Martian global dust storm ended winter early in the south A dust storm that engulfed Mars in 2018 destroyed a vortex of cold air around the planet's south pole and brought an early spring to the hemisphere. By contrast, the storm caused only minor distortions to the polar vortex in the northern hemisphere and no dramatic seasonal changes. Dr Paul Streeter of The Open University's Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will present the work today (23 July) at the virtual National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2021). Over two weeks at the beginning of June 2018, localised dust storms combined and spread to form an impenetrable blanket of dust that hid almost the entire planet's surface. The global dust storm, which coincided with Mars's equinox and lasted until mid-September, proved fatal to NASA's solar-powered Opportunity rover. Streeter and colleagues from The Open University, NASA and the Russian Academy of Sciences examined the effects of the event on the martian atmosphere by combining data from a Mars Global Climate Model with observations from the European Space Agency/Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter missions. Dr Streeter said: "This was a perfect opportunity to investigate how global dust storms impact the atmosphere at the martian poles, which are surrounded by powerful jets of wind in winter. Since the last global storm in 2007, several new missions and instruments have arrived in Mars orbit, so the 2018 event was the most-observed to date." Previous research has shown that high levels of dust in the atmosphere can have significant effects on polar temperatures and winds. The vortices at the winter poles also affect temperatures and the transport of air, dust, water and chemicals, so their disruption could mean substantial changes in the martian atmosphere. The team found that the 2018 storm had profoundly different effects in each hemisphere. At the south pole, where the vortex was almost destroyed, temperatures rose and wind speeds fell dramatically. While the vortex may have already been starting to decay due to the onset of spring, the dust storm appears to have had a decisive effect in ending winter early. The northern polar vortex, by contrast, remained stable and the onset of autumn followed its usual pattern. However, the normally elliptical northern vortex was changed by the storm to become more symmetrical. The researchers link this to the high dust content in the atmosphere suppressing atmospheric waves caused by the extreme topography in the northern hemisphere, which has volcanoes over twice as tall as Mount Everest and craters as deep as terrestrial mountains. Dr Streeter added: "Global dust storms at equinox may enhance transport into the southern pole due to the diminished vortex, while the more robust northern vortex continues to act as an effective barrier. If this pattern for global dust storms holds over the course of the thousands of years that Mars maintains this particular axial tilt, it has implications for how dust is deposited at the north and south poles and our understanding of the planet's climate history." ### This story has been published on: 2021-07-23. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Investing in a sustainable future for our coastal economy Six new research projects that aim to build a sustainable future for the marine environment and those whose livelihoods depend on it were announced today. Researchers have received a share of 9.2 million from UK Research and Innovation to investigate how to safeguard the marine and coastal economy while protecting sea ecosystems. The marine economy is worth 48 billion, but coastal communities are facing increased pressures from climate change, threats to marine wildlife, and economic challenges. One team of multi-disciplinary researchers will investigate how and where meadows of seagrass can be restored in UK coastal waters. Seagrass is important in supporting marine wildlife, capturing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and improving the productivity of fisheries. However, many seagrass meadows have been destroyed in recent years, caused by disease, disturbance, and pollution. Another project will study how the UK can better protect coastal communities from flooding and coastal erosion. Researchers will investigate how 'green sea defences,' that work with nature, can provide more sustainable protection than the UK's current method of flood and erosion prevention using traditional hard defences such as sea walls. The five-year research programme, called the Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources, is supported by the Strategic Priorities Fund which fosters high-quality multi and inter-disciplinary research and innovation. Funding for the projects has been delivered by two UKRI research councils: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) In partnership with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Marine Scotland. Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said: "Coastal communities, marine habitats and wildlife across the UK are all facing increased pressure from the impacts of climate change. "Whether looking at the role of seagrasses to capture carbon or identifying behaviour changes to create a sustainable future, this latest investment from UKRI will further develop our understanding of the role nature can play in tackling the biggest challenge of our generation." Professor Alison Park, Executive Chair of ESRC, said: "Climate change poses risks and challenges for people and coastal economies. This comes on top of existing vulnerabilities, for example having older or more transient populations, low employment and high work seasonality, and physical isolation and poor transport links. "These interdisciplinary research projects will provide a better understanding of how to support a viable, sustainable future for coastal communities and those who earn a living from the marine economy, with extensive stakeholder engagement to ensure they provide a wide range of potential solutions." Professor Sir Duncan Wingham, Executive Chair of NERC, said: "Millions of people in the UK depend on marine biodiversity for their livelihoods but climate change, over-fishing and pollution are impacting coastal environments. We are also increasingly relying on the seas for resources, with strong growth in the renewable energy and aquaculture sectors. "This research will help to build our understanding of how we can effectively protect the marine economy and its ecosystems." UK Government Minister for Scotland David Duguid said: "Climate change is already impacting ecosystems in our waters and livelihoods in coastal communities. "These UK Government funded research projects will help support a sustainable future for Scotland's and the wider UK's marine economy - which is crucial for jobs, businesses and livelihoods. "As we prepare to host COP26 in Glasgow, building back greener from the pandemic is a UK Government priority and I'm pleased to see so much Scottish expertise - including from the fisheries sector - involved in these projects." Scottish Government Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: "This research not only fits in with the Scottish Government's work to address the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change, but it will also help develop our understanding of how we can sustainably grow our coastal communities and marine sectors through the Blue Economy. "While the research will bring benefits across the UK I am pleased that Scottish scientists will be involved in two projects which will look at using marine spatial planning to address the effects of climate change, and to understand the different values marine resources have in the UK, with Shetland as a case study." The research adds to UKRI's long tradition of investing in cutting-edge research and innovation to understand, tackle and mitigate the effects of climate change. In the year the UK hosts the UN COP26 summit in November, UKRI will use its role as a steward of the research and innovation system to bring our communities together to create sustainable and resilient solutions and encourage new behaviours and new ways of living that enable the UK to reach net zero by 2050. Project summaries Recovery of Seagrass For Ocean Wealth UK (ReSOW UK) Led by Dr Claire Evans, National Oceanography Centre The UK Government has recognised the need for Nature Based Solutions to climate change to form a significant component of the UKs target of reaching Net Zero emissions by 2050. Seagrass meadows create a highly efficient and long-term store of carbon in their marine sediments, and can improve support for fisheries productivity through enhanced fish nursery habitat for important species, such as the Atlantic Cod. The ReSOW UK project will provide evidence and strategic vision for ecological renewal. The project will facilitate informed management and restoration of seagrass for sustainable social, environmental and economic net gains for the UK. ReSOW UK brings together principal scientists, political bodies and NGOs concerned with seagrass management and restoration in the UK. Project partners: Cardiff University, Swansea University, University of Stirling, Natural Resources Wales, Environment Agency, Marine Management Organisation, Global Ocean Accounts Partnership, 14CHRONO Centre for Climate, the Environment and Chronology, Natural England, LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project (Reducing and Mitigating Erosion and Disturbance Impacts on affecting the Seabed). Sustainable development and resilience of UK coastal communities Led by Dr Louisa Evans, University of Exeter The climate emergency, Brexit and Covid-19 are causing unprecedented change in coastal communities. ROCC will reveal how the resilience of marine resource-users to environmental, regulatory and socio-cultural change can be strengthened, while also improving the wellbeing of coastal communities and the health of the marine environment. Our research will be the first to develop a nexus perspective on resilience, wellbeing and sustainability to systematically identify synergies and support UK practitioners and policy-makers to deliver these three objectives together. The research will focus on diverse marine sectors in Devon and Cornwall to develop evidence, tools and partnerships applicable to the rest of the UK. Project partners: Marine Management Organisation, Cornwall Rural Community Charity, Cornwall Council's Strategic Historic Environment team, Devon Maritime Forum, Sole of Discretion, Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Resilient coasts: optimising co-benefit solutions (Co-Opt) Led by Dr Laurent Amoudry, National Oceanography Centre Coastal flooding was the second highest risk after pandemic flu on the UK government's risk register in 2017. Over 1.8 million homes are at risk of coastal flooding and erosion in England alone. Coastal hazards will be increasing over the next century primarily driven by unavoidable sea level rise. It is essential to ensure that UK coasts are managed so that coastal protection is resilient to future climate. Protecting the coast by maintaining hard 'grey' defences in all locations currently planned is unlikely to be cost-effective. Sustainable coastal management and adaptation will therefore require a broader range of actions, and greater use of softer 'green' solutions that work with nature, are multifunctional, and can deliver additional benefits, including contributing to the achievement of net zero. The overall aim of the Co-Opt project is to develop a new integrated and interdisciplinary system-based framework that will effectively support the required transition from hard 'grey' defences to softer 'green' solutions in coastal and shoreline management. Project Partners: Cranfield University, University of Liverpool, University of St Andrews, USGS, Deltares, Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, NatureScot, North West and North Wales Coastal Group, and the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust. Pyramids of Life: Working with nature for a sustainable future Led by Dr Jon Pitchford, University of York Our planet's natural resources face unsustainable demands and there is evidence that current management approaches are failing to move resource use towards a sustainable future. A step-change is needed, but such a change must align with consumer demand, real world fishing practicalities, and with sustainable national policies. The 'Pyramids of Life' approach combines our understanding of marine ecosystem function and human needs and behaviours. The aim is to enhance sustainability in fisheries management and the marketing of fishery products while conserving our diverse ecosystems. Researchers will map the current patterns of exploitation of marine fish stocks to the ecological and socio-economic pyramids driving stakeholders and consumers, and identify behavioural changes compatible with restoring the system to a more natural, resilient, productive and socio-economically equitable state. Project partners: Cefas; Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Roehampton and York; Kent and Essex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority; National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations; Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Organisation; Seafish; Waitrose. Marine Spatial Planning Addressing Climate Effects Led by Dr Ana de Moura Queiros, Plymouth Marine Laboratory MSPACE is a highly integrated, multidisciplinary project co-developed to drive forward the capability of the four UK nations in designing and implementing climate-smart marine spatial plans (MSP). MSPACE is underpinned by a vast catalogue of state-of-the-art marine climate change modelling projections for the environment, species and habitats, uniquely available to the consortium through existing expertise and partnerships, along with world leading modelling spatial meta-analysis methods. MSPACE will also capitalize on key partnerships with the UK policy and industry communities with whom a co-developed report will be delivered on the vulnerabilities and opportunities that climate change presents to the near-term spatial management of the fisheries, aquaculture and marine conservation sectors across the UK Exclusive Economic Zone. Project partners: University of Essex, University of Bradford, Heriot-Watt University, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Marine Scotland - directorate of the Scottish Government, The Marine Biological Association, Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership, Marine Management Organisation, Natural Resources Wales, The Seaweed Alliance, National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations, Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association, rsted, Aquamaps. Integrating diverse values into the sustainable management of marine resources in the UK Led by Professor Stephen Fletcher, University of Portsmouth The goal of the project is to generate an enduring step-change in the transdisciplinary capability of the UK marine policy stakeholder and research community to identify and incorporate more diverse voices and values into the sustainable management of the UK's marine resources. Researchers will drive an innovative and creative agenda of transformational research that both significantly advances our understanding of values-based marine management and which provides actionable tools and approaches that can feed directly into contemporary marine management practice in the UK. The research will take place in Portsmouth and Newhaven, the Upper Severn Estuary and the Shetland Islands. Project partners: University of Greenwich, Cardiff University, University of Highlands and Islands, University College London, University of Liverpool, Marine Biological Association, Howell Marine Consulting, New Economics Foundation, Ocean Conservation Trust, Marine Conservation Society and Company of Makers. ### About UK Research and Innovation UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is the largest public funder of research and innovation in the UK, with a budget of around 8bn. It is composed of seven disciplinary research councils, Innovate UK and Research England. We operate across the whole country and work with our many partners in higher education, research organisations businesses, government, and charities. Our vision is for an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit, enriching lives locally, nationally and internationally. Our mission is to convene, catalyse and invest in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system that connects discovery to prosperity and public good. This story has been published on: 2021-07-24. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. by Vladimir Rozanskij Kyrgyz Ulema: it does not contradict the norms of Islam. Inoculations with the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm begin. To date the government had been in denial about the virus. The pandemic is compounded by the problem of refugees fleeing Afghanistan. Moscow (AsiaNews) - The ulema of Kyrgyzstan yesterday confirmed the fatwa issued a few days earlier calling on all Muslim believers to receive the Covid-19 vaccination. The Kyrgyz Mufti Press Office announced that the Council of Ulema met last week and agreed that the vaccination does not contradict the norms of Islam. "We approve the statement of the Ministry of Health that the vaccine is not harmful, and is the only defence against the spread of the pandemic". Already in the past few days, the Mufti of the Republic, Zamir Rakiev, and members of the Ulema Council have received the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine. In order to begin mass vaccination, China had sent 1,250 doses of the drug to Kyrgyzstan on 11 July. Until now, the Kyrgyz authorities had maintained a very denialist stance, like other neighbouring countries in Central Asia. There are 738 mobile vaccination points throughout Kyrgyzstan. According to the latest figures, the total number of coronavirus infections in Kyrgyzstan is almost 150,000, to which must be added the many cases that have been dismissed as 'abnormal pneumonia' and not treated in hospitals. Since the beginning of the pandemic, according to official figures, 2,143 people have died of the disease in the country. A state of emergency is currently in force in Kyrgyzstan, with varying measures of restriction and isolation. The religious administration of Kyrgyz Islam has also cancelled street parties for the Eid al-Adha festival, which this year falls on 20 July. The religious authorities have made it clear that prayers in mosques for the "festival of sacrifice" or "throat-cutting", known here as Kurban-Ayta or Kurban-Bayram, will be held "under conditions that respect health and epidemiological safety measures". A further problem, in the face of the health emergency, is the delicate situation of the Afghan conflict, which is affecting the entire Central Asian region. Biskek has agreed to take in over 340 ethnic Kyrgyz Afghan refugees from Tajikistan. The foreign ministries of the two countries have approached the regional representation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, asking for help in evacuating the fleeing Kyrgyz. In the last few days alone, several hundred Kyrgyz refugees have fled to Tajikistan, taking their livestock with them. Two children died on the way. At the moment, 91 men, 77 women and 177 minors from the Afghan village of Andemin, in the province of Badakhshan, are gathered in a camp in Kyzyl-Rabot, in the Tajik province of Murgabsk. The Kyrgyz of the Pamir are the descendants of the groups that moved to Afghanistan at the end of the 16th century, with an uninterrupted flow until the Soviet period, and have always lived in rather complicated conditions. According to the Kabul government, more than two million Afghan refugees have been forced to flee the country since the beginning of the attack by the Taliban (who claim to control 85% of the national territory). Pakistan has made it known that it cannot take in any more refugees, especially in the difficult conditions dictated by the fight against the pandemic. Xi stresses solid efforts to advance "toilet revolution" in rural areas Xinhua) 13:48, July 23, 2021 BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed further pushing forward the "toilet revolution" in the country's rural areas, calling for solid efforts and practical work to ensure quality and actual results of the campaign. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in an instruction on the work to advance the "toilet revolution." Thanks to sustained efforts to promote clean toilets in recent years, notable improvements have been made in the rural living environments, Xi said. Rural "toilet revolution" will continue to be an important task of rural vitalization in the next five years, he said, calling for solid progress in light of local conditions and in a scientific manner while avoiding formalism and waste of resources. Authorities at all levels should make joint efforts and perform their duties to produce good and concrete outcomes, said Xi. Xi's instruction was read out at a national meeting on the "toilet revolution" in the rural areas, which was held Friday in Hengyang of central China's Hunan Province. Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua, who attended the meeting, stressed efforts to carry forward the work steadily and pragmatically under the principle of "quality first." Hu called for simultaneous progress in improving toilets, ensuring water supply and treating sewage to ensure hygienic standards are met, as well as giving full play to the principal role of farmers in the campaign. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Hongyu) Xi inspects Tibet, stressing lasting stability, high-quality development Xinhua) 09:03, July 24, 2021 Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, waves to villagers while visiting Galai village of Nyingchi, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, July 21, 2021. (Xinhua/Shen Hong) LHASA, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese leader Xi Jinping has stressed fully implementing the guidelines of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for governing Tibet in a new era and writing a new chapter of lasting stability and high-quality development for the plateau region. Xi, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the Tibet Autonomous Region from Wednesday to Friday for the 70th anniversary of Tibet's peaceful liberation, the first time in the history of the Party and the country. Xi extended congratulations to the 70th anniversary of Tibet's peaceful liberation, visited officials and ordinary people of various ethnic groups and conveyed the CPC Central Committee's care to them. Xi said over the past 70 years Tibet has made historic strides in the social system and realized full economic and social development, with people's living standards significantly improved. "It has been proven that without the CPC, there would have been neither new China nor new Tibet," Xi said. "The CPC Central Committee's guidelines and policies concerning Tibet work are completely correct." Xi stressed efforts to strengthen developing border areas, emphasized the four major issues of stability, development, ecology and border-area consolidation, and called for new achievements in protecting the ecology of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and advancing its sustainable development. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, arrives at the Nyingchi Mainling Airport and is warmly welcomed by local people and officials of various ethnic groups in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, July 21, 2021. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) On Wednesday, Xi arrived at the Nyingchi Mainling Airport and went to the Nyang River Bridge, where he learned about the ecological preservation of the Yarlung Zangbo River and its tributary Nyang, as well as the construction of nature reserves. Xi underscored the importance of protecting and restoring the ecology of major river basins. During a visit to the city planning hall of Nyingchi, Xi called for scientifically delineating the boundaries of urban development and drawing the red lines for protecting ecosystems. In the village of Galai, Xi went to the home of Dawa Gyaltsen and chatted with the family in the living room. Xi said the village epitomizes the economic and social achievements Tibet has made over 70 years since its peaceful liberation. He also hailed the village as a model of ethnic unity. Xi later visited a city park in Nyingchi where he greeted dancing locals and tourists. On Thursday, Xi went to Nyingchi Railway Station, learning about the overall design of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and how the Lhasa-Nyingchi section has been operated since June 25. Aboard a train to regional capital Lhasa, Xi inspected the construction along the railway. He hailed the railway as a major move to boost Tibet's development and improve people's living standards. On Thursday afternoon, Xi went to the Drepung Monastery located in the western suburbs of Lhasa. Xi acknowledged the contributions the monastery has made in upholding the leadership of the CPC, supporting the socialist system and safeguarding national unity. Xi stressed fully implementing the Party's fundamental guidelines governing religious work, respecting the religious beliefs of the people, adhering to the principle of independence and self-governance in religious affairs. He also stressed governing religious affairs in accordance with the law and guiding Tibetan Buddhism to adapt to a socialist society. Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspects the Drepung Monastery located in the western suburbs of Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, July 22, 2021. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) At Lhasa's Barkhor Street, Xi visited shops and learned about the development of tourism and cultural industries, as well as the preservation of Tibetan culture. On the street, people of various ethnic groups greeted Xi, who waved back. At the Potala Palace square, Xi inquired about the protection and management of the palace, and he was also greeted by people of various ethnic groups at the square. Xi said people of all ethnic groups had jointly contributed to the development of Tibet and written the history of Tibet. Through its course, the history provided ample examples of exchanges between Tibetan and other ethnic groups. He said that at present, Tibet is at a new historical starting point of its development, and the Party's leadership must be upheld and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics must be followed. Xi joined officials and people of various ethnic groups to watch ethnic art performances on Thursday night. On Friday morning, after hearing the reports of the Party committee and government of Tibet Autonomous Region on their work, Xi acknowledged the achievements the region has made in various fields and stressed efforts to strengthen social governance and ensure national security, social stability, and people's well-being. The publicity and education work of building public awareness of ethnic unity and progress should be combined with the education work concerning core socialist values, patriotism, anti-secessionism, history, and Marxist concepts, Xi said. He called for strengthening exchanges and interactions among ethnic groups, as well as building a stronger sense of identification with the country, the Chinese nation, the Chinese culture, the CPC, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Xi said development in all sectors should serve ethnic unity and progress, and should help improve people's livelihood and build consensus. Stressing deepening reform and opening up, Xi said the building of major infrastructure including railways and roads should be accelerated. He also noted the development of distinctive industries, the building of national bases for clean energy, and coordination between development and security. Xi said the achievements made in poverty alleviation should be consolidated and expanded, in coordination with the extensive drive for rural vitalization. He also stressed solid work in terms of the people's well-being, including employment, education, social security, medical services, elderly care, childcare, and housing. Xi noted that the ecological environment in Tibet should be well protected, stressing that snow and ice, comparable to green mountains and clear water, are also valuable assets that represent true wealth. The earth's third pole should be well safeguarded, Xi said. Xi also urged efforts to guide Party members and officials to combine the learning of Party history with their work. On Friday, Xi met with representatives of troops stationed in Tibet, calling for efforts to strengthen military training and preparedness in all aspects and make contributions to the lasting stability, prosperity and development of Tibet. During the inspection in Tibet, Xi learned that an extremely heavy rainstorm had hit the central province of Henan. He instructed swift and all-out rescue efforts to save lives and property. He ordered the military and armed police to assist in the disaster relief, and all relevant ministries and departments to coordinate their work. Xi also asked Tibet to beef up efforts to prevent and cope with natural disasters. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) China to impose sanctions on seven U.S. individuals, entity Xinhua) 09:04, July 24, 2021 BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhua) -- In response to the erroneous practice of the U.S. side, China has decided to take reciprocal countermeasures, and impose sanctions on seven U.S. individuals and entity according to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Friday. On July 16, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, issued the so-called "Hong Kong Business Advisory." The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed financial sanctions on seven deputy directors of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR by adding them to its list of Specially Designated Nationals. The United States has concocted the so-called "Hong Kong Business Advisory" to groundlessly smear Hong Kong's business environment, and illegally imposed sanctions on several officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. These acts gravely violate international law and basic norms governing international relations, and severely interfere in China's internal affairs. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns this, the spokesperson said. In response to the erroneous practice of the U.S. side, China has decided to take reciprocal countermeasures, and impose sanctions on seven U.S. individuals and entity according to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, including former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Louis Ross, Chairman of U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) Carolyn Bartholomew, former Staff Director of Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) Jonathan Stivers, DoYun Kim at National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, senior program manager of the International Republican Institute (IRI) Adam Joseph King, China Director at Human Rights Watch Sophie Richardson, and Hong Kong Democratic Council, the spokesperson said. "I would like to stress once again that Hong Kong is China's Special Administrative Region and its affairs are an integral part of China's internal affairs. Any attempt by external forces to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs would be as futile as an ant trying to shake a big tree," the spokesperson added. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) U.S. Los Angeles County reports highest single-day increase since February Xinhua) 12:59, July 24, 2021 LOS ANGELES, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Los Angeles reported 3,058 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, the highest single-day increase since Feb. 13. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said in a release that it was the third day in a row with more than 2,500 daily cases reported. Over the last four days, more than 10,000 cases were reported in the most populous county in the United States, home to over 10 million residents. As of Friday, 655 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized in the county, versus 452 treated in hospital last Friday. The test positivity rate is 5.2 percent, an increase from 4 percent seven days ago, according to the department. Health officials urged people to get vaccinated amid the Delta variant surge in the county, warning unvaccinated people are becoming infected at a rate 2.7 times that just one month ago. "If we didn't have 5.3 million people fully vaccinated in L.A. County, we would probably be seeing almost double the number of cases today," Barbara Ferrer, the county's director of public health, said in the release. The local health department also reported seven new deaths on Friday. The county has identified 1,279,171 cases with 24,614 deaths to date. Official data showed that of the nearly 10.3 million county residents, including those who are not yet eligible for the vaccine, 52 percent were fully vaccinated and 59 percent had received at least one dose as of Thursday. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) U.S. rising coal shipment to China shadows Australia's mining Xinhua) 13:01, July 24, 2021 Screen capture of the title of the Bloomberg report. The diplomatic tensions between Australia and China have reduced coal imports of the Asian nation from Australia, according to the Bloomberg report. WASHINGTON, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. mines have experienced a stark turnaround and boost in exports to China to the highest since 2013, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday. According to miner Coronado Global Resources Inc., the Frontier Unity bulk vessel left the port of Newport News, Virginia with a 136,400-ton cargo bound for steelmakers in China, which was the biggest shipment of its kind from a U.S. east coast port, the report said. "Our U.S. operations continue to successfully move met coal into China at record levels," Gerry Spindler, Coronado's chief executive officer, said in a statement. He noted that the diplomatic tensions between Australia and China have reduced coal imports of the Asian nation from Australia, which may remain in place for a number of years. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) Chinese, Maltese FMs hold talks on boosting cooperation Xinhua) 13:05, July 24, 2021 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi holds talks with visiting Maltese Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province, July 23, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Kun) CHENGDU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks on Friday with visiting Maltese Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo. Wang said that China appreciates Malta's long-term adherence to the one-China principle and its support on issues concerning China's core interests. The two sides should jointly resist and oppose the politicization of the COVID-19 origin-tracing issue and the stigmatization of the epidemic, he said. China is willing to sign an implementation plan for the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative with Malta, and will support Malta in playing its due role in international and regional affairs, said Wang. Bartolo offered condolences to China on the severe floods in Henan Province. He expressed his expectations for deepening mutual trust, expanding common interests, and boosting cooperation in various fields. The Maltese side advocates that Europe and China should strengthen cooperation instead of competing with each other, said Bartolo. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) Zhengzhou gets over flood, but Xinxiang faces troubles China Daily) 13:11, July 24, 2021 Rescuers transfer people trapped by floodwaters in Xinxiang, Henan province, on Friday. [Photo by Wang Jing/] While Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, is expected to get life back to normal soon after the deadly floods, the situation in the nearby city of Xinxiang has been turning grim as ongoing downpours swelled local rivers and caused a dam breach in one location. As of Friday, the disaster had claimed at least 56 lives in the province and five people remain missing. The direct economic losses caused by the torrential rains in Zhengzhou have climbed to 65.5 billion yuan ($10 billion). The widespread flooding has led to the relocation of almost 396,000 people, local authorities said on Friday in a news release. From Saturday morning to Wednesday morning, precipitation in Zhengzhou exceeded its annual average of 641 millimeters. The precipitation of 201.9 millimeters the city received between 4 pm and 5 pm on Tuesday broke the record for hourly precipitation in the country's land areas. With the support of thousands of people from other parts of the nation, the operation of many facilities paralyzed by the torrential rainfall is expected to be restored over the weekend, said the city's government. It said that, together with 5,290 soldiers, 30,000 police officers, 164,000 volunteers and over 400,000 officials and Communist Party of China members, over 5,000 rescuers from outside Henan are working in the forefront of disaster relief work in the city. The city has seen its communications system essentially restored. It is expected to completely resume the water supply on Sunday and restore the operation of all tunnels and flyovers in the small hours of Saturday. With the help of over 10,000 technicians from 24 provincial-level regions across the country, 3,600 employees of local power grid companies will restore the power supply on Saturday. However, Xinxiang was still struggling on Friday to cope with ongoing torrential rains, which had triggered a flood control alert in several rivers and left some villages isolated. The local flood control headquarters said meteorological stations in the city reported a historically high precipitation of 907 millimeters from 8 am on Saturday to 6 am on Thursday, compared with an average annual precipitation of 573 millimeters. The downpours left the Weihe River swollen. Despite intensive efforts lasting for about five hours, local flood control personnel failed to block a culvert where a leakage occurred in a section of a dam in Hebi, which developed into a dam breach at 10 pm on Thursday, according to the Ministry of Water Resources. It said rescuers have been making continuous efforts to block the breach, the width of which decreased from 15 meters at its highest to 10 meters on Friday. The ministry said at least 230,000 people have been relocated from their home areas, as these have been designated to temporarily store floodwaters. "With the help of these storage areas, the water levels in trunks of the Weihe and Fuyang rivers have been effectively reduced, greatly relieving downstream areas from flood control pressures," it said. It said no casualties have so far been reported in the area. A team headed by Zhou Xuewen, secretary-general of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, has arrived in Xinxiang to guide local disaster relief work, according to a media release from the Ministry of Emergency Management. All residents in affected areas should be relocated. "Not a single person should be left behind," the release said. The team, consisting of officials from four central government bodies, including the National Health Commission, also pledged to dispatch daily necessities and other materials in a timely manner to meet local people's needs. The Ministry of Emergency Management sent another 1,200 firefighters from other regions on Thursday night and on Friday to join the disaster-relief efforts in Henan. To date, over 3,000 firefighters from 10 provincial-level regions, including Beijing and Shanghai, have been sent to take part in the flood control effort in Henan, it said. While rains with precipitation of up to 300 millimeters were forecast to affect western Henan from Friday morning to Saturday morning, the national observatory forecast no more rainfall in the province on Saturday and Sunday. As torrential rains abate in Henan, however, many areas in eastern China are expected to be hit by downpours brought by Typhoon In-Fa. China's national observatory on Friday morning issued an orange alert for In-Fa, which has become a strong typhoon and is expected to make landfall in eastern China's Zhejiang province from Sunday afternoon to early Monday morning. China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe warning, followed by orange, yellow and blue. In the 24 hours starting from 2 pm on Friday, up to 300 millimeters of rain are forecast to fall in Shanghai, eastern parts of Zhejiang and most areas in Taiwan province, it said. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) Senior Chinese lawmaker stresses improving legal system against telecom fraud Xinhua) 13:41, July 24, 2021 BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Senior Chinese lawmaker Wang Chen has stressed the importance of further developing the country's legal system to fight telecom and internet fraud. Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks while inspecting legislation against telecom fraud in Beijing from Wednesday to Friday. Wang urged supervisory and regulatory bodies to fulfill their duties to help ensure that recurring telecom fraud cases are seriously dealt with and the relevant criminal chain is cracked. He called for quickening legislation to improve laws related to telecom, finance, and the internet, and upgrading the legal tools against telecom and internet fraud. (Web editor: Meng Bin, Bianji) China keeps its word to impose counter-sanctions on US People's Daily) 20:17, July 24, 2021 To solve the problems of bilateral relations, we open our door for talks. However, if we are offended, we will resolutely fight back till the end. Facts prove that China has never gone back at its word. On July 23, China announced to take reciprocal countermeasures and impose sanctions on seven US individuals and entity including former US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross according to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of China. This was a move responding to the so-called "Hong Kong Business Advisory" fabricated by the US that groundlessly smeared Hong Kong's business environment and illegally imposed sanctions on several officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Photo taken on July 8, 2021 shows a view of a ferris wheel and Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) It bears out what China said earlier: "All the Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, will not accept it and will certainly counterattack." China's countermeasures didn't mean a surprise to the US. No more than three hours after China's announcement, the spokesperson of the White House said the US was undeterred by Chinas move, employing a misleading tactic that disguised the US, one who provoked China, as a victim. It was not the first time for such tit-for-tat confrontation. With repeated and severe violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations, the US has seriously interfered in Chinas domestic affairs, indulging in wishful thinking that China would compromise and even daydreaming that China would give up its core interests and issues of major concern. However, Chinas resolution to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests is still indestructible, and the country never fears US provocations. Washington shouldve waked up from its illusions. It shall abandon the belief that its long-arm jurisdiction works everywhere in the world, and stop deeming it possible for itself alone to define the range of the "guardrail" of China-US relations. The US must understand that when it waves the big stick of sanctions at Hong Kong, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of China definitely works. Besides, the arbitrary practice of the White House is also opposed by the 1,300 American firms running businesses in Hong Kong, as it stands in the way of their market expansion in the special administrative region. Its still remembered how China firmly counterattacked the US when the latter once again lifted sanctions on China over Hong Kong related issues on March 17, right before China was about to attend the high-level strategic dialogue between the two countries in the US. Recently, the US just poured new wine into old bottles, spreading rumors and smearing China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong, human rights, and cybersecurity, as well as the Taiwan question. It also instigated Chinas surrounding countries to confront China, keeping acting as a lecturer and forming cliques. However, the US will never deter China by being an arrogant bully. It was, is and will always be so. The so-called "competition, cooperation and confrontation" approach for dealing with China by the US side is in essence defining China as a competitor, stoking confrontation and containing and suppressing China's development. This approach does not distinguish between the major aspect and minor aspect of China-US relations. It is not in line with the facts, the fundamental interests of the two peoples or the trend of the times. China maintains that mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation are the right way to conduct state-to-state relations. The history of China-US relations profoundly explains that the two countries stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Only by overcoming ideological gap, respecting each other, seeking common ground while shelving differences, and focusing on common interests, can China and the US bring their relations back to the right track. The US shall work with China to make bilateral relations develop toward the right direction, and bear in mind the common interests of the two peoples and the people in the rest of the world, to pursue a new path of mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win results, rather than reversing the wheels of history. At present, the US must completely stop taking Taiwan and Hong Kong as pawns, and stop testing China on the its core interests and issues of major concern. We Chinese are a people who uphold justice and are not intimidated by threats of force. As a nation, we have a strong sense of pride and confidence. We will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. China will never surrender to hegemonism and power politics. To solve the problems of bilateral relations, we open our door for talks. However, if we are offended, we will resolutely fight back till the end. This is how China handles the issue and it will never eat its words. Dont say we didnt warn you! (Zhong Sheng is a pen name often used by Peoples Daily to express its views on foreign policy.) (Web editor: Du Mingming, Bianji) ZHENGZHOU, July 24 The Fuwai Central China Cardiovascular Hospital in Zhengzhou was seriously deluged during the heavy rainstorm battering the capital city of Central Chinas Henan province from 18th to 21st of July. The once busy hospital square now turned into a vast pond of 1.5 meters deep, and the 19-floor surgery building was like an island in the sea. Nearly 5,000 persons including medical staff and patients were trapped in the building and in an urgency for rescue. Under the unified command of the disaster relief front commanding post of the PLA Central Theater Command, crack troops from the Rocket Force, the 83rd Group Army, the Joint Logistic Support Force, the Henan Provincial Military Command and the first mobile corps under the Chinese People's Armed Police (PAP) Force, advanced towards the Fuwai Hospital from different directions on July 21. The evacuation of trapped patients began from 6 a.m. on July 22, in batches, and most of the patients were transferred to the Henan Provincial People's Hospital and will be received further treatment there. By about 13:00 p.m., the total number of people participating in the patients rescue in the hospital exceeded 3,000. Thanks to the joint efforts by soldiers, fire and rescue workers and local emergency forces, the transfer operation became more efficient. As of 7:30 p.m. on July 22, the PLA and PAP rescuers successfully transferred nearly 5,000 people from the hospital to safe places, among them, 1183 were patients, and the rest were patients' families and medical personnel. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has made a rare visit to Tibet as authorities tighten controls over the Himalayan region's traditional Buddhist culture, accompanied by an accelerated drive for economic development and modernized infrastructure. State media reported Friday that Xi visited sites in the capital Lhasa, including the Drepung Monastery, Barkhor Street and the public square at the base of the Potala Palace that was home to the Dalai Lamas, Tibet's traditional spiritual and temporal leaders. Xi's visit was previously unannounced publicly and it wasn't clear whether he had already returned to Beijing. China has in recent years stepped up controls over Buddhist monasteries and expanded education in the Chinese rather than Tibetan language. Critics of such policies are routinely detained and can receive long prison terms, especially if they have been convicted of association with the 86-year-old Dalai Lama, who has lived in exile in India since fleeing Tibet during an abortive uprising against Chinese rule in 1959. China doesn't recognize the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile based in the hillside town of Dharmsala, and accuses the Dalai Lama of seeking to separate Tibet from China. Meanwhile, domestic tourism has expanded massively in the region during Xi's nine years in office and new airports, rail lines and highways constructed. China's official Xinhua News Agency said that while in Lhasa on Thursday, Xi sought to "learn about the work on ethnic and religious affairs, the conservation of the ancient city, as well as the inheritance and protection of Tibetan culture." New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Press Release July 24, 2021 STATEMENT OF SENATOR RISA HONTIVEROS ON THE PRESIDENT'S SONA We want to hear if the President has truly fulfilled the commitments he has made to Filipinos, especially when it comes to four important issues - corruption, the economy, health and national sovereignty. First, has he been able to combat corruption, or has it gone unchecked under his watch? According to a report from Transparency International, the country is ranked 115th out of 180 countries in the global corruption index. Some of the President's appointees, who have figured in allegations of corruption are being "recycled", and reassigned, instead of facing justice. Second, what has the President prepared for the millions of Filipinos who have lost their jobs and livelihood? This month alone, the Social Weather Stations reported 4.2 million Filipino families are experiencing hunger. One year is a long time to help people badly affected by the recession. Third, what is the administration doing to fast-track our vaccination rate and improve our healthcare capacity, amid the local transmission of the more infectious Delta COVID-19 variant? Why are we administering only around 34,000 vaccinations daily when the IATF earlier promised 90,000 vaccinations daily? Fourth, will Malacanang finally stand up to China's bullying and abuses in the West Philippine Sea? Will they finally ask the president's so-called friends in Beijing to pay for their harassment of our fisherfolk, and their destruction of our natural resources? Let's hope that the President will focus on these important concerns, since the people are rightfully expecting him to act . ON ASSESSING PAST SONA PROMISES Since the start of his term, the President has made a lot of sweet promises to the people. With only a year left on his term, the president has yet to deliver on most of these promises. One of the worst of these broken promises, I believe, is the failure to uplift the lives of Filipinos from poverty. Our joblessness and hunger rates are at record levels. Millions have lost their jobs and have no money to buy food or medicine. The Security of Tenure bill, which was promised to end contractualization and give better benefits to millions of workers, is nowhere near passage into law. Another of these broken promises is taking a stronger stand against China to protect our territories. The President said during the election that he would ride a jetski into the West Philippine Sea to uphold our sovereignty. Five years later, he claims that it was only a joke. It rankles to hear that from the President since so many Filipinos, like our local fisherfolk, really thought that he would take decisive action on this issue. LEGACY OF THE PRESIDENT President Duterte's legacy: death, misogyny, and treason. His years in office will forever be linked with the thousands of lives lost in extrajudicial killings, and the thousands of lives also lost amid his administration's bungled response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He will also leave behind a national economy in tatters, with record levels of joblessness and hunger. These are grave numbers which may not be denied or ignored by anyone. Try as he might to erase them, his legacy is forever marred by his attacks against the media, activists, dissenters and religious figures, along with his subversion of democratic institutions. His blatant misogyny shows us all that much work needs to be done before genuine gender equality in the country is achieved. Lastly, his reckless foreign policies and his subservience to his so-called friends in China will have serious implications to our nation in the years to come, not to mention the loss of livelihood of so many poor fisherfolk. I hope that ultimately, President Duterte's years in office will serve as a wake-up call for all Filipinos that we deserve, and should fight for better leaders for our country. Southaven will require homes, apartment complexes, and businesses with more than two trash carts to swap to dumpsters. According to information published by the "The Haiger" website, the Royal Thai Navy confirms its plan to acquire two more S26T submarines from China. A budget was submitted last week to the parliamentary budget committee with respect to the fiscal budget for the 2022 year. Follow Navy Recognition on Google News at this link China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation has unveiled the design of the S26T submarine during the edition 2017 of the Defense & Security defense exhibition that was held in Bangkok, Thailand. The acquisition of these submarines is part of the Royal Thai Navy submarine acquisition plan, first unveiled six years ago, to buy a total of three diesel-powered Chinese submarines. In January 2017 the Thai National Legislative Assembly tacitly approved the expenditure of 13.5 billion baht (US$383 million) to buy one Chinese S26T submarine, a derivative of China's Yuan Class Type 039A submarine. Citing Naval Post website, the keel laying ceremony for the Royal Thai Navys first S26T submarine was held by Chinese shipbuilding group CSIC (China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation) on September 5, 2019, at Wuchang Shipbuildings yard in Wuhan, China. The S26T is based on the Type 039B Yuan-class submarine operated by the Chinese Navy. It is expected to displace at around 2,600 tons, has a top speed of 18 knots, and a submerged endurance of up to 20 days. It will be armed with up to 16 torpedoes and up to 30 mines. In November 2017, Chinese shipbuilding group China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) unveiled three new submarine designs including the S26T at the Defense & Security defense exhibition that was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Your browser does not support the video tag. BSS photo An Indian Railways Oxygen Express carrying 200 MT Liquid Medical Oxygen in 10 containers left Tatanagar railway junction of Indian state Jharkhand for Bangladesh Saturday morning. The consignment will be decanted in Bangladesh and supplied to hospitals in the country to support our partners in the fight against the current Covid wave, said an Indian Press Information Bureaus press release that was disseminated by the Indian High Commission in Dhaka. This is the first time ever that the Oxygen Express is put into operation to neighbouring country, after these special train services were started in India on April 24, 2021, it said. This consignment would significantly augment necessary reserves of Liquid medical Oxygen in Bangladesh, said the release, adding that the Indian Railways continue to provide respite through Oxygen Expresses. India is committed to further sharing medical supplies, in tandem with the improvement in its own pandemic situation with its closest partners in the neighbourhood, it added. So far, the release said, 480 such Oxygen Expresses were operationalized within India. Earlier on July 21, India sent 11 tankers carrying around 180 Metric Tonnes of Liquefied Medical Oxygen to Bangladesh by road on an emergency basis. Indian badminton ace P V Sindhu defeats Hong Kong's Ngyan Yi Cheung 21-9 21-16 in her second group match of Tokyo Olympics. Indian women's hockey team loses 1-4 to reigning Olympic champion Great Britain in group match, its third successive loss at Tokyo Games. Seguin, Texas (78155) Today Partly to mostly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. [July 23, 2021] Procurement Insights for the Broadcast Equipment Market | Emerging Trends, Company Risk, and Key Executives | SpendEdge NEW YORK, July 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- SpendEdge's procurement report on the Broadcast Equipment Market identifies Cisco Systems Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Evertz Microsystems Ltd., Global Invacom Group Ltd., Sony Group Corp., EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, CommScope Holding Co. Inc., ELETEC Sarl, AvL Technologies Inc., and Sencore Inc. among the top most important suppliers for commercial vehicle cabin market. The report also explains key category management objectives that should form the base for Broadcast Equipment sourcing strategy. Receive FREE Sample Procurement Market Research Report Frequently Asked Questions: What are the major market threats for Broadcast Equipment Market? The pressure from substitutes and a high level of threat from new entrants have resulted in the moderate bargaining power of suppliers. The pressure from substitutes and a high level of threat from new entrants have resulted in the moderate bargaining power of suppliers. Who are the top players in the market? Cisco Systems Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Evertz Microsystems Ltd., Global Invacom Group Ltd., Sony Group Corp., EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, CommScope Holding Co. Inc., ELETEC Sarl, AvL Technologies Inc., and Sencore Inc., are some of the major market participants. Cisco Systems Inc., Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, Evertz Microsystems Ltd., Global Invacom Group Ltd., Sony Group Corp., EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, CommScope Holding Co. Inc., ELETEC Sarl, AvL Technologies Inc., and Sencore Inc., are some of the major market participants. What are the pricing models followed by buyers? Contract-based pricing, cost-plus pricing, and volume-based pricing are the widely adopted pricing models in commercial vehicle cabin procurement. Contract-based pricing, cost-plus pricing, and volume-based pricing are the widely adopted pricing models in commercial vehicle cabin procurement. What will be incremental spend on Broadcast Equipment? During 2021-2025, the Broadcast Equipment market will register an incremental spend of about USD 1.7 billion . During 2021-2025, the Broadcast Equipment market will register an incremental spend of about . What is the CAGR for the Broadcast Equipment market? The Broadcast Equipment will grow at a CAGR of about 5.45% during 2021-2025. Find more detailed COVID-19 impact analysis on the Broadcast Equipment Market: Related Reports on Electrical Components Include: Solar Panels- Forecast and Analysis: The solar panels will grow at a CAGR of 10.72% during 2021-2025. Prices will increase by 4%-6% during the forecast period and suppliers will have a moderate bargaining power in this market. Contact Center Infrastructure Sourcing and Procurement Report: This report evaluates suppliers based on ability to provide customized services, system capable of call blending, capability to improve end-user customer experience, and real-time reporting. Electric Car Chargers - Sourcing and Procurement Intelligence Report: The electric car chargers will grow at a CAGR of 25.62% during 2021-2025. Prices will increase by 5%-10% during the forecast period and suppliers will have a moderate in this market Commercial Vehicle Cabin Market's Procurement Report Highlights Information on: What are the changes expected in the price forecast report? Favorability of the current Broadcast Equipment's TCO (total cost of ownership) Changing price forecasts How is the price forecast expected to change? What is driving the current and future price changes? Key trends and drivers in this market Table of Content Executive Summary Market Insights Category Pricing Insights Cost-saving Opportunities Best Practices Category Ecosystem Category Management Strategy Category Management Enablers Suppliers Selection Suppliers under Coverage US Market Insights Category scope Appendix About SpendEdge: SpendEdge shares your passion for driving sourcing and procurement excellence. We are the preferred procurement market intelligence partner for 120+ Fortune 500 firms and other leading companies across numerous industries. Our strength lies in delivering robust, real-time procurement market intelligence reports and solutions. To know more: Contacts SpendEdge Anirban Choudhury Marketing Manager Ph No: +1 (872) 206-9340 View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE SpendEdge [ Back To SIP Trunking Home's Homepage ] Crew Dragon Endeavour with NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, and ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet, have re-docked to the International Space Station. Crew Dragon autonomously undocked from the forward port of the station's Harmony module at 6:45 a.m. and relocated to the space-facing port at 7:35 a.m. completing the second space station port change for the crewed spacecraft. Next up for commercial crew, Boeing's CST-100 Starliner is scheduled to arrive at the International Space Station about one day following its launch at 2:53 p.m. Friday, July 30, on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 on Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The uncrewed flight test, NASA's Boeing Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2), will test the end-to-end capabilities of Starliner from launch to docking, atmospheric re-entry, and a desert landing in the western United States. The uncrewed mission will provide valuable data about Boeing's crew transportation system, and help NASA certify Starliner and the Atlas V rocket for regular flights with astronauts to and from the space station. Crew-2 astronauts are targeted to return to Earth in early-to-mid November following a short handover with NASA's SpaceX Crew-3 astronauts targeted to launch on Sunday, Oct. 31. The uncrewed Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) "Nauka" is safely in orbit following launch at 10:58 a.m. (7:58 p.m. Baikonur time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The MLM deployed its solar arrays and navigational antennas as planned. After Nauka completes eight days in free-flight to allow Russian flight controllers to evaluate its systems, the 43-foot long, 23-ton module will automatically link up to the port on the Earth-facing side of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, which will be vacated by the departure of Pirs. Docking is scheduled for 9:25 a.m. Thursday, July 29, with live coverage beginning at 8:30 a.m. Nauka will serve as a new science facility, docking port, and spacewalk airlock for future operations. Pirs has been part of the space station since September 2001, functioning as a docking port for Russian visiting spacecraft and an airlock for Russian spacewalks. Pirs will vacate the space station attached to the uncrewed ISS Progress 77 spacecraft, which is scheduled to undock at 9:15 a.m. Friday, July 23. Live coverage on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency's website will begin at 8:45 a.m. A few hours later, Progress' engines will fire in a deorbit maneuver to send the cargo craft and Pirs into a destructive reentry in the Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean. Deorbit and reentry will not be covered on NASA TV. On-Orbits Status Report Crew Dragon Endeavour Port Relocation: Today, NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, and JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, undocked Crew Dragon Endeavour from the Node 2 Forward International Docking Adapter (IDA) at 5:45 AM CT and docked to the Node 2 Zenith IDA at 6:36 AM CT. This relocation cleared the Node 2 Forward IDA for Starliner Orbital Flight Test 2 (OFT-2) docking planned for Saturday, July 31st. Payloads ISS Amateur (HAM) Radio: The crew initiated a HAM Radio contact with SpaceKids Global, Winter Park, FL. ISS Ham Radio provides opportunities to engage and educate students, teachers, parents and other members of the community in science, technology, engineering and math by providing a means to communicate between astronauts and the ground HAM radio units. Systems Crew Dragon Post-Relocation Configurations: The crew completed several tasks following the completion of the Endeavour port relocation to configure the vehicle for quiescent operations. First, the crew transferred ballast materials and stowage lockers from Crew Dragon to the ISS. Next, the crew transferred emergency hardware from the ISS to Crew Dragon and installed Emergency Air Supply equipment. Finally, the crew relocated the Space Station Computers (SSC) used in the Cupola for ISS crew monitoring of the relocation to the LAB. Resupply Air Tank Re-pressurization: Today, the remaining two Resupply Air Tanks that were delivered on Cargo Dragon SpaceX-22 were vented in the PMM in order to re-pressurize the ISS internal volume. Completed Task List Activities: None Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Support Commanding for Endeavour Port Relocation Crew Dragon Configuration for Quiescent Operations (Scheduled) Look Ahead Plan Thursday, July 22 (GMT 203) Payloads: GRIP Seated (ESA) AstroPi Reboot (ESA) KERMIT Hardware Checks (NASA) SAMS Sensor Relocate (NASA) Toilet Stall Deploy (NASA) Food Acceptability (NASA) InSPACE-4 Runs 34-36 (NASA) BCM Robot Test (NASA) ManD Print Removal (NASA) ISS HAM Pass (NASA) Systems: RGN Recycle Tank Drain ARFTA Brine Filter R&R Resupply Air Tank Teardown PMA CP Swap Friday, July 23 (GMT 204) Payloads: GRIP Supine (ESA) LIDAL return (ESA) CBEF LTL box set (JAXA) Toilet question (NASA) InSPACE-4 runs 37-40 (NASA) ManD Print Removal (NASA) BCM Robot Test (NASA) Systems: 77P/DC-1 Undock AAA Fan Checkout JEM SLT 7 & 8 R&R LAB MACU HDD R&R Saturday, July 24 (GMT 205) Payloads: Toilet N3 Leak Inspect and Question (NASA) Astrobee Off (NASA) Systems: Crew Off-Duty Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Docking Dragon Monitoring Tools Setup Dragon Emergency Hardware Stow Crew Dragon B Gas Detector Error Code Check Dragon Crew Port Relocation Activity USOS Window Shutter Close Dragon Port Relocation Monitoring Dragon Monitoring Tools Teardown Crew 2 Locker Removal Emergency Air Supply Install into Crew Dragon Cargo Dragon Station Support Computer Return Microgravity Science Glovebox Activation ISS HAM Columbus Pass Kenwood Systems Operations Data File (SODF) Update Astrobee Preparation Resupply Air Tank Setup and Initiation Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. A delay in the undocking events scheduled for tomorrow gave the crew of Expedition 65 aboard the International Space Station extra time to focus on training, science, and maintenance today. Russia's Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) launched on July 21, and to provide more time for Russian flight controllers to check out MLM's status, the undocking of the Russian Progress 77 and Pirs docking compartment has been postponed until Saturday, July 24. The space station crew has been notified. Progress 77 undocking with the Pirs docking compartment is now scheduled for 8:28 am EDT. Live coverage on NASA TV, the agency's website, and the NASA app will begin at 8 am. On Thursday, June 29, MLM is scheduled to dock at the station. Named Nauka, after the Russian word for "science," MLM will serve as a new science facility, docking port, and spacewalk airlock for future operations. Once Pirs and Progress 77 are decoupled from the station on Saturday, they will undergo a de-orbit maneuver that will send it towards Earth to disintegrate in Earth's atmosphere. In preparation, Russian Cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Oleg Novitskiy performed a series of maintenance tasks today. The crew also prepared for another upcoming event: the scheduled arrival of Boeing's CST-100 Starliner at the space station on July 31 as part of NASA's Boeing Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) mission. NASA Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei and Shane Kimbrough along with station Commander Akihiko Hoshide, a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut, received training on procedures relating to the approach, docking, and undocking of Starliner. A full suite of science interspersed these maintenance and training tasks. The crew continued its focus on eye health, remotely guided by scientists on Earth. NASA astronaut Megan McArthur along with Hoshide and Vande Hei set up hardware and helped each other administer drops that dilate their eyes so that onboard equipment can capture 3-D images of their eyes' internal structures. They also performed vision tests. The low gravity on the space station can change eye shape in some astronauts, so monitoring eye health is important to ensuring crew health. Astronauts also continued work on science experiments that could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. McArthur, Vande Hei, and Kimbrough all ran tests for the Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids, or InSPACE-4, study. Magnetic fields used in the experiment, when combined with the station's low gravity, allow particles to be observed in a suspended state, which is ideal for monitoring their interactions with light and heat. In addition, Kimbrough, Vande Hei, and McArthur completed surveys about their recent meals that will allow scientists to study menu fatigue. In space, menu fatigue can have serious consequences. Lost appetites could result in astronauts not eating enough food, which may lead to body mass loss, nutritional deficiencies, and other health issues, particularly on long-duration missions. Meanwhile, ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet focused his attention on testing how the KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) would work in different locations on the station. KERMIT is designed to streamline imaging and analysis through a single platform with easy operation by the station crew as well as by remote operatiors on the ground. With real-time guidance from researchers on Earth, Pesquet moved KERMIT along with other equipment that can characterize vibrational disturbances caused by the microscope when in use. He then tested whether KERMIT's functionality could be retained in this new location. On-Orbit Status Report Payloads Exploration Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) - Toilet: The crew completed a fit-check of the Collapsible Contingency Urinal (CCU) with the Toilet. Additionally, the crew inspected Toilet air filters for loose particulates and damage. The Toilet System is an Exploration Technology Demonstration that has evolved into a permanent United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) system. The Toilet has the same basic design as the Orion Universal Waste Management System (UWMS). The Toilet System will be the primary WMS for USOS for up to 90 crew days and interfaces with the Urine Transfer System (UTS) to allow concurrent Waste & Hygiene Compartment (WHC)/Toilet operations. GRIP: The crew perform the second of three GRIP tasks. The GRIP experiment studies the long-duration spaceflight effects on the abilities of human subjects to regulate grip force and upper limbs trajectories when manipulating objects during different kind of movements: oscillatory movements, rapid discrete movements, and tapping gestures. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4): The crew distributed particles within the sample vial and initiated experiment runs. InSPACE-4 studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. ISS Amateur (HAM) Radio: The crew initiated a HAM radio pass with Seinan Gakuin Junior Senior High School, Fukuoka, Japan. ISS Ham Radio provides opportunities to engage and educate students, teachers, parents and other members of the community in science, technology, engineering and math by providing a means to communicate between astronauts and the ground HAM radio units. KERMIT (KEyence Research Microscope Testbed): The crew installed sample slides into the KERMIT Hardware as part of ground commanded Checkouts and Vibration tests. KERMIT is a commercial off-the-shelf microscope that provides researchers with fundamental microscope capabilities, including state-of-the-art imaging and analysis modules. KERMIT is designed to streamline imaging and analysis through a single platform with easy operation by the International Space Station crew and from the ground. KERMIT provides the ability to perform advanced microscopy during spaceflight and remotely from the ground. SoundSee: The crew installed the SoundSee hardware onto Astrobee, and performed audio data collection for acoustic mapping and machine health monitoring experiments. Investigation of Deep Audio Analytics on the International Space Station (SoundSee Mission) tests monitoring of the acoustic environment using an audio sensor on Astrobee, a mobile robotic platform aboard the space station. Microphones collect acoustic information, and the Astrobee determines the sensor's position. The system can detect anomalies in the sound of components inside a machine, providing autonomous monitoring of the health of infrastructure such as life support and exercise equipment. Systems Starliner On-Board Training (OBT): The crew completed several OBTs in preparation for the upcoming Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test 2 (OFT-2) mission. The OBTs provided the crew with an overview of the OFT-2 mission profile, crew procedures for rendezvous, interfaces for monitoring/commanding OFT-2, and ISS attitude control expectations. OFT-2 is scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center on Saturday, July 30th and dock to the ISS on Sunday, July 31st. Eye Exams: The crew completed routine Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) eye exams. OCT is an imaging technique analogous to ultrasound imaging that uses light instead of sound to capture micrometer-resolution, two- and three-dimensional images of tissue; In this case, the objects of interest are the crewmember's eyes. Eye exams are performed regularly on-board in order to monitor crewmembers eye health. Eyesight is one of the many aspects of the human body that is affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment. Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Application Computer Unit (MACU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Remove and Replace (R&R): The crew performed an R&R of the LAB MACU HDD using an on-orbit spare. The crew packaged the suspect HDD for return so that ground teams can investigate error messages observed during commissioning. The MACU is a component of the Robotics Workstation (RWS). The RWS provides the crew the capability to control and monitor MSS equipment in order to support robotic functions of ISS assembly and maintenance, payload and user servicing, and safe haven support. Completed Task List Activities: RFID Logistics Reader Troubleshooting WHC KTO Replace Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. OPM to -XVV SSRMS Walk-Off to LAB PDGF SPDM Reconfigure and Stow LAB CDRA Deactivation Node 3 CDRA Activation Look Ahead Plan Friday, July 23 (GMT 204) Payloads: GRIP Supine (ESA) LIDAL Return (ESA) CBEF LTL Box Set (JAXA) Toilet Question (NASA) InSPACE-4 Runs 37-40 (NASA) ManD Print Removal (NASA) BCM Robot Test (NASA) Systems: AAA Fan Checkout JEM SLT 7 & 8 R&R METOX Regeneration Terminate EVA MAG Search Saturday, July 24 (GMT 205) Payloads: Toilet N3 Leak Inspect and Question (NASA) Astrobee Off (NASA) Systems: 77P/DC-1 Undock Sunday, July 25 (GMT 206) Payloads: Toilet Question (NASA) Systems: Crew Off-Duty Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. USOS Window Shutter Close Emer Air Supply On Board Training Refresh Collapsible Contingency Urinal (CCU) Toilet Fit-Check Rebooting the AstroPi Vis Health Maintenance System (HMS) - ESA Nutritional Assessment Astrobee Crew Conference Resupply Air Tank Teardown SoundSee Data Collection SAMS Sensor Relocate1 ISS HAM Columbus Pass Kenwood MSRR Protective Cover Installation KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Power Up INSPACE-4 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions 4) Experiment Run Ops KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Hardware Checkout Part 1 Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis Environmental Health System (EHS) Air Quality Monitor (AQM) Antenna RR MELFI Status Check Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain Astrobee Dock Secure (DEFERRED) KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Hardware Checkout Part 2 Robot Startup Personal Tool Kit Configuration in Stow Track GRIP science performance in seated position MELFI Drawer Audit PMA2/PMA3 Crew Suitcase Swap Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain Part 2 KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Hardware Checkout Part 3A KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Hardware Checkout Part 3B Lab MSS Application Computer Unit (MACU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Module Assembly Gather PMA2 Egress Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap In Flight Maintenance of Lab MSS Application Computer Unit (MACU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Module Assembly R&R Toilet Filter Inspection KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Hardware Checkout Part 4 Lab MSS Application Computer Unit (MACU) Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Module Assembly Stowage KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) Power Down and Stow On-Board Training (OBT) CST-100 OFT OBT Conference SAMS Sensor Relocate 2 On-Board Training (OBT) CST-100 OFT Procedure Review (3 CBTs) MSRR Protective Cover Removal Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill Part 3 Crew Dragon Hand Held Gas Detector Battery Removal Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Test Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT2 Exam Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration Initiation Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. After racing against some of the best horses in Atlantic Canada for his most recent starts, Blood Money returned to New Brunswick on Saturday (July 24) to compete in the top class at Exhibition Park Raceway. That return home was just what the doctor ordered. In this case, that doctor is Dr. Mitch Downey, owner and driver of Blood Money who was barred from pari-mutuel wagering in the $1,700 Winners Over. With no Woodmere Ideal Art and no Little Manny among his five rivals, there was a fairly solid reason for that decision. Downey also felt his horse was the one to beat and raced him accordingly, clearing to the lead over stablemate Fall Bliss (Mike Downey) and then playing catch-me-if-you-can. Spoiler alert: they didn't catch him. After fractions of :29.3, :59.4 and 1:29.4 with no challengers to his wheel, Blood Money needed just a :29 closer to open up on his competition and win by some five lengths in 1:58.4. Fall Bliss was best of the rest in second with Paris Beau (Colin DeCourvey) closing well to complete the triactor. Ellen Stevenson trains five-year-old Blood Money (Sweet Lou - Blood Diamond), now a five-time winner from 10 seasonal starts and 14-race winner in his career with more than $438,000 in purses. The fourth race of the day was declared a no contest by the HRNB judges. The race was declared no contest because of starter error. Two horses actually raced to the half before getting pulled up, while the other three pulled up immediately following the recall. As a result, the judges' decision was a no contest. Live harness racing returns to Saint John next Saturday, July 31. To view the results for the Saturday card, click the following link: Saturday Results - Exhibition Park Raceway. Caribbean Travelers hoping to escape to the Bahamas had their flight out of North Carolina delayed overnight because a group of passengers refused to wear masks, according to American Airlines. Flight 893 was supposed to leave Charlotte Douglas International Airport on Monday for Nassau, Bahamas, but it did not take off until the following day. The airline said the delay was due to passengers who would not wear face coverings and then "became disruptive to other customers and refused to follow crew member instructions while onboard." "Per procedure, the customers involved were asked to exit the aircraft. We expect our customers to comply with our policies when they choose to fly with us, and we take action when that is not the case," the airline said. However, a student travel company that was hosting the group placed the blame on American Airlines and said the flight was delayed because of a change in crew members. According to the company, Breakaway Beach, a group of 47 high school graduates were on the flight as part of a tour from Boston to Nassau. The company said in a statement that the first aircraft the group was one had mechanical issues, resulting in the plane spending at least two hours on the tarmac. During this time, some of the students "may have removed" their masks due to ventilation and "unbearable conditions," Breakaway Beach said. One or two people in the group "acted in a manner that resulted in them being removed from the aircraft," the company said. One person was escorted off the plane but was not ticketed or charged. "The actions of this passenger resulted in the entire group of graduates being labeled 'unruly' or 'disruptive,' " Breakaway Beach said in its statement. When American Airlines moved passengers to a second aircraft, the entire tour group was not allowed to reboard. Breakway Beach said American Airlines ended up delaying the flight to the next day because they could not find a replacement pilot. The company said that the airline's handling of the situation "was incredibly disappointing." "The act of one individual is not the responsibility of others, and the students that were abiding by the rules should not have had to endure this type of treatment," the company said. "The group was treated in an improper and overly harsh manner, causing unnecessary stress and aggravation to the travelers and their parents from afar." One passenger affected by the delay was Stephanie Krzywanski. She told NBC affiliate WCNC of Charlotte that the first plane they were on had mechanical issues so everyone was moved to another aircraft. She said it was on the second flight that the group became unruly. After sitting on the tarmac for hours, everyone was told that the flight was being delayed overnight, she told the news station. American Airlines said that all customers were provided hotel vouchers and the flight left for Nassau shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday. But Breakaway Beach said in its statement that as a result of the incident, the airline did not give its tour group vouchers. Breakaway Beach instead had to provide hotel and meal accommodations. American Airlines eventually let the group on Tuesday morning's flight after they all agreed to wear their masks. Caribbean It is easy to forget about the coronavirus on the sandy beaches of the Dominican Republic. Peter, a German tourist who has turned a deep shade of pink over his two-week holiday, is fully vaccinated and only sorry today is the last of his trip. This is paradise. It feels like there is no pandemic here, he said. For the health-conscious who nonetheless want to travel, the pull of a vacation largely spent outdoors on a beach is strong, especially when everyone you are likely to meet has already been inoculated. The Dominican Republic is leading the recovery of tourism in the Caribbean, driven by strong demand from US travelers. Almost 60% of Americans are fully vaccinated, and one of the effects is a stampede to go abroad and make up for lost time. By the end of May, the Dominican Republic saw a 10% increase in travelers booking to arrive in July than for the same dates in 2019, before the pandemic upended all travel. The Caribbean nation is a beacon of hope for places like Spain and Greece in Europe, which rely strongly on tourism but are still waiting for vaccination campaigns on the continent to yield results for the sector. The concern now is whether this will happen in time to save the summer 2021 season, following the disaster of 2020, though at this point many businesses are clinging on for survival. At 9am in Las Terrenas, in the northeast of the country, a dozen tourists are already sunbathing, while others enjoy breakfast on the Bahia Principe Grand El Portillo Hotel beachfront. The scene could be from 2019, but it is from 2021. Coronavirus safety measures are, however, in place. There are daily temperature checks at the hotel, face masks must be worn in busy areas and there is hydroalcoholic gel in abundance. The Dominican Republic no longer requires visitors to present a negative PCR test, though many visitors require them to get back home, and random tests are carried out in the main international airports. Whats more, most of the people tourists are likely to come into contact with have been immunized. All hotel workers have been vaccinated to guarantee the safety of the [tourism] sector. If tourism takes a step forward, we all do, because many families survive from the industry, the president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinar, told media on a trip organized by Spanish tourism consortium Grupo Pinero. Abinader also emphasized that the recovery is already underway: By the end of 2021 we will have similar numbers [in arrivals and spending] as before the Covid crisis, he said. The countrys tourism minister, David Collado, explained that the direct and indirect proceeds of tourism account for 22% of the nations gross domestic product (GDP). For us, tourism is not a luxury, it spearheads our economy. It is good news that for July reservations are already at record levels, especially from the United States market, he said. International reservations for the Punta Cana-Bavaro area are already 37% higher than last years figures, added Samuel Pereyra, general manager of state bank Banreservas. Hotels fully booked Hotel companies share in the sense of optimism and believe the strong numbers will be sustained into the second half of the year. There are already fully booked hotels and they are asking us to raise the maximum occupancy allowed, which is now at 80%, Collado said. Occupancy was lower overall in the first six months of 2021, but this is expected to change. The Bahia Principe hotel chain had 25% more tourists from the United States in the year up to June than in the same period of 2019. With what has been booked so far, we are already up 50%, said Encarna Pinero, CEO of Grupo Pinero. Punta Cana is at the maximum occupancy levels allowed by the pandemic. Meanwhile, Sophia, from Orlando, Florida, is enjoying herself. I am already vaccinated and I had a few weeks off, so I came without thinking twice. And by the end of the year I want to come back, she said, speaking from a Grupo Pinero resort in Punta Cana. American chain Apple Leisure Group (ALG) is in a similar situation. Throughout the Caribbean, the firm recorded a 40.45% increase in bookings between March 14 and May 23 when compared with the same dates in 2019. Alejandro Reynal, ALGs managing director, expects this to be repeated worldwide: There is pent-up demand that is now emerging. We expect the same to happen in other tourist destinations such as Spain. The Dominican Republics main tourism markets are the United States (more than two million tourists in 2019), Canada (almost 900,000), France and Russia (more than 200,000), as well as Argentina, Germany and Spain (close to 200,000), according to the Dominican Republics central bank. Among the thousands of tourists who plan to visit this year is Mercedes Romera, from Dos Hermanas in Spains Seville region. Im going with my parents, my husband and my two children. We are already vaccinated, except for the children, and we wanted a quiet place like Samana, where there are hardly any infections and the workers are vaccinated. In spite of the optimism, the Dominican government remains cautious about the next setbacks the coronavirus pandemic might throw up. Overall this year will still be down on 2019s takings, and full normality is not expected until 2022. Investment plan The Dominican government has also announced a raft of measures to improve tourism, including beach facilities ($10 million, 8.46 million), measures to combat algae ($12 million, 10.15 million with the private sector), beach regeneration ($70 million, 59.19 million with the Inter-American Investment Bank) and revamping cultural sites ($90 million, 76 million). Further measures include eliminating taxes on domestic flights in order to promote domestic tourism, which went from accounting for 3% to 35% of the sector last year a rise largely explained by the 68% drop in international tourism. A new route between Madrid and Samana will also open in July, operated by Air Europa. Samana Developers, a leading real estate company in Dubai, has announced the promotion of Dalya Lebbihi to the post of general manager of sales and operations along with 55% increase in sales workforce to double the sales revenue in 2021. An Algerian national, Lebbihi has a wealth of experience of working with Dubais top real estate developers with expertise in corporate real estate - including industrial, multi-family, retail property asset and portfolio management. The executive promotion is part of developers consolidation of its UAE operations and aligning its sales strategy with three new project launches. Samana Developers new projects are currently under necessary approvals from the relevant authorities. Lauding the promotion, CEO Imran Farooq said: "Lebbihi has played an instrumental role in recent boost in sales with her successful strategy. Since her joining Samana, our sales has increased considerably." Samana Developers completely sold out its AED185 million Greens and Hills projects in 2020. Company also managed to fast-track the construction by introducing drastic changes in the way construction is done for its 327 units at two projects. It is now planning to launch three new residential projects in the investor hot-spots of Dubai. Amid growing sales, Samana Developers has increased the headcount by 55% for 2021 to double up the sales revenue to fund new projects. On her promotion, Lebbihi said: "I am honoured to work with a developer which is innovative and customer-centric." "This strategy helps us even in the toughest times of Covid-19, and at a time when people are looking for healthy and affordable residences which Samana builds," she added.-TradeArabia News Service Help India! After the government in Jammu and Kashmir terminated 11 of its employees on July 9 accusing them of anti-national activities, the order has left the sacked employees shocked. The employees are now searching for ways to fight their termination order. Auqib Javeed | Support TwoCircles SRINAGAR Raziyah Sultan, in her late forties, was shocked to learn that her ten years of government service in the Jammu and Kashmir Education Department has been terminated. She is yet to come to terms that she has been declared ant-national. Sultan, a resident of South Kashmir Anantnag district was sacked by the Jammu and Kashmir administration on July 9 along with 11 other government employees, for allegedly passing on information to militants and extending logistic support. The government terminated the Sultan and 11 others more than 20 years after they were recruited without an inquiry or a chance to explain their positions. Their services were terminated under Article 311(2)(c) of the Constitution, under which no inquiry is held. The action was taken following a recommendation by a designated committee in the Union Territory for looking into such cases. Ye sarasar zulm hai (This is sheer injustice), Sultan told, asking, Why was not an anti-national for last twenty years? Sultan denied charges of being involved in an activity that is prejudicial to the state. Her father Mohammad Sultan Bhat, a member of Jamaat-e-Islami, a socio-religious organization, was kidnapped and subsequently killed by unknown gunmen in 1996. Bhat had contested 1987 elections as a candidate of the Muslim United Front (MUF), which was a conglomeration of various parties and groups. In 2000, she got a job on compassionate grounds after the due process of the police and security verification was followed by the government. It is usually the case in such appointments, she said. On July 9, the government order said, Lt Governor is satisfied under sub-clause (c) of the proviso to Clause (2) of Article 311 of the constitution of India that in the interest of the security of the state, its not expedient to hold an inquiry in case of Ms Razyah Sultan headteacher in government Middle School Khiram, Anantnag. Accordingly, the Lieutenant Governor hereby dismisses Ms Razyah Sultan from service with immediate effect, said the order. Sultan said she was coming back home from school when she received a call from the Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) office that her services had been terminated. It was shocking for me and my family. The more shocking was the media trial in which they claimed I was associated with Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM), she said. DeM is a banned all-woman outfit that advocates Kashmirs liberation from India and is headed by Aasiya Andrabiwho is under detention along with her two aides in New Delhis Tihar jail. This is baseless and the charges are flimsy, Sultan said. She is now looking forward to approaching the court to challenge her termination. In April, the government created a Special Task Force (STF) to identify and scrutinize the government employees involved in anti-national activities. On May 1, a government teacher Idrees Jan of North Kashmirs Kupwara became the first to be dismissed under clause 2 of the article the government says has been invoked in the interest of the security of the state. Two other employees Dr Abdul Bari Naik, a professor at a government-run college and Nazir Ahmad Wani, a middle-rung officer in J&Ks revenue department were also terminated from the services. Political parties in the valley term the dismissals of government employees arbitrary and unjust. GOI continues disempowering people of J&K in garb of pseudo nationalism by trampling the constitution that ought to be upheld. Abrupt dismissal of 11 gov employees on flimsy grounds is criminal. All policy decisions vis a vis J&K are taken with the sole objective of punishing Kashmiris, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti said. The other regional party National Conference asked the administration to call an end to the Special Task Force (STF), saying the measure will push the people towards alienation. We are living through the worst-ever public health catastrophe in the form of the Covid-19 pandemic. The government should have focused on boosting the Covid care rather than terminating employees in an elusive manner where the terminated cannot even resort to legal recourse to protect their rights, National Conference said in a statement. Forty-year-old Sakeena Akthar of Anantnag had never thought that she would be fired from job. She told that she has given her everything to teach the children of different villages in Valley. Akthar was appointed under the Rehbar-e-Taleem (RT) scheme in the year 2000. For over five years I worked for paltry Rs 1500 and as a teacher in far-flung areas of the district. During the appointment, my verification was cleared by Jammu and Kashmir Police and since then everything was going fine, but the sudden order of my termination has left me shell shocked, she told The government order terminating Akther reads, Whereas the Lieutenant Governor is satisfied after considering the facts and circumstances of the case and on the basis of the information available that the activism, of Ms Sakeena Akhtar, teacher in Government Primary, School, K-Gojran Khiram, Anantnag W/o, Masood Ahmad Bhat R/o Khiram Srigufwara, District Anantnag are such as to warrant her dismissal from service; Whereas the Lieutenant Governor is satisfied under sub-clause (c) of the proviso to clans, (2) of Art. 311 of the Constitution of India that in the interest of the security of the State, it is not expedient to hold an inquiry in the case of Ms Sakeen Akhter, Teacher in Government Primary School. Accordingly, the Lieutenant Governor hereby dismisses Ms Sakeena Akther, in the government K-Gojran Khiram, Anantnag, from service, with immediate effect, the order added. Akhtar, however, said that neither her family had produced any militant nor is she associated with any political organization. I failed to understand why I was sacked after 19 years of service? Why was I given police clearance if I had an association with any separatist party, she told Like Sultan, Akthar and Idress, sources told that the government is likely to terminate the service of more government employees. As per the government, this is being reportedly done to weed out the people who had any links with anti-national elements. For the terminated employees, they are under shock and in search of ways to contest their termination order. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. A Hong Kong governments vetting committee makes 15 new appointments to the powerful Election Committee, which will choose 40 members of the 90-member Legislative Council. Meanwhile, China imposes fresh sanctions against US citizens in response to US sanctions against people involved in repression in Hong Kong. Hong Kong (AsiaNews) Millionaires, bankers and the head of a pro-Beijing teachers union are the newest members of Hong Kongs powerful new Election Committee. Under Hong Kongs new patriotic election law, this body will appoint 40 of the 90 members of the Autonomous Regions Legislative Council (LegCo), the local parliament. A vetting committee chaired by Hong Kongs number two official, Chief Secretary John Lee, made the 15 appointments, which include HSBC Asia Pacific CEO Peter Wong, billionaire Pan Su-tong (to represent grassroots associations), and Apple supplier Biel Crystal Manufactorys founder Yeung Kin-man. Wong Kwan-yu, head of the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, was appointed as a representative for the education subsector even though his labour organisation is not as large as the citys pro-democracy teachers union. The 15 new ex-officio members will join the 1,500-strong Election Committee, whose elected members will be selected in September. Under Hong Kongs new election law, adopted back in March, regular voters will be able to elect 20 LegCo members, whilst 30 members will be picked by representatives of the professional subsectors strictly linked to the establishment. It is clear that the authorities want a parliament in which pro-Beijing forces have an overwhelming majority. Meanwhile, China yesterday imposed new sanctions against US citizens in response to US sanctions against people linked to the repression in Hong Kong. The list includes former Trump Administration Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and Human Rights Watchs China Chief Sophie Richardson. The measure comes on the eve of the US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman's trip to China. by Nirmala Carvalho At least 136 people have died from monsoon rains that ravaged the state for more than a week. The tribal missions of the Archdiocese of Bombay in Raigad district are among the most affected areas. Cardinal Gracias has urged the religious to mobilise and stay close to those who have lost everything. Mumbai (AsiaNews) More than 136 people have died in floods and landslides in Konkan, along the coast of the Indian states of Maharashtra and Goa. Due to strong monsoons, a landslide killed 49 people among tribal Katkari in the mission area of the Archdiocese of Mumbai in Raigad, one of the most affected districts. I express my profound grief and sorrow for the floods, said Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay, president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, speaking to AsiaNews. This, he added, has caused heavy loss of lives and damage to crops, houses, cattle and property. As a result, I share the anguish of the people affected and wish to express our closeness to them. The Catholic Church will be intensely involved with the relief work. Fr Pravin D'Souza, diocesan priest in charge of the Jan Kalyan Trust, the charity of the Archdiocese of Bombay, said that aid, emergency medical teams, and religious staff are being sent to the most affected areas. As soon as I informed Card Oswald of the disaster, His Eminence requested that all religious personnel rush to the aid of these people, to give comfort to the elderly, children, and vulnerable people, as well as open shelters for the thousands of people who have been left homeless. The Sindhudurg district was battered by heavy rain for more than a week, Fr Melvin Pais, from the Diocese of Sindhudurg (Maharashtra), told AsiaNews. The low-lying regions of Sindhudurg were suddenly flooded in the early morning hours and people had to face a lot of hardship and loss. Many villages were flooded affecting the lives of thousands of people and displacing many more who have sought refuge. by Vladimir Rozanskij The three leaders met in Batumi along with the President of the European Council Charles Michel. The three countries have formed a new regional union in order to join the EU and break free from Russia. However, internal divisions hinder the process of rapprochement with Europe. Moscow (AsiaNews) Georgia, Moldova and the Ukraine have signed a joint declaration in support of integration with the European Union. The signing took place during a five-day summit in the Georgian city of Batumi, which ended yesterday. The summit was attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Moldovan President Maia Sandu, Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili (along with Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili), and the President of the European Council Charles Michel. The declaration states: We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to advance further the process of our integration into the European Union through comprehensive reforms to strengthen our democratic institutions, and to progressively approximate our legislation in the relevant sectors with key elements of the EU acquis. The parties agree that the prospect of becoming part of the European Union gives their countries "an impetus for even deeper and more comprehensive reforms. The leaders of the three countries hope for ever closer collaboration with European institutions, as well as the development of a free trade area in order to integrate into the EU Internal Market. In her speech, Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili said: we also have in common that we dont want to go back to the past. We are ready and determined to fight for our European future. With this declaration, the three governments have created a new regional union, the the Association Trio, south of the Russian Federation, turned towards Europe. The Batumi declaration changes the thrust of the "Eastern Partnership", which is part of the European Unions Neighbourhood Policy. The project was initially proposed by Poland in 2008 and inaugurated in Prague in 2009, and is open to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Because of domestic strife in 2020, these three states have other issues to deal with, before considering their relationship with the European Union. With respect to the Batumi declaration, a certain scepticism exists among observers about its effectiveness. The three signatories also face domestic as well as international challenges. In Ukraine, the Trios main supporter, public opinion was not very keen about the meeting, seen as one of President Zelenskyy's many attempts to build consensus at home and abroad. The relationship with Europe sparked the uprising in Kyiv's Maidan Square in 2014. Moldova is also engaged in a long-standing struggle between pro-Russia and pro-Europe groups., whilst in Georgia, the issue plays a major role as the countrys political parties engage in a very tough and ambiguous struggle over relations with Europe and Russia. During the summit a very symbolic moment came when President Zourabichvili travelled from the capital Tbilisi to the port city of Batumi on the Black Sea, as she crossed for the first time since 2008 the bridge over the Enguri River, on the other side of the frontline with Abkhazia, a separatist Georgian region under Russian control. The three governments sought to send a signal to their Western partners "to show their loyalty to the idea of European integration, said Georgian political scientist Valeri Chechelashvili. However, all of us citizens of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova have already paid a heavy price for that. Speaking on Radio Svoboda about the Batumi meeting with Ukrainian-Armenian journalist Karen Madoyan, Chechelashvili said that "all three countries are constantly running on the edge of the division between East and West. Adams LinkedIn shows that she has spent the last five years at the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission as an associate general counsel member and, more recently, as a senior counsel member. Prior, she worked at the Maryland Office of the Attorney General as an assistant attorney general and tort litigation supervisor. Adams declined to provide a comment. Next course: Submarine sandwiches from Bello Vittos on Rossville Boulevard. There were two choices, cold cut and meatball, and guests indulged in both. The submarine (never, never a hoagie in Baltimore) is only as good as the person behind the counter makes it; the quality of the roll it is served on can help make or break this casual food staple. For Cheney, who has already been booted from GOP leadership over her criticism of Trump, the political dangers are far greater. She was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump over the insurrection, and her willingness to speak out against his top ally, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, now leaves her isolated on Capitol Hill. She is facing blowback from the ranks and serious primary challenges for her reelection back home. Visually, the first things that grab you, in all their grandeur and splendor, are the large magnificent individual homes that line the street along with their landscaping, the floral presence, the driveways, etc. As an elderly Black man, the first thing that comes to my mind is that Im looking at the fruits and rewards of racism and Im afraid I have to use the term white privilege. Chinas massive hack of Microsoft is more than irresponsible behavior in cyberspace as one official indicated, it is an open attack on the world. Im slightly reassured NATO and the European Union are condemning Chinas hacking, but this is a matter for the United Nations. Our infrastructure, communications and day to day reality are controlled entirely by the internet. I urge everyone to look at the cable maps over which data travels at the speed of light. Our world is wired, and it will become more so in the future. Theres a stigma in our community, especially with Black men, about it not being cool for you to go and share your feelings, Scott said. Lets talk about how you think us as Black men can play a role in breaking that down, but also institutions like the barber shop, the church, can play a role in helping to break that down. Though the short hearing marked one step closer to the cases resolution, it is not over for Crouse, who thought that prison was too lenient a punishment. She still thinks about her son every day. Driving around the area and seeing the places she used to frequent reminds her of him, and, every day, she grieves. Law enforcement returned to the motel and saw the same man who was seen in the earlier hand-to-hand transaction exit a room with a backpack and several bags to the same pickup truck, according to the plea deal. When detectives approached the man and identified themselves, he fled on foot. He was captured later and identified as Mickens. I am thankful for the people who work in our courtroom, criminal and civil departments. People come to the courthouse seeking resolution for some of the most contentious issues in their lives, and this didnt stop during the pandemic. Issues like divorce, child custody, adoption, and criminal matters still needed to be resolved. Ive had a lot of people ask me if everyone in the court stopped working and went home during the pandemic. Far from it. Thanks to the judges, court administrators, sheriffs, attorneys and everyone who works in the courthouse, our court was able to hear more cases than the rest of Maryland combined. There is still a backlog of cases, but we are working through it quickly, together. Yet the freshness of McGills CSO encounter was unmistakably that of an introduction between hometown band and hometown hero, facilitated by Ravinia chief conductor Marin Alsop. McGill had a way of hesitating at the peak of the soaring opening theme, a suspension so luxurious it even seemed to enrapture the cicadas into momentary silence. The CSO, pliable and plush, sounded similarly engrossed, buttressing his phrasing handsomely. A Copland-composed cadenza, suavely tossed off by McGill, bridges the concertos lyrical first half with its jouncingly playful second, slap-bass (primly echoed by the harp several bars later) and all. The clarinet and orchestra ping-pong snippets between one another toward a rollicking end but not before one last moment of divine suspension, when the orchestra falls away and McGill, like a high-diver, exquisitely plummeted from the clarinets highest note to one more than three octaves down. Of course, genuine accomplishment has a way of outing itself, albeit long after the fact, once the diplomats are freed and history has moved on to different players. And in the case of "Argo" and "Oslo," that often is where the dramatic storyteller enters the mix, being as great drama often flows from recounting the experiences of those whose contributions have remained veiled. Great filmmakers like Affleck, and great playwrights like Rogers, know their job is to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange and that it is their role to find and tell the truth about who really did what, not whose name happened to be written in ink. In international diplomacy and no doubt at your workplaces credit rarely goes to the people who did the work. The ruling directs the lower court to work out the details of getting the new program underway, but it is unclear when Missouri will begin enrolling patients. Kelli Jones, a spokesperson for Parson, said in an emailed statement that the governor did not think he had the necessary budget authority to implement the expansion and was looking at what options may be available. All we could do now is continue to fight for his justice, Ramirez said. I just want to ask the community, if they know anything, if they saw anything, to please speak up. (It) wont bring my brother back, but it will help us find justice and it will leave us at peace. Police said two boys, ages 15 and 17, were in the backyard of a residence when shots were fired, striking them both. The younger teenage boy was hit in the abdomen and was taken in serious condition to the University of Chicago Medical Center. The other teen was shot in the chest and was taken to the same hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO on Friday adopted a decision that praised China's continued efforts in conserving the Great Wall. The committee said it "takes note with satisfaction" of the measures taken by China to mitigate the threats on the UNESCO-listed world heritage, according to the decision adopted at the committee's 44th session, which is underway in Fuzhou, capital of east China's Fujian Province. The session was convened to review the state of conservation of sites inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list, among other agenda items. In the decision, the committee acknowledged China's protection efforts such as on-site conservation activities, capacity building for conservation professionals, a consolidation of the legal basis for the conservation of the Great Wall, public outreach activities, and the active use of new technologies for protection. It also noted that China has continued to implement its master plan of conserving the Great Wall and launched a national Great Wall culture park. The committee also expressed satisfaction with the protection of Comoe National Park and Tai National Park, both in Cote d'Ivoire. Chinese authorities on Friday released a guideline on overseas investment and cooperation in the digital economy, detailing major tasks to actively engage in the global development of digital technology. The guideline, jointly released by several government departments including the Ministry of the Commerce, pledged active integration with the global industrial chain of the digital economy. More efforts will be made to enable digital economy enterprises to accelerate the deployment of overseas research and development centers and product design centers, and strengthen cooperation with overseas technology companies in fields such as big data, 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain for joint development of cutting-edge technologies, according to the guideline. Domestic companies will also be encouraged to tap opportunities in the overseas digital market to invest in smart infrastructure. The guideline called for improving mechanisms concerning the "going out" process of the digital economy and stepping up regulations on new business models of the sector's overseas investment and cooperation. According to a white paper issued by the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology in April, China's digital economy maintained a high growth rate of 9.7 percent in 2020 amid the pandemic and global economic downturn. The scale of China's digital economy reached 39.2 trillion yuan (about 6.1 trillion U.S. dollars) last year, accounting for 38.6 percent of the GDP. With its digital economy ranking second in the world, China has highlighted the digital economy development in its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) to build a digital China. Top Chinese legislator Li Zhanshu has called on local legislative bodies to step up oversight of local government debt to rein in risks. Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, made the remarks while presiding over a symposium on the topic. The symposium followed the recent release of guidelines by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening local lawmakers' oversight on government debt. The guidelines addressed key issues arising from the practices of the management and oversight of local government debt and clarified how local people's congresses should carry out the supervision according to the law. In performing their duties, lawmakers should keep in mind the importance of government debt risk control in promoting the country's high-quality growth, Li said, adding that the work must be carried out according to relevant budget and supervision laws. He also called for the establishment of a unified information disclosure mechanism on local government debt to make the info more transparent. The General Office of the NPC Standing Committee will roll out detailed measures on implementing the guidelines. You are here: China Liu Jieyi, head of both the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, on Friday met with Hung Hsiu-chu, former chairperson of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) party, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Hung attended the fourth cross-Strait youth development forum, which opened on Friday, during her visit to the mainland. When torrential rains battered down and water gushed in at an unimaginable speed, many residents in central China's Henan province suddenly found themselves immersed in waist-high water and totally marooned. Power, phone signal and broadband networks were all out of service in the worst-hit areas, as the downpour continued to break records and pound a vast region of the populous province. "The signal was very unstable and there was no electricity or tap water when it poured on Tuesday," said a resident surnamed Li in a residential compound in Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital. "It was like we were on a lonely island." Authorities have ramped up efforts to fix the infrastructure facilities, many of which were paralyzed at the height of the rainfall, to get people's lives back on track as quickly as possible. So far, the torrential rains have claimed dozens of lives and affected about 3 million people. Zhengzhou bore the brunt of the rain-triggered flooding and saw the equivalent of a year's precipitation in just a few days. A total of 67 high voltage transmission lines in the city were damaged or their operation suspended, and eight substations halted operation, disrupting the power supply of 775,000 households. In addition to about 3,600 technicians in Henan, the National Development and Reform Commission has also coordinated about 10,000 maintenance personnel, 181 power generation vehicles and more than 1,000 high-power generators in 24 provinces and cities to help restore the power supply in Zhengzhou. So far, 189 of the 473 residential compounds with more than 200 households that suffered from power outages in the city proper have seen their power restored, and the remaining households are expected to see power resume on Saturday. Rain-triggered floods have also cut the water supply of over 1,200 residential quarters in Zhengzhou's main urban area, of them over 96 percent have regained access to tap water, and the water supply is estimated to basically resume by Sunday. In Mihe Township in Gongyi City, where days of heavy rainfall have disrupted communications and cut off the Internet, a drone was dispatched on Wednesday to provide mobile signal coverage for an area of about 50 square km. As of Thursday morning, telecom services in Mihe Township had resumed. Across the province, tens of thousands of police officers have been mobilized to divert traffic and open up disaster relief channels to ensure good traffic order. As of 10 a.m. Thursday, 204 of Henan's 403 highway toll stations have opened, while 193 have partially opened with traffic control and six others remain closed due to water-logging and flood control. Transportation through air and rail is also recovering with around-the-clock efforts. Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport scheduled over 540 flights on Friday, about 100 flights more than the previous day. Railway authorities have issued prompt orders such as limiting speed, circumventing dangers and halting operations for trains running through Zhengzhou. On Thursday, rainstorms with up to 243 mm of rainfall hit Anyang, Jiaozuo and Nanyang in Henan, as well as parts of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces, the National Meteorological Center (NMC) said. Large-scale rains in Henan will basically end on Friday, with scattered torrential rains forecast in the western part of the province, the NMC added. Flash China on Friday refuted accusations from the United States to the effect that China's stance on the next stage of the global origin-tracing issue was "irresponsible and dangerous", replying that the U.S. side has been extremely irresponsible and shameful in its behavior toward its own people and the international community. Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a daily news briefing when asked to comment on the "deep disappointment" expressed by the White House concerning China's stance on the next stage of global origin tracing. Zhao said that some people in the United States have continued to slander and smear China, using the epidemic as an excuse, totally disregarding common sense and taking an arrogant approach to science. "China resolutely says no to this," said Zhao. He said that, not only did China take the lead in controlling the domestic epidemic, but it has also offered over 300 billion masks, 3.7 billion protective suits, 4.8 billion test kits and large quantities of other epidemic-prevention materials to more than 200 countries and regions around the world. China has also provided more than 600 million doses of vaccines and has continuously made important contributions to the global fight against the epidemic. China has always maintained an open and transparent attitude on the origin-tracing issue and has invited WHO experts to China twice. The expert group visited all the places they wanted and met everyone they wanted, said Zhao. "China's fight against the epidemic can withstand the test of history and the people. However, it is the actions of the United States that have deeply disappointed the international community and its own people," said the spokesperson. The United States has never responded to reports that early COVID-19 cases in the United States may be earlier than the first case currently reported. It is also turning a blind eye to concerns by the international community regarding the U.S. military facility Fort Detrick and 200 plus U.S. overseas biological laboratories, said Zhao, adding that this is the most dangerous attitude. Zhao said that viruses are the common enemy of mankind, and origin-tracing is an important and complex scientific issue that needs the cooperation of scientists from all over the world, as well as the joint efforts and cooperation of the governments and people of all countries. He stressed that stigmatizing other countries using the epidemic and politicizing the origin-tracing issue will only provoke strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition from the international community, and will never succeed. Flash Bodies of nine Chinese personnel killed in a Pakistan terrorist attack returned to the motherland on a chartered plane on Friday, according to a statement posted by Chinese Foreign Ministry. It said China will continue to ask and support Pakistan to take any necessary measure to seriously, responsibly and accurately find out the truth, bring the perpetrators to justice, spare no effort to treat the injured, and earnestly protect the safety of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan to prevent similar incidents from happening again. Flash Huan Huan, a giant panda at Beauval Zoo in central France, is expecting twins and the birth of the cubs is scheduled for late July or early August, announced the zoo on Friday. "A new ultrasound of Huan Huan, our female panda, performed today at the end of the afternoon, revealed the presence of a second baby panda!" said the zoo in its press release. The second fetus measured 3.27 cm by 1.19 cm. The size of the first one, already seen on the first ultrasound image performed on Tuesday, more than doubled to 3.65 cm by 1.79 cm, it added. Huan Huan, which means "happy" in Chinese, and her male pal Yuan Zi, were both born in Chengdu, China, and arrived in France in 2012 when they were three years old. At the end of March, the two giant pandas tried to mate under the watchful eye of veterinarians and caretakers. Artificial insemination was also carried out as a precaution, as a female panda is fertile only 24 to 48 hours per year, said the zoo. In 2017, Huan Huan gave birth to twin cubs, the first panda babies born in France. The first cub died shortly after its birth and the second one was named Yuan Meng, which means "the realization of a dream" in Chinese. In the wild and at other zoos around the world, giant panda mothers give birth to twins about 50 percent of the time. However, due to the difficulty of caring for two cubs simultaneously, typically only one of the twins survives. Giant panda newborns are even more helpless than most other mammal infants because they don't open their eyes until they are about six to eight weeks old and don't move around until about three months. Flash Residents of the Italian canal city of Venice breathed a deep sigh of relief when they learned that their city had avoided a spot on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) list of World Heritage sites in danger. Meeting in Fuzhou, China, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee announced on Thursday that it would not put Venice on the list, which would have brought the city closer to losing its recognition as a World Heritage site. The city's status was cast in doubt based on worries that the Italian government was doing too little to protect its substantial cultural, artistic and architectural riches. The presence of large cruise ships in Venice Lagoon was a major cause for such worries because of the environmental impacts and potential damage they have already caused to the infrastructure of a city built on 118 separate islands. Earlier this month, the Italian government said ships weighing more than 25,000 tons and measuring more than 180 meters (590 feet) would be banned from Venice's St. Mark's Basin, the Giudecca Canal and the surrounding areas starting Aug. 1. In a statement issued after the UNESCO announcement, Italy's Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini said the decision to ban the large cruise ships was the main reason Venice avoided a spot on the "danger list," though he called for continued diligence in protecting the city. "The global attention on Venice must remain high, and it is everyone's duty to work for the protection of the lagoon and to identify a path for sustainable development in this unique city," Franceschini said. "This is an ongoing process." Locals welcomed the UNESCO decision. "Venice would be Venice either way but it would have been a big, symbolic blow for the city to lose its status as a World Heritage site," Valeria Minghetti, a resident of the city, told Xinhua. "As it worked out it's positive because we avoid an embarrassing development and we have a reminder that we have to protect the city we love," said Minghetti, also the chief researcher at the Center for International Studies on the Economics of Tourism at Ca' Foscari University in Venice. Alessia Zingardi, 39, a native of Venice working in Rome as an art history teacher, said residents of her home city were relieved to learn of UNESCO's decision. "When we saw the reports that Venice risked being on the (danger) list, my friends and family insisted they were not worried, that Venice was too iconic to lose its UNESCO status," Zingardi told Xinhua. "But then, when everyone heard that fate was avoided, they all let out a big sigh of relief." Though the conclusion of the UNESCO meeting in China was positive for Venice, it does not mean the city is in the clear. UNESCO said it would reevaluate Venice's status in 2023. You are here: World Flash Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks on Friday with visiting Maltese Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo. Wang said that China appreciates Malta's long-term adherence to the one-China principle and its support on issues concerning China's core interests. The two sides should jointly resist and oppose the politicization of the COVID-19 origin-tracing issue and the stigmatization of the epidemic, he said. China is willing to sign an implementation plan for the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative with Malta, and will support Malta in playing its due role in international and regional affairs, said Wang. Bartolo offered condolences to China on the severe floods in Henan Province. He expressed his expectations for deepening mutual trust, expanding common interests, and boosting cooperation in various fields. The Maltese side advocates that Europe and China should strengthen cooperation instead of competing with each other, said Bartolo. Flash The General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution on tackling illicit trafficking in wildlife. The resolution recognizes the economic, social and environmental impacts of illicit trafficking in wildlife, and emphasizes the importance of effective international cooperation among member states, relevant multilateral environmental agreements and international organizations. It urges member states to reinforce their efforts and adopt effective measures to prevent and counter the serious problem of crimes that have an impact on the environment, conservation and biodiversity, such as illicit trafficking in wildlife and wildlife products. The resolution urges member states to take decisive steps at the national level to prevent, combat and eradicate the illegal trade in wildlife, on the supply, transit and demand sides, including by strengthening their legislation and regulations. It strongly encourages member states to cooperate at the bilateral, regional and international levels to prevent, combat and eradicate international illicit trafficking in wildlife and wildlife products. It encourages member states to enhance cooperation for the timely and cost-efficient repatriation of live illegally traded wildlife, and to enhance information-sharing among national and international authorities on the seizure of illegally traded wildlife and wildlife products in order to facilitate follow-up investigation and prosecution. YouTube Backtracks on Censorship of FRC Interview on Whether Schools Should Vaccinate Children Without Parental Knowledge or Consent NEWS PROVIDED BY Family Research Council July 23, 2021 WASHINGTON, July 23, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- YouTube has restored a video interview conducted by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins that was removed by the Big Tech giant on Monday for "medical misinformation." The video was restored three days after YouTube rejected an appeal filed by FRC over the video's removal and one day after the press was notified of YouTube's actions. In the video, Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children's Health Defense, was interviewed about her organization's lawsuit against Washington, D.C. over the city's new law authorizing schools to administer vaccines to children eleven years of age and older without parental knowledge or consent. In the interview, Holland warned of the dangers of removing parental protections from medical decisions involving children. The interview was within the context of the COVID-19 vaccines but contained no medical information or medical advice. The interview aired July 16 on Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, a program that broadcasts on nearly 800 Christian radio stations as well as Christian TV. On July 19, YouTube removed the interview from its platform. This was four days after the White House announced publicly that they would be flagging "disinformation" for Big Tech. FRC promptly appealed the YouTube decision the same day. The appeal was rejected by the Big Tech giant the next day, on July 20. It was restored after FRC issued a press statement on July 22, reporting on the video's removal. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement: "We are glad to see our video restored on YouTube but recognize that there are many conservatives who are quietly being censored and do not have an adequate recourse to get the heavy hand of Big Tech giants like YouTube to budge. If it was not FRC -- with a nationwide platform on nearly 800 radio stations and tens of thousands of engaged Christians reading our daily communications -- would YouTube have admitted their error? It seems like Big Tech's default setting is to shut up conservatives, requiring them to jump through hoops and file appeals in order to speak on issues from a perspective different from that of the Left. This should not be. Conservatives should not have to get media attention in order to be heard. YouTube is failing to live up to its stated mission 'to give everyone a voice and show them the world.' "We should also be greatly troubled by Big Government's effort to team up with Big Tech to 'flag[] problematic posts' that, in their eyes, 'spread disinformation.' We are witnessing an intensified attack on our First Amendment freedoms as Big Tech yields itself to the strings of Big Government, which wants to silence dissent. Big Tech should not become a puppet of Big Government -- doing the dirty work for them. We know that Big Tech has yielded to the demands of tyrannical governments elsewhere. Americans need to wake up and realize that the Biden administration, like totalitarian governments in China, Russia, and elsewhere, are using COVID to restrict the fundamental freedoms of the citizens, and it will not stop here," concluded Perkins. To watch the now-restored Washington Watch interview with Mary Holland on YouTube, visit: To watch the interview on Rumble, visit: To read the transcript of the interview, visit: To watch more interviews on Washington Watch, visit: SOURCE Family Research Council CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Joshua Arnold, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397 What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-334-2557 or email She stated that the camera caught Orellana-Arias entering her apartment through a side door, before proceeding to both bedrooms where he would locate female underwear, police said. The video, which was provided to officers shows Orellana-Arias bringing female garments to his nose, apparently in an effort to sniff them. Solitary confinement is torture and it has catastrophic impact, Hughes said. And we know this because we are seeing a lesser impact, but just as catastrophic, in the general population that isnt behind cages, but were subject to restrictions. Hughes compared seclusion to the coronavirus pandemic and called on legislators to take their renewed compassion for what its like to be confined, and use it to override Lamonts veto. I think the military is a bureaucratic behemoth, so anything that happens, theyre not going to turn on a dime, said Carolyn Gallaher, a professor of international service at American University in Washington who studies right-wing paramilitaries. There are definitely people trying to do something. Its going to depend on how powerful they are and how well theyre going to be able to get the levers of the military bureaucracy to do what they want to do. Two people were taken to a local hospital: Floyd Lee James, a 44-year-old Williamsburg man, and a 4-year-old boy. James died at the hospital, according to the sheriffs office. The boy was in stable condition as of Saturday morning. Health experts say vaccination will be the most effective tool at stopping the pandemic, which has killed 11,500 Virginians and infected over 534,000. Data indicates that unvaccinated people have made up 99% of Virginias COVID-19 illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths since late January which public health officials hope convinces those who are still on the fence about the shots. Going to the beach Visiting family/friends out of town Camping/hiking Other (let us know!) Vote View Results For the next 24 hours IMD Hyderabad has predicted that there will be light to moderate rains over many parts of the state. (PTI Photo) Hyderabad: Rains continued to lash the state for the third consecutive day on Friday, albeit in lower intensity. According to officials of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), there would be rains over the northern part of the state for the next 24 hours. The rest of the state would continue to witness widespread but less intense rainfall. According to the Telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS), the highest rainfall in the state till 8.30 pm on Friday was recorded at Mosra in Nizamabad district. It had received 85.5 mm of rainfall. In the city, the highest rainfall till 8.30 pm was recorded at the primary urban health centre, Jahnuma with 10 mm of rainfall. For the next 24 hours we predict that there will be light to moderate rains over many parts of the state. However, there would be very to extremely heavy rainfall over the northern district of Adilabad in the state, K Naga Ratna, director, IMD Hyderabad, told this newspaper. She was also a part of the high-level meeting convened by the Chief Minister on Thursday. During the meeting, all the line-departments were asked to be prepared for any situation. Also, the state government has sought help from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). There is a team stationed in the city for any calamity, she added. Indian Coast Guard (ICG) officers and Karnataka Disaster Response team during a rescue operation at a flooded area after heavy rain in Uttara Kannada district. (PTI) Bengaluru: With torrential rains battering several parts of coastal, malnad and north-interior Karnataka, causing flood like situation and landslides, Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Saturday directed district in- charge Ministers to stay put in their respective districts and monitor the relief and rescue operations there. The Chief Minister will himself be travelling to rain and flood affected border district of Belagavi in north Karnataka on Sunday, to assess the situation there. "The Chief Minister this morning spoke to district in-charge Ministers and Deputy Commissioners of various districts and gathered information about the rain and flood situation there. He has directed the in-charge Ministers to stay put in their respective districts," the CMO said in a statement, which also informed about Yediyurappa's travel to Belagavi on Sunday. According to the information from the State Disaster Management Authority, till last evening, 131 villages in 18 taluks of the state have been affected by rains and floods, and 16,213 people have been affected and three people have died, while two were missing. Hundreds of houses have been damaged and 8,733 people were evacuated. As many as 4,964 people were taking shelter in 80 relief camps till last evening. The Chief Minister had held a virtual meeting with the district officials of Belagavi, Uttara Kannada, Shivamogga, Haveri, Chikkamagaluru and Dharwad, on Friday evening and had directed them to relocate the residents of low-lying villages along the river banks. With several dams in the state and neighbouring Maharashtra reaching brim, water is being released into the rivers, inundating lowliying and river banks areas. Rescue and relief teams like NDRF, SDRF, fire department personnels have been pressed into service in affected regions, officials said. Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government has started inoculation of infants with Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, Tamil Nadu health minister Ma Subramanian said on Saturday. While addressing a press conference here, the health minister informed that the vaccine, which costs about Rs 12,000 at private hospitals, is being administered in government hospitals for free. "The inoculation process started in Egmore hospital last week. In private hospitals, the cost of this vaccine is Rs 12,000. But it is free in government hospitals. In Egmore children's hospital, the drive has started for five-year-old infants," he said. The health minister further informed that the vaccine can be taken from the 6th week, 14th week and 9th month. "Parents will get an SMS from the health department reminding them to take their doses. 9,23,000 children need this vaccine and we will vaccinate all. The government currently has about 7,000 vaccines in stock. Speaking about the COVID-19 situation of the neighbouring state of Kerala, Subramanian said, "17,000 positive COVID-19 cases were reported in Kerala yesterday despite a reduction in country-wide cases. The Tamil Nadu Health department has reviewed the situation at the TN-Kerala border and increased vigilance at border check posts." "We have also increased awareness at the border particularly. The Health secretary and I personally visited the neighboring state border and examined the process," he added. The health minister further said, "On the data released by Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Tamil Nadu has extracted 5.88 lakh extra doses from the allotted vaccine doses by reducing wastage." The state government had on July 8 informed the court that it had arrived at the figure of Rs 500 as the rates arrived at by KMSC orRT-PCR tests through static and mobile labs was Rs 448.20 pertest. (AP) Kochi: The Kerala government has informed the High Court here that raw materials for RT-PCR tests can be supplied to private labs here at a reasonable price so that they can conduct the test for Rs 500. The state government also told the court that it has in principle agreed to the proposition that Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSC) can supply the materials as requested by private labs, as a temporary measure, particularly in light of the situation created by the pandemic. The submission before Justice T R Ravi was made in response to the court's query on July 8 as to whether KMSC can provide the raw materials for RT-PCR to private labs at a reasonable cost to enable them to conduct the test at the rate of Rs 500 which was fixed by the state government. The court's query had come on several pleas by several private labs challenging an April 30 order of the state government, slashing the rates for RT-PCR tests from Rs 1,700 to Rs 500. In view of the submission by the government, the court asked the private labs to place their orders with KMSC which in turn was asked to arrange supply of the raw materials. The court then posted the plea for further hearing on July 30. The state government had on July 8 informed the court that it had arrived at the figure of Rs 500 as the rates arrived at by KMSC orRT-PCR tests through static and mobile labs was Rs 448.20 pertest. It had also submitted that the cost of the kits and consumables for the purpose of carrying out the RT-PCR testhas come down and that for similar tests the rates charged instates like Haryana, Telangana, Uttarakhand and Odisha were comparable with the price fixed by Kerala government. The private labs, however, had contended that rates arrived at by KMSC were not justified as it makes purchases for the state in bulk and therefore, can get the materials at a much lesser price than the institutions who do not procure the same in such large volumes. Earlier, a single judge bench had declined to stay the April 30 order, against which the private labs had appealed before a division bench which dismissed the same, but left open the legal and factual contentions to be raised before the single judge. A critic I read years ago said that Shakespeare referred to the image of a foreign invasion by sea in which slings and arrows were being fired from the invading armadas. (Photo: AP) Hamlet puts it well when he says he is wondering: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/ And by opposing end them? A critic I read years ago said that Shakespeare referred to the image of a foreign invasion by sea in which slings and arrows were being fired from the invading armadas. Hence, he characterises these as a sea of troubles. Gentle reader, I was not convinced. I always thought of these slings and arrows as metaphors for the insults, injuries, blows of fate and personal disasters everyone encounters, just be being alive. And the sea of troubles? Not invading ships, perhaps but just a word for vastness? What the boy is asking himself is should he endure these S and As or should he fight against such opposition or adversity. Weve all, I will bet my bottom dollar (I didnt know you had any dollars; and in what way are they connected to your bottom? -- Ed. Sirji, please sharminda muth keejiyeh -- fd), experienced this Hamletian dilemma. One faces it in all sorts of ways from childhood onwards. Let me, for the sake of the argument that follows, concentrate on the slings and arrows I faced when I came to Britain. I was regarded in the prevalent, nasty vocabulary of the time as a wog and a Paki, both derogatory terms I heard fairly often. Blacks and Asians, through the 1960s and 1970s, the era I am talking about, were often or occasionally subjected to racism in the form of not being served in pubs, not being accepted as tenants in the rooming houses of the cities, being randomly assaulted by bums in the streets -- and of course there was deep-seated institutional racism in other ways. Slings, arrows, or sticks and stones and I decided, I suppose, to take arm against that sea of troubles. Not nobler, just a reaction. My taking arms took the form of joining organisations which were actively opposed to these particular S and A and ideologically dedicated to the progress of Britain to an egalitarian society. I must say here, gentle reader, that my perception and that of my comrades in these organisations -- and there were thousands -- was that there was a rock-solid decency in the vast majority of the British population who understood and welcomed the change in the global demographic, though some institutions, mostly class-based, needed radical undermining. And when I say we took arms, it meant working for these organisations 24/7, as the jargon goes. We picketed, demonstrated, wrote, rabble-roused, went to jail, got burnt out of our houses through firebombs thrown into them by racists (yes, I was a victim of one such assault but jumped out of the second floor of the flaming building) and did what activists do. So, its with some disappointment rather than alarm or a sense of betrayal that I now witness in Britain a shift in that taking of arms. Let a small and large example illustrate my point -- it being that the radical activity against that particular ocean of wrongs has turned into linguistic posturing. The linguistic revolutionaries target words and opinions. British university students have taken to no platforming people with whom they disagree. They ban them from expressing their opinions on university platforms. In some instances, this censorship is simply ludicrous, as when the Oxford University students union instituted a consultancy of sensitivity readers who will scrutinise all articles in the Oxford University student newspapers to weed out anything they feel might offend someone. The editors of century-old university magazines such as Cherwell in Oxford will not be in charge. The sensitivity censor will be. And this is in Britain, not North Korea. Another ludicrous incident needs mention. A geography teacher in a South London school, discoursing on Africa, told his class about the river Niger. He said, with commendable cautionary intent, that the river was spelt with one g and they must be careful to not spell it with two because that would spell the objectionable and insulting N word. He pronounced the word in order to warn pupils against using it. One black pupil walked out of his class. The pupils parents demanded that the school suspend the geography teacher. They went to the national press which wrote their reports without providing the context or the very proper warning instincts and intentions of the teacher. Yes, offence is in the mind of the victim of it. The Oxonian sensitivity censorship makes one wonder. They are protecting the readers of these publications -- fellow students from being offended, but do these readers only read Oxford University student publications? Surely, they read other things and will soon leave the shelter of Oxford and wander in the real world, where taking arms will mean more than using ear plugs? DeSoto County was recently ranked as the second best place in Mississippi for seniors to live on Social Security. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close 07/23/2021 Students study for an EH 330 class in the English department in April 2021. Photo by Matt Reynolds. by Buffy Lockette The university has approved a new policy allowing students to use their merit scholarships to cover the cost of graduate school. Beginning in Fall 2021, JSU graduates with remaining semesters in their merit scholarship package may apply their balance toward graduate tuition up to one year after graduation. Additionally, undergraduate students approved to pursue graduate coursework through the Accelerated Senior Privilege Program may use their merit scholarships for graduate tuition. We are excited at the universitys willingness to allow top performing students the opportunity to get a jumpstart on their graduate education here at JSU, said Dr. Channing Ford, dean of Graduate Studies. The Accelerated Senior Privilege Program allows undergraduate students to begin taking graduate course work after they have completed 96 hours of study. Students must notify the Financial Aid Office of their intent to use their undergraduate merit scholarship funds for graduate tuition. All merit scholarship eligibility criteria will still apply. For more information, contact Graduate Studies at Kim So-won, a comic critic and researcher / Courtesy of Kim So-won Korean girls' comics show differences in storylines from that of Japan By Park Ji-won Cover for the book "Girls Portray Ages: A History of Korean and Japanese Girls' Comics" by Kim So-won / Courtesy of Somyungbooks From the late 1950s to the 1990s, female-targeted comic books known as "sunjeong manhwa" were popular among female readers in their teens and 20s. Many would expect these stories to revolve around a starry- and wide-eyed Barbie-like lead character who struggles her way through a tough life situation but ends up falling in love with a handsome male character and living happily ever after. Also, some would think those comic books are simply a copycat of Japan's "shojo manga," literally meaning girls' comics. But Kim So-won, a comic critic and researcher who earned her Ph.D. in Japan based on her study of comics, was wondering whether this was true and found faults with the public's understanding of the Korean comics. So she compared the two types of girls' comics and revisited the history of the unique genre in her newly released book "Girls Portray Ages: A History of Korean and Japanese Girls' Comics," and concluding that there are differences between Korean and Japanese comics for girls when looking deeper than the artistic styles. Rather, "sunjeong manhwa," which portray socially ideal women specific for Korea, don't always have happy endings, and tend to mix in various genres beyond romance including fantasy, science fiction and historical fiction. "Eternal Bell" (1957) by Han Sung-ik, known as the first girls' comics in Korea / Courtesy of Somyungbooks Defining sunjeong manhwa as a genre with a unique sentiment that is both consumed and created by female readers, Kim said "After the publication of the first sunjeong manhwa, Eternal Bell by Han Sung-ik in 1957, some early sunjeong manhwa works in the 1960s have illustrations that resemble Japanese style. For example, girls in the comic books have round faces like a doll. Also the two have similar styles in drawing panels or frames. But the genres have totally different storylines and developed separately." "Many books (especially in the 1960s) show typical stories such as good girls going through and overcoming difficult situations. But they often have magical powers and help others like a fairy tale, which I didn't expect from the genre before I started my study. Also, there was no romance between characters in the publications especially in the 1960s and 1970s due to the government screening." Along with the strict screening in the 1970s, which discouraged many authors from writing diverse stories, Koreans started to favor pirated versions of Japanese comic books. "As a backlash from the oppression, more diverse comic books featuring exotic backgrounds were published in the 1980s, revolving around independent and heroic female lead characters as well as romance, as you can see in Four Daughters Of Armian (1986) by Shin Il-sook and Sword of Fire (1989) by Kim Hye-rin." Cover of the comic book "Four Daughters of Armian" (1986) by Shin Il-sook / Courtesy of Somyungbooks Cover of the first issue of the first girls' comic magazine "Renaissance" / Courtesy of Somyungbooks Kim said the definition of Sunjeong Manhwa was expanded following the birth of the first girls' comic magazine "Renaissance" in November 1988, as it aimed to publish various comics to attract many readers. "Until the 1980s, when the country was suffering from tragic incidents in society, there were tragic and negative comic books. But since the introduction of the first comic magazine, more comics tried to have bright and short stories in the 1990s according to the monthly publication. Not only romance stories, there are many stories such as comedy and same-sex love stories called BL (boys' love). Many monthly magazines were born at that time as well which were in a fierce competition with each other with various new stories to attract more readers." Kim stressed that sunjeong manhwa books tended toward having long poetic dialogue and long storylines. But the genre itself started to lose luster after the emergence of webtoons, or online comics, from the early 2000s. "The unique panel style that sunjeong manhwa had and its narrative styles were no longer working with the new computer- and mobile-based webtoons, where people prefer to read short-lined illustrations and short stories. The term sunjeong manhwa itself is nearly dead." She said many authors who were used to publication of their works monthly or ever couple weeks failed to adapt to the weekly publication system of Webtoons. "Sunjeong manhwa's unique paneling techniques don't work in the vertical scroll screen. So the term and the genre itself disappeared. But its DNA of presenting diverse stories and illustrations as well as independent and unique female characters survived in webtoons especially in the romantic comedy and fantasy genres." Cover of the 2004 comic book "Girls" by Lee Bin / Courtesy of Somyungbooks Lawmakers attend the National Assembly plenary session at its main building in Seoul, July 24. Yonhap The National Assembly approved a 34.9 trillion-won ($30.3 billion) extra budget bill, Saturday, aimed at propping up the economy battered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill was passed at a plenary meeting in a 208 to 17 vote, with 12 abstentions. The second extra budget this year came as the country is in a semi-lockdown under the toughest Level 4 social distancing measures amid the fourth, and worst, wave of mass COVID-19 infections nationwide. Through the supplementary budget, most of which will be financed by the country's excess tax revenue, the government will pump a total of about 38 trillion won into the economy to assist small merchants ravaged by antivirus business restrictions and dole out stimulus checks to citizens to buoy the economy. Of the pandemic response package, more than 5 trillion won was earmarked as relief funds for small merchants, such as operators of restaurants, cafes or private gyms that have been ordered to close or limit their business due to social distancing requirements. The package will also bankroll stimulus checks to individuals in the bottom 88 percent income bracket as well as a special cash-back reward program, aimed at boosting credit card spending. Every eligible individual will be entitled to 250,000 won of COVID-19 relief payment under the plan. The ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) had initially sought universal stimulus checks benefiting all citizens, but reached a compromise deal with the main opposition People Power Party (PPP) to exclude those in the top income brackets. Including the two this year, the country has drawn up a total of six rounds of extra spending, totaling more than 110 trillion won, so far to tackle the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic since the first local outbreak in late January 2020. Ahead of the plenary meeting, the DPK and the PPP also reached a reconciliatory deal to split up the chairmanships of the 18 National Assembly standing committees between them. Under the deal reached between the DPK and PPP floor leaders, the rival parties will divide up the chairman positions in an 11-to-seven ratio in proportion to their shares of Assembly seats during the first half of the current four-year parliamentary term. The deal will also give the chairmanship of the Special Budget and Accounts Committee, back to the PPP. Following a bipartisan row, the DPK, after winning a supermajority in the 2020 general election, took control of all 18 Assembly committees and ran them for nearly a year. Under the new deal, the DPK will hand over control of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee, seen as the all-important final gate-keeper for the legislature, to the PPP in the latter half of the Assembly's term. The parties plan to hold another plenary meeting Aug. 25 to elect the chairpersons for the seven committees reserved for the PPP as well as a deputy speaker from the main opposition party. (Yonhap) The officers and crew of the U.S.S. Monocacy in 1871 / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay By Robert Neff Unsurprisingly, you have probably never heard of Bowline Tom, Bassilio, Fore Brace, Jib Sheet and Main Tack; they were the names given to five young shipwrecked Korean fishermen who were rescued by the American warship Colorado as it sailed to Nagasaki in May 1871. These fishermen the youngest was only 19 and the oldest was 22 were among the earliest Korean witnesses of the preparations leading up to Sinmiyangyo the brief conflict between the United States and Korea in June 1871. The American fleet arrived off the coast of Jemulpo (modern-day Incheon) on May 23 and began conducting surveys. On May 31, a Korean delegation was entertained aboard the American flagship in which the Americans tried to reassure their imposed-upon hosts that they came in peace and only wanted to survey the surrounding coastal areas. The Korean delegation gave no response which the Americans mistook as approval. According to professor Thomas Duvernay, "This was probably the first cultural misunderstanding between the United States and the Korean governments, and also the most crucial to early relations." Duvernay, in his book "Sinmiyangyo: The 1871 conflict between the United States and Korea," meticulously examines and describes the conflict. The battles have been described before by various other authors using the same sources (diplomatic reports, newspapers and magazines) but Duvernay did much more than just scour archives for material he actually went out and walked the battlefields. Using copies of the Felice Beato photographs of 1871 and his own photographs taken over the last two decades, he illustrates the battle sites and narrates the events. Adding to this is information he has gleaned from the descendants of some of the conflict's participants including Eo Jae-yeon (the Korean commanding general) and Lieutenant Hugh McKee. Korean casualties during the conflict. / F. Beato image 1871, courtesy of Thomas Duvernay The book is packed full of information and each time I reread it I discover something new. There are chapters devoted to describing the weapons (Korean and American) and ships used during the conflict. Other chapters describe life aboard the warships it might surprise you to know that a surprisingly large number of the crew were not Americans including a 12-year-old Korean boy. There is a brief chapter describing Korean soldiers and their leaders and there is page after page of biographies of the chief participants. Part of the book is dedicated to explaining his own field research and his successful efforts to have Korean items taken during the conflict returned to the peninsula. I was especially amused by the section dealing with discipline aboard the warships. Some of the serious offenses such as lying to an officer, absence without leave (AWOL), gambling and fighting were rightfully punished severely with reduction of rank, solitary confinement, leg irons and, of course, bread and water. Some of the lesser infractions and their punishments were: quarreling (confinement for one to 10 days); misbehaving at divine services (solitary confinement with bread and water, or reduction of rank, or extra duty); hanging or washing hammocks and clothes in the wrong area (extra duty); making loud noises could earn you a confinement of a day to 10 days but spitting on deck only earned you extra duty from what I have read in other sources, spitting on deck was usually punished with humiliation and filth (having to carry full spittoons around your neck and later wash them. American sailors and marines on a Korean fortification / F. Beato image 1871, courtesy of Thomas Duvernay One marine, John Coleman, was charged with drunkenness on duty, resistance to lawful authority and disrespect in language and deportment to his superior officer. At his court martial he was found not guilty of the first offense but guilty of the other two and was sentenced to confinement on board ship for six months in double irons, with bread and water every alternate week and the loss of four months' pay ($52). Fortunately for Coleman, he was recommended for a medal of honor for his acts during the conflict and his punishment was waived. Not all of the acts of the sailors and marines deserved praise. A Korean merchant and his large pot / Robert Neff Collection The "bite" bullet discovered by Thomas Duvernay on Ganghwa Island / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay While passing through a Korean farmyard, one sailor smashed an onggi (large clay pot) with the butt of his rifle. It was a malicious act and caused great pain to the farmer who, "with tears in his eyes, he bent to the ground, picked up a piece of the broken jar and kissed it." According to noncommissioned officer Albion V. Wadhams who witnessed the scene, "It was touching. The hardest heart in the party was softened." This, however, was not the worst act Wadhams was acquainted with. When an artillery unit passed by a farmhouse, a Korean boy was discovered. The officer in charge made the decision to have the boy detained under guard "lest he should furnish information to his people" until the rear-ward officer could decide whether to release or keep him as a prisoner. "The order was merely verbal and not too definite" and was given to each succeeding commander as they passed the farmhouse. Wadhams was horrified to later discover that a sailor, left behind as the guard, grew impatient with the delay and "wantonly shot the poor boy" so that he could rejoin his unit. I was kind of surprised that Duvernay did not include the story about the cotton armor in his book. Almost two decades ago, I recall we were talking about the accounts of the Korean soldiers fleeing from the American marines and sailors by casting themselves into the river. Duvernay was told by some of the villagers on Ganghwa Island that the Korean soldiers were not fleeing the Americans but rather the flames their cotton armor had caught fire from the American soldiers' lead. When asked about it recently, Duvernay replied, "I won't completely discount it but even then I was a bit incredulous about it." In his preface, Duvernay wrote: "Another item I heard about was a fan. Villagers on Ganghwa Island, where the fighting in 1871 took place, told me about it. They said it was signed by the Korean defenders [as part of a death pact]. Indeed, there was a folding fan in the exhibit, and it was signed, but not by the defenders as the villagers had mentioned, but by many of the US participants. In later years, I would still hear the same thing about the fan but whenever I showed people the photos I took of it, they always had a look of discouragement." In an email correspondence with me, Duvernay added, "I think it was a way for villagers to cope with what they might have considered cowardice." The fan signed by the American sailors and marines at the U.S. Naval Academy / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay The villagers and some present-day Koreans may view it that way but the Americans involved in the conflict did not. Rear Admiral John Rodgers wrote: "The fighting inside the fort was desperate. The resolution of the Coreans was unyielding; they apparently expected no quarter, and probably would have given none. They fought to the death, and only when the last man fell did the conflict cease." The Korean sword that Thomas Duvernay helped return to Korea / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay The cover of Thomas Duvernay's "Sinmiyangyo: The 1871 conflict between the United States and Korea" published in 2021 / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay Even the American press seemed impressed with the Korean defenders' resolve. On Aug. 23, 1871, The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote: "[Our] men had pushed the Coreans down to the lower entrenchment overlooking the river, and out to the precipitous point of the peninsula, where many of them were shot fighting to the last rather than surrender; while some threw themselves into the river. This obstinacy sometimes irritated the Americans apparently to the verge of savagery. The commanding general [Bak Chi-seong] ran down to the lower fort and being pursued rushed into the river and there cut his own throat." It's amazing to see the amount of physical material Duvernay has collected, including a "bite" or "pain" bullet which he believes may have been used by a Korean soldier wounded by a canister shot. According to his theory, the soldier was told to bite down on the bullet as one of his limbs was being amputated hastily on the battlefield by an American medic. The only real complaints I have about the book are: there are not enough maps in English and I think it would be great to have the Korean narrative of the events. Duvernay has assured me that his friend Eo Jae-seon (great-great-grandson of General Eo Jae-yeon) is working on a book giving the Korean perspective of the conflict but even he is struggling to find material. As for the many items related to the conflict that Duvernay has collected over the years, it is his intention for them to all eventually go into the museum that Eo Jae-seon is establishing. "I don't consider them to be mine," Duvernay explained. "I am just their current caretaker." When asked why he wrote the book, he replied: "While the 1871 battle between the United States and Korea was not a major event in either country's history, it was still an important event when it comes to looking at the history of relations between the two countries. People from both countries can see the changes in the relationship from 150 years ago to the present. Also, to us today, it might seem like an insignificant event in the grand scheme of things, but to the three Americans and the probably more than 300 Koreans who died in battle with each other in June 1871, it was their entire world ending in service to their countries. The sacrifices on both sides touched me deeply; they should never be forgotten." Thomas Duvernay and the sujagi (general's flag) that he helped return to Korea / Courtesy of Thomas Duvernay Description Req #15397 Sunday, June 13, 2021 Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is a subscription-led and digitally focused media and marketing solutions company committed to empowering communities to thrive. