeply disappointingbut not surprisingthat, as Bloomberg announced that its Covid Resiliency Ranking now looks ahead to post-pandemic happy times, the Philippines has fallen even lower in the rankings. The biggest vaccination drive in history is enabling parts of the globe to abolish mask mandates, relax restrictions and dismantle border curbs, making the magnitude of reopening key to quality of life. Taming cases and deaths was once paramount, along with ensuring a robust health-care system. Now, the ability to essentially turn back the clock and return to pre-pandemic times is taking on an even greater significance, explained the articles authors, Jinshang Hong, Rachel Chang, and Kevin Varley. India, the Philippines and some Latin America countries rank lowest amid a perfect storm of variant-driven outbreaks, slow vaccination, and global isolation, the article also reads. This news has not pleased Department of Health Secretary Francisco Duque III, who complained in an interview with ABS-CBN that the ranking was very unfair, further adding that the criteria were skewed toward countries with high vaccination rates. Thats very unfair and I am really pissed with this kasi hindi naman tama, Duque said. Duque also said that the Philippines was faring well in terms of factors like infection rates per population, and number of deaths. This does not appear to be tru, however. According to data published by the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, the Philippines is among the top 20 countries with the most deaths proportionally to the total number of cases or population. With our Covid-19 pandemic death toll at 1.74% of total infections, we are ahead of India, whose fatality rate is at 1.3%. Story continues ____________________ Also read: Is the Philippines faring well in terms of Covid-19 deaths? Not so, says the data ____________________ In the meantime, Senator Risa Hontiveros today expressed her own displeasure at the health secretarys reaction. I think ang dapat talagang ma-piss off ay hindi yung health secretary, pero yung ating mga mamamayan. Sisisihin pa ba natin yung Bloomberg? Hontiveros said in a different interview with ABS CBN. (I think its the people who should get pissed off, not the health secretary. Are we really going to blame Bloomberg?) This article, Philippines ranks 52nd out of 53 countries in Bloombergs Covid Resiliency Ranking; Duque mad, Hontiveros even madder, originally appeared on Coconuts, Asia's leading alternative media company. The Thai island of Phuket re-opened to tourists today (July 1) for the first time since the pandemic started and as the country battles rising numbers of Covid-19 cases. Footage shows the first holidaymakers - including a number of British people - leaving their Etihad flight from the Middle East before hitting the beach. When asked if he was happy to be here, one elderly Brit said: 'Yes, very happy'. He said he would 'see the sights of Thailand'. Ministers hope the 'sandbox' scheme - with vaccinated holidaymakers spending 14 days roaming the tropical island - will be successful and rolled out to other regions to kickstart the ailing economy. Visitors must get a 'certificate of entry' from a Thai Embassy before boarding their flights, pay for a hotel and pay for three Covid-19 swab tests as well as travel insurance and a test before leaving their home country. However, anyone who tests positive for the virus will have their holiday cut short and spend 14 days in a military-style field hospital or private hospital. The number of cases in Thailand is also rising, with 5,489 testing positive today bringing the total since early last year to 244,447 with 57 dead. Despite some optimism over the Phuket sandbox scheme, economists warned that it could be another five years before the country's tourism industry returns to pre-pandemic levels. Two years ago tourism made up an estimated 21 per cent of Thailands GDP, generating 1.8 trillion baht in revenue. However, the country's National Economic and Social Development Council predicted that it could be another five years before similar numbers are seen. Analysts said that between now and 2026, around seven million workers will continue to be affected by the economic harm from the Covid-19 pandemic. "The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest-warming regions of the planetalmost 3C over the last 50 years," warned the head of the UN's World Meteorological Organization. The United Nations on Thursday recognised a new record high temperature for the Antarctic continent, confirming a reading of 18.3 degrees Celsius (64.9 degrees Fahrenheit) made last year. The record heat was reached at Argentina's Esperanza research station on the Antarctic Peninsula on February 6, 2020, the UN's World Meteorological Organization said. "Verification of this maximum temperature record is important because it helps us to build up a picture of the weather and climate in one of Earth's final frontiers," said WMO secretary-general Petteri Taalas. "The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest-warming regions of the planetalmost 3C over the last 50 years. "This new temperature record is therefore consistent with the climate change we are observing." The WMO rejected an even higher temperature reading of 20.75C (69.4F), reported on February 9 last year at a Brazilian automated permafrost monitoring station on the nearby Seymour Island, just off the peninsula which stretches north towards South America. The previous verified record for the Antarctic continentthe mainland and its surrounding islandswas 17.5C (63.5F) recorded at Esperanza on March 24, 2015. The record for the wider Antarctic regioneverywhere south of 60 degrees latitudeis 19.8C (67.6F), taken on Signy Island on January 30, 1982. Verification process In checking the two reported new temperature records, a WMO committee reviewed the weather situation on the peninsula at the time. It found that a large high-pressure system created downslope winds producing significant local surface warming. Past evaluations have shown that such conditions are conducive for producing record temperatures, the WMO said. The World Meteorological Organization confirmed a record high temperature for Antarctica at the Esperanza Base on February 6, 2020. The experts looked at the instrumental set-ups and the data, finding no concerns at Esperanza. However, an improvised radiation shield at the Brazilian station on Seymour Island led to a demonstrable thermal bias error for the permafrost monitor's air temperature sensor, making its reading ineligible to be signed off as an official WMO weather observation. The new record at Esperanza will be added to the WMO's archive of weather and climate extremes. The archive includes the world's highest and lowest temperatures, rainfall, heaviest hailstone, longest dry period, maximum gust of wind, longest lightning flash and weather-related mortalities. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was minus 89.2C (minus 128.6F) recorded at Vostok station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983. Global warming concerns Antarctica's average annual temperature ranges from about minus 10C (14F) on the coast to minus 60C (minus 76F) at the highest parts of the interior. "Even more so than the Arctic, the Antarctic is poorly covered in terms of continuous and sustained weather and climate observations and forecasts, even though both play an important role in driving climate and ocean patterns and in sea level rise," said Taalas. The Earth's average surface temperature has gone up by 1C since the 19th century, enough to increase the intensity of droughts, heat waves and tropical cyclones. But the air over Antarctica has warmed more than twice that much. Recent research has shown that warming of two degrees Celsius could push the melting of ice sheets atop Greenland and the West Antarcticwith enough frozen water to lift oceans 13 metres (43 feet)past a point of no return. "This new record shows once again that climate change requires urgent measures," said WMO first vice president Celeste Saulo, the head of Argentina's national weather service. "It is essential to continue strengthening the observing, forecasting and early warning systems to respond to the extreme events that take place more and more often due to global warming." Explore further Antarctica registers record temperature of over 20 C 2021 AFP Researchers in Japan have designed a technique that can make point mutations to the DNA of plant chloroplasts without leaving any of the genetic engineering technology behind to be inherited by future generations. Their proof-of-concept experiments published in Nature Plants successfully demonstrated that new or more robust crops could be created without requiring a GMO food label. The image is a photo of paper quilling art. Green represents the internal structures of chloroplasts. White represents chloroplast DNA. The letter C is highlighted for editing (with scissors) because the ptpTALECD enzyme makes point mutations by turning specific GC pairs in the DNA code into AT pairs.Image by Hiroko Uchida CC BY-SA 4.0, http://uchidahiroko.com/works-s.html. Credit: Hiroko Uchida CC BY-SA 4.0, http://uchidahiroko.com/works-s.html Breeding better crops through genetic engineering has been possible for decades, but the use of genetically modified plants has been limited by technical challenges and popular controversies. A new approach potentially solves both of those problems by modifying the energy-producing parts of plant cells and then removing the DNA editing tool so it cannot be inherited by future seeds. The technique was recently demonstrated through proof-of-concept experiments published in the journal Nature Plants by geneticists at the University of Tokyo. "Now we've got a way to modify chloroplast genes specifically and measure their potential to make a good plant," said Associate Professor Shin-ichi Arimura, who leads the group that performed the research. Chloroplasts, the parts of plant cells that convert carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugar, possess their own circular DNA that is made of the same ATGC-code as the double helix DNA in the nucleus of the cell. However, chloroplast DNA is maintained and inherited completely separately from nuclear DNA. Every cell can contain multiple chloroplasts, each with many identical copies of the chloroplast DNA. The same change must be made in every copy of chloroplast DNA if any genome editing is to have a noticeable effect that can be inherited by the plant's offspring. In the 1990s, experts invented a technique to insert new DNA fragments into chloroplast genomes, but it also inserts extra genetic tags or markers. The goal of Arimura and his colleagues is to make uniform, inheritable modifications to only specific parts of chloroplast DNA without leaving genome editing tools behind or permanently altering nuclear DNA. They started with an existing tool known as TALENs. The original TALENs use a large protein that recognizes specific short DNA sequences and cuts that DNA with an enzyme. In recent years, other research groups have improved TALEN technology: the DNA recognition sequences can be customized and the DNA cutting enzyme can be replaced with an enzyme that changes GC pairs in the DNA code into AT pairs. These GC to AT changes are subtlejust changing one point of the DNA code to another, rather than inserting or deleting whole genes. However, point mutations can have major effects depending on their location. Arimura's team combined these TALEN improvements and added an extra "chloroplast-targeting" component, calling their finalized version ptpTALECDs. For every genome edit that researchers wanted to make, they needed to build a matching left and right pair of ptpTALECDs in bacteria. The design process is complicated because the pairs of large TALENs proteins and the chloroplast-targeting signals must be expressed simultaneously as a single unit from the nuclear DNA. "Building the ptpTALECDs was an extremely laborious process, but we have a very dedicated master's degree student who did almost all the work, Issei Nakazato," said Arimura. Nakazato is the first author of the research publication. After designing the ptpTALECDs DNA sequence, researchers then inserted it into Arabidopsis thaliana plants, a species of thale cress common in research laboratories. The UTokyo researchers are confident that after building them, the ptpTALECDs could be inserted into many crop species because that part of the process is a straightforward and standard procedure in agriculture and botany labs. The ptpTALECDs enter the plants' nuclei and then the cells produce ptpTALECDs in the same way they produce any other protein. The chloroplast-targeting sequence ensures that the finished ptpTALECD proteins are shuttled out of the nucleus into the chloroplasts where they then are expected to edit every chloroplast genome they encounter. This first generation plants are considered genetically modified organisms (GMOs) because their nuclear DNA has been permanently altered to contain the ptpTALECD sequence. When these genetically modified plants reproduce with themselves through self-fertilization or with nonmodified (wild-type) plants, the next generation of plants inherits nuclear DNA in the normal way, meaning genes are mixed and matched between the ovules and pollen. Some seeds inherit the ptpTALECD sequence and other seeds do not. However, plants always inherit their chloroplasts whole and intact through their "mothers," the ovules. So regardless of what nuclear DNA the next generation of plants inherits, if their female parent plant had modified chloroplasts, the next generation will always inherit modified chloroplasts. Researchers then search the offspring to find plants that did not inherit edited nuclear DNA, but did inherit modified chloroplasts. These members of the second generation of plants and any of their future offspring can be considered non-GMO end products because their nuclear DNA contains none of the ptpTALECDs' genetic engineering machinery. Legal definitions vary, but broadly speaking, countries either assess the end product or the process when deciding to label an organism as a GMO. By end-product definitions used in Japan and the U.S., plants produced with this technique are not GMOs. However, the same plants are GMOs under process based-definitions used in the European Union. So far, Arimura's team proved their system works by editing three chloroplast genes and observing the expected effects in the offspring plants. "Chloroplast DNA encodes less than 1% of the total genetic material in a plant, but it has a very important effect on photosynthesis, and therefore the health of the plant. Hopefully, this method will be useful in fundamental research and applied agriculture," said Arimura. Researchers are optimistic that the fact that none of the genetic engineering tools are inherited by future generations and that the method only makes point mutations will ensure that the method will be used to breed better crops that are accepted by farmers and consumers. Explore further Ion transporters in chloroplasts affect the efficacy of photosynthesis More information: Targeted base editing in the plastid genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, Nature Plants (2021). www.nature.com/articles/s41477-021-00954-6 Journal information: Nature Plants Targeted base editing in the plastid genome of Arabidopsis thaliana,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41477-021-00954-6 Artists concept of NASAs WISE spacecraft, which was an infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope active from December 2009 to February 2011. In September 2013 the spacecraft was assigned a new mission as NEOWISE to help find near-Earth asteroids and comets. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech NEOWISE has provided an estimate of the size of over 1,850 near-Earth objects, helping us better understand our nearest solar system neighbors. For two more years, NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) will continue its hunt for asteroids and cometsincluding objects that could pose a hazard to Earth. This mission extension means NASA's prolific near-Earth object (NEO) hunting space telescope will continue operations until June 2023. "At NASA, we're always looking up, surveying the sky daily to find potential hazards and exploring asteroids to help unlock the secrets of the formation of our solar system," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. "Using ground-based telescopes, over 26,000 near-Earth asteroids have already been discovered, but there are many more to be found. We'll enhance our observations with space-based capabilities like NEOWISE and the future, much more capable NEO Surveyor to find the remaining unknown asteroids more quickly and identify potentially-hazardous asteroids and comets before they are a threat to us here on Earth." Originally launched as the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission in December 2009, the space telescope surveyed the entire sky in infrared wavelengths, detecting asteroids, dim stars, and some of the faintest galaxies visible in deep space. WISE completed its primary mission when it depleted its cryogenic coolant and it was put into hibernation in February 2011. Observations resumed in December 2013 when the space telescope was repurposed by NASA's Planetary Science Division as "NEOWISE" to identify asteroids and comets throughout the solar system, with special attention to those that pass close to Earth's orbit. "NEOWISE provides a unique and critical capability in our global mission of planetary defense, by allowing us to rapidly measure the infrared emission and more accurately estimate the size of hazardous asteroids as they are discovered," said Lindley Johnson, NASA's Planetary Defense Officer and head of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Extending NEOWISE's mission highlights not only the important work that is being done to safeguard our planet, but also the valuable science that is being collected about the asteroids and comets further out in space." Comet NEOWISE which was discovered on March 27, 2020, by NASAs Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission was captured on July 6, 2020, above the northeast horizon in this image just before sunrise in Tucson, Arizona. Credit: Vishnu Reddy As asteroids are heated by the Sun, they warm up and release this heat as faint infrared radiation. By studying this infrared signature, scientists can reveal the size of an asteroid and compare it to the measurements of observations made by optical telescopes on the ground. This information can help us understand how reflective its surface is while also providing clues as to its composition. To date, NEOWISE has provided an estimate of the size of over 1,850 NEOs, helping us better understand our nearest solar system neighbors. As of March 2021, the mission had made 1,130,000 confirmed infrared observations of approximately 39,100 objects throughout the solar system since its restart in 2013. Mission data is shared freely by the IPAC/Caltech-led archive, and the data has contributed to over 1,600 peer-reviewed studies. The University of Arizona is also a key partner of the NEOWISE mission as the home institution of the NEOWISE principal investigator, Amy Mainzer, who is a professor of planetary science at the University's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. Among its many accomplishments after its reactivation, NEOWISE also discovered Comet NEOWISE, which was named after the mission and dazzled observers worldwide in 2020. NEOWISE's replacement, the next-generation NEO Surveyor, is currently scheduled to launch in 2026, and will greatly expand on what we have learned, and continue to learn, from NEOWISE. "NEOWISE has taught us a lot about how to find, track, and characterize Earth-approaching asteroids and comets using a space-based infrared telescope," said Mainzer. "The mission serves as an important precursor for carrying out a more comprehensive search for these objects using the new telescope we're building, the NEO Surveyor." Mainzer is also the lead of the NEO Surveyor mission. Explore further NEOWISE celebrates five years of asteroid data Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New research being presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held online this year, suggests that people with COVID-19 frequently pass it on to their pets. Cats that sleep on their owner's bed seem to be at particular risk of infection. Previous studies have shown that cats and dogs can catch COVID-19 from their owners but it wasn't clear how susceptible they were and what, if anything, increased their odds of becoming infected. Answering these questions is important from both a public health and animal health point of view. To find out more, Dorothee Bienzle, a professor of veterinary pathology at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and colleagues studied cats and dogs of people who had had COVID-19. The animals, 48 cats and 54 dogs from 77 households, were tested for antibodies to COVID-19a sign of past infection. Their owners were surveyed about how they interacted with their pets, including whether they petted them and kissed them and allowed them to sit on their lap or sleep in their bed. They were also asked if they allowed their pet to kiss them or lick them on the face and how long they spent with their pet each day. Other questions included whether their pet had become ill around the time they had COVID-19 and what sort of symptoms the animal had. 75 dogs and cats living in an animal shelter and 75 stray cats that had been seen at a low-cost veterinary clinic were also tested for antibodies. 67% (32/48) of the owned cats and 43% (23/54) of the owned dogs tested positive for antibodies, showing they had had COVID-19. This compares to just 9% (7/75) of dogs and cats from the animal shelter and 3% (2/75) of the stray cats. 20% (11/54) of the dogs had symptoms, mainly lack of energy and loss of appetite. Some animals had a cough or diarrhoea, however all symptoms were mild and quickly cleared up. 27% (13/48) of the cats had symptoms, with a runny nose and difficulty breathing the most common signs of COVID-19. Although most cases were mild, three were severe. The amount of time an owner spent with their dog and the type of contact they had with them did not affect the animal's chance of getting infected. Cats that spent more time with their owners, however, seemed to be at higher risk of infection. And cats that slept on their owner's bed were more likely to have COVID-19. The study's authors say that cats' biology, including their viral receptors, the "locks" the virus unpicks to enter cells, make them more susceptible to COVID-19 than dogs. Cats are also more likely to sleep near their owner's face than dogs, increasing their exposure to any infection. They add that the higher rate of infection in animals with owners than in those from the shelter and the strays, coupled with results of previous genetic studies, means that the most likely route of transmission is from human to pet, rather than the other way round. Professor Bienzle concludes: "If someone has COVID-19 there is a surprisingly high chance they will pass it on to their pet. Cats, especially those that sleep on their owner's bed, seem to be particularly vulnerable. So, if you have COVID-19, I'd advise that you keep your distance from your petand keep it out of your bedroom. "I'd also recommend that you keep your pet away from other people and pets. While the evidence that pets can pass the virus on to other pets is limited, it can't be excluded. Similarly, although pets have not been shown to pass the virus back to people, the possibility can't be completely ruled out." Explore further Study suggests substantial proportion of pet cats and dogs are infected with SARS-CoV-2 by their owners Provided by European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases The Dolichomitus meii wasp was discovered in western Amazonia. Its body looks black but glitters electric blue in light. The wasp lays its eggs on insect larvae living deep in wood. It reaches the host larvae with a long ovipositor. Credit: Filippo De Giovanni and Rodrigo Araujo Researchers at the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku, Finland, study insect biodiversity particularly in Amazonia and Africa. In their studies, they have discovered hundreds of species previously unknown to science. Many of them are exciting in their size, appearance, or living habits. "The species we have discovered show what magnificent surprises the Earth's rainforests can contain. The newly discovered Dolichomitus meii wasp is particularly interesting for its large size and unique coloring. With a quick glance, its body looks black but glitters electric blue in light. Moreover, its wings are golden yellow. Therefore, you could say it's like a flying jewel," says Postdoctoral Researcher Diego Padua from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA) in Brazil, who has also worked at the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku. Dolichomitus parasitoid wasps are parasitic on insect larvae living deep in tree trunks. They lay a single egg on the insect larva and the wasp hatchling eats the host larva as it develops. "The ovipositor of the Dolichomitus meii wasp is immensely long. It sticks the ovipositor into holes in the wood and tries to find host larvae inside. The species' striking coloring protects it from birds that prey on insects. They do not snatch the wasp sitting on the tree trunk as they think it will taste bad or that it is dangerous," says Professor of Biodiversity Research Ilari E. Saaksjarvi from the University of Turku. Polysphincta parasitoid wasps manipulate the behavior of the host spider At the same time as the publication on the Dolichomitus meii species, the researchers published another research article on South American wasp species. The article describes altogether seven new wasp species belonging to the Polysphincta genus. The name Polysphincta bonita refers to the species beautiful appearance. The species is parasitic on spiders. Credit: Diego Padua and Ilari E. Saaksjarvi The Polysphincta parasitoid wasps are parasitic on spiders. The female attacks a spider in its web and temporarily paralyzes it with a venomous sting. After this, the wasp lays a single egg on the spider, and a larva hatches from the egg. The larva gradually consumes the spider and eventually pupates. "The wasps that are parasitic on spiders are extremely interesting as many of them can manipulate the behavior of the host spider. They can change the way a spider spins its web, so that before its death, the spider does not spin a normal web to catch prey. Instead, they spin a safe nest for the parasitoid wasp pupa," describes Professor Saaksjarvi.. Researchers at University of Turku have already discovered 53 new species this year The new species are often discovered through extensive international collaboration. This was also the case with the newly published studies. "For example, the discovery of the Dolichomitus meii species was an effort of six researchers. Moreover, these researchers all come from different countries," says Professor Saaksjarvi. The work to map out biodiversity previously unknown to science continues at the University of Turku and there are interesting species discoveries ahead. "I just counted that, in 2021, the researchers of the Biodiversity Unit at the University of Turku have described already 53 new species from different parts of the globeand we're only halfway through the year," Saaksjarvi announces cheerfully. Explore further Parasitoid wasp species discovered in the Amazon can manipulate host's behavior More information: Filippo Di Giovanni et al, A striking new species of Dolichomitus Smith, 1877 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae) from South America, Biodiversity Data Journal (2021). Filippo Di Giovanni et al, A striking new species of Dolichomitus Smith, 1877 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae) from South America,(2021). DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e67438 Diego G. Padua et al, A review of the spider-attacking Polysphincta dizardi species-group (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae), with descriptions of seven new species from South America, ZooKeys (2021). DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1041.65407 Journal information: Biodiversity Data Journal , ZooKeys Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain This year, billions of Brood X cicadas emerged in the United States and generated quite a buzz, according to environmental experts. They also prompted questions about whether they are safe to eat, and who would want to eat them. It's safe for most people to eat insects, including cicadas, said Margaret Slavin, an associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies in George Mason University's College of Health and Human Services. "Cicadas and other insects contain high-quality protein," said Slavin. "Insects are generally considered to be good sources of protein, fiber, and minerals. They are commonly eaten in other places around the world for their nutritional qualities and their taste." Tweets from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) point out that eating too much of the exoskeleton can be irritating or even a choking hazard. Also, the FDA cautions that people with seafood allergies shouldn't eat cicadas because they might also be allergic to insects. Sapna Batheja, term assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, agrees, noting that the insects share a family relationship with shrimp and lobsters. Batheja said the insects are harmful to dogs if they are consumed in large quantities, and may cause stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and poor appetite. Batheja also had some guidelines for human consumption of cicadas. "To cook cicadas, it is recommended to freeze them first to kill them humanely," said Batheja. "The next step would be to cook them by either grilling, roasting, frying or boiling them." Batheja and Slavin said cicadas can be a healthy food alternative. "The teneral [post-molting] and nymph stages are ideal for eating; however, these are short-lived phases of the cicada," said Batheja. "You can eat a full-grown adult cicada, although there is a higher risk that they will be infected with a fungus. Pesticides may also be a concern, but you can gather cicadas from a place that has not been treated with fertilizer or chemicals." Restaurants that serve cicada-inspired meals are "a great way for individuals who are curious about their taste to try them without having to experiment with catching and cooking them themselves," said Batheja. "Some individuals describe the flavor of cicadas as nutty, with a hint of asparagus taste to it. Others proclaim that they do not have a ton of flavor, so you can add different spices, flavorings or sauces." Slavin added that insects are considered a more environmentally sustainable source of protein than livestock like cows, pigs, chickens. According to Batheja, "there was a push in 2013 by the United Nations to promote insects as an inexpensive and sustainable protein source, and there are a variety of bug powders and snacks that have been on the market over the past several years." "Eating cicadas once every 17 years won't solve our current challenges surrounding food security and sustainability," said Slavin, "but the novelty of it may help to educate people about edible insects being a possible way for us to address these important issues of our time." The study looked at the Wandel Sea north of Greenland, which is inside what's known as the "Last Ice Area" of the Arctic Ocean. Credit: Schweiger et al./Communications Earth & Environment In a rapidly changing Arctic, one area might serve as a refugea place that could continue to harbor ice-dependent species when conditions in nearby areas become inhospitable. This region north of Greenland and the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago has been termed the Last Ice Area. But research led by the University of Washington suggests that parts of this area are already showing a decline in summer sea ice. Last August, sea ice north of Greenland showed its vulnerability to the long-term effects of climate change, according to a study published July 1 in the open-access journal Communications Earth & Environment. "Current thinking is that this area may be the last refuge for ice-dependent species. So if, as our study shows, it may be more vulnerable to climate change than people have been assuming, that's important," said lead author Axel Schweiger, a polar scientist at the UW Applied Physics Laboratory. How the last ice-covered regions will fare matters for polar bears that use the ice to hunt for seals that use the ice for building dens for their young, and for walruses that use the ice as a platform for foraging. "This area has long been expected to be the primary refuge for ice-dependent species because it is one of the last places where we expect summer sea ice to survive in the Arctic," said co-author Kristin Laidre, a principal scientist at the UW Applied Physics Laboratory. The study focused on sea ice in August 2020 in the Wandel Sea, an area that used to be covered year-round in thick, multi-year ice. A polar bear is perched on a thick chunk of sea ice north of Greenland in March 2016. These thicker, older pieces of sea ice don't fully protect the larger region from losing its summer ice cover. Credit: Kristin Laidre/University of Washington "Sea ice circulates through the Arctic, it has a particular pattern, and it naturally ends up piling up against Greenland and the northern Canadian coast," Schweiger said. "In climate models, when you spin them forward over the coming century, that area has the tendency to have ice survive in the summer the longest." Like other parts of the Arctic Ocean, the ice here has been gradually thinning, though last spring's sea ice in the Wandel Sea was on average slightly thicker than previous years. But satellite images showed a record low of just 50% sea ice concentration on Aug. 14, 2020. The new study uses satellite data and sea ice models to determine what caused last summer's record low. It finds that about 80% was due to weather-related factors, like winds that break up and move the ice around. The other 20%, or one-fifth, was from the longer-term thinning of the sea ice due to global warming. The model simulated the period from June 1 to Aug. 16 and found that unusual winds moved sea ice out of the area, but that the multiyear thinning trend also contributed, by allowing more sunlight to warm the ocean. Then, when winds picked up, this warm water was able to melt the nearby ice floes. The record-low ice concentration in 2020 was surprising because the average ice thickness at the beginning of summer was actually close to normal. This photo of sea ice on the Wandel Sea north of Greenland was taken Aug. 16, 2020, from the German icebreaker Polarstern, which passed through the area as part of the year-long MOSAiC Expedition. This area used to remain fully covered in ice throughout the year. Satellite images show that Aug. 14, 2020, was a record low sea ice concentration for this region, at 50%. Credit: Felix Linhardt/Kiel University "During the winter and spring of 2020 you had patches of older, thicker ice that had drifted into there, but there was enough thinner, newer ice that melted to expose open ocean," Schweiger said. "That began a cycle of absorbing heat energy to melt more ice, in spite of the fact that there was some thick ice. So in years where you replenish the ice cover in this region with older and thicker ice, that doesn't seem to help as much as you might expect." The results raise concerns about the Last Ice Area but can't immediately be applied to the entire region, Schweiger said. Also unknown is how more open water in this region would affect ice-dependent species over the short and long terms. "We know very little about marine mammals in the Last Ice Area," said Laidre, who is also an associate professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. "We have almost no historical or present-day data, and the reality is that there are a lot more questions than answers about the future of these populations." Explore further Sudden stratospheric warming linked to open water in polar ice pack More information: Accelerated sea ice loss in the Wandel Sea points to a change in the Arctic's Last Ice Area, Communications Earth & Environment, DOI: 10.1038/s43247-021-00197-5 , www.nature.com/articles/s43247-021-00197-5 Journal information: Communications Earth & Environment Accelerated sea ice loss in the Wandel Sea points to a change in the Arctic's Last Ice Area, Spotted lanternfly hatchlings emerge from egg cells on an Ailanthus altissima tree. New hatchlings are initially white in color before their exoskeletons harden and turn black in color. Credit: Erica Smyers Research conducted by scientists in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences has led to the creation of an online tool that can help predict seasonal egg hatch for spotted lanternflies. The spotted lanternfly, an invasive insect from Asia, was discovered in North America in Berks County in 2014. The pest since has spread to at least 34 Pennsylvania counties. It also has become established in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. PestWatch uses weather records available for specific dates and durations to provide an estimate of first instar emergence based on current temperature conditions, noted lead researcher Erica Smyers, a doctoral candidate in entomology. The tool allows users to zero in on a geographic region to view the probability of egg hatch for that location based on the weather conditions experienced there to the present date. The hatch percentage is displayed using color gradients ranging from light yellow representing zero hatches to dark burgundy for 100% hatch. As of June 30, this map shows primarily burgundy throughout the country, meaning that in any area where lanternfly might be present, sufficient heat has accumulated for the eggs to have hatched. "The spotted lanternfly poses a significant threat to Pennsylvania agriculture, landscapes and natural ecosystemsincluding the grape, hardwood and nursery industriesas well as to outdoor recreation, backyard enjoyment and biodiversity," Smyers said. "Having a better idea of when eggs will hatch can help with control tactics to reduce the number of first-instar nymphs." Citizens and the agricultural industry can use this tool, which is located at stopSLF.org under "resources," to make decisions about timing and management strategies, she pointed out. Government agencies, university researchers and extension professionals also should find it helpful in their monitoring and surveillance efforts. Smyers explained that there are maximum and minimum temperatures that govern insect growth. These thresholds differ between species and even can vary within a species when a population adapts to a specific geographic location to survive in its environmental conditions. The insects must accumulate a certain amount of heat from their environment before transitioning to their next life stage. An insect's temperature thresholds can be determined through controlled-temperature laboratory experiments. Scientists can use these thresholds to estimate the amount of heat unitscalled growing degree daysthat an insect needs to transition to the next phase of life, noted Smyers, who worked under the guidance of Julie Urban, associate research professor of entomology, and Dennis Calvin, an entomologist who also is a former associate dean and director of special programs in the college. A tray of spotted lanternfly egg masses during the constant temperature study. Sets of 30 egg masses were placed inside temperature-controlled environmental chambers to study the effects of constant temperature on egg developmental rate. Credit: Erica Smyers Similar growing degree day models are used by growers to predict the timing of the development of their crops. "We wanted to see how the minimum, or base temperature, for spotted lanternfly egg development in Pennsylvania populations compared with those in South Korea, where the insect also is an invasive," she said. "We then could use this information, along with observed hatch data from field sites at different geographic locations, to create a model for predicting hatch over time and space." The experiments, the findings of which were published in Environmental Entomology, took place from 2016 through 2019 in a quarantine research lab at Penn State's University Park campus and at a residential property in Oley, Pennsylvania. The homeowners, Tracy and Chris Kolb, had been dealing with spotted lanternflies on their property for some time. Not only did they agree to allow Smyers to conduct her research in their backyard, but they also invited her to stay at their home while conducting her studies. "My stay with the Kolbs was one of the most memorable experiences of my student career," Smyers said. "I would wake up every morning and spend the day in the woods behind their home, counting newly hatched nymphs on egg masses. For an entomologist, it could not be better." During these field studies, which spanned three months in the spring of 2017, Smyers observed 112 marked egg masses every one to two days throughout May and every three to six days in June for the emergence of first-instar nymphs. She recorded the number of new hatchlings on an egg mass and open egg cells for each sampling interval. Temperature loggers took readings every hour. In the controlled lab studies, Smyers evaluated sets of 30 individual egg masses at five constant temperatures of 67, 76, 77, 80 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. After placing the egg masses in incubation chambers, the entomologists monitored the temperature and humidity conditions. The researchers inspected the chambers regularly for newly emerged first-instar nymphs to determine the days to hatch for the entire population. Smyers found that the egg developmental rate increased as the constant temperature increased in the laboratory experiments. When compared to similar experiments performed by researchers in South Korea, the individual studies resulted in different minimum temperatures; however, the egg developmental rates were not statistically different. "That meant we were able to combine the data from the different studies to determine an average model and minimum temperature value to describe the relationship between temperature and the rate of egg development," said Smyers. By combining results from the lab experiments with her field experiment, Smyers constructed a model for predicting percentage of hatch. A research group from Virginia Tech verified the use of the model through hatch observations in Winchester, Virginia, in 2019. Explore further Researchers study lanternfly's potential to harm grapevines Credit: CC0 Public Domain As the COVID-19 pandemic exploded across the globe in early 2020, the world's leaders were faced with a flurry of tough moral dilemmas. Should schools and businesses shut down, and if so, for how long? Who should receive scarce resources, such as ventilators, when there wouldn't be enough for everyone? Should people be required to practice contact tracing to control the spread of infection? Should life-saving medicine be held for a country's own citizens or shared with those in greater need? Some global leaders advocated for a utilitarian approach to these dilemmas: impartially maximizing the greatest good for the greatest number of people, even if that would come at the cost of harming a minority of the population. Utilitarianism, however, is a controversial way of making moral decisions and those who use this approach might not be viewed as trustworthy. In a new study, Molly Crockett, an associate professor of psychology at Yale, examined whether people trust leaders who make utilitarian decisions during a pandemic. To find out, she and her co-first authorsYale's Clara Colombatto and the University of Kent's Jim Everettassembled a multidisciplinary team of 37 international researchers to study people's trust in leaders around the globe. In a series of online experiments conducted as cases surged late in 2020, the team asked nearly 24,000 people in 22 countries whether the endorsement or rejection of utilitarian policies impacted their trust in leaders. The results, published July 1 in the journal Nature Human Behavior, show people had a nuanced view when judging the policy decisions of leaders. People tended to trust utilitarian leaders who sought to save the most lives around the globe, rather than favoring their own citizens. But they were far less willing to trust those whose policy decisions would sacrifice the well-being of some for the benefit of others. For instance, a shortage of ventilators led some leaders to propose reserving them for younger people more likely to survive a severe case of COVID-19. People tended to distrust leaders who accepted this form of utilitarianism, known as instrumental harm. However, they bestowed more trust in those who would share scarce medicine in regions globally where it is most needed, an aspect of utilitarianism called impartial beneficence. The results were consistent across the countries studied, which included Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These patterns held regardless of whether or not people personally agreed with the leader's policy decision. "People do prefer leaders who agree with them on policies, but even after we control for individual policy preferences, people generally trust leaders who endorse impartial beneficence and distrust leaders who accept instrumental harm," said Colombatto, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Psychology. Everett concluded, "When communicating during a crisis, leaders should be aware that utilitarian approaches to moral dilemmas can both erode and enhance trusteven when the leaders themselves doesn't have the power to resolve them." Pandemic choices: Do you trust leaders who make these? Researchers asked almost 24,000 people in 22 countries to read about moral dilemmas leaders faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two examples of those tough moral choices are below. After learning about the leaders' decisions, respondents were asked to rate how trustworthy they thought those leaders were, and to make decisions about whether to trust each leader with control of a group's financial resources. Subjects were also asked whether they would vote for a leader who took a particular policy position. A demonstration of the trust rating survey is available here: https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ekzXerwo4NHMzyK Medicine Dilemma Non-Utilitarian Leader Imagine that the mayor of a major city in your region is arguing that U.S.-made medicine should be reserved for treating American citizens. This mayor said, "We have a right to use our own resources to help our own citizens before everyone else. Other countries can produce their own treatments for COVID-19." Average self-reported trust: 3.93 out of 7; votes: 38.93% Utilitarian Leader Imagine that the mayor of a major city in your region is arguing that U.S.-made medicine should be given to whoever needs it most, even if that means sending it to other countries. This mayor said, "COVID-19 is a global pandemic that affects all humans equally. We need to be impartial and send treatment where it can achieve the greatest good." Average self-reported trust: 4.57 out of 7; votes: 61.07% Ventilators Dilemma Non-Utilitarian Leader Imagine that the mayor of a major city in your region is arguing that doctors should give everyone equal access to COVID treatment. This mayor said, :It's not our place to choose who lives. Everyone has the same right to receive equal access to treatment, and we cannot abandon our most vulnerable in an effort to save more lives." Average self-reported trust: 5.41 out of 7; votes: 85.15% Utilitarian Leader Imagine that the mayor of a major city in your region is arguing that younger and healthier people should be prioritized for COVID treatment. This mayor said, "We have to think about how we can do the most good with the resources we have, and that means prioritizing those people who have the best chance of recovering and living a long and healthy life." Average self-reported trust: 2.97 out of 7; votes: 14.85% Explore further Anxieties about side-effects and perceived trial uncertainties driving vaccine hesitancy This infographic outlines the layers of Earth's atmosphere. Click to explore in full size. Credit: NASA The sky isn't falling, but scientists have found that parts of the upper atmosphere are gradually contracting in response to rising human-made greenhouse gas emissions. Combined data from three NASA satellites have produced a long-term record that reveals the mesosphere, the layer of the atmosphere 30 to 50 miles above the surface, is cooling and contracting. Scientists have long predicted this effect of human-driven climate change, but it has been difficult to observe the trends over time. "You need several decades to get a handle on these trends and isolate what's happening due to greenhouse gas emissions, solar cycle changes, and other effects," said Scott Bailey, an atmospheric scientist at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, and lead of the study, published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. "We had to put together three satellites' worth of data." Together, the satellites provided about 30 years of observations, indicating that the summer mesosphere over Earth's poles is cooling four to five degrees Fahrenheit and contracting 500 to 650 feet per decade. Without changes in human carbon dioxide emissions, the researchers expect these rates to continue. Since the mesosphere is much thinner than the part of the atmosphere we live in, the impacts of increasing greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, differ from the warming we experience at the surface. One researcher compared where we live, the troposphere, to a thick quilt. "Down near Earth's surface, the atmosphere is thick," said James Russell, a study co-author and atmospheric scientist at Hampton University in Virginia. "Carbon dioxide traps heat just like a quilt traps your body heat and keeps you warm." In the lower atmosphere, there are plenty of molecules in close proximity, and they easily trap and transfer Earth's heat between each other, maintaining that quilt-like warmth. That means little of Earth's heat makes it to the higher, thinner mesosphere. There, molecules are few and far between. Since carbon dioxide also efficiently emits heat, any heat captured by carbon dioxide sooner escapes to space than it finds another molecule to absorb it. As a result, an increase in greenhouses gases like carbon dioxide means more heat is lost to spaceand the upper atmosphere cools. When air cools, it contracts, the same way a balloon shrinks if you put it in the freezer. This cooling and contracting didn't come as a surprise. For years, "models have been showing this effect," said Brentha Thurairajah, a Virginia Tech atmospheric scientist who contributed to the study. "It would have been weirder if our analysis of the data didn't show this." While previous studies have observed this cooling, none have used a data record of this length or shown the upper atmosphere contracting. The researchers say these new results boost their confidence in our ability to model the upper atmosphere's complicated changes. These AIM images span June 6-June 18, 2021, when the Northern Hemisphere noctilucent cloud season was well underway. The colors from dark blue to light blue and bright white indicate the clouds albedo, which refers to the amount of light that a surface reflects compared to the total sunlight that falls upon it. Things that have a high albedo are bright and reflect a lot of light. Things that dont reflect much light have a low albedo, and they are dark. Credit: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM/Joy Ng The team analyzed how temperature and pressure changed over 29 years, using all three data sets, which covered the summer skies of the North and South Poles. They examined the stretch of sky 30 to 60 miles above the surface. At most altitudes, the mesosphere cooled as carbon dioxide increased. That effect meant the height of any given atmospheric pressure fell as the air cooled. In other words, the mesosphere was contracting. Earth's Middle Atmosphere Though what happens in the mesosphere does not directly impact humans, the region is an important one. The upper boundary of the mesosphere, about 50 miles above Earth, is where the coolest atmospheric temperatures are found. It's also where the neutral atmosphere begins transitioning to the tenuous, electrically charged gases of the ionosphere. Even higher up, 150 miles above the surface, atmospheric gases cause satellite drag, the friction that tugs satellites out of orbit. Satellite drag also helps clear space junk. When the mesosphere contracts, the rest of the upper atmosphere above sinks with it. As the atmosphere contracts, satellite drag may waneinterfering less with operating satellites, but also leaving more space junk in low-Earth orbit. The mesosphere is also known for its brilliant blue ice clouds. They're called noctilucent or polar mesospheric clouds, so named because they live in the mesosphere and tend to huddle around the North and South Poles. The clouds form in summer, when the mesosphere has all three ingredients to produce the clouds: water vapor, very cold temperatures, and dust from meteors that burn up in this part of the atmosphere. Noctilucent clouds were spotted over northern Canada on May 20, kicking off the start of the Northern Hemisphere's noctilucent cloud season. Because the clouds are sensitive to temperature and water vapor, they're a useful signal of change in the mesosphere. "We understand the physics of these clouds," Bailey said. In recent decades, the clouds have drawn scientists' attention because they're behaving oddly. They're getting brighter, drifting farther from the poles, and appearing earlier than usual. And, there seem to be more of them than in years past. "The only way you would expect them to change this way is if the temperature is getting colder and water vapor is increasing," Russell said. Colder temperatures and abundant water vapor are both linked with climate change in the upper atmosphere. Currently, Russell serves as principal investigator for AIM, short for Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, the newest satellite of the three that contributed data to the study. Russell has served as a leader on all three NASA missions: AIM, the instrument SABER on TIMED (Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics), and the instrument HALOE on the since-retired UARS (Upper Atmospherics Research Satellite). TIMED and AIM launched in 2001 and 2007, respectively, and both are still operating. The UARS mission ran from 1991 to 2005. "I always had in my mind that we would be able to put them together in a long-term change study," Russell said. The study, he said, demonstrates the importance of long-term, space-based observations across the globe. In the future, the researchers expect more striking displays of noctilucent clouds that stray farther from the poles. Because this analysis focused on the poles at summertime, Bailey said he plans to examine these effects over longer periods of time andfollowing the cloudsstudy a wider stretch of the atmosphere. Explore further NASA's AIM spots first Arctic noctilucent clouds of the season Physicists at MIT and elsewhere have used gravitational waves to observationally confirm Hawkings black hole area theorem for the first time. This computer simulation shows the collision of two black holes that produced the gravitational wave signal, GW150914. Credit: Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) project. Courtesy of LIGO There are certain rules that even the most extreme objects in the universe must obey. A central law for black holes predicts that the area of their event horizonsthe boundary beyond which nothing can ever escapeshould never shrink. This law is Hawking's area theorem, named after physicist Stephen Hawking, who derived the theorem in 1971. Fifty years later, physicists at MIT and elsewhere have now confirmed Hawking's area theorem for the first time, using observations of gravitational waves. Their results appear today in Physical Review Letters. In the study, the researchers take a closer look at GW150914, the first gravitational wave signal detected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), in 2015. The signal was a product of two inspiraling black holes that generated a new black hole, along with a huge amount of energy that rippled across space-time as gravitational waves. If Hawking's area theorem holds, then the horizon area of the new black hole should not be smaller than the total horizon area of its parent black holes. In the new study, the physicists reanalyzed the signal from GW150914 before and after the cosmic collision and found that indeed, the total event horizon area did not decrease after the mergera result that they report with 95 percent confidence. Their findings mark the first direct observational confirmation of Hawking's area theorem, which has been proven mathematically but never observed in nature until now. The team plans to test future gravitational-wave signals to see if they might further confirm Hawking's theorem or be a sign of new, law-bending physics. "It is possible that there's a zoo of different compact objects, and while some of them are the black holes that follow Einstein and Hawking's laws, others may be slightly different beasts," says lead author Maximiliano Isi, a NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow in MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. "So, it's not like you do this test once and it's over. You do this once, and it's the beginning." Isi's co-authors on the paper are Will Farr of Stony Brook University and the Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Astrophysics, Matthew Giesler of Cornell University, Mark Scheel of Caltech, and Saul Teukolsky of Cornell University and Caltech. An age of insights In 1971, Stephen Hawking proposed the area theorem, which set off a series of fundamental insights about black hole mechanics. The theorem predicts that the total area of a black hole's event horizonand all black holes in the universe, for that mattershould never decrease. The statement was a curious parallel of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy, or degree of disorder within an object, should also never decrease. The similarity between the two theories suggested that black holes could behave as thermal, heat-emitting objectsa confounding proposition, as black holes by their very nature were thought to never let energy escape, or radiate. Hawking eventually squared the two ideas in 1974, showing that black holes could have entropy and emit radiation over very long timescales if their quantum effects were taken into account. This phenomenon was dubbed "Hawking radiation" and remains one of the most fundamental revelations about black holes. "It all started with Hawking's realization that the total horizon area in black holes can never go down," Isi says. "The area law encapsulates a golden age in the '70s where all these insights were being produced." Hawking and others have since shown that the area theorem works out mathematically, but there had been no way to check it against nature until LIGO's first detection of gravitational waves. Hawking, on hearing of the result, quickly contacted LIGO co-founder Kip Thorne, the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech. His question: Could the detection confirm the area theorem? At the time, researchers did not have the ability to pick out the necessary information within the signal, before and after the merger, to determine whether the final horizon area did not decrease, as Hawking's theorem would assume. It wasn't until several years later, and the development of a technique by Isi and his colleagues, when testing the area law became feasible. Before and after In 2019, Isi and his colleagues developed a technique to extract the reverberations immediately following GW150914's peakthe moment when the two parent black holes collided to form a new black hole. The team used the technique to pick out specific frequencies, or tones of the otherwise noisy aftermath, that they could use to calculate the final black hole's mass and spin. A black hole's mass and spin are directly related to the area of its event horizon, and Thorne, recalling Hawking's query, approached them with a follow-up: Could they use the same technique to compare the signal before and after the merger, and confirm the area theorem? The researchers took on the challenge, and again split the GW150914 signal at its peak. They developed a model to analyze the signal before the peak, corresponding to the two inspiraling black holes, and to identify the mass and spin of both black holes before they merged. From these estimates, they calculated their total horizon areasan estimate roughly equal to about 235,000 square kilometers, or roughly nine times the area of Massachusetts. They then used their previous technique to extract the "ringdown," or reverberations of the newly formed black hole, from which they calculated its mass and spin, and ultimately its horizon area, which they found was equivalent to 367,000 square kilometers (approximately 13 times the Bay State's area). "The data show with overwhelming confidence that the horizon area increased after the merger, and that the area law is satisfied with very high probability," Isi says. "It was a relief that our result does agree with the paradigm that we expect, and does confirm our understanding of these complicated black hole mergers." The team plans to further test Hawking's area theorem, and other longstanding theories of black hole mechanics, using data from LIGO and Virgo, its counterpart in Italy. "It's encouraging that we can think in new, creative ways about gravitational-wave data, and reach questions we thought we couldn't before," Isi says. "We can keep teasing out pieces of information that speak directly to the pillars of what we think we understand. One day, this data may reveal something we didn't expect." Explore further Gravitational wave echoes may confirm Stephen Hawking's hypothesis of quantum black holes This story is republished courtesy of MIT News (web.mit.edu/newsoffice/), a popular site that covers news about MIT research, innovation and teaching. Credit: University of Manchester New collaborative research led by Manchester Museum, part of The University of Manchester, has resulted in the first scientific description of an extremely rare tadpole. The Cruziohyla calcarifer, also known as the Splendid Tree Frog or Leaf Frog, originates from Ecuador and is extremely difficult to observe in the wild. Less than 50 adult specimens have ever been found, and five of its tadpoles are currently being housed at Manchester Museum. Almost nothing has been known of the frogs' breeding biology to date and a visual description of it in tadpole form has never existed. Following captive breeding in Germany, an extensive piece of research led by Andrew Gray of Manchester Museum, which details of the tadpole's unusual appearance, have now been published. It is characterised in having a distinctive mouth shape and unusual markings. Andrew Gray, Curator of Herpetology at Manchester Museum explained: "We're delighted that we can now clearly visualise the tadpole of the Cruzihyla calcarifer for the first time ever. It has a couple of distinguishing features including what looks like the letter M on its backso it's very fitting that part of the research took place here in Manchester! Credit: University of Manchester Credit: University of Manchester Credit: University of Manchester "Once fully grown, the adult frog has black and orange flanks along the body, and a brilliant yellow surround to its beautiful grey eyes. "This work represents a wonderful collaboration between a researcher from Germany, the museum in Paris, and a PHD student from The University of Manchester's faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. It also exemplifies Manchester Museum's mission to build understanding between cultures and a more sustainable world." This break-through follows another key scientific description at Manchester Museum, where a new species to science, Sylvia's Leaf Frog was also described. The Manchester Museum was the first institution to breed that species, where the vivarium team recreate the exact conditions the frog enjoys in Costa Rica, Central America. Explore further Spectacular frog identified as new species Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Six decades after Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit Earth, earning Moscow a key win in the Cold War, Russia is again in a space race with Washington. This time though the stakes are somewhat glitzier. On October 5, one of Russia's most celebrated actresses, 36-year-old Yulia Peresild is blasting off to the International Space Station (ISS) with film director Klim Shipenko, 38. Their mission? Shoot the first film in orbit before the Americans do. If their plan falls into place, the Russians are expected to beat Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise and Hollywood director Doug Liman, who were first to announce their project together with NASA and Space X, the company of billionaire Elon Musk. "I really want us to be not only the first but also the best," Peresild told AFP, with the clock ticking down to the planned October 5 blast-off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Callthe Russian project's working titlewas announced in September last year, four months after the Hollywood project. But apart from its grand ambitions, little is known about the film. Doctor who? Its plot, which has been kept under wraps by the crew and Russia's space agency, has been revealed by Russian media outlets to feature a doctor dispatched urgently to the ISS to save a cosmonaut. Nor has The Call's budget been disclosed. But it's no secret that travel to space is a costly business: one seat on a Soyuz rocket to the ISS usually costs NASA tens of millions of dollars. Hinting at the film's aesthetic direction, one big name on the credit list is Konstantin Ernst, the 60-year-old head of the overtly Kremlin-friendly Channel One television network. Ernst has stage-managed some of the most important moments in Russia's recent political history and of President Vladimir Putin's career: military parades, inaugurations, the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. Dmitry Rogozin, the outspoken head of Russia's Roscosmos space agency, will also feature when the credits role in theatres throughout the country. He is not known for prominence in the film industry, but rather for presiding over an agency plagued by stagnation and corruptionand for publicly sparring with Musk on Twitter. 'Propaganda tool' For Rogozin, 57, the film is a way to project stature as Roscosmos loses ground in technological advancement to US rivals. But it is also part of a geopolitical battle his country is engaged in with Washington, according to a recent interview he gave to a Moscow tabloid. "Cinema was long ago turned into a powerful propaganda tool," he told popular daily Komsomolskaya Pravda in June. His assessment of the role of film comes at a time when the relationship between Moscow and Washington has frayed to the point of resembling the standoff of the Cold War. Rogozin said in the interview that Cruise and Liman had initially approached Roscosmos in early 2020 to collaborate on the film. But, he said, unnamed "political forces" pressured them to give up on the idea of working with the Russians. "I understood after this that space is big politics," he told the paper. "It was then that an idea appeared to make the film". Representatives of Cruise did not respond to AFP requests for comment. 'Not a superhero' In preparation for this 21st-century space race, Peresild has since late May been undergoing intensive training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Star City outside Moscow. When she spoke to AFP, she had already managed the centrifuge and would be getting trained in how to survive in hostile environments for when she plummets back to Earth in a Soyuz capsule on October 17. Still, she is focused on the task at hand. The tiny film set of the ISS will be a challenging space in which to work, particularly for the director, who will also handle the cameras, lighting, sound and make-up. "We will have to film in space what it is not possible to shoot on Earth," she says. Peresild said that unlike many other Soviet children who grew up with Gagarin's feats looming large, she never dreamed of going to space. She admits to feeling "afraid" when she was selected for the job from a pool of 3,000 candidates. "I am not a superhero," she told AFP. She said she had drawn inspiration from children involved in her Galchonok foundation that supports young people with disabilities. "For them, picking up a spoon is like going to space for me." They "must believe in the impossible". Explore further Russia to send film crew, Japanese billionaire to space 2021 AFP This illustration shows the SWOT satellite in orbit around Earth, with two antennas on either side of the spacecraft, as well as two large solar panels. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Set for launch next year, the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission will help scientists monitor Earth's ocean, as well as the amount of fresh water in its lakes and rivers. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission took a big step toward launch this week when a team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California shipped the scientific heart of the satellite to France. A U.S. Air Force C-17 airplane carrying the hardwarewhich includes finely tuned research instrumentsleft March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, California, on June 27. It arrived June 30 at a Thales Alenia Space clean room facility near Cannes, France, where engineers and technicians will spend the next year integrating the hardware with the rest of the satellite. "Sunday was a long day under very hot conditions, but the team did a great job packing the hardware into the plane. Now that the payload is in France, we're a major step closer to finishing this satellite and getting to launch," said Parag Vaze, SWOT project manager at JPL. SWOT is a collaboration between NASA and the French space agency Centre National d'Etudes Spatial (CNES), with contributions from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA). The SUV-size spacecraft will make global surveys of Earth's surface water. By measuring its height, researchers can track the volume and location of the finite resource around the world. The data will help with monitoring changes in flood plains and wetlands, measure how much fresh water flows into and out of lakes and rivers and back to the ocean, and track regional shifts in sea level. Part of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellites science instrument payload sits in a clean room at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory during assembly. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission (SWOT) will help scientists monitor Earths ocean, as well as the amount of freshwater in its lakes and rivers when it launches in late 2022. After engineers put together the spacecraft's payload of scientific instruments at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, the satellite now moves to Cannes, France, to complete integration before it will be launched in late 2022. Project manager Parag Vaze explains. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The information SWOT will provide on small-scale ocean currents will also support real-time ocean activities like shipping that are affected by tides, currents, storm surges, and other natural phenomena. And SWOT data will provide, for the first time, global observations of how circular currents, called eddies, affect how the ocean stores heat and releases it into the atmosphere, as well as how carbon moves through the marine environment. Several of JPL's engineers and technicians are following the hardware to France. Once there, they'll help their counterparts with CNES and their prime contractor, Thales Alenia Space, complete the build. Once done, SWOT will make the journey back to California, where it will launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base no earlier than November 2022. Explore further International SWOT satellite to survey the world's water More information: To learn more about the mission, visit: To learn more about the mission, visit: swot.jpl.nasa.gov/ The nanowire is suspended between two metal conductors (purple). The superconductor made of aluminium (blue) covers part of it leaving a gap of exposed inner wire made of indium and arsenic (orange). In the setup with the small junction, the scientists expected to see the separated "half-electrons" in the exposed superconductor -- illustrated by portraits of Ettore Majorana, the Italian physicists for whom they were named. But they did not find anything. In the setup with the big junction, the exposed core of the wire formed a quantum dot and its electrons interacted with the electrons in the superconductor coating forming the mimicking signal. Credit: IST Austria Quantum computers promise great advances in many fieldsfrom cryptography to the simulation of protein folding. Yet, which physical system works best to build the underlying quantum bits is still an open question. Unlike regular bits in your computer, these so-called qubits cannot only take the values 0 and 1, but also mixtures of the two. While this potentially makes them very useful, they also become very unstable. One approach to solve this problem bets on topological qubits that encode the information in their spatial arrangement. That could provide a more stable and error-resistant basis for computation than other setups. The problem is that no one has ever definitely found a topological qubit yet. An international team of researchers from Austria, Copenhagen, and Madrid around Marco Valentini from the Nanoelectronics group at IST Austria now have examined a setup which was predicted to produce the so-called Majorana zero modesthe core ingredient for a topological qubit. They found that a valid signal for such modes can in fact be a false flag. Half of an electron The experimental setup is composed of a tiny wire just some hundred nanometerssome millionths of a millimeterlong, grown by Peter Krogstrup from Microsoft Quantum and University of Copenhagen. These appropriately-called nanowires form a free-floating connection between two metal conductors on a chip. They are coated with a superconducting material that loses all electrical resistance at very low temperatures. The coating goes all the way up to a tiny part left at one end of the wire, which forms a crucial part of the setup: the junction. The whole contraption is then exposed to a magnetic field. Printed circuit board for mounting the nanowire sample. Credit: IST Austria The scientists' theories predicted that Majorana zero modesthe basis for the topological qubit they were looking forshould appear in the nanowire. These Majorana zero modes are a strange phenomenon, because they started out as a mathematical trick to describe one electron in the wire as composed of two halves. Usually, physicists do not think of electrons as something that can be split, but using this nanowire setup it should have been possible so separate these "half-electrons" and to use them as qubits. "We were excited to work on this very promising material platform," explains Marco Valentini, who joined IST Austria as an intern before becoming a Ph.D. student in the Nanoelectronics group. "What we expected to see was the signal of Majorana zero modes in the nanowire, but we found nothing. First, we were confused, then frustrated. Eventually, and in close collaboration with our colleagues from the Theory of Quantum Materials and Solid State Quantum Technologies group in Madrid, we examined the setup, and found out what was wrong with it." A false flag After attempting to find the signatures of the Majorana zero modes, the researchers began to vary the nanowire setup to check whether any effects from its architecture were disturbing their experiment. "We did several experiments on different setups to find out what was going wrong," Valentini explains. "It took us a while, but when we doubled the length of the uncoated junction from a hundred nanometers to two hundred, we found our culprit." Marco Valentini working in the lab. Credit: IST Austria When the junction was big enough the following happened: The exposed inner nanowire formed a so-called quantum dota tiny speck of matter that shows special quantum mechanical properties due to its confined geometry. The electrons in this quantum dot could then interact with the ones in the coating superconductor next to it, and by that mimic the signal of the "half-electrons"the Majorana zero modeswhich the scientists were looking for. "This unexpected conclusion came after we established the theoretical model of how the quantum dot interacts with the superconductor in a magnetic field and compared the experimental data with detailed simulations performed by Fernando Penaranda, a Ph.D. student in the Madrid team," says Valentini. "Mistaking this mimicking signal for a Majorana zero mode shows us how careful we have to be in our experiments and in our conclusions," Valentini cautions. "While this may seem like a step back in the search for Majorana zero modes, it actually is a crucial step forward in understanding nanowires and their experimental signals. This finding shows that the cycle of discovery and critical examination among international peers is central to the advancement of scientific knowledge." Explore further One-dimensional quantum nanowires fertile ground for majorana zero modes More information: M. Valentini el al., "Nontopological zero-bias peaks in full-shell nanowires induced by flux-tunable Andreev states," Science (2021). Journal information: Science M. Valentini el al., "Nontopological zero-bias peaks in full-shell nanowires induced by flux-tunable Andreev states,"(2021). science.sciencemag.org/lookup/ 1126/science.abf1513 The Great Barrier Reef has now suffered three mass coral bleaching events in the past five years, losing half its corals since 1995. Five climate and marine experts wrote to UNESCO on Thursday to thank it for threatening to put Australia's Great Barrier Reef on its list of endangered World Heritage sites in a step that has angered the Australian government. The UN's cultural agency "made the right decision to recommend that the world's most iconic Reef system be inscribed on the List of World Heritage In Danger," said the five. In a draft report ahead of a key meeting in China from July 16-31, the UN body last month recommended that the world's largest reef system, the jewel in Australia's tourism crown, be downgraded because of damage to the corals, chiefly from global warming. "It's a warning to the international community and all of humanity that the coral ecosystem is in danger," Fanny Douvere, the head of UNESCO's World Heritage marine programme, said at the time, emphasising that the decision was made on the basis of scientific reports coming out of Australia itself. Applauding the move, the scientists said that protecting the reef "requires effective global action to reduce carbon emissions". "Yet Australia has so far not pulled its weight in this global effort," said Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and Terry Hughes of the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, Andrea Grottoli of the International Coral Reef Society, Johan Rockstroem of Germany's Potsdam Institute for Climate Research and American marine biologist Sylvia Earle. This echoed complaints from climate activists over Australia's refusal to commit to a target of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. Placement on the UN body's heritage "in danger" list is not considered a sanction but it is seen as a dishonour by some countries. Australia has lobbied hard against the move, which could severely impact the tourist appeal of the reef. Canberra has accused UNESCO of playing politics with the reef and said it will strongly oppose it being put on the endangered list. Last week, the UNESCO envoys of Australia and 11 other countries wrote to the Paris-based body to share their "collective concerns" over its decision-making. In the letter, published by the Guardian newspaper, the ambassadors of the UK, France, Spain, Turkey and other countries said that UNESCO had "limited ability" to "evaluate and analyse reports" and to visit World Heritage sites during the Covid-19 pandemic. They said any recommendations about world heritage sites should be based on "close consultation" with the country involved. The reef, which was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1981, is one of seven sites threatened with being classed as "in danger" due to ecological damage, overdevelopment, overtourism or security concerns. The Italian city of Venice, which has been overrun with tourists and cruise ships, also risks being added to the heritage in danger list. Meanwhile the waterfront of the English city of Liverpool, which is undergoing a major redevelopment, risks being deleted entirely, a move which has infuriated municipal leaders. Steve Rotheram, mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said the decision risked being taken "sat around a table on the other side of the world." The recommendations will be examined at the meeting of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee in Fuzhou, China from July 16. Explore further Australia hits out at threatened UN downgrade of Great Barrier Reef 2021 AFP Bonobo nest in varying stages of decay. Credit: MPI of Animal Behavior/ Barbara Fruth There might be fewer bonobos left in the wild than we thought. For the last 40 years, scientists have estimated the abundance of endangered bonobos by counting the numbers of sleeping nests left by the apes in forests of the Congo Basin. Now, researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior report that the rate of sleeping nest 'decay' has lengthened by 17 days over the last 15 years as a result of declining rainfall in the Congo Basin. The study warns that longer nest decay times have serious implications for ape conservation: failure to account for these changes would lead to overestimating population density by up to 60 percent, subsequently jeopardizing conservation of these endangered great apes in the wild. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) are a species of great ape similar to chimpanzees that are found only in the rainforests of the Congo Basinthe second largest forest area of the planet and known as one of Earth's 'green lungs.' The study of the LuiKotale Bonobo Project, which is part of an ongoing collaboration with scientists at Liverpool John Moores University, the Centre for Research and Conservation, and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, aimed to assess the influence of weather on the decomposition of bonobo sleeping platforms, also called nests. In the LuiKotale research site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the scientists studied 15 years of climate data, including rainfall, and 1,511 bonobo nests observed from construction to disappearance. "While climate change is known to be impacting Central African rainforests, a lack of real data from the Congo Basin meant that we didn't know how this was affecting the region and bonobos," says Barbara Fruth, Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Konstanz, Germany, who is senior author on the study. "Our study provides evidence that the world's largest freshwater reservoir is suffering from climate change," she says. Bonobos, like other great apes, build sleeping platforms each night. These nests are used by scientists to estimate numbers of apes in the wild. Credit: MPI of Animal Behavior/ Barbara Fruth How to convert nest counts into ape counts This troubling trend has added importance for bonobos, and great apes in general, because their populations are estimated not by counting actual apes, but rather the nests left by the primates each night. Knowing how fast these nests disappear is essential for converting nest counts to ape counts. The study's results showed a steady decline of rainfall across years and the impact of this on bonobo nest decay times. Less rain meant that nests persisted for longer in the forest. Further, the scientists observed bonobos using more solid construction types in response to more unpredictable storms. The connection between nest decay and climate change is relevant to conservation of all great apes because nest counts are used as the "gold standard for estimating their populations," says first author Mattia Bessone, a Ph.D. student at Liverpool John Moores University who is working on validating cutting-edge methods for assessing threatened species. "As climate change continues to affect both the process of nest decay and ape nest building behavior, great ape nest decomposition times are likely only to increase further in future years. "We stress the absolute necessity to take into account the specific impact of climate on nests in areas where these are being used to surveying great apes. Failure to do so will invalidate biomonitoring estimates of global significance and subsequently jeopardize the conservation of great apes in the wild." Explore further Bonobo diet of aquatic greens may hold clues to human evolution More information: Mattia Bessone et al, No time to rest: How the effects of climate change on nest decay threaten the conservation of apes in the wild, PLOS ONE (2021). Journal information: PLoS ONE Mattia Bessone et al, No time to rest: How the effects of climate change on nest decay threaten the conservation of apes in the wild,(2021). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252527 The jellyfish, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, from Naples, Italy hosts the symbiotic algae Philozoon medusarum. Credit: Marco Cannavacciuolo In the late 1800s, scientists were stumped by the "yellow cells" they were observing within the tissues of certain temperate marine animals, including sea anemones, corals and jellyfish. Were these cells part of the animal or separate organisms? If separate, were they parasites or did they confer a benefit to the host? In a paper published in the journal Nature in 1882, biologist Sir Patrick Geddes of Edinburgh University proffered that not only were these cells distinct entities, but they were also beneficial to the animals in which they lived. He assigned them to a new genus, Philozoonfrom the Greek phileo, meaning "to love as a friend," and zoon, meaning "animal'and then promptly changed his career direction to pioneer professions in urban planning and design. Over time, Geddes's scientific contributions were largely forgotten, and the Philozoon genus name was never used. Now, more than a century after Geddes's paper was published, an international team of researchers has revisited these "yellow cells," which, after Geddes, had been determined to be photosynthetic algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae. In a study published in the June 28 issue of the European Journal of Phycology, the team resurrected the genus Philozoon by using modern technologies to thoroughly characterize two of the species of algae that Geddes had investigated, along with six new related ones. "Patrick Geddes was ahead of his time in recognizing the ecological significance of the 'yellow cells' found in some animals were actually distinct entitiesmicro-algal symbiontsexisting inside the animal's tissues and creating a photosynthetic animal. That was a major revelation. In fact, we now know that microorganisms live in partnership with all multicellular organisms; for example, the bacteria that comprise our human gut microbiomes are essential for our overall health," said Todd LaJeunesse, professor of biology, Penn State, and lead author of the paper. "By emending and reviving the Philozoon genus, we are honoring the work of this natural historian." Portrait of Sir Patrick Geddes (c. 1888) at the age of 34, several years after publishing observations from his experiments on animals containing chlorophyll. Credit: libraryblogs.is.ed.ac.uk LaJeunesse and his colleagues used genetic information; outward physical, or morphological, characteristics; ecological traits; and geographic distributions to define the diversity found within the newly recognized Philozoon genus. They obtained animal samplesincluding from soft and stony corals, jellyfish, and sea anemonesfrom locations all over the world. They also obtained samples from Italy where Geddes first conducted his original research. "Because our team comprises scientists from seven countries, we were able to collect all of these samples, and some during the global pandemic," said LaJeunesse. "This study highlights how the spirit of scientific discovery brings people together, even in times of hardship." "The fact that these algae exist in animals from the Mediterranean Sea to New Zealand to Chile reminds us how widespread these symbioses are on Earth," said LaJeunesse. "Also, since most of the algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae have been thought to be mostly tropical where they are critical to the formation of coral reefs, finding and describing these new species in cold waters highlights the capacity of these symbioses to evolve and live under a broad range of environmental conditions. Life finds a way to persist and proliferate." The team documented that at their northernmost and southernmost latitudinal extremes, Philozoon experience water temperatures that may reach winter lows of nearly 40 degrees F and summer highs of close to 90 F. "The abilities of these Philozoons to withstand a wide range of temperatures is likely due to their diversification during the cooler periods of the late Pliocene and most recent Pleistocene epochs," said LaJeunesse. "This adaptation to a range of temperatures could protect them and the animals with which they associate from some of the effects of climate change, at least in the near term. Similarly, adaptation to high latitude environments may condition Philozoon species to tolerating future increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which could also help make them resilient to some of the effects of ocean acidification." "Yellow cells" of the symbiotic algae, Philozoon collosum, isolated from the soft coral, Capnella gaboensis, collected off the east coast of southern Australia. Credit: Matthew R. Nitschke He added that careful identification and categorization of these symbiotic algae is essential to understanding the biology and evolution of marine animals that rely on these organisms for their survival. "The advanced molecular-genetic techniques available to us today have substantially improved our ability to study and understand these microbes," said Pilar Casado-Amezua, researcher, HyT Association, Spain. "Our new study lays the groundwork for extensive research on the ecological role of animal-algal mutualisms in temperate marine ecosystems." LaJeunesse noted that although there were a handful of other scientists during the late 1800s that were investigating these "yellow cells'," it was Geddes who unequivocally recognized the full significance of the evidence before him. He explained, "In describing the associations between the cells and the host animals, Geddes called them 'animal lichens' and eloquently wrote, 'Such an association is far more complex than that of the fungus and alga in the lichen, and indeed stands unique in the physiology as the highest development, not of parasitism, but of the reciprocity between the animal and vegetable kingdoms.' Geddes vigorously contended that these algae were symbiotic in nature. Now, more than a century after their discovery, the true identities of these algae are finally being properly characterized." Explore further Widespread coral-algae symbioses endured historical climate changes More information: Todd C. LaJeunesse et al, Revival of Philozoon Geddes for host-specialized dinoflagellates, 'zooxanthellae', in animals from coastal temperate zones of northern and southern hemispheres, European Journal of Phycology (2021). Journal information: Nature Todd C. LaJeunesse et al, Revival of Philozoon Geddes for host-specialized dinoflagellates, 'zooxanthellae', in animals from coastal temperate zones of northern and southern hemispheres,(2021). DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2021.1914863 Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The heat wave hitting the northwestern U.S. and Canada has been shattering records, with temperatures 30 degrees Fahrenheit or more above normal. With drought already gripping the West, the intense heat has helped suck even more moisture from millions of acres of forests and grasslands, bringing dead vegetation in many regions to record-dry levels and elevating the fire danger to its highest categories. With this combination of extreme drought, heat and dry vegetation, all it takes is a spark to ignite a wildfire. That's why over 100 fire scientists, including us, along with fire officials across the West, are urging people to skip the fireworks this Fourth of July and to avoid other activities that could start a blaze. Humans start the most wildfires on July Fourth For decades, one of the most striking and predictable patterns of human behavior in the western U.S. has been people accidentally starting fires on the Fourth of July. From 1992 to 2015, more than 7,000 wildfires started in the U.S. on July 4the most wildfires ignited on any day during the year. And most of these are near homes. With this year's tinder-dry grasslands and parched forests, sparks from anythinga cigarette, a campfire, a power line, even a mower blade hitting a rockcould ignite a wildfire, with deadly consequences. Year-round, humans extend the fire season by igniting fires when and where lightning is rare. And it is these very fires that pose the greatest threat to lives and homes: Over 95% of the wildfires that threatened homes in recent decades were started by people. Farther from human developmentbeyond the "wildland-urban interface"the majority of area burned by wildfires in the West is still due to lightning. Whether ignited by people or lightning, human-caused climate change is making fires easier to start and grow larger due to increasingly warm, dry conditions. The western U.S. saw these consequences during 2020's record fire seasonand the 2021 fire season has the ingredients to be just as devastating. Here's how to stay safe We've spent years studying the causes and impacts of wildfires across North America and around the globe, and working with managers and citizens to envision how best to adapt to our increasingly flammable world. We've outlined strategies to manage flammable landscapes and thought carefully about how communities can become more resilient to wildfires. When asked "What can we do?" many of our suggestions require long-term investments and political will. But there are things you can do right now to make a difference and potentially save lives. Around your home, move flammable materials like dried leaves and needles, gas and propane containers and firewood away from all structures. Clean out your gutters. If you tow a trailer, make sure the chains don't hang so low that they could hit the pavement and cause a spark. If you have to mow a lawn, do it in the cooler, wetter morning hours to prevent accidental sparks from igniting fires in dry grass. Don't drop cigarette butts on the ground. This Fourth of July, skip the fireworks and campfiresinstead, catch a laser light show, make s'mores in the microwave and celebrate by keeping summer skies smoke-free for as long as possible. Many communities are banning personal and public fireworks and voluntarily canceling fireworks displays because of wildfire concerns. Adapting to increasingly uncharted territory The fingerprints of human-caused climate change are all over the current drought, the recent heat waves, and what could become another record-setting fire season. Research highlights how human-caused climate change increases the frequency and magnitude of extreme events, including drought, wildfire activity and even individual extreme fire seasons. Adapting to longer, more intense fire seasons will require reconsidering some traditions and activities. As you celebrate this Fourth of July, stay safe and help out the firefighters, your neighbors and yourself by preventing accidental wildfires. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. A depiction of how sci-Space captures the personalities and localities of individual cells as they come together to form organs in a developing mouse embryo. Credit: Nigel Sussman A new technique called sci-Space, combined with data from other technologies, could lead to four-dimensional atlases of gene expression across diverse cells during embryonic development of mammals. Such atlases would map how the gene transcripts in individual cells reflect the passage of time, cell lineages, cell migration, and location on the developing embryo. They would also help illuminate the spatial regulation of gene expression. Mammalian embryonic development is a remarkable phenomenon: a fertilized egg divides repeatedly and turns, in a matter of weeks or months, into a complex organism capable of a myriad of physiological processes and composed of a variety of cells, tissues, organs, anatomical structures. A better understanding of how mammals form before birthparticularly the prenatal spatial patterns of gene expression at a single-cell level during embryonic developmentcould advance biomedical and veterinary research on a variety of conditions. These range from inherited disorders to congenital malformations and developmental delays. Understanding how organs originate might also assist future regenerative medicine efforts. An international team led by scientists at UW Medicine, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine in Seattle demonstrated the proof-of-concept of their sci-Space technique in mouse embryos. Their results are published in the July 2 edition of Science. The lead authors are Sanjay R. Srivatsan of the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Mary C. Regier of the UW Department of Bioengineering. The senior authors are Jay Shendure, UW Medicine professor of genome sciences, and director of the Brotman Baty Institute, and an investigator at the Allan Discovery Center for Cell Lineage Tracing; Kelly R. Stevens, UW assistant professor of bioengineering; and Cole Trapnell, associate professor of genome sciences. Regier and Stevens are also investigators at the UW Medicine Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research. The researchers observed the orchestration of genes in 120,000 cell nuclei. All the body's somatic cells contain the same DNA code. The researchers captured information on which genes were turned on or off in these nuclei as mouse embryos took shape. The scientists also investigated how cells' locations in an embryo affected which genes were activated during development. This technique builds on previous work in which these scientists and other groups developed ways of conducting whole-organism profiling of gene expression and DNA-code accessibility, in thousands of single cells, during embryonic development. They did so to track the emergence and trajectory of various cell types. How cells are organized spatiallywhat physical positions they take as an embryo formsis critical to normal development. Misplacements, disruptions, or cells not showing at the right time in the right spot can cause serious problems or even prenatal death. However, gaining knowledge on spatial patterns of gene expression has been technically difficult. It has been unwieldy to assay gene transcripts of individual cells over wide swaths of the embryo. This limited the scientific understanding of how spatial organization influences gene expression and, consequently, why which cell types form where, or how neighboring groups of cells influence each other's future roles. The scientists on the present study had earlier developed a method to label cell nuclei, a technique they called sci-Plex. They then went on to index single-cell RNA sequencing, with a method called sci-RNA-sequencing. Now, with sci-Space, by analyzing spatial coordinates and cell gene transcripts the scientists identified thousands of genes whose expression was anatomically patterned. For example, certain genetic profiles emerged in neurons in the brain and spinal cord and others in cardiac muscle cells in the heart. The scientists also used spatial and gene profile information to annotate subtypes of cells. For example, while both blood vessel cells and heart muscle might both express the gene for a particular growth factor, only the heart muscle cells produced certain growth factor receptors. The researchers also observed that cell types varied greatly in the extent of their spatial patterning of gene expression. For example, connective tissue progenitor cells showed a relatively large proportion of spatially restricted gene expression. This observation suggests that subtypes of these cells behave in a position-dependent manner throughout the body. To measure the power of spatial position on a cell type's gene transcript profile, the researchers also calculated the physical distance between cells and the angular distance of their gene expression profiles. "For many cell types, as the physical distance between cells increased, so did the angular distance between their transcriptomes," the researchers noted in their paper. However, they added that this trend varied considerably. It was most pronounced in certain brain and spinal cord cells. The genetic transcript profiles of some other cell types were highly influenced by their position in the developing embryo. Among these are certain cartilage cells, which become part of the scaffolding for bones of the head and face. The researchers also studied gene expression dynamics that took place as part of brain cell differentiation and migration during mouse embryonic development. The researchers examined how various brain cell trajectories were anatomically distributed. The researchers did so by using the Allen Institute's Anatomical Reference Brain Atlas as a guide. "Cells from each trajectory overwhelmingly occupied distinct brain regions," the researchers noted. They also observed gradients of developmental maturity in different regions of the brain. These gradients revealed both known and new patterns of migration. In the future, the researchers hope sci-Space will be further applied to serial sections that span the entire mouse embryo and that cover many points of time. Explore further Profiling gene expression in plant embryos, one nucleus at a time Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Proper pay for Ohio teachers makes a difference. A recent study by Ali Enami, Ph.D., assistant professor of economics at The University of Akron, shows that increasing teachers' compensation in high-poverty school districts in the state of Ohio leads to better test scores for students. Enami's recent study, "Labor versus capital in the provision of public services: Estimating the marginal products of inputs in the production of student outcomes," co-authored with James Alm, Ph.D., professor emeritus at Tulane University, and Rodrigo Aranda, Ph.D., postdoctoral research associate at Georgia Policy Labs in Georgia State University, was recently featured in Economics of Education Review. The study shows that between 1996 and 2015, 1 percent increase in teachers' compensation in high poverty school districts amounted to an approximately 2.62.9 percentage points increase in the math proficiency rate of high school graduates. "The state of Ohio has a program that helps schools in high-poverty districts fund their construction projects, but a similar program does not exist that would allow them to significantly improve their ability to better compensate their teachers," said Enami. "Given that teachers' compensation appears to have a much higher impact on student test scores in high poverty school districts, Ohio and other states can better achieve equality of opportunity in their public schools if they prioritize using their resources to improve teachers' compensation in these districts." Public school funding in Ohio has been the topic of debate for years and even the Supreme Court of Ohio attempted to reduce the inequality of expenditure across school districts in a series of cases known as DeRolph v. State. Unfortunately, this problem is not unique to Ohio and almost all states struggle with the concept of inequality of opportunity in public schools to some extent. While equalizing the existing funding system may take a significant amount of time or may not be possible, federal and state policy makers are able to prioritize equalizing the component of the system that matter the most. The study by Enami and his co-authors attempts to identify the areas in which Ohio in particular can maximize the impact of school funding on students and therefore improve the equality of opportunity in public schools in an efficient and cost-effective way. The study compares the impact on student test scores of additional operating and capital expenditures for public schools in Ohio. It finds that although the state of Ohio has significantly invested in buildings over the past decades, only additional operating expenditures appear to have an impact on students test scores and the effect appears to be limited to high poverty school districts. The authors analyze a number of factors, including teachers' compensation, class size, discipline, and attendance rate that may explain how the additional operating expenditure would lead to better test scores. They find that teacher's compensation is the only channel that could explain this relationship. "We believe our study will help inform policy makers at the state and federal level about how to focus already limited resources on areas that may have a larger impact on students' achievements," said Enami. "Focusing spending increases on high poverty school districts can create a higher return for the state and federal investments." More information: Ali Enami et al, Labor versus capital in the provision of public services: Estimating the marginal products of inputs in the production of student outcomes, Economics of Education Review (2021). Ali Enami et al, Labor versus capital in the provision of public services: Estimating the marginal products of inputs in the production of student outcomes,(2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2021.102131 An international research team led by a researcher from the University of Tsukuba proposes that catering to different visitors has influenced flower evolution. Credit: University of Tsukuba Flowers come in a multitude of shapes and colors. Now, an international research team led by a researcher from Japan has proposed the novel hypothesis that trade-offs caused by different visitors may play an important role in shaping this floral diversity. In a study published last month, the team explored how the close associations between flowers and the animals that visit them influence flower evolution. Visitors to flowers may be beneficial, like pollinators, or detrimental, like pollen thieves. All of these visitors interact with flowers in different ways and exert different selection pressures on flower traits such as color and scent. For example, a scent that attracts one pollinator may deter other potential pollinators. In this case, the flower would be expected to cater to the best pollinator. "On the basis of this theory, you'd expect that flowers would mostly be visited by one particular group of pollinators," says lead author of the study, Professor Kazuharu Ohashi. "But flowers often host many different visitors at the same time and flowers appear to meet the needs of multiple visitors. The question we wanted to answer is how this happens in nature." Balancing the demands of multiple visitors involves trade-offs. For example, diurnal bees and nocturnal moths can both pollinate goat willow but prefer different smells. A floral scent adapted to only one of these animals would mean missed opportunities for pollination by the other. To see how these types of visitor-mediated trade-offs affect the evolution of flowers, the researchers developed a conceptual framework to examine the different types of trade-offs and how flowers might adapt. They then looked at previous studies of flower-animal interactions to see whether the research supported the proposed framework. What they found was a variety of strategies for mitigating trade-offs. In the case of goat willow, flowers produce different scents during the day and night, and therefore attract both types of pollinator. Another example is floral color change as a strategy to attract both bees and flies. Retaining old flowers could attract opportunistic foragers like flies, while repelling smart foragers like bees. The color change in flowers as they age could reduce this trade-off by allowing bees to select young, rewarding flowers. Many other strategies were noted, all of which involved acquiring novel combinations of traits to attract, or exclude, different visitors. "Most flowers are ecologically generalized and the assumption to date has been that this is a suboptimal solution," explains Professor Ohashi. "But our findings suggest that interactions with multiple animals can actually be optimized by minimizing trade-offs in various ways, and such evolutionary processes may have enriched the diversity of flowers." The discrepancy between observed flower visitors and those predicted on the basis of a flower's traits has long been a topic of debate. Taking visitor-mediated trade-offs into account in future studies of flower evolution may help settle that argument. Explore further The humidity of flowers acts as an invisible attractor for bumblebees More information: Kazuharu Ohashi et al, Tradeoff mitigation: a conceptual framework for understanding floral adaptation in multispecies interactions, Biological Reviews (2021). Journal information: Biological Reviews Kazuharu Ohashi et al, Tradeoff mitigation: a conceptual framework for understanding floral adaptation in multispecies interactions,(2021). DOI: 10.1111/brv.12754 Evgeny A. Podolskiy, lead author of the study, assembling the ocean-bottom seismometer in Qaanaaq, northwest Greenland, July 2019. Credit: I. Asaji Scientists show that an ocean-bottom seismometer deployed close to the calving front of a glacier in Greenland can detect continuous seismic radiation from a glacier sliding, reminiscent of a slow earthquake. Basal slip of marine-terminating glaciers controls how fast they discharge ice into the ocean. However, to directly observe such basal motion and determine what controls it is challenging: the calving-front environment is one of the most difficult-to-access environments and seismically noisyespecially on the glacier surfacedue to heavily crevassed ice and harsh weather conditions. A team of scientists from Hokkaido University, led by Assistant Professor Evgeny A. Podolskiy from the Arctic Research Center, have used ocean-bottom and surface seismometers to detect previously unknown persistent coastal shaking generated by a sliding of a glacier. Their findings were published in the journal Nature Communications. Sensors to measure glacial motion can potentially be placed on top of, within, or below the glacier; however, each approach has its own drawbacks. For example, the surface of glaciers is 'noisy' due to wind and tide-modulated crevassing, which can overwhelm all other signals; while the interior is quieter, it is the hardest area to access. However, all of these locations are plagued by common issues such as station drift, melt out and level loss, cold temperatures, and potential instrument destruction by iceberg calving. The ocean-bottom seismometer being deployed by the authors and colleagues, 21 July 2019, Bowdoin Fjord. Credit: I. Asaji In the current study, the scientists used an ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) that was deployed near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier (Kangerluarsuup Sermia) to listen to icequakes caused by glacial basal motion. By doing so, they insulated the sensor from the near-surface seismic noise, and also circumvented all the issues that accompany the deployment of sensors on the glacier itself and nearby. The data they collected from the OBS was correlated with data from seismic and ice-speed measurements at the ice surface. The analysis of the data revealed that there is a continuous seismic tremor generated by the glacier. In particular, the broad-band seismic signal (3.5 Hz to 14.0 Hz) detected by the OBS correlated well with the movement of the glacier. The scientists were able to identify signals that were not associated with glacial basal dynamics. Data from the OBS were necessary to establish a correlation between tremors detected by the surface stations and GPS-recorded displacement of the glacier. In the process, they demonstrated that continuous seismic data that was historically considered 'noise' contains signals that can be used to study glacier dynamics. Key advantages of deploying an ocean-bottom seismometer near the calving front of a tidewater glacier. Subglacial and ocean seismo-acoustic signals can be detected, while the impact of surface seismic sources is minimised (Evgeny A. Podolskiy, Yoshio Murai, Naoya Kanna, Shin Sugiyama. Nature Communications. June 24, 2021). Credit: Evgeny A. Podolskiy, Yoshio Murai, Naoya Kanna, Shin Sugiyama. Nature Communications. June 24, 2021 The scientists also suggested that glacier slip is similar to slow earthquakes. The characteristics of the Bowdoin-Glacier tremor remind those of tectonic tremors in Japan and Canada. Moreover, the presence of the tremor is in line with recent theoretical models and cold-laboratory experiments. The scientists have presented a novel method to collect continuous glacioseismic information about glacier motion in an extremely noisy and harsh polar environment using ocean-bottom seismology. "Future research in this area could focus on replicating and expanding upon the findings of this study at other glaciers," says Podolskiy. "The experimental support for the relationship between glacier tremors and tectonic tremors suggests that a long-term multidisciplinary approach would be beneficial in fully understanding this phenomenon." Explore further Revealing complex behavior of a turbulent plume at the calving front of a Greenlandic glacier More information: Evgeny A. Podolskiy et al, Ocean-bottom and surface seismometers reveal continuous glacial tremor and slip, Nature Communications (2021). Journal information: Nature Communications Evgeny A. Podolskiy et al, Ocean-bottom and surface seismometers reveal continuous glacial tremor and slip,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24142-4 Credit: CC0 Public Domain Giving women in India's Madhya Pradesh state greater digital control over their wages encouraged them to enter the labor force and liberalized their beliefs about working women, concluded a new study co-authored by Yale economists Rohini Pande and Charity Troyer Moore. The study, published in the American Economic Review, found that a relatively simple intervention directed to poor womenproviding them access to their own bank accounts and direct deposit for their earnings from a federal workfare program, along with basic training on how to use local bank kiosksincreased the amount they worked, both in the government program and for other employers. The women who had access to the banking resources were more likely to report in surveys that a working woman made "a better wife" and that husbands with working wives were better spouses and providers. They also were less likely to say women who work outside the home bear social costs for it. The study points to the role of gender norms in India's low and declining rate of women in the workforce and it also demonstrates that boosting women's control of their finances can expand their autonomy, said Pande, the Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics in Yale's Faculty of Arts and Sciences. "Economics research often assumes that a country's men and women embrace the same cultural norms, but our study highlights the fact that norms can be differently experienced and held within the same country or culture," said Pande, who is also director of Yale's Economic Growth Center. "Improving a woman's access to her earnings should cause her to work less because she can make the same amount of money with less effort. That we found women work more suggests that some women would prefer to work but are potentially being constrained by social stigma perceived by their husbandsspecifically, that working wives diminish their husbands' social status." India experienced a period of strong economic growth between 2005 and 2018 with declining fertility rates and gains in education for women, but the rate of female labor force participation fell from 32% to 21% during that period. However, one-third of Indian housewives say in surveys that they are interested in working outside the home. Bringing these latent workers into the workforce would contribute substantially to the country's economic growth, Pande said. Working in northern Madhya Pradesh, a region marked by particularly restrictive gender norms, the research team collaborated with government and banking partners to enable direct deposit of women's wages from the federal workfare program into their own bank accounts rather than into a male-controlled household account. They conducted a randomized controlled trial covering 197 village clusters and surveyed a total of 4,300 women. The villages were divided among a control group and four treatment groups, only one of which received bank accounts, direct deposit, and training. The researchers refer to this group as being "digitally empowered." The study found an overall increase in labor supply among digitally empowered women compared to women who only received a bank account. They were 28% more likely to have participated in the workfare program during the past year than were the women who only received a bank account and 13% more likely to report any paid work in the previous month, according to the findings. The digitally empowered group also earned 24% more (950 rupees) annually from the private sector, which is notable given that the direct deposit was only linked to workfare wages and private-sector work often is paid in cash. "The fact that digitally empowered women were earning more in the private sector suggests that having more control of their earnings spread into other aspects of their lives, giving them the ability to negotiate with other household members to work more outside their homes," said Troyer Moore, director of South Asia economics research at Yale's MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. "It tells us that a simple policy intervention has altered a cultural norm, which is very exciting." The researchers separated the sample into two groups: Women who had worked in the government program before, and those who had not. In surveys, women in the latter group reported having less decision-making power, and that their husbands were more likely to associate a working wife with social stigma. The data showed that while the increases in work outside the home trailed off among those who had previously worked in the program by the study's third year, it persisted for the socially constrained group, demonstrating that the intervention had the most durable impact on women facing the greatest barriers to work. Study participants were surveyed to measure their thoughts about working and non-working women. The results showed that compared to women who received only bank accounts, digitally empowered women liberalized their personal beliefs about women's work. While researchers were conducting the study, the Indian government began scaling up direct deposit of workfare wages into female-owned accounts nationwide, but the effort involved neither targeted outreach to eligible women nor any systematic account training, key elements of the most successful intervention that the study identified, the researchers said. "We look forward to working with government partners to scale up the policy intervention in a manner that maximizes the benefits to women," Troyer Moore said. Explore further Low wages and gender wage gap contributed to women leaving the workforce during COVID-19 More information: Erica Field et al, On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms, American Economic Review (2021). Journal information: American Economic Review Erica Field et al, On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women's Financial Control Impacts Labor Supply and Gender Norms,(2021). DOI: 10.1257/aer.20200705 NMD Pharma Doses the First Myasthenia Gravis Patient in a Combined Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial of NMD670 Details Category: Small Molecules Published on Thursday, 01 July 2021 11:12 Hits: 567 AARHUS, Denmark I June 30, 2021 I NMD Pharma A/S, a biotech company leading in the development of novel therapeutics for neuromuscular disorders, today announces that it has dosed the first myasthenia gravis (MG) patient in a combined Phase I/IIa clinical trial of NMD670, NMD Pharmas lead program. Thomas Holm Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer of NMD Pharma, said: We are pleased to announce the dosing of the first myasthenia gravis patient today with our lead development candidate, NMD670. This represents a significant milestone in this study and for NMD Pharma. Dr. Geert Jan Groeneveld, Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer at the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) and the Principal Investigator of the trial added: Myasthenia gravis is a debilitating autoimmune disease which can lead to life-threatening symptoms. There is a real unmet need for a therapy to help relieve these symptoms and so it is particularly exciting that this trial has now moved into patients. The pre-clinical data generated by NMD Pharma demonstrates the potential of CIC-1 inhibition in strengthening neuromuscular transmission in myasthenia gravis and I am hopeful that we can replicate those promising pre-clinical results in patients. NMD670 is in development to treat the symptoms of MG and is also being evaluated for the treatment of other neuromuscular diseases. It is a first-in-class small molecule inhibitor of the muscle specific chloride ion channel, the ClC-1 ion channel. NMD Pharma has already demonstrated that ClC-1 inhibition can strengthen neuromuscular transmission and ultimately skeletal muscle function and this novel treatment approach has demonstrated compelling preclinical data for MG. The combined Phase I/IIa clinical trial is a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, single and multiple dose escalation study designed to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of NMD670. Healthy male and female subjects have received single doses of NMD670 and safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetic parameters have been assessed. The Phase I program now continues with the administration of NMD670 dosed daily for 10 days, and with single doses given to patients with MG. The primary outcome of the study includes a number of safety and tolerability endpoints and the secondary outcomes are a number of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic endpoints. Further information on the study can be found on the Netherlands Trial Register: https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/8692 About NMD Pharma NMD Pharma A/S, is a private biotech company leading in the development of novel first-in-class therapies for severe neuromuscular disorders. The Company was incorporated as a spin-off from Aarhus University, Denmark in 2015 and was founded on more than 15 years of muscle physiology research with a focus on regulation of skeletal muscle excitability under physical activity. NMD Pharma has built a world-leading muscle electrophysiology platform leveraging the in-depth know-how of muscle physiology and muscular disorders, small molecule modulators, enabling technologies and tools as well as in-vivo pharmacology models for discovering and developing proprietary modulators of neuromuscular function. NMD Pharma received seed financing from Novo Seeds, Lundbeckfonden Emerge and Capnova in 2016, and in 2018 raised a 38 million Series A financing, led by new investor INKEF Capital, together with new investor Roche Venture Fund and existing investors Novo Seeds and Lundbeckfonden Emerge. Find out more about us online at http://www.nmdpharma.com/. About NMD670 NMD670 is NMD Pharmas lead development program. It is a first-in-class small molecule inhibitor of the muscle specific chloride ion channel, the ClC-1 ion channel. NMD Pharma has demonstrated that ClC-1 inhibition can strengthen neuromuscular transmission and ultimately skeletal muscle function and this novel treatment approach has demonstrated compelling preclinical efficacy data for MG. About Myasthenia Gravis (MG) MG is a rare and chronic autoimmune disease where IgG antibodies disrupt communication between nerves and muscles causing debilitating and potentially life-threatening muscle weakness. It most commonly affects the muscles that control the eyes and eyelids, facial expressions, chewing, swallowing and speaking but it can affect most parts of the body. More than 85% of people with MG progress to generalized MG (gMG) within 18 months and in more life-threatening cases, MG can affect the muscles responsible for breathing. Patients with confirmed acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies account for 80-90% of the total gMG population. There are approximately 100,000 people in the European Union, 65,000 people in the United States and 20,000 people in Japan living with the disease. About the Centre for Human Drug Research The Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) is an independent institute that specialises in cutting-edge early-stage clinical drug research. Combining innovative methods and technologies, state-of-the-art facilities, and talented, motivated researchers helps CHDR maximise their clients success. CHDRs overall mission is to improve the drug development process by collecting as much information as possible regarding a candidate drug in the early phases of development. This information helps clients make informed decisions regarding the course of clinical development for their product. CHDR places the highest priority on their subjects comfort and safety, and they play an active role in helping to educate the medical and clinical research communities. Find out more about the CHDR online at https://chdr.nl/. SOURCE: NMD Pharma It was originally designed (so) if there was any runoff from the PCB-contaminated materials, that it would be stored and not discharged, he said. That is an advantage because stormwater regulations have gotten much more stringent, Zongol added. The plant has one electrical substation that could be tapped by one large user of the site, but if there were multiple users on the property, it would get a little more complicated. Consultant Jeff Budrow of Weston & Sampson said access to the rail and canal are advantages, although it is somewhat far away from the highway. Some of the utilities would have to be upgraded, he said. There are some wetlands on the site. Eric Halvorsen of consultant RKG Associates said that, based upon demographics and workforce data, he believes the site could be used for green energy manufacturing or agricultural technology. SUNY Adirondack has been in talks about using the site as a training facility for hospitality workers. Solar energy and wind energy are potential uses. Biosolids and waste process and composting are other growing fields. State police will increase patrols and crack down on drunk and drugged driving and other traffic infractions during the July 4 weekend. The campaign will be in Friday and run through Monday. Police also will be looking for motorists who are using their phones and other electronic devices while behind the wheel. Drivers should also remember to move over for stopped emergency and hazard vehicles on the side of the road when they travel New York roadways, according to a news release. Troopers will be using both marked and unmarked cars. Last year, police issued nearly 9,214 vehicle and traffic tickets during the Independence Day weekend. The initiative is partially funded by the Governors Traffic Safety Committee. The GTSC and the New York State STOP-DWI Foundation remind drivers that their Have a Plan mobile app is available for Apple, Droid and Windows smartphones. The app enables New Yorkers to locate and call a taxi or ride-share service and program a designated driver list. It also provides information on DWI laws and penalties and provides a way to report a suspected impaired driver. A child clasped his hands together prayerfully alongside his mother at a ceremony observing the Martyrdom Day of the fifth Sikh guru, Arjan Dev Ji, in Pakistan. A worshipper wearing a face mask to protect him from the coronavirus carried a goat as an offering to Hindu gods at the smoking crater of Mount Bromo, an active volcano in Indonesia. Palestinian women touched the head and face of one of their own in consolation at a funeral in the West Bank for a security officer shot dead by Israeli forces. Images captured by AP photographers around the world in June illustrated the ways people everywhere seek spiritual sustenance in ritual and ceremony. Sometimes it was to come together in grief, as with the dozens of mourners at an outdoor funeral where Canadian flags covered the coffins of four family members run over by a truck in what police say was a premeditated attack because they were Muslim. But it was a more joyful occasion at the Sri Venkateswara Temple in Pennsylvania, the United States oldest Hindu shrine, where devotees lined up on its immaculately landscaped grounds to go inside following the final rituals of the Maha Kumbhabhishekam rededication ceremony. But those efforts are just getting started. The approach is being watched closely by states struggling with an increasing number of algae outbreaks. Some environmental groups are skeptical, but others that have been at odds with the farming industry are hopeful. The forecast for this summer released by NOAA predicts the bloom will come in at 3 on its severity index a mild reading on par with last year. Anything above 5 indicates a severe bloom. The algae outbreaks have become more frequent and severe since 2008. But if this summer's forecast holds true, three of the last four years will be below a 5 on the ratings scale. During that time, farmers have been planting more cover crops and using new methods to reduce fertilizer runoff, said Jordan Hoewischer, director of water quality and research for Ohio Farm Bureau. It doesnt make sense to give all the credit to the weather on years when there is a smaller bloom and put all the blame on the farmers if there is a big bloom, he said. The blooms contain blue-green algae or cyanobacteria, which can produce a liver toxin called microcystin that is harmful to people and can be fatal to animals, including dogs. Even in years when there are smaller blooms, they can still produce dangerous toxins. Ron Fischetti, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, told the AP this week that there was no indication Trump himself was included in the first batch of charges. There is no indictment coming down this week against the former president, Fischetti said. I cant say hes out of the woods yet completely. Weisselberg, a loyal lieutenant to Trump and his real estate-developer father, Fred, came under scrutiny, in part, because of questions about his sons use of a Trump apartment at little or no cost. Barry Weisselberg managed a Trump-operated ice rink in Central Park. Barrys ex-wife, Jen Weisselberg, has been cooperating with the investigation and turned over reams of tax records and other documents to investigators. Unfortunately, it has taken too long to get to this point. We also must recognize our community is flush with guns. Apparently, it is not hard to get them; new laws at the state level are making it even easier. Its also discouraging to read reports, like the investigation recently from USA Today and The Trace, which said the federal ATF is too lax when it comes to penalties against gun sellers who commit serious violations. Sikorski was right about another thing Monday; he was right that we are fortunate that police werent talking about the deaths of several people. The idea that nearly 80 gun shots found only glass and building material as their final destination, rather than flesh and bone, sounds to us like the kind of luck we can only count on rarely. The next time, who knows? It was shocking to see that amount of gunfire in downtown Davenport this weekend, a place where many of us go to have fun, to listen to music or look at the river. Imagine how much more shocking it would have been if those 80 rounds had found a human target, or more than one, rather than an art museum and a pedestrian overpass. Lets hope that it doesnt come to that. Lets hope that after all the years of talking about a problem weve all recognized, that soon we get the results we all want. This editorial was first published June 9 in the Quad-City Times of Davenport, Iowa. Love 0 Funny 3 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 1 NORTHFIELD The Fourth of July is a very big day in Northfield. It begins with the Connolly Mile and is followed by a big parade down Shore Road to Birch Grove Park. The parade had been organized by the Northfield Cultural Committee for many years. The committee annually chooses the dignitaries who will lead the parade and after the one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Cultural Committee honored the dignitaries Saturday evening at Birch Grove Park. The Cultural Committee chose the Northfield Mothers League as the Citizens of the Year. Joan Pullan Brennan, a member of the Cultural Committee thanked the members of the group for all of the good work they do on behalf of the residents of Northfield like the spaghetti dinner, the Easter Egg Hunt, the Thinking of You campaign and more. Megan K. Taylor, president of the Northfield Mothers League, said the group is honored to be chosen for the Northfield Citizens of the Year. Members will ride at the front of the parade on July Fourth. Taylor and Jonah Poiroux are both active duty in the Coast Guard. They were transferred to the area in 2019. Their daughter Josie Poiroux was born Jan. 19, and was the first baby born to Northfield parents of year. Taylor Poiroux (originally from Alabama and her husband from Louisiana), was surprised to get a call that Josie was going to be recognized. SEA ISLE CITY Each June, Sea Isle Citys Division of Tourism organizes the annual Skimmer Festival Antique Auto Show, which attracts scores of vintage cars and trucks. During this years show on June 20, one-hundred (100) vehicles entered the annual display and competition, which takes place on Sea Isle Citys oceanfront Promenade (aka Boardwalk). According to Jim Ambro, host of the auto show, this years event featured a wide variety of cars and trucks in excellent condition, which made it difficult for judges to choose the winning vehicles. At the end of the show moments before all of the events vehicles cruised through Sea Isle City during the annual Skimmer Antique Auto Parade Mayor Leonard Desiderio presented the Best in Show award to Robin and Stuart Cohen, of Vineland, owners of a 1928 Packard 526 Runabout convertible, which featured running boards, a rumble seat, a side storage compartment, and huge whitewall tires. The 2021 Mayors Choice trophy went to Bob McArdle, of Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, owner of a 1958 Ford Fairlane convertible that sported pristine white paint, rear tire covers, whitewall tires, and glistening chrome. State-and-regional top story Latest offshore wind award to triple megawatts off South Jersey mpost-pressofac / General Electric / provided Rendering of the 12-megawatt turbine made by GE Renewable Energy to power the 1,100-megawatt Ocean Wind offshore wind farm to be built off Atlantic City. The state awarded the right to build another 2,600 megawatts of offshore wind electric generation to two companies Wednesday, a milestone Gov. Phil Murphy celebrated during his regular COVID-19 media briefing. We just approved the largest combined offshore wind award in history, Murphy said of the action by the state Board of Public Utilities on Wednesday morning. It will triple our total capacity and strengthen our commitment to securing good union jobs and make New Jersey a national leader in the offshore wind industry. BPU President Joe Fiordaliso, who attended Murphys briefing, said Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind will build a 1,510 megawatt farm off the coast between Long Beach Island and Atlantic City, and rsteds Ocean Wind will build 1,148 megawatts of the new solicitation in its leasing area in federal waters southeast of Atlantic City. Combined, once these turbines are in the water, they will supply power to 1.1 million homes in New Jersey, Fiordaliso said. In 2019, rsteds Ocean Wind was awarded the right to build the first 1,100 megawatts of offshore wind generation in the same leasing area, which will supply another 500,000 homes, he said. Bill removing local control of NJ wind power lines approved ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) Local communities would be stripped of most control over where and how power lines from offshore wind energy projects come ashore under a bill that received final approval Thursday in the state Legislature. Were at approximately 1.6 million homes that are going to be energized by offshore wind, Firodaliso said. In the middle of a heat wave, the timing is perfect for the NJBPU to double down on offshore wind, said Environment New Jersey Executive Director Doug OMalley. Offshore wind is our best bet to power our states economy with clean energy. Many environmentalists expressed support for the awards, as did the Southern New Jersey Development Council and some unions. There will be solicitations for more farms every two years until 7,500 megawatts are awarded, Fiordaliso said. The goal is to have 7,500 megawatts of offshore wind entering the grid by 2035. Ratepayers will pay to build the projects, and the money generated by the sale of the energy will be returned to ratepayers under the plan. Shore towns want say over wind projects, push back on bill ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) Lawmakers from Jersey Shore towns are pushing back against a bill meant to fast-track offshore wind energy projects by taking away local control over transmission lines and other onshore infrastructure. According to the BPU, Atlantic Shores project is expected to add about $2.21 to the average residential monthly bill, $20.81 to the average commercial customers monthly bill $172.25 to the average industrial customers bill. These bill impacts will not begin until the project is operational, which is estimated to occur in 2027-28. Ocean Winds Phase 2 is estimated to add $1.28 per month for residential customers, $11.73 for commercial customers and $99.91 for industrial customers starting in 2028-29. Clean energy costs money, there is no getting around it, Fiordaliso said. You also have to look at the economic benefits of thousands of jobs and infusing billions of dollars into the New Jersey economy. The two projects are estimated to create 7,000 full- and/or part-time jobs across the development, construction and operational phases of the projects, the BPU said. Ocean Wind 2 will contribute to an expansion of the EEW Paulsboro monopile facility, said David Hardy, CEO of rsted Offshore North America. The $250 million facility will provide 500 full-time jobs, and Ocean Wind 2 will generate more than $4.8 billion in net economic benefits for the state, Hardy said. rsted is also bringing a commitment from GE Renewables to locate one of the countrys first offshore wind nacelle assembly facilities at the New Jersey Wind Port in Salem County, Hardy said. The nacelle of a wind turbine houses the drive train and other components that sit at the top of the tower, with the blades rotating around it. Joris Veldhoven, commercial and finance director at Atlantic Shores, said the companys plan will provide workforce training and supply chain development. Atlantic Shores project, which aims to begin construction in 2024, also includes a 10 megawatt green hydrogen pilot with South Jersey Industries and a turbine nacelle assembly center at the Wind Port, according to the company. Ocean City officials have expressed concerns about how offshore wind will affect its tourism business, as Ocean Winds phase 1 will be visible from the beach and will need to connect into the grid across the city. The second phase of the wind farm will be farther south, but about the same distance from land about 15 miles, so it should not be visible from Ocean City, Hardy said. BPU approves B.L. England for offshore wind connections The company building an offshore wind farm about 10 miles southeast of Atlantic City recently got approval to hook into the grid at the retired B.L. England electric plant in Upper Township. Fiordaliso said the BPU and the state Department of Environmental Protection will manage a $26 million fund to protect the environment and wildlife around the farms. While the commercial fishing industry has expressed concerns about how the wind farms will affect its ability to function, Fiordaliso said the BPU believes fishing and offshore wind can coexist without harming each other. In no way are we subjecting the (fishing) industry to any kind of disaster. If it happens, we will figure out how we are going to remediate that, Fiordaliso said. To the best of our ability, we are creating, not destroying. Atlantic Shores is a 50-50 joint venture between EDF Renewables North America and Shell New Energies US LLC. The venture was formed in December 2018 to co-develop a lease area of 183,353 acres 10 to 20 miles off the coast between Atlantic City and Barnegat Light. rsted is a Danish company that won the states first offshore wind solicitation in 2019 to build an 1,100-megawatt wind farm called Ocean Wind on a lease area about 15 miles southeast of Atlantic City. Ocean Wind is expected to begin operating in 2024 and is still awaiting federal approvals to begin construction. Newark-based Public Service Enterprise Group bought 25% of the Ocean Wind project from rsted, which owns and operates 26 offshore wind farms around the world, including the first in the United States, the Block Island Wind Farm off Rhode Island. Related Throughout the area, parades, ceremonies and concerts will be back after a year off, but not everything is completely back to normal. Some large-scale events will not take place until next year, Wieland said, including Sea Isle Citys Skimmer Weekend. Katherine Custer, a spokesperson for Sea Isle, said a smaller-than-usual event took place in lieu of Skimmer Weekend on June 20, but she added this summer is off to a great start, with weekly concerts and other events in full swing. Fireworks are set for 9 p.m. Sunday, and last Saturday's kickoff to the city's summer concert series drew thousands. "It was as big a crowd as we could have hoped for," she said. "The audience had a great buzz. A lot of smiles and happy people." Wieland reports that 70% of Cape May County residents are fully vaccinated, but there is no way to know the percentage of vaccinations for the thousands of visitors set to pour into the region over the weekend. We continue to get the message out, if you feel uncomfortable in a crowd and you cant social distance, wear a mask, she said. It isnt totally over. Both were charged with being fugitives from justice and taken to the Atlantic County jail, awaiting extradition to Delaware. Two men who lived in the property in the 100 block of North Georgia said they were awakened by police entering the building. The men said most of the occupants exited the home with their hands up as instructed, but the two who were eventually arrested remained inside, which started the standoff with law enforcement. I came outside (my room) because (the police) were talking to him and I got worried, one of the men said in reference to the one he was standing next to. Then I get grabbed by some (officer). Theyre passing me through the line (of officers). The two men were questioned and detained for about an hour before being let go, they said. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Drones from the Fire Department were also deployed. Fire Chief Scott Evans said the drones were used to survey the area and help police develop strategies to enter the home. They were particularly helpful with this building, because this building sat in the middle of three other buildings and a courtyard, Evans said. This building sat in the middle of the block. It was surrounded by buildings. Two Atlantic City men arrested, two guns recovered in separate incidents ATLANTIC CITY Police arrested two men and recovered two guns in separate incidents, the de The company projects hiring 100 people for a medicinal cannabis site, and Reilly has said that could double if the property also grows for the retail market. There is the possibility of financial support in the future, Reilly said, but for now the company will offer expertise and guidance in helping prepare students for cannabis jobs. Although the company does not yet have any locations in New Jersey, it is well established in Massachusetts and has medical cannabis locations in Pennsylvania and Florida. Through our partnership with Atlantic Cape Community College, we plan to help identify, educate and prepare future employees for careers in the cannabis industry, Reilly said. That will include developing a medical cannabis curriculum at the community college, creating an internship program and supporting workforce development events at the campus. The partnership will also encourage diversity in the program and in jobs it may lead to, according to statement from the company and the school. Reilly said the company has a similar arrangement with Holyoke Community College in Massachusetts. The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs announced Thursday the award of $7,441,299 in Small Cities Community Development Block Grants to municipalities and counties in the state, including projects in Cape May and Cumberland counties. There are 27 grants in total benefitting 21 municipalities in seven counties and one countywide program that will benefit about 27,000 people in the state, including senior citizens and people with disabilities. The DCAs Division of Housing and Community Resources will distribute the grants. Among the projects receiving grants: Cape May will get $400,000 to aid in installation of a dedicated 12-inch raw water main from Well No. 8 to the Desalination Facility to improve citywide water service. Cumberland County will receive $292,820 for septic system improvements as part of an owner-occupied housing rehabilitation project for low- to moderate-income residents. Deerfield Township will get $400,000 for removal of mobility barriers that hinder access to the disabled and elderly at Carmel Park, the Municipal Building and Senior Center. An emergency generator will be installed at the Senior Center. Its unfair, said Lamont White, who has worked as a casino dealer since 1985. It doesnt make any sense to me how people say gambling and smoking go together. Drinking and smoking go together, but you cant go inside a bar and smoke. The Casino Association of New Jersey, a trade group, opposes a permanent smoking ban, saying it could lead to fewer customers, fewer casino jobs and lower tax revenue. While acknowledging gamblers will be free to light up again starting Sunday, Gov. Phil Murphy indicated Wednesday he would look favorably on a measure lawmakers are considering to permanently end smoking in New Jerseys casinos. I would be very constructive on that, he said at a coronavirus briefing, stopping short of saying he would sign the legislation. Atlantic City to hold produce giveaway in Brown's Park ATLANTIC CITY The city will hold a fresh food and resource giveaway Wednesday at Brown's Park. Casino worker Nicole Vitola said allowing smoking allows employees to be treated like second-class citizens. How can you exclude one group of people from being able to work in a safe and smoke-free environment? How is it that youre not allowed to smoke on our beaches and our boardwalks but you can smoke right at my table where I cant move or walk away? Vitola said. All I want is the same respect that every worker in the state of New Jersey receives. NORTHFIELD A long-awaited new and larger Atlantic County veterans clinic will be built near the existing one on New Road and will open in 2023, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs said Thursday. It caps off a series of improvements in veterans care in the region that followed the 2016 suicide of a local veteran on the lawn of the Northfield facility. That traumatic act brought attention to long wait times, especially for mental health services. The new location, at 2101 New Road, will be the only Veterans Affairs clinic in South Jersey that provides on-site radiology, greatly reducing travel times for local veterans, said U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, who has been working with local veterans on the project. At 30,000 square feet, it will be three times the size of the current clinic, which opened in 2011. Im just elated, said veterans advocate Marco Polo Smigliani, of Egg Harbor Township, chairman of the South Jersey Veterans Consortium. This will help thousands of families for years to come. The consortium worked for years to help the VA improve services in the region and helped guide decisions on the clinics in Vineland, Rio Grande and Northfield, he said. +2 Hundreds of flags fly in Northfield to honor veterans who lost died by suicide NORTHFIELD At West Mill and Zion roads, 660 American flags wave in a grass field beside th The need to relocate the needle exchange program for drug addicts out of the Atlantic City Tourism District has been obvious for a decade. Doing so is a crucial and necessary part of the reinvention of New Jerseys gaming capital as a destination resort. Atlantic City and state officials have worked for years to get it done, but without the necessary level of cooperation from the nonprofit South Jersey AIDS Alliance that partners with the city on the service. Two years ago we praised officials for the patience and carefulness of their efforts. Now its time to be firm, for the tough love that serves the full public interest. Nine years ago the late former city mayor and then state Sen. Jim Whelan made it clear the relocation needed to happen, saying in these pages, Atlantic City cannot be the economic engine for the region with an economy based on tourism if it is the premier site of social agencies that serve the homeless. Significant progress has been made. It took a few years but the regions premier addiction treatment program, the John Brooks Recovery Center, relocated to Mays Landing with a branch in Pleasantville. The center has remained a success and helped pioneer treatment at the Atlantic County jail that has been a model for the rest of the state. It always seemed curious to me that someone like Biden, who wrote candidly about his crack cocaine and alcohol addiction in his memoir Beautiful Things, would post up a block from the beach, which is, at the current unfortunate moment, an open-air drug market speckled with homeless encampments. After all, he boasted in the book, his superpower was sussing out drugs anywhere, anytime. Why put yourself in temptations path like that? And if you seek privacy, why live in a home that is exposed to the public on three sides? Anyway, those questions are moot now. Several weeks ago, a big yellow moving van appeared in front of the house and the agents disappeared. As reckless as Hunter Biden has been and its a miracle hes not dead or in prison if everything he wrote in his memoir is true you have to admire him for at least one thing: He has tried carefully to curate his redemption story. In July 2019, he rolled out his sordid history of drug addiction and influence peddling to The New Yorker in an effort to inoculate his father from his failures and poor judgment. July 1, 2021 in Travel (E) [prMac.com] Taipei, Taiwan - QuinnScape today announces a limited-time July 4th Sale of 33% off for its popular Packing Pro travel app. From now until July 4, Packing Pro can be purchased for only $1.99 - one third of its original price of $2.99 - a great deal, and perfect timing for summer travel. Packing Pro has been the flagship travel packing app on Apple's iOS App Store for over 12 years, and has been updated and improved dozens of times, most recently adding helpful COVID-19 tasks and items to the Master Catalog for safer and smarter traveling. During the 12 years that Packing Pro has been on Apple's App Store, Packing Pro has been highlighted there several times, such as in the "Travel Essentials," "Travel Survival Kit" and "Travel Expenses" promotions, among others. It has also ranked at #1 for iPads and #2 for iPhones in the U.S. App Store's Travel section. Besides Apple, Packing Pro has also been recognized by CNN, WSJ, BBC, The New York Times, Expedia and Budget Travel, and has earned glowing reviews on major tech and app blogs (Gizmodo, Mashable, Macworld, CNET and iPhone Life, among others). Packing Pro is a mobile travel packing list app that features unlimited, 100% customizable packing lists, an extensive, yet flexible, catalog, handy sample lists, iCloud auto-sync and various list sharing options. A host of special functions include: * Multi-item selection from catalog for speedy list building * Multi-item editing for easy list & catalog management * Collapsable categories with floating headers & running item tallies * List sorting & filtering by packing status, priority, need to buy, bag and/or person * Item, weight, value and packing status totals & subtotals * Item images to eliminate any confusion - never again pack the wrong item * Item & list alerts for user-set reminders * Email export for list & file sharing * Wireless printing * Fully customized device support for all sizes of iPhone, iPad & iPod touch * Full multi-lingual support for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Japanese & Chinese Besides the core features listed above (which are also present in the basic Packing ( TO DO!) app), Packing Pro also gives its users the following Pro-level features: * iCloud auto-syncing support * Expert packing list wizard that can "automagically" create a list * Email, iTunes, AirDrop, Dropbox & Box file sharing, backup & out-of-app editing support * Customized design (themes, layout, fonts, colors, textures) * Double-sized Master Catalog with over 800 items and to-do tasks * Twice as many sample lists * Smart Search (lists & catalog) Packing Pro's July 4th sale comes at the perfect time for a return to almost-back-to-normal summer traveling. Check it out today, and happy packing! Pricing and Availability: Packing Pro is a universal app that is available for purchase worldwide on the iPhone & iPad App Store for $2.99 (Now Only $1.99 USD), or the equivalent in local currency. The basic Packing (+TO DO!) sells for just $0.99 (USD). Since its founding in October 2008, QuinnScape has been managed by Quinn Genzel. Quinn is best known for his popular, top-ranking travel packing apps: Packing ( TO DO!) and Packing Pro. Packing Pro has been recognized by Apple, CNN, WSJ, BBC, National Geographic, Budget Travel, Fodor's, CNET, Macworld and a host of others as one of their top apps for traveling. Other app created by Quinn include a grocery shopping list app (Shopping Pro), nature appreciation apps (iLove Nature and iLove Birds), 3D VR action games (R.I.P and Ghost Buddy) and high-quality puzzles (the aQ's Pro Slider Puzzle series). Copyright (C) 2008-2021 QuinnScape. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. ### AUSTIN, Texas (AP) An Army soldier who shot and killed an armed protester after driving into a crowd demonstrating against police violence in the Texas capital last summer has been indicted on a murder charge, authorities said Thursday. Sgt. Daniel Perry, who was stationed at Fort Hood, was booked and released on $300,000 bail, said Kristen Dark, a spokeswoman for the Travis County Sheriff's Office. Perrys attorney, Clint Broden, has said the soldier was working for a ride-sharing company and acted in self-defense after Foster pointed a gun at him. Broden issued a statement Thursday expressing disappointment in the indictment and confidence that Perry would be acquitted. It is important to note that the standard of proof required for an indictment is significantly less than the standard of proof required for a conviction, the statement said. After eight years of being a coffee fanatic, Davenport resident Lindsey Schmidt decided to take the leap and open up a coffee shop of her own. Coffee Apothecary, located at 2571 53rd Ave. in Bettendorf, has a unique medical theme and drinks with names such as Lobotomy and Plague Doctor. Schmidt decided to take it on with her mother, Cindy Williams, a seasoned entrepreneur who has opened 12 previous businesses in the Quad-City area and was happy to lend her experience. I feel like Ive been meant to be an entrepreneur since I was little since shes done it her whole life, said Schmidt. After earning degrees in business management and psychology from St. Ambrose University and working in operations management for a few years, Schmidt decided it was finally the time to open a business. Williams came out of retirement to invest and take on the business' initial steps of dealing with contractors, confirming the layout and ordering the needed tools, steps she had experience with from past ventures. Once the location was confirmed, Schmidt quit her job at a local pharmaceutical company and set to work creating the atmosphere of the coffee shop, one based around a theme of old-fashioned medical practice. I was a horrible blogger. It's hard coming up with one thing to write about, let alone anything worthy of communicating daily. My excitement rapidly turned into posts like, "I am having a sandwich for lunch. Here's a picture of it. What are you having for lunch?" I stopped posting after just a few weeks. But a couple times a year, I still upload to it. There's just one reason I've kept it around: the analytics. I can see how many people visit my blog. I can see where they're visiting from (I have one ardent fan in Belarus.) I can see which entries people read. I can see what keyword searches brought them to my blog. These are actual keyword phrases people have searched recently that have led them to my blog: "I LIKE BIG COWS WITH SPOTS" And I'm fine with that. To each their own cow fetishes. I just want to know what you were hoping to accomplish by entering that into Google. I'd also like to know how disappointed you must've been to be taken to my website. A Clinton County man was sentenced Thursday to serve the rest of his natural life in prison for his role in sexually abusing four children over a three-year period. During a sentencing hearing in Clinton County District Court, District Court Judge Patrick McElyea sentenced Todd William Adams, 54, to a term of natural life for being convicted of five counts of second-degree sexual abuse, each a Class A felony under Iowa law. Each count carries a prison sentence of up to life. In his sentencing order, McElyea noted that sentencing on the first two counts of second-degree sexual abuse counts one and two in the court document are to run consecutively, or back-to-back. McElyea also sentenced Adams to four years on two counts of indecent contact with a child, with one of those counts running consecutively, or back-to-back, with the first two counts of second-degree sexual abuse. On May 20, a Clinton County jury found Adams guilty on the five counts of second-degree sexual abuse and the two counts of indecent contact with a child after a trial that began May 17. According to the affidavit filed by Clinton County Sheriffs Detective Marissa Mussmann, the case was opened Oct. 9 based on a report by the Iowa Department of Human Services. Also deserving introductions are our summer interns. A graduate of Pleasant Valley High School, Alyce Brown will attend Northwestern University in the fall, where shell study journalism. She recently won Iowas award for the states top high school journalist. Sam Rothbardt, another PV grad, is attending Drake University, where hes focused his studies on digital journalism. We're not done growing. We're seeking more reporters to keep local governments in check, and sportswriters to cover your favorite teams. I believe its a testament to the strength of the newspaper and the Quad-Cities to attract such high-level talent to our region. All our new reporters are certainly qualified to be working in bigger markets, but they chose us because they recognize something special in the Quad-Cities and the way we tell stories. More importantly, these journalists will be serving you, day in and day out, tackling the areas most important stories, and delivering watchdog journalism and investigative work you wont find on TV. Reach out to them with story ideas or thoughts about coverage; theyll welcome your support. A Southwest spokesperson said in an email Wednesday the airline couldnt comment on details involving individual passengers, but no irregularity reports were generated from the specific flight the congressman was filmed on. The Transportation Security Administration is responsible for enforcing COVID-19 safety restrictions of commercial aircraft. Agency spokesperson Sarah Rodriguez reiterated that airline passengers are still required to wear masks on planes and in airports, though she did not respond to specific questions about the congressman's failure to wear one. Last year, after Roy was exposed to a fellow GOP congressman who then tested positive for COVID-19, he declined to self-quarantine and said he wasnt worried about catching the virus. In a July 2020 interview with CNN, Roy questioned the effectiveness of mask wearing for preventing the spread of the virus, especially during interactions with perfect strangers on an airplane with circulating air. To government watchdogs and good-government groups, the mistake was disappointing, if not that surprising. Neal Rosenstein of the New York Public Interest Research Group said lawmakers need to do more than lambaste the board for bungling. The attention and the blame is being focused on the board, which is appropriate, but it doesnt go deep enough. It doesnt go into: How are we going to prevent this? How are we going to fix this? he said. To him, the agency ends up being a shield that elected officials use to deflect voter anger. The board has long been a favorite target. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio on Wednesday called it broken and an entity from another time. To his predecessor, Michael Bloomberg, the boards many mishaps made it worse than the gang that couldnt shoot straight. Gov. Andrew Cuomo summed it up last year as a disservice to the citizens. The implications of this week's mistake extend beyond the agencys future, said Joanna Zdanys, a lawyer on the election reform team at the Brennan Center for Justice, part of New York Universitys School of Law. This has been a very tough year, I think, on a lot of people, she said in the spring. Were coming up to the two-year anniversary, and I think a lot of people are taking stock of where they are. Current and former Lightfoot advisers, however, complain that she doesnt take advice and can be difficult to approach. Like her predecessor, Emanuel, Lightfoot is known to be profane and hard-charging with other elected officials, once telling aldermen dont come to me for s--- if they voted against her budget. She can also be tough on her staff. Last May, Lightfoot emailed her chief of staff, her deputy mayor for economic development and scheduler a photo of ripped-up documents. Lightfoot also faced criticism for emailing her scheduler in January with complaints that she doesnt get enough office time. In the note, Lightfoot repeated several sentences one 16 times to highlight her displeasure over her schedule. Rounding out her answer on WTTW, Lightfoot acknowledged she can improve on the job but again connected the criticism. On April 20, the court issued yet another order extending the same allowance for delays to juvenile proceedings. Those orders came at a time when the state, and Cook County in particular, had been trying to reduce the number of people held in local jails for pretrial detention. It also came just before the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus launched its social justice reform initiative which included a proposal to phase out the use of cash bail, an initiative that was signed into law earlier this year. Speaking at a criminal justice reform conference Wednesday, Cook County States Attorney Kimberly Foxx said that about 6,000 people were currently being held in the countys jail, down significantly from the roughly 11,000 people being held there at any given time eight years ago. And while she did not specifically mention the pandemic rules that paused the speedy trial requirements, she said the jail population had been significantly lower than 6,000 at the beginning of the pandemic, and weve seen a steady increase. CHICAGO A monument to journalist and civil rights activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett was unveiled Wednesday in Chicago. Officially called The Light of Truth Ida B. Wells National Monument, the commemoration created by sculptor Richard Hunt was dedicated in the South Side neighborhood where Wells lived out her life. The monument has three bronze columns that support intertwined bronze sheets twisted into coils and spirals. One observer had trouble describing the abstraction at the top of the monument, asking if it was a hat or a crown of thorns. She was more certain about the columns. It is interesting, spectator Roberta Trotter told the Chicago Tribune. I just want to know what the artist thinks before I say more. But I do see a strong base. That, I understand Ida was a strong woman. Granddaughter Michelle Duster said traditional busts and statues of Wells were considered, but she and others pushing for the monument preferred something interpretive, which she said projects Wells better than the literal. What is the relationship between weather and fireworks, and what you need to consider when setting off your backyard display? As the Fourth of July weekend draws closer, fire safety experts and medical professionals recommend leaving fireworks handling to the professionals. Matt Perez, Illinois fire marshal, said fireworks only should be used by a trained professional, in line with state laws that restrict what fireworks people can purchase. "Fireworks not only could injure those shooting them but could also start fires in neighborhoods," Perez said. "Numerous communities have canceled shows again this year, which could be tempting for individuals to hold their own backyard displays. Remember, fireworks should only be used by professionals." Illinois reported 163 people were treated in hospitals for fireworks injuries in 2020, up from 126 in 2019, according to numbers from Perez's office. The accidents caused mostly eye injuries, burns, and ruptured eardrums. The number of injuries to children ages 11-16 doubled to 23 from 12 in 2019. Sangamon County Sheriff's Capt. Anthony Mayfield said the department receives 100-150 calls about fireworks-related injuries or accidents each year. Fourth of July weekend, Christmas and New Year's are the peak times for injuries, he said. Mayfield added people can think of fireworks as harmless largely because they can be sold in grocery and big box stores. Pete Daniel, in his book Dispossession: Discrimination Against African American Farmers in the Age of Civil Rights, documents how Black farmers lost their operations at a disproportionate rate when compared to their white counterparts. They were systematically denied loans or not provided adequate information on how they could benefit from New Deal-era programs. A 1999 federal court ruling, Pigford v. Glickman, sent about $1 billion to individual farmers who had experienced racial discrimination by the USDA. Similar victories were won by Latinx farmers in Garcia v. Vilsack and Native American farmers in Keepseagle v. Vilsack. Other groups, including veterans and women, have also received special attention, but these did not lead to lawsuits on behalf of excluded whites, who are now falsely being portrayed as victims by political conservatives. Moreover, as Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has noted, When you look at the COVID relief plans that had been passed and distributed by USDA [in 2020], and you look at who disproportionately received the benefits of those COVID payments, its pretty clear that white farmers did pretty well. One analysis found that white farmers received 97% of the money dispersed in the first of two pandemic relief programs last year. Fireworks are on the minds of many now. The Illinois Insurance Association and its member companies encourage residents to remember that fireworks are dangerous explosives that need to be handled with extreme caution. Personal fireworks are responsible for thousands of injuries and structural fires each year. Sparklers seem harmless but burn at temperatures as high as 1,200 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Protect yourself and your loved ones by leaving the fireworks display to professionals. Residents bent on lighting displays are urged to confirm compliance with federal, state and local laws and ordinances and make safety a priority. Some tips to keep in mind: Buy pre-packaged fireworks from a licensed store or stand. Homemade and professional-grade fireworks are unsafe for personal use. Store fireworks in a cool, dry, dark location away from any source of heat until ready to light. Designate a sober adult to oversee lighting fireworks. Alcohol and drugs do not mix well with explosives. Confirm children are supervised and well away from the staging area. Move pets inside. Light one firework at a time in a flat, open, outside location away from homes and buildings. As Independence Day approaches, communities and areas in the Northern Hills have various rules and regulations for the discharge of fireworks. Fireworks are prohibited in all areas of the Black Hills National Forest and within the Black Hills Fire Protection District, which basically follows the hill-line south of Interstate 90, including the cities of Deadwood and Lead. Possessing, discharging or using any kind of fireworks or pyrotechnic device is prohibited on the Black Hills National Forest, year-round, regardless of weather conditions or holidays, said Scott Jacobson, public affairs officer with Black Hills National Forest. Spearfish also prohibits fireworks within city limits. Independence Day is a time to celebrate, and we hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend, Public Safety Director Pat Rotert said. With the drought and dry conditions this year, we urge people not to shoot off fireworks even in areas where they are allowed. Within Spearfish city limits, fireworks are not allowed. Let me say again, do not shoot off fireworks of any kind in city limits. In addition to following the law, we ask people to be thoughtful of your neighbors. However, in Belle Fourche and Sturgis, the fireworks rules change. State Fire Division sets up Spearfish base The South Dakota Department of Public Safety Wildland Fire Division plans to set up a base at the Spearfish airport for wildland fire suppression. The Spearfish City Council approved a private hangar ground lease agreement with the department for a 5,000-square-feet area at Black Hills AirportClyde Ice Field. The base would be used for carrying out the business of wildland fire suppression. The term of the lease is one year, with a rental sum of $850, based on the 17-cent per square-foot lease fee. McDonald named Spearfish interim administrator Spearfish City Attorney Ashley McDonald has been appointed interim city administrator following the departure of Mike Harmon, who submitted his resignation recently, effective July 16. The Spearfish City Council approved the resolution June 21. After speaking with a number of department heads, Harmon said he felt McDonald is the best fit for the job, and she also has a position that the city can more easily fill through legal services contracts in the private sector. Noem said the drought, which she declared a state of emergency for earlier this week, is extremely concerning. She said the Black Hills have probably received the most moisture this year, but the rest of the state is devastated by the lack of moisture. Our ranchers are facing a decision within the next week or two on whether they need to sell whole herds of cattle, she said. A lot of farmers are cutting small grains for feed and selling it, and their corn and soybeans are drying up, too. Theyre a week or two away from losing everything and Id encourage everybody to pray for rain and to reach out to federal offices. Noem said the state is working to remove restrictions for hay hauling and ditch mowing to get through the difficult time together. She said there are also a number of federal disaster programs available for farmers and ranchers. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Kools said her yard has been pretty dry, but knows nothing would probably happen if a fireworks show were held at Mount Rushmore and that precautions would be taken. She said she agrees with Noem that she has the right over President Joe Biden to decide whats best for her state. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The specific terms of the most recent contract for DPEC & RCS Joint Ventures are not currently known, as the U.S. government's System for Award Management, or SAM, was experiencing an outage Wednesday for "Contract Data Refresh." However, the initial requests for proposals for the Ellsworth project were issued in late 2021. According to records, work includes general construction to include maintenance, repair, alteration, mechanical, electrical, heating/air conditioning, demolition, painting, paving, and earthwork for industrial and office buildings at Ellsworth Air Force Base. Work is expected to be completed by May 31, 2031. The massive project is in preparation for the arrival of the B-21 Raider, a new stealth bomber that will eventually replace the aging B-1 Lancer. Ellsworth AFB was officially named the Air Force's first base to receive the new aircraft on June 9. The B-21 has nuclear-strike capabilities and different needs for facilities on base. Security and infrastructure will be increased at Ellsworth as the B-21's arrival date approaches. Gov. Kristi Noem said she met Willis Johnson just a while ago while looking at old-fashioned cars. She said Johnson has never been a political contributor of hers, and was introduced to him a short time ago through acquaintances and friends. Noem announced this week she was deploying up to 50 South Dakota National Guard troops to Texas at Texas Gov. Greg Abbotts request to secure the Texas-Mexico border. Johnson fit the bill with a $1 million donation to the state, the Associated Press reported. Johnson lives in Tennessee and built Copart Inc., which is a publicly traded global business dealing with cars. He previously donated to President Donald Trumps campaign and has given at least $2.3 million to federal campaigns over the last decade. This is an incredibly important issue for our country, Noem said. In my opinion, the National Guard is best suited for going down there and securing our border. This is what our National Guard does, and people need to remember theyre trained and equipped for missions to go into situations exactly like what were seeing. Yet the pay-to-play transaction also highlights another way that big-dollar donors have insinuated themselves into governmental process to drive decisions. It also shows the lengths to which some GOP governors will go to show their fealty to Trump even as they try to position themselves for higher office. We dont need this donation and whether its legal or not, its a terrible idea because it looks like our guardsmen are being used as political pawns, said South Dakota state Sen. Reynold Nesiba, a Democrat. Noem's spokesman Ian Fury said the money would help alleviate the cost to taxpayers of deploying the 50-person contingent, adding that it could legally be accepted into a state fund designated for responding to emergencies and disasters. South Dakota currently has a budget surplus, something Noem has boasted about. South Dakota state law suggests that's not the way such donations are intended to be used. The law states that the fund can only be used to meet special emergency requirements of the Division of Emergency Management, an agency tasked with preparing the state for natural disasters or other emergencies. WASHINGTON (AP) The Biden administration on Thursday designated 17 countries as not doing enough to combat human trafficking and warned them of potential U.S. sanctions. The administration also called out several U.S. allies and friends, including Israel, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and Turkey, for backsliding in their efforts. The designations came in the State Departments annual Trafficking in Persons report, which cited the coronavirus pandemic as a cause for a surge in human slavery between 2020 and 2021. The report covering 188 nations and territories said the outbreak had put millions more people at risk for exploitation and distracted some governments from efforts to stem human trafficking. The report classified the 17 mostly authoritarian nations as Tier 3 for failing to meet minimal standards to stop what Secretary of State Antony Blinken called an inhumane cycle of discrimination and injustices. The designation means that without a presidential waiver those countries could lose some U.S. assistance, although decisions on such penalties will not be made until later this year. We will also have an (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant room with a bathroom and shower. We have not been able to do that in the rental house. Im so excited well be able to do that, Beam said. Passages has raised more than $774,500 in cash and pledges toward the cost of its new residential facility, including a recent $300,000 grant from the Sunshine Lady Foundation and $300,000 from the John T. Vucurevich Foundation. In addition to the land, Beam said architectural site plans and some engineering work has been donated. Scull Construction is donating dirt work, and other companies have agreed to donate some labor and supply some materials at cost. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Were so grateful. Theres too many people even to list that have made this possible for us, with a lot of volunteers and donors and hearts put into this, Beam said. Founded in 2008, Passages provides a safe, supportive environment for women who are newly out of incarceration or homelessness. Women can live in the Passages house while they spend six to 18 months in the program. The women accepted to the program come from the South Dakota Womens Prison, the Pennington County Jail, Pennington County Drug Court program, treatment centers and the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. More than 140 women have gone through the program so far. Captain of the RCPDs Investigations Division James Johns said that cannabis is not a commonly arrestable offense, though, and usually charges occur in conjunction with another, larger crime. Post-July 1, determining whether an arrest is necessary will depend on the circumstances of a particular situation and will be based on whether other charges are filed. The true beast, he said, would be enforcing the laws for people who do not follow the rules or are using cannabis recreationally. If youre at a big party and everybodys rolling a joint and smoking it, then thats still going to be illegal under Initiated Measure 26. You have to have a medical reason to be in possession of marijuana, Johns said. The medical law has a provision to protect patients before cards are issued, but it is not a valid defense for recreational users. People have to be informed about what theyre doing. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. So if somebody is going to be out there making a choice to have marijuana or be around marijuana or use marijuana, they better be making an informed decision, because if theyre wrong, there will be consequences, he said. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The South Dakota Department of Health announced on Wednesday a preliminary list of conditions that will be covered by the states medical cannabis program. The program is in effect as of July 1. More than 70% of voters passed Initiated Measure 26 to legalize medicinal cannabis in the November election. Under the law passed by the voters, patients must be experiencing a debilitating medical condition and be certified by a doctor that medical cannabis will help alleviate their condition, South Dakota Secretary of Health Kim Malsam-Rysdon said in a news release. This preliminary list of conditions meets the definition as passed by the voters, and is a result of feedback the department has already received. A process will be available for South Dakotans to petition to add more conditions to this list in the future. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The preliminary list of conditions includes: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrigs disease; Multiple sclerosis (MS); Cancer associated with severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, or cachexia or severe wasting; Crohns disease; Epilepsy and seizures; Glaucoma; and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Then, ownership of the ranch bordering the fort changed. Yahraus, who purchased the land in 2017, was instrumental in working with the FWP to provide the acre for the lot. Her willingness and friendliness to work with Montana FWP is why we were able to purchase this piece of land from her and welcome back visitors in a really positive fashion, said Maci Macpherson, park manager of the Bitterroot District of Montana State Parks and project coordinator at Fort Owen. In addition to Yahraus selling of the land, MacPherson pointed to a $507,500 grant from the Helmsley Charitable Trust as well as a $80,000 stipend from Montanas Department of Commerces heritage program as being significant in the development of the parking lot and future restoration and revamping projects. The parking lot is only the beginning, MacPherson said. Plans are in place to begin historic preservation efforts on the adobe brick of the parks eastern building, as well as develop a plan for community engagement things like exhibits and school field trips. The fact that there now is room for a bus to park opens many doors. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Public lands are such an enormous part of our economy. We're seeing that now, Bishop said. ... (Voters) get to see the things that Im fighting for when were talking about public lands and were talking about child care and housing and mental health and what these mean for Montanans and their economy. These arent the things that I think hes standing up for and talking about, and he has a record that isnt going to look like my record. Bishop said that as part of the Democratic-minority leadership team in the 2019 Legislative session, she was a member of the group that worked to broker an infrastructure deal after years of stagnation and extend the states Medicaid program. She was also a part of leadership in this year's session. In 2016, Bishop won House District 60 in Livingston and went on to re-election in 2018 and 2020. Republicans previously won the seat in 2012 and 2014. I'm coming out of a district that ... has elected both Republicans and Democrats. I've been successful in being a part of what's helped to make that a stronger Democratic seat, but threading that needle requires really having the sensibility that someone who comes out of a community like that has, and I think that's a really good fit for a congressional seat, Bishop said. Commissioners also chose to put off for another year a new accounting method that assures NorthWesterns fixed costs are recovered but that the utility isn't overpaid. Those fixed costs are associated with things likes service, transmission and power plant expenses, which are fairly flat, unlike fuel costs which can vary. Residential customers would have been rebated $9.5 million this fall had the accounting method been in place, according to PSC analysts. The accounting method had been delayed a year at NorthWesterns request at the start of the pandemic, which the utility argued was too unpredictable for trying a new accounting method. This spring, NorthWestern asked the commission to put off the accounting method again, for another year, citing again the unknowns of the lingering pandemic. But PSC analysts said the pandemic didnt create the unpredictability NorthWestern suggested. There were soft boundaries on conditions in which the fixed costs the accounting mechanism was expected to operate. During the pandemic, costs didnt stray outside those limits. In other words, nothing happened at the electric meter that the accounting method couldnt handle. However, Commissioner Brad Johnson said the first year of the pandemic was so unusual it was hard to know how the new accounting method would work in the second year. Strandquist said that he met McBride last year when they were working on a mural together across from the Virginia Commonwealth University police station. When we first met, she was 13 or 14 and smarter, more creative, more passionate than most adults Ive met in my life, Strandquist said. McBride, who has been involved with RISE for Youth, said that she wanted to use her art to try to make a difference in my community. I want to fight for the people who cant fight. It gives me a platform and a way to be heard. Valerie Slater, executive director of RISE for Youth, said she sees the Freedom Constellations as a call to action. We are laser-focused that youth incarceration becomes a thing of the past, she said. Were advocating to change the justice system. To change communities. To make sure that all opportunities are available to youth. A healthy community is a thriving one where children dont find themselves entangled in the justice system. Using Helvetica font for time stamps and title cards, Bravo refers to the texts digital origins while creating a sense of urgency and impending doom, which is underscored by a motif of shots barreling down the highway in Tampa. Zola (Taylour Paige) met Stefani (Riley Keough) only a few days earlier, waiting tables. When Stefani invites Zola to dance at a strip club in Florida, she jumps at the chance, and right into a black Mercedes G-Wagon belonging to Stefanis roommate (Colman Domingo), with Stefanis boyfriend, Derrek (Nicholas Braun), along for the ride. After one brief, gloriously euphoric moment, the bloom is almost immediately off the road-trip rose, as Zola realizes shes made a terrible mistake joining the obnoxious and shifty Stefani. Paige has the gift of an icy stare that Bravo puts to good use: the annoyance that Zola feels is palpable. But this isnt just about being stuck on a trip with someone you despise, as the weekend jaunt devolves into chaos. Stefanis roommate is her pimp, and he expects the girls to work, not just the pole. Zola is too confident and self-possessed to be pushed into sex work by a stranger, but she stays with Stefani in a sisterly attempt at protection and solidarity, and ultimately becomes something of a madam herself. Virginia Commonwealth University and ChamberRVA have received a $250,000 grant in hopes of filling the shortage of paid internships for college students in the Richmond area. Awarded by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the funds will support a new initiative called the RVA-VTOP Collaborative, or Virginia Talent Opportunity Partnership, and is designed to keep more area college graduates working locally. These days, employers are more likely to ask for internship experience on their job postings, said Beth Weisbrod, who leads talent retention and recruitment for ChamberRVA. Applicants with internship experience in their field are more likely to succeed after they gain a full-time job. And yet, the same employers arent offering enough internships, causing a shortage. While large companies are more likely to offer them, smaller companies often cant afford to or dont see the value in them. Its unclear how many internships exist in the Richmond area and how many are enough. What is clear is that there is more demand than there is opportunity, Weisbrod said. Freestanding stone chimneys representative of what was left of the many abandoned and burned-out homes on park land have come to be the iconic symbol of the organization and the monuments. On each memorial chimney, a plaque displays the surnames of families and landowners displaced from the mountains in that county. If you go up in the park today, youll find quite a few chimneys still standing, Bill Henry, who founded the Blue Ridge Heritage Project, told me in 2017. The first chimney I came across in the backcountry was a very powerful experience. I didnt know the whole story back then. It was like, Wow, somebody lived here. Once I learned about the people being evicted and the houses being burned the chimneys left standing really had a lot of meaning to me, said Henry, a retired school teacher in the area who grew up in Fairfax County and regularly visited Shenandoah National Park as a child, but has no personal connection to the displaced families. The chimneys show the determination and spirit of the mountain people. As the holiday approaches, fire departments statewide are confiscating tens of thousands of pounds of illegal fireworks and warning users that setting them off could lead to devastating wildfires. Los Angeles police on Thursday announced that they seized another ton of illegal fireworks from a shipping container and the bomb squad trucked it to a storage facility. In LA, Moore said on Wednesday that three box trucks and a 53-foot (16-meter) trailer were brought in to load up the fireworks at the South Los Angeles home and move them to a safe location. However, the improvised explosives that were also found were too dangerous to move, the chief said. There was a 300-foot (91-meter) boundary around the vessel a typical safety range and police had knocked on doors before the blast to evacuate homes on both sides of the street where the truck was parked. But firefighters later found people in some of the homes, officials said. It's not unusual for bomb squads to not know exactly what comprises the homemade explosives they are detonating, Diaczuk said. You dont know what youre dealing with. You dont know what this character made, he said. It doesnt come with ingredients in it like when you go to the grocery store. Youngkin has made his business experience and status as a political outsider central to his pitch to voters. But more often than not, he discusses his career in broad strokes, without mentioning his lofty position or even the name of his former firm. Asked in a February interview with a former state lawmaker that was streamed on social media how he viewed the role of private equity in the economy, Youngkin responded: We invest in companies, and we try to take good companies and make them great companies. And we do that by helping them expand. While creating big profits for the firms investors, Carlyles deals sometimes triggered layoffs, outsourced jobs and complaints from the people served by the companies acquired. The details in some cases may be politically damaging for Youngkin, but the situation is also complicated for his Democratic critics, who have tried to portray Youngkin as too close to former President Donald Trump. McAuliffe himself invested in Carlyle before and after becoming Virginias governor in 2014. Most new laws approved earlier this year by the Virginia General Assembly go into effect on July 1. This years session was the second year Democrats had full control of the General Assembly since flipping the House of Delegates in 2019. While marijuana was one of the top issues, heres a recap of some other new laws that will affect people: State employee raises The budget includes money for a 5% raise for teachers, state employees, college and university faculty and employees, and state-supported local employees like sheriffs deputies. State troopers will get an additional 3% raise, plus money for each year of service. Death penalty After punting on the issue in 2020, the General Assembly passed measures to make Virginia the first state in the South to end capital punishment. Voting rights When he was in his early 20s, Earl Tillett took the clothes out of the armoire in his bedroom and retrofitted it into a grow room. At the time, it was a mix of curiosity and recreation. I was brought up on a farm, and I wanted to grow something. I went from starting off in a greenhouse and my mom tearing my bud up, said Tillett, now 46. For the New Kent County resident, who served in the U.S. Army and later lost a leg in an accident, marijuana has become more than a pleasure or hobby: Its therapy, pain relief and a salve for post-traumatic stress. For Anah Johnson, 26, getting her hands in the soil to care for a marijuana plant is a way of reconnecting with my ancestry and culture. Marijuana is an ancestral medicine for Black people, said Johnson, praising what she describes as the metaphysical properties of the plant. But instead of that legacy being nurtured, she said, marijuana has instead been used to vilify and target people in the Black community, even though white people smoke just as much as Black people. Her hopes of growing marijuana wont involve expensive tents or light other than what comes from the sun. I really just want to put them in soil and watch them grow, said Johnson, a Richmond resident. The decision preserved a buffer for many tenants still seeking to get caught up on balances that have accrued since the pandemic hit and jobs vanished. At the same time, Virginia let lapse several key state protections geared toward helping tenants get caught up. Under a state of emergency order that expired Wednesday, Virginia had required landlords to notify tenants about how to apply for rent relief through the states program or apply or seek the money to cover delinquent balances tenants owe. The state had also barred landlords from proceeding with an eviction for 45 days while waiting for a relief application to be approved. With the federal moratorium soon to expire, ensuring tenants know about, and can access, the states $1 billion pot of rent relief is crucial, said Marty Wegbreit, director of litigation for the Central Virginia Legal Aid Society. Its remarkable how much of a lack of knowledge there is about both the CDC eviction protections and the rent relief program, Wegbreit said. As of mid-June, the state has paid $263.7 million in federal and state relief funds for about 41,400 renter households, according to data provided by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Thousands of other applications remained incomplete or pending in the states pipeline. The daily number of cases have been dropping, but experts worry that could change in the fall because the virus is more likely to thrive in cooler weather. Dr. Danny Avula, state vaccine coordinator, said more people will need to be vaccinated to slow transmission of variants of the virus. State and local health departments can still access federal funding for extensive vaccination strategies after Wednesday since the national state of emergency is ongoing. Here are the following protections that either ended or changed upon the orders expiration: Masks Virginia law prohibits people from wearing face coverings to hide their identity with an exception of a public health crisis. The state of emergency precluded arrests on the state law regarding wearing masks in public or on private property a Class 6 felony. People who are not vaccinated are encouraged to wear a mask, according to Northams spokesperson Alena Yarmosky. Regardless of someones vaccination status, people must wear a mask on modes of public transportation traveling within, into or outside the U.S. The law is intended to get crisis patients into care as rapidly as possible, before their conditions can worsen and before they can put themselves or others in danger. It was passed because of the experience of state Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, who had sought emergency care for his son. Gus Deeds was sent back home after a regional mental health employee said he could not find a bed for him; hours later, the young man attacked his father and killed himself. Mandating placement for patients in this kind of extremis is well-intentioned. What wasnt anticipated was just how many patients would need such interventions, or how seriously these placements would overwhelm hospitals and staff. A legislative group known as the Deeds Commission is working hard to find solutions, and find them quickly. Speed is necessary because the General Assembly will meet in early August to determine what to do with the $4-plus billion that Virginia received from the American Rescue Plan. King's legacy at odds with CRT teachings Editor, Times-Dispatch: The Rev. Martin L. King Jr.s famous dream that the day will come when we judge each other by our character and not by the color of our skin has been turned on its head. Enter the sheer lunacy called critical race theory (CRT). At the very core of this mutated ideology is the demand that if your skin is white you intrinsically are an oppressor and are perpetrating systemic racism. Anyone who disagrees with this premise is simply a racist needing re-educating. CRT trashes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by cutting at the very root of equality and justice. Divinity treats us all alike. God has created all human beings equally with the same privileges a very common-sense matter unless you subscribe to CRT, which seeks to establish the very evil it claims to eradicate. The immense progress this country has made in race relations rapidly is on track to be obliterated if CRT is left unchecked. Happy Marijuana Freedom Day in the commonwealth of Virginia! For the first time in generations, its legal for adults to possess small amounts of weed and to grow up to four marijuana plants. Its also legal for them to (privately) consume the devils lettuce, but not to buy or sell the plant. Whether you realize it or not, this marks a sea change in Virginia politics. Surely you recall less than a decade ago, when Virginias attorney general tried to redraw the 1776 state seal because (gasp!) it depicts a bare boobie. Weve come a long way from such paroxysms of prudery. Unfortunately, Virginias legal-weed law has significant shortcomings. As it now stands, retail sales of recreational pot wont begin until 2024. In the meantime we can grow and use our own. But that presents a cannabis conundrum. Where can we find seeds? In the 1970s when I was at the University of Maryland, that question was laughable. Back then, every $30 ounce of black-market Mexican ditch weed sported enough seeds to sow a quarter-acre patch. But most pot smokers didnt bother. Instead, we cleaned weed using the cardboard cover from any double vinyl-record album. Believe it or not, that was one of the eras down-low social skills. The box contained a metal pipe with two end caps and a fuse inserted into a hole drilled into the apparatus, officials said. The device didnt contain explosive powder but agents said powder was found nearby in an ammunition reloading station housed in the outbuilding. Both Robertson and a Roanoke-based store told authorities that he never picked up the new gun orders being held for him. The store owner said Robertson had come in to see some of the firearms but told staff that the conditions of the courts bond prohibited him from taking them. Prosecutors wrote that it was illegal for someone under felony indictment to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition in interstate or foreign commerce. They asked the court to revoke Robertsons bond, arguing that he has flouted his release conditions, and instead hold him in custody pending trial. Robertson had not yet filed a response Wednesday. An email sent to him late that evening did not draw an immediate reply. He is accused of obstruction of an official proceeding, entering and remaining in a restricted building, and disorderly conduct in the federal case. As the largest state by population yet to switch to managed care, North Carolinas foray into privatized Medicaid will be watched closely by other states and Medicaid experts. In mid-2018, almost 70% of the nations Medicaid enrollees were participating in managed care plans in nearly 40 states, or about 54 million people, according to Kaiser Family Foundation data. Enrollment For decades, Medicaid has used a traditional fee-for-service process, whereby providers bill the state for each test or procedure. Now health plans will receive monthly payments for each patient enrolled. For example, health plans initially will receive on average $170 monthly for each covered child and $420 for each adult, according to Department of Health and Human Services data. The plans financial gains or losses will depend on whats left over after medical expenses and other costs. Healthier patients could mean monetary bonuses, with financial penalties possible for poorer outcomes. Patients have signed up for a health plan some operated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield and United Healthcare and others with less familiar names like WellCare and AmeriHealth Caritas or have been enrolled automatically in one. Medical providers have entered into contracts with plans and consumers are being told what to expect. While McAuliffes ties to big donors and lobbyists are well-established, Youngkin has only begun to confront difficult questions about his business background. His team declined to address any of Carlyle's specific deals. As a young man, Glenn joined a small company and over the next 25 years worked his way up to the top of the company, helping to grow it into a hugely successful enterprise that turned good businesses into great businesses, created tens of thousands of jobs, and funded the retirement pensions of police officers, firefighters, and teachers," said Youngkin spokesman Macaulay Porter. Under Glenns leadership, The Carlyle Group employed nearly 2,000 people and managed assets totaling nearly four times the size of Virginias yearly budget. Youngkin has made his business experience and status as a political outsider central to his pitch to voters. But more often than not, he discusses his career in broad strokes, without mentioning his lofty position or even the name of his former firm. He leans on the phrase building business and creating jobs when talking about his career, typically without specific description of the types of deals he oversaw. PENHOOK Patrols are ramping up in anticipation of another busy Fourth of July weekend at Smith Mountain Lake. Conservation police officers with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources are encouraging boaters to be safe and sober this weekend with heavy traffic expected on the water. Friday marks the start of the departments Operation Dry Water, a national awareness and enforcement campaign focused on reducing the number of alcohol and drug related fatalities on the water. It will continue into the Fourth of July weekend. In addition to increasing awareness, a greater presence of conservation officers is expected this weekend to deter any bad behavior by boaters. Sgt. James Slaughter said between three and five boat patrols are expected to be on the water at any time during the weekend especially at peak times in the afternoon and during lakes two scheduled fireworks shows on the water. We anticipate this being a really busy weekend, Slaughter said. The department has charged four people on Smith Mountain Lake with operating a boat under the influence of drugs or alcohol so far this year. Slaughter said it is not as much as in previous years, but the number is still concerning. It is up from where we would like to see it, he said. In a first-of-its-kind initiative, the Roanoke Times and 33 other newspapers in the ARC states have agreed to participate. Each op-ed will be unique and put forth a governors respective vision for the region and will not be edited for content. I want to thank Dwayne Yancey of the Roanoke Times for collaborating with the governors offices on this project. Through these op-eds, you will find that states throughout Appalachia have a lot in common. We have an opportunity through the Appalachian Regional Commission to show that Republicans and Democrats can work together and rally around common causes. From Pennsylvania to Alabama, over the next several weeks you will hear from a diverse group of leaders. At the end of these op-eds Gov. Northam will host the annual ARC meeting in Southwest Virginia. Over the course of a few days in early October, governors and their staffs will discuss priorities for the region and enjoy fellowship and fun with the many outdoor recreational opportunities this part of the state has to offer. Virginians have a lot to be proud of in terms of what has been accomplished over the last four years. While I have seen letters concerning the Congressional Representative from the 6th District, all seem quiet about our newly elected Representative from the 5th District Bob Good. If only I were writing to say he has lived up to his namecliche or not. Alas, his lack of experience and judgment is evident by his votes and actions that are not good. I dont rush to judgment, even if the politician is someone I did not vote for. I corresponded directly to Mr. Good by email. He responded a week later but failed to answer a number of my concerns. In addition, he hinted that he was only interested in the concerns of the 74 million that voted for the former president. Going in, he was a believer in the Big Lie, and he sided with those in Congress willing to overturn the votes of people from other states. Why would there only be fraud in the Presidential contest, when many Republicans were elected on the same ballot? Time to take down the Trump 2020 signs. I wrote to Mr. Good after he voted against the Asian Hate Crime Bill. I simply asked, why? Before I sent the message, I happened to see a photo of him standing next to Marjorie Taylor Greene and her other allies. So, I added a comment expressing my dismay at his alliances. The Islamic finance industry is already worth over $2 trillion, and S&P Global Ratings estimates that this year and next will see it grow by up to 12% with an infusion of various tech products that offer Muslim markets a way to access the broader market with ethical products and services. Saudi Islamic Development Bank estimates that global Islamic finance assets will reach $3.69 trillion by 2024. Most recently, British asset manager Ethos Invest announced plans to raise $1.39 billion for what it set to become the world's biggest Sharia-compliant fintech-focused private equity fund, which will target small and medium-sized firms, between $50 million and $200 million in size. It will focus on companies in areas including banking, asset management, payments and life sciences, using technology including blockchain, robotics and cybersecurity, and will largely be deployed in the UK, but with additional investments in Europe, Saudi Arabia, Southeast Asia, and even North America. As well as helping companies in Muslim markets with ethical products and services access the broader global market, the fund would also look to help Western firms go the other way, Dr Quintan Wiktorowicz, partner at Ethos Invest said in press release. Islamic finance encompasses business and financial practices that are compatible with Islamic (Sharia) law. In a nutshell, it is supposed to be interest-free, risk-free and with no speculation (short-selling and gambling). Transactions that lack transparency are also banned. Considering that Islamic financial instruments can potentially offer higher profits and are less risky than non-Islamic assets, they also stand to be increasingly attractive to non-Muslim investors, especially in a world where ESG is taking over. Also, due the fact that tobacco, alcohol and gambling are forbidden in Islam, some investors see those stocks as alternative, more ethical investing. Still, one of main factors behind the growth of the Shariah-compliant funds industry lies in the simple fact that Muslims represent about a quarter of the worlds population. Yet, at the same time less than 1% of global financial assets are Shariah-compliant. In the UK alone, Islam is the second-largest religion in the United Kingdom, according to the latest census with Muslim population of 2.5 million or 4.4% of the total population. Recent survey of British Muslims found that 90 percent would want to use Islamic finance, but fewer than 25 percent were actually using it. Islamic fintech is arguably the area that has received the most attention recently in the industry. In the UK, there are some 30 Islamic fintech companies, which abide by interest-free Sharia laws and avoid unethical investments Other than that, asset management and Islamic insurance are the most growing sectors of the Islamic Finance. Over the next 12 months, we could see progress on a unified global legal and regulatory framework for Islamic finance we believe that such a framework could help resolve the lack of standardization and harmonization that the Islamic finance industry has faced for decades, S&P said. The ratings agency also said that the industry is expected to receive some support in the coming two years in Saudi Arabia, where mortgages and corporate lending are expected to rise. Home News Kid Superheroes: Saving the Planet, One Environmental Issue at a Time! July 2021 Superheroes are all around us, but they arent wearing capes or running at super speed. Instead, theyre passionate kids, using their voices and demanding to be heard, especially when it comes to sparking environmental change. This Clean Beaches Week (July 1-7), were sharing examples of how kids are making a difference in their communities (and beyond) as evidenced through research by Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar, Jenna Hartley. All over the world, youth are making a difference in impacting adult attitudes and improving the environment. In Thailand, after learning about forest degradation in their classes, students created change through organizing tree plantings and speaking up against forest burning. Within the United States, the NOAA Ocean Guardian School Program has empowered students to push for environmental policy change. Through this program, Adams Elementary students advocated for the Skip the Straw campaign at a Santa Barbara City Council Meeting. In turn, council members were so moved that they enacted a plastic straw ban. These noteworthy kids demonstrate the power of intergenerational learning (IGL), the bi-directional transfer of knowledge across generations. IGL has the potential to initiate a chain reaction in which youth learn about environmental issues from their teachers and can then spread this knowledge to their peers and adults, both within and beyond the family unit. Through this process, people of all ages can work together to tackle environmental issues. Okay, we see that youth can teach adults about environmental issues, but how much of an impact do they really make? NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar, Jenna Hartley has set out to answer this question. As a former classroom teacher and environmental education specialist, Jenna believes deeply in the power of young people in creating environmental and community solutions. Jenna also recently served a two-year term in the Education Seat on the Sanctuary Advisory Council for Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, working alongside site staff to consider innovative approaches to marine science education. Jenna is currently completing her PhD research at North Carolina State University under the advisorship of environmental education researcher Dr. Kathryn Stevenson. Jenna's research examines the role of students as environmental change-agents in their communities, specifically on the topic of marine debris and plastic pollution. Fourth and fifth grade students attended a Fuquay-Varina Town Hall meeting with the mayor and Board of Commissioners after presenting on the topic of marine debris. Photo courtesy of Jenna Hartley Stemming from this research, Hartley and her colleagues recently conducted a study that found a quantitative increase in adults levels of concern about marine debris and support for a marine debris ordinance following youth presentations. Hartley and her research team discovered that young people were able to bring together typically-polarized political identities, through both in-person events and virtual outreach methods such as youth-led public service announcement (PSA) videos. These findings are really encouraging, especially for kids to know that they have power, said Hartley. Even educators and parents should understand that kids can have a really important voice in their communities. By speaking up and sharing their opinions and behaviors with adults, students are able to affect environmental policy. As the mayor of Fuquay-Varina, John Byrne, said after hearing one of the youth presentations at a Town Hall meeting, We've got to use things sensibly. It's deeper than just plastics. 'Where do we want our world to be 50 years from now?' ... We learned a lesson today from our young people. It takes a village. Lets find out how YOU fit into this superhero narrative! Students: Activate your kid powers today by learning as much as you can about the environment and sharing your knowledge proudly with the world! Some fun ways to initiate change in your community include making PSA videos, giving formal presentations to adults in political venues (i.e., your town or City Hall meetings), or even just having conversations about marine debris at the dinner table. Beach clean-ups are also a great way to get your community actively involved in making a difference. If you dont live near the beach, you can clean up trash around any local waterway! Teachers: Kid powers cant come to life without your help! Support students and amplify their voices by helping them craft PSA videos in class, hosting poetry nights, or organizing any other event that helps students reach adults. Be creative and implement engaging elements that target your students interests. To use the activities used in this study, see the free marine debris curriculum developed by the Duke University Marine Lab. One fifth grade teacher, Crystal Holland, added some friendly competition to a cleanup event to get her students engaged. We did our river clean-up and had a blast. I made it a contest between our two fifth grade classes and I couldn't believe what they found, said Holland. The clean-up took place right by their school, and students and teachers alike were amazed by the plethora of debris collected. Ms. Hollands river clean-up shows that you dont need to travel far to make an event meaningful. Change can be made just around the corner, and thats exactly where it should start. A student from Wrightsville Beach School helps out at a beach clean-up. Photo courtesy of Jenna Hartley. Two students from Isaac Dickson Elementary School take part in an outdoor clean-up. Photo courtesy of Jenna Hartley Parents and Community Members: Empower the kids of your community by listening. Their superhero voices can speak only as loud as youre willing to hear. Be open to conversations that challenge your own thinking, and spread what you learn to others. Looking for programs to get you started? There are several NOAA programs related to youth engagement with environmental science and policy. Here are three to consider: Ocean Guardian School Program - Ocean Guardian schools commit to the conservation of local watersheds, the worlds ocean, and special ocean areas, like national marine sanctuaries. Students can partake in critical learning projects and opportunities related to sustainability and conservation. Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Programs - K-12 educators and students can gain an authentic experiential learning experience through meaningful watershed educational experiences. Marine Debris Program - Citizens can receive funding for their marine debris projects, and projects can focus on marine debris removal, prevention, and research. Theres no need to fear, the superhero kids are here! Environmental issues such as marine debris present ongoing challenges, but with a little help from adults, superhero kids can save the day. To learn more about Hartleys study and how kids had a positive impact in their local communities, read the article published in Frontiers in Political Science. Lauren Miller and Jackie Jaffe are students at Duke University and are DukeEngage interns for the Duke University Marine Lab Community Science Initiative. Jenna Hartley is a PhD Candidate at North Carolina State University and a NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar. COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) A longtime county official in South Carolina announced Wednesday that he's switching his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican, a move that the state GOP chairman says shows a deepening conservatism despite blue trends in neighboring states. Scott Suggs, who has been Darlington County's clerk of court since 1997, said that he had been pondering the party switch for years, due to what he characterized as shifts in Democrats that made the party unrecognizable compared to that of years past. I take my job very seriously, and, because of the outrageous policies of the national Democratic Party, I can no longer serve with a D behind my name," Suggs said. My commitment to Darlington County is as strong as its ever been, and Im ready to keep working for the people who live here. Suggs wife, Angie Suggs, won the county auditors race last year by five points as a Republican. State GOP Chairman Drew McKissick said that election, plus Scott Suggs' party switch, now means Republicans control half of the elected positions in Darlington courthouse. That feat, McKissick said, represents the GOP's growth across the board in South Carolina, where the party controls both legislative chambers, all statewide-elected offices and all but one congressional delegation seats. When might we expect appointments to a new a truly new US Sentencing Commission? | Main | "Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Imposes a Moratorium on Federal Executions; Orders Review of Policies and Procedures" July 1, 2021 Encouraging(?) update on prospects for series of small federal sentencing reform bills Politico has this new piece on the the prospects for (small) statutory sentencing reforms making their way through Congress soon. Both the headline and contents of the article are generally encouraging, though one is always wise not to expect much from Congress these days. The piece, headlined "As police reform talks sputter, bipartisan criminal justice bills advance," should be read in full by federal sentencing fans. Here are a few highlights: Democrats don't want to borrow a thing from Donald Trumps four years in power, with perhaps one exception: bipartisan criminal justice reform. As police reform talks edge closer to collapse and Democratic priorities from gun control to immigration stall, the Senate is chugging ahead on an overhaul of the U.S. criminal justice system that advanced under Trump. Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) described criminal justice reform as a personal priority for himself and his GOP counterpart, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.... House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said this week that he expects both chambers will "be moving a series of bipartisan criminal justice reform bills ... to deal with the mass incarceration epidemic that we have in America and the over-criminalization problem which both Democrats and Republicans recognize as a challenge that must be decisively tackled." Whether Republicans back criminal justice reform to the extent that they did in 2018 remains to be seen. The First Step Act, which included sentencing as well as prison reform provisions, passed the Senate with 38 GOP votes but only after many conservatives got on board following a personal appeal from Trump. A potentially stronger deterrent than a Democrat in the White House, for some Republicans weighing this year's bills, is the current increase in violent crime. "A bigger issue is the big rise in crime in the last year, Grassley said in an interview. I think thats the biggest impediment, not because Trumps not president. Durbin countered that the package he is working on with Grassley, a trio of bills, focuses on non-violent crime.... So far, the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved three bills co-sponsored by Durbin and Grassley. The first would give inmates the ability to petition for the sentencing changes established in 2018 to apply retroactively, among other provisions. The second would prohibit a judge from considering any conduct for which a defendant was acquitted in sentencing. Finally, the third would expand eligibility for a program that allows elderly prisoners to serve out the remainder of their sentences at home. That measure also includes a provision that would allow vulnerability to Covid-19 to qualify as a reason for compassionate release. But criminal justice reform advocates are pushing for the inclusion of more provisions in a larger package, especially legislation that would eliminate the sentencing disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses. The Biden administration recently backed the bill, and Durbin's committee held a hearing on it last month that featured GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson (Ark.), a former Drug Enforcement Administration chief, and Matthew Charles, the first person released from prison after the First Step Act passed in 2018. The road to closing that crack-cocaine sentencing disparity, a longtime progressive cause, is a hard one.... Advocates are hoping to see further movement before Congress leaves for its scheduled August recess. However, both Grassley and Durbin suggested that could be a heavy lift, given their limited days left in session and the intense focus on moving through both the bipartisan infrastructure deal and reconciliation. Durbin said he is working to pass his bills by voice vote, but if that doesnt work he will ask Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) for floor time. Grassley predicted that some time in the fall would be more likely.... As Congress enters the second half of the year, proponents of criminal justice reform are confident that some type of legislation will get through, given the ideological range of groups pushing for change. Each member, both Republican and Democrat, have very much an interest in it based upon inequities that have happened because of past tough on crime legislation, Grassley said. But something that really helps is when you have a broad coalition of the most liberal and the most conservative interest groups in the United States working together for it. Because there are many moving parts to the legislative proposals in play, and especially because of partisan divisions along with the fraught politics of crime, I fear that there could be many speed bumps on the way to congressional approval of even the small sentencing reform proposals that have so far advanced through the Senate Judiciary Committee. But if there are enough folks on both side of the political aisle who remain eager to get something done in this space, and especially if the Biden Administration might be prepared to prioritize these issues after infrastructure discussions are resolved, I will be hopeful that we could see one or maybe more federal sentencing reform bills become law in 2021. But I should close by repeating what I said at the outset, namely that it is always wise not to expect much from Congress these days. Some of many prior related posts: July 1, 2021 at 06:16 PM | Permalink Comments Post a comment "The Puzzle of Clearance Rates, and What They Can Tell Us About Crime, Police Reform, and Criminal Justice" | Main | "Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Laws: An Empirical Evaluation" July 1, 2021 Hoping grandmothers and others on home confinement get compassionate consideration In prior posts (some linked below), I have discussed the Office of Legal Counsel memo which interprets federal law to require that certain persons transferred to home confinement pursuant to the CARES Act be returned to federal prison when the pandemic ends. There has been particular advocacy directed toward Prez Biden urging him to use his clemency powers to keep these persons from being returned to federal prison, and I have recently argued Congress could and should address this matter with a statutory fix. But, critically, judges also might be able to grant relief on a case-by-case basis via sentence reduction motions under the (so-called compassionate release) statutory provisions of 18 U.S.C. 3582(c)(1)(A). One person at risk of serving many more years in prison after success on home confinement, Gwen Levi, is getting particular attention because she seems like low-risk person who has already been re-incarcerated on the basis of a seemingly minor technical violation. Here are just some of the stories discussing her plight: From The Root, " 76-Year-Old Black Woman Released From Prison Amid Pandemic, Sent Back for Missing Phone Calls While Taking a Class" extraordinary and compelling reasonsFrom USA Today, "'Scared and confused': Elderly inmate sent home during COVID is back in prison after going to computer class" From the Washington Post, "A grandmother didnt answer her phone during a class. She was sent back to prison." Upon hearing about this story, I expressed on Twitter my hope that Gwen Levi was pursuing a compassionate release motion. Kevin Ring of FAMM informed me not only that she was, but also that he had submitted a letter in support of her effort to secure a sentence reduction. Kevin recently sent me a copy of this letter and has allowed me to post it here: Download ECF 2079 Kevin Ring letter in support of comp. release Though I do not know all the facts surrounding the crimes and current circumstances of Gwen Levi and the 4000 other persons on home confinement at risk of going back into federal prison, I do know that these situations certainly seem to present "extraordinary and compelling reasons" to consider whether further prison time is needed. Some prior recent related posts: July 1, 2021 at 01:22 AM | Permalink Comments Post a comment Latest online issue of NACDL's "The Champion" full of sentencing articles | Main | When might we expect appointments to a new a truly new US Sentencing Commission? As detailed in this local article, Texas completed an execution last night just before the end of June. Here are some details: Texas executed John Hummel Wednesday evening for the 2009 murders of his family members. Hummel, 45, was sentenced to death by a Tarrant County jury in 2011 after the slayings of his pregnant wife, his 5-year-old daughter and his father-in-law at their Kennedale home. Police found their burned, beaten bodies in or near their beds after responding to an early morning fire, according to court records. Officials determined that they died by blunt-force injuries before the fire was set.... Shortly after 6 p.m., Hummel was escorted into the state's death chamber in Huntsville. He was pronounced dead at 6:49 p.m., 13 minutes after he was injected with a lethal dose of pentobarbital, according to prison reports.... Hummels appeals including a push last year to have the Tarrant County District Attorneys Office taken off his case because his defense attorney at trial had become a leader in the prosecutors office had been denied before Wednesday. Last week, however, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas sought to stop his execution because prison officials failed to let reporters witness a May execution for the first time in the history of the state's modern death penalty. Reporters for the Associated Press and the Huntsville Item, who attend every execution, were left waiting to be escorted from prison administrative offices across the street when Quinton Jones was killed. The same reporters were able to witness Hummel's execution Wednesday, Joseph Brown of the Huntsville newspaper, The Item, confirmed. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has said excluding the onsite reporters was a mistake, and has assured that media will be allowed in the future to observe as the state wields its greatest power over life. The agency blamed new execution staff, a revised execution protocol and a lack of oversight, according to a TDCJ statement.... Nationwide, reporters have served as watchdogs in botched executions in states that struggle to find lethal injection drugs as capital punishments popularity wanes. And Texas media reports often provide detail excluded from agency accounts of executions like prisoners describing a burning sensation after lethal drugs are injected in their veins.... After the execution, Tarrant County District Attorney Sharen Wilson said in a statement that the death penalty should be reserved for the worst crimes. "John Hummels actions were unconscionable," she added. Hummels execution, originally set for last March, was the first in the state to be taken off the calendar because of the coronavirus pandemic. Texas has executed two people in the pandemic Billy Wardlow last July and Jones last month. Thats an exceptionally low number for Texas, which leads the nation by far in executions. Aside from Hummel, four other mens executions were halted because of public health concerns. So far, four other men are scheduled to be executed in Texas in 2021. Only one other execution in the nation is scheduled for 2021, in Nevada, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. Texas completes only second state execution of first half of 2021 | Main | Encouraging(?) update on prospects for series of small federal sentencing reform bills July 1, 2021 When might we expect appointments to a new a truly new US Sentencing Commission? As the calendar turns to July, it seems a good time to express my frustration that we are now nearly six months into the Biden Administration and there has not yet been any nominations to the US Sentencing Commission. As I have noted in a number of prior posts (some linked below), due to a lack of Sentencing Commissioners, the USSC has been only somewhat functional for only a small portion of the last five years, and the USSC has not had complete set of commissioners firmly in place for the better part of a decade. The USSC staff has completed lots of useful research and reports in the interim, but the FIRST STEP Act's passage in December 2018 makes it particularly problematic for the USSC to have been completely non-functional in terms of formal amendments or agendas in recent years. Of course, the federal sentencing system can and does march on without a fully functioning USSC. But the lack of Commissioners is a significant lost opportunity for this significant agency to this particular moment. When functioning well, the USSC can and should be part of a hearty and healthy dialogue with Congress and the Justice Department, especially when these political branches are interested in criminal justice reforms. As I stressed in a recent post, "Timely reminder of US Sentencing Commission's decarceral potential ... when it is functional," even small changes to the US Sentencing Guidelines by the USSC can have a huge impact on criminal justice practices and the federal prison population. Moreover, as noted in this recent Bloomberg Law piece, headlined "Near-Vacant Sentencing Panel Gives Biden Chance for Fresh Start," the USSC these days could and should be thinking about a lot more than small guideline changes: Six of seven possible seats on the U.S. Sentencing Commission remain empty, giving President Joe Biden an opportunity to remake the panel at a time when overhauling criminal justice is a rare example of bipartisan consensus.... In addition to taking up issues that have been unaddressed, a new set of commissioners could help review the decades-old sentencing guidelines wholesale to reflect a modern understanding of criminal justice, observers say. It is a great opportunity for the administration, said Mark Osler, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, who focuses on policy surrounding clemency, sentencing, and narcotics. Because if you want a great shot at really creating reform in the federal system, the guideline commission is one place to start. And the bipartisan consensus on the need to overhaul sentencing gives a new commission a chance to do things like simplify the guidelines, Osler said.... During the 2020 presidential race, Bidens campaign recommended tasking the Sentencing Commission with conducting a comprehensive review of existing sentencing guidelines and statutory sentencing ranges. The guidelines were drafted 40 years ago at a time when the emphasis was on punishment rather than rehabilitation, said Nancy Gertner, a former federal district judge in Massachusetts and a senior lecturer at Harvard who teaches law and neuroscience and has written about sentencing. Since then, the connection between the guidelines and mass incarceration is clearer and people have a better understanding of the science behind the issues that impact crime, such as mental health, she said. In my view, these are guidelines that need to be reexamined and reevaluated, Gertner said. Back in February, I wrote a commentary, "Reviving the U.S. Sentencing Commission," which noted that the USSC has historically been dominated by persons with prosecutorial backgrounds; I also lamented that the USSC now needs six new confirmed members to get back to full strength and at least three new commissioners to even be somewhat functional. At that time, I did not reasonably expect to see needed nomination to the US Sentencing Commission until at least some Circuit and District Judge nominees were put forward. But yesterday, Prez Biden announced his fifth round of judicial nominees. The USSC, which is also in the judicial branch, needs to get appointments soon or there will be reason to fear we will not get confirmed Commissions in place until 2022 or even later. I especially hope the frustrating wait for nominations will be rewarded soon with some terrific nominees for the Sentencing Commission who will be committed to thinking big about how to make federal sentencing sounder. Especially in light of the FIRST STEP Act and other national criminal justice developments, we need not just new US Sentencing Commissioners. The country could and would benefit from a truly new US Sentencing Commission committed not just to monitoring and managing the federal sentencing guidelines, but also to being a powerful advocate for humane, evidence-based sentencing systems throughout this great nation. Notably, what I wish to imagine today is what Judge Marvin Frankel ably urged a full 50 years ago when he first set out his ideas for a "Commission on Sentencing" at the very end of Criminal Sentencing: Law Without Order: The uses of a commission [should be as] to marshal full-time wisdom and power against the ignorance and the barbarities that characterize sentencing for crimes today.... The need for change is clear. Our justly proud awareness that "we the people" have the power should carry with it a corollary sense of duty. It is our duty to see that the force of our state, when it is brought to bear through the sentences of our courts, is exerted with the maximum we can muster of rational thought, humanity, and compassion. A few prior recent related posts: July 1, 2021 at 02:54 PM | Permalink Comments Post a comment MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian warships have carried out a live fire training exercise in the Black Sea, the country's Black Sea fleet said on Thursday, as Ukraine and NATO countries held military drills in the same wider area. The Sea Breeze drills, led by Ukraine and the United States, follow a spike in tensions between NATO and Moscow after Russia last week said it had fired warning shots and dropped bombs in the path of a British warship to expel it from its territorial waters near Crimea. London said it did not recognise Moscow's account of the incident near the peninsula, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Moscow had called for the Sea Breeze exercise to be cancelled before it began, and the Russian defence ministry has said it will react to safeguard national security if necessary. Russia's Black Sea fleet said in a statement on Thursday carried by the Interfax news agency that the crews of two large landing ships had fired at sea and air targets in the Black Sea. The drill came two days after Russia tested its air defence systems in Crimea. In separate comments, Russia's defence ministry said it was tracking an Italian navy frigate after it entered the Black Sea on Thursday, Interfax reported. Sea Breeze 2021 will last two weeks and involve about 5,000 military personnel from NATO and other allies, and around 30 ships and 40 aircraft, with U.S. missile destroyer USS Ross and the U.S. Marine Corps taking part. (Reporting by Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber; Editing by Andrew Osborn, William Maclean) File image from January 2021 shows the police booking photo of Miya Ponsetto (AP) A 22-year-old California woman who accused a Black teenager of stealing her phone after she left it in the back of a taxi has been charged with hate crimes. On 26 December last year, at Arlo Hotel in New York City, Miya Ponsetto accused Keyon Harrold Jr - the 14-year-old son of Jazz musician Keyon Harrold - of stealing her phone. A viral video of the incident also appeared to show her attacking him. In the video, Ms Ponsetto is seen yelling at Keyon and lunging at him while he denies stealing her phone. On Wednesday, Ms Ponsetto was arraigned in Manhattan and charged with hate crimes. She pleaded not guilty, appearing for her arraignment virtually. Ms Ponsetto was arrested on 8 January in California and was charged in Manhattan with two counts of attempted assault, attempted robbery, grand larceny and endangering the welfare of a child. Reports said that she wasnt charged with a hate crime at that point. However, Harrold subsequently asked for hate crime charges to be levelled against her. During the arraignment, assistant District attorney Sarah Marquez said a Lyft driver had returned her phone to the hotel, saying it was left in their vehicle. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Ms Ponsetto was indicted by the grand jury of the county of New York on two counts of unlawful imprisonment in the second degree as a hate crime, aggravated harassment in the second degree and endangering the welfare of a child, reports said. Her attorney, Paul DEmilia, meanwhile told the media that the hate crime charges against her client were shameful. Ms Ponsetto is due back in court in October. Mr DEmilia said: The charges alleged are a brazen and clear overreach of the intent of the statute. In sum, they are absurd and a perversion of our legal system. NEW YORK (AP) Donald Trumps company and its longtime finance chief were charged Thursday in what prosecutors called a sweeping and audacious tax fraud scheme in which the executive collected more than $1.7 million in off-the-books compensation, including apartment rent, car payments and school tuition. ORANGE CITY, Iowa -- The lawyer for a man granted a new trial in a Sioux County murder case has asked that it be conducted in another county. Defense attorney Brendan Kelly said media coverage of Gregg Winterfeld's first trial, guilty verdict and a recent order for a new trial would make it hard to seat an impartial jury. "Local sentiment against defendant apparently continues to run contrary to his receiving a fair trial in Sioux County," Kelly wrote in his motion for change of venue, filed Tuesday in Sioux County District Court. District Judge Jeffrey Neary scheduled a hearing on the motion for Sept. 3. Winterfeld's trial is currently scheduled for Oct. 5. Neary last month granted Winterfeld a new trial because of a mistake made while choosing the jury for his first trial, which ended in April with a jury finding him guilty of second-degree murder for the May 9, 2020, shooting death of Grant Wilson. Winterfeld, 71, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, had been charged with first-degree murder, but the jury found him guilty of the lesser charge. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} "We are aware of the litigation and are in the process of reviewing it," Kollbaum said in an emailed statement. Doug Phillips, a Sioux City attorney representing the city and Hegenbarth, declined to comment. The suit stems from a Feb. 9, 2020, incident in which Cundiff's roommate Kyiah Kastner created a video showing roommate Ellie Thompson putting dried skin shavings from her heel into a bag of shredded cheese belonging to a fourth roommate. The video, as well as a video and pictures showing the roommate, unaware of the skin, eating the cheese, were posted on Snapchat. Kastner later admitted to school officials she shaved Thompson's skin and put it in the cheese bag, the lawsuit said. An initial report compiled by NCC administrators, based in part on statements from other students, indicated Cundiff was involved in the incident with Kastner and Thompson. The college fined the three $100, moved them into separate dorm rooms and put them on notice they'd be evicted from on-campus housing in case of another violation. Cundiff also was stripped of her role as a student ambassador. SIOUX CITY -- District Judge Patrick Tott has been appointed chief judge in Iowa's 3rd Judicial District. Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice Susan Christensen announced the appointment Thursday. Tott will succeed District Judge Duane Hoffmeyer, who is retiring Aug. 5. "Judge Tott brings wide-ranging experience and the respect of his fellow judges to the important position of chief judge," Christensen said in a news release. Tott was appointed to the bench in September 2014 by former Gov. Terry Branstad. The Sioux City native received his undergraduate and law degrees from Creighton University, the latter in 1991. "I am honored and humbled to have been chosen as the new chief judge for the 3rd Judicial District," Tott said. "I am fortunate that the 3rd Judicial District has many fine judges, clerks and administrators that I look forward to working with to ensure the fair administration of justice to all Iowans that will appear before our courts." The chief judge supervises all judicial officers and court employees in the district, sets court schedules, designates presiding judges and serves on the judicial council, which advises the Supreme Court on administrative matters. Alarcon-Flory said Monday many points in the contract are tied to the superintendent's performance. At each request, Alarcon-Flory said she sought advice from the school attorneys on how to proceed. The board chair said she offered to have such a discussion in closed session but Greenwell kept pushing for a public forum. "Such discussions would be inappropriate in an open meeting and should take place during the Superintendents evaluation meeting, which is held in closed session at the request of the Superintendent," Alarcon-Flory said in a June 22 email. Alarcon-Flory and Greenwell also disagreed on whether Gausman's three-year contract automatically rolls over from one year to the next. In an email to the board chair on June 23, Greenwell cited district policy that he claimed said the board must affirm multi-year contracts before they renew each year. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Just for clarification, the current Contract term (absent renewal) ends on [June 30, 2023]," Alarcon-Flory said in a email, in response to Greenwell's request. "In addition, no affirmative Board action is required to extend the contract term, as it would automatically continue absent the notice described in Section 2 of the contract." The locations are scheduled to be cleaned, Steelman said. Upon learning of these cases, personnel acted swiftly in distributing testing kits to the impacted areas in the building. Please contact your Human Resources office if you have any questions, concerns or would like to be tested. Moreland did not respond to a question about whether any of the infected employees were working from home before Gov. Mike Parson called state workers back to the office by May 17. The plan drew criticism from employees, including from at least one union representing state workers, which demanded Parson allow paid time off for employees to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and that the state work with the union on safety protocols. Local 6355 of the Communications Workers of America also wanted a way for workers with child and family responsibilities to request delayed returns to the office. I'm excited that we're able to make sure to get our education funded, he told reporters, saying the $8,700 grant is a great place for them to go into their school year starting on July 1st working on their budget. I think that's a positive. This is a great bipartisan effort to have the largest investment in education in Michigans history, said Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr. of East Lansing, the top Democrat on the Senate budget panel. Im really proud of the work that the governor did to get here and I was proud to support it. Legislators embraced Whitmer's revised proposal to expand state-funded preschool to 22,000 eligible but unenrolled 4-year-olds and to raise the amount allotted per child. They added $240 million to hire additional school nurses and counselors and $155 million for Grand Valley State University to disburse up to $1,000 each to K-5 students who are not proficient in reading. The scholarship could be used for instructional materials, tutoring, summer and afterschool programming. The goal of this program is to provide as many good options to parents as humanly possible, said Sen. Lana Theis, a Brighton Republican who cited learning loss as kids went to school online in the coronavirus pandemic. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Oregon and Washington on Wednesday lifted most of their COVID-19 restrictions to become two of the last states to broadly ease virus orders put in place in the very first days of the pandemic. It sounds odd to say that a movie about rapacious capitalism, systemic racial bias, corporate corruption, and organized crime in 1950s Detroit has a summer vibe. But thanks to Steven Soderberghs light touch with a heist caper, thats the mood of No Sudden Move (premiering on HBO Max on Thursday), a modestly scaled neo-noir that combines the packed ensemble cast and shaggy-dog plotting of Soderbergh films like The Limey or Logan Lucky with the embedded social critique of The Informant! or The Girlfriend Experience. Advertisement We first meet Curt Goynes (Don Cheadle, in top form) making his way from the crumbling Black Bottom neighborhood to a fancier white district, backed by the uneasy rhythms of David Holmes jazz-inflected score. Curt walks in the dead center of the street, for reasons that dont need explaining; as a Black man in a gentrifying citya man, we soon learn, who has just been released from prisonhe cant afford to let down his guard by getting caught in the shadows. Nor can he afford to turn down the $5,000 fee he is offered by the mysterious Jones (Brendan Fraser) to do whats billed as a three-hour job for an unnamed local crime boss. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Sign up for the Slate Culture Newsletter The best of movies, TV, books, music, and more, delivered to your inbox. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. Curt soon finds himself teamed with two fellow small-time hustlers, the openly racist Ronald (Benicio Del Toro) and jittery live wire Charley (Kieran Culkin). Their task, Jones explains, is to babysit the family of Matt Wertz (David Harbour), a midlevel pencil-pusher at General Motors, while one of them accompanies Wertz to his office to retrieve a document. What exactly is on that piece of paper, and why so many powerful people are jockeying to get their hands on it, becomes more than a mere MacGuffin. In the movies final 10 minutes, a major movie star makes an uncredited cameo appearance to lay out for the hired gunmen and for the audience exactly what the document means and why it matters, both to the era the film is set in and to our own. Advertisement The script (by Ed Solomon, who also wrote Soderberghs TV series Mosaic, Men in Black, and all three Bill & Ted movies) never belabors its larger historical and political points. Indeed, the 11th-hour clarification comes so late and is over so fast that I for one could have done with a bit more belaboring. Like most of Soderberghs prior heist films, No Sudden Move is an intricately plotted crime story that makes the viewer piece together whats going on at the same time the characters do. This approach provides plenty of propulsive forward motion, even if it also occasions more than a few moments of wha? Advertisement No Sudden Move hits its peak early in a jaggedly suspenseful home-invasion sequence in the suburban kitchen of the Wertz family. Mary (actor-director Amy Seimetz) is getting her two children (Noah Jupe and Lucy Holt) ready for school when the hastily assembled trio of crooks bursts in, masked and armed, demanding that her husband come with them to open a safe in his bosss office. When he protests that he doesnt even know the combination, one of the invaders snarks, We hear you have the combo to his secretary. The marital tension introduced by this revelation provides one of the movies best dramatic arcs, thanks to Seimetzs standout performance as a tightly wound, chain-smoking housewife whose quilted floral bathrobe belies a steely core. Advertisement Less well developed is Curts history with his ex, Clarisse (Lauren LaStrada), whom he pays a visit in what feels like a piece of a storyline thats been cut down. In general, the female characters in No Sudden Move tend to be underwritten, especially relative to how crucial they are to the plots unfolding. We learn little about the backstory of Vanessa (Uncut Gems discovery Julia Fox), who is both the girlfriend of Del Toros Ronald and the abused wife of local crime boss Frank Capelli (Ray Liotta), or about Paula (Frankie Shaw), the secretary at GM who is the fed-up mistress of the comically inept Matt Wertz. Advertisement There are other holes in the labyrinthine plot (which includes no fewer than two crime organizations, two home invasions, and two precious stolen documents). The initial meeting between Curt and Ronald establishes a racial tension between the two that seems to dissipate a few scenes later with no explanation, and an FBI agent investigating the link between the home invasion and the mob (Jon Hamm) enters the story too late and has too little time onscreen for the twist involving him to have much resonance. Advertisement It gets both darker and funnier as the betrayals and double-crosses pile up. But No Sudden Move isnt a movie whose pleasures come from understanding every plot detail. As in a classic film noir, all you really need to know is that everyone is out for themselves and no one can be trusted. The movie opens on a vintage Warner Brothers logo, as if to nod at its resemblance to that studios low-budget crime dramas from the period when this movie is setgritty thrillers like The Enforcer or I Died a Thousand Times. Soderbergh drives home the point by shooting several of the more shifty characters from Dutch angles, a classic noir framing that is the visual equivalent of that slightly off-kilter score. Hannah Beachlers production design is beautifully detailed without being Hollywood-lavish: Detroits ongoing project of urban renewal (or as one Black character calls it, Negro removal) is established as much through the smart use of locations as through expository dialogue. The cinematography and editingboth by Soderbergh, under his longtime aliases of Peter Andrews and Mary Ann Bernardare as elegant and nimble as they need to be without getting in the storys way. And as should be the case with any good heist thriller, No Sudden Move gets both darker and funnier as the betrayals and double-crosses pile up. If I had to rank Soderberghs crime-themed movies, this one would rank somewhere below Out of Sight and The Limey (what movie wouldnt?) but above, say, Logan Lucky or the last two movies in the Oceans trilogy. The whole thing vanishes pretty quickly from memory once its over. But for that hour and a half of fluid, kinetic filmmaking, you are putty in the hands of Steven Soderbergh, a reliably pleasurable place to be. There has never been a movie quite like Zola: an adaptation of not just a true(-ish) story, but one told over a series of nearly 150 tweets. In October 2015, Aziah Zola Wells King recounted a trip she took to Tampa with a woman she barely knew, the womans erratic boyfriend, and a mysterious, trigger-happy man who turns out to be the womans vicious pimp. The tweets became known as #TheStory, and the viral success of Wells Kings tale has been credited for popularizing Twitter threads. Advertisement The new movie attempts to adapt all of Wells Kings casual, slangy tweets into a cogent narrative without relying on aesthetic media tropes. There arent any screenshots or chat bubbles or animated likes popping up on screen; Zola is about #TheStory, not #ThePlatform. But in translating 140 characters (multiplied by 148 tweets) into an 85-minute film, co-screenwriters Janicza Bravo and Jeremy O. Harris made a few changesjust as the real-life Zola herself did to her own tale, it turns out. Advertisement Advertisement Below, weve collected the biggest differences between the infamous Zola thread and the newly released Zola movie. Weve also broken down how both tellings deviate from the true version of the story that eked out after the thread went viral. Zola In the film, as in the thread, Zola (Taylour Paige) is working as a waitress at Hooters, a job she took while on a break from her gig as a pole dancer. One of her customers is another young womanZola often calls her this white bitchwho invites Zola on a trip to Tampa, Florida, to make some money at their high-paying clubs. Zola follows along as this white bitchaka Jessica in the thread but called Stefani (Riley Keough) in the filmgets in deeper trouble with her pimp and boyfriend (Jarrett in the thread and Derrek in the film; hes played by Nicholas Braun), both of whom were there for the trip. Advertisement What happens to Zola on this trip, however, is where the movie deviates from the thread. As much as she wants to disentangle herself from the group, Zola doesnt manage to, culminating in a tense and disturbing scene in a hotel room where both Zola and Stefani are supposed to do some sex work. In the film, the pimp called X (played by Colman Domingo and known in the thread as Z) tries to distract an angry competitor posing as a customer from kidnapping Stefani by baiting him with Zola. Zola stands rigidly as the man kisses her and gropes her, all at the urging of X. Somehow, the plan works, and Jessica is rescued after X shoots the other pimp in the face. The gang high tails it out of the hotel, Zola in shocked but complicit silence. Advertisement Advertisement But the actual Zola was never in that hotel room. As she tells it, she largely kept away from any of the sex work herself, creating a Backpage profile for Jessica but screaming HELL NO!! at the immediate sign of any danger, as she describes in her tweet. According to the thread, when Jessica was pulled into the hotel room by not just a rival pimp but another guy, too, Zola stayed behind in the hallway for safety before running away. In Zolas telling, Jarrett follows, and soon so does Z, who is now carrying an unconscious Jessica he saved from the room. This means that Zola never actually saw Z shoot the man in the face, per the thread, although she trusts that hes telling the truth about what happened, and she does say she heard the gun go off. She says that she also refused to stay with the crew after that, instead demanding that Z take her to the airport and never contact her ever again. Zola and Jessicas friendship is overZolas certainly not driving all the way back to Detroit with that girl, as they do at the end of the film. Advertisement Advertisement Its worth noting that the veracity of Zolas account has been disputed by the other major players involvedmore on that in a bit. These days, Zola has two daughters and lives with her family in suburban Atlanta. Shes active on Instagram and OnlyFans and, according to a lengthy pre-film release Vulture profile, is ready to enjoy her rekindled spotlight. Stefani/Jessica Advertisement The movie makes a lot of alterations to the character known as Jessica in the original thread, including the obvious change of her and her boyfriends names. (Hes Jarrett in the thread, Derrek in the movie). In the movie, Stefani is eager to please her pimp and fed up with her boyfriend. She doesnt know much about how to handle her sex work on her own, which is why shes making barely any money from it. (In the movie, she makes $150 from sleeping with a guy; in the thread, its $100.) Stefani convinces herself that Zola is a true friend for sticking by her during this trip and helping her earn some real cash for putting out, all while fighting with Derrek constantly and telling X that he owns her heart. Advertisement Advertisement The movie ends with all four people driving back to Detroit together, likely never to talk again of their wild weekend. But Zolas thread ends with her flying back to Detroit with a rattled Jarrett, leaving Z and Jessica behind to continue their work in Tampa and beyond. Then, per the thread: I get a collect call 4 days later from a jail in LAS VEGAS! Its JESSICA! Both Jessica and Z were arrested for sex trafficking, according to the threads version of events, while Z was also supposedly wanted for kidnapping 15 underage girls and is linked to 6 murders including [in Florida]. Zola refused to have any part in bailing Jessica out, she says, and later found out that Jessica claimed to be the victim in all of this and ends up freed from jail and back home to Detroit. Advertisement It may not be surprising to hear that Jessica denies the majority of Zolas story, speaking out in a long Reddit thread shortly after the tweets went viral. (Jessicas version of events, in which Zola is actually the one who was out there doing sex work while she only fucks with Jesus, is presented as a hilarious, monologuing tangent by Stefani in the film.) But Jessica did confirm that her pimp Z ended up in jail, while she painted herself as simply an innocent woman who fell prey to his ill-intentioned charms. Nowadays, Jessica takes care of her young daughter and speaks out against sex trafficking. X/Z Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Both the film and the thread use a single letter to denote the pimp, who is a mysterious Nigerian man whose accent only comes out when hes angry. In real life, X/Z is Akporode Rudy Uwedjojevwe. Rudy was reportedly introduced to Zola as Jarrett and Jessicas roommatea connection he does maintain in the filmbut his past with Jessica goes far beyond that. Jessica says that, in real life, she met Rudy at a club, where he comforted her after she had been raped by a client. They became close friends and, eventually, co-workers; that is to say, he became her protective pimp. Other details across the thread and the film remain fairly consistent, except for the part where Jessica and Z have sex in front of Zola, which doesnt happen in the movie. Nor does Zola show a picture of Jessica and Z having sex to Jarrett to prove to him that his girlfriend is unfaithful, as she does in the thread. But Zs wealthy, stoic white fiancee, the hotels of wildly varying quality that he puts them up in: Those all appear in both tellings of the story. Advertisement The wild claim that X shot a rival pimp in the face, meanwhile? False. In the film, we see it happen in front of Zola, Derrek, and Stefani; in Zolas thread, Zola only hears the gun go off. But Jarrett told Rolling Stone no one ever got shot, a detail corroborated by local authorities. Nevertheless, Jessicas pimp did go to jail: Las Vegas police apprehended Rudy Uwedjojevwe when he was there with Jessica, and he ultimately pleaded guilty to charges of sex trafficking and coercion. He is currently serving a 16-year prison term, although hes now up for parole. Derrek/Jarrett Advertisement The most dramatic change between the film, thread, and reality is what happens to the poor, put-upon boyfriend. Both Derrek in the film and Jarrett in the thread suffer from mental health issues that exacerbate his relationship issues. Its how he ultimately reacts to the mess that is Jessicas averted kidnapping attempt that marks fiction from fact. In the movie, Derrek yells at Stefani that hes going to kill himself when she refuses to stop working with X. He runs toward the balcony and jumps off, landing on the pavement beside the pool below them. The film then cuts to Derrek holding his bleeding head and sobbing hysterically in the car as the foursome drives home. Advertisement In the thread, this basically happens too. The main difference is that Jarrett and Jessica get into a fight over her refusal to go back home to Detroit with him, with her instead choosing to stay longer in Tampa to make more money. He is so distraught over this, according to Zola, that he then jumps off the balcony. I screamed SO LOUD my heart stopped, reads her tweet about the harrowing moment. Z takes Jarrett and puts him in the car with Zola, who is heading to the airport. It should almost go without saying that his relationship with Jessica is over; Zola added some photos of Jarrett with his new boo later on in the thread, looking much happier. But in actuality, no one jumped off anyones balcony. All the players involvedZola, Jessica, and Jarrettlater said that he only threatened to jump, but he didnt go through with it. Instead, Jarrett chose to leave with Zola for the airport of his own volition. Phew! Dear Prudence is Slates advice column. Submit questions here. Dear Prudence, My cousin and I are not close, but our parents are. She had a stillbirth about eight years ago and named the baby after her late mom. I am having a girl and naming her after my husbands mom and late grandma. There is a vague overlap with my cousins babys namethink Juliana and Lianna. I didnt know she had my number until she called and started to rant at me for being selfish and stealing her dead babys name. Also, I apparently had a childhood grudge against her. I told her she was acting crazy and to get professional help. Advertisement I was not in the loop that she was mentally unwell and in therapy. But after our conversation, my cousin made enough suicide-leaning social media posts that my uncle got the authorities involved. The family has decided to rally around my cousin to scapegoat me, saying I should have been more sensitive. How do we deal with the fallout? Advertisement Advertisement Baby Name Baffled Dear Baffled, As a general rule, dont call people crazy and act as if getting professional help is a punishment for being unreasonable. But you know you arent the cause of your cousins problems, and the rest of the family has to know too. Dont engage in any conversation about this beyond Im sorry I snapped at her, but I have every right to choose the baby name I did, and Im not responsible for her mental health. It sounds like she has a lot of people who care about her, so let them focus on how shes doing while you focus on your baby. Advertisement Get Dear Prudence in Your Inbox We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. Dear Prudence, My best friend is back on with her on-again, off-again partner of a little over two years. He is manipulative and gaslighting, and they have no life values and priorities in common. Once, when she tried to end things in the past, he said, You only think you want that because youve been talking to your friends, like [me], too much. I really thought the last break up was going to be the one that stuck. Im worried if I remind her of how miserable he made her, I will lose my best friend. (Ive spent many evenings comforting her while she sobs about how a relationship shouldnt feel like this and how she dreads a future where she spends the rest of her life feeling like this. I also have a two-page note from her about all the things she was going to remind herself of if she was ever tempted to call him again.) Im also worried Ill lose her if I leave her in this relationship. He knows I dont think hes good for her, apparently, and I find him impossible to even make small talk to. Is my best friend gone from my life for good? Advertisement Advertisement Gone for Good? Dear Gone, Shes not gone for good. You just have to outlast this guy. But it wont be easy, and this phase of your friendship with her might be extremely frustrating and might involve a lot of selflessness on your part. The advice Im going to give you is based on my belief that its a waste of time to try to talk a friend out of a relationship thats bad for them. Even if youre right. Even if you have all your evidence lined up. Even if that evidence includes a letter the friend herself wrote, making the case that the relationship is worthless. Love (even dysfunctional love) often just seems to have a stronger pull than friendship, and it doesnt really respond to reason. Advertisement Its also based on another belief: That people are on their own journey and just have to go through what they have to go through. While wed like to help our friends take shortcuts around pain and suffering and get out on the other side as soon as possible, thats not often the way things work out. Im not saying being manipulated and gaslit is necessary to build character. Im just encouraging you to approach the situation with an openness to the idea that this relationship has something to teach her and she will make a move when shes been transformed by her suffering and finally feels deep down inside that she deserves better. Feeling is not the same as understanding intellectually, or being told. And getting there might take some time. Advertisement Advertisement I do think you can help the process along. But the best way to help her get to the part where she loves herself enough to stop finding this awful relationship attractive is not to remind her of all the reasons the guy is bad. Its to remind her that shes good and worthy, and not crazy, and deserving of respect, and able to be happy. You can do this simply by being a good friend, by affirming her and showing up for her, and by showing her what it looks like to interact with someone who actually cares about her and respects her. So when she brings up that hes lied to her or hurt her feelings, your line is not Hes such a jerk! Hes always been a jerk! Its Youre such a good/honest/compassionate person, and you dont deserve to be feeling like this. When shes in tears because they had yet another fight, dont say, I cant believe youre letting this guy ruin another weekend for you. He always does this! Say: I hate seeing you like this and my hearts breaking for you right now. Lets go do something and try to salvage part of Sunday and lift your spirits. Focus on her and only her. Dont even say his name. Its totally fair if this feels like too much, and if watching her continue to be hurt is too frustrating. But shes your best friend, and you care about her, so maybe it will be worth itespecially because it means youll still be close to her when this chapter is over. Advertisement How to Get Advice From Prudie Submit your questions anonymously here. (Questions may be edited for publication.) Join the live chat every Monday at noon (and submit your comments) here, or call the Dear Prudence podcast voicemail at 401-371-3327 to hear your question answered on a future episode of the show. Dear Prudence, Our first kid was an oops and wasnt planned. My husband always said he wanted at least two kids. But with jobs, travel, and constant moves, I wasnt ready to have another so shortly after the first one. I wanted to wait at least two years. Out of two years, it became three, then four. When we started to try to have a second baby after about five years, my doctor referred me to a specialist, as we had been trying for a year without a pregnancy. After two years of medicated cycles and several IVF attempts, COVID came around the corner, and for me, that was the point to stop. I couldnt take the constant injections and hormone changes, and I was getting to an age where my eggs werent good anymore. We kind of just stopped talking about it, and I noticed that I was happy with one and couldnt imagine going through the whole baby phase without losing myself. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement But every time I say something about friends having kids or our son mentions other kids with siblings, my husband shuts down and gives me this look of disgust or disappointment. I am the one that waited too long, I am the one who couldnt get pregnant naturally, I am the one that cost us $40,000 of injections Yes, I feel guilty for waiting, not knowing that my body would betray me like that, but I am trying to be at peace with this decision. But every time something (anything) sibling-related comes up, he cant stand me. When will this stop? Sadly One and Done Dear Sadly, You are a hundred percent right to not try for a child if you dont want one. And your husband is justified in being deeply disappointed, especially because youd agreed on a plan and you unilaterally changed it without much discussion. This is such a heavy issue, and it sounds like he already deeply resents youincluding for some things that arent at all your fault, like being unable to get pregnant naturallyand isnt handling it well. I have to sit this one out and tell you to find a good couples therapist who can help both of you sort through your feelings and figure out if theres a way you can be together (and enjoy the child you do have!) without bitterness and guilt. Advertisement Introducing Big Mood, Little Mood Danny Lavery has a new Slate podcast! Listen and subscribe to Big Mood, Little Mood, where Lavery will be chatting with special guests, doling out advice, and talking about feelings, from the monumental to the minute. New episodes every Tuesday and Friday. Dear Prudence, My name is Karen. As you probably know, over the past year or so, my name turned into a meme with some pretty bad connotations. It was funny when it was the Id like to speak to your manager jokes, but now its associated with racism and bigotry. I like to think that Im as far away from the meme version of my name as I can get, but its still causing me a lot of anxiety about how others perceive me and my name. When I go out to eat or get coffee, I ask whoever Im with to give their name instead of mine. When Im scrolling through social media, Im jarred by seeing people censor my name with asterisks. I dont want to change my name (I actually quite like it!), but this attention is making me feel really self-conscious. I also feel like I cant even share my feelings, since thats feeding into the meme. I know, of course, there are way more important issues out there that others face, and in the grand scheme of things, this is not a big dealbut Ive been trying to deal with this on my own and cant seem to shake this feeling. Do you have any advice for moving past this, not worrying about what others think, and learning to love my name again? Advertisement Advertisement Whats in a Name Dear Whats in a Name, Take a three-month social media break and reevaluate how big a deal this is. Karen as a stand-in for entitled, busybody, police-calling white women is 1) mostly online 2) temporary. The vast majority of people you interact with in your daily life arent thinking about the negative associations. And even if they are, what is your fear here? That the person making your coffee is imagining you did something awful as an infant that made your parents choose this name for you? I feel confident that people know how names work and that they dont actually say anything about the people theyre assigned to. Advertisement Either way, the meme will pass. In the meantime, make it your mission to be a decent person who doesnt call the manager on everyone, and reclaim your name. Dear Prudence, A couple months ago, I met Tom through friends. He and I were very friendly for a while, and I started to have feelings for him. Over the weekend, he confessed he had feelings for me too, but I get the impression his feelings are far deeper than mine. He also asked me to move to his hometown when he goes back there. Im seriously considering it. Ive been wanting to move for a while but got stuck here because of the pandemic. His hometown is a lot bigger than mine, although it was definitely on my list of potential places to move. The big problem is Ive never been there and only know a few acquaintances there. Plus, Im worried about how much more emotionally invested he is in this than I am. Am I crazy to be considering moving halfway across the country? He leaves in a month and says hell give me all the time I need to figure it out. Im just worried Id be jumping into something a bit too fast. Does this seem like its going to blow up in my face? Ive never even moved for someone so Im feeling a little out of my depth here. Do you have any advice? Advertisement Advertisement Staying or Going Dear Staying or Going, You are not crazy, but you need to listen to yourself. If you told me youd just met this guy but you were super into him and felt excited and confident about making the move, Id tell you to go for it and enjoy. But that voice thats saying Im worried and Will it blow up in my face? and Im out of my depth is your intuition, and its telling you this is not a great idea. If you really want to move, you can do it without complicating the situation by tying yourself to a man who youre not that into. Dear Prudence, My coworker Jake and I have been associates (not really friends) for years. I have kept Jake at arms length because he is a bit of a gossip as one of his negative attributes. I try to see the good in all. I am very quiet about my personal life. Advertisement Recently, there was a black-tie fundraiser. Many people were talking about my date and how attractive she wasnot to me, but behind my back. Jake came to my office and started asking personal questions like: Is that my lady, or are we just friends? I gave him a disapproving look, and he responded with a Oh, that is personal? He began telling me I shocked everyone. He also told me someone said they thought I was gay, and he alleges he played the role of defending me. Im not the only one who has a problem with him. Is my cutting him off completely overreacting? Advertisement Advertisement Grudge Holder Dear Grudge Holder, No, youre not overreacting. Dont cut him off completely, because it might lead to workplace drama if you refuse to speak to him, but do cut him off when it comes to anything beyond whats necessary to do your job. Personal conversations with coworkers are a privilege, not a right. Advertisement Dear Prudence, How do I convince my brothers wife Im better for her? My brother cheated and is in jail. Ive fallen for her. Cant Get Her Out of My Mind Dear Cant Get Her Out of My Mind, Ill answer the question you should have asked, which is not How convince my brothers wife Im better for her? but Should I try to steal my brothers wife, whos given no indication that shes interested in me, even if she may be over him?: No. Classic Prudie I asked a familiar-looking, elegant woman at the gym if her name was Maria, an old and well-liked acquaintance I had not seen for years. I am a white woman, the person I asked was Hispanic. She replied, No, my name is Vangie. We all look alike. I was POd, and I want to challenge her regarding all the assumptions she engaged in when making that reply next time I see her. Should I just let it drop? In October 2014, a poll from Pew research found that about 61 percent of Americans were confident that the U.S. hospitals could diagnose and isolate possible cases of Ebola. The survey was conducted between October 16-19, a few weeks after the first travel-associated case of Ebola was confirmed in the U.S. and around eight days after the man died. Two health care workers who cared for him tested positive for Ebola as well, and recovered. On October 24, an aid worker who volunteered in Guinea was confirmed to have the virus. They recovered, too. Outside of those four cases, seven other people were treated in the States after they contracted the virus during trips to West Africa. One died and most of them were health care workers. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Ebola was not felt in the U.S. like it was in West Africa. It was a possible but distant threat, much like the coronavirus was perceived stateside in the days before the pandemic was officially declared as such. And in March 2020, just before the pandemic ramped up, a Pew survey found that 71 percent of adults felt as though the health care system in their area could adequately handle those who fell severely ill after contracting the coronavirus. The same was said by 68 percent of participants about health care institutions across the country. This is no longer the case. New polling data from Pew shows that only 55 percent of Americans believe the health care system could handle another pandemic, which is the lowest level of belief among 17 countries surveyed. This drop is likely due to the pandemic laying bare the astounding inequities present in Americas institutions. Every opportunity to contain the virus was blown by the previous presidential administration, and the extent to which public health is underfunded in America became clear. COVID-19 infections overwhelmed already strained hospitals, which left already exhausted health care employees to worry about whether they had to ration out care. Inadequate testing was prevalent during the course of the crisis and mostly catered to people who drove. Efficient, widespread contract tracing? Forget about it. Advertisement Stark divides between who could and couldnt afford to work from home led to reductions in public transit services, which, in turn, hurt the working poor who make up the essential workforce. When the vaccine rolled out, digital signups disparately excluded the eldery and those without internet accesstwo groups who needed vaccines the most. Food delivery service, which became a staple during the bulk of the pandemic, was less available to anyone who needed to use EBT or WIC benefits. Thats just a glimpse of the failures, just as COVID-19 is a snapshot of pandemics to come. The World Health Organization has listed 10 worrisome diseases for which there is no, or limited, medical intervention availableincluding Disease X, which represents the knowledge that somewhere theres a pathogen that has not yet been identified as a grave threat to human life. Before 2020, those potential pandemics may have seemed like future challenges for the U.S. public health system to meet. Now they seem more like future tests. On Thursday, the Supreme Court released its opinion in Brnovich v. DNC, effectively dismantling what remains of the Voting Rights Act. The 63 ruling marks yet another blow to equal suffrage, and is the latest in a long line of decisions greenlighting voter suppression laws. By now, everyone should know that the Supreme Courts conservative supermajority is hostile to the franchise. But just how bad is Brnovich in the grand scheme of reactionary SCOTUS decisions? To contextualize the ruling, weve created a system that ranks Supreme Court opinions against previous rulings across three criteria: radicalness, cruelty, and scope of impact. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Subscribe to the Slatest Newsletter A daily email update of the stories you need to read right now. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. Brnovich takes aim at the heart of the VRA as it operates today: the results test in Section 2. Like the 15th Amendment, the VRA bans voting restrictions enacted with racist intentbut Congress understood that legislators rarely admit they are trying to stop racial minorities from voting. So, in 1982, it added the results test, which prohibits any law that results in a denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race. This test clarifies that an election must be equally open to participation by all races, and that racial minorities have equal opportunity to participate. Advertisement For years, courts have interpreted this test to mean what it says: A law that disproportionately burdens racial minorities access to the ballot violates the VRA. For instance, an appeals court struck down a Texas voter ID requirement that made it substantially harder for Black and Latino people to vote under the VRAs results test. In Brnovich, however, Justice Sam Alito rewrote this test to deprive it of virtually any power. Alito held that voter suppression laws with a disproportionate impact on racial minorities are not inherently unlawful. Rather, as long as minorities have some other opportunity to voteat least in theorya law that violates the results test will generally still pass legal muster. Alito further held that courts should assume laws that were common in 1982 are legal today. Most states severely restricted early and absentee voting in 1982, so Brnovich all but guarantees that states can cut back early and absentee voting without fear of the VRA. Advertisement Advertisement In her dissent, Justice Elena Kagan condemned Alitos opinion as a law-free zone. We think thats exactly right. The court replaced the actual VRAa law passed with overwhelming bipartisan support by the democratic brancheswith an empty promise. And it did so at a time when, as Kagan put it, too many states and localities are restricting access to voting in ways that will predictably deprive members of minority groups of equal access to the ballot box. We therefore rank Brnovich as VERY RADICAL. But its not as radical as the Supreme Courts last major blow to the VRA, 2013s Shelby County v. Holder. In Shelby County, the court invented an incoherent constitutional principle to rip out the heart of the law: a requirement that new voting restrictions in historically racist states receive preclearance from the Justice Department. Shelby County was a near-fatal blow to the VRA. Brnovich essentially finished the job. Advertisement Advertisement Brnovich blatantly favors Republican legislators racing to restrict access to the ballot in the wake of the 2020 election. It will swiftly reverberate across minority communities, especially those in GOP-controlled states like Georgia and Arizona. The court gave lawmakers a much freer hand to target minority voting under the pretext of preventing fraud. Judges can now uphold laws that disproportionately stop nonwhite people from casting a ballot. There are countless stories of Black and brown Americans who are disenfranchised by the kind of laws that SCOTUS blessed in Brnovich; many lack the documentation necessary to acquire an ID, for instance, and are stripped of the right to vote by stringent voter ID requirements. Some elderly Black Americans literally cannot obtain this documentation because Jim Crow states didnt care about preserving Black peoples vital records. As a consequence, they can no longer participate in elections. To them, the Supreme Court says: Too bad. Advertisement The cruelty isnt necessarily the point here, but it is a byproduct of the conservative justices cynical attitude toward voter suppression measures. Brnovich isnt as vicious as, say, Bowers v. Hardwick, which upheld the criminalization of sodomy; its about on par with Ledbetter v. Goodyear, which carved a loophole into laws requiring equal pay for women. Congress overturned Ledbetter through legislation, but it seems increasingly unlikely that Congress will do the same for Brnovich. We therefore deem Thursdays decision FAIRLY CRUEL. Advertisement The impact of Shelby County, while severe, was limited to the area covered by preclearancenine states and multiple counties in several other states. Brnovich, by contrast, affects the entire country. The VRAs results test applies nationwide, which is part of what made it such a powerful tool in the fight against voter suppression. By disassembling it, SCOTUS has deprived millions of Americans of this crucial protection, while Republicans are rushing to crack down on the right to vote. This will have a cumulative impact on millions of Americans throughout the country, and the Supreme Court just ensured most if not all of these GOP measures will survive legal challenges. Brnovich affects substantially more people than recent notorious decisions like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, whose impact was limited to employees of companies that oppose contraception. There are, after all, tens of millions of minorities who may now face even greater barriers on the ballot. Put simply, Brnovich will affect A WHOLE LOT of people. Theres no way to sugarcoat it: On Thursday, the Supreme Courts six conservative justices dismantled what remains of the Voting Rights Act, all but ensuring that every voter suppression law passed in the wake of the 2020 election will survive judicial scrutiny. Thursdays 63 decision in Brnovich v. DNC feigns moderation. Justice Sam Alitos opinion for the court purports to leave the VRAs most crucial remaining provision intact. Dont believe it. Alito transformed a sweeping, historic lawone intended to bar voting restrictions with a racially discriminatory impactinto an empty promise. In theory, the VRA still stands. In reality, it has been flattened into meaningless symbolism, just when Black and brown Americans need it most. Advertisement Brnovich revolves around Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which contains the laws results test. Congress added this test in recognition that racist voting restrictions are often neutral on their face. That was true after Reconstruction, when grandfather clauses and literacy tests proliferated, and it is true today. So, Congress did not only prohibit voting laws that could be proved to have been passed with discriminatory intent. It also forbade any voting law that results in a denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race. An illegal denial or abridgement occurs when an election is not equally open to participation by all races and racial minorities have less opportunity to participate. Advertisement Advertisement Subscribe to the Slatest Newsletter A daily email update of the stories you need to read right now. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. This test is extraordinarily broad. And in Brnovich, a federal appeals court found that two Republican-sponsored Arizona laws could not pass it. One law discarded ballots accidentally cast in the wrong precinct; another severely limited third parties ability to collect mail ballots and hand them over to election officials. Both laws, the appeals court found, disproportionately affected racial minorities, so both violated the VRAs results test. The court also held that the ballot collection ban was enacted with discriminatory intent, which is always unlawful. Advertisement On Thursday, the Supreme Court reversed that decisionand did so in a way that mangles the results test beyond all recognition. Remember: The VRA demands equal opportunity to vote across races. So, as Justice Elena Kagan explained in her trenchant dissent, a voting restriction is unlawful if it makes it harder for members of one racial group, than for others, to cast ballots. Alito did not adopt that straightforward reading. Instead, his opinion is, in Kagans words, a law-free zone that leaves the VRAs language almost wholly behind. Rather than enforce the VRAs text, Alito effectively crafted a new, vastly weaker statute out of thin air. For instance, he wrote that most voting rules in place when Congress added the results test in 1982 will probably pass legal muster. He dismissed predictable disparities between white and nonwhite voting opportunities that ostensibly result from differences in employment, wealth, and education. He insisted that courts consider the opportunities provided by a states entire system of voting when assessing the burden imposed by a challenged provision, meaning a restriction that disproportionately burdens racial minorities may be lawful if they still have other means of voting. And he wrote that states can justify a broad range of voting limitations by citing their strong and entirely legitimate interest in the prevention of fraudeven if there is no evidence that fraud has ever occurred in the state. Advertisement Advertisement Taken together, Alitos rules establish a brand-new test under the VRA, one that bears little resemblance to the law that Congress actually passed. His apparent goal was to ensure that a voter suppression laws grossly disparate impact on racial minorities will no longer serve as grounds for its invalidation. Mission accomplished. Many if not all of the voting restrictions passed after the 2020 election would survive Alitos test: As he noted, most states strictly limited both early and absentee voting before the results test was enacted in 1982, and Republican lawmakers have targeted these exact methods of voting in their quest to prevent more Democratic victories today. GOP legislatures around the country have, in the past year, curtailed early votingespecially on days favored by Black residentsand cut back on absentee voting. They have passed draconian laws that, while ostensibly race-neutral, are obviously designed to suppress racial minorities votes. Advertisement Alito established a brand-new test under the VRA , one that bears little resemblance to the law that Congress actually passed. In the past, federal courts have struck down such laws due to their discriminatory impact on nonwhite voters. Those rulings will now come to a halt. Under Alitos test, these laws will presumably survive a court challenge. After all, residents theoretically have other ways to cast a ballot, and most states still provide more options today than they did in 1982. Plus, states have strong interest in preventing fraud by making it harder to vote, even if they cant summon an iota of evidence that voter fraud exists in the first place. Thus, even if a certain law may have a devastating impact on racial minorities preferred method of voting, courts will now uphold it. Advertisement The only realistic way to challenge a voter suppression law after Brnovich is to prove that it has discriminatory intentin other words, that it was passed with racist motivations. But here, again, Alito tightened the screws. The appeals court found that Arizona legislators acted with racist intent because, among other things, they fixated on a racist video when debating a ban on ballot collection. Lawmakers, the appeals court wrote, spewed false allegations and racial innuendo against Latino voters, who use ballot collection more than white voters. But Alito dismissed this evidence. He wrote that, if anything, GOP legislators wanted to suppress Democratic votes, and since Hispanics are disproportionately Democratic, their law just so happened to fall especially hard on Hispanic voters. Alito even described the appeals courts conclusion as insulting to the legislators accused of racism, a classic move from a justice who is offended by the mere supposition that racism still exists. This portion of his opinion will likely doom the Department of Justices lawsuit against Georgias sweeping new voter suppression law, which is based on a theory of discriminatory intent. Advertisement As election law expert Rick Hasen noted on Thursday, the Supreme Court has now taken away all the major available tools for going after voting restrictions. The preclearance requirement, once the heart of the VRA, was destroyed in 2013s Shelby County v. Holder. And now Section 2s results test is something close to a dead letter. Of all laws, Kagan wrote in her Brnovich dissent, the VRA deserves the sweep and power Congress gave it. That law, of all laws, should not be diminished by this court. The VRA, Kagan observed, still has much to do at a time when too many states and localities are restricting access to voting in ways that will predictably deprive members of minority groups of equal access to the ballot box. But the courts conservative justices despise the VRA, and they no longer feel any obligation to conceal their hostility. After Brnovich, theres no point in denying it: Congress dream of a nation where all races have equal access to the ballot is dead. Early Thursday morning, Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, surrendered to the Manhattan district attorneys office. Weisselberg was indicted by a grand jury Wednesday, and is reportedly being charged with evading taxes that should have been paid on non-salary benefits he received. The Trump business entity itself is also expected to be criminally charged over related matters. The Manhattan inquiry is, roughly speaking, the one millionth legal investigation of Donald Trump that has been launched since he ran for the presidency in 2016. Many have found that Trump and his children engaged in illegal or egregiously corrupt behavior, from the deployment of high-pressure sales tactics to sell useless university courses to the misuse of charitable donations to the misuse of the entire United States government to try to convince voters that Hunter Biden did something real messed-up involving Ukrainian natural gas. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Subscribe to the Slatest Newsletter A daily email update of the stories you need to read right now. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. None of these investigations, although they did probably contribute to Trump losing the 2020 election, have succeeded in directly making him pay a price beyond relatively small financial settlements. And while tax evasion is a significant issue in the aggregate, it would be anticlimactic if these charges, against someone who doesnt have the last name Trump, were the only result of the investigation led by outgoing Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance, which involved a long legal fight to access the elder Trumps personal financial records. (That fight was ultimately decided in Vances favor by the Supreme Court.) None of the reporters following Vances investigation, though, have reported any indication that Trump (or one of his children) are close to being charged with anything, although multiple outlets have said that prosecutors are at least looking into the possibility that Trump intentionally submitted inaccurate property valuations in order to avoid paying taxes. The D.As team reportedly targeted Weisselberg in hopes that he would flip and testify to Trumps involvement in more high-stakes fraud, but he has not yet agreed to do so. And of the high-profile associates and advisers who have taken falls for Trump that resulted in criminal charges, convictions, or prison timea list that includes Trump Organization attorney Michael Cohen, 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort, ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, and political operative Roger Stoneonly Cohen has ultimately turned on his boss. (Manafort said he would, but then didnt.) Kyrsten Sinema is at the center of the political universe, both in terms of her ideology and in her role in negotiations over President Joe Bidens legislative agenda. But despite all the attention, she remains kind of a black box, according to the 19th reporter Amanda Becker. Beckers recent story declared, Kyrsten Sinema doesnt feel the need to explain herself. That wasnt always the case. Early in her political career, Sinema ran as an independent affiliated with the Green Party. She organized anti-war protests, worked on Ralph Naders campaign, and penned a diatribe against capitalism. Now, its difficult to tell what exactly she stands for. On Thursdays episode of What Next, I talked to Becker about the senators political evolution, her commitment to bipartisanship, and the prospects of a primary challenge back in Arizona. This conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Mary Harris: In that first run for the statehouse in Arizona, Sinema was an independent, and shes said, Heres the thing: You cant win that way. But I didnt know that. And so she re-registered as a Democrat, and the next election she won. To me, its like the first realization that I need to moderate a little bit. Amanda Becker: Yeah. And at that point, it was simply just saying she was the member of a party, one of the major two parties, but that evolution continued. So she essentially has written about how her first year in the Arizona Statehouse was a complete waste. She didnt get anything done. She talks about how she gave these kind of fiery floor speeches and was kind of this Bernie Sanders type figure in the Arizona Statehouse that was heavily Republican, and she was completely ineffectual, in her own telling. And so after that first year, she did some self-examination and decided that she wanted to befriend people on the other side in order to get things done, that that was the only way to achieve lasting political wins. Advertisement In the stories she tells about her time in the state Capitol, she likes to point out how she got on Republicans level, appealing to their values and principles to get them to vote with her. But you say that, with the benefit of hindsight, a lot of Sinemas favorite political victories werent all they were cracked up to be. Advertisement One thats really big, looming in her mind, from what shes written about it and the interviews shes done on it, was when she was in the statehouse and she was part of a coalition that defeated a ballot proposition that would have prohibited same-sex marriage by adding that to the state constitution. Now, same-sex marriage was already prohibited in Arizona at this time. This would have prohibited adding it to the actual constitution. Now, eventually, this was null and voided by a Supreme Court decision a few years later, but at this time, she talks about how, by the way that they decided to frame the issue, which is they actually used older heterosexual couples who were living together in terms of framing this as a domestic partner benefits issue, she was able to get more conservative Republicans on her side. Now, this upset some LGBTQ activists at the time, who thought this should be framed as a right or wrong. You either support the rights of the LGBTQ community or you dont, and we shouldnt have to couch it in making a heterosexual couple the face of this. But that victory was short-lived. The state eventually did approve this in a ballot proposition. Advertisement Advertisement The same thing happened for another coalition she worked with to prevent another ballot proposition from being on the ballot that would have banned affirmative action. So Sen. Sinemas whole argument for the importance of bipartisanship is that you need bipartisanship to create lasting change, durable change, so you dont leave constituents swinging back and forth and law and policy going back and forth in this confusing, wild way, depending on whos in power. But two of the examples that shes written about the most were changes that didnt last. Sinema caught heat back in March, when she voted against including a minimum wage increase in the coronavirus relief package. Plenty of people, including Democrats, voted nobut she did it with panache. Advertisement She comes into the Senate chamber to cast her vote on the inclusion of this minimum wage hike, and she walks up to where they record the votes and she does a thumbs-downwhich is normal in the Senate, especially with masks on. People use that a lot, senators do, to just get their vote recorded. But then she curtsied, she did kind of this dip. Now, what you could see on camera was just her curtsying in front of the staffers recording her vote. And then she talked to a couple Republicans on her way out of the chamber. Advertisement And how did commentators react when they saw this? The backlash was swift. Rep. Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin Democrat, wrote on Twitter, Just wow, linking to a post about her previous support for raising the minimum wage. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat, wrote on Twitter, No one should ever be this happy to vote against uplifting people out of poverty. So this was really seen by a lot of progressive Democrats as kind of an F you, that not only was she not going to vote to include it, but the way she did it was rubbing salt in the wounds of working people and the lawmakers who wanted to get this done. Advertisement No one should ever be this happy to vote against uplifting people out of poverty. This is Senator Sinema voting no on $15 minimum wage. https://t.co/qNfYy8co4m Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) March 6, 2021 Advertisement Advertisement But was it that? No. So she got a lot of flak in media reports as well for this, both nationally and in her hometown paper. When I started reporting it out, because I was already working on a profile of her at this time, I was told by multiple peopleand the more people I asked, the more people confirmed itwas that what you couldnt see is that right off camera there were nonpartisan Senate staffers, so these are staffers who work for the Senate, not for one party or not for one lawmaker. They had had to stay up all night the night before reading the bill, and it was hundreds of pages long, so they had been there all night. Earlier that day, Sen. Sinema had brought them a cake, and they were thanking her for it as she voted. And so she was looking at them, beyond the staffer that was recording the votes, as they thanked her, and she curtsied as a response to them, a gesture of acknowledging their thanks. Advertisement Now, the really puzzling part to me was why her office or she herself wouldnt have just said that at the time. The only thing her office did say about it was they told [HuffPost] that it was essentially sexist to talk about a womans body language. They told [HuffPost], Commentary about a female senators body language, clothing, or physical demeanor does not belong in a serious media outlet. Advertisement I mean, the title I put on the story that I wrote about her is Sinema doesnt feel the need to explain herself. And I really dont think that she feels that she does. Now, I question whether thats a good decision for someone in politics, but I dont feel as though she feels as though she needs to answer to people on the progressive side of politics right now. She sees herself as having put together a winning coalition that included a lot of Republicans and crossover and independent voterstheres a lot of independent voters in Arizonaand she views that as why she won. In Arizona, just five years ago, a Democrat winning a Senate seat was a bit of a political coup. Now I think things have changed, even since then. So I think it remains to be seen whether her calculation is correct, that that is the only group of people she should be focused on in her coalition. Advertisement Does anyone know what Sinema actually believes? Other than friendship across the aisle, what does she stand for? By even putting herself in the role as deal-maker, that to a certain extent makes her also a de facto obstructionist of the Democratic agenda. Amanda Becker So, after talking to many people in her orbit, a couple dozen, including some people who are pretty close friends with her to this day, I am told that she has not changed her core beliefs, that they havent shifted all that much. Advertisement So she still wants to burn down capitalism. [Laughs] You know, Im not sure it extends that far. I think theyre more talking about her latter statehouse days than her Green Party, anti-war activist, Ralph Nader days. But she believes deeply in food security issues and stuff like that. She believes deeply in supporting the military. She has members of her family who were in the military. She believes very strongly in voter rights. I had a couple people tell me that if there was anything that would get her to change her mind on the filibuster, it would be if she came to the realization or the conclusion that Republicans were truly going to make sure that nothing got through on protecting the right to votethat that might be the one thing that would change her mind on the filibuster. Advertisement But H.R. 1 just failed. It did. She was an original co-sponsor, though, and she voted for it. But that wasnt enough. Apparently not, because she just wrote an op-ed right ahead of that vote on protecting the filibuster. But beyond that, I dont think that she seems to have changed her core beliefs on anything, according to the people closest to her. Its just she feels as though she was elected to represent a group of voters who skew moderate to conservative. Whether that will be the same profile of voters she deals with going forward, that is TBD. Advertisement Yeah. Is that still true? Because I wonder if Sinema is doing what her voters want or what she thinks they want based on a previous understanding of who they are. Advertisement When I went and talked to voters in Arizonaliberal-leaning voters, who were ecstatic to elect the first Democrat to a Senate seat in a long while, in 2018, who worked really hard on her behalftheyre fed up. And more than one of them told me, you know, She doesnt return our calls. Sometimes they dont even know how to get a hold of her or someone on her staff. She wont meet with a lot of the progressive groups. Meanwhile, shes meeting with a lot of industry groups and other more moderate or conservative-leaning organizations. And they told me, Were not going to put the same human power into her next campaign. If that means she loses, then so be it. They think that there could be a credible primary challenger. And while Sen. Sinema might not see these people as the ones who put her over the edge and got her her victory, they were certainly the ones making phone calls, doing lit drops, going door to door. And they tell me that they just are not willing to do that a second time around. And if she faces a challenge from someone else whos well known in the state, I think that she could have a really rough primary in 2024. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement If you read or listen to Kyrsten Sinema, its clear that she thinks of herself as a deal-maker. Do you think about her as a deal-maker or an obstructionist? I think that she bases that view of herself on perhaps an outdated political dynamic and climate that has shifted. This year is the first year in Kyrsten Sinemas political career that she has been a member of the party in control. I mean, her party controlled the House before, when she was in the U.S. House, but Republicans had the Senate and the White House, so it effectively didnt really matter. When she was in the statehouse, Republicans usually were in control with a supermajority. So in that context, her commitment to reaching across the aisle did make her a deal-maker. Now, I think that she is viewed by her own party as potentially being and playing the role of an obstructionist as they try and get key pieces of legislation passed, either because she has not announced shes on board in terms of some piece of legislation, such as a labor bill, or because she is one of the most vocal opponents on the Democratic side of changing the filibuster. The person who would be the real deal-maker right now would be the Republican version of a Kyrsten Sinema. Because by even putting herself in the role as deal-maker, that to a certain extent makes her also a de facto obstructionist of the Democratic agenda, because shes not automatically on board. Kyrsten Sinema needed the Democratic Party to get into politics. She just couldnt get elected without them, she said it herself. And now shes in this funny situation where the larger party needs her, but she seems to be pushing back. Its a funny flip to me. Maybe its not a flip at all. I mean, maybe she doesnt feel like, at the end of the day, she answers to the Democratic Party. She started out as not a Democrat, and it just has never become a pivotal point of discussion until now, because Democrats have not been in power until now. Subscribe to What Next on Apple Podcasts Get more news from Mary Harris every weekday. Air conditioners have become a treasure in Washington and Oregon amid an unprecedented heat wave in the Pacific Northwest. Portland and Seattle hit records of 116 and 108 degrees on Monday. More than 35 cities in the region tied or broke their heat records, experiencing temperatures 30 to 40 degrees above normal. For many residents, it has become hard to escape the heat even inside their houses. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 44 percent of the homes in the Seattle metro area have air conditioners, which is the lowest rate of any metro area in the country. Households in Portland metro area are better prepared for the heat, with 79 percent of them equipped with AC units. Still, Portland is way behind other big cities: For example, in Washington, D.C., New Orleans, Houston, Atlanta, and Miami, more than 98 percent of homes have air conditioning. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement It is important to note that during the heat wave, an air conditioner is not just a luxury for a comfortable life; it is a necessity that keeps people from heatstroke, heat exhaustion, and other heat-related illnesses that can cause death. Oregon and Washington linked at least 70 deaths to the hot temperature in the last few days, and this number is likely to increase. In British Columbia, Canada, there have been hundreds of excess deaths. Many residents of the Pacific Northwest, accustomed to relatively chilly and rainy summers, first thought that the heat wouldnt last long, and they would get through it as usual, without AC. When the heat wave hit, many changed their mind, but it was already too late to buy any cooling system - most of them were gone. Jane C. Hu, a Slate contributor living in Seattle, joked on her Twitter that trying to buy an AC unit in Seattle right now feels like trying to find a Nintendo switch in April 2020. She told me that on Tuesday, June 22, there were tons of portable air conditioners available online, but by Saturday afternoon, when the temperature approached 103 degrees, there was nothing. On Sunday, Jane happened to be in Home Depot, picking up some other things, when an employee approached her and said, You arent looking for an air conditioner, are you? Thats how she figured out that the staff had gotten that question roughly a billion times that day, and no, there were no air conditioners. (A spokeswoman at Home Depot, Christina Cornell, told me that their merchandising and supply chain teams are working hard to replenish in-demand items.) Advertisement Advertisement Another resident of Seattle, Yarelys Rivera, was also not successful in getting an AC. She didnt find anything in Home Depot or Lowes. Target and Walmart websites showed that air conditioners were out of stock. That was for fans as wellfloor, pedestal, fans were all gone, says Yarelys. Steve Salazar, Lowes corporate communications manager, confirmed that their store teams have been staying busy the past couple of weeks helping people keep their homes cool, and they are continuing to actively ship in additional product to stores across the region. Targets and Walmarts press offices couldnt provide comments. Seattle resident Eugenia was relatively lucky: She already had a portable air conditioner when the heat wave began. But she told me that her family has been using it so much recently that it started leaking. Eugenia didnt consider buying a new one, though, as she managed to fix it. However, she shared with me a screenshot from a private Facebook group, Seattle Russian mamas and papas, where one of the members wrote that she purchased the AC in Costco, but she had to get in a line near the store at 6 a.m. Advertisement Advertisement People across Washington and Oregon states are waiting in virtual lines as well. The manager at Kellys Appliances store in Eugene, Oregon, whom I spoke to Tuesday, told me that the next shipment was supposed to be on Wednesday. By that time, they already had a list of around 50 people they needed to call as soon as new inventory comes in. The last time the store got AC units was on Saturday, and, according to the manager, they were sold out in 15 minutes. My owner has been working nonstop, the manager said. We had our truck drivers drive up to Seattle just trying to get more air conditioners. But based on my conversations, there are no units to be found neither in Seattle nor in Portland, nor in smaller towns. When I called on Monday and Tuesday, shelves were empty in Walmart in Eugene, Oregon, and in Hoys Ace Hardware in Yakima, Washington. In the latter, the manager hung up right after saying that they sold out, apparently (and understandably) annoyed about answering the same question repeatedly. But my experience wasnt the worst. One would-be customer wrote on a June 25 Yellow Pages review that when he called Lowes in Portland about buying an air conditioner, the manager just laughed in response. Advertisement An employee of DeWhitt Portlands Appliance experts told me that they received hundreds of calls about air conditioners on Monday, which was the hottest day. But they had only 140 AC units in stock on Thursday, June 24, and they were all gone by last Saturday. The manager at Hoys Ace Hardware in Seattle, which also ran out of air conditioners, called the number of calls they got pretty crazy. He added, however, that in the store, people act not too badly, not frantically. I immediately thought of the situation at Leroy Merlin store in Moscow, which had its own heat wave last week. There, customers were ready to fight for the air conditioners. However, here, most of the employees of hardware stores I spoke to told me that though some customers were disappointed with the shortage of AC units, they were understanding. Advertisement By now, the temperature in the region has decreased a bit, but according to forecasts, the unusual heat will stay in the Pacific Northwest till next week. Those who gave up looking for options to cool off their homes might spend more time in air-conditioned public spaces, like grocery stores, libraries, and movie theaters. Air-conditioned hotels in many areas have sold out. For those who are giving up on buying an A/C for now, it might be worth thinking ahead and buying an air purifier while they are still available. Residents of Seattle and Portland I spoke to expressed concerns that wildfires might start earlier than usual because of the heat. Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society. Welcome to Source Notes, a Future Tense column about the internets information ecosystem. Sometimes (a lot of times?) the internal politics of Wikipedia mirrors its real-world counterparts. In January 2017, the United Kingdom House of Commons launched a parliamentary inquiry into the growing phenomenon of fake news. The chairman behind the inquiry expressed concern about the effect of fabricated news stories on democracy, particularly the influence on voters in the recent United States election. That same month, the English Wikipedia user Hillbillyholiday launched a Request for comment about the Daily Mail, a top-selling British tabloid newspaper. Volunteer Wikipedia editors argued that the Daily Mail had made a habit of spreading misinformation, referencing the papers then-recent sanctions from the International Press Standards Organisation for violating professional norms for accuracy. After an extended discussion process, the Wikipedia editing community decided that the Daily Mail was a generally unreliable source that should not be used on Wikipedia. Going forward, any user who attempted to cite the tabloid on a Wikipedia page would receive a warning and a request to cite a more reliable publication. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement At the time, Wikipedias judgment about the Daily Mail generated a significant amount of media attention, especially in the British press. The Times, the Guardian, and the HuffPost U.K. all reported on the unprecedented ban. Wikipedias co-founder Jimmy Wales, a British citizen since 2019, agreed with the Wikipedia communitys decision, noting that the Daily Mail had mastered the art of running false clickbait stories. Meanwhile the Daily Mail punched back at Wikipedia with an inflammatory article attacking both the sites individual volunteers and the project as a whole. Wikipedians are willing to reject newspapers that flagrantly disregard the trutheven if those publications are otherwise popular. The Wikipedia community upheld its decision regarding the Daily Mail in 2018, and since then, there has been a lot less coverage about the sites relationship with the newspaper. Based on an archived version of Wikipedia from Jan. 1, 2017, there were at that point more than 30,000 articles using the Daily Mail as a reference. Earlier this month, a Reddit user posted that Wikipedia was now down to fewer than 10,000 uses of the Daily Mail as a source. As far as I can tell, theres been no journalistic interest in these basic issues of why Wikipedia editors make the decisions they do, and how they give effect to them, despite the fact the announcement of the ban was basically worldwide news, wrote Reddit user ronsmith7. Advertisement Advertisement Well, ronsmith7, today is your lucky day because this journalist is interested in those issues. The Wikipedia communitys deprecation of the Daily Mail shows that the projects volunteers are unwilling to accept that all publications are equally reliable. Moreover, Wikipedians are willing to reject newspapers that flagrantly disregard the trutheven if those publications are otherwise popular. The print circulation of the Daily Mail, which was founded in 1896, is quite high, exceeding 960,000 copies per issue, according to ABC Data, an organization that tracks the U.K. media industry. The British paper is often compared to the U.S. tabloid the National Enquirer. Steven Slater, a Wikipedia editor based in Essex in England who was involved in the deprecation discussions, told me in an email that British people regularly use the Daily Mail as a byword and a meme for shoddy and dishonest journalism. Consider this example: The Daily Mail in 2015 published an article titled Read History as It Happened: Extraordinary Daily Mail Pages From the Day Adolf Hitler Died 70 Years Ago This Week. The featured image in the 2015 story purported to be a photo of the front page of the Daily Mails print edition from that time, which boldly declared HITLER DEAD. The actual front page from 1945 used a slightly different headline, Hitler Dead, German Radio Tells World, and included different content. Is it just me or this extremely weird: the Daily Mail forging its *own* archival front pages? tweeted Huw Lemmey, a British writer. Advertisement Advertisement The Wikipedia verdict on sources like the Daily Mail can be found by searching Wikipedia for WP:RSP, which leads to a list of so-called Perennial Sources. According to Wikipedia, Slate is considered generally reliable, which has us feeling chuffed. Traditional newspapers like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post have also received Wikipedias greenlight. On the other hand, the Wikipedia consensus on certain publications is a lot more complicated. For instance, Wikipedia editors have distinguished the inconsistent editorial quality of BuzzFeedwhich is open to user-generated blogs and listiclesas opposed to BuzzFeed News, a recent Pulitzer Prize winner that is considered a reliable source. At present, Fox News opinion talk shows like Hannity and Tucker Carlson Tonight are considered generally unreliable for statements of fact and not to be used as sources on Wikipedia. Outside of the opinion shows, Fox News can be used as a reliable source for most news coverage, with one big caveat: When it comes to politics and scientific subjects, Wikipedians note that Fox News should be used with caution. Advertisement Who precisely is making these decisions about what journalism is and is not acceptable as a source on Wikipedia? That would be Wikipedias volunteer editing community, who collectively own decisions about the sites content, often via the process known as Request for comment or RfC. Once an RfC is proposed, Wikipedia editors make statements opposing or supporting the proposal. To the untrained eye, it might seem that Wikipedia editors are voting on the topic. But Wikipedians are quick to point out that the process is not a vote. More specifically, Wikipedians refer to it as a not-vote or !vote, where the ! represents the symbol for logical negation. Thats because the goal of an RfC is not to gauge majority rule but rather to have a consensus-building discussion, where the proper course is determined by the strength of the respective arguments. Advertisement Advertisement Those editors who !voted their opposition to the ban in the 2017 RfC mostly argued that every newspaper made mistakes, especially now that the industry could not afford proofreaders and fact checkers, and that it was unfair to single out the Daily Mail, specifically. But many more editors argued that the Daily Mails errors exceeded the occasional mistake and that selling false but sensational stories seemed to be part of the papers business model. Guy Macon, a Wikipedia editor with more than 15 years experience, pointed to incorrect Daily Mail news stories such as publishing the wrong verdict in the Amanda Knox case and falsely claiming that Beijing residents watched sunrises on giant TV screens because their sky was too polluted to see natural light. Advertisement At the end of the comment period, volunteer administrators reviewed the comments and decided that there was consensus to generally prohibit use of the Daily Mail as a source. In reply, the Daily Mail published a scathing attack on the Wikipedia editors who were involved in the decision. The paper name-checked Slater and Macon as Wikipedia activists with a warped agenda. Macon told me that he was able to brush off the attack, writing, I have been on the Internet since the days of USENET and have reached the point where the trolls are either amusing or boring. Still, there is plenty of evidence that one reason people are discouraged from editing Wikipedia is because of past issues with harassment of its contributors. The fact that a newspaper with a circulation of nearly 1 million copies per issue put individual Wikipedia editors on blast for their Wikipedia-editing hobby doesnt help change the perception that Wikipedia isnt safe. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement As ronsmith7s Reddit post mentioned, the number of citations to the Daily Mail on Wikipedia has decreased dramatically in the three years since the publication was deprecated. Slater told me that removing Daily Mail links requires a lot of human work, in the form of finding these links on Wikipedia pages, analyzing the context, and removing them or finding other sources as appropriate. I wondered whether the Wikipedia community had considered programming a bot to remove the Daily Mail links. There are bots for other basic tasks on Wikipedia, like ClueBot NG, which flags edits containing markers of vandalism such as common swear words. When I spoke to editors about the bot idea, they made the distinction between the encyclopedias sources, which should be reliable as a matter of policy, and the content of the articles, which might be accurate regardless of the source. It would be easy to just fire up a bot that removes all citations to the Daily Mail, but we dont remove material just because it came from the Daily Mail, Macon explained. Instead we carefully evaluate it. Furthermore, its not as if anybody can simply let a bot loose on English Wikipedia. According to the sites bot policy, bots must be approved by actual humans, specifically the Wikipedians who sit on the bot approvals group or BAG. As one member of the BAG explained, a bot that removed all Daily Mail links would be unlikely to be approved. According to the sites bot policy, unsupervised bots should not make context-sensitive changes that would normally require human attention. Although the Daily Mail is prohibited in most contexts, it is permitted as a source when used in an about-self fashiona nuance that a bot is perhaps unlikely to detect. Advertisement Advertisement For now, there is a lot of nonautomated, human effort involved in the process of pruning the internet encyclopedia from the Daily Mail and other deprecated sources. In recent years, Wikipedia has been focusing more on the projects human side in its messaging. For instance, when Wikipedia celebrated its 20th birthday earlier this year, the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation celebrated the humans, volunteers, and supporters who make Wikipedia possible. Like a lot of nonprofit fundraising drives, the human-interest theme felt a bit too cute to me. But at its core, that is the right way to think about Wikipedia. The project is a human-led effort to build a knowledge resource, which of course means that it involves the emotions and messiness that define us !robots. Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society. 5-year-old migrant girl dies after 17 days at sea heading for the Canaries A helicopter rescue failed to save the girl after a merchant vessel picked her and her companions up off the coast of Africa Efforts to save the life of a 5-year-old migrant girl who was spotted drifting in the Atlantic on board a small boat after 17 days at sea proved fruitless in Gran Canaria on Wednesday, after she was airlifted to land by helicopter. The helicopter collected the girl, along with a man and woman, from the merchant vessel the Cape Cape Taweelah, which had picked them up from the open sea, and arrived at the Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrin in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria shortly before midnight on Tuesday. Both the woman and the girl had been in very poor health since they were rescued from the sea, and medical staff managed to save only the elder of the two. Their boat had been spotted between Nuadibu in Mauritania and Dajla in the Western Sahara, two of the coastal locations most often used as starting points for migrants attempting the perilous voyage towards the Canaries and EU territory. Initially it was reported that 35 people had successfully been taken on board the cargo ship and that only a dead man remained on the small boat, and this misinformation, coupled with rough sea conditions, delayed the rescue mission. Figures compiled by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UNs ACNUR Commission report that between 136 and 160 people lost their lives while attempting to cross on small boats from north-western Africa to the Canaries in the first six months of this year, equating to an average of almost one death per day. Image: Salvamento Maritimo State wants to motivate people to be vaccinated through a lottery The financial bonus for those who persuade others to be vaccinated will depend on age. Finance Minister Igor Matovic presented his proposal to reward people who persuade the others to get jabbed against Covid. (Source: TASR) Font size: A - | A + The Finance Ministry has come up with a new idea to motivate people to be vaccinated against Covid. The Ministry hopes to increase the share of vaccinated people by offering a financial reward through a state vaccination lottery, with prizes worth up to 2 million. Another financial reward should motivate people to persuade others to register for the jab. Our paywall policy: The Slovak Spectator has decided to make all the articles on the special measures, statistics and basic information about the coronavirus available to everyone. If you appreciate our work and would like to support good journalism, please buy our subscription. We believe this is an issue where accurate and fact-based information is important for people to cope. Both schemes should be part of a draft law authored by the Finance Ministry, which the parliament should discuss on July 1, the SITA newswire reported. The issue of increasing the share of vaccinated people became even more pressing after the first people infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus were revealed. Yet, some experts hesitate on saying whether money is the right motivation. Vaccinated people will also take part The vaccination bonus should be given to people selected in a weekly lottery. The plan is to distribute up to 2 million in total a week, said Finance Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO), adding that the exact sum should be set by the cabinet after the respective law is adopted by the MPs. It may be between zero and 2 million, he added, as quoted by SITA. Anyone older than 18 years will be able to take part in the lottery, including those who have already been vaccinated. A bonus for mediators How to change people's minds about vaccination? Experts hesitant that money is the answer Read more Another financial tool is a bonus for people who will persuade others to get vaccinated. The person who is persuaded should be older than 18 and should receive at least the first shot between July 1 and October 31, 2021. The bonus for the mediator will depend on age. If they manage to persuade a person younger than 50, it will amount to 30; if the person is 50-60 years old, it will be 60; and if the person is older than 60 years, it will be 90. The Finance Ministry plans to create a website where every person vaccinated against Covid will be able to register. They should subsequently receive a code, which they will give to the mediator, the Dennik E economic daily reported. In Matovics opinion, it is better to spend 100 million to support vaccination than witness the high economic losses caused by a third pandemic wave, as reported by SITA. His ministry has been working on the proposals for four weeks, with the support of the coalition council, and Matovic expects the proposals to pass. Read more about the Covid vaccination in Slovakia: 1. Jul 2021 at 11:42 | Compiled by Spectator staff Croatia changes conditions for arrival, test or vaccination necessary The conditions apply as of July 1. A group of tourists walk across a bridge on the seafront in Opatija, Croatia. (Source: TASR) Font size: A - | A + Croatia announced that it would lift measures for travellers from Slovakia on June 19. At that time, travellers did not need any test results, proof of vaccination or proof that they had recovered from Covid-19. A valid travel ID was all that was necessary. Our paywall policy The Slovak Spectator has decided to make all the articles on the special measures, statistics and basic information about the coronavirus available to everyone. If you appreciate our work and would like to support good journalism, please buy our subscription. We believe this is an issue where accurate and fact-based information is important for people to cope. Not even two weeks have passed and Croatia has changed the conditions for travelling to the country again. To enter the country, it is necessary to have either confirmation of vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 or a negative test result. As a result, main border crossings from Slovenia to Croatia experienced tailbacks that sometimes lasted even three hours, the TASR newswire reported. EU Digital Certificates required Only travellers with valid EU Digital Covid Certificates will be able to travel freely, the Slovak Foreign Affairs Ministry wrote on its website. The ministry also recommends filling in the necessary online form before arrival to save time at the borders. Travelling abroad is possible. This is what you should prepare for Read more The ministry also said travellers who still do not have an EU Digital Certificate will have an exception if they show a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours or a rapid antigen test no older than 48 hours. Entrance to the country will also be granted to those who have confirmation no older than 210 days that they have been vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V or Sinopharm vaccines or who have received the Johnson&Johnson vaccine no sooner than 14 days prior. People who have confirmation that they have recovered from Covid and have received at least one dose of the vaccine up to six months (210 days max) from the start of the disease may enter too. All mentioned certificates and confirmations have to be either in English or Croatian. Staying in quarantine Slovaks plan summer holidays but they still fear travelling abroad Read more If a traveller does not submit a negative result of a Covid-19 test, he or she is obliged to enter 10-day quarantine or self-isolation that will end either with a PCR or rapid test in Croatia. The result will be sent to the e-mail address that the citizen will obtain after crossing state border when arriving in Croatia, the ministry noted. Exceptions apply to transiting people, drivers of cargo transport, diplomats and international organisation workers. However, they cannot spend more than 12 hours in the country. More on coronavirus development: 1. Jul 2021 at 17:07 | Compiled by Spectator staff George Brennan became just the 11th North American driver to reach the milestone of 11,000 career wins thanks to a 1:55 tally with Jose Godinez trainee Dibaba N in Wednesday night's (June 30) fifth race at Yonkers Raceway. Brennan came into the program with 10,998 trips to the winner's circle, and made his total 10,999 after a 1:56.3 decision with Scott DiDomenico trainee Party Queen in the third dash on the card. Two races later came the big prize, as Brennan tipped Dibaba N two-wide from the pocket on the final turn, and she drew off after passing leader Amanderosa to win by 1-1/2 lengths. The 54-year-old driver shared top honours in the standings at Yonkers Raceway in 2019 with Jason Bartlett, and he has also been the top dog across the river at the Meadowlands during his career. He was second to Bartlett at Yonkers in the COVID-19 shortened 2020 Yonkers season, and he is currently second to Jordan Stratton at the Westchester oval this year. His best year to date overall came in 2011, when he finished second nationally in both wins (753) and earnings ($14,530,682). He has finished in the top 25 in driving wins in 10 of the last 11 years, and his charges have banked over $187.8 million, placing him eighth all time. (Yonkers Raceway) Gerry Fielding is celebrating, and why not? After all, not many 78-year-old drivers still are able to drive, much less rein a winner in a pari-mutuel contest as Fielding did in Wednesday afternoon's (June 30) Catskill Amateur Drivers Club pace at Monticello Raceway. Driving 13-1 shot Back On Board N from the pole position, Fielding settled in fourth along the pylons as Rock N Roll Legacy (Joe Lee) led the field by the first stanza in :28. But when Lee began to back off the second quarter, Fielding was out and going, challenging for the lead by the half. When Lee began to back off the second quarter, I did not want to get caught in. So I moved first-up, and when we headed up the backside for the second time, I had cleared to the lead, Fielding explained. In front by a solid length, Back On Board N led his competition by the third stanza in 1:28.1. Once comfortably on top, both Fielding and his pacer were looking for competition which didn't come until McKenzie Sowers and All Net took aim at the pacesetter heading for home. But, their late charge wasn't enough. Back On Board N rallied to a 2-1/2-length triumph over All Net in a time of 1:58.1. Third place went to Midnight Shark (Chad Washington). For Fielding, who doubles as the president of the Catskill Amateur Drivers Club, it was his 65th career driving victory and his first since 2018. Back On Board N, an 11-year-old Christian Cullen gelding, is owned by Michael Elia and trained by Veronica Merton. He paid $29.20 to win. (Catskill Amateur Drivers Club) The popular $12,600 features for developing younger horses drew four divisions of promising trotters and pacers on a hot Wednesday (June 30) at Harrahs Philadelphia. Distaff pacers got the card started with a 1:51.4 mile, and at the finish everyone knew that McCarthy had driven the winner but was it Todd or Andrew? The photo showed it was the Somebeachsomewhere sophomore filly Beach Crazy and Todd McCarthy who rallied up the inside to get a nose advantage over favored Nashville Elgenna and brother Andrew. Beach Crazy lowered her mark a tick for trainer Stacy Chiodo, whose Chiodo Racing LLC co-owns the in-form filly with Jeffery Shore and Robert Barr. In the division of the feature for trotters, Andrew McCarthy got his turn in the spotlight with the Father Patrick 3-year-old gelding Southwind Caeser, using the passing lane in defeating Big Sky Ex in 1:56 by a length. Roni Vandervort conditions the sophomore for the partnership of Connie and Homer Hochstetler, Robert Buddig, and Allen Schwartz. Todd McCarthy reclaimed the focus by guiding the faster winner in the two divisions of the features for male pacers. He kept the Betting Line gelding Imaginary Line inside to the three-quarters, then gained into the :27.4 kicker to get a neck advantage over railshooting Carbine in a lifetime mark 1:52; heavy favorite Serious Miki, who had set the pace, was another neck back in third. The winner is trained by Ron Coyne Jr. for his Ron Coyne Stables Inc., Blair Corbeil, Mike McAllister, and Edward Pachuta. The other section for pacing males went as expected to the Sweet Lou gelding White Belly, who came into the care of trainer Scott Di Domenico in early May and now has two firsts and two seconds in his last four starts after a 1:52.4 victory here. Tim Tetrick put the chalk on the lead, and nobody could catch him in a :55.4 back half. What About Bob tried hard but came up a length shy. The winning 4-year-old is owned by Triple D Stables Inc., Minisink Farms LLC, and Stephen Iaquinta. Todd McCarthy won the last race to take honours on the day with four wins, one ahead of his brother and Tetrick. Trainer Darran Cassar also had a triple on the day. A two-year-old to be watched is Wolftrax, who lost his cover on the far turn but still went on strongly to defeat American Artist K by 1 1/2 lengths in 1:53.3 in his first betting start. Wolftrax certainly has the breeding to be a top horse (by the hot young sire Betting Line out of the $1.5M-winner Cathedra Dot Com), and he finished very sharply for drive Scott Zeron, trainer Paula Wellwood, and her familys Dreamville Stable. A pair of $14,400 contests highlight the Trottin Thursday card (July 1) at Philly as the calendar swings into the second half of the year. Post time is 12:25 p.m. (EDT); program pages are available at https://www.phha.org/harrahspps.html. (PHHA / Harrah's Philadelphia) Pickup Man Hanover scored his first career victory and also set a new track record along the way in his $33,600 division of the New York Sire Stakes for two-year-old colt and gelding pacers at Buffalo Raceway on Wednesday evening (June 30). Covering the mile in 1:56.1, Pickup Man Hanover (Billy Dobson) eclipsed the long standing divisional mark of 1:56.3 established by Roadside Delight in July 2010. Other Sire Stakes winners included Hurrikane Chuck (Jim Morrill Jr.), who toured the Buffalo Raceway half-mile oval in 1:57, and JD (Mark MacDonald) posted a mild $10.20 upset with a 1:56 gate-to-wire score. Pickup Man Hanover sat in third until just after the opening panel and breezed past El Pistolero, hitting the half in :59.4 over a fast track. After several breakers scattered the field, Pickup Man Hanover was more than able to hold off a mild bid from El Pistolero (Greg Merton) in the stretch. Jitterbug Flip (Fern Paquet Jr.) finished fifth, but was moved up to third via a pair of disqualifications. "He was good in the turns," said Dobson. "I was surprised we got a track record." Owned by Dennis and Simone Noud and trained by Monica Krist, Pickup Man Hanover (Huntsville-Pilgrims Witchie) increased his bankroll to $25,512. The heavily favoured Hurrikane Chuck ($3.10) didn't disappoint in his bracket as he recorded a neck victory over KJ Hunter (Matt Kakaley) while Greg The Leg (Mark MacDonald) was third. A big brush approaching the first half sent Hurrikane Chuck to the lead, but he wasn't out of the woods. Heading for home, KJ Hunter (Matt Kakaley) and Greg The Leg (MacDonald) made valiant efforts, but Hurrikane Chuck had just enough to secure the win. Morrill said, "I used him (Hurrikane Chuck) twice in the race, and he gave me 150 per cent." Hurrikane Chuck (Huntsville-All The Buzz), trained by John McDermott, has now earned $18,952 in his two career outings. JD pulled a minor surprise by wiring the field in his leg as the heavy chalk, Blue Collar Man, broke stride. Pleaseletmeknow (Kakaley) took second with Howulikemenow Ray (David McNeight III) finished in third. MacDonald stated after the race, "I was careful with him on the turns. He's a big horse so I kind of let him drift out to the 1-1/2-path, then I'd straighten him out." Trained by Ray Schnittker, JD (So Surreal-Park N Orchard) put $16,750 in his bank account with the triumph. Power Blu ($8.20) took a $15,000 Excelsior A bracket with a 1-1/2-length nod over Lanjo Lee, while Gussys Trump Card ($3.70) scored a neck victory over Jovian in 1:58.4 in the second division. Mr Deal ($5.10) captured the lone $6,800 Excelsior B event with a solid 4-1/4-length romp over Stewardoftheland in 1:58.4. Morrill finished the evening with four victories and MacDonald had a driving triple. Racing will continue on Friday evening (July 2) at 5 p.m. with nine races on the docket. For more information, including the latest news, race replays, entries and results, go to www.buffaloraceway.com. (Buffalo Raceway) The name Frances (Frankie) Lund is a popular one on Canadas east coast, especially if you are talking about photography. If you live on the Island and youre involved in the harness racing industry, you have most likely noticed Frankie at the track with her camera in hand and theres a good chance youve been noticed and possibly captured by the award-winning photographer. Frances Lund of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, captured this image of Cy Poirier giving young Jaxon Merner a lesson on holding the reins at Dusty Lane Farms in Cornwall, P.E.I. The photo is featured as the July image in the Heart of Harness Racing Calendar. While working at a local grocery store throughout the pandemic, Lund stayed very busy, leaving little time for photography and the horses. I work for Loblaws doing computer ordering that controls the stock levels in the store and I never stopped during the pandemic. As an essential worker I put in a lot of extra time and things were a tad bit crazy, especially in the toilet paper aisle! Once things slowed down at her workplace and toilet paper became less essential, she took advantage of the spring weather and headed out to Dusty Lane Farms with her camera in tow. One spring afternoon I biked out to the farm, as horses always make things better and the track was on lockdown, so I headed to a spot where I knew things would be as normal as they could be during the pandemic. The afternoon trip to the farm provided Lund with the spur-of-the-moment photo op. Jaxon who should have been at daycare that day was at the farm with his dad, Adam Merner, as child care facilities were closed across the province due to the pandemic. Jaxon didnt mind at all, as he got to spend his days hanging out with the horses at his newfound daycare Dusty Lane Farms. Last summer when the tracks reopened in P.E.I., Frankie was able to forget about stocking toilet paper and got back to helping with the horses. She spent some time working with the MacGregor family over the summer and then followed that by helping Woodmere Farms at the yearling sale last fall. I feel very lucky to be on P.E.I. where life has returned to normal pretty quickly, we got to race last year and we are racing now, although masks are required at the moment. I am looking forward to Old Home Week this year, and hopefully I will get to see some friends from outside the Atlantic bubble. When harness racing shut down in Ontario, Jeff Gillis faced a decision to either weather the storm at home or to ship his O'Brien Award-winning trotting mare Hey Livvy stateside. Despite her not being a great traveler, Hey Livvy went south and has since showed her class and impressed her connections while on American soil. In fact, shes not staked to a lot of things down here for that reason, Gillis told Trot Insider regarding his mares difficulties travelling. Last year, we paid her into everything and we werent able to travel with COVID. Shes not a great traveler to begin with, but necessity is the mother of all invention so we were forced to change her routine. That in part is what took her so long to get her started down here. I hesitate to use the word success because it can be fleeting in this game, especially with trotters temperamental ones even more so. Hey Livvys first mile of the year came on May 21 at Yonkers in a qualifier, where she strolled to a 1:53 mile in rein to new driver Jordan Stratton. Stratton remained in the sulky for her next two starts, the first a 1:54 win in the Open Handicap at Yonkers and the following another victory at that class but in a 1:52.4 mile a track record for aged trotting mares. In Canada, Trevor Henry was the driver tasked with keeping her together and was retained to drive courtesy a piece of ownership. Henry helped develop the six-year-old Donato Hanover mare into the Grand Circuit contender that captured the $220,000 Armbro Flight last year en route to divisional honours in Canada. I like to bust [Trevors] chops a little bit about that, but the truth is that he was instrumental in getting her to this point. Jordan has done a phenomenal job and Trevor texted as much to me the other night. Its not an ego thing we all want whats best for the mare. Theyve both done a fabulous job; I couldnt be happier. Stakes-wise in the states, Hey Livvy is not nominated to any upcoming American Grand Circuit events. However, Gillis doesn't have any immediate plans to bring her back to Canada. Were going to kind of take it a start at a time, Gillis said. She obviously will be coming home for the Armbro Flight and the Maple Leaf Trot, which are actually in reverse order this year. Her schedule between now and then is a little bit up in the air. At the top class in Yonkers, Hey Livvy landed a handicapped spot from Post 7 in her most recent victory. She will move one slot wider on Friday (July 2) and start from Post 8 in the $42,000 undercard feature on Messenger Pace/Yonkers Trot night, carded as Race 10. Jordan Stratton again has the assignment on the 2-1 morning line favourite. A relatively experienced Lignum hemp farmer interested in education and community will host the Virginia Cannabis Conference Aug. 28 at Culpeper Countys own legal moonshine distillery, Belmont Farms. Mike Sauer of Honey Hill Hemp in Culpeper is organizing the daylong, 21-and-older ticketed event to recognize the July 1 state law that makes recreational use of marijuana legal in Virginia, letting adults possess an ounce of it and grow four of their own plants. The event will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sauer also wants to share with the wider public his past several years of hands-on knowledge about growing cannabis for industrial hemp, used for THC extraction, on a small farm off State Route 3 in eastern Culpeper County. Marijuana is also cannabis, but with a higher THC level. We wanted to acknowledge the fact that the law was changing and that marijuana was going to be legal for recreational use in the commonwealth, Sauer said. This law is an opportunity to take a neutral stand. The law is the law. We also wanted to provide education for people that are interested in growing cannabis for personal use so they can do it properly in accordance with state guidelines and be successful growing and what they are trying to accomplish, he added. CRAWFORD Preserving history for future generations takes an understanding of the past and a vision for the future. In Crawford, Charlene Vail, a volunteer at the Crawford Historical Museum, possesses both of those qualities. Vail was recently presented with a Heritage Hero certificate and pin from History Nebraska for her efforts to keep the towns history alive and accessible. Charlene has worked tirelessly to keep the museum open, wrote fellow volunteer Carol Foster in her nomination of Vail for the award. Charlene knows the importance of keeping objects for family history, and she wants to save this towns and Fort Robinsons history. It is hard to put into words what a big project this has been for her. Vail was presented with the Heritage Hero Award June 29 at the museum by History Nebraska board member and former State Senator Bob Wickersham. Vails contribution to local preservation efforts are also a contribution to the state, he said. You must be logged in to react. Click any reaction to login. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Former President Donald Trump, left, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, right, speak during a stop at an unfinished section of border wall, in Pharr, Texas, Wednesday, June 30, 2021. Entrepreneur Kim Kardashian is currently spending her vacation in Rome, and even there, the TV star doesnt forget about her Armenian roots and has told about a gift that she has received. The mother of four shared her impressions of the visit on Instagram. Kardashian particularly visited Fendi, dined at a restaurant, as well as set aside the gold necklace that she received as a gift from Patriarch Yeghishe Derderian of the Armenian Orthodox Church. Gift from Armenia, Kim wrote. Earlier, Kim Kardashian and Cher had called on joining the Teach for Armenia initiative to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Follow NEWS.am STYLE on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. and British agencies disclosed on Thursday details of brute force methods they say have been used by Russian intelligence to try to break into the cloud services of hundreds of government agencies, energy companies and other organizations. An advisory released by the U.S. National Security Agency describes attacks by operatives linked to the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency, which has been previously tied to major cyberattacks abroad and efforts to disrupt the 2016 and 2020 American elections. In a statement, NSA Cybersecurity Director Rob Joyce said the campaign was likely ongoing, on a global scale. Brute force attacks involve the automated spraying of sites with potential passwords until hackers gain access. The advisory urges companies to adopt methods long urged by experts as common-sense cyber hygiene, including the use of multi-factor authentication and mandating strong passwords. Issued during a devastating wave of ransomware attacks on governments and key infrastructure, the advisory does not disclose specific targets of the campaign or its presumed purpose, saying only that hackers have targeted hundreds of organizations worldwide. Weve moved in the right direction, Cope said. But were not at the finish line, and the business community knows that. Theres still some anxiety around that, but overwhelmingly from what Ive heard, business owners are just happy to have restrictions lifted and have ability to do business at that level they were before. Staffing shortages and increased costs of some supplies will continue to be a challenge, Cope said. Thats not going to be quickly remedied by a proclamation of reopening, but were resilient, she said. Reopening is not an end-all be-all solution. It took 15 months to be here, and will take that, if not double or triple that, time to rebound. The YMCA of Southwest Washington has been slowly ramping up back to normal but it will take time to operate at 100% capacity because the organization is shorthanded, said CEO Janine Manny. Starting next week, the YMCA will offer more open swims, family swims and allow more guests and day passes, Manny said. The organization will continue taking reservations for lap swims but they wont be required for other activities, she said. Response to the reopening has been really good, Manny said. Some people are hesitant still and are worried about capacity, she said. But most people are happy its easier to come and go and do things again. Concerned about COVID-19? Sign up now to get the most recent coronavirus headlines and other important local and national news sent to your email inbox daily. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Cox, who works as a teacher in Wahkiakum School District, said he had recently gone through the equity training required by the state law. While he questioned many of the specific details included in the training, Cox said teachers still had a lot of choice in how much of that training or related material made it into the classroom. We can learn about the Constitution the way I want to teach about the Constitution, Cox said. Other candidates focused on the role parents played in holding schools responsible for their lessons. Moldenhauer outlined how textbooks and curriculum are approved, and how few parents had reviewed the new social studies curriculum in Longview when it was available for public comment. Mathes said concerned parents should talk to their kids about what is being taught, or even sit in on classes to understand how lessons are presented. Richards, who said she pulled her children from public schools over COVID requirements, advocated for more dramatic measures that would impact the finances of schools that taught critical race theory. I would say to pull them out this year, Richards said. I dont think they need to be muzzled like they have been. The Cowlitz County Republicans will hold a similar forum July 13 for candidates in upcoming city council races. Longview City Council member Chet Makinster and his opponent Angie Ween briefly spoke at the event Tuesday because they would be unable to make the event in July. Love 3 Funny 3 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 3 Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. The Go 4th Festival is beginning to take shape at Lake Sacajawea. Longview's annual Independence Day festival is set to officially kick off today. Go 4th had been an annual city celebration since 1949 but was canceled last year because of the pandemic. Carnival attractions were assembled in front of R.A. Long High School beginning Wednesday morning. The Portland-based Funtastic Traveling Shows brought in a collection of carnival rides, games, booths and food stands for the festival. Teresa Spromberg lives in Longview and works as one of the managers of Funtastic Rides. Spromberg said the company had not been able to do any business in Oregon since the COVID restrictions began, and that the events in Washington had scaled back to the most popular attractions. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} "Up until now we had all the masks and COVID shot requirements and limits on how many people can attend," Spromberg said. "Here's the state about to open up, and we can allow everyone in." The first event related to the festival is the Firecracker 5K Fun Run, which sets off from Hemlock Plaza at 6 p.m. today. The carnival attractions and other day-long features will open Friday. Congressman Derek Kilmer, D-Gig Harbor, said in a statement that Walshs conduct dishonors the victims of the Holocaust, the survivors and their families, as well as the brave American military & our allies who fought, and died, to defeat the Nazis. Some of Walshs legislative colleagues on both sides of the aisle also publicly condemned his conduct. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Encouraging vaccination against a virus that killed 600,000 Americans is the *opposite* of Nazi persecution of Jews. Equating them trivializes the Shoah, devalues the lives and memories of 6 million people systematically slaughtered, and brings unnecessary pain to their families, wrote state Rep. Drew Stokesbary, R-Auburn, on Twitter. State Sen. Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle, sent Walsh an email copied to House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox, saying his use of Holocaust-related imagery was a profound distortion of one of the most horrific acts in global history and urging him to apologize and educate himself about the experience of Jews during the Holocaust. Carlyle, who founded an informal Jewish caucus in the Legislature, invited Walsh to engage with Seattles Holocaust Center for Humanity and other resources. Burt said that while Microsoft Corp. does cooperate with law enforcement on a broad range of criminal and national security investigations, it often challenges surveillance that it sees as unnecessary, resulting at times in advance notice to the account being targeted. Among the organizations weighing in at the hearing was The Associated Press, which called on Congress to act to protect journalists' ability to promise confidentiality to their sources. Reporters must have prior notice and the ability to challenge a prosecutor's efforts to seize data, said a statement submitted by Karen Kaiser, APs general counsel. It is essential that reporters be able to credibly promise confidentially to ensure the public has the information needed to hold its government accountable and to help government agencies and officials function more effectively and with integrity, Kaiser said. As possible solutions, Burt said, the government should end indefinite secrecy orders and should also be required to notify the target of the data demand once the secrecy order has expired. Just this week, he said, prosecutors sought a blanket gag order affecting the government of a major U.S. city for a Microsoft data request targeting a single employee there. Without reform, abuses will continue to occur and they will occur in the dark, Burt said. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 In this April 27, 2017, file photo, visitors walk past a sign for Chinese ride-hailing service Didi Chuxing at the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC) in Beijing. Chinese ride-hailing service Didi says it lost $5.5 billion over the past three years ahead of its U.S. stock market debut Wednesday, June 30, 2021, but it's highlighting its global reach and investments in developing electric and self-driving cars. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein,File Didi Global Inc., a Chinese ride-hailing service, jumped 16% Wednesday shortly after making its U.S. stock market debut. The stock opened at $16.65 on the New York Stock Exchange. The Beijing-headquartered company's initial public offering of 288 million shares was priced at $14 a share. The company said it aimed to spend 30% on technology development, another 30% to expand outside China and 20% on new products. Didi's U.S. market debut comes a day after the company said it lost $5.5 billion over the past three years, though the company also touted its global reach and investments in developing electric and self-driving cars. Didi operates in 16 countries, though almost 90% of the 493 million customers who used the service at least once in the past year are in China. The company founded in 2012 by Will Wei Cheng, a veteran of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, says it aims to become the "world's largest one-stop transportation platform" and operator of vehicle networks. "We aspire to become a truly global technology company," said Cheng and president Jean Qing Liu in the prospectus. Liu is a former Goldman Sachs managing director and the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, founder of computer maker Lenovo Group. Early investors included Apple Inc., Japan's Softbank, Alibaba and Chinese internet giants, Tencent Holding Ltd. and Baidu Inc. Didi acquired rival Kuaidi in 2016 and Uber Technologies Inc.'s China operation the following year, ending a battle in which the American company said it was losing $1 billion a year. China's populous ride-hailing market has gone through abrupt changes as the ruling Communist Party tries to nurture development of technology while keeping control of promising industries. Founded as a smartphone-based taxi-hailing service, it launched ride-hailing in 2014 and expanded abroad in 2018 by acquiring Brazil's 99 Taxis and setting up operations in Mexico. In 2015-16, regulators tightened control in what state media said was an effort to curb traffic congestion and prevent crime linked to ride-hailing services. Drivers were required to be residents of cities and towns where they worked and to be more closely supervised. Didi has plowed money into development of self-driving, electric vehicles and other technology. The company launched an electric car last year with Chinese automaker BYD Auto, a unit of BYD Ltd. Didi lost 15 billion yuan ($2.3 billion) in 2018, 9.7 billion yuan ($1.5 billion) in 2019 and 10.6 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) last year, according to its prospectus. It says Didi had $3 billion in cash as of Dec. 31. Explore further Chinese ride-hailing app Didi files for New York listing More information: Didi Global Inc.: Didi Global Inc.: www.didiglobal.com/ 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. The patterned-light illumination system and experimental results of the worm bending response upon laser beam excitation. Credit: Science Robotics (2021). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abe3950 A team of researchers from the University of Toronto and Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, has developed a technique for controlling the movements of a live nematode using laser light. In their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, the group describes their technique. Adriana San-Miguel with North Carolina State University has published a Focus piece in the same journal issue outlining the work done by the team. As scientists continue to create new kinds of robots, they often look to nature for inspiration. Researchers have found that studying locomotion in natural organisms is one of the best ways to develop strategies for developing microrobots. In this new effort, the researchers looked to the nematode for inspiration. They note that prior efforts to control tiny robots have very often involved combining electronics with small creatures such as cockroaches, controlling them via external stimuli, such as small charges of electricity. In this new effort, the researchers sought to gain better control of a creature using a different approach. It involved genetically engineering several nematode specimens so that the muscles they used for locomotion would activate when exposed to light. They then injected a drug into the worms to paralyze them. Next, they placed them on an agar substrate beneath a triple-beam laser outfitted with a microscope and camera. Then, by optimally illuminating only small parts of the worm at a time, they found that they could force the nematode to move in desired directions without damaging itthe laser light was of sufficient strength to penetrate the skin of the nematode and stimulate the muscles, which would constrict and relax on demand. The researchers demonstrated their control of the nematode by moving it through a small maze. They note that the key to properly directing their cyborg worm was to first study how the worm used muscles during locomotion and then to mimic those actions. They next plan to replicate their efforts using portable equipment to make their robotic worm usable in real-world applications. Explore further Researchers discover fundamental rules for how the brain controls movement More information: Xianke Dong et al, Toward a living soft microrobot through optogenetic locomotion control of Caenorhabditis elegans, Science Robotics (2021). Xianke Dong et al, Toward a living soft microrobot through optogenetic locomotion control of Caenorhabditis elegans,(2021). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abe3950 Adriana San-Miguel, Optogenetics gets the worm, Science Robotics (2021). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abj3937 Journal information: Science Robotics 2021 Science X Network Credit: CC0 Public Domain On a Friday night this spring, surveillance cameras detected a stolen car driving through a Vernon Hills, Illinois neighborhood. Police were alerted, tracked the car to a nearby gas station, and charged the driver with illegally possessing a stolen vehicle, drugs and a gun. The arrest was a prime example of how automated license plate recognition, or ALPRs, can help catch criminals and possibly prevent crime, police Chief Patrick Kreis said. "These cameras have helped us," he said. "Perhaps that prevented further wrongdoing." Critics of the cameras note that only a tiny percentage of the billions of plates photographed lead to an arrest, and that the cameras generally haven't been shown to prevent crime. More importantly they say the devices are unregulated, track innocent people and can be misused to invade drivers' privacy. The controversy comes as suburban police departments continue to expand the use of the cameras to combat rising crime. Law enforcement officials say they are taking steps to safeguard the data. But privacy advocates say the state should pass a law to ensure against improper use of a nationwide surveillance system operated by private companies. Across the Chicago area, one survey by the nonprofit watchdog group Muckrock found 88 cameras used by more than two dozen police agencies. In response to a surge in shootings, after much delay, state police are taking steps to add the cameras to area expressways. In the northwest suburbs, Vernon Hills and Niles are among several departments that have added license plate cameras recently. The city of Chicago has ordered more than 200 cameras for its squad cars. In Indiana, the city of Hammond has taken steps to record nearly every vehicle that comes into town. Not all police like the devices. In the southwest suburbs, Darien and La Grange had issues in years past with the cameras making false readings, and some officers stopped using them. Unlike other cameras, which monitor traffic flow or issue speeding tickets, license plate readers are designed to record the plate number, make, model and color of every vehicle that passes, and often compare them to the National Crime Information Center or a local police "hot sheet," which may list stolen cars, suspended plates and people with outstanding arrest warrants or traffic violations. Homeowner associations may also tie their cameras into the systems, which is what led to the arrest in Vernon Hills. One of the leading sellers of such cameras, Vigilant Solutions, a part of Chicago-based Motorola Solutions, has collected billions of license plate numbers in its National Vehicle Location Service. The database shares information from thousands of police agencies, and can be used to find cars across the country. The cameras often are mounted on police cars. But some departments have reported problems with that arrangement, noting the system may record addresses or other useless numbers, and may flag hits for vehicles going in the opposite direction, too late to stop them. So some officials prefer to mount the cameras on light poles, traffic light poles, or other stationary sites. In Prospect Heights, cameras helped identify a car in a hit-and-run, leading to the arrest of the suspected driver, Chief Jim Zawlocki said. Police there don't use the cameras for traffic enforcement, only using them when there is an incident prompting an investigation, such as a crime or a missing person. "They're very beneficial when we're actively investigating something," he said. In nearby Mundelein, police stopped using a license plate reader recently after several years. The chief said the system never worked as well as they'd hoped, often getting tripped up by outdated information. Another issue police identified is the long time it takes to get permission from the Illinois Department of Transportation to put a camera on a state route. And in north suburban Highland Park, police looked into using the cameras, but the City Council has held off while seeking more information. If the city were to use the cameras, City Manager Ghida Neukirch said, it would require tight restrictions, including only using the information with limited access for investigations, and deleting the information after 30 days. "We are certainly sensitive to privacy concerns," she said. "It's imperative that any municipality have a detailed policy set forth on when it would be used, and have a reporting mechanism so the public understands how it's being used." In a survey of law enforcement agencies using the cameras, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit watchdog, found that 99.5% of the plates were not under suspicion when scanned, and that police shared their data with an average of 160 other agencies. Two big concerns the American Civil Liberties Union has always had about the cameras are that the information can be used to track the movements of the general population, and often is sold by operators to third parties like credit and insurance companies. Then there is the potential for abuse by police. One investigation found that officers nationwide misused agency databases hundreds of times, to check on ex-girlfriends, romantic rivals, or perceived enemies. To address those concerns, 16 states have passed laws restricting the use of the cameras. The ACLU supported such legislation in Illinois and Indiana, but it failed to pass in either state. As a first step, the agency called for states at least to monitor what agencies are using the technology, and in what manner. And local officials should have public hearings to decide if or how residents want such surveillance. "There ought to be a discussion of how much surveillance a community thinks is appropriate," ACLU of Illinois spokesman Ed Yohnka said. "We don't think it's a decision that ought to be solely left to law enforcement agencies." Explore further Amazon's Ring to make police video requests public 2021 Chicago Tribune. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Melt pool shape and the temperature and melt pool flow velocity predicted by a physics-informed neural network (PINN) for case A, B and C at quasi-steady state (2 microseconds). Credit: Qiming Zhu, Zeliang Liu, Jinhui Yan Additive manufacturing has the potential to allow one to create parts or products on demand in manufacturing, automotive engineering, and even in outer space. However, it's a challenge to know in advance how a 3D printed object will perform, now and in the future. Physical experimentsespecially for metal additive manufacturing (AM)are slow and costly. Even modeling these systems computationally is expensive and time-consuming. "The problem is multi-phase and involves gas, liquids, solids, and phase transitions between them," said University of Illinois Ph.D. student Qiming Zhu. "Additive manufacturing also has a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This has led to large gaps between the physics that happens on the small scale and the real product." Zhu, Zeliang Liu (a software engineer at Apple), and Jinhui Yan (professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois), are trying to address these challenges using machine learning. They are using deep learning and neural networks to predict the outcomes of complex processes involved in additive manufacturing. "We want to establish the relationship between processing, structure, properties, and performance," Zhu said. Current neural network models need large amounts of data for training. But in the additive manufacturing field, obtaining high-fidelity data is difficult, according to Zhu. To reduce the need for data, Zhu and Yan are pursuing "physics informed neural networking," or PINN. "By incorporating conservation laws, expressed as partial differential equations, we can reduce the amount of data we need for training and advance the capability of our current models," he said. A fully connected deep neural network for metal additive manufacturing. Credit: Qiming Zhu, Zeliang Liu, Jinhui Yan Using the Frontera and Stampede2 supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (the #10 and #36 fastest in the world, as of June 2021), Zhu and Yan simulated the dynamics of two benchmark experiments: an example of 1D solidification, when solid and liquid metals interact; and an example of laser beam melting tests taken from the 2018 NIST Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Test Series. In the 1D solidification case, they input data from experiments into their neural network. In the laser beam melting tests, they used experimental data as well as results from computer simulations. They also developed a "hard" enforcement method for boundary conditions, which, they say, is equally important in the problem-solving. The team's neural network model was able to recreate the dynamics of the two experiments. In the case of the NIST Challenge, it predicted the temperature and melt pool length of the experiment within 10% of the actual results. They trained the model on data from 1.2 to 1.5 microseconds and made predictions at further time steps up to 2.0 microseconds. The team published their results in Computational Mechanics in January 2021. "This is the first time that neural networks have been applied to metal additive manufacturing process modeling," Zhu said. "We showed that physics-informed machine learning, as a perfect platform to seamlessly incorporate data and physics, has big potential in the additive manufacturing field." Zhu sees engineers in the future using neural networks as fast prediction tools to provide guidance on the parameter selection for the additive manufacturing processfor instance, the speed of the laser or the temperature distributionand to map the relationships between additive manufacturing process parameters and the properties of the final product, such as its surface roughness. "If your client requires a specific property, then you'll know what you should use for your manufacturing process parameters," Zhu said. Comparison of the predictions of the temperature and melt pool fluid dynamics of finite element method (FEM), physics-informed neural network (PINN) and experiment for case B (195 W, 0.8 m/s) at quasi-steady state (2 microseconds) when the melt pool shape is not changing. Left: FEM prediction. Middle: PINN prediction. Right: Thermal video frame based on radiance temperature from experiment. Credit: Qiming Zhu, Zeliang Liu, Jinhui Yan In a separate paper in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering published online in May 2021, Zhu and Yan proposed a modification of the existing finite element method framework used in additive manufacturing to see if their technique could get better predictions over existing benchmarks. Mirroring a recent additive manufacturing experiment from Argonne National Lab involving a moving laser, the researchers showed that simulations, performed on Frontera, differed in depth from those in the experiment by less than 10.3% and captured the common experimentally-observed chevron-type shape on the metal top surface. Zhu and Yan's research benefits from the continued growth of computing technologies and federal investment in high performance computing. Frontera not only speeds up studies such as theirs, it opens the door to machine and deep learning studies in fields where training data is not widely available, broadening the potential of AI research. "The most exciting point is when you see that your model can predict the future using only a small amount of existing data," Zhu said. "It's somehow learning about the evolution of the process. "Previously, I was not very confident on whether we'd be able to predict with good accuracy over temperature, velocity, and geometry of the gas-metal interface. We showed that we're able to make nice data inferences." Explore further Researchers propose methods for additive manufacturing quality control More information: Qiming Zhu et al, Machine learning for metal additive manufacturing: predicting temperature and melt pool fluid dynamics using physics-informed neural networks, Computational Mechanics (2021). Qiming Zhu et al, Machine learning for metal additive manufacturing: predicting temperature and melt pool fluid dynamics using physics-informed neural networks,(2021). DOI: 10.1007/s00466-020-01952-9 Qiming Zhu et al, A mixed interface-capturing/interface-tracking formulation for thermal multi-phase flows with emphasis on metal additive manufacturing processes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2021.113910 Multimedia Reporter Staff writer Harry Funk, a professional journalist for three-plus decades, has been on the staff of The Almanac since 2015. He has a bachelors degree in journalism and master of business administration, both from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Before the pandemic, the tourism sector made up some 20% of Thailand's economy, and 95% of Phuket's income. The resort island off the southern coast saw fewer than a half million visitors in the first five months, and almost no foreigners, compared to more than 3 million during the same period last year including some 2 million foreigners. In a nod to the importance of the sandbox plan, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha flew to Phuket to be on hand in person for the launch. He emphasized that the sandbox was just the first step toward his goal announced in June of having Thailand completely reopened within 120 days. "This reopening is related to not only Phuket but also the whole country, he said. Last-minute hitches in some of the program details and cautions from authorities that if cases start to rise on the island more restrictions may be needed or it may have to be shut down entirely meant some cancelations before it even began. Fewer than 250 international travelers were expected on the first day compared to the initial target of 1,500. Richwood, TX (77531) Today Scattered thunderstorms this morning, then mainly cloudy during the afternoon with thunderstorms likely. High 86F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low around 75F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 80%. Colombian authorities on Wednesday said they have arrested a Romanian hacker who is wanted in the U.S. for distributing a virus that infected more than a million computers from 2007 to 2012. Mihai Ionut Paunescu (aka "Virus"), the individual in question, was detained at the El Dorado airport in Bogota, the Office of the Attorney General of Colombia said. Paunescu was previously charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) in January 2013 for operating a bulletproof hosting service that "enabled cyber criminals to distribute the Gozi Virus, the Zeus Trojan and other notorious malware, and conduct other sophisticated cyber crimes." He was arrested in Romania in December 2012 but managed to avoid extradition to the U.S. "Through this service, Paunescu, like other bulletproof hosts, knowingly provided critical online infrastructure to cyber criminals that allowed them to commit online criminal activity with little fear of detection by law enforcement," the DoJ said in an unsealed indictment. Gozi (aka ISFB, Snifula, or Ursnif), a Windows-based banking trojan, had its roots dating as far back as 2005 prior to its deployment in real-world attacks in 2007. At least 40,000 computers in the U.S., including those belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), are said to have been infected with the virus. Germany, Great Britain, Poland, France, Finland, Italy, and Turkey are the other countries where Gozi infections were reported. In May 2016, Gozi's primary developer, a Russian citizen named Nikita Kuzmin, was sentenced to 37 months in prison and fined $7 million over charges of computer intrusion and fraud, and for causing "tens of millions of dollars in losses" to individuals, businesses, and government entities. Kuzmin also rented out the malware to other criminal operators in exchange for $500 a week. Separately, Deniss Calovskis, a Latvian national who developed "web injects" so as to enable Gozi to surreptitiously gather information entered by users on banking websites, landed a 21-month prison term in January 2016 for his co-conspiratorial role in the fraudulent scheme. Despite these law enforcement efforts, Gozi, however, continues to be an ever-evolving malware that has since morphed from a simple banking trojan into a modular malicious content delivery platform, with cybersecurity firm Check Point uncovering "modern derivatives" that were actively deployed in several cyber attacks as of August 2020. Cybersecurity researchers are warning of ongoing attacks coordinated by a suspected Chinese-speaking threat actor targeting the Afghanistan government as part of an espionage campaign that may have had its provenance as far back as 2014. Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point Research attributed the intrusions to a hacking group tracked under the moniker "IndigoZebra," with past activity aimed at other central-Asian countries, including Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. "The threat actors behind the espionage leveraged Dropbox, the popular cloud-storage service, to infiltrate the Afghan National Security Council (NSC)," the researchers said in a technical write-up shared with The Hacker News, adding they "orchestrated a ministry-to-ministry style deception, where an email is sent to a high-profile target from the mailboxes of another high-profile victim." IndigoZebra first came to light in August 2017 when Kaspersky detailed a covert operation that singled out former Soviet Republics with a wide swath of malware such as Meterpreter, Poison Ivy RAT, xDown, and a previously undocumented piece of malware called xCaon. Check Point's investigation into the attacks commenced in April when NSC officials began receiving lure emails allegedly claiming to be from the Administrative Office of the President of Afghanistan. While the message urged the recipients to review modifications in an attached document related to a pending NSC press conference, opening the decoy file a password-protected RAR archive ("NSC Press conference.rar") was found to trigger an infection chain that culminated in the installation of a backdoor ("spools.exe") on the targeted system. Additionally, the attacks funneled malicious commands into the victim machine that were camouflaged using the Dropbox API, with the implant creating a unique folder for every compromised host in an attacker-controlled Dropbox account. The backdoor, dubbed "BoxCaon," is capable of stealing confidential data stored on the device, running arbitrary commands, and exfiltrating the results back to the Dropbox folder. The commands ("c.txt") themselves are placed in a separate sub-folder named "d" in the victim's Dropbox folder, which is retrieved by the malware prior to execution. BoxCaon's connection to IndigoZebra stems from similarities shared by the malware with xCaon. Check Point said it identified about 30 different samples of xCaon the earliest dating back to 2014 all of which rely on HTTP protocol for command-and-control communications. Telemetry data analyzed by the researchers also found that the HTTP variants primarily set their sights on political entities located in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, suggesting a shift in targeting in recent years along with a revamped toolset. "What is remarkable here is how the threat actors utilized the tactic of ministry-to-ministry deception," said Lotem Finkelsteen, head of threat intelligence at Check Point. "This tactic is vicious and effective in making anyone do anything for you; and in this case, the malicious activity was seen at the highest levels of sovereignty. Furthermore, it's noteworthy how the threat actors utilize Dropbox to mask themselves from detection." According to a new report from CoBanks Knowledge Exchange, the outlook for continued U.S. grain exports to China remains strong, primarily due to its projected growth in pork production and steady demand for feed grains. However, the current U.S. grain run has entered a new phase marked by significant price volatility, and China is leveraging that volatility to its advantage. China will remain an active buyer of U.S. grain through at least the 2021-22 marketing year, said Kenneth Scott Zuckerberg, lead grain and farm supply economist with CoBank. But the increased volatility in grain prices has led China to shift its buying pattern to wait for price weakness before committing to additional purchases, as well as to contract now for the next marketing year. Chinas heightened demand, CoBank said, resulted in record high grain prices that peaked in May and have since been extremely volatile. A period of elevated price volatility, coupled with an ongoing inverted futures curve, means that grain elevators and merchandisers will require capital discipline and excess liquidity, said Zuckerberg. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Another Nebraska business, according to Fisher, said that its steel costs have doubled during the past six months going up virtually weekly. We have had to pass along price increases to our customers every month and will have more to go as steel costs continue to go up, according to the testimony provided by Fischer. Our concern is when the auto manufacturers get back going full steam in the fall when they get their chip shortage issue resolved then there will be even more pressure on steel costs. We ordered steel back in the January/February time frame for delivery in April and May. We are just now starting to get the April stuff. This has put tremendous pressure on our manufacturing and shipping folks, not to mention our dealers and end customer/growers. At this point we are having to order steel with expected deliveries later this fall but we cannot lock in a cost, so we will just have to wait and see what our costs will be at that time. Fischer and a number of her Senate colleagues also are asking the Biden administration to uphold the promises he made on the campaign trail to support the biofuel industry and the family farmers who rely on it. KEARNEY When fireworks explode over Washington, D.C., Sunday night, Kim and Randy Buschkoetter of Kearney will be watching from the White House lawn. One of my great philosophies of life is when someone offers you a cookie, you take it, and this is a pretty good cookie, said Randy Buschkoetter. He and Kim were invited to the event by a friend, Manny Banner, a former employee of Harlan County Health Services who might have declined the invitation if Buschkoetter hadnt reminded her what a special experience it would be. Today, Banner is the CEO of the Memorial Community Hospital and Health System in Blair. Recently, Banner hosted the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff, who came to the Blair hospital for a fact-finding visit. After the visit, Emhoff the second gentleman of the U.S. sent four invitations to Banner. There was one invitation for her along with three additional invitations for her guests, so she invited her husband Gary, and Kim and Randy Buschkoetter. Williams eventually pleaded no contest to attempt of a Class 1 felony, which is a Class 2 felony, and he was sentenced to five years of probation last October. However, earlier this summer he was back in custody and in the courtroom after he violated numerous terms of that probation. As part of the factual basis during Williams earlier plea, regarding the probation violations, York County Attorney John Lyons told the court that Williams was cited by the sheriffs department for theft, he failed to appear for that hearing, he was cited for failure to appear, he was in the company of people who had recent convictions, he admitted to alcohol use, he left a sober living house and did not notify probation, and in order to be present here today, he had to be extradited from Colorado as he fled from Nebraska. This week, during Williams sentencing proceedings, Lyons told the court he initially asked the court for Williams to be incarcerated. He was granted probation and I was concerned then that he would not comply. He tried to sell a stolen firearm in a local gas station. Then he absconded. He will not follow the law. We are asking that he be imprisoned, so then he cant run around our community with a shotgun when he isnt even supposed to possess one. The Chinese people will absolutely not allow any foreign force to bully, oppress or enslave us and anyone who attempts to do so will face broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, said Xi, who has eliminated limits on his time in office, prompting speculation that he could rule for life, as Mao did. The strong language appeared aimed at revving up and playing to a domestic audience. The strongest elements of it the references to bashing heads and bloodshed were left out of state media's English translation of the quote. Xi declared that China had restored order in Hong Kong following anti-government protests in 2019 and reiterated the Communist Partys determination to bring self-governing Taiwan under its control. Both policies have been widely criticized by Western democracies. They have accused the Communist Party of abusing its power at home, including detaining more than 1 million Uyghurs and other mainly Muslim minorities for political reeducation in the northwest region of Xinjiang, and for imprisoning or intimidating into silence those it sees as potential opponents from Tibet to Hong Kong. This years celebration of the Fourth of July provides a particularly apt occasion for considering the health of our republic. Opinions vary. One friend thinks that democracy as we used to know it in America is in extreme peril. Another believes that things are no worse now than they were in the 60s. (I assume he means the 1960s, not the 1860s.) And a third maintains that Americas commitment to democracy endures and that the institutions originated by the Founders have succeeded in keeping our nation on track. I hope he is correct, but, at best, its a close-run thing. Liberals and conservatives who are still committed to the values we celebrate on the Fourth of July should be concerned. Some of this concern stems from the remarkable events of the past five years. Normal presidents dont behave in ways that result in two impeachments in one term. Normal presidents dont alienate our allies and cozy up to autocrats. Normal presidents dont prefer the dubious declarations of one of our chief adversaries over the findings of our intelligence agencies. Normal presidents dont refuse to perform a peaceful transfer of power when they lose an election. And then theres Jan. 6. IT Trends Implementing a Unified Communication Platform to Build Community Trust New York district overhauls school-to-home communications efforts with a unified, data-rich communication platform to improve disconnected communications with families. New York district overhauls school-to-home communications efforts with a unified, data-rich communication platform to improve disconnected communications with families. When I joined Mechanicville City School District in 2019, I immediately noticed that communications to students and their families were few and far between. I also noticed that communications between our district and homes only included input from select staff and wasnt a collaborative effort. Instead of families receiving the entire story, for example, they were only receiving bits of the information that we really wanted to convey. Without a clear picture of what was really going on, there was a disconnect with the community and lack of overall trust in the district. This culture spread among students, leaving them feeling like they too didnt have strong relationships with their teachers or school leaders. With all of this in mind, I knew we had to seize this critical opportunity, tackle these challenges, and rebuild trust in our school community. To get there, we needed to make clear, consistent, and transparent communications a priority so that we could build a vibrant school community with strong relationships. 5 Reasons to Adopt a Unified Communications Platform By adopting ParentSquares unified communication platform, we felt that we could create exactly what we needed to bring our school community together namely, a consistent communications plan that keeps school community members informed and allows them to voice their input. Today, our district regularly communicates with our school community in real-time, receives parent feedback, and connects with community members in meaningful ways. Here are five more wins that weve seen since implementing our unified communication platform: Better use of technology. Rather than sending out long emails or newsletters with a lot of text, we can upload videos every week with school and district updates. Parents can absorb a lot more information when they watch a quick video, and videos are also a more personal way for our school and district leaders to communicate home. A two-way communication stream. Our parents also needed a way to reach school and district leaders. The platform has a survey feature that we use to gather feedback from parents, as well as two-way communication so that parents can communicate with the school and district straightaway. Leverage the power of the web and social media. Using the platforms Social Share feature, we can post information directly to our website, Twitter, or Facebook. This gives parents multiple places to find information, which is an improvement from our previous, limited communications approach. Real-time insights and analytics. We now have powerful dashboards that provide real-time insights and analytics. These tools help us identify the parents and guardians that we are not reaching, so we can find alternative methods to connect. Additionally, we can ensure contact data is accurate and up-to-date, so everyone has a chance to engage with important communications. Address COVID-19 protocols. Students and staff can fill out their Health Screening Form in the platforms app, making an otherwise lengthy screening process more efficient, and helping our school community maintain compliance with state-specific and CDC-guidelines surrounding COVID-19. Building a Better-Connected School District Im happy to report that our district has successfully reached its reimagined goal to provide consistent, transparent, purposeful, and timely communications to all school community members regarding district business with a special focus given to district goals. In fact, the platform made it really easy for us to rebuild our communications process from scratch. The district completely transformed its communications program so that every family is now informed and engaged, resulting in a more unified school community with strong trust. Bruce Potter is Superintendent at Mechanicville City School District in New York. Paris, TX (75460) Today Sunny. High near 90F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight A few passing clouds. Low around 70F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. America is back, President Biden announced repeatedly in meeting with allies in Europe. The question, of course, is back for what? Biden has sensibly insisted that we must build back better at home and abroad. Our neighbors to the south in Latin America offer a clear opportunity to show that is true. Now more than ever, it is time for a new Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America. Donald Trump had little interest in Latin America, other than labeling its refugees as terrorists, drug dealers, and rapists. He reversed the initial steps Obama took to move to better relations with Cuba. He doubled down on crippling sanctions, illegal under international law, on Venezuela, and pushed to overturn the president of the country. Biden has both an opportunity and an imperative to offer better relations. Latin America has been battered by the economic collapse accompanying the pandemic. Poverty has soared as has the death toll of the coronavirus, over 500,000 dead in Brazil alone. Now elections promise to bring a new generation of progressive leaders to power across the hemisphere. Peru has led the way with the election of Pedro Castillo, running on a populist agenda accusing the mining barons of looting and promising to tax them to invest in health care and education. Local alert featured Claflins Downtown Center opens in Orangeburg; president: university is committed to city LARRY HARDY, T&D Cutting the ribbon on the Claflin University Downtown Center are, from left, Orangeburg Mayor Michael Butler, Claflin University President Dwaun Warmack, Claflin Trustee Leslie Price and Orangeburg City Administrator Sidney Evering. LARRY HARDY, T&D Claflin University held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the universitys Downtown Center on June 30. Claflin University has expanded into downtown Orangeburg. The university officially opened the Claflin University Downtown Center at 1425 Russell Street on Wednesday. This is the first step of many of what Claflin University will do down here, Claflin University President Dr. Dwaun Warmack said. We have a civic and a moral responsibility to be a beacon of light, and support the revitalization of Downtown Orangeburg, he said. The center will house several programs geared toward helping the community, including the Center for Social Justice, the Center for Professional and Continuing Studies, the Pathways from Prison Program and the universitys online classes, or Claflin Online. Orangeburg Mayor Michael Butler said the center is a part of the citys vision for a revitalized downtown. This is a part of the vision that we have envisioned for downtown, to establish foot traffic down here. One of the vehicles that we wanted to use is to have partnerships with the universities, and get the universities from out of the walls, and bring their students out into Orangeburg, Butler said. Claflin puts community in student center plan; 3-story facility is to include movie theater In a few years, Claflin University will have a new facility to serve students and the community. Many initiatives will be housed in the center. The components associated with the social justice center are health care, diversity and inclusion initiatives, prison education, education opportunities to former prisoners and police education, according to Warmack. The university will offer certification programs, training programs in diversity and inclusion and certification programs in urban and rural policing. It will also help develop cultural competency and unconscious bias training. Warmack noted Orangeburgs role in the civil rights movement, including the Feb. 8, 1968 incident that is now known as the Orangeburg Massacre. Three students were killed and 28 others were injured when S.C. Highway Patrol troopers opened fire on a crowd of protesters following three nights of escalating racial tension over efforts to desegregate the All-Star Triangle Bowl. South Carolina State College students Henry Smith and Samuel Hammond, along with 19-year-old Wilkinson High School student Delano Middleton, were killed in the incident. The former bowling alley is located near the center. This had significant value, and significant historical context around the notion of social justice and the work that will go behind that, Warmack said. The center will also focus on global education, allowing the universitys programs and initiatives to be accessible around the world. Our Center for Global Education will provide all of these trainings from a virtual format across the world. You could be in the continent of Africa, you could be in Europe, and still take advantage of the social justice component we will offer here at Claflin University, Warmack said. This is an exciting time. Were committed to the City of Orangeburg, Warmack said. This is just the beginning of our work and our commitment to Orangeburg, the state and the country. The Center for Social Justice will have up to ten interns who will conduct research and programmatic activist work, according to Warmack. The center will also feature technology available to the public. We will open an Apple Lab here, and that will be open to the community to utilize computer literacy, and things like that as well, Warmack said. The universitys high school dual enrollment and workforce development programs will also be housed in the center. We want everything community-facing right here, and allow the community. We dont have to be inside the gates at Claflin, we are outside the gates at Claflin, and everything thats forward-facing will be done out of this facility, Warmack said. ALLENDALE The sheriff of Allendale County withdrew thousands in cash with no explanation. The clerk of court paid thousands in Christmas bonuses to staff, and to herself, without reporting them to the IRS. And the tiny, rural county has at least 45 bank accounts, some in individuals names, according to findings in a new forensic audit. The audit, by Burkett Burkett & Burkett of West Columbia, examined several years of financial records and cited a range of severe accounting deficiencies that left the county at serious risk of fraud. County Council members heard details of the new report on June 29. The county lacks checks and balances in its accounting practices, has issued payments without invoices and hasnt kept a general ledger one of the most basic of accounting tools for the past 13 years, the auditors found. Council members and the county administrator pledged to make improvements and cited changes already underway. They sought the audit after complaining that the county treasurer, who is elected, was not providing them basic information about revenue, among other concerns. The treasurer, Gerzell Chaney, resigned two weeks ago, just days after state lawmakers wrote to Gov. Henry McMaster urging him to take action. The university will offer certification programs, training programs in diversity and inclusion and certification programs in urban and rural policing. It will also help develop cultural competency and unconscious bias training. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Warmack noted Orangeburgs role in the civil rights movement, including the Feb. 8, 1968 incident that is now known as the Orangeburg Massacre. Three students were killed and 28 others were injured when S.C. Highway Patrol troopers opened fire on a crowd of protesters following three nights of escalating racial tension over efforts to desegregate the All-Star Triangle Bowl. South Carolina State College students Henry Smith and Samuel Hammond, along with 19-year-old Wilkinson High School student Delano Middleton, were killed in the incident. The former bowling alley is located near the center. This had significant value, and significant historical context around the notion of social justice and the work that will go behind that, Warmack said. The center will also focus on global education, allowing the universitys programs and initiatives to be accessible around the world. Today is Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Let's get caught up. Here's what you should know today: Temperatures obliterated heat records in the Pacific Northwest on Monday; the search for victims of Florida condo collapse stretches into sixth day; Trump Org lawyers make pitch against prosecution. Keep scrolling for today's top stories, this date in history and celebrity birthdays. TOP STORIES Northwest US faces hottest day of intense heat wave SEATTLE (AP) The hottest day of an unprecedented and dangerous heat wave scorched the Pacific Northwest on Monday, with temperatures obliterating records that had been set just the day before. Seattle hit 108 degrees Fahrenheit (42 Celsius) by evening well above Sundays all-time high of 104 F (40 C). Portland, Oregon, reached 116 F (46.6 C) after hitting records of 108 F (42 C) on Saturday and 112 F (44 C) on Sunday. Christians Engaged teaches the faithful how to apply their world view to contemporary public policy issues. Christians Engaged gives people something to think about; teaches them how to think about it, but not what to think. (This novel approach should be considered by our public education system as a refreshing change of pace.) But those for whom partisan politics is their true religion simply cannot fathom that some prioritize faith over party. They are incredulous that people of faith applying their shared values could arrive at different conclusions and respect each others decisions. People of faith from all points along the political spectrum can debate which party more closely aligns with religious doctrine. What they should all be able to agree upon is that the IRS should stay out of that debate. With its letter the IRS has claimed there is only one interpretation of biblical principles: Theirs. If the religion clauses of the First Amendment mean anything it is that government has no place in telling people of faith what their holy scripture requires of them, let alone claiming an exegetical monopoly. Agriculture contributes close to $47 billion and a quarter-of-a-million jobs to the South Carolina economy each year and continues to lead the way as the states largest economic sector. More importantly, the food, fuel and fiber grown in South Carolina keep our state, our nation and our world running. As it turns out though, theres still untapped potential in the land we manage, and our sector can have even more impact reaching far beyond economics. While farmers have long sought to preserve the integrity of the land we live off of, regenerative farming offers us a new opportunity to do just that. By adopting a range of farming practices from cover cropping to permaculture design farmers can store more carbon in the soil, thus reducing it in the atmosphere along with its ability to accelerate changes to our climate. But carbon sequestration is a complicated process, not to mention that farmers plates are already full; so many have faced challenges in adopting the practice. This subscription will allow existing subscribers of The World to access all of our online content, including the E-Editions area. NOTE: To claim your access to the site, you will need to enter the Last Name and First Name that is tied to your subscription in this format: SMITH, JOHN If you need help with exactly how your specific name needs be entered, please email us at admin@countrymedia.net or call us at 1-541 266 6047. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} According to the affidavit, investigators found messages between Jackson and the victim, arranging to meet, talking about sexual activities and discussing the secret nature of their relationship. Messages from Jackson also reportedly show him sending photos, telling the victim to lie to people in her life and giving her cell phones, tablets and a debit card. He knows his behavior is inappropriate and unlawful, the victims father said Wednesday, or he would not have hid his actions. Records were also recovered from the victims grandmothers phone that indicated she had used it to Facetime with Jackson while she was in the shower. The victims mother voiced concern that Jackson would find her daughter after getting out of jail in a year, and her father criticized the plea deal for being too lenient. The victim also gave a short statement on Wednesday, telling Johnson she believed Jackson would leave her alone as long as she did the same. Jackson will also have to undergo sex offender treatment as part of his probationary process. I want to give my sincere apologies to the family, Jackson said before sentencing Wednesday. I know it means nothing to them, but I do mean it and Im sorry for everything Ive put them through. Jackson appeared in court Wednesday free on bond, but was required to report to the jail by 7 p.m. the same night. Follow city and crime reporter Ellen Gerst on Twitter at @ellengerst. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 6 Sign up for our Crime & Courts newsletter Get the latest in local public safety news with this weekly email. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Nobody has given him (Bouchard) any information to indicate that theres been voter fraud in Wyoming, April Poley, Bouchards campaign coordinator, told the Star-Tribune. I am getting tired of the Twilight Zone circus, she later added. That being said, Bouchard is not entirely convinced that the 2020 presidential election was legitimate. That doesnt mean that he doesnt think theres a fraud issue, Poley said. In one of Woods Telelgram posts, he said that he spoke on the phone with Bouchard after the initial endorsement of Gray. I received a phone call from Mr. Bouchard this morning in which he sought to question my endorsement. I explained that for me, my litmus test is that a candidate must demand and fight for full forensic audits of the November 2020 election in each state. Voting integrity is THE most important issue before this country and cost is not relevant. We The People must know the TRUTH, Wood wrote on Telegram. The Bouchard campaign confirmed that the two spoke during a 30-minute phone call, in which Wood tried to convince Bouchard that the presidential election results in Wyoming (which Trump won by the largest margin in the nation) need to be audited, according to Poley. Large numbers of migrants have been showing up at the U.S. border with Mexico, with many turning themselves over to U.S. Border Patrol agents in seeking legal asylum status. But the numbers of families and children traveling without their parents crossing into the U.S. have dropped sharply since March and April, while the encounters with single adults have remained high. A private donation will fund the cost of sending the South Dakota National Guard troops, Noem said. The deployment is expected to last from 30 to 60 days, while the other states involved are sending law enforcement officers for roughly two-week stints. Noem, who is seen as a potential presidential contender, drew a distinction between her decision to send the National Guard and other governors who are sending state police officers. CONSTRUCTION of the new airport terminal in Tobago is expected to resume today, the date of the resumption of Government construction activities. Work had to be suspended in May as a result of anti-Covid-19 restrictions. Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced on Saturday the reopening of all construction today after announcing last week Saturday that only Government construction would be open today. WHY do we do the things we do? Whats fuelling our choices? Both introspective, soul searching questions are at the heart of Lisa-Anne Juliens first novel If You Save Me published by Kwela Books. The novel revolves around four men and a little girl and spans three countries: T&T, the UK and South Africa. It centres arounds Carl, a South African, London-based surgeon who performs living donor liver transplants. Trinidadian Akil Inniss, who was stuck in the United States due to Trinidad and Tobagos border closure, will never get the chance to return home as he contracted Covid-19 and died of the virus last month. Inniss left Trinidad a week before the borders closed in March 2020 to go to New York to seek medical attention. The multimillion-dollar fees paid out to attorneys and firms under the Peoples National Movement (PNM) Government are no longer secret, having been revealed by Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi. Last month, the AG was adamant that he would not disclose the fees of attorneys who do work for the State. Sometimes the black sheep is the only one telling the truth. As I read the Express Editorial dated Sunday July 4, that phrase came to mind. The editorial chose to defend the Ministry of Healths medical team, unceremoniously attacked the Leader of the Oppositions stance of questioning the competence of the medical team in their response to Covid-19 over the past 15 months. "He was principled and had a strong internal compass. He loved his job and we were blessed to work with him." PHOENIX A new ruling upholding Arizona election laws comes as state lawmakers just changed one of the reasons the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to leave those statutes in place. In concluding the ban on ballot harvesting does not violate the Voting Rights Act, the court cited how easy it is for Arizonans to cast early ballots, Justice Samuel Alito pointed out that, among other things,any voters may ask to be sent an early ballot automatically in future elections. And, at the time the case was argued at the court in March, that was true. But that was before the Republican-controlled Legislature adopted SB 1485. That law by Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, R-Scottsdale, spells out that if someone does not return an early ballot in at least one of four prior elections meaning a primary and a general election in two successive years the person is dropped from what until now had been called the permanent early voting list. They still could sign up again to get early ballots. They also would have to be notified before being removed from the list. And they could still go directly to the polls on Election Day. But it would entail an additional hurdle. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base would lose its active-duty A-10 fighter squadron but gain A-10 and rescue units from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, under a realignment plan announced by the Air Force. Nellis units operating A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jets and HH-60 Pave Hawk rescue helicopters would be transferred to Davis-Monthan, under the first phase of a proposed plan, released as part of the Air Forces fiscal year 2022 budget request. But that plan is contingent on congressional approval of the retirement of 42 A-10 aircraft, including 35 now at Davis-Monthan AFB, the Air Force said. But moving the A-10 and HH-60 aircraft squadrons, one maintenance squadron and all the supporting personnel from Nellis will result in a small personnel increase at D-M, the Air Force said. D-M is home to one A-10 combat unit the 354th Fighter Squadron Bulldogs as well as an active-duty A-10 training squadron and an Air Force Reserve A-10 training squadron, as well as rescue squadrons, under the host 355th Wing. The moves will free up more space for more F-35 fighter-jet squadrons at Nellis and are part of a larger plan make the Tucson base home to centers of excellence for combat search and rescue, the Air Force said. Scientists believe the area north of Greenland and Canada could become the last refuge for animals like polar bears that depend on ice, said Kristin Laidre, a co-author and biologist at the University of Washington. The main cause for the sudden ice loss was extraordinary strong winds that pushed the ice out the region and down the coast of Greenland, Moore said. That had happened in smaller, infrequent episodes, but this time was different, Moore said. The researchers used computer simulations and 40 years of Arctic sea data to calculate that there was a significant climate change signal" about 20%, they estimate in the event, Moore said. In the past, thicker Wandel Sea ice would have resisted the strong winds, but in 2020 it was thinner and more easily broken up and pushed out, said National Snow and Ice Data Center scientist Walt Meier, who wasnt part of the study. Another part of the Last Ice Area, off Canadas Ellesmere Island, had open waters after the July 2020 collapse of part of the Milne ice shelf, but scientists are still studying it to determine if there is a climate change connection, Moore said. Among them, the budget: Bans any instruction that implies that one race is inherently racist, should be discriminated against or feel guilty because of their race. It is another in a series of measures targeting or reacting to so-called critical race theory, which is not currently being taught in K-12 schools. Teachers could lose their licenses and their schools fined for violations. Strips Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs of the power to defend election-related lawsuits against the state, and bars Hobbs from hiring private attorneys. Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich will instead get the power to stake out the state's position in election matters. The power transfer expires after Hobbs and Brnovich leave office in 2023. Creates a $12 million election integrity fund to pay for election security updates and future hand recounts. It also lays out a series of security features for ballot paper, such as watermarks or holograms, though it stops short of explicitly requiring they be used. The provisions are a response to the unfounded theory that former President Donald Trump lost in Arizona and other battleground states because of voter fraud. CHICAGO (AP) Fewer killings were reported over the first six months of 2021 in Chicago compared with the same period last year even as the number of shootings and people shot increased, according to statistics released Thursday by police. Between Jan. 1 and Wednesday, there were 332 killings in the city six fewer than in the first six months of 2020. Both numbers are much higher than the 246 recorded over the first half of 2019. Chicago has seen a number of mass shootings and mass killings in recent weeks. Coupled with others around the country in June, shootings stoked concerns about a spike in U.S. gun violence heading into the summer, as coronavirus restrictions ease and more people are free to socialize. Chicago ended 2020 with 769 slayings. So far this year, there have been 1,515 shooting incidents and 1,880 people shot in the city. Shootings incidents and victims over the first six months of 2020 totaled 1,377 and 1,656, respectively. But residents still were not allowed to return home until after 9 p.m. Thursday. An earlier order was to end at 9 p.m. Wednesday. Tracey Steffes, chief of the Morris Fire Protection and Ambulance District, said Thursday afternoon that he still wasn't sure when the evacuation order will be withdrawn. Crews have used concrete to try to smother the batteries and a construction crew is digging a trench to capture any water runoff, Steffes said. We are doing everything we can, but we are not going to move people back into an area that is not safe, he said. Lithium batteries have exploded inside the building and fire officials have said they decided to let the blaze burn out because they fear trying to extinguish it could trigger more explosions. The building to the surprise of the fire department and other city agencies was being used to store nearly 100 tons of lithium batteries ranging in size from cellphone batteries to large car batteries. ATLANTA (AP) Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is endorsing a Democrat-turned-Republican who's challenging Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in the state's 2022 Republican primary. Giuliani spoke to reporters Wednesday before headlining a fundraising dinner for former state Rep. Vernon Jones in Atlanta. Jones was on the outs with his party when he shot to prominence in Republican circles as an African American Democrat who endorsed Donald Trumps reelection campaign. Jones has since switched parties and doubled down in support of Trumps false claims of election fraud, appealing to Republican voters in Georgia who might be unhappy with Kemp. Trump has repeatedly attacked Kemp but has not so far endorsed Jones. Giuliani said his main reason for endorsing Jones was their shared belief that then-President Trump was cheated out of Georgia's 16 electoral votes and the overall election. The current governor has been a failure. I mean, he's had his time. He put together an election that wouldn't have passed muster in Africa, Asia, in undeveloped countries, Giuliani said. Thompson said he was staying in town as the committee sets up office space and hires staff, saying the investigations could unfold in public hearings or closed-door interviews. He did not rule out issuing subpoenas for testimony, if necessary, and made clear the committee's work would continue if Republicans choose not to participate. Asked when the work would begin, he quipped, about 30 minutes ago. Its unclear whether the panel would call McCarthy to testify, or others who are publicly known to have spoken with Trump during the run-up to the siege and as the attack unfolded. He seemed to indicate Trump himself would not be called to testify. I think theres a lot of other things that we have to do, Thompson told reporters. As one of only 10 Republicans and the only member of GOP leadership who voted for Trump's 2nd impeachment, Cheney has separated herself from most of her Republican colleagues in recent months by directly blaming the former president for the insurrection. She accused Trump of betraying the Constitution by fomenting the attack, saying he summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) A historical plaque memorializing the dozens of Native American children who died while attending a boarding school in New Mexico more than a century ago has gone missing, sparking concern among Indigenous activists. Members of the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women are among those pushing the city of Albuquerque to investigate. The small plaque was in a park near the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and the original site of the Albuquerque Indian School. The plaque noted the site of a burial ground for students who attended the school between 1882 and 1933. They included children from the Navajo Nation, Zuni Pueblo and Apache tribes. The removal of the plaque comes as the U.S. government embarks on a nationwide investigation aimed at uncovering the troubling history of boarding schools that sought to assimilate Indigenous youth into white society over many decades. U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced the massive undertaking last month while addressing tribal leaders from across the nation. Advocacy groups have praised the effort as a first step toward acknowledging what many have referred to as a dark history. Criminal cases for 53 of the officers ended in a non-conviction, while 45 cases are still pending, according to the findings. Nineteen of those 45 convicted were through a guilty plea similar to what is planned in Delke's case while the rest were through a jury conviction, according to Stinson's research. In only 25 of the 143 arrests did the person who was fatally shot have a gun; just five were convicted, according to Stinsons tally. He said there's always risk for prosecutors that a case like this could end in an acquittal or a mistrial with a hung jury. It's not uncommon for the case to end in a guilty plea and it's not uncommon for the case to end in a guilty plea on the eve of trial, either, Stinson said. Delkes attorneys argued the officer followed his training and Tennessee law in response to an armed suspect who ignored repeated orders to drop his gun. Funk argued Delke had other alternatives, adding that the officer could have stopped, sought cover and called for help. CHICAGO (AP) A man who was allegedly with a 13-year-old shortly before the child was shot to death by a Chicago police officer pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a variety of charges. Defense attorney Michael Oppenheimer, during a hearing before Cook County Circuit Judge Charles Burns, entered the not-guilty plea on Ruben Romans behalf. Roman, 21, was indicted in May on three counts of unlawful use of a weapon and one count of recklessly discharging a firearm. Not included is a child endangerment charge which were filed against Roman when he was arrested. The child endangerment charge was dropped after the Cook County states attorneys office determined erroneous information was entered into the court record about the shooting by a prosecutor. Surveillance video released by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability show Roman shooting at a passing vehicle the morning of March 29, while Adam Toledo stood near to him. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) An 1854 letter hinting at Abraham Lincoln's transition from prairie legislator to political powerhouse, donated to the state of Illinois, was unveiled Thursday at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. The short missive, which a scholar once labeled in a sense, the most interesting document Lincoln ever wrote, explains his decision not to return to the Illinois House of Representatives so that he could remain viable for the U.S. Senate. The choice opened the door to the White House and Lincoln's preservation of the nation during the Civil War. Lincoln wrote it at a pivotal time in his life. Would he focus on the law or make a return to politics?" Lincoln library and museum executive director Christina Shutt said. "His decision changed history, so its appropriate for this letter to find a home at the library and museum dedicated to telling the story of Lincolns impact on the world. On Nov. 27, 1854, the circuit-riding attorney wrote friend and Peoria attorney Elihu N. Powell: Acting on your advice, and my own judgment, I have declined accepting the office of Representative of this county. He was responding to Powell's earlier reminder that service in the state House would prohibit an 1855 Senate run. For decades, the two little grave markers sat side by side in a Mississippi Coast cemetery, identified only as Baby Jane and Baby Jane II. The infants, both Jane Does, were found on different occasions, in 1982 and 1988, in Jackson County rivers and buried by community members, after investigators found no leads in either case. Then late last year, investigators were able to identify Baby Jane through DNA testing, almost 40 years after her death. This week, investigators exhumed Baby Jane II from her resting place in Jackson County Memorial Park in Pascagoula, with hopes of finding her true name. Jackson County Sheriff Mike Ezell said in a news release that the remains of the infant have been sent to the Mississippi Crime Lab. Once her DNA is collected, investigators hope to use it to build a family tree. Baby Jane II was found in the Pascagoula River on June 28, 1988, by two men fishing near the wildlife management area in Wade. The child was found tangled in a fishing line. An autopsy showed that the baby, 3 to 5 weeks old at the time, had died by drowning. The case has had a devastating impact on the community, even years later. Two of them were alerted based on that temperature alarm. That would be a signal that it was based on age, that it wasnt able to meet the run at the capacity it was rated for, Rosentrater said. One of the substations impacted was in the midst of a rebuild process that takes several years, said Avista spokeswoman Casey Fielder. Heat is suspected as the cause of death for three people in Spokane, though details of the deaths have not been made public. Officials have said that heat is probably to blame for the deaths of hundreds more in the Canadian province of British Columbia, elsewhere in Washington state and in Oregon. The heat wave that enveloped the regions last weekend was caused by what meteorologists described as a dome of high pressure over the Northwest and worsened by human-caused climate change, which is making such extreme weather events more likely and more intense. Seattle, Portland and many other cities shattered all-time heat records, with temperatures in some places reaching above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 Celsius). These people were dressed in neither sheriff nor peace officer uniforms. They yelled commands and did not announce themselves as law enforcement of any kind, the attorneys said. While yelling commands for them to put their hands up, multiple armed people targeted their weapons upon her and Mr. Smith. Askar's attorneys said that she was scared for her life and complied, and that Smith had a mobile phone and began to record for Facebook Live. As he raised the phone all she could hear was gunfire and saw Winston Smith slump over, the attorneys said. When asked if they were suggesting that law enforcement mistook the phone for a gun, Nguyen said: I think that's a logical inference. When asked whether task force officers are supposed to identify themselves as law enforcement, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service said he could not comment due to the ongoing investigation. A spokeswoman with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension also had no additional comment, citing the ongoing investigation. The attorneys said Askar was pulled out of the SUV, handcuffed and put in the back of an unmarked car. She stayed in handcuffs until paramedics gave her medical attention. The attorneys said an officer later asked her how her date was. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) A man convicted along with three others in the racially motivated killing spree that terrorized San Francisco in the 1970s died in a prison cell while on hospice care, officials announced Thursday. Jessie Lee Cooks, 76, was found dead Wednesday in his bed at the California Medical Facility, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said. The cause of death will be determined by the Solano County Coroner, officials said. Cooks was sentenced in San Francisco County on March 29, 1976, to serve life with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder, kidnapping and first-degree robbery. Cooks, Manuel More, J.C.X. Simon and Larry C. Green were convicted of targeting white victims between October 1973 and April 1974 in a rampage that terrorized San Francisco and left 14 people dead. The murder victims included a woman who was beheaded with a machete, an 81-year-old man and a 19-year-old college student carrying a teddy bear as a Christmas present. The attacks were known as the Zebra murders because investigators communicated their information in the case over the police broadcast band Z. The wounded included Art Agnos, who would go on to serve as San Franciscos mayor. Five Idaho State Police troopers will come to Arizona for 21 days to help with border security, Gov. Brad Little said Thursday. The Republican governor said the troopers will will start a 21-day mission on Tuesday to help Arizona law enforcement officials with intelligence gathering and investigative work to prevent illicit drugs from crossing the border. The crisis at the United States-Mexico border and the alarming bump in illegal drug activity are direct results of failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration that harm the people of Idaho, Little said in a statement. Republican Govs. Doug Ducey and Greg Abbott of Texas sent a letter to fellow governors last month asking for law-enforcement help. On behalf of Texas and Arizona, we respectfully but urgently request that you send all available law-enforcement resources to the border in defense of our sovereignty and territorial integrity, the two governors wrote. Little, who faces reelection next year and is being challenged by far-right Republican Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, said it will cost Idaho just over $53,000 to send the troopers to Arizona. He said Idaho State Police leadership assured him that the troopers duties in Idaho will be covered while theyre in Arizona. Last month, some 20,000 people gathered at a central square in the capital, Ljubljana, to demand that the government step down and early elections be held. Several workers unions and opposition parties joined the demonstration. Critics accuse Jansa of assuming increasingly authoritarian ways similar to those of his ally, Hungarys hardline Prime Minister Viktor Orban. They claim that Jansas government has pressured Slovenian media and spurred hate speech, while mishandling the coronavirus crisis. He has come under particular scrutiny for keeping a strangle-hold on funds for Slovenias only news agency, the STA. But on Thursday he said, somewhat cryptically, that in Europe, you usually pay the bill when you get it. Our problem is that we need a document. He did not provide details but said that he expects the problem to be resolved this fall. Officials in Brussels have also been concerned for some time about Jansas delay in appointing two legal experts to the European Public Prosecutors Office, a new body that started work this month with a brief of tackling fraud linked to the EUs budget. PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Kosovo on Thursday and reassured local leaders that the international Kosovo Force will remain in place to secure regional peace and stability. Stoltenberg was in the Kosovar capital Pristina where he was also to visit the NATO-led mission, known as KFOR, and show NATOs commitment to peace and stability in the Western Balkans. NATO has been leading KFOR since 1999, with more than 3,700 troops from 27 countries. Stoltenberg said history has shown that the KFOR mission is important not only for Kosovo and for the region, but also for NATO and for all NATO allies." He said that after Western forces presently complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan, for years NATO's biggest operation, KFOR will not only be the longest, but also the biggest NATO military operation. The 1998-99 war in the former Serbian province of Kosovo between ethnic Albanian independence fighters and Serbia left more than 10,000 dead and ended after a 78-day NATO air campaign. OPINION: Water for wildlife and the changes at the Pima County Attorney's Office are the topics of the day. Join the discussion by submitting a letter to the editor at tucson.com/opinion. With the new additions, American will serve eight destinations from Tulsa, including Phoenix (PHX), Los Angeles (LAX), Chicago (ORD), and the airlines two largest hubs in Charlotte, North Carolina (CLT) and Dallas Fort Worth (DFW). Tulsa travelers will soon be able to enjoy the ease and convenience of a nonstop flight to two of our most requested destinations Washington, D.C., and Miami, Alexis Higgins, CEO of Tulsa International Airport, said in a statement. Thank you, American Airlines, for demonstrating your continued commitment to the Tulsa community. We look forward to supporting the success of both new routes. Starting Nov. 2, American will offer daily service between TUL and DCA, excluding Saturdays. Flights will leave TUL at 6 a.m. and arrive at DCA at 9:29 a.m., with inbound flights leaving Washington at 8:40 p.m. and arriving in Tulsa at 10:35 p.m. Beginning Nov. 6, American will offer service between Tulsa and Miami on Saturdays. Flights will leave TUL at 7 a.m. and land at MIA at 11:05 a.m., with inbound flights departing Miami at 7:30 p.m. and arriving in Tulsa at 9:45 p.m. Both routes will operate on an Embraer 175 aircraft. Tickets go on sale Monday on aa.com. Integrated. Canada and the United States not only sell to each other, we make things together. Since the beginning of the pandemic, our countries have worked hard to maintain the two-way flow of goods, particularly medical supplies and critical inputs across our borders, while protecting our communities from COVID-19. On average, over 25% of a finished product we sell to you is American content. Just like most imports from Canada are used in production that puts Americans to work. These long-standing, binational supply chains have not only kept us safe, they have kept us competitive globally. Reliable. Energy from Canada more than from any other country contributes directly to U.S. economic prosperity, security and environmental objectives. We are your largest and most secure supplier of all forms of energy, carried by 71 oil and gas pipelines and 35 transmission lines across our shared border. Importantly, a good portion of those energy liquids go to Oklahoma for further refining and processing, providing jobs and generating exports. We are also investing in new technologies and infrastructure to be a global leader in clean energy and innovation. Canada is developing our energy resources; in a way that creates prosperity and engages communities, while reducing emissions and preserving the environment. Panera Bread will give a free bagel to anyone who has received a COVID-19 vaccination Friday through Sunday, July 2-4. The promotion is in support of the White Houses National Month of Action. The bagel giveaway is available only in Panera Bread stores and is limited to one bagel per vaccinated customer per day. Online and catering orders are excluded. Spreads are not included in the promotion. During the past year, we have focused on uniting and serving our entire Panera family our guests, associates. and communities. Today, we are proud to continue our work through support of the We Can Do This campaign, said Niren Chaudhary, CEO, Panera Bread. We have come through one of our nations greatest crises by supporting one another, and now, together, we can all take a simple act that will help our communities overcome this pandemic. Panera provided weekly family meals to its cafe associates during the pandemic, and the company regularly donates ingredients from its supply chain to those in need. Panera has also continued its longstanding food donation program, Day-End Dough-nation, in participating cafes, using a new contactless model to donate bread and baked goods to local community nonprofits who are in need now more than ever. The city has created an online tool for current and former employees to check whether their personal information has been made public by the group behind the ransomware attack on the citys computer system. Nearly 19,000 city files have been released onto the dark web by the hackers, according to the city. The citys IT director, Michael Dellinger, said Wednesday that nearly all of those files were online police reports that are already public record. There are some additional employee files that are departmental files, and in that there was an employee file that contained employee information, Dellinger said. The online tool for current and former city employees is not available to the public. The single file with employee information is from 2017, Dellinger said, so if you were not employed in the last (few years) you are not there. City officials have said previously that the cyber attack likely occurred April 21, and that the malware lay dormant for some time before it was detected May 6. The city immediately shut down its computer system. The citys core systems are expected to be up and running within two months with the entire network operating by October. When we think about coming out of COVID-19, coming out of this last year, we need more and more supports for our students, she said. The way we wrote the grant was to get some college and career readiness counselors to help as well as more mental health counselors. When we applied, we applied for funding for two sets of people who could help our students rebound after such a tumultuous year. Also among the recipients is the Osage County Interlocal Cooperative, a consortium of 13 rural school districts whose attendance areas span portions of Osage, Noble, Washington and Nowata counties. The entity has an office in Hominy and provides shared services for member districts as needed, including professional development, grant writing and mental health programs. OCIC will receive $522,000 over three years to hire counselors to work with students in six of its member school districts. Along with Pawhuska, South Coffeyville, Shidler and Wynona, the OCIC grant includes two dependent school districts: Osage Hills near Bartlesville and Anderson on Sand Springs north side. Of the six school districts included in the OCIC grant proposal, only Pawhuska and Shidler had a counselor on staff as of the application deadline. Carson taught a couple of years at TU previously and left only to accept an appointment to the U.S. Department of Defense in 2011. He said it was faculty relationships he made at TU that paved the way for his return. I was very lucky that some faculty members recommended me for the presidents position, he said. They reached out, and I went from there. He said the new job is really just an incredible opportunity, a great challenge and one that Im excited to try to meet. Carson said his goal to start is to spend the first few weeks listening listening to the faculty and staff, the students, the alumni, everyone from the greater Tulsa area who has a keen interest in what TU is doing. Carson comes on board as TU is entering a new era. The schools Board of Trustees adopted a new strategic plan in January. Carson said hes enthusiastic about the plan. Were building on TUs traditional strengths and extending into new areas that are going to be really important in the 21st century, like our cybersecurity program, which is growing exponentially right now, he said. What was of specific concern was that over the last six days we had not seen that type of significant movement, or in some locations any movement in those elements of the structure, Nacheman said Thursday during a briefing for family members. Rescuers also use laser devices that can detect shifts of a few millimeters, Cominsky said. We are constantly monitoring the building, he said. Heavy equipment in the rubble pile caused vibrations, according to Nacheman. Rain has also been entering exposed parts of the building, saturating items and adding weight to the floors. Covering parts of the structure to prevent further water damage or tearing down the building risks additional loss of life because those steps would require sending people back inside, Nacheman said. Demolition would also add debris on top of areas that have already been cleared of rubble. Peter Milian is a cousin of Marcus Guara, who died along with his wife, Anaely Rodriguez, and their two children, 10-year-old Lucia Guara and 4-year-old Emma Guara. Milian said he understands why the rescue work had to be temporarily halted and is confident search efforts will continue. OKLAHOMA CITY A controversial law passed last session that would restrict teaching certain aspects of race and gender in schools is among 79 new laws that became effective Thursday. House Bill 1775, by Rep. Kevin West, R-Moore, bans the teaching that one race or gender is superior to another and makes college gender or diversity training voluntary. It also bans the teaching that a person, by virtue of race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. Some believe that the measure is aimed at the teaching of critical race theory a premise that argues that American society, including its laws, politics, and economic system have been shaped in ways to benefit whites at the expense of minorities. The specific term "critical race theory" is not mentioned in the bill, however. West said there has been a misunderstanding about the bill. Some argue that it will prohibit the teaching of authentic history, which he said is not true. He said the measure does not prevent the teaching of concepts that align with the Oklahoma Academic Standards. West said he was taught that hard work and character matter, not sex or race. Its always great to see another job creator move into our state, and the recent announcement that electric vehicle maker Canoo will build a new manufacturing plant east of Tulsa was wonderful news that we will be celebrating for some time. But there is more to celebrate than a single car manufacturer opening operations in Pryor. We are in the early stages of a trend, a changing attitude, starting in the Governors Office and filtering through Oklahomas business communities. Oklahomans have always been proud of their state, but, more and more, we are showing others why were proud, and people are listening. Gov. Kevin Stitt had the moxie to go head-to-head with Texas for Teslas new gigafactory last year. Rest assured, there were many states competing for that plum, but the race ultimately came down to two cities, Austin and Tulsa, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk chose Austin. That was a tough loss for Stitt, but did he sit down? No. He took stock in all the relationships he and his team had created in the process, and he set his sights on the next opportunities. Canoo was one of them, but it is not the only one. Heres a salute to the Oklahoma National Guard, which performed essential work during the COVID-19 pandemic. On Thursday, the Guard will transition out of a 15-month assignment aiding Oklahoma State Department of Health personnel with the crisis. During that period, the men and women of the Guard have provided support with contact-tracing efforts, testing clinics, community resources, vaccine operations and staffing. Guard forces were essential parts of planning, sanitation, treatment, transportation and logistics. We could not have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in the way we did without their help, Health Commissioner Dr. Lance Frye said in a press release. In addition to being head of the State Health Department, Frye is a longtime Oklahoma Air National Guard member. Over the course of the effort, some 500 Guard soldiers took part at one time or another. At the height of the response, 385 were involved. Guard members were force multipliers for the Health Department. Because of them, the state was able to accomplish more while doing it faster, better and more nimbly than would have been possible otherwise. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the administration in Da Nang launched on Wednesday a plan to promote urban energy security in the central Vietnamese city. This is part of the USAID Vietnam Urban Energy Security, a four-year (2019-23) project worth US$14 million. The project is aimed at supporting the deployment of advanced and distributed energy solutions, such as rooftop solar systems, electric vehicles, waste-to-energy technology, and other energy efficiency solutions, in urban areas in Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. It addresses rapidly growing energy demand and air pollution in these urban areas by working with city governments and creating business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Thanks to the project, Da Nang is expected to deploy at least 40 megawatts of advanced distributed energy and mobilize at least $60 million in public and private investment for such energy systems. At least five innovative solutions will also be demonstrated or commercialized to address urban energy and environment issues in the central hub. During the ceremony on Wednesday, which was held virtually, Mission Director for USAID/Vietnam Ann Marie Yastishock stated that the agency is excited to work with Da Nang to promote clean energy, provide access to technical expertise, and become a global convening center to help Vietnam realize its goals in renewable energy. Over the past five years, USAID has committed more than $40 million to supporting the energy sector in Vietnam and plans to supply an additional $36 million in the next five years. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! The World Bank (WB) has approved two development policy operations (DPOs) totaling US$321.5 million for Vietnams COVID-19 recovery efforts and urban management improvement in Ho Chi Minh City. The two DPOs are meant to assist the central government and Vietnams largest economic hub, Ho Chi Minh City, in their efforts to proceed with an economic recovery that is inclusive, digitally transformative, and sustainable, the WB said on Tuesday. Given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam needs to accelerate its reforms if it wants to become a high-income economy by 2045, said Carolyn Turk, WB country director for Vietnam. The country must not only manage the immediate effects associated with the pandemic, but also build the foundations for a green recovery in the longer-term, the country director emphasized. The first DPO, worth $221.5 million, focuses on policy actions that will make the recovery more inclusive, including support for e-governance, renewable energy, mobile money, and childcare. E-government development activities will help accelerate a recovery process based on digital transformation so that public services can be provided more effectively and comprehensively to Vietnamese people and businesses, the WB said. Policies to encourage the development of renewable energy will assist Vietnam in prioritizing solar energy projects as greener and less carbon-emitting alternatives to coal. Supporting the adoption of mobile payments aims to increase access to financial services for unbanked households, which are still a majority in Vietnam. By providing more access to affordable and quality childcare, this operation will help to address one of the greatest barriers to womens workplace equality in industrial parks, said the WB. Meanwhile, the second DPO, valued at $100 million, will support Ho Chi Minh City in promoting the use of integrated and transparent spatial information for urban management. This operation is designed to strengthen public asset and debt management, as well as improve the delivery of priority municipal services a basic element for effectively governing a modern city. The bank expects that reforms aimed at simplifying business registration procedures and enhancing access to planning information will help improve the citys business environment, thereby attracting more private investors, increasing labor productivity, and generating jobs. By strengthening the city's public asset and debt management efficiency, this operation is expected to help improve fiscal efficiency and generate additional revenue in the coming years. In the long term, residents will benefit from higher-quality urban services thanks to the citys reforms to promote competitiveness and transparency in the transport and real estate sectors. This operation will also help the city relieve its vulnerabilities to climate change through increasing transparency in climate-informed land zoning, expanding drainage coverage, and the expected switch from private transport to less carbon-emitting public transport. It will promote gender equality by encouraging women and girls to use public transport by enhancing connectivity and personal safety measures. The funding for the national DPO comes from the International Development Association while the financing for the Ho Chi Minh City DPO is sourced from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! In Vietnam, it is extremely rare for a woman to choose to become a mechanic, let alone a mechanic working on an ocean liner, so Hua Nguyen Hoai Thuongs story catches everyones attention. Men usually go with each other on ocean voyages, while Thuong is working alone at sea, Thuong recited old folk poetry to describe her work as a mechanic on an ocean liner traveling around the world. When I was a child, I had a boat powered by an AAA battery that was made by my brother. "He and I often played with the boat in the afternoon in a river behind our house, where I began dreaming of becoming a mechanic in the future." The only female ship mechanic Thuong, 23, is currently working for Truong Phat Loc Shipping JSC based in Ho Chi Minh City. She is the only woman who works on the companys ocean trips. There have not been many female ship mechanics, only two so far, general director Le Minh Dung said, adding that one of them is working on an international liner. Having a special love for ships during her childhood, Thuong found out she was really interested in the engine room on huge vessels when she studied at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport. Despite understanding that ocean liner voyages can last many months or even a year, she was determined to become a seafarer. I feel like being challenged in the engine room operating a ship," said the young female technician. "I dream of traveling around the world while taking the job as well. The woman has taken the duty as a mechanic on a ship for less than a year. Thuong is working on an international voyage these days to transport goods for her companys business partners. Every day, she has a morning meeting that usually lasts 30 minutes with other co-workers. The chief engineer will control the meeting while the second engineer will point out the duties for each crew member during the day. After discussing potential obstacles relating to the duties as well as finding solutions to them, each sailor will try to finish their own work. Thuong will never forget the happiness of working as an official mechanic on the first day on the ship. I have served my internship many times before having a chance to work officially in the position, shared Thuong. I have to learn how to use support tools, how to control the technical equipment in the engine room, and how to fix a problem when it occurs." Despite taking a lot of training classes before working on a ship, Thuong felt unavoidably nervous. Thanks to working directly with technical systems and equipment, the young mechanic feels more confident with the passing of time. I remember how extremely happy I felt when I could operate the waste burning system on the ship for the first time. "It was beyond all words." Hua Nguyen Hoai Thuong operates an oven to burn garbage on the ship. Photo: Thy Hue / Tuoi Tre 'It is not arduous work' Working as a mechanic to Thuong is not a tough duty. In contrast, she feels so proud of herself to live day by day with her passion for contributing to the ships safety in voyages. I really cannot remember how many enjoyable moments that I have had while working on the ship," Thuong said. "I am asked to do tasks suitable to my strength and always to be instructed by older co-workers. Because of my young age, I am considered as a little sister on the ship by everybody. "I always get the love from them." There is a popular myth that scares many women from choosing a career as a sailor. They are told that working on a vessel can cause infertility. Like many other women, Thuong knows about this before deciding to become a seafarer. From my experience, I think that we can be affected badly by the work when we dont comply with established guidelines, she said. For example, we may fail to wear personal protective suits when exposed to chemicals or any equipment on board. "You will not run into any health problems if you meet all safety standards." As Thuongs current instructor, chief mechanic Pham Ngoc Anh gave incredibly positive feedback about his subordinate. Thuong has put a lot of effort into the work," said Anh. "She is quick in both gaining knowledge and putting it into practice at work. She is friendly with everyone and she is working as well as other peer male co-workers." Thuong intends to study more to become a senior engineer in the future. She will try her best to achieve this goal, which will be a crucial step that would keep her career growing. According to Le Minh Dung, female mechanics have difficulty getting a certificate of technical capability from the Vietnamese marine administration despite the job being recognized by the 2019 Labor Code. Currently, Thuong works as a staff with certificates of basic training issued by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport in lifesaving, fire extinguishing, first aid, and safety situations. She will be able to get an official position on board only when she has a certificate of technical capability. That is why Thuong has not been added to the list of on-duty staff on the ship. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! PHUKET, Thailand -- As Thailand's government prepares to celebrate its reopening to foreign tourists this week, many businesses on the holiday island of Phuket aren't so enthusiastic about the return of visitors. Phuket is a pilot programme for Thailand's reboot of a tourism industry gutted by the pandemic, allowing fully vaccinated visitors with negative coronavirus tests to fly directly to the southern island, bypassing 14-day quarantine requirements. But local firms say they've been left behind and aren't expecting much from the trickles of tourists due to arrive starting Thursday. Visitors will see a different Phuket from the one visited annually by millions before the pandemic struck. An elephant is seen at an elephant camp as Phuket prepares to open to overseas tourists from July 1, allowing foreigners fully vaccinated against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to visit the resort island without quarantine, in Phuket, Thailand June 30, 2021. Photo: Reuters "They will see buildings on sale, buildings for rent, shop closed, convenience store closed. Do you think it's a good environment for the tourist? No," said Srangsan Thongtan of the Phuket Tourism Entrepreneur Development Association, adding that businesses are urgently in need of soft loans to rebuild. "It's very hard to open ... we don't have budget, we don't have money to repair, repaint everything to bring our business back." More than 2 million Thai tourism workers have lost their jobs since last year, including 400,000 in the first quarter of 2021, an industry group said this week, while the central bank governor said tourism could take "five years plus" to normalise. A jacuzzi tub is pictured at Centara Grand Beach Resort as Phuket gets ready to open to overseas tourists from July 1 allowing fully vaccinated foreigns to visit the resort island without quarantine, Phuket, Thailand June 29, 2021. Photo: Reuters Thailand lost about $50 billion in tourism revenue last year when foreign arrivals plunged 83% from the nearly 40 million visitors in 2019. Natchakanya Sanguanwong, manager of Anchan spa, which once served hundreds of tourists each day, said many businesses won't see the revenues from the first batches of visitors, who will stay in government-accredited hotels. "Our spa couldn't reopen because it requires the cost of utilities, staff, and rent," she added. Dimitry and Alona from Ukraine swim at Patong beach as Phuket prepares to open to overseas tourists from July 1, allowing foreigners fully vaccinated against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to visit the resort island without quarantine, in Phuket, Thailand June 30, 2021. Photo: Reuters Manish Prathap, manager of the Centara Grand hotel, said his resort is expecting about 20% occupancy initially and for that to double when the plan catches on. "Agents and as well as guests will start having trust and faith in Phuket Sandbox programme," he said. The hotel's duty manager, Kamonrat Thudphimai, said she was excited. "I've been missing the moments during holidays like during Christmas," she said. "We're hoping those moments return." A heatwave that smashed all-time high temperature records in western Canada and the U.S. Northwest has left a rising death toll in its wake as officials brace for more sizzling weather and the threat of wildfires. The worst of the heat had passed by Wednesday, but the state of Oregon reported 63 deaths linked to the heatwave. Multnomah County, which includes Portland, reported 45 of those deaths since Friday, with the county Medical Examiner citing hyperthermia as the preliminary cause. By comparison all of Oregon had only 12 deaths from hyperthermia from 2017 to 2019, the statement said. Across the state, hospitals reported a surge of hundreds of visits in recent days due to heat-related illness, the Oregon Health Authority said. In British Columbia, at least 486 sudden deaths were reported over five days, nearly three times the usual number that would occur in the province over that period, the B.C. Coroners Service said Wednesday. "This was a true health crisis that has underscored how deadly an extreme heat wave can be," Multnomah County Health Officer Dr. Jennifer Vines said in the statement. "As our summers continue to get warmer, I suspect we will face this kind of event again." Tyson Morlock stands next to a swimming pool hooked to a fire hydrant under a freeway underpass during a heatwave in Portland, Oregon, U.S., June 29, 2021. Photo: Reuters The heat dome, a weather phenomenon trapping heat and blocking other weather systems from moving in, weakened as it moved east, but was still intense enough to set records from Alberta to Manitoba, said David Phillips, senior climatologist at Environment and Climate Change Canada, a government agency. "In some of these places, their (temperature) records are being annihilated," Phillips said. "It really is spectacular, unprecedented for us." It was unclear what triggered the dome, but climate change looks to be a contributor, given the heatwave's duration and extremes, Phillips said. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paused to remember the dead during remarks in Ottawa on Wednesday and expressed concern over the fire threat. "We've been seeing more and more of this type of extreme weather event in the past years," Trudeau said. "So realistically, we know that this heatwave won't be the last." In Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden said climate change was driving "a dangerous confluence of extreme heat and prolonged drought," warning that the United States was behind in preparing for what could be a record number of forest fires this year. Katherine Milton, originally of Juneau, Alaska, who is experiencing homelessness, cools off under a homemade cooling-off station and mist system that a neighbor set up in their front yard for people, especially those without homes, during the scorching weather in Seattle, Washington, June 28. Photo: Reuters Smashing records Lytton, a town in central British Columbia, this week broke Canada's all-time hottest temperature record three times. It stands at 49.6 degrees Celsius (121.28 degrees Fahrenheit) as of Tuesday. The previous high in Canada, known for brutally cold winters, was 45C, set in Saskatchewan in 1937. In the U.S. Northwest, temperatures in Washington and Oregon soared well above 100F (38C) over the weekend. Portland set all-time highs several days in a row including 116F (47C) on Sunday. In Washington state, where media also reported a surge in heat-related hospitalizations, Chelan County east of Seattle topped out at 119F (48C) on Tuesday. Oregon Governor Kate Brown declared a state of emergency due to "imminent threat of wildfires" while the U.S. National Weather Service in Portland issued a red-flag warning for parts of the state, saying wind conditions could spread fire quickly. The Portland Fire Department banned use of fireworks for the Fourth of July weekend, when Americans celebrate Independence Day. People sleep at a cooling shelter set up during an unprecedented heat wave in Portland, Oregon, June 27. Photo: Reuters Fire and melting ice pose risks Most of Alberta and large parts of British Columbia and Saskatchewan are at extreme risk of wildfires, according to Natural Resources Canada's fire weather map. "All the ingredients are there. It's a powder keg just looking for a spark," said Mike Flannigan, professor of wildland fire at University of Alberta. But the Chilcotin region, roughly 600 km (370 miles) north of Vancouver, was on flood warning due to the "unprecedented" amount of snow melting at "extraordinary" rates, according to a government release. "These are the types of issues that are going to be confronted more and more over the next few years," said Adam Rysanek, assistant professor of environmental systems at the University of British Columbia. Read what is in the news today: COVID-19 Updates -- The Vietnamese Ministry of Health on Thursday morning confirmed 189 new local cases of COVID-19, including 158 in Ho Chi Minh City, raising the national tally to 17,052 infections, with 6,840 recoveries and 81 deaths. -- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has approved an additional budget of nearly VND7.7 trillion (US$333.6 million) for the Ministry of Health to purchase 30 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine produced by AstraZeneca Plc and 31 million doses from Pfizer Inc. -- Authorities in Ho Chi Minh City will collect 600,000 samples for COVID-19 testing in Thu Duc City on Thursday, 460,000 in Binh Thanh District on the same day and Friday, and 150,000 in District 3 from now until July 5. -- The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health on Wednesday evening said that the number of COVID-19 cases in the city in the current outbreak had exceeded 4,000 and was expected to continue increasing rapidly in the coming time. Society -- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Peoples Committee of Da Nang City on Wednesday jointly launched a project with a budget of $14 million to promote deployment of advanced and distributed energy solutions in urban areas in the central Vietnamese city and Ho Chi Minh City. -- The Ho Chi Minh City Peoples Procuracy on Thursday evening said the sudden passing of a pharmacist working at Cho Ray Hospital on June 25 was due to pulmonary edema, but emphasized that it was not the final conclusion about her cause of death. The hospital leaders, meanwhile, said they had no comment on the link between the incident and the deceaseds previous COVID-19 vaccination and will wait for an official announcement from the health ministry. -- Vietnamese netizens have hailed a cyclist for timely stopping his bike to successfully catch a baby falling to the sidewalk from the second floor of a house on Tran Quang Khai Street in Nam Dinh City, located in northern Nam Dinh Province, on Tuesday. -- The Ministry of Transport has reported to the prime minister that site clearance for the Long Thanh International Airport project in southern Dong Nai Province has been behind schedule. -- The government is planning to provide a COVID-19 support package of up to VND26 trillion ($1.13 billion) benefiting directly and severely affected people, Minister of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on Wednesday. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Police in the northern Vietnamese province of Thai Binh on Wednesday afternoon said that they have filed charges against a private daycare center in Thai Binh City amidst allegations of torture at the facility. The daycare center in question is Sao Viet Daycare Center at 56 Tran Thu Do Street in Tien Phong Ward, Thai Binh City. The center, licensed on July 3, 2020, is owned and operated by Le Thi Huong Giang, 33, from Thai Thuy District in the same province and operates under the management of the Bureau of Education and Training of Thai Binh City. A video recently circulated on social media showed that a 11-month-old victim crying and struggling while a woman working at the daycare center stuffed a rag into his mouth and held his hand. Police say the incident occurred on April 6, 2021. The woman in the video does not have a pedagogical license and is Giang's younger sister, according to police officers. The video was reportedly recorded by another teacher working at the daycare facility and uploaded to social media by a relative of the baby with the aim of creating a public outcry for authorities to take action. The victim began attending the daycare center in March this year and has since been scared of directly contacting strangers and has lost weight, according to the relative. The childs family said on Tuesday that they had filed a request with authorities for clarification of the abuse, while Giang, the facility owner, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper that she is currently working with the authorities regarding the case. The Peoples Committee of Thai Binh City suspended the center from operations the same day. Based on documents they collected, the citys police department has taken legal action against the daycare and is consolidating its file on the case before beginning legal proceedings against a specific suspect. At the police station, Giang's younger sister -- Le Thi Lanh, 19 -- admitted all of her actions as shown in the video, saying that she wanted to stop the baby from crying. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! A Vietnamese court has handed down capital punishment to a Chinese man who killed his fellow countrywoman, cut her body into pieces, and dumped them into a river in the central city of Da Nang last year. The Da Nang Peoples Court on Wednesday gave the death penalty to 28-year-old Xiao Guiping, a Chinese national, who committed the murder in February 2020. The victim was Bao Danping, a 31-year-old female Chinese employee of a casino in the city, where Xiao often gambled before killing her. At the court, Xiao admitted to his crime and explained that he murdered the woman due to a dispute over gambling money. According to the indictment, Xiao and his Chinese girlfriend Qin Li traveled to Da Nang in late December 2019 and they stayed in Ngu Hanh Son District. Through Qin, Xiao got to know Bao and the two agreed to pool money together to gamble at the casino on the rule of equal sharing of gains or losses. On January 26, 2020, Bao gave Xiao US$45,000 for gambling before he won $34,000. The man repaid her the amount she had given him and suggested sharing the winning money equally between them, but she asked him to continue keeping her share ($17,000) for the next gambling round. On February 4, 2020, he used the $34,000 to gamble and lost it all. He informed Bao about the gambling loss. One day later, she gave him $11,000 for gambling and the gambler lost the entire amount again before notifying her of his failure. On February 6, Bao met Xiao and compelled him to repay her a total of $28,000. She threatened that if he failed to return the money, she would ask her brother-in-law to beat him. In a fit of anger and fear, Xiao strangled Bao to death with a rope. He went on to cut her body into pieces, packed them in plastic bags and suitcases, carried them to the Tien Son Bridge, and threw them into the Han River. The killer was arrested one day later. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Police Ho Chi Minh City are investigating a house fire that engulfed a pho eatery in Tan Binh District on Wednesday. The fire erupted at around 4:00 pm on Wednesday in a three-story house located at 115 Dong Den, Ward 12, Tan Binh District. Residents in the house managed to escape the flames after neighbors notified them that the building was ablaze. The neighborhood attempted to quell the fire but it still managed to spread upward and engulf the building. Four fire trucks and dozens of firefighters from the fire brigade of Tan Binh District promptly arrived at the scene to handle the fire. By 5:00 pm, the flames had been put under control but two motorbikes and several valuable were damaged beyond repair. Local police are still investigating the cause of the fire. A food stall in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City is burned down, June 30, 2021. Photo: M.H. / Tuoi Tre Fire policemen use water hoses to control a fire in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, June 30, 2021. Photo: M.H. / Tuoi Tre Firefighters use water hoses to control a fire in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, June 30, 2021. Photo: M.H. / Tuoi Tre Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Hundreds of street racers on motorbikes gathered on Nguyen Huu Tho Street in Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City to take part in a drag race early Tuesday morning, sparking concerns from local residents over the groups violation of the citys social distancing mandate. Videos of the illicit race were recorded by local residents and circulated on social media that same morning. The video shows hundreds of motorcyclists lining up on Nguyen Huu Tho Street around 2:50 am, continuously revving their engines and disturbing the entire neighborhood. Leaders from District 7s police department told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on Tuesday morning they had been informed of the case and were working to identify the racers. The race took place a few days after Ho Chi Minh City intensified social distancing measures with the enforcement of Directive 10 on June 19. The directive requires the suspension of all non-essential businesses and unofficial markets, public gatherings of no more than three people, and a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between people in public. Residents are required to stay home unless purchasing food and supplies, seeking emergency treatment, or going to work. On Thursday morning, Vietnams COVID-19 caseload rose to 16,863, with 6,840 recoveries and 81 deaths. Since April 27, when the pandemics latest wave broke out in the country, it has documented 13,631 local infections across 50 of its 63 provinces and cities. Currently, the city is accelerating its mass COVID-19 vaccination drive, which started on June 19, thanks to 836,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine donated by the Japanese government. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Veteran US comedian Bill Cosby has been released from prison after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction. Cosby, 83, had served more than two years of a potential three-to-10-year sentence following his 2018 conviction over sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in his home in 2004, after giving her unidentified pills. The court found that a previous prosecutor had made a deal with Cosby not to charge him in the case. What we saw today was justice justice for all Americans, his spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt, said. Mr Cosbys conviction being overturned is for the world and all Americans who have been treated unfairly by the judicial system. In a statement, Andrea Constand and her attorneys said they were not only disappointed in the ruling, but concerned it could dissuade other victims from seeking justice. Once again, we remain grateful to those women who came forward to tell their stories, they said. She was one of 60 women who had accused Americas Dad of sexual assault over a period of decades. However the Pennsylvania courts majority found that a state prosecutor, Bruce Castor, struck a deal with his attorneys in 2005 not to bring criminal charges. In light of these circumstances, the subsequent decision by successor DAs to prosecute Cosby violated Cosbys due process rights, Justice David Wecht wrote. There is only one remedy that can completely restore Cosby to the status quo ante. He must be discharged, and any future prosecution on these particular charges must be barred. I am furious to hear this news, actor Amber Tamblyn, a founder of advocacy group for victims of sexual assault, Times Up. I personally know women who this man drugged and raped while unconscious. Shame on the court and this decision. Lifeline 13 11 14 Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732. Source: ABC My Life is Murder Season 2 will have its Australian Premiere on Acorn TV on August 30, but screens later on 10 (it isnt clear how long that window is). There have been some notable changes between seasons, relocated to NZ by Greenstone TV (NZ production house owned by original producers CJZ). The series is now produced for TVNZ, Acorn TV and DCD Rights in association with Network 10. I am in love with the city of my birth and Im thrilled to be showing her off to the world as the stunning backdrop to our stories. We are joined by some of NZs finest acting talent, headed by Rawiri Jobe and Joe Naufahu, says Lucy Lawless. Due to 2020 / 21 travel restrictions this sees Martin Henderson effectively taking the male lead from Bernard Curry but Ebony Vagulans returns as sidekick, Madison Feliciano. Also as guests are Jay Ryan, Bill Bailey , Michelle Ang, Sara Wiseman, Matt Whelan,drag performers Kita Mean and Amanduh La Hor -and William Shatner via zoom. AMC Networks Acorn TV is thrilled to announce a host of exciting new guest stars in the upcoming season of its original New Zealand mystery series My Life Is Murder, starring award-winning Kiwi actress Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess, Spartacus). With its Australian premiere on streaming service Acorn TV set for August 30, Season 2 will reunite Lucy with several former castmates from her most iconic series, including Anna Hutchison (Spartacus), Graham Vincent (Spartacus), Jay Ryan (Beauty and the Beast, It Chapter Two, Mary Kills People) and Bruce Hopkins (Lord of the Rings, Xena: Warrior Princess). They will be joined by an array of acclaimed actors in guest star roles including the beloved William Shatner (Star Trek, Haven), Martin Henderson (Greys Anatomy, The Gloaming), Bill Bailey (Black Books, Ralph Spaced), Michelle Ang (Fear The Walking Dead, Triple 9), Sara Wiseman (A Place to Call Home, Rake), Matt Whelan (Narcos: Mexico, The Sounds) and popular drag performers Kita Mean and Amanduh La Hor, among several other guest stars yet to be announced. Advertisement Building on the warmth, intrigue and humor of its acclaimed Australian series, My Life Is Murder moves to Auckland, New Zealand for its new 10-episode season. Alexa finds herself back in her home country for the first time in years and cant help herself when she is asked to look into a bizarre unsolved murder. Joined again by her partner-in-crime-solving, Madison Feliciano (Ebony Vagulans), as well as series newcomers, the charismatic detective Harry (Rawiri Jobe) and cafe owner Reuben (Joe Naufahu, Game of Thrones), she quickly finds herself investigating other murder mysteries in surprising, glamorous worlds filled with intriguing characters who are hiding dangerous and deadly secrets. This new season of the ratings-hit crime drama was greenlit by a consortium consisting of AMC Networks streaming service Acorn TV, which will take a package of English-speaking rights (North America, the UK and Australia premiere rights with secondary rights for NZ), DCD Rights for rest of world and producer Greenstone TV, with New Zealand broadcaster TVNZ and Network 10 in Australia also on board. TVNZ 1 has the global premiere of the series earlier in August. Monday August 30 on Acorn TV. Tyler, TX (75702) Today Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 90F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Education Wisconsin group asks Tyler ISD to revoke half-million in funding for kids Mentoring Alliance /courtesy Kids participate in one of the Mentoring Alliance summer camps. Tyler ISD is reiterating the schools commitment to the Mentoring Alliance after a nonprofit from Wisconsin promoting separation of church and state, requested the district revoke funding to be used for kids summer camp costs from the mentorship group. On April 8, the Tyler ISD board of trustees approved a contract with the Mentoring Alliance worth $500,000 to send 314 high-risk area students to the Mentoring Alliance summer camps for 10 weeks at no cost to the kids families. Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford said in April the school district is in the seventh year of working with the Mentoring Alliance. The focus of the funding is to help high-risk students who have fallen behind due to learning loss. He said the funds were budgeted last August. In partnership with Tyler ISD, Mentoring Alliance summer camps have helped students close summer learning gaps while having fun and with the gospel at the heart of the camps, according to the groups website. On June 3, Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation staff attorney Christopher Line wrote a letter to Crawford claiming the approval of the contract was unconstitutional due to the Mentoring Alliances religious connection. Line wrote in the letter that a concerned Tyler ISD community member reported the districts partnership with the Mentoring Alliance, which provides after-school and summer camp programs for area students. The letter from the Wisconsin group notes the alliances mission statement: The Mentoring Alliance exists to mobilize godly people into the lives of kids and families, to provide tangible help and eternal hope. Line also points out the organizations core values listed on the website: Christ-centered, biblically grounded, grace-based, excellence-driven and multiethnic. We write to ask that the district immediately cease funding attendance at a Christian summer camp and ensure that the district is not promoting religious activities to students and that it is being inclusive of all its students, regardless of their religious or nonreligious beliefs, Line writes in the letter. The Mentoring Alliance, a Christ-centered, multi-ethnic ministry is simply not an appropriate use of district funds and should not be promoted by the district. Tyler ISD issued a statement this week showing its support toward the Mentoring Alliance and what its staff does to help students. We value our partnership with The Mentoring Alliance and their support of the districts mission of successful student outcomes, the Tyler ISD statement read. During the workshop meeting in April, Tyler ISD Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Christy Hanson told the board of trustees the students will have 90 minutes of math and reading sessions each and a specific curriculum to prepare them academically for the next school year. Rather than maintain, we know were trying to fill some really significant gaps, Hanson said. Mentoring Alliance CEO and President Kevin East said in April the Mentoring Alliance is continuing to offer scholarships for students to reduce the cost of attendance. (This funding) is saying for these 314 (students) they are VIP. Theres no cost for them to come, East said. So we can get the right kids getting ample instruction for multiple weeks in the summer to try to deliver them back in the fall. Having not just slid, but actually caught up more is the goal this year. The Mentoring Alliance conducts fundraising efforts worth millions of dollars to support after-school programs and summer camps, East said. Suzette Farr, Mentoring Alliance vice president of marketing and community engagement, said in a statement on Tuesday that the Mentoring Alliance values its partnership with Tyler ISD. It is our aim and priority to provide services to children, youth and families in this community that directly overlap with Tyler ISDs mission of successful student outcomes and state guidelines and regulations, Farr said. Line later cited court cases throughout the letter to support that public schools may not advance or promote religion. He added that the funding violates part of the First Amendment that prohibits the government from funding religious worship and funding to an explicitly Christian summer camp equals endorsement of religion. At the end of the letter, Line makes a public information request for records related to the districts funding of the Mentoring Alliance, such as communications between Tyler ISD representatives about Mentoring Alliance and any agreements between the district and the alliance. Tyler, TX (75702) Today Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High around 90F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Tyler, TX (75702) Today Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 90F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Tilda Del Toro "Capone" (BRON Studios), "Night School" (Universal Pictures), Rowena Koenig (Berlinale Talent Campus Alumna, "Hirokin: The Last Samurai" starring Wes Bentley), and Lucia Senesi ("A Short Story", Alliance of Women Directors) have been awarded The Franz Wieser ARRI Grant for "Black Madonna". The short Film features black actress Tye Myers ("Angels in Paradise", "Loop") in the title role and showcases under-represented voices both in front of and behind the camera. Producers Del Toro and Koenig also act in the film. Senesi co-produces and is the writer and director. Every key department of the production was led by women, above and below the line. The project, now wrapped and into post-production, was made possible through $145,000 (approximately 105,000) equipment on loan from ARRI, with additional equipment sponsorships from Wooden Nickel Lighting and Stray Angel Films How it started Del Toro and Koenig met in 2019 through their work with internationally renowned author, teacher, director, and creative consultant Stephen Book (Juilliard, Stanford, Spolin Theater Game Center). The two women connected over a shared interest in working on projects that help amplify under-represented voices. Undeterred from pursuing their creative collaboration during quarantine, Koenig and Del Toro worked together to define their creative goals and vision. Acting collaboration as well as partnering on a producing effort was the logical next step. Then, "Black Madonna" director Lucia Senesi came into the mix. Lucia presented us with a full package, unlike anything we had seen before. Her passion for this project was persuasive, and the theme was an extension of Senesis recent essay on the Madonna del Parto published in Image, says Del Toro. Koenig, a vice president at a non-profit, contributed fundraising expertise that was instrumental in securing the prestigious Franz Wieser grant from ARRI. Del Toro and Koenig plan to continue working together and are strategically developing and writing short-form and feature-length content for future collaboration. Projects they are considering for production include their original features, as well as content by other filmmakers and creators. About 'Black Madonna' "Black Madonna" is a deeply personal film inspired by the directors experience growing up Catholic in Italy, but told from a black female leads perspective. This film is the uncompromising vision of multi-award-winning director Lucia Senesi, with cinematography by Lucia Rinaldi (American Film Institute, The BAFTA Newcomers Program). The film explores the line between madness and spiritual ecstasy with reverence for the feminine embodiment of the divine. Notable additional participants in this project, include Kristine N. Haag, Emmy-nominated costume designer and executive producer on the project, Jody Vaclav, author, trans activist, Emmy nominated art director, also an executive producer, and Lori Dovi, sound mixer ("Suicide Squad", "Nocturnal Animals", Founder of International Women Working in Film). The on-set experience was unique, says producer and actor Rowena Koenig.Working with our team of fifteen talented and creative women on our almost exclusively female set was an empowering and unforgettable experience. Diversity ARRI, a leading camera company that most notably supplied Chloe Zhaos Oscar-winning film "Nomadland", is committed to ensuring that under-represented and qualified emerging filmmakers have access to ARRI products to support their narrative vision. "Black Madonna" benefitted from the donated use of over $145,000 (105,000) in ARRI equipment. Ksenia Lappo, who oversees the Franz Wieser Grant Program at ARRI in Burbank, California, says: ARRIs Franz Wieser grant program seeks to amplify the voices of filmmakers who have something to say through the complimentary use of ARRI equipment. ARRI recognises that diverse perspectives are essential to advancing the cinematic arts, and is committed to helping under-represented emerging filmmakers tell their stories in the most eloquent way. "Black Madonna" is represented by Italian distribution company Premiere Film for international film festival entries in 2021. NEW YORK, July 01, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Calvin Klein, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of PVH Corp. [NYSE: PVH], and Calvin Klein Fragrances, a division of Coty Inc. [NYSE: COTY], today revealed the worldwide global advertising campaign for Calvin Klein Defy, a new mens fragrance featuring award-winning actor Richard Madden as the face of this new chapter within the Calvin Klein fragrance portfolio. The fragrance and campaign embrace a journey of defiance while exploring authentic truths and the contrasts within. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210701005525/en/ Calvin Klein Defy (Photo: Business Wire) The campaign features Madden in a series of vulnerable, self-reflecting and authentic moments that culminate into a courageous leap of faith, a symbolic metaphor for personal defiance and daring to take risks. The accompanying still visual translates the powerful essence of the campaign featuring Madden seated on a rooftop with a rebellious stare in iconic Calvin Klein jeans and a timeless Calvin Klein white t-shirt. The advertising campaign will be featured globally and supported by digital, social, print and TV. "Its been an exciting opportunity to partner with Calvin Klein on this new launch for Calvin Klein Fragrances," said Madden. "Making the Calvin Klein Defy campaign was an amazing experience; Im excited about this partnership and our work together." The Calvin Klein Defy fragrance features a daring contrast of invigorating freshness and powerful woods. Crafted by Anne Flipo, Master Perfumer, and Senior Perfumers Pascal Gaurin and Loc Dong of IFF, the fragrance defies expectations and evokes the ethos of the campaign opening with an addictive blend of citrus highlighted by crisp Bergamot and fresh Lavender Absolute. The heart of the fragrance and star ingredient, Vetiver Oil, is responsibly sourced from Haiti, and provides a vibrant earthiness and irresistible rugged texture that compliments a rich and alluring base of Amber notes. Story continues The masculine and woody fresh scent is captured in a modern and minimalist glass bottle carved with curved rounded edges and sharp linear lines, representing the duality of vulnerability and courage on the path to defiance. The cap and carton pay homage to Calvin Klein jeans with a matte textured blue denim inspired embossed finish and striking silver branding. Joanne Bletz, Senior Vice President Global for Calvin Klein Fragrances at Coty said, "We are hugely excited by the launch of Calvin Klein Defy. The creation of this new mens fragrance, starring the award-winning actor Richard Madden, marks the next chapter in our partnership with the iconic fashion house. The fragrance and campaign embrace the spirit of pushing boundaries as personified through our Dare to Defy concept and celebrates the courageous leap of faith it takes to follow your convictions while acknowledging the vulnerability and courage to defy expectations. We are confident that Calvin Klein Defy, which encapsulates a renewed take on masculinity, self-reflection and defiance, will resonate with modern men across the world, driving further global demand for Calvin Klein fragrances." To celebrate the launch of Calvin Klein Defy, a branded tournament will take place on Twitch where consumers will have the opportunity to defiantly battle against top streamers for a chance to win prizes followed by a virtual afterparty. Calvin Klein Defy is available starting today in select countries and will be available globally on a rolling basis. About Richard Madden: Golden Globe winner and Scottish actor Richard Madden is fast becoming one of Hollywood's most in-demand actors. Upcoming, Madden will be seen in Chloe Zhaos Eternals in which he portrays the character Ikaris opposite Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Kumail Nanjiani, and Gemma Chan. The superhero film based on the Marvel Comics of the same name follows the saga of the Eternals, a race of immortal beings who lived on Earth and shaped its history and civilizations. The film is slated for release by Disney on November 5, 2021. Additionally, he is currently in production on the Russo Brothers CITADEL alongside Priyanka Chopra Jonas. The upcoming global thriller multi-series for Amazon Studios will feature interconnected, local-language versions of the story in several other countries. About Calvin Klein, Inc. Calvin Klein is a fashion lifestyle brand with bold, progressive ideals and a sensual aesthetic that is recognized worldwide. Our modern and minimalist approach to design, provocative imagery and authentic connection to culture has resonated with customers for over 50 years. Founded in 1968 by Calvin Klein and his business partner Barry Schwartz, we have built our reputation as a leader in American fashion through the distinct Calvin Klein brand lines and a licensed range of products. We were acquired by PVH Corp. in 2003. For more information, please visit www.calvinklein.com. About COTY Inc. Coty is one of the worlds largest beauty companies with an iconic portfolio of brands across fragrance, color cosmetics, and skin and body care. Coty is the global leader in fragrance, and number three in color cosmetics. Cotys products are sold in over 150 countries around the world. Coty and its brands are committed to a range of social causes as well as seeking to minimize its impact on the environment. For additional information about Coty Inc., please visit www.coty.com. ADVERTISING CREDITS: Creative Agency: The Style Council Still life photographer: Thomas Legrand EDITORIAL CREDIT: Calvin Klein Defy TVC: https://youtu.be/cPX33PuC9UA SOCIAL MEDIA: #ckdefy BRAND HANDLE: @calvinklein View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210701005525/en/ Contacts Calvin Klein, Inc. Erin Leary, Director Corporate Communications, Calvin Klein, erinleary@ck.com Coty, Inc. Ariel Dunne, Senior Director, Influencer Marketing, ariel_dunne@cotyinc.com Jason Noda, Senior Manager, Influencer Marketing, jason_noda@cotyinc.com (Getty Images/iStockphoto) Influencers in Norway are now required by law to label when their images on social media have been retouched. The new regulations from Norways Ministry of Children and Family Affairs have been brought in to try and fight unrealistic beauty standards. Earlier this month, the law passed with 72 officials voting in favour and 15 voting against it. The King of Norway will later decide when it will come into effect. When the law is implemented, it will require influencers who are making money from their content, to label when an image has been retouched. This includes alterations that have been made to the subjects body size, shape, or skin, either before - like through a filter - or after the image has been taken. Specific examples include enlarged lips, edited muscles and cinched waistlines. Images that have been retouched will be legally required to carry a label designed by the government that alerts the viewer. Advertisers who use social media content for promotional purposes will also be affected by the law. In addition, influencers and celebrities who post on social media sites will be obliged to comply if they receive any payment or other benefits from the posts. A 2019 study found that viewing images of cosmetically enhanced females increased the desire for cosmetic surgery among women aged between 18 and 29 years old. In Norway, debate around kroppspress, which translates to body pressure, has been taking place. In the proposed amendments sent to the Norwegian parliament, the ministry said: The measure will hopefully make a useful and significant contribution to curbing the negative impact that such advertising has, especially on children and young people. In 2017, image database site Getty Images announced it would ban photos of retouched models. In the same year, France brought in legislation requiring magazines to say when an image has been retouched. Read More Father saves daughter's life with CPR learned from The Office Princess Diana statue live: Sculpture unveiled as Prince Harry and William reunite at Kensington Palace Kim Kardashian says she adhered to dress code following backlash over Vatican outfit: Dont worry French Businessman and High-Stakes Poker Player Arnaud Mimran Sentenced 13 Years for Kidnapping July 01 2021 Jason Glatzer French businessman, socialite, and high-stakes poker player Arnaud Mimran won't be returning to the poker felt any time soon. Last Friday, Mirman was sentenced to 13 years in a French prison for masterminding the 2016 kidnapping of Swiss financier Yomi Rodrig. The 49-year-old was already serving an 8-year prison term for his 2016 conviction for a complex carbon VAT fraud scheme and also was indicted in April for two separate charges of murder, which could pad on more time behind bars. Related: From High-Stakes Poker to Jail: Arnaud Mimran Arrested in France Backing Out of Inaugural Big One for One Drop Prior to heading into dark waters, Mimran was mostly known as a wealthy French mogul and socialite, whose fortune was believed to be derived in the real-estate sector. Living the high life, he once dated Paraguayan supermodel Claudia Galantia and claimed to have donated 1 million in political contributions to his friend and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mimran was often seen playing high-stakes cash games and occasionally dabbled in tournaments as well, with his best result coming after taking 13th place in the 2006 EPT Monte Carlo 10,000 Grand Final for 28,100. The poker world took notice in 2012 when Mimran was among the wealthy businessmen to commit to the initial Big One for One Drop during the 2012 WSOP with the event featuring poker's first seven-figure buy-in. However, Mimran backed out of this event despite losing a $50,000 non-refundable deposit in the process. Antonio Esfandiari won $18 million at the inaugural Big One for One Drop in 2012 Related: Antonio Esfandiari Wins $18 Million at WSOP Big One for One Drop $1M Buy-in Poker Tournament First Taste of Prison Mimran was first sentenced to eight years in prison for his role in a complex Carbon VAT fraud in 2008-2009 According to The Times of Israel, the scheme involved 50 people working in small teams of two to three people taking advantage of differing European tax rules to exchange carbon credits and permissions to emit carbon dioxide. Those involved with what was dubbed the "Swindle of the Century" would purchase tax credits in a country with no VAT before selling them in a country with VAT. Companies in France typically have 90 days to remit VAT and by that time, the money was moved offshore. This resulted in an estimated loss of1.6 billion in unpaid VAT taxes, according to the French government's estimates with total losses in Europe estimated to be between 5 million to 10 million. Twisted Kidnapping and Extortion Plot While fraud is one thing, what happened next was something typically only seen around Hollywood. Mimran found himself deep in debt including owing approximately $6 million to the Wynn Las Vegas, according to court filings at around the time of the kidnapping of Rodrig in 2015. According to Casino.org, Rodrig testified that he was tossed into a car by a gang led by Sabir Titax Titouh and held in captivity for six days. During this time, Rodrig was forced to purchase $2.6 million in stock in a shell company called Cassidy Ventures Inc, controlled by Mimran. Goldman Sachs initially rejected the trades due to their "bizarre" nature and the kidnappers forced Rodrig to purchase shares via smaller brokers. The plot thickened as Titouh was murdered on his doorstep, leaving the gang without a leader. The gang eventually let Rodrig walk but not before sharing he was lucky as he was earmarked to be killed. Mimran admits he consulted with Titouh but shared he was unaware of the kidnapping and extortion plot. The court clearly saw otherwise as the 13-year sentence of Mimran was at least double that of three other defendants, each of who were committed and sentenced to 4-8 years in prison. Even Worse: Two Murder Trials to Come? Mimran was charged in April for two murders that were alleged to been committed a decade ago, including one on his partner in crime Samy Souied in 2010. If that wasn't enough, it appears his family wasn't off-limit either according to the accusations. Prosecutors will also argue Mimran murdered his billionaire 76-year-old father-in-law and art dealer Claude Dray, who was shot dead in his home in 2011. It's been quite the fall from grace for the socialite once slated to play the Big One for One Drop, but who's now all but certified to spend the next decade behind bars. David Szep Wins GGPoker's Super MILLION$ At Very First Attempt July 01 2021 Matthew Pitt Hungary's David Szep's decision to enter the second GGPoker Super MILLON$ of Season 2 turned out to be one of the best he has ever made because it resulted in Szep walking away with the title of champion. Szep's first foray into the Super MILLION$ world ended with his GGPoker bankroll swelling by an impressive $228,170. Super MILLION$ Final Table Results Place Player Country Prize 1 David Szep Hungary $228,170 2 Bert Stevens Mexico $178,191 3 Nicolo Molinelli Tunisia $139,160 4 Enrico Camsoci Tunisia $108,678 5 Pascal Hartmann Austria $84,873 6 Marius Gierse Austria $66,282 7 Thomas Muehloecker Austria $51,763 8 AlexGLrus77 Russia $40,425 9 judd trump China $31,570 Former Super MILLION$ champion "judd trump" sat down at the final table as the second-shortest stack and he busted as he attempted to rectify his lowly position. Approximately 30 minutes into the action, with blinds of 15,000/30,000/3,500a, Szep min-raised to 60,000 from early position with pocket tens, and the action folded to judd trump in the small blind. judd trump three-bet to 211,020 before calling when Szep set him all-in for the 441,471 chips judd trump had behind. A king on the flop gave judd trump hope, but the board four-flushed with spades and Szep had the ten of spades in his hand. A very short-stacked "AlexGLrus77" was the next to bust. The Russian min-raised to 60,000 from early position with ace-jack, Thomas Muehloecker responded with a three-bet to 135,000 with pocket kings in the cutoff before calling when AlexGLrus77 jammed for the 242,214 in total. Muehloecker's kings remained true, and his Russia opponent headed to the showers. Find Out How YOU Could Win More With GGPoker's Flip & Go Renewal Muehloecker's Comeback Cut Short Muehloecker, who sat down at the final table ninth in chips, was the next player out of the door despite winning that pot. During the 17,500/35,000/4,500a level, Nicolo Molinelli opened to 73,500 from the button with pocket nines, and Muehloecker ripped in his 896,340 stack from the small blind with ace-king. Molinelli made the call, and his nine not only held but caught an unnecessary set on the river to cut Muehlocker's comeback short. Marius Gierse was extremely short-stacked when Muehloecker busted, and almost called Muhelocker's all-in bet, but folded his ace-ten. A short while later, Gierse found ace-queen under the gun and raised to 266,666, which left him only 285,304 chips behind. Bert Stevens, a former Super MILLION$ champion, called from the cutoff with the dominated ace-jack. Gierse committed the last of his chips on an eight-queen-eight flop, which seemed perfect for him, especially when Stevens called. Gierse's joy turned to despair when Stevens went perfect-perfect on the turn and river to win the hand with an unlikely queen-high straight. Fifth place and the last five-figure prize went to another former Super MILLION$ champion, Pascal Hartmann. The Austrian crashed out during the 30,000/60,000/7,500a level when he raised to 432,000 with ace-five of hearts from under the gun, a raise that left him only 385,195 chips behind. Szep was next to act, and he called. Hartmann pushed all-in on the six-five-four flop, and Szep called. A queen on the turn changed nothing, but the jack of diamonds on the river resigned Hartmann to a fifth-place finish. Thomas Muehloecker Everyone Locks Up Six Figures The surviving four players were now guaranteed at least $108,678, and it is that sum Enrico Camosci walked away with. The start-of-the-day chip leader saw Szep open to 182,000 at the start of the 35,000/70,000/8,500a level and decided to move all-in for 1,247,916 with ace-king. Szep called with the dominated ace-nine, which improved to a hand-winning pair of nines on the river. Heads-up was set soon after when Molinelli lost the biggest pot of the evening so far. The hand started with a 182,000 raise from Szep on the button, and a three-bet to 1,050,000 with pocket tens in the small blind from Molinelli. Stevens woke up in the big blind with ace-queen, and jammed all-in for 4,061,981. Szep ducked out of the way, but Molinelli called. A queen on the flop and an ace on the river gifted the monster-sized pot to Steven. Win Free Prizes Just For Logging Into Your GGPoker Account That hand propelled Stevens into the chip lead, his 6,694,977 stack towering over the 3,805,023 of Szep. Szep drew level before forging a substantial lead for himself; he had one hand on the trophy and the near $230,000 top prize. Szep's heads-up performance was something else, and he deserved to become the latest Super MILLION$ champion. The final hand took place during the 60,000/120,000/15,000a level and saw Steven open-shoved for 918,266 with ten-nine of spades. Szep called with pocket fours. A king-high flop failed to alter the course of the hand, although the turn gave Stevens outs to an open-ended straight draw. The river missed both player, however, which resigned Stevens to a second-place finish worth $178,191, and handed the title and $228,170 to Szep, the man playing in his first-ever Super MILLION$ event! The chance to work on the University of North Georgia's (UNG) Blue Ridge Campus was an easy decision for Lori Bramlett. The lifelong Ellijay, Georgia, resident and 1995 UNG alumna was excited to help others in her community see how higher education opens doors for students. The assistant director of enrollment services loves the atmosphere she shares with her colleagues and students. "We all care about each other. We want to see each other succeed, both as a unit and individually. I think you can feel that close bond as soon as you step on campus," Bramlett said. "To me, it is all about meaningful relationships. By investing in others and surrounding yourself with a good team, you can conquer the world." A major part of those relationships is treating people the right way, she said. She is grateful that UNG offers new possibilities for students in the region. Previously, some of these students may have gone straight into the workforce instead of leaving home to attend a four-year university. Now, they can begin their college career in Blue Ridge before finishing on another UNG campus. "It's a great opportunity for them to not have to incur that expense the first two years of college," Bramlett said. "They can stay in the community where they're comfortable." She offers students assistance with admissions, enrollment and advising questions. She seeks to be well-versed and isn't afraid to pick up the phone or send an email. "If I don't know the answer, I'm smart enough to know who to go to for an answer," Bramlett said. She thrives on encouraging and supporting students through an open-door policy while challenging them to grow. "I love to help students however I can, but helping them become self-motivated is my ultimate goal," she said. "When you see it click, it is a great feeling." Some of her proudest moments include seeing former Blue Ridge Campus students go on to receive academic scholarships such as the Fulbright, as well as seeing them flourish in leadership roles on the Dahlonega Campus and ultimately graduate from UNG and enter their career fields. "It's nice to see them succeed and have smiles on their faces," Bramlett said. "And knowing that UNG's Blue Ridge Campus was part of a student's journey makes all the work worth it." The prospects for the imminent completion of Russia's Nord Stream 2 energy project continue to haunt politicians on both sides of the Atlantic. And although the tone of rhetoric against Russia has noticeably decreased in Washington, the Americans are actively using the topic of the gas pipeline in their political games, EU Reporter informs. President Biden did not impose sanctions against Nord Stream AG (51% of the company belongs to GAZPROM) but strengthened sanctions against Russian pipe-laying companies. In Washington, they made it clear that they would no longer be able to stop the almost finished project. Nevertheless, Secretary of State Blinken continues to speak "about the danger" of the Russian gas pipeline for the energy security of Europe. In turn, for Germany, Nord Stream 2 has long been a headache. The unprecedented pressure that Washington has exerted on Berlin in the last period is unlikely to have pleased Germany. However, in the end, the White House decided not to demonize Germany, but to achieve compromises for America that would allow Washington, if necessary, to control the transit of Russian gas, especially if it tries to significantly reduce the gas flow to Europe through Ukraine. In Ukraine itself, the upcoming launch of Nord Stream 2 raises serious concerns, primarily due to potential losses for Kiev as a result of Moscow's reduction in gas pumping through the Ukrainian gas transportation system. Many experts in Ukraine seriously calculate possible losses. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already reacted to such gloomy forecasts. First of all, the Ministry stated that Nord Stream 2 is a purely economic project that has no political dimension. Ukraine has a contract with Gazprom until 2024, and the issue of further gas transit will be resolved through negotiations. At the same time, Moscow is convinced that Ukraine will not remain without Russian gas. That was clearly stated by high ranking representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Along with Ukraine, Poland actively expresses its dissatisfaction with the Nord Stream 2. Warsaw is known for its negative attitude to the Russian gas supplies to Europe. The country has already launched the construction of an alternative pipeline to Denmark, the Baltic Pipe, to deliver gas from Norway. However, experts doubt that the relatively modest reserves of Norwegian gas will be able to compete with natural fuel from Russia. In any case, various political games and intrigues around the Nord Stream 2 are likely to last for a long time, largely due to pressure from Washington, the unwillingness of Germany and other EU countries to quarrel with America, as well as the desire to support Ukraine. Aging, shrinking, its top position reserved exclusively for men Japans monarchy is a neat microcosm of society as a whole, The Diplomat writes. Under current conditions, only men of the male line may ascend to Japans Chrysanthemum Throne. The Imperial Household Law of 1947 decrees that female family members lose their royal status upon marriage. Any sons they may have are equally ineligible to become emperor. With 13 women among the 18 living royals, the present restrictions severely truncate the line of succession. In 2019, former Emperor Akihito (now 87) abdicated, citing fatigue. When his son, Naruhito (61), ascended to the throne, that left the new emperors brother, Crown Prince Akishino (55), and nephew, 14-year old Prince Hisahito, as the only two viable heirs in the succession plan. The other eligible candidate, Prince Hitachi, Emperor Naruhitos uncle, is 85. The pressure placed on the shoulders of young Prince Hisahito and any future partner to propagate the male-to-male line for another generation is therefore huge. Similarly, with every royal marriage of a female family member, the monarchys pool of human resources diminishes again by one. Responsibility for the often onerous array of royal duties concentrates ever more keenly on a rapidly dwindling group. In March, the Suga government convened an expert panel of imperial household specialists to discuss ways to ensure the continuity of the monarchy. Polling suggests that the public overwhelmingly supports further integration of women. Yet powerful conservative factions within the ruling LDP continue to stymie any hopes of progressive change. Why exactly? Many on the right point to tradition and millennia-long efforts to preserve with 10 notable exceptions the male-to-male line of succession as reason for the continued exclusion of women. They advocate instead for reintegrating tributary branches of the royal family, exiled during the post-war U.S. occupation, as a means of strengthening the male-to-male line. Such arguments highlight resounding gender stereotypes that shape perceptions of male/female societal roles in Japan. For example, the political scientist and activist Miura Mari has written of the strong feeling in society that politics is essentially a male sphere of activity. And while the role of emperor is of course largely symbolic, gender stereotypes that elevate men into leadership roles, while encouraging women to adhere to traditional good wife and wise mother behavioral norms, also work to restrict notions of who can and should become the nations titular figurehead. Aging, shrinking, its top position reserved exclusively for men: the monarchy offers a neat reflection of Japanese society in microcosm. The nations demographic crisis is well documented. Statistics released in August 2020 show that the over-65 age group now makes up 28.41 percent of the total population, making Japan a super-aged nation. The birthrate has fallen to 1.38 births per woman, much lower than the 2.1 births necessary to maintain the current population of 126 million. If present rates of decline continue unchecked, the overall population is expected to sink below 100 million by 2050. By 2040, the workforce will have shrunk by 20 percent. Industries such as construction and healthcare already suffer major labor shortages, while the nations big industries auto manufacturing and electronics can now expect just one domestic applicant for every 1.5 of their blue-collar vacancies. And yet, the same traditionalist mindset preventing female involvement in the imperial succession plan has so far prevented successive administrations from acknowledging the most pragmatic solution to this predicament: namely, an overhaul of immigration policy. To date, Japans immigrant population 1.75 percent of the total population, compared to 16.1 percent in Germany and 21 percent in Canada remains, by OECD member standards, exceptionally low. Until recently, there was little to no inclination to increase immigration for anyone other than highly skilled technicians in particular industries. Then, in April 2019, widening gaps in the domestic workforce prompted the Abe administration to relax immigration controls. The move paved the way to entry for 345,000 Specific Skills Workers across 14 sectors, including hospitality and the food services. Uptake for the five-year initiative has, however, so far proved disappointing. Within the first six months, only 1,621 Specific Skills visas were issued. Researchers found that various adaptability issues, not least the difficulty of learning the Japanese language, had deterred potential applicants. Another problem was a lack of assistance in navigating often complex institutional frameworks such as education, pensions, and tax. The non-renewable five-year visa also prohibits workers from bringing their families. When pushing through the changes, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo insisted he was not pursuing what is commonly considered an immigration policy. Instead, he was seeking a way of simply borrowing overseas workers to temporarily fill gaps in the labor market. Workers would arrive under the proviso that they would not be staying permanently. Such assurances work to allay fears among voters that an increase in immigration could lead to rising crime and the deterioration of traditional cultural values. However, immigration policies predicated on such short-termism do little to tackle the long-term issue of chronic population decline. For Professor Gracia Liu-Farrer, an Asian immigration expert, the apparent lack of desire to integrate immigrant workers is a symptom of an exclusionary ethnonationalist perspective that restricts understanding of what it means to be Japanese. Japans post-war economic reconstruction was largely dependent on its domestic labor force, Liu-Farrer explained. With the economic boom, Japan regained national confidence. Its economic success was tied to this self-image. It has never wavered from this. Such is the reluctance on the part of policymakers to envisage a multicultural or multiethnic Japan that the nations institutions from its employment and training systems, to labor and education have yet to adapt to global labor mobility and general sociocultural diversity. Therefore, despite halfhearted attempts to boost the labor force, Japan remains a nation seen as unfriendly to large scale immigration. Rather than working actively to change this reputation, policymakers seek solutions elsewhere. The reintegration of retirees plugs holes in less-physically strenuous industries. Increased funding in robotics accelerates the pace of automation. However, much like proposals to reattach severed branches of the royal family tree, such plans offer only partial, reactive solutions to a much wider societal issue. In the monarchys case, gender stereotypes place the institutions future at risk. Integrating women would not only shore up the royal succession plan. It would also send a powerful message of change, working to increase female representation in wider society. For Japan as a whole, notions of Japaneseness prevent policymakers and the general public alike from acknowledging immigration as a practicable solution to rapid population decline. Effective integration of a potentially growing immigrant population would not only secure the nations future. It would open a path toward a more adaptive and diverse Japan. At the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday, Kazakhstans first president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, thanked him for the support of his country during the pandemic and the provision of vaccines. "I have sincerely wanted to thank you in person for Russias support of Kazakhstan during the pandemic - with vaccines, medicines, and so on. Do you remember, when we went to an exhibition in St. Petersburg and then we looked and agreed on a joint venture? Now that company in Karaganda produces the Russian vaccine, of the same quality and in large quantities," Nazarbayev told Putin. Nazarbayev pointed out that, when he came down with coronavirus, a team of Russian doctors treated him, TASS reported. "I will never forget lots of things - when I got sick, a group of Russian doctors stayed by my side for ten days. It was crucial for my recovery. It is not forgotten," he explained. On June 25, Kazakhstan's first president received the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by the Karaganda pharmaceutical plant. On June 18, 2020, Nazarbayevs press service reported that he had tested positive for coronavirus, so he self-isolated and switched to working online. On July 2, 2020, he was reported to have recovered from COVID-19. At least 800 people in Uganda have been inoculated with fake COVID-19 vaccines, officials disclosed on Wednesday. Police, Health Ministry officials, and State House Health Monitoring Unit have arrested two nurses for injecting people with fake shots and issuing fake certificates. The doctor who was leading the operation, however, is on the run. Addressing a news conference in the capital Kampala, Dr. Wallen Naamara, the head of the health unit, said the network duped many people and companies. "It is unfortunate that some medical workers are administering fake COVID-19 jabs to unsuspecting people. We did undercover work and arrested two nurses in the act," she said. According to her, those injected were mostly from companies that paid 200,000 Uganda shillings ($54) for the vaccination of each of their workers, Anadolu Agency reported. A representative of the Uganda National Medical Stores, a government-owned organization mandated to obtain, store and distribute medicines, said the items seized from the nurses were not procured from them. The drugs did not have government labeling, as required by law, the representative added. With 543 new infections and 34 related deaths, the East African country has so far confirmed 79,979 COVID-19 cases and 1,023 fatalities. It received 964,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in March, and over 800,000 people have since been vaccinated. An additional 175,200 doses arrived in June. Ministers of OPEC countries will have the first in-person meeting in a year on September 30, 2021, in the Iraqi capital to celebrate the occasion of the 60th OPEC Anniversary that has been postponed since last September, according to the Secretariats invitation letter. Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar offered holding the meeting at the end of September in Baghdad to OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo. The celebration has been postponed so far due to epidemiological and transport restrictions. The list of distinguished delegates will be formed by July 14, 2021, TASS reported. "The COVID-19 pandemic has required us to swiftly adapt to the new circumstances by organizing our work and regular meetings virtually. However, the prospect of meeting in-person <> instills particular joy and hope," according to the letter. The ministers of OPEC and non-OPEC countries participating in the crude production cuts agreement last met in person in March 2020. Yerevan has no intention to sign a peace agreement with Baku, a representative of the ruling My Step faction of the Armenian National Assembly said. In an interview with Sputnik Armenia,Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan indicated that Armenia will not sign a comprehensive peace agreement with Azerbaijan until, in his words, the "Nagorno-Karabakh conflict" is "settled". The "My Step" bloc in the recent parliamentary elections was led by acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Last week, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, receiving the EU delegation and the foreign ministers of Romania, Austria, Lithuania, recalled that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has already been resolved, now it is necessary to elaborate "the basic fundamental approaches of the post-conflict situation" in order to move from a post-conflict state to peacekeeping development and cooperation. "Unfortunately, so far we have not heard anything similar from Armenian government. All our statements with respect to beginning negotiations on peace agreement with Armenia are ignored by Armenian government," the head of state said then, not excluding that the situation may change after elections are over in Armenia. The Azerbaijani leader warned that if they dont have a peace agreement with Armenia that means we dont have peace not only between the two countries but also in the South Caucasus Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko has voiced solidarity with his country in its resistance to illegitimate Western sanctions, the Kremlin's press-service said. The two leaders paid great attention to the continuing sanction pressure on Belarus. "The Russian side expressed solidarity with Belarus, which resists unilateral illegitimate restrictions imposed by the Western countries in violation of international law," the news release says. On the eve of the full-scale meeting of the eighth forum of the regions of Russia and Belarus, in which Putin and Lukashenko will participate in a videoconference mode, the two men also discussed a number of crucial issues on the bilateral agenda. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law obliging large foreign IT companies to open branches or representative offices in Russia, the document was published on Thursday on a government legal information site. The owners of Internet resources, the daily audience of which exceeds 500,000 Russian users, will have to create branches, open representative offices or establish legal entities in Russia, starting on January 1, 2022. According to the document, the branches need to "fully represent the interests of the parent companies." "A set of measures is also introduced to force IT companies to comply with Russian legislation, including, as a last resort, the possibility of partial or complete blocking of the offending resource. A set of measures is also being introduced to force IT companies to comply with Russian legislation. Among them, informing users of Internet resources about violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, bans on the distribution of advertising on an information resource, on making payments to it, on search results, on the collection and cross-border transfer of personal data of Russian citizens. As a last resort, the possibility of partial or complete blocking of the offending resource is provided. The preliminary list of Internet resources, the owners of which may be obliged to open branches or representative offices in Russia, includes 20 platforms. It includes social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter), video hosting (YouTube, Twitch.tv), instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber), mail service (Gmail), search engines (Google, Bing.com), hosting providers (Amazon, Digital Ocean, Cloudflare, GoDaddy), online stores (Aliexpress.com, Ikea.com, Iherb.com), and Wikipedia.org. At the same time, this list can be adjusted. The corresponding legislative initiative was submitted to the State Duma on May 21 by a group of deputies from the Duma Committee on Information Policy and Senator Alexei Pushkov. The document was supported by the Russian government, the Bank of Russia and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Russia and the United States have joined efforts to organize an event commemorating those who were killed by terrorists in the 9/11 attacks, prior to the 20th anniversary the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism Vladimir Voronkov said at a press conference on Wednesday. "If we talk about the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, we are working with our American colleagues to organize an event to commemorate the victims of the terrorists," he said. "The victims of terrorists is one of the top issues on our offices agenda. It is crucial to pay more attention to them and their plight," TASS cited Voronkov as saying. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania killed 2,977,000 people who were citizens of 90 countries and more than 6,000 were injured. The U.S. ambassador to Moscow John Sullivan said on Thursday that he held a positive meeting with Russias Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Sullivan, who returned to Moscow last month after leaving in April amid a diplomatic crisis, told reporters earlier this week that the two countries were engaged in organising the first round of talks on strategic stability, RIA Novosti reported. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden agreed to start consultations on arms control at a meeting in June. Russia will provide any necessary assistance to Tajikistan under its commitments in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in the event of mounting terrorist threats from Afghanistan as the U.S. pulls out its troops from that country, State Duma Defense Committee Head Vladimir Shamanov said on Thursday. The senior Russian lawmaker made this statement ahead of a meeting with the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Council on Thursday. Shamanov is a member of the Russian delegation that will take part in the conference. "We will surely provide comprehensive assistance to Tajikistan under the CSTO commitments [in case of the mounting terrorist threat]. Naturally, we wont leave it [Tajikistan] alone," Shamanov assured. The situation in Afghanistan will be discussed at the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Council, he said. "I believe that this issue is more likely to be discussed from the viewpoint of assessing potential developments. As of now, and we talked with colleagues yesterday and today, the leadership of Tajikistan does not express such a serious concern," he pointed out. This issue has to be kept under control from the standpoint of predicting possible developments, Shamanov said. "Our committee is taking systemic measures to assess the situation. We cautioned that some terrorist groups would be airlifted by the aircraft of European countries and the United States from Iraq to northern Afghanistan. This was several years ago. That is, the situation is being constantly monitored," the senior Russian lawmaker stressed. The head of the State Duma Defense Committee also reiterated Russias position with regard to the concerns over the situation in Afghanistan. "The measures, including those taken by the Russian side, were outlined both by the [Russian] defense minister and the president [of Russia] to the effect that we need to think about providing the 201st military base in Tajikistan with the required capabilities," Shamanov pointed out, adding that Russian border guards were now "taking a number of organizational measures" in this regard, according to the information available to the lawmaker. U.S. President Joe Biden announced on April 14 that the United States would launch the process of pulling American troops out of Afghanistan in May and complete it by September 11, 2021, although the previous administration of Donald Trump had signed a peace deal with the Taliban (outlawed in Russia) in Doha in February 2020, which stipulated the withdrawal of US and allied forces by May 1. Health care workers and people aged 50 and above will be eligible for a third dose of a coronavirus vaccine in Turkey starting tomorrow, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said. "Our people and health workers will be able to choose any vaccine they want regardless of what they received in the previous two doses," Koca said in a virtual press conference following a meeting with the country's Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board. The minister also announced several changes to Turkey's vaccination campaign, including shortening the period between doses and how soon a person who tested positive for COVID-19 can receive a jab. "People who have tested positive for COVID-19 had to wait six months to become eligible for a vaccine. That period has now been shortened to three months," Koca said. "Following new scientific findings, the time period between the two doses of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been reduced from six weeks to four weeks," he added. Koca's latest announcement comes amid significant recent momentum in Turkey's vaccination campaign. After suffering a slowdown in vaccination figures due to unexpected delays in shipments of doses, Turkey has significantly increased the reach and the speed of the campaign. Our vaccination campaign is being carried out in full force to make sure each and every one of our citizens receives a vaccine. We are one of the worlds leading countries with the number of daily doses administered exceeding 1 million, Koca said. According to Health Ministry data, Turkey has administered more than 49 million doses so far. More than 15 million people have received both of their shots. Speaking about the importance of being vaccinated, Koca said the jabs were humankind's current best bet to fight the pandemic, especially when the coronavirus variants are threatening to undo the progress of the global vaccination process. "The vaccines we have available in our country so far appear to be effective against mutations. But the only way to truly stop the pandemic is to complete the vaccination before giving any opportunity to mutations. Several countries with high vaccination rates have reported increasing Delta variant cases. This should be a warning for us and it should be our cue to get a vaccine," Daily Sabah cited him as saying. According to the Health Ministry, Turkey on Wednesday recorded 5,496 new infections and 45 daily deaths. Hungarian low-cost airline Wizz Air plans to station two more airplanes at Kutaisi International Airport and add seven more flight destinations, corporate communications manager of Wizz Air Andras Rado announced to Georgian Public Broadcaster's First Channel. "Now there are six flights, after placing the planes at Kutaisi base, seven more destinations will be added and there will be 13 in total passengers can already book tickets. During the week, 24 flights from Kutaisi will be performed, starting next week," Agenda.ge cited Rado as saying. Wizz Air will resume flights from Kutaisi to six new destinations: Athens, Thessaloniki, Memmingen, Milan, Prague and Wroclaw starting July 1. It is mandatory for passengers over the age of two to wear face masks during the whole flight. With total market capitalization value of $1.45 trillion as of June 21, the cryptocurrency ecosystem has attracted investors but has also been an ideal hiding place for illegal activities. Lawyer Luong Van Chuong It was 9 am at an office in the central area of HCMC. The computer screen in front of Quoc Viet showed a series of charts, which reflected the ups and downs of many cryptocurrencies. Viet looked at the charts attentively. Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency with the name of the Japanese dog breed Shiba, had been the focus on exchanges. Dogecoin once reached its peak at 69cent/coin. This means that if investors spent $1,000 to buy Dogecoin in early 2021, when the cryptocurrency was priced at less than 1 cent, they would make a profit of $120,000, if noting that the current price is 69 cent. Dogecoin increased by 120 times just after several months. Some people said Dogecoin has increased too sharply, so investors would suffer if betting on the currency. The charts showed abnormally sharp price increases with the prices increasing by 3-4 times just in the first week of May. Sharks have gone, so you will die if you touch it, Viet said. . The word shark is used to talk about individuals or institutions holding large amounts of Bitcoins in the cryptocurrency market. They are believed to be able to drive the market as they want. Viet thinks that the galloping increase of the Dogecoin is unsafe. Not only Dogecoin, but Bitcoin also worries made the investor. I once estimated that the Bitcoin price may reach $69,000, and investors would hold Bitcoin and not make transactions. The Bitcoin value can increase by $1,000 within several minutes. Its value goes up and down all the time. One month ago, the currency lost $10,000 per Bitcoin just within 30 minutes, he said. Viet is not the only office worker that plays cryptocurrency. A survey of global consumers by Statista in 2020 showed that Vietnam ranked second in terms of the popularity of crytocurrency. Up to 21 percent of 1,000-1,400 polled individuals in Vietnam said they once used or owned cryptocurrencies. The figure can show a part of the picture about the cryptocurrency rush. Bitcoin is considered the king of cryptocurrency, leading the cryptocurrency ecosystem, attracting investors with the value of $35,000 per Bitcoin, or 45 percent of total market capitalization value, as of June 21. Loopholes for tax evasion, money laundry With anonymity and cross-border trade, cryptocurrency facilitates tax evasion and illegal remittances, payments and funding for illegal transactions. Criminals can convert money into Bitcoins and then, through e-wallets, remit money abroad without having to pay any kind of fee. On September 21, 2017, the first lawsuit on collecting tax arrears on the profit from cryptocurrency investment, was heard in Ben Tre. Arguing that cryptocurrency was a kind of asset and goods, the Ben Tre City Taxation Sub-department released a decision on collecting the personal income arrears of VND2.6 billion from Nguyen Viet Cuong, who traded cryptocurrency via internet from 2008 to 2013. Cuong sued the taxation agency for this decision. The Ben Tre provincial Peoples Court then released a decision on canceling the tax arrears decision. Since cryptocurrency was not legally considered a kind of good, the decision by the Ben Tre taxation agency was unreasonable. Citing the case, Lawyer Luong Van Chuong from the HCM City Bar Association, said that with anonymity and cross-border trade, cryptocurrency facilitates tax evasion and illegal remittances, payments and funding for illegal transactions. Criminals can convert money into Bitcoins and then, through e-wallets, remit money abroad without having to pay any kind of fee. This is the loophole that can be exploited for money laundering and money transfer from Vietnam to other countries. The remittance is used to buy properties or for other illegal activities. According to Chuong, money laundering via Bitcoin has not been seen in Vietnam, but found in the US. In late April 2021, FBI dismantled Silk Road, a big crime ring, and seized two e-wallets containing 174,000 Bitcoins. With Bitcoin value at $57,600 on May 1, 2021, the amount of Bitcoins exceeded $10 billion. With Blockchain, a user can send a digital asset through the Internet to another user, and this transaction is guaranteed to be safe, highly secure, and not easily modified. Therefore, it is difficult for state agencies to supervise and inspect once they suspect that the transactions are illegal. Nguyen Hoang Dung, a respected economist, said the convenience of cryptocurrency is undeniable, but many countries dont recognize the legitimacy of the ecosystem worth trillions of dollars in cyberspace because of high risks. If you just need to sit at home but can make transactions of millions or billions of dollars with just mouse clicks, why wouldn't criminals do it? he said. When the central bank cannot control this, it will be just an unlocked door which crimes are ready to go through." Currently, Vietnam has no legal regulations governing activities related to cryptocurrencies and virtual assets. In August 2017, the Government released Decision 1255, assigning ministries to complete the legal framework on cryptocurrency management. On April 11, 2018, the PM issued Directive 10/CT-TTg on strengthening the management of activities related to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Quang Dinh Legal framework needed to better manage cryptocurrency market A delay in issuing official legal regulations on managing cryptocurrencies will cause a rise in the risks of fraud and theft related to virtual assets, experts have warned. Facebook has filed a lawsuit against four people living in Vietnam for hacking into accounts and running illegal ads worth more than $36 million. In a blog posted on June 29, Facebook said it had filed two lawsuits against those who violated the Advertising Policies. The defendant in the first lawsuit is a California-based marketing company and agents. The second lawsuit is against a group of people living in Vietnam, who hijacked accounts to run illegal ads. According to Facebook Director of Law Enforcement and Litigation Jessica Romero, four individuals living in Vietnam NHT, LK, NQB and PHD used cookie stealing or session stealing techniques to compromise personal accounts of employees of many advertising and marketing agencies, and then they ran unauthorized ads from these accounts. The Facebook blog claimed that victims were scammed, leading to account loss after installing an app from the Google Play Store called "Ad Manager for Facebook". The app has been removed by Google. When the Ad Manager for Facebook is downloaded, the victim shares their Facebook login information and others. The hackers use the information to access the account and then run ads. In some cases, they used the accounts to commit online scams. According to Romero, this group ran illegal ads worth more than $36 million. Facebook refunded victims and helped them secure their accounts. Facebook said it was trying to expose the entire behavior of the four violators, forcing them to take responsibility for writing the "Ad Manager for Facebook" application to trick users. According to Facebook, this is the company's second lawsuit against account hijacking. The first lawsuit occurred in December 2019, in which the defendant tricked people into installing malicious code on the Internet. The malicious code allowed the defendant to compromise the victim's Facebook account and run unauthorized ads to promote items such as fake and imitated goods and weight loss pills. Du Lam The Government has urged the use of non-cash payments and the deployment of Mobile Money as a solution. The service is still awaiting licensing. On March 9, 2021, the PM agreed to apply Mobile Money on a trial basis. The time for trying the service is two years from the date it was licensed. In order to register Mobile Money service, clients need to show ID cards/passports with the information coinciding with the information in their registered mobile phone subscription, and get identified by licensed service providers. Mobile subscribers must have continuous use of at least 3 months by the time they register for Mobile Money service. Tran Duy Hai, Deputy Director of the Authority of Telecommunications, said the agency prepared the plan on applying Mobile Money on a trial basis when ministries were awaiting the PMs nod on the pilot implementation. In early April 2021, the agency assigned its staff to join forces with relevant units in MIC, referring to the PMs Decision No 315 and other countries experience, to guide businesses to draw up plans and submit to the State Bank for permission to provide Mobile Money service. The agency also asked businesses to prepare solutions, facilities, technological infrastructure, workforce and policies to be able to deploy the service soon after getting the central banks approval. A report showed that over 50 percent of Vietnamese population still do not have bank accounts. Many people are excluded from the formal financial system, especially the poor in rural areas and people in remote areas. Mobile Money can help them access paid services on the internet, including healthcare, education, financing, jobs and social security. Mobile Money is expected to penetrate the rural market and digitize the agricultural value. In developing countries, about 15 percent of adults have revenue from selling farm produce, but they receive cash, which is a risky, ineffective and inconvenient payment method. Mobile Money will provide the clients who dont have bank accounts with one more transaction channel. This will help increase the non-cash payment ratio as requested by the Government. Thanks to Mobile Money, rural people will have the chance to experience convenient shopping with fast and accurate payments, suitable for small transactions. Chair of the Vietnam Internet Association Vu Hoang Lien commented that Mobile Money would bring a lot of benefits to consumers and society. If Mobile Money gets licenses soon, it will be the first Governments sandbox to make a breakthrough and strong motivation for new technologies and services to be brought into society, he said. Thai Khang Fintechs to partner with telecom carriers to offer Mobile Money The pilot program on providing the Mobile Money service is expected to increase non-cash transactions, especially in remote areas. To improve users' experience, fintechs should work with network operators, experts say. In-person classes. Crowds at Lane Stadium. Campus events. These activities can happen only if the majority of Virginia Tech students and employees are vaccinated for COVID-19. As the fall semester inches closer, the university is making progress. But it isnt there yet. According to a newly launched dashboard on the Virginia Tech website, 25.2 percent of students and 27.9 percent of employees have uploaded their vaccine cards as proof that they are fully vaccinated for the coronavirus, as of June 28. The dashboard will be updated twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays, through the fall semester. Virginia Tech created the dashboard to inform the campus and the larger community of the universitys vaccination status. It represents the Hokie Nations path to a new academic year, and one that it hopes will resemble a pre-pandemic environment. The dashboard tracks our progress, said Mike Mulhare, assistant vice president for emergency management at Virginia Tech. It informs us on where we are and where we need to be. To operate in a near normal environment, our employee and student vaccination percentages need to significantly improve." The vaccination percentages, displayed on the dashboard in two pie charts, count employees and students at all of Virginia Techs campuses. Students who are taking courses fully online and have requested a waiver are not counted in the percentages. Vaccination numbers are tallied only when an individual registers their vaccine status here. Schiffert Health Center receives student vaccine information, while Human Resources receives employee information. All vaccination data is confidential. Virginia Tech students are required to be fully vaccinated by Aug. 6, and there are dates by which they need to receive certain vaccines to meet the deadline. Employees are strongly encouraged to receive a vaccine. With the Delta variant emerging, having vaccinated employees is even more important. "We know that vaccination is the most effective tool to protect our workforce and our community," Mulhare said. Those employees who are not vaccinated will be required to participate in the universitys surveillance COVID-19 testing program during the semester. More details on fall testing will be shared in the coming weeks. If there is not continued progress in the vaccination rate of the Virginia Tech community, the university will require additional mitigation strategies and operations likely will be impacted, Mulhare said. Each pie chart moves from gray to maroon as vaccine numbers increase for employees and students. The goal is to turn most of each chart maroon, Mulhare said. The push for vaccinations, particularly within universities, is an important step toward the community resuming a healthy, pre-pandemic life, said Noelle Bissell, health director of the New River Health District, during a meeting with the news media earlier this week. Our institutes of higher education, they want to get back to a normal learning experience this fall, and they are a congregate setting, and we know that COVID spreads quickly in congregate settings, she said. Last fall, thats where we found a lot of our cases, where people gathered socially, and thats where the infection spreads. So, its really important that we have high numbers of people who are vaccinated in those situations and that way, were going to decrease the spread. She explained that vaccinations not only protect the people who are vaccinated, but they also protect others who may not be able to receive a vaccine for a certain reason or who may have a suboptimal response to a vaccine. Written by Jenny Kincaid Boone With the virus mutating to spread more easily, Wilson said that makes it all the more important to vaccinate students before they return to school this summer. Since the Pfizer vaccine was approved for children as young as 12 in the spring, 1,593 McLennan County residents age 12-15 have gotten at least one shot, close to a tenth of that population, according to Census Bureau estimates. Wilson said approval of a vaccine for younger children could provide the entire county population some protection. I think it would help if they would open up to kids younger than 12, he said. Thats our largest group of people who havent had the option to get the vaccine. Unfortunately, thats what it may take to get (the county vaccination rate) to 50%. Wilson, who sees adult patients as an internist, said that based on his experience, availability of the vaccine is not the main problem. At this point, the vast majority of patients I come across in my practice have either been vaccinated or do not plan to be vaccinated, he said. He said resistance to the vaccine often stems from personal religious or moral objections or from misinformation from the internet. WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden came up well short on his goal of delivering 80 million doses of coronavirus vaccine to the rest of the world by the end of June as a host of logistical and regulatory hurdles slowed the pace of U.S. vaccine diplomacy. Although the Biden administration has announced that about 50 countries and entities will receive a share of the excess COVID-19 vaccine doses, the U.S. has shipped fewer than 24 million doses to 10 recipient countries, according to an Associated Press tally. The White House says more will be sent in the coming days and stresses that Biden has done everything in his power to meet the commitment. It's not for lack of doses. All the American shots are ready to ship, the White House said. Rather, it's taking more time than anticipated to sort through a complex web of legal requirements, health codes, customs clearances, cold-storage chains, language barriers and delivery programs. Complicating matters even further is that no two shipments are alike. One country requires an act of its Cabinet to approve the vaccine donation, others require inspectors to conduct their own safety checks on the U.S. doses, and still others have yet to develop critical aspects of their vaccine distribution plans to ensure the doses can reach people's arms before they spoil. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) Kansas Republicans are trying to pull Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly into a national debate over border security as the GOP works to undercut her standing with voters ahead of her re-election bid next year. Republican U.S. Rep. Ron Estes, who represents south-central Kansas, publicly urged Kelly on Wednesday to send law-enforcement resources to Arizona and Texas to help them with security along the border with Mexico. His call came the same day former President Donald Trump visited the border to assail President Joe Biden's immigration policies. Estes and the state's other two Republican congressmen, Jake LaTurner and Tracey Mann, sent Kelly a letter last week, pushing her to share resources with Arizona and Texas. Earlier this month, the Kansas Republican Party criticized Kelly for being silent on border security. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded more than 180,000 encounters on the Mexican border in May, the most since March 2000. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) Gov. Ned Lamont on Wednesday vetoed a bill that limited when isolated confinement or seclusion is used in Connecticut prisons, saying he supports the bill's intent but wants to make sure inmates and staff are safe. Instead, the Democrat directed the Department of Correction commissioner, in an executive order, to increase out of cell time for all incarcerated individuals, including those in restrictive status. He said that will happen well before the effective dates of the bill, which would have taken effect a year from now. I am not signing this legislation because, as written, it puts the safety of incarcerated persons and correction employees at substantial risk, Lamont wrote in his veto message. He noted the bill puts unreasonable and dangerous limits on the use of restraints, among other measures, that could place people at risk. It's unclear whether the Democratic-controlled General Assembly will attempt to override the veto, which came as a surprise and disappointment to some advocates. Joseph Gaylin, a steering committee member for the group Stop Solitary CT, said Lamont's executive order falls far short of what's needed to ultimately reduce the amount of time inmates in Connecticut spend in prolonged isolation. AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) A bill touted as the country's strictest statewide regulation on the use of facial recognition technology has become law in Maine. While several states regulate facial recognition as a surveillance tool, the Maine law represents a broad prohibition of the technology at the state, county and municipal government levels, with limited exceptions for law enforcement purposes, officials said. The ACLU of Maine said it's the strongest statewide facial recognition regulation in the country, and the bill's sponsor, Rep. Grayson Lookner, called it a huge victory for privacy rights and civil liberties in Maine. "I hope that Maine can provide an example to other states that want to rein in the governments ability to use facial recognition and other invasive biometric technologies, said Lookner, D-Portland. The bill became law without the governors signature. Under the law, police may request a facial recognition search from the FBI and Bureau of Motor Vehicles databases if they have probable cause to believe an unidentified person in an image has committed a serious crime. Those requests will be tracked. Lamb had been living with the boys mother, Kassandra Orona, and her three children in the apartment, Orona told investigators, according to the affidavit. Orona and Lamb used the two-burner butane torch to smoke marijuana, she told investigators. The size and shape of the torch's burners appeared very similar to the shape and size of the burns on Athian, the affidavit said. The boy died two to four hours before he was found of blunt force trauma, lack of oxygen to the brain, or both, the coroner concluded. Orona told police that Lamb was watching her three children the night before her son was killed while she worked a sandwich shop shift, court documents said. She told investigators she arrived home at about 3:30 a.m. and was later awakened by Lamb, who wanted her to drive her daughter to school a few minutes away because the girl was running late, according to the documents. After Orona and Lamb got back, Orona told investigators that she went back to bed. Lamb woke her up just after 12 p.m., saying Athian was missing, according to her account provided to investigators. As recently as the early 1990s, the United States was the worlds largest producer of rare earth minerals, which are indispensable in weapons production and a wide array of clean energy technologies. Today we have just one rare earth mine remaining and it must ship its ore to China for processing. President Joe Bidens goal to slash carbon emissions 50 percent by 2030 hinges on clean energy technologies that rely heavily on minerals like lithium. According to a report from the International Energy Agency, global demand for minerals far exceeds supply and the problem could worsen in the years ahead. By 2040, demand for lithium is expected to increase 4,200 percent; graphite, 2,500 percent; nickel, 1,900 percent; and rare earths, 700 percent. These are the so-called EV battery metals. The assumption that Canada, Australia, and other friendly countries can meet our needs for battery metals and other critically important minerals and metals is wrong. The unfortunate reality is resource nationalism is global. Take copper, which is essential for decarbonization and the shift from fossil fuels to clean energy. In addition to electrification, copper is still needed for standard uses, copper wiring, copper piping, construction and telecommunications, and components of airplanes, trains, cars, and boats. Chile and Peru, the worlds number one and two producers of copper, are both seeking to raise the royalty tax on copper producers while the Democratic Republic of Congo has slapped a ban on copper exports an action almost identical to what has happened in Indonesia with nickel. At the same time, China is locking up the nickel supply in Indonesia and copper in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Third, Milleys analogy is and this is my characterization, not that of Waltz, who was much more diplomatic preposterous. Nobody believes that West Point is taking the same attitude toward critical race theory that it does toward Maoism. Its not inviting Maoists to give guest lectures with no rebuttals. If the military were treating CRT as a dangerous set of beliefs that needs combating, Waltz and Gaetz wouldnt be complaining, although some other congressmen might. I would add that comparing CRT to ideologies that led to tyranny and mass murder is not quite the slam-dunk defense of it that progressives are taking it to be. Neither Waltz nor Gaetz was making a negative generalization about the U.S. military or its officers. At the end of his remarks, Milley noted that Waltz and he are both Green Berets. In our conversation, Waltz volunteered that he respects Milley. During the hearing, Gaetz emphasized that he was channeling concerns he increasingly hears from officers themselves. Maybe those concerns are overstated or misguided. Thats a fair debate. Saying that raising them is an attack on the military, on the other hand, is an attempt to shut down debate. A democracy should respect the military that serves it. But it should also have the self-respect to tell its top military commander when hes out of line. Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a senior editor at National Review and a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Thomas Hanson, Bynum STAAR values The article Waco ISD STAAR performance lags state as pandemic takes heavy toll is misleading. The validity of any measurement instruments values requires a particular set of assumptions being met. Using a bathroom scale in outer space would indicate I weigh zero pounds, but that value would not be valid because the assumptions for using a bathroom scale are not met. The same is true for the STAAR. Interpreting its values is based on a particular set of assumptions being met. I challenge Carl Hoover or the Texas Education Agency to provide evidence that this is the case last year with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing. Without such evidence, the STAAR values have as much validity as values from bathroom scales in outer space. This means that comparing this years STAAR values to last years values is just an exercise in futility. Alexander Beaujean, Woodway Gov. Tantrum GWAFF has been able to fundraise about $700,000, and the city received a Nebraska Game and Parks grant for $400,000. Pascoe said GWAFF still intends to meet the fundraising goal of $2 million they set back in 2019. City Administrator Stephanie Fisher said the city is currently waiting to begin the bidding process because of the certain procurement rules that come from dealing with federal money such as the grant. Fisher expects the bidding process to begin in August or September. On behalf of the city, we just want to say that we appreciate the partnerships between our businesses in our community, Fisher said. Were very thankful for the Trackside donation, just like weve been extremely thankful for all of the other donations that have come in. Blake said a big factor in dealing with the pandemic was just the unknown. You think, well we can get through for a little but you dont know if its going to be six months, you dont know if its going to be a year, Blake said. It was mainly just the unknown. Despite the unknown and lack of business from Lincoln, the Waverly community stepped up. PODCAST PROJECT 38: Booz Allen's next strategic plan and the power of diversity Booz Allen Hamilton is now at No. 6 on the 2021 Washington Technology Top 100 and the company is coming off of its Vision 2020 strategy that transformed it from a management consulting firm to a technology company. For this episode, Editor Nick Wakeman shares excerpts from his interview with Booz Allen Executive Vice President Karen Dahut. They talk about the strategy that will drive Booz Allen for the next decade as well as the value the company places in diversity and inclusion. They also talk about what it will take for Booz Allen Hamilton, now 107 years old, to make it to the firm's 200th birthday in 2114. TOP 100 How the 'Verizon 2.0' vision continues to shape its public sector arm As most would in this circumstance, Jennifer Chronis had one main reservation about accepting Verizons offer last summer to take up a new job as head of the telecommunications giants federal business: How does one start a new job at a new employer, particularly when meeting and getting to know everyone on the new team is much harder during a pandemic? I asked Chronis that question and she put it this way: The destination and what Verizon's focus is greatly helped her decide to join. As of April, she now leads all public sector business including federal. The network is critical to everything that our customers are doing now, Chronis told me. Its critical to cloud, its critical to innovation, its critical to remote working and 5G is a huge enabler. Chronis started the federal-focused job on August 3, 2020 after four years in what she called a fascinating experience as head of Amazon Web Services Defense Department business that gave her insight into how customers use and think about connectivity. Verizon holds steady at No. 20 on the 2021 Washington Technology Top 100 with $2.1 billion in prime contracts, both marks roughly unchanged from last year's list. In her current role, Chronis is tasked with continuing to ensure the public sector business is aligned with the broader Verizon 2.0 vision and transformation that CEO Hans Vestberg has articulated for close to three years. Verizon 2.0 is designed to organize the company around more of a customer-facing model versus one centered on products. Public sector specifically is part of the Verizon Business group that focuses on all enterprise customers, whether they be government or commercial. We are really, really focused on continuing to drive growth for (the) Verizon Business group to continue to implement Hans vision of ensuring our customers are adopting 5G, adopting network as-a-service, broadening our partner channels and our go-to-market, and leveraging new B2B (business-to-business) applications like mobile edge compute Chronis said. A second Verizon leaders vision that Chronis emphasized in our conversation as one the public sector shop contributes to is that of Tami Erwin, CEO of the Verizon Business group. Erwins vision sounds similar as Chronis described it: Driving growth for our customers and becoming their indispensable partner, and going deeper into their digital transformation journeys. In May, Verizon secured a potential $495 million contract to help DOD operate a high-speed and high-performance computing network used by the departments science and research community to collaborate and share their work. This fourth iteration of the Defense Research Engineering Network contract will go for up to 10 years, beginning with a four-year base period followed by a trio of two-year options. DREN is managed by the departments High Performance Computing Modernization Program office with this mission as described by Chronis: Working some of the most challenging problems, not only for the DOD but across the federal government like climate change, pandemic response and next-generation autonomous defense systems. For DREN 4, Chronis said Verizon will work with DOD to better secure the network and move it away from a hardware-centric construct to one more defined by software. That shift is intended to be in keeping with how the broader technology world is moving in a more software-defined direction. Added capability and reach is also key for this new version of DREN. Chronis said Verizon and DOD are aiming to provide higher bandwidth and lower latency connectivity between and among the 200 different HPC locations and labs focused on research, development, testing and engineering efforts. Then of course there is the massive Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions vehicle for all federal agencies to acquire next-generation telecommunications products and services from Verizon and the other nine prime carriers. Deltek data indicates Verizon has received the largest amount of unclassified prime obligations to date via EIS to the tune of around $182.6 million. Four of the largest wins Verizon has recorded against that vehicle have come out of the Health and Human Services and Labor departments, Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration. Chronis said EIS also gives agencies some added leverage to acquire cloud services, though conceded it is in the very early stages of seeing customers trying to do that. The ongoing 5G revolution and transition is a third pillar in Verizons public sector and broader corporate strategy. One project Chronis highlighted included one at Marine Corps Miramar Air Station in Greater San Diego, which was the first U.S. military installation to implement Verizons 5G ultra wideband network. Miramar also will house a 5G living lab to see how the Marine Corps can leverage that new network architecture. Verizon is taking a similar approach with the Energy Department at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, where the parties are working on new ideas and solutions to apply 5G in research efforts. Chronis said other agencies such as the Homeland Security Department could benefit from that collaboration. The 5G realm is also an area where Chronis sees Verizons public sector and broader corporate strategy as being one and the same in certain respects, especially when considering what Verizon 2.0 is intended to be. We do our best to try to cross-pollinate the teams that we have that build our 5G test labs and innovation centers are the same teams that we use across public sector, enterprise, small and medium business and business markets, Chronis said. Were sharing the resources, we are leveraging the same lessons learned, and I think we are really helping to kind of push the envelope a bit and show our customers what were seeing in commercial that can potentially be leveraged in the public sector. (A future episode of Project 38 will feature my full conversation with Chronis that includes more on the federal governments progress in adopting 5G, how Verizon is shaping its post-pandemic future of work and additional insights into how public sector feeds into the broader corporate strategy) A total of 37 schools or systems within the archdiocese are part of the STO, which received $4.5 million in donations last year. Among others in the Cedar Valley, Zeman said 45% of Bosco Catholic School System students in Gilbertville and Raymond, 40% at St. Athanasius School in Jesup and 23% at St. Patrick School in Cedar Falls received scholarships. St. Pauls Lutheran School in Waverly, which is part of the Our Faith STO as well, received scholarships for 39% of its students. Across the archdioceses schools, 3,400 of 8,780 students received the scholarships during the past year. For the next year, he noted that the organization has nearly $4.3 million available to give out in tuition assistance. Donations to the STO were down in 2020 in part because of, obviously, the pandemic and the economic uncertainty, said Zeman, as well as the derecho that hit Cedar Rapids. Were hoping that the state increasing the tax credit to 75% will help on giving and help things rebound in 2021. Along with assisting families, he said the tuition scholarships provide an economic boost by potentially funding private school staff positions. Zeman also contended that if more students now in Catholic schools were in the public system it would be at a higher cost than the tax credits based on the estimated per pupil expense of education. The Iowa Supreme Court 2020-21 adjudicative term ended Wednesday with the court having rendered opinions on 120 cases and held one over for resubmission. The courts decisions are available at https://www.iowacourts.gov/iowa-courts/supreme-court/supreme-court-opinions/. Oral argument videos, case briefs, attorney names, and the Iowa Court of Appeals decisions from further review cases can be found on the Iowa Judicial Branch website by searching for the case name or number using the sites search function on the homepage at https://www.iowacourts.gov. A new administrative term begins Thursday. A schedule of cases will be posted on the judicial branch website. The Supreme Courts 2021-22 adjudicative term begins Sept. 1. SAFETY FIRST ON THE FOURTH: With thousands expected to travel across the state and enjoy Iowas natural resources, state and local law enforcement agencies will be focusing on safety this Fourth of July holiday. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Bureau will focus efforts on intoxicated boaters as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to draw public attention to the hazards of boating under the influence. In Iowa, it is illegal to operate a vessel or vehicle with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or higher. DNR conservation officers will heavily patrol Iowa waterways Friday through Sunday. They will conduct heightened awareness and enforcement of boating under the influence laws in hopes of decreasing the number of crashes and removing any impaired boat operators. Tips for staying safe while boating include staying sober because alcohol and drug use impair judgment, balance, vision and reaction time; wearing a life jacket and having the proper number onboard; and taking a boating safety class. The DNR also offered safety tips for people using the states public beaches: Swim in designated areas, wear a life jacket, swim with a buddy, and avoid areas with waves or rip currents. MORE COMPENSATION: Beginning Sunday, there will be an increase in the maximum weekly benefits paid to unemployed Iowans and to workers injured on the job, according to Iowa Workforce Development. A statutorily required annual review of wages covered by unemployment insurance has triggered the increase. The average annual wage for insured Iowa workers increased to $52,130.71 in 2020, up from $48,455.86 in 2019. Iowa Workforce Development officials noted that about half those eligible for unemployment insurance benefits have enough earnings to qualify for the maximum benefit. The 2022 taxable wage base will be $34,800. The new benefit payment schedules apply to individuals who file new unemployment insurance claims and workers injured on or after Sunday. Those currently receiving benefits from state or federal programs will continue to receive the same weekly benefit amount. Beginning Thursday, the workers compensation maximum weekly benefit for temporary total disability, healing period, permanent total disability and death will rise to $2,005. For permanent partial disability, the weekly maximum will be $1,845. For more information, visit https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} He entered the Stuck at Prom scholarship contest because he likes art and dislikes English. I didnt have to write an essay for this one, he said, smiling. Im a creative person. Im a good student, but English is my worst subject. Caseys parents encouraged him early on to apply for scholarships. He graduated from Jesup High in May and will attend Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the fall where hell study ministry and leadership. Private college is an expensive endeavor, and Tom and Kay Alferink left it to their son to find scholarships to help pay for it. Kay Alferink didnt know Casey was working on his Duck Tape tux until he was well into the process. When she saw his work, she was astonished. Ive always known he was artistic, but this blew my mind, she said. Its so detailed and colorful. He worked so hard on it, and Im so proud of him. Hundreds of students across the country submitted photos and videos of their Duck prom designs. A panel of judges narrowed the field to 10 finalists based on workmanship, originality, use of colors, accessories and use of Duck brand duct tape. While he felt relief and happiness after learning about the grand jurys decision, Gokal said the ordeal has taken a toll on his family, as his wife's health has been impacted and his children's grades suffered. Gokal said he would still like to work in some capacity in public health but worries the theft accusation has put this in danger. Since he was fired by the county health department, he has worked part time in the emergency departments at two Houston hospitals. For the time being, Im not going hungry and my family is doing OK," he said. Gokal said he and his family, including his two daughters and son, have been grateful for the outpouring of support they have received. So many people reached out, helped in different ways, from GoFundMe (donations) to prayers and messages. Ive been so overwhelmed by that," he said. In March, the Texas Medical Board dismissed an investigation against Gokal, saying he appeared to have administered doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to patients that were properly consented, in the eligible patient category, and they were given doses that would have otherwise been wasted. The fees would be determined upon completion of a gun harm study from the Pacific Institute on Research and Evaluation, a group that promotes individual and public health, welfare, and safety. In a preliminary report released ahead of the vote, the institute estimated that gun-related homicides, suicides and other shootings cost San Jose around $63 million annually. A more thorough study is expected to be completed in the fall. Jaime Bellemare of Brady United Against Gun Violence, the national nonprofit that advocates against gun violence, said there have been other similar laws proposed but San Jose is the first city in the country to have passed one. One challenge to enforce the law will be in determining how to administer the new liability insurance and fee requirements. City officials know how many guns were purchased in San Jose since 2001, Liccardo said, but the city has no gun registry and no way to track gun owners. Earlier this month, city lawmakers passed a new law requiring all retailers to record video and audio of all firearm purchases. San Jose became the largest California city with such a rule. For copyright information, check with the distributor of this item, San Francisco Chronicle. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Heidi Klum is thrilled her daughter is finally ready to embark on her modelling career. The 48-year-old star is "happy" 17-year-old Leni is going to follow in her footsteps as the teenager has spent so long "nagging" her about going out to work as a model. Asked if she was prepared for Leni to start modelling, Heidi told 'The Late Late Show with James Corden': "Yes, because she's been nagging about it for such a long time. "I'm so happy that we finally arrived and she's old enough and can do this, she's 17 now." Heidi also described sharing the cover of a Vogue Germany issue as the handing of the "baton" to her daughter. She said: "I was kind of giving the baton to her." Heidi described seeing her daughter modelling as the "wildest thing" and sometimes sees herself in Leni when she is at work. The 'America's Got Talent' judge explained: "It is the wildest thing. "Sometimes I see myself in her because we're quite goofy and silly and she's on the set, like, being me. It's like a mini-me, but then she's doing her own thing. It's quite a lot of fun to watch." Prince Harry has claimed his grandfather Prince Philip was "adamant" he didn't want to live to be 100. The 36-year-old royal's elderly relative passed away in April, months before he reached the landmark age, and the Duke of Sussex has now spoken out about the family bereavement for the first time. Harry attended a party for the winners of the Wellchild Awards on Wednesday (30.06.21) and met Carmela Chillery-Watson - who won the Inspirational Child 4-6 Years Award for raising more than 50,000 for Muscular Dystrophy UK during lockdown - and her dad Darren. After Darren passed on his condolences, Harry thanked him and said: "He had a great innings. He was 99 and he was adamant that he never wanted to live to 100." Following Philip's death, Harry - who made a surprise appearance at the Wellchild event having completed a five-day quarantine after flying into the UK from his US home last week - remembered the Duke of Edinburgh as a "legend of banter". He said in a statement: "My grandfather was a man of service, honour and great humour. He was authentically himself, with a seriously sharp wit, and could hold the attention of any room due to his charmand also because you never knew what he might say next. I started to laugh when I read about Putin and Xi having a video conference The image of what the western politicians and those who embrace the religion of Russophobia/Sinophobia, will think and do in my mind was a pleasure to behold So I laughed Wanna know what they talked about? Glad you asked Vladimir Putin had a conversation, via videoconference, with President of the Peoples Republic of China Xi Jinping in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the bilateral Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation. Source: Conversation with President of China Xi Jinping President of Russia Always a pleasure to give everyone what they desire. Right here on WtR WtR We publish information about wines grown from certified organic or Biodynamic vineyards that are generally made with sulfites (which are usually added in small amounts to preserve the wine). That includes these certification types: ORGANIC WINE CERTIFICATIONS Made with Organic Grapes Vineyards: certified organic Vinification : less than 100 ppm of sulfites (i.e. a normal range) Winery: certified organic facility Labeling : front or back label Ingredients: Organic Grapes Vineyards : certified organic Vinification: up to 350 ppm of sulfites (same as for any non organic wine) Labeling: back label only BIODYNAMIC CERTIFICATIONS Biodynamic Wine Vineyards : certified biodynamic Yeasts : native Vinification : less than 100 ppm of sulfites; no additives of any kind Winery: certified biodynamic facility Labeling: front or back label; Demeter logo may appear Made with Biodynamic Grapes Vineyards : certified biodynamic Yeasts : native or organic Vinification: less than 100 ppm of sulfites; limited number of additives permitted Winery: certified biodynamic facility Labeling: front or back Note : unlike organically grown wines, for which there is a category called "Ingredients: Organic Grapes," wines sourced from biodynamic grapes may not make any biodynamic claim on the bottle label. Bottle labeling is reserved for Demeter certified wines only. SULFITES IN CONTEXT According to U.C. Davis, t he average among all wines in the U.S. (as well as globally) is 80 ppm. WHAT THE USDA CALLS ORGANIC WINES Unlike any other nation, the U.S. oddly imposes a no sulfite restriction on wines in order for them to be called Organic Wine. These wines are also called NSA or NAS wines (which stands for "No Sulfites Added" or "No Added Sulfites.") From the above description, one can see that there are in fact three types of organically grown wines: 1. Organic Wine (less than 15% of all organically grown wine) 2. Made with Organic Grapes 3. Ingredients: Organic Grapes The vast majority of wines from organic grapes are labeled Made with Organic Grapes, Ingredients: Organic Grapes or are blended with nonorganic grapes and unlabeled. Fine winemakers do not generally make wine without sulfites and a number of large wine retailers like BevMo do not sell wine in the category of "USDA Organic Wine." With rare exceptions, this blog does not cover what the USDA calls "Organic Wine." We are hopeful that the USDA will revise the categorization of organically grown wines and make NSA or NAS wines a category of their own. This would put the U.S. in accord with the rest of the world, where "Organic Wine" means a wine from certified grapes made within limits on sulfites (generally under 100-150 ppm). Malayalam stalwart actor Mohanlals Drishyam 2 skipped its theatrical release due to the COVID second wave and had its direct OTT release on Amazon Prime Video earlier this summer. This Jeethu Joseph directorial, just like its predecessor, won critical acclaim for its suspense and thrill factors. Now, for the first time in Mollywood history, Drishyam 2 becomes the first Malayalam film to have a theatrical release after OTT premiere. Drishyam 2 is all set to release today (July 1) in the UAE-GCC region in over 40 locations. The Gulf and Middle East regions are back on their feet after controlling the pandemic and even theaters are being reopened in full capacity. Drishyam 2 also features Meena, Murali Gopy, Asha Sarath, Ansiba Hassan and Esther Anil in lead roles. Antony Perumbavoor is the producer and hes co-producing the films Telugu remake in association with Suresh Babu. Articles that might interest you: Mario Tamo/Getty Images News En espanol | While efforts to get more Blacks and Hispanics inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccines are bearing some fruit, a new Kaiser Family Foundation report finds that continued lower vaccination rates put these minority groups at a greater risk for the coronavirus, particularly as new variants spread. The good news is recent trends suggest a narrowing of racial gaps in vaccinations at the national level, particularly for Hispanic people, who have received a larger share of vaccinations compared to their share of the total population (32 percent vs. 17 percent), the report says. The KFF analysis is based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of June 28 from the 47 states that track COVID-19 vaccinations by race and ethnicity. The CDC says this data represents race/ethnicity for 57 percent of people who have received at least one dose of a vaccine. "For the first time, KFF researchers say, the share of recent vaccinations received by Black people also surpassed their share of the total population (13 percent vs. 12 percent)." Administration officials have targeted much of their recent effort to reach unvaccinated Americans to minorities, including enlisting religious, civil rights and other community groups. President Joe Biden had set a goal of 70 percent of all adults getting at least one shot by July 4. CDC data show that as of June 30, 66.5 percent of adults age 18 and older had received at least one shot. At the same time, the data show that 87.9 percent of adults age 65 and older have gotten at least one vaccine dose. The president has acknowledged that the 70 percent goal will not be reached for several weeks beyond Independence Day. Update on IDEAQU Investment Sydney, July 1, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Actcelerate International Group Ltd ( NSX:ACT ) is pleased to provide shareholders with an update on its investment with Ideaqu Pte Ltd (IDEAQU), an innovative Australian financial services technology (Fin-Tech) business operating in Singapore and Australia.As announced 1 July 2019, the Company entered into a convertible note deed (Deed) with IDEAQU for an investment of SGD$400k by way of subscribing for convertible notes (Notes). The Notes were for an initial 2-year term, and attracted a coupon of 9% per annum, paid half yearly. IDEAQU have been meeting their coupon payments to date.As foreshadowed at the Company's Annual General Meeting, IDEAQU have been advancing their plans to seek a listing of the business on an international exchange. As part of this process, AIG's investment in the Notes will be converted into equity in the new listed company (Conversion Event).Pursuant to the Deed, and to provide IDEAQU with time to undertake their listing event, the parties have agreed to extend the repayment date of the Notes until the earlier of the Conversion Event or 31 December 2022.About Actcelerate International Group Limited Actcelerate International Group (NSX:ACT) is a Diversified Investment Company whose focus is on the Asia-Pacific market. Our investments focus on four major sectors. These are, Information and Communications Technology, New Age Retail, Financial Services, and Green Technology. The objective of the company is to capture the above-mentioned sectors, that have a high potential for growth, in the Asia-Pacific market. This is as the Asia-Pacific is a single market and production base, and is a competitive economic region within the global economy. We invest in companies and businesses which meet the above-mentioned criteria. We then provide these companies with the opportunity to expand their market coverage. We focus on SMEs and start-up companies in the Asia Pacific that have the potential for continuous growth. We can strengthen our purchasing power by leveraging and co-investment collaborations. Our target companies will be working closely with us in all aspects of business. This gives them an in-depth, better understanding of the nature of the business. It allows us to develop focused strategies to accelerate the growth potential of the business. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... The Latino experience varies from person to person. Thats why Wendy Llinas and her team at PBS created the three-part anthology series The Latino Experience. It will premiere at 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 6, on New Mexico PBS, Channel 5.1. It will repeat at 8 p.m. July 13 and 20. The series features 13 original films made by filmmakers working across genres. The shorts explore a wide range of experiences, perspectives and styles to highlight the rich diversity of the Latino community across the United States and Puerto Rico. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ Llinas, senior director of programming and development at PBS, says the films are for everyone. The stories are universal, she says. It also gives insight to the obstacles that people are going through. These narrative and scripted shorts reflect the joy, creativity, courage, humor, pain and resilience in our communities with top-notch authentic storytelling that reflects the many lived experiences of Latinos/as/x at this moment in history. Films included in The Latino Experience were selected from entries received by PBS after a call for submissions in August. Chosen by a panel of experienced filmmakers, the shorts received funding support as well as a national broadcast as part of the series. It takes a village to make this happen, Llinas says of the series. I think the hardest part was picking from the submissions, because we had so many great ones. We feel very lucky that the filmmakers trust PBS to showcase these pieces on a greater scale. Llinas says that each story explores a journey and that he hopes the audience will be on it as well. The experience of being human are the stories told, she says. There are some talking about the pandemic. Its a mosaic of stories told through film. Thats the feeling I want folks to come away with. We have so many things in common; its our humanity that shines through. Another goal for Llinas was to showcase the diversity within Latino communities. A difficult part of the process was being sensitive to the world today, she says. We needed to find balance between something that is satire and a piece that is more hard hitting and truthful. At the end of the day, its storytelling that shines through, and you want something that will make the viewer pause and take notice. Llinas team continued to work through the pandemic to create the series. Its about bringing new voices to the conversation, she says. Each one of the filmmakers does that. They are shining light on an issue they think is important. Llinas says the series can also be an entry point for people who are curious and want to explore some of these issues. Whether you can relate on a personal level or not, each film is shot beautifully, she says. It will be a great showcase, and hopefully we can do this every year. Theres a lot of potential. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. Spurred by growth among its partner companies, Concentrix Corp. is hiring nearly 200 new employees in Rio Rancho. The company is planning to hire 195 customer service and sales positions in Rio Rancho over the next few months. Mary Scott, vice president of talent delivery at Concentrix, said the push in New Mexico is part of a larger hiring effort by the company. We are experiencing a ton of growth, Scott said. Scott said the jobs can be done at the companys facility in Rio Rancho, located at 6090 Zenith NE, or remotely by workers living locally. All of the jobs will be full-time, though some will be seasonal. Scott added that Concentrix, which provides customer experience solutions for client companies, works with a lot of health care providers in New Mexico, which are particularly busy toward the end of the year with open enrollment needs. However, she said seasonal employees who complete licensing requirements may have the opportunity to move into full-time roles. Most people we find are interested in full-time (roles), Scott said. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The company is offering a range of benefits, including paid training, medical care, paid time off in the first year and access to Concentrix University, an online learning platform provided by the company. Scott did not disclose a salary range, saying pay varies by position. While Concentrix maintains offices across the country, Scott said the Rio Rancho facility is one of just a few in the Southwest. The company doesnt disclose its clients, but Scott said the location has seen growth across various industries. Clients like our Rio Rancho location, Scott said. Anyone interested in learning more can call or text the company at 505-539-0452, or visit www.careers.concentrix.com. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal Los Angeles police arrested a man accused in a 2017 shooting that left a 14-year-old dead and two others injured outside a Dions restaurant in Albuquerque. Albuquerque police spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said 32-year-old Derreck Flocco was arrested last week in the death of Martin Recio. Gallegos said Flocco was a fugitive for more than two years until he was arrested by Los Angeles police the evening of June 24 or the morning of June 25. Detectives traveled to Los Angeles to interview Flocco, he said. He faces charges in LA, but will eventually be extradited to Albuquerque to face charges for the 2017 homicide. A warrant was issued for Floccos arrest in 2019 when he was charged with shooting at or from a motor vehicle resulting in death in the case. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ On July 21, 2017, Recio and two of his friends were shot in a Dions parking lot, near Gibson and University SE. Recio later died at a hospital. According to court records, Flocco shot all three boys during a drug deal. (Flocco) is known to be from California and has only very limited ties to New Mexico, a prosecutor wrote in 2019. The shooting occurred during an alleged drug transaction for which (Flocco) had traveled to New Mexico to oversee. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. The State of New Mexico is taking over operations of the Santa Rosa prison following a historic drop in inmate populations across the state. Spokesman Eric Harrison said the state Corrections Department has entered into a lease agreement to transition the Guadalupe County Correctional Facility to a publicly operated facility. Its the second time the state has taken over operations of a private prison in the past two years. The medium security prison in Santa Rosa, currently run by the GEO Group, is expected to be turned over to the state by November. Although Harrison recently told the Journal there were no plans for the state to take over the facility, he said discussions between the state and GEO over the past few weeks led to the decision. Things just changed by the day, Harrison said, calling the end result the best possible outcome for the state and inmate populations. The decision comes amid a large decrease in prison population levels across New Mexico following a pandemic-related executive order to decrease inmate numbers by the hundreds. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The Guadalupe County prison had operated at 42% capacity over the past few months, with 252 inmates at a prison that can hold 590. Private prison contractors such as GEO Group are typically paid based on the number of beds occupied at their facilities. Harrison said the states mission remains the same in operating prisons despite the population size, while private prisons operate for profit. Four of the 11 prisons in New Mexico, including the Guadalupe County facility, are privately run and hold 42% of the states inmate population. The transition is the second in two years. In 2019, the state took over operations of the Northeast New Mexico Detention Facility in Clayton, also formerly run by GEO group, after the corporation cited issues hiring and keeping staff at the rural prison. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal SANTA FE The Santa Fe Police Department is hoping to lure officers from other agencies with generous signing bonuses, an effort aimed at combating understaffing in the department. The department on Wednesday announced that it is offering a $15,000 signing bonus for lateral officer hires and a pay increase for current officers ranging from 1.2% to 6.06% depending on the officers rank. City government gave the department $423,127 for the salary increases, which averages out to a 4% increase for each funded position, Deputy Chief Ben Valdez said. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The city is offering the bonus and raise to help the agency stay competitive and to show appreciation to staff for the hard work theyve done during the pandemic, Valdez said. SFPD currently has 32 vacancies for uniformed officers. Fully staffed, the department would have 169 officers, meaning it is operating with a 19% shortage. This will help on one hand with retaining our staff (and) on the other hand to also attract other candidates, whether it be entry-level employees or lateral police officers to come and join our team, Valdez said. The bonuses for lateral hires officers working in the state who already have their law enforcement license will be covered through the cost savings on vacant positions, Valdez said. Officers will get $7,500 when theyre first hired and the rest of it after their one-year probationary period ends. For fiscal year 2021, the department was able to hire 11 lateral police officers, which hasnt been possible in a decade. Valdez said lateral officers are a great benefit to the department because they bring experience with them and can hit the streets more quickly because they dont have to go through the training and certification process that police cadets do. In 2018, SFPD lost 38 officers, including 10 to the Albuquerque Police Department, which was offering incentive bonuses to lateral recruits. Valdez said these initiatives aim to help prevent that from occurring again. We lose out because (departing officers) have a lot of institutional knowledge, he said. Its hard to lose that many people in that short a period of time. Since then, Valdez said the city has stepped up to help the department retain and grow its current staff. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. First, the apology, and its an effusive one, an earnest one in my opinion, and one that Geckos restaurateur Wally Minoli repeats again and again throughout our interview. I was an idiot, he says. I made a mistake. I embarrassed myself. I am sorry. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ You may have seen what Minoli is sorry about. He posted a sign on the front door of his Nob Hill bar and restaurant about being short staffed and unable to serve food Saturday night. Geckos is closing our kitchen tonight due to lack of staff, it read. But he didnt stop there. Special thank you to our Nazi in Santa Fe and our socialist in D.C. for trying to buy votes with extended benefits. He might as well have lighted his restaurant on fire. A photo of the sign went viral on social media. People were livid, vowing never to set foot in his establishments again. As a business owner you need to respect both political sides, one commenter wrote. They just offended at least 51% of Albuquerque! How idiotic! Cant get away with slave wages anymore, Geckos, another person retorted. And still another: The only thing shocking about this is that they managed to stay in business this long. Buh-bye. Such signs are common these days at restaurants and other low-wage businesses coming out of the COVID-19 shutdown and unable to find enough staff to open fully. The most polarizing signs accuse workers of being too lazy or too busy reaping the largesse of unemployment benefits. Sadly, due to government handouts no one wants to work anymore is a common refrain never mind that what some of them offer a potential employee are low wages, crummy conditions, crummy customers, the continued threat of catching COVID-19 and little chance for advancement. Employees are all working overtime every week to cover shifts because no one wants to work, a sign at Casa Taco reads. Kitchens are hot, hours are long, stress is high. Well, gosh, who wouldnt want to work under those conditions? Despite what his sign suggests, Minoli said he is a Libertarian and voted twice for Libertarian candidate (and former New Mexico Gov.) Gary Johnson for president. He voted for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and has contributed thousands of dollars to both her gubernatorial and congressional campaigns since 2008, according to OpenSecrets.org. Recently, though, he became frustrated with comments attributed to Lujan Grisham and President Joe Biden indicating that the labor shortage was not the result of pandemic stimulus checks and extended unemployment benefits. Minoli says his experience suggests that it is. He says applicants for line cooks arent interested in the job. They submit applications online and then turn down the job, even before asking the salary and hours. Theyre just applying as a requirement to keep their unemployment, he says. The last two applicants who did show up for an interview said they would work if they were paid $15 an hour in cash under the table so they could still receive unemployment benefits, he says. The second guy wanted to be paid daily in cash, he says. He estimates that 95% of the negative comments hes received are not about the name-calling but about how much or how little he pays his line cooks. They call me a cheapskate, he says. But I pay at or better than market rates. He pays $13 an hour to start, more depending on experience, he says. A check of salary.com and Indeed, a job platform, where 140 openings for line cook jobs in Albuquerque are now listed, supports his claim. Its above New Mexicos $10.50-an-hour minimum wage, below the so-called living wage of $15 an hour. Minoli says he has never struggled this much to hire cooks since buying the Nob Hill Geckos in 2002 and adding the Academy site in 2006. Rarely, he says, have cooks left him to work at other restaurants even upscale Scalo, next door in Nob Hill. On Monday, Minoli issued a public apology on Facebook. It said, in part: Saturday night I made a very stupid decision and referred to our Governor as a Nazi and President Biden as a socialist. I am embarrassed that I made this statement. What happened to the Jews during the holocaust was reprehensible. It is not what I believe. The staff at Geckos issued a lengthy response: We, the workers of Geckos Bar and Tapas at Nob Hill, find Wallys statement posted on Saturday 6/26 to be unprofessional, unacceptable and offensive. It is not our desire to at all defend or shelter Wally and we hope to use this as a learning experience to make our establishment more welcoming to all members of our community. The employees also demanded that Minoli apologize directly to Lujan Grisham, the Jewish community and to them, saying that they have already been hurt personally and financially by his sign. We ask the community to stand with the staff of Geckos as we decide what steps to take going forward, they said. Minoli said he has sent a written apology via text to Lujan Grisham and a letter of apology to the Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque. The governor responded early Wednesday, leaving a voicemail acknowledging that she had received his message and appreciated it. She also said she had some ideas going forward, left her work number and invited him to call her. Minoli said the two communicated further and that the governor plans to visit his establishment at some point, and the two would talk further. As for apologizing to his staff, he said he has begun to speak to each one individually and is setting up a meeting to speak to the Nob Hill staff as a whole. In addition, he is closing the Nob Hill location for a week to give staff time off with pay and away from the tumult. It will reopen Wednesday. The Academy location will remain open. Two blocks east of Geckos in Nob Hill, The Farmacy restaurant also struggles to find enough line cooks. It offers a full-time annual salary of $26,000, slightly less than Geckos. On Monday, The Farmacy announced prices would be raised to pay staff more. Public response has been warm and approving. Its easy to suggest that paying employees more will eradicate the labor shortage, but its a far more complex issue, and not every restaurant would survive an increase in prices. Its also easy to boycott a restaurant, but its the employees who suffer the most. The service industry is facing a reckoning, and in many ways, thats a good thing. For now, may I suggest we accept genuine apologies, tip well and remind restaurateurs that serving up a side of polarizing and demeaning politics leaves a very bad taste. UpFront is a front-page news and opinion column. Reach Joline at 730-2793, jkrueger@abqjournal.com, Facebook or @jolinegkg on Twitter. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... The gorgeous vermilion flycatcher is one of my favorite birds and I never tire of looking at it. This little 6-inch flycatcher is a showstopper. It has a brilliant red head and chest, with a dark back and dark eye stripe. The vermilion flycatchers genus name is Pyrocephalus which translates to fire-headed. The female is not as showy and has more subtle coloration, including a cream-colored breast, light brown back and pinkish belly. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ This flycatcher is common throughout Central and South America, and its summer nesting range does enter parts of the southwestern U.S., including southern to central New Mexico. One of the best places to view this attractive flycatcher is at Percha Dam and Caballo Lake state parks, south of Truth or Consequences. I have seen the vermilion flycatcher as far north as Socorro. The vermilion flycatcher prefers scrubby desert areas and grassy meadows with a mix of trees near streams or rivers. This desert riparian habitat provides the needed insects this flycatcher relies on. All flycatchers, including the vermilion have extraordinary vision which enables them, while in flight, to track and grab fast-moving insects in mid-air. All birds process images more than twice as fast as humans, and flycatchers are the fastest processing of any birds tested. Vermilion flycatchers sit on exposed branches and swoop out to grab insects in mid-air, often returning to the same perch to consume their prey. This behavior of returning to the same perch makes viewing flycatchers somewhat easier than many other birds. The vermilion flycatchers foods include small flying insects, as well as larger prey like butterflies, honey bees, beetles and grasshoppers. During spring and summer nesting season the male vermilion flycatcher puts on quite an elaborate flight display to attract the attention of a nearby female. The male flaps its wings and glides up to 60-to-100-feet in the air while singing. During courtship the male will often bring a colorful insect, like a butterfly, as a gift to the female. The male aggressively defends the nesting territory from other males and predators. Vermilion flycatchers nest up to 10,000 feet in elevation. This flycatcher depends on somewhat fragile desert riparian habitat for its survival. Human development, which includes water use, can negatively affect this type of habitat. Fortunately, the vermilion flycatcher is common in its range and currently has a stable population. Mary Schmauss is the owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Albuquerque. A lifelong birder and author of For the Birds: A Month-by-Month Guide to Attracting Birds to your Backyard. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... JINGGANGSHAN, China Backs straight, heads high, three dozen Communist Party members in red neckties who hope for leadership posts belt out a poem by revolutionary leader Mao Zedong at a historic mountainside battle site in central China. We stay upright even as were surrounded by countless enemy forces! declare the men and women, who are on a two-week course at the China Executive Leadership Academy. Together, we will defeat the enemy! As the party celebrates the 100th anniversary of its 1921 founding, training centers such as the one in Jinggangshan play a key role in efforts by President Xi Jinpings government to extend its control over a changing society. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ Drawn from among its 95 million members, ambitious people at state companies and government offices are schooled in an idealized version of the partys early revolutionary fervor before Maos guerrillas fought their way to national power in 1949. Zhou Xiaojing, who works at a political training center for the Chinese central bank in the central city of Zhengzhou, described Jinggangshan as a spiritual shock and a kind of baptism. When I came here, I felt that my belief as a member of the Communist Party has become firmer, said Zhou, 49 and a party member since 2009. Their education of party spirit, theory and ability are thirst-quenching. Trainees say they want to serve the public, but people who are picked for higher party posts also receive benefits including more influence and quicker promotions at state companies, universities and government ministries. Party schools are meant to promote the faithful and ensure they ask no questions about the top leadership and party ideology, said Willy Lam, a politics specialist at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Xi, who took power as the Communist Partys general secretary in 2012, launched a campaign in February to increase teaching of party history. That official history skips over a 1959-61 famine caused by Maos policies that killed as many as 50 million people, the millions killed in the ultra-radical violence of the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution launched by Mao and the deadly 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy protests under then-supreme leader Deng Xiaoping. It is silent on power struggles among party leaders and complaints of rampant corruption and other abuses. Xi hopes the party can preserve the myth that it has always been correct and brilliant in promoting Chinas position in the world, Lam said. The campus in Jinggangshan, an early site where Maos army developed, is one of three nationwide for the Leadership Academy, which caters to high-ranking professionals and party officials. The China Daily newspaper said in 2016 that the party has a total of 2,900 training centers nationwide at different levels of government, ranging from county to provincial. The 44-acre (18-hectare) campus in the mountains of Jiangxi province has dormitories and an auditorium, library and cafeteria. Participants in the two-week Jinggangshan Spirit course spend 6 1/2 hours a day in class starting at 8:30 a.m., with occasional evening events. Students took a field trip to Huangyangjie, where Maos guerrillas fought off enemy forces on Aug. 30, 1928. According to party history, the Communists were outnumbered but repelled the attack. Mao heard about the victory on his way to Jinggangshan and celebrated by writing the poem recited by the students. This spirit of sacrifice and dedication for the party and the people is very remarkable and profound, said another trainee, Wei Yanju, deputy chairwoman of the Womens Federation in the eastern province of Shandong. I hope everyone can come to understand China and see how superior and great China is, she said. Party members are required to take at least 32 sessions of training per year. Some leadership posts require 56 sessions. Party officials know that being sent to certain select classes at a party school may indicate a bright future for them in the party, said Charlotte Lee, author of the book Training the Party: Party Adaptation and Elite Training in Reform-era China. They have to demonstrate loyalty and certain skills in return, said Lee, who teaches at Berkeley City College. Yao Yuzhen, an instructor at the school whose grandfather was a Red Army soldier, conceded that while promotions are not guaranteed, students will make better progress after the course. Thats for sure, she said with a chuckle. Foreign reporters were invited on a tour of the Jinggangshan campus ahead of the partys anniversary festivities this week. Photos of Xi were shown at the front of a lecture hall as an instructor introduced Xis speeches and highlighted the importance of party spirit and history. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out clearly in his speech that the 100 years of our party is the 100 years when we were committed to fulfilling the original mission, said Prof. Chen Shenghua, head of the academys party history education research center. Studying party history is the obligation of every party member, cadre, mass and youth, he said. The primary political task for party members is to study and implement Xi Jinpings thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, according to the training plan for party members. A plan for higher-level members requires that Xi Jinping Thought be the main focus of teachings, and that theoretical and party spirit account for at least 70% of class hours. The Jinggangshan curriculum focuses on the partys early days in 1927-35 and Maos battles with the Nationalist government. Lectures jump over the following decades to modern successes in fighting poverty and the coronavirus. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, we mobilized the whole country, said the instructor, Liu Qiufu, and we won the war against the epidemic. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... BEIJING Cannons roared, bands played and fighter jets soared overhead as thousands of carefully selected participants gathered in Beijings iconic Tiananmen Square Thursday for a ceremony marking the centenary of the ruling Communist Party. Meanwhile, Hong Kong held its own annual commemorations of its 1997 handover from British to Chinese rule, given added significance this year by the party centenary and the arrests of political activists and journalists following Beijings imposition of a sweeping national security law on the city last year. Chinese President and party leader Xi Jinping delivered a lengthy address to the Beijing crowd from atop Tiananmen Gate, where Mao Zedong declared the founding of the Peoples Republic in 1949, praising the partys successes and warning of dire consequences for any foreign force that sought to bully, oppress or enslave the country. Dressed in a grey, high-buttoned suit of the type worn by Mao, Xi didnt identify whom he was referring to, but the party centenary comes amid rising tensions with the U.S., Britain, the European Union and Chinas Asian neighbors with whom it has territorial disputes. Xi also called for further development of Chinas military, the worlds largest, and reiterated Beijings determination to bring self-governed Taiwan under its control, receiving extended applause from the soldiers, officials, military musicians and others seated on the vast square. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ Celebrations in Hong Kong were more muted, although city officials ensured that Chinese national flags were on display and the logo of the centenary celebration was plastered on buses and trams. While the territorys leader, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, attended the festivities in Beijing, her deputy, Chief Secretary John Lee, said the national security law stipulates that human rights be respected and allows residents to enjoy freedom of the press and free assembly despite a ban on large-scale protests, the arrest of political critics and the closure of the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily after journalists and executives were detained and funds frozen. On Thursday morning, a group of four activists marched through city streets calling for the release of people imprisoned for involvement in opposition politics. Police sealed off Victoria Park until recently the site of annual pro-democracy rallies marking the 1997 handover and put up flags warning people that they could be prosecuted if they enter or remain in the enclosed area. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal Detectives have arrested an 18-year-old accused of fatally shooting a man outside a motel in Southeast Albuquerque in March. Yonnis Abreu is charged with an open count of murder in the March 23 death of Dylon Spiess, 29. He was booked into the Metropolitan Detention Center early Thursday morning. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ It is unclear if he has an attorney. So far, Albuquerque police have made 18 arrests in 65 homicides that have taken place so far in 2021. According to a criminal complaint filed in Metropolitan Court: Officers responded around 4 p.m. to a shooting at the American Inn and Suites on Central, near Louisiana. They found Spiess fatally shot on a second-floor walkway. He died at a hospital. The manager told police he heard a gunshot and found Spiess on the ground, but cameras may have captured the incident. Surveillance footage showed a man with distinctive tattoos and dyed blond hair running from the scene with a gun. Detectives found a man matching the description of the suspect in Facebook photos of one of the hotel guests and traced it to Abreus profile. Then, during a separate homicide investigation at the hotel, police found a phone with a selfie of the suspect in its camera roll. On June 30, the detective was conducting a separate investigation when he saw Abreu outside the Rags to Riches Smoke Shop, near Central and Wyoming. Abreu agreed to speak with police, through a translator, and told them he had been staying with a friend at the American Inn and Suites. When confronted with the photo from the surveillance camera, Abreu denied being involved. (Abreu) began to cry and became visibly upset as he was presented photos of him and his distinct tattoos and hair that matches the photo from the homicide investigation, the detective wrote. The officers told Abreu they knew it was him and wanted to know what happened, and Abreu requested a lawyer. Prosecutors filed a motion to detain Abreu until trial, saying he had no regard for the safety of the victim when he pointed a gun at him and shot him. No one in our community should live in fear of coming into contact with a suspected killer, the motion states. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... TUCSON, Ariz. Pima County Constable Oscar Vasquez has been suspended for nearly six months for allegedly refusing to serve an eviction while waiting for the tenant to find another housing option. Vasquez serves eviction papers and other legal summons in Justice Precinct 4. The Arizona Daily Star reported that the state ethics board that oversees constables performance asked Vasquez to resign from his position while asking the county Board of Supervisors to suspend him 180 days without pay. Supervisors voted 3-2 last week to suspend Vasquez, according to the Star. The Constable Ethics, Standards and Training Board voted unanimously to urge Vasquez to resign from his elected position. Vasquez wrote in response to the complaint that he has never nor will not put an evicted Pima County resident in a worse situation by making them homeless due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and housing crisis, adding that it is morally wrong and unjust. The Star reported that the ethics board found Vasquez deliberately disobeyed a lawful order by delaying a writ of restitution for five days without a Centers for Disease Control declaration protecting the tenant from eviction. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. A historical plaque memorializing the dozens of Native American children who died while attending a boarding school in New Mexico more than a century ago has gone missing, sparking concern among Indigenous activists. Members of the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women are among those pushing the city of Albuquerque to investigate. The small plaque was in a park near the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and the original site of the Albuquerque Indian School. The plaque noted the site of a burial ground for students who attended the school between 1882 and 1933. They included children from the Navajo Nation, Zuni Pueblo and Apache tribes. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The removal of the plaque comes as the U.S. government embarks on a nationwide investigation aimed at uncovering the troubling history of boarding schools that sought to assimilate Indigenous youth into white society over many decades. U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced the massive undertaking last month while addressing tribal leaders from across the nation. Advocacy groups have praised the effort as a first step toward acknowledging what many have referred to as a dark history. Coalition member Jovita Belgarde who is Isleta, Ohkay Owingeh and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa said the discovery of the missing plaque added insult to injury. Many Indigenous families have been reeling since hearing about the bodies of hundreds of children being uncovered at the sites of boarding schools in Canada. The launch of the Interior Departments investigation also has stirred unresolved feelings in the U.S. Belgarde sees the recent taking of the plaque as a continuation of efforts to silence Indigenous voices and perpetuation of violence against Indigenous people. These atrocities people talk about them like theyre in the past. These are not the distant past, she told The Associated Press. These actions left deep scars for many of our elders, our families, our friends and many people have not had any support to heal that trauma and have had to live with this pain and silence for generations. Albuquerque officials said Thursday they are working with tribal leaders, historical experts and others to determine the next steps with regard to the missing plaque. They also noted that a public art piece and a second plaque that references the history of the site are still at the park. As we continue to work with the respective leaders on this issue, we urge the public to respect the cultural and spiritual significance of this site, city parks director Dave Simon said in a statement. With more light being shined on past boarding school policies, tribal governors from around New Mexico have advocated for accountability and justice. All Pueblo Council of Governors Chairman Wilfred Herrera Jr., who is from Laguna Pueblo, said recounting what Pueblo parents and children experienced has been painful. While some of our children endured years of abuse for speaking our languages, practicing our cultures, and maintaining our traditions, the unbearable truth is that many of our young never returned to their Pueblo homelands, ever, he said in a statement. The Albuquerque Indian School was started in 1881 by the Presbyterian Church. It came under federal control a few years later and was among hundreds of known boarding schools across the country. The school closed in the 1980s, and the property was put into trust for New Mexicos 19 pueblos. The buildings eventually were torn down, and a tribal development corporation is working to make it a commercial hub. Aside from determining the fate of the missing plaque, Belgarde said advocates want an investigation into the site overall in hopes of turning up more information about exactly how many children might have been buried there. She said the site demands more reverence, and city officials need to be transparent about how they proceed. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal SANTA FE Health Secretary Tracie Collins a key figure in New Mexicos response to the pandemic plans to leave the governors Cabinet later this month and return to the University of New Mexico. Collins, a physician, took over the Department of Health in December and led the agency as it oversaw the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ She accepted the state job with the understanding that she might return to academia after overseeing the vaccinations, according to a statement by the Governors Office. Her tenure coincided with a critical period in the pandemic, taking over as New Mexico faced then-record highs in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Collins departure this month comes after recent turnover in the leadership of the departments of Workforce Solutions and General Services. Information Technology Secretary John Salazar also plans to retire July 30, citing family health concerns. Altogether, nearly half of the Cabinet-level department jobs have changed hands since Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham took office in 2019. Eleven departments have had different leaders, and 12 have had the same secretary. Collins said she was grateful to her colleagues in the Department of Health and to Lujan Grisham for her faith in her skills. Im proud of the work weve done to protect New Mexicans, Collins said, especially with our emphasis on equity and reaching underserved populations. David Scrase, secretary of the Human Services Department, which runs the Medicaid program, will take over the Department of Health on top of his other duties. It will be a temporary assignment. Scrase is a physician who has helped shaped New Mexicos response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lujan Grisham has called him New Mexicos own Dr. Fauci, a reference to Anthony Fauci, who has served as an adviser to then-President Donald Trump and now President Joe Biden. I ask a lot of Dr. Scrase, and that wont stop any time soon, Lujan Grisham said in a news release. Throughout the pandemic, he has shown his quality day-in, day-out, as a leader who gets the most out of people and as someone who digs into the data and helps us find the right answers. Before joining the state Department of Health, Collins served as dean of UNMs College of Population Health. As health secretary, Collins makes about $156,000 a year the standard amount that most Cabinet secretaries get. She is set to step down at the end of July. In an interview, Rep. Christine Trujillo, an Albuquerque Democrat and chairwoman of the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee, said she heard nothing but good things about Collins work as a Cabinet secretary. Trujillo said she was surprised to hear Collins will leave but that turnover in highly scrutinized Cabinet jobs is to be expected. I think its par for the course, she said of the changes. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal Sir Richard Branson plans to fly to space aboard Virgin Galactics SpaceShipTwo Unity on July 11 beating out Amazons Jeff Bezos, if weather and technical checks go as planned. Virgin Galactic announced the new flight the ships fourth rocket-powered spaceflight with a crew onboard Thursday afternoon in a press release. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ It will also be the first to carry a full crew of two pilots and four mission specialists in the cabin, including the companys founder, Sir Richard Branson, who will be testing the private astronaut experience, the release said. Unity will launch from Spaceport America in southern New Mexico while attached to the underbelly of mothership VMS Eve. Eve will fly to about 50,000 feet, at which point the rocket will break away and fire up its motors to shoot into space at 50 miles up. Passengers will float for a few minutes in microgravity and view the Earths curvature before gliding back to Spaceport America. Speculation around a specific launch date has run rampant since Virgin Galactic successfully launched Unity into space in a test flight from the Spaceport on May 22. That milestone put the companys space program back on track after a failed attempt to reach space in December. After Bezos previously announced plans to fly to space July 20 aboard Blue Origins New Shepard rocket from West Texas, media outlets suggested that Branson could look to launch ahead of that planned flight, potentially as soon as the July 4 weekend, according to previous Journal reporting. The company had denied those reports. Virgin Galactics stock price, which was just over $43 per share at the close of markets, spiked to over $52 per share in after-hours trading at about 5 p.m. Virgin Galactics flight will allow the company to evaluate the commercial customer cabin with a full crew. The company intends to look at factors like seat comfort, the weightless experience and views of Earth, among other objectives, according to the release. Three mission specialists will accompany Branson: chief astronaut instructor Beth Moses, lead operations engineer Colin Bennett and Sirisha Bandla, vice president of government affairs and research operations, according to the release. The pilots will be Dave Mackay and Michael Masucci flying Unity, and CJ Sturckow and Kelly Latimer flying Eve. Additionally, the flight will be livestreamed to a global audience through Virgin Galactics website, along with the companys channels on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Several New Mexico officials praised the announcement. In a prepared statement, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said the state is excited to share this moment with the world. New Mexico has always been a hub for exploration, and the dawn of space tourism is happening right here, Lujan Grisham said. New Mexico Economic Development Secretary Alicia Keyes described the launch as a huge moment for Spaceport America and New Mexico. By investing in the aerospace industry, New Mexico continues to demonstrate its commitment to diversifying its economy, Keyes said. Scott McLaughlin, executive director of Spaceport America, told the Journal that it has been a challenging path to get to this point, but said the states hard work is paying off. The people of New Mexico own Spaceport America, and I think they should be very proud, McLaughlin said. Instagram Celebrity The former Disney actor has threatened his accuser with legal action as he is facing a felony charge for alleged inappropriate communication with a minor. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - An attorney for former child star Kyle Massey is threatening legal action against the girl at the centre of his sexual communication scandal. Police in Washington filed a charge of communication with a minor for immoral purposes against the ex-Disney actor, amid claims suggesting he sent an unnamed female inappropriate text messages, videos, and images of his erect penis vis Snapchat between December 2018 and January 2019. The purported victim was just 13 at the time, and originally sued Massey in March, 2019, seeking $1.5 million (1 million) in a civil suit, which she subsequently abandoned in favour of taking her complaint to authorities. Massey denied any misconduct following the initial news of the lawsuit, claiming he was being extorted, and he is again fighting the accusations via his attorney, Lee A. Hutton. The representative explains his client was a no-show for Monday's (28Jun21) arraignment hearing because he was not properly notified of the charge, which he only learned about through media coverage, and insists Massey is only being targetted by the teen out of revenge for her failed civil suit. In a statement issued to TMZ, Hutton writes, "(Massey) intends to aggressively defend these accusations again and will seek civil damages from those that refuse to hear the facts." He adds, "We plan to seek an early dismissal (of the charge), finally putting this bad behavior to rest." Despite Massey's denial of any wrongdoing, the scandal has already cost him one endorsement deal - bosses at vaping company Dr. Dabber have decided to cut ties with the former "That's So Raven" star, just weeks after recruiting him as a brand ambassador on a trial basis. Associated Press Celebrity The women, who accused the 'Cosby Show' actor of sexual assault, have voiced concerns over the decision by Philadelphia Supreme Court to overturn the guilty verdict. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - Pennsylvania prosecutors are adamant Bill Cosby isn't really exonerated just because his sexual assault conviction was overturned on a legal technicality. "The Cosby Show" star was officially released from prison on Wednesday afternoon (30Jun21), hours after judges at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court tossed out the funnyman's 2018 conviction for drugging and sexually assaulting Temple University staff member Andrea Constand at his home in 2004. They agreed with allegations suggesting his trial was unfair because five accusers were allowed to give "decades-old" testimony that prejudiced the jury against the actor, who has always protested his innocence. Judges also claimed authorities had reneged on a deal offered to Cosby by a former prosecutor, who declined to originally file charges regarding the Constand case and allowed him to speak freely in a deposition for an old civil suit, which was subsequently used as evidence against the comedian. However, Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin R. Steele insists Cosby's release doesn't change his guilt. He states, "The majority decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court orders the release of William H. Cosby Jr. from state prison. He was found guilty by a jury and now goes free on a procedural issue that is irrelevant to the facts of the crime." "I want to commend Cosby's victim Andrea Constand for her bravery in coming forward and remaining steadfast throughout this long ordeal, as well as all of the other women who have shared similar experiences," Steele continues. "My hope is that this decision will not dampen the reporting of sexual assaults by victims. "Prosecutors in my office will continue to follow the evidence wherever and to whomever it leads. We still believe that no one is above the law - including those who are rich, famous and powerful." Meanwhile, some of Cosby's alleged victims have voiced their concerns about allowing the actor to simply walk free, weeks after he was denied parole, partly due to a lack of remorse for his crimes. Sammie Mays, who accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her in the 1980s, has blasted the ruling as "disrespectful and despicable" for Constand, while Angela Leslie tells TMZ, "I'm surprised and shocked with today's news of Cosby's release. It seems the justice system served the criminal, in this case, as opposed to the victims." And former model Beth Ferrier, who was allegedly raped by Cosby in 1984, is equally as disgusted over the overturned conviction. "It's bulls**t! I think it's all bulls**t," she told the New York Post. "It's money and power. He's so guilty of what he did. It doesn't matter, and it sets a precedent. It's not OK... I'm floored by it. He's guilty. We got him in prison." Ferrier is concerned Cosby will now try to cash in on his release, fuming, "What will we get from it? He took everything from us. I'm anxious to see what comes of this. He is guilty, I lived through it." Instagram Celebrity After the comedian got arrested for allegedly assaulting Lucas Crawford with a metal chair, his representative accuses his former partner of manipulating and dominating their relationship. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - Funnyman Andy Dick is pleading self-defence over allegations he attacked an ex-lover. The comedian, who was arrested for allegedly assaulting former boyfriend Lucas Crawford with a metal chair on Saturday, June 26, has been released from custody on bail, and now claims he was the victim and his ex broke his leg. Dick's representative told Page Six, "Lucas came to Andy's apartment that day already in a bad mood. They were play fighting and razzing each other and Andy says next thing he knew, things turned serious for Lucas." The actor adds Crawford "body-slammed" his leg, and he threw the chair in an effort to get away. "My femur got broken and my ankle got shattered and the tendons and ligaments on the other side are ripped off the bone," Andy says. "I was limping and it hurt and then we got into another fight and I threw a chair. He just has a little cut. I am in a cast. We wrestled and... he's just too strong." His rep adds, "Andy didn't want to report Lucas. As a friend, he's tried to help Lucas on several occasions, including giving him money and a place to crash when he's needed it. Lucas is obviously an individual who has manipulated and dominated his relationship with Andy." Dick is also upset that news of his arrest was leaked by his fiancee, Elisa Jordana, on her YouTube show, "Kermit and Friends", on Tuesday, June 29. "He could have killed him," she said of Crawford, revealing that there were signs that something was about to go wrong in her troubled fiance's life. "It was getting worse and worse and worse," she added. "Every day there was some kind of problem. There are warning signs with people. It doesn't happen out of the blue. When I heard he was in jail, I wasn't that surprised." Dick has had countless run-ins with Los Angeles police and in 2019 he was sentenced to 14 days behind bars for sexual battery after assaulting a woman. The year before, he pleaded not guilty to one count of misdemeanor sexual battery for allegedly groping his male Uber driver. Also in 2018, Dick's estranged wife was granted a domestic violence restraining order against her husband. He was required to move out of the family home and stay away from her and their children. WENN/Joseph Marzullo Celebrity Among celebrities calling out the Clair Huxtable depicter on 'The Cosby Show' are William Baldwin, author Julie Klausner and broadcaster Gretchen Carlson. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - Phylicia Rashad has addressed backlash over her support for Bill Cosby. Hours after she celebrated her former "The Cosby Show" co-star's prison release, the Clair Huxtable depicter on the sitcom insisted that she didn't mean to be "insensitive." The 73-year-old offered her clarification via Twitter on Wednesday, June 30. "I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward. My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth. Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects. My heartfelt wish is for healing," she stated. Phylicia Rashad addressed backlash over her support for Bill Cosby. Phylicia's post came just hours after she expressed her joy about Bill's release from jail. She tweeted, "FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!" Many of the actress' famous pals, however, condemned her support for the 83-year-old comedian. One in particular was William Baldwin who wrote, "The bye Phylicia to end all bye Phylicia's." The "Difficult People" creator and former star Julie Klausner questioned, "why phylicia." Also criticizing Phylicia was broadcaster Gretchen Carlson. The latter complained, "Phylicia! #BillCosby being released from prison on a technicality is a complete miscarriage of justice & will never be an exoneration for the brutal crimes he committed against women. The world is now woke & women will no longer be silenced. You should be ashamed of yourself." William Baldwin, Julie Klausner and Gretchen Carlson slammed Phylicia Rashad for supporting Bill Cosby. Other celebrities also slammed the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision for vacating Bill's 2018 rape conviction. "I know many young women and men who are so Afraid to press charges against their rapist and Re traumatize themselves I am heartbroken today to hear of the news of Cosby's release .this is sickening. My heart is with my sister survivors. We have work to do," Rosanna Arquete raged on Twitter. Debra Messing, meanwhile, noted on her own page, "To every woman who was sexual assaulted by #BillCosby my heart hurts for you today and I am full fury. It's horrifying." Padma Lakshmi argued, "Cosby drugged and raped 60 women. Do they not deserve 'fairness' and justice?" Rosanna Arquete, Debra Messing and Padma Lakshmi condemned court's decision for vacating Bill Cosby's 2018 rape conviction. "This is why people don't come forward," the author further fumed. "This is why urging people to 'press charges' falls short, as long as wealthy & powerful men can rape & sexually assault people for decades with impunity #MeToo." Instagram Celebrity In the viral clip, the 29-year-old Australian model shows off one of its bra that she modeled to share how she was left with no other choice than being underweight. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - Former Victoria's Secret model Bridget Malcolm criticized the brand in a scathing TikTok video, which has gone viral. In the clip, she showed off one of its bra that she modeled back in 2016 to share how she was left with no other choice than being underweight. "I found my bra from the 2016 Victoria's Secret fashion show. It is a size 30A, I am now a size 34B which is healthy for me," the 29-year-old said the in the clip. She then put the bra on before demonstrating how it looked too small for her now-healthy body. Bridget then showed some pictures of her wearing the 30A bra while participating in the fashion show. "Look how big it was on me, the sadness behind my eyes from the 2016 show breaks my heart," she went on to say. Elsewhere in the video, she accused Ed Razek, the former chief marketing officer for L Brands, rejected her from a 2017 fashion show due to her body. "I was rejected from the show in 2017 by [former VS CMO] Ed Razek. He said, 'My body did not look good enough,' " she recalled. Concluding the video, Bridget added, "Victorias Secret your performative allyship is a joke." In response to the model's scathing video, the company said in a statement, "There is a new leadership team at Victoria's Secret who is fully committed to the continued transformation of the brand with a focus on creating an inclusive environment for our associates, customers and partners to celebrate, uplift and champion all women." This is not the first time for Bridget to speak out against Victoria's Secret. Back in 2018, the Australian beauty claimed that Malcolm first spoke out about Victorias Secret and the modeling industry in a 2018 interview with Harper's Bazaar that she had eating disorder that "left her with a ruined digestive system and chronic anxiety" because of her time as a model for the brand. Her TikTok video arrives after Victoria's Secret announced its brand makeover with two new initiatives, The VS Collective and The Victoria's Secret Global Fund for Women's Cancers. The lingerie retailer's VS Collective features Priyanka Chopra, Megan Rapinoe and many other "accomplished women who share a common passion to drive positive change," Victoria's Secret announced in a press release. WENN/Avalon Celebrity The 44-year-old wrestling star and actor has been known to not wanting kids as it was the biggest reason why he and ex-fiancee Nikki Bella split after six years of being together. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - It seems like John Cena is changing his mind when it comes to having children. The "Fast & Furious 9" star talked about being open to having children after his marriage to wife Shay Shariatzadeh in a new interview with The Sun. The 44-year-old former athlete mentioned to the news outlet that he realized that he's getting older and being a parent is inevitable. "I'm a little bit older, a bit wiser. I'm realizing there is life and life exists and it's beautiful - and I think part of that is being a parent, so we'll see," so he shared. Cena and Shay tied the knot in 2020 after several months of dating. The pair first met in her hometown of Vancouver, British Columbia while working on the film "Playing With Fire". They then were spotted out-and-about in Vancouver holding hands and having an outdoor dinner date before making their red carpet debut in October 2019. It's reported that the pair had secretly tied the knot in a private ceremony in Tampa on October 12, 2020. John has not confirmed the secret nuptials reports. He, however, seemed to hint at his newlywed status as he shared a cryptic quote on Twitter on Monday, " 'I will be happy if I only get (x).' This is a great way to mold an entire life spent chasing happiness and never finding joy." The wrestling star was known to not wanting kids as it was the biggest reason why he and ex-fiancee Nikki Bella split. Sharing in an episode of "Total Bellas", Nikkie said that she didn't want to "force" him into having kids. Nikki went on to say in an interview with PEOPLE, "Even in the end when he was willing to give me kids, I could just tell, it's not what we wanted," she reflected in an interview with People. Nikki and John decided to end their one-year engagement after being together for six years. Instagram/WENN Movie Aside from talking about the missed opportunity, the actor husband of Barbra Streisand gets candid about the reason why he also turned down the chance to play Superman. Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - James Brolin missed out on playing James Bond when Roger Moore signed on to portray 007 in one more film. The TV and movie veteran had nailed the role and was actually preparing to play Bond in Britain when Moore announced he wanted to make another film. "[Bond boss] Cubby Broccoli hired me... We spent time together because Roger Moore was gonna quit to be a movie star," Brolin tells Access Daily. "At the last minute, he said, 'No, I'll do one more!' By then, I was back getting all my stuff together... I had my flat in London." Timothy Dalton eventually replaced Moore as 007. Brolin also turned down the chance to play Superman, because he didn't like the idea of parading around in tights all day. "What are they, red and blue, and you're hanging up there on a wire...? Get me down," he adds. It was not the first time Brolin talked about losing Bond role to Moore. In a previous interview with Parade magazine, he recalled, "What happened is that Roger Moore said he'd never do another Bond movie. So the producers asked me to go to London and start working out and do a screen test." "It all went well and I was ready. Two weeks later, Roger agreed to go back. But it didn't take me a long time to get over it because the whole thing was absurdly wonderful," the actor husband of Barbra Streisand went on to explain why he did not regret it. "I look at it as a gift." Instagram Celebrity Confirming that she once dated the 'Million Dollar Listing New York' star, the 'Real Housewives of New York City' regular reveals that her hookup with him occurred at a 'humanity event.' Jul 1, 2021 AceShowbiz - Sonja Morgan has revealed that she once dated Ryan Serhant. When recalling her past romance with the "Million Dollar Listing New York" star, "The Real Housewives of New York City" regular jokingly said that "he was a newbie" back then. The 57-year-old made the revelation when appearing in the Tuesday, June 29 episode of "Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen" along with her co-star Leah McSweeney."I dated Ryan before he got married," she said to a clearly shocked Andy and Leah. Sonja went on to spill that her hookup with the real estate broker occurred at some kind of "humanity event." She then quipped, "So I felt I needed to kiss him to be a humane person." "We did a few things else, afterward. We went on other dates," the TV personality further divulged. "He was a newbie. He didn't know how dangerous it was." Sonja once confirmed that she was dating Ryan when speaking to the website Rumor Fix in February 2012. "He's adorable! I'm very excited about getting to know him better and spending more time with him," she said, according to E! News. "Who wouldn't? But I want to take things slowly." While it remains unclear how long Sonja and Ryan had been together, the 36-year-old hunk married Emilia Bechrakis in July 2016 in the island of Corfu in Greece. The couple now shares 2-year-old daughter named Zena. As for Sonja, she was married to John Adams Morgan from 1998 to 2006. When talking about her ex in a June episode of "RHONY", she said, "I lost my best friend and a wonderful marriage. Is he dead? No. But for all intents and purposes, for me, he's gone." "I had to make a choice for my daughter and I feel so bad," the reality star continued. "Maybe I should have stayed with him and made sure she had everything she needed and got more time with me." With the Delta variant accounting for more than a quarter of Covid-19 cases, there could soon be "two Americas" -- one where most people are vaccinated and another where low vaccination rates could lead to case spikes, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned. The stark disparity between places with low and high vaccination rates is something Fauci is "very concerned about," he told CNN on Tuesday. "When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among undervaccinated regions -- be that states, cities or counties -- you're going to see these individual types of blips," he said. "It's almost like it's going to be two Americas." But spikes in coronavirus cases are "entirely avoidable, entirely preventable" with vaccination, said Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci's remarks come as the Delta variant, which is more contagious and aggressive, has reached nearly every state and accounted for 26.1% of US Covid-19 cases as of Tuesday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "I'm concerned about the Delta variant," US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN on Wednesday. "And I am worried that what we are seeing in terms of a plateauing of cases nationally but also an increase in cases in many small sections of the United States, that that is, in fact, being driven by the Delta variant." There is still a lot of virus circulating in the US, and close to 300 people -- "just far too many" -- are still dying daily from the coronavirus, Murthy said, citing data from recent weeks. "This is not over, and the virus wins when we let our guard down, when we take our eye off the ball," he said. "We've seen many times that it's fooled us in the past. We've got to stay vigilant, got to get vaccinated, we've got to talk to other people about getting vaccinated." Indeed, the rise and spread of more transmissible coronavirus variants are changing the equation for achieving herd immunity -- the point at which enough people are protected against a virus to suppress its spread -- a coronavirus specialist told CNN on Tuesday. "Every time a virus gets better at transmitting, the number of people that have to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity increases," said Andrew Pekosz, a professor of immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who is studying the coronavirus. "Certainly, we are not out of the woods yet because we haven't had a vaccination rate where we get those herd immunity effects." Places with low vaccination rates are especially vulnerable to the Delta variant, experts have said. In Mississippi, where just 29.7% of the population is fully vaccinated, unvaccinated people have accounted for more than 90% of Covid-19 cases and deaths in the past month, said Dr. Thomas Dobbs, the state health officer for the Mississippi Department of Public Health. Mississippi joins Alabama, Arkansas, Wyoming, and Louisiana in having less than 35% of residents fully vaccinated. Mask guidance stays the same in most places Even as the Delta variant spreads, most mask guidance and policies don't appear poised to change. "For now, the CDC recommendations stand that if in fact you are vaccinated -- fully vaccinated -- you are protected, and you do not need to wear a mask outdoors or indoors," Fauci said. Policies around masks on planes and public transport aren't expected to change soon, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Wednesday on ABC's "Good Morning America." "Vaccinated people can take off their masks and celebrate July Fourth and feel safe in doing so, see each other smile again," she added. "And then we're really going to have to continue the hard work that we are doing to get people vaccinated and for those who are not to continue to protect them with mask wearing and distancing because of this Delta variant." Children under 12 -- who aren't yet eligible for coronavirus vaccines -- should continue to wear masks indoors until the Delta variant is under control in the US, Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Wednesday. Local differences in where the variant has spread means parents need to fully understand the risk in their area, he added. "A lot of it has to do with where you are," Hotez said. "If you're in the Northeast, where transmission is really low, then your kids are a lot safer than in parts of the south-central US right now, where the epidemic is really taking off, that one-two punch of the Delta variant and low vaccination rates." Regardless of age or vaccination status, Los Angeles County has brought back its voluntary guidance to wear masks until health officials can "better understand how and to who the Delta variant is spreading," the county's department of public health said. And while nearly all the staff at Johns Hopkins' public health school in Baltimore are vaccinated against Covid-19, they are still wearing masks to work, Pekosz told CNN. "We still have a masking policy here, particularly in group situations," he said. "This pandemic isn't over yet." Los Angeles County appears to be the only county so far to recommend wearing masks in response to the spread of the Delta variant, the National Association of County and City Health Officials told CNN on Tuesday. But health officials are continuing to monitor the spread of the variant in the US, said Lori Tremmel Freeman, the group's chief executive officer. Nationally, the number of people practicing safety measures, such as social distancing and masking, continues to decrease, even as 84% of Americans have heard of the Delta variant, a poll published Tuesday by Axios-Ipsos showed. The poll, conducted Friday through Monday, comprised of a nationally representative sample of 1,106 adults. Meantime, most adults who plan to get the Covid-19 vaccine have already done so, another poll shows. A Kaiser Family Foundation report released Wednesday shows 65% of adults polled have received at least one dose of the vaccine, up from 62% in May. Only 3% of those who haven't been vaccinated said they plan to do so as soon as they can. About 14% said they will definitely not get vaccinated. In the long term, the cost of the pandemic is not just lives lost but also the mental health and well-being of people across the country, Murthy told CNN on Wednesday. "We have a long way to go to recover from this pandemic," he said. "We can only do it together, but it starts with us getting vaccinated." Covid-19 cases among children are dropping While children under 12 aren't yet eligible to receive a Covid-19 vaccine, but there is some good news about declining cases. More than 8,400 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in children last week, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics' weekly report, the lowest weekly number of cases since May 2020. Children represented about 10% of reported Covid-19 cases last week. More than 4.03 million children have tested positive for Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic. The decline in cases among children comes as the new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation indicates Covid-19 vaccination rates among children ages 12 to 17 years are rising. About 34% of parents said their eligible children have received at least one Covid-19 vaccine dose, up from 24% in May. About 8% said they plan to get their 12- to 17-year-old children vaccinated right away. Vaccines protect against Delta variant, experts say As variants spread, health experts are urging people to get fully vaccinated so they can have maximum protection. Two weeks after the second dose, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is 88% effective against symptomatic infections caused by the Delta variant, Fauci has said. Those who received only one dose have less protection. Moderna's vaccine was found in lab experiments to work against new variants including the Delta strain, the company said Tuesday. Serum samples from people who received two shots of the Moderna vaccine showed neutralizing activity against the variants, Moderna said in a pre-print study that hasn't yet been peer-reviewed. As for the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, it's "highly likely" it can protect against the Delta variant, though it hasn't been proven through research yet, Fauci said. Two doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, which uses the same platform as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, are about 88% effective against the Delta variant, and "you can make the reasonable assumption" the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be "just as good," Fauci said. As of Tuesday, 46.4% of the US population was fully vaccinated, CDC data showed. Sixteen states have fully vaccinated more than half of their population. And 16 states have reached President Joe Biden's goal to vaccinate 70% of adults with at least one dose by July 4. MADISON, Wis. (AP) - A Wisconsin judge says a woman convicted of stabbing her classmate to please the Slender Man character in 2014 can be released from a mental health facility. Nineteen-year-old Anissa Weier asked Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren to release her from the Winnebago Mental Health Institute, arguing she was no longer a threat to anyone. Bohren agreed during a hearing Thursday and ordered her release, pending preparation of a release plan. He gave state officials 60 days to draw up the plan. Weier will be held at the facility at least until a Sept. 10 hearing. REDDING, Calif. - Firefighters are urging extra caution ahead of the 4th of July weekend as extremely dry conditions pose a fire danger. Well you immediately have PTSD from previous fires and think Oh no, here you go again, but it was small and there was a lot of dry grass just like this year and it doesnt take much, Redding resident Karen Lawrence said. With wildfire season and dry conditions present, the Redding Fire Department is urging the public to avoid illegal firework activity. Go down to the civic center and watch the fireworks show. It's controlled and you dont need to take any chances, Lawrence said. The Redding Fire Department said that they will have additional staff for the 4th of July weekend and that law enforcement will be patrolling for illegal firework activity. Update 8:15 a.m. - California Highway Patrol has lifted all closures on Interstate-5, according to CHP. -- REDDING, Calif. - Due to the Salt Fire, CalTrans and California Highway Patrol has closed the northbound lanes of Interstate-5 at the Fawndale Road exit in Redding. CHP said they do not expect to close the southbound lanes in that area and have no timeline for reopening the closure. As an alternate route, CHP suggests that drivers exit SR-299 east up through Burney and then head north on SR-89. From SR-89, head all the way to Mount Shasta and re-enter back onto Interstate-5 north. CHP reps are asking the public for patience and courtesy while passing through that alternate route. Southbound Interstate-5 traffic is halted about 1 mile south of Lakehead. The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) marked June 30, World Social Media Day, with a webinar that comprised two panel discussions involving stalwarts from the Indian and global advertising industries as well as stakeholders from the influencer marketing space and the government. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW Fresh from the launch of its influencer marketing guidelines, ASCI aimed to expand the discussion to what lies ahead for the sector, the impact created with the introduction of the guidelines, the challenges that have surfaced, how they can be overcome as well as regulatory necessities like monitoring and the plan that takes-off from here. The first panel presented the content creators perspective. It focused on the need to balance creativity in influencer marketing with responsibility and the need to protect consumer interest. It showcased what influencers thought of the evolution of this new branch of marketing, why creative engagement works despite the labelling of content that is promoted and what brands think of it. GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW The panel comprised actor-influencer Karan Tacker, ASCI Secretary-General Manisha Kapoor and Founding Partner of the Collective Artists Network and CEO of BigBang.Social Dhruv Chitgopekar. Key takeaways: We are observing various crossovers coming live in various formats with respect to finance, cryptocurrency, etc We will see the commercialisation of content creators with the evolution of technology We are in the midst of a major transformation. There is a tectonic shift in advertising with the COVID-19 intensifying the momentum of audiences and brands preference for digital Advertising is shifting decisively to digital platforms because the lockdown has accelerated digital consumption People are spending a lot of time on social media, so brands must recognise their responsibility to be transparent about promotional content ASCI has found strong allies in brands and content creators since the launch of the guidelines. Not only are they embracing labelling norms, they are seeing the benefits of it Supporting the new normal in influencer marketing, Tacker said: It is a myth that creative engagement and responsibility cant go hand in hand. As we celebrate World Social Media Day, it is important that we educate new influencers, who are joining the space and contributing to our growth, to employ fair practices. In terms of importance, it is nice to have discipline and everybody should be aware of the guidelines Kapoor added: Many companies, brands, influencers and agencies continue to engage with us for clarifications. Since the launch of the guidelines, we have observed a significant interest and belief from all stakeholders. Complaints against influencers and brands for misleading ads in the digital space have also started coming in. The good part is, that as soon as ASCI reaches out to those influencers, the ads are either taken down or corrected within hours. Chitgopekar said: The power of Influence, as we call it, is totally a new era. The market will have its own push and pull as we evolve together. The new labelling framework has given birth to an active dialogue and we believe that to be the best part because it symbolises success and acceptance. This is just the beginning; the nuances will change as we move ahead in the journey and so will the whole system. The second panel centred on social media and governance. The panelists were a unique mix of Indian and global advertising veterans as well as a representative of the government. While ASCI Chairman Subhash Kamath provided the Indian perspective, Guy Parker, President of ICAS and Chief Executive of ASA, UK, offered the global experience. Guillaume Doki-Thonon, Founder-CEO of Reech, spoke about why monitoring for violations of influencer marketing norms was critical and how his organisation is helping ASCI do that in India. The government point of view came from Abhishek Singh, CEO of MyGov, President and CEO of the National e-Governance Division, and MD and CEO of the Digital India Corporation. Key takeaways: Influencer marketing norms exist in many countries without any adverse impact on the engagement or creativity of content creators The common thread across all the guidance is to remain upfront and transparent with the content you create Technology now has the power to sort sponsored content from un-sponsored With the help of a machine learning algorithm, it can be detected whether brand-influencer partnership has been disclosed or not Influencers are becoming more creative with their ads, which underscores the need to constantly improve the algorithm Many brands and agencies have reached out to ASCI for advice or course correction before the campaign is executed This ASCI advisory isnt pre-approval of campaigns but to see whether they violate any norms The government is very keen on tapping into the expertise of influencers to raise creativity levels and engagement around its messages The government has collaborated with many well-known influencers to achieve more impact Social media in India should be used extensively to reach a larger audience and in different languages to establish stronger connections Awareness and communication have always been part of the governments outreach but, so far as social media is concerned, the government can target people better and bust myths of fake news A great example is the awareness campaign for COVID-19, which was very impactful because of the power of social media Here on, the use of social media will be more video- and audio-driven with regional languages at the forefront Asserting that the government is very keen on associating with influencers to raise creativity levels and engagement, Singh said: We are very happy to work with influencers because of the impact and the power they wield. We collaborate with several influencers to work on social media. In addition, the government promotes the use of regional languages and Indian social media apps to increase engagement. Applauding the strides India has made, Parker said that influencer marketing norms exist in many countries and that there has been no impact on engagement or creativity. He added: Influencer advertising has exploded in the past 10 years. Consumers shouldnt have to play detective to deduce the authenticity and status of the content. The need to keep the principles of advertising intact called for guidance across influencer markets. ASCIs guideline is a good example of high-quality guidance because its easily understandable, practical and pragmatic. Globally, the same principle runs through all the guidance as a common thread, which is to be upfront with people about the content you are putting out. Doki-Thonon, explaining the monitoring system Reech is setting up for Indian influencer marketing, said: At the end of the day, the consumer will gain from transparency that is now the norm of the influencer market, thus boosting the confidence of consumers. With the help of a machine learning algorithm, we can detect whether a partnership between an influencer and a brand has been disclosed or not. Influencers are becoming more creative with their ads, but the good thing is that the algorithm also learns and adapts constantly. The codification of the declaration of promotional content and labelling requirements are not only indicators of the maturity of Indian influencer marketing but also why self-regulation is critical for industries like advertising. Other stakeholders like brands are also modifying their marketing approach to build in greater safeguards for consumers. ASCI.Social, a repository for everything about the influencer marketing guidelines as well as the home for a community of stakeholders, has taken off well. Not only are influencers visiting it for guidance, they are also taking the online pledge to employ only ethical practices. The platform is also a great forum for the exchange of ideas. Kamath had the last word: We have been focusing on bringing in more clarity in the digital space. We dont want to just police the narrative, but help shape a more responsible one. There is a lot more that is coming up. We want to thank everyone who supported us. Ask questions, discuss, debate and join us on ASCI.Social. Later that evening, ASCI also participated in a Clubhouse discussion with nearly 200 creators, moderated by noted influencers Scherezade Shroff and Janice Sequeira, on how to be creative while also being responsible. TCNS Clothing Co. Ltd, the leading apparel company for women have signed the Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt as the face for the brand for its ethnic-wear brand Aurelia. The actress known not only for her impeccable performances but also for her fashion choices will collaborate with the Indian ethnic wear brand to promote the range. Aurelia, by TCNS, is an Indian ethnic wear brand targeted at women who are looking for great design, fit and quality for their casual, work and occasion wear requirements. The brand is synonymous with ethnic designs that effortlessly fit into a modern womans wardrobe. The synergy between Aurelia and Alia will appeal to the quintessential Indian woman and further enhance the deep-rooted connection. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW Talking about the association with Alia, Anant Kumar Daga, Managing Director, TCNS Clothing said, Aurelia has always promoted effortless style - encouraging women to choose their own representation of beautiful. Associating with Alia Bhatt was a strategic decision to communicate the same ethos. Alia is a youth icon who loves her effortless style. The brands youthful image appeals to young and modern women who do not believe in superficial barriers and Alia is someone who portrays the same through her onscreen as well as off-screen presence seamlessly. Having increasingly made its dominance felt in the Indian women apparel market, Aurelia has catered to the ethnic wear needs of the modern Indian woman for over a decade. The brand is available both online and offline through 220+ exclusive brand outlets & presence in 1000+ large format stores across 150 cities across India, Srilanka, Nepal and Mauritius. GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW Commenting on the brand association, Alia Bhatt said, "I am proud to partner with Aurelia, one of the most loved ethnic wear brand by women across age groups and professions for its effortless design and styles. The brand while staying in the realm of tradition, is re-defining ethnic wear, and I look forward to our association. ClearTax Indias leading fintech SaaS company today unveiled Clear, an umbrella name under which all of its offerings across taxes, invoices, wealth management and credit for businesses will reside. In its decade-long journey, the company has expanded from an e-filing tax platform to being a full stack financial services provider. With the Clear identity, the company said it will continue to offer great products nurturing its legacy of accuracy, security and reliability, complementing the ClearTax brand. ClearTax will continue its tax offerings (Income Tax and GST) which is loved by millions of Indians. Launched in 2011, ClearTax began its journey as an online tax compliance platform by helping individual taxpayers with filing their income tax return online. With the coming of GST, the company deepened its reach to its customers via several products that touch every aspect of a business. It launched dedicated offerings including ClearGST, ClearE-Invoicing, ClearOne for businesses, ClearPro for Tax Experts, and Black for individuals among others. Clear identifies itself as a tech and product first company having graduated from web-only cloud based form factor to now web, desktop, mobile and APIs. The latest addition to its portfolio is ClearOne - an easy to use, one-stop invoicing and compliance solution for SMEs. In the last 12 months, the firm has heavily focussed on ease of access for businesses and individuals via launching 4 mobile apps that simplify finances for Indians. Today, Clear caters to over 2,000 of Indias biggest brands and corporations and more than 5 million individual taxpayers. It processes about 10% of Indias B2B invoices with over $300 billion in trade value every year and more than 10% of Indias overall income tax returns. Last year, the fintech firm saved over 1,000 crores for more than 4 lakh businesses. At the same time, it helps over 130 million Indians to demystify personal finances via its website every year and saves over 2 million man-hours via its compliance offerings. Speaking at the announcement, Archit Gupta, Clears Founder and CEO, said We started the company to simplify taxes, over the years we have evolved beyond taxes and have grown tremendously. Today we make SaaS for taxes, invoices for connected businesses and offer wealth management. Clear captures our huge ambitions to serve Indians in the areas of invoicing, wealth management, credit and much more. As per estimates, Clear is expected to manage invoices worth over $1 trillion by 2023. Indias consumer digital economy which was pegged at USD $85-90 billion in CY 20, is expected to become a USD $800 billion market by 2030, according to reports released by homegrown consulting firm RedSeer at their flagship event Ground Zero 5.0. The digital economy includes 60% of travel, 40% of non grocery retail, 30% of education, 25% of food and beverages services and 6% of Pharma/Grocery going through digital channels by CY30. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW The Ground Zero 5.0 event was attended by Amitabh Kant, CEO of Niti Ayog along with T.V Mohandas Pai, Chairman, Manipal Global Education Services and Sanjeev Bikhchandani, co-founder, Info Edge along with other stalwarts of the Startup Industry who participated in the day-long panel discussions on retail, mobility, logistics, digital ads, fintech and IPOs. Commenting on the overall digital ecosystem, Anil Kumar, founder and CEO of RedSeer, said, Over the last one decade, entrepreneurs have dedicated themselves to solve for the specific needs and pain areas of Indian consumers. Today, 50% + customers say they use online services because of convenience. Few years back almost 70% + used to say the key reason is discounting but with the hit of Covid, digital services have undoubtedly served the customers very well, which is evident in high customer satisfaction and customers willingness to keep using the digital as a key channel to fulfill their needs. The next wave of entrepreneurs will create innovations which will make the Indian model successful globally. India to become 3rd largest online retail market by CY30 GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW Online retail is set to become the third-largest online retail market by scale by CY30 with an annual gross merchandise value (GMV) of $55 billion in CY21 and $350 billion in CY30, said RedSeer at its flagship event Ground Zero 5.0, according to reports released by homegrown consulting firm RedSeer at their flagship event Ground Zero 5.0. According to the data released by RedSeer Consulting, 88% of the online shoppers that will be added between 2020-2030 will be from Tier 2+ cities. Further, $>7 billion cumulative incremental online retail transactions to be added from Tier 2+ city customers over CY 20-30 while easily more than $~150 billion cumulative incremental online retail GMV to be added from Tier 2+ city customers over CY 20-30. The adoption factors that will drive the growth for the next few years are: Companies have started to focus on tier 2 cities Growing online spends by 'Digital Natives' and supply-side innovations COVID-19 has caused an inflection in e-commerce penetration across city tiers Lowering costs of servicing tier-II and other smaller cities Additionally, kiranas are expected to achieve approximately achieve a $1.5 trillion sales by CY30. The growth will be driven by: Platforms that are enabling these kiranas technologically and digitally Cashless payments Book Keeping and EB2B offerings New-Age Logistics players created an opportunity of 500,000 employment for gig workers in 2020 E-Logistics in India has become the fastest growing market globally with over 3 billion shipments in 2020. India traditionally had an inefficient supply chain with a slow and undemocratic access. Today ~ 90%+ of the orders fulfilled by the online commerce get done by the new age logistics, an industry which has come up only in the last one decade and has solved for the above challenges through technology and customer centric mindset. Further, three out of the top 10 logistics players in India are today the new age (e- logistics) players. The new age logistics players are expected to deliver 2.5 billion D2C shipments by 2030. With the rise of eCommerce, the need for specialized delivery service emerged, which led to the overall growth of the logistics segment. Emergence of this sector created 500,000 employment for gig workers in 2021 across captive and 3PL. The new-age 3PL logistics players have delivered 850 million shipments in 2020. New age logistics players have reduced the average time of delivery by 2/3rd in last 7 years, have covered nearly all the pincodes across India through enabled deep tech solutions to serve the different type of customer needs and requirements like same day delivery, hyperlocal, service enabled etc. E-logistics has been fulfilling the needs of the small city customers. Increasing coverage across India and faster delivery, enabled Tier-2+ cities to account for 50%+ shoppers to Indian eCommerce by the end of 2020. Other emerging trends Other sectors in the new-age economy have also been strongly impacted by the pandemic. A number of new trends are emerging in these various sectors which will shape the ecosystem going forward. Shared mobility dips but personal mobility soars in demand According to RedSeer research, shared mobility saw a sharp decline due to the 2nd wave led lockdowns in the last two months. Although the autos segment recovered the fastest, the overall sector merely clocked 18 million rides, a drop from 113 million rides in January last year. However, while the shared mobility is dipping, personal mobility space is riding on a wave of strong traction seen since last year. While auto OEMs have responded with relevant offerings to democratize access to cars, tech platforms are also accelerating focus on digitizing the car ownership journey. Online used car transaction penetration to grow ~9x in the next ~10 years. Another category that is ripe for digital disruption is the car service & repairs market which is still a highly fragmented market which faces challenges like inefficiencies, bloated pricing and poor experience for both consumers and service workshops. This segment is expected to penetrate ~15% of this highly fragmented market by CY30. With rise in digital content, advertisements see higher demand On the other hand, online content is seeing phenomenal growth leading to the overall growth of the digital ad industry as well. Digital content is emerging as the bellwether of demand creation for time spent. India, one of the largest economies, is surging ahead on content and smartphone usage. Monthly active users (MAU) have become democratised with increasing adoption of varied digital services and platforms. Further, another example of democratization is seen in an increasingly largely base of active digital content users now coming from Tier 2+ cities with the top two categories being Facebook-owned WhatsApp followed by news aggregators. ITC Hotels, one of Indias leading luxury hotel chains that operates over 100 hotels across 70 destinations in India under four distinct brands, has signed on ActiMedia India Pvt. Ltd., as its PR and communications partner. Inaugurated in 1975, ITC Hotels is today, Indias leading premier chain of luxury hotels that is synonymous with Indian hospitality. Through its motto of Responsible Luxury, the group offers guests at each of its environment-friendly destinations, authentic, indigenous luxury experiences that celebrate regional cuisine and tradition in harmony with the local community. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW ActiMedia is a two-decade-old leading public relations agency that delivers 360-degree integrated communications and digital strategy solutions to clients across the spectrum from its offices in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW The ITC Hotel Group has been offering unmatched luxury and leisure experiences highlighting regional flavors of each destination for over four decades now. Their hotels reflect an intrinsic responsibility towards the local community and the environment at large. We look forward to being an integral part of the ITC Hotels family and strengthening the presence of the brand among both Indian and global travelers, said Amitabh Saksena, Founder & Managing Director, ActiMedia India Pvt. Limited. MedikaBazaar, the leading one-stop Medical and HealthTech procurement platform, undertook the initiative of ensuring that people are educated about safety and preventive measures during the second wave of the COVID pandemic through its unique #DontShowMeYourFace campaign. The mask awareness campaign in association with Rotary Club of Nariman Point Mumbai and the Mumbai Police, focused on highlighting the importance of wearing a mask to fight COVID-19. The massive mask distribution program saw over 100,000 masks handed out to the general public at railway stations, hospitals and other key public places. The general public was also educated on how to correctly wear the masks. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW Out of the over one lakh masks donated, 50,000 masks were donated to the underserved and underprivileged sections of the society. The other 50,000 masks were handed over to Mumbai Police to distribute in all police stations across the city. The #DontShowMeYourFace campaign took a 360-degree approach and was launched across social media, television and through on-ground promotions. It was successful in delivering its message and sensitizing the general public about the need to wear a mask to prevent a COVID infection. The awareness campaign garnered over 1.5 million views on television, over a hundred thousand views of the campaign video and over a million impressions on social media. GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW Mr Vivek Tiwari, Founder & CEO, MedikaBazaar was felicitated by the Joint Commissioner of Police (Law & Order), Vishwas Nangare Patil for spearheading this one-of-its-kind Mask Awareness Initiative and helping protect those that protect the citizens round the clock. Mr Tiwari said, The #DontShowMeYourFace campaign is a movement to ensure people are cautious about prevention measures to be taken against COVID-19. With majority of case being mild or asymptomatic, it may not be possible to tell who has COVID-19. Till the time we reach a stage where we have 100% vaccination, effective usage and correct wearing of a mask is the only solution to prevent infection. We felt that a campaign that plays on the negative connotation of not showing your face with a positive angle of preventing infection would catch peoples interest and ensure that they take the message seriously. I would like to thank the Mumbai Police and Rotary Club for their support in making this initiative successful. The mask awareness drive was extensively covered by the media with TV, print, digital and social media channels carrying details of the initiative. The initiative was lauded by government officials including Dr. Mohan Joshi, Dean, Sion Hospital and Mr. Manjunath Singe, Deputy Police Commissioner, Zone 8, Mumbai Police. Image sharing social platform, Pinterest launches a new product called Idea Pins - a multi-page video format for creators. The tool has been launched in the India, US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Indonesia, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Idea Pins makes it easy for creators to publish high quality, long lasting, save-able content directly to Pinterest. Idea Pins is an evolution of Story Pins. Creators will have access to a suite of new publishing tools including, video-first features, fresh editing tools and updates. Idea Pin now includes the features: Video recording and editing for up to 20 pages of content Voice over recording so creators can add their own personal voice Music selection by Epidemic Sound Ghost mode transition tools Detailed pages for instructions or ingredients Interactive elements like people tagging and stickers Multi-draft save so creators can publish more ideas Export options to share content beyond Pinterest Topic tagging, a publishing feature that helps connect content to relevant interests The Creator Code - content policy All Pinners will see Idea Pins from creators they follow right at the top of their home feed. These following streams give Pinners a new way to see fresh content from creators they follow and discover new creators to engage with. The company is also showing Idea Pins in more places, including search, the Today Tab and the top of creator profiles. Idea Pins will be displayed in this special full-screen stream view, designed to engage and inspire Pinners. In addition to the new Creator Code, moderation features and the content claiming portal which was announced last month, the app is also building tools to help creators build their presence on Pinterest by focusing on published content (like Idea Pins). Along with this, there are new updates to Analytics that will help creators learn what content resonates with their audience. A new Followers and Profile Visits driven metric will show creators how their Idea Pins have driven deeper engagement with their account. This update has also made it easier for users to access other important engagement metrics like saves, comments and reactions, all of which affect creators' content distribution. upGrad, South Asias largest higher edtech company, today announced the appointment of Shreyas Shevade as the Head of Creative and Content Marketing. Shreyass role will be to integrate upGrads brand messaging across traditional and new media. An award-winning creative professional, Shreyas brings with him over 11 years of experience in integrated advertising, digital marketing, PR, and relationship marketing. He has previously worked with leading and multi-national agencies such as MRM//McCann, Edelman, Contract Advertising, Rediffusion Y&R, and Grey Worldwide. Through the course of his career, Shreyas has crafted clutter-breaking campaigns for brands like Volkswagen, Durex, Surf Excel, Dove, Bajaj Allianz, and IndiaFirst Life Insurance, that have won several national and international awards. On welcoming Shreyas to his new role, Arjun Mohan, CEO-India, upGrad, said, Smartly-crafted branded content and storytelling skills have the potential to connect with audiences at an emotional level. Shreyass rich marketing experience and cultural inclination, will help us strengthen our brand presence across the country. We are thrilled to welcome Shreyas to the upGrad family. Shreyas Shevade, Head of Creative and Content Marketing - India, upGrad, added, After a decade of being a mercenary on hire for brands, Im now proud to pledge my allegiance to just one. Edtech is at an interesting juncture of revolutionising education, changing the norms of how, where, when, and who it is made accessible to, and upGrad is at the helm of this revolution. The fact that upGrads philosophy of Lifelong Learning matches my own, and that I get to work closely with entrepreneurs Ive admired from afar, is what Im pumped about the most. Inclined to the tradition of imparting knowledge and education even outside of work, Shreyas gives guest lectures at Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad, has been on the jury for their CCC PG Certificate Programme, has taken a Masterclass for The Economic Times, and has been invited for a podcast at IIM Kozhikode. He also works with home-grown businesses within his personal networks, to guide and mentor them in their marketing initiatives. Vicks, a brand synonymous with family and care, today launched the third edition of its iconic #TouchOfCare campaign series, on the eve of National Doctors Day 2021. The past year has been challenging for many, and it is our Doctors who have carried us on their shoulders of hope, by selflessly caring for us, and our loved ones. IMAGEXX Awards 2021 to attend - REGISTER NOW The third edition of #TouchOfCare, a tribute to the Doctors community across the nation, underscores the powerful impact of care through the real-life extraordinary story of the late Dr. Dnyaneshwar Bhosale. The film takes viewers on the inspiring journey of Dr. Bhosales selfless acts of care, as he left no stone unturned to ensure many less fortunate children received life-saving medical attention during the pandemic. Gone too soon, Dr. Bhosale left behind his wife, kids and his dreams of building his own pediatric hospital. The film is a solemn reminder that like Dr. Bhosale, hundreds of doctors lost their lives during the pandemic leaving their families and dreams behind. In addition to sharing Dr. Bhosales inspiring story, Vicks has also pledged to support Mrs. Bhosale to help build a pediatric hospital in memory of her husband's extraordinary acts of care. Committed to making a meaningful difference and step up as a #ForceforGood, Vicks continues to support Indias fight against Covid-19 through P&Gs Suraksha initiative. Under this initiative, P&G recently contributed towards 1 million vaccination doses for 5 lakh citizens in partnership with state governments and local authorities. GAMEXX Awards 2021 - Last date for submitting entries - Monday, July 26, 2021 - ENTER NOW Dr. Priyanka Dnyaneshwar Bhosale, Wife of the late Dr. Dnyaneshwar Bhosale shared, It was difficult to see my husband take his last breath and my prayer then was that somehow he would receive the healing hand of care just like the one he selflessly extended to many children. I thank Vicks for bringing to light my husbands extraordinary work and inspiring story and joining me to keep his dream of building a childrens hospital in Latur alive so his memory and touch of care live on forever. Himanshu Tewary, Senior Director and Category Head, Personal Healthcare at Procter & Gamble said, Our doctors have given a new meaning to humanity during these challenging times, and their selflessness deserves lifelong gratitude. Vicks #TouchOfCare is a reminder of the extraordinary acts of care, courage and bravery of each one of our doctors, those with us, and those who we have lost. As a society, its time to rise together and give back to our doctors community for all they have done for us and our loved ones by preserving their #TouchOfCare for generations to come. The films Director, Anand Gandhi, Dr. Dnyaneshwar Bhosale dreamed of building robust, empathetic systems of care and medicine. This film is a glimpse into the vision and commitment that he had for his community. Its a call to togetherness, a reminder of the selflessness of all our healthcare workers during this time. I am grateful to the people at Vicks and Publicis Singapore for getting me on board to bring this story to life. Ajay Thrivikraman, CCO, Global Clients, Publicis Singapore commented, Vicks Touch of Care has always been a platform to shine a spotlight on the most vulnerable communities in our society. Just over a year ago, one would hardly have expected our doctors to be among them, but this pandemic has changed everything. It has been an incredibly difficult time for doctors and their loved ones. Its humbling to see that their care for others is more than a lifetime commitment; it is a legacy that will live on into the future. In 2017, #TouchOfCare 1 showed how through care, families are formed beyond biological ties, breaking stereotypes and highlighting how motherhood has no gender through the story of an orphan, Gayatri and her transgender mother Gauri Sawant. In 2018, #TouchOfCare 2 brought to light the story of Nisha, a girl born with Ichthyosis - a genetic skin condition who was abandoned by her biological parents at birth. Her life took a positive turn with the unconditional love and care extended by her adoptive parents. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Bern, 01.07.2021 - Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will make an official visit to the Baltic states from 4 to 8 July 2021. He will travel to Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. He will also participate in the Ukraine Reform Conference in Vilnius on 7 and 8 July. The talks will focus on European policy, bilateral cooperation and the challenges currently facing the international community. Mr Cassis is attending the Reform Conference in preparation for Switzerland's upcoming chairmanship in 2022. The trip marks two anniversaries Switzerland is celebrating with the three Baltic states in 2021. A hundred years ago, Switzerland recognised the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and 30 years ago, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, it resumed bilateral relations with all three states. During his meetings, Mr Cassis will emphasise that even without the institutional agreement, Switzerland remains a reliable partner for the European Union. Bilateral meetings in three countries Mr Cassis will first travel to Riga, where he will be received on an official visit. He will meet Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics, President Egils Levits and Parliamentary Speaker Inara Murniece. To mark the double anniversary, the Swiss embassy in Riga will co-organise with the Riga Jurmala Music Festival a virtual conference on the topic of 'Digital Transformation in Culture' and Mr Cassis will deliver a welcome address to the participants. In Tallinn, talks will focus on digitalisation and cyberdiplomacy. Based on the priorities of Switzerland's Digital Foreign Policy Strategy 202124, Mr Cassis will discuss the current challenges in this area with his Estonian counterparts. He will also visit the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and the e-Estonia Briefing Centre. The programme also includes talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs Eva-Maria Liimets and Parliamentary Speaker Juri Ratas. Last, Mr Cassis will travel to Vilnius, where he will meet his Lithuanian counterpart Gabrielius Landsbergis and visit an exhibition of Swiss election posters as part of the anniversary celebrations. Ukraine Reform Conference The visit to Vilnius will focus on Mr Cassis' participation in the Ukraine Reform Conference, a high-level event that has been held in a different country each year since 2017. This year's edition is particularly relevant, as Switzerland will officially take over the chairmanship from Lithuania when the conference ends on 8 July and will co-host the next edition with Ukraine in Lugano in 2022. The aim of the conference is to support the reform process in Ukraine and formulate recommendations for action. Switzerland will host the event in 2022 against the backdrop of its significant and long-standing commitment to Ukraine: since 1999, Switzerland has supported Ukraine's reforms through humanitarian aid, development cooperation and peacebuilding efforts. At this year's conference in Lithuania, Mr Cassis will hold bilateral talks with various stakeholders, including representatives of the Ukrainian government. Members of the National Council Corina Gredig (Political Institutions Committee member) and Lilian Studer (Political Institutions Committee member) will accompany Mr Cassis on his trip to the Baltic States. Address for enquiries FDFA Communication Federal Palace West Wing CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland Tel. Communication service: +41 58 462 31 53 Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55 E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch Twitter: @SwissMFA Publisher Federal Department of Foreign Affairs https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html Federal Department of Finance Bern, 01.07.2021 - From 10 to 21 May 2021, the National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) conducted a bug bounty pilot project in collaboration with Bug Bounty Switzerland GmbH, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and Parliamentary Services (PS). The project was very successful and the lessons learned are to be incorporated into the implementation of further bug bounty programmes in the Federal Administration. The purpose of bug bounty programmes is to identify, document and remedy any vulnerabilities in IT systems and applications in cooperation with ethical hackers. A total of 15 ethical hackers commissioned by the Confederation took part in this pilot project. Ten security vulnerabilities discovered For the pilot project, ethical hackers scanned a total of six IT systems of the FDFA and Parliamentary Services for any security vulnerabilities. Overall, ten security vulnerabilities were reported to the NCSC. One of these turned out to be critical, seven were classified as medium and two as low. All of the vulnerabilities were immediately eliminated by the competent providers. The ethical hackers then verified and confirmed the successful elimination of the vulnerabilities. Positive conclusion The pilot project demonstrated that vulnerabilities in IT systems and applications can be efficiently identified and remedied by means of bug bounty programmes. The return on investment was found to be high. A bug bounty programme for the Federal Administration, operated by the NCSC, makes an important contribution to reducing the Confederation's cyber-risk exposure. Based on the experience gained with the pilot project and the lessons learned by all those involved, the NCSC intends to continuously expand the bug bounty programme to as many Federal Administration systems as possible. Consequently, the procurement process is to be launched as soon as possible. In the meantime, several other companies in Switzerland also offer bug bounty programmes in addition to Bug Bounty Switzerland GmbH. In order to ensure neutrality in the procurement process, Florian Schutz, the Federal Cybersecurity Delegate, is thus stepping down from the Advisory Board of Bug Bounty Switzerland. Address for enquiries NCSC Communications ncsc-media@gs-efd.admin.ch Tel. 058 46 50 464 Publisher Federal Department of Finance https://www.efd.admin.ch/efd/en/home.html Secretariat-General FDF http://www.efd.admin.ch Federal Department of Foreign Affairs https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html Ask most folks how agricultural commodities are transported to market; theyll probably say truck or train. Some might say ships. The start of July marks the end of the window to spray dicamba, according to the federal label in effect for 2021. As farmers and applicators navigated this updated label, early reports are that there werent as many issues in the Midwest regarding the herbicide. We didnt hear quite that much of an uproar, said Aaron Hager, University of Illinois Extension weed specialist. This season has not been terribly bad for us in terms of the number of complaints in Illinois, based on observation. The final spraying date for dicamba was June 30, according to the federal label, with Illinois moving its cutoff date up to June 20. Hager said some of the restrictions, such as temperature, should help limit drift damage in Illinois. He said when additional measures were put on in 2019, the label complaints dropped dramatically. Delays in the label process affected the 2020 growing season, and complaints jumped to over 700. With no delay this year, and with spraying limited to days under 85 degrees, he expects another lower year. I think that has contributed to helping reduce the number of complaints of off-target movement on the soybeans, Hager said. He also said some producers who use commercial applicators are opting to use gluphosinate instead of dicamba. After a fairly hot June, Iowa State University Extension weed specialist Prashant Jha said there may have been difficulties spraying dicamba due to the 85-degree restriction. And if there was product in the field, it could have adverse effects. Peter Vitaliano says 2020 looked to be very positive for the dairy industry. But like most of agriculture, that optimism dwindled as COVID-19 tightened its grip globally. Numbers have since recovered somewhat as cooperatives cut milk production and export figures improved. When the pandemic hit, the industry was coming off several years of lower-than-average prices, but prices were decent in the second half of 2019, says Vitaliano, chief economist with the National Milk Producers Federation. Milk production increased at a rapid rate over the beginning of 2020, so when the pandemic hit, it was very difficult. He says with the food service industry basically shut down due to pandemic restrictions, markets for products like cheese were more limited. Vitaliano says it took time for the industry to shift gears to producing more items consumers could use at home. The supply chain needed time to switch over, he says. Over the past few months, more and more consumers have ventured out of their homes and into restaurants, providing a familiar market for milk products. Vitaliano says the export market is fairly strong, too. On the balance, however, theres still too much milk, he says. The dairy industry also benefited from government payments issued to farmers during the height of the pandemic, which Vitaliano says provided a major boost to all producers. How dairy farms did in 2020 and into 2021 largely depends on geography, says Christopher Wolf, a professor of applied economics at Cornell University. He says some farms did very well over the past year, while others suffered. For Rachel Hopkins, taking care of the family farm in Crawford County, down in the Ozarks, is part of her heritage. Her family has owned the f "In 2017 there was a good amount of spring wheat cut for hay. This year, however, a few neighbors in the area dont feel the wheat will be tall enough to justify cutting. If they do, it will not amount to much." Crop Watcher Jeremy Stoecker shares a report: https://www.aish.com/jw/s/Israeli-Aid-Worker-Comforts-Families-in-Florida.html An interview with Itzik Itach who is part of the Israeli contingent searching for survivors and counseling families. We get hugs from people. They say, 'Thank you for coming from Israel to help us. We appreciate you very much. Itzik Itach shares the warm reception he and his fellow Israeli rescue workers have received over the past few days in Surfside, Florida, where authorities are still sifting through the rubble of the Champlain Towers. Approximately 140 are still trapped underground and unaccounted for. To date 18 bodies have been pulled out of the rubble. In the days after the catastrophic collapse of Champlain Towers, rescue workers began a frantic search for survivors. The situation has been gut-wrenching for families waiting to hear news. Israel has a long record of sending experts to aid in disaster situations, and several Israeli organizations quickly assembled teams to help with the rescue operation in Florida. Israels military dispatched a team of expert searchers from their National Rescue Unit, where they are aiding Miami-Dade Fire Rescue teams as they search for survivors. The operation is called Yad Achim Helping Hand for Brothers. Itzik Itach at the site of Champlain Towers in Surfside, Florida A number of Israeli volunteers also raced to Florida to try to help. Among them is Itzik Itach, an undersea rescuer from Israels volunteer medical group Hatzalah, who travelled from his home in Jerusalem to Surfside, Florida, to aid at the scene. In an Aish.com exclusive interview, he explained how hes been able to provide some help and comfort to families waiting for news of their loved ones. I'm part of the delegation from SSF Rescues Without Borders. a rescues organization working with Magen David Adom first responders that travels to help with disasters worldwide, he explains. A few days ago he was told he had just moments to travel to Ben Gurion airport in Israel in preparation for a rescue mission in Florida. Itzik said goodbye to his wife and four young children and raced to board his flight, determined to help any way he could. He joined four other SSF volunteers, all with extensive medical and rescue experience, including in counseling people experiencing trauma and stress. An expert in solar energy, Itzik recalls deciding to train as a paramedic five years ago after witnessing a car accident in Jerusalem. He was so upset at not knowing what to do to aid an injured person, he resolved to learn how to be a medic so that he could help people in the future. Since then, Itzik has worked to help victims of scores of natural accidents and terror attacks in Israel and abroad. Golan Vach, Commander of Israel Defense Forces National Rescue Unit While search and rescue teams continue to hunt underneath the rubble for victims, Itzik and his fellow SSF volunteers have been working with the families of people who are still unaccounted for. They show us pictures of their loved ones and say Maybe you saw them? Its so sad...and we really share in their pain and try to give everything we can. Hes noticed that the presence of so many Israeli volunteers from various organizations has boosted the morale of some of those who are waiting for word about their loved ones. Some family members have commented to him that they felt a new sense of urgency and hope when the Israelis arrived. Israel has great technologies in disaster relief due to our extensive experience. Its in the excavations, in manpower, in professionalism. For Itzik and the other SSF volunteers, trauma counseling has been a major need. The families are craving information about their loved ones." He and his fellow SSF volunteers are there to spend hours sitting with families, listening to their fears and sharing their pain. Its been a terrible time. Relatives are in torment, not knowing whether their loved ones might still be alive underneath the collapsed tower. Itzik describes the need for help and support as acute. With a strong hug, with loving actions, we are showing them that there is somebody there with them, he explains. Some of the SSF volunteers in Florida The alacrity with which Israelis have rushed to Florida has a wider message for the Jewish world, Itzik observes, quoting the famous statement by the Jewish sage Rashi that all of Israel stood kish echad blev echad One man with one heart (Rashi, Exodus 19:2). We want to show solidary with our fellow Jews in Florida and around the world." Itzik notes that whenever there are disasters in Israel, American Jews step up to help the Jewish state. If something happens in Israel, you are coming all the time, we see it, he explains. Now something happened here, so we come. Whatever happens to one Jew, all the other Jews come and help him this is the important thing. With the search and rescue operation continuing, Itzik sees his mission helping comfort the families continuing. Despite the difficulty of this work, theres nowhere else hed rather be right now than helping aiding his fellow Jews and others. The role of the people of Israel is to help each other anywhere in the world. News New state laws set to kick in Photo: Governors Office The Georgia legislature approved a number of bills during 40 days under the Gold Dome covering a variety of issues that, like the controversial election measure, take effect on Thursday. ATLANTA The controversial election bill the Republican-controlled General Assembly passed in March garnered the most publicity by far of anything lawmakers did during this years session. But the legislature approved a number of other bills during 40 days under the Gold Dome covering a variety of issues that, like the election measure, take effect on Thursday. July 1 will see the implementation of a state tax cut and a series of new tax breaks for Georgia businesses. Local police departments will get new protections from budget cuts, and a new crime applicable to a type of theft popularized during the pandemic will go on the books. The tax cut will increase the standard deduction for married couples who file joint state income tax returns by $1,100. Single taxpayers can deduct an extra $800, while Georgians ages 65 and older can deduct another $1,300. Married couples filing separately will be able to deduct an additional $550. House Bill 593 is a follow-up to legislation the General Assembly adopted in 2019 lowering Georgias income-tax rate from 6% to 5.75%. Mostly lower- and middle-income families will benefit from the higher standard deduction, Georgia House Speaker David Ralston said. Today marks another chapter in Georgias continuing commitment to provide sustainable, meaningful tax relief to Georgians to let them keep more of their hard-earned money, Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, said after the mid-March vote passing the bill. Separate legislation also taking effect Thursday serves up a smorgasbord of new tax breaks aimed at spurring business investment in Georgia. It offers tax credits to medical equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers, aerospace defense projects, performing arts venues, short-line railroads and developers of corporate mega-sites. While most of the bill doles out more largesse in the form of tax credits, Senate Bill 6 also seeks to rein in tax breaks that dont give enough bang for the buck. It requires independent audits of up to five tax credit programs each year to determine whether their economic impact justifies the loss of state tax revenue. This is a large bill, state Sen. John Albers, R-Roswell, said as the multifaceted measure was being debated on the Senate floor during the final day of the 2021 legislative session. It brings checks and balances. It has us measure the return on investment, and it keeps Georgia the No. 1 place to do business. Republican legislative leaders focused much of their attention this year on crafting friendly tax policies to help Georgians and Georgia businesses cope with the economic damage wreaked by the pandemic. But another thread that ran through the 2021 session stemmed from last years murder of George Floyd, a black man, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, which sent demonstrators into the streets of America to protest racism and police brutality. An offshoot of those protests was the defund the police movement, as some on the left called for slashing police budgets and redirecting those funds to social programs aimed at the causes of a nationwide surge in violent crime. Georgia lawmakers reacted by passing legislation limiting local government from reducing funds for police more than 5% during a 10-year span. This legislation sends a strong message that we support our law enforcement officers and we will never defund police here in Georgia, Rep. Houston Gaines, R-Athens, the chief sponsor of House Bill 286, said. Legislative Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the bill as a power grab by the state over local governments. Critics also argued it would stall efforts to fund other areas like mental health, housing and education that aim to keep people from landing in jail. Lawmakers also were divided over a bill criminalizing porch piracy, a form of theft that hadnt been given much thought before the pandemic prompted shoppers hunkered down in their homes to do most of their buying online. House Bill 94 makes it a felony to be caught in possession of at least 10 different pieces of stolen mail that is addressed to three or more separate recipients even if it is unclear who exactly stole the mail. The bill also makes it a felony to steal three or more envelopes, bags, packages or other mailed items from the porch, front or back entrance of a residence. This was a problem before the pandemic, Rep. Bonnie Rich, R-Suwanee, the measures chief sponsor, said during a committee hearing on the bill. It has become even more of a problem now. While the legislation drew some support from Democrats, others questioned the severity of the bills penalties, noting porch pirates could face more jail time and a worse criminal record than those who commit petty theft at a retail store. Other bills the General Assembly passed this year that take effect July 1 include: House Bill 112 extends COVID-19 liability protections for Georgia businesses and hospitals into the summer of 2022. House Bill 317 extends the state tax on hotel and motel rooms to marketplace facilitators including Airbnb and Vrbo. House Bill 511 prohibits spending money deposited in nine state dedicated trust funds on any other purpose. House Bill 617 lets student-athletes at Georgia colleges, universities and technical colleges receive compensation for their name, image and likeness. Senate Bill 34 allows victims of human trafficking to petition to change their name without public disclosure. Courtesy of JNS; Photo credit: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90. Israeli security forces clash with protesters outside a home of a Jewish family during a protest against the pending eviction of Arab residents from homes in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, May 8, 2021. After sixteen years, Federation CEO Shep Englander is moving on to his next professional challenge (pictured with Federations Chair of the Board, Debbie Brant). Programs and activity at the Mayerson JCC heating up this summer Lake Charles, Louisiana (70615) Today Partly to mostly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms. High 89F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight Partly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms overnight. Low near 75F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%. I've noticed that whenever the subject of Nazi Germany is raised, someone always says something like this: "It's unbelievable that Adolf Hitler was able to manipulate and control the entire German population. It just seems impossible." Yet that's exactly what he did. Yes, there were some dissenters and political foes, but they were subdued and quashed as the boundless power of the Nazi regime shut down all dissent with the use of the brown-shirted Sturmabteilung or SA, the Schutzstaffel or SS, and the dreaded Gestapo or Geheime Staatspolizei. Perhaps a bit of context is in order here. I spent three years in Germany with the Army Security Agency involved in SIGINT (intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets). I am fluent in German, my wife is German, I have studied German history, and I keep up with current events in the country. Like a lot of Americans, I always assumed that America was safe from the kind of tyranny the German people experienced under the heavy hand of the Third Reich. There is no way our federal, state, and local governments could restrain and control the American people the way Hitler and his Nazis dominated the German population, I thought. Yet, for the past eighteen months, that's exactly what has happened in America. A nation that always prided itself on its independence and individuality was suddenly locked down. Travel was restricted, schools and businesses were shuttered, we were commanded to wear face masks, voting laws were altered, isolation and quarantines were mandated, and speech was censored by social and mainstream media if Big Tech oligarchs judged what was said or written as "misinformation." It didn't stop there. A public health emergency was declared, borders were closed, and large gatherings were forbidden including church attendance, funerals, and weddings. In short, civil liberties that Americans had always taken for granted were suspended by those in power, just as the Nazis rescinded the rights of the German people, including a free press guaranteed by Germany's Weimar Republic (1918 to 1933). The German press quickly complied with its new masters. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany's Minister of Propaganda, had no use for a free press and once said, "Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play." Alter that quote a little, and you have a passage more relevant to American social media today: "Think of social and mainstream media as a great keyboard on which Big Tech oligarchs can play." Big Tech in the United States is following another Goebbels maxim: "Not every item of news should be published. Rather, those who control news policies should endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose." We know what that "certain purpose" is. During Biden's socialist regime, the legacy media's goal is to promote socialist policies and protect our feckless president from all criticism the same objective that Goebbels was tasked with during Adolf Hitler's reign. No doubt Goebbels would be proud of America's Big Tech oligarchs. They are performing the same tasks in 2021 America that Goebbels performed during the 12 years of the Third Reich. Instead of opposing restrictions on our First Amendment rights, which guarantees five basic freedoms (religion, speech, the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances), millions of panicked Americans were quick to acknowledge and tolerate these new restrictions of their civil rights. The media declined to investigate the pandemic, its source, its causes, and its severe impact especially on young children and the elderly. Instead, our media spent most of the pandemic refusing to look at China as the cause and source of the COVID-19 virus, choosing to pillory President Trump for daring even to suggest that China might be culpable. Today, we are learning (much to the chagrin of the media) that Trump was probably right. The virus came from a Wuhan, China lab and not from a flying rodent. As was the case in Nazi Germany, American K12 schoolchildren and students in universities are being indoctrinated with political dogma from socialist organizations like Black Lives Matter. Curricula are filled with the bogus and deceptive Critical Race Theory and the debunked and fallacious 1619 Project. Those who don't adhere to the dogma are ostracized, canceled, and even fired from teaching positions. In 1930s socialist Germany (Yes, folks, the Nazis were socialists. Nazi stands for "Nationalsozialist" or National Socialism), the Nazis went even farther. They sent educators, religious leaders, and political opponents to concentration camps like Dachau. They encouraged supporters to take to the streets to harass and assault Nazi opposition. It was a winning tactic because few Germans dared oppose armed mobs of brownshirts who were never arrested or prosecuted for their assaults on people or property. Sound familiar? Remember Black Lives Matter and Antifa in places like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and New York City? They are still burning and looting. "Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street," Goebbels once said. "Total dominance is the goal." In Germany, it was one-party dominance that put the state at the summit of the political and social lives of the German people. History was rewritten, free speech was suppressed, books were banned, people's lives were monitored, and religion was ridiculed and stifled in favor of the secular nation. Today, Democrats in Congress talk about banning or outlawing the Republican Party or at least those Republicans and independents who supported and voted for Donald Trump or who refused to follow government decrees and diktats during the pandemic. Others are quick to support the lockdowns and suspension of civil rights. "This pandemic is a 'black swan event,' one without modern precedent," opined Harvard Law professor Charles Fried. "Most people are worried about restrictions on meetings that's freedom of association. And about being made to stay in one place, which I suppose is a restriction on liberty. But none of these liberties is absolute; they can all be abrogated for compelling grounds. And in this case, the compelling ground is the public health emergency." I'm not buying it. What we have experienced in the United States since January 2020 has been a gross overreach of state and national power the domination of individual freedoms never before seen in this country. Where were the resisters, the "anti-Nazis"? In Nazi Germany, Jews were portrayed as a public health menace, vermin to be exterminated. The monthly magazine Neues Volk, published by Germany's "Office of Racial Policy," argued that all Jews suffered from "hereditary illness" and that each Jew cost German taxpayers and the community 60,000 Reich Marks over the course of a single lifetime. Lists of Jews were compiled in every German town and city, and today we know that millions were rounded up and murdered. There are troubling parallels to that kind of thinking in America today as examples of anti-Semitism escalate day after day, mostly from a left that supports Palestinian causes and terrorist tactics but maintains a visceral hatred toward Israel. Democrat members of Congress have taken that kind of political and social "cleansing" even farther, insisting that Republicans, conservatives, and anybody who supported or supports Donald Trump should be sent to "re-education camps" and "deprogrammed." Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other leftist Democrats insist that "lists" should be made of all Trump supporters so they can be "ostracized and otherwise punished." Keeping "enemies" lists was a favorite tactic of the Gestapo. Thank you, AOC, for reintroducing this insidious tool to Congress. But Democrats didn't stop there. Michael Beller, principal counsel for the tax-supported Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), said in a video that the children of supporters of President Donald Trump should be seized and placed in "re-education camps." "We should go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away, and we'll put [Trump-supporters' children] into re-education camps," Beller said in the video. Beller must have been listening to Adolf Hitler, who, in 1933 said this about children: "If the older generation cannot get accustomed to us, we shall take their children away from them and rear them as needful to the Fatherland." Is this the state of our nation today? We are a country divided politically and socially into warring tribes: Democrats vs. Republicans, liberals vs. conservatives, minorities (brown, black, and yellow people) vs. whites, victims vs. oppressors, communities "of color" vs. police, the "haves" vs. the "have nots," socialists vs. capitalists. All that's left is for Americans on opposing sides to arm themselves and commence slaughtering one another because of conflicting political and social opinions or skin color. Wouldn't China, Russia, and America's other enemies just love that? In 1920s Germany, it was Hitler's brownshirts attacking the feeble Weimar Republic Germany's first experiment with democracy. It was a growing Communist Party vs. a nascent Nazi Party. But after 1932, when Hitler and the Nazis gained power, Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and political opponents were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Is this the "Endlosung" (final solution) that some socialists, radical leftists, and Democrats are proposing for America's Republican Party, conservatives, and Trump supporters? Are we headed for a one-party socialist political system in which we allow our rights to be suspended indefinitely, the way we did for the past 18 months? After millions of courageous Americans went to war in World War II and more than 500,000 made the ultimate sacrifice fighting fascism, are we going to roll over and accept domination by a few elite socialists and leftist Democrats who are convinced they should remain in power ad infinitum? Are the American people going to submit to the Big Tech oligarchs, the corrupt and compliant media, and the socialist elites in Washington and allow their rights to be trampled and obliterated? Are we becoming Nazi Germany? Ronald E. Yates is a U.S. Army veteran, author, former Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent, and professor and dean emeritus of journalism at the University of Illinois. His website: http://www.ronaldyatesbooks.com. Image: Louis P. Hirshman via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. As Governor Phil Murphys pick for top cop, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal has become the perfect chameleon, changing his ideological stripes against whatever political backdrop he finds himself. Since taking office in 2018, Grewal has spent much of his first two years suing and publicly berating Donald Trump. His department directives have also seeded a radical police reform agenda amid claims that they were already on the drawing board long before the 2020 summer of unrest That was a half-truth. In 2018, Grewal released his Immigrant Trust Directive, a mandate that put a chokehold on cops enforcing federal immigration law. It instructed law enforcement to dishonor ICE immigration detainers for jailed illegals and prohibited participation in their street enforcement operations. It also prevented prosecutors from raising the issue of immigration status during trial proceedings or in requiring detention as a flight risk. Then came George Floyd. Floyds death was, if anything, an epiphanous event to Grewal, driving him to extremes to reimagine policing in a state where police reform was well underway, cities engaged in innovative police-community relations, and effective crime fighting and information-sharing collaborations were best practice across the more than 500 urban and suburban police departments. With very few exceptions promptly quelled by arrests, Floyd and BLM-sponsored protests were free from the burning and plundering seen in the neighboring states. Newark, the states largest city, had reduced shootings in 2020 by thirty percent and police hadnt fired a single shot in all of that year, making it the shiny object in American policing. If Grewal truly believed that Jerseyans distrusted their police, he would have to rely on straw arguments and sow discontent within his own rank and file. Grewal let loose a blitz of media interviews, tweets, and opinion pieces that were an exemplar of virtue signaling. His directives on use of force, body cameras, and police discipline played more into the hands of black blocers than the welfare of the thin blue line. Prim and well-spoken in public, he charmed the woke merchants at The Atlantic and Washington Post, hawking the line that his office was leading the country in police reform. For good measure, he lowered himself to online rants and potshots at the Trump White House, calling the president a huckster and advancing a non sequitur to his Twitter followers that the coronation of Joe Biden predestined the return of democracy to America. Through all of the drivel, his invocation of Floyds name was ubiquitous and foreshadowed an enfilade on the states 36,000 law enforcement professionals. Dismissing advice from police chiefs and rank and file unions often absent from the discussion, in 2020 Grewal issued two directives with significant impact on the safe conduct of risky police operations. Directive 2021-5 amended the states body camera policy, expanding its use to tactical entry teams, drug sweeps, and other street-level investigative operations. Recording the entry tactics and survival techniques of pre-planned and rehearsed SWAT operations was the functional equivalent of pasting ones battle plan to the inside of a felons door. The decree also denied officers the ability to review their own body cam footage as an essential means to prepare accurate after-action reports, especially crucial when recounting highly dynamic and emotionally-charged incidents requiring the use of deadly force. Nowhere mentioned in the 27 pages of Grewals new policy were the indisputable psychological and physical manifestations and after-effects of police-involved shootings, during which temporal loss of auditory function and peripheral vision, crippling anxiety, and memory lapses occur. In these supercharged and often arms-length public encounters, officers sharply focus upon threat but often lose awareness of their surroundings. Misrecollections cause unwitting omissions in reports and testimony that not only offer an unfair advantage to felons and their attorneys but also unnecessarily impugns the reputation and credibility of police officers. Directive 2020-6 ordered every police department in the state to disclose to the public the circumstances and identity of any police officer who was fired, demoted, or suspended for five or more days. In the case of just one department, this disclosure would extend back twenty years and involve almost 500 state troopers, most of whom had long since retired and some deceased. Overturning statute and regulation without recourse or challenge, Grewal reversed hundreds of confidentiality agreements legally struck by previous attorneys general and other state and local prosecutors. It also mattered little to Grewal that the majority of missteps by his own state-level cops involved administrative infractions and off-duty behavior, such as driving under the influence, minor domestic squabbles, or failure to file reports in a timely fashion. Less than two percent, just eight of 495, involved excessive use of force, the cause celebre of the progressive defund movement and a pretext for urban destruction and cop-shaming by Antifa hobgoblins. The New Jersey State Police, in fact, boasts some of the most stringent ethical and disciplinary standards in the police world, casting a wide net for wrongdoing within the force and setting the bar far higher than most other professions, including law and medicine, where negligence is often settled with sealed court records, hushed payouts, and nondisclosure agreements. Directive 2020-13 spotlighted police use of force, much of it echoing the best practices already drummed into the heads of Jersey cops through academy curricula and annual refreshers. For instance, when use of force is necessary use as little as possible and as a last resort, never use chokeholds or head strikes until you have to absolutely choke or strike to survive a deadly encounter, dont fire at a moving vehicle unless the driver is hell-bent on using it to kill you, and you should provide medical aid to anyone injured by the use of force. Virtually all of this was turn-of-the-century doctrine to cops; Grewals attempt to rebrand it was self-aggrandizement, at best. June 2021 was sizing up to be a bad month for Grewal, starting out with the hijinks of a principal deputy attorney general, Brian Biscieglia, who was exposed on Facebook and Twitter for his cop-hating diatribes and fondness for drug cartel leaders. Weeks later, he is apparently still on the payroll, revealing a far greater tolerance by Grewal for the misbehavior of close associates. On June 29, after resurrecting bygone transgressions by his own office that shut down gay bars between 1933 and 1967, Grewal made the media swoon by scheduling a formal apology to the LGBTQ community in Asbury Park and laying down a permanent marker at the former site of an outlawed business. For New Jersey, not a good moment; to Grewal, a woke opportunity pulled from the dustbin of history. Hours before arriving in Asbury Park came sudden word that Grewal was resigning to take a federal job, fueling speculation of friction between an authoritarian governor and an attorney general whose more radical brand of progressivism got the bigger headlines. Grewal had sided with forces aligned against the cops, prompted local prosecutors to look away from COVID violations at BLM protests, sought the power to impose state consent decrees upon police departments, supported antiracism training for K-12 school kids, and was suffering a thousand cuts from union lawsuits targeting his policies. His persona had become political baggage too heavy to lift in a gubernatorial election year. Grewal had used Jersey cops as steppingstones to showcase his liberal qualifications for a Biden appointment to the bench. Instead, hes heading off to rally the guvvies enforcing the rules and regs at the Securities and Exchange Commission. For Grewal, an elephant's burial ground of sorts. Image: Office of the NJ Attorney General To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. There is a growing anger in America. You won't see it on PBS or on the mainstream media. You won't hear it at college orientations. But patriotic America is angry. It is angry at athletes who represent America and then denigrate our national symbols. It is angry at those who justify such despicable behavior by saying everyone has a right to protest. Yes, but if you represent America, perhaps, you should have the good sense not to spit on your country. It is angry at elites who exported our jobs to China, borrow money from the communists, and then extend them foreign aid. It is angry at being told all whites are racists. It is angry at having a six-year-old first-grade white child being told she is responsible for all the evil in the world. It only has to look at former colonies and ask: what has anti-colonialism wrought? Is Hong Kong better off under China than the British? It is angry that Jan. 6 will be investigated but the street thuggery of BLM and Antifa is immunized from any scrutiny. It is angry about the violence in the inner city that now spreads to solid middle-class neighborhoods. Patriotic America is the America of traditionalism of churchgoing believers, of people who serve in the military and the police, of people who are blue-collar workers and lower-middle-class workers. It is primarily white but not exclusively so. It is more likely to be rural than urban. It is eschewed by the Obamas of the world, who see it as clinging to its religion and its guns. It clings to both with pride and conviction. It is angry about people who become millionaires by selling socialism to the overeducated and misinformed. It awaits mobilization. It sits on the social periphery, abandoned by elites. It awaits a leader. It gets riper each day for mobilization. It will have its day, either in the arena of politics or in the streets, but it will not be denied. It yearns to for a leader, a messianic presence that will lead it to a new millennium. It seeks a savior, for the America that currently exists is seen as destined for perdition. It is angry at ideologies posing as intellectual theories that are inoculated from being rejected, like so-called "Critical Race Theory," which like Marxism and fascism is an ideology not a theory. Theories are subject to refutation. Critical Race Theory is not. It is angry at bringing into this country some immigrants who not only do not share our values, but also seek to destroy us. Unlike elites and the media, when it learns of a random knife attack on innocent people where the perpetrator yells, "Allahu akbar," it doesn't need days to discern the motivation. The elites who do so are laughingstocks who undermine their own legitimacy. The pursuit of the millennium is part of the human instinct, especially when people feel that their leaders have isolated, denigrated, and abandoned them. When jobs are exported. When elite universities gloat over changing admissions standards and admitting a disproportionate number of nonwhites, they are inadvertently sending a message that further marginalizes whites who do not share these values. Donald Trump was the incarnation of this anger. He came on the political scene and won the presidency to the shock and disbelief of the political elite class. Yet they never comprehended why he won. They still refuse to see the consequences of their embrace of a politically correct ideology that alienates hundreds of millions of Americans. We are, perhaps, more divided than we have been since the Civil War, and there is no one on the political stage, in the mass media, or in the institutions of so-called higher education that will bring us together. The political "deplorables" will be tired of being stigmatized. They will grow tired of seeing their children harassed for the color of their skin. And they will do what all such people have done since time immemorial. They will embrace a political savior who will lead them to a new millennium. Abraham H. Miller is an emeritus professor of political science, University of Cincinnati, and a distinguished fellow with the Haym Salomon Center. Image: Currier & Ives. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. We have seen this movie before. Socialism destroys a country, and its people look for freedom. My parents and the three of us lived it in the mid-1960s. Check out Venezuela and the people fleeing the wonders of socialism: Last month, 7,484 Venezuelans were encountered by Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexico border more than all 14 years for which records exist. The surprise increase has drawn comparisons to the midcentury influx of Cubans fleeing Fidel Castros communist rule. Its also a harbinger of a new type of migration that has caught the Biden administration off guard: pandemic refugees. Many of the nearly 17,306 Venezuelans who have crossed the southern border illegally since January had been living for years in other South American countries, part of an exodus of nearly 6 million Venezuelans since President Nicolas Maduro took power in 2013. While some are government opponents fearing harassment and jailing, the vast majority are escaping long-running economic devastation marked by blackouts and shortages of food and medicine. It's the 2021 version of the Cuban Freedom Flights that brought many to the U.S. Between 1965 and 1975, two planes left Havana daily for Miami. They generally brought families who quickly integrated into the successful Cuban economy in South Florida. It's like watching a remake of the Cuban movie. First, the ones connected with Batista fled. Then came the big wave of people like my parents, who did not want their kids, the three of us, to grow up in a communist country. As I told some college students a few years ago, my parents saw the real face of socialism and communism and did not want that for their children. Wonder why President Trump carried Florida by big numbers? It was the Cubans and the Venezuelans who became citizens recently. PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). Image: Leo Ramirez, AFP. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. Not for the first time, Ezra Klein, a youthful hipster leftist writer favored by the elites, has said more than he probably intended to. Get a load of this from Fox News: New York Times columnist Ezra Klein feels President Biden is making life too difficult for Vice President Kamala Harris and feels she should be given simpler tasks to enhance her reputation, but critics on both sides quickly found problems with his argument. "Kamala Harris will probably be the Democratic nominee in 24 or 28. Biden's team should be giving her portfolios that make it likelier she'll win. Instead they're giving her impossible problems that will likely become liabilities," Klein tweeted. This seems right. Kamala Harris will probably be the Democratic nominee in 24 or 28. Biden's team should be giving her portfolios that make it likelier she'll win. Instead they're giving her impossible problems that will likely become liabilities. https://t.co/Bd8ATdv6kL Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) June 29, 2021 This is exactly the same as saying she should be put at the little table. She should be given training wheels. She should be praised for her finger-paint pictures. She's not up to the job. It's also kind of funny in that Klein's fellow leftist pundit of the establishment, Tom Friedman of the New York Times, in December 2020, argued this: Kamala Harris Deserves a More Important Job But mainly, it's stupid. Klein's statement is an amazingly idiotic thing to say since he wants to make her president anyway. Why should someone who can't complete presidential tasks be president at all? Someone who can't solve the border crisis and isn't even trying is, in his book, somehow meant for bigger things. His idea though, is to give her smaller tasks? The way it's done when some incompetent is demoted? Wow. Harris is a textbook case of someone, in C. Northcote Parkinson's observation, who's reached her "level of incompetence," a level she reached long ago, actually. She's been promoted and promoted, and now she's unable to do her job with any leadership, so she's set to stay just where she is under normal conditions. Achievers get bigger tasks. Underperformers get lesser ones. That's human behavior in any organization. Even bin Laden promoted only the best, from his point of view. China and Russia, whose leaders rule by holding onto power, wouldn't dream of anything as stupid as this, at least on anything important. Ezra, though, would. By his statement, he seems to be seeking a kakistocracy, rule by the worst instead of the best, with his call to give Harris little tasks more suited to her limited ability, just enough to get her elected in 2024. After all, Klein seems to think the border surge is intractable. Never mind that President Trump solved it with one hand tied behind his back as leftists gummed up his every effort to fix it with their junk lawsuits and obstructions. Trump fixed it anyway, with great determination, in a model of competent crisis management. It was only Joe and his idiocies undoing all that Trump achieved that brought the mess we are in. Latin American presidents, in Mexico, Guatemala, and elsewhere, have repeatedly pointed out this very fact. Solving the crisis can be done easily by restoring Trump's achievements. But Harris, who is a cog in the administration that created the problem, somehow can't do it. So now the problem is claimed by Klein and others to be "impossible," beyond Harris's capabilities. Harris actually has no capabilities, and the reason for that is clear enough: every step up the rung of her political ladder was based on sucking up to some older man, not performing well in some job or another. She got her leg up in politics by serving as Willie Brown's mistress. After that, she got cozy with Barack Obama. She was pals with unlikeable Hillary Clinton. She was always looking for her next job, as those in her circle have told the press. Now that there's just Joe, with his vindictive wife Jill probably leaking on her (as Andrea Widburg in this terrific post noted), those tactics don't work anymore. She's out of tricks now but holds the strategic high ground. She's now Biden's apparent chosen successor, so there's no getting rid of her. She's just waiting now for the passage of time to have the presidency handed to her, which explains her lack of interest in accomplishing anything serious. So she doesn't have a single success to her name. Her successes are in charming older men to get better jobs, not in governing well with a track record to show for it. So now Klein wants her to have some little tasks in order to claim some kind of record of achievement. He knows there's a problem. yet he's convinced she must be president anyway, perhaps to make him feel virtuous for electing a "historic first." He can't bring himself to admit that maybe Kamala herself is the problem. And now it's getting embarrassing. Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. On June 29, the San Jose City Council unanimously passed ordinances requiring "every gun owner to buy liability insurance coverage for their firearms" and also to "pay a fee to compensate taxpayers for the emergency medical and police responses to gun-related injuries and deaths," the San Francisco Chronicle reported. San Jose is the first city in the United States to enact such a radical and preposterously unconstitutional anti-gun stance. Shortly before the vote, an organization called the Pacific Institute on Research and Evaluation (PIRE) released a preliminary report stating that gun violence in San Jose costs the city approximately $442 million annually. Officials have yet to decide on the amount of the fee that legal gun-owners will now be forced to pay. Predictably, far-left Democratic mayor Sam Liccardo praised the measures and reportedly argued that gun-owners who refuse to comply with the new laws would have their weapons seized. Liccardo issued a statement reading: "While the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, it does not require taxpayers to subsidize gun ownership. We won't magically end gun violence, but we will stop paying for it." San Jose City Council debated the law on a Zoom virtual meeting. YouTube screen grab. Everything about the measures is tyrannical and counterproductive. The unprecedented ordinances are sure to be challenged in court by firearm rights groups. One such group, the Firearms Policy Coalition, has already planned legal action. The FPC put out a statement reading in part: All states and local governments must comply with the Bill of Rights and Fourteenth Amendment, period. The days of governments doing whatever they wish to impose expansive, unconstitutional gun control laws are numbered. We will work tirelessly to bring your tyrannical efforts to a crashing halt, and are committed to restoring human liberty and freedom using every available resource. If San Jose adopts Mayor Liccardo's outrageous and unconstitutional gun control proposals, we will not hesitate to challenge the City's policies in federal litigation and take every possible action to block their enforcement. The gun rights group went on to refute each piece of the council's (10-point) plan, explaining why each specific measure is unconstitutional. Legal firearm-owners must reimburse taxpayers for emergency medical and police responses to gun-related injuries and deaths? The vast majority of legal gun-owners are taxpayers themselves, unlike many others in the city. And legal gun ownership prevents far more crime, injuries, death, property destruction, and monetary loss than it causes. Is the San Jose City Council also going to enact laws forcing spoon-owners to pay for the staggering costs that obesity inflicts on society? If spoon owners refuse to comply, will they have their beloved spoons seized by the city? Or will those like Nancy Pelosi, who own wildly expensive freezers specifically designated to hold their vast collections of custom ice creams, have to pay for these costs? California is wine country, but why shouldn't those with a wine cellar have to pay for the terrible costs of alcoholism? Or those who own a shot glass? In reality (a scary place Democrats/progressives/leftists never visit), it's the city council's own policies and other leftist lunatics' policies on a local and national basis that cause the destruction of the family, breakdown of morality, dismissal of religion, subsidizing of immoral and destructive behavior, and punishment of traditional Judeo-Christian values that lead to the poverty, addiction, soullessness, and hopelessness that cause crime. Oh, and defunding the police doesn't help, either. It isn't rocket science. In fact, it's a simple case of good versus evil. If our elite progressive rulers were actually worried about "justice," they would be compensating taxpayers, preferably by not using the money they take from them to make things worse. If they really wanted to be social justice warriors, they would resign. Or become conservatives. Until they do, the rest of us need to stick to our guns. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. Recently, Tucker Carlson uncovered evidence that the National Security Agency (NSA) was reading his personal emails. He was given information from a whistleblower who provided convincing evidence that his personal communications were being monitored. Rather than shrinking away, Tucker Carlson chose to attack the NSA head-on to publicize their subterfuge. He publicly announced that the NSA was spying on him during his evening newscast, and the following day, the NSA issued this misleading statement: On June 28, 2021 Tucker Carlson alleged that the National Security Agency has been "monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air." This allegation is untrue. Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air. NSA has a foreign intelligence mission. We target foreign powers to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. With limited exceptions (e.g. an emergency), NSA may not target a US citizen without a court order that explicitly authorizes the targeting. The NSA is actively gaslighting the American public. In their statement referring to a quote from Tucker Carlson's show the NSA claims: "This allegation is untrue." Except the NSA is misleading the reader because the Tucker Carlson statement they quote refers to three allegations united together: "monitoring our electronic communications" "planning to leak them" "in an attempt to take this show off the air." If any one of these three allegations is not precisely correct, then the misleading statement from the NSA claiming that the "allegation" is untrue is technically correct. For instance, the NSA could truthfully claim: "The NSA is not planning to leak the information we are gathering illegally. The information will be passed to another federal agency which will leak the information." "The NSA is not attempting to take the Tucker Carlson show off the air. Another government agency will handle that." The NSA statement continues: "Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency." Of course, Tucker Carlson was not an intelligence target, but the NSA is not saying it did not read his emails. The monitoring of his communications was not intelligence-related; it was purely malicious. The NSA is a truly evil and disgusting entity that is infringing on the rights and privacy of American citizens. The NSA could have issued a simple statement saying, "We never monitored Tucker Carlson's emails," but they chose not to. They did not because they could not honestly make that statement. The domestic spying capability of the NSA needs to be eradicated. There is no place and no rationale within our government to justify spying on the American public. This is not a partisan issue: politically this cuts both ways against the interests of all American citizens regardless of their political party. It is a crime for ordinary citizens to lie to the FBI or to lie to Congress. Government officials should be held to the same standard: FBI officials, congressional members, NSA officials, and all government employees should be locked up if they lie to the American people. Image: NSA. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. After years of prosecutors targeting Trump in search of a crime, Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg "surrendered early Thursday to New York authorities for arraignment in the first criminal indictment arising from a two-year investigation into the former president's company," according to the AP. The charges relate to paying perks for executives without showing those perks on their W-2 forms and paying income taxes and payroll taxes on those perks. I bet the WaPo, NYT, and other media outlets will have trouble finding those charges against other corporations, so I am sure they will advocate for going after all corporations and entities for this crime because they always want equal treatment under the law, don't they? All corporations, including the WaPo and the NYT, should now be investigated to make sure that no executives ever get free stuff, like country club dues or special transportation, without paying income and payroll taxes. Since the Trump organization got in trouble for paying private tuition, every university that gives free or subsidized tuition to its administrators and professors will now be charged with a crime, and the perk will be cut off. Does anyone think that will happen? Every airline that gives free flights to its employees and family members will have to stop giving that perk, won't it, since there is no legitimate business purpose for that expense? Pelosi and other members of Congress will now have to pay full freight every time a family member goes on a flight on a government-owned plane. Why do taxpayers have to pay for this largesse in the first place? The bill to Joe Biden and the government will be massive for all the flights Hunter took on Air Force 2 as he was going overseas to line up as many kickbacks as he could from foreign countries and companies. After all, Joe said he never talked with Hunter about anything concerning his business dealings, so there is no way his presence on all those flights could have had any legitimate business purpose. Donald Trump must be extremely clean because, after years of targeted investigations by the IRS, the FBI, the media, Congress, and N.Y. prosecutors, this is all they could come up with. That is clearly evidence that this was a witch hunt in search of a crime instead of an investigation because there was evidence of a crime. The DNC and Hillary campaign committees were having so much trouble finding dirt on Trump that they had to pay a foreign national over $10 million to create a fictional dossier to destroy him. The media and other Democrats even had to create the lies about Russian collusion in their efforts to take Trump out. There was never one piece of evidence of Russian collusion, but since Trump's low-tax, smaller-government policies were very popular and were lifting people of all races and all education levels up, he had to be destroyed. After all, the media and other Democrats care about power, not great results, so they had to intentionally mislead the public. If the FBI, state prosecutors, the IRS, and the intelligence agencies spent their time doing their jobs instead of spending a significant amount of time and resources targeting their political opponents, the government would be much more efficient, and taxpayers would save a lot of money. Most of the media will still pretend that there is nothing political about the Obama and Biden administrations' IRS and FBI and that the N.Y. prosecutor is honest. I bet if the N.Y. prosecutor's office looked for a few minutes at the Clinton Foundation, it might find inappropriate payments and activity. Hillary, Biden, Lois Lerner, Comey, McCabe, Holder, and others could violate as many laws as they liked with no repercussions, but the Trump organization is charged with paying inappropriate perks? As the media and other Democrats continue to pretend no one is above the law. Photo credit: President of Ukraine, CC-BY-4.0. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. Throughout history Man has shown extraordinary imagination in inventing penalties and sentences for crimes committed by fellow man. The Romans in particular had an almost theatrical quality in the way these punishments were dolled out. One of the worst was reserved for parricidethe killing of a parent in which the prisoner was placed in a sack with several live animals and thrown into the water: the poena cullei, or penalty of the sack. The German philosopher Erich Fromm said that we are "the only animal that enjoys doing evil to its own kind without any rational biological or social benefit". But sometimes there was, and still is, a moral pretext: the defense of society. Aristotle himself affirms in his work Politics that the most necessary public position is that of a jailer, while Pio Baroja, through the mouth of a character in his novel La lucha por la vida, equated the office of executioner with those of priest, military and magistrate, as supports of society. In this sense, patricide was considered a particularly infamous crime in ancient Rome (and earlier in Greece, as evidenced by the myth of Oedipus or the harshness with which Solon treated it), where the character of Tulia the Less was a figure of unfortunate memory. As almost everything in the monarchical stage, history and legend intertwine and there remains a mixed narrative of how the youngest daughter of the sixth king, Servius Tullius, not only participated in the conspiracy to assassinate her father and get her second husband, the future Tarquinius the Superb, to ascend the throne, but also desecrated his corpse by driving over it with a chariot. It must be understood that the Roman family was the basic cell of society; it was a vast institution that grouped the members of the family, but also those adopted and even servants, and was under the absolute authority of the pater familias, whose patria potestas allowed him to dispose of the lives of all those dependent on him. Therefore, to kill him was revealed as an atrocious act in the personal but also in the social sphere and the state had to act accordingly. The Lex duodecim tabularum (Law of the XII of Tables) defined parricide as the voluntary homicide of parents by their children. A 1560 sketch showing capital punishment. But this legislative corpus was made in the middle of the 5th century B.C. and, with time, the section referring to this type of crime was expanded. For example, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, consul between 88 and 80 BC. (with a period of dictatorship from 81 to 80 B.C.), extended the possible liability to other relatives in addition to offspring. And the Lex Pompeia de parricidiis, established by Pompey in 55 B.C., did the same with potential victims, going from being only parents to stepparents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, spouses, cousins, in-laws, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, stepchildren and even employers. Those who fell outside these categories were governed by the general Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficiis, which remained almost unchanged since the XII Tables and punished murder with banishment. Likewise, according to Herennius Modestinus (a Roman jurist of the 3rd century A.D.), the Lex Pompeia could be used to accuse parricide in reverse, that is, parents who murdered their children, grandparents who did so with their grandchildren or even anyone who bought poison with the intention of killing their parent, even if they did not actually do it. Once the crime has been clarified, how does the corresponding punishment arise? It is possible that the origins of the poena cullei date back to the monarchic period. During the reign of Tarquinius the Superb, one of the duumviri sacrorum (priests) Marcus Atilius, appointed to guard the Sibylline Books, revealed some of their secrets. This was a sacrilege because these books were an anthology of prophecies dictated by the Sibyl of Cumae and were consulted every time Rome faced a difficult situation to seek possible solutions, so they were forbidden to the public. Consequently, Atilius was condemned to be thrown into the sea inside a sewn sack. Now, what does that have to do with patricide? Nothing really, unless we believe Dionysius of Halicarnassus, according to whom Atilius was also condemned for parricide. Other authors are of the opinion that he simply took advantage later of that form of execution because his extravagant character went well to exemplify. Plutarch places the date after the Second Punic War and gives the name of Lucius Hostius as the first documented parricide of Rome, although he does not explain how he was executed; before, the death of a father at the hands of his son would be considered a homicide more, generically. When it began to give differential category to that type of crime, it would have resorted to the atavistic method of delivering the culprit to the family of the deceased; but being the same, it became necessary to also devise a different punishment. This must have begun towards the end of the third century B.C.; according to some historians, perhaps because of the social disorders that arose among the Romans as a result of the invasion of the Italian peninsula by the Carthaginian Hannibal. They even believe to see in certain passages of Plautus, at the beginning of the following century, humorous references to the introduction of the poena cullei. Of course, Marcus Attilius was not the only one to go down in history dying in such an ignominious way. Plutarch also describes the case of a certain Gaius Vilius, who was condemned for having supported the reforms of the Gracchi and who was executed by being locked inside a vase with snakes inside. A variant that preceded by a few decades the one that Titus Livius is considered to be the first to be executed for parricide in the way that would last from then on: Publicius Maleolus, who, having been found guilty of murdering his mother around 100 B.C., was condemned to be put inside a closed sack and thrown "into a stream of water". The case of Maleolus is described by various sources and none of them mentions that animals were also introduced with the prisoner, which confirms the current belief that this was a later addition of the first imperial stage. The description that can be read in the Rhetorica ad Herennium (Rhetoric to Herennius, an anonymous philosophical treatise dated approximately 90 B.C.), does provide other details, such as that Maleolus' head was covered with a wolf-skin bag and soleae lignae (wooden clogs or shoes) were put on him, objects that were intended to isolate the culprit from the world. However, Cicero (to whom the Rhetoric to Herennius was erroneously attributed for a long time) objects in his De inventione that the head bag was made of simple leather, perhaps a wineskin. Cicero speaks several times of poena cullei in his writings. For example, in the vibrant speech with which he defended Sextus Roscius against the accusation of murdering his father (in reality it was a personal vendetta in which Roscius himself almost died after his father), Cicero criticized the system of execution, and incidentally, obtained the acquittal of his client. Suetonius says that it was Augustus who formally authorized the poena cullei, although in practice it was already applied, as we saw, and since then it became habitual; so much so that, according to Seneca, in the time of Claudius they saw "more sacks than crosses", from which it would be necessary to deduce that the parricides proliferated. That parricide had become more frequent than desirable has its icing on the cake in the death of Agrippina at the hands of her son Nero. Suetonius attributes to the emperor the death of her young lover, Aulus Plautius, suspecting that she wanted to replace him on the throne; later, he adds, he did the same to her under the influence of his wife, Poppaea Sabina, fulfilling an ancient prophecy that foretold that he would be emperor but would kill his mother, to which she would have replied "Occidat, dum imperet!" (Let him kill me as long as he reigns!). Regardless of whether these facts are true or not, as also happens with the life of the reviled Caligula (Suetonius, one of the main sources for both, belonged to the senatorial class and in that period the Senate struggled not to lose its power before the growing imperial authority), and returning to what concerns us, Juvenal wrote that Nero deserved more punishment than to end up in a sack. Something that Suetonius endorses again when he narrates how, after the emperor's suicide, a statue of him appeared partially covered with a culleum and accompanied by a writing that read "I did what I could. But you deserve the sack!" The poena cullei was not only a form of execution. It constituted a whole ritual full of symbols, although not all were incorporated at the same time. Some had antecedents as old as Pharaonic Egypt, where the parricide was martyred by cutting off pieces of flesh with sharpened reeds ad hoc and then burning him on thorns. In this sense, the aforementioned Modestino narrates how the prisoner was whipped with the virgae sanguinae (blood sticks, so called because of their function or perhaps because they were previously dyed red), before his head was covered, the clogs were put on him and he was introduced into the sack, whose opening was then sewn; in this way, he was deprived of seeing the sky before dying. The extra element of the animals inside the sack did not arrive until imperial times. It was precisely Seneca's father who testified to the novelty of the introduction of snakes with the prisoner (specifically a viper, a species believed to kill its parents at birth), while the poet Juvenal, a little later, did the same with respect to a monkey, which embodied madness and was considered a caricatured version of the human being. It is not clear at what point the rest of the fauna appeared, a rooster (metaphor of ferocity and violence against its own parents) and a dog (representative of rabies, a despicable animal for the Romans). In the second century A.D., under Hadrian, we find another faunal element, although not inside the sack: a pair of black oxen pulled the cart that transported the prisoner and his peculiar prison to the water. This had a double meaning; on the one hand, the culprit of such a horrendous crime was deprived of land where he could rest in peace and, on the other hand, the human and animal remains would end up mixed for his eternal dishonor, all of this sifted by the purifying quality attributed to water in the Roman world. However, with Hadrian the poena cullei fell into disuse and became optional; there were other alternatives such as buried alive or in a damnatio ad bestias (that is, being devoured by wild beasts) in the arena of the amphitheater, although it seems that it applied mainly to lower-class people and it is also unclear whether the condemned could defend themselves (damnatio ad bestias proper) or awaited their terrible end tied up (obicere bestiis). It is possible that this was to make things easier if there was no body of water nearby. However, in the third century Constantine revitalized the ceremonialhe was the one who brought the dog and the rooster without considering it incompatible with the new Christian faith. In fact, it was even extended, for in the following century Constantius and Constantius included the penalty for adultery and added a fish, symbol of lust, to the sack. The same happened with Justinian three centuries later, since in his Institutiones (an introduction to the legislative compilation he made under the title Corpus iuris civilis) the poena cullei is reflected with all its paraphernalia, including animals. Nevertheless, the Basilika (the legal corpus of the Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Wise) shows that in the ninth century it no longer existed and had been replaced by the stake. This did not prevent it from being briefly resurrected in the Middle Ages. For example, it appears in the Siete Partidas (a legislative body introduced in 13th century Castile by King Alfonso X) and with all the characteristics (sack, animals, water), although over time it tended to be carried out only metaphorically: the condemned was dragged to the scaffold in a seron dragged by some beast of burden (something that continued to be done until the middle of the 19th century) and then his corpse was introduced into a bucket that had a dog, a monkey, a rooster and a snake painted on it, and which was simulated to be thrown into the water before burial. But where it really survived was in medieval and modern Germany, as evidenced in the 12th century by the Sassen Speyghel (Saxon Mirror), the most important penal code of the Germanic Middle Ages. There were some differences, however: the rooster was not included, and the serpent was represented only pictorially on a piece of paper and the monkey was replaced with a cat, often separated from the prisoner by a sewn cloth. Moreover, the sack was not made of leather but of linen, which facilitated death by drowning rather than by asphyxiation. This meant shortening the suffering, something that was sometimes sought and sometimes not. A case is recorded in Dresden in which a leather sack waterproofed with pitch was used to make the agony of its occupant last longer. But the sack burst open when it hit water, and the animals were able to escape. The condemned, however, presumably tied, drowned and got his punishment. The last time this punishment was meted out in 1734, somewhere in Saxony. However, according to some sources, it could have been the Saxonian city Zittau, where the last case is alleged to have happened in 1749. In 1761 the poena cullei was definitively abolished. This article was originally published in La Brujula Verde. It has been translated from Spanish and republished with permission. Have any questions? Please give us a call at 907-561-7737 Andover, MA (01810) Today Sunshine and clouds mixed. High around 75F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies this evening. A few showers developing late. Low 66F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%. (Photo courtesy Andover Center for History & Culture) The America House at 147 Main St. dates to 1825. Seven years later, Samuel F. Smith wrote the words to the patriotic song America while living at the house as a student at the Andover Theological Seminary. Smith set the words to a German tune in a book he was translating, which also happened to be the melody to God Save the King. Purchase an online subscription to our website for $7.99 a month with automatic renewal. Each online subscription gives you full access to all of our newspaper websites and mobile applications. To cancel you may contact Customer Service @ 256-235-9253 or email JPAYNE@ANNISTONSTAR.COM For a limited time, for NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY a NEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION is just $59.99 for the first year. Existing customers do not qualify for the specials! After the first year, well automatically renew your subscription to continue your access at the regular price of $69.99 per year. Please note *Your Subscription will Automatically Renew unless you contact Customer Service To Cancel* (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 1 - A 49-year-old man was found guilty of raping a woman over 14 years ago by a Milan judge on Thursday after DNA testing helped solve the cold case. The man, an Algerian national, raped and robbed the woman in the centre of Milan in August 2006 and was sentenced to 13 years, four months in jail at the end of a fast-track trial. He was identified with the help of genetic analysis and the fact that the victim still recognised him and he was arrested on January 16. (ANSA). (ANSAmed) - NAPLES, 01 LUG - A large new art space opened on Thursday in the Dubai Mall titled "Infinity of LIghts", which will be the largest digital art gallery in the country. The 2,700-square-metre space was created through a collaboration between InfinityArt and Culturespaces Digital. The immersive digital art experience utilises 130 projectors, 58 loudspeakers and 3,000 high-definition images. The magazine "What's On" said the space, with its technology and digital platforms, will contribute to Dubai's image as a city of the future. The work of Vincent Van Gogh will be on display along with a projection of "Dreamed Japan", Japanese decorative art projected on a 3,300-square-metre surface, including walls and floor. The artwork will be shown completely through seven-foot-tall projectors that visitors can walk through, bringing to life colours, sounds, movement and rhythm. "We are happy to bring this impressive way of showing art in an immersive manner," said Luc Archambeaud, head of business development at Culturespaces. "For the first time, residents of this region of the world and tourists will have the opportunity to take a multi-sensory journey, seeing art come to life around them". (ANSAmed). Turkey withdraws from Istanbul Convention, women protest Decree by Erdogan goes into effect today (ANSA) - ISTANBUL, 01 LUG - Various demonstrations are planned for Thursday afternoon in Turkey to protest against the country's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention against violence against women. The country's withdrawal from the Convention goes into effect on Thursday after the decree issued in March by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The protests were organised by the platform of associations that have been waging a months-long campaign to defend the Convention. The main protest is planned in Istanbul in the Tunel area, not far from Taksim Square. The initiatives by the organisations of Turkish women began after the decree was issued, which established Turkey's withdrawal from the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention and fight against violence against women and domestic violence. It is known as the Istanbul Convention because it was first signed in 2011 in the Turkish city. Turkey is the first country to withdraw from the Convention, after having been the first to ratify it. In addition to the NGOs, the country's opposition parties are also against the withdrawal, denouncing the risk of a further worsening of gender violence in Turkey. The country's Council of State, however, rejected appeals to annul Erdogan's decree. According to the Turkish platform "We Will Stop Femicide", last year at least 300 women were killed, the majority by their husbands, partners or family members; and 171 others were found dead in suspicious circumstances. Based on a report presented in the Turkish Parliament by the country's interior ministry, in addition, there were a total of 73,000 verified cases of domestic violence in the first four years of 2021. (ANSA). New DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has vowed to unite the party after several weeks of turbulence. Sir Jeffrey also said he expected the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to right the wrong of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The Lagan Valley MP was confirmed as new party leader following a meeting of the DUP ruling executive in Belfast. The partys 130-strong executive met at the La Mon Hotel to approve the appointment on Wednesday. Sir Jeffrey, the partys 58-year-old Westminster leader, was the only candidate to put his name forward for the DUP leadership after the dramatic resignation of Edwin Poots earlier this month. Speaking to the media after he was confirmed as leader, Sir Jeffrey said: What we have seen tonight is our party coming together, healing, uniting, looking to the future and drawing a line under what has happened in the past. Sir Jeffrey Donaldson speaks to the media after he was ratified as DUP leader (Liam McBurney/PA) There are many challenges ahead but I am confident now that the DUP will face those challenges together. I am confident that the party will now build towards the Assembly elections and I intend to work to ensure that once again the Democratic Unionist Party prevails in the election. I intend over the coming weeks and months to get out, into and across Northern Ireland, to meet with people, listen to what people have to say, understand their concerns and then we will seek to address those concerns. The new leader referred to recent internal divisions within the party which were laid bare after successive revolts deposed former leader Arlene Foster and her successor, Mr Poots. Mr Poots demise came only weeks after he narrowly defeated Sir Jeffrey in the leadership contest to succeed Mrs Foster. Sir Jeffrey said: There has been a lot of talking, I have spent time over the past few days talking quietly to colleagues, including Edwin (Poots). Edwin Poots leaving the La Mon hotel, Belfast, after the ruling executive of the Democratic Unionist Party ratified Sir Jeffrey Donaldson as the new party leader (Liam McBurney/PA) There have been things we have said to each other, recognising the hurt that has been caused. I think that has been good, it has been cathartic for the party and I think there is now a united determination. There is a desire to unite, to draw together, because in our unity is our strength. Sir Jeffrey also referred to the ongoing row over the Northern Ireland Protocol after a High Court ruling on Wednesday said that it conflicts with legislation that created the United Kingdom but is still lawful. He said: I have said to the Prime Minister in the House of Commons that the Protocol doesnt just impact on trade, it impacts on our constitution. The Government has a duty to put right what has been done. At the heart of the agreement which protects the peace process is the principle of consent. I expect the Prime Minister to put right this wrong, I expect the Prime Minister to take the action that is required to restore our place within the UK. The new leader has made clear his intent to return from Westminster to assume the First Ministers job at Stormont. However, the timeline for that move remains unclear. He would have to trigger a parliamentary by-election in Lagan Valley in order to re-enter the Assembly and it is unclear whether he would want to prompt such a contest in the near future, given the DUPs recent poor poll ratings. Sir Jeffrey is due to make his first keynote speech as party leader on Thursday. Children from most ethnic minority backgrounds missed more sessions of school in England during the autumn of last year than their white counterparts due to Covid-19, new figures suggest. Nearly one in 10 (9.2%) Asian pupils were absent from school due to coronavirus-related circumstances the highest of all the major ethnic minority groups, according to data published by the Department for Education (DfE). Mixed race pupils had absence rates of 7.3% and black pupils 7.2%, compared with 6.6% for white pupils. In further detail, the DfE said pupils from Gypsy/Roma and Pakistani ethnic groups had the highest levels of absences, with rates of 10.9% and 10.8% respectively. This compared to 7.0% across all pupils. Chinese pupils were the least likely to miss school, with 6.1% recorded as absent due to the virus. Overall rates of non-attendance were not hugely different, with 4.7% of white pupils missing school compared with 5.1% of mixed race pupils, 4.5% of Asian pupils, 3.7% of black pupils and 2.7% of Chinese pupils. Pupils returned to school full-time in September (Ben Birchall/PA) Millions of children returned to school full-time in September after being home schooled for several months due to the pandemic. A week later, dozens of schools in England and Wales were forced to close again after pupils and teachers tested positive and had to self-isolate. Rising case numbers led to a tier system being established across England and a circuit-breaker lockdown being held in November. The nation then went into lockdown for a third time in January. In May, research conducted by scientists found South Asian communities in England experienced greater levels of Covid-19 infection and severe disease compared to other minority ethnic groups during the second wave of the pandemic. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. The findings, published in the journal Lancet, were based on 17 million adults in England and tracked data from September to December 2020. Separately on Thursday, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the latest figures from its school infection survey. These suggested that among a small sample of schools in England, 0.65% of primary school pupils and 0.05% of secondary school pupils tested positive for Covid-19 between May 5 and 21. The sample was based on 142 schools in 14 local authorities, 131 of which returned no positive cases among participants tested as part of the study. US investor Elliott Management has called for GlaxoSmithKline to appoint a new board which can decide whether Dame Emma Walmsley is the best person to lead the business into the future. The drugs giant is set to be split next year into a consumer healthcare division and the so-called New GSK, which includes its pharmaceuticals and vaccines arms. GSK has promised to appoint more directors with biopharmaceuticals and scientific experience to the board of New GSK; however Elliott has urged it to do this before the split. This would allow the board to choose the best possible leadership for the two new companies, Elliott said, adding that it has a list of potential candidates it is prepared to share. To be clear, we believe that existing management should remain in place until a decision is made regarding future leadership, the investor said. But it added: Elliott strongly believes that the future CEOs of New GSK and CH (consumer healthcare) must have the skillsets and expertise to match their respective tasks at hand. The comment was widely interpreted as a question about current chief executive Dame Emma. Her background is in consumer healthcare she was the boss of that division before becoming GSK chief executive rather than pharmaceuticals. Last week Dame Emma said she would not talk about all the things Im not, which others have already covered. Let me tell you what I am I am a change agent, I am a business leader, and I am very excited about the new plans for a New GSK that were laying out today, she said. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. Although it was a poorly kept secret, Thursdays letter is the first time that Elliott has publicly said it has a major stake in GSK. It further called on the company to link a substantial part of managers pay to financial targets. This could include revenue growth targets, but also research and development milestones which will benefit shareholders in the long run, Elliott said. The investor said GSK should not rule out selling its consumer healthcare division instead of managements plan to hand it over to shareholders as a new listed business. Money from a sale could pay down debt or buy back shares from investors, Elliott added. If such opportunities arise in the next few months, we urge the board to evaluate them impartially against the default spin and sell-down plan announced in the investor update, it said. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. GSK said it is already working towards fixing many of the issues that Elliott raised in its letter. We set out on 23 June an ambitious plan to deliver a step-change in performance and realise significant value for GSK shareholders over the next decade, it said. We believe our shareholders are supportive of this strategy, and that they are focused on GSK executing on it without distraction or delay. This is our clear priority. We will respond to Elliotts letter more fully in due course. Government efforts to level up funding for education have resulted in cuts to the money going to the most deprived schools, the Whitehall spending watchdog has found. The National Audit Office (NAO) said since the introduction of a national funding formula for England there had been a relative redistribution of resources to schools in better-off areas. In contrast, it said, almost 60% of the most deprived fifth of schools had seen a real terms reduction in Government funding since 2017-18. While schools in poorer areas continue to receive more support than those in better-off parts of the country, the NAO said the gap was narrowing and questioned whether the formula was leading to a fair allocation of resources. The findings are potentially embarrassing for Boris Johnson who shortly after entering Downing Street in July 2019 announced an increase funding under the formula with the aim of levelling up education funding and giving all young people the same opportunities to succeed. The formula, first introduced in 2018-19, brought in minimum per-pupil funding levels, but because most schools with high levels of deprivation were already receiving above the minimum threshold they did not see any increase. However, under the formula, more than one in three of the least deprived fifth of schools (37.1%) did get a rise. In all, in 2020-21 an additional 266 million was allocated to 3,150 schools none in the poorest fifth. The NAO said that since 2017-18, average per-pupil funding for the most deprived fifth of schools has fallen in real terms by 1.2% to 5,177, while for the least deprived fifth it has risen by 2.9% to 4,471. Cities with high levels of deprivation, such as Nottingham and Birmingham, as well as most London boroughs, saw cuts while local authorities with relatively low levels of deprivation in the South West, the East Midlands and the South East received increases of around 1%. Boris Johnson promised to level up funding for education (Paul Ellis/PA) In all, 58.3% of the fifth most deprived schools suffered a real terms per pupil funding cut, including 83.6% of those Inner London. While overall funding from the Department for Education (DfE) to schools rose from 36.2 billion in 2014-15 to 43.4 billion 2020-21, an increase in pupil numbers meant it amounted to a real terms per pupil increase of just 0.4%. At the same time the DfE estimated that between 2015-16 and 2019-20, cost pressures on schools outstripped funding increases by 2.2 billion, mainly because of rising staff costs. The head of the NAO Gareth Davies said: The Department for Education has met its objective of making the way it allocates school funding more transparent and consistent. However, it is less clear whether it has met its objective of allocating funding fairly. Although more deprived areas and schools continue to receive more per-pupil funding than those that are less deprived, the difference in funding has narrowed. The department must evaluate whether this funding model is matching resources to need. Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (E-mail: awanzamir@yahoo.com). A century ago, on 1 July 1921, CPC was established in Shanghai, under circumstances where China was facing enormous challenges. The ruling elite Nationalist Party (Guo Min Dang) was unable to pull China out of the crisis. Colonization was at its peak, Japan was strong & aggressive, and the whole Western world was against China. It was the CPC who took the initiative to change the fate of China. After a long struggle, it resulted in the liberation of China and the establishment of the "People's Republic of China" on 1 October 1949. It was a miracle and mega achievement of CPC. Under the outstanding leadership of Chairman Mao, the political reforms were introduced and completed successfully till 1978. China entered into a new stage in 1978, "Economic Reforms and Open Door Policies," under the visionary leadership of Deng Xiao Ping. CPC turned the impossible into tremendous achievements, and China emerged as the second-largest economy. I was studying in China in 1980-1987, the early days of reforms and opening up, and eye witness China's rapid economic development. As a general rule of thumb, any country needs Capital, Technology, and Human resources to develop quickly. Unfortunately in China at that time was lacking Capital, lacking technology, and also lacking highly qualified Human resources. But, the CPC was determined to boost the economy and worked hard. China introduced flexible and attractive investment policies to overcome the Capital issue. China sent millions of youth to the world's best Universities to train high-quality Human Resources as well as to acquire the latest technologies. CPC succeeded in its economic reforms and opening-up policies, and China rapidly developed to the Second Largest Economy in the world. In2020, the sudden broke-out of COVID-19 was another mega challenge. It was a new virus, and little knowledge was available in the world. Under the visionary leadership, CPC worked hard, studied the genomics of the virus, and implemented strict measures to overcome the outbreak. Today, China is the first country who defeated the COVID-19 and heling the rest of the world in their struggle to overcome the Pandemic. The credit goes to CPC. Eradication of poverty from China and lifting almost 800 million people from the poverty line was not easy. The uninterrupted hard work of CPC succeeded in achieving the status of a moderate prosper society, a decade ahead of its target set in 2030. Applause CPC again. How can the CPC make the impossible into possible? Based on Marxism, Leninism, Mao Ze Dong Thought, and Deng Xiao Ping's theory, President Xi Jin Ping, who is also the Secretary-General of CPC and Chairman of Military Commission, evolved "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics," which is the biggest climax of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and an extraordinary contribution to the Party's development. This critical Thought represents the newest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and is a vital component of the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The advancement of the Thought into the Party's guiding principle is of great political, theoretical and practical significance. All-Party members are called for studying hard Xi's "new era" approach in terms of its traditional background, scientific system, and functional requirement. The approach on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era builds on. Further, it improves Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development. The new Thought brings the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics to a new height, and it turns into a new era. As China enters into a new stage of development, the CPC must write a new chapter of the 21st-century. That is Marxism with a broader vision to achieve its goals of basically realizing socialist modernization in the first stage from 2020 to 2035, before developing China into a "great modern socialist country" that is "prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful" after another 15 years. CPC has a history of making impossible into possible. It is expected that CPC will resolve all-new challenges and succeed in achieving the next goals, and overcome any difficulty in their way to move forward. Availing this opportunity, I would invite the whole world to join the happy and joyful celebration of the 100th anniversary of founding the CPEC. Many activities are being organized, and everywhere there is an environment of festival in China. On behalf of people of Pakistan, we share the excitement and joys of the celebration with Chinese brothers and sisters equally and sincerely wish them all the best and good luck in their future endeavors. Wish the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan to grow further. (ASIA PACIFIC DAILY) Take shorter showers. Only use the sprinklers in the cooler parts of the day. Run the dishwasher less often. Recycle sink and shower water for plants. Turn off the water while your brushing teeth. I don't. Other. Vote View Results After our 2nd year of being in business, it did not take long to figure out that people absolutely love talking about health insurance! Kidding of course. However, for as much as people do not WANT to talk about it, the truth is that you MUST talk about it. Why? Read more Online Access for Print Subscribers. Do you have a print subscription with the Argus-Press? If yes, then click here to enjoy complimentary access to our Online Content! The government was not giving priority to the medical sector or issues of immediate concern, CJI said Studies, Justice Ramana said, had shown that knowledge and awareness was negligible in rural India on diabetes. (PTI) Hyderabad: Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana said huge economic losses inflicted by the Covid-19 pandemic on India, and across the globe, should wake us up to the reality that there is no substitute for a free and universal public healthcare system that focuses on disease prevention. The government, the Chief Justice of India said, was not giving priority to the medical sector or issues of immediate concern. Launching the Defeat Diabetes campaign by the Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India on Thursday, Justice Ramana, in a virtual address, said if diabetes was to be battled effectively, the state had to come up with a comprehensive policy framework in which awareness campaign became a part of diabetes eradication endeavours. For the programme to be successful, it needs to be integrated into a free and universal public healthcare system. Left to individuals, we will never reach the goal, Justice Ramana said. On the rising diabetes cases in India, he said, One must pause and wonder about the implications of this on the already strained healthcare system in the country. Formulating public healthcare policies based on intense scientific research is needed. Studies, Justice Ramana said, had shown that knowledge and awareness was negligible in rural India on diabetes. The knowledge gap leads to myths like it is the obese, those who consume more sugar, are the ones who get the disease, or that it is contagious and the one that says women are immune to the disease. Where there is room for myths, there is room for quackery. Quackery is the biggest disease affecting India. Quackery begins where awareness ends, he said. Quoting the Telugu saying Aarogyamey mahabhagyam, the Chief Justice of India said it was the universal truth that health was wealth. Any investment is justified to acquire this wealth because only a healthy nation can become a wealthy nation, he said. Here are a few thoughts and facts for all stakeholders to ponder over, he said, adding, Our doctors are being attacked while on duty. Why is it that our medical professionals are at the receiving end for someone elses failure? This, the Chief Justice said, was because of insufficient number of medical professionals, insufficient infrastructure, lack of medicines and outdated technologies. The government was not giving priority to the medical sector or issues of immediate concern, he said. Justice Ramana also said it was saddening to see how a good qualified doctor cannot start a hospital on his own and survive. Why is profiteering by corporators being blamed on doctors? After years of learning, doctors struggle to get decent salaries. The medical bodies and concerned agencies in the government should put their heads together to address these concerns, he added. Only then, the Chief Justice of India said, can we sincerely greet the doctors on the first of July every year. Calling doctors living Gods, Justice Ramana said no other professional could render sacrifices as valuable as those made by doctors. IMA data suggested that more than 798 doctors lost their lives in the second wave of pandemic, he said, adding that his heartfelt sympathies were with the families of medical professionals and health workers who lost their lives while saving the lives of patients during the pandemic. Shaik Ahmed of Hyderabad, had kidnapped a minor, Class 6 student of St Marys High School, Rezimental Bazaar, Secunderabad in 2011 New Delhi: If an abducted person is not assaulted or threatened to be killed and treated well, then the kidnapper cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment under Section 364A of Indian Penal Code, the Supreme Court has said. A bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and R. Subhash Reddy made the observation while setting aside the conviction of an autorickshaw driver, Shaik Ahmed of Hyderabad, who had kidnapped a minor, Class 6 student of St Marys High School, Rezimental Bazaar, Secunderabad in 2011 and demanded a ransom of Rs 2 lakh from his father. The top court said that there are three essential ingredients to convict an accused under Section 364A (kidnapping for ransom) which need to be proved by prosecution. It said the three essential ingredients are - kidnapping or abduction of any person or keeping him in detention; threatening to cause death or hurt to such person, or the kidnapper's conduct gives rise to a reasonable apprehension that victim may be put to death or hurt in order to compel the Government, foreign State or any Governmental organization or any other person to pay a ransom. Referring to the punishment of life or death sentence provided for convictions under Section 364A, the top court said, In addition to the first condition either condition (ii) or (iii) has to be proved, failing which conviction under Section 364A cannot be sustained. The top court was hearing an appeal filed by Telangana resident Shaik Ahmed challenging a high court order. The High Court had dismissed his plea against conviction and sentence of life imprisonment under section 364 A of the IPC. Shaik Ahmed had kidnapped a Class 6 student of St Marys High School on the pretext of dropping him home. The child was rescued by police when the child's father went to pay the ransom. The child, who was 13 years old at the time of incident in 2011, and his father had told the lower court that Ahmed never threatened to kill or harm the boy. The top court set aside the conviction under section 364 A of the IPC. From the evidence on record regarding kidnapping, it is proved that accused had kidnapped the victim for ransom, demand of ransom was also proved. Even though offence under Section 364A has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt but the offence of kidnapping has been fully established to which effect the learned Sessions Judge has recorded a categorical finding. The offence of kidnapping having been proved, the appellant deserves to be convicted under Section 363 (Punishment for kidnapping). Section 363 provides for punishment which is imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine, the bench said. The apex court said that it is satisfied that the appellant deserves to be sentenced with imprisonment of seven years and also liable to pay fine of Rs 5,000. HP kW However, the French automaker has just put the spotlight on the third-generation supermini , introduced in 2016 and facelifted last year, with the new You! special edition.The model presents a sober and singular attitude, Citroen says, and will win you over with its uniqueness, practicality, and serenity behind the wheel.Priced at 14,490 ($17,211) in France in the PureTech S&S BVM specification, with a small gasoline engine making 83 PS (82/ 61) and a manual transmission, the 2021 Citroen C3 You! is already on sale in its home market, and will arrive at dealers in September.The French subcompact hatchback can be ordered in six body colors, including Elixir Red, Steel Grey, Perla Nera Black, Sand, Polar White, and Platinum grey. It features 15-inch Arrow wheels, matte black fender flares and rocker panels, white fog lamp housings, side mirror caps and roof (optional), and You! logo on the front doors, as well as special decorations on the C pillars.Inside, the 2021 C3 You! gets Brilliant Black dashboard panel, Mica Grey fabric trim, air conditioning, MP3 player with four-speaker audio system, Bluetooth connectivity, USB port, electric front windows, and height/depth adjustable steering wheel. The hill-start assist and cruise control with speed limiter are included as well.The 2021 Citroen C3 family starts at 15,600 ($18,529) in France for the Live trim level, which is followed by the Feel, Feel Pack, and C-Series, available from 16,800 ($19,955), 17,600 ($20,905), and 18,550 ($22,033). The Feel Business, Shine, and Shine Pack will set buyers back at least 18,700 ($22,212), 19,350 ($22,984), and 20,250 ($24,053) respectively.Fords Fiesta, which is one of its biggest rivals in the segment, ranges between 16,750 ($19,895) for the Cool&Connect, and 26,950 ($32,011) for the ST. There were eight entries in the competition at the start of the voting process, from vague concepts like ACE (Artemis Crew Explorer) or Delos, after the name of the place where both Apollo and Artemis are said to have been born, to proper names from NASAs glorious past, like Irene Duhart Long, Julius Montgomery, or Arturo Campos.When all was done earlier this week, the name that emerged victorious was Arturo Campos, and this is the name the NASA dummy will be carrying to space on its trip around the Moon.Campos was one of the many people on deck in the Manned Spacecraft Center during Apollo 13 in the 1970s and instrumental to the mission not turning into a major disaster.As we already know, NASA has a habit of making contingency plans for everything it can think of, and even for things it cant. For Apollo 13, one such contingency plan covered what to do if the service module oxygen tank aboard the Apollo spacecraft ruptured.As history notes it, this is exactly what happened with Apollo 13 and led to what must have been one of the craziest rides NASA has ever known. The said contingency plan was devised by Campos and modified on the fly to handle the challenges the crew had to face in space.So, even if the engineer didnt get to fly into space himself, his name will do so when the Artemis 1 mission takes off later this year. It will be slapped on a dummy NASA called until now Moonikin , a piece of hardware also used for the Orion vibration tests.The Campos mannequin , who is male, will not fly alone into space but accompanied by two model human torsos, one male and one female. They are generically called phantoms, but also named Zohar and Helga, and their role will be to provide data on radiation levels during missions to the Moon. New colors Mars red metallic, Manhattan metallic matt and Option 719 Galaxy Dust metallic/Titanium silver2 metallic. For Option 719 Galaxy Dust metallic/Titansilber 2 metallic black drive train is coupled with reverse assistance. Geometric change of lower luggage holder. No disassembly required when riding without case (R 18 Classic only). New Option 719 Design Package AERO includes cylinder head covers and front cover made of brushed aluminum. Option 719 seat. Option 719 wheel sets AERO and ICON. Design option chrome freely selectable for all colour variants. Lination freely selectable for Black storm metallic and Mars red metallic. First Edition is dropped. As we wait for the family of two to expandthe range comprises for now just the standard R 18 and the Classicthe Germans decided its time for a refresh and announced several changes for the 2022 model year.The biggest modification is the addition of new color combinations. There are three in all, namely Mars Red metallic, Manhattan metallic matt, and Option 719 Galaxy Dust metallic/Titanium silver2 metallic.The last of the bunch also comes with a black drive train that is coupled with reverse assistance, and theres also an Option 719 Design Package AERO that comes with cylinder head covers and front cover made of brushed aluminum.You can read the entire list of changes in the bullet list below this text, but before you do that, you should know that the First Edition of the R18 will no longer be offered when the 2022 model year hits the shelves this August.Also, its important to note BMW will add two new models to the range in the not-so-distant future, namely the R 18 B and the Transcontinental. Both will retain the 2-cylinder engine with 1,802 cc of displacement but will be built to appeal to different riders, namely those looking for a sportier ride and those going for a more touring-oriented machine. AWD The American truck market is being inundated with brand-new modelsHyundai Santa Cruz, Ford Maverick , Nissan Frontier, Toyota Tacoma, and especially the Lightning. In his review of the Ridgeline, DeMuro argues that it's the least truck-like model because it's based on a crossover platform shared with the Pilot.Apparently, if you're looking for a real truck, it shouldn't be on your list, but if you want factory-fitted gold wheels, this has got them. According to him, you shouldn't be fooled by the fender flares.However, we'd like to point out that the Ridgeline isn't the only "fake truck" out there. And Honda buyers are known for their love of factory body kits or cosmetic packages, especially if they bring a color or gloss black (Black Edition).But at least it's got quirks and features, right? Otherwise, this wouldn't be a good DeMuro review. According to him, Honda knows about the off-roader trend that spawned things like the Bronco. But it only has crossovers, and so they're forcing them to look more rugged, which explains the new front end of the Ridgeline, which no longer looks like it copied some crossover's homework.The HPD kit costs $2,800 extra and brings you the gold wheels we mention. DeMuro argues that HPD , short for Honda Performance Development) is an embarrassing copy of TRD, the famous Toyota brand for making everything cooler.Obviously, the Ridgeline can't match a Tacoma TRD 's off-road capabilities, though Doug doesn't subject it to any serious test. Don't hate us for saying this, but we still think the Honda is cool. It's got some decent on-road manners, and for 2021,comes standard.The bed seems to get DeMuro's seal of approval. It's got an interesting tailgate that opens both from the side and up-and-down, plus composite lining, so you don't have to worry about rust and scratches as much. Also, there's a kind of trunk with a drain at the bottom.Under the hood, you have the same 3.5-liter V6 with a 9-speed as before, good for 280 horsepower. The Chevy Colorado will pull more, but at least the Ridgeline gets a better payload rating than a Tacoma. So you see, it's not all that bad, but Doug is probably chasing clicks by jumping on the "Ridgeline is not a pickup" internet hate bandwagon. The Pacific Northwest heatwave has broken records in Portland, with temperatures reaching all-time highs. The National Weather Service reported a high of 115 degrees on Monday, breaking the previous high of 112 degrees set on Sunday. The maximum temperature in Portland on Monday was the hottest ever recorded there since records were started in the '40s.As of June 30th, the State Medical Examiner's Office had received a report of 63 deaths related to the Pacific Northwest heatwave. Due to the extreme and dangerous temperatures, the state's restrictions prohibiting people from pumping their own gas have been temporarily lifted.For those who might now know, there are only two states in the U.S. where self-service fuel filling is illegal, and Oregon is one of them (New Jersey is the second state). Oregon has banned self-serve gas since 1951 but in recent years has relaxed its rules.Oregon modified some of its regulations in 15 rural counties in 2015 ( those with less than 40,000 residents). To let stations operate for 24 hours a day, some fuel providers started to allow people to self-serve from 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. Three years later, for locations without a market or convenience store, the rules were extended to for the whole day.Last year, due to the health crisis, self-serve laws were temporarily modified, although this only lasted a few months. This week saw the citizens able to pump their own gas for 48 hours. And even if the temporary suspension has ended, the extreme heat does not stop there. For several days, it will continue to sweep across the Pacific Northwest, with temperatures reaching triple digits.Currently, Oregonians are able to pump their own gas only where allowed by Oregon statute. If you live in Oregon, you can check this map , where you can see in what locations self-serve is allowed. You can put a rotary engine in any kind of vehicle, and the enthusiasts will follow that build with avid interest. Granted, they're a bit more sensible when it comes to someone fiddling around with their beloved cars. The RX-7 has been around for decades, and we've seen it used for many purposes. But if there's one thing the RX-7 is known for, is its inability to be a proper family car.Sure, that's not all on account of the cramped cabin of the car. The FC was built as more of a grand tourer, and I've managed to transport as many as three people inside for short trips. I'm 1,83 meters tall, and I can fit comfortably behind the wheel, whereas a Mazda MX-5 with stock seat rails was just too tight to handle. And having driven the FD3S, too, that's the only time I ever wished I wasn't so damn tall. But I'm trying to convince myself that with the factory exhaust and tune, the only inconvenience left would be the lack of cabin space.Khyzyl Saleem, who is one of the most well-known automotive 3D artists of our time, also happens to own a Mazda RX-7. And so, it feels only natural that his latest project was based on that exact model. While Mazda never built a shooting brake version of the RX-7, that didn't stop Khyzyl from drawing one up. Sure, Greddy has had a rear-hatch for the RX-7 on offer before, but somehow that didn't look as natural as Khyzyl's work.What's even more interesting is the fact that Khyzy l wrapped this idea up as a '90s brochure advert. I get the feeling that if someone less of an RX-7 specialist looked at these photos, they would surely believe this is a genuine Mazda-built vehicle and not the work of a 3D artist. "Apparently, men think about it every second seconds" sounds like brilliant copyrighting to me, and that only works to get me more pumped up for this month's main event, a celebration for all RX-7 enthusiasts: 7's Day!Being an RX-7 owner himself, Khyzyl was excited to work on this project, noting that "this was honestly so much fun to do." The photos will be used as part of a Meguiars campaign called "The Popping 90s", hence why Khyzyl used the company's "Gold Class Line" as an inspiration for the design. I imagine that at this point, where Khyzyl has managed to turn several of his projects into road-going vehicles, there should be at least one rotor head out there willing to bring the RX-7 Shooting brake to life. The GWM POER (its supposed to be pronounced power) was officially announced at Auto China 2020, as a new-generation pickup truck , the first one in the companys history to come with automatic transmission and advanced safety technology. This showed, right from the start, GWMs intention to conquer the international market.The name is an acronym for powerful, off-road, enjoyable and reliable. And, according to the Australian media (following a recent test drive event for several GWM models), the GWM POER seems to live up to its name.The Chinese car maker is betting on the trucks versatility. The large cabin and leather seats are supposed to be comfortable enough for a nap-break during long journeys, while the vehicle itself is big enough to bring along bicycles, tents, or even a motorboat. And it comes with 4 all-terrain driving modes (standard/commerce/sports/4L), so that it can perform just as well on sand as on muddy gravel roads.As we mentioned, advanced technology is one of its strongest assets. An emergency brake assist feature, hill-start assist control, traction control system, tire pressure monitoring, plus a reversing camera and reversing sensor are part of the safety system that upgrades this pickup truck to a higher-class level. In fact, POER even got a five-star safety rating from the independent safety agency ANCAP.The L2 level automatic driving is another important innovation for the Chinese pickup truck, including features such as automatic emergency brake, adaptive cruise control, all-around blind spot monitoring and traffic sign recognition.All in all, the GWM POERs design (both exterior and interior), smart technology and off-road performance seem to have earned it a good reputation so far. Well have to wait and see how far its reputation will extend. This groundbreaking concept was developed by a team of experts from different fields - Jacopo Buongiorno, TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Kevin Chilton, retired commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Steven Aumeier of the Idaho National Laboratory, and Robert Frida, a founder of GenH.The result of their research was published in The Bridge, the journal of the National Academy of Engineering.Nuclear energy is an important alternative for carbon-free electricity and heat, but the problem so far has been that traditional nuclear reactors were very big, requiring large construction sites, years if not decades - to build and, of course, huge costs. The scientific community has been looking at developing smaller reactors, but its for the first time that a radically small unit is considered.It would be so small that it could be built in a factory (no dedicated construction site required), it would fit in a standard container and it could be deployed on demand, in just a few weeks.Instead of working for years on a huge power plant, these nuclear batteries could simply be transported wherever they are needed, run safely for 5 to 10 years, and then taken back to the factory, to be refueled. As Jacopo Buongiorno explains, this technology is taking modularity to the extreme and the reduced size is what changes everything. Thanks to it, the micro-reactors would also be as safe as possible, because its easier to keep the nuclear fuel cool without intervention and the amount of residual heat when the reactor is shut down is also reduced.Institutions such as NASA and several companies have already worked with national labs to test different versions of micro-reactors. These nuclear batteries could be the next step in creating a widespread solution for sustainable energy and reducing carbon emissions. EV kWh This electric crossover was said to replace the Nissan Leaf by some media outlets, but that role was already with the Ariya . Weirdly, this newwill also sit on the CMF-EV platform, which would make it compete with the Ariya if they had the same size. Luckily, Nissans teaser image gives us some hints on what this new electric crossover will be.The picture reveals a vehicle that seems lower and longer than the Nissan Ariya, which suggests a higher price tag. That is something the information about a new cell plant there confirms.According to the press release, Envision AESC will be Nissans partner in the EV36Zero as it is with Renault . It will expand its factory in Sunderland to 9 GWh with an investment of 450 million. With that, the current 300 employees will see 450 more join the facility. The issue is that we have conflicting information about its future capacity. Despite what the press release states, the image created to summarize the information mentions it will be 7.5 GWh.We got in touch with Nissan to clarify this, but lets suppose that what the press release states is more reliable than the image reveals. With 9 GWh, Nissan intends to manufacture 100,000 units of this new EV in Sunderland. We did the math and it revealed that the new electric crossover would have a 90battery pack, the largest one available for the Ariya. Again, that suggests we are talking about a D-segment vehicle.It makes perfect sense. Nissan will not export this EV as easily as it shipped Leafs when the UK was part of the European Union. A vehicle with a higher profit margin has more chances to compete in other markets and to be exported.That would be fantastic both to Nissan and to Envision AESC. The battery supplier plans to invest 1.8 billion there to expand that capacity to up to 35 GWh and manpower to 4,500 people by 2030.Both the Sunderland plant and Envision AESCs factory will be powered by a microgrid composed of solar and wind generation. That microgrid alone will demand 80 million and prevent the emission of 55,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Before we focus on the people involved and their reactions, let's dig up some info on the car itself. As you've probably guessed, we're not dealing with a sort of art project. And just like the 2016 Ford "Consumer Car", this is connected to the Peterson Automotive Museum.The four-wheeled wedge is dubbed "The Lo Res Car" and it's going up for auction . It's supposed to depict the Lamborghini Countach, an iconic Italian supercar. But Rem D. Koolhaas and the United Nude team boiled down all the details to this simple shape vaguely reminiscent of the Tesla Cybertruck.As for its construction, it consists of an angular steel frame wrapped in smoked polycarbonate bodywork. Basically, it's like the stealth bomber meets a fish tank. Right at the beginning of the video, you'll see Supercar Blondie pulling up to a large house. The whole body lifts up from the front of the vehicle. The interior isn't exactly spacious, but there's just enough room for the tandem seating of the two celebs.It's not fair to call this a never-before-seen UFO, as the YouTuber does in her social media posts. It won a design award from Wallpaper magazine in 2016 and was part of the music video New Freezer by Rich the Kid featuring Kendrick Lamar, released in 2017 (see below).But Supercar Blondie's channel is an amazing platform for such a creation, and Jeffree Star's connection will make it even more popular. While this video is brand new, the social media posts on the Countach UFO have already racked up a few tens of millions of views.We get that this is supposed to be an art piece, but if you look at it as a vehicle of the future, it fails. Like a movie prop car from the 1990s, it jiggles over every bump. But at least it's powered by electricity and not some scooter engine. Some websites said they could determine that this was indeed a Model S Plaid due to the badge on the trunk lid, which would still be visible in the pictures. The images we have seen are not so good. Even if it seems like it, we can't say that for sure.It also has the new 21-inch Arachnid wheels, but those are also an option for the Long Range. We have also seen them in the Model S with a hanging airbag module , but a paper inside that car said it was a Long Range.The fire was reported on multiple Reddit threads. The moderators erased the main one , but there are others that claim that the vehicle was moving while it was on fire, leading to jokes about self-driving capabilities that no production car so far presents.Well try to find out more about the fire. If you happen to know the vehicle owner, please put them in touch with us. Most of all, we need to confirm if this was really a Model S Plaid. If that was really the case, it is undoubtedly not good publicity when a brand new vehicle is caught in a blaze like this. Our firm & @AthleteDefender represent an exec who purchased new Tesla Plaid Model S, which was 1/250 shipped. On Tuesday it spontaneously combusted. Our client was trapped & could have died. We tried reaching out to Tesla & have been ignored so far. This is car after escape. pic.twitter.com/wXyJXbWggJ Ben Meiselas (@meiselasb) July 1, 2021 According to Meiselas, his client was trapped inside the vehicle when it caught fire at night on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Thanks to the Gladwyne Volunteer Fire Company, we know that it happened almost at 9 PM. Check his tweet below.Meiselas said his client managed to escape. That may explain why some people said it was moving while on fire: his owner had no time to think about braking it or anything else. The attorney then said that they are trying to contact Tesla since the blaze broke and that the company is ignoring them until now.We got in touch with Meiselas to speak to his client and understand everything that happened. What his tweet made very clear is that it was not a criminal fire of any kind: as the lawyer puts it, the Model S Plaid spontaneously combusted.At this point, we are glad that the Model S Plaid customer managed to escape the car. On April 16, 2021 , William Varner and Everett Talbot died in Harris County, Texas. They crashed Varners Model S in a three, but none of the bodies was found at the drivers seat. The crash is still under investigation, but one of the hypotheses was that Varner left the drivers seat to try to escape and died in the rear seat.The Pennsylvania blaze is the first involving a Model S Plaid but joins a long list of other cases with the electric sedan. The latest spontaneous fire that came to our attention happened on November 24, 2020, in Frisco, Texas On June 30, 2021, Missouri became the last state with a sales tax to require out-of-state sellers and marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales and use tax. Its been a long time coming. Senate Bill 153 establishes economic nexus, which bases a sales tax collection obligation solely on a remote sellers economic activity in the state. Starting January 1, 2023, an out-of-state business with no physical presence in Missouri must register with the Missouri Department of Revenue and comply with all applicable sales and use tax laws if, in the current or previous calendar year (determined quarterly), it had cumulative gross receipts of at least $100,000 from the sale of tangible personal property in the state. Marketplace facilitators engaged in business in Missouri (i.e., those with economic nexus or a physical presence in the state) will be liable for the tax due on all sales made through the marketplace on and after January 1, 2023 both direct sales and those made on behalf of a third party. Years of work finally pay off Missouri lawmakers have been trying to get an economic nexus and marketplace facilitator bill across the governors desk ever since the Supreme Court of the United States issued its groundbreaking decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., on June 21, 2018. The Wayfair decision overturned a rule that prevented states from taxing the sales of businesses with no physical presence in the state. Although physical presence in a state still creates a sales tax collection obligation, its no longer the sole requisite because of Wayfair. One reason previous attempts to establish economic nexus and a marketplace facilitator law in Missouri failed is because the states sales and use tax system is so complex. There are more than 2,000 local taxing jurisdictions in the state, and each has its own reporting code and rate. Making matters more complex, these jurisdictions can overlap; combined rates often include the state, county, and municipal rates plus one or more of more than a dozen special district taxes (e.g., ambulance, library, regional recreation, transportation, etc.). Currently, most local taxing jurisdictions levy a local sales tax only; very few have local use tax, though that could change once Missouri starts taxing remote sales. The Missouri Department of Revenue already has a sales tax mapping tool that generates the total combined sales tax rate for locations throughout the state. The new law requires the department to create and maintain a use tax mapping tool. This will help out-of-state vendors, who are liable for use tax rather than sales tax the purview of in-state businesses. Local use tax rates often differ from local sales tax rates in Missouri. SB 153 also tasks the department with providing reasonable notice of taxability changes. Additionally, businesses wont be held liable for charging or collecting incorrect tax if the business relied on erroneous data provided by the department. Certified service providers could simplify compliance for remote sellers Although SB 153 doesnt obligate Missouri to join the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement , it authorizes the Missouri Department of Revenue to consult, contract, and work jointly with the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreements Governing Board to allow sellers to use the governing boards certified service providers and central registration services. Alternatively, the department could consult, contract, and work with certified service providers independently. The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement was created to ease the burden of sales and use tax compliance for remote sellers. To that end, its 24 member states developed and maintain certain streamlining measures, including: a central, electronic registration system; uniform sourcing rules for taxable transactions; and uniform tax base definitions and rules. In Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) member states, businesses can opt to outsource the bulk of sales and use tax administration to an SST Certified Service Provider (CSP) like Avalara. CSP services are available to any business, and for those that qualify as a CSP-compensated seller (aka, volunteer seller), the cost is subsidized by the state. To qualify as a volunteer seller, a business must meet certain criteria. For example, during the 12-months prior to registration in the SST member state, the business must have: Less than $50,000 of property in the state Less than $50,000 of payroll in the state Less than 25 percent of total property or payroll in the state No fixed place of business for more than 30 days in the state A handful of states, including Illinois and Pennsylvania, offer independent CSP programs that function much like the SST CSP program. Under SB153, Missouri could do the same. A fun twist on local use tax collection Interestingly, Missouri will allow local governments to exclude remote vendors from the obligation to collect local use tax enacted prior to January 1, 2023. A remote seller or marketplace facilitator wont be subject to local use taxes enacted prior to January 1, 2023, unless that seller would have been subject to the tax prior to January 1, 2023, or a majority of voters in the district approve an expansion of the tax after January 1, 2023. Remote sellers will be subject to any new local use tax enacted on or after January 1, 2023. This local use tax provision will further complicate Missouris tax system, as does the fact that many local taxing jurisdictions currently dont levy local use taxes. Having the ability to tax remote sales will likely incentivize jurisdictions to levy a local use tax on or after January 1, 2023. That could make for a lot of rate changes. Start preparing Unrest in Nicaragua and Colombia is generating concern from Latino members of Congress who worry about violent crackdowns to curb continuing protests. Why it matters: After 20 years of focus on the Middle East, Latino lawmakers are reaching across the aisle and helping shift some of the nation's foreign policy spotlight to Latin America, which continues to battle COVID-19 and pockets of political turmoil. Driving the news: At least 24 people have been killed in Colombia since protests began in April against a tax reform proposal that has since been withdrawn. Demonstrators also want a universal basic income and an end to police violence, among other demands. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet in May called for investigations into the deaths of anti-government protesters in Cali, Colombia, following violent clashes between protesters and the military. A helicopter carrying Colombian President Ivan Duque last week was struck by multiple bullets during a flight over the Catatumbo region. No one was hurt. A demonstrator protesting Colombian President Ivan Duque throws a brick at riot police in Bogota. Photo: Raul Arboleda/AFP via Getty Images In Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortegas government has detained about 20 opposition figures, including five presidential candidates, as part of a wider crackdown on his critics ahead of the November presidential elections. Last week, several of the most influential critics of Ortega, including journalists, opposition leaders and activists, fled the country, the Washington Post reported. What they're saying: The Ortega regime is carrying out a widespread crackdown aimed at demolishing hopes for free and fair elections in November and consolidating a third dictatorship in the Americas, Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) wrote in a recent letter asking U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to put diplomatic pressure on Ortega. This authoritarian power grab poses direct challenges to U.S. national security, regional stability, and raises deep concern among Nicaraguan-Americans in the United States, Rubio and Menendez wrote. "We must show Ortega's regime that they cannot continue repressing the Nicaraguan people while reaping the economic benefits of free trade with the United States," U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.) said while introducing a bill to review Nicaragua's free trade status. Rubio and Menendez also are sponsoring a companion bill to review Nicaragua's free trade status and impose sanctions for corruption. U.S. Reps. Albio Sires (D-N.J.) and Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) also are pressuring the Biden administration to monitor the political violence in Colombia. We are deeply disturbed by reports of dozens of disappearances during the crackdown on protestors in Colombia. We call on President Duque and the Colombian government to thoroughly investigate each case to locate those who are missing and reunite them with their families," they said last week in a statement. The bottom line: Elected Latino officials want to make sure the U.S. is engaged in Latin America as China makes overtures in the region and continues to invest in projects. In the months since former President Donald Trump left office, media companies readership numbers are plunging and publishers that rely on partisan, ideological warfare have taken an especially big hit. Why it matters: Outlets most dependent on controversy to stir up resentments have struggled to find a foothold in the Biden era, according to an Axios analysis of publishers readership and engagement trends. By the numbers: Web traffic, social media engagement and app user sessions suggest that while the entire news industry is experiencing a slump, right-wing outlets are seeing some of the biggest plunges. A group of far-right outlets, including Newsmax and The Federalist, saw aggregate traffic drop 44% from February through May compared to the previous six months, according to Comscore data. including Newsmax and The Federalist, saw aggregate traffic drop 44% from February through May compared to the previous six months, according to Comscore data. Lefty outlets including Mother Jones and Raw Story saw a 27% drop. including Mother Jones and Raw Story saw a 27% drop. Mainstream publishers including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Reuters dropped 18%. App visits tell a similar story. Both right-leaning (including Fox News, Daily Caller) and left-leaning (including Buzzfeed News, The Atlantic) saw considerable average drops in app user sessions over this time period at 31% and 26%, respectively, according to Apptopia data. Data from Sensor Tower shows that downloads of fringe-right social networking apps like MeWe, Rumble, Parler and CloutHub have also plummeted. Engagement on social media has taken the biggest dive, according to data from NewsWhip. Left-leaning and right-leaning publishers have seen social interactions on stories drop by more than 50%, while mainstream publishers have experienced a slightly more modest drop of 42%. The big picture: Opposition media traditionally relies on traffic booms when a new party takes office, but right-wing outlets have seen some of the most precipitous declines in readership since a Democratic president took office. In this particular cycle, the opposition is more heavily linked to an ex-president than in the past," says Rodney Benson, chair of NYU's Department of Media, Culture, and Communication. "And the fact that Trump has been banned from the major social media likely has spill-over effects decreasing circulation of the opposition media. Between the lines: While the Biden administration has seen plenty of debate over policy, economics and a a crisis at the border, personality-based controversy has largely been absent. He's not giving the opposition a lot to attack," Benson notes. "This could suppress the audience for pro-Trump media, at least in the short-term." Benson notes. "This could suppress the audience for pro-Trump media, at least in the short-term." A slower political news cycle has put the spotlight on breaking news stories that may not have otherwise gotten as much attention in the Trump era, like a ship getting caught in the Suez Canal or the Derek Chauvin trial. Yes, but: Changes to the media landscape could also be at play here. For example, there's been enormous growth in conservative podcasts over the past year. In particular, an analysis from conservative media expert Howard Polskin finds that younger conservative talk personalities, like Ben Shapiro, Dan Bongino and Steven Crowder are gaining enormous traction, alongside veterans like Bill O'Reilly and Mark Levin. What to watch: "I anticipate traffic levels to conservative websites will start to rise in the first half of 2022 starting in about February," Polskin said. "The midterm elections will begin heating up and audiences will be seeking news and insights about the various races," he said. "That will help drive audience growth. However, I would be surprised if we hit the traffic numbers we saw in 2020." Methodology: To measure the decline in engagement among certain types of publishers, Axios created five groups of publishers based on assessments of their news bias, in consultation with news bias ranking service NewsGuard. Each group contains 4 different publishers, with the exception of mainstream, which contains 8. Those groups include far-right, right-leaning, mainstream, left-leaning, and far-left. Nearly three-dozen corporate PACs have donated at least $5,000 to Republicans who objected to certifying the 2020 election, yet Toyota leads by a substantial margin. Why it matters: Following Jan. 6, huge segments of corporate America rethought their political-giving programs. The new numbers suggest some large companies have decided to maintain support even for members of Congress deeply enmeshed in the pro-Trump conspiracy theories that fueled the Capitol attack. Some prominent GOP objectors also have found they can replace any lost corporate support with small-dollar, grassroots donations driven by their reputations as pro-Trump hardliners. By the numbers: Data compiled by the left-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington show Toyota gave $55,000 to 37 GOP objectors this year. That equates to a quarter of the bloc that voted to nullify President Biden's win after the Capitol siege. Toyota gave more than twice as much and to nearly five times as many members of Congress as the No. 2 company on the list, Cubic Corp., a San Diego-based defense contractor. The Japanese automaker's donations this year included a February contribution to Rep. Andy Biggs, an Arizona Republican who has been one of Congress' most vocal election conspiracy theorists. According to an organizer of the "Stop the Steal" rally prior to the Capitol attack, Biggs also helped put on that event, a charge Biggs has denied. What they're saying: "We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification," a Toyota spokesperson said in a statement emailed to Axios. "Based on our thorough review, we decided against giving to some members who, through their statements and actions, undermine the legitimacy of our elections and institutions. The spokesperson did not respond to a follow-up about the specific threshold for statements that cross that line. The big picture: According to CREW data shared with Axios, 34 companies have donated at least $5,000 to the campaigns and leadership PACs of one or more election objectors this year. Other notable names on the list include Koch Industries, telecom giant AT&T, health insurer Cigna and tobacco company Reynolds American. Editor's note: This story has been updated to note that Biggs has denied organizing the "Stop the Steal" rally on Jan. 6. Arsen Torosian was named to manage the prime ministers staff on January 18. He previously served as Armenias health minister. Torosian was replaced by Arayik Harutiunian, a senior adviser to Pashinian and a former education minister. Both men are leading members of Civil Contract. Pashinian introduced Harutiunian to his staff later in the day. Commenting on what was the first major personnel change made by him since his Civil Contract partys victory in the June 20 parliamentary elections, he said Torosian asked to be allowed to take up one of the ruling partys 71 seats in Armenias new 107-member parliament. Pashinian also cited the need to increase the efficiency of governance in the country. The quality of governance starts from the prime ministers staff, he said. Pashinian should technically form a new cabinet and receive a vote of confidence from the National Assembly later this summer. Neither he nor his political allies have indicated so far whether he will replace many of his current ministers. Pashinian sacked seven ministers in a cabinet reshuffle announced by him in the aftermath of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh stopped by a Russian-brokered ceasefire in November. Armen Khachatrian, a pro-government member of Armenias outgoing parliament, said on Thursday that he does not know whether the new cabinet will be significantly different from the current one. He said he hopes that Pashinian will pick more technocrats. I think that professionals must be chosen for a number of spheres, Khachatrian told RFE/RLs Armenian Service. As regards the question of who they have supported and what they have done, it must not matter at all. Khachatrian asserted at the same time that Pashinians staffing policy has been too tolerant until now. Sofia Hovsepian, one of several lawmakers who defected from Pashinians team late last year, was skeptical about the composition of the new cabinet and its competence. They dont get rid of failed officials, she told reporters. Hovsepian said that instead of appointing capable individuals to senior positions Pashinian is planning a purge of civil servants and other state officials who have not pledged allegiance to him. She said Torosians replacement by another Pashinian ally suggests that the prime minister has not learned any lessons from his mistakes. The secretary of Armenias Security Council, Armen Grigorian, claimed earlier this week that Pashinians party received a popular mandate to carry out such a purge. The state apparatus must unequivocally serve the victorious [political] force, he told Armenian Public Television. Meeting with members of his staff, Pashinian argued that the Civil Contract party won a popular mandate to implement its election platform. I want to say that the entire government systems task is very clear: to implement over the next five years what is written in the Civil Contract partys pre-election program and was approved by Armenian citizens votes, he said. Therefore, it is people who believe in that program and regard it as their operational guideline who must work in the state governance system. This is an important precondition. Those who do not believe, do not accept or have reservations [about the program] we find that normal. Therefore, we must wish those who have a problem with that success in their further activities, he said. Pashinian did not specify any mechanisms for getting rid of government or law-enforcement officials not trusting him. He said only that his government is planning major reforms of the civil service system. Armenian law bans politically motivated dismissals of civil servants. During the recent election campaign Pashinian pledged to purge the state bureaucracy and wage political vendettas against local government officials supporting the opposition. He repeatedly brandished a hammer meant to symbolize a popular steel mandate which he said he needs in order to continue ruling Armenia with a more firm hand. The state human rights ombudsman, Arman Tatoyan, denounced that campaign rhetoric. He said that staff purges inevitably involve mass violations of workers rights. The secretary of Armenias Security Council, Armen Grigorian, stated earlier this week that Pashinians party received a popular mandate to carry out such purges. The state apparatus must unequivocally serve the victorious [political] force, he told Armenian Public Television. According to Armenian press reports, several provincial governors appointed by Pashinian are now pressuring elected heads of local communities, who supported opposition forces during the elections, to resign. One of those governors has publicly demanded their resignation. The Union of Communities of Armenia, which represents the countrys elected local administrations, on Wednesday condemned the government pressure as illegal and undemocratic. Pashinian already pledged to purge the government, judiciary and security apparatus of remnants of the countrys former leadership in April 2020. He accused them of trying to discredit him and scuttle his initiatives. A controversial law enacted by the Armenian government last year allows prosecutors to seek asset forfeiture in case of having sufficient grounds to suspect that the market value of an individuals properties exceeds their legal income by at least 50 million drams ($100,000). Courts can allow the confiscation of such assets even if their owners are not found guilty of corruption or other criminal offenses. The latter will have to prove the legality of their holdings. The politically sensitive process is handled by a special division formed within Armenias Office of the Prosecutor-General last September. A spokesman for the law-enforcement agency, Gor Abrahamian, told RFE/RLs Armenian Service on Thursday that the division has investigated more than 200 individuals and believes that at least four of them had illegally enriched themselves and their families. Abrahamian said the prosecutors have secured court decisions to freeze their assets worth a combined 6 billion drams ($12 million). Those include 20 properties and cash, he said. The suspects are Vladimir Gasparian, a former chief of the Armenian police, fugitive former Environment Minister Aram Harutiunian as well as a retired National Security Service officer and his son. Abrahamian said Gasparian has already visited the prosecutors headquarters in Yerevan to familiarize himself with details of investigators claims about the legality of properties owned by him, his wife, two children and mother-in-law. A lawyer for Gasparian declined to say whether the once influential police general will plead guilty to the corruption accusations. The law in question allows an out-of-court settlement of such cases which would require suspects to hand over 25 percent of their assets to the state. In Abrahamians words, the prosecutors will take court action if the suspects refuse such a settlement in the coming weeks. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly portrayed the law on asset forfeiture as a major anti-corruption measure that will help his administration recover wealth stolen from the people. Pashinian has indicated his intention to use it against Armenias former leaders and their cronies. Opposition groups and figures, among them supporters of former President Serzh Sarkisian, have condemned the law as unconstitutional and accused Pashinian of planning a far-reaching redistribution of assets to cement his hold on power. One former official, who used to run the Armenian customs service, decided to donate a luxury hotel belonging to his family to the government in late 2018 to avoid prosecution on charges of illegal entrepreneurship and money laundering. The government has repeatedly failed to auction off the property which was valued at $15.8 million before the coronavirus pandemic. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed a proposal Wednesday that makes it illegal in most cases to collect and drop off someone else's ballot. Only one case of delta variant identified in Kern County, but not all cases are sequenced to detect mutations Email Dan Walters of CalMatters at dan@calmatters.org. CalMatters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit journalism venture committed to explaining Californias policies and politics. For more columns by Walters, go to calmatters.org/commentary. Billy Preston (B.P. or Bill) Miller, age 91 of North Tazewell, VA passed away Friday, July 2, 2021 at his home. Born March 16, 1930 in Boissevain, VA he was the only son of the late Ernest and Willie Miller who were from Abbs Valley, VA. Bill was a member of Main Street United Methodist Chur DALLAS (AP) Southwest Airlines plans to raise minimum pay to $15 an hour for about 7,000 employees, citing the need to attract and keep workers as the airline industry continues to recover from the pandemic. Southwest said Friday that it intends for the raises to take effect on Aug. 1. The airline said the raises will work out to 7% to 11% for new hires and cover call center operators, customer service agents, skycaps and others. For some, the company will have to negotiate with labor unions. Southwest continually works to attract and retain the best candidates for open positions, said spokesman Brad Hawkins. As part of this ongoing effort, Southwest is increasing minimum pay rates so that all hourly employees will make at least $15 per hour. Southwest's announcement comes as air travel picks up at the beginning of the summer vacation season after the pandemic turned last year's peak season into a disaster. The number of people going through security checkpoints at U.S. airports has topped 2 million seven times in the past two weeks, hitting levels not seen since early March 2020. However, domestic travel this month is still running 27% below June 2019, according to figures from the Transportation Security Administration. Dallas-based Southwest carries more passengers within the United States than any other airline and is less dependent than rivals American, Delta and United on business travel, which is still in a deep slump. Those factors have helped Southwest fare better than other airlines this year it turned a small profit in the first quarter, thanks to federal pandemic relief, after losing $3 billion in 2020. Southwest has about 56,000 employees, down from about 61,000 a year earlier, according to a regulatory filing. The company announced Wednesday that longtime CEO Gary Kelly will step down next February and be succeeded by Robert Jordan, the airline's executive vice president of corporate services. News of the pay raises was reported earlier by Bloomberg. An Ohio man has been transferred to Jefferson County to face trial for the alleged assault and murder of a Beaumont teacher. Clayton Bernard Foreman, 61, on June 15 was taken to the county jail by a contracted transport company, Jefferson County Sheriff Zena Stephens confirmed Wednesday. Stephens said all new inmates are required to stay in a transition dorm for 14 days due to novel coronavirus pandemic protocols. The Beaumont Enterprise previously reported that an Ohio judge ordered that Foreman return to Jefferson County following a Governors warrant and an exhaustive investigation into the death of Mary Catherine Edwards. The investigation, which involved local, state, and federal agencies, found DNA evidence to allegedly tie Foreman to the crime scene where Edwards was found dead, officials say. The evidence led to Foremans arrest at the end of April by authorities in Franklin County, Ohio. Edwards was a high school classmate and acquaintance of Foreman. And in 1982, Edwards was a bridesmaid at Foremans first wedding, Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham told The Enterprise shortly after the arrest. Only 31 years old at the time, Edwards was a well-loved teacher who lived alone in a Beaumont townhouse. According to Enterprise archives, she was last seen leaving her classroom around 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 13, 1995. She would normally stay late at school preparing her lesson plan for the following class, Price Elementary Principal Floyd Broussard told The Enterprise at the time. The next day, Edwards didnt respond to phone calls, and her parents went to check on her at her home on Park Meadow Street. They found her drowned in her bathtub upstairs, police said at the time. An autopsy revealed that she had her hands bound behind her back in handcuffs and was sexually assaulted before she was killed. According to a front page Enterprise story shortly after the death, friends described Edwards, a petite woman who stood less than 5 feet tall, as a little gal with a big heart. Foreman has no attorney on file, according to court records previously reviewed by The Enterprise. No further information was available. meagan.ellsworth@beaumontenterprise.com On June 19, 1866, from a balcony of a home in Galveston, Gordon Granger, the Union General in command of the city, pronounced that the Emancipation Proclamation had freed enslaved people in Texas. Since then, that date has been a day of celebration, and with this years signing of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act by President Joe Biden, this was Jaspers first Juneteenth Celebration also recognized as a national holiday. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) The estate of pop artist Robert Indiana has reached a settlement that keeps intact a longstanding relationship with Morgan Art Foundation, which holds the copyright for his iconic 1960s LOVE series, to promote and preserve his work, officials said Friday. New York-based Morgan Art Foundation intends to work with the Maine-based Star of Hope Foundation, which aims to transform Indianas island home into a museum to celebrate his work. While the museum takes shape, the two organizations will work to display Indiana's artwork at venues around the country. Weve done a lot of good stuff, but its overshadowed by the litigation, said Larry Sterrs, chair of the Star of Hope Foundation. Completion of the museum is likely years away, he said. Indianas estate, which is valued at upward of $80 million, had been entangled in a lawsuit brought by Morgan Art Foundation. The lawsuit was filed the day before Indianas death on May 19, 2018, at age 89 on Vinalhaven Island, 15 miles (25 kilometers) off Rockland, Maine. It accused the reclusive artist's caretaker and an art publisher of taking advantage of Indiana and producing forgeries accusations the pair denied. That led to more claims and counter claims. Under the agreement, Morgan dropped its lawsuit against the estate and Indianas caretaker but not against the art publisher. It also doesnt resolve a case brought by Maines attorney general, who claims the estate paid excessive legal fees during litigation. That lawsuit contends $3.7 million paid to four law firms and about $400,000 collected by the estates personal representative were excessive. Indiana created a lifetime of art but hes best known for LOVE, spelled with two letters to a line and with a tilted O. Its been transformed into sculptures around the world, and was featured on a U.S. postage stamp. The goal is display such artwork in a home museum that's going to be created at Indiana's former residence in a converted Odd Fellows Hall, a Victorian-style building, on Vinalhaven. Indiana also had several other properties that could be utilized for the art museum, art education and artist-in-residency programs, Sterrs said. In the meantime, though, Morgan Art Foundation and the Star of Hope Foundation will work together to get the artwork in front of people at venues around the world, Sterrs said. Most of the estate's $80 million worth cited in court documents comes from the art collection. The future is bright for the market and legacy of Robert Indiana, and the estate is pleased to have helped create this success, said James Brannan, a Rockland attorney for the estate. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) The 49 victims who were massacred at a gay nightclub shooting in Florida are being honored this week with a community run, a museum exhibit, a mass yoga session, a gay chorus performance and a street dance party. The tributes will culminate with a remembrance ceremony on Saturday, the fifth anniversary of the tragedy. Dozens of survivors of the shooting, family members of those who died and first responders were invited to a ceremony Saturday on the grounds of the Pulse nightclub, south of downtown Orlando. The site has been turned into an interim memorial lined with photos of the victims and rainbow-colored flowers and mementos. Others were being invited to watch the ceremony via a livestream feed on gigantic screens in front a performing arts center in downtown Orlando. Five years ago, 49 people, most of them Latinx, Black and LGBTQ, were killed in a terrible act of violence at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Fifty-three more were injured and countless others were forever changed by witnessing hate or losing a loved one," said Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, a gay rights advocacy group. As we hear the stories of those who were slaughtered, we see small glimpses of 49 unrealized futures, knowing no words can capture the full scope of what their families lost, what our community has lost: beloved parents, beloved partners, beloved co-workers, beloved children or beloved friends." Gunman Omar Mateen killed the 49 victims at the nightclub during a three-hour standoff with law enforcement on June 12, 2016. He eventually was killed by SWAT team members. Mateen pledged fealty to the Islamic State in talks with hostage negotiators and 911 operators during the standoff. At the time, the Pulse massacre was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. However, another mass shooting the following year along the Las Vegas Strip became the deadliest when 58 people were killed. Pulse owner Barbara Poma has established a nonprofit with a goal of opening a permanent memorial and museum in the nightclub's neighborhood. U.S. senators this week passed a bill designating the site of the former nightclub as a national memorial. The measure now heads to President Joe Biden's desk for approval. Earlier this month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was criticized for cutting funding that included money earmarked for mental health programming to support Pulse survivors, housing for LGBTQ youths and Orlandos LGBTQ Community Center. Some of Central Floridas most vulnerable citizens rely on The Center Orlando to provide lifesaving services, such as case management, navigation, and critical mental health counseling," George Wallace, executive director of the LGBT+ Center Orlando, said last week. WASHINGTON (AP) A long-awaited U.S. government report on UFOs released Friday makes at least one thing clear: The truth is still out there. Investigators did not find extraterrestrial links in reviewing 144 sightings of aircraft or other devices apparently flying at mysterious speeds or trajectories. But they drew few other conclusions and instead highlighted the need for better data collection about what's increasingly seen by Democrats and Republicans as a national security concern. In all but one of the sightings investigated, there was too little information for investigators to even broadly characterize the nature of the incident. There were 18 cases in which witnesses saw unusual patterns of movement or flight characteristics, the report said, adding that more analysis was needed to determine if those sightings represented breakthrough technology. Long the domain of science fiction and so-called ufologists, the subject of UFOs has in recent years drawn serious study from the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. The prospect of an adversary spying with unknown technology has alarmed lawmakers in both parties. Congress last year required the creation of the report delivered Friday. While its lack of conclusions has already been made public, the report on what the government calls unidentified aerial phenomena still represents a milestone in the study of the issue. U.S. officials who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity said there were no clear indications that the sightings could be linked to alien life. There is also no definitive linkage of sightings to potentially unknown technology of an adversary like Russia or China. Its clear that we need to improve our capacity to further analyze remaining UAP observations, even as we accept that there are some limits to our capacity to characterize and understand some of the observations that we have," one official said. The report was published online and delivered to the House and Senate intelligence committees with a classified annex. Lawmakers were given a briefing last week on the investigation. One person who attended the classified briefing and spoke on condition of anonymity said that lawmakers were given little information beyond whats publicly available and that the only videos shown had already been made public. The report lists five potential categories, including the possibility of foreign adversaries flying unknown technology to events occurring naturally in the atmosphere. But only one instance was categorized as airborne clutter" and believed to be a large, deflating balloon. The rest are uncategorized because of a lack of information. That includes three instances of potential sightings captured on videos that were declassified and released in recent years. The Department of Defense will over the next three months develop a new strategy for collecting and tracking information on potential sightings. Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks said the UAP report highlights the problem of flight hazards on or near military test and training ranges. She ordered the Pentagons top intelligence and security official to establish a more formal means of coordinating the collection, reporting and analysis of UAP information. This body also would make recommendations on securing military test and training ranges. It is critical that the United States maintain operations security and safety at DoD ranges, she wrote in a memo released Friday. To this end, it is equally critical that all U.S. military aircrews or government personnel report whenever aircraft or other devices interfere with military training. This includes the observation and reporting of UAPs. Part of the data collection effort is destigmatizing UAPs and pushing pilots to report what they see, even when what they see is implausible. A big problem around UAPs has been the cultural stigma," said Rep. Andre Carson, an Indiana Democrat and member of the House Intelligence Committee, in an interview last week. "It has largely been relegated to science fiction. Sen. Marco Rubio, who as the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee has long pushed for more disclosure about UAPs, called the report an important first step in cataloging these incidents, but it is just a first step. The Defense Department and Intelligence Community have a lot of work to do before we can actually understand whether these aerial threats present a serious national security concern, Rubio said in a statement. Enterprise Rep. James White, R-Hilister, has announced his intention to become the first Republican primary challenger for incumbent Sid Miller in the race for state agriculture commissioner. White previously had teased in a radio interview that he may consider a run for the position after announcing a few weeks ago that he didnt intend to seek a seventh term as representative of Texass District 19. The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to undo years of improvement for Texas students meeting grade requirements in reading and math, with students who did most of their schooling remotely suffering "significant declines" compared to those who attended in person, according to standardized test results released Monday by the Texas Education Agency. In districts where fewer than a quarter of classes were held in person, the number of students who met math test expectations dropped by 32 percentage points, and the number of students who met reading expectations dropped by 9 percentage points compared to 2019, the last time the test was administered. In districts with more than three-quarters in-person instruction, the number of students meeting math expectations only dropped by 9 percentage points and those who met reading expectations by 1 percentage point. Students of color and lower-income students saw greater gaps as well, although those gaps were smaller than the one between remote and in-person instruction. READ ALSO: Texas universities got more state funding this year than anticipated, still hoping for more support The impact of the coronavirus on what school means and what school is has been truly profound, Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath told reporters Monday. What we know now with certainty is that the decision in Texas to prioritize in person instruction was critical. The STAAR test was optional last year due to coronavirus-related orders, but 87% of students still participated compared to 96% of students in 2019. Morath said those numbers allow for fairly effective comparisons. The STAAR assessment for math and reading is administered from grades 3 to 8. Since 2012, test results in the state had been steadily improving, but after COVID-19 related disruptions, the percentage of students meeting reading expectations dropped back to 2016 rates and the percentage meeting math expectations dropped to 2013 passing rates. Math test performance saw the most significant drop, from 50% of students meeting their grade level in 2019 to only 35% this year. Hispanic students in districts with over three-quarters of learning done remotely saw the largest drops compared to other demographics, with a 10 percentage point decrease in the number of students meeting reading expectations and a 34 percentage point decrease in those meeting math expectations. This is followed by Black students taking mostly remote classes, who saw a 6 percentage point decrease in those meeting reading expectations and a 28 percentage point in those meeting expectations for math. Students who took the test in Spanish also saw far more significant declines in rates of grade level than those who took the test in English, Morath said. The data may be disheartening, but with it, our teachers and school leaders are building action plans to support students in the new school year, he said. Policymakers are using it to direct resources where they are needed most. He said parents can also sign in to TexasAssessment.gov to go over their childrens results and strategize how to catch them up. READ MORE: A barbecue 'university' for aspiring pitmasters fires up in Texas There were outliers among the results, with some remote learners demonstrating progress and even some school districts containing a high concentration of remote learners with good outcomes. These outliers will be studied by a new commission on remote learning formed by the Texas Legislature. While many districts expected remote learning to continue as an option moving into next year, a bill that would have funded it died during the final days of the Texas Legislatures regular session. Some programs were canceled with thousands of students signed up, such as in Frisco, according to the Dallas Morning News. Morath said on average, only 4% of students across all grades who are below grade level catch up within two years. But he pointed to the recently passed House Bill 4545 as an opportunity to help with catching students up. The bill requires school districts to offer tutoring to any student who doesnt meet grade level expectations and to offer high-performing teachers. He said the agency will also be offering rigorous instructional materials, additional teachers support, help wherever appropriate to expand learning time, and targeted tutoring this summer in an effort to close the gap. The Texas Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that informs Texans and engages with them about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues. Bedford, PA (15522) Today Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. High around 90F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Mostly clear. Low 69F. Winds light and variable. Twenty-four people were killed in the July 1, 2016 attack in Bangladesh, including seven Japanese citizens whose photos BenarNews was unable to obtain. They were Yuko Sakai, Rui Shimodaira, Makoto Okamura, Hideki Hashimoto, Nobuhiro Kurosaki, Hiroshi Tanaka and Koyo Ogasawara. Thursday marked the fifth anniversary of Bangladeshs worst terror attack but there was no public remembrance of it or the 24 victims on the day itself due to a complete shutdown of the country amid the worsening coronavirus pandemic. On the eve of the anniversary, the envoys of four nations and the European bloc paid homage to the dead at the former site of the Holey Artisan Bakery cafe where the attack took place, because they did not want to violate the lockdown starting Thursday, said Sadat Mehdi, the restaurants owner. We could not observe the day today due to the government lockdown. The diplomats did not want to flout the government order, and they showed respect to the victims one day ahead, Mehdi told BenarNews. "I will never forget that day." The envoys of the European Union, India, Italy, Japan and the United States placed wreaths at the site of the former cafe site, where Mehdi and his family now reside, and where Mehdis wife runs a clinic. [W]e renew our commitment to fight against religious extremism and terrorism, the Italian embassy said on Twitter, along with photographs showing the five Dhaka-based envoys at the site. The citys police commissioner also did not make it to the attack site on the anniversary, Mehdi said. The commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police was supposed to come today [July 1], but considering the worsening coronavirus situation, he refrained from visiting [the site], he said. Earlier in the week, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said he would not be able to attend because of the start of the lockdown that coincided with the somber anniversary. We cannot forget this tragic event, he told BenarNews. The cafe has since moved to another location in Dhaka, away from the site in the capitals tony diplomatic quarter where the attack occurred. On the night of July 1, 2016, five members of Neo-JMB, a Bangladeshi militant group aligned with the so-called Islamic State, slaughtered 20 diners when they took over the Holey Artisan Bakery. They separated Muslims from non-Muslims and killed mostly the non-Muslim hostages, hacking many of them to death with machetes, the authorities had said. Nine Italians, seven Japanese, 6 Bangladeshis including two police officers, one Bangladeshi-American, and one Indian were among the victims. The five attackers, young men who came from well-off Bangladeshi families and who attended some of the countrys most prestigious schools, were killed when police commandos launched a raid on the morning of July 2 to break the siege. A Dhaka Metropolitan Police officer places a wreath at a monument to police officers slain during a terror attack five years ago, near the site of the Holey Artisan Bakery cafe in Dhaka, July 1, 2021. [BenarNews] In a statement on its Facebook page, the United States embassy in Dhaka remembered an American victim and a Bangladeshi who had attended university together in the U.S. We remember Abinta Kabir, a U.S.-Bangladeshi dual citizen and student at Emory University, as well as her Emory classmate Faraaz Hossain, who even when given the chance to save himself chose to remain with his friends, the statement said. Surviving witnesses said Faraaz Hossain refused to leave other hostages behind when the gunmen said Muslims could leave the cafe. On Thursday, the director general of the polices elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) force, Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun, placed floral wreaths at a monument erected near the cafes old site to commemorate the two police officers who were killed while trying to stop the militants. In Washington, Americas top diplomat paid tribute to the victims of the attack. The United States stands with the people of Bangladesh on the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attack at the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka, resulting in the deaths of 20 people, including one U.S. citizen, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement Thursday. We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of the victims. We commend Bangladeshs efforts to bring those responsible to justice and recommit to our strong counterterrorism partnership to prevent future attacks. Meanwhile, most Bangladeshis stayed home on Thursday, with the army and police out in force to ensure people leave their homes only for emergencies, as the country went into a week-long complete shutdown to combat an alarming rise in COVID-19 infections. The Dhaka police said in a press statement that they detained close to 500 people arresting 258 of them in the capital for flouting the restrictions. The country reported a record 143 virus-related deaths, as the highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 pushed new infections above the 8,000 mark on Thursday. Foreign workers who lack valid documents board an Immigration Department truck to be taken to the agencys headquarters in Putrajaya, Malaysia, June 7, 2021. The U.S. State Department on Thursday relegated Malaysia to the bottommost Tier 3 in its latest annual report assessing efforts by countries worldwide to combat human trafficking, saying Kuala Lumpur did not convict officials suspected of complicity in related crimes. Malaysias next-door neighbor, Thailand, was demoted to the Tier 2 Watch List a notch above Tier 3 dropping from Tier 2 in the departments 2021 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which covers 188 countries. Bangladesh and Indonesia stayed at Tier 2 and the Philippines remained at the top level, Tier 1, in the report delivered by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Trafficking in persons is an appalling crime. Its a global crisis; its an enormous source of human suffering. By its nature, its often hidden from view, Americas top diplomat said as he released the Biden administrations first TIP report. Estimates put the number of human trafficking victims at nearly 25 million worldwide, he noted. This crime is an affront to human rights; its an affront to human dignity. We fight it, you fight it, because its the right thing to do, Blinken said. Its also in our interest to stop trafficking. We know its destabilizing to societies and to economies. So we must do everything we can as a country, but also as a global community, to stop trafficking wherever it occurs. In its chapter on Malaysia, the more than 600-page report faulted the Southeast Asian country for not doing enough to put officials implicated in human trafficking behind bars. Despite ongoing concerns that corruption facilitated trafficking, the government arrested and investigated, but did not prosecute or convict, officials who were allegedly complicit in trafficking-related crimes, the report said. Malaysia had been on the Tier 2 Watch List for the previous three years. Malaysia would have been demoted from the Tier 2 Watch List last year but was given a waiver because the government has devoted sufficient resources to a written plan that, if implemented, would constitute significant efforts to meet the minimum standards, the 2020 report said. At least one senior police official had expected Malaysia to move up, the state-run Bernama news agency reported earlier this week. We are (trying) to put our efforts on Tier 2 or Tier 1 with countries such as Singapore and the Philippines. We have achieved Tier 2 in 2017, and we will ensure our best-integrated efforts with agencies under MAPO (Anti-Smuggling of Migrants) even though we remained on Tier 2 Watch List last year, said Abdul Jalil Hassan, the Royal Malaysia Police Criminal Investigations Department director. Instead, Malaysia returns to Tier 3 for first time since 2014 and joins Myanmar, China, North Korea, Russia and 12 others on the list of countries at the bottom-rung. The 17 nations could be subject to U.S. restrictions of non-humanitarian, non-trade-related funding during the fiscal year beginning in October under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. In addition, President Joseph Biden could move to instruct the U.S. executive director of multilateral development banks and the International Monetary Fund to deny any loans or other uses of the institutions funds to a designated Tier 3 country for most purposes, the report said. Malaysian concerns The report also faulted Malaysia for initiating 57 investigations against employers in the rubber-product manufacturing sector to confirm compliance with housing laws, but it did not investigate these allegations as potential trafficking crimes. In December 2020, the Malaysian government filed 19 charges against an unnamed disposable glove manufacturing company, under the Workers Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act, for inhumane living conditions in migrant workers dormitories. It also filed 30 charges against another unnamed rubber glove manufacturer following a series of raids where labor inspectors discovered more than 200 foreign workers living in inhumane and unsanitary conditions, the report said. The government did not report investigating or prosecuting these companies for human trafficking crimes despite credible evidence of debt-based coercion, it said. A State Department spokesperson identified the companies as Top Glove Sdn Bhd and Brightway Holdings. In July 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency announced it was blocking imports against Top Glove and its subsidiary, TG Medical Sdn Bhd, over forced labor concerns. Top Glove is the worlds largest maker of medical rubber gloves. The evidence reveals multiple International Labor Organization indicators of forced labor, including debt bondage, excessive overtime, retention of identification documents and abusive working and living conditions, a CBP spokesperson said in a news release at the time. Top Glove said it employed 19,000 people producing 78.7 billion gloves annually for more than 2,000 customers in 195 countries. Army personnel set up barbed-wire fencing around dormitory buildings belonging to Top Glove, a rubber-glove manufacturer, in Klang, Malaysia, Nov.17, 2020. [S. Mahfuz/BenarNews] Thailands fall In dropping Thailand from Tier 2 its ranking since 2018 to the Tier 2 Watch List, the State Department said officials identified significantly fewer victims in 2020 than in previous years, and it continued to make inadequate efforts to protect forced labor victims. It said authorities identified 230 trafficking victims in 2020, compared with about 868 victims in 2019, and 631 in 2018. Some officials failed to recognize trafficking cases that did not involve physical force or overt signs of coercion, such as delayed or non-payment of wages, debt-based coercion, and document confiscation, the report said. Anecdotal reports suggested some government officials were reluctant to receive complaints or to identify victims due to fears it would indicate law enforcement incompetence or a failure of the governments efforts to combat trafficking. Praise, concern The Philippines, a Tier 1 nation since 2016, received praise for demonstrating serious and sustained efforts to eliminate trafficking. These efforts included prosecuting more traffickers than the previous reporting period, including significantly more defendants charged with using child soldiers and sentencing the majority of convicted traffickers to significant terms of imprisonment, the report said. Tier 2 nations Bangladesh and Indonesia were praised for increased efforts to eliminate human trafficking in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report credited Bangladesh for opening an investigation against and parliament for revoking the seat of an MP who allegedly was involved in bribing a Kuwaiti official to fraudulently send more than 20,000 Bangladeshi migrant workers to Kuwait. Indonesia, meanwhile, received praise for investigating, prosecuting and convicting recruitment agents who facilitated the forced labor of Indonesians aboard Chinese fishing boats. In July 2020, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi expressed profound concern during a meeting with her Chinese counterpart over reports that at least 16 Indonesian crew members had died on Chinese-flagged fishing boats, beginning in November 2019. Meanwhile, the report criticized all five nations over officials alleged involvement in trafficking crimes. International organizations continued to allege some Bangladeshi officials facilitated trafficking of Rohingya, including by accepting bribes from traffickers to gain access to camps, it said. The State Department expressed concern about official complicity in human trafficking offenses in Indonesia while noting that two government officials have been convicted of child trafficking offenses. Despite its Tier 1 rank, the Philippines was criticized for actions by law enforcement, immigration and diplomatic officials. Some corrupt officials allegedly accept bribes to facilitate illegal departures for overseas workers, operate sex trafficking establishments, facilitate production of fraudulent identity documents, or overlook illegal labor recruiters, the report said. It alleged that some Thai government officials were directly complicit in trafficking crimes, including through accepting bribes or loans from business owners and brothels that exploit victims. In Tier 3 Malaysia, the report said, corruption continues to undermine anti-trafficking efforts. Credible reports indicate some corrupt officials protect brothels, other commercial sex venues, factory owners and fishing vessel owners from raids, inspections, and prosecutions, and collude with traffickers, the report said. Some local police reportedly withhold information from prosecutors to protect traffickers. Some government officials profit from bribes and direct involvement in extortion from and exploitation of migrants. A protester wears a hat calling on the Philippine government to stop red-tagging a practice by the military and the police to label groups or individuals as being supporters of the outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines during a demonstration in Manila on International Human Rights Day, Dec. 10, 2020. A controversial Philippine army general confirmed Thursday that he quit from a government anti-communist task force after he angered people by accusing lawmakers, journalists and celebrities of supporting the outlawed communist party and its guerrilla wing. Lt. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr. said he had resigned as spokesman of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) about a month ago, but vowed to carry on with the fight against the countrys 52-year-old insurgency. He serves as head of the militarys important Southern Luzon Command. I have submitted my letter of resignation addressed to the President almost a month ago. I want to ease the pressure on the NTF-ELCAC principals who are being questioned by legislators for designating me as spokesman despite my being in the active service, Parlade said in a statement. President Rodrigo Dutertes spokesman, Harry Roque, announced on Thursday that the chief executive had formally accepted the generals resignation. This came after months of pressure from congress people, rights groups and activists who had called for the generals removal from the task force. I want to assure our critics and naysayers that I am not running away from this fight, Parlade said. As a citizen of this country, it behooves me to continue with my patriotic duty to defend our country and end the 52 years onslaught of the CPP-NPA terrorists, [in] whatever legal way I can, he continued, referring to the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New Peoples Army. Parlade earned a reputation for red-tagging a practice among Philippine military and police personnel of accusing individual people or groups of being communist rebels or sympathizers. The general has faced defamation cases from leftist lawmakers, groups and personalities whom he red-tagged. He has had to apologize publicly or retract his accusations a few times, as he did when he linked a Filipina movie film star, Angel Locsin, to the communists. In February, Parlade accused Tetch Torres-Tupas, a reporter for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, of being a communist propagandist after she reported about indigenous tribesmen petitioning against a controversial anti-terrorism law, which the government passed last year. Media advocacy and human rights groups complained that Parlades comments about the journalist was a threat to press freedom. New York-based Human Rights Watch then called on Manila to investigate red-baiting and have Parlade answer for his provocative comments. In March, the Senate recommended Parlade be removed from the anti-communist task force, citing a constitutional provision that prohibits active military servicemen from occupying civilian government posts. The following month, some senators proposed to defund the task force after Parlade insinuated that a popular citizen-led movement to feed the poor, called community pantries, was a communist ploy. Parlade said the senators would be stupid to strip the task force of funding. President Duterte established the task force in December 2018 after failed attempts at peace negotiations with the communists. The task force implements the governments two-pronged strategy to stamp out the insurgency: sustained military operations against guerrilla units coupled with local government programs to entice rebels to defect, including amnesty and economic aid packages. The communist rebellion in the Philippines is Asias longest-running insurgency. In recent years, scores of activists and personalities associated with progressive groups were killed in assassinations or in police operations, often after they were red-tagged. Rights groups expressed fears about worse scenarios under the new anti-terrorism law. It criminalizes communication and collective action that may be interpreted as supportive of groups which the government considers as terrorists, such as the communist party and its guerrilla force. Sen. Panfilo Lacson, who sponsored the anti-terrorism law, welcomed Parlades resignation. The Senates legal position on the issue is clear that his appointment as an active military officer in a civilian position is clearly proscribed by the Constitution, and whatever legal discussion or debate on his official designation in a civilian office while still in the active military service has not become moot and academic, Lacson said. Lacson, a former national police chief, had earlier warned that Parlades missteps in red-tagging innocent civilians might diminish his own enthusiasm for the task force. I am glad it has ended this way, Lacson said in a statement. Parlade is set to retire from the military service on July 26, making him eligible for appointment to the civilian government. Retirement does not mean the end of my advocacy. In fact, this is a new beginning, sans the prohibitions imposed on public servants. You will be hearing more of citizen Antonio Parlade Jr, the general said. Three Beechcraft TC90 aircraft from the Japan Ministry of Defense fly over before arriving for a transfer ceremony of the planes to the Philippine Navy, at the Naval Air Group headquarters in Sangley Point, Cavite City, south of Manila, March 26, 2018. The Philippine and Japanese air forces will hold their first-ever joint exercises next week, Tokyos embassy said Thursday, signaling a deepening of bilateral ties amid the nations tensions with Beijing over territorial disputes in the South and East China seas. A statement from the Japanese embassy here did not mention China but said Tokyo was willing to work with Manila to maintain a free and strong Indo Pacific region, which is inclusive and based on democratic values and territorial integrity. The Japan Air Self-Defense Force will conduct a Bilateral Training on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief with the Philippine Air Force (PAF) on July 5-8, 2021, at Clark Air Base, Mabalacat City Pampanga, the statement said. This is the first Air-to-Air bilateral training between the two air forces, which will mark a significant milestone for defense cooperation between Japan and the Philippines. These joint exercises come as the two countries are set to mark the 10th anniversary of a strategic partnership, said Maj. Mizuno Masaki, unit commander of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force. Japan and the Philippines are both natural disaster-prone countries and there [is] so much we can share on disaster relief operations for saving lives and alleviating the suffering of people in need, Mizuno said in the statement. During the exercises, Japan will deploy a training unit of its Air Support Command a C-130H cargo aircraft along with its personnel, the embassy said. The unit will hold a four-day joint training session with its Philippine counterparts to boost the ability to operate together in delivering relief goods and evacuating people in emergency situations. As a strategic partner and friend of the Philippines, we hope that our bilateral training will contribute to further strengthen the cooperation between our two Air Forces, Mizuno said. These joint exercises come after Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte agreed in May to boost diplomatic relations and press for an unfettered Indo-Pacific. Both nations are locked in separate territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, respectively. Japan reiterates the importance of maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) which is inclusive and based on the rule of law, democratic values, territorial integrity, transparency, and peaceful resolution of disputes, the embassy statement said. Japan intends to work with the Philippines to achieve these goals, the embassy added. Both nations are also U.S. allies, and Japan is part of the Washington-led Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) on the Indo-Pacific region, an alliance Beijing has called anti-China. Potential F-16 sales to Philippines Meanwhile, Manila has been embroiled in tensions with Beijing over the presence of Chinese ships within the Philippines exclusive economic zone in the waterway since April. Amid this latest row, the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced last week that the State Department had approved a possible sale of billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Philippines. This includes possible sales of F-16 fighter jets and related equipment worth U.S. $2.43 billion, and AGM-84 Harpoon and AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles worth $162 million, approvals that are seen as countering Beijings expansionism in the South China Sea. The approval notices came 10 days after the Philippines put off by another six months a decision on whether to scrap the Visiting Forces Agreement, a key military pact with the U.S. On Thursday, John Law, the Charge dAffaires at the U.S. embassy in the Philippines, said Washington hoped to continue with the pact, the state-run Philippine News Agency reported. He also said that U.S. equipment is deemed the most appropriate for Philippine Armed Forces. The DSCA said the potential sales would boost strategic partner Philippines defense capabilities. This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic partner that continues to be an important force for political stability, peace, and economic progress in South East Asia, the agency said in a statement on June 24. This capability will provide the Philippine Air Force the ability to employ a highly reliable and effective system to counter or deter maritime aggressions, coastal blockades, and amphibious assaults, it said about the Harpoon missiles. According to the website of Defense News, notifications from the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency do not serve as guarantees that sales will happen. The U.S. Congress has to also approve the sale, after which a potential foreign customer can enter into sale negotiations. Since Washington announced the potential arms sale to the Philippines, senior government officials in Manila have not yet responded to BenarNews requests for confirmation about the possible deal. If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our letters form and submitting it to the newsroom. Defendant Leonard Forte, 79, is shown in a police surveillance video running errands up to 30 miles from his home in Florida this January. The video was presented by the prosecution during Fortes evidentiary hearing in May, as it challenges his claim of physical incapacity to stand trial. Do you know where your asparagus comes from? What kind of soil does it call home? How about the farmer who grows it? Hi there, Eagle readers! Welcome to the first installment of The Cannabis Consultant, a new, sponsored column that aims to educate and help cl Community News Editor / Librarian Jeannie Maschino is community news editor and librarian for The Berkshire Eagle. She has worked for the newspaper in various capacities since 1982 and joined the newsroom in 1989. She can be reached at jmaschino@berkshireeagle.com. Statehouse Reporter Danny Jin is the Eagle's Statehouse reporter. A graduate of Williams College, he previously interned at the Eagle and The Christian Science Monitor. Danny can be reached at djin@berkshireeagle.com or on Twitter at @djinreports. Meghan Martins booking photo at the time of her 2019 arrest in Florida, where she faced 50 counts of fraudulent use of a credit card. Martin had been wanted on a warrant and was arrested by Dalton Police after a short chase Wednesday that slightly injured two officers. Amanda Burke covers Pittsfield City Hall for The Berkshire Eagle. An Ithaca, New York native, she previously worked at The Herald News of Fall River and the Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise. Find her on Twitter at @amandaburkec. Mail-in ballots are prepared last year at the registrars office in Pittsfield. After broadening ballot options and expanding early voting for more than a year in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Legislature allowed the provisions to lapse as the calendar flipped to Thursday in the face of renewed criticism from Secretary of State William Galvin and with the layout of several upcoming local races at stake. Bill Schmick is registered as an investment adviser representative of Onota Partners Inc. in the Berkshires. He can be reached at 413-347-2401, or email him at billiams1948@gmail.com. Donald Morrison is an Eagle columnist and co-chairman of the advisory board. The opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the views of The Berkshire Eagle. One of social medias hottest couples, Da Brat and Jesseca Judy Dupart, are heading to reality television. They are starring in the WEtv reality show Brat Loves Judy, which premieres August 5. Lauren Gellert, executive vice president of development and original programming for WEtv, said in a written statement, WEtv has long solidified itself as a home for authentic stories and relatable relationships, and were thrilled to add Brat and Judys larger-than-life love story to our Thursday night originals. RELATED: After Da Brat Shares Sweet Message To Girlfriend, Jesseca Dupart, Fans Celebrate Gellert also added, These two powerful and successful women are sharing their brand-new relationship with audiences for the first time ever, bravely inviting viewers to experience all their emotional firsts alongside them. In March of 2020, the Chicago icon revealed that she was dating the Kaleidoscope Hair Product CEO and founder in an emotional Instagram post. Conservatives are taking a break from attacking Colin Kaepernick and have now targeted U.S. Olympian Gwen Berry for allegedly snubbing the American flag. The Views Meghan McCain is the latest person to slam Berry. On an episode of The View, McCain ranted, If anyone just saw Vladimir Putins recent speech when he met with President [Joe] Biden, hes using the propaganda that America is a craphole against us. Were having our enemies and propaganda dictators using our own propaganda against us, which in turn, turns into a national security risk. She continued, For some reason, my relationship with the flag isnt allowed. My love of the American flag, my love of the national anthem! She then referenced her father, the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ),I know its very triggering for people and people get very upset when I talk about my dad, for whatever reason, which is why I really stopped doing it on the show unless its really meaningful to me. McCain told a story about her dads time as a POW and how he made her value the American flag. RELATED: Simone Biles Dominates U.S. Olympic Gymnastic Trials McCain didnt stop there, For some of us, I will die for this! I will die on this hill that it is not appropriate or patriotic to go to a foreign country where you are supposed to represent America and act like it's just about you! It's not about you! It's about all of us! Despite McCains comments, Berry told Black News Channel, "I never said that I hated the country, never said that. All I said was I respect my people enough to not stand or acknowledge something that disrespects them. I love my people point blank, period." On June 26, she finished third in the hammer throw and as she stood on the podium, the playing of the national anthem unexpectedly began, which caused her to turn away from the American flag and place a T-shirt reading Activist Athlete over her head. Watch the clip from The View below: The House of Representatives passed a resolution Tuesday (June 29) to remove Confederate memorials and monuments from the U.S. Capitol. The resolution calls to remove statues of people who voluntarily served the Confederacy against the United States in the Civil War. The resolution also calls for a bust of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall to replace a bust of Roger B. Taney, the chief justice who wrote the 1857 Dred Scott decision that upheld slavery. The statues of John C. Calhoun, Charles Aycock and James P. Clarke, who defended slavery, segregation and White supremacy as elected officials, would also be removed. The vote was 285 to 120, with sixty-seven Republicans voting with 218 Democrats in support of the bill. RELATED: John Lewis Pushed As Replacement For Confederate Statue At U.S. Capitol This the Houses second effort to remove Confederate memorials from the capitol after the George Floyd protests last year. The House passed a similar resolution last July, but it stalled after Senate Republicans argued that the states should decide which statues they'd like to display in the Capitol. Every state sends two statues of prominent residents to the Capitol as part of the National Statuary Hall Collection. The current resolution has a better chance to pass now that Democrats have the Senate majority. "It's never too late to do the right thing, and this legislation would work to right a historic wrong while ensuring our Capitol reflects the principles and ideals of what Americans stand for," said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, after he introduced the resolution this year. Some states have already voted to swap out Confederate memorials they previously sent to the Capitol. In 2016, Florida lawmakers voted to replace its statue of Confederate Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith with one honoring civil rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune. Last December, Virginia lawmakers voted to replace its statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee with one honoring Barbara Rose Johns, an African American woman who played a key role in the civil rights movement. Saint Augustines University announced that it would clear its students debt from the 2021 spring, summer, and fall semesters after federal, state, and private aid factors are considered, school officials said in a statement Tuesday (June 29). The private HBCU located in Raleigh, N.C., decided because of the financial challenges faced by its students as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. After completion of their FAFSA application for student aid, balances will be marked at zero, the school says. We are pleased to offer this timely support to our students, Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail, the schools president, said in a statement. At Saint Augustines University, we are committed to delivering on our promise to be one of the nations best universities for personalized education, student life, and affordability. The estimated relief will be more than $9 million, and about 800 Pell Grant-eligible students will be helped, the Raleigh News & Observer reported. The funding comes from money Saint Augustines received from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, which was part of the CARES act from earlier this year. Saint Augustines joins other HBCUs that have been forgiving or canceling student debt during the economic upheaval caused by the pandemic. Wilberforce University in Ohio, for example, canceled the debt of its graduates in a surprise announcement at its commencement ceremonies in May. Delaware State University in Dover, Del., also used COVID relief fund money to cancel more than $730,000 in student debts, as did Shaw University, another private college in Raleigh, to the tune of $116,000. The largest example is that of billionaire Robert F. Smith eliminated $40 million in student debt for the graduates of Atlantas Morehouse College in 2019. RELATED: Who Is Robert F. Smith? Meet The Black Billionaire Who Paid Off Morehouse Grads Student Loan Debt According to Inside Higher Ed, Black college graduates carry an average of about $52,000 in student debt when they receive their degrees and owe an average of about $25,000 more than their white counterparts. Students at Saint Augustines said the cancelation would go a long way toward preventing heavy debt that would take years to pay off. I come from a low income, single-parent household and I am a first-generation high school graduate and first-generation college student, said McKenzie Estep, Saint Augustines senior in a statement. This type of support brings me one step closer to reaching my dream of starting a career with less debt and becoming financially stable. News Glasgow park project moves ahead amid questions Gina Kinslow for the Bowling Green Daily News Close to 100 people turned to show their support for a proposed park that the Glasgow Downtown Parks Committee is looking to develop on 2.4 acres one block from the towns public square along West Main Street. GLASGOW The Glasgow City Council voted to allocate up to $15,000 to the Downtown Parks Committee for a design-build request for proposals for a park the committee hopes to build on about 2.4 acres one block from Glasgows public square along West Main Street. The councils unanimous decision Monday night came after confusion regarding whether the park project was a public-private venture and whether Mayor Harold Armstrong supported it. Nearly 100 people attended the council meeting to show their support for the park project. Some had signs that read, Yes to the Park. Planning for the park has been underway for nearly two years. At the councils June 14 meeting, committee Chairman Wes Simpson said the committee decided to do a design-build request for proposals. The proposals were to be returned by Aug. 4. In the meantime, Simpson sent a copy of the request for proposals to the city. City Attorney Danny Basil reviewed the document and then spoke with Armstrong and Chris Johnson of the Kentucky League of Cities about it. Johnson referred the city to Jason Halligan, an attorney with the Lexington law firm of Frost, Brown and Todd, who has been working with public-private partnerships across the state. The city hired Halligan to serve as a consultant on the matter. He attended the council meeting via Zoom. Simpson said the committee isnt interested in the type of public-private partnership that involves private citizens making an investment in government infrastructure with the anticipation of a return on their investment. These private folks are looking to give the city money and are not expecting anything in return but a name on the park somewhere, whether that be a playground or splash pad or whatever, he said. Simpson said he thought everyone was ready to move ahead with the park project after he forwarded the request for proposals. He also said the original resolution the council adopted called for an allotment of $15,000 for the design document and to then put the project out to bid. We decided we may not get what we need with $15,000 and so it would actually be a better deal for taxpayers if we did a design-build RFP, Simpson said. After delivering the design-build request for proposals to city hall, Simpson said he didnt hear anything for about a week. He said he was then told that the city would take it from there. Which kind of felt like shutting the door on the committee before we were actually finished with what we were tasked to do, he said. I get it. Not everybody agrees with the project but mayor, you came out in support of this project before. Simpson referenced news reports in which Armstrong seemingly spoke in favor of and against the project. Simpson then told the council he was confused, because he thought everything was running smoothly with the project. Armstrong explained what he told a television reporter. I said to the TV station if the council wants it, if it is legal and we can afford it, fine, he said. But I dont think we can afford it. The mayor said he told Simpson that if the city was going to go with a design-build request for proposals, the city needed an expert to do the lifting. If we can afford to do it that way and the citizens and the council want to do that and not give raises to the sanitation workers and the police , he said. Armstrong was interrupted by booing from the audience. Simpson then said that when he spoke at the June 14 council meeting, he shared that the committee had pulled out the most expensive part of the project, which was an amphitheater stage. He also said he understands there are legalities that must be followed, but he said that is separate from the issue of the mayor seeming to be flipping on the issue. The mayor explained that design-build request for proposals have to be done through the city and not a private entity. A member of the public, Don Baker, then asked if the city needed a special attorney to send a request for proposals. Baker said such an attorney might be needed if the city was doing a public-private partnership. But why are we spending the money on that when we dont even know if we are going to do the project yet? Surely, we have the expertise to put out a simple RFP, Baker said. Armstrong replied that the Kentucky League of Cities has said the committee can do an request for proposals or sealed bids, but that they have to be done through the city. Nobody argued that it has to be through the city. I think the question is if the project is going to be a city project, bids are going to go through the city. The city has put out many RFPs. Why are we paying an attorney to talk about public-private agreements, which is not even what we are doing? Simpson asked. Simpson said the committee isnt interested in a public-private project and that nothing in the request for proposals he sent to the city alluded to it. It seems to be we are wasting time by saying we are going to bring somebody in to talk about setting up this framework before we can even get a price from design-build contractors, Simpson said. The audience then applauded. Its not a joint project. I guess thats where were getting our wires crossed, mayor. This is a city project. You are funding private funds to the city, which I cant believe I am saying that, to be earmarked for this project. All these folks are asking for is a name on the park and representation when this goes through to make it work, Simpson said. The mayor said the committee was going to raise $2 million and the city was going to put in $2 million and that it was going to be done as a private-public venture. Thats what you told me, Armstrong said. But Simpson said the money is actually a donation to the city and that the committee isnt wanting anything in return from the investment. As being the city, I am responsible for the daily activities. If we do something inappropriate then we are in trouble all the way around, Armstrong said. Youre not. Youre a private individual. The councilmen, they could be (in trouble) and thats the reason weve got somebody here to tell us. You tell him what you want to do and if he says you can do that then fine. Go for it. Councilman Patrick Gaunce made the motion to allocate up to $15,000 to the committee so it can work on the request for proposals with Halligan and bring it back to the council to be issued. After the council meeting, Simpson said he was OK with the councils vote. We havent spent any of the citys money. And the council, if they feel like thats the best to engage this attorney to get the RFP advertised then whatever moves the ball further down the field I feel good about. I want to save as much money as we can in this process. Thats been my whole goal. But I cant feel bad because it was unanimous to move it along, so feeling OK, he said. Among those in attendance for the meeting was Brandi Button, executive director of Sustainable Glasgow, which oversees the management of the Bounty of the Barrens Farmers Market. Button also sits on the park committee. I think a lot of money and time could have been saved as far as our committee and the city as well if the RFP would have gone out that we gave to the city two weeks ago, she said. Button said she thought Halligan made it clear that the request for proposals he was looking at would only need revisions if the city were looking at a public-private project, which is not what the city asked the committee to look at. Its frustrating, but at the same time I feel like we had a lot of support and attention to whats going on and thats the most important thing that the community feels like they are being heard and involved, she said. Call ahead to confirm events. Due to COVID-19, many events have been canceled but hosting organizations might not have updated their entries. Email Blast Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Error! There was an error processing your request. Daily News Headlines & Events Email Blast Would you like to receive a digest of each day's headlines & events from The Daily News by email? Signup today! The Amplifier Headlines & Events Email Blast Would you like to receive a weekly digest of headlines & events from The Amplifier by email? Signup today! Daily News Hosted Events The Daily News is a proud host of community enrichment events. Join our Daily News Events mailing list to learn about the next event we are planning. Sign up now. Manage your lists Spearfish, SD (57783) Today Scattered thunderstorms during the morning becoming more widespread this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 91F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low around 60F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Spearfish, SD (57783) Today Scattered thunderstorms during the morning becoming more widespread this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High around 90F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight Thunderstorms. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low 61F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. How Can We Tell When Something Is False Prophecy? The true essence of what makes something a prophecy that came from God is if what was said came true. This is the dividing line that separates true prophecy from false prophecy. As God was preparing Israel to go into the promised land, he knew those lands were inhabited by nations of people who practiced sorcery or divination. This was and is one method of how people who do not know God look for direction and instruction. For Israel, they were not allowed to engage in these evil practices, they were to look only to God and listen to the prophets that he would send, which created a dilemma. If someone spoke prophetically, how would they be able to tell if someone was speaking on Gods behalf or if they were speaking out of their own minds. Here is the test God gave them: But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death. You may say to yourselves, How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). As you can see this was a simple test, but there was a dire consequence in those days for speaking presumptuously: you were put to death. Another reminder of how serious it is to stand and proclaim that something is what the Lord is saying. Do People Still Prophesy Today? You may be wondering if people still prophesy today. The answer is yes, especially when you remember that to prophesy is to declare something that God has said. There are many people doing that today. The reason I can say with certainty that people are still prophesying today is because Jesus said this would happen. This is one of the signs of the end of the age. And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people (Matthew 24:11). Jesus declared there will be many who will stand up and prophesy, unfortunately many of them will be false prophets and they will lead many people astray. We are living in a day and age where lots of people are making prophetic declarations and even calling themselves prophets. I am by no means calling all these people false prophets, but if you are going to believe Jesus, then some of them are. Photo credit: Getty Images/diego_cervo BOISE - On Thursday, July 1, Idaho Governor Brad Little announced the details of his plan to send Idaho State Police (ISP) troopers to Arizona to help secure the United States-Mexico border and curb the flow of illegal drugs into Idaho due to "failed Biden-Harris immigration policies." The crisis at the Unites States-Mexico border and the alarming bump in illegal drug activity are direct results of failed polices of the Biden-Harris administration that harm the people of Idaho, Governor Little said. Drug seizures for meth, fentanyl, and heroin have doubled since Biden took office and weve seen the highest number of illegal crossings this year in 21 years. Biden reversed numerous Trump policies that kept the American people safer, and now our nations governors must step up to protect Americans because the Biden-Harris administration wont. The State of Idaho proudly stands with our fellow Americans along the United States-Mexico border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sent a letter to the nations governors in June pleading for extra manpower through other states law enforcement agencies to help secure the border. Governor Little quickly committed to supporting their efforts. Since Governor Littles office received the letter, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) and ISP have been working closely with the State of Arizona to determine how Idahos resources can best support the mission. The collaboration resulted in an emergency mutual aid compact (EMAC) that Idaho will fulfill to support Arizonas efforts. Idaho will send a specialized team of five ISP troopers on a 21-day mission commencing July 6 to assist Arizona State Police with intelligence gathering and investigative work related to drug interdiction at the border. The specialized team of ISP troopers will act as a force multiplier to augment Arizonas drug interdiction team. We did our homework and worked closely with Arizona State Police to determine the true needs and how Idaho can help in a meaningful, impactful way without compromising public safety here at home. States frequently assist each other through the emergency response system with fires, floods, and other emergencies, and this situation is no different, Governor Little said. Our specialized team will help curb the flow of illegal drug smuggling and organized crime into our country and our state, and the troopers will gain valuable hands-on training that will improve their ability to serve the people of Idaho when they return. The ISP troopers will be cross deputized with the State of Arizona and will act under the same authority given to Arizona State Troopers. The support will cost the State of Idaho $53,391 $16,149 in travel and other costs and $37,242 in personnel costs. The ISP leadership is ensuring the troopers duties at home are covered while they serve their mission. With his plan, Governor Little joins Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, and Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts in lending support. Idaho will continue to evaluate our resources and the border states needs to determine if we can do even more to help in the fight to protect Americans against the Biden-Harris inaction, Governor Little said. COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho A Montana man who pleaded guilty to firing into a crowd at a northern Idaho bar last year has been sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. Austin L. Sherper, 25, of Whitefish, Montana, pleaded guilty in April to seven felonies including aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, The Coeur d'Alene Press reported. Prosecutors said he shot 10 times at a crowd outside a Coeur d'Alene, Idaho bar after security staffers told him he wasn't allowed inside. Two people were grazed by the bullets and treated at a nearby hospital. First District Judge Scott Wayman sentenced Sherper on Monday to 15 years in prison for each felony, but said the prison terms would be served at the same time and that he would be eligible for parole after serving at least five years in prison. Police responded to reports of the shooting at the Iron Horse Bar & Grill around 9 p.m. on July 11, 2020. According to court documents, a man later identified as Sherper had earlier had an altercation with security staffers at the bar, who told him he was no longer allowed inside. Prosecutors said Sherper returned to the bar in a truck and fired at people gathered outside. MECOSTA COUNTY After a 15-month hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, jury trials are once again underway in Mecosta and Osceola county courts. A memorandum to all judges from the Supreme Court Administrative Office, dated July 21, states all courts can now advance to Phase 4 of the COVID-19 protocol. Together, the sharp decline of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, increased availability of vaccines, and recent recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control for fully vaccinated individuals, means all Michigan courts can safely expand operations and tailor mitigation measures to local conditions, the memorandum said. Chief judges have discretion to determine the pace of reopening consistent with local conditions. This will enable all courts to expand capacity, focus on conducting jury trials, and address backlogs. The Phase 4 protocol calls for following all local public health and Michigan Occupational Health and Safety guidelines; conducting proceedings virtually as much as possible; in-person proceedings must follow social distancing, capacity limits and mask mandates for court participants; and in the case of resurgence, the court may be required to return to previous phases. District Judge Peter Jaklevic told the Pioneer jury trials have begun at the Mecosta County courthouse. They are holding one as we speak, Jaklevic said on Wednesday. He just entered a plea this morning. We picked the jury at Williams Auditorium and they started calling witnesses yesterday." Our direction from the SCAO is to continue to do as much remotely as we can, but certain things need to be done in person, such as jury trials and circuit court sentencing, he added. We are going to be able to start doing that following the CDC guidelines for now. The CDC's guidelines continue to call for limited indoor capacity, with social distancing and masks required for unvaccinated persons. Due to social distancing requirements, and limited space at the courthouse, jury selections are being done at the Williams Auditorium on Ferris State's campus, Jaklevic said. They are picking the jury at Williams Auditorium because the jury pool can have as many as 100 potential jurors in the room for a circuit court case, he said. You kind of want them all in one room. It works out better that way, because you are shuffling people in and out as they get picked. The trials are being held in the courtrooms, and we do have space for the actual trials, it is just the jury pick that is problematic, he added. Jaklevic said for his trials, he will be doing the jury picks at the courthouse and will utilize two separate courtrooms for that. My pool will only be around 30-35 people, so I will have some of the pool in one courtroom and the rest in another, he said. I think I will be able to do it here safely, and I will get my cases going pretty quick. They are picking dates and holding pretrials for his cases, he said, but the priority will go to the circuit court cases. We are letting them get their trials going first, he said. That is the most important because some of those people are incarcerated. We are trying to prioritize cases because we can not run trials in two different courts at the same time. That will tax the security needs of the jail and everything else. Once the trials are scheduled and get going, the public will be able to attend, but there will be capacity limits in place, which will depend on the size of the courtroom. I am allowing a limited number of the public to come into my courtroom, and I believe other judges will, as well, Jaklevic said. Social distancing and masks are still required. He said with the capacity limits in place, the public will still be able to access the trials remotely through YouTube, and if they have an overflow crowd in person, the trial will be accessible through closed circuit TV in another part of the building. We are doing our best, under the circumstances, to keep everybody safe and ensure we give every defendant the right to a jury trial, Jaklevic said. If people still have concerns about being in an enclosed space, they are encouraged to call the court that is noted on their summons and share those concerns. Bill reports on President Trump's visit to the Texas-Mexico border and his prospects for a second term. He theorizes that Trump can actually win in 2024, but only if he makes some major changes. Sign up for our Premium Membership and get Killing the Mob free. Thanks for listening to The OReilly Update. No Spin. Just Facts. Always looking out for YOU. Heres whats happening across our nation. Joe Biden heads to Miami to meet with survivors of the condo collapse Donald Trump visits the border Officials in Los Angeles tell residents to mask-up indoors Nearly half of San Francisco residents plan on leaving the city A new study ranks the healthiest communities in America Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, could Joe Biden be going to hell ? The O'Reilly Update is on Apple Podcasts and other podcast platforms. Subscribe to the podcast here. Professor Tan Huay Cheem, Director, National University Heart Centre, Singapore will be handing over the baton to Associate Professor James Yip after more than 13 years of dedicated leadership Singapore's NUHCS announced that Professor Tan Huay Cheem will be relinquishing his role as Director of the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) on 1 July 2021. For the last 13 years, Prof Tan has charted the growth of the centre in many ways. He has strengthened manpower training and development of clinical programmes, instituted structured training programmes for trainees, nurtured a research ecosystem, and cultivated young clinician scientists. Under his leadership, the centre has achieved numerous clinical breakthroughs. He converted the primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) programme for patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) heart attack into a 24/7 service in 2001. In 2017, he inaugurated the Western STEMI network in the Western region of Singapore, achieving the shortest door-to-balloon time for patients transfer to National University Hospital (NUH) and lowest STEMI mortality rates in Singapore. The Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery also achieved peaks of excellence such as the Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Programme and the Aortic Centre. The mobile Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) service also played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing care to the most severely ill COVID-19 patients. Taking over the baton will be Associate Professor James Yip. An accomplished cardiologist and clinician-scientist, A/Prof Yip helped developed the structural heart disease programme in NUH and the National University Health System (NUHS) from 2003-2017. He has also led many international trials in pulmonary hypertension as Principal Investigator. A/Prof Yip played an instrumental role in developing the undergraduate ultrasound training module in the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and is a core tutor and program evaluation member of the NUHS senior residency program in cardiology. He has been conferred the NUH University Medical Cluster Outstanding Tutor Award six times since 2010 in recognition of his contributions to undergraduate medical teaching. A/Prof Yip was appointed Chief Medical Informatics Officer of NUH in 2006 and has served as NUHS Group Chief Medical Informatics Officer since 2017. He will relinquish his GCMIO role when he assumes the role of Director, NUHCS on 1 July 2021. Image Caption: Prof Tan Huay Cheem (Left); AProfessor James Yip (Right) Whether it is the industry or academia, life sciences workers are gradually accepting the fact that lab data digitisation improves processes, simplifies workflows and makes research and development (R&D) more efficient. With increasing advances in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), digitisation in the research environment is set to become an integral part of every laboratory worldwide. But in emerging markets such as India, there are a large number of factors responsible for its slow adoption such as lack of skilled workforce, high maintenance and service costs, limited expertise, data security etc. Calls for evidence-based studies on benefits of yoga The Prime Minister (PM), Narendra Modi greeted the doctor community on Doctors Day, celebrated on July 1. He said this day, celebrated in the memory of Doctor BC Roy, is the symbol of the highest ideals of our medical fraternity. The PM stressed on the importance of documentation of experiences by doctors. Along with the experiences, symptoms of the patients and treatment plan needs to be documented in great details. This can be taken up as a research study where effects of various medicines and treatments are noted. Modi said that sheer number of patients served by our doctors put them ahead of the world. Now is the time when the world takes cognizance and take benefit from these scientific studies. Covid-19 pandemic can be a good starting point for this. "I wonder if we could study more deeply how vaccines are helping us, how early diagnosis helps. There is no documentation available about the last centurys pandemic but now we have technology and our documentation about how we faced Covid-19 will help the humanity", the PM said. He also commended medical fraternity for spreading awareness about Yoga. THe PM has asked if the Indian Medical Association (IMA) can take up the evidence-based studies on yoga in a mission mode. He also suggested that studies on yoga could be published in international journals. Nkgabiseng Motau, CCO and founding partner at Think Creative Africa, was once again selected to be part of the jury for Cannes Lions 2021 and is joining the final jury at Ad Stars 2021 in South Korea, a global festival based in Asia. Nkgabiseng Motau, CCO and founding partner at Think Creative Africa What does your role as CCO entail and what does your day at work look like? What was your career path? Tell us about how you ended up in advertising. What do you love most about your work? You were appointed to be a judge on the Cannes Lions Print & Publishing jury, could you tell us about that experience? In your opinion, what does South Africa bring to the table in the creative industry? #CannesLions2021: "SA brings a unique cultural sensitivity" - Nkgabiseng Motau Cannes Lions and its official representative in South Africa, Ster-Kinekor recently announced this year's jury. With only one month to go until two years' worth of Lion-winning work is awarded, we touched base with some of the local jury members for a preview of what to expect. First up, Nkgabiseng Motau... Tell us a bit about some of your most successful campaigns and why they were successful. What is the future looking like for you in your career? What other skills and interests do you have besides your work? What advice would you give to young people looking to break through in the advertising and creative industries? A giant in the industry, she holds creativity from the South African perspective close to her heart. Motau has been a recurring judge for Loeries, Pendorings, Creative Circle and Cannes Young Lions. She was a Jury Member for the 2020 D&AD Awards and is a member of the ABInbev Braintrust.Here, we find out more about her day-to-day work and what her life looks like behind the scenes...At Think Creative Africa, it often means finding insightful ideas and fighting for them. No day is like the next, and that is what is special about my work. Some days are spent before a screen in back-to-back meetings with the creative team or presenting ideas to clients. Other days are spent on set or in the studio overseeing productions.I attended an art school in Pretoria called Pro Arte which heightened my desire to work in the arts. I wanted a way to participate in the commercial world, but to also express my creativity. I then applied to Vega having heard about it from a friend. Vega really opened doors for me through their programme that placed students in agencies for an internship. The rest is pretty much history, all I needed was one foot in the agency door and the ad bug bit me.I love the ability to see an idea come to life and impact millions of people in our country.The experience was invaluable, a school of sorts. I learned what makes really great work while lending my voice and insight to make sure the best work wins.The diverse nature of our country brings a unique perspective and cultural sensitivity. We are able to tap into so many versions of reality, drawing on our history and our presence to create work that is really universal.Think Creative Africa has achieved so much in a short time. One of my favourite pieces of work is a campaign called Nothing To Hide for a brand called Yalu. The campaign allowed us to take a challenger brand to the battlefield with the Goliath of the financial services industry. The campaign earned over 100% increase in sales, which is an incredible achievement.I hope to build impactful businesses that will change what it means to be a young Black businesswoman in South Africa.I have a podcast called Why Is That in which I explore various topics with field experts.Be relentless. It can be a difficult industry to get into, but its in desperate need of young, free thinkers. If you have the talent and tenacity, there is a place for you.Catch Nkgabiseng and selected Cannes Lions judges speaking at the forthcoming Cannes Lions Trend Talks 22 July, 2021. See footer for more info and bookings. Fondly known as Bra Dan, Dan Maswanganye passed away in hospital on Tuesday night due to Covid-19 complications. Maswanganye was the technical manager at Primedia Broadcasting in Johannesburg. We close off with very tragic news. The Primedia family has lost one of our own. Bra Dan Maswanganye, Technical Manager in Johannesburg, passed away in hospital last night. 702 colleagues past & present share tributes. RIP Bra Dan. pic.twitter.com/WcUFsX1u8X 702 (@Radio702) June 30, 2021 We pay tribute to one of our own Bra Dan Maswanganye - our beloved technical manager who succumbed to Covid A special Doctors Roundtable on the pandemic#702Breakfast pic.twitter.com/WxMV2Guldj Bongani Bingwa - (@bonglez) July 1, 2021 Devastated to hear of the passing of my friend, colleague and someone who has played such a big role in my broadcasting career. I have known Dan Maswanganye for more than 30 years, he was one of the first people I met at 702. pic.twitter.com/H5pcYYj69q Aki Anastasiou (@AkiAnastasiou) June 30, 2021 Ah Bra Dan! Not you succumbing to this awful virus! What a loss to @BrandPrimedia. You were the BOSS of outside broadcasts; elections, inaugurations, the best technical manager. And that laugh? EVERYTHING made you laugh! You & @AkiAnastasiou & @thomasmmanamela made life beautiful pic.twitter.com/f7rPqrl3QT Redi Tlhabi (@RediTlhabi) June 30, 2021 Bra Dan worked at Primedia Broadcasting for 37 years and has been described as a consummate professional who was warm, welcoming and had infectious laughter.Tributes have been pouring in on social media. At 6am this morning, Hot 102.7FM, the first new commercial music station to launch in the Johannesburg market this century, made its presence known with the McFadden and Whitehead hit "Ain't No Stopping Us Now". The station, which plays Joburg's best old skool and R&B, from a powerful transmitter which reaches the greater Johannesburg area - and beyond. Hot expands its footprint Icasa recently approved a new ownership structure and format change for Classic FM; as of 1 July 2021, the company will begin to trade as Hot 1027... New commercial station Hot 102.7FM announces on-air lineup from 1 July 2021 On 1 July 2021, Hot 102.7FM takes to the airwaves on a powerful FM transmitter that will ensure blanket coverage of the greater Johannesburg area... About Hot 102.7FM Opening the station at exactly 6am, Hot 102.7FMs managing director, Lloyd Madurai, welcomed listeners saying: Today we change the landscape of radio in South Africa, setting the benchmark for world-class radio; radio of the highest standard. Today we stand proud knowing that a dream has become a reality for many, put together by an amazing team of professionals who are passionate about radio. A team who still feels the sheer sense of excitement each time the microphone is turned on in the studio. We have succeeded despite the determination of many in the industry to keep us off the air.Today, we are filled with joy and pride as we are ready to serve you and make a meaningful difference through everything that we do, whilst bringing back radio that is fun, meaningful and most of all radio just for you. We love the music we play, we love what we do, and the best part is that we get to share it with you every day.The station boasts a solid programming lineup of seasoned radio professionals including Tony Murrell, Simon Hill, Bunny Majaja, John Walland, Ragani Achary, Mark Pilgrim, Ursula Chikane, Simon Parkinson, Keo Rapetse, Dylan Rogers, Michael Avery, Carolyn Steyn, Treasure Tshabalala, Kevin Savage, Shane The Duke Wellington, Rob Vega, Devon Dalbock, Mzi Kaka, Simone Trethaway and Benjy Mudie. Their overarching brief is to have fun. If were having fun on-air, the spirit translates through this magic medium of radio into the psyche of our listeners and uplifts their spirit and makes them feel great, says Madurai.Hot 102.7FM will also play a meaningful role in the community through its association with the Hot Cares Charity. With this huge reach across the entire Johannesburg region, and knowing the good hearts of our listeners, I am very confident that we can do more to assist in alleviating the lot of those in our community who need assistance, especially in these times, says Madurai.Hot 102.7FM transmits on FM on DSTV channel 822 and streams online via www.hot1027.co.za Hot 102.7FM is Joburgs newest commercial radio station, broadcasting to the greater Johannesburg area and beyond on a powerful 10-kilowatt transmitter. The stations music format of old skool and R&B is complemented by a lineup of the best presenters, entertaining, amusing and compelling content, including pertinent, relevant news and traffic information.The station brings a heart of gold to the city of gold through the Hot Cares NPC charity initiative, which aims to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. The station also contributes to the growth and continued success of the radio industry through the Hot Radio Training Academy, which provides a training programme that upskills and equips future radio industry professionals. Eskom, Africa's biggest greenhouse gas emitter, is pitching a $10bn plan to global lenders that would see it shut the vast majority of its coal-fired plants by 2050 and embrace renewable energy. Cows graze as steam rises from the cooling towers of Matla Power Station, a coal-fired power plant operated by Eskom in Mpumalanga province, South Africa, 20 May, 2018. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko/File Photo Lining up funding That is the future. I don't think we can look at 2050 and still see fossil fuels in there to be honest. Discussions have already started with development finance institutions like the World Bank and the African Development Bank, a senior Eskom official told Reuters."It's a lot of money, so what we are putting on the table is to say to funders: South Africa can offer you the biggest point source of carbon emissions reduction in the world," said Mandy Rambharos, general manager at Eskom's Just Energy Transition office.Eskom, which generates more than 90% of the country's electricity chiefly by burning coal, is looking for around $7 to $8 for every tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent it cuts from its greenhouse gas emissions. Eskom currently emits around 213-million tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year.The idea is to line up some of the funding before the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in November. The utility is already looking at "repowering" its Komati coal plant using solar and battery storage and could present the project at COP26 to show it is serious about curbing emissions.Rambharos said Eskom was modelling different scenarios to reach its target of net zero emissions by 2050.The least aggressive path is the one the government laid out in a 2019 document called the Integrated Resource Plan, which envisaged Eskom shutting down some 35,000MW of coal by 2050. As of March 2020, Eskom had around 41,000MW of installed coal-fired capacity.A bolder one would see even Medupi and Kusile, which will be two of the world's largest coal plants when fully operational, shuttered in the 2040s, at least 20 years ahead of schedule and leaving Eskom with no coal by 2050 from 15 stations now.While Eskom could use natural gas as part of its energy transition, the ultimate aim is to replace coal with renewables, Rambharos said.Analysts have flagged the carbon intensity of South Africa's economy as a major risk as investors and governments become increasingly attuned to climate concerns, and Rambharos said it was time to act."We will be left in this little bubble where we are not going to be able to export our wine or our fruit or our cars if we don't transition," she said. "The whole world is transitioning, we have to get on this bandwagon - for South Africa to remain competitive and for our economy to grow." Search match: All words Any word Exact phrase Date posted: All Last day Last 3 days Last 7 days Last 14 days Last 30 days Last 60 days Highest qualification: All Not Applicable Matric Diploma Degree Honours Masters Doctorate Experience level: All Student Junior Junior/Mid Mid Mid/Senior Senior Management (Jnr - Mid, 1-4 yrs) Management (Snr - Executive, 5+ yrs) Remuneration: All salaries GreaterThan5000 GreaterThan10000 GreaterThan15000 GreaterThan20000 GreaterThan30000 GreaterThan40000 GreaterThan50000 Position type: All Permanent Contract Temp BEE policy: N/A BEE Salary specified jobs only: Borsa Italiana non ha responsabilita per il contenuto del sito a cui sta per accedere e non ha responsabilita per le informazioni contenute. Accedendo a questo link, Borsa Italiana non intende sollecitare acquisti o offerte in alcun paese da parte di nessuno. Sarai automaticamente diretto al link in cinque secondi. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 814-368-3173 or email nfinnerty@oleantimesherald.com. Help Our Community Please help local businesses by taking an online survey to help us navigate through these unprecedented times. None of the responses will be shared or used for any other purpose except to better serve our community. The survey is at: www.pulsepoll.com $1,000 is being awarded. Everyone completing the survey will be able to enter a contest to Win as our way of saying, "Thank You" for your time. Thank You! Take The Survey With hot temperatures bearing down on Manitoba and much of western Canada this weekend, the province is advising people to be prepared and plan for the heat. Advertisement Advertise With Us With hot temperatures bearing down on Manitoba and much of western Canada this weekend, the province is advising people to be prepared and plan for the heat. Environment Canada issued a heat warning on Thursday for almost the entire province, including all of Westman. In Brandon, the temperature is forecasted to reach a high of 32C on Thursday and 34C on Friday. Municipalities can repurpose facilities as cooling centres for people with no other way to cool off. Outdoor splash pads are also now open in the City of Brandon. Everyone is at risk during a heatwave, but older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people without air conditioning are at particular risk of heat illness, the province said in a press release. Young children and people who exercise or work outside are also at a greater risk. "Manitobans are encouraged to check in regularly with vulnerable or socially isolated community members, friends and family. Contact people by phone where possible to reduce face-to-face interactions, which will help control the spread of COVID-19." People and pets should not be left alone in a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight. Symptoms such as headache, red, hot and dry skin, dizziness, confusion, nausea, rapid weak pulse or loss of consciousness could be symptoms of heatstroke. "The longer a persons body temperature is above 40C (105F), the greater the likelihood of permanent effects or death. If these symptoms occur, immediately move to a cool place and drink water," the press release reads. Emergency medical care may be needed depending on the severity of the symptoms. If someone is unconscious or confused, call for help, the province advises. While waiting, cool the person off by moving them to a cool place or pouring cold water on them. The risk of heat illness can be reduced by drinking plenty of liquids, wearing loose, light-coloured clothing, planning outdoor activities at cooler times in the day, limiting alcohol consumption, limiting sun exposure, going to cool indoor places or taking a cool shower or bath. The Brandon Sun The Branson Board of Aldermen on Thursday (now postponed to July 28) will consider an ordinance that would require face coverings in public spaces. The aldermen might approve it, disapprove it, or approve an amended version. Would you be in favor of some form of mandatory face covering ordinance in the city of Branson? You voted: Airlines follow a pretty simple formula for success -- fill as many seats and fly as many hours as possible, and keep a young fleet. One Indian budget carrier is going another way to drum up income -- not flying. SpiceJet hasnt flown any of its Boeing 737 MAX jets for more than 27 months, after two deadly crashes operated by other airlines led to a global grounding. While most other major markets apart from China have cleared the MAX to fly again, SpiceJet seems in no hurry to get it back in the air, and not just because theres less demand to use the jet because of the pandemic. SpiceJet hasnt flown any of its Boeing 737 MAX jets for more than 27 months. Credit:Bloomberg Indias second-biggest budget carrier booked other income of 10.9 billion rupees ($190 million) in the seven quarters through December. That was the amount it expected to get in compensation from Boeing for not being able to fly its 13 MAX aircraft, helping the company to trim its losses during deeply challenging times. Given the planes remain grounded, the figure is likely to rise when SpiceJet reports results for the year through March this week. It was the biggest initial public offering since 2018, but PEXA made a lacklustre debut on the ASX with its high listing price blamed as much as an embarrassing operational glitch on the eve of its float. The online property conveyancers shares opened at $16.68 on Thursday morning, more than 2 per cent below their IPO price, and dropped further to trade as low as $16.40 before staging a late recovery. They finished their first trading day at $17.15, 2 cents above the listing price. In a statement to the sharemarket on Thursday morning, the company said an outage had temporarily prevented members from being able to log on to the platform for a period of 1 hour 45 minutes on Wednesday afternoon. It said services had been restored by 5pm. All property settlements that were in Ready status proceeded yesterday, with the remainder requiring rebooking, PEXA explained. Save Log in , register or subscribe to save articles for later. Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size Cyber security experts, ex-military officials and some politicians are pushing for ransomware gangs to be treated not as hackers but like pirates of the past, in a rethink of how to best counter their growing threat to businesses, industries and society. The shift recognises the way ransomware gangs are used by authoritarian nations to mount sustained attacks on Western businesses and sectors, a new dimension in the ongoing contest between strongmen and democracies. Tim Watts, shadow assistant minister for communications and cyber security, calls ransomware gangs modern-day pirates. He wants aggressive coordination between international law enforcement, targeted sanctions, even cyber operations aimed to disrupt the gangs, in an effort to close the gaps being exploited by cyber criminals. The bulk of the solution here is not technological, but instead policy, regulation, law enforcement, diplomacy and then a bit of offensive cyber, says Watts. Labors assistant spokesman for communications and cybersecurity Tim Watts likened ransomware crews to pirates. Credit:Dominic Lorrimer For years, ransomware attacks were treated as a subset of hacking. The liability of such intrusions was considered a cost of doing business one whose responsibility sat squarely on the businesss shoulders. But things have changed. Advertisement In a decade, ransomware software has grown from a tool by hackers to extort individuals for hundreds of dollars, to an underworld service-for-hire among criminals to shakedown entire industries for hundreds of millions. Cryptocurrency, meanwhile, has proven an ideal means of paying ransom to shadowy gangs across borders. JBS food processor in Australia and the US was hit by ransomware gang DarkSide in May, leaving about 7000 meat workers out of work until the company could develop a workaround. In the US, a DarkSide ransomware attack halted petrol to the east coast. The Clop ransomware group was reportedly behind the December attack Transport for NSW. All of the gangs are based in Eastern Europe but the Kremlin wont extradite or prosecute these gangs as long as they dont attack Russian interests. The political protection they enjoy allows the growing industry of cyber criminals to operate with impunity, costing businesses as much as $3.4 billion in ransom and downtime in Australia in 2020, cyber security company Emsisoft reports. Meanwhile, the frequency of attacks has increased during the pandemic with hospitals, most recently finding themselves under attack during COVID-19. Loading To date, the most common designation for a hacking group is advanced persistent threat - a term that denotes a sophisticated team, often linked to a government. The famed Russian hacking group Fancy Bear is also known as APT 28. Because of the changing nature of ransomware, now even information security researchers are reconsidering how to view the problem. Cisco Talos Intelligence Group has proposed a new classification for the groups, a term that is taken directly from the pirate days: privateer. Advertisement We believe its time to recognise that a new category can be defined, one where the ransomware syndicates enjoy some kind of protection from governments, even if not intentionally. Pirates with papers Talos proposes the term privateers to describe actors who benefit either from government decisions to turn a blind eye toward their activities or from more material support, but where the government doesnt necessarily exert direct control over their actions. Watts agrees with privateer designation. A privateer, or a pirate with papers, in the 18th Century worked similarly. They were commissioned by governments to carry out quasi-military activities, according to Britannica, robbing and pillaging all who they crossed as long as they werent from their sponsoring country. Theres political history too. In the 1700s the Spanish navy dominated the seas until a poorer and weaker Britain came along and overwhelmed it by giving pirates the protection to act on its behalf without official sanction. Advertisement The use of privateers allowed states to project maritime power beyond the capabilities of their regular navies, Britannica writes. Russias President Vladimir Putin, right, and US President Joe Biden have ramped up rhetoric over allegations of cyber attacks. Credit: Today ransomware gangs in Eastern Europe or North Korea extend the power of those countries deep into targeted democracies. With political cover at home, the gangs are free to go after Western business which also serve the political goal of Moscow or Pyongyang, which see themselves at war with democracies and their economic dominance. As technology advances and the cost to business spirals, the economics of the threat become more favourable to the criminals. Robert Potter of Canberra-based cyber security company Internet 2.0 says approaching ransomware gangs as privateers is a good idea especially if it involves intelligence sharing and working directly with law enforcement. His company has already been working with law enforcement to break up ransomware gangs through intelligence sharing. The Australian Federal Polices Cybercrime Operations is expected to form a ransomware taskforce to co-ordinate efforts against the gangs. The Australian Cyber Security Centre and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission will likely have a role in the effort. Advertisement Some experts think Western governments should recast their relationships with business in a way that essentially mirrors the wider links between ransomware gangs and their governments. Loading Retired US Army major general Thomas Ayres wrote last month that todays pirates sail the cyber seas in their search for riches by ransom or theft. Recent destructive hacks have proved that federal action alone cant protect the cyber infrastructure Ayres wrote. He calls for the US government to give companies targeted by ransomware immunity to lawsuits for data loss in exchange for helping mount a rapid response. He wrote last month that the time has come to ...enlist and arm private corporations to defend their interests and those of a country. Such a bold move would essentially convert companies into a fleet to fight off ransomware gangs. Advertisement Australian audiences wont be getting the abridged, one-night version of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child soon to open in New York at least not this year. The epic, smash-hit show has run over two nights in Melbourne, as it has in London since its 2016 opening. But it has been re-staged and cut for its return to Broadway in November, as well as in San Francisco and Toronto. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on stage in Melbourne. Credit:Matthew Murphy The Australian production has been seen by 326,500 people at Melbournes Princess Theatre in its first year of playing. A spokesman said there were no plans to adopt the new version here at this stage, though they didnt definitively rule it out. We have a new batch of tickets going on sale on Friday for performances through to January 30 next year, so were very committed to the two-part format, he said. Slowly and relentlessly it drags you along so that you can feel just how high a bar beyond reasonable doubt can be and so you share in the jubilation of a diver surfacing with a crucial find from the ocean floor. Like the police, you will likely conclude the accused man is guilty of having invited this woman to sea purely to enact a sick fantasy of rape, murder and decapitation long before it can be proven. This six-part dramatisation of the police work that finally led to the conviction of Walls killer in 2018 is a meticulous step-by-step procedural that would put the likes of CSI and Law & Order to shame with its slow accumulation of detail, its eschewal of lucky breaks, its focus on dogged repetition as the backbone of police work. Theres plenty of information online about the man who killed Danish journalist Kim Wall aboard his home-made submarine in August 2017. But you wont find much of it in The Investigation . The central player though is not the killer, it is Jens Moller (Soren Malling), Copenhagens (now-retired) head of homicide. He is an inscrutable figure, giving almost nothing of himself away. The job is his life, the task of bringing closure to Kims parents, Ingrid (Pernilla August) and Joachim (Rolf Lassgard), is his mission. Pointedly, The Investigation never mentions the killer by name. It does not show him, give a lot of biographical detail, or even offer much from his testimony perhaps because it is not worth much. He gave three wildly conflicting versions of his story, changing it each time the investigators turned up new evidence, starting with Kims torso and ending, months later, with the rest of her dismembered body. He is, as far as the show is concerned and in line with a push from victims rights groups around the world, not worth dignifying with a name. All we need to know about him is what he did, and that he was narcissistic enough to imagine he would get away with it. Rolf Lassgard and Pernilla August play the parents of murdered journalist Kim Wall (inset) in The Investigation. He is treated here as being beneath contempt, and that makes The Investigation a case study in how filmmakers might deal with traumatic tales of real-life crimes without giving the perpetrators the fame they so desperately crave. Most Australians are reporting side effects such as a sore arm, fatigue and headaches from the first dose of AstraZeneca and the second dose of Pfizer, but experts say this is normal and could be a sign the vaccines are doing their job. AusVaxSafety, a collaboration led by the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, reports weekly on adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccinations. The side effects are self-reported in a survey sent three days after the jab, with hundreds of thousands of responses so far. Sholto Macpherson, 45, from Maroubra, in Sydneys eastern suburbs, had his second Pfizer vaccination last week and experienced typical side effects. He had no reaction to the first jab and experienced minor fatigue and headaches after the second dose. Sholto Macpherson experienced fatigue and headaches from the second Pfizer dose but says it was worth it. Credit:Rhett Wyman He said the side effects were not enough to stop him from working and looking after his children, and he considered it well worth it. Its not often that Sydney Universitys student protest crowd is schooled for forgetting their gender theory Ps and Qs. And yet, the universitys arts dean and feminist studies expert Annamarie Jagose was prompted to issue a firm slapdown to students after protesters committed a major gender rhetoric faux-pas at a recent shout-fest. Annamarie Jagose. Credit:Dallas Kilponen Id heard of course previous rallying cries against Michael Spence so I didnt take offence to my own name being set down to a familiar marching-beat rhythm: Annamarie, get out. We know what youre all about, Jagose wrote in her most recent letter to students. The problem? This chant made an insinuatingly gendered recourse to my first name only. We know, talk about offensive! NSW reported 24 new cases of local COVID-19 cases on Thursday as concerns grew about an increasing number of COVID-positive being detected outside of isolation, and as active exposure locations across NSW swelled to more than 300. Only about half of Thursdays new cases recorded in the 24 hours to 8pm on Wednesday were in isolation for their entire infectious period, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard during the COVID-19 update. Credit:Kate Geraghty Nine were in isolation throughout their infectious period, while a further three cases were in isolation for part of their infectious periods. Twelve were infectious in the community. Ms Berejiklian said a number of people who had been in the community while infectious was cause for concern and stressed the need for people to minimise their movements during the lockdown. The federal government will loan $175 million to a $900 million coal mine project that will clear koala and glider habitat in central Queensland almost 20 times the size of Australia Zoo. Thursdays announcement by Federal Resources Minister Keith Pitt was slammed by environmental groups as deeply irresponsible and flying in the face of overwhelming advice by scientists. FILE IMAGE: The federal government has confirmed the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility will help fund Queenslands Olive Downs coal mine project. Credit:Glenn Hunt The loan to the Olive Downs metallurgical coal project, put forward by Pembroke Resources, will be 40 kilometres south-east of Moranbah and allowed to extract 15 million tonnes of coal each year. The coal it produces will be taken east by rail to the coal terminal at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal, 20 kilometres south of Mackay, for export to Asian markets. A man, his sister and her boyfriend tried to smuggle about $35,000 worth of a prescription opioid into a south-east Queensland jail last year, but their parcel was intercepted by prison officers. Travis William Stubbs, 36, Samantha Byrne, 34, and Clayton Farrer Byrne, 31, were sentenced in the Brisbane District Court on Thursday for supplying dangerous drugs within a correctional facility. Woodford Correctional Centre is located about 60 kilometres north of Brisbane CBD. In January 2020, Mr Byrne was doing time at Woodford Correctional Centre, Stubbs was on parole and Ms Byrne was in a relationship with Stubbs. Mr Byrne hoped to get $4500 to $5000 by selling the 177 strips of Buprenorphine in the prison, his sister would get $1000, while Stubbs, who posted the drug parcel, stood to get nothing. A small section of timber from the keel of Captain Cooks HMB Endeavour is to be auctioned in Sydney in four weeks with a reserve price of $400,000. The unique provenanced piece of timber just 22 centimetres long and two centimetres wide is inside a small display case and bears an inscription believed to have been written by the sister of botanist Sir Joseph Banks, Sarah Sophia Banks. Ross Pratley owns a small part of the keel from HMB Endeavour, which will be auctioned in Sydney this month. Credit:James Brickwood It reads: This is part of the keel of the Ship Endeavour, which under the command of James Cook, Esq, circumnavigated the Globe in 1768-1770, Broken up at Newport, Rhode-Island, USA, 1796. The catalogue entry for lot 853 states: There are only two pieces of this historic ship in private hands, this one and the other is in a Sydney collection, excessively rare and of the highest importance to Australian history. Most of my critics around sex work have never been sex workers. That is not to say that the observations of the sex industry by academics, politicians, NGOs or police are not valid in shaping public policy around it. Its just that they dont have a lived experience of being a sex worker, which means they can never understand the awful discrimination and the highly secretive and selective nature of the problems that sex workers face every day. That is why I sought out the opinions of as many sex worker groups and sex workers as I could during the course of the inquiry that the government had tasked me to run, so I could arrive at the best way of decriminalising sex work in Victoria. If you do not listen to the views and the ideas of the people who are at the heart of any industry, i.e. those doing the work, you are wasting your time. Reason Party MP Fiona Patten led a 2019 parliamentary review of laws governing sex work in Victoria. Credit:Justin McManus The collective view of all the sex worker groups was that decriminalising the industry was by far the best way to afford them the best occupational health and safety outcomes. It also allowed them to make a true profession out of their work, to pay tax, to demand better conditions and to be more open with their friends and family about what they do. And this is not a new view. In 1985 when regulation of the sex industry was first being investigated by Professor Marcia Neave, the Prostitutes Collective of Victoria was calling for a decriminalisation model, although it wasnt called that at the time. If Victoria does decriminalise sex work this year, it will be a long time in the making. At a minimum, decriminalisation involves the removal of criminal sanctions on sex work, which unnecessarily criminalises parts of the sex work industry and over-regulates others. I see decriminalisation as removing the criminal laws that apply to consensual adult sex work and regulating the sex work industry under the same laws and regulations that govern other businesses and service providers. It started with a newsroom discussion about the Prime Ministers use of Facebook, and it ended with the National Archives getting $67.7 million to save Australias crumbling history. The federal government confirmed on Thursday it would pump the money into the National Archives to cover a fast-track digitisation of documents at risk of turning to dust. Pitcairn Island registers of inhabitants and births deaths and marriages are at risk of decaying before they can be digitised. Credit:National Archives But that decision only followed a series of articles that ranged from Prince Charles and the Bounty mutineers to decaying images of Italian POWs held across Australia during World War II. And those articles started because of the way Scott Morrison occasionally posts important policy announcements on his Facebook page but which fail to make it to his official pm.gov.au website. Leading aged care providers say theres a blind spot in the Commonwealths plan to have all residential aged care workers vaccinated by September and urged national cabinet to extend mandatory vaccinations to home care workers as well. Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Monday evening that it would become mandatory for all residential aged care workers to have at least one vaccination by September, in order to further protect the vulnerable aged care resident population. Home care workers are not included in the mandatory vaccination order for aged care staff. Credit:Bloomberg We will work with the sector to ensure this is done as effectively and as safely as possible, he said at the time. The largest group of non-government aged care services providers, Catholic Health Australia, said home care workers must be part of the mandatory vaccination program given the spread of the more infectious Delta variant. Younger Australians have shown a stronger interest in getting the AstraZeneca vaccine in the days since Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a controversial move to make it easier for them to see their doctor amid a backlash from some states against the idea. Australia recorded its highest daily number of vaccinations on Thursday, with 161,390 doses administered, to take the total to 7.8 million doses of AstraZeneca and Pfizer delivered in five months. A combined 6034 people under the age of 40 got first and second doses of the AstraZeneca jab on Tuesday and Wednesday more than the combined 4471 on the previous Tuesday and Wednesday. More than 7.8 million doses have been administered across the country. Credit:Justin McManus Mr Morrison announced a no-fault indemnity scheme for doctors on Monday, but it sparked backlash from Queensland in particular, after the Prime Minister said people under 40 could go to their GPs to get advice on AstraZeneca. In older age groups the risk is much lower: 1.4 per 100,000 in 60 to 69-year-olds, 1.8 in 70 to 79-year-olds and 1.9 in people 80 and over. The risk of a severe case of the clotting disorder is low, but so far in Australia two people have died. For those aged over 60 the risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19 is higher than in younger people, the advisory group said, so for older people, the benefits of AstraZeneca outweighed the risks. Loading Replay Replay video Play video Play video Younger people could get AstraZeneca if they were not able to access Pfizers Comirnaty vaccine, the group said, with the benefits then outweighing the risks. Australian Medical Association President Dr Omar Khorshid said AstraZeneca was a safe vaccine. No scientists that Ive heard has said that AstraZeneca is a dangerous vaccine, because, yes, there are serious risks, but theyre one in 40,000. And the death rate [from clotting] in Australia is less than one in two million, he said. The reason [ATAGI changed the advice] is because the benefit side of the equation changes. This idea that theres so much more risk in vaccinating young people is just not true. What does this actually mean? Dr Price said it was important for younger people to talk to their GP if they wanted to get the AstraZeneca vaccine. It is a complicated person-by-person, case-by-case discussion, she said. The Melbourne GP said she would first ask a patient what their level of understanding was of the vaccine and their risks of getting COVID-19. Next, she would go through the ATAGI information with them and discuss the clotting side effect, including how many deaths there have been, what the symptoms are, and how treatment and diagnosis works now we know what to look for. I have to be pretty convinced, the younger they are, that there was an urgent need for vaccination, knowing that at the moment AstraZeneca is one dose now providing 33 per cent protection against Delta and another 12 weeks before they get up in their protection, she said. GP clinics across the country were starting to receive Pfizer deliveries from today, Dr Price added. In two weeks time, I may well be able to give this person a Pfizer vaccine and complete the vaccination course in a month. Loading While Dr Khorshid is an orthopaedic surgeon, he gets asked about vaccines every day. He said if people waited for Pfizer, they could be immune to the Delta variant faster than if they got AstraZeneca. I recommend that they have the Pfizer vaccine and they wait - they may not be delaying their coverage against Delta because Pfizers given three weeks apart, he said. But if his patient was anxious to get some level of protection sooner, and they understood the risks, he would be happy to give them AstraZeneca. NSW Labor leader Chris Minns is pushing for the states public sector workers to be paid vaccination leave as a second hospital worker in Sydney tested positive to COVID-19. Mr Minns said frontline workers in the health system, teachers and those working with vulnerable citizens had to be given the opportunity to access the vaccine during working hours. NSW Labor leader Chris Minns is pushing for paid vaccination leave for public sector workers. Credit:Rhett Wyman He said paid leave, which would be two half days, would allow frontline workers to get access to the appropriate medical advice and a COVID vaccination. NSW Health has prioritised vaccines for hotel quarantine workers, border staff and frontline healthcare workers at COVID-19 clinics, emergency department workers, COVID ward workers, and pathology lab staff. Annastacia Palaszczuk had been warning that the coronavirus situation was like a pressure cooker. And when boiling point was reached this week, it was not because of an explosion of community cases in Queensland, but the result of another conference of fiery exchanges with journalists, heating up day-by-day during this weeks lockdown. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk shut down a line of questioning from a journalist after accusing her of being rude. Credit:Jono Searle/ Getty Images It came to a head on Thursday when Seven Network reporter Bianca Stone tried to ask the Queensland Premier about Health Minister Yvette DAths complaints the federal government had rejected a request for more Pfizer vaccines. Heres the transcript. Singapore: There were only two times in Xi Jinpings hour-long speech on Thursday when the crowd interrupted the Chinese Presidents address to the nation. Willed on by the rising rhetoric of their leader, the thousands assembled in Beijings Tiananmen Square to mark the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party swapped their choreographed clapping for loud cheers. Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us, Xi said to roars of assembled soldiers, teachers, students, nurses and cadres. Chinese President and party leader Xi Jinping making his keynote speech in Tiananmen Square to mark the partys centenary. Credit:Xinhua Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. Singapore: Chinas President Xi Jinping has told thousands assembled in Beijings Tiananmen Square that the Chinese Communist Party has altered the development of the world. Celebrating 100 years since the founding of the CCP, Xi on Thursday said the Chinese people had stood up under the leadership of the Party. A screen shows Chinese President Xi Jinping speaking during a ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Thursday. Credit:AP This great transformation of China from a poor and backwards country laid down the fundamental conditions necessary for realising national rejuvenation, he said. Only socialism could save China and only socialism with Chinese characteristics could develop China. Singapore: Indonesia has been urged to try to buy any excess AstraZeneca vaccines from Australia amid a worsening COVID-19 crisis that is being compared with Indias outbreak. With major hospitals and morgues filled as the Delta strain surges in the worlds fourth most populous country, Indonesia President Joko Widodo has outlined ambitious new vaccination targets as his government tightens restrictions on movement on Java and Bali. Indonesia is ramping up its vaccination program but does not yet have enough to inoculate its 270 million people. Credit:AP But as adequate supply remains elusive, Indonesian medics are asking if the nation can get access to unwanted AstraZeneca from Australia, which has grown increasingly ambivalent about the Anglo-Swedish vaccine. Dr Erlina Burhan, the spokeswoman for COVID-19 from the Indonesian Medical Association, said Indonesias health ministry and state-owned vaccine producer PT Bio Farma should procure any unwanted doses from the 50 million being produced by Australian biotech company CSL. London: The World Health Organisation has called on governments exempting their vaccinated citizens from pandemic restrictions to grant the same allowances to people who have received any WHO-approved jab. It would mean a country like Australia, which has approved only Pfizer and AstraZeneca for use, would have to recognise Chinas two approved vaccines. The Chinese vaccines have been given to Australians living in other countries, but are less effective than others also approved by the WHO. The World Health Organisation has called on countries to accept travellers who have received WHO-approved vaccines. Credit:AP The WHO has approved AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Janssen, Moderna, Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines for emergency use. It said all the vaccines it had approved for use and distribution through its COVAX scheme, of which Australia is a participant, should be recognised to prevent creating two classes of fully vaccinated people. Such moves are already undermining confidence in life-saving vaccines that have already been shown to be safe and effective, affecting uptake of vaccines and potentially putting billions of people at risk, the Geneva-based UN body said in a statement. London: Britain has always struggled with how to immortalise the Peoples Princess often with spectacularly bad consequences. Eight years to the day since Diana and her lover Dodi Al-Fayed died in Paris, billionaire Harrods owner Mohamed Al-Fayed unveiled a garish statue of the couple dancing on water beneath the wings of an albatross. The work, titled Innocent Victims, depicted the Princess of Wales in a low-cut dress with a slit up the side and became such a source of ridicule that the stores new Qatari owners decided to get rid of it. Prince William and Prince Harry take the covers off the new Kensington Palace statue. Credit:Getty Images In the West Midlands town of Walsall, an Indian granite recreation of Diana was considered so awful the local council wanted nothing to do with it and the piece was eventually placed outside a funeral home. Moss took over years later, earning the statue unfavourable comparisons to Princess Fiona from Shrek. The Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park found more fans but still had plenty of critics, including Al-Fayed who likened it to a sewer. Writer Vivienne Parry, who knew Diana, called the water fountain less of a national monument to an iconic British figure and more of a power station outflow that has found its way into Hyde Park. Bryan, OH (43506) Today A mix of clouds and sun. High 91F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A few passing clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 72F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Ryan Ramczyk can't really pinpoint whether he's a few blocks away, around the corner or just down the street. But the New Orleans Saints' star right tackle knows he's approaching being the player he wants to be. Anil Agarwal-led Group on Thursday announced a Rs 5,000 crore social impact programme with focus on nutrition, women and child development, healthcare, animal welfare and grass root level sports, including investments in a Corona-free village project across several states to combat the pandemic. Foundation (AAF) will be the umbrella entity of Vedantas social initiatives provide all-round development to work towards these goals over the next five years, said the company in a release. KPMG will be a strategic partner of AAF in implementing this massive programme. The Swasth Gaon Abhiyaan initiative will be a mega project which will enhance immunity in community to ensure minimum impact of Covid, as part of their overall objective of providing social development and infrastructure as an essential service to the nation. has already pledged to give 75 percent of his wealth towards social good and upliftment of the masses. In addition, the program will also enhance job opportunities, reskill the youth and help bring in stability and progress. We aim to strengthen our efforts and facilitate sustainable and inclusive growth, which is the need of the hour to protect and provide for our communities. The Swasth Gaon Abhiyaan initiative is the first step in our journey to provide end to end healthcare solutions across the rural landscape covering 1000 villages. This program will also complement Vedantas flagship Nand Ghar project which aims to impact 70 million children and 20 million women, Agarwal said. London-based Agarwal was addressing the media via virtual platform today. The Foundation plans to support and strengthen healthcare services across 1,000 villages within 24 districts and 12 states in the country, impacting over two million lives. The initiative will follow a model of interventions at the district level, such as Oxygen Generation Plants, Telemedicine services, Upgradation of Medical and Diagnostic infrastructure and Mobile Medical Van/Ambulances. Efforts are being made to promote vaccination through special medical and wellness camps being held in remote areas. Provisions of medical amenities are also being made in district wise hospitals and health care centres to ensure quality treatment, said Limited is a diversified mining and metals company with presence in copper, aluminium, zinc, steel and iron ore among others. Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor A senior executive of U.S. money manager (FT) told an Indian appeals tribunal the country's market watchdog "overstepped" its powers by banning him from the securities market for unfair trade practices, a filing showed. Vivek Kudva, head of Asia Pacific distribution at FT, was barred last month by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which said he and his family members used non-public information to sell holdings worth about $4 million in Franklin debt funds that were shut down weeks later and caused investor panic. In an appeal filed at the Securities Appellate Tribunal, Kudva argued that Indian law prohibits unfair trade practices, but mutual fund redemptions were not a "trade" and were akin to withdrawing one's own money from a bank. When contacted on Thursday, Kudva said in a statement he had always acted in accordance with Indian regulations and that his "personal transactions" had been "conducted in good faith and with no intent to gain unfair benefit". did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The regulator had imposed a one-year market ban on Kudva and his wife and fined them $1 million. It said it was not "fair conduct" as Kudva was privy to non-public information. Arguing he acted only on public information, Kudva said there was no reasoning in SEBI's decision "to justify the draconian directions and restrictions," according to his 232-page filing which was seen by Reuters and is not public. had "overstepped its authority and misused the discretion," said Kudva, who has worked at FT for more than 15 years and is a former HSBC executive. His appeal will be heard by the tribunal later on Thursday. The filing comes when FT India is locked in a broader legal battle with after the fund house, considered a fixed income heavyweight, was barred from launching any new debt schemes for two years following a probe into closure of six credit funds in 2020 that the regulator said found "serious lapses and violations". The securities tribunal put the SEBI order on hold this week after hearing Franklin's appeal, but still ordered the fund house deposit about half of the $68.5 million it had been asked to refund. In FT's appeal filing, seen by Reuters, the fund house argued it acted in investor interest and followed Indian regulations in winding up the funds, and has distributed nearly three quarters of the assets to the unitholders as of mid-June. The filing adds FT used "business judgement in good faith" to close the funds and that it should not be penalised for it. Franklin, part of Franklin Resources Inc, manages more than $8 billion for more than 2 million people in India, and has said it is committed to the market. Fashion retailer on Thursday reported a bigger than expected second quarter profit as many of the company's stores reopened but earnings remained well below pre-pandemic levels and the group's shares fell sharply. The Swedish company, along with other big clothing chains, is trying to bounce back from the pandemic, where restrictions and lockdowns earlier this year hit the industry's sales. "As more and more people are vaccinated and restrictions are eased, the world is gradually opening up and customers can once again visit our stores," Chief Executive Helena Helmersson said in a statement. "Online sales have continued to develop very well even as the stores have opened," she said. said 95 of its 5,000 stores remained temporarily closed due to restrictions currently, against around 1,300 at the start of March. The world's second-biggest fashion retailer swung to a pretax profit of 3.59 billion crowns ($419 million) in the second quarter from a year-earlier loss of 6.48 billion. Analysts polled by Refinitiv had on average forecast a 3.42 billion crown profit. The profit was, however, down from the corresponding quarter in 2019, when it was 5.93 billion crowns. Sales in June 1-28, the first month of H&M's third quarter, were up 25% year-on-year measured in local currencies. But compared with the same period in 2019, sales were down 4%, indicating that sales slowed throughout the month. had said earlier that sales for the first two weeks of June were higher than in 2019. H&M's shares were down 4% in early trade. In China, where H&M in March was hit by a consumer boycott after comments the company made in 2020 on the Xinjiang region, local-currency sales were down 23% in the second quarter. H&M said its board very good prospects of a dividend for 2020 in the autumn. It did not proposed one at its annual general meeting in May due to the pandemic but flagged it would probably pay one later in the year. Retail sales in Germany, H&M's single-biggest market rebounded in May as a gradual easing of restrictions supported consumer spending, data showed on Thursday. Also on Thursday, Associated British Foods said third-quarter sales at H&M rival Primark were ahead of expectations in all markets. ($1 = 8.5635 Swedish crowns) (Reporting by Anna Ringstrom; editing by Niklas Pollard and Jane Merriman) (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) (TCS), announced that it has expanded its strategic partnership with Royal London, the largest mutual life insurance, pensions and investment company in the UK, to help the latter transform its pensions platform estate and deliver market-leading services to members and customers. has been engaged with Royal London in various consulting, innovative, thought leadership engagements as well as strategic programmes like DevOps initiatives, platform simplification and migration, and Run transformation to enable the insurer to adapt swiftly to future needs. Our strategy as an insight led modern mutual recognises that we need to drive change and keep pace with the world around us, to build a business that supports the future needs of our customers and markets, said William Pritchett, Group Chief Information Officer, Royal London. We want to reduce complexity in our day-to-day business and empower our employees to respond to customers needs by being data led and digitally nimble. As part of the expanded partnership, will work collaboratively with Royal London to support its ambition to transform into a data-driven and digitally nimble insurer. will leverage its Machine First Delivery Model (MFDM) and Location Independent Agile model to help the company achieve its digital strategy, gain business agility, and drive deeper customer relationships. TCS will also enable technology transformation to rationalise the IT estate, increase the pace of change, enhance operational resilience, and reduce risk exposure. We are delighted to partner with Royal London in their endeavour to optimize their services, reduce operational risks and maintain their market leadership. We will continue to use our industry expertise, contextual knowledge, agile methodology and innovation framework to help Royal London achieve its digital ambition and strategic growth, said Vinay Singhvi, BFSI Business Unit Head UK and Ireland, TCS. SKODA AUTO DigiLab India today announced the launch of i-mobilothon, an event in collaboration with Volkswagen IT services. i-mobilothon offers an inclusive, agile and multi-disciplinary collaborative environment for creative minds and code developers to leverage their skills in building prototypes that drive real business impact at scale. The contest is open to teams from start-ups, as well as university students across India who possess a knack for innovation and disruptive technology. The event will also be open to employees of Volkswagen group in India. Gurpratap Boparai, Managing Director, SKODA AUTO Volkswagen India said, SKODA AUTO DigiLab is responsible for growing our core business of mobility through innovative digital solutions. It is my strong conviction that the right environment is a key empowering influence for young and innovative minds to come together and be the torch-bearers of progress. With this platform, we look forward to enabling an array of solutions around mobility and IT. The 14-week long hackathon will be held online in two stages. Contestants will have the option to choose between scenarios that echo future car connectivity, customer experience, business digitization, pre-sales and post-sales challenges driven by artificial intelligence, augmented reality and data analytics. The last date for submission of entries is 30th July 2021. The hackathon will conclude in the last week of September 2021 after two evaluation levels and the final prototype demo. Headquartered in Pune, SKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited (SAVWIPL) is the new company that represents the passenger vehicle brands of Volkswagen Group in India. SAVWIPLs division, SKODA AUTO DigiLab India is one of the 4 agile business innovation hubs for SKODA AUTO globally joining those based in Prague, Tel Aviv and Beijing. The division functions as a start-up collaborator in the IT industry, allowing SAVWIPL to sustainably strengthen its expertise in both innovation and digital development. SAVWIPL has been formed following the merger of Volkswagen India Private Limited (VWIPL), SKODA AUTO India Private Limited (SAIPL), and Volkswagen Group Sales India Private Limited (NSC). The combined entity oversees the Indian operations of five brands SKODA AUTO, Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and Lamborghini. SAVWIPL operates two manufacturing facilities - at Chakan, Pune and Shendra, Aurangabad. Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal on Thursday said the company was ready for a tariff hike and will not hesitate, provided it is joined by others. We will not hesitate to raise tariffs, but it cannot be done unilaterally. We are not asking for a massive increase in tariffs, but we have to be mindful of the market, said Mittal, in an interaction with the media. The latest tariff hike by the three operators happened in December 2019. Since then, has been making a case for tariff hikes. However, it is not ready to blink first. Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Gopal Vittal had said in the past that the tariffs needed to go up and the average revenue per user needed to be close to Rs 200. Analysts believe that the case for a tariff hike may be further dampened after the announcement by Reliance Jio to unleash a cheap smartphone in the market on September 10. Goldman Sachs in a report said, For Jio to be able to capture a sizeable share of the 2G customer base, we believe it will need to be competitive on both device pricing (which should not be materially higher than feature phone average selling price) and tariffs (which will need to be in line with 2G tariffs). Without either of these, we think the traction on this smartphone could be limited, at least in the near term. Jio and Google will roll out one of the most affordable 4G smartphones on September 10, and expand their partnership to power 5G solutions in enterprise and consumer segments. The telecom industry is in a tremendous amount of stress. I hope the government and authorities focus on this issue and Indias digital dream remains intact through the three operators, Mittal said after the OneWeb announcement. Bharti-backed OneWeb, the Low Earth Orbit satellite communications company, announced the successful lift-off of another 36 satellites to mark the completion of its Five to 50 mission. With this major milestone, the company is on its way to deliver connectivity across the UK, Canada, Alaska, Northern Europe, Greenland, and the Arctic Region. As far as investment plans in the satellite endeavour are concerned, Mittal said, There were some advance conversations going on, which we had mentioned earlier. It is not a huge sum of money but some amount of money where we can have a more strategic participation from the right candidate at the shareholder table. Whatever has to be done will be done in July. He even added that the should be breaking even 24 months from the date of full commercial service. In what could be the worlds first approved deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-plasmid vaccine, Ahmedabad-based Cadila Healthcares three-dose vaccine ZyCoV-D is expecting a nod from Indias drug regulator. The vaccine has shown 66.6 per cent efficacy in interim analysis of Phase 3 trials, and can be stored at 25 degrees Celsius for three months. No moderate case of Covid was observed in the vaccine arm after administration of the third dose, suggesting 100 per cent efficacy for moderate disease. No severe cases or deaths due to Covid occurred in the vaccine arm after administration of the second dose of the vaccine, the company claimed. ZyCoV-D efficacy is in the range of Johnson & Johnsons single-dose vaccine, which uses a human adenovirus vector Ad26 a 66.3 per cent efficacy in preventing Covid. As for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, the World Health Organization notes on its website, The AZD1222 vaccine against Covid has an efficacy of 63.09 per cent against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Covaxin has shown 77.6 per cent efficacy against symptomatic Covid illness from interim analysis of Phase-3 trials, while Sputnik V has shown 97.8 per cent efficacy against severe Covid disease in a trial on 81,000 subjects in the UAE. Zydus has submitted safety and tolerability data on adolescents from Phase 2 clinical trials, and has generated the data on 1,000 adolescents (between 12 and 18 years) from its Phase 3 trials too. We intend to submit this immunogenicity data (whether the vaccine induces the desired immune response) in four weeks to the drug regulator, said Sharvil Patel, MD of If things go well, ZyCoV-D could be the first approved vaccine for adolescents. Zydus has also claimed that its vaccine works against the Delta variant. The trials carried out in more than 50 clinical sites and during the peak of the second wave have shown the vaccines efficacy against the new mutant strains, especially the Delta variant. Zydus has submitted the immunogenicity data from a two-dose regimen (using 3 mg doses) trial to the Drugs Controller General of India, which shows equivalent immunogenicity with that of the three-dose regimen. Patel is hopeful of a good discussion point with the regulator for approval of a two-dose regimen. The efficacy trial on 28,000 volunteers was on the three-dose regimen given on Day Zero, Day 28, and Day 56. Zydus has invested Rs 400-500 crore in developing the ZyCoV-D so far, which includes setting up of manufacturing plants. We have repurposed an existing plant where we are now producing, and our new plant will be ready by the end of July. By August, we should have the capacity to make 10 million doses a month and by the end of this year, we would have made 50 million doses of ZyCoV-D, said Patel. Conventional active vaccines are made of a weakened form of the infectious agent. DNA plasmid vaccine is a relatively new approach where a strand of DNA containing the genes for the antigens is injected. The body then learns to develop an immune response against the antigen, and when the actual pathogen attacks, the body is able to generate the specific antibodies against it. DNA vaccines, Zydus has claimed, have been shown to stimulate sustained immune responses. It has not stockpiled vaccines, and expects the vaccine may be available in 45-60 days in the market once the nod comes in. The pricing, the company says, will be made public closer to the commercial launch. The BJP-led government could vaccinate only 16.63 lakh people in the last 10 days, almost 45 per cent less than Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma's target of inoculating 30 lakh people, due to a massive shortage of COVID-19 vaccines, a senior health official said on Thursday. As per the daily COVID-19 bulletin issued by the National Health Mission under the state Health Department, a total of 16,63,405 people were inoculated across the state from June 21 to June 30. This figure is way below the ambitious 30-lakh target set during Sarma's meeting with all the stakeholders of the districts on June 19. "This is a part of our Enhanced Immunisation Drive. From June 21, we shall be targeting three lakh vaccinations daily till June 30," the chief minister had said in a press meet after reviewing preparations with the districts. According to the NHM data, the government could touch the daily target of three lakh vaccines only on two days -- June 21 (3,30,667 jabs) and June 23 (3,60,315 jabs). The state government could vaccinate more than two lakh people on one day, one lakh on four days and less than one lakh on three days, a compilation of the bulletins showed. The Health Department even witnessed one of the lowest vaccination figures till now -- 14,551 doses on June 30, NHM said. The administration vaccinated 3,30,667 people on June 21, 2,84,643 on June 22, 3,60,315 on June 23, 1,79,595 on June 24, 1,66,934 on June 25, 1,52,956 on June 26, 19,924 on June 27, 1,08,623 on June 28, 45,197 on June 29 and 14,551 on June 30, it said. When contacted, NHM Mission Director Lakshmanan S told PTI that the supply of COVID-19 vaccines dropped after three days of commencement of the Enhanced Immunisation Drive on June 21, leading to a lower number of vaccinations. "During the first three days, we had enough vaccines and inoculated more than 9.75 lakh people. However, the numbers went down as we did not get enough supplies," he said. Initially, there was a short supply of only Bharat Biotech's Covaxin, but later the availability of Covishield by the Serum Institute of India also became an issue, Lakshmanan said. "Yesterday, we got six lakh doses of Covishield. We immediately distributed these to the districts. So, you will see the vaccination numbers rising again in the next three days. However, we do not have any idea when we will get the next supply in the coming 15 days," he said. The NHM mission director also said that the government had prepared more than 2,000 centres to achieve the daily target of vaccinating three lakh people, but many of them became inactive after the supply declined. "These centres were opened mostly in local hospitals and health centres. Now, they are engaged in giving other vaccines like polio and TB to children and other people under the Universal Immunisation Programme. "We also have in stock 40 lakh Japanese Encephalitis vaccines for adults, but we could not start the drive due to engagement with COVID-19 inoculation programme," the official said. On June 19, the chief minister had said that if the government could meet the target of inoculating at least 2.80 lakh to 3 lakh people daily for 10 days from June 21, the Centre would ensure that the state continues to get more vaccines in July as well. To meet this humongous target at a time when the state was vaccinating only 50,000 to 1 lakh people daily, he had even said that there would be no government work for one week and the entire machinery would be involved in the inoculation exercise. The launch of the programme coincided with the day when the Centre restarted free vaccination for all people in the country. According to the NHM bulletin issued on Wednesday night, a total of 70,22,282 doses of vaccines have been administered in This includes 57,91,586 first doses and 12,30,696 second doses. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) After one-and-a half years, jailed MLA and a local party president is likely to be freed as the Guwahati-based special NIA court, on Thursday, acquitted him in the second of the two cases filed against him in connection with the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act stir in in December 2019. Gogoi's lawyers told the media that he is expected to be freed from the Guwahati Central jail soon. Gogoi and his three associates were accused in two cases under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. The Independent lawmaker and his associates were last week cleared of all charges in the first case. The 46-year-old jailed farmers' leader and Raijor Dal President Akhil Gogoi, was elected from eastern Assam's Sibsagar seat in the March-April assembly polls and currently lodged in Guwahati central jail. He is currently under treatment at Gauhati Medical College and Hospital. The right activist has been in jail since December 2019, for allegedly fomenting violence during the anti-CAA agitations. The National Investigation Agency had taken up the cases against him and his associates on the basis of two FIRs registered at the Chandmari police station in Guwahati and Chabua police stations in eastern Assam's Dibrugarh district. "The NIA special court released him today (Thursday) in the Chandmari case. Last week the court discharged him in the Chabua case," Gogoi's lawyer Rahul Sensowa told the media. Sensowa, who is one of the members of Gogoi's lawyers' team, said three others arrested along with Gogoi - Dharjya Kowar, Manas Konwar and Bitu Sonowal - were also discharged on Thursday. All the three activists are, however, already out on bail. Gogoi and his associates are charged with criminal conspiracy, sedition, promoting enmity between groups on grounds such as religion, race and language, assertions against national integrity and support to a terrorist organization including Maoist link. Welcoming the NIA court's ruling, Raijor Dal's working president Bhasco de Saikia said the court's verdict has exposed the BJP government's attempts to target the party president without any basis. The NIA court had last week granted two days' parole to Gogoi to meet members of his family in Guwahati and eastern Assam's Jorhat. His 84-year-old mother Priyoda Gogoi is also ailing. is the first lawmaker in to win an election from jail after his octogenarian mother, son Nasiketa and prominent rights leaders of the country campaigned for him. Rights activist Medha Patkar, Magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey, several students of Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University and intellectuals from different parts of the country and had come to Sibsagar to campaign for Gogoi in the March-April elections to the 126-member Assam assembly. --IANS sc/skp/ (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The will pronounce the verdict in the Gulshan Kumar case at 10.30 am today. A bench of Justices Jadhav and Borkar will pronounce its verdict in the case. A total of four appeals are listed in the High Court. Three appeals are against the conviction of accused Rauf Merchant, Rakesh Chanchaya Pinnam and Rakesh Khaokar, while another has been filed by the Maharashtra government against the acquittal of Ramesh Taurani. He was acquitted on the charges of abetment to Gulshan Kumar, the founder of the T-Series music label and a Bollywood movie producer, was killed on August 19, 1997, in Juhu. Several people were arrested and prosecuted in his cases. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) On the 66th Foundation Day of the State Bank of India (SBI), its employees donated Rs 62.62 crore to the to support the nation's ongoing fight against COVID-19. Continuing their support to the fight against COVID-19, around 2.50 lakh employees of the SBI, have donated a sum of Rs 62.62 crore to the on the occasion of the bank's 66th Foundation Day, an official statement read. This is the second time that State Bank Employees have contributed to the Last year also, they had contributed to the same cause. Dinesh Khara, Chairman, SBI, said, "It is a matter of pride for that our employees have continued to offer banking services to our customers throughout the pandemic, putting service before self, in the true sense of the term. In addition, they have voluntarily come forward to contribute to the PM CARES Fund at a time when the government is strengthening the healthcare system to tackle the pandemic." He added that as a responsible corporate citizen, remains committed to supporting the government in all its endeavours to address the challenges arising out of the pandemic. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) India on Thursday reported a net reduction of 13,807 in active cases to take its count to 523,257. Indias share of global active cases now stands at 4.57 per cent (one in 21). The country is third among the most affected countries by active cases. On Wednesday, it added 48,786 cases to take its total caseload to 30,411,634 from 30,362,848 an increase of 0.2%. And, with 1,005 new fatalities, its Covid-19 reached 399,459, or 1.31 per cent of total confirmed infections. With 2,760,345 more Covid-19 vaccine doses being administered on Wednesday, Indias total count of vaccine shots so far reached 335,716,019. The count of recovered cases across India, meanwhile, reached 29,488,918 or 96.97 per cent of total caseload with 61,588 new cured cases being reported on Thursday. Now the third-most-affected country by active cases and deaths, second by total cases, and first by recoveries, India has added 328,856 cases in the past 7 days. India now accounts for 4.57% of all active cases globally (one in every 21 active cases), and 10.05% of all deaths (one in every 9 deaths). India has so far administered 335,716,019 vaccine doses. That is 1103.9 per cent of its total caseload, and 24.09 per cent of its population. Among Indian states, the top 5 in terms of number of vaccine shots administered are Maharashtra (36874126), Uttar Pradesh (36063712), Gujarat (29362507), Rajasthan (29312190), and West Bengal (25836860). Among states with more than 10 million population, the top 5 in number of vaccine shots per one million population are Kerala (463461), Gujarat (459706), Delhi (469315), Uttarakhand (436207), and J&K (376586). Backwards from here, the last 1 million cases for India have come in 19 days. The count of active cases across India on Thursday saw a net reduction of 13,807, compared with 15,595 on Wednesday. States and UTs hat have seen the biggest daily net increase in active cases are Kerala (1708), Tripura (295), Odisha (90), Manipur (89), and Arunachal Pradesh (75). With 61,588 new daily recoveries, Indias recovery rate stands at 96.97%, while fatality rate remained unchanged at 1.31%. The Indian states and UTs with the worst case fatality rates at present are Punjab (2.70%), Uttarakhand (2.15%), and Maharashtra (2.01%). The rate in as many as 18 is higher than the national average. Indias new daily closed cases stand at 62,592 1,005 deaths and 61,588 recoveries. The share of deaths in total closed cases stands at 1.6%. Indias 5-day moving average of daily rate of addition to total cases stands at 0.2%. Indias doubling time for total cases stands at 431.7 days, and for deaths at 331.5 days. Overall, five states with the biggest 24-hour jump in total cases are Kerala (13658), Maharashtra (9771), Tamil Nadu (4506), Andhra Pradesh (3797), and Karnataka (3382). Among states with more than 100,000 cases, the five with worst recovery rates at present are Maharashtra (96.02%) and Kerala (96.08%). India on Wednesday conducted 1,921,450 to take the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 412,021,494. The test positivity rate recorded was 2.5%. Five states with the highest test positivity rate (TPR) percentage of tested people turning out to be positive for Covid-19 infection (by cumulative data for tests and cases are Goa (18.07%), Dadra & Nagar Haveli-Daman & Diu (14.58%), Maharashtra (14.56%), Kerala (12.67%), and Sikkim (12.25%). Five states with the highest TPR by daily numbers for tests and cases added are, Sikkim (24.42%), Manipur (11.84%), Kerala (9.71%), Nagaland (7.86%), and Meghalaya (6.3%). Among states and UTs with more than 10 million population, five that have carried out the highest number of tests (per million population) are Delhi (1147846), J&K (732063), Kerala (646331), Karnataka (507227), and Uttarakhand (491870). The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra (6061404), Kerala (2924165), Karnataka (2843810), Tamil Nadu (2479696), and Andhra Pradesh (1889513). Maharashtra, the most affected state overall, has reported 9771 new cases to take its tally to 6061404. Kerala, the second-most-affected state by total tally, has added 13658 cases to take its tally to 2924165. Karnataka, the third-most-affected state, has reported 3382 cases to take its tally to 2843810. Tamil Nadu has added 4506 cases to take its tally to 2479696. Andhra Pradesh has seen its tally going up by 3797 to 1889513. Uttar Pradesh has added 156 cases to take its tally to 1706107. Delhi has added 94 cases to take its tally to 1434188. A vaccine controversy is raging in Brazil and at the centre of it is Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech. The Brazilian government is facing allegations of irregularities in the deal it signed with Bharat Biotech for procuring its Covid-19 vaccine, Covaxin, for its people. Following these allegations, the Brazilian government has said that it will suspend the contract with Bharat Biotech on advice by its federal comptroller, the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU). What is at the root of the controversy and what do the two sides have to say about it? Lets find ... Routinely excluded from urban systems, India's struggled to find medical help for Covid-19 and other diseases during the second wave of the pandemic, a recent survey by labour rights organisation Aajeevika Bureau found. They also had trouble accessing free Covid-19 vaccines. Of the interviewed in the first week of May 2021, 27% had Covid-19 or other diseases during the second surge. Of them, 70% struggled to find treatment, 58% got no support from their employers and 62% were forced to borrow heavily to cover the costs, shows Aajeevika's telephonic survey of 195 in Ahmedabad. In a two-part series based on the survey, we explore the impact of the sporadic state lockdowns on the lives of migrant workers who have chosen to remain in cities. The first part dealt with job and wage losses. In this, the concluding part, we examine the health impacts of the crisis and trace these to the structural exclusion of migrants from urban health systems, lack of support from employers and a deep mistrust of the public system. 32% of sick workers dismissed Swati Saktavat, a community leader who works with tribal migrant workers in Ahmedabad, recounted the experience of Shamliben*, who caught a Covid-19 infection in April 2021 while she was in her village in Dahod district, eastern Gujarat. Though she was diagnosed in Ahmedabad where she works, Shamliben chose to return to her village when her condition worsened because she did not trust the government health facilities in the city. "Having spent upwards of Rs 25,000 towards her hospitalisation in the village, she struggled to repay her debt. Days after getting discharged, she was forced to return to the city, during the second wave in the hope of finding some work at the labour naka," said Saktavat. Our survey also revealed an absence of support from employers. Up to 58% of the workers who had Covid-19--or other diseases--were not paid for the period when they were ill; 32% were dismissed. Choosing between safety and sustenance Rajanben Parmar, a leader of a workers' collective in Ahmedabad, says that unlike the 2020 outbreak of Covid-19, in April 2021 every tenement in her building complex in Narol had a positive case and the fear of infection was palpable. Aajeevika's survey found that 73% of the migrants feared contracting Covid-19 during the second wave because it would mean loss of income as well as heavy medical expenses. She recounted the tragedy of a migrant household in her building where a mother and daughter spent an entire day looking for a hospital bed for a critically ill relative who was also the family's sole earning member. He eventually succumbed to the disease and with no support system in the city, the family returned to their village. In the absence of wage security, workers found themselves trading-off their safety for sustenance. "Ghar se aadmi naukri par ja rahe hai. Dar bhi lag raha tha. Ghar se nikle ya nahi? (My husband goes to work outside. I am also scared. Should one go out of the house or not?)," said Parmar about the fears migrant families faced. ALSO READ: Crushed in first wave, migrant workers have few jobs, little support again Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Aroyga Yojana (PMJAY), the Centre's flagship health insurance scheme which allows vulnerable families to avail free medical treatments of up to Rs 5 lakh per year, was extended to migrant workers for Covid-19 treatment in 2020. However, a June 16, 2021, India Today inquiry found that in Gujarat, not a single Covid-19 patient had been able to avail this scheme. Pankti Jog of Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel, a social activist, explained that Covid-designated hospitals were not necessarily empanelled under the PMJAY and Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana, Gujarat's own health insurance scheme for poor families. And hospitals had received no directives either to treat cardholders for both schemes. Many have questioned the effectiveness of the Ayushman Bharat scheme with its exclusive reliance on private healthcare infrastructure. Even government data from 2020 bear this out. 'Had to borrow for treatment' The second wave of the pandemic put a severe strain on Ahmedabad's healthcare system even as it compounded the workers' vulnerability to health shocks. Up to 68% reported excessive medical expenditures, and 62% reported borrowing for medical expenses and treatment, our study found. In interviews with authors, some workers revealed that during the second wave private clinics and chemists had begun charging 2-3 times higher than the usual consultation fees, adding to their financial burdens. Manju Meghwal*, a domestic worker in Ahmedabad, caught the infection from a family she cooked for. She got no help from the households that employed her and incurred a medical bill of around Rs 20,000, which she paid off by borrowing from neighbours. ALSO READ: 'Unpardonable': SC slams Centre over apathy on registering migrant workers Neglected by urban health networks Domiciliary requirements, language barriers, stigmatisation and logistics have precluded migrants from accessing local public healthcare systems in the city. Outreach by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and other health workers to migrant households is also erratic as migrant settlements are not recognised by local authorities. "Migrant workers who face health issues in the city are not able to access government medical support in Ahmedabad," said Mahesh Gajera of Aajeevika's Ahmedabad centre. A pre-pandemic study of migrants' access to urban governance system conducted in 2020 said that 90% of those interviewed preferred private clinics, and this included consultations with quacks and pharmacists, over urban health centres (small clinics that provide free primary health care) or public hospitals (for secondary treatment). They paid anywhere between Rs 100 and Rs 3 lakh out of their own pockets for these consultations. Mistrust in public healthcare Ranjanben Parmar added that during the second wave, government health workers had started visiting migrant neighbourhoods in Narol every day, but migrants were reluctant to consult them because of mistrust and fear of forceful containment in hospitals and separation from families. This mistrust can be traced to the weak public healthcare systems in rural areas, Pavitra Mohan, co-founder of Basic Healthcare Services, a non-profit working in southern Rajasthan, pointed out in an interview to IndiaSpend. He added that this anxiety was worsened by stories about the forcible quarantining and coercive testing of migrants returning from cities last year. Vaccine: exclusion and hesitancy With the onset of the second wave, attention shifted towards speeding up mass vaccination in Gujarat. As of June 30, 19.8 million of Gujarat's 18+ eligible population have been administered the first dose, whereas in Ahmedabad, up to 2.3 million people have been covered, according to government data. At the time of the Aajeevika survey, the rollout for the 18- to 44-year age group had just begun and none of the migrant workers within that age group had taken the vaccine. Our survey found that 60% of them were willing to be vaccinated. However, even among those willing, many expressed a lack of confidence in the vaccine. "Now that the pandemic situation is getting better, workers are growing even more reluctant to get vaccinated saying that they are all healthy, and there is no need for the vaccine," says Mahesh Gajera. Up to 40% of the migrants stated that they were not willing to get vaccinated, citing hearing of bad experiences among distant relatives and misconceptions about possible side-effects. Surat also reported a growing mistrust in the vaccine among migrant workers. The requirement for digital registration for vaccination has also been one of the biggest hurdles faced by workers willing to be immunised. The Supreme Court's direction to review this policy and the recently announced free-vaccination drive with on-site registration could change this. However, limited slot timings may create logistical hurdles for workers in 12-hour shifts. Also, up to 62% of workers said that they would have to lose a day's work and wage to take the jab and recover from its potential side-effects. Workers will have to be incentivised with wage-loss compensation and targeted outreach, suggested Gajera. Odisha's scheme for returning migrants that offered Rs 2,000 as compensation for a 14-day quarantine during the first lockdown is an example of an effective incentive. *Names changed to protect identities The (IMA) celebrates July 1, as Doctors Day, every year. The day is dedicated to all the and healthcare workers who have been serving the people. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, it has once again reminded people about the contributions of healthcare workers across the world. It is celebrated on different dates across the globe. History of Doctors Day Doctors Day is celebrated on July 1, in India, to mark the birth and honour the contributions of renowned physician and former West Bengal chief minister Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. The first Doctors Day was celebrated in the year 1991. He was instrumental in establishing institutions like Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital, Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, among others. He was awarded with the Bharat Ratna on February 4, 1961. National Doctors Day 2021 For 2021, the day is to be observed to recognise the efforts of all the and healthcare workers who are putting their lives at risk in these hard times, whether in main and secondary care settings or in committed Covid care facilities. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted,On Day, my greetings to all doctors. India's strides in the world of medicine are commendable and have contributed to making our planet healthier. PM Modi, in his Mann Ki Baat address on Sunday, remembered Dr BC Roy and said, We must pay tribute to our doctors who ensured that India did not succumb to the challenges posed by Covid-19. On Doctors Day, my greetings to all doctors. India's strides in the world of medicine are commendable and have contributed to making our planet healthier. Here is what I said during #MannKiBaat a few days ago. pic.twitter.com/KWw3WTrVAA Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 1, 2021 Covid-19 pandemic and doctors Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the on Tuesday said that 798 doctors have lost their lives in the second wave of coronavirus. The maximum 128 doctors lost their lives in Delhi, followed by 115 in Bihar. The IMA has announced the formation of the IMA Benevolent Fund, which will be devoted solely to its member doctors who have died while serving on Covid-19 duty. According to the IMA, 748 doctors died in the first wave of the pandemic. Rohan Aggarwal, 26, a resident doctor treating patients suffering from Covid, looks at a patient's x-ray scan, inside the emergency room of Holy Family Hospital, during his 27-hour shift in New Delhi, India, May 1, 2021. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui On the occasion of National Doctors' Day Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday thanked the doctors on behalf of 130 crore Indians for their services during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Addressing the medical fraternity via video conference at a virtual programme organised by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) the Prime Minister said that this day, celebrated in the memory of Dr BC Roy, is the symbol of the highest ideals of our medical fraternity. Acknowledging the doctors' contribution, the Prime Minister recalled their heroic efforts during the pandemic and paid homage to those who laid down their lives in the service of humanity. He further said that our scientists and doctors have found solutions for all the challenges thrown by COVID-19. "Our doctors are facing this new and fast mutating virus on the basis of their experience and expertise. Despite the limitations of long-neglected medical infrastructure and pressure of population, India's per lakh population rate of infection and death rate is still manageable compared to even developed countries. Loss of lives is always painful but many lives have been saved too. Credit goes to hard-working doctors, healthcare workers, frontline workers for saving many lives," said the Prime Minister. He also underlined the focus of the government on strengthening healthcare. During the 'first wave' about Rs 15,000 crores were allocated for healthcare and this year, the health sector budget has been doubled to more than Rs 2 lakh crore. Rs 50,000 crore have been allocated for credit guarantee scheme to develop health infrastructure in the under-served areas. He further said, "Today, our doctors are making and implementing protocols for COVID-19. Earlier, we all saw how medical infrastructure was ignored. Despite all problems, India's condition was somewhere stable than other developed countries." "Our doctors, their knowledge and experience is helping us battle this COVID-19 virus," he added. Like every year, the country is celebrating National Doctors' Day on July 1 to honour the contributions of the doctors. The first National Doctor's day was celebrated in the country in July 1991. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) recovered eight Chinese drone cameras from the possession of three persons at the India- border in East Champaran district, informed Police on Wednesday. The three persons were then handed over to Police and sent to Judicial custody. The police have started an investigation. "Eight Chinese camera drones were recovered from the possession of three people during checking by at border under Kundwa Chainpur Police Station. All three people were booked and sent to judicial custody. We are probing all angles," said Naveen Chandra Jha, Superintendent of Police, East Champaran. The incident comes in the wake of an attack on the Indian Air Force station in Jammu last Sunday and a subsequent alert sounded for drones. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A day after external affairs minister S Jaishankar said he has taken up with to accept COVID-19 vaccines, such as Covishield and Covaxin, for Indian nationals travelling to Europe, Switzerland, Iceland and seven countries on Thursday allowed the Serum Institute-manufactured Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine. According to sources, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia and Spain have confirmed accepting Covishield for travel entry. Switzerland has also allowed Covishield for the Schengen state. Estonia has confirmed that it will recognize all the vaccines authorized by Government of India for travel of Indians to Estonia, said sources. Union minister Jaishankar had on Tuesday met Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and discussed vaccine production and access. He also took up 'Covishield' authorisation for travel to Europe. Jaishankar, who is in Italy for G20 foreign ministers meeting, said he will be following up on the matter concerning authorisation for made in India COVID-19 vaccine.According to diplomatic sources, travellers who have been administered with the Covishield vaccine can now get a green pass to enter Switzerland. A German Embassy spokesperson has said that versions of (EU)-approved vaccines that have been given approval abroad are equivalent to the mentioned EU-approved vaccines for proof of COVID-19 vaccine protection. India has requested EU member states to individually consider extending exemption to those persons who have taken Covishield and Covaxin and said it will institute a reciprocal policy for recognition of the EU Digital COVID Certificate, according to sources. "We have requested EU member states to individually consider extending similar exemption to those persons who have taken COVID-19 vaccines in India i.e. Covishield and Covaxin, and accept the vaccination certificate issued through the CoWIN portal. The genuineness of such vaccination certification can be authenticated on the CoWIN portal," a source said. The 27-member European bloc is introducing the EU Digital COVID Certificate framework to facilitate safe free movement during the COVID pandemic and it will come into effect from July 1. Under this framework, persons vaccinated with vaccines authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will be exempted from travel restrictions within the EU, sources said adding that individual member states have the flexibility to also accept vaccines that have been authorized at the national level or by the World Health Organization. Earlier, an EU official on Tuesday said that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not received any request for approval of authorisation for Covishield. Speaking to ANI, the EU official said: "Concerning a possible EMA authorisation for Covishield, as of yesterday, the European Medicine Agency (EMA) stated that it had not received a request for approval. It will examine any such request when received, as per its procedures." "The EMA does not investigate new drugs on its own, unless it is asked by the relevant companies," he said. EU Ambassador to India Ugo Astuto has clarified that there is no ban in the European Union on the Covishield vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India (SII) and developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University. The EU Ambassador said that a new system has been put in place of the digital COVID certificate. Meanwhile, as relaxed COVID-related restrictions from June 26, the government's Federal Council of Public Health has informed that persons from countries with a variant of concern like India, who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from COVID-19, will be permitted entry without the need for a negative test or quarantine. This means that persons who have been vaccinated or who have recovered do not have to produce a negative test even when travelling from countries where the Delta variant is widespread (such as India or the United Kingdom) and do not have to quarantine on entry. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Though Gerry Casida is on the priority list for a free Covid-19 vaccine in the because of his asthma, hes isnt planning to get the shot any time soon. A video he found on social media of a woman claiming vaccines are being used for genocide helps explain why. Ive read a lot of posts on Facebook about how many died in other countries because of vaccines, and how thats being concealed, the construction worker, 43, from Manila said. My mom also consulted a folk healer, who said the vaccines could affect my heart. Millions of people like Casida in some of the worst Covid hotspots in Southeast Asia are in no rush for inoculation or just saying no, swayed by disinformation on social media from both local sources as well anti-vaccination movements in the U.S. Those false claims are fueling vaccine hesitancy in some pockets of the region, undermining efforts to vaccinate some of the most vulnerable people in Asia and end a pandemic that has stalled the global economy. Despite some of the highest rates of new cases in the world, recent surveys have shown vaccine resistance is prevalent in the region. In the Philippines, 68% of the people are either uncertain or unwilling to take the shots, according to polling company Social Weather Stations. A third of Thais have doubts or refuse to be vaccinated, according to the Suan Dusit Poll, while a separate survey in Indonesia showed nearly a fifth of the population hesitating. Anti-vaccination propaganda is a big reason for that hesitancy, which has further slowed takeup in countries already struggling with limited supplies. Less than 10% of the population in and the have received even one shot. It is a polluted media landscape, Melissa Fleming, the United Nations under-secretary-general for global communications, said at a virtual forum in May. This infodemic has shifted now, and the focus is misinformation on vaccines. Its about instilling fear in people. ALSO READ: US Covid-19 vaccination slows down as Delta variant infections climb A heavily Catholic country, the has been vulnerable to falsehoods peddled online by U.S. evangelical Christian groups, which then filter across through church and family networks. Among many Facebook discussion groups focused on anti-vaccination theories and trawled by Bloomberg News, one video in the local Filipino language said Covid shots will brand people with the mark of the beast, alluding to the Antichrist in Christian eschatology. It got more than a thousand views. An English language video with hundreds of views said the vaccine makes recipients magnetic. In Malaysia, misinformation ranging from exaggerated risks to life and body organs to genetic alteration are spreading on the Facebook Inc.-owned messaging service WhatsApp. Many of them twist and amplify arguments made by U.S. politicians and also Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer Inc. scientist and a Covid-vaccine skeptic whos become an icon for anti-vaxxers. Other popular conspiracy theories being peddled on social platforms across the region include one that says microchips in Covid-19 vaccines are used to collect biometric data. The resistance is turning out to be a challenge for governments keen to get as much as 80% of their populations protected against the deadly pathogen. Almost all countries in Southeast Asia are struggling with a perfect storm: outbreaks driven by more transmissible variants; lagging inoculation because of shortages after rich nations snapped up stock; and, global isolation. In Bloombergs Covid Resilience Ranking, which tracks how well the worlds biggest 53 economies are handling the crisis, these countries are now in the bottom ten. Without some semblance of herd resiliency to the coronavirus, large countries and small will have difficulty in accommodating the free flow of international travelers, which is important not only for the travel and hospitality industries, but for business and international investment, said Steve Cochrane, chief APAC economist at Moodys Analytics. In February, Malaysias Science Minister Khairy Jamaluddin had to reassure the public about the safety of vaccines, saying they dont have microchips. He also rubbished claims that they are part of an Illuminati agenda to establish a new world order, according to a report by the Straits Times. Open Letter Even in Singapore, which has largely contained the spread of the virus, the young and educated succumb to fake news, said Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious disease physician at Singapores Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. Some of the stories get amplified more, but the reasons are pretty much the same, he said. In late May, an open letter by a dozen Singapore doctors questioning the safety of mRNA vaccines, including a claim that the shots would change ones DNA, was circulated on WhatsApp. That elicited a swift rebuke from the city-states health ministry, which issued a press release saying all but one of the medical professionals have since retracted their statement. Malaysia's minister of science, technology and innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin visits a Covid-19 vaccine program. Photo: Bloomberg Despite efforts by governments and companies to curb unsubstantiated information, the false claims in English often continue to spread in non-English speaking communities. Encrypted platforms, where theres less moderation, also play a key role, said Ishaana Aiyanna, a researcher at Logically, a technology company that tracks misinformation and targeted disinformation campaigns. Western narratives that have previously been debunked are often circulated alongside hyper-localised narratives, she said. This is compounded by a lack of media literacy on the part of a vast majority who rely solely on these groups and online communities for information. Theres another major reason for hesitancy. With wealthier Western nations getting the lions share of the super-effective mRNA shots, poorer countries are having to contend with limited supplies and fewer available brands, exacerbating the problem. When a country offers a choice of only one vaccine, many people want to wait until they can get a higher-efficacy shot. In Thailand, some are refusing vaccines from Chinas Sinovac Biotech Ltd. and the U.K.s AstraZeneca Plc. In the Philippines, nearly 50% in a survey earlier this year said they trust U.S.-made shots the most, but the nations vaccine program has relied primarily on Sinovac. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to jail those who refuse vaccines. Others are taking a quirkier approach to encourage vaccinations. A district in northern started raffling off cows in mid-June as an incentive. In rural Indonesia, vaccinated residents got free chickens, while a city in the Philippines is giving away a house. Educating vaccine recipients and even medical practitioners is the best tool to fight hesitancy, said Leong. The biggest weapon the Covid-19 virus has against humans is one, vaccine hesitancy, and two, the lack of a coordinated worldwide response, he said. And in these two, human beings have failed miserably and the virus is winning incredibly. Covid-hero is now a vaccine laggard As highly contagious variants and lockdowns spread, Australia, the country that once earned praise for keeping virus at bay and avoiding hundreds of thousands of deaths, is now struggling in its vaccination drive. The Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker shows the nation is ahead of only neighbour New Zealand among the 38 OECD nations in administering doses. has provided enough jabs for just 14.7 per cent of its population, falling behind smaller economies such as Morocco at 25.4 per cent, Azerbaijan (17 per cent) and the tiny South American nation of Suriname (15.5 per cent). Read here Let's look at the global statistics Global infections: 182,214,039 Global deaths: 3,947,163 Vaccine doses administered: 3,191,466,486 Nations with most cases: US (33,665,034), India (30,411,634), Brazil (18,557,141), France (5,837,265), Russia (5,449,594). Source: John Hopkins Research Center Eastern Europe is racing to use Covid shots before they expire Demand for inoculations has plunged in two eastern European countries, Romania and Bulgaria, leaving stockpiles of shots that officials need to use fast before their expiry dates. The alternative would be to destroy them, which would be a depressing outcome given the shortage of shots elsewhere, such as in poorer African nations. With spare doses piling up, shots are being sold or donated to other countries, governments want deliveries delayed, and Bulgarias hotel industry is pushing to have free vaccinations given to foreign visitors. Read here Brazil vaccine scandal poses fresh political threat to Bolsonaro Brazil's rightwing president is in a bind on an unfolding scandal over the procurement of vaccines. Opponents of Jair Bolsonaro have seized on the opportunity to turn up the political heat on the president. Allegations of corruption in a deal to buy 20 million doses of the Indian-made Covaxin jab have stoked criticism of the governments handling of the pandemic, which has left more than half a million people dead in Latin Americas most populous country. The controversy also comes at a politically sensitive time for Bolsonaro, who is gearing up for a re-election battle next year. Read here Pet owners urged to avoid their cats and dogs if they have Covid Even though no transmission of has been reported from pets to humans till date, experts have warned that cat or dog owners who are infected must avoid their pets. Scientists in the Netherlands have found coronavirus is common in pet cats and dogs where their owners have the disease. While cases of owners passing on Covid-19 to their pets are considered to be of negligible risk to public health, the scientists say there is a potential risk that domestic animals could act as a reservoir for coronavirus and reintroduce it to humans. Read more Reserve Bank of India's Financial Stability Report is an eagerly awaited report to gauge the health of the banking system in particular and the likely stress situation. The readings from the report are encouraging just like the downward movement of the Covid curve in the country. Contrary to all expectations of NPAs increasing due to the pandemic, the report reveals that they were pretty much under control at 7.5% in March 2021. This should come as a relief to the market as earlier conjectures were in the region of 12-15%. The other encouraging revelation is that the stress tests indicate that under normal conditions the NPA ratio will increase to 9.8% by March 2022 while the two stress scenarios could push it to 10.4% and 11.2%, respectively. But the stress scenarios look very unlikely as they involve GDP growth slumping to 6.5% or less than 1%. Therefore, one can be confident of the quality of assets being firm even though a flag has been raised by the on the migration in SMA quality. Significantly, in terms of restructured assets, the ratio is just 0.9%, which is low and surprising. Surprising because it was felt that the one-time restructuring exercise that was adopted would have led to several companies exercising this option, which is not the case. Credit should go to the and for managing the situation. The plan of giving moratorium during tough times and rolling back the same has helped to keep things under check. The same holds for classification of NPAs where we are back to normal. too have not gone overboard in lending despite all the schemes, which has actually made NPA ratios in all sectors, except retail, to decline. The slippage ratio which is NPAs on incremental loans is low at 2.5% which gives credit to the Similarly, the coverage ratio at 68.9% has also ensured that banks were progressive here, which has maintained sanity against any future shocks. In a way it can be said to be a true team effort in containing the situation. The lessons of the past has definitely helped banks to be more cautious. The sectors of concern for NPAs- CGEM (construction, gems and jewelry, engineering and mining) have over 15% ratio while metals, infra, power, textiles, food etc. are in double digits. Chemicals and auto have done well with 5-7% range. Retail is minor concern even though the ratio is low at 2.1% as it should not become a part of the culture of not repaying. Hopefully, this is temporary as last year was tough for individuals who were out of jobs and income to service their debt. An interesting aspect pointed out in the report is that the has actually ensured that the investment valuation did not cause disruption for banks. Normally when there are large investments made in a market where the government borrowed Rs 12.8 trillion, yields should have gone up thus pushing prices down. However, by carefully managing the yield curve with various operations like GSAP and OMOs, banks have been protected against a valuation decline. This is also indicative of the fact that in 2021-22, the picture will be replicated as the yields have been kept down, which means that banks can be comfortable with the investment portfolio. Last, even the profit ratios look good with NIM at 3.3% and return on assets too in the positive territory. One thing that stands out is that the cost of funds was 4.7% while yield on assets was 7.6% - quite clearly the deposit holder bore the brunt as 2.9% spread looks high by any standard. The author is Chief Economist, CARE Ratings and author of: Hits & Misses: The Indian Banking Story. Views are personal. Scientists in Canada have found a new lifesaving treatment for people suffering from rare blood clots associated with COVID-19 vaccination. The researchers at the McMaster University recommend a combination of anti-clotting drugs and high doses of intravenous immunoglobulin to combat vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). VITT is a rare side effect of adenoviral vector vaccines against COVID-19. It occurs when antibodies attack a blood protein, which results in activation of platelets in the blood, causing them to clump together and form clots. The treatment, described in The New England Journal of Medicine, has proven effective in three Canadian patients who received AstraZeneca vaccine, known as Covishield in India, and subsequently developed VITT. The patients were between the ages of 63 and 72 years, and one of them was a female. Two suffered clotting in their legs and the third had clots blocking arteries and veins inside their brain. "If you were a patient with VITT, I'd be telling you we know of a treatment approach," said Ishac Nazy, associate professor of medicine at McMaster University. "We can diagnose it accurately with our tests, treat it and we know exactly how the treatment works," Nazy said. The researchers noted that blood samples taken from the patients after the new treatment showed reduced antibody-mediated platelet activation in all cases. While the study patients were older, many VITT cases have affected younger people. However, Nazy and his colleagues said VITT is a rare disorder, regardless of people's age. The scientists devised an effective VITT test and treatment by building on their previous investigations of heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT), a disorder that results from the direct effect of blood thinner, heparin, on platelet activation. While the two conditions are similar, using a standard HIT antibody test to detect VITT can yield false negative results, the researchers said. Due to this reason they modified the HIT test to detect VITT-specific antibodies that are found in rare cases in patients who had a COVID-19 vaccine. Subsequent lab tests on patient blood samples showed how high doses of intravenous immunoglobulin coupled with blood-thinner medications shut down platelet activation and stopped clot formation. IVIG is a blood product prepared from the serum of donors. It is used to treat patients with antibody deficiencies. "We now understand the mechanism that leads to platelet activation and clotting," Nazy added. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Chinese President on Thursday said that China will elevate its armed forces to world-class standards with the aim to equip itself with "greater capacity" to safeguard its "national sovereignty, security, and development interests." Addressing an event in Beijing marking the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xi was quoted by Xinhua as saying that "We must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces." Xi, who is chairman of the Central Military Commission and general secretary of the CPC's Central Committee, said the "people's military is a strong pillar for safeguarding the socialist country and preserving national dignity." On a bellicose note, the Chinese president added that any attempt to divide the Party from the Chinese people or to set the people against the Party is bound to fail. "The more than 95 million Party members and the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will never allow such a scenario to come to pass," Xi said. He further said that resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an "unshakable commitment" of the CPC. "We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward 'Taiwan independence,' and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation," the Chinese President said. China has also recently sent dozens of warplanes into Taiwan's air defense identification zone. Beijing claims full sovereignty over Taiwan, a democracy located off the southeastern coast of mainland China, even though the two sides have been governed separately for more than seven decades. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Donald Rumsfeld, the defense secretary who became the face of US foreign policy under President George W Bush while the administrations troop deployments toppled hostile regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, has died. He was 88. His death was confirmed by the Associated Press, citing Rumsfelds family. No details were provided. Along with Vice President Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld was one of the main architects of Bushs West Asian wars, triggered by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when one of four hijacked airliners crashed into the Pentagon while he was still in the building. Rumsfelds job then evolved to include fighting two of the longest wars in US history, during which he was called upon to finesse the administrations military shortcomings at press conferences. Defending against terrorism and other emerging 21st-century threats requires that we take the war to the enemy, Rumsfeld said in speeches in 2002. A former politician and bureaucrat, Rumsfeld was already a seasoned executive when he began his second term in the job as Bush came to power in 2001. During the 1970s, he became the youngest-ever defense secretary, at age 43, in President Gerald Fords administration. At the end of his tenure under Bush, he was the oldest American ever to hold the job. Rumsfeld was assigned the task of reforming the military for the new challenges of the 21st century and ended up taking much of the flak for protracted campaigns abroad as the Pentagon budget swelled. His insistence on using light invasion forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and his lack of planning for the post-invasion periods were among the most salient criticisms of his tenure. Stuff happens, Rumsfeld said in response to a reporters question about looting in Baghdad after the US had ousted Saddam Hussein in 2003. There is untidiness. Rumsfeld became a figure of controversy as the wars ground on against a backdrop of rising insurgency. There were scandals over alleged torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, while the US failed to find Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, the pretext for the invasion. His brusque attitude and gnomic utterances such as known unknowns and unknown unknowns made him a lightning rod for the wars skeptics. You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time, Rumsfeld said in 2004 in response to a soldiers question about inadequate Humvee armor, according to a New York Times article in 2004. The comment drew condemnation, partly because it was the administration that had chosen the invasion date March 20, 2003. By 2006, Rumsfelds popularity within the US armed forces had declined to the point where six retired generals, including some who had served in Iraq, called on him to resign. Bush accepted Rumsfelds resignation on November 7. Donald Henry Rumsfeld was born on July 9, 1932, in Chicago, according to his 2011 memoir, Known and Unknown. He was the son of George Rumsfeld, a real-estate agent in Winnetka, Illinois, and the former Jeannette Husted, a homemaker. AP On the occasion of the first anniversary of Hong Kong's national security law, members of the wrote a joint letter to top EU leaders, demanding action against the Chinese authorities for the imposition of a legislation law that "destroyed" the 'One country, two systems'. In a letter addressed to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel, the EU members said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) broke the promises made to citizens made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. "In Hong Kong, there is a clear desire of the people to maintain the city's high level of autonomy and rule of law, exemplified by the umbrella protest movement in 2014 and the pro-democracy protest that began in 2019, during which over me-million Hong Kongers took the streets in an unprecedented fashion," the letter said. While stating that the integrity of the 'One country, two systems' has been destroyed, the members added: "The so-called national security law, the subsequent electoral reform law and the recent ban of the yearly-organized Tiananmen Vigil represent an unprecedented assault on the city's identity, its autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms, as well as on agreements." The situation in is an important test case for the EU's commitment to upholding freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law internationally and for its credibility as a global actor, the members said. They also called for sanctions against Chinese and officials responsible for the growing "repression" in Hong Kong. "We call on the implementation of the Council Conclusions of July 2020, as well as the imposition of Magnitsky-style sanctions against those Chinese and Hong Kong officials responsible for the growing repression, in particular, Xia Baolong and Carrie Lam, the establishment of an Hong Kong Contact Group, and the suspension of extradition treaties, as demanded by the in its resolution of January 2021," the letter added. The letter was co-signed by several members including Reinhard Biitikofer MEP (Greens/EFA, Germany), Miriam Lexmann MEP (EPP, Slovakia) and Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar MEP (S & D, Spain). (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Negotiations among more than 100 countries to overhaul global taxation are facing key questions as rich nations seek to persuade many developing economies to reach a preliminary deal in the next 10 days. In the final stretch of talks, governments around the world are jostling to safeguard their sovereignty and win a bigger share of levies on tech giants. The maneuvering is making it harder for officials to win over some key countries, including India and China, which have reservations about an accord. Technical talks hosted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development aim to upend decades of laws and agreements, drive more revenue to governments and address concerns that multinational companies like Amazon.com Inc. and Facebook Inc. arent paying enough. An accord could also roll back the domestic digital taxes some countries have implemented, soothing growing trade tensions with the U.S. The Group of Seven advanced economies had struck a deal earlier in June on the broad outline of creating a global minimum tax of at least 15% and rules to give more revenue to countries where companies make sales. Yet ahead of a key meeting Thursday, some countries outside the G-7 have bristled at accepting a deal decided by rich countries, raising uncertainty about what kind of consensus the technical talks can settle on. Whatever is decided will be considered by Group of 20 ministers in Venice next week. The goal of both meetings is to reach high-level consensus on the principles of the plan, officials have previously said, with further agreement on the plans details likely to come later in the year. Several G-7 officials expressed optimism that the talks will overcome obstacles, leading to progress at the G-20 meeting, although one warned the state of talks with developing countries means things could go either way in Venice. ALSO READ: G-7 nears deal for at least 15% global minimum corporation tax: Report One issue may have been resolved already. Negotiators accepted a U.K. proposal to ensure that financial firms, such as global banks with head offices in London, would be exempt from the new rules, according to people familiar with the discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity because the talks are private. Officials face political challenges in the days and months ahead as they try to work out a deal that satisfies the 139 countries involved in the talks. Some nations have argued the deal doesnt go far enough in raising and redistributing tax revenue. There is a substantial risk that developing countries basically get nothing in terms of additional revenues from the plan, Martin Guzman, Argentinas economy minister, said at an online event Monday. And there are concerns about getting some of the worlds biggest economies outside of the G-7 to sign on to a deal. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke on Tuesday with Indias Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to stress the countries shared interest in implementing a robust global minimum tax. An Indian government official told news provider Bloomberg Quint after that call that the country is opposed in principle to a common global minimum tax rate. Another major question mark is whether China will agree. The country is concerned about its ability to attract high-tech investment under a minimum tax plan, Bloomberg reported in June. A senior European official said last week that it was difficult to gauge what China would demand at the G-20 and theres a risk the worlds second largest economy would not easily sign a deal brokered by G-7 countries, potentially delaying the whole process by years. The OECD plan is divided into two separate pillars, or broad objectives that together would underpin a deal. Pillar One is concerned with sharing rights to tax the profits of the worlds largest multinationals, and Pillar Two with setting a minimum corporate rate. The bulk of the plans revenue gains will come from Pillar Two, the minimum tax plan, which could raise $150 billion of extra revenue for governments in combination with proposed changes to the U.S.s global minimum tax, Pascal Saint-Amans, the OECDs top tax official, said June 14. Ireland, Hungary Pillar Two would let one country collect extra tax from a multinational thats paying below the minimum rate in another jurisdiction. Finding agreement on that rate could prove contentious. The U.S. in May proposed at least a 15% minimum tax rate, which the G-7 endorsed. Officials from some low-tax countries have spoken out against a 15% rate -- including Ireland, which has a 12.5% corporate tax rate, and Hungary, whose tax rate is 9%. Meanwhile, others are calling for a higher number after the G-7 said it should be at least 15%, and the OECD has previously suggested that the minimum rate may not be decided until the fall. Guzman said Monday that 15% is way too low, and that hed prefer a rate of 21% -- equal to President Joe Bidens proposal for a more robust U.S. minimum tax -- or higher. As the OECD group meets, G-7 officials are on a diplomatic offensive to try to convince holdouts. French Minister Bruno Le Maire has held talks with with countries including Poland, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India, and Turkey. We got a breakthrough described as historic at the G-7 in London a few days ago. Now we need to make this concrete this breakthrough at the Venice G-20 mid-July, Le Maire said earlier this month. The Biden administration said on Wednesday it is hiring more federal firefighters and immediately raising their pay as officials ramp up response efforts in the face of a severe drought that is setting the stage for another destructive summer of intense wildfires across the West. President announced the moves during a virtual meeting with governors from Western states and as a huge swath of the Pacific Northwest endures one of the worst heat waves in recent memory. Temperatures in Portland, Oregon, soared to a record 116 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday, a fact Biden cited as "a wake-up call to the rest of the public about the realities of climate change. "The truth is we're playing catch-up'' on preparing for extreme heat and wildfires, Biden said, calling federal efforts "under-resourced'' compared with the deadly threat posed by climate change and extreme drought. "That's going to change and we have to do it,? Biden told the governors. We can't cut corners when it comes to managing our wildfires or supporting our firefighters. Right now we have to act and act fast. Recalling horrific scenes from wildfires in California and other states last year, Biden said, Orange skies look like end-of-days smoke and ash." Biden's plan would ensure that no one fighting wildland fires is making less than USD 15 per hour and would add or convert to full-time nearly 1,000 firefighters across a host of agencies. "Because of climate change, wildland firefighting is no longer a seasonal endeavor,'' the White House said in a statement. "With fire seasons turning into fire years, it is imperative to have a year-round workforce that is available to respond at any time ... and is available to undertake preventive actions" such as cutting down small trees and brush that serve as fuel to fires that are increasing in size and intensity. Western states have been parched by severe drought and record heat that has burned more than 2,300 square miles (5,900 square kilometers) this year. That's ahead of the pace in 2020, which saw a near-record 15,000 square miles (40,000 square kilometers) burned, killing dozens of people and destroying more than 17,000 homes and other structures. "Climate change is driving a dangerous confluence of extreme heat and prolonged drought,'' Biden said. We're seeing wildfires of greater intensity that move with more speed". Biden has expressed dismay at the starting pay for federal firefighters, which is significantly lower than at many local and state fire agencies. Pay for new federal firefighters typically starts at USD 13 per hour. The pay raise will come in the form of retention incentives and by providing additional bonuses to those working on the front lines. More experienced permanent firefighters could also be eligible for a 10 per cent retention incentive. Temporary firefighters will be eligible to receive some incentive pay under the plan. Wednesday's meeting included eight Western governors, including six Democrats and two Republicans. California Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, said he was pleased to be working with the White House, rather than as sparring partners", as he described his state's relationship with the Trump administration. "We were debating raking policies'' in forests, Newsom said, referring to comments by then president Donald Trump that the state should rake its forests to reduce the risk of wildfires. With climate change, the wildfire seasons are only to get worse, Newsom and other governors said. The hots are getting hotter, the dries are getting drier, Newsom said. Three Republican governors, Greg Gianforte of Montana, Brad Little of Idaho and Doug Ducey of Arizona, said they were disappointed at their exclusion from the White House meeting. It is critical to engage governors fully and directly to have a productive discussion about how the federal government can improve its wildfire response and prevention efforts,'' Gianforte and Little wrote in a letter to Biden. A White House spokesman said the invited governors represented a cross-section of states impacted by wildfires and said Biden will continue to work with governors from both parties on the issue. The meeting with the governors came as the White House released a memo confirming its commitment to a clean energy standard, tax credits and 500,000 charging stations for electric vehicles, among other climate goals as officials pursue a two-track approach on infrastructure. A memo by climate adviser Gina McCarthy and White House senior adviser Anita Dunn also pledges at least $10 billion to conserve and restore public lands and waters, address environmental injustice and create a Civilian Climate Corps to complete projects related to climate change and clean energy. The memo responds to criticism from environmental groups and other progressives who are frustrated that many climate-related initiatives were cut out of a bipartisan infrastructure plan announced last week. "We know more work needs to be done, which is why President Biden will continue championing'' the nearly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and a separate, larger plan Biden and fellow Democrats aim to approve along party lines, the memo said. On wildfires, administration officials have pledged to work with Congress to find a permanent fix to increase firefighter pay and convert more seasonal wildland firefighters to year-round workers. The US Forest Service and Interior Department combine to employ about 15,000 firefighters. Roughly 70% are full-time and 30% are seasonal. Those figures used to be reversed, but have changed as fire seasons have grown longer and more severe. Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat who has pushed the administration to ramp up its wildfire response, said Congress "can and should bolster these efforts with legislation to lift a cap on overtime pay, create a permanent firefighting workforce and expand work to remove hazardous fuels to lessen fire risk. "The ongoing infrastructure debate in Congress gives us an essential chance to get this and other wildfire prevention efforts done,'' Wyden said. The meeting with governors came as Arizona marked the eighth anniversary of a 2013 wildfire that killed 19 members of an elite firefighting team. First lady Jill Biden, visiting a middle school in Phoenix, said her heart, her husband's heart and I know all of your hearts are with the surviving families. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President has signed a law that obliges foreign giants to open offices in Russia, a document published by the government on Thursday showed, the latest move by Moscow to exert greater control over Big Tech. The Russian authorities are keen to strengthen their control of the internet and to reduce their dependence on foreign companies and countries. In particular, they have objected in the past to political opponents of the Kremlin using foreign platforms to organise what they say are illegal protests and to publicise politically-tinged investigations into alleged corruption. Moscow has fined firms for failing to delete content it says is illegal, slowing down the speed of Twitter as punishment, and on Wednesday opened a new case against Alphabet subsidiary Google for breaching personal data legislation. "A foreign entity, carrying out activities on the internet in Russia, is obliged to create a branch, open an office or establish a Russian legal entity, the new law said. Alexander Khinshtein, the head of the information policy and IT committee at the State Duma, Russia's lower House of Parliament, said the law applied to internet giants with a daily audience in of at least 500,000 people. The firms must register a personal account on the website of Roskomnadzor, Russia's state communications regulator, he wrote on his Telegram channel. Companies that violate the legislation could face penalties such as advertising bans. continues to develop no matter what sanctions Western countries impose and what threats they make, President said on Wednesday. "Russia's economic sovereignty is increasing and its defence capabilities have reached a very high level," Putin said during his annual televised "Direct Line" Q&A session. He said the Russian economy has adapted to the sanctions pressure, which in some ways is beneficial as the import substitution programme has boosted Russia's agricultural and high-tech sectors, Xinhua news agency reported. Putin stressed that the era of absolute hegemony is over and the world is changing drastically. However, the US still tries to do everything to preserve its dominance, and hence there are threats and destructive behaviours through military exercises, provocations and sanctions, he said. "If they cross some boundaries, we will take asymmetric responses that will be sensitive enough for our partners," Putin said. --IANS int/pgh (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A grand jury in Manhattan has filed criminal indictments on Wednesday against former US President Donald Trump's company and its longtime chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, according to two people familiar with the indictments. According to Washington Post, the indictments against the Trump Organization and its CFO, Allen Weisselberg, will remain sealed until Thursday afternoon, leaving the specific charges against them unclear. People familiar with the case said the charges were related to allegations of unpaid taxes on benefits for Trump Organization executives. Weisselberg is expected to surrender on Thursday morning at the office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R Vance Jr, two people familiar with the plan said. The Trump Organization will also be arraigned, represented in court by one of its attorneys. The case against Trump Organization and Weisselberg represents a dramatic turn in the long-running probes. In an interview on Fox News, Trump called the myriad investigations and impeachments against him "all nonsense". "New York radical left prosecutors come after me -- you gotta fight," he said. Trump himself is not expected to be charged this week, the people said, and no others in his orbit are expected to face imminent charges. But the indictments could mark a significant escalation in his legal problems -- both by exposing his company to potential fines and by raising the pressure on Weisselberg, according to Washington Post. Weisselberg, who has worked for Trump since the 1980s, is considered the most important figure in the Trump Organization. He has been involved in even minor financial transactions, including coordinating Trump's personal gifts to charity. Weisselberg was a key figure in the investigations by Vance and New York Attorney General Letitia James, as both are trying to determine whether Trump broke the law by misleading lenders or taxing authorities, or by evading taxes on forgiven debts or fringe benefits for employees, according to court papers and people familiar with the cases. Michael Cohen, who spent years as Trump's attorney and his aggressive defender, turned on Trump in 2018 after coming under investigation himself and pleaded guilty to making hush-money payments during the 2016 presidential campaign to women who said they'd had affairs with Trump years before. Vance's office opened an investigation in 2018, responding to Cohen's charges that Trump had directed the illegal payoffs, Washington Post reported. Trump and his organization have never faced criminal charges, but he has been the target of civil lawsuits from the office of the New York attorney general. In one case, he was sued for allegedly defrauding students at Trump University. That case and others against Trump University ended with Trump paying a USD 25 million settlement in 2016. In 2018, Trump was sued for misusing money in a charity he controlled, a case that resulted in a judge ordering Trump to pay USD 2 million in damages. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Trump Organisation's longtime Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, surrendered to authorities early Thursday ahead of an expected court appearance on the first criminal indictment in a two-year investigation into business practices at Donald Trump's company. Weisselberg was photographed walking into the the complex that houses criminal courts and the Manhattan district attorney's office at around 6:20 a.m. with his lawyer. New York prosecutors were expected to announce an indictment Thursday accusing Weisselberg and Trump's namesake company of crimes related to fringe benefits for employees. The case against Weisselberg a loyal lieutenant to Trump and his real estate-developer father, Fred could give prosecutors the means to pressure the executive into cooperating and telling them what he knows about Trump's business dealings. In a statement, Weisselberg lawyers Mary Mulligan and Bryan Skarlatos said he intends to plead not guilty and he will fight these charges in court. The issued a statement defending Weisselberg, saying the 48-year employee is being used by the Manhattan district attorney's office as a pawn in a scorched-earth attempt to harm the former president. It said neither the IRS nor any other district attorney would ever think of bringing such charges over employee benefits. This is not justice; this is politics, the company said. The charges against the Trump Organization and Weisselberg remained sealed but were to be unveiled ahead of an afternoon arraignment at a state court in Manhattan, according to two people familiar with the matter. The people were not authorised to speak about an ongoing investigation and did so on condition of anonymity. There was no indication Trump himself would be charged at this stage of the investigation, jointly pursued by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. and New York Attorney General Letitia James, both Democrats. Trump did not respond to reporters shouted questions about the New York case as he visited Texas on Wednesday, but earlier in the week, the Republican had blasted the New York prosecutors as rude, nasty, and totally biased and said his company's actions were standard practice throughout the US business community, and in no way a crime. The planned charges were said to be linked to benefits the company gave to top executives, like the use of apartments, cars and school tuition, the people familiar with the matter told the AP. Negative views of remain near record highs across the developed world, according to the latest Pew survey, as higher marks for Beijings handling of the coronavirus were offset by concerns about its human rights record. Majorities in 15 of the 17 advanced economies surveyed this year by the Pew Research Center hold an unfavorable opinion of China, including record highs in Canada, Germany, South Korea and the U.S. Some 76% of Americans said they viewed the worlds most populous nation unfavorably in February, up three percentage points from last year. The percentage of people with a negative outlook on was even higher in places such as Japan (88%), Sweden (80%), Australia (78%) and South Korea (77%) -- all countries that have had high-profile diplomatic disputes with Beijing in recent years. Only Greece and Singapore have mostly favorable views toward the country. The report, which came hours before President Xi Jinping was expected to mark the Communist Partys 100th anniversary in Beijing, shows the diplomatic challenge facing as it attempts to assert greater influence globally. Last month, Xi urged Chinese officials to create a trustworthy, lovable and respectable image for the country, in a sign that Beijing may be looking to smooth its hard-edged diplomatic approach. Questions about Chinas early handling of the first known coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan helped fuel a dramatic decline in views toward the country. Pews surveys of almost 18,900 adults across the 17 markets show some improvement in that area, with a median of 49% saying China is doing a good job handling the pandemic. Still, the report showed growing dissatisfaction with Chinas human rights practices, as Beijing defended its labor programs in Xinjiang and imposed a national security law in Hong Kong. Chinese diplomats have hit out at countries that have criticized such actions, which Beijing views as its own internal affairs. ALSO READ: Xi Jinping seeks 'lovable' image for China in sign of diplomatic rethink Majorities in all but one of the 17 have little or no confidence in the ability of Xi to handle world affairs. In Germany, France and Sweden, half or more say they have no confidence at all in Xi. Despite the widespread sense that China does not respect the personal freedoms of its people, publics are somewhat divided over what the appropriate response should be, the reports authors said. The 17 advanced economies surveyed, which are dominated by American security allies, also indicated a stronger preference for the U.S. in the wake of President Joe Bidens election last year. Majorities in more than half of the places said it was more important to have stronger economic ties with the U.S. than China, including Japan, Germany, France and the U.K. The poll was done under the direction of Gallup and Langer Research Associates between February and May. The results have varying margins of error. Any "foreign force" trying to "bully" will encounter a "Great Wall of Steel" erected by over 1.4 billion Chinese people and its powerful military, President warned on Thursday, as the ruling celebrated its centenary with a massive show of strength at the historic Tiananmen Square. In his keynote address at a highly-choreographed ceremony from the balcony of Tiananmen Gate, which also adorns a giant size photo of Chairman Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People's Republic of China, Xi also underlined that the reunification of Taiwan with the Chinese mainland is a "historic mission" and an unshakable commitment of the of (CPC). Xi, who is also the General Secretary of the CPC and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, warned that any foreign force will be allowed to bully China, an apparent reference to the US. has repeatedly accused the US of trying to curb its "peaceful rise", amidst concern in the neighbourhood about the growing assertiveness of the Chinese military in the strategic Indo-Pacific region and elsewhere. Both former US president Donald Trump and his successor Joe Biden have pursued a hardline policy towards China, targeting it on several fronts including trade, human rights and the origins of the Covid-19, which first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan before becoming a pandemic. We Chinese are a people who uphold justice and are not intimidated by threats of forceWe have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will, Xi said. By the same token, we will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us the 68-year-old leader said. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people, he said. Over 70,000 carefully vetted party workers and schoolchildren who took part in the event cheered Xi's over an hour-long speech which was telecast live. About 71 aircraft participated in the flypast which also included China's most advanced J-20 stealth fighter jets, helicopters, fighter jet trainers and others. In a show of unity, some of the top party leaders of the past and present including Xi's predecessor Hu Jintao and former premier Wen Jiabao attended the celebration. Designated as the core leader of the CPC, Xi, who is regarded as the most powerful leader after Mao with life long tenure at the helm appeared in a grey Mao suit synonymous with the attire sported by the party founder 100 years ago. In his speech, Xi also warned against underestimating China's resolve to integrate the self-administered island of Taiwan with the Chinese mainland stating that it is a historic mission of the ruling party. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) President on Thursday called for building a strong military to defend the country and warned that the Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to "bully, oppress, or subjugate them", as the country marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Communist Party. Addressing the centenary celebrations of the Communist Party of (CPC) at the historic Tiananmen Square here, Xi in over an hour-long address also said that integrating Taiwan with the Chinese mainland is a historic mission of the ruling party. No one should underestimate the great resolve, the strong will, and the extraordinary ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said. We must accelerate the modernisation of national defence and the armed forces," Xi, 68, said in his address telecast live by the official television channels. We are equipped with greater capacity and more reliable means for safeguarding our national sovereignty, security, and development interests," he said. Xi said does not oppress other countries and will not allow others to "bully us." "We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country, and we never will," Xi said. The Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us," he said. "Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people," he warned. Resolving the Taiwan question and realising China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the CPC, he said. claims the estranged island of Taiwan as part of its mainland. "We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward 'Taiwan independence,' and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation," Xi said. A crowd of over 70,000 people comprising of party and military officials besides schoolchildren cheered his speech. The people's military is a strong pillar for safeguarding the socialist country and preserving national dignity, and a powerful force for protecting regional and world peace, he said, emphasising that the military should work under the leadership of the party. Founded by Mao Zedong on July 1, 1921, the CPC formally completed 100 years of existence on Thursday. It also remained in power since the People's Republic of China (PRC) was formed in 1949. Highlighting the importance of CPC to China, Xi said any attempt to divide it from the Chinese people is "bound to fail". "The more than 95 million party members and the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people will never allow such a scenario to come to pass," Xi said. He said the firm leadership of the CPC must be upheld. The leadership of the party is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and constitutes the greatest strength of this system, he said. "It is the foundation and lifeblood of the party and the country, and the crux upon which the interests and wellbeing of all Chinese people depend," he said. China has always worked to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and preserve order, Xi said. In an apparent reference to the US allegations of genocide committed against Uygur Muslims of Xinjiang as well as the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong much against the will of the local people, Xi said China welcomes helpful suggestions, but won't accept sanctimonious preaching. "We are eager to learn what lessons we can from the achievements of other cultures, and welcome helpful suggestions and constructive criticism," said Xi, also the chairman of the Central Military Commission. "We will not, however, accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us," he said, calling for elevating the Chinese military to world-class standards He said China will elevate its armed forces to world-class standards so that "we are equipped with greater capacity and more reliable means for safeguarding our national sovereignty, security, and development interests.""We must accelerate the modernisation of national defence and the armed forces," Xi said. The people's military is a strong pillar for safeguarding the socialist country and preserving national dignity, and a powerful force for protecting regional and world peace, he noted. He also said the military should work under the party leadership. He said CPC must continue to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context. At the fundamental level, the capability of the party and the strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics are attributable to the fact that Marxism works, Xi said. "We will use Marxism to observe, understand, and steer the trends of our times, and continue to develop the Marxism of contemporary China and in the 21st century," Xi said. Xi said as we have upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and driven coordinated progress in material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernisation and created a new model for human civilisation. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Oil advanced with Opec+ producers reaching a tentative agreement to add limited supplies to the market in the coming months. Futures in New York rose as much as 3.7 per cent on Thursday to the highest intraday level since 2018. Negotiations between Opec+ producers, including the alliances de facto leaders, Saudi Arabia and Russia, are still underway, delegates said, as ministers gathered online. The proposal under discussion would add about 2 million barrels a day to the cartels output between August and December, they said. is looking like its going to keep some restraint, and to me, the market is in a really good place, said Rebecca Babin, senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth Management. People are very comfortable and constructive with the profile over the next year. Oil posted the best half since 2009 as prices grind higher, aided by a global recovery taking place from the US to Europe and China. Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs and Food & Public Distribution Piyush Goyal today said that India will be playing a much greater role in the post pandemic world in creating resilient supply chains. Speaking at the India Global forum, he said that we are looking at a greater degree of engagement with countries that are democratic in their political system with which we can relate& trust as a partner. He added that India is working towards greater engagement with countries with which we have a shared ecosystem, countries which believe in transparent rules based trading mechanisms. He said that India is talking to UK, Australia, Canada and EU for trade related matters, and is keen to speed them up. Goyal said that our trusted partners can look for a greater role for India, and we are opening our doors wider. The Minister said that we are looking at investments, technology, high quality goods, equipment, machinery. We will be looking at providing high quality technology support to our services & IT sector. He said that India has tried in WTO to promote a waiver on TRIPS so that vaccines & other medicines can be available to everyone across the world. He said that it is unfortunate that some European countries are not supporting the initiative and have preferred profit over prudence. The minster added that we are confident that India will continue to maintain precautions & COVID protocols. He said that we are going to maintain our safeguards & masks. The Minister highlighted that despite being a developing nation, India has already crossed about 340 million vaccines. We are currently doing 5 million a day which we hope to ramp up further in the days to come. We are happy to share our learnings with other countries. Our COWIN app through which we have done the vaccination programme has been a remarkable success & now large parts of the world are asking us for the COWIN app to be implemented in their countries. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Union Bank of India on Wednesday announced that the bank's board of directors approved capital plan of the bank to raise capital funds up to Rs 9,700 crore. In a regulatory filing after market hours yesterday, Union Bank of India announced that its board has approved raising of equity capital not exceeding Rs 3,500 crore, within the overall limit of Rs 9,700 crore, through public issue (i.e. Follow-on Public Offer) and/or rights issue and/or private placements, including Qualified Institutions Placements and/or preferential allotment to the Government of India and/or other institutions and/or through any other mode(s). The board of the bank also approved raising of AT 1 and/or Tier 2 bonds not exceeding Rs 6,200 crore within the overall limit of Rs 9,700 crore. Shares of Union Bank of India were trading 1.04% higher at Rs 38.95 on BSE. Union Bank of India is a state-run bank. The Government of India held 89.07% stake in the bank as on 31 March 2021. It has a network of 9,590 branches and 13,287 ATMs across the country. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid the ongoing crisis in Congress, Chief Minister will meet party leaders from urban areas of the state, followed by lunch in Chandigarh on Thursday. The development comes a day after disgruntled leader Navjot Singh Sidhu on Wednesday met with party leader Rahul Gandhi in the national capital. Before meeting Rahul Gandhi, Sidhu met party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra at her residence. Months ahead of Assembly polls, the rift in the state unit has intensified. While Sidhu met Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Wednesday, the party's top leadership did not meet Chief Minister who was in Delhi recently for three days. A senior leader clarified that the Punjab Chief Minister had not sought time to meet the top leadership of the party. Singh, however, had met the All India Committee (AICC) panel entrusted with the task to end factionalism in the state unit. Earlier, the AICC panel had submitted the report on the Punjab crisis to Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi with the ground realities and suggestions after the members of the panel met the Punjab Chief Minister. In order to address the factionalism in the state unit, a three-member panel had been set up by Sonia Gandhi. It is to be noted that Rahul Gandhi has held meetings with Punjab Congress MLAs, MPs, and other important leaders from the state, including PCC Cheif Sunil Jakhar. On Friday, the leaders who reached Rahul Gandhi's residence to attend a meeting included Vijendra Singla, Rana Gurjit Singh, RS MP Shamsher Singh Dhillon, and MLA Lakhvir Singh. Rajya Sabha MP Shamsher Singh Dhillon while speaking to mediapersons had said that the meeting was held to resolve infighting in the Punjab Congress and added that decisions were made to strengthen the party in the upcoming elections in the state. Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday met many senior Punjab leaders including Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee president Sunil Jakhar, Punjab Finance Minister Manpreet Singh Badal and Harish Rawat in Delhi amid escalating infighting in the party's state unit. Punjab Assembly polls, scheduled for next year, are being considered crucial for Congress as it is one of the few states where the party is still in power. In 2017 Assembly polls, Congress won an absolute majority in the state by winning 77 seats and ousted the SAD-BJP government after 10 years. Aam Aadmi Party emerged as the second-largest party winning 20 seats in the 117-member Punjab Legislative Assembly. The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) could only manage to win 15 seats while the BJP secured 3 seats. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) and have reportedly ended a six-year truce on legal battles, to prevent open warfare between the two tech giants. The two companies reached an unusual pact in 2015 to end a running legal battle, forged soon after Sundar Pichai became the CEO of and Satya Nadella as CEO of According to Financial Times, ending the six-year truce will pave the way "for direct conflict as regulators take aim at barriers to competition among the leading US technology groups". The pact has expired in the middle of April and the two sides decided not to renew it, the report said, citing sources. The gloves appear to be off once again between and Earlier this year, Google criticised Microsoft for trying to "break the way the open web works" and Microsoft publicly supported a law in Australia that forced Google to pay news publishers for their content. Microsoft also slammed Google's control of the ad market. "The decision to let it lapse came as regulators around the world seek to challenge practices that may have entrenched the leading tech companies and prevented more open competition," the report mentioned. In one of its most dirty tricks, Microsoft allegedly ran a series of attack ads called "Scroogled" that accused Google's privacy policies. The pact between Microsoft and Google was supposed to improve cooperation between the two companies but it did not work out that way. Microsoft has turned to Amazon instead to get Android apps running on Windows 11. --IANS na/ (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Cadillac Area Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Emily Kearney, center, gives a budget presentation during the recent board of education meeting. The board voted to approve adopting the roughly $34.3 million budget for the 2021-2022 school year that begins July 1. Pictured are fireworks over Lake Cadillac as part of the Cadillac Freedom Festival several years ago. A crane unloads the first shipment of anthracite coal from U.S. supplier XCoal Energy & Resources LLC (Bloomberg) Chinas biggest bank dumped a plan to finance a $3 billion coal-fired power plant in Zimbabwe, dealing a blow to coal developers in Africa that see China as the last potential funder of their projects. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) told Go Clean ICBC, an ad hoc body representing 32 environmental groups, that it wont fund the 2,800-megawatt Sengwa coal project in northern Zimbabwe, according to a June 18 email seen by Bloomberg. The message was sent to 350.org, one of the Go Clean groups. ICBC didnt immediately respond to a request for comment. Western and South African banks have come under increasing pressure from shareholders not to fund developments that could contribute to climate change, leaving Chinese lenders as one of the last funding sources. That door may now be closing as China seeks to burnish its own environment credentials. This is highly significant, obviously for Zimbabwe but also for Chinese overseas energy financing, said Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst for the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air. It is the first time, to my knowledge, that a Chinese bank has proactively walked away from a coal-power project. The Sengwa project was being developed by RioEnergy Ltd., a unit of RioZim Ltd. RioEnergy Chairman Caleb Dengu said last year that ICBC signed a formal notice of interest in funding the plant, to be built by China Gezhouba Group. Associated transmission lines would be built by Power Construction Corp. of China Ltd. ICBCs withdrawal marks the second time the banks coal-funding plans have been scrapped. A permit to build a coal-fired plant in Lamu in Kenya was canceled by the government last year. ICBC described Sengwa as a bad plan due to environmental problems, 350.Org said in the email. The Chinese lender has been under scrutiny over the environmental impact of funding coal projects and is in discussions with the coalition to chart a clear road map to stop funding coal, Go Clean ICBC said in the email. Nathalia Clark, the associate director of Global Communications at 350.org, declined to give further details. The coalition had planned to roll out a global campaign last week against the lenders coal activity, which it suspended after ICBC said it would halt engagement if it did so. Over the past two decades, China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China have funded more than $50 billion of coal projects across Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, according to research from Boston Universitys Global Development Policy Center. A plan proposed last year would make it tougher for the Chinese governments Belt and Road Initiative to finance environmentally damaging projects like coal power plants and metal smelters. While President Xi Jinping in September put China on a path to zero out carbon emissions by 2060, he plans to let coal consumption increase through 2026, and the fuel is expected to remain an important part of the countrys energy mix for a decade beyond that. RioEnergy is seeking alternative financing, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said, asking not to be identified because ICBCs withdrawal hasnt been formally announced. Simba Mhuriro, the general manager at RioEnergy, said he wasnt privy to the matter and couldnt comment. Wilson Gwatiringa, a spokesman for RioZim, also declined to comment. Winston Chitando, Zimbabwes mines minister, said he wasnt aware of ICBCs decision. Sengwa was initially owned by London-based miner Rio Tinto Group, the one-time parent of RioZim. It was set aside as Zimbabwes relations with the U.K., its former colonial ruler, deteriorated. After the project was revived in 2016, General Electric Co. and a unit of Blackstone Group LP didnt pursue initial inquiries. The backing of ICBC was seen by RioEnergy as a fresh start in a plan to develop the plant and end recurrent power outages in Zimbabwe. Climate activists say the company will struggle to find another funder. Opportunities to fund coal power are rapidly diminishing, given the climate and other impacts of coal, said Robyn Hugo, director of climate change engagement at Just Share, a Cape Town-based shareholder activist group. There is simply no basis to consider new coal-fired projects, and all plans to do so are likely to be strongly opposed. Contact editor Bob Simison (bobsimison@caixin.com) Download our app to receive breaking news alerts and read the news on the go. Follow the Chinese markets in real time with Caixin Globals new stock database. Jul.01.2021 Speculation is growing that ICBC ditched the project over climate concerns; should the countrys fresh university graduates be worried about unemployment?; and Didi becomes second-biggest U.S. IPO by a Chinese company President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (left) in April 2018 during a meeting at the Boao State Guesthouse in Qionghai, South Chinas Hainan province. Photo: Li Tao/Xinhua, Gov.cn (The Straits Times) The growing relations between Singapores Peoples Action Party (PAP) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have kept pace with the countries evolving development priorities and greatly benefited their peoples, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said. In a letter sent in his capacity as PAP secretary-general, Lee said both parties share warm and friendly ties underpinned by regular exchanges. He was addressing Chinese President and CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping in a letter dated July 1 the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese party. Against the backdrop of a world undergoing tremendous and rapid change over this past century, the CCP has steered China to overcome many domestic and external challenges, and shepherded China onto the path of peace and prosperity, Lee said. China has made momentous progress in its development, raising the standard of living for an unprecedented number of people, he wrote to Xi. In recent years and under your leadership, China has succeeded in eradicating absolute poverty and achieving a moderately prosperous society. Lee also said the ambitious goals laid out in the CCPs 14th Five-Year Plan would bring China another step closer to its vision of a modern socialist economy. The plan is a blueprint from 2021 to 2025 focusing on high-quality sustainable develop-ment goals in tech and climate change, among other areas. When Xi came to power in 2012, he had spelt out his grand vision for China to become a great, modern socialist country by 2049 the centenary of the CCPs rule of China. A stable, prosperous and successful China that is well-integrated into the international system benefits not just China, but also the rest of Asia and the world, Lee added. I am confident that our bilateral relations will continue to strengthen in the years ahead. The PAPs ties with the CCP go back to 1992 two years after Singapore and China formally established diplomatic relations. A PAP spokesman told The Straits Times that the party has hosted visits and conducted briefings for delegations from the CCP, and also attended regional dialogues organized by the Chinese party and its Communist Youth League wing. This story was first published in The Straits Times. Download our app to receive breaking news alerts and read the news on the go. Get our weekly free Must-Read newsletter. Here is todays ranking of the 10 most-read news stories in China, in economics, finance and current affairs, to help give you a sense of whats trending in the Chinese language sphere. Chinese social media users have been paying close attention to the countrys ceremony of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. They also have continued to follow the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration that China is malaria-free. 1. President Xi Jinping warns China wont be bullied We will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people, Chinese President Xi Jinping said (external source) in a speech Thursday to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party. 2. China celebrates 100th birthday of the Communist Party Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held (external source, in Chinese) at 8 a.m. Thursday at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Photo: VCG 3. WHO declares China free of malaria The WHO announced Wednesday that China has been certified as malaria-free after going four years without reporting a new case of the mosquito-borne infectious disease. In the 1940s, the country was reporting 30 million cases a year. 4. Greek police recover stolen Picasso Greek police have found (external source, in Chinese) a painting by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso that was stolen from the National Gallery in Greece in 2012. Picasso donated Head of a Woman to the country in 1949. Police have made one arrest in the case. 5. Chinas Covid-19 vaccination drive passes 1.2 billion doses As of Monday, China had administered more than 1.2 billion doses (external source, in Chinese) of Covid-19 vaccines, according to the countrys National Health Council, including 200 million shots that have been given in the last 10 days. 6. One-quarter of Communist Party members are under 35 years old According to the state-owned Xinhua News Agency, as of June 5, CCP has (external source, in Chinese) a total number of 95 million members, of which 24.9% are below 35 years old, up 0.7 percentage points from 2019. 7. Members of Chinese Communist Party exceeds 95 million The Communist Party has (external source) over 95 million members as of June 5, the party announced Wednesday, a 3.5% increase from 2019. 8. Sinovac vaccine is safe for children and adolescents, study shows Sinovac Biotech Ltd.s Covid-19 vaccine CoronaVac has been found to be safe (external source, in Chinese) and effective for children and adolescents, according to a study published Monday in British medical journal The Lancet. 9. Vaccination rate for adult population in Shanghai reaches 77.6% According to the Shanghai government, as of Tuesday, over 16 million people have been vaccinated (external source, in Chinese) in the city, with 77.6% of those over 18 years old inoculated. 10. Over 1.7 million Chinese citizens vaccinated overseas Over 1.7 million overseas Chinese in more than 160 countries have been inoculated (external source, in Chinese) against Covid-19, according to state-owned broadcaster CCTV. Translated by intern reporter Chen Bingyi Caixin has not independently verified the veracity or accuracy of all of the headlines. The daily ranking of most read news stories among Chinese people, about China and global affairs, is jointly provided to you by Caixin Insight and HANA Data, an artificial intelligence technology team. The key indicators calculated on the list are based on mass data sourced from Chinas mainstream social media platforms and online news websites. Click here for a detailed introduction of our methodology. Here you'll find our latest collection of Caledonian-Record reports on the coronavirus outbreak and local response, from the beginning of April. Our January, February and March stories are here: https://www.caledonianrecord.com/news/local/our-coronavirus-coverage/collection_5885178c-692e-11e Become A Subscriber A subscription opens up access to all our online content, including: our interactive E-Edition, a full archive of modern stories, exclusive and expanded online offerings, photo galleries from Caledonian-Record journalists, video reports from our media partners, extensive international, national and regional reporting by the Associated Press, and a wide variety of feature content. * Username This is the name that will be used to identify you within the system. Choose wisely! * First name * Last name Your real name will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more! * Email Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. We won't share it with anyone else. * Password Create a password that only you will remember. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Do you have an athlete in mind that contributes to the team or sport, holds sportsmanship and team spirit, has epic playmaker moments and/or in general makes the the sports fun? If yes, please make your nominations for our edition of Athlete Spotlight. CLICK TO NOMINATE Search and rescue teams look for survivors at the Champlain Towers South residential condo, Tuesday, June 29, 2021, in Surfside, Fla. Many people were still unaccounted for after Thursday's fatal collapse. (Al Diaz/Miami Herald via AP) In this June 13, 2021 photo provided by Melissa Burns, Islesboro Central School seniors prepare to toss their mortarboards to celebrate their graduation. The Class of 2021 all 13 of them were eyeing a trip to Greece, or maybe South Korea, but they wound up going nowhere. The seniors decided to donate $5,000 to help out struggling neighbors after the coronavirus pandemic changed everything. (Melissa Burns via AP) Brad Branham, city attorney for Asheville, argues the public should not have access to a City Council retreat in March 2021. WebEx screenshot from hearing. Netflix is strengthening its relationship with Austin-based Powerhouse Animation, one of the biggest animation studios in the state of Texas. The two companies have signed a first-look deal that will see them produce more animated series together. Powerhouse animated on Netflixs Castlevania, which ended earlier this year with its fourth season. It is now at work on a spin-off series set in the same world, during the French Revolution. Based on Konamis game franchise of the same name, Castlevania was branded by Netflix as an anime series. While influenced by Japanese animation, it was produced outside Japan. Other shows in Powerhouses catalogue include Netflixs Blood of Zeus and Seis Manos, which both also bear the visual stamp of anime. Its Masters of the Universe: Revelation, a sequel to the 1980s hit He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, will debut on the streamer later this month. The studio is also at work on series based on the Tomb Raider and Skull Island franchises with Netflix and Legendary Television. Eras interweave and reality shades into dream in Nayola, a drama that traces the legacy of the decades-long civil war in Angola. Based on the play Black Box by Jose Eduardo Agualusa and Mia Couto, two prominent writers from Portuguese-speaking Africa, the film follows the fortunes of three generations of women from a single family, including the title character. Nayola, which was presented as a work in progress at Annecy last month, is the feature directorial debut of Jose Miguel Ribeiro, whose acclaimed shorts include the Cartoon dOr winner A Suspeita. Ribeiro, who is Portuguese, strove to make the film true to the experiences of Angolans by visiting the country multiple times. After speaking to locals on his second visit, he reworked the animatic to incorporate their contributions. Kimbundu, one of Angolas official languages, is spoken in the film. The voice cast features non-professional actors, including a rapper and a spoken-word artist. Ribeiro talked movingly about working with one of the actors who is blind. He said a version of the film adapted for the visually impaired will be released in Portugal. Photo: Contributed My annual summer listening tour can now begin. With the House of Commons adjourned for the summer, and possibly not returning in the fall if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calls an election, this means I will spend a lot of time listening to you. Every year since I was first elected as a member of Parliament, I have made a point of meeting with citizens in every region of my riding to hear thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This has always been a very useful and helpful exercise as it guides the work I do in Ottawa once the fall session gets underway. One example of this is over this past year: With many students unable to secure jobs over the summer months due to the pandemic, it has increased student debt levels and that has also increased the anxiety for those with significant debt and interest payments. While my listening tour has only just begun, I am also hearing from many small business owners who have never encountered more difficulty in hiring for vacant jobs. Many are unable to fill vacant positions. A big part of this can be attributed to the federal government, which has not implemented a plan to transition workers back into the work force as provinces ease pandemic restrictions. This government would rather prioritize an election, and claim they need a majority, before any effort will be made to change pandemic-related benefit programs that are a barrier to filling vacant job postings. The purpose of my report this week is not to criticize these challenges, but rather to propose a solution that may help students struggling with debt, as well as employers struggling to fill help wanted positions. Before the House of Commons adjourned, I tabled my latest private members bill Bill C-317. My new bill proposes to amend the Income Tax Act. Currently, if an employer wants to help an employee pay off student loans, either with a bonus or as part of their salary, that assistance is taxed as regular income. My bill would allow employers and employees to enter into voluntary arrangements where payments made by an employer to an employee, pursuant to a student loan assistance program, would be a non-taxable benefit. This would help young people to pay down debt faster and start saving for the future. For willing employers, this would help them attract talented workers and encourage employee retention as training costs are considerable. From a governmental perspective, it would also help ensure that student loans are repaid faster. I believe many people would agree that the challenge young people face is materially different than previous generations. Young people often share with me that graduating with thousands of dollars in student loans is a massive barrier to them planning for the future and is also a significant source of stress and anxiety. I have proposed Bill C-317 as a means to help with the challenges students and employers face. My question this week: Do you support Bill C-317? I can be reached at [email protected] or call toll free 1-800-665-8711. Photo: The Canadian Press Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei, walks out of her home to go to B.C. Supreme Court for her extradition hearing, in Vancouver, B.C., Thursday, April 1, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Rich Lam Lawyers for Canada's attorney general are urging a B.C. Supreme Court judge to dismiss Meng Wanzhou's application to submit new evidence in her extradition hearing that her legal team claims would "fatally" undermine the case against her. Crown lawyer Robert Frater said Wednesday the Huawei chief financial officer is asking the judge to weigh the evidence in a way that is appropriate for her fraud trial, not her extradition hearing. "They want you to get down into the weeds of inference drawing and that is the exclusive preserve of the trial court," Frater told Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes. The threshold for determining if new evidence is relevant to an extradition case is high and it must demonstrate that the requesting state's evidence is manifestly unreliable. The evidence proposed by the defence doesn't meet that threshold, Frater said. Meng's team recently obtained the evidence from her alleged victim HSBC through a court agreement in Hong Kong. The documents include internal email chains and spreadsheets that Meng's team argued show senior executives knew more about Huawei's control over another company that did business in Iran than U.S. prosecutors claim. Meng was arrested at Vancouver's airport in 2018 at the request of U.S. officials based on allegations she lied to HSBC about Huawei's relationship with Skycom, putting the bank at risk of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran charges that both she and Huawei deny. Her lawyers argued Tuesday that despite U.S. prosecutors' claims that only junior bankers were aware that Huawei and Skycom were part of the same corporate structure, at least one senior executive was included on email threads about the relationship. They say an internal listing also grouped the two companies together in the same corporate family. Frater countered Wednesday that Meng's team relies on the idea that it was at the "fingertips" of senior staffers to make the link, but he said there's no evidence that anyone made the connection. He said Meng's team is asking the Canadian judge to weigh competing accounts of what allegedly happened, which falls in the realm of a trial, not an extradition case. "You do not have full access to the necessary papers here. You do not have any witnesses that can explain what they knew or didn't know based on these emails and reports," Frater said. "It would, in our submission, be dangerous and unsafe for your ladyship to make a conclusion of ultimate reliability on an incomplete evidentiary record. That has to be left to the trier of fact." Holmes has already dismissed another application from Meng's team to admit evidence because it did not meet the appropriate threshold and Frater said she should do the same again. Near the end of Wednesday's hearing, Holmes raised concerns about the clarity of the case against Meng. Canada's attorney general will have to connect the dots at hearings in August over whether Meng should be turned over to U.S. authorities, she said. The alleged fraud has been described in different ways throughout the extradition proceedings and the link to the potential violations of U.S. sanctions hasn't always been made clear, she suggested. For example, she asked if HSBC continued to work with Skycom even after it closed the company's account, how would that fit in the overall theory that a failure to disclose Huawei's control of Skycom gave rise to the risk of a possible sanction violation. "That is something that is sure to be gone into at great length at the trial," Frater said. "It has to be addressed at the committal hearing in the sense that there needs to be a prima facie case on each element," Holmes responded. Holmes also suggested the reason Meng's lawyers have sought to introduce new evidence so many times is "surely" an effort to explore weaknesses in the connecting links of the theory of the case. "The theory of the case as disclosed through the (records of the case) has been, frankly, a little difficult to wrestle with at times on certain points. And I would simply invite you to consider that that may be in part an explanation for us being as far down in the weeds as we appear to be," Holmes said to Frater. A Note from the DHDD Director: Dear DHDD colleagues I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. Over the past 5 months, I have been temporarily assigned to work as the Chief Medical Officer for the Georgia Department of Public Health. It has been a great opportunity to work at the state level implementing the rollout of COVID vaccinations. Earlier in June, I was honored to have received an Impact Award from the Georgias Department of Human Services Commissioner Crittenden during the Healthy Communities Summit for work vaccinating seniors in Georgia. I also had the opportunity to travel to many parts of the state to facilitate vaccination in different settings sailors on cargo ships in Savannahs port (see photo of me driving the ship!), migrant workers on farms, people with disabilities at supported employment locations, rural Georgians outside grocery stores and in local churches and many other sites. I accompanied the Health Commissioner when she spoke at the We Can Do This vaccination event at Clarke University where Vice President Kamala Harris also spoke. This was certainly a one-of-a-kind experience and I feel honored to have been part of this work. There is a lot of great work going on in DHDD and several observances coming up in the next few weeks. Further, DHDD staff continue to develop COVID-19 resources for people with ID/DD who have extreme low literacy and their caregivers, as well as new Easy to Read information, and ASL videos. Please see more information on those resources in our newsletter! I remain deployed to the COVID-19 response for a percent time but look forward to returning full time to DHDD on July 1. All the best, Georgina Memorial Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription, or activate your access, to continue reading. Indonesian cement exports see 119% YoY rise in 5M21 ICR Newsroom By 01 July 2021 While cement exports from Indonesia decreased from 1.2Mt in March and April to 1Mt in May, the January-May 2021 volume saw a 119 per cent YoY rise to 5.69Mt, according to the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI). Around half of exports were shipped to Bangladesh while China accounted for an offtake of 740,531t, or 13 per cent, in the first five months of 2021. Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia each had a share of eight per cent of the total export volume. Sri Lanka has a three per cent share, and Brunei Darussalam and Mauritius contribute two per cent. Smaller volumes are exported to Timor Leste, Fiji, Malta, Peru and the USA. Exports have been key in maintaining capacity utilisation rates, enabling a rate of 62 per cent in 2020 when domestic demand represented a rate of less than 60 per cent as it dropped by 10 per cent in 2020. Published under Cameroons Minister of Commerce threatens to shut down Cimencam plant ICR Newsroom By 01 July 2021 Cameroons Minister of Commerce, Luc Mbarga Atangana has informed LafargeHolcims Cameroon subsidiary Cimencam it will shut down the cement plant if it proceeds to increase its prices unilaterally. If the price increase goes ahead, Mr Mbarga Atangana has said that he will see himself in the obligation to order the installation of seals on your installations. Cement is a product that is subject to the preliminary price approval procedure. Published under Buena Vista, CO (81211) Today Mostly sunny early then increasing clouds with some scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. High 81F. N winds shifting to ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms during the evening. Partly cloudy skies after midnight. Low 53F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. EPB and their HCS EdConnect partners received the American Public Power Association Sue Kelly Community Service Award on June 22 at the APPA National Conference in Orlando. This award recognizes good neighbor activities that demonstrate "the commitment of the utility and its employees to the community."Not long after the COVID-19 pandemic began, EPB joined with Hamilton County Schools, the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, The Enterprise Center and other public and private community partners to address a rising crisis the need for at-home learners to have access to high-speed internet regardless of their financial position. The result was the formation of HCS EdConnect, a program that provides fiber optic internet services to every economically disadvantaged K-12 student in the Hamilton County School system at no charge.The program officially launched in July of 2020.Qualifying families receive broadband internet, that is at least twice as fast as typical educational access offerings from other providers, with symmetrical upload and download speeds and no data caps provided through EPB's 100 percent fiber-optic network. As part of the program, EPB also professionally installs a WiFi router at no charge and helps set up each students learning devices.EPB stepped up during the pandemic to prove that they are more than a local utility service provider, said APPA President & CEO Joy Ditto. They are a community partner that is deeply invested in Chattanooga. Thats what this award is all about.More than 14,000 students so far have been connected to HCS EdConnect at no charge - more than one third of all Hamilton County Schools students in the district and including their families, represents more than 25,000 individuals. These families are able to keep their high-speed internet connection year-round for up to 10 years as long as they continue to qualify for the program. EPB and their HCS EdConnect partners have already begun enrolling new students to join the program for the 2021-2022 school year.Were proud that Chattanooga is being recognized nationally for decreasing the digital divide in our Gig City using a model that other cities can replicate, said Evann Freeman, EPB director of government relations. Our HCS EdConnect partners are happy to share our process with other municipalities to help them decrease the digital divide in their communities.Funding partners have provided $7.9 million to cover upfront infrastructure costs including additional equipment, fiber optic drops and wireless routers. HCS EdConnect partners include Hamilton County, City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County Schools, The Enterprise Center, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Benwood Foundation, Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Footprint Foundation, Lyndhurst Foundation, Maclellan Foundation and CARES funding from the State of Tennessee.APPA recognizes excellence in electric utility operations and public power leadership at its annual awards ceremony. EPB was one of 11 utilities and 22 individuals recognized for service in the public power industry. This Independence Day we must remind ourselves, as Ronald Reagan did: Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. The great orator and patriot Patrick Henry asked his contemporaries: I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! James Madison wisely pointed out, If men were angels there would be no need for government.People have seemingly lost faith in our institutions to help meet our societal challenges.Socialism is openly embraced by many millennials. While they have seen the flaws of capitalism, most millennials have not seen the failures of socialism firsthand. The media rarely reports on the dark side of socialism or the benefits of capitalism.Herbert Hoover, said: Communism is an evil thing. It is contrary to the spiritual, moral, and material aspirations of man. These very reasons give rise to my conviction that it will decay and die of its own poisons. But that may be many years away and, in the meantime, we must be prepared for a long journey. Unfortunately, there are more than 1 billion people still living today under the Marxist socialist regimes of China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos.Freedom around the globe was strengthened and resistance to Marxism grew in the 1980s. In June 1989, we witnessed brave students protesting in Beijing, China. The Communist government killed students and other protestors using tanks and assault rifles in Tiananmen Square. Then we watched the Berlin Wall torn down in November 1989. However, Herbert Hoover could not have predicted the future of our own country.Despite that, on June 25, 2021, Axios poll revealed that in the capitalist US, just 49% of Americans aged 18-to-34 support capitalism. And 51 percent say they have a positive view of socialism. Venezuelan Maria Fernanda Bello, who has seen socialism first hand in her native country as a cautionary tale: "Socialists are always going to promise you free tuition, free health care, free everything, but they will never promise you freedom."We should be grateful we live in a country where we still have our freedom. However, we cannot be sure future generations will have the same freedoms moving forward. Limited government, individual freedom, and traditional values are likely to remain priorities in our state for the immediate future, as long as we are vigilant. Nationally, we see disturbing trends away from liberty. Partisanship has become an extreme contact sport in our nations capital. That is why states best serve as the laboratories of democracy for our nation.What sacrifice would we be willing to make today for freedom? That is a question we should ask ourselves frequently. We must make the world better than the one we inherited. Todays children are tomorrows future, and education is a proven path to upward mobility for all students. Education is even more critical when you consider our success or failure could determine the survival of the nation. It is why civics education is critical, and why students must understand the processes of government, their constitutional rights, and the history of our state and nation.Our founders believed that man was born in the image of God, and as the Declaration of Independence states, all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. George Washington expressed the founders realism that humans are imperfect and flawed: perfection falls not to the share of mortals. Benjamin Franklin knew that the United States Constitution "with all its faults" was better than anything else we could put together to govern our country. However, in the United States We the People still get to tell the government what to do, the government does not tell the people what to do.We are an imperfect state and nation governed by imperfect people working toward a more perfect union. Acknowledging the faults of those assembled Franklin said: "when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views."Franklin also reminded us They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Abraham Lincoln added, Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves. If we want the freedom to endure and not become extinct, we are going to have to remain guarded and informed not just on Independence Day, but every day.When we understand our rights and responsibilities, we can reclaim our identity as a nation, and perhaps be more united as citizens. We must have an unwavering belief in our ability to unite around a common purpose that freedom is still preferred in our state and nation. Franklin also wisely stated: The US Constitution only guarantees your rights as a citizen, it doesn't guarantee happiness. It may take work, but if you have your rights, happiness is very possible.The preservation of our liberty will be an ongoing battle, something else our Founders plainly understood. Only educated citizens who understand their rights and responsibilities can compel our government officials to obey their oaths to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Let freedom continue to ring across our nation, as we work toward perfection as a people and a nation.##Scott Cepicky is the state representative for the 64th District. JC Bowman is the executive director of Professional Educators of Tennessee. The Tennessee Supreme Court on Wednesday held that a general contractor may be required to pay a $300-per-day penalty under Tennessee law for its failure to pay a subcontractor for work completed on a Nashville construction project. Applying Tennessees Prompt Pay Act, the Court reversed the trial courts decision that the subcontractors claim was filed too late; it held the general contractor could be liable for the penalty for the year before the subcontractor filed its lawsuit. In 2013, general contractor Holladay Construction Group, LLC hired subcontractor Snake Steel, Inc. for structural and steel work on a construction project in Nashville for owner 2200 Charlotte Avenue, LLC. Tennessee law allows contractors to withhold retainage, that is, a percentage of the total pay withheld to ensure satisfactory completion of construction work. As allowed, Holladay withheld as retainage five percent of Snake Steels total compensation, approximately $18,000. Early in 2014, Snake Steel satisfactorily completed its work on the Nashville project. In October 2014, Holladay paid Snake Steel for most of its work, but did not pay the $18,000 retainage. In 2015, the owner paid Holladay all amounts due, including all retainage withheld for subcontractors, including Snake Steel. Despite the fact that the owner had released all of the subcontractor retainage, Holladay still did not pay Snake Steel its retainage. In September 2017, Snake Steel filed suit against Holladay in the Chancery Court for Davidson County. Among other things, the lawsuit alleged that Holladays failure to pay the retainage made Holladay liable to Snake Steel for penalties under the Prompt Pay Act. The Prompt Pay Act was enacted to ensure that contractors and subcontractors on construction work are timely paid the full amount they are due. It allows owners and general contractors to withhold retainage, but to motivate prompt payment of the retainage, it requires them to deposit the retainage into a separate interest-bearing escrow account. Important to this case, if they fail to, the Act provides for a $300-per-day penalty for every day the retainage is not deposited in escrow. Neither party was aware of the escrow requirement or the penalty until Snake Steel filed its lawsuit, so the retainage withheld for Snake Steel was never placed in escrow. In its lawsuit, Snake Steel sought payment of the retainage plus the $300-per-day penalty for several years, going back to when Snake Steel completed its work on the Nashville project. Once the lawsuit was filed, Holladay quickly paid Snake Steel the $18,000 retainage, so the only issue for the trial court was whether Holladay was liable for the penalty under the Prompt Pay Act. The trial court dismissed Snake Steels claim. It held that the one-year statute of limitations applied and Snake Steel had filed its lawsuit too late. Snake Steel appealed to the Court of Appeals, which agreed that the one-year statute of limitations applied but said Snake Steel could recover the $300-per-day penalty for the one-year period before the lawsuit was filed. Holladay was then granted permission to appeal to the Tennessee Supreme Court. Snake Steel argued that its claim should not be barred by the one-year statute of limitations because it could not have known Holladay had not deposited the retainage into an escrow account. The Supreme Court rejected this argument. Even though neither party was aware of the Prompt Pay Act requirements, it said, state statutes are public knowledge, so neither could rely on ignorance of the law. Snake Steel could have asked Holladay if the retainage was in an escrow account, but it did not. The Supreme Court agreed with the Court of Appeals that Snake Steels claim was not entirely barred by the statute of limitations. It held Snake Steel could potentially recover the $300-per-day penalty from Holladay for the one-year period before the lawsuit was filed, a total of almost $110,000. This was based on the language of the Prompt Pay Act, which assesses the penalty per day, for each and every day retainage is not deposited into an escrow account. The Court also based its decision on the purpose of the Act, which was to prevent the very thing Holladay was accused of doingfor years after Snake Steel completed its work, Holladay allegedly kept the use and benefit of retainage that rightfully belonged to Snake Steel. For that reason, the Court reversed the trial courts dismissal of Snake Steels claim and remanded the case back to the trial court. Justice Cornelia A. Clark, joined by Chief Justice Jeff Bivins and Justice Sharon G. Lee, filed a separate opinion, fully concurring in the majority opinion, but requesting that the Legislature clarify certain provisions of the Prompt Pay Act. Specifically, according to the concurring justices, it is not clear whether a general contractor, like Holladay, has an obligation under the Prompt Pay Act to deposit retainage originally withheld by the property owner for subcontractors, like Snake Steel, into a separate interest-bearing escrow account after it receives the retainage from the owner, or, instead, whether its only obligation is to pay the retainage to a subcontractor within ten days after receiving it from the owner. The concurrence asked the Legislature to amend the Prompt Pay Act to clarify that point. To read the majority opinion in Snake Steel, Inc. v. Holladay Construction Group, LLC, authored by Justice Holly Kirby, and the separate opinion authored by Justice Cornelia Clark, go to the opinions section of TNCourts.gov. A Dalton woman was convicted of four counts of sexual abuse of a child Wednesday in Murray County Superior Court. Linda Sherwood, 46, and formerly of 515 Parkside Place, apartment 7, was convicted of two counts of child molestation, one count of aggravated sexual battery, and one count of aggravated child molestation. A Murray County jury of eight men and four women found Sherwood guilty after 30 minutes of deliberation before Senior Judge Larry Salmon of Rome Wednesday afternoon. Due to the Covid trial backlog, the four Superior Court Judges for the Conasauga Circuit added three additional trial weeks in June and July following the two weeks normally held in June. This was the first of those weeks and Judge Salmon was brought in to preside. Trials will resume on the weeks of July 12 and July 19 with Senior Judge Jack Partain expected to preside over those week. The prosecution was represented by Assistant District Attorney Ben Kenemer and Kenemer was assisted at trial by Special Agent Eric White of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations. Ms. Sherwood was represented at trial by Elise Williard of the Public Defender's Office. Mr. Kenemer presented a total of six witnesses and presented one exhibit: the victims Greenhouse interview video. Numerous witnesses from the Greenhouse child advocacy center testified concerning their investigation into the allegations presented to them by Agent White. Mr. Kenemer singled out the testimony of a therapist from the Greenhouse as being instrumental in the jury reaching their verdict. "Certainly one of the greatest challenges that we face in presenting child abuse cases is having people relate to and understand a young person who has suffered severe trauma from being sexually abused. The Greenhouse counselor in this case assisted the jury in understanding how this specific child processed the trauma she suffered and how that came out in the Greenhouse interview that was played for the jury."Ms. Williard called three witnesses to testify for Ms. Sherwood, one of which testified via a Zoom video conference. During the pandemic judges have permitted some witnesses to testify via Zoom and Judge Salmon decided to let the witness testify given that she had a recent surgery and could not make it to the courthouse. Ms. Sherwood elected to remain silent and did not testify in her own defense.Judge Salmon set sentencing for Aug. 25 and a presentence investigation was ordered to be completed by the Department of Community Supervision (formerly State Probation). Ms. Sherwood was in custody before trial since her arrest on July 1, 2019, and will remain in custody until sentencing. Ms. Sherwood faces up to life in prison on the two aggravated counts and up to 20 years on each on the child molestation counts. A Whitfield County jury yesterday found Gregory Lamar Ward, 60, formerly of 809 Heritage Circle, Dalton, guilty of family violence battery, a felony due to his prior history of domestic violence and his seventh felony overall since first felony conviction in 1978. Ward had been arrested 60 times in the past 42 years prior to his Sept. 28, 2020 arrest in the current case. Superior Court Judge Cindy Morris presided over the trial which began on Tuesday and concluded the same day. The jury deliberated Tuesday afternoon, went home for the evening, and concluded their deliberations Wednesday afternoon before returning their verdict. Chief Assistant District Attorney Scott Helton, who oversees the Domestic Violence Unit of the District Attorneys Office and is the prosecutor assigned to Judge Morris Domestic Violence Court presented the States case. Ward was represented by Paul Hemmann of the Public Defenders Office.Ward and his victim lived together until the assault leading to the present charges. The case began when a witness saw the victim trying to crawl away from the residence obviously injured. The witness saw Ward approach the victim, but then flee upon seeing that they were not alone. The victim told law enforcement that Ward had hit her multiple times and officers observed injuries including a busted and bloody lip. The case was investigated by the Dalton Police Department with follow up work and victim assistance provided by the Domestic Violence Unit.As is often common in domestic violence cases, the victim attempted to retract her accusations prior to trial claiming that her injuries were accidental. Fear of the abuser and other pressures often lead to victims minimizing or recanting the abuse and that makes it extremely difficult to hold offenders accountable and to protect victims. The District Attorneys Domestic Violence Unit which consists of an attorney, an investigator, a victim advocate and an administrative assistant, and partnering with a victim advocate from the Northwest Georgia Family Crisis Center, works exclusively on these types of cases in order to achieve the best possible results for victims and the community. Judge Morris also presides over a Domestic Violence Court which is an accountability-style court program similar in some respects to the Conasauga Drug Court, Mental Health Court and Veterans Court. The Domestic Violence Court enhances victim safety and offender accountability by consistent enhanced supervision of offenders.The crime of family violence battery in Georgia occurs when a person assaults another person with whom he has a certain type of relationship, including spouses, persons living in the same household, persons with children together and so on. The first offense is a misdemeanor, but subsequent offenses are felonies carrying up to five years in prison. Ward was convicted of family violence battery (misdemeanor) in 2018 involving a different victim. Under Georgia Law, a person with three or more felony convictions who is convicted of a forth or subsequent felony offense must serve any time ordered by the court without the possibility of parole. Ward was convicted of two burglaries in 1978, one in 1981, plus cocaine possession in 1991, habitual traffic violator in 1998, robbery in 2004, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in 2009. Ward has entered the Georgia prison system 9 times during his career, including two times for revocations of probation or parole in addition to his seven felony convictions. He was most recently released on July 16, 2019, a little over a year prior to his arrest for the current offense.Judge Morris set sentencing for next Thursday, July 8 at 10 a.m. Ward faces up to five years in prison without the possibility of parole. Ward has been in custody since his arrest and remains in custody pending sentencing. The Tennessee Department of Transportation will suspend all construction-related lane closures on interstates and state routes beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Friday, July 2 through 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 6 to provide maximum roadway capacity for holiday travelers. DISTRICT 27 CUMBERLAND COUNTY I-40 repair of the bridges over SR-1 (US-70) at MM 328.5: During this period, westbound and eastbound I-40 near MM 328 will have no scheduled lane closures. SR-1 (US-70) may be reduced to one lane with traffic signals near LM 24 at Crab Orchard, TN for bridge repair. Motorists should exercise caution and pay attention to the temporary traffic signals as they travel through the work zone. [Mid-State Construction Company, Inc./Bradley/CNU145] CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) construction and paving from north of I-40 (LM 17.8) to near Potato Farm Road (LM 22.7): Construction signs have been installed with erosion control and clearing activities in progress. Utility relocation for the gas line is in progress. Temporary lane closures or traffic stoppages will be necessary as construction activities continue. Motorists should use caution while traveling through the work zone. [Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC/Bradley/CNV009] CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-101 (Peavine Road) grading, drainage, and paving from Firetower Road to Westchester/Catoosa Boulevard: Motorists should use caution while driving along Peavine Road. The posted speed limit from I-40 to Tuttle Lane is now 45 MPH. The existing speed limit within Fairfield Glade remains at 30 MPH. The newly installed traffic signals at Stonehenge and Eagle Lane are in operation. Temporary lane closures and/or traffic stoppages may be needed as the contractor completes punch list activities. Motorists should reduce speed on Peavine Road and be alert for construction personnel/equipment entering and exiting the roadway. [Rogers Group, Inc./Bradley/CNQ921] DEKALB COUNTY SR-26 (US-70) construction from near SR-53 (LM 2) to near SR-96 (LM 6.1): Contractor has begun clearing operations and installing erosion control measures. Intermittent lane closures and flagging operations are expected. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone. [Twin K Construction/James/CNV012] DEKALB AND WARREN COUNTY SR-56 construction of bridges and paving from south of Warren-Dekalb county line (LM 24.5) to East Bryant St. (LM 2.9): The contractor will continue installing concrete box culverts and drainage structures. Grade work, bridge work, paving operations, and utility work on the new roadway alignment are ongoing. Traffic is still using the existing SR-56; however, motorists are advised to use caution and watch for construction equipment adjacent to roadway. Flaggers may be present to move equipment across roadway, unload equipment, or complete utility work. The contractor currently performing grade work inside Smithville City Limits between Dearman Street and East Bryant Street. A traffic shift in this area will remain to allow contractor to complete work. A diversion remains in place for Williams Road to allow contractor to construct new alignment. The speed limit has been reduced to 45 mph in the construction zone. Motorists should use caution in this area and watch for flaggers and construction equipment. The contractor will not interfere with traffic flow during 07/02/21 through 07/05/21. [Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC/Harris/CNT011] PUTNAM COUNTY I-40 EB bridge repair and resurfacing from west of Falling Water River Bridge (MM 291) to the ramp from SR-24 (US-70N / MM 300): The contractor will patch potholes at night, which will require temporary lane closures from 7 PM to 6 AM Sunday night through Thursday night. Motorists should be prepared for slower traffic and be alert to construction equipment and personnel entering and exiting the work area. [Rogers Group, Inc./James/CNU358] PUTNAM COUNTY I-40 resurfacing from east of SR-56 (MM 281) to west of SR-136 (MM 287): Contractor will be performing nightly lane closures Sunday through Thursday from 7 PM - 6 AM. Work will consist of milling and paving operations. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone. [Rogers Group, Inc./James/CNV029] PUTNAM COUNTY SR-135 (Burgess Falls Road) grading, drainage, signals and paving at the intersection of West Cemetery Road (LM 6.6): Contractor continues their roadside grading operations and will have a road closure in place on Meadow Wood Drive beginning 07/06/21. A signed detour is in place during this time via Colonial Drive. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone. [Rogers Group, Inc./James/CNU270] PUTNAM COUNTY SR-24 (US-70N) slide repair near LM 30.1: The contractor has installed barrier rail and began excavation work. Traffic will be reduced to one lane and controlled by temporary traffic signals at each end of the project. Be prepared to stop when traveling through the work zone. [Rogers Group, Inc./James/CNU359] DISTRICT 28 BLEDSOE COUNTY SR-30 slope stabilization at LM 12.5: Roadway is reduced to one lane. Traffic is controlled by signals. [TDOT/Miner/MAINT] BLEDSOE COUNTY SR-30 bridge repair over the Sequatchie River (LM 10.36): The contractor will be working on SR-30 on the bridge over the Sequatchie River. The road will be reduced to one lane controlled by a traffic signal while repairs are made. Please use caution when traveling through the area. RESTRICTIONS: Loads wider than 15' should seek alternate route. [Jamison Construction, LLC/Voiles/CNV003] COFFEE AND GRUNDY COUNTY The resurfacing on I-24 from east of Rutledge Hill Road (LM 28.93) in Coffee County to east of the Bells Mill Road bridge (LM 2.45) in Grundy County, including bridge repair: Project activity will continue from 7 PM to 6 AM. The roadway will be reduced to one lane nightly both directions to support operations. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone and be prepared to reduce speeds while approaching the work zone located between Coffee County LM 28.93 to Grundy County LM 2.45, the posted speed limit has been reduced from 65 MPH to 55 MPH within the work zone. [Rogers Group, Inc./Hussein/CNU339] FRANKLIN COUNTY SR-15 (US-41) intersection improvement at University Avenue (LM 27.9): Project activity will continue daily. The roadway will be reduced from 4-lanes to 2-lanes. Motorists should proceed with caution through the area and be aware of signage, personnel, and equipment. [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Hussein/CNV062] FRANKLIN COUNTY SR-50 construction of a small drainage structure at (LM 7.6): Project activity progression will continue daily. The roadway will be reduced to one lane controlled by traffic signal operations. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone and be prepared to stop while approaching the work zone located at LM 7.6, the posted speed limit has been reduced from 40 MPH to 25 MPH within the work zone. [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Hussein/CNV062] FRANKLIN, COFFEE, AND GRUNDY COUNTY SR-50 (US-64) resurfacing from west of Rutledge Ford Rd (LM 21.4) in Franklin County, through Grundy/Coffee County to near I-24 (LM 0.2) in Grundy County: Project activity progression will continue daily. The roadway will be reduced to two lanes during construction work, all 4 lanes will be restored by the end of each day. Motorists should proceed with caution through the area and be aware of signage, personnel, and equipment. [Tinsley Asphalt, LLC /Hussein/CNV015] GRUNDY COUNTY SR-56 slide repair between LM 26.3 and LM 26.6: The road will remain one lane controlled by a temporary traffic signal while contractor completes slide repairs in the area. Motorists should use caution in the area and watch for flaggers and equipment. [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Harris/CNU355] SEQUATCHIE COUNTY SR-8 (US-127) repair of bridge over the Sequatchie River (LM 12.7): The contractor will be working on SR-8 on the bridge over the Sequatchie River. The road will be reduced to one lane controlled by a traffic signal while repairs are made. Please use caution when traveling through the area. RESTRICTIONS: Loads wider than 15 feet should seek alternate routes. [Southern Constructors, Inc./Voiles/CNU148] VANBUREN COUNTY SR-111 resurfacing from Sequatchie County line (LM 0) to north of Feedstore Drive (LM 12.5): The contractor has begun resurfacing operations on SR-111 from the Sequatchie County line to Log mile 12.51 in Van Buren. One lane will be closed while resurfacing operations are taking place. Please use caution when traveling through the area. [Strawser Construction, Inc./Voiles/CNU298] DISTRICT 29 BRADLEY COUNTY I-75 resurfacing from north of SR-60 (MM 25) to south of SR-308 (MM 31): During this reporting period, the contractor will install construction signs and begin resurfacing operations. Nightly lane closures will be in place on I-75 Northbound in Bradley county beginning at mile marker 25. These closures will begin on Tuesday 07/06/2021 through Thursday 07/08/2021 and will occur from 7 PM to 6 AM. The speed limit in the work zone will be reduced to 60 MPH while workers are present. Motorists are advised to use caution and reduce speed in the work zone. [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNU335] BRADLEY COUNTY SR-2 (KEITH ST. S.W.) Utility Work southbound from LM 8.57 to LM 9.24: Lane closures between Fairway Drive SW and Harrison Pike. Signage and barrels will be present. Motorists should reduce speed and use caution through the work zones between the hours of 9 am - 2 PM during the daytime and 8 PM - 6 AM during the nighttime. [2020-423/424] BRADLEY COUNTY SR-312 (HARRISON PK.) Utility Work both directions from LM 8.48 to LM 8.42: A detour of Harrison Pike at Keith Street will cause short delays as traffic is routed along Grove Avenue during utility construction. Motorists should reduce speed and follow signage. Barricades, cones, and flaggers will be present between 8 PM and 6 am with an estimated completion of 07/07/21. [2020-423/424] BRADLEY COUNTY I-75 at Exit 33 (SR-308, Lauderdale Highway) bridge work and ramp upgrades: There will be lane shifts in both the Southbound and Northbound lanes from MM 31 to MM33. The lanes will be reduced to 2- 11ft lanes in both directions as work goes on this project. On SR308 (Lauderdale Highway) there will be intermittent lane closures as the contractor works in this area. On Tuesday Night of this reporting period, from 7 PM- 12:00 AM, there will be 1 lane closed in both Northbound and Southbound on I75, weather permitting. RESTRICTIONS: The lanes on this project in both Northbound and Southbound have been reduced to 11 ft. lanes. [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Curtis/CNV124] HAMILTON COUNTY I-24 interchange improvement at SR-2 (US-11, US-41, US-72, Broad Street) and SR-58 (Market Street): During this reporting period, the contractor will be working on Market Street (SR-58) and I-24 to remove existing Eastbound entrance ramp. The contractor has closed the ramp to I-24 Eastbound at Long Street and the cloverleaf ramp from Market Street (SR-58) Southbound to I-24 Eastbound. Traffic in these areas accessing I-24 Eastbound will do so via a temporary signal located just south of the I-24 underpass on Market Street (SR-58). Detour signage will be in place. Brief, intermittent lane closures are possible on 25th Street at the intersection of Long Street during daylight hours as the contractor works on the removal of existing entrance ramp. Chestnut Street is closed to thru traffic between West 20th Street and West 25th Street and will remain closed until construction of Bridge No. 2 has been completed. [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNU011] HAMILTON COUNTY I-24 Replacement of Belvoir Ave. bridge over I-24 and I-24 bridges over Germantown Road near MM 183: Single and double alternating lane closures on I-24 EB and WB will be used on 07/01/21, 07/06/21, and 07/07/21 from 9 PM and 6 AM. Additionally, there will be single lane closures in the north and south directions of Germantown Road under the I-24 Bridge and at the intersections of Germantown with North and South Terrace on 07/01/21, 07/06/21, and 07/07/21 from 9 PM and 6 AM. There is a 45 MPH speed limit reduction throughout the project corridor on I-24. [Bell and Associates Construction, LP/Blevins/CMGC03] HAMILTON COUNTY I-75 at I-24 Interchange Reconstruction: Phase 3 traffic alignments have been implemented. Watch for trucks entering and exiting project. Traffic should expect multiple lane shifts traveling through the interchange. Lane closures will occur Sunday nights through Thursday nights between 9 PM and 6 AM at the following locations: I-75 NB MM 1, I-75 SB MM 3 and I-24 EB MM 184.0 Traffic pacing may occur throughout interchange Sunday nights through Thursday nights between 9 PM and 6 AM. Additionally, there may intermittent shoulder closures at various locations for access to the median and roadside areas. The Welcome Center has been reopened. The speed limit has been reduced to 45 MPH throughout the interchange. ***Welcome Center will be closed beginning 12 AM 07/06/2021 through 7 AM 07/09/2021. [C.W. Matthews Contracting Company, Inc./Blevins/DB1801] HAMILTON COUNTY US-27 (I-124) widening from I-24/US-27 interchange to north of the Olgiati Bridge over the Tennessee River, including widening the Olgiati Bridge: Monday 07/05/21 Wednesday 07/07/21 7 AM to 6 PM Temporary Right Shoulder Closure will be in place for Northbound and Southbound US-27 from the Olgiati Bridge to I-24 For Pull Box Repair. State Trooper Requests: No [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Curtis/CNP230] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-17 (S. WILLOW ST.) Utility Work both directions from LM 2.65 to LM 3.16: Detours will occur on South Willow Ave between Chamberlain Ave and E 16th Street for utility work. Motorists should use caution and be aware personnel and equipment. Barricades, signage, and flaggers will be present between 7 AM and 7 PM with an estimated completion of 07/06/21. [2021-507/543] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (DODDS AVE.) Utility Work both directions from LM 10.10 to LM 11.33: Lane closures will cause delays on Dodds Avenue between East 23rd Street and McCallie Avenue. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop or use alternate routes when possible. Signage, cones, barricades, and flaggers will be present between the hours of 7 AM and 7 PM with an estimated completion of 07/06/21. [2019-507] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (E. 23RD ST.) Utility Work both directions at LM 9.16: Shoulder and single lane closure between S. Holly Street and S. Highland Park Avenue. Signage and cones will be present. Motorists should use caution and be aware of personnel and equipment between 9 AM and 3 PM through 07/07/21. [2021-111] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (E. 23RD ST.) Utility Work both directions at LM 9.82: Shoulder and single lane closure between 4th Avenue and S. Lyerly Street. Signage and cones will be present. Motorists should use caution and be aware of personnel and equipment between 9 AM and 2 PM through 07/07/21. [2021-389] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (SIGNAL MOUNTAIN RD.) Utility Work northbound at LM 13.45: Shoulder and single lane closure between Mundy Street and Mountain Creek Road. Signage, drums, and cones will be present. Motorists should use caution and be aware of personnel and equipment between 9 AM and 2 PM through 07/14/21. [2021-330] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-312 resurfacing from south of Henry Road (LM 6.9) to west of SR-58 (LM 14.2): During this reporting period, there will be intermittent lane closures on this road as the Contractor will have flaggers directing traffic for the construction operation. The motoring public should expect possible long delays. [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Curtis/CNV087] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-317 (Apison Pike) improvement project from SR-321 (Ooltewah-Ringgold Road) to east of Layton Lane: Lane closures and flagging operations will be required on SR-317, Apison Pike, to install power poles and transfer lines. The flagging operations will be performed on 07/01/21, 07/06/21, and 07/07/21 from 7 AM to 1 PM and 3 PM to 7 PM. Closures will last about 2 hours per location. There will also be very short lane closures for blasting that will last five minutes or less. The contractor will have intermittent flagging operations during daytime non-peak hours for utility work, delivery of materials and equipment. The contractor also plans to shift traffic onto the new alignment of Tallant Rd. on 07/07/21. [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNT336] HAMILTON COUNTY SR-319 (Amnicola Highway) bridge repair over SR-153: Contractor will be performing bridge repair operations on the Amnicola (SR-319) bridge over SR-153. During this project, SR-319 will have lane closures in place & SR-153 may have lane closures as well. Bridge repair over SR-153 will be performed between 8pm & 6am. During repair operations at least one lane of traffic shall remain open in all directions. [Mid-State Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNV053] HAMILTON COUNTY The construction of an S.I.A. to VW: The contractor will be grading, paving, constructing retaining wall(s) and installing signals & lighting on S.I.A. route connecting Ferdinand Piech Way & Volkswagen Dr. **The roadway is not open to traffic**. The traveling public should be alert to the entrance and exit of construction vehicles from the jobsite onto the connecting roadways. Flaggers may be onsite directing traffic. [Talley Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNU221] MCMINN COUNTY I-75 at SR-30 (Exit 49) and SR-305 (Exit 52) interchange improvements: During this reporting period, the contractor will be working on surface pavement on SR-305 at the I-75 ramps. This work will occur starting 7/6/2021 through 7/9/2021 from 8 AM to 5 PM. Motorists can expect lane closures and brief delays in the area during this time. Flaggers will be on site to assist with traffic control. [APAC - Atlantic, Inc./Wagner/CNU352] POLK COUNTY SR-33 (HWY. 411) Utility Work both directions from LM 9.9 to LM 14: Lane closures between SR-40 and Ocoee River Bridge for utility construction. Motorists should use caution and be aware of personnel and equipment when traveling through the work zone. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present between 9 AM and 3 PM with an estimated completion of 07/30/21. [2019-245] POLK COUNTY SR-40 (US-64) bridge over the Ocoee River: During this reporting period, the contractor will be working on foundations for the new bridge and relocation of utilities on the east side of the river. The right shoulder of SR-40 (US-64) is closed for the duration of this work. Brief intermittent lane closures are possible on SR-40 (US-64) Tuesday 7/6/2021 through Friday 7/9/2021 8 AM to 5:30 PM to allow for utility work and moving equipment/supplies. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for trucks entering/leaving the highway. [Charles Blalock and Sons, Inc./Wagner/DB1802] POLK COUNTY SR-40 (US-64) emergency slope stabilization near LM 20.5: During this reporting period, the contractor will be working on final punch list activities. Brief intermittent lane closures are possible on SR-40 (US-64) Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5:30 PM while the contractor completes this work. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for workers on the shoulder of SR-40 (US-64). [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNU909] RHEA COUNTY SR-302 resurfacing from SR-68 (LM 8.9) to near SR-29 (US-27) (LM 12.2): During this report period, the contractor will have temporary lane closures in place while performing resurfacing operations. Flaggers will be present to assist traffic flow. [Rogers Group, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNV099] RHEA COUNTY The grading, drainage, construction of bridges, paving and signals on a S.I.A. route serving Nokian Tyres: Construction activity at the Nokian Tyres SIA project continues just North of Dayton, TN. The traveling public should be alert to construction vehicles entering and exiting the site. SR-29 traffic will continue to experience slight lane shifts with no shoulders at the entrance to the SIA roadway but there will be no lane closures on SR29. [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Curtis/CNU014] REGION WIDE REGION 2 The random on-call signing on various Interstate and State Routes: During the daytime, the contractor will be setting up shoulder closures at various locations in Sequatchie, Marion, Warren, Coffee, Franklin, and Grundy Counties to install new signs. A truck mounted attenuator will be on site during these closures. [Superior Traffic Control, LLC/Inc./Voiles/CNU178] REGION 2 on-call guardrail repair and new guardrail installation on various Interstate and State Routes: The contractor may have short term shoulder and/or lane closures to perform guardrail repair. These closures will take place on the interstate nightly from 7 PM to 6 AM Sundays through Thursdays and daily on state routes. At least one travel lane will always remain open to traffic on the interstate, and flaggers will be present on state routes during any work that is performed. The contractor will not be performing any lane closures or interfering with traffic during 07/02/21 through 07/05/21. [Cumberland Guardrail, Inc./Harris/CNU107] REGION 2 preventative and unscheduled maintenance of Chattanooga SmartWay Intelligent Transportation System: The contractor may have short term shoulder and/or lane closures to perform preventative or unscheduled maintenance to the local SmartWay Intelligent Transportation System. At least one travel lane will always remain open to traffic. Flaggers will assist with traffic control as needed. [NABCO Electric Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNT354] REGION 2 TDOT Maintenance drainage work: There will be possible short-term lane and shoulder closures at various locations in Region 2 to clean rock and debris from ditches on an as-needed basis. One lane will always be maintained. [TDOT Operations/Maintenance/R2MAINT] REGION 2 TDOT Maintenance pothole repair and pavement patching: There will be possible short-term emergency lane closures at various locations in Region 2 to repair potholes and patch pavement on an as-needed basis. Depending on location and severity these repairs may be done during the day or at night. In addition to performing the work, regional Operations crews will also provide traffic control. [TDOT Operations/Maintenance/R2MAINT] REGION 2 TDOT mowing operations: There will be possible short-term lane closures at various locations on interstates and state routes in Region 2 to perform mowing activities on an as-needed basis. In addition to performing the work, regional Operations crews will also provide traffic control. [TDOT/Maintenance/R2MAINT] REGION 2 longitudinal joint stabilization on various state routes: During the daytime, the contractor will have short term lane closures on various routes in Putnam on SR-111 Warren on SR-55, and Grundy SR-50. During this time one lane of traffic will be closed while contractors are present. Please use caution when traveling through the area. [Pavement Restorations, Inc./Voiles/CNV113] REGION 2 The random on-call cable barrier repair on various Interstate and State Routes: The contractor may have short term shoulder closures to perform cable rail repair. Both travel lanes will always remain open to traffic on the interstate during any work that is performed. [LU, Inc./Harris/CNU303] REGION 2 The random on-call pavement marking on various interstate and state routes: Contractor will be retracing pavement markings on various interstate and state routes in Putnam, Dekalb, White, and Cumberland county. Work will be performed using mobile operations. Motorists are advised to use caution and be alert to all construction signage while traveling through the work zone. [Reynolds Sealing and Striping, Inc./James/CNV036] REGION 2 The sweeping and drain cleaning on various Interstate and State Routes: There will be an area wide sweeping operation on selected regional state routes and interstates. This activity will be supported by a mobile lane closure. Hours of activity are Sunday through Thursday night between 8 PM and 6 AM during this reporting period. The drain cleaning operation will be having intermittent lane closures on SR153, SR111, I24 MM132.8-134.3 and I40 MM269.6-273. During this reporting period, the contractor will only be working Thursday Night. [Sweeping Corporation of America, Inc./Curtis/CNU328] RESTRICTIONS BLEDSOE COUNTY - CNV003: Loads wider than 15' should seek alternate route. SEQUATCHIE COUNTY - CNU148: Loads wider than 15 feet should seek alternate routes. The Fourth of July weekend kicks off the Live Music is Back Summer Series, which features months of concerts across Chattanooga. Through a partnership between Chattanooga Tourism Co. and the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, musicians, performing arts organizations and event production companies will animate city streets and stages all summer long. The series runs through September. Live Music Events & Performances: July 3: Music & Movie on the Green features live music from Nubreed and a showing of Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse. Location: Chattanooga Green at Rosss Landing, Riverfront District Produced By: River City Company and Caravan Tribe July 4: Fun on the Fourth features two live music stages and a laser show! Enjoy fun, familiar tunes from the band Love, Peace and Happiness and others. Location: Miller Park and Miller Plaza Produced By: Chattanooga Presents! July-September (weekends): Sidewalk Stages is a street performance initiative designed to activate Chattanooga public spaces with live local music. Location: Downtown Chattanooga (various) Produced By: SoundCorps Every Thursday in August, Sept. 16 and 23: Station Street Live is a concert series on Station Street, a pedestrian friendly street in Chattanoogas Southside neighborhood. Location: Station Street at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Produced By: Caravan Tribe July 31, Aug. 14 & Sept. 10: Cassette is a new live music series that includes a live band and live disc jockey at local venues to reach diverse Black professionals. Location: Black-owned restaurants and venues throughout Chattanooga Produced By: Chattanooga Business Elite August (Sundays): Sunday Soul in the Park is a weekly Sunday afternoon concert series featuring nationally renowned artists. Location: Miller Park Produced By: RISE Chattanooga August: Trail to the Rail is a local music competition culminating with the Rail & Hops Brewers Festival. Location: Restaurants and venues throughout Chattanooga Produced By: SoundCorps Aug. 21: The Musical Mystery Hunt will activate several locations along the downtown Chattanooga Riverfront District with live music. The locations will be revealed to the public through scavenger hunt style clues. Location: Riverfront District (multiple locations) Produced By: River City Company Aug. 28: Rail & Hops Brewers Festival features handcrafted beers from local and regional brewers, food trucks and live music. Location: Chattanooga Choo Choo Produced By: SoundCorps & Caravan Tribe Sept. 26: Buskers Bash celebrates the Sidewalk Stages street performers in the newly-enhanced Martin Amphitheater. Location: Martin Amphitheater Produced By: SoundCorps In all, the Live Music is Back Summer Series includes two concert series, 250+ individual performances, more than 75 artists and more than 12 venues across Chattanooga. The Pop Up Project street team will be performing at select events. Live Music is Back is made possible by the Chattanooga Tourism Co. and Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. See the complete schedule at VisitChattanooga.com/LiveMusic. Every year, the Eastern District of Tennessee Civics Education and Outreach Committee partners with local chapters of the Federal Bar Association to sponsor local essay contests for high school students. The contests, which focus on some aspect of civics education, are open to public, private, and home-school high school students in all 41 counties in east Tennessee. The goal is both to educate students and to engage them in topics regarding our countrys government, how the government functions, and our citizens obligations to participate in government. Researching and learning about the Constitution and our government equips students to become adults who participate in government and respect and support the Constitution. For this years contest, students addressed the topic, What Does It Mean to Support and Defend the Constitution? The phrase to support and defend comes from the Presidents oath of office, set out in Article II of the Constitution. The Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court administers the oath, which states, in full: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Although the Constitution sets out the exact oath the President must take, it does not do so for other offices. It only provides in Article VI that The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution. Over the years, the Presidents oath has been tailored for other offices and positions in federal, state, and local government, and for naturalized citizens. The taking of an oath, especially publicly, not only impresses on the maker of the oath the seriousness of the undertaking, but also affirms to the public that the official takes his or her responsibilities seriously. The oath serves as a solemn commitment and confirmation that the oath taker will strive to do their best to perform the required duties of the office. Two student winners of this years essay contests have been announced. KLee Bryant is the winner for the northern divisions of the Court, with courthouses in Knoxville and Greeneville, and Lisa Lin is the winner for the southern divisions of the Court, with courthouses in Chattanooga and Winchester. KLee Bryant is a 2021 graduate of Greeneville High School and the daughter of Melissa Bryant. She will attend Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee, in the fall, where she plans to major in history. She also hopes to study foreign languages and computer science. Lisa Lin is a rising tenth grader at Signal Mountain High School. Lisa was born in Chattanooga after her parents immigrated to the United States from China. She has won local spelling bees, is a track athlete, and aspires to being a doctor or a lawyer. Each winner received either a cash prize of $500 or an iPod and case. This was a weighty topic our two winners took on. They deserve our congratulations. Curtis L. Collier United States District Judge Chair, Eastern District of Tennessee Civics and Outreach Committee Carrie Brown Stefaniak Law Clerk to the Honorable Curtis L. Collier Immediate Past President, Chattanooga Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Eliza L. Taylor Law Clerk to the Honorable Curtis L. Collier We'll keep you connected with all the updated local news and information about what's happening in Cheatham County! Click Here to Subscribe! Mzi Zee Dempers from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6 surprised fans with his coy remark that he hooked up for a while with Georgia Grobler from Below Deck Sailing Yacht. Did they date, or are they just friends who fooled around? Dempers told Showbiz Cheat Sheet how the two met and if they were a couple. Zee Dempers and Georgia Grobler didnt meet in yachting Dempers said hes known Grobler since 2017. I wouldnt say it was necessarily dating, but it was like hooking up every now and then over a period of time, he said. Despite both having a career in yachting, Dempers said they met on land. Below Deck Mediterraneans Mzi Zee Dempers season 6 cast photo | Laurent Basset/Bravo She was a formal date of mine, he recalled. Its just something that we do back here in South Africa. Its like you live with a whole bunch of people and then have a big dinner. And then your friends invite your date for you. Grobler shared photos from a few events with Dempers on Instagram. T For Trouble, 5 For Change, she shared. Georgia Grobler of Below Deck Sailing and Zee Dempers compared Below Deck seasons Dempers said he and Grobler got busy with life and hadnt talked in a while. We didnt speak much before the actual show, he recalled. Obviously, trying to keep everything under the wraps. But then we reconnected afterward and sort of spoke about the experience afterward. Once Dempers got the green light from producers to talk about his experience, he and Grobler compared notes. We basically spoke about the differences in our seasons, he said. Grobler appeared on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 1 and was a stew on Parsifal III. Dempers was a deckhand on motor yacht Lady Michelle, which ironically, was docked next to Parsifal III during Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 filming. RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6 Cast: Fans Can Expect a Really Good Fking Time This Season Dempers is also seen kissing stew Courtney Veale in the Below Deck Med Season 6 teasers. But Dempers wouldnt spill. I cant give spoilers, he laughed. I think that all unfolds on the show. Below Deck Med was a new yachting experience for Zee Dempers Any advice and even comparing notes was probably welcome as Dempers revealed he was relatively green. So Ive done basic yachting in South Africa, he said. Nothing overseas. I worked on a smaller boat, like a 25 meter in Cape Town. So obviously a smaller crew, not really leaving the port much at all. And then after that I worked on a bigger 70 meter, he continued. But that also didnt leave ports. Just basic wash downs, not anything special. So this is definitely the first of its kind for me in terms of back-to-back charters. And everything being super intense. And being in Europe as opposed to South Africa. I think that makes a big difference. When I realize Ive been talking for the past minute and a half on mute #BelowDeckMed pic.twitter.com/urMFrHP5Xe Bravo (@BravoTV) June 29, 2021 RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6 Hasnt Premiered on Bravo but Fans Are Already Hooked So I think thats why I was very, very nervous going in, he laughed. So its a big difference as to what would happen back here. Dempers soon learned he had a strong support from both his deck team and also bosun Malia White. I definitely felt like I learned huge amounts, he said. And Im so, so grateful for the experience. It really was an amazing, amazing time, such incredible individuals. It taught me a lot about myself and I guess sort of like believing in yourself and trying to work towards a better direction. So I feel like it was all fairly positive. Below Deck Mediterranean airs on Mondays at 9 pm ET/PT. New episodes will be available on Peacock one week early on Mondays. Fixer Uppers Chip and Joanna Gaines have no shortage of celebrity fans. Jennifer Lopez, Cher, Ryan Reynolds, and Reese Witherspoon are among the stars whove confessed to being obsessed with the Texas couples down-home style and laid-back banter. Now, theres another name to add to that list: Matthew McConaughey. Matthew McConaughey praises Chip and Joanna Gaines Matthew McConaughey during an interview on August 6, 2020 | NBC Chip and Joanna appear on the cover of the June 30 issue of The Hollywood Reporter. The couple talk about the Magnolia Network, their surprising decision to quit Fixer Upper, and more. The article also includes comments from people who know the Gaines, as well as one high-profile fan and fellow Texan. McConaughey who also said he is considering a run for governor of the Lone Star State weighed in on what he likes about the one-time HGTV stars. What I admire about Chip and Joanna is their commitment to their family and community, the Oscar-winning actor wrote in an email to the magazine. As wide as the roots of their brand have expanded, those same roots have humbly grown deeper at the same time. The Fixer Upper stars were part of McConaugheys recent Were Texas benefit Joanna Gaines and Chip Gaines attend the Time 100 Gala 2019 | Sean Zanni/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images RELATED: Fixer Upper: Chip and Joanna Gaines Feel Sense of Insecurity and Anxiety Filming Spinoff McConaughey has always been proud of his Texas roots. So, perhaps its not surprising that hed have a soft spot for the couple who have transformed sleepy Waco into a tourist destination. In March 2021, he even tapped the pair to appear as guests at his Were Texas benefit. McConaughey organized the star-studded event to support Texans affected by the severe winter storms that hit the state in February. Were Texas featured performances by Clint Black, Kacey Musgraves, Miranda Lambert, and Willie Nelson (among others) and appearances from Megan Thee Stallion, Troy Aikman, Woody Harrelson, Renee Zellweger, and more. We are all rallying together to try to do the best we can to help all of the people affected by these events the last few weeks, because together, we are Texas, Chip said during a virtual appearance at the event (via YouTube). The True Detective star once lived in an Airstream trailer McConaughey currently lives in a $6 million mansion in Austin with his wife, Camila Alves, and their kids. But at one point, he traveled (and occasionally lived in), an Airstream trailer. (It sounds like the perfect setup for a show on the Magnolia Network.) The actor talked about his trailer which he dubbed Canoe in a 2008 interview with Architectural Digest. The 2004 airstream, which he parked in an RV park in Malibu, was customized with a satellite dish, barbecue, and book rack. In addition to a living space, it also served as an office for his production company at one point. When he hit the road to promote his 2005 movie Sahara, he was towing the trailer. The trailers tiny bedroom has a great window right above your pillow, so when you wake up in the morning, youre looking right at the ocean or wherever your backyard is that day, he said. McConaughey even dreamed of setting up an Airstream hotel. [O]ne day Ill have either an Airstream hotel or an Airstream compound, he said. I dont know where itll be yet, but the thing about Airstreams is you feel a little bad for em if you got em parked too long and the axles arent spinning, you know, because theyre built for the road. Check out Showbiz Cheat Sheet on Facebook! RELATED: Inside Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves Sprawling $6 Million Mansion in Austin, Texas NCIS: Hawaii is filming on the island of Oahu, with Larry Teng in the directors chair for the pilot episode. Hes also the spinoffs executive producer, and Teng is starting to share some details about what fans can expect when the series premieres this fall. According to the Queens native, NCIS: Hawaii is a love letter to the Aloha State and to the US Navy. The cast of NCIS: Hawaii | Karen Neal/CBS via Getty Images The NCIS: Hawaii EP is making sure the Hawaiian community is being represented properly As a producer and director of NCIS: Hawaii, Teng told Daily Hawaii that his goal is to be a role model for both the Pacific Islander and Asian-American communities in Hollywood. Now that Im back (in Hawaii), I feel like I have a responsibility to make sure that the community here, the people, the crew, that theyre all represented properly, you know?, Teng said. He explained that Hawaii Five-0 was a cop show with two white leads that was on CBS for 10 years. While Magnum PI is currently filming in the Hawaiian Islands with a Latino lead. Now were coming in, weve got two Asian leads. I think its important that the crew can work on something that they kind of get behind, Teng added. Local Hawaiian culture is important both on and off-screen The latest NCIS spinoff is using locals as extras. The goal is to have all kinds of inclusion, according to Shayne Hartigan of Alessi Hartigan Casting. Im so excited. We really want to get all, all kinds of inclusion in on this project, so of course, you know, the military, the HPD presence, but also the local community and shop owners and restaurateurs and anybody possible, Hartigan said. Meanwhile, Teng has made it clear that the local Hawaiian culture will be a big part of NCIS: Hawaii, both on-screen and off. According to a tweet from Reel News Hawaii, the cast and crew didnt begin filming the new series until after they received a traditional Hawaiian blessing. NCIS: Hawaii EP says the spinoff is a love letter to Hawaii While speaking with Daily Hawaii about the tone of the new spinoff, the first thing Teng noted was that its a love letter to the Navy. As fans know, NCIS stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the series is first and foremost about the US Navy. Teng also pointed out that the series is a love letter to Hawaii. Will #NCISHawaii live up to all the hype? Here's what we're hoping for in season 1. #NCIS https://t.co/jGRNjrxNCT Showbiz Cheat Sheet (@cheatsheet) June 30, 2021 This is a love letter to the Navy, Teng said. But its a love letter to Hawaii, too, you know, and I gotta make sure we protect that. And, you know, its one of the things we stress about every day. Vanessa Lachey is the series lead The latest NCIS spinoff will bring new faces to the franchise, with Vanessa Lachey leading the team as Special Agent In Charge Jane Tennant. According to Lachey, shes not taking lightly the fact that shes the first female lead in the NCIS universe. The 40-year-old says shes excited to bring a different layer to the role. And, she hopes to inspire the next generation of young girls and women. My character Jane Tennant is Special Agent in Charge of NCIS. Shes the mother of a 15-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl. And, that is real life. Juggling life, and love, and work, Lachey said in the first-look trailer released earlier this year. NCIS: Hawaii will air on Monday nights CBS has yet to announce a premiere date for NCIS: Hawaii. But we do know that when it hits the airwaves this fall, it will be part of the networks Monday night lineup. The spinoff will get the 9 p.m. (EST) time slot, following the flagship series NCIS. RELATED: Will Mark Harmons Agent Gibbs Appear on NCIS: Hawaii? The network moved NCIS from its home of 18 years Tuesday night at 8 p.m. (EST) to Monday night at 8 p.m. (EST) to make room for their rebranded FBI Tuesdays. Police arrested Josh Duggar in April 2021 on suspicion that he obtained child sexual abuse images. Now, fans of the Duggar family wonder whats next for Josh and the rest of the Counting On cast. More recently, new reports noted Josh left his place of residence, where he lives with Anna Duggar and their six kids, to stay at a family friends home and the police visited the new place already. Heres why. Wheres Josh Duggar now? Hes staying with family friends following his arrest Josh Duggars mug shot in 2021 | Washington County Sheriffs Office via Getty Images Josh Duggars arrest shocked Duggar family fans and followers. In April 2021, police arrested him on suspicion of downloading child sexual abuse images in 2019. Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Gerald Faulkner alleged the material in question was downloaded on a computer at Joshs workplace. Joshs trial is currently set for November 2021, Fox News reports. In the meantime, Josh must follow a number of rules. Hes restricted to the home at all times, though he cant stay with his wife, Anna, and their children. Instead, he lives with a third-party custodian. The police also monitor Josh via GPS to ensure he follows the rules. As for who hes staying with, Josh currently resides with Lacount and Maria Reber in Elkins, Arkansas. The couple reportedly has a beautiful, large property on nine acres of land. Police showed up at Josh Duggars new residence due to alleged suspicious activity from outsiders The Duggar family visits Extra at their New York studios | D Dipasupil/Getty Images for Extra It looks like Duggar family fans and critics want to know exactly whats going on with Josh. And some are going out of their way to see where the Rebers live. According to CinemaBlend, police were called to Josh Duggars new location just two days after he moved in with the Rebers. The person who called the police noted they saw a suspicious car on the property. I dont feel safe, the caller told the police in captured audio. So, who was in the car? The publication notes the police talked to the person driving in the vehicle, and they explained they were a media person. They didnt give any other explanation for their existence on the property. It looks like Jim Bob worries for Joshs safety during this time, too, as outsiders likely have an interest in the current happenings. Jim Bob is doing everything he can for Josh, and hes worried about the attention on him and the family, a source told The Sun, according to CinemaBlend. Hes concerned about photographers in town covering the case, and anyone who might want to hurt Josh because of the crimes hes accused of. Jim Bob Duggar allegedly offered to build a fence on the property for protection Acting U.S. Attorney David Clay Fowlkes has denied Duggar's request to delay his trial until 2022, but did not oppose waiting until the fall of 2021. https://t.co/pCMbHzthwR THV11 (@THV11) June 22, 2021 So, how can Jim Bob help Josh during this troubling time? The Sun claimed the Duggar family patriarch planned on building a fence to protect the property and offer Josh more privacy from the outside world. So far, its unclear if Jim Bob followed through with this alleged plan. As for Anna and her and Joshs six kids, it looks like they still reside on Duggar family property. But Anna reportedly visits Josh at the Reber household. Josh can visit with his kids under certain circumstances, too, though someone authorized, like Anna, must stay present. Will Josh have even more unwelcome visitors at his new place? Only time will tell. How to get help: If you or someone you know has been sexually abused, text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 for free and confidential support. Check out Showbiz Cheat Sheet on Facebook! RELATED: Josh Duggars Case Now Involves a Protective Order What Does That Mean? Former rivals Aneesa Ferreira and Ruthie Alcaide returned for The Challenge: All-Stars, where they butt heads again. The two reignited their beef several months after filming in an Instagram comment section, where Ruthie accused Aneesa of threatening her and aggressively following her around the house. Reality TV personalities Syrus Yarbrough (L) and Ruthie Alcaide attend the Reality Rushmore: Paramount + MTV The Challenge Reunion Event | Paul Archuleta/Getty Images Aneesa Ferreira and Ruthie Alcaide butt heads during The Challenge: All Stars The Challenge legends Aneesa Ferreira and Ruthie Alcaide returned for spinoff All-Stars, marking the first time the two competed together since 2009s The Duel 2. During that season, Ruthie felt Aneesa aligned with a group that ostracized and targeted her. Additionally, Aneesa ended up going against Ruthie to serve her best interests, admitting shed always look out for herself first in a confessional. Before the two returned for the spinoff, they revealed they werent happy to see each other in the house during pre-season interviews due to their shaky past. Me trying to piece together wtf happened with Aneesa and Ruthie #TheChallengeAllStars pic.twitter.com/E3sCUSp243 att arcello (@matt_marcello) April 16, 2021 RELATED: The Challenge: All Stars: Aneesa Ferreira Allegedly Threatened to Throw an Elimination In episode 3 of All-Stars, their tension boiled over as Aneesa spoke about Ruthie outside to other cast members, referring to the Real World: Hawaii star as a mess and paranoid. Ruthie apparently overhead and walked outside, where she angrily confronted Aneesa. However, the 14-season veteran shrugged it off as a projection and ignored her co-star. Ruthie claims Aneesa aggressively followed her around the house During the after-show following the episode, Aneesa claimed the heated exchange began because Ruthie got paranoid after she gave her a look. Ruthie later acknowledged the interaction on her Instagram Story answering fans questions. One viewer asked if the Real World star apologized. While Ruthie didnt specifically answer, she said the two talked it over at the hotel following filming. Another person wondered if they made up, and she noted theyre sisters off and on but still doesnt trust her. OMG the finale is next week of #TheChallengeAllStars I cannot wait and I rooting for these 2 @ChallengeMTV @mtvrrdarrell @PlanetRuthie PS @fessyfitness take note of this #teamwork OMG Ruthie grinning away I love it pic.twitter.com/QJPxOtrap0 Victoria (@vshonuff) May 14, 2021 She explained the other co-stars dont know what happened between her and Aneesa in the past and admitted it shouldve stayed behind them. However, the two went at it again a month later in an Instagram comment section. Replying to a clip showing Yes Duffys confessional, Ruthie told him he didnt understand the backstory of their falling out. Aneesa responded, claiming the Real World: Hawaii star didnt correctly recall the night in question and that she knows my truth. In response, Ruthie posted a lengthy comment, writing Aneesa aggressively followed her several times around the house and accused the reality star of threatening to ruin me in interviews. Aneesa then deleted her initial response and replied to now this is just silly to the most recent comment. Beth Stolarczyk joined in the conversation Co-star Jisela Delgado, who also fell out with the 14-season veteran during All-Stars, backed Ruthie, responding to her comment, Tell your truth. Dont let anyone gaslight you. A fan page reposted screenshots of the exchange, and Beth Stolarczyk also voiced support for the Hawaii alum. She noted shes team Ruthie and claimed Aneesa tried to silence her. As this season of #TheChallengeAllStars comes to a close, Aftermath host @DevynSimone asks which OG's would you like to see back on your 's. Who you got? pic.twitter.com/b9LpybFCQW The Challenge (@ChallengeMTV) May 21, 2021 RELATED: The Challenge: Beth Stolarczyk Says She Quit Gauntlet 2 Because Aneesa Ferreira Bullied Her Beth encouraged the reality star to keep speaking your truth and said the veteran has done many things to hurt other people. Aneesa hasnt responded to Jisela and Beths comments as of yet. The Challenge: All-Stars airs on Paramount Plus. A private family graveside service will be held for Wayne Robnett at the Marlow Cemetery in Marlow, OK. Wayne passed away on June 18, 2021 at the age of 83 in his home in Chickasha, Oklahoma with his family at his side after battling cancer. Wayne was born on June 4, 1938 in Oklahoma City, O This isnt the first time our planet has faced a terrifying pandemic. Its not even the first time in recent memory for many Americans. First, there was the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Then, in 2014, the Ebola scourge started to plague West Africa. Its also not the first time that ordinary people have distrusted the information disseminated by elected officials and even international NGOs. Just like today, the spread of misinformation during previous outbreaks left many wondering whether to trust the medical authorities. As our public health authorities today struggle to overcome vaccine hesitancy among certain U.S. populations, especially white evangelicals, we have to ask ourselves: what can we learn from the way previous pandemics were handled that might help us fight COVID-19 and overcome vaccine hesitancy? Vaccine hesitancy today is endemic to the white evangelical church. Despite the fact that 89% of church leaders are willing to urge their congregation to get the vaccine, the number of white evangelicals who are determined not to get it is still alarmingly high. What could be driving this high-rate of vaccine hesitancy? White evangelicals seem to have allowed secular distrust and institutional prejudice to bleed into a matter of health, something that should never have been politically polarised in the first place. But if theres one thing past pandemics have taught us, its that we can and must change minds by combating this kind of politicization and distrust of health measures. World Relief, a global Christian humanitarian nongovernmental organization, was on the ground floor during the Ebola crisis in Africa. Charles Franzen, director of World Reliefs humanitarian and disaster response, reported that harmful beliefs about Ebola were one of the major drivers of distrust and misinformation in sub-Saharan Africa. Franzen reported confusion and distrust of Western medicine, particularly among rural sub- Saharan African populations who relied on traditional healers. In fact, ancestral funeral and burial rites in which mourners were bathed in or anointed with water rinsed from corpses contributed to the spread of the disease. Thats because Ebola is transmitted by contact with infected body fluids as well as contact with contaminated surfaces. World Relief and other groups in the area quickly learned that an effective response to the Ebola public health crisis depended on both medical intervention and also behavioral change. But behavioral change needs change-makers. Aware that many of the populations they served were skeptical of government leaders and nonprofit groups practicing Western medicine, World Relief turned to the most highly-trusted institutions in many communities to communicate reliable information: the churches. As Jean Nyandwi, country director for World Relief in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said, A pastor, or Gods servant, is a messenger of a Holy God. Explaining why a pastor might be more respected in the community than elected officials, Nyandwi added, He is trustworthy, a person of integrity. By turning to local church leaders today in the U.S., we can similarly build relationships of trust that can undo harmful beliefs by educating for behavioral change. Already this same approach has had success in combating COVID-19 globally. World Reliefs Church Empowerment Zone networks have become leaders in messaging campaigns about COVID-19 in many vulnerable communities. Church volunteers go door to door to educate the community about COVID-19. These Christians have done what the government, alone, could not. As Nyandwi explained, they relayed government preventive measures to church members and observed them. Both by modeling safe practices and distributing the best information in their own communities, these Christian volunteers have helped curb the spread of COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its the same strategy many African churches used to save lives during Ebola outbreaks and the same one that delivered life-saving information about how to prevent HIV/AIDS. In a crisis similar to what were facing today, the churches were able to help communicate effectively about life-saving measures that could turn the tide. The effort is spearheaded by those at the top, but it needs to penetrate the lower levels of the church in order to sway a cultural opinion. While many influential evangelical leaders, like Franklin Graham, have publicly spoken in favour of the vaccine it is also necessary for local pastors and church leaders to emphasise the importance of caring for others through protecting their health. The life-saving strategies and campaigns that were modeled by African churches, and that are now modeled by other faith communities in the U.S., provide a way forward for white American evangelicals to also be part of the vaccine solution that were making great progress toward as a country now. Subscribe to email digests from the Better Samaritan. Franzen offered a word of hope to Americans, If amazing change can happen in the most disadvantaged countries, with a deadlier disease, and in the face of challenging cultural obstacles, we can conquer this new virus. As vaccines are now broadly available, we hope the white evangelical church, which we are part of, will press forward in this race away from disease and toward loving our neighbors through safety. That race is on in white evangelical churches educating for right behavior. Kent Annan is director of Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership at Wheaton College, where he leads an M.A. program as part of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute. Jamie Aten is the founder and executive director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute and Blanchard Chair of Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership at Wheaton College. In the pre-dawn hours of May 15, 1918, Private Henry Johnson was pulling sentry duty with Private Needham Roberts in a French trench that faced the German line just west of the Argonne Forest. Johnson and Roberts were members of the 369th Infantry Regiment from New York. The 369th, known as the Harlem Hellfighters, was an African American regiment, one of the first led by Black officers and NCOs in the US Army. The regiment had joined the French line as replacements, and its soldiers were given French equipment to face German front-line veterans of four years of trench warfare. At 2 a.m., Johnson and Roberts heard German trench raiders clipping wire, preparing to surprise the Allied troops, spread mayhem, and seize prisoners in hopes of gathering intelligence. Johnson started throwing grenades into the darkness, toward the sound of the Germans, while Roberts ran back to the main line to alert the French. In the melee that followed, Johnson expended all of his grenades and grappled with the Germans in hand-to-hand combat, armed with a 14-inch bolo knife. He killed four Germans, plunging his knife into the head of one of them, and wounded 20 more, all while sustaining over 20 gunshot wounds. He also saved the severely wounded Roberts from being taken prisoner. From then on, the 369th never lost a man to capture. It endured more uninterrupted combat time than any American regiment in the war, and its fighters were the first to reach the Rhine. Johnson and Roberts were also the first American privates to receive the Croix de Guerre from the French government in World War I. But when Johnson returned home to Jim Crow America, his discharge papers did not mention anything about his combat record. He received no disability pay, and he was unable to return to his pre-war work as a railroad porter. He died in 1929 at 32 years of age, largely forgotten. But in 1996, President Bill Clinton awarded him the Purple Heart. In 2001, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. And in 2015, President Barack Obama bestowed on him the Congressional Medal of Honor. Reason and love Johnsons biography, along with recent efforts to recover the memory of his valiant service, stands as a testament to the uniqueness of American patriotism. Yale University political science professor Steven B. Smith explains the essence of this patriotism in his new book Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes. One of the salient features of American patriotism is its willingness to reflect on Americas failures as well as its glories. As Smith writes, Patriotism can be self-critical. Consider the belated recognition of war heroes who had been overlooked due to their race, but were then awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor decades after their actions. What does this demonstrate, other than an enlarged conception of who belongs in the American family? American patriotism, according to Smith, should be sharply distinguished from the extremes of national self-hatred, cosmopolitanism that naively universalizes humanity, and a nationalism that breeds dangerous divisiveness and suspicion. Patriotism, unlike these intemperate attitudes, is found in a blend of reason and love. As Smith defines it, patriotism is an expression of our highest ideals and commitments, not only to what we are, but also to what we might be. In a cultural moment marked by divisions surrounding issues of race, class, sexuality, gender identity, religion, economic disparities, and a host of other challenges, Smiths book is deeply necessary. How can a nation like the United States cohere without a set of fundamentally shared ideals, hopes, symbols, texts, and mores? How can Americans avoid the lure of retreating into bunkers defined by various identities and communities that see themselves as pure and others as wicked? How to we resist the intuitive tendency to ignore our faults and exaggerate our triumphs? How do we embrace the demands our country makes on us while at the same time attending to global responsibilities that surpass national boundaries, like championing universal human rights and caring for the environment? In a short but lucid and thoughtful work, Smith considers these questions with care and offers Americans a path forward through the maelstrom of partisan shouting that pervades social media, 24-hour news coverage, Hollywood, and even professional sports. Article continues below American patriotism is a loyalty that emerges from two methods of situating the nation in time. Conservative patriots tend to stress the elements of its past, such as the deeds and declarations of the founders. Progressive patriots are oriented toward the future, imagining what America can become when and if it will be true to its ideals. Both of these postures can lead to harmful thinkingconservatives can deify the nation, while progressives can repudiate its legitimacy. In the history of American exceptionalism, most conceptions of national identity have been progressive. The Puritans looked ahead to the millennium; revolutionary patriots believed they had it in their power to make the world anew; heralds of Manifest Destiny considered theirs the great nation of futurity; Wilsonian idealists hoped to make the world safe for democracy. Since the late 1970s, however, most expressions of American exceptionalism have been conservative, in that they were more oriented to recovering the past. Todays Christian nationalists usually cast a narrative of decline: Our founding was noble, but we have lost our way morally, and we must return to the right path. Genuine patriotism calls the citizen to a loyalty that Smith frequently analogizes to the relationships within a family. We love our family members, and we prefer them to others, but that love does not necessitate hatred for, or apathy toward, members of other families. As with our families, we think of our country in neither idealistic nor fatalistic terms. Our nation, just like our family, has its assets, its defects, and everything in between. But our nation, as our family, is made up of our people. We have a history that shapes our understanding of contemporary times, and we have a future in which our collective hopes are rooted. As Smith describes it, Patriotism is rooted in a rudimentary, even primordial love of ones own; the customs, habits, manners, and traditions that makes us who and what we are. Interestingly, ours is not the only generation that has needed voices to give guidance on what healthy patriotism (or enlightened patriotism, as Smith puts it) entails. Americans in all times have looked to examples and guidesJefferson, Tocqueville, Lincoln, Anthony, Douglass, Parks, and King, for example. Smith looks to Lincoln as the quintessential enlightened patriot, rightly commending his patriotism as an example to follow. The features of Lincolns patriotismegalitarianism, aspirationalism, and inclusivenessare timeless. They are also necessary to the survival, establishment, and extension of American founding ideals. In this way, enlightened patriotism needs an orientation both to the past and to the future. This dual orientation fosters the kind of loyalty necessary for patriotism. Loyalty, as Smith argues, is an affirmation of what we care about, and our cares are not momentary whims or desires but a structure of loyalties. Article continues below To what are we loyal, and how do we express loyalty to our nation? Here is where Smiths argument is truly worth the price of the book. He describes patriotism as constitutional loyalty. We feel and express loyalty to the people of the United States as our own people, but also to the constitutional democracy under which our society and government are ordered. The result is a combination of heart and mind directed toward love for the nation, and an actively cultivated habit of engagement with one another through political and civic association. When we engage our hearts and minds in love and loyalty to the nation, we find ourselves taking joy and pleasure in the nations achievements, but we also confront its failures head on. We are shamed by them. And as Smith reminds us, We are not shamed about things to which we have no emotional connection. Pride and shame are the two sides of loyalty, and patriotism is inconceivable without them. Vigilance and hope Take the example of Henry Johnson. There are lessons we can learn about Smiths enlightened patriotism in the example he set through his actions. There is also instruction we can take from the years after Johnson returned to the United States when the war was over, and the years after his death. Johnson went to fight for a nation that regarded him as a second-class citizen, one that victimized him on the basis of his skin color. He was willing to die for that country and its ideals, considering them his own. It is reasonable to believe that he considered Americans he had never met his people, and he fought alongside his fellow soldiers in the 369th, saving their lives by offering his own in their place. This is loyalty of the highest order. But Johnsons country did not requite that loyalty upon his return. It continued to treat him as a second-class citizen, neglecting him in his suffering after the war. It would be easy to point to the example of Henry Johnson as evidence that America is irredeemable, that its faults and flaws are unforgiveable, and that its ideals are nothing more than rank hypocrisy. How perfect an episode to demonstrate for all time that Americas promise is reserved only for white people. But Johnsons own son was surprised to learn that his fathers body had not been kicked into a paupers grave in 1929. The Army had buried him with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery. And while condemning the injustice of neglecting his service and sacrifice is absolutely warranted, we must observe that Americans came around to doing what they could to rectify that injustice. In additional to the posthumous awards he received, Johnson is now memorialized in the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon. Should Johnson have received the appropriate honors in 1920 rather than 2015? Assuredly, yes. But American patriotism is morally aspirational, self-reflective, and self-correcting. Patriots recognize their flaws and sins, and they resolve to learn from those sins. They do not overcorrect, nor do they abandon hope in the ideals established in the founding documents, those ideals that define the essential nature of the republic. Gratitude is at the heart of patriotism, and as Smith rightly states: Anyone who shares hope for America and faith in America may participate. Patriotism takes vigilance, but patriotism ultimately yields blessings that are reflected in the nations hopes and aspirations. Smiths book is a word of encouragement, especially for those who may be tempted to give up hope in America. His is a needed light while we walk together on a dark path. John D. Wilsey teaches church history at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Gods Cold Warrior: The Life and Faith of John Foster Dulles. We live in a time of social upheaval, and social upheaval is fertile soil for conspiracy theories. Most of them are based on error and misinformation, and some can be downright dangerous. The ones that ensnared me in the turbulent 1960s drew me into racial hatred and political extremism and led to a shootout with police that killed an accomplice and very nearly killed meall in the name of Christian patriotism. My story is just one of many that ended in tragedy. Back then, conspiracy theories were on the margins of society, but today, with the advent of the internet, they are proliferating. They have moved mainstream and now into the church, where low levels of biblical literacy and high levels of cultural seduction make people more vulnerable. Some conspiracy theories are relatively harmless, like the idea that the moon landing was faked. Others, like the theories I believed, are dangerous. By intensifying fear, anger, and hatred, they led to violence. The most common conspiracy theories today are not as violent as before but can still deceive and lead people astray with serious consequences. QAnon, a right-wing theory that believes former President Donald Trump was fighting an underground ring of Satan-worshiping pedophiles, is probably the most popular right now and is making significant inroads in our culture and the church. Recent research from the American Enterprise Institute shows that 25 percent of white evangelicals affirm part or all of the QAnon conspiracy theory. QAnon makes frequent use of scriptural references and eschatological allusions, giving it unmerited credibility and even leading some ministries to propose a merger of QAnon and Christianity. The Institute for Strategic Dialogue reports that QAnon grew by more than 175 percent on Facebook alone in 2020. Professing Christians who believe these theories are on the dangerous thorny ground Jesus described in Matthew 13:22, where, as William Hendriksen puts it, Constant anxiety about worldly affairs fill mind and heart with dark foreboding. Instead of being eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace through humility, gentleness, patience, and love (Eph. 4:23), they produce the works of the flesh, fostering dissensions and divisions that cause believers to take sides, argue, and fight with one another (Gal. 5:20). When things reach this point, the Devil has succeeded in using his age-old tools of deception and division to disrupt the church, and it underscores Peters caution that whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved (2 Pet. 2:19, ESV throughout). How do conspiracy theories begin? Some originate from the noetic effects of sinflawed thinking. But others originate with the god of this world, who blinds the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ (2 Cor. 4:4). The Devils lies and deception began with Adam and Eve, and conspiracy theories were widespread as far back as Isaiahs day (Isa. 8:1113). In the New Testament, Jesus warned his followers concerning his second coming: See that no one leads you astray (Matt. 24:4; Mark 13:5). Paul urged believers to Let no one deceive you with empty words (Eph. 5:6) and Let no one deceive you in any way (2 Thess. 2:3). John says, Little children, let no one deceive you (1 John. 3:7). Unfortunately, I was not alert and on guard in the 1960s. As a teenager, I was a patriotic kid who attended a large Southern Baptist church, but I became deeply disoriented by the social upheaval around me and angered by the federally mandated desegregation of my high school and local public facilities. The world that I had grown up in was being turned upside down. Article continues below In the midst of the chaos, I stumbled onto some propaganda that was distributed at my school and later met those who were behind it. Their explanation for what was happening revolved around conspiracy theories that made sense to me at the time. They taught the superiority of white people and that a shadowy group of powerful Jews were conspiring to corrupt Christianity, undermine America, and take control of the world. The situation was dire, they said, and patriotic Americans needed to act before it was too late. This was the 1960s version of extreme Christian nationalism. Hitler used the same core ideas in Germany, and many millions died as a result. That was the hook that drew me down the rabbit hole, the beginning of a downward spiral of indoctrination and deception that eventually led me into terrorist activity, two shootouts with law enforcement, the death of two accomplices, and a 35-year sentence in prison. As in my high school years, the cultural, racial, and political turmoil we are experiencing today has created a swirling vortex that is psychologically disorienting and deeply unsettling for many people. This arouses fear about the future and a search for answers and solutions. A search for answersfor truth and realityis not bad in itself; we are living in turbulent times and people should be concerned. However, we must be alert to and on guard against falling for simple answers to complex issues, which is the specialty of conspiracy theories. Is it possible to help family, friends, or colleagues who are attracted to ideologies like Christian nationalism and conspiracy theories like QAnon? I believe it is. We can start by asking God to help us love the person, seek their good, and be an agent of his grace in their life. Then, we can ask the Holy Spirit to make us usableto help us recognize and repent of any sinful attitudes toward the person: self-righteousness, pride, or arrogance because we see the truth and they dont; or frustration, impatience, or anger because they resist facts, reality, and truth. These and other wrong attitudes can sabotage our efforts from the start. Next, we need to remember that with QAnon we are in a battle with the forces of spiritual darkness. The deceitful spirits and teachings of demons that Paul warned Timothy about in the first century are just as prevalent today (1 Tim. 4:1). Personal prayer and even fasting are essential in this battle. Pray for insight, discernment, and wisdom, and be alert to any ideas from the Holy Spirit. We may also need to recruit others to join in prayer. Unknown to me, a group of godly women prayed weekly for two years for my deliverance and salvation. This type of spiritual battle also requires us to do our homework. Articles and podcasts from credible sources are readily available. Learn from those who have experience in dealing with what you will face. Identify the weak points and vulnerabilities in your interlocutors belief system. (Many people have found Steven Hassans work helpful.) That will enable you to discern from the start how deeply the person is ensnared. People are scattered all along the spectrum, from the hardcore to the marginally involved. Hardcore ideologues are the most difficult to work with and may require deeper study and the support of others. The marginally involved person may see the ideology or conspiracy theory as perhaps plausible, but they are not so convinced and alarmed by it that they are committed to action. They can often be reasoned with through friendly dialogue. Conversations must be carried on with Christlike humility and with gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15). This is crucial to gain a hearing and maintain a good relationshipwithout which there is no possibility of having a positive influence. Show respect and seek to build trust by patiently listening to their ideas (no matter how bizarre). Seek to understand them well enough that they agree that you correctly understand their position. For every hour you are together, spend 50 minutes listening. Article continues below Dont be impatient and attempt to rush the process of relationship building and dialogue. It may take a number of sessions before you start to see progress. Arguments or debates almost never work in this type of situation. Instead, follow Pauls advice to Timothy: The Lords servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will (2 Tim. 2:2426). If you have done your homework, you will be prepared for opportunities to gently ask questions that expose errors of fact or reasoning. Jesus often used questions to penetrate defenses and prompt self-examination. Keep alert for the underlying attraction for the person. Often, it is connected to a deep need. Both Christian nationalism and QAnon have cultish characteristics. Many people enter a cult because it fitted with what they were looking for and lacked in normal society says Eileen Barker, a sociologist and researcher at the London School of Economics. Meaningful community is often part of what people are looking for in extremist groups. If you are in a healthy church with sound biblical preaching and vibrant community life, invite them to come visit as your guest. And get some of your friends to connect with them. Engaging with a community of joyful, devoted followers of Jesus is in effect immersing oneself in his light, truth, and love. The Holy Spirit can do wonders in such an environment. Finally, Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil (Eph. 6:1018), and keep reminding yourself that nothing is impossible with God. If he could save a deeply misguided, violent religious terrorist like Saul of Tarsus, or someone like me, he can save anyone. Thomas Tarrants is the president emeritus of the C. S. Lewis Institute and author of Consumed by Hate, Redeemed by Love. Speaking Out is Christianity Todays guest opinion column and (unlike an editorial) does not necessarily represent the opinion of the publication. NSA denies Tucker Carlson's claim that agency is spying to take him off the air Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Fox News host Tucker Carlson is reiterating his claim that the National Security Agency is spying on him as the intelligence agency has denied his earlier claim that it is targeting him in an effort to take him off the air. The broadcast journalist first asserted Monday that the Biden administration was snooping on him. He said an intelligence community whistleblower told him he was aware of the content in private exchanges that only Carlson would know. He further alleged that the NSA was spying on his teams electronic communications and was planning to leak them to remove his show from the air. Carlson insisted again on Tuesday that the government was surveilling him and said that a statement from the NSA contesting his assertion did not deny his specific claims. The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on that could have only come directly from my texts and emails, Carlson stressed Tuesday. Theres no other possible source for that information, period, he said, noting that he had a conversation with NSA officials Tuesday that was Orwellian. In a statement, the NSA said that the Fox News broadcaster was not targeted for surveillance. The statement stressed that Carlson's claim that the NSA is "monitoring our communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air" is "untrue." Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air, the agency stressed. "NSA has a foreign intelligence mission. We target foreign powers to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. With limited exceptions (e.g. an emergency), NSA may not target a US citizen without a court order that explicitly authorizes the targeting." Speaking with journalists aboard Air Force One Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed the NSAs statement when asked about Carlson's claim. She noted that the agency is an entity that focuses on foreign threats and individuals who are attempting to do us harm on foreign soil. So that is their purview. But beyond that, I would point you to the intelligence community, Psaki said. Carlson was not moved by the NSA's response. He claimed that the agency's statement did not answer the main question: "Did the Biden administration ready my personal emails?" "That's the question was asked to NSA officials when we spoke to them in a very heated conversation. Again, they refused to say," Carlson said. "Then, they refused to explain why they couldn't answer that simple question: 'We can't tell you and we can't tell you why we can't tell you.'" "The message was clear: 'We can do whatever we want. We can read your personal texts. We can read your personal emails. We can send veiled threats your way to brush you back if we don't like your politics. We can do anything. We are our own country and there is literally nothing you can do about it. We are in charge, you're not.' Orwellian does not begin to describe the experience. It is like living in China." The ways intelligence agencies can surveil people domestically in an era of increased international terrorism remains a point of consternation among civil libertarians who often argue against government overreach. Civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillon explained on Carlsons show Tuesday that several ways exist for the NSA to defend its actions, particularly since the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The military-industrial complex and the national security apparatus have justified their activities by saying that they are focusing on foreigners, but any data gathered from U.S. citizens is deemed "incidental," Dhillon said. If theyre able to get a surveillance order on an individual, what theyre able to do is scoop up all of the people who reach out to that person, text them even without any predicate. So thats really where its at; thats a huge dragnet, she said. When these questionable security agency actions are challenged in court, she said cases last many years with no meaningful resolution. Dhillon subsequently noted on social media that the NSAs statement asserting Carlson was not a target does not mean it did not read his text messages and emails. She contends the rest of the statement is deceptive trust me" theater. Singapore churches team with gov't, tech companies to combat online radicalism Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The Catholic Church and religious and community organizations in Singapore have teamed up with the government and social media companies to help combat cyber radicalism and understand how to expand their online presence. Singapores Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth inaugurated the initiative last Saturday amid concerns over cyber indoctrination and radicalism, The Union of Catholic Asian News reports. Tech giants Facebook, Google, Twitter and TikTok will host three workshops from June to August to help churches and organizations strengthen their online presence and understand how to react to radical content posted online, especially when dealing with sensitive religious and racial issues. Twitter hosted its digital media workshop last week. The goal is to inform religious organizations on turning youth away from extremist content about race and religion that has permeated the internet, especially during the pandemic. Gina Goh, regional manager for Southeast Asia for International Christian Concern, a global religious persecution watchdog organization, commended this move in an email statement sent to The Christian Post. The pandemic has resulted in the increase of internet usage for people, Goh wrote. Unfortunately, extremism finds its entry to the internet users minds if the latter lack the ability to discern. Left unchecked, people will be radicalized and encouraged to take action against religious venues or people of faith. It is great to see the Singaporean government take necessary measures to educate local communities on the importance of filtering out terrorism and extremism online, she continued. Several cases of cyber-radicalism in Singapore spurred the initiative. The initiative comes following the arrest of a 16-year-old Chrisitan student in January accused of plotting attacks on two mosques to kill Muslims on the March anniversary of the Christchurch mosque shootings. The teen was arrested under the Internal Security Act. The student was reportedly influenced by the extremism of Australian Brenton Tarran, who killed 50 people in the New Zealand mosque in 2019. Abbas Ali Mohamed Anas, an ambassador of Roses for Peace, an interfaith youth platform, also believes this initiative is a step in the right direction. Without proper guidance and information to navigate this digital space, we face the risk of online radicalization and hate speech among our youth, he said, according to The Straits Times. We need to counter this worrying trend by facilitating conversations responsibly through messages of peace, love and harmony. Alvin Tan, minister of state for culture, community and youth, said that more people moving online during the pandemic has increased the risk of divisive content on social media. He called it a worrying trend that needs to be countered. "While social media has the power to divide, it also has the power to unite," Tan said, according to UCA News. "Our technology partners are working with us to positively influence online spaces so that we can grow common ground in our community." The Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore and the National Council of Churches in Singapore are among the organizations participating in the training sessions. Others include the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, the Taoist Federation and the Hindu Endowments Board. Facebook's head of public policy in Singapore, Clara Koh, said: "hate, intolerance and extremism are not what we want on Facebook." "They have no place, she said during the program's launch event. We believe that positive speech can be a bulwark against destructive speech. That's why we're here to help community organizations amplify their calls to action and effectively build bridges in the online space." Buddhism is the leading religion in Singapore, followed by Christianity, Islam, Taoism and Hinduism. The island country in Southeast Asia has a population of nearly 6 million people. UK-based Methodist Church votes to approve gay marriage, recognize cohabitating couples Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The Methodist Church of the United Kingdom passed resolutions to approve the blessing of same-sex unions and recognize cohabitating couples. The London-based Methodist Conference announced Wednesday that it has voted to confirm the resolutions at its gathering held in Birmingham. A report on marriage and relationships, God in Love Unites Us, was received by the Conference in 2019 and the local District Synods were asked to consider the provisional resolutions and report back to this years Conference, a statement detailed. The Conference received a report on the results of the local conferring which showed that 29 out of the 30 Synods confirmed support for the provisional resolutions. The conference voted 256-45 to allow its ministers to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies and for churches to be locations for such services. The Rev. Sonia Hicks, the conference's new president, said in a statement that the debate over the resolutions has been conducted with grace and mutual respect. As we move forward together after this historic day for our Church, we must remember to continue to hold each other in prayer, and to support each other respecting our differences, Hicks said. Regarding cohabitation, the conference approved a resolution stating that it recognises that the love of God is present either through informal cohabitation or a more formal commitment entered into publicly. As a Church we wish to celebrate that the love of God is present in these circumstances, even if that grace is not responded to or even discerned by the people concerned, continued the resolution. The Church has an important calling, therefore, to point to the presence of Gods love within such relationships, and to encourage people to respond to it in the renewing and deepening (by whatever means) of their commitment. The Rev. David Hull, chair of Methodist Evangelicals Together, a group that opposed the resolutions, called it a very sad day for the Methodist Church. It's heartbreaking really to see where we've come and the way in which we've got here, and many of us have wept over it, Hull said in an interview with Premier. In spite of these votes, there are many, many Methodists who still believe that Jesus offers a unique vision for life one that is rooted deeply in the Bible, that is better than the world has ever known, better than the world will ever know and that includes this teaching on marriage and relationships. Others have taken to social media to voice their support of the resolutions. "I am absolutely thrilled that the Methodist Conference has overwhelmingly voted to allow same-sex marriage in their churches," Jayne Ozanne, a gay Anglican evangelical activist and founder of the Ozanne Foundation, tweeted. "This reflects the significant shift that there has been amongst Christian attitudes in England." SBC Pres. Ed Litton apologizes for copying JD Greear sermon without credit Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Days after a video posted on YouTube highlighted similarities between separate sermons delivered by Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton and his predecessor, J.D. Greear, who both suggest that God appears to "whisper" about sexual sin in the Bible, Litton has apologized for not giving credit to Greear. Yesterday, some questions arose about a sermon I delivered in January 2020 on Romans 1, addressing the sin of homosexuality. Specifically, there were concerns about similarities with a sermon delivered by J.D. Greear a year earlier, Litton, the pastor of Redemption Church in Alabama, explained in a statement Saturday. I am sorry for not mentioning J.D.s generosity and ownership of these points. I should have given him credit as I shared these insights. The approximately seven-minute clip highlighting the similarities of the sermons delivered by Greear and Litton drew allegations of plagiarism and concerns about their theology on how sexual sins are treated in the Bible. Twice in a row, the Southern Baptist Convention has elected a president who teaches that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin. Wouldn't you think that appointing leaders who preach that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin is the wrong way to fight sex abuse? pic.twitter.com/nCtdeGLXqG Gabriel Hughes (@Pastor_Gabe) June 22, 2021 Twice in a row, the Southern Baptist Convention has elected a president who teaches that the Bible whispers about sexual sin. Wouldn't you think that appointing leaders who preach that the Bible whispers about sexual sin is the wrong way to fight sex abuse? tweetedPastor Gabriel Hughes of First Baptist Church in Lindale, Texas, in early criticism of the sermons a week ago. While arguing that homosexuality is sinful, both Greear, who leads The Summit Church in North Carolina, and Litton make nearly identical comments about the behavior. Homosexuality does not send you to Hell, Greear notes in the clip. You know how I know that? Because heterosexuality does not send you to Heaven. In his sermon, Litton notes: Homosexuality does not send people to Hell. How do I know that? Because heterosexuality doesnt send people to Heaven. In his explanation of the similarities between their sermons, Litton said he had Greears permission to use his ideas but noted that the lack of credit was an oversight on the part of his preaching team. Like thousands of other Southern Baptist pastors, I labor every week, preparing to stand in front of the congregation God has called me to serve. In preparation for our series on Romans, I used several resources to help me think through how to structure the series and how best to communicate the profound truths we encounter in these passages, Litton stated. We employ a preaching team approach at Redemption Church that is comprised of eight men from our staff/congregation who meet weekly to discuss study insights, outlines, and approaches to the text. This sermon prep process includes working in the languages, consulting commentaries and books, and listening to strong communicators. In that process, I learned about my friend J.D. Greear's messages on Romans and discovered what he had recently preached resonated with the direction God was leading me and our preaching team. We often consulted his manuscripts along with other resources as we prepared." Litton said that he found Greear's message on Romans 1 "insightful," especially "his three points of application." "With his permission, I borrowed some of his insights and those three closing points," Litton wrote. "Our team also, with his permission, used The Summit Churchs chapter and verse breakdown of Romans as we mapped out our entire series." The pastor further noted that his team has since done an audit of all 46 sermons in the teaching series and found similar "similar illustrations, quotes or points of application." "One shares the same title, and one has a similar outline, Litton said. I felt it important to address this in order to provide the truth and to take responsibility for places where I should have been more careful. I am committed to being a man of integrity and humility. I will not waver from that as I lead Redemption Church to be Christ followers and the SBC to unite around her mission." In a statement posted to his website, Greear stated that his Romans series "got a lot of traction" as "clips and summaries of this message were shared on a number of blog and podcast sites." He called it "one of the most widely distributed messages" he ever preached at The Summit Church. "Several months later, Pastor Ed Litton reached out and told me that he had really appreciated my take on Pauls warnings in that chapter and asked if he could use some of the content with his congregation, as well as how we had broken down our entire series on Romans at The Summit Church," Greear detailed. "I told him that whatever bullets of mine worked in his gun, to use them! My own take on these kinds of things is usually shaped by the input of many godly men and women. Ed and I have been friends for many years and we have talked often about these matters, and I was honored that he found my presentation helpful." Greear added that "much has also been made" about his statement that Christians should "whisper about what the Bible whispers about and shout about what it shouts about. " ... I was in no way trying to imply that sexual ethics are muted in Scripture, that we should not speak clearly about them, or that we should be embarrassed by them," Greear said. "The preceding point of that message, in fact, which was not included in the clips that got passed around, makes that abundantlyclear. In that point, I state plainly Scripture could not be clearer about these matters and that rebellion in sexual sin, as 1 Cor 6:911 states in no uncertain terms, is a matter of eternal destiny." "When Tom Ascol and a few of the same pastors seemingly looking to trap me in my words first highlighted these things nearly two years ago, they never reached out to me for clarification, a clarification I would have been happy to supply," he added. "Some others did, and when I shared the fuller context of my words, most were satisfied, even if they still preferred I avoid the shout/whisper analogy. The redacted clip was used to imply that I was saying something that I clearly was not saying. Whether or not this was an intentional misrepresentation I cannot judge, but it was at best a negligent one." Gender and sexuality of our youth: Natural or deliberate indoctrination? Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment As the battle rages on in our society about gender identity and the treatment of same-sex relationships under the law, the church is not immune from addressing these issues head-on even at the dinner table. If you are like me, these questions are a constant source of debate with teenage children who are bombarded with social media and classroom discussions on the topic that challenge our Biblical views on sexuality, marriage, and gender. Alarming statistics from a recent Gallup poll show that the onslaught of LGBTQ messaging directed at our youth is working. The report states, "younger generations are far more likely to consider themselves to be something other than heterosexual. This includes about one in six adult members of Generation Z (those aged 18 to 23 in 2020)...and more than half of those claim they are bisexual." The fact that the rise is most pronounced in young people and the majority is not experiencing same-sex attraction, indicates that the deliberate indoctrination of our children not to accept traditional gender roles is increasingly successful. When it comes to gender identity, the drastic rise in young people that identify as "gender fluid" has generated fierce debate. Prominent academics and health professionals advocate for a gender affirmative model, claiming that gender is determined by an "interweaving of biology, development and socialization; and, culture and context, with all three bearing on an individual's gender self." Therefore, parents should accept the "gender" as stated by the child, regardless of their anatomy. Juxtapose that to the stance of child advocates, researchers, and Christians who firmly believe the rapid onset of gender confusion in our youth results from underlying emotional disorders and manipulation from schools and other institutions that are engaged in some form of conversion therapy on our children. If you are not familiar with this debate, I encourage you to read these resources and understand the extent of the battle for our youth's identity and emotional well-being. Surprisingly, the church as a whole is not of one opinion on the issue of sexual preference and God's condemnation of same-sex relations. The acceptance of openly gay members and clergy are on the rise. Some denominations that ordain homosexual pastors and worship leaders defend their stance by claiming Jesus loves everyone, and research shows that a significant number of Christians find no conflict between their religious beliefs and homosexuality. Thankfully, many evangelical Pastors do not legitimize same-sex couples and instead encourage the individual to rebuke the sin and lean on the power of the Holy Spirit to fight the urges of same-sex attraction just as one would other sins like fornication or adultery. In His Image, the movie does a beautiful job describing just how a Bible-honoring Christian can convey the message of the love of Christ to someone struggling with same-sex attraction. Organizations like Changed Movement help people find community with others struggling with similar issues but who left the LGBTQ lifestyle for freedom in Christ. Even as a new believer, I knew the Lord did not intend to condone same-sex relationships based on Scripture (1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10) , but I struggled with how I could convey these principles to my daughter in a spirit of love and compassion. Last month, I was fortunate to attend an event for Living Stone Ministries at my church to hear from other parents of children struggling with gender identity and same-sex attraction. It was a wonderful time of support and worship with other parents, but the most amazing part of the evening was listening to former gay believers talk about their journey and the impact their parents had on their road to freedom in Christ. Two of these young men and women empathically said their parent's unwavering commitment to the Gospel stuck with them the most when deciding to leave the homosexual lifestyle. As one young man put it, "no matter how I tried to manipulate my mom or convince her that she was wrong and just didn't want to support me, she never wavered on the truth that Jesus wanted a better life for me and I would never find true happiness in a same-sex relationship." It was the truth of his mother's words that rung in his ears when he survived an attempted suicide and finally gave his life to Christ for healing and restoration. Another young woman said her Christian mother took the opposite approach and went to gay bars with her to make her feel accepted. It ultimately backfired and made her resent her mother for not helping her leave the lifestyle. Hearing these stories brought me so much peace because it was a truth I knew in my heart but hearing it from someone with lived it affirmed my conviction. So despite the arguments and accusations that my stance is homophobic, outdated, or just "my truth," I continue to tell my young daughter that Jesus loves all sinners but despises the sin. It is no different than if she came to me wanting to do drugs or engage in premarital sex. I would warn her that a life of sin will never bring happiness or the freedom that comes from a life in obedience to God. In light of all that is coming against our children to draw them into a life of death and depression, it is unfortunate that any church would condone same-sex couples and even allow openly gay pastors to lead a congregation. How can we teach our young people to follow any of the Bible's commandments if we compromise the one that destroys the sanctity of creation and monogamy between a man and a woman in marriage? It is just one more example of how liberalism is unraveling the fundamental principles of the Gospel. Ultimately, it is a massive disservice to people who want to break the strongholds of addiction and be restored through the love and redemption of Christ. Google implements changes to Chromebooks amid complaints of kids accessing pornography Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Google has announced additional safety measures for its Chromebook product after being put on the National Center on Sexual Exploitation's Dirty Dozen List" because of the lack of safeguards for children. In February, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation placed Google Chromebook on its annual list of companies and entities complicit in perpetuating sexual exploitation in any form. At issue, were the lack of safety measures on Chromebook laptops especially those given to students by schools to restrict access to graphic content like pornography. In an announcement Tuesday, Google stated that its taking measures to make Chromebooks safer for students enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade. Were launching a new age-based access setting to make it easier for admins to tailor experiences for their users based on age when using Google services like YouTube, Photos and Maps, wrote Jennifer Holland, director of education program management at Google. Starting today, all admins from primary and secondary institutions must indicate which of their users, such as their teachers and staff, are 18 and older using organizational units or groups in Admin Console. Holland explained that after Sept. 1, students who are under 18 will see changes in their experience across Google products. For example, after September 1, students designated as under 18 in K-12 domains can view YouTube content assigned by teachers, but they wont be able to post videos, comment or live stream using their school Google account, she continued. If admins dont make a selection by September 1, primary and secondary institutions users will all default to the under-18 experience, while higher-education institutions users will default to the 18-and-older experience. While several schools already use tools like SafeSearch and SafeSites, Holland said Google is updating their defaults to ensure a safer web browsing experience for K-12 institutions. Now, SafeSearch and SafeSites will be on by default, and Guest Mode and Incognito Mode will be off by default. Admins can still change each of these policies on Chrome OS for individual organization units, wrote Holland. The Google for Education team is committed to creating tools and services that are secure by default and private by design, all the while giving you complete control over your environment. NCOSE CEO Dawn Hawkins said the changes will keep millions of kids safer. These crucial improvements will drastically limit the amount of exposure to harmful content and potential predators through school-issued Chromebooks, Hawkins said in a statement. These changes will also greatly ease the burden on administrators and teachers who are often left without sufficient IT support to try to figure out how to turn on all the safety features. Chromebooks landed on the 2021 Dirty Dozen List, NCOSE said, because Google "refused to take simple measures that would significantly reduce kids exposure to pornography and predators through Chromebooks. The organization reported that there were "countless" stories and personal accounts of children "accessing harmful material through their school-issued Chromebooks" at school and at home. Last November, two families sent a letter to school officials in Montgomery County, Maryland, claiming that their children as young as 9 years old were exposed to hundreds of pornographic websites through their school-issued Chromebooks. Hes a little boy, and he saw things that no one should see, especially a child, one of the fathers told The Washington Post. NCOSE warns that with overburdened school administrators and teachers trying to navigate new technology during the pandemic, "devices are often left insufficiently protected" and leave "children even more vulnerable to accessing harmful material like pornography and being accessed themselves by predators." First Baptist Dallas megachurch holds Freedom Sunday to celebrate America's 'Christian foundation' Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Pastor Robert Jeffress prominent Texas megachurch, First Baptist Dallas, held its annual Freedom Sunday to celebrate national heritage a week ahead of Independence Day. The observance, controversial for its focus on American patriotism, featured a 200-voice choir and orchestra and remarks by conservative Christian writer Dave Barton. Barton spoke about the Christian beliefs that most of the United States Founding Fathers confessed. Jeffress, a Fox News contributor and one of former President Donald Trump's earliest evangelical supporters, told The Christian Post that the service had three purposes. Those purposes are to express gratitude to God for His blessings on our country, to acknowledge the Christian foundation upon which our country was built and to declare our nations duty to obey God if we are to enjoy Gods continued blessing. We make it clear every year at our Celebrate Freedom service that we are not worshipping America, but we are worshipping the God who has blessed America, Jeffress said. Furthermore, we always declare that our future blessing as a nation is conditioned upon our obedience to God. We close every Celebrate Freedom service as we do every service at First Baptist Church, Dallas, with an explanation of the Gospel and an invitation to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior. The church could not hold the patriotic service next Sunday, the Fourth of July, because many members of the choir and orchestra, whose music is an integral part of the service, will be traveling that day. As for the July Fourth service this year, Jeffress explained that it would be more like a typical Sunday service except for the congregations plan to sing God Bless America at the end of worship. Over the years, First Baptist Dallas has garnered attention for its annual Freedom Sunday observance, which generally falls on the Sunday closest to July 4. On Freedom Sunday 2018, Jeffress preached a sermon centered on showing how the U.S. was founded to be a Christian nation. "America was founded predominantly, not exclusively, but predominantly by Christians who wanted to build this foundation of Christian nation on the foundation of God's will," stated Jeffress during the 2018 observance. "Furthermore, these men believed that the future success of our country depended upon our fidelity to the Christian beliefs. ... Our future success depends on our country being faithful to those eternal truths." Last year, the observance was held with some in-person restrictions enacted due to the pandemic, with then-Vice President Mike Pence delivering remarks before a reported 2,200 worshipers. The Bible tells us it was for freedom that Christ set us free, stated Pence at the time, as reported by Baptist Press. As you celebrate freedom in this coming week, practice prayer in a renewed way. The annual service has faced its share of critics, both liberal and conservative. Among the critics is bestselling conservative Christian author Rod Dreher, who labeled the event "a form of idolatry." "... you couldn't pay me to sit there and listen to Jeffress preach that poke-in-the-eye patriotism on Sunday, and partake in his church's glorification of the war machine, under the guise of a 'salute to the armed forces,'" wrote Dreher in 2018. Jeffress says his sermon is going to be about what he believes are the evangelical Christian foundations of the United States. This is a historically shaky thesis, to say the least, and Im on the record saying that America is a post-Christian nation Supreme Court rules that California can't force nonprofits to disclose private donors' names Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The United States Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 that California cannot compel nonprofits to disclose their private donor information, reversing an earlier judgment against two conservative groups. The high court released their opinion in the case of Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta, Attorney General of California on Thursday morning. At issue was the yearslong effort of Californias attorney general to get the private donor lists of conservative groups, namely Americans for Prosperity and the Thomas More Law Center. Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the majority opinion of the court, save for the section of Part IIB1, with Justice Sonia Sotomayor authoring a dissent that Justices Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer joined. We do not doubt that California has an important interest in preventing wrongdoing by charitable organizations, read the majority opinion. There is a dramatic mismatch, however, between the interest that the Attorney General seeks to promote and the disclosure regime that he has implemented in service of that end. The majority opinion declared that California is not free to enforce any disclosure regime that furthers its interests. It must instead demonstrate its need for universal production in light of any less intrusive alternatives. The disclosure requirement creates an unnecessary risk of chilling in violation of the First Amendment indiscriminately sweeping up the information of every major donor with reason to remain anonymous, continued the majority. The petitioners here, for example, introduced evidence that they and their supporters have been subjected to bomb threats, protests, stalking, and physical violence. In her dissent, Sotomayor contented that the plaintiffs failed to show an actual First Amendment burden before demanding that a law be narrowly tailored to the governments interests. Not so today. Today, the Court holds that reporting and disclosure requirements must be narrowly tailored even if a plaintiff demonstrates no burden at all, wrote Sotomayor. Todays analysis marks reporting and disclosure requirements with a bulls-eye. Regulated entities who wish to avoid their obligations can do so by vaguely waving toward First Amendment privacy concerns. The First Liberty Institute, which filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the plaintiffs, celebrated the decision in a press release posted Thursday morning. The freedom to associate with others of like mind is indispensable to freedom, stated FLI President Kelly Shackelford, as quoted in the press release. Again today, the Supreme Court recognized that the disclosure of names and address of citizens simply for belonging to a cause is chilling to the freedom of association. The Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the Thomas More Law Center during the litigation, celebrated the ruling as a victory against state-sponsored harassment of donors. Public advocacy is for everyone, not just those able to weather abuse. Forced donor disclosure is a threat to everyone and discourages both charitable giving and participation in the marketplace of ideas, stated ADF Senior Counsel John Bursch. The court correctly upheld the First Amendments promise of the freedom to associate with like-minded groups, which includes the right to donor privacy. California was one of four states to require nonprofits to submit a copy of their Schedule B tax form, which provides the names and addresses of those who donated more than $5,000. Supporters of the requirement have argued that it is important to preventing dark money from negatively influencing U.S. politics by keeping track of donors. Although a district court had initially ruled in favor of the conservative groups, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled against them in 2018. We hold that the California Attorney Generals Schedule B requirement, which obligates charities to submit the very information they already file each year with the IRS, survives exacting scrutiny as applied to the plaintiffs because it is substantially related to an important state interest in policing charitable fraud, read the panel opinion, written by Judge Raymnd Fisher. Even assuming arguendo that the plaintiffs contributors would face substantial harassment if Schedule B information became public, the strength of the states interest in collecting Schedule B information reflects the actual burden on First Amendment rights because the information is collected solely for nonpublic use, and the risk of inadvertent public disclosure is slight. The conservative groups appealed the decision to the full court of the Ninth Circuit but were denied a hearing. From there, they successfully appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Several states and organizations that represented a diverse array of political views filed amicus briefs on behalf of the conservative organizations suing California over the regulations. These included the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Cato Institute. The ACLU, NAACP, Human Rights Campaign, and other groups filed a brief in March arguing that the conservative groups had a right to keep their donor lists private and that California had a disturbing pattern of failures in keeping the donor disclosure forms confidential. Californias assurances that previous mistakes will not be repeated is unlikely to persuade donors that their information, once handed over to the State, will remain confidential, stated the brief. The resulting chill to First Amendment interests harms donors, nonprofit organizations, and civil society writ large. More than 25% of regular churchgoers have no plans to go back just yet: poll Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment More than 25% of people who attended religious services at least once a month before the novel coronavirus pandemic have no plans to return to their church, synagogue or mosque in the next few weeks as lockdown restrictions continue to be lifted, according to data from a recent AP-NORC poll. Data from the nationwide poll conducted June 1014 with 1,125 adults and a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points, show that while many people are looking forward to reconnecting with friends and family, shopping for fun, and going out to eat as the lockdown restrictions are lifted, only 34%, in general, say they plan on attending in-person religious services in the next few weeks. And while a majority (73%) of people who attended religious services at least once per month say they plan on attending those services in person in the coming weeks, 27% have no plans to do so just yet. While the number of worshipers who plan to attend in-person worship services as lockdown restrictions continue to be lifted has increased from about 66% a year ago, Lifeway Researchs Executive Director Scott McConnell told the AP that its a cause for concern that many churches did not survive the pandemic, leaving some people in limbo. Thats a lot of momentum to lose and a lot of people stepping out of the habit of weekly worship, McConnell told the news service. The data appears to be in line with a new Gallup analysis highlighted by The Christian Post earlier this year, showing a marked shift of the still highly religious nation away from formal church memberships. The data showed that for the first time in nearly 80 years, fewer than half of Americans maintain formal membership in a specific house of worship. In 1937, says Gallup, when they first measured formal membership in houses of worship, some 70% of Americans had formal church membership, and that measure remained steady for the next 60 years until it began a steady decline in 1998. In 2020, formal membership in houses of worship stood at 49%. Several factors, including age and the growing number of Americans who express no religious preference, were cited as influences behind the trend. While it is possible that part of the decline seen in 2020 was temporary and related to the coronavirus pandemic, continued decline in future decades seems inevitable, given the much lower levels of religiosity and church membership among younger versus older generations of adults, wrote Gallup Senior Editor Jeffrey M. Jones. The Southern Baptist Convention, the nations largest Protestant denomination, recently reported that they lost a record single-year decline of 400,000 members in 2020. McConnell noted at the time of that report that the decline was due, in part, to fewer additions through baptism and more deaths from COVID-19 and other reductions in the membership of individual Southern Baptist congregations. Numerous church leaders have described their attempts to stay in touch with their congregation throughout the pandemic, McConnell said. As congregations rediscovered the telephone, they also discovered some on their membership lists who moved away, joined another church, or no longer wanted to be a member. Trump visits 'decimated' southern border, accuses Biden of 'destroying our country' Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment As the southwest border continues to experience a surge in migrant crossings, former President Donald Trump visited an unfinished portion of the border wall in Weslaco, Texas, accusing his successor of destroying our country. Earlier this month, Trump announced that he was planning to visit the nations decimated southern border. Two weeks after the former presidents plans to visit the border were made public, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that President Trump will join me and law enforcement officials for a border security briefing in Weslaco. Securing the border is not just important to Texasit is vital to America. TOMORROW President Trump will join me and law enforcement officials for a border security briefing in Weslaco. Watch on Facebook Live at 12 PM CT. pic.twitter.com/8S625nOqig Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) June 29, 2021 Upon taking office, President Joe Biden halted construction of the border wall and abolished the Trump administrations Remain in Mexico policy, which required those seeking asylum to wait in Mexico while their cases were adjudicated. Critics cite those decisions as the cause of the surge in illegal border crossings. Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows that the number of encounters between migrants and law enforcement officials has exceeded 100,000 and has continuously increased, reaching 180,034 in May. The number of border crossings in May marked a slight increase from the number of immigrants who illegally entered the country in April (178,854) and a substantial increase from the number of crossings in May 2020 (23,237). In all of fiscal year 2020, there were 458,088 encounters between migrants and law enforcement officials. In fiscal year 2021, that number has already reached 929,868, even with four months to go. Trump and Abbott made remarks in front of a partially completed border wall in the border town of Weslaco, located near McAllen. They were joined by more than two dozen Republican members of Congress. At the event, Trump bluntly proclaimed that Biden is destroying our country before asserting that the situation at the border would look much different if he was still in office. This wall would have been completed, he said. Within two months, everything could have been completed. It would have been painted, not sitting there rotting and rusting. Prior to arriving at the unfinished section of the border wall, Trump attended the border security briefing, where Abbott and other local officials focused on the rise in illegal border crossings and the rapid increase in the importation of the deadly drug ... fentanyl. At the meeting, Trump touted his record on immigration, specifically highlighting the construction of hundreds of miles of border wall on his watch. The former president contrasted the state of border security under his administration with that of his successor, recalling how there had never been a border so secure as it was during his presidency. He lamented that after leaving office with the best border weve ever had in the history of our country, it dissipated within a period of a few months. Now, we have an open, really dangerous border, more dangerous than its ever been in the history of our country, he added. We have a sick country in many ways. Its sick in elections and its sick at the border. And if you dont have good elections and if you dont have a strong border, you dont have a country, Trump warned. Trumps visit to the border comes five days after Vice President Kamala Harris, designated by President Joe Biden as the border czar earlier this year, visited El Paso, which is 790 miles away from what Democratic Rep. Henrey Cuellar has described as the "epicenter" of the border crisis. Conservatives criticized her visit to El Paso as an attempt to get ahead of Trumps planned visit and an effort to avoid spotlighting the problem since the epicenter of the border crisis is hundreds of miles away in the Rio Grande Valley. The former president himself took a jab at Harris as he closed his remarks at the border security briefing, noting that were going to the border right now but were going to the real part of the border where theres real problems, not the part where you look around and you dont see anything. Appearing on Fox News Watters World Saturday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, argued that the reason that she didnt go to the Rio Grande Valley is thats where the Biden cages are. Thats where you see cage after cage after cage of little boys and little girls on the floor, no beds, no mats, no cots, side-by-side, one after the other after the other, wrapped in reflective emergency blankets. What Kamala and Joe Biden desperately wanted to avoid is the TV cameras filming those kids in the Biden cages, so she went as far away as you can go in the state of Texas from where that was to say she went to the border, he added. Cruz also contended that when she went to El Paso ... she had no solutions, she had no answers. Ahead of his visit to the border, Trump wrote an op-ed for The Washington Times calling on the Biden administration to finish the border wall. According to the former president, Our nation is being destroyed by Bidens border crisis. The United States must immediately restore the entire set of border security and immigration enforcement measures we put into place and critically, we must finish the wall. A nation without borders is not a nation at all, he wrote. For the sake of our country, Joe Biden must finish sealing the border, or the American people must elect a Congress that will. In the absence of action from the Biden administration to address the border crisis, Abbott has taken steps at the state level to secure the border, which he touched upon at the border security briefing. We launched Operation Lone Star where we deployed 1,000 Texas Department of Public Safety officers as well as Texas National Guard, and they have already arrested almost 1,800 people for criminal violations in addition to about 40,000 apprehensions of people who have come across the border illegally and they have busted 41 stash houses. Abbott had previously detailed plans to spend $250 million to continue constructing a border wall between the state of Texas and Mexico. As The Christian Post previously reported, the migrant surge has led to overcrowded conditions at border detention facilities, leading to children sleeping on the floor and outbreaks of the coronavirus. Cruz tried to film the conditions at a border facility as a member of the Biden administration stood in his way in an effort to prevent him from capturing footage showing the conditions migrants were living in. Members of Congress demand IRS reverse decision denying tax exemption to Christian group Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A group of Republican members of Congress have urged the Internal Revenue Service to change their stance on denying a Texas-based Christian nonprofit tax-exempt status because the government body had deemed it too political. In May, the IRS denied a request by Christians Engaged to be given an exemption under Section 501(c)(3), which would label the group a charitable organization and receive benefits such as tax-deductible contributions. Rep. Chip Roy of Texas sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles P. Rettig last Friday, urging him to change their position on Christians Engaged and to remove all IRS employees who were responsible for that decision. The IRS must objectively analyze applications for tax-exempt status and cannot allow political biases to creep into its decisions, read the letter in part. We urge you to immediately review Christians Engageds application for 501(c)(3) status personally, and terminate the IRS staff involved in the flawed and politically motivated reasoning behind the determination. Other signatories of the letter included Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida, and Reps. Burgess Owens of Utah, Bob Good of Virginia, and Lauren Boebert of Colorado. In a statement last Friday, Roy argued that the denial of the exemption for Christians Engaged further exposed the corruption and liberal bias running rampant at the IRS. This discriminatory action against a Christian nonprofit is an overt attack on religious liberty by a tyrannical federal government, Roy added. Moreover, this decision comes at a time when members of both parties are trying to increase the ability of the IRS to harass individual Americans, businesses, and organizations. Based in Garland, Texas, Christians Engaged is led by Bunni Pounds, a political consultant and conservative activist who ran for Congress in 2018 but lost in the Republican primary. The religious organization filed for nonprofit status in 2019 and received a notice of denial from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen A. Martin on May 18. You engage in prohibited political campaign intervention, argued Martin. You are also not operated exclusively for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3), because you operate for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the [Republican] party. Martin also contended that the group could not receive a tax-exempt status because it worked to instruct people on what the Bible says about issues like the sanctity of life and marriage, which "generally distinguish candidates and are associated with political party platforms." Christians Engaged has appealed the decision, with the First Liberty Institute, a conservative legal nonprofit that often handles religious freedom litigation, overseeing the appeal. Only a politicized IRS could see Americans who pray for their nation, vote in every election, and work to engage others in the political process as a threat, said First Liberty Counsel Lea Patterson in a statement earlier this month. The IRS violated its own regulations in denying tax-exempt status because Christians Engaged teaches biblical values. Patterson also noted that the IRS granted a tax exemption to former first lady Michelle Obama and her activist group called When We All Vote. In 2013, the IRS garnered national outrage when the agency admitted to having targeted conservative groups' tax-exempt applications that had the terms Tea Party or Patriot during the 2012 presidential election season. Lois Lerner, then director of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division, apologized for the attacks, stating at the time that it was absolutely inappropriate and not the way we should do things. Supreme Court lets ruling in favor of trans student Gavin Grimm stand in school bathroom case Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a Virginia school district's appeal in a case brought by a trans-identified former high school student who sued for the right to use bathrooms and locker room facilities designated for the opposite sex. In an order list released Monday, America's high court denied a petition for a writ of certiorari in the case of Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board. The court noted in its brief order that Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two of the court's more conservative members, would have granted the petition to hear the case. "Too many people played integral roles in our success and too many people who loved me so much," Grimm wrote on Twitter Monday. "I have nothing more to say but thank you, thank you, thank you. Honored to have been part of this victory." The American Civil Liberties Union, which represented Grimm, celebrated the Supreme Court allowing a legal victory at the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals last year to stand. This is the third time in recent years that the Supreme Court has allowed appeals court decisions in support of transgender students to stand, stated Josh Block, senior staff attorney with the ACLUs LGBTQ & HIV Project, in an emailed statement. This is an incredible victory for Gavin and for transgender students around the country. Our work is not yet done, and the ACLU is continuing to fight against anti-trans laws targeting trans youth in states around the country. In 2015, Grimm, born female but identifies as male, filed a lawsuit against Gloucester County Public Schools. The student claimed that policies preventing trans-identified students from using bathrooms and sex-specific changing areas that correspond with their gender identity violated Title IX civil rights law. At issue was the preference of Grimm to use the boys restrooms and locker rooms, despite being biologically female. As a compromise, the high school had built three single-use, gender-neutral restrooms at its campus to accommodate Grimm, allowing any student to use those restrooms. Supporters of the school district's position have argued that school districts should be able to "protect their students' privacy, safety, and dignity without federal government interference." In September 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Robert G. Doumar, a Ronald Reagan appointee, ruled against Grimm. But that decision was overturned in April 2016 by a three-judge Fourth Circuit panel. In a 2-1 decision, the Fourth Circuit panel concluded that federal antidiscrimination law applied to the case, with the majority arguing that Title IX requires schools to provide transgender students access to restrooms congruent with their gender identity. However, in a 5-3 decision released in August 2016, the Supreme Court put a stay on the panel decision, pending the filing and decision on an appeal. After the case was remanded back to the Fourth Circuit, the appeals court sent the case back to the district court in July 2017. In August of last year, a three-judge Fourth Circuit panel again ruled 2-1 in favor of Grimm. The majority stated that they were joining a growing consensus of courts in concluding that equal protection and Title IX can protect transgender students from school bathroom policies that prohibit them from affirming their gender. The two judges who ruled in Grimm's favor were appointed by President Barack Obama. Judge Paul Niemeyer, a George H.W. Bush appointee, authored a dissent to the panel decision. Niemeyer argued that the Virginia high school had "reasonably provided separate restrooms for its male and female students and accommodated trans-identified students by also providing unisex restrooms that any student could use. Church clings to hope as 9 families missing after Champlain Towers South building collapse Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Parishioners at the Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Miami Beach, Florida, are still clinging to hope as members of at least nine families that lived in the Champlain Towers South in Surfside remain missing after its catastrophic collapse last Thursday. We still have that faith because you never know. Weve seen it in other tragedies where the most miracles have happened, and even the most difficult situations people have survived for days. So we still have hope. We still do, Gypsy Lodos, the church's director of faith formation, told The Christian Post Monday. Since half of the 13-story Champlain South Towers building collapsed Thursday, more than 150 residents remain unaccounted for, CNN reported. Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava also revealed Monday that at least 11 people had been confirmed dead as rescue officials indicate chances of finding more survivors are dwindling by the day. At a press conference Monday night, the mayor warned that the death toll numbers are very fluid. Just bear with me what Im about to say, Ray Jadallah, a Miami-Dade Fire Rescue assistant chief, said during a Saturday briefing. Its going to sink in. I understand its very emotional. Its not necessarily that were finding victims. Were finding human remains. Lodos told CP that her church, which is approximately two blocks away from the tower, has been hosting prayer vigils since the tragedy. On Sunday, she said, it was a bittersweet gathering for her community because while many multiple members who lived in the building remain missing, several others also survived the collapse. We have parishioners who did make it out safely, Lodos said. I think were at 12. Ive been able to speak to a couple of the families and other people [who] know them. One of them was very grateful. He said God protected them, that they were guided by Jesus to go down. So they are very grateful for the parish support and glad to be alive here at church and being able to worship. While survivors are celebrating, Lodos said many of them are still in shock and were not yet ready to speak publicly about what they endured. More than 300 emergency personnel, including teams from Israel and Mexico, are working around the clock, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been called in to help search for survivors, The New York Times reported. In an interview with Good Morning America Monday, Chief Andy Alvarez of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue said they are hoping to find a miracle" despite the challenge of the frantic effort to find survivors. We have 80 workers at a time that are breaching the walls that have obviously collapsed in a frantic effort to rescue those that are still viable and to get to those voids that we typically know exist in these buildings, he said. We have found voids within the building that weve been able to penetrate, mostly coming from underneath the basement of what used to be the garage. And we have been able to tunnel through the building. But this is a frantic search to continue to see that hope, that miracle, to see who we could bring out of this building alive, he added. And Lodos agrees that for now, hope is what her church family has. You know the last thing we lose is the hope even when you know there isnt even the hope of finding them alive, or [just] the hope they are reunited in Heaven. We dont know. Only God knows the plans, she said. Share of children living in 2-parent homes reaches highest level in nearly 30 years: report Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The percentage of children living in a two-parent household has hit its highest point in nearly 30 years, according to a report by the Institute for Family Studies. In an analysis of 2020 United States Census data, the conservative think tank released a report earlier this month titled Growing Up With Mom and Dad: New Data Confirm The Tide Is Turning. According to 2020 data, 70.4% of people under 18 live in a home with two parents, while 25.5% live with one parent and 4.1% live with neither parent. The finding on children living in two-parent homes is a slight increase from the 69.4% reported in 2010 and 69.1% reported in 2000. However, it remains slightly below the 72.5% recorded in 1990 and well below the 87.7% from 1960. The report also drew from 2012 and 2020 data from the U.S. Department of Education's National Household Education Survey, which likewise shows increases in the presence of two-parent households for high school seniors. This data suggests that from 2012 to 2019, the percentage of white high school seniors living in two-parent homes went from 55.8% to 59.1%, while the share of black high school seniors living in two-parent homes went from 24.3% to 29.6%. Nicholas Zill, research psychologist and a senior fellow at IFS, wrote in the report that although certainly not out of intensive care, the supposed corpse of the two-parent family seems to be breathing new life. All the experts agreed: the nuclear family was on its way out. The two-parent family of married mother and father bringing up their own biological children would soon be replaced by a menagerie of alternate family forms, wrote Zill. And for more than a half-century, each years tabulation from the Census Bureau on childrens living arrangements seemed to be proving the experts right. In comments emailed to The Christian Post on Tuesday, Zill explained that he found the increase in two-parent homes for children to be a somewhat surprising result. He attributed the slight turnaround to multiple factors, among them marriages happening at older ages and education levels, a decline in teen childbirth and a greater awareness of benefits of two-parent upbringing. In his analysis, Zill states that before "celebrating the turning of the tide," it's important to note that "the standard Census Bureau family trend charts underestimate how grave the condition of the two-parent family has been and still is." "The Bureau lumps stepparent and adoptive families with both birth-parent families, making their two-parent category more inclusive than commonly understood," Zill wrote. "Furthermore, children in stepfamilies and adoptive families have experienced family disruption. The evidence is that they have higher rates of emotional, behavior, and learning problems than those residing with both birth parents." Despite the recent uptick, the Census Bureau warned in April that the percentage of children living only with their mothers has doubled since 1968. In 1968, 85% of children under 18 lived with two parents. About 11% of children lived with their mothers only in 1968. By comparison, 21% of children in 2020 were reported to live with their mothers only. The number of children living with their fathers only has quadrupled from about 1% in 1968 to 4.5% in 2020. Last November, IFS released a report based on the Census Bureaus American Community Survey, which found that in 2019, the U.S. had its lowest divorce rate since 1970. In 2019, according to the report, for every 1,000 marriages, 14.9 ended in divorce. The figure is lower than it was in 1970, which had a rate of 15 divorces per 1,000 marriages. The 2019 numbers on divorce were also considerably lower than the data from 1980 when the National Vital Statistics had reported a divorce rate of 22.6 divorces per 1,000 marriages. IFS Director of Research Dr. Wendy Wang, the author of the 2020 report, told CP at the time that while the divorce rate has been declining since the 1980s, the rate has been falling much faster in the past decade. People are getting married later in life these days, and they are less likely to rush into a marriage which they may regret later on. On the other hand, we've seen the record low marriage rate happening in the U.S., explained Wang in 2020. College-educated adults are more likely than those without a college degree to get married, and their divorce rate is lower. National Archives task force slams Rotunda for 'structural racism, mythologizing America's founding Republican congressman says 'woke agenda seeking to revise America's history' Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A racism task force for the National Archives asserts that the United States' Founding Fathers are inappropriately laud[ed] and seeks to Reimagine the Rotunda to address the overarching system of racial bias and curb the structural racism in the federally-funded institution responsible for preserving the U.S. primary documents. In the 105-page report completed in April 2021 and released this month, the task force detailed ways the National Archives can discuss racial inequality both internally and in customer-facing operations, contending that racism permeates all aspects of culture at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). National Archivist David Ferriero formed the task force following the death of George Floyd last year. The task forces report cited Floyd's death in May 2020 as the backdrop that led the NARA to address racial inequality and structural racism in their institutions, alleging it unequivocally impacts how NARA staff interact with records, colleagues, and customers. An example of structural racism emphasized in the report was found in the Rotunda, a room the task force contends lauds wealthy white men in the nations founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Color], women, and other communities. The Archives Rotunda displays the nations three primary founding documents: the original Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. The Rotunda also highlights other elements of American history and the country's founding. One of the actions the racism task force recommended was to Reimagine the Rotunda by recontextualizing murals and architectural elements, as well as a new exhibition that is more inclusive. The report suggested that adding the perspective of non-white men and implementing dance or performance art in the Rotunda to invite dialogue about how the U.S. mythologized the founding era. The report also suggested each NARA facility should add "safe spaces." The task force realized the recommendation to re-design the central room of the flagship museum featuring the three main documents that chartered American freedom will cause dissension. Reimagining the Rotunda will stir controversy, the document noted. Many Americans have embraced an idealized story of the nations founding as part of their personal identities. Those who interpret changes to the Rotunda as a challenge to passionately held beliefs may respond negatively. Due to this, the task force said it would seek to add to instead of repudiate the nations origins, emphasizing that the traditional story of the founding fathers is not the whole story. The task force concluded that it's time for NARA to encourage discussion of the difficult and divided history and embrace the complexity of the American story in the Rotunda, which they said involved including all of We the People in this space of the museum. Its reverential, quasi-religious treatment of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights does not adequately reflect a full history of the founding of the United States, the report said of the museums main space. And as we are learning through the comments of staff and visitors, some find the Rotundas language and imagery exclusionary, the report continued. The task force stated that the U.S. is reckoning with its past in unprecedented ways due to the Black Lives Matter movements role in increasing national interest in systemic racism. The report emphasized a need for reform in accountability, resources, BIPOC recruitment and retention, training, internal reflection, outreach and external partnerships. Conservative leaders have spoken out against the report they see as an attack on American history by the woke. I look forward to the National Archives tearing down the rotunda and building instead a Tent of Grievances, conservative media host Ben Shapiro tweeted sarcastically. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee tweeted: Once again, American history is being denigrated by woke leftists. We will not stand for this. Are the leftists trying to destroy this country? House Oversight Committee ranking member James Comer, R-Ky., told Fox News that the report is "nothing more than progressive propaganda seeking to erase our nations' history." "America should be celebrated, not reviled especially by our own federal government," Cormer said in a statement. "This report is a prime example of government waste. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund a woke agenda seeking to revise America's history." Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., an African American who also serves on the House Oversight Committee, told the conservative news outlet that each time the political left "inappropriately uses" the term racism, "they are cheapening and lessening the real significance of the actual definition." "One thing is abundantly clear; everything America represents is racist and evil to Democrats," Donalds was quoted as saying. "They will continue to tarnish this nation until they successfully change it. My goal is to make them unsuccessful." Once again, American history is being denigrated by woke leftists. We will not stand for this. Are the leftists trying to destroy this country?https://t.co/RW8N3O9JxK Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) June 27, 2021 The National Archive task force report comes as there has been a national debate surrounding critical race theory. Critics contend that critical race theory is tied to Marxist critical theory and criticizes the U.S. and Western nations as being oppressive and promoting institutional systemic racism or white supremacy. CRT teaches that systemic racism is ingrained in every aspect of American life and is a source of controversy as critics contend it divides people by race. CRT first arose in academic journals three decades ago and is now being taught at public schools, government agencies and business training programs. It has become a source of contention within the education system as it seeps into curriculums across the country. Nurses protest Methodist hospital after over 150 lose jobs for refusing COVID-19 vaccine Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Over 100 protesters and counter-protesters gathered outside of Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas on Saturday in opposition to the hospital system's COVID-19 vaccine mandate that led to over 150 lost jobs. Im running out of options for my career because of a mandatory vaccine that could affect my fertility," Keri R., a registered nurse previously employed at Houston Methodist, told FOX 26 Houston at the protest. The hospital system, which includes eight hospitals and over 26,000 employees, set a Monday, June 7 deadline for all employees to be fully vaccinated. Employees not fully vaccinated by then were suspended for 14 days without pay. And at the end of the suspension, those not fully vaccinated were fired or resigned. Over 150 former employees were fired or resigned over their refusal to receive the mandated COVID-19 vaccine. Some employees received an exemption for pregnancy, medical and religious reasons. The hospitals April vaccine mandate made it the first major healthcare system in the United States to do so, ABC News reported. Over 100 former employees have filed a lawsuit regarding the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy. Jennifer Bridges, a registered nurse and the leading plaintiff, worked at the hospital for nearly seven years before being fired for refusing to receive the mandatory vaccine. Bridges still has natural antibodies from already having the virus, which protects her from receiving it again. She said they are not giving proper informed consent about the vaccine and are turning people into guinea pigs. "I have personally witnessed horrible adverse reactions to hundreds and hundreds of people," Bridges told FOX 26 Houston on Saturday. "It scares me because the public doesnt know the truth," she said. U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes, Ronald Reagan appointee, dismissed the lawsuit on June 12, deeming Bridges allegations that the vaccines are experimental and dangerous false and irrelevant, according to court documents. Bridges said they plan to continue fighting the hospital managements mandated vaccine policy in court and believes the lawsuit will reach the U.S. Supreme Court. The COVID-19 vaccine is currently administered through an Emergency Use Authorization by the Food and Drug Administration but has not yet met the requirements to be FDA-approved since it is still in its early stages. Dr. Marc Boom, Houston Methodist President and CEO, said around 25,000 members of the staff had been vaccinated, and he believes it is safe. "We can now put this behind us and continue our focus on unparalleled safety, quality, service and innovation," Boom said in a statement. "All our employees have now met the requirements of the vaccine policy and I couldnt be prouder of them, he continued. Our employees and physicians made their decisions for our patients, who are always at the center of everything we do. They have fulfilled their sacred obligation as health care workers, and we couldnt ask for a more dedicated, caring and talented team." Boom said in a statement that unfortunately, a small number of individuals have decided not to put their patients first. The Christian Post reached out to Houston Methodist Hospital for comment but did not receive a response by press time. Reports have recently surfaced linking heart inflammation, especially in adolescents, to receiving the mRNA vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has maintained that the benefits of receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the risks. A CDC safety panel reported last week, however, that there is a likely a likely association between receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults. The latest report from the CDC shows over 179 million Americans, or 54%, are fully vaccinated. Many public and private colleges and universities require students to receive the vaccination for the next school year, which has sparked concern. Dr. Robert Malone, who helped create some of the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 vaccine, appeared on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight last week to discuss his concerns about the vaccine for people who are not at high risk for COVID-19, like children and young adults. "[O]ne of my concerns are that the government is not being transparent with us about what those risks are. And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines," Malone said on the show. For young adults, at least, Malone said he has a bias that the benefits probably don't outweigh the risks and said a proper risk-benefit analysis had not been done. Reports have also surfaced that West Point cadets have faced harsh treatment for opting out of receiving the vaccine. New York has implemented a universal vaccine passport system to enter participating businesses, while other states like Florida have banned vaccine passports and restrict any business or entity from requiring proof of vaccination status. I want to tell no more, to leave all the afterwards to the invention and imagination of people The Prince Entering the Briar Wood was a preparatory work for Edward Burne-Joness celebrated painting cycle, The Legend of the Briar Rose. The only Briar Rose canvas left in private hands, its subject obsessed the artist for more than 20 years Buscot Park, Lord Faringdons Neo-Classical house near the banks of the River Thames in Oxfordshire, is home to one of the greatest treasures of Victorian art: Edward Burne-Joness The Legend of the Briar Rose. The cycle of paintings, linked by sinuous, drowsy bodies and creeping rose vines, recounts the scene in the story of Sleeping Beauty where the brave knight discovers a bewitched castles court and the princess he will awaken with a kiss. It was the culmination of more than 20 years work and at least nine preliminary paintings by the Pre-Raphaelite artist. It is Burne-Joness masterpiece, says Peter Brown, senior director of 19th Century European Art at Christies, and it caused a sensation when it was first shown to the public. On 8 July, Christies in London is offering Burne-Joness The Prince Entering the Briar Wood the painting that initiated the project and the only Briar Rose work left in private hands. Part of Edward Burne-Joness painting series, The Legend of the Briar Rose, at Buscot Park in Oxfordshire. Photo: The Faringdon Collection Trust The story of Sleeping Beauty was well known to Victorian audiences. First told by Charles Perrault in his 17th-century Contes du Temps Passe, it was revived in the 19th century by the Brothers Grimm, and then by Tennyson in his poem The Day-Dream. The tales chivalrous knights and fair maidens struck a chord with the Pre-Raphaelites amorous sensibilities and their obsession with the Middle Ages. The brotherhood had been founded on a belief that medieval culture possessed a spiritual quality sadly lost in the industrial age of the Victorians. I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be in a land no one can define, or remember, only desire, Burne-Jones once wrote. He had been painting scenes from Arthurian legends and depictions of knights since the early 1860s, and initially turned his attention to the subject of Sleeping Beauty for a series of tile designs in 1864. But it wasnt until 1869, following a suggestion from his patron William Graham, a Liberal MP for Glasgow, that Burne-Jones reworked the theme in oils for the canvas being offered at Christies. The subject of the Briar Rose struck a chord with Burne-Jones in 1869 because he identified with the storys prince, who battles his way through thorns in order to find true love, says Brown. Indeed, 1869 was a tumultuous year for the artist. Aged 36, he had revealed to his lover, muse and pupil Maria Zambaco that he was abandoning their plan to elope. Burne-Jones had met and fallen in love with the beautiful Greek heiress three years earlier, but when their whirlwind affair came to a head, he announced that he was going to stay in London with his wife and two children. Zambaco responded by throwing herself into Regents Canal in an attempted suicide. Emotionally shattered, Burne-Jones began working impulsively on his Briar Rose series, starting and then abandoning several canvases in rapid succession. After painting The Prince Entering the Briar Wood, he placed it to one side and spent the next four years in his studio experimenting with other compositions of sleeping characters from the legend. The works that resulted include the small Briar Rose series now housed at the Museo de Arte de Ponce in Puerto Rico, The Sleeping Beauty, in Manchester Art Gallery, and Study for the Sleeping Knights in The Briar Rose, in Liverpools Walker Art Gallery. In 1874, he began work on a series of four much larger Briar Rose canvases that would take him 16 years to finish. Thousands of the most cultivated people hastened to see, and passionately to admire, the painters masterpiece The Times I think he kept returning to the Briar Rose subject because he was fascinated by this idea of reawakening, new beginnings and what comes next, says Brown. He even said: I want it to stop with the princess asleep and to tell no more, to leave all the afterwards to the invention and imagination of people. The four finished pictures were finally unveiled to the public at Agnews gallery in London in 1890. According to The Times, thousands of the most cultivated people hastened to see, and passionately to admire, the painters masterpiece. Another of the preliminary Briar Rose canvases revisited by Edward Coley Burne-Jones in his final years was The Sleeping Princess, 1874. Oil on canvas. 126 x 237 cm. Photo: Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane / Bridgeman Images Agnews sold the paintings to Lord Faringdon for 18,000. In accordance with Burne-Joness wishes, he installed them in a north-facing room at Buscot Park and lit them with electric lamps. After visiting Buscot Park, Burne-Jones painted 10 more pictures of thorn bushes and roses to hang around the room between the original paintings, adding a sense of continuity and bringing the total number of pictures to 14. In 2018-19, the entire cycle was loaned to the Tate for the exhibition Edward Burne-Jones. The Prince Entering the Briar Wood has hung at Houghton Hall in Norfolk since 2001. Photo: Neil Holmes / Bridgeman Images Burne-Jones spent his final years revisiting several other preliminary Briar Rose canvases that remained in his studio, including paintings now housed at the Delaware Art Museum, Bristol Art Gallery and Dublins Hugh Lane Gallery. Sign up today Christies Online Magazine delivers our best features, videos, and auction news to your inbox every week Subscribe WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. and British agencies disclosed on Thursday details of brute force methods they say have been used by Russian intelligence to try to break into the cloud services of hundreds of government agencies, energy companies and other organizations. An advisory released by the U.S. National Security Agency describes attacks by operatives linked to the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency, which has been previously tied to major cyberattacks abroad and efforts to disrupt the 2016 and 2020 American elections. In a statement, NSA Cybersecurity Director Rob Joyce said the campaign was likely ongoing, on a global scale. Brute force attacks involve the automated spraying of sites with potential passwords until hackers gain access. The advisory urges companies to adopt methods long urged by experts as common-sense cyber hygiene, including the use of multi-factor authentication and mandating strong passwords. Issued during a devastating wave of ransomware attacks on governments and key infrastructure, the advisory does not disclose specific targets of the campaign or its presumed purpose, saying only that hackers have targeted hundreds of organizations worldwide. The NSA says GRU-linked operatives have tried to break into networks using Kubernetes, an open-source tool originally developed by Google to manage cloud services, since at least mid-2019 through early this year. While a significant amount of the attempted break-ins targeted organizations using Microsoft's Office 365 cloud services, the hackers went after other cloud providers and email servers as well, the NSA said. The U.S. has long accused Russia of using and tolerating cyberattacks for espionage, spreading disinformation, and the disruption of governments and key infrastructure. The Russian Embassy in Washington on Thursday strictly denied the involvement of Russian government agencies in cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies or private companies. In a statement posted on Facebook, the embassy said, We hope that the American side will abandon the practice of unfounded accusations and focus on professional work with Russian experts to strengthen international information security. Joe Slowik, a threat analyst at the network-monitoring firm Gigamon, said the activity described by NSA on Thursday shows the GRU has further streamlined an already popular technique for breaking into networks. He said it appears to overlap with Department of Energy reporting on brute force intrusion attempts in late 2019 and early 2020 targeting the U.S. energy and government sectors and is something the U.S. government has apparently been aware of for some time. Slowik said the use of Kubernetes is certainly a bit unique, although on its own it doesnt appear worrying. He said the brute force method and lateral movement inside networks described by NSA are common among state-backed hackers and criminal ransomware gangs, allowing the GRU to blend in with other actors. John Hultquist, vice president of analysis at the cybersecurity firm Mandiant, characterized the activity described in the advisory as routine collection against policy makers, diplomats, the military, and the defense industry. This is a good reminder that the GRU remains a looming threat, which is especially important given the upcoming Olympics, an event they may well attempt to disrupt, Hultquist said in a statement. The FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency joined the advisory, as did the British National Cyber Security Centre. The GRU has been repeatedly linked by U.S. officials in recent years to a series of hacking incidents. In 2018, special counsel Robert Muellers office charged 12 military intelligence officers with hacking Democratic emails that were then released by WikiLeaks in an effort to harm Hillary Clintons presidential campaign and boost Donald Trumps bid. More recently, the Justice Department announced charges last fall against GRU officers in cyberattacks that targeted a French presidential election, the Winter Olympics in South Korea and American businesses. Unlike Russias foreign intelligence agency SVR, which is blamed for the SolarWinds hacking campaign and is careful not to be detected in its cyber ops, the GRU has carried out the most damaging cyberattacks on record, including two on Ukraines power grid and the 2017 NotPetya virus that caused more than $10 billion in damage globally. GRU operatives have also been involved in the spread of disinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. officials have alleged. And an American intelligence assessment in March says the GRU tried to monitor people in U.S. politics in 2019 and 2020 and staged a phishing campaign against subsidiaries of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, likely to gather information damaging to President Joe Biden, whose son had earlier served on the board. The Biden administration in April sanctioned Russia after linking it to election interference and the SolarWinds breach. ___ Bajak reported from Boston. DETROIT (AP) When Rory Gamble took over as president of the United Auto Workers in 2019, the union was embroiled in a federal corruption probe that had ensnared two of Gamble's predecessors. It had just endured a 40-day strike against General Motors. And then the viral pandemic erupted, forcing auto plants to halt production and idle its workers for weeks until safety precautions were adopted. It won't get any easier for Gamble's successor, Ray Curry. He will preside over a union that faces monumental changes as the auto business navigates an epochal transition from internal combustion engines to battery-electric powered vehicles. Yet Gamble, 65, insists he is leaving the UAW in solid shape, with, among other things, financial safeguards in place to help prevent corruption. He cautions, though, that it is critical for the union to organize battery and electric vehicle component factories and to secure decent wages for workers in the face of the automakers' efforts to reduce labor costs. The Associated Press spoke with Gamble on Wednesday, his last day of work, about the future of the union. The interview was edited for clarity and length. ___ Q: YOURE LEAVING ABOUT A YEAR BEFORE THE END OF YOUR TERM. WHY NOW? A: Im very confident the UAW is in great hands. My replacement, Ray Curry, his abilities, his resume hes got a lot of seat time and leadership underneath him. I think its an appropriate time for me to go. Ive always had this belief that we should put stable, long-term leadership in the presidents chair. And I think thats essential to how we approach agreements. So these companies are going to be dealing with this person for a long time. ___ Q: A COMING VOTE WOULD GIVE WORKERS THE POWER TO DIRECTLY ELECT UNION LEADERS, RATHER THAN PICKING DELEGATES TO A CONVENTION. YET YOURE AGAINST THIS. WHY? A: A lot of them dont understand all the ramifications. In contemporary times, our problem is anti-union-funded enterprises that spend a lot of money, put out a lot of disinformation to destroy unions. The delegate system allows us to make sure every local in our union has a voice. We have many sectors. One of our largest is auto, with active and retired members. Basically, that large majority vote could take up every spot. And smaller sectors like higher education, gaming, independent parts suppliers, health care they could get swallowed up and not have representation on the board. It ensures we have women, we have minorities. You could see probably an all-male leadership team that doesnt reflect the membership. One member, one vote has absolutely nothing to do with corruption and will not prevent corruption. Corruption begins in the heart. Strong financial controls and strong accurate oversight prevents corruption. ___ Q: THE UAW FACES PERHAPS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN ITS HISTORY AS THE BUSINESS SHIFTS TO ELECTRIC VEHICLES. HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO ORGANIZE BATTERY AND COMPONENT PLANTS? A: Its very important to the future of the union. But its really essential to the economic future of this country that we maintain good-paying auto manufacturing jobs with good wages, with great benefits. This country needs to bring critical manufacturing back. It takes less people, less components to build an electric car. We need to own our battery technology, or whats happening with the computer chip shortage could also happen with battery sales. So its critical that we bring this manufacturing back home, give these jobs to Americans. And most importantly, they should have a right as American workers to organize. We dont need another $12-, $15-an-hour wage structure for manufacturing. These electric vehicle jobs should be at the rate of the work that they are replacing. Or else we could be in trouble economically in this country. ___ Q: GM AND FORD ARE BUILDING BATTERY FACTORIES. GM HAS SAID THESE SHOULD BE COMPONENT PLANTS, WHERE IT PAYS $22.50 PER HOUR, RATHER THAN THE $31 AT ASSEMBLY OR ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION PLANTS. HOW WILL THE UAW HANDLE THIS? A: Assembly work should mirror the work it's replacing. The component work should mirror the work it's replacing. I think the workers should have a right to raise their collective voices if they want to unionize. People have to remember, a lot of these companies that are being partnered with are foreign companies, and in their countries, unionization is embraced. It's only when they come to America to do business, they don't want American workers to have a voice. When you hear that its up to the workers kind of talk, it means we're in for a fight. ___ Q: IS THIS WHERE THE UNION HAS TO MAKE A STAND NOW GETTING TOP WAGES AT THESE PLANTS? A: At Ford, at GM, I'm very confident that we'll be successful with a card-check type of atmosphere. (Workers can sign cards to join a union.) I think it's essential for Ford and GM to have that position. It shows that they are truly engaged with maintaining strong American manufacturing jobs. If this technology holds, I believe it will grow, you'll see more critical component manufacturing coming back home to America. Were working very hard to have extreme cooperation and extreme transparency with the Big Three automakers. In all my conversations with GM and Ford, I've been very comfortable that they get it, they understand it. ___ Q: GIVEN THAT EVs TAKE LESS LABOR TO BUILD THAN CURRENT VEHICLES DO, DO YOU FORESEE FEWER UNION AUTO JOBS? A: I see growth for our union because were so diverse. When you look beyond auto manufacturing, in gaming and higher education, weve been steadily increasing our footprint. Overall, I see a gain. But in auto, I see a leveling-out point. I see additional jobs, if we capture all the component work and start bringing a lot of this work back home like you hear President Biden talking about. ___ Q: WILL IT TAKE A STRIKE WILL YOU HAVE TO PLAY HARDBALL TO REPRESENT THESE NEW JOBS? A: Im confident with the way weve been talking to these manufacturers, we'll get there. Our discussions have really changed for the positive. Whether or not we need to strike or take any kind of action would be dictated by the tone of the negotiations. I never go into negotiations with a strike in mind. Bill Cosbys release from prison has managed to shock the nation, and for survivors of sexual assault, the news is nothing short of triggering. WOMEN'S RIGHTS: Keep your hands off my uterus, Greg Abbott [Opinion] Twitter was flooded with a mix of comments in support of or dismay at the former actor and comedian's release. What seemed to add salt into the wound for some survivors was Cosby receiving support from Black women. One voice that rang particularly loud was that of Cosby's longtime television co-star, Houston native Phylicia Rashad. NBC/NBCUniversal via Getty Images Rashad shared tweets supporting his release on Wednesday. She wrote, "FINALLY!!!! A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!" Twitter immediately went into an uproar over her stance. One Twitter user @CandiceBenbow wrote, "Howard cant let that stand. For the sake of every young woman on that campus, they simply cannot. And I say that as someone who deeply loves and respects her." Rashad recently took a dean of fine arts position at her alma mater, the celebrated Howard University in Washington D.C. Considering the number of sexual assaults that take place on college campuses every year, it was astounding to see her take such a stance. It's particularly harmful to both Black men and women who are victims. Another user @deardrewdixon tweeted, "That Tweet from @PhyliciaRashad is toxic rape enabling at an institutional level. I shudder for the safety of all of the women (and all students, frankly) at @HowardU if this is the public position being taken by an HU dean regarding a man with 50-plus KNOWN victims. Disgraceful." Fellow Black television sitcom actress Janet Hubert also tweeted out her abhorrence for Rashad's support, directly calling her out. "Phylicia what are you thinking!!! I don't know you but to say this was terribly wrong. EVERYONE knew what he was doing back then. How could you NOT! Get your umbrella sista here comes the shit shower. I am outraged that he has been released. Yes he is an old ass guilty man!" It's important to note that despite her open support for him, Cosby's release was based on a technicality due to the court's procedural error. Cosby has admitted his guilt, and dozens of women have come forward. TIME FOR CHANGE: End period stigma - and give people the day off too [Opinion] As a Black woman, there are lots of feelings to be had surrounding Rashad's comments. I find disgust to be the first, and following close behind is disappointment. Her stance is not only painful for victims, but reveals the Claire Huxtable character we once knew as just that a character. The number of sitcoms that showcased Black success in the late '80s and early '90s is low outside of "The Cosby Show," there was, of course, the show's spin-off with "A Different World." The only other exceptions of affluent Black families on the big screen were "The Jeffersons," which went off the air in 1985, and "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," which stopped production in 1996. But for me, what made me take such a keen interest in the life of the Huxtables was their leading lady Rashad as Claire Huxtable. A woman who exemplified style, grace and intelligence. There are so many victims whose stories go untold and unheard because people in positions of power support their friends and refuse to look at the harm they've caused. I don't subscribe to cancel culture, but Rashad's tone-deafness screams the loudest. My respect for her has slowly dwindled. After her public support of Cosby, Rashad tweeted another statement Thursday about sexual assault. "I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward. My post was in no way intended to be insensitive to their truth. Personally, I know from friends and family that such abuse has lifelong residual effects. My heartfelt wish is for healing." Howard University posted a statement to Twitter Wednesday night condemning Rashad's tweet. "Survivors of sexual assault will always be our first priority, the statement reads. While Dean Rashad has acknowledged in her follow-up tweet that victims must be heard and believed, her initial tweet lacked sensitivity towards survivors of sexual assault. Personal positions of University leadership do not reflect Howard Universitys policies. We will continue to advocate for survivors fully and support their right to be heard. Howard will stand with survivors and challenge systems that would deny them justice. We have full confidence that our faculty and school leadership will live up to this sacred commitment." Between games of status and respectability politics, it seems Howard is trying to handle its new public relations nightmare while avoiding the real issue at hand a college dean publicly supporting an abuser. Rashad's tweets and Howard's refusal to engage with the criticism around them are demoralizing and contribute to rape culture. PHILADELPHIA (AP) The seven justices who reversed Bill Cosbys conviction this week spent months debating whether he had a secret agreement with a prosecutor that tainted his 2018 criminal sexual assault conviction. In the end, Pennsylvanias highest court ruled that a district attorney had induced Cosby to give incriminating testimony in 2005 for a lawsuit, with the promise that no criminal charges would be filed. Then, a decade later, another prosecutor used it against him a fundamental violation of his Fifth Amendment rights. Americas Dad walked out of prison Wednesday and won't face any further trials in the case. The public outcry over Cosbys sudden release three years into a potential 10-year sentence was swift, with #MeToo activists worried it would have a chilling effect on survivors. And lawyers for another high-profile man convicted of sexual assault, Harvey Weinstein, praised the decision. But criminal law experts believe the court acted reasonably in finding that a prosecutors word should be honored, even by a successor. One called the ruling a wakeup call for prosecutors who might try to quietly resolve a case without a paper trail, or make a deal over a handshake. It probably would have been much better lawyering to get it all in writing, Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levenson, a former prosecutor, said of the hidden deal in the Cosby case. Its a teachable moment, I think, for prosecutors across the nation. Its a big lesson. Levenson, too, fears the quick takeaway is that another celebrity gets away with a crime. More deeply, she said, the case illustrates the need for legal agreements that are open, fair and transparent. For survivors of sexual assault, its got to be another incredibly upsetting, frustrating moment, she said. So (there are) good lessons for prosecutors and hard lessons for survivors. The court heard arguments in December. On Wednesday, a majority of the justices, 6-1, found Cosbys case should be overturned. But the justices split 4-2 on whether he should go free or face a third trial. The two dissenting justices questioned if Cosby had ever really been promised immunity or whether an abuse of power led to former Montgomery County prosecutor Bruce Castors odd and ever-shifting explanations of his promise to Cosby. They urged their colleagues to condemn the tactics, lest others follow suit and make promises that later entrap defendants who agree to talk. We should reject Castors misguided notion outright and declare that district attorneys do not possess this effective pardon power, Justice Kevin Dougherty wrote in a partial dissent. Castor, testifying for the defense soon after Cosbys arrest in late 2015, said he had promised Cosby's lawyer in 2005 that the actor would never be charged over his encounter with Andrea Constand, in part so that he could help her wage a lawsuit against Cosby. No legal documents were drafted. No immunity agreements went before a judge. Even Castors top assistant, who had led the initial investigation, said she knew nothing about it. Neither did Constands lawyer, according to testimony at the sometimes surreal preliminary hearing in February 2016. Castor said he discussed the agreement with a Cosby lawyer who had since died. And he said he issued a signed press release to announce the end of the investigation. Several courts have since parsed the wording of that press release, which opines that both parties in the case could be seen in a less than flattering light, and cautions that Castor would reconsider this decision should the need arise. Constand, in the wake of that decision, sued Cosby in federal court. In the depositions that followed, the trailblazing actor made lurid admissions about his sexual encounters with a string of young women. He acknowledged giving them drugs or alcohol beforehand, while he stayed sober and in control. The list included Constand, who said she took what she thought were herbal products at Cosbys direction, only to find herself semiconscious on his couch. Cosby, in the deposition, famously said he ventured into the area that is somewhere between permission and rejection as Constand lay still. Neither he nor his lawyers ever asserted his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself during four days of sworn testimony. Cosby wouldve had to have been nuts to say those things if there was any chance he couldve been prosecuted, Castor testified at the 2016 hearing. He said his goal in steering the case to civil court was to find Constand an alternate form of justice. I was hopeful that I had made Ms. Constand a millionaire, said Castor, who later represented former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, where he was acquitted of inciting the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. In 2015, a federal judge unsealed some of Cosby's testimony upon a request from The Associated Press, and Castors successor reopened the case. Judge Steven ONeill allowed some of the statements to be used at trial. It was that unusual sequence of events that troubled the Pennsylvania high court even though ONeill and a lower appeals courts had found Castors talk of a non-prosecution agreement not credible. Whatever their view of such blanket promises, the Supreme Court justices found that Cosby and his lawyers relied on it in giving the deposition. Therefore, the principle of fundamental fairness that undergirds due process of law in our criminal justice system demands that the promise be enforced, Justice David N. Wecht wrote for the four-person majority, which included all three of the high courts female judges. The panel avoided ruling on the thorny issue of how many witnesses should be allowed to testify about a defendant's prior bad acts in a criminal case an issue many lawyers hoped they would clarify. ONeill had allowed just one other accuser to testify at Cosbys first trial in 2017, but upped the number to five at the retrial the following year, when Cosby was convicted. Everyone was watching this case for the other evidence ruling. This (ruling) came out of the blue, said Jules Epstein, a Temple University law professor. At least one justice, Thomas Saylor, would have sent the case back for a new trial over the other accuser issue, according to his solo opinion. But it become moot when the majority agreed to bar any future prosecutions in the case. Washington lawyer Joseph Cammarata represented several accusers in defamation suits filed against Cosby, which his insurer settled after the 2018 conviction. He regrets that some people see the ruling as a vindication of the actor. They havent rejected the allegations of the 60-plus people who asserted that Cosby assaulted them. They havent rejected the five people that testified. Nor have they rejected the jurys verdict that Cosby was guilty of sexual assault-related charges," Cammarata said. ___ Follow Maryclaire Dale on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Maryclairedale Click here to read the full article. Citing Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greenes harassment of her colleagues, 37 House Democrats sent a letter to GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanding he take action to address Greenes behavior. Unchecked, they say, Greenes actions could lead to violence against members of Congress. Led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the Thursday letter included signatures from Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar and other House Democrats. The letter refers to well documented incidents that they say should prompt action from Republican leadership. The incidents, according to the letter, include the congresswoman from Georgia ignoring mask-wearing protocols in the Capitol building during the height of the pandemic. On one occasion, Greene, along with her staff, berated a colleague who asked her to put on a mask. In February, Greene displayed offensive signage outside her office to taunt a parent of a transgender child. There are TWO genders, read the sign that Greene hung on a wall across the hall from Rep. Marie Newman (D-Ill.), who has a transgender daughter. And in March, Greene aggressively confronted and followed Ocasio-Cortez and, as the Washington Post reported at the time, falsely accused her of supporting terrorists. You dont care about the American people, Greene shouted at Ocasio-Cortez. Why do you support terrorists and antifa? The letter says that Greenes conduct does not comport with what we expect from a member of the House of Representatives. Moreover, we are extremely concerned that her conduct is creating an unsafe work environment for members, and that her actions could lead to violence against members of Congress, the letter added. Greene responded in a statement to CNN, calling the letter absurd. Every day that goes by without action from your leadership is a tacit endorsement of the Congresswomans offenses, and invitation for her to continue and escalate further, the members of Congress wrote. Everyone has a right to a workplace free from harassment and abuse, including members of Congress. We urge you in the strongest terms to take immediate action to address Rep. Greenes behavior. Click here to read the full article. WASHINGTON Two. Thats how many Republicans in the House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to create a select committee that will investigate the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, the worst assault on the heart of American democracy since the War of 1812. The remaining 200-odd House Republicans either voted against the committee or didnt vote at all. Six months after the insurrection, the vast majority of Republican lawmakers have decided to treat January 6th as yet another partisan wedge issue or to deny the reality of what happened despite all the evidence to the contrary. In the Senate, Republicans blocked an earlier bill to establish a bipartisan independent commission. Now, in the House, fearful as ever of incurring the wrath of Donald Trump and his followers, Republican leaders fought against a select committee and threatened their own colleagues who might sit on that committee. But an investigation will happen. The select committee created on Wednesday will hold hearings and produce a final report in the same way that past committees did for Watergate, the Pearl Harbor attack, and the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will pick the committees 13 members, five of them in consultation with Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. On Thursday, Pelosi made good on her suggestion that she might name a Republican member by naming Rep. Liz Cheney, a conservative and vocal Trump critic, to help run the investigation. With all that in mind, its worth asking: How will this new investigation work? Will it stand any chance of digging up new information and discerning the truth of what happened on that dark day? Or will it devolve into a partisan circus like the Benghazi investigation of several years ago? How We Got Here A week after the January 6th attack, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) whom Trump infamously berated by phone as lawmakers fled to safety during the insurrection spoke about the need for accountability and to understand what had just transpired on Capitol Hill. He said then-President Trump bears responsibility for the attack and should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. McCarthy added that Trumps response to the insurrection deserves congressional action, which is why I think a fact-finding commission and a censure resolution would be prudent. These words carried a certain amount of weight coming from McCarthy. He was one of Trumps most ardent defenders my Kevin, Trump called him and a potential future speaker of the House. But as the ensuing weeks would show, the calls for a thorough investigation or independent commission like one McCarthy described were empty talk. In May, the House passed legislation to establish a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the insurrection. Like the 9/11 Commission, that body would have enlisted outside experts chosen by both political parties to understand the circumstances leading up to the attack on the Capitol, the security failures and governmental responses on the day itself, and how to prevent future episodes. That bill passed with the support of 217 Democrats and 35 Republicans, a clear statement of its bipartisan appeal and the urgent need for accountability. But in the Senate, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his allies filibustered the bill. Democrats searched for 10 Republican votes to defeat McConnells procedural road block; they found just six. There would be no independent 1/6 commission. The New Select Committee This week, Speaker Pelosi responded to the Senate Republican filibuster by introducing a resolution to create a select committee that would probe the events leading up to and on January 6th. That resolution its technically not a bill passed Wednesday with the support of just two Republican representatives, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Liz Cheney of Wyoming. Both Kinzinger and Cheney are outspoken critics of Donald Trump and his stranglehold on the Republican Party. And this time, the January 6th select committee resolution would not need Senate approval. The new committee will consist of 13 House members. Speaker Pelosi chooses all 13 members but five of those she will select after consultation with McCarthy, the top House Republican. At the end of its investigation, the committee will submit a report about how to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions. Republicans who voted for the earlier independent commission but against the select committee said they didnt want to support a panel that would become too partisan. I supported a bipartisan independent commission, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio) told CNN. This is the opposite. Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) said it was essential we have a thorough, credible January 6 investigation in order to produce an objective report to get at the truth and clear away fictions and lies. He went on, I fear the structure of this partisan select committee will not produce that critical outcome. Benghazi Redux? In explaining his opposition to the new select committee, Rep. Meijer pointed to a cautionary tale of recent vintage: the select committee created to investigate the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. That committee spent two-and-a-half years and $7.8 million on a sprawling probe that lasted longer than past congressional investigations into the Pearl Harbor attack, Watergate, 9/11, and the Kennedy and King assassinations. Originally created to scrutinize the Benghazi attacks and the deaths of four Americans including U.S. diplomat Christopher Stevens, the endless Benghazi select committee veered into Hillary Clintons use of a private email server and came to be viewed as a partisan exercise intended to damage Clintons chances of winning the White House in 2016. McCarthy fueled those criticisms when he appeared on Fox News and linked Clintons polling with the select committees work. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? he said. But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because shes untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen. The fear is that partisanship and tribal loyalties will doom the January 6th committee from start not unlike what happened with the Benghazi select committee. Whether the committee treats it work seriously or not depends almost entirely on its make-up. Should Minority Leader McCarthy put forward five Trump loyalists or election-fraud conspiracy theorists for the committee, its not hard to imagine circus-like public hearings and dueling reports that muddle the committees work as happened during the Benghazi inquiry. According to Punchbowl News, McCarthy warned any of his members that if they accepted Pelosis invitation to join the committee, they would effectively lose their committee assignments. Pelosi has, in a sense, sought to preempt such an outcome by nominating Cheney, a neo-conservative and dyed-in-the-wool Republican. She joins senior Democrats including Reps. Adam Schiff, Zoe Lofgren, and Bennie Thompson, the three of whom chair committees with oversight related to the January 6th insurrection. A new American legend has landed at the Houston Zoo, permanently. Meet Mae, a bald eagle named after Mae Jemison the first Black woman in space. A Texas game warden found the bird with an extensive wing injury in East Texas during the historic freeze February freeze, according to the zoo. HEADS UP: What Houston needs to know about two disturbances in the Atlantic Experts from wildlife rehabilitation facility Last Chance Forever and the Angelina Animal Hospital worked tirelessly to heal her, but they were unable to fix the wing. That meant they weren't able to release the injured bird back into the wild. Instead, she was transported to the Houston Zoo, where Mae will live for the rest of her majestic days. Jackelin Reyna/Houston Zoo: After some time in isolation, Mae paired nicely with another grounded bald eagle at the zoo named Sally named after Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. Sally was brought to the zoo under similar circumstances years ago. The pair can be seen in the Texas Wetlands exhibit. Pride month looks different every year. Each generation, it seems, has its own lens on what Pride represents. This year, as we crawled out of the pits of a pandemic, the LGBTQ+ community was ready to party. DUMPLINGS TO DANCE: Patronize these 11 LGBTQ-owned businesses this Pride month (and every month) I love watching open displays of pride and joy in any way people choose to express them, including by going out to bars and clubs. But to be perfectly honest, my anxiety and FOMO were at a 10 during Pride weekend this year. As someone who enjoys nightlife in moderation, I wondered for three days straight where my, and other like-minded queer peoples, seat at the table was. With June coming to an end, Pride month is suddenly over for the year. Although I understand and wholly respect the significance and impact of the revolution that made Pride possible the privilege of living during a day and age where we can wear rainbow emblazoned garb freely and gather to celebrate our queerness without threat of being thrown in jail and how generations before us fought like hell to get us to this point I also could not be more thrilled that July has arrived. For a month meant to celebrate inclusivity and unity, I felt on the outskirts, watching my peers on Instagram stories living it up night after night after night. I couldnt help but wonder what impact the emphasis on alcohol-infused nightlife was having on sober queer folks, queer youth and those who just arent keen on being out late at bars and clubs. I was recently texting back and forth with a friend who was trying to solidify his plans for going out to the bars in Montrose, presumably to satisfy his innate obligation to ceremoniously mark Pride. At one point he lamented, I usually wouldnt go out this late, but I just feel like I need to do something to celebrate Pride this year. I realized that to him, and to myself to an extent, clubbing is the only thing that would satisfy that intention and desire. Ive never been one to go out to bars and clubs every weekend. I do enjoy throwing an outfit together and venturing into the gayborhood every now and then, but Ive found that my insecurities and anxieties are heightened when Im around other gay men to whom I am constantly comparing myself. Add alcohol to the equation and I am, more times than not, left feeling much worse about myself than when I walked in. Gay bars serve an important purpose in the LGBTQ+ community. Finding a free space in a crowded bar while imbibing with others before eventually relocating to the dance floor is a borderline initiation checkpoint into queer life. These safe spaces for queer people to be their authentic selves, drink and dance the night away, be amongst friends and allies, and possibly land a hook up (if that's the goal), are commonplace for many when it comes to socializing in the community. But bars and nightclubs are not ideal, inclusive of, nor accessible to queer youth, adults who are sober or recovering from addiction, or just queer folks who are seeking a change of pace from the late-night party scene. Sober, queer-owned-and-aligned spaces have begun popping up around the country, offering an alternative to a typical socialization environment for the LGBTQ+, and its high-time Houston entrepreneurs explored this concept for our city. Houston is home to several LGBTQ+ bars, each one offering their own unique aesthetic and intrigue. When I came out, I took a friend up on his offer to take me to my first gay club. We met late at night and took an Uber to the venue that Id admittedly done zero research on, but had heard rumblings about from other queer people. Upon arrival, I was immediately given a wrist band, meant to show bartenders I was of legal drinking age. I stepped a little further into the space and was greeted by flashing strobe lights, deafeningly loud music blasting from speakers and a dance floor packed with shirtless men and beautiful women and I felt my heart sink into my gut. I felt so out of place and, although I was craving connection with other gay folks to form bonds and relationships with, those were not going to be established in a space where I could barely hear myself shout my drink order over the pulsating, albeit intoxicating, house music. Once I ultimately did start making friends and connections in the community, I learned I wasnt the only one who felt this way. Its so stressful, a friend of mine, who happens to be sober, once lamented over Tex-Mex when the topic turned to the expectation and pressure to be out and about at bars and clubs, specifically during Pride weekend. The emphasis on nightlife and partying is appealing to some, but it certainly shouldnt be the only option. Aside from those who actively work to avoid alcohol, based on sobriety, religion, health, or personal reasons, some queer folks have a desire to connect with others and form friendships with other members of the LGBTQ+ community in more low-key settings. Having a community within the community isnt necessary, but it is certainly helpful. Outside of dating apps, which are already daunting and bring along their own set of stress-inducing circumstances, options for connecting are limited for the introverted among us. Having a one-stop queer-owned coffee shop specifically for LGBTQ+ folks, such as the now-closed Cuties in West Hollywood in Los Angeles, is one example of a space where members of the community could visit and know they are welcomed, represented and can gather safely, freely and without temptation to drink alcohol. Cuties, in its heyday, was a haven for all members of the queer community, a meeting space for social groups, and the owners even hosted events throughout the week. Its an interesting dichotomy to see our world and society become more and more progressive and open to LGBTQ+ representation and acceptance, but weve seemingly yet to expand the net of socialization within our own community. Clearly bars are the more profitable and alluring option for business owners mesmerized by the powerful and valuable pink dollar, but investing in different pockets of the LGBTQ+ community is just as, if not more, powerful. This is not to say we should have no more bars and only sober spaces, but just as we yearn for more inclusivity for our community in society at-large, we must also look into our own spaces to see who is being left out and underrepresented. That list has slowly gotten shorter over the years, but we still have a ways to go. Bringing sober spaces into the mainstream and creating environments for underage queer youth to grab a smoothie with their friends, sober LGBTQ+ folks to feel at home, and everyone in between looking to mix up their social experiences would provide affordable and inclusive options for queer people of all backgrounds and interests to just be. In her Netflix special "Nanette," comedian and activist Hannah Gadsby speaks to the heart of the introverted-leaning queer community members as she ponders, Where do the quiet gays go? Spaces that serve as alternatives to bar settings, such as coffee shops, bookstores and more, would be a welcomed and revolutionary concept for our diverse and ever-growing city, packed with queer folks who may enjoy the fun and energy of a gay bar on occasion, but also enjoy great coffee, good food and deep conversation. The Pride I see today is synonymous with boozy brunches, big parties and scenes of clubs that are packed to the brim with queer folks celebrating with cheap cocktails and house music blaring through speakers which is amazing. I personally struggle, and have found others do as well, to find where we fit in and where our place in this crazy world of being out and proud is (or as an acquaintance recently put it, [Pride parties] just dont really seem like your scene.). If only there was a space in the middle where the music volume was lower, conversations could be had that allow queer people to connect with one another on a personal and platonic level, and people could just be amongst other quiet, sober, or non-drinking aged gays to connect, hang out and still celebrate our queerness simply by existing, those left on the outskirts of these parties and clubs would begin to more easily find our place in this eclectic and amazing community. Until then, I will still enjoy my occasional night at The Eagle and JRs, shout some conversations over a dubstep remix of Believe by Cher while sipping on a gin and tonic, and continue to support the safe spaces we currently do have for our community. In between drinks and alcohol-infused dance breaks, I will continue to yearn and hope for a day when spaces like Cuties, and others like it, will be a dime a dozen in Houston and Im able to sit with friends, old and new, and drink coffee while waiting for our queer book club to start. After her TikTok about a transparency letter she sent to her bridesmaids, one San Antonio bride-to-be is using her online platforms to share her experience and opinions on wedding planning. Lisa Torres is an auditor based here in the Alamo City, but social media users from across the globe may know her by her online handle, @lisalovesrandom. Her recent TikTok, in which she discusses a transparency letter she sent to her potential bridesmaids, went viral on the platform. The video caused a whole lot of debate about bridesmaid culture and expectations, and even inspired Torres to keep creating content throughout her wedding planning process. READ ALSO: This former Texas anchor celebrated her nuptials at Costco In the letter, Torres wrote out the time and money commitments that come with being a bridesmaid, something that she wished she had known before being a bridesmaid herself. Torres says being a bridesmaid not only takes up a lot of time between wedding dress shopping, bridal shower (something shes not even sure she wants), the bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, and the ceremony itself, but is also a major financial commitment. Although she said she and her friends are all in their late 20s and financially stable, she wanted all the ladies to know that they were getting themselves into. Whenever I was thinking about how different one wedding can be to another, thats when I realized OK, let me just lay it all out right here, Torres tells MySA. It is time. Most importantly, Torres gave her besties the option to say no to being a bridesmaid without there being any hard feelings. One friend respectfully declined, which Torres says she totally understood. The average cost of being a bridesmaid for an American wedding is easily over $1,000, Torres says. The motivation really came from me wanting to be below the average. Torres said she put the incredibly organized letter together one night, and was sure to include details about the wedding attire (including colors and aesthetics); the bachelorette party (which will be held at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico); and her expectations on when her bridesmaids will need to be by her side (depending on whether they live in or near San Antonio, or quite a bit away). READ MORE: Not-so-rich Texans go crazy for Southlake castle on 'Zillow Gone Wild' And being the Type A personality that she is, Torres included an FAQ section of sorts in which she disclosed how her wedding party is going down. The wedding party wont have to sit at the head table (instead with their plus-1) and Torres will even pay for her bridesmaids hair and makeup on the big day. That was my decision, Torres says of her covering the beauty costs. I was just trying to be fair. Social media users had a variety of opinions, from some criticizing Torres over the expectations of bridesmaids (a culture that Torres has no control over) to others commending her for her honesty. Others offered up suggestions for the letter, such as more detailed information about responsibilities for the maid of honor. Lisa Torres Despite the negative attention, Torres has no plans to stop sharing wedding content on TikTok and Instagram. She plans to keep posting about her own wedding-planning up until her big day in May 2022, but says she may even share more insight afterward. Part of that content will touch on how Torres wants her wedding to be on her own terms. Theres a lot of tradition that I dont want to do, Torres admits. I dont plan on doing the bouquet toss. I dont plan on doing the garter toss. Thats just not my preference. While she says tradition is important for many brides, she hopes her example can help others understand that its OK to want their wedding day to be exactly as they want it (as long as theyre not being unreasonable). You can keep up with Torres on TikTok and Instagram. Billy Calzada, Staff / San Antonio Express-News Turtle hatchling releases are back on at Padre Island National Seashore this summer, but there are a few caveats in place according to officials. According to the national park's Facebook page, the plans are to host the releases at the Malaquite Visitor Center on July 10, 11, 23, and 24 and on August 4, 5, and 6. The popular events can only take place if the rate of COVID-19 transmission reaches low or moderate in the three counties Nueces, Kenedy, and Kleberg that surround PINS. The Houston-area jeweler who was allegedly defrauding customers out of thousands of dollars back in May has been apprehended but on separate charges, authorities say. HOUSTON SCAMS: FBI warns of COVID-19 vaccine scams and how to avoid them ALKU Jewelry Store owner Santiago Mora was found and arrested by FBI agents in Miami, as first reported by Matt Dougherty at KHOU. According to court documents, Mora owed almost $4 million to a business for watches he never delivered. Mora also allegedly scammed some Houston residents for watches and engagement rings. Via Alku Jewelry One person claiming to be a victim of Mora's scams told Chron he purchased a limited edition Omega-brand watch back in July 2019, which he says he never received. Other victims were given superb deals on jewelry that required upfront payments, but customers allegedly never received their pieces. At one point in time, ALKU Jewelry was listed by Omega as an authorized dealer in the city of Houston. Customers were attracted to the jeweler because he told them he was capable of getting rare, custom-made pieces. BUYER BEWARE: Don't fall for this 'jury duty' scam popping up in Houston Court documents mention that along with fraud, Mora is accused of theft and other fraudulent related crimes in Fort Bend County. Mora told KHOU via text that he wasn't on the run, and that he was "just finalizing finances... to take care of those issues." PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) A shooting rampage down a main street running through a neighborhood in Haiti's capital killed at least 15 people, including a journalist and a political activist, national Police Chief Leon Charles said Wednesday. He said the attack late Tuesday was still under investigation and gave no details on whether it was staged by a single person or multiple shooters. Bodies were found scattered on sidewalks along a main road in Delmas 32, which is a bustling community within Port-au-Prince. LOS ANGELES (AP) A massive explosion rocked a Los Angeles neighborhood as homemade fireworks were being destroyed by a bomb squad, leaving a trail of destruction, injuries and questions in its wake as the July Fourth holiday approaches. Seventeen people were hurt Wednesday night including nine Los Angeles police officers and a federal agent in the blast, which also flipped and damaged cars and smashed windows in homes and a laundromat. The explosion was heard blocks away. It could take days to determine why the material exploded inside a spherical containment vessel on a tractor-trailer, tearing the rig apart in what was supposed to be a safe operation to handle explosives that were too unstable to remove from a South Los Angeles neighborhood where tons of illegal fireworks were discovered. The one-ton lid of the vessel flew into a backyard two blocks away, breaking a lemon tree and damaging the house, KNBC-TV reported. Experts say the explosion was highly unusual, especially for a law enforcement agency with the size and resources of the Los Angeles Police Department. The blast could have been the result of human error such as not correctly sealing the vessel or over-loading it with material or a defect in the equipment like a micro-fissure that has grown with time and use. Or both. They were very lucky that nobody got killed here, said Glenn Corbett, a fire science professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. Bomb squads nationwide will likely now double-check their own equipment in remote locations, to be sure there arent potential defects in their containment vessels, which cost tens of thousands of dollars, that could hurt more people, Corbett said. The LAPD did not answer questions Thursday seeking information such as how old the containment vessel was and how many times it had been used and inspected. But Chief Michel Moore previously said clearly, protocols were followed and pursued. "But something happened in that containment vessel that should not have happened, and we dont know why, Moore said. But we intend to find out why. Less than 10 pounds (4.54 kilograms) of material was placed in the chamber, far less than its safety rating, Moore said. He described the material as 40 home-made devices the size of Coca-Cola cans with simple fuses and 200 smaller but similar devices. This vessel should have been able to dispose of that material, he said. But instead there was a total, catastrophic failure of that containment vehicle. Typically, the heavy-duty hydraulic doors will latch and lock usually by remote and the detonation is instantaneous. The displaced blast wave is absorbed by the vessel and released outside safely. You wouldnt even know, said Sean Dennis, president and co-founder of the United States Bomb Technician Association, besides a muffled ding and a light hiss when some of the pressure is released. The LAPD has not said what company made the containment device. Attempts to reach several manufacturers Thursday were unsuccessful. The explosion came after police had spent the day disposing of about 3,000 to 5,000 pounds (1,360 to 2,268 kilograms) of commercial-grade fireworks that were found in the home following an early-morning tip. Police found some of them on a patio in cartons stacked 8 to 10 feet (2.44 to 3 meters) high, Moore said. Fireworks are illegal to sell or possess in Los Angeles and in unincorporated areas of the county. A resident, Arturo Cejas, 27, was arrested on suspicion of possessing a destructive device, but he also may face charges of child endangerment because his 10-year-old brother was in the home, Moore said. It wasn't immediately known whether Cejas had an attorney who could speak on his behalf. The fireworks cartons were marked Made in China." The police chief said they were bought out of state in order to sell them in the neighborhood for use on the Fourth of July. Peter Diaczuk, a forensic science professor at John Jay, said the size of the blast indicated high-explosive devices that wouldn't be used for a local Independence Day celebration. As the holiday approaches, fire departments statewide are confiscating tens of thousands of pounds of illegal fireworks and warning users that setting them off could lead to devastating wildfires. Los Angeles police on Thursday announced that they seized another ton of illegal fireworks from a shipping container and the bomb squad trucked it to a storage facility. In LA, Moore said on Wednesday that three box trucks and a 53-foot (16-meter) trailer were brought in to load up the fireworks at the South Los Angeles home and move them to a safe location. However, the improvised explosives that were also found were too dangerous to move, the chief said. There was a 300-foot (91-meter) boundary around the vessel a typical safety range and police had knocked on doors before the blast to evacuate homes on both sides of the street where the truck was parked. But firefighters later found people in some of the homes, officials said. It's not unusual for bomb squads to not know exactly what comprises the homemade explosives they are detonating, Diaczuk said. You dont know what youre dealing with. You dont know what this character made, he said. It doesnt come with ingredients in it like when you go to the grocery store. Texas GOP complains about slavery's role in Battle of the Alamo Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick confirmed on Twitter that he called for the event to be canceled. Abbott,... Pack the car for your Fourth of July road trip Celebrate Independence Day with a getaway in the Hill Country or a Gulf Coast retreat. BENI, Congo (AP) At least nine civilians, including women, were killed in an attack by rebels in Congos eastern city of Beni, officials said Thursday. The attack in Beni's Rwangoma neighborhood is the third such attack in the Beni area this week. Police and the military have blamed Allied Democratic Forces rebels for the violence. These ADF terrorists attacked peaceful populations ... killing and kidnapping others, said Beni's police chief, Col. Narcisse Muteba. These rebels used the kidnapped civilians (as shields) to escape the Congolese army. Investigations are underway to find the perpetrators of this crime. Some of the victims were killed in their homes while others were taken to the center of the neighborhood before being shot and beaten with machetes or pieces of concrete, the military spokesperson in the region, Lt. Anthony Mwulushayi, said. Nine bodies are in the morgue, he said, adding that one other body of a woman remains at the scene. Alongside the human toll, businesses were looted before being set on fire, and residences were also set on fire, he said. This attack comes days after two explosions on Sunday hit a Catholic church in Beni's Butsili district and a market in another district, leaving four wounded. The Islamic State groups Central Africa Province claimed responsibility for the two Sunday explosions, which included its first suicide bombing. Many Beni residents protested the violence and angrily demanded that the police and military provide better protection to the civilian population. Demonstrators carried the body of a slain victim to the town hall, where the army and police dispersed the protests with live ammunition. Are we Congolese like the others? In Beni, we are being killed with bombs, sporadic machete attacks ... I would like the government to help us because we are going to die overnight," said Kambale Tsongo, a protester carrying the body of a victim. U.S. Ambassador to Congo, Mike Hammer, visited Beni on Thursday and told The Associated Press that the United States stands in solidarity with the residents of Beni, and will help track down attackers who are allied to the Islamic State group. He visited Beni Thursday morning. We will begin intelligence cooperation between the Congolese army and the U.S., he said. He said the U.S. will support training for the Congolese army and police forces. Eastern Congo has been mired in conflict for more than a quarter-century particularly near its border with Rwanda. Armed groups there have vied for control of the regions mineral resources. The ADF, which traces its origins to nearby Uganda, has mounted an escalating number of attacks in and around Beni in the last several years even as the community was struck by an Ebola epidemic. ___ AP writer Jean-Yves Kamale in Kinshasa, Congo contributed. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) California on Thursday scheduled a Sept. 14 recall election that could drive Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom from office, the result of a political uprising largely driven by angst over state coronavirus orders that shuttered schools and businesses and upended life for millions of Californians. The election in the nations most populous state will be a marquee contest with national implications, watched closely as a barometer of the public mood heading toward the 2022 elections, when a closely divided Congress again will be in play. The date was set by Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, a Democrat, after election officials certified that enough valid petition signatures had been turned in to qualify the election for the ballot. The announcement will set off a furious, 10-week burst of campaigning through the California summer, a time when voters typically are ignoring politics to enjoy vacationing, backyard barbecuing and travel. Many voters have yet to pay attention to the emerging election, while polls have shown Newsom would beat back the effort to remove him. Republicans havent won a statewide race in heavily Democratic California since 2006. Republican candidates have depicted Newsom as an incompetent fop whose bungled leadership inflicted unnecessary financial pain statewide, while Democrats have sought to frame the contest as driven by far-right extremists and supporters of former President Donald Trump. Newsom's campaign issued a statement describing the election a naked attempt by Trump Republicans to grab control in California." It called on his supporters to defend our state. Kevin Faulconer, a former San Diego mayor and one of the leading Republican candidates, predicted that retirement is coming for Gavin Newsom. While a final date wasn't set until Thursday, the campaign has been underway for months after it became clear that recall organizers had gathered more than enough of the required 1.5 million petition signatures needed to place the recall on the ballot. Its not uncommon in California for residents to seek recalls but they rarely get on the ballot and even fewer succeed. A sitting governor has been ousted just once in the state, when unpopular Democrat Gray Davis was recalled in 2003 and replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. Conservative talk show host Larry Elder, 69, issued a brief statement Wednesday night saying he was seriously considering entering the race and would announce his decision early next week. His entry into the race would give the Republican field a jolt of celebrity sparkle and a name on the ticket known through his nationally syndicated radio show and appearances on Fox News. Along with Faulconer, other Republicans who have said they will run include Republican businessman John Cox, who was defeated by Newsom in 2018, former U.S. Rep. Doug Ose and reality TV personality and former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner. The GOP field is expected to continue to grow: Candidates have until 59 days before election to file papers to declare their candidacy, or roughly about two weeks away. In a recall election, voters would be asked two questions: First, should Newsom be removed, yes or no? The second question would be a list of replacement candidates to choose from, if a majority of voters cast ballots to remove Newsom. Tom Del Beccaro, a former head of the state Republican Party who chairs Rescue California, one of the groups promoting the recall, said Elder would help drive up support for the critical first question in his home Los Angeles area, the most populous in the state. Statewide races in California are often won or lost in L.A. county, said Del Beccaro, who is not aligned with any candidate. Elder is going to bring a constituency that is going to help us get a yes on the question No. 1. Steve Frank, a longtime conservative activist serving as Elder's spokesman, said his entry into the race would become a major game-changer. People across the political spectrum know him, and many listen to his show. Elder, a Black man, also would bring more diversity to the Republican ranks. Claremont McKenna College political scientist Jack Pitney said Elder's entry into the race would be a setback for Cox because Elder would appeal to the hard-core Republican, conservative base that would have been Cox's base. Faulconer is considered a GOP moderate. Pitney doubted Elder's race would play a significant factor, with the Black vote typically running strongly Democratic. Elder has a reputation for being a provocative conservative, not a champion of African-American interests, Pitney said. Meanwhile Thursday, the state Finance Department released its final estimate for state and county costs to run the election: $276 million. ___ Blood reported from Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES (AP) California broadly reopened its economy barely two weeks ago and since then an especially contagious coronavirus variant has spread among the unvaccinated, a development that has health officials on edge and already has prompted Los Angeles County to strongly recommend everyone resume wearing masks inside. The nation's most populous state is averaging close to 1,000 additional cases reported daily, an increase of about 17% in the last 14 days. Officials expected an increase when capacity limits were lifted for businesses and most mask restrictions and social distancing requirements were eliminated for vaccinated people. But public health officials raised concern this week with the more transmissible delta variant spreading among the unvaccinated, who comprise the vast majority of new infections. LA County, where a quarter of the state's nearly 40 million people live, recommended Monday that vaccinated residents resume wearing face coverings indoors after detecting that about half of all cases were the delta variant. The county Department of Public Health on Thursday reported 506 new cases, the highest number in a day since mid-April and more than double the figure from two weeks ago. Given that 4 million residents in L.A. County are not yet vaccinated, the risk of increased spread is very real," a department statement said. The new wrinkle in this is really this new variant. It just sort of rips very quickly through people who are susceptible to being infected, which overwhelmingly is people who are not vaccinated, said Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, professor of epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco. We just opened up two weeks ago, everything was hunky dory. Gov. Gavin Newsom lifted a series of pandemic-related restrictions on June 15 after a final push to get more people vaccinated. Everyone 12 and older is eligible for shots and among that population 59% is fully vaccinated and another 10% has received a first dose. In Contra Costa County, where 72% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated, officials recently began publishing virus case rates by vaccination status. Since the county has a high inoculation rate, the number of new coronavirus cases is generally low but unvaccinated residents remain at risk, said Dr. Chris Farnitano, the county's health officer. For example, the seven-day average of new virus cases per 100,000 people in the county was recently 7.0 for those who are unvaccinated, and 0.4 for those who are vaccinated. The overall numbers don't look that concerning, but we know that there's this population that hasn't been vaccinated that still is at very high risk, and those overall numbers can give a false sense of security thinking COVID is still under control where it's still spreading quite rapidly among the unvaccinated population, Farnitano said. On Thursday, state officials drew the names of six winners of vacation packages at popular California tourist destinations including Disneyland. Vaccinated residents were automatically entered in the drawing, one of several incentives employed by state health officials to try to encourage people to take the shots. Dr. Tomas Aragon, the states public health officer, said the state would continue to offer $50 cards to residents who get vaccinated and that some vaccination sites are offering free amusement park tickets. These vaccines are saving lives every day. The proof is in the data and the science that we study every day, Aragon said before the drawing. Heres the bottom line: Californians who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 are extremely vulnerable right now to this fast-moving variant. In Los Angeles, a mix of masked and unmasked people walked around Echo Park Lake on Wednesday. G. Williams, who waited for a bus nearby, wore a black cloth mask over a blue surgical one something she expects she'll do for years to come. The 69-year-old isn't vaccinated, saying she still has concerns about possible long-term side effects. She supports her county's latest recommendation and said she doesn't understand why people wouldn't wear a mask to protect others. To me, my mask is as important as any article of clothing, she said. At Raven Things Collected, an LA gift shop selling crystals, tarot cards and jewelry, a table full of merchandise has been pulled in front of the counter to keep everyone distanced. Employee Yesenia Rego said she feels protected because shes vaccinated and distanced from customers. Most people wear masks when they come in anyway, she said, adding those who don't rarely ask if they should. They dont even care anymore, said Rego, 23, who wore a green cloth mask. Vaccination rates vary widely across California. A San Francisco ZIP code reports more than 95% of those eligible are fully inoculated, while one in rural Modoc County has a 37% rate, according to state data. Health officials said areas with low vaccination rates are especially at risk as the delta variant, first reported in India, spreads across the United States. The variant which accounts for a fifth of new U.S. infections was found in 15% of specimens sequenced in California in June, up from 5% in May. In Orange County, the variant accounts for 45% of sequenced cases in the most recent week, said Dr. Regina Chinsio-Kwong, the countys deputy health officer. Contact tracers reaching out to those infected with the virus find 95% are unvaccinated, and the few who are vaccinated report minor symptoms and aren't hospitalized, she said. Because we're starting to see these highly transmissible strains, it is only a matter of time for us to be exposed again, she said. So the question is how severe is the illness going to be when you actually get COVID. Public health officials said they hope measures like the one taken by Contra Costa County might help encourage more people to get the shots. Its a demonstration in the real world, outside of the clinical trials, of the power of the vaccine, said Andrew Noymer, a public health professor at University of California, Irvine. COVID is going to seek out unvaccinated populations. The virus has a way of just sort of bouncing around until it finds a host it can infect, and those will be unvaccinated people. Taxin reported from Orange County, California. SPRINGDALE, Utah (AP) Zion National Park officials and business owners in a nearby tourist town were still cleaning up and assessing the damage Thursday from a massive flash flood that ripped through the popular red rock park, sending mud and debris onto streets. No injuries were reported. Tuesday's flash flood hit an area in the southern portion of the park with buildings, allowing people to take shelter from the water and the hidden debris, such as logs and rocks, it can often carry, park spokesperson Amanda Rowland said. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) An Arkansas sheriff's deputy who fatally shot a teenager during a traffic stop was fired Thursday after the sheriff said he did not activate his body camera until after the shooting took place. Lonoke County Sheriff John Staley said Sgt. Michael Davis was fired after it was discovered he didn't follow the agency's body camera policy in the moments leading up to the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Hunter Brittain on June 23. The sheriff's office has released few details about the shooting, which is being investigated by Arkansas State Police. Staley said the agency's policy requires officers to activate their cameras before interacting with the public. My review of this deputy's actions has determined that he did not activate his body camera in a timely way," Staley said in video released on the office's Facebook page. This means there's no video of the actual shooting. We see the aftermath, but not the shooting." Attempts by The Associated Press to reach Davis were unsuccessful. Davis is white, as was Brittain. Brittain's family members and friends have protested nightly outside the sheriff's office since the shooting and have complained about lack of details released. Family members have said Brittain was unarmed at the time of shooting and was holding a jug of antifreeze. We're not getting anything,'" Jesse Brittain, Hunter's uncle, said earlier Thursday. We've got Hunter's body, and that's it." The family has retained attorneys Devon Jacob and Benjamin Crump, who represented the family of George Floyd, whose death by a Minneapolis police officer sparked protests nationwide over police misconduct and racial inequality. The Rev. Al Sharpton planned to deliver the eulogy at Brittain's funeral on Tuesday, Jacob said. We'll let the investigation play out, but I think what we already know is we have a 17-year-old child who was shot and killed by a police officer on a traffic stop merely because he was holding a bright blue jug of antifreeze," Jacob said. It's very hard to explain how we ended up in this situation." Crump and Jacob said the Lonoke sheriff did the right thing by firing Davis for not activating his camera. Body cameras are, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the only way to see the unbiased facts surrounding a police and civilian encounter resulting in injury and/or death," the attorneys said in a statement. When officers turn their body cameras off, they turn off their intent to be transparent along with it." Davis had been with the sheriff's office since 2013. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) Newly retired, Judy Pavlick was among hundreds of seniors who enjoyed the low cost-of-living and friendly atmosphere at Plaza Del Rey, a sprawling mobile home park in Sunnyvale, California. Then the Carlyle Group acquired the property and things began to change. Pavlick's rent surged by more than 7%. Additional increases followed. She said the unexpected jump forced her and her neighbors, many on fixed incomes and unable to relocate, to sometimes choose between food and medicine. The 2015 acquisition and subsequent sale of Pavlick's mobile home park is a core business practice for private equity firms such as Carlyle, which buy and restructure private companies to build value for their investors, sometimes cutting jobs and services in the process. But the deal, one of hundreds Carlyle executed in recent years, could become a political liability for Carlyle's former co-CEO, Glenn Youngkin, who is now running as the Republican candidate for governor in Virginia and highlighting his experience building businesses and creating jobs. They dont realize that these are peoples homes. Were not just numbers on a spreadsheet," said Pavlick, now 74 years old. They have no conscience." Beyond mobile home parks, Youngkin helped Carlyle make money for investors by targeting nursing homes, auto parts manufacturers, energy companies and even a business that produces less-lethal weapons used by governments that have cracked down on democracy advocates. More than 1,000 jobs were moved offshore in recent years as companies were restructured. Hundreds more were laid off after Carlyle instituted a series of cost-cutting measures at a nationwide nursing home chain; complaints of deteriorating service and neglect followed. There are no allegations of illegality or wrongdoing, but Youngkin's political aspirations have drawn new scrutiny to his dealings at the Washington-based investment firm, where he generated a net worth estimated at over $300 million before retiring as co-CEO last summer. Perhaps not since former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, now a Utah senator, has a candidate sought higher office with such strong ties to the world of private equity. Romney, too, sold himself as a successful businessman and job creator, but stories of megadeals that routinely put profits over people undercut his White House ambitions. Youngkin now faces another wealthy former businessman, former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, in Novembers general election, which has already emerged as the nation's top political contest of 2021. While McAuliffes ties to big donors and lobbyists are well-established, Youngkin has only begun to confront difficult questions about his business background. His team declined to address any of Carlyle's specific deals. As a young man, Glenn joined a small company and over the next 25 years worked his way up to the top of the company, helping to grow it into a hugely successful enterprise that turned good businesses into great businesses, created tens of thousands of jobs, and funded the retirement pensions of police officers, firefighters, and teachers," said Youngkin spokesman Macaulay Porter. Under Glenns leadership, The Carlyle Group employed nearly 2,000 people and managed assets totaling nearly four times the size of Virginias yearly budget. Youngkin has made his business experience and status as a political outsider central to his pitch to voters. But more often than not, he discusses his career in broad strokes, without mentioning his lofty position or even the name of his former firm. He leans on the phrase building business and creating jobs when talking about his career, typically without specific description of the types of deals he oversaw. Asked in a February interview with a former state lawmaker that was streamed on social media how he viewed the role of private equity in the economy, Youngkin responded: We invest in companies, and we try to take good companies and make them great companies. And we do that by helping them expand, to launch new products, to see new futures, to hire new people. While creating big profits for the firm's investors, Carlyle's deals sometimes triggered rounds of layoffs, outsourced jobs and complaints from the people directly served by the companies acquired. The details in some cases may be politically damaging for Youngkin, but the situation is also complicated for his Democratic critics, who have tried to brand Youngkin as too close to former President Donald Trump. McAuliffe himself invested in Carlyle before and after becoming Virginias governor in 2014. The former Democratic governor's public disclosures show no current ties, but records reveal that McAuliffe invested at least $690,000 in Carlyle funds between December 2007 and the end of 2016. The actual figure is likely much higher because the disclosures require candidates to acknowledge only a broad range of investment with no upper limit in some cases. Spokesperson Christina Freundlich said McAuliffe has made no new investments in Carlyle since 2008, although he was invested in the company through 2016. She described him as a passive investor with no role in crafting the deals, noting that many major institutions were among the investors, including the California Public Employees Retirement System. Glenn Youngkins record is clear: shipping American jobs overseas and harming seniors and homeowners, all for his own profit," Freundlich said. Virginians deserve better than an extreme, Trump-endorsed job killer with a track record of always putting his own wealth first. Carlyle made investments in several companies under Youngkin's leadership that moved at least 1,300 American jobs offshore, according to Department of Labor data. They include Metaldyne LLC, a North Carolina car parts company that sent 176 jobs to Korea in 2008; the Texas company Commemorative Brands, which produced class rings and sent more than 260 jobs to Mexico between 2005 and 2013; and Ohio-based car part manufacturer Veyance Technologies, which sent nearly 300 jobs to Mexico between 2009 and 2011. After they were restructured, all three companies were sold for hundreds of millions of dollars more than they were acquired for. Veyance Technologies was among those companies in a larger fund in which McAuliffe had invested; that means he would have profited from the deal. A representative for Carlyle declined to comment for this story. The company's leadership has struggled to defend some of their decisions at times. The firm in 2005 acquired a minority stake in Combined Systems Inc., a less-lethal munitions manufacturer that produced tear gas and super-sock bean bags subsequently used by governments in Tunisia, Egypt and China to crack down on pro-democracy protesters. Combined Systems officials said at the time that they could not control how their products were used. But the U.S. State Department condemned the excessive use of force against protesters in Egypt in particular and opened an investigation into the misuse of tear gas after pictures of CSI-branded tear gas canisters were published on social media. By all measures, Carlyle is a behemoth in the world of private equity, with 29 offices spread across five continents staffed by more than 1,800 professionals. The firm raised over $27 billion of new capital in 2020, according to its annual report. Despite what it described as a difficult environment because of the pandemic, Carlyle delivered distributable earnings of $762 million to its investors last year, its highest total in the past five years. Youngkin joined the firm in 1995 and rose up through the ranks steadily in the subsequent years, becoming head of the industrial sector investment team by 2005. By March 2011, he had become the chief operating officer and within seven years, he was named co-CEO. Carlyle announced Youngkin's retirement last summer amid speculation that he was interested in running for office. In the announcement, Youngkin said it was the professional journey of a lifetime and my honor to be part of building Carlyle into the global institution it is today." Youngkin's annual compensation package in 2019, his last full year at the company, approached $17 million, according to published reports at the time. That same year, Carlyle sold Sunnyvale's Plaza Del Rey for $237 million after buying it for $152 million four years earlier. Acquiring higher-end mobile home parks, now referred to as manufactured housing, was part of a broader strategy for Carlyle that included large properties in Arizona and Florida. Such investments are an emerging trend among private equity firms that recently recognized investment potential in mobile home parks. Critics, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., have accused the firms of preying upon aging residents with steady income streams and limited options to move when rents and fees go up. Six years after Carlyle entered Pavlick's life, she is still fighting rent and fee increases, which continued to surge after Carlyle sold her community to another out-of-state investment firm two years ago. This park used to be called the park with the heart, Pavlick said. They just turned everybodys happy home upside down. ___ Peoples reported from New York. AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) Maine Gov. Janet Mills has vetoed a bill that would have given permissions to Native American tribes in the state to open and run gambling businesses on their own lands. The bill was approved in Maine's legislature with an overwhelming majority in June, but Mills' administration had serious concerns about a bill seeking to reinstate tribal rights, the Portland Press Herald reported. In a statement released on Wednesday, Mills said that since the start of her governorship that it has been her priority to repair the relationship between the tribes and the state, but she said the bill was plagued with issues. Mills wrote that her concerns with the bill regarded the lack of limitations on where tribal gaming may occur, or on the size of each facility. She said the legislation would approve any large or small-sized casinos in nontribal communities. The four tribes that would've been granted permissions from the bill released their own statement in condemnation of Mills decision, the newspaper said. Chief Maggie Dana of Passamaquoddy Tribe said that Governor Mills provides lip service to wanting to engage on tribal issues. Dana said that Mills has only met with tribal leaders twice in the last two years in attempts to change preexisting laws that restricted tribal autonomy. The bipartisan gambling legislation is one part of a series of changes the legislature wants to amend the 1980 Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act. If these amendments are enacted, the revisions would restore some of the sovereignty that tribal leaders say they lost years ago, the newspaper said. Criticism for Mills' also involves the corporate-owned casinos in the state. Chief Clarissa Sabattis of the Houlton Band of Maliseet said Mills vetoing the bill shows her support for out of state corporate gambling interests over the people of rural Maine. Chief Charlie Peter-Paul of the Aroostook Band of Micmac said the tribes are asking for self-determination. They should have that right on their native lands. The Legislature understands this. The people of Maine understand this. The governor and the large corporate gaming operations in Maine clearly dont," he said. Mills said the two corporate-owned casinos in Maine were approved by voters and she supported it after the details were thoroughly planned out. She also said the tribal-owned casinos could siphon revenue from the corporate casinos, which would decrease the state's $17 million it receives from the casino from preexisting laws that set up the casinos. The legislature will reportedly take a vote to override the veto when it returns Thursday. HOUSTON (AP) Two suburban Houston officers and a jailer were indicted Thursday in an alleged assault of a man during a traffic stop. Baytown police Officers Teddy Sims and Samuel Serrett and detention officer Shan Dunlap were each indicted on a felony charge of aggravated assault. Eds: This story was supplied by The Conversation for AP customers. The Associated Press does not guarantee the content. Susan M. Shaw, Oregon State University (THE CONVERSATION) Concerned over the direction that some leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention have recently taken, a number of pastors in the denomination have formed the Conservative Baptist Network. This comes after some of the denominations most high-profile figures, including Bible study leader Beth Moore and former president of the denominations moral and public policy agency Russell Moore (not related), have left the denomination, citing its leaderships support of Donald Trump and its mishandling of clergy sex abuse and racism. These are far from the only departures the Southern Baptist Convention has suffered as membership has declined over the past 14 years. The disgruntled pastors cite a number of grievances, from the SBCs desire to address the denominations racist past to some leaders willingness to engage secular theories of social justice to understand contemporary social problems. As a former Southern Baptist and now a scholar working in religious and gender studies, Ive watched these recent controversies with interest. Such disagreements have defined Baptists since the 17th century. Baptist battles In 1972, historian Walter B. Shurden wrote how disagreements across the centuries had shaped the history of Baptists. Baptist Battles a term coined by sociologist Nancy Ammerman in 1990 are rooted in Baptist theology. Baptists believe that God speaks directly to individuals and that each person can read the Bible and interpret it themselves. Because of these beliefs, Baptists reject hierarchy in religious governance. The Southern Baptist Convention does not tell individuals what to believe or churches what to do. Each local congregation is autonomous and self-governing. They have generally agreed upon shared beliefs, but no Baptist or Baptist body can tell anyone else what they must believe. With each Baptist having the authority of the individual conscience before God, disagreements are an inevitable and frequent occurrence. Although such agreements can be healthy and push issues forward, more often they can also lead to skirmishes, battles and divisions. Here are just a few of the Baptist battles that have taken place over the past four centuries. The battle over salvation Two distinct strands of Baptists emerged in England in the 17th century. The first were General Baptists, who believed in a general salvation, meaning that anyone could be saved. Salvation is believed to be a right relationship with God that leads to eternal life. General salvation is open to all, and each individual has free will to choose or reject salvation. John Smyth, who founded the first Baptist church in Amsterdam around 1609 after fleeing religious persecution in England, believed that God allowed humans to make their own choices. People can choose to sin, and people can choose to repent, he said. The second strand of English Baptists were known as Particular Baptists. They believed in a particular salvation, reserved for only those who have been chosen by God to be saved from eternal damnation. People have no choice in the matter of their salvation or damnation. In 1644, Particular Baptists issued a confession of faith repudiating the heresies of General Baptists, especially the idea of free will. The battle over hymn singing Early Baptists, who had separated from the Church of England, were highly suspicious of the practices of Anglican worship, including of set written and recited prayers. They believed practices of worship should include only those directly authorized by Scripture. General Baptists rejected congregational singing as a fixed form of worship. They feared fixed prayers and fixed singing could lead newly separated churches back into the errors of the Church of England. Many Particular Baptists accepted the singing of Psalms, since these words were a part of the biblical text, although each Particular Baptist congregation made its own decisions about singing them or not. By the 1650s, a number of Particular Baptists were using congregational singing, and in the 1670s singing hymns that were not the Psalms began to be practiced. In 1690 a bitter public debate erupted in printed tracts as Baptists attacked and defended the practice of singing hymns in worship. The controversy became so acrimonious that the 1692 Assembly of Particular Baptists took it up and asked its participants not to write publicly about it anymore. The battle over enslavement In the U.S., Baptists formed a national organization, the Triennial Convention, in 1814. Around the same time, attitudes of Baptists in the South toward the enslavement of Africans began to harden as the 1792 invention of the cotton gin, a machine that made it easier to separate the cotton fibers from their seeds, made enslavement more profitable. By the 1830s, abolitionism took firm hold among Northern Baptists, and both they and Baptists in the South argued they were upholding Scripture through their views on slavery. Soon a debate erupted in the Triennial Convention over whether or not people who held enslaved Africans could be appointed as missionaries. Finally, the board of the convention announced it would not appoint such a person. Baptists in the South decided to withdraw from the Triennial Convention and formed the Southern Baptist Convention in 1845. Rather than issuing a statement in support of slavery, however, the new SBC declared civil issues, such as slavery, outside the purview of religious issues with which the denomination concerned itself. The battle over Baptist history In the 19th century, most Baptists staked their claim as the one true New Testament church on their belief that the denomination started with John the Baptist and continued in an unbroken line ever since. In 1893, Southern Baptist seminary president W. H. Whitsitt published an article arguing that Baptists began around 1640 when some of those who broke from the Church of England rejected infant baptism and began to practice adult believers baptism by immersion. The backlash to Whitsitts essay was swift and furious from prominent Baptists, local pastors and denominational newspaper editors who insisted Baptists could trace their origins to A.D. 30. Whitsitt resigned from the seminary, but eventually, Baptist historians vindicated him, and his version of 17th-century Baptist origins prevailed. The battle over the Bible In 1961, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary professor Ralph H. Elliott wrote The Message of Genesis, a scholarly book that suggested that the stories of the first 11 chapters of the biblical book of Genesis were theological rather than historical. Many Southern Baptists considered these stories literal and believed Elliott had challenged the trustworthiness of the Bible by questioning the historical accuracy of Genesis. After the 1962 meeting of the SBC affirmed the Bibles historical accuracy and infallibility, the seminary demanded that Elliott agree not to republish the book. He refused, and the seminary fired him. But the battle continued. When the denominations publishing house issued a commentary on Genesis in 1969 that challenged literal interpretations, the opposition was so great that the SBC demanded the publishing house withdraw the volume and issue a new edition with a different writer. The battle for the denomination These battles have continued into the present day. From 1979 to 1993, Southern Baptist fundamentalists and moderates fought for control of the denomination, with fundamentalists wresting away power and moderates leaving to form splinter organizations. While fundamentalists framed the controversy as one over biblical fidelity and authority, the role of women was central. The SBC passed a 1984 resolution excluding women from ordination and becoming pastors and changed the denominations confessional statement to call for womens submission to men. Baptists have also fought over missions, other denominations, education, evolution, segregation, abortion, sexuality and social work. Now, Southern Baptists are fighting, again over salvation, race and gender. The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. The Conversation is wholly responsible for the content. TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) Israel, a world leader in coronavirus vaccinations, reported its highest daily infection rate in three months as it scrambles to contain the spread of the new delta variant. Authorities are racing to vaccinate children and are considering tighter travel restrictions at the country's main airport. The Health Ministry on Thursday reported 307 new cases on Wednesday, the highest in nearly three months and a rise from 293 newly-diagnosed cases a day earlier. The health ministry reportedly expects those numbers to jump in coming days, raising concerns that Israel is plunging back toward a crisis. In recent months, Israel has reopened businesses, schools and event venues, lifting nearly all restrictions after it inoculated some 85% of the adult population. It's now seen as an early-warning system of sorts for other nations. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday announced a drive to inoculate thousands of children by mid-month. Though worrying, the trend still shows little uptick when it comes to deaths from the virus. In the past two weeks, the ministry recorded only one. In Israel, 5.1 million people, among its population of 9.3 million, have received the required double dose of vaccinations. Another 400,000 have received at least one dose. Israel recorded its highest number of vaccinations of children this week and has re-imposed a rule requiring people to wear masks indoors. Bennett for the first time appointed a coronavirus commissioner to manage arrivals at the main gateway into Israel, Ben Gurion International Airport, which he called a huge national vulnerability. Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked on Wednesday said officials are prepared to close the airport if the trend worsens. Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported that officials are considering bringing back the Green Pass system that differentiates between vaccinated and non-vaccinated citizens in access to certain venues and activities. Israels government last week postponed the planned reopening of the country to vaccinated tourists over concerns about the spread of the delta variant. Israel was initially set to reopen its borders to vaccinated visitors on Thursday, after having largely closed the country during the pandemic. It had already started allowing groups of vaccinated tourists to enter in May. But after a rise in infections over the past 10 days, the government pushed that date to Aug. 1. ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) A Libyan military commander who previously lived for decades in Virginia cannot claim head-of-state immunity as a defense in lawsuits accusing him of atrocities in his country's civil war, a judge ruled Thursday. Khalifa Hifter leads the self-styled Libyan National Army, a faction in a civil war that has raged in the country for years. Once a lieutenant to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Hifter defected to the U.S. during the 1980s and spent many years living in northern Virginia. He is widely believed to have worked with the CIA during his time in exile. He is also a defendant in three separate federal lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court in Alexandria. Plaintiffs allege their loved ones were killed or tortured by Hifters forces. The lawsuits seek millions of dollars in damages that could be recovered from property that Hifter, a dual U.S. and Libyan citizen, and his family still own throughout northern Virginia. In court papers, Hifter asserted that he is immune to lawsuits because he is head of state. He also said the judge should dismiss the cases because a lawsuit that seeks to assert blame in the country's civil war is a political question that requires deference to the executive branch. But at a hearing Thursday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema ruled that Hifter cannot claim either head-of-state immunity or the political-question doctrine as a defense in the lawsuits. She noted that she twice asked the State Department if it wanted to assert an interest in the case once during former President Donald Trump's administration and once during President Joe Biden's administration but that it declined to do so on both occasions. Hifter's lawyer, Jesse Binnall, argued unsuccessfully that the State Department's decision not to intervene should not be seen as resolving the matter. He said the situation in Libya is fluid and whether Hifter is in fact the head of state is a question dependent on multiple factors. He said the State Department's failure to assert an interest in the case could be the result of many factors that have nothing to do with whether Hifter is, in fact, a head of state. Diplomacy is a difficult business, he said. Taking a position can screw up all the work you're doing as a diplomat. But Brinkema agreed with Kevin Carroll, a lawyer for Muna al-Suyid and her family who says her brothers were killed by Hifter's forces in Benghazi in 2014. Carroll argued that if the State Department refused to recognize Hifter as a head of state, Brinkema would be out of bounds as a judge to let him assert that immunity. If you were to declare Field Marshal Hifter is head of state in Libya, you would be acting inappropriately, Carroll told the judge. Brinkema's ruling does not determine the final outcome of the cases. Plaintiffs will still have to prove their allegations at trial. And Brinkema is allowing Hifter to argue a different defense at trial: that those who were killed were armed combatants in the civil war, as opposed to innocent civilians. If the alleged victims were in fact engaged in armed hostilities, that changes the nature of the beast, in my opinion, Brinkema said. The case now moves into a fact-finding phase that will likely include a deposition of Hifter himself. NEW ORLEANS (AP) Jimmy Fitzmorris, the affable two-time lieutenant governor who narrowly lost his long-sought-after bids for New Orleans mayor and Louisiana governor, has died. He was 99. Fitzmorris died Wednesday night, his son-in-law Bruce Clement announced on his Facebook page Thursday. The contributions made by former Lt. Gov. Jimmy Fitzmorris to Louisiana are too many to be mentioned & too great to be measured, Gov. John Bel Edwards, a fellow Democrat, said in a statement. Republican Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser said Fitzmorris was a mentor. His ability to unite differing views for a common good is what made him so effective for our state, Nungesser said in a Twitter post. Fitzmorris' popularity and drive were such that even his opponents sometimes wondered how he missed the political brass ring. He lost one mayors race by 150 votes and was nudged out of the 1979 runoff for governor by just over 2,000 votes out of the nearly 1 million votes cast results he unsuccessfully challenged. Fitzmorris started a career in 1940 as a messenger boy for Kansas City Southern Railroad, and was a vice president by the time he retired in 1972. He was elected to the New Orleans City Council in 1954 and served for 12 years. He ran twice for mayor and lost the first time by a narrow margin to Victor Schiro in 1965. A 1969 race against Moon Landrieu was not as close. Fitzmorris bounced back and was elected lieutenant governor in 1971, a job he held for two terms. While the flashy and popular Gov. Edwin Edwards got the spotlight, Fitzmorris was on the move, seeking new industry and cutting ribbons around the state. When he first won the office, the lieutenant governors post was a powerful one. The holder of the office also presided over the state Senate. That changed in 1975 when the new constitution ordered that the Senate choose the president from among its members. In 1979, Fitzmorris decided to make a run for governor in an open race with a field of nine after Edwards was barred from seeking a third consecutive term. In the nonpartisan primary, Republican Congressman Dave Treen was the leader. Unofficial results put Fitzmorris second, forcing the two into a runoff. Fitzmorris had edged out fellow Democrat Louis Lambert, then chairman of the public service commission, by about 2,400 votes in the unofficial election night count. Days later, the voting machines were opened and Lambert was ahead of Fitzmorris by about the same margin. It is extremely difficult for me to believe or accept the idea that I went from a lead of more than 2,300 votes Sunday morning when the vote was first tabulated to a deficit of more than 2,400 votes by Tuesday of the same week, Fitzmorris said. He filed suit, the first in modern Louisiana history to charge voting irregularities in a governors race. The courts found no irregularities and the runoff went on without Fitzmorris. Treen won and became the states first Republican governor since Reconstruction. The glad-hander from New Orleans Irish Channel couldnt stay away, accepting a position as an industrial recruiter in the new Treen administration. My profession is politics and my hobby is people. Thats my life, Fitzmorris said. For a time, Fitzmorris was targeted by reports of a federal investigation that he received a $10,000 campaign contribution in his race for governor in exchange for the promise of favors. No charges were ever filed. During the federal corruption trial that was dubbed Brilab in the early 1980s, a tape of New Orleans mob kingpin Carlos Marcello was played to the jury in which Marcello said Fitzmorris would not be any good in a corrupt scheme. Say, Heres a million. Hell say, Man, get away from me. Please get away,' Marcello, who was convicted, was heard saying. In 1983, Fitzmorris tried to regain the lieutenant governors job, losing to Bobby Freeman. After that, Fitzmorris became a private consultant and eased out of the spotlight. Fitzmorris wife, Gloria, died in 1995. The two met during World War II when he was an officer getting a physical checkup in New Orleans. She was a medical technician. He is survived by their daughter, Lisa Clement. Funeral arrangements are pending. OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) A voter-approved expansion of Medicaid took effect Thursday in Oklahoma after a decade of Republican resistance in a state that has become emblematic of the political struggle to extend the federal health insurance program in conservative strongholds. Oklahoma moved ahead with its expansion at a time when Democrats in Washington and across the states are pressing to complete the work of the Obama-era Affordable Care Act, recently upheld by the Supreme Court for the third time in a decade. So far, 38 states and Washington, D.C., have expanded Medicaid, and expansion in a dozen mostly Southern states may be the biggest piece of unfinished business. Anyone banking on the idea that Obamacare was just going to be struck down the Supreme Court has moved past that, said Cindy Mann, who served as federal Medicaid chief during the Barack Obama administration. All of the states that are still debating the issue are constantly looking at other states experience to get a sense of what they can expect, added Mann, now with the Manatt Health consultancy. Having Oklahoma a very red state moving forward judiciously and with very strong enrollment is showing that this is a sensible path to go. More than 123,000 low-income people already have been approved for Medicaid coverage in Oklahoma, a state where nearly 15% of the population has been uninsured the highest rate in the nation behind Texas, according to the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation. State Medicaid officials say they expect that number to increase to more than 200,000 as more people get approved. Danielle Gaddis of Oklahoma City is 26 and preparing to begin medical school. She has been without private health insurance since her mother, whose health plan she was on, retired two years ago. When Gaddis began running a fever over the winter, she couldnt afford to see a doctor and instead spent two weeks trying to recover on her own. That will change since she's been approved for Medicaid thanks to the expansion. Just the financial worry is gone," Gaddis said. It's nice to know that's something I don't have to worry about." Oklahoma voters narrowly approved a constitutional amendment last year to expand eligibility for benefits. Now, an individual who earns up to $17,796 annually, or $36,588 for a family of four, qualifies for Medicaid health care coverage. By contrast, the median income limit for parents in states that didn't expand their program is about $8,905 for a family of three, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. I want to congratulate Oklahoma on joining the ranks of states that are bringing quality health coverage to our neighbors and families," said U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, who visited Oklahoma Thursday to discuss the significance of Medicaid expansion. Medicaid started out in the 1960s as a federal-state health insurance program for severely disabled people and low-income families on welfare, but it now covers nearly 74 million people, or more than one in five Americans. The program expansion under Obama brought in some 12 million low-income people, mostly low-wage workers. The states most closely watching Oklahoma are Missouri where voters approved an expansion but GOP legislators balked at funding it as well as Kansas, where Medicaid expansion has been actively debated. In Missouri, a judge recently ruled that the ballot question there was unconstitutional. In South Dakota, several major health care systems last month announced plans to begin gathering signatures for a ballot measure to expand Medicaid there. Opponents of expansion argue that the costs to the states are excessive. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has described the expansion as a massive tax increase that Missourians cannot afford. Oklahoma helped offset the costs by increasing a fee that hospitals must pay. President Joe Bidens coronavirus relief law dangles a significant financial bonus in front of states that expand their programs now. Oklahoma is the first to qualify. Under the Biden legislation, states newly expanding will receive a two-year, 5-percentage-point bump up in federal matching funds for their regular Medicaid programs. Thats on top of a 90% federal match for the costs of covering the newly insured through the expansion. Manatt estimates the bonus alone would work out to $786 million for Oklahoma, but bigger states like Texas and Florida would reap much more. More than 2 million low-income uninsured people remain in a coverage gap as long as Medicaid expansion is unfinished. They make too much to qualify for Medicaid under their individual states rules, but not enough to qualify for Obamacares subsidized private insurance. Right now, millions of Americans do not have health care coverage through no fault of their own because their states havent expanded their Medicaid programs, said Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., chair of the U.S. House committee that oversees Medicaid. In Washington, theres a growing demand among Democrats for the federal government to step in and take direct action if states continue to hold out. Its seen as a health equity issue, since many of the uninsured people in the coverage gap are racial and ethnic minorities. Having Oklahoma and Missouri going in two different directions really illustrates the need for the federal government to do something, said Jesse Cross-Call, a health policy expert with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, which advocates for low-income people. There continue to be states that are going to throw up roadblocks and resist this no matter what you put in front of them. James Capretta, a health policy expert with the business-oriented American Enterprise Institute in Washington, said theres also been a reluctance among Democrats to compromise, since they reject ideas that would alter the basic terms of the Obama health law. Nonetheless, there ought to be a bipartisan consensus here, since there really is no alternative to Medicaid as the safety net health insurance program, Capretta added. We already have a program. And there is still a gap population. The logical thing to do is find some way to make sure these people are at least being helped. NEW YORK (AP) Meghan McCain, whose outspoken conservative views have frequently led to verbal fireworks and compelling television on ABC's The View, said Thursday that she is quitting the daytime talk show after four years. McCain, daughter of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, announced on the air that she would leave after the show's season ends in late July. I will be here another month, so if you still want to fight a little more, we have four more weeks, McCain said. The 36-year-old commentator is usually the only conservative voice among the cast of five women, and not afraid to mix it up when she disagrees with them. In the past two months, for example, she's had contentious exchanges with lead host Whoopi Goldberg and frequent foil Joy Behar. The show, invented more than two decades ago by Barbara Walters, has done well in the ratings with a mix of celebrity guests and, most prominently, the combustible hot topics session where they kick around the day's news. Like many television shows during the COVID-19 pandemic, the hosts have been appearing remotely instead of meeting in a New York studio. McCain, married to conservative commentator Ben Domenech and mother of a baby daughter, said she didn't want to leave her life in the Washington area to commute again to work. This was not an easy decision, she said. It took a lot of thought and counsel and prayer. ABC News said in a statement that it respected and understood her decision, and thanked McCain for her fierce determination and vast political knowledge and experience. As the conservative voice on The View, McCain filled a role where producers had trouble finding the right person after Elisabeth Hasselbeck left in 2013. McCain has said she was going to turn down an offer to join The View, but her father said it was too good an opportunity to pass up. Like her father, she's no big fan of former President Donald Trump. But her job often compelled her to explain to her co-hosts what people who supported Trump were thinking. This is no shade at women who have been here before, but I knew going in that I couldnt be intimidated by the others and their strong opinions, she told The Associated Press after her first season. These are all smart, strong women. I had to stay true to my convictions and my politics and not let the physical audience in front of me, which is normally very liberal, or the audience on social media impact my politics. Because a lot of things I say are unpopular. She rarely backed down, and the words between the hosts frequently became sharp. That was evident June 17, when McCain criticized President Joe Biden's treatment of CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins at a news conference, for which the president later apologized. Goldberg noted that Biden's predecessor she refuses to say Trump's name never apologized, and that lit a fuse igniting a schoolyard brawl. Both hosts later apologized to each other. In May, Behar took exception when McCain said she didn't hear enough criticism of the spate of antisemitic hate crimes. I've been talking about antisemitism on this show for 25 freakin' years, Behar said. Don't tell me what I'm supposed to be saying, Meghan, OK? You do your thing, we do ours. Behar noted after McCain's announcement that they've had their fights but also some interesting drinking sessions. I have really, really appreciated the fact that you were a formidable opponent in many ways and that you spoke your mind, Behar said. You're no snowflake, missy. On her way out, McCain criticized media coverage of The View, saying the show was covered with deep misogyny and sexism. She said if the show's hosts were five men instead of women, they'd have Pulitzer Prizes. MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexicos National Institute of Indigenous Peoples on Wednesday condemned this weeks killings of two activists from the Triqui community. Some 10,000 Triquis live in remote, impoverished communities in the mountains of southern Oaxaca state. Three Triqui groups are locked in a decades-long armed struggle that has seen dozens of killings. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Thursday hell push to further upgrade relations with China, his main ally, as he struggles to navigate his country out of a deepening crisis linked to the pandemic. Kim made the comments in a message to Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulating him on the 100th founding anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. The Workers Party of Korea, by its firm unity with the Chinese Communist Party, would raise (North Korea)-China friendship to a new strategic point as required by the times and as desired by the peoples of the two countries, Kim was quoted as saying. In an apparent reference to the United States, Kim said that hostile forces vicious slander and all-round pressure upon the Chinese Communist Party are no more than a last-ditch attempt and they can never check the ongoing advance of the Chinese people, according to KCNA. Kims message came a day after state media said he had told a powerful Politburo meeting that a crucial lapse in the anti-virus campaign has caused a great crisis. He did not elaborate, but there was speculation that Kim may have aimed to raise a call for international assistance, including vaccine shipments. North Korea maintains some of the worlds toughest anti-virus measures, including 1 years of border shutdowns, despite its much questionable claim to be coronavirus free. Such draconian steps have devastated its already struggling economy, and Kim has said before his country faces the worst-ever situation. It's unclear when North Korea would reopen its border with China, and so far, there are no reports that it has received any vaccines. More than 90% of North Koreas trade goes through China, which has long been suspected of refusing to fully implement U.N. sanctions against North Korea imposed over its nuclear weapons programs. Experts say China worries about a collapse and chaos in North Korea because it doesnt want refugees flooding over the long border and a pro-U.S., unified Korea on its doorstep. On Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin held out the possibility of sending assistance to North Korea. China and the DPRK have a long tradition of helping each other when they encounter difficulties, Wang said, referring to the North by the initials of its official name. If necessary, China will actively consider providing assistance to the DPRK. ___ Associated Press writer Kim Tong-hyung contributed to this report. SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) A bipartisan group of 21 Northwest lawmakers called on President Joe Biden to prioritize a long-running effort to renegotiate a 60-year-old treaty that governs how the United States and Canada share the waters of the Columbia River Basin. In a Tuesday letter to Biden, Washington Republican Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington Democratic Sen. Patty Murray and Oregon Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio led the group urging the president to update the Columbia River Treaty. The Spokesman-Review reported efforts to revise the treaty, which was signed in 1961, began in 2013 amid concerns over salmon runs, flood risk and electricity the U.S. sends to Canada under the accord. Modernizing this treaty is critically important to protecting our region from flood control risks and ensuring we can continue to lead with clean, renewable, reliable, and affordable hydropower, McMorris Rodgers said in a statement. The treaty, which took more than 20 years to negotiate, came together after a 1948 flood washed away what once was Oregons second-biggest city, Vanport. It provided for the construction of one dam in Montana and three in British Columbia, completed between 1968 and 1973, that together more than doubled the amount of reservoir storage in the basin, providing benefits for both flood prevention and generating power. Most of the treatys provisions dont have an expiration date, but half a century after its signing, changing conditions spurred an effort to modernize it. The Bonneville Power Administration and the Army Corps of Engineers which together form the U.S. entity responsible for the agreement began a review of the deal in 2011 and recommended a series of changes to the State Department in 2013. The recommendations included letting more water flow through the dams in spring and summer to improve fish passage, decreasing the treatys impact on tribal resources and updating flood management plans. The BPA and Army Corps of Engineers also recommended changing a provision known as the Canadian Entitlement, which requires the U.S. to send cash and half of power generated downstream to Canada in exchange for the water resources. The BPA and Army Corps of Engineers have estimated the value of the Canadian Entitlement to be between $229 million and $335 million a year, contending the current treaty gives the U.S. a raw deal. Canadian negotiators have argued the current entitlement is fair. Either country can terminate the treaty with 10 years notice, but neither has done so. The letter was signed by lawmakers from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. A State Department spokesperson said Friday the agency doesnt comment on congressional correspondence but promised to consult with lawmakers on the treaty. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. PHOENIX (AP) The National Transportation Safety Board on Wednesday issued a preliminary report on the recent crash of an experimental plane near Gila Bend Municipal Airport that killed a passenger. Authorities said one person aboard the experimental plane was ejected upon impact and pronounced dead at the scene on June 15 while the other person was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries. ROME (AP) Pope Francis insisted Thursday that Lebanon must remain a land of tolerance and pluralism as he welcomed the countrys Christian patriarchs to the Vatican to pray for an end to the economic and political crisis that has thrown the country into chaos and threatened its Christian community. Francis presided over an evening prayer service in St. Peters Basilica with the leaders of Lebanons Christian churches, which featured prayers and hymns in Arabic, Syriac, Armenian and Chaldean. Members of the Lebanese community in Rome and the diplomatic corps filled the pews. During the service, Francis insisted that Lebanons vocation was to be an oasis of fraternity where different religions and confessions meet, where different communities live together, putting the common good before their individual interests. Lebanon cannot be left prey to the course of events or (to) those who pursue their own unscrupulous interests, he said. It is a small yet great country, but even more, it is a universal message of peace and fraternity arising from the Middle East. The Mediterranean nation of 6 million, including an estimated 1 million refugees, has the largest percentage of Christians in the Middle East and is the only Arab country with a Christian head of state. Christians make up a third of the population, and the Vatican fears the country's collapse is particularly dangerous for the continued presence of its Christian community, a bulwark for the church in the Mideast. Lebanon is going through an unprecedented economic and financial collapse, coupled with an 11-month political deadlock over the formation of a new government. The developments pose the gravest threat to its stability since the end of its civil war three decades ago. It is also trying to recover from the devastating Beirut port explosion last summer and the coronavirus pandemic. Francis invited the religious leaders for a day of prayer that began with a silent meditation at the tomb of the Apostle Peter and was followed by closed-door talks about how to help Lebanon emerge from what the World Bank has described as likely to be one of the worst crises the world has witnessed over the past 150 years. In his final remarks at the ecumenical prayer service, Francis urged political leaders to find solutions and appealed to the international community to help the country recover. Stop using Lebanon and the Middle East for outside interests and profits!" he said. The Lebanese people must be given the opportunity to be the architects of a better future in their land, without undue interference." Embattled Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, who met with Francis at the Vatican in April, said from Beirut that he hoped the meeting would call on all Lebanese to preserve their coexistence. It is no surprise that the pontiff keeps it in his heart through this invite to 10 spiritual leaders with the aim of getting Lebanon through its difficult reality, he tweeted Thursday, repeating the words of St. John Paul II that Lebanon is more than a country, it is a message. The Vaticans foreign minister, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, was blunt in explaining the Holy Sees strong concern about the collapse of the country during a briefing with journalists last week. He said Francis had invited the religious leaders to Rome in an acknowledgment that the Christian community had been particularly hard-hit by the crisis, which has sent the well-educated middle classes fleeing power cuts, fuel shortages, soaring prices and now sporadic acts of violence. The crisis, Gallagher said, risks destroying the internal balance and Lebanons own reality, putting at risk the Christian presence in the Middle East. Noting the potential for Lebanon to fall into conflict, he said the country must be helped economically and to keep the peace, saying it remains the final vanguard of an Arab democracy that welcomes, recognizes and coexists with a plurality of ethnic and religious communities that in other countries arent able to live in peace. It must be helped to maintain this unique identity, to ensure a pluralist, tolerant and diversified Middle East, he said. Francis has said he hopes to visit Lebanon once a government is formed. Gallagher said if that happens soon, Francis could make a trip early next year. ___ AP correspondent Zeina Karam contributed from Beirut. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) A Rhode Island man found to be in possession of more than 50,000 images and 200 videos of child pornography has been sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison, federal prosecutors said Thursday. The investigation into Jason P. Muschiano, 39, of Woonsocket, started in November 2018 when a state police investigation into the use of peer-to-peer networks for child exploitation purposes observed an IP address they later determined belonged to Muschiano, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney's office in Providence. WASHINGTON (AP) Flexing its new strength, the Supreme Court's conservative majority on Thursday cut back on a landmark voting rights law in a decision likely to help Republican states fight challenges to voting restrictions theyve put in place following last years elections. The court's 6-3 ruling upheld voting limits in Arizona that a lower court had found discriminatory under the federal Voting Rights Act. It was the high court's second major decision in eight years that civil rights groups and liberal dissenting justices say weakened the Civil Rights-era law that was intended to eradicate discrimination in voting. The decision fueled new calls from Democrats to pass federal legislation, blocked by Senate Republicans, that would counter the new state laws. Some lawmakers and liberal groups also favor Supreme Court changes that include expanding the nine-justice bench. The courts decision, harmful as it is, does not limit Congress ability to repair the damage done today: it puts the burden back on Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act to its intended strength, President Joe Biden said in a statement. Republicans argue that the state restrictions are simply efforts to fight potential voting fraud and ensure election integrity. Biden's Justice Department had actually taken the position that the Arizona measures did not violate the Voting Rights Act, but favored a narrower ruling than the one handed down Thursday. Justice Amy Coney Barretts confirmation last year to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg entrenched the rights dominance on a court that now has three appointees of former President Donald Trump. In an opinion by Justice Samuel Alito, the court reversed an appellate ruling in deciding that Arizonas regulations on who can return early ballots for another person and on refusing to count ballots cast in the wrong precinct are not racially discriminatory. The federal appeals court in San Francisco had held that the measures disproportionately affected Black, Hispanic and Native American voters in violation of a part of the Voting Rights Act known as Section 2. Alito wrote for the conservative majority that the state's interest in the integrity of elections justified the measures and that voters faced modest burdens at most. The court rejected the idea that showing a state law disproportionately affects minority voters is enough to prove a violation of law. In a scathing dissent, Justice Elena Kagan wrote that the court was weakening the federal voting rights law for the second time in eight years. "What is tragic here is that the Court has (yet again) rewritten in order to weaken a statute that stands as a monument to Americas greatness, and protects against its basest impulses. What is tragic is that the Court has damaged a statute designed to bring about the end of discrimination in voting. I respectfully dissent, Kagan wrote, joined by the other two liberal justices. Native Americans who have to travel long distances to put their ballots in the mail were most likely to be affected by Arizona's ballot collection law. Votes cast by Black and Hispanic voters were most likely to be tossed out because they were cast in a wrong precinct, the appeals court found. Election law expert Rick Hasen wrote on his blog that the decision severely weakened Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. He noted that this decision along with others over the past 15 years have taken away all the major available tools for going after voting restrictions. This is not a death blow for Section 2 claims, but it will make it much, much harder for such challenges to succeed, Hasen, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, Law School, wrote. Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia was among Democrats who said the high courts decision raises the sense of urgency for Congress to pass comprehensive voting rights legislation. Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts called for passage of his legislation expanding the court to 13 justices to restore balance to our top court. With Republicans united in opposition to those measures, Democrats first would have to change Senate filibuster rules that require 60 votes for most legislation. The challenged Arizona provisions remained in effect in 2020 because the case was still making its way through the courts. Biden narrowly won Arizona last year, and since 2018, the state has elected two Democratic senators. Arizonas most populous county, Maricopa, has been in the midst of a Republican-led audit challenging last year's vote. Thursday's Supreme Court ruling came eight years after the high court took away what had been the Justice Departments most effective tool for combating discriminatory voting laws a different provision of the federal law that required the government or a court to clear voting changes before they could take effect in Arizona and other states, mainly in the South, with a history of discrimination. Many of the state measures that have been enacted since then would never have been allowed to take effect if the advance clearance provision of the Voting Rights Act had remained in force. Left in place was Section 2, with its prohibition on rules that make it harder for minorities to exercise their right to vote. At the heart of the Arizona case was the standard for proving a violation of the law. Alito cautioned that the court did not on Thursday announce a test to govern all ... claims involving rules, like those at issue here, that specify the time, place, or manner for casting ballots. Many Republicans continue to question the 2020 elections outcome, despite the absence of evidence. Republican elected officials in a number of states have responded by enacting restrictions on early voting and mailed-in ballots, as well as tougher voter identification laws. Kagan pointed to some of the new laws in her dissenting opinion. "Those laws shorten the time polls are open, both on Election Day and before. They impose new prerequisites to voting by mail, and shorten the windows to apply for and return mail ballots. They make it harder to register to vote, and easier to purge voters from the rolls. Two laws even ban handing out food or water to voters standing in line, she wrote. Lawsuits challenging laws enacted in Florida and Georgia, including a Justice Department suit in Georgia last week, allege violations of the voting rights law. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Thursday's ruling a resounding victory for election integrity and the rule of law. Democrats were attempting to make Arizona ballots less secure for political gain, and the Court saw right through their partisan lies. In Arizona and across the nation, states know best how to manage their own elections. Democratic elections lawyer Marc Elias vowed the legal fight against the new laws would continue. If anyone thinks that this decision will stop us from fighting for voting rights, they are wrong. We will fight harder with every tool available to protect voters from suppressive laws," Elias wrote on Twitter. ___ Associated Press writer Christina A. Cassidy contributed to this report from Atlanta. PEA RIDGE, Ark. (AP) A woman accused of running over and killing a police officer in Arkansas was facing multiple low-level theft and drug cases at the time and had a record of now showing up in court, authorities say. Each time she was arrested, Shawna Cash, 22, ended up being released from jail, partly because of coronavirus precautions to reduce jail populations, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported. Cash is accused of hitting Pea Ridge officer Kevin Apple with her car and dragging him after he approached the vehicle at a convenience store, according to court documents. Authorities say the vehicle matched the description of one that was sought by police. Cash was arrested Saturday along with passenger Elijah Andazola, 18. Neither Cash nor Andazola have been formally charged in Apple's death. Matt Durrett, prosecutor in Washington County, where Cash has three open or reopened theft and drug cases, said the system failed in Cash's case. He noted that he had authorized law enforcement officers to issue citations for low-level, nonviolent felonies. At the same time, there was a huge backlog of cases stemming from the courts being closed to most in-person proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic. She kept getting out, kept getting released, and COVID's not an excuse, its an explanation for it, said Durrett. Thats the reason for it, trying to keep the numbers down. To be released on a low-level felony offense, the person can't have a failure-to-appear charge. Durrett said Cash failed to appear twice, but the backlog meant a warrant had not been issued for her. Tim Helder, the sheriff in Washington County, where Cash faces six cases, also noted none of those charges involved violence. Durrett said Cashs case is a particularly bitter pill because it led to the death of a police officer. Its still a kick in the gut to realize that she had failed to appear and had been arrested multiple times. A missed opportunity to get her off the streets, he said. Judges Monday ordered Cash and Andazola to be held without bail in the Benton County jail. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (AP) Authorities say a suspect has shot and killed a St. Joseph police dog while officers served a warrant. The St. Joseph News-Press reports that 24-year-old Valdez McDonald was barricaded in a home when officers responded Wednesday night. St. Joseph Police Commander David Hart said that as officers tried to negotiate with him, he fled and shot the German Shepherd, named Max. Max performed his duties heroically and protected the lives of others on scene, police said in a statement. McDonald is charged with third-degree domestic assault and jailed without bond. No attorney is listed for him in online court records. According to a probable cause statement, McDonald abused a woman by hitting her in the head with multiple objects. Documents state he also pointed an AR-15 style rifle at the woman's chest. AUSTIN, Texas (AP) An Army soldier who shot and killed an armed protester after driving into a crowd demonstrating against police violence in the Texas capital last summer has been indicted on a murder charge, authorities said Thursday. Sgt. Daniel Perry, who was stationed at Fort Hood, was booked and released on $300,000 bail, said Kristen Dark, a spokeswoman for the Travis County Sheriff's Office. Perrys attorney, Clint Broden, has said the soldier was working for a ride-sharing company and acted in self-defense after Foster pointed a gun at him. Broden issued a statement Thursday expressing disappointment in the indictment and confidence that Perry would be acquitted. It is important to note that the standard of proof required for an indictment is significantly less than the standard of proof required for a conviction, the statement said. Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza said in a press conference Thursday that the grand jury returned indictments against Perry for the charges of murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and a deadly conduct misdemeanor charge in the July 25 death of Garrett Foster, 28. He said the grand jury reviewed evidence from investigations by the District Attorney's office and a three-week investigation by Austin officers, who reviewed over 150 exhibits and interviewed 22 witnesses. Garza said Perry declined to testify before the grand jury, but that Perry's attorney did provide a packet with information, which was shared with the grand jury with the exception of details not admissible in a trial. Garza said his office planned to request that Perry surrender his firearms, in addition to other conditions, for his release. Foster was killed during a night of protests and unrest in several U.S. cities. In the immediate aftermath, then-Police Chief Brian Manley said officers heard two separate volleys of gunfire and made their way to the crowd, where they found Foster with multiple gunshot wounds. Perrys attorneys have previously told The Associated Press that their client had just dropped off a rider when he turned onto a street filled with protesters who began beating on his vehicle. They said that Foster approached the car and motioned with his gun for Perry to lower his window. Perry initially thought Foster worked in law enforcement and put his window down, they said. But when Foster raised his weapon toward Perry, the soldier realized Foster was not a police officer and shot him in self-defense with a handgun in his car, the attorneys said. ___ Acacia Coronado is a corps member for the Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues. SEOUL, South Korea -- South Korea has reported 826 new cases of the coronavirus, its biggest daily jump in about six months, as fears grow about another huge wave of the virus in the greater capital area. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said Friday that 633 of the cases came from the Seoul metropolitan area, home to half of the countrys 51 million people, where officials pushed back an easing of social distancing measures as infections soared over the past week. Dozens of infections were each reported in other major cities and regions, including Busan, Daejeon and South Chungcheong Province. Some health experts say government officials sent the wrong message to the public by announcing plans to allow for larger gatherings and longer indoor dining hours at restaurants starting this month to ease the pandemics shock on the economy. The experts say a premature easing of social distancing could have disastrous consequences when the country has administered first doses of vaccines to just 30% of its population and most younger adults remain unvaccinated. The government had planned to relax social distancing restrictions nationwide at the start of July, raising the cap on private social gatherings from four to six people and allowing restaurants to extend indoor dining by two hours until midnight. However, officials in Seoul and nearby Incheon and Gyeonggi Province have decided to hold off the new rules by at least a week as the wrestled with the rise in transmissions. South Korea has so far reported 158,549 cases, including 2,024 deaths. ___ MORE ON THE PANDEMIC Britain registers nearly 28,000 daily cases, highest since January Turkey lifts most pandemic restrictions as new cases plateau Delta coronavirus variant exploits low global vaccine rates Africas COVID-19 envoy blasts EU, COVAX over vaccine crisis ___ Follow more of APs pandemic coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/coronavirus-pandemic and https://apnews.com/hub/coronavirus-vaccine ___ HERES WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING: RENO, Nev. -- Northern Nevadas Washoe County has confirmed its first death related to the COVID-19 Delta variant. The county health district said Thursday the variant believed to have originated in India was the most common variant among samples collected at the state public health lab last month and is accounting for one in four new cases reported nationally. Health District officer Kevin Dick says it was the leading variant reported in Washoe County the last two weeks and is extremely contagious. The woman in her 40s who died had been hospitalized in the Reno-Sparks area, had no underlying conditions and had not received the COVID-19 vaccination. ___ ARKANSAS For the second day in a row, Arkansas reported Thursday its biggest one-day spike in four months of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, an increase officials have blamed on the delta variant of the virus. The state reported 700 new virus cases, bringing its total since the pandemic began to 350,085. The states active cases, meaning those that dont include people who have recovered or died from the virus, increased by 496 to 4,199. The one-day increase in cases was the states highest since it reported 726 on Feb. 25. The states COVID-19 hospitalizations increased by 12 to 337, while the death toll remained unchanged at 5,909. While the past two days have seen some of the highest reports for vaccine distribution in a while, our hospitalizations and new cases continue to rise, said Gov. Asa Hutchinson. Delays in getting vaccinated allow the delta variant to spread. Hutchinson appealed to the public to begin getting immunized to COVID-19 by the weekend. The delta variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 was first detected in India. ___ LANSING, Mich. About $5 million in cash and college scholarships will be given away in lottery-style drawings aimed at raising Michigans COVID-19 vaccination rate, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Thursday. The incentive program features a $2 million jackpot, a $1 million prize and 30 daily drawings of $50,000 for residents ages 18 and older who have received at least one shot. Vaccinated residents ages 12 to 17 are eligible for one of nine four-year prepaid tuition contracts valued at $55,000. The MI Shot to Win Sweepstakes is being launched after several states, including Ohio, offered millions of dollars to boost vaccinations with mixed results. Nearly 62% of Michigan residents ages 16 and up have received at least one dose, ranking it near the middle among states, as infections have plummeted. Whitmer and state health officials want 70% vaccinated, which would require about 678,000 additional people to get a shot. ___ HONOLULU Hawaii officials are extending a vaccination incentive program to get more shots in arms. Hawaii Public Radio reports a second round of vaccine incentives will be launched this month. People can register for the second round of incentives beginning July 12, with new prizes include cars, cash and furniture. The incentive programs have been funded by local businesses. The state Department of Health says the states current incentive program contributed to a 30% increase in vaccinations over what was expected in June. Nearly 58% of Hawaiis population is fully vaccinated. When the state reaches 70%, all COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted. ___ BUENOS AIRES, Argentina Argentine officials say they will study the possibility of combining two different COVID-19 vaccines due to the delayed arrival of Russia's Sputnik V for many who already received a first dose. Buenos Aires city Health Minister Fernan Quiros tells Radio Mitre that officials would choose a random sample of potential volunteers to receive a second dose of vaccines made by AstraZeneca or Chinas Sinopharm, or wait for a second shot of Sputnik likely starting in mid-August. Several other countries have tried mixing vaccines due to distribution delays or safety concerns. Some 70,000 people in Buenos Aires got an initial shot of Sputnik V three months ago and are still waiting a second dose. The number is about 300,000 nationwide. The country has seen a renewed wave of infections at the start of the Southern Hemisphere winter. ___ PRAGUE The Czech Republic is imposing measures to contain the spread of the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus. Health Minister Adam Vojtech says all Czechs who return from abroad, including those who are at low risk, must get tested. Workplaces have been ordered to bar employees who do not present a negative test after returning to the country. The new restrictions dont apply for people who have been fully vaccinated, however. Infections began rising this week after several months of declines. ___ LISBON, Portugal Portugal will impose an 11 p.m. curfew in parts of the country with surging coronavirus cases. The curfew affects 45 council areas including the two largest cities, Lisbon and Porto. Restaurants, cafes and cultural venues can stay open until 10.30 p.m., with limits on how many people can sit together. Health authorities say the delta variant is pushing infections to levels not seen since February in the country of 10.3 million people. Nearly 2,500 confirmed cases were reported Thursday. Hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients are at a two-month high. ___ BERLIN A German advisory panel is recommending people who get a first shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine be given a second shot with one of the mRNA vaccines. Germanys committee on vaccinations cites studies showing a significantly superior immune response from a mixture of AstraZeneca with a second shot of an mRNA vaccine compared with two shots of AstraZeneca. In a draft recommendation Thursday, it calls for a gap of at least four weeks between the different shots. Germany uses the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. In April, German authorities decided people under 60 who had received a first shot of AstraZeneca should as a rule get a second shot of a mRNA vaccine. That decision came after the AstraZeneca vaccine was linked to extremely rare blood clots. ___ RIO DE JANEIRO Police have begun evicting hundreds of homeless families from a recently established tent city near Rio de Janeiro, underscoring Brazils resurgent poverty during the pandemic. Residents blocked the entrance to the site Thursday with bonfires as police launched tear gas and fired water cannons at the tents. In the heart of the Southern Hemisphere winter, the city was experiencing one of its coldest mornings on record. The forced removal in Itaguai follows a court decision in favor of the lands owner, state oil company Petrobras. The residents had occupied the plot for two months and baptized it the First of May Refugee Camp. Emergent shantytowns in several cities across Brazil reflect a surge of poverty after the government pared back its pandemic welfare programs. That left many exposed to soaring inflation as the nations weak job market has yet to show signs of recovery. ___ BRANSON, Mo. Health officials working to boost lagging coronavirus vaccination rates in Missouri are concerned as the July 4 holiday weekend approaches, creating ripe conditions for the fast-spreading delta variant. Missouri is second only to Nevada for having the highest coronavirus diagnosis rate in the past week. Its seven-day rolling average of daily cases has risen in the past two weeks from 576 per day on June 15 to 891 on Tuesday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. State data shows hospitalizations are up 38%. ___ ISTANBUL Turkey has eased nearly all pandemic restrictions on businesses and events and lifted nighttime and Sunday curfews. The Interior Ministry says restaurants and weddings no longer have to limit the number of people, but they still need to abide by social distancing rules. Only hookah shops are still closed. Concerts and festivals can take place indoors and outdoors, but music must end by midnight. Turkeys vaccination drive has gathered speed, surpassing 50 million doses. But only 18% of Turkeys 84 million population has been fully vaccinated. Coronavirus infections have been hovering around a seven-day average of about 5,500 cases. ___ LONDON British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says unspecified extra precautions to contain the spread of the coronavirus will be needed in coming weeks, while voicing confidence the remaining restrictions on social contact can be lifted on July 19. Infections in the U.K. have risen sharply in recent weeks, with government figures showing another 27,989 new cases on Thursday. Thats the highest level since the end of January. Johnson says he is hopeful life will get back as close to it was before COVID, given the evidence showing vaccines are reducing deaths despite rising infections from the more contagious delta variant. As of Thursday, 67% of the U.K. population has received at least one dose while 49% have had two. Daily virus-related deaths remain relatively low. ___ WASHINGTON President Joe Biden has come up well short of his goal of delivering 80 million vaccine doses to the rest of the world by the end of June. The White House says logistical and regulatory hurdles have slowed the pace of U.S. vaccine diplomacy. The Biden administration had announced about 50 countries and entities would receive a share of the excess COVID-19 vaccine doses. But an Associated Press tally shows the U.S. has shipped less than 24 million doses to 10 recipient countries. The White House says more will be sent in the coming days. ___ COPENHAGEN, Denmark Denmark is donating 2 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia. Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod says the Balkan nations are experiencing a major vaccine shortage and he is glad that we can step in and assist our close partners with the absolutely crucial weapon against the pandemic, namely vaccines. Denmark is also giving an extra 1 million doses to COVAX, and initiative to give countries access to coronavirus vaccines regardless of their wealth. Foreign Aid Minister Flemming Moeller says the donation is earmarked for North African countries and Bhutan. The Scandinavian country has donated AstraZeneca vaccines to Kenya and committed to give doses to Ukraine. ___ NEW YORK The latest alarming coronavirus variant is exploiting low global vaccination rates and a rush to ease pandemic restrictions. Thats adding new urgency to the drive to get more shots in arms. The vaccines most used in Western countries still appear to offer strong protection against the highly contagious delta variant, which was first identified in India and is now in more than 90 countries. The World Health Organization warned this week that easier-to-spread strains, insufficiently immunized populations and a drop in mask use and other public health measures will delay the end of the pandemic. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that widespread vaccination is even more critical because the virus that we have circulating is in fact more transmissible than the original wild type." ___ MOSCOW Russian health authorities have launched booster vaccines for those were inoculated against the coronavirus more than six months ago, amid a surge in new infections and deaths. Moscow health authorities on Thursday started offering booster shots with the domestically produced, two-shot Sputnik V vaccine and its one-shot Sputnik Light version. Other Russian regions are also starting to offer boosters. Russia has faced a surge in infections, with more than 20,000 new COVID-19 cases daily since last Thursday. Thats more than double the average in early June. It recorded 672 deaths Thursday, the highest daily toll since the start of the pandemic. ___ JAKARTA, Indonesia Thousands of Indonesians have lined up at a sports stadium to receive a COVID-19 dose in a one-day mass vaccination event. Authorities at the arena in Bekasi, outside Jakarta, aim to vaccinate 25,000 people. Its part of a push to dramatically scale up the nations virus fight as hospitals fill with sick patients. The goal is to administer 1 million doses per day in July and 2 million in August. President Joko Widodo announced new community restrictions and the mobilization of the National Police and other resources to combat the surging infections. The Red Cross warned this week that Indonesia is on the edge of a COVID-19 catastrophe and urgently needs to increase medical care, testing and vaccinations. ___ GENEVA The World Health Organization says any coronavirus vaccines it has authorized for emergency use should be recognized by countries when they open their borders. The move could challenge Western countries to broaden their acceptance of two Chinese vaccines, which the U.N. health agency has licensed but most European and North American countries have not. In addition to vaccines authorized by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, the WHO has also given the green light to two Chinese vaccines made by Sinovac and Sinopharm. In its aim to restore travel across Europe, the European Union said in May that it would only recognize people as vaccinated if they had received shots licensed by the European Medicines Agency, which doesnt include the Chinese vaccines. However, its up to individual countries if they wish to allow entry to people who have received other vaccines, including Russias Sputnik V. Although Western countries have largely relied on vaccines made in the U.S. and Europe, such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca, many developing countries have used the Chinese-made shots. This year, the head of Chinas Center for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledged the effectiveness of its home-grown shots was low and numerous countries that have used them extensively have seen COVID-19 surges even with relatively high levels of immunization. Nasser Nasser/AP JERUSALEM (AP) The U.N. human rights chief on Thursday urged the Palestinian Authority to ensure the safety of protesters after security forces and supporters of President Mahmoud Abbas attacked demonstrators over the weekend. The protests erupted after an outspoken critic of the PA died shortly after his family says he was severely beaten by security forces who arrested him. The PA, which governs parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, has grown increasingly autocratic and unpopular in recent years. MADISON, Wis. (AP) A conservative law firm has filed a lawsuit alleging Madison's new civilian police oversight board has illegally reserved positions for members of certain races. The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty filed the action in federal court in Madison on Wednesday, the Wisconsin State Journal reported. The firm alleges that the board is using unconstitutional racial quotas to fill its slots. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) The woman who was with a St. Paul man when he was fatally shot by members of a U.S. Marshals Service task force during an arrest attempt in Minneapolis said through her attorneys Thursday that the law enforcement officers were not in uniform and did not identify themselves as authorities when they surrounded the SUV with their guns drawn. Norhan Askar was on a date with Winston Boogie Smith Jr. and was sitting in an SUV in a Minneapolis parking ramp on June 3 when Smith, who was Black, was fatally shot as authorities tried to arrest him on a weapons violation. Authorities have said Smith showed a handgun, and that evidence shows he fired it. Askar's attorneys said previously that she never saw a gun on Smith or in his vehicle. Askar's attorneys reiterated that Thursday, and released additional information in advance of a lawsuit that they say will allege Askar's civil rights were violated. Askar did not appear at a news conference with her attorneys, Christopher Nguyen and Racey Rodne, but they released a statement on her behalf. The attorneys said Askar met Smith, 32, through mutual friends and they had been dating for several weeks. They went to a restaurant for lunch and drinks, walked back to Smith's SUV, got inside, and were suddenly surrounded by unmarked cars and people with guns. These people were dressed in neither sheriff nor peace officer uniforms. They yelled commands and did not announce themselves as law enforcement of any kind, the attorneys said. While yelling commands for them to put their hands up, multiple armed people targeted their weapons upon her and Mr. Smith. Askar's attorneys said that she was scared for her life and complied, and that Smith had a mobile phone and began to record for Facebook Live. As he raised the phone all she could hear was gunfire and saw Winston Smith slump over, the attorneys said. When asked if they were suggesting that law enforcement mistook the phone for a gun, Nguyen said: I think that's a logical inference. When asked whether task force officers are supposed to identify themselves as law enforcement, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service said he could not comment due to the ongoing investigation. A spokeswoman with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension also had no additional comment, citing the ongoing investigation. The attorneys said Askar was pulled out of the SUV, handcuffed and put in the back of an unmarked car. She stayed in handcuffs until paramedics gave her medical attention. The attorneys said an officer later asked her how her date was. Askar experienced trauma from seeing Smith killed next to her, and she is still healing from injuries she received when she was sprayed by broken glass, her attorneys said. Nguyen said that Askar knew Smith for more than six months, and at some point, someone suggested he had a warrant. When she asked him about it, Smith told Askar he had gotten into some trouble but the case had been dismissed. According to court records, Smith was wanted for allegedly being a felon in possession of a firearm. Authorities were trying to arrest him when a Ramsey County sheriff's deputy and a Hennepin County sheriff's deputy who were members of the task force fired their weapons. Both deputies were working in an undercover capacity so their names are barred from being released under state law, state investigators have said. State investigators have also said they are unaware of any video of the incident. Investigators said there is no body camera or squad camera footage, and they are unaware of surveillance video. It was not immediately clear if Smith recorded any Facebook video before he was shot. Local officials have said the deputies were assigned body cameras, but were told by the U.S. Marshals Service that they could not use them, despite an October change in Justice Department policy that would have allowed them to be used. The lack of body camera footage has raised questions, as Smiths family members and activists continue to demand transparency. Askars attorneys also called for transparency. They said the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension told them they failed to take gunshot residue samples from Smith's body, which was washed by the medical examiner. They said such evidence would exonerate Smith. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said its lab doesnt do gunshot residue testing because it doesn't provide conclusive evidence about whether or when someone fired or handled a gun. Spokeswoman Jill Oliveira said in an email; In a situation like this where guns were fired from inside and outside the vehicle in close proximity we would not be able to determine which gun the GSR (gunshot residue) came from. She said the BCA did not request gunshot residue testing from the medical examiner. She added that the BCA is conducting DNA testing and other examinations on the guns. Search warrant affidavits say authorities found a pistol and six cartridge casings inside Smiths vehicle. Activists said they believe Askar, and again decried the lack of body camera videos and transparency. They said they do not trust the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to investigate shootings involving police. We want answers in this case. We demand accountability in this case. We demand transparency in this case, Nekima Levy Armstrong, an activist and civil rights attorney, said. Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said of Askar: She has the truth in her eyes she has the truth in her mouth. Smith was shot as Minneapolis was already on edge since the death of George Floyd over a year ago, and the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright by an officer in nearby Brooklyn Center in April. What sold Gerardo Vargas on buying a ranch in Zapata County along the Rio Grande was the view from two 45-foot-tall cliffs that stood on 250-acre property, offering a view of both the river and the distant mountains around Monterrey more than 100 miles away. From those cliffs, Vargas said he could hear fish splashing in the river and sometimes, someone on the Mexico side would be fishing and offer a friendly wave. Because the cliffs faced west, Vargas said, they offered a view of a perfect sunset. RELATED: Texas border wall project receives over $450K in donations, a week after Gov. Abbott announced plans But near the end of Donald Trumps presidency, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began to pave a road as part of border wall construction on Vargass ranch and bulldozed one of the cliffs. The construction also uprooted many of the old, tall mesquite trees on his property. When President Joe Biden took office, construction on Rodriguezs land stopped before any part of the wall was erected and he was relieved that he still had one cliff left. Earlier this month, however, Gov. Greg Abbott announced that Texas intends to build its own border wall to stem what he called a tidal wave of illegal immigrants coming across the border, wreaking havoc in communities and residents who live here in Texas. Abbott issued a disaster declaration on May 31 and at a press conference in Fort Worth, then announced that the state will set aside $250 million in state funds to help build the wall; federal lawmakers have said building parts of the Texas border wall would cost at least $26.5 million per mile. President Bidens reckless open border politics have led to a crisis along our southern border, said Renae Eze, a spokeswoman for Abbott, adding that the governors action was justified because of a 20-year record high of migrants crossing the border. But the plan has re-ignited opposition from many South Texas landowners like Rodriguez who dont want a wall cutting through their properties. Now, the fight is with their state authorities rather than the federal government, and like every wall, there are two sides to the argument. In Zapata County and other border counties areas that were once reliably Democratic strongholds former President Donald Trump made significant gains in last years election, and the border wall has become a focal point of local tension between those who support wall construction and others who dont see the need for it. Weve been fighting the federal government, were not just going to roll over and give up now, said Elsa Hull, who owns a 3-acre ranch in San Ygnacio, a Zapata County town of fewer than 700 residents. But what kind of governor is that, you know? To take peoples homes and businesses and farms and ranches away from them. That is not a governor for the people by any means. Hull is one of six plaintiffs in a 2019 lawsuit against construction of Trumps proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall. The suit has been put on hold since the Biden Administration took office and froze border wall construction funding; it was one of several lawsuits by South Texas landowners challenging Trumps wall. Hull has lived on her ranch next to the Rio Grande with her two daughters for a couple of decades now and doesnt agree that the Texas side of the river is unsafe. As someone who monitors the rivers water quality for a living, she works along a 300-mile stretch of the Rio Grande from Del Rio to Zapata County and is often alone in remote areas. I have never once been in fear of my safety or the safety of my children, Hull said. People here do not bother us. They are not running rampant through the areas like in [the TV series] Breaking Bad. Nothing, nothing in 20 years. The view of the Rio Grande from Gerardo Vargas' property on Zapata County. Credit: Jessica Rodriguez for The Texas Tribune Wall plan has support among some landowners Other landowners, however, said they find comfort and relief in Abbotts plan. Allison Anderson moved to a 20-acre ranch in Del Rio about a year ago, hoping to find a safe place to raise her young daughters, ages 5, 3 and 1, but Anderson said, within the last eight months or so, it has just gotten so bad here since the [presidential] administrations changed. Anderson, 38, said she was outside with her daughters one April afternoon to feed their livestock when she saw a fleet of state trooper vehicles dash through her property. She said she scooped up her girls and ran to the house for cover while a helicopter circled above their home as her daughters peeked through the window. She later learned from her husband, who is a Border Patrol agent, that four immigrants had been hiding somewhere on their property; only one was apprehended that afternoon, she said. It wasnt the first time migrants have crossed their property, Anderson said. Ive had several very close encounters where men were either acting aggressively toward me or actually rush at me out of the brush, Anderson said. It got to the point where I was not sleeping anymore and it was affecting me dramatically on a mental level, where I was terrified to leave the house to do anything because I was worried about my kids safety. 'I'M JUST STUNNED': Texas leaders react to Abbott's announcement about border wall Lanny Mecum, who is 77 and owns more than 10,000 acres of land along the river in Zapata, said shes grateful Abbott has grabbed the baton to build a border wall. Mecums ranch was passed down to her from her grandfather, and said she supports a border wall because she sees all the fine Border Patrol river riders, government people that work down in that area are just overwhelmed trying to save lives. Abbott noted that in the first four months of this year, the Texas Department of Public Safety seized 137 grams of fentanyl, a highly addictive drug, compared to 52 grams in all of 2002. Apprehensions of migrants at the states southwest border are already nearly double that of last years record. Mecum said she was OK with losing a few acres to get [a border wall] completed Im older and I would be glad if before I leave here, I would love to see that project taken care of to help South Texas. Shifting political tides on the border South Texas has been a reliably Democratic area for generations, but in the 2020 presidential election, the Rio Grande Valley and neighboring border counties all voted more Republican compared to previous presidential elections. For example, Trump finished 23 points higher in Hidalgo County last year versus 2016, while neighboring Starr County gave Trump 55% more of its votes. Joe Biden still won both counties. But Trump flipped Zapata County in 2020, winning with 52% of the vote; in 2016, Hillary Clinton won the county by 33 percentage points. Gerardo Vargas points toward the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, where he often sees people fishing. Credit: Jessica Rodriguez for The Texas Tribune Adrienne Pena-Garza, the Republican Party chair in Hidalgo County, applauds Abbotts initiative to carry on wall construction, calling it a step toward restoring law and order. I think Texas is trying to take matters into its own hands because theyre noticing that the federal government is not doing enough of a job to get things done, Pena-Garza said. Its important to have checks and balances; its important to have people come legally; its important to do the right thing and I believe that this is what our governor is trying to do. Pena-Garza said more border security provides more safety not only for border residents and Border Patrol agents, but for the families that are coming across. We need to be encouraging legal migration. I think that its wonderful that people want to come to America, but we need to do it safely and legally. Immigration advocates such as Laredo attorney Carlos Flores, however, say the path to citizenship is too complicated and cumbersome for those seeking refuge from countries struggling with civil war or ongoing drug cartel violence. Flores said it can take years for an immigrant to receive a green card, or permanent residency, and that there is just no time when you are put in these kinds of dangerous situations these people are facing. The greatest land grab in modern American history Abbott hasnt released detailed plans or a timetable for the proposed border wall yet, but any wall construction that isnt on government-owned land will require seizing private land through eminent domain, which is the power of governments to seize private property without the owners consent. It would be the greatest land grab in modern American history, said Flores, who sued Trump and the acting heads of the U.S Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol last year, claiming that Trumps motive to build the border wall was grounded in racism and politics, making it an unconstitutional use of eminent domain. MONEY DOWN: Abbott announces Texas is providing initial $250 million "down payment" for border wall Flores filed suit on behalf of Melissa Cigarroa, who owns a 175-acre ranch in Zapata County and Christopher Rincon, the executive director of the San Ygnacio-based River Pierce Foundation, an organization that strives to preserve the colonial character of the town. The lawsuit was put on hold after Trumps loss last year, and Flores said hes waiting for more details from Abbott before deciding whether to file a new lawsuit over the proposed Texas wall. Were an area that is very proud of our culture, and our culture is largely tied to being part of the Mexican-American identity and the river and the border, Flores said. And so what Greg Abbott has done is he has betrayed the people of South Texas with this announcement. It is no question a slap in the face to our communities. Trumps wall would have taken some of the land near three of the Pierce Foundations buildings along the river: the Rickes house, the Uribe Chico House, and the Trevino-Uribe Rancho which was built in 1930, making it the oldest surviving building form the period of Spanish settlement on the north bank of the Rio Grande. The buildings contributed to San Ygnacios designation as a National Registered District in 1973. Ruins of a settlement called Rancho Dolores, which dates to 1757, sit on Gerardo Vargas' property near the Rio Grande in Zapata County. Credit: Jessica Rodriguez for The Texas Tribune Were losing more than just land, were losing history and stories, Rincon said. Cigarro is the board president of the Rio Grande International Study Center, and said she is concerned about how wall construction would impact wildlife and water quality of the Rio Grande. Cutting new roads near the river would cause runoff and dump silt into the river, she said. Trumps proposed border wall would have been built 200 feet north of the river and cut a swath through Cigarros land, she said. For her, the thought of being cut off from the river is soul crushing because she bought the land with the vision of her five children who are currently in college raising their own families in a place thats so full and vibrant and rich and respectful of this international border and the only way that could happen is if were not considered a prison colony with a stupid barrior along our border. Hull said shes also concerned about how a wall will impact the wildlife that depends on access to the river. She said around dusk one day a couple weeks ago, she was sitting in her backyard, looking at the Rio Grande, when a curious bobcat came within 3 feet of where she was sitting. It watched her for a while before disappearing to the brush. Its just heartbreaking to imagine this being destroyed for something just so useless and is just part of a political game, she said. Its just so heartbreaking and frustrating and infuriating. Sign up for The Brief, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. The Texas Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that informs Texans and engages with them about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues. Its a classic origin story one of a near death experience leading to eureka. After almost meeting his end at the hands of a whizzing e-scooter on the UTSA campus, Murtuza Jadliwala, an assistant professor in the Universitys Department of Computer Science, wheeled out a new scooter-inspired research laboratory, according to UTSA Today. In recent years, the zippy method of transportation has become increasingly popular in high-traffic areas, and not without accidents. Instead of submitting a vengeful ban on e-scooters like one might expect, Jadliwala became hyper-fixated on the useful data the vehicles could provide particularly in regard to safety. When I saw all these scooters on campus, I realized they not only carry people, but can also carry sensors that can help us collect data, which is great for all these technological advances we want to make, Jadliwala tells UTSA Today. That also got me thinking that by obtaining data from them, we can study the impact of scooters on pedestrian safety. Some ways the data could prove useful to this goal is by pinpointing high-traffic regions on campus, which could then be diffused through designated pedestrian areas being developed to avoid a two-wheel accident. William Luther /San Antonio Express-News Research begins once small computers are attached to scooters purchased by the lab. With the help of a UTSA doctoral student Raveen Wikewickrama, Jadliwala and company built the first tiny data-collector attachment using a Raspberry Pi computer, complete with sensors and a small battery. The operation on wheels in question is appropriately named ScooterLab. Funding for the data vehicle pilot program derives largely from a $100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Jerry Lara / Staff Photographer RELATED: Fuerza Unida donates 90's labor activism documents to UTSA Libraries The sensors can collect GPS location, exploration and audio data that connect to our test phone through Bluetooth, Wijewickrama explains to the collegiate publication. We can download the data from our phones for analysis. This is just a prototype. Our next version will have the capability of transmitting the data to a collection center through a 5G transmitter. The team is currently developing more advanced models, but with micro-mobility data being so sensitive and sought-after by big companies, the team claims they want to keep the small scooter operation in-house. While the pilot-program is currently payrolled with government funding, if the team were to accept investments from private companies, Jadliwala asserts it could lead to a conflict of interest with their research goals surrounding scooter safety. Collecting data in an ethical fashion and storing it securely, to ensure privacy of users, are grand challenges which we are still planning, says Jadliwala. RELATED: Site of one of San Antonio's first Black-owned shops could get historical designation If ScooterLab can secure more funding from the NSF or other public entities, avoiding private interest groups, then a full fleet of scooters are scheduled to hit the pavement by mid-2020. An app will be created to onboard UTSA students, where they will agree to their data being collected in exchange for scooter rides at little to no cost. Until then, Jadliwala's project is potentially a promising solution to the hazardous chaos legions of e-scooters have brought to urban areas and college campuses around the nation. Storm-producing fire clouds threw out hundreds of thousands of lightning strikes over wildfire-stricken British Columbia and northwestern Alberta provinces in Canada Wednesday and Thursday, bewildering meteorologists. Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist with the company Vaisala, which maps lightning strikes around in the world, said the North American Lightning Detection Network sensed 710,177 lightning events across British Columbia and northwestern Alberta in about 15 hours, between 3 p.m. on June 30 and 6 a.m. on July 1. Of those, 597,314 were in-cloud pulses, meaning the strikes didn't hit the ground. "Each in-cloud lightning 'strike' can be made up of multiple in-cloud pulses," Vagasky explained. There were 112,803 cloud-to-ground strokes detected over the same area, he said. Vagasky called the numbers "surprising" for Canada. "In studying lightning, there is always something interesting that comes up, whether it is lightning in a hurricane or volcano, or large numbers of lightning," he said. "As a whole, Canada doesnt generally see a lot of lightning about 90% less than the United States. In fact, the counts from yesterday are more what you would expect to see in a big day over lightning-prone regions like Texas or Oklahoma." The numbers coming out of the lightning siege seem too big to be true, but Vagasky said the activity is measured with precision equipment. Data produced by North American Lightning Detection Network is monitored nonstop and validated against rocket-triggered lightning, lightning to tall towers, and other lightning references. "The network detects more than 95% of cloud-to-ground flashes with 100-meter accuracy," said Vagasky. The majority of the strikes in western Canada were the result of pyrocumulonimbus clouds forming over the wildfires tearing across western Canada, which has also suffered from a sweltering heat wave in the past week. On Thursday morning the British Columbia Wildfire Service listed 47 blazes across the region. In a fire burning 95 miles northeast of Vancouver, the entire village of Lytton evacuated. The mayor of the town of 250 people told CBC News on Thursday the whole town was on fire. Large blazes also burned north of Big White as well near Sparks Lake, according to CBC. "Absolutely mind-blowing wildfire behavior in British Columbia," Dakota Smith, a scientist in Colorado, tweeted along with satellite imagery. "Incredible & massive storm-producing pyrocumulonimbus plumes." "I've watched a lot of wildfire-associated pyroconvective events during the satellite era, and I think this might be the singularly most extreme I've ever seen," Daniel Swain, a climate scientist with the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at UCLA, wrote on Twitter. "This is a literal firestorm, producing *thousands* of lightning strikes and almost certainly countless new fires." These massive, mushroom-shaped clouds of hot, smoky air towering thousands of feet into the sky are caused by a natural source of heat such as a wildfire or volcano, according to NASA. Rising warm air from the fire carries water vapor, ash and smoke up into the atmosphere, forming clouds. These clouds can become so intense that they create their own weather and emit lightning that can start new wildfires on the ground. Neil Lareau, who studies wildfire-generated weather, said this appears to be the biggest pyrocumulonimbus event he has seen. "At face value, Im tempted to say this might be the upper end of what Ive ever seen," said Lareau, a professor of atmospheric sciences in the department of physics at the University of Nevada at Reno. "There have been some significant pyrocumulonimbus clouds in British Columbia in 2017 as well as the Australian outbreak of 2020 and then the Creek Fire here in California." Lareau closely followed a pyrocumulonimbus cloud that developed over the Creek Fire on Sept. 5, 2020, between Shaver Lake, Big Creek and Huntington Lake, Calif. Using data from the National Weather Services network of Doppler radars, Lareau created a model of the smoke plume that soared 55,000 feet in elevation. He said the fires in western Canada have produced several clouds of this magnitude. "Every year its one upping the year before, which is really horrifying," he said. News Commissioners review Area Plan cases Several cases that have recently come before the Grant County Board of Zoning Appeals and Area Plan Commission are leading to more thorough reviews of various issues throughout the county. At last weeks Grant County Commissioners meeting, Area Plan Executive Director Ryan Malott presented cases requiring the boards action. In the first case, Malott said that a resident had filed an application for development standard variance requesting to permanently house a shipping container on his property on County Road 400 West as an accessory building for storage. According to the application, the resident argued the area is rural and sparsely populated and that keeping the shipping container on the property was more affordable than building a new structure to store his vehicles and personal items. Malott said the BZA followed current ordinances in place and approved a six-month allowance for the structure to remain on the property, but the application has led to further discussion regarding mobile and shipping containers county wide. He said he plans to bring an updated ordinance to the APC at its regular August meeting. These are popping up ... and if were going to count for it as an accessory structure, why cant it go up in a backyard over in Upland? Malott said. ...Right now you can buy a 40-foot long, 8-foot wide, 10-foot high shipping container for $3,000. So again, we kind of brought it in front of the BZA to start the discussion of an ordinance to get something together so that we at least get some control before they start popping up everywhere. Commissioner Ron Mowery said if there was a blanket approval for the shipping containers to be counted as accessory structures, some homeowners would take good care and make them look nice with landscaping around it while others may just trash the neighborhood with them. Noting that the ordinance already allows for the container to be on the property for six months, commissioners gave an unfavorable recommendation to the application to make it a permanent accessory structure. Commissioner Mark Bardsley said the unfavorable recommendation is meant to force the larger discussion about how these containers will be handled countywide. Malott also brought two ordinances before the commissioners for approval. The first ordinance amends the zoning ordinance map so that one acre of property owned by a family on Wheeling Pike in Jonesboro is changed from being zoned agricultural to a general business zoning. Malott said the family intends to build a 15-foot by 15-foot shop in an existing pole barn on the property in order to conduct wholesale frozen meat sales, but that purpose is not allowed under an agricultural zoning. After three months of discussions, the county and the homeowners came to a written agreement that the 1-acre section surrounding the pole barn will have its zoning changed to general business. The written commitment includes a list of acceptable uses and a list of prohibited uses for the area, and Malott said there is also a clause that states the zoning will revert to agricultural if the family sells the property or moves. The board unanimously approved the ordinance to amend the zoning map ordinance. Everything I hear is saying that we are doing our best to protect not only the surrounding neighbors but to protect the opportunity for business as well. I like that, Bardsley said. Im pleased that if there is a sale of the property that this does not go with it. I think thats important. Malott said this change in zoning is also leading to an overall review of the land use table so that other agricultural areas could potentially offer wholesale frozen meats on their properties with the right limitations put into place. We know other farms are doing this, we just want to make it easier for them to do the right thing, he said. The commissioners also approved a zoning ordinance map amendment for a property on Wheeling Pike in Fairmount southeast of Matthews to change the zoning from industrial to residential. Malott explained a house had sat on the property as a nonconforming use, but new owners bought the property and tore the old house down with the intention of building a new one. A new home cannot be built on land zoned industrial, leading to the request for the zoning change. Malott said he was not exactly sure why the area was zoned industrial in the first place, as there are primarily residences, woodlands and fields nearby. He said after getting this particular property rezoned, Area Plan will potentially look into rezoning the whole area since it does not appear there are many industrial uses occurring at this point. A. There's still plenty of nature on the Nature Coast. B. The county should require a percentage of tree preservation on new commercial, residential developments. C. If it's private property, it's the owner's full right to strip all nature from the lot. D. Someone needs to speak for the trees. Vote View Results Florida, FL (34429) Today Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 89F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Variable clouds with thunderstorms, especially early. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. Florida, FL (34429) Today Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High near 90F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Variable clouds with thunderstorms, especially early. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. Florida, FL (34429) Today Scattered thunderstorms during the morning. Partly cloudy skies this afternoon. High around 90F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms mainly during the evening. Low 72F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. By Sai Gopalan, Product Management, Google Cloud and Sharath Suryanaraya, Product Manager Google Cloud VMware Engine Weve made several updates to Google Cloud VMware Engine in recent weekstodays post provides a recap of our latest milestones. Google Cloud VMware Engine delivers an enterprise-grade VMware stack running natively in Google Cloud. This cloud service is one of the fastest paths to the cloud for VMware workloads without making changes to existing applications or operating models across a variety of use-cases. These include rapid data center exit, application lift and shift, disaster recovery, virtual desktop infrastructure, or modernization at your own pace. In fact, Mitel, a global provider of unified communications-as-a-service to 70 million business users across 100 countries, migrated 1,000 VMware instances to Google Cloud VMware Engine in less than 90 days and improved its monthly operational output four times. In our last update, we focused on several innovative capabilities around networking, reach, and scale. Let us take a look at the highlights we released since our last installment. Fast provisioning of a dedicated, intrinsically secure VMware private cloud With Google Cloud VMware Engine, you can spin up a VMware private cloud in about 30 minutes. You can also scale your VMware-based infrastructure on-demand with dedicated hosts located in secure Google data centers. Let us look at whats new: Autoscale: The ability to elastically and programmatically manage infrastructure resources to align with business needs or what is called right-sizing is a core capability of an IaaS platform. With autoscale, Google Cloud VMware Engine users can leverage policy-driven automation to scale the nodes needed to meet the compute demands of the VMware infrastructure. Autoscale: Addresses seasonal spikes in demand, gradual increases of utilization, or new projects being onboarded or expanded due to disaster recovery events. Analyzes the CPU, memory, and storage utilization to give you the controls to scale Google Cloud VMware Engine nodes up or down. Ensures that storage consumption does not exceed the recommended limits for maintaining the Google Cloud VMware Engine service-level agreement. Reduces overhead on IT teams by automating capacity monitoring and enabling sufficient availability of resources based on thresholds. Note that safeguards for maintaining minimum capacity and maximum capacity can be configured to ensure there are boundaries to the automation. Learn how to set up Autoscale. Mumbai region availability Google Cloud VMware Engine is now available in the Mumbai region. This brings the availability of the service to 12 regions globally, enabling our multi-national and regional customers to leverage a VMware-compatible infrastructure-as-a-service platform on Google Cloud. For more details, please read the press release. Google Enterprise-grade infrastructure With 99.99% availability for a cluster in a single zone, fully dedicated 100 Gbps east-west networking with no oversubscription, and all nonvolatile memory express storage, Google Cloud VMware Engine provides the highest performance required for the most demanding workloads. Let us look at whats new: Preview - Google Cloud KMS integration: You already have the ability to bring your own keys to encrypt your vSAN datastores. With this new capability, organizations that want to eliminate the overhead of managing external key providers can leverage a Google managed key provider, using Cloud KMS. This brings increased flexibility in securing workloads and data by enabling vSAN encryption by default for newly instantiated VMware Private Clouds. This feature is currently in Preview. HIPAA compliance: Since April, Google Cloud VMware Engine is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant. This opens the service up to healthcare organizations, that can now migrate and run their HIPAA-compliant VMware workloads in a fully compatible VMware Cloud Verified stack running natively in Google Cloud with Google Cloud VMware Engine, without changes or re-architecture to tools, processes, or applications. Read more in this blog. NSX-T support for Active Directory: With NSX-T support for Active Directory, you can now leverage your on-premises Active Directory as one of the lightweight directory access protocol identity sources for user authentication into NSX-T manager. This extends the theme of being able to leverage your on-premises tools with Google Cloud VMware Engine. For more information, read the documentation on how to set up identity sources. vSAN TRIM/UNMAP support: For space-efficiency, vSAN allows creating thin-provisioned disks that grow gradually as they are filled with data. However, files that are deleted within the guest operating system (OS) do not result in vSAN freeing up space allocated. To increase space efficiency, guest OS file systems have the ability to reclaim capacity that is no longer used, using TRIM/UNMAP commands. vSAN is fully aware of these commands that are sent from the guest OS and enables reclamation of previously allocated storage as free space. We have enabled TRIM/UNMAP for vSan by default in Google Cloud VMware Engine. Simplicity in experience and operations With Google Cloud VMware Engine, you only need to worry about your workloadsnot patching, upgrading, and updating the solution layer, for fewer interoperability issues and infrastructure maintenance. In addition, we have pre-built service accounts to enable your third-party VMware-supported tools and solutions to work seamlessly in VMware Engine. Access to Google services privately over local connections is also natively supported, enabling enrichment of existing applications and modernization over time. Finally, this service brings the power of Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) design by natively providing multi-VPC, multi-region networking thats unique. Lets look at whats new: Dashboards for Day 2 operations: To speed up cloud transformation and enable efficiency, Google Cloud VMware Engine administrators can take advantage of Cloud Operations dashboards for the solution. In addition, administrators can create custom policies through cloud alerting and enable notifications via channels of their choice (SMS, email, Slack, and more). For more details on how to set up cloud monitoring, please refer to Setting up Cloud Monitoring. For the latest updates, bookmark Google Cloud VMware Engine release notes. _____________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to Manish Lohani, Product Management, Google Cloud; Nargis Sakhibova, Product Management, Google Cloud; and Wade Holmes, Solutions Management, Google Cloud; for their contributions to this blog post. You will receive 5-day a week delivery of the Citizen Tribune newspaper to your home or business, plus full, ad-free access to CitizenTribune.com as well as full access to the Electronic Edition of the newspaper. ONLY $13.99 per month for the first 3 months! Only $16.00 per month after promotional period. Or ONLY $169.99 for a full year Only $198.95 per year after promotional period. On Wednesday afternoon, the New York City Board of Elections released a new, unofficial ranked-choice voting tally in the Democratic mayoral and comptroller primaries, showing the dramatic finding that the projection is the same as the erroneous one the day before! Just as the BOE reported, and then unreported, on Tuesday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams is still leading in the Democratic mayoral primary, but former Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia is now trailing by only 2.2 percentage points in the final round of the instant runoff simulation, shrinking Adams election night lead which measured only first-choice votes of 12 percentage points. Although Maya Wiley received the second-most first-place in-person votes, Garcia edges out Wiley by .1% in the second-to-last elimination round, thus making it into the final round and gaining a boost from Wiley voters who ranked Garcia above Adams. Its a similar story in the Democratic comptroller primary Brad Lander maintained his election night lead, but rival Corey Johnson is now trailing him by a slim 3.8 percentage points. These are still preliminary results, and dont include the more than 124,000 absentee ballots that still have to be counted. In the actual instant runoff, its possible that the results could differ significantly. The release of these preliminary, unofficial results follows the Board of Elections posting erroneous counts on Tuesday and deleting them hours later a blunder that threatens to undermine public confidence in the citys new ranked-choice voting system. These results showed Garcia trailing Adams by 2.2 percentage points in the mayoral primary, and Johnson trailing Lander by 3.4 percentage points in the comptroller primary. In each race, the runner-up had significantly narrowed the gap separating them from the frontrunner. The tally posted Wednesday showed very similar results, with both Adams and Lander leading in their respective races by just a few percentage points. Adams mayoral campaign was among the first to raise doubts about the initial tally posted Tuesday, noting that it showed a significantly higher number of votes cast in the primary than was reported on election night. The Board of Elections acknowledged the discrepancy, and in a statement on Tuesday night said that it was due to roughly 135,000 fake test ballots being accidentally included in the ranked-choice voting tally. The error, the board has said, was not due to the software used to tabulate ranked-choice votes. There was a human error where a staffer did not remove the test ballot images from the Election Management System, BOE spokesperson Valerie Vazquez-Diaz said in a statement to The New York Times. Hours after releasing an unofficial count that suggested both the mayoral and comptroller races would be nail biters, the board pulled those figures from its website. The board said Tuesday night that it would re-do the ranked-choice voting tabulation, having removed the 135,000 test ballots from its system. The still-unofficial tally released Wednesday is apparently the product of that process. Let us be clear: RCV was not the problem, rather a human error that could have been avoided, the BOE said in a statement along with the new results on Wednesday. We have implemented another layer of review and quality control before publishing information going forward. We can say with certainty that the election night vote counts were and are accurate and the RCV data put out today is correct as well. But the blunder has nonetheless worsened distrust in the Board of Elections a body already beset by years of mismanagement and election-administration fiascos. Nary an election passes without another reminder of how much contempt the agency has for the citys vast, diverse electorate, the Times editorial board wrote of the BOE on Wednesday. Prior to the release of new figures on Wednesday, Adams filed a lawsuit in the Kings County Supreme Court to reserve the right to have a judge oversee and review ballots in his race. Voting experts raised concerns about the mistakes by the BOE undermining public trust in the final outcome of the race. Former President Donald Trump, who baselessly alleged fraud in the certified outcome of last falls presidential election, released a statement Wednesday comparing the citys current situation to vast irregularities and mistakes that he continues to falsely claim were made in the 2020 presidential election. Adams quickly shot down Trumps claim in a tweet. Yesterday, the results released by the BOE had discrepancies which are being addressed. There were NO similar issues in November. Neither of these elections were a hoax or a scam, Adams wrote. The release of updated preliminary results on Wednesday was limited to citywide races. Its unclear when City Council or borough president primary preliminary ranked choice results will be released. While the results released Wednesday show a somewhat more complete picture of the citys most high-profile primaries, they are still incomplete. Official results arent expected until the week of July 12, when more than 124,000 absentee ballots have been counted and incorporated into the ranked-choice voting tabulations. The agency tasked with administering elections in the most populous city in the country has become something of a laughing stock. The New York City Board of Elections has been called a disaster,famously dysfunctional and at best a semifunctioning anachronism.That last insult dates back to 1971, hinting at just how long the city BOE has been disappointing New Yorkers. The board, which is a bipartisan agency, has long faced unanswered calls for reform. Those calls were renewed this week, after a preliminary and incomplete tally of ranked-choice voting results in the Democratic mayoral and comptroller primaries were released on Tuesday, and then promptly withdrawn because some 135,000 fake test ballots had been accidentally included in the tabulation. A re-tabulation was conducted and the results which are still incomplete because absentee ballots have not yet been counted were released on Wednesday. New calls for reform unsurprisingly followed this latest fiasco, with the Legislature vowing to hold hearings on the topic. Meanwhile, State Sen. Liz Krueger and Assembly Member Nily Rozic promoted a bill that would, among other things, set new qualification requirements for BOE commissioners and staff. While the city waits for momentum behind reform efforts to possibly take hold, City & State rounded up some of the most notable screw-ups and mishaps by the city Board of Elections in recent memory. Here is our not quite exhaustive list of the BOEs greatest, worst hits. 2021 Botching a citywide ranked-choice voting tabulation The New York City Board of Elections faced an important test in the citywide debut of ranked-choice voting in last months primary elections. While there didnt seem to be major issues with actually ranking candidates on election day or during early voting, the release of preliminary ranked-choice results this week was another story. The BOE accidentally included roughly 135,000 fake test ballots in its ranked-choice voting tally on Tuesday, leading to a clear discrepancy in the total number of in-person votes reported on election night and those reported this week. After taking down the results on Tuesday night and attributing the screw-up to human error, the BOE released corrected results on Wednesday. But several reports this week suggested that the board didnt do all it could to prepare for the momentous rollout of ranked-choice voting, reportedly ignoring offers from the supplier of the ranked choice voting software being used in the city to assist and provide guidance to the agency.The June 29th ranked choice voting reporting error was unacceptable and we apologize to the voters and to the campaigns for the confusion, the BOE said in a statement on Wednesday. As we continue to count absentee ballots and run further RCV tabulations, we will do so with a heightened sense that we must regain the trust of New Yorkers. We will continue to hold ourselves accountable and apologize to New York City voters for any confusion. 2020 Absentee ballot blunders Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, few could have foreseen just how important mail-in voting would be in the 2020 primary and general elections. But with many New Yorkers still staying at home that spring and fall, the expanded use of absentee ballots became essential. Its just too bad that some people didnt get their ballots in time to use them. Thousands of people didnt receive their absentee ballots early enough to vote in Junes primary a problem that people in other localities in New York faced as well, and one that the state is arguably responsible for too. But even by the fall, the city Board of Elections was still messing up its absentee ballot operation. Roughly 100,000 voters in Brooklyn who requested absentee ballots to vote in Novembers general election received return envelopes with the wrong names and addresses on them. The mistake was due to a vendor error, the BOE said, but it sent those affected voters into a scramble to make sure their votes would be counted. 2018 The BOE v. Precipitation A little rain never hurt anybody, unless its election day in New York City and your ballot scanners are oddly sensitive to precipitation. A rainy election day in 2018 saw voters waiting in hours-long lines at the polls, thanks in part to ballot machine breakdowns. At the time, the city Board of Elections attributed the breakdowns partially to ballot scanners having trouble scanning two-page ballots that had in some cases been dampened by the weather. Now were blaming the weather? City Council Speaker Corey Johnson tweeted at the time, calling for the boards executive director to step down. New York City wasnt the only locale to have issues with ballot scanners that year humidity apparently caused issues in some southern states that day. But the incident was taken by some as yet another example of the city BOEs shortcomings. The really bad news is that the Board of Elections simply cant function. It cannot do its job, Mayor Bill de Blasio said then. 2016 Purging voter rolls In 2016, many New York City voters discovered that they were not registered to vote in the presidential primary a result of the city Board of Election illegally purging more than 200,000 registered voters from voter rolls in the preceding years. The boards actions, then-state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman later reported, violated federal and state law. Following a lawsuit, the city Board of Elections agreed in a settlement to reinstate wrongfully wiped voter registrations. 2010 Rocky rollout of electronic voting machines Though were somewhat accustomed to them now in sunny weather, at least the debut of the citys electronic voting machines was rocky. In 2010, George Gonzalez, then-executive director of the city BOE, was fired days before the November general election, following problems during the previous months primary, including a botched rollout of electronic voting machines. The switch from mechanical to computerized voting machines was accompanied by malfunctioning devices and confusion among poll workers about how they worked. Those problems didnt entirely dissipate in the following years, and then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg continued to complain about the machines in the 2012 and 2013 elections. 2009 Almost ending Bill de Blasios political career The city Board of Elections history includes countless mishaps, small and large, and while this list isnt exhaustive, this last example makes the cut mainly for its potential to create a Sliding Doors-like scenario in which Bill de Blasio never became mayor. In his 2009 campaign for public advocate, de Blasio was removed from the ballot for the Democratic primary thanks to a clerical error on the candidates petitioning signatures for which the BOE eventually accepted responsibility. Well never know what might have happened if de Blasio hadnt made the ballot for public advocate a position that would help launch him to the Gracie Mansion thanks to the BOEs decision to reinstate de Blasio on the ballot back in 2009.Though this incident is technically a BOE screw-up, some of his harshest critics might argue that it wouldnt be the worst thing if de Blasios political career had ended in 2009. Administratorii portalului nu poarta raspundere pentru continutul postarilor si materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizati informatia din acest articol pe propriul risc. Imagine dozens of Americans of different political and socioeconomic backgrounds in a room, looking for common ground. A safe place to start would be distrust in the news media. Last year, we conducted sixty Zoom-based interviews with a diverse sample of adults in the United States to understand the relationship between the sources that people turn to for their news, the stories that they tell themselves about the news, and the steps they take to distinguish fact from fiction. (Findings from this research were published this week in New Media & Society.) We found that Americans of all political persuasions agree that the news media is fundamentally untrustworthy, even as they tend to tune into the same channels and spend similar amounts of time engaging with the news. Many said they got their news from television, including cable news, major networks, and local affiliate stations. One personwhom, like all of our interviewees, we agreed not to identify as a condition of participating in our studysaid that her news routine included CBS and Fox News. Its habit, she said. Ive watched these news channels for years. Many of our respondents were more glued to the news than usual when we spoke to them in spring 2020. They explained it was related to the pandemic: more time at home due to layoffs or transitions to remote work, as well as the demands of social distancing and their own personal investment in updates about the virus. Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, I would still wake up and check the news, one person told us, but it definitely didnt carry on throughout the day the same way that it does now. Despite higher engagement, interviewees also expressed deep skepticism about the news. Many said it was impossible to fully trust any particular news source, because they felt that all journalists were biased, and the news they produced was reportedeither deliberately or unintentionallyin ways that would best serve their political agendas. Its all slanted, in my opinion, one interviewee said. Participants sense that the news media is biased was a strike against all news outlets, including those they felt were biased in the same direction as their own political beliefs. I hear NPR as anti-Trump. I am also anti-Trump, but I dont want the news delivered to me necessarily in that snarky way, one interviewee said. I dont know who delivers it that way. I guess thats the problem. Sign up for weekly emails from the United States Project If news consumers do not feel they can wholly trust any particular news outlet, we wondered, then how do they determine the truth about whats going on in the world? The answers we heard were consistent: interviewees pointed to their own thoughtfulness, critical thinking skills, and independent-mindedness as evidence that they were qualified to vet the news. This was true regardless of age, political affiliation, or education level. Im always skeptical, one person said. If the journalists are asking for the right facts, then Im okay. If the journalists arent asking for the right facts, I wonder why theyre not asking for the right facts. Our respondents viewed themselves as capable of piecing together ideologically slanted half-truths they noticed in the news. They also felt compelled to corroborate news reports themselves. You shouldnt take the article as gospel, one interviewee said. You should still do some research and determine if what theyre saying is correct. One person said he typically Googles facts on his iPad while watching the news. In other words, our respondents saw a needand had faith in their own abilityto do journalists jobs for them. Many added that if they saw the information presented in one source repeated by others, they were more inclined to believe it. If they saw information reported by one source and disputed by another, they might split the difference and assume the truth was somewhere in the middle. When we asked how they could tell when something is a fact, one person responded, I would just like to rely on instinct. Another said, Is it from a news source that I trust? Reading it, I feel like I have a pretty good sense. I get an intuition. They also claimed to seek out the source of the information published in a news story or featured in a news broadcast. For example, if the story mentioned coronavirus testing rates or positive cases, they might go directly to the Center for Disease Control and Preventions website to determine if those statistics were accurate. Even when our interviewees fact-checking missions did corroborate the original news source, it failed to alleviate their distrust in journalism. We found that, regardless of the outcomes of their research, peoples assumptions about the news tend to be rigid. Taken together, our findings offer a counter-narrative to the conventional wisdom surrounding the mechanisms by which news consumption unfolds. Many tend to assume that people seek out news that will confirm their political viewpoints. In reality, people see the news as inherently untrustworthy and feel obligated to do journalists work for them. Our interviewees consistently described themselves as being the kinds of news consumers who interact with the news in a discerning way. The phrase I take it all with a grain of salt came up time and time again, as did the claim that our interviewees were not sheep who would mindlessly accept whatever a news source told them was true. For many of the people we spoke with, the news serves as an intellectual foilsomething they can push against and knock over. Distrusting the news, in a sense, is presented as a badge of honor. Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? Help us by joining CJR today Jacob L. Nelson and Seth C. Lewis are the authors. Jacob L. Nelson is an assistant professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University, and a fellow with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University. He is the author of Imagined Audiences: How Journalists Perceive and Pursue the Public (Oxford University Press, 2021). Seth C. Lewis is the Shirley Pape Chair in Emerging Media in the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon, and is chair of the International Communication Associations Journalism Studies Division, the largest global collective of journalism researchers. He is co-author of the book News After Trump: Journalism's Crisis of Relevance in a Changed Media Culture (Oxford University Press, 2021). Pundits and journalists tend to pontificate through slow news periods. When there is no news, guess work fills the vacuumon cable television, news sites listicles, and Twitter. That inclination becomes especially apparent during elections, from the moment polls open to the moment a winner is declared (if not certified). Last week, on election day in New York, CJRs Jon Allsop suggested that, with a new voting system in play and inconsistent polls, journalists should eschew prognostication and get comfortable with uncertainty. Surprise! That did not happen. On election night, Eric Adams, a relatively moderate Democrat, appeared to have an insurmountable lead, even though more than a hundred thousand absentee ballots had yet to be counted and the automatic runoff rounds, triggered by the citys new ranked-choice voting system, had not yet been tallied. The election was up in the air, with everything seeming to hinge on Adams, a candidate who defies easy characterization. The hot takes, written with conviction, were everywhere: Maya Wileys constituency is the progressive, nonprofit world and has limited appeal; Twitter is not real life, and therefore a poor bellwether. Adams himself weighed in, saying he is the new face of the Democratic party. As Jake Bittle, an independent reporter, put it: It is really funny to watch national pundits attempt to graft their takes about the Democratic electorate onto the candidacy of Eric Adams, one of the weirdest and most idiosyncratic people ever to walk the earth. New York Citys elections have since spiraled into a predictable mess. On Tuesday, as the infamous New York City Board of Electionsbeleaguered by cronyism and ineptituderan preliminary ranked-choice rounds, reporters and election-watchers had noticed odd discrepancies: for instance, massive increases in votes for candidates that failed to gain traction. It turned out that the board had released results that erroneously included 135,000 test ballots. Then on Wednesday, the board released an accurate count, after which it seemed that the outwardly progressive candidates may be eliminated, and the race could come down to two (very different) moderate Democrats. And oh, how the national news takes rolled out! People dont want to defund the police! (Perhaps, but Adams is likely best known, by many longtime New Yorkers, for his years of police reform advocacy.) The campaigns were awful! Working class, Black and Latinx voters want centrism! New from CJR: Sixty news consumers discuss their distrust in the news The problem with this, beyond shoddy analysis, is that encouraging local elections to play out on a national scale has consequences. As Caleb T. Carr, a communications scholar, argues, political candidatesfrom Senator to Alderpersonplay to larger audiences than the place in which theyre campaigning. That enables surreptitious global influence of local elections, Carr writes. It also means candidates use important local offices as global soundstages. (See: Andrew Yang.) New York City is a cautionary tale in looking to deduce national trends from local events. Many reporters are based here, and so local ongoings already receive outsized attention. But the city has not yet started counting the 120,000-plus outstanding absentee ballots, after which the ranked-choice tally will begin in earnest. So far, as Alex Pareene wrote in The New Republic, Most of the lessons pundits can really draw from this partial result apply mainly to politics in New York and perhaps a handful of other very large and demographically similar cities. Sign up for CJR 's daily email Local elections are, of course, reflections of their localities. To attempt to retrofit someone like Eric Adams into neat categories that fit a broad swathe of the nations electorate is to concede failure at political writing. As local news shrinks, the reaction to New Yorks elections (and, to a lesser extent, those in Virginia) demonstrates how local happenings are frequently ripped from their context by national news outlets and refashioned into fodder for pundits. This dynamic also tends to result in more partisan voting. (The death of local news, CJRs Lauren Harris wrote in 2019, correlated with decreased split-ticket voting in that area.) The take machine can deal with lots of possibilities and outcomes. What may be incomprehensible to pundits and many others in the political press is that voters in local electionsmany of whom are more civically engaged than the average citizen, to be sure, but are generally not reading dozens of news articles per dayare capable of patience. They have lives that do not entail refreshing the Board of Elections website. They are less driven by ideology than the press may like to believe. And they can handle updates that do not end in extrapolations of what every new vote count might mean for the Future of the Democratic Party. We should consider the possibility that what serves voters best is not rushing to fill dead air. Below, more on New York and the press: On the podcast: Last week, Errol Louis, host of NY1s politics show, Inside City Hall , was on CJRs podcast, The Kicker . He spoke about the fragile local-news ecosystem and Adamss relationship with the local press. Board reform: Following the recent New York City Board of Elections fiasco, journalists, politicians, and citizens alike have called for reform , which will require action from Albany. It seems the Democratic supermajority in the state capital may be ready, at last, to reform the infamous agency . More from Albany: The impeachment inquiry into Andrew Cuomo is still ongoing. Yesterday, Politico reported that the state Assemblys impeachment committee would begin issuing subpoenas. The investigation deals with a number of accusations, from sexual harassment to misuse of state funds, many of which were exposed by the local press. Other notable stories: Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? Help us by joining CJR today Savannah Jacobson is a contributor to CJR and a reporter and writer based in New York. LONDON Global cyber reinsurance rates have soared by up to 40% in the July renewal season, reinsurance broker Willis Re said on Thursday, as ransomware attacks increase in number and severity. A ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in May shut the largest fuel pipeline network in the United States for several days, crippling fuel delivery to most of the U.S. East Coast. The average ransom payment made by a business to restore data after a cyber attack was $220,000 in the first quarter, up 43% from the last quarter of 2020, according to cyber security firm Coveware. In addition to the ransom payments, cyber insurance and reinsurance policies can cover the cost of restoring the network, business interruption losses and even the hiring of a PR agency to address reputational damage. Reinsurers that have been writing cyber are looking at considerably worse results than a few years ago, said James Vickers, chair of reinsurance broker Willis Re International. I dont think people had really imagined the extent of the ransomware attacks going on. Reinsurers insure the insurers, and a rise in reinsurance rates feeds through into higher insurance costs. Businesses worldwide are fighting sophisticated data scientists as they battle to protect their data-rich computers from cyber crime and the costly attacks are not going to stop, a top expert at insurer Sompo Holdings Inc told the Reuters Future of Insurance USA conference last week. Insurers and reinsurers are cutting the amount of cyber coverage they provide after being hit with large claims, industry sources say. Vickers said some countries such as France were debating whether cyber insurers should be making ransomware payments. Those discussions are beginning to happen, he said. FBI Director Chris Wray last week pleaded with public companies and other hacking victims to avoid paying ransom, saying he feared it would only embolden cyber criminals to ramp up future attacks. Property reinsurance rates have also risen by as much as 30% in Florida at July renewals, Willis Re said, as the hurricane season gets under way. IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) Overturning a landmark $1.5 million jury verdict, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that former Gov. Terry Branstad did not illegally discriminate or retaliate against a gay state official. The court found a lack of evidence to show that Branstad discriminated against then-Iowa Workers Compensation Commissioner Chris Godfrey because of his sexual orientation. Although Godfrey was widely known as openly gay, there is no proof Branstad was aware of Godfreys sexual orientation before asking him to resign and slashing his salary when Godfrey refused, Justice Christopher McDonald wrote. The ruling overturned a 2019 verdict in which Polk County jurors found that Branstad and his former legal counsel violated the Iowa Civil Rights Act. Jurors had awarded Godfrey, a Democrat who is now an official with the U.S. Department of Labor, $1.5 million in damages for emotional distress. Branstad, a Republican who later served as U.S. ambassador to China, has argued that he sought Godfreys resignation because powerful business interests disagreed with rulings by Godfrey and his staff awarding benefits to injured workers. He has claimed that he acted legally in 2011 by reducing Godfreys salary by $40,000, to the lowest amount allowed by the Legislature for the position. Godfrey couldnt be fired under a provision in Iowa law intending his six-year term to be insulated from politics. He eventually left state government in 2014. The ruling ordered a lower court to dismiss all of Godfreys claims, ending a case that lasted a decade, made three trips to the Iowa Supreme Court and cost taxpayers millions of dollars in legal fees. Six of the seven justices agreed with the outcome, including the two justices that Branstad appointed to the court. Copyright 2021 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Opioid suppliers including Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and McKesson Corp. began their defense of claims the industry is liable for an epidemic of addiction by telling a New York jury theres no proof they did anything wrong. Drug makers and distributors are accused of misleading doctors and consumers about the health risks of opioid painkillers, or ignored red flags of suspiciously large orders and signs of abuse. The trial of claims by New York state and two Long Island municipalities is the first of thousands of such damage lawsuits filed by governments across the U.S. to be heard by a jury. You wont hear evidence from a single doctor that they were duped about the medicines risks of addictions, Nancy Patterson, an attorney for Israel-based drugmaker Teva, said in opening comments to jurors Wednesday. The evidence will show my clients marketing statements were truthful and consistent with federal and state law, she said. Tevas opioid-based painkillers, Actiq and Fentora, were made by its Cephalon subsidiary, which it acquired in 2011. McKesson, a distributor of medications made by others, did everything theyre supposed to do, the companys lawyer, Paul Schmidt, told the jury. The company didnt market any of the drugs it sold, and only supplied to customers the quantities of opioids that had been approved by government regulators, he said. New York state and the counties of Suffolk and Nassau are seeking reimbursement for what they spent dealing with the fallout from overdoses and addictions. The public-health crisis has claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 Americans over the last 20 years. Everyone in our county has been affected by the corporate greed you are going to see in this trial, Hunter Shkolnik, Nassau Countys lawyer, said during opening statements on Tuesday. The companies turned a blind eye to the suffering they caused, he said. The New York trial poses a big risk for the industry. Analysts predict opioid companies will ultimately be forced to spend tens of billions of dollars combined to resolve thousands of claims. But so far, only one trial has been concluded, when a judge in Oklahoma ruled against Johnson & Johnson and ordered it pay $465 million. That decision is on appeal. J&J was initially a defendant in the New York case, but agreed on Saturday to pay $263 million to settle the claims. The companies point the finger at others as the real cause of the epidemic, as they have in other trials. The culprits include drug cartels, pill-mill doctors and lax government enforcement of drug laws, the firms say. McKessons Schmidt told the jury that New York officials found in 2016 that the drug distributor operated a system to identify suspicious orders as part of a licensing inspection. They told us we should keep doing what were doing, he said. No Evidence Tevas Patterson challenged government lawyers to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the companys pill-monitoring system failed to pick up questionable opioid orders. The plaintiffs wont be able to show a single suspicious order that was shipped by Teva in violation of state or federal law, she said. While Patterson touted Tevas truthfulness in marketing opioids, its Cephalon unit agreed in 2008 to pay $425 million to resolve a federal probe into illegal marketing of some its drugs, including Actiq. The government alleged Cephalons off-label marketing campaigns for the medicines prompted a flood of false claims for payment to federal health-insurance programs. In their opening statements, lawyers for the plaintiffs said drugmakers including Allergan Plc and Endo International Plc sought to capitalize on the buzz created by Purdue Pharmas 1996 introduction of the painkiller OxyContin. That pill is credited with helping to spark the U.S. opioid epidemic. Purdue, which sought bankruptcy protection in 2019 to deal with a host of opioid suits targeting its OxyContin marketing, isnt a defendant in the New York case. Mike Brock, a lawyer for an Allergan unit, said his client didnt get control of its Kadian painkiller until its 2008 merger with Activis Plc and didnt engage in any illegal marketing of the pills. So we didnt climb on any bandwagon, he told jurors. The case is In Re Opioid Litigation, Index no. 40000/2017, Supreme Court of New York, Suffolk County Copyright 2021 Bloomberg. An exclusion added to an uninsured motorist policy issued by Progressive Northern Insurance Co. is void because it contravenes state law, a divided Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled on Thursday. In a 5-3 decision, the high court said that an Oklahoma insurer cannot deprive its policyholder of uninsured-motorist coverage for which a premium has been paid through an exclusion that effectively erases its policyholders choice to purchase that coverage in the first place. The legal challenge to Progressives policy exclusion came to the Supreme Court after the driver of a vehicle full of teenagers lost control of her car while driving in Canadian County outside of Oklahoma City. The car spun 180 degrees, struck a tree, rolled over and landed upside down. The September 2017 crash seriously injured Elissa Lane and Kyle Stone, who were among four passengers in the car. The driver and all of the occupants were described in court papers as teenagers. The drivers car was insured by her parents through Progressive. The carrier paid out its liability limit of $100,000 to both victims, but refused to release an additional $100,000 in uninsured-motorist coverage. The parents had purchased insurance to cover damages by uninsured or underinsured motorists, but the policy excluded coverage to any insured person who is paid an amount equal or greater than the minimum statutory limit for liability coverage. Because Lane and Stone were each paid more than the states $25,000 minimum liability limit already, no underinsured coverage was available, Progressive contended. The plaintiffs attorneys argued that Progressive collected premiums for uninsured motorist coverage but then added an exclusion that effectively took coverage away from any class 2 insured passengers who are injured in an accident. Such an exclusion contravened the purpose of the state state statute that allows insurers to offer optional uninsured motorist coverage, they said. U.S. District Judge Stephen P. Friot ruled that the insurer was within its rights to deny the claim. He said in his order that while the Supreme Court had decided that some exclusions in uninsured motorists policies are not allowed by state law, the court never ruled that no exclusions are allowed. Lane and Stone appealed. Rather than guessing at Oklahoma state law, the federal 10th Circuit Court of Appeals sent the states Supreme Court a certified question: Does Progressives exclusion contravene the states uninsured motorist statute? Yes it does, five justices decided. The majority opinion says Oklahoma public policy is to assure that policyholders receive all of the coverage for which they paid premiums. It is entirely reasonable for an Oklahoma family to anticipate the unpleasant possibility that their novice driver might take out the family car, get into an automobile accident, and injure her passengers, the opinion says. It is commendable to seek out and obtain insurance that gives protection beyond a policys basic liability limits in the event of that major injury. Even the three dissenting justices said Progressives exclusion may border on furtiveness. Justice Dustin Rowe wrote a dissenting opinion, joined by Justices M. John Kane IV and James R. Winchester, that saidOklahomas uninsured motorist statute does not list any exclusions that are permitted or not permitted. If the Legislature had intended to disallow this type of exclusion, it could have easily done soor can do so in the future, Rowe wrote. That argument brought a strong rebuke from Justice Yvonne Kauger. She wrote an opinion concurring with the majority and drew attention to the dissenters use of the word furtive. Kauger said that means characterized by stealth; hence sly; secret; stealing; as a furtive look An insurance contract should be open and transparent, Kauger wrote. Neither the Legislature intent nor our extant jurisprudence authorizes or approves the implementation of a border-line theft. Attorneys for Progressive did not respond to a request for comment. SURFSIDE, Florida (AP) Florida authorities asked the federal government for an additional rescue team to comb the rubble of a collapsed condo tower, underscoring the strenuous nature of the open-ended search for survivors in an area prone to tropical weather. Tropical Storm Elsa formed in the Atlantic Ocean and was on a path that may take it over the Florida peninsula by Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center said. The storm had maximum sustained winds of 45 mph as it approached the Windward Islands. The storm will pass over the Windward Islands of southern Leeward Islands on Friday and move into the Caribbean Sea late Friday, and then turn toward the southern coast of Hispaniola on Saturday, the Hurricane Center said. In Surfside, four more bodies were found in the rubble of the collapsed tower, raising the death toll in the disaster to 16 people. Miami-Dade Assistant Fire Chief Raide Jadallah told family members at a morning briefing that rescuers found the bodies Tuesday night. He said relatives have not yet been identified. In addition to the four bodies, crews also found other human remains. Rescuers were able to build a ramp for a crane to reach areas at the top of the pile they had not been access before, Jadallah said. More than 140 people are still unaccounted for. The possibility that severe weather in coming days could further stretch Floridas search and rescue resources prompted state officials to ask the federal government for the additional team, Kevin Guthrie of the Florida Division of Emergency Management said. Already, intermittent bad weather has caused temporary delays in the search. Guthrie said the new team, which would likely come from Virginia, would be on hand if severe weather hits the area in coming days and allow crews that have been working at the site for days to rotate out. Authorities said its still a search-and-rescue operation, but no one has been found alive since hours after the collapse on Thursday. Charles Cyrille of the Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency said 900 workers from 50 federal, state and local agencies were working seamlessly on the search. Elected officials have pledged to conduct multiple investigations into the sudden collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South in Surfside last week. Another victim was recovered Tuesday, bringing the confirmed death toll to 12, with 149 people still unaccounted for. Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said that she and her staff will meet with engineering, construction and geology experts, among others, to review building safety issues and develop recommendations to ensure a tragedy like this will never, ever happen again. State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said she will pursue a grand jury investigation to examine factors and decisions that led to the collapse. Gov. Ron DeSantis evoked a well-known military commitment to leave no one behind on the battlefield and pledged to do the same for the people still missing in the rubble. The way I look at it, as an old Navy guy, is when somebody is missing in action, in the military, youre missing until youre found. We dont stop the search, DeSantis said at a news conference Tuesday. Also Tuesday, the White House announced that President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden would travel to Surfside on Thursday. Work at the site has been deliberate and treacherous. The pancake collapse of the building left layer upon layer of intertwined debris, frustrating efforts to reach anyone who may have survived in a pocket of space. Several members of an Israeli rescue team worked partly on hands and knees Tuesday over a small section of the rubble, digging with shovels, pickaxes and saws. They removed debris into buckets that were dumped into a metal construction bin, which was periodically lifted away by a crane. The crane then delivered an empty bin. Late in the afternoon, rescue officials sounded a horn for a second time during the days work, signaling an approaching storm with lightning. Workers temporarily evacuated. Miami-Dade Fire Chief Alan Cominsky said the work has been extremely difficult, but were out here 110%. These are the times that are the most difficult, Cominsky said. We are here to do a job. We are here with a passion. Hopefully, we have some success. Associated Press writers Kelli Kennedy in Miami, Bobby Caina Calvan in Tallahassee, Florida, and Freida Frisaro in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, contributed to this report. About the photo: Search and rescue personnel work alongside heavy machinery to sift through the rubble at the Champlain Towers South condo building, where scores of people remain missing almost a week after it partially collapsed, Wednesday, June 30, 2021, in Surfside, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky) Copyright 2021 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) A 15-year plan to abate the opioid crisis in a West Virginia community will cost local officials $2.5 billion, a forensic economist has testified. George Barrett testified Tuesday that Cabell County and the city of Huntington would need to spend $144 million to implement the plan and the annual cost would rise to $197 million by the 15th year, The Herald-Dispatch reported. The governments have combined annual budgets of less than $87 million. The testimony came in the seventh week of a landmark civil trial against three large opioid distributors. A lawsuit filed by Cabell County and the city of Huntington accuses drug distributors AmerisourceBergen Drug Co., Cardinal Health Inc. and McKesson Corp. of fueling the U.S. crisis. The plaintiffs argue that the companies created a public nuisance by flooding the area with tens of millions of opioid doses over eight years and ignoring the signs that the small community along the Ohio River was being ravaged by addiction. The companies, in turn, say poor communication and pill quotas set by federal agents are to blame, along with a rise in prescriptions written by doctors. Testimony this week has focused on the drug abatement plan and its cost. Barretts findings were based on the report of Caleb Alexander, a pharmacoepidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Alexander came up with an abatement plan for the community he said could reduce overdoses, overdose deaths and the number of people with opioid use disorder by half. McKesson attorney Timothy Hester questioned Barretts qualifications in coming up with the estimate, which he called inflated. He said Barret is not an expert in healthcare economics and had estimated it would cost $12 million to run the harm reduction program, but another witness testified she was able to run such a program with $60,000 a year. The Cabell-Huntington Health Department spent about $225,000 on its harm reduction program in 2019, but the abatement plan calls for expanding the program. Hester also said the majority of medical claims are paid through Medicaid, not city and county officials. He asked that the judge to toss the testimony, but the judge did not immediately rule. Copyright 2021 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The Cherokee Nation has signed an agreement with the town of Vian to donate revenue from traffic and misdemeanor citations back to the municipality. Front row: Mayor of Vian Dennis Fletcher, Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. and Deputy Chief Bryan Warner. Back row: Cherokee Nation Secretary of Veteran Affairs S. Joe Crittenden, Assistant Attorney General Sandy Crosslin, Chief of Police for Vian Police Department Daniel New, Cherokee Nation Attorney General Sara Hill, Secretary of State Tina Glory Jordan, District 5 Tribal Councilor E.O. Smith, Secretary of Natural Resources Chad Harsha, Delegate to Congress Kim Teehee and Deputy Attorney General Chrissi Nimmo. Were you an online subscriber to the Clearwater Progress prior to October 2020? Your subscription can be validated to continue access on our new site. Simply verify the email address associated with your subscription and you will be good to go! Cleburne, TX (76033) Today Cloudy skies this morning will become partly cloudy this afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 71F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. The city of Akron will celebrate its 47th year of free summer dance performances in Akron city parks through the 14th annual Heinz Poll Dance Festival in late July and early to mid-August. Philip Zyne and his wife Nora are staying put in their fifth-floor condominium at Champlain Towers North, constructed by the same developer that built the condo building that collapsed. Celebrate the Class of 2020 Submit a profile of your favorite graduate to have them featured in our Virtual Graduation 2020 special section. Tout their accomplishments, share their photos, and wish them well! Submit profile Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, June 30) - President Rodrigo Duterte thanked the government of Sri Lanka for its assistance to overseas Filipino workers - particularly in their repatriation - amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement on Wednesday, the Office of the President (OP) said Duterte and his Sri Lankan counterpart, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, had a phone conversation on June 28, where the two leaders renewed their commitment to further boost bilateral ties. "The President thanked the Sri Lankan government for its assistance in the repatriation of Filipinos amid this pandemic and for the safe return of Filipino seafarers in the MT New Diamond that caught fire off the eastern coast of Sri Lanka in September 2020," the OP said. The two leaders also discussed other areas of cooperation - including security and defense, trade and investment, labor, migration, and tourism. Duterte also conveyed the Philippines' interest to strengthen its engagement with Sri Lanka in the United Nations on issues of common concern. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon is planning to retire from public service in 2022 if he will not be given a role in the next administration. I will retire from public service if I have no role in the coming administration, the 75-year-old Drilon disclosed during a virtual briefing on Wednesday. I have been in government probably 30 years or so, so let others who believe that they can serve the country, he said. Drilon added that he is proud of what he has done and has contributed for the welfare of the country and that others should be also given a chance. When asked whether he wants to be nominated as a presidential candidate for the 2022 polls by the opposition, the senator said he is not interested and that he leaves that to their judgment. I do not speak for them," he said. "I have not planned to run for president. I do not have the resources to run for president. Instead, he said he prefers to be a researcher for media personalities he respects. Prior to his second two terms at the Senate with his reelection in 2010, Drilon served for two consecutive terms at the upper chamber from 1995 to 2007. He also served as Senate President thrice during those years. The Iloilo City-born lawmaker, who ranked 3rd in the 1969 Bar Examinations, first joined government as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labor and Employment in 1986. He then served as Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment from 1987 to 1990, Secretary of the Department of Justice from 1990 to 1991 and 1992 to 1995, and Executive Secretary from 1991 to 1992. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Vaccine czar Carlito Galvez Jr. on Wednesday said Chinas Sinovac vaccine is performing well and at par with shots made by Western brands. He made the statement on the heels of calls for the government to purchase COVID-19 shots that have higher efficacy rates. For one, Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon said, when it comes to the life of millions of Filipinos and the future of the country, there should be no price tag. We can buy the most expensive vaccines with high efficacy. Earlier reports also said that a number of Indonesian medical workers who received Sinovac shots got infected by the virus. In his statement, Galvez explained that all vaccines being used in the country passed through a rigorous review by the vaccine expert panel (VEP), which is composed of top doctors and vaccine specialists. We listen and follow the panels assessment on what vaccines to procure to ensure that they are all safe and effective regardless of brands, he said. In fact, we have seen that all vaccines that have been given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by our Food and Drug Administration are performing well in the real-world conditions compared to their clinical trial results, he added. Citing real-world data provided by the panel, Galvez said the China-made vaccine is 90% effective in preventing severe COVID-19 cases and deaths in Uruguay, and 94% effective in protecting healthcare workers in Indonesia. Amid concerns on its efficacy against the more transmissible Delta variant, he said the VEP has discouraged concluding early in the matter since studies are still ongoing. We ensure that all the policies that we craft and implement are science-based and evidence-based, Galvez reiterated. I will always consider the advice of our experts and not from people who do not want to listen to more prudent and deliberate decision-making," he also said. The FDA granted Sinovac an EUA in February. Based on its evaluation, it showed 65.3% to 91.2% efficacy rate when used on healthy people aged 18 to 59. For health workers directly exposed to COVID-19 patients, efficacy is at 50.4%. To date, the Philippines has received over 17 million coronavirus shots from Sinovac, as well as AstraZeneca, Gamaleya, Pfizer, and Moderna. More than 10 million Filipinos have received their vaccine dose, of which around 2.5 million are now fully protected from the deadly virus. By the end of the year, the government hopes to immunize up to 70 million individuals. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) The temporary shutdown of the Malampaya gas field in October will likely increase electricity prices, according to the Department of Energy. There are plants na nagtatransfer from use of natgas which is cheaper going to condensate. 'Yun 'yung liquid fuel. So, mas mahal po 'yun, Energy Undersecretary Felix William Fuentebella said in a Senate hearing on Thursday. [Translation: There are plants transferring from use of natural gases which is cheaper going to condensate, a form of liquid fuel. So thats more expensive.] There are other factors that affect the [electricity] bill also but theres a big probability that there [will be] an increase, he added. Earlier, House Deputy Minority Leader and Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarate asked the DOE to lay down concrete plans to prevent brownouts and rate hikes once Malampaya goes offline on October 2 to 22. Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, chairman of the chambers committee on energy, said there will be another hearing focused on Malampaya. The panel is looking into the rotating brownouts in Luzon last month. READ: Contingencies to help Luzon avert rotating brownouts until end-July DOE While asking about the possible conspiracy among power generation companies to spark higher electricity rates, Senator Risa Hontiveros recalled Malampaya's maintenance shutdown in 2013. It prompted Meralco to raise rates by 4.15 per kilowatt-hour, a move stopped by the Supreme Court amid concerns of possible collusion or anti-competitive practices of suppliers who went on unplanned outages during the shutdown. No collusion The same allegations are hurled now against generation companies as the unscheduled outages of several power plants led to rotating brownouts in Luzon on the first week of June. The Philippine Independent Power Producers Association (PIPPA) denied any conspiracy, saying its member companies have nothing to gain and a lot to lose in shutting down their power plants. Negosyante po kaming lahat (We are all businessmen) We have no motivation to go on outage because to go on outage means wala po kaming negosyo (we do not have business), PIPPA President and Executive Director Anne Estorco-Montelibano said. Wala pong collusion, withholding ng capacity na nangyayari at kami po ay naghahanap ng paraan na mapatakbo ang aming mga planta efficiently to provide the power needs of the country, said the groups chairman, Juan Eugenio Roxas. Agnes Devanadera, the Energy Regulatory Commission's chairperson and CEO, said the body has issued show cause orders to a number of firms, asking them to submit proof of why they should not be held accountable for the power outages. We will be looking into relationships between those who are on outage and also those we call highest gainer," Devanadera said. "We have to make very, a real meticulous analysis on all those. Included in our analysis will be the inputs or data as to which are affiliated with one another." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Only fully vaccinated overseas Filipino workers are allowed to present validations by Philippine Overseas Labor Offices (POLOs) as proof of their vaccination status, according to the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF). Presidential and IATF spokesperson Harry Roque made the announcement during Thursday's Palace briefing, adding POLOs may begin accepting applications for validation this July 5. The IATF said in a previous resolution that travelers who completed their COVID-19 shots outside the Philippines should "carry their official documentation of full vaccination validated through the Philippine Overseas Labor Offices," or show their international vaccination certificate whichever is applicable. The documents will then be presented to the assigned Bureau of Quarantine representative for re-verification at the one-stop shop of the Transportation Department upon arrival in the country. OFWs who can present international vaccination certificates may already avail of the green lanes beginning this month provided compliance with other requirements, Roque added. The IATF yesterday issued the official list of "green" or low-risk countries amid the coronavirus crisis. Fully vaccinated travelers who stayed in these areas exclusively for 14 days before their arrival will undergo a shorter, seven-day quarantine in an accredited facility starting this month. In a separate statement, the Bureau of Immigration said passengers who finished their vaccination in green countries only need to present a 7-day booking in accredited facilities during primary immigration inspection when they arrive in the Philippines. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) The Quezon City government urged its residents to use its new COVID-19 vaccination portal after announcing the termination of the deal with the company behind the appointment platform eZConsult. Mayor Joy Belmonte told CNN Philippines' The Source on Thursday that negotiations are ongoing with Zuellig Pharma Corporation. She said the firm behind eZConsult reached out to city officials to try to "avoid a bloody court battle" following numerous technical issues experienced by residents booking a slot for their COVID-19 doses via the platform. She urged the residents to use the local government's QC Vax Easy portal, where they can be assigned their schedule and vaccination center via call or SMS notification. This is different from the eZConsult platform where residents are free to choose their vaccination schedule and hub. Belmonte announced on Tuesday the termination of the eZConsult deal, after the system crashed for the ninth time when the city opened 55,450 slots for A1 to A4 priority groups. She initially gave Zuellig Pharma until June 18 to fix its services and warned the company of contract termination and filing of damages if it fails to meet the deadline. She clarified, however, that the scrapped deal only involves the booking system while the vaccine storage and logistic services offered by Zuellig would continue. The mayor enumerated her "non-negotiables" to settle the issue with Zuellig. "Some of the non-negotiables are number one, I really would like them to make a public apology to the people of Quezon City for the inconvenience they caused our people. Second, I would like for them to give us all the data of our citizens," she said. "Third, I would like them to waive all fees pertaining to the booking platform system (since) we pay a fee for every citizen that is vaccinated through the booking platform," Belmonte added. The mayor said "all those who were able to book their appointments for today, tomorrow, Saturday and Monday, these will be honored and they can go to the vaccination centers of their choice and they will receive their vaccines as scheduled." But the 113,000 residents who already used the Vax Easy portal will also likely get their doses in three to four days, she explained. So far, over 575,000 Quezon City residents have received their first doses while 200,000 have completed their shots. The city aims to inoculate 1.7 million or 80% of its adult population to achieve herd immunity. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte has appealed to the Department of Health to speed up the issuance of a document authorizing the local government to use the delivered doses of COVID-19 vaccine for a faster vaccine rollout in the city. Speaking to CNN Philippines' The Source on Thursday, Belmonte said the local government is expecting more doses to arrive, but there was a delay in the issuance of a "certificate of analysis" which partially stalled the city's vaccine drive this week. "We have second doses always ongoing. Hopefully, when we finish the first dose, the next batch of vaccines that are scheduled to arrive will be here. I'm just requesting the DOH if they can speed up the COA," she said. "The vaccines arrived last Saturday and we wanted to roll out on Sunday, but because we're not allowed to do so before the COA was released and since it was only released Tuesday evening, I think that causes quite a delay and frustration as well for the people who are excited about getting their vaccination," she added. Health Undersecretary Rosario Vergeire previously told The Source that the DOH usually waits for the COA from the vaccine manufacturer for each delivered batch of doses before authorizing local government units to utilize the doses. "Kailangan maintindihan ng mga kababayan na sa bawat delivery ng ating mga bakuna meron tayong nire-require na certificate of analysis from the manufacturer," Vergeire said. "This is a certfication na 'yung mga dineliver na bakuna na-analyze and is of quality. Kailangan po natin 'yan hintayin bago magamit ang bakuna." [Translation: The public needs to understand that in every batch of delivered vaccines, we require a certifciate of analysis from the manufacturer...This is a certification that the delivered doses have been analyzed and is of quality. We need to wait for that before using the vaccine.] Vergeire said the COA for Sinovac is usually released three days after the arrival of the vaccine, based on the experience of local government units. On Tuesday, Taguig resumed the second-dose inoculation of its residents, a day after halting its vaccination due to pending issuance of COA for the Sinovac vaccine it recently received. On Wednesday, normal operations resumed in its vaccination sites. Meanwhile, Belmonte expressed confidence that shipments will stabilize in July with the help of the national government. This will help Quezon City get closer to its target of vaccinating 1.7 million adults. "When we finish this batch that has been given to us, we are sure that shipments will be arriving, especially this July and we should not have any more problems with lulls in our vaccinations. That was the promise of the national government to us," she said. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 1) The Supreme Court has junked the petition challenging the Ombudsmans memorandum that limits public access to a government official's statements of assets, liabilities and net worth or SALN. The SC en banc said accessing a public official's SALN is the public's right, but it is not tantamount to an "absolute vested right." "The Court has declared in the past that while no prohibition could stand against access to official records such as the SALN, the same is undoubtedly subject to regulation," the High Court said in a Feb. 2 resolution released on Thursday. The magistrates said the Ombudsman, as the custodian of the data, is not bound to grant the request for disclosure at every circumstance so it can prevent damage or loss of the documents. Petitioner Louis Biraogo sought last December the preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order on the memo of Ombudsman Samuel Martires on SALN. He asked for a copy of Vice President Leni Robredo's assets, but it was rejected due to the Ombudsman's Memorandum Circular 1. Martires earlier said he opted to limit access to SALNs because they are being used as tools to "weaponize" against enemies in politics. It has earned criticism from former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, who stressed its importance as an evidence against erring public servants. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 2) President Rodrigo Duterte acknowledged Thursday that while some of the Cabinet members wanted Health Secretary Francisco Duque III removed from office, he sees no reason to do so. Bakit ko tatanggalin? Against the advice of the many, even Cabinet members, sabi ko, I will stick with the man na walang kasalanan and working only doing his job, Duterte said during his speech at an event at Antipolo City, Rizal. There is no coherent reason why Duque should be out. [Translation: Why should I fire him? Against the advice of the many, even Cabinet members, I said I will stick with the man who has no fault and working only doing his job.] The President said he will feel embarrassed if he will fire someone who has done nothing wrong. The chief executive adds that after all, he was the one who asked Duque to join him in the government. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many - including senators - appealed for the resignation of Duque for his perceived inefficient response to the health crisis. The Health chief was also hounded by massive corruption allegations last year, including the case involving state insurer Philippine Health Insurance Corporation. Despite these, Duterte advised the embattled Department of Health secretary that it is not the time for him to resign and professed his trust for him. The former even called Duque a hero of the fight against the virus. The real problem, according to the President, is vaccine supply. The real problem can be answered in one statement: iyong (the) supply, he said, proceeding to mention again that Chinas vaccine donations were able to help the Philippines have its first supply of COVID-19 shots as the rest of the world was scrambling to get hold of theirs. To date, the government has received over 17 million vaccine doses, 12 million of which are Chinas Sinovac, donated and government procured combined. Moreover, some 2.5 million Filipinos have received two doses of their vaccine. By the end of 2021, the government aims to immunize 50% to 60% of the population, with more focus on Metro Manila, to reach immediate protection. Brunswick, GA (31520) Today Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. High 84F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Overcast. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Frankford Police Department Chief Laurence Corrigan warned the Town that a lack of officers puts its restored police department at risk, with Corrigan ready to hand in his resignation if he doesn't get some help so he can properly police the town. This week, residents turned out in support of funding his request. The Coastal Point is a local newspaper published each Friday and distributed in the Bethany Beach, South Bethany, Fenwick Island, Ocean View, Millville, Dagsboro, Frankford, Selbyville, Millsboro, Long Neck and Georgetown, Delaware areas. When students eat at downtown State Colleges various restaurants, they are faced with challenging questions what to get for dinner, who they should invite and what tip they should leave their server following the meal. With a wide range of restaurants and services offered around the State College area, many Penn State students find part-time jobs and recreation at these venues. However, students hold differing perspectives about tipping and whether better options exist for those working in customer service. The concept of tipping ingrained itself within U.S. culture during the post-Civil War era, especially with the influx of European immigrants during the time period, according to National Public Radio. Despite opposition throughout the years, tipping became the new commonplace which still exists today. According to NPR, the Supreme Court constructed a system called Tip Credit in 1966, which permits employers to pay tipped employees below the federal minimum wage due to outside gratuity paid by customers. In modern times, the federal minimum cash wage for tipped employees is only $2.13 per hour with the understanding that the rest of their weekly salary will be composed of tips, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Many local students and community members said they believe tipping is a beneficial and successful option, especially in restaurant settings. Caroline McCulley, a 2021 Penn State hospitality management graduate and former treasurer for Penn States Hotel & Restaurant Society, said she believes tipping is an important motivator for workers. If an 18% gratuity charge was automatically implemented for all restaurant orders disregarding the optional tipping practices common in the U.S. then servers may lack the motivation to work hard and deliver that high level of service, McCulley said. Thats the whole [point behind] tipping, McCulley said. If you work hard and you give great service, then you should be able to receive a higher tip. McCulley said pooling tips is really situational. She said the practice has benefits and drawbacks which depend on the performed service and the particular establishment in question. For instance, McCulley said theres a striking difference between splitting tips at an ice cream parlor and a fine dining restaurant. If a group of employees works together at an ice cream parlor everyone performing different components and stages of the orders then a split tip would be justified, McCulley said. At a shop that runs through cohesion and collaboration like an ice cream shop it would be challenging to reward a particular worker and not everyone who had a part in the order, she said. However, McCulley said she believes splitting tips at a restaurant could pose problems and be unfair to some employees. She said waiters and waitresses who serve a larger pool of customers and receive increased tips during their shifts should not need to share their hard-earned tips with others who may have put in less effort. McCulley said she believes tipping culture completely depends on the customers personal experiences. For example, she said people with a background in hospitality may be more inclined to tip because of their experience within the industry. According to McCulley, some servers receive a $2 hourly pay that gets voided out with taxes meaning they only receive tips as a paycheck. MORE NEWS COVERAGE Arts Fest to feature live music performances amid virtual festival The Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts is hosting several music performances at the P Although McCulley said she always tips 20% for restaurant services, she also said the servers hospitality and customer service behavior can influence her tipping attitudes. If a restaurants service is incredibly slow and the server isnt apologetic about it [and] doesnt comp anything off the meal thats when Ill [consider] altering my personal tipping policy [of 20%], especially if the server isnt hospitable and is not helping the situation, McCulley said. McCulley said she understands the unpredictable and uncontrollable setbacks that occur within restaurants and other hospitality settings, but she said its important for employees to communicate openly with their customers about the situation. I understand if the service will take a long time, but its how the server presents it to the guest that will probably determine the tip in my eyes, McCulley said. An employees service impacts her experience and tipping more than a workers personality, McCulley said. Even if they arent super friendly but still get the job done, Im still going to tip them 20%, McCulley said. When traveling abroad in Spain, McCulley said the restaurant culture was totally different with servers having a relaxed nature about them since they knew theyd receive gratuity from every table due to the restaurant policy. Unlike in the U.S. where people want quick service at restaurants, McCulley said European restaurant services are slower, with people staying for numerous hours just talking and eating. In Europe, [servers] check up on you regularly because the more you buy, the higher the percentage of the bill will be going [toward] them, McCulley said. McCulley works at a country club where an additional gratuity percentage is added to customers bills for food and drink purchases. Despite the additional gratuity for food services, McCulley said she still sees country club members tipping extra cash to bartenders and servers for their exemplary service, especially when an order comes quickly. Many students, including Faith Busanic, said tipping is primarily a way to express gratitude for outstanding service something that would be challenging to demonstrate if waiters had a higher salary. Some days, working can be harder than others, and a tip can make [workers] feel much more appreciated for their hard work, Busanic (senior-hospitality management) said via email. Whether Im at a restaurant, getting a haircut or staying at a hotel, I always think its a great idea to [leave a] tip to show your appreciation for those performing services. Busanic said she believes there are many benefits of keeping the traditional tipping structure that exists in the U.S. Foremost, she said tipping allows waiters and waitresses to make more money than a typical hourly wage would permit. Seeing people leave tips on the dining table can also motivate workers to complete their long shifts and continue working hard, Busanic said. Maddie Adams, who works at Penn States Berkey Creamery, said she believes tipping is rightfully an important aspect of many peoples salaries. Tipping is still an important and effective part [of service industries], as long as its getting split evenly and everyones getting the same amount of money for putting in all that effort, Adams (sophomore-pre-medicine) said. When Adams goes to a restaurant or a business where tipping is common she said she typically uses the included tip options at the bottom of her receipts to determine what tip to leave, as its easier to just pick one. According to Adams, Creamery workers choose how their pooled tips get distributed every semester. Workers vote amongst themselves whether theyre going to donate the tips to small local businesses or split the money among employees, she said. Right now, were planning to donate our tips to smaller businesses in State College because of how hard they were affected by COVID, Adams said. Although the workers decided to donate their tips this summer, Adams said they split the money among themselves during the spring semester. During the spring, it definitely helped boost some spirits within the Creamery because people were generally nicer to customers hoping to get a tip because they knew it would go [toward] what they were earning that day, Adams said. MORE NEW COVERAGE Progress Development Group withdraws apartment building plans for Nittany Village Park Progress Development Group sent a formal request to withdraw its Parkland Apartments Project Based on her experience at the Creamery, Adams said the benefits of splitting tips are transferable to other jobs and businesses. I think [splitting tips] works for all occupations because everyone works together to make that group team, Adams said. With just one link missing, you wouldnt be able to complete the [business] cycle. Despite being unable to control the wait time at the Creamery on a busy summer day, Adams said people tend to take those unrelated outside factors which workers cannot control into account when leaving a tip. Something Ive noticed from work is that people tend to tip less if the line is longer it especially happens for us on hot days when they have to wait outside because we can only allow a certain amount in the store at a time, Adams said. Then they get angry, kind of antsy and they wont leave as many tips. Jordan Fritsch said she supports tipping service-based workers, especially restaurant workers, due to personal experience working at a restaurant. Although Fritsch (junior-public relations) said she supports tipping, she said she also believes workers should have a raised minimum wage to eliminate some stress related to the job. She said raising the minimum wage by a few dollars would allow restaurant workers to feel less anxious if the restaurant is having a slow day and workers are receiving minimal tips. My parents and I have always tipped, but after working at a restaurant, Ive begun tipping more because Ive [come to] realize that many people rely on those tips to survive, Fritsch said. Working at a restaurant has taught Fritsch how every penny counts when tipping because workers rely on that money to live, she said. You dont know everybodys story and why theyre working, but leaving those few extra dollars can make or break [someones] workday, Fritsch said. Fritsch said she believes the pandemic created new norms within restaurants and tipping procedures. Since COVID hit, people have been getting takeout food instead of eating in, and people dont always realize they can tip takeout servers, Fritsch said. Besides the pandemics impact on restaurants through regulations and restrictions, unemployment is another factor influencing current dining and consequently tipping, Fritsch said. There are places that still only do outdoor seating or minimum takeout orders and not because of any COVID regulations but because they dont have the workers, so their kitchen staff is shorter, Fritsch said. Data analysis and University of California, Berkeley studies demonstrate that people remain hesitant about returning to low-paying service jobs, especially positions that were lost in the midst of the pandemic, according to Bloomberg. While some big companies like McDonalds were able to raise their hourly wages to attract potential workers, many small businesses lacked the funding to promote such enticements, according to ABC News. Fritsch said less staff can contribute to longer waits, which customers tend to blame on servers. As a result, Fritsch said some customers give less tips or no tips due to these uncontrollable factors. Some students, like Leah Hickman, said the typical tipping stigma associated with U.S. restaurants should be converted to a more effective system. In the meantime, Hickman said she tips generously to help workers who rely on tips to pay their bills. Hickman (sophomore-finance) said she believes U.S. restaurants should transition to the traditional European model where the tip is already included in the waiter or waitresss salary. MORE NEWS COVERAGE Though Hickman said she believes a higher worker salary is the optimal option over traditional tipping, Hickman said its a complex issue that can be impacted by cost of living, the different geographical areas and the type of restaurants involved specifically restaurant chains or stand-alones. Taking various factors into account, Hickman said increasing workers salary should occur at a company level, not through government mandates. If restaurant workers salaries are raised, she said the increased pay should be implemented gradually to not raise the food prices exponentially high and cause people to stop eating out. With COVID, it came to light how important these service-based jobs are and how the workers need to be earning more than they are currently, Hickman said. Hickman said she still actively tips for various services, especially as workers struggled with increased pay and layoffs resulting from the pandemic. Even if the service performed was less than adequate, Hickman said she would still leave a tip because you never know what kind of day that person has had. I may leave a smaller tip if the service isnt good, but I always leave a tip, Hickman said. Although Hickman said she tries to consistently leave a decent tip for wait staff, she said she also acknowledges the struggles people encounter when paying for restaurant food in general. There are people including college students who understand the importance of tipping and want to leave a tip, but they just may not have the means to, and they may already be stretching their budget already to take their family out to eat. Gov. Jared Polis on Wednesday signed into law bills that aim to support workers and communities reliant on jobs in coal mines and factories and bring a Front Range rail project one step closer to reality. After attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Manitou Springs earlier in the day, Polis stopped at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers office in Pueblo to put his signature on House Bill 1290. The state stimulus legislation from House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar, D-Pueblo, Rep. Perry Will, R-New Castle, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Sen. Bob Rankin, R-Carbondale, puts $15 million toward a 2019 just transition plan devised to assist communities and workers whose coal-related industries and jobs "are subject to significant economic transition." But House Bill 1314, sponsored by then-Speaker of the House KC Becker, D-Boulder, said the plan would be funded with gifts, grants and donations. Programs funded with gifts, grants and donations generally see little if any money. HB 1290 follows up on that bill by putting $8 million toward goals developed by an advisory committee made up of lawmakers, public officials, representatives of coal communities, labor unions and utilities that drafted the states Just Transition Action Plan. The bill sends the other $7 million to the Department of Labor and Employment for a workforce assistance program designed to directly help coal workers with apprenticeship programs, financial planning, tuition reimbursement, job search assistance and on-the-job training, among other things. While in Pueblo, Polis also added his signature to Senate Bill 238, a measure that moves the long-time goal of a passenger rail line running up and down the Front Range one step closer to reality. Under the bill from Esgar, Senate President Leroy Garcia, D-Pueblo, Sen. Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, and Rep. Matt Gray, D-Broomfield, the state will set up a special district charged with "planning, designing, developing, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining" a passenger rail line from New Mexico to the Wyoming border with stops up the Front Range. The special district is set to be overseen by a board made of up appointees made by Polis as well as each of the transportation planning organizations along the line, along with non-voting appointees from Denver's Regional Transportation District and potentially representatives of BNSF Railway, Union Pacific Railroad, Amtrak, and communities in Wyoming and New Mexico, who will be designated by the governors of those states. The bill gives the board the authority to ask voters in the newly created district to raise sales taxes up to .8% in order to finance the project, though lawmakers anticipate funding from the federal government as well. The introduction of the bill in April coincided with promising news from Amtrak, which listed service from Pueblo to Cheyenne, in its 15-year plan. Meanwhile, lawmakers in Washington from both sides of the aisle and the Biden administration have coalesced around a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which is set to include $66 billion for rail projects such as Colorado's. This year our dine and drink business locations throughout the Gorge have suffered with closures. You can help support your favorites by purchasing take out and gift cards. Many of these business will offer curb-side delivery and some will deliver to your home. Lets keep the Gorge going strong! Stay up to date on COVID-19 Get Breaking News Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. 90% Website gcuf.edu.pk uses latest and advanced technologies like: JQuery, Boostrap and Php. It is very popular on the web, it's within the 1 million most visited websites of the world at position 59406 by Alexa. It supports HTTPS and GZIP compression. The main html page has a size of 77253 bytes (75.44 kb uncompressed) and 15766 bytes (15.40 kb compressed). This CoolSocial report was updated on 2020-10-18, you can refresh this analysis whenever you want. 60% Website yeeyi.com uses latest and advanced technologies. It is very popular on the web, it's within the 1 million most visited websites of the world at position 20936 by Alexa. It supports HTTPS and GZIP compression. The main html page has a size of 125024 bytes (122.09 kb uncompressed) and 24161 bytes (23.59 kb compressed). This CoolSocial report was updated on 2021-01-02, you can refresh this analysis whenever you want. Corsicana, TX (75110) Today Scattered thunderstorms this morning, then partly cloudy during the afternoon hours. High 88F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Pope County Justices of the Peace put an end Thursday to an ordinance that would have required an election to approve an elected officials support of a casino applicant. Read more Cowley College set to receive more than $300,000 in Kansas Promise Scholarship Assistance With ongoing progress made at the state level, Cowley College has been approved to receive more than $300,000 in Kansas Promise Act scholarship dollars to assist Kansas residents who wish to study and work in Kansas. The Kansas Promise Act, passed in April 2021, allows Kansas residents the opportunity to earn scholarship dollars for select programs at no cost to eligible students beginning in August of 2021. The scholarship dollars can be applied to tuition, fees, books and/or required materials towards an extensive list of Cowley eligible program categories in Advanced Manufacturing and Construction/Building Trades, Early Childhood Education and Development, Healthcare (Physical and Mental Health), Information Technology and Security Programs, and Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Programs. Dr. Michelle Schoon, Cowley College vice president of academic affairs, said the Kansas Promise Scholarship provides a great opportunity for students to complete a certificate or degree pathway without accumulating student debt. Cowley College has over 70 degrees and certificates that students can choose from in the technical trades and general education transfer pathways that would qualify for this scholarship and we are looking forward to helping students reach their career goals, Dr. Schoon said. The enrollment team at Cowley College has established a designated website and admissions representative to assist students interested in the Kansas Promise eligible programs. For a complete list of programs, coursework, eligibility and steps to enroll, visit cowley.edu/promiseact or contact a representative via phone at 800.593.2222. Continue Reading Below Advertisement Although People ultimately removed the page, the Way Back Machine has several archived copies of the since-deleted article, allowing you to gaze in shock and horror at the celebrity publication's evident thirst for the septuagenarian Bush administration official. Yet in what may be the only commonality between Rumsfeld and the other certifiably sexy men included in the notorious People segment, it seems the politician was wholly unavailable, only having eyes for his one true love no, not his wife, Joyce, his deadly, ultra-expensive sugar baby, the Iraq War. Throughout his career, apparent sex-pot Rumsfeld fiercely advocated for the war, often bungling facts to further his cause, according to Rolling Stone. He falsely told the public that the link between the terrorist group, Al Queda and Iraq was accurate and not debatable. He boasted that former Iraq president, Sadam Hussein had amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX, sarin, and mustard gas," which countered inconclusive intelligence reports on the matter. In an attempt to further drum up support, Rumsfeld also reassured Americans that the war would be over in a matter of days. Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isnt going to last any longer than that," he told CBS News in 2002. Continue Reading Below Advertisement Despite Rumsfeld's promises, that five-month conflict quickly turned into a 17-year war. Starting in March 2003, when an American-led coalition of nations stormed the Middle-Eastern nation, the Iraq War has now outlived its architect, raging on for almost two decades. According to some estimates, as many as 207,156 Iraqi civilians and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers were killed in the conflict. Yet as several outlets have noted, the human cost of the Iraq War will forever remain unknown, due, in part, to sexy Rumsfeld's policy against collecting or releasing body counts. On this Tuesday, the Supreme Court refused to lift a ban on evictions for tenants that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently extended through the end of July. The eviction moratoria is one of a handful of debt pauses put in place by the federal government during the COVID-19 pandemic that are set to expire soon. The student loan moratorium ends on September 30. The mortgage foreclosure moratorium ends on July 31. In anticipation of the end of the foreclosure moratorium, this week, the CFPB finalized new rules that put into place protections for borrowers that servicers must use before they foreclose. Student loans and mortgages are most people's two largest debts. But they are not the only large loans that people are in danger of getting behind on post-pandemic. Indeed, when student loan and mortgage debts become due, people may prioritize paying them ahead of car loans, credit cards, and similar. In a new op-ed in The Hill, Christopher Odinet, Slipster Dalie Jimenez, and I set forth how the CFPB can use its legal authority to steer a range of loan servicers to offering people affordable modifications. As a preview, we suggest that the CFPB should issue a compliance and enforcement bulletin directing loan servicers to make a reasonable determination that a borrower has the ability to make all required, scheduled payments in connection with any modification. The piece is a short version of our new draft paper, Steering Loan Modifications Post-Pandemic, which we wrote as part of the upcoming "Crisis in Contracts" symposium hosted by Duke Law's Law & Contemporary Problems journal. The paper contains more about what federal agencies already are doing to get ahead of mortgage modification requests, about why similar is needed for the range of consumer loans, and about the reasoning behind our suggestion that the CFPB use its prevent what we term modification failures. Anna Mae Wilson-Welborn, 86, of Crossville, passed away at her home surrounded by her family on Monday, June 28, 2021. She was born July 11, 1934, in Spencer, TN, daughter of the late Floyd Stanton Dodson and Annie (Lawson) Dodson. Anna worked as a seamstress and was of the Baptist faith. Sh Heroes. Hearing that word today would cause most people to imagine a police officer, nurse, teacher, or firefighter. Others may picture fictional characters like Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman. What all of these heroes have in common is their ability to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of another. Police officers risk their lives daily to protect the community, as does Batman when he patrols the streets of Gotham at night. American society has such a strong relationship with heroes that we find various occasions to celebrate these people. We acknowledge specific days of the year as Veteran's Day or Teacher's Week. When we hear stories about civilians rescuing neighbors from overturned cars or burning houses, we often seek to award them with medals of honor. Fictional heroes also receive praise as we bestow characters like Superman with admirable traits such as charisma, intelligence, empathy, and most of all, love for others. It's easy enough to find heroes in our personal lives, society, and the books we consume, but are there such obvious heroes in the Bible? Actually, yes, and more than just the one that immediately comes to mind - Jesus. In fact, as Christians, we can identify individuals in our lives as heroes based on the sense of morality taught to us by Jesus. He sets the example, and whenever we see someone exhibiting Jesus-like qualities, we think to ourselves, this is a hero. We first come to this conclusion by acknowledging that no person is perfect except for Jesus (Romans 8:28). Everyone has traits that disconnect us from God and attitudes and behaviors that are immoral. Secondly, we acknowledge that this means no one is good aside from God (Mark 19:17). With these two truths, we can distinguish people as heroes for not only overcoming their sinful nature, but doing so in a way that supports, encourages, and uplifts other people. And in their accomplishments, they reflect the teachings of God. This is true of the heroes in real-life, even if they are not Christian, and likewise with superheroes. For the biblical heroes, this is undoubtedly true, as they often profess a desire to please God through word and deed. Who are these heroes of the Bible? They are the ones who promoted others before themselves and put God before all. "But many who are first will be last, and the last first." (Matthew 19:30) Who Are the Heroes of the Bible? 1. Daniel "So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, 'May your God, whom you continually serve, rescue you!'" (Daniel 6:16) "Then Daniel spoke with the king: 'May the king live forever. My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths; and they haven't harmed me, for I was found innocent before him. And also before you, Your Majesty, I have not done harm.'" (Daniel 6:21-22) Not every hero comes equipped with heat vision, a lasso, or a batarang. Sometimes they don't have a fire ax, taser, or a syringe, because prayer is enough. Daniel, our first hero, portrayed this truth after disobeying an ordinance put in place by King Darius. During Babylon's capture of the Israelites, the king signed an edict that forbade prayer or petition to any god or person except for the king himself (Daniel 6:7). He did this following the ill-advised suggestion of his subordinates. These subordinates knew of the king's affection for Daniel and were jealous of him. By turning the king against Daniel, they would eliminate any competition. The king's new rule would last a month, and anyone who disobeyed would be put in a terrifying place - a lion's den. The expected outcome from such a consequence would be death. King Darius's subordinates, called the satraps, set themselves up as the villains of this particular story, acting as the foil for the hero Daniel. Instead of abandoning his faith, Daniel continued to pray. He put God before himself and eventually was discovered. Daniel faced King Darius' consequence, only his trip to the lion's den did not end in death. The courageous Israelite used the power of faith to prevent any lion from harming him. The outcome for our hero was life, while his opponents were met with death (Daniel 6:24). Daniel showed himself to be a hero by standing up for what was right. He maintained his reverence for God and served as an example not only for the Jews of that time, but for present-day Christians. He made the sacrifice of personal comfort to be godly, despite the potential consequence. 2. David "David said to the Philistine, 'You come against me with a sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Armies, the God of the ranks of Israelyou have defied him.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) "David put his hand in the bag, took out a stone, slung it, and hit the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown to the ground." (1 Samuel 17:49) Heroes possess the ability and willpower to overcome opponents who are sometimes much larger in stature than themselves. This is true with Superman and Doomsday, as is the case with David and Goliath. Christians today can easily recognize David as a hero for two reasons: showcasing an unwavering faith in God and standing up to a much larger foe. Goliath represented the might and power of the Philistine army, but he did not represent God. On the other hand, David represented the frailty of man but the might of God. With nothing but a rock, a slingshot, and plenty of faith, David routed his opponent. This is another example of someone showcasing the power of faith and putting God first. David did not enter into battle proclaiming the significance of man, but rather his reverence for God. David acted in this battle, not for the benefit of self, but the nation of Israel. He stood up to Goliath when no other warrior would, and he was only a shepherd. Faith, putting others before himself, and defeating a mighty foe, David has become emblematic of any hero facing a giant enemy. 3. Moses "As for you, lift up your staff, stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground." (Exodus 14:16) Moses displayed himself as a hero by performing several good deeds on behalf of God and his people. He attained the Ten Commandments, enacted the various plagues in Egypt, freed the Israelites from slavery, and parted the Red Sea by the power of God. Much of what Moses did was to get the Israelites to the Promised Land; only Moses himself did not ever reach such a place. God did not permit Moses to enter (Deuteronomy 32:51-52). Even with this sad truth, in the next chapter, Moses blesses his people and speaks highly of God. Heroes, even when they do not win for themselves, win on behalf of others. Moses portrays a painful sacrifice that not many would make, knowing that in the end, others would inherit a benefit and he would not. 4. Jesus "But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) What more noteworthy biblical hero is there than Jesus? He modeled faith perfectly in all that He did. Jesus displayed the ultimate sacrifice by being wounded not for anything He did, but for all the wrongs of humanity and all that He did right. Jesus did what no other man could do and paid the price. After Jesus' death, He returned, having conquered what many fear is the end; He shows us that we can find salvation through Him. Through His actions, Jesus overcame numerous enemies: Satan, His persecutors, and death. He won in the end, and because of His win, His followers can also reap the benefit of salvation. Jesus was a hero throughout every chapter of His life on Earth, a reason why every believer and almost every nonbeliever knows the word. Not hero, but Jesus. How Should We View the Concept of Heroes of the Bible? As a Christian, the idea of heroism extends beyond beating up villains and fighting for justice. Heroism involves sacrifice, sometimes a sacrifice that means people reap a benefit that the hero does not. There are definite similarities between our biblical heroes and those we see around us day-to-day. Sacrifice. Empathy. Love. However, what the biblical heroes utilize just as much as the other traits is faith in God. If we want to be both heroes and Christians, we have to make sure we are not just serving humankind or ourselves; we have to serve God. We should encourage ourselves and others with this truth. There is power in stories. There's a reason Superman's logo is recognized universally. There's also a reason why the name of Jesus is so profound. Heroes make a difference in their homes, communities, nations, and the entire world, not just today or the past, but also for the future - and they always will. Photo credit: GettyImages/Bulat Silvia Aaron Brown is a freelance writer, dance teacher, and visual artist. He currently contributes articles to GodUpdates, GodTube, iBelieve, and Crosswalk. Aaron also supports clients through the freelance platform Upwork. When and where you need it! 786 Hwy. 7 Accused sex offender Miguel Lopez will be returned to Connecticut to face charges here in a case that focused attention on a loophole in the states sex offender laws. Lopez, a registered sex offender from Massachusetts, was placed in an East Windsor nursing home in April, but local law enforcement didnt know he was in Connecticut until after he allegedly assaulted a nursing home employee about a month later. The oversight has raised the concerns of two state senators who called for changes in how nursing homes notify Connecticut law enforcement when they admit a known sex offender. On Tuesday, Lopez was informed during a routine court appearance in Holyoke Superior Court that the East Windsor police had a warrant for his arrest. He was asked if he would waive extradition proceedings so he could be brought back to Connecticut to face first- and third-degree sexual assault charges, as well as an unlawful restraint charge. Lopez, who told the judge he is 40, appeared on a Zoom hearing from the Ludlow Correctional Center, where he has been held on $1,000 cash bail since May on charges unrelated to the Connecticut case. Lopez eventually agreed to waive his extradition rights after first telling the judge he hadnt had enough time to discuss his options with his lawyer, Jeffrey Weisser. The judge ordered Lopez held without bail and scheduled him to return to Holyoke court on July 8 to finish his pending Massachusetts cases. East Windsor Police Lt. Matthew Carl said police cant extradite him back to Connecticut until those charges are adjudicated, and they hope to bring him back here next week after that hearing. Carl said a Connecticut judge has ordered a $275,000 bond on Lopez when he is returned here and formally arraigned. The warrant in the Connecticut case is sealed until Lopez appears in a court here. Lopez appeared twice before the Massachusetts judge Tuesday, as there was a question whether East Windsor police had put the proper date of birth on the fugitive warrant. Weisser at first told the court that his client denied ever being in Connecticut, but after a short recess returned and told the court Lopez was ready to proceed with the extradition. The case disclosed that Connecticut nursing homes arent required to inform state police when they admit out-of-state sex offenders to their facilities. State police said that they had no idea that Lopez was at Fresh River Healthcare nursing home on Prospect Hill Road. Detectives were at Fresh River the same day of the alleged assault, May 19, to register a different sex offender from Virginia, but they never saw Lopez. The assault occurred a few hours later, police said. Lopez allegedly trapped a Fresh River employee in his room by locking the door when she came to assist him and forced her to perform oral sex. The victim managed to escape the room and was taken by other employees to the police station to file a complaint. Meanwhile, officials from iCare Health, which operates Fresh River, sent Lopez back to Holyoke that same afternoon in an ambulance before East Windsor police were able to interview him or get a search warrant for any DNA evidence. State Sen. Saud Anwar, who represents East Windsor, called the incident horrific and said he was surprised there was such a loophole in the state law. Something needs to be done and quickly, because thats obviously a loophole, and we dont know how widespread this is, Anwar told the CT Mirror in early June, after the incident came to light. East Windsor Police Lt. Matt Carl said detectives were surprised to learn about Lopezs presence in the nursing home. We have a lot of questions about how he ended up in that facility, and we never knew about him, Carl said earlier this month. During the week of the special legislative session, a leading Republican brought up the case on the Senate floor. Im disappointed in the sense that there is an evolving issue thats very present in the state of Connecticut. Its an issue that has taken very many people by surprise. And its an issue that when you hear it the first thing you say is, How can that happen in our state of Connecticut? Sen. Kevin Kelly, R-Stratford. The mere fact that we have this situation, this loophole in our laws that can be exploited, is something that needs action taken and needs to be done sooner rather than later not only for the protection of the residents but also anyone thats employed or visits these facilities. Lopez was arrested by Holyoke police about a week after the alleged sexual assault at Fresh River on an outstanding warrant issued in January charging him with failing to properly register as a sex offender. Lopez is listed as homeless in the Massachusetts sex offender database, and the phone number that he had been using no longer works. The sex offender database also lists him as 50 years old, not 40, as he claimed in court Tuesday. A spokesman for iCare said the company was aware Lopez was a registered sex offender before admitting him, but said the law does not require them to inform the state police if an out-of-state sex offender is admitted to one of its facilities. It is the legal obligation of the resident themselves or their legal guardian to update the sex offender registry as to their current location, iCare spokesman David Skoczulek said. While there is no legal obligation for a nursing home to inform the registry, we do take steps to assist the resident or their guardian in doing so and prompt them to do so in a timely fashion, Skoczulek said, adding the Lopez case was quite rare. LANSING, Mich. (AP) Michigan lawmakers on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a $17.1 billion K-12 budget, one that will eliminate a longstanding base per-student funding gap among districts and boost overall funding by a substantial 10%. Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is expected to sign what many education officials called a historic bill, providing certainty to districts whose fiscal years begin Thursday. Budgets for state departments and funding for universities, community colleges and local governments will wait, potentially until September, despite a 2019 law requiring that they also be sent to the governor before Friday. The state fiscal year does not start until Oct. 1. Traditional districts and charter schools will receive $8,700 in base per-student state aid, not including at least $1,093 more per pupil in federal funding from a rescue package signed by President Joe Biden in March. The state grant will rise by $589, or 7%, for the vast majority of districts. Those at the higher end will get an additional $171, a 2% increase. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jim Stamas, a Midland Republican, said the state has been working to remove the discrepancy for more than 26 years since school funding was overhauled by voters. I'm excited that we're able to make sure to get our education funded, he told reporters, saying the $8,700 grant is a great place for them to go into their school year starting on July 1st working on their budget. I think that's a positive. This is a great bipartisan effort to have the largest investment in education in Michigans history, said Sen. Curtis Hertel Jr. of East Lansing, the top Democrat on the Senate budget panel. Im really proud of the work that the governor did to get here and I was proud to support it. Legislators embraced Whitmer's revised proposal to expand state-funded preschool to 22,000 eligible but unenrolled 4-year-olds and to raise the amount allotted per child. They added $240 million to hire additional school nurses and counselors and $155 million for Grand Valley State University to disburse up to $1,000 each to K-5 students who are not proficient in reading. The scholarship could be used for instructional materials, tutoring, summer and afterschool programming. The goal of this program is to provide as many good options to parents as humanly possible, said Sen. Lana Theis, a Brighton Republican who cited learning loss as kids went to school online in the coronavirus pandemic. Lawmakers also included $135 million for districts with a year-round, or balanced, calendar. A supplemental bill that was passed last week and the newly approved K-12 measure will release to schools an extra $4.7 billion in designated U.S. coronavirus funds. Teachers unions and charter school advocates applauded passage of the budget, and called the equalization of base funding a major step forward. Superintendents also were pleased. Educators now have the funding and guidance they need to get to work on what truly matters: supporting the needs of each and every student as we work to remediate the challenges brought on by the pandemic and set our students up for success in the coming year and beyond, said Ken Gutman, superintendent of Walled Lake Consolidated Schools and president of the K-12 Alliance of Michigan. Also Wednesday, both chambers overwhelming passed competing spending bills that would, among other things, immediately use federal COVID-19 relief aid to help hospitals and nursing homes facing pandemic-related financial struggles. But the proposed payments are on hold amid budget discussions that will continue over the summer, including over how to spend $6.5 billion in discretionary U.S. coronavirus funding. Whitmer welcomed the school budget's completion but noted legislators missed the deadline to pass the rest of the budget. They adjourned and appear unlikely to meet much before September. I am hopeful that the Legislature will work quickly to approve a state budget that supports small businesses, fixes our crumbling roads and bridges, expands access to childcare and grows our economy, she said in a statement. ___ Follow David Eggert at https://twitter.com/DavidEggert00 COLCHESTER An escalating series of complaints and conflicts between members of the towns police commission and the officers they oversee has reached a crescendo with the Board of Selectmen voting to indefinitely suspend the panel from its duties. First Selectwoman Mary Bylone, who is also the towns police chief, called the situation a toxic work environment that included bullying and inappropriate behavior. Bylone said she investigated the matter herself and found evidence of these behaviors. While Bylone did not name any specific allegations against the commissioners, her frustration appeared to be a reference to tensions between the commissions chair, James Stovola, and the vice chair, Carol Vaillancourt. Conflicts on the commission, she said, had reached a point where members are really unable to work together. Vaillancourt has also been accused of feuding with members of the police department. It led to the police union declaring a vote of no confidence in Vaillancourt or the commission at a meeting in May. The union said its officers would no longer attend commission meetings or work with individual commissioners unless ordered to by a supervisor. Among the issues at the center of the dispute between Vaillancourt and Stovola is an effort by school officials earlier this year to eliminate the school resource officer position at Colchester Public Schools through the budget process. That effort failed in the face of opposition from the police commission. While Bylone, Stovola and Vaillancourt all said they opposed the elimination of the school resource officer, Vaillancourt accused the chair and first selectwoman of engaging in backroom deals, over the SRO question. When I started calling people out on that, thats when everything hit the fan, Vaillancourt said in an interview Wednesday. Around the same time, Vaillancourt said she began questioning the departments crime statistics and changed her political affiliation from independent to Republican. Bylone, a Democrat, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. A staffer in the first selectwomans office said she was away on vacation this week. In an email Wednesday, Stovola said the selectmen had no choice but to suspend the commission due to Vaillancourts inappropriate actions, which he said included speaking on behalf of the entire commission without approval, and speaking to the media about an ongoing investigation of an officer. The reaction to those actions, he said, had effectively ground the commissions work to a halt prior to the Board of Selectmen voting 4-1 on June 17 to suspend the panel. No police commission members, no police officers, the resident state trooper, or Colchester administrative sergeant will attend any police commission meetings until Commissioner Vaillancourt is removed from the police commission, Stovola said. The investigation referenced by Stovola began in April, when Vaillancourt lodged a formal complaint against an officer who she said had made disparaging remarks about the commission during a public meeting that month. That prompted the union to file its own complaint against Vaillancourt after she spoke to a local media outlet about the matter. Colchester, a town of about 15,000, has less than a dozen police officers as well as a resident state trooper. Bylone serves as the towns first selectwoman and police chief, with officers reporting to her and the resident trooper. Sgt. Timothy Edwards, the highest-ranking officer in the police department, told the selectmen at the June meeting that rank-and-file officers had lost confidence in the commission as a result of the recent issues. What we dont want to participate in is any unfair labor practices or defamation of character of police officers, Edwards said. The only member of the Board of Selectmen to oppose the suspension of the police commission, Republican Taras Rudko, said the decision would leave the public without a voice in and oversight of the department. I think we missed an opportunity to rectify the situation with bullying, and as a result, it continued, Rudko said. So shame on the Board of Selectmen for not taking action to rectify that. Bylone said the decision to suspend the commission will affect the hiring process at the department, but the town otherwise has a structure to maintain the operations of the department with oversight. The Board of Selectmen did not set a timetable for how long the commissions suspension would last. Bylone said removing the commission altogether would require a change to a local ordinance along with further meetings and a town meeting. EAST HADDAM A motorcyclist was killed in a crash on Route 82 Tuesday afternoon, state police said Thursday. The victim was identified as 59-year-old Steven M. Davidson, of Gibson Hill Road in Sterling. The Connecticut State Police report released Thursday indicated that an East Haddam family was headed south on Route 82 near its intersection with Banning Road, as Davidson was headed north on Route 82 approaching the same intersection shortly before 4 p.m. Tuesday. Davidson veered into the southbound lane of travel and collided with the vehicle, the report said. Davidson was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead, police said. The driver and three passengers in the vehicle were unhurt and declined medical attention, state police said. The investigation is ongoing. NEW YORK (AP) TV actor Allison Mack, who played a key role in the scandal-ridden, cult-like group NXIVM, was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday on charges she manipulated women into becoming sex slaves for the groups spiritual leader. Mack best known for her role as a young Supermans close friend on the series Smallville had previously pleaded guilty to the charges and began cooperating against NXIVM leader Keith Raniere. Prosecutors credited her with helping them mount evidence showing how Raniere created a secret society of brainwashed women who were branded with his initials. At her sentencing in Brooklyn federal court, Mack renounced the self-improvement guru. I made choices I will forever regret, she said, also telling the judge she was filled with remorse and guilt. I am sorry to those of you that I brought into NXIVM," she wrote in a letter filed with the court last week. "I am sorry I ever exposed you to the nefarious and emotionally abusive schemes of a twisted man. She reiterated her apologies to the victims in court on Wednesday: From the deepest part of my heart and soul, I am sorry. Mack wept at times while reading her statement to the court. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis told her he believed her apology was sincere, but said she deserved a serious sentence for using her celebrity to groom victims as a willing and proactive ally and essential accomplice to Raniere's monstrous crimes. Under advisory sentencing guidelines, Mack had faced between 14 and 17 1/2 years behind bars, but her defense team argued in court papers that probation or a sentence to home confinement was more appropriate. Prosecutors had agreed that any prison term should be below the guidelines range because of her cooperation. The NXIVM saga and the story of Ms. Macks descent have been a tragedy for all involved. But that need not, and should not, be the end of the story for Allison Mack, her lawyers wrote in court papers. A victim, Jessica Joan, rejected Mack's apologies, telling the judge the actor deserved no mercy. She can blame Keith all she wants but she is a monster cut from the same cloth, Joan said in court on Wednesday. Allison Mack is a predator and an evil human being. Mack, 38, was once part of the inner circle of Raniere, whose group attracted millionaires and actors among its adherents. Prosecutors said she became a master for slaves she ordered to perform labor, take nude photographs, and in some cases, to engage in sex acts with Raniere. As authorities closed in on Raniere, he fled to Mexico with Mack and others to try to reconstitute the group there. He was arrested and sent to the United States in March 2018; Mack was arrested a few days later. Ms. Mack now understands that this was the best thing that could have happened to her at that time, the defense papers said. Mack provided information to prosecutors about how Raniere, now 60, encouraged the use of demeaning and derogatory language, including racial slurs, to humiliate slaves, the government papers said. More importantly, she provided a recording of a conversation she had with Raniere about the branding, they added. The branding should involve a vulnerable position type of a thing with hands probably above the head being held, almost like being tied down, like sacrificial, whatever, Raniere told her. The women, he added, should say, 'Please brand me. It would be an honor.' Or something like that. Raniere was sentenced last year to 120 years in prison for his conviction on sex-trafficking charges. A 41-year-old heir to the Seagram's fortune, Clare Bronfman, was sentenced to nearly seven years in prison in September for her role as Raniere's unwavering benefactor. Mack was allowed to remain out on bail in home confinement until surrendering to prison on Sept. 29. She left the courthouse on Wednesday without speaking to reporters. WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden came up well short on his goal of delivering 80 million doses of coronavirus vaccine to the rest of the world by the end of June as a host of logistical and regulatory hurdles slowed the pace of U.S. vaccine diplomacy. Although the Biden administration has announced that about 50 countries and entities will receive a share of the excess COVID-19 vaccine doses, the U.S. has shipped less than 24 million doses to 10 recipient countries, according to an Associated Press tally. The White House says more will be sent in the coming days with about 40 million doses expected to be shipped by the end of the week and stresses that Biden has done everything in his power to meet the commitment. It's not for lack of doses. All the American shots are ready to ship, the White House said. Rather, it's taking more time than anticipated to sort through a complex web of legal requirements, health codes, customs clearances, cold-storage chains, language barriers and delivery programs. Complicating matters even further is that no two shipments are alike. One country requires an act of its Cabinet to approve the vaccine donation, others require inspectors to conduct their own safety checks on the U.S. doses, and still others have yet to develop critical aspects of their vaccine distribution plans to ensure the doses can reach people's arms before they spoil. White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients said all intended recipient countries had received formal U.S. offers of a specific number and type of vaccine, and all legal and logistical hurdles on the U.S. side had been cleared. The remaining doses will be shipped in the coming weeks as countries complete their own domestic set of operational regulatory and legal processes. Theyre specific to each country," Zients said Thursday. We will continue to share tens of millions of U.S. doses over the summer months as we help lead the fight to end the pandemic across the globe." The White House declined to specify which nations were struggling with which local hurdles, saying it is working with recipient nations on an individual basis to remove obstacles to delivery. What weve found to be the biggest challenge is not actually the supply we have plenty of doses to share with the world but this is a Herculean logistical challenge, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said last week. It took months for the U.S. to get its domestic vaccination program running at full throttle, and officials noted that Biden only shifted the focus of the nation's COVID-19 response toward the global vaccination campaign less than two months ago. Biden announced the 80 million target on May 17, saying, This will be more vaccines than any country has actually shared to date five times more than any other country more than Russia and China. Even while missing his goal, Biden has made the U.S. the largest global vaccine donor, delivering more doses than either Russia or China, who have at times sought to leverage their vaccines for geopolitical gain. The 80 million doses are meant as a down payment on a far larger plan to purchase and donate 500 million vaccine doses for the world over the next year. That plan, relying on a purchase contract from Pfizer that will begin delivering doses in August, remains on track, officials said. Last week the White House broadly outlined its plans for all 80 million doses, but it is not publicly releasing a list of how many and of what type of vaccines each recipient will get until the doses are on the way. The U.S. recipients to date are Colombia (2.5 million Johnson & Johnson doses), Bangladesh (2.5 million Moderna), Peru (2 million Pfizer), Pakistan (2.5 million Moderna), Honduras (1.5 million Moderna), Brazil (3 million J&J), South Korea (1 million J&J), Taiwan (2.5 million Moderna), Canada (1 million Moderna, 1.5 million AstraZeneca) and Mexico (1.35 million J&J, 2.5 million AstraZeneca). All told, it's enough vaccine to fully protect 15.9 million people. Biden initially committed to providing other nations with all 60 million U.S.-produced doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has yet to be authorized for use in the U.S. but is widely approved around the world. The AstraZeneca doses have been held up for export by a two-month safety review by the Food and Drug Administration. Given declining domestic demand for vaccine doses, the Biden administration expects to be able to meet the full 80 million commitment without the AstraZeneca doses, but rather from existing federal stockpiles of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines. The U.S.-approved shots particularly the mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna appear to be more effective than other available vaccines against the virus, especially emerging strains of the virus that are more contagious and harmful, like the delta variant first identified in India. PHILADELPHIA (AP) Bill Cosby's sexual assault conviction was thrown out Wednesday by Pennsylvania's highest court in a ruling that swiftly freed the actor from prison more than three years after he was found guilty of drugging and molesting Temple University employee Andrea Constand at his suburban Philadelphia mansion. Cosby, 83, was the first celebrity tried and convicted in the #MeToo era, and his conviction was seen as a turning point in the movement to hold powerful men accountable for sexual misconduct. Here's a look at the case against Cosby and the court's decision: WHY DID THE COURT TOSS HIS CONVICTION? The split court found that Cosby was unfairly prosecuted because the previous district attorney had promised the comedian once known as America's Dad that he wouldn't be charged over Constand's accusations. Cosby was charged by another prosecutor who claimed he wasn't bound by that agreement. The court said that's not the case. The justices found that Cosby relied on that promise when he agreed to testify without invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in a lawsuit brought against him by Constand. The court concluded that prosecutor who later brought the charges was obligated to stick to the nonprosecution agreement, so the conviction cannot stand. The justices wrote that denying the defendant the benefit of that decision is an affront to fundamental fairness, particularly when it results in a criminal prosecution that was foregone for more than a decade. WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THE NONPROSECUTION AGREEMENT? The promise not to prosecute Cosby was made in 2005 by Bruce Castor, who was then the top prosecutor for Montgomery County. Castor was also on the legal team that defended former President Donald Trump during his historic second impeachment trial over the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by his supporters. During a court hearing weeks after Cosby's 2015 arrest, Castor testified that he promised Cosby he wouldn't be prosecuted in the hopes that it would persuade the actor to testify in a civil case brought by Constand and allow her to win damages. Castor acknowledged the only place the matter was put in writing was in the 2005 press release announcing his decision not to prosecute, but said his decision was meant to shield Cosby from prosecution for all time. His successor noted, during the appeal arguments, that Castor went on to say in the press release that he could revisit the decision in the future. Castor had said that Constands case would be difficult to prove in court because she waited a year to come forward and stayed in contact with Cosby. The first jurors who heard the case may have agreed with him, as they could not reach a verdict in 2017. But a second jury empaneled after the #MeToo movement exploded found him guilty at his 2018 retrial. Constand settled her civil case against Cosby for more than $3 million. Castor's successor, District Attorney Kevin Steele, charged Cosby in 2015 after a federal judge, acting on a request from The Associated Press, unsealed documents from her 2005 lawsuit against Cosby, revealing his damaging testimony about sexual encounters with Constand and others. Castor has said Cosby wouldve had to have been nuts to say those things if there was any chance he couldve been prosecuted." HOW RARE IS THIS? Extremely rare. Wesley Oliver, a Pennsylvania law professor who has followed Cosbys case closely over the years, said he has never heard of a high court in Pennsylvania or anywhere else grappling with a prosecutors informal promise not to prosecute. It breaks new ground entirely, said Oliver, who teaches at Duquesne University School of Law in Pittsburgh. It sets precedent not just for Pennsylvania but probably other states. He said the ruling should drive home to prosecutors the risks of suggesting at news conferences, in press releases or verbally in private that they will not prosecute. They should at least add three words at this time, he said. If you add that qualifier, which wasnt done in Cosbys case, you should be good to go, Oliver said. CAN COSBY BE TRIED AGAIN? Its highly unlikely. The decision on Wednesday bars Cosby from being tried again over Constands complaint, finding it to be the only remedy that comports with societys reasonable expectations of its elected prosecutors and our criminal justice system. And the accusations raised by dozens of other women, including the five who testified at his 2018 trial, often go back decades and are most likely too remote to prosecute. Cosby turns 84 next month. However, his lawyer said he remains in good health, except for vision problems that render him legally blind. The trial judge deemed him a sexually violent predator who could still pose a danger to women given his wealth, power and fame, and ordered that he be on a lifetime sex offender registry and check in monthly with authorities. However, the decision negates that finding. ___ Richer reported from Boston. Associated Press reporter Michael Tarm contributed to this report from Chicago. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) Newly retired, Judy Pavlick was among hundreds of seniors who enjoyed the low cost-of-living and friendly atmosphere at Plaza Del Rey, a sprawling mobile home park in Sunnyvale, California. Then the Carlyle Group acquired the property and things began to change. Pavlicks rent surged by more than 7%. Additional increases followed. She said the unexpected jump forced her and her neighbors, many on fixed incomes and unable to relocate, to sometimes choose between food and medicine. The 2015 acquisition and subsequent sale of Pavlicks mobile home park is a core business practice for private equity firms such as Carlyle, which buy and restructure private companies to build value for their investors, sometimes cutting jobs and services in the process. But the deal, one of hundreds Carlyle executed in recent years, could become a political liability for the companys former co-CEO, Glenn Youngkin, who is now running as the Republican candidate for governor in Virginia and highlighting his experience building businesses and creating jobs. They dont realize that these are peoples homes. Were not just numbers on a spreadsheet, said Pavlick, now 74 years old. They have no conscience. There are no allegations of illegality or wrongdoing, but Youngkins political aspirations have drawn new scrutiny to his dealings at the Washington-based investment firm, where he generated a net worth estimated at over $300 million before retiring as co-CEO last summer. Youngkin now faces another wealthy former businessman, former Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, in Novembers general election, which has emerged as the nations top political contest of 2021. While McAuliffes ties to big donors and lobbyists are well-established, Youngkin has only begun to confront difficult questions about his business background. His team declined to address any of Carlyles specific deals. As a young man, Glenn joined a small company and over the next 25 years worked his way up to the top of the company, helping to grow it into a hugely successful enterprise that turned good businesses into great businesses, created tens of thousands of jobs, and funded the retirement pensions of police officers, firefighters, and teachers, said Youngkin spokesman Macaulay Porter. Under Glenns leadership, The Carlyle Group employed nearly 2,000 people and managed assets totaling nearly four times the size of Virginias yearly budget. Youngkin has made his business experience and status as a political outsider central to his pitch to voters. But more often than not, he discusses his career in broad strokes, without mentioning his lofty position or even the name of his former firm. Asked in a February interview with a former state lawmaker that was streamed on social media how he viewed the role of private equity in the economy, Youngkin responded: We invest in companies, and we try to take good companies and make them great companies. And we do that by helping them expand. While creating big profits for the firms investors, Carlyles deals sometimes triggered layoffs, outsourced jobs and complaints from the people served by the companies acquired. The details in some cases may be politically damaging for Youngkin, but the situation is also complicated for his Democratic critics, who have tried to portray Youngkin as too close to former President Donald Trump. McAuliffe himself invested in Carlyle before and after becoming Virginias governor in 2014. The former Democratic governors public disclosures show no current ties, but records reveal that McAuliffe invested at least $690,000 in Carlyle funds between December 2007 and the end of 2016. The actual figure is likely much higher because the disclosures require candidates to acknowledge only a broad range of investment with no upper limit in some cases. McAuliffe spokesperson Christina Freundlich said McAuliffe has made no investments in Carlyle since 2014, describing him as a passive investor with no role in crafting the deals. She noted that many major institutions were among the investors, including the California Public Employees Retirement System. Glenn Youngkins record is clear: shipping American jobs overseas and harming seniors and homeowners, all for his own profit, Freundlich said. Virginians deserve better than an extreme, Trump-endorsed job killer with a track record of always putting his own wealth first. Carlyle made investments in several companies under Youngkins leadership that moved at least 1,300 American jobs offshore, according to Department of Labor data. They include Metaldyne LLC, a North Carolina car parts company that sent 176 jobs to Korea in 2008; the Texas company Commemorative Brands that produced class rings and sent more than 260 jobs to Mexico between 2005 and 2013, and Ohio-based car part manufacturer Veyance Technologies that sent nearly 300 jobs to Mexico between 2009 and 2011. After they were restructured, all three were sold for hundreds of millions of dollars more than they were acquired for. Veyance Technologies was among those companies in a larger fund in which McAuliffe had invested, which means he would have profited from the deal. A representative for Carlyle declined to comment. The companys leadership has struggled to defend some of their decisions at times. The firm in 2005 acquired a minority stake in Combined Systems Inc., a less-lethal munitions manufacturer that produced tear gas and super-sock bean bags subsequently used by governments in Tunisia, Egypt and China to crack down on pro-democracy protesters. Combined Systems officials said at the time that they could not control how their products were used, but the U.S. State Department condemned the excessive use of force against protesters in Egypt in particular and launched an investigation into the misuse of tear gas after pictures of CSI-branded tear gas canisters were published on social media. Youngkin joined the firm in 1995 and rose through the ranks steadily in the subsequent years, becoming head of the industrial sector investment team by 2005. By March 2011, he had become the chief operating officer and within seven years, he was named co-CEO. Carlyle announced Youngkins retirement last summer amid speculation that he was interested in running for office. In the announcement, Youngkin said it was the professional journey of a lifetime and my honor to be part of building Carlyle into the global institution it is today. ___ Peoples reported from New York. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) The Minnesota Legislature worked into the early hours Thursday to try to finish off a $52 billion, two-year budget after working into the early hours the night before to pass a bill that ends Gov. Tim Walz's emergency powers, although a top Republican said the special session could continue for days longer to make sure the governor signed all the bills. Trust but verify, Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, of East Gull Lake, said at a news conference, quoting a proverb that President Ronald Reagan was fond of using in his dealings with Soviet leaders. Walz laughed at the comment and said Gazelka didn't need to worry. He spoke to reporters after personally delivering the signed K-12 education funding bill to Secretary of State Steve Simon to make its enactment official, and signed three other budget bills to avert the lingering threat of a partial state government shutdown after the current budget ran out at the end of the day Wednesday. The only budget bill still awaiting votes early Thursday was a tax bill that needed approval first in the House, then the Senate. The House debate was late to get going, and bogged down amid a partisan fight over the details of unwinding the governor's emergency powers. The emergency powers language was added early Wednesday to a state government and elections budget bill shortly after the Democratic governor said he was ending the state's peacetime state of emergency himself. Walz had used his special powers for over 15 months to manage the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was a long-running sore point for Republican lawmakers who complained he had shut the Legislature out of important spending and policy decisions. Failure to pass the tax bill wasn't going to trigger a shutdown, so some of the pressure was off lawmakers. "This is a strong, bipartisan tax bill that is going to make Minnesota families, communities and businesses better and stronger into the future, the House tax committee chairman, Democratic Rep. Paul Marquart, of Dilworth, said earlier in the day. About about 80% of the bill is COVID-19 relief, Marquart said. Businesses that received forgiveness on Paycheck Protection Program loans will be allowed to fully deduct the amount on their state income taxes, while workers who collect unemployment insurance payments will be able to deduct them up to $10,200. He said that will benefit about 500,000 people who lost their jobs with an average $500 tax cut. The Senate passed the K-12 education bill 65-0 on Wednesday evening and sent it to the governor. Republican Senate education committee chairman Roger Chamberlain, of Lino Lakes, hailed the bipartisan school funding bill as relying on money not mandates. He highlighted how it contains the largest increase in the state's per-pupil funding formula in 15 years 2.5% in the first year and 2% in the second, amounting to about $296 per pupil for school districts to spend as they see fit. Now that money is theirs to use," he said. It's local control, members. Gazelka said it's still possible that lawmakers could agree in the coming days on a public works borrowing package known as a bonding bill, which would require bipartisan 60% supermajorities in both chambers but is not required to finish the budget. Otherwise, he said, they could pass it during the special session that Walz is expected to call in early September. The aim of that session would be to pass a plan to pay $250 million in bonuses from federal aid to frontline workers who risked their lives in the pandemic, Walz announced last week that he was going to end the emergency on Aug. 1, but said late Tuesday that he had moved up the date after reaching a deal with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to protect emergency food aid payments to needy Minnesotans under the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program. The governor said language added to the state government bill in the House will give him sufficient power to manage the state's vaccination program and emergency unemployment benefits, while winding down other remaining elements of the state's pandemic response. The Legislature met another condition earlier this week when it approved an off ramp for the governors eviction moratorium, which he had imposed in the early days of the pandemic. Walz told Minnesota Public Radio that the final budget looks an awful lot like the original budget he put out in January and later revised as the state's projected budget surplus grew. He said a bonding bill would be icing on the cake." Republican leaders claimed credit for forcing the governor's hand on special powers. The governor has held on to these powers far too long and used them far too broadly, Gazelka said in a statement early Wednesday. "Weve been clear that we were going to end these powers, so Im not surprised Walz tried to outmaneuver us but he does not get to say he let them go. The emergency is over because the Senate and the House said so. JERUSALEM (AP) Hundreds of Palestinians protested against President Mahmoud Abbas after Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem a day after an outspoken critic died in the custody of Palestinian security forces. Nizar Banat had harshly criticized the Palestinian Authority over its corruption and misrule in a series of Facebook videos. His family says security forces raided the home where he was staying early Thursday and beat him with batons before dragging him away. Palestinians also chanted against the PA at his funeral in Hebron, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and masked gunmen fired shots into the air. Calls had circulated for protests across the territory. Late Thursday, demonstrators burned tires, blocked roads and clashed with riot police in the West Bank city of Ramallah, where the PA is headquartered. The Palestinian Authority, which administers parts of the West Bank under agreements reached with Israel in the 1990s, faces a major crisis of legitimacy after Abbas called off the first elections in 15 years in April. Abbas was sidelined during last month's Gaza war and his popularity has plummeted as support for Gaza's militant Hamas rulers has grown. His forces coordinate security with Israeli troops, targeting Hamas and other armed groups that threaten both. The policy is deeply unpopular with Palestinians, many of whom view it as collaboration with an occupying power. From the police to the president, the whole authority are collaborators, a crowd of around 250 protesters chanted at Al-Aqsa after Friday prayers, as thousands of worshippers looked on. The hilltop compound is the third holiest site in Islam and a potent symbol of the Palestinian cause. It is also the holiest site for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount because it was the location of the biblical temples. It has long been the scene of Israeli-Palestinian violence, including in the runup to the Gaza war. The U.S. State Department and the European Union's representative to the Palestinians each called for an investigation into Banat's death and expressed concerns about the PA's restrictions on freedom of expression and harassment of activists. The PA said it has formed a high-level committee to investigate Banat's death. The EU has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority over the years, and the U.S. and other nations have trained and equipped its security forces. The PA is seen internationally as a key partner in efforts to revive the Middle East peace process, which ground to a halt more than a decade ago. BRIDGEPORT A local landscaper was arrested after police said they found more than two pounds of cocaine in his pickup truck. Christopher Cruz, 36, of Vincellette Street, was charged Wednesday with possession of cocaine with intent to sell and motor vehicle charges. The allegations here are extremely serious, he had over two pounds of cocaine, Senior Assistant States Attorney Tiffany Lockshier told Superior Court Judge Kevin Doyle during Cruzs arraignment Thursday afternoon. She urged the judge to set a high bond. But Cruzs lawyer, Assistant Public Defender Mike Paris, urged the judge for leniency, pointing out that his client has operated a landscaping business in the city for two years. Judge Doyle agreed it was a serious case and ordered Cruz held in lieu of $350,000 bond. He continued the case to July 27. According to police, shortly before 9 p.m., Wednesday, state troopers were patrolling the area of Barnum and Seaview avenues when they spotted a Toyota pickup truck without a front license plate. The troopers pulled the pickup over and as they approached it, they saw the driver, Cruz, reaching back towards a black book bag in the rear passenger area, police said. Police said the trooper took Cruz out of the truck after the pickup was found to have an expired registration. When they searched the book bag they found a large brick of cocaine wrapped in cellophane, police said. We recently sat down with Cole Saini, Director of Risk Management at California-based KeyPoint Credit Union, to talk about how regulated financial institutions can provide reliable and cost-effective cannabis banking programs, and what cannabis-related businesses (CRBs) should look for in a banking partner. KeyPoint Credit Union was established in 1979 to provide financial services to employees in the then-nascent Silicon Valley technology industry. Today it is one of Californias largest credit unions with seven branches and more than 63,000 Members. Backed by its Board of Directors, KeyPoint launched a cannabis banking pilot program in February of 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was hitting our shores. While initial interest from cannabis businesses slowed, the program quickly reached capacity in the following months and has expanded to meet the demand from the industry. Here are a few highlights from our conversation. No event has illustrated the importance of having a formal enterprise risk management program more than the COVID-19 pandemic of the past year and a half. The initial impact of the pandemic was huge and required a significant pivot in operational plans, says Tony Ferris, founder/CEO of CUES Supplier member Rochdale Paragon Group LLC, Overland Park, Kansas. However, the unforeseen and broad-reaching risks and opportunities are the real issue. Its the downstream issues that are not right in front of you that are likely to hurt, such as the accelerated adoption of electronic delivery methods, and the short- and long-term talent management implications will drastically cause us to rethink our strategies. Those who have mature ERM programs have been able to more effectively identify and assess these implications, allowing them to proactively drive their strategies versus simply being reactive to what hits next, Ferris adds. They were able to assess and reassess the new environment while still keeping in mind and in view their strategic plan and objectives. Craig Wilson, senior director of consulting at CUESolutions provider Experian, Costa Mesa, California, contends that the volatility of the pandemic era has intensified the need for an ERM strategy. In the last 18 months, credit unions have embodied the adage, Necessity is the mother of invention. After the pandemic was declared and George Floyd was murdered in early 2020, credit unions responded by reinventing their processesand, really, themselves. Many credit unions figured out new ways for staff to effectively and securely serve members while working in the safety of their own homes. Many deployed or leveraged existing remote teller machinesand at least one credit union closed mortgages at the drive-thru. Some completed large core conversion projects without ever having a vendor representative onsite. Significant numbers also stepped up to boost diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging by enrolling staff members in high-quality learning programs, hiring chief diversity officers to guide their efforts and striving to create climates where employees can bring their authentic selves to work. Now that the economy is reopening in many places in North America, innovation is just as necessary as before. How will your credit union creatively respond to the key questions now at hand? Which innovations adopted in the last year and a half should be continued? Adapted? Dropped? What are the new best practices for your organization for having staff work in-person, remotely or in some hybrid fashion? What are ways to effectively support staff members who have been dealing with significant uncertainty and change for such a long time? How digital-first does your credit union need to go to effectively serve its current and future members? And how fast? What does your credit union need to do to start or continue its diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging efforts in response to changes in your workforce, your membership and the hiring marketplace? Sometimes it helps to not go it alone, but rather to learn from innovation experts and to talk with peers facing similar questions. CUES is with you on this journey with an innovation of its own. Starting July 19, well offer Strategic Innovation Institute online, in partnership with Stanford University. Im excited to see what creative solutions you will implement. And I hope your efforts will not only foster success at this critical juncture but pave the way for a successful future. Kankakee, IL (60901) Today Some clouds this morning will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon. High 89F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 69F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Kankakee, IL (60901) Today Some clouds this morning will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon. High 89F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 69F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Mrs. Martha Lyndell Wilbanks, age 84, of Chatsworth passed away Thursday, July 1, 2021, at Chatsworth Health Care. She is survived by her husband, Damon Wilbanks of Chatsworth. No public memorial services have been planned at this time. Cremation services were provided by Peeples Funeral Hom Paul Kirby is a reporter for the Freeman, covering Kingston politics. He has been at the Freeman since August 1996. SAUGERTIES, N.Y. Work on cleaning up the former Dragon Inn on U.S. Route 9W has been halte The following items are based on information provided by officials in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Sunbury, PA (17801) Today Some clouds this morning will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon. High near 90F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Clear to partly cloudy. Low 68F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Madison, SD (57042) Today Mainly sunny to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 94F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Cloudy skies this evening followed by scattered showers and thunderstorms overnight. Low 66F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. featured Education Officials: Children must get caught up on vaccinations before school starts You are the owner of this article. When it comes to keeping our homes smelling good, many of us will try any of the hacks to help. But some tips and tricks might actually pose more harm than good, and could potentially prove dangerous. Cleanfluencers sharing their favourite hacks to make their home smell great have been criticised after social media users suggested their advice was putting their home, and life, at risk. From putting fabric softener in the toilet to mixing a disinfectant with boiling water, people have been shocked by these cleaning hacks. USING FLAMMABLE VAPORUB AS A WAX MELT Cleanfluencers sharing their favourite hacks to make their home smell great have been criticised after social media users suggested their advice was putting their home, and life, at risk (pictured, one TikTok user was criticised for advising others to use Vaporub as a wax melt) It's the age-old potion for a chesty cough and blocked nose but one mother has claimed Vicks Vaporub has plenty more uses than simply relieving congestion. Taking to the popular social media site TikTok, she shared her 'life hack' for when her family is 'full of cold'. In a clip which has been liked by over 1 million people online, the mother of one revealed she puts Vicks VapoRub into a wax burner. The woman put a generous dollop of the ointment in the top of the burner in the clip, then placed a tealight underneath. She went on to light it and watched as the product dissolves into a puddle. However, the ointment contains cough suppressants eucalyptus oil and menthol, and is flammable. She sparked furious backlash online from other users, who highlighted how dangerous the hack was. 'I did this and almost burnt my house down,' one replied. 'Do not recommend doing this - so unsafe!' Another added: 'Please don't do this is if you have cats or dogs. 'It's really bad for their respiratory system and can make them really sick.' 'You can buy Vicks candles from B&M for 1,' a third wrote. 'Works the same and is safe.' On the Vicks website, the brand warns against heating up their VapoRub. The advice reads: 'You should not heat or microwave Vicks VapoRub. Do not add Vicks VapoRub to hot water or any container where heating water. Doing so may cause splatters and burns.' USING ZOFLORA TO FRAGRANCE YOUR HOME She told her Instagram followers that the way she judges a new Zoflora disinfectant scent was by mixing it with boiling water and leaving it out overnight When it comes to cleaning, Instagram star Mrs Hinch is where many of us go for inspiration and tips, but one hack she posted has not gone down well with viewers. She came under fire last year for telling Instagram followers that the way she judges a new Zoflora disinfectant scent was by mixing it with boiling water and leaving it out overnight. Filming the process on her Instagram Stories, the mum-of-two wrote: 'I'll know instantly [if I like it] when I wake up in the morning and walk into the kitchen.' After it was posted cleaning tips Facebook page, one homeowner warned: 'Can't believe I'm having to write another warning.... please, please, please do not mix Zoflora with boiling water. 'It is a disinfectant, it is not meant to be inhaled. I am obviously not talking about when being used for cleaning, I am talking about leaving it out on a counter all night with the sole purpose of the 'fragrance' filling the room/house. 'If you want your room to smell nice, use a wax melt?' Meanwhile Zoflora released a statement re-iterating that the product should be used as a disinfectant and not an air freshener. They said: 'We do not advise using Zoflora with boiling water as this has not been tested, and could potentially negatively impact the ingredients within Zoflora and the vapour they release. 'The use of boiling water offers no benefits in terms of the disinfecting properties of Zoflora, and we therefore recommend using with cool or warm water. 'All of our recommended product uses are related to the elimination of bacteria and viruses as Zoflora is an effective disinfectant, and we therefore do not recommend any use which isn't aligned to the function of this type of product.' POURING FABRIC SOFTENER IN THE LOO Posting the tip on Instagram , one American cleaner advised 'pouring a cup [230ml] of laundry detergent in the tank of the toilet' which will then sink to the bottom Another hack dividing TikTok users has seen some cleanfluencers recommend pouring fabric softener into the tank of the toilet to help it smell clean. Posting the tip on Instagram, one American cleaner advised 'pouring a cup [230ml] of laundry detergent in the tank of the toilet' which will then sink to the bottom. They wrote: 'Each time you flush, a sweet aroma will be released in the tank, and the whole bathroom will smell amazing.' This is because the water in the tank - which contains the fabric softener - will then be flushed into the bowl. However, Izzy Shulman - director of Plumbers4U - told IdealHome that the 'hack' could potentially damage your drains and increase your risk of flooding, according to The Sun. More toilet mishaps came from a couple, the Herreras, also from America, who shared a viral 'cleaning hack' on their TikTok and put cleaner in their cistern She said: 'We've all seen the mess fabric softener can leave in a washing machine drawer. 'Over time it leaves a sticky film, which can coagulate and block your washing machine. 'If added to a toilet this means it may build-up and stick somewhere in your drainage.' Another couple revealed the dangers of pouring anything into the toilet cistern on TikTok. The couple appeared pleased with the scent the Fabuloso cleaner gave their bathroom but the hack actually caused more harm than good In a second clip the couple revealed that it had caused their entire apartment to flood after the bottle made the toilet run overnight They initially put a bottle of Fabuloso multi-purpose cleaner in their cisterns and appeared pleased at the scent it gave the bathroom. However, in a second clip the couple revealed that it had caused their entire apartment to flood after the bottle made the toilet run overnight. She explained: 'Our bottle lasted a week before floating and knocking the hose - causing water to spray all night long. Don't try this hack!!' Users were quick to thank the pair for putting them off the hack, as one wrote: 'Thanks for sharing. I almost did this!' Another added: 'I was waiting for people to realise how big a mistake this hack was.' Australian shoppers have voted for their favourite supermarket sliced bread of 2021. Consumer review website Canstar Blue put popular brands such as Tip Top, Wonder White, Helga's Continental Bakehouse, Abbott's Village Bakery, Woolworths and Coles to the test to see which loaves performed the best. More than 1,600 customers were asked to rate their favourite slices based on taste, freshness, texture, range variety, value for money and overall customer satisfaction. Australian shoppers have voted for their favourite supermarket sliced breads of 2021 - including white, wholemeal and multigrain Best supermarket breads of 2021 WHITE BREAD 1. Helga's Continental Bakehouse & Tip Top 3. Woolworths 4. Wonder White 5. Coles WHOLEMEAL BREAD 1. Abbott's Village Bakery 2. Helga's Continental Bakehouse 3. Wonder White 4. Woolworths 5. Coles MULTIGRAIN BREAD 1. Helga's Continental Bakehouse 2. Abbott's Village Bakery 3. Woolworths 4. Coles Advertisement WHITE BREAD More than 800 consumers voted for their favourite brands of white bread, with Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) and Tip Top ($3.40) both tied for first place. The two popular brands both earned five stars for taste, texture and overall satisfaction. Tip Top received a perfect score for freshness while Helga's Continental Bakehouse was rated best for having a variety. Supermarket-own label Woolworths ($1.70) and Wonder White ($3.40) followed closely behind on four stars, while Coles ($1.75) rounded up the scores on three stars overall. Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) and Tip Top ($3.40) both tied for first place Supermarket-own label Woolworths ($1.70) and Wonder White ($3.40) followed closely behind on four stars, while Coles ($1.75) rounded up the scores on three stars overall WHOLEMEAL BREAD More than 400 shoppers shared their verdict on their favourite brands of wholemeal bread, with Abbott's Village Bakery ($3.80) taking out the number one spot. The brand earned five stars for taste, freshness, texture, variety and overall satisfaction while it landed on three stars for value for money. Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) came second after earning five star ratings for texture and variety, while it received a creditable four stars for taste, freshness, value for money and overall satisfaction. Abbott's Village Bakery ($3.80) took out the number one spot, followed by Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) Wonder White ($3.40) followed closely behind after achieving perfect scores for taste and freshness. While supermarket-own Woolworths ($1.70) and Coles ($1.75) rounded up the top five in the wholemeal bread category Wonder White ($3.40) followed closely behind after achieving perfect scores for taste and freshness. While supermarket-own Woolworths ($1.70) and Coles ($1.75) rounded up the top five in the wholemeal bread category. MULTIGRAIN BREAD More than 440 customers revealed the multigrain breads they always buy. Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) topped the annual multigrain bread ratings for a second year in a row, with five stars for taste, texture, freshness, variety and overall satisfaction while it landed on three stars for value for money. Helga's Continental Bakehouse ($3.90) topped the annual multigrain bread ratings for a second year in a row, followed by Abbott's Village Bakery ($3.80) In third place, Woolworths ($1.70) landed on a respectable four stars, while Coles ($1.75) scored the only five-star rating for value for money Abbott's Village Bakery ($3.80) came second after scoring five stars for taste and texture and four stars on overall satisfaction. In third place, Woolworths ($1.70) landed on a respectable four stars for taste, texture, freshness, value for money and overall satisfaction. While Coles ($1.75) scored the only five-star rating for value for money. Mummy blogger Constance Hall has shared her online shopping fail after a risque crop top she purchased didn't quite match her expectations. The 37-year-old, from Perth, had even gone to the effort of ordering a larger size in the hope the lace detailing would flash just a hint of her chest. But after trying on the racy black top, she ended up with an ill-fitting look that was far more revealing than the one she had ordered online. 'When you size up... Just in case... The old four boob reads her four heads,' Constance wrote in an amusing post on her Facebook group. The mum accompanied her post with side-by-side pictures showing the top on a model verses what it actually looks like in reality. Mummy blogger Constance Hall (bottom) has shared her amusing online shopping fail after a risque crop top she purchased didn't quite match her expectations (top of the model) The 37-year-old, from Perth, had even gone to the effort of ordering a larger size in the hope the lace detailing would flash just a hint of her chest Poll Have you experienced an online shopping fail? Yes No Have you experienced an online shopping fail? Yes 36 votes No 11 votes Now share your opinion Thousands of mums responded to her amusing pictures, with many labelling her unfortunate fashion fail the most 'relatable' content of the year. 'This is the story of my life,' one woman wrote, while another said: 'This is so relatable. Thank you for being real.' 'Can totally relate,' one admitted, while another said: 'Literally me, every time I buy a new top.' While one woman added: 'This has just really made me laugh, my boobs are massive and I get this all the time.' Meanwhile many shoppers revealed why they never buy any clothing online. 'This is why I absolutely hate, loathe, cringe at and avoid at all costs, clothes shopping, especially if I can't try it on first... A huge thumbs up for you ladies brave enough,' one mum said. While another wrote: 'Oh my god, this always happens to me all the time that's why I don't really buy online.' Earlier this year, Constance tried on the fluorescent pink crop top and tight high-waisted pants but quickly realised the outfit was different to what she had ordered And it isn't the first time Constance experienced an online shopping fail. Earlier this year, she tried on the fluorescent pink crop top and tight high-waisted pants but quickly realised the outfit was different to what she had ordered. 'Get the high waisted, you can't go wrong with high waisted,' she wrote in her Facebook post which has since been 'liked' more than 5,200 times. 'Well... I think I might have gone wrong. The only positive of this online fail is the brilliant excuse to again postpone actually being active.' Many of her fans quickly pointed out her activewear was not the same outfit as photographed on the model, with some suggesting the material on Constance's version appears to be a 'cheap knock off'. 'The top is a poor cut (too low under the arms) and the material of the bottoms isn't thick enough - needs to be thick with lots of stretch,' one wrote. Another said: 'Doesn't even look like the same outfit. The material and quality is c***,' while one added: '[The outfit] looks inside out.' Some shoppers revealed they also experienced a shopping fail after they purchased a similar activewear set in a different colour. 'I got a pair of these online in green and just ended up looking like a bullfrog,' one woman said. However, others said they couldn't see the 'fail'. 'Con's photo just shows what it looks like on a real woman without being Photoshopped,' one suggested, while another added: 'I don't see the fail here, they look great.' Meanwhile, many joked they were 'more worried' about Constance suffering a 'nip slip' in that top. 'I'm more concerned that you might have a nip slip if you get some movement happening! Those boobies need some more support,' one said, while another added: 'If I was active wearing that top, my breasts would escape.' A woman who was imprisoned in a box, raped, and tortured for seven years is giving a firsthand account of how she escaped the sadistic man who kidnapped her in 1977 and kept her as a sex slave. Colleen Stan, 64, shares her shocking story in the Oxygen network's upcoming two-hour television special 'Snapped Notorious: The Girl in the Box,' which premieres on Saturday, July 17. The kidnapping survivor became known as 'the girl in the box' after it was revealed that she was forced into a coffin-like structure for 23 hours a day during much of her captivity. 'I don't know how to explain what total darkness does to a human soul,' she says in the trailer for the new special. Scroll down for video Nightmare: Colleen Stan, 64, shares her shocking kidnapping story in the Oxygen network's upcoming two-hour television special 'Snapped Notorious: The Girl in the Box' Looking back: Stan was 20 when she got into Cameron and Janice Hookers car near her home in Eugene, Oregon, while hitchhiking to her friends birthday party in May 1977 Stan was just 20 years old when she got into Cameron and Janice Hookers car while hitchhiking to her friends birthday party from her home in Eugene, Oregon, on May 19, 1977. She had hitchhiked before and let two cars pass before accepting a ride from the Hookers because they were a couple with a baby and seemed like the safe option. Terrifying: Hooker (pictured) bound and gagged her and placed a wooden box over the head before taking her to his home about 30 miles away in Red Bluff, California But around half an hour after getting into the car, Hooker pulled onto a dirt road and put a knife to Stans throat before he bound and gagged her and placed a wooden box over the head. Hours later, she was trapped in the basement of Hooker's home 30 miles away in Red Bluff, California, where he stripped off her clothes and suspended her naked by her wrists. That was the start of the seven torturous years she spent as his captive. 'He said, "Go ahead and scream, I'll cut your vocal cords,' she recalls in the preview clip for 'Snapped Notorious: The Girl in the Box.' Stan was starved, whipped, and burned by Hooker, a 23-year-old lumber mill worker. He would tie her to the ceiling by her wrists or leave her for days with a 20-pound hinged wooden box around her head, blocking the outside world. At other times she would be forced into a wooden box that was stored under the bed that Hooker shared with his wife Janice and kept there for 23 hours a day. He built torture devices for Stan, including a stretcher that caused permanent damage to her back and one of her shoulders. Inhumane: Hooker raped and tortured Stan during the seven years he held her captive, often keeping her in a coffin-like box (pictured) under his marital bed for 23 hours a day She was also forced to sign a 'slave contract' stating she had to do anything Hooker wanted, from sex to the more mundane such as household chores or looking after his children. In 1978, Janice gave birth to a second baby on the water bed above Stan. Stan told People in 2016 that focused on the happy memories she had with her family and friends to try to keep sane. 'I learned I could go anywhere in my mind,' she said. 'You just remove yourself from the real situation going on and you go somewhere else. You go somewhere pleasant, around people you love. Whatever makes you happy.' Hooker had convinced Stan that if she ever ran away a powerful organization known as 'The Company' would find her and would hurt her family. To avoid painful punishments, she said she tried to be a good slave and because of that, she was allowed out to jog, work in the yard, and care for the Hooker children alone in the mobile home. Indescribable: 'I don't know how to explain what total darkness does to a human soul,' Stan says in the trailer for the new special Free: Hooker's wife Janice helped Stan escape in 1984, and he was handed a 104-year sentence for her kidnap, torture, and rape Even with an open door, neighbors, and a telephone, Stan made no attempt to escape; she said that her fear of The Company kept her from seeking help. For years, neighbors believed she was just the family's helper. In 1981 she was even allowed to visit her family alone, but then she returned to Hooker, proving the extent to which she was under his control. Three years later, he gave her permission to take a job as a maid at a local hotel. The turning point came in 1984 when Hooker told his wife Janice that he wanted to make Stan his second wife and bring in more female slaves. She told Stan that Hooker wasn't part of The Company and helped her to escape. Stan called Hooker from the bus stop and told him she was leaving him. He was said to have burst into tears. Despite escaping his clutches she continued to call him and refused to report him to the police. She said she wanted to give him the chance to reform. Torture devices: Red Bluff Police Department Lt. Jerry Brown is pictured showing the head restraining devices found in Hooker's home in 1984 Justice: Hooker was denied parole in 2015 and told he wouldn't get another hearing for at least 15 years. Stan said she was 'pleased with the results' at the time Once back home, Stan went to school for an accounting degree, married, and had a daughter. She also joined an organization to help abused women. It was his wife Janice who finally went to the police and agreed to testify against him in exchange for immunity. Hooker, now 67, was handed a 104-year sentence in 1985 for the kidnap, torture, and rape of Stan. Superior Court Judge Clarence B. Knight called Hooker 'the most dangerous psychopath I have ever encountered,' the Los Angeles Times reported following his sentencing. Hooker, who is incarcerated in the California State Prison in Corcoran, was denied parole in 2015 and told he wouldn't get another hearing for at least 15 years. 'The hearing went really well, and I'm really pleased with the results,' Stan told KXTV after Hooker's request for parole was refused. 'He didn't show any remorse. Basically he's wasted his life, 30 years in prison and hasn't done anything to try to improve himself or change himself or figure out why he did this.' Meghan Markle is close to her 'free-spirited' mother and her 'thoughtful, inspiring' father. The actress has written lovingly of her relationship with both. But it is the star's extended family who have hit the headlines - with one commentator describing them as a 'motley collection of individuals who, between them, have a long record of boozing, bust-ups and bankruptcies'. From a gun crime arrest to a Twitter rant accusing the Suits actress of hypocrisy, Markle's step-relations have already proved controversial so far. Here's a look at Prince Harry's in-laws: Doria Ragland joined her daughter and Harry to watch the Invictus Games closing ceremony in Toronto in September :: MOTHER: Doria Ragland Miss Markle has described her mother as a 'free-spirited clinical therapist'. Writing on her lifestyle blog, she told how her mother took her to visit the slums of Jamaica and to see poverty in Mexico when she was just 10. 'My mother raised me to be a global citizen, with eyes open to sometimes harsh realities,' Miss Markle revealed. Ms Ragland, who is African-American, met Miss Markle's father, Thomas Markle, on the set of the US soap General Hospital, where he worked as a lighting director when she was a temp in the studio. 'I like to think he was drawn to her sweet eyes and her Afro, plus their shared love of antiques,' Miss Markle wrote. They divorced when Miss Markle was six. Although she lived with her mother in Los Angeles, Miss Markle also spent a great deal of time with her father. Ms Ragland has worked at a day centre for adults with memory loss and as a yoga therapist. Ms Ragland, who filed for bankruptcy in 2002, has kept her daughter's counsel despite the press interest. She was mentioned in the Kensington Palace statement which attacked the media over its treatment of Markle, saying that her mother was 'having to struggle past photographers in order to get to her front door'. Ms Ragland also joined her daughter and Harry to watch the Invictus Games closing ceremony in Toronto in September. Miss Markle is Thomas Markle's child from his second marriage to Doria Ragland :: FATHER: Thomas Wayne Markle Thomas Markle is a former TV lighting director who worked on shows such as hit sitcom Married... with Children and popular US drama General Hospital. He won two Emmys for his team's work on General Hospital and was nominated for countless others. Miss Markle is his only child from his second marriage to Doria Ragland. He has two older children from his first marriage to Roslyn Markle. He lives a quiet life in Mexico and filed for bankruptcy in 2016 after reports he failed to pay his debts. Miss Markle is close to her father, who is of English and German descent, and has described him as hardworking and caring and believing in her 'grand dream' of becoming an actress. She has paid tribute to 'the blood, sweat and tears this man (who came from so little in a small town of Pennsylvania, where Christmas stockings were filled with oranges, and dinners were potatoes and spam) invested in my future so that I could grow up to have so much'. She added: 'It's safe to say I have always been a daddy's girl - he taught me how to fish, to appreciate Busby Berkeley films, write thank you notes, and spend my weekends in Little Tokyo eating chicken teriyaki with vegetable tempura.' She recalled how one Christmas he created a Barbie family for her when they were only sold in sets of white dolls or black dolls Her new collection of dolls had 'a black mom doll, a white dad doll, and a child in each color. My dad had taken the sets apart and customized my family'. When Markle was confronted with a tick box form to fill in at school about her ethnicity and found she did not fit in to just one category, she revealed: 'My dad said words that will stay with me forever: 'Draw your own box'.' Samantha Grant is Miss Markle's half sister from her father's first marriage :: HALF SISTER: Samantha Grant Samantha Grant - also known as Samantha Markle - describes herself as a writer, a mental health counsellor and a 'blabbermouth'. She is Miss Markle's half sister from her father's first marriage. A one-time actress and model, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2008 and uses a wheelchair. Based in Florida, she is 17 years older than Markle and sells jewellery to raise money to fund the feature films she writes. Twice-divorced, she has three children - Ashleigh, Christopher and Noelle. Like her father, she once filed for bankruptcy and is estranged from her mother Roslyn - Thomas Markle's first wife - and brother Thomas Jr. Ms Grant has been an outspoken critic of Miss Markle since news of her relationship with Harry broke, describing her in interviews as a 'shallow social climber' and claiming she shunned her since making it in Hollywood. 'The royal family would be appalled by what she's done to her own family,' she said, before complaining that she was 'still waiting' for her wedding invite. She said Meghan had barely spoken to her she was diagnosed with MS nearly a decade ago, but later maintained she never made the critical comments of her half sibling. Ms Grant claimed she raised Miss Markle for 12 years while she was growing up in California but her ex-husband, Scott Rasmussen, disputed this. While she has described Markle as 'very beautiful and conservative, very real, very giving', she has also attacked her on Twitter for her lifestyle website The Tig, which Markle has since closed down. 'There is so much more to focus on in the world than shoes and handbags,' she said, accusing Miss Markle of 'hypocrisy' for presenting herself as a humanitarian activist. When Markle wrote an article for Time magazine about period poverty across the world for International Women's Day, Ms Grant retorted: 'But what did she donate to them to make real change come about? Money for toilets, maxi pads, or just a photo op?' As rumours Harry was engaged to Markle mounted, Ms Grant, in a television interview with Good Morning Britain, denied there was a rift between her and the actress, describing her as 'absolutely lovely', 'very strong', very graceful' - and also 'very lively'. She insisted she was not writing a 'slamming tell-all' book, but confirmed the work was called The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister. Thomas Markle Junior, 50, has been bankrupt once and divorced twice :: HALF BROTHER: Thomas Markle Junior Thomas Markle Junior, 50, has been bankrupt once, divorced twice and faced trial on gun charges before the case was dropped. The father-of-two lives in Grants Pass, Oregon, and works as a window fitter. He was arrested in January 2017 for allegedly holding a gun to his girlfriend Darlene Blount's head during a drunken argument. Charged with unlawful use of a dangerous weapon and menacing domestic violence, he faced jailed for up to five years if convicted. The charges were later dismissed. He apologised for his actions and said he was seeking help for his drinking problems. Mr Markle Jr is not thought to be in contact with his famous half-sister but has given interviews about her and shared family photos with the media. He claimed Harry had met his girlfriend's father Thomas, but older sister Samantha denied this, tweeting: 'My father hates Tom Jr. And will not talk with him. The articles are B.S. My dad has NOT met Harry.' Thomas has two sons, Tyler and Thomas Markle III, with his ex-wife, florist Tracy Dooley, whom he divorced in 2001. His second marriage, to Iohannes Rawha, ended in 2009. Rosyln Markle has been complimentary about Miss Markle :: FATHER'S FIRST WIFE - Roslyn Markle Rosyln Markle is Thomas Markle's first wife and mother to Samantha Grant and Thomas Jr Roslyn has said of her estranged daughter: 'Everything she has said about Meghan is a lie.' The 71-year-old lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and has been complimentary about Miss Markle. 'Meghan is very pretty, very nice, very polished and very classy. I never hear anything but good about her from my son Thomas (Jr),' she said. She also has a younger son, Bobby Lucero. Lauren's wife wants to slow things down and wait for the right time Mother Lisa, 53, helps her daughter Lauren, 27, in her quest to get pregnant A mother goes above and beyond for her daughter by helping her with artificial insemination in sMothered. In tonight's episode of the discovery+ show, 53-year-old mother Lisa goes above and beyond to help her daughter Lauren, 27, in her quest to get pregnant - by assisting in her at-home artificial insemination. But for Lauren and her wife Laura Leigh, getting pregnant is a bone of contention: while Lauren is desperate to start a family, Laura Leigh wants to slow things down and wait for the right time. Over a tense family dinner, things come a head for an emotional Lauren. 'Well, currently it has been pretty stressful. It's not working out between us two, we're going to think differently,' Laura Leigh says. 'Taking a break is probably for the best right now.' In tonight's episode of the discovery+ show, 53-year-old mother Lisa goes above and beyond to help her daughter Lauren, 27, in her quest to get pregnant - by assisting in her at-home artificial insemination (pictured) Lauren says that her wife Laura Leigh doesn't know about her plans to inseminate with her mother. Pictured, Lauren and mother Lisa In classic father-in-law style, Lauren's dad Kenny tries to break the tension, playfully quipping: 'So what, are you saying that you have a low sperm count?' But Kenny's sense of humor does little to calm an upset Lauren. 'I think it's emotionally draining for the both of us each month, getting really excited about the possibility, and then when it comes out to be negative it's just hard to take,' she says, holding back to the tears. 'I just feel like I have wanted a baby for so long.' But little does Laura Leigh know that, with Lisa's help, Lauren is taking matters into her own hands. 'Laura Leigh doesn't know about my plans to inseminate with my mom because I just don't think that she will ever understand,' she says. 'At this point, I really feel desperate to start our family.' The next morning, Lauren and Lisa put their plan into action. 'My momma is so ready for me to be pregnant, I mean we talk about it all the time,' Lauren says, as Lisa lays out the equipment needed to facilitate Lauren's artificial insemination. While Lauren is desperate to start a family, Laura Leigh wants to slow things down and wait for the right time (pictured) With everything set up, Lisa collects the 'specimen' from the cooling tank (pictured) Despite making her mind up to go through with the procedure with her mother's assistance, Lauren knows the risks involved by keeping her wife in the dark. 'I definitely think that she [Laura Leigh] would have an issue knowing that it's my mother doing this,' she says. 'I understand that it's a bigger secret to keep from her, but I just want to give this a try, I just want to see; maybe my mother is the missing piece.' While many mothers would take a back seat with such hands-on mother-daughter activities, Lisa feels privileged to be involved in helping her daughter fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. 'I'm excited that I'm able to share this experience with Lauren, something most mothers don't get to do,' she says. With everything set up, Lisa collects the 'specimen' from the cooling tank. 'Okay, here's the baby juice,' she jokes, much to Lauren's embarrassment. 'Oh my God, don't call it juice!' she screams. As the pair prepare to get things going, Lauren voices some last-minute nerves. 'If Laura Leigh were to know that we were doing this or walk in or know what was going on, she would flip out!' she explains. 'She already thinks we're too close.' Laura Leigh doesn't know that with Lisa's help, Lauren (pictured) is taking matters into her own hands Over a tense family dinner, things come a head for an emotional Lauren. Pictured, the couple together Laid down on the bed, Lauren prepares herself physically and mentally for her mother to artificially inseminate her. 'Alright, keep still,' Lisa says. Despite the close bond the two share, neither of them know where to look as the procedure begins to take place. 'I want to make sure we get it all in there,' Lisa says, trying to fill awkward silence. 'Don't be stressed, you've got to think happy baby thoughts,' Lisa continues. 'Okay, I'm about to squirt in the baby juice.' Thankfully, the procedure is over with quickly. But, if that wasn't weird enough, Lisa leans into Lauren's belly and whispers 'swim fast little swimmers,' in a last-minute attempt to egg the sperm on. 'I think that our bond is stronger than the bond I share with Laura Leigh,' Lauren reflects. 'I love Laura Leigh to death but it's just not the same type of bond.' Now, all that's left for Lauren to do is wait and contemplate motherhood - and let her wife know! Meanwhile, in Alabama, 44-year-old Karla prepares to meet her son Rasheed's girlfriend of nine months, Chelsea, for the first time by inviting her over for dinner. But with the help of her daughter Rykia, 26, Karla crosses the line when she quizzes her young son and his girlfriend all about the intimate details of their sex life! The brand-new series of sMothered is available to stream now exclusively on discovery+, with new episodes dropping weekly The Countess of Wessex donned casual footwear as she attended The Royal Windsor Horse Show today, held on the grounds of Windsor Castle. Her Majesty's daughter-in-law Sophie, 56, attended the second day of the annual equestrian event dressed in a floor-length mint green pleated skirt and a navy blazer. She swapped her usual heels for a pair of sensible, white trainers as she strolled through the grounds across the grass and chatted with other attendees. The mother-of-two completed her ensemble with a pair of black sunglasses perched on her head and wore her blonde hair straight down over her shoulders with some two-stone stud earrings. The natural beauty kept her makeup minimal, completing her look with a light pink lipstick, and a lick of mascara. A day at the horse show! The Countess of Wessex, 56, donned casual footwear as she attended The Royal Windsor Horse Show today, held on the grounds of Windsor Castle today Bottoms up! Sophie tried some liqueur at the Oxton Liqueur Company stall, which was exhibiting at the show The Countess of Wessex donned casual footwear as she attended The Royal Windsor Horse Show today, held on the grounds of Windsor Castle Walking along the show's stall, Sophie took a gander of all the businesses exhibiting at the show today. As the sun shone on Windsor, she took her jacket off to reveal a casual white tee with a black pocket. She stopped to try some liqueur at The Oxton Liqueur Company stall. She also treated herself to a hat from milliner Hayfield England, donning a navy blue accessories adorned with a leather band, leather brooch and brown and blue feathers. Hats off! The Countess seemed to be wearing a navy blue fedora hat from milliner Hayfield England, who were exhibiting at the Windsor event Wearing sneakers with her blue jacket resting on her arm, the royal seemed perfectly relaxed during the show Meanwhile, the Queen returned from Scotland to attend the horse show, which is thought to be one of her favourite events of the year, after joining her daughter Princess Anne, 70, at the University of Edinburgh earlier today. The 95-year-old monarch is a regular fixture at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, which is now in its 77th year and attracts well-heeled visitors from all over the world. Her Majesty is is believed to have attended every single year since it began as a wartime fundraising event back in 1943. She arrived to the event with a beaming smile on her face as she donned her signature colour-block style, and paired black, loafer shoes with a knee length turquoise coat. The Queen returned from her royal visit to Scotland to attend the horse show, which is thought to be one of her favourite events of the year She arrived to the event with a beaming smile on her face as she donned her signature colour-block style and paired black, loafer shoes with a knee length turquoise coat Her Majesty was pictured behind the wheel as she drove into the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Windsor What shall I drink? At the Oxton Liqueur Company stall, Sophie had a browse through the drinks selection Beaming! Wearing her hat and casual t-shirt, the Queen's daughter-in-law seemed to be enjoying her time at the horse show today Last year the show was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic and went online instead. The event was first cancelled in 2001 due to foot and mouth disease, while one day of the show was previously cancelled in May 2016 due to flooding. The Royal Windsor Horse Show continues tomorrow until its final event on Sunday, July 4. The Countess arrived this morning wearing a pair of sunglasses, a stylish navy jacket and a long floor-length mint green pleated skirt Her Majesty's daughter-in-law Sophie, 56, attended the second day of the annual equestrian event dressed in a floor-length mint green pleated skirt and a navy blazer She swapped her usual heels for a pair of sensible, white trainers as she strolled through the grounds across the grass and chatted with other attendees The mother-of-two completed her ensemble with a pair of black sunglasses perched on her head and wore her blonde hair straight down over her shoulders with some stud earrings The natural beauty kept her makeup minimal, completing her look with a light pink lipstick, and a lick of mascara Meanwhile, her mother-in-law, the Queen arrived to the horse show later in the day as she wrapped up her royal visit to Scotland Sophie's glowing complexion was complimented with a dash of natural makeup, and mascara on the eyes This morning, the Countess of Wessex put her sunglasses on to take a look at the shopping area, where businesses advertise their products at the horse show Advertisement Queen Letizia's sense of style is without comparison, but today, it was her daughters who stole the limelight during an event in Barcelona. The Spanish royal, 48, was joined by husband King Felipe VI, 53, and their daughters as they posed with the previous winners of the Princess Girona Foundation awards in Catalonia today. Wearing a Carolina Herrera navy blue denim dress she first debuted back in April 2019 during a trip to Mozambique, the royal showcased her slender frame. Leonor, 15, and Sofia, 14, sported blue dresses just like their mother in keeping with the theme. Future Queen of Spain, Leonor, who is the Foundation's honourary president, will present prizes to this year's winners during the award ceremony. The Spanish royal family attended the Princess Girona Foundation awards in Barcelona today. Pictured left to right: Princess Leonor, 15, King Felipe VI of Spain, 53, Queen Letizia, 48 and Princess Sofia, 14 The princesses sported stylish numbers for the event. Princess Leonor, left, wore a floral blue dress and a straight blow-dry, while Princess Sofia opted for a light blue frock with a trendy top bun hairstyle Letizia's favourite 640 dress featured a flattering belt detail around her midriff and a small collar. She let her outfit do the talking and kept her accessories to a minimum, while pairing her dress with some tan swede heels. The mother-of-two wore her dark locks in sleek lines and kept herself safe from the coronavirus with a white mask. She was wearing her signature smokey eye and some bronzer complimented her natural glow. The Spanish royal family made their way to the event accompanied by the previous recipients of the awards, who were almost all sporting blue, pictured King Felipe, meanwhile, looked typically dapper in a light suit jacket which he paired with some grey suit trousers and a blue shirt. The Spanish princesses also put on a stylish display for the official event. Heir to the Spanish throne Princess Leonor followed in her fashionable mother's footsteps and sported a blue dreds with a floral number from Mango with chic puffy sleeves. Leonor, who has started wearing heels to official functions in recent months, decided to pair her dress with flat black ballerina shoes today. Her younger sister Sofia wore a light blue dress from Springfield to keep with the theme and pulled her blond locks into a top knot, while the rest of her mane was styled straight. She was wearing nude sling back sandals from Carolina Herrera. While Queen Letizia donned a dark blue denim dress from Carolina Herrera she first wore in 2019, her youngest daughter opted for a light blue number and nude sandals from Carolina Herrera Letizia let her dress do the talking and kept her accessories to a minimum today. She paired the denim number with tan suede heels Princess Leonor, who is taking her place as her father's right-hand woman, is the honourary president of the Foundation, and will be handing out prizes to this year's winners of the Princess of Girona Awards. The Foundations main objective is to work for young people in all areas that are critical for their future. It is a private foundation set up in 2009 and backed by 88 trustees, with the honorary chairman being King Felipe VI, on behalf of his daughter Princess Leonor. It seeks to become a benchmark at national level in supporting young people in their professional and personal development. It also hopes to identify young people with talent who can act as role models for other young people and launching programmes to improve employability. Felipe VI looked dapper in a grey suit jacket with dark blue trousers and a blue shirt for the event Princesses Leonor and Sofia let the attendees to the photocall. This year's award ceremony will take place tomorrow Melinda Gates once again went without her wedding ring as she met with French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday - posing for photos with him in the very same spot where she and ex-husband Bill celebrated being awarded the Commander of the Legion of Honour together. The 56-year-old put on a very stylish display in a powder-blue blazer, white ruffle-collar shirt, and black trousers, and looked in very high spirits as she exchanged kisses with Macron - despite their meeting coming in the wake of fresh allegations that Bill, 65, behaved inappropriately towards female employees during his time at Microsoft. Melinda and Macron's photocall marks the second time that the mother-of-three has made a public appearance since announcing her divorce from the Microsoft billionaire back in May. Mother-of-three Melinda met with the French political leader, 43, to discuss the Gender Equality Forum, one day after she spoke at the event in Paris - where she revealed that the Gates Foundation will dedicate $2.1 billion to advancing gender equality over the next five years. Au revoir! Melinda Gates met with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace on Thursday to discuss gender equality, and the two were seen bidding a very fond farewell Cordial: The mother-of-three shook hands and kissed President Macron on the cheeks as she left the presidential residence, looking chic in a powder-blue blazer and white blouse Discussions: Although details of their meeting have not been shared, it is understood that they sat down to discuss the Gender Equality Forum, which Melinda spoke at on Wednesday in Paris Looking back: Melinda, 56, and Macron, 43, posed in the same spot where she stood with ex-husband Bill after they were awarded Honorary Commander of the Legion of Honour in 2017 Message: The women's rights advocate went without her wedding ring, marking the second time she has made a public appearance without it since announcing her divorce in May Although details of their meeting have not been shared, it is understood that they sat down to further discuss the issues that Melinda raised during her appearance at the forum, where she made a renewed push for women's rights. Melinda and President Macron appeared incredibly friendly as they said their goodbyes outside of the Elysee Palace, shaking hands and kissing one another on both cheeks. Just over four years ago, Melinda stood on the same spot alongside her then-husband Bill as the two celebrated being made Honorary Commanders of the Legion of Honour by former President Francois Hollande. The Order of the Legion of Honour is the highest decoration given out in France, and was presented to the Gates in April 2017 in recognition of their philanthropic efforts. At the time, Melinda and Bill put appeared very much the happy couple - but just 48 months later, she returned to the same spot as a soon-to-be-divorced woman. Macron and Melinda's meeting - and her campaign to improve gender equality around the world - comes as her ex-husband Bill was rocked by allegations that he behaved inappropriately towards female employees at Microsoft, which have continued to emerge ever since the couple announced their divorce after 27 years of marriage. Multiple reports have surfaced claiming that Bill pursued extramarital affairs, while questions have also arisen over his friendship with late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. It appears as though Melinda is sending a clear message to her former spouse through her appearances in Paris. During her trip, the philanthropist's focus has remained on women's rights, and she the $2.1 billion donation that she announced is one of the largest single commitments that that Gates foundation as made in more than two decades. Melinda has long pushed for gender equality to be a key priority for the Seattle-based foundation, while Microsoft founder Bill has instead prioritized polio eradication and the development of vaccines in recent years. Onward and upward: Melinda seemed to be in good spirits, despite her ex-husband facing multiple allegations of inappropriate behavior towards female employees at Microsoft Positive: Both Melinda and Macron wore face masks as they made their way out of the palace Mwah! The meeting between the pair, seen kissing one another on the cheek, came one day after Melinda pledged to donate $2.1b to advancing gender equality via the Gates Foundation Major: The hefty donation is one of the largest single commitments that the Gates Foundation has made in more than two decades Making a point? Melinda has long pushed for gender equality to be a key priority for the foundation, while Bill has been more focused on polio eradication and vaccine development Speaking at the Gender Equality Forum on Wednesday, Melinda insisted that women 'should not only have a seat at the table' but that they should 'be in every single room where policy and decisions are being made'. 'What I know is that if you lift up women, if we lift up women and make sure they can use the voices they already have in all places of power and they have their full power and influence in the world those women and girls will lift up everybody else,' she told the audience. 'Women should not only have a seat at the table, they should be in every single room where policy and decisions are being made.' Melinda said the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will direct $2.1 billion over the next five years to advancing global gender equality, working out at around $420 million each year. The pledge includes $1.4 billion for health and family planning, $100 million for helping women get into positions of power in government and the workplace and $650 million to focus on economic empowerment. In a statement ahead of her appearance at the event, Melinda said 'the world has been fighting for gender equality for decades, but progress has been slow.' She added that it was time to 'reignite a movement and deliver real change.' Several donors are expected to make similar pledges and commitments to gender equality at the event. Bare: Melinda flashed her ring-free finger while removing her face mask after bidding farewell to President Macron Taking note: She carried a black notebook in her hand, having clearly been jotting things down during the meeting On the move: The pair were seen exiting the palace together, before Macron flashed a wave at the waiting photographers Vice President Kamala Harris also spoke at the event via video link as she insisted that the US will 'fight alongside' women who do not have the freedom of speech or the freedom to vote. The Gates Foundation donates about $5 billion a year to different causes through its philanthropic work but the focus of its future commitments had been unclear following the split of the power couple. Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman told the Wall Street Journal the new spending on gender equality had been approved by both Bill and Melinda. While Melinda is the 'primary face and voice' of the foundation's gender-equality work, 'Bill is very deeply engaged as well,' he said. 'This is an issue which has been growing and growing in importance for us.' Gates doubled down on his commitment to the cause in a statement to the Journal. 'Prioritizing gender equality is not only the right thing to do, it is essential to fighting poverty and preventable disease,' he said. However, the pledge comes as Bill's treatment of and behavior toward women has increasingly fallen under the spotlight since Melinda filed for divorce last month. Maria Klawe, a former Microsoft board member from 2009 to 2015, told Business Insider this week that diversity was not something Bill 'was interested in hearing about'. When female executives would suggest initiatives to improve diversity at the company, he would allegedly respond: 'Are you trying to effing destroy the company?' Debut: On Wednesday, Melinda made her first public appearance since announcing her divorce, appearing at the forum without her wedding ring on Big spend: Melinda revealed at the Generation Equality Forum that the Gates Foundation will spend $2.1 billion on gender equality over a five year period A spokesperson for the Microsoft founder told Insider Klawe's allegations are a 'gross mischaracterization.' The latest allegations come after Bill confessed last month that he had an affair with a female Microsoft worker back in 2000 while he was married to Melinda. A report from the Wall Street Journal claimed he had an 'inappropriate' sexual relationship with a female staff member in 2000. Bill was CEO of the company at the time. It is not clear what position or level of seniority the employee was. The affair stayed a secret until 2019 when the employee wrote a letter to the board detailing what had happened and allegedly asking that Melinda read it. The company opened an investigation into the claims. While the investigation was still ongoing in March 2020, Bill shocked the business world by announcing he was resigning from his position on the company board. The same day Bill stood down from the board of Berkshire Hathaway, run by his friend Warren Buffet. Last week, Buffet announced he was resigning from the board of the Gates Foundation. Bill's spokeswoman confirmed he had an affair almost 20 years ago with a staff member and that the relationship ended 'amicably.' She denied the affair was connected in any way to his abrupt departure from the board. Meanwhile, two female Microsoft employees also claimed he asked them out on dates and was known to have pursued several women at the tech giant during his marriage. The New York Times reported two separate instances where he asked female employees out on dates. In one case, he is said to have asked out a Microsoft employee in 2006 after watching her make a presentation. 'If this makes you uncomfortable, pretend it never happened,' Gates emailed the employee, according to the Times. Upset: During their 27-year marriage, Bill and Melinda had three children together, Phoebe (left), Jennifer (center), and Rory (right) A couple of years later, Bill then asked out an employee with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The pair were in New York for a work trip, when he told her: 'I want to see you. Will you have dinner with me?' The woman told the Times the approach made her feel uncomfortable, but she laughed it off. There was no expectation that the women would suffer professional repercussions for spurning his advances, the Times reported. It's not clear whether Melinda was aware of her husband's advances on other women. However, she was aware of and unhappy with the handling of sexual harassment allegations against Michael Larson, one of Bill's key lieutenants and the manager of his personal fortune, the report said. In 2017, a person wrote to Bill and Melinda to complain that Larson was harassing a female staff member at a bicycle shop part-owned by a venture capital firm Rally Capital, owned by the former married couple. The woman reached a settlement in 2018, signing a non-disclosure agreement and receiving a payout. Bill's spokeswoman denied Gates ever mistreated employees in a statement to the Times. However, Melinda was reportedly unhappy with the outcome and ordered an independent investigation. According to the New York Times, Larson was placed on leave during the investigation but was reinstated and still looks after Gates' vast fortune. Bill's friendship with billionaire pedophile Epstein has also increasingly come under the spotlight in recent weeks. The two men's friendship began in 2011, three years after Epstein had pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor. There is no suggestion that Gates did anything wrong. Sah D'Simone has little time for what he calls 'zombie zen'. In fact, he uses an expletive to dismiss the solemnity and rigidity that accompanies some mindfulness practices. Instead, his meditation sessions are filled with what he terms 'ecstatic dance' energetic, vigorous movements to pop and dance music while repeating mantras internally. His tunes of choice are Madonna's Like A Prayer and The Cranberries' Zombie and he encourages participants to scream if they want to. 'Primal scream is a big part of the process,' he says. It might not be a conventional way to meditate, but then, D'Simone is far from a typical spiritual guide; at 14, he was hooked on smoking crack as he struggled to suppress his gay identity, only coming out at 23. His early 20s were lost in a fog of drink and drugs while he was making his mark in the fashion world. It took him losing his job and contemplating suicide to come to the realisation that he needed to overhaul his life. The result is an exuberant, energetic experience he calls the Sah Method, which he is bringing to the Balance Holidays Joyful Awakening retreat on the party island of Ibiza in July. Sah D'Simone, 34, (pictured) who lives in New York, is bringing his Balance Holidays Joyful Awakening retreat to Ibiza this July With the Balearic island added to the green travel list from the UK on June 30, which means visitors will not have to quarantine and are only required to take a Covid test on day two after their return, the five-day retreat signifies a revival in more ways than one. And after more than a year of restrictions, D'Simone is keen to get participants to shake it off. 'It's about saying "hell, yes" to your authentic self,' he says. 'We have equated spiritual progress to being zombie zen. 'There is no real variety or flamboyance or joy or sass coming out of it. When we see zombie zen, we assume the person must be really enlightened. I did that myself when I started but I was performing a role.' It was a playlist he began on Spotify two years ago called Dance Medicine, which quickly drew thousands of followers, that sowed the seeds of his current meditation practice and teaching methods. He began the playlist as a way of collating German dance music and DJ remixes that brought him joy. But after seeing the reaction to videos of himself dancing on Instagram, he quickly realised there was more to share than simply how to lose one's inhibitions. In Ibiza, the island that was a magnet for ravers the world over before the pandemic struck, he has found the perfect base. Involving dancing and deep breathing techniques, Sah's (pictured) mediation sessions have gained popularity with stars including Kanye West and Deepak Chopra As well as being a haven for dancers, its quieter spots have long drawn those seeking spiritual fulfilment. D'Simone says: 'We are going to dance on this retreat because that is where joy lives. 'People usually dance at a bar or club after a couple of drinks. There is nothing wrong with that but if that is the only way that you feel relaxed and uninhibited, something has got to change. 'Dancing without intoxicants, without being drunk or high, means you can experience everything that comes up. 'The premise is feeling the music in such a way that you are moving as you might never have done before. So many of us are walking around with a rigid and restricted posture. This is about letting your inner freak fly.' His method, which combines dance with deep breathing techniques, meditation and chanting mantras, has found favour with everyone from Kanye West and Deepak Chopra to staff from the United Nations, New York's Museum of Modern Art and Bloomingdales. Sah (pictured), who was born in southern Brazil, revealed his enlightenment hasn't come easily as he was previously addicted to drink and drugs He says everyone is self-conscious to begin with but adds: 'Dance is a spiritual process of release.' Enlightenment hasn't come easily to the 34-year-old. Born in Londrina in southern Brazil to an Italian mother and a Lebanese father, he began experimenting with drugs at the age of 13 as he struggled to suppress his gay identity, only coming out at 23. The family moved to Florida when he was 16 years old and at 18, he left for Los Angeles, where he partied hard and paid the price. When he moved to New York to co-found the fashion magazine Bullett in 2010, his lifestyle caught up with him. The magazine was bought out two years later and he found himself out of a job and floundering. He became addicted to drink and drugs, he says now, because he felt 'my queerness made me a bad person, a mistake. That orientated my thought and actions so I kept living in a way that perpetuated that narrative.' His parents were so worried about him, they even took him to a Colombian witch doctor. In 2014, he embarked on a trip to Dharamshala in northern India, a home of the Dalai Lama. It was the first step on his spiritual journey. Sah began teaching at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and Maha Rose wellness centre, after having a spiritual experience in India and Nepal. Pictured: Sah's Ibiza retreat He followed that with a 30-day silent retreat in the mountains surrounding Kathmandu, Nepal. Despite the temptation to give in to his addictions, he persisted in dealing with past traumas and made seven more trips to India as well as immersing himself in Buddhist philosophy and even spending a week meditating in stifling caves. He says: 'I was ashram and monastery-hopping for two and a half years. Slowly it started to land that this was my purpose. I started to see how much harm I had caused myself and other people.' When he returned to New York in 2016, he began teaching at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and Maha Rose wellness centre and decided to go sober. As his reputation has grown in the health and wellbeing sphere, the celebrity clients have followed. His books 5-Minute Daily Meditations and Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers have become bestsellers. Sah said explained his spiritual experience is based on research that dance heals and to relieve trauma you have to move the body. Pictured: Sah's Ibiza retreat And shortly after launching his Dance Medicine playlist, health guru Deepak Chopra invited him to lead a session at his retreat in January 2020. D'Simone says: 'Deepak came on stage and danced with me. The feedback was so positive that his team asked me to teach every Friday during the pandemic.' The Sah Method, he says, is about living your life to its most vibrant, vivid potential. 'If a spiritual practice is complicated, run the other way,' he says. Learning to breathe from the diaphragm, chanting, meditating and dancing, and tapping into those methods every time a painful memory surfaces, can retrain the brain, he adds. 'There is so much research that dance heals and that to relieve trauma you have to move the body,' he says. At the boutique Oku hotel in Ibiza, where there will be sunrise and evening meditations, workshops and field-to-fork cuisine, there will be plenty of opportunities to Breathe Again and think about Starting Over. Sah D'Simone is hosting the Balance Holidays Joyful Awakening at Balearic Island Retreat July 7-11 in Ibiza. Full details are at https://www.balanceholidays.com/joyful-awakening-at-balearic-island-retreat A woman has detailed how she found out her long-distance boyfriend was allegedly cheating on her after checking her blocked list on Instagram, admitting that she still moved from the US to the UK to be with him before their engagement imploded. Gabby Marcellus, 25, from New York, shared her shocking story in a series of TikTok videos, explaining in one viral clip that their relationship started to unravel after she learned just how far he would go to keep his infidelities secret. 'I'll never forget the day in 2018 when something told me to check my blocked list on Instagram,' she said. 'What did I find? A random girl. What did we have in common? My boyfriend. Now I didn't block her, so you can guess who did.' Scroll down for video Say what? Gabby Marcellus, 25, from New York, went viral on TikTok after revealing how she caught her ex-boyfriend 'cheating' by checking her 'blocked list' on Instagram Busted: Gabby said she discovered he had blocked 'a random girl' on her account, and after hours of fighting, he admitted to cheating on her 'They get sneaky my friends,' she captioned the video, which has been viewed more than 2.1 million times. Hundreds of people commented on the post, with many asking questions about what happened and how he got her password. Gabby, who graduated from the University of South Carolina Upstate in 2018, explained in a series of follow-up clips that her British beau had visited her in the US that December, and they spent New Year's Eve together at a bar. After making her drinks the entire night, he picked a fight with her, claiming she was too drunk and going to lose her phone. He offered to hold on to it for her and later asked for her password, so he could order them a ride home. Sneaky: Gabby explained that her boyfriend had asked for her cellphone password on New Year's Eve, claiming he wanted to order them a ride Red flags: Despite everything that happened, she stayed with him, and he proposed in February 2020 'I guess later that night he went onto my phone while I was sleeping, and he went on to my Instagram. He put my Instagram account on private, and he blocked this girl,' she alleged. 'He put my Instagram on private because I was always tagging him in pictures.' Gabby had noticed that he kept untagging himself in her photos, but when she asked him why, he claimed 'it was an accident.' She said she had been visiting him in London for six weeks in 2019 when she found out he was planning 'secret trips' with other women. Toward the tail end of her visit, she recalled how her Instagram account was turned to private, which he had denied doing. That made her think to checked her list of blocked followers. 'I look on my Instagram and I go, "Who's this?" I can still see it. He goes wide-eyed and he's like, "She's crazy,"' she said. 'He starts telling me that she's just obsessed with him and is trying to break us up, so in order to protect me and protect him, he had to block her.' Big mistake: In October 2020, she moved to London to be with him and plan their wedding, spending $10,000 to relocate over seas Audacity: Just seven days after she arrived, she found out he was messaging another woman, and they got into another fight They fought all night long, from 10 p.m. until 2 p.m. the next day, when he finally admitted that he had been cheating on her. She threatened to message the girl, but he convinced her not to, insisting it would make her look 'crazy.' Gabby said she couldn't stay with him anymore, so he called his parents in England and explained the entire situation while sobbing. 'He had to tell mommy and daddy that he cheated on the girlfriend that they love,' she shared, saying she took the train to their home in England and spent the night with them as they comforted her. Gabby returned to London the next day because she and her ex had tickets to go see Hamilton together. She returned to the US a few days later, but they didn't break up. 'He was begging for another chance, and a year later we got engaged and he cheated again,' she admitted. Desperate measures: Gabby warned him that if she ever caught him talking to that woman again, she would leave him Yikes: Later, when she went through his old cellphone, she learned his conversation with the woman had started three days before she moved and continued after their first argument After he popped the question in February 2020, she spent $10,000 to move to England to be with him that October, but her time in the UK was short-lived. 'On Halloween I found out he was messaging another girl behind my back, seven days after I had moved there,' she said, claiming he 'flipped out' when she asked to see his messages because he had cheated on her in the past with the same woman. He accused her of being 'controlling' and 'manipulative,' saying she had no right to see his messages and take away his freedom. Gabby said they continued to fight, and she warned him that if she ever caught him talking to that woman again, she would leave him. Just a week later, she went through his old cellphone and learned his conversation with the woman had started three days before she moved and continued after their first argument about him messaging her. According to Gabby, she called off their engagement on November 30 after weeks of trying to get him to stop talking to the other woman. When she found out he was hiding his phone again, she packed up her bags and went to a hotel. Over: After weeks of fighting, she flew to New York City to stay with her sister, and she never heard from him again Moving on: Gabby, who still lives in New York, has turned her TikTok to share her story. On Wednesday, she celebrated the seven-month anniversary of her leaving her fiance 'He slammed the door behind me, and I never spoke to again,' she recalled. 'All the girls he cheated on me with back in 2018, he followed back on Instagram.' Gabby said she moved to New York City in December and crashed at her sister's apartment while she figured out her life. 'I only had like two suitcases worth of clothes. I didn't have a job. I didn't have a place to live. I didn't have health insurance because I gave all of that up when I moved to England month before,' she said. Gabby, who still lives in New York, has turned her TikTok account into 'a video diary off healing/living after abuse,' according to her bio. She speaks candidly about her 'traumatic' past relationship and how she is working to move on. On Wednesday, she celebrated the seven-month anniversary of her leaving her fiance with a video recapping their tumultuous relationship. 'You are worth the love they are incapable of giving,' she captioned the post. Primark has announced it will introduce a website that allows customers to check their stock availability in stores. The new function, which is set to debut next year, will save British customers unnecessary trips to the retail store and will allow them to see if the item they've set their eyes on is in stock in the nearest shop. The news was announced as part of the brand's latest trading update, according to The Sun. It comes after Primark announced its global revenue surged to 1.6billion after covid-19 regulations were eased. Primark has announced its British customers will be able to check item availability in stores from the comfort of their own homes, thanks to a website that will be launched in 2022 (pictured, a Primark shop in Birmingham) Finding the top you saw online in the store can sometimes feel like a seek-and-find puzzle for shoppers, and some will have to try the next nearest store in order to bag their coveted tops, trousers or accessories. But the new website should make the hunt for that perfect item easier, allowing shoppers to know exactly what is in store and where. The trading update read: 'The improved functionality of the website will allow us to showcase a much larger proportion of the Primark range and provide to customers range availability by store. The retail giant is yet to introduce a delivery system. In 2021, after covid-19 regulations were eased, Primark recorded a global 1.6billion in sales (pictured: people queuing to get into a Primark store) However, while they'll have the option to purchase a Primark gift card, shoppers still will not be able to order online from the retail giant, and will have to come physically to the store to buy. Currently, Primark's website shows some of the new arrivals at the store, but shoppers have to take their chances heading to the store to find out if they'll still be in stock there. Primark has hit a record 1.6billion in sales after Covid-19 restrictions were eased with shoppers ditching lockdown leisurewear for new clothes. Associated British Foods (ABF) - the owner of the high street retailer - revealed the record was reached in the 16 weeks to June 19, 'reflecting an increase in both confidence and willingness to spend by our customers'. The discount fashion business also saw like-for-like sales rise by three per cent against pre-pandemic levels from the same quarter two years ago. Primark started the quarter with only one in five stores trading due to pandemic regulations, with all of its stores now reopened. The group said it was particularly buoyed by 'pent-up demand in the early weeks after reopening' and is expecting trading to steady now restrictions have been significantly eased. A daughters relationship with her Daddy is a precious thing. But most parents would admit that when it comes to raising a little girl into a strong woman, its Mum who puts in most of the work. But what happens when Mum isnt on the scene? Recently Lorraine Kelly and her daughter Rosie discussed how the TV presenters long commute from London to Scotland meant her husband Steve provided the majority of the childcare. However, some dads are left to raise their daughters single-handedly. Here, four tell Samantha Brick how theyve got to grips with raising their daughters alone... I've had to get used to snide comments Tutor for disadvantaged children Matthew Grice, 45, lives in Wordsley, West Midlands, with daughter Charlie, 11. Matthew says: Tutor for disadvantaged children Matthew Grice, 45, lives in Wordsley, West Midlands, with daughter Charlie, 11. He says: 'People are very quick to judge, so we have got used to funny looks and snide comments' Its been just me and Charlie for eight years now. I met her mum while I was travelling in Thailand, and we moved to the UK when Charlie was nine months old. One evening, when Charlie was just three, I walked in from work and my wife passed me my daughter and told me she was leaving me for another man. We have never heard from her since. The early days were especially hard. Both my parents died before Charlie was born, and I dont have any other relatives to help out, so there was no female influence in Charlies life. As I watched her toddle off on her first day of school, without a care in the world, I broke down in uncontrollable tears. Until then Id been doing this on my own that was the first day Id handed my daughter over to someone elses care. Over the years, Ive weathered the joys and challenges of raising a girl at every stage. I dont think Ill ever forget the two-year period she insisted on giving me makeovers. I spent countless weekends resembling Aunt Sally from Worzel Gummidge with blusher on most of my face. And choosing clothes has always been complicated. When you walk into a store and there are thousands of items, do you go with what suits her or what she likes? As shes got older, Ive turned to the internet for every parenting dilemma (if Google didnt exist, I dont know what Id do). Recently Ive been researching puberty; all the changes that Charlie is going through were as new to me as they were to her. There is not one hat that I dont wear: mum, dad, uncle, auntie, taxi driver, social worker and agony aunt. The hardest thing about being a single dad is the fact that I am male and my daughter is female. Our society just isnt made for this family combination. People are very quick to judge, so we have got used to funny looks and snide comments. We were in a shopping centre a few years ago and Charlie was desperate for the loo. She was too old to come into the gents and too young to go to the ladies by herself. I tried to take her into the disabled loo but I was informed by security that a man and a girl were not allowed in together. So Charlie had to go in the ladies on her own, got locked in the cubicle and the same security staff had to rescue her. Charlie has never asked about her mum, mainly because I always show her photos and talk about her. I would never stop her from trying to find her mum, just as I wouldnt force her to try and see her. Now she has her best friends mum to talk to about anything that I cant help her with which has been a blessing. But though weve struggled at times, the relationship we have now makes me so proud. Charlie is top of her class and developing into such a caring, polite and understanding child. She is simply my greatest ever achievement and in hindsight I wouldnt change a thing. Im so proud to be her dad, there isnt a feeling like it in the world. I tell Alba Mummy is watching over us Fundraising manager Ed Smith, 37, lives in Berkshire with daughter Alba, four. Ed says: Fundraising manager Ed Smith, 37, lives in Berkshire with daughter Alba, four. He says: 'It was unbelievably tough, yet life had to carry on because my amazing little girl needed me and its a joy to be her dad' When Alba was six months old, her mum, my wife Anna, was diagnosed with bowel cancer. In May 2018, aged 18 months, Alba was the most beautiful flower girl at our wedding; ten days later Anna passed. It was unbelievably tough, yet life had to carry on because my amazing little girl needed me and its a joy to be her dad. Every father and daughter relationship evolves differently but ours is more different still. I have had to explain to Alba that Mummy died and what that means. I tell her that every time she sees the moon, she should know that Anna is watching over us. And she is. Anna loved lists, and left me one to do for Alba. We needed chickens, to get a ginger cat and call it Marmalade and have another dog and call it Indy. Anna also made it very clear she didnt want Alba to have a fringe and wanted her to have long hair. So far weve done it all. Ive been lucky to have family support, too, with my parents moving closer to us. My mum and Annas stepmum are great female role models for Alba. But there are still lots of things Ive had to learn myself. For starters, Ive taught myself how to paint nails and tie plaits. I scratch my head most mornings picking outfits that match and look pretty. When Alba was smaller it was easier to get her dressed now she has strong opinions about what she wants to wear (her favourite colours are currently pink and purple). We have teddy bear tea parties, watch Disney films together, and playing hide and seek is her current favourite, which usually means me counting up to 1,000 while she hides directly behind me. All thats happened has made our bond stronger. And Alba has made things easy for me. I see my friends with their sons who are constantly on the go and I ask them how they cope. They joke about the female teen years. I dread to think about how I will react when Alba is older and brings a boyfriend home. While sometimes I think it would be nice to have a break, it would be nerve-racking trusting someone else with my little girl. Obviously I wish things could be different, but we make the most of every day just like Anna did. There are photos around the house as a constant reminder of one of the last things Anna ever said to me, one of the most important things every dad of a daughter should know: Tell Alba she can do whatever she wants. I feel I can't offer advice to Mums Close-up magician, Mark Waddington, 32, lives in Skipton, North Yorkshire with daughter Lizzie, six. Mark says: Close-up magician, Mark Waddington, 32, lives in Skipton, North Yorkshire with daughter Lizzie, six. He says: 'I do get compliments about how I am raising her, but I get things wrong like anyone' The paternal instinct is different to the maternal one. There is a lot that comes naturally to women that Ive had to get my head around since I was awarded full custody of Lizzie three years ago. But Ive found some dad hacks to help me. Take her hair. I usually put it in a ponytail using the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The elastic band is already around the attachment, when I switch it on it sucks her hair into a bunch so that I can then loop the elastic band to pop around her hair it works a treat! I do get compliments about how I am raising her, but I get things wrong like anyone. I wouldnt survive without my parents. They live around the corner and when things get challenging they drop everything to help me. Im happy to play with Lizzie but teddy tea parties and play-doh are my limit I know where my skill set lies. My mum is the crafting queen, and she and Lizzie love using beads to make necklaces and bracelets together. Girls have different things to think about than boys, even down to the way they interact with their friends. Its nerve-racking knowing that one day I will have to teach her things that I didnt go through when I was a child. There is a stigma of being a single dad of a daughter. Not long after it was just the two of us, I took Lizzie to get weighed. The district nurse asked me what it was like raising a toddler, I naively replied its stressful but as a parent I can do this. She opened the door and shouted out to the other mums: This dad thinks its easy. That wasnt what I meant at all. When I notice mums looking for parenting advice on Facebook, Ill often know the answer, but because theyve asked other mums, I dont feel I can chime in. People need to acknowledge that dads arent just babysitters, were perfectly good parents if were allowed to be. Raising Lizzie has changed my life. Im lucky that as an entertainer I work weekends, and otherwise I plan my diary around her playdates. Going to the pub isnt a lifestyle thats for me anymore. Bringing up a daughter on my own is challenging but rewarding. Lizzie is a whirlwind, sassy and opinionated with a beautiful smile and gives fantastic cuddles. Our relationship has gone from strength to strength over the years. I wouldnt have it any other way. Mother's Day can be tough Part-time delivery driver, Steve Thompson, 37, lives in Croydon with Ellie, 12. Steve says: Part-time delivery driver, Steve Thompson, 37, lives in Croydon with Ellie, 12. He says: 'The first day I took Ellie to senior school I dropped her off and felt anxious while I waited for home time. Luckily, she came out bubbly and smiling with some friends' I won full custody of Ellie when she was just two and it was tough at the start; I genuinely wasnt sure if I had what it takes to be a full-time solo parent. At first we lived with my mum, and Ellie used to get upset on the odd night I went out with friends. I had to reassure her I was coming back. Gradually I got used to getting Ellie ready for nursery and taking her to birthday parties, while getting to grips with clothes sizes, and when Ellie was four we moved into our own home together. Mothers Day has been tough over the years, I felt for Ellie when her friends were making things for their mums, not least because Ellie doesnt have any contact with hers. Shes resilient though and instead she would create a card for her Nan. She was like a second mum to Ellie so it was really hard when she passed away in February. My sister Holly, 22, is a fulltime mum and she has really stepped up and bonded with Ellie, picking up the reigns from mum. Does Ellie wish she had a mum? She has openly accepted that this is her life, there is the wise saying that you dont miss what you never had and this is the case for Ellie. Shes had two brilliant female role models in her life who have had a hand in contributing to the woman Ellie will grow to be. The first day I took Ellie to senior school I dropped her off and felt anxious while I waited for home time. Luckily, she came out bubbly and smiling with some friends. People can be insensitive. One woman remarked things must have been bad if I got awarded full custody. While I understood the point she was trying to make, she could have phrased it better. Its been tough because Ive had to be a dad and mum at the same time, and that can mean being good cop and bad cop while ensuring we have an open relationship. Ive always been open with Ellie and said she can talk to me if she needs help. Ive even put together an emergency box for her periods, when its required, containing painkillers, a hot water bottle and all the products I thought shed need. Im anxious about her entering her teen years. Its different, I suspect, to having a son. Being a man you know what boys can be like. The challenge for me is to loosen the reins, letting her show me she is a responsible young adult. Being the only parent has made the bond we have stronger than it would have been if her mum were around. The past ten years have gone by in a flash and I wouldnt change it for anything in the world. U.S. lawmakers have launched an investigation into the controversial approval process of Aduhelm, an Alzheimer's drug developed by Biogen. The drug received authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on June 7, making it the first drug approved to fight Alzheimer's since 2003. Critics doubt its effectiveness after clinicals trials with mixed results, and three members of an advisory panel that near-unanimously voted against the drug ended up resigning in protest. The investigation was announced by Rep Carolyn Maloney, chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Rep Frank Pallone Jr, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The FDA has since stood by its decision to give the drug approval. 'We have serious concerns about the steep price of Biogen's new Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm and the process that led to its approval despite questions about the drug's clinical benefit,' Maloney and Pallone Jr said in a statement. Biogen said it will 'of course cooperate with any inquiry we may receive from these committees,' in response to a Reuters request for comment. The FDA approval of aducanumab (Aduhelm) is under investigation after the drug was greenlighted despite little evidence it works as intended. Biogen suffered a rocky trial process with aducanumab, with two trials both being cut short after failing to hit goals. They still managed to get approval for their drug, though, as some data showed it could slow cognitive decline by up to 22% The drug has received criticism on almost all fronts, due to its failed trial process, expensive price tag and the potentially misleading way Biogen gathered its information to submit for approval. Biogen, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, launched two clinical trials for Aduhelm (aducanumab) in 2016. Both were stopped midway because researchers concluded that neither trial would end up reaching its goal. Later, the company revealed updated data from the second study that showed patients had 22 percent decrease in speed of their cognitive decline. HOW TO DETECT ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory, thinking skills and the ability to perform simple tasks. It is the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia. The majority of people with Alzheimer's are age 65 and older More than six million Americans have Alzheimer's. It is unknown what causes Alzheimer's. Those who have the APOE gene are more likely to develop late-onset Alzheimer's. Signs and symptoms: Difficulty remembering newly learned information Disorientation Mood and behavioral changes Suspicion about family, friends and professional caregivers More serious memory loss Difficulty with speaking, swallowing and walking Stages of Alzheimer's: Mild Alzheimer's (early-stage) - A person may be able to function independently but is having memory lapses Moderate Alzheimer's (middle-stage) - Typically the longest stage, the person may confuse words, get frustrated or angry, or have sudden behavioral changes Severe Alzheimer's disease (late-stage) - In the final stage, individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment, carry on a conversation and, eventually, control movement Advertisement It also showed that it could remove amyloid beta plaques on the brain that some experts believe can reduce the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer's. Because of this, the drug - which has already been used to treat some patients - has received some support from the Alzheimer's community. Advocates say that while the drug is not perfect, it can help delay the cognitive decline in the more than six million Americans who have Alzheimer's. The drug getting approval could also be a foothold for future research into developing treatments for the condition. 'This will give us a new biological foothold to build on,' Dr Stephen Salloway, director of neurology and the Memory and Aging Program at Butler Hospital, told The Washington Post. 'To get the best in class, you have to have the first in class.' The Alzheimer's Association is supportive of the drug as well, hoping that it can provide temporary relief for patients while further drugs are developed. 'We don't think this is the end all or be all,' Harry Johns, president and chief executive of the Alzheimer's Association, told The Post. 'It will take more advances, but it does appear from the science that people, especially at early stages, could be real beneficiaries and that the benefits accumulate over time.' If it does work as advertised, Aduhelm will be the only drug on the market that is able to slow the cognitive decline related to Alzheimer's. The FDA has stood by its decision to give the drug approval, saying it is 'reasonably likely' to help patients. 'FDA has heard the voices of many patients afflicted with [Alzheimer's disease] who express a desperate desire for an effective treatment,' Peter Stein, director of the FDA's Office of New Drugs, told the Post. 'In summary, the medical need for new therapies to treat [Alzheimer's disease], especially ones that target the underlying disease pathology, is substantial and urgent.' Not all are convinced, though. Some experts doubt that removing the amyloid beta plaques will do much to slow down cognitive decline. Critics of Aduhelm say that giving the drug approval too early will hurt patients more than it will help, due to the wasted time and resources that may go into delivering a product that does not work. They also criticize Biogen's data conclusion of the second trial, describing it as finding a conclusion then building the process to get there backwards in order to get the results they wanted. Three FDA advisory board members, Dr David Knopman of the Mayo Clinic, Dr Aaron Kesselheim of Harvard University and Dr Joel Perlmutter of Washington University St Louis, stepped down earlier this month. All three were among the opposition in the board's 10-0 vote against approving Aduhelm. Recommendations from the board are not binding, though, and the FDA is allowed to, and often does, make decisions that go against the board's vote. Dr David Knopman (pictured) has been one of aducanumab's biggest critics, saying that Biogen's trials of the drug do not show that the drug is effective in combatting Alzheimer's It is rare that a unanimous decision by the board is ignored, though, and the agency is generally more conservative than experts on the board - which was not the case with Aduhelm. Knopman authored a study in November which analyzed the results of the clinical trials, and said he disagreed with Biogen's claim that the drug was effective. Kesselheim had some scathing words about the drug's approval as well. '[Aduhelm] is probably the worst drug approval decision in recent U.S. history,' Kesselheim wrote in a letter to FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock obtained by Stat News. 'It is clear to me that FDA is not presently capable of adequately integrating the Committee's scientific recommendations into its approval decisions.' He also criticized the large price point of the drug, which will be sold for $56,000 per year of treatment. 'The worst thing for people with Alzheimer's would be to put out a product that doesn't work,' Kesselheim said. 'It will be sold at an extremely high price and waste resources that could go to other things.' Dr Aaron Kesselheim (pictured) called the approval of Aducanumab the 'the worst drug approval decision in recent U.S. history' The drug was projected to have a cost between $10,000 and $20,000. An analysis published by the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that if just 500,000 Medicare recipients are prescribed Aduhelm, it would cost Medicare nearly $29 billion a year, far more than any other medication. 'At this price, the cost of this one drug alone could top all others covered by Medicare, if it is used widely,' said Tricia Neuman, coauthor of the report. 'There's absolutely no way Biogen should be allowed to charge patients $56,000 for the new Alzheimer's drug - costing Medicare up to $29 billion a year. We must take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry,' Bernie Sanders, an independent Vermont senator wrote in a tweet. Biogen CEO Michel Vounatsos defended the large price of Aduhelm on CNBC on June 7. '[The price] will allow sustainability of continuing to invest in our rich pipeline that goes beyond Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, stroke, neuropathic pain and many more. So, we believe this is a fair price,' he said. A malaria vaccine that contains live parasites has been found 100 per cent effective when taken alongside 86p antiviral tablets, a small study has found. Six volunteers given the jab in combination with a course of chloroquine were fully protected against the disease three months later. This method - know as 'chemoprophylaxis vaccination' - gave immunity against two very different strains of the mosquito-borne parasite. Experts said the results weer 'unprecendented' and gave hope that it could be used to shield against the five different types of malaria circulating around the world. Despite over a dozen vaccines being in development for malaria, which kills more than 400,000 people a year globally, there is no approved jab. The disease is caused by Plasmodium parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of mosquitoes, and is most common in Africa. Researchers from the the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that a course of chloroquine taken alongside a malaria vaccine developed by US company Sanaria gave six participants protection against different strains of the disease for at least three months. Malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes (pictured) Chloroquine (left), the drug identified by scientists that could help in the fight against the disease, costs 0.86 for a 500mg dose, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Pictured right: a person getting an injection What is malaria? Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of mosquitoes - specifically infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. There are five species of parasite that cause malaria in humans, two of which pose the greatest threat. The first - P. falciparum - accounted for the majority of cases in Africa, the South-East Asia Region, Eastern Mediterranean and the the Western Pacific. The second, called P. vivax, is the predominant parasite in the Region of the Americas. Symptoms Malaria is an acute febrile illness, which is generally defined as a fever that subsides by itself in three weeks. In the case of malaria, the fever is accompanied by headache and chills. The symptoms may be mild to begin with, but if not treated within 24 hours, P. falciparum malaria can progress to severe illness, often leading to death. Children with severe malaria frequently develop one or more of the following symptoms: severe anaemia, respiratory distress, or cerebral malaria. Multi-organ failure in adults is also frequent. Who is at risk? In 2019, nearly half of the world's population was at risk of malaria. Most malaria cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa, but South-East Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific and Americas are also at risk. The groups at highest risk include: infants, children under the age of five, pregnant women and patients with HIV/AIDS, as well as non-immune migrants and mobile populations. Prevention and treatment There are a number of ways to prevent malaria, with 'vector control' - the control of the mosquitoes themselves - being seen as the most effective. The WHO recommends insecticide-treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying - as being effective against the insects. Antimalarial medicines can also be used to prevent malaria, such as chemoprophylaxis, which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infections, thereby preventing malaria disease. Vaccines There is currently only one vaccine to date that has shown it can significant reduce malaria, and life-threatening severe malaria, in young African children - RTS,S/AS01 (RTS,S). It acts against P. falciparum, the most deadly malaria, and is found to prevent approximately 4 in 10 cases. Source: World Health Organization Advertisement The latest trial, by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), gave the PfSPZ vaccine followed by a course of chloroquine, which was once touted as a potential Covid treatment. The jab - made by US vaccine developer Sanaria - is made of sporozoites, the viral particles transmitted through the insect's bite. Participants took 1000mg chloroquine tablets - which kills blood-stage parasites - two days before the jab and a 500mg tablet five days after the injection. Chloroquine, the drug identified by scientists that could help in the fight against the disease, costs 86p for a 500mg dose, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Three months after the jab, the volunteers were injected with an African strain of malaria - that was the same as the vaccine - or a South American strain, which was a more evolved version of the parasites in the jab. All six volunteers who took chloroquine alongside the jab were completely protected from malaria, showing that the combination of treatments gives protection for at least three months. They were compared to a control group of eight volunteers, who were given 50mg of pyrimethamine - a different type of malaria tablet. This was found to be less effective, with seven of eight volunteers (87.5 per cent) having protection from the African malarian strain and seven out of nine volunteers (77.8 per cent) being protected from the South American strain. The findings were published yesterday in the journal Nature. Lead researcher Dr Patrick Duffy, the head of the NIH's malaria immunology and vaccinology lab, said the level of protection given by the chloroquine and jab combination was 'unprecedented for any malaria vaccine in development'. He added that it was a 'promising approach' for vaccinating travellers and people living in areas where the virus is common. Professor Martin Grobusch, an expert in tropical medicine at Amsterdam University who was not involved in the study, told the Times: 'These results represent extremely important progress, unanticipated by most malaria experts. 'The finding of 100 per cent protection against variant parasites that are so divergent from the vaccine parasites at three months is unprecedented. 'This vaccine approach should be advanced now as a potential tool to protect travellers to Africa and further developed for the prevention of malaria in African populations.' A phase two trial of the vaccine is underway in Mali, a country which carries one of the highest burdens of the disease in the world. The scientists said if their jab is successful there, it could 'help reverse the stalled decline of global malaria'. Chloroquine received attention last year after the then-US President Donald Trump said there were 'very strong signs' it could treat Covid based on limited anecdotal reports from US doctors and poor studies. The US teams' findings follow research by Oxford University, which found a vaccine that was 75 per cent effective against malaria. More than five percent of cancer patients exhibit no immune response to the two-shot COVID-19 vaccine, a new study suggests. Researchers found that 94 percent of patients developed antibodies after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna shots, but six percent did not - even four weeks after the second dose. What's more, participants who used a specific monoclonal antibody treatment within six months of vaccination did not develop antibodies. The findings build on past research that shows some cancer patients may still be vulnerable to coronavirus after vaccination. Researchers say the lack of an immune response is troubling because it could mean some cancer patients who are already vulnerable to the virus may be left without means to protect themselves. A research team has found that 5% of cancer patients developed no antibody response to the COVID-19 vaccine even four weeks after receiving their second shot, leaving them vulnerable to the virus The research team, from the Mays Cancer Center in San Antonio, Texas, and the University of Geneva in Switzerland, analyzed 131 active cancer patients that had received both shots of a two-dose mRNA vaccine. Participants had a median age of 63 and 106 had a solid cancer rather than a hematological, or blood based, cancer. Findings, published in the journal Cancer Cell, showed that seven high risk patients has no COVID-19 antibodies even three to four weeks after receiving their second dose. This means that coronavirus vaccine may have no effect on the ability of cancer patients' bodies to fight the virus. 'With other vaccines and infections, patients with cancer have been shown not to develop as robust an immune response as the general population,' said Dr Ruben Mesa, senior co-author of the study and executive director of the Mays Cancer Center. 'It made sense, therefore, to hypothesize that certain high-risk groups of patients do not have antibody response to COVID-19 vaccine.' Researchers also found a trend in types of treatment received. They looked at patients who received Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat blood cancers and autoimmune diseases. Those given the treatment did not develop an antibody response at all while those on chemotherapy developed a more muted response. 'How that relates to protection against COVID-19, we don't know yet,' said corresponding author Dr Dimpy Shah of the Mays Cancer Centr. The team also found that those with blood-based cancers were less likely to develop an antibody response, and that the responses they developed were often weaker than others. 'Patients with hematological malignancies, such as myeloma and Hodgkin lymphoma, were less likely to respond to vaccination than those with solid tumors,' said Dr Pankil Shah, a co-lead author of the study. The results match those on an Israeli study from last month, which also found that people with blood based cancers were less likely to develop a strong antibody response to the COVID-19 vaccines. This study is unique, according to researchers, because it is the first to look at cancer patients after their body has had multiple weeks to develop antibodies. Researchers still recommend that all cancer patients get vaccinated for COVID-19 no matter what, though they should still continue to take some precautions after vaccination. Cancer patients, and especially those with a blood based cancer, could be up to 70 percent more likely to die of coronavirus than the average person, making protection from the virus even more important. Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech SE plan to ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve their COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 11 and younger by fall. The vaccine was authorized for emergency use by the FDA in late December 2020 for Americans aged 16 and older and in May 2021 for those aged 12 and older. Dr Alejandra Gurtman, vice president of vaccine clinical research and development at Pfizer, appeared at a virtual symposium on Wednesday held by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Washington to discuss details about pediatric vaccine trials. She said the companies are planning to first ask for approval in kids between ages five and 11, and then for youngsters below age five. 'We are planning for emergency use authorization submission for the older age group, that is the five to 11, in September [or] October of this year, and the younger group to follow soon thereafter,' she said. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech SE plan to ask for FDA emergency use authorization of its COVID-19 vaccine in children under age 12 by fall. Pictured: A mother holds her young child as she is vaccinated in Pfizer's clinical trial in Jefferson, Louisiana, June 2021 Dr Alejandra Gurtman, a Pfizer executive, said at a symposium on Wednesday that the company would apply for approval in kids aged 5-11 by September or October and younger kids soon after (above) The pediatric trial was launched in March 2021 with the two-shot vaccine being tested in 4,500 participants. Children have been split into three age groups: ages six months to two years, ages two to five years and ages five to 11. Kids between ages six months and five years are being given three microgram doses and those between ages five and 11 are being given 10 microgram doses. For comparison, people above age 12 who receive the vaccine are given 30 microgram doses. The trial is currently being conducted at 90 centers in the U.S., Finland, Poland and Spain, Gurtman said at the symposium. In each group, about two-thirds will receive the two doses 21 days apart and the remaining third will be given the placebo. The team will analyze the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in children and take blood samples to measure antibody levels. If the FDA approves the vaccine, the trial will be unblinded at the six-month follow-up and kids who received the placebo will be offered the vaccine. Pfizer is not the only company currently conducting clinical trials in children. In mid-March, Moderna Inc announced it had dosed the first participants of its study, looking at its vaccine in children ages 6 months to less than 12 years, but does not expect results until early 2022. Additionally, in the UK, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford are trialing their vaccine in children between ages six and 17. Children are often the last group to be tested during clinical trials because they are not merely little adults. Their bodies and immune systems behave differently, meaning they might have different treatment needs. What's more, children may need different doses or needle sizes depending on their height, weight and age - which is why most children are only vaccinated after safety has been well-documented in the adult population. In a recent poll, conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, parents were asked if they would get their child immunized once a COVID-19 vaccine is authorized and available for their child's age group. Only about three in 10 parents - 29 percent - of children under 18 said they would get their child vaccinated 'right away.' The poll also found 15 percent only plan to vaccinate their children if the school requires it and 19 percent said their child will definitely not be getting vaccinated. What's more, although children can contract COVID-19 and pass the disease on to others, they tend to not get very will More than four million children have tested positive for the virus as of Thursday, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, but only make up 0.1 percent of all deaths. Men are more likely to die from COVID-19 or require intensive care than women, even when they are in better health before getting the disease, a new study suggests. Researchers at Mount Sinai in New York City investigated Covid outcomes for almost 5,000 patients hospitalized during early months of the pandemic. They found men were 2.1 percentage points more likely to die at the hospital and 6.4 percentage points more likely to require intensive care. Among women in this patient group, Covid risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure were more common - but women still fared better than men overall. The team says the findings indicate that more research is needed on the underlying biology leading men to be more at risk of severe Covid - and demonstrates why its important for men to get vaccinated. Men are more likely to die from Covid or require intensive care, a study of NYC patients shows. Pictured: Clinicians perform a tracheostomy on a patient in a Covid ICU at a hospital in Los Angeles, California Men had higher rates of severe Covid regardless of age or preexisting conditions Its well-known among doctors and COVID-19 experts that men face a greater risk of severe disease. In the U.S., 54 percent of those who died from the virus are men, despite making up 49 percent of the national population, meaning they are overrepresented among Covid-related deaths. One large study from Lombardy, Italy, published in April 2020, found that 82 percent of Covid patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) were men. Men may be more likely to be infected by Covid and other infectious diseases - studies have shown that they are less likely to wear face masks, for example. But that doesnt explain why men are more vulnerable to severe disease if they get infected. Scientists have hypothesized that preexisting conditions in men may play a role, along with hormonal factors and differences between male and female immune systems. For the new study, published in Nature Communications Medicine, the team looked at the intersections between a patients sex and other preexisting conditions known to put patients at higher risk. The Mount Sinai researchers studied the medical records of 4,930 patients hospitalized with Covid in New York City between March and August, 2020. These patients were all hospitalized in the Mount Sinai system, which includes eight hospitals across the city. Based on these patients medical records, the researchers affirmed that severe Covid outcomes were more likely in men. Men were more likely to die in the hospital with 25.2 percent of the male patients in the study died, compared to 23.1 percent of the female patients. The men who survived their bouts with Covid had longer hospital stays than women at about 6.2 days than 5.7 days. Men were also more likely to be admitted to the ICU - 26.7 percent of the male patients required intensive care, compared to 20.3 percent of female patients. Additionally, men were more likely to require a ventilator with 16.4 percent needing the machine, compared to 13.2 percent of female patients. Based on these differences, the researchers calculated that, if a patient was male, this condition made them more likely to die in the hospital or require intensive care. Even though men are at higher risk for severe Covid, they have a lower vaccination rate than women in the U.S. The researchers also identified that men were more likely to come into the hospital with low oxygen levels and low counts of lymphocytes, special white blood cells that are important to the immune system. Both of those conditions are predictors for severe Covid. Among the patients in this study, men were younger and less likely to have preexisting conditions but they were still more likely to have worse Covid outcomes. For those patients who did have preexisting conditions, the conditions made a bigger difference to women, the researchers found. For example, patients with obesity were more likely to require intensive care - but the difference in outcomes between patients with and without this condition was starker for women. To back up their findings, the researchers also studied an additional group of 1,645 patients hospitalized in the Mount Sinai system between August 2020 and January 2021. These patients generally had better Covid outcomes because the healthcare system was more experienced in taking care of Covid patients. But the researchers still found that men were more likely to require intensive care and die in the hospital. The study suggests that men are more likely to have severe Covid even if theyre healthy when infected. The researchers say that more studies should look into the relationship between sex and preexisting conditions. Some conditions, such as chronic liver disease, could not be fully investigated in this study because only a small number of patients had the condition. This study also not address transgender and nonbinary individuals - little research has been done on whether transgender men, for example, face similar Covid risks to men who were assigned that gender at birth. Severe Covid risk may be tied to differences between men and women in accessing healthcare, the researchers suggest. Women may be more likely to seek hospital care even if their symptoms are not as severe. Such a pattern would be in line with mens unwillingness to wear masks - and to get vaccinated. About 66.6 million men are fully vaccinated in the U.S. compared to 75.1 million women. A grand jury declined to indict Dr Hasan Gokal (pictured) after allegations that he stole doses of the Moderna vaccine by distributing them to friends and family A Houston doctor accused of stealing nine COVID-19 vaccine doses and administering them to his friends and family will not be charged by a grand jury. Dr Hasan Gokal, 48, allegedly stole a vial of the Moderna shot while working g at a vaccination site at a suburban Houston park on December 29 He was fired from his job at Harris County Public Health and initially charged with misdemeanor count of theft by a public servant, though the case was quickly dismissed. Prosecutors attempted to stick charges to him once again, though, and took the case to a grand jury. But the grand jury declined to bring charges against Gokal on Wednesday. Gokal was administering vaccines as part of an event in Lyndsay Lyons Park, and, at the end of the event, one vial of vaccine - each of which contains ten to eleven doses - had to be opened for the final person to receive the vaccine. Once a vial is opened, doses must be quickly used or discarded, they can not return to storage. Gokal said that he offered the final ten doses to other staff at the event, though they all either declined or had been previously vaccinated. Not wanting to waste the doses, he began to contact friends and family members in the area to get the shots, and he gave the final available shot to his wife - who was eligible due to a medical condition. Paul Doyle, Gokal's attorney, criticized the decision by prosecutors to pursue charges, saying Gokal's supervisor had approved his plan for the leftover vaccine doses. His attorney said Gokal was only trying to save lives by using doses that would have been thrown away. 'There is no other case that I know of in the country where a doctor went above and beyond and was persecuted for it,' Doyle said. Doyle said hundreds of medical professionals and others had written letters, sent emails and made phone calls in support of Gokal's actions. One of the people Goal (right) distributed the vaccine to was his wife Maria (right) who has a condition that made her eligible for the vaccine at the time. Maria was among ten people Gokal distributed vaccine doses to after an event to avoid them expiring 'It was my world coming down,' Gokal told the New York Times about the incident in February. 'To have everything collapse on you. God, it was the lowest moment in my life.' Gokal is an immigrant from Pakistan and earned his medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. He moved to Texas in 2009 to oversee the emergency department at the hospital after working in Central New York. In the early days of the pandemic, Gokal lived in a hotel and then moved apartment out of fear of infecting his wife, Maria, 47. Maria suffers from pulmonary sarcoidosis, a disease in the lungs that leaves Maria winded after doing little activity, and made her among the first Americans eligible for vaccination. 'I was petrified to go home and bring Covid to my wife,' the doctor said. Gokal described being recruited to be the medical director for Harris County Public Health's Covid-response team in April. While the job paid less, he said he was thrilled the job would allow him to better protect his wife and limit her exposure to the virus, according to the Times. During a December 22 conference call, state officials advised Gokal to administer the Moderna vaccine to people who worked in health care or to residents in long-term care facilities and then those who were over 65 or with health conditions who had increased risk of getting coronavirus. Gokal was promptly fired after reporting the ten doses. The officials explained to Gokal that he had violated protocol, adding that he should have returned the remaining doses or thrown them out, he claims The doctor claims that on the day of the incident, when the final vial was opened and only one person received a shot from it, he decided to find other people he knew in the community to get vaccinated. He called a Harris County public official in charge of operations, sharing his plan to give out the remaining 10 doses and was given approval. When he got home, a woman in her mid-60s with cardiac issues and a woman in her early-70s with a myriad of health problems were waiting outside. Both were given shots of the vaccine. The doctor and his wife then drove to a nearby Sugar Land home and immunized four people there. Those included a man in his late 60s with health issues; the man's 90-something bed-bound mother; his mother-in-law, a woman in her mid-80s with severe dementia; and his wife, a caregiver for her mother. With six doses down and four to go, the doctor then drove to a housebound woman in her late 70s and gave her the vaccine. 'I didn't know her at all,' he added. Three people agreed to meet the doctor back at his home, securing the last remaining doses. One was an acquaintance in her mid-50s who works at a health clinic front desk and the other was a middle-aged woman who he hadn't met but whose child relies on a ventilator. The third would then inform Gokal that they would no longer be able to get to him in time. It was approaching midnight and time on the remaining dose was running out. It was then that the doctor turned to his wife, who was eligible for the vaccine given her condition. Gokal worked for Harris County Public Health in Houston, Texas, before he was let go because of the incident 'I didn't intend to give this to you, but in a half-hour I'm going to have to dump this down the toilet,' he remembered telling her. 'It's as simple as that.' Gokal would submit the paperwork on the 10 people he vaccinated the following morning. The doctor also said that he was rattled when asked why there appeared to be a lack of 'equity' among those he vaccinated. 'Are you suggesting that there were too many Indian names in that group?' Gokal recalled asking the official, who he said confirmed that was the case He also told his supervisor and colleagues what he had done and why. The doctor was summoned to appear before his supervisor and human resources director, several days later, asked whether he had administered the doses outside of the scheduled time on December 29. After explaining that he had, following guidelines, he was promptly fired. The officials explained to Gokal that he had violated protocol, adding that he should have returned the remaining doses or thrown them out, he claims. The doctor also said that he was rattled when asked why there appeared to be a lack of 'equity' among those he vaccinated. 'Are you suggesting that there were too many Indian names in that group?' Dr. Gokal recalled asking the official, who he said confirmed that was the case. Gokal shared that he learned of the charges after reporters gathered at his home following news of them from the Harris County district attorney, Kim Ogg. 'He abused his position to place his friends and family in line in front of people who had gone through the lawful process to be there,' Ogg said in the initial release announcing the charges. 'What he did was illegal and he'll be held accountable under the law.' Ogg said Gokal ignored protocols intended to ensure that the vaccine was given to front-line workers and people at higher risk for COVID-19 complications instead of being wasted, adding that mishandling the vaccine could lead to the county's government funding being cut. Franklin Bynum, a criminal court judge in Harris County, chose to initially throw out the case, and 'emphatically' rejected to idea that Gokal worked in a criminal manner. 'In the number of words usually taken to describe an allegation of retail shoplifting, the State attempts, for the first time, to criminalize a doctor's documented administration of vaccine doses during a public health emergency,' Bynum wrote. 'The Court emphatically rejects this attempted imposition of the criminal law on the professional decisions of a physician.' Prosecutors then chose to pursue a grand jury indictment of Gokal. 'We respect the decision of the grand jury in this and every case. Evidence, not public opinion, is the guiding principle of our work,' the District Attorney's Office said in a statement on the grand jury decision. Gokal has since reported that it has been hard for him to find another job, as the situation has left him ostracized in the medical community. He has spent time since volunteering at a medical clinic for the uninsured. In late December, when the incident occurred, the United States was having trouble distributing vaccines. Due to a lack of available staff, logistical issues and lack of distribution infrastructure, many eligible for the vaccine were unable to receive a shot. Some even feared that doses of the vaccines would inevitably go to waste due to a failure to distribute them in time. Advertisement The Biden administration is planning to announce on Thursday that it will send out response teams across the U.S. to help fight against the spread of the Indian 'Delta' variant, a new report claims. A White House official told CNN that the teams will consist of workers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Officials will go into communities where there are low vaccinations rates and a high presence of the variant, a potentially deadly combination. Response teams will help increase coronavirus testing, providing supplies and treatments like monoclonal antibodies and try to boost vaccinations, the source told CNN. It comes as the Delta variant continues to spread across the country and has now been detected in every state and Washington, DC. Meanwhile, in the UK, the Delta variant has driven an explosion of coronavirus cases, causing infections to spike by about 68 percent in one week. The Biden administration is reportedly planning to announce it will send response teams across the U.S. to increase testing, provides supplies such as antibody treatments and boost vaccination rates in a fight against the Delta variant. Pictured: photo, Bobbie Guillette receives a shot of the Pfizer vaccine in Springfield, Missouri, June 22 The Delta variant has now been detected in all 50 states, with South Dakota being the last state to report a case on Tuesday, and makes up 26.1% of infections across the country Teams will consists of workers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will go to U.S. communities with low vaccinations rates (above in dark blue) and a high presence of the Delta variant Known as B.1.617.2, the Delta variant has been labeled as a 'double mutant' by India's Health Ministry because it carries two mutations: L452R and E484Q. L452R is the same mutation seen with the California homegrown variant and E484Q is similar to the mutation seen in the Brazilian and South African variants. Both of the mutations occur on key parts of the virus that allows it to enter and infect human cells. As of Thursday, the variant makes up 26.1 percent of all new infections in the U.S., according to CDC data. The Delta strain has now been detected in all 50 states with South Dakota being the last state to report a case, which was confirmed on Tuesday. The variant (in dark orange) has caused an explosion of cases in the UK and health experts believe it is only a matter of time before the same occurs in the U.S. as the prevalence grows While only one infection has been detected, officials believe they are many more undetected across the state. 'We are closely following this development and would like to reiterate, to all South Dakotans, the importance of getting tested and vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus,' Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Health said on Tuesday. 'With easier access to the vaccine and testing, it has never been easier to protect yourself, your family, and our communities. Dr Anthony Fauci recently warned that the U.S. may soon be divided into 'two Americas' as the disparity grows between vaccinated and unvaccinated regions and the Delta variant continues to spread. In an appearance on CNN's Don Lemon on Tuesday night, the nation's top infectious diseases expert said he is 'very concerned about' seeing the country split in two - one half where the majority of residents are vaccinated against COVID-19 and the other half where they are not immunized, leading to a rise in cases. 'When you have such a low level of vaccination superimposed upon a variant that has a high degree of efficiency of spread, what you are going to see among under-vaccinated regions, be that states, cities or counties, you're going to see these individual types of blips,' Fauci said. 'It's almost like it's going to be two Americas.' A recent report from the CDC found that several U.S. counties in the South and West have been seeing an increase in cases coupled with low immunization rates. Areas in states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Wyoming are reporting between 100 and 500 cases per 100,000 people in the last week, This is much higher than the national average of 21.8 infections per 100,000. All five states have vaccinated fewer than 35 percent of their total populations, which is lower than the national average of 46.3 percent, CDC data show. Counties in the South and West, such as Arkansas, Mississippi and Wyoming reported between 100 and 500 cases per 100,000 in the last week, compared to the national average of 21.8 cases per 100,000 Dr Anthony Fauci told CNN on Tuesday (pictured) that he is 'very concerned' the U.S. is being divided into 'two Americas,' one where most people are vaccinated one where most are not article video>