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of millions with our Pulitzer-Prize winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Our current portfolio of media assets includes USA TODAY, local media organizations in 46 states in the U.S., and Newsquest, a wholly owned subsidiary operating in the United Kingdom with more than 120 local news media brands. Gannett also owns the digital marketing services companies ReachLocal, Inc., UpCurve, Inc., and WordStream, Inc., which are marketed under the LOCALiQ brand, and runs the largest media-owned events business in the U.S., USA TODAY NETWORK Ventures. To connect with us, visit The Tennessean and the USA Today Network - Tennessee is seeking a Nashville city government and politics reporter to join our dynamic newsroom. Nashville is a booming city but one facing a host of challenges, too. Those range from financial sustainability and how to balance tremendous growth with needed city services to how its police department interacts with minority communities. The successful candidate will regularly break news, tell stories about how policy and the actions of the mayor and 40-member city council impact Nashvillians and its diverse residents and neighborhoods. The writer who joins our award-winning team will have a commitment to holding those in power accountable, reporting on solutions, a passion for storytelling and innovation, video and social media expertise and the ability to collaborate with colleagues. The ideal candidate produces smart, context-filled stories and other content on tight deadlines and understands the difference in writing for various platforms. This is a high-profile position in the Nashville newsroom and requires a versatile journalist equally skilled in building and working sources as well as developing and reporting new angles on trending topics. The successful candidate will: Report and deliver a steady stream of news stories to a growing audience that looks to The Tennessean as the definitive source of news for Nashville and Middle Tennessean. Put a human face on the news, approaching the beat through the lens of how policies impact Nashvillians, particularly in key target audiences. Bring a digital mindset to the beat, using social media savvy to bring news to readers where they are. That means employing real-time metrics to respond to audience demand and reader interest. Use live video to spotlight breaking news and high-interest events. Provide thoughtful analysis of complex issues and produce watchdog journalism that leads to change. Act as a public ambassador through community outreach and connect with readers through social media platforms. Here's what you need: Bachelor's degree in journalism or related discipline At least three to five years of reporting experience Excellent communication and time management skills Ability to produce accurate and detailed content in a competitive environment Expertise with all major social media platforms Video production skills a plus A valid driver's license is required The USA Today Network Tennessee consists of The Tennessean in Nashville, the Knoxville News Sentinel, The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, The Leaf-Chronicle in Clarksville, the Daily News Journal in Murfreesboro, The Daily Herald in Columbia and the Oak Ridger in Oak Ridge. We are an energetic and fast-paced media company with a news team committed to covering Tennessee. If youre looking for a rewarding challenge, the USA Today Network Tennessee is the place to be. #content #content Gannett Co., a proud equal opportunity employer. We are a drug free, EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. We will consider all qualified candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, disability, education, political affiliation, or veteran status. Job Family Frontline Journalists Job Function Consumer Pay Type Hourly Other details recblid jn8dbioqcssuppxpj4vn2edq8q8o90 Requirements None Req #15961 Friday, May 21, 2021 Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is a subscription-led and digitally focused media and marketing solutions company committed to empowering communities to thrive. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of millions with our Pulitzer-Prize winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Our current portfolio of media assets includes USA TODAY, local media organizations in 46 states in the U.S., and Newsquest, a wholly owned subsidiary operating in the United Kingdom with more than 120 local news media brands. Gannett also owns the digital marketing services companies ReachLocal, Inc., UpCurve, Inc., and WordStream, Inc., which are marketed under the LOCALiQ brand, and runs the largest media-owned events business in the U.S., USA TODAY NETWORK Ventures. To connect with us, visit Associate Producer The Associate Producer is responsible for the overall efficiency, project management, and creative direction for the teams Pre-Sale, Pre-Production and Production efforts. The Associate Producer will work closely with the Producer as well as GET Creatives content strategy teams and Director to ideate video/film/multimedia concepts. Once a campaign/program is sold, He/She/They will work to develop budgets, timelines, source and obtain talent, crew, equipment and location permits for each execution. The Associate producer will also be responsible for obtaining and developing custom contracts with Gannetts legal team for talent, third-party marks and locations based off the requirements of the campaign. During production, He/She/They will provide call-sheets, schedules, and setting up on-set logistics for crew, client, and talent (ex. catering, Wi-Fi access, travel etc.). He/She/They will maintain a confident client facing professionalism, a leader on set and maintain an organized end-to-end production. Once the project moves into post-production, he/she/they will work closely with the Producer and Editor team to transition the project and close out the production (ingesting total production costs and invoices, as well as balancing budgets). The Associate Producer is an innovative and strategic member of the team who thinks beyond individual projects and campaigns. Constantly curious and creative, he/she/they is aware of and following the latest video innovations and trends. Further, he/she establishes and maintains standards of work and educates her colleagues on video, photo and audio innovations and findings of analysis in an effort to constantly drive improvement and greater team success. Furthermore, he/she establishes and maintains high standards of work, unflagging dedication to getting the job done, and supports his/her/their colleagues with key intel and insights, so as to help drive team improvement and future success. Finally, the Associate Producer contributes to the visual representation of the GET Creative brand. This may include the development of sizzle reels for sales or marketing materials, brand portfolios and presentations. The Associate Producer will work closely with the Producer, but will report to GET Creatives Head of Visual Storytelling. Responsibilities Conceptualize and produce video projects Aid in the development of programs, contribute concepts, creating potential budgets and talent options for pre-sale opportunities alongside the Producer Assist in the development and management of production budgets for sold projects and campaigns from the beginning of projects through the end Line producing shoots and projects oAcquiring locations oHire Crew and other on-set support roles oDistributing call-Sheets oSetting up on set logistics oIngesting invoices and tax forms Assist in the development and acquisition of custom contracts for talent, locations and crew Maintain a professional on-set posture Troubleshoot technical issues Qualifications 1-3+ years experience as a video/film producer Expertise within the Adobe Creative Suite (Specifically Premiere, inDesign and Photoshop) Comfortable working with spreadsheet software (Google Docs/Microsoft Excel) A valid drivers license Willing to travel Excellent client relations skills Comfortable with a fast-paced production environment Extreme attention to detail Exceptional technical problem-solving abilities Ability to multi-task and problem solve effectively Req #14846 Monday, March 29, 2021 Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is an innovative, digitally focused media and marketing solutions company committed to strengthening communities across our network. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of nearly 140 million people monthly with our Pulitzer-Prize winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Gannett brands include the USA TODAY and more than 260 daily local newspaper brands, digital marketing services companies ReachLocal , WordStream, and ThriveHive and U.K. media company Newsquest. There's never been a better time to join our talented team. Visit to learn more about our opportunities, and visit Gannett Privacy Policy to understand our privacy policy. DOCK WORKER/OPERATIONS COORDINATOR GANNETT PUBLISHING SERVICES NEWARK, OH GannettPublishing Services, located in Northland Columbus, OH, is recruiting for a part-time,Operations Coordinatorfor our Newspaper Distribution Center working 20-29 hours per week.This individual provides general support for a Distribution center performing a variety of tasks and responsibilities within home delivery including delivery of newspapers. Position requires flexibility to work varied days and hours including weekends and holidays as needed. Distribution and handling of daily and non-daily products to carriers, haulers, retailers and consumers. Unload and load trucks containing various print publications. Open the Distribution Center and prepare for the independent contractor arrival by printing, preparing and distributing specified reports and paperwork. Utilize industry specific software to handle required reporting for center. General housekeeping of distribution center. Complete required documentation and reports for center as needed. Assist with delivering newspapers. Respond to and resolve subscriber service issues Maintain and repair news racks throughout the designated distribution area. Assist with training Product Handlers or Product Coordinators as needed. Requirements: Valid drivers license, satisfactory motor vehicle record, dependable automobile, and liability insurance required.Strong organizational and communication skills required for a fast-paced environment.Good computer skills including Microsoft office. Good time management skills.Good verbal and written communication skills.Must be able to push and pull carts loaded with newspapers weighing up to 500 pounds with assistance and repetitively lift newspaper bundles weighing up to 25 pounds. Education: high school or equivalent Gannett Co., Inc. is a proud equal opportunity employer. We are a drug free, EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. We will consider all qualified candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, disability, education, political affiliation, or veteran status. Job Family GateHouse Media Pay Type Hourly Other details Description Req #8925 Monday, October 21, 2019 Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is an innovative, digitally focused media and marketing solutions company committed to strengthening communities across our network. With an unmatched reach at the national and local level, Gannett touches the lives of nearly 140 million people monthly with our Pulitzer-Prize winning content, consumer experiences and benefits, and advertiser products and services. Gannett brands include the USA TODAY and more than 260 daily local newspaper brands, digital marketing services companies ReachLocal , WordStream, and ThriveHive and U.K. media company Newsquest. There's never been a better time to join our talented team. Visit to learn more about our opportunities, and visit Gannett Privacy Policy to understand our privacy policy. About the Opportunity ReachLocal is looking for a Client Success Manager to develop and execute on digital marketing strategies for our companys clients. This role will formulate appropriate strategies and implementation plans,and will be responsible for the ongoing management of the clients digital marketing plan. Job Summary The Client Success Manager will advise our clients on how best to leverage current and emerging marketing solutions to meet their business needs. This role will possess strong expertise in existing and emerging business marketing solutions, and will collaborate with our sales consultants to identify opportunities and effectively deliver on marketing solutions to best suit our clients business needs & maximize their return on investment (advertising expenses). Strong proficiency in customer relationship management, online search and display advertising techniques and ReachLocal proprietary technologies are required. This role will manage day to day campaign performance, assess digital campaign trends, facilitate client advertising performance discussions, and identify creative new advertising techniques to further our clients digital marketing needs. About Your Responsibilities: Build rapport with client representatives and marketing staffs through routine and scheduled interactions Develop & advise on marketing strategies by understanding client expectations, assessing feasibility and identifying marketing and advertising opportunities for our clients Monitor, evaluate, and leverage standard processes to manage SEM/display campaign performance across ReachLocals publisher networks to determine improvement opportunities Troubleshoot performance issues using digital advertising best practices while creating new, innovative solutions to meet the changing needs of our clients Drive campaign ROI and leverage client relationships to assist the sales team in growing accounts Manage client expectations, communication and performance metrics Incorporate constantly evolving technologies and processes into the client solution delivery process Key Skills: Ability to quickly master business process, marketing and technology concepts Demonstrated expertise in customer relationship management Mastery of key technologies and systems to manage digital marketing campaigns Advanced capabilities to effectively manage digital advertising campaigns Search, Display, Marketing Management Systems etc. Strong technical skills to establish, assess, modify/adjust, and routinely improve marketing campaigns over their lifecycle Demonstrated expertise with digital marketing publishing systems & processes Strong verbal and written communication skills Key Competencies: Customer Focus Establish and maintain effective relationships with clients Seek client feedback and incorporate it into future activities Demonstrate dedication to meeting client expectations and requirements Organization: Able to manage time and prioritize multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment Organize tasks, deliverables and meet commitments on time Analytical Thinking Capable of interpreting data and making recommendations to prove performance Quickly identify the symptoms and underlying cause of problems Business Process and Technology Acumen Capable of quickly mastering business processes Ability to master technology solutions Conflict Management Good at focused listening Can find common ground and explains differing viewpoints comprehensively QUALIFICATIONS About You: Bachelors Degree in General Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Journalism or English 2+ years hands-on experience managing online/digital advertising campaigns Must have 3+ years of client service/account management experience. About ReachLocal Are you looking for a company that values innovation, passion, and a healthy work/life balance? A job where you feel supported and appreciated? At ReachLocal, we know our employees drive success, and we strive to create a thriving company culture where youll enjoy coming to work every day. Here, you can walk through the halls and bump into our CEO, catch an inter-office ping pong tournament, or support a local cause with your fellow employees. Are you ready to join a company where you can have fun and work with some of brightest people in digital marketing? Our mission is to help local businesses all over the world reach more local customers online. As a leader in powering online marketing for local businesses, ReachLocal has been recognized for outstanding products and exceptional employees, having won Googles Quality Account Champion in North America and Googles Innovation Champion Award in Canada. ReachLocal is headquartered in Woodland Hills, CA, with over 35 locations throughout the United States, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. We invite you to learn more about us, connect with us, and grow with us here: Career Site: Blog: LinkedIn: Twitter: Youtube: Hear from our employees: ReachLocal is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants for all job openings are welcome and will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or any other basis protected by state, federal or local law. It is the intent of the Company to comply with all applicable federal, state and local legislation concerning equal opportunity in employment. Gannett Co., Inc. is a proud equal opportunity employer. We are a drug free, EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. We will consider all qualified candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, disability, education, political affiliation, or veteran status. Other details Job Family Client Strategy Job Function Marketing Solutions Pay Type Salary Other details recblid b4zbfjgg6l3f5e73f3ld9xhzrz2reb Requirements None Cretin-Derham Hall is hiring a part-time Audio-Visual Technician. Responsibilities would include audio/visual setup for school assemblies, meetings, events, etc. and to provide staffing assistance in the Library Media Center. Some evening and weekend work will be required. Candidate should possess a college degree, audio/visual training and experience, and experience working in a school setting. Send resume, cover letter, 2 letters of recommendation, transcripts and credentials to Lauri Malm at Application Deadline is August 2, 2021 Cretin-Derham Hall is a Catholic co-educational high school, co-sponsored by the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, committed to Christian values and academic excellence in grades nine through twelve. We educate young men and women of diverse abilities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds for opportunities in post-secondary education. The school is located on a large campus in the Highland Park residential area of St. Paul. We are committed to the values of Catholic, Academic, Leadership, Community, Service, Diversity, and Equity. recblid 6jnfoar8ac4eon5jzqfiyx0seqg0hx Salary $41,450.20 - $50,362.21 Annually Location Santa Rosa, CA Job Type Full-Time Department Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters Department (CRA) Job Number 21/07-0386-OB Closing 8/16/2021 11:59 PM Pacific Position Information Are you bilingual and experienced in customer service? Grow Your Career with the County of Sonoma as a Clerk-Recorder-Assessor Specialist I - Bilingual! Starting salary up to $24.13/hour ($50,362/year) plus a cash allowance of approximately $600/month* As a Clerk-Recorder-Assessor (CRA) Specialist I, you will: Provide a variety of customer service support in person, on the phone, and in writing Perform cashiering services and account for payments from customers Explain legal requirements to the public regarding filing, recording, and requesting a wide variety of legal documents Provide clerical and technical support to the Clerk-Recorder-Assessor's Office Work independently and as a team with co-workers CRA Specialist I positions receive on-the-job training, and as experience and knowledge is gained, there are professional growth opportunities to move into the CRA Specialist II positions. The ideal candidate will possess: Two years of clerical experience delivering customer service support in an office environment A commitment to exemplary customer services support Excellent bilingual communication and interpersonal skills in order to work effectively with staff and the public by phone, in person, and in writing The ability to work independently and exercise sound judgment Meticulous attention to detail and a capacity to focus on complex work, tasks, and projects in a fast-paced environment with frequent interruptions Some experience working with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and/or legal property documents is highly desirable Strong MS Office skills, including Outlook, Word, and Excel Working at the County of Sonoma offers expansive opportunities for growth and development, the ability to be a part of a challenging and rewarding work environment, and the satisfaction of knowing you're working to better our communities. You can also look forward to excellent benefits* including: An annual Staff Development/Wellness Benefit allowance up to $500 and ongoing education/training opportunities Competitive vacation and sick leave accruals, 12 paid holidays, and an additional 8 floating holiday hours per year Significant portion of health care premiums paid by the County and access to several health plan options County contribution to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement to help fund post-retirement employee health insurance/benefits Retirement fully integrated with Social Security May be eligible for up to 8 weeks (320 hours) of Paid Parental Leave after 12 months of County employment Eligibility for a salary increase after 1,040 hours (6 months when working full-time) for good work performance; eligibility for a salary increase for good performance every year thereafter, until reaching the top of the salary range Bilingual premium pay is an additional $1.15 cents per hour on top of the hourly pay rate. Fluent (reading, writing, conversation) Spanish is required for this position. Applicants who do not indicate they possess this skill will not be considered for this recruitment. The bilingual premium pay begins upon the assignment of bilingual work. *Salary is negotiable within the established range. Benefits described herein do not represent a contract and may be changed without notice. Additional information can found in the Service Employees International Union Local 1021 Memorandum Of Understanding (SEIU MOU) . Bilingual positions require English and Spanish skills at either the basic (conversational) or fluent (reading, writing, and conversational) level. Applicants who wish to be considered for bilingual positions must indicate their proficiency level in the required supplemental questionnaire. An examination will be conducted prior to appointment to a bilingual designated position to confirm level of skill in this area. The Clerk-Recorder-Assessor's Office is recruiting to fill a full-time position. This employment list may also be used to fill future bilingual (English and Spanish) full-time, part-time, or extra-help positions as they occur during the active status of the list. County employees who wish to be considered for future positions should consider applying to this recruitment. APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS REQUIRE THE SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE BE COMPLETED. Minimum Qualifications Education & Experience: Any combination of education, training, and experience which would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities listed. Normally, this would include one year of full-time clerical experience in an office environment providing customer service. License: Possession of a valid driver's license at the appropriate level including special endorsements, as required by the State of California, may be required depending upon assignment to perform the essential job functions of the position. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Working knowledge of: English grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and composition. Some Knowledge of: basic real estate practices; general clerical and office practices and procedures; word processing and other data processing programs used in business offices. Ability to: learn to perform responsible support and customer service work with accuracy and speed; provide varied, confidential, and responsible work requiring the use of tact and discretion; learn and understand the organization and operation of the County and of outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities; learn, explain, and apply office policies and procedures; apply, explain, and ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local policies, procedures, laws, and regulations; respond to and effectively prioritize multiple phone calls, in person traffic, and other requests/interruptions; follow oral and written instructions and communicate effectively orally and in writing; understand, explain, and apply specific statutes, codes, laws, regulations, and procedures; gather, organize and evaluate information; accurately prepare and maintain forms and records; learn to use microfiche and microfilm readers, computers, typewriters, calculators, and other office equipment; organize, maintain, and update database and records systems; make accurate arithmetic; learn to enter and retrieve data from a computer with sufficient speed and accuracy; react calmly and professionally in emergency, emotional, and/or stressful situations; maintain high personal standards of ethics and integrity; interact effectively with persons of different social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds; learn to operate and maintain computer equipment and specialized software applications programs; use English effectively to communicate in person, over the telephone, and in writing; work independently in performing assignment and in resolving problems and deviations; learn to use independent initiative and discretion in organizing work and carrying out instructions within a structured environment; work effectively and courteously with co-workers, other agencies, and the general public. Selection Procedure & Some Helpful Tips When Applying Your application information and your responses to the supplemental questions are evaluated and taken into consideration throughout the entire selection process. You should list all employers and positions held within the last ten years in the work history section of your application. Be as thorough as possible when responding to the supplemental questions. You may include history beyond ten years if related to the position for which you are applying. If you held multiple positions with one employer, list out each position separately. Failure to follow these instructions may impact your competitiveness in this process or may result in disqualification. Please visit Getting a Job with the County of Sonoma to review more detailed information about the application, examination, and department selection processes. APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS REQUIRE THE SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE BE COMPLETED. Responses to supplemental questions will be scored using position-specific criteria. Please provide specific and detailed responses of a reasonable length to allow for thorough assessment of your qualifications. Responses which state "See Resume" or "See Application" may be considered insufficient and therefore may not be scored. The selection procedure will consist of the following examination: An Application & Supplemental Questionnaire Appraisal Examination (weight 100%) will be conducted to evaluate each applicant's application and supplemental questionnaire for satisfaction of minimum qualifications (pass/not pass); and for educational coursework, training, experience, knowledge, and abilities which relate to this position. Each applicant will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Relevance of work history, related experience, and achieved level of education and/or training as described in the application and responses to the supplemental questions. Candidates demonstrating possession of the minimum qualifications will be placed on an employment list in order of most qualified to least qualified based on the achieved score received in the Application & Supplemental Questionnaire Appraisal Examination. Scores may be adjusted based on such factors as number of candidates, anticipated vacancies, past practice, and natural breaks in the scores achieved by this group of candidates. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A background investigation is required prior to employment. Candidates referred to departments for a selection interview are typically required to sign authorization and release forms enabling such an investigation. Failure to sign prescribed forms will result in the candidate not being considered further for that vacancy. Reference information will not be made available to applicants. Additional requirements, such as successful completion of a physical exam, drug screen, etc., may apply, depending on the duties and responsibilities of the position. If you receive a conditional job offer for the position, the requirements upon which the offer are contingent will be outlined in the conditional job letter. You may also review the Job Classification Screening Schedule to determine the requirements for this position. HOW TO APPLY Applications are accepted online at: (see application details) . Paper applications may be submitted by person, fax (see application details)), email, or through the mail. All applications and appropriate supplemental information as outlined in the job bulletin must be RECEIVED by the time and date specified on the first page of this job announcement. Applications received after the recruitment closes will not be accepted. The County of Sonoma values diversity and is dedicated to creating a workplace environment that provides individuals with a sense of belonging. We are committed to having a diverse workforce that is representative of the communities we serve. The County is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer where all aspects of employment are based on merit, competence, performance, and business need. HR Analyst: JT HR Technician: RR IMPORTANT NOTE: Benefits described herein do not apply to Extra Help positions. COUNTY OF SONOMA BENEFITS: GENERAL* These are some of the excellent benefits the County offers: Paid Time Off : Competitive vacation and sick leave accruals; 12 paid holidays, and an additional 8 floating holiday hours per year; and may be eligible for up to 8 weeks (320 hours) of Paid Parental Leave after 12 months of County employment. Health Plan : Choice of five health plans (a PPO, EPO, HMO, and two deductible HMOs) with a County contribution toward the premium (the contribution amount varies by bargaining unit. For specific details, please refer to the applicable MOU). A County contribution to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement is available for some bargaining units. Cash Allowance : In addition to monthly salary, a cash allowance of approximately $600 per month. Retirement : Fully integrated with Social Security. IRS 457 Plan : Pre-tax employee contribution up to the IRS annual maximum. Retiree Medical : County contribution to a Health Reimbursement Arrangement to help fund post-retirement employee health insurance/benefits. Plus excellent dental, vision, disability, life insurance, professional development and more. For answers to specific questions regarding the employment process, more details about benefits or retirement, please contact Human Resources at (see application details). Additional details about benefit and compensation packages can be found in the MOUs located here: (see application details) . For specific information about health and welfare benefits including plan options, coverage, and premium amounts go to (see application details) or, contact the Human Resources' Risk Management-Benefits Office at (see application details) or (see application details). *IMPORTANT NOTES: Benefits described herein do not represent a contract and may be changed without notice. The Executive Assistant will support the work of our Chief of Quality/Population Health and Chief Human Resource Officers. Position Objective: Provides administrative/secretarial support to the Vice President and other staff and consultants as required. Performs diversified administrative and secretarial functions. Essential Job Duties: Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions Organizes, coordinates, and schedules appointments and meetings with medical center personnel, members of the medical staff, other healthcare professionals, outside consultants, sales representatives, and other business professionals. Provides executive assistance and manages all office functions including retention of all documents, supply inventory, billing and invoices. Analyzes, sorts, composes, and maintains statistical information for preparation of all reports. Communicates as appropriate with various departments to compile data for reports. Coordinates all correspondence for the Vice President's office and all associated areas, including processing incoming mail and responding to routine correspondence according to established procedures; screens visitors and telephone calls; provides assistance with routine requests and inquiries, and refers as appropriate. Prepares, assembles, reviews, and assures distribution of information appropriately and as required for the preparation and follow-up of meetings or forums. Attends and records, transcribes and distributes minutes for meetings and conferences as required. Maintains and updates initiative departmental policies and procedures. Researches information to address issues and prepares update/response for the Vice President. Maintains productivity without direction, prioritizing work assignments appropriately. Makes travel, meeting, and conference arrangements according to medical center policies and procedures. Prepares travel itineraries and coordinates communication to appropriate agencies and individuals. Provides coverage for other Executive Assistants or Sr. Executive Assistant as necessary in their absence. Educational/Experience Requirements: Associates Degree in Secretarial Science or equivalent experience. Five to eight years in office or administrative support work with increasingly high level of responsibility. Excellent written and oral communication skills required. Must be able to prioritize multiple projects and meet deadlines; anticipate, recognize, analyze and resolve situations requiring a decision and to ensure the execution of the decision. Must have the ability to work independently, under pressure and demonstrate proper professional judgment. Minimum 70 wpm typing, spelling and grammar skills required. Dictation and transcription skills, and shorthand or speedwriting, must be demonstrated. Computer literacy required. Word processing skills must be demonstrated. All applications of Microsoft Office Suite required. Experience with PowerPoint presentation software. Ability to review and catalogue documents appropriately. RequiredLicense/Certifications: None. Working Conditions, Equipment, Physical Demands: There is a reasonable expectation that employees in this position will not be exposed to blood-borne pathogens. Physical Demands - Light work. Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 10 pounds of force frequently, and/or a negligible amount of force constantly to move objects. If the use of arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for sedentary work and the worker sits most of the time, the job is rated for light work. The physical demands and work environment that have been described are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this position. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The above job description is an overview of the functions and requirements for this position. This document is not intended to be an exhaustive list encompassing every duty and requirement of this position; your supervisor may assign other duties as deemed necessary. Join a team that embraces your love for working with people, mentoring them as they achieve personal and professional goals. Sodexo is seeking an Food Operations Manager 2 for University of Nevada, Reno located in Reno, NV. Sodexo provides concessions and suites catering services for the Mackay Stadium and Lawlor Events Center. Each of these facilities may offer both standard concessions and high end catering opportunities. Relocation Assistance Available The successful candidate will: have oversight of day-to-day operations; deliver high quality food service; achieve company and client financial targets and goals; develop and maintain client and customer relationships; develop strategic plans; create a positive environment; and/or ensure Sodexo standards are met. Is this opportunity right for you? We are looking for candidates who: have a work history demonstrating strong employee engagement leadership skills, as well as previous supervisory experience and the ability to work collaboratively; have culinary production experience and a strong background in safety and sanitation compliance; can manage multiple priorities, demonstrate professional communication skills, and a passion for a high level of customer service; prioritize tasks and exhibit flexibility to take on additional responsibilities as needed; and/or demonstrate working knowledge of Sodexo Food Management System (FMS) The Market Connection (TMC) and is proficient in computer skills and report management experience. This is only for internal candidates as external candidates won't have this knowledge Learn more about University of Nevada, Reno at At Sodexo, we believe every employee should have the resources to be their best. As part of our overall rewards, we offer benefits programs designed to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle including health, dental and vision insurance. We also offer other benefits like paid time off, financial and savings programs, 401k, and access to our employee assistance program and other discounts. Click here for more information about Sodexo's Benefits. Not the job for you? We offer Food Service Management positions in a variety of business segments, including Corporate, Schools, Universities, Government and Agencies, Healthcare, Senior Living and Sports and Leisure locations across the United States. Continue your search for Food Service Management jobs. Working for Sodexo: At Sodexo, you will find the ingredients for a great career in food service management. With benefits including schedules that encourage work-life balance and continuing education opportunities, you'll enjoy an improved quality of life that's unique in the hospitality industry. Salary $94,744.00 - $144,664.00 Annually Location Arlington *METRO-accessible*, VA Job Type Full-Time Department County Attorney's Office Job Number 9702-22A-CAO-HQ Closing 8/19/2021 11:59 PM Eastern Position Information Note: This position may be under-filled as Assistant County Attorney I. The appointee to this position will primarily provide legal services in relation to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (VFOIA). The primary duties focus on providing analysis of records proposed for release in response to requests under the VFOIA; determining the applicability of exemptions to disclosure requirements for records in the possession or under the control of the County; and providing guidance and training to the County FOIA Officer, County departments and FOIA coordinators on VFOIA. Additional duties for this position include: Handling civil litigation before state and local courts in relation to the VFOIA, including mandamus hearings; Maintaining current knowledge of the VFOIA and court cases and opinions relevant to it; Organizing, interpreting and applying legal principles to analyze and address legal problems using sound professional judgment, as well as excellent research and writing skills; Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with public officials, staff, and the general public; Coordinating with departments on litigation hold requirements for litigation matters and claims, and electronic discovery issues; and Coordinating with the County's record manager on records management matters. This position is expected to function with supervision and requires knowledge of general and local government related Virginia law, and federal laws and regulations, including their relationship to the authority and functions of county government. Selection Criteria Minimum: A Juris Doctor from an accredited school of law and litigation experience. Must be an active member in good standing of the Virginia State Bar. Desirable: Preference will be given to applicants with the following: Previous employment with a Virginia city or county government; and Experience with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Special Requirements A letter of application is required. Please use the space in the supplemental questionnaire or attach a cover letter to your application that addresses how your education, training and experience meet the SELECTION CRITERIA as stated in the job announcement Minimum and Desirable Qualifications as well as the statements in the Desirable section of the job announcement. Please be specific regarding your role and responsibilities in relevant positions; also indicate the employer(s) where experience was gained. Additional Information Telework: Opportunities for significant telework are available. However, this is not a full telework position, and the attorney filling this position is expected to be able to attend in-person court hearings in the Arlington County Circuit Court and any other Virginia Courts as needed. The salary range for Assistant County Attorney I is $83,220.80 - $127,067.20 Annually. Completion of the Supplemental Questionnaire is required and a part of the application process for consideration for this position. Please do not give "see resume" as a response to questions. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Arlington County Government employee benefits depend on whether a position is permanent, the number of hours worked, and the number of months the position is scheduled. Specific information on benefits and conditions of employment can be found on the Arlington County Human Resources Department website: (see application details) Permanent, Full-Time Appointments All jobs are permanent, full-time appointments unless otherwise stated in the announcement. The following benefits are available: Paid Leave : Vacation leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. Leave accrual increases every three years until eight hours of leave are earned biweekly for twelve or more years of service. Sick leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. There are eleven paid holidays each year. Health and Dental Insurance : Three group health insurance plans are offered - a network open access plan, a point-of-service plan, and a health maintenance organization. A group dental insurance plan is also offered. The County pays a significant portion of the premium for these plans for employees and their dependents. A discount vision plan is provided for eye care needs. Life Insurance : A group term policy of basic life insurance is provided at no cost to employees. The benefit is one times annual salary. Additional life insurance is available with rates based on the employee's age and smoker/non-smoker status. Retirement : The County offers three vehicles to help you prepare for retirement: a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan (401(a)), and a deferred compensation plan (457). The defined benefit plan provides a monthly retirement benefit based on your final average salary and years of service with the County. You contribute a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to this plan. General employees contribute 4% of pay; uniformed public safety employees contribute 7.5% of pay. Employees become vested in the plan at five years of service. The County also contributes to this plan. For general employees, the County also contributes 4.2% of pay to a defined contribution plan (401(a)) . The County also matches your 457 contribution, up to $20 per pay period, in this plan. The 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to set aside money on either a pre-tax (457b) or post-tax (457 Roth) basis up to the IRS annual limit. New employees are automatically enrolled with a pre-tax contribution equal to 2% of your base pay. Other Benefits: The County also offers health, dependent care, and parking flexible spending accounts; long-term care insurance; tuition assistance; transit and walk/bike to work subsidies; a college savings plan; wellness programs; training opportunities; and a variety of other employee benefits. Permanent, Part-Time Appointments: Part time employees who work ten or more hours per week receive paid leave and benefits in proportion to the number of hours worked per week. Limited Term Appointments: Benefits are the same as permanent appointments except that the employees do not achieve permanent status. Temporary Regular Appointments: Temporary regular employees who work 30 hours or more per week are eligible for health, dental, and basic life insurance as described above. They are also eligible for vacation, sick leave, and paid holidays. Temporary Seasonal and Occasional Appointments: Temporary employees who work on a seasonal basis or variable hours receive sick leave, but do not normally receive other paid leave or benefits. Exceptions are noted in individual announcements. Salary $112,819.20 - $172,307.20 Annually Location Arlington *METRO-accessible*, VA Job Type Full-Time Department County Attorney's Office Job Number 9701-22A-CAO-HQ Closing 8/19/2021 11:59 PM Eastern Position Information Note: This position may be under-filled as Assistant County Attorney II. The appointee to this senior level position will provide legal services in a wide variety of local government law areas. The primary duties expected of this position focus on complex transactional matters including but not limited transactions for municipal finance and affordable housing loan and financing; intergovernmental agreements, leases, grant agreements, and renewable energy related agreements, among others. The position is expected to function with limited supervision and requires comprehensive, in-depth knowledge of general and local government related Virginia law, and federal laws and regulations, including their relationship to the authority and functions of county government. Additional responsibilities for this position include: Reviewing and preparing agreements, contracts, ordinances, resolutions, and other legal documents, as well as preparing opinions for and rendering legal advice to the County Board, the County Manager, and County departments and staff; Organizing, interpreting and applying difficult legal principles; Analyzing and addressing complex legal problems using sound professional judgment, as well as excellent research and writing skills; and Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with public officials, staff, and the general public. Selection Criteria Minimum: A Juris Doctor from an accredited school of law, and significant experience in the practice of Virginia law. Must be an active member in good standing of the Virginia State Bar. Desirable: Preference will be given to applicants with the following: Previous employment with a Virginia city or county government; and Previous experience in complex transactional deals. Special Requirements A letter of application is required. Please use the space in the supplemental questionnaire or attach a cover letter to your application that addresses how your education, training and experience meet the SELECTION CRITERIA as stated in the job announcement Minimum and Desirable Qualifications as well as the statements in the Desirable section of the job announcement. Please be specific regarding your role and responsibilities in relevant positions; also indicate the employer(s) where experience was gained. Additional Information Work Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Telework: The office has a generous flexwork and telework policy. The salary range for Assistant County Attorney II is $94,744.00 - $144,664.00 Annually. Completion of the Supplemental Questionnaire is required and a part of the application process for consideration for this position. Please do not give "see resume" as a response to questions. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Arlington County Government employee benefits depend on whether a position is permanent, the number of hours worked, and the number of months the position is scheduled. Specific information on benefits and conditions of employment can be found on the Arlington County Human Resources Department website: (see application details) Permanent, Full-Time Appointments All jobs are permanent, full-time appointments unless otherwise stated in the announcement. The following benefits are available: Paid Leave : Vacation leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. Leave accrual increases every three years until eight hours of leave are earned biweekly for twelve or more years of service. Sick leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. There are eleven paid holidays each year. Health and Dental Insurance : Three group health insurance plans are offered - a network open access plan, a point-of-service plan, and a health maintenance organization. A group dental insurance plan is also offered. The County pays a significant portion of the premium for these plans for employees and their dependents. A discount vision plan is provided for eye care needs. Life Insurance : A group term policy of basic life insurance is provided at no cost to employees. The benefit is one times annual salary. Additional life insurance is available with rates based on the employee's age and smoker/non-smoker status. Retirement : The County offers three vehicles to help you prepare for retirement: a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan (401(a)), and a deferred compensation plan (457). The defined benefit plan provides a monthly retirement benefit based on your final average salary and years of service with the County. You contribute a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to this plan. General employees contribute 4% of pay; uniformed public safety employees contribute 7.5% of pay. Employees become vested in the plan at five years of service. The County also contributes to this plan. For general employees, the County also contributes 4.2% of pay to a defined contribution plan (401(a)) . The County also matches your 457 contribution, up to $20 per pay period, in this plan. The 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to set aside money on either a pre-tax (457b) or post-tax (457 Roth) basis up to the IRS annual limit. New employees are automatically enrolled with a pre-tax contribution equal to 2% of your base pay. Other Benefits: The County also offers health, dependent care, and parking flexible spending accounts; long-term care insurance; tuition assistance; transit and walk/bike to work subsidies; a college savings plan; wellness programs; training opportunities; and a variety of other employee benefits. Permanent, Part-Time Appointments: Part time employees who work ten or more hours per week receive paid leave and benefits in proportion to the number of hours worked per week. Limited Term Appointments: Benefits are the same as permanent appointments except that the employees do not achieve permanent status. Temporary Regular Appointments: Temporary regular employees who work 30 hours or more per week are eligible for health, dental, and basic life insurance as described above. They are also eligible for vacation, sick leave, and paid holidays. Temporary Seasonal and Occasional Appointments: Temporary employees who work on a seasonal basis or variable hours receive sick leave, but do not normally receive other paid leave or benefits. Exceptions are noted in individual announcements. Salary $73,632.00 - $112,507.20 Annually Location Arlington *METRO-accessible*, VA Job Type Full-Time Department Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Job Number 6347-22A-JDR-EM Closing 8/6/2021 11:59 PM Eastern Position Information The Andrew B. Ferrari Group Home is hiring a licensed and bilingual Behavioral Health Therapist to provide services to at-risk adolescent males and their families within a community-based group home in Arlington County. Argus House is operated by the Court Services Unit of the Arlington Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. Residents and their families have a variety of presenting concerns including emotional dysregulation, substance use, family dysfunction, intergenerational acculturative distress, delinquency and truancy, educational difficulties, domestic violence, and trauma. This Behavioral Health Therapist will collaborate with other professionals and agencies to provide direct services to individuals, groups, families and multi-family groups and coordinate behavioral health services within the group home for recommended services (e.g., individual therapy, substance use treatment, psychiatric services, and/or psychological evaluations). Group home supervisors and line staff receive guidance regarding effective approaches behavioral intervention, trauma-informed care, family system dynamics, and establishing a positive, supportive, and diverse milieu. Administrative supervision is provided by the Group Home Manager. The Senior Court Psychologist will be available for regular consultation, co-supervision, and service coordination. The incumbent will use evidenced-based practices and techniques with cultural competence in their service delivery. Many of the residents are from Spanish-speaking households and have limited English speaking ability. To learn more about services provided, please visit Argus House. Responsibilities include: Performing evaluations and clinical consultation as part of the admissions process; Conducting an initial assessment of presenting problems of both the adolescent and his family members; Developing a comprehensive treatment plan of care; Providing individual consultation with staff and family therapy as well as facilitating multifamily groups; Linking case management services with resources; Assessing and documenting residents' ongoing progress within the group home; and Providing routine feedback to staff during staff meeting as well as crisis intervention, as needed. Selection Criteria Note : Please refer to the guidelines for registration and licensure set forth by the Virginia Department of Health Professions prior to completing this application. Education: Completion of the requirements for obtaining a Master's degree from an accredited college or university in a clinical discipline such as Counseling, Psychiatric Social Work, Psychology, or other directly related clinical discipline with internships and practicum requirements specified by the Virginia Department of Health Professions. Minimums: Behavioral Health Therapist (VA Licensed): Possess one of the following professional licenses from the Virginia Department of Health Professions: LPC, LCP, LMFT, or LCSW. Behavioral Health Therapist (Non-VA Licensed): Possess a license in a jurisdiction other than Virginia and are performing supervised assessment and evaluation, diagnostic, treatment planning, case management and counseling work while awaiting licensure from the Virginia Department of Health Professions of the following professional licenses related to a behavioral health discipline: (LPC), (LCP), (LMFT), (LCSW); State of Virginia License must be obtained within 90 days of hire; and While awaiting licensure from the State of Virginia (LPC), (LCP), (LMFT), (LCSW), must meet the criteria of a Qualified Mental Health Professional- Adult (QMHP-A) or a Qualified Mental Health Professional- Child (QMHP-C) per the Virginia Board of Counseling regulations within 60 days of hire. Bilingual: The selected candidate will be bilingual in English and Spanish to deliver services to Spanish speaking-families, including interpreting when needed. Substitution: A directly related higher level clinical degree may substitute for the Masters degree education requirement and one year of experience providing services. In the case of this substitution, qualifying full-time work experience must have been gained after the acquisition of the directly related higher level clinical degree, i.e. a PhD Clinical Psychologist. Desirables: Preference may be given to candidates with one or more of the following: Experience using Functional Family Therapy Model; Therapeutic experience in a community-based setting; Substance abuse treatment experience; Experience using evidenced based practices and techniques such as Motivational Interviewing, EQUIP, Trauma Informed Care, and Positive Peer Culture; Counseling or probation experience in the criminal justice field; and/or Experience working with delinquent youth. Special Requirements An assessment of Spanish proficiency will be required before a candidate can be appointed to the bilingual position(s). The incumbent in the position(s) will receive the language pay premium on all hours worked and on paid leave hours. A pre-employment criminal records check will be conducted to include: an NCIC check, a Virginia State Police background check, an FBI fingerprint background check, and a Virginia Department of Social Services Child Protective Services Central Registry search. The applicant must possess, or obtain by the time of appointment, a valid motor vehicle operator's license from the applicant's place of residence. If the applicant possesses or acquires a license, the applicant must authorize Arlington County to obtain, or the applicant must provide, a copy of the applicant's official state/district driving record. Any offer of employment will be contingent upon a favorable review of the applicant's driving record and criminal history. Additional Information Work Hours: 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. Specific work hours will be negotiated with the supervisor to meet program and client needs. From Monday to Thursday, work hours will be oriented to afternoon and evening service delivery. Candidate must be available on Thursdays for staff meeting from 1-3 pm and parent group 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Arlington County Government employee benefits depend on whether a position is permanent, the number of hours worked, and the number of months the position is scheduled. Specific information on benefits and conditions of employment can be found on the Arlington County Human Resources Department website: (see application details) Permanent, Full-Time Appointments All jobs are permanent, full-time appointments unless otherwise stated in the announcement. The following benefits are available: Paid Leave : Vacation leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. Leave accrual increases every three years until eight hours of leave are earned biweekly for twelve or more years of service. Sick leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. There are eleven paid holidays each year. Health and Dental Insurance : Three group health insurance plans are offered - a network open access plan, a point-of-service plan, and a health maintenance organization. A group dental insurance plan is also offered. The County pays a significant portion of the premium for these plans for employees and their dependents. A discount vision plan is provided for eye care needs. Life Insurance : A group term policy of basic life insurance is provided at no cost to employees. The benefit is one times annual salary. Additional life insurance is available with rates based on the employee's age and smoker/non-smoker status. Retirement : The County offers three vehicles to help you prepare for retirement: a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan (401(a)), and a deferred compensation plan (457). The defined benefit plan provides a monthly retirement benefit based on your final average salary and years of service with the County. You contribute a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to this plan. General employees contribute 4% of pay; uniformed public safety employees contribute 7.5% of pay. Employees become vested in the plan at five years of service. The County also contributes to this plan. For general employees, the County also contributes 4.2% of pay to a defined contribution plan (401(a)) . The County also matches your 457 contribution, up to $20 per pay period, in this plan. The 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to set aside money on either a pre-tax (457b) or post-tax (457 Roth) basis up to the IRS annual limit. New employees are automatically enrolled with a pre-tax contribution equal to 2% of your base pay. Other Benefits: The County also offers health, dependent care, and parking flexible spending accounts; long-term care insurance; tuition assistance; transit and walk/bike to work subsidies; a college savings plan; wellness programs; training opportunities; and a variety of other employee benefits. Permanent, Part-Time Appointments: Part time employees who work ten or more hours per week receive paid leave and benefits in proportion to the number of hours worked per week. Limited Term Appointments: Benefits are the same as permanent appointments except that the employees do not achieve permanent status. Temporary Regular Appointments: Temporary regular employees who work 30 hours or more per week are eligible for health, dental, and basic life insurance as described above. They are also eligible for vacation, sick leave, and paid holidays. Temporary Seasonal and Occasional Appointments: Temporary employees who work on a seasonal basis or variable hours receive sick leave, but do not normally receive other paid leave or benefits. Exceptions are noted in individual announcements. Salary $86,424.00 - $131,996.80 Annually Location Arlington, VA Job Type Full-Time Department Department of Human Services Job Number 6615-22A-DHS-EM Closing 8/5/2021 11:59 PM Eastern Position Information Are you passionate about services to children and adults with developmental disabilities (DD)? Do you want to take your career to the next level? We are seeking an experienced professional for this opportunity which includes management, supervision, and the chance to make a difference in the lives of our clients with DD. This is a senior professional position which is responsible for the programmatic, clinical, administrative, and supervisory functions of the DD Support Coordination Team. The employee will establish positive working relationships with individuals served, their families, program staff, other service providers, and County employees. The Developmental Disabilities Supervisor is responsible for meeting the service and budgetary requirements of the State Performance Contract and revenues while having program oversight to ensure quality assurance of all client services and records. The employee is accountable on behalf of the Aging and Disabilities Division for meeting standards set forth by all regulatory and funding sources including the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services including Offices of Licensure, Human Rights and Developmental Services, and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services including DD Waiver, Day Support Waiver, and State Plan Option-funded targeted support coordination. To learn more about Arlington County Department of Human Services, please visit DHS Duties include: Supervising 9 Support Coordinators; Providing clinical direction to Support Coordinators including during crisis interventions; Providing supervision of services to individuals with DD and co-occurring DD and with mental health diagnoses, collaborating with psychologists, therapists, and social workers; Ensuring compliance with all regulatory and funding source requirements; Monitoring program outcomes and performance measures; Conducting intake interviews, gathering background information and clinical evaluations, determining eligibility based on clinical documentation, and making an initial assessment of service as needed. The ideal candidate is a strategic thinker; works independently; and has strong oral and written communication skills to interact with a diverse staff and customers. Arlington County DHS is committed to delivering client services in an effective, equitable, respectful, and trauma-informed manner. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring our clients are approached, engaged and cared for in ways that demonstrate competency, sensitivity and awareness of factors which impact the client experience including but not limited to: cultural identity, gender, racial, and ethnic diversity, religious/spiritual ascription, physical capability, cognitive and literacy levels, sexual orientation, and linguistic needs. Selection Criteria Minimum : Master's degree in Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, or related field that included an off-site clinical practicum or internship prior to graduation; and Considerable (at least two years) of post-degree clinical experience which includes one year of experience working directly with persons with developmental disabilities. Substitution: Experience may not substitute for the Master's degree requirement and related experience must be post-master's degree. Desirables: Preference may be given to candidates with experience in one or more of the following: Implementing and/or monitoring a Medicaid Waiver-funded Program; Managing, coordinating, and/or supervising in a human services agency; Ensuring compliance in a human services environment with internal policies/procedures and state and federal regulations; and/or Licensure: a clinical license by an appropriate board of Virginia Department of Health Professions. Special Requirements A letter of interest and resume are required for a complete application. An online application is required. A pre-hire background check will be made on all candidates who are selected for employment. It may include checks of the following: criminal record, driving record, education, professional licensure, and credit history. You may be required to sign a release authorizing the County to obtain your background information. The candidate selected will be required to complete a State of Virginia Central Registry check. Applicant must possess, or obtain by the time of appointment, a valid motor vehicle operator's license from the applicant's place of residence or the applicant must have the ability and willingness to use alternative methods of transportation to perform assigned duties and responsibilities at locations other than the primary worksite. If the applicant possesses or acquires a license, the applicant must provide or authorize Arlington County to obtain a copy of the applicant's official state/district driving record. Any offer of employment may be contingent on a favorable review of the applicant's driving record. Additional Information Work Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with periodic early morning or late evenings for community meetings and outreach activities. Your responses to the supplemental questionnaire are considered part of the selection process. Please do not enter "see resume" as a response to the questions. Each section of the application must be completed. A resume may be attached, however, it will not substitute for the completed application. Incomplete applications will not be considered Arlington County Government employee benefits depend on whether a position is permanent, the number of hours worked, and the number of months the position is scheduled. Specific information on benefits and conditions of employment can be found on the Arlington County Human Resources Department website: (see application details) Permanent, Full-Time Appointments All jobs are permanent, full-time appointments unless otherwise stated in the announcement. The following benefits are available: Paid Leave : Vacation leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. Leave accrual increases every three years until eight hours of leave are earned biweekly for twelve or more years of service. Sick leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. There are eleven paid holidays each year. Health and Dental Insurance : Three group health insurance plans are offered - a network open access plan, a point-of-service plan, and a health maintenance organization. A group dental insurance plan is also offered. The County pays a significant portion of the premium for these plans for employees and their dependents. A discount vision plan is provided for eye care needs. Life Insurance : A group term policy of basic life insurance is provided at no cost to employees. The benefit is one times annual salary. Additional life insurance is available with rates based on the employee's age and smoker/non-smoker status. Retirement : The County offers three vehicles to help you prepare for retirement: a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan (401(a)), and a deferred compensation plan (457). The defined benefit plan provides a monthly retirement benefit based on your final average salary and years of service with the County. You contribute a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to this plan. General employees contribute 4% of pay; uniformed public safety employees contribute 7.5% of pay. Employees become vested in the plan at five years of service. The County also contributes to this plan. For general employees, the County also contributes 4.2% of pay to a defined contribution plan (401(a)) . The County also matches your 457 contribution, up to $20 per pay period, in this plan. The 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to set aside money on either a pre-tax (457b) or post-tax (457 Roth) basis up to the IRS annual limit. New employees are automatically enrolled with a pre-tax contribution equal to 2% of your base pay. Other Benefits: The County also offers health, dependent care, and parking flexible spending accounts; long-term care insurance; tuition assistance; transit and walk/bike to work subsidies; a college savings plan; wellness programs; training opportunities; and a variety of other employee benefits. Permanent, Part-Time Appointments: Part time employees who work ten or more hours per week receive paid leave and benefits in proportion to the number of hours worked per week. Limited Term Appointments: Benefits are the same as permanent appointments except that the employees do not achieve permanent status. Temporary Regular Appointments: Temporary regular employees who work 30 hours or more per week are eligible for health, dental, and basic life insurance as described above. They are also eligible for vacation, sick leave, and paid holidays. Temporary Seasonal and Occasional Appointments: Temporary employees who work on a seasonal basis or variable hours receive sick leave, but do not normally receive other paid leave or benefits. Exceptions are noted in individual announcements. Salary $69,430.40 - $106,080.00 Annually Location Arlington *METRO-accessible*, VA Job Type Full-Time Department Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Job Number 6712-22A-JDR-DB Closing 8/5/2021 11:59 PM Eastern Position Information Arlington County Government is seeking a Group Home Counselor II to assist clients with developing positive life skills and connecting to a continuum of services offered in the group home and community. This full-time position is located at a community-based group home for court-involved males. The work schedule includes four 10 hours/day mostly on weekends (see below under Additional Information). Operated by the Court Services Unit of the Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court , the Andrew B. Ferrari Argus House is a behavioral and therapeutic setting in which the residents and their family members work with staff to improve the youth's functioning at home, in school, and in the community. For clients in Foster Care, this position is responsible for helping client's transition to independence and provides meaningful weekend programming. Specific duties include: Providing supervision, case management and counseling to moderate-to-high-risk male juveniles, some of whom may have delinquency charges, within the context of the peer group to help them identify social problems, resolve their issues, and help peers by providing support and feedback; Participating in planning and administering daily activities, and overseeing the on-going operations of the group home programs; Conducting highly structured therapeutic groups using evidenced based practices and managing a caseload of up to four residents; Dispensing Medication to youth on a set schedule following medical policies and procedures of the Argus House Program (training will be provided); Planning, organizing, and implementing educational, community service and recreational activities for residents on the weekends for effective improvement of resident's, mental, and social well-being; Maintaining annual training requirements including PREA (The Prison Rape Elimination Act); Maintaining accurate and confidential case files; and Transporting residents using a 15-passenger van, and occasional meal preparation. The ideal candidate will possess experience in the following: Case management; Substance abuse treatment and counseling; Therapeutic recreation; Evidenced based practices and techniques such as Motivational Interviewing, EQUIP, Trauma Informed Care, and Positive Peer Culture; Working in a group home setting for delinquent youth; and/or Utilizing Casey Life Skills for the purposes of independent living. The work must be done within regulations and guidelines set by the Department of Juvenile Justice, The Prison Rape Elimination Act, and the Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Services Unit. Selection Criteria Minimum: Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Social Work, Adolescent Development, or a related field; Some experience counseling adolescents in a group home or outreach program; At least one year of experience conducting both individual and group counseling sessions. Substitution: Additional-qualifying experience may substitute for the education requirement on a year-for-year basis. Desirables: Preference may be given to candidates with one or more of the following: Master's Degree in Social Work, Therapeutic Recreation or a related field; Bi-Lingual in English/Spanish; and/or Experience using Microsoft Office (to include Word and Outlook). Special Requirements A pre-employment criminal records check will be conducted to include: an NCIC check, a Virginia State Police background check, an FBI fingerprint background check, and a Virginia Department of Social Services Child Protective Services Central Registry search. The applicant must possess, or obtain by the time of appointment, a valid Driver License. If the applicant possesses or acquires a license, the applicant must authorize Arlington County to obtain, or the applicant must provide, a copy of the applicant's official state/district driving record. Any offer of employment will be contingent upon a favorable review of the applicant's driving record and criminal history. Additional Information Work Hours: Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Monday 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.; Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (hours and schedule are subject to change). This is a pilot schedule and the schedule listed is subject to change at the discretion of the hiring manager. Your responses to the supplemental questionnaire are considered part of the selection process and are required for this position. Please do not give "see resume" as a response to the questions. Incomplete applications will not be considered. In order to receive full credit for your experience, please ensure that you have included details of all relevant work experience on your application and have completed the Supplemental Questionnaire in its entirety. Arlington County Government employee benefits depend on whether a position is permanent, the number of hours worked, and the number of months the position is scheduled. Specific information on benefits and conditions of employment can be found on the Arlington County Human Resources Department website: (see application details) Permanent, Full-Time Appointments All jobs are permanent, full-time appointments unless otherwise stated in the announcement. The following benefits are available: Paid Leave : Vacation leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. Leave accrual increases every three years until eight hours of leave are earned biweekly for twelve or more years of service. Sick leave is earned at the rate of four hours biweekly. There are eleven paid holidays each year. Health and Dental Insurance : Three group health insurance plans are offered - a network open access plan, a point-of-service plan, and a health maintenance organization. A group dental insurance plan is also offered. The County pays a significant portion of the premium for these plans for employees and their dependents. A discount vision plan is provided for eye care needs. Life Insurance : A group term policy of basic life insurance is provided at no cost to employees. The benefit is one times annual salary. Additional life insurance is available with rates based on the employee's age and smoker/non-smoker status. Retirement : The County offers three vehicles to help you prepare for retirement: a defined benefit plan, a defined contribution plan (401(a)), and a deferred compensation plan (457). The defined benefit plan provides a monthly retirement benefit based on your final average salary and years of service with the County. You contribute a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to this plan. General employees contribute 4% of pay; uniformed public safety employees contribute 7.5% of pay. Employees become vested in the plan at five years of service. The County also contributes to this plan. For general employees, the County also contributes 4.2% of pay to a defined contribution plan (401(a)) . The County also matches your 457 contribution, up to $20 per pay period, in this plan. The 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to set aside money on either a pre-tax (457b) or post-tax (457 Roth) basis up to the IRS annual limit. New employees are automatically enrolled with a pre-tax contribution equal to 2% of your base pay. Other Benefits: The County also offers health, dependent care, and parking flexible spending accounts; long-term care insurance; tuition assistance; transit and walk/bike to work subsidies; a college savings plan; wellness programs; training opportunities; and a variety of other employee benefits. Permanent, Part-Time Appointments: Part time employees who work ten or more hours per week receive paid leave and benefits in proportion to the number of hours worked per week. Limited Term Appointments: Benefits are the same as permanent appointments except that the employees do not achieve permanent status. Temporary Regular Appointments: Temporary regular employees who work 30 hours or more per week are eligible for health, dental, and basic life insurance as described above. They are also eligible for vacation, sick leave, and paid holidays. Temporary Seasonal and Occasional Appointments: Temporary employees who work on a seasonal basis or variable hours receive sick leave, but do not normally receive other paid leave or benefits. Exceptions are noted in individual announcements. HomeKit SW Engineer San Diego , California , United States Software and Services Summary Posted: Jul 22, 2021 Role Number: 200269902 The HomeKit team provides the foundation that enables an entire ecosystem of secure and intelligent home connectivity. We are developing technologies and crafting experiences that revolutionize the way people interact with the accessories around them. The team is seeking a hardworking engineer to help build the Home automation platform and take it to the next level. Key Qualifications You are an accomplished coder in C and object-oriented languages, such as C++ or Objective-C You have a well-founded grasp of computer science fundamentals You demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of wireless technologies and protocols knowledge is a plus You have experience shipping real products to customers You thrive in a collaborative environment You have excellent communication skills A real passion for product quality and attention to detail Ability to work in a rapid development cycle with tight schedules You are obsessively passionate and inquisitive, and seek to solve everyday problems in innovative ways Laser-focused on the smallest details that are meaningful to our customers. Description You will develop the framework that enables accessories, iOS devices, and apps to work together to build an amazing product. You will work on different layers of the software stack, from network protocol design and implementation, to developer APIs, to defining the customer experience. You'll be responsible for maintaining and improving existing features and implementing new and innovative ideas for the future. Our goals are simple but the task is large; craft the most amazing home automation experience in the world that our customers will love. WWDC 2018: Education & Experience Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent experience. Audio Triage Automation Engineer Santa Clara Valley (Cupertino) , California , United States Software and Services Summary Posted: Jul 23, 2021 Weekly Hours: 40 Role Number: 200265514 Imagine what you could do here! At Apple, new ideas have a way of becoming extraordinary products, services, and customer experiences very quickly. Do you bring passion and dedication to your job? The Audio team within the Interactive Media Group is looking for an energetic automation engineer to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will help us process and analyze incoming bugs by utilizing existing tools and developing new approaches for our ever-expanding dataset of bugs. The Audio QA group provides audio software support across all of Apple's products. We are seeking a creative, and organized triage automation engineer to develop automated solutions to support and enhance our quality initiatives. Audio drivers, firmware and audio subsystems will all be qualified using this automated toolset. Key Qualifications Demonstrated experience and proficiency with Python and JavaScript a requirement Strong problem solving and debugging skills along with a diligent approach Exemplary written communication skills, and considerate, yet confident personal communication skills A foundational understanding of electronics, audio technology, and studio recording Musicians accepted Description This is a high visibility job that involves a deep understanding of what everyone on the team is working on. You will combine a passion for the operating system and Audio, with a strong dedication to product quality and reliability. Excellent communication and partnership are a requirement, as you will be asked to work closely with team members and other engineering teams. Areas of Responsibilities: maintain and further develop triage automation tools, including automated processing of diagnostic data for manual screening engineers, crash report symbolication and identification of known duplicate reports, and the development of manual triage tools which rely on automated input and ML data. Education & Experience BS or MS in CS, EE, or related, with an interest in digital audio Additional Requirements The following experience would be preferred, though applicants without this experience are welcome to apply: experience with iOS and macOS SDK and Core Audio development. Strong interest in digital audio technology. Experience with and a passion for audio / music applications. Location: 4030-ElDoradoDspsl Ofc 580Trk Job Title Customer Service Representative Primary Location Placerville, California Employee Type Employee Job Description El Dorado Disposal, a Waste Connections company, is looking for a high energy Customer Service Representative to join the team in Placerville, CA! The schedule will be Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Starting pay is $17.50 per hour. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Work in conjunction with other departments to resolve customer disputes & demonstrate the ability to become proficient in the use of proprietary operational systems. Interviews customers and records interview information into computer for customer service, talks with customers by phone and in person, to receive orders for installation, turn on, discontinuance, or change in service. Fills out contract forms, determines charges for service requested, collects deposits, prepares change of address records and issues discontinuance orders. Demonstrate effective use of software applications, at a minimum MS Word and Excel proficient. Delivers services to customers in a manner that promotes goodwill. Interacts with customers and Waste Connections employees to determine service requirements and resolve problems or complaints in a courteous manner Work in a fast paced, cooperative, high call volume environment with very detailed expectations Solicit sale of new or additional services. Assist in other areas as needed WORKING CONDITIONS AND PHYSICAL EFFORT: Work environment is in a call center. Areas are clean, ventilated, and well lighted. Our Customer Service Reps normally have their own workstation or cubicle space and are equipped with a telephone, headset, and computer. CSR call areas can be noisy and work may be repetitious and stressful, with little time in between calls, while still providing excellent service. Some calls are evaluated to ensure high standards. Also, long periods spent sitting, typing, or looking at a computer screen are very common. MINIMUM JOB REQUIREMENTS: 2 years of Customer Service experience in a high call volume atmosphere. Ability to read, write, comprehend and communicate in English. High school diploma or equivalent preferred. Experience with MS Word, Excel, and Email preferred. Typing and 10-key skills are required. Excellent organizational and communication skills. Ability to analyze and solve problems. Gather data, compile information, and prepare reports. Willingness and ability to work remotely during Covid-19 temporary remote working protocols. Access to high speed internet in remote workspace during Covid-19 temporary remote working protocols. To be considered for any of our current openings you must complete an application at Application information and additional instructions can be found once you select your position of interest. We offer excellent benefits including: medical, dental, vision, flexible spending account, long term & short term disability, life insurance, 401K retirement and unlimited opportunities to "Connect with Your Future". Waste Connections is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer (Minority/Female/Disabled/Veteran) Magnolia, AR (71754) Today Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 75F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 75F. Winds light and variable. Le gouvernement et les ministeres de tutelles auront du 13 au 15 septembre pour renverser la vapeur et tout faire pour que Maurice sorte de la liste grise avec la venue dune delegation de Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Africa/Middle East Joint Group (AME JG). Cabinet has taken note that an on-site visit would be conducted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Africa/Middle East Joint Group (AME JG) delegation from 13 to 15 September 2021 in Mauritius. The objective of the on-site visit is to confirm that the technical aspects of the Action Plan have been completed and that there is the institutional capacity and high-level political commitment to implement the reforms over the medium to long term. The FATF AME JG delegation would meet the relevant representatives of Ministries and authorities concerned and visit the premises of certain institutions. The members have forgotten that while the House of Representatives was intended to reflect the passions and prejudices of the people, the Senate was not. Hamilton and Madison intended the Senate and its leaders to be tempered and resistant to the transient politics of society not help instigate the public to violence by supporting political rallies asserting the system was rigged and the election was intentionally stolen from them. Officials must keep in mind, though, that nursing homes still are reeling from the pandemic. They had additional costs to protect residents and staff. They need to be given time to get back on their feet before being forced to make major changes. Now where are the upright rebellious hippies? They repose and have sold out to the establishment, becoming what they most despised in their day: mindless devotees of Big Brother. Send in the clones. Sayre, PA (18840) Today Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 62F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. International 33 Taliban militants killed in Afghan airstrikes Kabul, Jul 24 (IANS) | Publish Date: 7/24/2021 2:01:13 PM IST Thirty-three Taliban militants were killed and 17 others injured in strikes conducted by the Afghan Air Force (AAF) in two provinces, the Defence Ministry confirmed on Saturday. In Jawzjan province, 19 militants were killed and 15 wounded after warplanes targeted Taliban hideouts in Murghab and Hassan Tabbin villages on the outskirts of provincial capital of Shiberghan, Xinhua news agency quoted the Ministry as saying. Fourteen Taliban militants lost their lives and two others wounded when the air force struck their position on the outskirts of Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province, according to the Ministry. Three vehicles, six motorcycles, two bunkers and a big amount of weapons and ammunition were also destroyed, it added. While the US and NATO troops have been leaving the Asian country, violence is on the rise. Regional Manipur police caution against cyber frauds on FB Correspondent IMPHAL, Jul 24 | Publish Date: 7/24/2021 1:45:57 PM IST Manipur police on Saturday cautioned the public, particularly Facebook users stating that a new type of scam/fraud was reported widely whereby cyber criminals created duplicate fake facebook accounts of individuals using the same profile name and picture. Using these duplicate fake facebook accounts, these cyber criminals sent friend requests to the friends of victims and ask for financial help citing some emergency, Manipur police PRO said in a statement. These cyber criminals collect the relevant public information like profile name, photos and other details from the victims legitimate profile and creat a similar looking account on social media, state police PRO said. The PRO appealed not to send or deposit money based on such requests, asserting that if a person needs money, he or she will request his relatives or friends personally and not on social media. He informed that one such criminal was arrested by Cyber Crime Police Station/CID(CB), on July 19 last after a complaint was received. Heisnam James Singh (30) son of Heisnam Kumar Singh of Lamboi Khongnangkhong in Imphal West District was arrested after a case FIR was made by a lady. She reported one unknown Facebook account having profile name Foiz Ahmed with profile url link https://www. facebook. com/foiz.ahmed.3958 had uploaded her photo on the fake Facebook account on June 11, 2021 without her consent and further uploaded objectionable photos on the Facebook account on June 18, 2021. One mobile handset along with a SIM card was seized from him on his production, the PRO informed. The PRO further asked the people to contact the persons or family members and verify the request whenever such requests to send or transfer money are received and report the matter to nearest police stations if such suspicious calls or messages are received. Those unaware of this foul play are trapped into this kind of fraud activity The safety measures are: 1) Individuals must lock their Facebook account 2) Always verify a Friend request. 3) Do not send money over Facebook messenger. Always check the authenticity of the message or call to verify before paying. 4) These cyber criminals mostly use Hindi or English, with wrong spelling and grammar. They will not respond in Meiteilon or local languages. Wildfires continue to grow in western regions of US and had spread in states like California to Nevada, overwhelming firefighters and personnel to contain the massive fires. The Tamarack Fire, south of Lake Tahoe, straddling the border of California and Nevada had already burned over 68 square miles since July 4th, making it one of the 23 blazes ignited by lightning strikes, and 78 large fires spreading across 13 U.S. states, U.S. Forest Service reports, with the Oregon's Bootleg Fire still breaking the record (having a size of over half the size of Rhode Island). Scientists have been linking the consistent wildfires that sparked during severe heat wave last June to human-induced climate change and global warming. Typically, the Canadian wildfire season doesn't arrive until August, but severe heat had dried vegetation and sped up the process. Cooler weather conditions help ease wildfire spread Oregon firefighters and crews had been assisted with better weather condition upon battling the nation's largest wildfire in southern Oregon, and were able to contain 38% of the blaze on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the gusty winds whisked across the west pushed the Northern California wildfire into Nevada on Thursday, which prompted evacuations in affected states, including California, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, as well as British Columbia. Plumes of smoke brought hazy skies to large parts of the western and central U.S. Fortunately, higher humidity on Wednesday lessens challenges for firefighting crews, especially in using bulldozers and helicopters. "Fire crews and support personnel have made significant progress in containing this fire in the last few days," Joe Prummer, incident commander trainee of Pacific Northwest Incident Management Team 2, said in a statement. "However, we still have a long road ahead of us to ensure the safety of the surrounding communities." The California wildfires has now dramatically increased in size from Monday through Tuesday, with 83 large fires and about 300 to the north in British Columbia. The climate change-related drought and extreme heat waves that dried out forests and grasslands are also major factors on why the fire across regions don't die out. Also read: Humidity Relief in Northeast Won't Last for Long Western wildfire smokes haze big cities, becoming visible from space The smoke from wildfires bringing harmful effects on air quality, reaches big cities in the East Coast such as New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The western atmospheres had turned hazy after consequent wildfires in the region, triggering air quality in the Upper Midwest as well. According to the National Weather Service, the plumes of smoke had even become visible from space, captured by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the NOAA-20 spacecraft, due to hundreds of burning wildfires in the U.S. The U.S. National Weather Service office in Duluth issued an air quality alert for parts of northeastern Minnesota brought by plumes of smoke, aside from the extra particles in the atmosphere (aerosols) that have contributed to air pollution. About 20,000 firefighters have already been deployed to contain blazes since the western wildfire season kicked into high gear about two months ago. Also read: Wildfires in Northwest Territory Are so Massive, Their Smoke Reached Portugal As the permafrost in the Russian Arctic continues to melt, more and more ancient lives are discovered, buried deep beneath the frozen layer of the Earth's surface. Some of the finds recorded by the Sky News are the "parts of mammoth tusk, as well as fragments of woolly rhinoceros' bone", which once roamed the Arctic grasslands before it became extinct: rhinos were around 14,000 to 15,000 years old and mammoths about 10,500 years old. The bone and tusk fragments were located in Duvanny Yar, near Chersky in the Siberian Arctic, home to international research stations where studies of ice loss and its impacts are held. A well-preserved carcass of a woolly rhino which was believed to have been frozen for tens of thousands of years was also discovered last year in Eastern Siberia. Meanwhile, the thawing permafrost in the Abyisky region of Yakutia in north-eastern Russia also discloses frozen plant life from the Pleistocene epoch - a period of about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago. However, these significant discoveries of natural history come at a huge price. Climate change melts ice in permafrost more quickly, resulting to harmful carbon emission The thawing in Russia's permafrost also brings a huge environmental problem for the globe. As climate change continues to melt ice in the permafrost, large amounts of pent-up methane gas are being released into the atmosphere, causing the ice to thaw even faster. This means shorter winters and longer warm summers, increasing numbers of wildfires and severe heat waves. Just this summer, Northeastern Siberia had had larger than usual burns amid record-setting heat, and peat fires has been releasing tens of thousands of years storage of carbons, harming the planet significantly. An estimate of 1.7 billion tons of carbon is released every year due to melting permafrost, between October through April, twice as high as previous estimates. Also read: Microscopic Creature Comes 'Alive' After Being Frozen for 24,000 Years in Arctic Permafrost 'Grazing animals' can help slow down the loss of permafrost soils The carbon-rich soil in the northern hemisphere which covers 24 per cent of land, currently holds more carbon than has ever been released by humans. Slowing down the loss of permafrost soils from human-induced climate change helps contain and absorb carbons more, which is essential for the planet's sake. According to scientists from the Universitat Hamburg on a March 2020 study, animals including herds of horses, bison and reindeer can help slow down the loss "by disrupting the insulative layer of snow which sits on top of the peat in the winter." With the animals' grazing nature and stamping hooves, snow cover above the frozen layer remains scattered and compressed, reducing the insulating effect and "intensifying the freezing of the permafrost." Moreover, the Universitat Hamburg scientists said that the simple and natural technique could save and preserve around 80 percent of all permafrost soils around the world until the year 2100. Also read: Ancient Shark Teeth Explains Climate Shift on Antarctica For its part in a really bizarre corruption case, FirstEnergy, a large Ohio-based utility corporation, has agreed to pay a $230 million fine. Acting US Attorney Vipal Patel said on Thursday that the amount is the "largest criminal penalty ever collected, as far as anyone can remember, in the history of this office." The Treasury will receive half of FirstEnergy's penalty, while the remaining $115 million will be used to finance a statewide program to help Ohio citizens pay their power bills. "Largest Criminal Penalty Collected" It comes after the utility reportedly paid $60 million to prominent Republican leaders, including then-Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder-whose seat the utility effectively secured-and his associates between 2017 and 2020. In exchange for these large funds, the officials reportedly shepherded House Measure 6, a 2019 bill that featured a $1.3 billion ratepayer-funded bailout program for two of FirstEnergy's power facilities, through the legislative process. (Since then, the firm has changed its name to Energy Harbor.) The bill also repealed the state's energy efficiency and renewable energy standards, costing every Ohio electricity user, including households, companies, and even industrial plants, an additional $170 million each year in surcharges. It's a strange narrative, and Leah Stokes, a political scientist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, chronicles much of it in her book. Related Article: California's Ambitious Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2045 Hindered by Climate Change Acknowledging Funneling Payments FirstEnergy acknowledged funneling payments to dark money organizations, including $59 million to a nonprofit named Generation Now, in one of the craziest elements of the bribery plot. Householders established the 501(c)(4) organization to accept millions of dollars in bribes. The householder allegedly stole $500,000 for his own use, according to the Justice Department. For all of this, federal prosecutors accused FirstEnergy of conspiring to "defraud the public of its right to the honest services of a public official through bribery or kickbacks," as well as conspiring to "defraud the public of its right to the honest services of a public official through bribery or kickbacks." After the Arrest One year after the FBI arrested the householder and four others on racketeering charges, the massive punishment was levied. Two of the five political officials charged with corruption pled guilty in October 2020, while Generation Now pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering in February. Other officials, notably the householder, who maintains that he did nothing wrong, are challenging the claims (which lol). Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine maintains he had nothing to do with any of this, despite reports that he solicited money from FirstEnergy for his gubernatorial campaigns. The Ohio House, thankfully, ousted a householder from the state legislature last month. House Bill 6, which was enacted in July 2019 but contains measures that have not yet taken effect, is also being challenged by state politicians. In the aftermath of the incident, DeWine stated that he favors repealing it as well. Ohio lawmakers officially repealed major sections of the package in March, including the $1.3 billion financial rescues of FirstEnergy's two power facilities. Flawed Climate Policy The state, on the other hand, isn't done with its horribly flawed climate policy. DeWine signed a bill permitting local governments to approve resolutions prohibiting big wind and solar initiatives or blocking renewable projects in specific areas of their counties on Thursday, the same day that FirstEnergy admitted its participation in the scandal. Ohio also approved legislation preventing towns from blocking consumers from utilizing natural gas earlier this month, following in the footsteps of more than 15 other states that have done so. According to emails obtained via public documents requests by the Energy and Policy Institute, these pieces of legislation were crafted by the utility trade group Energy Solutions Center. But, of course, the legislators who proposed and supported them haven't been too forthright about it. Unlike the massive FirstEnergy scam, which may all be legal, that doesn't make it any less murky or hazardous. Also Read: Saving "America's Amazon": Biden Restores Environmental Safeguards Protecting US' Largest National Forest For more news update about Environmental Action, don't forget to follow Nature World News! As per an updated outlook from The Weather Company, an IBM Business, there is a possibility summer could round off on a hot note in the western U.S, and a warm fall is likely in much of the mid-section of the nation. Hottest June in the Nation As per an outlook released Thursday, there is a likelihood that much of the Great Basin and northern Rockies will see conditions that are persistent and hotter than average in August. Following the hottest June in the nation since 1895, heat above average has continued in July in the Great Basin and northern Rockies. The recent monsoon rain has saturated portions of the Desert Southwest, and the most expansive drought in the West this century increases the chances of persistent heat into August distant north from Nevada to Washington to Montana. Moist ground does not heat up as fast as dry ground and this is because more of the energy from the sun goes into heating the ground and air upwards, rather than getting moisture out of the soil and vegetation. However, in much of the southern U.S., it's been a wet summer instead, as yet, from the Southern Plains to the Southeast. Also Read: Record-Breaking and Dangerous Heatwave Will Hit US West Coast in Long-Standing Drought August Forecast Challenge While some areas in the Southern Plains may heat up a little at the beginning of the month, it is forecasted that much of Texas and Oklahoma to the lower Mississippi Valley will remain less hot than the normal August weather, partly because of the soggy soil. Northeast is one August forecast challenge. As per Director of Meteorology at Atmospheric G, Todd Crawford, there is a chance that spiraling less intense pressure over the Arctic earlier this summer will divide into bits in August, and that could possibly boost cooler risks for the Northeast. It's difficult to accept that fall is not far away, right? Scientist's first outlook proposes a warm fall in majority of the country with temperatures above average extending in September from the northern Rockies and northern Plains to the southern Plains and Midwest the following month and November. La Nina There is a chance much of the East, Gulf Coast and West Coast will see temperatures close to average. The reason for this overall warm fall outlook is the anticipation of a La Nina resurgence. This recurrent cooling of water close to the equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean diminished this past spring and summer, but currently, it is increasingly possible to come back by fall and winter. Crawford said: "There is a pretty clear signal across the western U.S. at least that suggests if the fall convective signal is strong over Indonesia - as we expect this year - that much warmer falls are favored," referring to computer model forecasts of continuous increasing thunderstorms and motion over Indonesia through November. Related Article: Southwestern US Brace For Brutal Heatwave as Temperature Soars to Triple Digits For more news, updates about heat waves and similar topics don't forget to follow Nature World News! FIRST Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has taken to the airwaves with a first of its kind radio talk show programme to tackle various issues affecting people in the spirit of nation building. This becomes the first time in living memory that a First Lady has been actively involved in the search for solutions to challenges affecting the people with the aim of building the nation. The inaugural programme, which aired yesterday on Radio Zimbabwe, was an educational show to raise awareness on inheritance matters, close knowledge gaps and ensure the law is respected. The development comes at a time when the country is awash with cases of widows, widowers and orphans being chased away from home following the death of their breadwinner. Titled Nhaurirano NaAmai, the radio programme ensures that the nation has access to valuable information during a time when there is a surge in Covid-19 cases which has resulted in travel restrictions being imposed. Introducing the programme, the First Lady said her intervention was a continuation of the work she started in 2018 and assured the nation that no one would be left behind as issues affecting all members of the family will be tabled for discussion. This may be a new programme, but we started in 2018 dealing with issues of inheritance. Since 2018 we have been inundated with complains at my office. My programme leaves no one behind and we shall focus on all members of the family because they are all affected by inheritance issues. Because of Covid-19 we cannot afford to congregate as in the past when we moved to provinces and districts, she said. The First Lady said she conceived the radio programme after seeing that people needed guidance because the challenges they bring forward have a striking resemblance. We started in 2018 and we saw that from district to district the problems faced by our people are the same. This shows that this is our way of life and we are living through these problems. I am here so that we discuss and understand each other. We can no longer congregate as before but this platform will assist many people because today I have brought experts. As a mother I cannot know all, said the First Lady. Yesterdays inaugural programme had three panellists who included the Master of High Court of Zimbabwe Mr Eldard Mutasa, Ms Pauline Mandigo, a board member of the Council of Estate Administrators which registers professional executors in Zimbabwe and Mr Charles Manhiri from the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. Mr Manhiri works under the department of Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, which deals with Acts like the Administration of Estates Amendment Act, Deceased Estates Amendment Succession Act, Deceased Persons Family Maintenance Act and the Wills Act. All the Acts under the departments purview touch on inheritance matters. During the interactive programme, the First Lady said she was concerned by the lack of knowledge about inheritance issues among the people. As an individual what I saw through my travels is that knowledge and teachings in rural areas are little. People do not know how to proceed when confronted with challenges. The other thing I discovered is that people must be enlightened so that this knowledge comes in handy when they lose someone. As a parent, I saw this as a learning window for us to know the importance of not distributing our wealth while we are still alive. Is it allowed to distribute my wealth while I am still alive? Is this legal? she asked. In response, Mr Mutasa said: This programme brought by Amai allows us to appreciate that people lack knowledge. Even the educated do not understand the law therefore, this platform allows us to teach people. Its illegal to distribute things at memorial services. Mr Mutasa said people were being disinherited through the use of cultural terms like mapfihwa for stove, bonde for bed and chituro for sofas. He told the listeners that only clothes could be distributed after someones burial and nothing else, adding that ignorance of the law was not a defence. He gave examples of family members who were in the habit of hiring trucks to ferry a deceased persons property without authority from the Master of the High Court and said this was illegal. He also took a dig at some pastors who offered prayers before the illegal distribution of peoples property and warned that these pastors can be held liable for prosecution for deodorising illegal activities. Some families will also disinherit a widow because aramba kugarwa nhaka, though there is disharmony between culture and law, law is supreme and must be followed and respected, he said. The First Lady said from what she gathered during her countrywide tours, widows were being left in the cold by deceaseds relatives who did not respect a will. She then asked Ms Mandigo to shed more light on the issue of a will and types of marriages. Ms Mandigo said if a man pays lobola despite not having proceeded to wed, that woman is entitled to a share of the husbands wealth. If the parties got married and built a house without a registered marriage, the woman is entitled to continue staying at the home they were staying before the husbands demise. She said in the event that the husband had two spouses, each would be entitled to continue living the way they did prior to the husbands demise. The First Lady encouraged people to write wills to protect their properties and their loved ones. She added that, if a will was properly written and signed, it should be respected and followed. In an intriguing question, the First Lady said most women were deeply concerned over a law which made it impossible for a woman to inherit a house in circumstances where a husband dies while the wife was away in the rural areas. In response to this, Mr Manhiri said the law did not bequeath properties to people without identifying who they are. He said it was difficult for girlfriends cohabiting with married men to disinherit the bonafide wife because the law does not allow this. What has to be understood that while the law says a person who was staying in the house immediately before the husbands death benefits, the same law asks who you are. What is your relationship with the deceased? Were you married? Are you the surviving spouse? A surviving spouse is someone who was paid lobola for or has a registered marriage with the deceased. These questions then inform the decision as to whether or not one inherits the house. Secondly, the wife in the rural areas can also be asked as to who she is. Who are you in the home? Were you married? Did you have a registered marriage or not? Even when you do not have a registered marriage, was lobola paid and does the family know you? The talk show was co-hosted by Lionel Mnkandla and Patricia Jacob. Sunday Mail MIGRATION is as old as humanity. Human beings are creatures of curiosity; time and again they find themselves pursuing new uncharted habitats. Some travel to be part of the global cosmopolitan community, some in pursuit of opportunity and others to become citizens of the world. Zimbabweans are no different. Today, millions of Zimbabweans call home to foreign territories. During the years between the mid-1990s and early 2000s, scores of locals made the great trek to the United Kingdom. Others, especially those who were working in the health sector, went on account of their skills which then were in demand, while others used phantom tales of political persecution to gain access to the island nation as political refugees. Today the Zimbabwean Diaspora is an immense pillar of the Zimbabwean economy. Those who, like Takwana Tyaranini (Senditoo co-founder), work hard and have gone on to build empires. However, there are some who disparage the hospitality of their hosts. A quick Google search of the words Zimbabwean man arrested in the UK, tells a sad story. Cases of Zimbabweans involved in crimes that include murder, domestic violence and fraud top the list. Consequently, many have landed in British prisons. On Thursday last week, the first group of 14, among dozens of Zimbabweans slated for deportation from Britain, landed in Harare on a charter flight. Ahead of the deportation, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel said the Zimbabweans committed murder, rape and other despicable crimes. They are currently quarantining at the Zimbabwe Institute of Public Administration and Management (ZiPAM) in Darwendale. As many as 150 citizens are expected to be deported in terms of the UK Borders Act, which provides for the deportation of all foreigners who would have received custodial sentences exceeding 12 months. All the returnees have served prison sentences in the UK, and Zimbabwe is obliged, as the home country, to welcome them back. Authorities say the country has been receiving deported citizens since time immemorial. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade acting spokesperson, Mr Livit Mugejo, said the number of deportees coming from the UK was just a fraction of those being received from neighbouring countries. There is nothing unique in the deportations, said Mr Mugejo. South Africa last week deported 220 Zimbabwean citizens, including some who were released from jails. This category of deportees from the UK is different from voluntary returnees, who are our citizens who opt to come back home on their own. He said those returning involuntarily, like in this case, would have exhausted administrative and legal remedies to preserve their stay in the host country. However, despite having to live with the painful reality of returning home forcibly with only a few personal possessions, they are not being plunged into Zimbabwean life uninsulated. Zimbabwe cannot refuse to accept its citizens and will welcome them back into the country. They will receive the necessary social psychosocial support to help them with reintegration, added Mr Mugejo. There are fears that some of the returning ex-convicts may be tempted to return to a life of crime. Police said since the deportees did not commit the crimes in Zimbabwe, they will be allowed to reintegrate freely. National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi told The Sunday Mail: Our duty as the Zimbabwe Republic Police is to maintain law and order. We only come in if they have committed any crime. However, the issue of these deportees is being handled by relevant government Ministries. While the Government has extended an olive branch to the returnees, media reports from the UK say some are still mounting spirited fights against returning home. The chartered plane, which brought the first group to Zimbabwe last week, was missing 36 people. Reports claim that some were exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms in detention in the UK, while others tried to escape from the holding facility. Mr Andrew Nyamayaro, a UK-based lawyer who has been helping some with court appeals against deportation, told The Sunday Mail a number of people were mounting last-ditch efforts to preserve their stay in the country. They were deported because they fall into the definition of Foreign National Offenders. Some may have tried to challenge their deportation and failed. The majority remained after making applications to the Home Office or to the court. Some remained for other reasons and an outbreak of Covid-19 at one of the detention centres has been mentioned, said Mr Nyamayaro. Many are launching desperate, if not laughable, bids to preserve their stay in Britain. They are maliciously framing Zimbabwe as an inhabitable country where all manner of political persecution is rampant. One deportee-in-waiting, writing under the pseudonym Pet Davies in the Independent, a British newspaper, lamented returning back home as the end of their life. I have a highly aggressive form of HIV, wrote Davies. They had to get specialists from around the world to get a regime of medication that would work for me. This government is trying to tell me I can just go find another pill in Zimbabwe. He likened being sent back to Zimbabwe as a death sentence writing: Im asking for a chance to live. What is the UK really about if our government cant even give me that? Social commentator Dr Rebecca Chisamba called for empathy in dealing with the returnees. This is the time these deportees need our help the most so we should welcome them not to discriminate against them. Some will say they have not been doing anything for us whilst they were still there but we should remember they were not in their country, said Dr Chisamba. They had responsibilities whilst they were there. Right now is the time to support these returnees and help them so that they pick up their pieces and start afresh. Sunday Mail A mysterious fire has gutted more than 30 homesteads at a settlers village, Ledbury Farm in Matepatepa in Bindura. In the absence of a solid explanation, in the absence of evidence of the source and indeed in the absence of science, the villagers find themselves pointing fingers at each other and obviously, in times like these, accusations of dabbling in witchcraft thrive. Desperate villagers, there, are now looking for answers everywhere from prophets to the occult and to God, but the answer is just not there. The village is now agog with speculation that someone is using Sandawana, a goblin believed to bring good fortune to one person at the expense of others. Although the fire which started on June 27 at Torero compound has subsided after close to a month of burning, women and children are still sleeping in the open fearing that the remaining grass-thatched huts might catch the fire while they sleep. So desperate are some of the villagers that they have resorted to removing the grass thatch from their huts to protect their property. When this reporter got there, the situation at the compound was eerie and profound, the charcoal, the shells of the burnt down houses, the smells and everything else pointed to a disaster. Sitting outside a thatched kitchen, Amai Chipo was quick to point out that it was not her homestead, but she was guarding her friend who was cooking inside, in case of the fire. We are friends and when she is done cooking she will come to my kitchen and guard outside while I cook. We are taking turns to guard each other, she said. This has become our way of life now. Even when we are bathing in our grass built bathrooms, we are now guarding each other to avoid casualties. Describing the fire, she said it a silent fire which starts at the rooftop inside the house and only identified when the house is already engulfed Village head Mr Antony Chipandire said the immediate need of the affected families are tents so that they have shelter. However our major need is for the problem to be solved. We were resettled at this farm in 2001 and we have never witnessed such an incident. This is a mysterious event and we are appealing for help to have the problem solved, he said. I was in Mbire on a work-related trip when I received a call that houses were mysteriously burning down. I cut short my trip and came back home. I went to Chief Negomos homestead to inform him of the events and he called a spirit medium who said one of the community members used sandawana juju for money making rituals. The Chief gave us people to perform traditional rituals at the compound. The following day prophets who were sent by the Chief arrived and said they were afraid to point at the culprits without adequate security. A lot of prophets volunteered to assist us. We received prophets who came through the radio and I was made to collect ashes at every burnt down house and put them in a clay pot. That was the longest night of my life. Mr Chipandire said after two days, the prophet came back and cleansed the pot saying the problem was solved. They raised the cleaned clay pot and started praying until smoke came out of the pot. They smashed the pot and said they had solved the problem. Before they left the compound a grass precast wall caught fire and afterwards another house caught fire, he said. We decided to approach Chief Masembura and he did some rituals. The problem subsided for two day and the fire started again. We went back to the Chief and he summoned spirit mediums who said some people in the community have used juju. The spirit medium performed some rituals and for now the fire has subdued for four days now. A lot of rumours are going round in the compound with some saying the first fire victims are the juju culprits, these are just rumours. He thanked their legislature Cde Kenneth Musanhi for providing blankets and grain to the affected families. He said the first victims lost all their property and grain to the fire, before the donation of grain and blankets to the affected families. If the rumours in the compound are anything to go by, one of the suspects allegedly obtained juju from his father-in-law to grow his flock of ducks. Others say, an unknown man visited the compound last year demanding a top-up of money to those he had given juju to because he was about to die. Some are saying hyena laugh were heard in the compound. The A1 farm was resettled to 73 plot holders in 2001. The compound which harbours about 90 households is home to immigrants from Malawi and Mozambique as well as locals who were farm workers prior to the land reform. The village development committee chairperson Mr Earnest Chasvika said, We have three compounds at this farm but we havent witnessed such an incident. However, this community has people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. We are puzzled and living in fear. We dont know the cause of the fires, initially we thought it was acts of arson but we realised it was a mystery. The Environmental Management Agency visited the compound and up now there is no solution in sight. We caught up with one of the victims Farai Chigumbura at Foothills clinic who said he was taking his Covid-19 vaccine following a break in the fires. The father of one said he lost household property, cash and grain in the fire. We are sleeping in the open due to fear. We are appealing for tents to shelter children and women since it is cold. We are hearing that someone used juju but it is now backfiring. We have our suspects but prophets are coming and never returning to the compound, he said. As to the future of this compound, only time will tell. Herald LISTED mining company RioZim (Pvt) Ltd has started evicting more than 850 workers, including widows of former employees, residing at its Dalny Mine staff quarters in Chakari. More than 10 families have since been served with eviction notices, while hundreds more face a similar fate. RioZim took over the mine from Falcon Gold in 2016. The evicted claim that they are owed nearly US$6 million and $240 million in unpaid salaries dating back to 2013 when the mine was still under Falcon Gold management. Secretary general of National Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe Mr William Seremani said families are being given five days notice to vacate their homes. What is happening at Dalny is devastating, families are being evicted from the only homes they have known for many years. They are being given five days to move out after receiving the eviction notices. This is unfair because their husbands died while still serving and their contracts were never terminated. So, legally, they are entitled to these houses as part of their benefits, he said. One of the widows, who has been evicted who refused to be named, told The Sunday Mail that her future was uncertain. She said she started living at the mine close to two decades ago when her husband was employed as an excavator operator. She is currently living in a temporary shelter. I lived with my three orphaned grandchildren and it pains me to be kicked out like this because I have nowhere to go, she said. My husband went on for years without being paid his salary. The authorities kept promising that they would pay so we stayed on only to be handed a notice to vacate in five days. A mine employee, who preferred to be identified as Jemwa, said he last received his salary in 2014. I came from Chipinge more than two decades ago and I can only leave the mine accommodation when they pay what they owe me because this is all I have in life, said Jemwa. Going back to Chipinge means I will have to start afresh therefore I need my salary and benefits to get to my feet. Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union secretary general Justice Chinhema said RioZim must pay the workers their dues. RioZim once threatened to evict the employees years back but we engaged them and questioned their stance because houses are part of the employees benefits and they legally had no rights to evict them so they cancelled the process. Employees are owed salaries since 2013 and others from 2014. RioZim spokesperson Dr Wilson Gwatiringa refused to comment on the matter. Sunday Mail The UIA has received more than 50,000 reports from individuals reporting unemployment fraud and identity theft in their name through its website since March 15, 2020, with more 40,000 sent since May 1, 2020. The agency will continue to work with Task Force members in its investigation of these reports. I feel like this: You all are ranting and raving about Black lives. But you take a life that was only a year and half old. And its not fair. Its not fair to the grandparents. Its not fair to the mother. Its not fair to the father, the whole family in general. Ever since gunmen stormed the home of Haitian President Jovenel Moise on July 7 and assassinated him in an attack that also wounded his wife, Haitians there and abroad have been on edge not just about the countrys political future, but about basic necessities like food and water. According to Curran, warm streams flowing into Long Island from the tropics and cleaner water are bringing sharks closer to the beaches. She advised those looking to take a quick dip to not go further than your waist into the water. Theyd been arguing from when I was in the store, the witness, who wished not to be named, told the Daily News after the killing. I hear them arguing and arguing and then they came across to the corner. Thats when it went off. Then he allegedly bashed a 44-year-old woman in the head with a branch, knocking her unconscious. He stole her purse and phone and tried to yank down her pants, police said. A lot of people who live in that building, they just want to hang out and theres no backyard, so its just people hanging out in the front, said Dana Komar, 41, who lives across the street from where the shooting happened. I was afraid of this happening. There was an allegation of a person with a gun in a vehicle. No injuries were reported and the investigation is ongoing, the statement said. One of the men got inside the truck, which cops said was parked and running, the video shows. Moments later, the second man got into the truck, and they drove off. Police said the 35-year-old suspect snatched Liam from the home they shared with his father in San Jose, Calif. She allegedly confessed to killing her son following her arrest and was charged with murder last month. Authorities launched a probe into Hillary in April, after they were contacted by a 14-year-old girl, who accused the pastor of abuse. Its not clear whether she was a congregant at Shiloh Tabernacle Church, the ministry co-found by Hillary and his wife back in 2001. Huntsville cop William Ben Darby was convicted on May 7 in the murder of Jeffrey Parker in 2018. However, he kept getting paid because he had accrued so much leave time. Please pray yall, they really want to intubate me and put me on a ventilator, he wrote Sunday. If you dont have faith that God can heal me over your stupid ventilator then keep the Hell out of my ICU room, theres no room in here for fear or lack of faith. The mayor has presented vendors with an impossible situation sending the NYPD, which last year was supposed to be removed from the job of enforcing street vending rules and regulations to criminalize unlicensed vending, placing high fines on violators, without opening the opportunity for vendors to get a permit or a license. This is how NYC treats its vendors, the smallest businesses in our city, the most vulnerable in our communities, who have been serving our city during the hardest times. When we were all hiding in our homes fearing the pandemic, vendors were serving us and keeping their communities fed. When we the U.S. and allies reconstituted the Haitian police in the 1990s, we did it on the cheap and kept it too small and too centralized. Still, it was better than the despised force that repressed any public displays and served the powers that be, economic, political and military. Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristides 1994 disbanding of the military upon his return from exile was also welcomed by the masses; they too provided official cover for targeted violence. Of course, they could not defend Haiti against the U.S., the only country that invaded Haiti over the prior century. We have waited a very long time to bring this historically necessary important film to people, Goldberg, who serves a producer of the film, said with Fridays announcement. And as we watch the repression of American History when it comes to people of color it makes it even that more important. You have permission to edit this image. Edit Close Corvallis City Manager, Mark Shepard, stands outside of Corvallis City Hall and discusses what the role of City Manager looks like. The City Manager's Office ensures the City runs effectively and efficiently to achieve what Corvallis community members, through the City Council, want to accomplish with the resources available. If the Democrats change to this provision is enacted, the capital gains tax will be calculated based on the original value of the land, therefore causing the appreciation of value over time to be high and the tax to be hugely unaffordable for family farms. For example, if a family farm was originally purchased at market value in the 1930s but was inherited in 2021, the farmer would have to pay the tax calculated on the extra appreciation, rather than the adjusted rate for 2021. Oswego, NY (13126) Today Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 60F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 60F. Winds light and variable. VCEX allows monitoring, marketing, brokerage, financing, banking, compliance, regulation and administration of the private venture sector to be completed in one place. VCEX or Venture Capital Exchange has recently taken a giant step towards giving shareholders the value that they have been anticipating. They were the winners of the Australian section of the ADGM Fintech Awards for 2021. This is a great accolade as the company strives forward to create a market place for unlisted ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission) regulated companies. The space of Venture Capital within the private space has always been well populated. For a large population of the investing community, this space of private venture has reaped enormous returns, but it is something that has never been structured. VCEX brings this to a head with a platform that allows ventures in the private world to be regulated and efficient. The AI driven technology allows companies to be listed on the platform and act as if they were in the Australian Stock Exchange. Basically, VCEX is creating an effective decentralisation of how to do things in the capital venture space. The platform allows monitoring, marketing, brokerage, financing, banking, compliance, regulation and administration of the private venture sector to be completed in one place. The most important thing is that it takes out all the inefficient parts of the process. David shares with us the value proposition and how the ABGM award has propelled VCEX to the world stage. Offers are coming in from everywhere and they are very much a wanted product. Worldwide. Investors can find out more and create a freemium log in by following the link VCEX:VEX where you can gain access to the VCEX share offer and create an investor profile, review the Information Memorandum and presentations and invest in off-market offerings on VCEX. PODCAST About David Pillinger Managing Director David Pillinger has been a Company Director from the very early age of 21 since 1989 with 5 surf store franchises as his first endeavour. Self-funded and grown from hard graft, he is familiar with all aspects of a vertically integrated business structure. After a decade of surf industry retail and manufacturing knowledge, David turned his hand to his other passion in life - property development and sales. This created Property Gallery and it has grown year on year since its creation in 2001 and is now managing well over 3,000 properties from WAs North West to Perths Southern corridor. This has not stopped David from combining his passion of surfing and property by designing and building a Boutique Resort Hotel called The Dipan in Seminyak, Bali which he also still maintains significant equity today. The process of developing and creating income has always required a large amount of software and online marketing. Pillinger realised this as a core attribute to how his staff was evolving in all 3 industries - Retail, Construction / Manufacturing and Management. There is a point in time where you step back and review which direction you are going and answer the questions of why am I going in this direction and what direction is the world going in. The answer was Automation, and with a lot of self-service due to compliance and risk, it is safer to provide a self-service function for all people in most industries. In 2018, Safesoft Pty Ltd was born. It was a new business to take all of the knowledge Pillinger had gathered as an entrepreneur to create a way of making business function better from creation through to ongoing management. VCEX (Venture Capital Exchange) is the first release of many software solutions that utilise the Safesoft LTD core code and single source management logic.The VCEX Market Place manages and qualifies investors - AFSL Brokers and existing shareholders access through the one cloud-based single source registry exchange. The clue to the future in the dialogue above is simple and common amongst all people who strive to have financial independence. Safesoft has a product called Safekey which provides access to all of your investments in one place, securely managing your shares in companies and property management requirements. David Pillinger is currently 52 years old at the time of publishing this article and interview, Safesoft LTD is 3 years old and for a software company that may be young, but as David puts it, for an adult it is about the right age to embark on a software solution that encompasses such a diverse solution and ability. Most people struggle to put time into their investments and this product will really connect investors with their assets and advisors and ultimately companies, that they too can invest in from simple direct investments to interest bearing convertible notes. Safesoft opens up the possibilities of connecting people in a more efficient way in a totally integrated process that is far more efficient than what is currently available. About VCEX Venture Capital Exchange is now available for companies and AFSL CAR + AR promoters to raise capital and manage shareholders communications, ASIC updates and banking in one end to end ecosystem. Their Patent Pending Software has been under review and patent approval process for 2 years with ASIC approval now available for investors of VCEX Pty Ltd shares to sell in low volume under ASIC exemption granted 30th March 2020. If you are interested in raising capital and low volume trading your shares in any unlisted company go to and try now for free. They welcome AFSL + CAR promoters to operate compliantly on with free access to companies signing up to VCEX LVM trading and capital raising ecosystems. Welcome to the future. Please let Samso know your thoughts and send any comments to Remember to Subscribe to the YouTube Channel, Samso Media and the mail list to stay informed and make comments where appropriate. Other than that, also feel free to provide a Review on Google. For further information about Coffee with Samso and Rooster Talks visit: About Samso Samso is a renowned resource among the investment community for keen market analysis and insights into the companies and business trends that matter. Investors seek out Samso for knowledgeable evaluations of current industry developments across a variety of business sectors and considered forecasts of future performances. With a compelling format of relaxed online video interviews, Samso provides clear answers to questions they may not have the opportunity to ask and lays out the big picture to help them complete their investment research. And in doing so, Samso also enables companies featured in interviews to build valuable engagement with their investment communities and customers. Headed by industry veteran Noel Ong and based in Perth, Western Australia, Samsos Coffee with and Rooster Talk interviews both feature friendly conversations with business figures that give insights into Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) companies, related concepts and industry trends. Noel Ong is a geologist with nearly 30 years of industry experience and a strong background in capital markets, corporate finance and the mineral resource sector. He was founder and managing director of ASX-listed company Siburan Resources Limited from 2009-2017 and has also been involved in several other ASX listings, providing advice, procuring projects and helping to raise capital. He brings all this experience and expertise to the Samso interviews, where his engaging conversation style creates a relaxed dialogue, revealing insights that can pique investor interest. Noel Ong travels across Australia to record the interviews, only requiring a coffee shop environment where they can be set up. The interviews are posted on Samsos website and podcasts, YouTube and other relevant online environments where they can be shared among investment communities. Samso also has a track record of developing successful business concepts in the Australasia region and provides bespoke research and counsel to businesses seeking to raise capital and procuring projects for ASX listings. Disclaimer The information contained in this article is the writers personal opinion and is provided for information only and is not intended to or nor will it create/induce the creation of any binding legal relations. Read full disclaimer. There were a lot of people there that had regrets that they wish that they had known more before they votedThere's three of them that voted [for Biden] that feel terrible about it. I said you know what? I said you didn't know about this but you thought you were voting for something. I said you didn't get to vote. I said China did our voteWhen we get through this and the Supreme Court pulls down this election -- like I've been telling everybody -- when they do this, it's going to be a great uniting and that gives me hope[B]y the night of the 12th or the morning of the 13th, if everyone has seen it, including the administration that's in there now that didn't win, maybe, you know, Biden and Harris would say, hey, we're here to protect the country and resign!" My Pillow guy and former crack addict Mike Lindell on what will happen after he broadcasts his cyber-symposium on the 2020 election the return of Trump on August 13. On Friday, Mumbai Police raided actress Shilpa Shetty house and interrogated her regarding her husband Raj Kundra's case. The businessman has been arrested in a case of alleged production and distribution of pornographic films through apps. In her statement, Shilpa claimed that her husband Raj Kundra is innocent and she wasn't aware of the content that went on their app HotShots. She also said that the content was 'erotic; and not 'pornographic,' Shilpa Shetty also said that Pradeep Bakshi, the London-based wanted accused and Raj Kundra's brother-in-law, who was involved with the app and its functioning, the officials told a source. Earlier on Friday, a court extended Raj Kundra's police custody till July 27.He was arrested in the case on July 19 by the Mumbai police's crime branch after being booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act. He was produced before the magistrate court at the end of his earlier remand on Friday. Police sought extension of his custody to probe the matter further. With large parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa reeling under extensive flooding of both urban and rural areas caused by incessant rains and consequent overflowing of riverbanks and dams over the last few days, the Western Naval Command of the Indian Navy has mobilised considerable resources to provide assistance to State and District administrations of affected areas. "Based on request received for assistance from civil authorities, a total of seven Naval Flood Rescue Teams (FRT) from Mumbai have been deployed to Ratnagiri and Raigarh districts commencing PM 22 July. One Seaking 42C Helicopter from, Mumbai was deployed for aeriel reconnaissance at Poladpur/Raigad during on 23 July. One ALH helo from Goa was positioned at Ratnagiri for relief/rescue AM 23 July, Additional Flood Rescue Teams are being maintained on a high degree of readiness at Mumbai, for immediate deployment, " Defence Ministry said in a statement today. In Karnataka, Karwar, Indian Naval Emergency Response Team (ERT) comprising 17 Divers, five Geminis, associated equipment such as Life Jackets and Life Buoys was deployed in the morning hours on 23 Jul 21 to rescue people stranded near Kadra Dam, Mallapur Kurnipet, Kaiga due to heavy rains / floods. "The team was able to successfully evacuate over 100 stranded people at Singudda and Bhaire villages whilst rescue efforts are being continued at Kaiga and Mallapur. The rescued personnel were shifted to safe locations in coordination with the district administration," Defence Ministry statement reads. In Goa, in addition to providing aerial support to Karwar rescue efforts, A sortie was made to Ganjem near Ponda to check and verify the receding water levels. Another ALH has been deployed at flood affected Ratnagiri to undertake Search and Rescue missions. In a big development, Afghanistan's National Security Advisor Hamdullah Mohib and State Minister for Peace S Sadat Mansoor Naderi met with former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in London. Sharif is living in London on medical grounds. Amid Taliban's surge in Afghanistan and alleged role of Pakistani state actors in helping Taliban, this meeting is of considerable significance. "They agreed that both nations' interests are served by a policy of mutual respect and non-interference in each other internal affairs," statement from the Office of National Security Council of Afghanistan said. During the meeting they emphasized that strengthening democracy in both the countries can put both nations on a path to stability and prosperity. Further, it will open the region for connectivity and commerce. Nawaz Sharif expressed that a strong and stable Afghanistan is good for Pakistan and the region. In its latest outreach to foreign governments over the issue of easing travel restrictions for Indians, India has asked the United Kingdom to review the travel ban on Indians as the pandemic situation in India is improving. Foreign secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla, who went to the UK on a two-day visit met UK foreign officials and said Mumbai, Delhi are "practically free of Covid". Under the current rules, India remains on the travel red list" which effectively bans visitors from India, with returning citizens required to undergo a compulsory 10-day hotel quarantine on entry to Britain. Economists tend to be short-sighted, or stated more accurately, they are deliberately shortsighted. Endless economic growth on a finite planet is a logical impossibility. Economists avoid confronting this impossibility by refusing to look more than a decade or two into the future. by John Scales Avery The Keeling Curve continues to rise steadily Measurements of the carbon dioxide content of the earth's atmosphere as a function of time have been made ever since 1958 at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. The resulting graph is called the Keeling Curve, in honor of Charles David Keeling, who started the monitoring and continued it until his death in 2005. Despite promises made at the 2015 Paris Conference, despite global concern about the threat of catastrophic climate change, despite massive worldwide protests organized by Greta Thunberg and her Fridays For The Future movement, despite the reduced emissions resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown, the Keeling Curve continues to rise steadily, and the carbon dioxide content of the earth's atmosphere continues to rise steadily. The rate at which the curve is rising is even increasing. We must conclude that despite all promises of action, we are not doing enough. Two time-scales One important reason why it is so hard to mobilize the political will needed for effective action is a contrast between two time-scales. Immediate action is essential in order to avoid feedback loops and tipping points which would make human efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change useless. On the other hand, the most serious effects of climate change lie in the distant future. We see what is near to us. We tend to confine our attention to problems that are close at hand. Decisions based on economics Economists tend to be short-sighted, or stated more accurately, they are deliberately shortsighted. Endless economic growth on a finite planet is a logical impossibility. Economists avoid confronting this impossibility by refusing to look more than a decade or two into the future. But with the threat of climate catastrophe, it is precisely the long-term future that must concern us. Therefore we cannot trust economists. or those influenced by them, to make correct decisions regarding the climate emergency. Recent events Two recent events have helped to make us realize the urgency of the climate crisis. The first is the leaking of a 4,000-page report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report was not due to be released until February, 2022, but a copy was leaked to Agence France-Presse. The report calls for a total transformation of our way of life if we wish to avoid catastrophe. The report states that We need transformational change operating on processes and behavior at all levels: indovidual, communities, business, institutions and governments. We must redefine our way of life and consumption. The second recent event that helped to wake us up to the seriousness of the climate emergency was a record-breaking wave of extreme heat in the western part of the United States and in south-west Canada. Unprecedented temperatures were recorded, roughly a billion tidal animals died, and many human heat-related deaths also occurred. Extremely severe recent floods in western Europe and in China are also thought to be linked to climate change. A worst-case scenario Suppose that our collective efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change fail. What then? Will human society as we know it disappear? Will the human race become extinct? Let me give you my own opinions on these questions. I think that, if catastrophic climate change is not avoided, very many species of plants and animals will become extinct. In fact, this mass extinction has already started. We are already losing species at roughly 1,000 times the natural background rate. Will humans become extinct? Of course, we know from the geological record that every species eventually becomes extinct, but if we look only a few thousand years into the future, I do not think that humans face extinction. What I believe will happen (if catastrophic climate change is not avoided) is the following: Most of the earth's surface will become uninhabitable, starting with tropical regions and regions that are destined to be underwater due to sea level rise. This will lead to a massive refugee crisis, which, like the extinction of animals and plants, has already started. Although most of the earth's surface will be uninhabitable, there will still be a few regions where human life is possible, for example the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and high mountain ranges. However, these regions will be small in comparison to our present habitable world, and the global population of humans will be correspondingly reduced. Perhaps this worst-case scenario can motivate us to act with far-sighted vision and resolution, while there is still a small window of opportunity. Multilateral organizations have called for inclusive responses to cushion the impact of COVID-19. Such policies should not neglect the workers who are criminalized, such as sex workers. by Taroa Zuniga Silva Georgina Orellano, secretary-general of the Association of Women Sex Workers of Argentina (AMMAR), says that the pandemic has highlighted the inequality in society and deepened the problems faced by sex workers. Sex work, which is not recognized in Argentina, has become more precarious, she says. Although in Latin America many countries do not have legislation criminalizing sex work, the lack of a legal framework in this regard lends itself to all kinds of abuses. According to an investigation published by the Network of Women Sex Workers of Latin America and the Caribbean, the application of laws is interpretative and discretionary, resulting in recurrent violations of the rights of workers, including arbitrary detention; torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment; discrimination in access to health care; and unequal treatment within judicial systems. Multilateral organizations have called for inclusive responses to cushion the impact of COVID-19. Such policies should not neglect the workers who are criminalized, such as sex workers. There is nothing inclusive about the policies that states have adopted. If we have something to celebrate about the pandemic, Orellano tells me, it is that it made it clearto ourselvesthat the only way out of this type of context is to strengthen unionization. The Organization of Women Workers For labor movements in most industries, there is usually a clear target for workers to organize against, such as business owners or factory managers. But in the context of a sex workers union, who takes the place of a bossthe client or the state? The historical boss of us, Orellano tells me, was for a long time the police. But Orellano is aware that the policein turnplay a role as agents of the market. It is the police who de facto work to regulate the marketplace of sex work. AMMAR was formed in the 1990s to respond to the desire to end the naturalized logic in our collective of having to make financial arrangements with the police in order to work, Orellano says. What the state does not regulate, Orellano says, the market regulates. The market, for sex workers, is framed by the fact of the criminalization of sex workers. Because sex workers lack recognition and rights, markets emerge that thrive through our precariousness, states Orellano. Overcoming Fear to Organize AMMAR was born from the first marches organized in Argentina to demand the rights of sex workers. During these marches, it was common for sex workers to attend wearing wigs or oversized dark sunglasses. In interviews with the media, sex workers would ask the television producers to distort their voices, show only their hands but not their faces, or give the interview with their backs to the camera. All this, Orellano explains to me, was so that the family would not know that the person speaking, defending the rights of sex workers, was their mother or daughter or neighbor. Sex workers who rally for unionization and fight for their employment rights carry the additional burden of having to overcome the stigma associated with sex work. Orellano says shame, concealment, and silencing are unfortunate byproducts of the prejudices against the industry. Basically, she says, sex workers cant effectively organize when they are hamstrung by the feeling of not being able to truly tell [people] who you are [when you march or speak to media], for fear of being ostracized by your community. AMMARs approach is to fight the self-marginalization of sex workers. The demand to emerge from the shadows opened several doors. First, it encouraged sex workers to overcome the stigma associated with their work. Second, it permitted many sex workers to move toward unionization. Third, it forced the state to ensure that sex workers have rights and that these rights are not violatedto accept that we are an existing group, says Orellano, and to ensure that not only are our rights as sex workers not violated, but, basically, that our rights as citizens are not violated. Pandemic and Sex Work The restrictions imposed by governments to curb the advance of COVID-19 are a direct threat to the possibility of working in the streets. Quarantines, physical distance, and time restrictionsamong other measureshave narrowed the possibilities of livelihoods for sex workers. Many have turned to the virtual world, but those who have continued working on the streetseither because of their own work preferences or because of technological and/or generational gapshave suffered from institutional violence. Faced with this, AMMAR had to respond, to occupy the role of the absent state, in the words of Orellano. The organization has focused on establishing codes of self-respect for sex work in public spaces. And it has focused on building psychological and economic support networks, which are urgently needed in view of the growing number of women who do not know if they will be able to pay their rent or feed their children every month. Even if they comply with basic sanitary measures, this is a job that involves close contact. There is a lot of fear of COVID-19 among clients. Some clients wait to receive vaccines before resuming contact; many have also lost their jobs or lost income as a result of the pandemic, and so they constantly haggle over rates. This is a fact, Orellano tells me, that does not differentiate between those of us who work virtually or those who work on the street. Political Recognition The fact that sex workers are the ones who have supported their peers to survive the pandemic has reinforced awareness within this labor sector of the importance of political agency and collective organizing, Orellano concludes. AMMAR is part of the Argentine Workers Central Union (CTA). One of the most important achievements they have had in recent years, from Orellanos perspective, has been the recognition of sex workers within political and labor organizing spheres. During the pandemic, our organization has done everything it had to do as a union and much more, states Orellano. We have given absolutely everything so that our coworkers can subsist and go through the pandemic on equal terms with the rest of the population. This has been possible thanks to this labor sectors efforts to articulate with local and central governments recognition of the political agency of sex workers. The advance of the expansion of rightsthat is, of the visibility of our claimshas generated a lot of violence from some sectors, adds Orellano. But also, we received a lot of solidarity from other unions, and from social, feminist and partisan organizations that stretched out their hand to [be] with the whores. This article was produced by Globetrotter. Taroa Zuniga Silva is a writing fellow and the Spanish media coordinator for Globetrotter. She is the co-editor with Giordana Garcia Sojo of Venezuela, Vortice de la Guerra del Siglo XXI (2020) and is a member of the Secretaria de Mujeres Inmigrantes en Chile. She also is a member of the Mecha Cooperativa, a project of the Ejercito Comunicacional de Liberacion. As indicated in the beginning, the cinematic irony in Hansa Vilak is also obliquely presented, and deciphering it requires reading between the lines. by Ari Ariyaratne It was some forty years ago that I watched Dharmasiri Bandaranayakes directorial debut feature-length film, Hansa Vilak (1980) for the first time during its initial release in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Recently, I watched this movie again as it was made available for online viewers with the release of its digitally restored version in Sri Lanka simultaneously. Despite its antiquated look mainly due to the black-and-white imagery, and the rusticated display of the everyday affairs of ordinary life in the South Asian island nation in the early 1970s, the film demonstrated that it is still capable of garnering attention for its enduringly powerful cinematic narrative. Over the years, this movie has earned accolades well from the Sri Lankan film critics who oft-cited its supposed uncanny cinematic portrayal of adultery, and its impact on the institution of the family. A pivotal theme that I have overlooked or not thought about before (and, to my knowledge, not brought to the fore by the critics of this film at that time or later) emerged in my recent watching of Hansa Vilak. It is, in my view, central to the cinematic irony the movie imparts. I decided to write this piece to explain it succinctly. In doing so, I am also planning to carve out a brief analytical space for the auteur Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergmans The Silence (1963), a film first released to film audiences some 17 years before the first screening of Hansa Vilak. Why Bergman? And Why The Silence (1963)? As indicated earlier, Hansa Vilak was first screened in 1980. The notion that it was inspired by the cinematic vision shown in Bergmans movies has been circulating amongst the Sri Lankan film critics ever since. Even very recently, I have seen the above view echoing to the extent that the effect of Bandaranayakes portrayal of the adulterous and stormy affair in this movie is characterized as almost Bergmanesque. Certainly, Bergman was a filmmaker who often glimpsed behind the frontage of marriage and revealed the reality behind appearance in his films. Two important reasons compelled me to bring the Bergmans movie the Silence to this comparison: The first reason is to show how a world-renowned filmmaker boldly used the character of a little boy to reveal the nature of a tempestuous family affair. I have seen the memorable ways with which great filmmakers such as the Italian neo-realist Vittorio De Sica presented the character of Bruno (Enzo Staiola), the lively little son of the unemployed worker Ricci in Bicycle Thieves (1948), and the French New Wave movie director Francois Truffaut introduced the character of Antoine Doinel (Jean-Pierre Leaud), a young Parisian boy encircled by a host of inconsiderate adults, including his inattentive parents in The Four Hundred Blows (1959). Such filmic representations of the youngsters characters notwithstanding, Ingmar Bergmans cinematic introduction of the character of a ten-year-old boy named Johan (Jorgen Lindstrom) in the film titled The Silence, in my view, remains as one of the most unparalleled cinematic portrayals of a youngster mingled with the affairs of the adult world! Displaying Children as Trophies of Family Unity, Concord, and Morality Neither Bandaranayakes film, nor Bergmans movie is about or for children and adolescents. They are cinematic portrayals of childhood and adolescence in the universe of adulthood. Often, Sri Lankan filmmakers (and the makers of Sri Lankan tele dramas) display children in their works as trophies of family unity, concord, and morality. They visually depict children to romanticize childhood as well. Only a few Sri Lankan filmmakers have taken steps to change tack in this regard. Therefore, this comparison is especially appropriate in the Sri Lankan context. Within the above context, two talented Sri Lankan filmmakers who have not simply resorted to display children in their movies as trophies of family unity, concord, and morality, as well as to romanticize childhood come to my mind. One of them is Dharmasiri Bandaranayake himself, who attempted to expand on the theme he introduced in Hansa Vilak even further in his subsequent movie Thunveni Yamaya or Third Phase of the Night (1983). In this film, the vicious hallucinatory flashbacks Percy Peiris (Wasantha Kotuwella) was having during the honeymoon with his new wife Princy (Indira Jonklas) revealed the severe beating he received from his own father (Gamini Haththotuwegama) when, as a young boy (Ranga Bandaranayaka), he once inadvertently walked into their bedroom while the parents were having sex. Asoka Handagamas cinematic depiction of childhood and adolescence in the universe of adulthood is conspicuously evident in two of his movies, namely Aksharaya (A Letter of Fire) and Vidu (My Kind of Hero). In Vidu (2010), it was a boy raised by a single mother (Chandani Seneviratne). The boy (Thanishka Vimalarathne) was desperately searching the meaning and the value of his already turbulent young life. In the banned film Aksharaya (2005), the young protagonist (Isham Samzudeen) was having a sort of incestuous relationship with his own mother (Piyumi Samaraweera), a city magistrate by profession, who is going through an unsettled marital relationship with his father (Ravindra Randeniya), a high court judge. In the end, the juvenile was committing an unintentional matricidal act! Unfreezing the Cinematic Narrative The second reason to bring the Silence to this comparison is the following: Bergmans movie, just like Bandaranayakes film, is mostly oblique. The cinematic narrative (sinamaa aakhyaanaya) is not simply the story or the narrative (kathaantharaya) that comes into being due to the growth of the series of incidents or the storyline. Unfreezing the cinematic narrative by sifting through the chain of events is a worthy exercise for film connoisseurs. Admittedly, the difference between the story and the cinematic narrative may be recognizable in every film. For example, in Vittorio de Sicas film Bicycle Thieves (to which I referred earlier), the difference between the narrative and the cinematic narrative is discernible, but it is not huge. However, in oblique movies such as the Silence and Hansa Vilak, the above difference is acutely felt and clearly distinguishable. In both films, deciphering the cinematic narrative requires reading between the lines. That being the case, the comparison of the above two movies becomes further meaningful. Adult Fantasy of Reaching Rendezvous (Hansa Vila) The rear view of a young woman and a little girl walking along the street is seen. Despite an occasional passing vehicle or bicycle, the street, which is partially shaded by tall trees on both sides, is mostly empty. The woman is firmly holding the hand of the child from her right hand. The elaborate umbrella she is holding from her left hand above the head is more inclined to her shoulder, giving the impression that it is part of her dress, more than a hand-held device to ward off sunlight. As the woman with high-heeled shoes quickens the pace, her voluptuous posterior is pronounced through the tightly worn frock, and the little girl is seemingly almost running to keep the pace with the woman. The kid is wearing a hat, a white frock, shoes, and a small school backpack indicating that she is heading to the elementary school, and the woman who is walking with her is probably her mother. The sequence is abruptly changed, and now the seer sees a close-up shot of an unoccupied double bed, most likely in a room located in a guest house or a hotel. The sound of a woman who is moaning during sexual intercourse is heard briefly. The sequence is again changed briefly to the rear view of the woman and the little girl walking along the street before changing back to the scene of the empty double-bed. A babys cry is heard, followed by the sound of a sobbing woman. Again, the spectator glimpses, for a moment, the earlier sequence, which is the rear view of the woman walking with the kid. This time, the changing scene takes the viewer to a violent scene in a bedroom. Violent blows against a woman (conceivably by a man with a hand-held blunt weapon), and the resultant shaking portrait of a child which is hanging on the wall are visible. The spectator hears a womans laughter, which is closer to a scream than laughter! Thus, Dharmasiri Bandarayakes film Hansa Vilak begins this way. As the above opening image sequence shuttles back-and-forth between the woman walking with the kid, the double bed in the room, and the violent bedroom scene, the spectator begins to feel the existence of possible links. The plot of the movie thickens, and the spectator notices that his or her initial thoughts on the possible links are indeed correct. Accordingly, the young mother, Miranda Ranaweera (Swarna Mallawaarachchi), takes her daughter to school every morning. It is in this daily routine she meets Nissanka Weerasinghe (Dharmasiri Bandaranayake), another married man with two children of his own. Their relationships developed into seeing each other in their rendezvous (the hotel room) and went on unabated and unnoticed until the police raiding of the hotel room occurred. You Folks Can Go Home Quickly According to the chief of the police raiding party that shows up by the door of the hotel room, by being truthful, Nissanka and Miranda can help the law enforcement authorities to solve everything quickly. By so doing, a deputy sheriff (Granville Rodrigo) says, they can go home quickly. In this context, the police raiding party equates the acknowledgment of conjugal disloyalty with honesty. According to them, as the admission of guilt helps to restore the shattered conjugal pledge, the involving adult parties can reach a consensus on visiting or returning home or their conjugal abode in no time. Incidentally, in legal parlance, conjugal visits are the visits to a prisoner by the spouse of the prisoner, especially for sexual relations! The outcome of the sort, the law enforcement authorities allude to, ensures the well-being of their children! Expressed differently, in the view of the police, the physical presence of the children in the conjugal residence ensures the longevity of the adults conjugal allegiance, as well as the childrens security and comfort simultaneously! Adult Expectations for Kids The adults in this movie seem to agree. As it becomes abundantly clear from the opening sequence, the adults in Hansa Vilak expect their kids to help them unconditionally to reach rendezvous for extra-marital pleasure, and thereby breach conjugal loyalty. Conversely, they expect childrens unconditional (physical and moral) support to restore broken conjugal bonds! The restoration of fragmented conjugal bonds is often justified by highlighting childrens undone well-being. For instance, Douglas Ranaweera, Mirandas former husband (Henry Jayasena), holds the view that Miranda should have thought about her daughters well-being even if she found some faults in him in fulfilling his husband role. He leaves the police station while assuring his (and Mirandas) daughter that she is in the safe hands of her father. Later, upon confronting Miranda (and Nissanka) in the vicinity of the court, he reminds Miranda her unfinished motherly role: have you forgotten that you are the mother of a little one even though you play a love game now? The true reason for his agitated mind is evident immediately however when he asks Miranda about where the love was, she showed him earlier gone now. When Douglas met Nissanka at the latters office, he exhorts Nissanka to take a decision by thinking about his daughters future because a child who is accustomed to the mothers warmth is unlikely to habituate with the fathers lap. Here is another example to the point: Because of her (and Nissankas) two children, she will bear the brunt of Nissankas conjugal disloyalty, says Samanthi, Nissankas former wife (Wasanthi Chathurani). Samanthi also reminds Miranda the motherly role she has just forgotten. Later, when Nissanka came to see her, Samanthi refreshes his memory on the children born with his own blood (that he has seemingly forgotten). Moreover, she vividly recounts Douglass appearance at their doorsteps while holding a sleeping child in the middle of one night. According to her, Douglas told Samanthi and her elder brother Dayananda (G. W. Surendra) that the mother of the child he was carrying in his lap is indeed Nissankas new marital partner. Douglas also attempted to reveal them a bit of his tormented soul due to the breakup of his family, Samanthi says further! More to the point, in his visit to Nissankas office, while introducing himself as Samanthis brother Dayananda says sarcastically: how can a man remember others when he cannot even remember his own children? By the same token, Miranda says that she loves her daughter, unlike Nissanka who, in her view, does not love his own children. She justifies visiting her former conjugal residence without making Nissanka aware as it was a visit simply made to see her daughter. However, when Nissanka importuned her with pointed evidence, she admits that Douglas was at home, expecting Mirandas visit. Adding insult to injury, Miranda reveals that, it was on seeing how Douglas sobbingly collapsed like a child when she slapped him on the face in defending Nissanka, her mere sympathetic feelings on Douglas turned to love! What is more, Nissankas dealing with the consequences of his tempestuous extra-marital affair strikingly shows the adult expectations for children. When Nissanka was walking across the busy and rusticated city blocks after his former wifes brother asked him to leave their residence, a sobbing childs following words are heard: mom, dad left. They are certainly the words delivering Nissankas own expectations for his children. Additionally, towards the end of the film when reality mingles with imagination, Nissanka shows up again at the doorsteps of his former family home to the surprise of his little son. Truly, this sequence of visual images is an occasion in which adults intentions of seeking refuge in an imaginary childhood and adult expectations for children meet each other straightforwardly. To the boys question have you brought me a (toy) jeep as promised, Nissankas answer is a crying collapse. In this context, Nissanka, the adult, is seeking refuge in an imaginary childhood in front of the one (his son) who is truly a child! Hence, the situation generates cinematic irony. So, the boy delivers the words of desired adult expectations for kids: I do not need a jeep, dad. Let us go home! Adults Seeking Refuge in an Imaginary Childhood Soon after the court decision was given in favor of the new conjugal bond between Nissanka and Miranda (and declaring that their previous conjugal bonds are null and void from now on), the new couple is violently confronted by Mirandas former husband Douglas just in the outskirts of the court. When Miranda slaps on his face to save Nissanka from the assault, Douglas sobbingly neutralizes himself as if a child reacting to his mothers corporal punishment! Likewise, having sensed that Miranda has taken initial steps to reconcile with Douglas, Nissanka implores her to concentrate on her union with him, not on restoring the previous conjugal bond with Douglas. He tells Miranda that he is coming to her like a little kid seeking love. Nissankas subsequent warning that he can also become a murderer in the event of losing (Mirandas) love is akin to an angry kids reaction to grab the reprimanding parents attention and love. Moreover, after witnessing Douglass visit to their apartment to see Miranda when he is at work in his office, Nissanka decides to visit his own previous conjugal family. His sudden decision appears as exposure of his vengeful attitude toward Miranda than a genuine desire to see his former wife Samanthi and two children. Upon seeing Samanthi, he beseeched her to listen to him as he came to her like a kid desperately seeking his mothers love. Her answer to Nissankas plea is equally revealing: However, this mother cannot give the warmth of her lap to you now, my child! Furthermore, after his violent encounter with Miranda, Nissanka runs into the kitchen of a neighbors home and hides sobbingly in a dark corner there. Incidentally, in South Asian socio-cultural context, the kitchen is the traditional space belonging to the homemaker (grihani), who is also the mother on many occasions. Nissankas posture resembles a child hiding behind a little something to avoid corporal punishment from his mother. Ironically, Nissanka does this act just before killing the frightened owner of the house, an elderly Burgher woman, who happens to see him hiding in her kitchen! Ingmar Bergmans The Silence Three passengers (two women, and a small boy) seen sitting in their compartment in a moving passenger train. The older woman seems aggrieved, downhearted, and severely sick. The younger woman appears irritated at being in the presence of the older woman in their journey. The boy, not yet an adolescent, gives the impression of being familiar with the sight of both women, and inquisitive of the happenings in the train and in the outer world that he glimpses through the window of their train compartment. The beginning of their trip or the destination is not known, except the understanding that they are heading home. The train stops at an unknown European town where main European languages such as English and German are not spoken. By considering the worsening condition of the older womans sickness, they check into a local hotel, to get some medical advice from a local doctor for the sick woman if possible, to rest for a few hours, and to resume their trip. So, The Silence, the last of Ingmar Bergmans film trilogy about the silence of God, commences this way. Ester (Ingrid Thulin), the sick woman, is a heavy drinker, a chain-smoker, and a translator. Anna (Gunnel Lindblom), the mother of the boy, is voluptuous and sensually self-indulgent. Although the two women are sisters, it is implied that they were having something more intimate in the past than the usual sibling bondage, and Annas current inconsiderate attitude toward that intimacy is related to Esters feeling of disappointment. Johan (Jorgen Lindstrom), the sweet young boy, is accessible to both his mother and her elder sister equally, so he is the one who can go between the two estranged women. Anna keeps complaining about the unbearable heat inside their hotel room (an expression of her disliking to be with Ester, more than an actual reference to weather), which she uses as an excuse to go out and supposedly get some fresh air. Doing just that, she picked up a man, a bartender, before having sex with him in another room in the hotel adjacent to the one they (Ester, Anna, and Johan) originally checked into. Moreover, she vengefully let Ester into the room, forcing her to see Annas sex act with the man, and thereby making Ester feel being let down by her. Ester does try to engage in her translating activity amid drinking, smoking, coughing, and repeatedly and fiercely pressing the room service button to order more drinks, but her eyes and mind seem to be focused on Anna. She is bothered by the way Anna keeps deliberately sidelining her and their previously existed intimate relationship despite Esters repeated pleas not to do so. Her overwhelming self-pity, caused by her failing health, her fear of dying alone, and Annas inconsiderate attitude, makes her reflect upon her own life and her wretched role. Cinematic Irony in The Silence With the able assistance of Sven Nykvist, his cinematographer and the long-time collaborator, Bergman constructs a superlative cinematic metaphor in this movie, and it is centered on language. The master filmmaker builds it as a thematic metaphor gradually, and eventually turning into the epitome of his cinematic imagination. It is the efficacy of this metaphor that generates cinematic irony in the Silence. Ester, the translator, tries to understand the foreign language used in the unspecified European grand hotel through her attempt at gleaning words from books. Revealingly, the couple of words she was able to pick from her brief conversation with the hall porter earlier and decipher via her books (face and hand) belong to the domain of bodily existence! Her futile attempt is nothing but to reach the world of carnal pleasure (that Anna represents for her) by using her bookish world as a conveyor! In her own words, its all a matter of erections and secretions. Anna, in contrast, is a woman who tries to understand her surrounding intuitively and empirically by exploring the domain of the body. She kisses the man she picked up from the bar by saying the following words: How nice that we dont understand each other. I wish Ester were dead! These words reveal her indulgence for carnal pleasure, as well as her current disliking for Esters overtures for intimacy. Consequently, neither women can fully recognize the face in the foreign language that they deal with! They, for example, did not notice or did not pay attention to the tanks or the armored fighting vehicles on the passing train when they were in the compartment of their train. They do not visually discern the tank that rumbles down the street in front of the hotel, poses, and passes on, either. More to the point, they do not perceive with their eyes an aging mule carrying a heavily loaded wagon, symbolizing the not-so-rosy everyday affairs of ordinary life in this town. Only the boy notices all of them! By focusing primarily on the main characters face throughout the movie, Bergman cinematically emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between the face, the personhood, and society. Thus, language cannot be understood through words alone, or conversely by focusing only on the bodily presence of the speech actor. To put it differently, the face of language is both the words and the humanity of the speech actor(s) who utters the words. The cinematic irony in The Silence is not devoid of hope, however. To the point, Bergman introduces the intriguing and ingratiating character of hall porter (Hakan Jahnberg) as a way of showing that the human face in a foreign language always does exist if one has the inclination to recognize it. This old man, who quickly responds to Esters fierce bell ringing for room service shares no commonality whatsoever with her. Yet he intuitively understands her, serves her liquor, food, and water, lets her listen to classical music of Johan Sebastian Bach, cleans up her mess, and even listens to her long soliloquy of confession by playing the role of a concerned and worried companion even though he does not understand a word Ester is uttering. Then there is the boy Johan. American film critic Roger Ebert is right when he says that the boy is key to the film. Bergman does not present him as an innocent adolescent face, a brat, or a clown. Armed with his cap pistol, Johan spends a considerable amount of time traversing the long passageway of the strangely deserted hotel. He comes across an electrician, a troupe of dwarf vaudevillians (who try to dress him as one of their own), the hall porter, and the alcohol addicted and chain-smoking life of Ester, whose activities are largely confined to her room. Johan even notices the activities of his own mother Anna who entered a room in the hotel with a man she picked up from the nearby bar while passionately embracing and kissing him! Johans inquisitiveness on the tempestuous affairs of the adult world, despite the irony it generates, is not cynical, not fomented by mere adolescent curiosity, but is driven by the instinctive sympathy he feels for both Ester and Anna, the two women close to his young life. Ester, why are you a translator? he asks from Ester, and adds a follow up question: Do you know the language here? Ester responds saying that she has learned just a few words. I am pretty scared of words, says Johan! Johan and Anna leave the hotel and resume their journey home while leaving the sick woman Ester stranded in the hotel. In the ending scene of The Silence, one sees Anna and Johan sitting in a compartment of a moving train. Anna seems agitated, opens the train window, and exposes herself to the chilly morning rain outside. Johan takes the letter that Anna wrote and gave to him from his pocket and tries to read it: To Johan, Words in a foreign language-----"! The Silence of God As mentioned earlier, The Silence was the last film in the Bergman trilogy about the silence of God. There is no theology in this chamber drama. It is Johan, the sweet boy with an angelic face, that conveys the hopes of the film. Still, in a world of deep emotional isolation and alienation, will such hope of childhood survive into adulthood? Through its uncanny exposure of the affairs of the tempestuous adult world, the film casts enough doubts on it. Hence, the cinematic irony! Cinematic Irony in Hansa Vilak As indicated in the beginning, the cinematic irony in Hansa Vilak is also obliquely presented, and deciphering it requires reading between the lines. God as a Sellout! In the tempestuous adult world portrayed in Hansa Vilak, God seems commodified! When troubled Nissanka was walking across the noisy and rusticated city-blocks, he was stopped by a preacher with a hawkish look and curiosity (J. H. Jayawardene) before offering the help of God Almighty in the form of a booklet. God becomes a sellout! Towards the end of the movie, in a sequence in which reality intermixes with imagination, Nissanka comes back to the apartment complex where he and Miranda resided in their brief and turbulent union (and where Nissanka brutally murdered Miranda). When he was reaching his apartment, the next-door little girl approaches Nissanka and says: Uncle, I did not go to school today. Without expecting any response from him, she runs away. Almost simultaneously, by seeing Nissankas approach, a frightened little toddler runs away from him. In the context of this movie, the decision to not to attend school even for one day, which is today, (and the expression of that decision directly to an adult) is indeed an act of defiance on the part of the children against the adult fantasy of reaching a rendezvous with similar adults for carnal pleasure in the guise of taking kids to school. Incidentally, this is the same child from whom Nissanka asks the whereabouts of Miranda earlier. The childs response was wait, I will ask from my mother and tell you. Then, it was her mother, (and not her) who comes out to inform Nissanka that Miranda went somewhere. These snippets give strong clues for childrens innate reluctance to take part in the stormy world of adults even though the adults (for their own advantage) want the children to do so. In Hansa Vilak, the affairs of the adult world unravel within walled structuresit is within these structures or the homes conjugal loyalty is formed, strengthened, maintained, challenged, or fiercely fought out by the adults. The rendezvous or the oases of conjugal disloyalty (such as hotel rooms) also exist in these enclosed premises. As portrayed in this film, the affairs of the adult world are chamber dramas. (Bergmans The Silence is also, as indicated earlier, a chamber drama). In contrast, the children instinctively find the above multi-storied, walled structures and the narrow passages leading to them lackadaisical. They either tend to gather and play in open spaces or convert whatever the limited spaces available within the walled structures into temporary playgrounds. In a memorable sequence of images in this movie, while resentful Nissanka is waiting by the door of his and Mirandas apartment, beautifully dressed Miranda is seen walking through a spacious area of the building (where children are playing) onto the apartment. When she is climbing up the steps to reach the apartment, the kids are seen climbing down quickly as if sensing the impending violent encounter between Nissanka and Miranda. Soon after her arrival, Nissanka closes the door of their apartment and the blinds of the windows. After assaulting Miranda while alleging that she secretly visited not only her daughter but also former husband, he opens the window blinds and gets a glimpse of the outside. He notices the same bunch of kids still playing in the spacious area through which Miranda just came! In fact, the latent cinematic narrative of Hansa Vilak is the tension generated by the dialectical relationship between the adults who, for their own conjugal loyalty or disloyalty, set forth expectations for children and the childrens instinctive and persistent attempt to stay away from the world of tempestuous adult affairs. Notwithstanding its cinematic merits, the above theme does not translate into a superlative cinematic metaphor in this movie, however. It seems that the director, the screenwriter, the cinematographer, the editor, and the music director were incommunicado, putting their collective weight so effectively to the secondary theme of adult fantasy of reaching rendezvous and the consequences of its eventual withering away. This characterization does not deprive Hansa Vilak from its deserving accolades. Although it did not reach the master class as Bergmans The Silence did, Hansa Vilak did show the strength and the potential of its latent cinematic narrative, while registering its presence amongst the most memorable Sri Lankan films. About the writer: Ari Ariyaratne received his Ph. D. in anthropology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is Distinguished Professor at Heartland Community College, Normal, Illinois, and College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Ariyaratne is the author of the textbook titled Key Concepts of Cultural Anthropology (2020). Currently, he is working on his forthcoming volume titled Key Concepts of Four-Field Anthropology. HCA Healthcare: Visitation policies vary per site, ranging from no visitors allowed to patients being limited to one visitor per day. Policies are subject to change without notice, and exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis. Screening processes, social distancing guidelines and masking policies are in place in all facilities. No visitors are permitted for COVID patients at any location. Visitors are not permitted in any of the waiting areas. Heightened infection prevention policies are in place, including the removal of high-touch items such as magazines, toys and vending machines. Food and drinks are prohibited in clinical units to prevent the spread of illness. Ford said his childrens hospital has no COVID patients a month ago and now has four. So far, none of the children are on ventilators, he said. With young children at risk but ineligible for vaccines, the message is vaccination is going to get us out of this and keep us where we want want to be. So sixth graders will start out at William Dandy Middle in Fort Lauderdale for the first few weeks of school and then move into two existing buildings on the Rickards campus that were not destroyed. The district still needs to make some repairs and get permits to reopen them, but that should be done by late September, construction manager Frank Girardi said. The financial markets work well except when disruptions occur, such as wars, recessions, pandemics and natural disasters. During disruptions, many turn to government for leadership as we did during two world wars, the Great Depression and pandemics such as polio, small pox and measles. Humane governments responded to the needs of the people in spite of market considerations, believing that restoring the people also secures the markets. The European Commission (EC) published its draft mandate for negotiations regarding Gibraltar's future relationship with the EU this week, but it was swiftly rejected by the Gibraltar and UK governments, who claimed that, among other things, it would undermine British sovereignty. Gibraltar's chief minister, Fabian Picardo, was the first to speak out, just hours after the draft document was released, saying "the mandate published today strays unhelpfully from the New Year's Eve Framework Agreement and cannot form the basis for the negotiation of an agreement of a UK Treaty with the EU in relation to Gibraltar". He said Gibraltar would continue to plan for a situation where no agreement was possible. Soon afterwards the UK's Foreign Minister, Dominic Raab, said the EU mandate "directly conflicts" with the agreement made between Gibraltar, UK and Spain at the end of last year. The main point which has led to such an angry response was the EC's proposal that Spanish officers should be responsible for manning the new Schengen border at Gibraltar's airport and port. This was a red line which Gibraltar insisted from the start could not be crossed, and that is why it was proposed that officers from the EU's Frontex force should do so instead. Spain's new Foreign Minister, Jose Maria Albares, who met Dominic Raab on Thursday, has also confirmed that Spain is committed to the terms of the preliminary agreement signed last year, and that the potential treaty would be good, not only for Gibraltar, but for the nearest area of Spain. These days, there are many Spanish wines attracting attention with striking names, such as Cojon de Gato (cat's testicle), Teta de Monja (nun's tit) or Habla del Silencio (speak of the silence). Malaga wineries haven't been afraid to follow the trend. Some names can be closely identified with the local area (such as El Chavea, a term for a young boy or child) and others refer to historical characters, such as bandits and war heroes. There are even some that allude to judicial expressions. Here are some of the ones that are difficult to forget and are made in Malaga. La Ola del Melillero Outside of Malaga this is difficult to explain but the Ola de Melillero (Melilla wave) is a phenomenon that occurs on the beaches of Malaga when the high speed ferry that travels the route between Melilla in Africa and Malaga arrives in port. The resulting swell often catches people out on the beach. The name corresponds to a dry white wine made with Pedro Ximenez grapes, from Bodega Victoria Ordonez & Hijos. Retumba The Malaga sommelier Luis Palma swore that if he recovered the motorcycle that had been stolen in London he would return to Spain, sell it and with the money he would buy a vineyard. He got the bike back and rode it back to Spain ending up in the Axarquia where he bought the small vineyard Retumba (meaning echo or resonate). This sweet Muscat wine, has received public and critical acclaim. Perezoso In Ronda, the Gonzalez Beltra bodega has a red and a rose called Perezoso but the meaning of this adjective (lazy) has nothing to do with the wine. It actually refers to the small pools that are still preserved in the Finca Nogalera, at the foot of the Tagus. Known locally as 'perezosos', they were where the fruit was washed before being taken to the market. Pixel The name Pixel seems to give an air of avant-garde to this wine made at Bodegas Bentomiz. But the name alludes to the grapes with which it is made. That is, Pedro Ximenez, which is often abbreviated to PX in text, and Muscatel. The owners of the winery, Clara and Andre, decided to create an original acronym of both varieties for their surprising dry wine. Pasos Largos Pasos Largos (Long Steps) was the name of one of Malaga's most notorious bandits and his name has been given to this red 'coupage' from the winery of the same name, located in Ronda. But it is far from being the only bandit's nickname used to name wines made in Malaga. Among others, there are Pernales and Vivillo, both from Malaga Virgen, and El Lero, from Bodegas Lara. Malvajio There are several traditional Malaga words in the nomenclature of some wineries. Among them is this wine created by a bodega in Mijas, which makes 'garage wines'. The name of the company is Malvajio, a local word for bad luck, which has been used to name one of its reds. El Chavea In the iconic Antigua Casa de Guardia winery, they also have a wine with a very 'Malaguita' name. It is El Chavea, a word used in the city and surroundings to refer to a boy or even a child. El Chavea is a natural sweet wine made from Muscat of Alexandria grapes and without aging. Quitapenas Bodega Quitapenas (drown your sorrows) has been in Malaga for so long that few even think twice about the meaning behind its name. It produces several wines with that label (Dorado, Plata, Dry and Vermouth, among others). The Costa del Sol celebrated England's 'Freedom Day' on Monday with nearly sixty take offs and landings between Malaga Airport and the UK. The lifting of the ten-day quarantine requirement for fully vaccinated UK holidaymakers returning to England from Spanish destinations has seen the number of flights double compared with the previous month. This new daily rate of between 50 and 60 connections is around a third of the volume of operations registered between Malaga and the UK in the summer of 2019, the year before the pandemic. The lifting of quarantine regulations for travellers returning to England from amber-list countries, albeit only those who have been fully vaccinated through the British NHS system, was the main topic of conversation among holiday industry staff at the airport on Monday. Miguel, a Nerja taxi driver who was waiting for a couple arriving from Liverpool to take them to the Balcon de Europa hotel, was hopeful. "It seems that things are livening up. Let's hope that finally we can be clear about the restrictions; we've been without work for more than a year." Not far away it was a pleasant surprise to see the holiday giant TUI had set up its banners to greet its customers; and the private transfer information desk for passengers was operating after the airline's year-long absence from the Costa del Sol airport. The fifth most important airline for Malaga in terms of passenger volume was back in action on Monday with flights from Birmingham and Leeds. A young representative said that they were keen to get started again, "just as our customers are keen to get back to the Costa del Sol". In less than an hour as many as seven flights arrived from UK airports, bringing tourists from London, Liverpool, Southend and Glasgow, as well as the aforementioned Leeds and Birmingham. The general hum of the arrivals area was interrupted by the cries of excitement coming from a group of girls, finally enjoying the delayed reunion with their friend from Malaga who had been at their school in England. "We've been waiting two years to meet up again," they said before heading off to Marbella. "We've got a week to be together," they added. With the same excitement but less commotion, an elderly passenger arriving from Liverpool only had eyes for a two-year-old girl he picked up in his arms and didn't stop cuddling. He was double-jabbed, he said, and here to enjoy ten days on the Costa del Sol. Meanwhile a couple on the London flight heading for Fuengirola said it was "time to come back to the Costa", where they "feel at home, or better". The feeling of relief at being able to return to a favourite destination has also come as a relief for the tourism industry on the Costa del Sol, which depends so much on British visitors who normally make up 30 per cent of the arrivals at Malaga Airport. Meanwhile hoteliers spoke of an upturn in bookings, although they are sticking for the time being to their forecasts of 58% occupancy in July and 62% in August. A roundup of campaign news items of interest: MEDICARE FOR ALL: The Progressive Caucus of the Iowa Democratic Party will host a March for Medicare for All event at 2 p.m. Saturday on the west steps of the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines. It is demanding Congress pass improved and expanded Medicare for All, with health care recognized as a right for all people and prioritizing it in the federal budget. The caucus believes universal, single-payer health care would save thousands of lives and billions of dollars annually. Among those speaking will be Iowa Democratic Party Rural Caucus Chairman Glenn Hurst of Minden, who is running for the U.S. Senate; Cherie Mortice of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement; and Jason Frerichs, a respiratory therapist, contact tracer and inaugural Progressive Caucus chairman. For more information, contact CHUCK GRASSLEY BY 20 POINTS: Sen. Joni Ernst fully anticipates Sen. Chuck Grassley will seek re-election in 2022 and, regardless of his Democratic challenger, the Red Oak Republican expects him to win an eighth term. I hope that he does run for re-election, she said Friday when asked about former 1st District Rep. Abby Finkenauers entry into the race. Finkenauer joins Manning farmer and cattlefeeder Dave Muhlbauer, Glenn Hurst of Minden and, potentially, others seeking the Democratic nomination. He is still very energetic. He is on top of it, Ernst said. He knows legislation inside and out. And he is always working so hard for Iowans. Because of that, Ernst said, regardless of who the Democratic candidate is, maybe Sen. Grassley only wins by about 20 points this time. PAT GRASSLEY CHIEF OF STAFF: Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley, R-New Hartford, has announced Cord Overton will succeed Laura Steve as his chief of staff beginning Aug. 9. Overton currently is chief of staff at the Iowa Department of Corrections. He has worked in state government since 2013 where he started as a policy adviser to the Branstad-Reynolds administration. Overton holds a bachelors degree in political science from Iowa State University and a masters in public policy from University of Northern Iowa. He is originally from Waterloo, and now lives in Van Meter with his wife and daughter. WHITVER CHALLENGER: The creator of the Vaccine Hunter COVID-19 vaccination website is aiming to knock off Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, in 2022. Todd Brady of Ankeny said Whitver played politics during the pandemic, while I actually got things done with this website that helped thousands of Iowans find COVID-19 vaccinations in the late winter and spring. We need a senator focused on service, not partisan politics, Brady said. Active voter registration in Senate 19 favors Republicans by 2.7 percentage points, which was Whitvers margin of victory in 2018. AMARA ANDREWS ENDORSED: EMILYs List, the nations largest resource for female, pro-abortion rights Democratic political candidates, endorsed Amara Andrews in the race for mayor of Cedar Rapids. We know that she will champion sustainability, economic growth and COVID-19 recovery when she is elected mayor, Emily Cain, executive director of EMILYs List, said in the endorsement. Andrews is head of business development and communications for the transportation division of TrueNorth Companies in Cedar Rapids and vice president of the Advocates for Social Justice nonprofit. -- Compiled by The Gazette Unlimited website access 24/7 Unlimited e-Edition access 24/7 The best local, regional and national news in sports, politics, business and more! With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading The Henderson News. The Perspective Atlanta, Georgia July 24, 2021 Murv L. Kandakai Gardiner, Ph.D In this article we seek to urgently awaken the reader to actively engage in envisaging a qualitative future of Liberia by comprehending the soul of the Liberian State. We begin with one of the greatest canons of civilizations, The Republic as Plato articulates Socrates' descent into the depths of Piraeus, that economically flourishing port city with a politically redemptive possibility in order to excavate the truth. In the initial stage of the archeology of his soul, he descended with his friend Glaucon to meet the Greek gods in futility because they could not do anything for him. He argued, "I went down to the Piraeus" (kateben zthis eis peiraeus). In his upward trajectory via the depths, at his eschatological (final) trial Socrates succinctly said, "The unexamined life is the life not worth living. For unrighteousness runs deeper than death." (Apology, 38a5-6). In the same canon, in Book 1 of The Republic Plato defines the soul as justice. He goes a step further in implicitly stating that we are not our own. For in order to attain individual harmony of the soul (eudaimonia), socio-economic/political justice, which is the soul of the State must be in place. In this light, Plato posits that the soul of the individual and that of the larger society can never attain happiness without the truth. Commensurately, centuries later, Saul of Tarsus accentuated that we must all examine ourselves. "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith...Do you not know that Jesus Christ is in you?" (2 Corinthians 13:5). And within the setting of a realized, political eschatology where God is the Sovereign, Jean Calvin in 16th century Geneva asserted that we are not our own. We belong to a larger and greater structure. Like Socrates, Calvin felt that in the study of righteousness via self-examination, one will come to understand that "man must abandon his own will, and devote himself entirely to the service of God" (The Institutes, chapter 7). Thus, in the wake of austere, counter-cyclical fiscal policies and monetary policies that were understandably superimposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) upon the Liberian people plus the very strange modus operandi of the rich and poor alike, which heightened the vulnerability of Liberia to the invading Coronavirus and its Delta Variant, we are impelled to retrospectively and introspectively look at the soul of Liberia and collectively seek a way forward. In his debate with Socrates, as The Republic informs us, Thrasymachus tells him that injustice is more powerful than justice. Socrates makes a counter-argument in accentuating that justice is "the excellence of the soul and to live well, the soul must use this excellence" (Plato, 199,338c). In Greek and Hebraic antiquity, justice meant laws governing the State and economic parity and charity. Historically, with economic justice (Tsedekah) shaping the meaning of justice, the soul of the Liberian State has been about the economic life-jacket of the nation. Thus, amidst the growing economic malaise, the decadence that is attributable to the disproportionate level of poor cognitive, moral, and social development of a significant number of Liberian youths incommensurate with the youths of Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, and South Africa, and the nihilistic threat due to global climate change and other exogenous factors of ecological destruction that hurt Liberia, we are impelled to look at the soul of Liberia in hopes of alleviating the problem and making a complete detour on Liberia's economic death highway. In this light, we must ask ourselves, Has the soul of Liberia been cursed? No one person or administration can be held responsible for the abyss upon which the soul of Liberia is sitting. The apparent curse, which is the direct consequence of the nation's aberration from the will of God began in slavery when the tribal chiefs right at the Grain Coast (present day Liberia) sold their own people to Portuguese merchants. This downward trajectory of the soul of Liberia continued way after the foundation of the country by repatriated Africans and the emancipation of African slaves in America as it culminated in the tragic Fernando Po slave event of the 1920's. Also, its continuing downward slope today is attributable to idolatrous dependence on witchcraft, materialism, and tribalism to the point where the latter becomes a mask of ethnicity for perpetuating injustice. Here our understanding of the American situation helps us to understand our own situation. As America was losing some of its battles during her Revolutionary War with Great Britain, Thomas Paine said, the soul of America was being tried and tested. When he averred in The American Crisis, "These are the times that try men's souls...Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered " (Paine, 1776), was he acknowledging that America's soul was being tried for its participation in slavery? Paine stopped short of a complete individual and collective self-examination when he focused only on Britain's intent to keep America fettered not only in taxation but in all cases. But it was one man, Abe Lincoln who saw the need for a complete examination and atonement of America's soul. During the Civil War, Lincoln felt the need for self-humiliation because of America's sin of slavery. He declared a Day of National Humiliation that was tantamount to Plato's emphasis on collective/national self-examination and the Hebrew prophets' participation in the archeology of the soul. For Lincoln, such self-humiliation was monumental for the survival of America's soul. And in The Death of Adam, Marilynne Robinson shows us how Jean Calvin's extrapolation of insights from Marguerite de Navarre's poem, Mirror of the Sinful Soul ultimately rescued the souls of France, Switzerland, England and Scotland, and America. As Liberians glance at Ms Robinson's The Death of Humanity(Adam), they cannot help but see an echo of the psalmist anthropologically psychological question, "What is man that thou are mindful of him?" (8:1a). Have the senseless, violent protests and insurrections that have resulted in destroying Liberia's infrastructures and institutions while assaulting and killing many people aided the spreading and mutation of the Coronavirus? Is this the beginning of the death of humanity not only in Maryland, Montserrado, and other counties in Liberia but also the rest of the world? Or will this existential threat and anxiety propel Liberia to see her abyss with eagle's eyes and grasp it with eagle's talons in the attainment of hope for a qualitative future? (Nietzschean) In response to our current situation, in his CWA Class of 70_50th Anniversary Speech, CLLR Seward Cooper shares some critical insights as he raises the following pivotal questions: What do we know about our country and our people? How did Liberia become a beacon of hope for the black race and a threat to colonialism and white racial domination? Why did we implode? Why do we still agitate in ways that could lead to further destruction? Why are we not yet reconciled? What can we do to uplift ourselves? To find some vital answers to our questions, we go back to President Lincoln's Proclamation 85 in 1861, wherein he proclaimed: Whereas it is fit and becoming in all people at all times to acknowledge and revere the supreme government of God, to bow in humble submission to his chastisements, to confess and deplore their sins in the full conviction that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom... Whereas our beloved country is now afflicted with faction and civil war, it is peculiarly fit for us to recognize the hand of God in this terrible visitation, and in sorrowful remembrance of our own crimes as a nation and as individuals to humble ourselves before Him and to pray for His mercy-to pray that we may be spared further punishment, though most justly deserved; ...and that the inestimable boon of civil and religious liberty, earned under His guidance and blessing by the labors and sufferings of our fathers, may be restored in all its original excellence: Therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do appoint the last Thursday in September next as a day of humiliation, prayer, and fasting for all the people of the the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to the throne of Grace and bring down plentiful blessings upon our country. As Liberia is steeped in ignorance, in the process of self-examination, those who "know book" for which they are many times despised and rejected, must illustrate and transmit to the very least of their sisters and brothers, a Socratic-type personality, "I know and yet I do not know" (ginosko kai den xe`ro). This will mark the beginning of a reversal, a complete detour of the nation's soul, as Liberia will then be joining her American father, Abe Lincoln who not only affirmed her in 1862, which was 15 years after her independence, but fervently believed that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Such realization via collective self-humiliation and collective self-abnegation in response to the will of God, will arouse the country to engage in a complete overhauling. Also, such humiliation would hopefully lead to radical changes in the criminal justice system, an amalgamative extrapolation and appreciation of Keynesian, Schumpeterian, and Sachian economics in order to effect economic justice, the feminization of Liberia in respecting the beauty and rights of women and nature, and the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC's) report. This will invariably heal the soul of Liberia and develop the country in its totality. For in our search for reconciliation and healing, descendants of tribal chiefs who sold our ancestors into slavery and the rest of us who continue to defile God our Maker and His natural creation must join Arthur Symons in saying: O river! voice of my soul, crying in the sand, All night long crying with a mournful cry. As I lie and listen, and cannot understand The voice of my heart in my side or the voice of the sea, O water of my soul, crying for rest, Is it I? Is it I? All night long the water is crying to me. References Calvin, John. (1536 & 1975). The Institutes of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia: Pa. Westminster Press. Edited by John T. McNeil and translated by Fords Lewis Battle Cooper, Seward. (2020). CWA Class of 70_50th Anniversary Speech. Atlanta: Georgia The Perspective Lincoln, Abraham. (1861). Proclamation 85- Proclaiming A Day of National Humiliation, Prayer, and Fasting. Washington: District of Columbia Paine, Thomas. (1776 - 1783). The American Crisis/Common Sense. Philadelphia: Pa The Pennsylvania Journal Plato. (375 BC, 1809, & 1968). The Republic. Greece & Paris. Basic Books. Edited and Translated by Allan Bloom Robertson, Marilynne. (1998). The Death of Adam. New York: NY. Houghton Mifflin Company Symons, Arthur. (1914). Poems of Arthur Symons, Volume 2 - in The Looms of Dreams. London: England. The Perspective Atlanta, Georgia July 24, 2021 J. Patrick Flomo At the ripe age of 174 years, the future of Liberia is uncertain and unpredictable and is sickened with the diseases of systemic corruption, massive poverty, poor healthcare system and education, weakened political institutions, and a foreign-dominated economy. On Monday, July 26, 2021, Liberia will celebrate 174 years of sovereignty. Each year, during the month of July, I ponder the celebratory festive mood that consumes the Liberian people regarding Independence. The struggle for Liberia's independence is sui generis among the nations of the world. That is, unlike many nations, Liberia's sovereignty was handed to her on a "silver platter" rather than through the sacrifice of blood, toil, tears, and sweat. The celebration of a nation's Independence has two primal items of importance: the commemoration of the heroes and heroines of the fight for independence and the exaltation of the achievement of the nation in the improvement of the lives of its citizens since independence. Can our Republic really boast of any of these two elements? I think not. At the age of 174 years of sovereignty, the Republic is infested with a swamp of systemic corruption that is deeply rooted in all its functions, and it seems that it has become the norm, making it difficult to eradicate. It has become our Republic's "Hydra." At 174 years, the Republic should have been among the developed nations of the world rather than being plagued by a dire economic situation that includes abject poverty, a deplorable public healthcare system, and an educational system that is mediocre compared to Ghana and Nigeria. The Republic is in a state of despair, uncertainty, and hopelessness. And, we need to wake up to these dire realties because they are clear and present danger to our Republic and to prevent a second implosion. What is most disheartening is that Liberia has become the land of wasted human capital, the most valuable resource for the growth and development of the Republic. Take for example, the streets of Monrovia on daily basis are teeming with multitudes of young men and women aimlessly crisscrossing the city without education and job training. This is the making of the next generation of underprivileged and impoverished class in our society. At 100 on July 1, 2021, China says to the world, "China has arrived." The Chinese leader Xi Jinping tells the world, "the rise of China is unstoppable." Despite China's three bloody revolutions (the 1911 fall of the Qing Dynasty, Mao Zedong's formation in 1949 of the Chinese Communist Party, and the 1966 Cultural Revolution against the intellectuals) that killed hundreds of millions of people, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping set in motion the most aggressive economic reforms in the 20th century. In less than four decades, China has almost wiped out poverty and is now the second-greatest economic power (behind the US) in the world. That is an achievement to tout during the independence celebration. In this same time period, Liberia was experiencing the best of times and worst of times of stable democracy, an economic boom (the 1960s), and affluence of the 1 percent. In four decades (April 1980) since our first bloody revolution (with a senseless 15-year civil war interregnum), Liberia is mired in massive abject poverty, the worst public healthcare crisis in its history, poor education, underdevelopment of human capital, and a high unemployment rate. Liberia's poverty rate is 51 percent in the world and is ranked #20 among the poorest countries ( At the age of 174 years, the Republic's economy is virtually controlled by foreign nationals, which I view as a long-term strategic threat to our national security and stability. This also demonstrates our inability to determine our own destiny. We import virtually everything to sustain our daily lives. Among these products is rice, the most strategic product for peace and stability of the country. We have seen how the "Grain Revolution" of the 20th century made Mexico and the Indian subcontinent self-sufficient in food, and yet, we let our huge fertile landmass lie dormant while we import rice, our staple food. At 174 years of age, our streets and highways are being constructed by the Chinese New Silk Road project rather than by Liberian civil engineers. Monrovia, the capital city, was once considered "the small New York City" in Africa. In the 1960s, it was the gravitational center of attraction for intellectuals from Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and multinational corporations from around the globe. Today, the city is a swamp of landfill and filth. At age 174, government civil servants are irregularly paid, sometimes waiting three to four months. This is a travesty for a sovereign nation that is about to celebrate 174 years of independence. The blight of the state of Liberia painted above is rooted in its founding and the subsequent achievement of independence and the revolution of 1980. Liberia was conceived and established by the American Colonization Society (ACS), a group of slavemasters and a few abolitionists who aimed to expurgate free slaves to prevent revolt in the American South. At Independence in 1847, the beneficiaries of the ACS failed to create a nation that would look like John Winthrop's "City Upon A Hill," and created an "apartheid nation"making the natives noncitizens. Three decades after Independence, the True Whig Party (founded by darker-skinned Americo-Liberians in 1869) challenged the Republican Party and dominated Liberian politics for a century. In the 1970s, a new progressive movement (MOJA and PAL) challenged and hoped to clean up the iniquities of the century rule of the True Whig Party. In April of 1980, while most of the leading members of the movement were in jail waiting for execution, their desire to bring down the True Whig Party government was achieved in a military coup on April 12, 1980. Between 1980 and 1990, Liberia went through fundamental transformative change. The first five years (1980 to 1985) was a period of military rule the suspension of political activities and the constitution. The second five years (1985 to 1990) saw a new birth of political freedom civil government, multiparty system, a new constitution, and free speech . The progressive desire for crucible and fundamental structural change of our society and institutions got lost in the fog of political fights among the new political class. And thus, the only substantive gains from the 1980 progressive revolution were the right to a multiparty system and freedom of expression that did not exist in the past hundred years. The True Whig Party, for over a century (1869 to 1980) planted the seeds of corruption and inept institutions. The failure of the 1980 revolution to fundamentally change the corrupt and systemic infrastructure of the government is one of the reasons why Liberia is in a state of dire uncertainty and despair. What is deeply concerning is the growing wealth gap between those in elected positions, the civil servants, and the rest of society. What is most ironic is that the natives (the new political elites) have made their brothers and sisters far more impoverished in four decades than the Americo-Liberians did in a century. During the week of our independence celebration, I would welcome political and economic conversations among Liberians everywhere on the following: Fundamental constitutional reform to establish a true separation of powers (Executive, Judiciary, Legislature) The control of our economy by foreign nationals a source of our perpetual poverty The exorbitant salaries of Legislators in a country where the masses live on less than $2.00 a day Economic inequality Civil servant on-time payment Corruption Poverty, healthcare, and population growth (now at 5.1 million) Education Liberias Grain Revolution (food self-sufficient) Electrification I think such substantive conversations will serve as a guidepost for the younger generation to design and build a better second republic. Moreover, it will make the independence celebration more meaningful and significant. London: England. The Perspective Atlanta, Georgia July 24, 2021 Liberia will be celebrating its independence day on July 26 this coming week as they have done so for 173 years. It is considered to be Liberias independence day. This is taken for granted and Liberians will again bemoan the fact that the country lags behind in terms of human development. The prophets and politicians will make comparisons with Ivory Coast or Ghana or Nigeria. They will cry so much that everyone will feel sorry for them. How can a country be 174 years old and be in this state of mal-education, low human capacity, a rundown economy, and roads that are not worthy of being called car roads? The question one must ask is the following: Is Liberia 174 years old, really? Or should we look at the history of colonization and decolonization to answer the question? Colonization, in general terms, means the occupation by a stranger of a space belonging to someone else. In our political parlance, it means strangers coming to the town and imposing their will on the inhabitants, coercing them to submit to their laws and exploiting at will the resources of that land. Western colonization came with the gun and the Bible. Subjection by force or brainwashing. On July 26, 1847, a group of immigrants from the United States of America, congregated and decided to create a sovereign nation, using the land and the people to do so. This group declared itself as an independent nation, free from the bounds of the US. They wrote a constitution and started their own form of government. The people of the hinterland were not consulted, neither were they citizens of the new nation. They were not part of the setup. Every law that was passed, every political undertaking was geared towards the welfare and the protection of that group of colonists who called themselves pioneers. From that July 26, until 1980, political wealth, as well as economic wealth, was attained only by subscribing to that political agenda. The Frontier Force served to protect the same group. The group that ruled what has become known as Liberia was just like the French colonizers in Senegal or the British colonizers in Ghana. The big difference between the colonial processes in Ghana or Ivory Coast and Liberia is that in Liberia, the colonizers were black like the colonized. The illusion of integration worked perfectly. To be independent, one has to be a colony. But who became independent? Did July 26 mark the beginning of sovereignty for the natives or emancipation and total control by the Americos? What started in 1847 was the start of the colonization process and it went on until it was overthrown in 1980. Samuel Doe as a hero or villain makes no difference and what happened to his legacy does not change the fact that he ended the colonial regime. Just as NKrumah, Ben Bella and others did, through war, negotiation or else. Taking 1980 as the beginning of the emancipation of the natives, with a political system based on their vision and leaders they chose, one can posit that independence came to Liberia in 1980. How it came to be is immaterial. But before 1980, no one could imagine a Weahs presidency. Liberia is still poor because it is still functioning on the colonial model of exploitation. From the 1920s when Firestone signed its first deal, the exploitation of Liberia natural resources has followed the same pattern as in any colony in Africa. However, when they became independent, many African countries restructured their economies, but Liberia has not, because it never considered itself a colony. As long as that essential issue has not been resolved, the country will continue to march on the path of alienation and dependency. Liberian intellectuals have fallen into an ideological trap, by embracing the colonial narrative, maintaining this illusion that colonization stopped when, in reality, it was just beginning. The generation that sought to change things often glossed over the colonial aspect of our politics because they were more often than not aligned with the colonial system. Liberians do not question their relationship with America, as they fear that doing so will lead to a permanent break-up. This intellectual alienation is palpable at all levels. Thinking that Liberia is 174 years old means subscribing to the colonization narrative. Of course, there was no such country as Liberia before the coming of the Americas, but what they started was independence for themselves and free-hands to take over Liberia and colonize it. Celebrating the 26 as independence is celebrating the beginning of the colonization process and not independence. Its like the slave celebrating the masters birthday and taking it as his/her own. My 26 on you! Clearfield, PA (16830) Today Mostly clear skies this evening will give way to occasional showers overnight. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Mostly clear skies this evening will give way to occasional showers overnight. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. The Africa Oil Week has temporarily been moved to Dubai for this year's edition, said the event organisers, The Hyve Group. Rubbishing the media reports on its replacement, The Hyve Group confirmed that the 2021 edition of Africa Oil Week will be held from November 8 to 11 in Dubai and their mandate remains the same to stimulate upstream deals and transactions and help drive investment into the African upstream sector and facilitate new partnerships and networking opportunities as per their 27-year history and legacy. AOW clarified that it does not have any partnership or connection to Africa Energy Week, nor the organisers Africa Energy Chamber. The Hyve Group also slammed the false media articles which stated that the event would be run in Cape Town, despite the ongoing Covid-19 curbs on events by South African government. The organisers said AOW is set to reunite the African upstream industry in November with over 57% of countries across the continent sending ministers of energy, including: Mauritania, Ghana, Senegal, Namibia, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The event also hosts industry CEOs across the energy value chain, along with sponsors TotalEnergies, Chevron, ENI, Equinor, Africa Oil Corp, Seplat and Famfa. "After a hiatus in 2020, this years event is more important than ever for our industry to reconnect. AOW will unite our attendees face-to-face under the theme 'Succeeding in a Changed Market' as we embrace the energy transition for the sustainable future of the African Upstream," said Paul Sinclair, its VP of Energy and Government Relations. "Our attendees safety was our number one priority in temporarily moving the event to Dubai for this years edition . South Africa has entered a fourth national lockdown and this includes the temporary banning of events nationwide by law. Furthermore, our regular venue, the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) has recently been utilised as a mass vaccination centre for which we send them our best wishes and continued support," he noted. Sinclair said he wanted to reassure the public and stakeholders that AOW would return to Cape Town in 2022 and beyond. To show our long-term commitment to Cape Town, our natural home, weve signed a three-year deal until 2024 with the CTICC, he added.-TradeArabia News Service Punjab Congress wants to create atmosphere of terror before elections like BJP: Cheema Chandigarh, Jul 23 (UNI) The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) senior leader and Leader of Opposition (LoP) Harpal Singh Cheema said that the Congress, like the BJP, was creating fear among the people during the elections and using Pakistan-Khalistan as a weapon, but this time the people of Punjab will not be lured by such things. During a press conference held at the party headquarters here on Friday, Harpal Singh Cheema slammed the Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh and the Congress and denied the allegations of Captain that the Aam Aadmi Party had ties with Pakistan. While targeting Captain Amarinder Singh, Harpal Singh Cheema said, That person is making sarcastic remarks about relations with Pakistan, whose own Pakistan relation is known to the whole world. Harpal Singh Cheema further said, Captain should not force us to go to Chiku and Sitaphal. We do not want to embarrass the family members of Moti Mahal and the respected Punjabis by telling who is the Pakistani Begum and what is her relationship with the Pakistan military and intelligence agencies? Therefore, Captain Amarinder Singh should refrain from creating an atmosphere of fear and terror among the people of the state under the guise of Pakistan or terrorism and must fulfill the promises, in the remaining few months in a cordial manner; which he had made by holding Sri Gutka Sahib in his hands, because this time (2022), the people will demand an account of every page of the Congress Manifesto." ELIZABETH URBAN is News Editor for The Vidette. Urban can be contacted at Follow Urban on Twitter at @eliizabethurban. IF YOU SUPPORT THE VIDETTE MISSION of providing a training laboratory for Illinois State University student journalists to learn and sharpen viable, valuable and marketable skills in all phases of print and digital media, please contribute to this most important cause. Thank you. remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Missing McCracken County Teen Found By West Kentucky Star Staff MCCRACKEN COUNTY - The McCracken County Sheriffs Office said that a McCracken County teenager that was reported missing on Friday has been found.The sheriff's office said 14-year-old Riley M. Baumgart was found Monday and is safe. Baumgart left her home in the St. Johns area of McCracken County without permission Friday morning. Paducah Drug Charges For Ohio Man By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - An Ohio man picked up drug charges early Saturday morning after a traffic stop in Paducah.A McCracken County Sheriff's deputy stopped a vehicle at 2:39 am for a violation at Lone Oak Road and Goodman Drive.A passenger, Raymond N. Hayes of Bremen, OH, was allegedly found to have over three grams of methamphetamine.Hayes was taken to the McCracken County Regional Jail, charged with first degree possession of a controlled substance. St. Louis Will Mask Up Again on Monday By West Kentucky Star Staff ST. LOUIS - It was announced Friday that St. Louis City and County will require masks to be worn in indoor public places and on public transportation beginning Monday. The new health order will require everyone age five and over, including those who are vaccinated, to wear a mask.The announcement by the mayor and county executive did not include specifics about social distancing, education, business regulations, or sports. More details are expected after the official orders are issued next week.Two St. Louis councilmen have requested a possible vote on the issue at the next St. Louis Council meeting on Tuesday. They may terminate the health restrictions and mandates issued by the Department of Public Health.The Missouri Department of Health issued a warning this week for counties along the Interstate 44 corridor. COVID-19 cases are reported to be surging in the southwest and central parts of the state due to the Delta variant.Kansas City medical leaders also appear to be on the verge of calling for new mask mandates. Three Arrests in South Fulton Equipment Theft By West Kentucky Star Staff TROY - Three Memphis men were arrested and charged with theft of a UTV, mower and trailer from South Fulton Friday morning.An Obion County Sheriff's deputy stopped a pickup on US 51 pulling a trailer that had no operating lights.The deputy determined that the trailer and a Polaris Ranger and Kubota zero turn mower had just been taken from a home in South Fulton.Mario Andre Smith and two passengers, Earvin Lee Vester and Justin Roshard Whitmore, all of Memphis, were taken to the Obion County Jail.All three were charged with theft over $10,000.They were arraigned Friday in Obion County General Sessions Court, with each receiving a $25,000 bond.Their next court appearance is July 29th. Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 00:22:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras (R) meets with Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe in Athens, Greece, on July 23, 2021. Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe said here on Thursday that he was optimistic about the "positive" and "bright" prospects of the post-COVID-19 economic recovery of Greece and Europe as a whole. (Photo by Lefteris Partsalis/Xinhua) ATHENS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe said here on Thursday that he was optimistic about the "positive" and "bright" prospects of the post-COVID-19 economic recovery of Greece and Europe as a whole. During his meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Donohoe said that growth will be accelerated by the National Recovery and Resilience Plans that will be implemented across the European Union (EU). "In spite of the pandemic and all the difficulties, we never stopped implementing real reforms, which I think positions us well to take advantage of the upcoming growth that will also affect the Greek economy," Mitsotakis was quoted by the Greek national broadcaster ERT as saying. "For us, the challenge is not simply to grow, but to grow better. A different kind of growth composition, focused more on exports, on investments, on innovation and less on consumption," he explained. "I entirely agree with your optimism regarding the Greek economy," Donohoe said. "If I look at the progress that you have made so far and if I look at the growth that will happen here in Greece this year and next it is a sign of resilience of the economy." Greece's economy shrank by 8.2 percent on an annual basis in 2020, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority's (ELSTAT) initial forecast. A target of 3.6 percent gross domestic product (GDP) growth this year and six percent in 2022 is realistic albeit rather conservative, Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said during a separate meeting with Donohoe. The Greek economy's competitiveness is improving, tourist arrivals have increased and bank deposits are on the rise, Staikouras said. One of the major challenges for Greece and the other EU member states is to operate the EU's Recovery and Resilience Fund mechanism in a fast and efficient way, he stressed. Greece will receive 30.5 billion euros (36 billion U.S. dollars) from the fund over the next five years. The Greek plan foresees over 106 investment projects in clean energy, digital transformation, education and social services and 68 reforms aimed to further boost competitiveness and exports, and to improve the business environment. In the long run, the EU recovery funds will contribute seven percent to Greece's GDP, according to the Greek government. (1 euro = 1.18 U.S. dollars) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 01:15:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close FUZHOU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO on Friday adopted a decision that praised China's continued efforts in conserving the Great Wall. The committee said it "takes note with satisfaction" of the measures taken by China to mitigate the threats on the UNESCO-listed world heritage, according to the decision adopted at the committee's 44th session, which is underway in Fuzhou, capital of east China's Fujian Province. The session was convened to review the state of conservation of sites inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list, among other agenda items. In the decision, the committee acknowledged China's protection efforts such as on-site conservation activities, capacity building for conservation professionals, a consolidation of the legal basis for the conservation of the Great Wall, public outreach activities, and the active use of new technologies for protection. It also noted that China has continued to implement its master plan of conserving the Great Wall and launched a national Great Wall culture park. The committee also expressed satisfaction with the protection of Comoe National Park and Tai National Park, both in Cote d'Ivoire. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 02:22:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ANKARA, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Turkey's daily COVID-19 cases jumped to 11,094 on Friday, the highest count since May. "We should turn from flexibility to strict precautions and have our first doses of vaccine immediately," Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca tweeted on Friday. Turkey lifted its restrictions on July 1 and has seen a rapid surge of infections in the past week. According to the health ministry, the country's total infections reached 5,574,997. The death toll from the virus rose by 60 to 50,821, while 5,215 more people recovered in the last 24 hours. A total of 219,528 tests were conducted over the past day, it said. Turkey has started mass vaccination against COVID-19 on Jan. 14 after the authorities approved the emergency use of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine. More than 39.26 million people have received their first doses of the vaccine, while over 22.05 million have taken their second doses. Turkey has so far administered over 65.05 million doses including third booster jabs. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 02:47:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Staff members perform an ultrasound scan of female giant panda Huan Huan at the Beauval Zoo in Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, central France, on July 23, 2021. Huan Huan, a giant panda at Beauval Zoo, is expecting twins and the birth of the cubs is scheduled for late July or early August, announced the zoo on Friday. (Beauval Zoo/Handout via Xinhua) PARIS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Huan Huan, a giant panda at Beauval Zoo in central France, is expecting twins and the birth of the cubs is scheduled for late July or early August, announced the zoo on Friday. "A new ultrasound of Huan Huan, our female panda, performed today at the end of the afternoon, revealed the presence of a second baby panda!" said the zoo in its press release. The second fetus measured 3.27 cm by 1.19 cm. The size of the first one, already seen on the first ultrasound image performed on Tuesday, more than doubled to 3.65 cm by 1.79 cm, it added. Huan Huan, which means "happy" in Chinese, and her male pal Yuan Zi, were both born in Chengdu, China, and arrived in France in 2012 when they were three years old. At the end of March, the two giant pandas tried to mate under the watchful eye of veterinarians and caretakers. Artificial insemination was also carried out as a precaution, as a female panda is fertile only 24 to 48 hours per year, said the zoo. In 2017, Huan Huan gave birth to twin cubs, the first panda babies born in France. The first cub died shortly after its birth and the second one was named Yuan Meng, which means "the realization of a dream" in Chinese. In the wild and at other zoos around the world, giant panda mothers give birth to twins about 50 percent of the time. However, due to the difficulty of caring for two cubs simultaneously, typically only one of the twins survives. Giant panda newborns are even more helpless than most other mammal infants because they don't open their eyes until they are about six to eight weeks old and don't move around until about three months. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 03:31:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations remains deeply concerned about the escalating violence in Northwest Syria, which poses a growing risk to civilians, said a UN spokesman on Friday. Ongoing fighting has killed and injured dozens of civilians in recent weeks, including many women and children, said Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The latest reports indicate that shelling in Beiyloun village in southern rural Idlib on Thursday killed seven civilians, including three children. Seven other civilians were injured, including a girl, he said. "Such attacks raise further concerns about compliance with international humanitarian law, which requires the parties to take all feasible precautions to avoid and minimize civilian harm," Haq told a daily press briefing. This violence affects some of the most vulnerable people in the country with an estimated 3.4 million people in need located in Northwest Syria. Over 90 percent of those in need are assessed to be in extreme or catastrophic need, particularly the 2.7 million internally displaced, said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 04:15:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SANTIAGO, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Chile registered less than 2,000 daily COVID-19 cases after reporting 1,656 new infections in the last 24 hours, for a total of 1,606,358 cases, Health Minister Enrique Paris said on Friday. In a statement, the official added that 83 more deaths were also recorded, bringing the total to 34,875. Eleven of the country's 16 regions reported a positivity rate under or equal to 3 percent, according to Paris. Since early June, Chile has seen a constant drop in the number of cases coinciding with the national vaccination process against COVID-19, which in several regions has fully immunized over 80 percent of the population. Chile will open its borders on Monday for locals and foreign residents who are fully vaccinated. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 07:08:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution on tackling illicit trafficking in wildlife. The resolution recognizes the economic, social and environmental impacts of illicit trafficking in wildlife, and emphasizes the importance of effective international cooperation among member states, relevant multilateral environmental agreements and international organizations. It urges member states to reinforce their efforts and adopt effective measures to prevent and counter the serious problem of crimes that have an impact on the environment, conservation and biodiversity, such as illicit trafficking in wildlife and wildlife products. The resolution urges member states to take decisive steps at the national level to prevent, combat and eradicate the illegal trade in wildlife, on the supply, transit and demand sides, including by strengthening their legislation and regulations. It strongly encourages member states to cooperate at the bilateral, regional and international levels to prevent, combat and eradicate international illicit trafficking in wildlife and wildlife products. It encourages member states to enhance cooperation for the timely and cost-efficient repatriation of live illegally traded wildlife, and to enhance information-sharing among national and international authorities on the seizure of illegally traded wildlife and wildlife products in order to facilitate follow-up investigation and prosecution. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 10:25:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WELLINGTON, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The eight-week pause in the travel bubble with Australia is having an immediate impact on New Zealand's hospitality and accommodation bookings. Hospitality New Zealand Chief Executive Julie White said the suspension's impacts on the hospitality and accommodation sectors are being felt immediately, local media reported on Friday. "Hospitality operators' first priority is the safety of their people, community and whanau (family). Balancing the health risk and economic impacts comes at a cost to the hospitality and accommodation industry," said White. Quarantine free travel from all Australian states and territories to New Zealand is being suspended as the COVID-19 situation in Australia worsens. From 11:59 p.m. Friday, Australians will no longer be able to enter New Zealand quarantine-free. This will be in place for at least the next eight weeks, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told a press conference on Friday. "I am also concerned with the toll this is having on people in the industry, and the onset of COVID-fatigue," White said. Peter Wood and Susanne Wood who run a restaurant and a boutique conference facility in Methven, a town in the Canterbury region, said they received their first cancellation from booked Australian guests. Susanne said they expect many more cancellations to come. "We were pretty full over the next month because of school holidays across the Tasman," Susanne said. "Some of our guests from Australia are already in the country so their bookings aren't affected but those who aren't here yet will be cancelling." The Woods said they expect people who were planning to travel to Australia can travel within New Zealand instead. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 10:50:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, July 23 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday reaffirmed his country's support for Afghanistan in a call with Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani as fighting escalated along with the U.S. withdrawal from the Asian country. Biden told Ghani the United States will continue to provide assistance for Afghan people and its military, according to a White House readout of their conversation. The two presidents agreed that "the Taliban's current offensive is in direct contradiction to the movement's claim to support a negotiated settlement of the conflict," it added. The readout said that the planned 3.3 billion U.S. dollars of security assistance for Afghanistan in fiscal year 2022 would prioritize capabilities of the Afghan Air Force, key supplies, and salaries for Afghan troops. The call came as Taliban militants continue heavy fighting against government forces and gain ground since the drawdown of U.S. troops on May 1. As U.S. troops withdrawal nears the end, Afghan government forces and the Taliban have been fighting to gain more grounds with many districts having changed hands recently. General Mark Milley, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Wednesday that about half of the 419 district centers in Afghanistan are under Taliban control. "Strategic momentum appears to be sort of with the Taliban," he said, while stressing that they had not seized any of 34 provincial capitals. Biden had ordered the U.S. military to end its mission in Afghanistan by Aug. 31, days ahead of his original Sept. 11 deadline. U.S. Central Command said last week over 95 percent of the withdrawal had been completed. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 10:57:32|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution on eye health, aiming to secure eye care for an additional 1.1 billion people by 2030. The resolution calls on member states to ensure access to eye care services for their population and to mobilize the necessary resources and support in this regard, in order to contribute to global efforts to reach, by 2030, at least 1.1 billion people who have vision impairments and currently do not have access to the eye care services they need. It calls on member states and other stakeholders to include persons with disabilities, including those with visual impairment, in all stages of policymaking and decision-making, as well as to eliminate barriers and discrimination against persons with disabilities, in particular women and girls and those in vulnerable situations, in accessing support and health care services on an equal basis with others. The resolution encourages member states to put in place an integrated and whole-of-government approach to eye care, building synergies with other development priorities and strengthening their collaboration with academia, research institutions, the scientific community, civil society and the private sector, in order to improve safe and affordable access to eye care services. It invites international financial institutions and donors to provide appropriate targeted finances, especially for developing countries, to address the increasing impact of vision loss on sustainable development and to build an international campaign on eye health toward the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals and leaving no one behind by 2030. It recognizes the need to further encourage the transfer of technology from developed countries to developing countries, on mutually agreed terms, to advance access to eye care services and assistive technologies. The resolution notes the contribution of the private sector, academia and civil society to the promotion of eye health, and encourages the development of public-private partnerships, aligned with national government plans, legislation, contexts and priorities, and national policies and priorities to advance vision for everyone. It also encourages the World Health Organization and other relevant entities of the UN development system, within their respective mandates, to support global efforts to achieve vision for everyone. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 11:57:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- As the world's largest governing party, the Communist Party of China (CPC) today has more than 95 million members from all lines of work. That means about seven of every 100 people -- on the street, at schools, or at construction sites -- are CPC members. The content of their work might seem inconspicuous, but it is in such ordinary positions that they make extraordinary achievements. In the turbulent times during the Chinese revolution, Party members earned themselves the reputation of facing hardships head-on. With the spirit passed down through generations, Party members of today are doing the same in their daily work. A RISKY CAREER "On many occasions at work, my colleagues and I were in the danger of building collapsing, undetonated explosive devices and dangerous gas," said police officer Sun Yuyou, an evidence specialist from the Ministry of Public Security. Sun, a veteran arson and explosion investigator, has been on the police force for almost 40 years. He recalled that his career has been full of challenges and risks. Due to the nature of explosions and fires, looking for evidence at arson and explosion scenes requires tremendous effort and patience. Yet Sun managed to successfully conduct investigations at more than 400 accident scenes with full dedication. "Once, my colleagues and I had to sift through around 3,000 bags of debris extracted from a scene of an accident before we finally spotted key evidence," said Sun. Receiving the honorary title of outstanding Party member in late June, Sun, now 57 years old, vowed to pass down his experiences and knowledge to younger generations of investigators. GENDER IS OF NO ISSUE Born in 1981, the slim and youthful-looking Wang Zhongmei would not strike others as a construction worker. Yet after 20 years of work, Wang is now an expert welding technician who contributed to more than 50 world-class bridge projects. In many people's perception, welding is not the kind of work fit for women. Indeed, Wang thought of quitting when she first began to undertake the arduous labor. "The first time I used a welder, I accidentally looked at the blazing welding arc for too long, and my eyes were so swollen at night that I could hardly see," said Wang. However, when she arrived at the construction site the next day and saw her co-workers working busily, she felt too ashamed to even mention quitting. "In the end, the thought of leaving just faded away," she said. Getting burn wounds is part of a welding technician's life. Over the years, Wang has gotten scars all over her body. Despite this, she still loves her job. "It's always so fulfilling to see my own smooth and even welding seams," said Wang. As another outstanding Party member, Wang said that the title is both a reward and a reminder of her responsibility. "I take pride in the projects I took part in and will keep up the good work," she said. SINCERITY IS KEY Compared to Sun and Wang, Party member Han Qing's work seems much less dangerous. As the Party committee secretary of an office building in Beijing, Han's work consists of developing healthy relationships between the Party organization and enterprises, which requires lots of communication. Promoting CPC-related work among business enterprises can be a challenge. "At first, enterprises had little interest in participating in Party-related work," recalled Han. "Some of them simply refused our visit." However, over time, Han found the secret of communication. "The most important thing is to address their needs," said Han. Han referred to an instance where the head of a tech firm in the building consulted her for problems in business operation. To solve the problem, Han and the Party committee contacted relevant local departments to provide the company with policy support. Such deeds have earned Han and her colleagues a good reputation among enterprises. "Today, more enterprises are willing to contribute to efforts headed by the Party committee, including epidemic prevention, poverty alleviation and community management," said Han. Having won the honorary title of exemplary Party worker, Han said she would step up efforts in increasing the Party committee's ability to organize and motivate the enterprises. "'Ask for the Party committee when having problems' is more than a slogan, it is the secret of being recognized by the enterprises," Han added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 13:01:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A worker engraves a finished Tibetan knife with laser at an ethnic handicrafts cooperative in Lhorong County of Chamdo Prefecture, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, July 23, 2021. The craft of Tibetan knife-making dates back to more than 1,000 years ago. Tibetan knives are well noted for their versatility as tools in farming and daily life, weapons for self-defense, and pieces of personal decoration. Thanks to modern technology and marketing strategies, knife-makers in Lhorong County are able to bring their expertise into full play and deliver products of higher quality at more lucrative prices. (Xinhua/Li Xin) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 12:45:34|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese leader Xi Jinping has visited a village in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region to inspect work on rural vitalization. #GLOBALink Produced by Xinhua Global Service Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 13:30:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Wang Chen, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, attends a symposium on legislation against telecom fraud in Beijing, capital of China, July 23, 2021. Wang inspected legislation against telecom fraud in Beijing from Wednesday to Friday. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing) BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Senior Chinese lawmaker Wang Chen has stressed the importance of further developing the country's legal system to fight telecom and internet fraud. Wang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and vice chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks while inspecting legislation against telecom fraud in Beijing from Wednesday to Friday. Wang urged supervisory and regulatory bodies to fulfill their duties to help ensure that recurring telecom fraud cases are seriously dealt with and the relevant criminal chain is cracked. He called for quickening legislation to improve laws related to telecom, finance, and the internet, and upgrading the legal tools against telecom and internet fraud. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 15:14:00|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LANZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Shandan section of the Great Wall is set amid the vast Gobi Desert in northwest China's Gansu Province, its crumbling, sand-colored structure looming over the ancient village of Xiakou. Unlike the famous Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, which is built of solid rectangular rampart bricks, the Shandan section is made of rammed earth and is seriously eroded in places. However, the scene of parched decay is relieved by large swathes of apricot orchard, planted on either side of the wall by local residents over the past several years. It is one sign of ongoing efforts to rejuvenate this age-old site -- and they are finally bearing fruit. Since 2014, over 770 hectares of apricot trees have been planted by the villagers of Xiakou in Shandan County, in the city of Zhangye, to protect the wall, which was built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Fang Wei, 35, is the Party chief of Xiakou Village, where he was born and raised. Like many of his fellow villagers, he feels a special bond with the wall, which attracts visitors from afar. "The Great Wall always reminds me of my hometown," he said. However, many local young people have left their home in search of work in the big cities, he said. At one point, the population in the village fell from 492 to just 62, and the average age of the village was 65. In the 1990s, the local government tried to boost tourism, making use of the history of the Great Wall. Visitors were invited to explore the Shandan section of the Great Wall, which measures three meters wide and four meters tall, and has suffered from the windy, arid conditions. The tourism project failed due to a lack of investment and management. At the age of 18, Fang went elsewhere in search of work, but he always felt a sense of nostalgia for his hometown. In 2006, he returned and went into business, raising broiler chickens, planting forage grass and running his own mutton brand. By the end of 2020, the annual income of his cooperative had reached 2.6 million yuan (over 400,000 U.S. dollars). Despite his busy schedule, he volunteered to protect the Xiakou section of the Great Wall by planting apricot trees alongside the ancient structure. Planting trees in the desert has never been easy. He dug a well near the wall for irrigation, but the first batch of saplings mostly died. In the summer of 2014, a group of college students visited the area and volunteered to join Fang's project of greening the Great Wall. Along with the villagers, the students became regulars of Xiakou, helping to plant trees until they finally produced fruit in 2017. In 2019, the Chinese government launched a campaign of constructing national cultural parks near sections of the Great Wall across the country. The Shandan section was included in the first batch of Great Wall sections to be placed under priority protection. The Xiakou section will be restored within the year, according to the plan. Shandan County plans to build a sightseeing trail along the wall, and supporting facilities such as a tourist center will also be constructed, said Zhang Li, a tourism official of the county, adding that the new development will revive the ancient Xiakou Village and benefiting its villagers. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 16:30:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close China's Jiangxi Province has sent rescue teams to aid flood-hit Henan Province. The rescuers evacuate residents, transport food and save lives. The death toll from torrential rain in central China's Henan Province had risen to 56, with five people reported missing as of 7 p.m. Friday. Produced by Xinhua Global Service Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 16:37:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LANZHOU, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 57-year-old Long Ruijun, a professor at Lanzhou University in northwest China's Gansu Province, turned to online lectures to help old friends in Pakistan fight energy and food shortages. Long used to routinely visit the country from 2016 to 2019 to share agricultural techniques and skills with experts and farmers there. "The landscape and climate in Gansu are similar to that in Pakistan, especially in the northern region," he said. "So the agricultural experience is a great reference for the South Asian country." Due to power shortage, people living in the mountainous terrain in Pakistan usually had difficulties in lifting water to irrigate their land. To solve the problem, Long and his team of some 40 researchers introduced in Pakistan in 2018 solar pump facilities developed in Gansu, and local agricultural experts applied the technology to the testing fields. If the technology was popularized in the drought-hit areas of northern Pakistan, the output of crops such as wheat could be greatly improved and food security guaranteed, said Bashir Ahmad, head of the National Agricultural Research Center. Noticing the low yield of forage in Pakistan due to poor seed quality, Long's team sent 30 kg of alfalfa and oat seeds to their counterparts in May. The team delivered on-site lectures to train technical workers in Pakistan on plantation and agricultural processing, said Jing Xiaoping, a member of Long's team. With technical support provided by the team via livestreaming, the 30kg of seeds sprouted in the demonstration fields. To popularize sustainable, green agricultural development, researchers from Lanzhou University have also joined hands with Pakistan Agricultural Research Council to establish a biomass energy center in Islamabad, to convert agricultural waste into biomass energy. Long said the techniques can be widely used in Pakistan and other Asian countries facing energy shortages. He expected to deepen cooperation with central and south Asian countries by setting up more integrated demonstration sites to enhance production efficiency, guarantee food security and improve the livelihood of local people. "Under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, cooperation between Pakistan and China will reap more positive results in more areas," said Long. Over 100 students from Pakistan have majored in agricultural studies from Lanzhou University, Long added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 17:05:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- After one year of operation, China's first ultra high-voltage (UHV) power superhighway for transmitting clean energy delivered 13.1 billion kWh of power from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to densely populated Henan in central China. -- As the world's first all-clean energy UHV power transmission project, it is a pilot project aiding China's pursuit of attaining carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. -- The line is expected to start running at full capacity by 2023, offering 41.2 billion kWh of green power annually. The output is equivalent to one-third of the power generation of the Three Gorges Dam and accounts for about one-eighth of the current annual electricity consumption in Henan. by Xinhua writers Ma Yujie, Li Jinfeng and Luo Xiaofei XINING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- After one year of operation, China's first ultra high-voltage (UHV) power superhighway for transmitting clean energy delivered 13.1 billion kWh of power from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, abundant in energy resources, to densely populated Henan in central China, according to State Grid's Qinghai branch. As the world's first all-clean energy UHV power transmission project, the 800-kilovolt direct current transmission line became operational on July 15, 2020. It extends 1,563 km across four provinces. It is a pilot project aiding China's pursuit of attaining carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. Photo taken on June 17, 2021, shows part of the Qinghai-Henan UHV DC power transmission line in Henan Mongolian Autonomous County of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province. (Photo by Xie Lirong/Xinhua) POWER OUTPUT GALORE Construction of the project began in November 2018 and was completed in May 2020. "It took only two years for the project to be completed, which refreshed the construction speed of similar projects," said Zeng Shengwei, who leads a construction crew of the project. Compared with other power transmission systems, the UHV transmission has a larger capacity, bigger range, lower losses and uses fewer land resources. Northwest China's Qinghai Province boasts rich clean energy resources. It has a vast expanse of land that can be used for setting up photovoltaic power generation facilities and wind farms, with the amount of exploitable solar energy exceeding 3.5 billion kW, accounting for 11 percent of the national total. The line linking Qinghai and Henan is expected to start running at full capacity by 2023, offering 41.2 billion kWh of green power annually. The output is equivalent to one-third of the power generation of the Three Gorges Dam and accounts for about one-eighth of the current annual electricity consumption in Henan -- which has dense industrial clusters and is in huge demand for energy. Henan Huarong Food Co., Ltd., which produces jam, dehydrated vegetables and beverages, is a big user of electricity in Shangcai County located in the city of Zhumadian, Henan. Yue Chunchang, head of the company, said that in the past, due to power shortage, the company would receive a notice of power outage for at least one or two days when power consumption peaks in winter and summer. "We would lose nearly 300,000 yuan (about 46,380 U.S. dollars) if our production lines stop running for a day," Yue said. But since the UHV line started operating, Yue said, the company never had to suspend production. "Now we purely use clean energy from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which can also reduce coal consumption." Staff members of the State Grid Corporation Qinghai Branch inspect power transmission lines in Gonghe County of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, July 9, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Manyi) TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGHS Stretching from the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai all the way to the city of Zhumadian in Henan, the Qinghai-Henan UHV project overturned many technological bottlenecks that had plagued long-distance transmission of clean energy. Fang Baomin, director of the power distribution center under State Grid's Qinghai branch, said that solar and wind power usually only accounts for about 30 percent of the total energy transmitted by the power grid, but the Qinghai-Henan UHV line mainly transports clean energy, posing an unprecedented challenge to the safe operation of the power grid. "Once the transmission is interrupted, the photovoltaic generators will automatically go offline, causing power failure in a large area," said Lu Guoqiang, with the State Grid's Qinghai branch. After a long period of brainstorming by top experts in China's power sector, a tailored solution was found and the power line and the system were ready in less than eight months. "The Qinghai-Henan UHV line made a breakthrough in long-distance clean power transmission, and one second of transmission is enough for an ordinary family to use for two years," said Li Binshan, head of the Qingnan converter station at the origin of the line. The UHV line also adopts advanced technologies to store energy for better use of power. An energy storage power station in the Gobi Desert was plugged into Qinghai's power grid in 2019. It can store power at the peak generating period and discharge power when the power load soars. More such stations are in the pipeline, which are expected to further stabilize power transmission through the line. A herder grazes his sheep at a green industrial development park in Gonghe County of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, June 16, 2019. (Xinhua/Wu Gang) GREEN ENERGY, GREEN DEVELOPMENT The stable operation of the Qinghai-Henan UHV line also helps generate wealth for the locals. Every morning, herder Xiang Zhankui takes more than 2,000 sheep to the green industrial development park in the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture for grazing. "In the past, the barren land did not have grass at all. Now, vegetation thrives under the photovoltaic panels and the sheep are well fed and strong," said Xiang, who was hired two years ago as a shepherd in the park on a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan. "We have higher income now and the environment is also improving," he said. The green industrial development park in the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture created nearly 3,000 jobs for local residents, and Qinghai now has the highest proportion of new energy installed capacity in China. "The construction of the park has provided stable new energy and harvested unexpected fruits of ecological restoration and sustainable development for the husbandry industry," said An Fengjun, deputy director of the management committee of Hainan green industrial development park. The clean and renewable energy delivered every year through the line is equivalent to replacing 18 million tonnes of raw coal, reducing 29.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide that is equivalent to adding more than 80,000 hectares of forest. Enditem (Xinhua reporters Xie Tongqiang and Geng Huihuang also contributed to the story) Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 17:25:32|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on July 24, 2021 shows a stone Buddha head of a statue, which belongs to Cave 8 of the Tianlong Mountain Grottoes, at the Tianlong Mountain Grottoes Museum in Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. A long-lost Buddha statue of Tianlong Mountain Grottoes made its public debut in Shanxi Province Saturday after being returned from Japan. With a history of over 1,400 years and originally stored in the eighth cave of the grottoes, the statue arrived in Beijing from Japan on Dec. 12, 2020. The statue will be permanently exhibited in the Tianlong Mountain Grottoes Museum in Shanxi's capital Taiyuan. (Xinhua/Chai Ting) TAIYUAN, July 24 (Xinhua) -- A long-lost Buddha statue of Tianlong Mountain Grottoes made its public debut in north China's Shanxi Province Saturday after being returned from Japan. With a history of over 1,400 years and originally stored in the eighth cave of the grottoes, the statue arrived in Beijing from Japan on Dec. 12, 2020. The statue will be permanently exhibited in the Tianlong Mountain Grottoes Museum in Shanxi's capital Taiyuan. Nestled on a mountain on the outskirts of Taiyuan, the grottoes currently comprise 25 caves and more than 500 statues, representing the fine arts from the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) to Tang Dynasty (618-907). In the 1920s, the grottoes were plundered and more than 240 sculptures stolen, with over 150 of them known to be scattered across the world, either in museums or as part of private collections, said the museum. Between 2021 and 2025, China will try every means to ensure more lost cultural relics are recovered and returned, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Li Qun said at the exhibition. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 18:39:43|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir -- Unidentified gunmen shot dead a civilian in restive Indian-controlled Kashmir, police said Saturday. The attack was carried out on Friday night at Larugam village of Tral in Pulwama district, about 45 km south of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. Police blamed militants for the killing. (India-Controled Kashmir-Gunmen Attack) - - - - KABUL -- Thirty-three Taliban militants were killed and 17 others wounded in Afghan Air Force (AAF) airstrikes in two provinces on Friday, the country's Defense Ministry confirmed on Saturday. In northern Jawzjan province, 19 militants were killed and 15 wounded after warplanes targeted militants' hideouts in Murghab and Hassan Tabbin villages on the outskirts of provincial capital Shiberghan, the ministry said in a statement. Fourteen Taliban, including two non-Afghan militants, lost their lives and two others wounded when the air force struck their position on the outskirts of Lashkar Gah, capital of southern Helmand province, according to the statement. (Afghanistan-Airstrikes-Taliban) - - - - NEW DELHI -- Eight people were killed after two cars collided head-on with each other in the southern Indian state of Telangana, police said Saturday. The accident took place Friday late evening near the Chennaram gate in Nagarkurnool district, about 120 km south of Hyderabad, the capital city of Telangana. The victims include six passengers in the cars and two bystanders, a senior police officer posted at Nagarkurnool district said. (India-Telangana-Road Accident) - - - - LOS ANGELES -- The Tamarack Fire, which has been burning for two weeks, grew to 58,417 acres (236.4 square km) by 8,000 acres (32.4 square km) on Friday morning with only 4 percent contained, prompting new evacuation orders for about 1,400 residents nearby. Ignited by lightning strike on July 4 in California's Alpine County, bordering the state of Nevada, the blaze exploded in size on Thursday after sparking a spot fire east of Highway 395, a main route running through the mountains, according to Inciweb, an interstate incident information system. (US-California Wildfire) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 18:46:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SANAA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- A total of 21 Houthi rebels were killed in overnight airstrikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition's warplanes on the Houthi positions in Yemen's central province of Al Bayda, local medics told Xinhua on Saturday. "The airstrikes hit the Iran-backed Houthi militia in several positions in Nati district, killing 21 and injuring 13 others ... they were brought in the morning to the hospital in the province," the medics said on condition of anonymity. Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported five airstrikes on Nati district late on Friday, without providing further details. The district is a stronghold of the Houthi group. Much of the province, about 268 km southeast of the capital Sanaa, is under the control of the group since 2014. The Yemeni army backed by the Saudi-led coalition has advanced this month to several new strategic areas in the north and south of the province. Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014 when the Houthi militia seized control of several northern provinces and forced the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of Sanaa. The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened in the Yemeni conflict in March 2015 to support Hadi's government. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:40:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HEFEI, July 24 (Xinhua) -- China will begin establishing another 16 regional health centers in 2021 to provide the public with easier access to quality medical services, according to an official with the National Health Commission Saturday. In addition, the country will also push forward the establishment of national medical centers and national research centers for clinical medicine, said Li Bin, deputy head of the commission, at a conference on the reform on medicine and healthcare system held in Hefei, east China's Anhui Province. The effort is in line with the State Council's requirement to balance the distribution of medical resources and improve the tiered system of diagnosis and treatment, conveyed in a document released in May. The major task of the reform in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) is to ensure that patients receive proper medical services without leaving their native provincial-level regions, and that treatment for minor illness can be provided at their doorstep, said Xu Shuqiang, another commission official. Previously, China had already established regional health centers in eight provinces. "Next year, regional health centers in China will basically cover all provincial-level regions," Xu added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:43:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Afghan government has imposed a night curfew in 31 of the country's 34 provinces, the interior ministry said Saturday. A night curfew has been imposed in 31 provinces across the country, except in Kabul, Panjshir and Nangarhar, to curb violence and limit the Taliban movements, the interior ministry said in a statement. Since the start of the withdrawal of the U.S.-led foreign forces from Afghanistan early in May, the Taliban militants have intensified activities and overrun more than 170 districts, according to reports. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:50:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Communist Party announced on Saturday its withdrawal from the competition in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for Oct. 10. "The atmosphere is not suitable for holding the elections, and there are many confusions in the political process," Raed Fahmi, secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, said in a press conference in the northern city of Kirkuk. Fahmi noted that financial irregularities and uncontrolled weapons still affect the elections, saying the political parties are "not serious" in achieving the demands of popular protests that broke out in October 2019, and "the upcoming elections are nothing but a change of faces." The party won two seats in the 2018 parliamentary elections on a joint list within the Sairoon Coalition, which became the largest group in the Iraqi parliament, with the support of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Over a week ago, al-Sadr announced his withdrawal from the parliamentary elections due to "rampant corruption and unfair competition" among political parties. Iraq is scheduled to hold early elections on Oct. 10, 2021, in response to the anti-government protests against corruption and lack of public services. The previous parliamentary elections in Iraq were held on May 12, 2018, and the next elections were originally scheduled to take place in 2022. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 20:37:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SINGAPORE -- Singapore needs a "whole-of-nation" effort to achieve the Singapore Green Plan 2030, said Low Yen Ling, minister of state for the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, on Friday. "To achieve the kind of transformation we envision for Singapore's energy reset and the Singapore Green Plan, we need a 'whole of nation' effort involving all stakeholders, from the industry's big boys, SMEs and start-ups, to researchers, the community at large, and our youths," the minister said when delivering an opening address at the Energy Innovation 2021. ---- UNITED NATIONS -- Botswana's UN ambassador, Collen Vixen Kelapile, who became the new president of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Friday, saw a more important role of the council in the challenging times. "In my view, as we continue our concerted efforts to deal with the challenges we face, ECOSOC's role has become even more critical, and is no less important than the other peer principal organs of the United Nations, including the Security Council and the General Assembly," he said in his capacity as ECOSOC president for the first time. ---- UNITED NATIONS -- The UN special adviser on the prevention of genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, on Friday acknowledged the introduction of amendments to the criminal code of Bosnia-Herzegovina, sanctioning the glorification of war criminals and the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. "Denial of genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity, as well as glorification of those who have committed such crimes, simultaneously feeds on and strengthens contested narratives about the past, the present and the future," said Nderitu in a statement. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 21:45:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIRUT, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Caretaker Lebanese Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar announced that Lebanon has signed an agreement on Saturday to import 1 million tons of Iraqi diesel, MTV local TV channel reported. The minister made the remarks at a press conference at capital Beirut's airport upon his arrival from Iraq where he signed the agreement with senior Iraqi officials. Ghajar said this agreement will provide Lebanon with electricity for a period of four months while the first Iraqi shipment of diesel will arrive in Lebanon in less than 10 days. The minister assured that Lebanon will provide Iraq with medical and agricultural services in return for the diesel. Lebanon has been facing a shortage in U.S. dollar preventing the country from importing its basic needs including fuel, medicines and wheat. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 22:12:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Wu Jingyu (R) of China competes with Adriana Cerezo Iglesias of Spain during the women's 49kg taekwondo quarterfinal match at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, July 24, 2021. (Xinhua/Wang Yuguo) TOKYO, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Two-time Olympic champion Wu Jingyu failed to save herself through repechage after being stopped in the women's 49kg quarterfinals here on Saturday. The 34-year-old, who is making her fourth Olympic Games, started well early in the afternoon, beating refugee athlete Dina Pouryounes Langeroudi 24-3 in just two rounds, before being overwhelmed 33-2 by Spanish teenage sensation Adriana Cerezo. The 17-year-old Spaniard later advanced to the final after overcoming Turkey's Rukiye Yildirim 39-19, granting Wu the chance to vie for a semifinal slot through repechage. Wu, however, lost 12-9 to Serbia's Tirana Bogdanovic in a Rio 2016 final rematch, while the latter went on to claim a bronze with a 20-6 victory over hosts Japan's Miyu Yamada. "Age matters," sighed Wu, the 2008 Games 47kg winner and the 49kg gold medalist in London 2012. "At the very moment the rival athlete was approaching, I could literally feel her speed and assault. "My tactics were sound and clear, and so is my mind. I could see the chance to score, but my body just couldn't perform as strong as I'd expected," she added. Panipak Wongpattanakit of Thailand came out the eventual winner of the women's 49kg after beating Cerezo 11-10 in the final, and Israel's Abishag Semberg came out the other bronze medalist with a 27-22 win over Yildirim. In the men's 58kg event also contested on Saturday, Vito Dell'Aquila won the first Tokyo 2020 gold medal for Italy after claiming six points within the final 1:08 to wrap up the final against Tunisian Mohamed Khalil Jendoubi. Russian Olympic athlete Mikhail Artamonov and South Korea's Jiang Jun settled for a bronze medal apiece. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 22:39:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RAMALLAH, July 24 (Xinhua) -- A senior Palestinian diplomat on Saturday slammed what he termed as the international community's inaction towards the Israeli violations in the Palestinian territories. Palestine's envoy to the United Nations Riyad Mansour told "Voice of Palestine" that "international inaction gives Israel a license to do what it wants in the Palestinian territories without punishment." He said that Israel continues its illegal actions against the Palestinians, mainly building settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and keeping the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip. Mansour announced that on July 28, the UN Security Council is scheduled to hold a session for an open dialogue on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meanwhile, Saleh Ra'fat, member of the executive committee of Palestine Liberation Organization, told reporters that the Israeli assaults against the Palestinians are continuing and never stop. "Israeli soldiers killed on Friday night a 17-year-old boy. The Israeli measures are carried on every day against our people in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip," Ra'fat said. He added that Palestinian contacts are continuing with the International Criminal Court, international institutions and friendly countries "to impose sanctions on Israel to force it to stop violations in Palestine." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 23:39:55|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TEHRAN -- Four members of the Quds Base of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) were killed in the clashes with militants in Iran's southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan province, a statement by the IRGC said on Saturday. "In the clashes (erupted on Friday night), Mohammad Nabi Omarzehi, Hamid Sohrab Zehi, Nader Rigi Hosseinabadi and Mohammad Ali Rakhshani were martyred," said the statement carried by the official IRNA news agency. (Iran-Security Force-Death) - - - - BEIRUT -- Caretaker Lebanese Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar announced that Lebanon has signed an agreement on Saturday to import 1 million tons of Iraqi diesel, MTV local TV channel reported. The minister made the remarks at a press conference at capital Beirut's airport upon his arrival from Iraq where he signed the agreement with senior Iraqi officials. (Lebanon-Iraq-Fuel) - - - - NEW DELHI -- Director of India's premier health institute All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, Randeep Guleria, Saturday said the country is likely to start vaccinating children by September. Guleria made the remarks during an interview with a local television news channel NDTV, saying it will be an important move to break the chain of transmission. (India-Vaccination-Children) - - - - SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir -- An Indian army trooper was killed in a mine blast near the Line of Control (LoC), dividing Kashmir, officials said Saturday. The trooper was killed in Krishna Ghati sector of the frontier Poonch district, about 185 km southwest of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. (Kashmir-Mine Blast) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 23:43:00|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MADRID, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Spanish government confirmed on Saturday that travelers from Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia and Namibia will have to spend 10 days in quarantine following their arrival in Spain. The decision was published in the Spanish Official State Bulletin (BOE), which said the measure will come into effect from July 27 as a result of the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the four countries. The 10-day quarantine may end earlier if the travelers get a negative COVID-19 test result on the seventh day after their arrival. Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia and Namibia thus join a list of over 25 countries from outside the European Union that are considered to be high risk. Travelers from these countries have to spend time in quarantine after arriving in Spain. The Spanish Health Ministry said earlier this week that the ban on arrivals from Brazil and South Africa, which was imposed earlier in the year, will remain in place until at least Aug. 3. On Friday, the ministry recorded 31,171 new COVID-19 cases and 27 deaths, while the country's 14-day COVID-19 incidence rose to 677 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 00:01:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HANOI -- Vietnam's daily COVID-19 infections hit a new high for the third day in a row with 9,256 new cases on Saturday, surging from Friday's 7,307, according to the country's Ministry of Health. The new infections included 9,225 locally transmitted and 31 imported, bringing the total tally to 90,934 with 370 deaths, the ministry said. (Vietnam-COVID-19 infections) - - - - KABUL -- Afghanistan imposed a night curfew on 31 provinces of the country's 34 provinces under the deteriorating security, a state-run TV channel reported on Saturday. According to Radio Television of Afghanistan (RTA), it is mandatory for people in the 31 provinces to stay home between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. The decision was made by the interior ministry. (Afghanistan-Night curfew) - - - - NEW DELHI -- India's COVID-19 tally rose to 31,332,159 on Saturday as 39,097 new cases were registered during the past 24 hours across the country, showed the federal health ministry's latest data. Besides, 546 deaths due to the pandemic since Friday morning took the death toll to 420,016. There are still 408,977 active COVID-19 cases in the country, with a rise of 3,464 cases during the past 24 hours. (India-COVID-19 tally) - - - - SYDNEY -- Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters gathered in the CBD of Australia's largest city of Sydney on Saturday amid a deteriorating COVID-19 crisis in the country. NSW Police Force accused the protest activity as unauthorized and said a high-visibility policing operation was launched in response to it. (Australia-Anti-lockdown protest) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 00:15:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NAIROBI, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Four shops of energy items line up the main road in Kitengela, a fast-growing residential and commercial hub, on the south of Nairobi, Kenya's capital. The shops are in close proximity to each other but this does not seem to bother the owners, as none is eating into the market of the other. They have co-existed for the last three years and others have come up in the vicinity as the market for energy items that include those powered by solar and those recharged using electricity grows in the suburb and in others across Nairobi and the east African nation. Among the popular energy products Kenyan traders sell are outdoor and indoor lights, lamps, torches, chargers, batteries, bulbs, water heaters and solar panels. All the energy items are sourced from China in a booming business that is rising as prices fall, encouraging Kenyans to embrace micro energy systems. "Business is there, that is why you are seeing many shops coming up. People are buying solar items and rechargeable gadgets in particular," Anthony Kuria, who runs one of the energy items shops in Kitengela, said recently. Chinese made solar security lights are among the fastest moving products in the market, according to Kuria. Just as many other Chinese-made energy products, prices of the gadgets have declined significantly in the last two years. From a high of 8,000 shillings for 50 watts of light, one now buys 100 watts of light for the same amount, said Kuria. Similarly, prices of other energy items have fallen in a similar fashion thus appealing to the bottom segment of the Kenyan market, some who have no access to electricity. These include poor households in slums and rural areas that mainly relied on kerosene for lighting, small traders and shopkeepers. "Thanks to my rechargeable light, I am able to sell for longer hours at night," said Caroline Musya, who runs a roadside vegetable stall in Nairobi. Musya normally opens her stall from 5:00 p.m., targeting people returning home from work. Without the light, she would only work until 7:30 p.m., but with the source of light, she goes until 9:00 p.m. Thousands of other small traders like Musya have the Chinese rechargeable electric and solar lights to thank for extended business hours. It is a similar case for millions of households in Kenya who would switch to using kerosene lights or candles in times of blackouts. While some traders import the gadgets directly from China, others source them locally from importers. River Road and Luthuli Avenue, business streets in downtown Nairobi, host dozens of Chinese-made energy items wholesale shops from where small traders source. Kwame Owino, the chief executive of Institute of Economic Affairs, a Kenyan think tank, during a recent webinar said search for alternative energy sources in Kenya boils down to economics. According to him, Kenya's power system is one of the most-expensive in the world when compared to incomes, thus, many are looking for alternatives and Chinese energy items are offering them. Ernest Manuyo, a business lecturer in Nairobi, noted that Chinese energy items have replaced those from western countries and they are popular because they appeal to all economic segments of the society creating business for traders. Nationally, Kenya has also embraced solar energy, with the east African nation in 2019 launching a solar plant in Garissa town constructed by a Chinese company. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 00:37:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi announced Saturday the dismantlement of a terrorist cell linked to a recent bomb attack in capital Baghdad, which left dozens of people killed and wounded. "We have arrested all members of the cowardly terrorist cell that planned and carried out the attack," al-Kadhimi tweeted, adding that they will be publicly tried. Earlier in the week, 30 people were killed and more than 50 wounded in the bomb explosion at a crowded market in Sadr City in eastern district of Baghdad. The extremist Islamic State (IS) militant group later claimed responsibility for the attack. Deadly bombings have been rare in Baghdad, as the security situation has improved in Iraq since Iraqi security forces fully defeated the IS militants across the country late in 2017. However, IS remnants have since melted into urban areas or deserts and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 02:53:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADEN, Yemen, July 24 (Xinhua) -- At least 17 people were killed on Saturday in an armed confrontation between pro-government Yemeni forces and the Houthi militia in the country's northeastern province of Marib, a military official told Xinhua. The Houthis carried out a number of attacks against the government-controlled military positions, while the Saudi-led coalition launched airstrikes to support the government forces, said the local official on condition of anonymity. The official said that at least 17 people killed and over 35 wounded on both warring sides during the confrontation. Last week, the Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces announced recapturing key positions from the Houthis' grip in the turbulent oil-rich province of Marib. Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014 when the Houthi rebels seized control of several northern provinces and forced the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of the capital Sanaa. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 05:00:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ROME, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The transnational site, "The Great Spa Towns of Europe," has been inscribed on the world heritage list, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) announced on Saturday. The decision, made during the UNESCO World Heritage Committee's 44th session held online and chaired from Fuzhou, China, was warmly welcomed by spa towns across Europe. The world heritage site comprises 11 towns located in seven European countries -- Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. The spa buildings and facilities of this site "are all integrated into an overall urban context that includes a carefully managed recreational and therapeutic environment in a picturesque landscape" and "embody the significant interchange of human values and developments in medicine, science and balneology," said the UNESCO committee. According to Badische Neueste Nachrichten, a German newspaper, the UNESCO decision-making process was broadcast live in Baden-Baden, perhaps that country's most famous spa town. When the decision was announced, it led to big cheers on site. The developments also earned praise in Bad Kissingen. "This is great news for Bad Kissingen and for the whole Bavaria as a cultural state," Bernd Sibler, minister of the arts for the federal state Bavaria, told German broadcaster ARD. Bad Kissingen's mayor Dirk Vogel said in a video posted on the town's website that the inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List is a great opportunity for Bad Kissingen to attract business and people. "We don't want to become a museum, but we want to have a living history with aspirations here in Bad Kissingen," he said. In France, the media said the recognition of the Vichy spas and the other European sites was "well deserved" and "historically important." In Italy, the media praised the decision to honor Montecatini Terme, calling it a "great honor" in a country already well known for its cultural and historic riches. Lucia Borgonzoni, Italy's under-secretary for cultural heritage, called the development a "historic moment for Italy." In Belgium, Valerie De Bue, minister of tourism for the Walloon region said: "We are delighted with the decision of the UNESCO committee...SPA by its past and its present, testifies to the richness of the European thermal tradition." The minister said this recognition will further strengthen the attractiveness of the city and Walloon tourism. The World Heritage Committee session reviews candidates for entry to the list and examines the state of conservation of existing sites. The inscription is scheduled to continue through July 28. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-25 05:46:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SANAA -- A total of 21 Houthi rebels were killed in overnight airstrikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition's warplanes on the Houthi positions in Yemen's central province of Al Bayda, local medics told Xinhua on Saturday. "The airstrikes hit the Iran-backed Houthi militia in several positions in Nati district, killing 21 and injuring 13 others ... they were brought in the morning to the hospital in the province," the medics said on condition of anonymity. (Yemen-Houthis) ---- RIYADH -- Saudi Arabia's Hima Cultural Area was on Saturday officially recognized by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site during its 44th session held online and chaired from Fuzhou, China. Located in an arid and mountainous area of southwest Saudi Arabia, on one of the Arabian Peninsula's ancient caravan routes, the Hima Cultural Area contains a substantial collection of rock art images depicting hunting, fauna, flora and lifestyles in a cultural continuity of 7,000 years, according to the UNESCO official website. (Saudi Arabia-UNESCO-China) ---- ANKARA -- Turkey on Saturday registered 12,381 new COVID-19 cases, raising its tally of infections to 5,587,378, according to its Health Ministry. The death toll from the virus in Turkey rose by 58 to 50,879, while 5,383 more people recovered in the last 24 hours. A total of 221,463 tests were conducted over the past day, it said. (Turkey-COVID 19) ---- BAGHDAD -- Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi announced Saturday the dismantlement of a terrorist cell linked to a recent bomb attack in capital Baghdad, which left dozens of people killed and wounded. "We have arrested all members of the cowardly terrorist cell that planned and carried out the attack," al-Kadhimi tweeted, adding that they will be publicly tried. (Iraq-Explosion-Terrorist) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 00:53:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DAR ES SALAAM, July 23 (Xinhua) -- At least 29 people died in the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania and 176 new cases were recorded in a single day, a senior official said Friday. Dorothy Gwajima, the minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, said the 176 new cases were recorded Thursday alone, bringing to 858 the total number of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals. "I received these statistics yesterday (Thursday). It is most likely that the number of deaths might have risen," Gwajima told a press conference in the commercial capital of Dar es Salaam. "The recorded cases are from COVID-19 patients admitted to our health centers. There might be more other COVID-19 patients in their homes." She said despite the government's appeal to the general public to observe precautionary guidelines for the pandemic, still there are people who ignore the guidelines. "COVID-19 is real and people are dying from the pandemic and the economy is being affected," warned the minister. Tanzanian health authorities have banned unnecessary public gatherings as a new move to contain rise in COVID-19 cases. On June 28, President Samia Suluhu Hassan warned that the third wave of the pandemic has already swept across the country with reports from border regions indicating that the situation is alarming, reiterating her appeal to citizens to take precautionary measures including washing hands with running water and soap, wearing face masks at all times and always maintaining social distance. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 01:34:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Morocco's COVID-19 tally rose to 569,668 on Friday as 1,910 new cases were registered during the past 24 hours. The country's death toll rose by 19 to 9,536, while 559 people are in intensive care units, said a statement by the Ministry of Health. The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 in Morocco increased by 2,104 to 540,474, the statement added. Meanwhile, 11,699,533 people have received the first vaccine shots against COVID-19 in the country, and 9,787,143 have received two doses. The North African country launched a nationwide vaccination campaign on Jan. 28 after the arrival of the first shipment of China's Sinopharm vaccines. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 03:01:36|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BUJUMBURA, July 23 (Xinhua) -- The government of Burundi on Friday confirmed it has suspended the operations of several international mining companies, including the one that operates Africa's only rare earths mine in production in western Burundi, to bring more benefits to the Burundian people. "Around April this year, I wrote to several mining companies, asking them to stop exportation of minerals. I have now written to them again directing to stop mining," Burundian Minister of Water, Energy and Minerals Ibrahim Uwizeye told Xinhua in a telephone interview. "I have invited owners of mining companies to renegotiate new terms that benefit them and the people of Burundi," said Uwizeye, adding that the companies and the government need to find "a better way forward" before they resume operations. The minister emphasized his government is not targeting any companies or countries, but expects "equal sharing" of Burundi's wealth. According to the minister's letter, the affected companies include Guernsey-registered Rainbow Rare Earths, which has 90 percent of interest in Gakara Rare Earth Project in western Burundi. Burundi owns 10 percent, which is non-dilutable. Rainbow was granted a mining license valid for 25 years in 2015, which covers an area of over 39 square km. According to the company, the project has one of the world's richest rare earth deposits. The company tweeted in June that its CEO George Bennett will fly to Burundi in early July to discuss operating the project with Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye. Other companies which are suspended include gold and coltan companies. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 04:37:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close RABAT, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Morocco's navy coast guards rescued 368 illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean in past four days, the Moroccan army said on Friday in a statement. The majority of the rescued are from Sub-Saharan African countries, including seven women and three children, it said, adding that they were traveling on 22 inflatable boats and 30 kayaks. Those in poor health condition had received first aid from the navy units before being transferred to the nearest Moroccan ports and handed over to security authorities. Morocco has become a transit country for African migrants seeking to reach Europe. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 09:45:40|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TRIPOLI, July 23 (Xinhua) -- Libya's Interior Ministry on Friday said it would start to investigate the armed clashes between two of its security forces that broke out in the capital city a day earlier. The ministry has been closely following Thursday's events "which led to heavy shootings" in central Tripoli between patrols of the Stabilization Support Department and the Deterrence Department of Combating Terrorism and Organized Crime, it said in a statement. Interior Minister Bashir Al-Amin instructed "competent authorities to follow up on the reports and start investigation on these events, stressing that all parties should work in accordance with the law," it said. The Ministry revealed no details about casualties resulting from the clashes, saying that the current situation is stable and under control. This is the first security breach to have taken place in Tripoli since the formation of the Libyan government of National Unity in March ended years of political division in the North African country. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:11:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LAGOS, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Nigerian police have rescued 8 persons after thwarting an attempted kidnap by gunmen on a road in the northwest state Katsina, a police spokesperson said. Gambo Isah, the police spokesperson in Katsina, said in a statement reaching Xinhua on Saturday that a group of gunmen armed with AK 47 rifles blocked a road at Kabobi village in Batsari local government area of the state on Friday, attacking and attempting to whisk all occupants of a vehicle into the forest. A team of police operatives were send to the village after receiving a distress call and engaged the bandits in a gun duel during which eight victims were rescued, Isah said. "Those rescued include a 70-year-old man, a 13-year-old girl, three 12-year-old girls, all from Garin Inu village, Batsari local government area of Katsina state," he said, adding that a 20-year-old mother and her two children were also among those rescued. The police spokesperson said the police are still combing the area with a view of arresting the fleeing bandits and rescuing the remaining three missing persons after the gunmen attack. The northern part of the most populous African country has witnessed a series of attacks by armed groups in recent months, leading to many deaths and civilians kidnapped. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:34:22|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close YAOUNDE, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Boko Haram militants overrun an army base in Cameroon's Far North region on Saturday, killing at least seven soldiers and wounding several others, said military and local sources. They hit the base in Sagme locality of the region by 4:00 a.m. local time on Saturday, two soldiers and a local resident told Xinhua. The militants, well-armed, some of them in military camouflage arrived in a convoy of six vehicles, one of the soldiers said. After several hours of fighting, the commander of the military base was killed alongside six of his colleagues. "The soldiers were very brave and defended strongly. It is thanks to that they were able to repel the attackers and saved more lives," a soldier who opted for anonymity told Xinhua, adding that casualties on the part of the militants remained unknown. Saturday's attack was the deadliest on Cameroon army in more than 10 months, according to security reports. Boko Haram has plagued Cameroon's Far North region since 2014, killing more than 2,000 people, according to security reports. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:37:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WINDHOEK, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The people of Namibia have lauded the outgoing 13th batch of the Chinese medical team at the Acupuncture Department at the Katutura State Hospital in the national capital of Windhoek for better health. The team delivered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) services treating diseases such as body pain, chronic issues, muscle and joint pains, paralysis, and migraine at the department between January 2020 and July this year. Mina Kazapua, a resident of Windhoek, said she brought more than three family members to the department, all of whom showed impressive improvement in their health. "I experienced it first-hand. The Chinese doctors left a mark on the hearts of many people they treated in Namibia," according to Kazapua. The team's timely and caring delivery of TCM has also contributed to locals' quality of life and mobility. Martin Indongo from Windhoek turned to acupuncture following severe backache and pain in the leg and foot. "At a time in life, I had given up hope. But acupuncture has had such a good effect on me. I can only thank the Chinese doctors for giving me hope again," said 54 years old patient Indongo. While 46 years old, Idda Haufiku, who came for acupuncture following testimonials she heard from others, emphasized that Chinese medics' dedication and beneficial results of acupuncture treatment have won over her heart. "My head and neck were in pain, but the TCM treatment helped. I can see a change. So I hope that if I continue to get good results," Haufiku said. Moreover, for Haufiku, the team performed miraculous work, evident in the testimonies of better health, seen by locals as a second chance in life. "Even people who got injured from car accidents were also helped here. Some came on wheelchairs, but after the treatment, they were able to walk on their own," Haufiku added. Apart from treating patients, the team also undertook a skills exchange programme to build the capacity of intern doctors at the University of Namibia's School of Medicine. The team also contributed significantly to the COVID-19 pandemic fight, donating ant-epidemic materials to the hospital in April this year in an effort to fight against COVID-19. "You uplifted the level of service in our hospital," said Dr. Nelago Amagulu, the medical superintendent at Katutura State Hospital. Meanwhile, the Namibian government also commended the team for the diligent and professional service provided by the Chinese medical team. Kalumbi Shangula, minister of Health and Social Services, said that the knowledge and skills of the medical team have also greatly contributed to the government's efforts in accelerating health access, ensuring the health and well-being of the nation. "One of the consistent and much-valued support over the years came through the Chinese medical teams. Now that the term of the team from Zhejiang province has come to an end, allow me to express my sincerest appreciation to the team for the services rendered to the Namibian people," Shangula said. Namibian Founding President Sam Nujoma said that the sustained quality service delivered by the 13th batch of the Chinese medical team further cements China-Namibia ties. "The People's Republic of China is indeed Namibia's all weathered friend," Nujoma added. Fang Lianqiang, medical team leader of the outgoing 13th batch, said the team treated more than 7,000 locals from across Namibia during the 18 months of service. "It makes one happy to impact the lives of others positively through health," Fang said. Since 1996, a team of traditional Chinese medical practitioners has been stationed in Windhoek as part of the collaborative medical programmes between China and Namibia. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 00:58:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MUMBAI, July 23 (Xinhua) -- A total of 136 deaths have been reported in rain related incidents over the past 48 hours in India's western state of Maharashtra, the state government said Friday. The incidents happened as heavy rain triggered landslides and flood water inundated low-lying areas, with most of the deaths reported from the coastal district of Raigad and the western district of Satara. With over 3,900 people evacuated, and around 2,000 people staying in relief camps, the state has also reported 55 missing persons with 70 others injured so far in various incidents. Several people are still being trapped under debris in Raigad district and rescue operations are underway. The Indian navy, along with several teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) personnel, has been roped in for rescue operations. Maharashtra's Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has announced an ex-gratia payment of 6,716 U.S. dollars for the next of kin of a victim who has died in the flood-related incidents. Expressing confidence that the rescue operations will bring relief to the victims, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind, on a micro-blogging site, said "The news of casualties due to excessive rainfall in Raigad, Ratnagiri and Satara districts and other areas of Maharashtra is very sad." The state has reported its heaviest spell of rain in the month of July for the past 40 years, with rainfall so far above 45 percent of the normal benchmark for the month, according to weather experts. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 12:45:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KUNMING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The 107th joint Mekong River patrol by China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, concluded on Friday, with three Chinese law-enforcement vessels returning home to a port in southwest China's Yunnan Province. A total of four vessels from China and Laos navigated over 600 km over four days and three nights, according to the Yunnan provincial public security department. Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand sent police to carry out land patrols. The patrol had targeted illegal immigration in the Mekong River basin, said the department. During the operation, the law enforcement officers have constantly warned passing merchant ships of heavy rainfalls and risks of rising water level. The Mekong River, known as the Lancang River in China, is a vital waterway for cross-border shipping. China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have been carrying out joint patrols on the Mekong River since December 2011. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 13:17:35|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SYDNEY, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters gathered in the CBD of Australia's largest city of Sydney on Saturday amid a deteriorating COVID-19 crisis in the country. NSW Police Force accused the protest activity as unauthorized and said a high-visibility policing operation was launched in response to it. Protesters marched towards the downtown through the suburb of Haymarket, which had just moments earlier been declared a virus hotspot by the state's health department, according to a report by national broadcaster ABC. "Officers from across Central Metropolitan Region, assisted by specialist resources, were deployed. So far during the operation, a number of people have been arrested," NSW Police Force said in a statement on Saturday afternoon. Australia's most populous state of New South Wales, with Sydney as the capital city, recorded on Saturday a new high of 163 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8:00 p.m. Friday night, a jump from the previous day's 136. Among the new local cases, 45 cases were infectious in the community while the source of infection for 76 cases is under investigation. NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard urged residents particularly in southwestern Sydney to abide by the stay-at-home rules as state police issued 246 penalty notices in 24 hours for people breaching restrictions. At the same time, the second-most populous state of Victoria recorded on Saturday 12 new local cases with over 400 exposure sites identified across the state and more than 20,000 people listed as primary close contacts. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 16:45:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MANILA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) reported on Saturday 6,216 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the Southeast Asian country to 1,543,281. The DOH said the death toll climbed to 27,131 after 241 more patients died from the viral disease. "The unusually high number of deaths reported today can be attributed to a backlog of cases being updated after the resolution of the system error," the DOH explained, referring to the technical glitch that marred its data reporting system this week. The DOH reported Saturday that it had detected additional 17 new Delta variant cases, raising the country's tally to 64. The DOH said nine of the 17 local Delta cases were detected in Metro Manila, while three were in the nearby Calabarzon region. Three of the new cases are active, while 14 were tagged as recovered. Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said the government has been increasing the capacity of hospitals in case of a Delta variant-driven surge. Vergeire said that the government has started putting up modular tents in various hospitals across the country and is also working to ensure more than enough oxygen supply in the country. "We are also increasing the testing so we can detect more and curb the infections," Vergeire added. The Philippines has widened the travel ban to keep out the Delta variant, barring travelers from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates until July 31. The Philippines, which has around 110 million population, has tested more than 15 million people since the outbreak in January 2020. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 19:50:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Brunei reported eight new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, bringing the national tally to 321. According to Brunei's Ministry of Health, two of the new cases arrived in the country from Indonesia via Singapore on July 11, 2021, who had no signs of infection. The other six cases arrived in the country from Jakarta, Indonesia on July 18, 2021, onboard the same flight with a patient recorded on Friday. Five of the six cases show no signs of infection and the contact tracing has found 10 close contacts for all the six cases. All the new cases were detected when they were undergoing quarantine and they are being treated and monitored at the National Isolation Center with 41 other active patients, who are all in a stable condition. With the detection of the new cases, a total of 180 imported cases have been confirmed since the last local infection case on May 6, 2020. Brunei has recorded 444 days without local COVID-19 infection cases. There have been a total of 269 recovered patients and three deaths reported from COVID-19 so far in the country. The health ministry also said that as of July 23, 119,721 individuals had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccines, accounting for about 26.4 percent of Brunei's total population. Brunei previously announced that COVID-19 vaccines, including those from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, China's Sinopharm, would be administered in the country. All Brunei citizens and residents, including foreign nationals with a valid identification card, can receive the COVID-19 vaccination for free. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-24 20:19:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Afghanistan imposed a night curfew on 31 provinces of the country's 34 provinces under the deteriorating security, a state-run TV channel reported on Saturday. According to Radio Television of Afghanistan (RTA), it is mandatory for people in the 31 provinces to stay home between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. The decision was made by the interior ministry. Eastern provinces of Nangarhar and Panjshir as well as Kabul province, where the national capital Kabul city is located, were not included in the restriction, the TV channel quoted a source on condition of anonymity from the interior ministry as saying. The source said that the decision was made to check the infiltration of Taliban militants to provincial capitals, as Taliban militants have besieged several Afghan cities across the country and overrun dozens of districts in recent months. While the U.S. and NATO troops have been withdrawing from the country, violence has been on the rise. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-07-20 22:34:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Belgian King Philippe (R, Front) and Queen Mathilde (L, Front) attend a tribute ceremony in Verviers, Belgium, on July 20, 2021. Belgium observed a national day of mourning on Tuesday to pay tribute to the victims of last Wednesday and Thursday's deadly floods in the country. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng) BRUSSELS, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Belgium observed a national day of mourning on Tuesday to pay tribute to the victims of last Wednesday and Thursday's deadly floods in the country. A ceremony was held on Tuesday in Verviers near Liege, one of the towns worst affected by the disaster. Floodings along the Vesdre river there claimed many lives and destroyed several buildings. King Philippe of Belgium, Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Walloon Minister-President Elio Di Rupo were in attendance. The destruction brought by the floods is understood to be linked to an overflowing dam in the Vesdre valley, which caused the river Meuse to burst its banks on Wednesday and Thursday. Experts said that the extreme weather, which brought three consecutive days of torrential rains to Belgium, further exacerbated the problem caused by the floods. At 12 noon on Tuesday, people observed a minute of silence to honor the victims and their families as flags flew at half staff. On Tuesday, the death toll from the disaster stood at 31, with 116 people still missing, Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden told VTM news. Tuesday's ceremony came on the eve of Belgium's National Day which falls on July 21. Tuesday is "a moment to reflect on the heavy human toll but also to salute the outbursts of solidarity and the feeling of union in the population," the prime minister said. The Red Cross said that by Monday it had already received 3.9 million euros (4.6 million U.S. dollars) in donations. Enditem interview Radio Dabanga For Radio Dabanga's Inspirational Women series we interviewed activist Nisreen El Saim. This climate activist and revolutionary has been a leading figure in many global and local struggles, ranging from the December Revolution in Sudan to the United Nations climate summit. She warned about the impacts of climate change for Sudan and its displaced population. Aged just 26, she has already been Chair of the Sudan Youth Organization on Climate Change, Coordinator of Youth and Environment - Sudan (YES), member of the Pan-African Alliance for Justice Climate, junior negotiator at United Nations (UN) Climate Talks for the African Group of Negotiators, a co-organiser of the UN Youth Climate Summit, and more. Next to being a climate activist, Nisreen has been one of the leaders of the Sudanese December Revolution and a founding member of the Association of Guardians of the Revolution. She was also one of the participants in the June 2021 Paris Conference where she was the first addressee to attract attention with her kind words and confident personality. With her diverse activities, leadership qualities, patriotic spirit, and active personality, she enjoys a charisma that made her a leader in most of the initiatives she was a part of, even the global ones. 'I have a scientific background as well as being African, a woman, and Muslim. I am 'all in one" About this charisma, Nisreen explains: "I express important and topical arguments in a fiery manner... and I have a scientific background as well as being African, a woman, and Muslim. I am 'all in one'". "In my childhood I was described as 'precocious' and it is my personality that began to form since childhood, so I do not see that precociousness is a defect." Educational background Twenty-six-year-old Nisreen El Saim was born in Omdurman, where she spent the first four years of her life. Then she left with her mother to live in Qatar and remained there until she completed basic school in 2009. She returned to Omdurman to complete secondary school and went on to study at the University of Khartoum's College of Science, Department of Physics, her passion, in 2011-2017. She received a master's degree in Renewable Energy from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Khartoum in 2018. Beginnings of a revolutionary At the University of Khartoum, Nisreen's minds opened towards public work and activism. "The College of Science added a lot to me. I learned about public work due to the democratic environment at the university and I participated in my first demonstration in December 2012 when El Manaseer tribesmen protested against the construction of the Merowe Dam". 'I participated in my first demonstration in December 2012' That controversial dam project doubled Sudan's electricity generation capacity but also displaced over 50,000 people, mainly from the El Manaseer tribe. Protests against the construction of the dam, and later for compensation, have been violently suppressed. The demonstration Nisreen attended was followed by the closure of the university for three months. To become a revolutionary of the first order, the university years were a period of relentless work and activity for Nisreen. The second demonstrations she was involved with at university in 2013 were violently suppressed by authorities and led to the closure of the university for the second time. During these years she was part of the theatre group 'Nadous Cultural Forum', which used drama as a means to spread awareness about political and societal issues to circumvent the political censorship at the university. During the September 2013 revolution, Nisreen's activity expanded outside the university to participate in protests and demonstrations inside the neighbourhoods. Throughout the years, here role in political organising grew. In 2014, she was chosen as a representative of the College of Science in the Student Central Committee, which was formed to negotiate with the university administration after the murder of student Ali Abkar. 'I did not miss a single protest march in the revolution' During the December Revolution, the 'Kandaka'* was untouchable. She established The Guardians of the Revolution group with her women companions and says: "I did not miss a single protest march in the revolution. I witnessed that El Shawani was shot in the El Mawrada neighbourhood". Paris Conference Summit"We formed The Guardians of the Revolution to prepare protest materials for buildings, loudspeakers, flags, and basic requirements for marches and demonstrations. During the sit-in period, our 'guardians' had a tent called 'prison tales' from which stories were presented live for detainees inside the prison camps. "Now the Guardians of the Revolution is an officially registered association that includes 207 women from different generations and aims to empower women and raise their capabilities for political participation and support their causes. "We have made a map for women's political participation and are working to implement the idea of having nurseries and kindergartens for working women. It is in the headquarters of The Guardians of the Revolution." Introduction to climate action During the periods of university closure and holidays Nisreen's relentless activity continued. During the first months of the university closure in 2012, she took her first steps as an environment and climate activist by volunteering for the Sudanese Society for the Protection of the Environment. She remembers: "an exhibition was organised for the Environmental Protection Association at the University and Dr Nader, my professor and the president of the association, encouraged me to join so I started as a volunteer." The 'Young Leaders Initiative', established by the Development Bridge Organisation and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in 2013, was her second step during the second closure of the university. This initiative was a one-year training period to train young people as leaders and prepared Nisreen for global leadership. Excursions were also part of the Young Leaders Initiative's programme. Nisreen was one of two people selected to participate in the UN International Conference on Climate Change, COP22, in Morocco in 2016. This experience catapulted Nisreen into the international world. 'The first days for me were like a shower in a world I was not familiar with.' She said: "The conference lasted for two weeks. The first days for me were like a shower in a world I was not familiar with. In halls and groups, everything related to the climate was discussed. Great personalities were present, John Kerry, Ban Ki-moon and others. For more than two days I am just trying to find my way." But then, Nisreen was keen to form a large network and many connections and her notable presence, her methods of raising issues, and her broad networking skills formed a starting point for her regional and international participation in climate discussions. Her participation in the COP also opened a door to establishing the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) with three other young Africans. Nisreen recalled: "Within the Morocco COP, a Conference of Youth (COY) on climate change took place that included young people from different parts of the world". 'African youth felt annoyed by the lack of focus on their issues' "African youth felt annoyed by the lack of focus on their issues, so we decided with three Ugandan, Kenyan, and Cameroonian youths to establish an African COY, which took place for the first time in 2017 in Kampala as part of the Ugandan government's strategy to support youth. It was an entry point for regional action." The UN Secretary-General's Youth Advisory Group with Nisreen on the left (UN) Negotiator and advisor to the United NationsParis Conference Summit Such participation in global initiatives established Nisreen in the field of climate change. She made her debut as a negotiator in the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) conference in Bonn, Germany, in 2017, and she participated as a junior negotiator in COP24 in Katowice, Poland, in 2018. Nisreen explains: "the negotiation process is about helping developed and developing countries to adapt to climate, how they can reduce emissions, and by what amount". After this experience, she was nominated to be one of the 30 youth organisers of the first UN Youth Climate Summit in New York in 2019. Then she was nominated and selected to be among 7 people on the Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change of the United Nations Secretary-General in July 2020, where she is the only one from the African and Arab regions. From this group of seven young people, she was chosen to be the head of the group. Government neglect and fears for the displaced Zooming in on Sudan, the activist warned of the signs of climate change in the country, including the remarkable rise in temperatures and the torrential rains and floods that the country is witnessing. These effects of climate change contributed to long wars in some areas and polluted cities. According to Nisreen, "Sudan still suffers from a lack of awareness on environmental and climate issues". She explained that people in the countryside are more aware of climate changes through their work in agriculture and their observations of seasonal changes and rainfall rates. "They are closer to nature, they know the effects, but they do not call the changes by their scientific names; they have their own names". Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Sudan Governance Climate By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. 'In general, there is neither interest nor awareness at the governmental level about the environment' "In general, there is neither inParis Conference Summitterest nor awareness at the governmental level about the environment". She explains that there is a severe lack of budget for environmental issues and adds: "We were deprived of international funding to reduce the effects of climate change because Sudan was considered a state sponsor of terrorism". 'The displaced will move from the displacement camps to the villages' camps' Nisreen fears for the displaced population and their possibilities for return as a lot of environmental climate changes have occurred in their areas of origin. Many of their areas have become barren, "they will move from the displacement camps to the villages' camps". She also referred to the text of the Juba Peace Agreement, which included clear provisions on the environment and "should not remain an empty promise". Nisreen El Saim at the Paris Conference in May 2021 (social media) Paris Conference Summit One of the most recent involvements of El Saim was the Paris Conference on international investments and debt relief. She was chosen by the French Embassy in Khartoum as one of the young women and men active in the December Revolution. She prepared a speech for the conference, which was highly applauded. Nisreen says: "preparing the speech was a great responsibility and meaningful experience Many considerations must be taken into account and balanced, several topics should be highlighted whilst others should be avoided. I needed to spread awareness on environmental issues and choose my language wisely, but it came out balanced, praise to God."Paris Conference SummitParis Conference Summit Paris Conference Summit* KaParis Conference Summitndaka was the title of the ancient Nubian warrior queens. Symbolising strong women fighters, the term became a synonym for the women revolutionaries who played an important role in the revolution that overthrew dictator Omar Al Bashir. Herald Reporter Since most people infected with Covid-19 do not need hospital care but do need to be monitored and have access to advice and potential emergency care if they get worse, Zimbabwe has launched what has been described as a virtual hospital. The online facility is aimed at ensuring that those who can recover at home get the attention they need without congesting health institutions and travelling unnecessarily. Early treatment helps recovery and the virtual hospital will also reduce worries among those who do not feel very ill but need reassurance. "The virtual hospital complements the physical hospital facilities, now being used by those who need in-patient care. The hospitals are coping and we have designated more Covid-19 hospitals," said Health and Child Care Deputy Minister Dr John Mangwiro. "We encourage people to get vaccinated. We also have a virtual hospital and a toll-free number, 2019. We have arrangements that people can be assisted virtually. "Instead of everybody coming to the hospital, the healthcare teams are now visiting people and it is important to describe exactly what you are feeling to get proper help," said Dr Mangwiro. The facility is not only aimed at tracking the Covid-19 infected but also those who might have symptoms and are not sure if they Covid-19 and so can now phone the toll-free numbers. Giving details of the online hospital, Dr Mangwiro said those who test positive but do not need hospitalisation will be requested to leave their contact details to track their progress. "The person does not come to the clinic. This time around the patient calls the healthcare givers and the health workers would either give the patient directions on what to do, be it to increase their oxygen flow, take some tablets or be given instruction on what to do next. "They can have video or voice conversations with local health teams. They can also be visited by the health team, if the call is urgent and the team feels they need to visit," said Dr Mangwiro. Zimbabwe's response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been seen as good with the World Health Organisation impressed by the transmission and prevention measures, which had resulted in low levels of infections and mortality. Dr Mangwiro said the Government has opened more health posts and the process of engaging retired professionals who have been certified fit for duty was ongoing. "The recruitment is ongoing and those retired and have not yet been engaged can come to the Health Services Board or come to the ministry, they will be assessed and assisted to re-join the forces and fight this pandemic." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Health Zimbabwe By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He also said the Government was grateful to the sacrifice and determination by health workers in responding to this pandemic. Dr Mangwiro, himself a medical practitioner, implored colleagues to keep on the fight despite the dangers associated with their job. For all health staff, it was a humanitarian mission of their lifetime, and President Mnangagwa's administration has been consistent that their welfare will be prioritised. "It has been a massive amount of work done by healthcare givers. I want to commend colleagues, doctors and public health personnel, nurses, nurse aids, general workers and everyone involved who have done very well. "Of course some have fallen sick along the way but I want to commend Zimbabwean healthcare givers for the bravery, courage and energy they have given to face this challenge. "I want to reiterate that the Government is behind you and we will continue supporting you so that they can do their work easier. I really want to commend health workers for a job well-done," said Dr Mangwiro. Popular Nollywood actor Odunlade Adekola, recently signed a contract renewal as brand ambassador for the top beer brand, Goldberg Lager Beer. The multi-year deal will see Adekola continue in his current role as a chief promoter of the culture and history of the people of the southwestern region where the beer brand dominates. According to the Senior Brand Manager, Goldberg, Olaoluwa Babalola, the Goldberg brand extended the ambassadorial deal because of the pivotal role Adekola played in recent years. "I am sure that Adekola will work in tandem with the set goals of Goldberg Lager Beer: serving an experience through culture, history, and the best of beer brews." Adekola who was joined by friends and loved ones -- like DJ Kaywise and comedian Mr Macaroni -- to celebrate the deal said the ambassadorial role is a fulfilling one. "It feels like being part of something bigger, something that will outlive us all. I have been given another shot at not only experiencing this process unfold but also to be part of it in more ways than that will engage beer lovers." President Muhammadu Buhari and the Kwara State Governor, Kwara State Governor ,Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq. have felicitated the Secretary of the International Press Institute (IPI), Alhaji Raheem Adedoyin, as he marks his 60th birthday today. The president in a statement issued by his Media Adviser, Femi Adesina, joined members of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), and the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), to celebrate with the senior journalist, "whose antecedents have continued to inspire many in the media profession." He congratulated the former Kwara State Commissioner for Information on the milestone preceded by years of hard work and focus, "which had seen his steady rise in journalism, with contributions to the development of the country, particularly in youths and community development." President Buhari, while observing Adedoyin's interest in always projecting the strength of the country, and the African continent in his representation on the executive board of the IPI, commended his sense of patriotism and commitment to nation building. He prayed that the Almighty God would grant Adedoyin, fondly called Oloriewe, longer life, good health and strength. On his part, Abdulrazaq commended Adedoyin's giant strides as a journalist, thoughts leader, party administrator, and community development advocate. "I join our compatriots, home and abroad, to felicitate Alhaji Raheem Adedoyin, the Oloriewe of Oro Kingdom, on his 60th birthday anniversary. A man of depth and a bridge-builder, Oloriewe is a man of peace and a lover of development and of our people. He is a journalist, editor, publisher, and administrator whose professional attainments and contributions stand tall for posterity," he said. "On behalf of the people and government of Kwara State, I rejoice with the Oloriewe and wish him more rewarding years in good health and service to humanity. I especially commend him for his unwavering support for our administration," he added.. No fewer than 100 youths across the country have participated in Entrepreneurship Training on Steel and Foundry Technology programme at Metallurgical Training Centre Ajaokuta, Kogi State. The Minister of State, Mines and Steel Development, Mr. Uchechukwu Ogah, described the Entrepreneurship Training on Steel and Foundry Technology as value added initiative that will significantly contribute to the socio - economic growth of the country. Ogah, who made this known while speaking at the closing ceremony of the event organised by the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, stated that the federal government under the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has good plans for Nigeria youths towards development of the country and resuscitation of Ajaokuta Steel Company, Limited. The Minister of State who was represented by Mr.Patrick Ojeka commended President Muhammadu Buhari for creating opportunities and lifting millions of Nigeria youths, stressing that the federal govt has resuscitated Small Scale Businesses that had engaged many youths. He explained that Ajaokuta Steel company if operational had capacity to employ no fewer that 10,000 workers, urging the trainees to remain focus, warnimg the trainees not to sell the starter parks received after the training to enable them become self-reliant . He also called on government to sustain the programme, urging it to fix the Ajaokuta Steel Company to meet the yearning for development and industrialisation in country Speaking at the event, the Director, Steel & Non Ferrous Metals, Engr. Olasupo Kolawole, among other things, posited that the Nigerian youths play key role in National development and the present Administration has drawn a framework to provide a conducive environment that will enable them to maximally realize their creative and productive potentials. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. He noted that the programme is an appropriate strategy meant to launch the mainstream youths in the Metal sub-sector into the national developmental efforts by ensuring human capital development with special emphasis on vibrant metals operators. On his part, the Sole Administrator, Ajaokuta Complex, Engr Sumaila Abdul - Akaba, expressed optimism that with hard work, determination , and the lifeline given to the trainees, they would be able to create wealth and employment in the country. In his address, the Head Metallurgical Training Centre, MTC, Ajaokuta Steel Complex, Saliu Yahaya, revealed that out of the 99 trainees who had successfully participated and completed the training programme, 59 specialised in Welding & Fabrication, 22 became competent in Metal Machining, while 18 trained on Foundry & Pattern Making. The Spokesperson for the trainees, Ibechukwu Wisdom, while commending the Ministry and other Stakeholders for the smooth success of the programme, decried the current state of Ajaokuta Steel Complex. On behalf of his colleagues he, among other things, appealed to the Federal Government to immediately fix the Complex in order to reduce unemployment and ensure national attainment; the training programme should also be sustained through the Ministry and Ajaokuta Steel Complex. The event showcased the Trainees' project works such as Water tanks and Stands, Grinders, Car Break Disc, Cooking pots, spoons etc, aimed at promoting better appraisal of the programme. Two fraudsters, Noah Omoregbe (a.k.a Frank Mark) and Destiny Efewengbe (a.k.a William Scot), have been jailed in Benin City, Edo State. Omoregbe was sentenced to two years imprisonment with option of fine of N200,000 , while Efewengbe ( a.k.a William Scott ) was sentenced to six months imprisonment with an option of N200,000 as fine. Their sentence was sequel to a conviction secured by the Benin Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Thursday before Justice Efe Ikponmwonba of the Edo State High Court sitting in Benin City. The defendants were arraigned on one count charge each of impersonation and intent to defraud contrary to section 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 48 Laws of defunct Bendel State of Nigeria (as applicable in Edo State) 1976 and punishable under the same Law. The charge against Omoregbe reads: "That you Noah Omoregbe (a.k.a Frank Mark) on or about the 21st day of June 2021 at Yoruba Street, Benin City, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, did with intent to defraud, falsely represented yourself as one Frank Mark, an American Soldier, and sent scam messages to one Liud Mila via your iPhone X with IMEI No: 354862090120911 with intent to obtain money from her and thereby committed an offence contrary to section 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 48 Laws of defunct Bendel State of Nigeria ( as applicable in Edo State) , 1976 and punishable under the same Law." The charge against Efewengbe reads: "that you Destiny Efewengbe (a.k.a William Scot) on or about the 7th day of May 2021 at Ugbor Area, Benin City, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did with intent to defraud falsely represented yourself as one William Scot (a white man ) and sent scam messages to one Yaun Tested via your iPhone 11 pro-Max with IMEI No: 353926104836894 with intent to obtain money from her and thereby committed an offence contrary to section 484 of the Criminal Code Law Cap 48, Laws of defunct Bendel State of Nigeria ( as applicable in Edo State) 1976 and punishable under the same Law." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Upon arraignment, the defendants pleaded guilty to the charges. In view of their pleas, prosecution counsel, Ibrahim Mohammed prayed the court to convict and sentence the defendants accordingly. However, the defence counsel, Pascal Ugbome pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy and honour the plea bargain agreement between his clients and the prosecution. In his judgment, Justice Ikponmwonba convicted and sentenced Omoregbe to two years imprisonment with option of fine of N200,000 , while Efewengbe ( a.k.a William Scott ) was sentenced to six months imprisonment with an option of N200,000 as fine. Justice Ikponwonba also ordered that items recovered by the prosecution during investigation be forfeited to the Federal Government. "If power and autonomy are granted to traditional rulers, we will make laws and take decisions that will be constitutionally binding on the people at the local communities." The Alara of Ilara Kingdom, in Epe Division of Lagos State, Olufolarin Ogunsanwo, on Friday urged the federal government to grant constitutional sovereignty to traditional institutions. He told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Epe that this would lead to national prosperity. Mr Ogunsanwo also advised the government to reinstate the roles assigned to traditional rulers in the 1969 Constitution. The traditional ruler stressed that such moves would bring about national peace, harmony, progress and advancement to Nigeria. According to him, traditional rulers are very close to the people and they have solutions to their problems. "Government should recognise and grant constitutional autonomy to traditional rulers for peace to reign at the grassroots. "This will help to solve various challenges facing the people in the rural areas," he said. The Alara also expressed optimism that granting traditional rulers constitutional sovereignty would speedily address the nation's current security challenge. "Once there are security issues at the grassroots, residents immediately report such to the palace or to the traditional leaders before going to (the) police station. "If power and autonomy are granted to traditional rulers, we will make law and take decisions that will be constitutionally binding on the people at the local communities. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Governance Nigeria By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "This will help in addressing several issues and challenges bothering the people at the grassroots, because they are closer to the traditional institutions than they are to government. "We traditional rulers are at the receiving end; therefore, we can proffer solutions to several problems facing the people at the rural communities. "With this autonomy, both the people and the government will be at peace as traditional rulers will help in solving challenges at grassroots with the constitutional authority granted to them," he said. Mr Ogunsanwo urged the government to provide employment opportunities for youths and to regard the growing population as an economic asset rather than as a liability. (NAN) press release Speaker of the National Assembly, Thandi Modise, has taken her 'head in the sand' approach to a whole new level, this time by using her position to try and shield the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, from accountability. In a letter that she sent yesterday, she erroneously attempts to dissuade me from exercising my oversight responsibilities due to a 'concern' raised by the Minister over an oversight visit that I conducted at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) head office in Pretoria on 15 June 2021. I undertook the oversight visit after receiving repeated calls for assistance from farmers in Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal who are yet to receive their lease agreements despite promises to do so by the Minister. In addition, I wanted to take a look at the land administration database, records of lease agreements and the database of all Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS) farms. Not only was I prevented from carrying out the oversight and getting answers on the aforementioned, in line with my responsibilities as a Member of Parliament, but Departmental officials went to extreme lengths to make sure that I left. In Modise's book, the plight of farmers who have been left in the lurch by unfulfilled promises made by Didiza do not matter. She would rather prevent an MP from doing her job than let Didiza account to desperate farmers. This is the second time this week that Modise has failed to exercise discretion in the exercise of her responsibilities. She refused two requests to reconvene Parliament and debate the tumultuous events of the past fortnight in KZN, even though they amounted to an insurrection - as stated by the President. Didiza and her officials may dodge accountability but they will not hide forever. If she can't handle the heat, the kitchen is better left to those who are committed to serve South Africans with integrity. Local Government Elections are coming up in 2021! Visit to check your voter registration status. Activists say women are particularly vulnerable in a country where a sexual offence is committed every 10 minutes * Violence between taxi firms has left thousands stranded * Women are at risk walking long distances to and from work * Activists have called for more police and community engagement South African language tutor Debbie Odumuko has already survived a shootout in a grocery store since fighting between rival taxi drivers resurfaced in Cape Town in early July. But walking alone at night alongside the highway to get home now that most taxis have stopped running has left her equally terrified of being assaulted. Getting to and from work has become risky for Odumuko, 49, but the thought of staying home and not being able to feed her four children kept her up at night as she lay in bed listening to gunshots fired between taxi gangs. "I feel overwhelmed and angry ... I fear for my safety, but I have to put bread on the table," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation on the phone. Odumuko is one of thousands whose lives have been impacted by a recent spate of violence in South Africa's Western Cape province, fuelled by repeated territorial disputes between different taxi associations. In South Africa, informal minibus taxis complete about 15 million trips daily, according to government data, a service that commuters say is marred by harassment and high risk of accidents. Research shows that in Sub-Saharan Africa "transport poverty" - when inaccessible transport negatively impacts a person's quality of life - disproportionately affects women and girls in terms of harassment and getting to school and work. During this recent bout of taxi violence around the Western Cape, activists say women are particularly at risk in a country where police statistics show a sexual offence is committed every 10 minutes. "I know of women walking up to 50 km through the night, or in the rain, to get to work. If they don't go, they bear the brunt of having to look in the eyes of hungry children," said Joanie Fredericks, a local women's rights activist. At least 83 people have been killed since January in the intermittent clashes, according to the province's Department of Transport and Public Works. The government has said it will close the contested taxi route for two months starting Monday and has upped security and the number of buses to try to control the violence. "This is not only about a taxi route, this really speaks to the core of our community's struggle to feel safe," said Fredericks, who also runs a women-only taxi service from the gang-ridden Cape Flats of the Western Cape. DIVIDED CITIES Apartheid spatial planning that physically divided cities according to racial groups left many Black and mixed-race South Africans on the outskirts of town and far from economic opportunities. "Because of this distance from townships to the city centre, some women are walking to their places of work and then try to find a place to sleep there - but what about their children? Who protects them?" asked Fredericks. Odumuko said she usually wakes up at 4am to find transport to cover her 50-km commute and get to work by 8am, moving between taxi and bus ranks to find the quickest available ride. "I wish my colleagues could see what I go through just to get to work on time," she said. Community activism groups have called for increased police presence and emergency accommodation for those stranded by the violence, and asked the local government to engage with communities impacted by the transport breakdown. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Women Legal Affairs Transport By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "We can no longer be held hostage by a criminal few who ... threaten both the lives and livelihoods of our residents," said Daylin Mitchell, provincial minister of transport and public works, in a statement announcing the route closure on Friday. For now, Odumuko says her options are limited. The coronavirus pandemic has decimated South Africa's economy, with the first total lockdown in 2020 causing 3 million job losses within months, with women in the informal sector hit particularly hard. "I feel traumatised from all the violence, but what can I do? We need to get our children to school, to feed them. We are trying to survive," Odumuko said. - Reporting by Kim Harrisberg @KimHarrisberg; Editing by Jumana Farouky Rainforests are far more vulnerable than predicted in the past, researchers find, warning areas that are disturbed or fragmented lack resilience to climate warming and drought A new early warning system using satellite data to sound the alarm on growing threats to the world's tropical forests, including worsening drought and logging, aims to stop them reaching a point of no return, scientists said on Friday. Backed by the National Geographic Society and Swiss watch manufacturer Rolex, almost 60 international scientists devised the system to track rising dangers to the planet's rainforests, which are vital for protecting the climate and nature. The vulnerability of rainforests is much larger than predicted in the past, they found, warning areas that are disturbed or fragmented have almost no resilience to climate warming and drought. Their work also suggested rainforests are losing their capacity to cycle carbon and water - essential functions to regulate the climate, both globally and locally. The new tropical forest vulnerability index (TFVI) tracks and analyses the impact of changes in the climate and the use of land - such as clearing it for farming - on local forests, as well as how they are responding to such stress factors. The early warning system is intended to alert policymakers and conservationists of threats in good time, so they can take action to protect forests. "It's an index that tells us 'if you don't do anything, that area is going to be devastated'," said Sassan Saatchi, a scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. "If the rainforest changes, we might completely change the climate of the earth - it is like the canary in the climate-change goldmine," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Conserving and restoring carbon-rich rainforests are vital tools to help the world meet its planet-heating emissions goals. But in 2020, tropical forest losses around the world equalled the size of the Netherlands, according to monitoring service Global Forest Watch. The TFVI's initial findings identified the Amazon Basin as showing large-scale vulnerability to drying conditions and frequent droughts, while rainforests in Southeast Asia are suffering from land-use change and fragmentation as large areas have been cut down to produce palm oil. The Congo Basin appears to be more resilient because it is adapted to the historical impacts of droughts and is undergoing less conversion for agriculture, the researchers said. The index uses trends on forest clearance and satellite data on climate and weather going back almost four decades to spot early signals of deforestation. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Africa Environment Sustainable Development By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. It aims to identify "tipping points", when a tropical forest gets so impacted by disturbances it starts shifting from a stable to a vulnerable condition, said Saatchi, lead author of the study published in the journal One Earth. The TFVI methodology and data will be publicly available and regularly updated, allowing anyone to use it to monitor a specific forest area. Once problems are identified, efforts could be made to adapt conservation policies and local forest management, such as offering new incentives for communities to tackle illegal logging or planting more drought-tolerant trees. "A diverse suite of solutions will be required to address rainforest vulnerability given each ecosystem's unique response to different stressors," said Nicole Alexiev, vice president of science and innovation at the National Geographic Society. Titular de la PCM: Uno de los avances que hemos tenido en este periodo, es ordenar las funciones de la PCM. Hemos adecuado la organizacion y estructura para cumplir mejor las funciones como ente rector de gobierno. #TransferenciaConTransparencia YEREVAN, JULY 24, ARMENPRESS. Iran calls for restoring peace in the South Caucasus, Foreign ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said, commenting on the recent tensions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, IRNA news agency reports. He expressed regret over the casualties reported during the border incidents between Armenia and Azerbaijan, calling for restraint and stressing the necessity for solving the border disputes between the two countries. The spokesperson expressed the readiness of Iran to assist in achieving stable peace in the South Caucasus. Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan Iraq arrests 'cell' over deadly bombing claimed by IS Iraqis light candles at the site of the explosion in a popular market in the mostly Shiite neighbourhood of Sadr City, east of Baghdad, on July 19, 2021 Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi announced Saturday the arrest of a "terror cell" behind a Baghdad market bombing that killed dozens and was claimed by the Islamic State group. The attack sparked revulsion and renewed fears about the reach of IS, which lost its last territory in Iraq after a gruelling campaign that ended in late 2017, but retains sleeper cells in remote desert and mountain areas. The bombing took place on Monday at Al-Woheilat market in Sadr City, a Shiite suburb in the capital, and officially killed 30 people, excluding the direct perpetrator. "We have arrested all the members of the cowardly terrorist cell that planned and perpetrated the attack," Kadhemi said on Twitter, "and they will be put before a judge today." The prime minister did not specify the number of people arrested, but a source at the interior ministry said the suspects were anticipated to make televised "confessions", a common occurence for major crimes in Iraq. Deadly attacks were common in Baghdad during the sectarian bloodletting that followed the US-led invasion of 2003, and later on as IS swept across much of Iraq in a lightning 2014 offensive. Iraq declared IS defeated in late 2017 after a fierce three-year campaign and attacks became relatively rare in the capital -- until January this year when a twin IS-claimed suicide bombing killed 32 people in another market. The US-led coalition that supported Iraq's campaign against IS has significantly drawn down its troop levels over the past year, citing increased capabilities of Iraqi forces. But US troops have been targeted by powerful Iraqi pro-Iran armed factions, which want them to withdraw from the country entirely. The US and Iran share enmity toward IS, but Tehran also sees Washington as its arch-nemesis. - New drone attack - An armed drone targeted a military base in Iraqi Kurdistan that hosts American troops, without causing casualties, the US-led coalition said Saturday. Story continues It was the latest in a spate of attacks on US military and diplomatic facilities in Iraq. Iraqi Kurdish media outlets said the attack targeted a base at Al-Harir, 70 kilometres (45 miles) northeast of Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdistan region. US interests in Iraq have been hit by 50 rocket and drone attacks so far this year -- assaults Washington consistently blames on Tehran-backed factions operating within Iraq's Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary alliance. The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee on Friday threatened to continue the attacks unless the US withdraws all its forces and ends the "occupation". Most of the American troops deployed in the coalition, which helped defeat IS in Iraq in 2017, were withdrawn under former US president Donald Trump. Those that remain are officially classed as advisers and trainers for Iraq's army and counter-terrorism units. Kadhemi is expected to meet US President Joe Biden in Washington on Monday to discuss a possible full US troop withdrawal from Iraq. But analysts say events in the wake of the 2011 US withdrawal from Iraq -- notably the rise of IS -- may make Biden reluctant to authorise a full pullout, for fear of giving the jihadists rooms to regenerate once more. bur-cf/dwo/dv ALBANY The Justice Department has decided not to open a civil rights investigation into government-run nursing homes in New York over their COVID-19 response, according to a letter sent Friday to several Republican members of Congress. Under former President Donald Trump's administration, the department's civil rights division requested data last August from four states New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan about the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in public nursing homes. The request came amid still-unanswered questions about whether some states, especially New York, inadvertently worsened the pandemic death toll by requiring nursing homes to accept residents previously hospitalized for COVID-19. In a letter sent to several Republicans who had demanded an investigation, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta said civil rights division lawyers had reviewed the data sent by New York, along with additional information. "Based on that review, we have decided not to open a CRIPA investigation of any public nursing facility within New York at this time," Gaeta wrote, referring to the federal Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, which empowers the Justice Department to investigate allegations about unlawful conditions in government-run residences. CHATSWORTH, Calif.Talent health screening oversight body Performer Availability Screening Service (PASS) issued the following advisory Friday afternoon: As COVID-19 cases rise in production hubs, PASS is encouraging performers to be vaccinated, and recommending that production companies practice increased vigilance with protocols such as health screenings and testing. COVID-19 infections, driven by the new Delta variant, are rising throughout the United Statesparticularly among unvaccinated people. We also encourage anyone who has not been vaccinated and has the ability to do so to get vaccinated as soon as as possible. Vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent the transmission and the development of serious illness or death from the coronavirus. While breakthrough infections of vaccinated people have been reported, research shows that it is still very effective at preventing transmission from the Delta variant. If you do acquire the virus, the vaccine significantly reduces your risk of serious illness97% of hospitalizations and 99% of deaths due to COVID-19 are among unvaccinated individuals. If you are located in an area of rising COVID-19 rates, such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas and South Florida, we recommend you increase COVID-19 testing for everyone on set, including vaccinated individuals, until there is a decline in the number of infections again. We encourage the industry to remain diligent in adhering to the COVID-19 health & safety production guidelines released in June 2020. While guidance from the CDC and others has suggested that vaccinated individuals need not be continually tested, the dramatic increase in cases, and the rise in breakthrough infections, may warrant more frequent testing. For information on getting vaccinated, visit PASS will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and provide the industry with updates and guidance. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. --- PASS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the health and safety of workers in the adult industry. You can support our work at The Flagstaff Biking Association is partnering with Mountain Line and NOAZ Signs to install and display bicycle safety messaging on the back of seven buses. Drive safely!, the messaging reads in bold print. Hang up the phone, slow down, watch for bicyclists. The biking association, an active community of advocates for bicycle safety in Flagstaff, said the signs are designed to grab the attention of drivers and serve as a reminder to share the roads. We are hopeful that this simple but bold messaging will catch drivers attention at stop lights and throughout town and cause people to think twice about how they approach driving and their use of devices while doing so, the associations website states. Volunteers created the messaging and artwork for the signs, which were then printed free of cost by NOAZ Signs, according to the Flagstaff Biking Association. The advertising space was also provided on the buses for free by Mountain Line. Biking and transit are both integral parts of a multi-modal community and creating a safe environment is paramount to getting more people to choose alternate forms of transportation, said Heather Dalmolin, Mountain Line CEO and general manager. In the latter half of the week, county and city crews could be seen throughout neighborhoods in east Flagstaff monitoring and preparing for potential flooding. Even in the absence of a flash flood warning, several residential streets remained closed as a precaution. Following an evening shower Thursday, crews watched as a small flow of water again traveled down the Spruce Walsh toward the Linda Vista culvert. But rainfall above the Museum Fire burn scar appeared to be minimal, with little evidence of soot and debris being washed downstream. As of about 5 p.m. Friday, officials with the National Weather Service reported that rainfall had remained light above the burn scar. Given the current forecasts, however, that could quickly change overnight. The county advised residents at risk of post-wildfire flooding to keep their phone nearby to receive emergency alerts, to have a flashlight with batteries and to be prepared to shelter in place. Other recommendations included keeping pets indoors, knowing where children are and moving parked cars away from roads that are prone to flooding. Officials with the City of Flagstaff now say that more than 110 areas of public infrastructure have now been affected by flooding, including streets, drainages and floodwater systems. One way to reduce fire risk is to thin the forest. When the trees are further apart, it makes it harder for the fire to spread, says Fule, also with fewer trees competing, this reduces their water stress, and the trees arent as dried out. Is this enough to counter the increased fire risk due to climate change? Thats harder to say, says Fule, what we can say for sure is that the drying effects of climate change will keep fire risks higher. Another aspect of wildfire is flooding. Whoa, wait a second. I thought we were talking about drying? Well, in nature many things are interconnected. Healthy watersheds are covered by vegetation and dead plant litter. When fire removes those things, the watershed doesnt absorb as much, and the water runs off rapidly. This can result in a deluge of water as we saw last week in several Flagstaff neighborhoods. You may remember the flooding that took place below the 2010 Schultz Fire scar in the Timberline neighborhood. The floods last week came down from the Museum Fire scar and an area of Mount Elden that burned in the 1977 Radio Fire. Also, the extreme downpour that hit those slopes is another outcome of climate change. Well take a closer look at that in next months Spotlight. Birthday wishes Call 281-422-8302 or email to wish someone a happy birthday. We will print your birthday wish on Page 2 of The Sun. Happy Birthday Wishes More college students dedicate lives to promoting development of remote areas After graduating from Beijing Institute of Technology last month, Xing Lina plans to return to her hometown in Guizhou province to work as a grassroots official. When she was in primary school, her father, who has been a grassroots official for almost 30 years, would take her to nearby villages, where she saw how impoverished the area was. Many villagers lived in dilapidated houses in mountainous areas and children wore broken shoes, she said. After she enrolled at university in 2014, she became even more keenly aware of the great gap in economic development, education and medical resources between her hometown and big cities. "I made up my mind then that once I graduated, I would devote myself to the development of my hometown, where I am most needed and would feel most fulfilled," Xing, 25, said. Although she has been offered more highly paid jobs at companies in Chongqing and Chengdu, Sichuan's provincial capital, she has decided to follow in her father's footsteps and work in underdeveloped areas. Xing is one of many university graduates choosing to work in remote and rural regions. Last year, in a reply to a letter from 118 graduates studying at China University of Petroleum-Beijing in Karamay in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, President Xi Jinping encouraged graduates across the country to contribute more to the Party, the country and the people. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, expressed his support after learning that the 118 graduates were taking grassroots jobs in Xinjiang, and wanted to work with people of different ethnic groups toward the development of the country's western region. "There will be ups and downs along the road ahead, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can only be achieved through the hard work of generations of youth," he wrote. Xi encouraged graduates to aim high, be down-to-earth, brave difficulties and obstacles, shoulder the mission of the times, integrate their pursuit of ideals into the cause of the Party and the country, and contribute more. He Boyan was one of the signatories to the letter. After he graduated last year, He, who is from Mianyang, Sichuan, chose to stay in Karamay to work at an oil extraction plant. "My major was petroleum engineering, so it was natural for me to put what I have learned at university to use," the 23-year-old said. The plant is located in the Gobi Desert, where temperatures can dip as low as -30 C in winter and rise to more than 40 C in summer, but He said that the harsh environment did not dissuade him from taking the job. "Many of my co-workers are approaching retirement and they still work tirelessly, so I am in no position to complain," he said. He hopes to learn to become a skilled oil worker as quickly as possible. "The others will soon retire and the future is up to us," he said, echoing Xi's comments at a ceremony marking the CPC's centenary on July 1, when he said that the future belongs to the young and hope also rests with them. In the new era, young people should take on the mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, strengthen their ambition, integrity and confidence and rise to the expectations of the times, the Party and the people, Xi said. In 2017, the general offices of the CPC Central Committee and State Council issued a guideline encouraging more graduates to work at the community and grassroots level, particularly in central and western parts of the country, Northeast China and other less-developed and remote areas. According to the Ministry of Education, 60 percent of graduates in the past three years have chosen to work in central and western regions. Chen Shiyu recently graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a master's in armament science and technology and will start work at a research institute run by China North Industries Group in Huayin, Shaanxi province. His job will require him to perform experiments in uninhabited areas in Alshaa League, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, for three to six months each year. "I think young people should not place too much value on material rewards," the 27-year-old said. "Instead, they should be more down-to-earth, make a difference in their profession and contribute to national development. "I do not care about the hustle and bustle and convenience of first-tier cities, for me what is more important is a platform to contribute my knowledge and youth." In 2019, after Xing and her father visited the home of an impoverished villager during her winter vacation, the villager insisted on giving her father seven boiled eggs in a cloth bag. "It was the first time I saw tears in my father's eyes, and I knew that all the effort made by grassroots officials like him was worthwhile," she said. Apart from the huge transformation and improvement to villages, the genuine friendship and bond formed with villagers are reward enough, she said. "Maybe grassroots officials just do small things, but they matter to local inhabitants," Xing said. "By gaining experience in handling small things, we can accomplish something big in the future." The facility could serve as a hands-on classroom for horticulture high school students from the Lincoln Center, a source for locally grown ingredients for area kitchens or a space for career development. It's possible it could become all three. St. John's United prepares more meals on a daily basis than almost any other organization in Billings and so creating some type of culinary training program is just good sense, Trost said. The greenhouse would serve the program by growing fresh ingredients for the numerous meals they prepare, while supporting other organizations in town. St. John's is in talks with School District 2 officials to possibly include high school students from the district's Frameworks program, which is housed across the street from the greenhouse at the Lincoln Center. Frameworks students could use the greenhouse as a hands-on horticulture classroom. St. John's also envisions restaurants and other organizations in town sponsoring their own employees to enroll in St. John's culinary program, using greenhouse-produced goods in their own kitchen. One of three men arrested after police found 1 pounds of meth and $6,300 cash in a car has pleaded not guilty and will go to trial in October. Mothers may breastfeed their children in public without having to do so discreetly. Citizens can stand their ground and use whatever force necessary to protect themselves or their home. Booze will be allowed to be sold much earlier on Sunday mornings, and state officials may not mandate face coverings. These changes are among hundreds of new state laws that take effect Aug. 1, representing the work of the 2021 Republican-led Legislature. Lawmakers passed legislation in 2009 that exempted breastfeeding from the states indecent exposure laws, as long as the woman acts in a discreet and modest manner. Bipartisan legislation signed by GOP Gov. Doug Burgum removed that language that backers argued was outdated. A nearly identical bill was rebuffed by the Legislature two years ago, even after a small army of moms with babies in arms descended on the Capitol to push for reform. Beginning next month, legislation takes effect that eases restrictions on citizens rights to use deadly force in self-defense and allows someone to use deadly force without retreating in certain circumstances. Backers of the legislation said criminals have had an advantage over potential victims, who should not have to retreat in a life-threatening situation. The legislation doesnt apply to someone who provokes someone and then uses deadly force. Let's say you're Joe Biden. For entirely valid and legitimate reasons, you staked much of your presidency on getting the country vaccinated. You had a very good start, but then things started to stall right as a new, more contagious delta variant of the coronavirus was spreading. This is a problem. I don't just mean it's a political problem. (I'll get to that.) It's a public policy problem. Like national defense and law enforcement, fighting a pandemic is probably one of the few things political thinkers, conservative or progressive, in the past would have agreed was the task of government. At least until recently. Now, to listen to many of Biden's conservative critics, getting people vaccinated is just another liberal scheme, like the Green New Deal or pushing critical race theory. That's really the only explanation for why the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference cheered when told that the Biden administration failed to hit its vaccination targets. It's a bit like cheering when a war goes poorly because it will make the Democratic commander in chief look bad. Then there's the political problem. And Biden, like the typical politician that he is, wants someone to blame. But who? Since the new wave of race consciousness that has been sweeping our country, precipitated by the graphic video of the killing of George Floyd by police officer Derek Chauvin, something very strange has happened. Somehow, what is perceived as a problem has become widely understood to be the solution. And it is endangering our country. If there remain citizens in America who, because of race or any other reason, are deprived of the benefits and protections of a free society, we should work to bring those benefits of freedom to them. The answer is not to abandon the principles that make us a free country. But this is what is happening. Those who are the loudest and most aggressive about what is supposedly wrong don't want a free country. Their complaint is not about absence of freedom, but who has power and who will be in charge and running the show. Nothing could make this clearer than the recent bizarre statement of Black Lives Matter about the current civil unrest in Cuba. Cuba is an unfree country. It has been run by communists for years. And, like all countries that are run by communists, the people there live deprived and oppressed. This is not rhetoric. This is fact. Chinas President Xi Jinping struck an aggressive stance against all who would dare to deny his country the island of Taiwan. Those who resist the takeover will have their heads bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. China has faced escalating criticism over its prolonged genocide of Uyghur Muslims in its far-western Xinjiang region, and its strong-armed takeover in Hong Kong. Whether intentional or not, Chinas is responsible for the deaths of over 4 million people worldwide and 607,000 in the U.S. due to the effects of the Covid-19 virus. Due to this and many other offenses China is now being rejected among most civilized nations. Chinas aggressive warnings are bluster to provide a test to our current government. They wait to see how we respond. So far, the Biden Administration has projected nothing but weakness. If we do not protect an ally like Taiwan, our standing as the leader of the free world will be diminished and eventually destroyed. China and Russia will then be ready to divide up the nations of the world. Finish this article for as low as $1 when you purchase a day pass. Just click the sign up button to purchase. If you are already a subscriber, just click log in to continue reading. And state Republican Chairman Nicholas A. Langworthy labeled the DOJ action a "purely political decision designed to protect Democrat governors like Andrew Cuomo from the prosecution he deserves." The facts of his deadly corruption remain in plain sight, and we will not rest until he is held accountable and removed from office either through impeachment or at the ballot box, Langworthy said. But ever since the federal probe was launched last August, Cuomo has lodged his own charges of political interference. He and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (a Democrat who also received the Justice letter) labeled the nursing home information request "nothing more than a transparent politicization of the Department of Justice in the middle of the Republican National Convention." Similar letters were also sent to the governors of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, also Democrats. Cuomo and Whitmer said other states, including at least three led by Republican governors, issued similar nursing home admission orders last spring and that the Justice probe only targeted New York and the other three states headed by Democratic governors. They said their nursing home orders were modeled on federal guidance. In following up on the inspection, the Health Department is now seeking a fine against the home, according to a letter from the agency to the facility. The 200-bed Buffalo Center at 1014 Delaware Ave. has an overall rating of one star, much below average, from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Centers Health Care, a New York City-based nursing home chain, acquired the facility around 2015. Health inspectors at the unannounced visit classified the lack of staffing as widespread and an immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety. The department will continue to hold Buffalo Center and all other providers accountable for the quality of care they provide, said Jeffrey Hammond, a Health Department spokesman. A Buffalo Center spokesman said the staffing issue has been corrected through an aggressive effort to recruit new workers by offering increased incentives and utilizing staffing agencies which are bringing in workers from outside the Buffalo area. Buffalo Center kept the Department of Health informed of all these efforts and the DOH re-surveyed the facility in May and again in June at which time the state looked at the current staffing levels as well as the previous days/weeks. Its been seven years since Eric was murdered, and in spite of what Mayor de Blasio has said to me personally or to New Yorkers, he and other top city officials are still blocking transparency but now the court has ordered them to finally turn over information, Carr said. Nick Paolucci, a spokesperson for the citys law department, said there was no reason to compel de Blasio, Shea and other high-ranking officials to testify because they were not directly involved in the incident. The city has already provided Garners family with tens of thousands of records in response to freedom of information requests, Paolucci said. Other information about the case is already publicly available, he said. There is no evidence that the mayor or any other senior city official neglected their duties or violated the law, Paolucci said. Garners mother and sister, joined by police reform advocates, have been seeking a judicial inquiry since 2019 under a provision of the city charter that allows the courts to act as a check on the actions of city government. Page Content Charlotte, N.C. (Friday, July 23, 2021) Detectives with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's Homicide Unit have charged Mark Ellis, DOB: 12/22/1995, for the murder of Catrell Hollaway. As a result of continued investigation, Homicide Unit detectives identified Ellis as a suspect in this case and warrants were issued for his arrest. On July 22, 2021, Ellis was arrested in Valencia, California, after a collaborative effort between CMPD's Violent Criminal Apprehension Team (VCAT), the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Fugitive Task Force, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Ellis will be extradited to North Carolina at a later date and charged with Murder and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. The investigation into this case is active and ongoing. As additional information develops, it will be released by the CMPD's Public Affairs Office. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call 704-432-TIPS and speak directly to a Homicide Unit detective. Detective R. Wright is the lead detective assigned to this case. The public can also leave information anonymously by contacting Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600 or For additional information about this case, please refer to the report: 20210131-1037-01. ### Charlotte, N.C. (Sunday, January 31, 2021) The victim in this case has been identified as Catrell Gerome Hollaway, DOB: 12/28/1989. His family has been notified of his death. The investigation into this case is active and ongoing. As additional information develops, it will be released by the CMPD's Public Affairs Office. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call 704-432-TIPS and speak directly to a Homicide Unit detective. Detective R. Wright is the lead detective assigned to this case. The public can also leave information anonymously by contacting Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600 or For additional information about this case, please refer to the report: 20210131-1037-01. ### Charlotte, N.C. (Sunday, January 31, 2021) Detectives with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's Homicide Unit are conducting a homicide investigation near the 5700 block of Windy Valley Drive in the Freedom Division. Shortly before 10:40 a.m. on January 31, 2021, a community member flagged down Freedom Division patrol officers concerning a body that was found in the woods near the 5700 block of Windy Valley Drive. Officers entered the wood line and located an adult male with an apparent gunshot wound. He was pronounced deceased on scene. Homicide Unit detectives were contacted and have responded to the scene to conduct the investigation. Crime Scene Search also responded to process the scene and collect physical evidence. The investigation into this case is active and ongoing. As additional information develops, it will be released by the CMPD's Public Affairs Office. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call 704-432-TIPS and speak directly to a Homicide Unit detective. Detective R. Wright is the lead detective assigned to this case. The public can also leave information anonymously by contacting Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600 or For additional information about this case, please refer to the report: 20210131-1037-01. ### Its technical name is the Limited License Legal Technician and the Washington Supreme Court decided in 2020 to sunset the program, which allowed non-lawyers to perform some legal tasks. While the program officially ends on the last day of July there has been word on the legal street of at least one strong upcoming challenge to ending the program. Why the court might be interested in the right case dealing with the LLLT is because ending the program tightens the legal professions hold on having only lawyers perform legal tasks in an environment that is re-examining fundamental industry questions such as who is allowed to own a law firm. There is one other case that isnt yet a case but could very well become one fast. The Texas special legislative session legislature this month will deal with several important issues, one of which is antiabortion legislation. What makes the legislation unique, and may make it perfect for review from the highest court in the land, is how bizarre its enforcement mechanism is. The Texas law is one of approximately 100 new restrictive abortion laws coming in across the country. What makes the Texas law unique is the fact that this heartbeat law wont be enforced by the state but can be enforced by anyone. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 24) The Department of Health on Saturday expressed hope President Rodrigo Duterte's sixth and final State of the Nation Address (SONA) will highlight the need for the country's own Centers for Disease Control or CDC. Duterte will deliver his last SONA on Monday, July 26, at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City. "Ang isang gusto ho namin talagang i-push (What we really want to push), which is now with the Congress and the Senate, would be the Philippine CDC," Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire told a Laging Handa briefing. "Ito po ang mag-i-integrate at saka magpapalakas ng ating mga sistema kapag may mga public emergency," Vergeire added. [Translation: This will integrate and strengthen our systems during public emergencies.] It is also seen to help with "future responses in times of pandemic," according to Vergeire. The country's battle against the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over as officials have confirmed that Delta - described by experts as the most contagious among all variants of concern - has been spreading locally. The Philippines has detected 17 new Delta variant cases, raising the total to 64 - including 35 local cases. Healthcare workers have warned the Philippines may not be able to handle Delta's severe impact, similar to what Indonesia is experiencing. The government, however, said it has been increasing the capacity of local hospitals as it prepares for a "worst-case scenario." Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 24) The alert status at the Marikina River was downgraded to first alarm Saturday afternoon after its water level went down the 15-meter mark. The river's water level was reported at 15.5 meters as of 3 p.m. It breached 16 meters earlier in the day, prompting authorities to raise the second alarm and evacuate residents in affected areas. As of 9 a.m., a total of 3,030 families or 13,006 individuals have trooped to evacuation centers, according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. Typhoon Fabian already left Philippine territory Saturday morning, but the weather disturbance is still enhancing the Southwest Monsoon causing scattered to widespread rains over the Ilocos Region, Cordillera Administrative Region, Metro Manila, most of Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Mimaropa, and portions of Western Visayas in the next 24 hours, state weather bureau PAGASA said in its bulletin. A number of areas in the country's capital remain flooded due to nonstop rains. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 23) Philippine National Police chief Guillermo Lorenzo Eleazar said Friday he ordered the Cebu Provincial Police Office to conduct a probe into the killing of veteran radio commentator Reynante "Rey" Cortes. All angles will be investigated to determine the motive in the crime, especially if this was related to his profession. The local police will also investigate if there were threats to his life prior to the incident, Eleazar said in a statement. Eleazar appealed to the public to let the police know if they have any leads to help bring to justice those responsible for Cortes' death. Cortes was shot dead after his show on Thursday morning. He was gunned down in front of DYRB-AM radio station along N. Bacalso Avenue in Mambaling, according to Cebu City Councilor Dave Tumulak. Tumulak was also at the radio station hosting his own show at the time of the shooting. Cortes was immediately rushed to the Cebu City Medical Center but doctors declared him dead on arrival. The radio commentator sustained a gunshot wound in the chest. Tumulak said riding-in-tandem assailants fired at Cortes while he was standing near his car outside the radio station. The city councilor said Cortes was a hard-hitting commentator and believed that the killing was related to his work as a blocktimer. Tumulak earlier called on the police to immediately launch an investigation as he branded this as a threat to press freedom. Meanwhile, Police Major Dindo Juanito Alaras said the assailants were still unidentified. Alaras said they are looking at different angles to the killing, including that it may have been the handiwork of enemies Cortez made due to his commentaries. For its part, the Presidential Task Force on Media Security expressed dismay over the "brutal murder" of Cortes. "Rest assured that we will get to the bottom of this heinous crime," task force executive director Usec. Joel Sy Egco said in a statement Thursday. "We have already directed law enforcement agencies to use all available resources to bring to justice the perpetrators," he added. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 24) The southwest monsoon will continue to drench Luzon this weekend, according to the state weather bureau. Typhoon Fabian (international name: In-Fa) exited the country's monitoring area on Friday night, but it continues to enhance the southwest monsoon, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration forecaster Ariel Rojas said in a briefing. The enhanced monsoon will bring scattered to widespread, moderate to at times heavy rains in Metro Manila, Ilocos Region, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Abra, Benguet, Occidental Mindoro, and Oriental Mindoro, PAGASA said in its latest update. The weather bureau warned of possible flash floods or landslides in these areas. The rest of the country should expect cloudy skies with scattered showers and thunderstorms, the agency said. There has been no let-up in monsoon rains in Metro Manila and other parts of the country since early this week, causing flooding in many areas. Floods forced around 14,000 people to evacuate their homes, according to the latest report of the disaster management agency. The Department of Social Welfare and Development has standby funds amounting to 849.5 million to assist those affected by the current weather situation, Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said in a statement Saturday. "These are readily available to augment the resources of the local government units," he added. (CNN) Scientists have discovered previously unknown viruses dating from 15,000 years ago in ice samples taken from a glacier in the Tibetan plateau. The viruses are unlike any that have been cataloged by scientists before, according to a study published earlier this week in the journal Microbiome. A team including climate scientists and microbiologists from Ohio State University took two ice cores from the summit of the Guliya ice cap, at 22,000 feet above sea level, in western China in 2015. The ice core was 1,017 feet deep, the study's lead author, microbiologist Zhiping Zhong, told CNN on Thursday. It was then cut into sections three feet long and four inches in diameter. The team then analyzed the ice and found 33 viruses, at least 28 of which were previously unknown to science and had survived because they were frozen. The viruses likely originated with soil or plants, rather than with humans or animals, and would have been adapted to extreme conditions, according to the study. They would not be harmful to humans, the researchers told CNN. Ice captures the contents of the atmosphere through time, including viruses and microbes, according to the study. "Ice provides a frozen archive," study co-author Lonnie Thompson, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State and senior research scientist at the university's Byrd Polar Research Center, told CNN on Thursday. Relatively little is known about viruses in glaciers, but the field is growing in importance as ice around the world melts as a result of climate change. "It's really capturing the public eye," said Thompson, who added that the COVID-19 pandemic has raised awareness of the importance of learning about microbial communities. Co-author Matthew Sullivan, professor of microbiology at Ohio State and director of the university's Center of Microbiome Science, said the methods used in the study allow scientists to assess the evolutionary rates of viruses that are present in different layers of the ice cores. This could also have benefits in the search for life on Mars, for example. "Once you've developed that new technology it can help you answer questions in other really difficult environments," Sullivan said. This story was first published on "Ancient viruses dating back 15,000 years found in Tibetan glacier" Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Well have information in Spanish and English, said Vanessa Oceguera, who is helping organize the effort on behalf of Platte County as it got the grant to help make it a reality once again. We hope people take the opportunity to come down and see what we have to offer. Centro Hispano is a nonpartisan organization that envisions justice, unity, human rights and opportunities for all. Oceguera said the nonprofit was the perfect partner because it can help reach a segment of the population that may benefit from the donations and help bring more people out to the event. Oceguera and Perez stressed though Time for Change, Platte County and Centro Hispano were organizing efforts, the bash came together successfully thanks to numerous sponsors: Cargill, Hy-Vee, Super Saver, Walmart, Vallarta, La Popular, Perla at kwElite Real Estate, Itzel at Charter Title & Escro and Burrito King. Those with Time for Change and Centro Hispano earlier this week were hard at work preparing all of the backpacks to hand out. Although more than 200 will be given away to those who first arrive, some will be kept in storage so they can be given to schools in the coming months if they come across students who may need them once they're back in the classroom. For all that, firefighters efforts to outsmart and suppress wildfires is counterproductive if all it does is postpone fires in areas that will eventually burn, argued Richard Minnich, a professor in Riverside who studies fire ecology. No matter how sophisticated the technology may be, the areas they can manage or physically impact things is small, he said. Were in over our heads. You can have all the technology in the world fire control is impossible. Working with wildfires is more realistic, he said, by taking advantage of patches that previously burned to channel the spread of new blazes. Timothy Ingalsbee, a former federal firefighter who now heads Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics and Ecology, also said firefighters need to adopt a new approach when confronting the most dangerous wind-driven wildfires that leapfrog containment lines by showering flaming embers a mile or more ahead of the main inferno. It's better to build more fire-resistant homes and devote scarce resources to protecting threatened communities while letting the fires burn around them, he said. It is time that we stand-up and support Regent Jim Pillens proposal to oppose critical race theory (CRT) in curriculum at NU. This theory, if studied, does not promote equality in any race but does the opposite. It is emboldened in Marxism where the propertied class dominates the other classes. Marxism promotes class struggle, making it the central fact of social evolution. It opposes the United States Constitution. If students at any level are encouraged or even forced to study this contrary introduction and become teachers, it will be taught throughout our schools. It some states, students as young as first and second grades are shown a film that depicts the police as killers of the black race. If student athletes dont support a free and equal society or Nebraska values, they need to compete and live in a communist country. They need to do due diligence on how swift retaliation would be if they disagree. Here they are able to petition and make their voices heard. Save our students! CRT HAS NO PLACE AT NU. The Board of Regents for NU can be contacted at email:, phone: 402-472-3906 or 402-472-2111 or written comments: The Regents, 3835 Holdrege St., Lincoln, NE 68583. The next Board of Regents meeting is scheduled for Aug. 13, 2021, at Varner Hall, Holdrege St. in Lincoln. Crime-and-courts featured Cumberland County Defendant in Shippensburg animal cruelty case seeks judge recusal, change of venue Jason Malmont, The Sentinel Speranza Animal Rescue President Janine Guido walks through a paddock to check on some some geese that were among more than 400 animals brought to the rescue after being saved from a residence in Southampton Township. Facebook and family ties are at the heart of a motion seeking the recusal of all Cumberland County judges and a change of venue for a high-profile case of alleged animal cruelty in Shippensburg. On June 4, Barry Orndorff was charged with 450 misdemeanor counts each of cruelty to animals, neglect of animals for failing to provide sustenance and water, neglect of animals for failing to provide shelter or protection and neglect of animals for failing to provide vet care. He was also charged with 450 felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals. In total, Orndorff faces 2,250 charges. A preliminary hearing that had been scheduled for June 14 on those charges was continued until July 20. That hearing has been continued pending a ruling on a motion filed by Orndorffs attorney, Karen DeMarco. In that motion, DeMarco asks the court for a change of venue and requests that all Cumberland County judges recuse themselves from the case. Shippensburg man charged with 450 counts of animal cruelty involving horse, sheep, goats and other animals Overall, 404 animals were rescued from the property, police said. In asking for the judges recusal, Orndorff points to the relationship between President Judge Edward Guido and his daughter, Janine Guido, who is the president of Speranza Animal Rescue. Edward Guido is also the owner of record for the property on which Speranza is located. DeMarco notes in the motion that Judge Edward Guido could also be called as a witness in the case because the animals are being kept on his property. Speranza was involved in the rescue of 404 animals from the Southampton Township property. According to the motion, Janine Guido was acting as an agent for the State Police and participated in questioning Orndorff. DeMarco also notes in her motion that officers and employees of Speranza are likely to be key witnesses in the case because the organization is presently the custodian for the Commonwealths evidence against Mr. Orndorff. Given that Ms. Guido is the daughter of the President Judge, there is an appearance of impropriety that would call into question the ability of other judges, who are under Judge Guidos supervision, to act impartially when ruling on issues that directly involve Ms. Guido, especially if those issues call into question her credibility, Demarco wrote. Speranza founder praises community response to rescue of 400 animals from Southampton property Speranza Animal Rescue of Monroe Township needs donations from the community to care for hundreds of farm animals rescued from a Southampton Township property last weekend. In arguing for a change of venue, the motion contends that both social media and news organizations have created an environment that will make it impossible to find an impartial jury to give Orndorff a fair trial. The motion also alleges that Janine Guido used the incident to raise money for Speranza, noting more than $80,000 in cash donations and additional donations of supplies. Donations were also received from 50 local businesses, which were listed in the motion. The motion says Speranza posted 85 different entries on Facebook concerning the rescued animals between June 4 and July 4. Those posts were shared more than 15,000 times and generated 250,000 likes and 15,000 comments. DeMarco contends those posts were inflammatory and purposely designed to enrage the public so that they would make donations. Comments cited in the motion show the Facebook followers were enraged by the case. One comment, for example, listed details on the Orndorff property as well as family members. Another comment called for Orndorff to die a slow painful death, while still another said he should be slowly cut into pieces, one day at a time and fed to gators. The Speranza Facebook page at the time the motion was filed had 181,000 followers, many of whom, DeMarco wrote, are residents of the local community. This fact alone will make it difficult to find impartial jury members from Cumberland County (which has a population of approximately 250,000), the motion said. The motion also contends that Janine Guido conducted countless interviews with local news organizations in the month following Orndorffs arrest. The motion lists several news organizations, including The Sentinel, that produced at least 20 stories. According to the motion, each story includes a request for donations. The community is absolutely saturated with sensational information regarding the case, largely fueled by Speranza, agent of the Commonwealth as evidence custodian for the animals seized, and it is likely that Speranza will continue to use this case up through the trial and beyond, as it is clearly an important money-making endeavor for the organization, DeMarco wrote in the motion. DeMarco noted in the motion that she attempted to resolve the issues raised with the District Attorneys office, but was unable to come up with an agreement. What did you like best about being in the military? The camaraderieTheres a spirit that you have in the military. Its that feeling that we are in this together. Whatever our differences may be, we got this bond. What was your proudest achievement in the military? I was a battery commander and first lieutenant in Germany. A Congressman in New York made a big publicity announcement that he was coming over to interview soldiers who were victims of racial discrimination. He called on Black soldiers to come to him with complaints about problems. Four of the five batteries had someone go there to lodge complaints. The one battery that did not have one person was my command. In todays climate, Im very proud of that. Is there something you would like the public to know about being in the military? I pretty much summed it up when I said camaraderie. ... Not only among the men and women in uniform but their families too. They support each other. What would you say to someone who is looking to join the military? Its a wonderful opportunity for upward mobility. People who want upward mobility are going to find it in the military if they apply themselves. Its not guaranteed equity ... its guaranteed opportunity. Email Joseph Cress at Love 1 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. What do you like best about being in the military? I loved being paid to camp and hike and run! My friend, Cathy and I were reminiscing recently about how, as lieutenants, we used to put our backpacks on and run eight miles to Yahoo Lake (Ft. McClellan, Alabama). I loved the military for all the great things you got to do. What was your proudest achievement in the military? Of all the things I received accolades for, Im proudest of the one I received from the Cumberland County Mental Health Division for the police work I did with the mentally ill. I tried really hard to get them the services that they needed. If you look at policing as only law enforcement youve missed the boat. Better to have a fully trained professional police officer whos had psychology and sociology as well as enforcement training. Because on the street, at three oclock in the morning, he or she is going to deal with mental illness issues. Is there something you would like the public to know about being in the military? Circumstances had left behind something of a booby trap for the Americans. The pillow was stuffed with fragments of duck feathers that soon became a nuisance. The minute it [the pillowcase] was cut open, the down began flying out all over the room, Lombardo wrote. If we talked, it blew; if we laughed, it blew; if we breathed, it would enter our mouths. Soon the bedroom was one entire cloudWe soon had to open the window in order to breathe. Despite the feathers, work began right away on the flag. In the days that followed, the men would pull it out of a field pouch and gradually stitch it together. Often the work was done candlelight using a sewing machine liberated from some German property. One side of the flag was completed by March 11, 1945, when the platoon crossed the Rhine River over the Ludendorff Bridge in Remagen. It is believed to be the first American flag carried into the heart of Nazi Germany. The scene in the cellar Weeks later, Lombardo and his men were camped out in the cellar near the banks of the Danube River. As they worked into the night to complete the flag, Army engineers assembled a pontoon bridge for a crossing the next day. During his time in the United States Army, where he served from 1945 to 1968, Wayne B. Cederlund Sr. traveled the world, going to Korea and Germany while taking his family along with him. In his 22 years of active service, specifically during the Vietnam War and the Korean War, Cederlund didnt see the battlefield as he was computer operator, aiding in the developing of workings and programs that the Army would later adopt. In fact, nearly five decades following Cederlunds first year of service, one of those programs was adopted to plan one of the most successful missions in United States military history Operation Desert Storm. The exact operation initiated by President George H. W. Bush Jan. 16, 1991, that barred Iraqi forces from occupying Kuwait during the Gulf War. At the time, the United States headed a coalition of 20-plus nations, comprised of nearly 900,000 soldiers, the majority detailed on the Saudi-Iraq border. One minute didnt go by in Cederlunds military career and well after his time in the service where helping others wasnt on the forefront of his mind. Following his 22 years of active duty, Cederlund became a civil servant at the Army War College in Carlisle for 17 years. Cederlund died at the age of 74 in December 2019. Please log in to keep reading. Enjoy unlimited articles at one of our lowest prices ever. Lets say youre Joe Biden. For entirely valid and legitimate reasons, you staked much of your presidency on getting the country vaccinated. You had a very good start, but then things started to stall right as a new, more contagious delta variant of the coronavirus was spreading. This is a problem. I dont just mean its a political problem. (Ill get to that.) Its a public policy problem. Like national defense and law enforcement, fighting a pandemic is probably one of the few things political thinkers, conservative or progressive, in the past would have agreed was the task of government. At least until recently. Now, to listen to many of Bidens conservative critics, getting people vaccinated is just another liberal scheme, like the Green New Deal or pushing critical race theory. Thats really the only explanation for why the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference cheered when told that the Biden administration failed to hit its vaccination targets. Its a bit like cheering when a war goes poorly because it will make the Democratic commander in chief look bad. Then theres the political problem. And Biden, like the typical politician that he is, wants someone to blame. But who? "The federal grant funds distributed through National CASA/GAL are provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, US Department of Justice, as authorized under the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990. In 2019, National CASA/GAL was awarded nearly $7 million in federal grants." For those unfamiliar with the program, heres a little information about CASA of the Parkland: While CASA of the Parklands office is located nearby the county courthouse in Farmington, it serves children in four counties in the region. Its mission is to recruit, train, and support community volunteers who assist the court in protecting the best interests of abused and neglected children in the 24th Judicial Circuit, including Madison, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, and Washington counties. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for childrens best interests. They stay with each case until it is closed, and the child is in a safe, permanent home. They serve children from birth through the age of 18. Their volunteers work with legal and child welfare professionals, educators, and service providers to ensure that judges have all the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions for each child. CASA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a member of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian ad Litem (CASA/GAL) Association for Children. To find out more about CASA, visit or follow us on Facebook at CASA of the Parkland. Additional information can be found at Kevin R. Jenkins is the managing editor of the Farmington Press and can be reached at 573-756-8927 or Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 1 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. We must protect our most vulnerable residents as well as children under 12, who are not yet eligible for vaccinations, Khan said in the release. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Dr. Steve Stites, chief medical officer at the University of Kansas Health System, said the Kansas City region is past the tipping point, with hospitalizations rising sharply. In the Missouri part of the Kansas City region, information from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services shows that 319 people are hospitalized nearly triple the number from early April. The number of intensive care unit patients has more than doubled since June, to 84. I think you are going to find the chief medical officers are going to call for a reinstitution of the mask mandates and social distancing because we had that discussion this morning and we were all in favor of it because were in trouble in the hospitals, Stites said during a briefing on Thursday. Southwestern Missouri continues to see the worst of the surge, and Republican Gov. Mike Parson announced Thursday that 10 advanced life support ambulances, 20 medical professionals, two strike team leaders and a logistics specialist were being sent to Springfield. Their role will be to help with transporting patients in a city where hospitals are near capacity. DEAR MALE READER: It is very important for your mental health that you tell your doctor everything you have disclosed to me, because what happened to you is likely the cause of your depression and PTSD. Do this, not only for yourself, but also because it may help other young people who belong to that church and who also may have been molested by that predator. DEAR ABBY: Is it appropriate to use dental floss in public? When my mom eats out, she uses dental floss while she is still at the table or while walking out of the restaurant. She thinks she's being discreet, but what she's doing is obvious. When I ask her to stop, she says she can't stand having food in her teeth. I tell her to go into the restroom or do it outside, but she does neither and continues to floss. I'm hoping she'll listen to you and that you will back me up. -- ELLEN IN THE USA DEAR ELLEN: I agree that flossing one's teeth in public is unsightly and something that should be done in private. If it becomes necessary, it should be done in the restroom. (Need I add that if there is mouth-rinsing, the sink should be cleaned afterward and any detritus stuck to the mirror removed?) Frydl said FiberLync is looking to submit an application for a Department of Commerce grant that would cover many more households in eastern Greene County. This would be a great opportunity for all these homes, Frydl said. The supervisors unanimously approved July 13 a resolution of support for the FiberLync grant application. Frydl said there are two others who have approached the county saying they plan to apply for VATI dollars to cover all of Greene, as well, but asked to remain anonymous. Once applications are submitted, they become public documents. The past two years that Ive been involved in this, weve begged, borrowed and pleaded to get somebody to come in just a small area, Frydl said. And then we have three different companies that want to cover very large areas and at least two applications that are looking absolute. But to temper expectations, these are all applicationsthey still have to go through and be awarded. Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Martin (Stanardsville) said these are coming at the right time. The city did not announce that the statues would be removed until the afternoon prior. Two days before the statues were removed, city workers also had begun to cut shrubbery and trees to allow for the removals, and parking around the Market Street and Court Square parks was marked off. This was one day after the council voted to appropriate $1 million for removal of the statues, however, the date and circumstances of the removals were not discussed in the meeting. Hours before the removals were announced, a contractor began installing temporary fencing around the statues. While this led to speculation from community members, especially on social media, that the statues would be removed in the coming days, city officials did not answer questions about the tree trimming, blocked-off parking or temporary fencing. On the day of the removal, city spokesperson Brian Wheeler said he could not comment on the nature of the emergency that resulted in the city getting an emergency procurement authorization. The City Council still has not voted on what will happen to the statues, which are currently in city storage. The Virginia Department of Corrections claims that for the last 18 months, everyone in restrictive housing has received more than four hours a day out of their cell, and that the department no longer operates anything that meets the American Correctional Association definition of restrictive housing. The organization alleged that numerous people have complained of the departments use of solitary confinement. A report filed earlier this year by an independent, court-appointed monitor concluded that Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women routinely isolates people with mental illnesses for 23 hours or more a day, said the ACLU. The ACLU said that earlier this year when lawmakers introduced a bill to end solitary confinement, requiring that every incarcerated person be given four hours out-of-cell per day with few exceptions, the department claimed it would cost $23 million per year to implement, effectively killing the bills chances of passage. Last month, a federal court allowed the ACLU to continue its class-action lawsuit against the department over its use of long-term solitary confinement in Virginias Red Onion and Wallens Ridge state prisons. The lengths of stay in solitary confinement of the 12 named plaintiffs in the case range from two to 24 years, said the ACLU. Dei added that they hoped people would actually take action to improve the system. Because if they dont do something about it, then people in power when were older might not be able to do it either, Dei said. It will be an ongoing cycle. The students suggested improving the mental health resources in the system, allowing children to learn from their mistakes and increasing access to education. In addition to the recommendations, students also wrote letters to youth currently incarcerated at the Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention Center to share how they feel about the system and what they would do to change it. Dei and Malcolm Washington, a rising sixth-grader at St. Annes-Belfield School, encouraged others to sign up for the program next year. Malcolm, who participated in the school last year, said one of his friends hadnt heard of George Floyd before participating in Freedom School. It can teach people who dont know that, Malcolm said of the program. It can bring more information, so they can have a more open mind about things and also they can bring that information and spread it throughout their community. The UVa education schools Center for Race and Public Education in the South partnered with the Charlottesville and Albemarle school divisions to bring the program to the area. UVas Freedom School is one of three in the state, according to the defense fund. Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Yes. I will do my part to conserve household energy usage, even if I'm uncomfortable in my home. No. It is too hot to conserve household energy usage. I already conserve, even before ERCOT requested it. Maybe, depending on the reason ERCOT provides and whether or not I am home during that time. Vote View Results Proposals to preserve transit through Ukraine in exchange for unprofitable purchases of Russian gas for our country are unacceptable, Head of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy Yuriy Vitrenko said. According to the company's press service, commenting on the statement of Head of the board of Gazprom Alexei Miller about the readiness to ensure and increase the transit of gas through Ukraine with additional purchases of Russian gas, Vitrenko said that Ukraine would not accept "such discriminatory proposals." "Firstly, this [Miller's statement] can be combined with Putin's previous statements, which in fact are that they want Ukraine to negotiate directly with Russia. But these agreements, and Putin hinted at it directly, included the import of Russian gas. And it has always been the case that the Russians insisted that we buy a lot of Russian gas at a price that is significantly higher than the market price. The consequence of all this was that we paid on average $5 billion more for Russian gas than we received for transit," Vitrenko said on the air of the Ukraine Today program on the Ukraine 24 television channel. He said: "We do not need such an extension of transit, when Ukraine still has to pay extra to Russia. We now spend less on all imported gas than we receive for transit. Now Ukraine is in positive territory, we are receiving money in the state budget, which lead to the fact that money from Ukraine goes to Russia, we do not need." Vitrenko also called for a sober assessment of the reliability of any promises from Russia. "Russia guaranteed us security within the Budapest Memorandum. We do not need the Budapest Memorandum 2. We cannot believe any guarantees of Russia after they had all the guarantees [...] in a very cynical way they simply forgot about them, made a military invasion of Ukraine," Vitrenko said. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree that enacts the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on additional measures to coordinate the implementation of public policy in the field of citizenship dated July 16, 2021. Relevant document No. 305/2021 was released on the president's website. According to the decision of the NSDC, in the declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the government or local government, information on the lack of citizenship of a foreign state, as well as documents giving the right to permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state, should be displayed. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was instructed to inform at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council in August 2021 on the results of the development and submission to the Verkhovna Rada of bills aimed at resolving issues of dual (multiple) citizenship. Control over the implementation of the decision is entrusted to the NSDC secretary. The decree comes into force on the day of its promulgation. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has sent 75.6 tonnes of humanitarian cargo with food and construction materials to the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, the press service of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine said. "Through the Novotroitske entry-exit checkpoint passed four trucks with humanitarian aid. The International Committee of the Red Cross for the population of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine delivered food kits and construction materials," the agency said on its website. The total weight of the humanitarian aid was about 75.6 tonnes. U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Acting Charge d'Affaires of the United States George Kent said that the United States ban on the entry of Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky into the country was only the first step that was within the purview of the Department of State. "There are other possibilities, I am about the Ministry of Finance. That is, this is not the end of this story. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation and our Ministry of Justice also have a question. Last year it became known that there is a case against Kolomoisky. And we will see how it ends. But we know that this is problematic. If everything was not legal with us, this is our business, but if he did the same here, in Ukraine, this is your business," Kent said in an interview with Radio Liberty. He said the Ukrainian former Prime Minister (1996-1997) Pavlo Lazarenko "was prisoned for ten years," and businessman Dmytro Firtash is now in Austria under the threat of extradition to the United States. After six worker deaths at Georgia chicken plant, U.S. issues $1 million in fines After six worker deaths at Georgia chicken plant, U.S. issues $1 million in fines (Photo : REUTERS/Erin Scott/File Photo) ATLANTA (Reuters) - A North Georgia chicken plant and its associated companies face $1 million in fines and scores of citations from the Biden administration over the deaths of six workers and injuries of a dozen in a nitrogen accident in January. The U.S. Labor Department and its Occupational Safety and Health Administration agency announced 59 citations and the fines against Foundation Food Group, which runs the Gainesville plant, along with two other associated companies: Messer LLC - a nitrogen gas company, and FS Group Inc, a food processing equipment maker. Advertisement "Make no mistake, this was an entirely preventable tragedy," Labor Secretary Marty Walsh told reporters in an Atlanta news conference on Friday. OSHA's investigation found that the companies failed to implement needed safety protocols to prevent the leak, the workers were not taught about the dangers of nitrogen, and they lacked the training and equipment to save lives. Officials with Foundation Food Group, which also runs three other plants in north Georgia, did not immediately respond to inquiries from Reuters seeking comment on Saturday. The company posted on its website, "As our community continues to heal, we extend our continued sympathies and prayers to the families and friends of those lost." Neither Messer nor FS Group Inc responded to requests for comment. A Messer spokesman told the Washington Post that it intends to fight the citations and fines. "Our employees were not on site and were in no way involved with this tragic incident," the company told the newspaper on Friday. The accident occurred on Jan. 28 when a freezer using nitrogen as a coolant failed, Labor Department officials said at the news conference. Supercooled nitrogen was used at the plant to quick-freeze chicken patties, tenders and individual cuts which were sold to restaurants and food service operations. Several employees were trying to troubleshoot the leaking freezer and were overcome by the gas as were others when the gas spread, officials said. Nitrogen, typically an inert gas that becomes a liquid when supercooled, is widely used in frozen-food processing plants. However, liquid nitrogen gas released in a confined space can rapidly displace oxygen in the air and lungs, leading to unconsciousness and lethal asphyxiation. News accounts at the time reported some of the dead and injured also suffered severe freeze burns. In December, two workers at a Golden West Group plant in Southern California lost consciousness and died following an apparent nitrogen leak there, according to the Los Angeles County Fire Department. (Reporting by Rich McKay in Atlanta; Editing by Matthew Lewis) Canadas Niagara Falls were illuminated with Egyptian flag colours for the second consecutive year on Friday night to celebrate Egypts 23 July revolution, a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry said. In 2021, Egypt celebrates the 69th anniversary of the 1952 revolution which secured the country's independence from British occupation and instituted wide social and economic reforms. Many members of the Egyptian community in Canada participated in the event as the embassy has invited them to witness such unique moment with family and friends, the ministry said. The Egyptian embassy in Canada, chaired by Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zaid, organized throughout the month of July various actual and virtual events to commemorate the event and also the Egyptian Heritage Month, which is celebrated in July yearly in Canada. Short link: The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed its rejection of attempts to link its military cooperation with Ethiopia with the dispute of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), calling for not politicizing the dam issue. Linking the military-technical cooperation between the Russia and Ethiopia with the uneasy and long-term negotiating process between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia on the construction of the Renaissance Hydroelectric Power Plant [GERD] on the Nile River is surprising, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in the statement late on Friday. The ministry stated that the Russian-Ethiopian cooperation in the military technical field is based on a governmental agreement for defense cooperation. On 12 July, Russia and Ethiopia inked a military cooperation agreement at the conclusion of three-day deliberations of the 11th Ethiopia-Russia military technical cooperation joint meeting held in Addis Ababa. Russia stressed in the Fridays statement that the military agreement doesnt have any destabilizing character, indicating that it maintains similar joint cooperation with a number of other countries, including Egypt and Sudan." Accordingly, the Russian ministry called for not politicizing the construction of the GERD so as to avoid any possible escalation of tension between the three parties. We believe that the chances of reaching a resolution acceptable to all within the framework of the tripartite negotiating mechanism mediated by the African Union have not expired yet," the Russian ministry said. The settlement of the existing disputes between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan must be carried out in accordance with the spirit and provisions of the 2015 Declaration of Principles and on the basis of the preliminary understandings reached in the tripartite framework, the ministry noted. The two downstream countries Egypt and Sudan have been negotiating with Ethiopia for a decade to reach a comprehensive and legally binding agreement on the GERD, which Addis Ababa has been building on the Blue Nile since 2011, but to no avail as the upstream country rather seeks mere guidelines that can be modified any time at its discretion. On Monday, Ethiopia announced it fulfilled its unilateral second-year filling of the GERD, which both downstream countries condemned, with Cairo describing it as a "blatant and dangerous" violation of international laws as well as the Declaration of Principles signed in 2015. Later, the Ethiopian foreign ministry said a win-win solution is still within reach, but we cannot sign a final agreement. On 22 July, Russias Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in a press briefing said that Moscow is following closely the developments related to the GERD and fully aware of the significance of this matter for Addis Ababa and also for Egypt and Sudan. Russia took an equidistant stance with regard to differences between the three countries regarding the filling and operation of the hydroelectric complex at the July 8 open meeting of the UN Security Council on this subject. We believe that a search for solutions should take place at trilateral talks under the African Unions aegis, Zakharova said. The UN body held earlier this month a session on the GERD in an attempt to settle the dispute over the near-complete dam. On 15 July, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi stated in a public speech that we managed to put the GERD issue on the international agenda during the UNSC meeting. El-Sisi reiterated Egypts demand for signing a legally binding agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD, saying: "lets make a legally binding agreement that will bring prosperity, security and peace to all of us. We offered to our brothers in Sudan and Ethiopia our cooperation and expertise in agriculture and energy on the condition that Egypts water rights not to be touched, El-Sisi said. We have the economic and military power to impose our will and defend our interests. We have several options and we will consider them according to the situation and the circumstances at time. Egypt, which relies on the worlds longest River Nile for more than 95 percent of its renewable water resources, fears that the unilateral filling and operation of the massive hydropower project will significantly diminish its water supply, which at 560 m3 per person annually is already well below the international threshold for water scarcity. Egypt is considered one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, as it receives around 60 bcm annually mainly from the River Nile though its needs stand at around 114 bcm. Short link: Egypt's parliament the House of Representatives is expected on Sunday to vote on a controversial draft law that imposes fees on the use of irrigation water, a move aimed at saving water amid fears of decrease in water supply due to the construction of Ethiopias Grand Renaissance Dam. The 134-article law, provisionally approved by the House in March, generally aims at introducing a more effective system for managing water resources in Egypt, and addressing pollution and waste water at a time the country is facing dwindling water resources and adverse climate change. The law has caused a lot of controversy as many took to social media platforms complaining that the laws Article 38 aims to sell irrigation water to farmers. Article 38, as originally drafted by the government, states that farmers are allowed to use and operate water pumping machines on the River Nile, main water currents, canals, irrigation networks and reservoirs only under a prior license from the ministry of irrigation. Farmers will have to obtain a renewable five-year license in return for a payment of EGP 10,000 in order to be able to use the machines. Chairman of parliament's agriculture and irrigation committee Hesham El-Hosary indicated that "MPs had approved to reduce the payment from EGP 10,000 to stand at just EGP 1,250 every five years or EGP 250 per year, and that the reduction of the payment aims to relieve farmers of financial burdens." Spokesman for the Irrigation Ministry Mohamed Ghanem has said the article does not aim to sell irrigation water to farmers, but it only seeks to rationalize the use of water from the Nile and main water currents by imposing fees on the operation of giant machines, which pump huge quantities of water from the Nile to irrigate wide-scale agricultural fields. "Farmers who use these kinds of expensive machinery represent just one or two percent of Egypt's total number of farmers who are mostly small-scale landowners who only use small and subsidised water canals," said Ghanem. MPs also approved cutting the cost of drilling underground wells from EGP 10,000 to EGP 5,000 every five years. The House will also discuss on Sunday a government-drafted law aimed at protecting and developing Egypt's lakes and fish wealth. The bill states that an "Authority on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fish Wealth" will be set up to take charge of managing and preserving Egyptian lakes to double their production of fish. It also states that the new authority, which will be affiliated with the cabinet, will be responsible for protecting Egyptian lakes and aquariums from pollution and land encroachment. A report prepared by the House's Agriculture Committee indicated that the new authority will be also authorized with licensing fish farms and fish processing projects, as well as regulating fishing operations and managing fishing ports. Short link: President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi discussed on Saturday the latest developments in the projects implemented by the Armed Forces Engineering Authority (AFEA), especially in the New Administrative Capital. El-Sisi convened with AFEA Chairman Major General Ihab El-Far, head of the AFEA Consulting Office Major General Ashraf El-Araby, the Authority's Assistant Director for road designs Brigadier General Abdel-Aziz El-Feki, and Director of Ibdaa Marble and Granite Factory Tarek El-Khudairi. During the meeting, El-Sisi reviewed the progress made in the State Strategic Command Centre Complex in the new capital. He ordered the headquarters of international organisations be built in close cooperation with the United Nations in order to meet world-class engineering standards. El-Sisi also followed up on the progress made in the authority's integrated fuel station projects, a mega mosque, to be named Egypt Mosque in the new capital, and the strategic master plan of an international centre for exhibitions, read a statement by Presidential Spokesman Bassam Rady. The meeting tackled the latest developments in road projects, including the Manfalout road axis, extending over the Nile to ease traffic flow and serve development projects and new urban communities on the eastern and western banks of the Nile. El-Sisi reviewed the authority's efforts to renovate the tombs and shrines of the descendants of Ahl Al-Bayt "the Prophet Muhammad's family," including the shrines of Sayyida Nafisa, Sayyida Zainab, and Al-Hussein in Cairo. He also discussed progress made in the complex dedicated to craft workshops in Cairo's Duweika neighbourhood. Short link: . Russias Anti-Coronavirus Crisis Centre announced on Friday the resumption of flights between Moscow and the Egyptian resort cities of Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh on 9 August, the Russian News agency TASS reported Russia will operate five weekly flights to each of the Red Sea resorts. Further increases in the number of flights will be preceded by "a visit of a Russian delegation to Egypt to assess the epidemiological situation," the centre added. According to TASS, Russia had earlier sent an inter-departmental delegation to Egypt to assess epidemiological situation, preventive measures in tourist areas, and work in labs and medical facilities. Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin rescinded a 2015 decree banning Russian charter flights to Red Sea resorts in Egypt. The decision ended a near six-year suspension of flights following a deadly Russian plane crash over Sinai in October 2015. In April, Egypts President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and his Russian counterpart agreed on the resumption of flights between Russia and Egypts Red Sea airports, including Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada. Short link: Ethiopia's Afar region called on civilians to take up arms against rebels from neighbouring Tigray, signalling a potential escalation in fighting that has already displaced tens of thousands this week. "Every Afar should protect their land with any means available, whether by guns, sticks or stones," regional president Awol Arba said in an interview aired by regional state media. "No weapons can make us kneel down. We will win this war with our strong determination." Tigrayan rebels launched operations in Afar last weekend, saying they were targeting pro-government troops massing along the two regions' shared border. A government official told AFP Thursday that more than 20 civilians had been killed and 70,000 people displaced in "heavy fighting" in Afar that was continuing. Rebel spokesman Getachew Reda has described operations in Afar as a "very limited" action against special forces and militia fighters deployed to Afar by the Oromia region, Ethiopia's largest. But Awol said Friday that claim was misleading. "Some people think they invaded us because we hosted the Oromo forces, but that's far from the truth, as they had the intention to separate and isolate us from Ethiopia by force," he said. "It's time that every Afar should stand as one against the junta," he added, using government officials' preferred term for the rebels. The fighting in Afar highlights the potential for Ethiopia's eight-month-old conflict to expand well beyond Tigray, where thousands of people have already been killed and hundreds of thousands pushed into famine, according to the United Nations. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent troops into Tigray last November to oust the region's ruling party, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), a move he said was in response to TPLF attacks on federal army camps. Though the 2019 Nobel Peace laureate declared victory later that month, TPLF leaders remained on the run and fighting dragged on. Last month the war took a stunning turn when pro-TPLF fighters reclaimed the Tigray capital Mekele and Abiy declared a unilateral ceasefire. Aid blocked Yet clashes have continued and officials from six regions and the city of Dire Dawa have since said they would send troops to back up government forces. The road into Ethiopia via Djibouti's port, located east of Afar, is vital for the landlocked country, raising speculation that Tigrayan rebels might try to choke it off. Getachew has said this is not an explicit goal of the operation but has declined to rule it out. Separately, the road via Afar's capital, Semera, into Tigray had become critical for aid delivery in recent weeks after two key bridges along other routes were destroyed in late June. But the recent fighting has put a halt to convoys, and the UN humanitarian coordination office said Friday the route remained impassable, "preventing food stock, fuel and other humanitarian goods from entering Tigray." Short link: The United Nations Security Council on Friday condemned a plan by Turkish and Turkish Cypriot leaders to partially reopen the abandoned resort of Varosha and called for an immediate reversal of the decision. Turkish Cypriots, backed by Ankara, said on Tuesday that part of Varosha - now a military zone and an area touted in the past to be returned to rival Greek Cypriots - would come under civilian control, and be open for potential resettlement. "The Security Council calls for the immediate reversal of this course of action and the reversal of all steps taken on Varosha since October 2020," the 15-member body said in a statement on Friday. The move by the Turkish Cypriots triggered an angry reaction from Cyprus's internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government, and a chorus of disapproval from Western powers, led by the United States which called the move "unacceptable." Turkey has shrugged off the criticism. "The Security Council underscores the need to avoid any further unilateral actions not in accordance with its resolutions and that could raise tensions on the island and harm prospects for a settlement," the council said. Cyprus had appealed to the Security Council on Wednesday over the decision by Turkish Cypriot authorities. Turkey's foreign ministry rejected the council's statement and statements by some countries, saying they were based on unfounded claims, inconsistent with the realities on Cyprus. "These statements are based on Greek-Greek Cypriot black propaganda and groundless claims," the statement said. It said Varosha was part of the territory of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which is only recognized by Ankara, and that it had not been opened to settlement. All TRNC decisions respect property rights and are in full compliance with international law, it added. The east Mediterranean island was split in a Turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a Greek-inspired coup. Peace efforts have repeatedly failed. An estimated 17,000 Greek Cypriot residents of Varosha fled the advance of Turkish troops in August 1974. It has remained empty ever since, sealed off with barbed wire and no-entry signs. U.N. resolutions have called for the area to be turned over to administration by the international body. "The Security Council stresses the importance of full respect and implementation of its resolutions, including the transfer of Varosha to U.N. administration," it said on Friday. Under the terms of a 2004 U.N. reunification blueprint, Varosha was one of the areas which would have been returned to its inhabitants under Greek Cypriot administration. The plan, which detailed reunification under a complex power-sharing agreement, was rejected in a referendum by Greek Cypriots. Short link: The United Nations warned on Friday that more than four million people in Lebanon, including one million refugees risked losing access to safe water as shortages of funding, fuel and supplies affect water pumping. "UNICEF estimates that most water pumping will gradually cease across the country in the next four to six weeks," a statement by the U.N. body said. Lebanon is battling an economic meltdown that has propelled more than half of its population into poverty and seen its currency lose over 90% of its value in less than two years. The financial crisis has translated into severe shortages of basic goods such as fuel and medicine as dollars run dry. UNICEF said that should the public water supply system collapse, water costs could jump by 200% a month as water would be secured from private water suppliers. The U.N. agency said it needed $40 million a year to secure the minimum levels of fuel, chlorine, spare parts and maintenance required to keep critical systems operational. "Unless urgent action is taken, hospitals, schools and essential public facilities will be unable to function," UNICEF Representative in Lebanon, Yukie Mokuo, was quoted as saying in the statement. Short link: Four members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards were killed during a clash with "bandits" in the country's southeast border region, the official IRNA news agency said on Saturday. The four were killed on Friday evening "during a clash with bandits in the Khash region in Sistan-Baluchistan" province, IRNA said, citing a Guards statement. It did not identify either the "bandits" or the nature of the clash. Sistan-Baluchistan straddles the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, and is home to a large, mainly Sunni Muslim ethnic Baluch community in a country where most of the population is Shiite. The area has long been a flashpoint for cross-border attacks by separatists and Sunni extremists, and clashes between security forces and armed groups are common. In April, the Guards announced they had killed three "terrorists" during an operation in the province. In February, Iranian media said two people including a police officer were killed in violence in the area linked to cross-border fuel smuggling. Short link: Libyan authorities on Saturday stepped up their vaccination campaign around the capital Tripoli, as coronavirus cases rise across the country. The health ministry has set up temporary centres in six districts of the capital, and AFP journalists saw long queues outside the tents on Saturday morning. "The campaign will continue until all the available doses are used," doctor Rawad Behelille told AFP in central Tripoli. Earlier this month, Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibah issued a decree instructing cafes and restaurants to close due to rising infections, while also suspending university lectures and weddings. Daily reported cases have reached several thousand in the past week, in a country with a population of around seven million. Libya has recorded over 229,600 coronavirus cases since the start of the pandemic, including over 3,340 deaths. Fewer than 500,000 people have been vaccinated since the war-torn country's inoculation campaign started in April. Short link: Jordan's health ministry announced Saturday that Covid-19 vaccines will now be available for children aged 12 and above. The ministry "has decided to lower the Covid-19 vaccination age to 12 years, starting from Sunday July 25" and without requiring an appointment, the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page on Saturday. "Vaccination will be optional, and those under 18 will be able to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine with the consent of their guardian," the statement added. Jordan, a country of 10 million people, has officially recorded more than 763,900 coronavirus cases, including over 9,900 deaths, since the start of its outbreak. Some 1.9 million people have been fully inoculated against Covid-19, while 2.7 million have received an initial vaccine dose. The United States, Canada and the European Union have already authorised the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for 12-year-olds. Amman said last month it had concluded several agreements to obtain a total of around 12 million Covid-19 vaccine doses, and planned to order five million additional jabs. The country last weekend received half a million Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine doses from Washington. Authorities are pushing the population to take up the vaccines, and have adopted restrictive or punitive measures targeting those who fail to do so. The measures include requiring unvaccinated or partially vaccinated public sector employees to present a negative Covid-19 test twice a week, and prohibiting the issuance or renewal of work and residency permits for those who are not fully vaccinated. Short link: Iran on Saturday rejected "false accusations" by the UN rights chief on protests over water shortages in the country's southwest, where at least four people have been killed since last week. Khuzestan, Iran's main oil-producing region and the wealthiest of the country's 31 provinces, has been gripped by drought since March, with protests erupting in several towns and cities since July 15. Iranian media and officials have said at least three people have been killed, including a police officer and a protester, accusing "opportunists" and "rioters" of shooting at demonstrators and security forces. State television said a fourth person was killed on Thursday and two wounded during "rioting" in the western province of Lorestan, where it said people had taken to the streets "on the pretext of the water problems in Khuzestan". UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Friday told Iran to address the chronic water shortage in Khuzestan instead of cracking down on protesters. "Shooting and arresting people will simply add to the anger and desperation," she said, adding that the "catastrophic" situation had been building up for many years. Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said Saturday that Bachelet's comments "on the recent events in Khuzestan (are) regrettable", decrying "false accusations and incorrect information". The rights chief had failed to consider the government's "great efforts" to "relieve the suffering of the population", Khatibzadeh said in a statement, adding that this demonstrated the "political" character of the declaration. President Hassan Rouhani said Saturday that "despite the action taken, certain problems in Khuzestan province must still be quickly resolved", adding that people had "the right to protest" against the situation. Human rights groups abroad have accused Iran of using unlawful and excessive force to quell the Khuzestan protests and have cited a higher death toll than that reported by Iranian media. Short link: Some 160,000 people, including far-right activists and members of France's yellow vest movement, protested Saturday across the country against a bill requiring everyone to have a special virus pass to enter restaurants and mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for all health care workers. Similar protests were held in neighboring Italy. Police fired water cannons and tear gas on rowdy protesters in Paris, although most gatherings were orderly. Legislators in France's Senate were debating the virus bill Saturday after the lower house of parliament approved it on Friday, as virus infections are spiking and hospitalizations are rising. The French government wants to speed up vaccinations to protect vulnerable people and hospitals, and avoid any new lockdown. Most French adults are fully vaccinated and multiple polls indicate a majority of French people support the new measures. But not everyone. Protesters chanting ``Liberty! Liberty!'' gathered at Bastille plaza and marched through eastern Paris in one of several demonstrations Saturday around France. Thousands also joined a gathering across the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower organized by a former top official in Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration party. While most protesters were calm, tensions erupted on the margins of the Bastille march. Riot police sprayed tear gas on marchers after someone threw a chair at an officer. Other projectiles were also thrown. Later some protesters moved to the Arc de Triomphe and police used water cannon to disperse them. Marchers included far-right politicians and activists as well as others angry at President Emmanuel Macron. They were upset over a French ``health pass'' that is now required to enter museums, movie theaters and tourist sites. The bill under debate would expand the pass requirement to all restaurants and bars in France and some other venues. To get the pass, people need to be fully vaccinated, have a recent negative test or have proof they recently recovered from the virus. French lawmakers are divided over how far to go in imposing health passes or mandatory vaccinations but infections are rising quickly. More than 111,000 people with the virus have died in France, and the country is now seeing about 20,000 new infections a day, up from just a few thousand a day in early July. More than 2 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated and information about COVID-19 vaccines is now widely available, but many protesters said they felt they were being rushed into something they're not ready to do. Celine Augen, a secretary at a doctor's office, is prepared to lose her job under the new measure because she doesn't want to get vaccinated. Ayoub Bouglia, an engineer, said, ``We need to wait a little bit before the French people can decide ... I think a part of France is always going to be unwilling and that blackmail and threats won't work.'' In Italy, thousands of protesters gathered in Rome, Milan, Verona and other cities Saturday, protesting the government's decision to require a ``Green Pass'' to access indoor dining, local fairs, stadiums, cinemas and other gathering places. In the northern city of Verona, several thousand people marched down the main shopping street, chanting ``No Green Pass!'' and ``Freedom!'' They included families with young children, medical doctors who said they are risking their jobs not to get vaccinated and people who likened the Green Pass decision to decisions by fascist dictatorships. The demonstrations proceeded peacefully and dissipated into summer evening crowds. Despite the vocal opposition, Italy's new requirement, effective Aug. 3, has led to a boom in vaccine appointments in Italy, where so far nearly half of the eligible population is fully vaccinated. Short link: The management of the Alexandria Festival of Francophone Cinema announced that the first edition of the event will take place between 11 and 16 September. Dedicated entirely to Francophone cinema, the event was first scheduled for launch in June 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced the festival to be delayed. The first such festival to take place in the Arab region, the event's honorary president is Samir Sabri, a well known actor who himself hails from the Mediterranean city, while Kadry El-Haggar is the executive president. The festival's director is film critic Mohamed Atef. Around 50 films representing numerous francophone countries will be screened during the festival. Tunisia is the festival's country of honor and as such the festival will showcase many films directed by the Tunisian filmmakers. The festival has a competitive format, with prizes given in two categories feature and short film awarding the film, best actress, best actor and best achievement. The Alexandria Festival of Francophone Cinema seeks to consolidate its relationship with the Alexandrian public, hence the festival managements keenness to show the festivals films in a number of commercial theaters in various regions of Alexandria, and the festival administration is making a tireless effort to include more partners in Alexandria Governorate," artistic director Mohamed Atef revealed in a press release. The venues hosting the screenings include a number of Alexandria cinemas, Green Plaza Complex and cultural venues such as Freedom Centre for Creativity and the French Institute. The festival has yet to reveal more details regarding its upcoming, inaugural edition. For more arts and culture news and updates, follow Ahram Online Arts and Culture on Twitter at @AhramOnlineArts and on Facebook at Ahram Online: Arts & Culture Short link: The supreme committee of the Theatre Without Fund Festival (TWFF) announced that its 11th edition (scheduled to take place 22-26 August) will bear the name of Egyptian artist Ashraf Zaki. The festival will take place across numerous stages in Alexandria. Zaki is currently president of High Institute of the Theatrical Arts and also head of the Acting Professions Syndicate. He has had an important effect on the Egyptian creative scene, particularly theatre where he directed numerous plays with the best known being Laugh And Play And Mazzika and Jaws Family. A graduate of the Higher Institute of Theatrical Arts, Zaki has a decades-long career in theatre and television. As an actor, he is particularly known for his roles in television series such as My Aunt Safiya And The Monastery, The Republic of Zifta, Umm Kalthoum. He has also appeared in numerous smaller roles in the Egyptian cinema. The Theatre Without Fund Festival was founded by Gamal Yakout, president of the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre's 28th edition (14 and 19 December 2021). Yakout also presided over the TWFF, and stepped back from this role this year, passing the torch to the festival's artistic director Ibrahim Al-Forn. The 10th edition of the festival took place in 2019 presenting 13 performances from nine countries four from Egypt, two from Oman, and one each from Palestine, Tunisia, Libya, France, Italy, Switzerland and Korea. The festival was dedicated to late Egyptian actor Talaat Zakaria (1960-2019). The festival management revealed that in response to the festival's call earlier this year, over 100 performances from a variety of Egyptian governorates have been submitted to its 11th edition. The committee has chosen performances that include J B Priestley's The Rose and Crown, directed by Ibrahim Ashraf and produced by the Higher Institute of Theatrical Arts; The Suez Epic written and directed by Mohamed Zaki and produced by the Acting Professions Syndicate; The Witness directed by Ihab Gaber and produced by Sarkha Theatre Troupe, among a number of other plays. The TWFF's commitee includes theatre personalities such as Saeed Kabeel, director Sameh Al Hadary, choreographer Mohamed Mizo, actor Islam Awad, and director Ahmed Samir. The festival's 2020 edition was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It now returns with plays to be staged between 22 and 26 August 2021. The festival will be held on the stages of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina under the auspices of it's Arts Centre, as well as at the Lycee El Horreya theater, the headquarters of the Alexandria Theater Troupe and the Al Anfoushi Culture Palace Theater. The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture with the logistical support extended by its numerous affiliates the General Authority for the Cultural Palaces, the Artistic House of Theater, the Cultural Production Affairs Sector in addition to Bibliotheca Alexandrina. For more arts and culture news and updates, follow Ahram Online Arts and Culture on Twitter at @AhramOnlineArts and on Facebook at Ahram Online: Arts & Culture Short link: The brain rarely fires on all cylinders even at the best of times - what more during a pandemic? Understanding our operating systems can help us better navigate challenges and be more effective movers and shakers. That is the message of "The Leader's Brain," a book by Michael Platt, professor of marketing, neuroscience and psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Platt, who is also director of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative, spoke with Reuters about how to optimize what goes on in our heads, to better understand ourselves and others. Q: How are our brains reacting to this extraordinary time? A: What we know is that there has been a massive increase in things like anxiety disorders, mental health issues, suicides and opioid use. People are under a lot of stress, with all the uncertainty and the financial repercussions. Unfortunately, social distancing robs us of one of the primary mechanisms we have to adapt to stress, which has led to an increase in loneliness. Q: How have leaders handled the pandemic? A: It has been interesting to see the rises and falls of leaders over the course of the last year. Some have demonstrated strong leadership, and then had difficulty at other times. It is hard to maintain in the face of all these economic and social troubles. What is very important right now is to be a clear and effective communicator, who leads with the heart. Look at Joe Biden, who has made empathy the core of his administration. Q: Is it possible to lead teams effectively, when so many people are working remotely? A: That's the No. 1 question for business leaders right now, and I feel it myself in my own lab. What we have seen is that people are just as productive, if not more so, than they were in the office. But innovation has been falling dramatically, in large part because we don't have "watercooler" conversations anymore - those spontaneous moments where you can cook up new ideas. That's hard to manufacture in a remote environment. Q: Are people born leaders, or can that be learned? A: Everybody's dials are set a little differently, and those dials can be turned. For instance, a key part of being a leader is the ability to connect and relate to other people: You can turn that dial up by exercising those faculties, and doing it intentionally. Communication skills are something people can work on. Q: Can the lessons of neuroscience be helpful in the hiring process? A: Neuroscience can have a huge impact on businesses, by helping leaders get better, more precise ideas of who people are. Some of the standard ways people are assessed are things like IQ tests or personality tests. But neuroscience can help you change the questions you might ask. For instance, if you're trying to identify if a candidate is good at thinking outside the box, you can present different scenarios in a gamified way. That way you can avoid putting people in positions that are not right for them. Q: How can insight from this brain research help us make better decisions? A: There are certain rules our brains live by, and we can't really change them, so we need to learn how to live with them. For example, our brains don't tend to make good decisions when there are too many options in front of us. So simplifying choices and limiting options can be a useful strategy for making better decisions. Also, understand the tradeoff between speed and accuracy, and figure out which is the most important. There are some situations that are urgent, where you have to make a quick decision. But otherwise, slowing down can be critical, because that will allow you to avoid many regrettable mistakes. Q: Are you optimistic that our brains are going to be able to handle this stressful period? A: I was writing this book last year as the pandemic was unfolding. For the most part, people have done pretty well, and we should give ourselves a pat on the back for making it this far. It's still challenging right now, and we can't let down our guards. But optimism is the key for moving forward, and having the motivation to power through. People should know that we are going to lick this thing. Short link: New Delhi: Electricity and water crisis worsened in Jammu as the intense heat wave conditions continued to prevail with maximum temperature hitting above 40 degrees Celsius mark for the ninth day on Wednesday. The city and its nearby areas faced power cut and water shortage for many hours. "There is no electricity supply since last evening even after the Power Minister's order not to cut power," Vicky Mahajan, a resident of Tallab Tillo area of the city, said. Power Minister Sunil Sharma on May 28 had instructed the department that no planned shutdown would be allowed in the region till further orders. "It is a crude joke. We were forced to spend sleepless nights in open due to power breakdown last night," Sanjay Shan of Dokh Paloura locality said, adding the area also faced acute water shortage. Arun Kumar, a Public Health Engineering (PHE) department employee, admitted shortage of water and said the department had pressed into service three water tankers to cope up with the crisis. "We have a large area in our responsibility. We prefer to send water tankers first to the areas which have no supply lines," he said. Other parts of the city, including Toph Sherkhania, Trikuta Nagar, Narwal, Gandhi Nagar, Janipur, Bhagwati Nagar, Chhani Himmat and Durga Nagar also faced inconsistent power and water supply. The maximum temperature in the city crossed 40 degrees Celsius mark on May 22 for the first time this summer and is on increase since then, touching 43.5 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, the highest in the month of May over the past three years, the Met department said. However, it dropped to 41.7 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, still 2.6 degrees Celsius above normal during this time. The minimum temperature recorded in the winter capital was 29.1 degrees Celsius, which was 4.2 degrees above normal, the Met department said. Katra, the famous town en route to the holy cave shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi in Reasi district continued to be the second hottest place in the region with a high of 38.7 degrees Celsius and a low of 27.8 degrees Celsius. The town recorded a maximum of 40.7 degrees Celsius yesterday. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: A senior Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) official on Tuesday allegedly committed suicide in his office in Lucknow, police said. Rajesh Sahni, an Additional Superintendent of Police rank official, shot himself on his temple at 12.45 pm in his office, ADG (Law and Order) Anand Kumar said, according to PTI. Sahni, a 1992-batch Provincial Police Services (PPS) officer, used his own service revolver to end his life. It was not immediately clear as to why Sahni took the extreme step and the UP police was trying to ascertain the reasons behind the alleged suicide. This was not the first time when a top ATS officer took the extreme step to end life. Earlier on May 11, former chief of the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, Himanshu Roy had committed suicide. Roy, who was serving as the Additional Director General of Police in Maharashtra, shot himself with his service revolver at his residence in south Mumbai. He left a suicide note and cited "extreme depression" reason behind committing suicide. (With inputs from agencies) New Delhi: The International Yoga Day on June 21 will witness an unprecedented large performance in Dehradun. In the world's largest, over 60,000 people will perform together different asanas at the event, a government official has said. The Uttarakhand government has moved a proposal to make the Forest Research Institute (FRI) the venue for the event, Chief Secretary Utpal Kumar Singh said on Tuesday at a meeting to review preparations for the event. The Yoga Day programme will start at 7 am and continue till 7.45 am with over 60,000 participants performing together different asanas in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Singh said in a statement. Two rehearsals for the event will be held on June 18-19, he said. The Uttarakhand Police, the Army, para-military personnel, NCC, NSS, Scout guide, yog sansthan, school and college students, and representatives of different organisations will participate in the event, the release said. Besides the national event in Dehradun, programmes will also be held at every district headquarters, blocks and gram panchayats to mark the occasion. A run for yoga will also be held in the city in June, Singh was quoted as saying in the release. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The southwest monsoon on Tuesday hit Kerala, three days before its scheduled arrival, an India Meteorological Department (IMD) official said. Earlier the MET department had predicted that the monsoon will hit the country on June 1 and will take around a month-and-half to cover the entire country. The IMD has also made a forecast of normal monsoon rainfall in this season. The onset of monsoon over Kerala is the start of the four-month-long rainy season in the country. However, the private weather forecasting agency Skymet had said that the monsoon made its arrival in Kerala on Monday. According to the IMD, if after May 10, 60 per cent of the available 14 stations Minicoy, Amini, Thiruvananthapuram, Punalur, Kollam, Allapuzha, Kottayam, Kochi, Thrissur, Kozhikode, Thalassery, Kannur, Kudulu and Mangalore report 2.5 mm or more rainfall for two consecutive days, the onset of monsoon over Kerala can be declared on the second day. This is one of the main parameters for declaring the arrival of monsoon. (With PTI inputs) For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The counting of votes for the crucial Lok Sabha bypolls on four constituencies Palghar and Bhandara-Gondia in Maharashtra, Kairana in Uttar Pradesh, and Nagaland is being taken out on Thursday. The voting was held in Uttar Pradeshs Kairana and three other Lok Sabha bypolls on May 28 amid the complaints of malfunctioning of EVM machines in several booths. In Kairana, 54 per cent turn out was recorded, while in Nagaland, the turnout was 70 per cent. Maharashtra's Bhandara-Gondiya bypoll saw only 38.5 per cent voter turnout. In the crucial Palghar Lok Sabha bypolls 46 per cent polling was recorded. The results of these four Lok Sabha seats are important for all four major political parties- BJP, Shiv Sena, Congress and NCP - as the outcome is likely to have a large bearing on next years Lok Sabha Elections. The results of Kairana bypoll in Uttar Pradesh, which saw a Modi versus all fight, has become a prestige battle for the BJP and will also decide the future of the anti-BJP front. Also Read | Kairana Lok Sabha Bypoll Results 2018 LIVE: BJP's Mriganka Singh ahead of RLD's Tabassum Hasan LIVE Updates: # 08:10 PM: Instead of all the time criticizing the decisions of the government Shiv Sena should simply break the alliance if they are really so unhappy... Why are they still supporting BJP if theyre so unhappy with their decisions?: Ashok Chavan, Congress # 08:05 PM: If Uddhav Thackeray has even a little self respect left in him, he should get out of the alliance. You want to stay in power also, and you want to show support to opposition also... What exactly is their intention?: Ashok Chavan, Congress # 08:00 PM: CM violated model code of conduct. BJP supporters were seen distributing money but no one took any action which is a real cause of concern. This can be called CM & BJPs victory with 'Saam daam dand bhed': Ashok Chavan, Congress # 07:50 PM: We didn't expect to lose Palghar seat. If the united opposition had fought together, BJP could have been defeated. If Bahujan Vikas Aaghadi and CPI(M) come with us in the future, we can win Palghar also: Ashok Chavan, Congress # 07:20 PM: Maharashtra: NCP's Madhukar Kukde has won the Bhandara-Gondiya Lok Sabha bypoll by 48,097 votes. # 02:20 PM: BJP wins Palghar bypoll Lok Sabha constituency in Maharashtra by 29572 votes. BJP wins Palghar bypoll Lok Sabha constituency in Maharashtra by 29572 votes. ANI (@ANI) May 31, 2018 #12:55 PM: Shiv Sena cries EVM tears: Many EVMs were faulty, names of about 50-60,00 people were missing from voter list. Also, within 12 hours of voting ends, EC changed vote percentage. So all this is very doubtful: Sanjay Raut, Shiv Sena on BJP leading in Palghar bypoll #12:30 PM: Nagaland Lok Sabha by-poll: BJP ally Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) leading over Naga People's Front (NPF) by 34, 669 votes. #11:40 AM: Kairana Lok Sabha by-poll: RLD's Tabassum Hasan leading by 41391 votes over BJP's Mriganka Singh after 13th round of counting #11:20 AM: This is the victory of truth. I still stand by what I said, there has been a conspiracy & we do not want any future elections to be conducted on EVM machines. The path for united opposition is clear in 2019: RLD's Tabassum Hasan on her lead in trends of Kairana Lok Sabha by-poll. #11:00 AM: Kairana Lok Sabha by-poll: RLD's Tabassum Hasan leading by over 26925 votes over BJP's Mriganka Singh after ninth round of counting #10:58 AM: Maharashtra: BJP's Gavit Rajendra Dhedya leading by 17843 votes over Shiv Sena's Shrinivas Chintaman Vanaga from #Palghar Lok Sabha seat after ninth round of counting. #10:45 AM: Nagaland Lok Sabha by-poll:Naga People's Front (NPF) leading by over 11,000 votes, ahead of Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP). #10:35 AM: BJP's Gavit Rajendra Dhedya leading from Palghar Lok Sabha seat by over 14,000 votes over Shiv Sena candidate. #10:05 AM: It seems like Kairana is also going the Gorakhpur way as RLD's Tabassum Hasan ahead of BJP's Mriganka Singh by 14481 votes. # 09:30 AM: BJP's Gavit Rajendra Dhedya leading from Palghar Lok Sabha seat by over 6000 votes Maharashtra. #09:20 AM: Kairana Lok Sabha by-boll: RLD's Tabassum Hasan leading by over 3000 votes over BJP's Mriganka Singh. # 09:05 AM: Neck-and-neck in Kairana: It seems there is a very close contest between the BJP and the RLD in Kairana. After Tabassum Hasan's early lead, BJP's Mriganka Singh now goes ahead of the RLD candidate. Also Read | Assembly Bypoll Results 2018 LIVE #08:35 AM: Maharashtra: Visuals from a counting centre in BhandaraGondia Lok Sabha constituency, where counting of votes for the Lok Sabha by-poll has begun. Maharashtra: Visuals from a counting centre in BhandaraGondia Lok Sabha constituency, where counting of votes for the Lok Sabha by-poll has begun. ANI (@ANI) May 31, 2018 #08:30 AM: RLD's Tabassum Hasan ahead of BJP's Mriganka Singh in Kairana: The trends have started coming in and its a no good news for the ruling BJP as RLD's Tabassum Hasan is ahead of BJP's Mriganka Singh in Kairana, according to early trends. #08:05 AM: Counting of votes for Kairana, Palghar, Bhandara-Gondiya and Nagaland Lok Sabha bypoll seats begins. #07:45 AM: Hello and welcome to the News Nation live updates: The Counting of votes for the crucial Lok Sabha bypolls on four constituencies will begin at 8 am. The voting was held in Maharashtra's Palghar and Bhandara-Gondia, Uttar Pradesh's Kairana and Nagaland on May 28. The results of these bypolls will decide the future course of action of the BJP, the Shiv Sena and the anti-BJP front ahead of 2019 general elections. Stick with us for all the updates. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: Three people, including a woman, were critically injured when the elevator they were in fell from the ninth floor of a high-rise building in Gurugram on Wednesday, a police official said. The mishap occurred in the Regency Park-II high-rise apartments in DLF Phase 4 area. The lift crashed from the ninth floor in the minus two floor in the basement. "Investigation into the incident is underway," Gurgaon Police PRO Ravinder Kumar said. The injured were a female resident, her driver and domestic help. The three are undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital, the police said. New Delhi: In an unprecedented move, the Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed all the media houses to remove news articles, which disclosed the identity of the eight-year-old Kathua rape victim. The next hearing on the matter is scheduled for July 16. Earlier, on May 18, the High Court issued notice to Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites as they did not bother to reply to court's first notice on disclosing the identity of Kathua victim. On April 13, the High Court, for the first time, had issued a notice to various media houses, who disclosed the identity of the rape victim. The media companies were also slapped a finme of Rs 10 lakh for revealing the identity of the Kathua rape-case victim. Moreover, anyone who will further disclose the identity of the minor, is liable to be imprisoned for upto six-month. The eight-year-old girl, from a minority nomadic community had disappeared from near her home in a village near Jammu and Ksahmir's Kathua on January 10. Her body was found in the same area a week later. The chargesheets, filed against seven persons and a juvenile in a Kathua district court, revealed heart-shivering details about how the girl was allegedly kidnapped, drugged, raped and murdered inside a temple. (With inputs from agencies) For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: The Delhi police has sent to the CBSE a list of students, who had allegedly received the leaked class 10 mathematics and class 12 economics question papers, after the board sought it from the crime branch, an official privy to the probe said. In the report, the police also mentioned that the principal of a school in Bawana whose teachers were arrested for allegedly leaking the papers a few hours before the exam, was not co-operating in the probe. The principal of Mother Khazani Convent School at Bawana was quizzed many times in connection with the case earlier. A senior Crime Branch officer said the CBSE had requested them to provide details of students who had received the leaked papers. Last week, the police sent an investigation report to the board mentioning the names of over 60 students, he said, adding, these students were quizzed by the Crime Branch while it was probing the case. Two modules were allegedly involved in leaking the CBSE question papers. Other than the class 12 economics paper, the class 10 mathematics paper had also surfaced online before the scheduled examination. One of the modules was busted in Una town of Himachal Pradesh last month and six people, including a woman, were arrested in connection with leaking the question papers. The Bawana module was busted in March, and three people, including two teachers of a private school, were arrested. The teachers had taken photographs of the economics paper and sent it via WhatsApp to Tauqeer, who gives private tuition. Tauqeer, in turn, circulated the paper among his students about an hour before the examination started, police said. The CBSE had announced the class 12 results on May 26 while the class 10 results will be declared today. The Delhi Police has registered two cases in connection with the paper leaks. The first case related to the leak of economics paper was registered on March 27, while the other pertaining to the leak of mathematics paper was filed on March 28. The retest for class 12 economics paper was held on April 25, but the board decided against a re-test of the Class 10 paper, saying the examination was largely an internal segment of the school education system. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Ten years ago, Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Brevik killed 77 people, many of them teenagers, in a bomb attack and gun rampage. The July 22 attacks left Norway, a small, close-knit Nordic country, stunned and grieving. Just over a year later, Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum possible term. And Norway, led by then-Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, came together in a show of unity in the wake of the deadliest violence seen there since World War II. A decade on, the anniversary will be an occasion of great sadness for many in the country of just over 5 million people. Several commemorative events are taking place Thursday in the capital, Oslo, and on Utoya Island, where the attacks took place. At a televised memorial concert, King Harald said lessons could be learned. "Certain dates are written into our country's story as defining days. Days, which in different ways, have contributed to making us who we are today. At the same time, we must acknowledge that we as a society have not done nearly enough to see, to help, to carry the burden together - and to counteract the dark forces," he added. Bangladesh heads into most severe lockdown to curb the raging spread Biden poised to nominate Caroline Kennedy as US ambassador to Australia New Zealand-Australia travel bubble bursts UK sanctions Equatorial Guinea leader's son over 'lavish lifestyle' spending New Delhi: Indian Mujahideen terrorist Ariz Khan, who was found guilty in the Batla House encounter, has approached the Delhi High Court. Ariz has challenged the death sentence awarded by the Saket Court in Delhi. On March 8 this year, the Saket court sentenced Ariz Khan to death, treating the Batla House encounter as the Rarest of Rare cases. The court also slapped a fine of Rs 11 lakh on terrorist Ariz Khan. Out of this, Rs 10 lakh was ordered to be given to the family members of martyred Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma. Meanwhile, another convict in the case, Shahzad Ahmed, was sentenced in 2013. While 2 accomplices Atif Ameen and Mohammad Sajid were dumped in the same encounter. Tell us that Ariz escaped after the Batla House encounter in Delhi in 2008. Ten years later, in 2018, he was nabbed from Nepal. Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma had attained valour in the encounter. While attempts were also made to kill policeman Balwant Singh-Rajveer. Indian Mujahideen terrorist Ariz Khan was also among the main accused in the 2008 delhi-jaipur-ahmedabad and UP court blasts. A total of 165 people were killed and 535 injured in all these blasts. A reward of Rs 15 lakh was then announced on the ariz after the blasts. A red corner notice was issued by Interpol against it. Ariz Khan alias Junaid from Azamgarh was caught by the Special Cell team in February 2018. UP Gearing up polls, Yogi Adityanath To Contest From Gorakhpur Al-Qaeda terrorists arrested from Lucknow were given the oath of loyalty Raj Kundra may face more trouble, probe into film case ED now? Srinagar: Two terrorists have been killed in an ongoing encounter between security forces and militants in Bandipora in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. However, the identity of these terrorists is yet to be assigned. The encounter started after security forces received information that terrorists were hiding in the forest of Sokbaba. Security forces launched a search operation in the area during which the militants started firing. According to information provided by police sources, a search operation was conducted on Friday afternoon. As soon as the police and Army personnel reached the suspicious spot, the militants hiding there opened fire on the security forces. Sources said the exact number of terrorists present here is not known. However, firing from both sides continues. Earlier on Friday, security forces in Jammu and Kashmir had achieved great success. A large Pakistani drone was shot down by the Army in Akhnoor. The security forces also suffered a five kg IED with this drone. The drone weighed 17 kg. According to the information received, some parts of this drone are made in China and some in Taiwan. Tell you that there has been a drone attack on the Jammu airbase earlier also. India Covid Updates: 39,097 new cases in last 24 hrs, TPR 2.40 pc MP: Women fought among themselves for the vaccine, due to ongoing shortage of doses Goa: Entire train collapses in ground, flood wreaks havoc in many areas Description The Huntington Militia will host a virtual living history program via Zoom on Saturday, July 24, 2021 to commemorate "Huntington Independence Day." This virtual event is from 4 PM to 5:30 PM. Hear the Declaration of Independence read aloud in its entirety. Learn about how the Town of Huntington reacted to the news of American Independence. Learn about the Huntington Militia and its involvement in the American Revolutionary War. "Huntington Independence Day," which was July 23, 1776, was the day that the Declaration of Independence arrived in Huntington Town and was read on the Village Green (as it took a few weeks for copies of the document to arrive on Long Island after it was adopted in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776) A large crowd gathered to hear the news from the Continental Congress. The crowd cheered! Tories booed! The excitement of the day led to the townspeople fashioning an effigy of King George III using the cloth from the letters of his name that were stitched onto the town's Liberty Flag. The effigy was put on on a Liberty Pole and set on fire and fired upon with muskets by the 1776 members of the Huntington Militia. This will all be presented virtually in this special program for 2021! Join us from the comfort of your own home, rain or shine, to experience this piece of American and Long Island History! IMPORTANT: To attend this event, you must send an email to OR contact us on our website,, to request the zoom link. Call 631-223-8017 if you have any questions. You will get the Zoom link on Friday, July 23, 2021. We hope you can attend!